zoologica42 · 3 months
Temperate Lake Dashboard Simulator
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🐦‍⬛2xcrested_cormorant Follow Going to try and eat this weird fish
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♻️🐦‍⬛2xcrested_cormorant Follow wilmdlife hopital
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🐸rana-bufo Follow No one can ever truly understand what BULL4rog's music means to me 😭 this song in particular argrgrgrgrgrg the way he puffs out his vocal sack asdfghjk
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BULL4rog: listen here on spotify ♻️🐸rana-bufo Follow I think I huave chytrid
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🐟ilikeeatingminnowsFollow I just migrated here from finstagram please be nice
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🐠powerbottomfeeder Follow
I have HAD IT with this lake, it’s the third day in a row we’ve had nitrates above 8 ppm and uug the algae, my allergies I can’t do this
♻️🐟carpy-diem Follow
Lol we regularly get nitrates up to 20 ppm in my lake ♻️🦞crawdaddy Follow uhhh you shouldn't be bragging about that, it's really unsafe ♻️🐟carpy-diem Follow suck it you little oligotrophic bitch
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🐢snappturt Follow Dear Tumblr, am I the Basshole for the way I catch minnows? I was chatting with some of the guys I bask with and they said the way I catch minnows is problematic; What I do is I sit on the bottom of the lake, I hide myself in the mud and I open my mouth. My tongue looks a lot like a little worm so I wiggle it around- and because of that, minnows swim over and check it out. Once they get close enough, then I bite down and eat them. Some of my rockmates have told me that this is manipulative and toxic behavior- but they also eat minnows...I don't know guys...
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🦆tree hole-nester-acorn-eater Follow
is it just me, or is this super homoerotic???
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🐟bigpikexxl Follow liveblogging diving down to the bottom
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow dark
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow big log
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow rock
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow kinda cold
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow oh hi @deepwatersculpin!!!
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♻️🐠deepwatersculpin Follow oh hey @bigpikexxl!!!
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never thought i'd seen one of my mutuals irl!!! I didn't even know we lived in the same lake!!!
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🐠Shadlad Follow I'm not sorry, and I'm not afraid to say it, if you're an introduced species, go dry yourself out. You're not welcome to eat up all of our resources and live in my ancestral longs and rock crags. These things are for us to relate to and not for you to squander.
♻️🦞crevice-steve Follow
Can't believe this type of fishcourse is still popular on this site, introduced species didn't choose to be introduced and have as much of a right to live as anyone else. Bigotry against introduced species is still bigotry and that's a hill I will dry on. ♻️🐠Shadlad Follow Go ahead, dry yourself out then ;) ♻️🪷nootnootnewt Follow Hey man, I hate invasive species as much as anyone else but please stop telling people to beach themselves for political reasons- yeah that includes inavsives too ♻️🦐typical_scud Follow Did you legit just use the word Invas*ve to describe introduced species? ♻️🦢flatfootswimmer Follow anyone in this thread eat pondweed?
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♻️🐟largemouthbASS Follow A colab with my mutual @2xcrested_cormorant after they got released from the wildlife hospital. They haven't been on much since the Fish and Wildlife Service released them in the wrong lake and it took them a while to get back to their colony. We hope this guide will help you avoid accidentally eating/engaging with bait!
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dementedspeedster · 9 months
Deb's perched on Thad's couch, a cat on her lap with a pink ribbon tied around it's neck. "So, I know you mentioned wanting a cat, so I got you one for Christmas. Don't worry, her shots are all up to date and I got her micro-chipped and all the supplies you need for her." Don't mind the pile of wrapped cat toys, bedding, and food in the corner.
The next comment she knows he's going to screech at and say she shouldn't. But really, it's too late and she wanted to, so he's just going to have to deal with it. "I also paid your rent for the next six-months. Merry Christmas, Thad. I love you, I hope you know and wouldn't trade your friendship for the world."
Christmas || @deborahmorgna
Thad's speechless when he sees Deb and the cat on his couch. At first he was going to lecture her about getting more pets when she already had Boots and Poncho to care for, but when she mentions it's for him all words leave him and the surprise is clear on his face.
"I really wished you would have asked me before you got me a pet. Or paid my rent. You know I say a lot of crazy things when I want things."
He takes the little kitten from her and holds them in his hands. The little black kitten squirms and nips at his fingers and he can't help but smile. It's small, warm, so full of life, and care free. It was certainly unlike him.
"But thank you, Deb. I really appreciate it. Really. And Merry Christmas to you too. I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything at all either."
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silviakundera · 6 months
The Spirealm episode 7 reaction
fair warning: in these episode reactions I'm not gonna pretend I haven't read the novel. in fact, I purposely finished the novel before viewing, to get The Full Experience. thus novel spoilers, including twist end, included.
I feel like the drama has made LQ much more empathetic and also a bit more clever & assertive (vs reactive) than in the novel.
I think there are 2 reasons for this:
One has to do with theories on the ultimate narrative thread, so I won't dive into this yet, other than to note that repeatedly we see LQ connecting to the emotions of NPCs and inspiring the group to solving situations by treating NPCs as people.
The other is that in a live drama you miss the humor and subversion of expectations in the protagonist's inner thoughts. The cold distance and lack of curiosity (and how that all perversely ends up making him better at the game) is very difficult to effectively portray in a drama without a frequent VO (voice over). So they decided to go a different way, while still trying to stay true to the heart of the character.
Anyway, we get our proof that LQ never believed RN's excuses in the last episode that he didn't show up to this door just for LQ. When there are minutes left and he thinks they might be done for, LQ's move is to turn to the man who wants to be his partner and simply says, "I'm sorry."
"This is my door. It has nothing to do with you. You came because of me."
RN's silent pause speaks for itself, though he offers comfort with, "...Not entirely because of you."
"What a pity I haven't joined Obsidian yet" is like code for SO MUCH" (too bad we didn't get more time to know each other)(i regret not getting a chance to truly start a friendship)(unexplored gay longing)
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lol while they're having A Moment, miss Best Actress leverages her single status to rise above the moment and actually throw out a solution!
(this whole bit reminded me of how in the novel, other characters would often be like wtf we're all gonna die, I'm in hell, so why am I having to eat all this dog food asdfghjk just disgusted at all these touching couple-ish moments RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR SALAD during mortal peril)
Ruan Nanzhu stepping up to get dangerous 🔥
More pathos, as the drama lays the groundwork of seeing the NPCs as deserving of compassion and having feelings 🤔
The necklace again, this time without protest.
"It looks good on you."
"See you at Obsidian."
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(we get a scene after they leave that is VERY INTERESTING to me, in context of the novel's ending - in the climax, LQ is presented with a version of reality where everyone he'd seen suffer in the doors is there and all of the dead resurrected... and here is a vision where the tragedy has been wiped clean) (just makes me think again of the ultimate question, is this is indeed a virtual existence of personified data, true AI, or the supernatural 12th Door)
Another quick glimpse into the door exploring competitor X. Blah blah we think we are very important.
LMAO RN still tempts him into moving in with Chestnut's affections 😂😭
To be fair, that is an incredibly fluffy and cute cat. I too WANT TO PET.
Ok so now they establish that the doors can be months and years apart. I liked this bit in the novel, as the doors allow you to cheat or at least delay death. So as you pass them, the more difficulty the bigger the reward - reward being TIME. (the most precious item of all)
"My cat is quite close to you."
"What's yours is mine. What's mine.... is still mine." 😏
Can we stop the tyranny of iqiyi subs not displaying "Ge", especially when it literally is a discussion point?! He's saying don't call me Ruan-Ge, not don't call me Ruan!!!! 😤
Then the first moment of Lin Quishi seeing that RN is Can Be Hurt and being confronted with the difficulty level of the 6+ doors. RN declined LQ's offer to accompany him and now his door companion is dead.
Ah, competitors X are at it again. The drama really feels like audience needs an external antagonist. Not sure I agree but whatever.
Now LQ, like in the novel, is feeling protective and doesn't want a recovering RN coming with him to the next door.
lmao they've become Those People who gravitate to each other. Whole house of people and LQ is the one hanging out at his bedside and helping him down the stairs.
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Cheng Yixie to Cheng Qianli: "If I cared about other people's lives, yours would already be over." (This hits different for novel readers.)
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
Do you have a Team JNRZ meet Team JNPR snip somewhere?
Surprisingly, no!
JNPR Jaune: Atlas huh? Did you go there for the weather or something?
JNRZ Jaune: *Sighs* It's... complicated. How is Beacon by the way? Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to go there originally.
JNPR Jaune: It's... complicated. But luckily I've got my team with me. They've been incredibly supportive since I've spilled the beans on the transcripts.
JNRZ Jaune: ASDFGHJK! What?! You've told them about the transcripts?!
JNPR Jaune: Yeah? Has your team not found out yet?
JNRZ Jaune: NO! How long did you wait before telling them?!
JNPR Jaune: Like... two weeks?
Neon: OMG! The Pyrrha Nikos!? Wow, your Jaune really won the lottery getting a partner like you!
Pyrrha: Oh I wouldn't say that. In fact, you could say I skewed the odds into my favor.
Neon: Skewed the odds?? Wait, so you made sure Jaune was your partner? After you just met? Why?
Pyrrha: W-Well, there's no real reason. It's just he caught my interest-
Neon: *GASSSSPPPP* Shut. UP! You're crushing on Blondie?!
Pyrrha: *Deep Blush* H-Huh? No! I wouldn't say crush, it's more of a-a fondness! Yes, a fondness! H-he's just really the first person that's ever treated me differently.
Neon: Huphuphup! Say no more. As Blondie's interdimensional wing woman, it is now my goal to get you some of that Cute Arc Ass. By the time we're done, you're gonna be promoted from partner to Mommy~
Pyrrha: *Even deeper blush* I-I'm sorry!?
Reese: You like blowing up shit too?!
Nora: Heck YES I do! Do you like pancakes?!
Reese: PFFT! It's only the greatest breakfast food ever made besides left over pizza! Ok, on the count of three, say the first thing that comes to your mind. 1... 2... 3...
Reese/Nora: PRANK WAR!
Nora: Did we just become best friends?
Reese: Hell yeah we did! You wanna go prank Cardin till he cries?
Nora: *sniffs* I thought you'd never ask.
May:... So are we just the quiet ones then?
Ren: ... I guess if we had to put a label on it, yes.
May: ...
Ren: ... This is the most peace I've had in months.
May: I know, I love it. Do you want to get some tea and listen to quiet jazz?
Ren: Oh gods yes please.
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thingsthatbleedfic · 2 years
First, I wanna say that I absolutely love this fic. Chapter one and I'm already done for, hook line and sinker. The relationship between Alex and Danny that we've seen so far is both intriguing and endearing. I love how Alex just kind of coaches Danny through how to blend in, in a public space. It's just plain charming.
This fic hasn't even been out long and I've already re-read it multiple times
Just one chapter and I'm already obsessed. Hook, line and sinker doesn't even cover it. It's an incredible way to start the fic, just everything you guys have done. I can't wait to read more. I love the found family trope and to see this trio with that tag.. I just love it. I'm at the edge of my seat and can't wait to see more of Yassen interacting with the two.
I was also wondering though, from what you've said it sounds like you guys have made a lot of progress with this fic before you posted the first chapter. Maybe even finished it. So, I was wondering, if that's really the case, are you planning on posting on a schedule?
Sorry if that's rude 😅 I'm not trying to be
Thank you so much from all three of us! We were so happy to get this ask you have no idea asdfghjk We’ve been excited about this project for SO long, and so being able to share it and have people already, just with chapter one, be as excited as we are is unbelievably rewarding. 
One of the most exciting aspects of this project is the difference in life experience and skills. Alex coming from an intelligence background means he has so many practical skills that Danny just,,,, does not have. As I’m sure you’ve guessed, given the found family tag, the story is so central to the three of them and how their relationship to each other develops all while dealing with these large and dangerous life circumstances.  
Also, you’re right! We’ve made a decent amount of progress on the fic! While we started talking about this fic idea in November last year, we were in planning and concept stages for about four months before we made the official document and began writing in February of this year. 
However, good news and bad news I guess, depending on how you look at this, we are nowhere near finished with it! (like good lord, this is going to be a long fic.) At this point we have roughly five chapters written (still in need of further editing and streamlining). This is getting us to the middle-ish of this “arc”. My rough estimate, going by how things are progressing is going to be about 80-100k words for the first arc alone. This will be the first arc of many, and also only the first fic in a planned four part series. Our main sources of inspo for this fic are Phantom Of Truth and Shadow of a Doubt ( Series by Haiju) Of Madness and Mammals (series by Briarwitched) and The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (By pongnosis). These fics should give you an idea of how long this fic will run.
As for posting on a schedule! At this point we don’t have a set schedule, no. We love writing this fic and are very dedicated, but we all have a lot of general life responsibilities going on that may get in the way. (We also have some other fics we are working on simultaneously) But we’ve discussed a goal of a new chapter per month, chapters so far ranging in length from 9k-11k words. So! We hope the wait is worth it!
Thank you so much for this ask! Stay tuned for more :D 
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Ooooh no!! So sorry that it's tonsilitis!! 😔 I'm glad to hear you're doing well otherwise though!! Hope you're still able to get plenty of rest and recovery in the meantime 💜
Also....yes, lots of JDM popping up lately asdfghjk 😅 No doubt more to come because:
A. Dean, of course 🐺
And B. I have my eye on a certain someone from The Walking Dead (*cough* Negan *cough*) sooooo I may end up sitting down in the next few days and slowly start working my way through the show as a result.
(He's hot and wears a leather jacket sue me)
Why am I like this? Damn these handsome older men 🤪😔
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Sorry for the late reply!! I had to be an adult and go to the chemist for antibiotics- and then I made myself nachos as a treat for being a grown up 😂
Once again you are so love, thank you ^^
Ahhhhh, you're gonna get into Negan!!? I've wanted to get onto him too! ^^ If you start posting about him I might just have to pick up on TWD where I left off!
I cannoottttttt blame you at all XD You are so right, hot and a leather jacket (orrrrr long coat) is all the criteria that is necessary 😅😅😅 Bonus points for a beard. Or tattoos. Or white hair-
Yes!! Agree!! Damn the handsome older men 😂☠️😂☠️ Haha XD
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Playlist Shuffle!!
thank u @minnarr for tagging meeee!! 💚💚💚
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
(i don't have a spotify, so i'll use the audio files i've already got downloaded on my computer, hope that's ok!! 😅)
òran a phrionnsa (the prince's ballad) by kathleen macinnes it's quite long bc it's like a romanticised story about bonnie prince charlie and the jacobites, with lots of allusions to mythology and folk history and such. idk i just think it's neat and i'm rly proud of myself for being able to recite the whole thing ok 😅
lon-dubh (blackbird) a gaelic cover of the beatles song by julie fowlis!!
sadhbh ní bhruinnealla by liam ó maonlaí (my fav cover as well! 🥰)
coisich, a rùin by capercaillie
hò bha mi, hè bha mi by julie fowlis
eilidh by robert robertson (my recording is BRILLIANT bc he's performing casually in a pub!! truly stunning!! sorry i just wanted to gush about it 😅)
cairistìona by kyle carey
thig am bàta by julie fowlis (again) (sorry i just really love her. this song SLAPS btw. THE DRUM BEAT is. amazing. and the story behind it is interesting as well 👀)
........it's julie again ._. im a broken birb ._.
hè gràdh, hò gràdh by julie fowlis. it's about cows. no i won't elaborate.
bodaich odhar hogha gearraidh by juLiE fOwLiS. it's about old men from hogha gearraidh fighting some other dudes or something. also there's fionnlagh and the piper's lad and tormod the deaf blacksmith asdfghjk fUCK THIS IM TIRED OF BEING EXPOSED. BIRB OUT >:V
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justaduckarts · 2 years
oh i totally didn't realize i hit anon on autopilot but hi!!!!! YES PB AND NIGHTMARE CHICA.....springtrap and moon of course!!! i love them ur honor 🥺 kissa them on the foreheads!!!
avery 👏🏼 our 👏🏼 beloved 👏🏼 also the sibling shenanigans in GOU......the perfect blend of annoying but willing to murder for their younger sibling asdfghjk very valid of him
honestly working haunts is a lot of fun, i've been doing it since 2014!! i've only ever done one theme park style haunt though, cause i primarily work interactive theater haunts which give a lot more freedom with scares a lot of the time! i hope you get to work one at some point, half the fun is really just enjoying being scary and committing to the bit!!! i've genuinely met some of the kindest people working haunts (which is another thing you totally nail with moon and the other nighttime animatronics!! i've seen the same guys make grown men almost cry and then turn around and drop character to get someone who was having an anxiety attack out of the attraction to give them space to breathe; it's incredibly endearing!)
augh sorry for the long ramble asdfghjk but YEAH i've really been enjoying your fics!!!!! there's such a wonderful balance of tension and fluff and SPOOKS.......and again, all of the side characters are really fun and interesting!! i cant wait to see where DLNS goes next 👀👀👀
AAAAA HELLO!! You were the anon! Oh I like your username a lot! Oxymorons my beloved. PB! NC! Moon <3 <3 <3 SPRINGTRAP! (I love writing him as a gentle dad type. He does everything he can to show that he's nothing like the character he was modeled after :') ) They all deserve the forehead kisses, yes!! (Really wanna have Foxy and Monty more present in a story some day... Some day.)
AVERY! And aaaaaa The sibling shenanigans! I don't know if I've shared this before but a lot of Alex's relationship with you is based on my own relationship with my little brother (surprise, I'm the big sibling who annoys my younger sibling XD) Absolutely it'd be hands if my brother ever needed help (even though I'm a little fella)!
Oh, wow! That's like nine whole years of haunts! :0 That's amazing! They do seem like a lot of fun, I'm glad you enjoy them! And I'm glad that you've had so many positive experiences there! People interested in spooky stuff seem to be surprisingly wholesome most of the time, I love that.
No, please, ramble as much as you like! I love rambles! :) I'm so so glad you're enjoying them! Actually, before the DCA stuff, I used to mostly write horror. Wild that I mostly write fluff now XD The side characters! I try to make the world feel a little lived-in so you get better immersion. <3 I can't wait to share where DLNS is heading! Actually I'm working on the next chapter as we speak :)
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seelestia · 2 years
There's no gain without pain fr, I'll do anything to drag more peeps into our cult- I mean our simp group :D
huehuehuehue I won't lie- I didn't know anything about stardew valley apart from the fact that it's a farming game and apparently the npcs are hot (for real)
But, I got to playing and downloading it because one of my friends suggested it after I said I wanted a chill game that I don't have to put much effort in asdfghjk-
It's pretty chill and is actually fun whenever I play, ngl tho once I achieved most of the goals given by the game and only a few more to finish, it started to become a little bit repetitive cuz all I did was do my chores around the farm and also start a family with my in-game husband lmao (my hubby is elliott, aka a long-haired writer hermit that lives in a cabin near the ocean :'D)
As a game, I definitely recommend it if you just want to live out your dream of being a farmer after resigning from a draining desk job from the city :D
One of the highlights of this game tho are the npcs fr, all of them have their own actual personality, they're not all the nice very general and lifeless npc we've come to know. Most of them have their own problems and some have their own dark-ish pasts and plot twists (it's like a telenovela bruh)
It also doubles as a decorating game (which I am a WHORE for ;D) you can decorate your house, your farm, greenhouse, hell even the sewers are available to be used :''D
all in all, a pretty good game fr (it just sucks that there's so little fics for my hubby once I started to look for them :'''D)
Also- sorry to say but I did not have breakfast cuz I fell asleep after playing- BUT I just had lunch, if that makes up for it 👉👈
6 days left until I get to give you my presentt huehuehue >:D - Ever so SIMP-ly yours, 👹✨ Jae (lil tiktok of scara practicing self-love)
you've got a knack for persuading people to join cults and i'm here for it. i'm totally 100% supporting jae's saleswoman era (/j) BUT YEAH, even from an outsider's perspective, stardew valley really does look super chill! it kinda reminds me of when animal crossing was all the talk back then (but i don't have a switch <//3).
farming game that lets you decorate + good npcs with in-depth stories??? SIGN ME UP, CHIEF. i already downloaded it on my pc a few days ago alongside another chill game called our life: beginnings and always, but i got too distracted with the latter 😭 if you're looking for a chill game that is nearly fully-customizable (it lets you customize your looks, personality, pronouns, interests, etc.) where you grow up with this lonely boy next door from childhood until adulthood, you can choose to stay as friends or develop a relationship with him — i'd deffo recc it! this game got so emotionally invested, sobssss <3
but i'll deffo get to stardew valley soon tho and give you updates >:) btw, elliott looks so babygirl and the fact that he is a hermit makes it better LMAOOO i think i'm gonna have fun affectionately bullying him when i meet him. (/lh) please drop your haircare routine, o fine gentleman 🙏 please don't tell me he's got a twisted backstory because i'll flip (/j)
p/s: chibi scara practicing self-love because nahida told him to. he's cute (/j) OH AND HAVE THIS because faruzan and scara's voivelines sound like they're fighting and it's actually giving me life.
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@pikween replied to your post “went to the front desk at the emergency room to...”:
wait what do you mean she sees auras
​sssoooo. im SO sorry im going to use this to lay down all i know of my mom's "clairvoyance" stuff (because i have this thing about documenting our family) so it'll be super long. but tl;dr she sometimes sees light around people and sometimes those people die within a week of that.
this has happened like 5 times so far and she's about 50 so it's not a common occurrence at all. those 5 times, she's received news that someone in town died and my mom has said that she knew they were going to die because the last time she saw them she could see the person's aura, which she describes as a bright white light surrounding them. when i asked her to describe it she said this picture of me reminds her of those auras.
This has happened both with people she loves and with complete strangers. She says she doesn't know when it started, she thinks maybe she was able to see them when she was a child, but she didn't know what they were so she didn't pay much attention to them.
The first time she realized was when her grandmother died, my mother was in high school, the same day my mother saw her aura, she died. Then it happened with some lady she saw across the street and the next day the lady was dead and it turned out she was the mother of one of my mom's acquaintances and that's how she found out that that stranger had died.
Then it happened with a couple kids, which is extremely sad, but my mom is a teacher, she sees about 300 kids every day so to me it makes sense it would happen with kids too, even if I can't in a million years begin to imagine what she must've felt with those.
And then it happened with my dad's mom too.
My mom also has had some very detailed visions and tons of instances of "bad feelings" that materialize a day later as bad news in our lives. Though she also has this with good news and she says she's seen auras on people (including kids) that don't die the next day or week; so when it happens she tries not to immediately expect a death.
and now for the debunking asdfghjks no, i'm a hugely skeptical person but for some reason i believe her about this. however, i have to say, she does lie, constantly, like waaay more than average, for many reasons. also migraines are known to show auras, not around people but it could be that? she says she doesn't have migraines but she's known for minimizing her symptoms. and last but not least, our family is like the poster of generalized anxiety disorder all the way up to that grandma who died in the third paragraph, so we're kind of always waiting for bad stuff to happen. so, yeah, all of these might just be coincidences.
my mom also is an extremely religious catholic but she does not link religion to any of this, which i guess is why i believe her, in part. i at least believe that she's seeing what she's saying she's seeing. my sister has some stuff like the visions and feelings as well. i sometimes know big news hours before anyone tells me about it, but i choose to believe it's because i am very observant lol
anyways. if you wanna hear about one of the visions, or feelings, or the news i know hours in advance, or what my mom is like in an abandoned asylum, shoot me an ask :)
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izupie · 2 years
I got tagged in this like a bazillion years ago but I only just now remembered about it aaaa - thank you for tagging me @microsuedemouse I do love answering these sorts of things <3
1. three ships: ok here we go
Destiel (Dean/Castiel) - don't boo me I'm right - it's the angel/hunter frenemies to friends to lovers pipeline. theyre cute theyre messy theyre besties theyre fighting theyre risking it all to save each other again. *chefs kiss*
Albether (Albedo/Aether) - boyfriends with secrets and emotional scars find comfort in each other. the quiet one with the bubbly one dynamic. plus they just look cute together im sorry
Izuocha (Izuku/Ochako) - pure fluff. supportive and adorable. theyre uncomplicated to me and make me smile
2. first ship ever: oooooh !! let me cast my mind back.... back...... oh no why is this so far back........ okay!
The first time I can remember wanting two characters to be together is probably when I was a teeny tiny Izupie watching Sailor Moon while I was in primary school, maybe year 3/4 I think? (UK school system - I have no idea what the equivalent would be in the US) (I could google it) (but I don't wanna)
I was obsessed with Sailor Moon every morning on tv. I watched the dub though - back when I had no idea these things were even dubbed over at all. I loooooved Serena and Darien - I'm sorry I know their dub names can give people hives, but I have so many fond memories of them I'll love them even if nobody else does asdfghjk
the whole he's really secretly tuxedo mask thing broke my tiny little mind and I was like gaaasssppp ! and I wanted them to be together even more - their initial I like you/you annoy me dynamic probably informed a lot of my ship preferences going forward
Every time there was an episode focusing on their relationship I would get so invested. they were my first real 'ship' for sure
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3. currently listening: I'm not really listening to any particular music rn - I listen to the radio a lot though! Just a popular music station that plays all the latest hits
4. Last movie: I can't believe this is legit going to be Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings lmaoooo - it's a comfort film and I needed some cheering up after a long hard day at work last week, so I booted up disney plus and on it went. Literally the lowest stakes you can imagine, just lots of pretty visuals, sparkly wings, fairies, upbeat pop songs and a happy ending. ultimate comfort film.
5. currently reading: soooooo much fanfiction. so. much. fanfiction. a shameful amount of fanfiction. but it's sooooooo good.
Destiel has the most fics on AO3 guys. there is so much to choose from. it's glorious. if you can think of ANY trope you enjoy there will be pages of fics for it. I am so spoilt for choice and I'm having so much fun with it
6. currently watching: *looks at the screen like I'm in The Office*
SUPERNATU*gunshot noises*
7. currently consuming: nothing right now but I'm hungry and I'm going to make some dinner soon. I've been snacking on a lot of the chocolate I got for christmas recently ahaaaa
8. currently craving: a hug. which is bizarre because I would describe myself as not-a-huggy-person but I had a dream that I hugged someone the other night and I woke up like. I WANT A HUG. but like. not just a hug. I want a HUG. rib crushingly tight with an even tighter squeeze thrown in there. chins over shoulders. noses in necks. closed eyes. breathe deep. step apart but still holding on. That's a HUG. that's what I want.
Universe - get on that please.
here's the Tagging part, but I'm not sure I want to tag anyone at the moment - so this is a ~free tag~ to anyone reading this that just wants to answer some fun questions! yes, you there!
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corduroyserpent · 2 months
27, 28, 29 for the fic writer asks!
27. your favorite part of the writing process
i actually really love editing! especially when i'm working on a long fic. i've already written the basic chunk of story and now i get to chip away at it and add elements, rewrite and rewrite and rewrite until what's on the page has gotten close enough to the thing in my head. it's really fun for me asdfghjk
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
that blank fucking page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry. i'll be nice to the blank page, it's not its fault. but sometimes the story is so vast inside my mind that the idea of putting any words down becomes daunting, and it frustrates me
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
either i have the title before i start writing or i'm sitting in front of my laptop for hours with the ao3 draft up, just begging my brain to come up with something oh my god 😭 so i guess i'll say that sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's not!
thanks for asking <3
[fic writer asks]
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peachenle · 2 years
I AM FINALLY HERE OMG so sorry for the long time waiting feedback/comment on CAPTAIN'S LOG ahem
And you did not want to be caught in the mess of policemen shining flashlights into mascara stained faces.
LMFAO I'LL BE HONEST been there before LOLOL minus the mascara stained faces fhnjkdasfdjskasjkd
“I think you have a problem, another weekend like this and you’re going to have to pay for my liver transplant,” you said to Yunjin when you returned.
OMG me to my friends back then when they would party every weekend jhdsadjskaajksd i'd get a text every Thursday, "wanna drink this weekend?" i had to start lying to stay home lmao
“Oh, sorry babe - didn’t see you there,” snickered one of the boys.
Seeing him up close, there was no point in denying that he was cute, especially with the furrow in his brow he wore due to the thought of his friends.
the way i fangirled and gushed because his brows furrowing BYE
your internal facepalm for trying to make a pass at the cute boy from the circ desk
He smiled, and leaned in closer to make sure you heard each other, “Library, right?”
You cringed seeing the line of people all waiting for the bathroom.
You turned around to meet eyes with Sunghoon’s neck, he was awfully close. He took a half step back upon seeing your surprised eyes, but gave you a smile.
OH MY GOD SGFDHAJDAJKSDK i would have freaked tf out and probably pee in my pants right then and there lolol
His white shirt was loosely buttoned, revealing several inches of his chest, his skin smooth. Sunghoon leaned down to whisper, “If you’re trying to be subtle about checking me out, it’s really not working.” He smelled strongly of coconut rum, explaining his boldness.
11:12 pm - FUCK I MISSED 11:11, but I still wish for pu$$y
WHO WROTE THIS? JAKE? LMAOOOOOO i am fucking wheezing byeeeeeeeeeee
11:30 pm please I beg of a crumb of puss for my boy Jay please add him on snap here: jjongseong420
NOT THE 420 HAHAHAHAHAHA i am crying WHO MADE THIS LOG? this is way too funny oh lord
Sunghoon didn’t take the hint and laughed out loud, “Holy shit, was that Heeseung?”
“I know our hockey team is mostly composed of skinny boys, which is already unusual… But you?” Your eyes traced down his slim figure, “A coach?”
and the roasting begins LOLOL i freaken let out an ugly ass laugh on this part. WORTH ROASTING
“Damn, I didn’t think you could get any hotter,” you blurted out, honestly surprised. Usually you’d feel at least some regret admitting that, but the way Sunghoon’s ears burned red? Priceless.
It was he who made the first move, his hand pressing lightly on your thigh as he leaned towards you. You fluttered your eyes shut, fully anticipating his lips against yours, only to open your eyes in confusion a few seconds later after nothing. He was biting his lip to not burst out laughing, his hand now stroking the top of your thigh. “Sorry, I just- it’s fun to tease.”
“Be careful. The people under the balcony might hear you.”
“Jeez, Sunghoon, are you an exhibitionist or something?” You teased.
And as you felt his fingers slip inside of you, the door swung open, another busy pair of bodies stumbling towards the bed. And, obviously in the darkness, you screamed, but so did Sunghoon. And so did the other couple. “Wait… Sunghoon?” The guy said, his voice sounding surprised and almost proud?
He chuckled too, thankful you were nonchalant about everything, and leaned down to kiss you again.
awwww T_T not a soft lil kiss. dont hurt me like this.
2:20am - ^ NO FUCKIN WAY HOON???
2:33 am - ^  IT WAS ME I TOOK IT LOL -JAKE
VIRGIN?! JAKE! AHHAHAHAHHAHA THIS GETS FUNNIER OMG i cant right now. my stomach is hurting hdjaskdhjaskhdsjka
“See you at the HYB house tonight? I’ll make sure there's enough Malibu,” he flashed you a vague smile and walked off. 
STFU JAKE HDSJAHDSAKS you lil shit omg imma fight him
“Can’t you just pass the door guy a couple bills and call it a night?”
“Bitch, I’m literally broke. If they say no, I’ll just sneak in from the side.”
ahhhh sneaking in minors... dhsajdhajk the good old days LOL omg never again!!! ahahahahhahaha
Sunghoon nodded. “Yes, mommy,” he visibly cringed as you blinked at him. “Ugh, sorry, the pledges have to call the girls that tonight.” He turned around to pour your drink. You, too, turned to look the other way.
He was so good-looking, even from behind.
the way that i've been crying to my friends about his back shots from the fansites all morning oh gawd
You thought to yourself, now am I getting laid?
The sirens in your head went off again as he slid an arm under you, pulling your heavy head against his chest.
Sunghoon mumbled, “You okay? Need water?” He was aimlessly scrolling through his front page of Netflix.
Sunghoon climbed on top of you, lightly pinning your wrists against his sheets.
“If this is all you want from me, I can’t do that.” He said seriously. “I don’t want to just hook up with you, plus you drank too much.” 
awwww women respecter frfr omg imma go cry buckets of ice cream brb
Eventually agreeing on watching Saiki K
Sunghoon dipped his face deeper into your hair and neck, with a soft groan as if to shut you up.
Maybe Sunghoon was a green flag.
I READ THIS LINE RIGHT HERE and Shoutout CAME ON MY PLAYLIST bye i am leaving this sunghoon fandom rn
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH EM! THIS WAS SO GOOD. LIKE SO FREAKEN GOOD. i am crying buckets of tears. like T_T it was so sweet. SUNGHOON, GREEN FLAG, EVERYWHERE!!!! The way he's like "can we not hook up?" T-T ANYTHING FOR YOU, STUPID! and how he made her drink water to sober her up so no headache will happen in the morning. THE WAY HE DIDNT CARE IF SHE STANK because oh gawd im always like OOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFF DJSAKHDSJAKHSKA T-T ugh Shoutout started playing and now im crying lmao my emotions are all over the place. this is so beautiful <3
HAHAHA i was so excited to hear your thoughts and you didn’t disappoint 🥺 IM SPOILED! a whole essay indeed <3
im so glad you enjoyed it! i was going in between if i wanted to actually make sunghoon a fuck boy but i just couldnt - hes too soft ;(
and thank you for pointing out some of my favorite lines too HAHA your commentary is so fucking funny - much of this fic was my recounting of silly party moments of mine too
thank you so much, it means a lot <3
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
HI hi, It's me again the Lee Soohyuk loving Anon can I be (LeeLee Anon? it's for Lee Soohyuk and also a play on my nickname).
I hope you had a good day today.
Mine was so tense i had a presentation and I was just dying on the inside. I hate presentations they are so stressful to me I literally ran out when I was done luckily, we were allowed to leave right after our presentations. I took a long shower and had yummy lunch.
But My mood really went up when I saw your message so, please don't apologize for the long message it made me really happy. And the small spoiler for the request made my day, I'm over the moon. It's already do good I'm so excited. Also, he's a Kitsune I'm so sooooft right now don't touch me T.T I really love that because despite his image of being all villainy, cold and hard he is actually such a soft best boyTM (yes, I know he is a grown man who is even older than me and I do also respect him an incredible human being). I'm excited to see what you did with the prompts I know it's going to blow me away.
I read all your requests already XD I loved the drabbles also the angsty one where oc and Hwiyoung have a fight that was so heart wrenching but also so real and also sweet at the end. The Jun one was a bit rough for me, but it was still really really good. Too bad you don't have your other writings posted because I love AHS and Alice in Borderland. Who is your favorite character in each of those series and also with AHS what is or are your favorite seasons?
hat's good at least you are doing some Halloween things. I can't unfortunately because I'm in exam season right now and I'm writing an exam on the day of Halloween which is just horrible. Or maybe very fitting for Halloween theme of horror to experience the horrors of academia.
Anway's I'm still going to stash up on some snacks and themed drinks and have a horror movie marathon after the exam. I used to be ablet to handle horror when I was younger but nowadays, I can't watch it by myself my younger self would be shocked how cowardly I have become as an Adult. Even though I'm scared of them I love horror movies.
Again, thank you so much for the spoiler I actually squealed when I saw it at the end of you message what a treat and a wonderful gift. But I enjoyed your message and now have ended up writing you a looong and chaotic message T.T I'm sorry.
I hope you have a good day today and have a lot of good energy like yesterday.
Hi again! I hope you had a good day too! ♡ (And ofc! The name’s yours!)
Aaah, aren’t presentations just the worst? But you did great I’m sure! And I hope enjoyed the rest of your day with some tasty food – I know that my brain sort of shut down whenever I was done presenting something and then I had to sleep for the rest of the day lol.  
I’m glad to hear that! I’m not really used to talking a lot so I always get nervous whenever that happens haha. And I’m happy you liked the little snippet of the request too! Tbh I’m a little worried since it turned out a little rough I suppose but I hope it’s gonna be alright. I did a small research about the Korean fox spirits and got a bit carried away since the way they’re described really fits the aesthetic I like. But I couldn’t resist making it a little soft as well. Now I just need to go over again and edit it a little but I think I should be able to post it soon?
Also, yes!! He really does seem that way but he’s so sweet and shy T-T It’s so fascinating to me to watch interviews with him because of it, the characters he usually plays are so confident and cold and he’s so cute and talks so calmly.
Asdfghjk, why would you do that xD I mean, I’m glad but it’s also a little embarrassing since I feel like could’ve done better at so many of them haha. But actually I’m preparing to make another blog for the writing I’ve done/will do for series, animes, dramas etc., I just wanna read them again and maybe do some slight edits first but I keep cringing.
For my favorite characters, in Alice in Borderland I really liked Chishiya and Niragi – which is funny because Niragi traumatized me so much lmao, I literally got panic attacks after seeing one of the episodes. I even read the manga it was based on and then I really started liking him as a character, and Chishiya makes me cry if I think about him too long lol. Oh, and Mira was really cool too! In AHS I loved Michael (from Apocalypse), Cordelia (from Coven) and Sally and the Countess (from Hotel). My favorite seasons are probably those three too, as well as the first one. What about you, anon? ♡
Oh, that sucks! But yeah, it fits the Halloween feel really well lol. You’ll do great though, I believe in you! And I feel you haha, I used to watch so many horror movies when I was younger but now I’m terrified even though I still love horrors. Is there any kind of horrors that you like or don’t? I personally can’t stand anything dealing with ghosts for some reason, those are so terrifying for me.
You don’t need to apologize!! It’s totally fine, I really enjoy your messages! And besides, this answer is also chaotic and long, so also sorry about that xD I’m really glad you enjoyed the little spoiler, I’d give you another one but I really think I might be able to finish up the fic today~
You also have a nice rest of the day and don’t forget to rest and stay hydrated! ♡
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littlewarricr · 3 years
     @agorace’s hirugami said, “ you don’t have to tell me anything, we can just sit here. ”           from: softer memes
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     she doesn’t mean for him to find her like this -- he isn’t supposed to meet her at the gym. but it’s dark now, meaning she’s very late to their study session, and she’s likely worried hirugami to death. she’s hardly ever late, much less the kind to never show up or at least text him she’s running late. guilt forces makiko to look away from hirugami’s concerned expression, makes her throat feel tight all over again. she hates to let him find her in such a state, with tears still clinging to her cheeks and her mind swirling with doubt.
     she thought she’d moved past all this, but it turns out she’s still got some growing to do.
     makiko can only shake her head when hirugami tries to ask her what’s wrong. the words can’t make it out of her mouth, held back by quivering lips. if she tries to tell him right now, she’s afraid she’ll start crying again; she’s afraid she’ll spill her guts. and that’s still the most terrifying thing anyone can ask her to do.
     her gaze remains firmly on the floor even as hirugami sits beside her and even as adzuki lays her head on her knee ( though, makiko does pet adzuki. it makes her feel a little better ) . when did she get to this point again? isn’t she supposed to be stronger now? more capable? brave? she doesn’t want hirugami to see this side of her, this person who is so afraid of failure that she practiced until her arms started to ache, this person who broke down because her serves were getting worse the longer she worked at them, this person who can’t look him in the eye.
     what if this pushes him away? what if this makes him think ill of her? what if---
     “ you don’t have to tell me anything, we can just sit here. ”
     hirugami’s voice is so gentle and careful and sincere. makiko’s vision blurs, and she holds her breath to hold down the cry clawing its way out of her chest. GOD, how does he do that? all it takes are a few words to put her mind at ease and remind her hirugami is too good of a person to ever judge her for a moment of weakness. all it takes are a few words to make her want to confide all her doubts.
     safe, you feel safe -- you do not fear what he’ll think because you know he just wants you to be okay.
     scooting closer until the space between them is nonexistent, makiko leans into hirugami’s waiting embrace. her shoulders shake, face hidden against his chest, one hand clutching onto his arm, but makiko holds in her cries because she knows she’ll make herself ill if she lets loose again. gradually her shaking stops, and her breathing evens out, aided by the soothing rise and fall of hirugami’s chest. yet makiko doesn’t move from her position. she hopes hirugami doesn’t mind holding her for a little longer.
     “ i’m... ” one deep breath in, one deep breath out. “ i’m worried. i’ve worked so hard to get here, i’ve come so far, but what if it’s not enough? ” her stomach churns. she wants so badly to play volleyball for as long as she can, as long as her body will allow. she’s never wanted anything so much that it hurt. “ the next few matches... there’s a lot of pressure to win. i let it get to me today. ”
     her body, though heavy with fatigue, feels lighter now. she’s never been good at admitting her anxieties, always hiding because she doesn’t want to rattle her teammates; one day, makiko hopes she can be more honest with them, but being honest with hirugami is a nice start. pulling away to sit up on her own, makiko gives hirugami a sheepish smile, one hand seeking out adzuki to appreciatively scratch behind her ear.
     “ i guess you’re not the only one who worries too much. ” it feels good, though, to share this with him. even if she’s still worried about the future, at least she isn’t worrying alone. 
     “ thank you for being here. ”
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huxianposts · 5 years
top five persona ships!!
oh ho, i think it’s p obvious at this point, but i thank you for giving me the privilege to scream about them!
1) PegoRyu– ship of my heart. i don’t think i’ve ever wanted to create or even blog much content for a ship before but they draw me in and it makes me scream at how i fall for it every time. love the contrast between them, design and personality-wise, love the appeal of what they pull out of each other and what they stand for to me: freedom, hope, healing, and the future. i love that protecting and saving others is such a core part of them despite their differences, and how it manifests within the game. 
2) AnnShiho– literally on par with PegoRyu. the devotion, the pain, watching them struggle to protect each other but hurting themselves as a result. seeing them fight and claw their way just to stand and smile together in a better future. i love how real their friendship feels, love how brave they are, love how it’s such a genuine love. i love that they met and became friends because shiho thought ann’s art sucked, and i love how they inspire each other to be better and stronger, and how even after shiho is regulated to background stuff, her influence on ann is so strong
3) OkuJima– i love their dynamic and design contrast so fuckin much. i love how makoto is sharp darkness with a soft dorky core, and I love how haru is this gentle pastel with a razor-sharp core. i love how haru immediately calls makoto “mako-chan” the moment she sees the opportunity, and i love how makoto is so indulgent of her whims. i love how haru isn’t intimidated by makoto’s presence, and how that fact soothes and flatters makoto since she really doesn’t have friends in her year. the high butch/femme aesthetic is also very appealing, and i dig it.
4) SouYo– i love their friendship, and how it’s so intimate and vulnerable. i love how yu is all about support and helping, and yosuke is providing in any way he can. i love how the game hints so hardcore at yosuke’s affection for yu, and how yu watches yosuke’s heart open up to him. i love their shenanigans, and how they’re both fuckin dumbasses together. i love the way they support one another and are so loyal to each other. them both being city boys foisted in the countryside is also another nice parallel to one another
5) YukiChie– their whole everything is… fuckin love. i adore the way chie is able to make yukiko laugh and how that trust begins to appear in the team. i love chie’s fierce loyalty and her protectiveness over yukiko. i love yukiko’s affection and yearning for chie to stay by her side. i love how they are so open with one another, but it wasn’t until their shadows were defeated that they finally opened another layer to the friendship that was honest and enduring. i love the depiction of their friendship and how they indulge each other’s weirdness, because they’re both fucking weird. i love how their persona types are weak to one another, how the snow that yukiko hated for herself is now embodied in someone she loves, as if Chie wants to protect her namesake, and how their joint attack is a literal dragon.
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