annalsl · 11 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i was thinking about who you are ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀your delicate point of view ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i was thinking about you
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀anna-liesel castel, selecionada de veloursaube ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀entrevista #1
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anna-liesel sentia o gosto da bile chegar em sua boca e respirava fundo para impedir de despejá-la no chão, na frente de todas as selecionadas. estava suando, mesmo que fosse um começo de outono agradável aos franceses. o som das vozes estava ao fundo, enquanto sua mente disassociava para a manter-se sã naqueles longos minutos de espera. tentou trocar algumas palavras, mas o relógio no fim do corredor era o seu maior inimigo.
assim que ouviu seu nome, ficou de pé prontamente, buscando os olhos de qualquer menina para a encorajar. secou as mãos no vestido da blusa de manga plissada que estava usando. o seu peito sentia um leve incômodo pela velocidade que o coração estava batendo, mas queria agradecer por ainda conseguir disfarçar - ou ao menos pensava que sim.
seus olhos primeiro encontraram sophie, que parecia animada para começar. logo em seguida viu a presença da família real, com a rainha Anne, Antoniette ao seu lado e o príncipe André a seguindo. Fez uma breve referência, logo chegando perto da jornalista.
SB: qual foi a coisa que mais te surpreendeu assim que você chegou ao palácio?
“⠀⠀nossa, vai ser estranho se eu disser o tamanho dos vitrais e das janelas? sempre pensei que fossem grandes, mas... como chama aqueles cantos? ah, pé direito! eu achei incrível ah, também a qualidade da comida e sua disponibilidade. não podemos comer tudo, é bem regrado...⠀⠀”⠀⠀soltou uma risada baixa, trocando olhares com Tony.⠀⠀“⠀⠀mas sempre temos algo diferente para experimentar e isso é incrível.⠀⠀”
SB: você está aqui há algum tempo, nos conte o que você traria de casa para cá e levaria daqui para casa?
ponderou sobre responder divertida ou com sinceramente. preferiu misturar ambas, pois ainda sim seria verdade, mesmo que o tom que saíra da sua boca fosse leve e extrovertido - aquilo que estava se esforçando para demonstrar.⠀⠀“⠀⠀eu certamente traria meus irmãos. eu sinto muita falta de tê-los comigo, mesmo que tenha as outras selecionadas, não é a mesma coisa. e levaria uma das meninas da cozinha, a que faz os doces. eu só imagino as belezas que ela faria com as uvas de veloursaube.⠀⠀”
SB: tem alguma coisa que pareceu bizarro para você na realeza, até agora? e surpreendente?
“⠀⠀bizarro pode ser por que eu nunca vivenciei até hoje? assim, eu achei bizarro que todos eles se conhecem e lembram seus nomes. e são nomes difíceis. e surpreende foram como estão sendo acessíveis.⠀⠀”⠀⠀tinha a esperança que havia se expressado corretamente. não queria ser má interpretada, por conta do seu nervosismo.
sophie lhe transmitia um sorriso acolhedor, como se estivessem somente as duas. mas atrás dela, na direção noroeste, estava a rainha Anne, princesa Tony e o príncipe André. ela já havia visto aquela formação diversas vezes pela televisão da sala de casa.⠀⠀
SB: acredita que irá aprender a se tornar uma futura rainha? mesmo que não seja a escolhida.
“⠀⠀sophie, já viu a quantidade de aulas que recebemos? mas brincadeiras a parte, eu acredito que sim, ao menos a parte teórica. mas é a prática que leva a perfeição, então basta a princesa me dar uma chance que posso provar.⠀⠀”
anna parecia agora a amiga mais íntima de sophie. ela ria sutilmente e gesticulava, como se parecesse calculado. havia assistido diversos concursos enquanto crescia. e se imaginou muitas vezes naquela posição. ela só precisava continuar com o sorriso doce de sempre e pensar em respostas que fossem agradar.
SB: está sendo difícil se adaptar às normas e pessoas novas? como é esse convívio para você?
“⠀⠀agora está sendo um pouco mais fácil, não vou ser modesta. os rostos acabam for ficar mais frequentes e as conversas constantes, afinal, o palácio é grande mas encontrar alguma das meninas entre um almoço e uma aula, acabasse tornando rotineiro.⠀⠀”
SB: teve tempo para conhecer alguma realeza convidada? se sim, deseja visitá-la em algum momento?
“⠀⠀oh, sim! com as que eu consegui conversar, foram gentis comigo. eu achei incrível e se caso conseguir, pretendo sim, em um futuro.⠀⠀”
sentia a espinha gelar só de imaginar ir a outros países, seja por qualquer motivo. a verdade era que anna-liesel não sabia como seria se aquela seleção se concretizasse com ela. era apenas um sonho, distante quando se inscreveu, mas tão real agora, como se a atmosfera fosse palpável, se tentasse de verdade.
SB: como vem sendo sua relação com as outras garotas? acha que está deixando uma boa impressão?
“⠀⠀eu tenho sentido que por estar ainda muito no começo, estamos todas nos dando bem. e espero que sim, para ser honesta. algumas ainda não me aproximei, mas as que sim, nos damos muito bem. até mesmo dividimos momentos únicos, como ver a versão original de ratatouille, numa tarde de cinema como presente da princesa. eu posso dizer que eu e mais uma selecionada choramos. o remy pode ser o que ele quiser.⠀⠀”
a voz de anna ficou mais pesada, como se estivesse embargada. logo em seguida abriu um sorriso, mostrando que não se tratava de ser real. ao menos, a parte do choro. ela e vivienne realmente ficaram emotivas com o filme original
SB: como você acha que será seus encontros com a princesa? vocês já tiveram momentos compartilhados?
“⠀⠀pelo que conheci da princesa, espero coisas divertidas ou que ao menos vão me tirar da zona de conforto. e tivemos alguns sim, onde sempre acabei rindo. seria pressão demais se eu dizer que tenho grandes expectativas com os encontros? não me entenda mal, por favor, mas levando em consideração ao pouco que sei, não tem como ser menos.⠀⠀”
SB: e por último, qual é o seu diferencial das outras garotas que te colocaria no trono?
“⠀⠀vai ser clichê dizer isso, mas essa é uma pergunta muito difícil. me senti nos programas de competição de miss que assistia mais nova.⠀⠀”⠀⠀não conteve a risada, ponderando um pouco afastada, com as costas tensas.⠀⠀“⠀⠀acho que sempre manter meus princípios, não importando a ocisão. eu fui criada em uma família que sempre zelou pela confiança e sinceridade. ah, e eu sei reconhecer um vinho de qualidade!⠀⠀”⠀⠀a brincadeira lhe escapou os lábios, com seu olhar direcionando a princesa, para buscar a reação dela. suas piadas eram seu motivo de vergonha, pois não se achava engraçada, maioria das vezes.
depois de responder as perguntas, sophie sorriu, satisfeita. “por favor, o palco é seu. você tem cinco minutos, como especificado na carta. boa sorte.”
anna-liesel havia pensando no que realmente seria um diferencial de todas as outras, mas não conseguia. eram as mais diversas meninas, com inúmeras qualidades e que se sairiam muito melhor do que ela, em diversos aspectos. aquele pensamento a corroeu os três dias, desde o recebimento da carta. ela levou em consideração até mesmo as ideias mais mirabolantes, mas acabou aceitando a sugestão de vivi.⠀⠀“⠀⠀sei que vocês vão ver as mais diversas habilidades aqui hoje. eu só espero que a minha fique na cabeça de vocês por ter sido uma das melhores.⠀⠀”⠀⠀talvez anna não devesse estar tão confiante, pelo tempo que não tocava.
segundos depois de dizer aquela frase, um homem com um pouco mais de meia idade, alto e troncado, entrou na sala carregando uma case de um instrumento. entregou a loira, que com um sorriso, agradeceu. sentou-se no banco e abriu a case preta, revelando um violino. durante a manhã, ela havia ido até a sala de música e afinado o instrumento.
a ponta de seus dedos gélidos se finaram na corda, com o espelho firme entre seu polegar e indicador. os olhos se fecharam, com o arco começando a deslizar sobre o espelho. logo se fez reconhecido a melodia de la vie em rose, uma canção intrínseca em sua infância. era como se estivesse somente ela na sala da sua professora, com os dígitos dançando sobre as cordas.
começou a colocar mais precisão, tomando confiança com a música que entoava. não se arriscava em cantar, mas acompanhava a melodia com os pés, devagar. tocar violino novamente, depois de semanas longe, sem coragem com medo de que alguém a visse, era revigorante. talvez ousado da parte da selecionada de escolher uma música como aquela.
ao fim, respirou fundo e abriu os olhos. as três figuras ainda estavam lá. ficou de pé, afastando o instrumento de perto de seu rosto. caminhou alguns passos para frente, fazendo uma referência e guardando o violino de volta a case.
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kaitaiga · 5 months
Task Force Dagger
“Nihil Obstat”
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2nd Commando Regiment (SOCOMD)
Captain Lachlan Jones
Sergeant Damien Whitlock
Sergeant Daniel Greenhill
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
Flight Lieutenant Archie Campbell (75th SQN F-35A Pilot)
Sergeant Joseph Hernández (4SQN CCT)
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 year
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Imagine making Jay wear this when he's been a bad boy 😏
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⚠️ cw: smut (⚤)
Imagine the green jeweled plug nestled between those firm asscheeks. Imagine watching him drag those scaly panties up over those delicious thighs of his at your command. Imagine the bulge of his diamond hard cock after he forces it into those too-small panties. Imagine it dripping pre-cum, begging for release, but he has to please you first. Imagine him down on his knees worshipping you, gripping your ass while he eats you out 👅
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stardestroyer81 · 4 months
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Just in time for this month's festivities, I've whipped up a set of seven pronoun pins drawn in the style of the North American Mega Man logo, as well as an additional eighth pin repping transgender rights! You can find them all over on my RedBubble store by clicking here!
(Pssst! If you would like to request a custom pronoun set pin in this style, feel free to DM me and I will add it to my store for you!)
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eternal-reverie · 6 months
I just got psychic damage by hearing Lauriam’s name on youtube pronounced as “larry-am”
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good-beans · 12 days
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prismbearer · 1 year
Okay i was looking at some tags and saw yours regarding how Raphael knew to make the hammer. We're never given a timeline so it's unclear when he made it BUT in regards to how he knew about Orpheus I had a theory that's becoming more and more sound the more I think about it.
Raphael knew about the Emperor since the very start. He's showcased this when he first meets you and mentions the tadpole in your head (he's not just referring to the literal tadpole in your brain). We know he knows about the existence of the Emperor because when we meet him at Sharess' Caress, he straight up shuts us off from the Emperor. I think it's one of those things that subtly hints how powerful the likes of beings like Raphael are. And of course this means he knew about Orpheus.
Now, we've seen Raphael literally just pop into the Astral Prism on a whim after you betray the Emperor and if you didn't take his deal in Sharess' Caress or steal his hammer (not killing him essentially). So the question is "why couldn't he have just done all this himself, why bother with us if he is that powerful?"
Because the Emperor was there.
That's why he pops in the MOMENT the Emperor physically leaves that realm. The Emperor is his biggest enemy in regards to influencing you (they're both essentially opposite sides of the same coin. Both manipulate you, both want you on their side, you're super crucial to their ultimate goal/freedom. The Emperor wants to be ultimately free from the influence of the Netherbrain, Raphael wants to become the ultimate Archdevil because the one with the most power in the Hells has ultimate freedom). That's why he immediately shuts him off the moment you step foot in his room at Sharess' Caress, why every time you being up the Emperor, Raphael gets hella annoyed/very serious (and it vice versa for the Emperor, warning you adamantly not to go into the Hells because of your safety AND because his influence cannot each you there). Raphael always knew that Orpheus was there, he just couldn't risk it while the Emperor was there as he's not only an illithid but a pretty powerful one. Raphael's diaries showcased how he genuinely feared the presence and plague of the illithids and Korilla tells you that illithids "make terrible clients" (basically non of Raphael's infernal tricks can do much because they're already of a hive mind. The Emperor, not under any influence just showcases that he's MUCH more powerful and a threat than any regular illithid). Can you imagine what it would be like to have Raphael and the Emperor in a scene together? That would be amazing!
Sorry if this got incoherent. Am writing on a phone in a car rn 😂
🥺 Thank you for enabling me! I haven't had a chance to rant about Raphael and the House of Hope for a while... (AlSO I love your Raphael gifs, bless. 💞✨) I am also working but I can't resist the reply so. Messy.
The Hammer and the timeline is something I am honestly SO CURIOUS about. We know that Raphael had dreams about the impending illithid debacle, but not necessarily when... I suppose those dreams could have occurred early enough for Raphael to investigate the truth and then come up with a plan to assist with the process.
However, the very concept of Raphael dreaming about this potentially universe altering shift as a warning is so intriguing. Did this come about under divine influence? Was it because of some sort of artifact or attachment Raphael has with an ability to precognition? I imagine something like divining or altering aspects of the future would appeal to him, but it seems TOO BIG a thing to leave unmentioned behind the scenes. (Unless it was meant to be revealed with additional content, a form of excuse or method he might survive Mephistopheles. But I believe there's no intended additional content as of release so... unlikely?)
I'm assuming Raphael investigated the illithid and the Absolute and knew what Gortash was up to. He'd probably have kept tabs on him even after he "escaped". That is also curious to me, the fact that Raphael would not try to retrieve him as an asset-- since he would see the loss of any asset as an affront to his power and pride... I'm assuming they probably had some sort of deal that if Gortash left the House of Hope he'd be free, and so Raphael kept him prisoner literally thereafter? Give me backstory Larian, pls.
Perhaps the dreams were not as dramatic as Raphael presented them. Maybe they were normal dreams if he was already keeping up with the plan for the absolute and trying to figure out how to use the situation to his advantage. If he was already aware of their plans, not insane to think with his discomfort at the concept he'd essentially have nightmares when the whole scenario puts his dreams at risk. Also I'm sure the idea of an escaped asset winning his dream artifact (crown that makes you a god) would make him feel sick and furious enough to have nightmares... (do all devils dream or is that just like, a side effect of him being a cambion?)
As for the Emperor, I'm assuming you're right and Raphael was aware of the Emperor early on through those plans. Feasibly as early as the gate before the Emperor was sent to retrieve the prism? I'm iffy on how long it might take to build a hammer like that, or where Raphael got the knowledge to do so however. (Note to self, look up passage of time in the hells?? Is it linear to the prime material, or does it vary like the feywilds?)
I do wish there was more direct interaction, since as you said the two are almost different options for the same endgame. Raphael goes all cards in assuming that Tav & Co would never choose an illithid over a charming devil like himself. He suggests the "devil you know" and then goes out of his way to be more forthright and theoretically trustworthy than the Emperor who is constantly trying to keep you out of his business and focused on what he wants. Instead, Raphael invites you to his home, makes you familiar with his nature immediately. He doesn't even demand your soul for the Hammer.
Tbh the scene where he cuts off the Emperor with a snap was fascinating to me, an absolute turning point for my Tav for their relationship with the Emperor. I thought it was haunting and a reality check as to how deep they are in these machinations, between these powerful entities, just by being in the wrong place at the right time.
They're both fascinating and the same in the worst ways (depending on perspective IG) but also so different. I have a lot of feelings about the Emperor too actually! They're so fun. But yeah 100% you are right. Though I think Raphael would also hate illithid because they'd be a terrible audience. Would the Emperor appreciate his little songs and scripted plays? No. And given the nature of illithid devils have almost no reason to deal with them, unless it was strategic maybe. Theoretically, there's not a soul to be had?
I think Raphael would be annoyed trying to script encounters with the Emperor, and that whole presentation and structure is important for him. It's where he gets his confidence and sense of control, which is why he is also furious if you break your role and betray the plot of his plans. There are different paths to dealing with him and Raphael plans those encounters, but if you disrespect him by stealing the hammer he is offering so generously (for a devil) he is Done. Just like the Emperor is also very Order oriented and seeing Tav and Co as assets tbh.
I'm personally of the mind that the Emperor was the illithid that infected you and the party during/just before the attack on the nautiloid. He knew the gith would follow and he needed new "thralls" or agents to do the work he could not when he needed to keep Orpheus and also cannot truly navigate the open world as an illithid. I've seen arguments against this of course, but I don't see the Emperor as Good or Evil. The Emperor is ultimately selfish, even though he himself would rebel from the nature of the hive mind, he still looks down on those who are not evolved (non-illithids). He sees himself as even greater than other illithids, given his personal power and history and the fact that he managed to escape the elder brain. I think the Emperor turning the group Makes Sense. It doesn't change the fact that it did protect you and guide you back to the Gate... but above all things the Emperor just wants you to be good agents and do what he plans so the brain is destroyed. Not accounting for his personal curiosity at how you advance with these altered tadpoles and how different from him yet the same you can become.
Personally I think the Emperor is fascinating and his writing is good. Its interesting that the Emperor is as flexible as the player. He responds to you based off what would please or position you the way he wants. He sort of acts like the player character in that to him you're the companion and he is doing what it takes to get your Approval. And if he can't have your approval, he will struggle for your obedience. (Or so he says.) They're very similar but different.
I hadn't considered that Raphael could handle retrieving the crown himself by trying to free Orpheus on his lonesome just because... game structure tbh haha, but that's a valid point. Feasibly, you could consider that Raphael could use the hammer himself to free Orpheus... (Or send some hired entities or assets...)-- the gith have made deals with Devils before etc. And Orpheus will cooperate to keep the illithid threat at bay. However, Raphael is so theatrical I think he'd see narrative dissonance in such a choice for himself as well. The whole structure of the wayward heroes crowning him after they save the universe etc is in his wet dreams. But I can also see that considering the Emperor... it is probably smarter than Raphael, though perhaps less cunning in terms of creative plotting. They're two "masterminds", and Raphael might have feared crossing threads directly. While the Emperor killing him might just send him back to the hells.... I'm not sure if that weakens devils or if they lose anything in that exchange? Regardless I'm sure Raphael would rather avoid death, and the Emperor would probably gun for his death if at all possible given how furious it gets about Raphael's involvement.
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annalsl · 1 year
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anaid-arghem · 8 months
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🏎️ Renault Fernando ✨
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Getting ready for my usual friday night in 🥰✨
Treat me ~ Tip me
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coldrainsstuff · 10 months
Roach: Hello
Will you stay awake with me?
Keegan: No
Roach: Thank you
What shall we talk about?
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mrsoharaa · 5 months
You know what….i need to write some monster porn soon. Idk who about, but we need to spice some things up in this blog loool
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tobeblamed · 5 months
the project that's been draining my energy at work these past 3 months is getting ✨discontinued ✨🤠😭👏🕺💃
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shirogane-oushirou · 7 months
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gonna continue to puzzle over specifics when i'm forcing myself to go offline LMAO but. poke.mon au!!
ren started his journey in kalos with a froakie, but didn't get far because 1) he wasn't actually that interested in battling, 2) he preferred photographing and studying the things and places he saw, and 3) his parents were pressuring him to do something else because his efforts could be "put to better use" elsewhere.
now he's working alongside many others across the world to find new medicinal and therapeutic purposes for various poke.mon (his focus of course being in fungus-based poke.mon + various kinds of spores). he's also skilled at treating spore-based illnesses. his current team helps him in his studies.
i just kinda gave my s/i the team i like when i'm playing the games (aside from scolipede, though i DO have a shiny scolipede that i love hehe). my initial idea was "ro gets through most of the johto league before getting into an accident that cuts their career short" but like. lbr. i've never been the adventuring type LMAO SLAJDNKJN, i've been a gamer and art kid since i was itty bitty, and any time outside was spent looking at cool plants and sticks and shit.
so while my team here was going to have a lugia in place of scolipede, i just don't think that makes sense. nah, more likely, i can imagine starting in johto with cyndaquil as a starter, mareep and magikarp as early catches, realizing the league isn't For Me, and moving to coumarine in kalos with family. once there, i could travel to places around lumiose and catch a venipede, be rescued by a gengar (based on a dream. as usual for me lol.)...
and i'm still working out the How, but i wuv sawk and need him on the team. i do get in some kind of accident at some point, so maybe he could help me-- actually that might work out sdkjkj i played b&w (and developed a surprising affection for sawk) just a couple of years before becoming ill, so it would Kinda Work with the irl timeline??? hmmmm!
but the basic idea is just: ren's passing through coumarine while on his way to one of the surrounding routes for his research. i'm drawing some pastel landscapes by the waterside, as a way to get some fresh air. i catch his attention, he starts up a conversation, and find we have quite a bit in common! and even though he has to go, he finds excuses to pass through the area more often... :3c just kind of "what if we were both Normal (tm) but also there were poke.mon?" lmao.
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bi-buckrights · 1 year
Writing Poll Game
Tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @cowboy-buddie @honestlydarkprincess thanks y’all 💕
Tell me what to write next after I finish army marriage of convenience next week ✨
Not added anything about them here but if you’re curious feel free to DM/send an ask ✨
Tagging @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @alyxmastershipper @heartshapedvows @911onabc @spaceprincessem @shortsighted-owl @bekkachaos @spotsandsocks @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @hippolotamus
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nadiajustbe · 2 years
Since I downloaded the English version of PG so now I can confidently throw moments without fear that it is just a translation error.
Just look at this magical self-absorbed idiot
The list of spirits stronger and weaker than Bartimaeus is literally at the beginning of the book.
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Him, literally a few chapters later:
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✨his best djinni ✨
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