#????????????? idk I don’t think it’s true it’s stupid either way it’s all very stupid leave the guy alone he’s old he’s tired
kayvsworld · 7 months
coming out of a migraine to several missed texts from a pal like “did you hear they’re fucking murdering blinky bernard” why is the mcu still happening. why can I not cheerfully be unaware of th*nderbolts. also who will take one for the team & start picking off mouse company execs with a crossbow if they do in fact sentence bonky to death for the crime of being too sad & gay now that they’ve drop kicked captain america to the forties to be a homewrecker
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f0point5 · 1 year
y/n’s best friend’s reactions and the messages from Lando are the perfect dichotomy of how I would be tempted to talk to her….. two v different tactics of calling homegirl out on being so .. idk the best way to phrase it.. pre-defensive??? The triple message to Lando at the end of their convo really said more about how she feels about max than anything else she’s said about him in the last like five chapters. When she lied about why she was “only going” on this date he breezed past the comment to ask for fucking chorizo I KNOW she was FUMING!!!!!! Like I could feel it in my bones that she wanted him to do or say something. Now though I’m worried that something inside her kinda snapped and she’s either gonna keep seeing metaphor and pushing the envelope until she gets a reaction from max OR she’s gonna go out of her way to pretend extra hard (harder than she usually does) that she doesn’t give a shit what max thinks of her and her love life. I have a lot of faith in you and where you’ll eventually take this plot I’m just gonna go ahead and beg you in advance that if there ends up being some kind of major miscommunication in the plot it has to be realistic !! Nothing grinds my gears worse than adults ruining their entire lives because of a miscommunication that even a 12 year old could solve on their own. Like I understand miscommunication tropes but sometimes they go so far that they defy very basic logic and I can’t watch y/n and max turn into complete idiots.. sorry that was definitely a personal preference rant - do what u gotta do it’s your story Lmao I’ve just been burned one too many times by fics that claim they’re about whole ass adults then have them act like 6 year olds for the sake of a plot point and I can’t see max doing that. I can kiiiiinda see y/n doing that but not unconsciously. She’d know what she was doing for sure.
No I 100000% get you. Nothing drives me crazier than people making whole life decisions based on the outcome of a conversation they never even had. Like, Y/N decides Max is in love with GP and takes a job in NYC and leaves without telling Max who then decides that the last 6 years meant nothing to her for no reason and they don’t talk until Lando locks them in a disused shopping container. Like, you two have shared everything for all these years be serious you’re not throwing that away over not even talking. I definitely see Max and Y/N being people that even if they’re dancing around the real conversation that they need to have, they’ll always be communicating with each other. I think that’s so much more true to the relationship they have and the people they are than freaking out and not talking to each other.
I think the thing with what Lando and her other friend were saying was their needling was fair but also to her it felt a little bit like a taunt. Because she has everyone in her life acting like she’s doing something a bit sideways by dating someone other than Max, acting like she owes him sensitivity around the issue, kind of hyping her up that there’s a big “caution” label on this situation and then she goes out of her way to be cautious and it turns out it wasn’t needed. I think it made her feel a bit stupid, almost like they’d hyped her that her love life was SO important to Max and it just wasn’t. So she’s like, please stop making me feel like this is a thing because it’s clearly not. And then similarly with Max, she was a bit like, I went out of my way to diminish this date/situation for your comfort, and it turns out you never cared in the first place. I think the whole thing just stung her ego a bit.
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pxgeturner · 2 years
Oh my god okay….Idk if you find this Ledger!Joker x reader (?) fic request stupid or too complicated but imagine ‼️ they two have been in this secret relationship for a while but like the reader has enough of his dangerous lifestyle and this quite toxic relationship in general. They are worried sick about him and ofc themselves as they can get in a lot of trouble bc of him and sometimes when joker can’t really control his emotions or his tendencies they are afraid of him too. I feel like joker is also very possessive person and wouldn’t let reader go outside or meet central people or anyone at this point. So they have enough of his bs and want to leave maybe even escape from him 🫣 idkkkk I just think this would be an interesting angsty story sorry if I’m asking too much
not very complicated !! i loved writing this and it’s the first angsty thing I've posted on here! i would like to put a warning, like super dark content ahead. joker is very neglectful and physically abusive in this. (the abuse is brief tho.) i want to mention that this is not a depiction of my joker as he is a better man for me. if u want me to redo this in a way that if less possibly triggering please let me know! word count: 1.5k
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Laying in bed, you hear the door open and shut with joker’s arrival. He doesn’t bother being quiet, not caring whether he wakes you or not. he clatters about, simultaneously trying to staple his wound and make a sandwich. when things were better you would’ve stayed up for him. When j stumbled through the door you would’ve helped him get comfortable. Once he was situated you’d go reheat the meal you made for the two of you as he tended to himself. After he was all patched up you would sleep cuddled to your j.
now you only cook for yourself. you sleep in separate rooms. and you don’t stay up for him out of love. you let out a humorless, breathless laugh at how it used to be. how naive you were to truly believe the things he would say. that he’d make you his queen, that you are his number one. maybe that used to be true, but it was probably always a delusion.
because now the only time he acts like he still cares are those few times he decides he wants to sample your body. And you always give into him, of course you want to forget reality for half an hour or so. he lures you in with gentle touches and words that flow and taste like honey. typically he just uses you for stress relief. but a couple of times it seemed like he genuinely missed you, wanted to show you he’s sorry. either way it ends with him on the other side of the bed with his back to you, snoring. not you, though. you can’t sleep with him next to you anymore, it just reminds you that he’s not yours anymore.
but you’re still his.
ever since he’s started to “put things back on track” he’s on guard twenty-four-seven.
No longer does he melt in for embrace or allow himself to simply be the man who loves you when you’re alone. j doesn’t exist anymore. there is only the joker.
you’re still yawning as you exit your room and make your way to the kitchen. no one else is up yet, and someone has to mop up the blood. if joker were to come out of his room to the mess, someone’s head would roll. your thoughts travel to the man snoring in his suit and old makeup down the hall. how would he react if he saw you cleaning right now? he wouldn’t look twice and walk away. before he would have you drop the mop and make one of his men do it. Just as you finish you hear a snarl.
“DOLL!” you rush into his room, frantically looking for a reason he would call out like that.
“why aren’t you in bed? baby it’s so early…” he’s so tired he doesn’t even make his clown voice. Your heart warms a bit at the tenure of his husky voice. “c’mere, babydoll,” you crawl into bed with him and dream of possibilities.
“Why don’t you take a break, joker?” you suggest from the kitchen. He straightens and looks away from the map of gotham, stalking a few steps towards you.
“Why would you make such a suggestion, doll?” the word is spat with so much venom you want badly to recoil, but you don’t.
instead you put the zucchini you just washed onto the cutting board and grab the knife to start chopping. “you don’t need to do everything right away is all.”
“i don’t.” he pulls out his favorite pocket knife and rests the blade against his cheek. “i don’t need to put things how they should be. i don’t need to finish what i’ve started.”
“that’s not what i said, joker.”
“THIS IS THE ONLY REASON I GOT OUT OF ARKHAM FOR. and you’d rather me what? Play house with you?” ouch. finally admitting to never missing you. the weapon flies out of his hand and it sinks into the wood of the board, inches from your hand. you cross your arms, leaning on the island, knife still in hand.
“i just think you should pace yourself, joker.”
he jumps onto the countertop and grabs at your jaw. “you shouldn’t think anything about this, sweet pea.”
“because i’m just your doll,” you say passively.
looking satisfied, he hums in agreement and slinks back to the table of minions.
“not a doll as in someone precious you want to care for, but rather something you want to own and lock away. Not even to look at, just to have.” you’ve started chopping the vegetables, “do you remember my birthday? for a guy that has a perfect memory, you do really badly when it comes to me. you know you used to be really good at things like that; i know you remember.” you move on to another squash. “ but last year you didn’t even call when you were in arkham, and i know you could’ve. my birthday was two weeks ago, do you realize that? you didn’t even look at me the whole day. i can’t even say i got a smile or kiss as a present.”
he’s trying so hard to ignore you.
“i don’t think you ever really loved me, joker.” that was the last straw.
swiftly, he’s on the other side of the island. he punches you in the face. the knife leaves your hand and you feel the impact of the ground along with a sharp pain, somewhere. he’s never hit you, sure he’s screamed, but never hurt you physically. this is something else, he really is strong.
maybe this will be the thing that kills me, You think. then he wouldn’t be bothered by me and i won't have to worry anymore.
you wake up, eyes heavy.
“hello, sweetheart,” you flinch at the gentle voice that greets you. the room you’re in is unfamiliar, blue walls, a tv, pictures of landscapes hung on the walls. you turn your head to see a wall of windows letting in the silver light of the overcast sky. as you stare outside you begin to register a steady beeping. examining your body, you’re hooked to an iv and monitors.
“you must be hungry, you’ve been asleep for a while.” you finally look at the nurse. “food will be here soon.” she comes over to the other side with the windows to check your vitals. “how do you feel, any pain?” you just wanted to go back to sleep, but you didn’t say that.
you didn’t say anything. you couldn’t feel anything. you were all but detached from your body. a hollow shell. you don’t even know why you’re there.
a doctor comes in, with food. “hello there, do you might if we talk while you eat?” you manage a shrug. the tray is placed on a levitating table attached to the gurney. you don’t move, staring at the man. his smile feels mocking, how does he know what you went through with j? what right does he have to pity you?
he tells you that there’s “no extensive damage” and that you should be healed in a couple of weeks. all there is, are a few small cuts and a bruised nerve. so there is a legit reason to me feeling numb. a superficial cut on your leg needed some stitches. you hit your head and might have a concussion, so he checks your eyes and lets you now they’ll keep you for observation. after that he left you to the nurse, switching the lights off as he exited.
all this time you’ve stayed silent.
“how did i get here?” the words are foreign in your mouth.
she looks worried and sends a page “a man brought you, told me you slipped while cooking.” you prepping to roast some vegetables, joker getting upset, and him pouncing on you rushes to your mind.
“right” you pick at your fingers a bit, “was making a roast, water or oil must’ve gotten on the floor. but then again i’m a klutz.”
she comes up to your side, holding your right hand and pets your hair. you flinch forward and hiss at the contact, moving your hand to cover the top-right area of your head. you lower the hand, not knowing what to say. you know that they thought the injuries to the left side of your face were because of the fall. but you couldn’t explain without admitting to what happened.
her face turns sympathetic.
“the… gentleman that brought you left saying that ‘that bitch better not try to come back.’ did he…?”
“no, no. that was definitely one of his friends.”
“do you need help?” an underlying message was there: are you in danger?
“i’ll be fine, i have some friends to stay with.” she nodded.
i escaped, and didn’t even try. he just let me go. i’m free.
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letstrywritingmaybe · 11 days
I’m requesting yet again for yall not to leave me comments, I don’t need them and I don’t even necessarily want them. Especially if you’re going to question me and I don’t know you. I don’t care to defend myself. I hate conversing through comments, yeah I know it’s a thing but I don’t like it. I prefer messaging on tumblr or even an ask.
My reputation as a Shinichi hater is alive and well. Good, cause it’s true and I won’t deny it. I’ve been trying to escape this ship for years now and I still haven’t. I’ve said a million times I’m just here for Shiho, give me a better option and I’ll jump ships in a heartbeat! I just can’t get over how cruel he was to her, and how he tried to get into her good graces by pretending to be nice. Plus the canon ship propaganda is so tiring. Sure recently we’ve gotten some stellar moments and I try to focus on that, but I just think my queen deserves better. She deserves someone who can and will love her loudly without making her feel like they settled. Yes his actions speak louder than his words and it’s clear he cares about her, but then I get stupid shit about the canon ship and I’m just like really? This again? Give me a reason to root for them! Or at the very least let my queen live and let her move on. I could care less about him. Everyone fucking loves him already, where’s the love for my queen? I swear most fics go on about how perfect he is and how she’s the problem and how much she needs him, miss me with that bs. I get that in canon, and I’m so over it.
Now excuse me while I continue to write CoAi fics that end happily
Update: while I’m here ranting on my blog. I truly don’t understand why we continue to romanticize the idea of him being an idiot and expecting them to be closer when he didn’t fucking ask or make things clear. The amount of times I’ve heard my irl peeps complain about not knowing where they stand with someone cause it was never clarified is annoying. I don’t want that in fiction too even if I do prefer things to be realistic! Either let my queen make a move and be like this is what I want with you or have him say the actual words to get them together! What’s with all this not knowing and not being on the same page even though you’re supposed to know each other best??? Idk man. I just find it ooc for her to be open with her feelings so I think he has to be the one to spell it out. But then I read this fic and I’m like it’s well written sure but why is it my queen’s fault that she thinks they would be better off apart? That’s very in character to me. And yes him having a problem with it also makes sense, but then to have him go around and play the victim and be like why don’t you understand me???? Like what???? Boy you fucking didn’t say shit! And okay sure you can say she avoided him cause she would, but then why wouldn’t he be clear when they have the actual convo like why make her guess? She’s going to second guess cause of course she would! And that just makes it a whole mess again! Cause now he’s upset with her and she doesn’t get it and he still isn’t being straightforward. It’s 2024, is it really that hard to get a real confession out of him? Must it be coerced like whatever bs happened with the canon ship? Does he really have to lose her to finally go after her?? Cause at that point I low key fucking wish he would. I just really freaking hate that it’s always her fault. Why the fuck is it always her fault for not catering to him? I’m so annoyed cause I like the writing style but it’s exhausting reading this bs. I want out of this fandom. I really want to be done. I care way too fucking much and it’s not healthy at all for me.
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gwyns · 4 months
Oh, Kenzie, the laugh and “huh” I let out after seeing what I saw (idk how this shit keeps popping up on my dash).
“Gwyn is a self insert to most of her fans.”
“Nesta would be more likely to go Emerie for advice and problems out of the two as someone else I had a discussion with pointed out there were similarities in the difficulties both she and Nesta went through. Unlike, Gwyn, Emeries arc isn't over and she would be very involved in the Illyria situation and maybe more.”
“You have canon Gwyn and fanon Gwyn that everyone projects their personal fantasies onto because Gwyn doesn't have a messy, complicated personality so you can layer whatever you want over her.”
“one thing most of gwyn's stans always do to her. they always turn her into something she's not, also as a way to undermine elain.”
“I believe Gwyn is an unnecessary character and one of sjm's biggest mistakes was giving her more attention that she deserved.”
“Once y'all start treating the "Valkyries" who claimed an entire culture as their own while knowing little to nothing about it the same way y'all treat Feyre wearing Illyrian wings then we can talk.”
First off, I’ve never truly seen it girls like the Valkyries. They really piss people off for just breathing. Second, how did the Valkyries claim an entire culture as their own?? And wasn’t it stated that the former Valkyries were fae of ALL races? Third, Gwyn fans already know Gwyn as a character well enough. We don’t have to change her personality and characteristics. We have a good sense of who she is. I constantly see E/riel’s change Elain’s personality, characteristics, plot, and arc to fit Azriel’s. I think the only reason people hate the Valkyries is either because they don’t like Nesta, or they don’t like Gwyn because of obvious reasons.
b-but i thought e/riels stood for feminism?? i thought that tearing fictional women down for no reason was BAD and made you a terrible person? this can't be true... unless that only extends to elain and their select group of real women they give a shit about because they share the same braincell, otherwise they're nasty, misogynistic mean girls. got it!!!
look, i understand people disliking nesta, i disagree heavily but whatever, i can get why some people don't like her. gwyn is obviously just hated because of the shipwar, it's stupid but fine, there's a reason. but good god WHY does emerie get caught up in this? that girl is just minding her damn business, leave her alone 😭 they really hate any women in this series that is the slightest bit tied to the opposition of their delusions
honestly i feel like people in this fandom get too caught up in the morality olympics that they need to take a break
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erratic-brainrot · 2 years
Okay so someone was bringing this up before about Wendy rarely having meta done of her, which tbh idk if is really true. But I’ve decided in my sicken state to just make a short piece about her before I attempt to be creatively productive in spite of my hunger that fears the expelling of everything previously eaten. Anyways, lets start this off by saying that my biases with Wendy are objectively that shes a good gal. In all honesty I do compare her to Kyle a lot due to shared over generalized similar feeling I have towards them… but in truth there very different people, and not in the sense of one greater than the other. Though it may be extremely personalized, but she feels so embodying of the role of “playing your part” In some ways, Kyle is like this too, but in the more simplistic ways where he feels like his role is of the moral high ground and martyr— not a healthy concept but don’t worry about it right now. For Wendy a lot of it is actively having to sacrifice things in order to remain wanted within a community. She has to adjust her behaviour in order to be accepted most times by those around her. She is constantly influenced by means of pressure— which is interesting given how outspoken, strong, and determined Wendy is. But often she fall victim towards authority figures and her peers (mostly the girls) in a way that isn’t as important to kyle?
Like Kyle will actively call some random adult to their face stupid without any fucking worry for the most part, even in his efforts to be more compassionate (which are genuine). He doesn’t have the same need of filtering or censorship I feel like Wendy constantly goes through. Which is crazy to me in a way because canonically Wendy has way more in overranking Cartman. Almost every Wendy vs Cartman Episode has her winning. It shows that she does have genuine strength and competitiveness, that isn’t just her being easily squashed unlike Kyle. Its a show of her care more for the general— and very infrequently can she push against everyone (mainly the girls) in her right to stand alone. The most I can think of is the list, which was a conspiracy that had a lot on the line— and not every girl was involved within the conspiracy… and I believe partly it was because it devalued girls as whole and affected Stan and Kyle, and not so much of her reputation with the girls. She would’ve still been welcomed either way? Even if she did unveil all of this shit. Bebe was till her friend even as they were fighting. The risk was different. However, when Wendy is face on being evicted. Things are different. To be iced out into the corner alone always seems to get to her. She has a repeated avoidance of it (not that people like to be isolated or abandoned), but honestly? Its almost in a way that mirrors Stan’s intensities over abandonment— though they don't create as loud of a noise. She will go back on her morals, to not be outcasted… And to me, that alone says so much about Wendy’s character, especially her dynamics role. Despite repeatedly being considered the smartest, notably attractive (literally so many of the boys have expressed a desire to date her. Which idk if its just Matt and Trey wanting a recognizable female? But shawty thats weird as fuck if thats the reason? Like these bitches really out here fantasying about kissing Wendy despite Stan? Lol), and physically quiet strong… shes always the one that is stunned to the side. She doesn’t do a lot of things wrong (more Morden Wendy obviously), but the girls are so quick to turn on her or leave her out of things that… yes could be the underdevelopment of the other girls… but a large part of me doesn’t think its just that. It feels like Wendy constantly actively has to make the choice to behave in a way the boy’s don’t mirror. Like with Heidi 2.0 she actively was like “Just don’t even respond to her. Just ignore her.” Which is honestly really curious to me in the sense of mimicking the boys, Wendy— despite very easily being compared to Kyle— had way more of a Stan role in the femme dynamic. It makes her feel very composed and just trying, like Stan, to follow flow and not get dropped. Both her and Stan both have the same problem of needing to feel aligned with people— even if Stan’s depression within the covid episodes let Stan lose the desire and become avoidant.
They both have such an effort in their display. And both their displays have a gendered undertone to them, at least for me. Stan’s is a little less so, as its more him being toxically masculine and repressing certain traits and pushing other ones. Especially considering how genuinely sensitive, empathetic, and thoughtful he is— originally being written off for these things by being called a hippy. With him avoiding things or upscaling stereotypical ideas of masculinity (though a lot of these examples are by mean of pretend) he doesnt like breaking models in terms of gender, which also hits extra hard, interestingly so, when Stan actively has a gender confusion moment in Cissy. But thats a topic for a different day.
Wendy on the other hand, has this baseline of gender. But it doesn’t feel as focused as Stan where its just the means of conforming to ones gender. It’s why she so easily to relate to for me, where as Kyle simply isn’t. Because Wendy is in constant performance to uphold her place, having to deal with boys saying awful shit to her simply because shes a girl, having to constantly fight ideas of sexism to not be perceived as compliant, but also not pushing too far past it to be seen as over reactive and man-hating, having things that have nothing to do with gender come back to hers, having to defend her demographic as a community, and often fearing her own community rejecting you despite the thought of them being on your side, and the expectation to accept it. She is often times silenced, not allowed to fully express her opinions or thought unless she fights tooth and nail to be heard— even than. She has to be twice the person another is often times to get anywhere… and idk, maybe its my doomer mindset I can occasionally get… but that rings so hurtful and true in even just my existence alone of being afab, much less just in general natural of advantage taking when being kind to someone. it just strikes me a lot, and I would honestly love to hear people talk about this more? I’m sorry if this was everywhere? I wasn’t feeling good but the though of Wendy has been itching my head today, so i thought I would write about here. Thank you kindly.
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dreamteamspace · 2 years
People have mostly been leaving based on the fact that him texting a fan, whether 17 or fresh 18 and giving his private snap, which he himself said was probably true and real. Obviously they can do as they will, but I guess I haven’t really said anything myself other than “thats not great” and “we will think about it until the Other Stuff is debunked”.
I’m thinking about it now, and like. Obviously it’s not good at all, and he did admit to texting fans in private. The thing is, knowing his brand of stupid /neg, I can absolutely see him doing this without understanding what may be wrong with it (though unfortunately with everything else mixed in, assuming the grooming accusations are false and with twitter’s terrible behavior, I somehow doubt this will teach him much, though I still kindof hope it will).
Like, yeah, he gets a ton of hate and harassment either way etc., but what always made him different was him owning up to his mistakes and actually improving on them. So far he’s always been very open to that improvement, and I can absolutely understand people being deeply disappointed that this time, while he did clarify things, he insisted he did nothing wrong. Still hoping that changes, but we don’t know if it will.
Many of the people leaving are also saying that it has actually been a build up of things, and this disappointment over his actions was the last straw. Personally I didn’t really have that? I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been less involved or whatnot, but I wasn’t really planning on leaving before this at all, nor did I really see much reason to.
Idk if maybe I’m still processing or whatnot. Like, obviously what he did wasn’t great, and I am still kindof hoping he revisits it as he has before sometimes. If he doesn’t, tbh, then I don’t know. It’s iffy. Like it was not a good thing to do and the intentions were not as good as we usually know them to be. Whether I would leave over this completely, I’m still unsure, though I suppose it has definitely changed my opinion on him.
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
“And I think people forget that our sweet boys are at the very least ally’s with the lgbtqia+, they work with many people in the community, and we have no idea their sexuality, pronouns, or gender so who knows maybe a few of them could also be part of the community”
Please don’t let your insane projecting weird white queer followers gas you up. We know their pronouns and gender holy shit. No western celebrities have to deal with this insane behavior. Leave korean idols alone if you’re gonna treat them like your toys and dolls to project on instead of like a normal human being. What sane person would say “we don’t know drake’s pronouns or gender or sexuality” when he is so obviously a cishet man. You and your followers can see asian men and therefore the tannies as non men because you’re subconsciously racist to asian men but your not right. None of them have every gone by she/her or they/them. You know their gender and pronouns, you just don’t like seeing asian men as men. Simple as. If being ally’s means being signed up to being misgendered in the most racist way I hope k idols stop being allies to you freakish teenaged westerners. Go project genderfluidity on Lil baby. We both know why you and every other racist kpop fan wouldn’t though. Even though you “don’t know his pronouns gender or sexuality either”. Jungkook out of all of bts. is the most obviously cishet. Changing gendered pronouns when he sings latto’s verse. Only going by him. Having a female lead in his sexuality solo debut. So to do that to him is so especially sinister. Don’t let tumblr queers hype you up. You are being very disgustingly racist like most other kpop fans who are queer and friendless and see allyship as a door to dehumanize and objectify real people.
no one’s gassing me up 🚶‍♀️ i somewhat feel like you missed the major point of the conversation and every thing i’ve tried to say so idk what else you want me to do.
personally i never assume anyone’s sexuality, be a white, black, asian, etc artist, unless they come out make it a point to say what their sexuality is. it has nothing to do with bts being asian.
i’m not saying jungkook doesn’t use he/him pronouns, and as i’ve said, nothing i write is me saying that is what i perceive jungkook to be in real life. all i’m saying is, in a hypothetical reality, say jungkook was non binary, or gay or whatever he wants to be, that’s okay, it’s not my business, he doesn’t owe me anything. and what i’ve written, is not me projecting some insane agenda onto the poor guy who is just minding his business
not once have i ever seen bts as “non men” and if that’s how i’ve come across then i’m sorry about that, but it’s not true.
again, i’ve never claimed that any of the members of bts have exclusively gone by she/her or they/them pronouns. just to not assume, because who know, not me, not you, because we have to remember that south korea is a very conservative country. and let’s take your issue with pronouns away for a second, the topic of sexuality is always going to be iffy if we’re talking about them being bi, or gay or pan sexual. and none of them have, and likely won’t unless put in a safer space because of the limitations of where they live. which isn’t me saying they are, just that if they were there’s political obstacles behind the tidbits of lgbtq+ involvement with their work
again, no one’s hyping me up. i’m not prancing around my room giggling because a few people asked me if i’m okay or are sharing their own thoughts on the issue. nor do i feel like i’ve dehumanised any of the members of bts. i’m not stupid, i’m aware of my standing as a fan
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angelplummie · 2 years
warnings: vaginal sex, degradation (m recieving), unprotected sex, armin likes when ur mean to him? idk, bad grammar
a/n: this is my first time writing for aot so i hope this is ok :p pls feel free to request more of it bc i had fun with this hehe. enjoy!!
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“oh!” he breathed, feeling your wet wet pussy take his tip. your cunt gripped him like you were trying to make him leave, but that couldn’t be true, not with the way your legs were wrapped around him, not with the way your arms were around his neck and hands were in his hair. Your eyes were screwed shut and a tense frown was on your face. He looked down at you gently.
“Y/N? Are you ok?” he said breathlessly, holding back so hard from just pushing in and filling you up. He wanted you to be ok, no matter how much effort it took to hold back.
“I’m fine,” you huffed, face white hot with embarrassment and lust,”fucking put it in.”
he braced on his elbows that were either side of your head, and did as he was told. He pushed in, slowly so as not to hurt you, letting out a little whimper as he did.
“Fuck!” you sucked in breath from behind you teeth and moaned,”It fucking hurts.”
“I’m sorry!” he squeaked, and he went even slower, painfully slower. It felt so fucking good, it made him weak in the knees. It felt good for you too, it just made you more annoyed.
Once he was fully inside he let out a shivering moan, gripping the sheets is his soft hands. You were so tight and tense, so soft. He was concerned his knees would buckle and he would crush you, but he almost wanted to just to be closer to you.
He hated to admit it, and he would never, never tell you, but he was worried he was in love with you. He didn’t quite know why, he didn’t quite understand it. You were so mean to him, and yet he couldn’t help but see all the good things about you. You were actually very thoughtful when it came to it, very smart, very pretty, and surprisingly compassionate. Maybe you’re scared of getting close to people, maybe you’re scared of being vulnerable, he wouldn’t know. All he does know is, you’re not as mean as you seem to be. And besides, he kinda likes it when you’re mean to him anyway. You always say just the right thing to make him feel disgusting and very horny, which he can admit is an odd combination.
He doesn’t really know why you hook up with him. If everything you’ve said to him is true, you should hate him with a burning fury. And yet you text him nearly everyday, asking him up to your dorm all the time, asking to study with him. He can’t quite make sense of it, but as long as he can be around you, he’s ok.
“Oh, y/n, you-you feel so good,” he whines, kissing into your shoulder desperately, right under your ear so you can hear everything.
”Do you ever shut up?” you breath, and you can feel your heartbeat around him when he gives your neck a particularly wet kiss.
God, why does he drive you so crazy? What is it about this random dork that has you so worked up? I mean, yeah he’s good looking, but doesn’t his dweebiness cancel that all out? He’s on your unis debate team for fuck sake, he should not be permitted anywhere near you.
And yet, when he looks up at you with those big stupid eyes and smiles and bats his big stupid lashes you just melt. A little bit. It’s nothing serious. something about his patheticness draws you to him. On one hand, you want to bully him and watch him squirm, but then on the other, you can’t help but want to protect him. He’s so smart and yet so dumb, and you certainly can’t trust other people to not clown on him. Only you deserve that privilege. Whatever.
You’re not sure if he’s doing this just because you’re the only girl that will fuck him, or if he really likes you. You’re scared to ask and ruin your uncaring bitchy image. You hate it so much, but you like him a lot. Too much. It makes you feel ill. Sometimes you think maybe you love him, even if you don’t let yourself have that thought for very long. But you have to hold onto this small power, this small advantage you have over him. It’s not about winning to you, it’s about not losing. You can’t risk being made a fool, so here you are. Fucking him with no idea why he’s fucking you other than you being a hot girl. It could be worse you suppose.
“It’s so wet,” he whines, rolling his hips gently, grinding against your g-spot.
“Shut up,” you huff, trying your hardest not to make any embarrassing noises.
“You’re so wet, oh god-“ he began a steady rock, arching his back to draw out of you, crouching to push in. He fucked you like a heart beat, smooth and rhythmic, and you were trying your hardest not to whine or moan or groan or anything that could signify you’re enjoying this more than him. Because in all honesty, you’re scared you are.
It couldn’t be further from the truth, though. As he looked down at your face all scrunched up, your lips slightly parted and your fingers twisting in his hair, stinging his scalp, all he could think was “I love you”.
I love you as he jerked his hips.
I love you as he took your hand in his.
I love you as he whimpered like a bitch.
Armin was nearly convinced he was saying it out loud, although he did have somewhat of a filter. He was so consumed by you, you occupied every part of his brain, he didn’t know how to function with you so close. Not just the idea of you, but you. Actually with him. Actually wanting him.
You couldn’t know how good you felt, it was driving him crazy. You insisted on doing it raw, not that he had any complaints, and he can feel everything inside you. He can feel how your tiny cunt weeps on him, how you just get wetter and wetter every time he makes even the smallest noise. He can feel how soft, how lush you are inside. You feel like heaven, absolutely perfect. You’re his perfect girl. His perfect everything. He moves into you without thinking as you squirm underneath him, mind reeling. He hardly believes it’s real, how can anything ever be this heavenly?
You feel so full. Every time he pushes in you feel complete, totally filled and totally loved. His dick is so uncharacteristically big, you can’t even understand it. It’s so pretty too, you imagine his long fat pretty cock moving inside you, cumming inside you, and you can’t help but be a bit annoyed again that he makes you want him so badly.
“Why is- such a big cock- waste-wasted on a loser like you?” you said, trying not to moan as you spoke but instead just panting like a dog.
Armin whined once again, loud this time, eyes shut in pure ecstasy, pounding away at you. His face was bright red from the backhanded flattery, mouth hanging open and tiny dribbles of spit coming out the sides of his mouth. You look up at him, slightly disgusted, insanely turned on. The schlick schlick schlick sound that filled the room was getting louder, and if armin wasn’t so lost in you, he would be picking up on how much he’s affecting you.
“Y-You’re so pathetic armin,” you whispered, staring into his face. He was so beautiful, even when he was gross.
“Mhm, mhm. How pathetic am I?”
He fucking loves it when you talk down on him. He couldn’t place why, just something about such a pretty girl, you, telling him he’s disgusting, it made him feel so dirty and ashamed and it drove him wild.
“So pathetic. So pathetic it-it makes me sick. Fuck,“ you breathe, bed creaking underneath you and a faint smacking sound from where you two join. How is he so good at this? He must’ve been a virgin before you, who would fuck him of all people? Has he been fucking people behind your back? You would find them and fucking kill them if he was. You tighten your hold on his neck, pulling him down to give him sloppy open mouthed kisses in between moans.
“Yeah, you’re such a slut armin.”
“Yeah, yeah i’m so- such a slut, oh fuck,” is he crying? He sounds like he’s crying, toes curling as he drives himself into you over and over again.
Legs twitching when he gives you a particularly deep thrust, you put your head back to the bed to look at him again. Sure enough, there’s tears in his eyes and down his cheeks, one plopping down onto the side of your mouth. You lick it as armin opens his eyes and watches, letting out a shuddering moan as your hands move to his hair once more.
“Are you crying?”
He nods, eyes shut at the sensation of you squeezing his dick. You like to see him cry.
“Why are you crying?”
“hmm,” he whimpers,”feels good Y/N, I can’t help it.”
“Who made you such a whore?”
He could feel your heart pounding in your tiny little pussy, but you were his entire world as he looked down at you. The look in your eyes of pure ecstasy and hunger drove him wild. You give his hair a sharp tug when he doesn’t answer, staring intently into his eyes.
“You did, you made me a whore. ‘M your whore Y/N.”
That’s when your eyes roll into the back of your head, mouth agape, sweat beading on your forehead as you lose sensibilities and let out your first real moan of the night.
He couldn’t look away from your face even if he wanted to, he was so transfixed by that expression. He wanted to make you do it again and again and again until you both passed out, and even then he doesn’t think his body would stop.
“Do you like it when I say that?” he asks, not teasing, just wanting to please you.
“Yes-“you say, and it’s chopped, almost like you didn’t mean to say it out loud. Because you didn’t. And you’re sure you’re gonna kick yourself later, but you can’t find the time to care when he’s drilling into you so good you can’t breathe right, like you feel him in your throat.
“Well it’s true Y/N, I am. I’m your whore, I’m your whore. No ones like you-,” he was so far gone, fucking you out of instinct, hardly even conscious of what he was doing as he unintentionally ravaged your body. He shifted his weight to one elbow so he could take your face with his other hand and kiss you again.
“Your pussy’ so good an tight, oh god,” he shoves his tongue so far in your mouth, and it’s the most disgusting kiss you’ve ever had. Tongues sloppily slicking together, and messy clicking noise coming from your mouths. Spit covers both your lips, and you moan louder than you’re happy to. You just can’t help it, you wish you could stop but you can’t, and right now you don’t want to.
“Oh god, fuck, armin i think i’m gonna cum-“ you say desperately, one of the only few moments you’re not afraid to show how you feel.
“Ok, cum please, cum,” he begs you, balls slapping welty against your ass, fucking into your g-spot so good.
“Oh, armin-“ you say breathlessly, and he leans down to kiss you all messy again, moaning into your mouth as he works himself over your abundant heat.
You clench real hard around him as you cum, causing his hips to stutter, but he ploughs on. you whine as your cum seeps down his balls and onto your thigh. So embarrassing.
“Oh- you, you- hah,” you feel like you’ve ascended, your legs twitching uncontrollably as he cries on top of you.
“You’re so pretty, so pretty,” he whimpers, putting his forehead against yours, “Please, cumming, i’m cumming, Y/NNNN.”
And then you feel it, his weight collapsing on top of you and warm, thick liquid filling you up inside. It feels so good, to be completely full of his cock and his cum, to have him all around you. You never want him to leave. He breaths heavily into your neck, lips pressed passively to it. Your legs drop from his waist onto the bed, your hands stay carded in his soft hair. Oh wow, it really is soft, you didn’t realise it was this nice. One more thing to like about armin. God damn it.
You just stay there breathing, and you’re so tired you’re afraid you might fall asleep right there. Your body is entirely limp, you’re not sure you could move if you tried. His forearms are grouped at your sides, caging you in his touch. You never feel safer than when you’re in his arms, never more content.
“Y/N?” he says quietly after a little time passes, afraid to disturb the quiet.
“Yeah?” and your voice is entirely warm, devoid of all pretence. You’re too tired to pretend anything, you just want his affection right now.
“I really like being with you.”
It’s so timid and real, your heart skips a beat in your chest. You’re eyes flutter themselves shut, and the butterflies rage in your tummy as you fight the urge to doze off. You’re so happy he’s with you, even if you’re not sure he feels the exact same way. You’re so happy a nerd like him puts up with such a bitch like you. You really should be nicer to him, then maybe you could be together like you want to instead of this. Instead of something that’s nothing. Maybe he does like you too. It’s worth a shot anyway.
“I like being with you too, armin.”
You felt gross admitting it, but at least you were telling him the truth for once.
Cheeks glowing pink, he tucked his face into the crook of your neck.
You make a small giggling sound, and immediately regret being born. Still, you’re going to be thorough with this vulnerability thing, so you plough on.
Armin loves the sound of your laugh, even when you’re laughing at him, so this rare sound is euphoria. He feels dizzy at the noise, love welling up inside him.
“Yeah,” You continue, “Of course I do.”
A moment of cozy silence and pounding hearts, before you continue.
“You know, you’re probably my favourite nerd.”
Old habits die hard, but he doesn’t seem to care, because he just holds you tighter inhaling your scent.
He thinks, if this is how you are when you’re sleepy, maybe he’ll tire you out more often.
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thanks 4 reading! big thanks to @floweyy for being my beta reader!! love u queen :3 if u enjoyed pls consider reblogging!!
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🍂Zhongli x fem reader 🍂
🍂Single Dad, modern au. 🍂
Feat. Xiao as a kid cause why not.
(Idk why I wrote this, let me just die of embarrassment while I post it anyway.)
“Did you have a good day at school Xiao?” You asked the tiny four year old.
“No.” He said bluntly.
“Why not? Did something happen?” You crouched down to his level.
“Ajax was mean to me again.” The little one whimpered. “He said my hair was stupid.”
You made a mental note to tell the child’s father once he got home.
“That’s not nice of him.” You tousled the boy’s colorful locks. “Don’t listen to him, your hair is perfect.”
“You think so?” He gave you big round golden puppy eyes that made your heart melt.
“Yes of course I do!” He smiled at your words. His little arms held out asking for you to pick him up. You scooped him into your arms and carried him off to the car. He was tiny but still heavy.
“Y/n?” He questioned.
“Yes Xiao?” You smiled.
“Why doesn’t daddy pick me up from school?” He said sadly.
“Your daddy has to work.”
“Oh…” the little one sighed. “Why does daddy work so much?”
“He has a very important job.” You answered.
You got to the car and buckled him into the car seat.
“Ajax said my dad works for dead people! Is that true?”
“What?” It took you a second to realize he meant the funeral parlor. “No sweetie, he doesn’t work for dead people.” You didn’t want to traumatize him with the details at such a young age.
You got into the driver's seat and drove out of the school parking lot. He was quiet all the way home and just stared out the window. After a short drive you pulled into the driveway of the large house. You let Xiao out of his car seat and he held his arms out to you to be held. He certainly was a clingy child. You carried him through the quiet house to the living room and set him down.
“I’m gonna make you a snack, is there anything you want?” You asked him.
“Almond tofu!” He exclaimed.
“You can’t have that for every meal, Xiao.” You chided.
“Oh..” he thought hard. “Apples then… but can I have just a bite of almond tofu?” He persisted.
“Would you rather have some now or save it till dessert? Cause I know you’ll ask for it again after dinner.”
“Fine… I’ll wait.” He sighed.
You patted his head and went to fix him a plate of sliced apples, you added some crackers and juice for good measure and brought it to him. He nibbled on the snacks happily and then decided it was time to color.
Time went on like this till nightfall. Xiao drew a dragon that he wanted to give to his dad. He was really just the cutest. You checked the clock, Xiao’s father should be back soon. It was getting late and Xiao was getting peckish again so you decided to get dinner ready for them so they could eat when he came back from work. You went to the kitchen and started preparing a good meal of chicken, rice, and vegetables.
“What about almond tofu?” The persistent child asked.
“I’ll do that next.” You calmed him. You went ahead and got started on the dessert so it would be ready later. Cooking wasn’t really required in your job description but you did it once in a while. The boy’s father always seemed to be so tired when he got back.
You heard the door open and Xiao scrambled to run to the door.
“Daddy!” You heard his exclaim from the other room. “Look what y/n helped me draw today!”
“That’s amazing!” You heard him reply. “Let’s go put it on the fridge!”
Zhongli entered the kitchen with his son dragging him by the hand. He looked very tired but tried to be energetic for his excited child.
“Hello, y/n.” Zhongli said softly.
“Hello, I went ahead and made dinner for you.”
“Oh you didn’t have to..”
“It’s okay, I wanted to. There is enough for leftovers. Let me just finish Xiao’s favorite and I’ll be on my way.”
“Would you just like to stay for dinner?” He asked.
“Oh no I couldn’t impose.” You blushed nervously.
“You're not imposing, you made the dinner after all.” He smiled at you awkwardly. “We’d love to have you stay, right Xiao?”
The little one jumped up and down and ran to hug your leg.
“Please stay, y/n.” He gave you the irresistible puppy eyes again.
“Of course, I’ll stay. I can’t say no to you.” You ruffled his colorful hair.
Zhongli smiled to himself while he witnessed the interaction. No one had been able to get Xiao to open up like you had. He used to be such a quiet child until you came along. Maybe it was just his imagination but he felt that you were having a similar effect on him as well.
You felt a bit awkward at dinner, Zhongli had never invited you to stay before. Your crush on him was driving you crazy, thinking of all the reasons he could have asked you to stay. You were just Xiao’s nanny so you didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. Throughout dinner Zhongli grew more comfortable as the evening continued. It felt natural having the three of you there together. He wondered as he always did when he saw you, if you might be the answer he was looking for. Xiao had always been begging him for a mother. Zhongli wanted to make him happy, he tried to go on dates but no one seemed to fit. No one except you. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t considered asking you out, but every time he considered saying something it didn’t seem like the right time.
“Y/n! Come read bedtime story!” Xiao was already dragging you off by the hand to his room. Zhongli cleaned up the dishes and then followed you to the boy’s room. It would be a difficult task getting you out of Xiao’s clutches so you could go home and get some rest. He was also feeling the fatigue of the day and felt like he could fall asleep any second. He found the pair in Xiao’s room looking at books. The little boy already had a stack of all his favorites that he wanted to read with you. The little one looked up happily at his father when he entered the room.
“Xiao, I’m sure y/n needs to get home and rest. Why don’t you save the books for another time?” Zhongli told the boy.
Xiao’s eyes widened and nearly teared up. He looked at you for confirmation.
“Y/n? You don’t have to leave yet do you?” The little one whimpered. He gave you the adorable puppy eyes once again.
“I can read one book with you.” you looked up at Zhongli. “Is that okay? I’d hate to disappoint him, he’s so excited.” Zhongli smiled at you and wondered how he could possibly deserve someone like you.
“As long as your not too tired.” He agreed.
Xiao looked at his bed skeptically. It was not big enough for all three of you. He was accustomed to his father laying on his bed with him while being read to. With you there now there was simply not enough room. He came to a quick conclusion on how to fix the problem and grabbed onto both your hand and Zhongli’s and led you off to his father’s room. He climbed up on the big bed and waited expectantly. You blushed at the idea of even just sitting on his bed. Zhongli had similar thoughts and looked away awkwardly. Xiao had already opened the book and was sitting there expectantly. Neither of you wanted to disappoint him so you went and sat on either side of the child.
Xiao nestled into the crook of your arm and gave you the book to read. As you started reading you felt yourself get more comfortable and sleepy. You were so sleepy you became unaware of Zhongli’s arm behind your shoulders or the adoring glances he gave you.
Zhongli was drifting off as well, it had been a long day for him. And now with you leaning against him and quieting his mind with the story you were reading he felt at peace. Your head fell onto his shoulder and he sleepily pulled you closer. The scent of your hair was the last thing he remembered before drifting off to sleep. Xiao stood up on his tiny legs and patted your head and then Zhongli’s.
“Lumine said that only mommies and daddies sleep in the same bed..” his little brain tried to work out what this meant. He climbed off the bed and jumped on his own bed and fell asleep almost immediately.
Zhongli woke to find you cuddled against his chest with his arms around you. He gently tucked your now messy hair out of your face and your eyes fluttered open. You gasped when you saw who you were snuggled against and jerked back from his touch.
“I’m sorry.” You squeaked. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“I’m sorry, I should go.” You scrambled out of bed and made for the door.
“Y/n wait!” He jumped up and hugged you from behind. You felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest. “Y/n, I really like you.”
You twisted around in his arms to look at him.
“I like you too Zhongli.”
He smiled softly at your words and looked at your lips. You melted into his arms as he leaned down to kiss you. It was short, sweet, and perfect. He pulled away and gave you an unusually mischievous look. You squealed as he scooped you up and carried you back to the bed. He peppered you with kisses and held you close. You snuggled against him as he pulled the bed covers up over you.
“It’s Saturday, I don’t have work. Want to stay here for a while?”
You nodded at his request and pressed a kiss to his lips. At this moment Xiao came in search of the two of you. He climbed up on the bed and you gasped in surprise. He bounced his way into your arms and giggled. The little boy snuggled between you and Zhongli.
“Does this mean you’re my mommy now?” He asked seriously. You blushed furiously but Zhongli just looked at you happily.
“I hope so.” He told his son.
You blushed even harder and hid yourself in his chest. And so the three of you cuddled in bed until Xiao announced he wanted breakfast.
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dolugecat · 3 years
On some Japanese social issues I had learned about at uni and abroad):
(Rb ok!)
Legit had an epiphany about the true hidden meaning of the last arc of Mob Psycho 100. It’s hella projection but for real there is nothing neurotypical about Mob or Mob Psycho. I do not wish to enforce my interpretation on others (ironic bc I do that all the time but this is a serious social theory). There are some interesting and very sad social issues in Japan that the west really doesn’t understand but would I think help people understand a lot of context behind not only Mob Psycho, but also a lot of other anime. I learned this at my shitty university (prestigious but horrific) and while studying abroad in Japan and talking with Japanese peers. Get ready here we go (and tw for bullying and darker things):
Unfortunately in East Asian education systems, bullying can be extremely intense. Growing up I assumed it was over exaggerated extremely in anime for drama but it really can be so horrific. From what I’ve heard, there is often a single kid or so who is just shit on by everyone else, even the teacher. Mogami land *is* the reality of some Japanese kids. I’ve read that in Korea, this social punching bag sometimes is just the darkest skinned person (yayyy colorism /angry) and or someone who does not fit in. I mean, we have that in America too, but maybe not as common for the bullying to be as focused on one misfit rather than several. These kids just can’t escape the stigma too, kids from other schools find out they were a major victim at their old school and it starts anew. Thus there is so much stigma and incentive to join in on bullying so you aren’t the one. Sadly, this also ofc leads to higher suicide rates. That’s where the “shoe on building roof” anime trope comes in, bc somehow taking off shoes is relayed to death (I forgot why sorry)
There is a difference in how intense in general high school vs college is too. In the West, commonly college is the more intense curriculum and is harder than high school, but in Japan it’s usually the opposite. Grind suuuupppeeerrrr hard for entrance exams (huge standardized tests that determines what college you can qualify to) bc unlike the ACT or SAT here, that test is by far the most important factor for college admission. Then chill and relax a bit in college. Can’t relate. Name and prestige is very critical for job application, more important than here. That’s why planning out your future is sooo much more intense for Japanese high schoolers than in America, and why there is sooo much more pressure to excel in high school than here. Japanese school years and holidays are done different than ours, I’d suggest looking it up.
Social prestige of going to an American high school or college is nuts. Like whyyy do you value our shitty education, Japan’s is much higher quality (it’s bc we neo colonized them). Being able to speak English is very, very highly valued and any association with Americans make you cooler. From my experience, some Japanese students got very excited to practice speaking English with us, and their biggest issues with learning it is pronunciation, lmao. Wasai english is unique slang that is indeed English words but it’s kinda different and it’s kinda jarring to remember lol. So, Teru having parents that are working overseas isn’t too uncommon, idk about leaving him absolutely alone, but I did have a ex-friend who just came from Japan in middle school who’s situation probably wasn’t too far off from that. Empty wealth with no love, it’s no wonder those kind of people can end up being huge bullies (minori?)
I did a presentation on 引きこもり(hikikomori) for which means “shut in”, (like Serizawa) and it’s fucked up. It’s a social phenomena where according to some Japanese researchers a mix of undisciplined parenting, guilt/not living up to expectations, and hopelessness makes an alarming amount of youth/ young adults literally never go out side their house/room. Often a parent is “enabling” the behavior by supporting them, but idk the articles seemed a bit victim-blaming to me when I read it, but I don’t think I should make a judgement too hard, not my place. I will say I do suspect and believe I read something to support that ASD might play a role in hikikomoris (there is pitiful resources for autistic people in Asia, much much less support than even here, to the point I don’t think most know it exists). Like come on, with the other points I laid out my personal opinion as an Asian American with autism is that it really seems it’s unknowing ableism against autistic classmates, but I didn’t grow up in Asia so I don’t want to say.
Mental health in general is tragically quite abysmal in Japan, and with it being so hyper competitive and brutal work culture, it’s no surprise birth rate in Japan is so low; some Japanese young adults say it seems unethical to bring a life to such hostile world. Suicide rate is of the highest in the world. It’s fucked, I’ve interacted with some of the locals in Tokyo and they were so nice, but the business men just looked dead inside, it’s so sad.
Relationships between child and parent is also strained bc of this intense work and school culture. Quality time is too scarce when you gotta work so much. And the pressure from parents to do well in education or else you might end up socially stigmatized is rough. Bc your job is who you are, it’s hyper capitalism (thanks us for making them do this)
With autism being so unknown, support for parents in raising autistic kids is almost nonexistent. What happens if the “darker” side of ASD shows up in kids? I used to be a menace when I had meltdowns, I felt so bad but really just became so indiscriminately violent. See where this is going? Legit, I think ESP is a sort of metaphor for neurodivergance to ONE. There is so much stigma around it, and even less way for kids to understand why they are different than the others. My Korean family can’t admit we all got ASD, too much fear and internalized shame.
I got finally diagnosed with ASD as an adult and I’ll tell ya, I relate too much to Mob hurting Ritsu. I felt so bad, but also not in control, I knew what I was doing but not how to stop. Luckily, is was blessed in that my hyperfixations involved science and logic, so I did well at school. Sadly, our boy Mob just don’t got the passion or ability to do well at school. His kanji is very bad, even to point of not being confident he wrote a kanji (世) they learn when they are 9, in elementary school (thanks @katyatalks). Him being a bit berated by his parents for having bad grades and bending spoons seems harsh to Westerners I think, but IMO it’s pretty tame from what I’ve seen of some Asian parents (I get to say that lmao). Ofc, however the shaming is very real and Mob just agreeing with them about how weird and stupid he thinks he is so sad. There is even more pressure for the eldest to be better than here, I feel from some interactions. Nonetheless, it’s implied Mob is quite emotionally detached from his parents, even though he loves them, which also adds to his emotional complex. Combined with originally fragile self esteem and feelings of worthlessness, we got one emotionally stunted boy. However, contrary to common belief people with ASD are sometimes hyper empathic and experience emotions very intensely. We are prone to having “meltdowns” which if not assisted with can be quite violent if very intense. For me, my worse meltdowns as a kid came from when I didn’t understand why I wasn’t getting what I wanted, it seemed selfish and cruel of me but I couldn’t control it. I wanted to be a good kid, so why did hit my moms leg at target when she refused to buy me Pokémon toys? I couldn’t come up with a good reason for why my mind just commanded my body to do bad things, just a single thought was controlling me, I want I want I want I want I want ____. Which I argue could be what ???% represents… bc well…. Yeah….. hmm….. not in control of self (mob unconscious), selfish (not actually, I’ve forgave myself but my “normal” kid self was so ashamed), destructive, hurt family, wanting to stop but can’t, that’s kind of…. Too relatable.
But legit, since realizing my new HC, I’ve started to think of the last chapter of mp100 when I “explode” and it helps me feel better and I do gain “control” a bit easier. I don’t feel so bad anymore either, Mob!
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
hi could i request something? basically just HCS about langa and reki when you guy get into a fight or sum idk LMFAOO, you dont have to do this if you dont want to tho <3
➯ A/N: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy. I added a few characters, hope you don’t mind:)
➯ When you guys get into a fight
➯ Characters: Langa Hasegawa, Reki Kyan, Kaoru Sakurashiki, Kojiro Nanjou, Hiromi Higa and Miya Chinen x gn reader
➯ Warnings: angst if you squint, fluff
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Ok the majority of your fights are generally because of a miscommunication. If things aren’t spelled out for the poor boy, he’ll be completely oblivious to what’s bothering you
When you finally snap, he always seems shocked, asking why you hadn’t said anything sooner, even if you’d been trying to hint at it all week
Not really one to shout, but if things get heated enough he might snap. He always feels awful afterwards though. No matter what, he really believes no one should be screamed at because of something as silly as a disagreement
Rarely storms out, he’s always going to try and stay until the end to try and get something, anything out of you that he can use to try and understand your point of view
Understands space. He knows when you dont feel like talking to him, and he will give you that time to collect your thoughts. When you’re ready to speak again, he’s all ears
Gets overwhelmed really easy. It doesnt really show in what he says, but when you raise your voice his brain goes to putty and he can feel his breath get narrow. He’s not scared, he just doesn’t want to be the reason you’re feeling like this.
Never lets you go to bed angry. He’ll give you your space, but if you’re still quiet by bedtime he’s making sure you’ve eaten and you’re not still really upset by whatever played out that day
Overthinks a lot. How long did he not realise you were upset? What if its actually a much bigger deal than you’re letting on? What if you leave? Of course, he knows a lot of it is completely irrational, but it still lingers in the back of his mind, so you can imagine how relieved he is when the fight is over and you’re back in his arms
Asks people for advice a lot. Reki and Cherry are usual helpers, giving Langa their opinions on the matter without going into too much detail. The rest is up to him.
Gives the best hugs and comfort after a fight. He understands couples can fight, and never really takes the aggression let out by the pair of you too seriously. Rubbing the back of your head and holding you close to his chest, he’ll reassure you that he’s not going anywhere, that he’s not going to leave “just because of a silly fight” while you fight back tears on his shoulder.
Unlike Langa, Reki is a very open person in terms of his feelings, so your fights are rarely because of closed away emotions. However, many are caused by you feeling he is spending too much time in his workshop, overworking himself and not spending as much time with you as he should.
As for Reki, he gets mad when he feels you’re being closed off from him, not telling him things and hiding your true emotions. It’s not that he doesnt trust you, he just doesnt want you shouldering anything by yourself, and tries to make things easier for you by halving the problem.
A very emotional person, and this really shows when the two of you argue. There’s a lot of tears, a lot of raised voices, yknow those exhausted laughs when you’re tired of arguing with someone? Those. He pulls at his hair a lot in frustration too
Both of you need to walk away from each other a lot during arguments. You’re both driven by your emotions, so its hard to think logically once you’ve both gotten really upset.
The type to sit outside a door after an argument if you’ve locked yourself in a room, pressing against it and quietly talking to you, regardless of whether or not he gets a response
Understands space, to a certain extent. He’ll try and talk to you after an argument, try anything to get you to just answer him, to come out from your room, to stop ignoring him. He knows when you really don’t want to face him though, which is when he’ll go out for a while, either to Langa’s for advice, or just for a quiet skate.
Despite how upset he gets in the moment, he gets over it quickly. Once he’s out of his head and seeing properly, he’ll take some time to think it over and see things from your point of view. He’ll come back to you with an apology, and when you’re ready to talk, he’ll discuss things with you this time around instead of fighting
If the fight lasts overnight, he refuses to let you take the couch. If he feels a fight will last, he’ll glue himself to the couch, making it impossible for you to sleep anywhere other than your bed. No matter what the fight was about, he refuses to have you sleep uncomfortably.
Tends to cry after making up. It’s rarely out of sadness, of course, more relief than anything. He’s just happy to have you back in his arms, no longer ignoring him.
A very rational person, fights are very rare between the pair of you. When you do fight, it tends to be because you feel he’s being closed off from you, not being as open and emotional with you. As for him, he doesnt like when you act too aloof about things that are actually serious to him
Fights start out quiet, talking in normal tones and using your heads. However, as the fight goes on, your voices gradually get higher and louder, arms thrown in the air as you get in each other’s faces.
He snaps quite a bit. Petty remarks, snappy replies and other unnecessary comments are thrown out without much thought as he gets more pissed off. Not necessarily because he doesn’t have anything to defend himself, but because once he’s started, he’ll do just about anything to piss you off
Depending on the fight, it could last an hour or a week. Both of you are so petty that you’ll refuse to apologise to the other, forgetting who was even in the wrong in the first place
Honestly, whoever goes to sleep first gets the bed, he’s not as considerate as Reki. However, as the fight goes on, the pair of you will stay up for ungodly hours into the night, trying to outlast the other because they dont want them sleeping on the couch. You’ll never admit that though, which is why you wont just fall asleep on the couch first. Besides, if you happen to fall asleep on the couch before Kaoru goes to bed, he’ll carry you upstairs and sleep on the couch himself. He’ll never admit that though, he’ll simply say you woke up and went upstairs in a hazy half-sleep, which is why you dont remember.
He’s definitely programmed Carla to apologise to you for him at least once, rolling her into the room you’re in before quickly walking out to the sound of “Y/N, I-am-very-sorry-and-I-was-wrong-please-forgive-me” in Carlas robotic voice
If you ever go to Joe’s restaurant to cool down, he’ll make a big fuss, swaying and sighing, dramatically shouting about “however will these lovers reconcile!?” Once his act is over though, he’ll comfort you and give you your favourite meal, tutting over the pair of you and thinking of ways to help you make up
Literally won’t let you go of you for at least a week after you fight. This mf is hanging off you, constant forehead kisses, the whole deal. He’s gone without your affection for a long time while you fought, he’s simply making up for lost time
You get really pissed at him when he flirts with other girls. He doesn’t mean to, he’s just a bit of a girl magnet and it’s his nature to entertain them. Of course, he all yours, but he forgets sometimes that jealousy is actually a thing
Doesnt take arguments as seriously as he probably should. He’s the type to tell you to “calm down” in the worst possible moment, its usually what makes you explode, actually.
Absolutely dense. The type to listen to you shout for five minutes, and only then have the audacity to ask you just what your problem was
It’s not his fault, bless him. He’s just a little unobservant when it comes to your emotions. When he realises you’re actually upset though, he’s apologising profusely and promising to never do it again
His apologies are always so genuine, you generally forgive him. However, if he does something that really pisses you off and you dont forgive him, he’ll give you space to think
Fights are usually resolved within a day. Like Langa, he refuses to let you go to bed angry
Cooks for you every meal regardless of whether or not you eat it. He’ll leave meals outside your door as a sort of truce, quietly pressing against the door and asking you to please come eat with him, that he hates the idea of you holed up in there all alone
Like Kaoru, he tends to reply with snarky remarks that have little to do with the argument, but they have a little less bite to them. More petty, if anything
Another big reason for why fights never last long is because this man literally. Will. Not. Survive. Without. You. You’ll be trying to ignore him while he comes in every five minutes, asking you how to get a certain channel on the TV, or stupid things you know he’s only asking because he misses talking to you
After you make up, he literally wont even look at another girl for at least a week. Mf will literally turn his head the other way if a girl comes near him, shouting about how he’s spoken for
The biggest hothead. He says a lot of things he doesn’t mean in the moment, which will cause you to storm out and he’ll immediately regret it
The fight almost immediately escalates past hushed voices, swear words thrown around as you get in each other’s faces
He’ll get really upset, but he’ll mask it with being pissed off and angry, clashing pots around and acting like a literal baby. He doesnt want to admit it, but he always feels awful right after a fight. He knows youll need a bit of space after the intense shouting, so he’ll give you that space before even attempting an apology
Aggressively cares for you. Like he’ll say things like “I made food, it’ll taste like shit if you leave it, so I suggest you have it now” or “nope, I want the couch, I’m gonna watch something” he’ll never admit it, he just wants to make sure you’re alright even while fighting
If the two of you go to S while fighting, it’ll be very obvious. Usually you’re attached at the hip, but now you couldn’t be further apart. However, he’s still looking out for you, keeping an eye on you to make sure you’re alright. If you’re ever getting hit on by some creep, the fight is forgotten and he’s back at your side, daring the stranger to come any closer to you.
Reki is always the first to notice, poking him and pushing you over to him, trying to get the two of you to make up. Surprisingly, it actually does help clear the air
He can never stay mad at you for long though, he’s completely soft for you
Makes you bouquets to try and apologise. He’s taught you a lot about the meanings of flowers, so he’ll specifically pick ones with hidden meanings like “I’m sorry” or “I love you”
Not very good with verbal apologies. He knows when they’re needed though, and they are usually delivered through a series of grumbles and sad expressions. The thought is there though
Gives very gentle, long hugs after you make up. He’ll hold you close, suggesting a date or a movie to help the two of you relax
Literally the biggest bitch out of the six to fight with. He’s so petty, he will refuse to admit he’s wrong for the longest time. Once he’s in, there’s no accepting he’s not right
At least for a while anyway. He’ll start to feel bad once he sees just how upset you’re getting, frustrated with his inability to see anyone’s point of view but his own
King of the silent treatment. He’ll hide away behind his switch, drowning out his guilty thoughts with the white noise of animal crossing
He’ll skate to take his mind off things, practicing new tricks until he’s exhausted
Makes really snide remarks that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument. The type to bring up shit that happened 4 months ago just to help his case
Reki is usually the one to make him see sense, telling him just how petty he’s being, and that he cant get so defensive when he’s in the wrong. He knows this, obviously, he just can’t help it sometimes.
Although he’s not one for real apologies, he’ll slowly begin to stop ignoring you, bringing you small snacks or sending you funny things he saw on his phone. He’ll sit beside you, acting as if it was completely unintentional, but will slowly inch closer and closer until he’s curled up at your side, mumbling about how he wasn’t completely right after all
Will literally hit anyone who tries to comment on how the pair of you have made up, talking about how “its not even that big of a deal, just shut up”
Yall fought cause y’know. He’s ad*m
Sat outside your house with a speaker and an ugly ass sign. It started raining and his sign got ruined and his makeup ran
You broke up with him and he cried
Slipped in the rain while leaving <3
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dreams-of-yunho · 3 years
summer strawberries
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yunho x y/n
rating: m
genre: smut with a dash of fluff
wc: 2.4k
warnings: steamy shower sex!!!! oral (f r), kinda hand job idk if it counts, light praising, mentions of melted ice cream :o
summary: the hot summer sun is horribly unforgiving. and what's better on a hot summer day but a cool shower? or, even better, a cool shower with mr. jeong yunho? <3
It was hot. Unberably, ridiculously, stupid, dumb hot. The kind of heat where nail polish becomes sticky and ink won’t dry. Brain melting hot. At least there was a breeze; wind riffled through leaves causing storms of maple tree seeds to fall to the sun torchered ground. Birds cried harshly as winds jostled their homes. Small creatures kept to the shadows: rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks skirting the sickening heat. Delicate and dainty flower petals wilted tragically.
And what were you to do? It was too miserable to even lift a finger. You were surprised your body was still functioning, believing your heart should burst and your blood boil. Simply miserably miserable you positioned yourself upon the sofa in the living room, the shades drawn so as to not let the fires of hell enter the home. If it weren’t for his promise of ice cream in the next ten minutes, you would have removed all the food from the freezer and shut yourself in, even if it meant asphyxiation, you could not have cared less at this point. If the universe wanted you to melt so badly, why didn’t it just get it over with, the sadist?
Eleven minutes, you thought to yourself, if he takes eleven minutes, we’re through. The prospect of ice cream was not taken lightly in your family. Ice cream was a happy escape for you. A brief moment of release from the trials and tribulations of everyday life. In reality, it wasn’t that great a deal but, today, as the sea of flames spilled through the glass window panes, ice cream was life or death and you would kill for it. You would kill anyone.
As minute ten neared and beads of sweat ran down your back, the door opened and in walked your Knight in Shining Armour, Jeong Yunho.
You watched Yunho as he stood, pantting, in the entryway. You knew the heat was real because of the way he was dressed; he wore a simple white tank top and camouflage cargo shorts. His lightly curled, night black hair was concealed by a ballcap. He removed his sandals and walked towards the living room, barefeet softly padding across the hardwood.
“Okay,” he started. You stared up at him from your place on the couch as he stood in front of you. His cheeks were flushed and his face glistened with a sheen of sweat. “We have choices:” a drop of clear liquid emerged from his hat-covered hairline and dripped to his eyebrow. “Chocolate crunch,” he pulled an ice cream bar from his left hip pocket. “Strawberry and orange cream,” he held two bars previously in his right hip pocket. “And,” he pulled a final bar from his bottom left pocket, “brown sugar boba.”
You carefully observed the selections he held before you. You would take anything frozen, even black cherry walnut.
“But, the thing is,” his tone dropped. “They’re melted.” He shook the bags and you could hear liquid sloshing around.
A quiet rage filled your chest, burning through your lungs. “Yunho!” He lowered his head and dropped his shoulders. “Why did you put them in your pockets?”
“I thought it would protect them from the sun but, I think it acted as a sort of convection  oven and escalated the melting process… don’t be mad at me.” He looked down at you through large, heart crushing, puppy dog eyes.
“Hmmmmmmmm,” you whined, destroyed by the lack of immediate ice cream. “We can put them in the fridge I guess. But, that’ll take forever, ugh.” You slowly dragged your hands across your face, collecting far more sweat than you could have imagined. “Ew,” you cringed, looking at your silken hands. “I guess I can shower while they’re in the freezer.”
“Wait,” Yunho called from the kitchen. “I need to shower first; I am drenched.”
“No, me first.”
“You’re not even off the couch,” he shut the freezer door. “How are you going to beat me to the bathroom?” A cocky smile spread on his rose petal lips.
“I’ll beat you.” You made an attempt to stand but your legs felt like jello-twigs and they collapsed under you. “Fine,” you sighed. “I’ll drown in my own sweat. Tell me you love me before it’s too late.”
It was impossible but you could hear him smiling from where he stood.
“y/n, my love,” his footsteps neared. “There is room for more than one in the shower.” Yunho extended a hand.
“Carry me.”
“Hmm,” he pretended to contemplate. “Fine.”
His actions were swift; strong hands reached under your legs and back, pulling you off the couch and to his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He was sweaty but you didn’t mind.
Your feet met the cold, stone floor as he set you down in the bathroom. He moved to turn on the shower and you faced the mirror. Your hair was terribly frizzy (on account of the humidity) and fell this way and that, sticking to your damp forehead. Your face was puffy and your cheeks awfully rosy. You wore, it could barely be called, a tank top and no bra.
“Yunho,” you called gently. “I don’t think I want to do anything. I don’t feel very sexy right now.” You watched as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
His hot breath stuck to your skin. “You’re hotter than this weather, darling.”
You laughed. “Cheesy.”
“Yet, completely true.” he set his chin on the top of your head and looked at you through the mirror. “Just a shower,” he promised. “Nothing more.”
Chilly water met your shoulders sending a shiver up your spine. But it felt nice. Water trickled over your face, down your neck and back, dragging the sweat and hardships of that day down the drain. Delicately scented, strawberry soap bubbled as you lathered it over your collar bones. “Let me get your back,” he said. Strong hands met your shoulder blades; massaging with his fingertips. Hands worked down your sides, gripping your hips and pulling back to rub the soap into your lower back.
“Mhm,” you moaned out as his fingers worked through the knots and tension.
“Does it feel good, sweetheart?” his hands ghosted lower.
“Hey,” you turned to face him. “You said just a shower.” He stood in front of you: tall and broad; godlike. The water was cold yet, blue veins pressed against the skin of his arms and hands. His dark hair was slicked back, accentuating the perfect bone structure of his face.
“Don’t you want a relaxing shower?”
You eyed his lush lips which were slightly parted in a gentle smile. Your gaze traveled his strong features and came to rest on his eyes. Those beautiful eyes; the eyes you fell for. The eyes that could never hide his feelings; eyes that told everything. There were little droplets of water caught on his eyelashes and he blinked them away.
You felt the urge to kiss him; setting your hands on either cheeks. You stood high on your tippy toes but he was still out of reach and was unwilling to help. “Yunho,” you gripped his face tighter. “Come here. I want to kiss you-”
He put a finger to your lips. “Just. a. Shower.”
“One kiss,” you whispered over the stream of the shower.
“One kiss,” he agreed.
You closed your eyes, waiting, expecting his lips upon yours. Instead, you felt his hands graze down your sides and hips, resting on the tops of your thighs. You opened your eyes to see Yunho drag the tip of his nose down your stomach. His warm breath hovered just in front of your sex. “Yunho, that’s not what I meant.” You put your hands on his chin, trying to pull his lips back to yours.
He only gripped your thighs harder. “You asked for a kiss,” he breathed. “I’m going to give you a kiss, my love.”
Every hair stood on end as his nose ran over your clit. He tilted his head back to lick a wet stripe against your sensitive nerves. You whined as his tongue landed directly on it, circling again and again. You could only whine as his lips enclosed you and your legs became wobbly.
“Y-yunho,” you moaned as he sucked. “I’m going to fall.” You tried to balance yourself against the wall and he wrapped his arms around your back, trying to stabilize you as he continued to suck and lick relentlessly. “Ah,” you could feel that familiar knot twist in your stomach as he began to kiss you harder. And, when that knot was at the verge of snapping, he removed his lips with a wet smack.
He groaned as he stood and met your eyes, watching you as you breathed haggardly, mouth gaping. A hand fell to your shoulder, moving a wet strand of hair back. “I’m a good kisser, huh?”
“Mhm,” you nodded.
“Yeah,” he hummed, running his hands up and down your back. “Would you like to kiss again?”
“Ha,” you scoffed and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep kiss. It was heavenly as your bodies collided; your hands tugging at his silky hair, tits against his abs, his nails pressing crescent moons into your hips.
You pulled back to catch your breath, still winded from him eating you out. “God,” you ran a thumb over his cheek. “You are a good kisser.”
You thought he would come right then and there, the look he gave you was steeped in passion and lust. His hand met your ass, pulling one leg up to his waist as he moved to press your back against the cold tile wall. He winced as his hard on pressed against your lower stomach.
You loved that look. You wanted to see it again; to know you made him feel good.
Your hand snaked between your bodies as you began to pepper light kisses across his collar bones. He gasped as you grabbed his dick in your hand. You felt his Adam's apple bob as your lips moved to his neck. You squeezed him a little harder and his head fell back with a moan, giving you more beautiful canvas.
Warm fingers met your clit and you dropped your head to his neck, already sensitive from his mouth. “You’re so wet,” he ran his fingers back and forth through your folds, each movement causing you to moan against his chest.
“We-we’re in the shower,” you managed.
A deep laugh vibrated through his chest and his dick twitched in your hand. “I guess you’re right.” He pulled at your other leg. “Come here.”
“Yunho,” you raised your head. “If you slip and drop me,” you warned as effectively as you could with his fingers working you so wonderfully.
“I would never let you fall,” his strong arms pulled you close. “Jump.”
You managed to jump the best you could and one of Yunho’s hands was there to meet you. “Good job, baby,” he lowered you down his body a little.
You could feel him lining up, his tip pushing at your entrance. His eyes fell to yours, watching your face as he lowered you slowly onto him. You groaned as he moved deeper into you, parting you. “Is it okay,” a hand rubbed your back lovingly.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “You can keep going.”
He smiled slightly and loosening his grip on your back one last time, bottomed out with a moan.
You tugged at his hair as you adjusted to his immense size.
“Okay?” He kissed your cheeks.
“Yes, just give me a sec.” You moved your hips up and down, desperate for the pain to subside.
“Jesus,” he squeezed his eyes shut. “A warning next time.”
You clenched around him in response.
“Cheeky,” he chuckled.
“Okay,” you breathed out. “Move.”
“Okay,” he smiled down at you. He captured your moans in a kiss as he thrusted into you.
He was gentle with you, as he always was. He carefully watched you, making sure everything felt good, that he made you feel good. “That’s it, baby,” he cooed. “You’re so pretty.”
You gripped his shoulders as his pace began to quicken and you couldn’t help but clench as his veins dragged against your walls.
“If you keep doing that,” he choked out between thrusts. “I’m going to come right now.”
You slumped against his chest. You wanted to listen to him but he was making you feel so good. Your body was coming completely relaxed and undone in his touch. Your mind, your body, your heart; you were so at ease being with him.
However, your nerves began to spark as his fingers fell to your clit. You could tell he was close because he dropped his forehead to yours wordlessly, his nose scrunched. And he loved when you two came together; Completely free in each other’s arms.
He seemed to completely forget about the slick watery surface he stood on and began to pound into you as fast and as hard as he could. You moaned and mewled as he hit deeper and deeper with each thrust.
“I’m gonna come, y/n,” he warned, his pace becoming erratic and you clenched harder around him, feeling your high approaching too.
“Me too, Yunho,” you whined as he hit your g-spot with a particular force.
You came loudly, fingers desperately searching for something to grip, finally resting on his toned biceps.
He followed you almost immediately, his hips ramming into yours sloppily as his dark eyes bored into yours, a lazy smile on his swollen lips. He pulled out and slumped to the shower floor, holding you tightly in his arms. He gently peppered your face with kisses. “I love you, y/n.”
You giggled as he found a ticklish spot behind your ear. “I love you too, Yunho.” You sighed as you saw his cum run out of your pussy and down the shower drain. “We should have sex in the shower more often; easier to be lazy.”
“I tire you out that much, huh?”
“My god,” you scoffed. “Cocky bastard.”
“You love it,” he teased, massaging the inside of your sore thighs.
You rolled your eyes. “Wanna wash my hair?” You asked, only half kidding.
“I would but, I don’t want to. I want to stay like this.”
“Me too,” you agreed, sinking deeper into his arms. “I could fall asleep like this.”
“Yeah,” his raspy voice responded. “Me too.”
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app ����
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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toorusproblems · 3 years
If your still taking requests can I request a death note oneshot nsfw were it’s after Light’s fathers death and the reader doesn’t like Light in fact hates Him but starts to feel sorry for him and later that day decides to visit his apartment to help him deal with his grief and ask if there is anything she can do to help him and light subtly implies that she can help him by sleeping with him and the reader is tempted to but doesn’t want to because she remembers she dislikes him and he has a girlfriend but light eventually persuades her into it ?
Just this once?
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pairing: light yagami x f!reader
wc: 1.4k
cw: infidelity (light cheats on misa), dubcon, coercion, reader is L’s little sister, not proofread (lmk if i missed anything!!!)
hi!! sorry this took forever, i took a lil break from writing. i tried my best to stick to the request but idk how well i did lmao but even so, i hope you like it!!!
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Your dead-set focus is suddenly ripped from you as the familiar noise of the task force headquarters’ door creaking open pulls your eyes away from the bright computer screen. To your displeasure, the new presence in the room is none other than Light Yagami.
“Oh, Light! I thought we agreed you didn’t have to come in today?” An uncharacteristically soft-spoken Matsuda greets.
“Yeah, but I guess my father’s passing only fueled me to get to the bottom of this even more.” Light states.
Being L’s sister, you’ve inherited the black-haired boy’s suspicion of Light. After all, you were the only person in the world that L trusted with his entire heart and soul. Those countless times you’ve stayed up together throwing theories about the Kira case back and forth, only for you and the night itself to hear.
Though your brother was undeniably a bit smarter than you, you weren’t stupid either. With everything L had theorized about Light’s true identity, it’s hard for you to write off L’s death as a coincidence. The timelines just seemed to line up too perfectly.
Everything on top of the fact that because of your investigation work on the Kira case you were barely even given time to mourn the loss of your precious older brother, a heavy dislike of the brown-haired man festered in you.
Even so, you can’t help but feel sympathetic towards him today. After all, it’s true that you know what it feels like to lose a close family member too.
“Hey, Light,” his name feels sour on your tongue, “if you want I can take the heavy lifting today, don’t stress, alright?”
His eyes meet yours, and you take note that they look even more dead than usual.
“It’s okay, Y/N, no need to worry.”
No need to worry.
Well, you did worry. All day in fact.
You hate yourself for feeling so empathetic towards the man who you suspect of being behind the killing of your very own brother.
But here you are now, about to knock on Light’s apartment door with a small bouquet of tulips in your left hand. Nothing special, you told yourself, just something to show that you care at least a little.
As you raise your right knuckles to the wooden surface, the door suddenly swings inward.
“Oh hello, Y/N. Pretty flowers you’ve got there.” Light points at the objects in your grip.
That’s it. That’s another thing that you hate about him. How he always seems to be one step ahead of you in even the smallest things. How it feels like he always knows what you’re thinking. It’s almost like he’s watching you sometimes, for fuck’s sake!
“These are for you, actually.”
“Really?” he fakes a smug expression, making you cringe, “Thank you so much!”
“It’s nothing. Feel better soon.”
You turn to leave, but Light’s hand catches your shoulder.
“Wait. Before you leave, can you come in for a second?”
“Oh uh… sure? Why?”
You receive no response as Light silently motions you onto his couch. A nervous pit grows in the bottom of your stomach.
“So uh… what do you need me for?” You ask apprehensively.
“Just want to talk. It feels like forever since we’ve actually sat down together and had a conversation, you know?”
You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t know you were keeping in. “Yeah, it has been a while.”
Yet another awkward silence passes. The sheer quietness seems very strange to you for a moment until it hits you.
“Hey, where’s Misa? Is she out at a shoot or something?”
“So observant.” Light chuckles, and with the tone he puts on, you’re not sure if he’s being sarcastic or not, “Yes, she’s filming a commercial for Miho Skincare. Or at least that’s what she told me before she ran out the door.”
“Oh, I see.” You bite your lip, unsure of how to continue the conversation, “Do you want me to put the flowers in a vase for you?” You ask, picking up the tulips from the coffee table.
Light moves his hand to your thigh in a smooth motion, catching you very off guard so that you nearly drop the bouquet. You hate the fact that blood rushes to your cheeks.
“No need. But there is something else I want from you, if I’m going to be blunt.” His eyes pierce directly through you. You feel naked under his gaze.
Fuck, as many negative feelings you harbour for the man in front of you, you can’t deny he’s attractive in all sense of the word. You know what he’s asking for. It’s plainly clear even just from the lust blooming in his irises.
And it’s then when you realize how touch-starved you are. You’ve been using every available hour of your life on the Kira case, of course you hadn’t had time for any kind of relationship.
So you don’t stop him from inching closer. One of his hands sliding towards the inside of your thigh while the other pushes a piece of your hair from your face. His captivating eyes flutter shut and you’re about to give into his touch when you remember the girl you had been talking about just a moment earlier.
“Wait. Misa.” You whisper simply.
“She won’t be home for hours. And you want to make me feel better, do you not? I’m just asking for one more thing in addition to those flowers you gave me, hm?” He borderline growls into your ear. You would be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on a little.
Without waiting for an answer, Light crashes his lips onto yours. The kiss is hungry, like he wants to waste no time with you. Admittedly, you still feel a little uneasy about all of this, Misa’s face—sweet as candy—beaming at you in your mind as her boyfriend sucks on your tongue.
You feel around each other’s bodies, unbuttoning anything you feel to rid yourselves of your clothing. It all goes so fast, and before you know it, you’re both in your undergarments. Light’s got you lying beneath him with your knees pressed to your chest. He reaches to pull your grey cotton panties to the side.
Suddenly, the peppy blonde girl inside your head once again appears, and you realize what you’re doing.
“Hang on, Light. I’m not too sure about this anymore…” You weakly tell him, pushing his hands away from your most sensitive area.
“Hm? But you promised you’d help me feel better.” Light throws uncharacteristic puppy eyes your way. He points to the wet patch that had formed on the centre of your panties, “And look, you want it too, right? Just this once? Please?”
It’s true, you had come here to make him happier. So why should you go back on it now? You criticize yourself, wondering how you could ever be so inconsiderate—to a coworker who just lost his father, too!
So you nod your head in coerced approval towards the man on top of you, who then in turn wasted no time pulling his cock out from his boxers.
Without warning, or any prep whatsoever, Light pushes the head of his cock into your cunt. The stretch burns, and you’re left wondering if it’s just because you haven’t gotten laid in quite a while, or if his cock is just that fat.
“Light!” You whine in slight protest, “You’re too big… hurts…”
He only hums in response, pushing himself further into you, “Sorry, little one, this cunt is just so tight, I can’t help myself. Fuck-“
Light starts a rhythm, watching his cock sink in into you over and over again. He notes how each time he pulls out, a sheen of both your slick, and even some blood coats it. Must’ve just been too big for your little cunny, he guesses.
The pain of the stretch slowly turns into pleasure and you relax into Light’s touch. You throw your hands into his surprisingly soft brunette locks as he pounds into your sweet spot.
You wonder if L is watching you right now. He must be so disappointed in his little sister, moaning and creaming so sweetly for the very same man he thought he had taught you to be wary of, the man who made the world a living hell.
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Can I request HSP + depression reader (who thinks they are just weak and being crybaby) x Bucky, please? I understand you are super busy right now and I didn’t mean to rush you or anything but I'm just struggling with both HSP and depression and couldn’t help but send it right now. No need to hurry, just when you are free and maybe when you had nothing to write. Thank you and I love you!
Thank you for the request, I’m sorry it’s been a difficult time for you! I’m here if you need me and I hope that this helps!!! 
It’s called empathy
Bucky x reader
Word count: 1981
Warnings: depression, HSP (highly sensitive person), low self worth, negative self talk, swearing (that’s normal for me but this one’s a little extra), angst (more so internal idk if that needs a warning), fluff/comfort
Taglist: @buckys2thicc @babydaddy-buckybarnes @barnesplums @peggycarter-steverogers @mardema @abitgryffindorky @buckys-blue-eyes @strawberrimae @thatfangirl42 @freigeistundanderes @bucks-bunny @broadwaybabe18 @im-sick-of-failing
Taglist     Masterlist
Breathe in
Breathe out
You felt a tear escape your eyes
Goddamn it
You didn’t want to cry, you couldn’t let yourself. It was stupid, it was just some shitty remark from someone when they were in a shitty mood, it wasn’t your fault, all that bullshit you tried to tell yourself. It never worked.
You were trying to control your breathing, looking up at the ceiling trying to will the tears away, biting your lip. You would not cry, not over this. Not over something that wasn’t worth your tears
Not when you didn’t even know what exactly you were crying over. 
Yet here you were, gripping the edge of the bathroom sink with white knuckles, looking up at the ceiling trying to keep the tears at bay. And it wasn’t working.
Weak sensitive piece of shit. 
What good were you to the team if you cry in the bathroom like a baby every time something remotely stressful happens? People usually cry when they're in pain or when they’re grieving - the only excuse you had was you were stressed or sad. 
You felt another few tears escape and you angrily swiped them away, cursing yourself for being so weak. 
You hated this, you hated yourself. You were so numb most of the time, especially when you were alone. You found yourself alone in your room with racing thoughts feeling like you were falling apart. Yet when you were alone you could only stare at the ceiling wondering if it would get any worse. 
The answer was usually yes.
Whenever you would go on missions with the team, you were able to push aside your stress. You had a job to do and you would do it. But when the mission was over and you were walking back through the rubble - seeing all the blood, destruction, fear - then it would start to get to you. You would panic, you would feel tears cloud your vision. Tears for those you were leaving behind, and those who had nowhere to go, those who lost someone. That was understandable. 
It seemed to affect you more than the others though. It was understandable to be moved by so much destruction. But for you everyone felt like someone you had known and loved. 
You could feel the grief in those left behind, feel the sadness and pain that they were going through. 
The same was true when you weren’t on missions. When those who were on them would come back. Whether they were injured or their eyes were saddened - you knew when a mission was rough. You would listen, you would be there for people. It was easy to talk to you, and you were very wise. 
But it still overwhelmed you. You couldn’t say no, you didn’t want to. You wanted to help but it would be so emotionally taxing for you. So behind closed doors, you would break. Be there for others, listen when they need to talk, others come first - you took their emotional pain onto yourself. 
You were grateful that you could help - but in the process it was hurting you. 
You allowed yourself to feel sad when you were alone in your room. No one could see you be weak in the dark of your room. But you never cried much just from the pure exhaustion of your thoughts. Sometimes you wanted to, just feeling so incredibly empty that you just wanted to have an ugly crying session curled up in bed.
But you didn’t get to make that choice.
The crying wouldn’t come until the absolute worst times. If you had messed up on a mission, if Tony said something a little too harshly because to him everything was a joke, seeing something gruesome on a mission- whenever it came to someone else getting involved, the tears would come. Hell sometimes even being overwhelmed in public would be enough to start the waterworks. 
You always felt so fucking weak for it. The slightest environmental stressor could stress you out too much and move you to tears. You had no reason to be upset most of the time. But you would get angry at yourself for being upset, which would make you more upset that you couldn’t control it, making it harder to control.
It was a vicious cycle.
Lately it had been popping up more and more recently. Smaller things were upsetting you more than usual. You were becoming more sensitive to external stimuli and as a result, you spent as much time as you could in your room. You were embarrassed by yourself. Both by your emotions and by your inability to control them. 
This time you were just upset that you were upset. It had been a long night the day prior, just a lot of paperwork to do. There had been a mission earlier this week that you hadn’t been assigned to, but it had been brutal for everyone who had gone. So far today had been a normal day by anyone’s terms, an emotionally exhausting one for you. One of those where you woke up tired and the thoughts of another day were enough to draw you to tears. Nothing had even happened, but apparently nothing needed to happen. 
Your emotions came and went without your consent. 
You knew deep down it was probably some sort of emotional build up - that whole quote about bottling things up until they got to be too much - it happened every time but you still thought you could handle yourself better than that. You didn’t want to vent or be a problem to anyone. But when you are the emotional support for most of the team and you haven’t been able to get enough sleep or take time for yourself - you didn’t have much of a say as to when the bottle overflows.
A few more tears fell and you slammed your hand on the counter, wiping your tears angrily once more. “God fucking damn it why can’t you just stop fucking crying!” you exclaimed, feeling a few more tears falling “Weak piece of shit!” 
There was knocking on the door, pulling you out of your self deprecating thoughts. You gasped lightly, wiping your face again. 
Knock knock
You jumped a little, gasping slightly. No one was supposed to be here, it was the middle of the night. 
“Y/n? What’s going on in there? Are you alright?”
You took a shaky breath. Of course it would be Bucky who heard you. Why would it be anyone else?
“I’m fine Bucky, it’s late, you should go to sleep.”
“Then why are you still awake?” Bucky responded. You heard him sigh a little outside the door. “Come out here and tell me you’re okay.”
“Really Bucky?”
“Unless you want me to come in there, but I don’t think Stark would appreciate me breaking your door.”
You took a small breath and walked over to the door, opening it. You crossed your arms and met Bucky’s concerned eyes. “I’m fine, Bucky.”
Bucky sighed, taking in your appearance. Red eyes, flushed face, your hair was messy - you were definitely crying. He hated when you wouldn’t admit that you weren’t ok. “You know you don’t have to be, right?”
You clenched your jaw, trying to keep fresh tears from clouding your vision. “What?”
“You say you’re fine, you always say that you’re fine until you break. I heard you crying, I can see that you’re not feeling okay yet still you try to keep a brave face. And I just want you to know that you don’t have to always be okay.”
You let out a breath. “I - i…” you looked down and shook your head, lost for words. 
“Y/n, I’m not here to judge you. Can you try to tell me what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” you said looking up at him “It’s literally so stupid, Bucky.”
“Y/n, nothing you say right now is going to sound stupid. 
You shrugged your shoulders, still not quite meeting his eyes. “I don’t know, I just get so worked up sometimes, but it’s stupid. I tell myself I’m not going to be bothered and then I freak out again. The smallest things bother me and I get stressed out and then I cry like some stupid weak bitch. People have it worse than me, God, you have it worse than me. Everyone here has some sort of traumatic awful thing happen to them and then there’s me and I get sad because I see other people sad,” you were crying again and you wiped at your face, covering your eyes. “God Im so fucking stupid I -”
Bucky pulled you into his chest as you let out a sob. “You’re not stupid, y/n.”
“YES I AM. I get worked up over the smallest shit, I don’t listen when people tell me to take breaks, I take everything too personally and I can’t stop fucking crying when I don’t even know what the fuck is wrong!” you exclaimed, trying to push yourself away, ashamed.
Bucky held you tightly, not letting you go. “That’s not your fault. It’s not up to you how your feelings show up.”
“But I cry at the most stupid shit and I can’t control it.”
“You’re not supposed to know how to control it,” he said, pulling back to look at you. “Emotions can’t be controlled. They just happen and it’s rarely convenient.”
“Then why do I feel so weak? If this,” you gestured to yourself “is so goddamn normal then why isn’t everyone else breaking down every other day?” 
Bucky brushed some hair out of your face. “Your emotions are yours, no one else’s. No one has the right to tell you how to feel. Think of it this way - you can’t expect everyone to have the same amount of strength or stamina - no one has the same emotional response either. And that doesn’t make you weak, it makes you you.”
You shook your head. “I just feel so weak all the time.” 
“And I’m here to remind you that crying isn’t weak. You are not a weak person, you are not a bad person, you’re not any of those things your mind tells you. You’re a kind and thoughtful person. You put your heart into everything you do. You help everyone you can. Mourning someone else’s loss isn’t weakness. It’s called empathy.”
You took a small breath. “Then why does it hurt so goddamn much?”
“”I don’t know. And I can’t say for certain that you won’t always feel that way. But I know I can tell you that you aren’t weak, and I’ll be here every time you feel that you are.” 
You nodded your head slightly. “You don’t think I’m weak?” you asked quietly.
He pulled you back into a hug. “Not in the slightest, y/n.”
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