#= *wince* well damn that was hard to watch despite what he did...
reinemichele · 6 months
Re: the tags on this post I feel like I should say 2 things
Sorry if that example of abuse sounds too cartoony? I have . many examples . from my family . but I didn't want to put specific/graphic details in the tags for OP/other ppl to have to see and/or be triggered by, so I decided to make it vague and gender neutral. For whatever its worth, the whole jealousy -> physical abuse -> apology with flowers sequence Is something that happened, and might come across as cartoony bc our society doesn't take abuse seriously & makes it a frequent punchline
I'm not the kind of person to be like "😢 But guys we need to remember and acknowledge that X Character did something bad, otherwise we're Liking Fiction Wrong!" and I don't intend to make it a habit. But outside of the who lock of super, I'm not usually into popular things? So I thought it was worthwhile to say at least one time that I'm not the kind of ankn enjoyer to sit here pitying him, I'm the kind to be like "He is such a petulant annoying manipulative little shitstain and his canon love interests deserve better (affectionately, while pointing and laughing)", the same way I am when I'm laughing about the master turning the human race into cannibal murder spheres. It's pretty self-evident in how I talk and act, but... I keep getting recommended re/ader x ankn blogs who portray him as a sad, tortured dom and not, like, a gangly jackass one bad day away from committing war crimes even Before he completely fell. [Ta/tooine massacre, there's a scene in TCW where he suggests smth and Obwn is like "That's Terrorism . "] So like I said, it felt worth it to at least say once that he has Flaws and Was In Charge Of His Own Decisions. The tags I put on this post apply here, and to all of my favorite characters; generally speaking, I exclusively like characters who range from Asshole to Medical Malpractice/Unethical Scientists to War Criminal, not in spite of those things but because they're interesting and fun to me. They say a lot about human nature, the same way that real people with those traits/actions do, without any real people getting hurt from me watching an episode of doccy who
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rowarn · 3 months
shadow entity!ghost part: one | two | three
cw: angry!ghost, umm he hurts u )-:, but he feels bad so it's okay, a bit shorter than other parts
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the mystery surrounding ghost was driving you insane. living with a primordial entity of unfathomable horrors was already a mindfuck but now you realized it could just...erase people from existence.
no one had asked about phillip, no one had shown up to seek you out since you were the last one to see him before he vanished. you even wandered into the bar he said he frequented -- and he seemed well known in. and...nothing. no one even brought up how he went home with you and never returned. no one asked about him.
it was unnerving. had ghost somehow pulled all memory of this one human out of the world along with its physical form? where did phillip even go? all you remember was being surrounded by the shadow and how hard it was to breathe -- and the horrible, inhuman scream before silence.
it had already confirmed that it wasn't a ghost. so what was it?
"ghost?" you called into the house as you returned from the bar, "can you come out so we can talk?"
as you stepped into the living room, you took a glance at the scorch mark on the floor before your attention was diverted to it -- a shadowy manifestation across from you.
it didn't speak, simply stood there. usually you would divert your eyes from its face because something about it unsettled you, but this time you stared right at it. shapes formed and faded before your eyes, making you wonder if you were really seeing them in the first place. eyes, sometimes two sometimes dozens. a vague, fading silhouette of a skull face. you wonder if it intentionally let you see these images or if it just was.
"i-i want to know..." you swallow thickly around the nervous lump in your throat, "is phillip dead?"
it was quiet for a moment, "not quite."
"what's that mean? where is he?" you prod, furrowing your brows as you stare at it, hoping that it can understand your pleading.
"why do you care?"
"b-because..." you sputtered, licking your dry lips, "i just...want to know."
"he's in the pits," it finally supplies, sounding almost bored.
"...of hell?" you sputter, "so you're a demon?"
"your hell is a bastardization of the pits," it explains, "where i come from is not hell. it's worse, darker. that's where i put the human."
"can you...can you bring him back..?" you whisper.
ghost's shadow flickers and it falls silent for a moment before speaking again, "i could. but you don't want that."
you can't help but think you'll regret asking but you do anyway, "...why?"
"he's not the same anymore," it explains, "it's much kinder to simply leave him in the pits."
you're not sure how to take that. it doesn't answer any of your questions. what exactly are the pits? what happens in them? what is happening to phillip down there?
"ghost..." you take a small step back and you swear you see it's head cock to the side curiously, "what are you?"
"you can consider me a demon if you wish," it responded, taking a step forward to follow you.
your heart skips a beat, "but you're not."
"no," it answers with ease.
"so tell me what you are," you demand, growing tired of these mind games it's playing with you.
"i don't think your human mind can comprehend just what i am," it says.
"try me," you challenge, already mentally slapping yourself.
"no," it responds.
your temper flares, "just tell me, damn you! what the hell are you?"
suddenly, the shadow grows in size -- as do your eyes. you watch as it takes up more space in the room, that overpowering weight on your body making you wince. it makes the room feel so heavy, makes your bones ache to the marrow.
you're not sure how you know -- despite the fact it's not saying anything; you know you've made it very angry. your eyes lock onto his shadowy form, making out the horrible, unsettling images of eyeballs inside the darkness that flicker in and out of your vision.
nausea settles like a pit in your stomach and you double over, dropping to your hands and your knees to keep yourself from throwing up. your head throbs and aches, a ringing in your ears only makes the pain worse. it feels like your eyes are going to pop out of their sockets from the overwhelming pressure growing inside your skull.
"s-stop..." you manage to choke out before you slump against the floor.
then, all at once it's gone. you gasp for air once it finally feels like there's nothing coiling around your lungs and tears trickle down your cheeks. you're not sure if you're trembling from the pain or from the fear you just experienced.
you can't bring yourself to uncurl yourself from the ball you've found yourself in on the floor.
you're acutely aware that ghost hasn't left -- in fact, you can hear it's heavy footsteps on the creaky wooden floor as it approaches you. it kneels down, disturbing the air around you with the movement.
you feel a strange weight on your head and it takes your foggy mind a moment to realize that it's touching you. as if it had reached a hand out and was tenderly petting your head, consoling you.
a silent apology before it vanishes completely.
when you finally uncurl and look around, you see yet another strange, scorch mark on the ground where it had stood.
you realize instantly that those scorch marks are a manifestation of it's anger. pure, unbridled rage that leaves a physical mark on the ground where it stands.
you swallow thickly and close your eyes again, deciding that standing is much too hard for now.
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do not repost to third party sites. reblogs okay!
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
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Evan “Buck” Buckley x fem!shy!probie!reader
summary: You and Buck have been acting weird since the night at the bar and the other members of the 118 get suspicious of your relationship
word count: 2k
part one part three part four part five
The kitchen was empty when you showed up to work. You had gotten there early to prepare the meal you were going to share together to thank the crew for being so welcoming. You had a big feast planned out and were really looking forward to everyone enjoying the meal you prepared for them and the time that it took to do so.
Not only had you wanted to impress Bobby, but you also wanted to impress Buck…maybe a little. You hadn’t stopped thinking about him since the night before and were suddenly really excited to see him.
It seemed like everyone entered at the same time and they all followed the smell of your cookies that had cooled down just enough. Buck was the first to enter the kitchen and he reached for a cookie, but you slapped his hand before he could get one.
“Damn, slugger,” he winced as he clutched his hand to his chest in a dramatic manner. You had every intention of letting him have a cookie, but now you kind of wanted him to work for it.
“Who’s slugger?” Hen asked as she got a cookie and took a bite.
“Nothing,” Buck winked at you. “Just an inside joke.” You felt your cheeks warm and you lowered your head, feeling your cheeks warm.
“An inside joke?” Eddie asked as he also got a cookie and took a huge bite out of it. “This is so good. What’s the occasion?”
“Yes,” you nodded your head. “And I just wanted to make you guys something to thank you.” You felt yourself becoming all shy again despite how close you were getting to everyone.
“You didn’t have to thank us,” Bobby spoke up as he entered the kitchen, followed by Chimney and Ravi, all reaching for the baking sheet, now the only one not with a cookie being Buck. “You’re family now.”
Your heart warmed at the words and you turned to Bobby who gave you a smile. You then turned back to Buck who was already looking at you, a smirk playing on his pink lips. You picked up a cookie off the sheet and handed it to him, your fingers brushing as he reached out to grab it.
“Well, since we’re family, I’m making you all my best dish. Homemade lasagna.”
“Sounds great,” Eddie gave your shoulder a squeeze and Buck didn’t miss it, still unsure of whether or not something was happening between the two of you. He really hoped there wasn't.
“Is there going to be garlic bread?” He asked and you gave him a look as if to say "Really?"
“You're right," he chuckled. "Stupid question."
"Of course there's going to be garlic bread, Buckley. And salad and more cookies." You smiled to yourself proudly as you watched the rest of the crew devour the cookies you had gotten up early to bake.
"Good," Chimney spoke up. "Because these definitely won't last until dinner." He grabbed another cookie and chewed on it.
"Yeah," Ravi chimed in, grabbing another one as well. At that point, it was hard to keep track of how many there were to begin with. You were so glad you had doubled the recipe at the last minute.
Buck moved closer to you, letting his shoulder brush yours and you were still unsure of his intentions as far as you were concerned. You were still very unsure whether or not he was actually interested in you. Maybe you'd have to ask Eddie since asking Buck himself was definitely not something you felt ready to do.
Even though you were getting more comfortable with him since you had hung out at the bar the night before, you still didn't feel as close to him as you did to Eddie, who had become your closest friend in the 118. He was like a brother to you and you were very grateful to have him.
You turned in his direction, but you weren't thinking about him. Buck had invaded your mind and all you could think about was how you should have just taken the chance and kissed him in the elevator the night before like you had wanted to. You weren't sure how it would have played out, but you would have hoped that he would have returned it.
"Whatcha thinking about over there, slugger?" Buck nudged your shoulder and you immediately pulled your attention away from Eddie, suddenly feeling embarrassed.
"Nothing," you shook your head.
"If you like him, you should say something," he said low enough for just you to hear.
"I don't like Eddie." And you didn't. Not like that, anyway. You were afraid you were starting to feel that way about Buck, though. But you were going to push those feelings down because you didn't think that getting involved romantically with a coworker was the best idea. You had seen that play out so many times and it never ended well.
"Well, it seems like you do with the hearts that were forming in your eyes." How were you going to explain that you were thinking about him and just happened to be looking in Eddie's direction? And it would have been just downright embarrassing to admit that you were thinking about kissing him. As far as you were concerned, you were going to take that secret to your grave.
"Alright, I guess I believe you," he nudged you shoulder one more time before grabbing one more cookie than heading over to the couch to take a seat.
Buck didn't understand how you couldn't see how he felt about you. Everyone else in the 118 could, so why did you seem so clueless? And why couldn't tell if his feelings were reciprocated? That was something that was so obvious to him, but you were just a big question mark. You were mysterious and he couldn't figure you out for the life of him.
He knew that you were shy and maybe he just needed to get closer to you for you to fully open up. But then there was Eddie. You were definitely close to him and Buck was definitely jealous of that even though he'd never admit it. Every time he watched the two of you, he felt sick to stomach and would suddenly be filled with anger.
He watched Eddie whispering something as the two of you sat on the couch, not even aware that he was crumbling his cookie in his fist, catching the attention of Chimney. He sat to the left of him, completely blocking his view of you and Eddie and maybe that was for the best.
“What’s going on, Buck?” Chimney asked and Buck just furrowed his eyebrows.
“Nothing,” Buck shook his head.
“Well, something clearly made you upset since you crumbled your cookie.” Buck looked down and opened his hand, the cookie crumbs falling to the table.
“It’s nothing, Chim, I swear.” Buck knew that Chimney was just looking out for him, but it just seemed like he was trying to pry and Buck didn’t like that. Not one bit. This was no one’s business but his own. And maybe yours if he ever got the guts to tell you how he felt.
“Well, let’s just say that if looks could kill, Eddie would definitely be dead.”
Buck sat with the words the entire day, deciding that he was finally going to tell you after work. He could see how it would play out so clearly in his head. He’d show up at your apartment and tell you exactly how he felt about you and you’d respond with a kiss before telling him that you felt the same way. You’d then invite him inside and the two of you would snuggle up on your couch and watch a movie, your night filled with nothing but kisses and giggles.
But all of that came crashing down when he watched Eddie chasing you around the firehouse. As soon as he caught you, he picked you up and spun you around, giggles spilling from both of your mouths. Nothing going on between you and Eddie his ass. He didn’t want to see the rest of the interaction and hurried to his locker to grab his stuff. He really needed to get the hell out of there as soon as possible.
“Damn, where’s the fire, Buck?” Hen chuckled. “Got a hot date?”
“Something like that,” Buck muttered under his breath as he put the strap of his bag over his shoulder, making a beeline for his jeep just in time to watch you and Eddie exit the firehouse to the parking lot.
“Hey, Eds,” you called after him. Eds? Yeah, Buck was so fucked. “Can I get a ride to the bar? I left my car there last night.”
“Sorry, I have to go pick up Chris. But Buck should be able to.” Eddie was trying his hardest to set the two of you up and he was hoping that now he would finally be successful. He had hoped that leaving the two of you alone at the bar the night before would have made you confess your feelings to each other, but considering the fact that you weren’t acting like a couple, he was beginning to think that didn’t happen.
“Is that okay, Buck?” There was no fucking way that he was going to be in a car alone with you. You were a taken woman and he was afraid of what he would do. He wanted to kiss you so bad and he definitely wasn’t going to hurt his best friend by doing so.
“Sure, come on.” He nodded his head towards the parking lot and you followed him. He should have known that he couldn’t say no to you. Once you were both in his jeep, he sped off to the bar, simultaneously wanting you to be out of the car as soon as possible but also wanting to spend time with you. He couldn’t seem to make up his mind. Especially since it seemed like you were dating his best friend.
Buck was suspiciously quiet as he drove, maybe going a little bit over the speed limit. You looked over at him and could see that his jaw was clenched and he seemed very upset. What had happened that the man who never shut up had been rendered speechless? Surely it had been your fault, right?
“Buck?” You asked, turning to look at him again. He kept quiet, not even looking your way. “Buck, c’mon, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” he shook his head. “It’s stupid.”
“I bet it’s not. I know we’re not exactly close, but you can tell me, I promise.” His anger was reaching its peak as he pulled into the parking lot of the bar. He pulled into a spot and put the jeep in park before getting out, making his way towards the building. He couldn’t tell you now. He really couldn’t.
“Buck,” you called after him as you followed his lead, trying to catch up to him. “Buck, please,” you pleaded.
Now he felt like a dick. All you were trying to do was talk to him and he was treating you like garbage. You didn’t deserve that. Especially when you didn’t do anything wrong.
“You wanna know what’s going on?” He asked, turning around to face you. “Fine,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I like you, okay?”
Your eyebrows furrowed at his words. Of course he liked you. You were friends, right? Unless there was some underlying meaning to his words that you were missing.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the moment you stepped into the fire house and it’s driving me fucking crazy.” He was stepping closer to you and you were just trying to wrap your head around the whole thing. He liked you? As more than a friend? Since when?
“You like me?” That was not what you thought he was going to say. It was very common for the people you liked to not reciprocate your feelings, shutting you down time and time again. But this was different. Buck liked you. He liked you and as more than a friend.
“I do,” he nodded. “But don’t worry about it. I know you’re with Eddie.” Where had he gotten that impression? You and Eddie were friends. Just friends, absolutely no attraction between you. And Buck should have known that.
“Buck, I’m not with Eddie,” you laughed. “He’s just a friend. More like a brother, actually.”
“You what-”
“I like you,” you told him, taking his hands in yours. His eyes widened then he looked on either side of him, but you grabbed him by his face, forcing him to look you in the eyes. “Yes, you, Buck.”
“But, what about-”
“For once in your life will you please just shut up?” You asked and pressed your lips to his. He gasped into your mouth but he eventually melted into you, wrapping his arms around your waist as his lips slotted between yours.
It was soft and sweet and everything either of you could have imagined. His lips were just as soft as you were hoping and he seemed to pour all of his feelings for you that he had accumulated over the past few weeks into the kiss, making you feel nothing but special.
Just as he licked into your mouth, a rain droplet hit your cheek. You pulled away just as it started to downpour and Buck grabbed you by the hand and pulled you under the awning to shield you both from the rain and his lips found yours once again and he smiled into it.
“What?” You laughed.
“Nothing,” he pecked your lips. “You’re just an angel.”
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randxmthxughts · 2 years
And I cried when you first said, "Oel ngati kameie" - Neteyam x Metkayina ! reader (forbidden love)
summary: despite her father's wariness of the sully's and their 'demon-blood,' y/n can't help but feel drawn to neteyam. as the two of them bond over their similar experiences of parental pressure, he finds himself falling in love with her
contains: love triangle, friends to lovers, forbidden romance/love, daddy issues (idk where that came from), fluff
wc: 5.7k
a/n: damn, i was hoping to post this like six hours ago but i did not expect for a oneshot to take a whole day to edit. please don't question me about neteyam and y/n's father, i don't want to develop that plot further bc this is a oneshot, so just assume it's a happy ending
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Ever since the Sully family moved to Awa’atlu, whether for better, or for the worst, they became the center of attention. Despite the initial wariness of their nature, villagers eventually seemed to warm up to them, making their stay more comfortable. But unlike the others, you remained hesitant to approach them, your father's warnings of their 'demon-blood' weighing heavily on your mind. It was only in these rare moments, when you couldn't help but notice their oldest son, Neteyam.
“Where were you? I needed you there exactly for situations like this,” Jake raised his voice at Neteyam, “You’re supposed to look after your siblings!”
You watched from a distance, observing the way Neteyam hunched in shame and nodded his head in acceptance of the fault, the way he’d blink rapidly to avoid the tears welling up in his eyes, every time his father’s voice would get louder. It was a familiar sight to you, one that brought back memories of your own father raising his voice at you for disappointing him.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Neteyam expressed with sincere guilt in his voice, “I promise I’ll do better next time.”
“I know,” Jake sighed, “Dismissed.”
Jake's pained expression mirrored the face of your own father after his angry outbursts. Ever since your mother's passing, the responsibility of caring for your younger brother Tewtxey had fallen on your shoulders. Your father was tough on you, stricter than the other parents. He believed that protection meant safety, rarely showing you any tenderness. But he had no idea how much his tough love only made you rougher around the edges and deepened the resentment you felt towards him. You despised him in the depths of your heart, unable to make up for his harsh ways with the love you craved from him.
The sight of Neteyam rushing off into the trees tugged at your heartstrings. You guessed that he was in a hurry to find a private corner where he could finally break down. But as much as you wanted to trail after him and tell him that you understood, that it was no big deal to mess up sometimes, you couldn’t. You weren’t close like that, in fact, your interactions had been limited to mere greetings exchanged in passing. Yet, you had witnessed the way his father scolded him for his siblings’ troublemaking on many occasions now, and it felt like you knew him. You were already struggling to take care of one sibling, you couldn’t imagine how hard it was on him to keep an eye on three.
“And what were you thinking leaving Tewtxey alone?” your father was pacing around your marui, tail swishing aggressively from side to side.
You winced when he halted directly in front of you, waiting expectantly for an answer. It was easy for you to tune him out whenever he went on long angry rants, counting down minutes for him to cool down, but whenever he wanted you to answer him, that was when you felt your blood boil. Admitting to your mistakes verbally, without sounding defensive, was a challenge.
“He wasn’t alone,” you muttered under your breath.
“I said, he wasn’t alone. He was with Tuktirey, and her father was watching them,” you raised your head slightly to look at his face.
“I told you I do not trust that demon,” your father spat through gritted teeth, “How could you leave your little brother with him?”
“Dad, he is the Toruk Makto. Hasn’t he proved himself to be one of us?” you felt irritated with your father’s stubbornness.
You knew that it was a sensitive subject for him. Having lost his mate to a stupid, pointless interaction with sky people, he was forever in deep hatred towards them. He was conflicted when he first found out about Toruk Makto’s past. It was difficult to respect someone who was a dreamwalker, whose children were only 'half-Na’vi.'
“You dare to challenge me?” he raised his voice at you, sending a shiver down your spine, “All I ask of you is to protect your brother! Is it so hard to listen to me? Is it so hard to understand why your mother is no longer here?”
He hit a nerve with the last question. Of course, ever since her passing, you missed your mother terribly. She was the balance in your family, the gentle touch you craved. But instead of bonding over the loss, your relationship with your father grew more distant. Suddenly, you were too reckless for him, too distracted. He was scared of how much you resembled your mother, of the possibility of the same fate befalling you.
“I’m sorry,” you hung your head in defeat.
Your father began pacing around the room again, his mind searching for another reason to scold you for. It seemed like it wasn’t enough to make you understand how disappointed he was. He stopped, when his eyes landed on the spear resting against the wall. You drew in a sharp breath, realizing that you had forgotten to sharpen the weapon for his upcoming hunt.
“What is this?” he gripped the spear tightly, pointing it accusingly at you, “Are you abandoning your chores now?”
“I forgot about it,” you mumbled.
“I cannot understand what could be keeping you so occupied all day that you neglect your duties. What kind of behavior is this, Y/N?”
Taking the spear from his hand, you stepped back, feeling the sting of tears behind your eyes. It wasn't his disappointment that frustrated you; it was his inability to see things from your perspective. He didn’t understand how hard it was on you to grow up without a mother, to always be strong in front of him.
“I’ll do it now,” you promised, taking another step back, “May I go now?”
“Go!” your father shouted.
You fled the marui, gasping for breath to calm yourself down. It felt like all the emotions you had been suppressing came crashing down on you at once. But before you could even begin to process them, the sight in front of you captured your attention.
Your brother was standing with his back turned to you, Neteyam crouched down in front of him not too far. They were playing some sort of game with their hands, when the pair of golden eyes followed your walk up to them. Your brother seemed to pay you no mind, but Neteyam lifted his gaze to greet you with his thick accent.
You only nodded, pursing your lips together and deciding to send away your brother after he’s finished with the game. As you watched them play, it wasn’t hard to notice how distracted Neteyam was by your presence. He’d constantly glance at you to read your expressions, and you guessed he heard the argument that was unraveling minutes ago. Taking advantage of his opponent’s distraction, your brother exclaimed in victory.
“Good job,” Neteyam smiled, patting your brother’s head.
“Y/N, did you see?” Tewtxey looked up to you with a bright smile. You were forced to return it, placing an arm around his shoulder. 
“I did. Now go home and eat, alright?”
Your gentle approach has always worked wonders with your little brother, unlike your father's strictness. He usually obeyed you without hesitation. Tewtxey smiled at Neteyam one last time before leaving the two of you alone. Neteyam stood up, looming over you with his frame.
“He was bouncing around here and looked scared to go in,” he began to explain, “I just wanted to distract him before things cooled down.”
You nodded in agreement. You were always worried that Tewtxey would get caught in the crossfire of your arguments with your father. He was too young to be involved.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Neteyam’s gaze softened, eyes roaming over your features again.
Given the distance from your marui, Neteyam had likely heard everything. He seemed to be curious about how much you were hiding, how the pained expression on your face a few minutes ago was now replaced by a neutral one. You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, the weight of the spear in your hand suddenly seeming heavier.
“Well, I have to go,” you cleared your throat, stepping back.
“Are you alright?” he asked, concerned. 
You nodded, turning to leave. Neteyam trailed after you as you walked towards the far end of the beach. When you sat down to sharpen the spear, he joined you and plopped down quietly beside you.
“Are you sure you’re alright? That sounded harsh,” he broke the silence.
You blinked rapidly, not daring to meet his golden eyes. Instead, you tried focusing at the task on hand, your motions quick and rough, attempting to make the tip of the spear as pointed as you could. The wood occasionally nicked your fingers, causing stinging pain, but you paid no attention to it. Neteyam watched you silently for a moment, before he reached out and took the spear from your hands, setting it aside. You exhaled, finally meeting his eyes.
“I'm alright. My father just doesn’t know how to handle this by himself."
“Handle what by himself?”
“Me, I guess…raising me. Without mom by his side.”
You were a mystery to Neteyam from the first day of his arrival, always keeping a distance with him, as your father’s harsh gaze grazed his family whenever they crossed paths in public. Neteyam didn’t really understand the reason for the dislike but the argument he overheard earlier helped him piece together some of the puzzle.
“I’m sorry about your mom,” he said quietly, “Ao’nung mentioned it once to us. It must have been hard without her.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled, turning your gaze towards the horizon.
The gentle sound of waves crashing against each other accompanied the sunset, casting a sparkling glow on the water.
After that moment you shared with Neteyam, you often found yourself running into each other. Whether it was after a fight with your father, or a stressful day for Neteyam, you somehow managed to offer each other a listening ear.
It was easy to open up to him, when you knew he could relate. His eyes always softened at the sight of you, arms instinctively reaching out to pat you on the back whenever you sobbed into his chest after another heavy argument. It seemed like with age, your father was becoming more unbearable, and refused to understand you on any given matter.
“What did he say?” Neteyam asked, his voice laced with concern.
“Well, he saw us hanging out, so make your guess,” you let out a bitter chuckle, wiping your face.
Neteyam couldn’t help but feel partially guilty for the treatment you were getting. He knew about your father's disapproval of him, but he couldn't resist spending time with you and offering comfort after a fight, even if he was the cause of it. You were the only person with whom he could share his own struggles, and feel accepted. 
Of course, hanging out with Neteyam was also a way for you to rebel against your father's orders and show him that he couldn't control you. He didn’t realize that it was his hatred that pushed you further into Neteyam’s arms.
As the weeks passed, your friendship with Neteyam grew stronger. There was something special between you but you failed to see the impact you were having on Neteyam's life. You had become the first thought on his mind every morning, his trainings passed in hopes to see you. When he was with you, he wished for time to stand still. And when he went to sleep, he anticipated dreaming about you. But Neteyam was fully aware of the risks of catching feelings for someone whose family despised him.
So he bit his tongue, hoping that you wouldn’t notice it. That maybe with time, things will get better. He was from a different clan, and your father had a clear disdain for him. Even if you reciprocate his feelings, pursuing you would be complicated, if not impossible. But he couldn't deny the warmth he felt in his chest every time he saw you, the way his heart fluttered when you laughed at his jokes. He couldn't help but wonder if there was a chance for something more between you two, yet he was forced to push the thought aside.
But jealousy is a disease that brings out the worst in one. Neteyam felt it brewing inside him, as he intensely watched you talking to Ao’nung. Despite knowing about your close friendship with Ao’nung, Neteyam didn’t like him. The way his smile widened every time you said something, the way he stood so close to you…it made his blood boil.
He tried hard to focus on sharpening his arrow, not to raise suspicion in Tsireya and Lo'ak next to him, but his eyes kept drifting to you and Ao'nung. With another stroke of his knife, he accidentally grazed his finger, catching Tsireya’s attention.
“Lo’ak, could you please bring me my shawl? It’s getting chilly,” she asked, her eyes big and innocent.
Lo’ak stood up without a question, not paying attention to his brother’s strange behavior. As soon as he was out of earshot, Tsireya turned her concerned gaze back to Neteyam. He was still watching you with Ao’nung, now sitting down on the sand, your knees touching, deep in a conversation. He had never even heard Ao’nung speak to his friends for more than five minutes, what could he possibly be saying to captivate your attention for so long? Neteyam scoffed in disbelief. 
“Is something bothering you?” Tsireya asked. His head snapped to her, embarrassed that he got caught. 
“Nothing,” he shook his head, returning to the task at hand.
For a moment, Neteyam pondered whether he should ask Tsireya about her brother. Find out if the rumors he had heard from Rotxo were true, if there was a possibility of you being promised to Ao'nung.
“Tsireya, can I ask you something?” he lowered his voice.
“Sure,” she nodded. When Neteyam hesitated to continue, looking around, she reassured him, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Um…Is it true that Ao’nung and Y/N are to become mated?”
Tsireya frowned slightly, and Neteyam couldn’t tell if it was because of his sudden interest in the matter, or because it was untrue. He gulped, secretly hoping it was the latter. She took a long pause before answering.
“Sorry, you caught me off guard,” she apologized, “I just haven’t heard that rumor in a long time.”
“So, it is a rumor?” 
“They haven’t promised themselves to each other as mates, if that’s what you’re afraid of,” Tsireya elaborated, making Neteyam cringe in embarrassment, “But I wouldn’t put it past them.”
“What do you mean?” his ears perked up at the implication.
“Well…” she sighed, “Ao’nung and Y/N always have been close friends. And my father is quite vocal about his admiration for her. He thinks she can be a good mate to Ao’nung, when he becomes the chief.”
Neteyam's eyes darted all over Tsireya's face, trying to understand if there was anything else she wasn’t saying.
"What about Y/N?" he asked, quickly glancing in your direction, "Does she like him? Does she feel pressured because of your father or something?"
“Any girl would feel pressured by my father, but I cannot speak for Y/N,” she answered honestly, “If it makes you feel easy, Y/N and Ao’nung never crossed their boundaries.”
Neteyam hummed in agreement but he didn’t understand anything. His mind was racing with questions, yet he didn’t have the answers. How come Tsireya did not know if you liked her brother? Were you into him? Even if you weren’t, wouldn’t you reciprocate the feelings of the future chief? Surely, Ao’nung wasn't the easiest person to be around, but he seemed different with you.
“Maybe you should ask her about it. You’re friends,” Tsireya nudged him.
“You’re quiet,” you pointed out, as Neteyam dragged his feet after you, deep into the trees.
“I’m usually quiet,” he muttered.
“Not like this,” you disagreed, gauging for further clarification but Neteyam remained silent.
You did not know that there was a burning desire to confess his feelings to you raging in Neteyam’s mind. Despite Tsireya’s uncertainty the evening prior, Neteyam had already convinced himself that there was something going on between you and the future Olo'eyktan. So he felt rushed to tell you about your feelings, to prevent you from mating with Ao’nung.
But he couldn't help but wonder if he would truly be the best thing for you. What could he offer to you? He was a forest Na’vi, who did not know the way of water, who was useless in the sea. He was unfamiliar to your traditions, his whole life Neteyam prepared for leading the clan, but in Awa’atlu he had nothing to give.
To make matters worse, he found himself competing against the chief's son, someone you had grown up with and knew very well.  And Neteyam could never replace that kind of relationship. Did you ever see him past your friendship, the way he saw you? The doubt and insecurity were consuming him from within.
“Is it because of my father?” you decided to guess, stopping in your tracks.
Neteyam walked past you, shaking his head. You pondered for a moment, before following him.
“Did my little brother break something when you let him play with your stuff the other day?”
Neteyam ignored your guess, holding back the big leaves in your way, waiting for you to catch up. He was deep in his thoughts, yet remained gentle and caring with you. Your gaze softened at the gesture.
“Did I do something wrong?”
He held your gaze without answering. That was it.
“What did I do?” your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Nothing, you did nothing wrong.”
“If it were nothing, you wouldn’t be tuning me out. I must have done something wrong,” you nudged his shoulder for a reply.
“I was just thinking…” he sighed, meeting your eyes, “Is it true about you and Ao’nung?”
“What about me and Ao’nung?”
“That you’re going to be mates.”
You snorted in disbelief. Although it was a topic of countless conversations with your father, who was eager to arrange a match between his daughter and the future Olo'eyktan, you were too stubborn to comply with your father’s wishes, instead of your own. You and Ao'nung had a strong friendship, sharing almost everything with each other, but it was just that. Friendship. 
“That’s ridiculous, where’d you hear that?” you quirked your eyebrow at him. 
“It’s just a silly rumor that’s been going around since we were kids,” you rolled your eyes. You especially despised it a few years back, when people started teasing you for hampering other girls from pursuing Ao’nung.
“So you’re just friends?” Neteyam asked, his tone more hopeful. 
“Just friends,” you confirmed, “He is like a brother to me.”
“I don’t think he sees you like a sister, Y/N.”
“Why do you care?” you teased him, “Are you jealous?”
“Why would I be jealous of Ao’nung?” he scoffed.
“No reason,” you snickered, walking past him into the clearing.
Neteyam followed after you eagerly, his steps quickening to catch up. You tried to hide a devilish smirk, knowing that you'd pique his interest.
"What is it that Ao’nung has that I don't?"
"Let it go, Neteyam," you swatted at him with your hand. "I'm not going to compare my two friends to each other."
Neteyam pursed his lips, annoyed that he had to drop the subject. He knew that if he pushed too far, he'd be caught in his own trap, coming undone in front of you. There was something about you that made him feel exposed, and he was afraid that you would see right through him.
“Here it is,” you pointed at the spear on the ground. You had lost it the evening prior, and Neteyam was sure you dropped it around here.
“Told you,” he murmured, beating you to it and picking up the spear for himself.
“Thank Eywa,” you grinned at him, “Now let’s go back. If father sees you carrying my spear, he’ll be so annoyed!”
It was an innocent joke. The way you said it wasn’t mischievous, at least not towards Neteyam. You only enjoyed the irritation growing in your father, whenever he saw you spending time with the ‘demon-kid.’ In a strange way, you felt like you were fighting him back. But to Neteyam it was stressful to bear your father’s angry glances. He didn’t like pushing it.
“Is that all this friendship is to you?” his sudden insecurity caught you off guard.
"Getting back at your father? Is that the only reason you hang out with me, just to piss him off?" his voice grew more accusatory.
“Where is this coming from?” you chuckled in disbelief, “Are you serious?”
“I am,” Neteyam gulped down, “Would you still spend time with me, if your father didn’t hate me so much? I can tell this is how you repay him for being harsh with you. But it’s unfair to me. You don’t get to use me as a tool of your rebellion, don’t get to play with my feelings like that.”
“Neteyam,” you exhaled, now speaking seriously, “I would never let him control my life to the point where he decides whom I befriend. I like spending time with you because of you. You’re very dear to me.”
Neteyam fell silent, doubts bouncing around in his golden eyes. You held his gaze, trying to convince him of the sincerity of your words.
“Do you believe me?”
“I guess,” he shook his head, “I just have a hard time believing anyone genuinely likes me.”
“What are you on about?” you neared him, “The whole village has grown fond of you. I mean, even Ao’nung… He used to fight with you, but now he’s hanging out with Lo’ak like nothing happened.”
“Exactly, he’s hanging out with Lo’ak, not me. He still doesn’t like me,” Neteyam said, his lips twitching with a hint of a smile.
“You dislike him,” you disagreed.
“Only because he hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you, he just…” you sighed, already regretting what you were about to reveal, “He just thinks that you’re stealing me from him.”
“Stealing you? Is he jealous or something?” an amused smile creeped onto Neteyam’s face.
“I guess. Ao’nung is possessive, you know, he doesn’t like to share.”
“Well then, I guess he’ll just have to deal with it.”
As Neteyam turned on his heels, his braids swayed around with a mind of their own. You watched him walk towards the village, gripping your spear, a slight spring in his step. You could already feel the punishment you’d get, once Neteyam uses this new information against Ao’nung. 
“Hey, play nice,” you called out to Tuk and your little brother, as they were actively splashing water over each other.
While it was mostly playful, kids their age could easily get too competitive and excited. You propped yourself on your elbows, watching them play in the shallow water. After a fight with your dad, it was now your responsibility to watch Tewtxey whenever he played with Tuk. If it weren’t for your protests, your father wouldn’t even allow their friendship to flourish, so this was the only compromise that you managed to agree upon. You grinned as you watched how happy your brother was, his little giggles filling the air around you with a warm glow. It was in moments like these that you especially missed your mother. You wished she could be there to see her youngest making a friend.
“Babysitting duty?” a thick-accented voice called out, before Neteyam came into your view.
You rolled your eyes at him, earning a low chuckle. Neteyam sat next to you on the sand, his hand brushing past your thigh. You tried to ignore the flush in your cheeks.
“Is your father okay with this?” he pried, gesturing at the kids.
“As long as I keep an eye on them,” you replied with a sigh, “But don’t worry about it, it’s only temporary. My father will get over it.��
“How come?”
“Well, it’s hard not to like Tuk,” you turned your face to look at Neteyam, “And my father has a soft spot for kids. He’s not good with me, but he’s good with Tewtxey and his friends.”
“You think if you have Tuk around enough, he’ll warm up to her?” Neteyam guessed.
“Definitely,” you nodded, “It’d take some time but he’ll like her. She’s a good kid.”
“Okay,” Neteyam agreed, “What about me, though?”
“Hm? What about you?” you asked playfully, catching a hint of a smile on his lips.
“Do you have any ideas on how to get your father to warm up to me?"
“Why would I want that? It wouldn’t be as fun,” you teased him.
“Well, I could argue that it's best for your father to like his daughter's future mate, don't you agree?" Neteyam's voice was light-hearted and playful, yet your heart started racing in your chest.
“W-what?” you stuttered.
“You heard me,” he chuckled.
He couldn’t help but feel satisfied with your reaction, it was certain to him that you might have felt something for him too. It was the first time Neteyam blatantly tested the waters for a sign, and you didn’t let him down. He turned his face to continue watching the kids, acting nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t just dropped a bombshell. 
Ao’nung pushed you down, his arm firmly planted on your chest, while his other arm quickly snuck around your back to try and flip you over. You protested, pushing against his ribs, trapping his legs with your thighs. You were fake wrestling on the sand, both of you trying to get the upper hand.
“Just give up,” Ao’nung huffed, as you struggled against him.
“Never, skxawng,” you huffed back, determined to win the friendly match. 
“Get off her!” a thick accent cut through the air, and you caught a glimpse of blue hands grabbing Ao’nung by the neck and pulling him off you.
In a matter of seconds, Neteyam attacked Ao’nung with a flurry of punches, one of them landing right on the confused boy’s cheekbone. Angrily, Ao’nung hit him back in the face, and before things could escalate further, you jumped in between the two with an angry hiss.
“Back off, both of you!”
“How dare you hit her?” Neteyam ignored you, trying to reach for Ao’nung.
“We were just playing, Neteyam, calm down,” you said, pushing him back slightly and taking a protective stance in front of Ao’nung.
“Who plays like that? You could’ve hurt her!” Neteyam growled.
“It is none of your business, anyway, skxawng,” Ao’nung stepped forward, looking him up and down.
“Ao’nung, stop,” you exhaled in frustration, then turned to Neteyam, “I’m okay, you didn’t have to protect me.”
“He thinks he has some sort of claim over you because he likes you,” Ao’nung let out a bitter chuckle, “She doesn’t need your useless ass guarding her.”
“What did you say?” Neteyam took an angry step towards him, but you quickly extended your arm to prevent him. 
“Neteyam, stop,” you pleaded with him.
Neteyam hesitated, his gaze flickering between you and Ao'nung. He clenched his fists, his posture still tense, but he took a step back. His lip was bleeding.
“Let's all just go to Tsahik,” you said softly, turning towards Ao'nung, “Are you okay?”
Ao'nung nodded, wincing as you touched his swollen cheekbone. Before you could even grab Neteyam’s arm, to make him follow after you, he was already storming off, a sense of betrayal pitting in the bottom of his stomach.
“No matter how much your father scolds you, it is never enough,” Ronal tsked in disapproval, as she treated Ao’nung’s wounds.
“I told you, that skxawng attacked me first,” Ao’nung rolled his eyes at his mother, earning a low hiss from her.
“It was just a misunderstanding,” you explained, feeling the urge to justify Neteyam in front of the Tsahik, “He thought that you were hurting me.”
“Neteyam is a good boy,” Ronal stood up, signaling that she was done, “You’re nice to Lo’ak, you should be nice to him too”
“Lo’ak is still a kid, he can learn from me,” Ao’nung rolled his eyes, “But Neteyam is too arrogant.”
“Neteyam is not arrogant. In fact, the two of you have many similarities,” you added, earning a supportive nod from Ronal.
Ao’nung ignored you, as he thanked his mother and walked out of the marui. You couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving Neteyam untreated. 
“Tsahik, do you think I could take some of that balm to Neteyam?” you asked hesitantly, “I’ll get it back to you as soon as I’m done.”
“Take your time.”
You walked out, determined to find Neteyam, a bowl of white paste nestled gently in your hand. You were surprised to find Ao’nung lingering around the marui, kicking the rocks under his feet out of boredom. 
“You should stop playing with him if you don’t want him to get the wrong idea,” he commented, acknowledging your presence. 
“I’m not playing with anyone,” you frowned in response.
“Come on, Y/N,” Ao’nung looked up at you with a smug smile, “Surely, you can see that the boy is head over heels for you.”
“Who? Neteyam?” you were taken aback.
“Who else?”
“Nonsense, he sees me as a friend.”
“Whatever,” Ao’nung rolled his eyes at you in annoyance, “I’m just saying, you should tell him the truth. Whether you like him or not, he needs to know. I’m tired of him shooting daggers at me, whenever I talk to you.”
Did he really believe that Neteyam liked you? You could only hope that Ao’nung was right, that this was the only matter when you couldn’t see right through Neteyam.
When you reached Sully's marui, you spotted Tuk standing at the entrance, as if guarding someone. Upon catching sight of you, she ran up to you, grabbing your wrist.
“Y/N, Neteyam is hurt!” she exclaimed, “He won’t let me get mom to take care of him.”
“Is he alone?” you asked, following after her. She nodded, “Don’t worry, I’ll help him, okay?”
Tuk hung back at the entrance as you walked into the marui. Neteyam was sitting on the ground, shooting an annoyed look at his little sister. She quickly ran away, before he could even open his mouth.
“How come you never listen to me?” you started light-heartedly, approaching him.
“Why are you here? Aren’t you too busy taking care of Ao’nung?” he frowned at you.
You only shook your head, crouching down in front of him. He had wiped away the blood, but you could still see the cut on his wounded lip. It definitely stung when he spoke.
“I wanted you to come with us to Tsahik, why did you run away?”
“Didn’t want to interrupt your moment with him,” Neteyam answered through his gritted teeth.
You were confused by his sudden behavior. Sure, it might have been a little embarrassing to misinterpret the situation and react to it, but you wondered if there was something else bothering Neteyam. Was Ao’nung right? Without talking, you used one of his shoulders to rely on him, as you leaned in. Neteyam relaxed under your touch, letting you apply the medicine to his wounded lips without much protest. You let your finger graze over his face for a little longer before pulling away.
“Better?” you asked, earning a grateful nod.
As the sight of his bruised knuckles caught your attention, you immediately picked up his hand. He must have been furious, thinking he was protecting you from Ao’nung. Neteyam flinched, when you brought his hand closer to your face.
“Mawey,” you whispered, before placing a soft kiss to his knuckles.
He watched you quietly, trying to calm his breathing. You weren’t sure what exactly you were doing, but it just felt right to comfort him this way. To show him that you weren’t betraying him, that you wanted him to be safe. When you turned his hand for further examination of wounds, your fingers grazed over the small cuts and calluses on his palms. You guessed they were from his training, and your heart swelled a little with admiration at the thought. It was a reminder of Neteyam's dedication and strength, the very same reason why you started seeing him in a different light. You looked up at him, your eyes conveying your unspoken admiration.
“Why are you upset with me?” you asked softly.
“Because you chose him over me,” he mumbled, his tone offended, yet he allowed you to hold his hand in yours.
“I wasn’t choosing anyone. It wasn’t about picking sides.”
“But you did,” he shook his head, “Whether you admit it or not, your first instinct was to protect him.”
“You attacked him first, Neteyam. I was only defending my friend,” you tried to break through his stubbornness.
“I am your friend too,” he pursed his lips again.
"Well, I kind of hoped that you were more than just a friend," you exhaled, letting go of his hand.
Neteyam's mouth hung open in shock, and you wondered if he had picked up on the double meaning in your words.
"I don't understand," he sat up straight, his gaze fixed on you, "Are you saying that you don't want us to be just friends?"
"Yes,” you felt a wave of frustration washing over you, “You can be so dense sometimes. Has it ever occurred to you that I like you?”
Neteyam's face lit up with a smile, and he reached out to cup your face in his hands. 
"I could only hope for you to feel that way," he said, his eyes shining with pure happiness, “Oel ngati kameie, Y/N.”
“Oel ngati kameie,” you whispered, feeling tears of joy welling up in your eyes.
You had never cried out of happiness before, but in that moment, knowing that Neteyam truly saw you, the real you, and loved you for it, you couldn't help it. Neteyam let out a confused chuckle, but quickly gathered you into his arms, holding you close and comforting you, as you cried onto his chest. 
“I didn’t want to make you cry, silly,” he whispered softly into your hair, amusement evident in his voice.
forgot that i had a taglist :'( i hope you guys still get the notification
@bigdikzaddy @awriana @scarletrosesposts @abbersreads @mechformers @my-love-of-books @avatarbyamara @robin-the-enby @netemoon @minjix @nilrilie @jakes-babygirl @grierpilots @suntizme @jakesully-sbabygirl @mechformers @lovedbychoi @netemoon @avatarbyamara @live-laugh-neteyam @lovedbychoi @jakesullylongjuiscyshlong
2K notes · View notes
imahinatjon · 8 months
Random 1:26 am thought: Sigma, dazai, and fyodor coming home after an exhausting day of work, and they see their s/o cuddled up on the couch, sick as a dog. I'm in the hospital for flu rn lolllllllllllll
:( I hope you get better soon.
Thank you for the request. The idea is adorable.
Sick at home.
Sigma, Fyodor, Dazai.
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• He doesn't exactly... come home perse. Just... leaves his office and goes to his part of the casino reserved for him to live in.
• I mean, he lives and breaths sky casino.
• There's not much to look forward too when it comes to retiring for the day.
• Or there wasn't, until you wondered into the Casino one day and won his heart. Now he had you to look forward to every day!
• He walked in, calling out to you as he usually did, but didn't get the response he expected.
• What he heard was half of his name called out weakly followed by a long string of coughs.
• He looked around in the darkness for you, before spotting a bundle of blankets in the middle of the bed.
• He quietly tip toes over, sitting at the edge of the bed.
• Feeling a slight dip in the mattress, you pop your head out of the covers, face red and hair messy.
• And suddenly he's panicking... quietly.
• "Y-your sick?! Why didn't you let me know?" He asked as gently as he possibly could.
• "You... had work... *cough*"
• "I could have taken time to come and help you, to get you feeling better"
• You merely shook your head at him. Telling him not to worry
• "B-but you've been alone all day..." He felt REALLY bad that he wasn't there with you.
• "Don't worry, I had *random staff member* help me get a few things so I can get better"
• That was a little more assuring. Still...
• "I'm not going to be working tomorrow"
• And he didn't. The next day, he didn't bother with work. Which was a little hard, but work could wait, he had other things to prioritize right now.
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• He's another one who doesn't exactly come home from work.
• He lives where he works and works where he lives I thinks. He didn't even have a bedroom until you got there, and he had a bed brought and put in the other room for your comfort.
• He hadn't seen you in a while. Which was unusual. You normally approached him regularly throughout the day
• He wasn't worried. Not really, a little too focused for that. But when it got to about 6:30 pm and he hadn't seen you at all?
• Well, he's a little concerned and wants to know what's going on.
• So, reluctantly he pulls away from his scheming.
• This place isn't big, so if he can't find you immediately, chances are your in bed.
• So that's where he goes.
• And thats where he finds you. Breathing slow, but raspy breaths. Curled up in multiple blankets, despite your flushed face suggesting a temperature.
• He doesn't want to get ill, but he knows you haven't been out of the room, meaning you haven't been looking after yourself in your sickness.
• So he approaches to gently shake you awake.
• He's oddly gentle and affectionate. To the point you think your hallucinating and reach up to touch his face to ensure he's really there.
• He is, and he leans into your touch.
• "I'll have someone go and fetch some medicine and anything else you want, just give me a list"
• He's acting so out of character that you sit up suddenly, which hurts your head, causing you to wince.
• A brief look of annoyance crosses his face as he watches you act so carelessly, but it isn't there for long.
• "Um... if it's okay *couch* I'd like..."
• He makes sure that everything on that list is fetched.
• Even if he has to suck it up and go get the stuff himself because everyone else is so damn incompetent. So long as you get what you need it's okay.
• He'll also take a break for a while, spend time with you.
• Just don't mention how sweet his being or he's gonna ditch you and go back go what he was doing before.
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• Somehow, this guy knew you were going to be sick before he left for work, and had gotten you some water, a hot water bottle, extra blankets ready, and flu medication...
• ...He was up early...
• So you wake up feeling awful with everything you need already there, which makes you feel a little better... emotionally, being sick still sucks, but at least you aren't unhappy.
• When he gets home, he's extra quiet.
• He brought your favorite takeaway with him and a plushie. He borrowed kunikidas credit card
• (Pay back for making him go to work when his love is at home sick)
• He asks you if there's anything you want.
• He knows being ill sucks, he hates it just as much at the next person, plus he loves you so he's trying to be as accommodating as possible.
• He's pretty good at it.
• Your lucky
• He cuddles with you all night, and turns off his ringtone so kunikida can't disturb either of you in the morning.
• He's also kinda hoping you'll get him sick too.
• Unless you tell him to back off he's going to smother you with affection, that way you can be ill together!
• How sweet -_-
Masterlist :3
164 notes · View notes
dearyuls · 3 months
#. > 0 | 1 | 2 <
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> please read the prologue (0), for content warnings.
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Yul couldn't believe how well it went! He hadn't done anything strange or creepy and was able to sort out everything for the job, which he would be doing tomorrow – it was a little soon but, Yul wasn't going to turn down his first opportunity to make money, since he has no other ways anymore, but it was better that he didn't rely on his parents anymore, he didn't want anything to do with them. Plus, he didn't have anything better to do with his time, and when he had nothing to do, it was difficult for his mind to not end up wandering, and he couldn't just spend his time trying to sleep it off.
He'd pulled his hood back up, stuffing his hands into his pocket as he made his way home, he definitely deserved a smoke after holding it together like that.
He could hear the faint voices of people talking in front of him, but he paid it no attention, he didn't even look up, all he wanted to do was make sure he didn't end up talking to anyone.
His instincts to fight struck as soon as he felt somebody grab him, his hand balling into a fist, ready to push whoever it was away from him – until he looked down at the girl, and then the man she was with..had she just called him her boyfriend?
Being assumed as a man was nice for him, due to his facial features, most people assumed him to be a tomboy...it was a good feeling.
Yul evaluated what was going on for a second before deciding to go along with it, he knew firsthand how bad harassment could end up being, it would be nice if he could at least help, he didn't help strangers very much, he was ever so selfish, all of the time, but since you had pulled him in, he supposed he would do what he could.
...Damn, he was persistent, he didn't even give up after the girl grabbed him...he almost winced at how hard she was grabbing his arm...he thought she must be really scared....he remembered how he felt that time in school...he wasn't in a position to stand up for himself then, but he was now. It wasn't even about the girl for him.. it more felt like he was doing it for him in the past.
He only held the knife with him in the case anyone was to recognise him and bring any harm to him, and he knows that since he looks feminine, he is likely to be at the brunt of male harassment too...the latter was closer to the situation at hand, so, he was pretty lucky.
His eyes had darkened as he watched the man shrink back....oh, it felt good. He felt adrenaline.
After watching him walk away, he looked down at you for the first time, he hadn't even bothered to check who had grabbed him before deciding to step in, it wasn't as if he had any friends here, so he doubts checking who you were would've actually changed anything, and when he did. Fuck. He recognised you immediately.
You were that girl from before...in the photo he took.
You were grabbing onto him...so close to him.
He couldn't believe it; you had somehow found a way back to him...did this mean something? You had grabbed him, not somebody else...did that mean you thought he would be able to protect you? Did you think of him as more than a man than that scum?
Yul was getting too ahead of himself, he shook his head, he didn't know you, you were just some nice-looking girl he saw, and happened to bump into twice, there was no need for him to start thinking anything strange. You'd definitely just thank him and be on your way and never see him again. He wasn't even in the mindset to be interested in anyone again! He hadn't stopped thinking of Sian fully yet, and then on top of that he was completely unstable, he hadn't changed at all, despite trying his best.
He was stuck in a tangent in his head before you started to speak, he'd never heard your voice the first time but... he thought it was cute, you were apologising to him. It had been quite a while since he'd heard an apology from anybody, he didn't feel like he deserved one, even if you had cause him any bother, stopping someone from being possibly assaulted wasn't something he would've actively avoided.
You'd even invited him to your work so casually...you didn't even know who he was...so why were you doing that...had you really felt so bad about it? He was no better than that man for what he'd done in the past, he didn't deserve to be treated so kindly.
He was unsure what came over him when he offered to walk you home, why would you let some strange man that you didn't know do that? He remembers distantly in the past he specifically stated not to do so... to make it even worse he stumbled on his words in the worst way possible, and he said it so casually as well.
He seriously wanted to drop dead in that moment.
He had no problems with stalking in the past, it was rather normal to him, but he wasn't a stalker anymore, he didn't want you to go thinking he was one then somehow figuring out who he was! He needed to fix his mistake... you probably thought he was a weirdo now! He panicked internally, this was the one thing he didn't want to do, this is why he avoided people, he knew something like this would end up happening—
As soon as he scrambled out an apology for what he said, you.... Laughed?
You hadn't found fault in what he'd said, you weren't stepping away in fear.. he was surprised, really surprised.
His eyes were wide as he stared at your face, just listening to you.
You had a really warm laugh, it felt welcoming and soft.
He wasn't really even sure what you said afterwards, he hadn't fully been paying attention, he felt like he had been put into a trance, by a siren or something of the sorts, and before he could recognise it, you were already walking away from him, and all he could do was stare at your back, until he could no longer see you.
Yul didn't follow you; he was kind of tempted, only to make sure you made it home safe of course, he had no ulterior motives...but. He had something more important to take care of.
Yul walked down the path going the opposite direction to you, fast and quiet, he didn't want attention to be drawn to him..and he didn't want to get himself caught.
In complete silence, he caught up to that creep from before, but instead of making himself known, he just stayed following him, a few paces away, nobody else was out in the area, so it wasn't like someone would bring alert to him.
After a few minutes, Yul finally saw his opportunity, he smirked, watching the man turn to walk down a barely lit alleyway, away from the public eye, Yul increased the volume of his footfall, wanting his presence to be made aware of.
The creep turned around, his movements were rough, and he looked down at Yul, who was glaring up at him, his pupils dilated.
He stepped away; Yul stepped closer.
" Did you really think I'd let scum like you get away ,huh? " His voice was deeper than when he had first spoken, he was now trying to be scary, or pose as some kind of threat. It didn't seem to bother the guy though.
" I left your girl alone man, whaddya want from me? " He had a sour expression on his face, and was clearly hostile. Was he stupid? Yul had already heard him threaten that he wasn't done with you, he didn't want this man to bring harm to such a warm person...something in him couldn't allow that...Sian used to be warm. Then she turned cold. It was all that assholes fault.
This creep reminded Yul of him...his mouth twisted into a deranged smile; he couldn't control the raging emotions inside of him. Scum like this shouldn't even be allowed to live--- you didn't even like this man, he had the full right to do whatever he pleased!
" You were going to do something to her right? " Yul chuckled, pulling the taser out from his back pocket, and within seconds, the man was writhing on the floor. Yul walked over him, looking down at him with his legs on either side.
Hm? The man hadn't passed out, but he wasn't' moving very much..perhaps the voltage hadn't been raised high enough. Whatever...more fun for him at least.
" You fucking—" Yul kicked the man in the face, blood dripping out from him nose.
" Go on, finish what you were gonna say. " He glared at him, his voice taunting as he stayed stood over him, he wasn't going to purposefully get closer to this man than necessary, He couldn't explain why there was so much anger flooding through him, it felt like his blood was passing through his body in raging tidal waves and he couldn't stop it from overflowing.
He kicked the man again, this time his stomach, making him keel over, grabbing at the now bruised skin to protect it.
Yul could just keep beating the guy up..but he didn't want this stain on the earth any longer...all people like this shouldn't be given the gift of existing, Yul was a firm believer in that fact, he would just be doing everybody a favour by doing this..not just you.
If only he hadn't cared what she thought of him...he would've been able to kill that bastard before, but, at least he could take his anger out on this creep.
He put his taser away and slid the knife back out from the inside of his sleeve, grabbing the handle and spinning the knife around in his hand.
Yul's eyes quickly focused on how the mans throat tensed up as his mouth opened..he was about to scream..! Yul couldn't have himself being caught, he needed to do this and run.
Before he could think Yul's foot was smashed down onto his throat, restricting his flow of air, making sure he wasn't caught.
He put his weight down on him, hearing a gargled choke for air come from him, he moved his foot around a bit to torment him, crushing his windpipe.
" Don't think you'll get saved so quickly--- did any women ever get the chance to scream when you got your hands on them, freak? " Yul patronised him; he didn't know whether his accusations were actually on the point or not but, he didn't care, there was no way he just randomly woke up like this, Yul was justified! It was okay for him to do this.
" I'm going to kill you. " He stated, stepping away from the mans throat, hearing rushed intakes of air... Yul missed the feeling he got when he was in control of someone's life...such a dark, bloodied feeling...but it made him feel so good..! he could go insane! The thrill of it, it just made him so excited!
He had just taken a big step back from his progress, but he didn't even care. He wasn't getting far anyway...these feelings are okay once in a while, right? He can't just completely let himself be depraved of it.
His grin intensified, his eyes drilling holes into the man as he dropped to his knees on top of him, stabbing the knife in and out of him mercilessly.
He'd needed this...ever since that day..he needed this!
He laughed to himself, cruelly, as he drove the knife into the man's chest, blood splattering all over him, he didn't care, this wasn't his favourite outfit anyway, he could just incinerate it.
He didn't just stop there, he stabbed the man in the abdomen, multiple times, then in his throat, just to make sure he was definitely dead, and without thinking he scooped the mans eyes out, they were already closed, he had definitely died quickly with how many vitals Yul had stabbed, there weren't even any tears streaming down his face like a most people have when they feel pain.
It was a bit of a struggle pulling them out since they were pretty well connected, but he managed to do it anyway, he had probably seen so many nasty things with those eyes, even in death he didn't deserve to keep them.
Yul stood back up now, admiring the deceased body, that he'd just killed, he didn't even remember stabbing him that many times...but, he was scum. He deserved it.
Yul wiped the smudge of blood on his cheek on his sleeve, he was lucky he was wearing black, and that it had grown dark, so nobody would be out, and nobody would be checking down this alley anytime soon, he pulled his hood which had fallen down back up over his head to disguise himself and he walked back home, like nothing had even happened – he didn't feel bad at all for what he'd just done, he was just imagining the man was blonde, and that he had long hair, and it felt so good to finally get that out, better than any stupid therapy session he'd tried to go to.
His urges needed to be satisfied, and if he didn't have any love to obsess over, violence would certainly do the trick as well.
On your walk home, you'd called Iseul, she was very worried about you and insisted on keeping the call going even an hour after you'd arrived home, you'd locked the door, locked your windows, and made sure you kept a baseball bat next to your bed in case you needed to attack when you woke up – perhaps you were overly worried about the situation, but better safe than sorry!
You'd told your boss as well, and he'd sent you a few messages in concern.
Are you doing okay, did anything happen to you?
You can take the day off tomorrow if you're not feeling safe to go outside.
Would you like me to come over to your house?
You replied to him letting him know you were okay with coming in tomorrow, you were okay, and that he didn't need to waste his time coming over, he'd have to be up early the next day, so you didn't want to waste any of his time, when, you felt weirdly safe. Although he was often dry when he messaged you, he really did care for you, he got like this whenever you were sick as well – you were grateful that you had a boss that was so nice, even though you reassured him you were certain he would stay up worrying about it, that's just the kind of person he was, the kind of person anyone would be lucky to have in their life you thought.
Thinking of that creep, you couldn't believe that had really happened, you weren't one to draw attention to yourself, but you still managed to have a creep loitering after you.. what horrible people. You were so glad that you'd found a sweet guy to protect you...he did look sort of shaken up after what happened, he was staring at you, he must've been scared, you thought, you really did feel bad for the guy...Yul wasn't it? What a nice name.
You hoped he'd stop by your work so you could thank him properly, you were still terrified, so you couldn't properly show your gratitude in the moment..,which was understandable, but still! It didn't feel right, especially when he'd instilled such a safe feeling inside of you, talking to him had made you almost forgot what had just happened, he was soothing. You really wanted to see him again. He was pretty cute when he messed up his wordings and his face got all red. You snickered to yourself as you thought about that turn of events.
Returning home, all you really wanted to do was sleep, you were too stressed to stay up and watch a show you liked, you knew every sound you heard around you would make you paranoid, so the best thing you could do would be to try and sleep it off, you didn't think that man would end up following you home after he'd already walked so far in the opposite direction, and you were pretty sure your apartment had CCTV as well, you'd be alright..
You hugged one of the plushies on your bed close to your chest, pretending it was a real person as you managed to drift off to sleep.
Tomorrow would be another long day you supposed.
Upon your arrival at work today, you almost died of shock, Shin ran over and hugged you, when you came in, asking if you were sure you were in condition to work and patting you down to see if you were alright and if you had any injuries you hadn't told him about. – even if you did have some it wasn't necessarily his business, you thought.
" I'm telling you I'm okay! Seriously don't worry about it! " You tried to calm him down, he wasn't a very affectionate man, so it was kind of strange feeling his arms around you, his hair kind of tickled when it hit your skin, you were jealous of how much of it he had.
" As your boss, I should've been able to de-escalate the situation for you, next time something like this happens, I won't let it stand. " He pulled back from the hug, holding your shoulders tightly as he looked into your eyes, with his usual serious gaze.
You smiled. " Thanks for the concern, really. " You spoke quietly, gratitude seeping through, you did appreciate his kindness.
" You're my friend, obviously I'd be concerned. " He replied, still holding you by your shoulders, you lightly pushed him off, he really wasn't a touchy person, so it just felt strange. Even stranger he referred to you as a friend, he wasn't really one to point out such relationships either.. he really did turn soft when he was worried.
" Now, get back to the kitchen, I think I smell burning. " You found sincere moments grew awkward when you let them linger for too long, so you broke the mood with a joke, not wanting him to start telling you how he planned to protect you whilst you were trying to setup the bakery.
" Say anything more and I'll start thinking you're the boss. " He took the hint, jostling back with you.
Today was full of surprises it seems; he was never really a joker.
" Please call me if anyone bothers you today. " You nodded, and he went back to his work in the kitchen..something in there smelt really good today, you'd have to try and figure out what it was.
Then, Iseul rushed in, practically mirroring Shins movements with you...too many hugs today for your liking.
" Are you suuure you're still free tonight? I don't wanna push you past your limits if you don't feel safe going with me! I mean, I'd like, totally understand if you'd rather stay at home after such a traumatic night! " She spoke frantically, worry was evident in her words as she looked you up and down, like you were about to just drop dead infront of her.
" Why is everybody so worried..? I'm okay Ise, If you're still free then I'm still free. " You smiled at her, but, she her face hadn't changed.
" Seriously. " You added on in the most honest tone you could muster.
" Okay..but, if you ever feel uncomfortable at any point, we can go home! " She persisted and you nodded, with a sigh.
People showing so much care for you made you pretty uncomfortable if you were honest, you just kind of expected to go through your life without concerning anyone, and somehow you had managed to worm your way into their hearts without even trying, you had no idea how you did it.
She then proceeded to tell you about her own evening after you hung up the call and how she couldn't sleep because she was so worried she just had to see you and make sure you were actually fine – it was kind of endearing to watch her ramble about you, but, again you felt bad about invoking such things, like maybe her day would've been better if she didn't know you at all..people can be so stressful and confusing sometimes.
Afterwards she ran to the kitchen, and you could kind of overhear her talking to Shin, but you weren't sure what about, you couldn't hear them properly, with the most of your attention being about, well, doing your job.
Tuning people out of your head was something you often did growing up; it was an easy skill for you now. .
Standing behind the counter, of the now opened bakery, you tapped at the counter, waiting for customers to come in, and praying to yourself nothing bad would happen this time, you still wondered if that guy would be coming back..perhaps he'd just ignore your invite, you probably wouldn't go to some random girls work if she invited you there either, but it's not often you speak to unknown people to begin with.
Thankfully, halfway through your shift nothing bad had happened yet, you were on your lunch break, sitting in the lounge room with all the other employees, the shop temporarily shut.
You were eating some of the snacks you'd brought in your bag, eating actual food in front of people was something else you weren't a huge fan of, so you just stuck to small things which wouldn't take too long, you were quiet, and so was Iseul, who was sat next to you, until you heard a loud gasp from her, looking over, she shoved her phone in your face..at maximum brightness as well. Squinting, your eyes adjusted to the bright screen as you took in what she was showing you.
A dead body had been found this morning by a local jogger – in some random alley, apparently it had been brutal....could that have been you? Your eyes widened slightly, if you had been forced to go anywhere with him...was that what he planned to do to you? Was he still out there waiting for you? You may have been uncaring about many things but, that didn't mean you just wanted to die like this.
" Can you believe it? That's only like ten minutes away from here! That's suuper scary don't you think?? " Her voice was loud, and picked up the attention of your other co-workers.
" Yeah..I saw the victim was a guy, a big one as well, that's even worse...can you imagine how strong the person who killed him must've been? " a girl from the other side of the room gossiped back with her, and Iseul replied back, leaning forward, with interest.
Oh? Wait what if...? No, no, the man who saved you wasn't really defined as big you wouldn't think..but, if it was the creep then, you could possibly see him waiting and killing Yul since he couldn't have you...and your heart was racing..you didn't want to be the reason some sweet guy died! That would be on your conscience forever!
" They don't even know anything about the killer, other than they were wearing black! They aren't sure whether it's a guy or a girl... " ....that means it couldn't have been the creep. He wasn't wearing black....You were still concerned but, at least that meant your involvement was minimal.
The conversation continued, and you lost track of it, despite Iseul originally starting it with you, you weren't really a big fan of gossiping, so you just sunk down into your seat and pretended like you weren't there.
The conversation continued until Shin coughed, saying that maybe it wasn't an appropriate thing to talk about at the workplace, and so everyone and so you fell into silence.
At the end of your shift, you walked out of the doors with Iseuls arm draped around your shoulder.
" I'll come pick you up in two hours, so get ready! But if you change your mind about it at any point, tell me! I seriously won't be upset at you, I promise! "
She reassured you again, to which you told her you were definitely okay – it was good to go out once in a while, and since it would be your day off tomorrow, with it being a Sunday, it didn't matter if you slept in really late due to tiredness.
You made it home without a hitch, nothing bad had came your way this time, so you considered yourself lucky again, and now you needed to get out of work mode, and get into hanging out mode.
You kept the same outfit on, you weren't even sure where you'd be going, so you didn't see it fit to change, when your outfit was already cute enough, and you didn't want to go outside reeking of pizazz.
The time passed without you even realising it, you couldn't really recall what you'd been up to before hearing the ringing of your doorbell, and you walked over to answer it.
Your friend stood there, with her hair pinned up into two ponytails, it was a nice dark red, kind of like blood—a bit of a weird comparison, but you couldn't name many red things, and inside of the ponytails were braids, it was a pretty style on her..you'd kept yours down, because keeping it up just ends up being annoying, and it takes effort to actually style it, and you didn't really care about the gaze of other people enough to try and appear better to them.
She wore a one-piece black dress, with a leopard print jacket over it, she also wore heels to make herself taller, which she didn't even really need, she was already 5'6,
" You didn't even dress up! Ahh you're sooo borinnggg!" She complained, stomping her feet a little, like a child, you laughed dryly. " Well, you never said what we're doing...and, you know I don't like to dress up, unless it's alone in my room, to myself. " You replied, stepping out of your house and locking the door...you were pretty sure you locked the windows as well; you hoped you did.
Guilt was hard to ignore when it felt so present, you enjoyed spending time with her, and, it was nice that you had a work friend who actually wanted to hang out with you when the two of you were out of work, but, you were already thinking about coming back home and going to bed, that probably meant you were a bad friend...but you didn't mind.
" Didn't I? Weelll...You're really gonna stick out dressed like that..we're going to party girl! " She grabbed you by the hand and started to walk with you, and you walked slightly behind her, judging by her attire you'd be going to a bar or a club...ugh.
..Maybe ugh was a bit too judgmental, you hadn't actually been to one before, so you shouldn't act so snobbish about it, although you were pretty certain it wasn't your type of scene.
" Y'know, you always seem so lonely, I wanna make you some friends! Orrrr something more if you're lucky! " You grimaced as Iseul looked back at you laughed..you definitely weren't going to enjoy this night out...you could just hope it wouldn't be awful,
" I don't really need any of that though..I'm happy with how my life is now, lonely and
all. " , it seemed like she just couldn't understand that the quiet life was ideal for some people, like you.
" Your only friends are me and your boss! Come onnn try and socialise juuust once...for me? " You hated that she was talking to you like she was talking to a toddler, but you bit your lip and focused out, listening to the clacking of her heels on the floor as she dragged you by the hand, you noticed she now had some bright red fake nails on her, they were nice, they suited her personality, vibrant and in your face.
The music violated your ears as you closed in on where Iseul had taken you...great. A crowded club full of drunk people, just where you wanted to go after a long day of work.....you knew that Iseul frequented places like this, but she usually invited other friends, seeing her post about it on social media, you rarely posted yourself, but if you did it was because you saw a cute cat on the street or saw a pretty looking cloud or something stupid like that. This was the first time she'd invited you to with her.
You thought the two of you may have looked like a couple, with you gripping at her hand harder, you hadn't realised how nervous you were, gritting your teeth as you could hear her talking to some guy outside, and then the two of you walked inside, yet again you hadn't been paying well enough attention to what was going on, too busy trying to convince yourself that the time would pass quickly and that you wouldn't end up dying here...
" I'm gonna go grab us drinks! " Iseul turned to you, yelling at you over the music, and you covered your eyes, nodding, staying on the spot as your watched as your friend was able to weave in and out of the crowds with ease, as you stood motionless, not even moving to the music.
People bashed into you and stepped on your feet, and you just stood and stumbled and tried to get yourself out of the way of the people in the room with you, your eyes scanned the room as you looked for her, but, you had no idea where she was getting drinks from, or how long she'd take, so for now you were alone.
Clutching the strap of your bag tightly as a support helped give you something to focus on, it felt like your senses were being assaulted, there was a reason you didn't come here.
Five minutes had passed, and Iseul hadn't came back yet, you'd started to look around for her, mumbling quiet " Excuse Me"s to people as you sifted through them, and now you couldn't see where you'd came in from which made you even more stressed! Your palms were growing clammy, and you could feel every strand of your hair and hear every single breath you took – it was getting uncomfortable alright, but now you couldn't tell your friend you wanted to leave, since she'd seemingly disappeared somewhere.
The music seemed to grow louder the longer you were there, voices merged into each other as people were yelling across the club, all of them were dressed the same, you were really sticking out, this was the antithesis of a good time for you.
It felt as if the room was spinning around you, as the loud pop song felt like it was making the floors vibrate, or maybe they were vibrating? You weren't sure. At least you'd worn basic trainers so it was easier for you to walk around...your aim was to find a bathroom and go and text Iseul, but, the flashing lights around you made it impossible for you to see if there was a sign for the bathroom, and, walking in and out of people didn't seem like the best idea, especially when it felt like your chest was closing in on itself, you really wanted her to come back, it was becoming suffocating inside. The room just seemed to get smaller, and denser, it felt like everyone inside was purposefully intruding your personal space...you were pretty sure somebody just grabbed your arm, you yanked it away and kept looking, there was still no sign of her..
A couple more minutes passed and now you were getting anxious. What if something had happened to her and you were here panicking about yourself?
You had to try and look for her more...you walked around, eyes darting in every direction, compared to you, sure she stood out, but in a room full of people the exact same...it was too hard. You didn't like it.
You'd only came to this place because she told you to, and then she has the nerve to leave you on your own...how terrible...next time she asked you out you'd definitely tell her you were sick, as payback.
A headache was starting to come up, and you reached a hand up to hold your head, looking around, you swore everyone in the room was staring at you, they had to be, you were hyperventilating... you needed to get outside so badly, you were pushed and shoved around as you were trying to find anywhere that wasn't here to go and try to recollect yourself, hands were over you, or maybe you were imagining it... looking around again you finally found some form of security, there was a set of stairs, there had to be less people upstairs right?
Without a second thought you ran up the stairs, it really felt like you were about to pass out, you didn't feel right at all...had someone drugged you without you realising, even though you didn't drink anything yet since Iseul hadn't come back..what If there was a new way of drugging that you didn't know about! Anxiety filled you as you stumbled up the stairs, holding onto the handrail. There were a few people upstairs but far less, since the music was quieter and there was no atmosphere...you could presume everybody huddled up here were people like you who were dragged along by their friends.
Up here there was a lot of seating, where people could just sit and drink, and a restroom, as well as a large balcony. You figured that was your best shot, some fresh air was really needed, especially knowing you'd have to brave the downstairs area again in order to get out..unless you could jump off of the balcony! You weren't too fond of breaking your own legs though...so that was probably out of the question for you.
Shakily walking out onto the balcony, you took a seat on the floor, there weren't any seats out here...you guessed people just came to smoke and then leave.
You pulled your knees up to your chest, inhaling the best as your could as you tried to calm your hammering heartbeat down, you could hear it so loudly in your ears, you really wished you hadn't came. You could've been at home right now....This was the worst experience of your life...at least yesterday it was over quickly, it felt like you'd been here for hours upon hours.
Taking your phone out of your bag, you texted Iseul, asking where she was, if she was okay, and if she could meet you up on the balcony, you gave it a few minutes, and after getting no reply you called her, you were desperate to reach her.
You let the phone keep ringing, but she didn't pick up, meaning you had been left completely alone. You sent another text, telling her to call you as soon as she looked at her phone, you then put it away, just in case you ended up putting it down and then forgetting about it.
Had it started to rain..? You felt a wetness staining your knees. Looking upwards you saw no clouds in the sky, just a plethora of stars, so many that it made you feel lonelier, ah, you had been crying.
Yul was glad that he had so many repeats of the same black hoodie, or he'd be screwed, he'd fully cleaned the other one, and disposed of it, and he was wearing the exact same outfit again, although, he kind of regretted it...it was really hot in here with how many people there were, he was allowed to stand in areas blocked off to normal people though, so, bonus for him. His hood was down, and his hair was fully out, since he wouldn't be able to see properly if he didn't.
He'd taken quite a few photos by that point, and people were ignoring his presence there, he didn't like the type of women who wasted all their time in clubs though, so it's not like that bothered him at all.
His shutter clicked as he took a photo the moment the club lighting changed at the chorus of a new song, and it was a pretty sick picture, at least to him, he checked it out as he gazed into his camera. Everyone looked so good, this would definitely get the club a better reputation if they were showing pictures like this! He was glad he decided to take on the job, it seems maybe he did have an actual talent, who would've guessed, seeing the pathetic loser he was before.
Wait...was that? His eyes narrowed, bringing the camera closer to his face, zooming in on the picture as much as he could, he couldn't quite make out the facial features but..he was sure that was...you in the background. That same girl from yesterday..! Now he had two photos...with you in them. Lucky him.
He bit his lip after thinking that, that was a bit too creepy.
What were you even doing here? In that outfit as well...Had you came here by accident? He laughed to himself at the thought, he didn't let his questions linger before he continued to work, he wasn't getting paid to be a detective, afterall.
Looking through the camera roll, he was certain he had enough photos for the club owner to be happy with...he needed a break.
He knew there was no smoking inside of the club, but he figured there'd have to be somewhere outside he could go. He placed another hand on his camera to steady it, and to make sure that nobody smashed it up on accident doing a wild dance move, God. Everybody here looks insufferable. If he was trash, what must these people be?
Walking up the stairs, he saw a sign saying smoking was permitted there, and he quickly went towards it, this was so deserved after all of his hard work! Maybe if he'd started to work before, he'd have a better feeling when he smoked instead of a dull emptiness.
Upon first glance he didn't see that anybody was there, so he pulled out a cigarette, and then his lighter, leaning himself against the railing by his arms, looking up at the clear sky, it was a beautiful night outside, when you weren't stuck in a stupid, stuffy building surrounded by drunk people.
His purple hair was blowing in his face every now and then, he shook his head to move it back into place,
...Odd. He felt odd. Was somebody watching him? His gaze darkened, it was a good thing he had his taser on hand...what if it was the police? What if they'd somehow figured him out? His body tensed, he turned around a fraction in the direction he could feel the eyes from, using his peripheral to just check what sort of threat he'd have to be dealing with, acting like he wasn't actively looking would do him better, as it made him look less suspicious.
There was nobody in the direct corridor behind him... it was clear...his eyes were drawn down, where two wide eyes were staring up at him.
He jumped, almost dropping the cigarette as he realised you were there " Fucking hell-" he cursed, turning fully to face you, before he actually saw who you were... what a strange series of coincidences.. it really was you from before.
Wait were you...crying? He tilted his head, not wanting to get any closer to you, he'd only ever been close to one girl before and well...he didn't want to evade your boundaries. He thought you must still be upset about what happened yesterday...he would tell you what he did but, he didn't want to end up scaring you even more.
" Hey..." His voice was softer than before, he put his cigarette out and squished it beneath his foot, as he crouched down infront of you. " You're the girl from yesterday right? " He repeated your name, and you nodded with a sniffle. " Are you okay? Why're you out here alone? " He wanted to reach out and wipe your tears, but...you sort of looked good with teary eyes.
You hadn't replied, and he sat down on the floor with you now. He wasn't sure what compelled him to do it, he didn't know you, or anything about you, you weren't even his friend, you were just some girl he kept running into, who gave him a really warm feeling. You meant nothing to him. He shouldn't try to get any closer to you than necessary.
Perhaps he felt bad for never being able to comfort Sian when she needed it, so he was trying to makeup for it, he was just being selfish, and doing this for himself, He couldn't care for another person who isn't her. He knows he can't, that's just who he is. He wasn't just feeling drawn in by the way you were looking at him...that just had to be something else.
" My friend...dragged me here and then abandoned me..." You spoke meekly, and Yul looked over to you, he had a tired look on his face, it didn't look like he particularly wanted to be here either.
" I got overwhelmed so..I came up here...and now I can't bring myself to go back downstairs.." Your voice was more of a mumble now, but he had trained his hearing to be sharp, given what he'd done...he needed to make sure he was able to hear anything, so it wasn't an issue for him.
" So, you didn't want to be here? " He asked, and you shook your head, he wasn't sure how he managed to come outside and not see you for so long, he felt a little stupid.
You were clutching onto your legs, you really didn't look like you wanted to come up here. " Bad things keep happening to you, I guess. " He couldn't help but laugh in your face, he felt a little remorse after you looked away from him, but he couldn't think of anything more comforting to say, and he didn't want to somehow make things worse by saying something unhelpful.
" Maybe its you...bad things only seem to happen to me when I bump into you, Yul. Which is seeming to be a recurring issue lately.." You joked back with him, he hadn't expected you to do that...he was a little surprised. His name.. You had remembered his name... That was sweet of you. You seemed so nice, how had someone looked at you and decided to take you here.. were they trying to torture you or something?
" You should try avoiding me then. " He looked back up at the stars, not noticing that you'd stopped crying now, maybe if he did he would've made a comment about it.
" Not until you come to the bakery. I need to repay you for yesterday, you really did help me a lot.i—I was really grateful for that. I just didn't know how to word it, I'm not good at talking in general. " The tone you were speaking in was so soft and gentle, he couldn't remember the last time anybody had been so kind to him. Were you this nice to all strangers you met?
" You really want me to come that bad? Well, I'll see if I'm free sometime next week, don't start expecting anything out of me though. You don't even need to thank me for what I did, I'm sure anyone would have. " He wasn't sure why you wanted to see him so badly, he didn't want to end up getting closer to you, he couldn't get close to...others.
He had already thought of you a few times on his own, he didn't want to start being like that again.
" But, You were the one who did it. I want to show my gratitude. " You weren't giving up were you? He sighed, supposing one trip to see you wouldn't do anything too bad to him, he had already memorised the name of the place you'd told him to go to, for no particular reason of curse.
" Fine, Fine. I'll be there, I guess. " He decided that he'd been outside for long enough and so he stood up, but, he felt a sensation on his lower leg.
You had reached out to grab his leg, only with two fingers, pinching the fabric of his jeans. "...wait." He stood and waited, looking down at you.
" Sorry to keep asking you for things but...could you help me get out of here please? I really can't find my friend and I get too overwhelmed on my own—I mean it's okay if you don't want to I can just stay out here but-"
He cut you off, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you up to your feet.
" You just wanna go home right? I'll help you out. " His other hand returned to his camera as he held your wrist tightly...he had quite a grip.
He started to walk back inside, pulling you behind him, he figured this was the best way to make sure you weren't separated, he didn't stop to lookback at you, just focusing on remembering his way out, he didn't want you to have to stay there any longer when you looked so sad, especially given how nice you could be despite it.
His grip was bruising, he sometimes was unaware of his strength, yet you didn't complain or ask him to let up. He thought that your skin was soft, and nice to the touch, he'd appreciate it whilst it lasted, since he didn't plan on having to make contact with you again. He'd already grown too close to you in your short moment outside, he was kind of glad you were doing bad and weren't able to keep a longer conversation, it was better for him that your interactions remain short.
Getting downstairs he could feel you gripping his wrist back, your fingers digging into his skin, he really could tell you weren't comfortable here.
Guiding you through the crowd, he finally managed to get you outside, letting go of you once you were across the street from the club.
" Thank you so much again , Yul! I'm sorry for bringing so much burden onto you. " You apologised to him again..you sure did like to apologise. He wasn't really used to hearing such words, it was kind of a shock to him. He wasn't completely hating it, though.
" Really, it's nothing, all I did was walk you outside. "
" I think you did a little more than that for me, but, thank you. " Why did you sound so warm all of the time? He didn't deserve to be spoken to like that. " I'll be getting home now..I know the way don't worry! Thank you again. "
Yul didn't say a word in return as he watched you walk away again, this was exactly like yesterday. He still wasn't sure why you had been pushed to him twice but, this had probably just been a coincidence.
His purple eyes bore into you again, watching your figure get further away.
Making sure you got home safely wouldn't hurt...right?
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callie-the-creator · 1 year
sfw. warnings: one mention of titans, but that’s about it! there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.
author’s note: the reader is gender neutral and the pronouns that are used are you/your.
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you, eren yeager, levi ackerman, and the rest of squad levi had just finished an old scout base where they will prepare for the upcoming scouting mission. but that wasn’t important now. what was important was that you— along with many of the others— were exhausted from a hard day’s work of cleaning and captain levi’s strict demands for the place to be spotless didn’t necessarily make things easier.
“hey, y/n…” petra spoke up, tearing you away from your thoughts. “you don’t look so good, is everything okay?” she asked which prompted the others to stop eating and stare at you for some sort of response. levi was at the far end of the table, lifting his cup to his lips to drink some of his tea, and once he heard that you weren’t up to par, he stopped.
“yeah.” you let out a small yawn. “i just think i overworked myself,” you reached over and messaged one of your shoulders, groaning. “that and i feel a headache coming on.” you wished that you were back home and have someone like doctor yeager to give you proper treatment, so you didn’t have to suck it up.
“oh, boohoo!” oluo said, suddenly. “we faced man-eating creatures and you’re worried about a little ol’ headache?” oluo bozado has a reputation for trying to copy their dear captain levi, such as his rough speech and confident attitude, which caused him to be at slight odds with petra. but you know what they say: imitating is the best form of flattery. despite knowing this, it didn’t make his comment any less humiliating.
you decided now to bite your tongue. for now.
“that’s enough.” levi bowed his head. your undivided attention snapped toward the captain and watched as he, slowly, stood up which caused the wooden legs of the object to slightly scrape against the ground, the noise echoing in the rather empty place. “y/n,” his cold and unreadable fell on you. you tensed. “i suggest you go to bed. i’ll make some tea for you in the meantime.”
the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop if it did. the only sound that accompanied the main hall was the heels of levi’s boots clicking against the ground which only grew quieter when he left the table before he opened the door with a loud crrrk and then left to prepare your tea.
“what was that all about?” eren mumbled under his breath, looking around innocently once there was no sight of the captain.
“i think it’s pretty damn obvious what it was.” gunther smirked mischievously before suddenly pressing his weight against you, resting his side and head on you, in dramatic fashion. “looks like y/n’s got themself a little admirer. better watch out, petra. you got some major competition.” the blond joked.
“you jerk!” petra scowled once her devotion to the captain was brought up.
because of gunther’s little comment, a small spat broke out between him and petra. he tried to reassure it that he didn’t mean anything by it by raising his hands whilst petra continued to take it personally. while this was happening, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was some truth in the whole ‘levi having a soft spot for you’.
but there was one thing you knew for sure: the raised voices of petra and gunther sure as hell weren’t helping out your headache. if anything, it just caused it to worsen. making you seethe and wince at the pain. “hey, uh, guys?” you spoke up. “i think i’m going to head to bed. i’ll see you all tomorrow, yeah?”
“oh…goodnight then, y/n!”
“sleep well.”
“cya.” oluo dismissed your goodbye. again: he tries too hard to be like captain levi.
“see you later!” petra shouted, trying to be louder than the rest of the boys.
“yeah…get better soon.” eren said.
letting out a small huff, you hurried out of the dining hall and made a beeline toward the barracks. once inside your room, you stripped off your day clothes and slipped into your more comfortable night ones. sinking onto your bed, you sighed in relief as the tension slowly ebbed away.
but before you could find any solace, a knock at the door startled them.
"come in," you called, your voice a little groggy from the pounding headache. the door creaked open, and there stood levi, his usual stoic demeanor intact. he held a steaming cup of tea in his hand, and without a word, he approached and handed it to you, being cautious not to spill a drop. “oh…thank you.”
you accepted the tea but hesitated to drink it. gunther's earlier comment about levi still lingered in their mind, casting doubt on the situation and your relationship as a whole with the captain. it’s no doubt that you had grown to have feelings for the man, but you always thought that you were good at hiding it…
levi noticed your reluctance and broke the silence, his voice crisp and unreadable, "what’s the matter? you don't want it or something?"
quickly shaking your head, you took a few tentative sips of the tea to please him. it was soothing, the warmth spreading through Your body and providing a momentary respite from your headache. after seeing that you at least had something to help your headache, levi, almost begrudgingly, turned to leave the room.
but just as he reached the door, you couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer. “captain?” you called out his name, stopping him in his tracks, but he didn't turn around to fully face you. he simply wanted to hear if you had any departing words before he too turns in for the night. you, however, had other plans since you decided to confront the unspoken question that had been hanging in the air. "what do you think of me?" you asked, your voice trembling ever so slightly.
the captain, at first, didn’t do a thing. just stood there. was he trying to think of the right words? what if the thought of your relationship hadn’t crossed his mind? after a moment of silence, levi shifted his body, turning to face you. his expression, as always, remained inscrutable.
you felt almost stupid for asking such a thing. “you know what? just forget i said anything…” you trailed off, looking away bashfully.
without a word, levi stepped forward and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. it was a brief, soft touch, but it conveyed a depth of emotion that words often failed to express. he whispered, "get some rest," before straightening up and leaving the room, leaving you with a mix of emotions and a much lighter heart.
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seriouslysam8 · 17 days
Could we please get an Impluvious sneak peak Sam?!? Preferably with a small dose of Hinny??
Sure. Why not?
When they were finished, they entered the house to hear music blasting. A smile tugged on Sirius' lips when he saw Marlene sliding across the floor with Harry and Dora as they danced to the Hinkypunk Shuffle. Harry’s eyes sparkled as he did his own variation of the dance, despite Dora attempting to teach him the correct order of the moves.
“See-See! Dance!” Harry called.
Sirius chuckled. “I’m good. I’ll just watch.”
Harry apparently didn’t accept no for an answer. He galloped over to Sirius and wrapped both hands around one of his. Harry tugged on his arm, little grunts and whines escaping his lips. While Sirius wasn’t a stranger to the dance, as he often danced with Harry whenever the blasted song came on, he didn’t particularly fancy dancing to such a silly dance in front anyone except his godson. 
“You slide to the right like this, Uncle Sirius,” Dora explained, sliding to the right. “Then you slide to the left,” she continued, demonstrating. “Then you place both hands above your head like this and kind of sway down like a mist!” she said as she wiggled her body from side to side until she was crouching on the floor. 
“I think I remember it now, Dora,” Sirius interrupted before she went any further. “Thanks.”
Sirius slid to the right and then the left as Harry mimicked him better than he had Dora. He decided to forgo the theatrics and merely crouched down to the ground without any fanfare. Harry jumped beside him, his hands waving above his head.
“Like dis!” Harry explained. “See-See! Like dis! Like dis!” he exclaimed as he jumped like a little hyper jackrabbit. “Look! Look! Watch me! Watch me!”
The song finished and Sirius threw up his hands. “Ah, next time, yeah, kid?”
“Uncle Sirius, you have to act like a Hinkypunk when you go down to the ground,” Dora explained. “Hinkypunks are all elongated and stuff.”
“Yeah, Sirius, like this!” Ted exclaimed as he perfectly wiggled down like a Hinkypunk.
Harry bounced next to Sirius. “Henry! Henry!” he exclaimed.
Sirius only winced at Harry’s next request. He didn’t know what was worse: the Hinkypunk Shuffle or Henry the Hippogriff. The latter haunted his bloody dreams. The damn song was an earworm, constantly replaying in his head for hours on end. Sirius reached out, tugging the kid close to him. Once he had the kid trapped in his arms, he went straight for the armpits. Harry squealed, wiggling in Sirius’ arms as laughter burst from his lips. Sirius hoped Harry would forget all about his ruddy Hippogriff song. When he ceased the tickling, he held the kid close to his chest and pressed a kiss on top of his unruly mess of hair.
The outside door to the kitchen burst open. Sirius jumped, crushing Harry to his chest. Excited voices and a blur of red trampled into the house. He eased his grip, a sigh escaping his lips.
“You do not barge into other people’s houses!” Molly shouted. “Merlin, you lot keep this up and we won’t be invited back!”
“HARRY!” Ron yelled.
“WON!” Harry exclaimed, breaking free of Sirius’ embrace and bolting towards his friend.
The two kids embraced. Given Ron’s incredible height for a two-year-old, he looked a lot older than Harry who was on the smaller side. Or maybe he was average. Sirius didn’t bloody well know. It was hard to tell when he was next to Ron. Sirius made a mental note to ask Ted what Harry’s percentiles were.
A screech like a dragon sounded. Sirius snapped his head up to see Molly entering the kitchen with a thrashing Ginny. With a huff, Molly placed Ginny on her feet and the screeching ceased. She toddled in the direction of Harry and Ron, who had just broken their hug and were enthusiastically chatting to one another.
“I’m so sorry,” Molly said in a rush, her neck flushing. “Ginny has a classic case of youngest child syndrome because her brothers spoil her rotten. Zero patience.”
Marlene laughed as she walked across the kitchen to greet Molly with a hug. “I’ll let you know how Maia fares in a few months. Harry caves to her every whim.”
Sirius stood up, wiping his hands on his trousers and watching the toddlers interacting. A grin spread across his lips when he realized what Ginny wanted: Harry. She wrapped her arms around him, a string of nonsensical babbles escaping her lips. Harry wasn’t bothered as he jerked his arm free and wrapped it around Ginny’s shoulders.
“Hi, Gin-Gin,” Harry greeted, patting her on the head affectionately.
Sirius let out a small chuckle, watching as Harry cuddled Ginny to his side while chit-chatting with Ron. At one point, Harry titled his head to the side and rested his cheek against her head.
Sirius tore his eyes away from the trio to see Charlie and Dora introducing themselves. Percy sank into a chair at the table with a book. The twins whispered in the corner, which was never a good sign. Molly wrung her hands in front of her as Andromeda approached her.
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Perception - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: Sometimes you need to put your heart before your head, especially when it comes to Jay Halstead.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 744
Requested: No
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Jay Halstead was a menace in your life, because, despite everything your head was telling you, you knew you would somehow end up in his bed sooner rather than later. He was just always there, with his stupidly handsome face and that annoying smirk he'd reserved only for you. And although you knew the rules Voight had laid out, 'no in-house dating', when he was standing there, looking so god damn good, your alcohol-fuelled brain just couldn't resist making a move.
And so that's where you found yourself, at god knows what time in the morning, carefully trying to manoeuvre yourself out of bed without waking the sleeping man. Wincing every time he stirred, you slowly managed to lift yourself off the bed, quietly reaching for your clothes that lay scattered around the room. Sneaking out of the bedroom, you made your way toward the kitchen, needing to find anything that would stop the incessant pounding headache that signalled your impending hangover. The water did little to quell any of your pain though, instead, you stood there squeezing your eyes shut, hands braced against the kitchen countertop.
In your moment of weakness, you failed to hear the slow footsteps coming up behind you, only realising once two arms found their place wrapped around your waist. Tensing up at the feeling, you opened your eyes, leaning into the man behind you.
"Jay…" you whispered, this wasn't the type of affection you wanted if you were to remain impartial, but you'd already given in. Sleeping with him once you could say it was a mistake, but twice, now that would be harder to justify. Plus this was just a one-night stand after all, wasn't it? You'd heard what he was like with other women as well, especially cops in your unit. And you weren't prepared to be just another Erin or Hailey, dating the man for a while until an inevitable break up. Or one of the many women he'd pick up at whatever bar he'd chosen for that night.
Reaching down, you pried his hands from around you, dropping them soon after to turn to face him. Though you'd originally expected him to bear a lusty face, one begging you to come back to bed, instead painted a picture of concern and disappointment. It was if somehow he didn't want you just for sex, and actually cared for you. But no, this was Jay Halstead after all, and you were nowhere near his league. Or were you?
"What are you doing up? I was hoping you'd stay the night at least," he asked, caressing up your arms in an all too affectionate way. "Really?" Now your head and heart were really torn. One way telling you to just let go, go back upstairs with him and just relax, have fun. But logistically, what if it didn't work? Then you'd have to return back to the unit as just another one of Jay Halstead's conquests, tarnishing the reputation and respect you'd fought so hard to gain in the first place. Pulling you out of your thoughts, he tilted your chin up initiating the eye contact he so needed to gain your trust. "Yes, I didn't just invite you out tonight for friendly drinks. Can't you see I like you?"
Retracting back into yourself, a confused look settled on your face. Not once in the thousands of scenarios you'd ran through your head was this a possibility. Him rejecting you, ignoring you, even humiliating you in front of the rest of the unit, those are the things you'd imagined, but not this. Your brain was struggling to comprehend the situation as he stood before you looking so genuine. He liked you? YOU!
Silence rang heavy through the air as you stood there working out what to say, your mind searching for the right words. "I don't understand, you want me?" Mumbling over your words, you somehow managed to form a cohesive sentence, watching as his face pulled up into a smile. Jay was surprised at the self-deprecating words that left your mouth, here stood a person so perfect in his eyes that he could fault a single thing, and yet you were surprised at his like for you. "Of course, I want you. Now how about we go back upstairs?"
Giving in, you let him grab your hand, leading you back up to his room to spend the rest of the night showing you just how much he liked you. Because maybe Jay Halstead was different from what you'd imagined after all.
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gearlic-personal · 1 month
My Borderlands Movie (2024) review
Right before the movie ended, I thought “is this how the movie ends?” and “no surely not, we’re only like 45 minutes in”, and then the movie ended. So little happened in the movie I couldn’t fathom the fact I absorbed nearly 2 hours of a film. And I say “absorbed” because my attention did not waver for a second, I was so hooked on how awful the writing was I just had to hear it to believe it. I feel the characters were written for a voice acted video game, not live action— it created an awkwardness when the tone of a video game is poorly translated to a performance that is acted out, especially when the actors themselves are notttt feeling the role at all. You know it’s bad when you can hear the actor cringing at their own lines. I’m gonna bring up the Fallout show because I feel they did a fantastic job at translating the quirky humor of the game into the live acted show: going into the show I felt the same hesitation as this movie, and it didn’t help when I noticed how 1-to-1 they make the set look to the game, the same goofy vault posters and outfits (albeit MUCH better designed and fitting for a screen, and not a cheap Amazon cosplay version they attempted in the Borderlands movie). What broke me out of the awkwardness of a goofy-video-game-to-live-action translation was the moment the lead used a Stimpak to heal herself, same as the game (AKA jabbing herself with a needle and instantly healing). It was funny, jarring, and more moments like this helped set the tone of the world WHILE STILL UTILIZING WELL-WRITTEN CHARACTERS AND PLOT to help us attach ourselves to the environment and take silly seriously. The Borderlands movie had no anchoring tone of the film unlike the Fallout show, despite being fairly similar in gamplay and environment in their games. Where the writers may have struggled is just how much of the humor of the Borderlands games…. may not have made it to 2024. The script holds onto a lot of the wrong jokes made in the original games (one’s where I’d suck air into my teeth and wince when returning to these games), and character dynamics that were annoying (such as the joke of a character being the annoying punching bag that everyone hates bc he’s annoying……………. hi claptrap ily). This is also why I believe they fed the BL games scripts to AI and had it poop generalized garbage 2010 gamer-talk for the movie. The application of humor in the Borderlands games WORKED though, even if they are dated they still hold up (except the ableism and fatphobia those did not . like why. hello) because of how unified the world and characters are. UNIFIED! The BL movie writing felt so clunky, and it’s not only because they obviously did not pay attention when dubbing voice lines that don’t make sense in the conversation (Claptrap: “is this your home?” Lilith: “I grew up here.” yes girl thats what a home is. Also I’m so sure Jack Black did another line intended that said “Do you recognize this place” or some shit that makes more sense. Anyway. This happened a lot. Especially Kriegs lines which were just pulled from the games i s2g). The writing felt clunky because not one damn soul working on that movie was 100%. On the list of soulless movies with no one working on it connecting deeply with the source material at all, this is right up there with Wonka. And I’m not saying you gotta be Tiny Tina #1 mega-fan but oh my god it was so hard to watch Ariana Greenblatt act out a character that was only ever explained to her once by a guy who had Tiny Tina explained to him by another guy who read off her fandom wiki page summary. Except thats what every single character in this movie felt like. Everyone but Marcus??? for whatever fucking reason, he read the assignment he took Cornell notes. too bad he had 15 minutes of screen time. I’m actually glad they didn’t include my all-time favorite character Mordecai for fear of how they’d butcher his character too. Sorry Brick and Mordecai the writers could not fathom your gay love for each other the way I would have. Put me in that writing room.
Script-doctoring is a lost cause for this movie. she doesn’t need a facelift she needs a multi-organ transplant. With just how rich the world is why did they not just go the Tell-Tale BL route and put their own OCs on Pandora.. instead they cherry-picked elements from all the games to combine into… a twisted version of the OG plot? Not even a new adventure for these characters, no, they take the existing plot of how they met and decided to butcher Tiny Tina’s story so she can be a main character? The only way they could have fixed this in the writing room was in the very beginning if someone said “no” to this idea (also I’m pretty sure Tiny Tina wasn’t even born yet bc her story is tied to Handsome Jack and Hyperion not Atlas… also RIP to not getting a Handsome Jack plot he wouldve been so fun on screen and probably have been a good unifier for the tone I talked about before… I would never let him in the hands of those writers though).
Oh my god I could also go on and on about how nasty the environments were UGHHHHH so fucking awful, no creativity not an ounce. The patchwork architecture in the games is so meticulous and clever, even if they just payed attention to the silhouettes in the movie they don’t have to go crazy with the designs but at least give us SOMETHING!! Caustic Caverns too…. oh my god. Probably my favorite map in all the games. It’s the most unique map, its got so much breathing room, it looks like it goes on forever but still makes you feel claustrophobic (as intended). The dynamic man-made structures made to look natural with decay as they blend seamlessly into the natural structures.. the unique enemies and dangers of the map. This is the only(?) map mentioned by name in the movie, I was preparing for what I’d see. And they gave me nothing. The characters walk into a sewer cellar with glowing green sewage, walk around it, then fight a bunch of psychos in the… sewer cellar. its. its a sewer cellar. thats it. then they continue walking through the normal sewer cellar. the only comparison is the green acid and the name. Anyway that made me most sad of all, there was so much they could have done.
Ultimately this was gonna be an inevitable flop coming out anytime after BL3 womp womp. Nothing could have saved the franchise after the circumstances surrounding that game (recasting key voice actors to avoid raising wages, almost completely new writing team that was not great, Epic games paying for exclusive platform for like a year?? idk ppl were mad abt that). Great gameplay though.
Rating: 3/10
Giving it 3 stars for thinking of trying something new with the characters..? Also the fight scenes were pretty solid ngl, one thing I like about playing the BL games is how satisfying the fighting is, the sound design adds so much weight that makes it more fun than other FPS games and I think the movie replicated that well.
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brwnsugcr · 11 months
a sneak peeky poo
alone they become, gazes returning to the other after watching the young woman leave.
"you'll have to forgive my sister. she's…" hinata shakes her head, unable to come up with the perfect term to describe her sister.
but naruto is bold. he takes risks without a second thought, and owns and accepts all repercussions. "come see me, nata," he repeats, shifting his weight to stand closer. he lowers his voice, his smile still present on his face. it widens when she doesn't take a step back.
"wha?" hinata blushes again, deeply, and takes another glance around them to make sure they were completely alone.
"you heard me."
he could kiss her right now. he starves for it. he yearns.
and why wouldn't he? all he needs to do is lean in, rescue her bottom lip from her teeth, draw her close with the tips of his fingers. they'd meet in the middle, his sweet sensei melting against his chest -
"I don't know what to say," she admits, gaze fluttering between his eyes and the floor. she's not saying yes, but he ain't hearin' a no either.
"well…you could say yes?" he tries. even as confident as he presents himself to be, there's still a part of him that feels like a teenage boy pining after a girl he can never have. 
"are you asking me what I think you're asking me?"
"what do you think I'm asking you?"
"I don't know."
she looks really nervous.
but it's not the nervous where you make someone physically uncomfortable to the point of experiencing intense anxiety and/or; a need to escape a social situation immediately in fear of one's own safety.
hinata is the kind of nervous that keeps her from thinking straight, because she is alone, with him.
alone, alone.
with someone who is so damn attracted to her, it's makin' him a little dumb.
so dumb that he opens his hand, palm facing up; further testing her boundaries, seeing if he really is right in his assumptions. 'cause if naruto is right -
she might…feel something for him, too?
naruto watches her breathe; a slow inhale through the nose, followed by a labored exhale through the mouth. as she does this, however, she accepts him, slipping her tiny hand into his large grasp. "just so you know…" he begins, "I'm not tryna make you uncomfortable, ya know? you can always say no. I promise I won't - I would never -"
"you don't make me uncomfortable!" oh. "you…just make me nervous." her freed hand briefly covers her lips as she admits her confession, though she is unable to truly hide from him, the way she probably wants.
the relief that washes through him nearly brings him down to his knees. "that's all?" he makes an experimental brush of his thumb against one of her knuckles, a breathless laugh lifting the pressure off his chest. "you make me nervous too, ya know? I keep thinkin' I sound like an idiot."
she watches him do it, mesmerized. "why?" or maybe it's 'cause she can barely handle looking him in the eyes. but she does, eventually. he waits for her, which doesn't take long, to lift her gaze from their entwined hands, all the way up to patient cerulean; raw. and real.
he gives her a look. "come on…really?"
"wha?" she blinks, a deer in headlights.
"you know. you gotta know! I mean…right?" the longer he gazes into her eyes, the more desperate, the more tempted, he feels to just risk it all right here, right now. 
yet, despite his forwardness, his bravery, he knows it all comes down to adrenaline and he is about to run on empty. 
suddenly it isn't so simple anymore, and he's now terrified of scaring her off. 
his voice trails off, unnatural for him, and the crack in his smile turns it crooked. how hard is it to say, I like you? kami. just spit it out!
he huffs, frustrated with only himself. "nata-chan…" he sighs her name, gently. even quieter, "fuck," but then, "lemme try this again. sorry -" 
"you're fine," she says.
"you're perfect," he blurts, and soon winces at his own fumble.
"a-ah…?" confused, (flustered) hinata noises.
"I did it again, didn't I?"
"take your time!" she squeaks. "please say what you were going to say."
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modern-inheritance · 9 months
Modern Inheritance: Reunion (Complete)
(A/N: Here's the entire fic for the reunion between Arya and Glenwing in Ellesméra. There's additional A/N stuff on the original posts but y'all can find them if you'd like to.)
The bustle of activity and near constant rush of people passed by in a blur. Arya let the crowd flow around her, sinking away from the main crush. She settled a few paces behind her mother where the queen was conversing with Däthedr, silent and watchful as she always had been. 
She was glad that Saphira and Eragon took most, if not all, the attention away from her. After that whirlwind of political and personal business, Arya didn’t feel much like talking to anyone. Such situations always put her on edge, and after so long away the combat liaison was finding it increasingly difficult to hold her tongue and remain the polite and proper diplomat she pretended to be in the pines.
So instead of mingling, Arya settled into an ingrained At Ease stance and began watching the gathered elves. Well, not as much the elves. Brom was her main target. The man had been all but forgotten in the rush, just as he had planned, and he sat at a table nursing a tankard of faelnirv. Yes, an entire tankard. To himself. Because that would end well. As the hour went on Arya contemplated asking her mentor for his shortsword and rifle. There’d be hell to pay if Oromis had to come down early to corral his former student yet again.  
Oromis. Arya suppressed a wince; facing him was just as daunting as facing her mother. He wouldn’t have left the world unwatched while the queen wallowed in her self pity. He and Glaedr had to have know about Eragon, Saphira, Brom. Their madcap running around the Empire. Farthen Dûr.
And he would know about Arya. And Gil’ead. She hoped he hadn’t seen too much of that. 
For a split second Arya smelled wet concrete and tasted copper and iron. The lilting music and bubbly voices smothered down to a low drone, a buzz that dug into her ear as the suddenly harsh light flickered. 
Behind her back she felt her hands involuntarily snap into white knuckled fists, nails digging deep into her palms. Her wrists burned, fingers tingling with sharp pins and needles as the wet fire encircled the ruined skin and rusted steel bit in deep–
It took a breath, a blink. A shaking thumb subtly run over the dark swathe of scar tissue under the cuff of her combat jacket sleeve. Feeling the half rumpled and half silky repairs to her body. 
The world snapped back into focus in time for Arya to mumble a returned greeting as another elf brushed past. She bit her tongue for real this time. ‘Damn recall.’
The night dragged on, and while the rest of Ellesméra whirled and danced Arya could not help but feel rooted in place, stationary in both time and movement. It felt…wrong. She was no stranger to solitude, that was certain, but for some reason standing there, alone despite the sea of people, felt off. 
The hollow feeling in her chest intensified. Ellesméra felt leagues bigger without them there.
Her bitter musings were interrupted by a violent yank on her arm. 
Everything in her body snapped taut as Arya whirled, letting the attacker’s motion turn her as she brought up both fists. The momentum carried her raising arm up to lock against the inner elbow of the man that was now grabbing at her shoulders, ready to throw him off and slam him in the jaw with her free palm. He had both shoulders now, fingers tightening, one hand impossibly hard and cold–
Golden eyes caught her movements, freezing her in place. The entire world dropped away.
Arya couldn’t breathe. The dead man held her at arms length, his brow furrowed and silver hair still settling around his face from where it had escaped his ponytail. His eyes, they had always seen past whatever she said and found what she meant to say, searched her face with the intensity of a hunting dragon. 
He had looked at her like that before, though not quite so intently. Every time she did something so remarkably stupid, like throw an artillery shell back over the trench wall, curl around a grenade to absorb its destruction into her wards, stuck her hand in a Broddring cannon, or, the worst offense of all, go without sleep in favor of double watch shifts and nights disappeared without a word beside their other companion. Always looking out for her. For them. 
The last time she had seen his face it was planted in the dirt, blood pooling and trickling towards open golden eyes as they stared unseeing into the darkness, before the swarm of Urgals had blocked her view.
And now he was looking at her, bright, alert, and with so much fear and disbelief and hope and who the hell knows what else because Glenwing of House Svanran, healer and medic and best friend and dead man walking, was holding her by the shoulders and trying just as desperately as she to figure out if the person in front of him was really, truly alive. 
“...Glen?” Arya half choked, the last air in her lungs used to voice her disbelief. She could barely hear it over the noise around them.
At her uttering of his name Glenwing suddenly seized her face in his hands and let out a cracked laugh. Tears spilled from his eyes as he half cried, half laughed, “Spirits, it is you!” 
And his arms were pulling her in and around her and hugging impossibly tight. 
Arya didn’t hesitate, hugging him back fiercely and holding on, unwilling to let go in case he too slipped away like the other memories. Something snapped inside her chest and in her throat as she let out a broken laugh of her own. “You’re alive! You’re alive!” 
They stayed like that for what felt like ages, relief flowing off of them like a waterfall with tears of joy and disbelief. They weren’t alone anymore. 
It must have been a full minute before the world around them became important again, and Arya reluctantly pulled back. “We should,” She broke off and wiped her eyes, cleared her throat before speaking again without the tremor in her voice. “We should probably go….” 
“Good call.” 
With a small gesture Arya caught her mother’s eye. When the queen inclined her head slightly the two reunited elves snapped their heels together and bowed, knocking their right knuckles to their left collarbones in acknowledgement before all but bolting to the edge of the crowded grove. Here, at least, it was quiet but for a low murmur of the gathered people and a soft thread of the music through the trees. No one would be looking out to the forest, not with something as amazing as Eragon and Saphira at the center of attention, and here Arya and Glenwing would have a modicum of privacy to talk.
It was Arya’s turn to take Glen by the shoulders, and she shook her head with another chuckle past the lump in her throat. “You fucking bastard.” They shared a laugh again. “You absolute bastard. I saw you die. And I never thought….”
“You’re complaining about me?” Glenwing beamed, wiping away tears with his right hand. “All those times I told you not to go running off and get yourself killed, and then I figure that you’ve gone and finally done it.” 
“Hey, I was doing my job!”
“You always say that.” 
“I actually was this time!”
After a few moments of excited chatter, Arya felt cold seeping back into the warm relief that seeing Glenwing had brought. Already knowing the answer, she looked out to the dark pines that hid from the celebration’s light. “Hey, I uh…” She blinked, cleared her throat as best she could past the returning lump. “I take it…you’re my only surprise tonight, huh?” When Glen shifted uneasily, Arya felt a pang of regret at her phrasing and shot him a weak grin. “Not that you’re underappreciated or any–”
Glenwing’s jaw tightened, and for a moment Arya saw his throat convulse as he swallowed. His voice was steady, though, when he gently, grimly, replied, “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. Didn’t say anything for a long, painful minute. “I couldn’t have ever asked for either of you to survive that. Couldn’t even think, imagine, hope, whatever.” Arya waved a hand vaguely, unable to put her feelings into words. “But, shit, Glen. We’ve done so much dangerous, wild–”
“Insane?” That grin was back, tinged with sadness but filled with a familiar wild undertone that everyone in their little fyrn breoal held. 
“Insane!” Arya added with a laugh. “Everything we’ve done and everything we shouldn’t have survived…. I’m just happy you made it out. That we made it out. And look! We did it, we found them!” She pointed towards Saphira’s glittering form in the midst of the crowd that felt so far away. “Let’s just…let’s celebrate that right now. Celebrate him. Shit, can you imagine the ruckus he’d make? We did it! We finally did it.” She couldn’t hide the tangle of elation and relief that broke through the pain. This is what they had all been fighting for, together, for decades. Fäolin would want them to have that, to feel the joy for him.
A commotion drew their attention. Elves were returning from the cookfires, arms laden with dishes and bowls and platters. The sight made both the medic and the combat liaison stiffen somewhat, knowing that their brief time to reacquaint themselves was drawing to a quick end. 
Arya let out a short huff and drew herself up, steeling herself for the rabble again. “Alright. Come on.” Glen grinned when she slapped his arm and seized his face with both hands, squeezing his cheeks. “Have to make sure you’re not some hallucination. Let’s go drink. We’re here. We’re safe.” She slid her hands to his shoulders, began drawing them down his arms in preparation to drag him off to meet the biggest pair of silver linings in history. “We’re in one…”
She trailed off as her right hand slipped down his left arm and stopped short at the bicep. That…that wasn’t….
“Piece?” Words stuck in her throat at the sound of the wry tone in Glen’s voice. He thought he was hiding the ache under that twisted tilt of his lips as her eyes snapped up to his. “Yeah…about that.”
“...Glen, what–”
“Later. I promise.” Without waiting for her protests, Glen slid an arm around his lost commander's shoulders and began walking back to the tables. "Celebrate, right? Introduce me to these two first. Then we drink."
The door creaked as it slid open, sticking at that same spot as it always had. Arya purposefully kept her eyes down as she closed it, avoiding looking towards her mother where she stood still half stunned outside. Just as she had told the queen, she really wasn’t ready to forgive her, not now. If she met her mother’s gaze there was bound to be a war between exploding at her in buried rage or breaking down after the many emotional hills and valleys of the day.
She made it two steps into the flat, pack already sliding off her arms, when she froze. 
Glen blinked at her from where he was lounging on the couch, just as surprised as she was. 
They stared at each other for a long moment. 
“I uh…” Arya tilted her head slightly. “Wow. Um. I forgot you were alive. And that you’d probably be here.”
The medic blinked again, bewildered, and burst out laughing. “You what?!” 
“It’s been a really, really long day!” Arya threw her pack at him, ignoring the yelp of protest, and dropped onto the opposite end of the couch. 
Glen moved the bag to the floor as his lost commander disentangled herself from her rifle strap, feeling her eyes on him as he leaned back. He wouldn’t admit it, but he too had forgotten that she likely would come back to the flat instead of her long disused room at Tialdarí Hall. He was drained from the night of food and music and emotion, and had trudged home and changed into sleep clothes as soon as he entered, completely oblivious to the possibility of intrusion. 
The loose tanktop, standard issue to Varden soldiers in warm climates, left the metal of his bionic prosthetic on full display, the plating glinting dully in the low werelight. 
They sat in silence for what had to be half an hour, recuperating. Glen made no move to cover the evidence of his missing limb. A niggling feeling in the back of his mind urged him to do so, whispering that she didn’t need guilt on top of everything else. He shushed it, reminded it that he knew that she wasn’t the reason he was down an arm. 
‘But does she know that?’
“...What happened?” Glen rolled his head to look over at Arya, her voice quiet and softer than he remembered she could be. He had tried to lock in the memories of them all together during happy times, wild times, not the times where they had to quietly ask each other if they could keep fighting. “I didn’t…didn’t see where you got hit. I thought it was the chest.”
Glenwing lifted his left arm, the servos drawing power from the precious gems embedded on the insides of the plates whirring almost imperceptibly in the silence. He turned the wrist, tilted the forearm, bent the elbow. Stared at it. “Almost. One went through the bone just above my elbow. Another one got me in the hip.” With two fingers he tapped where the second bullet had entered. “Balan threw me when he got hit and I got knocked out.” 
He inhaled through his nose and bit back a sigh. He could smell pinesmoke again, pungent and heavy. “I think…everything was over when I came around the first time. There was fire but the Urgals were gone. I was cognizant enough to realize I was bleeding out and used the bloodstopper spell to tie off the artery and veins in my arm but…” The fingers made a pleasing series of clicks as he curled them into a fist. “I passed out again. And it was a good bit before I was aware of anything after that.” 
The elves in Vandral, the closest outpost to the edge of Du Weldenvarden where the ambush had occurred, had filled him in as best they could. How they found him half crawling, half dragging himself along the forest floor on their morning patrol. Fäolin’s cold body tied to his own by belts looped across his chest and secured under the dead elf’s arms. The remains of his left arm at and below his now pulverized, shredded elbow hanging on by mutilated muscle. The unmoving fingers white and purple and dusky from lack of blood. The burns on his chest, forearms, knees, thighs, from dragging himself and his long dead brother-in-war and remaining best friend through ashes and embers during the night.
The way he begged them to save Fäolin. Begged them to find her. 
Waking up, his burns healed. His arm–
Pain at his metal wrist ricocheted up to his shoulder. Brought him back.
Glenwing forced the metallic fingers open. “I…I tried to save him.” He dropped both hands to rest limp in his lap, Rhunön’s masterpiece relaying his movements perfectly through metal and crystal. “He was gone before he even hit the ground.”
“I know.” When he looked over Arya was staring past him. “I saw it.” After a moment her eyes cleared, and locked back on him. “Your arm….”
“Bloodstopper worked a little too well, I’m afraid.” He forced a smile. He could still smell the burning pines, but it was fading. Instead it was slowly being replaced by the familiar scent of the worn leather additions on Arya’s combat jacket, gun oil, sharp pine sap and an undertone of gunpowder. It smelled like home, like the Varden, like Arya and Fäolin and decades of companionship and friends. It smelled like safety in their little group. “Rhunön built this for me, though. It works better than the old one!”
Arya shook her head, a touch of a grin on her lips. “I’m sure. She’s outdone herself.” 
“How about you?” Glen didn’t have to know her for over five decades to notice the way Arya changed at the question. Her arms pulled in, the rifle settled across her lap. “What happened to land you with Eragon, Saphira, and Brom of all people?”
Instead of answering him Arya yawned. That was real, he wouldn’t deny that, but she was all too eager to postpone whatever answers she had. “Tell you what,” She stretched and rubbed the back of her neck, massaging a kink out of the muscle that connected to her shoulder. “That’s a story for later. Right now I’m about to pass out on this couch if I don’t get to sleep for a few hours.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Glen’s voice was lighthearted, but they both could hear the warning under the words. It was clear as day, a promise made decades ago. Don’t hide wounds from your fyrn breoal. Head, heart or body, commander, medic or sniper, the only way to stay alive and keep the others safe was to share. “I’m sure it’s a hell of a story.”
Arya waved at him over her shoulder, already halfway down the hall to the room she had shared with her mate. “Yeah. It’s a real doozy. Goodnight, Glen. You still alive bastard.”
“Goodnight, Arya. Resurrected prodigal wild child.”
She blew a raspberry at him as she closed the door.
Glenwing sat back on the couch, the grin fading. His eyes fell on her discarded pack, stripped of weapons and bedroll, sitting at his feet.
The lock on the strap still accepted his thumbprint. It took only a few moments to find what he sought, buried under a mess kit and a pair of socks stuffed in a worn knit beanie she had acquired nearly twenty years ago from a Surdan merchant. A thick file, stuffed with pictures haphazardly sticking out at odd angles, sticky notes and scratched out shorthand. A scattering of numbers and letters, followed by a bold ‘6’ indicated it was the sixth such file in the series, a collection of war wounds and physical exams and the occasional psych eval that never really counted due to the elvish mind being alien enough to circumvent any human or dwarf made test.
Glen pulled it out and brushed his fingers along the tabs till he found one marked a little over two months ago. He didn’t open it, just let his fingertips linger as he mulled over revealing the contents. 
She would tell him. 
He left the file on the coffee table. 
It hadn’t escaped him that she had left her combat jacket on that night. Or that she was wearing it when she came out the next morning. Or the day after that. Or the next six mornings. 
They portioned out their days. Arya would spend the morning drafting reports and debriefs, filling out paperwork to reverse her apparent death and half begrudgingly taking on Brom’s share of more mundane documents as he joined Eragon and Saphira at Oromis and Glaedr’s lessons. They split the evenings, Arya going sometimes to guide Eragon and Saphira around Ellesméra or attempting to mend her fragile relationship with her mother. Other nights she joined Glen for dinner and spent the night remembering the days they spent crawling in trenches and infiltrating camps, Fäolin perched above them in his little nest.
Afternoons, though, were for wandering the pines together, walking aimlessly and just talking. Glen told her about the last months, his recovery and the process of fitting, building and bonding with his new arm. The struggles and the joys of connecting the nerves without further surgery, the excited yelling that earned him a pair of tongs to the face when he finally picked up a mug without shattering it or throwing it into his own teeth. 
The three months he spent without leaving Rhunön’s shop. He didn’t tell her it was because he couldn’t find the courage to face the Queen. 
In turn she told him the entire story of Eragon and Saphira, everything the two had shared and every bit of information Brom would reveal about his and their lives in the village of Carvahall. The Raz’zac, the disastrous first flight, Brom’s near death experience, the young son of Morzan and his surprising allegiance. Glen could tell she glossed over the madcap escape from Gil’ead, their eventual return to the Varden getting a similar treatment along with the post battle recovery under Farthen Dûr. 
He didn’t press for a time. But eventually, he knew he had to.
It was eight days after their impromptu reunion, meandering alone past one of the solitary beech trees that some elf had planted and warded years ago with leaves near dripping with the winking lights of bioluminescent moths, when he finally tried to break through. 
“You know you can take that off, right?” Glen teased, plucking a wrinkled fold on the arm of Arya’s combat jacket. “You’re gonna get more looks than usual if you keep wearing it with those cargos.”
Arya looked down with a frown. “Hey! I think it looks good with these! Green and tan go good together, right?” She had never been much for fashion, or even being all that presentable beyond the occasional inspection back during basic or black tie events for the Varden. At those, all it took was a black dress to get whoever dragged her along off her back, even if she insisted on wearing combat boots with it. 
For a moment she remembered, with some fondness, the first time Fäolin had been forced to join her at a fundraiser in Surda. Teasing him about his slicked back hair, chucking him under the chin to get at the bowtie that was damn near choking him over the starched collar of his borrowed suit. His laugh when she asked him where he had put the backup pistol, her own when he subtly touched the grip of the one strapped to her leg under the dress. “You’re my backup pistol, remember?”
Then it was gone again.
Shaking his head as if his commander were a lost cause, Glenwing peered up from under his brows at the dappled sunlight filtering through the heavy needles above. “Come on. What are you hiding under there?”
The medic closed his eyes with a deep inhale and soft sigh at the deadpan tone, the sharp hint of warning contained in the single word. So it would be like that.
He stopped walking. “Arya.”
“What?” Her momentum had carried her three paces beyond, so she had to stop and turn to him. Her fists were jammed in the pockets of the combat jacket.
“We don’t lie to each other.” He fixed her with that look. The medic look. The look that said ‘I am here to help and if you don’t let me there will be a very difficult road ahead.’ A look that he hadn’t given her for years, decades. 
His heart sank when she cut her eyes away from him. “I don’t…” Arya broke off and rubbed the back of her neck again, fingers digging in roughly. “There’s too much to do. We can worry about it later.”
“You finished the paperwork this morning.” Green eyes slid closed in a quiet, nonverbal curse for telling him that earlier. “You– we –were relieved from guarding Eragon and Saphira days ago, and we won’t be called to that again until they leave. Please.” Movement caught his attention. “Your hands have been shaking since you got back.”
Arya looked down. The tremors had been increasing in frequency since Tarnag. The moments of recall around her wrists always followed their appearance. 
“Arya, you know that I can’t break my oath to you. I can only help you if you allow me. I can’t tell anyone unless you tell me to.” Careful that his approach was seen well before he reached out, Glen touched his commander’s shoulder gently. “I don’t want you to do this alone. I didn’t. I couldn’t.”
And still, she refused to look at him. “You don’t need this on top of everything else.”
“Cut the bullshit.” That got her attention. Glen swore only half as much as the rest of their little squad, and when he did it was usually cause for alarm. No one wanted the man holding their bleeding guts in suddenly swearing out of nowhere. “You’re scared. I understand. And I’m here to help you.”
The accusation made Arya let out a short bark of laughter. At Glen’s raised eyebrow, she merely shook her head, half a twisted grin on her lips. “Ah, Glen. I’m not scared. Nothing really scares me anymore.” Again she let out a short laugh, squinting up into the needles above much like he had and put her hands on her hips. 
He really didn’t expect her explanation. 
“I’ve puked on a shade’s shoes before and lived through the consequences. And I did it again, too. Twice.”
Glenwing stared, bewildered. It took him some seconds to find his words. “...I…I don’t know if you’re joking with me, or if this is your way of saying you’re going to talk about it, or–”
“Oh, I one hundred percent puked on Durza shoes multiple times. That’s one of the things that I like to remember about all that.” Arya was smiling broadly. It didn’t reach her eyes. “If you really want to know,” The smile fell. “I’ll tell you. But later.”
“I have the file. You know I do.”
Arya closed her eyes in surrender. The file had been sitting on the table for days now, a clear sign to her that he was waiting for her consent to begin the process of unraveling the last nine months. “Yeah.” She inhaled. Smelled wet concrete and tasted copper and iron. Released the breath with a rough sigh. “Okay. Tonight.”
Glenwing was sitting on the couch with tea already made, file sitting undisturbed on the coffee table, when the door slid open and closed. Relief seeped into his limbs, feeling cold on his left and warm on his right. He hadn't been entirely convinced she was going to show up.
He looked up when she didn’t immediately sit beside him. Arya stood in front of the low table, shoulders tight and fists again firmly shoved in the front pockets of her combat jacket. Every line of her body reflected tension, but her dark eyes glinted with steel when he met her gaze. 
“You sure you wanna do this?” Arya motioned to the file with her chin, sharp and jerky. “It’s a lot less…” She paused, searching for the right word. “Brutal. If you read it from there.”
Glen nodded. He did his best to sound gentle but firm. “I need to hear it from you.” 
Her jaw clenched. “...I don’t know how much I can tell you.”
“Whatever you can. Whatever you want to.” The medic patted the cushion next to him. “We’ll stop whenever you want.” She waited a few more moments. Then, with stiff steps, Arya sat a few feet down the couch. “Take all the time you need.” 
Arya braced her elbows on her knees and leaned over, studying the moss that made up part of the floor of their flat. “I’m not…I’m not ashamed of what happened there.” A shiny backed beetle meandered onto the edge of her boot. She reached down and let it crawl onto her finger, lifted it to examine the iridescence of its carapace. “Hell, I’m proud of what I endured. I don’t know why it's so hard to talk about it like this.” She grinned as the little creature fluttered its hidden wings, the thin sheaves dark in contrast to the elytra’s color. “I’ve joked about it plenty.” 
Glen leaned back. He had his notepad in his hands, rumpled and scuffed and one of the corners charred. “You’ve always preferred deflecting whenever something’s bothering you.”
With a gentle puff of air, Arya encouraged the glittering insect to take flight. They both watched it go, floating to the window where it escaped through the barely open latch. “...Yeah.”
She took a deep breath then, resumed her previous position, and rubbed the flats of her palms together. “I guess I should start from the beginning. 
“That night we were ambushed, when you lost your arm and Fäolin was killed, Durza captured me after I teleported Saphira’s egg.” Again the woman focused her eyes on the ground, watching the miniscule hairs of the moss waver in the near imperceptible movements of air created by the cracked window, her breath, and Glenwing’s breath. Connecting currents that linked everything in the room. “I was in and out, but when I woke up fully I was in a cell under Gil’ead’s keep, their maximum security wing. 
“There were shackles on my wrists. They weren’t connected to anything, so when Durza came in I obviously tried to take his face off.” Half a smirk touched her lips, a tone of bitter pride coloring her words. “So he locked the shackles to the wall. Then I tried to headbutt him when he got too close. So he put me in a chair and locked me to that.”
The woman tilted her head slightly, brow knitted in a hint of confusion. Her braid slid over her shoulder to hang free. “He just…talked to me that time. Sat across from me and told me who he was, gloated about the spells he made to break our wards with just bullets and Urgals at his disposal.” To Glen’s surprise, Arya had an almost wistful, crooked grin when she looked over at him. “You know what he did next?” 
Despite her previous assertion that nothing could really scare her, Glen saw, buried beneath the convoluted and contorted emotions in his friend’s eyes, a glimmer of fear. He shook his head, afraid to break whatever courage was driving her to speak. 
“He asked me, point blank, if I would submit. Asked if I would surrender then and there, knowing the spells he had created, the potential he had, knowing what he was. He told me what awaited me if I did. I would be taken to Urû’baen immediately and presented to Galbatorix. He would receive the information I had to give, take more if he wanted, and then I would be released into his service. I’d swear oaths to him and become his new Forsworn, and used however he saw fit to bring down the Varden, Surda and Du Weldenvarden.” She let out a soft scoff, that pained look still twisting her lips. “I told him ‘no.’ Only word I said to him besides ‘bite me, bitch’ and ‘fuck you’ a few times.” She laughed again, and it sounded desperate, near panicked at the edges. “He just smiled, that fucking smile, and said ‘good.’”
Her own smile gone, Arya dragged a hand down her face, skin going pale as she remembered. “He spent…I don’t know how long. I’ve got no sense of time anymore. He spent what had to be hours just…just telling me what he could do to me. What he would do to me. He paced around and around that stupid fucking chair, grabbed my neck from behind and whispered in my ear the experiments he wanted to try.” 
A shudder passed from the back of her skull to the base of her spine. Arya did her best to focus on the swaths of moss between her boots. Pincushion moss. A bryophyte. They grew it there because it was soft and stayed that way even when the weather turned dry for weeks at a time. 
She could feel his hand gripping the base of her braid, head yanked back against the metal edge of the chair. The way he cupped her throat, thumb pressing just under the joint of her jaw and stroking her skin as she did her best to appear nonchalant. Simply met his gleeful gaze with cold fire in her eyes. She would not look away. 
The elf took a shuddering breath and untangled her fingers from where she had been clenching them together hard enough to leave bruises. “And then…he did. He did all of it and more.” She blinked, willed the floor to return to its green carpet rather than the grey creeping in. “And I fought it. I fought whenever I could. He stopped using the shackles in the cell because my wrists were shredded and I wouldn’t stop fighting them. I don’t know how long it was till I…” Her words caught in her throat. She blinked again. Why was this what made her choke up? “Till I couldn’t fight anymore. 
“He dosed me with Skilna each day, tried to wear me down.” Her lungs hurt at the memory. The time that he had sat on her cot, one leg daintily crossed over the other while he let the poison run its course longer than before. Watched her, that fucking smile plastered on his face, the antidote held in his lap, as she coughed up blood until she couldn’t anymore, as she writhed against the feeling of her bones shattered like crystal glass and the overwhelming, all encompassing fever that turned her veins to molten lead. 
He had wanted her to ask for it. To beg for the antidote. 
She crawled over, every movement triggering more liquid glass to explode within her cells. Grabbed his leg. Saw that triumphant, gleeful grin in the haze above. 
With her last ounce of strength she slipped a finger between his leg and his high, polished boots and deposited a mouthful of blood into the space.
Her gurgling laughter at his disgust made her smile briefly, lost when the noise ended abruptly with a crack and the sound of a tightly gripped, torn throat struggling to breathe. Still. The broken jaw and flail chest had been worth it. And she didn’t even have to ask for the antidote.
“He uh…” Arya cleared her throat, tasted the same blood as he dragged her out of the cell again, fury evident in each step. “He had to change it. To a longer form. One he could trigger at will. I was apparently getting some sort of tolerance.” She could see the pen moving from the corner of her eye. “He couldn’t always be there. Something about reporting to Galbatorix. He told the guards to keep his…his work, going while he was away. Only rule was no blows to the head. Needed the information in my mind unscrambled.”
Glenwing’s pen slowed. He didn’t want to ask the question. He knew she could feel his eyes on her, the way she shifted and raised her laced together hands to her lips. The way she tensed when he put the pen down and leaned toward her to touch two fingers to her forearm. “Arya….”
She refused to look at him. “They didn’t.” Her jaw was clenched. “They…they tried.” One of her hands twitched before the other clamped down on it. She blinked. “One of them…one of them must’ve found some old book somewhere…talked about elf customs or something.” Slowly Glen saw her entire body go tense, muscles locked and coiled to their limit. The first mumbled words of her next admission were lost in the quiet breath that delivered them.  
“...tried to notch my ear.” 
Glen’s blood went cold. The practice was ancient, heralding back to the bonding of the dragons and elves and the…peculiar…additions the dragon’s blood had on elves' practices of coupling. While a gentle bite on the ear of a mate was considered a pact of love, of devotion…a notch was a symbol of bitter solitude. Any elf with a notched ear was considered almost untouchable when it came to love, mating, partnership, acceptance. They were given only for horrific deeds, the slaughter of children, taking an unwilling mate, murder of a partner, and, above all else, for the betrayal of the entire elven race. 
If Durza had learned of this from his men he would have carried it out as the ultimate humiliation, and bound the mark to her body so that no healing could touch the wound. 
It took every ounce of Glenwing’s self control to not seize his best friend’s face and turn her to him, looking for the telltale rift. Instead, he steadied his voice as best he could and managed an only slightly enraged, “They tried?”
“They didn’t manage it.” The words were hollow, the memory of just how close she came to being marked still bouncing in her skull. Unlike the others, this one was…hazy. She could feel the panic in her chest and the many hands forcing her to the ground as she struggled to lift her broken body. They wanted revenge for the men she had…disposed of…after their attempts to take advantage of her weakened state. The cold, cold metal of a set of wire cutters sliding against the side of her head and behind her right ear. 
Then just…relief. Gratitude? And spending time curled under the cot, pressed as tightly against the wall as she could manage until the pale hand dragged her out for another span of agony after a longer than normal gap. 
For some reason the sense of relief sparked warmth that soothed the growing lump in her throat. She pressed her fingers into the spaces between her knuckles, grounded herself in the discomfort as she found sore tendons and protesting connective bands. “Eragon was captured some time after that. I don’t know how long. Adrenaline and pain tablets kept me on my feet long enough to get out with them. Eragon, Saphira and Brom healed what they could and got me awake. The rest you already know.”
Glen picked up his pen again and rolled it between his fingers. “Poison?” He had masked the tremor in his tone, but the rage wasn’t going to fade quite so easy. He wouldn’t press, not now at least. This was enough for one night.
“Right.” Gil’ead retreating from her mind, Arya straightened somewhat and clasped her knees with hands now blooming with fingertip shaped bruises. “Durza activated it. We got through the Hadarac before it caused problems. I might have…had to use the dream state to survive it.” She winced, fully expecting a lecture. 
Instead, Glenwing chewed the end of his pen. “You got out of it.” It was a statement of fact, laced with a hint of assurance that he wasn’t angry. He had taught her how to trigger the dream state for emergencies, and poison was certainly on the qualifying list.
“After a bunch of Tunivor’s Nectar…yeah.” Arya blinked, suddenly remembering another visitor during her half-addled state in Tronjheim’s hospital. “And the Wise One gave me something to pull me out.”
Glen stopped his absentminded chewing, pen dangling from his lips as he shot his commander a look of shock. “She’s back?” The way the stylus bobbed with his words made him look almost comically like Brom with his pipe. 
“Werecat and all.” Arya frowned. “Didn’t I say she’s the one that fixed Eragon’s back?”
“You kind of ignored the recovery period.” 
The woman’s bearing had shifted again. Glen saw more anxiety than before, less tension in her limbs as she cut her gaze away again and picked a loose thread by her knee. “Speaking of the recovery period…” 
“I broke the Star Sapphire, injected myself with four full doses of adrenaline to try and stop Eragon’s back from bleeding, overdosed, had several cardiac events, and Vilks put me on strict orders and told me I’d die if I didn’t follow them.” 
‘Ah’ indeed. No wonder she looked nervous. There was nothing that could trigger fear in a lifelong, diehard soldier with nothing else but their deployment than the anger of a very exasperated medic with the power to put them on an indefinite hold.
“You what?!”
Arya had already bolted off the couch, skittering past the coffee table. “Look, I know you’re upset with me for pulling a stunt like that again–”
She was already down the hall, nearly slingshotting past her room when she grabbed the doorframe. “Just…read the file, Vilks took good notes, I’ll change, just…yeah!”
Torn between fuming and alarmed, Glen grabbed for the file on the coffee table. He swore when his knuckles impacted the side of the wood, the metal leaving a decent dent. Making a mental note to speak to Rhunön about his continued issues of emotional override, he snatched up the packet with his right hand and flipped it open to the tab at the very back.
Vilks’ handwriting still kept its tight scrawl in his advanced age, and after so many years the doctor had perfected the art of short, sweet and to the point in his notes. Possible seizures. Fluid in the lungs, intubation for two hours, O2 mask for six after. Five VTach events before AED applied, unknown number post. Repeated attempts to leave bed before fully aware. Restrained for aprox 10 minutes before reminded of patient history. Energy extremely depleted, side effects of poisoning, imprisonment, poor diet, adrenaline overdose and magic overuse. Given orders of NO MAGIC two weeks, consistent bedrest and sleep (unlikely), multivit 2/d two weeks, recheck two weeks. Warned of consequences. 
A quick note at an angle, dated eleven days after the initial list, added ‘Given consequences after discovered participating in rigorous PT. Patient given icepack for forehead contusion and required to replace hospital clipboard at next possible opportunity.’
Despite his frustration, Glen couldn't help the smile that curled the edges of his lips. ‘Of course.’
“If you’re going to chuck that at me, let me get a head start first.” The medic looked up at his commander’s wry request. She had donned a pair of jogging shorts and a loose tshirt, the standard PT gear of Varden recruits in Fathen Dûr. 
Glenwing snapped the file closed. “I wouldn’t warn you if I was going to throw it, especially after reading that. Let’s sit at the table, better light.” Arya shrugged, thumbs hooked in the small pockets of her shorts, and followed him to sit in the dining area where bright werelights hung above their heads. 
They sat together, bathed in light tinged with the greens that dominated their home away from the Varden. Arya, after a moment of hesitation, placed her forearms on the table, palms down.
The medic resisted sucking his teeth, and instead bit the tip of his tongue as he reached out and gently lifted the woman’s left arm. A swath of scar tissue encircled her wrist, creeping up her hand and palm just slightly before diving down and dipping a concave wrap two inches down her forearm. The right side mirrored the same mutilation, both dark and a mottled red mix of soft ridges and silken patches. With a light touch to the back of her hand and a nod of acquiescence, he turned her palm up to reveal her tendons etched at the surface of her skin, as if locked permanently taut. 
“They’re just like that.” Arya broke the silence. A half hearted shrug tilted her wrist, and the flexor tendons jutted out further. “Tissue’s gone. Tendons just kind of…stand out, I guess.”
Glen hummed in acknowledgement, inwardly swearing at the possible damage that lurked beneath her skin. “Do you have any numbness in your hands or fingers?”
“No. The shaking started when we were around Tarnag. It feels like pins and needles sometimes, but it’s not affected my grip or range of motion.” 
Gently manipulating the joints, Glenwing confirmed her words before picking up his pen and scribbling a note down. “And you didn’t heal these…?”
“I like them.” Arya’s eyes were clear when he snapped his gaze up to hers. 
“Arya, they've got nerve damage. In your hands.” 
At that the woman pulled her hand from his grip and crossed her arms, hiding the dark bands from view. “Can you heal the nerve damage without healing the scars?” 
Glen frowned. “Yes, but–”
“Then we do it that way.” She held him in her gaze for a long moment, waiting for him to acquiesce. “This is my way of taking it back, Glen.” And again, she suddenly cut her eyes away with a quiet mumble.
“It helps…” He could see her flex her fingers involuntarily under her arms, gnash her teeth at some unseen jolt. She looked like he did when the phantom pain kicked in unexpectedly, a shock that lingered for minutes or hours. “It helps when I have recall. When…when I touch them it’s like….” The woman fumbled for words, distress building. “He never left scars when he gave me hallucinations.” She gripped the table edge with white knuckles, tilting the chair back slightly. “And when I feel the scars I just…I know I’m not there. It helps bring me back sometimes.” 
Sometimes. Not always.
‘Recall.’ That cursed thing. Sensory recall and elvish memory went hand in hand, making the calling up of emotionally charged memories laden with past sensory detail a normal, if not somewhat uncommon, occurrence among their race. Arya’s had always been strong, bringing back physical touch and involving a majority of the senses for most of her moments of involuntary recall. Glen’s near rivaled hers, built up from the years of war and countless moments where PTSD took hold of the accursed skill, if it could even be called that. They both relived their traumas, ricocheting to the past as the world went on around them, seeing but not seeing.
Every time he thought of the ambush, he smelled the smoke, felt the hot ash and cinders embedding in his clothes and his skin. He could taste blood and pine ash, the grit between his red stained teeth and the excruciating wrong that was the needles and the dirt and bark and ash collecting, sticking to the mangled flesh of his ruined arm. He didn’t always see it, and for that he thanked whatever stars watched over him. That was his only escape. Seeing the metal limb that now dominated his left side, a zing of phantom pain that reminded him that the original limb was long gone…it made coming out of the recall easier. Something to remind him that the past was the past.
Glenwing reached out and, with a feather touch of his mechanical hand, reminded his commander to release the creaking wood of the table. He cupped her scarred knuckles, turned her palm to run a cold thumb over the ghost of a hastily healed burn. 
“I’ll do my best.” He promised. 
A rush of air left Arya’s lungs, a relief she didn't quite realize she needed. An acknowledgement of the scars beyond the cursory looks cast her way under Farthen Dûr, the concerned frown Brom gave them every once in a while. Glenwing understood their purpose, in a way that no one else could. “Thanks.”
Satisfied he could mend some of the frayed nerves, Glen turned to examining the smattering of new scars that littered the woman’s arms. Nothing was particularly egregious, and while several of the straight lines that slid down from beneath the woman’s sleeves looked near surgical, Arya simply told him it was ‘healed fully’ and ‘not a problem.’ Again, he didn't push it.
“Is there more?” Glen took a sip of his now cold tea, making a face before reheating it with a quick word. If this was all that needed checking then he could call himself pleasantly surprised given her previous description. 
Arya paused. “There’s a few on my legs but those were…those were healed. He healed them to the surface at least.” She tried to shake the sudden jolt of seeing steel nubs protruding from her shin, the excruciating ripping, tearing, snapping, as the bone split down its length. All that remained were four pale pink spots in a line from the last time that particular method was used. “Eragon and Saphira healed a scrape on my right leg, but they did well. No complaints there.”
“Uh-huh.” Glen tapped the point of his pen at the upper corner of his paper, resisting the urge to chew on the end again. She wasn’t telling him everything. But it was a start. “Is that it?”
“...No.” Arya sighed and pushed back from the table to stand. “I’m not healing these either, okay?” Her voice was muffled as she tugged her shirt up and over her head. She tossed it into the achingly empty chair across from her and stood clad only in her shorts and sports bra. “Make me look badass.” She turned and pulled her braid over her shoulder, gesturing with a jerked thumb at the expanse of her back. 
Glenwing dropped his pen. “Well. Shit."
“Hey!” Arya whirled to him. She seemed genuinely offended. “Come on, Glen! I survived this shit. You know what that took? I’m fuckin’ proud of these, and I’m not healing them for bullshit vanity.” He didn’t answer. Just stood and put his hands on her shoulders. “What are you–”
And pulled her into another hug.
Arya froze. She could feel the cold metal of his left arm holding her around her shoulder blades, a stark contrast to the warmth of his right hand squeezing around her ribs. Someone was touching her back and he wasn’t recoiling, wasn’t probing, wasn’t hurting. She wasn’t struggling, fighting, desperate to run away. An ache that she didn’t even realize had been tied into the muscles along her spine for months suddenly released, bringing with it a rush of relief and a soothing mix of warm where warm was needed and cool where cool was needed. 
“Don’t lie to me.” Glen murmured in her ear, his voice catching. “You tried.”
Arya squeezed her eyes shut. 
The day after Vilks cleared her for magic use. Checking the multitude of scars that covered her back and criss-crossed her skin with burns, cuts, hills and valleys of hypertrophic and concave bands. The visible slide of muscle where the layers above had been carved away. There was space between them, yes. But all she could see was the red, pink and silver of lingering damage made physical and, above all else, undeniable. She looked…she looked almost broken.
She had tried to heal them. And found herself scrabbling, clawing, writhing on the floor of that stupid little bathroom, choking back a scream of unimaginable pain as the nerves in her back exploded in protest. Everything she had endured, condensed and dripped in a steady, maddening flow along each pathway, electric and burning and pain. Once again it was all that existed for her in that moment, an extended second that encompassed months and months of time she could not begin to grasp nor understand the passage of. 
She ripped away from the magic and lay, panting, on that stupid, stupid bathroom floor. Blood steadily streamed from her forehead to the tiles where she had cracked it on the stone, trying to breathe through the lingering aftershocks and remembering the spells that he had used to the same result. Felt, deep in her chest, an interwoven pity and horror for Eragon and the new hell he was beginning to endure. She couldn’t heal herself. And she couldn’t heal him. Magic wouldn't erase these wounds.
Arya reached up and grabbed onto Glenwing, clutched at the loose folds of his shirt under his shoulder blades as if he were her last hope against drowning. “They’re…” She shivered, pressed her forehead to his shoulder. She had decided already, that day back in Tronjheim, that if she couldn’t remove them then she would wear them as a badge of pride. She wasn’t broken. She couldn’t be. They were the proof. “I’m…. I beat them. I beat him.”
Glenwing didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. He knew, and she knew as well. They’d weather it just as they always did, together and steadfast and strong against the push of everyone else. So they had scars. That didn’t mean they were lost, or broken, or could be cast aside as soldiers who had long passed their expiration date. Fifty years, seventy in her case, was a long, long time to fight.  
They’d just have to keep fighting.
They wouldn’t have it any other way.
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bleachedjuice · 2 years
This is my first official fic writing that I've released,and yes this is probably going to be a continuous one and if you have any requests please do send me or leave em somewhere. :) again enjoy it and do let me know if there is anything you'd like to see me write
Warning:contains: foul language
'Adrenaline High'
-ghost×male reader
Soap winced partially as the heat beat down on him, he could imagine what ghost felt with that damned mask on at the moment with the way the heat was going. Sweltering the entire team to be in a pretty cranked mood, despite soaps attempts to make it any sort of light hearted as they waited for the new recruit to get off the now landing helicopter...
The way the cold air of helicopters wings blew onto you did only so much to reap the hot air of the environment around you from twinning your mood just a bit. Your gear was simple. It was always simple. You always never knew when you'd need to move or run. So you kept it simple with just cargo military pants with knee guards strapped onto your knees,the regulated combat boots, a tight black long sleeved under shirt and a vest with a bullet proof vest sewn into it. As well as a few sheaths on your body that where either hidden in your boots or somewhere on your body that held knives as well two holsters on your hips that also hooked onto your held two pistols and your sniper was strewn on your back by its strap. You felt the helo shutter as it approached the ground and once it got close enough You unhooked yourself and slid off,your head held low as to not catch it on the blades before you where able to stand up fully. The heat of the sweltering sun beat Down on you as you approached the group ahead, your eyes narrowing in on Price. Captain Price. You then shifted your focus to the rest, your eyes barely grazing them,even the one with a mask.. Ghost. You where cut off of your thoughts before they even began when you watched Price begin to approach, his movements loose and almost welcoming, which most definitely mirrored your more so stiff and alerted body language. "So this is the 'Hound' huh? He looks like a pip squeak" Alejandro spoke almost with a small laugh as he smiles like a dog baring his teeth, watching as you and Price walked side by side. Seemingly talking as he motioned to the group and your gaze following. Then.. soap chimed in, "turns out he's been in the game as long as L.t has..and he's known for his utter brutal nature on the battle field.. Pipsqueak my ass.." muttering the last half out loud to himself as the steps of the two now approaching got louder and louder as their boots crumbled on the gravel below them.
Ghost watched, the heat causing him to shudder a breath as he watched the so called 'Hound' step off the helo and walk alongside Price. Listening in on Alejandro's and Soap's conversation causes him to narrow his eyes as he watched the newbie walk. Studying him. And watched as he approached with the same intent of a hard Stare right back at ghost. That was...until he heard what Price said next..
"Alrighty boys, you know em as 'Hound' and that's what'll go by til' they want anything different. They've been caught up to speed and will acting as another hand in this team. We bunker down for the night and then tomorrow morning we set out for the task at hand that's been on in our hands for a bit now. Taking down the cartel running the streets in the nearby villages that's somehow trickling weapons to places they shouldn't be.. Ghost. You and Hound'll be our main horse power tomorrow."
"Fucking hell.."
"Gotta be Fucking shitting me."
The two then stared at eachother as they spoke in unsion at Prices comment. You shot a look at Ghost which earned a small glare from him as the atmosphere around you two visibly became strained..
This is going to be one hell of a ride.....
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dragonsareoverrated2 · 7 months
[It's a video... what to watch?]
//Warning, cannon typical violence going a bit too far
[The video starts with the focus on Ichika, who sighs with a muttering of "Let's just get this over with..."
Her Rival on the other side of the battle field looks oddly... nervous? Shifting on his feet, tapping his shoe against the ground, looking ahead then glancing off to the side...
All very odd behavior, even to those who haven't met him before.
Once the camera is moved back far enough to get a whole view of the battle field, Ichika yells out, "USUAL RULES! NO SWITCHING TILL AN APPOSING POKEMON FAINTS, NO HEALING ITEMS MID BATTLE, NEITHER OF US USE ANY LEGENDARIES WE'VE CAUGHT. UNDERSTOOD PRISM?"
Her Rival, Prism, nods, and the battle starts.
Ichika throws out her Crobat Doku
Prism throws out a Parasect, a very clear bad start for him as he winces seeing Doku.
"Sect! Use Spore!" "Send it back Doku! Then Aerial Ace!"
The Parasect scuttles forward and tries to send out the spores to put the speedy bat to sleep, however Doku spins in place while flying, practically fully dodging the spores as he hits the other pokemon with a quick slash of his wings.
Despite the weak attack, its an instant knock out. The Parasect is quickly returned and Prism opens his mouth to speak- but Ichika quickly cuts him off before he even starts "Save it! Words don't need to be exchanged till the end of the battle!"
"R-right. Sorry." He prepares to send out his next pokemon as Ichika returns hers, seemingly not noticing anything up with her rival.
The camera is briefly turned back to face Marianne, the one holding it, she has a very confused look on her face with hints of suspicion, she even mouths the words "What the fuck-?" before she glances up and turns the camera back towards Ichika and Prism in a panic, almost missing them throw out their next pokemon.
Ichika sends out Noyaki the Ninetales and Prism sends out an Ursaring
"Slash!" "Noyaki, Dark Pulse!"
The Ursaring quickly starts to Slash over and over and over again, Noyaki dodging each one before jumping onto the back of the bear pokemon, preparing the Dark Pulse that was commanded-
"THRASH!" the Ursaring begins to Thrash about, throwing off Noyaki and making her hit the snowy ground with a yelp, growling at the bear beginning to rush at her- "WILL-O-WHISP! NOW!"
The Ninetale's eyes quickly flash and three ghostly flames smack into the pokemon rapidly at the fox, hardly any room to dodge or duck due to the pokemon's frantic attempts at attacking- said attacks slowing a bit and weakening due to the burn- then the speed of the pokemon picks up-
Ursaring's Quick feet was activated!
Ichika looks to curse under her breath, before calling out "Flamethrower!"
Noyaki just barely dodges the next attack, the Ursaring quickly spinning around and grabbing the base of the Ninetale's tails to try and yoink her back making Noyaki yelp in pain-
The Ursaring turns to face her trainer in confusion before a Flamethower smacks hard into the side of the pokemon, knocking her out.
Ichika rushes over to her Ninetales, swiftly bringing out a hyper potion and begins to check over the tail that was pulled at, Marianne comes over as well, and so does Prism-
"I'm so fucking sorry I don't fucking know why she did that I-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP PRISM AND BACK UP!" Ichika snaps harshly, with a low growl, her pupils are-... well visible would be the wrong word, as they're very thin slits.
Prism jolts and quickly takes several steps back.
The tail looks dislocated, Ichika takes it and as quick as she can, puts it back in place, making Noyaki wail in pain for a few moments- "Shh shh, it's okay- I'm so sorry my little fire-"
The camera is set down as Ichika is taking care of her Ninetales and now all dark... until the camera seems to automatically switch, now facing up at the sky, the sound of yelling can be heard mildly muffled-
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR DAMN POKEMON!" It's Marianne, sounding very angry
Suddenly it's quiet, a low snarl picking up closer to the camera, sounding down right draconic.
"What the fuck did you just call my fucking GIRLFRIEND?!"
"Y-your WHAT-?" There's clear shock and confusion in Prism's voice as he says that
A brief blur of purple and blue passes by the camera and the sound of skin hitting skin is heard along with a pained grunt and a gasp, the sound of crunching snow and more skin hitting skin- punching-
"ICHI NO- WAIT-" Marianne sounds very panicked, more crunching snow-
In the chaos, Noyaki peaks at the phone, ears flat against her head and a concerned look, her paws smack the screen a couple times before the video ends-...
Who posted this?]
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maironsbigboobs · 1 year
👉🏻👈🏻 can I get andvir and androg reuniting in the wilds?
"Someone's watching us."
For once, there was no one on watch. Well - one of the newer members of their band was supposed to be on watch, but in the celebration of their latest raid, no one felt like enforcing it. A trading cavern had made the mistake of passing too close to the wilds, and now they had new furs and shiny trinkets and booze aplenty. Trinkets might be useless out here, but the prize still put even the surliest of outlaws in a good mood.
Ulrad's declaration was, therefore, met with a groan. "You're spoiling the fun." Andróg complained, squinting out into the darkness. There was nothing - oh, he saw it. The brief flash of something bright, moving like no animal did.
"Oi, Captain." Forweg looked up from his tankard and frowned when he saw the look on Andróg's face. "Bring us a torch. Someone out there."
Forweg - taller than either of them - lifted a torch above their heads. Their shadows danced over the leaf-litter. Ulrad had the sharpest eyes - or perhaps the best nose for blood - and drew his sword, stalking into the darkness ahead of them.
Scuffling and swearing followed, Ulrad's gruff voice and a higher, softer one. Andróg's ears twitched. Taliska. Valar, what sorry bastard out of Dor-Lómin was this?
Ulrad dragged a boy out of the bushes, his laughter cold. The boy had fought hard - Ulrad's nose was bloody.
"What's this?" Forweg laughed, "A feisty little pup. What are you doing out here, boy? A scout of the damned woodsmen?"
The boy was tall and lanky, his face still round with youth,  only the faint hint of stubble. Hardly even old enough to grow a beard.
Andróg scoffed. "He's a little skinny to be out of Brethil. They feed their spies better."
His voice made the boy's frightened gaze. Something changed in his face then - there was a flash of recognition; he squirmed against the hand at the scruff of his neck.
"I am Andvír of Dor-Lomin." He tried to draw himself up, make himself prouder.  "I came looking for my father. And I have found him."
Ulrad barked in laughter. "You've a pup, Andróg?"
Andróg froze. He thought of his son. His little boy, as he remembered him - small and chubby, with a thick head of shining golden curls. The youth in front of him was the right age and had the right name: but how could it be him?
Andvír had been bright and joyful. He'd been a large child for his age; promising strength and height. The youth had the height, but he was so pale, almost ashen, and not much more than skin and bone. His curls were dirty and dull. How could this be his Andvír?
"Like you haven't spread your oats further and wider, Ulrad." Forweg snorted, looking expectantly at Andróg. "Well, is he your spawn or should we gut him, Andróg? I want to go back to my beer."
“Pa?” Andvír’s voice shook with fear despite the boy’s brave face. His face - it was like looking in a mirror, but distorted. He did not see his own face. Andvír took after his mother, mostly. But he saw himself still: reflected in his eyes, in the jut of his jaw, in his stubborn pride.
Andróg extended his hand and Ulrad let Andvír go, wiping his nose with a grumble.
Andvír picked himself and dusted himself off, as the camp drifted back to their partying - none of them were that interested in domestic drama. 
“Let’s get some food in you, lad.” Andróg tried to fall back into fatherhood, but the words felt awkward on his tongue. “What has your mother been feeding you? You look like you have spent half a year in the wilds.”
“Pa,” Andvír winced around the word, as if it tasted strange. “There’s nothing to eat in Dor-Lómin now. It might as well be the wilds.”
It was Andróg’s turn to wince. He did not want to imagine what Dor-Lomin was like now, in the hands of their enemies. Perhaps he was fortunate to have left - no, there was no doubt about it. If he had not left when he had, he would be dead.
“It’s…” Andvír struggled to continue. “It’s bad, Pa. We are thralls in our own homes. People get out, or they die. That’s why Ma told me to leave. To find you.”
Andróg ushered him into the camp and sat him down, handing him a bowl and a tankard. He didn’t know what to say: that he was sorry, for fleeing Dor-Lomin? He wasn’t and he had no choice in the matter either way. He had not spared much thought for Andvír in the intervening years. He’d been with his mother and her family; he hadn’t needed Andróg.
“You’ll be alright out here, lad. Just stay near me, and I’ll keep an eye on you.” he smiled and clapped a hand on his son’s shoulder. He could make up for lost time now. “I’ll make you a bow. We’ll have a good time out here, you and me. And your Ma was right: If we die, we die free.”
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t3kandson · 1 year
Tumblr media
Baby Mama
Word count; 4,806
Fandom; A.C.E.
Pairing; Reader X Kim Byeongkwan, Reader X Kim Sehyoon & Kim Sehyoon X Kim Byeongkwan.
Warnings; Surrogacy, Oral (Giving & Receiving), Unprotected Sex, Breeding and Cum play.
Notes; Happy Birthday to my ult Sehni 💜😘
“Pardon,” you splutter, letting the fluid of your drink fall upon the table. “You heard, don’t make him say it again,” your best friend Byeongkwan scoffs. “No seriously I didn’t, you wouldn’t believe what my dumb mind translated it as,” you said more calmer as Byeongkwan dead panned your way. “We want you to have our baby,” Sehyoon repeated, his face burning red blushing. “Okay no I really did hear it the first time,” you said in shock looking between the pair who had been lovers for six years. “You can close your mouth you're not catching flies, just damn answer us with your reply,” Byeongkwan snapped knowing how hard it had been for Sehyoon to say those words. “Well it’s not a simple request Kwannie,” you snap back before looking at Sehyoon more softly. “So you want me to carry your baby?” you asked calmly despite your body not feeling as such. “Yes you already know this,” Byeongkwan said frustrated that you needed to confirm. “It’s ok babe, the fact she’s asking questions is good,” Sehyoon said pressing his hand on his lovers thighs. “So I would be a surrogate?” You question once more as if there was any other option, you knew this was a dumb question. “You get to be what ever you want, as long as we become parents,” Sehyoon added as you tilted your head at him confused. “A mum, a aunt or just a egg donor,” Sehyoon confirmed as if he understood your confusion. “So who will be the dad?” You asked perching on your seat in need of answers for the request they sought. “Both of us,” he added calmly before looking to Byeongkwan with love and adoration. “The biological dad I meant,” you added as Sehyoon smiled. “Preferably you would have both our sperm, and we don’t want to know who’s the dad,” Byeongkwan added as your eyes fell on his eager pleading face.
You couldn’t imagine him a father but then you couldn’t imagine him as a fiancée. Now Sehyoon, he was calm collective and you would know he would be the most doting father ever. You knew this was more of what he desired and Byeongkwan clearly felt you was the most trusted to give them what they sought. “So if I decide to be an Aunt?” you ask looking between them. “Then the relationship we have now is the relationship we have, our best friend who gifted us the most precious gift,” Byeongkwan said all soppy that you couldn’t help but smile heavily his way. “And if I want to be a mum?” You question as he looks to Sehyoon with slight concern. “Then we bring that baby up together, the three of us equally,” he said with confidence. “We would live together in a better house obviously,” Byeongkwan added with excitement. “We would work, you would raise our baby just as if we was normal parents,” Sehyoon added almost dreamily. “Y/N we’ve been best friends for years I trust you not to have our baby and run. To either be an aunt and watch me and Sehyoon. Or be part of our family co parenting as a parent of three,” Byeongkwan said softly. “What about if I want to go to work, I have a career you know,” you scoff as Byeongkwan laughed at your failed attempt at journalism. Sehyoon shot him a look to calm his sniggers as you raised an eyebrow his way. “Yes Y/N if you wanted to go to work we would support you, we would work around you. One beauty of having three parents,” Sehyoon smiled as if you bringing the baby up was something he equally dreamed about. “What if I say yes to being an aunt now and then when the baby’s born be a mum,” you asked intrigued. “Well obviously their would have to be a cut off date but again that is fine,” Sehyoon added as if he had an answer for any outcome. “What if I decided to have a relationship and move away with our child,” you said watching them wince as Byeongkwan growled your direction like a dog. “Y/N now your being a bitch, one I said you wouldn’t be like,” Byeongkwan bit your way as you smirked back. “It’s ok She’s being rational thinking of every outcome, I wish you would do that more often,” Sehyoon scolded him as you poked your tongue his way like an immature child. “Really,” Sehyoon said catching you in the act with a raised eyebrow at your immature behaviour. “Well I won’t lie that sounds really painful but one of us would be the legal father they have legal rights. But if you decided to have a relationship and that person didn’t feel comfortable sharing a house with us. Then I trust you enough to know that our child would need the four of us equally,” Sehyoon added as Byeongkwan looked in pain with the picture he painted. “It’s just a scenario I painted that’s all,” you smiled warmly at Byeongkwan to comfort his mind.
“I know I trust you, just it’s still an ugly painting you drew,” Byeongkwan pouted as Sehyoon kissed his bottom lip. “Ok I’m down with being Aunt for now, but I need more time before I can think of being a mum and co-parenting with you two,” you said looking at them as Byeongkwan gleamed with excitement.
“Why are you not happy she just said yes,” he said pushing him gently on the shoulders. “Because we haven’t told her the other part,” Sehyoon glared at him. “Oh that, she’ll be fine,” Byeongkwan chuckled as you looked at them confused. “Ok you ready to really see him blush,” Byeongkwan laughed harder as Sehyoon glared his way. “Sehyoon can’t cum unless he has a warm hole to fill,” Byeongkwan sniggered as Sehyoon’s jaw tensed his lovers way. “That’s sweet, there’s nothing to be embarrassed Sehni,” you said holding your laughter aside as he blushed even more red then you thought possible. “Your pretty calm for what that means,” Sehyoon said looking as if he wanted the floor to swallow him whole. “I don’t get it,” you chuckled as Byeongkwan deadpanned your way. “I never imagined you this dense,” Byeongkwan said rolling his head. “Huh?” You asked confused as your mind swifts to the possibilities of what they could mean. “Sehyoon needs to have sex to ejaculate,” Byeongkwan groaned out as you stifled a chuckle. “Sorry I didn’t mean to laugh,” you panicked hands up Sehyoon’s way. It suddenly dawned on you that you had to physically have sex with him. “Wait what we have to,” you gasped pointing your finger between you both. “Yes, but we’re do it what ever way your comfortable with,” Sehyoon attempted to reassure you. “But your my best friends lover,” you gasped looking at Byeongkwan horrified with what was being put out to you. “Y/N try not to over think, it’s just sex, he can be there or not or hey even with us, just what ever your comfortable with,” Sehyoon added leaning to place his hand on your thigh. The image of having sex with your best friend was just as disturbing as doing it with his lover. You leapt off the sofa startling them both as you made your way to the window. Looking down at the street below you wondered how many was having the most unusual day. “Look it’s only an idea, if it’s too much for you we can forget it and go back to pretending we never asked,” Sehyoon said Shakely. You could hear the sadness in his voice that it hurt deep in your stomach.
Byeongkwan had been your best friend since you was toddlers. You had kept his sexuality a secret helping him to meet others so that he could find love. Even covering for him in the early days of his relationship with Sehyoon to his family. It wasn’t like you was scared to be romantic with Sehyoon, you had first fancied the pants off him when you first met him. Even flirting at the bar before realising he was your best friends partner. The emotions hidden deep down and locked away, but this request was threatening to open it back up. As for Byeongkwan could you be happy with him watching this intimate moment, touch him like lovers even. You wasn’t in denial he was really beautiful, his eyes just so heart stealing. His abs was so delightful you had often had your breath hitched away exploring during his regular moments of showing them off. But what if after the deed was done would it change things between you all.
“It’s ok Babe, we’re find someone else it’s too much for Y/N,” Byeongkwan coos at his lover as you turned to face them both. “I’m not saying no,” you shot out not sure why you was considering this idea further. “Just having you know sex with you both, it’s scary,” you confirmed as Byeongkwan spat out in laughter. “Scary, you ain’t no virgin, you know I’ve heard through those thin walls of yours,” Byeongkwan sniggered heavily as you looked at Sehyoon. “I think she’s scared because your her best friend,” Sehyoon added as Byeongkwan fell into silence. “Your scared of having sex with me,” Byeongkwan said between amused and confused. “Not the deed, your a whiny bitch from those thin walls,” you added sarcastically. “The after effects, our friendship. Like you happy with watching your man fuck me?” you winced hating the words as they fell. It laced betrayal in itself alone. “You think I will get jealous,” Byeongkwan scoffed almost offended. “As if you can offer what I can,” he said clicking his fingers dripping in sass. “That’s why we should all have sex, limits insecurity on all part,” Sehyoon added into the mix. “Fine, I’m in, on the deal you both promise me I won’t lose you, any of you over this,” you said your heart hammering bravely in your chest. “Deal, on the deal you don’t take our baby away from us, nothing will ever stop us three being some sort of amigos,” Byeongkwan added with cheesiness. “Never, we’re a family of four,” you smiled nervously as both there head tilts. “Wait you said Aunty earlier, you want to co parent with us?” Byeongkwan said with excitement which surprised you. “Why not,” you smiled at Sehyoon as Byeongkwan threw his arms around you excited.
“So how do we do this now then?” Byeongkwan added with sudden nervousness. “I thought you knew how to have sex,” you teased as he shot you a deathly glare. “Don’t be dumb, you know what I meant, plus your really going to find out how well we both know how to fuck you up,” Byeongkwan threatened you. It was like that comment had changed the dynamic, Byeongkwan’s usual friendly flirting had never done that to you. But your thighs tightened, the desire to throw your hands through his hair attacked. How could you think of having sex with him so easily. “I meant like isn’t there something to do with dates? You're on the pill too right?” He questioned as a swirl attacked the pits of your stomach on his information. “I’m on the pill but I believe if I stop taking I’m no longly covered,” you said looking to Sehyoon who had returned to silence. “As for dates I don’t know, but I believe you can buy kits that will tell you,” you added as Sehyoon picked his phone up. “What about your health? You eating the right foods?” Sehyoon asked without looking up from his phone. “Well I wouldn’t say I eat healthy,” you added looking to the floor. “Ok I’ll order some vitamins,” Sehyoon added tapping into the phone. “Wait your not going to suddenly wrap me in bubble wrap are you?” You scoff knowing Sehyoon’s caring side could sometimes be suffocating. “Do you want me to lie?” He looked up from the phone briefly and grimaced. “No I won’t wrap you in bubble wrap,” he smiled fakely. “No he’s going to lock you in his house, but be lucky it’s not the bed,” Byeongkwan said sitting on the side of the chair you had rested on. “Wait actually he might just do that too,” Byeongkwan sniggered filling your head with all sort of images, none innocent.
Looking in the mirror you looked at your waist. If tonight went to plan it would be the last time you would look like this for a while. running your hands down your stomach you imagined swelling with their child. You knew they would never request to know the biological father, but surely it would be noticeable. Maybe Byeongkwan’s beautiful shaped eyes, or Sehyoon’s calm collective like personality. The kits told you you was ovulating and today was the best day to conceive. You three had all been eating healthy since the arrangement three weeks prior. The second you walked out that door for the rest of the night you was there equal as you transitioned from friend to lover.
Sehyoon’s eyes lit up the second you walked in to their apartment as Byeongkwan wolf whistled. “You look delish I must say,” Byeongkwan said brushing a simple kiss on your cheek as his hands fell down your waist, before he walked you towards his partner. “You're not too bad yourself,” you added blushing feeling the awkward tension. “We thought it be nice to have a meal before,” Sehyoon said looking anxious. “What you cooked?” you scoffed with a little fear which had Byeongkwan in a fit of giggles. “No he ordered in, Sehni cook,” he laughed as Sehyoon pouted his way. “Your both cute,” you said admiring the love the couple shared and the sudden happiness that for one night you got to be part of that love.
The door went startling you as Byeongkwan went to answer. “It’s just the food nothing to be anxious about,” Sehyoon smiled pressing a warm hand around your shoulder. “I think we’re all a bit anxious, but it’ll be ok I promise you,” he smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead. “That smells yummy,” you Said as Byeongkwan walked passed with the yummy food. “Steamed broccoli and Salmon with wholegrain rice,” Byeongkwan added as Sehyoon grimaced. “Baby it’s for our baby,” he said to Sehyoon pouting slightly. “You like salmon,” you scoffed knowing he loved fish just as much as you did. “Not that green stuff so much, but Byeongkwan’s right we need a healthy baby right, especially while I’m carrying the little sperm right now,” Sehyoon whispered towards the end of his statement. You shivered imagining him impregnating you. Though thoughts of him currently holding his sperm for you had your eyes fall to his crotch. It was like he saw the burning feeling in your core as he chuckled getting your attention back, knowing where your mind went.
After you consumed your healthy tasty meal with Blueberry Bingsu for dessert. You all enjoyed a glass of Champagne to settle your nerves. Which didn’t work as soon as Byeongkwan took yours and Sehyoon’s hands and took you to their bedroom, the anxiety hit you that you was surprised that you wasn’t physically shaking. “It’s ok Y/N, this is me you don’t need to be nervous ok,” Byeongkwan said cupping your face as he pressed his lips on yours briefly. You thought one kiss would be like kissing your sibling and make the night be torture. But instead your lips burned when he left them, that you pulled on his shirt yanking him back to you. Lips locking that it surprised him as your tongue glided against his. His hands fall to your arms squeezing them as he falls into the passion. Walking you back into the wall you almost feel dizzy when he cages you. “I’m going to break you tonight you know that,” he growls as his lips leave yours. Your thighs tighten at just the threat from his voice. He remembers his lover as he throws his arm back to pull Sehyoon closer. His lips clashing him in a needy frenzy that made your core react explosively. Having witness them in a passionate kiss before this was different, body reacting in a way you never imagined possible.
You wanted, no needed to share the moment with them. Face leaning in you pressed a kiss to Sehyoon’s cheek, him tensing briefly as you peppered a second kiss. Moving backwards in fear that Sehyoon wasn’t comfortable with you, you was startled as he changed his direction. Lips speedily attacking, less hungry then Byeongwkans but yet more passionate. His hands removing from Byeongkwan to rest behind your back as he pulled you closer. Fingers finding the zip to your dress, he pulls it down before attacking your bra clasp. His lips fall to your neck as they press gently as he kisses down towards your collar bone and along. Like he was attempting to close small kisses everywhere in every inch of your skin, his lips find your cleavage. Pulling your dress down as he kisses following the new skin exposed. He sinks to his knees removing the rest of the dress, your underwear included. His eyes flash to your stomach as you feel self conscious as you place your hands over. “Don’t I want to view the home our babies are going to live in for the next 9 months,” he smiles smitten as his hands find the skin. Hands sprayed over he closes his eyes as if he’s imagining the baby already growing. Removing to only press kisses as if his lips are blessing you, by the feeling of your core he probably is.
However, once he was finished peppering kisses on your stomach his hot breath fanned on your glistening heat. Hooking one leg over his shoulder he delved straight into your folds. Tongue excitedly licking strips that you moan into the air. “He’s good with that tongue isn’t he,” Byeongkwan said thickly clearly enjoying the show too. “How?” You whimper as his mouth forms around your nub. “What you think because he dates me he hasn’t had any women experience,” Byeongkwan says threading his fingers through his lovers hair, tugging on them that his mouth unlatched temporary. You growl at your friend, your core feeling empty and in desperate need for Sehyoon’s mouth as you whimper. “Oh look at her so hungry for your tongue,” Byeongkwan coos as Sehyoon lets your leg drop to stand. “I want to get you on the bed that’s all, otherwise you might collapse and fall when I get carried away,” he chuckles pressing a kiss to your bottom lip.
Holding his hand to you he pulls you to the bed, Byeongkwan following. Sehyoon lays you down gently as if he’s worried your break. As he slipped between your legs you feel your head turned to face Byeongkwan who smirking down towards you. “Let’s see how good you are with your mouth,” he smiles bending down to kiss you before removing his clothes. His physique was incredible, though you had seen him topless before, seeing him full nude was even more breath taking. His impressive length had you swallow before moaning when Sehyoon relatched himself. His hands tucking under your ass to position you while his tongue attacked. Swirling around your nub he dragged his tongue down your folds, toying around the entrance before plunging in to fuck you for a while before doing the process once more. Byeongkwan took an opening when you moaned out to place his hardening throbbing cock in your mouth. Wrapping your lips around the invading member you let him thrust himself in. Your tongue sliding his shaft that has his own loud moans hit the air. “Fuck Y/N, your actually really good at this,” Byeongkwan moaned sounding surprised as your mouth met his thrusts. Hearing his lover compliment someone else it was like Sehyoon punished you by letting his tongue attack. The wet muscle rubbing deliciously up your walls. Your moans vibrating up Byeongkwan Shaft bring higher pitches mews to spill. “Shit, I’m going to cum,” Byeongkwan whimpered pulling out. “Why did you pull out then?” you pant beneath your own moans. “Because if I’m cuming anywhere it’s in you, baby making remember,” Byeongkwan said tapping your nose. Before you could question If that comment upset you you felt your core begin to spring. Sehyoon’s fingers swirling eights into your nub as his tongue continued to torture you. It wasn’t long that you soon found your thighs shaking as an orgasm tethered. “Let go baby, let Sehni drink your juices,” Byeongkwan coos as his fingers find your breast to knead. As if giving you permission to cum over his lovers tongue was what you needed, you obeyed. Panting between sensitive whines as Sehyoon continued to feverishly lap up every drop.
“I need to cum so badly,” Byeongkwan moaned but it was like Sehyoon ignored him. Tossing his shirt off you gasped looking at his body which was just as hot as Byeongkwan’s. He smirked watching your reaction but nothing more seductive in his devilish view when he whipped his bottoms down. His cock was much thicker and longer then Byeongkwan’s and you inwardly whimpered how you was expected to take that. “Yes, I had the same thoughts,” Byeongkwan whispered sniggering as if he read your mind. “Hey I’m in need more,” Byeongkwan pouted Sehyoon’s way as he pumped himself between your legs. Huffing at his younger he relented kissing Byeongkwan’s back as he switched positions.
“Hey I’m not doing all the work here lazy ass,” Byeongkwan moaned as you raised an eyebrow at your nagging friend. “For a boy they say doggy, so get on all four and bark for me,” Byeongkwan teased as you flipped him off. Obeying Sehyoon sat on the edge of his bed his cock in his hand as he pumped himself. You was taken by surprise when Byeongkwan slammed himself in without prepping or guiding as you cried out. “For fuck sake Kwannie,” you growled wanting to turn and slap him as he stilled, amused with the reaction that even having sex he could annoy you. “I told you i would break you,” Byeongkwan sniggered before starting a slight slower pace. His fingers raked down your spine slowly making your back arch as you moaned. Every now and then he would still before slamming in harshly, hearing you whine before you cursed him once more.
“You should let her Suck your cock baby,” Byeongkwan cooed. The sight of his thick thighs in your face made you clench around Byeongkwans cock. “Oh I think she likes what she’s looking at,” Byeongkwan teases before he slams in once again as you growl following your cry’s of pleasure. Pressing kisses to Sehyoon’s thighs he flex’s them. Looking into his eyes he looks like he’s enjoying your reaction. But the view of heaven fell on his face as you placed your lips around him. Matching Byeongkwan’s thrusts, you bob up and down on his shaft. The width of his member made your mouth hurt after not too long. But it didn’t stop you from continuing to let your mouth fuck him, his hip buckling to meet you. The view clearly turned Byeongkwan on as he sped himself against you, his grip digging into your hip that you knew would bruise. The moans spilling from your lips vibrates down his cock earning grunts to fall from Sehyoon’s lips. They was so deep that your walls clenched around Byeongkwan’s cock, his own high pitched moans spilling into the air. “I’m about to cum,” Byeongkwan warned as Sehyoon’s cock throbbed in your mouth clearly excited about the prospect at filling you. “Cum deep in her pussy,” Sehyoon groaned deeply. “Plan to, plan to put our baby deep inside her,” Byeongkwan moaned as his hips snapped harsher alongside the increased speed. “Y/N” he growled as he started filling you up with his warm seed. The feeling of having his cum warming against your wall suddenly threw you into an orgasm you hadn’t prepared for. Whimpering around Sehyoon’s cock that the vibration clearly was too much that he removed himself. Kisses reaching your back as Byeongkwan stilled still hard inside of you. His hands reaching to hold your stomach as you remained both panting from your session.
Collapsing into the bed Byeongkwan tumbled with you as you wrapped your arms around Sehyoon’s waist. Your weary eyes looked up to find his head tilted looking at you both with adoration. “You both look cute,” he smiled looking down towards you. “That’s not jealousy talking is it?” You panted worried. “No,” he paused smiling as Byeongkwan rolled off you. “Certainly not,” Sehyoon said as he pulled your wearily body to straddle him. “I was just thinking how cute my family is, my Fiancée,” he paused to look at Byeongkwan who slipped a quick kiss. “And my baby mama,” he added kissing yours. “My perfect little family, your both mine,” he finishes looking between you both. “You make that sound like this, what we’re doing is permanent,” you joke pressing your lips down his jaw line. “What’s so bad with that idea?” He scoffed as you felt his cock twitch underneath you. “What?” You ask confused looking at him bewildered. “Look, it’s my turn to put my baby in here, we’re talk about it later,” he reply’s as his lips find your neck. Before you could contemplate his words his teeth dug into your flesh. “Fuck,” you whimper as he chuckled. “And there was me thinking you was soft and gentle,” you scoff gently swatting his back before he kissed alongside your collar bone. “Oh he is, just he has a claim kink,” Byeongkwan chuckled beside him as Sehyoon bit into your skin once more. “But the kink I have now, is a breeding one,” Sehyoon warned as he flipped you onto your back. “See Byeongkwan wants a boy, me I want a girl. I reckon we would make the most beautiful daughter together,” Sehyoon adds as his lips press small kisses alongside your jawline like you did with him earlier. “And Byeongkwan tells me it’s this position for a girl,” he adds as he lifts your ass down towards him.
Rolling the tip of his cock he presses him self in as you wince. Lips crashing on yours he stills before slowly pushing himself inch by inch in you. Filling you up that you felt full he stills to let you adjust around him. Slow movements at first while he enjoys his tongue sliding against yours. While Byeongkwan had fucked you, Sehyoon was choosing the romantic love making style. His shaft deep imbedded in you as you felt the tip hit your cervix with each thrust. “You feel so good,” Sehyoon complimented grunting slightly as he thrusted. Lips finding your breasts he suckled between Thrusts. Teeth occasionally grazing on your nipple as he got lost into the motions. Walls clamping around him had him grunt deeply that went directly to your core. Bringing your pelvis to meet his thrust you both set into a rhythm. The room filling with the sound of slapping skin, your moans and Sehyoon’s deep groans was pushing another orgasm your way. As Sehyoon started chasing his, his mouth was suckling against any skin it could find, marking you with purple blemishes. “Mine and my baby’s,” he growled in possessiveness between them. The thought of him and Byeongkwan owning you was oddly a turn on. His cock hitting against your cervix with a little more force had whines slip your lips. Thighs shaking you knew your high was close. Fingers lacing with you he removed his mouth from your skin to look at you. Sweat beading down his face he looked lost in your eyes. “Baby,” he repeated in a chant like voice which was deepening as his own high tethered. “Cum with me,” he pleaded with his fingers tightening around yours. “Cum around his cock,” Byeongkwan demanded like he knew your body needed his permission. Convulsing around him you fell off into your euphoria taking Sehyoon with you. Crying loudly as you milk his hot wet fluid deep within. Panting he places his forehead against yours, sweat mixing as you attempt to catch your breath. “Hope you two are finished doing your rom com. We got babies to make,” Byeongkwan said pushing him off you. “Look at you all exhausted, we’re not stopping till dawn,” Byeongkwan added as you looked at him wearily. “It’s ok we sleep after dawn, I’ve stripped my schedule so we rest together all day,” Sehyoon added as he stroked his hand down your belly. You rested briefly before continuing with project baby mama.
Next part Broken Mama
Bitter Sweet Mama
Baby Mama 2 + 2
Full Masterlist
A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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