#[[y'know and school's basically a bitch]]
lciesdepravity · 7 months
Sold Out Series
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Sana Arc Chapter 1-1: Everything has a price
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"
"Karma is a bitch"
"Everything has a price..."
Such statements proved true ever since the beginning of time, and continues to remain true to this day.
We learn it every single moment of our miserable lives - hell, it's even taught to us in school.
And yet here she was.
Sana should've listened to her Science teacher more.
When she was first offered the job, she thought it was just another fashion line ambassador deal.
Heck, she was even excited for it. The other members started to get requested to be ambassadors of other luxury brands too, so she figured it was only a matter of time before she got picked as well.
Never in her life could she have expected this.
It started after the press event.
"Ooof~ Yatta! Mmm~ Finally finished!" The young idol plopped unceremoniously in the backseat, melting into the plush cushions as she takes off her sleek black heels and massages her feet.
"Ugh, that took longer than it should. Can we go home now Oppa?"
"Mian, Sana-shi. The brand CEO is requesting your presence at their hotel's grand ballroom for the after-party, so your night's not over just yet. You know how uppity the higher-ups get about company relations and shit."
That prompted an annoyed scoff and a groan from the idol, but work is work. The manager at least had the decency to look at Sana with pity before driving off.
Last sched for the day. Sana Fighting! After one final check of her appearance and fixing her hair a bit, Sana steeled herself and put on her most practiced idol smile. She confidently strutted down the hallway and was ushered in.
The after-party was everything you'd expect from a luxury brand and more. The clinking of champagne glasses, the miniaturized posh slop they call food, the fake smiles and empty compliments as everyone 'socialized' with each other. More like leech off each other.
The idol rolled her eyes (mentally of course - she was anything but professional after all), and smiled as everyone greeted her. Here we go.
Sana's whole night consisted of greeting sheep - *ahem* PR people, accepting their business cards, a few empty promises here and there, take a picture. Rinse and repeat. Maybe a snack and a drink in between. Basically, she was on autopilot for majority of the event, until a depressed looking woman approached her and bowed.
"Ms. Minatozaki, our CEO requests your presence at the suite. He personally wants to thank and welcome you as our new ambassador."
Not really given a choice, the idol was ushered up to an elevator that led to the suite.
The sleek metal doors of the elevator slid closed as Sana bade the secretary goodbye. She looked around in awe, marveling at the sheer opulence of the suite. Marbled floors, chandeliers, pristine furniture and antique vases. Expensive. Ugh, I better not break anything. Even with our money, I don't think I can cover for anything in here!
She continued down the hallway until she reached the living room, where she sees an old man in his bathrobe looking out the glass door of the balcony, wine in his hand.
"*Ehem* E-excuse me sir. Y-you wanted to see me?"
"Ah! Sana. Welcome. Please sit. Would you like a drink?"
The old man offered her a glass as she sat down. Sana offered a smile, but politely shook her head.
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"I'm sorry sir. I still have schedules for tomorrow, so I can't really drink much tonight. Thank you though."
"I see... Welp, more for me then."
The CEO took a sip as he sat beside the young woman. He stared at her for a bit, his eyes focusing on her necklace.
"Y'know, that necklace of ours really does fit you... Exquisite. I'm happy we got you as an ambassador for our brand. I look forward to working with you more in the future."
"M-me too sir. Thank you for the opportunity." He extends his hand and she shakes it.
His index finger rubs against her palms creepily as he scoots closer to her. She had to fight the urge not to withdraw her hand in disgust, she had to be professional after all. Lucky for her, the CEO let go of her hand. Euck, Gross... What's with this old man?
She tries to scoot away discreetly, but the old man just kept coming near. The young idol keeps shuffling until she felt the end of the couch. Shit... She was trapped.
Sana shivered in disgust as the old man placed his hands on her knees, slowly inching up her thighs as he goes in for a kiss.
The faint stinging in her hand persisted as the slap resonated all around the room. Her heart was pounding - her breaths heavy. Hastily, the young idol got up and gathered her things, leaving the old man to his misery.
To her horror, the door was locked.
The old man let out a dry laugh as he moved to refill his empty glass.
"You didn't think our deal with your company was that simple did you?"
With a sip and a condescending smile he looked at the frozen idol.
"That diamond necklace around your neck, that costs hundreds of millions of dollars my dear. We're one of the richest brands in all the world, what makes you think I couldn't just buy you just like that?"
Sana's eyes widened. She felt so sick, her stomach was turning. "T-they didn't-"
"'Fraid so my dear. Your company sold you out to me for a whole damn week."
His grin spread across his face as he watches the young idol blanch at his words in shock.
"T-that's... N-no! I'm not just some whore for you to play around with. I didn't consent to this! Let me out this instant or I'll sue!"
Frantically, she reached for her phone, opening the camera app and taking a video. Ha! This is my evidence. Take that you old geezer.
Her heart dropped as the CEO's smile got even wider.
"Fiesty. Heh~ Go ahead and film... you do that. Meanwhile, I'll be using every single one of my connections to destroy you and your little group. One word from me, and all your sponsorships, all your brand deals - even that of your members... Poof~" To accentuate his point, he held out this phone, hovering his finger over the call button.
She froze. 
I-if it's only me, then I can take it. But the members... We worked so hard to get this far... Damnit! Why is this happening to me?
Minutes pass, and all Sana wants to do is cry. Her fists were clenched tight, lips bitten in frustration as her mind raced, thinking of what she should do.
She was interrupted when the old man spoke once again.
"If you're done thinking it over, get your dumb ass over here so I can use you. I'm not getting any younger here. Or should I just call my secretary and cancel everything now?"
She looked at him scathingly with fiery eyes as she walked over to him, her clenched fists shaking in anger. The old man didn't bat an eye. Instead he leaned back,  staring at her with those condescending eyes.
"Well? Take that fucking dress off." Sana bit her lips as she hesitated, but the old man just looked at her impatiently. Slowly she stripped, unzipping the back of her dress and letting it fall to the ground. She gave it a light kick as her hands moved to cover her intimate parts, but the sight of her creamy skin was more than enough.
Excited, the CEO got up and cupped her cheeks, tilting it to face him as he looked at her eyes. Rebellious... Defiant... Just the way I like it.
"I'm gonna enjoy breaking you, kpop bitch."
He pushed her on the couch and started his assault. Her eyes shut tight as his tongue snaked along her milky porcelain neck - up, down, over the collarbone and even up to her ears.
*Sniff* "Mmm~ you smell so good Sana. Hmmm~ your scent is driving me crazy." The old man gave her a long wanton sniff that sent chills up her spine.
Fuck... This is so disgusting.... Endure Sana. For the girls... For the fans... For yourself. You have to endure.
Seeing the idol's eyes shut tight, the old man got more brazen. He took both of Sana's wrists and pinned them above her head, exposing Sana's clean shaven armpits. He gave her pits a series of needy sniffs, his breath tickling her a bit.
*Sniff* *sniff* "Ahhhh... You smell so... mmm~ divine." Her sweaty scent was enough to drive the old man into a frenzy. Like a mad dog, he licked the sweat off her pits wantonly, relishing in feeling her shudder against his tongue.
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Meanwhile, his free hand groped her ample breasts, kneading them like dough. When he sensed the clip in front, he hurriedly removed her bra and threw it away, revealing her jiggly soft supple mounds...
He gulped. "They're mesmerizing..." Without preamble, the old man dove in and while looking at Sana's face, feasted on her breasts like a newborn baby. He squished them together and teasingly gave her pink dusky nipples a lick, enjoying the way the buds roll off his tongue.
He watched as Sana's expression change with every lick... with every suckle... with every squeeze. He watched as her brows scrunch together, her lips bitten red as she resisted his ministrations. He didn't stop until each bud was fully erect and shiny, thoroughly coated with his spit.
"*Slurp* *pop* Mmm~ yummy... Now, sit up and let me sit behind you."
Not really giving her a chance to resist, he pulled her up and smoothly slid behind her, cradling her between his legs. Much to his dismay, the young woman's eyes were still closed, her face not betraying any emotion. Annoying.
Eager to break her stoic facade, the old man reached between her legs, slipping his hand inside her lacy black panties. Dry... Mmm~ not for long.
With a practiced ease, his hand nimbly removed the young star's panties, unhooking it from one of her legs where one of her heels came off.
"Shaved huh? Shame, I like it hairy."
Out of nowhere, his hand came down, delivering a light slap to Sana's clit. The Japanese idol bit her lip, a small gasp escaping her as she fought hard to stifle her moans. She didn't want to give in to him, not now, not ever.
Another slap. Dead center against her core. The old CEO's dominant side took control as he taunted, "Mmm, you like this, don't you, slut? You like this old man slapping your wet pulsing cunt?"
His hand came down again, this time with more force, causing the young woman's pussy to squelch audibly. His old wrinkly fingers traced the sensitive skin, exploring every inch with a mix of roughness and precision.
All the while, the old fuck buried his nose deep in the poor idol's neck and sniffed her once again, licking and sucking on her pulse point as he humps her plump ass.
*Sniff* "Mmm~ fuck, I can't get enough of your scent. Uhh~ you're worth every fucking penny I paid." His lips brushed against Sana's ear as he whispered naughty things.
"Ahn~ mmmppph-" A small moan escaped her lips, which she promptly covered with one of her hands. Her face was a flushed mess, and she was panting like a bitch in heat.
W-What is happening? Mmm~ How is he so good at this... No! Sana, fight it! You're not getting horny because of this old pervert. Fight it!
"Yes, hold those moans for me my dear," He whispered into the idol's ear, his warm breath sending tingles down her body. "I like the challenge. I will break that infamous composure of yours, Sana." With a gentle bite to the girl's earlobe, his words pushed her further to the edge.
Each whisper was accompanied by another firm slap to the Japanese pussy, causing her moans to grow louder. Her hips were bucking slightly, and her body was writhing beneath the old man's magic touch. With each passing moment, her pussy gets wetter and sloppier.
Seeing his effect on the poor girl, he smirked. Not long now... just a bit more and she's mine...
With his free hand, he reached up and cupped Sana's perky breasts, her fingers teasingly circling the hardened peaks of her taut, erect nipples.
"Mmm, look at these gorgeous nipples, baby... So pink and so tender for me." He whispered huskily. He pinches each nipple and pulls.
"Fuck, S-stop it," She whimpered, her hips now bucking wildly, thrusting against his hand. Her body trembled with anticipation, craving release.
"That's it. Give in to the pleasure my dear. Let go for me."
As the old man continued to slap her cunt, the wet, lewd sounds filled the air, mixing with Sana's increasingly uninhibited cries.
She couldn't help but respond, her voice trembling with need. "Oh, fuck, D-don't stop... Harder please..."
The old man smirked, his slapping growing more intense, each stroke driving Sana closer to the edge. "You want it harder, huh? You're such a dirty fucking slut. Beg for it. Beg for my hand to pound your wet cunt."
F-fuck! I can't hold it anymore... Uhhh!
Sana's breath hitched as she finally gave in, her voice pleading, begging him. "Please, sir! Pound me! Pound my slutty cunt! I need it so fucking bad!"
With a victorious grin, the old man slapped her pussy once more. "Who do you belong to? Huh? Tell me who's bitch you are!"
With her back arching, she screamed, "Yours! I-I'm daddy's little kpop bitch begging to cum. Please make me cum daddy! Daddy! Uhhhh~"
*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*
The old man's hand moved with reckless abandon, the wet slapping sounds echoing across the entire room. Sana's moans filled the air as she surrendered completely to the overwhelming pleasure building within her. She couldn't hold back any longer, her voice reaching a crescendo of pleasure. "Yes, fuck! Gonna cum! Cumming for you, Daddy! Oh, fuck!"
Upon, hearing her say that, the old man unceremoniously plunged his middle and ring fingers deep into her sweltering cunt. "Yes fucking cum, you slut. Point those toes of yours while cumming. Cum for me, drench my hand while I finger fuck your uptight cunt into submission."
His fingers skillfully hit her g-spot repeatedly, his palms still slapping her clit with each pass.
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S-shit! This old man's too good! He's gonna make me cum. This old man's gonna make me cum! Fuck cummingcummingcummingAaaaahhh~!
With a primal scream, Sana's back arched, her legs spreading even wider, her legs quivered uncontrollably, her toes curling and pointing as the immense pleasure surged through every inch of her body.
With a loud squelching sound, her pussy released a torrent of pleasure, drenching the floor below. Sana's eyes rolled back, her body convulsing with sheer ecstasy as he fingered her into oblivion.
Spurt after spurt. Stream after stream she squirted. It took awhile for her orgasm to finally die down. Even then, she was still twitching as the old pervert continued to tease and flick her cunt occasionally.
Not giving her the time to rest, the horny old man took Sana and inverted her on the couch - her legs resting on the backrest whilst her head dangles off the edge.
He hurriedly tossed his robe aside, freeing his throbbing cock and presenting it to a still recovering Sana.
"Open your mouth and stick your tongue out."
His voice was stern, commanding. He took his cock and slapped it against Sana's face and tongue several times, smearing her face with precum and spit.
That is, until he decided the foreplay was enough. In one fell swoop, he fed her throat his cock, not stopping until he bottomed out.
"Glurk! Mmmmpphh~!"
Sana gagged, but the old man just kept pushing. She slapped his thighs, asking for mercy but there's none to be found. Her eyes bulged, tears spilling from the sides as she took his cock fully.
"That's right bitch. Fucking take it! Ahhrgh!"
Not giving her time to adjust, he intensified his thrusts, grabbing her feet and using them as handles. He planted his feet on each side of her head, essentially squatting on her face for every thrust. The sounds of his balls hitting her nose echoed across the room.
The old fuck growled, his voice deep and guttural as he praised Sana's cock-sucking abilities.
"That's it *pound* fuck! fucking take it! *pound* put that kpop mouth of yours to good use! *pound*" he said, his thrusts becoming even more forceful as he spoke.
Holy fuck, he's fucking my face so hard. She thought, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. She loved the feeling of him taking control, of him using her for his pleasure. It made her feel so dirty and so desired all at once.
With each powerful thrust, a line of thick drool stretched from his cock to her mouth, his huge balls slapping her nose repeatedly. Sana's saliva mixed with the precum dripping from him, creating a slippery mess as he relentlessly skull fucked her.
"Mhmm, gawk, glurgh,"
Sana's moans grew louder and more desperate, her arousal and submission evident in every sound that escaped her lips. The forceful thrusts of his cock made her drool uncontrollably, strands of spit dripping down her chin, soaking her face, and coating her hair.
"Mmmm, glurk, gulck.. Daddy, pleashh... guck-ahh... harder... *slurp*"
The old fucker's eyes burned with raw desire as he took in the sight of Sana's saliva-slicked face, her eyes glazed with lust. He wanted to push her limits, to see just how far she would go to please him. With a growl, he reached behind and tightened his grip on her hair, pulling her head back even further, causing her mouth to stretch wider.
"You want it rough, bitch? You want me to fuck your face until you're a drooling mess?"
Sana's body trembled with anticipation, her voice filled with need. "Yes, Daddy," she gasped, her voice laced with desire. "I want it rough. Make me your obedient cum dump."
Who was he to deny her request? Not when she was looking at him with those hazy lust filled eyes. Nay, impossible to deny.
His thrusts became even more forceful, his cock slamming into her mouth, jackhammering her head into the couch so hard her head bounced off the couch with each thrust.
Her eyes watered from the overwhelming sensations, her mascara running in dark rivulets down her cheeks, her lipstick long gone. Her once pristine face and hair smeared with her frothy saliva - and yet she asked for more.
"*Gulck* *gluck* Ohh... *glock* Y-yes, Daddy... *gawk* Fuck me... *gawk* harder!
In no time at all, the old geezer neared his climax, his thrusts grew quicker and more desperate. He could feel the pressure building in his balls, the need to release his pent-up desire growing stronger with each passing second. With one final deep thrust, he erupted, his cum shooting down Sana's throat.
"Ahh... fuck... cumming! fill that slutty mouth... Take it all bitch!"
Sana's muffled cries of pleasure mixed with the sound of his cum splattering against her throat. Her tongue worked tirelessly, collecting every drop she could as she eagerly swallowed his load.
Oh fuck, he's cumming! God it's too much she thought, feeling the hot jets of his seed shooting down her throat. The taste was intense, a mixture of saltiness and musk that coated her senses. "Gleugh," she gagged, feeling the sheer volume of his cum filling her mouth.
For a whole minute, his hot seed flowed continuously, filling her mouth and dripping up her inverted face. The thick ropes of cum covered her eyes, blocking her vision, while the rest streamed down her face, leaving trails of sticky warmth in its wake. Her hair became a canvas for the pearly liquid, as it clung to the strands, marking her with its unmistakable essence. 
Coughing and gagging as the sheer volume overwhelmed her, Sana fought to swallow as much as she could. The old fuck came with such force that his cum still overflowed from her mouth, droplets cascading down her chin and onto her chest. She was a mess, a cum-drenched masterpiece, and yet, a smile played on her lips, a testament to her insatiable desire for pleasure.
As he finally finished, he pulled out of her mouth, and Sana gasped for air, her body still trembling with pleasure. She licked her lips, savoring the remnants of his cum, relishing in the mixture of their combined flavors. Her tongue swirled around, collecting every last trace of his cum.
But the old man wasn't done yet. With a firm grip on her hair, the old man guided her mouth towards his throbbing cock. He tilted her head back, exposing her open, willing mouth. A wicked glint danced in his eyes as he unleashed a torrent of warm piss, aiming it directly into her waiting mouth. The Japanese idol's lips parted, allowing the golden stream to enter, and she swallowed obediently, taking in his salty offering. The taste mingled with the remnants of his cum, creating a perverse cocktail that both excited and humiliated her.
Sana's eyes widened in shock and arousal as she gulped down his piss, feeling the degrading warmth slide down her throat. She obediently swallowed every drop, her body trembling with a mixture of humiliation and twisted pleasure. As the last drops of his piss trickled into her mouth, Sana swallowed it all, her body consumed by a mix of pleasure and humiliation.
She looked up at him, her face still glistening with his cum and her mouth tainted with his piss. A wicked smile played on her lips as she whispered, "Thank you, Daddy. I'm your filthy little cum dump."
The old fuck's eyes burn with a primal hunger as he watches Sana, still catching her breath from the mind-numbing skull fucking, her lips glistening with his essence. With a commanding presence, he grabs her by the waist and flips her over, positioning her on the couch in a prone position. 
"Not done yet bitch. I took a pill so we'll be here all night long. Now, ass up." *Spank!*
Next Chapter: 1-2 Sana Arc; Free Use (TBC)
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AITA for keeping my friends from hanging out with another friend of theirs?
Okay, so I know this sound bad already, I have no idea why I worded it like that. But yeah so basically I (15 F) was in a school trip in Spain. And y'know, nothing really interesting ever happens on school trips except for the last night the teachers decided to throw a 'party' which just means awkward dancing and potentially eating snacks since we're just a bunch of 15/16 yr old and like six grown ass adults. And I have two friend (also 15, both M) who I had planned to spend the night with, since we were hanging out the whole week and yeah they're basically my closest friends. So we were planning to go together, me, the two friends and two other friends (15, F), except the last dinner right before the 'party', the guys tell us they would hang out with another friend of theirs and that other friend didn't want us to tag along. Which like, is kinda shitty because they're ditching us but yk it's not that deep I guess?? But that other friend who doesn't want us to tag along is someone I know, and she's not doing this because she doesn't know us or shit, she's some girl who's pretty popular (ugh I hate high school) for some reason and she only hangs out with people who don't 'affect her reputation', so her not wanting us with them is basically just saying you're not cool enough for me. Plus, this is someone who's been openly talking shit abt us (me and the other two girls) for a while, just because, again, we're not cool enough for her apparently. Which like, I don't even care, but it's the fact that my friends would gladly go hang out with someone who openly judges us, even though we are closer and that's kind of a shitty thing to do to someone, that just threw me off I guess. So I went a bit quiet after that because that hurt a bit, and afterwards, one of the guys texted me about it, and I just told them to do whatever they wanted because yk, I can't forbid them to do their thing, right??? So they ended up staying with us and we had fun, and the other girl didn't ask them why or anything. So this ended up greatly and I feel like it really isn't that deep and I'm just being kind of a whiny bitch, but I feel bad abt it now, like maybe I shouldn't have made it all abt me yk?? AITA??
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Slug! Do you have any specific character interactions you want to see? Like two characters who rarely or have never interacted with each other you think would be fun to see interact?
Hmm... Not off the top of my head. Let me make some up.
I actually think Hifumi and Riou would get on amazingly in more casual settings than their one interaction in Mixed Up. They're both quite active (Hifumi apparently goes to the gym regularly, and it's well-known that he enjoys fishing) and have a deep love of cooking. Hifumi's also pretty low-key when Doppo's not around, so I think the two of them could go backpacking for a week and be cool about it. You know?
Samatoki and Kuukou don't interact a ton one-on-one in MCD, but there's a lot that could be explored in relation to their close, but not identical, takes on family and violence.
Similarly, Kuukou and Sasara do interact a little, but I love every second of it and would like to see more. The sort of senpai persona Sasara makes for himself with Ichirou and Kuukou is a fascinating one, and Kuukou is the biggest li'l shit of a kouhai. I love how he keeps trying to get Sasara to pay for everything.
Nemu and Kuukou would be fun to see too, although I genuinely don't know if it would be like, "You wanna get stronger? Gya ha ha, fuck yeah, dude! I love me a strong bitch! Y'know what? I do this thing where I go up into the mountains and train under waterfalls and shit 'til I'm jacked as hell. If you think you've got the balls, you should join me next time" or like, "Yo, can you film me real quick? Ichirou bet me five hundred yen I can't armpit fart the alphabet."
I would like to see Jakurai politely and thoroughly eviscerate Doppo's manager.
Saburou and Hitoya would be a bloodbath. I would really, really like to see it.
Can we get Ramuda making doll clothes for Amanda? A more positive canon Ramuda and Juushi interaction would be tight.
Sort of an odd one, but I feel like Roshou could genuinely have a really positive influence on Ichirou. Ichirou's out of school by now, but it's apparent that he still doesn't have many adult role models or the wherewithal to consider his dreams and goals outside of basic survival and ensuring his brothers' success. I think Roshou would sympathize with being a teenage punk to strike back against the man, and given his commitment to helping young people chase their dreams, he seems like he'd be a good, steady influence towards helping Ichirou focus on himself as he navigates young adulthood.
Rei and Gentarou vs Dice. :) I'm so sorry, Dice. You're not getting out of that one alive.
Once they get over the whole "There're two things I can't stand. One, [questionable food decision here]. Two, teenagers," bit, I think Jirou and Hitoya have the opportunity to make for interesting interactions. Jirou's pretty justice-driven too, and it's the music connection which makes me think this could work well.
Juuto and any of the nasty, nasty Chuuouku ladies make for incredible encounters. Please, let's have more of them.
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onwardevan · 6 months
The best fight (Tate Langdon x y/n)
TW:handjob,overstimulated,unprotected,mention of blood,mention of drugs I think that's it??
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"He definitely whimpers?" My friend,Miah,laughed as we looked at this one boy from across the hallway.
"Not even,bet he can't even get bitches on his dick?" Aliya laughed.
"Right?he's so fucked..." Miah said.
The bell rang and we all went to class,I had a class with that boy and he was quiet?always sitting in the back of the room,never doing his work but instead he was focused on something else?Was that...was he doing drugs IN SCHOOL?!I know life if hard and all but doing lines in class is actually next level...
So I go sit next to him.
"Hey,Tate right?" I ask.
"...yeah..?" He said,sounding unsure.
Besides all the drugs thing,he seemed like a pretty cool dude?And...even kinda cute?
"You okay?" He snapped me out of my thought.
"Hm- oh yeah I'm okay it's just...I need help with this assignment and was wondering if you could help me..?" All I needed was the start a convo with someone and I'll be alright.
"Yeah...Totally so you basically..."
months pass and we continued to talk to each other soon reaching that "friendship" phase and leaving the classmates phase.
He was constantly a fix to everything?
I'm sad?Call Tate.
I'm mad?Call Tate.
I'm hungry?Call Tate.
But I kinda feel bad.He helps me but no one helps him?
But today was to rough on the poor boy.
I was in my room,listening to music and cleaning my room,like always whenever I see one spec of dirt on my floor,when my phone dinged.
'From:Tater tot
Can you let me in please?'
I immediately ran downstairs and to my front door,opening it to a crying boy with a bloody nose and basically bloody everything.
He nodded as I led him towards my bathroom,I wish my mom was home rn so she could tell me what to do.
"I don't know what I'm doing but I'm trying." I said,looking around our medicine cabinet.
Soon enough I found hydrogen peroxide.I made a 'ssssss...' sound and showed Tate the bottle.
"God please no..." he said.
"Tate you are COVERED in blood.im sorry but you have to?" I said.
"Fine..." he agreed.
I sat myself on his lap after getting some cotton balls to help apply the hydrogen peroxide.I dabbed the wet cotton ball on a wound and felt his hand grip my thigh.
"SsSss..." he made the same noise I made.
"Get used to it buddy,you have many other wounds.." I said and pointed at his entire face.
He sighed and rested against the chair,I had to lean forward a bit to not completely fall I top of him.But while leaning forward,I accidentally put my hand very close to his crotch.I didn't realize until his heart rate quickened and the breathing hitched with every touch.
"Y'know what would really make me feel better?" Tate smirked as he moved my hands from his face and downwards to HIM.
"Tate." I new exactly what he wanted.
"Cmon please,just once!" He started to slowly grind his hips into my own"please..." he sighed.GOD THOSE NOISES!!
"Fine." I sigh and lean towards him to kiss him.
He closes the gab between us and kisses back in much more energy than he's ever had probably.his tongue asking for entry,that I allowed.While his tongue was exploring my mouth I brought my hand down to cup his growling bulge.
"Mmm" he moaned into the kiss and bucked his hips into my hand.
I trailed my kisses from his lips to his jaw,then his neck.While his head rolls back and he sighs,I slowly slip my hand under his pants,and start rubbing him through his boxers.
"Ohhh sshit!" He gasped.I continued to rub him through his boxers till he couldn't take it no more.
"Please fuck!please no teasing..." he whimpered.
"Whatever you say..." I whisper,before I take my hands and slip them under his boxers now,immediately being able to find it due to how fucking hot it is.I grab the base with no warning.
"Fuck mhmmm!" he said and bucked his hips into my hand.
I started to slowly move my hand up and down him.When I had an idea...His head thrown back,I attach my lips to his neck again as I press my thumb into his head.
"Does that feel good?" I asked,moving my thumb around his tip.
"YES IT FEELS SO FU- AGH FUCK PLEASEEE MMMMNN!!" He moaned as my other hand came down to stroke his length.
"I NEED TO- IM GONNA FUCKIN- AHHHH SSSHITTT!" He moaned out.Clawing at my thighs.
"PLEASE I NEED TO CUM SO FUCKING BAD!AGH!SHIT SHIT SHIT PLEASE!" He begged even harder once my hand gave him a gentle squeeze.
"No,I think you can hold it,can't you?" I said.
I removed my hand and threw him onto the floor.He breathed out a few times before the air got knocked out his lungs again.
"Ohhh shit oh my fucking god!" She moaned as I sat on it.
"Please...go s-slow.." he panted.
"You get what you get?" I said.
And I JUMPED on that bitch.
"AHHH SHIT FUCK IM SORRY AHH-" he said as I felt his warm release coat the inside of my walls.
I continued to jump on him despite the overstimulation,he just sounded so damn good...
"I'm sorry,do you want it to end?" I asked,slowly moving back and forth with him still in me.
"Haaaaah...y-y you can't do that!tha-thats not fair!" He cried and bucked his hips.
"That doesn't answer my question." I say as my hand runs around his body.
"I-no but please be-FUCK AHHH!" He screamed as I continued.
I wanted to hear him scream louder though...so I purposely tightened around him.
I kept being thought on him,bouncing harder.
"Please what?" I said keeping tight around him.
"You're so- I fucking love you oh my..But i th-think I'm done.please.." he begged.
"Let's just finish this round okay?" I said.
"Wait no I- FUCKKKK OHH!" He yelled out.
Soon enough I was the one cumming I tightened around him one last time.And that did it for him.he held me close and came...EVERYWHERE.
I quickly got off him and let him pass out on my bathroom floor.
"I fuckin... damn." He panted.
"Did that ease your pain?" I asked.
"Definitely.i should get in fights more often?"
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flamemons · 1 year
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
im just gonna ramble whatever comes to mind lmao. i drew some stuff too!
uuh while i find it hard to care too much about those other kids because well, I don't know much about them, it is really fun thinking about how kouichi would act if he was there from the start. I think he'd be serious, in a similar way to Kouji, bc he's there on a mission, y'know! All he remembers is following his brother around until Kouji gets some weird text message (wait,,, does kouichi have a phone? probably not, huh. poor people gang ftw...) and now hes in this fuckin place! (hes a dead soul in this au too.) I'd imagine he'd be just as driven as Kouji was, if not more so, bc he KNOWS koujis gotta be here somewhere....but instead of initially trying to avoid the other kids (koujis strategy), he'd probably stick around as soon as he realizes that theyre gonna get themselves killed if they keep acting stupid. So, instead of trying to ditch the kids or act distant, he'd nag them and rush them to stay on track, and come off as kind of a bossy stick-in-the-mud at first
Side note, its easy to think of kouji as being a lot more serious and mature compared to the rest of the frontier kids, but honestly, I have to wonder if he wouldve acted differently if ophanimon wasnt calling him all the damn time telling him that he has to find answers! hes gotta get stronger! theres something he Has To Know!!! like damn if ophanimon was that specific with the other kids they'd also probably be just as sullen. anyway, kouichi would be feeling the same kind of pressure.
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in an attempt to make it more interesting for me, chiaki and teruo are now siblings. or close cousins. or something. (what if they were fraternal twins?? that would be so funny actually. there is a statistically improbable amount of twins here!) AND bc i like chiaki the most i think she'd make a cool leader of sorts! like, the lancer to kouichi. kouichi ends up accidentally being the leader bc hes so driven, and chiakis like, a genuinely nice person who really wants to help the digital world as soon as she steps off the first trailmon onto the flame terminal. she also doesnt take shit from anyone. maybe she was a quiet wallflower-type kid at school, but, if its for another's sake, then she'll always speak up! so now, in the digital world, she cant stay quiet!
ah i love just making shit up. this is fun
so together, they make the most chillest leader/lancer duo ever. (hey, if they WERE to be the two Main Ones, wouldnt it be cool if their Susanoomon-type evolution was deep-sea themed? mix darkness and water together, and you get The Fucking Abyss. it could be bioluminescent! a cool way to turn "light into darkness!")
btw, im not drawing any spirit forms here bc I think these kids would have alternative spirit forms as opposed to the evil ones in the show. like, heroic looking ones (basically, no child deserves to have to spirit evolve into grottomon) BUT im no good at character design and that sounds like a lotta work. also, the other spirits (fairymon, chakkmon, agnimon, etc,) would need evil forms too then, right?? that sounds like a REALLY hard thing to try drawing, so nah. just imagine these kids spirit evolving and fighting offscreen. speaking of the other spirits though,
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i want chakkmon/tomoki to try pummeling the shit out of katsuharu and teppei!! karmas a bitch!! tomoki didnt get to have his character development in this AU, bc he (probably) fell off the trailmon train tracks and got Got by cherubimon!
i like the main frontier kids too much to not include them in everything i draw Ever, so imagine that maybe they all came to the digital world alone, and wandered around until they found their respective spirits (in similar circumstances to the show) but since those spirits belongto cherubimon, theyre possessed/convinced to fight on cherubimons side!! like "oh shit i have no friends and i hate my life, yea this big evil bunny has a point lets go fuck shit up". maybe some of them are fully in control of their actions, maybe some arent. maybe some of them remember that theyre human, but maybe some of them dont....?
lastly, i have to apologize bc i got completely sidetracked bc i thought "oh takuya and kouji would be very funny as team rocket-esque villains" so heres flamon and strabimon but Evil™
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i like to imagine that theyre the Most Incompetent of cherubimons Evil Guys but theyre the only two (that cherubimon knows of) that can form susanoomon so THATS why hes trying to collect all the spirits. bc of that, they DEFINITELY dont remember that theyre human. (bc of that, they also kind of dont have anything to care about, so theyre just trying to have fun)
it would be fun if they were initially kind of lame but although they may be idiots, theyre not Dumb, so they slowly become competent at the same rate as the Heroes do, and instead of a sephirothmon arc theres like.......a beowolfmon and aldamon arc??? im not a writer i dont know. watch these five kids (and counting!) get slowly hunted by two fucking Beasts in the darkest forest ever.
or maybe they do Actually manage to collect all the spirits but it goes so horribly wrong and now theres like ten goddamn kids and ten spirits mashed up in the psyche of a very unstable susanoomon and its just some fucked up Twisted psychological nightmare. digimon evangelion.
basically in this AU, there is even MORE wild tone shifts and the plot goes Absolutely Fucking Bonkers. and takuya's cosplaying Jotaro Kujo for some fucking unknown reason.
thank you for asking! this was....probably not what you were going for, but c'est la vie
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atticcreationz · 6 months
1,2,7 and 10 !
Thanks for the ask! <3 We are quickly going to learn that I have trouble picking favourites ahahah
1) Favourite song is either High School is Killing Me or Cool As I Think I Am! I could gush for a long time about how gorgeous they both are. NPMD actually takes the cake for my favourite music in the Hatchetfield trilogy - least skips, most bops! (Hatchetfield, compared to other Starkid musicals, doesn't always have music I like to listen to outside of watching the musical itself)
2) Jesus don't make me choose between my children...! Starkid are really so damn good at having a tight group of main characters. Hmmmmm the many years of starkid nostalgia means I always love a Joey protagonist so damn much, but you know what, I thought Richie was so great, I think he wins by a hairs breadth. He opened the musical beautifully, I was a little weeb at his age and hung out with a lot of kids like him so his dialogue was fuckin hilarious and hit me where I live, I had a lot of FeelingsTM, and he ended act 1 beautifully too.
7) Dirty Girl! Loved it in the musical (Angela's performance is just amazing, as was Will's) but used to skip it on the album coz it just wasn't really my genre of music. I think it's coz the opening verse doesn't really hit for me. But everything from that Grace verse onwards got me in the end.
10) I'm such a basic bitch and l tend to love the canon ships (Lautski are so damn cute, and Holy Ghost are insane for each other /pos), so I'm reading this question as what NON canon ships do I like! I love Trevor and Rudolph, but also I wanna see Ruth (my sweet baby bisexual) have a happy flirty moment. Is anyone shipping Ruth with Brooke?? I don't think they'd be together long, but I think they'd have some adventures (or y'know, Brooke setting fire to shit and Ruth too flustered to stop her) before they went their separate ways. Or maybe Ruth and Caitlyn would be cute, a short theatre kid romance while they work on a show together!
Link to the NPMD ask game post for anyone who wants to see the list of Qs or who wants to join the fun! https://www.tumblr.com/atticcreationz/736158319964733440
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fresiants · 1 year
y'know when you read something ages ago and didn't think of it for many years, then try to get into that thing again - hp, only severus and remus related stuff tbh - and you find out the fandom is even more idiotic than you remember, by "fandom" meaning the marauders fans?
your last post made me remember how i'm still in shock people have this newfound fascination with regulus, invent crazy narratives where they basically give him severus' entire character's story, some even go as far as to disappear severus' from their aus, all in favor of giving regulus the space severus had as an spy, AND TEACHER EVEN! i just don't get it. instead of analyzing severus' character to try and understand even the things they don't like about him, they create a whole personality for a character with no real scenes in the stories, while trying to paint him as holy perfect, like he wasn't a black and sirius' kid brother; he wasn't going to be mr. kindness and perfection, no one in that sick family was.
i just? don't understand this wave of hp fans, if the source material is too much to work with, with what it has to offer, then maybe read another book series, a more sugar coated teenage book series? idk. i hate r*wling. i understand being apprehensive of the canon, but i don't like nothing they come up with. it's all the same corny shit but they paint everyone as goodie two shoes and completely ignore their wrongs, minus' severus'. severus can't be forgiven for his mistakes even though he was a child as well when he made them. i feel like the hp fanbase went even more to shit 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yep, and whenever we call them out, 90% of the them they would reply with : Fuck the canon. Which is funny cuz they refuse to stop dogshitting on canon!Severus. I found a character poll on twitter few weeks ago and I can't believe so many marauder fans were shocked that Severus is more popular than Barty and Rosier. Bitch, they were irrelevant 99% of the time of the whole series.
Someone even asked them : Why would Rosier and Barty be more popular than Severus when they were barely there in the book? And they replied : Because they're hot.
Yup. They will fake anyone's whole personality and backgrounds as long as they're 'hot'. And they're not even hot, FANCAST DOESN'T COUNT. They don't give a fuck if someone was a death eater, they never did. (they use this excuse a lot to hate on Severus) God forbid ugly people exist. Marauder fans give me high school mean girl vibe.
Invent crazy narratives where they basically give him Severus entire character's story
Their inability to be creative is so funny to me. Bitches really had to yank Severus' whole storyline and slap it on their favs to make them interesting. Why in the world would Regulus Black work as a spy and teacher in hogwarts? Why would he ask Dumbledore for help? Who is he trying to protect? Kreacher? "Hide Kreacher, I'll do anything" "Kreacher? After all this time?" "Always" lmaooooo.
While trying to paint him as holy perfect, like he wasn't a black and Sirius' kid brother.
They choose to ignore the fact that Regulus Black gave 0 fuck about Muggleborns getting tortured and killed. The only reason he changed sides was because Voldemort tried to hurt Kreacher, someone he genuinely cared about. Sounds a bit familiar to you? Yep, he got the same reasoning as Severus. But one got unnecessary hate while the other was glorified. Ironic.
They paint everyone as goodie two shoes and completely ignore their wrongs, minus Severus.
I've seen too many marauder fans defending the sexual assault during SWM. At this point, they're not even trying to 'ignore' their wrongdoings, it is the opposite actually. They're literally enabling bullying and sa which is hella disgusting.
And you're right, op. The fandom is getting shittier and shittier each day. This is why I refuse to interact with anyone outside of Snapedom.
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devondespresso · 8 months
WIP WhhhMonday Nightish
Once upon a time Devon was tagged in a wip wednesday by @eriquin and meant to do it but missed both wednesday and the weekend before remembering again. totally unrelated, Devon is working on getting their official adhd diagnosis.
i also noticed that the past snippets shared in wip-whatever posts have been purposefully the least interesting parts because i was worried about spoilers, which is dumb because that's created the unintended consequence of my tag is full of everything i don't like as much and a very different impression of what my fic is (as seen by most of these snippets being my rewritten scenes despite the actual fic being mostly new in-between scenes)
TLDR: WIP Whatever-day-it-is: But Actually For Fun This Time
The Rules
Post the file names of up to 5 of your WIPs for people to send you asks
Post a snippet of one of those WIPs
When people send you an ask with the name of one of your WIPs, write 3 lines of that WIP.
(Optional) Post the lines you wrote.
You can send multiple requests especially since this is going on through the weekend!
The WIPs
we're doing bulleted chapter titles to share from since that was my favorite and genuinely most productive format I've used. Feel free to ask for as many as you want, I plan on working on this basically all week
Karen Wheeler POV Bonus Chapter (Prologue kinda? side story in the same universe?? Bonus chapter set after season 1 and way before ch 1)
Steve, are you okay? Are you okay, Steve? (ch 9)
What's this? The consequences of my actions? (Is that a motherfucking Lovejoy reference?) (ch 10)
Kidnapping? no. surprise adoption. (lol get taken care of BITCH) (ch 11)
NEXT CHAPTER BC IDK HOW TO TRANSITION (ch 12) (a very tentative title for the next chapter to be written)
The Snippet
here is my favorite and most recent scene I've written, which takes place before they junkyard where Steve and Dustin are at the grocery store to get that ungodly amount of raw meat they have to toss around (also i've split chapters up a bit in the name of structure so the third chapter is now called "Mommy Issues Central". Lemme know any goofy vine reference ideas you guys have or if it should stay like that) (fear not, Get Yo Fucking Dog Bitch lives on still as chapter 4)
They turned down the next aisle, lining the edges of the cart with some other pasta-related shit that he could still probably use. They heard someone coming over from the next aisle and before he could turn the cart around Mrs Wheeler pulled up.
"Oh, Steve ...and Dustin. What're you boys up to?"
He took a short breath to work their story into something without Mike, but Dustin beat him to it.
"He's teaching me stuff." 
He was imitating the tone Steve used but still way too vague. Mrs Wheeler held up a smile, her brows slightly lifted.
"Y'know, like cooking-" Steve said, throwing in a little gesture to the cart.
"And cars, changing oil and things. Y'know just.. dad stuff."
Dustin's part convinced her, Mrs Wheeler's expression softening into a real smile.
"Well I won't keep you long," 
She nodded off to the side to talk to Steve one-on-one.
“Are you and Nancy okay?”
“Wh- we’re- Why? Did she say something?”
“No, no, she’s just been… closed off, lately. And I drove her to school the other day, she didn’t say why.”
“Sh- yeah, that- that’s on me. Sorry.”
“Did you break up?”
“No no, definitely not. We’re kinda… we’re working on it. I’m going to try and make it better, after y’know..” he gestured to Dustin behind him.
“Right.” she smiled again, “Let Nancy know she can talk to me about any of this? Please? I tell her but- I don't know, maybe it’d be different coming from you.”
He held up a smile for her.
“Yeah, sure. Mind if we..” he jutted a thumb towards the end of the aisle.
“Yes, go ahead.”
He gave her a short wave and turned back to Dustin, who studied random shit in the aisle like Steve would believe his sudden fascination with olive oil outweighed childish curiosity.
He turned back around, seeing Mrs Wheeler coming back up to him and whispering again.
“I know I’m not your mother, but you can talk to me, too. Both of you, okay?”
He kept the smile in place and nodded again, and she finally went back to her cart.
Dustin “Definitely-Not-Eavesdropping” Henderson followed him out of the aisle, thankfully waiting until they were out of earshot to ask.
“What's going on with you and Nancy?”
“Thought we had ‘much bigger problems than my love life’?”
He pulled up to the deli, stopping to pretend to look at the options.
“We’re not dropping everything for it but we can still talk.” he groaned.
“I’ll tell you later, kay? Not exactly the best place to talk.''
@stobinesque @spoookysix @marvel-ous-m @alexcharmsyou @museumgiftshoperaser @blushweddinggowns @sharpbutsoft @fag4dykestobin @findafight (no pressure ofc and feel free to switch it to actually wednesday fhuhjdklashj) (also just let me know if you don't wanna be tagged in these)
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
⚠️ Absolutely not fanfiction-related, this is just some rant bc spilling my unstable emotional thoughts here is so much cheaper than therapy :DD
If you're not interested it's 100% normal, keep scrolling and have a lovely day, take care of yourself ❤️
I'm gonna rant because frankly I need to, so there's the thing:
My best friend, whom I know since high school, had moved in Korea around 10 months ago to spent vacation and a break (she didn't like her job so much). I was (and still am) super happy it, I love seeing her so happy and hearing about how excited she is!
Meanwhile, I was in the last year of my master degree, a rather complicated year, then 4 months in unpaid internship (well I was paid but barely enough to cover the transport expenses to go from home to the internship). In the same time my best friend had the time of her life, going to concerts, parties, getting a bf and having fun; still, she complained about a lot of things to me, as I was spending the 3 last months of the internship being bored as fuck, given no work was given to me. Note that internship is a super important part of my studies, because it's how I learn about my future job; so you can imagine how frustrating it was to spend 4h a day in transports to just sit and do nothing but occasionally tidy and stock past exhibitions' flyers.
Plus I've been dealing with depression for a long time and I had a pretty bad setback since May (and guess what: here we go again). In the meantime, who was having a super good time yet managed to still complain about it? The bestie.
There's a thing you need to understand: I come from a divorced parents family, and for the time being I'm living with my mom because things with my dad (and my brother living with him) can be very complicated sometimes. My mom's a social worker and money has always been tight. I always did the best to try to bring some money to alleviate the financial aspect of our lives, mainly by working every summer since I'm legally able to - even if the salary wasn't much. On the other hand, my best friend grew up as an only child (I have 2 brothers), with her dad having a comfortable situation and her mom also working. She had always been one complaining about money; I never said anything, but I found it pretty selfish from her, considering that she got a salary while living with her parents — so paying no rent or groceries, while I was living in my 1 room student apartment and struggling to meet both ends every months.
I graduated in October and ever since I'm in active job hunting; no success so far, one of the museums even turned down my candidacy after saying they'd hire me. I got a random job in retail in December to make some very much needed income; but I quitted after 2 weeks because my boss was a condescending cold bitch who put so much pressure on me about perfection and money to make - she knew I had never worked in retail or in cosmetic field - and I've ended some shifts in tears so I said fuck that I quit.
Now, still no response to the job offers I've answered to. All of my friends have either a job, pursuing their studies, having a purpose. And now my best friend told me super excited that she met someone - possibly new boyfriend hopefully! - and told me something along the lines of 'y'know it's great to feel finally loved and doing happy, right?'
And I was like girl. I live the fucking blankest life ever, I have no goal, no purpose, no social life. I'm constantly living with the gut wrenching feeling that I'm being a financial and emotional burden to my mom, thinking I'm a fucking parasite because I'm not use to literally anyone in society. The only people who had ever been attracted to me was the guys who assaulted me in the street. I'm spiraling down every day because I'm useless, sad, and use to no one. I have graduated with the highest honors yet nobody wants to hire me, not even in random jobs to sustain my basic needs like groceries. And you're complaining to me??
Wth, you never asked me how I was doing since you left, that's okay, but you're expecting me to sob with you because there's a minor - yet legit - inconvenience in your life?
I'm absolutely convinced that I'm no use (I legit am, let's be honest), not even an enjoyable person. People around me don't need me to carry on with their lives (which is rather reassuring honestly lmao), and yet, yet my best friend who's in vacation in her dream country for 10 months is complaining about it.
I know I shouldn't feel annoyed by that; no matter her situation she can have unpleasant feelings, and I'm always here to support her. What she feels is legit, I'm not one to judge.
And well, being without purpose — and being able to get a non-job related one, because I'm in on constant wait of museums maybe answering me, so I can't make any long-range projects — I'm just too fucking emotionally tired to have sympathy for her. It sucks and I'm probably a terrible person for that but, how am I supposed to find the sympathy right now? I'm not even able to be optimistic about my own next day.
But honestly? Fuck that, I'm way to depressed and useless to care right now, and I'm just angry at everything.
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ru5t · 3 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier !
♡ NAME: Hannah
♡ PRONOUNS: she/her
♡  AGE: 25+
♡ I moderate a(n overw.atch) twitch channel/community! It's good fun and very dear to me but also sooooo so frustrating, sometimes.
♡ When I was little I was convinced I was going to grow up to become a veterinarian. I do not think the level of schooling or the uhhhhh amount of strong stomach it takes is actually for me.
♡ I strongly suspect I have an anxiety disorder and ADHD(? or a similar symptom set) but have no official diagnoses. At any rate, executive dysfunction you bitch.
♡   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I have been on tumblr since 2011 but I've been storytelling/rping basically since like. ... You know how most kids act out their imaginative play? I did a looooooooottttt of "explaining" (/narrating, whatever you want to call it) and very little physical playing-things-out. Yes, I know what that is a common early indicator of. I'm unpacking that one shhhhh.
♡   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: uhhhh paper (as in i'd pass a notebook back and forth with school friends), IMVU, dA, various dms, twitter, forums, tumblr, a chatroom i forgot the name of we'd use for tumblr 'events', discord, wire
♡   BEST EXPERIENCE: Actually just the experience of rp in general. I have learned a lot through writing and the people who gave me grace in the process of it.
♡   MASCULINE OR FEMININE: I don't think I have a preference, per se? But I do seem to gravitate toward guy canons, whereas my OC roster tends to be waaaay more fluid and diverse, but I don't think there's any particular reason for this? Just the pattern of characters who appeal to me tend to be dudes in popular media, I guess? I did almost write Liz from Hellb.oy and Nomi from Sens.e8, in addition to the other canon ladies I have on the multi+Kiri's blog.
♡  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I actually kind of like. what I will call exploring? You put two characters in a box. Sometimes you shake it, or put a blanket in there, but mostly you just.... see what happens. Also tho I'm the fluff queen ♥ Good angst/whump has to come from somewhere and go somewhere else, I don't like to force it or just throw it around without reason or consequence, if that makes sense? And I like smut in theory but I don't have a lot of practice and my comfort level is a verrry narrow ledge I'm working on building up better, because genuinely it seems fun and interesting.
♡   PLOTS OR MEMES: I enjoy a little bit of bg plotting but also sometimes just really want to completely wing it and feel out the chemistry before committing to anything. Once we have a ground floor I like to build (and spiral)!!! I struggle with doing a bunch of memes when there's no floor to stand on, it starts to get really challenging in an un-fun way, and I feel like it's repetitive and uninteresting to write and to read. If a dynamic never has footing it can never evolve, y'know? Gotta give me something, something has to stick at some point.
♡   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: No preference! Even when I start out 'short' I find I often end up unspooling into longer stuff but it doesn't have to I'm just wordy. I don't care if I consistently get shorter stuff back, as long as it suits the like. Yes, and. of it all. As long as there's something to work forward from I'm chillin!
♡   BEST TIME TO WRITE: I don't have a conscious preference but I do seem to have more success in early morning hours. No idea what that's about.
♡ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Sometimes. A lot of them get teeny tiny bits and pieces of my views or opinions. I have never felt more Seen by a show than when Luke Pat.terson ghost-apparitioned into my life, even if his One Thing is not my One Thing, but we don't have to unpack that. Me 'n Henry have some childhood traumas in common (except he lives in a fairytale where he gets a thing I don't get) but I don't know that he's particularly like me. Maddy did super duper on a technicality start out as a form of self insert, but it's complicated because also super duper on a technicality so did her mom (who actually existed first! which is rare. Normally I build center-out but this time it was a generation back and Tech just sort of happened, which was crazy and fun), and they both really migrated away from that sooo quickly that it's weird to me to think that was ever even technically true. In the long run Maddy got more of 'me' than Mayhem ever did but it has always been in a hyperbolic and/or metaphorical way. She's definitely grown with me, which has been an Experience and a half. All of them, by virtue of being written by me, are subject to my sense of humor in the narrative parts of the writing, whether they would think it's funny or not.
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thyhalloweddesign · 1 year
So I've been doing a Medical Billing/Coding course thru the AAPC, and it has been. A Mess. This is one of the worst designed and planned "textbooks" I've ever seen, taking notes is an absolute Bitch. Studying for exams is a Bitch.
They keep going back to topics and adding more info, in later paragraphs and even whole chapters later, so my notes are just so messy. Never know when they're actually done with a topic, they can't organise for shit. I know I'm already going to have to basically rewrite the damn thing so the damn topics are all together properly AND THEN. These fuckers decided it was Smart to test you on information that's located on Other websites that are Not owned by the AAPC. Which means if the page is no longer there, or the info changes, well fuck us! Then they have to update their textbook, once they realise. Do you know how many times I've read something, taken notes down, then gone back to study and the entire chapter is different??? THREE TIMES, FOUR CHAPTERS SO FAR. Fuck.
Latest biggest stressor with this damn thing, is that the CPT codes are. *takes very slow deep breath* That book is Not organised. I understand /why/, but I do Not Fucking Approve. Finding ICD-10 codes can be tricky bc they're just bitches inherently, but finding Any CPT code in that book is a goddamn adventure. And yet! I ace those exams way better than the ICD-10 exams despite the Massive amounts of stress I am feeling XDDD Absolutely rude as fuck.
BTW going thru schooling for Coding is not required to do the job, which is why everyone's medical bills are so fucked up all the time - this system is a mess, considering just how many people and groups that work together to try and make a "uniform coding system" (y'know. not talking about how we need at least 3 code systems and every payer has their own requirements/regulations, on top of the state and federal regulations). But most people who do medical coding don't go thru classes and so so so many things are done hella wrong. And going thru this course, it makes so much sense Why it's such a mess Even When You Have Certification.
I am so glad I'm going into a single specialty bc trying to do billing/coding for any and all medical services would drive me batshit. I'd be constantly contacting the providers for clarification on their lackluster documentation so I'm not getting denials and messed up payments all the damn time. (This latest chapter has been dragging on for 4 days now, I am Very Grumpy*wheeeeeze*)
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Being a writer can be so hard sometimes. I really really like writing the fics I write, but I struggle SO MUCH with pacing. I think in some of my longer fics it's less of a struggle, but it's definitely obvious sometimes. There's this one fic I've been writing since November, which feels like such a long time ago now. I've had this whole series in mind and it's going to be amazing, but I've lost the motivation to work on ANY of it. Working on other things has helped, I wrote a whole fic in 2 days and I've been slowly posting it and it's been a really nice change of pace, and I think I'll write a little prequel and sequel to it eventually. I haven't lost interest in that fic I've been writing for months now, but keeping up with actually wanting to write it has been such an issue. I think many writers can agree that burnout is a bitch. I'm glad people have liked it so much, though. It's nice! There's this one person who comments on every chapter without fail (sometimes a couple weeks after it's been posted) and it always makes me smile. People like that one person really help keep me going, even if I'm taking a little break from continuing to write it. Someone also needs to repeatedly remind me to like. Do one of those plot writing things they give you in grade school. Bare basics shit, y'know? Sometimes I forget, get super into writing a fic, and then have absolutely no idea where to go with it because I forgot to actually fully write the plot out. That's my bad. A dumb move, if you will. The good news is that it's all for fun, and despite how much I love the positive comments, I don't always need them to keep writing for fun! It's all about having fun <3 That's a big long ramble. Whoops haha.
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
oh My GOOOOODDDDD tghank you LarsxSadie anon for bringing that up, and davekat-sucks for posting it!!! Seeriously, wtf was that decision for? I can't properly explain to the people who weren't in those fucking trenches, just how LONG they strung that relationship around... Like holy shit dude, waiting during a one/two year long hiatus, only to be greeted by Townie garbage, after an intense story episode... UGH.
You sink all that time and energy into the relationship drama, when you COULD have used it for more gem lore-- something a majority of the fans found faaar more interesting-- and you just...fucking. DO IT ALL OFF SCREEN. AFTER WASTING ALL OUR COLLECTIVE TIME ON BULLSHIT. "it was pwivate steven... :'''c" BITCH. R U FORREAL????
They didn't wanna show a therapy montage for Steven's trauma either, because that was ALSO """"""private""""" BUT! His entire mental breakdown, arguably one of his lowest, most emotionally fragile moments... "Oh, that's kosher babey~ Greenlight that shit! 🤪👍"
Now don't get me wrong, I liked SU: Future a lot! I appreciate that Steven got to have morally grey characterization, and that his traumas were explored! I just don't like how they claimed some things should be private, then immediately go back on their word for something else. The writers and artists could've done something about it, they just weren't interested in exploring it. Be forthright with your intentions, and don't give me the privacy excuse. Like, it's called a show for a reason, so S-H-O-W, y'know? :\
I don't mind certain townie episodes if it can also have more themes like with Peedee of having job since he is growing up or cool kids helping him relax away from Gem stuff. Hell, let Steven also ATTEND SCHOOL with Connie to help him connect more with his human side. I think that's the problem. Sure Steven gets time to do things like go to amusement park and eat, but it makes us question more that once he leaves for good, it's a mystery on how he will survive in the real world. He has no high school degree, not attending college, and is basically out on his own. Hell, we don't know about the state of the outside world that's not Beach City to assume if he will be okay or not after all the shit happened. We go to a new city and see assholes in the highways, but it's not enough to assure us that Steven will be fine as a wanderer that when other strangers go see him, will they give him open arms or hesitant that this hobo is just driving out forever. Part of the blame is on Cartoon Network's side for cutting them short. But I also blame the writers for not not showing enough and just give vague explanations of what happened. If they want people to fill in the blanks of what happens, fine. But the execution of future timeskip feels like rushed. If they are gonna explain in submaterials like art books or spin-offs, that isn't gonna cut it. I'm on the belief that what it is said on the canon material is there. Don't say added information from things like side streams or interviews if you didn't have the balls to say it in your actual work that people watch/read. Everybody is pulling a JK Rowling these days that it's not even funny.
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personal, potentially triggering, post below the cut, needed to vent
you know how I bitch about how sections are like six months in my country? but idk if I've also mentioned that, because you have food and shelter, benefits will be cut or even ended. which at first might seem reasonable to you, until you remember what happens if you can't pay rent for six months. especially as you're physically locked somewhere and thus unable to work. like, I will note that they can't throw you onto the street afterwards, they'd have to help you get a place to live (which they could circumvent by putting you in a hotel iirc, so idek). last time I didn't have my own place, but I'd just been kicked out of my home, so I applied for benefits and couldn't claim full backpay to when I was kicked out because I was fed/sheltered (well, on paper anyway) during those months. I don't know exactly if, and if so how, they'd calculate stuff for a flat full of possessions that would be lost if I wasn't paid - not that it matters, my landlord would kick me out (they already schedule appointments when they know I'm on holiday or at the doctors or whatever, and threats if I miss them). and, if that happened to me, I'd lose everything, I have no family to take my belongings, and you're not allowed savings on benefits. when people say "we think you should go to a safe place until you feel better", or so forth, they don't understand that it isn't safe on any level - from rampant abuse/neglect, to derailing your entire fucking life. outpatient care and actual help here sucks, wait times, shit therapists, bigotry, etc. but then there's this fucked up saviour complex people have when they hear you're feeling... like, a certain way, where they call for "help" and treat you begging them not to as you just not wanting to help yourself - they do more harm than good in the process, but they feel good about themselves. so after this kind of thing happening to you, and/or after various other events that kill your trust in people, and if your situation is one of those where cliché lines like "it gets better" simply don't apply and you've started to get irritated by them, and when all of your friends are too wrapped up in their own lives and problems and prejudices and vulnerabilities to really be there for you... and so on, it becomes easier and safer to just keep everything locked up inside, y'know? and why does anybody think it'd help? in my experience, places will even fail to do the selling point (that's still up for debate, in terms of both ethics and efficacy) of keeping you away from things you can kermit unalive with - from smuggled in things, to surprisingly easy access to steal knives, scissors, the smoker lighter, shoelaces, etc, if you plan for ten seconds. do you remember how in school there was more chewing gum everywhere than basically anywhere else you've ever been since, all because chewing gum was banned? it's like that... but flavoured worse. I guess there's a lot of reasons that I can't and/or won't talk to people about feeling this certain way, and this post couldn't and doesn't bemoan even half of them. but this is notable because nobody wants to even admit that the saviour shit and the way the system is structured does more harm than good. I just want comfort, the old misery loves company, but without all of the risks and tiresome repeating of "it won't get better and- no, I'm not being a pessimist, I just know my situation more- stop getting offended that your hollow gesture wasn't appreciated" and so on. and I'm just tired of shouldering everyone else's troubles then they disappear or get angry or make things worse when I need anything more than a cup of tea and a catchphrase. sorry to yell at clouds, it just bewilders me you can be tortured for the first seven years of a shitty life, you can end up homeless multiple times and just falling to pieces, and the system still goes "well, good luck out there bro".
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marshmallowloves · 2 years
Zelda OC #2 - Ixchel + Seracia
>> (list of posts for other OCs)
(just a forewarning - even with the read more, this one is gonna be lengthy 😂)
After being introduced more to the Zelda series by my friend, I excitedly went home and attempted to play through the few games that I owned. I got the farthest in Oracle of Seasons - or at least that's the one I played the most. I can't really remember. But, eventually I moved and was forced to change schools, so I kind of fell out of the hype that my friend instilled in me, and I didn't really touch the games for a long while.
Fast forward to… somewhere around 8th grade, when I was around 13. I couldn't pinpoint the year because to be perfectly honest, most of late middle school to early high school is a complete blank in my memory. Anyway, my mom bought me Twilight Princess for the Wii (I know, I know, put down your pitchforks, none of the local stores even sold the GC version at the time - and we weren't about to pay extra to get it shipped to our broke asses) ...and instantly, I was enamored. Now that I was older, I felt I could actually appreciate the games for their content instead of just going "oh haha hee hee, I am playing the Zelda game! I am into the Zeldas!"
I don't even think I finished the game in its entirety before I chugged out an OC, specifically for Twilight Princess. And this time I was determined to make an OC that would put the cardboard-cutout of Saria Kamia to shame. With the OC Remix "Ancient Hero" playing on repeat on my orange iPod Nano, I scurried over to a now-defunct dollmaker on DeviantArt (thanks, adobe) for ideas, and out came Ixchel and Seracia.
Unfortunately, I do not have the original screenshot from said dollmaker. I do, however, have an old notebook drawing of the first Ixchel (pronounced "EESH-tuh-shell") - she went through a major redesign, but we'll get to that.
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(with my real name oh so hastily blurred out kjdhfg)
Ixchel was a name that I found while on Behind the Name - I don't remember what criteria I was searching for, but Ixchel was the name of a Mayan goddess and it supposedly means "rainbow lady." And I do love me some rainbows and names with unusual letters in them! So I wrote it down, butchered the real pronunciation, slapped it on my OC and called it a day.
Ixchel was, for all intents and purposes, a normal Hylian girl (yes I know the "race" part is blank, I know she's a Hylian though dkfjdf). Sure, I slapped on the heterochromia because I needed to make sure she wasn't too plain, but because I was so obsessed with avoiding the Mary Sue clichés, I made it a point to keep her as "regular ol' person" as possible... Well, except for the fact that I later gave her a choker that could literally paralyze people if they made eye contact with her during a very specific phase of the moon. Y'know, normal Hylian girl stuff.
I finally shipped her with Link - because what self-respecting, basic-bitch Zelda fangirl didn't want to jump into Twilight's pants after seeing the first sumo wrestling cutscene? There was no substance, though. I don't remember giving her any distinct personality, nor was there any story as to how they met - I only had daydreams and maybe one or two doodles in which she thinks about him in a romantic context but doesn't say anything. This was at a weird point in time where I kind of knew what self-shipping was, but not by name, and was coming to terms with the fact that I had a crush on a fictional character while being a whole-ass teenager, and not being 9-10 years old and innocently thinking Ash Ketchum was cute - so I think I danced around the ship with Link out of embarrassment, but it was so long ago that I can't be too sure.
Anyway, thanks to this image, I was able to redraw her several years later, looking much nicer and probably much closer to how I intended for her to look. (and here's an extremely rare occurrence - this drawing has a date on it! May 17th, 2016.)
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However, this is the last we see of this version of Ixchel. After a while, I decided that she was rather basic - actually more of an "anti-sue," really - and should fit a bit more into the Zelda universe, rather than just be some normal chick with pointed ears. So I did what any loving creator would do - ditched her on the side of the road, appearance and personality and all, and created a whole separate OC with the same name.
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The new and improved Ixchel was, in retrospect, hit-and-miss. This time around, my Zelda OC actually had a personality! She was a plucky young adventurer who loved exploring and testing her mettle through battle. She had a very casual attitude, and her thrill-seeking ways sometimes got her in over her head, but she was kind at heart and wouldn't hesitate to help someone who needed it. Her design wasn't bad either, I think - the cargo shorts are admittedly a bit modern, but she definitely looks like a fantasy adventurer, which is what Zelda games are supposed to be like. So this was the "hit" part!
The "miss" part comes in the fact that she once again has a fairy - wait a minute, that's the bitch from the last post!! No, wait, this one is orange, and her name is spelled differently… Those things might have changed, but hoo boy, Seracia (shortened to Sera) did not change her bitchy ways. Still snarky, still sassy, and still insufferable, to the point where Ixchel would regularly put her in glass time-out just to get her to cut the sass - and that still didn't work.
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Not only that, but Ixchel also had a pet wolf named Olive. Whether it was because I was in the throes of my teenage years and wolves were cool and edgy, or because I was just that in love with Wolf Link's whole schtick, I wanted a piece of that action too, so I gave Ixchel a rideable wolf that I never drew because to this day I cannot draw animals to save my life. Nevermind that apparently in TP (which Ixchel was made for) everyone in Hyrule shits themselves at the sight of an oversized puppy - Ixchel could literally waltz into Castle town on the back of her giant danger dog and nobody would bat an eye. In fact, that was the opening scene to a story I began writing with another friend at the time - but discussing that story at length would require its own post.
Ixchel's weapons were interesting as well. The idea for them came from (hilariously) Jenna's Phoenix Circles in the infamous Zelda badfic My Inner Life - which themselves are vaguely based on real-life chakram. Here, I called them "Dream Rings" and then later renamed them to "Razorings." They had retractable blades and could be carried on Ixchel's shoulder when not in use.
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And lastly, a part that is both hit and miss - I shipped her with Twilight Link as well. At first it was admittedly self-indulgent - there's a picture of them smooching somewhere in my folders. However, I later decided to change it so that Ixchel's love was unrequited. Whether I was, again, embarrassed to crush on a fictional boy at that age or if I was just pants-shittingly afraid of falling into the "loves Link" cliché that many Mary Sues did, at the end of it all, Link fuckin' friendzones her and honestly, that's actually great. It's about time Link successfully escaped the thirsty fangirl.
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So this happened forever ago but I still think about it.
I was in a Discord with two friends, right, call 'em Caitlyn and Emily, and it was like, all three of us were very different people but we all had some things in common which is why we had a group chat. One day Cait, Emily, and I are talking about what we'd do in the apocalypse and we go off on what we'd do if we all were together in the same house in this theoretical post-apocalypse; we're all talking about gardening, hunting, what medical care and cooking knowledge the three of us collectively have, y'know, living off the grid type shit.
Then Cait and I start talking about how we'd defend the house and how we'd take turns keeping watch overnight since we're both night owls, and where we'd get weapons and what kind of traps we'd set up for intruders and shit like that, and Emily is SHOCKED. She's literally so taken aback by the idea of defending our shit and she's like "nooo we don't have to, if they're hungry we can feed them and they can stay with us and everyone can be friends (: "
and Caitlyn and I are like, "...??? bitch what planet are you from" (but nicely since we were all friends) and the conversation shifts, and as it turns out, while Caitlyn and I both grew up in bad neighborhoods and went to bad school districts and have been involved in violence/seen desperation up-close, Emily grew up in a nice suburb and went to a nice school and all the shit Cait and I know is still basically a hypothetical in Emily's world.
It didn't go anywhere after that, but I still think about that conversation to this day. I'm sure there are broader implications that can be drawn from that chat but I just don't want to get into it right this second. I just had to post about it.
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