#[blushes when she sees erza]
mirandabarma · 1 month
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Pov: some guy's waifu is gay coded
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lymmielove · 6 months
fairy tail headcanons bc why not
Natsu has the neatest handwriting out of the kids the grew up in Fairy Tail (Gray, Erza, Cana, Levy, etc..), Erza has the worst one.
Romeo's last name is actually Rose. His Dad and His Mom divorced, and he chose to have his Mom's last name since she raised him better anyways. So, his full name's Romeo Rose. Wendy told him his name was pretty. He blushed with pink fire coming out of his nose
Speaking of Romeo and Wendy, they're besties. They be gossiping about guild drama behind all they backs. Wendy knows about shit she shouldn't because Romeo was both literally and figuratively born in the guild
Lucy has Aquarius. Yukino has Scorpio. The two wizards are straight pen pals bc of it
Loke and Aries are dating. Ophiuchus was the only Zodiac to know.
Rogue cannot handle alcohol. He drinks mocktails
When the Barbie Movie came out, The kids who grew up in Fairy Tail dressed up in extravagant pink. Gajeel, Lucy, and Juvia went to go see Oppenheimer.
Romeo, Wendy, and Sherria are the friends you wouldnt expect to be friends
During when the gang was gone for seven years, Romeo got all of their clothes from when they were kids. He keeps them in his room. The gang knows, but doesn't comment on it seeing as they practically raised the kid.
Romeo's mom is a member of Quatro Cerberus. She was banished from Magnolia on something she didn't commit. After The GMG, she was allowed back. The Fairy Kid gang calls her "Auntie Enno"
Levy is the most "like that" out of the Fairy Kids. She has a glock and everything. When she was younger she always wanted the smoke.
Freed is the most "like that" out of the Thunder Legion. The Wizard Saints fear him. The Council fears him. Laxus loves him.
Bickslow's babies have deemed Lisanna as they mama. Bickslow doesn't mind.
Lisanna came back to the guild and immediately turned bi. Too many hot ladies and pretty men.
Yukino's first kiss was Minerva when they were like 12. Yukino didn't know it was Minerva until she met her in Sabertooth.
Minerva, Sting, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, and Yukino all had a plan to try and off Jiemma. Sting just snapped enough to get him early.
Yukino actually constantly compares herself to Lucy a lot. Yukino's dream was to get all 13 zodiac keys, but Lucy has them, so she backed off. She came very close to breaking all her contracts even after when she had her convo with Lucy. Her and Ophiuchus had a very heartfelt convo afterwards.
All dragons have a "dragon thing." Wendy can stop storms in their tracks several countries away. Gajeel's a human metal detector and magnet. Sting's a human glowstick. Rogue can bend rooms to his will if they're pitch black. Natsu has the highest spice tolerance in all of Earthland, AND he sheds scales regularly that can be mini-bombs if used correctly.
All dragon slayers (THAT HAD DRAGON PARENTS) are 85% dragon and 15% human. I didn't make the rules. They all have tails and horns and visible scales.
Dragon Slayers have a hoard network where they share treasures (i'll elaborate on this later)
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thesimpirediaries · 1 month
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane? Thank you!
✍️: eeeeek the Fairy Tail girlies! *squeals* I love them all so much! Thank you so much for this request nonnie!
⚠️: gn!reader (reader is however you imagine them), relationship headcanons, subtle suggestiveness, headcanon format
word count: 1.08k
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 protective girlfriend, through and through. You can hold your own, and she knows that; but she will still be very protective of you — physically, mentally, and emotionally.
🌀 you can talk to her about literally anything. She is one of the best listeners in the world. She won’t necessarily speak; she will wait until you’re done talking, and then she always knows just what to say.
🌀 she’s the type of girlfriend who’s effortlessly pretty – no matter what she’s wearing.
🌀 although she isn’t upfront or obvious about it, she loves going out on dates. Candle lit dinners, fancy restaurants, the chance to dress up — she’s still a woman at heart, and she loves romance. Woo her, just do it.
🌀 she can be awkward at times, too. Especially when it comes to intimacy. She’s not accustomed to it, so at first, you’ll have to take it slow with her. Kisses on the cheek and handholding will be about as far as you get at first. But, once she’s more comfortable, expect to be smothered with embraces — particularly in private. She’s not the biggest fan of PDA.
🌀 her kisses are especially soft. She kisses you as if you’re the most delicate, fragile, otherworldly entity on the planet. It’s not that she truly believes you’re fragile — she just adores you so much that she can’t help but be soft with you.
🌀 cake sample dates. Cake sample dates. Cake sample dates.
🌀 depending on how she’s feeling, she can be the big spoon or the little spoon. If she’s feeling vulnerable, or sad, or otherwise negative, she likes the feeling of your arms around her. She feels safe, protected and loved that way. But, if the roles are reversed, she’ll hold you in her arms until everything simply melts away and it’s just the two of you.
🌀 loves with her whole heart, body and soul. Rest assured, if you’re with Erza, you’ll never feel any inkling of doubt as to if she loves you or not.
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 bakes for you. All the time.
🌀 Juvia is a lover — no matter the time or place. She will smother you with affection with no care as to who’s around.
🌀 she has multiple love languages; physical touch, gift giving, acts of service, etc. She falls hard, deep, and fast, and she’s not ashamed to show it.
🌀 will make you blush with how aggressive she is. (It’s a good kind of aggressive.)
🌀 love her, love her, love her. Juvia is exceptionally talented at expressing her love, but she is also exceptionally insecure. She needs reassurance, craves it even. Sometimes, she feels as though she’s not truly worthy of love, and that’s why you have to show her that she is.
🌀 kisses you like she’ll never get the chance to again.
🌀 stares at you. All the time. Heart eyes. Heart eyes. Heart eyes.
🌀 clingy, very clingy. She just loves being around you. She loves hearing your voice, your laugh; she loves seeing you smile. She loves feeling you right next to her, in front of her, or behind her. Just around her period.
🌀 a total little spoon. Hold her, she loves it.
🌀 a fan of hugs from behind; both giving and receiving.
🌀 take her on sweet little dates. Picnics, private dinners, home-cooked meals, etc. She eats it up.
🌀 loves to show you off. (Hint, hint: show her off too.)
🌀 forehead kisses. Forehead kisses. Forehead kisses.
🌀 she loves hand holding. Just hold her hand, or put your arm around her when you’re sitting together. Little physical acts of affection make her so happy.
🌀 legit wants to marry you. It’s her goal.
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 literally sweet enough to give you a cavity.
🌀 her ideal date is sitting for a cup of steamy tea, swapping stories and fantasizing about the future.
🌀 high wifey energy. Will cook you dinner, make you lunchboxes, and is a huge fan of little domestic activities.
🌀 her kisses vary depending on the situation. Sometimes, they’re feather light and brief; but when it’s just the two of you, they’re deeply passionate and near endless.
🌀 she loves being the big spoon. Of course, she’s alright with being the little spoon, but she loves the feeling of your body in her arms and pressed tight against her. Even if you’re bigger than her.
🌀 showers you with compliments; an ultimate hype man. You’re wearing pajamas? You’re sexy. You’re dressed up? You’re more than sexy. You’re the sexiest thing alive.
🌀 she likes to sneak off with you. (Wink, wink.)
🌀 alone time is very important to her — but she also likes for the both of you to spend time in the guild.
🌀 hates when you go on S-Class missions; her biggest fear is losing you.
🌀 a doting girlfriend. She always checks in on you; makes sure you’re feeling okay, if you’ve eaten, and if you have even a tiny cut she will fix it up for you.
🌀 couple photoshoots.
🌀 literally the prettiest couple in the room; when you enter, no one is sure who to be jealous of.
🌀 exceptionally attentive and observant.
🌀 cuddles. Cuddles all the time. And cheek/forehead kisses.
🌀 you’re dating a model. Expect to witness countless people hit on her — she finds it attractive when you get jealous.
🌀 she’s also very prone to jealousy herself; if someone even looks at you she’s fuming.
🌀 very sweet, but when she gets angry, expect the silent treatment. She’s a professional at that.
🌀 couple’s spats are very rare between the two of you, though.
🌀 dreams of a cozy little house on the hilltop. She wants nothing more than to be a wife. Wife her.
🌀 family is very important to her. Family dinners, family holidays, family everything.
🌀 she always worries about others, so sometimes, she forgets to worry about/take care of herself. You’ll need to either remind her to do it or do it yourself.
🌀 super supportive girlfriend. No matter what dream you have, she will cheer for you and push you to reach it.
🌀 likes to surprise you with gifts and out-of-the-box date ideas (like, a candle-lit picnic atop a giant floating lily pad in the middle of a lake.)
🌀 massages. She loves to give massages.
🌀 matching outfits. She loves matching outfits. Please match with her.
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These are just a few headcanons that came to mind upon reading this request (I may make another list of others), and I hope you all enjoyed them! If you like the way I write, please don’t hesitate to send in a request! They’re always open!
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virgolixx · 9 months
Could we please get some nsfw/kink headcanons for Erza, Juvia and Mirajane with a male reader?
Head cannon:
:How are these fairy tail women in bed with their Male S/O, what are their kinks?:
Erza, Juvia, Mirajane
Theme: NSFW 18+
⚠️warnings: Sexual mentions
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For Erza I feel like she’s more on the “normal” side when getting heated in the bed room.
Erza is a switch but leans more to a submissive side, yes she’s powerful on the battle field but I know for a fact this woman wants a man to dominate her in the bedroom, allowing her femininity to come out (But I know she gets flustered easily).
I know for a fact Erza’s tough exterior will crumble the moment you would man handle her into different positions (of course in a silly respectful way). Erza would mostly like good old missionary or any position where you both can see each other’s faces. (Erza is just trying to take in this intimate moment she’s having with you).
As for kinks I feel like Erza would probably enjoy the more simple common ones, like spanking, a mixture of praise and degradation. But I feel like if you where to mention any other kinks she wouldn’t mind to try it out.
Rounds: I feel like it all depends on the time you both may have. Around 1-3 rounds for sure.
Noise: Erza makes a good amount of noise at a good volume. She’ll moan, whimper and grip onto you (As I said earlier Erza gets easily flustered so I know for a fact Erza would bite on her hand, as a way to muffle her noises and to hide from the slight embarrassment).
With Erza I feel like she wouldn’t really like to give head but if you ask her nicely for it on occasions she will agree.
So please complement her and take good care of her, make sure she’s totally comfortable, she’s just a soft baby who wants pleasure from her man, but sometimes with her hard exterior during battles to this change can quite maybe have her a bit afraid.
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Juvia hands down is 100% submissive and absolutely a loud proud freaky girl.
Knowing Juvia is absolutely obsessed with you so she will absolutely do anything to please you in bed.
Juvia would love being man handled during intimacy moments. Juvia is down for any position you would like to try, but I feel like Juvia would mostly like to be cowgirl and doggy (Miss Juvia just wants to be fucked into the mattress and have you controlling her hips while she’s on top during cowgirl).
As for kinks I know for a fact Juvia would be into temperature play, roll some ice cubes over her skin. I feel like Juvia would like edge play, degradation and choking.
Rounds: Differently 4-5
Noise: Juvia makes the most noise. Either by moaning or praising how good you are doing her (Juvia will probably be flustered but will keep going, her body would feel fresh due to her power but her cheeks are very blushed and warm).
Juvia would absolutely love to give you head, it honestly gets her going as well and ready for the action to begin.
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Mirajane is also a switch but I feel like she would lean more towards being dominant (I mean come on miss girl is literally a she demon, that soft girl vibes are out the window the moment you and her are alone behind doors).
If you are to catch Mirajane when she’s more submissive she would possibly be as flustered as Erza is but would completely let you ruin her in any way you would see fit.
Just like Juvia, Mirajane is open to any position, but I feel like her favorite would be cow girl when dominant. But when submissive Mirajane would like it when the both of you are on your sides and you just slip into her from behind.
For kinks Mirajane is down and open with anything. Either it be her receiving or giving she’s so down. (Though I feel like she’s mostly enjoy, choking, her to leave back scratches on you, edge play, degradation and biting/leaving marks)
Rounds: I pray for you sir cause if Mirajane is on her dominant side…well you basically have a long night ahead of you, but either way even when Mirajane is more submissive she could probably go up to 3-5 rounds.
Noise: I feel like Mirajane would be more on the quieter side but she would still whimper and gasp.
I know for a fact Mirajane would give the best head any man would ever get to experience. Could possibly make any man cum multiple time with head alone.
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tokkias · 10 months
“hugging and absentmindedly kissing their neck, resulting in mortification for one of them” for nalu 🥺
friends to lovers prompts . always open
this one was also requested by @bumblebeehug :] hope u enjoy ao3
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Natsu’s arms wrapped lazily around Lucy’s waist as his forehead rested on her shoulder. He had seemingly completely tuned out the conversation going on around him as the rest of the team discussed future job prospects. When they’d asked what sort of jobs he wanted to take, he simply replied, whatever lets me kick and pays Lucy’s rent—a sentiment she appreciated but knew would go completely forgotten the moment he let loose and set fire to some poor, unassuming building. His vague guidelines left the rest of them free to pick and pitch their own options to the rest of the group before he busied himself nuzzling his nose into Lucy’s side.
Natsu had always been handsy. He’d always liked to touch her, even when his timing was truly and deeply inappropriate. While it had once bothered Lucy to no end, when they finally stepped from the "friends" stage into the "something more" stage, she had grown to enjoy his little affections. His skin was always so warm against hers, and his touch soothed her in a way she couldn’t even begin to describe. It always brought such comfort to feel his arm around her shoulder or his hand on her waist. She’d be remiss to complain about it and lose out on the love she felt in Natsu’s affections, so when he snuggled up to her in the guild hall, she simply let him be as she quietly revelled in the affection.
"This one’s for 150,000 jewel—wipe out a couple monsters in Mount Hakobe," Gray said, sliding a piece of paper across the table for the rest of the group to examine. "Should be easy enough."
Erza picked up the leaflet and examined the fine print.
"This sounds like a fair option," she mused. "What do you think, Lucy?"
"Split four ways doesn’t cover my rent," she sheepishly replied.
"Five ways!" Happy chimed in, much to Lucy’s chagrin.
Before Lucy could sink her teeth into the sniggering exceed, Erza interrupted with her pick.
"I picked up a retrieval job—280,000 jewel to clear out a cave of monsters and reclaim a set of gemstones in there," she explained. "High risk, but high reward."
Lucy hummed in soft affirmation, her eyes sparkling at the prospect of such a high reward. Before she could get too carried away, she glanced over at her partner, hanging onto her side.
"What do you think, Natsu?"
Natsu, who had clearly not heard a word come out of Erza’s mouth, simply grunted in response. He seemed much more occupied grazing his lips over the exposed skin of her shoulder. Lucy felt a light blush dust her cheeks when she became aware of what he was doing. Just because she was used to his affections didn’t mean she would ever stop being flustered by them. But seeing as he was doing no harm beyond making her a little flustered, she let him be and tried to draw her attention back to the rest of the table.
"What’d you pick out?" Gray asked, trying to ignore their teammate’s lack of social awareness.
"Well, I- um-" she stuttered out, trying to maintain composure as she became hyper-aware of the sear of his lips on her skin. "This one’s a few towns over, but-" Her breath hitched as she felt him trailing slowly up her skin.
He paused for a moment, seemingly finding purchase in the dip between her shoulder and neck, and Lucy found herself able to relax now that he had stopped his upward trail.
"They’re looking for a group to help them with, ah-!"
She was cut off when she felt Natsu press a light kiss to her shoulder, which made her jolt in surprise. Gray and Erza both regarded them with strange looks that Lucy simply tried to ignore as she gently swatted Natsu away from her. He begrudgingly shifted his attention away and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"Sorry… I, um- what was I…?"
Her hands shook slightly as she glanced back down at the piece of paper that she had torn off the request board. The words were beginning to blur together, and suddenly she felt hot. Sucking in a breath, Lucy glanced up at her teammates faces and saw them looking back with expectant gazes. Natsu wasn’t even doing anything anymore, but the absolute mortification of him doing something like that in public had fully settled in. Determined not to make a scene, however, Lucy tried to quickly move on.
"It’s- um… monsters, or, er- no! Bandits, I think…"
She still couldn’t quite make out the words on the paper, so she simply had to rely on her memory from when she read it the first time—which was slowly beginning to grow hazy on her.
"Do you guys need a room or something?" Gray said, his uncomfortable gaze flicking between her and Natsu, attached to her side.
"No!" Lucy cried out in embarrassment, capturing the attention of the group at the table next to them, to which she offered a sheepish and apologetic smile. "No, we’re- I’m fine."
He looked sceptical, but Lucy was not about to let Natsu’s inappropriate affections come between her and making rent on time this month.
"There’s been a group of bandits targeting a small town, and-" She swallowed thickly as she felt Natsu’s warm breath on the back of her neck. "And they’re looking for a group of wizards who can help th-! Natsu!"
What little composure left in her body was swiftly drained away as she felt her partner press his lips to her neck with no regard for the circumstances or surroundings. Instinctively, Lucy smacked Natsu’s arm in an attempt to swat him away, no longer trying to maintain any subtlety when it became clear that he had none. She could hear his cackling as she buried her face in shame, hiding her cherry-red cheeks from the rest of the team in her mortification.
"If you two need some time alone, we can always reconvene later," Erza awkwardly suggested, averting her gaze from the duo and their one-sided public display of affection.
"No!" Lucy all but shouted. "N-no! We’ll just take the job you picked. Is that okay with everyone?" She asked, her words coming out fast and leaving no time for reply. "Great! I’ll let Mira know!"
With that, Lucy grabbed the flyer off of the table and stormed off in Mira’s direction, gaze down so far that she was practically only seeing her feet in an attempt to maintain any shred of dignity.
She simply supposed that the loss of dignity was the price she paid for a relationship with one Natsu Dragneel.
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xanvasofxords · 2 years
He Knows
Natsu isn’t sure if he has ever taken the ‘compatibility test’ before. When he was younger, he hated taking tests. The ones Erza would put him through to improve his reading and writing skills. There would be dangerous punishments for each mistake.
Tests were horrible.
Though this is different, more like a game, and it’s about Lucy. There’s no one who knows her better than he. So Natsu is positive about winning. Besides, he’ll never back down from a challenge.
“Cool! Let’s start then!” Jason shouts in excitement, “Are you ready?”
“All I gotta to do is answer all of your questions, right?” Natsu bumps his fists together with his signature grin, “That’s easy, bring it on!” Lucy smiles, kind of surprised to see his confidence despite his forgetful nature. But they’ll see.
She shows him thumbs up, “Best of luck, Natsu.”
“I’m excited!” Mirajane claps from behind the bar counter, followed by a wink. Lucy hopes she isn’t up to something again.
“There’s no way you can get more than one answer correct with your memory,” Gray declares confidently, taking off his shirt. “I’m winning this bet.” Jason cuts off Natsu before he can respond to the insult. He can only scowl before the game begins.
“What’s Lucy favorite col-”
The answer comes before Jason can even finish the question. Quite unexpected, Lucy thinks. She receives a cheeky look from Natsu and blushes. He seems satisfied with her reaction.
What’s even more surprising is that he gets the rest of the answers right as well. Jason asks him about Lucy’s birthday, zodiac sign, favorite food and even clothing brand. Apparently, Natsu knows the constellation of her spirits too.
Which seems unreal. Gray’s jaw drops in shock, losing the bet would cost him twenty thousand jewels. Which means he would most likely have to cut that from his savings as they aren’t doing any jobs at the time.
After a while, even Jason struggles to find new questions. “This is the last one,” he finally says.
“In Lucy’s first novel, who did Iris fall in love with?”
This catches Lucy off-guard. The main character in her novel didn’t end up with anyone. The ending was kept ambiguous to satisfy all of the readers. There’s no way Natsu can possibly know the answer to that question.
And Lucy is fairly surprised at his answer.
“That’s something only Lucy knows. But if I had to say,” Natsu then gives her a sideway glance as he continues. “I’d say Noah.”
Jason looks at her for confirmation but she shakes her head, “As the author, I can’t answer this question, however, people are free to interprete the ending as they like.” She smiles, “Natsu’s answer should be counted.” Then she returns her eyes to him, he flashes her his signature grin.
She wonders if he knows that the character Noah was inspired by him.
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happilychee · 6 months
thinking about aromantic lucy
I saw a terf saying aspec people aren't actually queer so fuck them here's aromantic lucy heartfilia
cw: a few mentions of internalized arophobia
lucy who doesn't know that the word love exists until she reads it in one of the few fairytale books in her father's extensive library. lucy who doesn't quite get the kissing and the physicality and the fiery proclamations, but thinks that it's an okay price to pay for someone to be so passionate for her. to choose her and care about her, like her mother did before she passed.
lucy, who's eight years old and crying after another argument with her father, who summons aquarius and asks "do you love me?" aquarius feels her blood pressure rise, but seeing the broken look in her wielder's watery eyes, she decides to drop the snark. "I do, kid." "does that mean you wanna kiss me?" aquarius almost smacks lucy over the head.
lucy who doesn't quite understand the difference between how she cares for her spirits and how she felt about her mom. lucy who cares deeply for everyone who's important to her, who thinks that aquarius could just as easily be her knight in shining armor as the storybook prince. lucy who reads romance books because she wants someone like that in her life. lucy who's never had any friends besides aquarius. lucy who thinks it must be nice to have someone choose you, care about you, protect you. lucy decides that that's what love is.
lucy who's old enough to know she doesn't like her father. lucy who's so confused when she hates him but still cares about him. lucy who's old enough to run away from home but too young, too young.
lucy who joins fairy tail and has no idea what to expect. lucy who's startled by her new friends' openness and easy acceptance of her. lucy who blushes when natsu throws an arm around her, who feels warm and fuzzy when gray guides her by the small of her back, who has a lopsided grin on her face when erza links arms with her as they walk. lucy who suddenly thinks that she's in love with three people at once and panics (her storybooks never mentioned that!!).
lucy who turns to who she can confidently call her best friend, levy mcgarden, for help. levy sits her down with a cup of hot chocolate and cookies. they talk for hours about sexuality and attraction; lucy sleeps over that night. the word that sticks out the most in her mind is aromantic.
lucy who gets drunk at a party and gets a little too close to cana, and suddenly they're in cana's apartment, making out like there's no tomorrow. lucy who feels guilt creep up in the morning because she knows cana and gray and loke have something going, and she might've just ruined it. lucy who tears up when cana laughs because she's so, so confused. cana's expression morphs into concern and she wipes away her friend's tears, warm skin on skin. cana who tells lucy that what she does with gray and what she does with loke doesn't restrict her from what she does with other people. "we talked about it, I promise." cana reassures her. then, leaning in with a sexy smirk on her face, she whispers, "besides, they're probably jealous I took you home first~" the rush of heat is enough to make lucy's mind go blank with joy.
lucy who shyly asks cana about her relationships and learns so much she feels like her head is going to explode. lucy who has a crisis about her storybooks and her ideal romances. she's never going to have that, she realizes. it feels like someone's scooped out her chest.
lucy whose feelings ebb and flow like the tide. she's not used to this. being so... different. her storybooks are scattered across the floor, thrown in an angry fit. her door is locked, but her window isn't, and that's how natsu gets in. "you okay, luce? we haven’t seen you in a while."
the dam breaks. lucy sobs in natsu's arms, and all she can think is that this is the exact type of hurt/comfort scene she loves in her stories. she wishes she were normal, so she could love normally, so she could love natsu the normal way and be done with it. she doesn't realize she's talking out loud.
natsu cups her face, onyx eyes boring into chocolate ones. he squishes her cheeks together, the way he does when he thinks she's overthinking something. and then, natsu breaks through her entire crisis with three little words.
"does it matter?" he furrows his brow. "you're lucy, and I'm natsu, and I care about you." "but- I don't feel romantic attraction-" natsu huffs, frustrated that lucy's not getting something that's apparently obvious to him. "luce. I care about you, and I trust you, and I want to take care of you and protect you. who cares about anything else?" lucy blinks once, twice, and then she's sobbing again. natsu panics, because he knows he can be blunt and dismissive sometimes, but lucy barrels into him, clutching onto his scarf tightly.
"you care about me?" she whispers in a child's voice. that's more important to her than anything. romantic, platonic, the gray area in between, none of it matters as long as natsu cares.
natsu tightens his grip, wondering who he has to pummel for making his girl feel that way. "course I care about you, dummy. I'd burn down the world for you. and so would erza and gray and cana and everyone else."
lucy who has a really hard time moping when natsu's there every step of the way, trying to cheer her up. erza and gray show up, too, and it's hard to stay sad when she's being tickled by erza while gray cooks dinner and kicks natsu out of her kitchenette.
lucy who feels the hollow fill with something warm and gooey when erza gives her a hug, confessing that she often has trouble figuring out how she feels about anything. lucy laughs when erza tells her about the shenanigans that have happened when she doesn't pick up on someone flirting with her but gray and natsu do. she feels all fuzzy when gray leans against her, telling her that he feels the same way. his hand plays with hers, and she thinks it's nice how well they slot together.
lucy realizes when natsu falls asleep in her lap, arms wrapped protectively around her waist. lucy realizes when gray falls asleep at her side, erza tucked to his chest. lucy realizes that her friends make her feel like she's on top of the world, and she doesn't need a fairytale prince when she's got fairy tail.
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anathemaspeaks · 2 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane? Thank you!
hey! i'm straight, so i'll try my best to make this seem accurate, i hope you like it though!
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her love language is aggression. a punch from her is like an 'i love you.'
you are the only person she would share her beloved strawberry cheesecake with - she loves the glint in your eyes and the beam on your face when you eat it with her.
she loves napping with you after jobs. you unwind in the sauna at the guild, and then you spend the rest of the night cuddling and watching tv while eating snacks.
she blushes every time you bring up the fact that you two are together, her face turning as scarlet as her hair.
in fact, the first time you ever heard her stutter was when she was telling natsu and gray about you two.
(they then proceeded to fight about who gets to talk to you first. they ended up knocked out cold by erza.)
she's surprisingly shy, so you were the one to initiate your first kiss, after which it became a very common thing for you guys to do.
you'd think she's the shy one, but it's really quite the opposite. she says the most flirtatious, butterfly-inducing things with a sweet smile on her face in her normal, adorable voice.
you both tend to see who can make whom blush more (obviously, she ends up winning).
your way of showing love to her is through spoiling and pampering her. massages are a frequent occurrence, and you always cook means for her whenever you can because she works so hard at the guild.
you love giving her nose kisses, she really does seem like an angel when she giggles after that, the sweet noise ringing in your ears for a few seconds.
you were already like a sibling to elfman and lisanna long before you and mira became a thing, so they accepted your relationship with her with open arms and wide grins.
she was so hopelessly obsessed with gray until you came along. you showed her what it was like to feel truly wanted, where the relationship wasn't just one-sided.
she takes some time to warm up to you, but once she does? oh boy, she will not stop smothering you in affection every second of the day.
she pours her heart and soul into your relationship. she believes in all of the love languages, so you receive handmade gifts almost every week.
the first one to find out about you both was cana. she caught you both making out in the pool, with her hands on your waist and yours groping her breasts, faces red and lips swollen.
so of course she stood on a chair and announced it loudly to everyone in the guild, followed by loud whistles and cheers and a few shouts of "about damn time!"
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the last one was so hard to write bc i actually love gray and juvia together
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Hey there! Can I request Gray and Erza headcanons? I love their ship smm
I used to ship them so hard so let's do this :)
The time Gray stood up to Erza and put her sword to his heart is a legend in the guild. It's the first thing people bring up when talking about Gray
Gray blushes around her all the time. Literally for the dumbest things like Erza can't even look at him without him turning bright red (it gets better with time but not by much)
Everyone was positive they were gonna end up together when they were kids. Macao and Wakaba had been planning their wedding since the day the kids met
Erza pulls Gray in for kisses by his necklace
Gray is the only person that Erza can fully relax around. You can literally see the tension leave her when Gray walks up
Neither made the first move. They both just toed that weird line in-between friends and more than friends for so long that their friends had to sit them down and literally spell it out for them
Erza had to initiate most stuff in the beginning. Gray still had that fear of her wrath at the start that made him hesitate
Everyone thinks that Erza is the more dominant one in the relationship, but she prefers Gray taking the lead (it takes him awhile to figure that out tho)
You'd think since they are dating that Gray would no longer be scared of Erza, but that is the exact opposite. He fears her wrath even more now (she has new ways to punish him now)
Not that Erza really freaks out on him too much anymore. It's mostly for show at this point.
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
Please may I have a Fairy tail headcanon of Gray Fullbuster with a female S/O who has Edward Elric's abilities from Fullmetal alchemist. S/O joined Fairy tail when she was a young child not long after Gray did..S/Os unlimited abilities meant that she can basically create anything that she can put her mind too..she isn't nicknamed the metal mage for nothing. She isn't proud of what she had done back then..she earned those abilities to be a metal alchemist at a consequence of trying to revive her late mother..she was damn lucky that she didn't lose her body parts..she is a independent young woman in Fairy tail and a member of Team Natsu.
So, I've never done headcanons before, but I'll give it a go, hope you enjoy these. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but I did my best, if you enjoy please feel free to let me now and don't be afraid to send ion more requests. Anyway Enjoy and have a good day/night. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Alchemy isn't an exact science, things can go wrong, and that's what happened when you tried to bring back your mom.
Unlike past Alchemists who had tried to bring people back from the dead you were lucky, you saw the truths of the world but managed to hang on to all of your limbs.
With the knowledge of the universe giving you a major boost in your magic at such a young age, you needed to join a guild to help control and grow this power.
At the age of 8 you wondered into the guild hall of non-other than Fairy Tail, a legendary guild full of powerful mages.
You were welcomed with open arms by nearly everyone there except one kid who couldn't keep his clothes on, when you first meet Gray, he was cold to you, not to say you were really any better having just lost your mother for a second time.
As time passed you grew stronger and more confident in your abilities to manipulate the chemical structure of items and shift them into new things. You primarily specialized in turning things to metal to create more useful weapons.
Master Makarov saw your potential and by the age of 17 you had become an S class wizard known as the Metal Mage.
Along with growing your power the tension between you and gray only got worse, almost like him and Natsu's fighting but with a little more flirting
like I see you guys sitting at the guild hall ignoring each other until he pops off with something stupid about being better a making things with his magic and you just use your magic to make something to hit him with using the table and yell at him about covering his abs because in typical gray fashion he's probably in his boxers.
At first no one notices the more flirty comments until one of you calls the other handsome/beautiful directly making the other blush
Being as stubborn as you are you try to deny it for the longest time and so does he
Now if we add on the being a part of team Natsu, it gets more hectic
I'm talking Happy teasing you, Natsu trying to tease you but ultimately ending up fighting Gray for something he says, Wendy is just confused, Lucy and Erza think its kind of cute that the two stubborn mages wont admit their feelings, and then there is Carla who just thinks everyone involved is dumb
And when you guys finally get together i don't think a lot would change
like yeah you guys don't fight as much or the comments aren't as pointed but there is still playful bickering between the two of you
I just feel that Gray is the type to show affection by being sarcastic
also spend a lot of time just hanging out show off your magic to each other and getting ideas from each other
When you get together Happy still makes stupid jokes, Natsu still tries to tease you guys but fails, Lucy, Erza and now Wendy are secretly planning your wedding as soon as it announced you're dating, and Carla is happy for you two.
Now on to some other aspects of the relationship,
If you are having a bad day because of something reminding you of your past Gray will 100% understand, and try to help you calm down
He knows how hard it is to have a difficult childhood and lose your family so he's going to try to make it better
he may not be able to bring your mom back but he can try not to fight Natsu as much and stay close to you for support.
and vice versa, if he's having a hard time with let's say Juvia being annoying, You would be there to try and be a buffer, or if she doesn't take the hint just telling her off.
Overall I see Gray and you being very close and comforting when its just the two of you, but if you're with the rest of the guild or on a mission you know how to be respectful of everyone around you.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello there ! How ru today?♥️🫶🏼Can i request a Rudra / Hades /Qin , the reader is like Erza Scarlet , she can changes multiples armors at the same time and she's very strict with everyone but has a (huge) soft spot with their crush (them Rudra/Hades and Qin) . Take ur time♥️Take care of you and love u ! Have a nice day /night♥️🫶🏼
Thank you for your kind words! You're so sweet!
-Y/N, a fierce battle maiden in Valhalla, she was the one who trained the oldest valkyries in combat once they were old enough, and they in turn trained their younger sisters.
-You were admired all around Valhalla as one of the strongest warriors, not female warriors, but warriors in general, you could handle most of the gods on your own.
-Most gods not to anger you, as you were no holds bars if they pissed you off, Zeus was your biggest repeat offender, as he enjoyed seeing you mad, thinking you were attractive, but he didn’t like it when you got ahold of him and gave him the ass beating he had been begging for.
-When warriors, gods or humans, wanting a sparring partner, you were almost always willing to do so, unless if you were enjoying your afternoon strawberry cake with hot black tea, interrupting your snack time was a quick way to get thrown halfway across Valhalla.
-You were a unique warrior, as your styles could change with different sets of holy armor that you had spent hundred of thousands of years collecting.
-You were able to shift from your normal, everyday clothes, to these sets of armors at will, and your weapon, normally a short-bladed sword, would change with your armor, from daggers, tridents, a war hammer, a set of great swords, and so many more.
-This is what made you such a formidable opponent, your weapon changing, and your fighting style could change on whim, as you knew almost every single one, and you could use fighting styles that didn’t fit with your weapon, and you still dominated all of your opponents.
-However, there was one big secret about you, at least you considered it a secret, as it was not a secret to anyone else, despite being such a fierce warrior, you were a total girly-girl around your crush, you were like a shy blushing maiden whenever he came around.
-Everyone could see this change in your demeanor, which they did think was cute, but you got so tsundere and embarrassed if someone mentioned it to you, or mentioned your crush, that was a quick way to get an ass beating.
-He met you initially through Shiva, as you had been fighting Shiva in a sparring matching, Shiva wanting a challenge, which you gave to him. The strongest god in the Hindu pantheon was complaining afterwards on how hard you were on him.
-Rudra was intrigued with your strength, you could see the sparkle in his eyes, and he asked for a match as well. You weren’t bothered and he was stunned when you changed your armor to something different, your weapon changing as well, and when you stood over him at the end, he was impressed.
-Your affections for the Storm God came later on, weeks after you first met, when the two of you were enjoying strawberry cake together.
-Another god demanded to fight you, despite it being your snack time and you told him to wait.
-He didn’t take kindly to that and kicked over the table, destroying your cake.
-Before you could lose your temper, Rudra defending you, “Can’t you see this maiden was in middle of something? You shouldn’t be so impatient! I’ll fight you!”
-You never had someone defend you before and Zeus has the memory seared in his brain when he turned to you, seeing you blushing, hands cupping your cheeks, and a doe-eyed sparkle in your eyes. He made you feel so delicate, like a princess!
-Rudra thought your personality was adorable, he’s seen you in battle and knows you are a hardened warrior, but around him you’re like a sweet maiden, but he doesn’t want to embarrass you, as he had seen what you did to Ares after he did that. It wasn’t pretty.
-Rudra did have to admit that he wanted you to act on your affections soon, or else he would, which he knew was going to be amusing.
-You have known Hades for years, as you helped train his brothers, with your strongest student being Poseidon, until Zeus came into his power, but with that power came a lot of ass beatings when he disrespected you.
-Hades respected you for the fact that you were a warrior, not afraid of anyone, and you weren’t afraid, even to this day, to put Zeus in his place.
-He noticed, over the years, that he could tell which warriors were trained by you, as they were more powerful than others who had been trained by other gods, they were tougher as you had been tough on them, but your students all respected and admired you for it, as you made them into strong warriors yourself.
-Hades always spoke highly of you, which did get back around to you, through Zeus, which did flatter you and you thanked Hades the next time you had seen him.
-He made your brain flatline when he took one of your hands and pecked your knuckles, “I only speak the truth about you, Y/N.”
-Your flushed face was one that none had seen, you were like a maiden!
-Hades thought you affections were cute, how soft you got around him, but you were still so shy about them, as you hadn’t dealt with affections like that before.
-He never misses a chance to tell you how cute you are, which always flusters you, and he doesn’t know how much longer he’s going to hold back if you keep looking so cute.
Qin Shi Huang
-Never in all of your years, did you think that you were going to fall for a human.
-Humans had surprised you by being stronger than they looked, and those who did challenge you didn’t hold back and always were appreciative when you didn’t hold back, Lu Bu was a regular opponent of yours, as you always gave him a good work out.
-When you met the Emperor he immediately grinned up at you with a dazzling smile, “Such beauty~ such a delicate flower, like a rose, beautiful and dangerous.” The sound that left you was not of this world as you had turned bright red, holding your cheeks, shocking the other warriors around you as you had turned from Huang.
-He thought your shyness at your first meeting was endearing, as he had seen what a fierce warrior you were, but with things like affection, you were adorable!
-Huang never missed a chance to tease you, finding it fun to see you flustered while your heart opened up to him. You had never had a man treat you so gently before.
-He enjoyed seeing you open up to only him, as you spoke normally to others, but with him your voice went up just a bit in pitch and you always spoke sweetly with him.
-Huang’s affections were the same for you, he enjoyed being with you, he could see no other to stand beside him, but he was having trouble deciding how to propose to you, which you had no idea was coming.
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moongirlcleo · 11 months
Jenny, Erza, Mira x Reader
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summary: So Erza, Mira, and Jenny (separate) are at the beach with their s/o. However, once s/o sees them in their bikinis their s/o’s face is just completely red. Amused by this, the girls decide to do a bit of teasing in an effort to make them more flustered. What’re their methods. CW: suggestiveness, gender neutral s/o pronouns A/N: I've done multiple character requests so no worries! also LOL at the gif I found.
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I can see her giggling behind her s/o's back when she realizes how flustered they are at her in her strappy bikini.
She'd poke and prod at them all day, getting really close to them and hugging her s/o to see them blushing.
She might even requip into her seduction armor just to see them even more frazzled.
Erza knows what she's doing to them, and wholeheartedly admits it. She enjoys watching them all flustered in front of her.
Mira is definitely more of a subtle tease than Erza. While she knows just how flustered her s/o is, she prefers the quiet approach.
She'd purposely drop something onto the ground just to pick it back up in front of them, blushing the entire time apologizing for being so lewd.
I can also see her going into the water to cool off and walk back without toweling off, letting her s/o be totally flustered at her state.
Mira is totally the type to ask sweetly "oh yn, what's wrong? You look so red! Need help putting sun screen on? we wouldn't want you to get sunburnt ^_^" and start putting the cream on, knowing they're just getting even more flustered.
I feel like Jenny is the most out-there with the teasing than the other two to be honest. She thrives off of the attention and if she is getting her s/o that flustered she's going to keep doing whatever she can to get the reactions.
She'd rub up against them and tease them with words. "Well, what are you gonna do about it huh?"
She'd pull them into the water to "cool them off" when in reality she wants an excuse to brush up against them in the water.
At the end of the day she's probably the one who is going to get their s/o pinning her down in the backseat of the car because they just can't hold back anymore.
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- ©2024 moongirlcleo do not repost, copy, translate, or modify
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sofya-fanfics · 6 months
Holidays Together
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Fandom : Fairy Tail
Relationship : Gray x Juvia
My Year of the OTP 2023 contribution for the prompt : Holidays Together.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : Gray looked at the window again. The clouds were white, the snow would fall soon. He hoped this would not delay their return to Magnolia. He would not tell anyone, but he could not wait to be home, especially to see Juvia again. Christmas holidays were approaching and Gray wanted to spend it with her.
Disclaimer : Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima.
The train was traveling at full speed. Gray watched the landscape pass by. There was still an hour left before arriving in Magnolia. Team Natsu were returning from a mission that had lasted several days. He looked at his companions. Erza was sleeping next to him. Wendy was sitting across from him. She was holding her head in her hands, trying to ignore her motion sickness. Carla had her paw on her arm, trying to give her some comfort. Poor Wendy, Gray thought. If only he knew a way to help her feel better. On the other hand, he felt no empathy for Natsu who was groaning on the seat next to him. The further the train moved, the sicker he got. His head was resting on Lucy's lap, who was stroking his hair. Happy was giving him some air with a magazine that the celestial wizard had bought at the station.
Gray looked at the window again. The clouds were white, the snow would fall soon. He hoped this would not delay their return to Magnolia. He would not tell anyone, but he could not wait to be home, especially to see Juvia again. Lately, he often thought about her. He felt like she was always on his mind and in his heart. His feelings had only grown stronger in the six months they had spent together before he infiltrated Avatar. Christmas holidays were approaching and Gray wanted to spend it with Juvia.
The train arrived at the station and when it stopped, Natsu ran out. Gray rose from the seat and went out onto the platform. They were finally home. He smiled and told himself that it was time for him to see Juvia.
After reporting to Makarov, Team Natsu was finally free to celebrate Christmas. The guild had been decorated for the occasion. There were tinsels, fairy lights, figurines of reindeer, Santa Claus and snowmen. A large tree was in the center of the room. The atmosphere in the guild was joyful and festive. Gray was sitting at a table with Erza. He had not drunk the beer mug that Mirajane had served him. He was busy looking at the people entering the guild.
“She'll be here soon,” Erza said.
Gray jumped. He was so focused on the guild door that he forgot Erza was with him. But he would never confess it to her. He was too afraid that she would take offense.
“Who are you talking about ?” He asked, feigning ignorance.
“Juvia. She's the one you're waiting for.”
Gray blushed. He could not deny it. Erza could not help laughing lightly.
“It was obvious,” she said, taking a sip.
Gray opened his eyes wide. Was he that transparent ? He suddenly felt someone approach him and arms wrap around him from behind. A scent he knew all too well intoxicated him.
“Gray-sama ! Juvia is so happy to see you. She missed you so much.”
Gray smiled. He put his hand on hers and squeezed it.
“I missed you too.”
He never thought he would have missed Juvia so much. With her arms around him, he felt like he was at home, like it was the only place he felt good. Erza left discreetly to give them more privacy. Juvia sat down next to Gray and a huge smile lit up her face when she realized that the ice mage had not let go of her hand. She asked him questions about his mission and Gray answered her.
Christmas music was heard. Gray usually did not care about Christmas. For him, it was just another day. But for the first time in his life, he wanted to celebrate it.
“Do you have anything planned for Christmas ?” He asked.
Juvia shook her head.
“Usually Juvia celebrates with Gajeel. But this year, he plans to celebrate with Levy.”
“So… Would you like to spend the holidays together ?”
He blushed and looked away, embarrassed. He was not used to making this kind of request. He glanced at Juvia. She had her hands over her mouth and she was moved.
“Juvia would be very happy.”
She threw herself into his arms. Gray managed to catch himself from falling out of his chair and he put his arms around her waist. This year, Christmas will be special for him thanks to Juvia.
The end
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virgolixx · 9 months
Could we please get some general romantic relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane?
Head cannon:
:what it would be like to be in a romantic relationship with these fairy tail women:
Erza, Juvia, Mirajane
Theme: Fluff
⚠️Warnings: None
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This woman right here is protective of her S/O, if anyone looks at you weirdly, talks bad about you or hurts you. She’s beating them up.
Sometimes she’s strict with you, but it’s only because she trying to help better your self.
Hands down best cuddles are with her, especially after a nice warm bath together and dressed in a freshly clean pair of pajamas. Erza loves spending quality time with you.
I feel like instead of gifting you flowers or other gifts. Erza would probably buy a cake to share with you, cause what’s better than eating your favorite snack/pastry then to share it with the person you love most. (She will only share her cake with you and only you)
If you’re a wizard, obviously you would be part of the fairy tail guild. Erza would always celebrate your achievements though on the down low and will always help you train.
I feel like most of the PDA will be behind closed doors other than hand holding or leaning on each other and the occasional bold flirting.
I feel like you two would either be next door neighbors in the fairytail girls dormitories (same gender relationship perspective) or you both would be living together in a separate home in the town, a home similar to Lucy’s (gender neutral perspective).
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This girl right here absolutely loves her S/O with everything she’s got, she’s practically obsessed with you.
Heart eyes when ever she sees you, Juvia will always be by your side when at the guild hall or she’s always at your house (She might as well just move in, gender neutral perspective). Or she would practically be living in your room in the girl dormitory’s (same gender relationship perspective).
I feel like Juvia would gift you hand crafted gifts. Either it be clothing or Notes, or some form of food….anyways she just loves giving you gifts she’s made for you.
Juvia would most likely love to go out with you, from either shopping to eating delicious foods.
With you Juvia absolutely loves PDA. Hugs, kisses, hand holding, you name it she loves it but if you’re not comfortable with it she will absolutely 100% understand but would still be sad, so if you occasionally hold her hand she will blush and give you heart eyes.
I feel like Juvia won’t really train with you because she’s to busy watching how your figure moves as your training (I know damn well she’s got a small nose bleed from the silly thoughts she thinking about).
Will be the loudest to celebrate you achievements, Juvia is your number one fan.
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Mirajane gives me the soft lover vibes. She loves and supports you so much. She will always give you loving hugs.
Her forms of gifts/forms of love would be either her cooking your favorite meals or spending quality time with you. Mirajane loves to either stay in or go out as long as she’s spending time with you.
Of course she celebrates your achievements with you and most likely with the rest of the guild. (A party in honor of your achievements 🤭).
You will also be a huge supporter of Mirajane, you always accompany her to every photo shoot for sorcerer’s weekly magazine. You two will always have a date afterwards.
I know for a fact you and Mirajane would be the Wizard’s it couple (People either absolutely love you two together or they envy you for having someone as amazing as Mirajane as your S/O).
Mirajane would be to busy tending to the guild hall to train with you but she will occasionally check up on you, bringing you any snacks and drinks.
I feel like both of you will have your own dormitory’s but will occasionally sleep over at each others rooms.
PDA would be casual, mostly kisses on the cheek, hand joking and/or leaning against each other.
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juviiagray · 2 days
One-Shot by Juviia Gray
“Are you sure Juvia should accept? She doesn’t love Lyon-sama. Juvia loves Gray-sama.”
“Trust me, we know” stated Levy matter of factly.
“You need to trust us, Juvi. Gray needs a little push. We all know how much he cares about you. Giving him a little something to be jealous about might be what he needs.” smiled Lucy.
“Juvia just doesn’t feel comfortable going on a date with someone else” sighed Juvia.
“Again, we know. Try thinking of it as practice. Going out with Lyon will just help prepare you for when Gray does come around” Levy stated.
“Ok” Juvia relented.
Gray has had a miserable day. Natsu burned the whole city and cost them their reward money. Not that he was any better. He froze the only body of water within a 25 mile radius. Needless to say, Team Natsu is no longer welcome in the city of Neptune.
Gray walked into the Guild and was immediately hit with a view he would have preferred to never see. Lyon. Probably here to see Juvia. Speaking of which, she must not be here or she would have tackled him already. No sooner did Gray finish his thought did Juvia walk in.
And wow. Just wow. Juvia was stunning. Let’s be real, she always is… but today? Wearing a bright yellow sundress, with a white sun hat, and matching white heels, she was breathtaking.
Problem was, instead of walking towards Gray, she was walking toward Lyon. What is she doing?
“Hello Lyon-sama”
“Juvia-san, you look beautiful. Yellow suits you.” Lyon complimented.
“Thank you Lyon-sama. Juvia bought this dress special for today.” Juvia politely replied.
“It’s perfect. But when are you not?”
Is she fucking blushing? What the hell is going on. Gray has to figure this out. He looked around the Guild and saw Levy and Lucy talking animatedly at the bar. He beelined it over to them.
“Uh hmm.. do you guys have any idea what Lyon is doing here?” Gray, not to subtlety, asked.
“Oh, he’s here to take Juvia on a date!” replied Levy.
“Yah, we helped her pick out her outfit. Doesn’t she look stunning? She’s super excited. I’m so jealous. Wish I was going on a date.” Lucy half joked, glancing around Gray to look at the blushing Juvia.
“She looks beaut…uh.. mm.. Juvia doesn’t even like Lyon! Why would she go out with him?”
“A BEAUTIFUL woman shouldn’t have to wait forever Gray” Erza chimed in from the other side of the bar while eating some Strawberry cake. “She deserves to be taken out and spoiled. Treated to a nice romantic evening.”
“Pff, whatever. She can do what she wants. Not like I care” Gray stated begrudgingly.
“I’m happy you feel that way, Gray. And here I thought I’d have to fight for my lovely Juvia-chan”
Gray turned around to see a smug Lyon and deflated looking Juvia.
“Hello Gray-sama.”
“Hi Juvia, shut up Lyon. Just get on with it already. No one cares about your stupid date”
“Dont have to tell me twice. Cmon’ Juvia dear.”
“Yes Lyon-sama. Goodbye, Erza. Lucy-chan, Levy-chan, thank you for your help. Gray-sama.” Juvia bowed, turned, and grabbed Lyon’s outstretched hand. Together they left the guild arm and arm.
Gray was pissed. No, scratch that. He was jealous. He knew it. Lucy, Levy and Erza knew it. Hell, even Lyon knew it. Everyone except Juvia.
“Gods…” muttered Gray.
“What was that Gray?” Lucy smirked “something on your mind?”
“Or someone?” Levy chuckled.
“SHUT UP!” yelled Gray throwing his hands in the air.
“Just go get her” Erza chimed in again. Casually eating another slice of cake.
“But she went with him.. she actually chose him..” said Gray
“No, she’s just on a date. She loves you Gray.” Lucy patted Gray on the hand. “Now go already. Your sad puppy dog face is irritating to look at”.
Gray left the guild faster than a bat outta hell. He ran thru the city of Magnolia until he finally caught a glimpse of his blue haired Siren. And he was NOT happy.
Lyon had his arm around her. He was leaning in. Juvia was blushing. Was.. was he going to kiss her?!?!?
Just as Lyon was inches from Juvia, he was frozen solid. Juvia looked up to see an enraged raven haired ice mage.
“What the fuck, Juvs! You were going to let him kiss you?!” Gray all but screamed.
Juvia couldn’t respond. She was so flustered from the almost kiss and now her beloved is here? What is happening?
“Well?!” Gray yelled again.
“It’s no business of yours” Juvia replied “I am on a date, and that’s what people on dates do”
“So you wanted to kiss him?!?!”
“Juvia doesn’t really know” Juvia answered honestly. “Juvia just wanted to know what it felt like to be wanted. Loved. She’s always been alone”
Gray felt a dagger in his heart. Is this how he made her feel? Unloved? Unwanted? Well, that just won’t work for him anymore.
Before Juvia could think another thought, Gray pulled her up from her chair and kissed her. A deep, heartfelt, apology filled, heart-stopping kiss. Sweet and full of promises. After what felt like a blissful eternity, Gray pulled back.
“Uhh, sorry. I should have asked you.. I just moved without thinking.” Gray shyly grabbed the back of his neck.
Juvia couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. Could barely still hold herself together.
“Juvs?… umm.. maybe I should go. I’m sorry”
“Wait!” Juvia finally answered. As quiet as a mouse, light as a feather, Juvia walked over to Gray, and softly , timidly, kissed Gray on the lips. “Juvia will always be Gray-sama’s”.
“Promise?” Gray replied, placing his head to hers
“Always; but… maybe you should unfreeze Lyon-sama. He’s turning blue”
“Not happening”
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happyvoidharmony · 6 months
Missteps.1 (Arrival)
Found : FF.net AO3
He was sleeping, with his headphones on, head buried into the crook of his arms, completely covered and invisible to his guildmates as the train religiously followed on its distinct clickety clack. She was trying not to stare, but from the opposite seat beside the window it was quite difficult to keep him out of vision. Or so she justified herself inside, even if none of the others seemed to have noticed she had been eyeing him like a small cat on its prey. Obsessed. Hesitant.
Talking to him had been difficult. Between the three months of intense training and their unexpected depart for the Grand Magic Games as the secret but still official second team, it had proved itself impossible to get him alone in a room. And she tried. Many times. Or so she made excuses for herself.
His teammates had been haunting around him the whole time, so she couldn’t possibly make a move. Even if once he had been alone, but then she completely blanked about what excuse to use to drag him into the storage room, so she chose to retreat and abort the mission. Another time, she actually had him alone, inside the master’s very small office, and she could see in his eyes that he was waiting for something. Some acknowledgment. Some meaningful talk.
But then, Erza had walked in.
And even she seemed sorry she did. Because she knew, and she desperately wanted to help. And Mira thanked her for that. For being her friend. Even if at the moment she felt more like slamming her head into the desk.
So they hadn’t talked.
Now they were going to work as a team. For a very public and probably goofy fighting event. She had to concentrate to keep her fingers from trembling. She hated fighting at public events. She hated fighting in public. Always did, even as a rowdy teen she only did it to gain the respect from her peers, or so she said, but she always blushed inside and very much outside when the rowing was over. She hated people seeing her magic. Because they always mistook her for it. And that was just wrong. Just because the others made it their whole personality, didn’t mean she couldn’t be a more complex character.
At least she hoped. But the master had made it pretty clear she was expected to participate in the event and could no longer make excuses for herself to stay in the background. He had chosen a real team for the first team, but just in case the individual forces mattered most, there was to be a second, with all of the strongest mages left. Maybe he was also hoping it would help her to finally get over the trauma.
But they hadn’t talked. And now they were going team up in front of everyone. Not just the whole guild, but the whole country. And if that wasn’t enough for her to feel the heat going straight for her cheeks, they hadn’t talked. And they were mad. At least, she was mad. Absolutely revolted by the things he had done, and the way he had randomly come back to save the day, as if nothing happened, as if everything could be forgotten just because he showed up when they desperately needed him to.
Because it didn’t work like that, did it ?
She knew why she was angry, but she still couldn’t figure out why he seemed so. What did he have to be mad at her ? What did he have against her that they hadn’t already fought about in the last two years ? He couldn’t say she was weak and a coward anymore because she had slammed his strongest teammate flat into the ground when he tried to hurt her brother, and even convinced him to quit this whole ridiculous fight.
Because that was her new thing now, giving people the choice to recognise her superiority and quit before she actually beat them. It was more merciful than before. A nice compromise. Or so she justified herself.
And he certainly couldn’t say that it was only a one-time thing, because he knew she had been an inspector the trials, and that she had fought against the dark guild that attacked them. Even if she had lost. He was right on one point though. She was weak now, since it only took her siblings’ presence to have her capabilities shrunken. Evergreen proved it. Azuma proved it. And she seriously had to change that. Because if she couldn’t protect them with her magic, then what was truly the point of having it ?
She tried to work on it during her training. Tried to ignore their presence. Tried to fight against them but she still restrained herself, even if Elfman had been begging her to go harder. Because he wanted to become stronger. Stronger to get the S-class title next time, stronger than Natsu, Gray, Cana and all the others. And now that Laxus was back, he would start to train Freed again. And he would fall behind without the strongest sparring partner. And that was just unfair. Because she was the strongest. At least to him.
She didn’t realise he had woken up before she met his obscure gaze as he started sitting up. He had seemed in a bad shape ever since he stepped up on the train. He would never admit it if she asked, especially not in front of the others, but she was still certain he was also suffering from some kind of motion sickness. Just like Natsu. And apparently Gajeel, completely sprawled out on his seat, paler than ever before. That was okay. She would never tell a soul anyway.
She tried to ignore the look he gave her. She got so lost into her thoughts, she probably deserved it anyway. Probably stared him down like the worst serial killer. He seemed more puzzled than angry. Maybe that was a good thing. She tried to make herself more together. More absent. Like she didn’t care. But still cold so he would know she was angry. But not too distant, or Juvia, or Gajeel, or God forbid Jellal would catch on and start asking questions.
So, she had to be normal. But still cold. But her normal was warm and bubbly. But warm and cold was just normal, so just bubbly. But would he get it if she was just bubbly, or would he think that she was acting like she would with anyone else ? But certainly, he couldn’t think she was going to be all not angry at him after everything that happened ? He couldn’t be that dense, could he ? Well, he was a man. Or maybe that was sexist, but maybe that was okay because he was a man. Or maybe it wasn’t.
She got so caught up once again, it took her an embarrassing time to realise they were at a halt in the Capital and going down the train to get to their inn before the games began the next day. He must have realised she was weird because he frowned and waited just a little bit for her before jumping to the exit.
The sun was incredibly bright that day, she went a bit blind when she stepped outside. And he was still looking at her, but just from the corner of his eye. Still frowning though, but normal frowning. Or maybe that was just his eyebrows. They did have a very arched shape. Compared to hers anyway.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had visited the big city. That was a way of speech, she did remember, quite clearly even, but it seemed so long ago, it almost seemed like another era. Even if it was just two years prior. Well, nine. Before that cursed job got her working a lot closer to home. She even remembered him.
She had been looking for him.
She was a good stalker. Of course, he went to the town for the job, but then, he could disappear for days, weeks sometimes. He didn’t come back straight and wondered across the country to meet God knows who. Even when he was at home he didn’t stay long, tried to make an act of presence and had a fight with his grandfather before taking a job again, and disappearing.
And it worried her. Even if she would never admit it.
So she would go looking for him, after her own job of course. Always managed to get a look at his request, sometimes memorised the town from all the S-class ones so she could find him. She knew his favourite spots anyway. So she just did them in the order she would if she was coming back from that exact town. And she always found him. Always. He was as predictable as a pattern anyway. At least, when he didn’t fight.
She found him in a poker hangout this time.
The bouncer almost didn’t let her enter though. Her being a minor and everything. But by her angry look and very angry boots, he didn’t bother asking for her Id. Only frowned and asked if she was over eighteen. To which she lied of course. That was okay. It was only one year.
The whole building reeked of tobacco when she entered. With the smoke and the music, she almost thought she wouldn’t be able to see him in all this mess. But she didn’t need to see him. She could feel him. His magic. It was slow and heavy, and she could always tell when he was in the same room. He said it was because he was extremely strong. She said it was because she was extremely talented.
She could feel him across the room. So she went straight, ignored all the gawks and disgusting stares on her exposed skin. The dress was probably one of the sluttiest things she had ever worn. Lots of black und purple leather and corset-like laces, very short also, even if she was wearing shorts under it, just in case she had to fight. But it was worth it. It gave her just the right confidence to get down those stairs straight ahead to his table.
He almost choked on his drink when he noticed her in front of him. Weird, he usually caught on her presence way earlier. But he didn’t show it. She only noticed because he gulped very hard, and that was also not usual. So she smirked, because he was drunk and she could see that his pupils were already firing up looking at her attire and those boots that had just enough square heel to put her to his chin, but enough leather and laces to start a bondage club. She then saw him fuming because he knew it was amusing to her, and he just realised how many heads he would have to break if it turned out she hadn’t put on her shorts this time.
But he didn’t show anything, no more than he could control anyway. He only smirked a lot and gave a sign of the head to the guy in front of him so he would give her his place. And he did. One of the perks of the very short leather dress.
He was pretty, as always, to her very sick eyes at least. She couldn’t help staring at him, which was downright embarrassing because she knew he could feel her gaze on his forehead, even if he masterly avoided any kind of eye contact. His hair was just the good amount of ruffled to make her have to swallow that saliva, and he had just started wearing those shirts that made him seem all proper even when it was so lazily ironed and just buttoned enough to make her dread her decision to come. At least, she knew that, no matter how many times she told herself that the more an asshole he became, the more likely it became that she would eventually stop lusting after him, it was still not enough. Maybe the guild could take one for the team.
They didn’t talk at first, just played a few hands before he began speaking.
“What are you doing here, little demon ?”
She scoffed. Because she didn’t like that nickname. Or maybe she liked it too much. And she probably would slam the head of anyone who would dare call her like that. Except him, because she couldn’t, or maybe because it just sounded different in his mouth. Or maybe that was just her very sick ears.
“Just felt like playing.” She replied with that little nice voice. She was getting very good at that voice. He still managed to hear though, even over the very loud music banging in the background.
He knew she was lying. She had that smirk. There was absolutely no chance she had ended up here wearing that thing in this place without a pretty good reason. He knew she liked poker, but she also hated the smell of the smoke, even if she sometimes smoked herself. It was a whole thing. He knew she had come looking for him. Like all the other times she had randomly ended up exactly where he was without any good reason.
“I had a job not too far away. Got to pay the mortgage, you know.”
She was still murmuring, staring him down with those blue orbs that seemed more like daggers to him. He didn’t bother answering to that one though. He certainly wasn’t duped like the two losers losing all of their money at the same table. The one that had left surely thanked god he hadn’t gone against her. She was merciless. But he certainly wasn’t losing. Not with everything he had won before.
“Why didn’t you come home in a while ?” She wasn’t talking down anymore, her voice felt a lot deeper all of a sudden.
“I did.”
She shot a few daggers then.
“You know what I mean.” She was so serious.
He could see the vein pumping on her forehead, and it amused him. The seriousness in her pupils so mocking every other time.
“You haven’t been to the guild in almost a month.” Her voice was also trembling a little now.
He sighed. He was getting sick with her questions, and the accusations. Just because he didn’t want to be like all those losers that treated his guild like a damn amusement park, and then dared saying it was their family or some other crap.
It was exhausting.
“Didn’t have the energy to deal with the old man.” He sighed again and tried to hide the anger behind his cold and smirky stare. But she didn’t let him, continued to stare him down with that horrible serious stare. If only her eyes weren’t so deep. “What’s it to you ?”
She didn’t answer then. Only stared like his question was stupid, and indeed it was. Very stupid. Because if she were to disappear for a month, he would be looking for her too. Even if they were just friends, or something like that. He knew he would.
She sighed again, more angrily this time, more trembling. She got up, having taken enough money from their tablemates. So he got up also. Because he could feel it was growing into a fight and he didn’t want to get kicked out of yet another bar because of her. Not like the time she had slammed a bottle onto a barmaid’s head, which had later turned out to be the owner of the bar. Well maybe that was on him, because he had a tendency to flirt back when pretty bartenders made cute passes at him. Even if it was just to get more tip money out of him.
So he followed her as she went out. Ignored and refrained himself from death staring at each and every glare that dared to go up and down that one damn cloth that looked like a dress and definitely deserved to get burned. If only he wasn’t so damn scared of hurting her forever if he dared to tear it apart himself. She didn’t seem to care, though. She never did. Never showed it at the very least. Or not often. And certainly, never in public.
“Why the cold shoulder all of a sudden ?” He smirked and tried to pester her as they walked to the hotel every Fairy Tail mage stayed in this shitty town that claimed to be a capital. The owner had a deal with the old man. An old friend or so he said. Not in the same room however. To his great dismay. Or his great relief. Now that he realised the length of her pyjamas probably equalled her dress’s.
“Because you’re an asshole that only cares about himself. That’s why.” She didn’t even look at him, but he could hear her stress each and every word, and it was difficult not to take it personally.
“Well, maybe you should accept that now, and stop trying to change me.” He still got very angry. Couldn’t help it. “It would save us a lot of time, you know.”
She turned to face him then, in the hallway where their rooms both laid.
“Why won’t you stop trying to pretend that this is who you are.”
“Because it is.”
He almost screamed that one. Well at least, spoke it very loudly. More like whispered it very high in the quiet hallway. If he cared just a single bit, he would have been worried to wake the other customers. But he didn’t. He didn’t have to scream though. He was so close to her, he barely had to take a step to touch her. And she wasn’t walking away. Even if her eyes trembled and he could swear she wanted to cry. But she never would. Never in front of him. And his stomach instantly crawled.
“No, it’s not.”
He would have sworn her voice was already crackled up with tears when she said that last one. But he was already unlocking his door. And when he tried to look behind him, he only saw her own door slamming. Not bothering not to wake all the other customers either. He would apologise in the morning. Not for what he had just said but for the screaming part. Or the angry whispering part. She wasn’t the one he was angry at. He simply hated his grandfather and every one of those losers that transformed his guild into a flying circus. Not her, he would never be angry at her.
If only she hadn’t already gone away when he woke up.
When they arrived in the room they apparently shared, nobody even dared to say a word. The blonde fell onto the bed closest to the window, headphones still stuck in his ears, like he was ready to sleep some more. Which was weird because he usually chose the bed closest to the door when he was sleeping with other people. How she knew that, she would never admit. But she felt almost disappointed because she had planned to visit the city a little, and could have used some company, and a good occasion to talk face to face alone.
Jellal only excused himself to go outside, awfully quiet since this whole travel had begun, probably to join his guild and talk about his own goal that was worth pretending to be a member of theirs. Which was a shame, because she would have loved to learn more about the man that still had Erza completely obsessed with him since God knows when. She would have found it funny if her own situation wasn’t already so damn ridiculous.
Juvia was awfully silent too. Getting her stuff on the bed in front of Laxus, and since Gajeel had already taken the one beside hers and Jellal the one in the corner, or put Mystogan’s stuff on it, it meant that she had to take the one right next to Laxus. Great. That wasn’t bothering her at all. After all, they had at least a whole meter between them, it wasn’t bothering at all. She tried to smile nicely at her guildmate who started her long babbling about how she planned to find out where the other team was, and the restaurant she had reserved at to go with Gray. Adding to the long list of almost ridiculous obsessions Mirajane had to solve to understand how three of the strongest women in the country had gotten themselves into.
And how on earth, she had ended up as one of them.
When she was gone though, there were only them and Gajeel left, which reached a whole new level of awkward. For some reason, he had taken up babbling about the games and strategy as he called it, which basically sumed up to how they should let him take care of Natsu so that they could concentrate on taking out the other bigger fishes in the other guilds. Which was probably the weirdest part of it all, because she always took him to be one of the silent and broody ones. Or maybe he too could feel the horrible awkwardness to decide it was best to take the conversation into his own hands.
Which said a lot about her own trouble, because she was usually the one that lifted the atmosphere with her nonsense babbling.
She wasn’t apparently the only one startled at that development because it turned out to be enough for Laxus to take his headphones off and gaze at her with the most puzzled and frowning look she had ever seen on him. Which made her chuckle, but she could only allow herself a bit if she didn’t want to laugh at her guildmate’s face, so she bit her lower lip to ensure she wouldn’t.
It didn’t seem to hide it though, because she could also hear him chuckle in her right ear, so she bit stronger, and still it proved enough for Gajeel to stop talking and blush at what was probably their incredibly amused faces. It was cute. In some very weird way, she would have said that he kind of looked like the blonde when his cheeks burned, but he didn’t have eyebrows, so it was way less funny. Or maybe it was just the stress they were both in.
“Screw you guys.” He finally yelled, going for the exit, probably to see the town with the others. “You’re supposed to be the ones planning all that stuff anyway.” And then he slammed the door behind him.
And then, they were alone.
Maybe it had been his plan all along, waiting them out until they were all gone so they could finally talk. Alone. In the room they shared with the others, so nobody would bother them for at least a few hours. It was such a good and simple plan, she was almost ashamed she hadn’t thought of it herself. Or maybe, he thought it had been her plan, and that was the reason she wasn’t already out to go meet the master and her siblings. Maybe she should have thought of it sooner and went out before they ended up like that, because right now, her mind was blank.
What had she thought ? Being alone with him ? She hadn’t the slightest clue what to say to him first. Or on which tone they were supposed to talk now.
“So ?” He asked, startling her, still nonchalantly laid out on his temporary bed. Glaring at her like she was supposed to know the answer, or whatever question it was supposed to be.
“So what ?” She had meant to use her nice voice, but it came out a lot deeper and aggressive she had meant to be. She didn’t do good on stress anymore. Maybe the whole competition thing wasn’t that good of an idea.
“Do we have a plan ?”
She only blinked before she understood the conversation hadn’t changed subjects like her mind did at least three times in the last hour.
“You mean for the games ?” It came out nice again, which was probably the weirdest switch she had ever done, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Continued to stare at her, almost like he didn’t remember that they had like a thousand other things to talk about. Or maybe that was just her.
“Well, I don’t mean for dinner, I’m pretty sure the Thunder Legion already has it covered for me on that.” He looked back at his Sound Pod, even if he hadn’t headphones on anymore, maybe just to avoid her anxious questioning gaze.
Dinner ? Well, not dinner apparently. God, what if her siblings had planned to go eat with the thunder legion ? They had a weird habit of hanging out with them since the trials. To her great relief, because it meant that she didn’t have to find too many excuses to be the one to take his order, but also her great dismay because even with that, she still hadn’t found out any way to drag him out alone.
Except now, but now she couldn’t figure out a single way to start the conversation in a natural way. Or any way.
“Well, what kind of plan do you want to make ?” She tried to smile more peacefully but he seemed pretty obsessed with his screen.
“I don’t know.” He seemed a bit taken aback at this one. Like he wasn’t the one that had just asked the question. “Like, do you want to be the one to take Erza out when the time comes, or, do I have to do it ?”
Erza ? She chuckled a bit. On the one hand, because she had tried very hard to avoid that particular question and he had jumped right on it, on the other, because she had never really enjoyed hearing that name into his mouth. Because she was a bit stressed out, and ridiculously jealous, even if it took her years to admit it, when any other girl’s name crossed his lips. So she just blushed.
“Oh.” She blushed even more, and he started staring at her again. She didn’t even have the reflex to keep herself from looking down, so she was more staring at her sheets. And God, that was a stupid state to be in when he asked an even better stupid question. “I… I don’t even know if I could, I kind of skipped a lot of training, you know.” She was stammering now, and blushing even harder if that was possible. “Can’t we just hope another guild will take care of that ?” She tried to smile naturally behind her blush, but it certainly wasn’t fooling him.
“Can we really ?” He chuckled at that one. And for some reason, that made her displeased blush deeper. Well, she knew the reason. Because that terribly sounded like a compliment, and she honestly couldn’t handle any compliment from him about her. She just couldn’t.
“Fine, I’ll try.” She snapped a bit. Which only made him frown and smirk even harder. And she really hated him right now.
“You’ll try ?” He infuriately insisted.
“I said I’ll do it.” She tried not to snap too hard but as that must have felt harsher than she meant when she got up at the same time to gather the things she needed. She really needed some air. And Elfman and Lisanna were probably already waiting for her somewhere as they had planned to check on the first team only in the evening. And she was hungry. And in the worst state possible to handle any kind of useful conversation with him right now. And screw it, surely, they were going to have plenty of other occasions to talk alone this week, now that they were supposed to hang out all day together.
She only heard him chuckle behind her as she was reaching for the door, probably a lot redder and more distressed than she ever felt like explaining to anyone that would see her coming out of this room. Because she really didn’t feel like explaining why he was so infuriating. And clueless. Like how couldn’t he see that she wanted to talk to him ? Why couldn’t he try it himself instead of staring at her like she was the weird one ? And why on earth was she still so stupid ?
“Okay. Little demon.” Screw him.
Screw him.
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