#—They'll be dancing all night for sure lol
simonhbishop · 10 months
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 4 months
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[11:04 pm]
(cw: f!reader, idol!reader)
This was likely the best concert you'd ever been to. It was lively, fun, and the best time you'd had in a while. And you're an idol! You sang along to all the songs and danced with little to no worries in the world.
The next song started, a familiar beat started, your favorite song. You turned to Jaehyun excitedly squealing as the instruments started up. He smiled at you brightly, nodding his head along with the music.
“Ooh, don’t we look good together?” Bruno Mars started singing.
You raised your arms, swaying side to side, singing along without a care in the world. This night had been amazing. Ever since becoming an idol, there had been very few times where you felt free out in public. You always felt like you had to lol over your shoulder, be proper, and on your best behavior in case something got you in trouble.
There were always cameras pointed at you, but not tonight. Bruno Mars had a running habit for his shows which worked out great for you as an idol, your boyfriend who was an idol, and other celebrities who very rarely got to be out in public without the fear of a camera on them. You and Jaehyun were lucky that both your companies supported your relationship, but that didn’t mean all fans did. Even though your relationship was confirmed, you and Jaehyun very rarely went out publicly just for your own comfort. The lack of cameras and phones at this camera made it all the more exciting on top of the fact that you both loved Bruno Mars.
The cameras around the venue jumped around to different people in the audience as the song went on. “Fellas grab your ladies if your lady fine,” Bruno sang.
The band paused, “I said fellas grab your ladies if your lady fine.” The cameras jumped to a couple, as the woman was pulled in and given a kiss. You hadn't realized the cameras were going to jump around the audience and show the fellas grabbing their ladies.
“Let’s try this again, fellas grab your ladies if your lady fine,” Bruno Mars sang again. Before you could even process the image on the screen you felt Jaehyun wrapping his arms around your waist before dipping you back into a kiss. You laughed loudly, cupping his cheeks before placing a chaste kiss on his lips.
You stood upright, just catching the screen showing the two of you before switching to another couple as the line repeated once more as the song kept going.
You and Jaehyun danced the night away with each other, singing at the top of your lungs without a worry in the world. It hadn't even crossed your mind that surely people, fans of either you or Jaehyun, might break the rule of no phones and catch sight of you.
When you were both in the van ready to head home, the serotonin boost dropping to a tired calmness. Jaehyun let out a laugh, leaning over to show you his screen. Someone had captured the entire video of you and Jaehyun from one of the big screens. You could see the dazzling smile on Jaehyun's face and the look of surprise on your face as he dipped you back. You had been so in the moment that you hadn't even heard the sharp rise in cheers and volume when you and Jaehyun appeared on the screen.
It was a cute video and you were glad someone had captured it. Scrolling through the comments, it looked like people agreed. The video had been posted almost an hour ago and already had over 100 thousand reposts. You were even trending! Some people in the comments even admitted to not knowing who either of you were but wanted to become fans.
You handed the phone back with a smile, "someone said that if I ever get tired of you, they'll take care of me. They offered to take care of all my plants while I'm away and make me dinner every night."
Jaehyun playfully rolled his eyes, "most of the comments were about you. I forget how much the internet adores my girlfriend."
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
What will your future spouse love about you?
Masterlist ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ paid reading services
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Pile 1
I don't know why but I'm hearing "cuz you're pretty and smart and you're ignoring  me, you're just my type". But one thing is for sure that you might not notice them when you first encounter them even when they are very attractive. You'll be very ignorant to them. This is not intentional from your side because you're always on your phone or just always have headphones on. They are going to be obsessed with you to the point where all they can think about is you. And you'll definitely enjoy it ( ( ͡°з ͡°) so you find Yanderes cool huh? ) They'll definitely love personality . How kind you are to others and how you're always willing to participate in charity. You don't discriminate against people and treat everyone equally and that my love is flattering. You have a lot of knowledge and a lot of things to talk about. You carry a lot of random facts with yourself and always have information about everything. Like you just KNOW everything. Sexy brain of yours. And your motherly energy . You're very attractive in their eyes just like a fairy/goddess. And they are ready to treat you like one. If you have tanned or dark skin they love it. Your skin color is very hot to themthem for some reason. And I'm also getting hair. They just LOVE your hair.
Some messages that might resonate : artist, paintings, scorpio, herbs, books, number 9 , ocean or any water body, sunrise, Capricorn, black kitten or cat and fire sign.
My masterlist
Pile 2
Your dominance lol that's what they'll love about you. You're very bossy and sassy and they'll love it! Like when you tell them not to or to do something, when you order them. They love it when you get annoyed or angry. You may think that you look very intimidating when you're mad or something but to them you like a kitten. Cute. You try to look intimidating and cunning but in reality you're just a fluffball. I'm getting that you have a funny victory dance or something you do when you're happy and they love it! Also one thing is that you look otherworldly to them. Like you have a very unique and exotic beauty. You look very different from your family. Sjsjsjsj they'll loveeee your chest area it's just so squishy to them sjsjjjsjsjs. They might be from a different country and culture so they'll love it when you'll wear your traditional clothes . Like if you're from korea they'll love it when you'll wear hanbok Or it could be vise versa.
Some things that might resonate : yellow, blue and white colors , Leo, Taurus, Egypt, flower crown, blonde, eagle
My masterlist
Pile 3
Everything. EVERYTHING. You have a sexy brain. You're extremely gorgeous. That's it. It's your intelligence. I'm getting that you might be attracted to pile 1 . They'll love your Independent and unbiased judgement . And how you respect other people's boundaries and how you have a direct way ot communicating. They'll love your Energy And how passionate your are. You'll inspire them a lot. They'll love your generosity. Like how you're always ready to cut people off when they try to harm you and how you have your boundaries clear. Like how you're always having transformations and always evolving. You are good at everything and know a lot of things. Like you have every single trait that they want in a partner. You're like their desired person. This might be a past life relationship and this can be your second life . You attract a lot of opportunities and your work for yourself. That's what they love. Girlboss.
Some things that might resonate : drinking together, fingers hearts , sleep or night time, waxing moon, winter, snow, yoga.
My masterlist
When I was a kid I loved Raven and wanted to be like her. Now I don't know if I'm gay or just haven't found my beastboy yet ;)
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toomuchracket · 7 months
thinking about birthday party or d word girlies parents going to a show in her hometown and it being very sweet and domestic, girlie showing him around and him going to her childhood home. and maybe matty gets a moment alone with them to be like “i really love your daughter.” and kind of asking for their blessing (even if it’s not till a few years later, he just wants to cover all bases and make sure they know how serious he is lol)
oh this is very adorable. birthday party suits this one best, i think, and i'm seeing it as being a festival show for some reason? it's a given that you'll be there, but matty's like "hey, babe, what if we invited your family too? means you get to spend a bit more time with them that weekend, yeah?" - you're like "yeah, they'll like that. they'll be quite touched that you asked, i think", and your mum proves you right by going "yes, we'll go! oh, christ, what am i going to wear?" when you ask her lol. your parents are genuinely in their element backstage at the festival, mingling with singers they like and drinking and laughing and hyping you up to literally everyone they talk to; the latter thing mortifies you to no end, but matty thinks it's adorable and "valid", (then again he does it too). he fucking loves your parents, and they love him too, which is such a relief to matty because he was so worried about that before he met them, bless him. the show itself is also a worry, but it goes really well - your family dance along at the side of the stage (your mum turns to you after if you're too shy and goes "wow, look at him - i get it, honey, i really do", and your dad just nods in agreement lmfao, which is all genuinely hilarious), and they smile and squeeze you when matty does a little speech about "this is maybe my favourite city in the world. i mean, every gig we do here is amazing, but what's even better is that it's the place that gave me - and the world, but mostly me - my gorgeous girlfriend. yeah, applaud, she deserves it! i love her, so much, and actually... i've been in love with her for ages" before going into (you guessed it) m&yts. it's a great day, and you all stay in a hotel that night before driving back to your parents' house the next day; matty looks at you lovingly and laughs as you point out notable places and things from the car and scowl at your dad's sarcastic interjections. the laughter continues during lunch, where your mum brings out the box of old pictures and stories you wrote at school, and matty kisses your hair and coos over how cute you were "and are, obvs". there's just so much love in the house, only emphasised when you go up to wash your hair and matty quietly says "i really, really love your daughter. more than anything. she's the one, definitely - i'd like to spend the rest of my life with her" - your dad hugs him like "i think she feels the same way about you, son. thank you for making her so happy", and your mum joins in on the hug too. he still asks for their blessing a couple of years later when he decides to propose, but from that first time at their house it's clear that they approve wholeheartedly of the two of you. sweet <3
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hueynomure · 4 months
WIP Reblog Game
Thank you @coffeebanana for the tag! I'm not one for very long fics and/or starting posting plotty stuff if I don't already have most of the fic written out (too high of a chance of having to correct/retcon shit) so I'm adding fics that only live in my WIP folder lol
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you’re looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
Are Hexagon Square Dances a Thing?: Born as a LoveyWeek entry, I got stuck on the very last chapter fml
Uncovering, Unraveling (working title): Imagine Marinette had accidentally outed her Loveybug identity (as in Woven In) to Cat Walker in the (Un)Suited plotline... basically Farewell Gifts but make it smut lol
The Merits of Bagging a Hero (working title): Adrien and Marinette are invited at Alya's and Nino's place for their usual wine&dine night. Everything is going fine, Mari being flustered and Adrien being oblivious as usual - until Alya brings out the topic of hero-specific free passes and the two become inexplicably passionate about who would be the best hero lay between Ladybug and Chat Noir...
Poker Face: Loveybug AU, Cat Walker angst
Heart(s) on Her Sleeve: Companion piece for Poker Face, Loveybug's side of the angst
Tbqh the biggest motivation for getting this done is getting it over with, which is probably why I've been having so much trouble tackling it lol. I'll just say that I initially intended it to end with platonic Mariwalker buuuuut there may be some smooching hehe
Turns out I'm a SUCKER for scenarios where Cat Walker learns Marinette is Loveybug lol I will have a lot of fun writing the surprise conversation (won't go too much into details bc spoilers) they'll have about his feelings... with Adrien still inside Marinette, both of them deliberately avoiding addressing the fact or doing anything at all abt it lol
This will be 200% crack and I will have SO MUCH FUN writing the most batshit stuff I can come up with. Alya, ever the shit-stirrer, figures out Adrien is Chat Noir halfway through the conversation and spends the rest of the fic basically eating popcorn and fanning that trashfire of a debate lol
Chat Noir is a necessary outlet for Adrien. When Cat Walker has to pick up Loveybug's slack, his energies and enthusiasm are slowly but surely drain until the only reason he dons his mask, the only reason he gets out of bed, is Loveybug's unrestrained and unconditional affection. This can't last - and yet, it's his duty to carry the weight and not let anything show. I'm gonna enjoy writing the pressure building >:3c
There's one phrase to describe Loveybug!Marinette: bracing for punishment. She's too raw with all the Loveybug intensity, she just CAN'T turn into Ladybug, so she just keeps pouring her heart out knowing that at some point, somehow, she will be horrifically punished for it. Just like with Kim. Just like every time she tried to confess to Adrien. But as a hero, the consequences of her mistakes could be... she doesn't want to think about it. She keeps her head low and prepares for the worst, dreading and longing the moment when she'll be forced to wear Loveybug's lovestruck smile again.
Anyone I would have thought to tag Kayla has already tagged, with the excellent exception of @asukiess, so I won't be tagging anybody else! Feel free to join in the fun and consider this a soft tag if you (yes YOU reading this rn) want to tho :3
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nat-seal-well · 5 months
44, 45, 46, for all your fave pairings? :D
Hi Bunny!! Hehe, thank you for the ask <33333
(OTP asks)
44: Who would dance in the kitchen while making dinner? Would the other join in, or watch the show?
Elena would for sure, lol. Ava always winds up standing in the doorway and watching with her arms crossed. Anyone who doesn't know her would think she looks annoyed, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Especially when Elena sings along (very badly) to the music. Ava never joins in, but that doesn't stop her girlfriend from trying to get her to. She refuses to give up!
45: Can they fall asleep without the other?
Marin is a heavy sleeper, and it usually isn't very difficult for them to go to sleep at night. Nat, on the other hand, needs to be with them if she ever hopes to actually be able to sleep through the night. The sound of their breathing and their heartbeat are a big comfort to her: they mean Marin is there with her, and safe. (She likes to put her head on their chest, and it's one of Marin's favorite things to wake up to.)
46: Would they get frisky at the movies by themselves?
Nat has certainly tried! Unfortunately for her, Marin almost always shuts it down. They'll go red and hiss, "We can't do this in public! What are people gonna say when they kick out the town's only detective for getting handsy like a dumb teenager?" RIP, Nat.
(There is one exception to this, and that was when they went to the drive-in one summer. It was a lot easier to get away with it when they were safe in Marin's car, lol.)
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ur-boyfiend · 7 months
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warnings: talk of m-rd-r + d34th , specific mention of animal injury , i think that's it ?? mostly proofread (shocking i know)
notes: i guess this is becoming a series lol , gonna work on the third part after i finish some other stuff on here :3c
the tree is a massive, ancient oak. tangled vines run along the trunk and branches, and generations of witches have carved runes into the bark and tied talismans onto the vines and the branches themselves.
spiritworkers listen to the stories whispered in its leaves, seers watch the future in the warping bark, green witches ask it for advice the way a child might ask their mother. if a branch dies, you'll almost always find a witch snapping it off for use in their work.
the tree has seen more than anyone knows, it has watched witches come and go, it has seen witches desperate for safety and those same witches taken away.
there's a longstanding rumor that if you can't find your familiar they're gossiping about their witches with others at the tree.
many witches will use the tree to communicate with others, tying notes to the vines, leaving an offering for the fae, nestling letters packed into jars between the roots.
you look up to the leaves, the summer green now replaced by fiery reds, yellows, oranges. the talismans sway in the breeze, some clinking against eachother, sending an eerie tune dancing through the cool night air.
edgar, allen, and poe are all flying around, running surveillance. while witches being killed is supposed to be a thing of the past, covens have been reporting members vanishing, only to turn up dead, for as long as you can remember, and you know it's been even longer than that.
that's why, when poe lands on your shoulder without warning, you almost jump out of your skin.
you turn, about to scold the bird, but before you can open your mouth there's a flood of information passing behind your eyes. the only things you're sure of are that there are people with torches, guns, baseball bats, crowbars, whatever they could grab. and there are a lot of them.
cursing under your breath you scramble to your feet. you'd been trying to fix one of the older talismans that'd fallen off, but it'd have to wait.
shoving your sewing kit roughly into your bag before carefully placing the talisman in as well, you tell poe to go find her brothers, and minho. you'd been planning to meet at the tree, still wanting to work with the recently full moon, but that doesn't seem to be happening anymore.
there's a knife in the side pocket of your bag and you don't hesitate in grabbing it and putting it into the pocket of your jacket, praying you won't need it tonight.
edgar comes diving through the forest canopy, followed soon by allen. through their eyes you can see the mob getting closer, and know you have to get moving soon. before you can properly orient yourself to the mob, poe comes half-crashing into the clearing, one wing bleeding heavily.
they must've shot her, those motherfuckers.
you take a deep breath, then you're back in work mode.
"edgar, allen, hide."
the two birds transform quickly into black, bird-shaped hairclips, which you slide into your hair, both on the left, then scoop poe off the ground. there's an altar cloth in your bag and you quickly pull it out, whispering a prayer before carefully wrapping the material around the wound.
you hear rushing footsteps, and a moment later minho emerges from the trees, stumbling slightly when he comes to a stop. you share a look, confirming that you both know about the mob and that you both need to get the fuck out of here.
his face darkens when he sees poe wrapped in your arms, blood starting to soak through the worn cloth around her wing.
"we have to go, they might not be able to see the tree but they'll definitely be able to see us."
you nod, and he grabs your hand before staring back through the forest. you're both terrified, and more than once one of you squeezes the other's hand for reassurance. you're running as fast as you can without further injuring poe, and you're rather quickly out of the denser parts of the woods.
you slow down, gently tugging minho's hand in an attempt to get him to slow as well. he pauses for a second, waiting for you to catch up before continuing side by side.
"where are we gonna go?" you think of your siblings, and know that returning home would put them in danger as well. minho seems to understand your worry, and squeezes your hand again.
"my friend's house, he said that his door is always open if i need it."
you nod, deciding to trust minho's friend. you don't see any reason why minho would put you in danger.
maybe i trust him too much, but he's never given me a reason not to.
as you walk, you hum quietly, a habit you'd picked up years ago when out on walks with your dad. poe nuzzles into your chest and you hold her a little tighter. from the corner of your eye you can see minho turn and smile softly at you.
after walking for about half an hour, you reach an apartment block, near the edge of the city limits. the units are organized more like a small neighborhood, the apartments set into long buildings, each with two stories, the doors leading to the parking lot instead of a hallway.
minho walks up to one of the units and knocks on the door, the door opening shortly after despite the ungodly hour, revealing a man in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, somehow looking like he'd just woken up and like he hadn't slept in weeks.
without saying anything he turns and walks back into the apartment, leaving the door open. minho walks in after him, dragging you along too, then shutting the door once you're inside.
"good morning to you too chan."
"i'll kick you out again, catboy."
the nickname makes you laugh, and minho roll his eyes. but, your laughter quickly fades again and you follow the stranger into his kitchen.
"do you have any first aid things?"
he tilts his head, apparently confused by the request, but his expression quickly shifts when he sees the bird in your arms.
he nods, "minho! can you get the first aid?"
"why me?"
"because it's my house and you know where it is!"
you hear minho grumble something as he moves into a different area of the apartment, and you can hear cabinet doors opening and closing.
"here, you can set them down," he gestures to the island in the middle of the kitchen, then bundles up a few towels for a makeshift nest, "what happened?"
you carefully place poe in the middle of the small nest, unwrapping the cloth from around her wing, "fuckers shot her."
removing the clips from your hair, you set them on the counter, tapping each three times. edgar and allen quickly appear from their dormants, immediately snuggling up to poe, careful to keep clear of her injury.
"who shot her?"
you scowl, far too aware of the answer, "witch hunters."
sighing, you shake your head in an attempt to clear it, "anyways, your name is chan?"
"yep," he pops the p, which makes you smile slightly, "and you are?"
"i'm y/n, nice to meet you."
before the conversation can continue, minho comes crashing back into the kitchen, all five of you looking up at him. he plops a first aid kit down on the counter, before taking off his own familiar's dormants.
salem and jinx quickly materialize from the silver and black rings, emerald and amber gemstones shifting into keen eyes. the two cats nose at poe, jinx licking the top of her head. poe looks disgruntled by the action, and you laugh at them.
you quickly open the first aid kit, rummaging through for the things you'll need. you're not sure if there's any bullet fragment in poe's wing, even though she indicates that the bullet mostly missed her.
after you've confirmed that there aren't any bullet fragments, you carefully clean her wing before wrapping it securely with the bandage. when you're done, poe nuzzles into your hand, and you gently scratch under her chin.
edgar and allen move closer to their sister, jinx and salem also curling up nearby. the animals don't always get along, but you know that they wouldn't genuinely hurt each other.
minho yawns, which makes you yawn as well. chan snorts, but soon he's yawning too.
"mmm i'm going to sleep. catboy knows where the guestroom is."
minho flips off chan's back as he leaves the kitchen, chan seemingly aware of it because he pauses to flip minho off as well. you laugh, but you're cut off by another yawn.
"so, guestroom?"
"mhm, i'll show you where it is. i can just take the couch."
you roll your eyes, "yeah not happening."
minho rolls his eyes back, heading out of the kitchen. you give each of the animals a quick kiss on the head before following.
you find minho standing in the doorway of a bedroom, bowing dramatically as he gestures you inside. you go in, but grab him by the back of his jacket and pull him in as well before he can actually follow through on his plan of taking the couch. he grumbles, but doesn't seriously object or try to leave again.
letting go of him, you flop facedown onto the bed, groaning loudly into the duvet. a moment later you feel the mattress sink slightly next to you, and feel minho running his fingers gently through your hair. leaning into his touch, you rearrange yourself so that you're lying on your side.
"c'mon sleepyhead, let's get some rest."
you feel minho stand up again and you follow, stripping down to your underwear and the t-shirt you'd been wearing before properly getting into bed and under the covers.
minho joins you a moment later after turning off the light, and you immediately move closer, trying to share in his warmth. he wraps an arm around your waist and you can feel your stomach doing some kind of gymnastics routine, but he's being perfectly casual about it so you try to do the same.
it doesn't take long before you can feel your eyelids closing on their own, and you curl further into minho's chest as you fall asleep.
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euryalex · 9 months
All numbers you havent gotten yet for Wyll/Tara
long post incoming lol
3. Jealousy issues?
Not really? I do think that, while they respect each other's choices, there's always kinda a hint of fear. They've both lost so much already. Seeing someone else flirt with their S/O scares them. Not that they think their S/O would cheat or leave, it's just the thought that scares them.
4. What’s a Night Out for them?
Honestly... I think they like to spend it on their own. They like to show each other location's they've visited before, but after a while they like to just go out and stargaze or just go for a walk in a forest.
5. What’s an evening in for them?
An evening in most likely takes place after a long day, where neither have enough energy to do anything else. They'll just cuddle somewhere and just hang out - they don't even need to talk.
6. Double Date? Thoughts? Who?
Well I THINK we talked about a double date between them and Astarion and Farowyn :3
Come to think of it... They'd have a lot of double dates with Astarion-mancers - @swingxilly's Sonne and @chainsawsangel's Athena are definitely welcome 😉 And if Anabel keeps Raphael in line, they're also welcome 👀 @firstaidspray
7. Do they want (have) kids?
At first... Neither really thought about it and it kinda becomes 'if it happens, it happens'. Then, they get little Arlys and it finally feels like they can rest - as if they've reached the end of their adventure.
9. If they got engaged… who proposed? 
I think they've always kinda referred to one another as 'my husband/wife' but they're not married. It's only long after Arlys is born - like, he'd be 10, that Wyll proposes.
12. How Are there communication skills?
Wyll's are good, but Tara often struggles with words - at first, at least. She gets better at it when she finds what kind of person she is without her master.
13. A little personal… but… Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
It depends on the situation. Sometimes all they want is to be loved and cherished, but sometimes they haven't seen each other in a while or haven't had time to themselves and they're so pent up and they're sooo impatient-
15. Why do they like each other?
For Tara... it's how he's really such a gentleman despite everything that's happened to him. Despite his deal with Mizora he sticks to his morals no matter what but not in a way that makes him too stubborn to change his mind.
For Wyll, I think he fell for Tara when he saw how kindhearted she was even when she had no reason to be. Sure, she doesn't let people take advantage of her, but she does believe in people redeeming themselves. It's what makes it so easy for their companions to open up to her.
16. Who cooks most?
I think Wyll. Tara only learned how to cook smaller things as a child and is only now catching up. Most of the time it's Wyll cooking with Tara's assistance, though, so she slowly learns a thing or two. When she and Wyll are separated, she's forced to try more and while she struggles at first, she gets the hang of it eventually.
18. Evening rituals?
Tara definitely needs a few kisses first. Sometimes, if one can't sleep, they'll just talk about their day or what they'll do tomorrow :D
19. How are they at parties or gatherings?
They're definitely talking to everyone - you cannot avoid them. When they're done talking, they'll most likely dance or drink.
20. Most cuddly? 
Hm... Tara, but only because of how hard she latches on. Wyll cannot escape her cuddles (he doesn't want to.)
21. Movie Night?
MODERN AU Most likely all lights out, both cuddling under a blanket, some snacks on the table. One of them falls asleep while the other stays awake for the entire movie.
22. Who is the photo bug?
Modern AU Hm... both, in different ways. Wyll loves taking photos with/of other people. Tara loves posing for pictures. She also loves taking them - she's definitely the obnoxious type who takes pictures of her food 😭
23. How well do they know each other’s favorite foods?
They definitely know what the other likes! For sure! On special occasions they'll cook for one another :)
24. What do their texts look like?
Modern AU Oh god. Tara would send so much weird shit and Wyll deals with it like a CHAMP. Tara will randomly send shit like 'The river is too quiet tonight.' and Wyll will just have to be like. '... So that's a no on movie night?'
Wyll will send something like two cats cuddling and caption it with 'us 💖' and Tara immediately goes soft.
Also. Tara's response vs Wyll's response:
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25. Parenting style?
Hm. I think both are stern when they need to be, but they believe in raising Arlys to be kind. They want to be good parents and that Arlys has a better life than they did.
26. If they have kids, who named them? What would they name them?
They'd both agree on a name. Tara would probably want an Elven name, while Wyll wants something to remember his family.
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sailor-aviator · 6 days
7 for your couples please x
Hey, Nonny!!
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
Let's see...Hangout will do it when they're in the heat of the moment or alone, kind of lost in their own little world together. Otherwise, they're a couple that will show each other versus tell each other.
Guke is very similar in that respect where they'll do it either in the heat of the moment or behind closed doors. They're another couple that will show versus tell.
Japper will scream it for everyone to hear lol They don't care who hears, they're saying it loud and proud, as often as possible. It's almost disgusting.
Bradley and Birdie will kind of whisper it to each other, even when they're alone. Birdie always gets shy when she says it or hears it, so it's not uncommon for Bradley to use that to his advantage to come up behind her while they're at a social gathering and whisper it in her ear just to get her flustered.
Bob will tell Bunny as often as he thinks she can handle it. As we know, Bunny has had a rough past, and so the idea of someone actually caring for her is new and sometimes uncomfortable for her. Bob takes it in stride, always there to reassure her of his feelings. She'll tell him every night after they've blown the candles out for bed.
Bob and Sugarplum are like Bradley and Birdie, I think. Bob loves to tell Sugarplum, and while SP doesn't get as flustered as Birdie, she's more likely to smile and hide behind her hands or coffee cup than say it back in the moment. She's been known to sneak up on him and kiss his cheek though, murmuring a quick "I love you" in his ear before scampering off and leaving our winter sprite blushing like a mad man.
Bradley and Boots are an interesting pair. Bradley figures out what the word "love" means and uses it all the time when referencing Boots. He loves the way she smiles. He loves the way she runs her fingers through his hair. He loves the way she brushes her teeth. When Boots finally says it back to him, it's all Bradley wants to hear. He asks her to say it over and over and over and over and over and over until Boots finally has to put an end to it. It's like that every time she dares utter the three little words. You can be sure that after she says them, Bradley will grin and follow up with "again."
Jake and Bug are cute once things get worked out. Jake will always smile at her fondly from across the room, mouthing the words at her, smile growing bigger as she looks away, flustered. He'll be sure to sweep her away for one too many dances as he tells her over and over again as he twirls her around the dance floor. Bug will kind of say it out of the blue, I think. I'm not sure Jake is ever expecting to hear it when she tells him because it's usually when he's making a fool of himself in some way like the time he slipped in the mud while they were out promenading.
Now, Jake and Moonie...man. Jake will tell Moonie every chance he gets, declaring it for everyone to hear. He'll look her dead in the eye, making sure to have her attention as he tells her. He'll tell her first thing in the morning when they wake up. He'll tell her as he's walking her home from getting groceries. He'll tell her as he's driving her around, hand on her thigh. He'll tell her as she walks into the house drenched in sweat and covered in dirt. Moonie is embarrassed at first, but starts saying it back, albeit a little more quietly.
Ship Ask Game with My Characters!
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Can we get a sneak peek on Compound Roach?
Of course you can have a sneak peek! Just wanna say this au is actually like way cuter/happier than this near peek makes it out to be lol
Warnings: Abuse
Roach is thrown to the ground harshly, rocks stinging his skin. He tucks in on himself, doing his best to minimize the damage, just like he'd been taught. He was only twelve, but he already knew how to handle this situation better than most.
"Get up," his father called out, his voice harsh. His older brother stood in front of him, watching his already bruised form with concern forming.
Roach did as he was told, shakily rising to his feet and moving back into a position to fight. There was a moment, likely just his brother giving him a bit longer to get his bearings, then the taller boy was on him.
He dodged around his brother's hulking form quickly, ducking around him to kick at the back of his knees. His father already knew, and could already tell that he was going to be smaller than most, so he was trying to teach him differently. Trying to teach him to take down larger opponents. To be quicker.
"Government will be sending giants, that's for damn sure." He'd shaken Roach's shoulders harshly, "They'll think you're easy pickings. You have to prove them wrong."
He tried wrapping his arms around his brother's neck like he'd seen his brothers do to one another over and over. It didn't work for him, he was too small. His brother was easily able to shove him back onto the ground like he weighed nothing in comparison to his bulk.
"That's enough," his father called. They both stopped as the man stormed over to them. He grabbed Roach by his shirt, hauling him up from the ground, his face stormy. "You know better than that boy! What have I told you?"
"He's too big for me," Roach repeated, fright filling his system, "I have to take him down another way.
He felt the sting across his cheek as his head was roughly whipped to the side, "That's right!" His father dropped him back to the ground roughly, looking down at him with a scowl, "Go to the range. An hour there, then an hour run. Maybe the time'll finally get my words through your thick skull."
This was his third punishment of the week. It was only Monday. He often found himself being sent for a run. A run or to the shooting range. It was no surprise then, years later, how good of a shot he was.
Tumblr media
He'd run. He was eighteen now, he didn't have to stay. That's what his mother had told him at least. Around his father and brother's drunken singing, she'd pressed a small card of paper into his hand.
"You don't have to stay," she whispered to him, "I know you aren't happy here. Go." She'd given him a bittersweet smile and stroked his cheek. She already knew what he would decide. She already knew that he wouldn't stay. "Your aunt, she'll help you."
Roach had let her kiss his forehead. He'd laid awake in bed that night, waiting for the house to go quiet, thinking about how much he regretted that he would have to leave her behind. He knew she wouldn't want to come with him even if he offered, even if he could get her away. She loved her husband, despite his flaws. She loved her oldest three sons, despite their flaws. She wouldn't leave them.
Roach had been trained to be stealthy. Not by his father, but by years of sneaking around, trying to escape his father's wrath. It was too easy for him to step out of bed. He already knew which floorboards to avoid as he danced around the room, gathering only a blanket, a knife, another change of clothes, and the little bit of money he'd managed to gather over the years. He shoved the paper his mother had given him into his pocket and slung his bag over his shoulder before ducking out of his window.
His room was on the second floor of the farm. He had to climb down. It wasn't hard, not with what he'd been trained to climb in comparison. And he'd made the climb a number of times before. All he had to do was rely on muscle memory to get down. As soon as his feet hit the ground he'd taken off.
He ran through the woods, not even stopping as limbs and bushes and everything else scraped against his skin, leaving long lines of red in their track. He'd run so much in his life. Run so much as a punishment. It was almost nothing to make the run to town.
He didn't stop until he reached the bus stop. He'd waited then, looking around him nervously, as though his father's rickety old blue truck would pull up at any second to drag him back. It never came.
He took the bus into the city. From there, he caught another bus. Then another. Then another. Then another. All of his money went to making the trip. He didn't even dare buy food for himself, too afraid that he would spend too much and not have enough to finish his journey.
He went from Tennessee to Washington DC. He didn't know the city, he'd never been. He had to rely on the directions that people gave him and his basic understanding of street signs. He followed the directions though and, eventually, he made it.
He saw them as they were walking up to their house together, their hands held tight. His aunt and her wife. He'd seen the pictures of her that his mother had. He'd seen the picture of her holding his oldest brother, the only one of her nephews she'd gotten to meet before his father locked them away.
He rushed to catch up with the woman, practically sprinting so that he could make it in time as he watched them unlock the door to their home, "Wait!" He caught their attention. He could see his aunt go on guard. Could see the way that she pushed the woman beside her behind herself as protection. Roach came to a stop before them, not out of breath in the slightest as he asked, "You're Kate Laswell, right?"
She gave him a suspicious look, she didn't know him. He didn't take it personally, "That's me," she responded after a moment, "Can I help you?"
He pulled the paper from his pocket, holding it out to her. It was small, but his mother told him that it should do the trick. His aunt took it from his hands carefully, reading over the words scrawled on it, her eyes widening slowly as she did. After a moment, she looked back up at him. "I'm Gary Sanderson," he answered before she could ask, "My mom said that you would help me?"
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maridotnet · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Thank you @coffeebanana, @ck2k18, and @lesbitorte for the tags :)))
1. Are you named after anyone?
I have my grandmother's name as my middle name, but my first name is new to the family tree.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh uhhhh I might have teared up watching Across the Spiderverse a couple nights ago? I also think I shed a few modest tears after being left at the airport for an extra hour at 2 am (NOBODY'S fault, just a victim of circumstance), on the tail end of a very stressful day of travel
3. Do you have kids?
No but I'd LOVE to someday
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I'm told I do, especially by people who I'm just meeting :) but it's the vibe in my family, so I don't think of it as "a lot"
5. What sports do you play/have played?
No SPORTS sports, but I did swimming and running for a while, and now I rock climb and hike. Also I love dancing and yoga!
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Gosh it depends on the person - probably if they're nice or not? I interact with a lot of different people every day at work, and so the first thing I usually clock is whether I think they'll be easy to get along with.
7. What’s your eye color?
they were once described as "fanfiction blue" and I think that's my favorite one to date
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't feel like the two are exclusive to each other but dude happy endings!!! I don't like my main emotional experience in a piece of media to be fear, and i don't need it to be HAPPY either but at least a sense of catharsis and relief is needed or I get a little messed up about it lol
9. Any special talents?
Ooh well I'm pretty good at languages! If we mean like a party trick kind of talent, I'm coming up blank, but I do have a lot of poetry memorized.
10. Where were you born?
Texas baby 🤠🤠
11. What are your hobbies?
so so many!!!! art of course, I'm learning to swing dance, piano and singing are something I love doing when I have the chance, hiking and rock climbing as I said, plant identification, cooking (I'm big into mediterranean food right now - complicated saucy entrees on fresh bread or rice is like my IDEAL meal I think), crocheting, and reading - probably others lol but that's enough of a list!
12. Do you have pets?
13. How tall are you?
5'6" and a quarter hehe - 168 cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
It depends so much on the teacher. I've LOVED my linguistics and brain cognitive science classes in college, though.
15. Dream job?
I have a couple! Top choice would be a specific type of interpreter in the language field I'm studying to go into. I want to be a teacher at some point (my parents and grandparents were all teachers for at least a bit, and I've always assumed and hoped I'd end up in a classroom again for a while as the educator), and I would SO SO love to be a children's book illustrator someday. Artists like the Johnstone sisters and whoever else illustrated my books as a kid have had such an influence on the interior decoration of my brain.
I'm sure all the people I want to tag have been tagged already, but let's yell at @heartfulselkie @sandradoodles @asukiess @wackus-bonkus-maximus @shameboree @lad-bug-and-chad-noir @ladybeug @bugaboooooooooo @davey-in-a-minivan
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gillianthecat · 1 year
thoughts while watching Happy Merry Ending (episodes 1-3)
Episode 1:
I like the opening sequence with his upstairs neighbor in his bed. Though my blood pressure is elevated from the second-hand-stress of oversleeping. His neighbor is cute. And has a crush on him? I suspect I will end up with major second lead syndrome for this guy. Especially because I'm feeling a little iffy about the pianist. I liked the instantaneous spark of attraction between them, and the pianist immediately going "so yeah as we just discussed I'll be here permanently now." But his pushiness irritated me and I'm finding it hard to want him to win the uke's love. I guess with this short KBL runtime there's no time for a more gentle pursuit? But it makes me root for the patient friend (even if I don't know yet if that's an option).
The wedding hall is gorgeous! And looks extremely expensive lol. I find it a mild faux pas when they are showing live performers on screen but there are instruments in the soundtrack that are not in the scene. I suppose they could have used a backing track; for my own peace of mind I will pretend that was it. Another pet peeve: calling what I assume had to be anti-anxiety meds "anti-depressants." Which are not going to be any use in a panic attack. I will chalk that up to translation issues. But the dinner was so stressful and I don't even have a panic disorder. Leave my poor boy alone!
I'm still in a judgy mood, sorry. But I am intrigued. And visually it's all beautiful. Cinematography-wise I mean. And also the surfer upstairs neighbor. (Arms!)
Episode 2:
Jae Hyeon is winning me over with his respectful care-taking of drunk Seung Jun. I'll chalk up his earlier pushiness to plot necessity and not who he is at heart. And smashed Seung Jun is kinda adorable.
I like the implication that Jae Hyeon is either a player or falls in and out of love at the drop of a hat. The dynamic with his employees is fun, and miraculously not annoying in the way I usually find co-workers gossiping about the main characters relationship? It feels natural to the coffee shop setting and not a plot device.
My curiosity is piqued with this dancing idol. And I like seeing Seung Jun more relaxed! He has a lovely smile. Deciding just how much of your weird brain you want to reveal to the cute guy: relatable. My first instinct was alarm, but actually double texting the person who was blackout drunk the night before to make sure they're ok is reasonble. And he apologized for being intrusive with his questions. I liked the moment when he reaches out to stop Seung Jun and then his shocked by his own forwardness. It makes him seem like someone with a huge crush rather than a creep.
Uh oh. This flashback seems like bad news. Abusive ex? Seung Jun is all smiles in the scene but I'm getting controlling abuser vibes from this guy. Oh, he was a cheater, it seems? That's probably a wise choice; less heaviness to reckon with in these ten short episodes.
Episode 3:
Ho Yeon (the sexy neighbor) is hot and supportive, but has silly ideas about how love (and trauma) works. Viki, why won't you let me screenshot him sweaty and half naked? Oh, I see, this boy knows how hot he is. Literal thirst trap lol.
Love that they have this voice student not realize that the idol she's watching on her phone is standing right in front of her. Also, I presume "your face is the size of my fist" is a compliment about a small head, but, uh. Sounds like a threat lmao.
Now I want cake. Umm. Are we really advocating stalking? 😬 Jae Hyeon you BETTER not be considering it.
Lol Seung Jun not recognizing this poor boy. Oh no! Is the idol's CEO the creepy ex? 🫣
OH FUCK OFF STALKER EX. This actor is doing an excellent job giving off subtly rancid vibes. And I'm intrigued by how it seems like they'll dig into how aggressive seme-uke pursuit is and isn't like stalking. For me, Jae Hyeon keeps toeing the line of going too far, but on balance comes across as an endearing dork with a crush. Which I think is also the reaction Seung Jun is having to him, so it's working for the story so far.
This is a tricky topic for a BL, and I'm not confident they'll manage it (or that it's even what they're trying to do), but I keep being surprised.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Oooh courting tim from a young age would be really interesting to see actually, like theyd have chaperones to make sure they were being proper since they’re supposed to wait for marriage or for tim to be considered an adult and sometimes they sneak out together or trick their chaperones into going somewhere else for a while so they can have alone time (maybe they have chaperones cuz society is kinda wary of bruce ever since he announced his intention to court a young tim and no one can rly do anything to bruce, so they’re (pr maybe?)just like at least have a chaperone so we know you’re not being a pervert) just courting phase ykno? and maybe sneaky kisses or quickies lol, whatever else floats your boat. Thanks 💗💗
yes!!! in a world where bruce still gets side-eyed for chasing after a kid but its followed by reluctant grumbles because technically they can't do anything because its not strictly against the law. so long as bruce adheres to the laws in place of not engaging with tim sexually until he's of marrying age.
bruce wayne is in for a long courtship since he's going to be waiting until tim's year of maturity.
but people aren't about to believe that playboy bruce wayne is just going to keep his dick to himself if left to his own devices with the child he's announced his intentions to court.
so the somewhat obsolete role of a 'chaperone' comes into play as ordered by the courts of gotham as well as tim's parents.
because if tim and bruce are left alone tim may return to them seduced and ruined. bruce may have said he wants to marry tim but until a marriage certificate is signed and dated they're not willing to take the chance of bruce spoiling tim and then abandoning him.
chaperones are present everytime bruce and tim go anywhere together. the drakes pay for a caretaker to watch over tim and ensure that bruce, who is their neighbor, doesn't make any midnight visits.
but like a scene out of romeo and juliet, bruce frequently climbs up tim's balcony to see him and kiss him goodnight.
tim is a sweet child, enamored, and in love with his soon to be fiancé who brings him gifts and sweets and parades him around galas and dancing with him all night.
tim's chaperones spoil a lot of the fun when tim is trying to show off a new dress to bruce.
"hands above the waist mr. wayne." they warn him, eyes narrowed while tim huffs.
tim wants bruce to touch his waist, he wants him to touch him under the waist too.
tim begs bruce to touch him with his fingers everytime they're alone. the way he does some nights where he strokes tim's soft thighs and rubs against his little pink slit.
tim's thighs tremble just at the memory of just how nice it was when bruce pressed his fingers inside him, stroking him and working out sounds that tim desperately muffled under his hands just like how bruce told him to do it.
sometimes they're lucky and bruce gets his friend mr. kent to dress up and pretend to be him for awhile while bruce spends time with tim. it's during one of those times that bruce sticks his head under tim's dress for the first time.
now tim pleads with bruce to touch him with his tongue again. and bruce does, so long as tim promises to put his mouth on bruce.
and tim does. because bruce will be his husband one day and tim wants to be the best little wife in the world.
so he does his best to give bruce 'head' whenever he asks for it even if the taste makes him want to spit it out. but tim can't. because it'd leave too much of a mess and because bruce likes watching tim do it. he likes asking tim to show him his mouth so he can see its all gone.
the chaperones are strict about a lot of things like how often and in what way bruce can touch him. they even have opinions on how close they can be while dancing.
tim can't wait until he's finally of age and he can be fully engaged to bruce. at that point they'll have less limitations foisted on them.
no one will be able to tell him that he can't kiss his fiance on the cheek.
tim's virginity is still to remain intact until they retreat to their marital bed. tim's not sure why. his chaperones acted like it would be the end of the world if tim was 'deflowered' before saying his vows.
but nothing happened the night tim managed to lose his chaperones and get twenty wonderful minutes of bruce pressing into him and splitting his cunt open in the backseat of the limosine they took to the celebreation of a new museum wing opening.
he and bruce haven’t had sex again since that night. it was a once in a blue moon oppertunity that they took.
but that doesn’t mean that tim doesn’t pump his fingers inside his little pussy and whine into his pillow while remembering how good bruce made him feel that night.
how he’ll make tim feel again on their wedding night.
fuck. it’s years away but tim’s already counting down the days, waiting for the day bruce can take him into his arms without anyone hissing about hand placement. 
waiting for the day this courtship is over and tim is finally bruce’s wife.
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britishassistant · 2 years
Speaking of musicals! yuu featuring themselves in a musical maybe? just a cool gig for laughs singing and dancing right? right?? No lol they have the villain part of the musical so they have to be intimidatingly unapproachable with charisma they aced it of course. (Lol ace pun) the villains and probably the others too are just 'whoa whoa. damn that was scary." They'll probably sing something like "I can't decide" or "all eyes on me" maybe even "world burn" *insert cool villain song here* they glare at the camera smirking and twirling with their cape and evil staff. but as soon As the camera turns off they laugh and just talk about how itchy the cape is chill.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
(Also ace pun aaaayyyy :D)
Yuu wasn’t expecting to get invited by Yuuken to his community theater group while they were rooming together, but they decide what harm could it do to go along? He’s yet to steer them wrong or pressure them into staying if they genuinely felt uncomfortable.
Initially, they’re not entirely sure when the group asks them to help improvise a song for what seems like a very odd and disjointed play about a mountain town that’s somehow by the sea. They feel very awkward when the best they can come up with is “wow, being mean is fun”.
Eventually though they’re told that this is just a warm up exercise that’s been going on for some time. What they’re really working on (and sneakily auditioning folks for) is a musical about the Emperor of the Sun and how he got his groove back with the aid of a powerless commoner against the Advisor of the Night.
Guess which part Yuu gets given?
Funnily enough, given some literature and time to rehearse the role, they end up getting really into it. Turns out that the Advisor of the Night is fun, and it helps that the theater group has managed to uncover a song they think she might’ve sung at some point, though there’s no provenance to back it up.
There’s only a small audience that they put the play on for in the end, nothing more than a couple of friends and roommates and parents, one of whom agrees to do some amateur filming for them. So there is video evidence of Yuu doing some insane hip movements while they give their all in singing in a costume that somehow looks regal for how homemade it all is.
Afterwards, of course, Yuu’s laughing about how stuffy all the makeup they’re wearing is, that their costume is poking them in the worst places, that they’ve managed to blow out their voice from singing to hard. But as Yuuken laughs, leaning against them in his costume as the Advisor’s Assistant, it’s clear to all how much fun they’re having.
(And I like to imagine, if Yuu is absolutely entirely wasted, doing karaoke with Yuuken and the boys, they’ll belt out the lyrics to Whoreson Prison Blues and I’m Coming After You with an enthusiasm that’s almost worrying)
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years
3, 8, 15, 16, 28, 29, 35, 38, 45, 46, 53, 55, 61, 67, 77, 79, 82, 86, 90, 91 for OTP Questions
3. Who kissed who first?
Tyler kissed her first. After he wrapped his hand around her throat and pinned her against a wall. He finally gave into his lust. Atta boy, Tyler.
8. Who tends to worry the most?
Esme. She is a huge worrier.
15. Who pays for the food the most, when they go out?
Tyler. Mind you, the money comes out of a joint account. They don't keep separate accounts.
16. Do they enjoy dancing?
Esme does. He does not. lol. but they have slow danced in the kitchen and out on the back deck.
28. How often are roadtrips?
At least two or three times a week :)
29. What do they do after a hard day at work?
They'll relax on the back deck together or on the hammock. Maybe sit by a fire on the beach. It's their chance to communicate and really talk with no interruptions.
35. How do they spend time if the other is gone?
They have so many kids that their time is filled with taking care of them and making sure their needs and wants are met. If the kids are at school, Esme will garden or craft or go to Target lol. Tyler always has projects. Always. He builds things. A lot. He'll surf, work out.
45. How are birthdays spent?
Esme loves to throw a party! Tyler never celebrated his birthday since his mother died. Esme found that unacceptable. So the kids will decorate and make him cards and gifts to go with the ones mumma bought, she'll bake him a cake, they'll order in. The next day they'll have a gathering with their closest friends. A BBQ, time on the beach, relaxing around a fire.
Tyler always helps the kids make Esme a cake or cupcakes. Always. She gets breakfast in bed and he takes her out to lunch. He'll cook down on the beach for dinner. And they usually go away for the weekend.
46. What do they like the least about each other?
Esme can't stand his stubbornness. Tyler can't stand her lack of self confidence and the way she brings herself down.
53. Who is the better dancer?
Definitely Esme. Tyler is too long and lanky and has two left feet.
55. Are they a super sappy couple?
They have their moments lol For example: Esme once told him (they didn't have a lot of money when they first got married) that she would have married him if he asked with a ring pop. Well when he re-asked years later and gave her a beautiful diamond ring, he also gave her a ring pop. He also (for their tenth wedding anniversary) purchased an empty store in town to help make her childhood dream of owning a bookstore come true
61. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle?
You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC and anything Skynrd and CCR
67. Who is the forgetful one?
Tyler. but not on purpose. He suffered a traumatic brain injury and it has affected his short memory unfortunately.
77. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know?
No. There's nothing they don't know about each other at this point.
79. What movie did they see together?
They watch a lot of netflix together, but don't really go to the movies.
82. What is an inside joke they have?
Tyler once called masturbating 'studying' and now that's their code language when people are around. LOL.
86. Who’s concert would they go to?
IDK. That's a tough one lol. Maybe Bruce Springsteen. Bon Iver. Hozier.
90. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home?
Tyler. He is a massive animal lover, but dogs are a major soft spot for him.
91. What is their song?
So from a creative standpoint, their song is I Found by Amber Run. But the song they danced to when they got married and that their on caught them dancing to on the back deck is "Crazy Love" by Van Morrison.
@munstysmind, @tragiclyhip, @youflickedtooharddamnit, @secretaryunpaid
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Hi! Could I ask a ship request for Albert (and if you want maybe also any newsie you think you’d ship me with? But if that’s too much just do albert :))
I LOVE dancing, drawing and singing. Some style I like to dance are tap, hiphop, modern, Salsa and merengue. I have severe ADHD which is kinda my whole personality bc I struggle a LOT with it, for example most of the day tired as heck and then suddenly at 8pm whoosh I get a burst of energy and it’s not going away till at least 2 am. I am very forgetful and always lose important belongings like my keys (lol), I make very impulsive decisions, especially impulsive buying. I also get super excited over things I love but also get easily upset and I’d wanna know how you’d think Al would be dealing with my ADHD struggles and mood swings. Oh and I’m also half Guatemalan :)
Hey, anon!! You absolutely can!! Thanks so much for the request. I'll for sure do Albert and I might do a couple baby blurbs about some other potential possibilities (there's at least a couple I can think of that might also be cute but I probably won't go into nearly as much detail with them.)
Anyways, let's get on with the ship.
So, Albert isn't a huge huge dancer in public but he likes dancing with you alone. He's not huge on dancing in front of the boys. He's kind of afraid that they'll make fun of him. You being the good dancer that you are help him figure out moves that he can do but still look like good dance moves. You two often dance together in private and you do ALL the different styles. He learns really well under your tutelage.
He finds tap dancing kinda hard but he loves to watch you do it. Hip hop and modern he has a lot of fun with and you guys really like to dance together to some of your favorite songs that tailor to those dancing styles. You think it's cute when he absolutely nails those hip hop moves and he's really not bad at modern dancing either.
Salsa and merengue are also kinda hard for him but you help him and he for sure gets better at it. He loves to do dances that allow you two to actually dance together in this style. He struggles a little bit with the footwork a bit but you help him get better and he starts stepping on your toes so much.
His favorite thing to do is twirl you dramatically just in the middle of the song.
Sometimes he starts to complain when he doesn't do well but you remind him that he can and that he's doing better, he just needs a little practice.
He think it's cute when you dance and when you persuade him to try different things so he'll do it with you just to make you happy. He may be a tough boy on the outside but he has a huge soft spot for ya.
He loves watching you draw, your drawing style, and your drawings in general. He keeps your drawings like they're his prized possession and he for sure hides them from the other boys. He doesn't want anyone to hurt your drawings of his. He himself isn't that great at drawing so he loves your drawings instead.
He loves listening to you sing too. He finds your voice very pretty and he loves listening to you sing as you're just going about your day. Sometimes a song comes on that you like and you get excited and start singing and dancing. Albert loves to watch that happen for sure. His singing voice isn't terrible so he'll sometimes sing with you if it's a song you both like and you're alone.
As far as your ADHD goes, he's totally there for you 100%. He'll make sure to let you rest when you're tired and hang out with you when you're not. He himself need some space so if you're just chilling out, he'll either let you rest or he'll be nearby while you're doing your own thing. You may be sitting on a couch listening to music and he's on the other side of the couch just playing a game on his phone or something. It's very chill and everyone's getting to relax. You two totally have dance parties at 2 in the morning when you're wide awake. He's also more of a night owl anyways so he would totally be cool with random dance parties whenever.
He can be kinda forgetful too but the two of you work together on it. He asks if you have things that he knows you typically forget before you leave him.
He's totally along for the impulsive buying and decisions though. He thrives on living in the moment so he would 100% back you on that. He wouldn't judge you at all for those and would just reassure you that it's gonna be okay even if you don't feel good about the buy.
With the mood swings, it might be a bit harder for him to understand at first but he would get to used to them eventually. He may not always share your enthusiasm but if you're super excited about doing something, he's totally gonna go and do it with you. It makes him smile to see you so excited and he shares in your excitement even if he isn't crazy excited. He'll give you a hug and rub your shoulder and tell you how happy he is for you. When you're sad, he does things that are either funny or make you happy. If it's a serious issue, he'll work through it with you. He'll let you explain yourself and talk through it and if he has some advice, he'll share it. Sometimes, he'll just listen because he honestly doesn't know what to say.
He sometimes has a hard time with mood swings and extreme emotions because he has them himself. He doesn't always like them on himself mostly because he doesn't understand them though. He'll try to work through yours with you and try to make sense of them with you if you don't understand them.
He's just really good at being there for you. When you're sad, he'll just sit there and hold you, rubbing your back until you calm down. Sometimes you two just split a giant carton of chocolate ice cream and all is right with the world.
Albert's not a super enthusiastic dude but he's happy for you when you get excited. He doesn't always understand it but he'll go do the thing that you're excited about or be happy over your latest impulse buy or the show. Your enthusiasm stirs happy emotions that he doesn't always experience and he likes that.
Sometimes if it's something you both enjoy, he'll get excited about it with you. It's kind of hard to get him to be enthusiastic but you do it and it's always fun for you when you do.
Now as far as affection goes, Albert's not a super touchy guy but he's there for you 100%. He thinks you're pretty and likes to hang out with you just throughout the day.
He will hug you and kiss the top of your head, your cheeks, your nose, and your temples if you're out in public. He likes quick little kisses when no one's looking (cuz again, he would never hear the end of it if Race saw and it's not because he's kissing you, he would give up his whole world before he let something happen to you.) because he doesn't really like the attention. When you're alone, you get longer hugs and he'll kiss you more frequently and holds back less.
He's as affectionate as your moods need when it's just the two of you. If you need lots of hugs, he'll hug you for as long as you need. Kisses, same.
He's occasionally bold in public and will just lay one on you if the moment's there. You always like those because they're bold and impulsive.
He's affectionate but is also willing to give you space. Sometimes he needs a little (but he'll just stay up later than you if he wants that or he'll do that if you need some time to yourself during the day) but he's always there for ya. He 100% can make you forget your problems with how much he loves you and how much he shows it.
He's a loyal loving guy who cares for you like there's no tomorrow. You bring so much joy and enthusiasm to his life that he can't bring to himself.
He cares for you deeply and gives you a space to be yourself. He takes care of you when you need the extra help and is a calm person who can help you think through your different struggles.
You show him how to enjoy life to the fullest and he's enjoys getting to do it in a different way. You show him how to engage more with life emotionally and he helps you think rationally through your emotions. He's more calm and encourages you to slow down and think through your feelings and such. You like that and help him engage more with his. Even though you two can be quite a bit different, you really balance each other out nicely and help each other live fuller lives.
Okay here's some other "contestants". Lol.
Crutchie would be super understanding and would 100% work through your different mood swings. He's okay with mood swings and will be there for you through all of them. He's super affectionate too. He also shares in your enthusiasm. You would be able to help him realize that he's still a normal person and can do absolutely anything despite his disability.
Jojo's just a super sweet and understanding guy all around. He's emotionally present for you 100% and just really loves you no matter what's happening. Expect hugs and enthusiasm and A LOT of it.
Blink has enthusiasm for days. You guys may be a better best friend pair but you have enthusiasm and impulsiveness to match his own. He would be there for you when you're sad and when you're happy. He's a really good listener too (even though he's kinda loud). He loves to hug you and kiss you. He's super supportive of you and helps you remember where you left things. He's there for your impulse buys and he'll stay up late with you and give you your space during the day.
There you go!! Hope you enjoyed!! I hope I did okay with both your side of things and his!! Thanks so much for requesting!! I also hope you enjoyed the little blurbs I threw in for the other boys who I though might be cute for you. I really hope you enjoyed it!!!
For those of who you are shy about requesting, don't be!! Please please request!! I would love it!!
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