#[reply] chatting with the crows
squuote · 1 year
feeling a bit stricken with melancholy but I’d like to chat, what’s some of your favorite aspects about the stanley parable that you don’t rlly get to share often or that you don’t often see talked about much? whether it be something we’ll known or a small tidbit off to the side, do share please
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kaly-se · 1 year
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starmocha · 2 months
Rock-a-Bye Sylus + Daughter | 1122 words | AO3 Sylus has a stubborn little birdie who won’t go to sleep. A/N: God, I was not prepared for this man to sing “Rock-a-Bye Baby.” My womb and I have not been the same since then.
Sylus sat behind his desk, going over some new intel he had received that night. The door to his office was opened ajar, the hallway dimmed light filtered in. As his eyes skimmed the documents, his deep voice rumbled softly, “Mephisto is in here with me, so who is that little birdie lurking outside my office?”
He smirked when he heard a tiny startled gasp. He looked up just in time to catch a small shadow quickly backing up against the wall to hide.
“Baby,” his voice called out, “come into Daddy’s office.”
He waited, seeing the hesitation from the person outside, and after nearly a minute, he watched his office door opened further, a little girl in a pink nightgown walked into his office looking guilty.
“It is eleven, why are you not in bed, baby?”
“How…did Daddy know it was me?”
Sylus tilted his head in amusement at the little girl’s question, his eyes drifting over to the mechanical crow in his office. His daughter noticed and she instantly stomped her foot. The little girl gave a pout and then she turned and glared at the mechanical bird perched near her father’s desk.
“Mephie tattled on me!”
The mechanical crow looked startled before it lowered its head in shame, giving a sad coo.
Sylus had a hard time hiding his amusement, chuckling at his daughter’s angry pout. “Don’t be mad at Mephisto, baby,” he said calmly, “Look, his feelings are hurt.”
Instantly, the little girl looked guilty for her outburst. She walked over to near Sylus’ desk and reached up on her tippy toes to stroke the crow’s feathers. Her voice was very small and remorseful, “I’m sorry, Mephie…”
Mephisto gave a cheerful caw, earning not only a smile from the little toddler but also her father.
Sylus reached over and patted his daughter’s head gently, smoothing out her hair. “Now, baby, do you want to tell me why you are still awake at this hour? I thought Luke and Kieran had put you to bed.”
“They did…” she responded, looking down at the white kitty cat slippers she was wearing. She shuffled her feet guiltily, and then confessed, “I miss Mommy…”
Sylus’ expression softened, empathizing deeply with the little three-year-old girl. He leaned back in his chair and patted his lap, gesturing for his daughter to come closer. Delighted, the little girl immediately scampered over and raised her arms, waiting for her father to lift her up. Sylus easily picked her up, settling her comfortably on his lap. He smiled when she snuggled closer to him.
“I know you miss Mommy, baby,” he started gently, “but Mommy is away on a mission right now. Didn’t she video chat with you and said good night earlier?”
“It’s not the same,” his daughter replied with a pout, crossing her arms stubbornly. She looked up at her father with wide, pleading eyes, “I want to stay up with Daddy.”
Sylus sighed and shook his head. “Daddy has business to take care of tonight.”
“I can be as quiet as a mouse, Daddy!”
Sylus chuckled and stroked her cheek affectionately, pleased when he heard her sweet little giggles. “I know you can, my little birdie,” he said, but shook his head again, “But this type of business is for grownups only.”
“Okay…” The little girl looked down sadly, her legs idly kicking back and forth as she stared at her kitty slippers.
Sylus stroked her hair to comfort her. “Come on, baby,” he said, “it’s well past your bedtime.”
“What about Daddy’s bedtime?”
“Daddy’s bedtime is in the morning,” Sylus answered curtly, carefully lifting his daughter into his arms as he stood up. She clung to him as he carried her out of his office. Cheekily, she waved at Mephisto as she was taken away. The mechanical crow cooed softly.
“What is it, baby?”
“Can’t I stay up with you?”
Before Sylus could respond, he caught sight of Luke and Kieran searching from room to room down the hallways. He stopped, and cleared his throat, alerting the twins.
“Did you two lose a little birdie?” He paused, and added with an exasperated sigh, “Again?”
“Uh, listen, Boss,” Luke started, panicking, “It wasn’t our fault!”
Kieran instantly agreed, “Yeah, we tucked her in real good. We even stood outside the door for ten minutes to make sure she didn’t sneak out again!”
“And yet she escaped. Again.”
The little girl giggled. “Sorry, Lukey, Kier-Kier…”
Kieran sighed and crossed his arms. “Little Miss, you are lucky you are so adorable.”
Luke interjected, “Don’t worry, Boss, we’ll make sure she’ll go to bed this time—”
“Forget it,” Sylus cut in, already walking past the two. “I’ll tuck her in myself.”
The twins sighed and waved weakly at the smiley, waving girl.
As Sylus approached his daughter’s bedroom, he felt her squirming in his arms. He paused and looked down. “Is this little birdie trying to fly away?”
Sylus shook his head and opened the bedroom door. Inside the large room, there were countless toys and books, much too excessive for a little three-year-old girl to have, but money meant absolutely nothing to Sylus when it came to his daughter’s happiness. Sylus walked to the middle of the room where there was a large canopy bed with sheer pink curtains and fairy lights strewn about waiting for its little owner to return. As Sylus tucked his daughter into her bed, he noticed her sulking again. “Baby, it’s almost midnight. You should have been asleep four hours ago.”
“Can I have a song, Daddy?”
“Trying to strike a deal, are you?”
The girl gave her best pout and puppy dog eyes.
“Deal accepted,” Sylus answered, sitting down on his daughter’s bed. He smiled as she snuggled up to him. “You might be the only person around this place who appreciate my singing.”
Sylus smiled when he saw his daughter yawning. Despite her stubbornness the whole night, it wouldn’t take much to finally lull her to sleep. His large hand gently held onto her little hand, stroking it tenderly as his deep voice sung softly, “Rock-a-bye baby on the treetop…”
He watched as sleepy little eyes drifted close as he sang her a lullaby. When he had finished, his daughter was already sound asleep, cuddled up close to him, breathing softly. Sylus took a glance at a clock in his daughter’s bedroom.
He was already running late to the meeting.
The meeting could wait, Sylus decided. After all, the people waiting for him to arrive needed him, not the other way around. He settled more comfortably in bed next to his sleeping daughter, his deep humming the only sound heard in the large bedroom.
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pillowspace · 1 month
Do you have any info on the ISAT Audience of Vaugarde AU you'd be willing to share? (Only if you wanna!!) :o
I'm really curious about it, I have SO many questions
During the loops, Loop would only ever see the faintest signs of a presence, but nothing that'd confirm one. They always thought it was just a bad memory springing up, like a faint scent or the faintest whisper of a familiar voice. The Audience watched everything. Sometimes, some would follow behind Siffrin into the House, while someone else would remain with Loop at the Favor Tree. Loop was rarely ever left alone. I imagine that, whenever some would follow Siffrin, they saw things they would have rather not, but there's not much to do but chat amongst themselves and spectate. It does give perspective to what Loop may have gone through though, so it's not like they wouldn't Understand Loop by the time the loops were broken.
I have nothing to say about this, I just want to note that I need to draw the bad touch event someday with Loop and Isabeau just STARING from the tree like [Live Loop Reaction] and [Live Isabeau Reaction], it's really funny to me.
Nobody was really too sure what to call Loop during the loops, constantly hesitantly switching between names. Eventually Mirabelle suggested they just stick to Loop if they can't ask, so they did. But I'd like to imagine that, once before that, Loop had caught a close familiar whisper of "Siffrin" and felt... unwell.
AFTER 2hats but BEFORE Loop reappears in the world is what this first drawing is. It's Loop's "in this moment, you are loved," but it's so hazy that it might as well have been a dream for them. Think of it like how at the start of In Stars and Time, the star is shown being eaten, and Siffrin wakes up.
Loop's still in Vauguarde, but they have NO idea where they are when they wake up. Their head is human, but not the rest of their body. Their hair is long and tangled and greasy, as if their hair had always been growing just out of sight. Some sort of barrier has been broken between Loop and the Audience, so as the days pass, the voices slowly grow clearer, and Loop starts slowly... seeing things.
Loop needs somewhere to stay, so an older woman lets them stay at her house. Let's call herrrr... Smithing One?? This is only a temporary arrangement.
If I draw Loop with really messy greasy hair and little to no clothing, that's the stage in which Loop is deeply afraid of any sign of the Audience's company. Example from a previous drawing:
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If I draw Loop with hair slightly better taken care of and in a headband holding the overgrown middle piece back, Loop's now tense and nervous around the Audience but won't panic anymore, and will often communicate back. (Note: don't interpret this as Loop not liking them! Loop loves them very deeply and suffered a lot of grief, there's just a lot of feelings of fear and reopened wounds clashing.) I think maybe partway through this stage, Loop leaves Smithing One's house to go travel. Example from a previous drawing:
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There is a stage I haven't drawn yet where Loop is entirely happy with the Audience and a lot more healed. I'm guessing Loop will have a high ponytail, and some hair accessory holding back the middle piece or something like that. I would like to draw that at some point.
After learning that Loop can't handle being called Siffrin and is only settling for the mild discomfort "Loop" brings, Odile will start calling them Little Crow, as per chipper-smol's reply:
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I'm out of things to mention honestly, feel free to ask whatever you want
OH yeah. By the way, I do want Loop and Siffrin to reunite at some point, I'm just not sure how yet... The thing is, the Audience isn't actually ghosts. They're LIKE ghosts, but they're not dead. As I've said, Loop's first wish to stay with their friends simply merged with their second wish for help, so the Audience is more so just oddly disconnected from reality. Maybe after a lot of time has passed, the Audience is so tangible that anyone can see them, even if they have a little bit of an off air to them (and maybe they still can vanish at will). So... surprise! Siffrin's party would eventually realize that they ALSO have alternate versions of themselves walking around. Ohhh wait, wouldn't it be fun if one accidentally met their clone in a public place before ever even being aware of Loop's supposed "audience"? And Siffrin never wanted to talk about Loop's business to his family, so they never even found out what Loop was at all? Something in me tells me that it'd be most fun for it to be the Mirabelles to spot each other first
...............okay, now I'm out of things to mention
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alistairsmonstercafe · 9 months
NSFW How to Gain the trust of a Dragon in the Dragons Den, Guide 02
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART ?
NOTICE; TOP/SWITCH Male Hybrid Reader
CW; Threesome, slight choking? Hella horny dragon, body worship, praise, face sitting, fingering, ass eating, cock suckin' shit like that.
ADDITIONAL; I don't mind Fem/Fem aligned readers reading but don't feel insulted/complain that I strictly don't do Fem reader, not my cuppa tea mate.
INSPIRATION; @/Bluegiragi Monster AU on Twt and Tumblr & @/thegnomelord for the scale idea on tumblr.
NOTE; Accidentally posted the draft... | This will be a mini series staring our favorite little hybrids. Part ? Will be a poll of a repeat character or a non 141 character.
As Price paced outside the office, the temptation to peek behind that imposing door grew stronger. His hybrid instincts nudged him toward curiosity, but his rationality warned against it. He wasn't your mate. Not Soap's either. He'd be a prick if he suddenly barged in purely because he was a horny dragon, he hasn't felt the urge for a proper mate for years, but it was uncommon for species to crossbreed, or to even have packs, or other mates then one that weren't of the same species.
Yet, there was something magnetic about the possibility—a pull he couldn't quite resist. The thought flickered in his mind like a distant flame, leaving him torn between his innate curiosity and the risk.
And despite the gentle reach of his claw near the door, he didn't. He was old. Older then most of you, who would dare date a dragon of his age? Even people of his kind preferred dragons who could keep up with them, not groan at a sudden back pain or a weak knee. Nor the crowfeet on his eyes, signs of age in his face. His body was not as strong as in his younger days, and well, his stomach. It had a lot more pudge to it, something he'd never openly admit.
The following day, despite his position as captain, Price found himself stealing more glances at you and Soap, your little cuddles during lunch, or the way your tails intertwined. The soft cooing and purrs left to each other left him with want, tugging at the fringes of his thoughts. He couldn't shake off the inexplicable allure it held, even though he knew his authority wouldn't grant him it.
As he maneuvered through his duties, his mind kept circling back to you. He questioned his own reluctance to simply talk to you, push the conversation open. It wasn't about rules or permissions; it was a deeper, primal restraint holding him back, a fear of the unknown that clashed with his innate curiosity.
Yet, when he came back to his desk later that evening, he saw a small pile of, to what to most, would seem as mindless trinkets, was actually an abundance of jewels, some of his favorite coffee, tea, and a make shift.. Scale? No. That wouldn't make sense. He could recognize it as yours and Soap's fur. In the shape of a scale.
Were you lads trying to court him? A deep rumble erupted from his chest as he gently held up the item to his nose, his wings relaxing at the mixed scent. The scent of a mate, his instincts whispered. And he couldn't help but agree.
Tucking away the items he placed them in a small box on his shelf full of items he hoarded before. He couldn't have a huge hoard, so he did what he could. And turned the scale shaped fur, into a necklace he could wear on his chest. Closest to his heart. For he knew they had won it already.
It was the next day where you and Soap were idly chatting, he sat down infront of you, and slid over a scale cut perfectly down the middle for you two. You both easily looked up in shock, mouths open. "Wha- Cap'n- Does this mean-" Soap sputtered, and you were still quiet with your jaw still wide open.
"It does. Means it quite bloody clearly, Soap." He replies almost shyly, his firm voice is softened with love and affection as he smiles. Those beautiful crow lines appear once more and the sight of both of your tails swaying happily is a tell-tale sign hes done the right choice.
He's quick to get back up, walking to the door before stopping and turning back to say; "My room, at nine exactly. Alright?"
You're both quick to say yes and despite his cool demeanor as he leaves, Price feels hard as a rock as the first blooms of heat start back in his stomach. A feeling he hasn't felt in ages, but that can wait for later tonight. He wouldn't be a captain without all that self-discipline, after all.
So its when Price comes to the dark of his room, a little worn out, he surprised to suddenly see a nest, and you and Soap sitting on his bed with only the moon light to illuminate your features. And coo he does because he melts at the sight that you both waited for him.
You're the first to pull him in with a grin, your tail wrapping around his waist as you and Soap are quick to strip him down until hes left in a shirt and boxers. But hes quick to push you down onto your back in the nest as he sits on your lap, Soap he behind Price, kissing down his back as his tail wags.
But as you look up at Price, he looks like a beauty, and your hand gently traces down from his chin, to his toned yet supple and beautifuy scared chest, to his stomach, caressing the pudge as you whisper praise. And it. Makes Prices face burn with pride at the fact someone accepts him and his appearance, something he didn't think he'd be self conscious on.
Soap continues quick and sloppy kisses up his back, leaving soft nips and bites on him, leaving it mostly betweem you and Price. He loves both of you but you had both discussed the idea before. You wanted to pamper Price, and make him feel higher then cloud 9.
And you did, each kiss, and bite, began to switch as Price was switched around by Soap. And you easily pulled Price's hips towards you and kissed his ass, making Price groan in response. The sound cut short as Soap began to kiss him, stroking your cock in the meantime to keep you satisfied as well. It was his turn to assist.
"Fuck- Price- So fuckin' pretty for us." Soap groans out to price, and you can only agree, pressing kisses up his neck as his tail makes soft noises against the nest as it wags aggressively against it.
Price only moans a little, his hips still bucking into your mouth as your tongue is quick, and perfectly long enough to reach deep into him inside, his dragoh tail is quick to curl around your neck and slightly squeeze lovingly. The way you and Soap praise Price and his body makes him melt. Hes an old lad, scales of iron from how the world has hardened him and yet you make him so soft.
So loved.
So accepted.
He thought he was content with 141 but knowing that two of the members in it are his mates? He can only purr.
Its when Soap slides down and suck off Price whilst hes still sitting on your face does he lose it. Not knowing where to buck his hips either back and forth, and instead sways them. His claws tugging at Soaps hair and your hands wrapped tightly on his hips, bits of blood is evident from your claws but neither notice.
Its when you suddenly slide in a finger that Price goes almost limp, his tail squeezes a little tighter and his moans get louder. Damn the thin walls because tonight he knows hes going to be fucked well in his nest.
And in his eyes thats a night well spent.
Aftermath; By morning Gaz is the first of the 141 to complain. Small eyebags under his eyes as he stares at you, Soap, and Price.
"Fucked real good huh? Give me some earplugs next time alright?" He remarks, drinking some coffee, Ghost watches but said nothing. But theres something about the way his smoke slides up his arm at the words 'fucked', before sliding back down, gives you slight curiosity.
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nyachiro · 4 months
You're lying .
pairing(s) : Muichiro × gn!reader
c/w : reader is 14 !! fluff, obanai please don't kill muichiro for this. Obamitsu mentioned!! Reader acts like a flustered 14 yr old idk what to tell u, usage of cute as a compliment
You were currently hanging out at your estate with Muichiro, with the both of you just chatting infront of it, then your Kasugai crow came and started cawing, telling you that your dear friend Mitsuri has replied to your letter. Upon hearing so, you eagerly took the letter, with Muichiro just over your shoulder, reading the first few words before quickly losing interest.
Mitsuri had written back to you as it had been a bit since you met together in real life due to missions, and you were both giving each other life updates. Reading Mitsuri's words in her letter, you started to gush. Aaagh, her and Iguro were so cute! She was telling you about how they were having dinner together the previous night and such.
Talking about stuff like how Iguro let her touch Kaburamaru, or how they were walking around together and talking, and you couldn't help but giggle! Her and Iguro matched each other so well, it was a wonder how they weren't together yet.
"They're so cute!" You said outloud without realizing, you meant to keep your fan behavior inside your brain but it looks like you blurted that out on accident. Hearing your words, Muichiro gave you a blank stare, before oh so casually saying, "you're cuter though." before looking back at whatever he was looking at before. You felt your face heat up with you quickly replying, "you're lying— no way!"
Muichiro sighs in response and asks, "Why would I lie?"
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Stop sorry this is so short and horrible, I just wanted to get a little warm up in before writing !! I swear this could be better .
© nyachiro 2024 - please do not repost, translate or copy any of my works on other platforms without permission.
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
Could I request Fukuzawa's (Bungou Stray Dogs) daughter getting annoyed by sons of wealthy families everywhere she goes but is always saved by her ability (to control a flock of birds) or her father?
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It was a fairly nice day out, now that the weather was starting to turn. Coming out of the cold gloom of winter and into the bright, but still brisk, light of spring.
“Shouldn’t we head back to the office?” Atsushi asked as he and his partner walked around the city streets. Working on a new case but their ‘investigation’ had ended some time ago. Not long after their second coffee stop.
“Ahhh….what’s the rush? Enjoy the fresh air Atsushi-kun.” Dazai remarked back. Filling his lungs as he spoke.
“I just feel bad leaving everyone else back at the office.” Leaving everyone to work that is. “Hey, is that Fukuzawa-san?”
“Well, what do you know. It is. Boss!” The older man turned to look at Dazai at his call. Greeting his subordinates as they came closer. “What are you doing out here?”
“I’m waiting to have lunch with my daughter.”
Atsushi was surprised. Daughter? “Oh, [Y/N]-chan is in town?” Apparently, everyone knew the boss had a daughter but him.
Fukuzawa-san goes on to tell Atsushi that she was studying at university aboard, which was why he had never met her. There seemed to be a concerned look on his face when they talked about her being back in town, which was understandable with everything going on. Or maybe it was just his normal, serious expression.
The men continue to chat for a while before Fukuzawa-san perked up and looked over across the courtyard. As if sensing his daughter’s presence the moment she stepped into the park.
Atsushi had to admit, she was very beautiful. She didn’t look much like Fukuzawa-san, so he had to assume that she took after her mother. [Y/N] hadn’t seem to notice them yet as she walked across the park, presumably to this destination agreed upon by her & her father, when a man stepped in front of her path. He was talking to her rather animatedly and when she tried to step around him, he blocked her path again.
“Should we go and do something?” Atsushi asked. Concerned for her safety.
“No. She doesn’t need help.” Fukuzawa-san assured him.
“Yeah,” Dazai agrees. “She’s got enough back up as it is.”
Atsushi was confused by that comment. Then, suddenly, a crow came down out of nowhere and beamed the man. Clipping him in the back of the head like it was nothing. It was an odd coincidence, but then another bird came down and started pecking him. Then another. Then another.
Eventually the man had to take off running to try and escape the birds. Who chased after him regardless of his pace and [Y/N] kept walking. “Hello Daddy.”
“Hello princess.” Fukuzawa-san greeted back. Leaning in to kiss her forehead before he stood at his normal height again.
“What was with those birds?” Atsushi asked, and [Y/N] grinned at him.
“To Kill a Mockingbird.” She told him. “It’s my ability to control & communicate with birds. Not as interesting as being able to turn into a tiger, but it suits me.”
“You know about my ability?” Atsushi asked curiously.
To which [Y/N] chuckled. “Of course. Dad keeps me up to date on everything to do with the Agency. You and Dazai are often topics of conversation.”
“Glowing reviews I hope?”
“More like headaches.” She replied to Dazai’s comment.
“Are you ready to go?” Fukuzawa asked. Changing the topic.
“That depends. Are Dazai and Atsushi joining us?”
“They won’t be joining us.” Fukuzawa-san replied quickly, before the boys could invite themselves along. He didn’t get much time with his daughter and wanted to spend time with her alone. “I’ll see you two back at the Agency.”
“Roger that sir.” Dazai remarked. Giving a little salute. “Maybe [Y/N]-chan can come by after your lunch and say hi to the others. I’m sure Kunikida-kun would be devastated if he missed you.”
[Y/N] glared at Dazai behind her father’s shoulder. A warning look in her eyes as he gave her a cheeky smile. “Would you have time for that, or do you need to meet up with friends?”
“I think I can make time for that.” [Y/N] replied, back to her sweet smile in the face of her father, before they link arms and head to lunch.
Just as they were out of ear shot, another bird came down and started pecking violently at Dazai. “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ok! Ok! It was just a joke! Knock it off [Y/N]-chan! Ow!”
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 9 months
By the way I was watching Philzas reaction to Bad’s snow shenanigans and when he mentioned fighting the eye workers in heels I HAVE to share that one of the crows in Phil’s chat said, and if I remember right;
^another crow reply “It’s his super power”
And I just. The mental image of Bad being a Conpletely Normal Guy until he puts on a dress is awesome. He only slays if he Slays if you know what I mean.
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lisharchivez · 5 months
Hi! its me Fay
Personal archive for Chats or post replies or dialogue responses from our beloved Zayne/Li shen / Rei / Lee Seoeon from love and deep Space
and occasionally from Others as well
Its hard to keep on track since i do all these by myself
Feel free to help me out! I would be grateful!
❄️Zayne ⭐Xavier 🐦‍⬛Sylus 🐚Rafayel
same cube coded ones are part of same occasions.
Archived chats so far
❄️Doctor's order
❄️Dry humor
❄️Key case
❄️Special dessert pt 1 pt 2
❄️Emoji trick
❄️Kitty Cards Bet
❄️waiting room
❄️new habit
❄️Magic and Miracle
❄️no sequel
❄️bouquet of ballpoint & pen(unfin)
❄️Masquerade ball
❄️Tail tales
❄️Minty (mint meow badge)
❄️Examination report
❄️Feed the Squirrel
❄️snowman's trip(plushie)
❄️A Vote
❄️Who keeps the mug[Event]
❄️Left on read
🐦‍⬛ Countdown reminder
🐦‍⬛ special reminders
❄️Wind Field Impact[GLINT PHOTOBOOTH]
🐦‍⬛Extreme Sports[GLINT PHOTOBOOTH]
🐦‍⬛Just a little Joke 2.0
🐦‍⬛Electronic pet
❄️Romance Advisor
❄️saying goodnight 💞66
❄️Flavor dare
Emoji edition
Snowman laying down shaking head "NO" caption pt 1 pt 2
not listening
time for meds
Archived posts so far
Moments -
❄️the snow stopped
❄️Traffic jam
❄️Dusk or Dawn
❄️Cat's blessing
❄️Rabbit escaped
❄️it's fun and easy (first plushie)
❄️let's go home (3 plushie)
❄️angry mc obtained (No plushie)
❄️goodluck (1st SSR meow badge)
❄️has anyone seen my socks
❄️haggle through Language barrier
❄️Queueing [aff 62]
❄️Trial and error
❄️Diseased Mind
❄️Drink Plenty of water
❄️Stroll on the road
❄️someone said we were only taking picture-
❄️Earbuds are broken[snapshot same pose]
❄️Philosophers[snapshot specific duo pose]
❄️I'm now accustomed to [snapshot follow up]
❄️Squirrel brought a friend[related to feed the squirrel chat]
❄️Power suddenly went out
❄️Medium rare
❄️Three notification for light meal
❄️Captchas aren't scientific
1️⃣Jenna,Tara,Greyson,Thomas pt1 pt2
❄️between the results of medical exam and theoretical exam-
🟪 🐦‍⬛tweak smile
🟪❄️learned a lot of weird trivia
🟪⭐the book from beginner to expert
🟪🐚time to graduate
🐦‍⬛just woke up
🐦‍⬛ sunset
🐦‍⬛ Ammo Box Grill
🐦‍⬛ Not a Tiger[aff 23]
❄️ Fun thing [aff 77]
🐦‍⬛Goblet [aff 31]
❄️ paper penguin [aff 58]
⭐holding hands can shock U
🐦‍⬛Auction[aff 27]
🐦‍⬛mechanical crow likes shiny things
❄️waiting at the concert
🐦‍⬛ MC's birthday - Sylus
🐦‍⬛ heatwave
❄️Mild myopia
🐦‍⬛lil S pet store
🐦‍⬛most fun part of kitty card
🐦‍⬛Crows aren't actually black
❄️ blankets power
EVENT edition -
[ Twinkle.Co HeartworkRoutine]
Ready to row [Event chat]
After you get your first plushie at soul catcher [post]
🟠After you finish chapter 2 [posts]
After the rain
Parterre day trip[Rafayel]
Great for a relaxing run[Xavier]
Partner Go Go
Adventure Above Clouds
Moonlit Orchid Day
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Flowers [K. B]
Kaz Brekker x reader
word count: 8.4k
summary: some jealousy motivates Kaz to finally face how he feels about you
A/N: I have literally weeks writing this and I hope I got it right, I tried to write the reaction of jealousy as appropriate to Kaz as possible lmao. Also, when this Freddy photoshoot came out I just imagined. You'll find out later, I hope you enjoy it!
taglist: @rustyyyyspoonz @be-lla-vie @milkshake0 @ladespedidas
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Kaz took a deep breath before opening the door, bracing himself for what he would face as he crossed into the next room, already a tremendous hubbub.
It was Inej's birthday and you had insisted on throwing her a celebration, something everyone else was excited about, because you thought that of all of you she was the most likely not to have had such a party. Well, actually the main candidate was Kaz but he would kill all of you when he found out that you had arranged a surprise for him.
You had decorated the room in The Slat and you had invited (threatened, rather) the members of The Dregs so that they would celebrate your friend and you also invited (to them, kindly) some girls from The Menagerie, with the security that if someone tried to touch them you would defend them. You also told the criminals that if they thought of bringing a gift they would make sure that it was not stolen, nor was it stained with blood, nor was it from the corpse of a dead person. And so far everything was perfect.
"Kaz!" he was greeted by Per Haskell, who had been playing cards at a table and already had a couple of drinks on him "Son, I admit that when you said you wanted to have a party I thought you were crazy, but this is great."
"Y/N wanted to do it, I didn't" he murmured sincerely and Per just laughed. Parties weren't really his thing, though he'd probably feel better after some alcohol. He looked for his usual group to get closer to them and not die from the anxiety that social situations generated in him.
He found five of his crows chatting and laughing at a table on which was an empty chair, which Kaz thought was surely for him.
"Look who decided to join the party" Nina mocked, looking at the black-haired boy with a smile.
"Happy birthday, Inej" he murmured politely, as he handed the girl a leather case containing a nice set of knives. Her eyes lit up as she thanked her friend and Kaz allowed himself to smile "Is anyone sitting here?"
"Y/N" replied Jesper, who had an arm around Wylan's shoulders "But she's been missing for a while."
"Maybe she's helping out in the kitchen," suggested Matthias, who was feeling more relaxed than usual.
"Huh-uh" Wylan denied, with a mischievous smile, while he took a sip of his drink "Look there" he exclaimed and his head pointed surreptitiously in one direction.
All eyes at the table looked at you at the bar and Kaz, who hadn't seen you before, was surprised by how jovial you looked. You had left your hair loose and you were wearing light-colored clothing, very different from the usual black, gray, or brown, along with ribbon adorning your hair, but the smile that this generated in the black-haired man was replaced by a frown upon noticing that you were smiling broadly towards another person. Towards a man.
"That girl is on fire" the Grisha mocked, quite proud, and the others made similar comments, between laughs.
"Who is that?" Kaz hissed, sounding angrier than he intended, at Inej, who was closest to him and most likely to know the answer due to your friendship.
“A new guy that Per hired, I thought you knew him. I heard that he comes from Shu Han”
At that moment he turned around and he could see the features that demonstrated that theory: tanned skin, slightly slanted eyes, and black hair. He wore a simple outfit, in very poor taste according to Kaz, and he couldn't have been more than 17 years old. He was just a brat who was too close to you.
Although he didn't say anything, you only needed to see the expression on his face to know that he wasn't happy, something that fortunately no one paid attention to, because they assumed that it was just a normal reaction in Kaz when seeing any kind of displays of affection.
"He's handsome," Jesper muttered, and Wylan turned to give him a pointed glare. "I mean, not like you, nobody's as handsome as you, but he… got his stuff."
Was he really handsome? Kaz didn't know if he was in a position to judge that, since he didn't even know if he was what someone would consider 'attractive'. That had never bothered him, of course, he was simply curious as to what the others might think. What could you think about, actually.
Most of them decided that the matter didn't deserve any more importance and they continued talking about other things, almost all of them logically related to Inej, however, he couldn't take his eyes off you and your peculiar company for even a second. He noticed you chuckled softly and when you did, he could see the guy across from you reach out to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear; Kaz squeezed his cane to appease the urge to go do the same to the aforementioned neck.
Almost as if you felt the heavy gaze you looked in his direction and when your eyes met you smiled reflexively, making his heart race. You still chatted for a while, but your attention wasn't entirely on your new friend now that you were aware of Kaz in the great room. In due course you apologized to him and before saying goodbye he stroked your arm too confidently, promising that he would make sure to look for you later. After he left you practically ran to the table where your friends were.
"Y/N" Inej laughed, feeling you hug her from behind.
“How is the most beautiful birthday girl in the place doing?” you asked excitedly, kissing her on the top of the head and hearing her reply that everything was excellent “Oh, hello, Mr. Brekker. What a joy that you honor us with your presence” you joked as if you had barely noticed, and you were disappointed to see the unfriendly look he gave you.
“Who was the young man you were talking to?” Nina asked casually, while her boyfriend shook his head at how gossipy she was sometimes.
"Lior?" you muttered. So that was the name that should be written on the tombstone "It's huh... a new guy, he was thanking me for inviting him"
“I hope he doesn't get used to it,” Kaz said grudgingly. “Don't think there will be any more birthday parties. Much less with all these Dregs”
A collective groan was heard, alleging that the boss was very bitter and appealing to 'healthy coexistence', which amused you.
"That was my chair, shall I sit on your lap or shall we bring a new one?" you exclaimed, close to the man's ear. Kaz didn't expect that and it was obvious you didn't mean it, but he had to abruptly get up from his chair and walk away, leaving all of you stunned.
"What did you say to him?"
"Nothing! I just told him that I was sitting there, but I was kidding, I didn't want him to leave”
“That's how he is,” Inej said, with a touch of bitterness and a shrug. But you didn't take that so lightly, you hated that Kaz was mad at you because he made you feel so guilty, even if you didn't know what he was mad at. Maybe you had crossed some line? You weren't even going to! It had only been nonsense that had escaped your lips for the liquid value that you had ingested.
You ended up taking the chair that he had left empty and although you participated actively in the conversation you couldn't help but feel restless. Of course you didn't know that Kaz had left there to prevent you from noticing his cheeks flushed with fury at the scene he had seen and the way you had said the name of this Lior guy, a blush that only increased when he felt your breath so close to his skin and hear your soft voice.
First he had to calm down, why had that bothered him in the first place? Although he was aware of a certain protective relationship that he had towards all of you, it was not normal to feel that anger when you were talking to someone else, or when another man was touching you. Jesper was constantly holding your hand, once he had found you and Wylan cuddled up sleeping on a couch and you always challenged Matthias to fights you knew you weren't going to win and he just laughed it off, making no effort. But that was different, he had touched you… with other intentions. Kaz was no fool and he knew better than anyone that you were beautiful in every way, no matter how hard he tried to deny it. He maybe couldn't appreciate the masculine beauty, but, although it was not in his total interest, he could judge the feminine. So he was mad because a guy was interested in you? Was that what explained the heat that grew in his chest and that now he himself was torturing him? But why?
“Kaz Brekker?” said a voice behind him. He had gone outside to get some air and didn't recognize who had called him until he turned around. Today was his damn lucky day "My name is Lior, Per said that you are like the boss"
"I'm not like the boss" Kaz replied with total contempt "I'm the boss"
"Huh, yeah, sure. I'm sorry. I just wanted to introduce myself” Kaz looked at him without saying anything, obviously trying to make the other understand that he had no interest in meeting him, and the boy took the opportunity to clear his throat before speaking again “And… ask you if… a girl I was talking to is from your team. She mentioned you before, her name is Y/N”
Kaz didn't know what that Lior had in mind to go and ask him such a thing, but for a moment he believed in the Saints and thanked them for making him so stupid.
"And what does that interest you, silly boy?" he muttered. Lior was probably the same age as Kaz, but the black-haired man had the advantage of being a few inches taller, of having an imposing presence leaning on his cane, and of… well, being the fucking boss.
"In nothing, I just thought I'd ask you" replied Lior, visibly dismayed by the unexpected hostility of his new leader, and mistakenly thinking that he would fix something, he continued: "She's very kind and I wanted to get to know her better, I thought you could help me”
“You're here to steal, spy and obey orders, you're not here to meet girls, let alone someone like her. So I recommend you keep your distance and focus on the job, which is why we hired you”
To say that Lior was terrified was an understatement, even though the opponent had held back a bit. For a moment he thought that Kaz took his job very, very seriously (it was partly true) so that's why he had been so annoyed at the suggestion of him looking for one of his close friends. He never knew that he was mad to hear that someone so vulgar wanted to befriend his Y/N.
"Kaz!" for a second he thought he was imagining your voice, but when you appeared a few seconds later he knew it wasn't like that "I was looking for you, you... Lior" you interrupted yourself, looking at the other young man who had paled a little "I see that you are already met"
"Yes, we already had the fortune" he answered with all the sarcasm existing in his body, although you didn't notice it.
"I was leaving, anyway"
“Wait, have this,” you said, handing the boy a piece of paper “It's a restaurant, Nina and I go there for breakfast all the time. If you ever want to join us, just say so” Your tone was so kind and your face so happy that Kaz was afraid he would start foaming at the mouth.
"Yes, I..." Lior didn't dare look at Kaz, who was watching him with murderous eyes "I'll think about it, bye"
"Bye," you replied, a little disappointed by his lack of effusiveness.
"You really want to make new friends," he snorted with inevitable scorn.
“Well yeah, my old friends run away from me,” you muttered, keeping your tone playful no matter how upset he was. Then you sighed and got a little more serious, “Listen, I know you hate parties and people, but I would really appreciate it if you were with us at the table. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but I did this to have a fun time and to make Inej happy. There is alcohol inside, if you don't like it, I can find you something better to prepare the drink you prefer but, please, stay even for a while"
His frown on him relaxed considerably as he watched your pleading eyes looking down at him but the unknown feeling towards the new guy grew like flames consuming an entire forest. You had told him where you used to go for breakfast, which meant you wanted to see him again.
“Only if you promise not to go out with that idiot” 
“With Lior? And why shouldn't I?
"I already told you. He's an idiot" he said simply and you laughed.
"And how do you know?"
"He looks like one"
"You're going to need a better reason than that and probably a bouquet to convince me otherwise," you muttered, totally sure that the latter was so ridiculous that it would only prove that you weren't going to change your mind. Lior wasn't the most handsome guy for you, that place was reserved for someone special, but you had decided that giving him a chance wasn't such a bad idea “Come on, don't be grumpy, and let's go in there. I got a cake and you don't want to miss it,” you said, starting to walk back inside, and after sighing Kaz followed you without question.
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Once morning came the birthday cheer was gone and things went on as usual; going to the Crow club, keeping order at The Barrel, odd jobs, and a couple of unfortunate fights.
In the span of a week you had already seen Lior at least three times, and he always seemed to be conveniently close to various places you frequented. Being with him was nice and little by little you were getting used to his company, the only thing that seemed too strange to you was that every time Kaz appeared in the same place as you he said goodbye and left immediately before your boss could see it. You assumed he was just afraid of him, like most people, and you didn't say anything.
Suddenly you began to think that you had hardly seen the man in those days and you wondered if he was attending to your basic needs since you had hardly seen him go to the kitchen of the place for the food that you prepared. Sometimes loaves of bread would disappear, but that was Fahey's trademark.
"You are listening?" asked Lior, who was in front of you at a betting table and had brought you out of your musings. You were taking a break at the club and again he was hanging around so you thought about having a drink but right now you only remembered the beginning of what he had been saying to you so you couldn't lie to him even if you wanted to. You just smiled embarrassedly in response, making him laugh. "Too much to think about?"
"No, none of that. I was only gone for a moment"
"Well," he started to say, with what you'd already recognized as a flirtatious smile, "I hope I can find you when that happens."
You were going to answer something when you heard a fight near you. A couple of drunks had a disagreement over who had won the game and they thought the most effective way to settle it was beating. You quickly got up from your chair to separate them and had to dodge the fists several times, having no luck a couple of times. Lior was about to jump in to help you when suddenly one of the men fell to the ground with a thud. Everyone in the room looked in the direction of whoever had knocked him down and there was the only logical option.
"If you guys want to beat up each other like animals, do it outside my establishment," was all Kaz said. You were still holding the other man back, but he didn't put up much of a fight when he and his friend were escorted outside. You shook off your jacket and rubbed your arm where one of them had managed to hit you.
This time Lior couldn't escape the boss's eyes and Kaz felt his blood boil again at the sight of his face. He still didn't fully understand the nature of his feelings, but it was clear to him that he didn't want you near that boy after a couple of days when you no longer stopped by to say hello in his office or struck up a conversation with him. Although, indeed, he was never the most sociable now he wanted to make an effort to spend more time with you, but he had difficulties finding ways to do it.
"Damn drunks, huh?"
“Did they hurt you?" he asked quietly. You looked up in confusion and took a moment to process it. Was Kaz worrying about you?
I mean, he cared for all of you during missions and times of real danger, but on those occasions he just saw to it that you stayed alive and continued his duties. It was weird hearing something verbal.
"Nothing I can't handle," you replied, with a challenging little smile.
“I want you to help me with some things. Unless you're busy…”
Saying this he looked at the skinny boy behind you, who looked away immediately. If there was one thing to be recognized about Kaz, it was how he never showed fragility and therefore forced others to surrender first.
"It's that urgent?"
"So I would say"
Now it was you who held his gaze for a few seconds, looking for something implicit that would reveal why he now wanted to take you to another place, but there was nothing. There was only neutrality in those beautiful blue eyes.
“Lior, I have to go. Some work" you exclaimed and he internally celebrated the apparent victory that you had chosen him over someone else, although the satisfaction was short-lived when he saw that you took a step and planted a kiss on the boy's cheek.
Kaz thought about how he wasn't mad at you, but at him, and it suddenly dawned on him that he was actually jealous. That was what he was feeling like a plague.
You noticed the radical change in his attitude when he didn't even look at you and began to walk quickly down the hall, so you had to speed up to keep up with him. Worst of all, he didn't really have anything he needed help with, he'd just said it so you wouldn't be with the Shu boy, so when you set foot in the office he was stunned.
“I want you to help me sort these documents by date,” he said, extending in your direction a huge folder that he found in a drawer that only contained papers from the previous year. It was not necessary to order that because he had already used it, but he preferred to ask you that than look completely dumb. 
"And the magic words?"
"Abracadabra?" he said sarcastically, but he sighed heavily at the sight of your crossed arms and your clear intentions of not taking the folder until he said so "Please, Y/N"
“Do you see how cute you sound being a polite child?” you exclaimed to annoy him and before another complaint you took the things and placed yourself in an empty end of the desk.
Kaz watched you from time to time, intent on your task, your lips slightly pouting, and each time he did he felt his heart swell. 
What was happening to him? he was afraid that he would find out and not like the answer.
You finished in record time and he let you off to wherever you wanted to go through the door, a little worried that it was with the new kid. As soon as you left he took his hat, coat, and cane to go directly to The Slat, hoping that the person he needed was there.
He knocked on the door a couple of times, but no one answered and for a moment he felt desperate. He badly needed the help of the one person he knew who wouldn't judge him for asking obvious questions and also had enough discretion so that others wouldn't realize he suspected he had feelings for you. He suspected. 
He was going to make one last attempt which wasn't necessary as the door swung open as he raised his fist, revealing a small figure with loose hair and less weaponry than usual.
"Hello, Inej"
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You were sitting in the dining room of your shared house, pouring yourself some coffee in a chipped cup hoping it was strong enough to wake you up, while you racked your brains trying to solve the mystery that had been bothering you for a few days ago. 
Turns out, after the drunken brawl incident and helping Kaz, you had gone to rest, falling asleep on the bed almost immediately. No problem with that. The strange thing was that the next day you had woken up with a bouquet of wildflowers of various colors resting on the nightstand. The first time you thought that you had put it there and you didn’t remember it, so you just sniffed it with pleasure and placed it in a glass of water. Normal day, you went to sleep at the end and the next morning there it was again. You knew that it was not the one you had collected the day before because these were in the glass. A little confused, you put the new flowers with the old ones and continued with your day, without imagining that the next morning things would repeat themselves. Three times in a row was already disturbing, so you made an effort to imagine who was the author of all this. If it was the girls, it was nice that they had such detail, and you could have even tolerated it from Jes, Wylan, or Matthias, but if it was an outsider then it was a worrying situation because it implied that a lunatic had been messing around to your room at night for a week straight. You made sure to lock your room and still, the flowers appeared there, as if it were a magic trick.
Was it Lior? Impossible, or you would have seen him come in in the morning or at night. Also, one day you had woken up earlier than usual and even that time the flowers were there.
"Bonjour" greeted an energetic Jesper, who had appeared still in nightwear, and ruffled your hair as he approached you "You don't look very lively"
"I am not a morning person," you said sipping your coffee.
One by one your other companions joined the morning coffee, Kaz being the last to arrive. It was funny how much 'morning drinks' could say about each of you: Inej drank coffee with some sugar, Jesper coffee with cream, Wylan drank tea, Matthias just milk, Nina hot chocolate and lastly you and Kaz shared a taste for the coffee bitter and very hot, so it was not a surprise that when he arrived you already had a cup for him.
“We're running low on supplies,” Matthias announced, pointing to the empty cupboard, to which you groaned.
None of you had any culinary skills, but since you were the least likely to give them food poisoning, they had all decided that you would be the designated cook, which included doing the shopping.
"I'll go to the market later"
“I will accompany you,” Kaz said, so fast that they all fell silent and turned their heads to look at him. Observing the situation, he adopted a defensive attitude "I need to buy some things too and I have to make sure Y/N isn't wasting money"
“Sure, my specialty is diverting resources by saying I bought potatoes,” you joked, rolling your eyes. “If you want to go with me, let's go now. At this time there are fewer people" you explained and he nodded. You just finished drinking your coffee and grabbed a large bag in which you loaded the food before leaving the building.
As soon as you got out, they started speculating.
"Why did Kaz want to go?"
"I wonder the same thing"
“Maybe he really did have things to buy,” Matthias said, and though Nina heard her black-haired man's racing heart, she decided not to contradict anyone. Inej looked at her almost as if she read her thoughts and they both shared a knowing look without saying anything.
On the way to the market, neither of you spoke, but he noted that you were right when you said that the city was quieter at that time, probably because life in The Barrel really began when night fell.
The market was quite a distance away, but he put up with it like a champ, so when you got there you were very hungry and you assumed he was the same.
“Eat,” you said suddenly, extending to Kaz a piece of bread with jam inside that you loved to buy when you went there “I pay for this with my own money, by the way. So you don't accuse me of being a thief."
"You are a thief," he reminded you, grimacing and taking a bite of the piece of food. It was sweet, freshly made, and melted in the mouth.
You two walked for a couple of blocks, still in silence, while you were choosing food. You were wondering what those 'things' were that Kaz needed to buy and when he would ask you to make a detour to a store, but the moment didn’t seem to come, which made you suspect that there was really no such reason and it was just an excuse. You were curious as to what he might be looking for by doing that and you let your mind wander to possible answers, from when he was looking for advice he didn't yet know how to ask to when he just needed some fresh air and jumped at the chance, without you being involved in any way.
Kaz, for his part, was entering a crisis. He wanted to talk to you and have a nice time but he didn't know how to do it. He had thought that, once you were alone, the words would sprout by themselves and then you would continue the conversation, however, he had limited himself to watching you feel the fruits to decide which was ripe and which was not.
“Do you think she really likes that boy?”
“I don't know” Inej had told him “But I don't think that's the case either” she continued and her friend nodded his head “I think what she likes about him is that he listens to her and keeps her company; he is attentive to her. You could start there."
"Are you hungry?"
"A little, nothing that will kill me"
"Let's have breakfast" he murmured. Did it sound like an order? Yes, but he hoped to get a little better with practice.
"Only if you pay" you answered with a mischievous smile.
He led you to a small establishment you'd never been to, which he probably chose because he was all alone, and you sat at one of the little tables with worn cushioned chairs, facing each other. The question you wanted to ask him was on the tip of your tongue, but you were still working up the courage to gesticulate it.
Kaz ordered some eggs and bacon and since you were craving something sweet you ordered some fried dough stuffed with currants, on the recommendation of your companion, and both of you ordered the second coffee of the day.
"And what is?"
"What is what?"
“The deal” you exclaimed, as if it were obvious, but he didn't seem to understand “I suppose if we came here alone it's so you can ask me to make a deal. Steal, spy on someone right?"
He was stunned for a moment. Didn't you notice the effort he was making? Was that your idea of his actions? Honestly he couldn't blame you, because, probably, in other circumstances that would have been the case to isolate himself from the others in the group. But not now.
"There's nothing" he replied, but you narrowed your eyes to let him know that you didn't believe him "No tricks, I promise"
"So does that mean I'm the boss's favorite?" you asked with mock enthusiasm, deciding to play with his patience a bit.
"Shut up or you're going to lose your privileges," he countered. It felt good to tease you, have a little fun for a change.
You were sitting there until the mass of people that gathered at noon allowed it and then you returned to The Slat with your hands loaded with bags that at some point in the day you would place in the cupboard, not wanting to do it immediately so as not to spoil the atmosphere of peace between you and Kaz, who hadn't left you yet.
“Anything in particular you want for lunch?” you asked, moving closer to him. It was just the two of you in the kitchen and the rest of the place was relatively quiet. "You know, to offer you privileges to threaten you with later."
He almost laughed, but the suppressed smile you saw on him was enough to make you want to see more. You and Kaz were friends (or so you hoped, at least) but there weren't many memories between you like that, almost all of them were related to work or at the club or with one of you saving the other's ass. You had only once helped him heal a wound, just because he couldn't reach that section of his back and then he justified himself by asking for your help by saying that it had been partly your fault, which was totally false but that you weren't going to argue with him if that made him feel less embarrassed.
It felt different, like something more relaxed, soft… more domestic. You had just returned from shopping together, you had eaten an exquisite breakfast that he paid for and now you were asking him what he wanted you to prepare for him to eat… were you a couple of criminals or a newly married couple? 
The thought of a marriage with Kaz warmed your cheeks and you wanted to laugh at how absurd that would be.
"Whatever you want, anyway, my stomach already has enough defenses against indigestion" upon hearing this you barely pushed his arm, but as soon as you did, your eyes widened as you remembered who you were talking to, although to your surprise he didn’t complain.
"I'll make pea soup," you informed. You knew it was one of his favorites because of the second course he always served himself when he thought no one else was looking. You did, you looked at Kaz Brekker all the time.
He just hummed in the affirmative and left without another word.
During the course of the morning you did more activities, but you couldn't stop thinking about him and the walk they had taken together. Suddenly you would surprise yourself remembering his expressions at your bad jokes and smiling like a fool when you thought about how beautiful his eyes looked with the brightness of that morning.
Kaz ever had a partner? Did he like someone? Was he even interested in those things? You didn't know, but it wasn't a crime to have some admiration for him either, right? Jeez, he'd only been a little nice to you, why were you so excited about that?
You had never thought about whether you had feelings for him, beyond the initial working relationship that had now become a kind of family bond, although now you were reflecting on it.
And later, when his expression brightened from the plate of food you served him, you felt that it might not be such a wrong idea.
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I like your smile.
It was the only note that had been left with the flowers, which you had been receiving for quite some time. Always without fail, always on the nightstand in your room.
Although you were worried about who this "secret admirer" might be, your curiosity was greater and you had been careful not to mention anything to your friends. Well, it was really just the boys, because Inej and Nina knew a lot about things, since the jobs to steal were scarce lately, you guys had more time to do anything else. 
Kaz trusted any of you so he let you roam the Crow club as you please, but also to check that things were in order: no scammers, control fights, check that the girls weren't harassed by the clients, things like that.
That night the club was short of a barista, so you and Wylan had split the responsibility for it by taking turns meeting the demand.
He was more skilled than you at making cocktails, perhaps due to his chemical mixing skills, but still the boy was patient with you and he only laughed when you messed up.
"I prefer this to be like poor Jes” you muttered amused, because from where you could see the boy sitting next to the door playing with one of his guns, obviously annoyed because Kaz had ordered him to stay away from the gaming tables. You thought that Wylan also had something to do with it, because they both hated that it fueled their gambling problem "But I need to distract myself a bit, will you be okay by yourself?" you asked. You knew he would be fine so you walked out of the bar without much guilt.
You were taking a walk among the tables when you felt someone grab your arm and you turned defensively. It was Lior, who you had already served too many drinks for a person of his size and now he was suffering the consequences. After serving perhaps the fifth in a row you got a little worried, but you didn't want to intervene because you thought it was none of your business. As long as he paid them, you had no objection.
"Y/N," he said, drawing out his tongue. Several of the Dregs were standing around him, apparently also drinking some beer, and were watching you curiously. "Sit with us," he ordered, patting an unoccupied chair next to him.
You didn't want to be rude and tried to say you were working now, but he was insistent until you agreed to sit down for a few minutes. The other men weren't chatting with you, probably as a matter of avoiding trouble with the boss, but Lior was particularly eloquent. As an effect of alcohol, he didn’t measure distances and sometimes he would spill some beer near you or invade your personal space to talk to you. You let it go because you didn't want to cause a conflict and, to a certain extent, it was tolerable.
But after a while, his behavior became more annoying. He was holding your hand and even tried to stroke your leg, but what made you jump back was when he leaned in for a kiss. Luckily you had been faster.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" you asked flustered, drawing the attention of the others at the table.
"Oh, don't pretend you don't want to" he replied. His body leaned towards you again and you moved further away, which made him annoyed "I've seen how you look at me"
"Sorry, what?"
"You want me," he stated. You were suddenly startled by the confidence with which he was saying that and how deep his voice sounded, like that of a wild animal. And, from his perception, you played the role of the prey.
"That’s not true, fuck you," you spat, getting up from your chair, but you were stopped by his strong grip on your forearm.
"Come on, Y/N. You like me and I like you, stop making yourself difficult"
"I told you no" you exclaimed with a trembling voice. The problem wasn't whether or not you could face the boy, but that he had caught you off guard. Although it was true that you liked him a little, you weren't going to allow him to want to kiss you just like that, to say the least… because judging from his insistence, you doubted that a kiss was all he wanted.
You almost screamed as he pulled you towards him and this caught the attention of several people around you, but before you could do anything an object came between you and threw Lior back into his chair in one movement.
It was a cane.
It was clear that by this point several tables had already stopped their games to pay attention to the menacing expression of the bastard with the barrel hovering over a drunken kid imprisoned in his chair.
"No means no" Kaz said slowly and quite close to the challenging face of the opponent. It was almost like he had been watching you the whole time, waiting for the perfect moment to intervene, or maybe he just had a sixth sense that would alert him when one of his crows was in trouble.
He thought that this would be enough to scare the boy and withdrew the cane from his chest, intending to turn around to check on your well-being, but he did not count on the fact that Lior's drunken state also gave him the courage to dare to jump in to hit him. The black-haired man's instinct made him turn around just in time to stop the drunk and throw him face-first against the table, holding his folded hand against his back.
If there was anyone left who hadn't noticed the discussion that was enough for them to notice, including Wylan, Jesper, and Matthias who had risen from their places to intervene if necessary. But it probably wouldn't. Kaz was furious.
You saw him whisper in the boy's ear and you knew it was a threat from the expression on his face, in addition to the groan of pain that the youngest emanated when Kaz mercilessly pulled his arm.
He remained in that position for a moment, completely blinded by anger, enjoying the cries of pain the shu boy was making.
"Get him out of here" Kaz ordered The Dregs, who had been watching everything in silence. You also didn't get to hear what he said to one of them, but the chances of Lior waking up the next day in pain from a beating were pretty high.
As you backed away you collided with a huge body and calmed down to see that it was Matthias, asking if you were okay. It didn't take long for all the men of the team to gather around you to ask what had happened, but you were still a little stunned to answer coherently.
Even so, you looked for Kaz's gaze just to realize he didn't look angry, but worried and his eyes were in charge of communicating everything that his mouth didn't. Somehow you quietly reassured him too, but he couldn't bear to see the glitter that threatened to turn to tears.
"Thank you" you managed to whisper, still a little nervous.
“Take the night off,” the black-haired man murmured, again sounding more like an order than a suggestion. “Walk her to The Slat, Jesper. Matthias, stay at the door”
The three of them returned to their respective posts and for a moment you thought that Kaz was also going to accompany you, but when you looked back he was already rushing with a firm step towards the door where the rest of his men had left.
Once you were in your room, and Jesper made sure for the thousandth time that you were okay, the feeling of discomfort eased considerably, but you noticed the bruise already beginning to form on your forearm from the man's grip.
What had happened to him? He had always been kind to you and respectful... you didn't even think that he would behave like that with you. You were disgusted and even scared by how quickly things had happened, but you were infinitely grateful that Kaz had come like a guardian angel to help you. You probably could have handled that on your own, however, the shock of receiving that kind of treatment from a person you were beginning to trust and even care for was what put you at a disadvantage.
You struggled a lot to fall asleep, because a part of you felt very hurt and sad to think that you didn’t deserve to have sincere love, but one where they only wanted you for physical matters.
Also, the flowers didn't arrive that morning.
When you finally got out of bed you were having trouble concentrating on anything and Nina had to take care of breakfast because you were too sensitive to do anything. This didn’t go unnoticed and everyone insisted that you rest a little more, but when Kaz arrived and realized the situation he didn’t wait to take action on the matter.
“We’re going out,” he said, when he finally intercepted you alone in the kitchen area, even though you weren't in much of a mood at all.
"A job?"
"A walk" he corrected you. You looked confused but didn't say anything and when it was time to leave The Slat you realized that Kaz wasn't talking about hanging out in a group, but just the two of you.
You didn't know where he was taking you, yet the road was as silent as usual. He watched you out of the corner of his eye just to see if your features changed in any way with the landscape, the aromas, or the morning breeze, but he felt a little disappointed when he noticed that your expression was still serious and even a little sad.
He wished he had taken more time with Lior last night.
"He won't bother you again" when he remembered that, he felt the need to let you know that now you could rest easy, and that you know that he himself had taken care of dealing with the matter.
"I don't doubt it," you said, letting out a bitter laugh. You knew what Kaz was capable of when he was angry. "It's just... I feel silly."
"Did you love him?" the man asked. You had already arrived at the place where he wanted to take you in the first place: it was a small meadow, with a lonely bench and too much life to be in the sad and gloomy Ketterdam. It was like finding a little piece of heaven on earth.
“Love him? By God, no, of course not. It was nice to be with him, but… talking about love is too strong. He was just an idiot”
"I'm sorry this has happened" he exclaimed, a little calmer after hearing your negative words about the other man, and at the same time the fact that you were alone gave him a little more confidence to say what he was thinking without being judged, trying to make you realize that he really cared about you.
"It's okay" you smiled to reassure him. He was going to say something else when a purple stain caught his attention under the sleeve of your dress that you had already risked up to the biceps. The night before he didn't notice that the boy had hurt you when he struggled and at that moment his blood boiled with anger "It's nice"
"The place," you said, looking everywhere; the slightly gray sky, the birds flying around, the flowers growing next to your feet, and Kaz right in front of you. All of that made up the beauty you were talking about. "Why did you bring me here?"
"I thought maybe you needed to calm down a bit"
"Then you're a good friend," you said softly. Kaz couldn't remember anyone using that term with as much fondness filtered into their voices as you just did.
Friends. You were friends, you loved him at least a little.
"I hope so. I don't have much practice” he confessed and you smiled tenderly. Although you wanted to keep seeing Kaz, something in you forced you to look at the floor, as if there was something there calling you.
The flowers… were those flowers. You could recognize them after receiving them for days and keeping them fresh in the vase: there were the yellow ones and the lilac ones, both with small petals and a brown center.
You paused for a moment to make sure you weren't misreading or confusing things, but when you knelt down to pick up a cluster you knew for a fact that your theory was correct.
"What a curious thing"
"The flowers?" he asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. Even though you couldn't see his face, you somehow knew he was frowning.
“I've been getting exactly these kinds of flowers every weekday for a while now,” you said, getting up and showing Kaz the plants. “The stranger places them on my nightstand before I wake up, every time, without fail. Except for today"
"Maybe I wanted you to come to see them in person"
You froze in place, not expecting such a quick confession from him, and he looked at your face for a reaction. You were still holding the cluster in your hand and you unconsciously squeezed it hard.
In a panic you tried to find another interpretation of his words that didn’t imply the fact that he was the author of those signs of love, but you couldn’t find it. And from the man's slightly embarrassed face, you assumed that was true.
But the worst thing about it was the existence of the note that had kept you tossing and turning the day you received it. I like your smile. Kaz had written that too?
"So... it was you"
"Who did you have in mind?" he asked, a bit defensive, and you smiled, shaking your head.
“No one, I didn’t imagine who it could be. Honestly, at first, it scared me to think that someone was stalking me” you said sincerely. You looked at the bouquet of flowers again and noticed that some were withered, thinking that Kaz probably always chose the prettiest ones to take with you. You fell silent, not of your choice, but because he wasn't saying anything, and then you closed the distance between you by taking a small step forward, still respecting his personal space but enough to make the conversation intimate. “Why did you do that?”
Words were never Kaz's strong suit and he felt his throat tighten as he tried to answer you. What could I tell you about that? Did he himself have a coherent reason for doing that?
He thought you were going to get mad at his silence, but you smiled tenderly because, although he didn't realize it, once again his eyes had been in charge of telling you everything he was keeping quiet about.
"I like them a lot" you spoke again. If he wasn't ready to tell you, you weren't going to push him "I put them in a vase every day and when they're withered I put them in a box" you confessed. Fearing rejection, you lowered your hand to his, took it for a moment to place it higher, and then placed your own flowers in his hand. He held them tremblingly "Calm down, I'm not going to tell anyone"
"Tell them what?"
"I'm the boss’s favorite" you joked and a knot formed in Kaz's stomach when he saw that your eyes dropped for a second to his lips and you licked yours, perhaps unconsciously. You pulled away from him because you thought he might be uncomfortable with the closeness and instead, you left him wanting to have been in that position a little longer “Do you want us to sit here? I like to watch the birds”
He ignored you and a few minutes later you two were sitting next to each other, still saying nothing. Kaz was looking at you out of the corner of his eye and he thought he couldn't be prouder that your sad expression was gone.
And how was I to be? If you had just discovered that you had the sympathy of the man you admired most in all of Kerch.
"You were right," he spoke suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts about what it would feel like to be a bird and be able to fly.
"About what?"
"You're my favorite. As a person. You are my favorite person” he managed to say. His look from him was sweet and sincere "And I like to see you smile"
"You already told me," you said, trying to suppress a smile and feeling how the blood rose to your cheeks. It took you a moment to dare to say what you were thinking. “I appreciate you, Kaz. I mean it very seriously."
You two stayed there for what seemed like hours and just enjoyed each other's quiet company, the sound of the wind, and the sight of the place. You looked at the horizon and he watched you covertly, thinking about everything he would be able to do to keep you out of the dangers of the world and what he had not realized until the night before when your integrity was threatened. 
One of your knees collided with his and Kaz, instead of pulling away from him, moved his knee slightly to rub against yours.
That day a silent pact had been sealed between you. He loved you and so did you.
No more words were necessary. Just lots of flowers.
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yawnderu · 5 months
>Commission for the lovely @alypink ! Muchas gracias, princesa. 💗💗
“Mi amor?” Aly called out, her voice ringing from the kitchen, getting Price's attention instantly despite the way Lily is chatting his ear off. His gaze momentarily drifts down to his daughter, caressing her warm cheek with the back of his knuckles, not wanting to cause her any discomfort with the many callouses adorning his palms after spending over half of his life on duty. 
“Yes?” He yells out, only to be met by silence. A small sigh makes its way out of his lips at the lack of response— something he's used to by now, knowing that Aly wants him to join her in the kitchen. His rough hands sneak under Lily's armpits, picking her up with ease and allowing her to curl up against him despite the way her arms wrapped around his neck are slightly choking him, not having the heart to tell her, and enjoying his daughter's affection as much as possible, a life he never once thought he'd be lucky enough to have. 
His footsteps are light beneath the carpet, the only give away of his approach being their daughter's giggles at the sensation of his thick beard against her skin every time he plants a kiss on her cheek, making an overexaggerated kiss noise just to continue hearing that sweet laugh, wanting to have it ingrained in his brain forever. He sets her down on her customized chair, running his hand down the length of her hair one last time before turning to his lover. 
“Can you get the brown sugar for me?” The sheepish smile she shoots at him is enough to make the corners of his lips tilt up, his crow's feet becoming more prominent at the sincere smile taking over his visage. He reaches up to the shelf, grabbing the container before setting it down on the counter, taking his sweet time to admire his wife now that she went back to baking something he became familiar with throughout the years, pan dulce. 
Unable to hold back his affection any longer, his arms wrap around her waist from behind, a deep chuckle leaving his lips the moment she recoils at the sensation of his thick beard on the crook of her neck. His grip tightens for a second as he plants soft, gentle kisses on her shoulder, his thumb lightly fidgeting with the ring on his finger before her palm goes over his, her soft digits absent-mindedly caressing his hairy knuckles, taking her time to feel every single bump and scar as if they're not already carved into her soul. 
“You makin' pan dulce?” The way he teasingly over-pronounces its name, making his best attempt at hiding his British accent when saying something in Spanish and  always fails horribly makes Alyssa smile, her gaze softening as she notices the way he keeps fidgeting with his wedding band. 
“You know it.” She replies with a grin, closing her eyes for a second just to focus on the gentleness displayed by the very same man that can easily use violence in the field, a sheer contrast to who John Price is to his family. The sweet smell of the bread mix and his lavender and tea tree beard wash fills her nose, taking in the sense of belonging— of how far they've come, their daughter too busy playing with the crocheted bunny on the table. 
“Have I ever told ya you're the best baker?” His voice holds so much affection, yet Alyssa can read him like a book, years and years of the same thing making her turn around and look up at him with amusement etched on her face, her brown eyes shining with pure mirth. 
“You're not getting your hands on the mix until it's all done.” The playful frown on his lips is nothing but a mere distraction, swiftly leaning down to steal a kiss from her lips that she reciprocates with no hesitation, her arms wrapping around his neck as her lips move against his— just to be interrupted by a playful gag coming from Lily. 
“Eww.” Her face is scrunched up in disgust at seeing her parent's kiss, much to their amusement. They share a knowing glance, giving each other one last peck before they break away, John making a beeline towards his daughter, picking the giggling girl up and tossing her in the air, catching her with ease. 
“Ay, por Dios, John.” Aly's hand comes up to her chest, trying to calm her fast-beating heart down despite knowing her husband will never let her daughter fall, earning an amused chuckle out of the older man.
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“Come onnn.” Aly drags out, her brow scrunched up as she sees a player miss the perfect chance for a goal, one of her hands absent-mindedly running up and down Tito's fur, while the other one keeps her mug of coffee steady. Moments like these make John notice how much of a tiny carbon copy Lily is, his crinkled eyes fully focused on the way they took sips at the same time and licked their lips clean of the liquid in their matching mugs. His arm wraps around Aly's shoulders, bringing her body closer and planting a kiss on her temple before taking a sip of his cuppa, putting it down just to adjust the blanket closer to their bodies, knowing Aly can't handle UK winters as well as he can. 
John leans part of his body weight against her, his cheek resting on the top of her head, not focused in the slightest on the soccer match being played, rather thinking about everything that lead them to this point— how his heart fell in love since the first time he saw her, and how thankful he was to have the bollocks to confess to her. 
“I love you.” He whispers into her ear, tender words only for his wife to hear. His gaze softens as she looks up at him mid-sip, her wide brown eyes momentarily making her look like a deer caught in headlights, only serving as one of the many images of her that tug at his heartstrings. 
“I love you too, mi vida.” My life. Despite how many years have passed, discovering new pet names never fails to fill him with a deeper sense of fulfillment, momentarily allowing her to look at his relaxed expression before his lips press against her forehead, protectively holding his girls and their cat close to his warm body.
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stusbunker · 4 months
Spotless: Vivace
Chapter Twenty Five
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Bobby, Tiny, Lee, Kevin, Annie, Pamela, Sam, faceless fans and support staff
Word Count: 2900
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, jealousy, grief, musical backstory and hope
A/N: The band played on.
Series Masterlist
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You held your breath as Bobby gathered the band backstage. Two dozen roadies, stage crew, and security stilled as he looked past the boys and Pam to their support staff, only Charlie and her team were missing, already in place in the booth. You shivered and waited. Jody’s voice echoed behind the bend thanking the crowd and promising a great show from Phantom Traveler to come. Andy slinked around and continued to snap pictures, despite the glare it earned him anytime Bobby caught the lens pointed toward him. The ragtag group buzzed with excitement and you silently prayed that it would go off without a hitch. 
Finally, Bobby began to speak, “I know a lot of you are nervous about tonight, ‘bout this tour— hell about this band. But it means a lot that y’all signed on for another round of nonsense with these idjits. It means you believe in them, that you’ve got faith they can pull together and get it done. Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not a time to worry, because ain't no other band that can do what these guys do. It’s a time to celebrate. Let’s get out there and fuckin’ rock’n’roll.”
Lee hooted and people cheered, you couldn’t help but clap and shriek along. Then everyone crowded in for the circle of hands and chanted “Phaaaaaantom TRAV-ler!”
The band and crew maneuvered in the dark, letting the interim instrumentals keep the crowd distracted as they set up. You scurried back to where you had left Bela in the wings, under Tiny’s care.
“Everything alright?” Bela asked out of the side of her mouth, shifting in place as she tried to clock Dean amongst the many moving shapes.
“Aces,” you replied, bouncing on the balls of your feet as the crowd started to clap with an increasing beat.
You spotted Sam and Kevin’s silhouettes high five and then Lee strummed a teaser chord. Walkie talkies crackled around you as the all clear was called. You kept an earpiece in, but without much left for you to do, you turned it to the lowest setting besides mute. 
It was go time. 
“Bring ‘em up, Charlie,” Bobby prompted over the line and the Forum erupted. 
Lights and wavelengths of sound shot off in every direction and Phantom Traveler took off.
You wouldn’t have stopped yourself from screaming bloody murder even if you had remembered you were directly beside your very posh best friend and her security detail. 
It was happening. They made it back home.
“Good evening Inglewood!” Dean greeted, pointedly accurate. Plus you could tell he was grinning from where you stood, from just the sway of his head and a glimpse of his profile.
There was no other chit chat, no grand speech thanking them for coming out, it was just the band, the music, and the audience.
They started off with ‘Woman in White’, their first major single and something high energy enough to get people out of their seats. Then on to the B side of their first EP, which was a cult favorite called ‘Playthings’ that featured something affectionately referred to as ‘the beat off’ between Sam and Pam.
But at the time it was written, it was played by Sam and Cas.
Pam did it better.
It was like someone was racing up the stairs or against time itself as the two rhythm setting musicians fought for dominance. The crowd ate it up. And you could tell they both were already dripping sweat by the time the song ended and they tuned it back and finally jumped into their last fateful album.
‘Scarecrow’ was haunted and foreboding, reminiscent of early 90s metal that you knew Dean adored. It was also Cas’ favorite track off that entire album. And Kevin killed the bridge as the keyboard turned into an ancient organ chasing the crows away with the dawn. Charlie even added a cackling Vincent Price at the end that couldn’t be topped.
“How’s everybody doing tonight?!” Lee took the words out of Dean’s mouth, which earned him a kick in the ass. They were having a blast up there and it was infectious.
The crowd roared.
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Dean bellowed. “I hope you don’t mind, but we’d like to bring somebody out for this next number.”
Shrill ruckus pierced the air, they knew what was coming.
“She’s our very dear friend and we just so happened to convince her to tag along with us this tour. You know her, you love her, please— give a very warm welcome to the incomparable Ms. Annie Hawkins!”
Everyone screamed and stomped, watching as the spotlight followed Annie from the farside of the stage towards the standing mics centerstage.
“Oh, she looks amazing,” Bela spoke for the first time since you’d gotten back. And she wasn’t wrong.
“The girls probably had a blast with her in their dressing room,” you tacked on thoughtfully.
“Her top though,” Bela continued. “I want it.”
You chuckled at Bela’s priorities and quickly got sucked back into what was happening barely thirty feet away.
“You sure you’re ready over there?” Annie teased as Dean adjusted his mic after rushing to set down his guitar.
The crowd laughed in unison.
“I’m ready, do you think they’re ready?” Dean asked coyly, gesturing to the crowd.
All around you camera screens glowed and flashed burst through the darkened arena. Concert security lined the stage and guarded the partitioned areas for the crew and band to navigate the area. Until that moment you really hadn’t been able to pull any single response from the cacophony. You hadn’t been trying anyway. But when Annie goaded Dean a cluster of women in the pit got your attention.
“And here I thought you were out here warming them up for me?” Annie teased.
The crowd loved it, but one catty comment made it feel like you and Bela were right there up on stage with them. “Bela needs to get her man before that cougar gets too cozy up there.”
They eyed your little corner below the VIP suspiciously. You missed whatever Dean said in response, instead watching the women glare and Bela adamantly ignore them in equal measure.
But then the song began. A slow and slinking start reminiscent of Springsteen’s Fire. Which you clocked the first time you heard it, but that was just the intro. The lyrics started up as a quick conversation, a compromise even and then they were harmonizing into the chorus. 
The band hadn’t done many duets, even with such talented singers in their ranks. It wasn’t their style. But this song felt like it had always existed, it was timeless and familiar and really fucking catchy. Annie beamed at Dean when he slipped closer on stage and they belted out the final lines.
It made you feel like they were performing only for you, for their people. It was honest and intimate, but this wasn’t rehearsal or karaoke and the audience would not be forgotten.
Everyone cheered. Even the judgy bitches that kept watching Bela at your side.
Dean hugged Annie and made sure she got the reception she deserved, egging the crowd on and bowing in homage to her talent.
She rolled her eyes, did a snarky curtsy and waved her way back off stage.
“You guys seem to be digging that one. Maybe we could play some more new stuff for y’all tonight?” Lee asked. “I mean— the album isn’t out yet.”
Naturally, the crowd shouted and begged for more.
Bela turned to whisper to you. “They’re not gonna get in trouble for this are they?”
You shook your head. “They’ve got permission to do a few songs until the album is actually out and then they’ll change up the set list to cover more of the new stuff.”
“Got it.”
“Yeah, bootlegs always exist, but this way they’re building excitement but not giving away the farm.”
“Lee!” Dean admonished playfully. 
“What?!” Lee spat back, smirking.
“Sam— tell him.”
Sam shook his head, always stoic on stage.
Dean kept up the ruse. “I don’t know if we should. Pamela?”
Pamela thudded the bass drum and hit the crash. 
“Okay! Pammy’s in— Kevo?” Lee kept the momentum going.
And without any warning or time for Kevin to actually respond, they burst into the opening of 'Prophet and Loss'. 
“I would kill for a drink—- is there somebody we could send to concessions?” Bela asked midsong. And you looked around, wondering if any of the staff could actually leave their posts without getting in trouble. 
You suddenly felt like a bad host. “We’ll get you a box for Vegas. I know this isn’t as fun as it sounds standing for two hours straight.”
“Y/N, I’m fine. Promise.”
“Okay, well I’ll go after the next song. You want anything, Tiny?” you asked your silent companion.
“All good, boss.” He replied and straightened his stance, clasping his hands in front of him.
Kevin silenced the space with the burst of chords at the beginning of his solo, showcasing what Julliard training could do and how rock’n’roll could still be classy as hell. The key changed, turning the mood broken and lamenting as they stumbled into the bridge where Dean pelted out about losing Cas without so much detail.
 Dean let the note hang in the air. “'Prophet and Loss', everybody.”
Whistles filled the air, keeping the mood somber but with enough reception to know that small offering was gratefully accepted.
“Thanks— uh, I, we really appreciate being here tonight and being able to share some of the new album with everybody. But we know you wanna hear the stuff you know, too. So we’re gonna hop back to it and have a kick ass night. How’s that sound?” Dean checked in.
The crowd cheered.
“Did you hear something?” Dean asked Lee jokingly.
The crowd got louder.
“I don’t know if they’re up for much more,” Lee taunted back.
You rolled your eyes and turned to Bela. “Okay, I’ll be back, text me if you think of anything besides drinks.”
The crowd continued to take the bait, howling behind you as you made your way out of the off limit areas and up a side stairway towards the general admission cavern-like hallway. For the first time it felt like all day, you exhaled. Your pass flapped against your chest as you strutted quickly towards the concession area, bypassing the VIP lounge because you didn’t want to get distracted by Madison or any of the mid-level suits that might be milling around.
You could have stolen something from the dressing room, but that wouldn’t have taken nearly as long and you needed some time off of Bela duty tonight. Which made you feel guilty as hell. She was your best friend! She didn’t do anything wrong. And yet you were incredibly frustrated with even the thought of her.
So you waited in line, ordered two extremely overpriced and depressingly weak cocktails, and put them on your expense card. 
The thing about regret is that it isn’t a one time experience. There might have been a moment in the process of you contriving this scenario for Dean’s redemption where you second or third guessed yourself. But the biting sting of seeing him play happy with Bela online and even in person had come at you in waves.
Regret was bearable if it meant it worked, if Dean could have some peace.
But this wasn’t just regret, it was petulance and jealousy and injustice.
Because Bobby had asked all the way back in the beginning, why couldn’t it have been you playing arm candy? And the fact that people could see what you had tried so hard to bury and ignore plain as day, well, it made you feel incredibly small and even more pathetic.
There was no reason for you to be the one at Dean’s side. But damn did you want to be.
And somehow you had managed to keep that from one of the most important people in your life. So it wasn’t just that Bela was getting a part of Dean that you’d never have. Or parts. You shuttered at the thought of where his mouth had been. It was that your best friend hadn’t even clocked the elephant in the room.
Like she didn’t even know you at all.
Or maybe that was on you too. Maybe you hadn’t been honest with yourself until it was too late. How could you put that blame on her too?
You slammed your drink and got back in line for a replacement, not wanting to return with only Bela’s cup like some kind of maid. You could hear the crowd singing along with Lee on ‘A Reaper’s Offering’, a bluesy cut from their second studio album. 
You probably had another two songs before you’d miss anything else new. But you also knew Bela was waiting and the longer the show went on, the more drunk and ballsy random fans could get. You couldn’t leave her with the forever nonplussed Tiny for backup. You smiled at the woman working the bar cart apologetically and ordered another husk of a cocktail.
After another stream of applause, the opening bars of ‘Abandon All Hope’ started and you knew you had to book it. This was Jo’s song, you couldn’t miss it. You never left Dean to get through this one alone. Huffing down the service steps with two drinks in hand in heels was something that you managed only from practice, but you made it in time for the first chorus.
“Oh aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Bela murmured to her drink before sipping it and wincing. “It’ll do. Took you long enough,” she teased and winked, hip checking you as you struggled to get your breathing under control as you mouthed along with Dean’s words.
“Trapped by your side with no exit, we had to let you go—”
Bela quickly picked up on your shift in mood and reeled in the playfulness, for which you gave her a grateful glance before turning back to try and lock eyes with Dean on stage.
“Defending that night while trying to give comfort, we should have known—”
“To abandon all hope,” you sang out, the last lyric rising up to hover in the air. 
Dean turned and glanced in your direction and then looked again once he finally saw you. He nodded and tapped his heart and you returned the gesture, you both kept her safe as you could now. He blew a kiss to the ceiling and bowed.
The crowd continued to echo around you, suffocating yet as distant as thunder. 
“Alrighty, folks, we’re gonna take a short break for Sammy to find another shirt and we’ll get you one last sneak peak,” Dean explained. “Kevin? Think you and Pam can keep ‘em busy for me?”
“Aye-aye,” Kevin said and saluted, out of range of his mic stand.
Pam started in with the count and Kevin peeled in down from the upper registers, like he was sliding in from Heaven and crashing a party. The instrumental interlude was a mesmerizing feat of jumping genres and killing time while showcasing just what all each of them could do. But you weren’t even paying attention. Dean made a beeline for the back of the stage and he wound around security until he could find you. 
He gripped the ball of your shoulder and leaned in. “I didn’t see you until the end— had me worried, Trouble!”
He had to talk over the crowd, his back firmly towards the nearest wedge of fans.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!”
He stared at you, sweaty and down to a single layer, earpiece still in his left ear. 
“You’re killing it up there,” Bela said, making you both stop and blink. Dean grinned and pulled her into a hug, a boyfriend hug, arms tight around her waist so her arms can loop around his neck. She even kicked a leg back for balance. 
God was she good.
“You keep an eye on her, okay? She’s gonna need tissues for the next one,” Dean warned playfully down his nose at Bela about you.
She rolled her eyes. “You are a menace on the emotional, aren’t you?”
“All in a day’s work,” Dean shrugged and set her back on her own two feet.
The crackle of a nearby walkie made Dean look around for whoever was sent to find him. “Sam’s looking for you,” an unimpressed lackey of Benny’s pointed out from ten feet away.
“Yeah, I bet he is. Alright, well, see you ladies later— Tiny,” Dean stepped back nodding. He soon disappeared only to hop up on the wing of the stage, grabbing an acoustic and sliding it on.
After the chaos of the crowd dissipated from Pamela’s and Kevin’s antics, Dean and Sam walked on stage and sat down on a pair of stools that had been left out for them. They didn’t look at each other or even the crowd and you knew in that moment that Dean hadn’t been lying. You weren’t gonna survive the next song live with a dry eye.
‘Brothers Keeper’ nearly took down the entire venue. 
Cell phones and lighters blazed in the dark, enraptured space as Dean and Sam sang about each other, about family, and about forgiveness.
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Chapter 27: Polyphony
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joelalorian · 8 months
Tides of Desire - Chapter Eight: As the Crow Flies
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*mood board by the lovely @/janaispunk
Pairing: Yacht Captain!Joel Miller x f!reader
Series Summary: TLOU no outbreak AU. Joel Miller is a luxury yacht captain running charters in the Caribbean. You join the crew as a deckhand and unexpectedly complicate Joel's peaceful existence. Basically the TLOU bunch on a Below Deck yacht.
Chapter warnings: 18+ MDNI, fluff, stolen kisses, meet cute for Tommy, anaphylactic reaction (not Joel or reader), terms of endearment (sweetheart, etc.). Reader is a badass. Smallish age gap (reader is 32 or so, Joel is 40). No use of y/n, though reader is of British descent and has the nickname Brit (occasionally used).
Series masterlist
Chapter 8: As the Crow Flies
The return to the yacht was underwhelming. You don’t know what you expected, but it wasn’t a completely smooth transition, that’s for sure. You really thought Joel would pull another 180 now that you crossed the ultimate line, push you back to an arm’s length away, and shut everything down again. Instead, he was just… normal. It was as disconcerting as it was soothing.
Your moments together reverted to shared smiles across the deck, morning coffee chats, longing glances while you worked, and a quiet goodnight before heading to bed. The only change from ‘before’ was the addition of little, soft kisses stolen when no one else was around. Those were your favorite moments, as short and sporadic as they were with a crew this size. Joel’s kisses left you floating on air every single time. You’d never tire of them.
The two of you were still careful, though. Joel was adamant that you did not show the change in your relationship in front of the crew and there could be no evidence of it in front of charter guests. You agreed, more than happy with the way things were progressing as it was. You were not about to push his boundaries now that he’d given in so much.
The biggest change you’d noticed after the events at the resort was your propensity to drift off into daydreams. It was becoming a bad habit.
“Earth to Brit!” Sarah’s voice startled you, drawing your attention to the young woman standing with her hands on hips, brows pinched. “Can you stop daydreaming about my dad for five freaking minutes and help me with something?”
You were sitting in the crew mess enjoying a quick snack break, completely unaware of the daze you were in as Sarah called out to you several times. Heat rushed up your neck to your soft cheeks and you mumbled a quick apology. Sarah was finding immense joy in teasing you about her dad now and you fought off embarrassment each time. She was smart, though, and never teased you in front of others.
“What do you need help with?”
“Follow me, I’ll show you.” Sarah led the way up to the bridge, your curiosity mounting with each step.
“What are we –” Your words cut off as Sarah shoved you through the door. You spun to see her slamming it shut in your face. “What the bloody hell?” you breathed, baffled at the younger woman’s behavior.
A soft chuckle had you spinning in place again, eyes meeting Joel’s dark eyed gaze. “She’s a bit dramatic sometimes,” he said, his broad form moving closer to you. The bridge was empty but for the two of you and he pulled you to him as he closed the distance. “I needed to see you and Sarah offered to be the messenger.”
Snuggling into Joel’s broad chest, you breathed in the crisp, delicious scent of him. “What did you need to see me about?” Your head tipped back to gaze up at him.
“Something really important,” Joel replied, slipping his glasses off. His right arm held you tight against his chest, your own arms wrapped around his shoulders, hands clasped behind his neck.
“Oh?” You wracked your brain thinking of what he could possibly need to see you about. This week’s charter guests were due to arrive soon, and you needed to get down to your cabin to change into your whites. “What is it?”
Eyes remaining locked on yours, Joel leant impossibly closer, your bodies practically sharing the same skin at this point. “This,” he murmured, and his lips slotted against yours in the next breath. You weren’t expecting it, a pleased gasp leaving your mouth, and Joel took full advantage, his tongue darting past your open lips to tangle with your own.
Fucking hell, the man could kiss. You would never tire of kissing him. The plumpness of his pouty lips, the taste of him, the way his tongue caressed yours, it was all so overwhelming to the senses. You could stay like that forever, pressed against each other with your fingers weaving through his curly locks, but duty called as your name came over the radio.
“Tommy always did have horrible timing,” Joel grumbled, breaking the kiss. Stepping back, quick hands ran down your sides, straightening your uniform. “You should answer that. The guests will be here soon.”
Flustered, a needy ache in your belly, you responded to Tommy, letting him know you’re on your way to your cabin to change. Stepping forward, you brushed Joel’s lips with yours in a chaste kiss. “I’ll see you later.”
“You can count on it, sweetheart.” Joel’s lips twitched into a lopsided grin, winking at you as you stepped out the door.
“I think I’m in love.”
The five words were spoken into the air out of nowhere.
Your head snapped toward Tommy in surprise. His voice sounded so serious, but he had to be joking, right? He didn’t seem the type to fall in love, especially at first sight, more of the consummate bachelor playboy type. “With whom?” you inquired as you both brought out the water toys.
It had to be one of the charter guests as he didn’t seem interested in any of the crew. They were a group of women in their mid-thirties who were all friends from law school, now scattered across the country in various high-powered law positions.
“Maria,” Tommy replied dreamily. There was a smile on his face, a glaze in his eyes you’d never seen before. He was a man smitten. “She’s stunning. Did you see that smile? Brighter than the fuckin’ sun, I tell ya. And her skin! So dark and flawless. She’s perfect.”
Yeah, he had it bad. You did not have Tommy Miller falling in love at first sight on your bingo card this season. It made you wonder if that’s how Joel felt about you.
“She’s brilliant, too. She’s a prosecutor at the DA’s office. In Austin, no less. She transferred there last year.”
“What? How do you know all that already?” you asked, surprised. “They just came aboard like five minutes ago.”
His chest puffed up proudly. “She told me,” Tommy explained. His face was lit up with brilliant happiness. “I helped her find the sundeck. Said she liked my accent and asked where I was from. It just spiraled from there. Can you believe that?”
You smiled at the happy coincidence. The Miller brothers were having a great season in the romance department, it appeared. “Are you going to ask her out?”
“Fuck yeah, I am. Not ‘til the end of the charter though. I don’t need Joel up my ass about impropriety and whatnot.” After a beat, he glanced at you with a broad grin. “Actually, speaking of impropriety, maybe you could keep him distracted for me so I can get to know Maria more. You know how he is about the crew mixing with guests.”
“Oh, hell no, I am not getting in the middle of you two.” You laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “It took me more than half the season to get him to kiss me, you must pay your dues, mate. Or just sneak around like the rest of us do.”
Tommy laughed raucously. You loved seeing him like this, all that happy, boyish energy bubbling over the surface. It made working with him so much fun. The pair of you continued chatting as you worked, though most of the conversation revolved around his dogged teasing you about Joel.
“I’m just glad the old man still got it!” he declared when you assured him that Joel did not, in fact, ‘blow his wad’ in the first two minutes.
“Indeed, he does.” Your mind flashed back to that night, your bodies tangled up in the sheets and each other, round after round of mind-blowing sex and equally intimate conversations. Yet the best part of the entire thing was waking up in his arms feeling cared for and wanted. It was something you hadn’t experienced in a very long time, and you weren’t sure if Joel even realized how much that meant to you.
Tommy watched your eyes glaze over and smirked. He knew his brother had it bad for you and you just confirmed for him that you felt the same way about his brother.
The first day of the charter was mellow, the group of women lawyers preferring to relax and enjoy the decadent food and sunbathe on the sun deck rather than go crazy with activities. The second day they wanted to do something adventurous, and Sarah booked them a shark dive. Two of the deck hands needed to accompany them and all four of you wanted in.
“Well, we can’t all go. How about we play rock, paper, scissors?” Tommy suggested. He could have pulled rank and picked someone – he really wanted to show off for Maria, after all – but he was a gentleman at heart and wanted to make it fair. You laughed at the suggestion, but readily agreed.
The first round, Jake lost to your rock. Next Ellie lost to Tommy’s scissors.
“Come the fuck on, man!” Ellie complained. “I never get to do the fun shit.”
“What are you talking about? You got to do all the ‘fun shit’ last season; you spoiled brat. Let someone else have a chance this season,” Tommy reasoned.
“That doesn’t count, it was last season!” The pair of them went back and forth for a while and Jake shuffled closer to your side.
“Are they always like this?” he asked, leaning down to whisper in your ear.  A chill ran down your back, but it wasn’t a pleasant one and you took a subtle step back.
“Always. They’ve known each other for a few years and argue like brother and sister.” Your focus remained on Tommy and Ellie as they argued, but you could feel the heat of Jake’s ice blue eyes on you.
“I understand her frustration, though. I was kinda hoping it would’ve been me and you going on this trip.”
Jake’s admission made you sigh. He certainly was tenacious and did not pick up on subtle hints. He was clearly waiting for an acknowledgement, but you had no idea what to say. You needed to let him down easy without affecting the dynamic of the team. Best to just be honest… or at least as honest as you could be given the situation.
“Listen mate, I’m flattered, really, but I’m with someone. Just wanted to put that out there in case you were hoping we could be something.” It was awkward and you watched his expression carefully, waiting for the change. Your experience taught you that a lot of men didn’t take rejection well.
Jake merely shrugged, a sheepish smile gracing his chiseled features. “Tommy warned me that would be your response to any advances. I had to shoot my shot though, yeah?”
Relieved at his response, you nodded with a laugh. “Don’t know until you try?”
“Exactly!” Jake grinned, bumping your shoulder. “Friends then?”
“Yeah mate,” you confirmed. The vibe changed at once, morphing into playful camaraderie as the awkwardness washed away. This was the way the team was meant to be, you thought, just people working together and having fun in this exciting environment. The pair of you tuned back in just in time for Tommy end the argument with Ellie.
“Finally, it’s settled. Brit and I are going on the shark dive and you two will stay back. You can take a break, have a swim or whatever, but make sure you’re available if the captain needs anything,” Tommy instructed. “Let’s get changed, Brit. They’re picking us all up by tender in thirty minutes.”
Tommy led the way down to the crew deck and you changed, quickly freshening up in the bathroom. You’d been diving a bunch but never on a dedicated shark dive. It sounded exhilarating and you hoped to actually see some sharks on the adventure. Just not any really big ones!
Twisting your hair into two braids an adjusting your rash guard one last time, you opened the cabin door to walk out, and face planted into Joel’s chest. “Ah, fuck!” you exclaimed, rubbing your tender nose as your eyes widened. “W-what are you doing here, Joel?”
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he replied, voice gravelly as his hands grasped your shoulders to steady you, strong fingers flexing into your skin. “I, uh, just wanted to tell you to have fun and be careful. I told Tommy he’s fired if anything happens to you.”
A giggle burst from your chest, surprising you both. “You can’t fire your own brother, Joel! I’ll be fine but thank you for caring about me.”
“I can if he let’s my girl get hurt,” he murmured, voice barely above a whisper. “And I care about you a lot.”
“Your girl, huh?” you ask, voice equally low and soft, barely dancing through the air to his ears. The grin spreading across your lips was involuntary, yet wholeheartedly welcome. Joel merely nodded, a gleam shining in those dark eyes as they gazed down at you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
You talked about everything under the sun at the resort, yet this was one topic that neither of you brought up – putting a label on what you were. It was early days, you figured, and decided not to push it. But your heart skipped a beat at hearing him call you his girl and the anxiety in your belly you didn’t even realize was there vanished. You needed that label after all.
Glancing around to make sure they were alone, he ducked into your cabin and placed a soft, sensuous kiss on your lips. “My girl.” Your lips tingled long after he slipped away.
“Let’s roll, Brit!” Tommy called, running up the stairs to the top decks with the excitement of a young child on Christmas morning. Chuckling to yourself, you followed. The guests were waiting on the aft deck, chatting animatedly. You watched as Maria gravitated toward Tommy – they were like magnets, those two, and it warmed your heart.
The afternoon was a blast. The tender picked the group up right on time, taking you fifty miles west of Puerto Rico proper to the rocky coast of Mona Island. A few of the women, including Maria and the primary guest, were SCUBA certified and they geared up for the dive with Tommy. The rest of the women were given snorkeling gear and you guided them through shallower turquoise waters to see a variety of coral fish, sea turtles, and reef sharks.
After a couple of hours, the guests were pleased to have seen several sharks on their dive including a hammerhead and were ready to head back to the yacht. Tommy flirted outrageously with Maria the entire trip, causing the beautiful woman to burst into spontaneous giggle fits. They were really cute, and you hoped that Tommy followed through with asking her out.
“How was the trip?” Joel asked, greeting the guests as you and Tommy helped them off the tender.
“Wonderful! We saw so much!” the primary exclaimed, regaling Joel with a colorful account of their adventure and the sharks they saw. He winked at you as he listened intently.
Dinner on the third night started out strong. Tess’ culinary delicacies were on point, as always, and the guests were pleased with every dish that came out of the galley the entire time. The preference sheets indicated that none of the guests had any significant dietary restrictions, and they were open to trying new things, so Tess designed a menu to showcase her best work. For dinner on the third night, Tess opted for a Japanese Omakase, preparing a variety of sushi dishes she thought the guests would enjoy with one course consisting of uni.
The interior team went above and beyond with the table decorations, going with a sea theme featuring turquoise sea glass, starfish, shells, and sailor ropes strategically placed across the table. Their service was on par as well, with you and Ellie jumping in to assist with bringing up the food.
“This is delicious,” the primary told Sarah as they finished the second course – a salmon temaki. “Compliments to the chef.”
Everyone was happy and having fun… until they weren’t.
Tommy and Jake just cleared the plates from the second course, making room for the third course. Sarah led the way with Emmy, Talia, Sammy, Ellie, and you following, each with a plate and a glass of dry sake in hand.
“For the third course, we have uni sashimi accented with lemon and a dash of salt, and a ponzu drizzle. It is paired with Junmai dry sake. Enjoy,” Sarah explained as the plates were set down in front of the guests with intricate coordination that Sarah made you all run through three times.
Initial murmurs indicating they loved the presentation and taste, you all turned to head back down to the galley in preparation for the fourth course. You were the last one to step through the door, just catching the hint of something gone wrong as you crossed the threshold.
It started off as a clearing of the throat, nothing atypical, but you paused. Something about it seemed… off. It didn’t stop, quickly turning to loud wheezing and the clear signs of someone struggling to breathe. Spinning on your heels, your eyes searched the table. The women’s eyes were all on the primary guest, her face flushed as she struggled to breathe. Was it your imagination or were her lips slightly bigger than they were moments ago, too?
Everything clicked in your head – she was having an allergic reaction to the uni. You’d heard of it before but never witnessed an anaphylactic reaction before. Your training kicked in immediately and you sent out a distress call over the radio, your voice clear, belying your internal panic. “Medical assistance needed on the sundeck! Repeat: medical assistance needed on the sundeck.”
“Help her, please!” Maria begged, dark eyes wide and panicked as her slender hands gripped your forearm. “I didn’t know she had any food allergies!”
You rushed to the primary’s side, helping her lay back on the deck. Hives were spreading from the sensitive crease of her elbows down her arms, and you knew the same was likely happening on her belly. The wheezing was quickly getting worse. This was a severe reaction. Shit!
Where was everyone? How were you the only one on the deck?
You were just about to make another call for help over the radio when Tommy and Joel came crashing onto the sundeck, a med kit in Joel’s hands.
“She’s having an allergic reaction. Hives and compromised breathing,” you blurted, heart beating out of your chest from the adrenaline. The primary was just starting to lose consciousness, the swelling closing her throat and preventing her from taking in a breath.
“Ok. There’s an injector pen in here,” Joel replied, calm and cool under pressure as his big hands quickly searched through the medical supplies. “Ah, here it is.” Tommy was already calling for medical transport.
Joel directed you to hold primary’s leg steady as he injected the pen into the meat of her outer thigh through the fabric of her dress. The epinephrine kicked in immediately, reducing the swelling of her tongue and throat, allowing the primary to breathe again.
Some of the guests were crying, worried for their friend, and Tommy stepped closer to comfort Maria as you and Joel continued to help the primary guest.
“What happened?” she asked, confused, as you dabbed at her forehead with a cool cloth napkin.
“You had an allergic reaction to the uni, doll. We gave you epinephrine,” Joel explained, gently holding her hand as she grasped for something to tether her back to reality. “The medics will be here any minute to take you to shore. You still need emergency care to make sure you’re ok.”
“Th-thank you,” the primary replied tearfully, and you helped her sit up against the railing with gentle movements. You sat with her until the medics arrived, making sure she was alright. The other women argued over who would go with her, finally coming to a decision as the primary was carried on a backboard onto the ferry.
Your hands were shaking from the adrenaline crash when Maria approached, grasping them. “Thank you for reacting so quickly and getting her help. I don’t want to think what would have happened if you weren’t there. You may have just saved her life.”
Stunned, you tried to stammer out a response before Joel wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“She’s got a lion’s heart, this one,” Joel chimed in, beaming at you proudly. Unable to help himself, his thumb caressed your upper arm and you leant into the touch, soothing your spent nerves.
The rest of the evening was a blur after that excitement and Tommy sent you off to bed early, having earned it with your heroics. Before you could head down to your cabin, Joel texted you, asking you to join him on the bridge. Frank was standing at the helm when you arrived.
“Hey kid. Nice save today.” Frank’s kind eyes sparkled. “He’s in his quarters.”
“Thanks Frank!” You nodded, shooting him a half-smile as you turned in the direction of Joel’s private room. It warmed your heart that Joel was okay with his senior staff knowing about the two of you. He had significant trust in them after years of friendship and working together.
Your knuckles barely rapped against the door before it was ripped open and you were unceremoniously tugged into the room. Large, warm hands grasped your face, dark eyes staring into your own, searching for something.
“Sweetheart,” Joel breathed, the puff of air washing over your skin. “You did amazin’ today. Are you okay after all that?”
You nodded, drained from the adrenaline rush and subsequent crash. “I’m alright. That was intense and I’m exhausted, but otherwise I’m fine.”
“Good.” His lips pressed against yours, needy and wanting, as his hands roamed your body. His tongue teased at your puffy bottom lip, seeking entrance to dance with your own. Your lips parted, deepening the kiss until you were both breathless. Thick fingers tangled in your disheveled hair, holding you close as Joel’s mouth met yours again and again in a series of longing kisses.
“I wish I could stay here with you tonight,” you said, hating the neediness in your voice. “I slept so well with your arms around me the other night.”
“Believe me, I want nothing more, but we can’t. I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Wide, puppy eyes were glassy and remorseful as they stared down at you. “I…”
“No, it’s okay,” you cut him off. “I know we can’t, but it’s a nice thought.” Tucking your head against his chest, you breathed Joel in, enjoying the scent and warmth of him. Perhaps you would be here with him in your dreams.
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
your yugioh discord server au my beloved.
dunno if this already came up, but i tottaly see everyone chatting regulary (esp jaden the spammer-tm), minus yusei. he just lurks and gives a reply every second year/when tagged. </3
Yusei is the lurker who nevertheless responds immediately when tagged. The guy will never hop in and voice his opinion, but the second you @ him he has replied the nanosecond you hit send. He is, however, the biggest organizer of server movie nights, voice chats, and meet-up when multiple members of them are in the same city. This au is set after his series ended, after all. He's already keeping up long distance friendships with Jack, Crow, Akiza, and the twins. He is hardcore about keeping on top of online friendships. Sometimes he'll just pop into the vc while he's working and leave it open while he tinkers.
In ascending order of activity, Yusaku probably chats the second least. This tempered though, by the fact that they are always online. 4am in the morning? Yusaku is there. Yusaku's actually more vocal in the discord than in real life, after years of growing up raised by message boards an forums. If everyone sees it's been like 25 hours since they logged off, someone will shoot a message to Kolter, or they'll just log into vrains and hunt him down like it's the most dangerous game (getting Yusaku to log off and go the fuck to sleep)
Yuya took a while to warm up the the GC, but every day gets more bold with just kicking down the doors of the chat and going off about something or another. Also he's in a minecraft server with all his brothers and the bracelet girls, so if he's online but not responding, it's probably because he's griefing Yuri's dirt house for the third time this week.
Yugi's really active in the chat, a fact that never fails to blow Yuma and Yuya's minds. He'll be at a global release sponsored by every important duel monsters company under the sun, and he'll send pictures of Kaiba caught mid sneeze with the caption 'LOL'. He will be on NATIONAL TV AND TEXTING THE GROUPCHAT. His memes are legendary.
No one knows how to quantify Yuma's activity, because there's like a 90% chance most of the messages he sends are him???? But then there's also the possibility that half his messages are Astral feeling chatty, and it's very hard to tell because both of them are equally likely to start a rousing discussion on the morals of dolphins at 3 in the morning. Yugi is the only one who can reliably tell them apart.
And OF COURSE, AT THE TOP OF THE LIST, IT'S YA BOI, YOUR SUPREME MEME KING: JADEN YUKI. *insert airhorn sound effect* Spammer galore. Constantly uploading selfies of him standing in front of some eldritch abomination, or standing on the surface of Jupiter, or some other such equally questionable use of his powers. Liveblogs his annoyance at being made to do demonic paperwork. Makes incomprehensible memes that no one can tell if he's dunking on his henchmen again, or just really, really good at shitposting. He has a channel in the discord just for him where, every day, he just sends a single digit number, and some of the yu-boys are going crazy trying to figure out if it's a code, or some secret eldritch coordinates, or a massive ARG style prank, or what.
Yusei eventually reveals it's how many tries Yubel took to get the days wordle.
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daaydreamy · 1 year
hand feeding subrry during aftercare 💖
your smile is so infectious
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summary: y/n and harry during their aftercare routine. 
warnings: none. 
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
“Can you remind me to buy grapes when we get groceries?” Y/N asked Harry before popping a grape into her mouth, humming a little tune as she got in bed beside Harry. He was still lying down, tired but in the best way possible, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles as he tried to stay awake. The duvet was pulled up over half of his body, his skin still a little tacky with sweat and his hair still a bit too frizzy and messy, his jaw just a little sore. 
“Mhm.” Harry replied and sat up, leaning back against the headboard. Y/N was handing Harry a grape, looking over at him as she waited for him to take it from between her fingers. But instead, he grasped her wrist and brought her hand up to his mouth, making her huff out a laugh through her nose as she watched him eat it from her hand. He gave her a tight-lipped smile while chewing, eyes crinkling at the corners with dimples in his cheeks. 
“‘S easier that way.” He shrugged and he could see her smiling as she bit into a strawberry, eating half of it and raising her hand up to his mouth to feed him the rest of it. 
He gave her a fond, slightly teasing smile, making her furrow her brows as he ate the rest of the strawberry, leaving the leaf. 
“What was that for?”
“What was what for?”
“That smile. I know that smile.”
“Well, it’s just, you know. Maybe you do like feeding me.”
“Right.” She laughed, rolling her eyes. Every single time they did this she would always say that she hates having to put food in his mouth like a goddamn child, despite continuing to still bring food up to his mouth while they chatted about random things in bed after sex, sharing random thoughts while eating little snacks. 
“Just eat.” She shook her head, pushing a grape into his mouth forcefully.
“You love me.”
“Never said I didn’t.”
🏷: @crow-i-guess, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69, @sweet-as-lilacs, @lyricalniall, @venusincleo (couldn’t tag you!), @bxbun111, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @emispleased, @goldenhrry, @cinnamongirlrry, @manifestrry, @sadqn1, @judesgfirl, @taylorsreputationsversion, @violetsandfluff, @phoebebridgersforqueen, @a-strange-familiar, @moonlightbea-33 (couldn’t tag you!), @famedrs-blog, @coochiesteak, @blahblahblah-888 (couldn’t tag you!), @milesisntdonewritingyet, @harrysgoth, @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite, @cinnamonlola, @youcan-nolonger-run, @velvetrylie, @vamprry, @ellie-luvsfics, @gorlsinmultifandoms, @littlenatilda, @straightontilmornin
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donquixotehomura · 7 months
Roronoa Zoro x Reader Sake Showdown.
Masterlist I'm not really satisfied with this one I've been trying to perfect it for a while but at this point I'm too tired of it, so instead of scrapping it all together I'll just leave it as is and hope my dissatisfaction is just my perfectionism and Ya'll like it. WC:364
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The day had been long and arduous, filled with battles and adventures that left Zoro and Y/N yearning for a moment of respite. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Thousand Sunny, they decided to unwind with a night in. 
With a few bottles of sake in hand, they settled into the crow’s nest, the soft glow of lanterns casting a warm ambiance over the room. Zoro poured them each a generous portion of sake, a mischievous glint in his eye as he proposed a challenge. 
"Let's see who can hold their liquor better," he suggested, a competitive edge creeping into his voice. 
Y/N chuckled, accepting the challenge with a confident smirk. "You're on, marimo," she replied, raising her cup in a mock toast. 
And so, the sake showdown began. Shot after shot, they drank, each one trying to outdo the other in a display of strength and endurance. The sake warmed their bodies and loosened their inhibitions, filling the room with laughter and delirious chatting. 
As the night wore on, their competitive spirits gave way to lighthearted banter and shared stories of past adventures. They reminisced about the battles they had fought and the challenges they had overcome, their laughter mingling with the soft clink of their sake cups. 
Despite their best efforts, neither Zoro nor Y/N could claim victory in the sake drinking competition. Instead, they found themselves in a state of blissful intoxication, their minds hazy with the effects of the alcohol. 
With the bottles of sake gone and the night growing late, they decided to call it a draw. As they settled onto the hammock, their bodies buzzing with warmth and contentment, they exchanged lazy kisses, the bonds of friendship and love strengthening with each passing moment. 
In the quiet sanctuary of the crow’s nest, amidst the soft glow of lantern light and the gentle hum of the ship, Zoro and Y/N found solace in each other's company. And as they drifted off to sleep, the echoes of their laughter lingered in the air, a reminder of the joy and camaraderie that filled their hearts on this night of sake and competition. 
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