#[ tai; interactions ]
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tai-lung · 5 months
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Whoa. Tai Lung? I’m gonna get that staff back, restore your kung fu, and return you all back to the Spirit Realm. You’ll see. All I see is a broken promise.
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pocketmolly · 11 days
Forever thinking about how badly they fumbled Damian's generation's young superhero team...
The ideal baby justice league is probably:
Robin/Damian Wayne
Superboy/Jon Kent
Nobody/Maya Ducard
Beacon/Kathy Branden
Green Lantern/Tai Pham
Thunderheart/Irey West
Surge/Jai West
+ (bonus) Shazam/Billy Batson
Like of course you have the core of Dami/Jon/Maya/Kathy with Damian being insane (as all the batfam are), Jon having to shoulder the responsibility of being the moral compass, Maya being the older sister she is and Kathy being a recovering evil spy.
After that, there's Tai who's the awkward fifth wheel still learning to be a hero, Irey who will pick a fight with Damian even if she knows she's wrong (girlboss tbh) and Jai who is winning the idgaf war.
Btw Billy is not the guardian!! He's a recovering pushover (from JL) learning to stand his ground and he constantly threatens everyone with "I'm telling your dad!"
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gaspshichat · 18 days
pearl's cooking stream today was so fun and oddly comforting. it was so nice just seeing her and karn interact and cook and be silly. i absolutely love the two irl streams we've gotten of them
pearl also looked just absolutely gorgeous, as always, and her outfit was just perfect. karn also looked fantastic and had a fabulous outfit [although i think there was a costume change or two? idk i kept dozing off bc i'm so tired]. pearl if you see this, please lmk where you found those pants 🙏 ik you said in stream but i forgot :((
also the two of them posing with the cats at the end of stream ??? tears. they're adorable. i love them. LOOK AT THEM
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they're absolutely precious
i also got some wonderful quotes that i'll get together and post later after i've rested so look out for that bc there are some very interesting quotes!
the stream was amazing and i'm so glad i was cooked <3 the meal looked delicious
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florencetypemaniacs · 3 months
How would the ROs react if their MC is a very affectionate person and they suddenly stop? Because someone told them that they are very annoying
💛 Marcel 
Marcel would try to handle this as delicately as possible when he first noticed it. He knows that relationships go through stages and wouldn't want you to feel like you were in the wrong for not being as affectionate as before, but he would miss it. 
I could see him trying to test the waters with his affection, wanting to know what you were okay with, which would bring up a conversation about what you were comfortable with. 
When he hears about what that person said, he is already shaking his head.
 "Don't listen to them. They don't know our relationship or us. Let us decide what is best for us, and what is best for me is for you to be yourself." Marcel said. "I don't need anyone telling you how to feel or how to act when everything you do is perfect." 
🧡 Margaret 
Margaret would notice that since she is also a very affectionate person, she would try and do the same, thinking that something was wrong with her. 
I think that you both would stew in angst and miscommunication until Marcel, Camila, or even your Aunt Zinnia made you confess what was going on before the relationship got too bad. 
When Margaret hears what that horrible woman said, she won't be able to stop herself from giving you comfort with sweet touches and words of her own. 
"I love you. This week has been miserable without your soothing touches." Margaret pouts. "Please don't stop." 
❤️ Owen
Yeah, to hell with that. Owen isn't that big on public displays, but the moment you stopped, he would find that he missed it. Especially in private. 
So Owen would grab you and hold you in his lap, asking you what was wrong the moment he saw your personality change. 
When the redhead finds out the reason you are acting strange, he will shake his head in disgust. 
"That bloody bastard. Ye listen here lass/lad/duck, I don't give a mules ass what that bastard said, I want anything you will offer me." He said it, his voice softening at the very end. "The kisses, tender words, and especially the love." 
💙 Rosemary
She could sense something was wrong from a mile away. You would be able to feel her eyes on you as you hesitated to show any kind of affection. 
Rosemary would swallow down the anxiety of you getting bored because you weren't like that. 
You loved her. 
Gently creasing your cheek. "Tell me, what's the matter? Why aren't you your usual affectionate self?" 
When you finally tell her, Rosemary is at a loss for words; she wants to walk out that door and find whoever said those lies to you. 
Rosemary shook her head, kissing you lightly. "I have spent my whole life wanting to feel someone's love and kindness, so don't you dare take that away from me, dollface/angel face/handsome because no good storyteller wants to stick their nose where it doesn't belong." 
🩵 Tai
Would think you were mad at him for something and try to figure out what. How could you withhold his kisses?! What evil thing did he do? 
In the end, when he couldn't figure it out, he had to ask you, and when he found out, he couldn't help but clench his fist, starting to pace. 
"That absolute imbecile." Tai would curse them out for a few minutes before looking at you with all seriousness. 
"Wipe those thoughts from your mind. They are all false. Your affection isn't unwanted. Not by me. Not ever." 
💚 Zane 
The minute this happens, Zane will know and not be happy. First off, Zane likes a routine, especially if you're affectionate for him (something he craves like a madman) goes away. He would not be able to stop himself from right out asking what was wrong. 
When he hears why you aren't being affectionate to him, he will grip your chin. "Listen to me, little lion, the moment I stop craving your love, strike me down where I stand for that is not me." 
The next thing you know, Zane is hunting this person down to give him peace of mind. 
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ender1821 · 10 months
The beauty of minecraft smp improv is having a great storyline of Pearl ‘leaving her tower’ only for Mumbo and Gem to turn around and pull her into the goddamn tower-off
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iri-lynx · 1 year
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this @infamous-if interaction with Seven on the tour bus honestly killed me, they're both so petty
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flovey-dovey · 7 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 is largely kinda mid at best and lame and bad at worst but I think Tai Lung and Po kissing at the end made it kinda worth it.
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yeyayeya · 5 months
Quan Yizhen and Lang Qianqiu should be besties
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taiturner · 1 year
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[Why did you start going?] Well, I saw you going. And I was bored.
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taiyami · 2 months
I have to be honest the people who blaze their fanart from wildly unpopular and borderline hated fandoms are braver than people enlisting in armed forces.
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raleigh-edward · 1 month
Ok too early in The Thunderstorms Saga to say anything actually so I'm not quite sure whether I like it or not but I might have a theory now.....It really seems to me that MC might have to marry (fake it) Prince Tai now that Fanuel is dead?
The theory is the most predictable course of events so might not actually be true at all but yeah.
If Ainloth, Tai and Vellora remain as the only LIs , they are pretty much the part of the inner court so this could be a very Guinevere situation then? Lmao
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
If you're still taking prompts “ it’s you and me, forever. no matter what. “ for Kallias maybe? 💕
yes i am!!! thank you for sending smth in :D prompt from here
As promised, you find Kallias in the training pavilion - the one that only they use, other than you, sometimes, when they beg you to join them. The great metal doors grind against the ground as you push through.
"Hey," Kallias calls out to you even before you've fully crossed the threshold into the room. They don't twirl their sword so much as they slash it haphazardly through empty air as they make their way over to the weapon rack. With all the gracefulness of a beached octopus, they reach over to grab a weapon, either severely underestimating the distance between them and the rack or severely overestimating the length of their limbs. They have to bend much too far over, but they're eventually able to swipe a dummy sword off the rack and toss it towards you. They're giggling as they straighten up again, turning the full force of their dazzling grin on you. "Whoops. Anyway. Spar with me?"
There's a satisfying thwack as the hilt hits your palm. For how Kallias struggled to get to the sword in the first place, it was a good throw. Your pulse flutters along the rhythm of their laughter, and an I love you echoes back.
"And look how intimidated I am after a display like that," you say out loud, quashing it.
They're sloppier today, you notice. Slower. They don't use all of their mind even at the best of times - you're constantly having to correct them making the same mistake over and over again - but it's obvious that someone's distracting them. It worries you, both that you don't know what's troubling them or how to help, and also that they might not be able to protect themself when they're upset. So you give them an opening.
You end up on the floor, rolling to your feet, but the point of their sword bumps against your throat before you can fully recover. There's a flood of relief. Good.
"I have something to ask you," Kallias murmurs, breaking the silence.
You meet their eye, rocking on your heel. There's a ping in the back of your mind, a reminder of the familiarity of this position. You, on one knee. Kallias, drawn up to their full height, sword pointed not at you, exactly, but somewhere beyond.
"If I were to leave," Kallias says, with a purposeful nonchalance as if they were just talking about the weather, "would you come with me?"
That gives you pause. Is that what they want to do? Leave? And yet...
Yes, without hesitation. It doesn't matter where, or how far.
You roll your lips together, willing down the trembling of your pulse. "I would follow you anywhere," you say, and you're left with a throat tightening too late to save yourself from what you've just admitted.
Kallias freezes for a moment. Too honest, your brain screams at you. Too much, too fast, too honest--
And then they raise a brow, smile widening into something of a teasing grin. "I'm not asking you as my knight," they say - softly, despite their expression. It burns, a little bit.
You swallow. Draw in a breath. Hold. Exhale. "I know."
Their hand isn't as steady as it could be, as it usually is. You want to clamp your hands over it, hold it still for them. You don't know what it is they're worrying about, but it's moments like these that you realize again, for the tenth or hundredth or millionth time, that you would do anything for them.
There's a pulse, a pull, a current. Volatile waters crashing into you, over you, sweeping you towards the drop, the fall, towards them. You watch their throat bob. Wonder if they're feeling it, too.
You wrap your hand around the tip of their sword, slowly draw it away from your neck. Their grip doesn't slacken, but they don't fight it, either.
"It's just you and me, forever. No matter what." You hope they know that it's a promise. Anything, anywhere, until your last breath.
Kallias smiles, again, but they do not look reassured, as you'd hoped. You pray that you're merely imagining the distance, that the unfocused look in their eye is only your own paranoia. Their sword clatters to the ground as they offer their hand out to you. You grip it, and they haul you to your feet with an easy strength that will never fail to surprise you. You search their face for something - something - something that you do not find.
"No matter what," Kallias echoes.
Then they let go, turn away. And that is that.
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nighhtwing · 4 months
“my dad is the greatest superhero in the world besides batman it’s pretty much the greatest birthday present ever”
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bubblybloob · 3 months
Thanks for the words everyone, it’s really nice to hear, I’ll try to get back to myself.
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florencetypemaniacs · 3 months
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
💛 Marcel
Marcel would smile politely at the person who is indeed flirting with him, but as soon as he sees you looking at him, he won't be able to keep the conversation going with them. 
The moment your eyes met his, he felt the need to go over to you and tell you that it wasn't what it looked like, but it wasn't. And you weren't his anymore than he was yours, but he wanted to be. Gods, he wanted to be. 
With a quick smile, he politely left the person and walked over to you. 
"Mind if I sit down?" And he glanced at the chair next to you, hoping you understood he wasn't just talking about a seat. 
🧡 Margaret
Margaret blushed at the boldness of the person coming on to them, fanning her face as she felt her nerves jitter. It was nice to be complimented, but it was all too much. 
The moment Margaret's eyes met your own, they widened in understanding because Margaret had been where you sat. Looking at people who she was smitten with flirting with other people, she felt a wave of guilt hit her. 
What was she supposed to do? Did you truly like her, or was it a trick of the mind? She wouldn't be able to breathe as she gave the person an almost wild look before excusing herself and going to a present she knew she would find comfort in. You. Margaret went and stood by you and gave a wary smile with a tinted blush. 
❤️ Owen
Owen had to hold in a laugh at this person, usually, he would just let the jokes and flirting remarks about his figure roll off his back like a duck, and sure, it sometimes gave him a little pride. 
Then his eyes caught yours from across the room, and he felt his breath catch as he held your sad gaze. He didn't understand why you were sad, but he wanted to be there for you. He wanted to hunt down the bastard who made your lips pout like that. 
Not even answering the person beside him, he sat beside you, holding your surprised gaze. 
"You want to get out of here, lass/duck/lad?" 
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary purred in the person's ear and whispered back a flirty remark. It came as naturally as breathing. It didn't matter that it made her skin crawl to feel the person's body so close to hers because she was in control of the situation. 
But the moment her eyes met yours, she had the urge to shove the person off of her. She knew jealously. Rosemary felt it herself. She even made others jealous. But the pure sadness that radiated off of you stopped her in her tracks. 
You were upset because she was with someone, and that made Rosemary upset. This growing affection for you made Rosemary dizzy as she, with a flirty grin, excused herself from the person. 
She needed to breathe. 
Rosemary needed to feel like she was in control and not overcome by your ever-growing thoughts. 
🩵 Tai
Tai just stared at the person blankly, his face uninterested in what this person was saying because his eyes were on you. 
It was a habit every since he got to Lockwood to keep an eye on you. To make sure that you were safe. It became a habit that he started to enjoy—the relief that would flood him when he saw you.
Now Tai started to notice that the feeling he had when he saw you was something bubbling within him. Something almost unnatural. Pure. 
His eyes met yours, and he saw the sadness, and before he knew it, he was walking towards you. The pull was too strong for him to ignore as he examined you. 
"What's wrong?" 
💚 Zane
Zane usually loved the attention. He knew he looked good. He knew humans valued outer beauty, but Zane couldn't find it in himself to care what this person was whispering in his ear. It was all too boring. The pleased feeling he would feel at being wanted wasn't there.
Then he sees the sadness in your eyes when you look at him and he frowns. He didn't understand, not really. Why were you upset looking at him and this person?
It all stopped when you came into his life, not the fluttering feeling. No, that seemed to only triple but only when you were near. Hell, the things he wanted to do to you...
It plagued his thoughts like nothing else, and he wondered if this was some sort of plot of your own accord.
Zane would get angry.
Zane would just leave the person without so much as a word of goodbye before sitting next to you.
"What's wrong, little lion? Do I need to kill someone?"
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