#[relationship tag :: luna]
m-i-r-p · 1 year
I have just now finished the companion quests.
I would like to say:
- March I love you
- Welt best grampa
- Welt we know you're enjoying playing pretend. Hush
- Diting my love
- March I love you
- Nothing could have prepared me for the way they pronounced Imbibitor Lunae. I'm- Why-
- I swear to god if I don't see a sibling dynamic between Dan Heng and Yanqing at the end of all this chaos I'm gonna sue everyone here. This is a threat
- The way I screamed at the Blade and Imbibitor Lunae lore crumbs-
- Yet another npc bites the dust
- Also I didn't know we would get the new stuff TODAY so I was shocked when I saw the banner
- I didn't want Luocha but now I tried him out and it's a NEED
- I'm not gonna get him but I can dream
And yeah that's it
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ladynicte · 1 year
I lied, there is one sole flavour of Solangelo I do kinda like, which is Will Solace just being a complete total simp for Nico.
Like, 24/7 complete and utter devotion to Nico, straight up, Will could catch Nico washing the blood of his jacket after he murdered a person, and Will would only pay attention to how attractive Nico looks while bathed in blood, and to absolutely nothing else.
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aezyrraeshh · 2 years
i was tagged by @risingsh0t to take this quiz for some of my ocs; thank you so much! tagging @aartyom @nuclearstorms @nokstella @faarkas @reaperkiller @girlbosselrond @swordcoasts @arklay @calenhads @shadowglens @florbelles @devilbrakers @steelport @indorilnerevarine @honeysofte @benningsthing & whoever else wants to do this!
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; carnal and holy sinning (this is a love letter to myself)
you are the world's leading cross bearer of the most guilty conscience. you feel everything you touch turns to gold but in the way that it becomes molten and rich; and what i mean is that when you allow yourself impulse (which is not often) it leads to disaster. when you want someone it feels like sorrow, and you love the world like tacky honey, and you'll wish it could all feel less heavy. you look at yourself in the mirror and yearn to stake the heart and ascend with peace. someday, you'll rot into the earth, and the dirt will cave with you like a sigh of relief.
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; god-hungry scientist and their abominable child
you stitched something together inside of yourself and gave it life with light from the sky and now it won't die it and you can't kill it because part of you loves it and you're not quite right in the head or the person you used to be but at the end of the day it's simply a beast of sadness. you crave the mercy you didn't get from your creators and so i'm telling you please forgive yourself. please hold the monster by the hand.
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; moon curse of the werewolf
you have found yourself hungered or sickened or ambitious to the point of emotional carnage. you are fine, until you're not, and then you could rip someone in your way apart with your bared teeth by complete accident, and later claw at yourself in fits of pain trying to apologize. do you look at the moon that blessed you in her name, at her marred beauty and baneful eyes, and wish she could just crush that loving-hateful heart of yours before it crushes itself? every bite you take out of flesh is a response to the threads of silver bullets in you that haven't healed. the duality is that the human inside is howling too, gnashing, and without the wolf pelt, everyone can ignore it and turn away. at some point, you got tired of the moon being your only witness. now the wolf is there to make sure others know that you are hurt, and deserving of humanity, of attention to wounds. because that wolf loves you; all of you; and knows when you are hurt better than yourself.
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barclaysangel · 10 months
Computer, how do I find out my sexuality?
Quickest route, without having to admit that I may be a lesbian with comp het.
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lunar-lair · 2 years
quiet gear turning sounds as i attempt to puzzle out leo and caseys relationship
its so. like this is the very Core of found family, in that their relationship is simply…undefinable
theyre brothers and theyre master and mentor and the ghost of a father and his son, still here and still alive, and theyre best friends and simply family in every way there really could be
caseys other relationships are decently cut and dry; friends, brothers, sisters. (except for cass, thats a whole different can of worms.)
leo loved casey the moment he learned he had been apart of their family, whether in this timeline or another, regardless of his placement there.
theres this innate way casey looks up to leo that he tries to live up to, little mannerisms and things that make leo proud and endeared in such special little ways. hes still one of the first people casey goes to when he has nightmares, because he always sings the same song and holds him the same and hes home in a way none of the others can manage
and hes not him and casey knows that. but thats ok. hes still here, just a little younger, more compact, a tad more complicated
there are things leo learns from him and casey learns from leo, and there are still ways leo worries about him more than some of the others and things casey trusts leo with wholeheartedly, whether due to this invisible master-student tether that matters less than weightless air or just the ways they care
yet they roughhouse and they tease and they fight over the last slice of pizza and call each other stupid names and goof off
its this intricate kind of thing. they mean so many different things to each other. a brother, home, someone to hold onto, to take care of, however leo can, someone to look up to, however casey wishes, as long as leo can provide. they stick close on the couch, casey lulled to sleep by quiet lullabies and careful braiding of hair leos refused to leave unchecked. leo frets as loudly as he always has about caseys injuries, always so comforting and careful, and a little more ‘hey, be careful’ in his every action than with his brothers. casey follows behind leo, like a little brother and a student and the one whos taken care of, and leo leads the way ahead, gentle and careful and loving and just-barely-wise.
and the very next morning, they wake up and fight over the last pancake and stick their tongues out at each other from across the lair and leo calls ‘try not to get caught up in another apocalypse!’ before casey leaves and casey only cackles back with, ‘and dont get caught in any prison dimensions while im gone!’ because their gallows humor is their finest trait, and leo teases him when he gets back about how he got injured after hauling him in gentle and firm and comforting when he showed up and treating wounds with gentle hands, and they wrestle and laugh before they fall into bed together, both finding it so much easier to sleep with someone else, casey always curled up in leos grasp
its so, so nebulous. found family always is, but casey doesnt go to the others for comfort the way he does leo, they dont treat him quite so gently, because to him, theyre more brothers than anything else. its not so clean cut, but its simpler.
leo woke up after the kraang and took two sentences to ask how casey was doing.
he learned casey had seen the elder version of him as a sensei and a father and he never looked back. by god, hed be home for this boy if it killed him. this boy that saved their world. kind, and sweet, and oh so innocent for everything hes been through.
leo could never resist holding him close, calling him darling and my star and little lilac, and casey could never resist letting him, could never resist reminding him of their age and making sure they could have fun with it, call him comet and supernova and little sensei.
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So... hi...
This is the Violetta/SL murder mystery I've been mentioning!
I am so excited for this!
I also wanna give a fair warning: People will die every chapter. There's gonna be descriptions of how they die too, sometimes rather gruesome descriptions. If you're uncomfortable with that, or just uncomfortable seeing characters you love die in general, this is your warning. I absolutely understand and, tbh, some of the upcoming chapters will probably hurt me to write so much as well. But, that being said, if you want a murder mystery, go give it a read!!
Also, asoue fans - you may remember I did something like this for y'all in 2019. Let's hope my dcla friends will go as insane as you did then >:)
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
✿ *slams*
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Okay hear me out,
Tim normally doesn't show people his sketches and mapping of the stars (say for Dol so far and maybe Bido) however I can't stop picturing him giving her a star map he made.
Maybe it's of a specific night idk but yeh he do that.
100% Luna becomes one of the few people who'd be able to handle and probably calm Tim down if/when he were to just snap, and go just absolutely feral beast mode if you will
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The Lever
Somewhere on the North American Continent: Unknown Date in the Distant Future
“Damn it.”
A desolate wasteland spans before them in every direction, so long devoid of life that Nathan cannot help but feel the hollowness of its absence draining his soul.  His eyes burn; lungs filling with dead air that still smells faintly of ozone.  It’s hard to make out details in the dimness, and part of him is glad for that.  They’ve been here too many times before, and he already knows what he’ll find if he looks more closely.  Frigid winds whistle across the ashen landscape, numbing what skin they were careless enough to leave exposed and dampening the sound of Augusto’s voice. 
“--It’s alright.  We’ll try again.”
“We’ve tried again.  And again, and again,” Nathan replies sharply, not bothering to look back over his shoulder at the chronomancer.  “It’s always the same.  We failed.”
“In this timeline, yes,” Augusto concedes, stepping close enough to give Nathan’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.  “So we’ll learn from it.  Adjust the plan.  Every failure brings us closer to getting it right.”  He forces an optimistic smile, and Nathan wonders if it’s the same one the other warlock painted onto his face for Rose as the flames consumed him all those centuries ago.  “I know we can do this.”  
The optimistic outlook isn’t contagious.  
“What if we can’t, Gus?” he asks, pushing splayed fingers back through the strands of long blonde hair that whip into his face.  “Maybe we need to consider the possibility that we aren’t gonna’ save this world, no matter how many course corrections we make.”  It’s a wasted effort; the wind keeps blowing and by the time his hand falls away it’s right back in his face again.  “Maybe it doesn’t wanna’ be saved.”
Disappointment shadows the other man’s expression.  “That isn’t true.  Zadkiel says there’s a way.”
“What way?  We’ve tried everything.”  But he knows before the declaration falls from his tongue that it is a lie.
Gently, Augusto hammers the point home.  “Not everything, Nathan.” 
He’s shaking his head on instinct, searching desperately for some retort more ironclad than the one which ultimately escapes him.  “Hm-mh, no.  No…That’s off the table.”
“Perhaps it is time we put it on the table.”
Nathan shoots his mentor a sidelong glare.  “No.”
“What choice do we have?”
What choice, indeed.  The cold is getting to him, he tells himself; his hand trembling as he reaches for the small crystal vial which hangs around his neck.  “We’re not havin’ this discussion.”
“Do you think she would choose this?” He gestures at the wasteland around them.
The question hits him like a brick to the head, and for a moment all Nathan can do is stare dumbly at his companion.  “--What?”  He quickly pivots to prickly defense, as he always does when this topic is raised.  “No.  No, of course not.  She never wanted this, you know that…”  Despite his admonishment, however, he knows the logic path the chronomancer is guiding him toward.  A frown tugs at his lips.  “We’ve been over this before, it doesn’t work.” 
Augusto’s sigh is a cloud of mist in the freezing air.  The man’s kind disposition is as genuine as anyone’s that Nathan has ever known, but his penchant for bluntness is less endearing.  “It didn’t work because you couldn’t go through with it.”
He isn’t wrong, but it still stings like an unfair accusation.  “What makes you think that’s changed?”
“What I think is that we are out of options.”  His voice softens, and Nathan can hear the old Castillian accent tugging on the end of his syllables.  “We’ve exhausted the alternative catalyst points on this branch, to no avail.  What remains is the one you refuse to consider.  I have to believe there is enough of my father’s soul inside of you to know when it’s necessary to do horrible things for the greater good.”
“Don’t trolley-problem me, Gus,” Nathan pushes back, not endeavoring to mask the bitterness in his tone.  “I can’t be the one to pull the lever.”
“Can’t, or won’t?  Look around you,” Augusto tells him, glass crunching under their feet as he tugs the younger warlock around to face him.  “If you can’t find it in yourself to pull that lever, this is the end of the line.  For everyone.”  
Waco, Texas: May 5, 2023
There is nothing inconspicuous about his targets, and even if he hadn’t known they would be here Nathan is certain they wouldn’t have been hard to find.  It’s a sunny spring day in Waco and the garden center is bustling with all sorts of people, but the dark-haired werewolf who looks like she could throw down with any number of the mundane rednecks in the vicinity stands out like a beacon in the crowd.  So, too, does the oversized toddler on her heels.  He grins to himself as he watches Luna tear a hibiscus flower free from a bush as she passes by and casually shove it into her mouth.  Some things never change.  The fond amusement fades from his expression when he spots the petite brunette in a powder pink sundress twirling obliviously a few dozen steps behind.
He waits until Audrey and Luna have turned the corner before he approaches and accidentally-on-purpose bumps his shoulder into the young woman’s back, interrupting her imaginary dance recital and sending her tumbling to the ground with a surprised yelp.  “Pardon me!” Nathan hurriedly supplies, reaching out to grasp her hand with a steadying one of his own before pulling her back to her feet.  “Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” he lies.  It all feels painfully unnatural; Rose is so much better at this sort of thing. “You’re not hurt, are you?”
The innocent laughter he receives in response breaks his heart.  “It’s okay!  I’m fine!” She insists, not the least bit perturbed by the dirt stains on her dress.
“I’m glad, but I’d like to make it up to you.  Can I maybe buy you a milkshake sometime?”
Her eyes go wide as saucers, “A milkshake?” She asks incredulously, “I love milkshakes!”
I know.  “Really?  What a coincidence, so do I…”
“Wow!  What are the chances?!” She exclaims without a hint of irony, and gives the stranger’s hand an awkward shake with her own like an overzealous child still learning the ins and outs of social norms.  “I’m Fig, what’s your name?”
“It’s nice to meet you, Fig.  You can call me Nate.”
She smiles at him, positively beaming, and he hates himself for smiling back.
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Me back on my bullshit again, getting diagnosed with something new trying to decide which of my ocs also gets it so I can use them to understand myself more
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lilyhanaart · 1 year
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the characters of crime & regret! i want to draw proper illustrations for all of the characters soon..
luna is the protagonist so the story focuses on her involvement with the two organizations (regret and crime), and how she gets roped into their problems 😭
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shes like, literally the only normal one here but i love all of my children with all my heart! they mean everything to me!! (not satanic four <3)
i've been kind of nervous sharing oc stuff here but i've been focusing on crime & regret art lately and i want to keep making content for it!
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kodaiki · 7 months
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highlights! ⇢ peep the new contact name for gojo ⇢ shoko and maki have laid off pestering y/n about gojo's possible crush on her but still fully believe in it ⇢ gojo has y/n's coffee order by heart since he tends to get her coffee nowadays
author's note! ⇢ the luna and angus wallpaper is my fav ever so cute <3
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꒰ 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ꒱ ↳ as a rising star in the tumultuous world of hollywood, you're handed a golden opportunity to boost your career – a fake relationship. what your manager forgot to mention? your leading man is none other than satoru gojo, hollywood's notorious fuckboy. easy? well, not exactly.
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ʚĭɞ rbs and interaction always appreciated! ʚĭɞ
to join the taglist: currently 50/50. CLOSED!
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those highlighted in pink were unable to be tagged! please solve this issue within a week or your spot will be given to someone else! 🤍
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viennakarma · 9 months
Wreck my plans (that's my man)
Part 2 of Say Something
Lewis Hamilton x Reader | Fernando Alonso x Reader
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Summary: Juggling a new life as a divorced woman, a toddler and maybe a new (old) love.
Word count: 4.5k
Tags: Female reader, new love, a kinda asshole Lewis, co-parenting relationship, smut, oral sex (f receiving), a lot of spanish pet names, not beta read
Relationships: Fernando Alonso x Reader, Ex!Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Notes: I know some of you wanted forgiveness for Lewis, and another bunch of you wanted Toto Wolff but I blindly opened the doc and these 4 thousand words just happened. If you really want an alternate ending (forgiving Lewis), drop something in my inbox and I might write a lil something for you ;)
Find me on Twitter!
“Look, mama!” Luna pointed the little finger at the big poster of George Russell, “Uncle Joje!”
“Yep, that’s uncle George, my love!”
“And Dada! Dada!” She pointed to the next big poster, a big picture of Lewis wearing the team gear.
It was the first time you went back to a Grand Prix, in a little more than two years. And it was Luna’s first time ever attending. You and Lewis had a great co-parenting relationship, the world knew about Luna, but the Silverstone GP was going to be the first time she’d be seen publicly. You knew Lewis had hired the best security team just for this, and he had called you with a confident pep talk the night before.
As soon as the car stopped, you pulled Luna closer.
“Baby, stay close to mama, yes? We’re going to see Dada and Papa Anthony too, ok?”
Your daughter nodded but you knew she didn’t really understand, so you just smiled at her and opened the door. You could feel the flashes popping around the two of you, and could imagine everyone wondering what Lewis’ ex wife was doing there.
The bodyguards walked you and Luna over to the Mercedes’ hospitality. You found Lewis in the privacy of his little driver’s room.
“Dada!” Luna squealed as soon as she saw him, casual jeans and the team shirt.
You smiled, setting your little girl down so she could run to her father’s arms. Lewis smiled big, that one smile he only directed to his daughter. Lewis picked her up, kissing her face and hugging her.
“Hi, Lewis!” You greeted him with a side hug, since Luna was still in his arms.
“Hi, Y/N! Are you two ok? Was the trip here alright?” He asked, attentive.
“Yes, thank you. How is your schedule? You wanna stay with her a little?” You asked.
“Yes, I want to be with her. My dad’s at the hospitality too, he’s dying to see Luna.”
You gave him your daughter’s bag, with nappies, toys, drinks and snacks. You told him to call if needed, anything. Kissing your baby’s cheek, you left Lewis’ room to give them a little space and privacy.
Walking around aimlessly, seeing the energy flowing was kind of fun. You walked by Ferrari and greeted both drivers, who you had known back when you were married to Lewis. A good part of the grid had changed, but the few from before still recognised you and talked to you.
You were going back to Mercedes to check on Luna when you hit someone chest to chest.
“Oh, god! I’m so sorry!” You whispered.
“Y/N” he greeted you. You met the gaze of beautiful brown eyes, in an almost green kind of shade.
“Fernando! Hi!” You finally recognized the spaniard.
You had met Fernando the same night you had met Lewis, introduced by Sebastian and his wife after you created the project for their family home.
“It’s good to see you,” Fernando said, still holding your shoulder.
“You too.”
“I’m sorry about the divorce.”
“Uh, don’t worry. It’s been a while, Lewis and I are friends now.”
Fernando nodded, his eyes on your face. You stared at his eyes, trying to find something to say, to fill in the awkward silence.
“You’re just as beautiful as ever,” he whispered almost in a daze. You felt the blush creeping up your face.
“Thank you, you look handsome too,” you said, and you phone started ringing, you checked to see it was Lewis calling, “sorry, I gotta go,”
“See you around?” Fernando asked.
“Yeah, I’ll see you around, Fernando.”
You started walking away feeling butterflies in your stomach, like a silly teenager. You were walking but as you looked back, Fernando was still there staring at your distancing figure.
Fernando never forgot your pretty smile. He had met you so long ago, in a party hosted by Sebastian and his wife. Fernando had been enchanted by you, by the way your presence lit up the room, by how smart you sounded, by how clever you were. The problem was Fernando had gotten to the party late, and when he arrived, you had already met Lewis, fully entranced by the British man's charisma.
Fernando still had a silly crush on you when you were dating Lewis and he saw you around, but after you got married, he had forced himself to move on.
Now it felt like some sort of miracle, bumping into you again.
He didn’t lose any time. As he went back to the Aston Martin garage, he called someone.
It was a couple of hours later and you were by the Mercedes garage chatting with Anthony and keeping an eye on Luna who was running around with George and Lewis, greeting engineers and mechanics, enchanting everyone with her charm.
Someone wearing green came into the garage and everyone stopped, looking at the intruder from the Aston Martin team. The Aston Martin lady handed you a big bouquet of lilies and excused herself.
Every single pair of eyes were set on you and the mysterious bouquet. With your face red, you pulled the card, opening.
“Glad to see you again, hermosa. - Fernando”
You smiled, covering your face. On the back of the card was a phone number.
“Who’s that from?” Lewis asked and suddenly everyone was silent, tension rising up.
“Lewis,” you said between gritted teeth, “you’re making a scene.” Lewis seemed to realize everyone had an eye on you two, so you just turned to Anthony and said, “can you keep an eye on Luna for a couple of minutes please?”
After confirmation, you walked inside, taking your bouquet with you, and putting the number on your phone.
“Who’s it from?” Lewis followed you inside.
“It’s none of your fucking business, Lewis.”
“It is because you’re the mother of my kid.”
“Which means the only topic concerning you is our kid!” You whispered angrily.
“You’re dating, now?”
“Fuck off, Lewis!” You exclaimed, a surge of anger coming through your chest, “Don’t come at me all high and mighty now. You cheated on me, and I still let you be close to my daughter, and I still treat you with respect! I kept the secret of why our marriage ended to save your reputation and we only have a good relationship for her sake!”
You knew the words struck a nerve because his chest was heaving. You had been respectful to Lewis ever since the pregnancy because you wanted your daughter to grow up in a safe and happy environment. But that was where you drew the line.
“My life doesn’t revolve around you anymore.”
Leaving Lewis behind, you went to a room in the hospitality and managed to send a thank you text to Fernando.
You ended up accepting going on a date with Fernando after a few weeks of calling and texting. He ended up going to your place in Edinburgh for a cozy dinner, in a week Luna had gone traveling with Lewis for the summer break.
After the divorce you faced a lot of backlash from Lewis’ fans, even if they didn’t know any details, they still blamed you for breaking their idol’s heart. A few man had flirted with you here and there, but pregnant for nine months and then raising a baby after, you didn’t have the time or energy to find romance. Dealing with the aftermath of your divorce with a world superstar athlete had been something else.
So you had been living a low profile life, one that Fernando fully respected. He and you opted for cooking dinner yourselves, preparing a pasta dish with lots of pomodoro sauce and cheese.
He was easy to talk to. So openly into you, complimenting you, talking about how pretty and how interesting you are. The Spanish charm was so real and delightful, after years of feeling rejected. 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked, over a glass of wine while Fernando mixed a saucepan.
“Why are you interested in me?” You sounded honestly confused. 
You were a divorced woman, with a toddler, still trying to figure out the relationship you had with your ex, and living under the radar after having your face plastered all over the media. You couldn’t help but wonder if he was really into you or if it was some sort of vendetta against Lewis. You knew that despite them being on good terms now, there’s history between them, and many layers of rivalry you weren’t privy to, since it happened long before they met you.
“Is this to get back at Lewis in some way? Because I’d like to manage my expectations if that’s the case.”
He understood why you would be guarded and suspicious of his intentions. Your last relationship had imploded in a way that he could only imagine left you devastated. It must look off, a known rival of your ex-husband sweeping in and showing romantic interest. But Fernando didn’t mind showing you his true intentions as long as you allowed him.
Fernando turned the stove off, and walked around the kitchen island, standing in front of you, so close he was almost between your legs.
“It has nothing to do with him because I have always been interested in you,” he whispered like a secret, seeing you confused frown, he kept talking, “remember the night we met? Lewis left early, we went to the garden, and sat down by the fountain. We shared a bottle of wine and a cigarette. Just me and you watching the sun rise.”
“Fernando…” you whispered back, remembering. Of course you knew about that, but for so long your life was entangled to Lewis, that the memory of that night was only attached to him in your brain.
But that had happened. You and Fernando had talked late into the night, chatting about life and the future, sitting barefoot on the grass, passing a wine bottle between you. Fernando didn’t flirt with you that day, he just chatted.
At the time you were so infatuated with Lewis already, that you didn’t see what was right under your nose.
“And for years after that,” Fernando gulped, looking a bit guilty, “I wondered if I had gone to the party earlier, if I had met you first, wouldn’t it be me by your side?”
“You’ve been into me all these years?” You asked, shocked.
“I have been in love all these years.”
You held his face, pulling him into you, kissing him. He was shocked at first, but as soon as it wore off, his hand slipped around your waist, pulling you flush into him. With the other hand, he cradled your head by the nape, his lips leaving your mouth, to kiss down your neck and nip at your earlobe, which had you moaning softly, melting against him.
“I’m sorry, hermosa,” he apologized, taking a step back.
You were panting softly as he stared at you, red face and lips, hair a little disheveled from his hand.
“Fernando,” you stood up, holding his hand, “come back here.”
You pulled him back, pressing your lips into his. He held you close, flush against his chest, opening his lips and deepening the kiss. You felt hot all over.
“I have dreamed about this, diosa.” He moaned into your lips.
“Can we-” you muttered between kisses, “can we skip dinner?”
You turned around to go back to the living room, hearing Fernando hearty laugh, and he immediately hugged you from behind, kissing your shoulder and neck. Finally making it to the sofa, you sat down. Fernando just knelt in front of you, pushing your dress up.
“Dessert first, sí?”
Laughing, you nodded, kicking your panties after he pushed them down your legs. Fernando bit into your thighs, and you moaned at the feel of his beard on your skin. With his head between your thighs, he mouthed you, licking a stripe into your cunt. Using a hand to open you up, he lapped your pussy like a man starved, pressing face, nose and tongue into your wetness. You had gone so long without another person, that now you were mushy under his ministrations. He still couldn’t get enough, so he put one of your legs over his shoulder, diving deeper, tongue over your clit and finger entering your cunt.
“Fuck, Nando. Too good, too good,” you gripped his hair, grinding on his face. He curled his fingers up inside you, finding your g-spot, making you shake, “I’m so close, baby. So, so close.”
He latched on to your clit, and you came hard, shaking, hips pressing into his face as you tried to come down. You were panting, breathless, as you came down from your high. Fernando stood up, sitting by your side, kissing you. You tasted yourself on his lips, and he held you.
You cupped the bulge in his pants, and he kept kissing you face gently, holding you in his arms like he wanted to never let go.
“We should take this to the bedroom,” he whispered into your ear, making goosebumps arise in your skin.
You two stumbled to the bedroom, laughing as you pulled each piece of clothing off, tossing them to the floor. You were fully naked by the time the door closed behind you in the bedroom.
You didn’t actually lay in the bed, since Fernando made you keep one foot on the floor and pushed your other leg on the mattress, leaving you open for him.
“Dios, I want to keep you in this bed for days until I have tasted all of you, cariño,” he said, running a calloused hand up and down from your back all the way to your butt, pressing his fingers over your cheeks, making you moan.
“Nando, please fuck me, just- I need you, please,” you begged, feeling the way he lined his cock to tease your entrance but not actually putting in, just coating himself with your wetness.
Then finally, he pushed inside, slowly, your walls pulling him in a perfect tight grip. The two of you cursed as you adapted to the feel of him inside, of having someone fucking you for the first time in years.
Fernando started fucking you softly, and you let him manhandle you as he pulled you back to stand up, your back against his chest, one of his hands snaking around your middle to keep him pressed to your backside and the other hand cradled your face by the jaw, forcing you to look ahead.
“Mírate, cariño (look at you, dear)” he whispered, making you face ahead, finding the full length mirror on the other side of the room, you could see perfectly, Fernando fucking you from behind, his sweaty face above your shoulder, your tits bouncing with each snap of his hips and his hands claiming your body like you were a fucking masterpiece, “you look so pretty taking my cock.”
You looked at the mirror, his hand keeping you up like a toy and he started pounding into you, and you could only moan his name as you felt the orgasm buildup, you threw your hand back, holding his head and pulling his hair and your other hand down to your clit as his thrusts became harder and slower. You felt yourself clench around him, coming hard as he whispered in your ear.
“Oh, you feel so good, hermosa. I bet it feels so good coming around my cock does it not?” He talked you through your high.
“Fuck, you’re so good to me. Please, baby.” You moaned and that did it for him, and you had him cumming with a couple of sloppy thrusts.
You two fell on the bed, breathless.
“Goddamn, Nano, you’re going to ruin my life,” You whispered.
“I’m happy to be of service,” he joked and you ended up laughing out loud, him accompanying you with a few giggles.
You two showered, and then dressed in robes, ate dinner on the living room floor, sharing the wine straight from the bottle just like the first time you met. 
After talking for what felt like hours, he took you back to bed, feasting on your cunt until he pulled two more orgasms from you, and then fucking you slowly. Mouth on your nipples and a hand keeping your hips high as he fucked into you. You held onto him for dear life, fingers tangled on his soft hair and kissed him whenever he gave you the opportunity. He worshiped your body like you were the only woman to ever exist, intense eye contact and praising you every step of the way.
The next morning you woke up naked, spent and happy. You barely had the time to feel Nando’s absence in your bed when he entered the room, carrying a big tray with breakfast.
“¡Buenos días!” He greeted you with a peck and set the tray in front of you. There was coffee, juice, toast and cheese.
“Buenos días, baby” you said, lazily taking a sip of coffee, “this is nice. I’ve never been surprised with breakfast in bed before.”
“You deserve it, you took me so well last night, hermosa.” He kissed you quickly again, and you blushed because of his words.
You kept eating when he went to the opposite side of the room to take a phone call. You spoke intermediate Spanish because of work, but you didn’t pry in his conversation, instead focusing on recharging your energies.
“Duty calls?” You asked as he came back. He only nodded, which made you a little sad, “well, I was going to ask you to stay the weekend, but I understand you’re busy.”
“I’ll cancel my plans.” He shrugged.
“No, no, you don’t have to.” You said quickly, feeling guilty for messing with his schedule.
“Do you want me to spend the weekend?” He asked softly. And you just nodded, not wanting to be the cause of him getting in trouble with work. “Then I’ll spend the weekend.”
He immediately got into a phone call again, and from what you could gather, he was rescheduling his commitments for the next week.
“Why did you do that?” You reprimanded him, but deep down you were kinda giddy because he was going to stay the weekend.
“You’re a priority, not a second thought.” He said it like it was the most obvious thing ever. “Besides, I’ll never say no to spending more time with you, cariño.”
Throughout the next six months, you and Nando kept in touch and met here and there whenever Lewis had Luna over. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend when you spent a week with him in a secluded villa close to the beach in Spain. It’s not that you didn’t want Fernando to meet Luna, but you two were still figuring out your relationship and you didn’t want to introduce them and in case he ended up not sticking around for the long run.
“Are you sure?” You asked him suddenly one night when you two were cuddling on the balcony, staring at each other and at the sky.
“Sure of what?”
“Are you sure you wanna be with me, Fernando?” You asked absentmindedly, running your palm up and down his back.
“Yes, I am sure.”
“Why, though? I come with a kid and a lot of baggage?” As you said the words, Fernando pulled your hand and kissed your palm, putting it against his cheek, looking into your eyes.
“Because I want you.”
“Even with all the complications? Even if we never find a way to go public?”
“I don’t mind if I have to spend the rest of our lives reassuring you. I’m with you because I want you, simple as that” he said with his serious voice and thick accent, as a lump stuck on your throat, “I’m not with you because of what you look like by my side or what you can do for me. I’m with you because I love you.”
Your tears fell down and Fernando caught them with his lips, kissing your cheeks and tears away. It was so good and so safe, you never wanted to leave his side.
“The rest of our lives, eh?” You giggled, “I’m not gonna lie, I like the sound of that.”
“Bueno. I like the sound of that too.”
“Gracias, Nano. Yo te amo y te deseo también. (Thank you, Nano. I love you and I desire you too)”
“Wait-” he pushed himself up, “you speak Spanish?”
“Sí, lo hablo. (Yes, I do)” You laughed out loud at his dumbfounded face, and he held your wrists up above your head.
“Todo este tiempo hablaste español? (All this time you spoke spanish?)” He clicked his tongue, “eres tan mala y te voy a castigar. (You're so bad and I'm gonna punish you)”
You squealed as he carried you back inside, tossing you on the bed.
Eventually, you made up your mind about telling Lewis. Not because he had to know, but from a standpoint that he should know for the sake of Luna. So you stopped him one day when he came to drop off Luna.
“Can I talk to you for a moment?” You asked after greeting your baby, “Luna, why don’t you take your new toys inside while Mommy and Daddy chat a little?” You watched your girl run inside, “Careful! The porch is slippery!”
“What happened?” Lewis asked, putting both hands on his pockets.
“I’m seeing someone.”
Your words made his stomach drop. The dreaded day had come. Lewis had noticed how you looked happier and healthier than before, how you were wearing more makeup and pretty stylish clothes. The other day you had a mysterious tan on your body when he came to drop Luna off, way too strong tan for Scotland, anyway.
You are one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, he found it a miracle it took you so long to find someone. Maybe deep down Lewis thought you two could mend your relationship.
“Who?” Was all he said.
“Fernando?” He frowned, “who’s Fernando?”
“Alonso.” You bit your lip, waiting for an explosive reaction, but Lewis went silent, thinking.
“I can’t believe this. He’s just using you to target me, can’t you see?”
“So that’s all you see me as? An object? A ploy crafted to only be used for you or against you?” You asked, crossing your arms defensively.
“That’s not what I mean! He’s- he’s evil, you know that!” Lewis bared his teeth, getting angrier by the second.
“I don’t. That’s not how he is to me.” You shrugged.
“Do you have any idea how messy this will look when it comes out? Are you ready to face the consequences of this stupid adventure to get back at me?”
His words made you raise your walls, defensive, that sounded dangerously like a threat. You remained collected, because if Lewis wanted to go low, then you’d go lower.
“I’ll let this one slide, but it sounded dangerously close to a fucking threat,” you started, your voice so cold it sent shivers up his spine, “This had nothing to do with you. Nothing. But if this information leaks, I’ll know who did it. And if you do this to damage my image to the world or try and force my hand into leaving him, then everyone will finally know why we divorced, and how the other woman kept harassing me while I was pregnant!”
“What?” His expression dropped. 
He didn’t know because you didn’t tell him, because after a few months of mockery and threats through texts, you changed your number and it stopped. You still had the screenshots though.
“Luna will always be my greatest priority, and I love my baby girl. But my life has revolved around hers ever since I was pregnant, and before that my life revolved around you,” you felt a lump in your throat, eyes watering, “can I have this one thing for me? Is it selfish wanting to be loved?”
“I do. I love you.” He said, his voice wavering too.
“No, you don’t.” You shook your head, “you loved the idea of someone living solely for you. You loved that I was there during the good and the bad, picking up the pieces when you were down and popping the champagne when you were up. You loved that I loved you.”
You looked back, where Luna was calling you from the door.
“I am with Fernando now, and as Luna’s parents, I just didn't want you to be blindsided,” you turned around but looked at him over your shoulder, “don’t go ruining my future a second time.”
He flinched before your words. You knew it would cut deep, but you were tired of that conversation and his entitlement to your life and decisions.
A few weeks later, you introduced Luna to Fernando, and to your surprise, they got along so well. Probably because he bought her a lot of presents. She liked his presence most of the times, despite feeling jealous sometimes when he hugged you or kissed your cheeks.
When you and Fernando made it to a one year anniversary, you two adopted a kitten who had been abandoned by the road. Luna fell immediately in love with the pet, which found home with you. For Christmas, Nando’s gift to Luna was to install a swing and a see-saw on the garden, which ultimately made her completely enchanted by him, asking him to play all the time whenever they were at your place at the same time.
You were sitting on his lap while Luna played with the cat, throwing toys around.
“How would you feel about a baby?” You asked him. He straightened up, searching your eyes.
“Are you pregnant?” He sounded shocked.
“Of course not, tonto! (silly)” You giggled, “I’m just- mulling over the idea, wanting your opinion, you know.”
“Yes, I want more kids if you want too,” he said honestly, his hand softly caressing the side of your hip.
“Mhm,” you nuzzled into his neck.
“Your question came with good timing, you know, I have been thinking,” he mumbled, thinking, “Do you want me to retire?”
“What? Are you insane? You love racing, it’s like- it’s in your blood! You know I do-”
“That’s not what I asked,” Fernando interrupted you, “I asked if you want me to retire? We could move in together, spend more time together, I could move here.”
“You’d drop your sunny and warm Spain for Scotland?” Your voice was laced with doubt.
“I’d drop anything for you, don’t you see?” He lowered his voice, closer to your ear, “besides, we could always go back and forth here and Spain. I’d do it if it means I get to make love to you every day, and wake up by your side every morning.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you rolled your eyes, but your cheeks were deep red.
“You love it.”
“That I do.”
“That sounds tempting but I could never ask you to stop racing, it’s literally your favorite thing!”
“You are my favorite thing.”
“Fernando…” you whined and he laughed.
“Ok, let’s meet in the middle, sí?” He proposed, kissing your cheek, “if you get pregnant, I drop everything. Meanwhile, we let things run their course as it is, ok?”
“That’s perfect, mi amor” You laid back on his chest, watching Luna playing.
Headcanons | Another universe…
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aezyrraeshh · 2 years
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LUNA X JOSEPHINE doomed love // the second chance
template | icons
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injangcore · 3 months
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𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮
tags: jaeminxreaderxhaechan, poly relationship, established relationship, tooth rotting fluff, suggestive content, non explicit smut(?), food.
do not plagiarise, translate or repost.
Jaemin and Donghyuck, are two vastly different people, yet they exist in harmony - with each other, with you, and with the way they love you. And there's so so much love.
So much love, in the way Hyuck wakes up early to wash the dishes from last night as he lets you and Jaemin sleep in - soft snores till the morning sun bleeds into your shared bedroom - knowing Jaemin doesn't like coming to a cluttered kitchen.
Love in the way, Jaemin wakes up next and slowly leaves your embrace - as much as his mind screams at him to stay, stay and admire the way you look heavenly under the soft light, the way your hair frames your face so delicately, the way you smell like him and Hyuck- the way you smell like home that makes him want to bury himself in your neck and stay till his heart’s content - but alas, he has duties. Duties that revolve around you, and by extension Hyuck as well.
(rest under the cut)
Love in the way, Hyuck wears his mask as Luna crawls out after Jaemin, meowing in hunger at him as he reaches down to pet her soft fur, his heartaches that he can’t kiss her in the way you and Jaemin can as his allergies deprive him of the luxury - but he takes what he gets as he fills up her bowl and pets her as she eats.
Love in the way, Jaemin pours two cups of freshly brewed coffee, no words exchanged in the morning cold between your two boyfriends as they prepare for the surprise they have planned for their sweet special girl. Jaemin slowly potters around the kitchen, hoping not to wake his precious girl up, grabbing ingredients for your favorite breakfast meal, as Hyuck zips himself up in the jacket that you got him as he leaves the house to bring you a little extra something to start your special day off. 
Love in the way, you wake up to your cat on you as she meows for attention, Hyuck coming in frantic - “Don’t wake her up Luna-” and stops as he sees you slowly blinking off sleep, “Oh no, go back to bed, love” Hyuck whispers as he picks of Luna- her whining at him as he cuddles her close to his chest. “I’m up, I can’t go back to sleep now.” You mumble, rubbing your eyes as you sit up against the headboard, still drowsy. “Are you sure? You still have time love, you can still get a couple of minutes in.” Hyuck asks concerned, and lets out an achoo as Luna takes the chance to pounce from his arms onto your lap.
“Hyuck what- oh hi there sweetheart.” Jaemin greets you with a smile as he walks in an apron with the words ‘KISS THE CHEF’ on it, he leans down to kiss the top of your head and moves down to plant an affectionate kiss on your lips- making you beam with love- as his tender eyes gently take your form in, “Happy birthday, my favorite girl.”
“Kinda unfair that I was here first and yet I wasn’t the first person to wish you,” Hyuck whines and then playfully glares at Luna, “All because of that furball.” “Hey be nice, she's your daughter too!” You scold him gently, kissing the sweet kitty on her head, before turning to Jaemin, “Thank you, Nana.” 
“Always pretty girl, stay here while I get you your breakfast sweetheart.” He speaks softly, voice dripping in honey as he leaves the room, Luna following hot on his tail. “I swear she likes him more than me.” You huff as Hyuck slides in next to you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you against him, “You’re still my favorite though, darling.” He whispers in your ear, his lips getting to work as he leaves feathery kisses along your shoulder, making you whine at him for getting you worked up so early in the morning, he chuckles at your whine before his index and thumb finger slowly hooks at your chin and turns your face to him, “Happy Birthday, baby.” He says as he leans down to catch your lips in a tender kiss, you whine into his lips as his other hand starts going under your t-shirt (his t-shirt) and you knew this was going to get R-rated really quick if it wasn’t for Jaemin coughing as he enters the bedroom with the tray and the bouquet that Hyuck had run out to get early in the morning - making you separate from Hyuck’s lips- which made him whine. “Such a party pooper, Jaem.” The tan male huffs as Jaemin carefully places the tray in your lap, the smell and visual of the appetizing food making your stomach growl and your mouth wet.
“Dare I remind you that our girl hasn’t eaten yet, Hyuck, we have that saved for the night.” Jaemin chuckles, his heart full as you thank him for the meal and dig in, moaning at the amazing taste. “That good huh?” And his smile grows wider as you nod.
“Wow if that got you moaning like that, imagine what we can do-”
Jaemin and Hyuck had plans, and plans were they. A nice museum date followed by a fancy lunch in the restaurant that you've been raving about to the boys for weeks. Next they took you out to the carnival, got you cotton candy, and won you a bunch of plushies that joined your growing collection and kissed you on top of the Ferris wheel with the fireworks going off in the beautiful dark night sky.
And Hyuck kept true to his words, and so did Jaemin as they had you spread between them, keeping you drunk and high on their kisses, hot tongues mapping your body like a canvas, moans, and groans fill the room as they make your thighs shake and your eyes roll to the back of your head with a roll of their hips and their pillowy lips on your body. And when you succumb to sleep, your beloveds caging you between them as their breathing evens out, you fall asleep with your heart full and your thoughts void of any concerns as their words of love echo in your head, lulling you to sleep.
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williamsracinggf · 8 months
✧.* just like dad / ls2 *.✧
little luna sargeant's got her mind set on one thing: she wants to be just like dad when she grows up.
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“i’m nervous.” logan glances at the sleeping 5-year-old sprawled across the backseat with her koala stuffie covering her face. he sits back again and glances at you, eyes stuck on the road ahead.
you hum and glance over at him, shaking his leg as he twists his body and takes another look at your daughter. “it’s not even your race, babe.”
you hear logan sigh exasperatedly, staring longingly at the snoring kid. “i know it’s her race. but you know,” he trails off, tilting his head slightly.
he doesn’t get nervous about his races anymore. so when the then 4-year-old daughter came up to him after his race in miami talking about how she wanted to register for a karting race this year, he was more than flabbergasted. he remembers looking over at you in shock while you just shrugged and told him, “you heard the lady.”
while you’re not entirely pleased by your daughter’s decision to start karting, you wouldn’t ever dare to be the parent who told her what she can and cannot do. it’s a value that you and logan had discussed earlier in your relationship and something you’ve tried to stick to heavily.
if you have the means to ensure that your daughter can do what her heart desires, then why would you ever deny her?
logan would have preferred for his carbon copy to not subject herself to the brutality of the sport he’s gotten himself into, but he also cannot help the feeling of pride growing in his chest at the thought of his daughter taking after him. there is something so endearing about the way she wants to be just like him — in her words, not his.
“you can always tell her not to race,” you shrug. “no harm in saying no.”
he throws his head back as he gets comfortable in his seat again. “i can’t do that,” he shakes his head, “you saw how excited she was when we signed her up for her classes.”
you laugh. “besides, you’ve got the perfect gift for luna.” you reach over for his leg in the passenger seat, squeezing him as you smile at him. “she’ll love it.”
that’s another thing: the custom helmet that logan had gotten made for luna’s first race ever. your daughter initially only insisted on her own race suit, which you went and got customised together without logan on a weekend he was away for a race.
it wasn’t until little luna had seen one of logan’s helmets on one of your bedroom shelves that she decided she wanted one for herself. but by that point, it never would have made it in time for her first race.
though, logan being the proud dad that he is (and luna being daddy’s little girl), he already had a custom helmet in the works with a much cuter motif. it’s pink and grey with koalas plastered all over it, thanks to oscar’s influence on the little girl during their trip to australia early last year.
“that design was sent in months ago. what if she doesn’t even like pink anymore?”
logan’s concern is valid. the little girl had taken after your indecisiveness, often changing her claims for things that are her favourite every other day. one time she had sobbed for a solid half hour after logan came home with blue raspberry flavoured candy, suddenly claiming that strawberries are actually her favourite flavour of candy.
logan looked at you hopelessly for help, but neither of you had gotten the memo that her blue raspberry obsession was short-lived. he wound up walking out the front door and coming back with a bag full of strawberry-flavoured candies, feeling like the worst dad that he had somehow let it slip his mind what her favourite candy was.
both of you struggled to finish the blue raspberry candy for weeks, having to start giving it away in the paddocks during his next race.
“i’m sure she still likes pink as much as she did yesterday,” you explain, glancing at your daughter through your rearview mirror. “look at her — it looks like the pink panther threw up all over her.”
he looks back at her, almost bursting out in laughter at how right you are. she’s taken the liberty to dress herself in a pink tutu with a random grey shirt, topped off with a bow that held her hair in a ponytail. “are you sure? what if she wakes up and changes her mind?”
your car comes to a slow stop, surrounded by several other cars in the parking lot of the karting track. you turn to logan and sigh as you shake your head. “you’re overthinking this, babe. she’ll love it,” you reach over for his hand, “because it’s from you.”
he raises an eyebrow, staring at you with clear scepticism. being away for weeks at a time didn’t make him feel like a great dad, despite the young girl always clinging to him whenever he was back in town for breaks, always rambling on about how much she missed her dad while he was gone and that she watched his race.
it’s managed to make him feel so disconnected in her life, sometimes even jealous of how much time you’ve gotten to spend with luna as she grew up. he just doesn’t feel like he knows a lot about her, despite him passing the random quizzes from his giggly daughter right before bed.
“are we here?”
logan flinches at the tiny face that’s slotted herself between their seats, clutching his chest while the 2 girls burst into laughter. “you’re sneaky! i didn’t even notice you were awake!”
“the car stopped moving!” luna shrieks, climbing between the two seats to throw herself onto logan. “and i’m excited!”
“of course, you are!” you cheer, reaching over to pat her head. “it’s your first race, isn’t it?”
she turns her head to look at you with a wide smile, her familiar green eyes shining in the sun that hits your car. your genetics hadn’t had a chance against logan’s — the small girl sported identical green eyes and dirty blonde hair, with dimples to complete the mission of being his clone.
“uncle ozzy will be here too, right? with aunty lily?” she scrambles to press her face against the window, hands cupped over her eyes as she scopes out for her parents’ best friends in the crowd outside the car. “what about uncle alex?”
“they promised to be here to watch your race, lu,” logan laughs, peeling her away from the window. he sits his daughter on his lap, leaning back as he enjoys their time in the cold of the car. “i actually got you a present for the race today.”
“a present! where?”
“it’s in the back, but-”
“then let’s go!” luna squirms in her father’s grip, reaching forward to unlock his door. she almost falls out when she opens it, giggling when logan’s grip on her arm refrains her from hitting the ground face first.
she wiggles out of his grasp, logan tiredly looking over his shoulder at you, still sitting peacefully in the driver’s seat. you shrug as you pull down the visor and grab your makeup bag. “you told her about your present. you know how she feels about presents.”
he opens his mouth to shoot back an explanation, but is cut short by his daughter screeching and running back up to his side of the car. “daddy, my present!”
she reaches up for logan’s hand, forcefully pulling him out of the car. he nods, stumbling over himself as he hurriedly reaches back to release his seatbelt and lets her drag him to the trunk of your family car.
“what is it? is it a toy?” she beams, hopping next to logan as he scavages the several bags in the back for the black dustbag that contains her new helmet. “did you get it while you were away?”
“it’s no longer a surprise if i tell you,” logan laughs.
“is it a toy?”
logan shrugs, reappearing with a bag in his hand. luna’s eyes widened at the far larger gift than she had expected. she reaches up for the bag, whining when logan doesn’t immediately give it to her.
“do you want to guess what it is?” he teases, lifting it further out of her grasp.
“no!” she shrieks, now wrapping her arms and legs around her father’s body at an attempt to climb him to get to her promised present. “please, daddy! my present! i wanna see it!”
“how can daddy give you the present when you’re climbing him like a little monkey, my love?” you laugh, coming around the corner to tear her off logan’s body. “are you our little monkey baby?”
you burst into laughter watching the tiny girl screech in response, shaking her head aggressively as she tries to rebuke your accusations.
alas, logan finally gets on his knees to match her height. he holds out the bag to her, grinning when her green eyes stare into his, her body shaking in excitement. “present time?”
she nods, biting down on her lip. “present time.”
she drops to the ground when logan hands it over. she immediately grabs at the bag, tugging it off the helmet and grunts when there’s another layer of paper packaging that shies it away from her prying hands and curious eyes.
when she does get around to it, though, it’s like time stops when she lays eyes on the large drawing of the koala on the top of the helmet. just 3 weeks ago, she had finally come to terms that she wouldn’t have her own custom helmet for her first ever race ( against her best wishes). now here’s a helmet with her name in black at the corner.
she breaks into a mind-curling scream as she jumps to her feet excitedly. she certainly doesn’t notice the eyes heavily staring at your family, but you do, simply shrugging before returning your attention to luna.
“daddy!” she screams, throwing her arms around logan’s neck, knocking him back into the ground. she doesn’t even notice the soft thud when the back of his head hits the car. “it’s pink and there’s a koala! oh, my days!”
you snort at her vocabulary, suddenly wishing that you hadn’t taken george up on the free babysitting in the paddocks whenever you’re there. her vocabulary never fails to shock you, seemingly being the perfect mix of a kid growing up in the uk with a dash of american from her dad’s side of the family.
she pulls away from him, picking the helmet up from the ground and hops on over to you. “look at it, mummy! it’s got a koala on it!”
you feign excitement and shock. logan had consulted you with the design about a month or two ago, asking you for opinions and any additional designs to satisfy his little girl. you’d even seen the helmet just this morning before getting out of bed to make breakfast for the family.
she turns back to logan, who simply grins. “you like it?”
“i love it!” she screeches. she places the helmet over the dustbag on the ground, whirling around to throw her arms over logan again. “it’s the best present ever! i really really love it!” she throws her head back. “you’re the best dad in the world! i love you!”
she grabs logan’s face, mushing his cheeks as she presses a sloppy kiss on his cheeks. “thank you, thank you!”
“little luna!” oscar’s voice makes the young girl perk up, turning around at the call of her favourite uncle.
she picks up the helmet and sprints over to the couple not too far away, stopping in their tracks when she practically throws herself into oscar’s arms with the helmet in her hands. “look what daddy got me!”
oscar and lily immediately gawk at the girl’s amazement of her dad’s present, showing them all of the things she’s noticed since she laid eyes on it about 5 minutes ago.
logan finally turns to you, sighing in relief. he rests his head on your shoulder and you chuckle as you wrap your arms around him and pat his back. “you’re too hard on yourself, love,” you hum, swaying slightly as you take a quick glance at luna, now surrounded by alex and george who are also congratulating her on her first helmet. “she sees you, you know.”
he pulls away and leans into your touch when you cup his cheek. perhaps he’s too hard on himself. but when you’re away from your daughter most of the year, you’re bound to start thinking that you’re no better than an absent parent.
“i just always feel so disconnected from you guys.” he clenches his jaw, throwing himself over your smaller frame again to hide his face in your hair. “i wish i was around more. it feels like i’m losing her with each day i’m not around.”
“she talks about you all the time and how cool you are.” you pull away and grin slightly, caressing his cheek with your thumbs. “look at her — entering her first karting race. she goes on and on about being just like daddy. you’re her hero.”
logan raises his eyebrow and clenches his jaw. “again — i wouldn’t say i should be her role model when it comes to racing.”
“you can’t change her mind,” you shrug, forcefully turning logan around to look at luna, now in fits of giggles as oscar helps her to try on the helmet. “you’re always with her even when you’re not.” you rest your cheek on his arm, wrapping an arm around his and intertwining your fingers together.
“i just miss you guys so much all the time.” he throws his head back with a groan, turning back to you. “i miss you all the fucking time.”
“don’t be like that.” you tiptoe and pucker your lips, giggling sheepishly when he bends down to press his lips on yours. “luna loves watching the races and she looks forward to you coming home with trinkets and candy. she never forgets you.”
before he can answer, a hand is hitting his thigh, forcing him to pull away to look down at what’s cut your intimate time short.
the girl looks up with her helmet on, her small hands struggling to pull up the visor. “daddy, mummy, look.”
“oh, luna, you look so cool!” logan gushes, helping the girl lift the visor.
her cheeks are mushed in the helmet, green eyes shining through as she throws her head back with a loud giggle. “as cool as you, daddy?”
“even cooler!” logan bends down, taking the young girl into his arms. he hoists her into the air, and then sits her on his hip before reaching for your hand. “come on, let’s get ready for your first race, lulu.”
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@cashtons-wife @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane @happy-nico @namgification
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Always little wolf
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Fred Weasley x wolfstars daughter! reader
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Summary: While y/n and Fred walk home in the snow, the simplest conversation makes Fred sure of one thing, he's going to marry that girl
Warnings: established relationship, kinda luna lovegood type reader, reader loves random facts, kissing, so much fluff, one proofread
A/n: 0.7k words, day 4 we have another fluffy little blurb with freddie and wolfstars adopted daughter, enjoy xx
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Navigation | Fred Weasley Masterlist
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“Did you know…”
Fred’s already chuckling, the sight of you trying to get on your big fluffy coat whilst tipsy was cute enough, but combine it with an excited random fact? You have his heart melting like crazy. He was used to your random trivia but never grew tired of it, he loved it in fact, especially as it hardly ever related to anything you were doing.
Like when he first met you, you had tagged along with Harry and his dad, your godfather, James, to the quidditch world cup, instead of a 'did you know this about quidditch fact' whilst you walked up the stands with him him, he got a 'did you know otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t float away from one another?'
It was safe to say he had been at your mercy ever since
"...that...one second...that s-"
“Here…” he gently interrupts your fact before you can start, helping you get your hand through the sleeve “...good girl” he pecks your forehead, adoring the the grin he receives as you cheese up at him, eyes glassy, clearly only half here but the love in your eyes shines through
After one last shout goodbye to those at the party you and Fred brave the cold, his hand finding yours before guiding into his larger pocket to keep it warm
“It’s snowing” you note, free hand coming to wrap around his bicep, as your cheek presses into it
“It is...almost as pretty as you my love” he flirts, adoring your giggle before you let out a little yip, head shooting up to look at him as you move away slightly to smile up at him “What?”
“I forgot to tell you the fact” you say softly and his heart warms, secretly glad you remembered
“Hit me” he flashes you a goofy grin, unable to hold it back as he wraps his arm around you and leads you down the now snow dusted path
“Did you know that Scotland's national animal is a unicorn because there was this wizard whose pet unicorn followed him into a muggle battle?” you say, a little slurred and in a higher pitched tone, the same one you always used when saying your little facts  
Fred chuckles, pulling you a little closer into his side “Seriously?” 
“Siriusly” you start giggling 
“See this is the stuff Binns should have taught us…” Fred shakes his head “...actually you know what lovely? You should try and poach his job” he presses a kiss to your hat clad temple 
“Nah” you shake your head 
“Why not? You love facts, adorable at telling them, cute as a button so all the guys and gals will crush on you, be closer to your dads and uncle” he lists with a shrug, genuinely surprised you wouldn’t be interested
You stop walking, gently removing yourself from Fred's grip and taking his hands in yours instead. His eyebrows pinch but his face soon softens into a smile as he sees you shining up at him 
“Because then I wouldn’t see my favourite person everyday...” you answer simply, easily, almost like it should have been obvious but the next bit floors him "...and when I find out a new fact I can't tell anyone else until i've told you, I always tell you first"
He always felt it in his heart that he was going to marry you one day, but this was the moment he knew for sure...so much that in less than a weeks time you would be saying that three letter word to make it a reality
“Merlin I love you...” the words tumble out breathlessly in the same manor as yours "...so much...so...so much" he emphasises squeezing your hands
Your smile widens at that, a giggle escaping as you step forward, chests grazing “Ditto” you shine, placing a sweet kiss to his nose
He doesn’t let you pull away fully, instead dips down to capture your lips, hands slipping out of yours to cup your chilled cheeks while the snow lightens around you for a moment, large flakes fluttering down slowly like you were in some movie. The cold forgotten for a moment as your warm lips dance with one another, your hands gliding up to find his chest, not caring that it made your fingertips go numb
Your lips still ghost the others as you break away, your cheeks rising with your smile in his light grip as you whisper “Did you know if you remind yourself you aren’t a fish your hiccups will stop?” 
“You're pulling my leg” he whispers back
“Wanna bet Weasley?” you say letting your lips meet again tentatively
“With you? Always little wolf”
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Thank you for reading ♡
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