#[like the opposite of someone who is a parent figure to young characters; theyre a child figure to adultier characters]
nrth-wind · 1 year
[every day the urge to give lonnie a leverage au grows...]
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allthatmay · 4 months
how u charactirize the relationship between garp & ace? i personally think theyre quite complicated cause they love each other to the end of the world but also ace needs the touch of someone who is gentle enough to not break the fragile inside of his shell, which is something garp is just NOT dealing with. its a vicious circle where ace believes its his own fault for being so difficult while garp feels frustrated as he watches his grandson dig deeper into the hole.
this has been a bit of a ramble ... my apologies.
No, please, I love rambles! Rambling together is literally one of my top communication methods!
Right, so, I love Garp. He's such a shithead, but that's exactly what he's supposed to be. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, he's the reformist who can't stomach admitting that the entire system is flawed. Up close, he's a 'tough love, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, this is the way the world works' kind of guy, but he has to be like that precisely because he's a reformist. If he weren't like that—if he ever elected to wake up and smell the government-sanctioned genocide—his entire world would collapse, and he would have to face all the monumental, misguided fuck-ups he's made. If he's not a good man who has always tried his best for the sake of justice (however cruel that justice may be), then he's just a coward whose inaction (and sometimes direct action) has actively hurt his own family, and he can't face that.
Garp's relationships with Luffy and Ace reflect his thinking so clearly, but especially with Ace. Ace is a symbol of everything that goes against the system Garp is upholding, but he's also a victim of that system; it's more convenient for Garp to sequester him away and tell himself everything will be fine than it is to admit that Ace needs more. In my eyes, Garp absolutely loves Ace—in fact, I think his handling of Ace is so poor because of how much he loves him; Garp and Roger were friends, and Ace is his legacy.
Like you say, it's absolutely a viscous cycle between them. Garp, having all these complicated feelings, tries to prepare Ace for the people who will undoubtedly have similar feelings. Ace, a young boy who already feels like he doesn't fit in the world (no thanks to his unconventional upbringing), spirals every time Garp refuses to step up for him. I think a part of Garp hopes he can scare Ace into joining the Marines but, of course, he does the exact opposite.
As for Ace, he definitely loves Garp, and that's why I think Garp really did a number on him. Of course, Ace has Dadan, but she isn't a great parental figure. (Don't get me wrong, I love her and I know she loves Ace, but she's more like that cool, older babysitter that doesn't give it a shit what the kids do, as long as they're not dead.) Garp is the one who's supposed to be looking after Ace, and Ace knows that. He sees the lack of effort and care, and the way Garp can't really look at him. I bet Garp's infrequent comings and goings were harder for Ace to bear than simply being left alone.
This isn't even acknowledging that Garp's treatment of Ace isn't just neglectful, but absolutely callous. Telling a young boy that "only time will tell if he deserves to live" isn't just fatalistic, it's fatal. Ace takes this message to mean, "No actions I can take will have a bearing on the worth of my life," so he's robbed of his hope, of his desire to live; he thinks everything is pre-determined by the people around him, even his identity.
(Yet Ace goes about his life with utter patience and kindness anyway because he knows what it's like to go without them and he's desperate for love. God fucking damn it, Garp. You broke the boy.)
Anyway, I could go on, but I've said enough. Geez, now I'm the one apologising for rambling so much! Sorry! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PS. I know I said in another ask that my favourite characters were Ace, Luffy, Shanks, Mihawk, and Robin, but... I think Garp is up there, actually. Then again, so are Jinbe and Law and Kuma, so, really, I'm just full of shit.
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cmonappayipyip · 4 years
avatar: the last airbenders characters in american high school au
sokka -> katara -> aang -> toph -> zuko
-class clown
-sometimes studies for class but he naturally understands everything in this nice smooth flow so school comes very easy to him
-sokka surprises everyone thinking he'd become a jock in high school (he was the class clown, a little bit sexist, a little rude as all young teenage boys are) by becoming a theater kid instead
-its there he meets his girlfriend suki
-the first time he meets her is in all her makeup and dress
-he says she did good in her auditions, for a girl
-he teases her for it until she tells him all the kids who want in to the club have to perform the same audition script, in the same dress and makeup
-he protested at first but gave in anyway
-and then sokka was casted as the girl love interest to suki
-and the rest is history
-not even a week later sokka is the defintion of a feminist
-and he still never shuts up about his girlfriend suki
-he's very popular, and not just in the theatre kid clique
-he makes friends with everybody
-one time he sees this small freshman standing up for a kid being bullied by a senior and it looks like the freshmans about to be eaten alive
-sokka watches not sure what to do but gets confused as the three seniors back down after the freshman makes a speech about love and acceptance for everybody
-sokka is insanely impressed until he realizes they backed down because a teacher was coming down the hall
-it was mr. jeong jeong
-and nobody wants to deal with jeong jeong, not even the scariest kids in the school
-after the almost fight sokka calls aang young grasshopper and they become friends
-for the rest of the year sokka and aang (and eventually toph) keep getting into weird schemes together
-one night they pull all the chairs out of the entire school and put them into the football field
-nobody ever finds out they were the ones who did it
-sokka plans the entire senior prank by himself and its flawless until aang tells him hes not going big enough
-they keep planning and eventually its so extreme katara comes in and tells them guys you cant set 100 wild geese free in the school
-when shes a freshman she gets really mad when other people are talking over the teacher
-gets near perfect grades on everything she does but still never stops studying
-she wasnt that popular as a freshman, she was that kid for a while who showed up with 50 notecards for a 10 question vocab quiz
-but she joins the swimming team and calms down just a little and all of a sudden she has more friends than anybody else in the school
-she meets aang in swim
-hes a really fast swimmer and at first thats the only thing about him that catches her attention is how impressive his speed is as a freshman
-but then sokka and aang become friends and katara cant keep her eyes off of him
-she finds him funny and his calm and peace of mind comforting
-he has a way of handling situations that seem wise beyond his years, but then he also sometimes acts just like the kid he is
-she knows he likes her immediately and she likes him back too
-but she wont ever admit it
-until they later start dating when theyre both in college
-katara meets toph through aang and after she sees someone bully toph for being blind she becomes furious
-toph doesn't care, at all
-but katara wont let it go
-and toph secretly loves katara for that
-she starts becoming more active in caring about other people
-she joins student council and eventually becomes student council president, winning by actually caring about her school and not just a popularity contest (although it was a little bit, everyone loved her)
-but zuko ran against her in her junior year for president under irohs suggestion
-she hated him competitively for a while
-she constantly threw it in zukos face that he was a rich kid so he cant just buy his way into anything
-she hated him on principle
-zuko never taunted her back though
-one day as she went in to study at a tea shop, she saw zuko in the backroom serving tea
-she learned zuko didn't have any of his familys money anymore and worked for everything he owned, including his heart and temperament
-he was a good person
-katara stopped hating him, but she didnt give up running either
-when he lost presidency to her, he accepted graciously
-and thats when she asked him to be her vice president, and the entire class voted zuko in
-they were the most powerful duo in the school after that day
-respectfully but constantly arguing with the teacher
-he's not doing it to be funny, he just knows more than the teachers do
-but everyone thinks hes funny for it anyway
-he never has to study but always does great on the tests
-he was very popular immediately
-by the time he reaches physics sophomore year he meets mr. bumi
-aang starts eating lunch in bumi's room and slowly all of the class joins him for lunch
-bumi only eats a singular lettuce leaf for lunch and 5 packets of pop rocks everyday
-during tests he gives everyone a packet of pop rocks for when youre finished taking it and promises you a 100 if you figure out what he wants you to do with them
-people try everything from putting it in coke, to stealing their classmates, to pouring it on the ground and stomping on them
-aang figures out his last day of class when theyre supposed to take their final
-he notices on test days bumi never has pop rocks
-he always assumed it was so he didnt distract the students during the test but he knows now
-he walks into bumis room and when the test begins he hands bumi his own pop rocks and says he can have them
-bumi annouces aang was the first person in his 43 years of teaching who got it and he will get a 100 on his final
-slowly the entire class turns in their pop rocks to bumi
-but bumi makes them take the test anyway and he has all 29 packets during the test, distracting the entire class
-the highest score on the test was a 35
-but they all passed with 100s anyway
-parents were mad at bumi's teaching style thinking the kids learned nothing from his nonsense and that his grades were meaningless
-but when the ap test scores came back every single student recieved a 5/5 on their score
-she doesnt care about school at all when she starts but becomes famous later on
-class clown but not like sokka
-she does it in a disrespectful way at first
-she always puts her feet on the desk claiming they "need to see"
-shes mad the teachers dont get mad at her for it
-they pity her for being blind instead
-so that makes her act out even more
-she doesnt get to have bumi for physics, she has mr. yu
-yu was a horrible teacher, and toph as a young sophomore year was fed up being treated like she can't do anything, so she taught herself
-she listens to classes online and studies and makes her own physics experiments and learns from the nature of the world itself
-and does better than anyone in her class
-eventually she starts to get 100s on every single test thrown her way, in every class
-she stops being dissrespectful but oh boy does she never back down from a fight if she doesnt like somebody
-at first she doesnt have a best friend but really wants one
-she has gym with aang freshman year and they get really competitive when theyre put on opposite teams
-she nearly takes aangs head off with a dodgeball once
-aang beats her in a mile run freshman year and she doesnt talk to him for a few months until she beats him again
-but they quickly realize how similiar they are and they become best friends
-they talk throughout their english class constantly and keep getting in trouble with the teacher
-aang keeps apologizing ashamed but toph only laughs waits five minutes and starts again
-but all her teachers learn to love her and are impressed by ger instead of pitying her
-when toph has 100s on every single test
she becomes known as the impossible, almost famous internationally for her perfect scores
-shes literally the brightest youngest genius in the world, found in an american public high school
-it seems impossible and like shes cheating except for her 35 average she gets in english every year
-it doesnt matter she cant read anyway she says
-toph loves sokka and after aang introduces them to each other, she never passes up a chance for annoying him for being a theater kid
-she gets involved with many schemes with aang and sokka
-but at first katara and toph dont get along
-one time, katara walks in the middle of toph cornered getting bullied for being blind as a freshman
-katara cant believe herself this is happening in this day and age and gets those kids suspended for discrimination
-toph gets annoyed at katara for caring so much and making such a big deal about nothing
-but one day she realizes katara doesnt pity her at all, shes only mad at the other people
-and she smiles to herself and realizes it is kinda nice to have someone care about her like that
-so she lets katara rant and rave
-but the next time someone said tophs makeup she tried on for the first time is so ugly because she can't see her own face to do it, in fact that explains why she dresses herself like that
-toph throws an entire textbook with perfect accuracy at that persons head
-and when katara is asked as student council president what she thinks should happen to toph next
-katara responds she should be handed a heavier textbook
-and toph smiles
-when hes young hes extremely rich and uses his money to get in and out of everything
-hes good at heart but lost still
-he originally went to ozais private academy because his dad is the principal there
-but when zuko stands up for someone being bullied, just like aang did, he doesn't get friends but instead he gets suspended because the bully was the school quarterback and when ozai defended the quarterback, zuko spoke up
-ozai didn't like that
-ozai is so mad he sends zuko to live with his uncle with strict orders that if zuko makes one more mistake he'll be sent to military school
-but zuko has a good healing life with iroh after that
-iroh has zuko take just one year off of school as they travel the world and connect with nature and camp and by irohs request, drinks a lot of tea
-iroh supports zuko finacially completely but feeling guilty and wanting to help out, zuko begins working at a tea shop with his uncle after his father cuts him out of recieving any of the family money
-iroh enrolls him at the same school as sokka katara aang and toph and after a year of traveling and zuko's heart has cleansed of sadness rejection and anger and now healed
-(but that will never stop him from losing his temper every now and then again too)
-hes in the same grade as katara now despite being a year older
-zuko is pretty jack of all trades in all of his classes, (but only master of one)
-and he also couldn't be worse in english even though his teachers think he has a beautiful way with words
-when he talks without thinking he moves people to tears
-but once he turned in a poem that said "you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. only then will your true self reveal itself."
-he comes home sad he got a 20 on that poem "ruining his high gpa"
-but zuko has a natural gift for chemistry and iroh suggests he tutors some kids for it to increase his confidence again
-zuko meets aang, who wanted a tutor to perfect his classes
-it doesn't go too well at first
-after a year of healing and calm and zen, aang is very very Loud to him
-they argue constantly
-zuko's tutoring style is effective but very aggressive
-he tests aang constantly on the hardest chemistry problems he can come up with, some of it stolen directly from advanced college level courses
-aang is just a freshman but zuko has him learning advanced organic chemisty
-one night they were sent out of the library because aang tried to steal zukos answer key because the test was just too hard and zuko yelled at him to stop and they knocked a whole bookshelf over in the struggle of chasing each other
-but after they left it was the first time aang saw zuko laugh
-after that they start to get along and become best friends for life, despite the age difference
-it takes zuko a while to get used to aangs friends loud personalities but one day when hes older he realizes thats the first time he ever had any real friends his entire life
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
that Slytherin au
So remember that post a while back where I had a harry potter au for one piece where all the Strawhats were in slytherin due to their strong ambition present at an early age to achieve their dreams? No? well here it is anyway lol
Check out this post for some more reasoning behind the idea – note that I do headcanon some characters to not be slytherin, but for the sake of this au and the actual technicalities of the Sorting Hat theyre in Slytherin.
Here we go!
AU will start off with Luffy as a first year, and all canon age differences, meaning Usopp is in his grade, Nami’s one year older than them, Sanji and Zoro above her, and the rest Adults!
Save for Chopper – a special case, a mythical creature raised as human by Hiruluk in the northern mountain range. He looks somewhat more human than canon but is definitely a reindeer. When Hiruluk died and he was given to the care of Kureha, she sent him to Hogwarts (after a few years of learning from her) due to his wish to know more. He was accepted as a political ploy as an olive branch to other magical creatures – ‘ we accept you!’. He doesn’t care. He might be furry but he’s here to learn and be the best healer ever!!! Hence, Slytherin, the boys got ambition and needs some powerful families to back him up! He is in Luffy’s grade, even though he’s younger (technically)
The biggest reason for the Strawhats to be in this House is because of their ambition - but there are other reasons too!
Sanji is from a family of Gryffindors – heroes who are anything but. He wants to be the exact opposite of them in any way he can. When Zeff adopts him, he unlearns his family taught prejudices against Slytherins and when he goes to Hogwarts, tells the sorting hat in no uncertain terms that he wants to be in Slytherin.
Nami herself is cunning, and I would place her in Slytherin even if this wasn’t a Slytherin Au. She’s the perfect slytherin down to the T except for one thing – she doesn’t know her magical origin, as she was adopted at a young age. She gets a lot of shit for that, which she gives right back, as well as taking some money along the way! She also doesn’t fall in with the Magic is Superior ideology that many of her peers have – magic didn’t save her town, or Bell-mere, or her orange trees, magic isn’t superior. Magic is a tool to her, not a way of life, and science can help a lot! For instance, she made the Climatact Spell Set, with help from Usopp, which combines her knowledge of weather patterns, the environment, brief weather spells, and heat and cool manipulation spells, to create weather based attacks. For instance – it takes a lot of energy to summon and sustain/direct a storm… but if Nami can create one with use of low power cooling/heating spells and the environment – she can do a lot.
-      More Below!
A zoro that is Cursed to always be lost is something that I’ve seen often and Im HERE FOR IT! If someone could direct me to the original creator of that headcanon I would love to credit them for it! To Be Clear AGAIN this idea is not mine, but I want to credit whoever’s it is because I love it. 
 That aside, Zoro is like Nami in that he doesn’t know his magical heritage. However, as a child he got the misguided idea that more wand equals more power, which he somehow manages to make actually work. Thus, Zoro has three wands, each with powerful beginnings. Im thinking powerful dragon heartstrings core for one wand, Thestral for Kitetsu, and  Rougarou hair for the last sword – Zoro’s a bloodthirsty kid and he needs some bloodthirsty wands :/
 Usopp’s a halfblood! He’s kinda scared of Hogwarts as his magical parent (Yasopp) has kinda been outta the picture for the most part, but he’s ready for this!! As soon as the kid practically vibrating with excitement to his left doesn’t explode. Usopp originally desired to be part of Gryffindor – house of the Brave, right? But after talking to Luffy, he’s not so sure.  He wants to be his own hero – all on his own, not because he part of the hero, brave house. When Luffy is sorted before him into Slytherin, Usopp makes the descsion to follow him, and follow his goal. He’ll show the world he can be the best!!
He grows to be really good at herbology and potions – an odd mix, but you know whats odder? Mixing the two to chuck at people for pranks then turning it into your fighting style. Go Usopp!
Brook’s a cursed ghost – he’s bound to his living body, but the body’s just bones and bones lol. He makes it work – people know him first as the Soul King after all! He can barely remember his school days, but hes vaguely sure he was in slytherin – he remembers many parties held in dungeons, looking out to the lake for sightings of a curious aquatic beast (Laboon!)
Franky’s still a shipwright, but of ~magic~ ships. His brother’s ships are better known, but his are more sought after by… certain people (more on that later.) When he was a kid, he walked straight into Hogwarts, looked for the table that had the people who would buy his stuff, and told the sorting hat he wanted to go there. Later, he runs more with the Gryffindor crowd, regretting his choice, but when he makes friends with a first Year who tells him where to find some Adam Wood in the Forbidden Forest, he stops regretting it so much.
Robin has a very shady past, and she’s only at Hogwarts for a year before disappearing into the world. She has an odd type of magic, somewhat like pareseltoungue, that allows her to read coded and ancient languages with some studying (our girl still puts in a lot of effort though!) She reappears many years later during Luffy’s first (possibly second) year, and becomes the new history teacher (sorry professor Binns!) People find her scary and suspicious, but Luffy likes to talk to her after class, when she tells him history more like a story than a lesson! She’s very good at duplication magic.
 LUFFY. This boy. Where to start – he’s from a pureblood family, not that he cares, and has some serious magic talent – which he plans on using to travel the world and find the mysterious One Piece – a fabled artifact said to have one’s wishes granted. Luffy wants it to be free (his home life with Garp isn’t very good.) He has a couple famous brothers who have been through Hogwarts – Ace and Sabo, both Gryffindors and pretty big shots around Campus. No one knew they were brothers til Luffy busted into Gryfindor Dorms one night and looked for them. Luffy is exetremly good with nonverbal magic (something in this universe that will be elaborated on, as it features into Nami’s magic as well), not so much with verbal as the pronunciation trips him up. Potions is also hard and if it were not a required class he’d have been kicked out.
Will touch on Jimbe later once I figure him out
Now. Perhaps you are wondering – why do a bunch of kids have developed fighting abilities? Well – take a look at the plot.
This takes place not only in a Harry Potter setting, but in Harry’s own world as well. Meaning – Voldemort is rising, Harry’s still the chosen one, yadda yadda yadda. But do you honestly think that Voldemort is the only magical evil? That there isn’t a magical underworld not involved with his horrible schemes?
Cause there is one – and Luffy and crew are neck deep in it. While Harry and co. are off fighting Voldemort, Luffy is ‘sneaking’ around fighting big time criminals.
Imagine – this eleven year old child comes up to you, a big mob boss, and absolutely destroys you. That’s Luffy.
Underage Magic? You think Garp, head of something or other in the Ministry of Magic, is going to stop that from training his criminal grandsons to be the best Aurors they can be? He knows how to undo the spell (there must be something at Hogwarts that blocks the ministry from being informed of spell use during the school year!) and Luffy has been casting magic like it was second nature since he was real young. He’s taught it to his friends too!
 So plotwise, its basically the school reacting to the Straw Hats, who don’t seem to be friends but are, the odd noticings of what their doing while Canon plot goes on, and the inevitable suspicion from Harry.
But oh? What about the ship thing? What’s Franky Doing with that?
 Luffy is forever a pirate – and the sea is one magical thing I have yet to be seen explored in the Harry Potter Universe. Therefore – free realestate!!! Luffy’s going to be a magic pirate when he grows up, he’s been telling everyone this since he first met Shanks,  and maybe no one believes him now but it’ll happen! Magic Pirates!! Yay!!!
That’s all I have for now, so send me questions if you have any! I might make this into (another) drabble series, or maybe just one big one shot. We’ll see!!!
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
Thoughts re: antagonists
Fair warning: I will be treating “Rhea is an antagonist” as an axiom here to base further discussion on it, if you disagree with that premise then this post isnt for you but im not gonna go into details about proving/arguing it here. 
So on the surface Fodlan appears like your standards issue medieval fantasy setting governed by the rulers of the three countries, but it’s actually a sort of post-apocalyptic leftover of a world where advanced technology once existed, a bit like those legends or pseudoscientific theories about a grand, but sinful civilization before the biblical great flood or Atlantis. Man Grey Proud, wiped out by divine punishment yadda yadda resulting in a setting with two main antagonistic forces that have control and shaped the current state of Fodlans politics through the centuries and have been locked in a costly eternal war:
There’s the remaining Agarthans who want to destroy the surface dwelling civilization AND the Nabateans to rule the surface themselves (which makes them enemies of the church) and there’s Rhea who effectively rules Fodlan from the shadows to the extent that she’s basically arranged the three countries so that her base is in the middle, since the ruling class takes its legitimacy from the church and she makes sure to indoctrinate them when theyre young. 
The result is a world thats rife with instability, inequality, xenophobia caused by isolationism, obsession with bloodlines etc. all side effects of maintaining church power, none of which is doing much to keep the Agarthans in check - they deposed the last emperor and assasinated the last king, have agents in Rhea’s own base and Rhea’s too busy lashing out against random revolts brought on by her incompetent rule to investigate and weed out the real enemy
You have Rhea representing “nothing changes”/ eternal stagnation of Fodlan’s sucky state as it is, Lawful Evil or a “rule the world” villain whereas you have the Agarthans who just plain want to destroy the order of Fodlan so they can rule it,  Chaotic Evil or “destroy the world” villains - We see what Cornelia and Arundel do in the territories they get a hold of, they just squeeze the peasants for their last tax dollar, do forced labor, institute tyrannical and capricious rule... etc suggesting that if they won the people would basically end up as livestock. 
Clearly that’s worse; Rhea’s world sucks but you can still kinda live in it and she will be nice to you if you stay on her good side. But she doesn’t see humans as capable or deserving of governing themselves either. (whereas all three lords basically end up giving the commoners varying degrees of political participation)
They’re even represented as Black (Liberation Army with Agarthan stragglers) and White (Church under rhea) on the map for the chapter introductions whereas the other factions get colors (Empire - Red, Kingdom - Blue, Alliance - yellow, resistance army/reformed church - silver/purple)
The Agarthans are fun conceptually in what they imply for the setting but as characters they don’t get much dimensionality but I don’t think they need to be _ I too used to think pure evil was boring, then I lived through 2016 et al and due to endless frustration with the remaining politicians got to appreciate that the revelant thing about pure evil isn’t the evildoers themselves but how you manage dealing with them in a world with complex webs and balances of power, conflicting self interests etc basically no unambiguos “pure good” everyone can agree on . Pure evil is ultimately an abstraction every evil person likely got evil somehow and could theoretically turn good - but many of them won’t and we still have to deal with it. And that’s the point here - what will the good and neutral people do about it? Will they fall for the traps play the games and be turned against each other? 
Often dysfunctional systems happen not so much because there are evil people (there are always evil people) but because the good and neutral people are too busy bickering to stop them even though the good want to do good and the neutral should at least want to protect their own interests from the villains.
Generally Chaotic Evil tends to be sorta more interesting because it’s the cooler villains/creatures or it’s someone lashing out, whereas lawful evil tends to be crotchery old men and kind of pathetic (See Harry Potter for example) and are often engaged with as sorta younger person rebelling against crotchery old people.
But that also comes with the idea that Lawful Evil is Not You. You can easily see your capacity for destruction as you all get mad and have negative emotions but we all like to think we wouldn’t fall prey to blindly following authority... though studies repeatedly show that ppl overestimate themselves. 
So Rhea is interesting in that she and her most uncompromising followers are semi sympathetic thoroughly examined version of Lawful Evil. (Sympathetic enough that they let you subject her to “love redeems” if you want to, though her S support still acknowledges that she used to be a villain, deceive everyone and used to care nothing for byleth until very recently - You don’t need to marry, say,  Dimitri so that he starts acting responsibly. heck, you could run off with any of his best friends!)  Ppl who are especially susceptible to authority often do so because they feel scared,  view the world as dangerous and sort of never fully made that transition from child to adolescent and subsequently young adult where you stop doing what your parents tell you and start making your own experiences. They’re scared of the unfamiliar and want a strong parent figure to swoop in and protect them and tell them what to think. 
Rhea describes herself as the “last” Child of Sothis meaning she was the youngest, she might’ve been relatively young when the massacre happened (at least by Nabatean standards). She probably survived only cause she hid in fear or because her brothers protected her. 
Eventually she raised an army, got allies and dethroned Nemesis and his ilk, effectively ending up as one of the leaders of her country. The people probably loved her alot after all she got rid of the murdery bandit king - seeing as he has a general might makes right attitude and wasnt above massacring a whole clans worth of innocents for power, he was prolly not a good ruler to live under. 
 She felt she had to live up to the mission left behind by their mother (as Seteth said they view themselves as the protectors of Fodlan) but she still acts as if she were that scared helpless little girl.  She never got the memo that she’s in power and privilege now because sometimes that’s kinda how the mind works. So as she started getting increasingly tyranical she saw it all as “protecting herself” or “doing the will of her mother”. You can see how she got to be that way and follow that progression on an emotional level
She views herself not as the leader that she is, but solely as Sothis’ representative holding down the fort till she returns, and doesn’t enjoy being a leader indeed many things like tea quotes, advice box letters, higher order supports etc. imply that she kinda hates it and finds it lonesome. 
Which also makes her a contrast for the main characters but in different ways - Claude and Edelgard (incidentally the ones who actively oppose her and find out at least some of what her deal is) are very independent, self-reliant and self-determined even at a young age, and even though they have experienced comparable crap, especially Edelgard. Meanwhile Dimitri actually had a lot in common with her in terms of backstory and character flaws and going overboard/hitting the wrong target in pursuit of initially justified revenge and tending toward black and white thinking. You kinda see why they join up in CF -  though he has tons more responsibility, empathy and self-awareness even as his very worst and in his own route he eventually winds up doing pretty much the exact opposite as hes strictly against imposing anything on people and ends up letting them have some say in how he governs them
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ambitionsource · 5 years
S1 Rewatch: Lena’s Take [1.06]
yes i am late. again. no i would not miss this.
favourite scene: zc cleaning up... zc cleaning UP!! god im so excited abt this! charlie being the first person in a long time to actually make zay feel understood, despite their glaring opposites! charlie’s incredibly sad but relatable line about feeling separated from your life! at the start of the season, zay and charlie seem like the two least likely people to cling together. so when we see their relationship starting to blossom— and really, here is where it REALLY STARTS. you could argue it’s 1.03, but that feels like a false start, with charlie immediately avoiding zay at the first sign of trouble on aaa confessions. here is where charlie and zay really begin: they’ve gotten to know each other. they’re on the same level, even if they’re not always on the same page. and charlie has taken time to digest the rumours and decide he wants to be zay’s friend... “friend”... anyway. ma’am. i just luv ‘em. also the little pat on the back... the “someone taught me how to have fun”, the playful nudge.... charlie sweetie ur flirting is SO obvious... who’s gonna tell him? me? alright...
favourite performance: we got 3 zay performances this ep, 2 of em solos, so naturally i am SPOILED with delight and glee. i really have to say perfect places because a) lorde, obviously, and it’s nice to see zay truly happy for a moment this episode, considering he spends most of it sad and lonely. it’s a moment to bring the kids together for zay, contrasting his isolation, and it’s one of the many showcases of the recurring fact that zay works so well when he’s thinking on his feet, and just GOING FOR IT. that’s what lands him the kossal program, later, and it’s a really nice character thing that im so glad is consistent... mr spontaneous. (ALSO CHARLIE SMILING AT HIM UP FROM THE KEYS.... NOT ABLE TO STOP LOOKING UP.... ZAY BECKONING CHARLIE ONSTAGE LIKE ITS COME HITHER....MY HEART.... zc own lorde)
favourite character this ep: zay. most of this review will be about zay. i love zay, and this was really HIS episode, more than anyone else’s. this is really nice especially because he’s taken a backseat most of the season, emotional growth wise (considering that more of him and charlies romance plotline is arguably more heavily focused on charlie’s emotional weight) and as much as i want to see him be happy, it’s nice to see him raw and plaintively sad. also. i repeat. 3 zay performances (2 whole solos!!) i am spoiled!! SPOILED!!
favourite line: “i’m familiar with his work, yes.” man i love rl i dont say so enough theyre so GOOD!!
an underrated moment: i really liked the moment when riley and isadora are at riley’s and her parents come in arguing, and isadora realizes for the first time that maybe riley doesn’t have a life as sunshiney as her personality. riley is a character so often taken for granted by the others, because she’s so pleasant and sunny and helpful and i think aaa students assume her life must be great, when really... it’s not. i think that must almost humanize her to isa, a little more. it’s like the paper towel in the bathroom from 1.0...3? i believe? riley’s not this powerful, all loving figure on a pedestal. she’s just a broken girl trying to fix the only things she can— putting everyone else back together.
something i missed the first time around: not something i MISSED, per se, but i really overlooked shawn & angela’s relationship plotline (because i tend to be more invested in the storylines of the teens) but they really are adorable. dancing in the living room. singing fleetwood mac. reconnecting at a more emotionally mature and stable place and time in their lives. what’s really cool is the contrast of their romance vs the kids’ romances. the teen romance in ambition is very... fresh. new. uncertain and unhinged. angela and shawn have been here before and they’re going back better. they’re still uncertain... but they fall slowly into it, instead of rushing with this nervous, charged energy that you have when you’re young but are still worried that time is running out. they’re softer, and it WORKS. and they’re very sweet. and what i really appreciate, not even solely for this episode, is that they don’t really... fight that much as a couple. they have arguments, probably, but they’re not constantly at each other’s throats anymore, almost as if the only thing they needed to solve it was a kiss and emotional commitment. nice...
first impression vs your reread impression: don’t really remember the first impression of this episode— other than loving it, obviously. but UGH upon further inspection ive decided i extra love it, i’m a sucker for everything— stripped covers, zc, rl, isa and lucas playing guitar like every cliché they’d try to avoid, learning isa can sing.. all so good. more pivotal character moments. more musical magic. more fun!
lena... once again ur takes... on fire! truly your mind!!! i literally live for these and am in love with the way you analyze zc. also maddi will love to read your thoughts on shawngela lmao, but totally agreeee! literally just... the mood of screaming about charlie being unable to NOT smile and watch zay perform while he’s supposed to be playing the piano... how he doesn’t even realize he’s flirting because he’s probably never actually flirted in his life aside from what he Thinks straight flirting is supposed to be (i.e. all those terribly awkward exchanges with riley LMFAO),,,,, like sir!!!!!! SIR!
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corvidprompts · 7 years
How to Write A Queer Character
I When You’re Straight/ Not Trans/ Not Same Gender Attracted
(also- I feel like tumblr has a sort of ‘you should already know this’ attitude sometimes. There’s no shame in asking questions, okay? I promise, I’m always safe to message.)
First: How to write a Same Gender Attracted Character (gay characters, lesbian characters, bi characters, pan characters, ect)
(also, why I use the word queer here)
But Crow! You’re AroAce!! Yeah, but I’m hella gay. I don’t think I can explain it in a way that will make sense to a non aro person but basically I do have a really strong preference for platonic/alterous (basically an attraction that is not wholly platonic or romantic- if platonic is green and romantic is red, alterous is yellow attraction. This is an aro term.) to girls (and trans/nb folks, though I don’t know many irl) Seriously, I have like no guy friends. Not even queer guys.
I would advise you guys to absolutely write queer characters, but I wouldn't advise you guys to write an entire story about the experience of being queer. There’s just some things that kid of get missed when try to write in depth in the experience. Queer character yes! Queer story, no. (this is different than writing a love story where the leads are queer!)
First off: Some people will always know they’re queer. Some people will figure it out when they’re still young. Some people won’t know for a long long time.
If your character is just figuring it out, or is bi/pan ect and has only has crushes on the opposite sex so far,  they might not understand what their feeling is a crush. This is due to something called internalized heteronormativity which is an ugly little voice inside queer folks that might insist that it’s not possible to feel this way towards  [X], or that these feelings are wrong and you should quash them.
A lot of people who are queer may spend a long time insisting they’re straight, or even making up crushes on the opposite sex/ dating the opposite sex because they haven’t realized or aren’t ready to realize they’re queer.
Second: Queer characters are in fact, always thinking about how queer they are. When you’re in public with the bae and you both decide not to hold hands ‘just in case’, when you go to yet another movie with a random het love plot thrown in, when you finally get a queer character in a tv show and you immediately start fearing they’ll be killed off.
Third: literally no queer person is going to pressure their bae to come out. That whole ‘what are you, ashamed of me’ nonsense? Literally everytime I see it i roll my eyes in disgust. That’s not a thing that happens. (I mean, it might. But very, very rarely.) 
fourth: every queer person knows other queer people. all of them. When i first started school post moving during junior high (year 8) my friend group had 1 out person. By the time we graduated highschool, all of us were out. all of us. And there were more- at least 20 people of my graduating class were out as queer. Even before you realize you’re queer, you’ll probably flock to other queer folks.
Anyway, back to specifically gay/bi characters- It’s possible that even after the dating occurs, the couple won’t tell anyone theyre dating, even if theyre out. Case in point i came out as a ‘lesbian’ when I was 14 to my mom (long story), i’ve been dating gf#1 for 3 years? Have not once hinted to my mom we’re actually dating. This goes double for poly relationships or relationships where one/both is trans. 
Some queer peeps will specifically try to meet a stereotype (gay guys dressing nicely, lesbian lades wearing flannel and having short hair) with the hopes of communicating to other queer peeps that they are, in fact, queer!! not always, but sometimes.
Queer people are often much much closer with friends than blood family. This is because blood family can be horribly homophobic, but most of your friends are also probably pretty fucking queer. If you’re writing a queer character with straight friends, and the straight friend outs them unnecessarily (ie. to another straight friend), it’s a huge betrayal of trust.
Even if two queer characters hate each other, they’ll both have each others back involving homophobic/transphobic incidents.
I’m getting disorganized. Onto trans characters
Both sex (biology) and gender (an identity) exist on a spectrum. That’s right friends intersex people exist!
I’m not intersex (as far as I know) so I’m not super qualified to talk on the subject, but long story short that ‘2 sexes only!!’ nonsense? is garbage. This is a pretty good intro post on what intersex means.
Being trans is not ‘you’re a woman, but imagine if you’re a man’ or vice versa, like some people think. It’s ‘You’re a woman, but society says you fit some stereotypes of a man and will aggressively try and force you to exist as a man, including using the wrong restroom with the threat of violence, even though you’re a woman’ or vice versa.
This is kind of difficult to explain, but basically.
Trans people do have a sense of their gender in their head (I’m genderfluid, so for me that sense does change. I’m not sure why exactly, but some days I’ll feel more masculine, or more feminine, or more ???. There’s just a sense of it that’s hard to explain)
Dysphoria is basically the sense that your body doesn’t line up with your gender. This is mostly caused by societal expectations- a lot of trans guys/ dfab people will have dysphoria over them tiddy because tiddy=female to most folks, but not over whats in they pants since no one sees that, so it won’t be a ‘gender clue’. 
Second, an important thing to remember is that cis guys and trans guys have the same gender. Same for cis girls and trans girls. Same gender.
Also, trans people are less likely to come out then gay/bi people. Especially to family members. Literally, upon coming out as a lesbian my parents made me promise I would ‘stay a girl’.
Failed step 1.
Anyway. Please for the love of god, don;t do the scene where someone finds out that your character is trans because they walk in on them undressed. Don’t do it. I’m begging you.
Pronouns are also a Big Deal to trans folks. Please respect the pronouns. Most trans folks do not have ‘preferred pronouns’. They have ‘pronouns’.
(I say most because some nb folks do have preferred pronouns but are also okay with other ones, but as a general rule. Pronouns. No exceptions.)
jazz hands
I feel like there’s more I should put but my brain just died so
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tumblunni · 7 years
Cathedral Tower Defense Game character ideas and stuff so far! I’ve talked about some of these before but I wanna just compile it in summary form, and try and get thinking about more to add. It’d be so cool if I could make it like an early suikoden game where you have the world’s biggest party selection! Or at least have that equivelant but with recruiting shopkeepers and townbuilders and stuff.
So... long post ahoy!
* Protagonist (Sir/Lady/Master Amity) Your selectable renameable main charrie! A badass disabled veteran who lost their family in the war and ended up defending this cathedral town of strangers in order to prevent another tragedy. They’re generally distrusted at the beginning, have a lot of doubts about what philosophy they should take in life, and its up to you to decide how the story plays out. But no matter what, this protagonist is a cool grumpy comically-serious nerd gramp! (or gran or etc) i really REALLY like the idea of changing them to be an older veteran character, it just works so much better and seriously WHY are there like zero grandma protagonists in anything ever? I will vow to make this one as amazing as possible!!
* Florin Generally supportive yet sassy and lazy deutorogonist helper guy. He’s your first ally in this world and maybe kind of a tutorial, lol. Even though he’s a total cinnamon roll, he’s as distrusted as you because he’s a demon. Even the protagonist kinda wonders why on earth he wants to help them, and whether he’s some sort of enemy spy... His elemental realm is over plants, and he has no greater joy than taking a nice nap amoungst the flowers~
* Malachi At the moment the only fully developed idea I have for another party member, aside from Florin. Though I’m not sure if I want him to be optional or mandatory? In either case when you recruit him he’s the catylyst for a lot of character development for Florin, and they end up becoming like a lil adopted family ^_^ Anyway, Mal is a very young and adorable demon child that the party finds sealed away beneath some ruins. Precociously innocent, he seems unaware that he’s become a monster. I mean, everyone eats rocks, right?
* Admiral Chiffon (wip name) A major recurring enemy turned ally! Chiffon starts off as just the eccentric comic relief member of the opposing army, kinda harmless and kinda entertaining. And you might pity her quite a bit, because her coworkers treat her like absolute shit. I basically invented this character because I got sick of seeing the ‘ha ha flambouyant gross comic relief villain’ thing in recent fire emblems, and wondered what it would be like to have a villain whose LGBTQ status is treated as a sympathising aspect instead, leading to a redemption when she finds people who dont treat her like those damn writers treated everyone :P So yeah, she’s a transgender woman who faces a lot of predjudice in her career, and I hope I can make it very heartwarming when she finds true friendship with our heroes! And also I hope it can make the non-comic-relief villains seem extra disgustingly unforgiveable after you see how badly they treat their own teammates. Her personality is gonna be kind of a greedy merchant sort of person, but what if that archetype was a good character instead. She remains sassy and greedy even when she’s been redeemed, i like a good ‘ol vice-filled hero yknow! Character development is my jam! Also all i know about her design so far is that I think I want her to have stylishly skunk striped hair, to represent greying streaks and all. I was imagining her as the token grandma of the cast before I decided to age up the protagonist lol
* Currently unnamed church matron duo, aka Timon And Pumbaa One of my early-ish undeveloped concepts for non-battling town members. These two are florin’s equivelant, they’re the town workers you start off with before the game really starts. I’m thinking they’d be like nuns/priestesses that worked at this place before you came along, and you have a bit of a rivalry here because they pragmatically know they need you to defend the stronghold but they’re also very wary of you. The ‘timon’ one would be the main one who actually holds all these opinions, a sort of crusty matronly mega paranoid lady who thinks you’re gonna backstab us all at any moment! And she’s some sort of super scary chronic sufferer of resting bitch face, even though she sees herself as the ultimate arbiter of justice everyone else thinks she’s terrifying. Just imagine her trying to hug a baby that just cries as if it saw the face of death! Life sucks when you’re a lawful good character stuck in a chaotic evil character design! And then her partner is a funloving pumbaa-esque team chef, who’s actually kinda too loving and innocent to ever distrust anyone. But she always just falls in with whatever her boss says, its like a pinky and the brain situation. Oh and I’m already kinda preemptively shipping these two before I’ve even finished designing them XD
* Depression jail janitor Starts as a prisoner you take from one of the enemy raids, but he ends up winning your trust and joining your team. Entirely against his will! he’s a chronically depressed man who was forcibly drafted into the evil army even though he doesnt believe in their cause, but now he feels like he’s unforgiveable anyway. So he spends all his time trying to convince you that he is indeed pure evil! But the more humble he is, the more everyone believes in his genuine kindness. Alas! It doesnt help that he also kinda has chronic hero syndrome and cant resist helping out in every possible way. So that is how a prisoner ended up becoming the one in charge of the jail keys! And he’s like Everyone’s Dad. (Even the people decades older than him...)
* Former bully powerful friend The one other main child character, cos I wanted Malachi to have some friends. They start off at odds and she initially joins in with everyone bullying him, cos she wants to fit in. But he ends up helping her deal with her insecurities and realise she was only resenting him for being ‘weak’ because she saw herself reflected in him. or rather, the traits in herself she’d tried to hide to make everyone like her, even if it meant joining in with bullying and only having horrible asshole friends. So she sacrifices her popularity with the main clique in order to defend malachi, and ends up finding her first true friend with him. They’re better off being outcasts together! So yeah cutie malachi will have some sort of stronge deliquent friend with a heart of gold, and I’m not sure yet whether she’d be playable or not? i kinda feel like its not right to have someone that young join the party unless they have magic powers to protect them. So maybe she can fight by teaming up with malachi, actually? like, she rides atop his stone dragon golem form and supports with ranged weaponry or something. or just acts as an advisor? I liked the idea I had that there would be a buffs-only type of magic stone, and people could cast it on themselves to have enhanced senses at something or other and improve their supporting skills. Like the protagonist would maybe have an eyesight-enhancing buff crystal to act as a sniper scope!
* Rival warrior buff teen person Very undeveloped cos I just came up with them ysterday, lol! I’m thinking possibly make this character female just cos this archetype doesnt get to be female all that often. Kind of a draco malfoy type snooty rival, but with a more sympathetic side and ultimately you do become friends. Theyre just a simple ordinary citizen who was doing the best they could to protect their family before you came along, and now kinda resents the fact you’re all BETTER THAN EVERYONE and taking their job as guardian! They have a lot of anxieties over the fact they struggled so hard to become self-trained and now you’re here making it look easy. So the plot has a general theme of believing too much in ‘destiny’, and that some people are just born with talent and you’ll never succeed if you werent lucky enough. This character started off trying to act like theyre inherantly blessed with that talent, because they’re terrified that they aren’t... Oh and I think once you befriend them I think they might be like a ryuuji/junpei type of friend? But without the weird sexism and homophobia randomness that persona 4 threw onto yosuke. Just like a bit of a cheerful cliche ‘bro’ who isnt all that interested in books and likes to be all ‘cmon do it for the vine’. A good polar opposite to the protagonist who could have some cute interactions!
* Rival warrior’s chilled out older sibling figure of reasonableness Every rin needs a yukio! I think they’d be maybe a bartender or owner of a restaurant or something? Just some sort of super chilled out job where they act as an agony aunt to their customers, the place is very popular because of the great service. (Though also everyone is kinda like ‘yo you dont have to run it all by yourself, yo you dont need to give us bonus extra special treatment, seriously get some sleep dude!!’) But anyway they’re this perpetually relaxed super kind soul who’s always the reasonable response to their lil sib’s ohohoho angry rivalness. But the bad side to it is that they’re also a lil depressed and apathetic about their own life, they’re kinda like someone who really lives for their family, in a bad way. They’ve been like a single parent to their sibling because they had kind of a tragic backstory, and big sib has just grown too used to sacrificing everything in order to help other people and never taking care of themself. And they have a lot of trouble even.. feeling emotions. The outwardly chilled and happy-go-lucky facade covers up just a void of nothing but self hate and emptiness. They feel like they’d already been tainted by the way their abusive parents used to treat them, its too late for them and all they can do is try and save other people from falling down the same path. Oh, and I think maybe the two siblings are actually immigrants from the villain country? Like, when older sib ran away from the abusive family they ended up here, and now they try and keep it secret, to the point that even the younger sibling doesnt know where they were born. Basically I just wanna have a LOT of different subplots showing how the ordinary citizens of this country aren’t all evil just because their government are the bad guys in this story. And especially covering topics like characters who’re part of that ethnicity and get treated like they’re inherantly terrorists even if they were born and raised in a completely different country!
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comicteaparty · 6 years
October 18th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on October 18th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on The Origin Story by Carolin Reich.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing The Origin Story by Carolin Reich~! (https://tapas.io/series/The-Origin-Story)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
one of my favorite scenes is actually really depressing XD but i really like the small part of a scene after cosima beats joreal and velver passes by her looking for her. https://tapas.io/episode/974705 something about the illustration on this page is so expertly crafted. like, you can just take one look and see cosima is in shock and kind of dead instead, and the fact its conveyed in such a brief and brillaint way amazes me.
Hi there!
hey SJ
Glad to be here
feel free to share any scenes that you were found of.
Here's a pretty silly one
yes! i really liked the relationship between chaze and his brother. theyre so different in personality. and you kind of have to wonder what happened in the past that caused his brother to leave home and essentially leave chaze in charge. cause chaze is not exactly whod i was as a king necessarily XD
Heehee X3
Pretty much
did you just like it for the silliness or was there something else?
the silliness
any part of the silliness that particularly entertained you or just the whole package?
I'd say the "head shake" bit
yeah thats definitely a great illustration right there~!
And giant draco daddy
yeah i liked how the dragon was treated more like a pest than as a dragon XD
Dragon jsut wants his pumpkins for Halloween
in the meantime, another scene i liked was in the elven court where velver did manipulative mumbo jumbo towards nocturne by playing to her fears on being the proxy for chaos. that was just some beautiful a-ok emotional stake driving right there. though i do wonder how much of it was on purpose or if velver was being a jerk. but i like the fact that i dont know for sure because it keeps velver as a bit enigmatic
https://tapas.io/episode/1152958 Ooh, so there's some type of modern tech in this world too?
ummm, well in that part of the world its just cause cosima brought her phone
lol right
another scene im fond of is when nocturne she tells Chaze "nope you gotta figure out how to get yourself out" after freeing him. Chaze has some really great expressions. But i also like the story itself turns my expectations on their head by having Chaze really actually mostly figure out how to escape himself.
Yeah that's a good scene
speaking of head turns, and not so much a scene, but i like that cosima orchestrated her own escape from the brothel and noped out. like im used to stories where the protagonist misbehaves only a fraction (like explore the brothel after being told no dont do that). but cosima just nopes out of there and heads for home, which is a fitting reaction for someone her age.
At least it's appropriate for Cosima's age.
Since I see lots of story make the young characters far more intelligent/capable for someone their age
yes, so i like that she decided to try and nope after all. granted it backfired as it should have, but still the attempt was made
I will be another... 15-20 minutes. FYI.
kay take your time. well be here but i hope you can make it.
I liked the rattling off of "chosen one" artifacts like mascots and silver crystals and then be all, if I don't get those, then nevermind.
Oh hey Math(edited)
oh yeah i forgot about that moment in the larger scheme. but that was a really great moment. and again, kind of a more realistic reaction in a sense. cause i think those sorts of things are what ppl expect if they get told theyre the chosen one.
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic, Velver seems to be up to his own sorts of goals. What do you think Velver’s goals even are? Are they personal, or is this the will of the supposed Church? What do these goals have to do with manipulating the elves to war with the merpeople? What outcome do you think people are hoping to achieve by starting it? Who is Kader, and what’s their intent with Cosima/Riga? Do you feel Velver is loyal to Kader, or is Velver playing the field to achieve his own ends? Lastly, how does Velver know Jorel, and why did Jorel call Velver a traitor?
i will try and tackle the last one first. i feel as if velver must not have always been part of the church by the fact hes a traitor. instead, he joined the church later when he saw the people he was with were "evil." though personally i feel like jorel's group wants to stop the prophecy a different way versus what the church is up to? but this is mostly based on the fact i cant necessarily picture jorel as part of this so-called church
i could be wrong and its totally opposite and the hunters dont realize velver is a double agent who hates the church
im gonna go out on the limb and say i think velver is playing both fields and trying to decide for himself what the best outcome is. and that while he's doing kader's bidding for now, he ultimately is after something else that makes following kader necessary.
I second the "prophecy a different way" part, seems like a possible reason.
i definitely also feel that kader is definitely for sure evil. cause something about the breaking of strings and velver's reactions makes me pretty sure they're a tyrant. XD which makes me pretty sure that they actually dont care about light beating the dark. they just want cosima's powers to do cool power things. maybe take over a kingdom
actually thatd make sense for why they want the elves and the merpeople to war
let the elves and the merpeople tire themselves out
then swoop in with cosima/riga saying "were here to take over"
insta win
I mean who doesn't want to rule over a kingdom
Okaaaay, hiiii. Busy week, didn't get all the way through "Destiny", but very impressed by the German origins here. Gonna scroll up and make random remarks now.
Re: The scene after the dead parents, yeah, that whole section somehow rang really true, the whole "my parents will be so annoyed I don't want to have to deal" morphing into the "what is even my life now". Also, kudos on illustrations in general.
yeah. i like that it continues as well to when cosima got caught by the hunters. and she just sits there like "what is life what do i do"
I'm not at the brother scene yet. ^.^ Did not expect the dragon thing. I wonder how people who do the swimming/water thing end up with dragons, that we associate with the air.
Yeah. I mean, not only are your parents dead, you come face to face with their killer. Yipes.
Yeah, Cosima's portrayed well as a teenager.
i did wonder that too. we havent seen the merpeople yet in the sense of their city, so maybe they actually live above water unlike all past precedent merpeople or something
i did think it was ironic
but i also thought it was ironic anyway cause how does chaze of all ppl have a dragon XD
Velver's an interesting cookie. Joining up later makes sense, particularly if that made him a "traitor" to some. I feel like he's his own agent, rather than working for anyone else... not necessarily that he's trying to engineer the best outcome either, just that he thinks he has some role to play, prophecy wise.
I wonder what the merpeople even look like
unless they already appeared and I jsut missed it
Seahorses are called dragons of the sea, right? Maybe that's how they hatch.
chaze is a mer person
as is his brother XD
Okay then X3
and i guess thats possible if the dragons are secretly just sea horses
I think Velver's been reading the ancient runes. I also have my own crazy theory...
Namely that which one of them is good/order or evil/chaos hasn't necessarily been decided yet. Velver's pegging Cosima for the former, but it could be the other girl, so he's goading her too.
oh thats a really good theory. that either one is capable. cause i mean tbf chaos doesnt have to be evil nor does order have to be good
It's like, "I'm going to start a war, and let's see which of them handles it better".
It also might explain why Jorel wanted Cosima dead, he (or others of his kind) have pegged her as the chaotic one.
could be
tbf maybe jorel wasnt even ordered to kill cosima
maybe hes just like velver and think he has his own role to play
Maybe so
and he chose the psycho role
Could be. I'm not sure I totally buy he's a psycho though... he's strangely ordered in his thinking. It's like, I gotta do this, and this, and tie up loose ends. He just, I dunno, has no soul?
(Maybe that's the same thing.)
i mostly label him psycho cause he heartlessly killed her parents XD
OH, hmmmm... what if Velver and Jorel were originally the rebirth of order and chaos, and they messed it up, so now it's up to the women? How old are they anyway?
Rebel: Fair.
QUESTION 3. Many of the events of the comic come about for one reason: Cosima and Nocturne are destined to fight according to a prophecy and past precedence of their past selves. Do you think The Origin Story about Riga and her sister is true, or do you think there’s some critical information missing from it? Do you believe the prophecy is destined to come to pass, or are Cosima and Nocturne going to find a way to avoid fighting each other? Why do you think Cosima was kidnapped as a child but not Nocturne? In present times, what do you think will happen when Cosima catches up with Nocturne? Do you think Cosima will learn to control her powers inherited from Riga better, or will they ultimately be her undoing? What about Nocturne? Will she overcome her own issues regarding the prophecy?
i dont think that old. but i mean i guess its possible. though they must of messed up real bad cause neither velver or jorel killed each other.
so im saying it now cause of that flashback cosima had at some point (which i dont remember where). i think this is one of those situations where what ppl believe is a lie. someone else hurt riga and someone kept turning the new incarnations against each other. and eventually it devolved into a myth and such, as myths tend to do
Well, the killing each other is just how things are now, once it's all escalated. ^.^
There's probably key missing information... maybe they're actually TRIPLETS.
dun dun dun without the 3rd sister there are no negotians. jsut blind filled rage
Yeah, there has been some interesting flashback/imagery stuff. Like when she reached for someone, and the image shattered and it was Velver (if memory serves).
I wonder if Cosima's friends have a role to play too. Maybe in a big twist, it was really one of them.
they definitely have a role to play. they are suspicious af, though idk if you got to that part yet
Ahh, if they appear in "Destiny" then no. I only got to the bit after Velver and Jorel talked. (I feel like they're related, incidentally.)
Speaking of though, the plot has been very clever in rolling out it's cast. Gradual enough to come to terms with each new character, but teasing others that end up with bigger roles later on. I'm reminded of an early scene when Velver was spying on Cosima - and Nocturne was spying on him. Layers.
yeah i really like the pacing on it too. i dont have to spend an immense time memorizing a billion names at once.
At least the names aren't too hard to memorize.
I'm still horrible with names. It's a gift.
I imagine it scans differently too when you're seeing it as it comes out versus binging, but I felt like the pacing was done well for the cast.
i feel ya Math (edited)
on the side topic of nocturne, i feel like left to their own devices she and cosima wouldn't fight it out to the death. instead theyd be all sister bondy bond, have some tea, etc. so i think for sure its not they themselves who bring the prophecy to pass, its the plans of others who try to grab at the power and turn them on each other. but i also think cosima and nocturne will be obstinate and keep hugging each other screaming no
I'm not so sure about that. Mainly because they might not always have control over their bodies. Like when Cosima went crazy on Jorel for self preservation. Could happen again with unintended consequences.
Nocturne probably also resents Cosima for growing up without so much responsibility, maybe also for having actual parents who aren't apparently trapped in crystals.
(...is reading a bit further in the background btw...)
idk if nocturne would resent cosima for it. cause i mean, at least nocturne's parents are still probably alive in their crystals and werent viciously murdered. though youre right that riga may have other ideas about their bonding and just take over. but then again riga seems to know what velver is up to so riga might not act either.
the bigger danger on seeing nocturne i think is seeing the queen of elves
cause shes the one who might not take kindly to cosima XD
Well, yeah, once Nocturne learns of the murdering that might change things. ^.^ There's a lot of variables in play I suppose.
That said, I will willingly ship Nocturne with Cosima's friends.
LOL i dont think i can get behind that ship. mostly cause i expect cosima's friends to die. :"D
That light haired girl is kind of precious though, with her theories.
I wonder what she'd make of seeing the town.... ... and now I'm picturing her at the brothel, I shouldn't do that.
Also, shipping all the girls in the brothel.
yes those are more acceptable ships. the brothel girls are probably safe. and head brothel girl has a whip.
also i found it, that scene with cosima's friends being super suspicious. it was actually in puppeter
Right, the fact that they knew Jorel. I thought that was weird.
It's fine though, I'll still ship them with each other! All the ships!
yeah. whatever organization jorel is from theyre clearly from
QUESTION 4. Among the larger threads rests a plethora of other possible curiosities to be solved. Who exactly were Cosima’s parents? Were they working for someone from the beginning, or did they somehow get wrapped up in everything? Who are Cosima’s friends considering they lament that their comfortable lives have changed since Cosima left? Who is Jorel, and why are his orders to kill Cosima? What is the deal with the elves trapped in crystals? As far as the plot goes, how might the Hunters affect what’s going on in general? What about Chaze? Will he be able to stop the war, or is his destiny meant to be something greater than that? In general, what are your theories for the future? What do you think or want to see happen?
Are they from that organization though? Because if so, they know where Cosima is. Why bother sending Jorel.
i think jorel is more firmly acting on his own
since the friends didnt know of any death order
He was saying he couldn't go back without being sure she was dead though, or someone would be upset.
I think.
so maybe the friends didnt get the message? and theyre going to show up going wtf guys
Holy Hannah! Kader's more psychotic than Jorel, she doesn't even kill directly. (Just got caught up.) Like geeeeeez.
Rebel: Maybe. There was the implication that they could return as well.
I suspects events will prevent that, but they thought it was an option.
maybe. idk. i need more data in this case. i still think jorel is working more on his own though. cause maybe the person who was gonna be upset is actually gonna be upset regardless. and be like wtf jorel why did you kill riga you dolt
but yeah kader is psychotic, or at the very least tyrannical
velver did not necessarily make a good switch
i really want to know whats up with the elves in the crystals. like was there a spell that backfired and the queen just doesnt care O_O
Maybe, yeah... also that mention of having the same problem in another 10 years makes me think once again that if the battle doesn't happen the spirits move on again. Or something.
Yeah, maybe the elves in the crystals had a disease? So it's like suspended animation? Because it was mentioned that there were fewer elves than merfolk.
Or maybe they just couldn't make enough food for the city, so this means fewer mouths to feed. Swords apparently grow in the crystals, but I guess vegetables don't.
maybe it is a disease. or maybe this is actually why riga was kidnapped. cause riga caused it and jorel's group was like "welp we found riga. did you see that giant crystal explosion?"
im not sure what mention youre talking about with the 10 years thing tho
i must of missed it
The most recent update. Third panel from the end.
Riga likes making crystals. Everyone needs a hobby.
hmmm from the phrasing i feel like the implication is more that nocturne will kill riga? and kader will have to wait a decade for riga to be reborn again so they have to restart the kidnapping process. but i could be wrong.
As to the future, I really don't think I can call it. Too many moving pieces. I also wonder a bit if maybe the Circle's hiding elements of the prophecy, accidentally or otherwise.
Ahh, I see... no, that's possible. Doesn't necessarily negate the Velver/Jorel reincarnation issue though, maybe the host doesn't need to die.
(Yes, I'm back to that theory.)
its a possible theory. though like i say theyd really have to mess it up for this to be a thing. i do think parts of the prophecy are hidden
though maybe its a bit of both
in that theyre purposefully hiding some of it
but then theres parts that they just missed
and are gonna go through their archives and go "oops"
It was censored by the clerics.
Incidentally, just want to shout-out here too for the translator. I noticed the comic's originally in German, and gets translated. Can't be simple coming up with the terms like for the "virtual loop" forest.
(Maybe the original German prophecy got translated so many times it's being misinterpreted. )
i am curious what the original german says now XD
I can't speak German. They have neat words for things though.
Okay, final theory. In a massive plot twist, Cosima's cat app saves the day. All the outside world needed was technologies to unify the different groups.
Oh! And shout-out to some of the fun cartoony poses. I feel like those would be fun to draw. (Or maybe not draw, but see once drawn?)
haha i did kind of hope it would go that way tbh. that by the end the worlds recombine and they figure out that technology is awesome and puts less pressure on the whole magic business.
so i mean if cosima's cat app requires this to happen, so be it
I wonder if there's anywhere for her phone to charge. Or if she can use magic for that.
i wonder if vampire guy we saw briefly who seemed to be from cosima's world has the cat app
that would be hilarious. has all these great goddess powers, uses them to recharge her phone
It's the simple things in life sometimes.
well if cosima visits the brothel again, she cant disappoint. theyll want to see that cat app again
Yis. That will be after the Origin Story... the Sequel Story.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Carolin Reich, as well, for making The Origin Story. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Carolin Reich’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/The-Origin-Story
Carolin Reich’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CarolinReich
Carolin Reich’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A212D0X
Carolin Reich’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ensyis
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about A Drift of Souls by Davpow. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, October 25th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://adriftofsouls.com/
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s3venpounds · 6 years
For real? I mean I don’t mind but I’m starting to feel like no one actually reads these lol
1. You just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
Tumblr usually
2. You just walked into a bookstore. What section do you go to first?
Teen section. Their books are short and sweet and the romance books i find in the general romance section are huge and just have huge bulging men. I just wanna read about dumb teenagers doing dumb things but also accidentally being poetic as all hell sometimes dumb jokes are a plus as well.( plus I don’t have enough patience for long books haha)
3. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing? On my phone. Still part of the conversation just replying out loud with no eye contact unless its a really funny story or topic
4. You just turned your car on. What station is the radio tuned to?Don’t got a car but I’d love to just go for the general top songs in my city. I usually listen to really old songs so listening to whats popular takes me by surprise nowadays
5. You have just woken up for the morning. What is the first things you do? Check my phone if someone messaged me during the night or my calendar app if theres anything I have planned today
6. Complete this phrase: You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy____. BBQ Pulled Pork or Adobong Lechon Kawali
7. What would you do if you woke up as the opposite gender? See if I’m attractive to my standards? Probably go hang out with friends BUT tell them all me and my cousin are coming to chill with BUT i cancel last minute so my cousin is still coming to meet them. Commence pranks
8. Are you more likely to cook for yourself or buy food from a restaurant? Buy food from a restaurant. Although I’d love to try a bunch of recipes from youtube vids
9. If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you rather lose? I would say smell? although given how taste works I’d lose about 70% of taste if i lose smell right? but i still wanna taste food so yeah smell.
10. If you could relive any one year of your life, how old would you be? 17 that or 13 would be neato
11. Would you take a bullet for anyone you know? yes
12. Would you rather be rich and dumb or poor and extremely intelligent? rich and dumb. Ignorance is bliss I say. 
13. What TV character do you most relate to? I don’t know any TV characters that I can relate to but I do know some Disney movie characters I relate to? Jim from Treasure planet is the biggest one
14. You just walked into a supermarket. What section do you first go to? Frozen section or snack aisle ice cream and junk food mmmm
15. Is sex before marriage wrong? nope. I feel like marriage comes after you’ve accepted them for EVERY aspect. then again it depends on how you view sex. If its sacred to you more power to ya, if its just whatever it feels good hey i agree. its wrong if only 1 person agrees to have it. 
16. You just won the lottery. What is the first thing you do with your winnings?keep 25% in a secure place. a portion goes to a bunch of charities and streamers of my choice. a portion goes to whatever i wanna spend it on. a portion goes to pay off whatever friend’s college debts i can. a portion goes to a way i can keep a stable income i can live off of. and a portion goes to my family I guess.
17. If your best friend admitted that they have a crush on you, how would you react? I don’t feel the same.
18. Will the USA ever have a female president? I fuckin’ hope so. Maybe not hilary clinton. maybe. I don’t know enough about politics to make an informed opinion
19. You are carpooling with your friends. Are you more likely to be the driver or a passenger? Passenger, I space out too much
20. How short is too short for skirts and dresses? Nothing is too short i guess. let people wear what they want. its the people looking at fault for objectifying or whatever
21. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, without any consequences, what food would you choose? Potatoes sounds neato. that or sandwiches cuz i can customize it as much as i like. potatoes sounds like a def good idea tho
22. It’s Saturday night. What are you most likely doing? playing overwatch with friends
23. You go on a blind date. Your date is extremely beautiful and physically captivating, but you hate their personality. Would you want a second date? depends on what part of their personality I hate. Are they shallow ? Are they hate filled or closed minded? if they simply just disagree with things like pineapples vs no pineapples on pizza then thats fine, take the good with the bad. if its the closed minded stuff then no I wouldn’t want a second date. Be as pretty as you like, if I can’t stand you then theres no use.
24. How strict should gun laws be? Pretty fucking strict? what, we were in like not even a month of 2018 and we get another school shooting? are you fucking serious? like look at every other country out there, majority of them had 1 school shooting and said “ ok lets maybe be stricter on gun laws” boom. public shootings basically disappeared. WE NEED STRICTER GUN LAWS. THIS IS RIDICULOUS.
25. Would you rather be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team? Worst player on the best team. Because I’m bound to improve and I would never be playing alone. I AM on a team after all.
26. How well do you work with others? Dunno. I would say I’m ok but not a savant by any means. It’s been a while since I’ve had to work with someone back to back
27. You have the ability to cure only one fatal disease and eradicate it forever. What disease do you choose? Cancer most likely Whatever is most common, uncurable, and hardest to research
28. If you could go back to college and choose a different degree to study, would you? I mean maybe? I’ve seen so many of my friends look half dead and be a husk of their former selves just to graduate and thats not a hell i would willingly put myself through. But I suppose if I’m guaranteed a job right off the bat I would.
29. Where do you see yourself ten years from now? Dead? or homeless I guess.
30. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Pro choice. If it aint yours you aint got no say over it. 
31. Would you attend a same sex wedding if invited?  Hell yeah, weddings a wedding. weddings mean new people and food. Especially food. oh and friends
32. So far, what has been the greatest day of your life? K Days with C and friends
33. Has anyone you know ever been arrested? Yes
34. If it could be one season year-round, what season do would you want it to be? Fall. Cold enough to use my other 60% of my wardrobe but still warm enough I can go out with shorts and a shirt and be fine
35. What is your biggest regret in life? thats a loaded question my dood. Letting my social life be such a huge focus at such a critical time
36. If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead, who would it be? Freddie Mercury? That or Elvis
37. What offends you the most? People that try to make my decisions for me thinking they have my best interests at heart.
38. Would you rather have an ugly hairstyle or be bald? ugly hairstyle eugh. I can’t do bald. I’d rather be ugly as fuck.
39. At what age did you have your first alcoholic beverage? 16 i think?
40. What do you think happens to us when we die? We’re trapped in our dead bodies until we fully rot then we wander the world as nothing but whispers and chills down people’s necks.
41. What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? I heard a hot sauna can help get rid of the tobacco in your system that makes you crave
42. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which animal would you choose? a Puma would be neat
43. We’re humans created or did we evolve from earlier species? I wanna say our biological predecessors were created with our evolution in mind but its not the end we may evolve further.
44. What scares you the most? Death or at least the thought of the aftermath
45. What personality trait turns you off the most? People who think theyre right and everyone else is wrong and refuse to consider new perspectives.
46. You got offered a job to do something you hate, but the pay will make you rich. Do you take it? I’d take it. maybe not for the rest of my life but at least for a while
47. If today you only had what you were thankful for yesterday, how much would you have? nothing to be honest.
48. How often do you get mad or upset at yourself? pretty often
49. If you could choose one celebrity to be your parent, who would you choose? Will Smith or Jackie Chan
50. If you could only listen to one musical artist for the rest of you life, who would you be listening to? Jon Bellion or Aj Rafael
51. Have you ever used you cell phone while driving? nope
52. Had anyone you were close to die way too young? Yup 11 KF SSAC
53. Is world peace possible? Yeah its just humanity isn’t ready for it.
54. You go on a blind date. You date is extremely ugly and physically appalling, but you are madly in love with their personality. Would you want a second date? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Most likely a second date but if youre saying this person is absolutely revolting to me then maybe not a date so much as just to hang out.
55. How did you discover that Santa Claus isn’t real? I didn’t I knew off the bat. Every time my parents would say “ its from santa” as I was with them as they bought my present. My parents don’t do subtle.
56. Do you believe in God, or some form of higher deity? I believe in some omnipotent figure HOWEVER I don’t let it dictate my life. I do believe there is something out there.I mean it can’t be coincidence that literally as soon as humanity could think they all believed in some form of god. Greek, Roman, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Native, Hawaiian etc.
57. If you could save someone you deeply cared about, but it meant breaking a law, would you do it? Hell yes. Jail time is temporary, A life is permanent.
58. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done for money? Yknow I never done something like this yet I always wanted to
59. If you were to make a YouTube video about what you know most about, what would the subject be? Injustices or poetry about rain
60. What do you think is your greatest personality flaw? Also a loaded question. Theres a lot haha. I would sayyyyyyyyy how hypocritical I am.
61. If your friends spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, would you still want them as friend? nah
62. Have you ever “woke up like this”? Do you mean the song or something else. If its the song then no. 
63. You got offered a job to do something you love, but the pay is one of the worst out there. Do you take it? Hell yeah man, part time jobs exists, other ways to make money exist. If I love it then money is a small price to pay to be happy for the rest of my life.
64. What do you think is your best physical feature? I’ve been told my hair is nice and my eye brows?
65. What do you think is your worst physical feature. the way my face looks when i smile
66. Do you know anyone who has committed suicide? no.
67. What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone you don’t know? I talked to a stranger who was new to the city about all the places to have fun. Malls, tourists sights, events, small cafes and restaurants and activites.
68. Have you ever had a night’s dream come true? Oh god no. My dreams are all crazy as fuck the MOST TAME one was where i was in a shopping bazaar in Philippines and i got shot 5 times in the bathroom  by someone who went on a rampage. and thats the most tame
69. How would you reject a date offer from someone you didn’t like? I’m gonna pass on that. - is what I would say.
70. Which do you think is worse: Failure, or never trying at all? Never trying at all.
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tumblunni · 8 years
Mannnnn I just cannot get over how many great well-developed relationships there are within the Rune Factory 4 cast! Its just great how much all the different love interests interact with each other outside of their romance route, and how all the non-romanceable characters are still an equally big presence by being family/mentors/employers/best friends/etc to the love interests and to each other and everyone has a job role in the town and they have so many great interactions and just GAHHHH its so great!! Its like one big family made of families made of families then you marry into the family and the family and also the family perhaps. THEN YOU HAVE A CUTE CHILD. aaaaaa
Ventuswill the mentor lady best friend/team mum/LITERALLY THE GOD OF THIS COUNTRY AND A GIANT DRAGON man i just cry forever for her aaaa Everybody’s own unique love for her, and how she kinda unites us all as a family aaaa The butler family coworker trio who met each other because of her! I really like to see it as clorica and vishnal having a brother sister relationship, they dont get any particular big scenes together but they just seem to be such cute friends who never have any of the rivalry you’d expect when theyre both competing as volkanon’s students. VOLKANON IS LIKE YOUR GRANDPA AND HE IS THE BEST CHARACTER The whole restaurant fam! You get to see it expand as the story goes on! And aaaa its just so heartwarming that porcoline adopts all these random homeless people and aaaa!!! DYLAS LEARNED TO COOK. THEY ALL LOVE THEIR STUPID TWIRLY GOOFBALL DAD. And its so nice that these very different personalities end up coming together and being like siblings when they probably wouldnt have befriended each other if not for this random stroke of chance. Its just so cute seeing margaret looking out for her new brothers, and dylas being so polite and formal to arthur, and arthur just being all ‘haha i dont know anything about having a loving family what a rare novelty’ *constantly crying inside* And they bicker sometimes and when they team up theyre a super powerful force, and theyre all like the parents to porcoline’s childishness and aaaaa super talented restaurant fam, super colourful quartet of hugs aaaa THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE OKAY And Forte + Kiel adorable siblings with the unique plot and semi tragic aspect of living alone together at a young age and each trying to take the place of their deceased parents and protect each other And then Bado is like their weird adoptive uncle who’s lived next door since back when their parents were alive, and promised to keep them safe. but he’s kind of a wreck of a man who’s perpetually messing up his silly get rich quick schemes but DEEP AT HEART HE CAAAAARES! but still he is kind of a mess and would probably turn up drunk on their couch half the time. i love him he reminds me of sirius black if he ate del boy from Only Fools And Horses to absorb his strength And then there’s Illuminata who’s like Bado’s evil twin kinda?? They should have more interactions, theyre the bad influence grownups duo XD And I just love the underrated relationship between her and her ‘sidekick’ amber, and how she’s kinda like a big sister who doesnt wanna be called one. I totally only have you here to serve my nefarious purposes! Umm, I mean, my purposes of justice!! And then she’s often playing the cool big sis to all the various female characters in the town, even though at the same time she’s also part of the ‘adults who need a mom friend’ group XD I think margaret and forte actually win the crowd of the true mom friends even though theyre not the oldest (I also like that they have an unlikelu friendship together, though i wish if margaret is allowed to have a canonical gay crush then why isnt she allowed to be a gay marriage option...) And then Lin Fa and Xiao Mei kinda dont stand out as much cos theyre more of a very normal mother and daughter, beyond Lin Fa just being this spacey super nice but super clumsy person. She’s not quite the funny parent-child like porco and co, but she’s funny in her own way cos of how cheerful and positive she is about all her failures. Xiao Mei got all the common sense! Its also nice and cute how Xiao Mei is physically clumsy but super competant and mature, while her mum is perfectly elegant yet completely scatterbrained. And they’re both totally huggable, Xiao Mei dont be jealous that everyone has crushes on your mum! I feel so bad when she’s all ‘i’ll never succeed cos i cant be cute in the same way as her’, as if there’s only one definition of feminine beauty or whatever. CAN YOU NOT SEE YOUR MUM HAS FLAWS TOO. you are powerful togetherrrrrr! i am just so envious seeing these characters with supportive mums that’re like their best friend and they can talk about everything together ^_^ And then there’s the doctor family with the super lovey dovey married couple of funnyness and mushy mush, and they adopt some orphans too~! EVERYONE ADOPTS EVERYBODY: THE GAME. I love seeing the cold and distant Dolce warm up to them and regain her faith that she wont be hurt if she loves someone again. Also Pico is very cute and hilarious! Even if again I get very annoyed at this game having so much queerbaiting, lol. I kinda laughed at the wiki saying dolce and pico were ‘like sister’, i mean seriously?? Pico is like your typical ‘looks like a child but is really 100′ love interest and dolce is the poor harem show protagonist who never asked for this XD I do like though that even if it seems dolce very much doesnt requite pico’s feelings, theyre still best friends either way. Pico’s super comedic flirting attempts seem to come off like she’s completely aware that dolce doesnt love her back, and she just wants to make some humour out of the situation to let dolce know she still cares about her even if they’re never gonna date. Its nice, we dont often see relationships like that in fiction, a childhood friend who confess a crush, gets turned down, and it actually ends positively and they remain friends. Its just a shame it had to be like... one of the few openly LGBTQ characters in the game, and nobody is ever allowed to date anybody or have a happy ending or be a romance route or even mention the word gay, even as theyre constantly being incredibly vocal about how its canon these characters have crushes on each other. gahhhhh. I mean we literally have doug and dylas proposing to each other and confessing their love but LOL HA its just a ~wacky misunderstanding~ but btw lets just rub it in that they are VERY MUCH intended to be seen as gay by the audience but theyre not ~really~ gay even when we say they are and GAHHH okay sorry im getting offtopic now :P Anyway its really sad that Pico is stuck as the same unchanging ghost child while her best friend grows up and marries someone else. And man, she had to spend all those years guarding monster form dolce until someone was able to free her, and we dont even know how pico died so her life could have even more tragedy in it. After all that I guess its a relief that she can be this comic relief jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold manzai duo partner to dolce and also like the freeloading friend on her metahphorical ghost couch. And its nice how much the doctor couple completely accept ‘dolce’s friend’ and are some of the few people who never remotely worry about her haunting the town. And then AAAAA there’s the four guardians themselves who’re like a family cos they were all people who were like family to ventuswill in different time periods, and then met each other for the first time when they were purified from their monster forms and bonded over how much they all love the same friend. And theyre such a badass quartet of cool monsterfolks!! And I like that they have lil relationships inside the quartet, like how dolce and amber are polar opposite sunshine and grumpiness but dolce secretly likes her a lot more than she lets on, and how leon likes to tease dylas but also kinda be his wingman. And I like how leon takes this role to a lot of the other batchelors too, he’s this totally shameless frat boy big brother figure XD “HEY PROTAGONIST DO YOU WANNA HEAR ABOUT DOUG’S SEX LIFE” And then aaaa doug and granny blossom AAAAAA granny blossom is probably the character who gets the least scenes, backstory, and general focus, but I still love her a lot. And they have a good dynamic together! I like that it starts off seeming like just a completely normal grandma granson relationship, but then you learn later that he’s adopted, and that he actually began as a spy for the evil empire who realized the error of his ways after infiltrating the town and finding so much love inside it. And then he’s just so scared cos blossom’s illness might bring her to an early grave, and he’s always being disobedient and rebellious because he wants to do anything to protect her even if she tells him not to put himself at risk and AAAAAA
why are there so many amazing fams and theres even so many small hints of characters who maybe only interact once or twice and then there’s room to headcanon even more fams and AAAAAA and the protagonist’s place in the complex web of fams is up to you to decide!! ITS LIKE EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED IN A GAME
oh and randomly I liked that xiao mei’s father isnt a major character in the game, but there’s not any tragic reason or anything. he’s just a travelling merchant and lin fa is very accepting of her husband being gone off on trips for long periods of time, she has every confidence he will never stray away from her and she supports him pursuing his travelling dreams! and also it was funny how his one brief appearance has him with the generic traveller 3d model, to point out how much he isnt a main character compared to his wife XD and it was just really cute how happy everyone was when he visited, and how the player accidentally helps improve their family business! and aaa the backstory story about arthur’s mother is SO DAMN SAD, and dolce’s biological parents who she left behind when she sacrificed her life, and just AAAAA even the tiny one-line-only minor fams are such quality fams FAMS GAME REVENGE OF THE FAMS
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