#[ Poor Erica is so confused. ]
diver5ion · 1 year
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader Series
Ice Pick
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
Prompt: You haven’t seen Isaac since that night and it’s been effecting you more than you care to admit. However, after finding out Derek is turning teenagers, you have more dangerous things to worry about.
a/n: So i don’t think there’s gonna be a lot of issac and y/n in this chapter :(( but i hope you guys still find it enjoyable! I really love writing her friendship between Scott and Stiles. I know we've seen a lot of the bond between Stiles and y/n so im excited to add more to the bond of Scott and y/n this time!
It’s been a little while since that night on the full moon, you haven’t seen Isaac or Derek so you couldn’t even ask the so called ‘sour wolf’ on whether Isaac was okay or not. You finally told Scott about what happened on the field that day and it was nice for you two just to talk about everything. Everything ended up including how you felt about Isaac, which was definitely embarrassing to come clean about. You still remember the slight tear that had traveled down your face as Scott held your hand. Scott had made it clear that everything was okay and when you saw Isaac again, you would be able to talk to him about everything for real.
To say you dwelled on it the last few days would be an understatement, it plagued your mind every second of everyday. Where was he? Was he okay? Was he mad at you?
You grumbled in frustration, giving your cheeks slight taps, you could worry some more later. Right now, you would just let yourself be entertained by Allison dominating Scott at the rock climb.
“For a werewolf, he’s really bad at this,” you said, looking at Stiles.
He laughed, “Yeah, at this rate, I could beat him.”
“Okay, don’t get too ahead of yourself, you can’t even beat me.” Stiles looked at you, “Uh yeah, that’s because you cheat,” he sassed back.
“How do you cheat at rock climb,” you exclaimed.
Stiles folded his arms, “You just do,” by now Scott had joined the two of you along with Allison, “Alright you two, chill out.” You pointed at Stiles accusingly, “He started it!” The boy gasped in horror as if the accusation had pierced him but before he could make a comeback, Coach had already called for him.
“Alright, next two! Stilinski, Erica, let’s go!”
Your expression dropped, Erica was called. The poor girl was never good at these types of things, not to mention, you could tell she struggled with being in front of other people. It didn’t help that half the school took any opportunity to laugh at her. In the end, you did truly feel bad for her, you tried to reach out but every try was a failure. She would get these big ‘deer stuck in headlights’ eyes and stutter off an apology before escaping through to the nearest door.
Your attention went to the two of them as they started to make their way up the wall. Stiles surprisingly made his way up and down pretty fast, he whipped around when he hit the ground to send you a smug grin. Erica on the other hand, barely made it off the ground before she had started to hyperventilate.
“Erica, you dizzy? Is it vertigo?” You gave Coach a confused look at the suggestion and you weren’t the only one.
“Vertigo’s a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She’s just freaking out.” Lydia explained with a roll of her eyes. Everyone continued to look up at Erica.
“I’m fine,” she called out.
“Coach, maybe it’s not safe,” Allison voiced her concern, “you know she’s epileptic.” Coach’s head snapped towards her in shock, “Why doesn’t anybody tell me this stuff?” You raised an eyebrow at him, “It would be in her file.” He waved you off before going back to Erica.
“Erica, you’re fine. Just kick off from the wall,” he explained slowly, “there’s a mat to catch you.” She nodded ever so slightly before slowly separating from the wall and gliding down towards the mat. Coach supported her weight as she regained her balance. “You’re alright, shake it off,” he said lightly. You had reached out to take her hand but she had already started making her way through the crowd. You could tell she was embarrassed. How could she not be? Half the class was chuckling at her misfortune like it was some kind of comedy show. Walking up to Scott, your eyes kept burning into her back, making sure she was physically okay.
“They’re all such jackasses,” you remarked. Scott’s attention was now on you, he agreed before his shoulders dropped in concern.
Soon enough class was over, you were in the girl’s locker room when you felt your eyes glow. You hid your face from the rest of the girls but Allison must have seen because her hand was on your shoulder in a second, “Y/N what’s wrong?” Shaking your head, you shrugged her hand off slightly. “I don’t know, probably nothing, I still haven’t really learned to control it,” you suggested. It convinced the dark haired girl enough because she turned back to her gym locker to continue what she was previously doing. You did as well, opening your locker you looked in the small mirror you had attached to the door. Examining your face slightly, your eyes glowed once more, this time something in your mind snapped. You flung your body around, staring at the door.
Allison looked at you once more, “What?” She questioned. She never got an answer, you had already sprinted out the door. Allison called for you, following you down the hallway.
“Scott!” You screamed noticing his figure just barely before he disappeared into the dark gym. You followed him, feet slamming heavily on the gym floor. The sound of others rushing towards you guys could be heard as Scott caught Erica just before she hit the ground and you reached her as well, supporting her weight to the best of your ability. She had starting seizing, shaking uncontrollably in Scott’s arms.
“Set her on the ground,” you urged, Scott nodded and hurriedly placed her on the floor as gentle as he could. By now others had joined you, including Allison and Stiles both with worried expressions. “Put her on her side. Put her on her side,” Allison repeated. She looked at both of you, “How’d you guys know?”
The two of you made eye contact both shrugging, “I just felt it,” Scott said and you nodded.
It was the next day, in the cafeteria and right now your time was being occupied by Stiles. He had dragged you with him to talk to Boyd, another kid in your class who worked at the ice rink. Currently said spastic boy was trying to get the keys to the rink from Boyd. However, things weren’t going as planned.
“You got the keys?” Stiles asked his body turned half away facing towards the windows of the cafeteria. Boyd stuck his hand out keys dangling making Stiles smile. He grasped the keys from the boy’s hand but to no avail Boyd didn’t release his grip. Confused Stiles tugged again. No progress.
“This isn’t a favor. It’s a transaction,” Boyd reminded.
“Right, yeah,” Stiles replied retrieving his wallet from his pocket, “Absolutely,” he placed a twenty dollar bill on the table. Boyd gave nothing but an unimpressed look, “I said fifty.”
“Really-,” stuttered back Stiles, “I remember twenty. I don’t know. I have a really good verbal memory. And I remember twenty. I remember that distinctive ‘twa’ sound. Twa-enty.” Boyd cut him off, “I said fifty,” he said firmly.
“With a ‘fa’ sound. Hear the difference? If you can’t, I can demonstrate some other words with the ‘fa’ sound.”
Your head rolled from side to side, “Yes trust me, he remembers,” you concluded with annoyance. You didn’t even care if you actually got the keys or not. You didn’t even want to go, well not now, you did before. Before Stiles had invited Lydia at least. You didn’t mind the red haired girl, or you didn’t hate her that is, but Scott had also invited Allison before hand. Originally, it was just meant to be your four meaning Stiles and you were gonna be the other pair since no doubt Allison and Scott were gonna have one another’s attention. Now that Lydia was invited, you were for sure gonna be the one left out. You weren’t angry at either of the boys or girls, just a little bummed that one of your favorite activities was now going to cause you to be an awkward fifth wheel.
Stiles blinked rapidly, “No, no, no. I think I’m recalling it now. Maybe I just got it confused with forty.” He slowly placed another twenty on the table. You could practically feel your eyes roll into the back of your head ‘this was getting to be too idiotic’ you thought. Boyd stayed silence, slowly putting a Dorito in his mouth causing you to snort. Boyd smirked pushing the bag towards you and you gladly took one. Giving him a slight nod, you leaned back in your chair to finish watching the train wreck in front of you. Stiles let out a defeated huff, “Come on, man, have you seen the piece of crap Jeep that I drive?”
“Have you seen the piece of crap bus that I take,” Boyd countered effortlessly.
You reached into your bag and quickly grabbed a ten dollar bill from the side pocket, “Here, I’m growing bored of this back and forth your trying to pull with him,” you said to Stiles sliding the cash across the table. Boyd smiled wide, reaching out once more keys in hand, this time Stiles needed no effort to take them from his hand. Cocking an eyebrow over at you he stood from his seat, “What’s your problem?”
“Sorry, I’m not exactly excited to be a fifth wheel,” you snarked before looking back at Boyd, “Thank you, you’re the best. Sorry about him.” The boy acknowledged your statement before returning to his act of eating.
“What do you mean ‘fifth wheel’,” Stiles questioned confused. You scoffed at him, “I mean exactly what I said,” you gestured your hand back towards your usual table, “you invited Lydia. Scott, Allison, Lydia, you,” you counted on your hand then motioned to yourself, “Fifth wheel.”
He mocked your scoff, “Oh, please, you’re not going to be a fifth wheel.” He wrapped his arm around you, “You’re our girl, you know that. We’re never just gonna leave you out.” You rolled your eyes, “Maybe not intentionally but Scott’s like a lost puppy dog around Allison and you’re no better when it comes to Lydia.” You saw a slight smirk rise onto the boy’s face, he tilted his head towards you, “We’ll if you’re that jealous we could always invite Jackson to keep you company.”
Disgusted, you made a face, “Ew gross, I wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with Jackson especially not by choice.” He hummed, “You’re not denying that you’re jealous.”
You jabbed his gut causing him to recoil slightly, “I’m not jealous. Why is that even the first thing that comes to your mind? What, are you trying to make me jealous, Stilinski? Have all these years you harbored a crush on me, huh?” You teased, “Are you in love with me, Stiles?” He jumped back, “Don’t you even start with me, no, to all of that,” he waved his hands motioning to your figure.
“Wow didn’t realize I was that ugly,” by now you had reached where Scott was sitting, taking his apple you bit into while you listened to Stiles ramble, “THAT is NOT what I meant and you know it.” You assumed Scott had been listening in on the whole discussion since he was wearing an amuse look on his face. Stiles had sat across from you two, pointing at you like a disappointed parent, “Got em’,” he finally concluded placing the keys onto the table, “Pick you up right after work tonight and we’ll meet at the rink, cool?” Scott’s attention was already caught somewhere else and so was yours.
As if it was a whole different person, Erica strutted through the cafeteria wearing an outfit you would’ve never even considered that she owned. Her hair was done and her makeup as well. She made her way to a table where sat two random boys as she reached over and grabbed one of their apples, biting into it. Her dark red lipstick smeared slightly and she wasted no time wiping it away with a sultry smirk.
“What,” Lydia had joined her hands lightly slapping on your table, “the holy hell is that?”
“It’s Erica.”
You three never even had to look at each other before you dashed into the hallway together, jumping down the stairs and out the doors you find her once more but this time she was with someone. Derek. She was getting into Derek’s car, staring you down as if she was some kind of Bond villain. Once she was fully in the car, Derek sped away. You and Stiles both just sighed as your shoulders dropped, while Scott’s jaw tighten.
“Well now there’s three,” you remarked monotonously.
After school you had joined Scott at his work. While you didn’t work there, you often joined him on his shifts, thankfully early on Scott had gotten Deaton (his boss) to agree to it. Provided that you of course didn’t mess with anything, which you never did. It was just a great way to make sure Scott’s homework would actually get finished, plus it gave you somewhere to be instead of just home alone.
When Peter was alive, Scott had gotten shot and Deaton had taken care of it, he had also kept Peter from taking Scott. To this day you and Scott still don’t understand what exactly happened. How exactly Deaton knows about how to heal Scott. Actually, when you found out that Deaton knew something about the supernatural, he was your first choice to ask about what’s going on with you. You just never found a good time to ask, hence why you ended up asking Derek. Scott has also been trying to have a talk with Deaton about everything, which is where you are right now.
“Hey Doc.”
Deaton turned to face Scott. “When are we gonna talk about… the thing that we never got a chance to talk about?”
“Ah, yes. We never did get a chance to talk about that, did we?” You perked up, trying to listen to the quiet conversation going on across the room. Scott shook his head in response to Deaton’s question.
“Now is definitely a good time.”
“Thank God.”
“What do you think? Two dollars?” You tilted your head, what the hell? Apparently you weren’t the only the only one thrown off by the statement. Scott’s eyebrows scrunched together slightly, “Two dollars?”
“Ah you’re right, two-fifty more a hour. It seems like a pretty good raise.” You sighed, apparently now wasn’t a good time to talk about what you two actually wanted to know.
“That’s not exactly what I was… wait two-fifty more a hour?” Scott was cut off guard by the offer, “Done, don’t forget to clean up the cat cages.” Deaton shook his hand and left the room before Scott could come to terms with what just happened.
“Damn, he just cleaned your clock, you know that right?”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, “Nevermind.”
After Scott had finished his shift, Stiles arrived to pick you both up. You were on your way to the ice rink now, you were also still grumbling and whining in the back seat as he was driving. He looked at you from the rear view mirror and Scott twisted back to see you as well, they both laughed at your small fit you were in the process of throwing.
“Come on, Y/N. It won’t be that bad, we’re not gonna leave you out,” Scott reassured tapping your knee as you turned up your nose at them.
“Yeah, brighten up, plus we could still call Jackson to come hang out with you, if you want,” Stiles laughed.
You moaned, “No, absolutely not.”
Scott had glanced at Stiles slightly, had you been paying attention you would’ve seen the sly look they exchanged before Scott turned towards you once more, “Are you sure you’re not jealous?” You felt yourself choke on air, clearing your throat you said, “Why would I be?” Scott shrugged, “I don’t know, you didn’t have a problem with this idea until Lydia was invited. Maybe you wanted Stiles all to yourself.” You snapped your head down from looking at the ceiling to now both boys and you saw the cocky smirks they were both wearing. You scoffed and kicked both their seats, “Bite me.”
“Hey, what did Roscoe do to you?”
To be honest, this isn’t the first time you three have had this back forth (all joking of course), since Melissa has had you for so long she’s always treated you and Scott like you two were siblings. Stiles on the other hand, wasn’t allow in your room because he was a boy. Melissa had always given him a slight look when he would get too close as well. Those two things eventually dissipated and became less of a concern as you both got older. The inside joke between you three, did not unfortunately. After Scott had found out about your slightly different rules when it came to Stiles, you were teased tremendously for supposedly having a crush on the boy. Every time brought both boys pain to the gut.
You three arrived at the ice rink, Scott leaving and holding his door opened for you as Stiles came around the side to join you. Allison and Lydia had shown up already waiting for you. The boys went to unlock the doors as you follow close behind, when they finally got them unlocked they turned to you both playfully biting each side of your shoulders.
“Ow, what the hell was that for?”
“You said to bite you,” they synced.
The girls walked up, Allison reaching for Scott and Lydia barely acknowledging Stiles before walking past you both. You gave him a pointed and mocking look, he gave you a push before closing the doors and you both made your ways towards the rink.
You sat down in the bleachers, little bit away from where Lydia and Stiles were currently sitting. You know they were talking but quite frank you couldn’t really hear them. You had brought yourself a book because even though your best friends spent the whole day stressing that you wouldn’t be sidelined, you knew them way better than they thought you did. You glanced at your phone and debated on maybe calling someone to pick you up, but who would you even call?
Jackson? Absolutely not, even if you did, he wouldn’t come get you and you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from punching him in the face if he did.
Danny? No, you didn’t want to bother the poor boy.
Matt? No way in hell, he gave you the absolute creeps.
Isaac? Now that, was a maybe, however the boy was in the wind. You didn’t even know if he had his phone or if he would even pick up. You haven’t spoken since that night at the police station and considering Erica’s behavior you were skeptical that the Isaac you knew would be the one to show up.
You sighed, placing your phone back next to you, with your hands at your cheeks and elbows on your knees, you watched Scott and Allison walk off towards the rink. Eventually so did the silent pair that was on your other side. Deciding it was best to just suck it up, you got off the bench and stepped onto the ice. It was one of your favorite activities after all. You twirled and skated, playfully messing around in the corner while the other four did their thing, all in their own worlds. That is, until you heard a scream. It was truly deafening, terrifying, unlike anything you had ever heard before. You placed your feet in stopping position and scanned to find the owner of the scream, only to find Lydia on her hands and knees screeching at the ice below her.
You all make your way towards her, inquiring on if she was alright, searching for any sign that something was wrong but nothing. All that could be done was Stiles holding her while she whaled.
The next morning at school, you were leaving class. You kind have been avoiding Stiles and Scott today, only talking to them this morning while on the way to school. You didn’t realize it before but you were more hurt by being left alone than you thought. After what happened with Lydia you guys all decided it was time to leave and when you got home, you quietly made your way to your room mentioning to Scott about just being tired. You had laid in bed for a couple hours wide awake, just thinking.
Were you jealous? No, you couldn’t be, despite the jokes, you didn’t actually like Stiles nor Scott like that.
After you had pondered for a little bit, you had found your answer.
Were you scared? Maybe. But scared of what?
Being replaced.
For the longest time, it was just Scott, Stiles and you. The trio. Always together, always there for each other. You did everything together and sure you knew eventually you would find partners and maybe other friends but it never dawned on you that if the boys each found someone, you would possibly be fazed out. You knew they would never intentionally do anything to push you away but that didn’t stop your worrying.
Your thoughts were cut off by a slam to the lockers. You turned the corner to see Erica backing up Scott against the lockers. Allison was in the distance too, she was witnessing everything. You didn’t know what exactly was happening but you knew that it was nothing good. You marched towards the two, grabbing Erica’s shoulder.
“What do you think you're doing?”
Erica finished her sentence to Scott, he gripped her wrist and pulled her off of him. She snarled at you before turning her back away from you.
“I’ll tell Isaac you said hi.”
You felt yourself falter, Scott noticed that your whole demeanor changed as well. He looked down and grabbed your hand squeezing it.
“I haven’t seen you today, we haven’t seen you,” he clarified. You took a shallow breath, “Yeah just had a lot on my mind.” He kept his gaze on you, “Is it about Isaac?”
You shook your head.
“Is it about the ice rink?”
You hesitated, before slowly nodding. Scott sighed, before pulling you off to the side, “We weren’t kidding when we said you’re not a fifth wheel.”
“I know, it’s not really that,” you mumbled, staring at your feet.
“Then what’s the matter?” You shrugged, swaying like a child before mumbling your answer once more, “I just kind of feel like I’m being replaced.” Scott was taken aback by your answer, he had no clue what to say. There was an odd silence in the air for a little while before Scott finally figured out what he wanted to say, “What made you feel like that?”
All you could do was shrugged once more. Talking about this was so hard. You finally sighed, “Okay, before I start, I’m gonna say this once and only once. No, I don’t have a crush on Stiles. Look honestly it’s just the fact that he’s trying to integrate her to be a part of us. I know it sounds silly but it’s true. It’s completely different with Allison, she’s your girlfriend, plus I’ve never had any problems with her. Lydia’s just I don’t know, she’s not awful, definitely better than Jackson. I guess since she’s not Stiles’ girlfriend, I get annoyed because with you two it’s different. You guys are DATING, of course I expect you guys to be in your own world but Stiles… she doesn’t even acknowledge him half the time so I know all his attention is going to be him trying to get hers. At least if they were dating it would be the same situation but it’s not. He’s-.”
“Okay, okay, hey look at me. Calm down, at this rate you're gonna make the lockers fly off the wall,” Scott joked holding your hands.
You wiped the tears that you hadn’t even realized had been falling, “Sorry.” Scott moved his hands to your shoulders, “Don’t be sorry, now what were you going to say?”
You took a deep breath, “He’s supposed to be my single buddy, you know, the friend that becomes your pair when the other starts dating someone. I guess in the end, I don’t really feel like you’re trying to replace me but Stiles is.”
“No, no, no, look I know I don’t need to say it but I’m going to, we’re not trying to replace you. Y/N, you’re our best friend, we’re family. Nothing and I mean nothing, could ever replace the bonds we share with you.”
Hearing that made you feel so much lighter, you know deep down you were being kind of ridiculous but maybe to keep you from imploding you just needed to hear that. That you were important.
“You’re right.”
“And I’m gonna talk to Stiles.” Your eyes widened, “What, no! Don’t do that, it’s fine!”
“Too late. Now come on let’s go to lunch.”
Scott had that goofy grin, that grin that says ‘I’ve got everything planned.’ “Also, you didn’t need to say that you didn’t have a crush on Stiles. I know you only have eyes on Isaac.” That caught you off guard, you choked on air, your head shooting up to look at Scott who just had that stupid smug smile on his face.
“Shut up.”
“It’s true! Even before all this happened, I remember when you two got assigned for that project together. You wouldn’t stop talking about it and you would mention him one too many times for it just to be because you had a project together.” You felt like your heart was gonna beat out of your chest. You knew that he knew but you didn’t know that he knew all that.
“Is it that obvious?” You said meakly.
During lunch, Stiles had rushed in to point out that Boyd was missing from school today, meaning Derek had gotten to him. That’s what you were dealing with now, the game plan. It was already after school and Scott was sending Stiles to Boyd’s house. He was also trying to send you as well but you wouldn’t budge, not when there was a chance to see Isaac. To see him okay.
“If he’s not home you call me, got it?” Scott instructed as you three headed down the hallway.
Stiles had slow his pace which Scott noticed immediately, “What?”
“Maybe we should let him. Boyd, you know? You said Derek’s giving them a choice, right?”
Scott grabbed his shoulder pulling him down the hallway, you trailing right behind them, “We can’t.”
“You got to admit, Erica looks pretty good. The word 'sensational' comes to mind.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, because she was basically manipulated into believing that this would fix all her problems. Sure she heard what Derek warned her about but I can guarantee she wasn’t listening. Big difference. I would put money on it that Derek is brushing it off like he did with Scott ‘If you listen to me, you’ll be fine.’ He won’t give them answers just false security.”
“How do you think she’s gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head,” Scott argued as well.
Stiles took both your comments to heart, “Alright, all I’m saying is maybe this one, isn’t totally your responsibility.”
“They are,” Scott disagreed, “You know this thing is gonna get out of control and that makes me responsible.”
“Not to mention, could we live with ourselves if something happened to them, knowing we could have possibly helped them?” You added.
Stiles’ hands clapped to his sides, “Alright, I’m with you guys. And I also got to say this newfound heroism in you two is making me very attracted to you.”
You and Scott scoffed, “Shut up.”
“No, seriously. Do you want to just try making out for a second? We could take turns,” he suggested gesturing to you three as you pushed him away, “Just to see how it feels.”
“How about I take my fist to your face so you can see how that feels?”
Scott and you had reached the ice rink to see Boyd finishing out his shift. You had hurried closer, calling to him to get his attention.
“We just want to talk,” you pleaded.
At the sound of your voice, Boyd’s head had tilted up towards you.
“Hey, come on, Boyd, please,” Scott begged, “Did Derek tell you everything? And I don’t just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything.” Boyd had shut down the machine he was using, “He told me about the hunters.”
“And that’s not enough for you to say no,” you asked. Scott continued your point, “Whatever you want, there’s other ways to get it.”
“I just want to not eat lunch alone everyday.” His statement froze you, you hadn’t considered something like that but still.. this wasn’t the best way.
“Trust us, Boyd, if you’re looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek,” you said.
“That really hurts, Y/N.” Derek. Of course he was here. Scott had turned around making sure you were behind him but that didn’t stop you from seeing him.
Isaac. He was okay, well at least you thought so. You were right though, he definitely wasn’t the same boy from before. Now, he not only dressed differently but he wore a different expression entirely. The sweet smile you adored was gone, replaced with a smug smile. “I mean if you’re gonna review me at least take a consensus,” Derek motioned to the two teenagers beside him.
“Erica, how’s life been for you since we met?”
“In a word… transformative,” She roared, literally. You and Scott adjusted your stances already seeing where this was going.
“Well, I’m a little bummed about be a fugitive but other than that, I’m great.”
You scoffed, “Let me add to that. Did dear old Derek tell you the whole reason Scott is in this mess, the whole reason all of us are in this mess, is because of his family.” You had moved next to Scott by now, pointing at Derek, “Did he tell you that the only reason he’s an alpha is because he decided to be a selfish prick and slash his own uncle’s throat? Even after he said he wouldn’t for Scott’s sake?” Your rant had caused an awkward feeling to fall in the room. The two teenagers clearly looked slightly uncomfortable at the new information, Derek had cleared his throat before staring back at Scott. You crossed your arms, looking at Scott before facing the newly formed pack, “I guess he didn’t. Hm, interesting, don’t you think?”
Scott had taken a few steps forward, “Okay, hold on. This isn’t exactly a fair fight.”
“Then go home, Scott,” Derek smiled.
With a growl, Scott had punched the ice denting the surface, “I meant fair for them.”
Isaac and Erica had no problem advancing towards Scott. He had taken your arm and quickly moved you closer to the machine and Boyd, out of the way and safe. Scott turned and without any effort flung Isaac across the rink, moving on to slam Erica into the side of the ice rink machine. That didn’t stop the two from getting back up and trying again. They had actually had a second where they got the upper hand, pushing him in between them before Isaac flung him away just like Scott had.
“Isaac, stop! Leave him alone!” He ignored you, his focus completely on Scott. It didn’t matter, Scott beat them down again and again, until they finally stayed down.
“Don’t you get it? He’s not doing this for you, he’s just adding to his own power, okay? It’s all about him. He’s makes you feel like he’s giving you some kind of gift, when all he’s done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!” Scott yelled, slinging them across the ice and back to Derek. They laid there in shock of what Scott had just done all by himself.
“It’s true. It is about power.” Derek started making his way towards Scott now, transforming, his eyes glowing that blood red and fangs growing. He slashed at Scott, punched, kicked, beaten down your best friend. You couldn’t believe your eyes, it was brutal, it made you shake out of fear for the boy. You had to do something but you didn’t know what. All you knew was that you were afraid, afraid of what might happen if you didn’t do something. You glanced at Isaac and Erica, still sitting on the floor their attention now switching from Derek to you. You could see it in Isaac’s eyes, he knew you were gonna do something.
“Y/N, No!”
You ran as fast as you could on the ice, reached for Derek’s hand before he could slash at Scott again but it was useless. He threw you like trash, away from them. You landed with a loud crash and a groan from pain. You heard your name being called from a few different sources but you couldn’t tell. Everything got fuzzy. Only it wasn’t from the throw it was like from before, with Lydia. Your senses were basically rendered useless, you couldn’t hear anything and everyone looked slightly blurry. You knew they were looking at you though, you knew they could see it.
Your eyes glowing.
Before Derek could notice you, before he could stop you, you picked your head up and that’s when your sense came back. Heighten, stronger and clearer than ever.
“Get away from him!”
You slammed your hands on the ice, causing it to ripple like it was water, it traveled towards Derek knocking him off his position on Scott’s throat. He fell to the floor and an energy pushed him into the ice by his throat, almost like someone was stepping on his now. The ice cracked underneath him but you didn’t care. You rushed to Scott putting his head in your lap.
“Scott are you okay?” He lightly nodded, coughing up some more blood. By now Derek had risen up, staring at you in shock. You shot him a glare, “Leave, or I’ll do it again. And this time, I won’t stop.” Derek had slowly backed away going to his two new betas, who were now staring at you. Erica try to tend to Derek but he just brushed her off, Isaac on the other hand, he kept staring at you even when Derek tried to guide him out. You couldn’t tell if he was concerned for you or scared of you. Boyd had gotten down from where he was sitting getting ready to join the others.
“Boyd, please don’t, we don’t want to see you get hurt,” you pleaded one last time.
“You don’t want to be like them,” Scott warned
“You’re right,” Boyd lifted his shirt, revealing his bite, “I want to be like you.”
You had gotten Scott back to the clinic where he was worrying about his wounds from Derek, “Why aren’t you healing?” You shrugged even though he was mainly talking to himself, you rounded the corner to see a guy on the table, slashed.
“It’s from an alpha,” Deaton said coming from the shadows, “I think maybe we better have that talk now.”
a/n: I don't have much to say other than I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! let me know what you think!
taglist: @somiaw
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genderflu1dwh0r · 1 year
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Are you stupid?
You can be racist and have POC friends, Jason is way worse than Billy any day. Jason isn't the one being abused by his father everyday, he isn't poor, he didn't get taken from his home and live with a step sibling that he didn't know that well.
Jason is a horrible person and got his friend to tackle Erica, then he held a gun at Lucas. You can't tell me that that isn't racist, you can't tell me that's worse than what Billy ever did. Jason said "I thought you were one of the good ones". That. Is. Racist.
Billy got his bad traits from his father. Billy got beat by his father. Billy was crying into the phone for his mom to come home. Billy had no support system. Steve was the only person that Billy bullied and tormented, and in my opinion, Steve is a worse character than Billy.
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Steve threw slurs, while Billy got slurs thrown at him by his own father. Just because you don't care about abuse victims, doesn't mean you have to spread your hate.
I think that Billy just wanted Lucas to stop hanging around because if Neil found out, Billy would be the one getting beat. Neil would probably hurt Lucas way more than Billy could have ever done. Billy was protecting Max and himself, he was scared that Neil would find out. He did care and love Max, he just showed it in some confusing ways.
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Also, the Duffer brothers are racist, they wanted Dacre to say the N word. Dacre protested and it ended up not happening. Billy saying the N word isn't canon, cause it didn't happen in the show. Stop always going to that excuse for him being a bad person. He never said any slur.
People say "if the actor wasn't hot, then people wouldn't have liked him" and I disagree. His character is very interesting. He has a backstory, he has trauma, he has an actual interesting plot unlike any other character. Dacre is also a very amazing actor, he was able to make Billy even more interesting.
Dacre has said that his art imitates his life. He put his own life into the character, he didn't have a great relationship with his dad, he has said this.
Max is a horrible person too, she drugged Billy with something that she didn't know was in, almost hit him with Steve's bat, screamed at him before leaving and stealing his car. Billy could have died on the floor, he was drugged and had no car. Tell me that that isn't abuse. Just because Billy grabbed her wrist ONE time, doesn't mean it's abuse.
Siblings fight all the time, it's just what happens. Especially how their family dynamics was. I and many others have fights with our siblings. You get over it in like a day. That doesn't make Billy a bad person. He did some really shitty things, yes. But that doesn't excuse all the hate he gets. He's a complex character, no other character is like him.
That's why he's my baby boy. I relate to him, I'm an abuse victim, I love knowing that I have a character to relate to. Stop blaming abuse victims on how they grew up, they can change. He could have changed if he didn't die. He could have, but nobody let him.
Nobody tried to help him. He didn't have a support system. The people who compare Jonathan to Billy are wild, cause Jonathan did have a support system, his mother did so much. Billy had nobody. His father beat him, hi stepmother did NOTHING to stop Neil, she just watched. She was clearly abused too, but she's the adult, she has to be there for Billy. She has to get Max away from all of this, which in season 4, she did. But she turned into an even worse mom.
Right here. He was trying to get help, he was trying to get the MF to get out. He wanted someone to help him. He kept fighting, and that's how he saved everyone on the day he died. He knew he was going to die, he was sobbing.
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Try to think before talking bad against Billy.
Why do people say Vecna/Henry/Jason/Troy/James/Angela are better than Billy?
Vecna/Henry literally tried to kill children and the whole world. Billy wanted to have some fun and games, he would never go to prison for killing a child. He was never going to hit Mike, Lucas, Dustin, or Will.
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Troy/James made Mike jump off of a fucking cliff while wanting to take Dustins teeth out. Tell me that isn't fucked. MIKE WOULD HAVE DIED IF EL WASN'T THERE!!
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Jason held a fucking gun to Lucas's head and got Erica hurt. He sent a witch-hunt over Eddie and that ended up killing that poor boy. Literally, he was poor and Jason is a rich christian white boy. Tell me that isn't classist. Jason also did this to get information out of a kid.
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Angela deserved the roller skate to the face for what she did to El. I would have done the same thing, El never deserved any of what she went through there.
Anyone going to object? Cause you can't, my points are spot on. Why aren't we gonna get mad at Jamie Campbell Bower over saying he relates to Vecna/Henry? If Dacre is bad for doing so, why can't we shame Jamie for the same thing?
I would count the MF taking over Billy like that as a reference of sexual assault. His body gets taken away from him, he is crying for help, he is scared and tried to tell someone. I've talked to SA survivors and they agree.
Anyway, I am pissed at Billy antis and I am just so done with them.
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the-lark-ascending69 · 6 months
Scoops Ahoy Ronance AU?
Ooh I like this 👀
First off I want to say that one of the things that attracted me to ronance when I first watched s4 was the fact that Nancy seemed to be so annoyed with her, lmao. Idk what is it about it but I love it when they can't stand each other at first. That's why I feel like a good ronance story begins with Nancy wanting Robin to stfu.
Now, unlike Steve, who was mildly annoyed but didn't pay her much attention at Scoops Ahoy, I think Nancy would be fuming whenever Robin tried to pull any snarky shit with her. I don't think she'd outright make a board to count how much Nancy sucks like she did Steve, firstly because Nancy doesn't have the same cringe material that Steve does, and secondly, I don't think Robin would act like that with a girl. I just think she's nicer to girls. Still, she's still in her S3 mode, porcupine energy, pretends to not care and be above it all while still pretty much not liking her coworker.
I think she'd find it bitterly funny and really unfair that Nancy doesn't seem to know they even went to the same school. Excuse her, she was Barb's friend first, Wheeler. Show some respect. But she doesn't see the point in telling her because she doesn't care about it, anyway. She just has this aloof, standoffish attitude with Nancy all the time. Rather than making fun of her, she's ignoring her, or telling her to stop bothering her, she's trying to read.
The truth is that Nancy is insufferable here. She feels it's undignified for her to be working at Scoops Fucking Ahoy for the summer, but she still tries to make everything the way it's supposed to because she's already going through the shame of working at Scoops, she's not going to humilliate herself by doing it poorly, too. Plus, she genuinely wants to be nice to clients, until they stop being nice to her. Still she keeps a tight smile whenever they come make her life a living hell, something her coworker can't seem to pull herself to do. It's as if Robin didn't care that people could tell she was tired or annoyed, and she's seen her fight with Erica more times than she deems appropriate. She doesn't appreciate Robin hissing like a cat at a 10 year old girl.
Nancy is just... confused as to how she even got to this point and who did she anger to get paired up with Robin Fucking Buckley. Yes, she's trying to make some money, but truly, how could this have been the only place that called her?
So she's always giving Robin a hard time, scolding her for not smiling enough and condecendingly showing her how it's done (which only earns her the most dead of stares from Robin), or telling her to just go to the back of the store to keep playing with her language tapes if she's not going to do things correctly. Robin just rolls her eyes at that.
She doesn't mock her as much as she does Steve, but when she does, it's her way of challenging her in her flaws, it's constructive even if neither of them realize. Nancy will ramble about how Robin clearly doesn't care about their job and she's sorry if she doesn't need it as much as Nancy does, but she won't let her become an obstacle, to which Robin responds by raising her eyebrows, throwing her head back and saying "wow, Wheeler, that was so inspiring. I mean, I knew the Wheelers were dirt poor but I didn't think it was that bad. Hey, look, we have that in common!" Nancy doesn't like being undignified, but Robin isn't afraid of shaking her a little - mostly making sarcastic comments whenever Nancy does something she wouldn't expect Nancy Wheeler to do, in a way that is unfair because it shows how little she knows her and how many ugly things she assumes about her. That's another thing that drives Nancy mad too, because she's still so full of pain and fear and anger, and now this weirdo is poking fun at the fact she owns guns (plural) as if it were some kind of punchline and not another piece in her trauma puzzle.
I think they surprise each other by how well they work together while cracking the code once Nancy stops scolding Robin for running through the mall and standing on a table, spinning around while talking to herself. She's shocked by the fact she speaks four languages, and even more shocked when she cracked the code when Nancy couldn't. That's when she stops seeing Robin as an apathetic weirdo who's made it her life mission to annoy her, and starts seeing her as an incredibly intelligent young woman whose brain works in mysterious ways. Nancy almost wants to take her brain out of her head and study it, because it's as if she were hanging upside down, looking at things backwards and reading secret patterns no one else can see. It actually inspires Nancy to try to solve problems the way Robin does. It surprises Robin to no end when Nancy is suddenly taking her seriously and asking for her opinion. She's so shocked she doesn't even make sarcastic comments about it.
I think Robin starts seeing Nancy differently as she starts to open up, slowly. She tells her the essential only at first - different dimensions, girl with powers, monster hunting, demonic possesions, now apparently russian spies as well. Whenever Robin asks how she even got involved in all of this, Nancy gives an obviosuly incomplete explanation about helping a friend find his brother (Robin sees through it immediately - why go so far for someone she didn't even know? It'd make a little bit more sense if she did it to help her own brother, but that's not what she said, so she's obviosly hiding something). Robin is still shocked that Nancy Wheeler owns guns. She's even more shocked when she gives one to her, as if she knew what to do with it, and even more when they get intercepted and Nancy fucking shoots and kills one of those guys. Robin did not expect her summer to go like this. It must be some weird kind of dream.
It happens slowly. Robin shows more of her charming nature without quite opening up. She manages to trick an agent by speaking a little bit of russian, she manipulates one of their torturers so they won't hurt Nancy, she bravely talks back despite Nancy begging her to keep her mouth shut and somehow it works. Somehow these people are convinced, somehow, that it's more convenient for them to keep them alive and with all their bones intact. It's like Nancy has been thrown into a whole new reality, in which making yourself small and try to politely convince people to listen to you isn't compulsory, in which you can be defiant and cunning and determined and win. Make them listen to you. Even if the victory is small, it's still a victory. Thanks to Robin, she gets to keep all her nails. Maybe talking so much wasn't a flaw after all.
She opens up slowly - about Barb, and her guns, and the violence she's seen and all the pain inside her heart, and Robin feels so stupid for thinking she was a priss. Nancy is profoundly touched by grief and loneliness. She lost a part of her heart at 15 she's never getting back.
But Robin doesn't open up back. She apologizes for being mean and reassures her that they'll both see Barb soon, and she won't be alone when that happens. All she says about herself is that she feels, you know, like she ruins everything. Nancy doesn't understand, but what Robin means to say is that she has only thought about Tammy Thompson once since this all started, and it was to say to herself, I don't even care if I never see her again, if I get to die next to Nancy Wheeler. And she feels like that is even more forbidden, somehow.
They're drugged. They talk. They're rescued and they get sick and they vomit most if the drugs. Most of it. And they ask each other things. Nancy asks why so many languages, and Robin tells her about Operation Croissant, thinking Nancy will make fun of her, but it seems she just finds it cute. She asks Nancy about Jonathan. She tells her she doesn't think their relationship has any salvation, after she made them lose their previous job. That's stupid, says Robin. Weren't you right after all? Your boss is a piece of shit, by the way.
I dragged him with me. He shouldn't have lost his job because of me.
Fuck that. I'd say it's on your boss. Didn't that guy send you to solve the mystery of the missing mustard?
My boss? Yeah, something like that.
Nancy asks her then if she's ever had any boyfriend. She can't imagine anyone being unable to fall utterly in love with Robin once they get to know her. She expresses this sentiment to her, and Robin gets somber all of a sudden. You don't actually know me, Wheeler, she says.
I like to think I know enough to mean what I say, Nancy replies.
Well, you're wrong. People just... don't know me. No one does. I don't know if you've realized, but I don't have any friends. I'm not the kind of person who's known by other people. Or has friends.
It breaks Nancy's heart a little to hear that.
Robin, do you think we could be... friends? She asks. She normally wouldn't say something like that so directly, but she's still under the influence of drugs, and she really wanted to be Robin's friend.
But Robin feels like becoming friends with Nancy while knowing of these newly developed feelings is a crime. It is if Nancy doesn't know the truth.
There's something you need to know before we're friends.
What is it?
You're not gonna like it, and you're not going to want to be my friend after you hear it.
Robin, you can tell me.
Do you remember Tammy Thompson?
And so she tells her. She tells her almost everything: that she's always felt out of place, always a stranger, always an outsider, always unable to keep friendships and always feeling something she shouldn't. Worrying about what people were gonna say, what they were gonna think, if they were going to hate her, if she was simply too much and had something fundamentally wrong in her that made her unloveable. She dumps all of this on Nancy, expecting her to be annoyed or disgusted, or to simply realize she didn't actually like Robin all that much, in the end.
But Nancy just takes her hand says, Robin, listen to me. That is not true. Any girl would be lucky to have you.
And in that moment, it feels like she's breathing in for the first time in her life. Like there's a small puzzle piece being sloted into a hole in her heart that she'd forgotten was there. She feels her nose itch, and her eyes water a little bit.
Can we be friends, then? Nancy shyly asks, like a kid at the playground. Robin laughs weatly and nods.
Uh... yeah. Yes. I'd love to be friends, actually.
Nancy smiles, and to her surprise, she raises on her knees and hugs her. It's been a long time Robin has received a hug from anyone other than her parents, and she's never felt this happy.
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londondziban · 11 months
I'll forever be confused over the writing of Steve's character in season 4. Like, what was the thought process behind the choices that were made for him?
In season 1, he was shown to have a change of behavior, felt remorse for his actions, attempted to apologize to not just Nancy but also Jonathan, and bought a camera for Jonathan to replace the one he had broken. Not only this, but he had turned back around to help Nancy and Jonathan–after having a gun pointed at him and nearly getting eaten by a creature he probably couldn't fully comprehend at the time–despite the fact he was scared shitless cuz, hey, that's his girl in there and a guy he may not know very well but he's not going to let them fight the monster alone.
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In season 2, we watched him grieve his relationship with Nancy and form a bond with Dustin and the other kids. Though he was clearly upset about the breakup, he never once truly blamed Nancy for it. We saw him respect not only Nancy's feelings but her choice as well. He knew he wasn't the one she chose, he knew she was struggling and turned to Jonathan. He was heartbroken but he did his best to move forward and keep his mind on the mission at hand.
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In season 3, we watch his bond with Dustin develop further and we see him make his first friend that's (close) to his age since he dropped his previous friends in season 1. He was actively looking for a new girl to date and developed feelings for Robin; We were led to believe he'd moved on from Nancy. In this season, though he was fairly removed from the other kids for most of it, we were once again shown he has a selfless nature when it comes to them, even Erica whom he barely knew. We saw that at the end of the day, he's simply a good friend through his instant support of Robin rather than lashing out over the rejection or being flat-out homophobic. He's selfless and loyal to those he cares about. His character in this season was wonderful (not talking about how his injuries were constantly played for laughs though, that's for a future post).
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So in season 4...what happened? Yeah, I still loved him because he's Steve and I've become attached to his character over the years. But he just felt so off? I'm glad his friendship with Robin was still there and I loved them together throughout the season. But he's 1. suddenly in love with Nancy again, 2. doesn't seem to respect her actual feelings nor her relationship with Jonathan (because if he did he wouldn't be actively flirting with her and telling her he wants to have kids with her, hello?), 3. he complained about being with the kids despite being shown to deeply care for them over and over again (it could've been a joke of course but it just felt mean spirited when compared to his behaviors in prior seasons. Like he sighed when being paired with Dustin?), and 4. he just felt kind of weird and a little creepy at times.
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It felt like they didn't know what to do with him this last season. It felt like all the development he'd gone through suddenly took a left turn and then backtracked out of nowhere. Instead of finding ways to discuss the way season 3 events affected him (and Robin) or maybe showing him form a genuine bond with Eddie (someone else his age that he never would've previously been friends with), they made him a little mean spirited, they made the other characters be meaner to him and treat him as if he's stupid (more than usual), and they made him be in love with Nancy again. They could've done so much with his character that wouldn't have contradicted all of his growth, and yet.
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I say this all with good intentions, of course. I love Steve. He was one of my favorites when I first started watching the show. Which is why I was so upset about the way they wrote his character in season 4. He just didn't feel like the Steve I'd loved anymore. Was it a conscious decision? Is there a specific reason behind it we just haven't been shown yet? Or was it just poor writing? I hope whatever is going on with his character is either fixed or simply explained in season 5 (and I'm so excited to see he'll have at least one interaction with Jonathan!). I'm just a little worried they've run out of ideas for his character and are just going to kill him off next season without any explanation as to why his character took the turn it did.
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TLDR: I love Steve but the way his character was written in season 4 confused me.
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pbs-theundeadmaggot · 8 months
hi angel! i see your requests are open and if you’re up for it, i’d love to request an older!sinclair sister w our lover boy eddie? :) some angst for character development LOL and fluff? ♥️♥️♥️ thank u pookie
Mistakes were made but atleast we fixed them, sort of…
Eddie Munson x Fem!OlderSinclaire reader
[a/n] sorry this took longer than I’d hoped, I really tried to make it a balance between angst and fluff so I hope I did your request justice! Feel free to send more asks in the future, I’ve never written for Sinclair reader before this so it was definitely new to me, but I had fun! <3
Valen-Cries masterlist available here!
Request a Valen-Cries fic here!
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Eddie had been your best friend for as long as you could remember, practically joined at the hip, so much so that it was uncommon to see you apart, until recently. With the cracks of your steadily crumbling friendship beginning to show, questions naturally arose from both your parents and peers. 
What you refused to tell anyone was the real reason behind this break, constantly spewing excuse after excuse when anyone broached the topic. It was unlikely anyone would hear what actually went down, with Eddie probably far too embarrassed to explain that you, his best friend was in love with him, and you mortified for even thinking he could feel the same.
In fact just thinking about it months later, your cheeks still burned with a mixture of hurt and rage, picturing the night you’d all but spilled your guts while he sat there half heartedly shrugging at your confession like you meant nothing to him at all. 
Poor Lucas had attempted to console you but was met with a cold pillow to the face the moment he entered your bedroom, quickly deciding it wasn’t worth possibly losing his head over some ‘girl drama’, or so he thought. However, it was also just your luck that the following morning he’d not only told Mike and Dustin but the entire Hellfire group, Eddie included.
For a while after the whole debacle you’d tried to remain just best friends with Eddie, truly believing that if he wasn’t interested in you romantically you could still salvage the friendship although, that proved more difficult than ever.
Which led you to now where you were stuck between the awkward and depressing limbo of wanting more but trying desperately to get over you know who, in an effort to go back to how it was before, if that was even possible. 
Poking around at the food in front of you as your family chatted happily about their day, zoning in and out of conversation had become the new norm. The numbness taking over once more until Lucas had let it slip that Eddie had a date with none other than Chrissy Cunningham, Hawkin’s princess. 
Of course he did, you’d thought. The bitterness beginning to take over as you thought of the numerous reasons Eddie would never be attracted to you and how you’d ruined everything. Excusing yourself from the table and going straight to bed, not that you’d be getting any sleep.
If only you’d kept your stupid mouth shut.
You weren’t sure how long had passed until the faint knock of the door echoed through the room, followed by the creak of the worn down door. “Hey y/n, I was thinking we could have a spa night this weekend if you’re up for it? You know how mom used to do when we were younger?” Erica shifted somewhat nervously. It was clear she didn’t want to anger you, with your mood changing faster than the wether nowadays, likely confused how the once close family dynamic had become to distant. 
Guilt weighed heavy against your chest, the urge to decline and simply wallow, outweighing a possibly fun and equally horrendous sister night. Desperate to think of an excuse but deciding to agree anyway for her sake. It wasn’t like you had anything planned either way, with Lucas and your parents going on date. 
The bonus was she might actually succeed with killing you this time, if her cooking was the still as you remembered.
Eddie knew it was wrong as soon as the thought entered his head, he just couldn’t understand how you could tolerate let alone be in love with him. Hell he’d be lying if he tried to deny the feelings he felt, yet he still choose to play the fool. He hadn’t anticipated the fallout would be quite this bad, with you avoiding him for the most part or pretending for his sake the confession was in the past and to be forgotten, and his conflicted feelings making him temperamental, for lack of a better word he well and truly was fucked.
How was he supposed to rely on you to protect his heart if he couldn’t do the same for you? So used to being the other person in any given situation, this was all new. Hell he’d have studied for this moment if it meant he’d have an answer with how to move forward, alas that wasn’t coming anytime soon.
Trudging up to the van like usual unaware that someone was following him until the crinkle of a snack wrapper sounded from behind, stopping him in his tracks.
 “Sinclair I know you’re there” Eddie had called before turning around to meet the sheepish grin on Lucas’ face.
“How did you know it was me?” The boy had sighed, munching away on his favourite snack bar which coincidentally was also yours. 
“Well apart from the obnoxiously loud noise you made opening that.” He’d pointed at the half eaten food “I also happen to know there y/n’s favourite and they’re the most annoying thing ever, especially when trying to plan a campaign.”
“Well anyway I need you to come to my house tomorrow evening.” Ignoring Eddie and continuing “and before you ask she’s not going to be home so don’t worry about that, she’s got a date.” He trailed off, watching something in the distance
“I wasn’t worried but okay…” Eddie muttered watching as Lucas suddenly ran off shouting at what he assumed to be the others to wait up for him
Getting into your pyjamas and heading downstairs to see what chaos Erica was cooking up, literally, you hadn’t expected to be met with the person you’d been trying to forget, or at least just for one evening. 
“What are you doing here?” Looking around the otherwise empty kitchen confused “you’re supposed to be on a date?” You questioned
“No you’re supposed to be on a date.” Eddie echoed back as the sound of chairs dragging against the hardwood floor grew closer. 
“Neither of you are on a date but you are locked in, so sort whatever it is going on between you out now!” Your younger siblings shouted, clearly having planned tonight.
“By the way I know you both love each other so just admit it already.” Erica added, earning a thump before it grew quiet again. 
Unsure of how to comprehend her words, you simply pulled up a chair and sat down. You definitely weren’t going to start the conversation, hurt enough over the first time you’d talked argued about ‘this’.
“Look I’m just going to get straight to the point. I lied.” Eddie started, pulling up a chair near you and sitting “I do love-” the hesitation was enough to send you reeling, the urge to simply run, scratching away at your insides. 
“Fuck” he was pacing now “I’ve never said these words to anyone but I love you.” Breathing out without hesitation this time. “I know I’ve been shit at showing it and I don’t expect you to forgive me for lying and hurting you but when I heard you were going on a date something changed.” Now still and silent once again as he got down and looked at you for real this time.
“I lied because I thought you could do better than me. I mean I’m still in high school, barley passing and you’re in college with your whole life ahead of you. It wouldn’t be fair for me to hold you back, you know that.” 
“Eddie what the hell?!” You weren’t sure if you wanted to scream or cry at how dense he could be, you’d probably end up doing both “I don’t care about that shit, we’ve been friends for years and you didn’t think to at least talk to me about this?”
“You know I love you and you let me think you were basically disgusted at me?” Pausing as you pondered on your next words. “Don’t answer that.” 
Where words failed, actions came into hand. Leaning over and pressing your lips against his, savouring the faint taste of mint and tobacco that lingered, while cupping his cheeks between your hands. Now that you’d started you weren’t sure you could stop, understanding now what it means to be intoxicated by someone. 
Gasping for breath between kisses and hands grabbing at each other while the room grew hotter until you were startled by a bang.
“Hey! We’re still here you know.” Lucas shouted “also I’m still mad that you like him” It was now Erica’s turn to slap him playfully, prompting a spat between the two over who’d genius plan this was. Honestly you couldn’t care less now that you had Eddie back.
Little did you know that it was thanks to both Lucas and Erica meddling for this Valentine’s miracle. Although, that was an argument for another day. Erica insisting she knew was the head of operation Valentines.
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Okay, rewatching 06×02 today! Let's go!
(future me here: this episode is 52 minutes long, why the fuck did I take ≈1h30 to write all of this. ;-;)
1) Hospital
Holy shit, I forgot how intense that whole scene is.
My poor baby's dying here. :((
2) Dustin and Steve
They're so awkward lol--
Feels weird to watch them like that after two and a half season of them being beasties, plus the whole fandom "mama Steve" thing.
Dustin: How do I know it's not a lizard? Because it's face opened up and it ate my cat.
THE WAY STEVE NODDED LIKE "yeah, fair enough" I CAN'T
I like how Steve middely belived Dustin about Dart tho, it shows how his character development is starting to actually happen but isn't really advanced yet. Idk.
3) Hospital
(the way Mike is just next to Will and watching at him like he's going to disappear if he stops looking makes me so happy TuT)
Joyce is such a badass protective mother I love her.
These damn scientist better be scared.
4) Nancy, Jonathan, and Murray
Badass detectives and journalists ✨
Love how Jancy got Murray'd. His talk is just SO iconic, I love it so much. 😌
5) Nancy and Jonathan
Oh my gosh just kiss already.
(kiss scene happens)
(I actually forgot that they did, in fact, kiss here, and I was NOT prepared help me)
6) Lucas a Dustin (+Erica and Steve)
Love Erica's sassy self, but as an older sibling myself I would NOT like to have her as my sister. She's nosy as fuck.
Anyway, love how Lucas immediately apologize and how Dustin explain the situation so clearly. Love my boys. :)
7) Hopper and the scientists
Hopper: Why aren't you burning it?
Owens: There's been a complication.
Uh. That's one way to put it I guess.
8) Joyce and Bob (+ Will and Mike)
Love how Bob is still hella confused, but is trying to be supportive of Joyce. He would've been such a great dad and husband... Just, not the the Byers. :(
(Mike sleeping in the chair next to Will's bed and waking up right after him ToT💕💕)
Will is already forgetting things, my poor baby. :((
9) Nancy, Jonathan, and Murray
The breakfast scene is so funny help me--
Poor Jonathan has no idea what's going to happen once he gets back home. :(
Murray is so "weird oncle that you see once every ten years and has no idea what he's up to the rest of the time" coded lmao
10) Lucas and Max (+ Billy(ew))
I'm still mad at Billy for breaking Max's skateboard by the way this guy's a grade A asshole.
Anyway, I like how Lucas immediately went to bring Max with him, it's pretty cute. Tho, it's definitely the raison for many other problems after that so, maybe not his best idea. :(
Love that Max is hiding Lucas from Billy, she knows his racist ass would beat the shit out of him.
11) Will and the others
("That' my friend. Mike." MIKE'S TINNY SMILE AAAAAHHHH!!! TOT💕💕)
The fuck is wrong with that guy?? He told you he could feel it, why did you have to actually burn this God damn vine thing??? What is wrong with him???? That's literally just torture!! And toward a child!!! I hate them so much.
My poor son. :((
12) Joyce, Hopper, Owens
That was honestly pretty interesting.
13) Dustin and Steve
Honestly Steve's love advices are pretty... Uh. Mid. Honestly. But I guess it works for him because he's hot and popular or something. (Well used to work, but yk)
But I love this line in particular:
Steve: She's only gonna break your heart, and you're way too young for that shit.
He's speaking from experience here. He's talking about Nancy.
You know, he was saying how she's "different than other girls" (probably because he actually fell in love with her a little), and Dustin started saying that Max's different too. And Steve was like: "Wait. You're not falling in love with this girl right?" And when Dustin told him that he isn't, he says "Good. Don't." A d then this ligne that I highlighted earlier. Because Steve is going through a heartbreak, and he doesn't want Dustin to feel like he does.
Which is actually pretty sweet if you think about it! :)
Anyway, the hair advice is also just so sweet, it's adorable how Steve's trying to help Dustin with girls, I love them they're so siblings. TuT💕
14) Hopper and "Eleven"
That whole scene was just so :(((
He's going to have such a bad breakdown when he'll be back :((
15) the scientists
I am calm. I am very calm. I am absolutely not rooting for the death of these assholes. I. Am. Calm. Relaxed. Chilling. Breathing. 🙂
16) Joyce, Bob (+Will)
We love a (trying to be) supportive boyfriend..! Yay. :')
(Honestly Noah did such an amazing job in this whole season, the way Will is just blankly starting at the celling without blinking is so unsettling and impressive)
17) Will and Mike
But seriously, you can see the difference between how Bob and Mike handle this whole situation so clearly it's crazy.
Bob is trying to comfort Joyce by giving her a possibility to be "normal" once all this is done, which is clearly not helping much and is also involuntarily dismissive of her fears.
Meanwhile, Mike is helping Will by trying to understand what he's experiencing, and he is never dismissing him. He uses the terms that Will put on what he sees. And, especially, he is not scared of him. He's treating him like he normally would, just with a bit more worry in his eyes and caution is his mouvements, but that's it. And that's exactly what Will needs. I love them so much.
18) Dustin and Lucas (+ Steve and Max)
(Dustin and Steve are so siblings kskdjqldkbdb I love them sm)
Love that they talk about stuff and how Lucas extend his hand first because he "drew first blood". It's sweet. :)
19) Jonathan and Nancy
Our favorite detective/journalists couple are on the way!!
20) Will (+others)
(the way Mike is almost always the closest person to Will jdkdodksj ToT💕)
You know, I kinda like Dr Owens. He's the most decent out of all these assholes scientists.
21.1) Scientists
Random scientist: Alright, let's see if this kid's a wizard of a schizo.
This line has no right to be this damn funny. >:(
21.2) the vehicle graveyard (or smt)
Whoa, they're doing all that so fucking fast :0
It's pretty cool!!
22) Steve, Dustin, Max
Rip Dustin's crush, it was fun while it lasted 🫡
23) Lumax
Anyway, sorry. But seriously, lumax is my second favorite couple/ship of ST and I love them so much. This scene is definitely on of my favorites!! :)
Lucas: I like talking with you, Mad Max.
Max: And I like talking with you, stalker.
24) The vehicle graveyard
Love how Dustin thinks that Steve's awesome, it's cute. :)
And Lumax hold handing! :3
Honestly the actors did an absolutely crazy amazing job here, I can't even imagine the scene without the demodogs, and they had to act without them?? Super impressive.
25.1) The scientists + Hopper
That scene is so cool. Love how Hopper immediately recognize the "graveyard" lol--
25.2) Will, Mike, Joyce (+Bob ig)
The way Mike almost immediately understood what Will was saying is crazy. And then assholes are calling him stupid, istg. *eyes roll*
Anyway, my poor baby Will is GOING THROUGH IT, once again. :((
Also, I've said this before and I'll say it again, but Noah's acting is absolutely amazing here. He gave me literal chills!
And Finn too!! The way you can immediately see the exact moment were the realization hits Mike is absolutely incredible.
Loves these guys.
Annnnnddd, here comes the end of this episode. That was a rollercoaster.
11 notes · View notes
clumsiestgiantess · 10 months
A while ago I posted a list of some Other-world Universe AUs, and while I neglected to mention some of the darker ones, there is a pretty heart wrenching one: Fallen Erica AU
In other words, enjoy the angst!
I was biking home from school, my dorm not too far away, when I was nearly run off the trail by a fox dashing in front of my bike.  It shrieked, dropping whatever it had in its mouth as I came to a halt directly in front of it.  As quickly as it appeared, the fox raced away into the woods, abandoning whatever prey it had held on the ground beside me.  “Oh no!  Poor fox, I didn’t mean to scare you from your food!”  I leaned over, glancing at what it had caught.  Confusion, quickly followed by an intense kind of fear, flooded my veins.  The little creature painfully tried to move, wheezing labored breaths as it slowly reached out to haul itself up.  But the creature.. as small as it was, it looked like a person.  That was impossible — should be impossible, yet.. there it was.
The moment it spotted me it screamed, quickly and desperately scrambling upwards.  Dropping my bike to the side of the path, I rushed to the tiny thing.  “No!  Please!  Please, I don’t want to die!”  Oh god.  Carefully, I knelt down beside the small person as she struggled to get away.  She’d gotten upright, but one of her legs dragged limply behind her.  “Hey, it’s- it’s ok; I’m not going to hurt you.”  The tiny woman stared up at me, teary-eyed.  “Wh- What are you?  Where am I?”  
She doesn’t know?  She flinched harshly after I leaned down over her, trying to see her better.  Why is she so small?  The tiny person was around the length of my longest finger, nothing more.  “Did you shrink?” I asked, “Why don’t you know where you are?”  A whimper escaped her throat, making me cringe.  “I.. I just.. don’t know.”  “Here, let me help you.”  I reached to help her up, but she cried out in fear.  “Wait!  Don’t!”  Her tiny hands reached out to shield herself from mine.  When they touched my skin, a jolt spiraled through my nerves, and I was frozen in place.
The woman yelped, and suddenly I had the strong urge to get away from her.  The next thing I knew, I was on my feet, backing towards my bike.  What?  Why am I leaving?  I don’t want to leave her alone like this.  I had just mounted it before realizing what I was doing.  Coming out of whatever daze I was in, I knelt again.  “Alright, I won’t pick you up, but I’m not leaving you out here.  What if the fox comes back?”  She shuddered at the mention of it.  “I can help you.”  
Her face distorted indecisively before falling into reluctance.  “I don’t believe you, but I-“ her voice cracked, “I don’t think I have a choice.”  My heart stung painfully.  “Of course you have a choice.  Do you want me to leave you here, or should I take you with me?”  I knew the decision was so much harder that those two simple choices — so many other factors weighed into it.  Her options were limited by her height, her injury, her little knowledge of.. anything happening.  Finally, she nodded.  “I’ll go with you.”  She said it almost unwillingly, but I still reached for her.  
She’ll understand after I take her home.  I’ll get her cleaned up, get her something to eat, maybe some sleep, too.  Hopefully she’ll realize I won’t hurt her — that I just want her to be safe.  Why am I so adamant about this?  Well, I admit she was fascinating at such a small scale, but I couldn’t stand the thought of someone being that utterly helpless.  Powerlessness has always frightened and taunted me since I was little.  Seeing it in such a dramatic scale made my nerves spike so awfully, all I wanted to do was wrap her in a comforting blanket and find her somewhere safe to be.
As gently as I dared, I slid my hand beneath her.  She whimpered again and pulled away from me, but as I lifted her she leaned more heavily against my palms.  Her tiny form shook between my fingers as I lightly moved her hurt leg to keep it steady.  “Hey, you’re alright, I promise,” I told her quietly, “I don’t want to hurt you.”  Slowly and hesitantly, she turned to look up at me.  “What’s your name?”  “E- Erica.”  I smiled slightly, trying to seem as least threatening as I could.  “I know I must look scary to you, Erica, but I swear there’s nothing to be frightened of.”  She said nothing else the entire way back, silently curled up in the palm of my hand.  I felt so badly for her, but I pressed on, walking my bike with one hand and holding her in the other.
By the time we got back to my room, Erica seemed solemn.  That was until I tried to nestle her in a small blanket.  She grabbed my hand in a sudden ferocity.  “Would you just leave me alone?!  Stop coddling me like I’m pathetic!  Just pretend I’m not here!”  Right before my eyes, she faded in my vision.  What am I doing messing with this little cloth?  Shouldn’t I be working on my essay?  I left my nightstand and sat back at my laptop for an hour or two before readying myself for bed.  I fell asleep completely unaware of the tiny woman on the table, begging me to bring her something to eat, or even acknowledge her.
When I woke the following morning, everything came racing back to me — the person that I’d taken in, and how I suddenly stopped caring about her.  What was that?!  Why did I completely ignore her?  Why couldn’t I see her?!  I scrambled out of bed to find her sitting dejectedly in the little blanket I’d given her before she told me to forget her.  Wait.  She told me to pretend that she isn’t here.  Ever since, I couldn’t see her.  She.. She did that to me somehow.  As I stepped closer, Erica gave me a nasty glare.  “You ‘promised’ to help me,” she spat, making air quotes when she said the word promise.  “I-”  “If you’re going to starve me, you should just put me back in the damn woods.”
“Erica, I’m so sorry, but.. I think you forced me into thinking you weren’t here.”  Her eyes burned with hostility.  “And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?  I told you to ignore me, so you played along and starved me to teach me a little lesson?”  I gawked, “N- No!  That’s cruel!  It happened when you grabbed me!  I- I couldn’t even see you or hear you!”  “So you’re telling me,” she began, shuffling threateningly to her feet, “That I forced you to stop believing I exist.”  “I know how it sounds, but yes.”  “Give me your hand.”  “W- What?” I stammered.  “Give me your hand.  I want to see if it’s true.”  My hand shook as I hesitantly reached for her.  “What are you going to do?”  “Find out if you’re lying.”
Taking a long breath, I held out my hand.  Her tiny digits slid over a single one of mine.  “Go get me something to eat, then come right back with it.”  I did.  I wanted to anyways, but I found that even if I tried to stop myself.. I couldn’t.  When I came back with her meal, her expression grew curious.  “Alright,” she huffed, putting her hand on mine again.  “Umm.. take everything off your bed and wreak your room with it.”  She’s testing me, and it’s working.  Gnawing fear grew in the pit of my stomach as I watched myself tear pillows, sheets, even my mattress, off the bed and scatter them on the floor.  “This-  You aren’t tricking me with this, are you?  How am I even doing this?”  As my hand neared her again I spoke, trying to keep nervous fear from entering my voice.  “E- Erica?”  She paused mid-reach.  “I think that’s enough.”  A cruel sneer spread over her face as she quickly forced her hand into mine.
“No, you don’t.  In fact, you’re willing to come listen to my commands every time I call your name.  Which is?”  “Alexis,” I replied numbly, almost robotically.  “Good.  Now go clean everything up.”  The sickening lurch of bile rose in my throat.  For the first few minutes of cleaning I stayed quiet, disbelieving my sudden awful predicament.  “You know I was just trying to help you, right?” I asked her, finishing my task.  “Well now I know for sure,” she replied haughtily, “because I’ll make sure of it.”  “You don’t have to do that-”  “No, but I want to.  And what are you gonna do?  Stop me?”  Genuinely afraid for my safety, I lunged for her, quickly trapping her in a pillowcase I still held in my hand.  “Yes!  Yes, I will!  You can’t just.. control me!  I’ll help you, but this has to stop.”
I could feel her struggling, trying to find a way out as I hauled the writhing bundle into my hands.  She shouted commands at me, and I assumed they wouldn’t work because she wasn’t touching me, but when her hand managed to slide to a thinner layer of cloth, I snapped into obedience.  Immediately, I let her down.  “Nice try, asshole!  I don’t know how or why this works, but you follow my rules now!  You listen to me.”  “Why?!” I spat, “Why do you want me under your control?!  I didn’t do anything but try to help you!”  “You abandoned me on a table for hours!”  “Because you told me to pretend you didn’t exist!”  “You were going to hurt me!”  “No I wasn’t!  Never have I once said I wanted to do anything but help!”  She marched up to me and I stepped out of her reach.  I made it to the door before she called my name and I returned to her like she’d told me to.
“I want you to gently and non-maliciously get me off of the floor,” she commanded with a hand on me.  I slid my own hand around her, lifting her back to the nightstand.  Erica paced its surface, thinking aloud.  “Well, that’s one less thing to worry about.  Let’s see.. until I find a way back home, I guess I’ll just live here.  But if I let you go, you’re going to rat me out for sure.  If I don’t, people will probably come looking for you…  What if..  Nah..  Oh!  But-  Hey giant?”  “I’m not a giant.”  “Yeah, yeah, sure.  What do you do?”  “Excuse me?”  “Like, what do you do with your life?  Do you have a job?  Something else?  This looks like a dorm; are you in school?  College?”  I nodded, keeping my mouth shut unless I was forced to speak.  “Ok, I guess college won’t be so bad…  Then whenever I’m done with pretending to be you, I can try to figure out how to get home!  Perfect!”
I cleared my throat, sitting down on my desk chair across the room.  “What are you planning without me?”  Erica shrugged, “You don’t need to know.”  “But what if I want to?”  “That’s too bad.”  I groaned, spinning around to let my head fall on my desk.  The rest of the day I spent at Erica’s beck and call, completely against my will.  Is this what I get for being a good person and helping someone not die?  How long will I have to do this until she realizes I’m not a threat?  That night, I slept on the floor with a single pillow and blanket.  Erica decided she needed the bed to ‘make up for the awful night yesterday’.  My back ached the next day, but that was the least of my worries.
After breakfast that morning, Erica commanded me to find the biggest hoodie I had.  “Alright, I want you to keep me in your hood all day while you’re in class.  I can make it so you can’t speak, but that’ll be suspicious, so I’m going to come with you instead.  And if you even try to tell anybody, I’ll stop you before you utter a word, understand?”  I rolled my eyes.  “Erica, please.  I know you’re scared of me, but you don’t need to force me around!”  “Scared of you?” she yelped, “I- I’m not scared!”  “Then let me go!”  She shook her head angrily.  “You’re trying to trick me and it’s not working!  Now get going before you’re late.”  I did as she asked, gently bending down to lift her in my hands.  Fortunately, she hadn’t specified that I should lift her up without malice like she had before.  I had the ability to end my problems right there — to crush my puppeteer in a single swift movement she couldn’t react to.  However, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
She was a living person, albeit a small one.  I couldn’t get rid of her with a clear conscience.  Instead, I settled her into my hood beneath my hair where no one would see her, and headed out.  It was near impossible to concentrate in class with her there.  She’d shuffle around every so often, and I’d feel her tiny limbs stretching out and moving positions against my back.  Then there were the commands she’d give me, whether it was to stop sitting a certain way because it was squishing her, or if it was to sneak her some food to snack on, I couldn’t get a moment of peace.
Over the week, I grew a small hatred towards her.  I kept trying to remind myself that she wasn’t controlling me purely because she could, but because she was scared of whatever she thought I might do.  That whole week, whenever we were alone, I tried again and again to convince her that I wasn’t malicious, but that only got me a ‘be quiet’ command, which Erica quickly had to revoke because my breathing was considered part of my loudness.  When she wasn’t accidentally suffocating me, Erica would walk me out to the woods where she’d appeared, trying to find where she’d come from and how to get back.
It was strange, Erica wanted me under her control almost every second, especially when we were alone.  However, she didn’t actually know what to do with me, just what she didn’t want me to do to her.  I’d kinda just stand in whatever corner she wanted me in, or busy myself with work so I wouldn’t seem interested or threatening.  All things considered, she was living a pretty good life.  Erica had whatever she wanted from me, even if I didn’t want her to have it, and she got to lounge around all day, letting me deal with anything she couldn’t.  
Yet, day after day we would search the woods she appeared in for a way home.  Apparently, she’d been a bit drunk when she first arrived, and didn’t quite understand where she was.  When she’d finally sobered, she found herself somewhere way too large in scale to be anywhere she knew.  Erica had wandered for hours, frightened and lost, before she was hunted down by that fox and dragged around until I’d spooked it.  Desperately, she wanted to find her way back.  
A month into living with me, she was becoming restless.  We stayed outside for almost the whole day, Erica wandering the ground while I chaperoned her like she asked, making sure nothing else would try to come snatch her up.  The sun began to set through the treetops, and I was starving.  “Erica, we’ve been out here forever!  How long do you want to keep searching?  We can do this another day; let’s head back to the dorm.”  She grumbled angrily, “No!  I- I need to find where I was!  I had a dream about it last night!  I think I remember what it looked like; if I could just find it-”  “You’re not going to find anything in the dark.”  “I have to!”  “That’s what you said last time.”  “Would you just shut the fuck up for five minutes?!” she yelled, hostility sharp in her voice.  “God, why are you so annoying?  I just want to go home!”  I didn’t argue with her, even though I could’ve.  I didn’t feel like testing her patience any further.  She didn’t speak that way to me unless she was really upset.  
Silently, I followed her until it was barely light enough to see.  Erica only gave up after falling down an animal burrow in the dark.  A hiss came from deeper inside and she screamed, fearfully calling my name so I’d be forced over to her.  She commanded me to take her back after that.  By the time we ate and she showered, Erica must’ve been dead tired.  She forced me to sleep on the floor so she could have my bed again.  Usually she slept in a stuffed tissue box with a little blanket that had belonged to a stuffed animal, but obviously my actual bed was more comfortable, so sometimes she’d take it if she was having trouble sleeping.
I lay awake on the floor, trying to get comfortable, when I heard a shaking sob.  Sitting up, I waited to listen for it.  Again, a small whimper echoed through the quiet space.  I stood, leaning over the mattress towards the sound.  A muffled scream tore into the night as she noticed me above her.  Reaching beside me, I quickly flipped on the light.  “Hey, it’s ok!  Erica, it’s just me.”  I swallowed nervously when I saw her.  She was sitting hunched up with a blanket tightly wrapped around herself, shaking.  Her face was red with tears, and her eyes were bloodshot.  I expected her to command me to leave, or even wipe my mind of the event, but she just put her head down and continued crying.
“Erica?” I whispered, “What happened?”  Very slowly, her head lifted to stare at me.  “What happened?” she asked, tears catching in her voice.  “I’m trapped somewhere terrifying and gigantic.  Everything can hurt me, a- and I can’t do anything for myself without a giant puppet to do it for me.  So far, I haven’t found a single clue how to fix everything and I.. wanna go home.”  Her words sank quieter and quieter until it became a whisper.  In two sharp breaths, she started bawling.  Carefully, I slid into bed beside her.  A gasp exited her throat as I lay down, curling myself protectively around her.  As annoying and sometimes even threatening as Erica might be, I had a suspicion that it was some sort of guise.  That night proved it.  Beneath the threatening display she loves to flaunt, she’s just really… lost — stuck in a place that she wouldn’t survive in alone.
Erica stilled as I shifted closer, tears drying on her face.  I curled around her until we were nearly touching, but I was still afraid of closing the gap.  Briefly, she hesitated, then stepped up to my chest, burying her face into me somewhere just above my stomach.  With caution, I pulled my arms around her, keeping her snugly against myself.  A few more minutes of sobbing carried on before she lay down beside me, the curve of her back aligned with my chest.  Twined between my fingers, she finally drifted off to sleep.
Gradually, we fell into a weird schedule.  I wasn’t overly thrilled about it, but she hadn’t made me do anything dangerous or uncomfortable since that night, so I let her controlling tendencies slide, hoping she’d grow used to it and let me go.  She did start releasing me more often, and she let me have more time to myself rather than forcing me to go search the woods with every free second I had.
Unfortunately, there was always some incident that would deter her from releasing me entirely.  Once, it was her nearly falling out of my hood after a friend jokingly threw it over me.  Another time, she accidentally told me to do a task that required me to leave her behind.  Mostly, it was our fighting.  We’d start up a normal conversation, but something would happen to come up related to me being stuck with her or her being stuck here, and we’d suddenly be screaming.
It was after one of those incidents, when Erica thought she could ‘punish’ me by having me go out to her woods in the pouring rain.  I’d dropped her off like normal, letting her search the ground, which ended up getting her more of a mess than me.  “You’re so petty, bringing me out here like this,” I grumbled, “I know you don’t want to be out here, either.”  “Of course I want to be out here!” Erica spat, “I want a way home.”  “Why bother?  You can basically do whatever you want here.”  “Because I’m fucking sick of feeling so small!  You wouldn’t understand!”  Just to rile her up, I kicked some wet leaves at her.  One stuck to her side, plastered on by mud.  “Ok, that’s it.  Get over h-”  She told me to do something, but a clap of thunder roared louder, drowning out her voice.  “What?” I asked before clapping a hand to my mouth.  If I can’t hear her call for me, I don’t have to come to her!
Adrenaline rushed my system as I plugged my fingers into my ears.  Then, I could hear nothing but the very light noise of rain on leaves and another clap of thunder.  Yes!  Yes, I’m finally free!  Good riddance you little nuisance!  I’m out of here!  I ran as fast as I could towards my dorm and didn’t unplug my ears until I was safely inside.  Finally!  I threw open my door as my chest swelled with relief.  Flopping happily onto my bed, I nearly cried.  No longer would I have to fear another inescapable command from that menacing tiny woman.  Nothing but good sleep came to me that night, but by morning, the rain outside hadn’t stopped.  Somehow my first thought was: Wow, Erica must be absolutely drenched.  
At first I smiled at the thought, finding the karma almost amusing.  Then the picture of her vulnerable three-inch-tall form drifted into my head, covered in muck and grime from the woods, wandering in circles because she couldn’t see far enough to gauge where she was.  I have to go back for her.  I don’t have to go back for her.  But I do.  I shouldn’t.  She’ll be grateful.  She’ll be pissed.  I’ve wanted her gone for months.  She might die.  She might be dead.  I groaned loud and long, realizing what I wanted to do.  I’ll go back and bargain.  Her safety for my freedom.
Minutes later, I stood under an umbrella, staring out into the trees.  Erica had always told me the way.  Hopefully I could find it again.  After trekking to what might have been the spot, I called out to her.  “Erica!  Erica, I’m back, I.. I want to make a deal!”  I called her name every several feet, gradually becoming more and more worried that something horrible had happened to her.  Then, faintly; “A-Alexis?”  Now that I heard my name, I was summoned directly to her.  I came prepared though.  When I spotted her, I quickly stuffed earplugs into my ears.  From then on, I couldn’t hear her.
Erica looked awful, though.  A good two thirds of her was covered in grime, and her eyes were completely bloodshot like she’d been crying for a while.  Fury tore into her features as she spoke, her lips moving too fast for me to try guessing what she had said.  “Erica, I can’t hear you.  You can’t control me anymore.”  Her eyes widened, mouth dropping open in shock.  “I’ve come to bargain.  My freedom for your safety.  I can leave you here right now, and ensure that no one will ever see the likes of you again.”  She shook her head rapidly, clasping her hands together pleadingly as she spoke.  Anger boiled in my chest.  “Don’t shake your head no!  I can and I will!  You’re lucky I felt sorry for you!  Your pathetic little self can sit here and rot in the mud while I go live my best life without some manipulative little bitch whispering commands to me from behind my back!”
I hadn’t meant to say all that, but I couldn’t take it back.  Erica sobbed, reaching out for me.  I quickly dodged her, standing up to my full height.  “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TRYING TO CONTROL ME RIGHT NOW?!”  Her arms slid over the slick ground as she scrambled away from me.  Behind her, a small muddy drop caused her to tumble over backwards, rolling down the bump in the earth into a large swampy puddle.  Shakily, she tried to stand, but her arms and legs stuck fast.  I watched as if in slow motion as fear made way for panic.  She thrashed around for a moment or two before releasing a wail that I even heard through my earplugs.  
Honestly, it was the most pathetic thing I think I’d ever seen — the kind of thing I think I’d wish on only the worst of people.  I stepped down the slope in one long stride.  “You have a choice,” I told Erica, mimicking the first time I’d seen her, “Do you want me to leave you here, or should I take you with me?”  I couldn’t hear her reply, but I could read it on her lips.  Hesitantly, I pulled out my earplugs.  If she was touching me, I couldn’t avoid her commands no matter what; she could even make them mentally.  There would be no reason for me to have my ears plugged once I picked her up.  
“Please!” Erica sobbed, despair clawing at her throat, “Please, I’ll do it!  I’ll stop controlling you!  Don’t leave me here!”  “Swear.”  “I-  Will…  Are you going to hurt me if I give up my powers?”  I was so shocked by her question, I took a step back, unintentionally frightening Erica into believing I was turning to leave.  
“Ok, ok!  I- I don’t care!  Do whatever you want to me!  Abuse me, humiliate me, f-fucking hurt me!  Just don’t leave me here!  I’m begging you!”  Erica’s voice tapered off into sobs.  I was so utterly distraught that I immediately knelt down to get her, covering my hands and pants in filth.  Slowly and gently, I lifted her limp form out of the muck, clutching it to my chest.  She gasped, struggling in my arms.  “Calm down; it’s ok, Erica, it’s ok.  I told you once, I’ll tell you a million times: I don’t want to hurt you.”  “It’s.. ok if you do.  Everyone does.”  “Not me.”  “… O- Okay.”  
On my way through the main door, I stuffed her under my coat.  Someone commented on my muddied clothes and I hastily told them I fell.  Back in my room, I took Erica to the sink, letting the water run warm before placing her down in it.  She stared up at me, unmoving.  Reddened eyes scoured all of my features, searching for malice, but they wouldn’t find any.  I stood outside the bathroom, letting her clean herself up.  She called me back in with a washcloth around her like a towel.  Her clothes were in a small pool of water at the bottom of the sink.  She scrubbed desperately at them, trying to get the dirt out of the one pair of clothing she had.  
I sighed, resting my arms on the counter.  “Do you need any help?” I asked gently, “Are you hurt at all?”  Erica shook her head numbly.  “Hey, I’m sorry I left you out there, but you have to understand.. I ran because I was scared of you.”  She flinched as I stressed the word, turning slowly to look up at me.  “I want to help you, but we have to trust eachother for that to happen, ok?”  “How?” she asked in an almost whisper.  “How can I trust someone who can hurt me so easily?  Y- You didn’t even have to be there to hurt me!  All you did was leave and I was helpless!”
I tried not to look at her too pitifully.  “I’m sorry I left you there like that.  I promise you, if you stop controlling me, I’ll try to help you however I can.”  “I was making you do that anyways,” Erica muttered.  “Yeah, but I’d like to do it of my own free will.”  She sighed, wringing out her clothes.  “And you’ll still take care of me?  You won’t.. kick me out or something if I fight with you?”  I thought about it.  If I tried to rebuke her for something she said or did, how would that work?  I couldn’t kick her out or refuse to take her anywhere, because she wasn’t self-sufficient.  I couldn’t physically scare her, mostly because I was afraid I’d take it too far without realizing it and severely injure her.  All that left me with was verbally scolding her.  Hopefully, I wouldn’t have to make that decision often.  
“That.. wouldn’t be fair to you.  I promise that I’ll try not to take things nearly as harshly as I did just now.  If I do, remind me of this.  I’ll back off you.”  Erica considered me for a moment, then nodded slightly.  “Alright, I- I’m sorry for being such a jerk to you before,” she sighed, “You were right when you accused me of being scared.  I don’t expect you to understand how I feel, but it is.. horrible sometimes.  Like in the woods…”  I watched guiltily as she set her clothes down to dry on my countertop.  “And I know that’s not an excuse for what I did to you.  I was just so worried that you wanted to hurt me or.. I don’t know.  But you can imagine for yourself what was running through my head when you snatched me away the first day we met.”
Gently, I slid a hand around her.  It came close, but wasn’t quite touching her, just hovering nearby.  “Is it still alright if I pick you up?”  Erica shied away from my fingers, pulling her makeshift towel tighter around herself.  “I- I think I’m gonna wait for my clothes to dry.”  I understood, taking my arm back to my side.  “Should I go, or do you want me to stay?”  Erica thought for a moment.  “Stay,” she said decisively, “I want to try properly explaining myself to you, like what my life was like before I got here.  It- I realize you know practically nothing about me.  I kinda just forcefully moved myself in, huh?”  A nervous chuckle bubbled in her throat while I sat down beside her on the closed toilet seat.  “That’s ok.  It’s in the past.  I won’t hold it against you unless you do it again.”  “Thank you,” she replied, genuine relief in her voice, “Thank you for coming back — for.. for letting me be your roommate until I can find my way home.”
We talked for a while.  Her clothes dried off and I briefly left so she could get them on.  Together we shared a meal, but midway through it she started to yawn.  I was about to joke about her tiredness, before realizing it was because she’d been stumbling blindly through the woods all night.  Erica glanced up at me almost guiltily, as if she didn’t want to admit how much of a strain it was for her.  “Do you want me to go pull something comfy together for you?” I asked hesitantly.  She stubbornly shook her head.  “I’m fine; I just needed some more oxygen.  I’ll sleep whenever you do.”  
Usually I’m up late into the night.  However, I wouldn’t force her to wait that long.  She really was stubborn about staying awake while I was. Either it was another facade, or she was genuinely too scared to sleep with me awake. The moment I finished dinner after rushing through homework, I flopped into bed. 
Before Erica could say anything, I sat back up and brought her over to the dresser where she had her bed.  I was on the verge of sliding beneath the covers when I heard her small voice.  “I- I don’t want to be awful…”  My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.  “Hmm?”  “I mean.. I want to sleep through the night tonight.  It’s- I’m really fucking tired.  And I.. I used to kick you out of your bed to do that.”  I stepped back over to my nightstand, bending down slightly to see her fully.  She seemed so conflicted, but I was willing to help her with that.  It was my fault for her tiredness in the first place.
“Here,” I whispered, gently tucking her into my hands.  Erica shuffled between them anxiously, but didn’t object.  Slowly, I slid into bed and shut off the lights.  Sunlight still streaked in from the sunset outside, lighting the small space where she sat.  “You.. never go to bed this early,” Erica noticed, glancing sheepishly away from me.  “I was a bit tired today,” I lied, laying back on my soft mattress that Erica so greatly adored.  Shifting her between my hands, I lay her down where she’d slept that one offbeat night before — positioned snugly against my stomach.
I swear her face was bright red when I glanced down at her, but it might’ve just been the reddish glow from outside that caused it.  Her head cautiously lifted to glance near-vertically upward to see me.  A small smile cracked through her lips.  Returning it, I reached down and rested a hand gently across her little form.  “Get some rest, Erica.  You need it.”  She nodded tiredly, shifting to fit more perfectly between my fingers before drifting off into sleep.
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pippastrelle · 5 months
Bulletpoint liveblog of C3E91 let's go!
Second half: Crown Keepers
Oh, is this where the Crownkeepers come in? I heard that. Haha I always wonder what it's like at the studio hiding the fact that, like, Robbie is there.
AABRIA! God, I want to know how her hair and makeup is done. It's so different and so cool nearly every time I see her. She's got such style.
Moment to appreciate the music they play during the art reel at the end of the break.
CROWNKEEPERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I actually never fully watched Kymal so the bunny woman was a surprise XD
The collaborativeness is nice, asking Anjali about her sister.
….Me not having watched Kymal might confuse me for the next two hours.
Black lipstick will never not get me. Aimee.
Is Dorian going to reply to Orym's message??????
Good on Matt for starting off.
(Pleeeeease may they say this woman's name). Her character's Morrighan. Whoa, a champion of the Matron of Ravens.
The Crownkeepers have been having a real swell time.
(Fy'ra Rai has always been a great name to say). So, sent by the Wildmother to protect them.
Aww, Dorian feeling some consequences of his avoidance.
From an above-table perspective, I'm surprised they're all feeling so lost? I wonder if it was planned and if Aabria's going to suddenly give them a direction, or if they're reticent to set too much in stone?
Sleep as an exhausting void… Creepy.
"Can I hear him?" "Make a wisdom save." Terrifying. "Shouting at you while running backwards." What a description.
I do love Opal, too. Such a situation but still trying to retain that image of her.
"We gotta get these chuckles out not." Whimper in terrified player.
I love Aabria's GM-ing in a lot of other things (ACOFAF is S-tier), but I think this highlights why I found EXU Prime harder to get into. The Crownkeepers tend to lack a motivating goal from the off-set, making it a bit hard for me to figure what they're trying to do and why.
Still, starting off with PVP might be the wakeup!
HA! Matt Mercer doing the ad read. Love it.
Spider Queen is intimidating and poor, poor Opal.
Holy shit, Opal's raising into the air and burning the forest. Hahaha make Aimee choose which friend to destroy. Awwww forcing her into PvP!
Goddddddd Aabria is the Betrayer God here.
Black eyessssssss. Magic second set of arms.
God, imagine being Aimee rn.
27 on initiative??????
At least Opal can communicate her panic.
The Dariax rolls balance Morrighan's.
Aw, sweet with Morrighan and Opal whispering telepathically.
Amazing image of stone cold Opal in contrast.
I like how Matt and Aabria pop in with lessons for the others. Nice to see players propping each other up.
"She's just a little guy."
Absolutely fair, seeing weird shit for your Betrayer God Champion friend and just wanting to knock her the fuck out.
Kind of Anjali to tally up the numbers as they roll.
Eeeeeek, ripping a rapier down her thigh.
Hahaha "if Opal did crossfit".
(I googled it. Morrighan is played Erica.)
Oh christ Ted's helping. I wonder how much Morrighan knows about Ted.
"NONONO STOP!" as verbal component for Shield is fantastic.
I don't trust that this is Ted?? Does Ted know Opal's fucked right now??
"Why's the first thing you do drawing blood?" Well, because it's D&D.
Haste lets you go get a hotdog from Arby's. Vax knew this well.
Aabria's English accent is so American-version-of-English but I like how it sounds anyway.
Let the ashhole return, cowards!
Yeah, Robbie, this is a weird situation. Dorian's just choking on his flute. Yeah, trying to restrain Opal is a good plan. NO! NAT 20 minus 1 + 4 plus 13. Aimee/Opal, go! Get! It!
Nice, Aabria, failing forward is a lesson we can all incorporate.
NAT ONE PLUS 13?? ROBBIE! Cannot catch a break.
T_T Fy'ra being betrayyyyyed again. Ooh, very very cool from Anjali calling for a flashback.
(We still never got the response to Orym. Has that happened yet or it that going to be the bookend? I'm curious what this is going to mean for the actual campaign. It's a really fun idea to bring in another GM for a section. Sure, more Actual PlayTM than homegame but Matt at least gets to play.)
Haha Anjali welcome to the DM club! I know about this from the Ginny Di video. Anjali DMed an official lego game.
Can they free Opal?
Ohhh. The Wildmother wants this? Am I misunderstanding? Shit.
They can't separate Opal from the crown.
Love how different people set their dice.
Never take advice from GM Aabria :P
Holy shit these guys roll high.
I hardly ever see people take the dodge action.
I do like Opal a lot.
So the Spider Queen is just trying to full take over Opal. I wonder if Teven or the other Betrayer God Champion had this sort of thing happen.
GO AWAY FOREVER??? THEIR MOTHER DID THIS TO OPAL AND TED?? Evalux? A splinter group? I'M SO CONFUSED AND INTRIGUED! THE BEACON'S INVOLVED??? How tf did they get it in Byroden? So there's a splinter of Luxon followers who split themselves in one life instead? God, I hope the main cast get to watch this.
…..And Opal has no memory of it. Will we ever get this information?
Erica continues to roll like a god.
The turns have felt both long and fast. I've still got, like, an hour and a half.
I love how Matt describes/contextualises things, even as a player.
A 7!!!!!
Bless is good. Dariax panicking is great.
XD God initiative takes a long time in a big group.
Ah! Dariax is a bard! Yeah! So cuuuute for the Double Ds. "THE PERFORMING ARTS IS WORTH IT!"
So. All of them are blind in the darkness. Awesome, awesome move, Aimee.
Hahhahahahaha right. Warlock. No spell slots.
XD It's such a long game. No loo breaks.
Gotta love Cyrus. "NO DON'T SHOOT!" The himbo persists.
….Matt, what did you get for the WIS save?
Hahahaha "that could can see". Okay. Blind mistystep? …..I'm sure 8 will get it.
Aww, attacking your friend's going to leave a bad taste in your mouth. Lay on Hands is good.
I appreciate Aabria's helpfulness as a GM.
Fy'ra good teammate.
Opal, again, is amazing. I love how she tackles such complex things in her very Her way. Preserves drama and humour in her self-absorbtion.
I wonder how Opal washes her hair under that crown?
Well, some allowance for fighting when Opal attacked them? Obvs harder emotionally than logically.
Aww everyone got to see the memory of Opal and Morrighan bonding.
Dorian is forever clanking with all the instruments he carries. T_T 9 to dispel fails. Good plan though. Until back into the darkness he goes.
I like the idea of going back to the Crownkeepers, especially as a perspective on Opal and Dorian, but I'm two hours into this section and still don't quite get the full significance of it. Which is a shame. I still have faith, but I think this encounter would be more enjoyable if I understood better why we were seeing it in the Bell's Hells campaign.
I've always respected Opal/Aimee going in on being the asshole sister. Getting to see that perspective.
The gem flashbacks are cool.
"We can both be coins." "And we're richer for it!" Amazing. Great pun. Love Fy'ra. Love Ted coaching Opal.
Max offering blind Dariax up on a plate. Respect.
Con sorcerer is smart.
Aabria has no luck against Dariax.
I'm sure that 9 WIS will help perception.
I. Love. Opal. Aimee plays her and her struggles and her relationships with everyone so well and nuanced. Dariax is a well-done character too. Real even behind the humour.
I leapt too, Aimee. Holy shit what the fuck, Spider Queen?
(Fuck you, Twitch, for skipping, my god).
Oh god, Cyrus, don't die.
Nooooo, Dariax. Living nightmares. Him and Dorian seeing their nightmares.
Spider Queen Opal wtf.
Pick up next week? Huh. I… am confused by this. Interesting encounter. I liked the drama between the Crown Keepers. But, again, I don't understand the significance for the Bell's Hells? So I reckon next week will be first half Crown Keepers, second half Bell's Hells. Huh. Interesting episode. It was fun, though I really don't deny still being on the edge of my seat to find out what's happening with the BH.
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lumaxramblings · 4 months
Can you please tell me about autistic Lucas Sinclair headcanons?
okey dokey!!!
so i'm not nearly as much of an expert on lucas because the brain worms decided to fixate HARD on max mayfield (it's so srs yall so so srs), but here's the thread that convinced me that he's autistic!!!! go read it!!!! it's fun!!!!
anyways lucas hates hates HATESSS change, with all his heart. if his food is different than usual he genuinely won't eat it and will go back up to his room hungry. his parents are confused and concerned by this but the bad doctor they had told them it was just attention-seeking behaviour, and not to give into it. however, because they know their son, they know that's not what it is. so, they decide to ignore the doctor and just make his food how he likes it, and it works :]
my boy has chronic resting bitch face. while max and dustin (both autistic) have a Head Empty No Thoughts thing going on, lucas has been asked more times than he can count on his hands and feet whether he's in a bad mood. no, he's not, this is just his face
mike and dustin, the chronic pacers, always stresses out lucas because he hates it when people pace. something about it deeply, deeply irritates/overwhelms him.
he has such bad awareness of when he's hurt. once he got a skinned knee when he was playing with the boys and didn't notice until his mom exclaimed "you're bleeding!" when he went back home. he shares this with erica (also autistic, fight me on this).
poor karen has to buy like 10 water bottles and make dozens of sandwiches and prepare tons of little snacks because of the four boys in her basement who are all nd and forget to drink water or eat food. same goes to nancy also. karen's not having a good time remembering all this
he hates beans. so much. he can't even look at them. if there's beans on the table he has to be far, far away from them, and if he's near them? forget it, he'll eat somewhere else thanks. no-one understands why and he's not sure how to explain how like, erughrghgh they are. luckily none of the sinclairs are bean enthusiasts so they just don't eat it. but Man did it cause problems before they worked around it
thats all ive got for now, hope u enjoyed :)
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stevie-petey · 4 months
okay insights, i love dustin & bug soooo much like they're literally the cutest siblings everrrr, makes me wish i had a younger cutesy brother.
and can i just say i KNEW that mrs. waters was connected to mrs. driscoll??? like my GUT SAID IT. at first i thought omg what if mrs. waters is that old lady then i remembered noooo the name was different but i immediately thought that they're connected in some way and I WAS RIGHT
dude, the scene where bug is sitting on steve's lap ??? -$(1)#+8292(2(2(+22 i LOST IT LIKE HOLY SHIT
(i will not be complaining anymore about why they're being idiots because i understand and love them and im lowkey loving the slow burn) and we're getting cloooose to chapter 6 so that's lovely, the wait is almost over :D
the fight with nance? INSANE. i genuinely never thought nancy could be mad a bug but cmon it's nancy, her anger is always on her nose annnnd absolutely get where she's coming from i mean but poor bug :( baby's just trying to be there for everyone but everything keeps going wrong.
i love erica & bug. im pretty sure she'll start sticking close to bug now that all of this is happening, can't wait to see that development
and my baby robin is down BADDDDD. it's okay, robin we GET IT.
"Hendersons with Harrington" SO FUCKIN ADORABLE ISTGGGGG
also did bug faint at the end? or is she having a panic attack, a bit confused lmao
and lastly, i was thinking about come home yesterday and how everything might take place and season 3, im excited to know what's up BUT season 4 is going to be so JUICYYYY. with the byers moving, the kids getting so big. what's gonna be bug's college scene. AND HER RELATIONSHIP WITH EDDIE I AM SO FUCKIN EXCITED TO SEE THATTTTT
okay now i take your leave, thanks for feeding us, m. love you <3
dustin n bug <333 theyre the best siblings i ADORE THEM !!! and as for mrs waters u were right 🤭🤭 she honestly has no real weight besides being bugs boss and knowing mrs driscoll, but i thought itd be a cool tie in and im happy you loved that lil detail ;)
nancy :( i love her character but yeaaaah shes always been very defensive and prideful (and a girlboss but still) and it was just all her stress piling up. hearing your bfs bff knows more than you do about his feelings ??? guy wrenching and id throw up tbh. bug is stronger than me
and bug didnt faint its the elevator scene !! where they all just fall down the elevator shaft into doom lmao.
season 4 will be a beast and you pointed out some things i cant touch on rn for spoilers but ‼️‼️ beware ‼️‼️
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findafight · 2 years
THANK YOU for the scoops troop post starcourt fic bc it’s been driving me CRAZY that the whole tortured by Russian MILITARY as teenagers was never brought up again!? Especially with Steve - like I don’t know how my guy handles physical touch and affection after all he’s been through physically and emotionally and he’s written off as a haha character most of the time but there’s SO much there with trauma, especially since the only other person with an inkling of what happened with the Russians is Robin
Ahhh yeah continuing this fic is definitely on the list. sorry this gets a little rambling and idk if it makes sense. Because obviously Steve and Robin don't outright tell Dustin and Erica what happened but they're smart kids and sort figured there was some light torture happening. And when you're running on adrenaline a lot of stuff doesn't register right away, so they have to have a chat about that and guilt for 'letting' it happen.
And like, they could have mentioned it when everyone regrouped in the food court but by that point Robin and Steve were crashing from Russian drugs and I can only assume they thought it was pretty obvious where they'd been what with Erica telling Murray how to actually get in. But then it's over and Hopper is dead and so is billy so it's not even the biggest deal that they were tortured and Robin definitely thought Steve was dead for a bit. They can deal with it together.
With Steve it's like "haha Steve is slow on the uptake and doesn't understand a lot and isn't very smart and asks a lot of dumb questions" and never "steve has had two severe concussions within a year of each other and he still graduated highschool on time only to be concussed AGAIN" my poor beloved blorbo please someone let him rest. And I desperately want one of the actual adult members of the upside down crew to realize that he's just sort of. Dealt with it by himself or with Robin, that he doesn't have the same support network as the party or Joyce and Hop or Nancy and Jonathan (who both have siblings that understand, Jon with his mom as well). And yeah he has Robin after S3, and Dustin is basically his brother, but it's different, because the only one who he'd remotely be absolutely honest with is Robin, who also only has him, and actually it's a miracle they're functional at all.
And I want Steve to be confused why the Grown Ups are mad (worried?) That he didn't tell them he and Robin were actually literally tortured because they all had better things to do, they had no obligations to Steve. He and Robin had each other, and he and Robin supported Dustin and Erica, and they're all fine now. The first few months were rough, sure, but now it's okay.
Plus the fact that the Byers were moving leaving Steve as the oldest person besides Murray who didn't live in Hawkins who knew about the upsidedown. He was the one that was supposed to be in charge and responsible, because no one else should have to do that when they're all trying to move on, so what good would telling Joyce, who would be far from Hawkins and its horrors, about how he could barely wear his watch sometime because it reminded him of being tied back to back with Robin. She couldn't do anything about it and she didn't get it the way Robin would.
So he and Robin have sleep overs and long talks so they're semi functional and can help Erica and Dustin work through it too. They deal with it together, because none of their parents know and Steve is accustomed to adults being unreliable even without world ending secrets involved. And there aren't any grown ups around anyways so. He's the grown up of the group and it's his job to make sure all the kids are okay.
I think out of anyone outside of Scoops Troop, Lucas probably knows the most because Erica is his sister and now she knows he gets her to talk about it. She's reluctant at first because he wasn't there, but does, because Lucas is her big brother and he is there for her. And while he and Steve were friends after Billy in S2 and Steve's protective streak, Lucas gets really close to Steve with Erica, because they're both clingy to each other and Steve, for all he's basically a bag of nervously shaking chihuahuas with hairspray and ibuprofen keeping him from breaking down at any given moment he isn't holding Robin's hand, seems like a stable force in their lives.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Steddie Headcanons and Ficlets
Here are my Steddie Headcanons and Ficlets! I'm always writing and coming up with more but this is the list that I will keep updated. I hope you like them and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Wayne’s thoughts on Eddie’s tattoos
NYC Subway
Eddie's van keeps getting vandalized
Valentine's Day
Steve gets called "stupid" at work
Eddie can't cook Kraft Mac & Cheese
Robin has a nut allergy
Eddie has a breakdown and fights with Steve
Eddie sleeps with socks on
Steve's 'Confused Face' I always mention
Steve refuses to buy Erica ice cream for life
Let's Get Medical!
Steve was Mike's bisexual awakening and that's why he's so mad
Wayne deserves way more credit
The Real Reason Eddie Keeps Failing English
Eddie doesn't like Steve because of some road rage
Eddie dips his pickles in ranch
Eddie's voice cures Steve's migraines
Steve is always early, Eddie is always late
Eddie always forgets to pack a lunch
Eddie doesn't like how the kids treat Steve like he's stupid
Their sleeping positions
What if Hopper hated Eddie?
Their bar orders get them some weird looks
Steve is a great singer
Eddie Doesn't Like When Steve Goes On Vacation
Steve outs them over Wadworth in Clue
They fight because Steve doesn't like Ozzy
Steve and Eddie get a dog then a cat
Steve gets Eddie tickets to the Ozzy/Metallica concert in thanks
Steve's Social Battery drains quickly
Eddie is bad at flirting
Steve can't choose between Eddie and Robin (he always picks Robin)
Will gets Steve and Eddie together
Poor Self-Esteem Steve
Eddie doesn't tell Wayne he's dating Steve
Wayne always takes Steve's side during arguments
Eddie wants to disappear sometimes
Eddie tried to break up with Steve exactly once
Joyce doesn't like Steve
Eddie has a coffee related breakdown
Eddie picks a fight with the HOA when they buy their first house
Will thinks Steve has a crush on Jonathan
Steve was always alone... until Eddie came along
Steve tends to isolate himself when things get overwhelming
The world is full of hate and homophobes... and Mike Wheeler
Eddie doesn't do well with blood
Ignorance is Bliss
Will gets Steve and Eddie together through embarrassment
Steve doesn't see why the Party keeps him around
Wayne finds out about Steddie on his own
Wayne always takes Steve's side in arguments
Eddie looks forward to Spring Break as a reset
Eddie tries to break up with Steve on his birthday
Joyce doesn't like Steve
Eddie has a breakdown over spilled coffee
They get banned by the HOA over Eddie's chaos
Will thinks Steve likes Jonathan
They both self-isolate when things become too much
Eddie does not like blood
Steve and Eddie get S and E tattoos
Eddie writes the band a bunch of love songs
“I’m homo, I’m horny, and I need help!”
Happy Fourth of July!
Eddie helps Steve pet-sit Mews #2
They think everyone knows they're dating (they don't)
The kids think they're dating and Steve has a crisis
Eddie tries to hide a kitten and stresses Steve out
The day Steve falls for Eddie
Eddie is not a procrastinator
Steve can see the dead
Eddie hates every surprise except for Steve
Eddie finds his way back to Wayne
Eddie, Wayne, and Steve leave Hawkins together
Robin and Steve get fired over their grudges
Steve's parents kick him out
Eddie thinks he's a burden on Wayne
Steve misses the Upside Down
Eddie has had a hard life
They go to a ball game together
Eddie loves to read and Steve loves Eddie's reading
Steve loves the seasons
Eddie watches It and scares Steve
Steve sees Wayne as a father figure
Eddie visits Chrissy's grave
Eddie is a hard worker and he hates pity
They break up for a night so Steve can be single (LOL)
They fight and Officer Callahan picks a side (Steve's bro fic)
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darkimpala1897 · 2 years
I watched a movie recently called surviving lunch and Clayton Royal Johnson was in it playing a character named Danny and my brain being my brain was like imagine Danny and Andy being twin brothers. So of course I have headcanons I'm me.
They are identical twins brothers.
There completely and utter polar opposites of each other.
Danny gets mistaken for his brother all the time poor baby but nobody mistakes Andy for Danny It's always like this "Andy dude over here." And then poor Danny is like "No sorry I'm Danny."
Their parents named them Daniel and Andrew so they wouldn't have have names that sounded alike but of course Danny decided to go by Danny and Andy went by Andy
Eddie was the first one to call Danny by his actual name and it went something like this
Eddie: "Danny? Yea you big guy."
Danny surprised that he wasn't mistaken for his brother for once.
Danny: "Danny, you said Danny."
Eddie looking at his papers confused.
Eddie: "Your Danny right, you're not Andy cause that would be just my luck."
Danny just immediately hugs Eddie so thankful someone got his name right.
Eddie shocked pats him on the back: "Okay we are hugging."
Danny runs the drama club which Eddie is apart of obviously
Danny isn't part of the popular group, he's part of the nerds and the weirdos.
Danny is the trouble maker out of the two, he's also very socially awkward.
He has a massive crush on Gareth but because Danny has Andy's face he doesn't even try because why would Gareth love him when he's identical to his worse nightmare.
Danny is a giant klutz, I mean it he's tripped and die constantly it's cute it's not so cute when he drags someone down with him or spills something on someone.
Both brothers have a giant fear of needles and blood they see either and they faint there nicknames are literally fainting goats.
Danny tutors Eddie he's trying really desperately to get him to graduate in 86.
He was not part of the giant man hunt for Eddie instead he was a double agent for Eddie, he would somtimes pretend to be his brother to get information out of Jason and Chance so Steve and everyone could move Eddie around it was like a giant game of shells, he felt like James Bond.
Danny helped Gareth and Jeff get fixed up after what Jason did and the entire time he was apologizing over and over again because he really likes Gareth and he knew in that moment his brother just completely ruined any chance he could have had with Gareth. He tried making it better by going: "I think you're music is pretty awesome, don't listen to my idiot brother. You guys are going somewhere."
Danny sorta accidently broke Andy's arm when he jumped Erica because that was just to far he wasn't trying to break his brothers arm it just happened, he purposely saved Jason from getting split in half though.
Danny made Andy apologize to Erica and do everything she asked for like a month straight.
Danny set Steve and Eddie up on a blind date he sorta was supposed to be the third wheel, he pretended to be sick that day.
In this universe you can thank Danny for Steddie.
Danny and Andy sorta got along after the events of season four but not really.
Danny loves just showing up at Wayne's trailer for dinner Wayne jokingly calls him Eddie's pet because Eddie was nice to him once.
Danny "accidently" locked Steve and Eddie in Eddie's closet because they wouldn't stop bickering, Wayne had to let them out because Danny forgot and passed out on Eddie's bed in which Steve and Eddie just decided to sleep on him.
Dustin likes to joke that Danny is his older brother.
Dustin and Danny act like brothers it's funniest thing ever.
Danny knows how to play the bass and guitar so somtimes at practice he fills in for Jeff or Kevin if their not available.
Danny purposely dresses like Eddie to tick Andy off, he also enjoys stealing his brothers hats even though he absolutely hates hats it makes his head itch. He steals them to hide them.
Andy's nickname for Danny is little shit and then Danny calls his brother Little shrimp because Eddie calls Jason shark boy.
Danny is younger than Andy by five minutes.
Steve threw Danny a birthday party and he turned into a five year old basically because he's always had share with Andy.
Danny is couple inches taller then Andy, Eddie noticed this little tidbit.
Danny and Andy share the same middle name which is Templeton though Andy denys this heavily.
There full names are Daniel Templeton Arthur Harper and then Andrew Templeton Vance Harper.
I think that's everything from this little au of mine but the million dollar question is. Should I write a fic?
15 notes · View notes
lunylune · 2 years
Squires of Scoops ahoy! Chapter 1
Ao3 link
Eddie thought his new campaign was going swimmingly. He had acquired three new sheepies, though one of them had strayed. Dustin, Lucas and Mike were great freshmen, and great players, if a bit… frustrating at times. Mike and Dustin would not stop bickering and the others just sort of… ignored it. Gareth and Jeff just shrugged, claiming it was Eddie's problem for inviting them in. He was leaned sideways and back, nearly falling out of the chair while they were arguing. God he wished Lucas was here, at least they sort of settled, but he had betrayed them, and by betrayed them Eddie meant he was playing a match. Potato, tomato, etcetera and all that.
Dustin and Mike promised they would find a replacement, but the little girl, Lucas’ sister, had shown up happy to join until she found out they would be playing during her brother’s match. She had raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Steve is going to have your asses if you don’t show up to the game.” Which made Eddie and the other hellfire members very confused. “Already graduated Steve Harrington, King Steve, Steve the hair Harrington?” Eddie asked. Dustin had buried his head in his hands. “God he will actually drag us to the game and we are going to let him, whyyyy…!” Which, Eddie just shared a confused look with Jeff and Gareth. Sure, Dustin talked the guy up all the time, Mike hesitantly joining in sometimes. Lucas mentioned playing basketball with Steve too but… Eddie just hadn’t thought the other’s opinion was so important that they would abandon hellfire.
Mike scoffed. “As if.” But both Erica and Dustin had shot him a look conveying something Eddie was not in the loop on. Dustin just told him, “remember he was a lifeguard? He will fireman carry you to the gym.” Anyway, Erica did not become Lucas’ replacement, walking out with a “later losers.” Dustin grumbled something about her spending too much time with Max.
So they were continuing their campaign with one less player and Eddie was not planning on going easy on them. He did notice Dustin glancing at the clock every once in a while. It was only two more hours until the match, but Eddie felt very little sympathy. They had a choice to make and Lucas made it. No hard feelings, but that’s just what it is.
The argument over stealth or confrontation between Dustin and Mike continued. Thankfully, they were interrupted by a quiet knock on the door just as Dustin jumped up to strangle Mike, thank god. Eddie got up from his throne, usually enjoying making the newcomer or disturber walk in as he was intimidating, but he would take any excuse. “Jeff, make sure none of the children die.”
“And what do you want me to do about that?!” Yeah, Jeff was helpless.
Eddie opened the door, seeing the last of the little freshmen he had tried to recruit. Will Byers, the one that had been the group's previous dungeon master, but despite this refused to join. Eddie tried to not pry, but he knew some shit had gone down in their friend group, breaking it up just a little. Mike in particular was upset about it and Lucas always looked a bit guilty. Eddie thought it was kinda sad honestly, he would have loved for the younger Byers to join them, give the guy a place. Eddie heard the stories, and while he had not yet had a chance to tell him, he thought the nickname zombie boy was metal as fuck. “Well hello, can I help you.” Lame as hell, but he was out of theatrics with those other two still arguing. Will smiled, a little awkward, a little scared. God there went Eddie’s heartstrings. “Yeah, uhm, can I talk to Mike and Dustin for a second. Won’t be long I promise.” Eddie made a sweeping bow, opening the door wider for Will. “Welcome to hell… Mainly because of those two arguing.”
And Eddie had eyes, he noticed Dustin’s smirk, which was foreboding. And Mike perking up at the sight of Will, which would probably be trouble, because that boy had no communication skills. Oh dear oh dear did Eddie have a poor romantic idiot in his group. Eddie sat back down, calling a recess, “Because Byers had a message?” Will nodded, pulling out a… scroll. He liked this kid's style. “I do. Uhm, okay. To Dustin Henderson and Mike Wheeler, middle names pending.” Eddie’s grin grew as Dustin muttered, “oh shit we got full-named.”
Will continued. “In an hour, king Stefan the second, disgraced king, will be coming by the drama-castle. If you two are still here and not at the gym with Will the wise, faithful bringer of the message, you can forget about ever riding in his carriage for the rest of the schoolyear.” Will paused. “He means you guys can’t come to the arcade with me, Max, Lucas and El anymore. Not that he’s going to stop driving you, Robin made a little note of that.” Eddie, Jeff and Gareth all shared confused looks as Dustin and Mike killed up a fuss. “He can’t just-”
“He fucking wouldn’t-”
“He wouldn’t dare-”
Will held up his hands as they quieted down. This kid had balls. And while Eddie had so many questions, he loved this kids attitude. “Sir Stefan would like to remind Dustin Henderson that he and Dustin’s mother go to the same cooking club on Friday nights and will totally snitch and get him grounded.” Dustin flopped back down, wide-eyed as Mike snickered.
But Will wasn’t done yet. “And he would like to remind Mike Wheeler that because he babysits Holly the bravest, he can also get him grounded. And knows the exact location of your card collection.” Mike grumbled, as Will’s smile grew. “And if you ever want to see them again, you better be in the gym in an hour to support your friend.” Mike slammed his head into the table once, while Dustin packed his bag. “Well, that’s it, I’m sorry guys, sorry Eddie, but I’m not getting grounded by Steve. Through my mom! So Bye.” And with that, all Eddie could do was watch as Dustin rushed out the door. Well excuse him…?!
Will and Mike were having a staredown. “You can’t be serious,” Mike said, looking disgruntled
Will just shrugged. “Are you really going to argue with the note from reformed mean girl Steve Harrington.” I- What? Eddie shared a look with Jeff and Gareth, but it didn’t help. They were still confused.
Mike squinted. “You've been spending more time with Robin, Steve’s girlfriend.”
At this Will hid a smile. Hm, interesting. “Yeah Mike, totally. Anyway, you better get packing before Steve gets here.”
Mike crossed his arms, not budging. Now Eddie was all for pettiness but seriously, learn to give up little guy… Mike glared. “You used to complain about us not playing DnD and now you won’t even join and you interrupt our campaign, what gives dude!?”
Will shrugged. “I just put my friends first, Mike. You know, like you did with El all summer. Anyway…” Will made a motion towards the door. Mike groaned and stormed out the room, grabbing his bag and slamming the door. 
This left Eddie, Gareth and Jeff with Will. Gareth looked confused. “So, what gives, little dude?” A fair question. Eddie would really love some answers at this point.
Will just shrugged. “If I delivered the note I get first dibs on Steve’s cookies and quarter privileges, so… Easy choice. Oh he had a note for you all too, wait.” Will looked through his backpack again, pulling out another note. Eddie was decently sure he was still in shock, because he just let him continue and also let two of his members just run out without penalty. “Hi guys, it’s Steve.” Will paused letting out a chuckle. “This guy I swear… Anyway, if you all want to come to support Lucas like he had been protecting you, feel welcome. Will, that’s me,” he pointed to himself halfheartedly as he continued reading, “told me you were having a last campaign before one of you has to leave over break, so if you do come by to support Lucas, you can borrow my house for the night along with the rest of the party to have a giant campaign there. There will be pizza and other snacks of choice, just let me or Robin know at sometimes around the game. If I don’t see you there, no hard feelings, but the kids really don’t need more problems between them. And he signed it.” Will held out the letter, which Eddie read it over, handing it to Gareth. Just… What?  “What problems is he talking about, kid?” Eddie asked. He wondered, the kids had mentioned some things before, but never in detail. 
Will looked a bit sad. “Well, we have been really close since being little. Things have just been… difficult, with a few things over the summer. Some shit went down. So me and Dustin were a bit left out. And we never really talked it out. I don’t want Lucas to feel the same as I did all summer, so I got Steve and Robin to write this.” Ah, okay, shit. Now Eddie felt like an absolute ass for driving more of a wedge between that little friend group. Jeff shot him a look. They all knew how important friends are.
If it hadn’t been for Gareth and Jeff, Eddie wasn’t sure what he would have done. Curled up in the trailer and died, probably. They hung out with him in summer, they stood by him as he had his stupid crushes on straight people, they went with him to Indi even if it wasn’t their scene. Had the children, mainly Dustin who needed his attitude checked, said something, he might have been more lenient or understanding.
Jeff sighed. “And you are sure that Steve Harrington is okay with us crashing his house to play Dnd? Like, I know we are all against labels and assumptions but…” Steve had a reputation. Of course, he had never bothered them, always discouraged his friends, and the only person Eddie had seen him actually push down was Jonathan Byers, Will’s brother. He heard of the story through gossip so maybe some details had gotten lost. But he heard Steve had broken Jonathan’s camera, with a few slurs thrown in that made Eddie rightfully uncomfortable. But if the kid was this at ease with the idea of visiting Steve’s house, maybe that all got resolved, maybe it was a story grown out of control? Maybe Eddie needed to see for himself… Eddie hummed. “Well, reformed mean girl you said?”
At this little Byers chuckled. “Yeah, you should see him when someone tries to bother me or El. He’s good, maybe he’s always been, you know? But now he’s definitely good.” Hm, okay. El was the nickname for Will’s stepsister, Jane Hopper. She reminded Eddie of himself as well. After the summer she had her head shaved, apparently again, and seemed to hate it. Eddie remembered that well… She was a little weird, a little quiet, always clinging to Max and Will. She reminded Eddie of himself too. If Steve was standing up for her… Maybe… Yeah, maybe…
“Well, I guess I’ll see for myself. Good with you guys?” They both nodded, Gareth shrugging. "Never been to a party at his house."
Eddie had been, once or twice, for less than legal reasons. Which is why even Steve's friends and most other jocks left him be. Who's gonna mess with the dealer in a small town? That is just a recipe for never getting high again.
They all packed up, Eddie getting out the weird little pinned up suitcase Gareth had made for transporting their DnD stuff. Eddie loved it but he found himself hesitating to bring it somewhere new, let alone Steve Harrington's house.
Will was waiting for them, swaying back and forth on his heels, smiling happily. Honestly, Eddie was kinda glad he agreed to this, maybe he finally got to talk to Will. He had a feeling the kid could use a friend who was… a bit more like him, hint hint nudge nudge. If Eddie was right, of course, not to assume. But those glances to Mike spoke volumes. The kid wasn’t subtle.
There was another knock on the door, which Jeff went to open, already packed up. "Harrington." Eddie looked up, seeing the king himself stand there in the doorway. God he looked… What? Gareth nudged him, getting back to packing as Steve peeked inside. "Yeah, hi. Are any of the kids still here?" Will walked over, waving to Steve. "Hi." Steve reached up to ruffle the kids bowl-cut hair, which Will tried to stop, but then Steve smoothed it back down with a small mumble Eddie couldn’t make out.
"Hi kid, got the message through." 
Will chuckled. "Yeah. You should have seen their faces…!" Steve chuckled, finishing fixing the other boy’s hair. Dare Eddie say it looked better? "Well good, come on, we'll be late too."
Gareth finished packing as well. "Isn't there like… an hour left until the game?" At this Harrington… lit up. Oh wow. This time it was Jeff who nudged him and pulled him out of his minor panic. He had eyes okay!? The man was sunshine reincarnated when he smiled! "Wait, are you guys coming too!?"
Eddie tried to be casual, probably failing miserably. "Yeah, we got promised a place to play and pizza sooo. Although I'm not sure if we can play during a basketball afterparty."
Steve waved his hands around, seeming excited. "No no, just… the party, so all the hellfire members, the Byers, the Sinclairs, mini-Hopper, Mayfield and the Wheelers." Eddie… definitely knew who some of those people were…?
Will poked him. "And Robin." Steve nodded.
"And Robin and Argyle, but they kinda live in my house anyway at the moment so…? Yeah, long story. Not A party but THE party. That's what the kids call us. So, you are actually coming?" Eddie sighed, his gay little heart having made up it’s mind as soon as Steve smiled really. God, what if any of the stories Dustin told were actually true… Eddie might just perish on the spot.
"I suppose we must."
They started walking towards the gym, Steve was practically bouncing as he lead them to the gym. Any fear Eddie had over walking into a Carrie scenario disappeared as the jock kept rambling. "Oh man, Lucas will be so excited! He's been kinda down about having to pick between two hobbies, so seeing you support him will mean the world to him." Eddie was too busy having a minor crisis over Steve's warm eyes, but thankfully Gareth had his back. "He wanted us to come?" Right, of course Lucas mentioned it, but he had never outright asked. Acting as if them postponing hellfire was enough… Shit… Eddie was an asshole…!
Steve smiled. "Sinclair would never actually say, but yeah. Everyone should have someone there…" That sounded like there was more to it than Steve was telling them. Steve shot a glance at Will, who smiled back with a shrug. "Besides, I've been trying to do damage control with those seven all summer. Its good things are finally working out. Maybe seeing their role models, that’s you guys, there will finally convince Mike and Dustin people can have more to them than just… what people want to see. Does that make any sense? Sorry I'm rambling, spent too much time with Robin. because she is basically over every night now, and pre-game nerves, gah..!" 
Actually, that brought up another question, for which Eddie leaned into Steve’s space. "Why are we getting there so early anyway?" Steve didn’t startle, but simply sidestepped a bit to not trip over Eddie.
Eddie felt himself go a bit weak over the confused smile Steve sent did way. Be still his beating heart! "Robin is in band and always needs some support. Will and El want to scope out a familiar spot so they know all the exits, don’t ask, it’s private, Max needs to buy lunch first and the rest has no sense of direction sooo." And just as he said that, they found Mike and Dustin arguing over if they should go left or right. Eddie muttered, “and here I thought I finally got some peace…” 
Steve grinned, rolling his eyes. “I know right, they can be awful little shits.” As Eddie was still recovering, Steve walked up to the two and linked his arms through theirs, Mike letting out a squeak…! "Wrong way guys, come on." Steve dragged them in the other direction as Will laughed.
It was so fucking weird…! What was HAPPENING!?
This all started one day when Will had enough.
It had been the summer of 85, and he spent most of it trying to keep his friends together. Oh yeah and he failed miserably. Dustin had been at summer camp and Mike and Lucas were too busy with their girlfriends. Not that Max and El were bad, but just… Will missed the times before… before everything… It would have been fine if they could all hang out together, because El was his new sister and Max was awesome, but it was just driving a wedge into the group… Will missed Dustin… He was usually really good at being the glue. Will wasn’t… Clearly…
He was sitting alone at Scoops ahoy, bored and trying to ignore the sadness trying to creep in. That had been happening a lot. His mom was working again, Jonathan was working while on a roadtrip in Cali and not calling. He felt lonely… And pathetic. He had a half completed character sheet in front of him but was debating trashing it. Because no one wanted to play his childish game. 
His depressive musings were interrupted. "One secret double scoop of strawberry for Will Byers." Steve was standing in front of him with the icecream in his hand, free of course... Because it turns out Steve was pretty nice. "Thanks Steve."
Steve ruffled Will’s hair, something Will only half defended himself from, and sat down across from him in the too small booth. "Aren't you working?"
Steve shrugged. "I’m on break."
Robin called from the counter, "not for another half hour, but I'll allow it because you are apparently a single mother, Steve."
"Thanks Robin,” Steve said dryly before turning back to Will. "Oh cool drawings, what's it for?" Steve leaned over, but Will pulled the drawing back, holding it up and away.
"Dungeons and dragons… doesn't matter anyway." Before Will could explain why it didn’t matter, Steve beamed. "Oh that one game you guys always talk about right? I never get it too be honest, Dustin talks too fast. Wanted to, though." 
Robin walked over too, flopping down in the booth next to Steve, poking him until he scooted aside. "There is no one in the store and I’m bored so I'm joining you. Is that a pirate? She looks awesome!" Robin was barely sitting, half standing to see what Will had been working on.
"Yeah I was working on a rogue character for Max if Lucas wanted her to join but…I don't think anyone wants to play anymore. Not even Lucas." He hated how childish and whiny the words coming out of his mouth sounded, god he really was a little kid…
But before he could crumple up the paper further, Robin pulled it out of his hands, Will letting out a cry in protest, and she went wide eyed and apologized. "Ah, sorry, it's just she looks epic and I always thought the game seemed fun but no one wanted to play with a girl except hellfire at school, but my mom won’t let me join a club like that so-" 
Steve leaned over, interrupting her. "Your drawings got better, mini-Byers. Robin's right, she does look awesome." Will felt a weird sense of both happiness and resentment at the nickname. But he ignored it.
"If you want…" Will steeled himself. One last try, one last try to have a normal life back. "She can be your character. I still have to do her stats and backstory anyway." 
Will was ready for the teasing, but Robin just looked excited, bouncing in her seat. "Oh yeah, really!? That would be pretty awesome! But we can't play alone, you need more than two players right?” Well, you could technically play with two and Will was about to tell her this, but Robin turned to Steve. “You should join us dingus!"
Steve looked more hesitant, making Wills' excitement wither just a bit. But instead of refusing, he said, "well, sure I always wanted to. You guys always sound so excited… But I'll probably be awful, sooo… maybe you should find someone else?" Steve looked dejected, like he already dismissed himself as an option. Will knew the feeling.
Robin nudged him. "Can't be as bad at this as you are at flirting, right." Will held back a laugh, but Steve winked, letting him know it was all good.
"Oh shut it Robin. But yeah with like, counting and all the rules and shit. Like, notes just kinda float away and numbers stopped making sense somewhere last year. Basic addition seems like rocket science now… ! Fucking ridiculous! I barely graduated, I doubt I can play your nerd-game."
Will jumped up. For one, he wanted Steve to stop talking about himself so badly. And two, maybe selfishly, he missed playing with friends. "We can play with different rules! Like, not easier, but just less, at first. Then I can try out story stuff I wanted to and we can help you count. Or just give you more time! Whichever you want, it will be so fun!"
Though Will saw a hint of excitement creeping in, Steve still resisted. "Well I don't think I want to be made fun of-"
"We wouldn't!" Robin and Will said at the same time, sharing a surprised glance.
Robin looked sheepish. "I know I made fun of your smarts before, but now finding out that you can't help it… I suppose it isn't really funny." Will nodded rapidly in agreement.
Steve held up his hands. "It’s fine guys-"
"It isn't," they said, again in unison, making Will smile and Robin laugh.
She pointed at him. "We are going to be great friends. I can already tell you are my favorite out of dingu- Steve's children."
Steve rolled his eyes. "You can still call me dingus, Robin. I actually don't mind." She made rapid hand-motions, mentioning for him to be quiet.
"As long as we are in agreement that it is a nickname based on prior ignorance which has been corrected and acknowledged."
Steve let out a long sigh. "I can't believe you-"
"Sorry, can I order?" Said the person, standing awkwardly at the counter. Robin then vaulted to counter with all the grace of a dead deer to help her out, giving Will a bit of time to explain some of the rules to Steve’s, calmly. He was bringing dice next time.
Will started coming by every other day, during the slow hours of their shift. He stopped asking Lucas and Mike and Max and even El. It was fine. He sat behind the counter, with his drawing stuff and backpack. Every once in a while he would hold up something for Robin to judge, who read it out to Steve, to whom they then explained it, sometimes twice. Will understood. Steve was learning a whole new thing. Will's whole new thing! Because he wanted to, because he thought it was fun! He asked questions, tone always a bit confused, but then excited when he got it. Robin gushed over Will's sketchbook he brought. These two objectively cool people like Will's "childish" stuff!
During their breaks (or you know… when it was quiet…) they would brainstorm attributes and skills, and Will would explain the rules to Steve and Robin.
He got the character for Robin ready. They decided on a bit looser rules, allowing for more roleplaying so Steve and Robin could get used to it and Will could try out new story lines. So she was playing a mix of rogue and bard, because "I literally play trumpet in band steve!"
Steve meanwhile, played a cleric bard mix, because "your music taste sucks Robin, also I take enough hits in real life let me help out with support for once…!"
Will was having the time of his life.
Naming of the characters was a whole different issue Will refused to get into.
Robin was really nice, really weird too in a way Will had only seen people get bullied for. But Robin didn’t get bullied. “I’m just… really good at hiding, little dude. That and working with Steve seems to have granted me some sort of immunity, it is wild?!” 
“Yeah, the party too, though they still call me zombie boy.” A nickname he hated. It hadn't been his fault.
Robin hummed. “Zombie boy… That honestly sounds like the title of an awesome horror movie.”
“I don’t really like horror that much.”
“Hm, fair, I can’t watch horror after 8.” Will really liked Robin. He was almost glad Steve got a job here.
Steve and Robin were both the coolest and lamest people Will was hanging out with. One time he was sitting behind the counter, with Steve in the back and Robin working as he sketched. “Is he here?” Dustin? Will could practically feel Robin’s smirk.
“Is… Who here…?” Ever since they all agreed to make, one, no more nerd jokes for Will, two, no more single jokes for Robin, and three, no more stupid jokes for Steve (aside from the occasional dingus from Robin), most of the teasing had been about Steve’s many children. Of which Will was one, of course. So of course Robin had heard extensively about Dustin, but she was having fun. Will himself was excited, happy that Dustin was finally back. Maybe he had some his own age to talk to now. “Just… Is he here?!” Robin took a step to the left to dump her scooper. “Look kid, I don’t know what- Aah!” And promptly tripped over Will. Ouch. Disasters, they were both disasters and Steve was right.
Dustin leaned over to look over the counter. “Will?” He waved, Dustin confused but happily waving back.
“Hi Dustin. How was summer camp?”
And there was Steve.
Will and Robin both watched as they did their handshake, Will snickering at Robin’s baffled look. “I didn’t know he was not just a reformed mean girl, but also a closeted nerd. Starwars? Really?” Will nodded. 
“Steve won’t tell us, but Dustin is his favorite.”
Steve interrupted his rambling with Dustin to point at Will. “Hey, no, wrong. You are all my favorite and if I had to pick I would pick Holly because she doesn't talk back.” They all laughed at Steve’s disgruntled expression.
Robin smiled, grabbing a scooper to get Will and Dustin an ice cream. “Go have a break with your children, dingus.” Dustin and Will shared an excited look. Steve crossed his arms, still hesitant.
“Rob, it’ll be rush hour soon…!”
Robin laughed, pushing them towards the door. “You are a single mother Steve, I can handle it.” 
Will mumbled, not wanting to interrupt Steve and Dustin, especially after Dustin had not seen Steve in such a long time. “I can help, Robin.”
But Dustin dragged him along with Steve. “No way, I need to hear everything that happened. Why are Mike and Lucas being so lame now?!” Right! Vindication! 
Steve waved at Robin as they dragged him along.
It was a good day.
Will couldn’t help smiling, afraid he would feel left out with Dustin there (like a stupid child…), but Steve was just really good at talking to both of them. You would never guess he was an only child, really. Made Will miss Jonathan, just a little. They told Dustin about the plan, about the campaign to ease Steve and Robin into DnD. Will quietly, but firmly, stopped Dustin from making any jokes, promising he would explain it later. Steve losing to Billy and getting the back of his head nearly smashed in was a rightfully sore subject still.
But, all in all, Dustin was excited about the campaign, excited Steve had another cool friend, even tried to hint at Steve dating Robin. Will just thought that would be weird, but he… he was pretty weird. Which is why it was pretty surprising to see Steve do the same. “Nah dude, it’s nothing like that. Anyway, we need to wait until summer’s up if we want to use my house, because my parents are home for once.”
“And we need a name!”
Dustin was right of course! How could they have forgotten?! “We totally do!!!”
Despite their brainstorming, they didn’t come up with a good name for a while. The party was already taken and some other names sounded really dumb. Steve sighed deeply. “Like, something with scoops ahoy, nah that’s stupid too.”
Will bounced in his seat. “No, that’s perfect. The squires of scoops ahoy, because we are all practicing! It’s perfect! Very dumb, but perfect!” He was so happy, that he finally got to share this with his friends again. Dustin and Steve both groaned, but agreed.
Dustin shrugged, “we should at least shorten it or something.” Will nodded in agreement, he would allow that.
Steve quietly mumbled, “scoop troop?” He said it so quietly that Will doubted he actually heard it right. But then Steve repeated it, a bit louder and a bit more sure.
Will nodded, “sounds good, how did you come up with that.” It was fun to say. Will missed Steve sending him a fond and exasperated look when he started saying it quietly.
“Well, Robin keeps saying it under her breath because “the words feel nice in her brain like that” and I have to agree. I think she infected me with it, because I swear I was singing it to the tune of the store…”
Dustin grinned. “That is hilarious.” 
In the end their plans got a bit derailed by, you know, Russians under the mall.
A normal summer, all Will wanted was a normal summer...
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sketci · 2 years
New stranger things au thought 💗
Maybe like an Inside out au? Where Steve is basically the "Riley" In this au while his "Dipshits" are the emotions.
• Mike
I like to think that Mike's emotions are loving and caring for others, (season 1-2). He's the leader of the group and always the first to take control. He's the one who made Steve fall in love with Nancy and accidently made the poor boy fall in love with Robin (without knowledge)
• Will
Yeah, he's the fear in this story, always looking out for danger at every corner. He's always by everyone's side. mostly because he's afraid of what everyone will do or what buttons they'll press. He's the reason for Steve's fear of monsters and spiders.
• El
She's most likely Confusion for this au. El always has questions about everything and everyone she sees. Her job is too find out what most things are, and is in charge of Steve to question and learn. She's most useful in math and geography, making Steve earn top A's. Sometimes El can get out of hand. Once she snuck to the (emotions table?? I forgot 💀) out of curiosity of what Steve was doing, in conclusion she made Steve say "What's a cigarette?" While holding one. El isn't allowed to be by the table without permission.
• Dustin
He's the Ego, definitely. Always making Steve being over dramatic and boastful. Dustin is supposed to give Steve confidence during hard times, But you can't control an Ego. So he basically makes Steve an Asshole for a while. Dustin and Will argue almost every second, Will tells the boy to straighten up and be more mindful, Dustin just ignores him. Once he dared Steve to make himself drunk and see what'll happen if he jumps off a roof with a "Pillow armor". Thankfully Will saved the day and Dustin isn't allowed to be at the table unless if there's a guardian around.
• Max
Oh boy, oh oh oh boy. Anger issues is all I have to tell you, she's in charge of Steve's anger but somehow she made a "Jealousy emotion" so she's in charge of that too, even though she uses it way too often. Team her up with Dustin and it's the definition of chaos. When Nancy and Steve broke up, he cried for a while until the gang let Max take over for once, she made Steve straighten up his attitude and go get a new look (mostly to impress Nancy but she didn't tell the others that) everyone was really impressed of her work. Yeah that's the only good thing she did.
• Lucas
Lucas is a Tired and depressed guy all around. He use to be the "Relaxation emotion" until the break up with Nancy. Now the poor guy just slumps in his spot most of the time. Max usually gets his spirits up once in a while in which makes Lucas come out of his shell to become the "Relaxation Emotion" for a bit. The heartbreak from Steve really did a number on Lucas and is currently unfixable. (Or is it?)
• Erica
You know the feeling of second hand embarrassment you get after you do something? That's Erica in Steve's book. Erica didn't come till later when the gang were deciding what dinosaur backpack Steve was going to wear for his 4th grade school year. Suddenly the Queen herself appeared and told everyone that the dino backpack was "too embarrassing" and all of the cool kids wear black backpacks. Mike said it was fine but little Erica would not back down. Erica is mostly in charge of that little voice in your head that says. "Don't do it, they'll laugh at you." most of the time it's right, but there's a limit. Like ruining El's school time just because Erica thinks that raising your hand for questions will make everyone think you're stupid.
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