#[ and if she ducks it'll be for nothing ]
spiderwarden · 7 months
Just throws an ice knife at her.
She is always on guard, always ready for the next battle that could come from even her closest allies. It was the basic teachings of her mother, the first teaching in truth, to always protect her heart from he nearest blade that sought to do her harm. Then from then on it had been the thrilling life she led on in Menzobarranzan, she could not enjoy the company of friends or lovers, for the blades that could be hidden behind their smiles. Could not enjoy the taste of food or drink, for fear of poison, it was a good life, an exciting one, one that she had happily lived. And it had ensured that she remained prepared thanks to her mother's iron fist.
So when the blade is thrown her way it was easily dodged with the simple and small shift of her heel and briefest sway of her shoulder. Allowing the blue blade to THUNK into the pole inside of her tent.
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Minthara straightens with the eye of the blade, then looks back toward the Tiefling before retreating into her tent to retrieve the weapon. Wordless looking over it's essence and dragging her fingers along the flat of the blade before switching the hilt from one hand to the next. A red gaze flicks toward Caledonia as the palms of her hands begin to take on a blinding glow upon her palms. If she wanted to play this game, then Minthara was all too happy to comply and thus with a touch of the DIVINE SMITE added upon the ice cold weapon Minthara throws it back with much more FORCE.
@forgottenwyrm - random ic
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
“Is that our boy’s rubber ducky?” “That it is. I thought, when I wasn’t here to keep her company, it could. She seems to like it quite a bit-I don’t think she’s ever seen such a thing before.”
Wilhelm watched Emily for a little longer as he applied more of the aloe vera, unsure of how to respond to that (he, perhaps fortunately, also missed Emily unhinging her jaw to devour the plate of meat before her) before turning back to June, flashing a grateful smile to her-not only because of her help with the aloe, but because her presence made him feel a little more at ease around their guest.
“Willy,” June began, not missing the way her husband looked at Emily (she knew that perturbed look quite well), “Tonight...why don’t you play your autoharp for Randall and I after work? It’s been too long since we’ve heard you play, and I...feel like having a little music in the house.”
“Do ya?” Wilhelm smiled, more broadly now, and she couldn’t help but smile back and confirm, “I do.” Playing his autoharp always put her husband at ease, the ability to lean back in his chair and let the music guide him, soothe him, and it was always soothing for his wife and son too, especially after a long time...
…and June had a feeling Emily might like to hear a little music too.
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
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“You're staring again.”
The voice of your closest friend snapped your attention back to reality. Michonne laughed as your wide eyes stared at her, embarrassment at being caught—for the hundredth time, but that was a discussion for another day—staring at the handsome, rugged archer. You wouldn't admit it to anyone but yourself, but watching the younger Dixon work on his bike was probably your favourite pastime. You could watch him and never get bored.
Michonne knew about that little fact, and she loved to annoy you about it whenever she could.
You scoffed and avoided her knowing gaze and teasing smirk. “I wasn't staring,” you mumbled out in a weak attempt to defend yourself, but to no avail. You had been caught.
Michonne chuckled and shook her head. “Yeah, so that drool on your face came from the fact that you were daydreaming about riding Daryl's bike and not Daryl himself, right?”
You almost choked on air at your friend's bluntness. “Michonne!” you hissed through your teeth. However, your “scolding” was met with more laughter.
“No, you're right, I'm sorry.” You breathed a sigh of relief. However, your relief was short-lived, because Michonne had something else to say. “You were daydreaming about riding Daryl on his bike, weren't you?”
“Michonne!” you exclaimed in embarrassment.
Michonne almost doubled over in laughter. “I'm sorry!” she managed through her laughing fit. “But it's true! Hell, you told me once you wondered if he'd be able to bench press you.”
You glared at her, but there was no real heat behind it. You could never really be mad at your friend. “Need I remind you that I said that while I had more than half a bottle of whiskey in my system? Almost a year ago?”
“Yup, and you still haven't made a move yet,” Michonne pointed out. “I think you should just kiss him and get the it out of your system.”
“Kiss who?”
The sound of Daryl's voice startled both you and Michonne. You turned to look at him, trying to shield your embarrassment from his perceptive gaze. “Daryl! Hi,” you squeaked out.
Daryl's eyes trailed over your face thoughtfully, clearly in an attempt to decipher why you were being so fidgety around him all of a sudden, but he made no comment on it. “Hey, Sunshine.” He sent Michonne a respectful nod in greeting. “Wha' were y'all talkin' 'bout?”
“Oh, nothing,” Michonne told him, sending you a mischievous smile. “Say, Daryl, you're a pretty strong guy, right?”
Daryl shrugged nonchalantly. “Wouldn't call myself weak, so I guess so, yeah.”
“Do you think you'd be able to bench press Y/N?”
Daryl's eyes widened at her question. He ducked his head in an attempt to hide the blush forming on his face. “I—I dun'—um—”
“Michonne!” you exclaimed in embarrassment. “Can you not?”
Michonne smirked and shrugged. “What? I thought you wanted to know.”
“Goodbye, Michonne!” For added emphasis, you lightly pushed her away, hoping she'd get the memo.
Michonne laughed and, thankfully, walked off. “Use protection, you crazy kids.”
When Michonne disappeared, you slowly turned back to Daryl. The archer was awkwardly fidgeting with his hands, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. “I'm so sorry about her,” you apologized quietly.
Daryl shrugged, his cerulean eyes flickering up to meet your own eyes. “S'alrigh',” he mumbled. Then, unexpectedly, even for him, he added, “I prolly could. Bench press ya, I mean. M'willin' to test tha' theory.”
Your breath hitched at his words. You cleared your throat and shrugged. “That's good to know.” In an attempt to change the conversation, you motioned towards his bike. “Almost fixed?”
Daryl nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Yeah. 'Bout 'nother hour or so and it'll be runnin' smoothly again.” Taking a deep breath, Daryl prepared himself for the question he was about to ask you. “I was thinkin' 'bout takin' it out for a test drive after this, jus' to be sure. Do ya, um... Do ya maybe wanna come with me? We can swing by tha' lake ya like so much.”
You smiled at him and nodded, your heart fluttering in your chest. “Yeah, okay. It's a date,” you told him, not even fully comprehending what you had just said.
Daryl didn't correct you. He definitely liked the sound of that. “I'll come get ya when s'ready?”
“Okay. I'll be ready.”
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be-missed · 11 months
Cool About It
Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Jenna and Y/N are life-long best friends, but can Y/N still stand and hide her feelings after Jenna pulled a prank on her?
Warning/s: curse words, notify me if there are any.
A/N: Hi, hope this can be a good substitute for Chap 4 of Not Strong Enough. Enjoy! (clearing things out, this is not the Chapter 4 for Not Strong Enough, this is just a substitute story for you all, so that you have something to read while waiting for the Chapter 4 for Not Strong Enough.)
Nothing To Lose (Part 2) | Bad for Business (Part 3)
"Come on it'll be fun, we can walk around the park and then ride the boat." Jenna explained while lying down in Y/N's bed and scrolling through her phone.
Y/N looked at her with a questioning look and said "Isn't that a bad idea? Because people might hover over us and people will just follow us and that is something that my anxiety can't handle."
"Noooo, pleaseee. This is a good idea, it's a Thursday afternoon, nobody or only least people will be at the park." Jenna answered, pouting.
"Jenna, stop." Y/N said with a smile on her face "You know it's hard for me when you do that."
Ans Jenna just smiled because she knows that Y/N is so close to going "Pleeaasseeee, pretty pleaseeee. I'll buy you an ice cream." Jenna proposed.
"Hmm, you think an ice cream can make me agree with your plan, huh?" Y/N answered.
"Yes, I know that you will agree to me sooner. Just imagine us binding after such a long time of not seeing each other. Also, may I remind you that I'll be leaving the country in December to film for Wednesday so this is a great time to spend with me before we get situated again in face time." Jenna is now showing Y/N a sad face.
Jenna's statement made Y/N wonder, that yes, it is true that Jenna's break will be over soon, meaning that she will be receiving a call or a message from Jenna during ungodly times which, she diligently answers, whether it may be a call or a message.
Y/N sighs and Jenna knows that y/N will now agree with her plan. But before Y/N agrees, Jenna started to jump in Y/N's bed and smiles at Y/N.
"You know me so fucking well Jenna Marie Ortega." Y/N said while scratching her brow "Yes, sure we'll go to the park."
And then Jenna went ot hug Y/N and delivers ton of kisses on Y/N's face.
Y/N thought, "Fucking hell, how can I disagree with this girl. If she tells me to jump on a tall something, I would even do some back flips. She wants me to run around New York City? I would do it with my tits out. She want me to marry her and be the mother of her children? I will for sure do that without a doubt. The last part, is a false hope. I know Jenna isn't into me since the first time that I met her."
"Okay, collect your things and get dressed, we're going to Central Park." Y/N said and taps Jenna's crown and smiled at her like a cute puppy.
Even if Jenna and Y/N are together, they will literally wear the headphones that they bought for each other, just to drown out their environment. But even the noise cancelling headphone can't stop them to communicate with each other. After knowing each other so well for years, they don't need to communicate verbally.
While walking, Y/N then got lost again with her own thoughts. She feels that Jenna knows that she likes her more than a best friend should have for quite some time now. That is why in the past few months, Y/N has been getting a lot more "busier" when it comes to Jenna. She tries so hard to detach herself from the girl. If Jenna won't be kind enough to be cruel about it and just reject her, then Y/N will try to be cool about it even though it's probably not even true.
Arriving at Central Park, the two girls started to walk nonchalantly, going where their feet take them, not caring about the people that took notice of them.
They sometime give snacks to the pigeons or the ducks that they passed by, try to pet the dog that was sitting beside their owner. Taking a look at thier surroundings, both of them realised that a lot from the park changed, the becnhes that were once there, the trees thatvwere cut out and displaced by another plant, and the rusts on the bench that they always pass by.
Y/N was walking not until Jenna stopped by the row boat rentals and Y/N just moved her head from side to side "Nuh uh, Jenna. We won't and we can't." Y/N said.
"But why? We used to ride the boats and just row around, pretending to be a part of a rowing team." Jenna stated pulling at Y/N's sleeve.
"Jen, that was before." Y/N reasoned.
Jenna looked sad "Do you not want to be seen with me? Is that it?"
That was the last thing that Y/N wants Jenna to think of because it is not true.
"No, absolutely not. I just think that..." Y/N said not knowing any reason on why not to ride the boat.
"See you have no reasons to not ride it. So please let's ride the boat." Jenna said, and with that they got a boat, just the two of them and started to row.
Many people are also in their own boat, talking, playing, laughing and admired their surroundings. Also, Y/N and Jenna's boat didn't get unnoticed by the people in the park or inside the boat. People were waving at them and calling Jenna's name. Jenna waved back or replied to them but her focus was still focused on you, not until you hear Jenna coughed.
Many boats surrounds you as this is where one of the good spots for a picture. It means that many people also surrounds you and can literally hear each other.
"Mhmm, Y/N, I don’t know where to start..." Jenna said with a smirk ok her face and Y/N didn't know what's going on, Jenna then continued "We have known each other for a lot of years, we have been with each other through our ups and downs and we are still here." Jenna then secretly took the ring from her pointer finger and present it in front of you.
Now. Now Y/N is so baffled with what is Jenna doing, people started to look at them and paid attention to what is happening inside their boat. Even the people who are in land started to stop and watch the scene unfolding in front of them.
"I have loved you ever since I met you and I want to love you 'till the day I die. I just want to ask if, will you marry me?" Jenna got up from her seat and started to kneel with her right knee.
Y/N's thoughts are all over. Why is Jenna fucking doing this? Is this her way to fucking play with her feelings? Is this all a joke to Jenna? She wants Jenna to be cruel about it and just reject her but not this way, Y/N will try her best to be cool about it even if it's not, but this stunt? Y/N didn't know if she can still see Jenna and not say some hurtful things towards the girl.
Everyone around them started to cheer and fished their phone out to capture this moment, because hell, Jenna Ortega is proposing. Flashing of lights where delivered from each phone that is hanging out, hollers and congratulations can be heard in different directions, claps can be heard everywhere and that triggered Y/N.
It was so loud around her, and why the fuck is Jenna proposing to her.
"Jenna I need to get out." Y/N said.
"What do you mean?" Jenna started to see the panic in Y/N's eyes.
"Fuck Jenna I need to get out of here" Y/N stated and started to row the boat in a faster pace that forced Jenna to take a seat.
As the boat started to get near the dock, Y/N didn't gave Jenna a time to talk and bolted away. Away from the girl, away from the people, and away from the world.
Many hours has passed but Jenna can't still contact Y/N. Jenna even waited in front of Y/N's front door for hours but there were no signs of her best friend.
A/N: Hoped this is good enough. Thoughts and comments are open, thanks for reading!
Nothing To Lose (part 2)
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
sucking plug!Sevika’s dick (real or fake i ain’t complaining) in the car after we smoked together… sighhhhhhh i’ll do anything for her
men and minors dni
the music is turned down low, the car is filled with smoke and the soft light of dusk. sevika's sitting back in her reclined driver's seat, giggling at some dumb joke she'd made, and her shirt's ridden up a bit, revealing a strip of her waist.
she looks delicious.
you take the final drag off the joint, then toss it out the cracked window beside you before turning your body and attention toward your girlfriend. "we got any more deliveries tonight?" you ask, innocently reaching over the center console to grab her hand. she smirks at you, turning in her seat to face you.
"don't think so." she says. "why?"
you shrug, drawing circles on her hand. "i don't wanna distract you if we've got somewhere to be." you say. sevika grins.
"how're you gonna distract me?" she asks, waggling her eyebrows. you snort, and sevika grins, then pats her lap. you scramble over the center console but surprise her when you don't get in her lap, but sink to the floor between her legs instead. her eyes bulge out of her head and she gasps. "fuck, really?!" she asks, straightening up in her seat and whipping her head around to look out the windows.
there's nothing to be seen-- you're the only car in the whole lot, hidden behind your favorite little tree-- but it's cute how paranoid she is anyways. you giggle, pressing a kiss to her sweat-pant covered thigh and waiting for her to settle back down. "all clear out there, honey?" you tease.
she huffs, flicks your forehead fondly. "you're such a slut when you're high." she says, grinning. you bite her thigh and she giggles, and you grin when you speak.
"oh, it'll be a quick chill smoke sesh babe." you imitate sevika from earlier in the night. she giggles, and you tug at her waistband, getting a glimpse of her cock. "then you show up fuckin' hard packing. and somehow i'm the slut?" you ask.
sevika just giggles and shrugs. "maybe i just know you well enough to know you get needy when you're high." she suggests, bending down to kiss your lips. "maybe i know how much you like havin' my cock in your mouth."
you shiver, and sevika smirks against you before leaning back in her chair. you quickly pull her dick out out of her pants, and both of you moan as it flops out.
she's wearing both of your favorite dick-- she likes it because it's so lifelike, you like it because it stretches you no matter where she's putting it. in your cunt, in your mouth, even your hand can't reach its base all the way.
you don't waste time before ducking down and spitting on her dick, pumping it a few times.
you've been dating for almost a year, and by far one of your favorite things you'vee discovered about her in that year is that she gets off on you touching her straps just as much as you touching her cunt. if not more.
when you touch her cunt, she's all moans and stuttered half sentences. but when it's her cock-- she's still got the clarity of mind to spew filthy shit to you. like now.
"fuck-- fuckin' love your mouth on me honey." she whines as you start bobbing your mouth up and down the first few inches of her cock. "yeah, baby, get it all nice 'n messy for me." she groans as your drool starts escaping your lips, coating the remainder of her cock you've yet to fit in your throat.
you'll get there.
for now, you focus on steadily stroking her base, bobbing your head at the tip, making a sufficiently drooly mess of her. sevika loves messes. which is a good thing, because her sweat pants-- bunched around the base of her dick-- are growing damp with a puddle of your spit.
"i love you so much, baby, shit, look at you go-- fuckin' me so well."
"mmhngg" you grunt around her. she groans.
"yeah honey, take it." fuck, her words do something to you. you sink down a few more inches, almost reaching her base, choking and sputtering. she growls, reaching up to press you down the final few inches, your nose pressed against her pelvis as you gag around her. "there you go-- that's it baby, fuck!"
sevika pulls you off and you gasp, she shoves her tongue in your mouth before you can even clean up the drool on your chin. you hum against her.
"you're so fuckin' hot." she whispers against your lips. you giggle, reaching between the two of you to continue jerking her off as she rambles against your lips. "y' look so pretty-- your eyes all pink and cryin' as you choke on my cock-- fuck, look at the pretty stain you left on my dick." she mutters, gesturing down at the pretty ring of pink lipgloss at the base of her dick. you giggle.
"'s on your lips too, y'know." you say. she grins.
"and my cheeks?" she asks. you pull away enough to inspect her, and burst into laughter when you find you've stained her entire face with your bright lipstick.
"yep." you assure. "didn't miss a spot." you promise. she grins.
"good." she shifts her hips a bit, and you giggle, knowing what she wants but wanting to hear her ask for it. "take your shirt off." she demands. you snort.
"you first." her shirt's in the backseat before you can finish your sentence. you giggle, and then raise your arms, letting her strip you. she sighs when your tits are free, reaching forward to give them each a nice squeeze before sitting back in her chair.
"alright. back to it." she says, smacking her thighs. you giggle.
"no please?"
sevika rolls her eyes, then grunts. "please."
you grin, then duck forward and take her down all in one go. sevika gasps, her hips jolting in the chair, and you choke around her cock for a second as she tries to get her humping under control.
"i'm-- you're so-- fuck you feel so fuckin' good." she whines. you moan as you start bobbing your head again, one of sevika's hands holding your hair out of your face, the other holding the 'oh shit' bar on the roof.
you reach one of your hands up to press just underneath the strap, right against her cunt through her sweats as you continue to bob your head on her cock. she whimpers, "oh!" and her hand comes flying down for her to bite her knuckles as she starts to cum. "mmmbaby!" she squeals, thrusting her hips up and choking you just a little more as she cums.
you pull off with a gasp, spit soaking your neck and chin, tears running down your cheeks as you try to catch your breath. sevika's giggling and grinning at you, reaching up to help you wipe the mess on your face clean. "good?" you ask, kissing her palm. she bursts into another round of giggles at this.
"come up here." she hooks her arms under your armpits and pulls you up into your lap, nuzzling against your face. "i love you." she mumbles. you kiss her temple.
"love you too. is my makeup a mess?"
"you cried some of your eyelashes off." sevika giggles. you groan, and she gently pinches your ass. "now... you want me to fuck you in the backseat or take you home and fuck you in bed?" she asks. you giggle and consider your options.
"if we go home, we can take those fuckin'... arousal edibles you were talking about earlier." you whisper. sevika grins, then launches forward to kiss you so suddenly your back hits the horn.
you both jump as the car lets out a 'beep!' in the abandoned lot. then, you both burst into giggles. "you're so fuckin' smart and so fuckin' hot-- how'd i get so lucky?" she asks you as you crawl into the passenger seat.
"well-- you lemme smoke a whole lotta weed for free, that was a pretty good start." you joke as she starts the car. she snorts, and you reach over, tucking her hair behind her ear. "also... y'know. you're gorgeous." you say, shrugging. sevika grins, stops the car in the middle of the abandoned lot, and darts over the center console to kiss you. you hum against her lips, then smack her shoulder. "c'mon drive! you need to get me home."
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 8 months
after an extra busy weak covering things at the hotel so the morningstars can have some family time, vaggie wakes up with a blinding stress headache and charlie whisks her back into bed to rest because she, charlie, can TOTALLY manage the hotel on her own for one day! 100% there is nothing to worry about!
vaggie is worried. she has all the faith in her girlfriend and none left over for the other hotel residents. charlie spins it as 'please rest? for me??' request though so she let's herself be kept in their room listening to Very Concerning Noises from outside as charlie pops in regularly to bring snacks and smile tensely and swear things are completely fine she just felt like setting part of her suit on fire today! vaggie's not convinced. vaggie's headache is getting worse. around dinner time charlie is late checking in with her and then from somewhere below charlie is yelling FUCK!!! and vaggie is out of bed armed and downstairs in three murderously angelic wing flaps
there used to be a wall between the main hall and the kitchen.
there isn't anymore, so she can see exactly when everyone freezes in place and stares back at her.
what, she askes, are they doing. charlie tries to laugh and say nothing nothing just cooking but she's also got her horns out and alastor in a headlock, so vaggie turns to angel dust instead.
why is the wall missing? because cherri is here helping. why is there an empty wine bottle next to the ominously bubbling pot? because husk is helping. why is angel's ass on the countertop? because looking pretty is how he's helping. why is niffy stirring the ominous wine goop with a knife- no it's niffy never mind. why is one of sir pretentious' eggs teetering on the edge of the pot as if about to dive in? because alastor is here NOT helping
why, then, is ANY of this happening....? because everyone was bored, no one had been threatened at the end of a spear all day, they followed charlie into the kitchen and heard vaggie was sick. so.
the thing in the pot, charlie admits weakly as her hold on alastor's neck tightens, was supposed to be soup, to help her get better. sooner. bc charlie can run the hotel alone for a day but oh she REALLY doesn't want to.
vaggie checks the soup. the only way it's curing her headache is by making her dead. charlie drops alastor and droops dejectedly only to see vaggie smiling, a glint in her eye. everyone who is not charlie tries to edge away but it's too late- they are all going to obey their new kitchen commanding officer and follow her orders on how to actually make soup or they're gonna wish THEY were the ones being chopped up and caramelized on the bottom of a cooking pot (no niffty, you can't volunteer) (no angel, boosting moral is not a valid contribution, get off your ass and wipe down the counter top)
a few hours later dinner is raging with everyone fighting over second helpings (except alastor who's prodding his cooked food with a grin of horror) and vaggie leans in to thank charlie quietly. what for, charlie asks? for not telling everyone that the only 'sick' vaggie had really been was sick of them. she's feeling a lot better now. they're not so bad, really.... or at least they're kinda worth it anyway
charlie smiles softly. she'd almost let the truth slip when she'd gotten kinda sick of them too, at the point when they all crowed into the kitchen after her- then she'd realized they wanted to know why vaggie hadn't been around and had maybe been causing such a ruckus because they missed her, a little bit
they share a proud moment, gently holding hands. then they duck as alastor static shrieks and throws his soup across the room, revealing the egg bois who'd been soaking at the bottom of it like a hot tub
tomorrow it'll be charlie who stays in bed all day with a headache
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jpitha · 9 months
Between the Black and Gray
Fen rushed around the corner and slammed her back against the wall, willing herself to be thinner. Station security ran past the alley, their boots clanging on the plates in the floor. Gulping air, Fen tries to slow her breathing.
The comm glued behind her ear buzzed. "Fen, what happened? There are security alerts lighting up the boards looking for you."
Fen winced. She had hoped that she would have had a little longer to try and explain things. "Hey Ma-ren. Sorry. Looks like things got out of hand at Stations End. I uh, might have gotten involved in a small... altercation."
"You were in a bar fight? Fen, what the hell?" Ma-ren managed to sound exasperated even over the bone conduction comm while speaking Levinen.
Fen switched to Colonic. Hardly anyone here spoke the old language and it was easier to talk to Ma-ren in their native tongue. "They were shit talking K'laxi, Ma! I couldn't let that stand. 'Furball' this and 'Cats' that. It was making me so angry!" Fen balled up her fist at the memory, winced when her bruised knuckles complained, and straightened her hand again. "I threw a few punches, tossed a couple Bears, and chucked my chair. It was hardly a fight. Look, I ducked station security, but I need to get off the promenade. I'll keep to the alleys and the maintenance tunnels. It'll be fine. I'll be fine. See you in a bit."
Before Ma-ren could reply, Fen touched the stud on her comm, silencing it. Peering around the corner, she saw that security was looking around. Fen crept further down the alley until she was behind a restaurant. Even here on the station, behind restaurants were messy places. Odd smells, greasy floors and detritus scattered everywhere.
Fen crept behind the restaurant until she came upon a maintenance tunnel. She tried the wheel, but it was stuck fast. "Uh Station? Can you open maintenance door-" she peered at the door and wiped some slimy dirt away "-775-OPR-23?" Fen spoke as quietly as she thought she could get away with.
"Fenchurch Imar, you are not authorized to enter the maintenance tunnels." Station at least had the grace to reply in a low voice matching hers.
"I know Station, but I just need to use it as a shortcut to get home. You saw security, there's no way I'll get treated well if they catch me"
"Fenchurch, I also know why they are chasing you. You tossed two Sefigans and threw a chair at a Gren. All three are in the medical ward."
Fen stopped. She didn't think she had injured anyone. "How badly are they hurt?"
"They will recover. The Sefigans are bruised and the Gren broke one of their legs. You know that you are stronger than both of them. We make it clear to humans when they come onboard."
"I know Station, but you also know how they were bad mouthing K'laxi. They were calling them our pets!"
"Regardless Fenchurch-"
"Please, call me Fen."
"Very well. Regardless Fen, you started a bar fight. Whatever your reasons, security wants to speak to you."
Fen rolled her eyes. "Station you know very well that speaking is the last thing on their minds. They want to shock baton me until I'm a gibbering mess and then toss me into the drunk tank until Ma-ren bails me out and everyone has a good laugh. I'll probably get evicted for good measure."
Station said nothing.
"Well Station? Are you going to open the hatch, or am I going to get arrested, beaten, and humiliated? You know what I did. Does defending my girlfriend warrant all that?"
There was a click, and the hatch bounced off its seals.
"Thanks Station, I owe you."
"You do, Fen."
Fen made it home without further incident. As she approached the stairs she passed an old K'axi, gray around their muzzle, sitting on a folding chair, reading a pad.
"Hey Da'reni. How's things?"
They looked up from their pad and flicked an ear. "Causing trouble again Fen?"
Fen crossed her arms defiantly. "They were shit talking K'laxi, Da'reni. I wasn't going to let that stand."
Da'reni nodded slowly. "I get that Fen, and I appreciate it, but you also have to think about what kind of trouble this will bring down on all of us. The knock-on effects. We're not in the Colony Worlds. Humans and K'laxi are thin on the ground here. You could take anyone here in a fight one on one, but they're in charge. Security can come here and evict us and then what Fen? Spyglass barely made it here, and I know that you can't fix a Starjumper."
Fen sighed. Da'reni was right, but that didn't make what she said feel good. "I know Da'reni, I know. But..." her shoulders slumped. "Okay. I'll try and be more careful."
Da'reni looked down at her pad. "I know you will Fen."
Fen's energy sapped, she walked slowly up the steps until she reached her apartment. Touching the locking stud, the door clicked and she pushed it in. Suddenly, her vision was obscured, and she felt warm fur on her face. Her arms shot up to catch Ma-ren after she jumped onto her. "Hey hon. I thought you might need a hug."
Fen squeezed her girlfriend gently and held her. "You always know just what I need Ma." After a moment she set the K'laxi down. "I talked with Da'reni on the way in."
"Oh? What did that old warhorse have to say?" Ma-reni's tail flicked playfully.
"She warned me about causing trouble. We don't want to get evicted or worse, especially since Spyglass isn't in any condition to thrust away, let alone link anywhere."
Ma-ren nodded. "She has a point Fen. Still, you came to my rescue today and while it might cause trouble, that's part of the reason why I love you.
Fen smiled. "I love you too Ma. You wanna go get dinner?"
Ma laughed. "After the trouble you just caused? I think we'll cook at home tonight."
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cosmal · 2 years
hii how are you?? i hope finee
i was wondering if you could write smth with james; r got hurt and feels the urge to cry but doesn't want to bc she's embarassed to, but james know that shes hurting and comforts her. just pure fluff.
i know its basic but i just recently got a black eye because i was hit with a metal bottle (bc i play fighting w a friend) and im too embarassed now that i have a bruise. if you could write something like is, it would be awesome; if not, feel free to change whatever you'd like!!
i love your work sm by the way!!
car door
summary — you hurt yourself and get embarrassed.
content — james potter x fem!reader
note — thank u baby!! i hope ur eye is okay now :(
You're laughing about something stupid with James when you do it. Distracted, smiling at him over the top of his car, you close the door on your hand.
It slams over three of your fingers and bounces back open when you flinch backwards. You gasp and hold your hand to your chest, squeezing like somehow it'll distract you from the inevitable pain. Like hopefully, nothing will happen at all.
You slam your eyes closed and suddenly you can feel James's hands on your arms. He's so close so quickly, you hold your breath and hope you don't cry. You feel embarrassed for hurting yourself whilst having a good time with him, worse for feeling the urge to sob.
"You okay, lovely?" he asks, hands a distracting heat over your skin. You blink up at him and try to smile. You know it's crooked, trembling lips and pinched brows. "Christ, did you shut the door on your hand?"
"Yeah," you try to say. It comes out all pitched up, voice shaky and quiet.
He takes your sore hand into his own and checks it over. Fingers pushing up your palm and up to your knuckles, just below the source of grievance. It's already throbbing, your beating heart worse in your ears.
He's saying something and you're struggling to listen. You bite down so hard into your bottom lip you worry it'll end up worse than your hand. Your eyes sting, you can feel the beginnings of tears building up along your waterline. You steel yourself and try not to cry.
"Sweetheart," his voice comes in quick and worried, like a splash of cold water to the face. You blink back your daze and your eyes blur with tears you don't want to shed. "Hey, take a deep breath."
You don't do as he says and he worries even more. He drops your sore hand gently in favour of squeezing your shoulders, ducking his head to where you've got it pointed to the asphalt. You can't look him in the eyes. You stare at his lovely nose instead.
"Hey, what's the matter with you?'' He's gentle as he talks to you like he's trying to keep his own panic hidden from his voice like he'll spook you. "Breathe, lovely."
You let out a big, shuddering breath, mainly on his behalf. It comes in quick and it startles you how upset you've suddenly become. You feel hot with more embarrassment, prickling up your chest and neck.
"God," you sniffle, "I'm sorry. Sorry,'' you say once more.
You think James knows what's going on. He rubs a knuckle under the soft skin below your watery eye. "Do you need a cry?"
"You look like you're about to explode." He's half a breath away from laughing. You half want him to, expecting it to make you feel better. "I don't want you to cry, but if you need to, you can."
The first tear is hot as it spills down your cheek.
"Oh, baby," he says suddenly. Quietly.
He's quick to take you into his chest, arms tight around your back, fingers digging into your ribs. You rub your wet face against the fleece of his jumper and tremble with quiet cries. The kind that steal your breath and come out quick and staggered.
The kind that feel good.
"Shit," you mumble into his neck. He squeezes you closer. "I'm sorry. God, this is so embarrassing."
"Hey, it's okay," he says quickly, hands rubbing up and down your back to keep you close. You melt under his warmth, leaning all your weight into him. "As much as you're breaking my fuckin' heart, darlin'. It's okay to cry."
"It's just a sore finger," you grumble.
"Did it hurt?" he asks firmly.
You nod with a wet sniffle, happy he's made your tears slow. "Yeah."
"Then it's okay.” He kisses your head, right into the material of the beanie you promised you'd wear to keep yourself warm. "Even if it didn't hurt, you can cry. I'm sure it was scary, yeah?"
"Yeah." You pull yourself back from his chest to smile. It's wet and a little sad, James beams just the same.
"Can I see your fingers again?" He asks.
You lift your hand between the both of you and hope he kisses it. You're more than relieved when he does. Kisses over your knuckles and fingertips, much more gentle than he needs to be.
He looks at you while he does it. You feel like you could pass out.
"Feeling better?" he says and drops your hand down but doesn't let go.
"Yeah," you lie. It's not serious though you know he'll worry more than he should.
He smiles something lovely at you and throws an arm around your shoulders. “C'mon, let's get you inside. Do you want a tea?"
You smile back at him and feel the urge to kiss him. You might later on when you're out of the cold, in the cafe still feeling lovesick. "And a croissant?"
"That's a silly question," you laugh.
"I'm a silly man."
You roll your eyes. Your hand feels better already.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hello hello friendo! I was wondering if I could request a Wally x wolf puppet reader? the scenario being that the other neighbors are afraid of R (reader) no matter what due to them looking like a big 'bad' wolf, R's appearance is quite frightful; stitches in a few places along with big teeth and claws plus they are on the large size (roughly Barnaby's size, if not a bit shorter). While on the outside they look all mean they are actually really sweet and just want to make friends.
"Do you think I'm doing something wrong, Wally? 'cuz I feel...unwanted here."
"No, no. You've done nothing wrong, Neighbor! What made you think of such silly things?"
"...well everyone's still acting like I'm gonna eat them for breakfast."
"Breakfast?? Why, that's nonsense. Breakfast is composed of bacon, eggs, juice, and toast..not people!"
"Uh, that was just a....nevermind." Sighing, you shook your head as you gave up trying to explain the idiom to Wally. But having this conversation with him over the phone did manage to cheer you up a little.
How you wished it was this easy talking to the rest of the neighbors, though they were all absolutely terrified of you and would've hung up the second they heard your voice.
Fortunately, Wally had recently learned a valuable lesson from Barnaby, who told him that he should never "judge a book by its cover". And he lived by that philosophy every time a newcomer came to town, whether they stayed or left.
You were no exception despite being a rather frightening-looking wolf with large sharp teeth, untrimmed claws, and stitches all over your body that made you look like a zombie. Of course, your clothes covered most of them, yet they didn't fully hide all of the things your neighbors were afraid of.
Of course, it didn't help that you're the child of The Big Bad Wolf...but you're nothing like him! You're not deceptive or evil in any way; all you wanted to do was make new friends.
But that was tough to prove when someone screamed if you so much as smiled at them.
Poppy was understandable, given she was a bird who already had some anxiety issues to begin with. And Barnaby was alright since you're both tall canines (and even then, he was still the taller one). He tolerated your presence and can stand being in the same room as you.
As for Julie, Eddie, Frank, Sally, and Howdy....you unintentionally scared them out of their wits.
For instance, you visited Howdy's bugdega for the first time to get groceries, and he ducked behind the register as you approached. The poor guy sounded like he was in tears as he stuttered that everything was free of charge.
Back then you thought he was having a bad day..but even outside of work, he seldom talked to you out of fear.
How naïve were you..
At least you had Wally, though, considering he's able to have normal chats with you both on the phone and in person. He still kept his joyful tone when speaking to you, and when you left he'd turn around to scold the others for "overreacting".
Honestly, he was growing tired of them treating you this way and not taking his advice. No neighbor deserved to feel so unwelcomed.
You weren't scary at all! He'll prove it!
And now he finally got an idea that he believed would work.
"Say, [y/n]..whatdya think about coming with me to the park?" He suggested. "I'm organizing a little painting lesson, and at the end we're all gonna paint something we like! If everyone's there and sees us getting along, they'll finally see how nice you really are!"
"You think so?" Your ears perked up, a small smile forming on your face as your tail began lightly wagging, thumping against the furniture.
While you haven't done any art since settling into the community, this hangout seemed to be a good place to sharpen your skills and, hopefully, make some friends. If they saw you indulging in a passion, you'll be able to connect with them more.
"Yup! I think it'll work! So are you in or out?"
"I'm in."
"Great! See you in an hour!"
Your smile dropped. "Wait, it's toda-?"
However, you didn't get the chance to finish as you heard the 'click' on the other end, realizing he hung up. You sighed and hung up your phone, too.
The thought of seeing everybody at the park so soon had you feeling anxious all over again, but you tried shaking off your worries, not wanting them to deter you from going. You couldn't disappoint Wally after how hopeful he sounded.
So instead you focused on making lunch for yourself before packing some art supplies together, finding a canvas or sketchbook to bring with you.
And about an hour later, you were fully prepared.
'It'll be fine..Wally's gonna be there..' You told yourself, taking a few deeps breaths, heading out the door with your head held high.
Surely, the neighbors will finally change their mind about you once they see that you shared a similar hobby as them..
It turns out you were wrong.
As Wally hosted his painting lesson in the park, going over how to paint different figures and scenes step-by-step...most of the gang could barely focus on what he was saying.
Instead, their eyes were anxiously fixated on you as you tried ignoring them and listened to his words. Whenever you made direct eye contact with any of them, they'd quickly look away and shudder, their hands shaking as they pretended to paint or draw.
They kept their canvases close to their chest, as though you were gonna pounce and tear it to shreds if they let their guard down.
Obviously, Wally took notice of this fast and would ask them questions about what he just said, his smile slowly turning into a frown as some stuttered out answers..while others just didn't catch it the first time around.
You only expected this, although you did manage to impress everybody with your scenery of a moonlit sky after accomplishing the final task of painting something you liked.
But it wasn't enough for Wally. They only complimented you because they were scared you'll get angry if they said the wrong thing...he could just tell by their shifty gazes.
They're just pretending.
After everybody eventually left for home, as the sun was going down, you stayed in the park with Wally. He was still sitting motionless on the same flat rock, having already put his supplies away.
You frowned as you approached him, not knowing what's gotten into him lately
Of course this hangout wasn't going to immediately make you everybody's best friend, but you didn't think he'd be this upset.
If anything it should have been you who was upset, though you believed things went quite well considering nobody ran away from you this time around.
Unfortunately, Wally begged to differ, given how he hasn't spoken a word to you since everyone else left.
"Wally?" Crouching down in front of him, you tilted your head. "What's wrong?"
"...I don't get it."
"..look, it's okay-" You went to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, only for him to suddenly look up at you with frustration in his wide eyes. Even his pupils seemed to tremble as he spoke.
"No, it's not okay. I-I..I know they can't help it but..I thought they trusted me, Neighbor. I planned all of this so they could stop being scared of you! And yet...they..." He trailed off, fingers trembling as they curled into his pants. "They're never gonna change...are they?"
"They can. They just need some more time." You tried to reason, yet he shook his head.
"But how much longer will it be until y--?" He started, but quickly stopped upon seeing the flashes of concern in your eyes, shrinking away.
"...until I what, Wally?"
"Are you...scared that I might leave one day?" You finally connected the dots. "Is that why you're so upset over all of this?"
Given his silence as he looked back down at the ground, that basically confirmed your answer.
Now it all made sense.
"Oh, buddy.." You hugged him close, feeling him flop against you as he rested his head on your fluffy chest. "You don't have to worry about that. It's gonna take a lot more than just a few skittish people to kick me out."
"But..you're so nice...and I don't know why they can't see that.." He mumbled, slowly hugging you back. "I swear I've tried everything-"
"You don't have to do anything more, Wally. I appreciate what you've done, but..you don't need to be stressed for my sake. I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll even pinky promise it for ya."
After a long silence you felt him nod, and you smiled, relieved that he trusted you.
Soon you let each other go and made that pinky promise, sealing the deal. You could see that lifted a huge burden off his shoulders--one you didn't even realize he was trying to carry this whole time--as his own smile returned.
"C'mon. It's getting late. I'll walk ya back home." You suggesting, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"Haha..that's usually my job, Neighbor." The blue-haired puppet chuckled as he fixed up his messy pompadour. "But thank you. I'll take up your kind offer!"
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hydrasra · 2 years
The wind knows
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SYNOPSIS: trust and rely on teyvat. it'll always help you out.
DISCLAIMER: NOT FROM THIS WORLD's fourth and before last part before it goes on a hiatus and I get to experience fontaine so I know what to write for that region to further continue my story. ooc moments. probably swearing here and there, I forgot yet again. I'm serious about the fact that if I see someone's rewriting/stealing my story, I'll stop posting. just asra going crazy in this part. this part is probably shorter than the previous ones ngl.
TAGGING: [4/30] @bloop-booop @sunsethw4 @neverlandlostchild @code-roevember
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as soon as you were calm, paimon immediately took hold of your hand and gently tugged on it, "come on, you need to breathe some fresh air!"
and you meekly protested, saying how you didn't want people to see your tear stained face but lumine soon joined in and took your arm in hers, smiling from ear to ear, "so what? tears are no signs of weakness!"
nahida followed behind, giggling, "I agree with lumine, tears are no signs of weakness and crying is a normal emotion," she was walking by your side in mere seconds, "though, here," she gave you her handkerchief, "if you still don't want your people to see your tears, it's all right."
already thanking her for it, you would have taken her handkerchief if one of your hand was free and seeing this, lumine let go of your arm, grabbed nahida's handkerchief with a big smile and gently wiped your face, stopping paimon in her tracks.
"there! no need to complain anymore, or else, paimon will get angry," paimon joked and you couldn't help but giggle.
paimon prided herself in the fact that she made you let out a happy sound.
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"you... are still alive?"
those words should have put the former geo archon on high alert, however... he simply nodded, bowing his head once more.
"yes, your divine eminence."
and everyone in the room, the servants entrusted by the liyue qixing to their 'creator' sitting on your throne, stared at the bowing man.
their 'creator' crossed their arms, a brow raised while they stared.
the silence was uncomfortable.
what were they waiting for?
after a couple of minutes, they spoke again, "rise, former geo archon," they paused, contemplating their next move, "we have a contract to make."
after the 'creator' has gone public, thanks to ningguang, many went to see them with offerings, gifts and went to them in hopes of finding cures or blessings from their 'creator'.
and, after their visits after requesting blessings and cures, those people... either mysteriously disappeared or nothing happened, making them turn their backs on the one they used to worship.
if they couldn't help out their own people, it only meant that they were fake.
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"a trip to mondstadt would do you good," lumine had said.
"and it'll be loads of fun!" paimon added.
so why were you running for your life, following the two ahead of you while ducking and turning right then left on your trip to mondstadt?
what they forgotten was that: outside of sumeru's vast desert and forest, you were seen as an impostor in liyue, maybe in the other nations as well, you were not certain.
and to get to mondstadt, you had to go through liyue either way.
despite lumine choosing the safest, less populated route, after you voices out your concerns, you ran into some millelith.
"don't let the impostor escape!" one of the men yelled, a few feet behind you, prompting you to turn and look at them.
another mistake on your part.
nahida was against you going to mondstadt, for your own good and you'd agree with her. but you couldn't stay in one region only. this was the game that had you look up to something in life after all.
you agreeing to the traveler and her companion then convincing nahida to let you go and that lumine, who puffed out her chest in pride, promised to protect you, nahida couldn't do much... was the first mistake.
wanderer has suggested to go along with you but he could not, for he had duties awaiting for him and those duties could not wait.
you stepping in liyue was the second mistake.
their shouts were bound to attract the attention of nearby... authorities? threats? you no longer knew.
but seeing at how they were chasing you as soon as you walked by them, stating that 'their grace' was in liyue right now and tending to the people of liyue's matters, they immediately assumed that you were an impostor.
and a part of you agreed with them.
though, you knew that this was your face, the one you were born with, it was not your fault.
"halt, in the name of the liyue qixing!"
"eat shit!" the words were out of your mouth before you could even think about it and, somehow, that made lumine and you laugh, paimon nowhere in sigh yet you could hear her muffled laughter.
the path in fron of you seemed void of obstacles, yet, when you looked back again, the millelith were further than they previously were and you noticed that there suddenly were obstacles.
looking forward again, you noticed that you were nearer to the traveler, who, upon noticing your presence, grabbed your hand and made a sudden turn to the left.
that's when you noticed the waypoint.
and once she was near enough, she laid her hand on the teleportation device and mumbled, "the city of freedom!" in a hushed whisper.
then everything went white.
not before one threw their polearm at you, which cut your forearm and made it bleed, leaving behind a few drops of gold.
however, at the time, no one noticed.
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for the first time in a long time, beidou had docked the crux in liyue harbour, having been summoned by ningguang whom, speaking of which, had been waiting for her friend's arrival.
"hey, ning!" beidou said, putting an arm around the tianquan's shoulder as kazuha jumped off the crux and onto the wharf before walking to the two women.
"captain beidou, I surmise that you have already gotten the letter I sent out to you while you were at sea," ningguang said, making no move to remove beidou's arm, having grown accustomed to it by now.
"what letter are ya talkin' about ey? there's lots," the captain of the crux said, laying her head against the tianquan's shoulder, and moving her arm to now rest on ningguang's waist, once kazuha was close.
"about the creator-"
the inazuman bowed in greetings once he stood in front of the tianquan who nodded at him in acknowledgement.
"ah, yes, yes! I remember."
"they've requested to see you."
somehow, at the same time, both of their blood ran cold, making the two exchange glances. which the tianquan noticed. she frowned and asked, "is something the matter?"
beidou pulled away and plastered on a fake, albeit convincing smile, "what are ya talkin' 'bout? nothing's the matter! we'll meet 'em shortly."
the always elegant woman nodded, gave them instructions on how to reach the 'creator's palace in the sky, almost the same way one was to reach the jade chamber before she left.
and once ningguang was out of earshot, beidou turned to kazuha who was staring up at the sky, the wind blowing gently around them.
"so? what's the wind sayin'?"
kazuha stayed quiet, eyes closing as he listened to the things the wind had to tell him.
══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
he opened his eyes once more and looked at beidou, nodding,
"the true creator is in mondstadt and the one currently sitting on their throne is a fake."
the beidou main in me is so happy rn.
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swallowtail-lotus · 5 months
Perfect to me {Loki x Child of Nyx!Reader}
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Why does Loki look like a kid here? Not in a bad way, but the way he looks so surprised just gives that off.
I guess it's angst and comfort???
You love being near Loki.
He was one of the few deities you know that can make you laugh. He never failed to do so, even if it was unintentional. You always stuck by his side. You don't just love being near him.
You love him for who he is.
Unfortunately, your mother, Nyx, personification of the night itself, didn't exactly approve of him because he caused a lot of trouble for others and she didn't want you to get hurt by him.
"If he hurts you, just tell me and I will take care of him." That was what she always says to you. You knew how protective she is of you and your many siblings, but sometimes, you think it isn't necessary because you can take care of yourself.
Anytime a deity hurt you, Nyx would come and just her mere presence would strike fear into the deity. Including Zeus when he tried to seduce you in the form of a duck. You knew she was close to roasting him alive when she found out.
She already intimidated Loki with her sharp gaze alone when one of his tricks hurt you by accident. Loki got the signal and never involved you in any of his tricks, so he won't invoke your mother's wrath.
Years later, Loki grew very comfortable around you, seeing you as someone to go to for comfort and whenever he wanted to tell you anything he wanted.
It pained you a lot whenever he talked about the person he grew to love.
Brunhilde. The eldest of the Valkyries. That was who he loves.
You never tried to do anything about it. You respected his choice. And you hoped it'll go well one day...
But you were wrong.
You opened the door to his room slowly, peeking in to see his back. He clearly heard you, because he turned his head to the door and relaxed once he realised it was just you. Loki didn't feel like seeing anyone, but since it was you, he allowed it.
"Come in..." He spoke quietly, turning back around. You came in, closing the door behind you. You saw many objects on the floor, including fake eyes and fake limbs. You slowly approached him, seeing a doll that resembled Brunhilde sitting on the chair Infront of him, with the exception of her wing hairclip. Loki was brushing the doll's hair, just staring at it with sulking eyes.
Gods, just seeing him so sad made your heart crack.
Loki asked something under his breath, but you couldn't hear it.
"What?" You asked quietly, getting closer so you can hear him. You saw a few drops of tears coming from him.
"(Y/n)... Am I doing something wrong?" Loki asked a bit louder, looking at you with tear filled eyes. You felt the urge to cry from the sight.
"Not at all." You answered straight away. Loki used his thumb to wipe away his tears, but it was proven to be useless.
"Then why did she walk away?" Loki asked again, gripping the hairbrush in his hand. You knew he talked to Brunhilde, and you had a feeling she gave him the cold shoulder and walked away from him. You both knew how she is. You won't lie, you expected her to reject him.
"She's more focused on her goals. She may come around, just not now." You whispered to him, doing your best to comfort him, just like the other times.
"I doubt that... There has to be something wrong with me. I should change-" Loki was cut off by your arms wrapped around his waist, your head on his shoulder. The hairbrush slipped out of his hand, landing near his feet.
"There's nothing wrong with you. You're fine the way you are." You said, hugging him tighter. Loki just stared at you with wide eyes. He didn't make any attempt to push you away. He continued to stare at you, looking at the clear love in your eyes.
You clearly love him, despite his troublesome self. He's always knew you had feelings for someone since you told him so, but he never knew those feelings were for him.
How did he not realise this sooner?
He hugged you back, bringing you in closer to his body. You let out a quiet and content hum, moving your head to his chest. He's hugged you many times, but this one... This one felt different.
"You're perfect to me." That sentence alone made him cry more. He let the tears fall out, burying his head in your neck. You smiled lovingly, rubbing his back gently.
He knew it won't be easy to move on, but he knows he will...
So that he can love you.
Nyx sighed in relief as one of her sons, Hypnos had shown her what happened.
"See? Nothing to worry about, mother. Little sis is fine!" Hypnos spoke, letting out a yawn. Nyx chuckled and ruffled her son's hair.
"I suppose you're right... But I will still show him the consequences of hurting my children." Nyx said with a small smile on her face. Hypnos shook his head in agreement, letting himself doze off while Nyx lets him sleep beside her.
"My shining star... Never change."
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nogenderbee · 11 months
Im so happy your requests are open‼️ anyways can i req a reader thats like an idiot? The type of person to say "duck and chickens are the same because theyre both birds" or something even dumber will they tolerate readers dumbassery? Or do they just give up? I also want the characters to be mafuyu, akito, an,tsukasa djdndj$-$+$+$ take your time💗
Of course! I swear I took so much inspiration from just looking up dumb quotes so... hopefully it matches your expectations!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕓 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ An, Akito, Tsukasa, Mafuyu with idiotic!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @yulikesminori @qxmmi @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @modyuki @hearts4gf
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You were sitting in An's cafe after it closed. Her dad had to go there so she was the one who had to do the cleaning. But of course, she didn't wanted to do it so instead of that, she decided it'll be great idea to just bake something for you both!
You were just eating your favorite cake with her and accidentally bit your tongue.
"Oh gosh, Y/N are you alright!?"
"Have you ever wondered why you can't taste your tongue?"
That left her speechless... she was so worried about you that she didn't even realized the question at first.
"No, but... that's actually a good question!!"
My girl doesn't see the answer here... not at first at least! Give her some time to think and she'll actually explain it well! Maybe it's because she knows about all the food stuff thanks to working in cafe? Whatever it is, it definitely helped her right there!
"Oh I know! It's probably because taste buds are on your tongue, right!?"
"Ooooh, thanks An!"
You both stick together through your dumber thoughts. Usually she's the first one to come up with at least a bit smarter answers for them.
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You and Akito were bored to death as you just layed on your back in ones bedroom. You already played all games you could, talk about everyting you could, so he was distracted with his phone as you thought about everything and nothing at once. That's when you heard him get a bit more mean, most likely because of video he just saw.
"How the fuck do people do that!? C'mon it gotta be edited... it's so impossible after all..."
"Penguins can fly so you can do that too for sure."
"Penguins can't fly, stupid."
"They can if you give them a rocket!"
He just stared at you... he did not understand your way of thinking, so the only thing he could do was show how stupid he thought it was with his expression.
"I'm just done with you."
He's really not, he loves you so much despite your question and statements that sometimes even get him worried about your mental health...
Also he definitely looked up "rockets for penguins" when you weren't looking-
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You were helping Tsukasa with his school project. Basically he was supposed to do model of something son you naturally helped him.
You were just gluing some pieces together when a sudden thought appeared in your had...
"Hey Tsukasa... glue is made to stick to everything, right?"
"Yeah of course! That's like it's whole purpose."
"Then why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?"
"It... wait... you're right! Why it doesn't!!?"
You two are combo of dumb and dumber but that's exactly why the two of you are just so adorable together!
You definitely gave up on that project for now and focused on discussing why it could be like that and omg weren't your assumptions delusional.
"Maybe bottle is just glueproof?"
"But how? Is it like magical or something?"
"It could be!"
You ended up looking the answer up on Google and both of you were disappointed that the answer was this simple whole the two of you discussed this topic for at least half an hour and even did sketch of how it could've been created!
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Mafuyu was resting at the cafe with you as both of you waited for your orders to come. But then closed and opened your eyes... first thing that came to her mind is that you might be tired so she immidietly asked you for the reason.
"Are you tired? Do you want simp of my coffee? Or you can take a nap... I'll wake you up once our orders come."
"No I just realized something..."
She held herself back from sighing, she knew very well where this is going but of course she doesn't want to be mean without giving you a chance first so she let's you finish your thought.
"And what could it be this time?"
"Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can’t see."
"... Sometimes?"
She was confused... skipping the stupidity of that statement, what did you mean you don't see when your eyes are closed only SOMETIMES?! Should you go to doctor instead of aquarium date...?
As you nodded to confirm your words, she knew there was no way if explaining everything to you so she just gave up and decided to play nice. Especially since it's not first and definitely not your last stupid statement she hears today.
"That's... kinda right..."
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astrophileous · 1 year
Love Bugs was sooo good!!! Do you think they’d let Penelope plan a baby shower with the entire team? Maybe even a sex reveal and Penelope truly trying her best to not reveal it early, the others on Garcia duty to make sure she doesn’t let anything slip LOL
and I hope you don't mind me putting my own twist to this, but you literally just reminded me of this insta reel I saw a while back of a couple who was doing a sex reveal privately on the beach with a cake, and then the wife, very innocently pulled out the candle so that the husband could cut it, not realizing the cream sticking on the candle would prematurely reveal the sex to them 😭 now I just can't stop imagining Penelope accidentally doing the same thing KAJJSJEJ IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS
btw thank you so much for reading love bugs, I'm soooo happy you liked it <3333
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
You couldn't have been less inclined towards the idea the first time Penelope had brought it to your attention.
The next time she did, Penelope knew better than to come empty-handed. Thankfully for her, JJ and Emily both seemed to be partial towards Penelope's brilliant suggestion.
"I think it'll be great, (Y/N)," JJ had said. "I never did one for Henry, but I helped a girlfriend host hers once. It was fun."
"And I, personally, am always down for a party." Emily grinned.
"But a gender reveal party, guys? Seriously?"
"It'll be great, Beets. Trust me," Penelope swore. "Plus, you don't need to worry your pretty little head with anything. You just sit back, relax, and let us three do the heavy liftings."
Eventually, with the right doses of persuasion and incessant pleading, you agreed to let them throw a sex reveal party for the baby; with one condition: you wanted to keep the whole thing small and simple.
But small and simple weren't exactly Penelope's forte.
JJ and Emily tried their best to keep the tech analyst in check during the entire planning process. It was bad enough that the two of them had to take turns monitoring Penelope to make sure she wasn't stepping out of any line, but when they finally received the envelope from your doctor containing the sex of the baby, Penelope grew even worse.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Penelope yelped when Emily's voice suddenly appeared beside her. The blonde scrambled to click a few buttons on her computer screen to close the page she was looking at before Emily could see what she was doing, but it was too late.
"Wasn't that the archive of the hospital (Y/N) goes to?"
"What? No. Of course not. Why? Did you think I hacked it? That's ridiculous, why would I ever hack--"
"Garcia," Emily's stern voice cut her off. "Did you seriously just hack a hospital's records to find out the sex of (Y/N)'s baby?"
Penelope's silence was all the confirmation that Emily needed.
"It won't happen again," the tech analyst murmured shamefully.
But it did, in fact, happen again.
"Pen?" JJ's eyebrows creased when, just a few days later, she spotted Penelope sitting behind the desk in her office.
"Yes? Oh, hi! Hey, how are ya? Nothing to see here!"
Penelope offered JJ a sheepish smile, one that was intended to conceal trouble but instead spoke of one. JJ's eyes squinted.
"What's that in your hand?"
"Oh, this?" Penelope raised her right hand, showing JJ the figurine of a duck dressed as Superman that she, for some reason, was holding. "It's my new buddy. I got him at a flea market last week. Isn't he cute?"
"I meant your other hand, Pen."
JJ raised her eyebrows expectantly.
Soon enough, Penelope surrendered to JJ's stare of death--the one that she had perfected since becoming a mother--and handed the envelop into JJ's awaiting palm.
"I'm sorry," Penelope said meekly, like a child being scolded after being caught with her hand in the candy jar.
A week before the party was supposed to be held, JJ had safely dropped the cake order at the bakery, along with the sacred envelope that you had entrusted in her care. In hindsight, it looked as though everything was finally going according to plan.
Until the D-day rolled around.
As Emily held down the fort back at Derek's and your shared place, JJ and Penelope resorted to cake duty. JJ let Penelope go into the bakery to grab the cake while she stayed in the car for a quick phone call. When Penelope didn't yet reappear after five minutes, JJ decided to follow her inside to see what was holding her up.
"Hey, Pen?" JJ called to Penelope, who was standing like a deer caught in headlights in the middle of the room. In front of her, the baker was holding the box of cake with visible confusion on his face. "What's wrong?"
"She's just been standing there like that. Frozen. Like she saw a ghost," the baker informed.
"The apron," Penelope whispered.
"The apron."
"What ap--oh no."
JJ's eyes widened almost comically when she finally registered what had Penelope looking so stunned.
"Sir," JJ began, "you didn't happen to be working on this cake before we came in, did you?"
"Yeah, I did. I was just finishing it up. Filling in the buttercream and adding some final touches."
JJ sighed. "So, you're saying that the buttercream on your apron is the buttercream you used to fill in the cake?"
JJ's question prompted the baker to look down at the apron he was wearing.
More specifically, at the colored buttercream that spoiled the sex of your baby.
"We've got a situation," JJ said to Emily as soon as she and Penelope found her in your kitchen half an hour later.
"What is it?"
"Me and Pen accidentally found out about the sex."
"You what?!"
"I found out about the sex. I know the sex," Penelope murmured from where she was standing behind JJ. "I know what it is. I know what--hey, you two!"
The three women swiveled their heads towards the doorway, seeing you standing there with Derek practically gluing himself to your back.
"Hi, girls. Everything alright in here?"
"Everything is fine! Why wouldn't it be?" Penelope chuckled nervously.
A frown appeared between Derek's eyebrows. "Babygirl, you okay?"
Penelope waved him off. "I'm fanta... bulous."
"Fantabulous?" Emily whispered.
"Pretty sure it's a combination of fantastic and fabulous." JJ whispered back.
You stared at Penelope in concern. "You sure you're okay, Pen?"
"I'm fine, Beets! Splendid, even! I'm just so happy to see the three of you! God, look at that. You're all so perfect together. My Beets, Chocolate Thunder, and your beautiful baby--"
"Okay!" JJ exclaimed, cutting Penelope off before she could spill the main surprise. "We've still got a lot of work to do here, so... go, both of you."
As soon as you and Derek were out of earshot, JJ said to Penelope, "Pen, you gotta calm down."
"I can't. Oh my God, I can't calm down. It's the knowing. I hate knowing secrets, I'm not good with them."
"It's only for one more hour," Emily reasoned. "You can do this. Just... take a deep breath."
JJ and Emily somehow managed to keep Penelope from spiraling any further, long enough for them to finally commemorate the main event of the night. Your living room was crowded with beloved and very familiar faces: members of the BAU and a few friends of yours and Derek's. The speakers were blasting "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire, and you stood in front of the guests with Derek to your side when Emily and Penelope finally brought out the cake.
"Ladies and gents, we're about to witness a very important moment in history," JJ announced to the room. "In a few minutes, we'll finally find out the sex of the newest member of the (Y/L/N)-Morgan's household!"
The crowd erupted in cheers. You felt Derek give your hip a squeeze.
"Does anyone care to share their guesses?" JJ asked.
Shouts of "boy" and "girl", and a very vague shriek of "twins", all piled on top of one another. JJ quickly gestured with her hands for the crowd to calm back down.
"Without further ado, I present to you, Derek Morgan and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!"
As your guests exploded in a synchronized ovation, Derek pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. "You ready, Bug?"
"As long as you are, Mr. Morgan."
You and Derek each grabbed a knife from the table, but before the blades could touch the cake, Penelope's voice stopped you in your tracks.
"Wait, let me remove those candles for you."
"No, Penelope!"
Emily's warning came too late.
The entire room held their breaths at the sight of the candles in Penelope's hand. The tech analyst darted her eyes in confusion before she realized what she had done.
"Oh no."
"Is that--" Derek's voice sounded lost in awe.
"Yes, it is," you breathed out.
"The cream, it's--"
"I know." A humorous chuckle escaped your chest as a lone tear fell down your cheek. "It's a blue buttercream. We're having a boy."
Derek didn't waste any second before gathering you in his arms. Around you, your crowds of friends celebrated along in a sequence of hoorays and applause. But even in the midst of that ruckus, you felt like there were no other people left on this world with you other than Derek and your baby.
Your son.
"Hey, Little Man," Derek whispered as his hand landed on your belly. "I can't wait to meet you."
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day
Florence Pugh x Fem!Reader
Warning: Jealousy (on both ends), Insecurities, Alcohol
Smut: Top!R x PowerBottom!Flo; Oral(Flo—Face-Riding), Strap (F), Subtle Overstimulation, Kinks: Choking
Requested by: @Jujuu23
Request: Alright! I was actually wondering, could it be a Florence x female reader where reader is her girlfriend and accompanies her to the Valentino's Rome couture show and gets kinda jealous and insecure at the after party with another famous that gets too touchy (you can choose whoever you like) ‘cause she had never loved someone like Florence before? Just some angst but then super fluff and romantic and could there be a smut too? with Top!reader and power!bottom Florence with some praise kink, but only if you’re comfortable, if not it’s totally fine with just the fluff. ☺️
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Florence was smiling from ear to ear as she watched you slipping into the sheer top that paralleled her current pants perfectly, and was sort of an homage to her previous years outfit.
"Oh my word, I'm not sure how long this'll remain on you.," she purred as her hand fell to your hip so that she could turn you to face her., "You look positively beautiful my darling girl."
Florence loved flustering you like this the very most, it was the way that her teasing words or her soft caresses could make you freeze up while nervously biting into your lower lip, and ducking your head down to avoid her gaze, it filled her chest with pride. As if you forget how much she wants you, no matter how much she reaffirms she's in love with every bit of you.
"Are you ready to go?, she smiled knowingly as you found your voice, and deflected her tease., "The event starts soon, and we don't want to be late, or miss your chance at the red carpet."
"Our.," she corrects with a peck to your lips, because even though she wants to deepen it, the risk of getting carried away was too high, as well as her fresh gloss would require a fixing.
The drive to the venue was short, and sweet. Florence's driver had the partition up, and the two of you sat in the back in a fit of giggles as you recounted the times he'd rushed to lift it whenever you two were in a heated moment as you entered the car without regards to him. Frank is seemingly learning it's safest to just always be prepared for your scandalous ways.
It was as the car encroached the venue that you were both no longer giggling, instead you were fiddling with the rings adorning your fingers, and your lover frowned at you clear anxieties.
"Hey there," she smiled as her hand now laid over yours, and you met her with a nervous one of your own., "It'll be okay darling, we're here together, and therefore we're invincible."
A reminiscent smile took over your face as you let her words soak in. There really was nothing you couldn't do with her by your side, so after a brief kiss the two of you exited the car with hands interlocked and a shout of thanks sent back Frank's way as you entered the event
After walking the red carpet with Florence for a wide array of photos and short interviews you stood back and allowed her a chance for solos. Much to her dismay truly, because you knew that having you at her side helped to lessen her anxiety, but you both also knew that the world was expecting glam shots of the blonde starlet.
The fashion event was rather nice, the outfits showcased were surely eye catching, but you were primarily focused on your lovers outfit, and now that you were drug along to the after party you had the time to ogle her properly.
The bejeweled, sheer pants gave you the perfect view of her ass as she mingled with others while you graciously sat at the open bar. But with that privilege for you came a clear disadvantage, all others present had the same luxury, and that's normally never been much of an issue for you, but right now it surely was.
Florence was laughing animatedly at a joke a fellow actor made, her joy usually made your heart beam, but the hand of her Marvel alum Zendaya placed dangerously low on her back left you pulsing with waves of pure jealousy.
The jealousy stemmed from your insecurities, because truth be told they looked good together. Like they actually fit together in a way that the two of you never would, and it terrified you to think she would realize that. That she could live a far more fulfilling life with someone as show stopping as Zendaya, but for some odd reason she's chosen to settle for you.
It was a scary thought—losing her, it was so far from a reality you'd welcome, you loved her so much, more than you'd ever deemed possible.
As if Florence could feel your heart breaking she turned to you with a deep smile, that just as quickly morphed into a frown of concern as she rather swiftly excused herself to get to you.
"Wow darling, you're properly pissed.," Flo laughed as she took your inebriated form in up close, and you only frowned, far too drunk to understand that was her actual insinuation, and not that you were furious; rightfully so. 
"You would be too if you had to watch others eyeing me like I was still on the market, and putting their hands all over my body."
Now she was frowning, her hand flew up, and she silently looked to the bartender, he nodded and as he got you waters she stepped up closer to you, settling her soft hands on your cheeks.
"Darling, I very well have, those men have yet to remove their eyes from your chest, it's kind of the one of the reasons I rushed over here.," she admitted, you pouted at her sincerely, in your focus on her and Zendaya you'd failed to even consider the expectant stares of others on your breasts., "Also, my love, you do remember Zendaya has a fiancée right? She's just always been a very touchy person, it was harmless."
"It's not just her Flo.," you sighed dejectedly, and the blonde's heart constricted when you met her gaze, and tears laid in your eyes., "Everyone here is a much better match for you, like look at that gorgeous brunette who's eyes have yet to leave you all night.," you basically shouted, far too drunk to reel your volume in.
Just as fast though, your volume quieted to a whisper as your head dropped., "You deserve better Flo, I'll never be as pretty as your circle of Hollywood friends, why are you settling?"
Florence's jaw clenched., "Stop it, right now!," her hand grabbed yours, and with a quick step she pulled you somewhere far more secluded, and without the watching eyes of tabloids.
"I'm not settling.," she shortly relayed while angrily pacing the small space., "I love you!"
"If I dated the brunette, or Zendaya, or anyone else Hollywood ships me with then I'm settling. God, you really don't see it do you Y/N?," her voice broke as she looked into your eyes at the end., "You're the most beautiful person here tonight Y/N, their status changes nothing, nobody else does to me what you do baby."
"I'm sorry Flo, I didn't mean to cause a scene."
"No, I'm sorry I didn't keep you with me, our invincibility only works with you on my arm.," she winked, then pulled you in for a sweet hug.
Florence heard you gasp softly as her grey top brushed against your pert nipples, a wave of arousal ran through her at the needy sound, and as your hands naturally gripped her by the hips possessively she was beyond ready for it., "Take me home Y/N; fuck me like I'm yours."
Frank's eyes widened when he saw the two of you running towards the car, he unlocked the doors, and knowingly turned the music up.
Florence straddled your lap, her lips ghosting yours as you refused to kiss her until you got the belt around the both of you, and buckled her body to yours for the short ride back home. Watching you struggling with the process was amusing but it reminded her you were drunk.
Then when you kissed her she could taste the heady remnants of vodka cranberry on your lips, and when your tongue hotly slipped into her mouth it was an non-dismissible fact.
"Drink the water my love.," she instructed as the both of you panted wildly., "There will be no going further if you don't sober up some."
Florence's eyes widened when you snatched the bottle from her and gulped it right down. Then you repeated the process with a second one, then haphazardly crushed the bottles, and yanked her face forward for a sloppy kiss.
As soon as Frank courteously opened your door you exited with Florence's legs wrapped tightly around your waist, and as you navigated the hallways of your home her lips worked to cover the exposed side of your neck in pink lipstick.
Florence grinned when her back had hit the mattress, she could feel the strap that had been hidden in your pants this whole time; she was growing more desperate as your hands slid her top off with ease, and your mouth enveloped her nipple, her hand flew to your hair, and she moaned languidly as you stimulated her chest.
"I'm going to ride your face.," she commanded, voice raspier than normal as she was overcome with need., "I'll soak your pretty little face love, marking my territory so you can remember I'm all yours, and also that you're all mine.," there was a growl to follow her words as she shoved your back against the mattress, and moved quickly to straddle her cunt over your mouth.
The way everyone had stared at you with want as you only stared at her affected her just as much as it did you when you saw Zendaya's hand on her back. Knowing that others even flirted with the idea of you as an option, when you very well were hers, well it made her angry.
Florence lowered herself onto your extended tongue, her hips moving furiously against you as she grew far more affected by your talents. Arousal was ever flowing as she rutted, your face was akin to a slip n slide as she selfishly used it for her pleasure. Not that you would complain, tasting Florence was your favorite, and no matter the position you happily gave her the pleasure you knew she craved, and were always dutifully rewarded by her orgasm.
"Oh fuck.," she screamed as your tongue expertly swirled around within her., "Yes, just like that, fuck, please don't stop Y/N.," you mumbled against her, she obviously couldn't hear your 'I wouldn't dream of it,' but she felt the vibrations running throughout her body., "Need to cum, please let me cum baby!," she rasped, and with two taps to her thigh you gave her express permission to drench you.
With an unexpected quickness she slid down your body, her slick coating your clothes that have yet to be removed. Her lips latched onto yours, moans spilling into your mouth as her hips ground down against the bulge in your pants, all while her hands tugged at your top.
In a seconds time you'd flipped her over, and much to her whimper's complaints you stood up, and chuckled at your desperate lover., "Hush my love, be patient for me please.," she looked to you with hazy eyes that only grew murkier with lust as you stripped your clothes from your body, and the strap dropped out.
There was a look of mischief on your face, the tease on the tip of your tongue as you hovered above your girlfriend once again, but it died there as she gripped the silicone's shaft, and pulled it to her entrance with ease., "Fuck me, and don't stop until I'm trembling, got it?"
“There you go my darling.,” she purred as you entered her slowly., “Fuck, you’re so big baby.,” she winced as you eventually bottomed out.
Florence’s whines melded into breathy, erotic moans as your soft lips laid over her pulse, you began to nip and suck at the smooth pale skin to properly mark her up in deep hues of purple, blue and red to reclaim her as yours outwardly. As a plus it also served as a way to distract her from the momentary pain, giving her a chance to adjust before you quickly picked up the pace.
It wasn’t long before her walls were clenching around the silicone, you always did know just how to get her over the edge with minimal time needed. When you heard her breathes become more choppy you pulled your head back from her marred up collarbones to catch her release. Flo gasped as you did, the sight of your face smirking down at her as your thumb swiveled over her clit made her entire body warm up just before her back arched, and legs trembled.
Florence’s hands flew up to tangle into your hair as she sloppily kissed you while riding out her high. The waves of pleasure always seemed to intensify when she had your tongue in her mouth, she suckled on the muscle as you never wavered in thrusting into her cunt, her muffled moans now sensationalized on your tongue.
“Fuck, you’re so hot Florence, gonna make me cum with just those pretty noises alone.,” you groaned as she finally let you go to breathe., “I’m going to fuck you so good you’ll never let anyone touch you ever again; you’re mine.”
A shiver ran down her spine when she saw the look of determination in your eyes, excitement flooded her entire being as you kissed her so hard she couldn’t even begin to think straight. A loud moan was ripped from her throat next as you pulled out of her just to roughly grip her by her hips, flip her over, and slam back inside of her with a reinvigorated passion to own her.
Mind, Body, and Soul
With your hand on her hips for leverage you began to fuck the strap into her sopping cunt. Not an ounce of mercy was given nor felt as your thighs repeatedly made contact with her ass, a loud slapping sound reverberating off the walls along with her sloshing pussy, broken moans, and your deeply affected pants, it was all the noise expected as you lost your minds.
All you could think about was letting go, and helping the gorgeous blonde to do the same.
With your hand suddenly wrapped around her throat from behind, and her back flush to your front as you pulled her upright and fucked the strap up into her she reached the precipice, and with the decrease in oxygen from the pressure you applied to her throat she flew right into her orgasm, the feel of her slick dripping down your thighs aroused you tremendously, and as she pushed her ass down you screamed in ecstasy as waves of pleasure ran through you.
Florence groaned as your connected bodies hit the mattress, the strap moving inside her as you collapsed right on top of her. The two of you laying like that while you both worked to regain a semblance of composure, and once the blonde was less foggy she began to squirm from underneath you, a telltale sign that she wanted more, and you were ready to please.
“I need more, please, don’t stop darling.”
“I’m not stopping just yet baby girl.,” you gently thrusted, she groaned at the sensitivity she felt, but her hips still pressed back to help you reach even further depths., “Wait, I-I.”
“I-I need to see you.,” she panted., “I want to feel you baby, flip me back over.,” she weakly commanded in a muffled manner with her face still pressed up against the sheets, you smiled at the idea that she’d be this desperate for you, it wasn’t often she showed this needy side.
As soon as you eased the strap out of her you gently returned her to her back, and slipped right back in where you belonged., “Kiss me.,” her breathless plea paired with a pouting set of swollen lips had you giving her just what she wanted, and she thanked you with a slow roll of her hips to meet yours, and you whimpered at the stimulation caused to your swollen clit.
Her hands groped your breasts, thumbs rolling over your nipples as your tongue slid over hers, lazily exploring her mouth while your hips kept up a steady pace mean to destroy her; you managed to push your strap so deep into her that she jolted with a scream of pleasure soon to follow, and your face flew into her neck as the hilt of the harness rubbed you just right to send you climaxing in tandem with your lover.
Florence could see you growing tired after your second and her fourth climax of the night, but she couldn't give this full sensation up, not yet., "My love, please, don't leave me all empty.," her shaky legs wrapped around you, linking together desperately to keep you locked inside., “I know you’re tired, but please, don’t pull out.”
"Hmm, does my precious girl want to warm my cock tonight?," she nodded aggressively, you smiled softly at her, and gave a teasing thrust as you connected your lips to hers., "Whatever you need, I'll give it to you baby, we can sleep like this, then come morning we'll clean up."
"Thank you my love, now get some rest.", she gently forced your face into her neck, then pulled the blanket up over your lower bodies., "Goodnight Flo.," you kissed her neck softly for a final time that night., "Goodnight Y/N/N."
As Florence happily lulled you to sleep with feather light scratches to your exposed back she scrolled through her phone and began to find photos to put her Instagram post together.
The first photo in her lineup she posted was one she found and instantly fell in love with. You were stood slightly in front of her with a nervous smile, her arms were wrapped around your abdomen, and her face was tilted beside your shoulder as she looked up at you lovingly. The second photo was another with you, it was taken directly after that one, your eyes were shut tightly as you relished in the feel of your lovers lips on your raised cheeks, it was sweet.
Though there were many more photos included of her with famed acquaintances, friends, and family the caption was mostly meant for you.
"The Valentino family was full of so much love and art and passion this weekend. Reminding me of how much love I have surrounding me, and just how important it is that I cherish it.
My MAMA got to come!! 2nd fashion show ever and she stole the evening. Always does!
Y/N—Baby, you were the best look of the night; I'll never tire of showing you off, everyone gets to see your beauty, but I, well I get to keep it."
3,112 Words
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auroravictorium · 8 months
vigilante shit (k.b.)
Summary: set nearly two years before the events of midnights, reader is fighting for survival in ketterdam after escaping her indenture contract before it can be stamped. after a confrontation with a few merchants, a certain bastard of the barrel arrives and offers her a deal that may ensure her survival in the city.
Pairing(s): kaz brekker x reader (eventually) Word Count: 4.8k Warnings: violence (stabbing, bludgeoning, shoving, reader killing four people), blood, injuries (dislocated shoulder, stab wounds, cuts, gashes, etc.), numerous mentions of indentured servitude (reader escaping this, exploitation of indentures in the city, etc.) Genre: action and lil angst Author's Note: rue publishing a new part just a few days after the last one?? who IS she?? anyway, here is reader's backstory + how she and kaz met :)) this will be important for the next part (back in the present) because it'll be mentioned, so i'm choosing to share this one first for lore purposes
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Summer in Ketterdam was unbearable. The near-constant cloud cover trapped the heat low, threatening to make residents collapse as they made their daily commutes and errands. Bright costumes of the West Stave stuck to the skin of their wearers. Good-for-nothing bureaucrats dabbed at their foreheads and pulled at their collars, trying desperately to find relief from the heat. Even gangsters had halted their usual brawls in the streets, preferring to drink themselves into a stupor until dusk arrived or avail themselves of whatever cool water could be found.
As the government ceased its already pitiful operations due to the heat, and gangsters took the day off, the city lapsed into a sleepy state. You took advantage of the sluggishness, ducking through the streets of the Financial District and nimbly swiping what you could as you went. Wallets, loose jewelry, colorful kruge poking out of pockets. Everyone was too hot to notice the thief among them, and those who did a few moments later didn't bother to give chase.
Finally, you heard a bell chime seventeen times in the distance. The Exchange was closed for the day, and merchants would be making their way home with bulging wallets and smug faces. Perfect.
You headed north, disappearing into the crowds of merchants and regular citizens alike and searching for wide eyes or furrowed brows, darting glances, and those who kept to themselves. New merchants, unaware of the dangers of being near the Exchange after it closed. 
A few merchants trailed toward the Geldstraat, packets of papers in their hands with thick red seals at the top that you would recognize anywhere—indenture paperwork. From the looks of it, each man held a dozen fresh indentures in his hands, ready to be stamped to confirm the transfer of a human being from one bastard’s hands to the next.
Yet, moving in the opposite direction, a lone merchant with a poorly-tailored coat and bulging pockets filled with colorful kruge that needed to be deposited.
Freedom, or the funds that could make a difference in whether you made it to the end of the week.
If you were wise but heartless, you'd chase the lone man and tackle him once he was out of sight of the Exchange. Ketterdam had a way of ripping the soul from a person, making them make the worst decisions for survival.
But you'd almost been one of those indentures, had your name on one of those papers that almost got stamped. You'd been just blocks from the courthouse, huddled in a clunky carriage with five other women when you'd gotten the courage to stab the driver through the small window with the sharpened edge of a piece of cutlery you'd swiped.
One moment, you'd been stuck in that carriage, passing over a cobbled bridge. The next, you had those bloodstained papers in your hand, snatched from the inside of the driver’s coat pocket, and were running. You ran until you felt your lungs would give out, until you were sure the dots in your vision would turn to full-blown darkness and you’d collapse right there in the street amongst garbage and empty bottles.
But you'd made it. You'd disappeared into the Barrel, tossed the papers in a rubbish bin, and lit it on fire. Partially an act of self-preservation, partially an act of helping the indentures who'd scrambled out of the carriage after you. Had they made it? You didn't know. You hoped so. 
Thinking of the women who’d been taken into Ketterdam with you made something spark in your chest. Swearing under your breath, you wove through crowds of merchants and market prodigies and started to trail the group of merchants heading toward the Geldstraat. Conversations of auctions, trade deals, and under-the-counter offers flowed in one ear and out the other. At any other time, those conversations would catch your interest; but you’d set your mind to something, could feel an urgency running beneath your skin like electricity, and the words passed in and out of your ears without sticking.
These damned merchants walked fast, even in the heat, and you soon made your way onto the packed Geldstraat. Glancing around for an opportunity to gain some leverage–a rooftop would be nice, or a distraction–you found none. This was the part of the city reserved for the wealthy; clean and filled with well-dressed residents who eyed you as you passed by in your loose-fitting tunic and well-worn trousers. Your boots were in an even worse condition, and you felt the ridges and dips in the cobblestones beneath your feet as you tried your best to look inconspicuous.
The Government District was fast approaching as you headed north, and your time to swipe these papers was running out. Fuck it.
As the mouth of the Geldstraat opened up to let people pour into the Government District, you made your move, darting forward and to the right of one of the merchants; as you passed, you yanked hard on his pocketwatch, pulling it from his pocket with enough force that he definitely noticed. “Oy!” he shouted, reaching for you in an attempt to apprehend you, or maybe grab the pocketwatch dangling from your hand. “Thief!”
You skirted to the side, high-tailing it back toward an alleyway you’d passed not thirty seconds ago. There’d been something metallic on the ground–a piece of pipe, you hoped–that caught what little sun came through the clouds and reflected it.
Boots pounded against the ground behind you, sending a rush of adrenaline through your body, enough to stave off the sluggishness of your muscles from the heat. Come get me, you son of a bitch, you thought, your legs burning as you skidded into the alleyway and scooped the object you’d seen from the ground: a rusty, jagged piece of drainpipe that had fallen from the edge of one of the roofs. It was perfect, especially since you had yet to acquire a better weapon than the flimsy dagger strapped to your hip and wanted to keep these bastards as far away from you–an eligible person to be indentured if they got their hands on you, as far as they were concerned–as possible.
You barely had enough time to survey it to decide which end would be better for bludgeoning before the sound of pounding boots caught up to you, and you adjusted your sweaty grip on the metal and faced the mouth of the alley as four tall shadows blocked it.
The merchants were bigger than they looked when you’d trailed them, and you recognized their clothing as being Fjerdan, rough material that did little to keep them cool in this heat. Oh, fantastic. Leave it to me to pick a fight with some wannabe Druskelle.
But their height gave you an advantage, one you’d quickly learned to utilize in the few months you’d been on the streets: being taller made them slower. And, judging from the lack of bulges at their waists and ankles, they were unarmed. 
Tall and dumb; your day was starting to look up.
The merchant you’d robbed stuffed his papers into his coat pocket. “I believe you have something that belongs to me,” he said, his accent thick as he spoke. His eyes fell to the pipe in your hand, then the pocketwatch dangling out of your pocket. “If you hand it back now, I’ll reconsider how much I rough you up.”
“You should have armed yourself before making threats you won’t be able to follow through on,” you shot back. Your voice was remarkably steady, even as you were realizing there was a good chance at least one of them would land a strike on you while you were trying to get their papers. You wouldn’t be walking out of this uninjured, but when had you ever escaped a fight without scrapes and bruises? Such was the nature of the city. It took, and it took, and it took until its people had nothing left to give aside from their bones.
And this cause had settled itself on your shoulders like a weight you couldn’t shake. So let Ketterdam have your bones, but only after you wiped these bastards out first.
The merchant lunged, and you swung the pipe. The weight was unnatural in your hand, and you couldn’t get a good grip on it; but the pipe landed true, smashing into the merchant’s skull with a sickening crack as the other three rushed toward you. One of them took a detour, catching his comrade as he crumpled to the filthy ground, while the other two went straight for you. 
You swung the pipe like a bat, bashing it into one’s stomach and making him hunch over before whirling to land a hit on the other. You didn’t have enough momentum to do lethal damage, but the very edge of the pipe made a long cut across your new foe’s face. Redness bloomed on the skin, and blood seeped down; his progress was slowed, but not stopped.
He shoved you back against a brick wall, and the impact knocked the breath from your lungs. Son of a– Your muscles burned as you gasped, pain rocketing up and down your spine, and your grip on the pipe almost loosened.
The man tried to wrench it from your grasp, taking advantage of your breathlessness, but you kept ahold of it. “Give it,” he growled, yanking the pipe hard enough to make your shoulder pop as you fought to keep possession of it. Pain shot up and down your arm, and you were forced to release the pipe as your shoulder popped out of place.
You swore in pain, tears pricking your eyes and your good hand dropping to your belt and unsheathing your dagger before twisting it in your hand and jabbing it as hard as you could toward the man’s chest while he grabbed at the pipe. It drove home, embedding in an upward angle beneath his ribcage; it wasn’t perfect, and you were sure it wasn’t a lethal blow, but it caused the man to stagger back and drop to his knees. You ripped the blade from his chest and the pipe from his hand, pausing only to stomp your foot down over the wound hard enough for a few ribs to crack.
He cried out in anger, writhing against the ground, but you didn’t have time to savor the noise before another merchant was on you, the one you’d bashed in the stomach with the pipe.
With the dagger in your good hand and the pipe in your limp one, you dodged his attempt to punch you. The heat pressed down on you, and sweat soaked through your clothing as you and the merchant circled each other around his comrade on the ground. The one you’d initially hit was still being worked on by his companion; apparently, the pipe had done more damage than you’d thought, which filled you with a twisted sense of satisfaction.
The last merchant standing launched himself at you, and you dodged, slamming your injured shoulder against the opposite wall with a hard enough impact that something crunched. The pipe dropped from your hand again, and you were forced to let it fall for good. Leaning to grab it would be a death sentence.
You ducked slightly, letting the merchant think you’d gone for the pipe, only to twist at the last moment and slash the dagger across his chest in a wide arc. Blood bloomed beneath his beige tunic, and you slashed again as he stumbled in pain. More blood splattered, sliding down the blade of your knife and onto the handle, making your hand slick with red. It was warm, unpleasantly so, and your stomach twisted with nausea.
No matter how long you were in the city, you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to the feeling of someone else’s blood on your skin.
The merchant cried out as you drove the knife through his throat, cutting the noise off with a nauseating gurgle. He slumped to the ground, nearly falling onto you, and you stumbled out of the way to avoid it. A hand grabbed at your ankle, and you toppled onto the merchant you’d stabbed earlier.
Grunting, you pushed yourself away, skin scraping against gravel and glass shards on the alleyway ground, and grabbed your blade, driving it down into his chest one more time. Without your bad arm, you couldn’t hold yourself steady. Or maybe it was the adrenaline wearing off that caused the trembles. You weren’t sure. Either way, you managed to gasp out, “For them,” before staggering to your feet once more to handle the final merchant who was tending to the now-dead man you’d robbed.
“The indentures,” you rasped as you approached, your knees shaking as pain took hold. It was getting harder to stay upright, especially with the heat weighing you down and making the pain feel ten times worse. “Where are they?”
“I-I don’t–” the merchant began, his voice wobbling. 
“Shall I help you remember?”
Your boot made contact with the merchant’s face, and something crunched with the impact. His nose, judging by the way he toppled over and cupped his face. A sob passed his lips, but you didn’t stop your advance. 
“I won’t ask again,” you said, stopping over the man as he lay on the ground, nearly curled in a fetal position. Your heart raced in your ears, loud enough to almost drown out the next words that left your mouth. “Where are they?”
“Warehouse district,” he sobbed, trembling as you stopped before him. “One of the big ones owned by one of the–one of the councilmen.”
That was all you needed to hear.
You could have left him alive. Could have let him scramble to his feet and leave the alleyway to report what had happened to one of the pigs that called themselves the Stadwatch, not that they’d do anything. Could have let him recuperate and return to the Exchange in a few days with too much pride to admit a girl on the streets had briefly held his life in his hands.
But you thought of those indentures, probably trafficked, waiting in the warehouse for news that their lives had been determined for them. You remembered the fear you’d felt after being captured and taken into the city with several other women your age, women whose fates were unknown after you’d been forced to leave them behind in a bid for survival. You remembered the desperation as you’d ground that piece of cutlery against the stone floor in your holding room, sharpening it into something that would free you.
You thought of them, and you dropped to your knees, driving the knife into his throat hard enough that you faced some resistance once the hilt met flesh. The man’s sobs went quiet. His body twitched, his eyes rolling for a moment before going still. His chance to live disappeared as quickly as that.
Though you longed to sit back, to collapse into the ground and catch your breath, you feared two things. One, you wouldn’t be able to get back up. Two, the Stadwatch would find you and have you hauled to jail. You’d managed to avoid it thus far, but today was not the day you wanted your luck to change. Not when you had a job to complete.
Numbly, you searched the men, one by one, until you collected all of the paperwork and kruge you could find from their bodies. Dozens of indenture contracts, a few hastily scribbled receipts from transactions at the Exchange, and a few notes recording debts to be paid. 
The contracts needed to be burned. The rest could be thrown away; let someone find them and wonder what happened to the bastards who’d written them.
As you collected your dagger and wiped it off on the tunic of the man you’d robbed, the hair on the back of your neck prickled uncomfortably. It wasn’t from the heat, nor from your conscience being stirred into an upset at what you’d just done. No, someone was watching you. 
You turned your gaze to the rooftops, slowly turning on your heel as you searched for the source of that gaze. It wasn’t threatening; if it was, the person would have attacked. It was merely surveillance. Soon, you spotted a shadow pressed against a chimney, one that hadn’t been there before. Perhaps more obviously, the shadow moved, slinking closer to the edge of the roof before grabbing hold of the remaining pipe along the edge and swinging itself over as if on someone’s signal.
You stumbled back toward the mouth of the alley and raised your dagger, but the person made no move to attack. The figure was short and slim, and you saw wayward hairs peeking out from beneath their hood; a woman. Another person trying to survive on the streets? No, she was too well-dressed for that, with new-ish shoes, and clothes that fit with no visible tears or stains.
The woman didn’t approach, and you continued taking slow steps back, hoping to get out of the alley before the woman changed her mind and tried to stab you. I don’t think I can take down another person, you thought, least of all her, with at least five daggers strapped to her that you could see; you were willing to be that there were more.
There were soft footsteps near the mouth of the alleyway, followed by a tapping between each step, the sound of wood against the cobblestones. Your heartbeat picked right back up again, and you swiveled, pressing your back to the alley wall as another figure stepped into the mouth of the alleyway and blocked your escape.
The horrendous hat on his head made you think it was an officer with the Stadwatch, but the face beneath that hat was one of a boy no older than you. His skin was pale, drawn across angular cheekbones that cast sharp shadows down his face in the poor amount of sunlight filtering through the clouds. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you felt them; they pierced you with ease, scrutinized you, and evaluated everything from your messy hair to the blood soaked into your boots. They settled on the limpness of your arm for a moment, and you fought the urge to hide it behind your back.
“You’re a difficult person to track down, Y/N L/N,” the boy said, his voice raspy like sandpaper hissing across unfinished wood. His tone was devoid of humor. Instead, he spoke with a bluntness that told you this was merely business for him. A business that somehow involved him knowing your name.
You clamped your mouth shut, fighting the urge to ask how he knew your name. You were getting the sense that you didn’t want to know the source of that information, though you were willing to bet it was the woman standing just feet away from you. “Is that so?” you said instead, keeping your voice as steady as you could.
You were cornered, and you didn’t like that at all. Your skin itched with the urge to make a run for it, to shove this boy out of the way and bolt as far as your legs could take you. You’d done it before, had escaped from that carriage and gotten to this point. But this boy reeked of danger, of power, of a willingness to be cruel, if need be. He was not someone you wanted to make an enemy with.
The boy shifted his weight, twirling the head of the cane in his hand with a precision that told you he’d been using it for a while. That piercing gaze left you for a moment, and you assumed he was examining the damage you’d done to the four merchants in the alleyway. He was silent for a few long moments, then spoke again. “Aren’t you supposed to be serving one of the councilmen at his residence right now?”
Your blood turned to ice. He knew you were supposed to be an indenture. He knew you were not where you were supposed to be. He could turn you in, could get you taken back into custody for your paperwork to finally be stamped. Somewhere, there had to be a copy of your indenture paperwork. Just my luck.
“Come to collect me, have you?” Somewhere alongside your shock and terror was anger. Your knuckles tightened on the hilt of your dagger like you might throw it at the boy, and you saw the girl with the hood shift her fingers ever so slightly toward a dagger at her waist. Definitely allies.
“So, you’ll let me leave the alley and go on my merry way after you finish making poorly disguised threats?”
Throwing the dagger was looking more and more tempting if only you could ignore the fact that you’d also get a dagger to the chest if you did so. You were in enough pain as it was. “State your business, then,” you said, trying to keep your chin held high as you struggled to puzzle this out. This boy had power and allies, that was clear. But who was he, and why did you get the sense that you should know who he was?
“I’ve heard some of the chaos you’ve caused,” the boy said, tapping his cane against the ground a few times, almost impatiently. “A string of robberies on the outskirts of the Barrel, pickpocketing after the Exchange closes for the day, a few brawls here and there.”
“How can you possibly attribute those to me?” you said, though every word he’d spoken was true. The Barrel was rife with crime; nobody batted an eyelash at robberies anymore, and reporting them to the Stadwatch was useless. That was gang territory, and everyone knew it.
The boy tilted his head, ignoring your question. “Now, I’m curious why you’ve graduated to murder. These men are merchants?” He nudged a limp hand with his boot. “It’s quite a jump, petty crimes to killing.”
“You speak as if you know from experience.”
He ignored you again. “I have a deal for you, Y/N.”
“I don’t make deals with strangers, especially not those who particularly enjoy hearing themselves talk.” Your words were short and deadpan, but you noticed the hooded girl’s shoulders shake slightly with silent laughter. The prickling gaze that had been on you disappeared for a moment, likely to direct a glare at the girl, and it returned to you twice as sharp as before.
“Have you heard of the Dregs?” the boy asked, tapping his cane against the ground again as if this was all a tedious chore for him. You didn’t bother answering, because he proceeded on anyway. “We control a wide area of the Barrel, and the Dime Lions and a few smaller groups control the rest, which I’m sure you know since you’ve only robbed from disputed areas where you think nobody can catch you.”
“But you have caught me, and now you’re here to enact justice,” you said. Some mocking seeped into your voice before you could stop it, and the boy sighed in exasperation. If he was concerned about getting you to agree to whatever deal he had in store, he had to realize he wasn’t earning much approval from you.
“No. I see a use for you, and I want to capitalize on it.” The boy rolled his shoulders back and tightened his gloved fingers on the head of his cane. “In exchange, you’ll have a roof over your head and get paid for each job.”
Some of your desire to be sarcastic disappeared when he mentioned housing and wages. You couldn’t deny how tempting that was; to have a roof over your head instead of fabric wrapped around you when the rain came down would be bliss, and to have an income you could regularly count on? You’d feel like the wealthiest girl in Ketterdam, like getting taken to the city had been a good thing.
“What type of jobs?” you finally said, not wanting to agree so quickly. You refused to exchange one terrible contract for another. Ketterdam could make the worst situations appear like a blessing from the Saints themselves if you didn’t ask the right questions as to their nature. 
“Robberies, mostly. Tracking leads on opportunities for kruge. Working shifts at the Crow Club in between.” He tightened his grip on the head of his cane again as if he could tell that you were considering his offer. “At the very worst, you’ll be taking out those who threaten my business. Dime Lions, mainly, but you seem to be quite comfortable with the idea of murder.”
Dregs. Crow Club. My business.
Recognition struck you. You remembered hearing about a shift in power in the Dregs that happened just before you arrived in Ketterdam. The leader, Per Haskell, had been ousted by his lieutenant, a boy called Dirtyhands. Saints, what was his name? The whispers rarely mentioned it, as if he had ears everywhere and could strike at any moment. From the tales you’d heard, you wouldn’t be surprised if he could; they’d been enough to deter you from robbing anywhere in territory firmly controlled by the Dregs. He’d been right about that, just like everything else about you.
“How often do you personally recruit people to your cause, Kaz Brekker?” you said, unhitching yourself from the wall. Slowly, you held up your dagger before making a show of sliding it back into the sheathe at your waist. The hooded girl who’d been watching you and the boy size each other up relaxed, dropping her hand from the dagger she’d been prepared to grab.
Kaz Brekker’s lips quirked upward on one side, a half smile indicating he knew exactly what you’d just been thinking. “Only when they serve my interests,” he said. “Do we have a deal?”
“Only if it serves my interests,” you said, and you thought you saw the ghost of approval cross the parts of Brekker’s face that you could see. You grabbed the stack of indenture paperwork from where you’d propped it under your bad arm and held it up, showing the vivid red stamp to Brekker and his companion. “These people are being held in the Warehouse District, awaiting their indenture notice. I want them released.”
You expected a long silence to stretch between the two of you. It was a bold move for you to make a demand as part of your deal, especially since Brekker made it clear it was a rarity for him to bother recruiting people personally. But, to your surprise, Brekker nodded once.
“Alright,” he said. He held out his hand, and you took a few steps forward to pass the paperwork into his gloved fingers. He skimmed the pages briefly before tucking them into his black coat. “Did these men tell you which warehouse?”
You cast a glance toward the last one you’d killed, frowning slightly. “One owned by a councilman. He wasn’t more specific.” 
Brekker didn’t seem bothered by the limited information. Instead, he only nodded once toward the hooded girl who had observed all this. “Inej, see what you can find. I’ll escort our new recruit back to the Slat.”
Inej disappeared as quickly as she’d arrived, effortlessly climbing back up the wall and onto the rooftop before darting off without making a single sound. You watched her go, feeling awe burn in your chest as she disappeared without a trace. How long had it taken her to master that? Would she teach you, if you asked? She radiated such quiet power, and you wondered if the new mess you’d found yourself in would teach you just the same.
Kaz Brekker jerked his head back toward the alleyway entrance. “Let’s go. I don’t fancy having to deal with Stadwatch when they find the bodies.” He turned on his heel and strode off without another word, his cane tapping lightly against the ground as he went. He didn’t bother to wait for you or make sure you were following. 
Another chance to back out, to reconsider joining the Dregs and binding yourself to a gang known for its leader's brutality. But maybe… Maybe the Dregs could give you some leverage and a better chance of survival in the city. You would no longer be fighting for enough food to make it through the week, would no longer be considered on the run; you could wipe your past clean and destroy whatever copy of your indenture paperwork Brekker had found that could come back to bite you and start over. 
And the thought of starting over, of becoming someone new, was enough to make you follow after one of the most dangerous people in Ketterdam.
taglist: @tonberry-yoda, @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r, @futurecorps3, @statsvitenskap, @sapphiccloud, @casualladyinternet, @d34drapunzel, @noctemys, @whitejxsmine, @so6, @franzelt, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @marlene-the-witch, @thestudiouswanderer, @lyjen, @rideacowb0y, @weasleybuns, @dal-light, @mariatpwk, @dreammgc, @elysian-chaos, @breadbrobin,@poppyflower-22, @halfofagayallofaqueer, @battleraven, @amarokofficial ,@tenaciousperfectionunknown, @madnessinwrighting, @ponyboys-sunsets, @circus-of-thoughts, @empresspenguin18, @mediocrestuff, @stonksman8, @alanis-altair, @thefandomplace, @alohastitch0626, @the-royal-paintbrush, @just-here-for-ff, @whos6claire, @jodiereedus22, @be-lla-vie, @despoinapav05, @arianyo, @willowpains, @geekmom3, @dark-academia-slut, @aeslenya, @directioner5life, @notjustsomeblonde, @osteopsycho, @travelingmypassion, @tiana76, @angelhxneyy, @princessatoru, @urlocalgeek, @lonelywitchv2, @bookloverfilmoholic, @taerae515, @morrigan-crowmwell
please note: if your name is struck through above, i was unable to tag you.
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skzhua · 2 years
His Damn Sleeveless Shirt
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Pairing: Han Jisung x Female!Reader
Genre: Fluff, strangers-to-lovers, lowkey enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, one bed trope.
Word Count: 11,518
Warnings: Some swearing, suggestive, mentions of sex, drinking, a glimpse of predebut Han.
Summary: When Seungmin suggests a little holiday trip with his school friends that you have never met, you don’t hesitate to turn his offer down. Of course, he insists and you give in. Thinking it would be the worst vacation, you soon realize it’s not as bad when Han Jisung is around.
A/N: This took me forever and I’m shitty with writing good endings so bear with me please... I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I did when writing it!
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You hated winter, really. The cold, the dirty snow on the roads, the storms, the ice... all of it. It wasn't always like this, you used to love it. So much that your father had made it a tradition to go ice skating with hot choco every holiday season. However, ever since you moved out of your parents' house to live on your own, the city made the season feel like a nightmare. You truly hated it. Somehow, the only aspect that you still appreciated was the hot choco.
If it wasn't for Seungmin, you would have never agreed to come on this trip. "It'll be fun" he had said in a cheerful voice, making you want to punch him in the face. Fun? Nothing was fun in going to a secluded chalet up north, where it is colder, with his girlfriend and some others friends of his major that you did not know at all, and didn't plan to meet. He was only inviting you because the reservation had to have eight people, and they were one person short. Out of all his friends, it had to be you? It took a lot of convincing for his part, but you ended accepting his invitation.
"I'll make sure we stock enough hot choco for the entire week, I promise." he jumped excitedly after you had confirmed you were tagging along.
"You better." you had replied harshly. "Who's coming anyway?"
"You don't know them, we only met in the beginning of the semester. Chayoung is coming, of course." he smiled, thinking of his new girlfriend. "And three others from my class with their partners."
You raised your eyebrow. "Don't you think it's weird leaving for an entire week with people you don't know so well?"
At your remark, he clapped his hands together, making you jump, and pointed to your direction with both his hands. "Which is why I'm asking my favourite person to come in case I end up locked in a cabin in the middle of the woods."
And sweet, it was. With your luggage by your front door, Seungmin and Chayoung were already at your place to prepare some last minute things before leaving for the trip. You liked the girl, but to be honest, she was clueless enough to believe you were going to have some bonding time together. It’s not like you absolutely despised her, but she had her moments when the only thing you wanted to do was put duck tape on her mouth. If she wasn’t squealing in excitement, she was whining or complaining about everything and nothing. Seungmin wasn't dumb, he knew how much your introverted self hated meeting new people, and he knew this was a good opportunity for you to get out of your shell.
“Alright, everything’s ready. We just need to wait for Chan to pick us up.” Seungmin said after closing up his bag.
“Chan?” you asked at the mention of the new name.
“Yeah, he’s the music department representative.”
You nodded and he joined Chayoung on the couch in front of you, slouching his arm around her. She snuggled into his arm, making you shift your gaze somewhere else, feeling a bit uneasy at the affection of the couple. It’s not that you minded it much, you simply didn’t like seeing PDA, especially in your home. But mostly, you kind of envied them. Sure, you loved being alone and not having to deal with relationship problems, but you still had some longing for having a lover. Who doesn’t, really?
Luckily, you didn’t have to handle their couple talk for long when Seungmin’s phone rang with Chan on the other end of the line, saying he had just pulled in front of your apartment building. When you arrived downstairs, you were greeted by a fit man all dressed in black. He was handsome, to say the least, and you couldn’t help but check him out.
“Hi!” he greeted. “I assume you are Y/N, right?”
“That’s me.” you responded in a small voice. “Chan?”
He smiled and lead you all outside where a minibus was parked in front of the door. You tried to make out the figures through the window and you noticed most of them were men. Great. Not only did you not like making friends, but you could not speak to boys for the life of you, except for Seungmin who has always been around since childhood. 
“I got this for the trip so the three hours on the road would be comfortable enough.” Chan explained while helping Chayoung putting her bags in the luggage space. “You can go in, I’ll join you later.” he told the three of you off.
You did as he said and the couple got into the bus first, you following behind. Once you got in, new faces were now staring at you for a few seconds, before going back to talking with each other. As for your friends, they already sat together at the back, leaving you no choice but to take a seat next to a guy in front of them. He had a bucket hat on with his earphones plugged into his ears as his eyes were closed. You assumed he was sleeping, so you didn’t bother with greeting him. You turned around to face Seungmin and he only smiled at you.
“That’s Han.” he whispered as he pointed to the boy sitting next to you. “That’s Felix and Changbin, they’re together.  And behind the driver’s seat, that’s Chan’s girlfriend, Naeun.” he kept pointing and some of the faces turned to you to wave, one of them being the so-called Felix,
“Hi!” he smiled brightly and you bowed slightly as a response. “Thank you for coming with us. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to make the reservation.” You nodded your head briefly, not wanting to make the conversation. “Don’t worry, we’ll have fun! I’m always happy to make new friends.”
When he noticed you were not going to answer, he turned to Seungmin in confusion and the latter shrugged. “She’ll warm up eventually. Let’s say she’s the female version of Jisung.”
Felix made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth and smiled at you once more. “You’ll have fun, I promise.”
Sighing, you repositioned yourself onto the seat and turned to look out the window. You jumped when your face met your seat neighbour’s one. Freaking out on his side too, he jumped back, moving closer to the window.
“Sorry.” he mumbled and dropped his stare on his lap while putting his earphones back in his ears that were, you noticed, already turning red.
This is going to be a long ride, you thought.
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“I really need to go, though.” Han whined to Chan.
Turns out, Han is very loud and annoying when he gets comfortable enough, which was now the case after nearly three hours. He was being very careful around you since it was the first time he ever saw you, but as time passed, he was getting more outgoing with the others. For them, it seemed like it was a normal thing, but for you, it was hell. Not to mention, he had been yelling for the past 20 minutes, asking Chan to stop so he could go pee. To be honest, you had to go as well, but you weren’t going to bother the rest of the group like this.
“We’ll be there soon, can it wait? We’re literally in the middle of nowhere.” Chan sighed for the nth time.
“NO!” Han yelled next to you, making you wince. “It’s an emergency, I swear.”
The older man ignored him and kept on driving. To be fair, you were about ten minutes away from the chalet so he could wait. That didn’t change the fact he kept on whining, moving his leg up and down as a sign he really had to go. Your patience had finally reached its peak and you looked over to glare at Jisung. When he noticed you, he gave you a shy smile and looked away towards the window. Great, he was still avoiding you.
“Excuse me.” you finally spoke which brought back his attention to you. “Can you stop moving your leg, please?”
He bowed, murmuring some sort of apology and stopped before putting, again, his earphones on.
“Damn, he never listens to us and there he is..." Seungmin exclaimed.
"He doesn't know her, of course he's gonna listen." Chayoung rolled her eyes. "I'm surprised he even spoke to you, Y/N."
You ignored them and resumed to whatever you were doing on your phone. No offense to Jisung, but you really didn't give a damn about the man, who had mainly annoyed you throughout the ride with his whining and back and forth with Chan. You were never quick to judge, but he did leave a very bad impression.
Not so long after, you finally arrived at the chalet. Needless to say, you were impressed by the size of the place. You swore you could fit your apartment five times in this. The whole structure was made of wood logs with nice lampposts around. It had two levels, plus a basement. On the side, you could make out something that resembled a jacuzzi. The whole place was luxurious, which almost made you glad you came along, but also intimidated. Never in your life would you have allowed yourself to get to experience this kind of luxury. Looking around, you spotted Chan pulling out everyone's travel bags from the bus, so you went ahead and grabbed yours. Only, there was another hand whose grip was onto the bag's handle. Looking up, you met eyes with your bus buddy.
"That's mine." you spat out.
"Actually, no." he said while pulling the bag to him. "This is my bag. Look."
He turned it on the side for you to see a little quokka plush attached to it. So childish... Nonetheless, you let go of the bag and looked around to find yours, identical to the man's. Once you did, you followed the others, who were already inside.
"This place is huge!" Naeun exclaimed. "Shotgun on the master bedroom!"
On cue, she kicked off her boots and ran upstairs with Chan following behind as he laughed at his girlfriend's behaviour. Changbin and Felix were next to pick their room, walking down the hallway of the first floor, while Seungmin dragged Chayoung with him to follow the two men. Han was nowhere to be found, to which you were almost glad. You didn't mind having any room in the house, as long as you had a bed where you could sleep at night.
Assuming one was going to be free anyway due to the size of the place, you walked around in search of a bathroom. You opened one of the doors and found some sort of office room. You closed it back and walked a bit further until you spotted a door where a bathroom sign was displayed. When you turned knob of the door, you heard the loudest scream you've ever witnessed so far. Jumping at the sound, you put your hands on your ears and peeked inside the room, looking for what had caused such a cacophony. You regretted immediately when you saw Jisung, sitting on the pot, eyes wide open and face as red as a tomato. A normal person would leave and apologize, right? Yeah, well apparently, you weren't normal enough because you froze in place and kept staring at the poor guy.
"Y/N, do you mind?" he let out with a desperate tone, which woke you up from whatever trance you were in.
You shook your head in disgust before backing out and closing the door behind you. You were still in shock from the sight that you stayed in place next to the bathroom, replaying the scene in your mind. Your face heated up at the thought and you wanted to bury yourself alive from the embarrassment. It didn't take long for Jisung to finish his business, when the door opened after a minute or so. When he spotted you, his face got red once more.
"You can go now..." he said rapidly before taking off somewhere else, anywhere, as long as you wouldn't be there.
You went and did your thing, and ran to Seungmin's room right afterwards. You took the time to knock on the door this time, and Chayoung happily opened the door.
"Y/N! Did you find a room, yet?" she asked, but you ignored her and fell flat onto their bed, where Seungmin was already sitting.
"Woah, there. Are you good?" he asked, and only got a groan from you as an answer. "I assume this means no..."
You lifted your head up and stared at him. "When I told you I don't know how to live with people, I meant it. Now, I have to be in the same house as the guy I just interrupted while he was pooping."
Seungmin's eyes went wide. "What the fuck? Y/N, we just got here."
"I know."
"And you walked into the bathroom while someone was already in there?" he held in a laughter.
"I just told you, yes." you cried, and Chayoung sat next to you to pat your back, trying to give you some reassurance.
"Who was it?" she asked. "If it's Felix or Changbin, then it's all good! They won't care, for real."
You shook your head. "It was Han..."
That was it for Seungmin, he couldn't stop himself from laughing any longer, much to your displeasure. You could only take one of his pillows and bury yourself in it, while your friend kept mocking you.
"You should have taken a picture." he said in-between his laughs.
"Seungmin!" the girl slapped him, before putting her hand on your shoulder. "It's fine, I swear. It's not like Jisung was going to socialize with you much to begin with. If anything, he's probably more embarrassed than you are considering the fact you saw... well, you know."
You made a disgusted face and shivered at the thought. "I did not see anything, gosh..."
You got up from the bed and headed out of their room, as they were clearly not helping you feeling better about the situation. Picking up your bag at the entrance, you walked upstairs to find yourself a room. The first one you found was already occupied by Chan and Naeun, so you continued your way. The next one was more of playroom, as there was a pool table in the middle, with a little bar in the corner. It was a very vast room, so it took most the floor's place. That left one last room with its bathroom at the end of the hallway. You walked in and dropped your bag next to the nightstand.
"Are you being for real?" you heard a now much familiar voice.
Looking up, you spotted Jisung standing at the entrance of the room, leaning on the doorframe. He had his luggage with him, as well as the same bag you mistook for yours slouched on his shoulder. You found no emotion on his face other than pure anger from the sight of you.
"I picked this room, Han." you said firmly, determined to let him know you weren't giving up your spot.
He scoffed and put his bags on the chair that was standing in the corner of the room. "This is the last room available. I already checked in the basement, where it's pretty much just a huge ass theater-like room, and the first floor only has an office room and a bathroom. But you saw that one already." he deadpanned.
It was your turn to scoff. "You do realize we have a huge problem."
"Yeah, sharing a room with a stranger who saw my butt not even ten minutes ago." he deadpanned again.
You rolled your eyes before motioning next to you. "There's only one bed here, idiot."
His eyes went wide open and he shook his head. "No way I am sharing a bed with you, perv."
You grunted in frustration. "I already apologized."
He gave you a look. "Did you really?"
"Not directly... Anyway, you're the one who's been bothering me nonstop during the ride."
"Bothering you? Woman, I had my music plugged in most of time and I didn't even give you one look." he defended.
"Explain your constant complaints, then." you said, your voice starting to raise.
From your argument, Chan had now appeared next to Jisung with a confused look plastered on his face. "Woah, what's happening here?" It took him two seconds to notice the only bed standing in front of him. "Oh, I see."
"I thought you said there was enough space for everyone." Han glared at his friend.
"It said eight people. And, I mean, we are eight people." he shrugged. "One of you could take the couch downstairs?"
"Dude, you know I need to have my own room." Han complained, again.
"As if I don't need it either." you rolled your eyes.
Chan sighed loudly, passing a hand through his curly hair as a sign of his small stress. "I mean, it is a king bed. Both of you can fit in just fine without feeling stuck, you know. Plus, you have a personal bathroom so it's not that bad." he said, trying to help you out.
You scoffed. "Not happening."
"Then be my guest and sleep on the couch." Jisung smiled sarcastically, while gesturing the way out.
"I was here first, I keep the room."
He sighed, visibly troubled. "Look, I really can't sleep downstairs."
"Yeah, right."
"I'm being serious. I kind of.. um..." he started, but stopped as his cheeks turned pink.
"Jisung sleeps shirtless." Chan finished for him. “Which isn’t much of an issue if he just wears a shirt, but whatever.”
Your face deadpanned at the man. He wasn't being arrogant, he was just too embarrassed to tell you of his sleeping habits, and too shy to let the entirety of the house see his naked ass. And you were not in for sleeping in the same bed with a shirtless stranger. Feeling defeated, your shoulders dropped.
"Fine, I'll sleep on the couch... but if I want to take a nap or whatever, I can come here." you said, pointing your finger at Jisung and he nodded his head rapidly.
With that being said, you left out a groan and left the room. You were so going to kill Seungmin after this trip. Spending a week in a house full of strangers in the middle of nowhere during winter was bad enough, you had to be sleeping on a hard couch... This was worse than you could have imagined.
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Nobody knew to cook except Naeun and Felix. You automatically attributed them the title of cooks for the week, promising them to take turns with doing the dishes. For tonight, they made a hot noodle soup in order to warm up from the cold weather. Big place meant a lot of heating was needed, and the electricity wasn't strong enough, so you had to walk around with at least a hoodie on.
"I saw snowshoes in the closet. We could go for a walk tomorrow." Chan suggested as he took a bite of his food.
Everyone nodded to the idea around the table, except for you. Seungmin noticed and poked your side to grab your attention.
"You don't have to come, you know?"
You smiled at him, thankful he was being a minimum nice to you. You did feel bad of not participating, but they knew you didn’t even want to be with them in the first place. No offense was taken. Plus, winter activities were the worst.
Dinner went on normally as everyone was chatting and laughing. Surprisingly, Jisung had not said a single word since the moment he sat on his chair. Probably because he had to sit right in front of you and was doing everything in his power to avoid your gaze. You gladly copied his action, still feeling annoyed by the fact you gave him up the room.
Once dinner was over, Felix suggested for everyone to watch a Christmas movie, even though the holidays had already passed. It took no time for Seungmin to set up everything downstairs and connect the TV with his Netflix account.
“Can we get a snack or something?” Changbin asked while his boyfriend cuddled into his arms. “I’m hungry.”
His statement gained some weird stares from the others, since you had just finished eating. “Make yourself some.” Han rolled his eyes.
“I would but I’m kind of busy here.” he replied while motioning Felix’s position.
“I can go make some popcorn.” you shrugged as you got up, earning a wide small from Changbin. “Anybody else wants something?”
Chayoung asked for some juice, while Felix asked you to bring his candies he had stocked in his bag. With a nod, you went upstairs and started pulling out the popcorn bags from the box of food Chan and Naeun had packed. Plopping them into the microwave, you headed to Felix’s room to get his candies. When the popcorn was ready, you put it into a few bowls and grabbed the sweets to bring downstairs. Once you had distributed everything, you sat down back in your seat and brought a blanket over your body to warm yourself up. You noticed Jisung was no longer here, but you didn’t bother asking. He was probably already in bed.
“My juice?” Chayoung asked with a pout.
“Oh shit. Sorry, I forgot.” you apologized, getting up immediately to go back to the kitchen.
You ran up the stairs so fast, you didn’t notice someone was about to walk downstairs. Inevitably, you ran into each other. Closing your eyes, you waited for the impact with the ground, but it never came. Instead, you felt a strong grip on your waist as you held onto the person’s arm (that was, admittedly, very firm). 
“Jeez, are you always this clumsy?”
Your eyes shot open when you realized you had, once again, embarrassed yourself in front of Han Jisung. You immediately detached yourself from him and noticed he had changed into a sleeveless black shirt with sweatpants. So that’s what he went to do, but a sleeveless shirt during winter? This boy was odd.
“Aren’t you cold wearing that?” you let your thoughts speak out, and he chuckled.
“Really? You could just thank me, you know?” he smiled with a hint of bitterness, ending it with a loud scoff.
“Well, if you stop scoffing at me every two seconds, maybe I will.” you argued and he sighed in disbelief.
“I quite literally just saved you from a concussion and you can’t be a bit thankful? I’m starting to wonder why Seungmin thought it was a good idea inviting you.”
With that, he left you there as he went back downstairs. You would never admit it, but his words did hurt. Sure, you had no intention in making friends, but it didn’t mean you wanted to make enemies either. And clearly, the week was beginning just fine for you. With a grunt, you went to get Chayoung’s juice as you tried to forget your little encounter.
When you came back, Han was back in his seat while talking with Seungmin who had, by now, finished setting up the film. You gave Chayoung her drink and dropped onto your seat next to Naeun. She gave you a questioning look as she noticed you didn’t look well, but didn’t ask, thankfully.
The movie wasn’t good. It was your typical Christmas story where the girl who had a tragic past meets a charming young wealthy man who was known to be an ass to everyone, but she managed to warm his heart, and they declared their love on Christmas day. You noticed how Felix seemed to enjoy it, as well as Chayoung. For your part, you were starting to get sleepy as the movie was nearing its end.
“Why did you choose this, exactly?” Seungmin asked Felix in a disgusted tone.
“It’s cute!” Felix answered. “It has the Christmas spirit and, you have to admit, cheesy stories are always good even when they’re not.”
When the credits finally rolled, Chan got up and turned off the TV, which caused Felix and Chayoung to complain. “Alright, bed time now.”
“There’s an after credit scene, though.” Felix pouted.
“Okay, but everyone looks dead here. It’s late already.” Chan pointed to the clock that indicated midnight. “We have a big day tomorrow, so let’s rest, okay?”
“As if you’re going to sleep anyway.” Changbin laughed while poking at Felix for him to get up.
Chan ignored his friend and joined Naeun who was already leaving to go to bed. Soon, everyone followed behind and you stopped by the living room to unpack your belongings. Only then, you came to the realization you had left them in the room upstairs. You cried out in annoyance as you fell onto the couch. Seungmin, who had come to check on you, laughed at the sight.
“I assume things went well today?” he joked.
“Shut the fuck up, Kim Seungmin. I hate you so much right now, you have no idea.” you said, furious, but he didn’t take you seriously.
“It’s not that bad, the couch looks comfortable.”
You glared at him. “It’s not, believe me. Why do I have to be a good person and leave the soft bed for the jerk?”
Seungmin frowned at your words. “Jerk? Jisung, a jerk? He can be annoying, fine, but he’s anything but a jerk.”
With a sigh, you told him about the incident in the stairs. About how he had said he didn’t understand why you were invited and how it actually hurt.
“Jisung is Jisung. He tends to have a big ego up his ass, but he’ll warm up to you eventually. Only if you’re nice, though, because you really should have thanked him, you know?”
You rolled your eyes. “Right, as if. I would’ve rather have broken bones.”
Ignoring your comment, Seungmin got up and started to help you set up a bed-like couch, somehow comfortable enough for you to sleep in. He put as many pillows as he could and even brought a blanket from his room for you to stay warm. Once he was done, he analyzed you and gave you a confused look.
“You’re sleeping in your day clothes?” he asked.
“My stuff is in Han’s room, forgot to bring it with me.” you said, a bit embarrassed. “Could you get my bag for me, please?” you pleaded and Seungmin answered by shaking his head.
“Chayoung’s waiting for cuddles, and take this as an opportunity to actually apologize to him.” he suggested, not letting you answer as he already left the living room.
You pondered for a while, wondering if you should get your things or not. A night without brushing your teeth can’t be bad, right? No, your breath stank from the amount of candies you had stolen from Felix. Maybe someone had a spare toothbrush. But who would you ask when it was already one o’clock and everyone was asleep? It took everything in you to put your pride aside and walk up the stairs, on your way to knock at Jisung’s door. You knocked quietly for the first time, and there was no answer. You knocked again, a bit louder, and you heard a small “coming.” from the other side of the door. Once it opened, you saw Jisung half asleep, hair all fluffy and barefaced. Most importantly, you saw his shirtless figure and widened your eyes at the sight. With the small amount of light coming from the outside lampposts, you could make out the defined lines of his abs, as well as how his features were incredibly attractive. Those thoughts were soon interrupted when he had finally noticed you were the one who had knocked on his door.
“Y/N, what the hell!” he let out, closing the door in your face soon after. “Can you not invade my privacy like this? I thought it was Chan knocking.”
You rolled your eyes at his behaviour. “Maybe you could have just put on a shirt before opening the door.” you nagged, hiding the fact you had just checked him out.
You heard some shuffling from inside, and you tilted your head in confusion. Not so long after, the door opened again and Jisung had a hoodie on, his hair even fluffier than earlier. Why did he look so damn cute like this?
“What do you want?” he asked.
You coughed in awkwardness. “I left my bag here.”
He let out a discouraged sigh before stepping aside to let you in. You didn’t miss the mess he had already made, although the fact you had arrived at the house not even twelve hours prior. Men... When you went to pick it up, Jisung stopped you and you looked at him, confused.
“My bag. Yours is there.” he pointed next to the nightstand.
Surprisingly, he hadn’t touched your things and let it be just right where you left it. “Thanks.” you nodded to him before grabbing your bag.
“Anything else?” he asked and you paused, thinking about what Seungmin had told you.
Taking a deep breath, you spoke. “I wanted to say I’m sorry for earlier. I should have thanked you instead of lashing out onto you like that.”
Visibly surprised, Jisung nodded nonetheless, accepting your apology. “And I suppose I should say I’m sorry as well for saying Seungmin shouldn’t have invited you. I’m not good with new people, I’m sorry.”
You smiled at his words. “Me neither. To be fair, I didn’t even want to come here in the first place.”
“I know.” he replied.
There was a silence between you too. Despite the fact it was rather awkward, it somehow felt comfortable. It was weird, you couldn’t quite point out exactly what was this strange tension between the two of you.
“I’ll head to bed. Thanks.” you smiled awkwardly.
“Right.” he coughed. “Good night.”
And you left his room.
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Naeun was a morning person, you learned. While you barely had any sleep, she looked as if she just had a boost of serotonin. Lovely, she was, but too joyful for someone who had just woken up. Chan seemed to be in the same state as you, seeing his eyes were still puffy from the tiredness. So, that was the perk of sleeping in the common room; waking up when the first person does.
“Do you want some coffee?” Naeun asked you, while you were still processing the fact it was the next day.
“Uh, sure. Thanks.”
You rubbed your hands on your eyes to wake yourself up. Once you got used to the light, you saw how everyone had already got up. While Naeun was busy making coffee for everyone, Chan and Felix were making pancakes and bacon for breakfast. The sight of the food was enough to make your belly rumble. You sat at the table, greeting Seungmin who had Chayoung leaning on his shoulder, still sleepy.
"Someone's not a morning person." Seungmin said to you.
"I'd say the same for your girlfriend." you nodded your head towards her. "Did you two sleep okay?"
"Let's say I warmed her up last night... that explains why she is so exhausted." Seungmin laughed, but you made a disgusted face, not wanting to know any more details about their intimate relationship.
Turning away from him, you came face to face with Jisung, tiredness accross his face. His hair was still messy, and he had put on his sleeveless shirt back on, making his arm muscles more prominent. While this kind of clothing doesn't keep anyone warm enough, it did make your face heat up. The boy looked good with no effort. He did notice you staring, and frankly, he liked the attention. Not that he would ever admit it.
"Good morning." he mouthed to you with a smile.
As you were about to answer, Felix interrupted you. "The bacon's ready! Pancakes should be done in a minute. Anyone wants some?" he asked while showing the plate.
Everyone served themselves and once everything was settled, you didn't waste another second to dig into your pancake. As you kept eating, your habit of stuffing the food into your cheeks seemed to have grabbed Changbin's attention.
"Hey!" he exclaimed and you looked at him curiously. "You're like Han! She's a quokka too." he pointed to your cheeks.
You looked in front of you and Jisung's expression was almost identical to yours. His cheeks were puffed due to the food he stored and he was munching like a squirrel. Now you understood why he carried a quokka plush with him. The others expressed surprise from the similarity and your sank into your chair in embarrassment, Jisung visibly doing the same.
"You stuff food in your cheeks too?" Han asked in a quiet tone, once the others had resumed to their previous conversations.
You nodded your head, swallowing the bite you just had taken. "I've always done this, it seems normal to me." you shrugged, taking another piece of bacon.
"Me too." he smiled and continued to eat.
You kept to yourself for the rest of the breakfast. It went on smoothly with everyone complimenting the meal to Chan and Felix. Like previously planned, Changbin and Seungmin went on to do the dishes while the rest of you started to get ready for the day. Knowing you wouldn't go outside today, you picked cropped shirt with a knitted cardigan to put over that you matched with a pair of jeans and big winter socks. When you came back to the living room, you saw that your 'bed' was already cleared up and was back to being a normal couch. Naeun and Chayoung were already seated, leaving you a spot. You joined them and looked around in confusion.
"Did you two clean up the couch?" you interrupted their conversation.
"No." Chayoung answered. "Seungmin and Han did."
Han? Weird... you thought. "Oh, okay."
"What do you think about trying out the jacuzzi after our walk?" Naeun prompted. "You know, just the girlies."
"Oh gosh, yes that sounds great!" Chayoung answered excitedly. "We'll have some girl talk 'cause, girls, I've got some complaining to do." she huffed.
"About Seungmin?" you frowned. "I thought you two were doing great."
"We are! But you know, still some things here and there." she sighed.
"I get you, Chan's amazing but some of his habits just get on my nerves." Naeun complained.
"You know I can hear you." Chan yelled from the other side of the room where him and the boys had gathered.
Naeun rolled her eyes jokingly and turned to you. "How about you, Y/N?"
"What about me?"
"Anyone in your life?" she nudged your arm and you shook your head.
"I thought I saw you on campus hanging out with the new kid." Chayoung pitched in the conversation.
"Jeongin? No, he's nice but not my type, and I was only showing him around. Besides, I don't have time for dating, anyway."
Chayoung put her hand on your shoulder and shook her head violently in disapproval. "Everyone has time for dating, you're just not putting yourself out there. How about Jisung?" she suggested and you coughed in shock.
"Han's nowhere close to someone I would even be interested in." you scoffed, knowing you were totally in denial.
Because, come on. Jisung is 100% your type. Handsome, not too tall (because you'd want to be with someone you could actually kiss without having to break your neck), has a fit body and doe-like eyes. Not even just his physical appearance, but the sweet guy you were slowly starting to see was also getting your interest. However, you would never say this to anyone. You never really told anyone when you've had crushes, it was safer this way.
"You could try. I mean, you're spending the day with him, so take the opportunity." Naeun winked.
"Sorry what?"
She didn't have the time to answer when Chan announced they were ready to leave.
"You'll have fun, don't worry." Chayoung smiled before the girls got up to join the others at the front door.
They put on their winter suits and didn't take long before leaving, telling you and Jisung to have a good day. Still confused, you looked over the kitchen counter when the man was serving himself a glass of water.
"Weren't you going with them?" you asked as you walked to the other side of the counter.
"I have some work to do." he simply answered before walking towards the staircase.
He stopped on his track and sighed. "Yeah, work. You know, the thing you do so you can earn money and shit?"
"I know what work is, I'm not an idiot. It's just weird you have to work during a vacation."
He turned to face you and sighed again. "It's not work technically, just a hobby I hope I can turn into an actual career. Done with the questions?" he lifted an eyebrow.
"Damn, relax." You held up your hands in defense. "I was just wondering."
He walked closer to you until he reached the stool next to the counter. He sat down and pulled the other chair for you to sit as well. Reluctantly, you sat down and stared at him, confused.
"Sorry. Again, not good with people." he breathed out in a shy chuckle. "If we're gonna spend the whole day in the same house, how about we try to get along?" he suggested.
Tilting your head to the side, you thought for a moment. You had planned to do nothing else but watch a drama or something and enjoy the day alone to blast some music. However, a certain person had to decide to stay in as well and ruin your plans. So what else were you going to do anyway?
He blinked a few times, surprised by your response. "Okay then. Um... I suck at this so..."
You let out a laugh and nodded in agreement. "I can see that. I'll start then. How did you meet Seungmin?"
You knew this was a dumb question since you knew already, but you weren't any better than him to find subjects to talk about.
"We both major in music. The work I do is actually a song I've been making. So, you know, trying to make a career out of music." he explained. "How about you? I never heard of you until Seungmin told us you were coming here."
"Our mothers are close friends, we grew up together." you said, keeping it short.
A silence settled between the two of you while Jisung took a sip once in a while. He played around with his glass, pursing his lips at the awkwardness. Seeing that the conversation wasn't going anywhere, you got up from your seat and looked towards Jisung, who got startled from your sudden movement.
"Well, good talk." you said before walking away.
“Wait.” he stopped you by grabbing your wrist. “Do you like Ghibli films?”
Deciding there was nothing else to do, you agreed on watching My Neighbor Totoro on the big screen downstairs. You installed yourself comfortably on the couch and began to watch the movie in silence, neither of you commenting on it. Nothing needed to be said, anyway, since you were so focused on the TV. Well, he was at least. Jisung had started the movie in a proper position, leaving some distance between the two of you. As he got more relaxed with the story moving forward, he sprawled himself more, resulting in his knee touching yours. You could have moved away, but you didn’t. First of all, you were too embarrassed to do so for some reason. Second of all, he seemed so focused on the film that you didn’t want to break it, so you stayed still. Attempting to distract yourself, you tried to ignore the physical contact by concentrating on the movie. Eventually, it worked and you had totally forgot about it. That didn’t last long. Not even ten minutes later, you felt something drop on your legs. Startled, you looked down and saw that Jisung had fallen asleep. From the looks of it, he definitely needed the rest, so you let him be. He didn’t bother much, anyway.
When the movie had finally ended, you nudged the man in order to wake him up. He blinked a few times while stretching out his arms, only to come to the realization that he had fallen asleep on you. Immediately, he jumped away from you, in shock.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you wake me up? Did I snore? Gosh...” he rambled, panicking and you laughed at his behaviour.
“It’s no problem, really. I thought you might have needed that nap.” you smiled and he thanked you shyly.
As the credits were still rolling, silence took over again. This time, however, it didn’t feel as heavy as earlier, but Han soon broke it off. “So, um... How about I show you some of my demos? I was about to go work on it, and a second opinion might be helpful actually.” he suggested.
Surprised at his offer, you nodded happily and he smiled in return before leading you to his room. He invited you to sit next to him on the bed, telling you to make yourself comfortable. While he opened his laptop, looking for his songs, you took the opportunity to look around. His room was still messy, but cleaner than the day before. This time, you could actually make out the floor among the clothes, recognizing his outfit he wore yesterday and other pieces of clothing. Just by looking at them, you took note in your mind that he had a good sense of style.
“Okay.” Jisung breathed out, grabbing your attention. “I have a few, actually. Do you want to listen to one in particular.?” he asked, turning the laptop towards you.
You scooted closer to him so you could read the titles. He had a lot, it was fascinating. “Alien?” you read out loud, right before goosebumps took over your body, making you regret picking out a crop top, considering the temperature was very low in the basement.
Jisung noticed and furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “You know, you can use the covers, they’re very warm.” he said and you didn’t hesitate to cover yourself.
He was right, they were extremely warm, much more than your blankets you had on the couch. Satisfied, you smiled happily, making Jisung awe at the sight. You were cute.
“So?” you interrupted his thoughts. “What is this Alien about?”
He took out his headphones and didn’t bother giving them to you, putting them on your head for you. You didn’t question it and stayed still for him to place them correctly. You took the moment to admire his features in the daylight. If you thought he was handsome when you saw him last night, he was breathtaking during the day. From his chocolate eyes, to his plump lips, you took in his features properly. You noticed the mole on his cheek, which only added to his attractiveness. As he was about to finish with placing the headphones, he bit his upper lips in concentration, which you thought was adorable. Once he was done, he smiled in satisfaction before going back on his laptop to open the file. You exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding, trying to get a grip of yourself from what you were thinking just then.
“I’m not a professional yet, so they’re not masterpieces. Don’t hesitate to give me feedback, though. Even if you think it might be mean.” he warned and you nodded.
He took a deep breath and clicked on the play button. Right away, your ears met a soft melody. You were surprised, as you didn’t expect this to be Han’s music style. Once he started singing, you almost gasped in surprise. He didn’t look like it, but his voice was soft, melodic, but most importantly, it was powerful. It was only when the rapping started that you were now speechless. He had talent, and he knew how to use it. After taking in his vocals once more, you focused on making out the lyrics, and it almost hurt on how much they hit home. Did he write them himself? Was it how he was feeling? You almost felt hurt from them, holding back a tear that could come out at any moment. Too immersed into the track, you almost forgot where you were until the song ended. You didn’t say anything. Frankly, you did NOT know what to say.
“So?” Jisung said expectantly, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“How can you say this is not a masterpiece? Han, this is amazing, really. I have no words.” you breathed out, still in shock from how beautiful it was.
He mumbled a thank you in shyness, before coming closer to you. Your breath cut when he brought his hands to the headphones, who were still sitting onto your ears. Again, you couldn’t help but examine his face. How was his skin so clear and perfect? You had to ask him what was his skin care routine, it was unfair how clean it was. As he was about to take his headset back, he stopped his motion and stared back at you instead. You didn’t miss the red coming up his ears, nor did you miss his small glance at your lips. You were incredibly close, you could feel his breath on your face.
“I-” he murmured.
At this moment, you heard a yelp coming from the doorway making you jump away from each other, Jisung bringing the headphones along with him. Looking for the source of the noise, you saw it was Naeun.
“Sorry to interrupt, I was only coming to say that we’re back and that, Y/N, we’re going in the jacuzzi if you still want to come with us.” she paused and looked towards Jisung. “Or not. As you wish, really.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a few. Let me change first.” you answered and, with that, she left the two of you. 
Turning around, you saw that Jisung had gotten up from the bed and was putting his laptop back into his case. “I’m guessing you’ll be going now.” he laughed out, scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I guess so.” you said, getting up as well. As you were heading out, you stopped on your track and turned around to him. “By the way, I’m being serious when I say your song is beautiful, I love it. You’re very talented.” you complimented before taking off, leaving the poor man a blushing mess.
You hurried to change into your bathing suit and walked outside to see that the girls were already in the water. It was freezing cold, but the steam coming from the hot tub encouraged you to join the others. As you approached, you listened to Naeun’s talking, telling Chayoung all about your moment with Han.
“And you didn’t kiss him?” Chayoung exclaimed in frustration, now addressing you. “What were you thinking? You missed out, woman.” she splashed towards you, and you could only glare at Naeun.
“To be honest, I think they would have if I didn’t walk in.” Naeun said in a disappointed tone, resulting to you shaking your head furiously.
“I told you this morning, I wouldn’t date him.”
“Y/N, you were under his bed sheets. Don’t tell me you weren’t about to fuck right there.” she deadpanned.
“Wait, y’all fucked?” Chayoung questioned cluelessly.
You rolled your eyes at their assumptions. “I was cold and he told me I could use to covers to heat myself up. End of the story.”
“He’s staring right now.” Naeun nodded towards the window, and immediately, you did a one-eighty only to find no one, making the girls laugh.
You gave her a death glare. “I hate you both.”
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This had become your routine for the week: waking up early from Naeun’s joyful morning singing as she served you coffee, spending the day with Jisung while the others went out to go do whatever outside activity they had planned. Your days with Jisung were simple: watching something, then going to his room for him to make you listen to his tracks he wasn’t sure of, sometimes staying with him longer just for the fun of it. In the end, you would always have with some bonding time with the girls and a movie night with the whole group. You would never tell this to Seungmin, but you were actually happy you managed to make some new friends. He would let out a “I told you so.” and your pride wasn’t in for this kind of comment. If he was ever going to ask you, you would simply answer it was forced and not by your will.
As for you and Jisung, the pair of you grew closer extremely quickly. You learned more about him such as his family, how he became friends with the others, his studying time in Malaysia... The more you spent time with him, the more you realized how similar you were despite being so different. That included how introverted the both of you were, your love for chocolate and how you preferred staying in instead of going out. When you went to his room while he was working, it was comfortable enough. You would be on your phone and he would occasionally ask about your opinion. He had gotten the habit of always making sure you were warm enough, while you always checked with him if he had gotten the right amount of sleep. You also learned how touchy he actually was, which was surprising enough. If he wasn’t hugging Chan, he would either be back hugging Changbin or chase Seungmin for a cuddle. With you, however, it was more subtle at first. He started with small gestures, like side hugs and slight accidental skin ship. As the week went by, it has transformed into full on cuddling during the movie nights, which didn’t go unnoticed by Seungmin. He had questioned you a few times about it, but you always found an excuse to change the subject. You were never one for physical contact, but with him, you didn’t mind at all.
For your last night at the chalet, Chan took the time to go buy all sorts of alcohol. With Changbin having some experience as a bartender in the past, he took the initiative to make you more cocktails than needed, plus some fancy shots. Chayoung's tolerance was low. The girl had only drank two cocktails and was already passed out, having Seungmin as a support. Felix and Han had found a nice spot to hang out in the living room. They were having the time of their life, laughing about whatever topics they were exchanging about. As for your case, you stuck to Naeun who was clinging onto Chan next to the kitchen counter, while Changbin was cleaning up the mess he had made by spilling one of the drinks. The latter decided to drink reasonably in order to watch over the others in case something might happen. While you were staring at Han who was still laughing out loud, Chan seemed to have noticed how you kept glancing at his direction. 
"You two have become insanely close this past week." he said, taking a sip from his drink. "You've basically been attached by the hips." 
"I don't know what you're referring to." you played dumb. 
"Don't act like you weren’t cuddling when watching the movie last night." Naeun gave you a look before she took another shot, and you ignored her comment. 
"Talking about him, look who's here." Changbin said and you followed his gaze to spot Jisung and Felix joining you. 
Felix was still laughing uncontrollably as he walked to Changbin to give him a big back hug. Jisung walked to you, sitting on the stool next to you, and didn't hesitate to put his hand comfortably on your thigh. The contact sent a shiver down your spine and you stiffened. He acted as if he had done nothing by giving one of his infamous gentle smiles. 
"Hey." Jisung said happily to you. 
"Hey." you smiled back. "You look so drunk, how much did you actually drink?" you laughed. 
"Not much. I would say no more than two and a half drinks, though I will try out Changbin's shots for sure." He didn't loose a second to get the said-shots in front of him, examining them to determine which one he was going to test out first. "You don't look so tipsy." 
"Yeah." you chuckled. "I'm still on my first drink." you held up your glass. "I'll probably try a shot later, too." 
"Not happening." you heard Seungmin exclaim from behind you and you grunted at his comment. "I told your mom I'll be watching you, so I am watching you." he said, taking the seat on your other side. 
"I'm an adult, I can drink if I want to." you argued. "Where's Chayoung, anyway?" you asked as you saw no sign of her. 
"I failed watching over her, and now she passed out. I can't wait to see her tomorrow morning." he breathed out, before stealing one of Han's shots to chug it, making you stare at him in disbelief. 
"Dude, that's so unfair." you whined and he sighed. 
"Fine, you get three shots, and then you're done. We both know what happened last time you drank more than that." 
Happily, you took a shot and winced at the strong taste. Jisung gave you a small squeeze on your thigh as a sign of support, but it only made your mind go crazier than it already was. Thus, you took another one. 
"What happened last time?" Chan asked curiously, earning a dark look from Seungmin. 
"You don't want to know." 
As the small talk kept going, Naeun exhaled in boredom, unimpressed at how inactive the night was despite the amount of alcohol that was already consumed. She took the matter into her own hands and stole the bottle of tequila from Changbin, serving some to everyone. "How about we play a game?" she prompted and Seungmin huffed in annoyance. 
"We're too old for that, baby." Chan told her but she shook her head. 
"You can never be too old for a game of truth or drink." she said happily while distributing the drinks. "What could go wrong, anyway?" 
Well, in fact, things went wrong pretty quickly. Barely an hour into the game, and the girl was already sleeping on Chan's shoulder, while Felix and Seungmin could barely speak out clear words. Concluding this was enough for tonight, you and Jisung helped Changbin cleaning up the place. While he and Jisung were bringing Chan and Naeun upstairs, you guided the two other men to their rooms safely. Once back to the kitchen, Changbin waved you good night, thanking you for the help, and then walked to join his boyfriend. That left you and Jisung. Looking at your bed-like couch, you walked to it and tried to make it somehow warmer. The weather had gotten even worse and it would be a lie if you said that you weren't ice cold the night prior. Still, you were about to install yourself into your thin blankets, but were stopped when Jisung took your hand. 
"Sleep in my room tonight." 
You stared at him for a moment, processing what he had just said. "What?" 
"Please." he insisted. "You know you're going to freeze tonight and my room is warm enough. I'll leave you enough space on the bed, I promise." 
He wasn't wrong, his room was the warmest in the house. It wasn't the first time Jisung suggested for you to sleep in his room. In fact, it was the fifth time already. You had refused each single one of them, not because you didn't want to, but because you were afraid of what would happen. Although you felt at ease around him, you also felt an insane urge to grab him by his cheeks and kiss him. Nevertheless, you liked how the friendship had blossomed, and you certainly had no intention of ruining it. This strange tension between you was better than embarrassing yourself by making a wrong move. However, you knew he was right and, maybe, this was going to be your last moment with him since you haven't talked about keeping in touch once the vacation was over. You only live once, don’t you?
"Okay." you said in a whisper and Jisung smiled, leading you upstairs as his hand still had a firm grip onto yours.
For once, he had cleaned up around as there was no more clothes on the floor. He kind of had to, you were to leave the next day. He even did the bed, folding the sheets and placing the pillows nicely. 
"Since when do you actually clean?" you laughed jokingly. 
He muttered an insult under his breath, starting to pull out his sweatpants from his bag. That's when you froze, realizing what sleeping in the same bed as Jisung meant. By now, you had completely forgotten that the man sleeps with no shirt on. He mumbled a small "I'll be back." and left to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Great. You tried to shook it off your mind by slipping under the covers messily due to your drunk state, attempting to find a comfortable position to sleep, but it didn’t do anything. You could only have a flashback from that time you had seen his toned abs in the dark. It didn't take long for Jisung to get changed. Once you spotted him, you sighed in relief seeing that he had put another one of his sleeveless shirts on. Even if it still made him look insanely hot, it was better than forcing yourself to ignore how ripped he was. He noticed you staring and gave you a smile. 
"Disappointed?" he joked and you blushed massively. 
"Shut up." you huffed and turned around to face the other side. 
He joined you in the bed, laughing at your reaction. "I'm kidding. I thought you would prefer it if I kept things safe." 
The alcohol still in your system, you couldn't think properly before speaking. "As if those arms weren't enough." 
Han, startled by your bold answer, didn’t reply back. He checked his biceps in confusion. He had stopped working out a while ago, so it did surprise him that you pointed out his arms. Was he still fit enough? Suddenly, he became very much self-aware about his appearance. He started to wonder if he should go back to the gym. Not because you had commented on his muscles, of course not. Or maybe. He had always envied Chan and Changbin for their built figures and had tried many times to keep up with them, but he couldn’t due to putting his entire free time into making tracks.
“Jisung?” he heard you whisper, calling him by his first name for the first time. 
He hummed for you to continue, but instead you shivered. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked worriedly.
“It’s alright. I’m cold, that’s all.”
He didn’t figure out how you were cold, while it felt for him like he was heating up by wearing close to nothing. He debated whether he should help you get warmer or leave you be. With another shiver traveling your body, the choice became obvious for him. Therefore, he shifted closer to you, putting his arm over your body protectively.
“Is it okay?” he asked, just in case you felt uncomfortable.
You snuggled into him even more and turned around to face him, your noses almost touching. You studied his face for the nth time this week, and kept finding more endearing features of his. You found it absolutely cute how his eyebrows knitted together when he would be confused, just like now. It didn’t take long, though, before it was his turn to observe you carefully. Instinctively, he brought his hand up the side of your face. Usually, he would retract his hand right away and apologize, but remember that he was still drunk. He couldn’t take his eyes of you while rubbing his thumb softly across your cheek.
“You don’t realize how fucking beautiful you are.” he whispered, his eyes still focused on the softness of your skin, before he met yours.
Not knowing how to react, you blushed even more than you already were. “Says the handsome boy here.” you huffed, as-a-matter-of-factly.
Han smiled widely at your compliment; it looked more like a flirty smirk. The shy boy you got to know had been replaced by the most confident man you had encountered in your life. All it took was alcohol to give him a push.
“You think I’m handsome, yeah?” he teased.
“I thought that was obvious.” 
You had barely finished your sentence when his grip on your waist got tighter, being wrong for thinking you couldn’t be any closer than you already were. You yelped at his move while he kept fixing on your lips. Biting his upper one, he was debating whether he should stop himself, or let it loose. No matter what his decision was going to be, he knew he had already crossed the very thin line you had between friendship and something more.
“May I?” he whispered, as his lips were already barely a millimeter away from yours.
“Since you asked so nicely.” you joked, resulting to Jisung letting out an annoyed scoff.
“You’re a pain in the butt.” he exhaled.
After what had seemed like forever, his tender lips finally reached your own, embracing you into a soft kiss. Just like him, it was delicate and careful. It was exactly how you had imagined it, and yet, so different. The amount of electricity you felt traveling your figure was unexpected and you liked it. Wanting more of it, you put your arm around his neck in order to pull him into a deeper kiss. Surprised by your motion, he let a groan leave his mouth, trying to follow how your lips moved. While his hands were roaming across your waist and stomach, slowly making their way under your shirt, you opened your mouth slightly to allow him slipping his tongue. Your breaths were uneasy as the eagerness was getting more intense. All the tension that had been building up over the past few days was being released in a matter of seconds, and it was passionate. Only then it would have been even more perfect if Jisung hadn’t pulled away from your lips, earning a whine from you.
“I get you’re needy, but I need to breathe.” he laughed, as he kept pampering your face with small kisses. He stopped and move slightly away from you, still rubbing his thumb on the skin of your jawline. “As much as I want you right now, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Hearing the words come out of his mouth, your grin dropped as it got replaced by a scared look. “What do you mean?”
“Hey, I’m not saying I’m regretting this.” he hurried to explain, placing a kiss on your forehead in reassurance. “I’m saying we should stop for tonight until it gets more... intimate.” he trailed off.
“What’s stopping you?” you pouted and his heart melted at the sight.
“We’re still drunk and it’s late already. Plus, I’d like to take you on a proper date first.” he explained in a gentle tone while playing with your hair.
You kept silent for a moment, thinking about what he had said. While a part of you was craving for more, his reasoning did make a lot of sense. How he thought about things made you feel like he was taking you seriously, and not just doing this to sleep with you before leaving you as if you were nothing.
“Okay.” you whispered, and he smiled. “But I get to choose where and when.”
“As you wish, baby.” he grinned, pulling you into a kiss one more time.
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You had woken up frantically the next morning when you saw a shirtless Jisung laying down next you, while the bottom of your pyjamas were no longer on your body, but on the floor instead. You had little to no recollection of what had happened the previous night, other than some glimpses here and there. You didn’t remember confessing to Jisung, neither did you recall a moment where he did so. However, you could make out an image of the two of you kissing intensely on the bed, as well as your needy behaviour. You wanted to cry out in embarrassment. How did you let yourself go so easily? Trying to reassure yourself by thinking everything is fine, you quietly sat up, slowly getting out of the covers. The motion was stopped by Jisung’s loud yawn, making you freeze in panic. He turned his body around, exposing more of his skin, and took you by the waist to bring you close to him. You let out a small gasp at his gesture, which seemingly woke him up. His eyes squinted from the sunlight, but he smiled brigthly once he had made out your face.
“Good morning, baby.” he whispered, while still grinning like an idiot.
“Um... hey.” you replied awkwardly. “Just making sure, nothing happened last night, right?”
Jisung pulled away from you and gave you an unsure look. “Wait, you don’t remember?” Feeling bad, you shook your head in response. “You forgot our kiss?”
“No, that I remember, but I can’t recall us doing, you know...”
This made Han laugh, finding it cute how you confused you were. “That’s because we didn’t do it, idiot. I asked you out tho, and you said yes. I just hope you still mean it.” he said, taking your hand in his.
You blinked a few times, trying to remember it. “Last night me was being bold, I see.” you joked, causing him to laugh again. “I do like you a lot. However, I’m not sure I should be dating.”
“Why? If you say some shit like ‘I don’t deserve it.’ or ‘You’ll find someone better’, you’re even more stupid than I thought.” he huffed.
“Okay, I won’t say it.” you shrugged and he pouted, bring you closer to him.
“I like you a lot too, and I really wanna take you out once we’re back home.”
You melted at his words and, hesitantly, pecked his lips. That was enough of an answer for him.
You had to leave the house before 11am, so you didn’t take long to get up from bed (secretly admiring Jisung’s form... again) and changing into more appropriate clothes, before joining the others in the kitchen. Naeun had already served everyone cereals and most of the things were packed. You greeted the others and walked to the counter to make yourself a cup of coffee. A few minutes later, you were chatting with Felix when Jisung had joined the lot, placing his hand on your hip to give you a peck, and going on with his morning. The freckled boy had stopped talking by now, only staring at you in pure shock.
“What the fuck.” he exclaimed.
“Oh my god!” Chayoung yelled out, having seen the scene as well. “You slept with Jisung.”
Thanks to her, the rest of the group was now staring at you and Han, flooding you with questions and comments such as ‘I called it.’
Seungmin didn’t react much, but he walked to you with a stern look on his face. “Your mom is going to be either ecstatic you have a boyfriend for once, or kill you for your behaviour.” You slapped his arms in annoyance, and he laughed as he broke character. “I’m just glad you ended up having fun. And Han?”
Jisung, who was still busy with eating, turned his attention to his friend. ”Yes, what?”
“You hurt her, and you’re dead.”
Jisung nodded his head rapidly, fear accross his face. Seungmin, satisfied with the response, told you two to hurry so you can leave and went to help out Changbin with the luggage.
“So, am I your boyfriend?” Han asked cheekily, bringing you into an embrace.
“Weren’t you the one who wanted to take me out on a proper date first?” you quoted him and he looked at you in shock.
“You DO remember last night!”
You laughed and leaned onto him. “Just a little.” you mumbled and kissed him softly. “I’ll go to the bathroom, and then we can join the others?”
He smirked. “Can I be the one interrupting you, this time?”
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored
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