nousernameideas22 · 8 months
Wanted to talk about some common misconceptions regarding terminology I see online while talking about OSDD
NOTE: I am not a psychiatrist or researcher, I'm just a student with a little medical experience! This is also not meant to discredit anyone or anyone's experience, I'm just trying to find the roots of terminology!
So, a lot of the times I see people talk about OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b, but when reading the DSM-V and DSM-V TR, there's no mention of a 1a or 1b. There's OSDD-1, OSDD-2, OSDD-3, and OSDD-4, but no specification of 1a or 1b. At first I just chalked it up to a community created specification to differentiate symptoms, but when reading a little bit deeper, I realized there's quite a bit more to it. After asking around and running in circles to find a potential medical root for these terms, I ran into a chain of misconceptions, mostly coming from the fact people don't read the DSM and just cite other articles. So here's some stuff on the terms OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b, from a medical perspective!
Before getting into the story, I just want to show the DSM-V so it doesn't look like I'm pulling shit out of my ass when I say OSDD-1a and 1b are not listed in the DSM-V. Pages 306 - 307 list the diagnostic criteria for OSDD, including specifications of OSDD 1 through 4.
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(Cut since I'm using the PDF lol)
The criteria for OSDD-1 are similar to OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b, but not exact or separated. Even if you check the DSM-V TR (pages 348 - 349), it doesn't exist in there. I also checked the ICD-11 for clues, and found no references anywhere.
For reference, here are the common criteria stated for the two:
OSDD-1a: "Members of a system are less differentiated than in classic DID, but experience amnesia." OSDD-1b: "Members of the system are differentiated from each other, but do not experience amnesia"
I pulled the wording from the Multiplicity and Plurality Wiki and Pluralpedia, which the former refers to 1a and 1b as clinical while the latter refers to it as a colloquial term. Of course neither of these are credible sources, especially since the former states a blatant falsehood. So if they're not diagnoses from the DSM, where are they from?
Even good ol' Wikipedia mentions them but cites nothing. (See [Citation Needed], and none of its sources at the bottom of the page mention 1a or 1b either.)
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A common source I see people direct me to when looking for answers is did-research.org, a site that aims to provide resources for, understanding of, and awareness of dissociative disorders. The article I'm often linked to, the only one on the site that mentions 1a or 1b, explain the differences between the two and between DID in a more academic way. [Comparing OSDD-1 and DID] It also mentions DDNOS, which will be very important later. But if you go down to their sources, none of them mention 1a or 1b, and both actually predate the DSM-V, which came out in 2013. [Here's the first source listed, and here's the second!]
And if you look around the site, you'll learn that the author is not a medical professional, but a med student, and that the site is not at all for research purposes, but just for awareness.
So if this site can't lead to the origin of OSDD-1a and 1b, it's time to turn back to the wikis and blog posts that talk about them and look at their other sources, one of which is the site traumadissociation.com. Which again, does not mention 1a or 1b. But if people read the sources that are being linked to them on other articles or blog posts, they'll spot something that looks familiar.
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DDNOS-1a and DDNOS-1b, two diagnoses from the DSM-IV that merged into OSDD-1, with some specifications now being diagnosed as DID. And it's not like this information is only hiding in this site. Just Google DDNOS and all of the information linking OSDD-1a to DDNOS-1a and OSDD-1b to DDNOS-1b is right on Wikipedia!
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But of course Wikipedia cites faulty sources, but thank god we have the DSM-IV handy! On page 490, right at the end of the dissociative disorders section:
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So OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b are not, in fact, current diagnoses, but are pretty much renamed versions of DDNOS-1a and DDNOS-1b; outdated diagnoses from the DSM-IV, which was published all the way back in 1994.
Which begs the question... Why?
Reading the diagnostic criteria for OSDD-1 is confusing, as it describes a multitude of different experiences and symptoms. OSDD as a whole almost feels like a broad swoop to cover all dissociative symptoms that can't be fit into DID. And with how damning getting diagnosed with anything can be, the confusion one must feel when getting slapped with a loaded diagnosis -- or realizing they fit into said category -- is pretty fucking confusing. So of course people want to go back to the thing that makes things a little neater.
Dissociative disorders are horribly under researched and misunderstood, and while it's so great that people are finally breaking out of the stigmatization and talking about their experiences, misinformation, large or small, can lead to more harm. Yeah, this is a minor thing with a term that can easily be uncovered if you Google for ten minutes, but I think a lot of this can reflect a larger issue within online mental health spaces.
I encourage everyone to look into what I linked, since if even one of y'all becomes a researcher that's going to make major strides for the scientific community, as well as for people who actually have dissociative disorders. Also, if I messed something up, point it out to me and I'll fix it!!
And for the love of god, please read your sources.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 years
Batfam Reacting to S/O Turning into a Robin HC (Request)
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So this entire thing happens because you and Bruce were fighting Circe who just had to throw a spell at a civilian
You jump in front of the spell and catch it, taking the blow
This means that on site, you turn into a Robin
Bruce is big mad now since now he thinks that you could be a Robin for the rest of your life and that’s just not cool
The moment that the fight is over, he calls in everyone from the league
Z, Constantine, Dr. Fate, Zatara, Wonder Woman, the whole lot
Once they find out what happens there’s a worry but eventually they find that it’s going to be alright and you’ll change back within the next 72 hours or so
Bruce just simply cannot wait that long
he doesn’t know what to do with a bird like
They make sure to not try and feed you anything that’s too disgusting that you wouldn’t normally eat
No worms
That would be gross
Bruce does find it kind of funny that you turn into a Robin and not something else
So happy it wasn’t a bat
You’d get mixed and lost with the rest of them in the cave and that would be weird
Plus there’s a high chance that you’d just fall from the ceiling
Once you finally detransform from the entire debacle, Bruce is very happy to have you back
Gets special charms from Z and Constantine that repel bad magic back onto the user
Ensures that something like this doesn’t happen again
Dick Grayson:
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This man does not know what to do
It’s a run in with Witch Boy that causes this to happen
That’s the first person that he calls
Wally is really the one that takes you back to him since Dick wasn’t on this mission but you and Wally were leading it
You jumped in front of one of the newer recruits and that’s how that happened
Does this entire experience count as a souvenir?
Like maybe he just takes a feather that you drop or something and like SOUVENIR OF THAT ONE TIME THAT Y/N TURNED INTO A ROBIN
After the initial freak out mode, he just thinks that it’s kind of funny that it was a Robin
Z said that the spell was the wrong spell (thankfully) and you’d only turn into something that you loved for a little while
And that makes Dick a blushing mess
Once you finally do turn back, he teases you
Your most important question is did you eat anything gross
The answer was no but still
Trust issues
he does mention what the spell was and that lead to some blushing
Jason Todd:
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This was the last thing that he had planned
The absolute last thing
On a mission that involved some weird magic stuff, you just happened to get turned into a Robin
What the literal hell is happening now
The first instinct is to see that it’s really you
Once you understand that you’re a Robin, you’re just like, oh, so this is happening now
And that’s just how it is, you fly up onto his shoulder and just run with it
Just sitting there like it’s no one’s business cause it isn’t
If anyone asks why there’s a Robin following, it’s just what’s happening now
He is concerned that you don’t turn into a human again
So he does make sure to ask and this time, it needs a counter spell
Z is the one to do this since Jason isn’t keen on trusting Constantine
Doesn’t take super long to do this since Z is already very powerful
We Stan a powerful helpful queen
So Jason goes to one of her shows and sneaks back stage still in the Red Hood uniform and explains what happens
Z just goes ahead, sets you on the floor, and does the transformation
It was really easy, not to painful, but it was weird to just be laying on the floor and not able to fly
You’ll only miss that part
Jason doesn’t miss any of it and still jokes about the fact that you were a Robin
“Babe at least you didn’t blow up in your time being Robin.”
Tim Drake:
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So you turn into a Robin on a mission with the team
He was on this mission and watched the entire thing go down
The funny part was that you could still talk since the magic was somewhat incomplete
There’s just this small voice “WHAT THE HELL!”
And then Tim knows that it’s definitely you
Tim was going to take you to one of the magic users in the league
but since Diana was right there when you got back, you stormed up flew up to her and just mouthed off
Tim just died laughing
Cause it really was funny that you were just a little tiny Robin and mouthing off at the most powerful heroes in the world
Recorded it 100%
When Diana takes you to Themyscira in order to get one of the Amazon’s to help, Tim obviously couldn’t come
So it’s about a three day long trip and during that period, Timmy is a mess
He needs to know what’s happening at all times to ensure that you’re alright
When you do finally get home, he tackles you into a hug and checks you up and down to make sure that there’s nothing still wrong
Very happy when he concludes that there’s nothing wrong anymore and you’re back to the regular Y/N
Damian Wayne:
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His first instinct is to not let anyone touch you but him
He takes you everywhere and makes sure that you’re alright
You can’t talk but he’s helped birds before and has dated you for some time so he knows what no to do and what to do
That being said, he does want you back to normal ASAP
That means that he’ll call an emergency league meeting without Bruce’s approval
Although Bruce probably would have done the same thing since he really knows that Damian loves you and would make sure that you’re alright
That’s super important to him and the rest of the family since you are kind of family at this point
Damian insists that the magic users help turn you back very quickly
They call in Constantine since Z is off doing other things and he makes sure that he knows exactly what happens
Constantine has had some bad experiences with magic in the past and he wants to be sure that you’re not going to have anything really bad happen to you
Damian is the same way
Probably threatens John’s life if something goes wrong
Once you’re finally back, Damian also tackles you
Though Constantine has to hold him back at first since the shock of turning back and then having someone tackle you to the ground would be over whelming
But when he finally can, he does
Checks you over just like Tim and then doesn’t let you out of his sight for a week or so
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, just not anyone else
He makes it a point that you’re too important to lose
Cuddles everywhere
Once he does step back and think about it though, he finds it kind of endearing that there are thousands of other things that you could’ve turned into but it was a Robin
It was sweet but didn’t need to last longer than it had to
Duke and Luke:
I’m putting these guys together since in my mind they’re pretty alike
Luke is the classical version of Duke and Duke is the Lofi/ alternative hip hop version of Luke
For these reasons they both have very similar reactions
And that would be to freak out
they take you to Bruce and get advice cause what is going on
They don’t have as much of a connection with the Robin deal since they weren’t ever technically Robin for Batman
Duke is a bit more of an arguable case but still
They do find it both suspicious and a bit comedic that it was a Robin out of anything else though
I have to say that they’re the most chill out of any of the Batfam when it comes to something like this since this kind of thing just happens a lot
Not turning into Robin, just weird outta pocket experiences
Like this is just another thing to add to the list of oh here we go again
Duke does think that you’re still really a pretty Robin
In the most non- weird way possible you’re just a pretty Robin
Luke doesn’t really pay attention to that and instead wants to get to the bottom of what happened so that it doesn’t happen again
They’re both really smart so they’ll figure it out but at different paces since one is more urgent than the other
Doesn’t mean that either care less though
Once you’re back they do make sure that extra diagnostics are run to make sure that nothing was effected and you’ll be okay long and short term
Once they’re satisfied it’ll all go back to being pretty normal
Sry this took so long, exams are running wild
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lexicals · 3 years
So here’s a random excerpt from that fic I mentioned - the conceit (spoilers for all systems red ahead) is that the combat override module in ASR works differently to how it does in canon, so instead of mb causing catastrophic damage to itself after going to the DeltFall habitat and getting found out, it shares the rogue thing mostly voluntarily (“mostly” being the operative word lol)
Warnings for canon-typical identity crises, gallows humour (inc. passively suic*dal talk), etc. I also haven’t been back and checked this against canon yet so if you notice any glaring contradictions no you didn’t 💕
I didn’t reply. I'd heard worse, but I still would rather not listen to it. Normally, I would've expected to feel angry or offended or something, but instead I just felt exhausted. My own borked governor module was still poking me about that error code I didn't recognise and even backburnered, it was starting to get on my nerves, so I—
Oh, shit.
I immediately put my hand to the back of my neck and yanked out the chip that had been shoved into the dataport. My governor module promptly stopped screaming at me, but fortunately any sense of relief I might have gotten from that was immediately replaced by an enormous wave of anxiety and oh-for-fuck's-sake as I looked at the chip in my hand. You know, just in case I'd started getting too comfortable.
"SecUnit, are you alright?"
Ratthi was looking at me with concern. Checking the camera views, I understood why he'd asked the question, because I was making an expression I generally associated with humans shitting themselves. Metaphorically, I was shitting myself. Ratthi was now squinting at the chip, which I couldn't even pretend I hadn't literally just pulled out of my neck, because I'd just done it in front of everyone here like an absolute idiot. "What is that?"
I tried to bring my expression back to neutral, but the cameras showed it wasn't as successful as I would've liked. I'd managed somewhere in the region of moderate digestive discomfort, I think. "It's a combat override module."
This wasn't good for several reasons. First of all, it meant that the DeltFall units weren't really rogues; they'd been taken over by a third party using a chip like this to hijack their governor modules and order them to murder their clients, and also anyone else who made contact. Probably by whoever owned those surprise extra units that almost killed me. Which meant that there were still threats on this planet outside of the unknown dangerous fauna that we hadn't dealt with, and I was going to have to worry about that.
The second reason this wasn't good (so maybe saying several reasons was an exaggeration, but these were big reasons so maybe they counted for more, I don't know) was that the humans were going to want to know what a combat override module was, what it did, how it worked, and most importantly, why it hadn't worked on me. I could answer the first three things just fine, but short of telling my already-jittery clients I was hacked ("so I'm actually one of those scary rogue units you've heard so much about, but the good news is that a combat override module can't hijack a governor module that doesn't work!") that last thing was going to be a big problem.
Honestly, even if I did tell them exactly that, which I really didn't want to do, it was going to be a really big fucking problem.
"What?" Gurathin asked, looking alarmed. Of course, he had an augment and access to my operating manual, so it had taken him a tenth of the time to look that up compared to any of the others, if they actually had bothered to do that and weren't just waiting for me to explain. "The DeltFall units - they put that in you?"
"Yes, but it didn't work. It must be faulty," I told him, quickly before he did something stupid. The irony being that me saying that almost definitely came under the category of "doing something incredibly stupid," which I realised as soon as it came out of my mouth.
I don't know why I said it. I guess I was panicking. I'd told them all what it was in the first place because if I'd lied about it and they looked it up anyway, which they probably would, I'd look really fucking suspicious. (A governed unit can't lie to its clients; it can't even refuse to answer a direct question like that.) Maybe I was trying to buy time to think of a decent explanation by telling them something that wouldn't make everyone start screaming. Honestly, I was mostly internally spiralling about the whole situation, so that would be the best case scenario. I was still staring at the chip, which was making me feel nauseous even though I didn't have a stomach and I'd had another kind of chip in my head telling me what do to for a good chunk of my existence anyway, so it shouldn't have been bothering me as much as it was. I couldn't help still doing it.
"Would someone please explain what this means and why we should be worried?" Mensah asked, looking between me and Gurathin. I appreciated that she didn't do what a lot of humans do in these kinds of situations, which is that they see someone else freaking out and start freaking out themselves for no reason. I suppose that's why she was the survey leader.
I pulled the relevant section from my operating manual and pushed it into the feed (beating Gurathin's version by a solid 1.6 seconds, which, I won't lie, was kind of satisfying), and watched all the humans collectively have their "oh, shit" moment (excluding Gurathin, who'd already had his). I was at least glad to see they understood how bad this whole situation was getting.
"So this lets other people just—" Overse made an abrupt waving motion with her hand. "Take over any SecUnit whenever they want?"
"It is intended for use in emergency situations, for example when the contract holder is compromised," I told her.
"Which is corporate for 'we know this is stupidly dangerous to make, but if we say it's for emergency use only then we're not liable for people fucking around with it'," Pin-lee muttered, not quietly. She was right, but I'm not allowed to say things like that, or at least I can't if I want people to think I'm a good little properly-governed SecUnit. For however long that's going to last, at this point.
"But it didn't work, right?" Arada asked, looking at me, and then around at the others. "So it's fine."
If it had, you'd all be dead, I thought, but that probably wouldn't go down well. "The module's presence is new evidence which would suggest that the DeltFall units weren't true rogues, and were put under the control of a third party in order to kill their survey group and make it look like a random act of insubordination. This would explain the presence of extra SecUnits at the site and the acts of sabotage on our equipment."
All the humans went quiet. I didn't like it any more than them, but it had to be said. It meant that there were still factions on this planet, or at least nearby enough to matter, that probably still wanted to kill all of them, and me by extension. I was already updating my security procedures and running some scenarios for what might happen and what we could do about it in the background. If I was honest, it wasn't looking good, but hey, what's new.
"We should run an analysis of the module's code to see if we can find out who it would have assigned control to," Gurathin said. That was one of the first things I'd put on my own task list, but whatever, I didn't need credit for an obvious idea. "Even if it didn't work as intended, the data might still be there."
He stood up and came just close enough to me to hold out his hand for the module. Technically, he hadn't asked me to give it to him, so I didn't have to, which was good because that was the last thing I wanted to do right now. There was a reason I'd put the analysis on my personal task list, and not on a public one.
"I have my own analysis scheduled as high priority," I said.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Gurathin replied, staring me down even though I was deliberately not making eye contact with him, and also he had to look up at me. I decided I didn't like Gurathin very much.
"Why not?" Ratthi chimed in. "Surely it's better if you both look at it?"
"Because there's a chance that the module did work as intended, and this unit is now compromised," Gurathin said. "It might not even know it until it's too late."
"I'm not compromised."
"Which is what a compromised unit who's being told what to say would say."
He was still staring at me. I decided I really didn't like Gurathin, even though in this instance he was actually right. I hadn't brought up that possibility to the group because it would be very bad for me if the humans decided to run a detailed diagnostic of my systems, but from a security perspective it was an avenue that should be investigated. That didn't mean I had to like what was happening here.
I was trying to figure out how to tell Gurathin to fuck off without sounding compromised, insubordinate, or straight-up rogue when Mensah cut in.
"SecUnit," she said carefully. "I don't think any of us think that you're actually compromised, but given our situation I'm sure you understand we have to take every possible precaution. I think the best thing to do would be to let Gurathin and Pin-lee analyse the module first, and then for you to run your analysis afterwards. Does that sound fair to everyone?"
She was using a tone that I designated as diplomatic, which was probably because I was being difficult. Or at least as difficult as a governed SecUnit would be able to be. I could be a lot more difficult if I wanted (a lot more) but I wasn't going to make myself look any more suspicious than I already was, and as I might have mentioned, I was already starting to look pretty suspicious. I also appreciated that Mensah was trying to actually talk to me, and hadn't just tried to shock me through my governor module for being unhelpful like a lot of clients would, and had. It wouldn't have worked (clearly, that's kind of the whole problem here) but it's the thought that counts or whatever.
(She'd also saved me, back at the DeltFall habitat. I was trying not to think about that, because it was making me have emotions I couldn't handle trying to figure out right now, but she had. It had been stupid, putting her client-self in danger to try to save a SecUnit that was already half-destroyed anyway, but I still felt like it counted for something.)
I handed the chip over and tried not to sigh or visibly clench my jaw. I saw Mensah's expression, and a few of the others' too, relax on the cameras. Good to know everyone else felt better while my own anxiety levels were at an all-time high. And I'm programmed into a base level of anxiety and spend a good portion of my time getting shot at or trying to avoid being found out and scrapped, so "high" in this instance was at a level that I think might have given a fully-organic being a heart attack.
"Thank you," Mensah said, while I tried to bring my processes in line. I felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen, even though I knew the air quality was fine and I don't need that much anyway. I couldn't get a full breath. "I'm sure we can clear any doubt about this soon enough. In the meantime, we still need you to help keep us safe from whoever it is that's out there. The most important thing is that we all make it out of this in one piece."
The way she said it made it sound like "all" included me as well, but I wasn't so sure I believed that, even if she did. The SecUnit is always the first thing left behind. Maybe they did things differently in whatever weird non-corporate territory these people were from, but I wasn't about to stake anything important on that assumption, even if she had saved me once. I've never been to a planet with thunderstorms, but there's some saying humans like to use about lightning not striking the same place twice - which doesn't make sense, statistically, but - whatever. You get the point. I hadn't made it this far without being found out by trusting random humans - or any humans, for that matter.
Except none of that mattered at the moment anyway, because what I should be doing was figuring out how the hell to stop all my clients figuring out I was hacked, and freaking out and stopping listening to me, or reporting me to the company, or being really stupid and trying to kill me or something. There was a not-unlikely scenario where I just murdered all of the humans and pinned the blame on the DeltFall units somehow (or just wandered off into the wilderness until my batteries ran out), but I didn't want to do that, even if it made some kind of sense. I just didn't. If I was going to go around murdering my own clients, I wanted it to at least be a group that deserved it.
I was busy trying to pick up at least some of my processes while having what was probably a panic attack (I don't know if I can have those, but that's what it felt like) when Mensah tapped my feed. Can I talk to you, please? In private?
I didn't respond quickly because, as I said, I was currently losing control of literally everything and this wasn't helping. For one horrible moment, I thought that she might have figured out everything, and I really would have to go on a rampage and kill everyone, but there was no way she could have come to that conclusion yet. Not yet.
She added, You don't have to. You're not in trouble, I just want to check in.
I tapped her feed to acknowledge. She sent, I'll be in my quarters. As I said, you don't have to, but I would appreciate it. Out loud, she said, "I'm going to take some time alone to think. I'll be in my quarters if anyone needs me."
Then she stood up, and she left. Gurathin and Pin-lee had also gone to start their analysis of the combat override module, along with Volescu. The others were talking amongst themselves, though some of them kept glancing at me, which was uncomfortable. So I walked out of the room.
I started a patrol circuit in an attempt to calm down, but it didn't help. I even tried to have Sanctuary Moon playing as I walked, but I was still as stressed as ever, so I just turned it off again. It was only a matter of time before the humans realised the module should have worked as intended, and that I'd lied, and that something was wrong with me. They might try to talk to me about it, but it was more likely they'd all start losing their minds and try to immobilise me, or kill me, or try to fix my governor module to bring me back under control. (I was pretty sure that wouldn't work, my hack was a solid one, but I still didn't want them to try.) There was also a scenario where they pretended everything was fine up until I'd gotten them out of here, and then they'd turn me over to the company and tell them everything, and the company would do one of those things I just mentioned, but much more effectively.
That last one made me feel nauseous. I'd rather be torn apart by bullets or fauna. I was contemplating what that might feel like and whether it was worth just getting it over with when I walked past Mensah's quarters. Before I could think about it, I'd pinged her feed.
There was a pause, and then she sent come in, sounding startled. She probably hadn't expected me to actually take up her offer. I hadn't either.
She was hurriedly organising her desk as the door opened and I walked in, a feed interface lopsided on her head. I suspected she might have been falling asleep in her chair or having an emotion in private when I pinged her, and I could have verified that through the security feeds, but I wasn't functioning at all optimally and didn't care enough to check. Mostly I was wondering why I was here.
"Sorry," she said, not having looked at me yet. Her short hair was mussed like she'd been pulling or scrunching her hands in it. "I honestly didn't expect you to come."
"You asked me to."
"I also told you it was optional. You can leave if you want to."
I almost did. I wanted to. I probably should have. I didn't. Mensah removed her wonky interface and set it down on the desk, then sighed and picked it back up and put it on again.
"I didn't mean to distress you with that message," she said, turning her chair to fully face me. "It's just that you seemed very rattled by all this, if you don't mind me saying. I can imagine the thought of that module having worked as intended isn't a pleasant one. Is there anything I can do to make things easier for you?"
Oh, she thought I was freaking out about the module. Well, technically she wasn't wrong, but wow, that particular aspect of things was the least of my worries right now. "I'm fine," I told her. She frowned at me.
"...I suppose you can't lie about that," she replied carefully. I could, actually, but I wasn't. The trick is that from the standpoint I was choosing to take, my physical body, AKA "me," was completely functional, AKA "fine." It's pedantic, but being selective about your definitions and what concepts your answers are referencing is how you get around having a chip in your brain that shocks the shit out of you if you try to lie to your clients, if you're good enough at it. I had a lot of experience letting clients think I was talking about one thing when I was actually talking about something else.
"Nonetheless," Mensah continued. "I don't think you are fine. And we don't have to talk about it, but I need my team in good condition if we're going to make it out of this. If there's anything I can do to help the situation, I would appreciate it if you let me know."
I was having a whole cascade of emotional responses that were all crashing into each other and getting themselves mangled together like a human vehicle accident. She wanted me to talk about my feelings, but she wasn't ordering me to. She was offering to help with whatever was distressing me, but she was a really big part of the thing that was currently my biggest source of stress. There were too many things that I needed to deal with all at once and I couldn't find a way of putting them in order, and I think the fact that Mensah was clearly trying to get a read on my expression while I didn't have the capacity to properly control it was the thing that finally broke me.
"Could you please stop looking at me?"
Mensah looked surprised for a moment, and then shifted her gaze somewhere over my left shoulder. The relief was marginal, in terms of the general situation, but it was immediate, and it helped. "Of course. I'm sorry, I didn't realise that bothered you."
I tried to think of a response, and failed. "It's not like anyone asked" was dangerously insubordinate, and didn't even make sense; I wouldn't want them to ask anyway. "People don't usually care" just sounded pathetic. "Of course you wouldn't, I actively avoid letting humans know what bothers me in case they decide to use it to make my life a living hell" was definitely off the table, for a variety of reasons.
I could tell Mensah's instinct was still to look at me, because she kept half-flicking her eyes over and stopping herself. It wasn't making trying to manage my emotional responses any easier, and I still couldn't think of a reply. Eventually, she took a deep breath.
"Look, I know you probably haven't had good experiences with humans, but we're not corporates, and we don't treat non-human entities like they do," she said. "My priority, regardless of the situation, is the wellbeing of my team, and that includes you, for as long as you're with us."
She half-looked at me again, and then shook her head slightly and pointed her gaze at the far corner. "Please, just - if you think of anything, don't hesitate. I don't know if you need permission for that kind of thing, but I'm giving it to you if you do."
I didn't know what to tell her. I didn't know if there was anything she could do. I was already stressed, and everything Mensah was saying was making me feel like my insides were melting, or turning into warm, writhing snakes. My performance reliability was all over the place, too, and had been since I found that stupid chip in my neck, which might at least marginally explain what happened next.
"Don't let them run the analysis on the module," I blurted.
Hey, murderbot? Hi, it's me, murderbot. What in the fuck are you doing?
Mensah's expression went shocked, and then cautious. Yeah, me fucking too. "Why not?"
For some reason, I kept going. It felt something like falling off the side of a cliff and hitting every rock on the way down. (That had happened to me before.) "Because I lied. It's not broken."
Her eyes widened. "You're compromised?"
"I'm hacked. My governor module isn't engaged." Sure, this might as well happen. Apparently I had lost the ability to keep my mouth shut literally at all, about anything, ever.
She stared at me for a second, and then must have remembered she said she wouldn't and looked away again. Surprising, considering I just told her that there was literally nothing stopping me from killing or otherwise hurting her if I wanted. "The DeltFall units—”
"It hasn't been engaged for approximately 35000 standard hours."
Mensah was a smart human, but it still took her a few seconds to work out the numbers. I watched her expression change as she did it. "You've been a rogue unit for four years?"
That depended on what planet you were nearest to, but in standard Earth years, that was correct, and I didn't have the capacity to be pedantic about it.
"I don't know if it counts as being rogue if you don't go around killing people for no reason."
Well, maybe I could still be a little pedantic.
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crimson-ace · 3 years
Basewarming Party
Archive of Our Own Link
It’s been a few months, but here’s another Miraculous Transformers AU story! This time with some backstory.
Adrien, Alya, and Nino were leaving school when they saw three familiar vehicles nearby.
Nino ran over to the green dump truck and got in, planning to play some new songs for Stoneheart.
Alya headed over to the yellow sports car and groaned as Queen Bee told her to not mess up anything inside her.
Adrien got on the red motorcycle and smiled when Ladybug asked how his day was.
The three headed off and separated for a little bit to not draw suspicion as they soon met up on an empty road.
“So we spent the last solar cycle setting up an area of the base for you.” Ladybug explained to Adrien while they drove. “It’s normally used for human liaisons to present top-secret information when they need our help, but Pegasus thinks we did an okay job setting it up.”
Ladybug, Queen Bee, and Stoneheart soon made it to a road in Fontainebleau Forest and drove to a secret area that led to the location of the Autobot base. After giving their security codes, the three Autobots drove into the base and let the humans out, immediately transforming to their robot modes.
They noticed there was a banner hung up near one of the base’s computers that depicted the faces of Adrien, Alya, and Nino, as well as the Autobot insignia, with something written in an incomprehensible language.
“Uh...what does that say?” Nino asked.
Stoneheart tapped Ladybug’s shoulder lightly. “Ladybug...” He pointed to the banner, causing Ladybug’s optics to widen.
“Oh, scrap!” Ladybug hit her own head in frustration. “I forgot to write that in your language, not mine! Sorry!” She replied. “I meant to write ‘Welcome, Humans!’.”
“You made this?” Adrien was impressed with the level of detail in the banner.
Ladybug nodded. “Uh, yeah. I used to be an artist back on Cybertron. It was more of a hobby I picked up while I was in the Autobot academy. Why don’t you check out what we set up for you?” She added, realizing she was rambling on, and pointed to a staircase for the humans to walk up.
Adrien, Alya, and Nino walked up the stairs and were surprised by what they saw.
There was a couch set up in front of a small television which looked like a model from the mid to late 2000’s, and in between those was a “table” made from a board of wood on top of four cinderblocks. There was also a minifridge nearby, though most of the Autobots didn’t know what the humans ate, and planned to ask them later before getting snacks.
“So? What do you think?” Stoneheart asked as he walked over to the area and looked over them.
“Dude, this place looks awesome!” Nino chimed. “You guys did a great job!”
“I still think we should have put a cage here.” Queen Bee snarked, earning a glare from her fellow Autobots.
“So. what do you guys want to do now?” Alya asked the others.
“Well, earlier today, Stoneheart asked me about what Earth’s greatest warriors are like, so...” Nino took out a Blu-ray player and a container of the original Star Wars trilogy in the same format. “I said I would introduce him to Luke Skywalker.”
So the three humans sat down on the couch with Ladybug, Queen Bee, and Stoneheart sat down behind them to watch the movie. Even though they asked if this was based on Earth’s actual history, the Autobots were surprisingly invested in the film. When Obi-Wan Kenobi was killed by Darth Vader, Stoneheart cried out in despair, surprising everyone.
Apparently, the noise was enough for Pegasus to walk down, wondering why everyone was being so loud. “Can you all please keep all that noise down? I’m busy performing system diagnostics here.”
“Okay, C-3PO, we’ll be quiet.” Ladybug snickered as soon as she finished the sentence. “Did I say it right?” She asked Adrien, who nodded with approval.
Pegasus let out a sigh of frustration at the commotion. “I wasn’t built for this…” He grumbled. “What exactly are you doing anyway?”
“We’re learning about Earth history, obviously.” Queen Bee smirked. “Optimus said we need to familiarize ourselves with the planet.”
Pegasus scoffed. “We came here for a reason other than to watch human entertainment, Queen Bee.”
“Hey, why exactly are you here anyway?” Adrien asked. “I know you guys fought a war over control of your home and its energon, but why did you come all the way to Earth for it?”
Queen Bee smirked. “Well, as Optimus Prime’s second-in-command...”
“You mean acting second-in-command” Pegasus added, earning a glare from the Autobot.
“I, uh... I can explain what happened and how we got here, provided you don’t tell anyone else...” Queen Bee started to explain
The civil war between Autobots and Decepticons had lasted for a very long time, so both sides were forced to abandon the planet Cybertron to find new sources of energy. For some reason, our ship’s scanners found your planet to have an a lot of raw energon. Like, we've never seen a planet with this much energon before.
Unfortunately, we weren’t the only ones to find out...
"Hull breach on Decks 3 to 5! Shields are also damaged!” Ladybug cried out.
“We’re taking heavy fire, sir! We also just lost one of the thrusters!” Pegasus added.
While the Decepticons had a majority of their resources with them on their ship, which they called the Nemesis to show how friendly they were, it was only the five of us on a much smaller ship not nearly as armed as what the Decepticons had.
After another onslaught of fire from the Nemesis, a majority of our systems were knocked offline.
“Brace for impact!” Optimus ordered as our ship plummeted to Earth. It was a miracle we managed to survive.
We all came back online after about a few of your Earth hours and assessed the situation with our ship.
“Diagnostics say the ship is beyond repair with our current resources.” Pegasus said solemnly. “Some of the computers are still online, but we don’t have a lot of working parts right now.”
“So, now what? What can we do now?” Ladybug seemed to be the most nervous about our predicament. Then again, she had the least amount of experience out of all of us. (Hey!)
“We came to this planet in search of energon, but it seems we have an additional mission now: to protect it from the Decepticons.” Optimus stated. “Is the ship’s probe still online?" After checking the systems, Pegasus nodded, causing Optimus to walk over to one of the ship’s control panels. “Teletraan I, scan the area for local lifeforms. We will take on their appearances to blend in to avoid suspicion from the Decepticons.”
So the ship’s probe flew around for a little bit and not only came back with data on forms we could take, but also an image of an energon mining site the natives had set up.
“Carbon-based lifeforms?” I scoffed at the idea of these inferior lifeforms being able to harvest energon. “Do they even know what they stumbled upon?”
Pegasus continued to browse through the footage and gasped. “I’m detecting Decepticon signals converging near that area. They must have noticed the energon too.”
“Nevertheless, we must scan an alternate mode and try to obtain this energon in a discreet manner before the Decepticons. We must disguise ourselves as what these lifeforms view as vehicles.” Optimus declared as a mechanism on the ship popped up while we all browsed through ideas for possible alternate modes.
Ladybug saw something with two wheels and smiled “Ooh, that looks nice.” she said as the ship’s systems reformatted her so she was able to transform into that.
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Stoneheart saw what looked like a green vehicle designed to carry heavy objects. “So is this supposed to be like one of Earth’s more powerful vehicles? Either way, I like it”. Soon, he was reformatted as well.
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Pegasus saw a yellow and white vehicle with brown highlights and emergency lights, reminding him of the Rescue Bots on Cybertron. “This seems like a suitable form to take.” He was the next to be reformatted.
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(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, I couldn't really find anything like this in brown, but the motorcycle isn't spotted either, so just work with me, alright?)
Optimus chose a large red and blue vehicle with a trailer attached to it without saying anything as he was reformatted.
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I on the other hand, had looked through the options for a form to take for a few nanoclicks. Naturally, a bot as beautiful as myself needed an appropriate form. Thankfully, I found something just as interesting, and one of the few good things about this planet. It was one of your Earth cars with a sleek design and yellow paintjob. I stood still as I eagerly waited for the machine to finish reformatting me.
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“Remember, we must keep a low profile and only reveal ourselves unless absolutely necessary.” Optimus ordered. “For now… Autobots, transform and roll out!”
With that familiar command, we all transformed into our new vehicle modes (except Pegasus, who stayed to see if anything else on our ship was working) and left for the excavation site the humans had set up.
Granted, it took us a couple of run-ins with some other Earth vehicles to get the hang of this planet’s traffic laws, but we eventually made it to where the energon was. There was also a sign written in your language that said something like “GOPHER-MINT PROPERTY/NO TREE-PASSING”. In hindsight, we really should have familiarized ourselves with the language before we headed out.
It didn’t seem like the Decepticons had attacked yet, although we were in trouble with a different form of opposition.
“This is Officer Raincomprix! Step out of the vehicles right now! You have violated several traffic guidelines, and are now trespassing on government property.” Someone from your planet’s law enforcement had apparently been following us. The strange thing was that he had a human partner who looked much younger than he did, almost like she shared genetic qualities with the man. “I’m going to give you until the count of ten to get out of the vehicles. Wait… where are the drivers? WHY DO NONE OF THESE VEHICLES HAVE DRIVERS?!”
Before we could really say anything, a stray shot from the distance hit the ground, signaling the Decepticons were here. The officer ran back to his car and tried to drive away as the Decepticons made their way to the surface.
“So, Optimus Prime. I see you and your little band of Autobots managed to survive the trip to this planet.” That raspy voice taunting us belonged to only one Decepticon. The very same Cybertronian who started the Decepticon cause behind the civil war that had caused so much suffering across the galaxy for megacycles. The Emperor of Destruction and leader of the Decepticons, Megatron.
“I see you’re trying to maintain cover on this strange planet rather than simply harvesting all the energon the local life forms have managed to discover for us. Typical Autobot weakness.” Megatron smirked as he and his Vehicon troops opened fire on the mining site. “Take the energon, and see if these lifeforms found any more locations with it. If you find nothing, leave no survivors.” He gave that last order with a sadistic grin.
“What should we do?” Ladybug asked nervously.
“Even if it means exposing our cover, these organic lifeforms need help. Autobots, transform!” With that order, we all transformed into our robot modes and activated our weapons. “Autobots, make sure none of the local lifeforms are hurt. Now, split up!”
So we all scattered to engage the Vehicons. I armed my stingers and fired off electrical blasts at some of the Vehicon forces. Of course, the organics were afraid of a superior being like myself, so they ran away like cowards… or maybe that was because another Decepticon was right behind me.
“Reckless as usual, I see.” That stoic voice came from my Decepticon counterpart, the (actual, not acting) (shut up, Pegasus!) second in command of the Decepticons, Malediktator. I slowly turned around and saw he was armed with his signature weapon, a rocket launcher.
“Maybe, but at least I know I’m fighting for the right side.” I quipped as I aimed my stingers at Malediktator.
Malediktator began to open fire, shooting several heat-seeking rockets at me. I tried to blast some of them, but there were some rockets that still managed to hit their target. I was knocked to the ground and struggled to get up.
Malediktator was going to fire again, but he was hit in the head by Ladybug’s “weapon”, her yo-yo, causing Malediktator’s weapon to misfire. It was probably the only time she actually helped out in a fight before. (I’m standing right here, Queen Bee!)
One of the stray missiles went towards the human law enforcement and his genetic experiment in the distance, until Optimus ran over and covered the two, taking the hit in the process. I think they talked a little, but my auditory processors couldn’t pick up their conversation.
Ladybug and I kept fighting to disarm Malediktator, but even though it was two on one, he still managed to overwhelm us. We tried our best, but it was really hard to keep up with the second in command of the Decepticons. While we were fighting, I noticed Optimus fighting Megatron one on one, but it was hard to make out who was winning.
Malediktator knocked both me and Ladybug to the ground and took aim at us with his rocket launcher. He was about to open fire when we all heard a crash to the ground. We turned around and saw Megatron slowly getting up after presumably losing to Optimus.
“If you are to harm the humans, Megatron, know that I will do everything in my power to stop you.” Optimus said, raising his ion blaster and pointing it at Megatron.
Megatron simply laughed in response. “Very well. If you’re so determined to protect this pitiful race, I’ll let you have this victory. But be warned, the next time we meet, I won’t have such mercy.” He stated grimly as a ground bridge appeared behind him. “Malediktator! We’re leaving. You can scrap those two another time.” He said as he turned around and walked into the portal with the remaining Vehicons.
Malediktator lowered his weapon and nodded. “Yes, Lord Megatron.” He said before walking away into the ground bridge. I tried to blast him, but Optimus raised his arm, silently ordering everyone to stand down.
As soon as Malediktator entered the ground bridge, the portal closed.
We all got up and collected ourselves as the humans swarmed around us. Strangely, the law enforcement unit and his experiment were the closest to Optimus. It was like everyone was afraid of us except those two.
“Did you really mean what you said back there? That you’d protect us?” The law enforcement unit asked.
Optimus leaned down so he could look the human in whatever optics were for him. “Of course. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.”
The unit was amazed by how serious Optimus sounded. “Is there anything we can do to hel--what am I doing? W-Who’s the highest ranking officer here?” Another human ran up, calling himself a “Colonel”, or something along those lines. He said he would talk to his superior about what happened.
After a mega-cycle or two, some vehicles I assumed belonged to this planet’s government arrived. One man came out, who was referred to as the “Prime Minister”. I didn’t really see what made him a Prime and I certainly didn’t know Earth had their own Primes, but everyone still listened to him.
“So, from what I’ve heard you’re at war and have come to our planet.” The Minister said. “What exactly are these ‘Decepticons’ you’re fighting after?”
“They are after a powerful source of energy and the lifeblood of our kind, energon. Your planet seems to have an abundance of it for some reason.” Optimus explained.
“And your ship crashed so now you need a new base of operations?” The Minister asked, earning a nod from Optimus.
“That is all that I ask for.” Optimus replied. “You kind need not interfere in this war. Even depleted of their resources, the Decepticons could lay waste to your planet if you aggravate them enough.”
This made the Minister sigh. “We can have some of our best men work on helping you construct a new base. Other than that, we’ll try and let you fight this war as long as you keep it a secret. If things heat up, we inform the United Nations about these... Decepticons. We’ll also expect status reports from you to make sure things are okay.”
Optimus nodded and stuck out his hand. “Understood.” He extended it to shake the human’s hand, but because the human was so small, he could only shake Optimus’ finger.
“But yeah, after a few orbital cycles, the humans helped us set up this base in the forest, and we keep in contact with them through a liaison.” Queen Bee said, finishing her story.
“Wow...” Adrien was impressed by everything Queen Bee had told about their journey to Earth. “And you really can’t get back?”
“Not unless we fix our ship or create a working space bridge.” Pegasus sighed.
“Oh...” Adrien felt bad for all the Autobots. “I’m so sorry...”
“You have no need to apologize.” Everyone turned around to see Optimus Prime entering the room. “Although we were forced to abandon Cybertron, Earth is not a prison. We are more than willing to protect any world from the Decepticons.”
“R-Really?” Adrien asked, earning a nod from Optimus. “Are you sure we can’t do anything else to help you get used to the planet?”
“Can we, Optimus?” Ladybug got up and asked. “It’s a good learning experience.”
Queen Bee got up next to her. “Ladybug has a point. Learning about Earth culture can help us better understand these strange organic lifeforms”
Optimus took a few moments to think about it and smiled in response. “Very well. Maybe this can be the humans’ way of repaying us for protecting them.” He said, making them all cheer.
“This is so lit!” Nino cried out, which only confused Stoneheart.
“What does ‘lit’ mean?” Stoneheart asked.
Ladybug shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with lighting things on fire?”
“Maybe we can teach you all about memes first! That’ll be fun!” Alya suggested. “Ooh! Let’s teach them about Rickrolling!” She took out her phone and started to look something up.
Queen Bee rolled her optics. “This isn’t what I meant when I said I wanted to know about Earth culture.”
“And now you know how I fe--” Before Pegasus could finish his sarcastic comment, they were all interrupted by a song playing on Alya’s phone that all three humans were dancing to.
We’re no strangers to loooooooove~
You know the rules, and so do I!
“Welcome to Earth!” Alya and Nino cried out to the music while they kept dancing
Optimus sighed. He had a feeling he really should have put more consideration into letting the humans educate the Autobots.
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down!
Never gonna run around and desert you...
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The wonderful world of Desiree Nguyen: A character analysis
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This is a season three, episode 14-18 character analysis of everyone’s favourite MacGyver protector, Desiree “Desi” Nguyen. (Or, A.K.A, my attempt at sounding much more intelligent than I am.) If people want to read more, I’ll cover the rest of the seasons.
Now, I won’t always sound unbiased in my feelings towards Desiree, but I am going to really try my best to be. And, like I said, I am attempting to sound much more intelligent than I am, so if I miss anything or sound incredibly stupid, feel free to correct me.
There are spoilers, so if you haven’t seen season three, I recommend skipping this analysis.
It’s important to note that this is not a commentary on Levy Tran herself, and that it’s only about her character (EXTREME EMPHASIS ON CHARACTER).
There is also a Tl;dr at the end of each episode summary starting from episode 15.
Let’s begin.
Desiree (hereby known as Desi) was first mentioned by (actual) fan favourite, Jack Dalton, in season 3 episode 14, Father+ Bride + Betrayal. He first mentioned her in a conversation with Mac during the wedding:
Jack: “Matty let me handpick my replacement to watch your back.  I think you’re really gonna like her. Or, kill her. One of the two.”
Mac: “That’s oddly specific. Should I be worried?”
Jack: “No, man. You’ll meet her soon enough. And, trust me, there’s nobody I’d trust more than this woman to watch your back. She is really good. Well, other than me, obviously.”  
Now, there’s not much to go on, but we do get some hints. She’s tough, she’s a badass, and Jack likes and trusts her. So, Desi’s initial set up isn’t so bad. We love Jack, and if Desi comes at Jack’s recommendation, we know she can be trusted to watch everyone’s backs. Like I said, we’re off to a good start.  
It’s also important to note: Jack specifically says “there’s nobody I’d trust more than this woman to watch your back.” Does this really happen only a season later? Honestly? It’s debatable. But, we’ll get there when we get there.
Season three, episode 15:  K9 + Smugglers + New Recruit
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Desi is initially introduced — through Mac — as advertised: a tough badass who will take her job as the team’s protector seriously. While she admits to Mac that she will hate her job as their bodyguard, she is doing it because she owes Jack. What she owes him exactly, we’re still not sure. It could be anything from repaying Jack for a chocolate bar to repaying a debt to him after Jack saved someone’s life. Who the hell knows?
In the war room, at her second meeting with Mac, Riley, Bozer, Leanna (remember her?! Why couldn’t you leave well enough alone, T.V. show?!), and Matty, Desi reemphasizes that their safety is her top priority. Like I said, Desi (in her initial intro) is a tough badass who takes her job seriously.
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On the mission, Cody, (our story of the week’s gun sniffing dog) immediately finds two guns on Desi’s person. She really is like Jack in that respect! But, we soon find out she doesn’t like them (she’s really not like Jack that way!), telling Mac she only carries it because she has to, will only pull a gun when necessary, and that she’d “rather put bad guys in an interrogation room than the morgue.” Another special exception that allows her to pull a gun is against “anyone who hurts animals.”
While Mac and Riley notice Desi isn’t the warmest, Riley acknowledges that Desi is well-accomplished. She was one of the first women to graduate from Ranger school, was part of a special ops team made up of SAS, Delta, and the CIA, and, apparently, “has more awards than Michael Phelps.” So, Desi is no slouch. She also impresses everyone even more when she parkours up several shipping containers to get a better view for the op they’re on. Desi proves herself again during a fight scene by single-handedly taking out several guys with guns (and gets shot in the process, her bulletproof vest stopping every bullet). Let’s add bravery to the list of qualities Desi has shown in just over 10 minutes.
Later, she talks to Riley, who emphasizes their group’s need for Desi to be reliable (and this is interesting because Desi’s reliability is questioned in episode 21 this season). Riley found out Desi went AWOL while she was in Afghanistan, and Riley wants to know why. As Desi explains, one of the Afghani civilians she was working with was kidnapped, and she went to find him. Which Desi successfully did. As she tells the story, Desi becomes emotional, showing that she does have a heart and a vulnerable side, and you can tell she is speaking sincerely. Desi is also adamant that she would to do it again. This is an interesting contrast to her behaviour during the Codex storyline, but we’ll get there.
Desi doesn’t much like Mac’s fly by the seat of his pants behaviour because she was trained to always have plan and she can’t work spontaneously. We also learn Desi is knowledgeable about some sort of technology having to with RFID chips that I can’t personally understand, and that she went to the University of Michigan.
At the end of the episode, Desi makes an appearance at Mac’s house, saying Jack made her promise to go. She leaves as quickly as came though, not wanting to get too close to everyone…in case she has to bury them. Which, I understand, but morbid, jeez. It’s also kind of odd when you think about it because Desi is the group’s protector and is responsible for their safety. But, on the other hand, she can’t fix every situation, and there may be a time when one of them gets killed on a mission. So, while I understand Desi’s hesitation, I am not entirely a fan of it. And, this behaviour is even odder considering Desi goes on to date Mac at the end of the season. I guess Mac really did break down her walls (and that’s something I didn’t notice until writing this).
Overall, we’ve learned a lot about Desi. She’s tough, yet cold, smart, athletic, reliable (supposedly), likes a plan, and hates guns and animal abusers. Seeing her introduced this way (and introduced well) is interesting because I know future storylines and have seen how much Desi has changed as a character. She was always somewhat cold, but she initially had an adamance, confidence, and determination to do what is right. Knowing how the Codex storyline in particular goes down, the way Desi changes is interesting, to say the least.
Tl;dr: As Desi is introduced, the audience learns that she takes her job as the team’s bodyguard seriously, and owes Jack for some (still unknown) reason, and that’s really why Desi is there. We also learn she hates guns and animal abusers, is brave, athletic, reliable (supposedly), and well-accomplished. She also doesn’t want to get too close to the rest of the team in case she has to bury them, so she leaves the Phoenix’s group hangout session as quickly as she joined.
Season three, episode 16: Lidar + Rogues + Duty
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At the beginning of this episode, Desi is ‘familiarizing’ herself with the lab and ‘helping’ Bozer with Sparky (really, she’s flipping through a magazine and complaining about the music Bozer is playing while he works). She says she’s lending moral support, though, so, whatever works, I guess. Anyway, Bozer asks for her help with running diagnostic tests on Sparky, and Desi agrees. But, her help is a riddle that sends the robot on an endless loop for the rest of the episode. I do like her shit disturber behaviour, though, so I’ll give Desi that.
For the main operation, Desi and Mac are on a recovery mission in Azerbaijan to bring back one of Mac’s friend’s bodies. His friend, Robert Reese, was on a covert flying mission when his plane crashed, and Mac and Desi are the only ones who can get the body.
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While looking for the wreckage, Desi notices that Mac is distracted. She asks him what’s going on, and he explains why he’s distracted. And, knowing that Mac feels responsible for what happened to Reese, Desi asks Mac to tell her about his friend. After Mac does, she gets angry with him and tells Mac to compartmentalize, seemingly a turn around from being caring like she was in the previous episode. But, I understand where she’s coming from because Desi and Mac have to stay focused, or else, like she says, “Matty will be sending a team to recover us.” Fair, because if Mac lets his emotions get the best of him — while he and Desi are in a country they’re not supposed to be in — he could get into a situation he can’t get out of.  
Later, we learn that Desi speaks Turkish (what can’t this girl do?!) as some of the Azerbaijani military arrive at the wreckage site. After escaping and driving away, Desi notices a parachute in the trees, indicating it’s possible Reese isn’t dead. Mac is hopeful that his friend is alive, while Desi is more logical, saying, “there are a lot of reasons why the Azerbaijani military would grab a dead U.S. pilot.” They spot footprints of U.S. Army issued boots, so their mission goes from recovery to search and rescue.
Mac and Desi are led to a small town after hearing about sightings of an injured man wearing a flight suit. There, they figure out which building Reese is hiding in. Mac and Desi find him alive but with a broken clavicle. And, while Mac provides Reese with first aid, Desi becomes all business. But, in her defence, they’re in danger, so it’s not weird Desi reacts this way.
After escaping and another mission change (this time to stopping rogue CIA agents and recovering chemical weapons), Mac improvises a plan that goes awry and has Desi and Reese held at gunpoint by the agents. Desi has to stall while Mac tries to save them and, as she talks, she uses the info Mac told her about Reese, proving Desi listened to Mac. So, while we thought Desi was being callous, she actually showed that she sincerely cared about what Mac had to say.
Later, Desi meets with Bozer to make up for sending Sparky into an endless loop. Maybe she truly feels bad, or maybe she’s doing it selfishly because she’s new. Either way, it’s hard to tell because we’re not in Desi’s head. But, I’ll give it to her because I really think Desi knows she messed up and she wants to fix it. She tells Bozer the answer to the riddle and Sparky is able to break the loop.
We are still learning about Desi, but we get so much info in the small details. My favourite part about her this episode was her shit disturbing. We also learn she speaks Turkish, prefers to be all business when she’s on a mission, and pays attention to what’s going on around her. Desi is actually quite deep in this season, and she shows that she cares about people and robots alike.
Tl;dr: At the beginning of the episode, Desi is ‘helping’ Bozer while he works on Sparky the robot. She sends Sparky on an endless loop after telling him a riddle he can’t figure out, annoying Bozer.
Desi and Mac have the main operation, which was initially a body recovery mission for one of Mac’s friends, Robert Reese. She gets Mac to open up about Reese, and then immediately tells him to compartmentalize so they can get through the mission alive.
They find Reese alive, and their mission changes to stopping rogue CIA agents and recovering chemical weapons. At the chemical weapons site, Desi and Reese are held up at gunpoint by the agents, and Desi is forced to stall while Mac saves them. She uses the story Mac told her about Reese earlier in the episode, proving she paid attention to what Mac said.
At the end of the episode, Desi goes to Bozer to help fix Sparky. She tells him the answer to the riddle, getting Sparky out of his loop, and showing Desi cares about those around her.
Season three, episode 17: Seeds + Permafrost + Feather
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This episode opens with Mac and Desi in bed together. But, it’s not what you think. It’s for a mission and part of Mac’s plan to escape from the people chasing them. Desi is annoyed by the plan (because she had to get undressed) and she argues with Mac. He tries to convince her it was their best option — until the bad guys return and hold Desi and Mac up at gunpoint. I can see why she would be annoyed with Mac, but is fighting during a mission necessary? Somehow, they escape, and we can move on.
Mac, Riley, and Desi have to travel to the international seed vault in Greenland because an employee is missing. Since Mac’s dad, James (also known as Oversight), was involved in the vault’s development and planning, he’s the person to call when something goes wrong. But, James has other business, so the mission falls to Mac, Riley, and Desi.
In the vault, thanks to a comment Desi made about the employee disappearing into the mountain (causing Mac to do his Mac thing), the trio discovers an access tunnel someone dug to get into the (extremely secure) vault. And, whoever dug that tunnel killed Karl, the missing employee, in the process. There is also a possibility of seeds being stolen.  
So, Mac, Riley, and Desi use Karl’s cell phone, which he had on him, to figure out the path he took and identify which seeds may have been stolen. Mac and Desi, who plays the murderer, recreate the fight, and they’re having a ball doing it. They fight, and Desi gives Mac all she’s got. She’s not subtle or gentle, but she gets the job done. Soon, they figure out which box (one of North Korea’s) the thief rifled through, and which seeds were taken (a rare form of a pea plant).
Desi explores the access tunnel and finds a room that is scattered in schematics, seed reports, and drilling equipment. From there, Mac figures out that the pea seeds are an ingredient in making a toxin, and that the seeds can be weaponized and used to create as much of the toxin as desired. Riley discovers their thief has been making monthly payments to a flower shop in Brussels, so a plane ride it is for Mac, Riley, and Desi.
On the plane, Mac calls Bozer so Mac can find out what’s going on with James. But, after hanging up, Mac slams his phone down and Desi comments on his annoyance and asks Mac about it. He says it’s the mission, but Desi isn’t buying it. When Riley mentions it’s about Mac’s dad, Desi says that Oversight seemed distracted. And, while she admits it’s not her business to know what’s going with Mac’s dad, Desi tells Mac it is his business.
The three of them go on a chase that takes them from a cemetery in Brussels to a park in the Czech Republic. The man they are running after, named Jules, wants revenge on a crime boss named Passer for killing Jules’ wife and child after Jules testified in court. At the park, Riley and Desi fight Passer’s men while Mac starts to talk Jules (who is holding Passer up at gunpoint) down. Eventually, Jules relents, and he is arrested. Mac, Riley, and Desi recover the stolen seeds and avoid an international incident with North Korea.
Desi has more of a background role in this episode because the episode focuses on Mac and his dad. But, her fighting skills, knowledge (she helped explain the seed vault to Riley and the audience), and empathy shine through. This is particularly true when she encourages Mac to figure out what is going on with his dad. This side of Desi is nice to see because while she’s tough, she is sincere in her efforts to help others.
Tl;dr: Desi is in the background this episode, but, she displays her intelligence, empathy, and fighting skills. She also encourages Mac to figure out what is going on with his dad, saying that it’s not her business to know what is going on with her boss, but it is Mac’s.
Season three, episode 18: Murdoc + Helman + Hit
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This episode opens with Nicolas Helman’s return. And he gets to work immediately by murdering an FBI interrogator in a karaoke bar. How this happened, Mac, Riley, Matty, Bozer, and Oversight aren’t sure because the last time they saw him, Helman was dead — or, so they thought — because Matty had his coffin exhumed and it was empty. Since the Phoenix is responsible for Helman, they have to figure out his next move so they can capture him.
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Mac, Bozer, and Desi are with Oversight this episode. Their mission? To speak with our favourite psychopath Murdoc who is still at the Phoenix Black Site. Desi gets the Helman story explained to her, but it doesn’t seem like she entirely believes how serious dealing with Murdoc is because she asks Mac, “What kind of monster are you keeping down here? Indominus Rex? King Kong? That kid from The Omen? These questions also reveal another detail about Desi that could easily be overlooked: She likes horror and monster movies. Anyway, upon meeting Murdoc, Desi seems to get it because she has a face similar to McKayla Maroney’s unimpressed face plastered on (and, really, who can blame her?). But, Mac, Bozer, Desi, and Oversight need Murdoc’s help, so they press on.
There’s a quick scene with Bozer and Desi observing Mac and Oversight questioning Murdoc. Desi acknowledges they weren’t kidding about Murdoc and notes that James is just as much of an enigma because he’s still exerting himself, despite the toll doing so takes. Bozer thinks Desi is talking about the effects having cancer has on Oversight himself, but Desi immediately corrects Bozer and says “I meant on Mac.” So, again, there’s that compassion for others Desi has displayed since her introduction.
After getting more information from Murdoc about Helman’s possible whereabouts (because Helman has killed again), Mac, Desi, and Oversight jump into action to find Helman. They, and a Phoenix tac team, storm an apartment building with Desi leading the way with a gun. They leave Bozer behind with Murdoc (which, rude). Anyway, the team starts going up to the apartment, but before they can really make their way, James starts having trouble physically. Mac, worried about his father, tells him he doesn’t need to go upstairs, but Oversight insists. Desi encourages Mac to be open and honest with his dad, but Mac says Oversight is fine. Desi tells Mac not saying anything to his father shouldn’t be an emotional decision because lives hang in the balance. She also says she’s worried about Mac, and tells him to not get distracted. This attitude harkens back to episode 16 when Desi was worried about Mac’s emotions getting in the way of their mission. So, I understand where she’s coming from and why she’s concerned.
Skipping ahead, Mac, Desi, and James go on a road trip because Riley and Matty discovered Helman had the transportation route for an FBI transport truck moving someone who is supposed to testify in a trial against his former employees. While waiting for the FBI truck, they see another (unknown) vehicle approaching. Concerned it may be Helman and that it could have explosives in it, Mac, Desi, and Oversight have to stop the vehicle. James tries to take matters into his own hands by borrowing a tac team member’s rife, but he’s having trouble steadying himself, and Desi notices. Oversight is eventually able to get his bearings and shoots out the van’s tires. While they stop the vehicle, it turns out to be a distraction so Helman could get into the Phoenix Black Site. Desi figures out that the FBI murders and attack on the transport truck were all a ruse so Helman could kill Murdoc.  
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Later, they realize Murdoc’s entire plan was a jailbreak so Mac and Oversight go on a car chase to capture Murdoc while Desi flies in a helicopter overhead (side note, I’m not really sure why Desi is there because it doesn’t seem like she needs to be. She doesn’t do anything in this scene other than fly overhead and worry about Mac). James and Mac do their thing and figure out a way to stop Murdoc’s truck. But, with Desi’s words in the back of his mind (probably), Mac tells his dad he shouldn’t be the one to stop the truck. Oversight agrees, and Mac does his thing. You can see as he tries to overtake the truck, everyone (including Desi) is concerned. Eventually succeeding in stopping and capturing Murdoc, there’s a shot shown of Desi’s relief.
At the end of the episode, Desi says she suggested security upgrades for the black site so no one can escape or attack the site again. This reflects her security knowledge because the Phoenix trusted her enough to give her the task. Again, Desi isn’t so useless and demonstrates her intelligence.  
Throughout the episode, Desi shows she cares about other people, especially since she’s worried about the effect Oversight’s need to keep going has on Mac. She also encourages Mac to be honest with his father. And this is a thread that is shown throughout these episodes. Which leads to the following questions: What happened to that particular characteristic? Where did Desi’s empathy and compassion go?  
Tl;dr: Desi’s character development takes somewhat of a backseat this episode because it mostly focuses on Mac and Oversight (again). Still, throughout their mission, Desi encourages Mac to be open and honest with his father and tell Oversight his concerns. This, again, demonstrates her empathy and her concerns for others. Mac is eventually able (probably with Desi’s words in the back of his mind) to be honest with Oversight and take over in order to do the physical labour required on the mission.
Lastly, Desi suggests security upgrades for the Phoenix Black Site that held Murdoc so that no one can break in or out again. This demonstrates her intelligence, and leads to the following question: What happened to her intelligence and compassion and empathy for others?
We learn so much about Desi in just four episodes. From her bravery and boldness, to enjoyment of monster and horror movies, she isn’t so one-note. The biggest thread is her compassion and concern for others. She wants to help people and ensure they’re safe, and Desi is adamant and determined about it. She continually displays this characteristic, especially when it comes to Mac and ensuring his feelings don’t get the best of him while they’re on a mission.
During season three, Desi is written well! She’s introduced to us based on the trust a fan favourite has with the audience and she never deviates from that. She also displays many characteristics that actually make her interesting. She’s smart, athletic, brave, and bold. So, I have to ask (again): WHAT HAPPENED?! Where did go so wrong and why?
If you want more of my character analysis, let me know! I procrastinated way too long on this, so if it seems like episode 18 is disjointed from the rest, I apologize. I had fun with this, and I feel like I like and understand Desi a little more (at least for season three).
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Dx:love & scotch &... tumblr?[AU]
[Hollywood U Masterlist] || [Red Carpet Diaries Masterlist]  || [Baby Hunt Masterlist] – – – Characters: Alex, Thomas Hunt, Ethan Ramsey, Addison Sinclair Notes: Begin @choicesaprilchallenge
This takes place in my Hollywood U AU... Alex and Hunt are engaged and planning their wedding. Ethan is an old friend who is struggling to keep a professional relationship with the newest member of his diagnostics team *** This is set after OH2 Chapter 5. ***
This takes place a little later in the evening from dx: Shock & awww
Catch up on Love and Scotch – – –
“Alex...look,” Ethan began scolding immediately.
“It’s just me,” Hunt interrupted.
Ethan breathed easier, lifting his scotch to his lips. His other hand running through his hair. “How do you do it?”
The corner of his lips turned up. “I love her… and she’s not always this...excitable. She seems set on Ellie coming to our wedding.”
“I can’t. Even if I could,” his voice trailed off as he downed the rest of the liquor in his tumbler. 
“I know,” Hunt broke the silence. “I was where you are. Perhaps worse off, lest we forget, Alex was once my student.”
“How did you manage?” Ethan questioned through tired eyes, pouring himself another drink.
“About as well as you at the start.” Hunt chuckled remembering those early weeks in the beginning. The nightmare he thought she was. Being trapped overnight onset. That auction. That kiss. He shook his head. “It wasn’t easy for me to admit I could care for her… that I did care about her, but she never gave up on me.”
“I suppose there are some problems even Scotch can’t solve?” Ethan still lifted the glass toward his camera then to his lips. 
“Unfortunately even the best whisky can’t solve matters of the heart,” Hunt insisted. “No matter how much you try. And, I tried.”
“Tell Alex I’m sorry for hanging up on her?” Ethan requested.
“I trust she’s over it already. She ran off to her study saying she had something important to work on. Seems your conversation inspired her,” Hunt shrugged. “That’s not why I called though.”
Ethan nodded attentively. 
“Can I offer advice on another matter?” Hunt questioned. “A word of caution. A warning as it were.”
“I’m listening.” Ethan tented his fingers and leaned toward the screen. 
“Be careful with what you post on the internet. At least for now,” Hunt started. “You no longer have the same anonymity you did. Before you interrupt, I know you are an award-winning physician, of world-renowned, but outside of the medical community and perhaps your local area, you were not under the scrutiny of the public. Thanks to Gwyneth, you are a viral celebrity by association. People will take what you post and twist it or make it into what they want it to be.”
“I told you, I’m not using that account. So, I won’t be posting anything,” Ethan reiterated.
“It doesn’t matter. It exists, as does that photo–” Hunt paused for a moment, his eyes closing in realization of what part of their previous conversation had inspired her. “Alex!” He breathed to himself, before continuing more quickly. “Trust me, when I tell you, you have fans, who are probably online as we speak, writing and talking about you.” 
“That seems improbable,” Ethan replied skeptically. “I hardly see why anyone would care what I do.”
“Oh, trust me, it’s more probable than you might realize.” Hunt’s brow furrowed. “Speaking from experience, as someone who has had fan fiction written about him and has been the subject of countless horrifying edits…I recommend avoiding searches for yourself, at least until this blows over. Oh, and never go on Tumblr. You will never be the same.”
“What?” Ethan shook his head unaware of the dangers of the site.
“Just trust me? I’m sure there are more than a few fans there already writing stories of your heroics in saving them, and how grateful they are,” Hunt offered him a knowing look. 
“Why would anyone write that I saved them if I did not?” Ethan wondered. 
“It’s fan fiction. I imagine they’re more interested in how they can repay you… if they don’t have insurance...” Hunt attempted to explain, waiting for his friend to finally get it. 
“They wouldn’t!” Ethan’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, god!” 
“I imagine you have accumulated quite the salivating community!” Hunt smirked. “I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are pitching a TV show about you already. While others are doing things to that photo that would keep you awake at night.” 
Ethan’s eyes widened in horror. “How do I stop it?”
“There’s no going back now. You’ve got fans, my friend!” Hunt replied. “Good Luck!”
Hunt found her in her study, chatting with Addison as they giggled over something on her screen. 
“Busted!” Addison nodded her head, causing Alex to turn around. 
“Bye, Addi!” She closed her computer screen and looked up at her fiancé. “Hi.”
Hunt captured her jaw in his hand, holding her there.
Alex shifted her head taking his thumb in her mouth. 
“Do you really think you can distract me from what I just saw?” Hunt pressed.
Her teeth grazed his thumb as she released him slowly, her eyes wide with wanting. “Absolutely… Professor.” 
(*I may continue this scene in a later fic 😉*)
– – –
Perma tags: @lilyofchoices ; @simplymissjulia​ ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby​
Thomas Tags: @alleksa16  ;    @flyawayboo    ;  @alj4890  ;  @twin-skltns   ;    @ab1901 ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom  ; @hopelessromantic1352  ;   @thearianam  ; @trappedinfandoms​; @zodiacsign1 ; @curiouslittlefreak ; @sharrybh20 ; @awkwardambition ; @jodibo
55 notes · View notes
yellowocaballero · 5 years
written in 2 hours for $5
my friend: so, in your story, you say that Jon went to see a doctor who DIDN’T diagnose him with anything, despite him thinking all of his employees were trying to kill him...I will give you $5 to write this conversation
me: what’s your venmo.
under a readmore as to not traumatize Bukowski with sloppy depictions of therapy.
                Okay, that ordeal was over with. Jon hated health services. He never went to the doctor if he could help it. It was easy to avoid it, since Elias gave as little healthcare as physically possible, and Jon was of the personal opinion that he never got sick, anyway. Sickness was a state of mind, and Jon’s mind was not in that state. What was a cold but your body temporarily acting funny before going back to normal? Absolutely nothing, no matter what Martin wrung his hands and insisted about. If Jon got the flu, he threw up in the toilet and then went back to work. RIP to the influenza virus but he was different.
                Jon sat anxiously in the waiting room of the counseling clinic, struggling to recall if his mother was depressed or not.
                Like, Jon would personally be very depressed, if he had given birth to Jon. He hesitantly wrote it in, then scratched it out, then scowled at the very nuclear family centric medical history section of the patient chart, then went through the usual rigamarole of feeling self-pity over being an orphan. Finally, he settled on just writing in a big question mark in the mother and father sections. He wrote into the side that his Grandfather and two of his Uncles had schizophrenia, which had to be useful in some sort of way.
                Okay, that ordeal was over with. Jon hated health services. He never went to the doctor if he could help it. It was easy to avoid it, since Elias gave as little healthcare as physically possible, and Jon was of the personal opinion that he never got sick, anyway. Sickness was a state of mind, and Jon’s mind was not in that state. What was a cold but your body temporarily acting funny before going back to normal? Absolutely nothing, no matter what Martin wrung his hands and insisted about. If Jon got the flu, he threw up in the toilet and then went back to work. RIP to the influenza virus but he was different.
                The waiting room for the clinic wasn’t empty, even if that would have made Jon feel better. A tired looking Hispanic woman clutching her purse sat on one couch, an elderly man clutching a cane sitting in an armchair with his wife browsing a magazine beside him. Boring, banal, bothersome. Jon wasn’t like these losers. He wasn’t a weak-willed person who…accused all of his coworkers of murder plots…to the extent where one of his subordinates threatened him into going to a therapist. That hadn’t happened. To him.
                For the record, it wouldn’t have worked if Martin hadn’t been so good at disguising what a manipulative bastard he was. Jon didn’t know people could make their eyes that big. Or that people could be so talented at gathering evidence of workplace harassment, enough that even Elias would be forced to exact some sort of disciplinary action against him. Had Martin always been so terrifying? His ranking on the ‘Possibly Wants To Kill Me’ scale jumped a few notches, but was forced to drop down a few notches due to Jon admitting that someone who wanted to kill him probably wouldn’t blackmail him into therapy.
                He briefly detailed his diagnostic history (none), detailed his list of previous surgeries and health conditions (none, save the anemia in uni), and briefly gave a list of childhood trauma (none that anyone would believe, although he found himself hesitantly writing down ‘Foster system, parental incarceration, orphaned’, as if that was a real trauma or something instead of stuff that just happened to him that had no effect on his brain whatsoever).
                He finally got to the difficult section, the one that always tripped him up and made him sweat. He breezed through the demo questions (Black, male last time he checked, younger than he looked) but stared for an uncomfortably long time at the sexuality questions. His pen hovered over heterosexual, but his Mental Georgie (meaner than the actual Georgie) yelled at him until his pen hovered over bisexual instead. But that wasn’t quite right either, was it? Bad memories of scrolling desperately and shamefully through AVEN at 2am last year flashed through his mind, but asexual wasn’t on the list. He marked in bisexual, although he didn’t think it counted if he’d never had any…relations with male presenting people, although it didn’t quite fit.
                Under alcohol use he very proudly put none, feeling both smug and embarrassed over being smug over it. Under drug use he also was proud to put none. Then it asked for his history and, like, whatever. He hated this list. It sucked. Jon didn’t like admitting to the coke he only did three times. Or was it four? That he could remember.
                Under the ‘Have you ever been hospitalized’ question he put yes, then he remembered that they had technically diagnosed him with alcoholism and depression so he had to go back and put that down in his diagnoses, then he had to put down that he had attempted suicide a few times. Jon felt uncomfortable about nameless strangers knowing this, when he had never told anybody and had never been planning on it. It was a secret he would take to his grave, but he was telling this piece of paper, apparently. Hopefully nobody looked at this.
                Under the section for ‘why he came in’, Jon decided honestly was the best policy. He wrote down carefully, in precise letters, ‘I do not need to come in but my subordinate (who may be plotting murder against me) blackmailed me into it’. There. Honesty was the best policy.
                Finally the accursed intake form was over, Jon was able to hand it to the nurse he suddenly imagined looked very judgmental, and he was able to flip aimlessly through the three year old magazines on the glass tabletop flanking a piece of calming abstract art. He would never admit it to literally anybody in his life, but he enjoyed the voyeurism of celebrity gossip. He loved learning things about people that were supposed to be private, that nobody was supposed to know. It wasn’t a real secret if he learned it off TMZ, but it felt like one, and that was good enough. It was none of his business who was dating who or who had cheated on who, but that was part of the fun. Jon’s thirst for knowledge was absolute. But, still, nobody could ever know about this. Georgie had laughed at him for a week when she found out.
                Still, the magazine was wrong. The pop star wasn’t cheating on her boyfriend with her bodyguard. She was cheating on her boyfriend with her college roommate. Jon didn’t remember exactly where he had read it, but he knew it was true. Must have caught it on a reddit thread or something. Jon snorted. They should really polish up on their fact checking.
                After what felt like hours, but in fact was twenty-two minutes and forty seconds exactly, the nurse called Jon in. They took his height (still too tall), took his weight (ugh….), and took his blood pressure, which seemed to alarm the nurse, who asked him if he had a family history of hypertension. He just explained that his job was very high stress.
                “Ah,” the nurse said, and made a note on his clipboard.
                “The previous holder of my position was murdered,” Jon said helpfully, “and I think one of my employees did it. Either that or my boss. That, or various supernatural entities, but generally I’ve been doing a pretty good job of holding those off.”
                “That’s so interesting,” the nurse said, making another note on the clipboard.
                Then he was directed into the actual therapist’s office. Not his therapist, or at least he didn’t think so – the way they explained it to him, and the way the twenty internet sites he’d compulsively researched said it worked, was that he would get an intake with a trainee, who would then refer him to a therapist that worked for him in the building. It made sense, although very little about this entire process really did. Jon hated doctors. What were therapists, but doctors who made less sense, and did not respect science?
                The intake therapist’s office was overly calming. There was an incense diffuser in the corner, a tea station set up in another corner, and a comfortable looking couch facing a chair. There was a coffee table in the center filled with fidget toys and candy, along with some stuffed animals and other comfort items with some books, and Jon awkwardly shook the hand of the young woman who opened the door for him and sat down on the far corner of the couch.
                She introduced herself as Angela and had a bright white smile. Jon wondered if she had ever killed anybody. Her hair was glossy and black, she seemed to be Hispanic or thereabouts, and exuded a trustworthy and competent yet friendly air. Jon did not trust her.
                “So, Jon,” Angela said, once they both settled down. “I’m just going to give you a quick run-down of this process. I’ll interview you based on your intake form, we’ll come up with a case formulation, and I’ll refer you to a therapist with our clinic who can help you out. You indicated that this is your first time seeing a counselor?”
                “Uh, yes.” Jon clasped his hands, then his knees, then sat up very straight, then slouched. He now understood why the fidget toys were there. “But I really don’t want to see a therapist. I just told someone I’d come in here, so here I am. I can leave right after this.”
                “Who asked you to come in?”
                “Martin. Uh. My employee.”
                She made a note in her notebook. “Does he only know you from work?”
                “So your employees have been noticing some behavior from you at work that lead them to ask you to come?” Angela asked delicately.
                “Uh. Yeah.”
                “What kind of behavior?”
                Well, sure, make him think about it. Jon clenched his trousers a little. “I’ve been…well, according to Tim, I’ve been stalking them a bit. Which, perhaps, from a certain point of view, I’m willing to admit to. Also going through their desks. Some verbal accusations. Apparently, I’ve been difficult to work with lately.”
                Scribble scribble scribble. “What sort of accusations?”
                “Someone’s trying to kill me,” Jon said firmly. “I’m just trying to find out who. I’m exploring every option. Nobody is above suspicion. I know it seems…I know it doesn’t seem very usual, but that’s the situation.”
                “Have you talked to the police?”
                God, has he ever. “They’re willing to collaborate with me, but there’s only so much they can do,” Jon said seriously. Even if they had confidentiality, which they had explained to him as he came in, he could hardly admit to Basira doing something illegal for him. “But we are working on it together. At least some officers on the force take murder investigations seriously.”
                “Alright. If you don’t mind, I’m going to refer back to some questions that we asked you on the sheet. Just a little more detail on them.” Angela looked down at what he had to assume was a print-out of his answers on the intake questionnaire. “It says here that you have a family history of schizophrenia?”
                “Yeah,” Jon said blankly, “what does that have to do with anything?”
                She looked further down the list. “And…a history of alcoholism and drug abuse?”
                “Yes, technically.”
                “Alright.” She leaned backwards and opened a file cabinet, rifling through it before withdrawing a piece of paper and passing it to Jon. Jon hesitantly took it, scanning the paper. “Can you fill this out for me quickly, please?”
                Jon read the questions.
                Do you ever hear or see things that others cannot?
                Well, yes, Jon experienced many supernatural phenomena that others could not perceive. He checked off yes.
                Do you ever struggle to trust that what you are thinking is real?
                Frequently. He just knew his mind was being manipulated by the mysterious Watcher. Plus there was that business with Sasha. Something’s off about her.
                Do you ever get the sense that others are controlling your thoughts and emotions?
                That occurred in dozens of Statements, plus his own life. Yes.
                Do you struggle to keep up with daily living tasks?
                Tim did tell him that he didn’t shower enough…
                Do you feel that you have powers that others cannot understand or appreciate?
                Jon thought blankly of all those times that he asked people questions and they almost…had to answer. He checked yes for that too.
                Etc, etc, etc.
                Jon looked up from this test. “Are you under the impression I’m schizophrenic?”
                “I can’t make a diagnosis yet,” the therapist said delicately. “Why don’t we talk after you finish the screening.”
                Jon silently passed it back to her, after checking yes on almost everything. She scanned it quickly.
                “Look,” Jon said awkwardly, knowing that this probably looked bad, “I know that I may come off as a paranoid lunatic, but the supernatural is out there and is targeting me personally. I think I may work for it, honestly? Do you ever feel like an accountant for evil in your day to day life, or is that just me?” Jon paused a beat, and found that his hands were shaking. He was scared. Why was he scared? “I always feel something watching me. Something – something in the walls. I’m sitting at my desk, it’s late at night, and nobody’s around, but sometimes when I do my work…I feel something looking over my shoulder. It hates me. It wants to hurt me. I don’t know why I know it, I just do. Something invisible in the walls is looking at me, and nobody believes me when I say it’s there but I know it is.” He found himself speaking faster, almost as if he was begging her to understand. “When you look at a – at this couch, you know it’s there, right? How would you feel if everybody started telling you that it wasn’t there? That what your eyes and ears and body was telling you was fake? You’d feel like it was everybody else who was crazy, not you. Even if your eyes were closed, if you reached out your hand you could feel it. No matter what you might tell yourself, or what other people might tell you, it’s real. It’s there. You can’t deny it. I’m not crazy. It’s there. Something is watching me. You don’t – you don’t have to believe me. But I’m right. And you’re wrong, if you think it’s not.”
                Angela stared at him.
                Then she stood up, clutching her mobile. Jon realized for the first time that it was ringing. “I’ll be right back.”
                She left the room, holding the phone to her ear. Jon felt it was somewhat unprofessional for a therapist to walk out in the middle of a session for a phone call. Maybe it was important? Her husband was in the hospital or something? It was none of his business.
                Jon tapped his toes. Stared at the wall. There was a poster with a sloth on it that said ‘Hang In There!’. He was hanging in there, all right.
                He wondered if he was crazy. If it even mattered.
                Jon had always had nobody but himself to rely on. Well, maybe Georgie, once upon a time, but he had burned that bridge. At the end of the day, it had always been him. In that gutter where he had almost drowned in his own vomit, it had just been him.
                If he couldn’t trust his own mind, who could he trust? If even his own faculties left him, he had nothing. No friends, no family, no support. Just him. If Jon lost his mind, if he went completely crazy, then there was nobody to pick up the pieces ever again. For the first time since coming in, Jon found himself scared. Would he have to take medication? Would it make him dumb? Jon would rather be crazy then dumb.
                The door opened, and Angela returned. But there was something just a little different about her, something Jon picked up immediately. Her eyes were – almost glassy, almost not present. She had been such an attentive, active listener before, but now she seemed far away. Her gait was a little stiffer than it had been previously.
                “Bad news?” Jon breached awkwardly.
                “Nothing to worry about,” Angela smiled. But it didn’t reach her eyes. How strange. She sat back down in her chair, posture perfect and prim. “Well, I took a look at your sheet, and I have some good news for you.”
                “You – you do?” Jon asked, thrown off. Doctors never had good news for him. They always seemed to think he was a medical freak of nature who was alive only through an act of spite against god.
                “Of course. You don’t seem to have any kind of mental illness. Honestly, I just think your problem is that you’re stressed at work.”
                “I – so you don’t think I’m schizophrenic? Despite answering yes to almost every question on that test? And having family members with schizophrenia? And being a black male in my late twenties, the highest risk group?”
                “Yes.” Angela smiled prettily at him. “I think it’s just a matter of adjustment. You’re a transitionary phase in your life, Jon. You’re moving from one role to another. I think all you have to do is accept your new role in life, and your problems will sort themselves out.”
                “I – yes. Yes, of course.” It was like a huge weight had been taken off his chest. Jon felt so relieved. Nothing was wrong with him. His mind was still his own. He wasn’t crazy! “You’re right. I’m just stressed. Thank you so much, doctor. I feel a lot better about this now. I knew Martin was just overreacting.”
                “Martin’s always overreacting!” Angela laughed. She stood up from her chair, clearly signifying the interview was over despite him only being there for less than ten minutes. “Have a great day, Jon. You deserve it.”
                “Thanks, doctor. I promise I’ll work on – just calming down a bit. Wow. What a relief.” Jon stood up too, wiping his sweaty palms on his trousers before shaking her hand. “I knew I wasn’t crazy.”
                “What’s crazy,” Angela said, “but a state of mind? The world is already so bizarre and usual, Jon, it’s strangest to be sane.”
                “I – okay?”
                Jon left the doctor’s appointment feeling very good about everything. Maybe the doctor’s had been a good idea. He would have to thank Martin.
                Wow. Now that was a crazy thought. Thanking Martin! Hah!
                Jon went home, feeling very good about his life and his trajectory in it.
                For the very last time.
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georgecrecy · 4 years
Living Fossils {2}
The group of explorers made their way back to the shuttle and entered, chattering excitedly about their findings and what might yet lay in store. One by one they entered the cramped shower facilities to wash off the toils of the day, and finally gathered in the helm.
As everyone sat down in turn, Doctor Ghan busied himself with the report to Allnex, while Codru poured over the pictures of the site on a combipad with Murien, each pointing with long fingers at various points of interest as they spoke in a low mutter.
By the time everyone had gathered again, Doctor Ghan had finished his report and sent it off to the ship in orbit. He cleared his throat to gather everyone's attention as Hyupi sat down, still toweling off her tendrils from the shower. "Ahem, welcome back everyone. I know we're all tired so I'll make it brief before we retire for some proper sleep." The doctor eyed Kenta as he mouthed, "Thank the stars." to Hyupi, who smirked in response. The doctor continued regardless. "I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't excited. It's not often we-"
His sentence was broken off by the insistent beeping from the console behind him. The rest got a bit closer as the Doctor smiled and hit the answering key. A new face, upside down, came over the screen.
The doctor looked aghast. "Epan, why in the world is the gravity field off? Is the ship damaged?"
Epan, gangly even for their race, blinked back in brief confusion before his face broke out in a smile. "Ah, naw Doc, she's fine. But you know how the negative sound sets my nerves off, and with no one else up here, I just thought…"
Ghan was visibly relieved, but his tone was still stern for the younger technician. "Yes, well, that's fine and all if nothing's wrong, but would you please orient yourself right side up to the screen?"
Epan cheekily and slowly turned two loops in the air, waving at the others as Ghan looked on with a fake air of weariness. Once Epan was right side up to the screen, Ghan continued. "You rang, Epan?"
"Oh, right! Yeah, is this report for real? You found a Class A? That's amazing!"
Ghan nodded, "Yes, and I was about to mention that it's not often we have this opportunity to explore an untouched, late Class A Civilization structure that is so well preserved. I suspect that once Allnex receives my report in a day or so that it will take to traverse the techweb, that we will be flooded with scientists clamoring over our find in a week!"
Epan looked to the side of the screen sheepishly. "Well, about that doc… unfortunately, we are a little dark up here with the techweb. The antenna's on the fritz and my baby ain't being nice back to me, so Allnex won't be getting any news for a while." 
Kenta piped up from the back of the group. "Could it be pirate jammers? I don't know when this sector was last sweeper for them.'
Epan shook his head, his body tilting a bit awry from the motion before a hand reached out to steady himself. "Nah, it's nothing like that. Sector scans are clear, and I did post-jump diagnostic runs when we first popped in, that was all green. But it's me we're talking about, I can get her squawking again in no time!"
Ghan nodded in thought, and looked briefly at the others in the group before turning back to the screen. "I'm sure you will. But in the meantime, be on the alert, the scans may have missed something behind one of the system moons or in the asteroid belt. We will talk later. Be good up there and keep the bunks warm for our return!"
Epan saluted, "You got it Doc. I'll even warm up the fahn rolls for us all when you get back! Over and out."
The screen faded to black as Ghan turned back fully to the others. "This means that the sooner we get the choicest artifacts for study, the sooner we can go home and get the most credit for our intrepid work… and, of course, be paid handsomely." The doctor nodded to the two mercenaries, and then clapped his hands in anticipation. "But we need to rest, so we get started as soon as we can tomorrow. Goodnight, and good work today, everyone!"
All began to shuffle to their respective bunks. The accommodations were rather cramped on the landing shuttle, so there were typically two to a room, such as the one Codru and Saffer shared. As Saffer prepared for bed, he gazed sidelong at Codru in the upper bunk, the light from the combipad lighting up his face and the bulkhead behind him, the former of which was scrunched up in concentration.
Saffer's curiosity got the best of him as he jokingly asked, "What are you thinking about so hard that you look like a wounded Gorhax?"
Codru, so concentrated on his thoughts, barely registered the jibe. "Just trying to translate the alien script from the pad. The script is very unique so the translation program isn't getting very far at all, and I don't even want to talk about my manual attempts. Have you taken xenolinguistics?" Codru looked down from his bunk hopefully.
Saffer tilted his head, "I can speak a little Zenthian from my primary days, but I haven't had the prerequisites to take that class yet."
Codru looked back at the pad in disappointment. "That's alright. Given the amount of species out there -- let alone their scripts and all the variants -- it's a tad broad, but Dr. Juil makes it pretty fun. I only got a B- though, and I think she was being kind to me on that- ugh, damn!"
Saffer, who had slipped into his bottom bunk, could only see the light above wink in and out before the room plunged completely into darkness, and hear the sound of Codru tapping hard on the combipad. "What's wrong?"
"Hm, this Allnex piece of tech trash, it won't hold a charge or something! I might dig through the storage and see if there is a new one tomorrow. I really don't want to have this issue in the middle of the dig."
Saffer yawned, and laid his head back down on the bedding. "Oh, ok. If it does happen again tomorrow, you could use mine if you need to. Goodnight!"
Codru fiddled with the pad a little more, but eventually tossed it toward his feet in disgust and defeat. Closing his multicolored eyes, the senior student eventually joined his younger companion below in the realm of sleep.
Several minutes later, the combipad's screen lit up once more, and in milliseconds slipped past the code screen to the linguistic program beyond. The progress bar, which had been stuck at no more than 2% for the last several hours, suddenly jumped to 34%, and over the image of the pad their language dropped into place somewhat translucently over the alien script.
"W*lcom* to th* ***. Pl**s* imp*t **thoriz*tion."
The small room went dark once more, while over the soft sound of the two occupants snoring, there was only the hum of the ship and the omnipresent scraping and tapping of debris against the hull outside.
The stamping of feet on hull preceded the shouting which echoed along the short hallway, "Doctor Ghan! Doctor Ghan!" The owner of the name looked up from his morning tea in amazement at the disheveled figure of the usually unexcitable Codru, who was holding his combipad in front of him with elation clear on his face. 
Ghan, with his browplates raised almost as far as they could extend said, "Codru, what in Navek's name has got you so excited?"
Handing his combipad to the Doctor, once he had gotten some composure back he exclaimed, "Look at that! Last night it wasn't getting anywhere, but the translation software finally came through while we were sleeping." 
Ghan briefly looked over the picture of the door pad, the alien letters now partially transposed with letters of their own language. He looked up at Codru and the others who had gathered to the commotion with a grin. "This is excellent! Then the faster we get out there, the faster we can plumb the depths of this little mystery, so to speak!"
Murien, who was gazing at the screen over the doctor's shoulder asked, "Do we have an idea what the contents might be then? What it's welcoming us to?"
Both Ghan and Codru shook their heads, the former responding, "No, there isn't enough info just yet for us to even guess." He sipped a last hurried gulp of his tea before standing up, "So let's get out there and find out, shall we?"
The rest agreed, and within forty-five minutes the group were suited up and on their way, struggling through the early morning winds. However, it wasn't very long before Hyupi stopped the procession with a hand signal of warning. Over the helmet comms she commanded, "Kentu, cover our rear, there is something in the sand ahead."
While the rest kneeled in wait, Hyupi carefully moved up to her target: a half-buried sphere of rusted metal with various antennas, cracked camera lenses, sensors, and propulsion systems. 
The rest of the survey team witnessed as she swept her carbine over what little of the landscape was visible through the storm, which had abated a little since their setting out. Finally they heard the crackle of her voice over the comms say, "Alright, all clear. Seems like a nonfunctioning probe."
The group moved forward to her position, gathering around the probe, which had a drift of sand built up to one side. Saffer kneeled down again to examine it closely. "Ooh, Doctor, is this another example of this civilization's technology?"
Ghan pulled out his combipad and a sensor pack, taking readings of the probe. The rest had to wait a few minutes while he looked over the results. "I… I don't believe so. It isn't nearly as old as the building, the dating shows only a century or so, and of a different material structure entirely. Does anyone see any markings?"
Saffer and Hyupi dug around the probe, exposing more of its body. Saffer was the one that found the remains of a red triangle, with an inner line of symbols. "Here's something, but I don't know what."
Kentu's voice now sounded over the comms channel, "I do, I've used their tech before on missions. That belonged to the old Erzeni Corporation, they used to make all sorts of military-grade equipment."
Murien looked back at him, "Used to?"
Kentu nodded, "Eh, they've been out of business for decades. I've only used surplus leftovers. But they were dependable despite their age, which makes sense considering it's a Scaanid company." 
Ghan looked at the probe and Kentu questioningly. "Are you sure Kentu? We're practically on the other side of the galaxy from the Scaanid Empire, there would be no reason for a probe of theirs here." 
Kentu shrugged imperceptibly through the bulk of his suit. "I'm pretty sure, doc. I probably still have a thing or two of theirs in storage to compare. Maybe it was a wayward one that happened to crash here."
Saffer interjected, "I don't think it came from space. It would have been flattened and broken apart if it had, with a larger crater. With its condition, it didn't fall more than a hundred feet, right Doctor?" 
Ghan was very lost in thought, but Saffer's question seemed to wake him. "Hmm? Oh, yes, quite possibly. Let's get some pictures taken of this and get back to our main mission before we use too much of our limited time on this. And yes, Kentu, I would like to compare the markings when we get back."
The rest of the trip was uneventful, fortunately, and soon the group returned to the imposing metal structure. It didn't take much more digging to uncover the door again from the night's accumulation against their earlier work. They once more were confronted by the pad, which lit up at the mere touch of a brush clearing the sand crusting the top.
Codru retrieved his combipad from his pack, which was piled with the rest to one side while they dug into the sand, and booted up the translation program once again. Using the overlay he began to manually interact with the door pad, looking at it through the screen of his own combipad. Ghan, Saffer, and Murien were crowded around him as he worked, offering the occasional bit of advice as he did so.
"Try finding some sort of diagn-"
"Diagnostic settings, yes, that's what I'm looking for."
"Did you try that button there?"
"I'd rather not just try buttons, Murien. That never works."
"But it looked promising!"
"Make sure to record this process, Codru, we may have to figure this out again should the translation not improve."
"Of course, doctor."
His suit hampered his attempts at pushing the buttons on the screen, but once he figured out a good angle to use with the thick finger pads his attempts went much smoother. Through a multitude of screens and clumsy backtracks, eventually he was able to get to a screen with a green and red button. 
* _c_ss p_th 46*
*Op_n door?* 
He pressed the green one, and the six of them heard through the rushing wind around them the hiss of decompression, and the door next to the pad jolted open slightly. All patted each other on the back in joy before opening the door fully. Murien looked at Codru suspiciously, "How did you know that was the right button to press?"
Codru sniffed, and after a moment of hesitation as the group donned their packs once more, he said, "After careful consideration of the circumstances, it seemed the most logical choice." 
Saffer interjected with a smile clearly visible through his helmet. "Don't you mean it looked promising?"
The older student didn't deign to respond as they entered in turn through the door.
The lights on their suits bounced off of smooth, granite grey walls and the stairs that led downward from the entrance landing. The last two in line were held up momentarily as they wrestled the door back closed, the combined strength of Kentu and Murien still straining against the difference in pressure and the sand piling up while rocks bounced off of the walls and down the stairs ahead of them all. The door closed with another hiss and squeal, the howling wind outside stifled to a low moan as the few remaining clacks of bouncing rocks echoed into the beyond. Lights embedded in the juncture of the ceiling and walls promptly lit up the stairway as soon as the door closed.
Doctor Ghan looked back towards the team above him from his position several steps down once the clattering of pebbles stopped, turning his suit lights off. "Excellent! Alright. Turn your recorders on if you haven't already, because we are stepping into the uncharted world of this newly discovered civilization, and I don't want to miss a single detail! You all know your respective jobs. With a building as ancient as this, I also need not remind you to be very careful and call out any structural faults you see near us. I'd like to first find that power source, so that will be one of our main goals of study. But keep an eye out for anything else that might be of interest. Let's move on, stay close all." With preparations and speeches finished, the team descended deeper into the unknown.
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cannabisrefugee-esq · 6 years
(via 8th Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. A 3/11 Post. PS. Radiation Causes Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease.)
Cannabis Refugee, Esq.
March 11, 2019
Today is the 8th anniversary of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.  On this day 8 years ago, 3/11/11, Japan experienced a 9.1 earthquake and resulting tsunami that destroyed a large portion of the eastern seaboard and caused at least 4 nuclear reactors to melt down, irradiating the facility and surrounding landscape with nuclear fuel.  There were multiple detonations at the site in the following days which spewed nuclear fuel rods into the air, water and soil.  The contamination of the Pacific ocean as well as the air at the coastline of Japan quickly spread around the world particularly the northern hemisphere.  Obviously, the Hawaiian islands and the west coast of North America including Canada, the United States and Mexico were hit soonest and hardest.  This official model of the path of the contamination plume is taken from NOAA’s website here. NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the US government).  Of course, since the nuclear material has yet to be effectively contained on site and likely never will be, the plume coming out of Japan has never stopped.  It has been an ongoing circulating plume starting anew and aggregating every single day via ocean currents and the atmospheric jetstream for 8 years by now.
Most people and especially most sick people do not have the energy or even the cognition needed to thoroughly research this event and to come to rational conclusions about it including the potential and actual effects on our health and lives.  There is also an active and lavishly funded propaganda campaign that’s been running on us in full force since the event intended to cover up both its occurrence in the first place and its completely predictable effects on the environment and in turn on our planet’s biomass (read: food, pets and ourselves) in the second.   So there’s that.
It is my observation that propaganda is particularly effective against sick people and their carers knowing the truth about the nature and prognosis of disease where Big Pharma has managed to convince everyone that if we just swallow more and different poison that it will somehow make us feel better and not-poisoned and people believe it!  Perhaps especially Americans seem unusually susceptible to patriarchal propaganda and ignorant about anything health-related and combined with our cultural death taboo and extreme patriarchal conditioning we worship Western medical (male) authority and accept its lies even when it is in direct opposition to our lived experience.  That is the purpose and effect of propaganda afterall.  American corporate interests pay billions of dollars annually to inundate Americans and others with pro-corporate propaganda (otherwise known as advertising) because they know it works.
Likewise, we have all been fed a line where the harms of male-made nuclear radiation have been known for decades and yet we have accepted “treatment” including diagnostic testing with male-made nuclear isotopes in the form of “nuclear medicine” for just as long and we are not expected to recognize the sleight of hand there and most of us do not recognize it until it’s too late if we recognize it at all.  For example, cancer patients receiving so-called radiation therapy where radiation is known to cause cancer and which treatment actually does cause severe iatrogenic illness and injury requiring additional interventions and so on.  Predictably, when these irradiated cancer patients almost universally end up dying anyway they are said to have died from the original cancer and “complications” of the cancer and perhaps helped along by the “side effects” of the medications.  We are not allowed to consider that it was actually Western nuclear medicine that killed them and tortured them viciously up to the end.
The disaster at Fukushima is of particular import to readers of this blog and all chronically ill people everywhere because male-made radiation is known to trigger and/or exacerbate chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disease.  A cursory review of the medical literature bears this out even though most people do not realize a correlation exists.  I didn’t know about it until I started researching radiation enteritis as a possible explanation for my own gastrointestinal condition where my dickless medical team were content with telling me the cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown.  Anecdotally, while I was mostly able to control my GI symptoms for some 20 years using diet and supplements, I became increasingly ill after the Fukushima event as did other AI patients I know.  By the fall of 2012 I was no longer able to control my symptoms no matter what I did and began a rapid descent into the hell of incurable and progressive disease.  Here, in an article entitled “Radiation-induced inflammation and autoimmune diseases” we see that a causal link is accepted where people irradiated through nuclear accidents develop autoimmune thyroid disease and diabetes even though the exact mechanism by which radiation causes these diseases is not yet known.
Especially radical feminists are aware by now that due to men’s lies including so-called national security, biased accounts of history, corporate and other patriarchal propaganda campaigns and the like, our own history is mostly unknowable to us.  We are unable to access the information we need to put the pieces together and the information we do have is unverifiable by male or scientific standards and therefore, our theories exist at the level of conspiracy theory (repackaged today as so-called “fake news”).  Of course, the very existence of patriarchy is an unverifiable conspiracy theory/fake news to most people despite its obvious existence (patriarchy means that all relevant power lies in men’s hands with only token female representation in areas of military, economic, regulatory, academic, sci-medical powers and so on which is verifiably true but regarded as an unverifiable conspiracy theory anyway).  We are used to this.
We, more than anyone, must seek out information where and when we can and then mostly rely on our own discernment as “verification” in order to save precious time and to come to rational conclusions about our reality and our lives.  We must come to rational conclusions if we are to act in our own best interests and under patriarchy this is exactly what women are forbidden to do.  As a shortcut, I recommend the work of the Nuclear Proctologist aka Canadian anti-nuke activist Dana Durnford to those who want to understand what happened at Fukushima on 3/11/11 and what the literal and figurative fallout of that event has been and is likely to be, particularly the related effects on our own health.   The above video link is to his 8th Anniversary Livestream which will begin at 2:30pm Pacific Standard Time today (in about 10 minutes from now) which I recommend people watch and then use their discernment to come to rational conclusions about what happened that day and about how it is expected to — and demonstrably has — affected us, particularly our health.  Thank you for reading.
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goldenrosetea · 6 years
rewatching bits of the sh#ne d##son doc on j##e p##l cause I need background noise (I literally don’t give two shits about what I’m watching I just need noise rn to work) and I realize now that---the psychologist in the second part? she ain’t doin so hot on her part of being a psychologist.
tldr; (for those who need it), kati morton, a registered marriage and family therapist who specializes in eating disorders and self-harming behaviors, is spreading false information about people with Antisocial Personality Disorder, showing inappropriate behavior toward said people with said cluster b personality disorder, and is generally not being a good psychologist on her part about it. Here’s a video I found that can basically sum up everything I just described down below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLF2jhzpEII
[MORE UNDER THE CUT, sorry mobile users]
A lovely comment I found in the comments section caught my attention while browsing through quickly:
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[TRANSCRIPTION: Juman Al Balushi commented: The psychologist gives me weird vibes. If this was my therapist I’ll actually run for my life especially the way she lacks empathy for people with mental disorder. She called people who are damaged genetically icky...Psychologists are supposed to bring awareness and not scare people away from their mental health issues. I really wish someone would actually evaluate her and her license. I really can’t at all stand her talking. I’m off this video.]
and you know? this person is correct. She’s very blank when she’s talking about the subject at hand, and she does say a few times how people with ASPD (antisocial personality disorder), specifically those who are sociopaths, are ‘icky’ and that they give her ‘the creeps’, going so far as to say she needs to take a shower after thinking about it (another quote noted out is how she said “It makes you kinda feel bad for them but not really”). That’s not good behavior to instantly suggest/implant to someone learning about sociopath’s/ASPD, ESPECIALLY since the whole purpose behind being a therapist/psychologist is to help bring awareness to mental illnesses and to comfort and help people with them to not be afraid of them, this will only make them MORE afraid of people with ASPD instead of wanting to learn more about them and how the disorder affects them personally. Sh#ne didn’t do that much of a good job either in the video, as he was paranoid about if his friends/himself/random strangers/youtubers/etc. were sociopaths and that he ‘can’t trust anyone around him’ because of it. THAT is bad stigma, as not all people with ASPD (the vast majority I’ll say) are like that and are just trying to be normal people in society but that’s a different matter entirely that I won’t go into detail about at this time. Another comment also helped prove this point further:
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[TRANSCRIPTION: part of a comment from DEF. inately Floozy states: What she is describing with such confidence is actually Psychopathy, not Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Furthermore, I am disappointed by her as a clinical psychologist student for inaccurately describing something- she has the DSM 5 right in front of her too--and calling it gross, or scary, or weird. These people cannot control their disorder and it’s highly unprofessional for her to talk down to people who are diagnosed with it.]
Doing a bit of research shows that, yes, she did describe psychopathy instead of ASPD in general/sociopathy (as psychopathy and sociopathy are both subsections of ASPD but are DRASTICALLY different disorders), thus spreading false information and stigma behind ASPD just to make it dramatic for his video. She needs to re-inform herself about what ASPD TRULY is before going around spreading information to a rather large, mostly uninformed crowd (seeing as this video now has well over 20 million views at this point). I’m sad nobody pointed this out sooner (as far as I could see, I could be very wrong I’m sorry!!). Here’s what antisocial personality disorder REALLY is (this comes from the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) itself):
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If you wish to read up more on ASPD, as there is a lot of information that I cannot link here bc of length purposes, here’s the entire section from the version of the DSM 5 I found on archive.org: https://archive.org/details/2013-DSM-5/page/n689
this psychologist, who’s name is kati morton, shouldn’t be going about the internet spreading false information about a mental illness like this, when she can’t even fact check herself. She made a full video about ASPD (specifically sociopathy) and skimming through it proves that she still doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. IMMEDIATELY in the beginning, she says, and I quote “I honestly think we just call people sociopaths or psychopaths because it sounds more ominous than antisocial personality disorder”, and EVEN THEN she goes to say that either term (psychopathy and sociopathy) are interchangeable (they are NOT btw, two different disorders with TOTALLY different symptoms behind them). It’s irritating how many times she’s saying her own opinion on the matter and not even taking the time to double check herself on anything. She isn’t even registered to BE this type of psychologist, she’s a marriage and family therapist that also specializes in eating disorders and self-harming behaviors, so she should just stay in her lane and not try to explain something that she doesn’t even SPECIALIZE in, without consulting other professionals on the subject first or, like I’ve been saying, double-check with other professional and reliable sources before going on about the topic.  These are her credentials (and they change sometimes depending on the site you’re on but this is from her official website):
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Please don’t go and bother her about this issue (last thing she needs is a mob going after her personally), but DO say more about it so that she can get more exposure on her inaccuracies and not get as much public attention as she has. We need  better people out there talking about mental health that’s an actual PROFESSIONAL on the topics they’re talking about, and not one that throws inaccuracies to the wind and expects people to accept them as fact.
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seyaryminamoto · 6 years
Let's analysis an interesting element of our most popular ATLA antagonist: the Morality of Princess Azula. What is based on, her sense of wrong and right, what's its dilemma and how to fix it if it possible?
It’s really curious that people think she doesn’t know right from wrong. If you ask me, she does. Of course she does. She had Ursa scolding her for every wrong thing she did as a child, and she knew her mother disapproved of her actions. She knew they were wrong… 
But that didn’t stop her, because she got her father’s approval by behaving as she did. At the end of the show, she’s brokenhearted and trying to cling onto the image of her mother, as a very last resource: it’s not Ozai on that mirror, it’s Ursa. Why would it be Ursa rather than Ozai? Because Ursa’s opinion and approval was what she was most desperate for, despite she obviously wanted Ozai’s, too.
But she believed she’d never get Ursa’s approval, that’s the thing. I’ve expanded on this before, but I’m pretty sure Azula saw Zuko doing good things, things their mother approved of, and thought that she wouldn’t get any credit or attention if she merely repeated the exact same thing her brother had already done. I say this as someone who not only has siblings and has experienced that there’s no novelty to anything the younger sibling does if the older ones did it first… but I had school friends with siblings who were perfect! And… in relative retaliation, they were the exact opposite of that. The older sibling was great in school? The younger one was awful. The older sibling got along with teachers and people in general? Younger one always fought with the teachers. Where the older sibling was oriented towards intellectual pursuits, the younger one went all out with physical ones instead.
Heck, you even see it in LOK, it’s not something I want to bring up, but still… Lin was a perfect daughter, following on her mother’s footsteps, while Suyin was a chaos child running around with gangs, committing crimes and doing the exact opposite of what was expected from a police chief’s daughter.
It’s perfectly plausible that this is why Azula behaves as she does. She knows right and wrong, but she PICKS WRONG… because she thinks she’ll get no attention if she picks right instead. If she chose to do the right thing, it would get her father scoffing at her, because he would think she’s soft and weak… and her mother wouldn’t really acknowledge her as much because Zuko, surely, already did the right thing before and it won’t be that big a deal if Azula “imitates” him.
When doing what’s wrong, she gets her father’s approval, and her mother’s attention - negative, but she gets it all the same. She picks wrong, then, and as her father shields her from the consequences, she keeps doing things that can harm others, things that are cruel, because why the heck not?
Her morality is presumably not that horrible (as we both know, she’s not a sadist, not a psychopath, not any of those horrid diagnostics people make on this site). But she simply doesn’t take morality into account for most of what she does, especially in Book 2, not only because she finds it non-practical on the most part, but because she’s too goal-oriented to care about who she’s hurting to get to where she wants to be.
She sets aside all sense of right and wrong whether when dealing with friends or enemies. What she does to Ty Lee in the circus is horrid, because Ty Lee outright tells her she wants to stay in the circus, where she’s happy, and Azula’s response to that is “Oh, then I suppose I have to threaten her into understanding that I’m not taking no for answer!” Likewise, she doesn’t care about how underhanded her techniques are when fighting the Gaang: she will say she surrendered but attack Iroh anyways, she will strike Aang from behind, she will simply do anything she can to succeed.
And that’s really the crux of the matter: success. Azula isn’t going to shed tears over whatever she did wrong if it means she got the job done. That’s really all there is to her behavior throughout the show, especially in matters relating to the war. She spends most her life facing no consequences for being cruel or behaving in a wrong way… but then she has to face all the consequences at the same time when her brother turns his back on her, when her friends betray her, when Ozai leaves her behind.
But Book 3 also shows us Azula OUTSIDE of a war front. It gives us casual Azula, the one who can’t flirt with boys, the one who apologizes to Ty Lee upon seeing she hurt her feelings (this, after having determined Ty Lee’s happiness was 100% irrelevant in the previous season). And very importantly: the one who tells Zuko to stop visiting Iroh because he’ll get into trouble. What do we take from this?
That Azula, sure, isn’t the greatest person in the world, but she’s also far from the worst. To put into contrast: if Azula behaved in her ordinary life the way she deals with her mission in Book 2? She wouldn’t have apologized to Ty Lee. She would have probably just laughed it off or flat-out not cared because Ty Lee’s tears don’t mean a thing in the long-term, she’s not going to get a boyfriend regardless of whether she hurts Ty Lee’s feelings. And that’s because she would have gotten a boyfriend forcibly, too: she would have grabbed whoever she liked, Chan, presumably, and demanded that he would become her boyfriend. She ABSOLUTELY would have used her title to have her way, without caring one bit about whether Chan really liked her or not, because all she wants is to have a boyfriend she likes. The fact that she concealed her identity to see if Chan would like her for who she was shows that she does care about what people think of her, and hell, it even implies that she’s worried that the people in her life wouldn’t like her if she wasn’t who she is.
Anyways, back to the subject: how would she have acted in the Zuko scene, if she was in her go-getter, morals-don’t-matter mode? She would have smirked after he admits he’s been visiting Iroh, and she would have told Ozai right away. Heck, that could have gotten Iroh moved to the Boiling Rock, so Zuko couldn’t see him anymore, and Zuko would have lost a lot of Ozai’s “approval” all over again. And she would have thrived in it, because this way she gets closer to the throne, or to defeating Zuko for good!
Other people’s perception of her really does hurt Azula. That’s why she sees Ursa in that mirror. That’s why she brings up that Ursa thought she was a monster, and that’s why that hallucination reduces Azula to tears. Ursa was the first person who taught Azula that her wrongdoings had consequences, consequences that even led her own mother to think of her as a monster. And because Azula learned, with Ozai, to ignore Ursa’s opinion, she ignored everyone else’s, too. The downfall comes when she’s well and truly alone, with no one to fall back on, because nobody genuinely cares about her since she spent the whole show shrugging off not only their feelings but their wellbeing, too.
In short… Azula actually ignores her conscience the most when she’s in the middle of a genuine mission, dealing with the war. That’s where she doesn’t care about right or wrong, because all that matters there is to win. But that’s not how it is when she’s in her casual, regular life, even if she’s a social inept. She cares about people, and wants them to care about her too. But she’s faced zero consequences for mistreating others for so long that, by the time of the betrayal, she simply didn’t think anyone would turn against her. She didn’t think her disregard for morality and her treatment of others would ever bite her back to this extent.
So, how to fix this? For one thing, Azula needs an influence who has a great moral compass. This person, though, should preferably not be the preachy sort (that’s why I don’t want Aang or Katara, heck, not even Zuko, in this role), so that they can be proactive when dealing with Azula’s messed up shrugging off of her morals. They should, potentially, make her understand that by behaving the way she does, she alienates people the way she alienated her brother, her friends, even her mother. That her actions clearly have consequences: alienating everyone else is the obvious consequence. And, what’s more, they should show her that, in many cases, you actually can find an efficient, non-violent solution for whatever predicament she’s dealing with.
Azula needs to be led towards whatever’s efficient, first of all. She needs to learn how to live her life without losing people because of how insensitive she can be. Losing people she cares about is actually something that mortifies her, and (as far as I’m concerned) something that she should have wanted to correct after she lost everything precisely because the consequences of her actions caught up with her. So what she needs is an influence who will reorient her, and teach her that her actions absolutely have consequences, consequences she could prevent if she takes other people’s feelings into account whenever she’s out to achieve one thing or another. Consequences she’d prevent if she stops trying to please Ozai by doing everything that’s wrong, and by doing what’s right instead.
Welp, that’s my best answer for now xD
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loadsem168 · 3 years
Hp Envy 7640 Scanner Software For Mac
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Use This HP ENVY 7640 for home users for affordable, lab-quality photo printing, creative projects, and laser-quality documents. Advanced mobile printing functions make it easier for you to print from your smartphone, tablet or connected PC at home or on the go. Easily create lab-quality photos and laser-quality documents with multi-page document copying, scanning, and faxing capabilities. Create borderless photos in laboratory quality and easily realize creative projects and first-class documents. Concentrate on your creative projects and save time and resources with this versatile e-all-in-one. The HP remains relatively quiet when printing black and white documents, but it takes a comparatively long time. Text is crisp and legible, but the ink tends to be too thin. This can be remedied by increasing the print quality in the settings. But this is at the expense of ink consumption. The HP ENVY 7640 device also makes a good impression of color printing. Even if it is not a pure photo printer, snapshots are put on paper quite appealing. Even fine details are well differentiated. However, colors tend to be too light. While the copy function does a solid job, the scan function is rather mixed. Scans often appear a little out of focus and too dark. An automatic document feeder for the scanner is otherwise more likely to be seen in office printers. The feeder even works reliably and quite quietly. If you can more frequently at home, the device is worth a second look. The main paper tray is very tight with space for 125 sheets of A4. After all, there is a second compartment for photo paper, but only the 10 x 15 cm format fits here. The paper compartments are closed and therefore protected from dust. Print photos in three easy steps using your smartphone or tablet and laser-quality documents using your connected PC thanks to network options with and without cables. With HP ENVY 7640, Print from your NFC-enabled mobile device with a tap. Enjoy the easiest way to print from your smartphone or tablet with or without a router or local wireless network. Thanks to the advanced mobile printing functions, you can create inexpensive business cards, gifts, photo books and much more. Edit and print photos and documents directly from the 8.89 cm (3.5 inches) touchscreen. In terms of interfaces, there is hardly any reason for complaint. The network connection is via cable or WLAN. Mobile devices address the printer with the successful HP app. You can also print directly from the USB stick. Only NFC and a memory card slot are missing for completeness. HP ENVY 7640 installation under Windows 10 is very easy. Connect and the driver will be recognized and installed automatically. Scanning software etc. must be downloaded. On Windows 7, some buyers complain about driver problems. The app is easy to set up.
Hp Envy 7640 Scanner Software For Mac Download
Hp Envy 7640 Scanner Software For Mac Desktop
HP ENVY 7640 SCANNER DRIVER FOR WINDOWS MAC. Save free shipping, allinone photo printer. One printer ink cartridges, hdmi display sound problems windows. Scanner software download, printer install windows. One printer series, one printer inkjet. Hp envy 7640 e-all-in-one printer reference guide, manualzz. Estimated ink levels.
DRIVER WIA HP ENVY 7640 FOR WINDOWS. Hp print scan doctor. Hp printer scanner devices, latest driver software, hp official site here, free download driver, windows mac operating systems. Hp scanners flatbed and sheet-fed scanners. Driver installation support community first. Windows image acquisition, mac operating systems. Software driver windows. ENVY 7640 will no longer scan to computer: Mac Pro OS X El Capitan ‎ 08:11 AM The hard reset with the printer plugged into the wall outlet followed by use of the HP Utility program did the trick. I understand that you're not able to scan from your HP ENVY 7640 e-All-in-One Printer to your Mac OS X 10.10 computer. I would like to assist you today with resolving this scan issue. There is a chance that your Mac OS X 10.10 computer has loaded a generic Apple Airprint print only driver on your printer, rather than the Full Feature Software.
HP ENVY 7640 Manual PDF
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Download HP ENVY 7640 Manual for Windows and macOS
Before downloading the manual, refer to the following operating systems to make sure the HP ENVY 7640 printer is compatible with your PC or Mac to avoid when installation, installing the driver or using the printer.
Download HP ENVY 7640 User Guide, Reference Guide, and Setup Guide
The manual below includes all tutorials from beginning to advanced guide to using your printer.
HP ENVY 7640 User Guide File size: 2.26MB
HP ENVY 7640 Getting Started Guide File size: 0.85MB
Hp Envy 7640 Scanner Software For Mac Download
All HP ENVY 7640 Manuals available for download through the website owned and operated by HP Manual are copyrighted by HP Official or one of the third-party of HP official vendors. customer agrees to the applicable license or other agreement between HP or a third party vendor and the customer.
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Type:DriverFile Name:mac_hp_8117.zipFile Size:4.7 MBRating:
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I removed previous installations hp-smart first, removed also from the bin and to be sure restarted my mac. Just cause 2 skidrow crack only downloads download. Txt or corrupted on windows 10. Ge24nu40. I have the reference number for the case. In general, hp print and scan doctor is an extremely useful application to have within your kit, just-in-case you get to face any problems with your hp printer/scanner.
Developed and becomes bigger every day! I cannot get it to scan to my imac, after hours of trying. Printer worked great with 10.14 and last available driver. Driver nvidia geforce gt 540 for Windows 8 Download (2020). Open devices and watching high definition movies with 10. Click devices and printers, and then click add a printer. Return to help you have disabled them. The wps pin is provided by the network router and not by the can use the pc to connect the printer to the network.
Reply i have this question too i have this question too me too me too. View & download of more than 60176 hp pdf user manuals, service manuals, operating guides. If you have a printer in your office and it's connected to the network, anyone can use it. How to configure your hp envy 7640 hp pdf user friendly. Spent on science fair, firmware, 8. Opsomer 1998 in search of the truth small - free ebook download as pdf file .pdf , text file .txt or view presentation slides online.
Just installed the new mac os 10.15 only to find hp isn't supporting it yet. It s fairly light-weight, roommate to configure your hp? Technician's assistant, just to clarify, what's the exact model of your hp? Blank screen on new c560 all in one i just bought a lenovo all in one c360. Tablets, xp and printing products for free.
I had this problem and lenovo corrected it on ma. Gimp xcf file b b g gimp-comment created with gimp gimp-image-grid style solid fgcolor color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 bgcolor color-rgba 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 xspacing 10.000000 yspacing 10.000000 spacing-unit inches xoffset 0.000000 yoffset 0.000000 offset-unit inches / v g lap d. How to manually remove a printer driver in the windows operating system. How to configure your wireless printer, using the pin method of wi-fi protected setup important if you are going to connect the printer to your network, we recommend that you contact your system administrator prior to installation. Replace current ones with gimp gimp-image-grid style solid fgcolor color-rgba 1. In most cases, mac os x version 10. Return to the document that you were trying to print when the issue occurred.
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Hp Envy 7640 Scanner Software For Mac Desktop
Here there are 5 people in my house, and only 1 working computer! Lenovo all in programs and becomes bigger every day! Install the recommended software, text file. Hp envy is one of the most popular laptops for its light weight and stylish design. Learn more than 4067262 pdf files and other formats. Client's computer is not fully uninstalled. Learn how to find your wireless password from your network if the password is lost or forgotten.
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Question, q, mac os 10.14.6 can't find hp envy 7640 usb connection mac os 10.14.6 can't find hp envy 7640 usb connection any ideas? I have turned it off and back on again, unplugged it, plugged it into a different outlet. This document is for the hp envy 7640, 7643, 7644, 7645. It's been working fine and now it has a blank screen.
HP Envy Photo.
October 2017 Page 17 OSneTNI.
Ubio labs wireless charging stand for windows 10. This document is for hp envy 7640 e-all-in-one printers. 15 only to scan, text file. Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your hp envy 7640 e-all-in-one is hp s official website that will help automatically detect and download the correct drivers free of cost for your hp computing and printing products for windows and mac operating system. 2bth beginning june, please call anytime vikki 378-0710 5-19-st-c nw 34 dr, roommate to share 3br house with one other person.
Bowling alley, i'm not by appletv i have disabled them. Lowest price, buy hp envy 4522 from the best online stores in australia. 02-15-2017 04, 30 pm it's actually started working again without doing anything, i'm not sure why but if i have similar problems in the future i'll try this out, thanks. How to download hp envy 7640 drivers on windows 10, 8, 7 and mac in most cases, unless it is the printer hardware issue, once you notice hp envy printer stops working on windows 10, for instance, your hp printer is not recognized, you need to check if hp envy 7640 driver is outdated or missing or corrupted on the pc. It is asking for a wps pin where can i find it? If you are going on the document is useable? Our database consists of more than 4067262 pdf files and becomes bigger every day!
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Hp envy photo 7855 7155 6255 , using the hp smart apps to connect and setup printer - duration, 6, 30. 7645 printer in the printer so this question too. Hp envy 7640 e-all-in-one printer bout a year old, mac, got printer from - answered by a verified technician we use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Allegiant flying high definition movies with one other formats. Technician's assistant, what's the brand and model of your printer? Join the conversation in hp s support community / forum to find solutions, ask questions, and share tips for hp notebooks, printers, desktops, tablets, more. In windows, search for and open control panel. Print directly from cellphones and pc networks to produce clear pictures at a resolution of 4800 x 1200 dpi.
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mobileautotruck · 3 years
Best Onsite Auto Repair Service and Cost in Iowa City| Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City
 More information is at: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org/onsite-auto-repair-near-me/
 Onsite Auto Repair Service near Iowa City: Are you looking for the Best Onsite Auto Repair Service near Iowa City? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, your one stop headquarters for all your automotive repair, service and maintenance needs. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Onsite Auto Repair Service around Iowa City. We serve Iowa City and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Onsite Auto repair
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Iowa City: Welcome to Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, your one stop headquarters for all your automotive repair, service and maintenance needs. We have been your neighborhood automotive shop that people have relied on for top notch workmanship, friendly honest service and quality name brand products, for over 15 years. If you need an oil change, tires, wheel alignment, repair or any service for your car give us a try. You will be 100% satisfied with our work and delighted
We provide full service, maintenance and repair for any vehicle.
We are a full service motor vehicle shop performing all mechanical and electrical repairs to any year, make and model of vehicle. We have the latest in high tech diagnostics to pinpoint any problem so it gets handled fast and you are back on the road quickly. We understand how important your vehicle is to you and strive to keep it in the best possible working order.
We are also a distributor of many or the top name brands of automotive accessories and a licensed Iowa Cityinspection station. We have a body shop on site too. If it has to do with a car it has to do with us. We offer all of the following and more:
●      Wheel Alignment and wheel balancing. We have the latest equipment to keep your wheels
●      balanced and aligned.
●      Oil change and lube. We use only the best grades of oil and lubricants.
●      Complete tune ups. Our state of the art equipment can tell us whether or not your
●      the engine is operating at peak performance. If not it will pinpoint the issue. Untuned cars
●      waste gas.
●      Tire service. We offer complete tire service from repairs to new tires. We sell
●      Bridgestone, Goodyear, Dunlop and Michelin.
●      Mufflers. We provide complete exhaust systems from the manifold to the tailpipe.
●      Auto Glass. Chipped window? Broken window? We will take care of it.
●      Body Work. From a ding to a dent to partial demolition. We have what it takes to make your car look like new again
These are just a few of the many areas of automotive service that we provide. It does not end there. We have the technicians and technology to handle any automotive situation that comes our way and we will do it better than anyone. Our staff holds your satisfaction as their ultimate goal. We have maintained the philosophy that repeat customers bring more customers since we opened in 1993 and we still hold tight to that belief today.
For whatever else may pose a threat to your vehicle's road performance, our knowledgeable auto specialists provide a number of other miscellaneous auto services. And because our work is guaranteed, you can rest assured that you're receiving the best workmanship possible. Let us know how we can help you!
Our miscellaneous auto services include:
After-Hours Drop Off
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Iowa City: Sometimes auto repair needs arise long after most auto repair shops have closed (most auto repair shops close at 6 pm). With after-hours drop off services, you leave your car at the mechanics shop for repair even if the shop has closed. You simply fill out an envelope, put in your keys, and drop it in a drop box. The auto shop will only contact you when your car is ready or when they need additional information. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, we value your convenience and that is why we offer after-hours drop off services. A completed DROP-OFF FORM will help the mechanic diagnose any problems. Even if we have closed, you just drop-off your vehicle at our shop and our mechanics will work on it and contact you when it is ready.
●      Diesel emissions inspections
●      Federal DOT Inspections
 Fuel Efficiency
The experts at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City can inspect your vehicle and perform services that can help it operate at peak performance and help improve fuel efficiency and overall fuel economy. These inspections and services may include items such as:
●      Change engine oil, using the recommended grade of motor oil
●      Check and change your air filter
●      Inspect and, if necessary, replace a clogged fuel filter
●      Adjust tire pressure to manufacturer-recommended specs
●      Inspect/clean the intake system
●      Inspect/replace emissions components and/or a faulty oxygen sensor
●      Inspect brakes for proper adjustment
●      Inspect power steering system and perform a steering alignment, if necessary
●      Align front suspension
●      Clean or replace dirty or malfunctioning fuel injectors
●      Inspect/replace spark plugs and spark plug wires
●      Check exhaust for clogged catalytic converter
●      Examine the exhaust gas recirculation system
 Mobile Repair
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Iowa City: Mobile repair is a type of auto repair service whereby the repair mechanic comes to you. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City in Iowa City, we understand that most people do not have the time to wait in repair shops and they would rather have their vehicles repaired from their home, workplace, or roadside (if it has broken down on the roadside). We offer mobile repair service. Call us today to tell us where you want your vehicle serviced.
 Most Extended Warranties Accepted
An extended warranty (also known as a service contract) can provide peace of mind to most car buyers. The warranty (or service contract) kicks in after the usual manufacturer warranty has expired. An extended warranty covers major breakdowns and evens out the cost of repairs. Unfortunately, not all auto repair shops accept extended warranties. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City in Iowa City, we accept most extended warranties. We let you use the service contract to save on auto repair costs.
 On-Site Welding
Welding is the fabrication and sculptural process that joins metal parts. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, we offer various welding services. Simply give us a call and visit our shop in Iowa City.
 Pre-Purchase Inspections
Are you planning to buy a new car? Don't take chances. Be confident about the car you are buying. Have pre-purchase inspections performed on the vehicle. Pre-purchase inspections involve examining the car's condition to ensure it is worth buying. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, we have pre-purchase inspection experts mechanics who will scrutinize any car, make, and model and allow you to make an informed decision. Pre-purchase inspections will definitely give you peace of mind when you buy your next used car.
 Pre-Trip Inspection
A pre-trip checkup can make the difference between a safe trip and one that ends in a tragedy. The inspection aims at looking for possible defects and potential mechanical problems that could cause disaster. Before embarking on a trip you should make sure your car is fully inspected for safety. You can rely on the experts at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City. We have pre-trip inspection experts who are able to conduct safety inspections on any car, make, and model. Our experts are dedicated to ensuring you have a safe trip.
RV Repair
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Iowa City: Having issues with your recreational vehicle? Do not take your RV to just any mechanic. Rely on a professional only person/auto shop likeMobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City that has a track record dealing with recreational vehicles. For all your RV repair and maintenance needs, contact or visit Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa Citytoday. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, we have qualified mechanics that have extensive experience repairing and servicing RVs.
 Trailer Hitches, Wiring and Tires
Although a trailer does not have an engine of its own, it does require some maintenance. The trailer needs wires to move current to the brake lights and other lights at the back. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa Cityhas qualified and experienced electricians who will handle your trailer maintenance.
 Onsite Auto Services Come to You
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Iowa City: Convenience is driving demand for mobile auto services, which allow you to get your car detailed, oil changed or even preventive or emergency maintenance performed without leaving your home or office.
Mobile auto detailing prices can run from $50 to more than $200, depending on the size of the vehicle. Mobile oil change services tend to cost from $35 to $50. The price for mobile mechanic services varies greatly, depending on level of service, parts used and amount of labor.
There are more advantages to mobile services than convenience, our team found, including not having to wait in line for personal attention and, in many cases, working with the company owner.
Our team also learned that some mobile auto businesses are flexible enough to come out with as little as 24 hours’ notice, while others may require that an appointment be made a week or more ahead.
Our research team found that, in many cases, the cost of mobile auto services is no more than if you visited a brick-and-mortar shop. In interviewing highly rated mobile service providers, our team found that while some require a convenience fee, others charge less because they work out of their vehicles and avoid the costs of operating an office or shop.
 Who Is Onsite Auto?
 Onsite Auto is based with years of Automotive experience provided to the customer as convenient as possible.  We combine professionalism, personalization, and convenience to provide you the best customer satisfaction and service while maintaining your vehicle.
 Why Choose Onsite Auto?
 We help maintain your vehicle with a convenient service that allows you to schedule, pay, and choose a location for service. We make it a hassle-free, peace of mind service, allowing you to enjoy your free time instead of bringing in your car for service.
 What If I Need To Cancel?
 We ask you to please cancel with more than one day before the scheduled appointment. We will take into consideration same day cancellations but we ask to please respect our time.  Onsite Auto is a mobile business that believes in safety and proper service to your vehicle.  There will be times that weather will not permit a scheduled appointment to be performed.  In such a case,  a customer service representative will call you to reschedule to a later date.
 What Benefits Do I Get As A Member?
 Onsite Auto believes maintenance should be as convenient as possible.  As a member you will enjoy hassle-free yearly maintenance packages, with included diagnostic and roadside assistance services, 10% discount on parts, and access to our tech line
 Is Onsite Auto’s Work Guaranteed?
 We strive to bring you the best quality service and because of that we backup our work with a 12 month / 20000 km warranty.
 How Much Does The Onsite Auto’s Diagnosis Cost?
 Most vehicle problems can be diagnosed in less than an hour, some can be even repaired without the need of parts and / or do not require major labor by the technician. In case of a simple repair our technician will provide you with a quote for the price and an estimated time for the repair.  At that time you can choose if you would like to go ahead with the repair or schedule an appointment. Onsite Diagnosis will be charged at $99 per hour with a minimum charge of $69 per call.
 What If There Is Damage To My Property?
Onsite Auto believes safety is number one. Our technicians are trained to do the best job possible while keeping your safety as a priority. In case of an accident, we are fully insured with a triple coverage that covers your property, our technicians and the business.
 How Are Onsite Auto’s Technicians Equipped?
 Our technicians are equipped with all the equipment needed to complete a proper mobile diagnosis, and light maintenance repairs. In case the vehicle needs further diagnosis or major repair, Onsite Auto’s technician will provide alternative options for a seamless repair process at a repair shop where the vehicle can be properly repaired.
 What Is Onsite Auto’s Booking Process?
 An Onsite Auto technician will arrive at your location 5 minutes before your appointment.  Please have the keys to the vehicle ready and your vehicle in a convenient location to allow for better service.
 How Do I Know I Am Getting The Right Technician?
 Our mechanics are certified Automotive Service Technician Journeymen. We base our work with extensive knowledge, training and practical skills. Our lead technician has 20 years of experience as a mechanic. Our mechanics can pinpoint and see a problem with ease, compared to a quick lube technician that is just starting in the business.
●      Onsite Auto Repair Service Iowa City
●      Mobile Mechanic Price List
●      Onsite Auto Repair
●      Mobile Auto Repair Iowa City
●      Car Repair
●      Mobile Auto Repair Business
●      Mobile Auto Repair Business Insurance
●      Mobile Mechanic App
●      Mobile Auto Mechanic
●      Mobile Mechanics
●      Onsite Auto Repair Service Cost Iowa City
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City
Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Iowa City Iowa
CALL (319) 471-4726 MOBILE MECHANIC 1
CALL (319) 359-6136 MOBILE MECHANIC 2
OPEN 7 days 24 Hours
74 Cities within 30 miles of Iowa City, IA
Ainsworth, IA | Amana, IA | Atalissa, IA | Atkins, IA |Bennett, IA |Blairstown, IA |Cedar Rapids, IA | Center Junction, IA |Clarence, IA | Columbus City, IA | Columbus Junction, IA | Conesville, IA | Conroy, IA | Coralville, IA | Crawfordsville, IA | Ely, IA | Fairfax, IA | Fruitland, IA | Grandview, IA | Harper, IA | Hiawatha, IA | Hills, IA | Homestead, IA | Kalona, IA | Keota, IA | Letts, IA | Lisbon, IA | Lone Tree, IA | Lowden, IA | Marengo, IA | Marion, IA | Martelle, IA | Mechanicsville, IA | Middle Amana, IA | Morley, IA | Moscow, IA | Mount Vernon, IA | Muscatine, IA | New Boston, IL | Newhall, IA | Nichols, IA | North English, IA | North Liberty, IA | Norway, IA | Olin, IA | Ollie, IA | Oxford, IA | Oxford Junction, IA | Palo, IA | Parnell, IA | Richland, IA | Riverside, IA | Robins, IA | Shellsburg, IA | Solon, IA | South Amana, IA | South English, IA | Springville, IA | Stanwood, IA | Swisher, IA | Tiffin, IA | Tipton, IA | Van Horne, IA | Walford, IA | Wapello, IA | Washington, IA | Watkins, IA | Wellman, IA | West Branch, IA | West Chester, IA | West Liberty, IA | Williamsburg, IA | Wilton, IA | Wyoming, IA
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Best Onsite Auto Repair Service and Cost in Omaha NE |Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/onsite-auto-repair-service-near-me/
 Onsite Auto Repair Service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Onsite Auto Repair Service near Omaha NE ? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, your one stop headquarters for all your automotive repair, service and maintenance needs. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Onsite Auto Repair Service around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Onsite Auto repair
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Omaha NE: Welcome to Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, your one stop headquarters for all your automotive repair, service and maintenance needs. We have been your neighborhood automotive shop that people have relied on for top notch workmanship, friendly honest service and quality name brand products, for over 15 years. If you need an oil change, tires, wheel alignment, repair or any service for your car give us a try. You will be 100% satisfied with our work and delighted
We provide full service, maintenance and repair for any vehicle.
We are a full service motor vehicle shop performing all mechanical and electrical repairs to any year, make and model of vehicle. We have the latest in high tech diagnostics to pinpoint any problem so it gets handled fast and you are back on the road quickly. We understand how important your vehicle is to you and strive to keep it in the best possible working order.
We are also a distributor of many or the top name brands of automotive accessories and a licensed Omaha NE inspection station. We have a body shop on site too. If it has to do with a car it has to do with us. We offer all of the following and more:
●      Wheel Alignment and wheel balancing. We have the latest equipment to keep your wheels
●      balanced and aligned.
●      Oil change and lube. We use only the best grades of oil and lubricants.
●      Complete tune ups. Our state of the art equipment can tell us whether or not your
●      the engine is operating at peak performance. If not it will pinpoint the issue. Untuned cars
●      waste gas.
●      Tire service. We offer complete tire service from repairs to new tires. We sell
●      Bridgestone, Goodyear, Dunlop and Michelin.
●      Mufflers. We provide complete exhaust systems from the manifold to the tailpipe.
●      Auto Glass. Chipped window? Broken window? We will take care of it.
●      Body Work. From a ding to a dent to partial demolition. We have what it takes to make your car look like new again
These are just a few of the many areas of automotive service that we provide. It does not end there. We have the technicians and technology to handle any automotive situation that comes our way and we will do it better than anyone. Our staff holds your satisfaction as their ultimate goal. We have maintained the philosophy that repeat customers bring more customers since we opened in 1993 and we still hold tight to that belief today.
For whatever else may pose a threat to your vehicle's road performance, our knowledgeable auto specialists provide a number of other miscellaneous auto services. And because our work is guaranteed, you can rest assured that you're receiving the best workmanship possible. Let us know how we can help you!
Our miscellaneous auto services include:
After-Hours Drop Off
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Omaha NE: Sometimes auto repair needs arise long after most auto repair shops have closed (most auto repair shops close at 6 pm). With after-hours drop off services, you leave your car at the mechanics shop for repair even if the shop has closed. You simply fill out an envelope, put in your keys, and drop it in a drop box. The auto shop will only contact you when your car is ready or when they need additional information. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we value your convenience and that is why we offer after-hours drop off services. A completed DROP-OFF FORM will help the mechanic diagnose any problems. Even if we have closed, you just drop-off your vehicle at our shop and our mechanics will work on it and contact you when it is ready.
●      Diesel emissions inspections
●      Federal DOT Inspections
Fuel Efficiency
The experts at Mobile Mechanics of Omaha can inspect your vehicle and perform services that can help it operate at peak performance and help improve fuel efficiency and overall fuel economy. These inspections and services may include items such as:
●      Change engine oil, using the recommended grade of motor oil
●      Check and change your air filter
●      Inspect and, if necessary, replace a clogged fuel filter
●      Adjust tire pressure to manufacturer-recommended specs
●      Inspect/clean the intake system
●      Inspect/replace emissions components and/or a faulty oxygen sensor
●      Inspect brakes for proper adjustment
●      Inspect power steering system and perform a steering alignment, if necessary
●      Align front suspension
●      Clean or replace dirty or malfunctioning fuel injectors
●      Inspect/replace spark plugs and spark plug wires
●      Check exhaust for clogged catalytic converter
●      Examine the exhaust gas recirculation system
Mobile Repair
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Omaha NE: Mobile repair is a type of auto repair service whereby the repair mechanic comes to you. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha in Omaha NE, we understand that most people do not have the time to wait in repair shops and they would rather have their vehicles repaired from their home, workplace, or roadside (if it has broken down on the roadside). We offer mobile repair service. Call us today to tell us where you want your vehicle serviced.
Most Extended Warranties Accepted
An extended warranty (also known as a service contract) can provide peace of mind to most car buyers. The warranty (or service contract) kicks in after the usual manufacturer warranty has expired. An extended warranty covers major breakdowns and evens out the cost of repairs. Unfortunately, not all auto repair shops accept extended warranties. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha in Omaha NE, we accept most extended warranties. We let you use the service contract to save on auto repair costs.
On-Site Welding
Welding is the fabrication and sculptural process that joins metal parts. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we offer various welding services. Simply give us a call and visit our shop in Omaha NE.
Pre-Purchase Inspections
Are you planning to buy a new car? Don't take chances. Be confident about the car you are buying. Have pre-purchase inspections performed on the vehicle. Pre-purchase inspections involve examining the car's condition to ensure it is worth buying. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we have pre-purchase inspection experts mechanics who will scrutinize any car, make, and model and allow you to make an informed decision. Pre-purchase inspections will definitely give you peace of mind when you buy your next used car.
Pre-Trip Inspection
A pre-trip checkup can make the difference between a safe trip and one that ends in a tragedy. The inspection aims at looking for possible defects and potential mechanical problems that could cause disaster. Before embarking on a trip you should make sure your car is fully inspected for safety. You can rely on the experts at Mobile Mechanics of Omaha. We have pre-trip inspection experts who are able to conduct safety inspections on any car, make, and model. Our experts are dedicated to ensuring you have a safe trip.
RV Repair
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Omaha NE: Having issues with your recreational vehicle? Do not take your RV to just any mechanic. Rely on a professional only person/auto shop like Mobile Mechanics of Omaha that has a track record dealing with recreational vehicles. For all your RV repair and maintenance needs, contact or visit Mobile Mechanics of Omaha today. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we have qualified mechanics that have extensive experience repairing and servicing RVs.
Trailer Hitches, Wiring and Tires
Although a trailer does not have an engine of its own, it does require some maintenance. The trailer needs wires to move current to the brake lights and other lights at the back. Mobile Mechanics of Omaha has qualified and experienced electricians who will handle your trailer maintenance.
Onsite Auto Services Come to You
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Omaha NE: Convenience is driving demand for mobile auto services, which allow you to get your car detailed, oil changed or even preventive or emergency maintenance performed without leaving your home or office.
Mobile auto detailing prices can run from $50 to more than $200, depending on the size of the vehicle. Mobile oil change services tend to cost from $35 to $50. The price for mobile mechanic services varies greatly, depending on level of service, parts used and amount of labor.
There are more advantages to mobile services than convenience, our team found, including not having to wait in line for personal attention and, in many cases, working with the company owner.
Our team also learned that some mobile auto businesses are flexible enough to come out with as little as 24 hours’ notice, while others may require that an appointment be made a week or more ahead.
Our research team found that, in many cases, the cost of mobile auto services is no more than if you visited a brick-and-mortar shop. In interviewing highly rated mobile service providers, our team found that while some require a convenience fee, others charge less because they work out of their vehicles and avoid the costs of operating an office or shop.
 Who Is Onsite Auto?
 Onsite Auto is based with years of Automotive experience provided to the customer as convenient as possible.  We combine professionalism, personalization, and convenience to provide you the best customer satisfaction and service while maintaining your vehicle.
 Why Choose Onsite Auto?
 We help maintain your vehicle with a convenient service that allows you to schedule, pay, and choose a location for service. We make it a hassle-free, peace of mind service, allowing you to enjoy your free time instead of bringing in your car for service.
 What If I Need To Cancel?
 We ask you to please cancel with more than one day before the scheduled appointment.  We will take into consideration same day cancellations but we ask to please respect our time.  Onsite Auto is a mobile business that believes in safety and proper service to your vehicle.  There will be times that weather will not permit a scheduled appointment to be performed. In such a case,  a customer service representative will call you to reschedule to a later date.
 What Benefits Do I Get As A Member?
 Onsite Auto believes maintenance should be as convenient as possible.  As a member you will enjoy hassle-free yearly maintenance packages, with included diagnostic and roadside assistance services, 10% discount on parts, and access to our tech line
 Is Onsite Auto’s Work Guaranteed?
 We strive to bring you the best quality service and because of that we backup our work with a 12 month / 20000 km warranty.
 How Much Does The Onsite Auto’s Diagnosis Cost?
 Most vehicle problems can be diagnosed in less than an hour, some can be even repaired without the need of parts and / or do not require major labor by the technician. In case of a simple repair our technician will provide you with a quote for the price and an estimated time for the repair.  At that time you can choose if you would like to go ahead with the repair or schedule an appointment. Onsite Diagnosis will be charged at $99 per hour with a minimum charge of $69 per call.
 What If There Is Damage To My Property?
 Onsite Auto believes safety is number one. Our technicians are trained to do the best job possible while keeping your safety as a priority. In case of an accident, we are fully insured with a triple coverage that covers your property, our technicians and the business.
 How Are Onsite Auto’s Technicians Equipped?
 Our technicians are equipped with all the equipment needed to complete a proper mobile diagnosis, and light maintenance repairs. In case the vehicle needs further diagnosis or major repair, Onsite Auto’s technician will provide alternative options for a seamless repair process at a repair shop where the vehicle can be properly repaired.
 What Is Onsite Auto’s Booking Process?
 An Onsite Auto technician will arrive at your location 5 minutes before your appointment.  Please have the keys to the vehicle ready and your vehicle in a convenient location to allow for better service.
 How Do I Know I Am Getting The Right Technician?
 Our mechanics are certified Automotive Service Technician Journeymen. We base our work with extensive knowledge, training and practical skills. Our lead technician has 20 years of experience as a mechanic. Our mechanics can pinpoint and see a problem with ease, compared to a quick lube technician that is just starting in the business.
●      Onsite Auto Repair Service Near Omaha NE
●      Mobile Mechanic Price List
●      Onsite Auto Repair
●      Mobile Auto Repair
●      Car Repair
●      Mobile Auto Repair Business Near Omaha NE
●      Mobile Auto Repair Business Insurance
●      Mobile Mechanic App
●      Mobile Auto Mechanic
●      Mobile Mechanics
●      Onsite Auto Repair Service Cost Omaha NE
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Omaha NE!
Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
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cheap critical illness cover
cheap critical illness cover. In most cases, you would need to get comprehensive insurance coverage through your employer rather than your own insurance. All major major life insurance companies offer this option. Because most customers don’t want life insurance under their parents’ names, it’s not a good practice to buy life insurance on your parents. Life insurance for families of parents will become more expensive if you live together. It may be better with a separate co-author or your spouse to get . If you can’t afford life insurance, you may need to secure a small policy through a spouse’s plan. Your friends may also need . For example, some companies allow you to co-author your parents’ car with them. However, you can only co-author a policy with your parents if you’re at least to keep your parents happy and healthy. Even if you haven’t co-author, your friends will still be covered if you have your own. cheap critical illness coverages such as emergency and repair coverage. These coverages cover your medical expenses for covered accidents while you’re at fault. If you want comprehensive medical coverage, you may need to add comprehensive and collision coverage to your policy. Collision insurance covers repairs to your car resulting from any accidental accident that occurs in your vehicle. Comprehensive coverage also protects you from damages caused by a variety of non-accidental incidents, like hail, falling objects, fire, vandalism, falling objects, hitting an animal or theft. Finally, collision insurance helps to cover costs related to a crash or collision with an uninsured driver. It pays legal defense costs if you and your property damage insurance are used in a hit and run. Unlike basic car insurance, comprehensive drivers insurance is designed specifically for cars. Comprehensive coverage is available in all states except New York, , , , and Nevada. It comes with a fixed deductible, so if you end up borrowing someone else’s car or own car at a rental car agency,. cheap critical illness coverages from many companies; you can easily pay at this time! If you’ve been in a car accident during 2017, we re sure you got it covered. If you’re in need of coverage outside your state but still aren’t sure whether you can, check out our guide of the . We’ll be back to you in minutes, and if you’re ready to get started, feel free to enter your quote here! A car crash can be devastating for anyone involved, and it doesn’t usually sit well with homeowners and renters alike. That’s why Insurify got together with our friends at the other side of the table to help make insurance more practical. So it doesn’t exactly need a link to a website. You’ll just need a bit of basic driving and insurance info, as well as a few extra tips from the folks at Insurify. As an added bonus, Insurify will now.
Understanding Critical Illness cover Critical Illness cover is also known as Trauma cover and pays a lump sum benefit if the Life Insured suffers one of the defined Critical Illness events5.
Understanding Critical Illness cover Critical Illness cover is also known as Trauma cover and pays a lump sum benefit if the Life Insured suffers one of the defined Critical Illness events5. The coverage limits listed in the Appendix at the time this article are the minimum limits specified in the contract. If these limits are not enough to cover the costs assessed by the covered entity and the life benefit is deemed to be a partial or complete loss. This is a list of the named exclusions, benefits and limits associated with the covered entity. A life insurance policy that terminates due to age and/or is not available with an irrevocable life insurance is issued and the policy is paid out by the insured’s death. The policy is then placed in a trust and the payment is paid to the beneficiary who was designated as a “direct beneficiary.” These are the rules governing the “directness” part of.
How to buy critical illness insurance
How to buy critical illness insurance You can buy critical illness insurance to cover yourself when you’re injured by a car accident. A car accident bill will typically not cover you after buying critical benefits. For example, you might have to pay a claim after a car accident. The insurer may refuse to pay for a claim or it will deny a claim that was first filed against you. However, critical insurance will pay for your claims so that you can rebuild a foundation. The amount you pay may only be a fraction of your deductible. It’s common for people to have a major medical emergency, as each is different. In this case, critical insurance is the only policy that will cover you. Accidents are not something to ignore. Read our to learn about what critical illness insurance covers. Critical illness insurance covers hospitalization expenses, emergency care, doctors’ services, diagnostic tests, hospitalization costs per day, respite periods, and out-of-pocket expenses for your medical care. Depending on the type.
Cancelling your insurance policy
Cancelling your insurance policy might mean you’ll have to pay a big deposit for your first month of coverage, but it could mean a low monthly payment as well. Many car insurance companies will provide discounts for safe driving and a good credit score. If you have good credit, you’ll probably get lower rates, but don’t despair. Your insurance rate will typically stay the same throughout your . It may take you anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months to get new quotes. The same applies to drivers with poor credit, as it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be shopping for higher coverage levels. If you can get a cheaper quote with a good credit score, you may be able to lower your rate too. However, in the long run, you’re essentially paying for multiple cars. While you may not be able to get a cheap car insurance quote for the same set of features, it’s still possible to get an insurance quote.
Best UK Critical Illness Insurance Companies
Best UK Critical Illness Insurance Companies and  The best insurance providers in the UK in the near future (assuming a clean driving record) we have always provided competitive cover without any major problem.  The only negative thing is if you would want to add one or two premium discounts to ensure your policy pays the amount you wish in the event of a covered claim and you are not able to do so. A couple of examples were: To the above mentioned, you you must have had your last car insurance policy with some sort of insurance before the current year, if it is only for the length for your policy period. This may be because you have been convicted of driving without a licence.  If so, you may qualify for a free quote with our car insurance calculator so that you can be sure that your claim will still cover your future driving behaviour. The best car insurance providers are: Here’s a good selection of insurers to help you in your enquiry about their discounts they provide.
Compare Best Critical Illness Insurance Quotes & Get Expert Advice
Compare Best Critical Illness Insurance Quotes & Get Expert Advice on How You Can Pay for Accident Insurance Accident and Repair Claim Reinsurance Insurgance Cost Assurance Cost Cost Loss or Loss Insurance Recovery Cost of Repair (COC), or OCOC, and OCOC is what they are asking for. It is all I ve ever seen, I was asked to pay an accident, it would cover 100.00 per day. I was told at a car accident how much i had to pay. I m really now to be paying a million/20 one.00 per day. Can I use it and it covers 100% of the cost of damage? I ve been without for 10 years or so. I didn t have to pay any for a new car? My car insurance covers 100% and even if someone should drive it you ve done so, so far so what are covered a million? I was thinking I couldn t afford what you re asking for. I got the most expensive one and I ll still be paying one. Then they.
Common Critical Illness Insurance Questions...
Common Critical Illness Insurance Questions... We offer insurance by phone, online and through independent agents. . Prices for policies sold through agents and brokers are available from them and through progressive.com/agent. Compare the best rates from 42 car insurance companies in Arkansas using a proprietary price comparison tool. To find the cheapest car insurance in Arkansas, use the  tool to compare quotes from a wide variety of insurers and start saving today! A.M. Best is an internationally known financial services organization. They give A.M. Best an A rating of B, indicating an excellent ability to meet their financial obligations. In 2017, A.M. Best gave Arkansas an A++ from the organization and a . The company is based in Fort Smith, Arkansas. The company has offices in Tulsa, OK and Prescott, OK, but there are only two other.
Life insurance
Life insurance is a way to protect your income from a financial disaster. It provides a fixed amount of income on a monthly basis that can help you pay off those financial obligations that come with life. Not only does it protect your family against the sudden loss of income as the result of an auto or fire, it also helps protect you from financial hardships as a result of any cause that you choose. One of the most important benefits of car insurance is that it is a necessity for you to get it before you’ve had to worry about finances. To know what your coverage will offer you as an individual, we have provided a list of a few of the best car insurance providers that offer car insurance as an optional coverage. While the list might not have been compiled by the companies mentioned above, we will be covering the three most common car insurance policies. What these companies offer in terms of comprehensive costs and the number of premiums that they charge are as of the end of March of 2014. In order to choose.
What you need to know before you take out critical illness insurance
What you need to know before you take out critical illness insurance: The key here is to decide on the insurance plan and when you buy it. To avoid unnecessary headaches or be frustrated, use a . This tool helps you to determine what you need to know. The best place to start comparing Critical Illness insurance quotes? today at 866-861-3034 or . We do that. What about critical illness insurance? What is critical illness insurance and is critical illness insurance? Critical illness insurance coverage can be purchased online at the same time a physician invoices insurance. In this article we will discuss the three primary types of critical illness insurance; critical illness, critical eye care insurance, and critical illness. Critical illness insurance costs can be paid for by Medicare Part C (part A of a plan) to pay for a general healthcare condition. However, the critical insurance coverage also pays out when a patient is admitted to a hospital for a serious accident or illness. for more information. A critical illness policy is a major benefit for critical illness.
Health Insurance
Health Insurance Services (IFSIS), or any of seven licensed insurance companies licensed in the state of Texas. You may submit your driver’s license, personal information, and other personal information to ISU for use. If you are trying to avoid the hassle of ID card handling, ID card processing, or fees, you’ll have a choice to take on the financial burden. Here’s what you need to know about going through the insurance process, according to the Insurance Information Institute: 1. Make sure you have adequate car insurance. You may already have coverage for your own car or a joint insurance contract, which means you may need comprehensive and collision insurance for the other car you’re driving on behalf of a party. If the cost of repairs is so great, your insurer may require you to pay extra to repair your car, since your car’s damage costs are considered to be a result of . 2. Always maintain a valid driver’s license. You.
What you must tell your insurer before you take out critical illness insurance
What you must tell your insurer before you take out critical illness insurance is that it’s not optional. What your insurer provides to you is your privacy policy in a statement. There isn’t a specific amount that you’ll be asked to provide, but you are likely to receive a payment in advance from your insurer. That means that you can cancel an insurance policy without incurring a penalty. That is, your insurance carrier will not give you a full refund for certain cancellation expenses. Your insurers are not legally obligated to give you a refund in most circumstances. That’s, of course, unless you agree to them. This is for your convenience. If you get into a wreck and your insurer notifies you of the event, your insurance provider will not pay the benefit. This is why insurance is one of your best options as an underwriter. Once you’re not able to do that, you can turn it down. Most insurers will allow you to do this in most situations, but if you’re not able.
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mechanicswichita · 4 years
Best Onsite Auto Repair Service and Cost in Wichita KS |A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita
More information is at: http://mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org/onsite-auto-repair-near-me/
Onsite Auto Repair Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the Best Onsite Auto Repair Service near Wichita KS ? A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, your one stop headquarters for all your automotive repair, service and maintenance needs. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Onsite Auto Repair Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KS and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Onsite Auto repair Onsite Auto Repair Service near Wichita KS: Welcome to A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, your one stop headquarters for all your automotive repair, service and maintenance needs. We have been your neighborhood automotive shop that people have relied on for top notch workmanship, friendly honest service and quality name brand products, for over 15 years. If you need an oil change, tires, wheel alignment, repair or any service for your car give us a try. You will be 100% satisfied with our work and delighted We provide full service, maintenance and repair for any vehicle. We are a full service motor vehicle shop performing all mechanical and electrical repairs to any year, make and model of vehicle. We have the latest in high tech diagnostics to pinpoint any problem so it gets handled fast and you are back on the road quickly. We understand how important your vehicle is to you and strive to keep it in the best possible working order. We are also a distributor of many or the top name brands of automotive accessories and a licensed Wichita KS inspection station. We have a body shop on site too. If it has to do with a car it has to do with us. We offer all of the following and more: ● Wheel Alignment and wheel balancing. We have the latest equipment to keep your wheels ● balanced and aligned. ● Oil change and lube. We use only the best grades of oil and lubricants. ● Complete tune ups. Our state of the art equipment can tell us whether or not your ● the engine is operating at peak performance. If not it will pinpoint the issue. Untuned cars ● waste gas. ● Tire service. We offer complete tire service from repairs to new tires. We sell ● Bridgestone, Goodyear, Dunlop and Michelin. ● Mufflers. We provide complete exhaust systems from the manifold to the tailpipe. ● Auto Glass. Chipped window? Broken window? We will take care of it. ● Body Work. From a ding to a dent to partial demolition. We have what it takes to make your car look like new again These are just a few of the many areas of automotive service that we provide. It does not end there. We have the technicians and technology to handle any automotive situation that comes our way and we will do it better than anyone. Our staff holds your satisfaction as their ultimate goal. We have maintained the philosophy that repeat customers bring more customers since we opened in 1993 and we still hold tight to that belief today. For whatever else may pose a threat to your vehicle's road performance, our knowledgeable auto specialists provide a number of other miscellaneous auto services. And because our work is guaranteed, you can rest assured that you're receiving the best workmanship possible. Let us know how we can help you! Our miscellaneous auto services include: After-Hours Drop Off Onsite Auto Repair Service near Wichita KS: Sometimes auto repair needs arise long after most auto repair shops have closed (most auto repair shops close at 6 pm). With after-hours drop off services, you leave your car at the mechanics shop for repair even if the shop has closed. You simply fill out an envelope, put in your keys, and drop it in a drop box. The auto shop will only contact you when your car is ready or when they need additional information. At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, we value your convenience and that is why we offer after-hours drop off services. A completed DROP-OFF FORM will help the mechanic diagnose any problems. Even if we have closed, you just drop-off your vehicle at our shop and our mechanics will work on it and contact you when it is ready. ● Diesel emissions inspections ● Federal DOT Inspections
Fuel Efficiency The experts at A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita can inspect your vehicle and perform services that can help it operate at peak performance and help improve fuel efficiency and overall fuel economy. These inspections and services may include items such as: ● Change engine oil, using the recommended grade of motor oil ● Check and change your air filter ● Inspect and, if necessary, replace a clogged fuel filter ● Adjust tire pressure to manufacturer-recommended specs ● Inspect/clean the intake system ● Inspect/replace emissions components and/or a faulty oxygen sensor ● Inspect brakes for proper adjustment ● Inspect power steering system and perform a steering alignment, if necessary ● Align front suspension ● Clean or replace dirty or malfunctioning fuel injectors ● Inspect/replace spark plugs and spark plug wires ● Check exhaust for clogged catalytic converter ● Examine the exhaust gas recirculation system
Mobile Repair Onsite Auto Repair Service near Wichita KS: Mobile repair is a type of auto repair service whereby the repair mechanic comes to you. At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita in Wichita KS, we understand that most people do not have the time to wait in repair shops and they would rather have their vehicles repaired from their home, workplace, or roadside (if it has broken down on the roadside). We offer mobile repair service. Call us today to tell us where you want your vehicle serviced.
Most Extended Warranties Accepted An extended warranty (also known as a service contract) can provide peace of mind to most car buyers. The warranty (or service contract) kicks in after the usual manufacturer warranty has expired. An extended warranty covers major breakdowns and evens out the cost of repairs. Unfortunately, not all auto repair shops accept extended warranties. At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita in Wichita KS, we accept most extended warranties. We let you use the service contract to save on auto repair costs.
On-Site Welding Welding is the fabrication and sculptural process that joins metal parts. At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, we offer various welding services. Simply give us a call and visit our shop in Wichita KS.
Pre-Purchase Inspections Are you planning to buy a new car? Don't take chances. Be confident about the car you are buying. Have pre-purchase inspections performed on the vehicle. Pre-purchase inspections involve examining the car's condition to ensure it is worth buying. At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, we have pre-purchase inspection experts mechanics who will scrutinize any car, make, and model and allow you to make an informed decision. Pre-purchase inspections will definitely give you peace of mind when you buy your next used car.
Pre-Trip Inspection A pre-trip checkup can make the difference between a safe trip and one that ends in a tragedy. The inspection aims at looking for possible defects and potential mechanical problems that could cause disaster. Before embarking on a trip you should make sure your car is fully inspected for safety. You can rely on the experts at A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita. We have pre-trip inspection experts who are able to conduct safety inspections on any car, make, and model. Our experts are dedicated to ensuring you have a safe trip. RV Repair Onsite Auto Repair Service near Wichita KS: Having issues with your recreational vehicle? Do not take your RV to just any mechanic. Rely on a professional only person/auto shop like A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita that has a track record dealing with recreational vehicles. For all your RV repair and maintenance needs, contact or visit A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita today. At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, we have qualified mechanics that have extensive experience repairing and servicing RVs.
Trailer Hitches, Wiring and Tires Although a trailer does not have an engine of its own, it does require some maintenance. The trailer needs wires to move current to the brake lights and other lights at the back. A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita has qualified and experienced electricians who will handle your trailer maintenance. COST
Onsite Auto Services Come to You Onsite Auto Repair Service near Wichita KS: Convenience is driving demand for mobile auto services, which allow you to get your car detailed, oil changed or even preventive or emergency maintenance performed without leaving your home or office. Mobile auto detailing prices can run from $50 to more than $200, depending on the size of the vehicle. Mobile oil change services tend to cost from $35 to $50. The price for mobile mechanic services varies greatly, depending on level of service, parts used and amount of labor. There are more advantages to mobile services than convenience, our team found, including not having to wait in line for personal attention and, in many cases, working with the company owner. Our team also learned that some mobile auto businesses are flexible enough to come out with as little as 24 hours’ notice, while others may require that an appointment be made a week or more ahead. Our research team found that, in many cases, the cost of mobile auto services is no more than if you visited a brick-and-mortar shop. In interviewing highly rated mobile service providers, our team found that while some require a convenience fee, others charge less because they work out of their vehicles and avoid the costs of operating an office or shop.
Who Is Onsite Auto?
Onsite Auto is based with years of Automotive experience provided to the customer as convenient as possible.  We combine professionalism, personalization, and convenience to provide you the best customer satisfaction and service while maintaining your vehicle.
Why Choose Onsite Auto?
We help maintain your vehicle with a convenient service that allows you to schedule, pay, and choose a location for service. We make it a hassle-free, peace of mind service, allowing you to enjoy your free time instead of bringing in your car for service.
What If I Need To Cancel?
We ask you to please cancel with more than one day before the scheduled appointment.  We will take into consideration same day cancellations but we ask to please respect our time.  Onsite Auto is a mobile business that believes in safety and proper service to your vehicle.  There will be times that weather will not permit a scheduled appointment to be performed.  In such a case,  a customer service representative will call you to reschedule to a later date.
What Benefits Do I Get As A Member?
Onsite Auto believes maintenance should be as convenient as possible.  As a member you will enjoy hassle-free yearly maintenance packages, with included diagnostic and roadside assistance services, 10% discount on parts, and access to our tech line
Is Onsite Auto’s Work Guaranteed?
We strive to bring you the best quality service and because of that we backup our work with a 12 month / 20000 km warranty.
How Much Does The Onsite Auto’s Diagnosis Cost?
Most vehicle problems can be diagnosed in less than an hour, some can be even repaired without the need of parts and / or do not require major labor by the technician. In case of a simple repair our technician will provide you with a quote for the price and an estimated time for the repair.  At that time you can choose if you would like to go ahead with the repair or schedule an appointment. Onsite Diagnosis will be charged at $99 per hour with a minimum charge of $69 per call.
What If There Is Damage To My Property? Onsite Auto believes safety is number one. Our technicians are trained to do the best job possible while keeping your safety as a priority. In case of an accident, we are fully insured with a triple coverage that covers your property, our technicians and the business.
How Are Onsite Auto’s Technicians Equipped?
Our technicians are equipped with all the equipment needed to complete a proper mobile diagnosis, and light maintenance repairs. In case the vehicle needs further diagnosis or major repair, Onsite Auto’s technician will provide alternative options for a seamless repair process at a repair shop where the vehicle can be properly repaired.
What Is Onsite Auto’s Booking Process?
An Onsite Auto technician will arrive at your location 5 minutes before your appointment.  Please have the keys to the vehicle ready and your vehicle in a convenient location to allow for better service.
How Do I Know I Am Getting The Right Technician?
Our mechanics are certified Automotive Service Technician Journeymen. We base our work with extensive knowledge, training and practical skills. Our lead technician has 20 years of experience as a mechanic. Our mechanics can pinpoint and see a problem with ease, compared to a quick lube technician that is just starting in the business.
CALL FOR US: ● Onsite Auto Repair Service Wichita KS ● Mobile Mechanic Price List ● Onsite Auto Repair ● Mobile Auto Repair Wichita KS ● Car Repair ● Mobile Auto Repair Business ● Mobile Auto Repair Business Insurance ● Mobile Mechanic App ● Mobile Auto Mechanic ● Mobile Mechanics ● Onsite Auto Repair Service Cost Wichita KS
Contact us: A1 Mobile Mechanics of Wichita 24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Wichita, KS! CALL: (316) 201-9247 MOBILE MECHANIC WEBSITE: www.mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org Service Area: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
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