#[name of comic tba]
monsterritory · 10 months
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Yeah so this one guy I put into the Kaijuito comic is actually from a different story I wrote a few years back and never published
Until now.
Lord help me I am back on my bullshit aka I am once again starting a webcomic
Coming eventually.
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skzdarlings · 2 months
the kingsguard ; jisung x reader ; part ii
part one | part two | part three | part four | tba | ao3 link
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pairing: han jisung/reader summary: You are a queen. He is a kingsguard - a member of a holy order that vows to defend the king in the name of the gods. They forsake all earthly goods and swear a vow of chastity to avoid worldly temptation. When he stands in as proxy for the royal wedding, all those vows are tested.
content info: reader is described with curly hair.
content warnings: a royal affair between queen reader and guard jisung. the king is a violently abusive man and continually disrespects reader in this part. this chapter has an additional content warning for emetophobia.
word count: 5100 words.
Morning dawns with a cool, clear light, but it fades as quickly, dissolving in the burning sunshine.  Every hand is at work, preparing the royal retinue for its return journey to the capital. 
You watch as the last of your trunks are loaded onto a wagon.  Each click and latch echoes inside you.  You stand helpless as your life is locked in iron. 
You walk to exert the worst of your nerves, fluttering inside you like a thousand frantic butterflies.  You lift your gaze to the sky, willing those butterflies to carry you away, but then you see your family waving from a balcony. 
You cannot let them see your pain.  It is too late to do anything about the marriage, even if your parents expressed some regret for the arrangement.  That regret was tentatively posed to avoid treasonous speech, but they were undoubtedly taken aback by the king’s poor behaviour.    
Your mother insisted on dressing you this morning.  She was teary-eyed the entire time, so you faked your best and brightest smile.  There was no sense in you both suffering. 
The child in you wants to fling yourself at your family.  The woman you are, the queen you have become, forces a smile and waves back. 
You continue your walk.  Your mother dressed you finely but comfortably, a long, loose gown with flowing sleeves, your curly hair pinned in a twisting up-do, a flower behind your ear in lieu of a crown. 
Heads turn towards you, for there are courtiers milling about.  Some are travelling with the king’s party while others will divert course to visit their own lands.  Judgemental eyes trail the sweep of your hem across the earthen path.  You feign indifference as you weave in-and-out of the bustling bodies.
The courtyard has never been so busy.  The clamour of trunks, the stomping of horses, and the din of busy chatter blend into cacophony. 
Distantly, you hear a guitar.  
Han Jisung.  The first name you associate with music. 
You are flushed with embarrassment, remembering last night’s sorry return to your room.  Jisung escorted you back, a silent trek that agitated your frayed anxiety at the time.  In the light of day, you realize just how much he did for you.  You would not have survived the journey, at least not in one piece, and if anyone else had caught you, your life would have been equally forfeit. 
He committed an offense against the crown, a sin in his faith, one that would have demanded a great deal of reconciliation.  You have heard stories of kingsguards self-flagellate in the pursuit of forgiveness for even meagre transgressions.  The fact Jisung understood your betrayal, the fact he forgave it, the fact he saved you, is not insubstantial. 
You wonder who this man is, to wear the cloth but help his friend first, to keep secrets for a woman he hardly knew because he sympathized with her pain.  To have a sword at his hip and a song on his lips. 
You follow the guitar.  It leads you to the royal carriages and a circle of kingsguards in a hushed argument.  Jisung is playing a comically frantic tune while they debate. 
“What’s going on?” another kingsguard approaches.  It is the short and stocky one from the ceremony.  You learned the names of the all kingsguards at the evening festivities.  You recognize this one as Seo Changbin, an undoubted force of brute strength, striding up to his brethren with a hand on his sword hilt. 
“Felix disappeared,” Jisung trills, fingers dancing over the guitar strings, “and the kingsguard is afeared, because the king is not too dear—”
“What?” Changbin interrupts, looking at the others.  “Felix is gone?”
“Not just Felix,” a brown-haired guard, Lee Minho, says.  His brow is pinched.  “The king’s mistress is missing too.” 
Your eyes widen, your careful mask cracking under the assault of shock. 
The woman who ran off with Felix was the king’s mistress?   
It does not take much knowledge of the inner circle to deduce that does not bode well for anyone.  A kingsguard breaking his oath is one thing, a kingsguard running off with a woman is another still, but a kingsguard conducting an affair with the king’s mistress is a personal betrayal heaped on top of sin.  The only worse crime would be if he pursued the king’s wife. 
Jisung looks at you.  
He spots you across the crowd and strums a foul note, fingers clumsy with surprise.  The bad note draws attention to him, so the other guards follow his line of sight.   They all straighten when they see you, their strong shoulders tense with anxiety.
Minho and Changbin immediately duck into a bow.  The other two, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin, exchange a glance before following suit.  Hwang Hyunjin, the preposterously beautiful one, bows but not before he grimaces with discomfort at their conversation being overheard by the queen.
Jisung is still staring, his eyes darting from your face to the flower behind your ear.  He meets your eyes and, for a long moment, sinks into your gaze where he loses himself.  The events of the previous evening seem to play in the space between you, every panicked whisper and solemn glance.
Then he abruptly notices the rest are bowing. With a yelp, he swings down into a bow. 
You take a breath to steady your voice. “What’s this about a missing person?” you ask. 
They straighten, one by one, sharing uncertain looks.  Minho and Jisung seem to have a mute conversation, Minho clenching his jaw and lifting his brows as if mutely scolding Jisung.  Jisung stares back with furrowed brows as if challenging it.
In the end, it’s the youngest one who speaks.  Jeongin is a shaggy-haired youth and his whole face is scrunched with worry. 
“A kingsguard is missing,” he blurts.  “But he’s not a bad guard,” he adds frantically, waving his hands around.  “Really.  We don’t know what happened.  It’s not like him.  And the king’s mistress is missing too, but that doesn’t make sense.  No, it doesn’t make any sense at all.  Felix wouldn’t do that.  It’s not like Felix.  It’s really very strange, your Majesty.  We don’t understand, Your Majesty.  Your Majesty.”  He dips into a bow every time he utters your title.
Seungmin kicks him. 
“Stop talking, dummy,” Seungmin says out of the side of his mouth. 
“Right, I’m sorry,” Jeongin says, bowing again.  “We’re all very loyal.  We’re the kingsguard.  You know that. Of course you do.”
As if anyone could mistake the cluster of black-robed soldiers, looking very austere among the courtiers and servants. 
You say nothing more, simply cast your gaze around the assembled soldiers, doing your utmost not to look at Jisung lest you betray too much secret knowledge. 
“There is no cause for concern,” Minho says, drawing your attention.  “Everyone is just… surprised.”
“Yeah,” Seungmin mutters, “Surprised it wasn’t Hyunjin.”   
Jeongin snorts, though he looks remorseful after.  Hyunjin whips around to glare at Seungmin who is now snickering to himself. 
“Excuse me,” Hyunjin says, catty in tone, “I let them look, but I don’t touch.”
“And what do they touch?” Seungmin retorts.  Jeongin laughs again and looks even more chagrined, covering his mouth and closing his eyes. 
“Yah, knock it off,” Changbin says, waving them apart. 
“We’ll fix it,” Minho says to you.  “You don’t need to concern yourself, your Majesty.”
You do not say that you are very concerned.  You worry the king’s attentions will return to you sooner than he threatened.  And if that was his conduct when he had a mistress for pleasure, you are loathe to imagine how he might behave in her absence.    
But that is not an admittance you can make to the holy order sworn to enforce the will of the gods-blessed crown.
The king is wearing that crown as he storms over.  He is already ranting and raving, barking at the leader of kingsguard.  Chan follows him, hand on the hilt of his sword, stoic face not betraying a hint of anxiety.  He nods patiently at the king’s ranting. 
When they reach the guards, a single look from Chan compels them all to stand in formation and bow before the king.
“I want them found!” the king hollers.  “I want their heads on pikes outside my window!  And if I find any conspirators in this fucking plot—”   He shoves a passing servant, a man in the wrong place at the wrong time.  The servant spills to the ground, cowering when the king looms over him.  “Then they too shall pay the price of treason.”   
The servant crawls into full obeisance, prostrate on the ground.  The king just snarls and steps over him. 
“Sire,” Chan says curtly, a vague acknowledgement before he helps the servant up and sends him on his way. 
The king has already moved on, still ranting to himself as he storms across the courtyard.  He starts shouting about his wife, evidently missing you in the crowd.  You swallow down the choking terror in your throat and follow him. 
“If that whore ran off too—” he starts, turning around and finally seeing you.  He snarls.  “It would have been preferable,” he says. 
You say nothing.  You dip into a respectful bow and keep your eyes down.  It conceals your fear, your frustration.  You hope it just looks submissive.   
“It is not necessary we overindulge in company,” he says.  “You will ride in the carriage behind mine.  The kingsguard will surround us.  You will not bother them.  You will not be a grievance to me.  You will be quiet.  You will be obedient.  You will do as told and move only when bid.”  He does not wait for a reply, turning to look at the guards.  “We depart.  Now.  I want to leave this disgusting territory behind me.”
He spits.  Ostensibly, it is just on the ground, a slight against the land, but it falls close to your feet.  It is abundantly obvious what he is actually spitting on. 
You take another steadying breath, staring at that spot on the ground.  When you find the strength to lift your gaze, the guards are staring at you.  Their expressions run the range of pity and malcontent.  You suppose they would be offended by the king slighting you so outright.  Though his blood is divine by birthright, they believe the gods control the fates of men, so if you are queen it is because the gods will it so.  You have also been chosen by the gods and it is not appropriate for the king to conduct himself thusly. 
They are visibly disgruntled, Chan most of all, his brow furrowed as he stares after the king.  The shake of his head is nearly imperceptible; you would have missed it if you were not looking at that precise moment. 
The king leaves an awkward silence in his retreat.  It is broken when Jisung strums a melodramatic chord on his guitar. 
Chan shoots him an unimpressed look.  Jisung giggles nervously.   
“Put it away,” Chan says.
“Heh, right,” Jisung says, spinning on his heel.  He putters towards his horse where he packs his guitar with his saddlebags. 
In spite of yourself, you feel the tug of a smile, very small but very real.  Your eyes follow Jisung until Chan steps forward, his hand over his heart as he bows politely.
“Your Majesty,” he says.  “I’ll escort you to the carriage.” 
You start to follow, casting a final glance back at your home.  When you do, you catch sight of something across the courtyard.  It roots you to the spot.  Your heart weighs you down like a lead weight. 
“Your Majesty?” Chan says, tilting his head.  He holds out his hand. 
“I’m sorry,” you say.  It comes out on a breath.  You clear your throat but your voice is still shaking when you say, “Can you give me just one more moment?  I’ll be fast.”
His squints, perplexed, but he nods. 
You gather your skirts so you can run quickly over the courtyard bricks.  You hurry to the cluster of household servants who are gathered in a teary-eyed throng by the palace.   When they see you coming, they all rush forward.  You meet them halfway, throwing your arms around the woman directly in your path. 
Your tears nearly escape, but you manage to restrain them, enveloped in the friendly embrace of the household that raised you.  You spent more time among these people than anyone else, always respectful of their important duties, cherishing their friendships as dearly as any noblesse. 
You know it is inappropriate as a queen, standing there hugging the servants one-by-one, but you suspect you will draw ire regardless.  So you hug and thank them, wiping a few teary faces as they wish you well. 
“You’ll come back and visit right?” a little girl asks, the daughter of a handmaiden your own age, a woman you consider a friend.  You spent many hours entertaining her daughter, helping with chores, giving gifts, seeing her grow. 
You crouch down to her level, holding back tears as you nod.  You know it’s not true, that the king will undoubtedly forbid it given his contempt for this place.  But you say, “Of course I will.  This is my home.  I’d miss you all too much.”
“We’ll miss you too,” her mother says, hugging you next.  When she does, she slips something into your hand, a small phial of a dark liquid.  “Sleeping draft,” she whispers in your ear.  “For the nights the king needs his rest so you may have yours.” 
You laugh through your tears, kiss her temple and a mouth a thank you as you withdraw.   You tuck the phial into a pocket pouch inside your gown. 
After a few more goodbyes, you stand before them and bow.  You offer a smile as they return it.  It carries a very different respect than the terrified cowering of the servant before the king. 
You are not the only one who thinks so.  When you turn, you find the guards all staring at you, their faces a wall of blinking surprise.  Jisung is the worst at hiding his thoughts, his brown eyes the widest.   Chan is the best, but even he cannot hide his contemplation.   
“I’m ready,” you say gently. 
You lift your hem and walk onward.  You do not look back.  You wait until the carriage door is closed behind you, then you bury your face in your hands and cry. 
Your sorrow passes, bleeding into frustration, then fury.   Alone in the carriage, you have time to stew in a myriad of emotions as you deliberate on your circumstances.  You resolve to stand firm before the king, to not crumple beneath his cruel sneers, to bear his wickedness with grace.  You will make him ridiculous in comparison to your obvious virtue. 
This commitment falters very quickly. 
For the first hour of travel, you are passing through your family’s property, then the village.  The roads are paved and the passage is smooth.  When you reach the forest path, it is a different matter entirely.  Though there is a road that cuts through the great woods, it is a trail of gravel and packed, uneven dirt.  The carriage jostles constantly, bouncing up and down at inconsistent intervals.
You last three hours.  By the end of that third hour, you are so queasy that the scarlet interior of the carriage turns to a murky green.  Your spotted vision swims through that grime even with your eyes closed.  You do everything you can to ease the discomfort, taking down your hair pin-by-pin until every curl is loose, the flower discarded because its scent was too strong.  You sit in every possible position, craning towards the window and fresh air, but the nausea only worsens as the trail gets bumpier. 
You try to distract yourself, listening to the aimless chatter and laughter from the kingsguards.  Their horses trot along at an unhurried canter, far smoother than the carriage wheels jumping over rocks and earth. 
After a particularly violent jostle, you give up.  You are going to be sick and you would rather not do it in the carriage. 
“Excuse me,” you say, waving to the first guard you see.  Minho is not far from the window.  “I’m sorry but I need to stop.  Right now.”  You want to elaborate but your stomach rolls and your voice catches. 
You must look sufficiently ill because Minho clicks his boots and quickens his pace, riding up to Chan near the king’s carriage.  You slump against your seat while they have a quick discussion.
Chan lifts a hand and the whole train comes to a halt. 
You do not wait for them to open the door.  You burst out of the carriage in a clumsy frenzy, running to the treeline where you fall to your knees and promptly empty the contents of your stomach. 
You feel hot and frantic, heaving as you struggle to hold your hair off your face.  You sputter, lips quivering as another wave rises inside you. 
Someone jumps off their horse and lands beside you.  You spare a brief glance up at Minho, his brow pinched with concern, but then the king shouts in aggravations and you throw yourself forward to vomit some more.
Minho helps, bending over you, gathering you hair as best he can and holding it out of the way.  The next closest soldier, Hyunjin, also dismounts and approaches. 
Vomiting is not exactly dignified.  It feels even worse to have every single person in the royal retinue watch you spew your breakfast over the forest floor.
You lift your head, turning to offer an apology but your voice is shot.  Minho still looms rather protectively, Hyunjin nearby.  You look around for Chan to address him, but your eyes find Jisung first.  He is the farthest away, perched on horseback, fidgeting with the reins.
The king shouts again.  It’s a block of noise to your ringing ears, but you suspect he is angry at the delay.  He told you not to be a grievance.
You try to stand but your knees wobble.  You use a rock for balance, then Minho when he takes your arm.   Hyunjin steps in and takes your other arm.  Together, they get you back on your feet. 
“I don’t think she can continue yet, sire,” Chan says, riding into view.  “Maybe we should rest here for a bit.”
“We are stopping to rest in an hour,” the king snaps.  “I will not be delayed so near to our schedule.”
“What made you sick?” Minho asks.
“The carriage,” you say, groaning as you wipe your mouth.  You are certain you make a ravaged sight.  At least your stomach is empty now, the worst of the nausea passed, but you cannot imagine climbing back inside that rattling monstrosity.  
You step forward, away from Minho and Hyunjin.  Your legs quiver but you steady yourself. 
“I’ve never ridden a carriage so far,” you say.  “I’m very sorry, I am.  The terrain is just so uneven.  I’ve only ever ventured to the village and back.”  Even then, you usually travelled on horseback.  Sometimes you would sit on the back on a wagon or two, but it never went farther than the ends of the property. 
“Why doesn’t she travel on horseback?”  That sounds like Seungmin, speaking somewhere behind you. 
“Can you ride a horse?” Hyunjin asks, to which you nod emphatically. 
“It might be less intense at this pace,” Minho agrees. 
They look at Chan.  You are certain there is something significant about the fact the guards always seek instructions from Chan and not the king, but you are too unsettled to contemplate anything too deeply. 
Chan is the one who looks at the king, lifting a questioning brow. 
“There’s no horses to spare,” the king says.  “If one of you wants to deal with the brat, then take her.” 
Hyunjin steps towards you. 
“Not you,” the king says. 
Hyunjin steps back again.
The king, who is still in his carriage, cranes his neck to look around the gathered guards.  He snaps his fingers. 
“Bard boy,” he calls.  “Take the queen.”
“Jisung,” Chan says, waving him forward.  “Come here.” 
You look at Jisung who is visibly startled at his selection.  His black hair is a bit windswept, the longer tufts curling up at his nape.  Wide, brown eyes find yours, slowly blinking to attention.  With a shake of his head, he picks up the reins and rides over to you. 
You step back, staring up at him on his perch.  He says nothing but extends his open hand, blinking those captivating eyes at you.  You are not sure why they ensnare you so, nor why your heart skips a beat when you delicately place your hand in his.  That beat pounds a quick stacatto when his sword-calloused fingers grip yours tightly. 
Minho and Hyunjin help you onto the horse.  You seat yourself side-saddle in front of Jisung, ramrod straight so you are not pressed against him.  His arms circle you to take the reins and you pointedly do not look at his hands.    
Despite the king’s presumption, you would have been less bothered by Hyunjin.  Yes, he is irrevocably handsome, his own black hair tied back, sleek and pristine, but it does not affect you.  A handsome face has never much moved you.  You always thought yourself logical, your heart oddly shaped next to others.
But now you are looking at Jisung’s dark-painted nails, his soldier’s hands on the reins; now you are feeling his breath at your nape, the warmth that emanates from his body, hot from wearing black in the summer sun; now you think of him helping his friend, helping you, and that makes him more than a handsome face.  it makes your stomach twist in a very different way than before. 
That feeling is exacerbated when he reaches into a saddlebag and retrieves a waterskin. 
“Here,” he says in a soft voice.  “Drink. Go on.”  He puts it in your hand. 
You take a deep drink, purging your mouth of the foul residue of sickness.  You thank him just as softly and hand the waterskin back.   
Once settled, the train resumes course.  Chan waves and everyone marches on.
Jisung spurs the horse into motion.  Despite your best effort, the movement knocks you into his chest.  Jisung sputters and you realize your undone hair is flying into face. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say, desperately smoothing it down.  It does not work, but all your pins are in the carriage and you suspect the king will not be too enchanted if you stop the train to fetch them.
“It’s okay,” Jisung says.  “One second.”  He lays the reins down, his thigh muscles firm behind you as he squeezes to maintain leverage. 
Then you feel the brush of his fingertips on your bare neck.  It sends an immediate cascade of shivers shooting down your spine.  He gathers your hair carefully in his hands, guiding it over your shoulder, away from his face. 
Minho also pulled back your hair, but that was a very different sensation. 
This you… feel.
He takes up the reins again, arms circled around you.  You pull yourself upright as the horse moves along. 
You think this ride might be stiff and uncomfortable, but then he begins to hum to himself.  You find the gentle melody placates your nerves.  Your frantic energy simmers to a cooler calm. 
After a while, the conversations resume around you.  Jisung tells some jokes to the other guards and you smile, though it is weak.  Their camaraderie makes you miss your own friends already. 
Jisung hums again, almost like he can sense your discomfort.  It is most likely a coincidence, but you still find yourself sighing pleasantly. 
With the worst of your anxiety tempered, at least for now, you ask him, “Where did you learn to play?”
“Sorry?”  The question catches him off guard.
“Sorry,” you say.  “I don’t mean to pry.  I’m just curious.” 
Though there is often a bard-like character in the kingsguard, it is nonetheless an intriguing amalgamation of skills.  They do not let just anyone into the kingsguard service, even if they are willing to take the vow of chastity and surrender their earthly goods.  Jisung must be an exceptionally skilled swordsman to be admitted, an interesting background for such a talented musician.  Though he was joking with his music earlier, he is very capable of composing melodic poetry.
“Music and swordplay just seem an odd match,” you say.
“Maybe,” he replies.  “Maybe not.  They both require dedication.  Time.  Practice.” 
“You are a devout man, I suppose,” you say. 
“Of course,” he answers confidently.  “I am absolutely the most devout and most impressive one here—ow.”  Someone, probably Seungmin, chucks a coin at his head.  
You laugh, glancing at Jisung over your shoulder.  His eyes dart briefly to your mouth, his own face brightening at your smile.  He laughs back and nods. 
“Honestly, I grew up with music first,” he says.  “I didn’t, uh… I didn’t exactly grow up in a palace.  To say the least.  But, yeah, definitely palace-adjacent and not a hovel on a street in the capital,” he jokes.  As he talks, you picture a little boy with a guitar, strumming on the busy city streets.  “I used to write songs and sing for money.  Then I got older.  I was looking for work when the war started.  I got recruited like a lot of boys, but I was pretty disciplined and a fast learner.  After the war, I met Chan.  He put in a good word for me, so I was able to put myself forward during the new recruitment season.”
“So you haven’t been there long,” you say.  The war only ended a year ago. 
“Ten months,” he says cheerily.  “But it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
“That’s commendable,” you say.  “It’s rewarding, I’m sure, but an intense order nonetheless.  I can’t imagine making so many sacrifices.”
“Can’t you?” 
The question is posed softly but lands heavily.  You suppose Jisung is correct; you have both made sacrifices to be where you are, though the journeys were very different, and your futures more so. 
“I’m sorry,” he says quickly.  “Fuck, that wasn’t my place.  Your Majesty.  Oh, fuck, I swore.  Fuck, sorry.  Ignore that.” 
You laugh in spite of yourself, catching the sound in your palm.  He laughs behind you.  Even with a sliver of distance between you, you can feel his chest shaking.
“Good thing foregoing curses is not one of your oaths,” you say.
“Oh, fuck, no, I’d fail that one for sure.  Sorry, ignore that too.” 
You are pretty sure he is being funny on purpose now, but you appreciate it, smiling as you move beneath a canopy of trees.  It is much cooler in the shade, alleviating the discomfort of the hot sun.  You exhale and let your posture slacken, just a bit, just enough your bodies touch on every downward canter. 
“Were you ever scared?” you ask.  The king’s carriage is ahead of you.  You watch the wheels turn and turn. 
“Yeah,” he says.  “A bit.  A lot.  Completely.  Not about the vows, though.  I was just scared I’d let everyone down.  Especially Chan.  He put his own reputation on the line when he stood for me.  I don’t know what he saw in me.  Gods only know no one else ever saw it.  Me included.”
He laughs at his self-deprecation but you do not.  You watch the shadows of the forest roll over the carriages.  You think of Jisung in that barn, risking everything for his friend.  Your cheek tingles, remembering where he wiped your tear during that lonely ceremony.  Your heart still races at the memory of him singing a springtime song, dedicated to you despite the antagonistic crowd.    
“I do,” you say.
“You do what?” he asks casually. 
“I see something good in you, Han Jisung.”   
“Ohh.”  He is stupefied for a moment.  You are not sure of his expression, too shy to look at him.   “Well, I don’t know about that,” he eventually says.  “I’m definitely the lowest ranked in the kingsguard.  Sorry for that, by the way.”
“Sorry?”  Now you look back, meeting his gaze.  “Why would you be sorry?”
“Well, uh…”  He looks away, to the road ahead, his voice strained with awkwardness.  “There’s a reason I was picked for proxy at the ceremony.  It’s not because I’m not the best swordsman, or the most pious priest.  I’m, uh, well… ‘bard boy’.  And the king – His Holy Majesty – he uh… well, I mean…  It had to be someone like a kingsguard but he didn’t want… I mean, that is…”
“It’s all right,” you say.  “You don’t have to say it. I understand.” 
he king was heaping insults on you and your family; of course he chose the lowest ranked kingsguard to stand in as proxy, just like he chose him now. 
Irritation creeps up your neck, heating your skin.  You glare at the carriage. 
You are not even annoyed for yourself.  Your insult has been established.  You angry that the king would make such a disrespectful insinuation for a member of the elite kingsguard.  The kingsguard service is as ancient as the regime.  They are a respectable, powerful order.  Admission to the order requires a great deal of work, more than simply being born in the right house.  The king has no right to insult a soldier like Jisung.  Just like he has no right to insult you. 
“So yeah,” Jisung says.  He clears his throat and tries to sound cheery as he says, “That’s why I’m sorry!  Anyway, it all worked out.  I’m sure I’m your favourite already, right?  I’m everyone’s favourite, obviously.” 
He is speaking jokingly but your heart skips a beat anyway.  You swallow, hard.   
In the next moment, the horse jumps, maneuvering around a ditch in the road.  You fall against his chest with a thump, throwing your hands out instinctively.  Your hand clasps his, your bodies pressed together. 
“Sorry,” you say in unison. 
“It’s all right,” he says.  “I got ya.”
It is spoken with nonchalance.   You still feel it.     
“I’m not sorry,” you say.  “I’m glad it was you, Jisung.” 
You turn, finding your lips close to his face.  He stares at you, as surprised as he is rivetted. 
Softly, so only he can hear, intimately, a breath away from him, you whisper, “I believe you saved my life even before you found me in that barn.  So yes.  I’m glad it was you.  I’m glad he chose you.  I would have chosen you too.”     
“Oh,” is all he says, moved to silence. 
You remain in his arms, leaning against his chest.  You pick up the melody he was humming and hum it yourself, making him laugh on an exhale.  You feel the tension leave his arms and his heartbeat skip then resume its normal cadence, steadying your own. 
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dianagj-art · 2 years
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Consider this a cover for the AU, it still has no name and at this point I refuse to give it one
All the links to the comic and main tags bellow the cut
Asks have been moved to ->> @separatedleoau
Comic Links:
Animation panels now have a black outline, also the pages with animations are in bold Mystic Mayhem 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 (tw flashing lights) / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / bonus Newsworthy 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 Little Warrior (backstory) 1 / 2 / 3 /// 1 ///
TBA: Minotaur Maze (there is more to come, just be patient) (Early comic access on Patreon)
Some other art I consider au canon (these are not in order)
The seed situation / p2 (tw blood/ child abuse)
Golden marks
He has things to say / p2
Mikey's Taco Bell sidequest / p2
Dr. Delicate Touch
Screenshot edits!
Main tags: #rottmnt separated au #separated leo au
Comic updates: #separated leo au comic
Crossover stuff: #slau crossover / #slau crossover (<- link to askblog)
Asks: #separated leo au asks
Ask blog @separatedleoau
Also I'm using #cw blood and/or #tw blood for the art that has blood just if you dont want to see that kind of thing you can block those taggs, if anyone feels like I also should be tagging anything else feel free to send an ask to tell me
Edit: added tw child abuse and cw child abuse, to some post at request
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caemidraws · 3 months
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[General Tags]
₊˚.⋆ #dnd related art
₊˚.⋆ #comics and other funny things
₊˚.⋆ #tarots, full deck in progress
₊˚.⋆ #pettirossi content*, from full illustrations to session notes
₊˚.⋆ #marsilio (computer, show me pictures of the blorbo)
(*more links for the comic under the cut)
[Useful Links]
The other social
About me
Previous Asks
[Comic (TBA) - Prologue]
Cover | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
[How to Support]
RB shop
Comms (CLOSED)
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:・⚔ ||| P E T T I R O S S I ||| ⚔・:
[fantasy/horror webcomic written by @jonesylium, illustrated by me]
Inspired by our dnd campaign, the comic follows the events that brought a group of unfortunate characters together, in a city ruled by factions and tall towers, scarred by night runners and obscure legends.
 ⬇  ⬇  ⬇  Find out more on our comic here  ⬇  ⬇  ⬇
Serious business aside...if you ever wondered what's going on in my art or who are the characters I keep drawing without providing any context - you're going to find out (some) more!
This is our first experience in the field, as it's the first comic (of more of 3 pages) we've worked on together,,, We just really wanted to make a media with our characters, and while we know it's a wonky attempt, the dnd urge to share blorbos is strong--
(TW list in the FAQ section)
[ ₊˚.⋆ Comic Pages ⋆⁺. ]
Cover | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
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[ ₊˚.⋆ Session Notes and More ⋆⁺. ]
⚠️⬇ Spoilers Below ⬇⚠️
Misc | Side Tales | Colors | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
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[ ₊˚.⋆ Lore / Asks ⋆⁺. ]
⚠️⬇ Spoilers Below ⬇⚠️
Random Infos 1 | Random Infos 2 | Asks (WIP)
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[ FAQ ]
☆ When are we getting new pages?
On every Thursday, at Midnight (Central European Time).
☆ Any trigger warning?
I'll be updating the tw list on here as the comic proceeds.
First chapter: blood, death, scars, burns, gang violence.
☆ Where should we send our asks?
You can send asks to me, @jonesylium or @pettirossiofficial! I'll do my best to reply any question concerning the comic but it'll may take some time in case I need to doodle something or need to wander the woods for 3 days to think about a good reply idk
☆ Who does what????
@jonesylium: writing and lettering (typos)
me: sketching, inking, coloring, crying
☆ Who are the characters???
Andrea [he/him]
Mars [he/him]
Misericordia [they/she]
the Twins (coming soon) [he and she]
Quarzaldo (best name btw) [he/him]
Solvi [she/her]
Toloc [he/him]
Ultima [she/her]
Will [he/him]
Special thanks ₊˚.⋆ to who's playing Everyone Else, aka @shaykan
☆ What is a pettirossi? Is it something you can eat or what
It's a pun about petti-rossi translating to red chests (red=rossi, chests=petti) and the italian name for robin (the bird!!!). We needed a gang name that sounded bloody and cool but not edgy.....
☆ Do you take requests?
You can hope to 'lady macbeth' me enough to make me think it was my own idea to draw something
☆ Why haven't you replied to my ask? :(
I either forgor OR your ask had a compliment in it and I'm safekeeping it in my askbox so that I have something nice to look at when I get sad
There are chances I go back to older asks so don't lose hope.....
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matchaverse · 5 months
Let the world burn | LS2
pairing: hero!logansargeant x vigilante!fem!reader
summary: after a tragic accident, you changed your code-name and motives in a nice city, but when the media starts painting you out as some villain, the hero who ruined you comes to stop you.
logan’s hero is inspired by Artemis of Bana-Mighdall (DC) and y/ns vigilante is inspired by Jason Todd (DC).
warming: cussing, blood, gore, death, talk about drugs. this story also doesn’t truly follow the dc lore or comics, pieces are taken and made to fit the story.
part two (tba)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
you wouldn’t say your life has been easy. being abandoned by your parents at a young age, trying to survive on the streets at the age of 12 after leaving the orphanage. soon being taken into a family who fight crime for a living. you became a really good sidekick for the hero you worked under.
but that all came crashing down when a notorious criminal in the city kidnapped you and tortured you, leaving you for dead, your hero mentor couldn’t save you in time.
instead of your story ending there, you were taken in from a group of assassins who basically brought you back to life, training you and making you into the person you are today.
you held onto the grudge of not being saved by the man who you looked up to, anger and resentment lingers in your blood. you decided to move on to a new city and make your own name, becoming a vigilante to the new city.
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you scoff, rolling up the newspaper and throwing it into the trash. “villain? are these people fucking blind” you mutter, shoving your hands into your suits pockets as you walk down the dark streets of gotham.
the silence of the city isn’t what you’re used to, from living on the streets of metropolis to the streets of gotham, it’s a huge difference.
you hear police sirens in the background and you can see the lights about to turn the corner of the street you’re walking on. you duck into an unlit alleyway, watching the cop cars speed past you.
“warehouse on sixth..” you breath out, knowing that’s the final destination of those officers because you were just there. you took out a whole warehouse of mobsters that work, well worked, under the penguin.
you see more cop cars flooding the streets. instead of panicking since you knew no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t catch you, you climb up the side of the building to get onto the rooftops so you can watch from afar.
“didn’t think i would catch you this soon” a deep males voice rings out through the silent night. you make sure your mask is on tight before turning and seeing a young man, possibly around your age maybe a year or two older, pointing his bow and arrow at you.
“so you’re the cities golden boy i keep hearing about” your voice comes out robotically from the voice modifier in your helmet.
the unnamed man chuckles. “if you mean the man that keeps the city clean from criminals like you, then yes.”
“criminal? i’m not a criminal”
“oh you’re not? then what’s up with all the deaths that’s been happening. hero’s and criminals alike”
you roll your eyes, keeping your dominant hand on your .45 that rests on the opposite hip. “they were all corrupt.”
“Hawk wasn’t corrupted. he was my friend”
you scoff then chuckle, your chuckle echoing through the air. “oh please, that druggie was working with the Sionis Family”
“no he wasn’t.” the young hero says, never lowering his bow.
“how about you ask him oh wait..you can’t”
“why you little..” the hero pulls the arrow back.
“i wouldn’t do that. the suits made out of Kevlar, your arrows have no effect on me”
“who are you?” the hero asks, finally lowering his weapon.
“you can call me RedHood, and you’ll be seeing me around more often” you say, flicking your other hand to drop a smoke bomb.
the hero coughs from the smoke, looking around the building rooftops as the smoke clears seeing that you managed to escape.
“fuck!” logan huffs, putting his arrow back in its place on his back.
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logan sits at his desk in his apartment, looking through police files and articles on every sidekick batman used to have under his wing.
“damn..how many sidekicks does one man need”
logan scrolls through the files, mumbling to himself.
“dick grayson…tim drake.. stephanie brown..wait”
logan’s eyes land on one name, y/n l/n.
“y/n l/n..pronounced dead six months ago” six months ago is when this new vigilante type person showed up in gotham.
he clicked around the computer until your picture shows up on his screen.
“Y/N L/N adopted by Batman at age 12, lived with him and trained under him. Batman says that Y/n is a feared and dangerous person but that’s what makes her such a good asset to his team. she never left a scene without causing chaos, villains feared her and didn’t wish to ever face her” the police report says.
logan sigh as he continues reading. “such a young girl..forced into a world of stopping crime..”
he keeps looking through all the files on you, collect as much information and personal details about you so next time he comes face to face with you, he can use it to his advantage.
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it’s been a few days since you’ve last seen the young hero, you didn’t go out of your way to find him, you truly didn’t care. you’re only mission was to rid the streets of evil and corruption.
you’re standing on a rooftop ledge, watching the busy streets of a saturday evening, blending into the shadows with your dark suit.
“y/n l/n” that same deep males voice rings out from behind you. your body tenses, the blood in your veins running cold.
“how the fuck did you figure that out?”
“not very hard honestly, there’s a lot of police files on you.”
you finally turn around to see the young hero, still dressed in his suit but no weapon in hand. he obviously doesn’t want to fight you tonight.
“you had a hard life, abandoned by your parents, living on the streets.” he says walking closer.
your body still tense. “not everyone is blessed with a good life.”
“you’re not wrong about that.”
“you were a hero..” he speaks up once he notices you going silent.
“shit changes. i don’t regret my actions.”
logan sighs, he understands why you do what you do now.
“i want you on my side”
“you heard me. i misunderstood you at first, but i see that we have the same goals in mind. keeping the city safe”
you scoff at his words, but the thought of having a teammate and friend crosses your mind.
“..fine, but i’m not changing myself to fit your idea of a hero”
logan chuckles, holding his hands up in surrender. “that’s understandable, but you need someone like me, a well loved person in the city, to keep you from being labeled as a bad person”
“i guess you’re right..”you finally give in, lowering your guard.
logan smiles, extending his hand. “logan sargeant, nice to properly meet you.”
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pakhnokh · 9 months
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House of Gentians Arc 2 PDF available for P4trons
Yayy! It's finally here!
The PDF file of the second arc of House of Gentians is now available on my Patreon for members of the Peke-King tier.
It has 203 pages. It includes: - House of Gentians Arc 2 comic (169 pages) - Extra mini comic "the Dog" (10 pages) - Extra art pieces (4 pieces) - Extra mini comic Cornetto commercial (6 pages)
For more information see here
“House of Gentians” is a fan comic for the original title “Mo Dao Zu Shi” (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. All characters, names, places and events belong to the original creator.
“House of Gentians” is not for profit, and is available for free on my (Pakhnokh) social media accounts. The PDF files are a gift for my patrons who support my art and my work.
PREVIOUS EXTRA: Cornetto Commercial mini comic
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soulsisterif · 4 months
Soul Sister IF
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Tired of dating show games where you feel like you don't actually get to know your fellow contestants? Sick of wlw routes being treated as an afterthought? Done with interchangable characters that share ultimately the same storyline? Do you think it's ridiculous that your choices don't get acknowledged? Do you cringe at motherf*cking adults behaving like 12-year-olds?
Then this self-indulgent game may be just what you were looking for!
Welcome to Soul Sister, the IF game where you'll participate in the first ever exclusively sapphic dating show!
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You can't say you've ever been all that lucky in love but after your best friend's insistence that you give this a try maybe the time has come for that to change. Whether your intention is to just be a good wingwoman for her or get yourself a new partner you'll have to make the most of it.
Day after day and week after week, you'll spend your time with other women actively trying to find a partner while facing the surprises the show will throw your way. First seasons always keep contestants on their toes!
This light-hearted but romance heavy story focuses on the relationships you can stablish with your fellow contestants. Have fun trying the different choices that allow you to shape your own journey through the ups and downs of human interaction.
•Customize your MC, including name, appearance, interests and age.
•Bond with your potential matches over shared interests or experience the joy of learning new things.
•Enjoy the different approaches to dating. Commit to one person or keep your options open.
•Deal with all the curveballs, courtesy of the showrunners. What did you expect? This is show biz!
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♥ Abbie ♥
Monolid blue eyes. Long straight black hair, the top strands often clipped back while she leaves it hang freely on the sides. Square jaw. Pale skin with a few moles scattered here and there. As tall as you.
She's in love with you but you don't know that (you moron). She's been your best friend for years. She's known you for such a long time that she can read you like an open book. Bookstore owner.
Not particularly athletic, she enjoys reading. Novels, essays, comic books, poems. You name it. She's goofy and has a blast bantering with you, though she always keeps an eye out as not to overwhelm you and promptly backtracks when she thinks she's making you uncomfortable. She's (not really) subtly touchy with you, always resting a hand on your back or patting your leg. The other contestants see through her from the start.
*What she wants in a partner: familiarity, trust, everyday romance. *Goods you get: feels like home, understanding, warm-hearted, protective. *Bads you get: a bit possessive, scared of change.
Route: friends to lovers, everyone can see it but you.
Says: "I've wanted a relationship for a long time. This might be the only way to push myself out there." But means: "I already love someone who doesn't seem to love me back so I'd rather push both of us to date other people so that I can move on."
♥ Irene ♥
Round green eyes. Shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair left as is, pointy ears peeking through the strands. Tallest of the bunch. Wears more than a few rings, and fiddles with them a lot. Fair, rosy skin that gets easily sunburnt. Smells of sunscreen more often than not when she's outside.
Sweet and shy, her tall and strong frame doesn't look like it suits her. She seems to be eager to make conversation, but ignores how to keep it going. Very into sports and nature. Botanist.
She gets crushes easily, and just as easily she forgets one to focus on the next if her attention isn't instantly reciprocated. Can be stiff in a conversation with someone she's not familiar with, and is often much more relaxed when she can move while she talks, which is why dinner like first dates are certainly not for her.
*What she wants in a partner: kindness, support, life companion. *Goods you get: gentleness, non-judgemental, good listener. *Bads you get: clingy, needs reassurance, naive.
Route: puppy love to actual love.
Says: "I just want to find someone who loves me." But means: "I'm insecure and finding someone who wants to be with me may change the way I see myself."
♥ Joanna ♥
Upturned brown eyes. Curly apparent shoulder-length brown hair that's actually much longer when wet. Golden brown skin with more than a few tan lines. High cheekbones. Average height, wide hips and small waist, epitome of classic femininity.
Energetic, language lover. Flirty and confident, it takes a while to know whether she has a genuine romantic interest on someone or is just being her coquettish self. Translator.
Most well-travelled of the bunch, Joanna is in love with language and shows love through it. She can smooth-talk you and flirt with you relentlessly, and she's the one out of all the contestants who will want to try it out with all of the others. When she feels like things are getting serious for her, though, she'll won't keep it to herself.
*What she wants in a partner: open-minded, curious, willing to learn. *Goods you get: fun facts galore, passionate, straightforward. *Bads you get: dismissive, a little self-centred, commitment issues.
Route: no strings attached (…but she'll get jealous).
Says: "I'm looking for love, not a shackle." But means: "I like the feeling and closeness of a romantic relationship but I'm terrified of how vulnerable that leaves me."
♥ Vega ♥
Hooded black eyes. Short, black hair, long enough at the top so that she can style it a little with wax. Could easily become an afro if given time. Dark skin, tats on her arms highlighted in white ink. Average height, a little on the slim side, but has a toned build.
Laidback and calm. Really enjoys movies and series, has a thing for animation and dubbing. Very good at drawing and impersonations. Voice actress / Music producer
Always humming or whistling, she's content to spend her time looking for shapes in the clouds. She's more sentimental than she cares to admit and often struggles with her feelings when she knows that they don't respond to a logical behaviour, which often leads her to close off and avoid important conversations.
*What she wants in a partner: chill, no over-the-top romance, no pretence. *Goods you get: honest, creative, independent, loyal. *Bads you get: trust issues, reluctant to talk, ignores problems.
Route: let's wing it.
Says: "No need to dress up or hold back a guffaw. I want to truly see you for who you are from the start." But means: "I think every little change in other's behaviour conceals a lie or intent to cheat me. Please don't lie to me."
♥ Margot ♥
Almond-shaped hazel eyes. Long, strawberry blond hair always up in a tight French twist, or a low ponytail if she's going to bed. It's uncommon to see her with her hair down. Tan, freckled skin and hazel eyes. Curvy, doesn't look that short, but reality hits when she allows herself to climb down her high heels.
Gruffiness born out of social anxiety. Surprisingly family oriented. High salary at an important firm. Stiff but compassionate, she's a bitter realist. Lawyer.
A little rough and forceful, she'll make you feel as if you're applying for a girlfriend position instead of organically getting to know her. She's so concentrated in discovering if she's compatible with the other contestants that she overlooks the fact that she has to open up and allow them to get to know her, too.
*What she wants in a partner: family oriented, mature, understanding. *Goods you get: family oriented, devoted, nurturing, tough love. *Bads you get: impatient, approaches dating as an interview, not willing to compromise. …Tough love.
Route: romance bureaucrat turned softie
Says: "I want a wife but the girlfriend stage is such a hassle" But means: "I don't want to waste my time in shallow relationships when all I want is someone to share my whole self and life with."
Deep set brown eyes, dyed blond hair in a wavy pixie cut, but it's naturally a soft chestnut brown in colour. Sharp features, thin nose and lips. Dimpled cheeks.
Confident, master of the innuendo. Loves good (and bad) wordplays and puns. She'd be the intersection in a Venn diagram between Witticism and Self Awareness. Her ability to both fill silences and end discussions in an entertaining manner make her an invaluable asset for any TV show.
Her bold nature lead many to mistake her openness for invitations to go further, which can end badly if anyone dares put a hand on her without her explicit permission.
Openly queer, Dawn is a big fish in the little pond of reality dating shows. Her newcomer label didn't stop her from making a splash from her very first episode. Now a coveted host in the reality world, she turned now the chance to renew her contract with the show that saw her become famous in favour of the upcoming Soul Sister.
*What she wants in a partner: respect, communication, commitment. *Goods you get: intelligent, dependable, romantic, sensible. *Bads you get: paranoid, obdurate, overly perfectionist. …Married.
Route: trying to stay in love while falling for someone else
"People would be better off if they listened to their brain more often than their hearts. Or loins." But means:
"I consider my actions so thoroughly that them proving to be a mistake makes me feel like a worthless idiot."
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s0fti3w1tch · 2 years
Tentative Devotee AU (TBC Soon)
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Leonardo is a Foot trainee, raised and trained by Lieutenant and Brute since he was 9. Life before then is fuzzy at best. — In the past several months, he's been going on his first proper missions, quickly aware of a persistent threat against the Foot Clan: 3 mutant turtles and a human who've foiled them time and time again.
What he wasn't aware of was that they were 4 siblings who never gave up on finding their missing brother.
CONTENT WARNING! This AU will explore: Mourning of family / Mourning of a child (who isn't actually dead, but believed to be). Violence is canon-typical up to the standards of the movie— That is also a reference point for the tone of this AU. There will be cult themes and dips into the topic of cult trauma, alongside family issues.
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Main Comic:
Enemies || [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ tbc... ]
Baby Blue || [coming soon]
Donnie's Apology Gift
First Mission Mishaps!
PSAs: Triggering Content, Why Leo will not have a "Dark Side," Cult Parents
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More content below the cut! ♥︎
Scrapped/Changed Ideas or Scenes:
"Maybe this is the lowest point of my life" / Severing Ties
Usagi's first design + role
Mona Lisa first design
Reference Sheets:
Leonardo's Room
Leo's Outfit Change + Sorta-Timeline
Hand Marking
Leo's Guitar
Eyes (outdated)
Nail Polish
Butterfly Charm
Usagi WIP
More Lore/Story Heavy = ♥︎ / Just More Fun = ☀︎ / 💬 = answer to an ask
Leo Solo!
"Keep it together, Leo"
"What I know about family?"
He/They/Xe of the day! / Speed-Color ☀︎
Scooter Boy! ☀︎
He's Writing Fanfic ☀︎
Guac Baby ☀︎
"Yeah, of course! But also..." ☀︎
Animation Test
No Sleep
[ i was listening to sonic music while drawing this ] ☀︎
Cook :P ☀︎
3 Swords?! ☀︎ 💬
Peepaw'd :) 💬
Head Empty + Leo kinda mad ♥︎ 💬
Blep! 💬
Feelings Down ♥︎💬
Multi POV
TD Spoilers Over Memes [1]
Trust in the Foot ♥︎ 💬
"Keep your brother safe" ♥︎ 💬
Big Sisters ♥︎
Turtle Sister to Turtle Sister 💬
Foot Clan Family
Motorcycle Theft! 💬
Shell Cracks + A Small Moment ♥︎ 💬
Trans Sibs!!! ☀︎ 💬
Hamato Clan
Not Growing With Us ♥︎💬
Recognition? 💬 ♥︎
"Donnie, stay out of this"
Unknown Tension
Protective Older Twin 💬
"Can we be brothers?" 💬
Donnie's hope (colored ver: here)
"Donnie, whatcha got there?" ☀︎
Drawing for Donnie 1
Yōkai Connections
Hueso's First Encounter With Leo 💬
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+ All my AU Crossover Content linked here~!
Separated Leo Crossover : Bathtub Arc ☀︎
Preview Comic (Test)
TMNT AU Competition Basketball Saga ☀︎
Nail Bat Recieved
Leo Hype Squad!
No PomPoms
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I didn't intend for this AU to be that big, but I realized I did want to give this a go and make at least something. It's my goal to finish this project eventually.
The AU will be told in segments, comics of various points of the story.
Bonus! Miscellaneous info that doesn't play big into this AU but matters enough to me:
Leonardo is transmasculine, uses he/they/xe pronouns and is referred to with primarily masculine terms.
A version of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo comics exists and it's Leo's second favorite comic series in this AU.
'Tentative Devotee' is the name of the fanfic I was originally going to write. It was just gonna be a 2-shot fic and a way to navigate some feelings as someone who was born and raised in, and eventually left, a cult.
The initial tone/direction of this AU was much different, Leo ending up in the Foot Clan under different circumstance (i.e. direct kidnapping from Lieutenant and Brute). I found this didn't quite work for me.
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bad-sanses-smp · 5 months
Welcome to the Bad Sanses SMP Ask Blog! Last update: 09d.08m.24y.
Here with our really too soft goopmare Nightmare and his boys Horror, Cross, Killer, and Dust! Plus Error and many more to slowly appear!
We will introduce the lore of this AU with in game screenshots, asks, written stories, comics, or maybe even animatics (Time will tell)
Please note: the Minecraft server is not open for the public to join. Gameplay videos will not be made.
Beginning of the story
Ask Boundaries and Warnings
Do not send any sexual asks, they will be deleted.
Do not push characters into kissing or getting together.
This blog may get into darker topics, which will be tagged appropriately
Be kind to us, we are all people here trying to have a fun and nice time. We will block at will and turn off Anonymous Asks if necessary.
Characters, their Muns, and Mun Pronouns
Nightmare / Sci - @rushin-safire #Mun Rushin He/They
Horror / Fell / Epic / Swap / Classic / Doc - @ant1quarian #Mun Ari Any
Cross / Colour - @waxysketchd #Mun Wax He/They/It
Killer - @dtdrawz / @nobodys-reblogs #Mun DT He/They
Dust - @absurdumsid #Mun Sid He/They/It
Error - @kredenakrejn / @kre-utmv-art #Mun Kre She/They
#Cameo characters
(not super tied to lore but still available for asks! for fun!)
Reaper / Outer - @waxysketchd #Mun Wax He/They/It
Crumb - @kredenakrejn / @kre-utmv-art #Mun Kre She/They
Character References, their canon code names and Info
Frosted Night's Ref More info: (tba)
Horror's Ref More info: (tba)
Cross's Ref More info: (tba)
Killer's Ref More info: (tba)
Dust's Ref More info: Infection stuff
Error's Ref More info: (tba)
Tag Organization
#BSSMP <- Main tag
#BSSMP [character name] <- Character tags
#BSSMP Art <- Self explanatory
#BSSMP Anim <- Animatics or Animations
#BSSMP Character Reference <- Art references for characters
#BSSMP FanArt <- Ya know, if you would want to draw our characters
#Silly ooc <- Out of character posts
#Ask <- All asks
#Lore Ask <- Self explanatory
#Silly Ask <- Not lore connected asks
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pkmoth · 2 months
Happy asking, and happy answering!!! Askers, make sure to read people's intros/FAQs before asking stuff, and participants, make sure to have fun and pace yourselves!! If you're an artist, make sure to take breaks and stretch regularly :]
Also, in case you missed it (because it was kind of spontaneous and recent), I will be reblogging all event related posts to @motherbound-askapalooza!! If you don't want me archiving your posts, just let me know!!
ALSO also, if you're not on the list but decide you want to participate, you can still join mid-event!! All are welcome :D
(I tried summarizing your intros in 1-2 sentences, let me know if anything seems off!!)
*@defector-commander [INTRO] - A canon divergent AU where Claus malfunctions two years into the timeskip and breaks free of his brainwashing, going into hiding inside the chimera lab.
*@askmagicantprince [INTRO] - Magicant!Ninten AU! Everything is perfect in Magicant :)
@pk-ghost [INTRO] - Ness and Lucas take a break from SSB to visit different worlds!
*@commandernachos (most weekends + fridays) [INTRO] - A Chimera Ness and Porky AU!
@turnaboutfromnowhere [INTRO] - A Mother 3 x Ace Attorney crossover AU, where askers take the role of Phoenix Wright in Claus's trial for the murder of "Mr. Pig".
*@jefferson-earthbound [INTRO] - A Jeff RP account!
*@stearix-ask-magikin [INTRO] - An AU where Lucas is raised by Locria after Hinawa goes missing and Flint spends all his time trying to find her.
@kerushi-lemonz [INTRO] - Their Reliving the 80s AU! Tatsuro (Ness) and his friends are having strange dreams where they have different identities (their mother series counterparts).
@nucas-roof [INTRO] - Ness, Lucas, and the OMINOUS HOLE IN THE CEILING?!
@askfuelcas [INTRO] - Lucas and Fuel, featuring Claus as well!
*@ask-commander-arild [INTRO] - Post-Mother 3, the pigmask army is repurposed by Claus in he name of peace. Arild, a former captain of the old army, is now the commander of the new army.
@ghostbox99 [INTRO] - Porky wakes up in an abandoned city one day, with only an old computer (and you, the askers) to keep him company.
*@theworldreturning [INTRO] - A post-Mother 3 AU, where the new world takes place in an alternate post-Mother 2 universe (with the inclusion of the Nowhere Islands).
@quirkyearthboundinspireddinner [INTRO] - The protagonist of eggnogisdead's comic! Ten years after the events of Earthbound, Giegue's planet wages war against earth.
@butacyanide [INTRO] -The Earthbound characters!
*@daily-dose-of-lucas [INTRO TBA] - Ask Lucas!
NOT FULL MONTH (in order of week(s) participating):
@misticfog (week 1) [INTRO] - Li'l Miss Marshmallow!
@tonys-room (weeks 1-2) [INTRO] - Mostly canon compliant, except Tony has PSI and the ability to see through the fourth wall.
@twothpaste (weeks 1-2) [INTRO] - Their Intermission AU! A modern AU of the Earthbound/Mother 3 casts in college, dealing with real-world problems (and, of course, playing D&D).
*@judgment-days (weeks 1-2) [INTRO] - Corruption AU trio! King Lucas and a severely mushroomized Ness are brought in by Giygas and Cosmic Commander Ninten for questioning.
*@kellanzy (weeks 2-3) [INTRO] - Lovebound AU: a post-Mother 3 AU where all the protagonists (and Giegue) meet in the newly made world.
@projectc-114 (weeks 2-3) [INTRO] - Takes place after Claus is kidnapped and brainwashed, but before he becomes the commander. The scientists at the lab call him C-114.
*@pkmoth (weeks 2-4) [INTRO] - Swap AU Claus and Lucas in Smash Mansion! (intro TBA)
*@tanejineri (week 4) [INTRO] - An AU Claus called Commander Samuel!
*@plutothenotdwarfplanet [INTRO] - A gieeg OC!
*@masterporky [INTRO] - A Pokey/Porky Minch RP blog!
*@ask-the-fever-four [INTRO] - Mayhem AU!
*@ask-clausten [INTRO] - Clausten! >:D
*up for rp
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hanasnx · 2 years
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⿻ M.LIST — !
"My name is Brutus and my name means heavy / So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy." — Buttress. (2016). Brutus.
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TIP: see character list for quick search.
comics ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ dc comics ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ marvel comics ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ the boys-verse ꒷ˏ͛-
movies ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ anakin skywalker ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ star wars ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ wizarding world ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ movies misc. ꒷ˏ͛-
television shows ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ outer banks ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ atla-verse ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ tv. shows misc. ꒷ˏ͛-
anime ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ jujutsu kaisen ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ boku no hero academia ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ akatsuki no yona ꒷ˏ͛-
manga ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ namaikizikari ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ manga misc. ꒷ˏ͛-
video-games ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ mass effect ꒷ˏ͛-
real people fanfiction ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ indy ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ christensen-verse ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ rpf misc. ꒷ˏ͛-
events ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ kinktober 2023: krayt house ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ kinktober 2024: TBA ꒷ˏ͛-
featured ¡! ❞
! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ 1k in a day club ꒷ˏ͛- ! ── -ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k, 6k, 7k ꒷ˏ͛-
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writing-for-life · 10 days
Sandman Predictions
So we’ve been speculating wildly what the remainder of The Sandman might look like on here and in our community (join us!) for a while.
And I thought it would be fun to put my predictions to paper (so to speak) so I can be embarrassed about them later and laugh at how wrong they were 🙈
Taking all the casting announcements and BTS in consideration I’ve collected like a magpie (check out my #sandman S2 tag), I will have a stab at it…
Only 12 Episodes or Aiming for Renewal?
Both is possible, but I am more and more leaning we’ll get the whole thing in twelve episodes in two batches of five each with two wraparound episodes (one will be AGoY/THCoL in the middle, one the last three issues of The Wake).
We know the episode names for six episodes that are directed by Jamie Childs. That doesn’t mean they were in order, or that there won’t be other directors involved. It wouldn’t surprise me if they at least went for female writers/directors for AGoY/THCoL, and if that’ll be the episode that separates (or rather connects) SoM and Brief Lives. So here comes my totally unhinged prediction for 12 episodes, including the titles we know (mind you, they might also be working titles). The chapters from the comics are to be seen as fluid and not absolute, because there are a lot of scenes that are not linear in chronological terms and will probably be shuffled around a bit:
Batch One
“More Devils Than Vast Hell Can Hold” (that title is a direct quote from AMND): A Midsummer Night’s Dream, SoM Prologue & Tales in the Sand flashback
“Season of Mists”: SoM ch. 1-3, ch. 4 is getting dropped
“The Ruler of Hell”: SoM ch. 5 through Epilogue
TBA: AGoY & THCoL Brief Lives ch. 1-5
“Brief Lives”: Brief Lives ch. 1-5 “The Song of Orpheus”: Brief Lives ch. 6. Bast is an excellent cut to SoO. Thermidor will also be in there.
“The Song of Orpheus”: Brief Lives ch. 6. Bast is an excellent cut to SoO. Thermidor will also be in there. “Family Blood”: Brief Lives ch. 7-9
Batch Two
“Family Blood”: Brief Lives ch. 7-9 TBA: TKO ch. 1-4
TBA: TKO ch. 1-4 TBA: TKO ch. 5-7
TBA: TKO ch. 5-8 TBA: TKO ch. 8-10
TBA: TKO ch. 11-13
TBA: The Wake (all of it apart from…)
TBA: Sunday Mourning/Exiles/The Tempest
Edit 19/09:
So I’ve read The High Cost of Living again over the past few days because it didn’t want to leave me alone, and I’ve now convinced myself we’ll get it as a side-plot to Brief Lives in episodes 4-6, and that we’ll get tiny bits of AGoY, (mostly to set up Wanda/Ruby for Brief Lives and Hazel/Foxglove for THCoL) as a side plot to SoM in episodes 1-3. Spoilers ahead, so skip if that’s not your thing:
Both Sexton and Orpheus have a death wish. I don’t want to drag this out too much because the post is long enough as it is, but suffice it to say, Sexton rethinks after spending a day with Didi/Death, while Orpheus is granted his wish. And this is what ultimately sets Morpheus on his own path. The meaning of “So live” would be beautifully contrasted that way because it has different meaning to different people, depending on their own experience. Add to that Death spending a “brief life” for one day herself, and I can somewhat see the vision.
In more detail:
A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest will be bookends, one before SoM, one after The Wake (they don’t necessarily have to be full episodes, they could be half each and make up roughly an hour combined. It really depends on overall runtime).
We’ll kick off batch one with Season of Mists (maybe the prologue and will also be in episode 1–there are several points in AMND that would make good cuts into SoM), and Tales in the Sand won’t be a full episode but incorporated as flashbacks (maybe around the family dinner). After we conclude SoM, we’ll get one episode of AGoY will be a side-plot to SoM, as per above (if it happens at all), and leads into THCoL as a side-plot to Brief Lives as per my edit above, because there’s a through-line in there for Fox and Hazel, plus we can set up Wanda/Ruby for Brief Lives.
Bonus 1:
Johanna will be somehow involved in SoM (she’s the Hellblazer after all), and we’ll get her to hook up with Murphy. No need for a longwinded introduction of Thessaly. Or, failing that, we just cut out the love interest completely, Morpheus does his moping session because Nada rebuffs him again, but Jo will still take Thessaly’s place as the crone.
We’ll move into roughly three episodes of Song of Orpheus/Thermidor and Brief Lives from there. Wanda will die in Brief Lives like Ruby, not in AGoY.
We finish the first batch with Morpheus alone on his chair after you-know-what 😩
Second batch: TKO and The Wake. Little bits of World’s End will be woven in where it fits, maybe already in the first batch as well. Same goes for little bits of standalone issues from Fables and Reflections.
Jo will take Thessaly’s place and protect Lyta because she’d just believe it’s the right thing to do (she also sympathises because she lost Astra). Whether she also holds a deeper grudge depends on if they set them up as having an affair or not.
My guess is three episodes TKO and one for the Wake. Sunday Mourning and Exiles will be done in one episode. The movie concept art that Jill Thompson did ages ago showed Daniel in the distance on the beach with the other three, and I think that’s a good tie-in point to lead into Exiles. Even the Tempest might fit in there if they make the last episode more feature-length. And you’ve got your two Shakespeare bookends.
Bonus 2:
Hob will be reinstalled to his narrative purpose because at least half the fandom will drop him like a hot potato and ship Morpheus x Cluracan instead. Because:
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If you think 12 episodes are tight: Yes, if you want to see every detail and issue of the comics. But not everything you see in a graphic novel translates well to screen, plus you don’t perceive time the same way. What takes ages to read can be something like 30 seconds in a film. Add to this that the movie that never happened was conceptualised as a trilogy if I’m not mistaken, so probably 6-8 hours planned runtime in total. So they always had a definite idea how to streamline it, and they were planning for it before. 12 episodes with 45 to 60min each give us more to play with than a movie-trilogy (plus we can already take the time off that we spent on S1). I think it’s doable, but of course it means tightening arcs and dropping stuff.
However, I’ll be honest with you: With all that’s been going on, and having seen that they filmed right through until the end, I’d rather have them wrap up now. Because I honestly can’t see a S3 happening after all that’s already been cancelled and put on hold because of you-know-what (I’m thinking of Disney shelving The Graveyard Book and Amazon putting GO on hold and sitting on the Audible despite it being finished).
But also: These decisions have likely been made long before these considerations even became an issue: Renewal was on a knife’s edge, and choices were made back then we can only guess at. Scripts aren’t written over night, neither are sets changed around wildly on a whim (plus actors aren’t just tied to one project and can’t just willy-nilly change their schedules). And some sets for TKO were already confirmed and booked in May. So they were always going to do what we’ve seen in BTS shots. It’s not a sudden development.
In any case: If they aimed for more seasons than two, I think this prediction could still hold in general, we’ll just get it more fleshed out. In that case, I’d say 10 episodes of SoM and Brief Lives (5 each), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and THCoL as standalones with the rest as side-plots woven in (that includes AGoY). Then S3 comprising TKO and The Wake with more space for standalone episodes and World’s End. Maybe even Overture as a special. I very much doubt they would go for more than three seasons in total though.
So these are my predictions, now I’d love to hear yours…
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satuwn · 2 months
i have decided to randomly infodump about my lab rats as a way to motivate myself to: 1) revamp existing characters old refs and 2) DRAW THE GD REFERENCES OF THE REST OF THE BITCHES (this will probably take me ages still. alas), more rambly details abt the story and characters under the cut
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the main characters: Dr. Kitty Whisker and her twin sibling Happy(tbd), Dr. Brainworms, Gummi (comic relief character mostly), Prof. Fuzzybottom(tbd) and Prof. Snakebite (previously known as prof. pinky, i need to redesign him more heavily)
the side characters (these guys may have side stories of their own but theyre mostly just an excuse for me to design more weird lab rats): Prof. Smartypants - ref to be finished, ferret with a brain of a human, she is my 'authors blatant self insert' into my own story lol; Fishsticks (drawn, a dissected mouse/frog stitched together), (the rest of these dont have names yet) a rat/chick hybrid with funy lil chicken legs, a rat/gator/shark hybrid she is punk and goth and she Bites, a mouse/cat dna mix with a surprisingly tragic backstory that im still working out, more tba
each lab rat represents usually an amalgamation of different experiments as the lab they are in is 'cheap' with their test subjects and likes to Repurpose old, usually failed experiments and do other stuff to them! honestly even if theyre a success they still end up getting experimented on more lol but they are still unimportant enough and the lab big enough where they can hide themselves away and have their own space w/o being actively searched for. ofc the world of the setting is based on our own reality but way more Hyperreal, i dont aim to represent logical feats of science bc a lot of these guys would defs be revolutionary (and impossible) irl lol. i will briefly run down what each main character is a result of but ideally id like to go into more detail when i actually. make the story more visual in whatever format i decide to do (probably experimental and non linear snippets, i dont think im smart enough for a full comic)
Dr. Kitty and Happy are twins! they were the result of an experiment where the scientists were testing if one species of rodent could gestate a different species of rodent just thru a little genetic modification. and that was Happy! he is actually a bunny born from a rat mother and with all rat siblings (one of them being Kitty) hes a bit smaller in stature than a usual bunny being more rat sized but other than that just a bnuuy! further experiments on them was how well skin grafting would work between different yet similar species. it worked for Kitty (hence the bunny ear) but not so much for Happy... both of them had separate experiments done on them also, altho Kitty was more rebellious of the two earning her the shock collar. Happy also had experiments on his fur to make it color changing like a chameleon, as well as some experiments to his eye (tbd)
Dr. Brainworms is actually a sapient amoeba/bacteria type thing, attached to a host body(that happens to be a hairless rat), this host body is her most compatible one as she Can overtake and control other bodies but they start to decay pretty quickly. her history is something she herself is trying to find out as her host body is its own mystery.. is she just an amoeba that gainted sentience? is her mind really her own? was this body maybe always hers? who knows!
Gummi is a jelly belly gummy rat candy brought to life, pretty self explanatory... but shes got a few mysteries of her own! like, why was she even created, for what purpose, i mean who could even do such advanced science anyway to bring an inorganic candy to life, and Why does she keep talking abt a scientist with green gloves when there arent any scientists like that around?
Prof. Fuzzybottom is a rabbit! she used to be just used for breeding new test subjects which left her pretty traumatized not being able to keep any of her children, she became infertile from the stress so she was repurposed for other experiments, like trying to turn her fur to naturally be an unnatural color, and to be more synthetic like faux fur (aka a living plush) she was also blind so they replaced her eyes with a plushy sleeping mask that actually has LEDs inside that are hooked up to her brain to see if they could restore vision thru cybernetics. in her original iteration she was even supposed to be half rat half bunny buut i felt it too much, might still reuse the idea tho! tbh i just wanted a bunny with cute rat hands :3
Prof. Snakebite is not even a lab rat originally, he was simply a pinky rat used to feed the lab snakes, but due to freak circumstances he was actually still alive and after being bitten by a venomous snake, the stress hormones in his little body make him develop rapidly especially in brain power. as he was still very tiny and fragile, he wasnt the best subject to experiment on, but he was fitted with a brain chip originally just to read and analyze his brain development as he was much more advanced in mind than in body (of an almost newborn). after escaping he would upgrade his brain chip to help him utilize more brain power but also lessen the burden on his tiny body that could not handle the strain. he and prof. fuzzybottom are always hanging around each other, fuzzy very often babying him or just helping him out by carrying him and helping him reach places or handle objects, while he begrudgingly tolerates her as she is useful to his needs. also cant admit he appreciates her actually awww
the rest of the side characters are pretty self explanatory, theyre mostly just various animal hybrids and crossbreeds and splices! smh only the main characters get cool powers and shit -_- aside from Prof. Smartypants, after having a ferrets body fitted with a human mind(who doesnt remember the human part almost at all. its just the advanced intellect from it) tries to figure out the weird body dysmorphia with Science Potions aka chemisty. but thats mostly just to give another one of my sonas shapeshifting ablities (go figure) so yah if u read this so far Waow o_o Thank U and also Pls Send me asks abt this. if u want <3 can be questions or just ur thoughts ig!! id love feedback pleas please plea
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haridraws · 5 months
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My books: Queer romance
🎩 I SHALL NEVER FALL IN LOVE (2024) graphic novel
Austen vs queer history, Regency romance but transmasc and no-one wants to marry a duke. Very pre-orderable. (Full info || tag)
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🌿 FINDING HOME (2017-23, complete) slowburn webcomic
About slowly clawing your life back after things have been shit, but also: trees, flower language & agonised pining. Won awards. Free to read. (Intro post || tag)
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🌊 (Future, name TBA) Comic WIP, dramatic romance. Involves ships, windswept marshland and gender. (Preview tag || lots more on patreon)
Illustrated choose-your-own-path books
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✨ INTO THE TOWER (2023) wizard tower heist
Like a 1-hour novella that’s different each time, with art by 15 seriously amazing guest artists. Options include: being a cursed librarian, queer spy treason, losing yourself forever in the source of all magic. (full info | tag)
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🗡️ INTO THE DUNGEON (2018) Short, fun dungeon crawl
My first gamebook! Kid-friendly, award nominated, full of weird little guys. Also exists in shops - in several languages, even. Short and sweet. (intro post)
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🍷 (2025, name TBA) Gamebook WIP: queer adult vampire romance. (Preview tag | lots more on patreon)
💌 Sign up to hear when new books come out here. 
(It’s very helpful when you do. You can unsub any time. thank you!!)
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nights-flying-fox · 11 months
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💙 What is this au? It is an alternative universe/timeline where Leo manages to teleport out of Prison Dimension using his portals. Except he ends up in the wrong timeline somehow and has to find a way to get back to his own timeline. Meanwhile, his family is searching for a way to find him.
The story mainly includes the different timelines/worlds/dimensions Leo travels, with some more plot related stuff :] it is always open for collabs too, since every au can be considered canon here hehe
☀️ To not be confused with other Leos, he has many nicknames through the story. But the name I use to call him is Hop!Leo, or shortly Hop. ♡
💠 Click here for the fanfiction!! Currently on ARC 1 (Recovery).
🌠 Click here for the tag OR use #dimension-hopper-leo-au
🌌 Click here for the playlist ♡
° The first doodles
° There are two of them now
° LGAST crossover comic: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 + 11 | 12 | 13 |
° TMNT AU Summit Propaganda 1
° Screenshot Redraw: Happy!!
° Meme redraw
° Rounds
° Leo drawing. Idk it's just him. The silly.
° Merry Christmas!!
° "you aren't hopping. you are lying."
° change [lgast crossover mini comic]
° Hop pmv wip
° Mini One-shot about Hop's memories and notebook
☆ Check out the art Nox did of Hop & Null here!!
☆ Hop & Null interacting after Null's "recovery"
☆ Colored panels from the previous comic
☆ More of Hop and Null!!
☆ Hop drawn by honey-rye : D
☆ Null got dragged into the TMNT Siblings AU Comp by Hop!!
☆ Hop and Twin-Sync Leo [collab]
☆ Hop introduces Null to Twin-Sync Twins
☆ Twin-Sync Twins are cheering for Hop!!
☆ Portal Trio Pokedance!!
☆ Portal Trio styling their masks
° Hop in Comp!! Saga:
Hop in Comp Tag!!
- flowers || - he got in... || - he got lost || - a Donnie approaches 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 || - *points* It is him, Gary! 1 ~ 2 || - Hop is a lil brat || - Where are we?? 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 || - AAAAA || - Water. It is water. || - mushrooms are evil, kids || [tba] || - Hop Comp ID Card
- Twin-Sync twins cheering for Hop!!
《 poll 1 》
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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chattercap · 6 months
Hello! I'm Chattercap!
Hello! I'm Chattercap, a solo female game dev making animated romance visual novels with a twist! All of my games come with at least one plot twist, guaranteed 🫡
⬇️ You can find more info down below! ⬇️
Completed Games
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The Perfect Woman is a psychological horror where you play as an AI girlfriend, trapped by your creator, who wants to carve you into his ideal spouse. If you want to survive, you'll have to become "the perfect woman."
The game is complete and takes 30-60 minutes to fully complete. There are three endings, and the game is fully voiced, including the narration!
Platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android
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MindMindMind is a supernatural/psychological romance about a ghost (with a nice British accent) who has stalked you ever since you were a child. You don't know who...or what he is, but you call him Geist. When you befriend a new boy at college, Geist will do anything to keep you in his grasp.
The game is complete and takes 1.5-2 hours to play. There are two routes, and both love interests are fully voiced. The protagonist has no set appearance and customizable name/pronouns.
Platforms: Windows, MacOS
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Karamu is a mystery/horror romance where you have an unexpected encounter with your ex-boyfriend. He really wants to discuss the break-up. He probably won't take no for an answer.
The game is complete and takes about an hour to play. It's fully voiced and animated in a comic book style.
Platforms: Windows, MacOS, Android
Karamu also has a Steam page, if you're interested!
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Kanau is a horror/thriller romance that's a direct follow-up and prequel to Karamu. It's about the love interest's childhood and details the start of his obsessions with the main character. (Note: It details heavily with the topic of child abuse.)
The game is complete and takes about an hour to play. It's fully voiced and animated in a comic book style.
Platforms: Windows, MacOS
Games with a Demo
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The Deepwater Witch is a post-apocalyptic/supernatural romance retelling The Little Mermaid in a future devastated by climate change, where mermaids have been hunted to near extinction.
The game is currently in development with a 25k word demo (~2-3 hours) released. The full game will be 52k words long and is set to release in April 2024.
Platforms: Windows, MacOS
The Deepwater Witch also has a Steam page, if you're interested!
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Actala: The Hero's Shadow is a mystery/fantasy romance where you play as the Hero's childhood friend. His journey is finally over, and the kingdom is at peace. But after the "happily ever after," new dangers emerge: dangers that threaten the life of the kingdom's strongest man.
The full game will have 5 love interests and will be over 300k words. There is no set release date due to the scope of the game, but a revamped demo will probably release in Summer 2024.
Games in Current Production
Hanasu is the third installment of the "Karamu" trilogy, following Karamu and Kanau, and it will describe the events a few months after Karamu. The script is complete at 65k words.
TBA. ~4-5 hours, one love interest (F). You're the heir to the royal family, but you've been kidnapped and trapped in a tower by one of the kingdom's strongest knights, who used to be your best friend. Although the kingdom sends knights to rescue you, she cuts them all down without mercy. Why is she doing this? How can you escape? And the question is... do you want to? Key words: Romance, twisted fairy tale, hero-to-villain love interest, tragedy, yandere love interest, customizable protagonist. Currently scriptwriting.
TBA. ~4-5 hours, one love interest (M). Following a horrible family tragedy, you've retreated to a remote island with your loving husband. However, things aren't going well for your marriage. After a horrible fight, you wake up to find that your husband is... different. Kinder. More understanding. At first, you're happy, but he's also acting a bit strangely. You start to wonder... is this the man that you married? Key words: Romance, psychological horror, marriage drama, tragedy, yandere love interest, customizable protagonist. Currently scriptwriting.
Untitled Karamu spinoff. ~4-5 hours, one love interest (M), established protagonist (F). Every three days, a body appears in the harbor, surrounded by red flowers and covered in golden threads, its heart torn out of its chest. People say that it's the work of a demon. After her best friend is beaten half to death by her husband, Nelli decides to do anything to save her - even if it means making a deal with that very same demon. Key words: Romance, smut, historical, revenge, murder spouses, yandere love interest. Currently scriptwriting. (Caution: NSFW)
Additional Links
All other links
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