#{Sure let's go with that}
eldritch-nightmare · 8 months
idk idk im just imagining eyeless jack purring.
i'm just picturing in my mind. he doesn't know he can purr, it's not something that ever happens, not until he met you. it's something that surprised you both, really.
you two, cuddling on the couch or the bed or wherever. his mask is off, lazily thrown somewhere unimportant. his face is buried in your neck, breathing in your scent as you're scrolling through your phone or reading a book with one hand while the other is running through jack's hair, lightly scratching every so often.
it's a blissful state of calm and quiet between the two of you, and jack is beginning to doze off when—
"jack, honey, are you purring?"
and he grumbles slightly, a bit annoyed that you're talking to him when he's trying to sleep because no, he is not—
okay, so maybe he is purring. that's a thing he can do, sure. makes sense, i guess. i mean...
sharp teeth, multiple tongues, an insatiable desire to consume human flesh, black oozing empty eye sockets... why not add purring to the list of his quirks? it's probably the tamest thing there, honestly.
and you can't help but let out a small laugh, his purring growing louder at the sound of it as he tiredly huffs and buries his face further into your neck, lightly nipping at your skin.
and the two of you fall back into silence once more, except for the sound of him purring as he drifts off to sleep in your arms.
safe and sound, just him and his lovely mate.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
DAVE: where do babies come from
ROSE: Dave, I'm sure we've talked about this.
DAVE: yeah but i forgot
DAVE: two dudes right
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rayar32 · 3 months
I'll be honest I completely forgot what I posted here last so have a Carol flashbang from her birthday
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i have recently learned apparently pomegranates are a mysterious fruit to more people than i thought (particularly to Rick Riordan himself, if the books are anything to go by) so little list of pomegranate things:
They’re in-season during the winter in the Northern Hemisphere. This is why they’re associated with Persephone's journey to the Underworld (because winter).
The outside peel feels basically like a smooth version of a citrus peel, and it’s a bit thinner.
There is SO MUCH PITH it is such a pain to peel and you should not eat the pith.
The entire seed is edible. They’re like corn kernels but a tiny bit crunchier and a fruit instead of a grain. Apparently some people do not eat the entire seed and spit out half of it and I do not understand why someone would put in that much extra effort for something literally the size of a corn kernel.
The juice is this very rich magenta. It looks a little like blood but it’s definitely more pink/purple than blood red.
A single pomegranate has several hundred seeds. Even a single section of pomegranate easily has like 50 seeds.
I cannot compare the smell other than “it smells like pomegranate” but things that claim to be pomegranate flavored/scented are generally accurate.
Individual seeds range in taste but they’re generally. well. fruity, as you’d expect from a fruit, or very mildly sour. Think like, apple levels of range.
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dykelawlight · 9 months
She wishes very much that Light was here, guiding her, or L, even — she doesn’t know anything about this kind of thing, not really, beyond her own personal research (which was thorough, but prior to a month or two ago purely theoretical). But she had asked if Light could come with her, when Light gave her this assignment, and Light had smiled, calm and benevolent, and said absolutely not. Either way, Teru is currently standing here, by herself, on her day off, in an extremely kinky sex shop in Roppongi. It is dark and there is music and colored lighting. She is profoundly uncomfortable and she is on a mission. Death Note Kinktober 2023, day 1: toys.
My late @dnkinktober day 1 entry is here!!! It's 6k words of lesbian threesome bullshit from my cherished and beloved AU which otherwise hasn't seen the light of day!!! Enjoy :)
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clotpolesonly · 7 months
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sorry this is gonna be canon, people fuck with their hair after traumatic experiences and Will has a type, it's inevitable
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
I picture OP finding the Tyranny empty. But it's not the horror show the Autobots expected to find. All the corpses and body parts are gone. The blood stains have been scrubbed and bleached as close to oblivion as the mechs inside could manage. And the ships log is interesting... since the last log was signed Damus.
Nickel's horrified and traumatized being on an organic world. She definitely wants to protect the Sparklings though. Tarn feels unworthy to approach the munchkins. Just he doesn't deserve to touch something so innocent. I feel like they'd be observing but would intervene to protect the kids.
The Maltos are protecting the Terrans as their own young. And Dot is clearly willing to take on anyone for her children.Well given the Cybersleved children and their link it's not suprising. But they're treating their partly-organic and inorganic offspring the exact same way, with love, kindness and firm discipline tempered by compassion and the reasons for the rules.
Megatron being close to the family has Damus uneasy. This is however a very different Megatron than any thing he's ever seen. There's a closeness but Megatron's admitting his mistakes.
The GHOST mess at whatever stage in the timeline he shows up, has Damus deeply concerned and Nickel triggered halfway to the Pit and back.
It would be interesting if one of the human kids and one of their Terran sibs were searching for an escaped Fluffy Ears and stumbled into Nickel having a panic atack. Poor Fluffy Ears just wanted to be Nickel's friend. The kids are trying to help her when Damus arives. They think the minibot is af new sib since she's curled up and they can't see her badge. Damus leaves cradeling an exausted Nickel but he got the story of how the Terrans came to be. He told the children the black box consortium murdered her home planet of Prion. One of them asks for his name and he tells them it's Damus.
The kids mention meeting Damus and Nickel to Dot and Bee. Dot and Bee however doesn't realize until Megs stops to visit that Damus was Tarn's actual name. And he was unmasked. Heck he might have changed his paint job and optics back to their original colors too. Plus Nickel no one knows who she is, and the kids weren't warned about Damus.
Ohhhoh they thought they were prepared (or at least as prepared as they thought they could get). They expected so many horrors, and they ended up finding one of the most oddly terrifying things: nothing :)
From what I know, I don't think (?) The autobots have interacted much with the DJD, so they're getting that feeling of being out of the loop the entire time.
y e a h Nickel isn't all that happy.
Plus, when was the last time Tarn was around a youngling?? That's right. He's not so sure about being around the kids.
oh Damus
This entire thing is such a trip for them, especially since they haven't had the last couple of decades of context regarding the cybertronians on earth, humans, and well yeah the Terran stuff.
Dot is ABSOLUTELY prepared yep yep
Damus has so many 💫opinions💫 about Megatron's life/connection with the Maltos (a lot of mecha and humans probably do)
Oh I can exactly see the not so nice comparisons that Damus and Nickel are making regarding GHOST (from my pov in analyzing the timeline, I'm imagining Nightshade in all their green glory so definitely after s1-1/3rd), and they're right for that.
So Nickel's freaking the fuck out because yeahhh. It would be funny as hell if technically it was Fluffy Ears who discovered Nickel, and well that's how the kids meet her and Dams. okay that also is funny that they assume she's another surprise child
Oh Damus providing context, that's definitely gonna have consequencesssss
The kids don't see a thing wrong with this, after all Damus and Nickel didn't seem like an immediate threat and it didn't click that they were decepticons (and even then, the kids probably would've still tried to be friendly.) Hell, Dot, Alex, and Bee don't even see anything wrong until they mention it to Megatron— and that's when you can practically hear his energon pressure skyrocket.
Damus sounds so pretty with his original optic and paint job colors.
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sandpapersnowman · 1 year
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@ddddaikon made a good joke tonight
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crehador · 7 months
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where have i seen—ah right. the thumb
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minas-linkverse · 1 year
Upcoming stuff
Hey guys! I’ve got some mixed news about the finale of the current arc. It’s all sketched and ready to be lined, but it’s also much longer than what’s come before in singular updates.
Due to that I’m not sure how I’ll be posting it yet... In parts? All at once? Daily? As I finish things? We’ll have to wait and see what I end up deciding upon.
That all does mean that I won’t be posting updates at the same rate. I might post in a week, maybe two, maybe it’ll take me a whole month! I’m sorry about that, but hope everyone can be understanding of my decision.
I’ll do my best to keep this blog still active, maybe post sneak peeks or other illustrations I get up to! Thank you to everyone for your continued support, it really keeps me going.
And thank you for reading this! Have a good day!!
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birindale · 10 months
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Okay after a brief delay (coding hard) (do NOT look at it on mobile) I have uploaded the international names of all major and secondary SPOP characters, plus a few tertiaries for a little extra flavor. All languages using the Latin alphabet have been transcribed 1:1, and where non-Latin alphabets approximate the English names, I’ve chosen to represent them as such. Like yeah there’s no J in Greek but Ánd͡zela is as close as they can get to /d͡ʒ / without reclaiming the word ángelos from like 1500 years’ worth of palatization, so… I’m just writing the English name. You can read it with a little accent in your head if you want. 
A huge thank you to @gveret-fic (whose fics you can check out here!) for helping me with the romanized Hebrew spellings! And teaching me that the definite article is a prefix, bc that made a lot of words make sense suddenly. If there are any native speakers of the other transliterated languages out there… please, god, make sure I didn't fuck up your language's romanizations too badly. i'm just one nerd
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ermineadoptera · 10 months
Heyo! I'm Marco!!!!!! My pronouns are she/they. If you know me well, my pronouns are they/she. If you're really REALLY special, you can throw in some he/hims every once in a while :3. If you're still having trouble figuring out how to refer to me, click here! I'm sure it'll make things easier ;)
I'm a brazilian transfem non-binary bigender genderthing creature that mostly lurks around, but i've been trying to be more present and social around tumblr.
I am a freelance musician! you can check my stuff on my youtube or my bandcamp! once again, have been trying to produce and share more stuff, so visit every once in a while! i'd love to hear what you think.
Commissions are currently closed.
Got some tags. Currently there's "literally me" for selfies (lots'a NSFW in there also), "questions!" for tumblr asks and "thoughtmoth" for general text posts. Will update with more as they come, I still SUCK at tagging things!!!
You're free to ask me anything you wanna know! Thank you! See you soon! I love you!!!
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ghostoftheyear · 7 months
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I was asked how bad the bromide addiction is so I have to show this in response. Each of these is an A6 folder with plastic sleeves as inserts for the collection. The top one is the Gekidan Shining bromides (it is overfull at this stage and if I collect any more, I'm going to have to split it up somehow.) The cyan one is for the DMMd bromides, and the purple one is actors, whether candid shots or non-Gekidan roles.
An example:
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Gaku Takamoto as Mabu in the Sarazanmai stage play, along with the actor who played Reo (whose name I don't know). The sleeves are double-sided with pockets on the front and back.
Some more samples (I've posted some of these before, descriptions in the images):
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So now for the fun part.
Gekidan Shining folder - 158
DMMd - 80
Actors (Allen, Nosuke, Gaku) - 73
for a grand total of 311. So far. This also includes the larger ones that don't fit in the sleeves and are instead kept in the pockets.
And I'm... nowhere near done. I want to get more bromides from Masquerade Mirage and Bloody Shadows. I don't have any from Tenka Muteki or Every Buddy. There's a Ren DMMd one from 2019 that I can't get my hands on. And, of course, Allen keeps being in new things.
It really is a fucking addiction, but as these things go, I think there are probably worse ones.
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polyamorousmood · 11 months
my best friend and her husband are in an open relationship and i kind of like both of them but past conversations make it seem like best friend isn’t into me like that. it’s been on my mind the more she mentions finding other partners but should i talk to them about it? or do i just need to back off and let my feelings go away on their own?
So, the problems with asks like these is: I do not know your situation. That's not your fault! Its impossible to convey in one ask (or even three) all the complexities of your relationship with these people. But you see how it puts me in a bit of a bind🪢
If you've already talked about it in so many words and got turned down, bringing it up again is kinda a dick🍆 move. If you've had nebulous conversations 6 years ago, then it might be worth revisiting more explicitly now. You know your situation best, and there's definitively a gradient here. 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Having said that. Plausibly deniable flirtation 😏 is imho probably the best way to tease out more information (since you seem worried about directly talking about it, which is fair, especially if you do think best friend is the type of person who the relationship will be different forever after just for asking). If they don't reciprocate and/or act uncomfortable 👏take that as your no👏. Drop it, be friends, move on to someone else. If they flirt back, you're then justified in going "hey so the banter's been fun, is it for real? Totally chill if not, just want to know where the line is" and getting a real answer.
I can't give you any advice on what plausible deniable flirtation looks like for you, because I don't know what sort of dynamic you currently have, but generally speaking, go just one step further than you would "as friends" and see the reaction.
Also -- and again, knowing nothing about their dynamic, preferences, or any "rules" they have -- might be an option for you to see husband romantically/sexually/whatever and just maintain the friendship with best friend. Worth considering what you'd be comfortable with, if the idea would have any legs with them.
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mattodore · 1 year
making theo and matthias as vampires rn
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clotpolesonly · 2 months
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Farooq-Lane - Call Down The Hawk ch 1 // Declan - Greywaren ch 5
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