#{ this is what we call a HYPOCRITE }
u-x-o · 1 month
I- Yea... I think I'm happy 🥰🥰
I'm so obsessed with this creepy variation, it's perfect
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Closeup and ver without the glowing eye (cuz it kinda reminds me of someone🤨) :
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starstofillmydream · 5 months
This may fall upon deaf ears/ears unwilling to listen, but as we go into the last two episodes of TBB ever, the fandom needs to seriously clean up their attitude. I've been watching shit go down from the sidelines and trying not to get involved with the drama—people being so mean to one another and bullying one another into believing their headcanons (which are OPINIONS) as canon truth—and I've been disgusted with some people's behavior on here. I'm not sure what about TBB S3 in particular has brought the worst out in people, but it's so annoying and it sucks the fun out of being part of a fandom community.
So please (and this should be common sense):
For the love of God, BE KIND. If you see something harmless you disagree with (i.e., personal headcanons and think pieces, no matter how stupid and uninformed they may seem to you), move on. Don't react because it almost always ends in a nasty fight. Be mature. I've seen people bullying others into accepting their personal headcanons as canon (e.g., the "Tech is alive" and "Cody is on Tatooine" truthers), so please don't do that either. Differing headcanons can coexist in a fandom space because they're headcanons, another word for opinions. It's not the objective, concrete truth. Don't force them on other people if they don't agree with you.
If you see any racist, homophobic, sexist, and/or xenophobic comments about the characters (e.g., I've been seeing some fucking awful takes on Phee as of late), shut them down. Don't be a bigot.
Stop insulting people's intelligence as your primary counterargument to people's takes. Everyone's critical thinking skills (I've refrained from using the term "media analysis skills" because TikTok has seemed to make it lose its meaning, in my opinion) can be improved upon, my own included. It's a learning curve and we're all growing. Be self-aware in that regard. It's a logical fallacy—the ad hominem fallacy—to attack the arguer and not the argument, so it just looks dumb and makes you look bad.
Tag your spoilers. #tbb spoilers seems to be the most widely used, so I'd go that route.
If you have anything else to add to the list, please do! I want the unity and respect back in the fandom again, especially as we reach the bittersweet end of a beautiful show that has brought us all together as friends.
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shesalittlelost · 3 months
“SJM identifies with Nesta the most so if you hate Nesta you hate SJM and being a hater isn't cool” actually it's totally cool to hate on racist piece of an ugly fucking scumbag who used a black woman's death to promote ACOSF, is a loud and proud zionist, is racist to brown people in her books while also fetishizing brown men and was an overall horrible person to her peers so fuck off lmao (checks out that she identifies with Nesta). I'm not surprised at all it came from another brain-dead white woman, obsessed with Tamlin & Nesta, who got her ass dragged on twitter for trying to shut down bipoc authors talking about the racism in publishing industry and also mocked people who speak against AI art.
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
It's genuinely disturbing that people feel comfortable calling others "nazis" because they like characters in a way they don't find personally acceptable. Especially when they think that people calling them out are wrong because a post being "tagged properly" is apparently a free pass to say whatever (their post not even being tagged correctly is a perfect summation of their idiocy). The level of brain rot is unbelievable. People are acting like this over fictional characters because they're that desperate to "win" arguments in fandom. It is truly the mark of people who aren't intelligent enough to make an actual point. I suppose that's how they landed on the logic that blocking everyone who disagrees with them and preserving their echo chamber makes them correct.
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iiusia · 5 days
yeah guys a mass wave of explosions from electronic devices that killed 14 people and injured thousands is soooo funny. yeah. laugh it up. it's hilarious.
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crunchycrystals · 1 month
@ my mom can you stop making fun of our culture while im actively engaging in it. we have a banger language we have some banger tv shows and movies and actors stop making fun of this show i actually like
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l0v3c0r3e · 1 year
i need opinions on the barbie movie from the ppl who have seen it as i really want to love and understand this movie more but i can't
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dayurno · 8 months
once again thinking deeply abt kevjean biting
alwaysalwaysalways i was thinking about this scene from warmth of your doorways for the entire day yesterday
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i think there is something so delicious about them wrestling and biting and being very physical and boyish even with each other!? you know! my favorite kevjean-isms has to be the constant reminder that they were once 12 year olds together chasing after each other in court... a lifetime of being in kevin's peripheral and running after him.... i mean it's really. and then, obviously, they should bite each other about it
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fiona-fififi · 3 months
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cakerollk · 1 year
common thing I see in regards to m/f shippers criticizing mlm ships is that they're boring and that they're fetishizing gay people...which yeah, these criticisms are valid. cuz its def a reoccurring thing for shippers to slap two conventionally attractive guys together and call it a ship, and ofc those who just reduce the male characters into boxed tropes for the sake of shipping.
but then these same people will apply equally limited labels to m/f ships with the whole 'hes a guy but hes the WIFE hes the WOMAN in the relationship, meanwhile she's the GIRLBOSS and the MAN. but see its so much more interesting bc these traditional roles are REVERSED'
im sorry but that's nothing innovative!! why are you calling other people boring when you are too!!
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Hey I started following you when I was like a young teen still thinking I was a cis-het man.
I’ve certainly changed since.
I constantly feel like an invader by being trans while existing in women-focused spaces. Seeing that you’re supportive of trans people is honestly so amazing. Your support means a lot to me.
I just wanted to let ya know, your silly lol blog has made a positive impact!
Women's spaces are for women. It's in the name. So if you identify as a woman, you're included and welcomed. You're not an invader for using a service/space specifically made for you.
But, uh. Let's go back to the most controversial part of your message...
Did you say you were a YOUNG TEEN when you followed me?!?!?
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wishingprince · 4 months
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ALSO IM PLAYING THIS GAME BECAUSE I LOVE FREAKS LIKE N - I love him. I thought he was actually already against Ghetsis but he’s saying he’s following the dream of this Team so he’s a baddie actually and I just love him more? EXCEPT LOOK AT THIS SHIT he’s VERY INSISTENTLY LIKE - COME AND GET ME PLEEEEASE STOP ME PLEASE 8) FIGHT ME PLEASE STOP ME FROM DOING ALL OF THIS~ I’m like you WANT me to come stop you I know you do there’s a good boy heart in there and I will fix you.
I made a main character OC boy to date him (and save him) named Wes. This is after N takes Wes on an impromptu Ferris wheel date and tells him about his job. 🥹
Anyways no spoilers please all I know is that I love him and he’s a bad boy and we will try fixing him.
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echo-s-land · 4 months
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They weren't part of France (but Germany) when France became a secular country and when we got them back after WW1 that remained unchanged
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killadelphias · 4 months
#admitting to a lot here but I'M TIRED. the implications!! ugh whatever....#observations after being made aware of certain happenings in fandom spaces. state of the union i suppose.#yeah. sucks that often i'm concerned about leaving a like on certain posts or a kudos on certain types of fics for fear of the wrong person#seeing it and deciding to call me out. as if i'm some influential blog! what does it matter? but hmm. some fandoms are lame asses over stuf#there are good authors & people i'm friends with who have insightful takes and posts. and talent! but i'm a coward. because of the content.#and i feel like a fraud when i talk about being against censorship & say 'do what you want'. clearly i'm lacking since i feel hesitation.#i wish people could mind their business. & either not be so repressed or force repression on others. can't we all just get along?#it really wasn't like this maybe 5-10 years ago. more towards 10. i hate what happened to fandom so much.#why am i admitting this now? maybe to force myself to speak up if i ever see harrassment in the future.#because i never spoke up in the past and i feel shitty about it.#people might even be talking about and making stuff i'm not actually interested in but i don't think it matters!!#it's all fiction and fandom and genuinely mostly harmless. leave people alone???? maybe????#i just want to leave nice comments on my friends fics & to other good writer's works that might have a higher rating ok??#and not face a 'saw you at the devil's sacrament' situation#which in itself is hypocritical but i still don't want to face it! i just want to be left alone!! good writing is good writing!! ahh#i could make another blog but why? i have nothing original to say i just want to not feel judged for giving a like or leaving a comment#end scene.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 4 months
You Have No Name patch update for the week: Erk has Fuchs Dystrophy ✨
#lowkey obsessed with giving my head children ailments and disorders ✨ nobody here is healthyyyyy#just pav things#Anyways this is my way of reconciling the fact I’ve always seen Erk with grey-ish eyes :3#motherfucker can’t see half the time and honestly good for him 👍#That makes for 4 head children with bad eyesight :> (Inigo and Daisy and Dism (very mildly) too)#I’m reading about Lymphoma and seeing that Idyllia is in palliative care I’m wondering if I should incorporate that into her backstory too#I mean… she’s sick enough to be IN a hospice (ignoring the fact her sister is holeing her up in there on purpose 😋)#Like I’ve done me/cfs for so long (practically since Idyllia was born) but I’m just wondering if there’s something more fitting for her :3#Especially since she would fall into the same camp as Archie for having Version 1 inhibition#And we know what Version 1 inhibition also induces in people *cough* potentially fatal diseases *cough*#Anyways that’s a very depressing fun fact here’s some actual fun facts about my viscomm duo#Child Cynthia barely looks like her teenage counterpart! She got much louder and fatter 💖#Her natural hair colour is a sandy brown~#Inigo’s room has a section of the wall dedicated solely to photos and polaroids of him and his friends :3#Good luck finding any of Archie though before he rejoins the party in Arc 4 adjkshsj#It’s definitely one of the ways he’s hypocritical! Calls Idyllia out for trying to forget and assume a different persona#And yet Minty himself cannot bear to look at any photographs from his time with Archie… clinging only to his PERCEPTION of reality 😌😋#But that’s also how you can tell he means it when he says that he always treated Dism like a friend ^^
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edelgarfield · 4 months
the idea that people are unfairly "siding" with laudna & that if their positions were reversed people would be unfairly shitting on orym is so fucking wild considering marisha & her characters have consistently gotten shit for 9 years for every single choice they've made
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