#[so common she doesn't even react i love them your honor]
rebelpuff · 5 months
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link, sender links arms with receiver while walking. - bubbles!!! / @clickedbait
it's   so   easy   to   know   when   one   of   her   sisters   is   touching   her    —    they're   the   only   ones   who   can   get   her   to   stop  moving.   buttercup   sighs  ,   looking   toward   bubbles   and   whatever   caught   her   eye. 
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(   swear   to   GOD   if   it's   another   puppy   —  ) 
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yrluvjane · 6 months
Hey! i have never requested a fic before so forgive me cause i have no idea how to do it. How about a james potter x reader fic where james ignores reader for lily, getting them hurt in the process?
It's great and I'm honored to be your first :) Feel free to send as many as you like! Sorry, if I'm a bit late with it. I tend to rewrite at last minute a lot. I hope you like it!
James' love was a force of nature, not an ordinary love, but something that threatened to consume you entirely.
You couldn't ignore it, and it left you feeling both intoxicated and overwhelmed. It was like being at the beach, feeling the sun's heat kiss your skin and the sound of the waves crashing in the distance, and it was also like jumping into the pool and feeling the cold spring of the water shock you to your core. James' love was like that, it was intense, it was overwhelming, it was all-consuming. It was a love that burned like a wildfire, crashing down on you with the force of oceanic waves and you couldn't help but be drawn into its embrace.
And somehow you still felt like second fiddle to Lily Evans. From the moment they met in their first year, he's been completely obsessed with her - spending every second of free time with her, using every chance to grab her attention.
Back then, you've always tried to ignore his constant chatter about her, but today, it proved too much. Nothing drastic had happened today but you did get a rather shocking acceptable on a Potions test you'd worked really hard on and were sure you'd have aced. That had got to you a little and you were craving a little reassurance.
After a good while of moping around in bed waiting for James to come back from practice you decided to head for lunch and meet him there. When you spot James in the common room with Lily, leaning in to whisper something in her ear as she laughs at his latest joke, that's when it really hits you. That loneliness. Maybe your over-reacting, but that doesn't stop you from feeling a pit forming in your stomach. You've never felt so invisible and forgotten before, and it hurts more than you ever thought it could. 
You take a deep breath and force a smile onto your face as you walk past them, trying not to let your emotions show, but it's hard. When you reach your table, you find yourself struggling to eat, the food tasting like ashes in your mouth. And your mind takes up the role as your greatest enemy, coming up with a whole lot of reasons of why James could prefer Lily over you.
You're not entirely sure why you're even there, since James is too preoccupied with Lily to even notice your absence. And whenever you manage to distract yourself, someone is tapping on your shoulder asking you were James is and you have to smile and say he's with Lily.
After what feels like an eternity, and overhearing a rather hurtful comment made at you, the lunch period finally comes to an end. You make your way back to your dormitory, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill down your face. As you flop onto your bed, you can feel the lump rising in your throat as you think about your day.
You let out a shaky sigh as the tears finally spill over, spilling down your face and onto your pillow. You don't know why your crying, Lily is your friend and James has the right to sit and talk with whomever he wishes. You're being stupid you believe and it still not enough to make you get yourself together.
As you lie there on your bed, crying uncontrollably, you hear a soft knock on your door. You sit up, still sniffling, and wipe away your tears as you call out, "Come in."
The door opens, and James steps inside, his face immediately wrought with concern. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine worry.
"It's nothing, 'm being stupid." You say. You'd never actually tell James why. I don't get why James picked her, Lily was great for him! You repeat the comment in your mind.
He's not convinced, he looks more disappointed and it hurts. He pulls you into a hug, holding you close as you let the tears flow freely. "I'm here for you, I promise," he whispers in your ear, the warmth of his breath making you feel safe and loved.
He continues to hold you, you feel the tension of the past few hours begin to melt away, replaced by the comfort and warmth of James' embrace. As James continues to hold you, you take a deep breath and finally work up the nerve to tell him how you truly feel. "It's stupid, I know," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "But I can't help feeling like I'm never going to be enough for you, that I'll always compare myself to Lily and fear someday you'll pick her over me."
James shakes his head, his hands running through your hair as he looks deeply into your eyes. "It's not stupid, and you are enough for me," he says, his voice soft and filled with emotion.
He pulls your face closer to his, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss that makes your heart flutter. As he pulls back, his eyes meet yours once more. "You're the only one I want to be with," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "You're the only one I love, and my love for you could never compare with Lily. Hell, most of time we spend together all I can ever talk about is you."
His words are like music to your ears. You kiss him again, this time with all the passion and love that's been building up inside of you. "I'm sorry." You say sheepingly. "Oh hush, trust me Sirius is a lot more violent when it comes to seeking attention. I mean it, he bit me, once!" You both laugh and all your worries and fears melt away as you realize that, in this moment, you have everything you could ever want or need.
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missglaskin · 2 years
what do you think of their {hotd} reaction if reader rejected them because she is in love with someone else {someone without power like a soldier or a blacksmith idk} and she wants to marry for love? {reminded me of sir criston with his oranges and cinnamon XD} thank you very much in advance :*
Note: All I got to say is the reader better prepare herself for the trouble. Also, I’ve just noticed this is my first time writing for Criston 
The rejection would not be well taken by Criston, similar to how he reacted to Rhaenyra. There is nothing he can cling onto but his honor, so he is confused on why you would reject him, even after knowing that he is willing to leave it all behind just to be with you. In the event that Criston ever encounters the person whom you are interested in, he will pound into him and it will take a bunch of effort to pull him away. By the end, the person’s face becomes unrecognizable. Once this is done, you won't have anyone else to turn to but him. 
Contrarily, Daemon will find everything about this to be very amusing. You, a lady, are falling in love with a man who is beneath you. Although he could have killed the person and been done with it, he wants you to see how pitiful they are and how you are meant for something greater than some blacksmith or soldier. Whether you choose to accept it or not, the outcome is still the same: Daemon will kill your romantic interest and claim you as his own. 
Corlys doesn't anticipate your rejection; he was certain you felt the same way. He constantly upheld you and worked to ensure that everything worked in your favor, demonstrating his unwavering devotion to you. He believed that you only deserve the best and that the life you deserved would not be given to you by a commoner. Also, for love? Corlys promises that even if at first you don't love him, you will eventually come to. He'll keep showering you with the most lavish presents and sincere praises. Sooner or later, you'll have to go to him, whether it's due to pressure from others or guilt from rejecting him.
It’s moments like these that remind Otto of your youthfulness. What a naïve young girl you are, not understanding how the world operates. Otto will be offended to learn that you are interested in a commoner, the person you rejected him for. Simply put, he'll send the commoner away—possibly to his death—and still wed you. It doesn't matter to Otto if you don't desire him; you will have to eventually because it is expected of you as his wife.
Simply put, Harwin is heartbroken when you reject him. More so, when you confess to him you want to wed for love, to which Harwin contends he does love you. That if you choose him to be your husband, he will give his entire heart and soul to you. He will become irritated upon learning that your love interest is a commoner, and Harwin will be more inclined to confront them. In order to provoke them, Harwin mocks them and claims they don't deserve you, resulting in a fight where Harwin is victorious. Now nothing stands in his way. 
At the moment he sets his eyes on you, Aegon already considers you to be his, so when you reject him, he lashes out in anger. He'll claim you have no choice in the matter while squeezing you too firmly. When he learns that you turned him down, the prince—a Targaryen over some bloody commoner—it will take a big swing at his ego. Aegon will adamantly maintain that they must have duped you and that you are simply confused and in need of direction. For claiming to want to marry for love, Aegon insists you'll love him; you must. 
Aemond doesn't lash out despite being infuriated that you would reject him. Aemond makes it clear that he will marry you, regardless. When Aemond learns of your romantic interest, he will confront them and make a big show out of it, right in front of you. He will mock them and even challenge them into a fight, which they will lose to him handily. It's Aemond's way of showing you how pitiful and deplorable they are. And whether you decide to see it or not, Aemond will still kill them. And if you so badly want to marry for love, then you should start feeling something for him now that you're stuck with him.
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thesilverlady · 1 year
I really loved your headcanons about helaena so may I ask of you headcanons about Aegon ii if you don't mind ofc!!! You know his upbringing, his relationships with siblings+dragon..etc anything that comes in your mind!
agh, I'm so sorry for the late reply anon 🙏 I thought I had published my response but it was camping in the drafts all along 💀 I'm so happy to hear you liked my headcanons. I'm always so nervous with sharing them 'cause I never know how ppl will react. so really, thank you for being so nice.
Aegon II Targaryen headcanons (I tried to keep them a bit generic similar to how I did with Helaena)
1) Aegon was a very lively, active child. Adventurous, curious, stubborn and loud, he loved being the center of attention as his mother showed him off and bragged about her firstborn living son.
2) After Helaena was born Rhaenyra quit any attempts at bonding with him. Not even their father's gentle encouragement could keep her long. So Aegon figured annoying her and picking up fights with her were the best way to notice him.
3) Aemond is definitely his favorite sibling. Their shared temper and ache for recognition and attention serves quite the bonding experience. They got along much smoother when they were younger however, because back then he was the main male figure Aemond had to look up to and his brother always followed him around without trouble. Aegon used to pretend it annoyed him but now that it no longer happens, he can admit to himself he misses it quite a lot.
4) Sunfyre is his pride and joy and he never misses an oppurtunity to praise and show her off. Oftentimes he enjoys talking privately to his dragon, speaking up everything that's going on in his mind.
5) He absolutely loathes his uncle Daemon, and it's possibly the only thing he shares common with his grandfather. Aegon doesn't consider him a threat but he thinks it's ridiculous how everyone always bends over for him. He may have had a reputation once upon a time, but his uncle is now old and completely cunt struck with Rhaneyra. It's embarrassing he doesn't even bother to hide it.
6) Like Aemond, he also dispises the green colored clothing his mother's nags them to wear. His younger brother claims it's ridiculous that his bratty nephews can dress as targaryens while they (Aegon & Aemond) who are the sons of the king, cannot. His mother and grandfather claim its important to honor their hightower side but neither gives a fuck. Aemond is more vocal about this issue but Aegon always agrees and backs him up. needlepoint
7) When he was a child he tried to mimic Sunfyre's roar because he thought it'd be more effective way of communication than learning the Valyrian language
8) His first time with a woman was actually with a lady who served his mother. She wanted to gain power and influence with having a young boy prince favoring her but she was in for a rude awakening. Aegon never cared for promises or honor. And he found he quite enjoyed this side of power he could have over lesser people.
9) He used to wish for Aemond to find a dragon to claim soon so he could have someone to race with up in the skies. Helaena never flew and Daeron was too young, but when eventually Aemond claimed Vhagar he became quite insufferable about it. Still, their races was something he was fond of
10) Among the whores he visits, his favourite one happens to be one that bears a strong resemblance to his older half sister. It's hard not to imagine what ifs- scenarios every now and then. Aegon knows how much his mother and grandfather tried to push for a betrothal between him and Rhaneyra. And as relieved as he now feels for not having to deal with Rhaneyra's bold, bitch attitude, he still finds it quite offensive and telling that his father picked a velaryon to give his sister to instead of him.
11) Few nights before he married Helaena, Aegon sneaked a whore into his chambers and ordered her to show him how he could be gentle for the first wedding night
12) During Helaena's first pregnancy, her fingers and legs begin to swell. And after some careful nagging Aegon was convinced to try to complete her needlepoint for her. Surprisingly he's very good at it
13) Before his son's death, the war was about winning everything he should have had. While he never longed for the throne, he had to live his entire life with being a firstborn son of a king and being passed over for his elder half sister. In his eyes the war was about protecting his family from his uncle who would surely kill them and to give himself and his brothers everything they were owned. After his son's death, it's about revenge. He doesn't waste time to find someone to blame, and he won't fall into the madness his wife has. Anger & hate are easier to embrace than grief & guilt.
14) After Blood is tortured to death and announcing to Helaena he ordered every ratcatcher in the city to be hanged, the two sleep on sperate chambers and it's the last time he sees his sister.
15) Prior to everything, he had never felt any ties to his youngest brother, Daeron. The boy didn't grow up with him and Aegon never got to know him. It is only for his wife's memory - who used to talk about Daeron and yearn for his return - that now Aegon orders better guards to fight alongside him.
16) Rook's Rest is the turning point when he's left with his half body burnt and his body so broken to the point it'd remain bent and twisted for the rest of his life. For the moons he remains in bed and the rare hours he happens to be awake, bitterness and hopelessness find their way to his head and he's never been more envious of his brother Aemond who glows and stands strong like he's the personification of the Valyrian God of death himself.
17) Post the fall of Dragonstone, when Aegon had shuttered both of his legs, the reason he'd go on refusing the milk of the poppy until the day he died isn't only due to his experience with it from his recovery from Rook's Rest, but also because he had noticed how mistrustful the maesters were when they were treating his father. And his recovery from Rook's Rest showed they'd treat him the exact same way. That ignites lots of paranoia from his part
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tw: cocsa, csa, death mention just a vent. i've been thinking recently about how my family would react if they found out i grew up being SA'd by my cousin. i just can't open up about it to anyone knowing how it would destroy the family and I have no evidence. My grandma is in her mid 70's, and she cherishes my cousin a lot. Or so I think. I sometimes think how it would be for her to die peacefully without knowing such horrible things happened b/w her 2 grandkids. Sometime in my life, I definitely plan on telling this to my mom who also is fond of my cousin. It scares me but at the same time brings me reassurance that one point all the people who care about me will never know what happened in my life for me to grow up with so many issues and live w so much trauma. They'll just die and there will be no one to know of it. I don't know how much sense this makes, but I'm just scared of what happens once it gets out. It hurts while it's there within you, it will hurt even more once it's out in society knowing the culture over SA. I don't know, it's the fear of the fact that I just might tear my family apart in a sense that if my cousin is ever exposed and say really held accountable, it might draw a rift between my parents & my aunt and uncle. At the same time I wonder if they'll take me seriously since a lot of relatives view my cousin as the pride of the family. So that way it can again cause a rift because I'd become a scapegoat and 'reputation ruiner' as i like to call it, when I know what happened was real. I just feel really trapped and there's no way out. Someday the past will catch up and I'm really afraid it will all just crumble. Everything in my life and the life of my loved ones will be destroyed. Sorry if I framed some things in a confusing manner. Thanks for reading.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through. Also please know that there is no need to apologize, your ask is perfectly understandable.
It's common to worry about how people will react when you share your story. Please know that your feelings are valid. It's a vulnerable thing to share what happened, especially to your family. With the emotional gravity of your story, it's understandable why you may feel that you must keep this story from others so that they can live peacefully.
You are not alone in feeling this way, and this is something that I have personally dealt with. My poems of being assaulted were published to a lit mag, and my parents wanted to come to the publication party where I was to read the poems. I wanted them to come show their support but I also wanted to protect them from their own sadness and guilt. My therapist helped me to realize that other people's emotions are not my responsibility, and so if someone is devastated by my story, that's not necessarily my problem. Suffice to say, other people's emotions are not a valid reason to stop you from sharing your story.
Please know that, while it's completely up to you who to tell your story to, it's also completely up to you who NOT to tell your story to. If there are people that you don't want to know what happened, that should be your right. It's your story, so it's your jurisdiction who knows and who doesn't, although some people may not honor that.
In my situation, I had a discussion with my mom about my COCSA and how I wanted not to tell her because I wanted to protect her from her own guilt, but she told me she'd already been feeling it, and that the transparency actually provided her some relief. So it may be worth considering that the people you think are "peaceful" may be wearing a mask, and that sharing your story may actually strengthen some of your familial bonds.
I also just want to say that we as survivors are often made to feel that speaking up about what happened to us is like a weapon of mass destruction. But we need to remember that it's really our abusers doing all that destruction, we are merely the messengers. Just like our abusers destroy their own reputations when we expose them, any rift that may occur within your family is not your fault. You're simply speaking the truth, or doing whatever else feels right in your healing.
Please know that you are not defined by your past. You are a survivor, and your story has the power to inspire, uplift, and bring about positive change. As you continue on your healing path, may you find solace, strength, and the freedom to live a life filled with joy, love, and fulfillment. Keep holding onto hope, and know that you are never alone in this journey.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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viviennevermillion · 3 years
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Meeting Azul's family [headcanons]
I'm back on my bullshit
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From the second you two started dating, Azul knew exactly how his mother was going to react to it. The day he told her about you on the phone he almost missed the opening of Mostro Lounge because she wouldn't stop asking him questions. "Tell me more about your s/o! What are their hobbies, what plans do they have for the future? Did you kiss yet?"
Doesn't help that you're likely his first
Mrs. Ashengrotto feels like she's witnessing an important rite of passage in her son's life so she's all like "My Azul got himself a partner 🥺"
And let me tell you, Azul fucking hates answering the questions, especially the ones about whether you kissed yet and whether he told you he loves you yet
There's a chance the call happens when you're around as well and Azul really didn't think this through when he told her so now you're getting to watch him get asked all the details about your relationship while Azul is sitting next to you as a flustered mess, trying hard to brush his mother's bonding attempts off and you're trying hard not to make a sound and prevent yourself from laughing
If you really want to tease him, run your fingers along his arms or tickle the back of his neck while he's trying to answer a question coherently. He's gonna look at you like "Are you fucking kidding me? Am I not suffering enough?" This will potentially end in a tickle / pillow fight when he hangs up the phone but it's worth it
Next time she calls she's like "Are you with them rn? Can I talk to them for a second?". Azul hands you his phone and his mum tells you it's so nice to get to know you and how happy she is that you two are dating and invites you to like 3 family dinners
"I'm glad you two managed to get together. Azul used to be such a shy child so I bet he was really nervous about asking you out", cue Azul hiding his face in his hands and the twins having a fucking field day wheezing in the background
Azul's really nervous about you meeting his family for the first time, mostly because he's scared of anything embarrassing happening. I headcanon his mum doesn't know about his insecurities and how much he was bullied in elementary school, so she might be a little tone-deaf to what Azul would find embarrassing and what he wouldn't. To her it's mostly "I can see y/n loves you very much, they're not going to leave you over a couple of funny childhood stories"
Now, I imagine Mrs. Ashengrotto as like, this huge octopus lady who's way taller than her son and even more tall than her husband and spoils her son rotten. Upon seeing you the first thing she does is sweep you into a hug and welcome you to the family. She looks to Azul and goes "Your s/o is so pretty, you two really fit together!"
All in all she's just really positive and welcoming
The type to give you a huge Coral Sea gift bucket (yes, for free) filled with a bunch of souvenirs and local foods
Azul's stepdad is a little more distant but polite and welcoming as well. He mostly just doesn't know what to talk about with you yet so he lets his wife do most of the talking at the dinner table. If you happen to have any common interests, expect him to start a rather long discussion about them though
Azul's grandmother is the slightly intimidating one. She's the type to tell you "Don't break his heart" and there's this threatening aura around her
But treat your octopus boyfriend well and this family will treat you like one of their own. Azul's mum would fistfight anyone who bothers you and Azul's stepdad would fight for your honor in a court process.
Everything's going well up until the point Mrs. Ashengrotto pulls out the baby photos. It doesn't bother you but it sure as hell bothers Azul. If only he had edited or destroyed those as well but he didn't want to upset his mum or give her the feeling that something is wrong
When you notice how much Azul is struggling with this, this is the point where you could pull him aside and be the voice of reason, telling him it'd probably be best if he has a talk with his family about the fact that he overblotted
He's hesitant at first and refuses to but after a few reassuring words from your side I think he realizes it would do him good to talk about this and get closure
His family listens to him attentively and you can see how Azul's shaking a bit and stuttering when he gets to the most painful parts of his past. Saying these things out loud is really hard for him so he appreciates you running your hand across his back or putting an arm around his shoulder to comfort him.
His mum is gonna cry and pull her son into the biggest hug. She noticed Azul had grown more distant during the time he was bullied but she could never place her finger on why exactly and he would just pretend everything was fine.
She's partly gonna blame herself for not having supported him more or noticed he was struggling so much but Azul tells her it's fine, she didn't know
After seeing his family's reaction, Azul is definitely glad he told them. They're very supportive and tell him he can rely on them if he needs to. Also Mrs. Ashengrotto about to march into NRC and kick Crowleys ass for letting this overblot happen in the first place
Azul's mum would take cute couple pics of you two and have them as her wallpaper
While it went well, Azul is very exhausted after this whole ordeal so expect him to fall asleep in your arms, clutching onto you very tightly and pressing his face into your shoulder. He's also very proud he gets to introduce you as his partner to people. Azul gives you a very soft and thankful smile and presses multiple gentle, appreciative kisses to your lips while whispering "i love you" and "good night my dear" in between them
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artimisi · 2 years
As the umbrella goes tip-tap-tip-tap, rain pellets beat off it continuously
Despite its gentle nature, I can hear the sound of rain pattering on my umbrella all too loudly. The rain was not gentle today, and it made sure I knew.
A simple sound, rain is. But today, the rain thundered on in my head, any other sounds completely drowned out by the water.
Can someone tell me why is it so loud, everywhere all at once I hear my name? The silence filling the empty darkness eating away at the corners of my vision. Every time I try to reach out, I find myself in the same place, as if my mind is constantly looping.
I'm so far away, why is it so close by? One hand after another is grabbing at me. Every time I feel their grip on me tighten, they pull me along with them minute after minute while I repeatedly scream, "Help!" Why does it seem like no one is concerned? My throat feels as though it is being scratched by glass throughout. The sensation of blood and its warm, coppery taste, which drips from my tongue from a trickle to a torrent of it, why... Why do I feel deserted, just like a child who has lost his mother?
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I suddenly find myself back in reality, which had previously felt vibrant and exhilarating but now feels drab and lifeless. "Elliot, do you have any closing remarks?" ... ”Huh?”
“Do you want to say something Elliott before she leaves?” Concern can be heard in Renèe's inquiries.
"Yes," I say. My mother, ah, uh, Even when circumstances were difficult, Eleanor Witt proved to be a good mother, finding a solution. Rain was a common occurrence when I was a child. Each individual pellet would strike the home harder and harder as it continued to rain down on it. Thunder in particular has never really been to my taste in rain. She always made me a cup of hot chocolate and brought me a cover when those occasions arose, and we would sit there and chat.
“Regarding her feelings, where she believes my father is, and whether or not my brothers are still alive.”
“Sometimes I feel like I’ve never really cherished her. I never really realized how time moves all too fast. One minute they're here, the next dead, sometimes I wish I was there to say goodbye to her.”
This is really it. The last time I’ll ever see you face to face is the last time I can talk to you.... The last time I can say I love you.
That room is silent out of respect. The same quietness started to seem a little too quiet, as if everyone was staring at him. This time, he didn't want everyone looking at him; instead, he wanted to vanish and be left alone. After a calming but uneasy silence, he started speaking with a hint of grief in his voice.
It was a great honor to have you all attend my mother's funeral, so yeah, umm... I just wanted to say thanks. I know she would be very grateful for y’all coming out.”
Out of nowhere a cold but familiar touch grazes my skin. Giving me goosebumps all over, including the back of my neck where my hair stands up.
Upon closer inspection, it is Renèe, her ghostly appearance in the sun contrasting with her jet black hair and eyes like wisteria.
"I hope you feel better soon, Elliot. I too have lost a loved one, but don't lose yourself, okay?" She pats his back and disappears before he can react.
Large family and friend groups mysteriously disappear from the room like ants. One by one, they vanish until there is ultimately just one left.
A 5'9 Asian man with a faded bald head and a good head of hair stands nearby. Over his ear, face, and hands were implants.
If you pay careful attention, you can see him solving a Rubix cube. Upon reflection, I realize I've never truly seen him without it.
"Well well well if isn't the terrifying loner Mr. Kim. So... This doesn't seem to be your kind of scene, whatever brought you here. Or "Wait, did you come see little ol' me?"
He tries to bat his eyelashes like a puppy.
friendliness: +0
“Witt, don't become too egotistical now. I merely come to offer your mother my sympathies. It was too crowded for me to show my respect.”
When you first hear his thick, calming Korean accent, it can turn off a lot of people. Although something about it makes me feel better, reminds me of the sounds a gentle wave washing against the shore makes… well something like that.
“With the passing of your mother, I wanted to know if you are taking a break from the games.”
“I'll be fine, Crippy, I'm the biggest Mirage the trickster The best apex legend you've ever heard of, Witt, I'm serious. Maybe it's too soon to jump back into the games after a loss like that.” "Recovering from it can be difficult."
He puts in the sincerest way he could still having a sweet but bitter delivery.
“That's accurate. "I-I ah-I understand,"
“I was curious as to what led you to decide that you cared. This is from the man who nearly tried to break my arm, right? Witt I'm just looking out for you, all right?
My face has a perplexed but grateful expression. Of all the legends to reach out, it just had to be you.
“You see Witt. I shouldn't have made the trip here. I merely wanted to help a little, but it seems you are in charge of that.”
He leaves the room abruptly but quietly before Elliott has a chance to speak. As he leaves his wake, there is an enormous amount of exhaustion and annoyance in the air. causing the atmosphere I'm in to seem stuffy or so it feels.
“I guess I'm the only remaining Witt, huh?”
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
I wish people would stop caring about the canon pairings and marriages in Naruto/Boruto because they should have absolutely no relevance for SNS shippers in terms of validating said ship. Those who say we are delusional because “Well, Naruto married Hinata so she is THE one he loves!” (I'll focus more on Naruto's marriage here... Is Sasuke's even a marriage?) simply don’t get that it just doesn't really matter who Naruto and Sasuke married because that in no way diminishes their feelings for each other. The main plot of the series revolves around the bond between Naruto and Sasuke. It is their story. They are each other's most important people and this was established back in Land of Waves arc even before the dramatic events that take place on the bridge - the whole point of that very first arc was making this a fact right from the beginning, because the story has always been and was always supposed to be about the two of them and the profound love and understanding that grows between them ever since they exchanged glances, smiles and pouts as lonely little broken kids. No reason to list all proof of their feelings and bond here, it has been done extensively, and if somebody watched the show/read the manga and missed it, they are missing half a brain. That these boys love each other more than anyone else is absolutely obvious.
So what about the canon pairings? Kishimoto stated time and time again that his focus was never romance, and that is not because he can't write romance as we know it (he clearly did), but it’s a matter of concept: what HE considers romance is the attraction that unites people with the purpose of marriage (confessing your romantic love for japanese people is the same as saying you want to be in a relationship, because feelings shouldn’t be voiced without an intention), and that, to him, is NOT the greatest expression of love, nor does it represent the most special bond two people can share.
It is understandable that westerners put so much weight into marriage because we consider it the epitome of love. Well, the truth is marriage in Japanese culture is mainly the only socially admissible means to have children and has very little to do with romantic love. In fact, in Japanese literature, it is much more common for unmarried couples to love each other than married ones. Obviously, there is no absolute truth when it comes to feelings and human relationships, what I'm doing here is generalising social norms and expectations (not exposing my opinion on them - that would turn this rant into something else entirely). A large number of Japanese marriages are loveless (and arranged, but no point getting into that either) and what motivates choosing a spouse is their ability to fulfill familial duties, meaning: is the woman good mother and consequently wife material? Is she going to devote her life to taking care of her children, house and husband, the noblest of acts for a female? Is the man willing and capable of putting his occupation above everything else, working extremely hard and for long hours, with total dedication and diligence for his job, to the point of not even seeing his family most of the time, as an honorable man should do as a provider? That's what makes a GOOD married couple: two people following their expected and strict gender-roles in a nuclear child-centered family (again, please, this is not MY opinion!). What a Japanese man should want in a woman is for her to be a dedicated housewife and mother, since having children outside of marriage is not only frowned upon, it is not acceptable at all, and not being married with children is not respectable enough (same with being divorced). Marriage is, therefore, NOT a symbol of undying love and a deep and special connection between two people, rather, it’s a partnership established with the goal of having and raising children.
Do these descriptions ring any bells?
In conclusion: the pairings were, in fact, created for the sole purpose of bringing forth the next generation, and that was made CANONICALLY true. Would it have been better if they hadn’t gone down that "safe" route? Hell, yeah! It would have been fucking amazing and could even have been groundbraking, for several reasons. BUT as unsatisfying as it may be, the fact is they chose a very TRADITIONAL depiction of marriage that has little to do with feelings, and that in itself shouldn’t be taken lightly, since it leaves the strongest bond, which is grounded on genuine love, untouched. In this scenario, justifying romantic love through marriage alone won’t cut it, and trying to discredit the obvious unmatched connection and feelings between two characters because they never got married to each other or married someone else is ludicrous. Yeah, a married couple can love each other deeply and above anyone else, but that is just not what marriage is ABOUT in Japanese culture and definitely not what Kishimoto wanted us to believe was the case here after dedicating 699 chapters to a story about the special bond between two boys that didn’t culminate in marriage. 
You know what IS a symbol of romantic love in Japan? Being willing to die together when the love you feel goes against your moral obligations, holding on to the belief that you will be reunited in the afterlife, where you will be free of any burden and able to love freely.
Are more bells being rung?! 
Oh, some bonus info: We also tend to associate sex with romantic love. Well, Japanese married couples with children rarely have sex, if at all. After a woman becomes a mother, she is no longer considered sexually desirable and becomes a mother figure to her husband as well (what happened to Hinata’s big "attributes" in Boruto? Huh). This is especially true when couples sleep in separate rooms and the mother shares a bed with her children. (Hinata co-sleeps with Himawari and we know Naruto sleeps in a separate room. Just saying.)
What's your say?
Is Sasuke's even a marriage?
Geezz!!!! LoLLLLL!!!! This sentence just made me cackle so hard for a good 5 minutes, Anon!!!!!
Hmmm.... So let's get back to your ask.
Well, I don't know how to react to this ask, Anon. Because, I don't know whether you are from Japan or you have a very close Japanese friend who might've told you all these cultural thing about marriage and relationships.
So, what I am going to do is to analyze from the facts you have provided , combine with my own cultural relevance and provide my answer. If there is any Japanese readers who are reading this, you can confirm or dispel this by sending me an ask. But again, I don't want exceptional case like, 'No, my family is different'. I want to know about the general lifestyle of a common citizen and their married life.
Having said that, this ask made me just yell at myself, 'Goshh!!!! Seriously???'
Because whatever you said, It fucking exist in my country too and is still followed by almost 70% of people in my country and I absolutely detest it. That is,
Most of the marriages here are loveless nd arranged - Check
Is the woman good mother and consequently wife material? Is she going to devote her life to taking care of her children, house and husband, the noblest of acts for a female? - Check
People following their expected and strict gender-roles in a nuclear child-centered family - Check Check
What a man should want in a woman is for her to be a dedicated housewife and mother, since having children outside of marriage is not only frowned upon, it is not acceptable at all, and not being married with children is not respectable enough (same with being divorced). - Check Check
Marriage is, therefore, NOT a symbol of undying love and a deep and special connection between two people, rather, it’s a partnership established with the goal of having and raising children. - Awww!!! A million Check.
That's why I was envious of Western people in this aspect, because they have a freedom to choose their own partner without any time constraints and when they do, their marriage can be said to be 'The Epitome of Love'.
My parents marriage is also an arranged one. And whenever they have disagreement and that leads to verbal war, they let out this words, 'I'm here with you because of my 2 daughters otherwise I would've left you long back'. So... Yeah. Here, most of the marriages are child-centered. Again, it's not just my opinion. Majority of the arranged marriage based family revolve around their child.
And I was born, a year after my parents' marriage, and If I hadn't been born, then people will question my parent's fertility factor and start to discriminate them. So, I can boldly claim that, I was not born out of Love or something. I was born because of social obligations.
But it doesn't mean, my parents don't love each other now. How should I say???? It's like a Stockholm Syndrome??!!!! Like when you stay with a person for a long time, you will eventually start to develop some feelings over the course of the time. It took them 15 years to come to a complete understanding of each other. It's the same case with many couples here.
Considering all these, Sasuke never even stayed with Sakura enough to make her understand him, So I wonder what kind of couple are they????? Weird!!!!!
In conclusion: the pairings were, in fact, created for the sole purpose of bringing forth the next generation, and that was made CANONICALLY true.
Awww!!!! Man, Seriously???? I made this claim long back in this post where I said, these women were used as a tool to bring out Next Generation Kids. My claim was based on Analytical Perspective.
And then one of the rabid SS stan reblogged my post and pulled out a hetero card stating, 'They are married and blah blahh...' when in reality, I never discussed about their sexuality in that post. That post was purely based on the number of pages each hetero couples shared with each other against the number of pages Sasuke & Naruto shared together.
Now, you have provided a cultural perspective for those shitty canon pairings.
On one side, I feel the need to smirk, because I am right.
But on the other side, I feel bad like, 'Is this how, this show must go on?? What are you trying to convey from this?'.
You know what IS a symbol of romantic love in Japan? Being willing to die together when the love you feel goes against your moral obligations, holding on to the belief that you will be reunited in the afterlife, where you will be free of any burden and able to love freely.
Hmmm.... It's interesting to know this. Anon.
This is where it differs slightly in my country.
Romantic love here is,
No matter what happens, I'll stand with you, You are just not alone. I will leave my fucking clan, parents, relatives if they don't approve you and we will start a new life somewhere.
[[Here, marriages happen mostly between their clan members. If you love a person from another clan, you will be ostracized or tortured or honour killed by your very parents. It just differs from clan to clan. I was subjected to this same problem and that's why I hate my Clan and left my parents. And this is also one of the reason why I love Itachi. Because we share similar Ideals. That is, Not to be obsessed over your clan and think beyond this restriction.
Also, here in Asian Culture if someone is willing to leave their family (when they don’t approve you) and prefer you over everything.... It means.... that's some Love beyond Comprehension. Just like how Naruto was willing to leave his Family (like Sakura and Kakashi) and like to stand with Sasuke... Just like how Naruto was willing to leave his own family and go on a long mission with Sasuke]]
So does it remind you of anything?????
It's the whole SNS dynamics starting from their childhood to VoTE2. That's why I started to ship SNS, because it represents the true love we always wish for.
Would it have been better if they hadn’t gone down that "safe" route? Hell, yeah! It would have been fucking amazing and could even have been groundbraking, for several reasons. BUT as unsatisfying as it may be, the fact is they chose a very TRADITIONAL depiction of marriage that has little to do with feelings, and that in itself shouldn’t be taken lightly, since it leaves the strongest bond, which is grounded on genuine love, untouched. In this scenario, justifying romantic love through marriage alone won’t cut it
This is very true, Anon.
I mean, they don’t even have to take a groundbreaking route. 
They should have given everyone an open ending, just like Kishi left at chapter 699. What is the need of a marriage, if Naruto is going to adopt Kawaki??? If Orochimaru was going to create a Baby Artificially?? If Rock Lee is going to have a child out of nowhere???
But I am happy that SNS bond is the only one that wasn’t diminished in this hot mess called Burrito. So, atleast we should be happy about that.
When someone pulls the marriage card, I just block them immediately because they are not even worth having a good conversation. NH will pull out the Last movie and SS will pull out, ‘Sasuke called Sakura ‘My Wife’.... So, it’s just pointless.
So, to conclude
Considering my Analytical perspective, I already made earlier in other post and your ask which provides some insight about Japanese culture which eerily resembles the culture I belong to, It all makes sense that this whole pairings and trash is just for the sake of bringing out Next Generation series and those boys never loved those girls whole heartedly. And I agree with you on this.
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padme-amitabha · 4 years
Just popping in to say, I agree with you on the Master/Padawan ships being ew. But, as an Obidala shipper, I kinda want to ask that anon why Obidala would mean not understanding the characters? I mean, I've read books upon books in the EU and have a fairly good grasp on the two of them and I feel like they're more compatible personality& morality wise than anidala. (Not saying anidala is bad, because it's not. I ship it, too, just not as much as obidala). Plus there's just the whole part in the RotS novel where Padmé realizes that although she loves Anakin, she doesn't trust him. But she trusts Obi-Wan. Which, for me, is why I ship Obidala just a bit more than anidala because trust is everything, and it's canon that anidala keeps so many secrets from each other.
Also just... Insert that tik tok that's like "So you're telling me Padmé Amidala, former queen of naboo..." Here
I don’t know about the other anon but the reason I don’t ship Obidala is because I don’t think they are compatible. I view Obi-Wan as someone who puts duty and the Jedi council above everything else (I mean it literally took Anakin being burned alive for Obi-Wan to tell him he loved him) and also him being alright with lying to Luke about Vader being his father. Also, both in canon and legends, he chose duty over love (with Siri and Satine). Obi-Wan falls in love with them, that’s for sure, but it’s very different from Anakin as he notes in the book Secrets of the Jedi: 
But the way Obi-Wan had spoken had been so measured. With a temperament like that, it was impossible to love, Anakin was sure.
Padme, on the other hand, is someone who puts love above duty and chose that many times (especially when she decided to marry Anakin, and then overlooking his crimes on Mustafar and giving him a chance to be with her). Anakin has the same sense of compassion and values love more than duty and I think that’s what she admires about Anakin too. I think Anakin and Padme have a lot in common than she could ever have with Obi-Wan. I see Obi-Wan as the type to value the order he’s in whereas Padme (from AOTC novelization) also longed for a life free of responsibilities but ultimately couldn't because she felt she had a duty. But you are entitled to your own opinion so it’s cool.
Even Anakin notes they are very similar in AOTC novelization: 
Anakin shook his head doubtfully, but he wasn’t bothered by the possibility. In a strange way, he was glad that Padmé knew the rhyme, glad that it was a common gift from mothers to their children. And glad, especially, that he and Padmé had yet another thing in common.
 Ah yes. I remember that Tik Tok about what Padme ever saw in Anakin but I think there’s a lot of admirable qualities in Anakin (especially in movies, I don’t mean in TCW because I don’t like TCW’s take on their relationship which fundamentally changed their characters from the movies) so we may be talking about completely different versions of the characters here. 
Here’s some excerpts from novelizations regarding what made Padme fall for Anakin: 
She could see him now, not as a Jedi Padawan and her protector, but just as a young man. A handsome young man, and one whose actions repeatedly professed his love for her. A dangerous young man, to be sure, a Jedi who was thinking about things he should not. A man who was inevitably following the call of his heart above that of pragmatism and propriety. And all for her. Padmé couldn’t deny the attractiveness of that. 
But still, as she stood there looking upon him, his face now serene, she couldn’t deny the attraction. He seemed to her like a young hero, a budding Jedi—and she had no doubt that he would be among the greatest that great Order had ever known. And at the same time, he seemed to her to be the same little kid she had known during the war with the Trade Federation, inquisitive and impetuous, aggravating and charming all at once. 
She loved the way he was reacting to this place, to all of Naboo, his simple joys forcing her to see things as she had when she was younger, before the real world had pushed her to a place of responsibility. It surprised her that a Jedi Padawan would be so ... She couldn’t think of the word. Carefree? Joyous? Spirited? Some combination of the three?
Padmé’s hand slowly dropped to her side and she sat listening in amazement at how honestly he was opening up before her, baring his heart though he knew she might tear it asunder with a single word. She was honored by the thought, and truly touched.
A man who knew exactly what he wanted and was honest enough to simply ask for it; a man strong enough to unroll his deepest feelings before her without fear and without shame. A man who had loved her for a decade, with faithful and patient heart, while he waited for the act of destiny he was sure would someday open her own heart to the fire in his.
He is not a perfect man: he is prideful, and moody, and quick to anger—but these faults only make her love him the more, for his every flaw is more than balanced by the greatness within him, his capacity for joy and cleansing laughter, his extraordinary generosity of spirit, his passionate devotion not only to her but also in the service of every living being.
So, Padme loved Anakin for all his honesty, recklessness and flaws, and I think they were both people who loved too wholeheartedly (and maybe a little selfishly), wanted a family together, and idealized each other which made them overlook each other’s flaws. I don’t really agree they didn’t trust each other. There were many lines at the beginning of ROTS about them trusting each other. 
He could feel her patience, and her trust, and he was so grateful for both that tears welled once more.
I don’t think they started keeping secrets until the very end of ROTS because Padme had given her word to the other Senators to keep all the Rebellion stuff a secret and even then she wanted to tell Anakin but he was siding with Palpatine and refused to listen. And even then she was very uncomfortable about having to keep a secret from Anakin so it’s safe to guess they didn’t have a habit of keeping secrets from the other. 
Don’t make me lie to my husband was her unspoken plea. She tried to convey it with her eyes. Please, Bail. Don’t make me lie to him. It will break his heart.
Also, Anakin in ROTS was really unstable and sleep-deprived and he was constantly being manipulated by Palpatine and the Jedi weren’t helping either. Obi-Wan is more collected and reliable and they were good friends so it makes sense why Padme trusted Obi-Wan about this more than Anakin. Also, didn’t Obi-Wan sneak into her ship and betrayed her in a sense? 
That said, I am not against Obidala and it could work in fanon but I personally don’t see them growing close in the actual story. 
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king-of-kings1 · 6 years
Robert Baratheon - the one character fandom does not understand properly.
Okay, I've seen many arguments regarding asoiaf in almost all over the internet. Any network, any platform, name anything there will be some arguments between the fans. One of the most important and common fanfight I've ever seen is, Robert vs Rhaegar, morality one i.e who was the better man.
I've seen heavy arguments from either side, claiming the fav man is the best but I chose to stand on the neutral perspective and see who really is a better person and this will be my analysis of it.
So Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen, two of the great names in the entire ASOIAF series. The fight between them extends in the fandoms in a long line. Obviously everyone can admit the Robert was the better warrior but who was the better human being?
Many fans seem to misunderstand Robert and tends to paint him as some heartless monster and a drunkard who is obsessed with a girl who does not loves him, who smiled at the corpses of children, who abused and raped his wife, who wanted to kill some innocent Targaryen children who had nothing to do with Rhaegar or Aerys. You see, these points are all the ones which comes round in a circle again and again to say that Robert was a bad human being but trust me, Robert is not bad, I would not even say him as a faulted character.
Robert is probably one of the only characters who was designed by his past trauma along with his brother Stannis. Robert comes off as a jolly man, easy to laugh and loving fun at every turn but the truth is, he has much sadness pressed up in him than his fun-loving attitude. When he was still a little boy he sees his parents die before his own eyes. Yes, that's right. He stands in some tower with Stannis and watches his father and mother die right before his eyes. Though there is no mentioning how the brothers reacted to it physically, one could easily imagine how it should've felt to watch your parents die right before your eyes and you could do nothing to save them. Imagine yourself in that position and how would you feel? Now that's where Robert finds hate towards the Targaryens for the first time because Steffon and Cassana Baratheon took the voyage only on Aerys' orders to find Rhaegar a bride with valyrian blood. See that, the names Aerys and Rhaegar comes in the death of his parents.
Then Robert was sent to be fostered in Eyrie and his time at Eyrie was his best with Jon Arryn becoming a very strong father figure to him and Ned as a brother from another mother. But still, he was young and was likely affected by the dreadful past memories (look how long years Ned was affected with the trauma of the war). So he turns to alcohol and women to help him forget like any normal man in his place would do. So no, he did not choose to be a drunkard or a playboy, he was forced to by his tragic past.
Then he is betrothed to Ned's sister, and is so happy of the fact that he and Ned will soon be brothers bound by blood but then again Rhaegar comes to shit on that like the same way he did with his parents and how do you expect him to behave? To smile and brush off as if nothing had happened. And then Aerys calls for his head and the head of the man he considers as his brother, he would normally be like, Well, Fuck you, asshole. You killed my parents, your son shits on me and my house's honor and now you want to kill me and my buddy, that's not how its gonna be. Fuck you, fuck your son, fuck your family. You can't blame him for that.
He has every right to be mad at the Targs. One way or another all the bitter things happened in Robert's life is connected with the Targaryens.
And he is just happy to build the realm back to glory with the woman he loved but then the last blow strikes with Lyanna's death. Lyanna's death completely destroyed him and all the plans he had for the realm. So yes, Robert loved Lyanna, whether it be the idea of her or anything else, Robert loved Lyanna and was not obsessed with her. The first thing he does after reaching Winterfell is to visit Lyanna, he even chastises Ned for burying her in such a cold dreary place and says that even in death she deserved better, better in such a manner that no one ever had before. Ned genuinely believes that Robert truly loved Lyanna. Did Robert truly knew Lyanna? We don't know, but the truth is Lyanna never wanted to know Robert, not the other way around. She just makes her own idea of him and never even tries to give him a chance. What a stupid does that? She doesn't likes his boyish ways but did she ever asked him to change that? How could she know he could never change without even giving him a chance?
He fights the war, because his life and the lives of all the others he'd loved is in danger. He fucks up Rhaegar, fucks up Aerys but really has nothing to do with Elia and her children's deaths because the deed was done before even he came to King's Landing. Yes, it was wrong that he laughed at the bodies of Targaryen children, but come on, look at it from his pov it shall feel right for him. And tbh, it was Rhaegar who left his wife and children there in the first place so he is responsible for their deaths more than Robert.
Coming back from that we'll compare the best and worsts Robert and Rhaegar. Rhaegar is really good. He is the perfect prince of Westeros and the small folk loved him. But what he did with Lyanna is inexcusable and make the entire realm turn against him and root for Robert. He leaves his wife and children in the grasp of his father.
Now some like to say Robert was no better to his wife than Rhaegar was to his. For them, Robert whispers the name Lyanna in Cersei's ear, yes, and that's because he was drunk with grief over Lyanna. He raped her, okay that thing is inexcusable but what about Rhaegar's approaches with Elia? The princess had a fragile nature and Rhaenys' birth was hard for her that it troubled the maesters that she might not be able to survive another birth. But Rhaegar who is so obsessed with the prophecy gets her with child again within a few years. Who is to say that Rhaegar never forced Elia? And it might've been the wine which made him force himself upon her because Robert immediately feels sorry for hurting her. And what about all of Rhaegar's public insults to Elia which Robert never does to Cersei? Robert had a chance to set aside Cersei and take Margaery as his queen by the hands of Renly, but no he never did that. He knew his wife hated him, was cold to him and still he never once tried to set her aside for another woman.
And Robert is a better king than Rhaegar. Now most like to say that Robert was a bad king and how he spent the realm's money in unwanted things. Say what you will but Robert was a better king than Rhaegar ever would've. The first and foremost duty of a king is to protect his kingdom and his people. While Rhaegar caused a war for his stupid prophecy and burned his kingdom down Robert did the exact opposite. Rhaegar stayed in the stupid tower when the war he started was raging across Westeros. But when Balon Greyjoy attacked his kingdom and threatened the peace of his people Robert takes action at once, defeats Balon and takes his son hostage to prevent any further wars. He holds the peace in his realm after two wars, Two Bloody Wars.
And yes, he gives up his hate for the Targaryens in his deathbed and gets his orders to kill Dany back.
Robert is a great character who is loved by his people, so much that they cheer for the douchebag Joffrey over Ned just because they think him to be Robert's son. Even Ser Barristan while in Dany's service regards Robert as his king and feels bad for failing him. He is such a character that Ned feels something dies within him when he hears about Robert's death, who else could make Ned feel that way.
So here it is, the end: Robert Baratheon is a good man and better than Rhaegar.
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lunaofthevalley · 6 years
Steadfast Tin Soldier ||
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Note: The long awaited and requested part two is here. Decided to make this a mini series of sorts so expect a part three as well.if you wanna be tagged comment or send me a message pand I'll ad you. Warnings: stupid Bucky
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Y/N never imagined how much her life would change upon moving to the compound to start to work for Bruce. When her old boss told her he'd gotten her an interview for a proper job, a great one at that, she never thought it would land her working for the Avengers, or well a Avenger seeing as she exclusively worked under Bruce, but as time passed and relationships grew, Y/N found herself being a helping hand to everyone. If you took a look at her you'd never think of her as someone who had a career in science. That's why Y/N loved her chosen lifestyle, she was always surprising people, and she, herself loved surprises, and ever since she started working at the compound her life seemed to be even more full of them. But the greatest surprise came in the form of one James Buchanan Barnes.
She of course knew who he was, or more specifically who he had been. Upon being employed, Y/N was given a briefing on everyone who held a high position at the compound, which mostly consisted of the Avengers and a few select others, like Fury and Agent Hill. So of course she knew all about him, or more specifically, what she was allowed at that moment to know. She had been told of his past. His service to the army during the Second World War, his supposed death due to falling of a train, the years he spent being tortured by HYDRA, the atrocities he was made to commit while he was under control as the Winter Soldier. But if you asked her honestly she could care less about it. She was told he was a changed man, and she fully believed it, even if others that had known him longer still didn't.
When she finally saw him face to face she was a bit taken aback. You could tell he had been through a lot. His eyes gave it away. She could also tell he was an attractive man, under the unkempt long hair and slight beard he seemed to have. He was big, way more than her, the years of work and service evident in his body. She of course was also quite taken by the metal arm he sported. It was not the same one he had killed with before, no this was the brand new one, provided by the Wakandans. He'd caught her gaze that day, as she gave him the once over, and when she looked up at his face again, their eyes met. What had been surprising not only to her, but also to Bucky, was that she had not looked away in embarrassment, as many would do. Y/N seemed to have gained this new found confidence right there and then because her eyes didn't stray from the soldiers blue ones at that moment.
Y/N didn't see him again until a week after. He'd changed a bit. He no longer had much of a beard as he did before, it was more of a scruff now, as if he'd let it grow lightly, but not to much that it looked bad. His hair had been trimmed too. It was still long, more neater. It reached a little above his shoulders, but below the jawline. It didn't look unkept now, it looked, softer, lighter and not as greasy as the day she had first seen him. She started seeing a lot more of him after that day, and they had begun to communicate. Sure it took a while for them to actually start having proper conversations, but no matter how small the amount of time Y/N and Bucky spent together was, she always cherished it.
She had slowly but surely begun to be enchanted by James Buchanan Barnes.
She was actually thinking about him the moment Natasha and Wanda burst into her room, going off about some party Stark was planning, involving costumes, which she reckoned had to do with Halloween which was a couple of weeks away now. She wasn't much surprised at the news of the party. It would be her first one at the compound, but she knew of Stark's love for extravagant celebrations, so she expected it.
"How exciting, you'll be experiencing your first Stark party, and lucky for you it's themed." Wanda told her with much enthusiasm, which Y/N couldn't help but smile at.
Natasha made a face, "I wouldn't go so far as to call it lucky. But don't get me wrong you'll have fun."
Y/N gave the, each a once over. The three of them had quickly become friends after she had started working and living at the compound. Being the only three women in a group made up mostly of men was sometimes overbearing, but they had each other, so they tended to stick together to make things more bearable.
"So, do you know what you'll be dressing up as?" Y/N asked.
"Don't know yet actually," Nat was the first to respond. "Might go for something simple, but sexy, y'know, show off the bod."
"You're always showing off the bod in that catsuit of yours." Y/N argued.
Nat nodded, "Yes, but this time I might get to do it as a sexy fireman or even better a sexy Avenger!"
"But you are an Avenger." Wanda butted in.
"I mean yeah, but imagine me showing up as a sexy Iron Man or a sexy Captain America. Imagine how Steve would react." All three took a moment to imagine how said scenario would go down before bursting into a fit of laughter. It would be quite comical if it were to happen, and Y/N would put it past Nat to actually dress up like that just to get a kick out of one of the guys.
"What about you Wanda, any ideas?" Y/N asked.
"Well like Nat said, I also want to do something simple. Was thinking of a witch, simple enough I only have to buy a few accessories, seeing as I have enough black clothing already." Y/N and Nat giggled lightly at that. Wanda then turned to Y/N and asked the same question.
"Oh, I don't know yet. I mean I did only just find out about it. Maybe I could do the same as Nat, dress up as one of the guys, though I'd much rather go for the normal version than the sexy one."
Nat scoffed. "You'd look great in a sexy costume, you have a great figure. Your dainty, but muscular, you got curves and a good northern and southern region."
Y/N blushed at the comment Nat made, "Look who's talking."
"Hmm I might have an idea," Nat and Y/N turned to look at her, "Y/N, didn't you use to be a dancer?"
Y/N raised her eyebrows, "Uh yeah I was, nothing professional but yeah. How did you know?"
"You must've mentioned it before or something."
"Oh." Y/N didn't recall ever telling Wanda, but she supposed it could've come up in a conversation at some point.
"You could dress up as a Ballerina. It would be perfect." Nat offered.
"You think so?"
"Yeah, no one will show up as a ballerina, because let's face it, it's not really a very Halloween-y costume, which makes it perfect seeing you will be the only one."
"Well... I still have some of my ballet costumes from my last recital which wasn't that long ago."
"See," Wanda said quickly, "you wouldn't spend any money.
"Well when you say it like that it doesn't sound so bad."
"No more arguing Y/N, you're going as a Ballerina." Nat said proudly.
"So you want me to dress up as a soldier for Stark's stupid party?" Bucky asked, "Why?"
Steve looked at Bucky as they were currently sat in front of each other in the common room. "Uh no reason, just thought it suited you."
"Why because I was a soldier?"
"Well yes, but also because I remembered that story you used to go on about back in the forties."
"The Steadfast Tin Soldier. You want me to dress up as the Steadfast Tin Soldier?" Bucky wanted to laugh. He found it quite odd that out of everything Steve could've brought up, he brought up this. The one thing Bucky had always used as a metaphor to his life.
"Well not exactly, but yes. You're not someone who tends to go all out with this sort of thing so I thought I could help, and I remembered how much you used to like the tale, so I thought I'd suggest the idea. Thought it would remind you of the good old days."
"But wouldn't I look out of place," Bucky asked, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier is a toy soldier, isn't that a little more adept to Christmas time?
"Well yea but Christmas is just around the corner from Halloween, and besides I don't think anyone will care." Steve tried to reassure him, but Bucky still looked uneasy. "Look if it really doesn't appeal to you, you can dress up with Sam and I. He's going as a bald eagle and I'm going as Uncle Sam, you could dress up as the American flag to complete our group costume."
Bucky instantly made a face. "You know I think I'd rather try my luck with the toy Soldier. Patriotism is more your and Sam's thing."
Steve smirked knowing his tactic had worked, "I'm glad to hear you say that. We'll be going to the city next week to buy the costumes."
"Alright punk."
The days came and went and before anyone knew it te day of the party was among them. Tony had scheduled it to be the weekend before Halloween. He had made it a rather private affair, inviting mostly only staff members of the compound and a select few other outsiders, but all in all it was still a grand party, but then again it was a Stark party, so it could be nothing short of grand. The party was occurring in the hall, the biggest room in the compound. It was normally used for when they had big conferences or meetings with most of the resident staff, and it was also built to be used for parties. Almost everyone was there already. Sam and Steve were currently the center of attention, with their very patriotic costume. Sam honestly looked ridiculous in the bald eagle get up, and well Steve who always seems to ooze patriotism and freedom seemed to be doing so more tonight. Natasha had indeed showed up dressed as a sexy Captain America, which had also indeed made Steve as red as a tomato for a couple of minutes. All three of them probably had the best group costume. That is until Clint and his family showed up. Clint strolled in looking as mighty as ever dressed up as Legolas. He thought he would give honor to the nickname Tony gave him, and he got a silver lining out of it as well, the greatest group costume of the night. Laura, his wife was dressed as Galadriel, while his kids were dressed up as hobbits.
Bruce showed up dresses as Albert Einstein, and he looked adorable with the big wig and bushy mustache. Wanda in the end opted to go as a fortune teller after having seen the most amazing baggy pants she had ever seen for sale at forever 21, which she matched with a black crop top she had lying around, a scarf that belonged to Y/N on her head and an about a hundred pieces of jewelry. Vision had probably gone for the simplest of costumes, deciding to just cut some holes into a sheet and go as a ghost. Rhodes was dressed in a bright purple suit with a frilly shirt, and he was sporting a wig. He was dressed as Prince, which if it wasn't already obvious, you'd get the idea after hearing him sing a horrible rendition of purple rain. And as seemed to be a recurring theme at the party, Tony and Peter also showed up in a group costume, or well a couples costume as it's technically called, but since they weren't actually a couple they decided to go with the term bro-stume, as in a costume of bros. it was obvious it had been Peter who had come up with the title. They were dressed up as Marty McFly and Doc from back to the future. Although the best costume of the night award probably had to go to Thor, who showed up dressed as a giant pop tart. Everyone knew of the love he possessed for the sweet treats, but they never thought he loved them so much he'd actually dress up as one.
Bucky was by the bar observing everything going on at the party. He had dressed up as the Toy soldier, like Steve suggested, and he honestly felt a bit ridiculous, with the big hat on his head and the obnoxious blue and red tones of the jacket. Don't even get him started on his tight white pants. The only thing about the costume Bucky was quite alright with were the black boots. It was then that the patriotic trio approached him at the bar.
"Why so glum chum?" Nat asked.
Bucky shrugged in response, "Don't know, I'm not really used to this sort of thing remember. This is my first party in over 75 years, and it's a costume one at that. Don't remember the last time I dressed up like this."
"C'mon, cheer up Buck, don't think about all that tonight, try to have fun." Steve reassured his best friend.
"Is Barnes in a funk because his sweetheart isn't here?" The four of them turned to see Tony and Peter approaching.
"What sweetheart?" Bucky asked confused.
"Oh you know, little miss lab assistant."
Peter cut in, "He means Y/N."
Bucky gave Tony a sharp look, "What makes you think she's my sweetheart, we're just friends."
"Right, just like me and Pepper are friends. Come on Barnes we all see how you look at her as if she were the last plum in the world. And I only say plum because I know you have an ungodly love for those things."
At that moment a six foot pop tart appeared, "Whats this I hear about ungodly love?"
"Oh nothing, just bothering Barnes about his school crush on Y/N." Sam explained.
"Oh I see." Thor nodded, "By the way, where is Lady Y/N, I am most excited to see her costume."
"Hmm yes, I wonder what she'll be dressed at." Tony said in a humorous tone, which earned him several pointed looks from the patriotic trio.
"Well wonder no more mister Stark, because she just arrived." Peter nodded towards the entrance closest to the bar, which also was the one that led to the private quarters of the compound.
Everyone in the small group turned to look at Y/N. Bucky's mouth hung open in shock the moment he laid eyes on her, and even the rest of them, who already knew what she would be dressed up as, did a double take at seeing her. She was wearing a white leotard, accompanied by an also white, slightly sparkly tutu that had pink details on it. Right below her shoulders she was wearing those frilly things ballerinas sometimes wear. Her legs were covered in white tights, but not the solid kind, she was wearing the see through type, the ones were you get a peek at her natural tone of skin, but it's still evident that the tights are white. She was wearing her old pair of pointe shoes, the light pink ones that matched the outfit. On the crown of her head rested a small tiara/diadem type of thing, which was rose gold in color and was adorned with fake pink and white jewels. Her Y/H/C hair fell in loose waves down her back instead of being held up in a tight bun as it is usually on a ballerina. She was wearing more make up than usual, but not a whole lot that her face looked cakey. She looked natural. She looked ethereal.
Bucky swore in that moment that she was not only the ballerina to his soldier, but that she was also an angel that may or may not have been sent to him.
As Y/N approached the group she started to blush deeply at feeling all eyes on her. She immediately started to have second thoughts on her costume. Once she was close enough to the group she dared ask the question, "Why are you all looking at me like that, is my costume bad?" In that moment everyone started talking.
"No, no you-you look beautiful doll."
"Lady Y/N, you are most divine this evening."
"The lab assistant turned into a graceful swan. Get it, swan lake reference."
"You look g-great miss Y/N, like a princess."
"Told you you had a great body."
"Hot damn girl, we need to get you out more."
"You look great Y/N"
Y/N blushed even more at all the comments, "Well thank you for the reassurance."
Everyone got quiet after that, no one daring to disrupt the awkward silence that had consumed the small group. That is until Tony opened his big smart mouth.
"Would you look at that."
Everyone turned to him, but it was Y/N that had voiced what everyone was thinking, "Look at what."
"You and Barnes."
She looked at Bucky before looking back at Tony. "What about me and Bucky?"
"I just found it funny that you're dressed as a ballerina and he's dressed up as a toy soldier." When no one said anything he continued, "You know, like that fairytale."
That's when it clicked in Y/N's mind, "Oh, you mean the Steadfast Tin Soldier?"
"Yep, that's the one" Tony quickly replied.
That's when Y/N looked over at Bucky and took in his costume. He was indeed dressed up as a toy soldier. He looked quite dashing actually. She then remembered the tale. She'd only heard it a few times before but she remembered the basic plot of it. Of how a Tin soldier had fallen in love with a ballerina. As she though more about it, she remembered more of the story, how it happened that the Tin Soldier was also missing a body part, much like Bucky. Only difference being Bucky had a metal one attached in its place. Everything had become quiet again, and it was obvious that the suddenly topic of conversation made Bucky a little tense. He didn't dare look at Y/N in fear of being judged, but contrary to his belief Y/N was quite pleased with the outcome of their accidental compatible costumes.
Y/N cleared her throat and turned to Bucky, "Say would this Tin Soldier fancy a dance, I know this ballerina does, and I don't think there is a better partner than you."
Bucky struggled to say something, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. He stood gaping at her for a few seconds before Steve lightly nudged him, "I- uh, sure doll, I'd love to." He slowly held out his flesh hand and she lightly placed hers on his. There was a drastic difference. His big, calloused, war torn hands and her small, frail soft ones. A soldier's hands and a ballerina's hands. Bucky led Y/N out to the dance floor and once they found themselves in the middle of it Bucky turned to Y/N, hesitance evident on his face. He still had her hand in his flesh one, which meant he'd have to place the metal one on Y/N's waist. He'd never touched her before with his metal limb, so Y/N guessed he was afraid to do so at the moment. She reached out and grabbed his metal wrist, and placed it tightly on her waist before inching closer and placing her hand on his shoulder.
"You won't hurt me Bucky."
"I'd never dare to doll."
A few seconds of silence loomed over them before Y/N spoke up. "It's quite funny isn't it, that our costumes relate in a way."
Bucky nodded, "Yea, you look beautiful by the way. Quite the original choice of costume."
Y/N blushed a light shade of pink, "Thank you, it wasn't my first choice but Nat and Wanda insisted on it, and now that I see the finished product I'm kind of glad they did."
That's the moment it click in Bucky's mind. Why Steve insisted on him dressing up as a soldier, Tony bringing it up right now, Nat and Wanda telling Y/N to dress up as a ballerina. They had both been played at the same time and they never noticed, and for what reason exactly Bucky didn't know. Steve knew Bucky liked Y/N, he'd accidentally let it slip one time during a run, and ifs he's being honest he's not exactly the most subtle when it comes to her, so he didn't put it past the team for noticing. He didn't know why the team went through all the trouble to try and set them up like this. Y/N had never given him a reason to believe she felt the same as he did. And even if she did , he didn't deserve her. Bucky then began to internally panic. She deserved someone better in her life, someone who was completely stable, who didn't have as rough a past as him, someone who was better than him. He stopped dancing and stepped back from her looking down at her confused features. She was about to say something but before she could he cut her off, "I'm so sorry doll, but I have to go." And with out a glance back he bolted out of the room, leaving her in the center of the room all alone. The rest of the team watched in horror as Bucky quickly left the party. None of them had expected Bucky to do that. Out of all the possible outcomes tonight could have, that one was never even considered.
"God damn it Barnes, one tries to help and you do this." Tony sighed.
"Lady Y/N looks sad."
Wanda turned to Thor, "Of course she's sad, she just got left in the middle of the dance floor by the guy she likes!"
"Frosty screwed up big time." Clint added.
While they all argued over their failed attempt at getting Y/N and Bucky together, said girl still stood in the same spot in which Bucky had left her. She still stared at the door, in hopes that this was all a joke and he'd come back. But things aren't a fairytale. And in that moment the Ballerina lost her Soldier.
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TSTS TAGS: @hadesgirl1015 @holycoldcoffee
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chibinekochan · 7 years
Hi💗I wanted to thank you for your amazing work and that I am so glad for finding your blog. This is my first request ever Could you write a fabric with MC x Jumin, where Jumin's dad doesn't approve of her first and because he thinks MC isn't enough for his son and tries to persuade him in marrying an other powerful heiress. But the plot is that MC is a trust fund kid but in an other country but she hasn't told him. I hope this is not too specific and you can change the story if you want 💗
Im glad you like my writing and I´m glad you found my little space.I´m thankful for all your support ! I know you liked a lot of thethinks I made it really means a lot to me.
Thatgoes to all of my lovely followers of course. I would benothing without you !
I´m honored to do your first request ever.
Its not too specific at all. I can picture that Sr Han is doingsomething like that.
I´ll do it as au since it would not make much sense after Juminsroute it also makes it more fun to write.
1,5k words
You had kept your upcoming as a offspring from a wealthy family asecret from the RFA. It was part of the agreement that you had withyour father. You wanted to be independent from him and from him andfrom his money. You wanted to prove him and yourself that you coulddo it without him. So you left the country and your more thensheltered life to life in Korea. It was really hard for you to getused to the commoner ways. You where more then happy that you atleast had a grandmother that lived in Korea she was the main reasonwhy you wanted to live in this country in the first place. She alwayshad told you about the country and you where eager to find out more.Of course you messed often up but you always tried your best. Youthen got leaded to the apartment from Unknown. It was easy for himsince you where naive enough to believe him.
You liked the apartment though and you had some experience withplanning partys thanks to your mother. You liked the lively people inthe RFA and you wanted to tell them the r´truth but you knew that ifyou did your father would force you to return home. It became harderby the day.
Specially after you fell in love with Jumin. You really not hadplanned to like him that much specially when he came from a richfamily himself the exact world you wanted to escape from. He feltdifferent to you though you felt a connection to him like with no oneelse. Maybe it was because you both where that similar. Your feelingsonly grew after you met on the RFA party. You kept on calling eachother when times got hard and before you knew it you wanted to meetmore and more. You knew you should tell Jumin the truth even whenthat would mean that you eventually had to return back home. It madeyour heart feel heavy but you not wanted to lie to Jumin.
Then one day in the chat he told everyone about the plans his fatherhad for Jumin. It was so bad to hear that he was suppose to marry awoman that he not loved and on top of that you secretly regrettedthat you not told Jumin earlier that you are also have a wealthybackground.
You thought that if Sr. Han knew that your family was rich he wouldnot oppose it but to say it now of all times was also not right toyou. If Jumin thought that you where just after his money or hisstatus that would be very awful to you.
What could you do though lie or tell the truth and risk yourrelationship ?
You had a hard time to figure it out you seek guidance from yourgrandmother she always was wise in such situations. This time she gotkind of angry at you though. Since she really not liked it that youkept it hidden for so long that you where in love. You feel terribleabout that. Then she tells you that you need to follow your heart andthat she would take care of your father in worse case scenario afterall you are an adult and she would be their to support you no matterwhat.
You are glad about that and you plan to tell Jumin the truth afterall he been really open about everything with you. You call him andask if you can come over. Jumin has nothing against it since hewanted to talk to anyway about the engagement that he not even agreedto.
You end up talking about Jumin´s  feelings about this wholeengagement think and he really does not like that. He talks about howhis father just decided that without him and he is strongly againstit. You know how he feels your father was also ever like that to you.
Jumin really dislikes it how his father tries to persuade him and youagree with him you really not want him to marry anyone that he doesnot love. Jumin then asks you what you have on your mind since itsounded really important to him but just when you want to tell himeverything his father calls him and tells Jumin that there is aImportant Business party in the evening and Jumin needed to attend toit. You where worried about it and Jumin not wanted to go either. Henot really had a  choice it sounded really important so he asked youto come with him. You could talk at the way their if you wanted to.You where surprised by his sudden invitation and where wondering ifit really was okay for you to join Jumin like that.
He said that he wanted you to come along since he had the feelingthat his father was planning something and he wanted you to be theirto support him. You agreed even when you where not sure how yousuppose to keep your calm if his father really planned on somethinglike to announce the engagement to the public. You where afraid ofthat moment.
You arrived with him at the very extravagant party it looked way tofancy to be a simple business party it looked like your fears wouldcome true. You where afraid of the announcement of Jumins engagementhow would he react to it if his father would tell it to the wholeworld in all public?
Your heart was pounding. Jumin introduced you to his father who waspleased to meet you but he did not like the fact that Jumin broughtyou to this party. He wanted Jumin to meet the woman who he hadchosen once again even when Jumin always disagreed on it. His fatherhad invited her too and it was the exact kind of woman that Jumindisliked. She was like all these people that you knew too goodyourself. It made you mad that Jumin was suppose to marry that kindof woman. Just for her money too it was terrible. You where sighinglightly at the woman her presence took your energy away. You justwanted to get out of the awkward situation.
You excused yourself to the bathroom. You hated this whole situationso much why couldn´t you just tell Sr. Han that if he is looking forsomeone with money he could just let you marry Jumin too. You couldat least make him happy. You where quietly scolding yourself forbeing that weak.
If you only could tell Jumin the truth then this whole situationcould had been avoided. No that was really not the right thing tofocus on. You where sighing and prepared yourself mentally for thenext round.
When you looked up you saw Jumin right in front of you. You panicked, did he heard what you where just saying ? You where praying that hedid not. “You really should tell me the truth I thought you trustme by now.” Jumin looked really sad. “I do I really wanted totell you  but if I do then I will have to leave…”You wherelooking down to the ground. “If it´s about your father I´malready aware of that situation.” Jumin looked at you and you wherereally surprised. “You knew … but how and since when ?” Youcould not believe your ears. “707 found it out right after youjoined I found it out after the first party. 707 told us all to keepquiet so we would not loose you.” Jumin sounded extremely calm. Howcould he be that calm about the truth that you kept hidden for solong ? “So all of you knew this the entire time ? But why are youtelling me that now ?” You where more then confused. “As I saidwe not wanted to risk that we loose you or that we destroy yourfuture by forcing you to stay.” Jumin came closer to you and youfelt your heart was pounding. “And the reason why I tell you thisnow is because it does not matter  to me I really love you for whoyou are I never cared about the money that your family has.” Juminlooked deep into your eyes and you where blushing. “I love you tooJumin and I am sorry that I not told you this earlier.” You stillfelt extremely guilty about this. “I know you wanted to tell methis you where trying it a few times  when I recall it right.”Jumin was smiling slightly. You where nodding and it was reallyembarrassing. “You don´t need to worry about this woman either Itold my father that I already choose who I marry and that is ofcourse you. I know you might need some time to think about it andthis is not the proper place to do so but I will diffidently marryyou no matter what.”  Jumin left that statement and then turnedaround and walked back to the party before you could give him anyreplay.
End note : This turned into a very cliche romance movie or soap operaso its still Jumins route.
That is how you get someone to marry you the Han way -!
Takea look at my Masterlistmy requests are open so drop by !
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