#will probably make a part 2
galacticspaceguy · 2 years
I, am cringe. But I am free.
It was finally the day. This wasn't what Soundwave would have ever dreamed of happening.
Soundwave was never one for showing his emotions, masking his feelings was so much better. But as of recently, he almost entirely let himself go. His spark fluttered in ways he was unfamiliar with.
He remembered these feelings as slight notions he felt towards his ex-leader.
He was never like this with Megatron. This is so much more.
He looked over himself one last time. Nothing changed much. Except for the excessive gold that draped over his shoulders, waists and arms, and a purple cape, with the Decepticon insignia on it in a brighter purple.
Most of this was Starscream’s idea. But… Soundwave supposed he didn’t mind. Plus, Soundwave had his own surprise for the ceremony.
“SOUNDWAVE!!” Frenzy bursted into his room.
“Frenzy?” Soundwave was starting to finally use his actual voice after centuries.
“We’re starting- Woah.” Frenzy stopped and stared.
“Did I mess something up!? I knew something looked off-“
“You look so good!” Frenzy screamed. She ran up and grabbed Soundwave’s hand. “Now let’s go, your future conjunx Endura awaits!”
“You finally approve of me and Starscream’s relationship?” Soundwave lightened up. Perhaps there was hope-
“Haha! No.” Frenzy scowled. “But Starscream is gonna let me play my guitar, so…”
“Of course he did.” Soundwave sighed.
The Nemesis was beautiful. Rows of Decepticon flags were hanged up. There was energon, music, and a crowd of happy Decepticons.
Either they came because there was energon, or because no one has seen a proper bonding since the early parts of the war, where young bots and cons were ready to get their sparks tied before death got to them first.
Everyone went silent when old Cybertronian music started picking up, Frenzy’s guitar playing in soft rifts. All eyes were on Soundwave. Then the door on the other side of the room opened. Starscream stepped out, wearing gold and a cape similar to Soundwave’s, with the addition of a gold crown, with one big red jewel on its crest.
The Decepticon’s parted, making a clear path for the two. They were the envy of all. When they had finally met in the middle, their hands roughly held the others, not wanting to let go. It almost felt surreal.
Soundwave took in every bit of Starscream’s beauty. From the slight makeup to the polished paint.
“You look beautiful.” Soundwave whispered.
“Look who’s talking.” Starscream smirked, leaning in ever so slightly.
Starscream and Soundwave had already gone through most of the conjunx rituals, the four ceremonial acts that made them whole.
Now this would make it more publicity official.
They just had to finish the “Act of Devotion” showing off the admiration and desire they held for one another. Though Starscream had a few sincere words to say, Soundwave had something more planned.
They stood on a higher platform, next to the control panels and the warships screens.
They looked out at their people.
Time to start the ceremony.
It was the dead of night. They planned to sneak onto the Nemesis and recapture all the Decepticons that had escaped Ghost’s prisons. Optimus picked up a few more Autobots for the mission, but they were a small force against the Cons, even with Ghost’s forces right behind them.
“Megatron, are you certain?” Optimus knelt down beside him. “That’s about a few hundred Decepticons in that ship.”
“This will work.” It has to. “If we keep holding off to recapture those cons, the more we put this town, this planet, in danger.”
“We are putting ourselves, and these humans, in danger.” Optimus glanced towards the dozens of humans in black vans behind them.
“We have to do this.” Megatron was stubborn. Optimus sighed, walking away.
“Besides, they’re under Starscream’s command, how bad could it be?” Megatron called out after him. Joking even though Megatron was also doubting himself.
This has to work. And it will.
They approached the Nemesis, human forces surrounding it. The Autobots were planning an attack from above, managing to get onto the Nemesis’s roof.
“Is this a good idea?” Arcee whispered.
“Of course it is. No one will know we’re up here.” Megatron replied, coming off ruder than he anticipated.
“You didn’t install a defense mechanism for your warship's roof!?” Elita yelled, (quietly)
“I never needed too. I didn’t think you’d Autobots were that insane.” Megatron looked back at them.
“So you admit this plan is insane?” Bumblebee butted in.
Megatron rolled his eyes and sighed angrily. He stopped when he reached the far end of the metal roof.
“This is the main deck.”
Elita started to tear at the metal roofing.
Oh no. Megatron should’ve repaired his ship after that meteor shower 3 thousand years ago.
Soundwave was ready to break the oath. The oath of never showing his face again. Being a spy meant giving up a lot of things. But he isn’t anyone’s spy anymore. The ceremony was almost over, then Starscream and Soundwave would connect their sparks in private to finish the ritual. Soundwave ran a hand over Starscream’s chest.
It was all so perfect. Until they heard an explosion from the ceiling.
Multiple Autobots fell from the ceiling. They grunted and groaned as they got up. Among them was Megatron.
Soundwave’s visior would have cracked right then and there. His fists tightened, almost blowing up that dragged right here and now.
“Wha…” Megatron gained back his grip on reality, quickly firing up his fusion cannon. He looked around the room, then his gaze landed on Soundwave and Starscream.
“Is this a Conjunx ceremony?” Megatron muttered, asking, not just stating facts.
Soundwave wanted to cuss, scream, and attack, but Starscream was already getting to that.
“Must you Autobots ruin everything!?”
The rest of the Autobots had adjusted already.
“Never took you for the settling down type, Screamer-“ Elita started, then noticed Megatron. His eyes showed hurt as his fusion cannon lowered.
“Let’s finish this now, Cons!” Bumblebee said, charismatically.
“Decepticons! Attack- “ Starscream started to scream out orders, before Soundwave stopped him, Soundwave’s hand landing on his chest.
Soundwave looked at Megatron. Behind the mask there was hate in Soundwave’s eyes.
They were over.
Soundwave pulled Starscream in, catching him in a dip.
A collective gasp was let out by everyone, even Starscream, as Soundwave’s mask unhitched. Soundwave’s blue eyes locked with Starscream’s red ones.
In a moment Soundwave locked Starscream in a kiss. Their sparks flowed with a vibrant blue, interlocking with each other. That was about half the deed to be done.
Soundwave pulled a shaken Starscream up.
“Now, you may attack.”
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mxtxmusings · 2 years
svsss characters as the menu characters
so i just watched the movie last night and was thinking about the vibes so that’s what we’re going to be doing today!! this is literally so random but i had thoughts
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chef slowik: bingge
like it’s the version of him that’s no longer innocent yknow
he’s had the world thrown at him, he’s lost so much, and gone so cold
in both cases, they rose to the top but they no longer find joy in a position that they yearned for
and when he does latch onto any sort of salvation (in chef slowik’s case the menu and in bingge’s case revenge), they basically discard all of their humanity and pursue their goals to the point of obsession
also both crazy talented and have an odd relationship with the person who helped get them to the position they’re in (aka lillian bloom and mobei jun)
and they can both cook!!!!
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margot: shen yuan
both outsiders to this world
not willing to play by the rules of the game (margot by not eating the food and shen yuan by not following the plot)
both hiding their true identities (margot is not name margot and shen yuan is pretending to be shen qingqiu)
and while hiding their identities, they’re put in life threatening situations that are not their own fault (shen yuan just being thrust into the cultivation world and margot being brought to hawthorn)
also they’re the main characters LMFAO
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tyler: shang qinghua aka airplane bro!!!!
i mean this part basically writes itself
seems like a normal dude, kind of really a loser
has a questionable relationship with margot aka shen yuan
kind of playing both sides but ends up being played by both sides
honestly a little pathetic but i mean that in the most endearing way possible for sqh and the worst way possible for tyler
lowkey orchestrated this whole thing but not in full control
also i think these 2 are the only people who would be willing to die for their craft in this way (even though tyler can’t cook)
they’re giving rat vibes
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elsa: huan hua palace sect master
essentially a yes man/servant to chef slowik or luo bingge
eventually gets discarded in the end when he’s no longer needed
follows their master blindly and gets upset when others don’t
also a little weird but that’s everyone so fair enough
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nooooough · 2 years
Hollow knight bosses with Ut/Dr themes
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graphicsubset29 · 6 months
Henry Emily: The Cleanser
Henry took a large huff from his lit cigarette before letting out a stream of smoke for a few seconds. He was leaning on the wall at the front of the restaurant, waiting to see if the night guard would come unlock the front door before officially clocking out of his shift. Henry could have just unlocked the door himself, as he did have the key for it being the unfortunate owner of the building and all. However, he found that waiting here was a surefire way to discover if the worker was still here. If he was, then it'd be a pat on the back for a good night's of work and then telling them to skedaddle. If not? Then he would like to have the car parked next to the backstage staff door before really starting the clean-up. He gave as a sigh as he leaned off the wall and looked at his wristwatch, which read 6:08. He learned to give them some time after their shift ended, as not everyone could exactly brush off something as unfortunate as a shift at this hell site, but he also knew when they were taking too long. Sadly, this night guard fell into the latter category.
Henry walked back to his car and drove it to the side of the building, reverse parking it near the door so the car's trunk was facing the exit. It was unfortunate what fate had likely befallen them, as he honestly would have preferred if they had made a large dramatic show of quitting their job rather than being subjected to this. He turned the car off and opened the trunk, making sure enough room was available so an animatronic suit could fit inside. Satisfied with the available room, he walked over to the staff door and unlocked it before making his way inside. He had to be quick. He only had so much time before the morning shift would arrive at the scene.
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deadghosy · 3 months
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Teddy, a nickname you call Theodore nott. A Slytherin boy who seemed to have girls hooked on him for his handsome looks and dead eyes. Usually you didn’t see the catch at all. Probably because you’re his best friend. Aside from all that, Theodore is mostly seen around you. Behind you, from your left to your right. Hell even in front of you when talking.
That glint his eyes always appear when you’re talking to him. He always seemed like you were the only person there. And he liked that. He liked how you rant about your days, rant about your hyper fixations. Just anything. Your voice was like music, it helps him focus on the only thing important. You. Right as now Theodore was staring at you from afar. You were talking to your friend. He smiled while wobbling his head a little. God you were so beautiful from afar even, like a renaissance painting.
“Mate, you’re staring at them again..” mattheo said elbowing the tall Slytherin out of his daydream. Theodore pushed Mattheo from him. “I know that…” he says with a grumble. Mattheo snickered, “when are you gonna stop being a wuss and ask them out already. I heard a ravenclaw was gonna ask them out later today.” Theodore narrowed his eyes at his other best friend who seemed to just grin. “You’re lying aren’t you?” He asked looking at the riddle. “Riddle me this Theodore. Do you wanna get to them first, or let some raven do it for you.”
The tension was now evident as Theo shuffled a little on his feet. Mattheo had a serious look while lighting up as cigarette. “Cmon bud, it ain’t that hard.”
But it was.
Theodore couldn’t rest in 2 nights thinking about you getting asked out by another person. The thought of you just being with someone made his stomach bubble and sick. He wanted to just throw these feelings away. What if you don’t like him. He couldn’t do this. He sat up in his bed and pushed his hair back breathing a little heavy. The room was so quiet he could hear his heartbeat. He could even fucking feel it beating. “Mattheo..” Mattheo snores in response. Theodore says the boy’s name a little louder only to hear another snore. “Mattheo!” That’s when Theodore thrown a pillow at him starting the poor riddle awake. “ADVA- WHAT WHAT?? What’s going on mate??” He says disoriented after realizing it was just Theodore who woke him up. “Who’s the ravenclaw going to ask out Y/N??” Mattheo immediately groaned. “I was lying..now let me sleep.” Mattheo immediately and indeed go back to sleep while Theodore sighed in relief. Now he knows he had to do something quick.
So the best thing to do was get you alone with him so he can confess. It was casual for him to be with you when walking to class, so why stop there. As you were talking about your day. You called him that name again. “Teddy.” It seemed to give him an idea as he just smiled listening to you. “So you found her a gift? And you’re gonna confess to her, with the gift?” Mattheo asked looking at a brown teddy that had a Slytherin uniform and a wand. “Sì.” “Dude…this might work.” Mattheo smiled patting the taller Slytherin in his shoulder. “I just hope they like it…” “they will.”
After getting hyped up by his wing man, he walked to your dorm where he knew you were studying. He took a deep in before knocking, patiently waiting he heard footsteps. That’s when the door open for him to see the most beautiful thing to live on earth. You were smiling seeing him. “Teddy!” You hugged him around his neck. His one arm wrapping it self around you as his other was holding the bear. “Heyyy tesoro.” You let him in your dorm. He took every scent that was yours as it was around the dorm of yours. “Omg Theo you would not believe the tea I heard today.” He chuckled sitting on your bed, still hiding the teddy as you ranted about how some girl in the ravenclaw house has started to date some gryffindor. You explained how the relationship was actually toxic in the end. As you moved to sit next to Nott, that’s when he showed you the teddy bear.
“Here…” he says with a slight smile. You immediately smile with a flustered look. “Aww..thank you..I love this.” You looked up to Nott who was staring at you with admiration in his eyes. “Why..did you give me this?” You say with a look in your eyes. “It’s just..I, I always wanted to give you something. You told me how not much people in your life has given you a gift..” your heart started to melt as he continued talking. “And since you call me Teddy at times, why not buy you a teddy.” Immediately Theodore held your hand. “But really, I want to say is I love you.” Your eyes widen, your heart started to pound. You didn’t expect this. You had always fell inlove with Theodore when you two were in first year. But to now hear that he likes you too felt like a dream.
“Every time you talk. It’s like music to me, you make me feel as if I’m home. Your beauty strikes me every time I look at you, my heart…stops. Every single time cause you take my breath away.” He says to you. Your eyes water with a soft smile. You immediately put the teddy bear down and hug Theodore. Theodore froze for a second before hugging you close to his body. It was like you two were pieces of puzzle put together once again. “Thank you for the teddy, teddy.” “No problem amore mio.”
He’s your teddy after all…
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maxpawb · 1 year
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something happened to me on that day
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soybean-official · 1 month
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Compiled the Disco Elysium style MGS2 portraits into 1 post!
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I miss the Kris Where Are We memes I haven’t seen them in a while bring them back
(a Little Silly about my font mishaps under the cut)
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I hate figuring out fonts bro why is text always so hard for me to navigate in art programs????
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reds-skull · 1 year
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(continuation of this)
Okay maybe I lied Soap won't be fine by the time Ghost is done with him
[edit: text bubbles are bigger for better visibility]
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gaffney · 3 days
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THE KARATE KID (1984) / COBRA KAI (2018-2025)
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sf3uuf · 1 month
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I've been thinking about JJBA again...
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spenglerstwinkie · 4 months
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30 days to train aka 30 days for kars to cyber bully joseph
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faerieostara · 9 months
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Hope you guys had a good Christmas! This started off as a doodle of Mary as the Ghost of Christmas Present but I decided to add onto it with a couple other managers. Anyways, Happy Holidays!
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northern-passage · 1 month
a little update.. what i'm working on/prologue changes so far:
no prologue! it’s chapter 1 now
removed the option to leave clementine behind. you have to take them with you :3c
removed height options (sorry!)
in general, edited the cc to flow better
combat preferences have been adjusted-- all still the same but i've made it more obvious how each specialty works mechanically which will hopefully make fights more intuitive to win (or lose, if you want)
genderlocked the sibling. officially a Sister
edited a LOT of dialogue; hopefully it's an improvement and feels more natural
restructured the wraith fight so that it's consistent with the fight in blackwater. with the changes made to the combat preferences this should make the combat system overall cohesive now <- i'm still working on this currently but i am HOPING to finish it by the end of this month.
i have pretty much rewritten the entire prologue. wasn't my plan at the start but here we are... so things are quite different. but also the same. i also streamlined a lot of the choices & branches and cut/combined ones that i felt were just excessive.
i plan to update once i've finished making & importing these changes, and i will probably limit the demo to chapter 1 (previously the prologue) until i get through and edit chapter 2 (previously chapter 1) because i really don't want to have the demo be inconsistent for however long it takes me to get through the next edits. hopefully this will not take that long, and then i'll put chapter 2 & and part 1/what's already been published of chapter 3 back up. and then!!! i will move on to finishing chapter 3.
i know this probably isn't the update you all were hoping for but i'm excited for the next steps with tnp :-)
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accirax · 7 days
with many people speculating that the identity of the culprit will finally come to light next episode and many theories running abound, i'd like to make a masterlist of all of the theories people have written out guessing who the culprit will be. that includes the main murder of Arei, the attempt on Ace, and any theories synthesizing the two. i think it would be fun to read up on before the episode, and fun to look back at once all is said and done :D
so, if you've made a theory speculating about the murder, please leave a comment on this post (preferably with a link to the theory)! i'll only be adding the theories of those who comment on the post, just so that i don't accidentally make anyone feel excluded/highlight someone's post that doesn't want to be shouted out.
all i ask is that you only submit whatever the most current version of your theory per character/combination of characters. for instance, if you wrote a theory based on the evidence from part 1, but wrote a new version taking into account what happened in episode 12 or 13, i'm only going to add the newer one. if you only have a version from part 1, though, that's fine!
(also, for all theoretical theorists out there, a reminder that i made an episode guide that breaks down all the episodes into easier-to-find sections. i just updated it for 2-13!)
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lunarharp · 1 year
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if i just told you i love you would this world change
#witch hat tag#orufrey#these kinda suck lol i feel like i cant draw right now *irritated sigh* BUT I FEEL EMOTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#if you are gay go watch good omens season 2 right now. NO YOU DONT KNOW THO!!!!!!!!!#i know being this affected by good omens is probably cringe. I dont care any more. the last 1 minute of good omens season 2 was#some of the most affecting acting i've ever seen in my life. sometimes someone acts with the force as if their entire career led to that#like during the credits part the very end im not even talking about before that. holy god#aziraphale i know everything about you. i know what you are feeling right now. i can see everything on your face. we're going to make it#ER.... NOT THAT THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS POST. IT'S NOT SPOILERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!#I JUST FEEL THOROUGHLY CHANGED !!!!!!!!!!! SHIT GETS REAL FROM NOW ON.. LIKE IN GENERAL! IN MY LIFE!#tormented gay love tormented gay love TORMENTED GAY LOVE TORMENTED GAY LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#btw the first 3 images were drawn earlier with an entirely different feeling and an entirely different mood.#Why do you keep pulling away from me?#It is because i love you that i do this#the lyrics from one of my japanese orufrey songs (A SONG THAT THE CREATOR LISTENS TO!!!!) led to feelings#“あなたが知らない私を残さず見ててほしいの” but i'm not translating it cause it just sounds weird. if with his eyes oru's asking “WHY don't you want#to let me in? to see all of you?“ those lyrics are like ”I actually want you to see every last bit of the parts of me you don't know“#oru you have no idea how much i want to lay bare my whole soul for you#maybe it's an alternate version of chapter 40. to me#i need to draw something really fucking good or i'm not going to forgive myself. i will not rest in this life#until i have made the orufrey that fully satisfies me nor until i have seen what the manga is leading to#NO STORY MEANS ANYTHING WITHOUT TORMENTED GAY LOVE AT THE HEART OF IT. THATS THE HEART OF THIS WORLD!!!!!#........... so Hi im normal :) haha *goes and finally makes breakfast*
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