#{oh look at that i've been impaled}
shiplessoceans · 1 year
If Izzy had met someone and fallen in love Ed would have let him go and find his happiness, that's all I'm saying.
I really hope this happens in Season 2. I hope the Revenge is bombing about being destructive and Ed's Krakening his ass off and then Oh what's this? A swarthy handsome pirate who is so tall and broad he could pick up Izzy in one hand and snap him like a toothpick and Izzy just becomes a stammering fool around him because he's immediately head over heels and FURIOUS about it.
And Ed could kill this man. Could make sure Izzy feels the pain he does and mock his feelings but then he just...doesn't.
With a wave of his hand he just lets them be because hey, at least someone's happy right?
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theratcheteer · 1 month
My poor girl
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She doesn't deserve this
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awkwardgtace · 8 months
My friend: what memes describe your ocs
Me who's barely admitted sizey stuff to them: i abstain bc too many ocs
Five minutes later
New ask game i guess send me oc name and the word meme and I'll post what meme or joke image or reference matches them
Feel free to send me what you think too it seems fun
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mad-raptorzzz · 1 year
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[ID: A gif at 1-fps showing several dragons. The first shot is a photo of a young dragon being held. Then it shows the older dragon holding the photo looking at it sadly, before hugging it to her chest. She then lowers the photo and looks up with determination. The next shot is a seaside cliff at night. Two dragons are already sitting on the cliff, and a third flys towards them. The older female dragon from the first shot lands. A dragon with triangle spots on her face comes up behind her with a sly smile. She then raises her scorpion-like tail, brings it back, then quickly stabs the other dragon right through the chest. That dragon falls slowly to the ground as the spotted dragon stands over her smiling. /End.]
Yeah I got into another MAP because apparently I have no self control. This one is Jenny about Peril and Kestrel: Wings of Fire // Jenny // Open Peril WoF MAP - YouTube My part is Kestrel looking at a photo of Peril, then flying off to meet Blister and Morrowseer, only to be stabbed right through the heart. It will be all tweened so that will be fun!
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
@daemondaes said: “ why are you talking like we’ll never see each other again? ”
six bullets.
ankle. head. shoulder. lung. stomach.
there's more lead in him than he ever wanted to think about, and in his gut, as hester's labored, pitiful breaths match his own, he knows its over.
his dear witch, cherry, is uncharacteristically optimistic for a witch -- serafina was coming. she's right behind her. they'll get some blood moss and they'll be okay.
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he's glad she's the last face he'll ever see. he's glad he won't be alone here, in this world he didn't belong to nor understand.
" mi bruja hermosa, " he lifts his remaining arm to gently cup her face with a weak, shaking hand. his instinct is to comfort, but he feels hester fading from him -- he can't hear her oh god he can't hear her -- and he's afraid, so for the last time, he lets his mask fall.
" i'm sorry, " he inhales shakily, a tear rolling down his cheek, " i thought there was more time. "
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Do you know what's upsetting ?
John B and Bailey's mom leaves. Dad leaves and is presumed dead gong after treasure John B gets accused of murder then presumed dead John B is not dead and comes back Her dad is not dead and comes back Her brother was also stuck on a deserted island for what? A month? Along with her other friends leaving her alone. By herself. Which was not so great for her mental health let me tell you because odds are she did not go on that adventure.
Her dad and her brother are being their buddy buddy self leaving her out the loop as they have in the past so she says 'fuck it all' and just goes to work one of her many jobs since they clearly don't need her around.
Finds out her dad has been taken like wtf can shit get anymore complicated.
And it does because her childhood home burns the fk down and her brother is gone and she's got nothing. No home, no family, nowhere to go.
And of course in the 18 months later sure her brother is back and now they have money and shit but this girl has emotional damage. Because shit, her dad is actually dead this time. Her only family abandoned her ( I mean things did get chaotic but ... ) and she was probably living out of her car while they were gone...again.
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goingtopulsera · 2 years
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
fast food is the best course of action after causing a scene. ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀɴʏᴀʟ ᴀʟ ɢʜᴜʟ ᴀᴜ
(First Post Here and Second Post Here
Danny finds Sam easily.
She's right where she said she was over the phone: standing outside on a balcony, in Gotham, at Father's many charity functions. 
("Would you still be willing to fly over to Gotham, Danny?" She asks, her voice ringing clear through the speakers. Danny is already climbing out his window before she even finishes her sentence. He was just about to settle down for the night, his ghosts would know better by now than to disturb him at this time. The Box Ghost not included.)
("Of course." He says, sounding more confident than he feels. Sam was one of his best— closest friends, he would do anything she or Tucker asked. Even if it means stepping foot into his Father's city. He drops down silently, and walks through the house's ghost shield. "Would you like me to bring you anything?")
(Sam sighs through the phone, relief leaking through. "One of the veggie burgers from Nasty Burgers would be great, with their new ecto-fries. Extra salt. I'm sick of all this rich people food.")
(A small smile pulls across Danny's face, tilting at the corner as his living form falls away to his ghost self. "Alright," he says, and kicks himself off the ground, "I'll be there in a few minutes.")
("Thanks, Danny.")
He had the bag of food with him, stored in a container he had to run back to the house to get that would prevent the food from cooling during his flight over. Clutching it in hand, he floats down behind Sam and sheds his invisibility.
Being visible and being invisible always felt different, but in a way Danny can never describe, no matter how many times he tries to think about it. It's like a gut-feeling, a sixth sense, he always knows when he's visible and when he is not.
His ghost form burns away like steel wool being lit, and Danny drops the last foot to the ground silently. In his other hand lies his thermos, but filled with plain ectoplasm — lazarus water. "I have your food." 
(He brought the thermos for himself — his side was still healing from his last fight with Technus. The ghost impaled him with a broken pipe, and Danny returned the favor by wedging his sword into his chest. Technus had been quite offended by him ruining his favorite coat.)
Sam jumps a foot into the air, and her hand slams across her mouth to muffle the shriek she lets out as she whirls around. "Danny!" She hisses, her voice rising in pitch, and her eyes narrow at him into a glare. "Freaking-- Tucker's right, we seriously need to put a bell on you."
"You have been saying that for years," Danny grins, sharp-toothed and jack-knifed, and passes the container over to her. "And yet I've yet to see any kind of bell." He was going to start getting disappointed at this rate.
As Sam takes the container, Danny hops up onto the railing and looks around. He hadn't seen any of Father's other children lurking around the building before he revealed himself, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. He wasn't going to fool himself into thinking that their stealth skills were poor.
He wasn't that arrogant.
"Oh you will." Sam threatens, unzipping the container and grabbing the takeout bag. "I'll get you a collar and everything, we can start calling you Catwoman." When she pulls out her fries, Danny snaps forward and steals one from the box, ignoring her indignant yell as he pops it into his mouth.
"I spent my own money on these fries, Sam." He sniffs, leaning away from her with a stifled huff of laughter as she swats at him. "So they are technically my fries. And also, Catwoman would be a poor thief if she wore a bell."
Sam grumbles at him, and takes a bite out of a handful of fries. "I'll venmo you money." She says past a mouthful of food, Danny would have been disgusted in the past, when he was still new. But he's gotten used to this... normality. So he makes no reaction to it. "How does three hundred bucks sound?"
Danny immediately frowns.
"Did you have a fight with your parents?" He asks, eyes glancing to the doors. Doors that are covered heavily by curtains and blurred heavily, decadent music passing through in muffled sounds. He shifts himself away from the light. "You only spend that much money when they've pissed you off."
Sam's chewing stops, and her annoyed expression falters into one Danny knows well -- hurt, furrowed brows, a small frown, disappointment -- and she turns her head away from him. She swallows. "Yeah." she says, quiet.
Danny knows that tone too.
Guilt settles like a rock in his chest. He leans forward, "Was it about me again?" He wasn't blind to the disdain Sam's parents had for him, far from it. This wasn't the first time Sam had gotten into a fight with them over her friendship with him and Tucker. But especially him. He unsettled people, even after years of observing his age-mates and trying to mimic their behavior, and anyone who knew him in middle school knew it was an act.  
Sam's silence gives him all the confirmation he needs, and the guilt heavies itself with the weight of the sky. Danny's never much cared about others' opinions of him -- he is (was?) an Al Ghul, they never heed to mind what the weight of a simpleton's thoughts.
But.. he cares a little a lot when it hurts his friends like this. He presses his lips together into a thin line, and forces the words out through his teeth. It sounds robotic. Al Ghul's do not apologize. "I... am sorry." But this one does. It doesn’t come easy. 
Sam sighs through her nose, and turns to roll her eyes at him. "Don't apologize on their behalf when you won't even apologize for your own; their assholes." She says, and goes reaching for more fries.
It's a sign, a signal. A silent word for the conversation to move on, to change. A distraction. Danny grasps it with both hands, and makes an offended noise in the back of his throat. And like he has learned, puts a hand to his chest like a scandalized American southern lady. "I apologize! I apologize plenty."
She snorts. "Only when you think it matters." And pokes him in the ribs sharply with her fry. He withholds a wince and snatches it out of her hands. "You're about as unapologetic as they come, Danny J. Fenton. I've seen you look more sincere when you're trying to drive your sword between Vlad's ribs."
"Stabbing Masters is a very important task for me, Sam." Danny says in only partially faux-seriousness. Masters has yet to realize that Danny had no interest in becoming his son, but he had to (reluctantly) admire his persistence. "Of course I will apply myself to it as best as I can."
He grins triumphantly when Sam laughs, and she reaches over to shove him square in the chest. He barks out a laugh of his own as he grips onto the balcony railing and catches himself at an angle.
"Quit with your method actor talk," Sam retorts, grinning sharply while Danny twists himself back up elegantly. "I know you can talk like a normal person, I've literally seen you do it."
Danny sniffs, and snatches more fries from the carton as revenge. "I'm not entirely sure what you mean, Miss Sam." He says, grin-twisting when Sam rolls her eyes. "My speech has always been this way. This 'normal' you speak of, I do not know it."
She waves her hand dismissively at him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. But if you keep talking like that, I'm pushing you off the balcony."
"Such violence, Sam."
He gets a laugh again, full of disbelief without any of the annoyance. "I'm gonna be the one that stabs you, oh my god. Pot meet kettle." She looks at him again, smiling.
Danny smiles back, and with a flick of his wrist pulls out a kunai from his sleeve. It was one of the few weapons Mother was able to pass on to him whenever she made her scarce visits. He cherishes it well, along with anything else she was capable of giving him. 
He holds the handle out to her, and watches her face shift from disbelief to shock, then back to disbelief. "Then you're gonna need a weapon to do that." 
"Of course you have a pointy object on you." She mutters, and takes the kunai and puts it in her purse. Danny makes a pleased hum, it resonates low in his core, and drops his hand. "When do you not have a pointy object on you?"
As if to make her point, Danny's hands twist near his side, and he holds his palms up to her, revealing the shobo he had also hidden on him. He gives her a shit-eating grin. "Never." He lowers his hand, and pockets the small weapon once again. 
Sam huffs, "Of course," she repeats, "thanks. I was gonna bring a knife but..."
Danny finishes the sentence for her, kicking his feet idly and knowingly. "The security at the door?" He'd seen them on his flight over the building. It wouldn't do much in the face of the Rogues, but at least they were good at keeping appearances and keeping out the smaller threats.
He rolls his eyes and turns his head away, looking up to the ugly, smog-covered skies. There was no bat signal in the air, and while that was a good thing, Danny almost wished there was. He wanted to see it. "I saw, and I would’ve called Father foolish if he hadn’t hired help. He attracts trouble almost as badly as I do."
"Maybe it's hereditary," Sam jokes, laughing under her breath. With her fries finished, she started on her veggie burger. "At least your dad isn't a vigilante like you are."
Danny smiles wryly. It felt nice to be able to talk more freely about this. That he didn't have to hide the fact that his father was Bruce Wayne, now that Sam knew it from her own accord. Maybe he could have conversations like these more often. Even if it was limited to Bruce Wayne only.
(Even if it felt a little terrifying to know that his father was so close by, close enough that Danny could reach out and touch him. To speak to him. But how would he explain that? And with an audience?)
(He’s wanted to see him since he was a kid, and he still does. It clings onto him like a cough that doesn’t go away after the cold already has, and while it has faded over the years, it clings. His mother’s words still ring in his ears however; it’s not safe. It’s not safe.)
(And isn’t that why he faked his death in the first place? So that his little brother would be safe? Why he gave up the heirship, his home, his Mother, Damian, and his chance to meet his Father? Going to see Father, even now, would be throwing that all away. He has to stay away.)
(Why is Damian with Father if staying with Father was unsafe?) 
He just needed to tell Tucker. Danny wouldn’t keep him out of the loop, he was just as much as his friend as Sam was. His eyes draw towards the door, where the golden glow of lights was still pouring through, where music was playing loudly. "Yeah, fortunately." 
They fall into a comfortable silence after that, and Danny finally cracks open his thermos. The pipe Technus impaled him with was covered in a goo that Danny didn’t recognize, but whatever it was, his injury was taking its time healing. The ectoplasm was speeding it up. 
He isn’t sure what the difference between the ectoplasm that Drs. Fenton collected and Grandfather’s Lazarus pools is, but there’s a difference. He swirls the thermos slowly, watching as the ectoplasm inside twists into a small whirlpool sluggishly. 
When left alone, it thickens into a consistency similar to egg whites, or perhaps a thick smoothie, but reverts back into a water-like substance when moved and swirled. It was strange; unexplainable. He can understand, to an extent, why the Drs. Fenton are so obsessed with studying it and the dimension it comes from. 
Sam watches him idly as he brings the thermos to his lips and drinks from it. The effect is instantaneous, a sense of relief washing over Danny as if someone had put a soothing balm onto an injury. It buzzes down to his fingertips, and when he lowers the thermos, he licks his lips and watches the tips of his fingers burn green like frostbite. 
“Your hair turned white again.” Sam comments, her hand reaching out and touching the hair on the nape of his neck. While it’s not the first time Sam’s touched his hair, it still makes him tense up with her hand so close to his throat. Instinct. dan
He ignores the urge to bat her hand away, humming thoughtfully. “I’ve noticed it does that.” He says, pulling down his bangs to see if they’ve also turned white. No, still black. He lets go. “Let me guess; my eyes are green too?” He lifts the thermos again and peers into the chrome casing. 
Sam nods, “Yep, but it’s only the, uh.” She makes a circle around her eyes with her finger. “The iris part. Everything else is fine.” 
Danny can see that. The faint reflection on the chrome casts back an intense green. He takes another sip. It chills the back of his teeth, and he can feel his canines warp and sharpen. He runs his tongue over them, and swallows. 
Sam is still watching him, her fingers drumming against the balcony railing. “What’s it taste like?” 
“Carbonated.” He says dryly, before taking a large swig. He couldn’t name a specific flavor if he tried, it changed every time he took a sip. The only thing that stayed consistent was that it tasted carbonated. And slightly sweet. When he pulls the thermos away, Danny twists his body towards her and offers it out, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. “Want to try?” 
Her reaction is immediate. Sam’s nose scrunches up and her mouth twists into a smile, and she makes a huffing-laugh sound. “No, thank you.” She pushes it away lightly with her fingers, “I don’t know how to explain to my parents why my hair is white.” 
Right. Danny pulls the thermos away and puts it down beside him, straining his eyes to see if the rest of his hair has changed colors. Even just his first sip would take half an hour to fade back to its normal black, and he was a halfa. He had no idea how long it’d take to fade on Sam, who was human. 
There’s movement from the corner of his eye, and Danny snaps his head towards the source. There’s a figure, small, a boy, trying to hide behind one of the curtains at the door. His form just barely peeking out from the angle Danny was sitting at. He wouldn’t have seen him if the boy hadn’t moved. 
His fingers curl tightly into the railing, and he breathes in sharp. Sam’s smile crumbles away and she turns to see what he’s looking at. “I should go.” He says, and reaches for his thermos. “There’s someone spying on us. Don’t say anything, just look at me.” 
Sam’s expression warps, twists. Her eyes widen, her jaw starts to drop before fixing itself into place, and her shoulders curl up and tense. She forces it all to smooth over, and she leans casually against the railing. There’s a tick in her jaw. “I see.” Her voice comes through teeth. “Do you think they saw you?”
“I am not sure.” Danny says. He keeps an eye on the figure as he twists himself over and grabs the Nasty Burger bag and the container. He tries not to look like he’s rushing. He is. How long has that boy been there? How much did he see? Did he hear anything? 
“Father, fortunately, has privacy films on the glass. Nobody should have seen me unless they’re specifically trying to peep through the door.” He says. The boy seems to realize that Danny was starting to leave. And, his heart beginning to sink, instead of leaving, moves to grab the door handle instead.
No. No, no, no, no, no.
Danny’s breath catches in his throat, he’s hoping that isn’t who he think it is. But how else would he have not noticed an eavesdropper on their conversation unless it was someone who was capable of bypassing those skills? He told himself that he wouldn’t fool himself into thinking that his siblings’ had poor stealth. He got distracted. 
Five years, five years. He refuses to let that go down the drain. He zips up the container and throws his legs over the other side of the railing, his back facing the door. He hears the doorknob click, and without a word to Sam, slips off down the side and down to the ground below.
Just in time. The once muffled music now sounds blaring as the door presumably is thrown open and the pull of invisibility washes over him like a second skin. He doesn't stay to see who it is.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dpxdc crossover#danyal al ghul au#older brother danny#first danny pov of the au! whoo!#danny's hair turns white if he drinks ectoplasm brrrrr and his eyes turn green. good for him#this sat in my drafts for the last few days until i finally finished it during class#it was a math class and i already knew the material so tis fiiiine. now i just need to finish my CFAU post rewrite :)#ectoplasm tastes like that time i went to go get pepsi from the soda machine and it was all out of the pepsi flavoring so instead i got a#cup full of carbonated liquid. it was disgusting. ectoplasm kinda tastes like that. sometimes.#danny smiles in this more than i thought he would but yk it fits. he IS more smiley around his friends and family.#ectoplasm is a weird non-newtonion fluid and danny is fascinated. its got the consistency of egg whites one minute and then water the next#its a water slime and then suddenly its as brittle as annealed glass. it heats up and rots like milk or it heats up and boils like water#it congeals. it thickens. it boils. it solidifies. it does whatever it wants. it gels and melts into a tar-like substance#how long has damian been standing there? good question. :) i almost had him open the door and make eye contact with damian before falling#backwards. i also almost had it be *bruce* and damian opening the door bc bruce found out that damian pulled a knife on sam and was gonna#have him come apologize. that would be a fun scene. prolonged eye contact prolonged eye contact prolonged eye contact#imagery brrrr. had fun playing with how danny's ghost form works. if anyone has seen a video of steel wool burning thats how i imagine#danny's ghost transformation to be like.#also ayyy balancing danny's dialogue be like “how fancy should he sound and how Normal Teenager Should He Sound”#when sam gets home she catches tucker up to speed about everything including the convos with the waynes she had and they both form the#'“Fuck Them Waynes” squad. Sam has jumped to the entirely wrong conclusion about danny's separation from his family but in her defense.#it is a pretty sound conclusion to jump to considering the lack of context she has from danny's prior home life. which is almost none at al#so to her it looks like danny got abandoned by bruce wayne
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
cannot stop thinking about Niffty and Vaggie chilling out playing darts together
except it's with knives, and they're giggling, and it's with Vaggie holding her permanently got-impaled-by-heavnly-steel hand up to the dart board, and it's Charlie walking right as Niffty takes her throw
Charlie: "Hey guys! Husk is wondering if you want another round of-"
Niffty: (throws knife through charlie's gf's hand)
Charlie: "-ffffffffaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaAAAHGHGHGHGH?!!!?!"
Vaggie: "Wooo yeaaaaahh!"
Niffty: "SCOOOOORE! Oh hi Charlie~!"
Charlie: "AArGH???"
Vagige: "Babe you gotta come check this out."
Charlie: "VAGGIE WHAT THE- what are- your HAND-!"
Vaggie: "Cool huh?"
Charlie: "C O O L ?? You've been impaled!!!"
Vaggie: "Yeah I have, that's the point."
Niffty: "the POINT... heeheeheee~"
Demon Charlie: "NiFFTy."
Niffty: (gets grabbed)
Niffty: "AHAHAHA!! I'm in danger!"
Vaggie: "Okay whoa sweetie, maybe don't toast the employee-"
Niffty: "TOAST ME- hrrk!"
Vaggie: "And don't snap her neck either!"
Charlie: "She. HURT-"
Vaggie: "She didn't hurt me. Look, see? No blood. She put the knife right through Lute's stab wound."
Charlie: "....and that's a GOOD thing???"
Vaggie: "Sure! She got a hole in one!"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "A hole... in one..."
Charlie: (drops niffty)
Niffty: "Wheee-!" (SPLAT)
Vaggie: "Babe? Uh, Charlie..? Where're you going?"
Charlie: "Bar. I'm.... getting another round of drinks from Husk."
Vaggie: "But you haven't even asked what we want-"
Charlie: "It's not FOR you." (staggers off)
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "...Did I just traumatize my girlfriend?"
Niffty: "Naaaah, the trauma was already there, we just POKED at it enough for her to go cry all over Husk's countertops about it."
Vaggie: "So I should probably let her do that huh."
Niffty: "Once she's done crying, THEN you can hug her!"
Vaggie: "Or I could go hug her right now..."
Niffty: "OR you could let me see if I can put a knife between each of your fingers AND get a hole in one!!"
Vaggie: "...i guess... venting to other people did help her out a lot last time..."
Niffty: "Hole! In! One!"
Vaggie: "Hole. In. One."
Niffty: "BLOOD OR GLORY!!!"
Niffty: "AND KNIVES!!!!!!!"
-at the bar-
Charlie: "It's gooooood she's gotta close friend, y'know? It is, so grrrreaaaat that they're bonding. Throwin'... throwin' knives right through her new unhealing and eternal puncture wound....."
Husk: "Wait the fuck, they're doing what now?"
Charlie: "....another something that Lute and heaven did to her....that I wasn't there to stop from happenin'...."
Husk: "Shit."
Charlie: "An' now she's playing parlor games with it! Yay!"
Husk: "This is the least fucking 'yay' I've ever fucking seen you."
Charlie: "That's like, free therapy for her though! Right!?"
Husk: "No, but this is."
Husk: (pours drink) "Here."
Charlie: (takes bottle) "Thank- hic-s!!"
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callingmelili · 4 months
A deal (part 2)
https://www.tumblr.com/callingmelili/740888816139796481/a-deal-part-2?source=share Part 1 here!!
Right where I am.
Right where I am.
I can't believe he has the gall to tell me that, I don't think before bracing myself on the floor and forcing my shaking thighs to cooperate in lifting me off the damn dildo. However hard my cunt is gripping it, it's slick with my juices and I've almost managed to find my balance on my knees when Mark shows up on the doorway. He tilts his head to the side as he strides towards me. "Did I happen to stutter, Mia?"
"Fuck you." I spit out, moving to get a foot underneath myself. He's faster, thoguh, so much so that I don't realize what he plans to du until his hands have pushed me down by the shoulders, driving the dildo base-deep into my cunt again. A ragged moan escapes my throat as it bottoms out and mark laughs. "You could at least pretend you're not enjoying this. See how easy you are with just a little help?"
I struggle against his hold, but between my exhausted legs and his physical superiority, I simply can't overcome the strength with which he's got me impaled by the dildo. "Let me go! What the fuck, Mark? This wasn't part of our agreement!" I look up at him, the distance between our eyes seeming even larger than it even is. Mark is a tall man, much taller than me when I'm standing up and a veritable giant right now, as I kneel in front of him. "Hey! Are you even listening, let me go!"
His mouth stretches into a smile. "Oh, sorry." The strength with which he's pushing me down diminishes, and I take the opportunity to surge forward before wondering why he didn't take his hands off my shoulders completely.
"I- Ah!" In a second I find myself right back where I started, speared open and writhing on the floor. Mark pushed me back down, and in the same movement he came closer, when I glare up at him I find my nose knocking into his hard, clothed cock. "Mark!" I wish it sounded less like I'm begging him for something and more like I'm annoyed but it's the best I can do at the moment.
Mark only stares down at me for a second before he bursts into laughter, hands tight around my shoulders. "Oh, you should see your face right now. You would make a good thumbnail in a porn site Mia." He grins and releases one of my shoulders to pull his phone out. "Now, smile."
I definitely don't smile, but he grabs my hair and forces my head back before snapping the picture anyways. My eyes prickle with humiliated tears as the gesture forces my center of gravity to shift and I grind down into the dildo that is spreading me open. "You're not getting away with this, you asshole."
"Yeah, yeah. You know, you can't prove you sent me that last picture. And even all the others… have you considered the fact that I could report you for prostituting yourself? Tsk, you've been so bad? I'm sure no one is going to look kindly upon this, so why don't you fill your mouth with something before it gets you into even more trouble." He glances pointedly at his own pants and my mouth falls open in realization. "Hurry up, do you want to be reported for soliciting?"
"Oh-" This time a tear does slide out of the corner of my eye. "You were-- You were planning this."
He rolls his eyes at me. "Of course I was. You've never been very smart, I guess I should have expected that you wouldn't catch on." He unbuckles his belt and glances pointedly at his thick, long cock, the imprint of which I can see pressed to the fabric. "Get with the program, will you? This is embarrassing."
"I hate you, I'm not a whore," I say, but my hands seem to have already resigned themselves to what is going to happen and undo his fly before taking out his cock. Realistically I don't have another choice. Well, I do, but it means losing my career and my future. "Do you think I don't have pride? Or dignity?"
"I have a whole camera roll that says you don't." He grips himself and slaps my cheek with his length, leaving a sticky trail to my mouth. "Don't make me mad Mia. I have a lot of patience but this is getting ridiculous. Use that dignity and pride to suck me off properly."
This is happening. I can't help but thinking incredulously as I open my mouth. This is happening, and Mark has his phone ready to document every second I spend sucking him off. This is happening and I can't stop it, this is happening and I'm so wet.
"Oh, that's a good whore. You've got a well trained mouth, don't you?" He pushes in, holding me tight by the hair. I'd initially thought of drawing it out but Mark is relentless, pushing me down on his cock until it's hitting the back of my throat. It takes all my willpower to not gag around it and let it slide in further. "C'mon baby, relax." He pulls back a little and thrusts back in. I'm dimly aware of the phone pointed at my face. "Shake those hips, alright? It's going to feel good."
Again, he thrusts in, again and again and I refuse to move until he slaps my cheek, cock still stuffing my mouth. "I said fuck yourself on that dildo, Mia. Now." He returns to fucking my face, hard enough to make my eyes water as I start clumsily grinding back on the dildo, whining around his cock at the sensation of being filled on both ends. "You look good like that." He grins, the hand that remained on my shoulder finally moving over to my head. He grips my pigtails like handlebars. "I'm going to tell you how this is going to work, you're going to nod and suck and keep fucking yourself or there will be consequences, understood?"
Wetness runs down my cheeks as I nod, somehow it's only then that I manage to nail the movement that has the dildo in my cunt hitting just the right places. My head is fuzzy, all I can hear is the wet sounds of my holes being filled again and again and Mark's voice. "That's a good whore. I expect this after every class, got it? You'll come wearing no panties and with one of your holes stuffed, when everyone's gone you're going to sit under my desk and keep your mouth around my cock unless I tell you otherwise." My eyes widen, he has office hours after class. Not that many people come by but there's no doubt I'll be sucking his cock at the same time my peers ask for academic advice. "I like to think you know your place, so from now on you will be sending me a picture of you naked in the bathrooms at college before every class. Make sure to write on your tits the time and where you're going."
His thrusts grow erratic, as do mine. I've already come once and my oversensitive cunt is clinging to the dildo."Nhhhhh" Saying no is about as useful as saying yes.
"That's right baby." he strokes my cheek. "I have a lot of ideas but we're starting gradually. You brought this on yourself by cheating after all. If you're good this will be fun but I can also make it difficult. You wouldn't want to have to dye your hair blond or get those huge tits pierced, would you?"
I'm so close, I whine around him as my hips stutter on the dildo. "Or maybe yes?" He laughs. "How about getting your lips filled? Or huge whore eyelashes? You should have just told me you were into that. We'll work it out." He groans. "Fuck I'm close. Ha. Be a good cunt and come with me, won't you Mia? It might not be as easy for you to get any sort of orgasms in the future."
It's degrading, it's terrifying. One misstep and I'll lose my career and everything I've worked for anyways on top of people considering me a pervert. He is turning me into a thing for his own amusement and I'm about to orgasm from it.
I feel Mark pulsing in my mouth at the same time that my cunt clenches around the dildo, and I feel a rush of wetness between my legs that soaks the floor while I shake int he throes of the best orgasm I've ever had.
After it passes I am mindless, still speared into the dildo as Mark tucks his cock away and wraps something around my neck. Something rich and thick that smells like him. "Fucked the words out of your head, didn't I?" He leans down to grab my tongue from where it's hanging out from my mouth. i don't remember sticking it out. His fingers pinch the soft flesh and force me to turn my head to the side, towards my mirror and then I see.
I see a whore with her owner, sitting in a puddle of her own juices, a dildo deep inside her cunt and her hips still thrusting back onto it with pathetic, little aborted movements. Mark has his belt wrapped around my throat like a leash, he's fully dressed where I'm only wearing socks and he's holding my tongue outside of my mouth, making my facial expression a sort of slutty surprise that only grows more degrading when paired with my bare breasts and pigtails.
Mark turns to press a harsh kiss to my temple and releases my tongue before lifting his phone and aiming it at the mirror. "Smile if you like our new deal, Mia."
This time I do smile as the shutter clicks.
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miquella-everywhere · 18 days
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This lady is without a doubt Marika, there is absolutely no way she isn't
So with the official website saying that the Realm of Shadow was the place that Marika became a God and from what the trailer is saying about a betrayal, and her evidently taking something from someone, its easy to conclude that Marikas ascension was bloody and dramatic as hell
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Like look at that gate of bodies goddamn that goes hard
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Messie is a bad boy eternally waging war on a different side of reality just to spite his mother(possibly)
Edit: Oh? But then again it says "purge" and Marika did apparently go to great lengths to make sure the Realm of Shadow was hidden and forgotten, so perhaps Messmer is waging war, purging all that's there, on behalf of his mother in the shadows???? messmer is ultimate mamas boy confirmed lol
You can definitely see where he got his title as Impaler lol
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Hello hello, now who on earth are you 👀👀(this design is way to awesome to not be someone important! who could they be? could it be godwyn????)
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I've had a theory about these things stewing in my brain for a while now and it's that these beacons of light are obviously being left behind by Miquella. And since we are being guided by him, these beacons are our guides to him. But there are several things in both trailers that hint to me that Grace possibly does not exist in the Realm of Shadow, so then these rings will serve as the DLCs sites of grace curtesy of Miquella
Thats so kind of him lol
Speaking of kind! He has the new aptly fitting moniker of Miquella the Kind UwU god i love him 😭
I also love more proof contributing to the death of all "evil miquella" theories akdhsjsj
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Miquella abandoning his fate is somehow synonymous with Trina 🤔🤔🤔🤔
You know how I said that Miquella represented hope to me a while back?
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bloody-peach · 4 months
The Sun Always Shines on TV (Hazbin Hotel: Vox x Reader)
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SURPRISE! I'm not dead! So my buddy @omniuravity got me into Hazbin and especially my new husband Vox, and after a few headcanon chats, I just HAD to write something. So I did. Is it canon to Vox's behavior? I dunno, I haven't seen the full season, but I've seen clips, and I think I at least got a vague idea. So, sorry if not, but oh well. Still fun! This was kind of done in a rush of hyperfixation, so sorry if it's a bit rough. Anyways, enjoy!
Taglist: @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @neonvehk @omniuravity and anyone else who loves Hazbin and Vox!
It was midnight when the hourglass finally ran out. The counter read '000', showing that time was up. You knew what today was.
Extermination Day was here again.
The day where angels would come down to hell and massacre hundreds of sinners as a form of population control. You could hear the screams of terror outside as crowds of sinners would scurry and try to escape their fates. You could've easily been in that crowd, getting impaled through the gut by an angel's spear.
Vox pulls you close to him, his arm around you as he watched the carnage from the couch on the large TV. He knew that it was hard for you to watch sinners get butchered alive, so he would let you hide your face in his chest when things got gory. When he heard you whimper, he looks at you, a concerned look on his face, saying, "You ok, Y/N?" You look at him and nod, "Yeah..it's just...it could be me out there...what if I'm next?" Vox brushed a lock of your hair behind your ear and said, "You won't be. As long as I'm here, you're safe. I won't let them hurt you." You hug him, snuggling in his chest for comfort, glad that he was there.
In truth, Vox was just as scared as you were. You could easily be in the crosshair of an angel if you were out on the streets. He would low-key panic if you weren't there with him each Extermination Day. He couldn't stand the idea of losing you, not to anything or anyone.
He still remembers seeing you watch his show from an electronics storefront. He noticed how you were drawn to the show, but somehow, his hypnosis didn't have an effect on you. But he was amazed that even without it, you still tuned in and watched with excitement. That day, he felt there was something special about you, so he kept a close eye on you, watching you through various tv screens when you weren't looking. Then one day, he met you through a chance encounter.
You worked at Valentino's studio as the camera operator and Vox happened to show up one day. You caught a glimpse of Vox talking with Valentino and you couldn't stop staring at him. You felt a ball of anxiety in your gut build as you watched him, admiring his good looks, charismatic attitude, and mesmerizing voice. You couldn't help but swoon to yourself.
"Y/N! Are you listening?!" Valentino's voice broke your daze and you quickly ran to him, so not to enrage him. "I-I'm sorry sir! I-I just sent the footage to the editor and they'll get it done right away!" Vox saw as Val smiled at you and he felt a bit of rage. He didn't like how Val looked at you with his sleazy gaze, undressing you with his eyes. He's the only one who should be allowed to do that.
Once you started to walk away, Vox trips you and you start to fall, but he catches you before you could hit the ground. You look at him and could feel your face blush and your heart flutter. You stood up and bowed your head, "I'm sorry sir!" "Hey, no need to apologize. And no need to call me 'sir', either. Just call me Vox. Now, who may you be?" "I..I'm Y/N..." "Y/N...what a nice name. So you work for Val?" You nod, saying, "Yeah, I work the camera." Vox walks closer to you, saying, "Oh, sweetheart, your cute face doesn't deserve to be hidden behind a camera. It deserves to be displayed on TV." You blushed pure red and Vox knew he had you in his grasp.
Vox buys you off of Val and he lets you live with him at his mansion. While you were amazed by the opulence an overlord possessed, all that mattered to you was that you were with Vox. As things went on, Vox noticed how caring you were towards him, comforting him when he was stressed out over Alastor or helping him fix his screen or repair his wires when he gets hurt. He would always turn to you for comfort before anyone else. He always enjoyed being around you, loving the way you laughed, smiled, made jokes, everything. Eventually, he realized that he was in love with you.
When Extermination Day came, you were just leaving the porn studio from a long night of doing re-shoots. The bell rang and you felt your heart sink. You tried to look where to hide, pushing your way through the screaming crowd. You pass by the electronics shop when you hear a familiar voice. "Y/N! Over here!" You turned and saw Vox's face on a screen. "Vox! It's time! Extermination Day! Oh my god, what do I do?!" "Listen to me, you're not too far from where I am. Find a place to hide and stay there, I'll come get you. Ok?" You nod, tears in your eyes. He sees your fear and says in a comforting voice before signing off, "It'll be okay, Y/N. I won't let them hurt you."
With that, you look and find a dumpster. You immediately hop inside and hide, keeping quiet. Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours as you laid there, your anxiety and fear through the roof. You kept hoping that Vox would get there soon. You then feel a wire coil around your waist and pull you out of the dumpster and hold you. You look and see it was Vox, carrying you and rushing back to his house, dodging any angel nearby.
Once you got inside, Vox grabbed you and held you, causing your emotions to crash over you as the adrenaline ran out. You hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. "Shh, shh, it's okay now, Y/N. I'm here. You're safe. You're..safe..."
You could hear tears choked up in his voice and he hugged you tightly as you both dropped to your knees. He tried to hold back his tears, but he couldn't.
He could've lost you. When he heard the bells ring, he was so scared. He needed to find you and take you home. He couldn't lose you. He couldn't. Not you. He scanned every television in the district to find you and was so relieved when he did. He rushed out the door and ran towards the studio. And now that you were here in his arms, where he knew you were safe, he started to break down. His screen started to glitch and his audio started to skip as he tried to control himself. He was usually an narcissistic egomaniac, caring about himself, but when it came to you..it was all different. He needed you.
"Y/N..please...stay with me...don't go...I love you..please..."
Those words made you cry even more, out of joy now.
"Vox...I love you too..."
And with that, you both cry out your built up emotions and soon, you both were in bed together, forgetting the world outside and only listening to each other's moans and words of love.
Ever since, Vox claimed your soul and you were now permanently his. From now on, you were under his protection. If any demon fucked with you or disrespected you, that was a direct insult to him and they would be dealt with. You would work as his assistant and co-host on some of his shows, entertaining thousands of viewers all over Hell. And whenever Extermination Day hit, you stayed at home with him, sitting with him on the couch and listening to him cheer and laugh as each sinner was killed. Sometimes it helped you, other times it didn't. But he knew that.
Vox stands up from the couch and shuts off the TV, saying "Come on, let's get to bed. It should be over soon anyways." You nod, following him. It's not too long til you both lay in bed, holding each other close. The bedroom was higher up from the ground floor, so the screams and sounds of death were much more distant. You lay your head on his chest and you hear his circuits buzzing rapidly, a sign of his anxiety. You lift your head and look at him, concerned. "Vox? Are you okay, honey?" He looks at you and smiles, but his face gave away that today kind of disturbs him too. It would remind him of the day that he almost lost you. He cupped your cheek and said softly, "I am, knowing that you're with me." You smile and lean up, kiss him softly and tenderly, the kiss showing so much love. Vox reciprocated the kiss and held you close. Once you broke the kiss, you hear the bell ring out, signaling the end of the annual massacre. Vox chuckled, saying, "Perfect. Now I can get some sleep. Night, babe." You lay on him, your head resting on his chest as you respond, "Night, sweetie. I love you." Vox wrapped his arms around you, gently rubbing your back as he said softly, "I love you too, Y/N."
I hope you all like it!!
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ellebakers · 1 year
☆ Too bad | Part one
Ethan Landry x reader
Summary : Ethan hates your new boyfriend. Luckily he has a knife and a phone.
Warning(s) : Death + Blood + Mention of sex.
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You had been lying, naked, under Bradley your boyfriend for six months, his hands wandering along your body when your phone started ringing. Your lips parted and you groaned as you answered.
"Hello ?"
"Y/n, where are you ?"
Your best friend, Ethan sounded annoyed.
"I'm at Brad’s, why ?"
"We were supposed to study together, I've been waiting for you at the library for an hour."
You hit your forehead, how could you forget? But watching Bradley lower his mouth between your legs you remember.
"Damn, I'm so sorry e. Brad needed my help." You gasped when without warning, he thrust his tongue inside you.
Your back was arching, but it was out of the question for you to get licked while on the phone with your best friend.
"Look, the test is in two weeks, we'll study later, bye." And you hung up, or so you thought. But the truth is that in the rush, you didn't check to see if you had hung up.
That's why Ethan found himself sitting on one of the sofas in the library with his headphones listening to you moan.
Bradley continued to devour you harder and harder. Knowing what turned him on, you tugged his hair lightly, making him groan against your pussy.
"Damn. Baby I'm close."
That's when your boyfriend stopped, you were about to ask him why, but he sat down and took you on top of him. "I want you to ride me."
You bit your lip, nodding. "With pleasure."
And in one movement you're impaled on his hard cock. You opened your mouth wide, the pleasure being intense, then you started to move your body, Tommy groaned, took one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked it.
You hadn't noticed, you were so taken by the wave of pleasure that washed over you, but Bradley knew that Ethan was listening, he also knew that your best friend had a crush on you, that's why he discreetly took your phone and put the call into FaceTime mode, revealing Ethan's red face.
Brad smiled at him while thinking show time.
"Sweetheart, you're so tight."
Your moans were pornographic.
"Look at you, all wet. Your nipples are so hard, I could cum just looking at them."
"Brad-I'll-oh shit, I'm going to cum."
"Go ahead baby, cum and scream my name." And in a stronger thrust you cried his name while cumming on his cock. Bradley hung up on Ethan's face, then he cum inside you.
After both of you took a shower, you went home and fell asleep peacefully.
But, it was going to be a long night for Bradley.
———☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ♡ ☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ———
Bradley was watching Evil Dead when his phone rang, without bothering to look who was calling him, he picked it up.
"Hello ? "
"Hello, Bradley."
The voice was deep and unrecognizable, Bradley frowned and looked at his screen.
"Who is this ?"
He sneered. "Y/n ?"
"Oh no, I'm much less hot than your girlfriend."
"So who are you ?"
"I'm a little curious, by the way, do you like the movie ?"
"What movie ?"
"Evil Dead."
Bradley froze. "How do you know ?"
"I know, because I'm at your house."
Bradley paused the movie and went to check that the doors were locked. He brought his phone up to his ear again.
"You couldn't come in without me seeing you."
The persona laughed coldly. "Maybe I came when you were taking a shower after fucking your girlfriend on your fucking couch."
Bradley stopped in front of his bedroom door. "Ethan is it you ?"
He didn't let the person answer and laughed "Damn it's you ! So did you like my little video huh ? You want to know something."
He paused, then whispered. "I fuck her like this every day."
The caller's breathing became heavy.
"You could never fuck her like that. You really thought I wasn't going to notice the way you looked at her. I know you want her but she's my girl."
He wanted to piss off Ethan and it worked, but his reaction was different than he expected, in a soft voice he told him.
"But if I kill you, she'll come cry to me. I'll wait as long as it takes and when she's ready I'll fuck her and believe me she won't have to fake it. With Me."
"Damn! You'll never get it, you're just a little bitch, she'll never want to-" Bradley didn't have time to finish his sentence, Ethan, dressed in ghostface came up behind him and slit his throat. He watches your boyfriend fall to the ground choking on his own blood. He got on top of Bradley and removed his mask, his face dripping with sweat he smiled at his victim and whispered to him. "I'll say goodbye to her for you." Then he repeatedly stabbed Bradley in the face with his knife.
After draining Bradley of his blood he got up and admired his work. Without your boyfriend in the running, you'll be his and his alone.
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vixen7243 · 2 months
Undivided Attention: Captain Price
John Price x AFAB!Reader | TF141 x AFAB!Reader
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Masterlist | Gaz |Price | Ghost
You had been separated from the team, mostly due to you pushing your captain out of the way of another solider attempting to strike him, while wresting with the man the two of you fell off a ledge, last thing you heard was John yelling your name before slamming into the ground and loosing consciousness for a moment. You all had been looking for reports or a nuclear bomb that was in the midst of being sold to Russian terrorists. Coming to, you quickly moved to look around yourself remembering who you had fallen with, seeing them laying by you, you turned them over and they had fallen on their knife, impaling themselves in the throat. Shaking your head you made to get up flinching, "Fuck." Groaning you hobbled around corners, occasionally having to fight for your life, hearing a group making their way down a hall, more than you knew in that moment you could realistically handle, you made to try and hide in any of the rooms around you, but the doors were locked. Huffing you leaned behind a pillar, tears building at your eyes, even though you knew death was a guarantee with this work, your heart wasn't ready, you never got to tell any of the lads how you truly feel, you didn't get to even say good bye. John.
Oh, you know John will rot with this, his mind will never let him forget this, you wished there was something you could do for him, make your death less of a burden, a weight. He never wanted to let you come here, but you insisted, you had been growing restless at the base, promising to stay glued to their side and out of harms way yet you threw yourself right into the way. Grabbing your hand gun you checked the magazine hitting your head back, out, patting yourself down you groaned grabbing your tactical knife from your hip, waiting till they were closer. Getting a hold of the end of a AK47 you turned out knife about to go straight into the guys throat before you froze, it was, "John?"
"Y/N, oh god." Wrapping you tightly into him you wrapped your arms around his waist, trying not to wince at the force of his embrace. "Come on." Picking you up he turn and they started making their way out back to their Ronda Vue point for Nikolai to pick them up. Grunting with each rapid movement and step up some stairs, you looked up to Johnny, he looked so damn sad and worried, made you ache, wanting to comfort him, comfort all of them. Getting to the top of the building, John handed you to Simon before you were set into a seat and strapped in, "Let's go, now!"
You were taken to med bay by Simon, Johnny and Kyle, they stuck by your side the whole time as you were stitched up, wrapped up and given tests. Your arm was put into a sling after noticing that you had indeed broken your right clavicle you were brought into a back room to have a plate screwed to the outside of the bone. You were knocked out when the lads say you next, had been for a few hours, they never left you, John was still away, where none of them was sure, most likely holed up in his office burying himself in work and papers.
When you did come to, you reassured the guys, apologizing and hugging each of them, the door closed and locked, blinds drawn close as Simon carefully held you, kissing your head. "Where's Cap?"
"Probably in his office." Kyle said, his hands on your back and hips. Moving to get out of the bed he tightened his grip slightly stopping you. "Where r'you goin?"
"Check on him, I'm fine, truly, guys, let me go." Pushing their hands from you, you gasped as you tried to wrap your button up around your shoulders. "Shit."
"Here bon." Johnny helped you set the shirt around you, "You sure you don't want to rest a bit more bonnie?"
"I'll be fine Johnny, thank you. You guys know I've been through worse." You chuckled as you unlocked and left the room, all of them close to you, glued like guard dogs, everyone making a clear path for you. Nearing John's office you ushered them away, knocking on the door and not hearing anything you stepped in and looked around confused when you didn't see him inside. Now making your way to his room you knocked as you slowly opened the door and looked in, hearing the shower from his bathroom.
Closing the door and locking it behind you, you went to the bathroom and stood in the door frame frowning, "Captain."
His head spun around so fast you were sure you heard a crack, "What are you doing?"
"Came to check on you." Walking in some more you looked into his eyes, he looked so pained staring into you, before they went down and took in your arm and collarbone. Shrugging the shirt off slowly, you used you good arm to undo the sling taking it off.
"What are yo-"
"Help me with my shirt will you?" Stepping right into the shower with him, the water splashing off his shoulders and head hitting you, his scowl deepened, as he opened his mouth to speak you rested your hand on his cheek, "John, help me?" His hands were more gentle than ever as they guided your clothes off of you, kneeling down undoing your boots and tossing each soaked piece of clothing out of the shower.
"You should be resting." Standing back up he retracted his hands moving to make room for you under the water.
"I will, after this." Stepping back into his space, you pushed your hand into his stomach before gliding your fingers through his chest hair and then gripping his shoulder pulling him to you. "Y/N."
"Don't pull from me John, I'm fine, everything's okay. I'm sorry, truly, it's my fault, I nev-"
"Stop." Closing his eyes he tilted his head back, "You've nothing to apologize for darling, this is my fault."
"It's not your f-"
"I said you wouldn't be out on the field, I caved, you got hurt protecting me when I promised I would protect you. This should've never happened, not for me or because of me." His eyes were so broken, voice almost cracking in the end, guiding him back to you, you leaned up onto your tips gently kissing him.
"You've up held to your promise John, there's nothing you could've ever done to prevent me from protecting you. As much as you don't want anything happening to me, I don't want anything to happen to you, to any of you. As I belong to you all, ALL of you belong to me too." You used your good arm to wrap up and around his shoulders, your right arm carefully going to his waist and massaging his lower back, whatever you could comfortably reach you did.
"Darling." Leaning the both of you under the water, he kissed you, enveloping you into his arms. Reaching his hands down to behind your thighs you grabbed his bicep and jumped, wrapping your legs around his hips he leaned back, his back hitting the wall, locking his lips with yours, tongues slowly easing into the others mouth. Each moment the two of you would pull back for a gasp of breath your would continue to reassure him, claiming him, the team, telling him continuously that you belong to them, calming his nerves, kissing the anger fueled tears from his cheeks. He wasn't mad at you, couldn't ever be, he was angry at himself, your words soothing his soul.
Feeling the water start to cool against both of your skin, John slid your hips up along him a little more groaning as your slit dragged along his shaft, holding you to him he turned the water off and stepped out, grabbing a towel setting you on the counter drying you. Before he tossed the towel, you grabbed it from him and returned the favor also patting him dry smiling when he kissed along your neck, jaw, shoulders and laying gentle kisses to your collarbone. Shuddering at the soft touch you let the towel slide from your fingers as you drift your fingers into his hair lightly clenching and redirecting his lips back to yours, picking you back up he carried you to his bed, ever so carefully laying you on your back in the middle, bringing the other spare pillow he had under your hips.
As gentle as he was being you could feel the tremble in his body, unsure of if it's just being a build up of passion or something else you tried to move your hips with his, arching your back into him as your clit rubbed against the tip of his dick. "Don't move, I'll take care of you." Pouting as you watched him kiss a trail down your stomach and hip you moved your legs for him, moving your hips up the hip as his hand gently slapped your pussy making you gasp, surprised. "Darling, don't move."
"But..." Looking to the side before looking back to him, "You want more, right? I'm fine, you can take me how you need Captain."
Huffing he pushed back up, "Y/n, you're hurt."
"But I'm FINE, take me, if it gets to be too much, I'll say my safe word. ... Take me Captain." You were pushing him again, just like you had when you begged to go on the mission, his body itching as he grabbed the back side of your left knee he pushed it up to your chest slapping your cunt a little harder this time.
"You are damn stubborn sweat heart, I tell you no again and yet you keep pushing. You never want to listen, I'm trying to look out for you, why won't you let me do this for you." Slapping your cunt again a little harder again, you gasped jolting, "Begging me to just fucking take you, you'll say your safe word? What if you can't?" You clenched around nothing just before he moved your leg to the side a little more exposing your clit and slapped down making you moan, "I'll take you darling, I'll fucking take you but damnit Y/N. Why must you push me?" Pouting you looked down, watching as he lined himself up and started easing into you. "Fuck." Grunting the both of you jerked into the other panting as he slowly moved in and out of you, your slick collecting around the base of his cock.
"John." Huffing your hips started moving, meeting his, the sound of skin slapping ringing in your ears making your head spin from how much he was stretching you. Feeling his fingers dig into your hips he pushed your hips down into the pillow growling.
"No moving damnit, urgh, gonna make me lose it darling. You want to cum?"
"Yes, please, Captain, please sir." Feeling his dick twitch against your gummy walls you moaned, "Captain."
John swirled his fingers around your clit, lightly pinching it, a small twist before pushing his thumb into you drawing circles. Arching up from the bed you whined cumming, walls spasming around him, he didn't relent as he continued to riding out your orgasm. Huffing he drew your legs up to his chest, pushing down to you, he gripped your neck, squeezing the sides, "Again darling, come on." Slamming his hips down your cunt started squelching, taking each thrust you rolled your eyes back trying to arch into him and move your hips but with his weight over you, you couldn't move. Feeling him squeeze your throat a little tighter you gasped grabbing his forearm moaning, "Darling." Loosening his hold your grabbed the side of his face and pulled him down kissing him.
Breathing heavily the both of you pulled back and came, John grasping the pillow under your head pushing his forehead into yours grunting after he picked his rhythm back up, overstimulating the both of you, "Oh, John, wait..." As you whined, he pulled out, sliding you onto your left side, laying behind you, raising your leg and slinging it back and over his thigh. Taking labored breathes you moved your hips back into him moaning when he helped guide you this time rather than try and stop you, "Oh John, yes, good." Feeling his hips picked up, your body getting jostled, the sheets getting kicked and pushed to the floor, the pillow that had been under your hip also being pushed to the ground.
John slid his arm under and around you neck, putting you into a choke hold from behind, your third orgasm flooding over you, your body shaking as he didn't stop. Gasping you grabbing the bed sheet and trying to push his forearm only making him grunt, "No, you're going to stay right here, fuck. Right here, where I can see you, hold you." Scowling you tried to hold out but when your fourth orgasm was slowly building up already you felt tears prick at your eyes, your cunt felt too raw, already clenching so tightly around him, his girth stinging slightly more than the pleasure that was building. Huffing you tried pushing again against his arm, before shaking violently against his front whining patting his arm.
"Red, John, red please." Gasping you gathered your breath as he froze, his hips pushed flesh against you. Feeling him slowly pull out of you, you whined when he pulled away, collecting the blanket from the ground and the other pillow, he got back in behind you gently massaging your hips.
"I'm sorry darling."
"You did nothing wrong John, Just over stimulated a bit quick today is all." You interlocked your fingers with his smiling as he wrapped his arms around you gently.
"You're too good for me, Y/N."
"No, you are ... me." Your eyelids growing heavy, you yawned and snuggled back a little more into him before falling into sleep.
"No, you truly are, for any of us, you deserve better."
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danganronpafakes · 5 months
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Oh, look at that. I've been impaled.
Source: Frozen (2013)
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Found you again.
Leon S Kennedy x GN!Reader
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Summary: After being saved by Leon in Spain, you find him again eight months later at a coffee shop.
Warnings: RE4R content, mentions impalement, mentions a therapist, and having a spotty memory, mentions government officials.
D/O = Drink Order.
It was insane. After being trapped in Valdelobos for days and fighting to the brink of death, you were just told to go back home and live life like you did before the incident.
You were guided away from Leon and Ashley to fill in a report about what had happened, and the truth is, you didn't even know. You had no memory of how you got there or what you were doing there, something your therapist says is a trauma response.
All you know is that Leon had saved you from almost getting impaled by a pitchfork that a villager was holding. Then you joined him on a hunt to retrieve the presidents daughter, Ashley.
You remember the way that Leon reassuringly held you to his side by settling an arm around your waist. And how you begged him not to let you go when authorities wanted to take you in for questioning. He ended up having to hesitantly let you go anyway, promising that he would see you again.
Eight months later and you still haven't seen him. That is until you walked into your local coffee shop and noticed a familiar head of blonde hair attached to a familiar looking person. You couldn't deny that the feeling of hope that it could be him was the best thing you have felt in months. Slowly, you walked over to the booth he was in.
"Leon?" You spoke, still unsure if it could be him.
The man turned to look at you, shock evident on his face. "Y/N." He whispered.
"Hey, it's so nice to see you." You smiled down at him. He looks much better than he did in Valdelobos. He was clean and not sporting his usual furrowed eyebrow look.
He stared at you for a few seconds before speaking. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too. Uh, would you like to sit?"
You let out a small giggle before sitting down across from him. "Thank you."
"No problem."
You looked down at the table, there were papers with his writing all over them, and a closed laptop discarded to the side. "You workin'?"
Leon quickly looked back down at his papers and started putting them all in a pile. "Trying to get a vacation."
"Lord knows you need one." You mumbled.
"Uh, let me buy you a coffee." Leon offered.
"No, it's okay, you don't have to." You tried not to get him to spend his money on you.
"I want to." He smiled at you, a genuine smile that made you freeze and slowly nod your head. He had offered you tiny little ghosts of a smile back in Spain, not once has he smiled at you like that. If he continued to do it, you would probably do anything he asked.
Leon stood up from the booth, looking down at you. "What would you like?"
"Oh, um, D/O."
He smiled down at you one more time. "Alright, one coffee coming right up."
You watched as he walked over to the counter, stopping once he was finally talking to the barista. As he stood there waiting for your order, you decided to look out of the window next to you, not wanting him to catch you staring.
Subconsciously, you let a smile spread on your face. It was nice to finally see him again. You had been worried about him ever since you were put onto a plane back to your home without any word from or about him.
"What are you smiling about?" Leon asked as he set your drink on the table, sitting down immediately afterward.
"It's just nice to see you again, Leon." You admitted. "At least this time, we aren't getting axes thrown in our face by mind controlled freaks."
Leon stared at you for a few seconds before letting a small chuckle fall from his lips. "That was the worst part for you?"
You laughed at his words.
"How have you been?" You asked him, genuinely curious.
Leon watched as you took a sip from your drink before finding something to say. "I've been....well, I've been."
"Don't I know it." You sighed before chuckling.
"Sorry for not finding you before they brought you home." His eyes looked at anything but you.
You moved a hand to rest on his own, snapping him out of his thoughts. "It's okay, I was worried about you, but I was also in a happy to finally get back."
Leon turned his hand over, now holding your hand in his own. "I was worried too."
"You were worried? Leon Kennedy was worried about me?" You smiled at him, an act that he bashfully returned.
"Of course." He whispered, staring into your eyes.
A ringing erupted from Leon's phone, alerting both of you and forcing him to pull his hand away.
"Thank you for the coffee. It would be wonderful to see you again." You rushed out, reaching over to his side of the table to grab the pen he was writing with earlier and putting your phone number on a napkin. "Goodbye, Leon."
You got up from your seat and pressed a kiss to his cheek, quickly running out of the coffee shop afterward. Causing a wide-eyed Leon to turn and watch you run away, leaving his grasp once again. His phone was long forgotten because his mind was stuck on you... At least this time, he had a way to find you.
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Google says that the "Rural Village" Re4 took place in was called Valdelobos... I know a lot of people call it Las Plagas, and if it's that big of a deal, I can change it..
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