#| ‘I love you too; Max’
xnarlie-starlightx · 6 months
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Created: TheDiamondUniverse from DeviantArt
“He’s only making these faces to Max but everyone else? A calm face or glaring at them.”
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crunchchute · 6 months
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a-noah-nova · 2 months
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Im so HYPED for the tdph remaster that I did a redraw of the poster.
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saltpepperbeard · 3 months
listening to rhys talk about ofmd's cancellation on that podcast has me like
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il-predestinato · 11 months
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Max: "Sorry about Turn 1."
Charles: "I would have done the same."
SOBBING - I'm sorry, but I fucking LOVE them.
🎥: Red Bull Racing (2023 United States Grand Prix, post-sprint)
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steveseddie · 3 months
outside looking in
for @steddie-week day one “secret relationship”
rated: t | cw: none | wc: 4,8k | tags: max’s pov, post vol. 4, 3+1 things, secret relationship, friendship, max & steve, max & eddie
click here to read on ao3
Max is sitting on the front steps of her house, adjusting the wheels of her skateboard when the screen door of the Munson’s trailer swings open.
The noise it makes as it slams against the side of the trailer makes her jump. It’s only been a few weeks since Spring Break and she’s still on high alert after everything that happened.
Looking up from her skateboard, she expects to see Eddie or his uncle. She’s used to it- catching them on their way in or out of the trailer or sitting on the old ratty couch that they keep on the front porch. She’s used to waving at them and them waving back. Sometimes, if it’s Eddie, she’ll stick her middle finger out just to make him crow with laughter so loud she can hear it from across the gravel path. 
What Max doesn’t expect is to see someone else stumbling out of the Munson’s trailer. 
She certainly doesn’t expect to see Steve. 
It can’t be Steve, Max thinks. She remembers one of the doctors at the hospital telling her that her eyesight suffered some damage from being trapped in Vecna’s mind prison for too long and now she thinks that he must’ve been right. Maybe she does need glasses. 
But even if she squints her eyes, she still sees Steve. More importantly, she sees what Steve is wearing, and even from a distance despite whatever eyesight problems she might have, she can see that the clothes Steve is wearing aren’t his. Well, the jeans probably are, but the shirt is black and the logo plastered on the front is a big skull surrounded by flames, and while she can’t make out the words that are written in big bold letters, she’s willing to bet it’s the name of one of Eddie’s metal bands. Which would make that Eddie’s shirt.  
And it looks wrinkled, slept in.
Jogging down the front steps, Steve makes his way to his BMW, parked out front and sticking out like a shiny sore thumb. Max is surprised she didn’t notice it sooner. 
She watches as he runs a hand through his hair, his messy hair- another sign pointing to the fact that Steve spent the night in Eddie’s trailer.
And the thing is Max didn’t even know they were friends. 
She’s seen them talk- or more like bicker when the party hangs out, but she had no idea that they sometimes hang out just the two or that they spend the night at each other’s places, or that they share clothes. 
She thinks she’s not supposed to know, based on the way Steve stops in his tracks with his hand frozen mid-air as he reaches for the car door handle when he spots Max across the road. 
His eyes go wide and his jaw drops a little, the dopey smile that was plastered on his face disappearing as he stands there, staring at her for several seconds. 
Max raises her hand in an awkward wave, which seems to snap him out of his reverie. He offers a small finger wiggle in return. 
Max doesn’t know how clearly he can see her. Just like her, Steve was advised by one of the doctors to wear glasses- his own eyesight showing signs of damage after the multiple concussions that he’s suffered over the years. And just like her, Steve didn’t listen.
Still, she raises an eyebrow at him while staring pointedly at the shirt he’s wearing.
And despite his own shitty eyesight, Steve must be able to see her face clearly enough because he ducks his head, realizes what Max is staring at, and his eyes widen even more. Then, without looking at her again, he hurriedly slides into the driver’s seat and starts the car, backing it up and driving it away.
Once the car disappears, Max jumps to her feet, and tucking her skateboard under her arm, she walks over to Eddie’s trailer. 
Her knuckles rap on the door and she hears movement behind it- the couch squeaking, a loud thud, and a heartfelt “son of a bitch!” coming from Eddie as he, most likely, trips over something.
Eddie starts talking before he opens the door enough to see Max, rubbing at his eyes. “Did you forget something, Stevie-” He pauses when he finally sees Max, whose eyebrows are knit together in a frown. Stevie? She’s only ever heard Eddie call Steve by his last name or by some mocking title before. “Oh. Hey Red, I thought- I thought you were someone else,” he tacks on with an awkward laugh, a hand hanging from his neck. 
Max studies him for a moment. He’s in boxers and a shirt that could very well be the same one that Steve was wearing, equally slept in. They both must’ve woken up recently- Eddie’s hair is even more of a mess than Steve’s was. 
“Who? Steve?” She asks, and Eddie makes a noncommittal sound. “Nah, he left already.” 
Eddie bites his lip. “You- you saw him?” 
“I was fixing my skateboard outside when he came out.” She narrows her eyes at him. “Wearing your shirt.”
“Um,” Eddie says dumbly, scratching the back of his neck. “He, uh, he spilled something on his shirt last night. If you ask me, it was an act of divine intervention, no one should own that many polo shirts.” He chuckles, but it sounds a little strained. 
“So he was here last night?” Max asks and Eddie grimaces, mentally face-palming himself.
“Um, yeah.” 
“Since when do you guys hang out?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie shrugs. “Since we found ourselves as the only two adults in a group of children, I guess.” 
Max rolls her eyes. “We’re hardly children.”
“Sorry, teenagers,” he says with a smirk. “But you know, same shit. Sometimes it’s nice to hang out with someone your age who also understands, you know- everything that happened.”
“I guess,” Max concedes. Maybe in a universe without the Upside Down, Eddie and Steve never would’ve become friends, but it makes sense that they did. After everything they went through. 
Eddie reaches over and flicks Max’s forehead, sniggering when Max bats his hand away with a huff. “So, milady, is there a reason you visited me on this fine morning?” 
There isn’t. Truth is, she was curious and wanted to ask about Steve and she did that already, so she might as well just leave. But she also has nothing to do all day and she was hoping to practice with her skateboard anyway-
“Can you give me a ride to the skate park?” She asks and when Eddie glances down at himself and raises an eyebrow, Max scrunches up her nose and adds, “After you take a shower or something?”
Eddie snorts. “Yeah, sure. Come in, you can wait here while I get ready.” He steps to the side and sweeps his arm with a flourish.
“Nerd,” Max mutters but steps in any way, leaving her skateboard on the porch. 
“You can watch something or if you want to grab some breakfast, we have Cocoa Puffs and Honeycomb.” He scrunches up his nose. “But the milk might’ve gone bad, so. Careful with that.” 
Max snorts. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass,” She says. She had breakfast at home anyway. 
“Suit yourself,” Eddie says, throwing some finger guns her way. “Be right back.” And then he disappears down the hallway.
Max has been inside the trailer a few times, but she’s never been left alone so naturally she decides to snoop around a little while she waits. There’s not a lot that she finds interesting- worn furniture, old newspapers, Eddie’s uncle’s mug collection and-
Steve’s polo shirt that somehow ended up on top of the TV like it was tossed haphazardly by someone. 
She picks it up and inspects it.
There’s not a single stain on it.  
And well, Eddie’s excuse sounded flimsy at best, but this is confirmation that it was actually a lie. It makes Max wonder why Eddie would lie about it. Friends can share clothes and if Steve spent the night it would make sense that he would borrow one of Eddie’s shirts-
But why would his shirt end up on top of the TV if that was the case? 
Before Max can answer her own question, she hears footsteps approaching. Putting the shirt back where it was for Eddie to find later, she makes herself seem busy by staring at the mugs lining up the walls just as Eddie appears. 
“Ready to go?” He asks, oblivious to Max finding the shirt and discovering he was lying about the stain. When she nods, Eddie gestures at the door with another flourish and a, “Ladies first.” 
Sending one last glance at Steve’s shirt, Max steps outside, still wondering what it could mean. 
Max doesn’t expect it to happen again, but just one week later she sees Steve leaving Eddie’s trailer again.
This time she doesn’t need to squint to notice there’s something off with Steve’s clothes. She’s on her way to Eddie’s trailer when Steve walks out and jogs down the steps, not paying attention to where he’s going, almost knocking Max over. 
“Dude!” She says, stopping him in his tracks. 
“Christ! Where did you come from?” He hisses, stumbling a few steps back, clutching at his chest. 
It makes Max’s eyes dart down to it and she raises an eyebrow. “Why is your shirt inside out?” 
Steve’s eyes nearly bulge out his face as he looks down and notices that his baby blue polo shirt is, in fact, inside out. 
Max can see him trying to come up with an explanation, she can almost hear the gears turning in his head, but he seems to be coming up blank. She narrows her eyes further. 
“There was- uh, there was a spider! It ended up caught under my shirt and I had to take it off to- to get it off me and I must’ve put it on the wrong way,” he stammers out with a strained laugh.
“A spider?” Max asks slowly, her eyebrow arched. 
Max doesn’t buy it. Just like she didn’t buy Eddie’s excuse about Steve’s shirt having a stain. But since she doesn’t know the real reason why Steve was wearing Eddie’s shirt or why his own is inside out after leaving Eddie’s trailer, she doesn’t confront him about it, just filing the information for later. 
Steve awkwardly shuffles from one foot to the other for a second, eyeing his car like he wants to duck inside it and drive away from the trailer park and Max as fast as he can.
At that moment, the trailer door opens and they both whirl around to see Eddie lighting the cigarette dangling from his lips as he walks out. He freezes when he sees them, his eyes darting between the two.
“Oh, you’re still here,” he mumbles through the cigarette. “And so is Max, hey Red.” 
Max gives him a wave.
“What are you two talking about?” He asks, taking a drag from the cigarette.
“I was telling Steve that his shirt is inside out,” Max says, her lips twitching into a smirk. 
Eddie’s eyes widen the same way Steve’s did as he clocks in the inside-out shirt. “Right, that’s- that’s because, um.”
Max waits for him to come up with an excuse of his own, wondering if he’ll come up with the same one that Steve did. But before he can say anything else, Steve intervenes. “There was a spider, right, Eds?” 
Eds? Steve calls him Eds now?
Eddie claps his hands together and points a finger at Steve. “A spider! Right! Nasty little crawler!” 
Max rolls her eyes, wondering if they think she’s stupid. Idiots.
“Whatever.” She turns to Eddie. “My mom made lasagna and she told me to invite you over for lunch,” she says. That was the reason she came over in the first place.
Eddie grins around his cigarette. “Hell yeah, your mom’s lasagna is the shit.” 
Max turns to Steve. “You can come too if you want. She made plenty.” 
The corners of his mouth twitch up for a second before he frowns. “Crap, I’d love to but I have a shift in,” he pauses and glances down at his watch, “twenty minutes. Sorry.”
“Another time.”
“Definitely,” Steve says, ruffling Max’s hair and ducking out of the way before Max can punch his arm. “But for now, I gotta go!” He starts jogging towards his car.
“Don’t forget to fix your shirt!” Max calls and Steve makes a face as he opens the door. 
“And beware of spiders!” Eddie yells right before he climbs inside. Max still catches a glimpse of the fond smile teasing at Steve’s lips. 
When the car disappears, she turns to Eddie again. “You coming or what?”
“Well, when you ask so nicely,” Eddie says with a grin, walking down the steps. 
As soon as he’s within reach, Max snatches the cigarette from his lips and drops it on the ground, snuffing it out with her foot. 
“Smoking kills, you know?” She says, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“My dear Red,” Eddie says, throwing an arm over her shoulders as he steers them towards her house. “I defied death once, and I shall do it again!” He says in a silly voice. 
Max bites her lip around a smile. “Yeah, yeah, you can defy it where I don’t have to smell it. Come on, Mom’s waiting.” 
He withdraws his arm and jogs a few steps forward, crouching down in front of Max. “Hop on, milady.” 
Max rolls her eyes, but she grabs Eddie’s shoulders for balance and jumps on his back. Eddie laughs, hoists Max up by her legs, and yells, “Onwards!” before he starts running towards her house. 
Max can’t help but laugh along with him. 
The next time Max sees Steve outside Eddie’s trailer he’s not leaving but arriving instead. 
She’s sitting down on the porch with her Walkman, waiting for her mother to pick her up. She doesn’t just listen to Kate Bush these days, but she still keeps one of her tapes with her at all times. Right now, she’s listening to a mixtape Lucas made for her. 
It comes to an end just as Steve’s car rolls into the trailer park, stopping in front of Eddie’s trailer. 
As she rewinds the tape, she expects Steve to step out of the car and head inside, but he doesn’t. Eddie doesn’t come out of the trailer either. Steve just sits in his car with his hands on the steering wheel for seemingly no reason.
After ten minutes, he still hasn’t come out and since Max has nothing better to do until her mother gets here, she decides to walk over there to find out what’s going on with Steve. 
She opens the passenger door and slides into the seat without announcing herself, making Steve jump and hit his head with the roof of the car.
“Jesus Christ! Ouch! Fuck!” He glances at Max with wide crazy eyes. “Goddammit, Max, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” 
Max ignores the question in favor of asking one herself. “You’ve been sitting here for ten minutes, dude, what gives?” 
The hand that Steve is rubbing his head with stops abruptly. “Um.” 
“Well?” Max gives him an exasperated look. Her mom is going to be home any second and she would like to get an answer before she does.
Steve bites his lip, watching Max closely. “Can- Can I ask you something?” 
He seems nervous and that’s the only reason why Max lets him ignore her question. “Okay?” 
“You and Lucas-” he starts and Max raises an eyebrow. She wasn’t expecting Steve to ask about them. “You’re together again, right?” 
“Did he- when he asked you to-” He waves his hand in a vague gesture. “You know- be his girlfriend, how did he- what did he do?” 
She bites down on the why? that’s at the tip of her tongue. “He gave me this. A mixtape,” she says, holding her Walkman for Steve to see. “And he- he just asked me. He said that after Vecna he didn’t want to waste any more time. He wanted to be with me.” 
Steve smiles softly. “Smart kid.” 
“It wasn’t terribly romantic but-” Max trails off with a shrug. She hadn’t cared about that. Vecna made her realize she wanted to be with Lucas too, and that’s all that mattered. 
“He probably knew you wouldn’t want a big romantic gesture,” Steve says and Max nods.
She narrows her eyes at him- at the way Steve bites his lip while glancing at Eddie’s trailer, thinking.
That’s when it clicks. The shared clothes, the inside-out shirt, Steve asking about her and Lucas, how nervous he is to go inside-
“Is that something Eddie would want? A big romantic gesture?” She asks and Steve snaps his head in her direction so fast she thinks she hears his neck crack. 
“What- what do you- how do you-” 
Max scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. “Dude, I saw you leaving Eddie’s trailer wearing his clothes and then with your shirt on inside out. And don’t give me that bullshit about the spider! You were obviously- you know.” She gestures vaguely but Steve gets it. His cheeks go pink which is enough confirmation. “And now you’re asking me about Lucas and how he asked me to be his girlfriend like- like you’re thinking about doing that so- is that it? Are you gonna ask Eddie?” 
Steve sighs heavily, slumping back against his seat. “Yeah, that’s- yeah. I want to ask him,” he admits, gripping the steering wheel. He glances at Max out of the corner of his eye. “Is that- is that okay?” 
Max snorts. “You know you don’t need my permission, right? But if you’re asking if I think you and Eddie being together is okay? Yeah, of course it is.” 
Steve relaxes slightly. “Thanks. I- we- this thing between us is new. We haven’t told anyone. Not that we had to tell you,” he chuckles. “Of course, you figured it out, but we haven’t, you know, made it official, but I want to. I just don’t know how.” 
“I thought you were supposed to be some kind of ladies’ man?” 
Steve lets out an undignified squawk. “I- that’s not- I mean I was, but my game kind of went downhill after high school and Eddie- he makes me nervous.”
“Is that why you’ve been freaking out here for ten minutes?”
A high-pitched laughter tumbles out of Steve’s lips. “Yeah, that’s- yeah.” 
Max rolls her eyes. “Steve, just tell Eddie how you feel! How you really feel.”
“Easier said than done, Mayfield.” 
She turns sideways in her seat to face him. “Look, Eddie likes you, that’s obvious, and you like him so just tell him that. Tell him that you want to be together. Officially.”
Steve runs a hand through his hair, blowing out a breath.
“And stop doing that!” Max chatises, slapping his hand away. “You don’t want to look like a bird built a nest in your head when you ask Eddie to be your boyfriend.”
He drops his hand to his lap. “No, I don’t,” He concedes. Then he takes a deep breath. “Yeah, okay, I’m doing this.”
Max waits for him to move and get out of the car, but he just sits there. “Dude, you’re still in the car-”
Steve throws his arms up. “I know! I know, I’m going!” 
And then finally, he gets out of the car. Max follows his lead, leaning her crossed arms on the roof to narrow her eyes at Steve. 
“Now you gotta walk over there-”
Steve groans. “Yeah, I know that. You,” he points at her with one finger while the other one settles on his hip, “you gotta scram. I’m not doing this in front of you.”
Max rolls her eyes. “Whatever. My mom will be here soon anyway.”
She starts walking back to her house but before she gets too far, Steve calls her name. She turns around with a raised eyebrow. 
Steve is smiling softly at her. “Thanks.”
Max smiles back. “Good luck!”
Her mom’s car appears then and she waves at Steve before running towards it. She gets in, and as her mom drives away, she sees Steve fix his hair one last time in the car window before finally walking towards the trailer. 
She faces forward in her seat, convinced that the next time she sees Steve leaving Eddie’s trailer, he’ll be doing it as Eddie’s boyfriend. 
The next time he sees Steve, however, it’s not outside Eddie’s trailer, but rather inside it.
She’s sitting down at the Munson’s table, watching Eddie putter around the small kitchen as he cooks them pasta for dinner while she works on her History homework. 
Eddie has music on- loud, heavy metal music that Max rolled her eyes at when she walked in. But the truth is that she’s used to it by now and she prefers this to the silence back at her house when her mom is at work. 
Because of the loud music though they don’t hear the car that parks outside or the person that walks up the front steps. It’s only when the door flings open that both Max and Eddie jump and glance at it, both of them relaxing when Steve walks in carrying a six-pack.
“Honey, I’m home!” He announces, shrugging off his jacket. 
Max watches as Eddie’s eyes widen comically before darting between her and Steve, who still hasn’t noticed her. Steve must’ve forgotten to tell him that Max knows about them- probably too embarrassed to admit he asked a fifteen-year-old for advice on boys. 
“Uh, Stevie-” Eddie starts, but Steve, whose back is still turned towards them as he hangs his jacket on the coat rack, ignores him and keeps talking.
“It smells great in here, Eds! I’m starving. Robin ate the last of my sandwich at work and then she wouldn’t let me steal anything from the candy display. I thought we could order pizza, but thank God my boyfriend decided to surprise me with a home-cooked meal. Oh hey, Max.” He wiggles his fingers at Max, finally noticing her, and she waves back. 
Eddie’s jaw hangs open as he stares at Max. “Shit, I guess- I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” he chuckles, nervously tugging some of his hair in front of his face.
“Dude, the cat’s been out of the bag since I saw Steve leave in one of your shirts after spending the night here,” Max says with a snort. 
Eddie splutters. “What?”
She smirks. “Yeah. And that time Steve walked out with his shirt inside out? Did you really expect me to believe it was because of a spider?”
Steve’s face twists into a grimace. Eddie shrugs, hanging a hand from his neck. Yeah, they should be embarrassed about that one. 
“Also, who do you think was the one who gave Steve a pep talk before he asked you to be his boyfriend?” 
At that, Eddie’s head snaps towards Steve, whose cheeks have turned pink. “She- what?”
“Okay, it wasn’t a pep talk, come on! I was just- I was a little nervous!” 
“Aw baby,” Eddie says gleefully, leaning his elbows on the kitchen counter and resting his chin on his hands. “You were nervous?” 
Max sniggers. “He was. He sat in the car for like ten minutes.”
Steve squeaks. “Shut up!” He tells her. Then when Eddie coos, Steve points a menacing finger at him. “You shut up too!” 
Still giggling, Max watches as Eddie walks around the kitchen counter until he’s standing in front of Steve and cups both sides of his face while Steve pouts at him with his own hands resting on his hips. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I think it’s cute that you were nervous,” Eddie tells him before swooping in to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Even if you had no reason to be.”
Steve visibly melts, his hands falling from his hips like a puppet with his strings cut, his pout turning into a dopey smile.
“If you guys start making out, I’ll leave. I swear,” Max announces, and both their heads snap in her direction, looking like they forgot she was there. 
Their cheeks turn pink, but while Steve does look a little embarrassed, Eddie looks pleased. 
“Apologies, my lady,” he says with a flourish. “Here, sweetheart, let me take this,” he tells Steve, grabbing the six-pack and walking around the counter to put it inside the fridge before going back to making dinner. Max finds the pet names very cheesy and gross too, but she doesn’t tease them about that. She has the feeling that this is the first time that they can act like a couple in front of someone from the party and she doesn’t want them to think they have to hold back- not unless it comes to kissing. 
Steve joins her on the table, twisting one of the chairs around and straddling it, resting his chin in his arms. “If I’d known you’d be here, I would’ve brought you something to drink too.” 
“That’s okay.” Max shrugs innocently. “I can have a beer.” 
From the kitchen, Eddie cackles, and Steve’s eyes turn into cartoon-like hearts as he glances at him for a second before turning back to Max and speaking in that bitchy tone of his. “Yeah, that’s a no. Nice try. Maybe in a couple of years.” 
Max rolls her eyes as hard as she can. 
“What are you working on?” Steve asks, glancing at her notebook. 
“History homework, I’m almost done.” Then she makes her voice a little louder so Eddie hears it when she says, “I would be done by now if Eddie didn’t listen to his music so loud it makes it hard to think!” 
“You know, Red, music is supposed to improve cognitive performance,” Eddie says in a snarky tone. 
“Yours isn’t music, it’s just noise.”
Steve sniggers and offers his hand for a fist bump that Max accepts. From the kitchen, Eddie sticks his tongue out at her. 
“Whatever, your homework is gonna have to wait anyway. Dinner’s ready.”
Max closes her book and her notebook and moves them both to the coffee table while Steve clears out some old mail and flips his chair forward again. Then he helps Eddie with one of the three pasta bowls and Max grabs a soda from the fridge and two beers for them, carrying it all to the table. 
Steve wasn’t lying when he said it smelled good. Max’s mouth waters the moment she sits down in front of her bowl, wasting no time before she digs in. 
They eat in silence for no more than two minutes which is how long it takes for Eddie to start telling them about his latest study session with Nancy through mouthfuls of pasta. Max scrunches her nose every time she catches a glimpse of Eddie’s half-chewed food, but the whole time, Steve watches him with a dopey smile. Halfway through his story, Steve reaches for one of Eddie’s hands, holding it over the table. Eddie stutters in the middle of complaining about Nancy not believing in breaks (“That woman is a machine! It doesn’t matter if she’s facing off against a dark wizard or an English final!”), his eyes darting to their joined hands and then to Max’s bored expression before relaxing and flipping his hand over so that their fingers intertwine.
They don’t let go for the rest of their dinner- not while the three of them bicker and tease each other or while Steve tells them about his shift at Family Video or while Max tells them about El coming to visit during summer. They don’t let go when Eddie lets Max have a sip of his beer and both he and Steve double over with laughter when she scrunches up her face and gags at the taste. 
They let go only when they move to the couch to watch a movie, but then they cuddle up to each other almost immediately. 
Max gags again, but it’s just for show. She doesn’t mind any of it- the pet names, the cuddling, the hand-holding. She’ll draw the line at seeing them kiss because gross but she’s happy to see them relax and act like this in front of her. Someday, they might tell the rest of the party, maybe even the rest of the world. 
For now, they seem happy to let her be the only one who knows. The only one who gets to see them like this. 
And Max, well, she’s happy too. 
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katblaze · 2 months
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My designs for these goofy guys
Click for the full image :D
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slythereen · 4 months
sometimes it feels like lewis has a degree of distance from the rest of the grid that makes it hard to connect to him (i, a newer fan, took a while to even get a proper sense of his vibes). he’s such a legend and icon in the sport there’s always a little bit of separation i think — maybe subconsciously for some of the older drivers, but i think it’s more prevalent in the younger drivers because so many of them actually idolized him for years and are suddenly racing with him. max may be getting there but he also grew up with most of the grid, and he has his funky little hobbies (twitch streaming sim races) that give fans a glimpse of him casually. i’m not sure why lewis doesn’t participate in grill the grid/f1 videos but when you think about it that’s how a lot of people get some more casual impressions of the drivers they don’t follow as closely (or at all), and then he’s not there. there’s just this air of legendary about him so when you see him standing alone it seems intentional, in a way. he is always standing on his own as a leader in many (metaphorical) ways so i can understand why the drivers might see him minding his business during the parade and think he wants the space.
anyway all this to say there is a special kind of happiness in seeing charles decide to break through the wall of godliness to keep lewis company and bring him back to their level. lewis seems so much more engaged and lively and mortal when he’s happy chatting with the other drivers and being a bit mischievous and it’s like oh, i’m finally seeing the lewis hamilton he was before the myth and fame and weight of leadership. i think he’s really going to seem like a whole new person next season with charles and ferrari for those of us who didn’t know that lewis and i really really like the idea of getting to meet him ❤️
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
Twin Things:
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Based on this post by @here-comes-the-moose
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Because honestly same Crosshair.
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franeridart · 10 months
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The Housecat Philosophy - Ep 37
Ep 00 || < Prev || Next >
Read the next four episodes on Patreon || support me on ko-fi~✨
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fabbyf1 · 3 months
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Gobble Me, Swallow Me (Drip Down The Side Of Me)
“Here’s to the winner,” Oscar said, winking at him and holding his glass up. 
“The fastest man on track,” Max added, grinning at him. 
“The best ass in the place,” Oscar tacked on. 
“And with a mouth that could—” 
“Okay, okay, okay!” Charles laughed loudly, cutting them off before they got themselves in trouble. OR: Why limit yourself to one boyfriend when you can have two? (The last installment of the lestappen+guest series and the long-awaited return of lestapstri. Charles wins in Monaco and in life.)
Charles Leclerc/Max Verstappen/Oscar Piastri | 26k | Read on AO3
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crunchchute · 4 months
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my attempt at a bunch of my fav artists styles :] idea by sootnuki!!
i would love to do more but this was already a huge challenge
if any artist here dislikes this/is uncomfortable with it/any reason i can take it down or turn off reblogs etc. otherwise i hope its ok 🫡 im not gonna tag anyone just gonna let it do its thing in the wild lol
#crunchchute art#my art#sam and max#sam & max#i hope it will be viewable as i dont know how much tumblr will crunch it#in any case i have it up on twitter also and it seems to be in good quality there#it looks like a 'the 7 human souls:' meme hfhdhf#hey i can put more thoughts in the tags right? so first i didnt really put enough effort into my own one and i kinda realized my style#is kinda mid ngl. cause im lazy + this coloring style might not really fit them. anyway.#for sootnukis style i adore the rendering of the clothing folds and stuff but i couldnt get it just right it remains a mystery to me#silcrow i tried to do a traditional drawing but kinda messed up some of the coloring especially on the pants#also couldnt figure out if its just markers or markers + pencils or what. so i kinda did my own take of 90% markers 10% pencils#mtsodie i love the color palettes and the shapes so that was a lot of fun to try; i like the outcome#narnour i absolutely love the tiny little eyes and how goofy and round they look so that was fun to try to replicate too#as well as the colors which i mostly color picked cause i couldnt get a red overlay right#zembo was a nice way to revisit a chalky brush that i havent used in ages not sure if i got it right though#applettoast i feel like theres some gorillaz influence or its at least something i used while coloring. as you might know i used to draw#gorillaz a lot and tried to replicate the coloring etc. and i think it fit here. correct me if im wrong lol#snuckeys was also hella fun cause i love the cartooniness and the details like the teeth showing gums and stuff. hope i did it justice#also the eyes! i love the big highlight and that the eyes are brown its cute#it was nice to branch out for a bit
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chirpsythismorning · 4 months
El being *12 hours earlier* than the Cali timeline when she arrives at Nina. Will saying ‘it’s been 9 hrs’ in the scene following his monologue in the van.
We know that at some point their timelines merged when they arrived to save her…
But we don’t know when exactly those alignments took place when they were still apart… which just makes you wonder…
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kindofatheatrekid · 1 month
Soft Yandere! Veteran HCs (and a special something at the end!)
So I basically fell in love with this nameless man I wrote on a whim- And now I’m giving the dude a name now- My precious moot helped me to cement his identity as a jaded, Russian veteran and I obviously leaped at the chance of making an old dilf. I fucking love this man- 😀
This is definitely NSFW so…
That’s better! ❤️
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Soft Yandere! Veteran who’s at least twenty-five years your senior— and makes sure that you remember that. He’ll make sure that any bratty attitude coming from you will be promptly shut down. Whether it’ll be through a spanking session or giving your mouth something better to do… Well. It depends on how much you’ve pissed him off already. ^^
(Don’t worry, though. He’s too much of a softie to not ensure that you’ll enjoy every second of your “punishment~” 😮‍💨)
“In my days, cadets used to have their teeth smashed in if they mouthed off to their superiors. Shouldn’t you thank me for my leniency, love?”
Soft Yandere! Veteran who makes sure that you’re always well fed. He may have some food insecurity problems, and would never want his beloved to ever experience that gnawing hunger he felt in his earlier years. So say au revoir to any diets you want to do!
He’s a good cook too, so you bet he’s going to feed you every time you see each other. You’re always going to be greeted with food as aftercare— there’s no arguing on that. He will force-feed you. 😓
“A diet? Tch. You don’t need that. Just eat, dear. You need the nutrients for later.”
Speaking of aftercare! Soft Yandere! Veteran who knows exactly what to do after years of fucking women. …And maybe some men but we don’t talk about his soldier years- The man will wipe you down and massage every part of your body that aches after his rough treatment. Believe in the old man who has chronic pain every day because of what he did in his youth- He definitely knows how to relieve any muscle aches. 😌
Soft Yandere! Veteran who is a huge cuddler. He’s taller than you and is just a brickhouse— you’re not going anywhere if he wants to cuddle with you. He probably has a size kink, loves seeing you try to fit him in your mouth. He’ll be so condescending about it too, goading you on while he’s reading the newspaper like the senile man he is. 😩
“Come on, love~ Is that really the best you can do? You can take a bit more, right? For me~?”
Soft Yandere! Veteran who is Russian! The man never speaks crass words, though— always a gentleman through and through. His mama taught him right! He has to make sure that you remember your manners with him too! Say please and then he might give you what you want. It depends, though. Have you been a polite lover to him today? 🤔
“Mmm… I don’t know, Солнце… You’ve been so naughty today. I think you should beg some more for my cock~”
Soft Yandere! Veteran who has episodes of depression whenever he remembers the young men he killed in the battlefield. You can find him on the floor while staring at his countless medals— bottles of everclear on the floor with a few cigar buds in the ashtray nearby. A hug from you will help him a lot…
(Please replace the bitter cigar in his mouth with your sweet lips. Give him something else to think about. Better yet, why don’t you spread those thighs of yours? That will always get the old man going! 😊)
“...Thank you, лапочка. I needed this.”
Soft Yandere! Veteran who will never let you go. You’re just too pure for the world… He’s directly seen how dirty humans can be. You’re like a spring breeze to him, allowing him to relax his mind for the first time since he was drafted. Just listen to everything he says. Don’t you believe in him? 🥺
“...People… They can be cruel. Especially to wounded rabbits like you.”
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You didn’t think that I’d just make headcanons after painting a scene in your head, right? Dear gods no! I want to be a nice author to you all! (At least until my mind decides to switch up and make angst- But you’re all safe! For now.) 😈
Anyways! I’m going to show y’all a blowjob scene with this old man now! Have fun! ^^
(It’s gender neutral this time because you’re sucking his dick-)
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You thought he was being too cruel right now. Here you were: on your knees, serving the man while he was enjoying his morning cup of coffee. If you could talk, you would’ve whined at him for his attention; to get that dumb paper out of the way so he could fuck your mouth like you knew he could. He was undoubtedly affected by the way your lips were wrapped around not even half of his cock, though. There was a reason why his hand had a firm grip on your hair— not allowing you to pull away nor go deeper.
The old man had way too much patience compared to you, not even budging when you start to paw at his clothed thighs. He’s spent years on the battlefield, dear. The man can neglect his own needs as long as you learn your lesson. Your parents must have not taught you very well, but that’s fine! He can show you exactly how to stay in the lines.
Your desperate whimpers send shivers down his spine, the vibrations making his warm cock grow hotter— a familiar warmth pooling underneath his stomach. His hand tightens around your locks, a deep sigh escaping from his lips before he even knew it. You got what you wanted, his attention. And oh… You have his full attention.
A low growl was your only warning before he forced his cock down your throat— his hands now occupied with pulling your hair like it were a horse’s reins. You couldn’t breathe; he was big, and he knew that. You could barely see his sly grin through your tears, but you could feel it. By the way his hand was kept on the back of your head to keep your spit-covered lips on his cock. By the way his other hand was patting the top of your head so affectionately. By the way he cooed at you like he wasn’t choking you on his dick right now.
“Aww~ Is there something you want to say, Солнце? Come on~ Use your words for me, hm?”
The bastard was taking pleasure in your helplessness; he knew that your throat was far too occupied to do anything but let out a few muffled whimpers. Whimpers that went straight down to his weeping cock, his balls tightening even more when he sees how prettily you were silently begging for his mercy. The old man was just getting his rocks off at this point.
He kept on using you, bobbing your head over and over again— he was an old soldier, he knew precisely how long he could keep you gagging before you’d pass out. It was like a game to him in a way, seeing how far he could physically push you before you were on the brink of passing out. You were seeing both stars in your eyes and black spots; your adrenaline peaking from this deadly game. One where all you could do was trust the man in front of you that he knew what he was doing.
His endurance was no joke even after over a decade, you didn’t know how long it was before you could finally taste something bitter on your tongue— his head tilting up as he groaned. You were still gagging, your head pushed as far as possible when he came in your throat. The thick, slimy liquid going down your throat effortlessly as he slowly slides you off his limp dick. A round of coughs greeting you after your lungs were suddenly filled with oxygen after a while with barely any.
All he did was pat your head, grabbing a cloth from the table to clean up the mixture of his cum and your drool and tears off your face. His palms tenderly cupping your cheeks afterward— steadily lifting your face up before he presses a soft kiss on your now clean lips. A satisfied smile curving up his lips when he sees your blissed out, lost expression; your usual bratty self not seen at all.
“Hm… Better.”
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Солнце = sunshine
лапочка = sweetie pie / cutie
"I know what you are."
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ruyakasunshine · 4 months
wdym all the races charles wrote music about last year are those max didn't win this year?
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choreomaniafever · 3 months
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modern day st music headcanons for the party
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