#[congrats ww]
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floating in water, no thoughts head empty
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poke-poke-poke · 2 years
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She wishes to be as popular as Raihan on social media..    better keep working hard Klara!  (and maybe focus on keeping that jealousy under wraps a bit more-)
(bonus under read more-)
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he is 100%  aware of her irritation-  
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Now to get Kikyo personally mad at me (as is my job in life), has she ever had any sexual fantasies about Sesshomaru? If so-- what are they? Asking for me. I'm curious.
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Were her porcelain cheeks quite reddened ? Yes. The audacity of such a question would make anyone blush, more so one who leaned towards the conservative and somewhat prudish spectrum. Not that there was anything wrong in having sexual appetites. It was completely healthy and normal. And yet, it was one thing to discuss in a professional role and another, to pry into her personal preferences. The former she can do without so much as a stutter, but the latter..that was very much different. Particularly as it was coming from someone that was not Sesshomaru.
Such a topic was only appropriate to discuss with the daiyokai..should it ever arise--when it arise. Hmph.
"Unless your name is Sesshomaru, I do not believe this topic is appropriate for your ears.", she finally replied, her irritation lightly infused into her tone.
"But very well..the answer is yes..to a certain degree. I am not that familiar, knowledgeable or experienced in this department. I never really looked into it except for the occasional curiosity due to what colleagues may have mentioned..", she admitted, brushing a few strands of hair off her neck.
"Be that as it may.." Kikyou exhaled slowly, in an attempt to subdue her rapid heartbeat and flushed cheeks. "Being dominated beneath the moonlight with his mokomoko wrapped around me is one..His familiar features plain to see..from the markings on his cheeks to the crescent moon on his forehead." It was fitting seeing as both found a sense of comfort from the moon, among other things. "Feeling his fangs on my skin, the wind in our hair..the sweet smell of the grass in the air." Naturally it would be a very private and intimate location, free from prying eyes. Being marked by him under the tree he took her to..sparked this particular fantasy.
"Use of ribbons..or silk as restraints..in our intimate sessions.." Television as vulgar as it could be..at least introduced a few things she otherwise may have gone without hearing about--such as mild bondage. "It goes without saying that..riling up my beloved and taking charge for as long as possible is something that I also entertain. It may not last long but..a woman can try, can she not~?" Tease him enough until even his admirable restraint and discipline is put to the test--or better yet, snap.
"Spontaneity--taken..roughly against the wall with one of his famous, rare smirks..I believe that is more than enough to quell your curiosity." Kikyou was admittedly quite warm--and needed to go cool herself off now.
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jeongtokkie · 1 year
i don’t think i’ve laughed harder at a gose ep. they really are something else
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devine-fem · 2 months
The call is coming from inside the house with how gay Jon and Damian are being rn in Lizzie's run. Also why are they so insanely married in WONDER WOMANS run like that's so funny to me. Imagine reading the current batman and robin run or son of Kal-el and then being hit with domestic supersons in wonder woman's daughters comic. One minute they're basically disbanded as a duo and then they're arguing over Lizzie's english homework. congrats kings yr forever immortalized as the super gay dads 😭😭
No it bothers me how often men are showing up in Wonder Woman's comics. I have so many gripes with the new ww backups BUT ITS JUST FUNNY TO LAUGH IT. I THOUGHT THIS WAS AS FAR AS IT WENT. THE DAME THING WAS AS FAR AS IT WAS GONNA GO BUT NOW JON'S CALLING DAMIAN HONEY? OH IM SICK??! HE HASNT MENTIONED JAY ONCE. mind you. This comic is going to cause so many issues with the wonderfam, jon and damian, i hate it but let me live in the glory for a second because thats literally insane, YOU THINK ITS GONNA GET WORSE??? DAMIAN CALLING JON BELOVED WYA?? come home!
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blackbatcass · 1 month
just read all of NTT and came out of it a huge donna fan but i have no idea what else to read for her. perez' wonder woman? titans 99? kyle rayner shit? give me donna recs please
omg hi!! you have come to the right place<3 congrats on finishing all of ntt by the way that’s such an accomplishment. the short answer is…pretty much all the things you said lmfao. there are lots of reading guides out there- I know I have a few in my donna tag, the ones I used were made by @/senorscotty- that will be comprehensive lists of her appearances but I’d be happy to give you a roadmap. My own personal recs for must-reads would be Titans 99 and the return of donna troy miniseries.
If you want to follow her story on from ntt chronologically the next thing to read would be darkstars (for donna specifically starting at #21), but feel free to skim some of it because that series is… not the most engaging lmfao. around this time there was also some back and forth with green lantern as she and kyle start their relationship so you can read those side by side if you want. she specifically appears in green lantern (1990) #58-59, 61-62, 68-69, 70, and 73-75. after the darkstars disband really the only place donna was hanging out was gl, just as a civilian- this is from issues 78, 81, and 88-90. A lot of these are just small cameo appearances but are necessary if you’re interested in keeping up with her and kyle’s relationship. those last few issues are very important for her though.
The next important donna rec would be Wonder Woman vol 2, specifically issues 123-136. This arc reinstates her as a superhero & aligns her with the amazons again, so going on from there she appears pretty often in the rest of that WW run! I would definitely recommend it for Donna, and it’s pretty easy to go to places like dcu guide if you want to know specifically where she appears.
JLA/Titans #1-3 comes next, and then Titans 99 after that! I’d recommend reading the whole thing, it’s only 50 issues and it’s a good time. Directly after titans comes the titans/young justice graduation day special, and obv her next appearance after that is the return of donna troy mini.
That’s about the buffer for my donna knowledge unfortunately! I am definitely not up to date on her post-2005 appearances but like I said there are lots of guides that should have that info for you. I hope this was at least a little bit helpful lol!
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potato-lord-but-not · 7 months
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huginsmemory · 1 year
hi :) 🔥 maybe for vashwood or just trigun in general
Hello, and why thank you for the ask! This is a spicy one hahaha. Uhm, I definitely do have a few bones to pick with vashwood and trigun, and yup if you're like oh no is this about stampede (cough, low hanging fruit...) Then. Uhm. yeah it is. Sorry. I have a few thoughts about it, and why I really dislike (sorry stampede enjoyers) the choices for the characterization for Vash and Wolfwood, including the feminization of Vash. And also... how part of these characterizations are related to classical yaoi shipping dynamic tropes and how it may or may not be intentional (I'm gifting u a conspiracy haha). And then my own opinions on these changes and the reception of the new characterizations. These thoughts have been rolling around in my brain for a while but I wasn't sure if I wanted to post it since it's a bit spicy. But. Well. This is as good a sign as any.
I'll be going over the differences in Wolfwoods characterization, in Vash's characterization and his feminization in stampede, and then how this relates to yaoi shipping dynamics and Vashwood fandom reception (and my personal feelings around it...).
Also, this ended up being... Really long. Oops. I've highlighted the TLDR paragraphs in red for those who want to skim. If u want to just be like, wow spicy take with no context... Go to the last paragraph lol.
Preface and acknowledgement
I want to preface this with that I haven't actually watched Stampede, although I have quite heavily engaged with secondary material about it, ie gifs, meta posts, etc. So I suppose one can take my opinions with a grain of salt; to really form a full opinion on the series, I would have to watch stampede myself, of which I have zero time to do and maybe at one point I'll get around to. This is also why I've been reluctant to get into my thoughts... but from what I've seen of it, I've got a few bones to pick.
Yes, I may be a bit of a hater (ah... such a strong word...) but I do want to acknowledge that stampede has revived the trigun fandom, and hell, I wouldn't have read the manga without it. So credit where credits due, and it's very exciting to engage with the fandom for the first time and see it grow so much in such a short time. Also, yes, I am one of those people who watched the 98 version quite a while ago, so for me it's something that is nostalgic. Call me blinded by nostalgia all u want. If stampede is what first got you into trigun-- congrats! I'm not here to invalidate your experience; stampede is simply another iteration of trigun (even if I disagree with some of the characterizations), and I highly recommend you check out the manga as well. I'm very happy to have you here in the fandom!
Wolfwood's characterization
As some other people have noted here- stamp!ww is a bit different then ww in trimax or the 98, while the cut-copy-paste of the tragic orphange background stays the same (Nightow, you're so over the top. I love it).
Within 98 and trimax, ww is a bit rough around the edges, but is overall friendly, kind, charismatic and a bit goofy (a character trait these ww's share with Vash, which they both use it in a way to mask their darker parts of their lives). Sure, wolfwood in these iterations have zero issues calling people out on their bullshit and is willing to manipulate people around him into doing the greater good- but is shown to be gruffly genuinely caring about people when he can help (especially children), even if he still chooses to kill people when it comes down to it. This can be seen with 98!ww getting Vash to sign up for the tournament to help the single mum and her kid, and the way trimax!Wolfwood treats Milly during the midvalley fight because he's worried about her getting seriously injured, even going to the point of injuring her himself. Sure, he's not going to declare his care verbally to people, but he doesn't need to do that when he's actively doing things that clearly shows he cares for people, especially those he's created ties to, even if he chooses to be violent/forceful when he believes what he is doing is for the best.
This charismatic friendliness and kindness is generally stripped from Stamp!Wolfwood; sure, he cares deep down as is displayed by the orphange and his concern later in the series for Vash, but through his actions with others, there's a noticible lack of general feeling of kindness behind his overstepping of people boundaries compared to og!ww. As another user in here put it, Stamp!ww is a bit of a dick. He has harsh commentary to the group and one of the first things you do is see him rip off Meryl and Roberto with his undertaker job over literal dead bodies when he's introduced. Nor does he really get to be redeemed through showing his care for children, such as at the bus stop where he gives away most of his money or food to begging children, opting to go hungry himself; it instead being replaced by him giving a lolipop to Zazie... which doesn't count for shit. This post by chibivesicles does a really good job of summarizing it from the fourth episode.
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ID: 3 images, each of different iterations of Wolfwood giving something away to a child. First is 98, with ww giving away two of his three food ration bars to two scruffy children, the second from the manga with ww giving away two of his three coins to two scruffy children while Vash watches on, and the third with ww offering a sucker to Zazie while Meryl and Vash watch on.
Overall, the gist I've gotten of Stampede's iteration is that they very much boxed Wolfwood into the typical anime tsundere black-haired brooding character, stripping out his previous goofy and friendly charisma as well as his general feeling of kindness to fit that character trope better.
Vash's Characterization
Vash within 98 and trimax is also pretty different from stamp!Vash; I find this difference to specifically come from stamp!Vash feeling more naive, less driven and well--a bit spineless. The differences come down to two things; Vash having a strong moral spine which he is willing to call people out on due to righteous anger and Vash being emotionally detached from the people around him. Sure, og Vash (going to just use this to refer to 98 and trigun manga together) is goofy, cheerful and shows his emotions on his sleeve, but he doesn't actually let people become close to him. It's delibrate, and most of it specifically revolves around obfuscating that he's a plant and his goal of trying to chase Knives down; thus, he adopts a lifestyle of travelling and rarely staying long in areas, and so you see that his relationship with people are pretty surface level, even through his friendliness.
Three specific incidents within the series and their differences illustrate the emotional distance, and the righteous fury of og!Vash's in comparison to stamp!Vash. This includes Vash's childhood and relationship to the people on the seeds ship after the fall, Brad questioning their trust in Vash as he isn't human, and Wolfwood killing someone to save Vash.
Firstly, for Vash's childhood after the fall, within stampede he's pretty quickly picked up by the seeds ship, which hosts him, and they immediately are able to identify that he is an independent plant. They know more about him than he knows really about himself, and they also are generally aware about the fall (although not the exact details until later). Vash is raised for a while under their tutelage, and ends up helping heal plants, overall forming bonds with them even if they treat him a bit rough in the beginning, and Luida becomes mom #2.
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ID: Screenshot from tristamp, of the photo on Vash's bedroom table, of him with all the seeds ship people he was working with.
In 98, no information is really given, but presumably is something somewhat similar to trimax. In trimax, after the fall Vash literally wanders the wastes with Knives for about 70 years, until Knives cuts Vash's arm off in anger at Vash's insistence that people shouldn't be killed, even when he's literally at the mercy of a town that is going to kill him and sell his organs. It is assumed sometime not long after Vash gets picked up by the seeds ship people, as it is mentioned that theyve known him for 70 years. Vash during these 80 years is very alone, with only his brother as company who is angry and abusive, as is directly pointed out within the manga. The two of them are presumed to be eking out a living travelling around the harsh wastes, and as displayed by the human organ stealing town, it is clear that often human settlements are just another possibility of danger due to crime and violence as a result of limited resources.
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ID: two manga pages. First is just a panel showing Vash's flashbacks to violent traumatic instances of his childhood, showing a montage of him yelling, holding a gun, and crouched over a man who is dead and bleeding out looking panicked and horrified.
The second page is Knives while they are traveling together in the desert, looking down at Vash and calling him over. Vash looks at Knives, and he narrates that "It was about 80 years after the fall. Time passed slowly, but we neither grew nor parted. I knew I couldn't leave him alone. That thought alone determined the distance between us." Vash and Knives are clearly distant from each other in the panel, Vash in the foreground and Knives indistinguishable other than a silhouette at the top of the sand dune in the hindground.
In comparison, although it's not easy for Vash either in stampede, his childhood is cushier and less lonely. This loneliness and harsh environment that trimax!Vash exists within adds a depth of experience to his ethics, informing his righteous anger over everything that is morally wrong and should have never been, that makes him speak out, providing him a stronger spine which stamp!Vash doesn't have. This intensely lonely part of his upbringing also gives him an emotional independence, or even detachment, from most people he interacts with, in comparison to stamp!Vash who is emotionally dependent (and seems less mature) due to his ties to the seeds ship people.
As in tristamp, the closest people to Vash in trimax are the people on the seeds ships (also Lina and her grandma, but they don't know who he is when they take him in). Although he's the most open with them (ie, they know about Knives and his plans), during the visit to the seeds ship you are still given the idea that while Vash knows everyone and cares greatly for them, Vash is still generally emotionally independent from them, and doesn't form intimate relationships with people (especially compared to stamp!Vash). Interestingly, the manga implies when they first visit that they don't know what he is exactly, just that he's functionally immortal, as that when Luida talks about him to Wolfwood, she doesn't mention that he's a plant. Overall, compared to the outside people, the people on the seeds ship know more, and are more aware of how to use the old technology (it's also something that is hinted that some of it is possibly taught to them by Vash over the years), but they are not more knowledgeable then Vash, with Vash likely about the same level or more knowledgeable then them about general 'lost tech' and plant related things. As well, the people on the seeds ship in trimax are entirely unaware of circumstances around the fall--and Vash never tells them either. The visit to the seeds ship trimax functions as a way to allow the reader to distinctly comprehend Vash's age, and how Vash is really quite a terribly lonely character, as he is doomed to watch those he cares about die (which also informs why he likely doesn't really let people get very close to him, along with practical matters). This is directly pointed out in Luida's conversation with Wolfwood and Wolfwoods own inner monologue, as well as being alluded to by Jessica's locket, and Brad's grumblings. From the explanations you get the sense that Vash is emotionally independent and in a way, detached from people's opinions of him as a result of his longevity, with his constant travelling only ensuring that.
This is very different to the relationship of stamp!Vash with the seeds ship, as Vash is shown to have emotionally dependant relationships with the people on the seeds ship, with them literally raising him as a child, and this 'parent-child' relationship is only emphasized by them knowing more than Vash does about independent plants. Instead of emphasizing how Vash is old and outside of time, the dynamic gives Vash as a character an overall young and naive slant to his character, even if they still do drop the 'he's 150 years old' line when the stamp gang visits the ship.
This emotional dependence/independence directly corroborates to the differences in Vash's response to Brad's comment on him not trusting him, as something non-human. Within stampede, as Vash is young, he flees, feeling rejected--indicating a strong emotional dependence on those on the seeds ships for acceptance of who he is. However, within Trimax, Vash acknowledges Brad's comment, and actually validates and agrees with Brad's concerns; he's aware enough that who and what he is something to be feared and suspicious of (especially as by this time, the fifth moon incident, and July has occurred) and is worried about this himself; however, he simply requests Brad to trust him in this. Trimax!Vash's is emotionally independent, from Brad's rejection, a person who is part of the community that he is closest to; he accepts what Brad says, but also stands firm on his request from the community and his continued association with them, focused on his goals of stopping Knives. It's a scene that originally shows Vash's emotional independence from what others think of him (although he is saddened by it), and displays his maturity and acceptance when others reject him for who he is.
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ID: Five pages of the manga. First page, Brad (in his early 20's) scoffs at Vash being called human. Second, Brad accuses Vash as a plague bringer in light of the fifth moon incident being brought up, grabbing him by his collar. Vash closes his eyes, then looks up at Brad, gaze steely, replying, "yeah that is possible". Third page, Vash asks Brad "Won't... you trust me? Please. Brad?". Vash looks sorrowful but is serious. Fourth page, Brad responds by saying "Ones who live outside of time, huh... In thirteen years... even though my hands have grown this big... You... Haven't really changed at all". The words are over-laid on an image of Brad's small hands reaching up to Vash when he was a child, and a smaller panel has Brad looking disturbed. The fifth page has Brad angrily stomping out of the room calling out "Everyone in the older generation may trust you... But you're not convincing me!". Vash then responds by saying to the older man in the room, that "I see what you mean. From the standpoint of a normal human I must be a monster.".
This is entirely turned on its head within tristamp to a scene that displays emotional dependence on people and an inability to accept rejection, displaying a immature, self-conscious, and younger version of Vash. Obviously, he is still younger at this point, but this immaturity and emotional dependence is one that still persists within the narrative of stampede, and influences your view of Stamp!vash. One could argue that then learning the details of why the ships fell is something Vash feels more guilty about, and so takes Brad's criticism harder, and flees. However, no matter what, this is a immature reaction. Interestingly, this portrayal of Vash having an emotional dependence on humans accepting him, is quite contrary to trimax, as this trait is actually one that specifically emphasized to belong to Knives, while trimax!Vash is shown to be emotionally detached and generally uninterested in their acceptance by humans.
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ID: Screencap from stampede, Vash against the door looking shocked and horrified as he hears Brad say "he's never been on the side of us humans!".
The third thing is the scene where Wolfwood kills a man for Vash. Within stampede, Rollo is killed; Vash is angry at Wolfwood for doing so, grabbing Wolfwoods collar, but with a few strong words of a reminder of the harshness of general existence from wolfwood, Vash shuts up and is shown to just be sad, if a bit withdrawn/sulky with Wolfwood. Within Trimax, this scene is technically a rolling together of multiple arcs, but specifically thematically wise is a revamp of when he faces off with Rai-dei the Blade. When Wolfwood kills Rai-dei, Vash literally slaps Wolfwood hard in anger, resulting in them get into a fight, with Wolfwood retaliating by slamming Vash down to the ground in anger, and culminating in him pressing his loaded handgun into Vash hands, pointing it at his own head, and telling him to shoot; Vash then derogatorily calls Wolfwood a coward and they break up the fight, both still very angry at each other. In this, Vash clearly has very strong morals and is unafraid to call Wolfwood out when he transgresses them, full of righteous fury. None of this anger is transposed into stamp!Vash, who just looks sad about all of it; sure, he has values, but they feel like he fumbles with them, unsure and unwilling to speak up for them in an assertive way, crumbling underneath any criticism.
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ID: first image is three panels from tristamp, and second is five pages of the manga, both detailing Vash calling out Wolfwood on killing.
First of the three panels has Vash grasping ww collar, looking angry; Wolfwood says "mercy" in response to the unseen question asked by Vash. He then goes on to say "there's no way to return his humanity", and Vash is looking down, fists clenched. Wolfwood continues, saying that "at best, it's all talk" about Vash's beliefs. Vash looks hollow and distressed.
The second, the first page has ww shooting Rai-dei; Vash responds in horror. Second page has Vash slap Wolfwood, yelling "why? Why did you shoot him?! Wolfwood?", to glare up at him. Third page has ww slam Vash onto the ground, Vash looks shocked, arms around his head to protect it. Ww glares down at Vash, saying "are you really such an idiot? If I hadn't shot him, it would be you lying there." Fourth page has Wolfwood holding Vash's hand with his own handgun in it against his forehead. Wolfwood tells Vash to "SHOOT." Fifth panel has Wolfwood telling Vash that he is a chickenshit for not being able to kill him. Vash then responds by calling Wolfwood a coward.
Something that's also interesting about the righteous anger that drives og!vash, is that its specifically because of his righteous anger, that he comes very close to killing people (Monev the gale, and how he's originally in the trigun manga before trimax presumably tracking down Knives to kill him after July, to some degree the rapist in the train)--and violating his ethics. This anger--and Vash's very real possibility of him killing someone out of a feeling of righteous fury, or a feeling of just righteousness--adds further dimension to Vash as a character, because you see that he also struggles with his no kill rule, even if he staunchly stands by it. Which... without this feeling of righteous anger, it takes out Vash's dilemmas around killing others.
To summarize the above, stamp!Vash lacks the righteous anger that og!Vash has around his belief of forgiveness and second chances (of a blank ticket), and as a result fails to confront others assertively when presented with things that go against his beliefs. Stamp!Vash also lacks the emotional independence that he previously had as a result of a harsh and lonely upbringing and his travelling lifestyle and his inability to age; instead he forms an emotional dependence and connections with them. Generally, the two characters have a very different relationship with the people in the seeds ship, which makes trimax vash seem older and more mature, while Stamp!vash feels more young and naive.
Vash and Femininity
Vash as a character has always been portrayed in a somewhat feminine light; Nightow even specifically has said that he purposely designed the angel arm with feminine elements, as the act of creation is correlated to the feminine. In much the same way, plants are drawn feminine, likely to correlate to the same feminine=creation manner. Thus, his relations to the angel arm, and plants he is given a feminine slant to his character. As well, Vash is shown to be open (ie, crying in public multiple times) and shown to be (at least somewhat) emotionally competent with his emotions, as that empathy (and Rem's instructions) is the core of his belief of pacifism and no-kill policy. These emotional related traits are, well, very commonly perceived to be feminine traits. Vash is also quite pretty in a more delicate (feminine) way, especially with his teardrop mole; he's not 'ruggedly' handsome like Wolfwood, in a more traditionally 'masculine' way. As well, Vash as a character is shown to be a more passive character, as the majority of trimax and 98 has the plot occurring to Vash, rather then Vash actively seeking out and causing changes within the narrative. This passivity within the narrative also is commonly found correlated to female roles, who often aren't active agents of the narrative. This can especially be seen in comparison to active 'male' roles, such as is played out by Knives who is majorly making decisions that move the plot forward (although Knives himself has gender fuckery going on. Nightow likes gender fuckery. On a related note, I love u Elendira and I'm so sorry what they did to you in tristamp that's horrendous). This is also related to how repeatedly within trigun the issue of bodily autonomy and choice is brought up--within plants of course, but also Vash's bodily autonomy is clearly violated multiple times, such as within July, and the fifth moon incident by Knives (and this relates, and this immensely good post put it, also to Vash's insistence on not killing, which is the most ultimate form of violation of bodily autonomy). Bodily autonomy (and the lack of it) is also something deeply related to woman's issues (among others, such as general minority groups).
So overall, even within Trimax and 98, Vash is quite clearly traditionally feminine coded, as can be seen in relation to his angel arm, his emotional openness, his physical features of being 'pretty', his passivity within the narrative and his lack of bodily autonomy. However, even within these feminine traits, og!Vash still comes off as masculine; the breadth of his shoulders and triangle shaped body indicates that, as well as his righteous anger and willingness to speak up against ethical issues are typically seen as masculine traits. Within 98 and trimax he's essentially coded as a feminine-leaning man.
Stamp!Vash however, is a different can of worms. His character still carries the feminine traits as is detailed above, but as previously discussed, specifically lacks the righteous anger that gives og!Vash a backbone and a willingness to stand up for transgressions against his ethics. This further emphasis on passivity of Vash strips him of one of the defining 'masculine' traits of anger, further sliding him along the masculine-feminine spectrum to a more feminine character. As well, with the character revamp making Vash more lithe, rather then giving him broad shoulders, and his hair cut is more of a non-binary haircut vs something that could be argued to be more masculine, further effeminates him as a character. Not to mention the work he's been doing, which is being a plant engineer, specifically involves with caring for and nurturing plants--which directly correlates to a emotionally sensitive nurturing role, one which it is also correlated to a feminine role. This especially so when it's shown that this iteration of Vash is clearly emotionally sensitive too and dependant on the people from the seeds ship, another 'feminine' trait. As well, within stampedes Vash rarely fires his gun... In comparison to 98 and trimax, where you see him fire it quite frequently, to incapacitate people. Comfort with firing a gun, and just general use of a weapon is another traditionally masculine trait. Overall, Vash within Stampede is almost entirely devoid of any masculine traits and is comprised of almost all feminine traits--passive both in narrative and in character, feminine in his work, his build, his goddamn haircut, his bodily autonomy-- with basically the only thing not is that he's not canonically female.
Stamp!Vash feminization and Fandom Reception
This has quite obviously been picked up by the fandom, with many people with trans!Vash headcanons. As per my experience of generally keeping an eye on the ao3 feed, in fact, a large majority of Vashwood fanfiction is of afab trans Vash, with another majority of xeno/intersex Vash; in fact, it's a rarity to find a fic specifically detailing a non trans or intersex Vash within the newer AO3 works. Interestingly, this is quite different then the works previously found within Vashwood on AO3, pre-stamp; these works are primarily with a amab non-trans Vash. It'd be interesting to actually run the numbers, but I'm too lazy to do that. This difference I've observed within pre and post stamp I bet is a result of these changes to Vash's character, making him more feminine--and more likely to be pegged (pun intended) as a trans or intersex character, especially one that has a vagina (specifically, vaginal sex within explicit fics is a very common tag within the Vashwood ao3 feed).
Stamp!Vashwood and Yaoi Tropes
Something that has been personally mildly bugging me about the stampede vashwood is the common yaoi trope of when there are two gay characters, one needs to assume to traditionally feminine role (nurturing, emotional, passive), while the other keeps the traditionally masculine role (in charge, often unable/unwilling to express emotions ) within the relationship. As well, a popular trope within the traditionally masculine role is for the character to be tsundere, heavily leaning into the character being emotionally incompetent and just generally being a dick. This... almost too well fits the changes to both Vash and Wolfwoods characters. Stamp!Wolfwood is now squarely a tsundere and a bit of a dick, as well as dark and brooding, rather then a charming if gruff and rough around the edges character that is goofy and kind (but still dark and brooding). In the meantime, Vash is further feminized, his righteous anger replaced by passivity, fitting that role of a female character perhaps a little too well.
The rest of stampede has been heavily revamped to cater to a modern Japanese audience; this can be seen with the use of Japanese ranking systems within the Eye of Micheal that didn't exist, the stripping of a lot of Christian themes from the show, the swap to a sci-fi genre instead of western and the re-vamping of the character designs. In a similar way, revamping the characters into character types and tropes the Japanese audience is familiar with wouldn't be a stretch; and especially so tropes found within yaoi that very easily can invite shipping, if you as a director recognize the potential of Vashwood as a ship to get people invested into a show. Which, quite evidently, the director may aware of, as he's been liking copious amounts of fanart, including Vashwood. He also has a quote attributed to him about how Vash acts as both a female and male character. So, did the feminization of Vash and heavily emphasized tsundere attitude of Wolfwood come about as (at least a part of) a result of a yaoi bait ploy to get people invested into tristamp? Honestly, I don't know, but it fits the tropes so well that some parts of the stamp!vashwood rubs me the wrong way (even if I'm marinating myself within the fandom). It's especially fishy that one of the people involved with the production is liking vashwood stuff shows that people involved in making decisions for the show are aware (and even encouraging) the ship. The fandoms also been around for quite a while, so it would be easy enough to tap into the fandom to see what was popular--and what they could potentially exploit. Interestingly, the way they're setting up tristamp also leans into yaoi bait for Knives x Vash as well, heavily leaning into Knives being like 'everything I did was for you Vash' in an obvious way, which wasn't really the case with trimax... But that's another can of worms. More attention, the better I suppose.
If it's true, characters where changed for more shipping potential, does this matter really? In a grand scheme of things, no. I mean, yaoi bait is obviously utilized in many anime media, just look at Drrr! and the shizuo x izaya ship. The author is plenty aware of what they are doing and leaning hard into it, knowing its popularity, and exploiting that. So it goes. Obviously, its not necessarily a 'bad change' if they decided to change the characters partly for shipping; that's something people get to decide for themselves. Besides, this new iteration of trigun with a more feminine Vash allows for a heavier emphasis on bodily autonomy, especially in regards to femininity as that one post linked above goes into. However, that said, does it matter to me, who is chewing through drywall thinking about the complexities of Wolfwood and Vash and their relationship in trimax? Yeah, absolutely. A little more on that below.
Personal opinions on everything above
If you don't want to read me griping on personally about tristamp then you can just skip this section. It's just me being boring and predictable.
Personally, I miss the og versions of Wolfwood and Vash; I miss the righteous anger that Vash has, I miss their designs and big shoulders and Wolfwoods goofiness and kindness. As well, as much as I love the trans headcanons that are coming out of stampede, as a masc leaning NB individual I really enjoyed the masculine but also emotionally sensitive version of Vash. This especially so as a part of me feels uncomfortable that people look at a male character that is essentially fulfilling a feminine role and go, oh, he's an afab transman, specifically because of his close connotations with femininity. Like, fuck gender expectations and norms and all that, but for me I'm a bit uncomfortable with that assertion (btw this is not me being like u guys need to stop--we're all allowed our opinions, and y'all seem to be enjoying yourself, so go ham I guess). Also, just personally, I've never particularly identified with feminine characters, especially passive female characters, which stamp!Vash very much feels like.
Perhaps part of it is also that I relate a great amount to og!Vash's righteous anger over everything that is occurring, being a part of a cultural minority myself, and being so terribly angry over how I've seen my people be treated. I've also got an abusive sibling with anger issues that lashes out, so seeing Vash struggle with his relationship with Knives, being so terribly angry over everything Knives has put him through (technically, more about others then himself but I digress), along with his confusion and dilemma over still caring about and loving his sibling is also so very validating. So stripping that underlying righteous anger about everything to just make him sad™ makes him less relatable to me. Where is your anger over everything??? where is it?? Come on man, bare your teeth to the world.
Maybe also part of it is also related to just... acknowledging that male characters can be kind. This is probably related to why I dislike that ww has just become a tsundere and kind of a dick. Give him his friendly charisma and kindness back u cowards, I'll beat you with a stick. Dark brooding tsundere's are dime a dozen! Rough around the edges and dangerous but still kind and a bit silly and friendly men who are riddled with guilt? Shiningly beautiful.
Overall, all meta analysis and conspiracy theories (character flattening of wolfwood and vash to fit yaoi tropes) aside, I guess what I'm trying to say is that my 🔥 spicy 🔥 trigun/vashwood opinion is that I don't particularly like this very heavily feminized version of Vash which the fandom seems to be quite happily enjoying. This is both because his righteous anger is stripped out which I relate too and that I (masc NB) feel somewhat uncomfortable that he's often considered a afab transman due to specifically his feminine traits.
EDIT (MAR 27): a post script with further thoughts I suppose, especially after reading this post by @paiteyy , which describes the stripping of more canonical queerness within Stampede--and the way specifically that Meryl seems to be given some of Wolfwoods roles from trimax, in relation to likely making her stampedes 'canonical' ship... in comparison to how trimax Wolfwood and Vash spend a majority of the time together and form deep emotional connections. If they are rearranging tristamp to further cement Meryl into a heavier role of love interest, then it would make sense for her to take over some of Wolfwoods actions. This also falls in line with how they've gone out of their way to give Meryl a bigger backstory and create conditions for character growth... while simultaneously simplifying many of the other characters, especially Wolfwood. Interestingly, this actually falls in line with the tristamp creators being very invested and shuffling things around to fit shipping tropes to rope in a bigger audience; by moving Meryl to the front they can get a canonical het ship for the general audience (much like the 98 version did in a way--cause clearly every show the mc needs a clear love interest), while also ensuring to lean into sub-textual yaoi tropes to rope in others which would be interested in queer ships.
Also photo ID's were added :D
PLUS: here's the link to more of my meta posts if you liked this.
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superbatson · 2 years
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congrats to this FOTG variant cover for ww 797 (by pop mhan) for indirectly making billy canonically bi
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enniewritesathing · 2 years
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Hi, yall! It’s been a long time since I’ve released... something like a whole year and some change!!. Nothing bad happened, but I just sort of lost my groove...  but still making various things in the background and expanding skills a little bit. I typically release sets when I’m done with a story, but I’m moving slower than molasses in the winter time with it. Plus, I was a little uncertain with it’s theme...
(I guess I can qualify this as whump but in the illness sense ^^;)
So! The context of this set to keep it down to a tl;dr -- Brian (blue shirt) decided to take John out on a retreat to Henford-on-Bagley for a little alone time and for John to get to the other side of himself/chill out. John (shirtless) is a werewolf. It’s a whole thing (2 things actually, they’re linked on my pinned post.) The days before he turns, he goes through some terrible symptoms (body aches, senses all over the place, hunger (but he can’t eat anything due to sensitive teeth/gums), emotions all over the place which leads him to be “hangry”, chest pains (known as “spikes”) rapid heartbeat (that doesn’t slow down in the slightest and arguably the 2nd worst symptom)... to say he goes through it -- every time -- is an understatement.
but the absolute worst symptom is the fever. John’s body heats up to a dangerous temperature over the course of days and very little can bring him relief (unless he turns early...). Except the ice bag. It’s temporary and lasts maybe an hour, two if he’s lucky. Brian’s there to keep one at the base/back of his neck. It’s all he can do until it’s time to turn.
If you read all that, congrats! If you’re intrigued, I got more you can read or you can ask!! Either’s cool. :)
How many poses do you get?
23! Split into 2 files! (Laying down (14) and Sitting Up (9) marked A and B.)
What do you need?
Any Bed
Ice Pack Accessory by @knightjeran (Included in Zip! Glove Category but feel free to move it elsewhere. Stigmata!)
Suggestion for maximum visual misery:
if you have WW, use ww.apply_sweat in the cheat console for body sweat
Kawaiistacie’s blush overlay (or any blush overlay of your choosing)
Eyebags, if you have any
That’s it! Some notes on the poses:
The poses are pretty much mix/matchable within the packs, and you can even use a few as solo poses.
I don’t think there’s gonna be much clipping for sims who are big in the chest, if at all but if that’s the case for you, feel free to adjust.
If you want to see it in action, you can take a look see here:
🧊Laying Down
🧊 Sitting Up
As usual, feel free to ask me questions, tag #enniewritesathing or @ me! I’d love to see your sims! Don’t forget to like/reblog and check out my other poses!
TOU: Have some common sense and decency. I implore you.
[SFS] // [MF]
@maxismatchccworld, @ts4-poses, @mmfinds
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liugeaux · 4 months
Fantastic 3.5
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My thoughts on the Fantastic 4 casting announcement.
* Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm 10/10 - Great Choice! Honestly, he could have played Grimm, Doom or Richards. Cousin has range.
* Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm 7/10 - I liked him in Stranger Things and the energy of Eddie should line up well with that of Johnny. This should go over well.
* Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm 9/10 - Finally a Sue Storm we can take seriously! Of this cast, Kirby probably has the most experience performing in high-action sequences, and her resume proves she's not just a pretty face.
* Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards 3/10 - Before you jump down my throat, I do like Pedro, but I've never been impressed with his acting outside of GOT. I feel like Hollywood is giving him a pass because he's handsome and likable. He wasn't good in The Last of Us, or WW 1984, and he's 100% forgettable in The Mandalorian. When I see his face, I don't think super-genius, I think, "That dude has some funny SNL sketches." I know he's kind of the king of the nerds right now, but I don't see where he's really earned it. He's just the center of a VENN diagram whose circles are - Handsome, Unproblematic, and Vaguely Non-White. Talent doesn't seem to be a factor, and I guess that's fine.
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That's not me saying an actor has to be white and/or problematic to be talented. It's just Pedro, his background, and persona thread such a specific needle, that his name naturally floats to the top of every casting list. Since he's handsome and seemingly a good dude, being a "good enough" actor is really all he's got to do.
Congrats on the casting Mando, stack that green while you can..
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copias-girl · 9 months
w w w w ww www w wwwwwwill this make you any less horny to Copia?🥺
Anyways love FUCKIN' CONGRATS! that's amazing!
Aaaah I’m sorry!! 🥺🥺🙈🙈🙈
I just can’t think of anyone else but my big bad cowboy hehehe 🙈🙈🙈🙈
Thank you so much!! I’m so happyyy 🥹🥹🥹🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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unhingedkinfessions · 2 months
movie trailer drops. kin drops too.
there's a theme. birds or bird lovers.
Atticus wing/Giovanni Goose/That stupid buzzard from the new Woodpecker Willy movie.
i have such a soft spot for woody woodpecker for whatever reason, i remember as a kid trying to find ww cartoons on youtube. i saw the trailer u mentioned on twitter like the day b4 u sent this ask and was very confused to be honest. but i guess i dont know what the original ww was supposed to be about. also didnt they try a live action woody woodpecker like 10 yrs ago and it was weird. anyways congrats on being the buzzard
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finoalcielo · 1 year
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
HAJIME: Since I'm the king and today's birthday boy, I'll be selfish. EVERYONE: Yes, sir! HAJIME: Today's work mode is off. It's still early but... let's drink! EVERYONE: Woohoo!! HARU: Ahahaha, nice! Haime! EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAJIME: Thank you.
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
TSUBASA: To the us DAI: that met here RIKKA: like a miracle~♪ SHIKI & SHU: Let's cheers!!!!!!!!!! EICHI: Shuuuuuu?!?!!?!? ICHIRU: Congrats! Hajime! ISSEI: Congratulations! SHIKI: I've been drinking since morning. HAJIME: You're just using my birthday as an excuse (laughs)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
SHU: By the way, I can't drink so I'm going non-alcoholic drink. EICHI: You've improved by keeping up using non-alcoholic drinks. That's good (laughs) TSUBASA: Happy New Year!! YOU: Thanks! SHIKI: Listen to me... the parsley soba store I was thinking of going to closed down this year. KAI: Let's go look for another one (www)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
KAKERU & KOI: Happy birthday! Hajime-san!! KOI: BUT!! HARU: I wasn't expecting that sudden shift (wry smile) HAJIME: ? ARATA: Here's the flowers and cake to make it feel more luxurious!! AOI: It comes with a rabbit too 🐰! HAJIME: Fufu, thank you. Alright, let's appear high class too then. It looks good, right? (kiss)♪
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
EVERYONE + SHUN: HIEEEEEEEEE HARU: You're going wild today, Hajime HAJIME: Doing things like this once in a year is fine, isn't it? "Don't say that" "Don't do that" "Do it this way" "No, this way"... I'll forget it all and do what I want! HARU: Good idea! All right, let loose! (ww)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
ARATA: Wait, something joined us. SHUN: Eh, who who? AOI: Yup, right there. HARU: wwwww HAJIME: I called him. Procella too. EVERYONE: Eh? KAI: Sup! Congrats! IKU: I did a triple take looking at the message that consisted of three words, "We're gonna drink" (laughs) YOU: So, let's drink!!!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
YORU: Pardon our intrusion..! Hajime-san, happy birthday! YOU: Congrats! RUI: Happy birthday, Hajime. ARATA: It suddenly became lively HAJIME: I did what I wanted KAKERU: That you did (laughs) KOI: Let's respond to Hajime-san's selfishness with all our might! Ah, but before we forget, here's the card!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HARU: I'll just comment it myself by saying that I know I made the comment in the center a bit too big for this card (sorry) HAJIME: Your plans go awry at the weirdest of times KAKERU: And the elegant text bordering the card was handwritten by Arata-san. ARATA: Yay HAJIME: Your good designs come about randomly too (laughs)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
SHUN: Hajime, Hajime, Ha~ji~me~~❣️ Happy birthday!!!!! HAJIME: yes yes, (hugs) ARATA: ! Everyone!! Today is Free Hug day because of being drunk!! EVERYONE: Yay~! (hugs) HAJIME: ...Thank you for the birthday wishes
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HAJIME: I'll dance RUI: You will? HAJIME: Turn around, Heavenly Dragon / Ascending higher Are the flowers / that are fragranced Opening up the Heaven and Earth / The beginning of the world As the prosperity flourishes / The World of Hifumi As the joyous becomes joyous / The World of Miroku Splendid / Splendid / Enyaraya Splendid / Splendid / Enyaraya SHUN: It's the Shichifukujin prayer!✨Hajime's congratulatory words are auspicious🌸 HARU: (When he goes back to normal, he'll be holding his head in shame) T/N: Enyaraya - its a shout made when carrying a portable shrine at a festival or lifting a heavy object. Shichifukujin are the seven gods of fortune originating from Japanese mythology. I tried my best to translate the prayer but if I've made a mistake, please let me know immediately!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HARU: This prayer was originally recited on July 29th KAI: Ohhh! ✨ DAI: After drinking and letting loose, he dances. Even drunk, he still has that otherworldiness feel. Still elegant, I like it. Whereas, on our side, we drink and drink and end up becoming like the Earless seals 🦭 that are in the North Pole. EICHI: Have you actually seen them? AOI: Earless Seals✨🦭 SHU: They're not that nice, by the way
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Man that Windwaker Young Ganondrof design is just awesome to look at. Honestly also fitting as given the ages of WW Link and Tetra/Zelda.
Yeah that artwork is good. Congrats @hawfstuff for making a nice Young Wind Waker Ganon.
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eikitaraaaaa · 10 months
Spooktober 2023 Devlog #3
I finished all of the MC's expressions and poses, but got distracted halfway and started a new save in Sims 4 wwww
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This is the Queen, disappointed by me, who still have so many things to do but abandoned them just to see my sims romancing every townies with WW mod on wwww Please forgive me 人´∀`)
I'm going to draw the bullies next, there are 4 of them unfortunately, then I still have to make sprite for the animals too, and finally the mysterious man needs his own CGs ... I really have many things to do, huh? (T▽T)
On the other side, my script (only until the demo cut part, not the full script) is done fermenting, so I need to edit it soon. I can say it's pretty intense ... like, how emotionally draining "RUN!" is, but much more with anger and hate. I'll post snippet of it once I feel it's up to my actual vision.
Oh, right! Velox Fabula's vote result is up there! Congrats to the winner! (Winner, right? It's ranked after all www) Those games really incredibly sooooo good and polished on such short time, like really guys?! (ಠ⌣ಠ)
Well, "Thirty-One" definitely can't be compared to them at all www I mean it's wacky as hell! No prep, no second thought, just a whim I did to distract my excitement over Spooktober www Even how it made public was purely accidental (草原) It's just strange and "eh (◔ д◔)" even for me. But I promised to release the uncut bloody scene and I haven't made the emotional dumpster called post-mortem. Wait, aren't things I need to do increasing?! wwwww
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