#‘I decide what’s unnecessary teehee’
softc0reearts · 3 months
OC Pride Month 2024 | TWD OC | Daryl x Fem!OC
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( Late submission because I was on vacation Teehee )
OC Pride Challenge (Day 4): Trans
Make something for an oc that is trans!
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Yvonne Tawnie : The Song
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Daryl set down the final scavenged bag from his share by the entrance of the pharmacy. It was a small building with four shelves, a register counter, and a small pharmacy at the back. This was nothing; it should have taken them no more than 30 minutes. In and out. But Yvonne was still in the pharmacy after an hour.
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Daryl was more patient than usual, understanding she was looking for something important. He glanced up from the bag and watched her, moving medicines and containers around on the shelves of the pharmacy. It looked like she was reading every word on the bottles, she was in her own world.
Yvonne was complex, and he didn’t know what to think of her, but she was just as determined as he was to find Sophia, so there was a kind of mutual understanding between them. When he first laid eyes on her in Atlanta, he didn’t think much of her. She looked like some college girl who shouldn’t have lasted more than a week. To his surprise, here she was standing metaphorically side-by-side with him.
He continued to watch her. He’d moved closer and was now in the first lane of shelves. Normally, he would have scoffed at her and expected that she’d need to be pampered like some princess, but she spent more time trying to help the group, so much that even he found himself leaning on her from time to time. That was the only reason he was standing there, patiently watching her search.
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At the other end of the pharmacy, Yvonne was so focused on finding her HRT meds that Daryl’s gaze had gone unnoticed. She examined every bottle and collected anything that would work, from her own prescription to a common menopause prescription. She divided the general medicine for the group into a plastic bag and her personal medicine went into her backpack. She suspected that at least one person from the group had an idea about her identity, but she wanted to avoid any questions from those who were in the dark.
“If you’re lookin’ for anything stronger than an old person’s pain pill, you’re probably outta luck.” Daryl’s voice caused her to jump; she was far too focused. “Places like this don’t got the good stuff.”
Yvonne turned her head in his direction, realizing he assumed she was looking for prescription drugs to abuse. She was not above using pills to get through the night, but today, her attention was solely on her HRT. She didn’t know what to say; she wanted to keep anything unnecessary to herself. She wasn’t at college with people from all over the East Coast anymore. Daryl was a country boy whose brother was a described bigot.
Could she take him on if he found out what she was looking for and decided to make an example of her?
While things had never been easy for her, the world used to have a glass barrier that prevented most people from attacking her out of disgust, confusion, or ignorance. That was no longer the case, and she was now face-to-face with her own presumptions about how Daryl would respond. She didn’t trust him any more than she trusted her ability to protect herself against him.
“Nah, I’m not looking for anything like that. I’m looking for my prescription from before everything fell.”
But maybe she was wrong?
“I’m transgender.”
The words came out and she immediately wanted to shove them back deep inside herself. She was too comfortable with the group and had started to wonder if maybe she could tell them about herself.
“Meaning if I’m not careful and collect as much of my prescription as I can find, I’ll probably end up as handsome as you. I could probably grow a better beard, too.” Despite the joke, her face showed just how nervous she was about coming out to him.
While she confessed, Daryl walked from the aisle to the doorway and leaned against the frame. His expression didn’t change. He may have been a country boy, but he wasn’t an idiot. He understood what she was saying; he didn’t need any context outside of “I’m transgender.” His brother had quite a few opinions about a person like her. He’d heard his share of rants while the pair watched TV or heard about the very political subject on the radio.
But he had never met someone like that.
“Listen, I get that being on the outskirts of society is fine to some people, but I prefer to be smack dab in the middle of the safe bubble of fitting in.” She expected him to respond right away, and when he didn’t, she started to ramble.
He just watched as she set the bottle in her hand back down on the shelf. The comment about society got an amused sigh out of him.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but there ain’t no society left. You can fit in just by not being one of those biters out there.” Daryl gestured towards the front of the store. “You’re worried about something that don’t matter no more.”
Maybe he was right, but it was her own life she took a chance on, not his. She took a deep breath, turned away from the shelf, and headed for the same doorway Daryl leaned against. She stood against the opposite side of him, so the two were face-to-face. They stood at the same height, so she could look in his eyes easily, even when his eyes darted away from her gaze and then back.
“Right now, we may be a bunch of people camping in the woods trying to survive one more day together, but one day, society is going to come back, rebuild, or whatever happens after something like this.” She said, explaining her mindset a bit more.
Every time he averted his gaze, she moved her head to meet it. It wasn’t successful every time, but finally, he stopped and just looked at her straight on.
“It may not look like it from where you’re standing, but you and I both stood on the outside of society before shit hit the fan. But for you, when shit hit the wall, it just showed how strong and capable you are. When everyone who pushed you on the outside fell, you stayed standing and even offered some of them a hand. You went from lurking on the outside to being a vital part of whatever is going to happen next.” Her words showed just how much she observed him.
For the first time since standing across from him, she averted her eyes. Something Daryl picked up on immediately.
“If every person I met knew about that part of me, it may not matter what I bring to the table. I could end up on the outside watching the world pass me by. They may not know how to react to me, and that confusion could turn into anger and scorn.” She said, the words flowing out like a broken faucet. “Just like before the end of the world.”
With that, she finally looked up and met his gaze. He could see the thin line of moisture hugging her bottom eyelid. He didn’t respond, and just stared into her eyes because there was nothing he could do to change the outcome of what had already happened.
“So, if you happen to see either of these meds or any menopause meds, please keep me in mind and grab them.” She held up two bottles, both required for her transition.
She gave him a few moments to look, which he did. After some time had passed and with nothing left to say, she stepped away from the doorway, going in the opposite direction of the pharmacy. After only a single step, Daryl reached out and grabbed her right wrist. She snapped her head around, looking at him as if afraid of what he was about to do or say.
“I didn’t get a good look at this one.” He raised her arm up just a bit.
He held her wrist as he read the bottle again. Once he was done, he looked up at her face. They stood there in silence, just staring at each other. It was so quiet that she feared he might hear her heart thumping against her chest. She wanted to know what he was thinking, but the words were stuck in her throat.
His grip on her wrist loosened until her hand fell to her side. He didn’t say anything and just walked past her. She didn’t dare watch him as he walked away, instead just stared at the place he had walked away from. She heard the sound of him rustling with the bags, and then the door opening and closing. She finally looked towards the door, seeing Daryl’s frame as a blur beyond the dirty glass.
Outside of the store, Daryl put the bags inside the back seat of the driver’s side. Once the car door was closed, he turned towards the storefront, expecting Yvonne to come out any moment. While he waited, he realized he had been gripping the same hand that he used to grab Yvonne’s wrist so tight it started to hurt. He immediately loosened his grip, which came at the perfect moment because Yvonne came walking out of the front door.
“Ready?” He asked, opening the car door on his side.
“Sure am.” She responded, doing the same.
For a moment before sliding into the car, they looked up at each other. Their mutual eye contact caught them off guard, not expecting the other to be doing the same. Neither said anything and got in the car.
Not even their sharpened knives could cut through the awkward silence in the car during the ride home.
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
an actual AU snippet: a number of different selves
bc @rozaceous and i keep teehee-ing about 'folie a deux' and aaaaall the au's we have for our dc-siocs
money where the mouth is: bonus snippet + concept for followers
(it'll prob just be like my longer mdzs au's with one written part and the rest is just back and forth)
impetus: roz and i saw a shitpost where someone laughed at "bruce wayne x reader divorce" and said "he's already going through it and people are really inserting themselves in the narrative just to divorce him lmao"
which we then joked "damn we'd be set. he could have whatever mistress he wants as long as we could have financial support and leave us alone. we'll play his trophy wife"
and then we both realized that there would be things we couldn't let go if we ever caught wind of it. like it would drive us insane to abide by it. and thus...a version of our si's w bruce (yeah you heard me, both of us)
so here's a thing, bonus only for tumblr🙂
“I put you two in that meeting to clear up any hard feelings,” Lucius stares dead-on at his screen. He tries very hard not to pinch the bridge of his nose—composure needs to be maintained. “It can’t have gone that poorly.”
“Time is a finite resource for us lowly mortals and I’m not getting that hour back,” Vivienne grits out. “A fucking PA—where does he get off on his high horse? I hope he explodes.”
“—know how many people work here, Lucius? Let alone just my division? And you’re wasting everyone’s time with each dead-on-arrival concept that gets shuffled into our portfolio and then ‘mysteriously’ yanked when it’s just good enough to Frankenstein into whatever high school science project that’s hiding in some Gotham sewer tunnel.” Her tirade is caustic and not hidden behind the typical red lipstick smiles. “Morale is dipping. There’s only so much you can pay to keep mouths shut and stop turnover.”
Vivienne makes very good points—the fact she has the acumen even three years ago was why WanyeTech moved to fund her PhD and fast-tracked her as a technical director upon entering the workforce. She caught on very quickly—too quickly—that there were private uses of certain advanced concepts within R&D, and she cared. Fortunately for WayneTech, her diligence meant increase in efficiency for the company; they’ve won several bids that have extended their reach into two new industries.
(Fortunately, WayneTech is privately held and not subject to public shareholder scrutiny.)
Unfortunately for the Batman, it meant additional roadblocks for his tools and supplies. It was by God’s grace, or something, that Vivienne didn’t decide to either blackmail them or whistle-blow. What she argued for was more oversight and appropriate man-hours and billing for certain projects that went towards a ‘private use case.’ The willingness to help (out of logistical fury) took a load off Lucius’s shoulders, but it put two new headaches in his skull: one next to each ear every time Vivienne or Bruce complained about each other peripherally.
“Does His Dark Grace think he’s not subject to g-forces?”
“Lucius. I asked for four different configurations. It should be able to fit.”
“Love his idealism—of course we have the manufacturing tolerances of an ant colony!”
“This is over-redundant and unnecessary. It gets in the way of visibility. I need a design change by two weeks.”
...and so on, so forth. So Lucius decided to cut himself out as the middleman and make the two talk to each other. A direct stakeholder meeting to capture requirements and fulfill proposals, so to speak in company terms. As both Bruce’s long-standing friend and Vivienne’s superior for her tenure at the company, he’s in the unique position to see the similarities in their personalities and (perhaps foolishly) believed they would get along after candid discussion.
And somehow, it all went to hell in a hand basket. That’s probably on Lucius for forgetting that adults were equally susceptible to playground scrapping as his six-year-old son. Thankfully, there’s less physical dirt involved or impromptu weapons, even if Vivienne looks ready to rip her stiletto heels off to use as a real stiletto.
“Vi, what do you need me to give?” Lucius straightens and prepares to negotiate. The greatest vulnerability of adding good talent is having more people in the know. Loose ends. It’d be a blow to lose Vivienne, but as long as she doesn’t talk—
“He’s lucky he’s a net good,” she snarls, now pacing in front of his desk. “He’s fucking lucky city statistics are on his side.”
She stops mid-rant. “What.”
“Are you terminating our agreement?”
Vivienne takes a few calming breaths before rearranging her stance into something more office-appropriate rather than riled up before taking part in an illicit cage match. “No, Chief Fox. I am not,” she answers with a placid smile, tone light and even.
“Then, what would make your life easier?” Lucius does understand that she’s doing them a huge favor at an equally huge cost from herself. There’s a lot of duties that are more effort and well-beyond what someone her pay grade should need to touch; the delicate situation requires her to be equal parts every role for end-to-end conceptual design to manufacturing.
When Lucius scouted Vivienne Yang from her undergrad in Gotham University, it was by chance—there were technical managers scouting and giving PR for various capstone projects, and he decided to tag along. There, as he was browsing various posters, is where he found her. The work done by her team wasn’t novel (just par for the course with undergraduate engineers), but it was the polish that caught his eye. A methodical approach to answering the prompts given by the capstone courses, justified scope, and structured analysis and design choices that made her team’s final concept (proposed electric car design) stand out. Their value proposition considered necessary support infrastructure and manufacturing as part of their considerations.
He called them ‘her team’ because it was clear that, despite being barely 5’6” with pointed choice of footwear and surrounded by young men over a head taller with the typical engineers’ mannerisms to boot, she called the shots. Oh, of course, her teammates contributed to the questions he asked (”Andy,” young-Vivienne barked, and Team Member Andy jumped in to answer about the drivetrain sizing), but she was the systems integrator.
This was the type of skill that took years to build—usually, years of practical experience on the job—and she had it as intuition. And when Lucius corrected certain assumptions on their design, she didn't take it personally but was instead able to promptly speculate how that would shift their design point.
Thus, he put out an immediate sponsorship for her to grab an advanced degree (or two), school of her choice, research topic to be approved by whatever technical manager in WayneTech that acted as her liaison, and would jump into a stable job with a salary and employee benefits other grad students could only dream of.
Landing something as prestigious as Director of Advanced Concepts, slated for Chief Technology Officer by her 30s, in a Fortune 500 company? Barring the fact that the work was based in Gotham, crime capital of the United States, it would be something like pure fantasy to any aspiring engineer.
She took the sponsorship offer, and Lucius learns over the years that she financially supports her family living out-of-state and genuinely enjoys the various industries that intersect within WayneTech’s R&D. She likes a job well done, is practical and professional (if not overly enthused) when defense-related bids come across their table, and disdains many of the big research or tech conglomerates that make the news for various crimes or “waste of brain cells and human effort.”
Her morals aren’t obvious, but Vivienne’s choice to support Lucius’s efforts to protect Bruce in his uphill crusade is her character vouching for the Batman, even if she dislikes the actual man behind the mask and his design requirements. That she considers it still of worth is something that Lucius needs to compensate her for.
Lord knows had Bruce actually gone through with that projectile design, he’d have already lost an eye. If Vivienne says his proposed ‘Batplane’ design will vibrate into smithereens, he’s inclined to trust her on that.
“I’m going to start calling him an idiot and vetoing stupid requirements,” Vivienne declares, one eyebrow raised like she’s daring him to object.
“You mean you haven’t been doing that already?”
“Lucius, I have been nothing but polite to him. You have the CCs,” she refutes, looking at him incredulously.
He’s not sure by whose standards her scathing emails can be considered ‘polite’, but of course she can be worse. He needs to smooth this out, redo the first meeting ASAP. His hairline can’t take more of this.
“Fine, alright. Just—let’s try to set up another discussion. I’ll attend this time.”
Vivienne actually snorts. “Guess I’m never beating the PA allegations.” She looks down at her watch. “Fuck. Should have just written you an angry email. How am I going to make it five blocks in ten minutes?” She mutters and just as suddenly as she invaded his office, she strides out with a distracted, “Okay thanks, I’ll continue this later.”
He’d rather she not, but it seems she’s sticking around the Wayne Enterprises HQ building to call into her upcoming meeting; he hears her requesting a fresh notepad, a hot cup of coffee, and a private conference room and everyone outside honors those requests immediately.
That’ll give Lucius about two hours to process Vivienne’s rant, track down Bruce for his side of the story, and figure out how to smooth things out. It shouldn’t be unreasonable.
His phone call to Bruce shatters his expectations.
“You called Director Yang my what?”
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Could you share some info about your fnaf self insert? They seem pretty cool :]
first off, my self insert is basically just me, but some stuff is drastically different, and more of like, where i was 5 years ago mentally, so keep that in mind lol
sooo basics: their name is Kris Tycho, they're in their early 20s, they're 4'10, they're mexican, nonbinary, and aromantic
they are just a little guy who likes silly colorful fun things, as seen from the lil googly eye ring on their hand, the way they dress, and the fact that they might be the only person who wasn't scared of the dca when first meeting! they're also a fan of slightly unsettling and weird/misunderstood things, so, perfect match!
they are autistic and have adhd (like me!) so they tend to swing from being highly alert and focused to brain foggy and oblivious to what's going on around them. they do have bad sensory issues, mainly with sound and lights, which is why they decided to work night shift at the pizzaplex. also because they're reeeaallly socially awkward and get too stressed and exhausted working in customer service
they have a monotonous way of speaking, and can be taken too seriously due to having a resting bitch face, which tends to intimidate people. they're also a huge introvert, and don't make friends easily, which is partially due to how off-putting people find them. but! when they get comfortable with someone they're able to unmask and be overly expressive.
they also aren't exactly the most professional person, so people (vanessa) can be bothered by how casual they are at work (because they literally do not have the energy to act serious when its unnecessary). vanessa, exasperated by the animatronic shenanigans one night says "fuck robots" kris jokingly says "im trying" and vanessa is just like shut the fuck up. seriously.
they have spotify playlists of all the animatronics! (sun and moons have the most songs teehee)
is more than okay with the animatronics carrying them and being overly touchy. anyone else? immediately on their shit list
they're really good at sewing, and have fixed sun and moons clothes when management ignored their requests to repair them.
their favorite animatronic from the main band is glam chica (dont tell roxy)
their favorite movie is wall-e :] (they've always had a thing for robots)
their relationship with the dca kinda blurs the lines between platonic and....other, lol. they're unable to feel romantic feelings for them but they still do stuff like kiss and cuddle maybe other stuff too, but they basically act like besties and are each others comfort person. fuck labels! >:D
their entire thought process when deciding to work at the pizzaplex was, "i'll either work here long enough to pay off my student loans, or ill die. win win situation" (yikes, the pay there isn't even that good)
they're also huge fan of fazbear ent. because of all the rumors surrounding it, and because they were obsessed with the games when they were younger (which are canonically real in the fnaf universe). they are very aware of the alleged murders surrounding faz ent. and the very real danger of working at their establishments. but they're curious! sue them!
the reason vanessa and them are the only human workers in the entire building is because there needs to be at least 2 (human) people in an establishment during work hours (my source is i used to work at chuck e cheese, and that's my reference for the majority of these kinds of things)
their job title is security guard, but vanessa regularly gives them random tasks, things that staff bots aren't programmed or are unable to do, or things that dayshift workers forgot to do before closing. because between her, the staff bots, and moon, kris isn't exactly necessary when it comes to security.
kris doesn't meet the daycare attendant until like a month into their job, and when they do meet sun they immediately get kicked out of the daycare for not being a child lol. after going down the slide enough times to irritate sun he gives in, and they get to know each other. they spend at least an hour hanging out with sun each shift, and they even hang out outside of the daycare when they get too busy to visit!
moon has been stalking them the entire time though, when the lights go off every hour. they officially meet when kris has to do monthly maintenance on them and the lights go out while they're working. moon scares them by threatening and manhandling them, but they don't try to run. both because they're curious and because their flight or fight is just freeze. but after recovering from the shock the autism makes them go "holy shit your design is so cool how did your pants change color where did your hat come from?" and moon is completely silent, then he just laughs and leaves without letting kris finish maintenence.
ummm okay so they're actually a bit more willing to die than how i previously made it seem, their plan was essentially to try to explore as much of the pizzaplex as they can out of curiosity and if they die they die (they are not mentally well) so when they meet moon and he's slightly violent and grabby with them, they're like !!! an opportunity! so for selfish reasons (and because they vibe with the celestial jester theme), they try to get closer to moon. (secret reason: they like getting scared)
In this story there is no virus, its just vanny/vanessa being able to control the animatronics, but due to that they've become very anxious and stressed. this is why chica starts to overeat, why monty starts to have anger issues, why moon starts to act scary towards the children, and why sun starts to become an anxious mess.
at first kris didn't think the animatronics were sentient, and they were perfectly fine with the thought of possibly dying to one of them. but when they realized just how sentient they were (due to spending a lot of time around sun and moon), and how the animatronics were aware of what happened at previous locations, they felt sooo incredibly guilty.
despite not thinking the animatronics were sentient they still treated them like people, partly due to their autism that made them personify inanimate objects, but also because in their mind it was 'fun to act like they were real'. like an adult going to Disneyland and getting so lost in the magic that they forget the characters are just actors.
and... i don't want to spoil too much of the story yet teehee so ill end it there
thank u for letting me ramble! even though i kinda went overboard lol :]
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My friend chibi has been translating various Vill-V files so when I’m back on computer I’ll repost them here so you can witness the insanity of being her coworker
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vikkirosko · 2 years
can i get grampa english and/or jake english x reader whos in a wheelchair headcanons i wanna surprise a friend of mine teehee
I hope your surprise was a success~
Headcanons Wheelchair
🔫 Jake English x Reader 🗺
You and Jake started chatting on Pesterchum. He often told you about how he lives on the island and how great it would be if you could go on an adventure together. However, it was only when you were finally able to meet in person that he saw that there was a reason why you couldn't go with him to explore the jungle or ancient ruins. You were forced to move around using a wheelchair
You've never mentioned this before. You often came across the fact that people started to feel sorry for you when you told them that you were confined to a wheelchair, so you didn't tell your pen pals about it. You wanted them to treat you as if you were no different from them. Jake was surprised by this, but he didn't treat you differently. For him, you were still the same person he fell in love with, with whom he was interested in communicating and with whom he wanted to go in search of adventures
Jake decided that a wheelchair would not be a hindrance to your joint adventures. He wanted you to understand that he really treats you the same as before and that his attitude towards you will not change anything. He started making adventure routes for the two of you. He was ready to help you overcome even the most difficult obstacles if any arise on your way
You were glad that Jake was himself no matter what. You cherished him and didn't want to lose him because you didn't tell him everything. You were hoping that together you could go on the most exciting adventure you could ever dream of. It didn't matter to you where exactly you would go, it was important to you that you would go there together
🔫 Grandpa Harley x Reader 🧭
You and Jake Harley have known each other since childhood. For a long time you were best friends and when you were teenagers he confessed his feelings to you. You were glad that your feelings were mutual, but most of all you were glad that Jake was one of the few people who didn't care that you were confined to a wheelchair
Despite your limited abilities, you and Jake have traveled all over the world. No matter how unusual and difficult your path was, you overcame difficulties together. In places where you couldn't drive in your wheelchair, he carried you in his arms, and then carried your wheelchair. You were grateful to him for taking care of you and tried to take care of him in return
You spent several decades traveling the world and only after that decided to stay on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Jake built a tower where you could live together. He understood that you would not be able to climb the stairs, so he created a teleportation device that helped you move from room to room without unnecessary difficulties. You tried to make your home more cozy, even despite the huge number of different things that you brought from your travels
Even after many years, Jake did not stop loving you. He didn't care that you were confined to a wheelchair. He hoped that together you could meet old age, that together you could raise Jade and eventually face death together. You went through a lot together and he was glad that he shared so many pleasant memories with you. He understood that your lives were coming to an end, but he hoped that you would be able to create many more pleasant memories
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What did you think about dick being the vampire king? I thought it was ridiculous but also works so good because dick is handsome and he makes me bark like a cliche cartoon wolf
I think it's both hilarious and interesting - if it's done right. Because on the one hand, so far, we've only seen straight up murder dick, we haven't seen him be strategic or 'normal vampire' self. just, you know, mean and murdery.
not to mention, he took damian with him - so I'd like to see how he acts in the next issue/with damian before I decide if I like vampy dick or not. (I mean, obviously he murdered most of his family, which was both bad and hilarious all in one, rip tim.)
in terms of story/writing, though, it kind of came out of left field, and while I'm enjoying the series, it's reminding me hardcore why I avoid things that James Tynion writes. Like, there was no build up or clue finding or anything? it was just hmm well okay joker's dead (and all issue 6 they're acting like they've talked about thinking it was the joker the whole time and, correct me if I'm wrong, the joker wasn't mentioned once???? so why tf did they think joker was vampire king, or even bring it up???) so it's gotta be one of us! and like, they didn't even give us a panel of everyone looking at each other before dick's like lol ok it's me teehee. there was straight up no reason dick had to reveal himself right there at that moment.
and like i said, I'm curious to see how he is a) with damian, whether he turns him or keeps him a captive human and b) with a damian who hates him. because while the whole scene of him murdering everyone was objectively silly - he just wouldn't?? to me, yeah vampire dick would be violent and rabid and all that, but to protect his family, not kill them, even if they did go against him. and I guess in this ~vampire lore~ it really takes your humanity? because i mean. it's just like Ollie said with Hal - Hal claims he was still in there, but Hal would never do these things? Bloodlust etc is one thing, but like...you get turned and you're immediately like 'power or nuthin no matter who gets in the way.'? yeah, i've read enough vamp stories to know that doesn't necessarily have to be the case, and didn't need to be here.
and oh my god rip tim that poor lil doofus. one thing to kill him but good lord the curb stomp was unnecessary and so fucking funny jesus christ.
(at the same time - bitch made SURE tim was dead. like yeah he bit damian and apparently just dropped him, only broke cass's arm, and offered to turn jason/tried. but tim? talk about overkill. damn tim what did you do to him in this universe.)
but can confirm, even my ace ass was like 'oh my god murder vamp dick is the hottest creature ever created. 🤤🤤🤤'
but oh my god can we talk about how much jason cares for damian in this series. its all i want their canon brotherhood to be 😭
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gojology · 4 years
Clubs Aren’t My Thing. (1/2)
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | i’m REPOSTING this because my already bruised ego absolutely rejects the fact that my writing got 33 notes, that, and i just don’t want to continue this if it doesn’t get any traction. i’m not good at nsfw, so i feel like if not a lotta people wanna read my work, why try hard on something i’m bad at? anyways, this whole club concept is totally from @/mystic-sky or skyfelt on ao3. pls check her out. if anything is inaccurate its prob bcuz the only reference i have is the club penguin dance club teehee. 
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | mentions of sex, drinking, you’re literally at a club.
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Gojo x Female Reader
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2847
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | You’re alone, at a bar, waiting for the end of the night to come. Then again this was bound to happen, as clubs weren’t really your thing, but promises of snacks and money from your friends were really what you came for. A mysterious, yet intriguing white haired man approaches you, and eventually he piques your interest. Little do you know, you had piqued his as well, and he’s having a hard time trying to hide it.
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Bright, flickering vivid lights was all the human eye could see from where you were sitting.  You’re sitting at a bar, legs restless and rhythmically bumping against the table. You had come here for a “fun night”, even though they promptly ditched you for the lively dance floor afterwards, you assumed to pick up guys and have some encounters in the bedroom.  It wasn’t quite your thing though, well, you didn’t know yourself, you were far too shy to find out, though.  That’s how you found yourself alone, at a bar, completely sober.   Your friends pushed you, (which was a bit weird since they were no where near you now- so really now, what was the point?) luring you with yummy snacks and treats to come out of your house for once. Hesitantly agreeing, you didn’t expect to have them dress you up as well.   Fighting them off and running for the bedroom door, you hated the very idea of even interacting with anyone. Moaning and groaning like a child that you weren’t getting enough for going to a social event, and not wearing your beloved baggy hoodies and sweatpants.   “Okay, okay!” your friend stood up, hands above her. Shaking her head and letting out an exasperated sigh.   “We’ll add on a free dinner- on us.”   Raising an eyebrow, you scrolled through your phone. This wasn’t a bad deal, not at all. You decided to not reply, though.   “Ugh, (Y/N), Okay. A 50 DOLLAR GIFTCARD TO YOUR FAVORITE STORE. Do we have a deal?” Your friend blurted out, sitting down on her chair with a huff.   The girl clearly wanted you to go to the club.  You grinned evilly, realizing just how much you can get.   Of course, you wouldn’t spend the money without spoiling some of your girlies, but you had gotten even more then you asked for, and well- sure it was a bit mean, but you figured afterwards you could go out with them without the bargaining.   And so, facepalm after facepalm ensued, offering you more and more unnecessary amounts of money and food, you finally broke under the pressure of being a tad too mean. You weren’t planning on torturing your friends for life.   At that point, who could really resist?   Now, enthusiastic with your eyes only on the prize, you allowed yourself to be dressed up just this once. Your friends had whipped up the nicest outfit they could without it showing very much skin (per your request!).   Your friends had let you borrow a rather short white plaid skirt they had paired with a casual simple t-shirt. Slightly sheer, and a warm, yet soft cardigan that was kind of scratchy. Donning a pair of tights that you had picked yourself and your favorite pair of beaten up Doc Martens. You realize that it didn’t look half-bad on you.  For once, you thought you looked nice.   However, it seemed to pale in comparison with the scandalous outfits your friends seemed to prefer. Dresses hugging their curves, showing as much of their skin as possible without being full-blown naked, you wonder how one can hold so much self-confidence. But you ignore the feeling, repeating to yourself that you looked good in your own ways.  You wave for the bar tender, feeling a rush of self confidence as you glance down at your outfit. The rather disgruntled man eyes perked up at the request, rushing over.  “May I offer you something, ma’am?”  You gulp, the self confidence rapidly crashing back down, almost as soon as it had come up. You weren’t quite the drinker, and you weren’t looking to find if you were. Running a hand through your already tousled hair, you stutter out a short sentence.  “Can I have some.. Water? With, uh, ice.”  He nods, seemingly shocked that you weren’t ordering any alcoholic beverages before turning his back on you and quickly whipping up the rather simplistic drink. Well, then again, judging by the outfit, one glance would be enough to tell him that you were forced to come, or shy.    Shocked by how comprehensible you had been when speaking to him, your lips curve slightly into a warm smile. Working around your fear of talking to people in unusual places was good.   Handing the glass of water to you with cold fingertips, you nod back. Skimming his hand as you did so. You grimace, contact felt weird.   Taking a sip, you looked away and hoped not to make conversation.  You heard a rather loud laugh, which was an understatement, because you could hear it even through the mass of chatter and movement of the club.  Curious by who could possibly be louder than the sheer deafening cheers of a drunken crowd, you look towards the other direction, before setting your eyes on a ridiculously white haired man.  He was laughing again now, and your eyes immediately drift over to his very defined jawline. No wonder so many girls were around him, by the looks of it, he looked like a famous model.  His head high above all the females crowding around him, you notice the man next to him. A disgruntled, yet polite looking individual you assumed to be his friend sat next to him.   He was also towering over the women, nodding and smiling at the many girls tempting him with their bodies, but he seemed so clueless that you doubted he even had a clue of what was going on.   Fidgeting and playing with his hair, he was clad in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. The crowd of women around him wasn’t as large as the white haired man, you noted, but still large nonetheless.  “Oh, him?” the bartender blurted, you turn to face him again, cursing yourself for being so obvious in your endeavors.  Wiping a cocktail shaker down with a towel, he ducks his head, studying the remaining water droplets. You stare daggers at the bartender for interrupting your train of thought, before cursing yourself for being so mean.  “He’s a regular, gets drunk quite frequently, and he’s Prince Charming to the ladies.”  Rubbing the back of your head, you stare back at the bartender. Unsure what to make of his approach on conversation.  Reconsidering like the good person you are, you thought about how annoyed the guy got talking to a bunch of drunk college kids. He seemed like he had good intentions, and talking to someone that was sober was sure to be refreshing.  “Yeah, I can tell, the guy has a lot of girls around him. He looks really... Lively. To put it simply.”  The bartender laughed, relaxing himself as soon as he heard the friendly words leave your lips. He finished wiping down the cocktail shaker and proceeded to the neatly stacked cups which had just been washed.  “No, the guy’s just friendly. Real hit with the ladies, especially his.. Uh, physical attributes. See his friend over there? Lil bit more modest, he started coming here recently. Don’t let that good natured face fool you though, they’re both the same..”  You rolled your eyes, Typical. Taking the last few gulps of your water before you slammed it back down. The bartender took the cup, refilling it hastily and giving it back to you.  You heard several girls giggling, and you glanced back in the direction of the men. The long, raven haired man had his arms wrapped around dozen or more girls, swarming him as if he was a celebrity.  The bartender was right, he looked so bored when you had studied the two, but here he was now with the same army of girls heeding his every call.  That left the white haired man alone.  Shaking his head with a small chortle, he took another swig out of his drink before looking down at the empty glass, he stood up, and by God were those legs long, before walking to the empty stool next to you.  “Yo. Bartender. Refill?”  The bartender set down the cup he was scrubbing down, rummaging his hands through various shelfs, filled with various drinks and add-ons, before taking the mysterious man’s glass.  Curious, you take a small peek at the man, almost jumping back when he was staring unflinching at you, too. Taking this as an invitation to gape at such an incredibly well-fit body. Your eyes stare up at what you could; starting with his collarbones.  Paired deliciously with a simple gold chain, you had to admit, it was a good touch. The simplicity of the chain was enough for you to gape dumbly at anything else that was interesting, and was left dumbfounded by the sheer hotness of... Well, him, and those incredibly prominent collarbones.  You look downwards, and he’s wearing a black, simple t-shirt. Not a wrinkle, nor specks of lint in sight.  Well toned arms, and incredibly strong looking ones at that rested idly against his sides. An expensive watch glinted in the light.  He hadn’t quite said anything yet, so you look down even more without hesitation. Almost like you couldn’t control yourself.   Tucking his shirt in neatly was his belt, you could easily tell it was a high-end brand. Casual, wide flared black jeans, the guy really loved black you noted. The accessories made up for it though, various chains were lazily thrown in, and it made the outfit so much more hotter, especially on him.  “My eyes are up here, girly.”  Feeling your cheeks become full to the brim with warmth, your hands fumble about, words formulating at the tip of your tongue to apologize profusely, you look up.  Circular black shades concealed the white haired man’s eyes, and your heart pounds more. Something about him was so intriguing.  About to blurt out nonsense about actually being very interested at a wall, he held his palm up, a large toothy grin gracing his features.  “It’s okay, I’m into hot chicks ogling me. Especially hot chicks with cute outfits.”  Everything on your mind was suddenly wiped clean, you open your mouth before closing, unsure about what to say.  He thought you were hot?   He thought your outfit was cute?  He laughs, and you snap out of your daze. Muttering a quick thanks when the bartender handed his rather sugary exotic drink to him.  “Saw you looking at me earlier, sweetcheeks.” he hums before tipping the glassware near his glossy lips, sipping the drink, looking down at you as he did.  “No, I think you saw wrong... Are you blind?” you asked, still recovering from the compliments you hadn’t ever received in your life prior to this strange encounter. Desperate to get out of the advancingly awkward conversation, you had never been placed in such a weird setting.  He snorts, taking another deep sip of his drink.  “Nah. People think that, though. People think I’m... Old, for some reason?”  “Hm, I wonder why.” replying sarcastically, you felt yourself jolt up, a mix of uneasiness and excitement bubbling up inside of you. By your experience and tips from your friends, these type of guys seemed to like sassy, teasing girls.  Whipping out your phone from your bag, you try to appear casual, even though your excitement was starting to die down by his silence, turning into dread.  Whistling, trying to look like you didn’t have a care in the world, you physically wince as you realize how stupid you potentially look. Wondering what your friends would say about such an attractive guy seemingly hitting on you, then again, they didn’t seem to really care.  No new notifications, and no familiar faces running up to you with open, friendly arms.  He chuckles again. “I like your style, missy. You come here alone? That’s a shame, pretty girls like you deserve to have someone to come with.”  You look down, struggling to contain the growing smile. Doing a small little victory dance in your head as you realize that he had literally stated that he liked your style.   “I did come with someone, my friends.”  “Where’s your friends?” he inquired.  “Partying at the dance floor, flirting with guys probably.” you nonchalantly reply, struggling to hold your tone, but even then it wavered. You didn’t get hit on often, and when you did they were there to help you.  “That makes two of us, my friend Geto pulled all my chicks, and my pussy for tonight.”  He said it so nonchalantly, you almost spat out your water.  “What are you here for? Some good dick?” he shifted his arm to rest against the table, his hand against his head, lazily looking at you.  You study his figure once more, ignoring his previous question. He looked like he came straight out of a magazine, or a movie. Broad, yet strong looking shoulders.  He looked straight up fake.  He towered over you, and you estimated that he was over 6 foot. His hair seemed soft, and manageable, and so, so fun to play with. A Deep, yet playful voice that would probably make everyone within a 6 mile radius instantly melt.  “Hm, cute. I like straight-forward girls.” he poked fun at you, grinning carelessly.  “I’m not being straightforward in any shape or form, what do you mean?” you flutter your eyelashes innocently at him, knowing damn well what he meant.  “You’re fucking studying me like a textbook before finals.”  “You still haven’t told me your name!” you shot back without thinking, you didn’t want to be caught doing something so scandalous. He winked, you took this as a sign of him following suit.  “That’s what makes it fun, baby.”  “Here, lets trade.”   You had decided that you really liked his style, after letting you off the hook so easily like that. He was shrouded in a cloak of mystery, and you found it hot. That, or maybe he wanted to just fuck around and have one night-stands, which wasn’t your style at all, but you still wanted to see where this would go.  “Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine. Fair right?”  He stroked his chin with his unoccupied arm, contorting his face and making you giggle a little, even though it wasn’t very funny. With him, you felt like you could strangely be yourself.  “Hmmmmm....” stroking his chin more, he began to pick up and sip his beverage as if it was a tea cup, holding opposite ends of each other and deeply drinking. He set the cup down.  “Nope.”  Exasperated, you slam your cup down.  “That aside, let’s get back to the point!,” he leaned closer into you, smiling a little as you jumped back. Your confidence when you talked with him had dissolved into thin air.  “You’re really cute.”  Frozen in place, you gawk back at him.    He was straightforward, no doubt it, but you didn’t think he was this straightforward. Most men you knew played a game of cat and mouse, only if you caught them you were rewarded.  Opening and closing your mouth, no sound came out. He snorts, taking another sip and waving the bartender to come back, who was now washing cups awkwardly on the other side of the bar.   You almost pitied the bartender, the guy had ordered so many refills at this point, you wouldn’t be dumb to assume he was either a raging alcoholic or another dumb college kid.  “Refill, again.”   The bartender nodded solemnly in reply, swiftly taking the cup. You realize how overworked the poor guy was, wondering how many refills the mysterious white haired man had gotten before you had even step foot in the vicinity.  “I’d love to take you to the bedroom, baby.” he nods as the bartender returns, sipping and looking back down at you.   You bolted upwards, cursing as you realize you’re slouching, not very attractive. The straightforwardness from him was, though. No doubt it, but you were really not looking to break your heart over a fuckboy.  “Uh, um.”  He tips your chin upward, and your heart leaps out of your throat. There was something so undeniably attractive about this act, maybe it was the way he knew how to make you into pudding, or maybe it was the aura of dominance.   Haughtiness literally radiated off of him, as if he knew he could pull a girl in under 1 minute. Well, then again, he probably did know.  Fuck, what were you thinking, this was a complete stranger that could probably pull chicks more attractive then you, times 100.  “Aw, shy? Cute. Don’t worry, you’re intriguing, and if you’re bad at sex, not to worry. I’ll do it all, and I’m good. Maybe give you a few lessons here and there.” he chirped, tilting his head, curiosity evident.   “But, it’s all up to you, sugar. I’m not trying to force you into this.” the man added.   He did seem hot, and this was really a one-in-a-million chance. No one had really looked at you that way at the level of attractiveness that he had. You didn’t want to regret anything, and getting out of your shell was good right?   What could go wrong?   “...I wouldn’t mind.”   A crooked smirk spread across his face.   “I’ll call an Uber.”
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 282: Aizawa Defeeted
Previously on BnHA: Oh my god do we even care about that at this point. Tomura made a speech; Gran Torino died; Deku lost his shit and tried to strangle Tomura to death with his bare hands; Ryuukyuu came back from Wherever She Was and tried to grab Tomura but he punched a hole through her giant hand; and now he’s grabbing his Quirk-Be-Gone bullets and is ready to cause some mayhem okay?? That about sum it up?? Is anyone even reading this?? CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH IT I’VE WAITED AN ENTIRE WEEK.
Today on BnHA: Well I guess let’s start with what doesn’t happen: Bakugou doesn’t lose his quirk. HE LUCKED OUT!!... for now, anyways. Because, thanks to a near-impossible-to-predict series of events (seriously, raise your hands if you had “Aizawa gets shot but goes full World War Z on his own ass” on your bingo card), Tomura has seemingly regained his regeneration powers, which means that his other quirks are probably back online as well! So we’ll see how that all goes. Anyway so in the meantime Shouto’s back, looking very mad that everyone temporarily forgot he was a main character. And Gigantomachia is back as well! Or almost, anyway. Also, you’ll never guess who broke another one of his arms! Go on, guess. But at least he still has the arm, though, which is more than we can say for certain other people’s limbs. Poor Aizawa is literally on his last leg. He and Tomura really got off on the wrong foot. He chopped his leg off, is what I’m saying. It’s that kind of chapter folks.
you guys I’m losing my whole fucking mind. I straight up deleted the tumblr app off my phone for 24 hours so that I wouldn’t be tempted to log in and risk potentially being spoiled. and I’m happy to say that it worked! so here we are now, completely spoiler free, and let me just say that if Horikoshi decides to cut back to Gunga Mountain now, I will either cry for hours or abandon the series forever and go do something more productive with the rest of my quarantine like learning how to play sad songs on the guitar
all right. here goes
so we’re opening with Deku, who is currently comprised of 100% rage and 0% mercy, and is doing that thing where only the whites of his eyes are visible. and basically he’s just thinking “I’VE REALLY GOT TO HOLD ON TO THIS GUY AND MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T DO ANYTHING ELSE HOMICIDAL.” which is a solid game plan, but perhaps not so easily accomplished
-- oh my god this poor kid is still in denial, I can’t. why are you doing this
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is there even still a Gran Torino to tend to at this point? after Tomura bulldozed a hole through his torso, and you went and finished the job with your own fucking attack? sob
but I guess the law of Tragic Shounen Mentor Deaths mandates that Gran’s should be at least as drawn-out as Nighteye’s was, though. so he’s probably only Mostly Dead, which is still Slightly Alive if I remember my Princess Bride correctly, and I think I do
so now the rest of these stooges are finally catching up with us here
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yes, my friends. a bullet. WELCOME TO MY LIFE FOR THE PAST FUCKING WEEK. anyways I have a LOT of pent-up energy here just fyi. there may be a lot of unnecessary screaming in this recap
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(ETA: fun fact: this attack did absolutely nothing except make things approximately 100x worse. but you tried Deku. you tried.)
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anyway so if you’re just joining us, Tomura just pulled two bullets out of his pocket, the good guys finally noticed, and then Deku did a smash and everything exploded. the radius of this attack actually looks wide enough to have potentially involved Aizawa, who probably does NOT want to get any debris in his eyes right now, and also Gran, who probably doesn’t particularly want to be hit by another deadly attack for the third time in the past ninety seconds. anyway so I guess what I’m trying to say here is WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT YOU LITTLE GREEN LUNATIC
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he got the one!! the one that was in Tomura’s right hand!! but what about the one in his left ahhhhhhh
(ETA: lmao at Kacchan being the one to blow up the same bullet I was so sure he was going to be shot with. saw the writing on the wall, huh kid? what do we say to the god of foreshadowing?? ‘NOT TODAY.’ ...except that we’re still not actually out of the woods yet so you still better watch yourself lol.)
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based on the font here, these are Tomura’s thoughts. which he is thinking immediately after getting the lower half of his jaw very painfully cronched by the VERY homicidal sixteen-year-old still clinging to him. anyway so Tomura’s thought processes are as inscrutable to me as ever lulz
and Deku’s arm looks broken again, yaaaaay. but at least it’s his left arm and not his right! so that’s nice. now they can match
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my reading process here is as follows: 1) scroll down exactly one panel. 2) scream even though absolutely nothing has happened yet. 3) WRITE THAT DOWN 4) REPEAT
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YOU GUYS IT REALLY HIT AIZAWA AND NO ONE DID A GODDAMN THING?? it wasn’t even drawn out or anything??? it just HAPPENED, within like four pages??? NO SLOW MO?? NOT EVEN A REACTION PANEL WHAT THE FUCK
son of a bitch I would so dearly like to grab Manual and RockLockRock’s heads right now and just conk them together real hard. YOU STUPID FUCKS sob YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! IT REALLY WAS JUST ONE!! AND YOU WERE SHARING IT!! SO IT’S MORE LIKE HALF A JOB!! AND YOU STILL COCKED IT UP IN ABSOLUTELY NO TIME AT ALL OH MY GOD
(ETA: they should blow this panel up and make it into a t-shirt and make Manual and RLR wear the shirts every day for the rest of their lives. half a job, you guys. please go away I cannot even look at you right now.)
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(ETA: I still can’t figure out if this horrific angle is due to the earlier damage from the Noumu, or if Tomura really just flung the bullet THAT hard. honestly I’m surprised it didn’t just slice right through him with that kind of velocity. “no thanks because then I wouldn’t get to write a scene where he chops his own leg off” oh okay well when you put it that way, Horikoshi.)
if I recall correctly this is the leg that he said was “twisted”, no? yeesh. might just want to chop it off real quick, then. s’not like it’s doing you any more good. does anyone know if zombie rules apply or not with this sort of thing?? shit
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“THANKS”?? okay what. did it hit him or not??
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jesus fucking christ. when I said “might just want to chop it off real quick” literally FOUR PARAGRAPHS AGO, I can tell you that the one thing I did NOT expect was for Aizawa to be all, “you know what, that’s a good idea”, and then YOINK OUT HIS TRUSTY HERO SHANK AND GO FULL 127 HOURS ON THIS BITCH. "LALALA WE’RE GONNA DO IT RATIONALLY TEEHEE” like excuse me, the fuck
anyways. I don’t even know what to say. thank you Aizawa’s leg for your sacrifice, and for always supporting him. literally. oh my god I came here ready for my son to enter a new phase of character development, and for the manga as a whole to enter a new phase of glorious, glorious angst. no one told me I’d be sitting here making puns instead. what a fine, confusing day
anyway though let’s just fucking hope it worked. and side note, if Aizawa Shouta really did chop off his own fucking leg just now and somehow STILL managed not to fucking blink, I think we might as well just go ahead and hand him the Biggest Badass In The Series award right now because no one is ever going to top that. nope. not happening
it is truly a testament to Shigaraki Tomura’s unfathomably mysterious sexy villain energy that he still somehow manages to look hot with only half a face
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also no one in this manga actually feels pain, do they. not Deku, not Aizawa, not Tomura, no one. no wonder none of them have any self-preservation instincts to speak of
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did someone just randomly explode just now. at this point it might as well happen, right
oh it’s the shockwave from Deku’s Wyoming attack, apparently. how nice of it to have a delayed reaction for absolutely no reason
anyway so Deku’s being flung back, but he’s grabbing onto Tomura again with Blackwhip. but oh shit you guys, if Tomura escapes Deku and Ryuukyuu’s clutches and still has any bullets left in his pocket, we may still be able to salvage this Bakugou quirk situation after all. would be nice to be able to actually do something with all of these “happy quirk losing day” balloons that I ordered
(ETA: actually, believe it or not I honestly like this better. Tomura using AFO was always the more dramatic option anyway. and now that we’ve done the bullet thing everyone has presumably let their guard down again, which, good.)
I love how Tomura apparently hasn’t noticed that Aizawa’s just amputated his own leg? to be fair he’s probably distracted by all the explosions and such
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also gotta love how Deku’s arm-breaking attack seemingly just made everything worse for no reason. and also how Manual and RockLockRock are once again just standing there doing absolutely nothing
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just like we all saw coming!! ...
so is this Endeavor’s attack?? Bakugou’s?? either way, hot damn. fortunately for Tomura he is apparently operating under the same guidelines as the U.S. Federal Reserve, in which mutilated bills may still be exchanged at face value if more than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present. basically as long as roughly half of him is still vaguely Tomura-shaped I assume he’ll be fine
(ETA: in hindsight I should have immediately been able to identify this as a Shouto attack based solely on how murdery it was lol.)
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a LOT. of smashing, guys. feels like... 60% smashing, 20% severed legs, 20% Kranch
-- oh no oh SHIT oh shit oh shit
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(ETA: um so I really can’t tell how far that wound extends and whether or not Aizawa still has his right eye, shit.)
first of all how did Deku get here next to Aizawa when he was just over there with Tomura, what. and second, I think Aizawa just blinked, oh shit. probably on the verge of passing out after CHOPPING HIS OWN LEG OFF which STILL hasn’t been acknowledged yet?? did I just completely misinterpret all of that back there or what
(ETA: there was seriously so little attention called to this that I scrolled back up to confirm it probably like half a dozen times. apparently Horikoshi thinks that THE MOST BADASS THING TO EVER HAPPEN IN THE MANGA should be completely downplayed. whereas if it were me, there’d be an entire two page spread of JUST THE LEG. WITH MUSIC PLAYING. EVEN THOUGH IT’S A MANGA.)
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look at him though. he’s so happy. this is why I can’t stay mad at you no matter how deranged you get you little maniac
so is quirk-stealing back on the menu then or what. don’t think I’ve been lulled into any kind of false sense of security by any of this lol
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so Todoroki really went after them ALONE. the better to put his dad right back up at the top of the Lose Your Quirk Sweepstakes finalists. well... second-to-top, maybe. like I said I will not be lulled
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why do I feel like the odds of Gigantomachia arriving to herald the end of this chapter just shot up DRAMATICALLY
so the next page is almost entirely just a list of cities that the news anchor is telling people to evacuate because they’re in Machia’s path. along with a bunch of dead heroes lying around everywhere, and Ochako being all ominous
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(: weren’t they, though? heh. this is going to be so, so bad (: (: (:
-- fuuuuuuuuuuu
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aaaaaand that’s it. hahahaha. okay then let’s summarize
Bakugou defied all expectations and kept his quirk (FOR NOW)!
Kranch showed up after 157 years and is probably wondering why the heck I keep calling him “Kranch” now. THINGS CHANGE WHEN YOU’RE MIA FOR A WHILE MY LITTLE STARBUCKS CHRISTMAS CUP
Deku broke his arm for the 78th time
Tomura regenerated but seems to think Aizawa’s quirk is actually gone for good, which I’m pretty sure it’s not. so if they can keep him from destroying everything long enough for Aizawa to turn it back on again, we might possibly still survive this
and lastly, Machia is about to kill all of these stupid people frolicking around outside of this fitness club who are probably so proud of themselves for not being glued to their phones 24/7 because they prefer to LIVE LIFE IN THE MOMENT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. well that’s on you my friends. at least it’ll be a quick death. ffff
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omgmarysuebs-blog · 6 years
One Piece OC | Gekido Oroka review
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So here we go with our first review of this beautiful trainwreck. Let me just point out that her long gun has scars. Idek what to say to that but let’s take a look at her profile.
"Call me "Monster" if you want. That just don't fucking affect me."
How supremely edgy. You already know what kind of character this is gonna be. GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Oroka Last Name: Gekido Complete Name: Gekido Oroka Japanese Name: 激怒 愚か All fine. Nicknames: Bloody | Vampire | Oro-Chan | Monster from Mugoi | Chef (By Solider's) Epithet: "Bloody Vampire" "Bloody" is not a nickname. And let's just say that Vampires in the One Piece OC fandom are overused and stupid. Age: 6 (child) | 16 | 23 | 30 (age when she will die) Birth: 31th October 1476 Astrological Sign: Scorpio Handicap: Dextrocardia How is this exactly a handicap to her? You explain literally nothing about how it affects her. Also how wonderfully edgy to have your birthday on halloween. First Appearance: Memory Arc (My Own Arc | As Flashback) Seiyuu: (wip) APPEARANCE Spiece: Human Gender: Female Bloodtype: X (A in One Piece world) Hair: Red short hair who arrived on her shoulders. We noticed that almost every OC this person has has got red hair and almost the same hairstyle too. So I smell self insert. Eyes: Yellow eyes with a circle around her iris Height: 1,55cm Weight: (wip) Birth Marks: She have an birth mark of her family in the back of her neck Scar: Oroka an a scar on her nose, her left leg, and right arm Where do these come from? Tattoo: /// Makeup: /// Accessories: She have a medallion with the photo of her and her sister Akane Jewels: /// If she doesn't have tats or makeup or whatever just don't add it. It's unnecessary. Others: She have small boobs, and she have her teeth like vampire Why is it important if her boobs are big or small??? We can see it on the picture and it's just not relevant. This happens a lot in the OP fandom where people feel the need to explain in detail what kind of proportions their characters have just because the canon females have giant boobs. Your OC also isn't anymore special because she has small boobs unlike the others. STATUS Affiliation: Princess of Mugoi Island (former); Solider of Heiwana Island ( andylookout Island ) Occupations: Princess of Mugoi Island (before); Commander; Solider Another princess backstory and a tragic one too. It just keeps getting better! Bounty: 1.000 (At 6 Years Old) | 10.000 (At 10 Years Old) | 50.000.000 (At 14 Years Old) | 100.000.000 (At 16 years old) Bounty Disclaimer: Alive Where does this bounty come from? It never gets explained not even in her history. And giving your characters a bounty when they haven't even turned like 12 is kinda ripping off Robin. Btw don't pull a Sanji with the Bounty Disclaimer. INFO COMBAT Devil Fruit: Ketsueki Ketsueki no Mi (Blood Fruit) Type: Paramecia Who she eat it?: Forced to eat it by Osoro her father when she was 5 years old Alright first off: the goddamn Blood fruit is so overused on edgy OCs it hurts. And all OCs with this fruit are somehow extremely similar in both backstory and personality. It's always cliche af and why in hell would her own father force her to it something so valueable? Why wouldn't he eat it himself instead if he's so evil? And WHY AT 5 YEARS?? Weapon: She have a lot weapon, but her main is a long gun Capacities: (wip) Force: (wip) Weakness: Sea Stone, and Sea Water Haki: Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku no Haki~ We never get to know how she got both Haki. You don't just learn these on your own, who trained her? Who taught her? Also I'd love to see One Piece OCs with more weaknesses than just the standard ones. Give your character a bit more depth. ATTACKS Brace yourselves. This shit is insane. Bloody Wings: Can create wings with her blood fruit. She can use them for flying, but she only can fly 30 minutes with her bloody wings. 30 fucking minutes. Robin can only fly for something around 5 seconds. Why is it such a popular thing to give your OC the ability to fly?? If you want your character to be able to fly give them a wings fruit or bird zoan fruit idc. But don't do this, it's overpowered. Bloody Body: Can transform her whole body into blood. She don't use it a lot, because for Oroka, that not useful How is that not useful?? Also this is a paramecia fruit. Your character wouldn't be able to turn her body into blood or whatever because it's not a logia fruit. Get your facts straight. Bloody Tornado: Can create a tornado of blood. She can do small tornado, large tornado, or big tornado. Her big tornado blood is always very strong. Wouldn't she die of bloodloss? I mean a whole tornado out of only her blood is a bit extreme don't you think? Or is the blood just appearing out of thin air? I thought it's her own. Bloody Clone: Can create a bloody clone of herself. Even if that a clone, the clone won't have the color of her user, but will have the color of blood. Of course. More overpowered bs. Bloody Whip: Can create blood whip. She use it like a normal whip. Bloody Shield: Create with a blood shield for protect herself. How does that work??? Things can go through blood quite easily unless you can harden your blood which would be just kawaii. Bloody Bullets: Attack her enemy with bloody bullets. Sometimes, she try to use Haki on it for make her bullets more strong.~ Why do you even need bloody bullets if you have tons of weapons and guns on you anyway? Decide on one thing. Bloody Sucking: Can take the blood of her enemy, and absorb it! Oroka never do this attack, she do it one time, and that was dangerous for herself too. She can't control this.~ Just no. And what do you mean she can't control it? Will she go insane with a horrible thirst for blood and then shimmer in the moonlight twilightstyle? And that tilde is just so sugoi. Teehee look at me I'm so strong and psycho owo ORIGIN Native Island: Mugoi Island - New World Gekido Osoro: Osoro is the king of Mugoi Island but also the father of Oroka. Osoro just consider Oroka like an object, and object who have to help him for having the power he want. He just want his child is strong and clever. He always call Oroka "peace of shit" and all bad nicknames. Oroka loved her father when she was a child, until she have 6 years old, where she start to hate him a lot. She already to try to kill him, but she kill her own sister accidentally because of him. Osoro also did a lot of scar on Oroka body, like in her nose, arm and leg, because Oroka never listen him, so for punish, she do the horrible thing to cut one part of Oroka body, but Akane always try to stop him when she can. If Oroka can't kill Osoro one day, she will never be in peace when she will die. So that's where the scars come from. Still wtf is this? Again if Osoro wants to be powerful so bad why didn't he eat the fruit himself? Also you don't just suddenly start to ultimately hate your parents by the age of freaking 6 and then just try to KILL them. Like holy shit this is not how kids work. Btw if he wants Oroka to be oh so powerful why did he try to cut one part of her body and just generally treat her like dog shit which would make her more and more handicapped? Gekido Nikui: Nikui is the wife of Osoro so the queen of Mugoi Island, and also the mother of Oroka. Like Osoro, she consider her own child like an object who have to help them to have power. She only do her childs for they have an object who have to be strong and help them, that always makes Oroka angry. But like Osoro too, when she was a child, she loved her mother Nikui, until her 6 years old too. For Oroka, she need to be killed like Osoro, she is bad for this world, and her own child. If Oroka can't kill Nikui one day, she will never be in peace when she will die like for Osoro. Same as before. Kids don't just randomly start to hate their parents at age 6 so much that they want to kill them. Kids around that age don't even really understand what's going on around them and just want to love and be loved by their parents. Gekido Akane: Akane is the big sister of Oroka, who is also for her, her real family. Akane is a very good sister with Oroka, always kind and here to help or protect her. Akane hate a lot Nikui and Osoro, so if they do horrible things to Oroka, she won't hesited to talk bad to her parents. Oroka love a lot her sister, she was always with her when she was child, because she was scared of her parents, but also she always smiled with her sister. Oroka will sadly kill Akane accidently because of Osoro who will use her as a shield when Oroka wanted to kill Osoro. The only regret she have is that she kill her own sister, even that not her fault. So Oroka was 5 years old when she was forced to eat the Blood fruit and at age 6 she was already capable of killing another human being?? What?? She's 6. She probably wouldn't even know wtf she's doing. And why did nobody stop her when she tried to kill her father? It's a 6 year old girl!! How is she even a threat??? You could just throw her out the window with one arm. Gekido Jihi: Jihi is the little brother of Oroka, they never meet, Oroka just don't know that she have a little brother, because he is born when she left her Home Island when Akane died. She will know that she have a brother when she will have 16 years old, but Oroka just don't care of him. Jihi hate her sister, and for him, she is a shame for Gekido family, he also think this for Osoro and Nikui. He will be very happy if his sister die one day. Spidy: Spidy is the little spider of Oroka when she was a child, she find Spidy at the forest with her big sister Akane. When Oroka see her for the first time, she love this little spider a LOT, and wanted to adopt her. She give to her little spider the name of "Spidy" and will always take care of her ! Spidy will live only one year with Oroka, and will die at the 6th Birthday of Oroka because of Nikui who kill Spidy...just because Nikui don't want that Oroka have empathy with animal, insect and humans... Ok first off insects are animals but aside from that "Spidy" is like the most uncreative name for a spider I've ever heard. The whole point of Spidy is to give Oroka more pity-points so that we feel even more bad for her. Oroka Grandparents from Osoro Side: She never see her grandparents from Osoro side, but she know that they are like Osoro. Oroka don't even want to see them one day, she hope a lot that they are dead. Oroka Grandparents from Nikui Side: Oroka see her grandparents only one or two time when she was a little child, and she love them a lot. She see them when she was 3-4 years old. She remember that her grandparents try to save her and Akane from Nikui and Osoro, and they wanted that Akane and Oroka have a good life, a good childhood, and all..Her grandparents never hated her, even if she turn into a psycho, they know that Oroka always have her good side when she was a child when they see what happen to her. Time pass, and Oroka didn't see them since she was a child, but always remember them when she grow up. She would like to see them again, because even if she don't show her feelings to others, she still love a lot her grandparents...Will she see them one day ? What stopped them from taking these two little kids with them? Why did they stop to try saving them when they clearly saw that Oroka was slowly going batshit insane and beaten by her parents? Why does Oroka not know where they are? And why are these grandparents so lovely and nice and their daughter Nikui such a bitch? Story: Oroka born on Mugoi Island on a 31th October. She is the princess of Mugoi Island and the child of the king Osoro and the queen Nikui. Since she born, Oroka never wanted to be a princess, she hate that and all princess things a lot. She just wanted to be free, like others peoples. But the only things interested her parents about her, that making her strong, powerful, clever, and the best child, only because they want to have power, something Oroka didin't want like her big sister Akane, but even if her parents are horrible, she loved her. Until one day, at her 6th birthday, she started to hate a parents a lot, for they, they are horrible, and need to go to hell, she also think that someone need to stop them before they do horrible things to others peoples. She stared to be crazy and got murderous drive, so she try to kill her own father Osoro, but Osoro use Akane as a shield to protect himself, that mean that Oroka kill her sister accidentally, the only person who was important for her. For her, that was her fault, only her fault if Akane died. She was very in rage in front Osoro for what he did, she tell to him that one day, one day she will pay for what all he did to her and her sister Oroka, and that she will go to hell him and his wife, and she go away from the Island because she can't stay here anymore. And all that happened on her 6th birthday on ONE day. Again, you don't love your parents the one day and hate them the next and want to kill them and want them to go to hell. What do you even mean by stopping them before they do horrible things to others?? What other people? How does she manage to escape too? She's a child, people should be able to catch her easily. After that Osoro do everything that Oroka got a bounty, she have 5.000 berrys on her head, and when Oroka see that, she didn't care, because she will kick or kill people who want to kill her or give her to Osoro or the Navy. But Oroka last name was not on her bounty poster, and that makes her happy because Gekido's are not her family, and for her she is not a part of them. I thought she had a bounty of 1.000 as stated above? Whats true now? Why does she not care if people wanna kill her? She's fucking 6 she would be scared as hell especially since it sounds like she never left the island before that. At her 10th birthday, 4 years after leaving Mugoi Island, Oroka got 10.000 berry on her face, people started to be scared of her, and try to hide they self if they see Oroka. She was always this little girl when she was 6 years old, she didn't change, well, she change, but in the worst way. If she need food or money, she don't heisted to steal people, if people don't give her what she want, she start to act crazy. When people see that she have the Blood Fruit, people start to call her "Bloody Girl" because for them, this is what she is. So she gets a raise on every birthday of hers. How convenient, the marines are so nice with their gifts. Where does that bounty come from, what did she do? And "Bloody girl" is just so ...cringy and cliche my head hurts. Btw she's 10, why is she such a big threat to other adults? Oh, because her devil fruit is so powerful of course, sorry I forgot. At her 14th birthday, she got again a new bounty : 1.000.000. But this time, she was angry, because she see her last name on her bounty poster now, that was not only Oroka now, but "Gekido Oroka". The thing that she don't know, that Osoro want her back, always for the same reason like at the past. She started to think at this moment that the date of her birthday is always a cursed day, with bad luck and all. But this is not always true. Another bounty, again: why? And oh how edgy, she hates her family and her last name so so much, those meanie marines how could they?! At her 16th birthday, she was on a Island called Heiwana, a type of Island she hate a lot, because that was an Kingdom Island. She will meet in this Island someone called Koshiro, she won't like him a lot, but the thing that she don't know, that when she will see this man, she don't know that she will have something that her own parents never give to her. (need to write it again) Yeah you sure as hell do. Why would she visit an island she doesn't like? Who tf is Koshiro? And let me guess what you're talking about is love. Absolutely didn’t see that one coming. PERSONALITY Laugh: Mouhahahahah ! Only the lamest villain laugh of all time. Positive Traits: Can be a nice person if we know her | Can have normal feelings like everybody sometimes -wip- Negatives Traits: Love killing people or torturing them | Never really happy | Never smile normally (this is SUPER rare, like impossible) | Act like an child when she want to make someone suffer | Have no empathy | Can't Lie -wip- This is so terribly edgy I cut myself. She sounds like Sasuke honestly. Normal feelings and can be a nice person but is a torture loving psycho at the same time? What? This is so bland idek. Likes: Blood | Torture | Cherry | Strawberries | Weapons | Having fun with her victims | Fight | Read Books | Insects | Weird Things | Be Free -wip- Hates: Hate people who want power | Hate kingdoms | Hate nature | Hate herself | Hate her parents | hate joking | Hate when someone joke on her | Hate when people call her a child | Hate when people compared her as a Gekido | Hate to do nothing | Hate dress | Hate shoes will long heels | Hate Make Up | Hate Treason | Hate when someone tell her orders and tell her what to do | Hate romantics things | Hate Coffee | Hate Tea | Hate showing her body | Hate showing her scars | Hate showing her Birth Mark | Hate when people call her "Bloody Pancake" or "Cherry Pancake" | Hate cleaning somethings | Hate some type of people | Hate to be weak | Cooking | The smell of smoking So she hates everything under the sun then. I also noticed a pattern in this persons OCs, they all seem to hate showing off their bodies or scars or whatever so the self insert smell intensifies. And "hate some type of people"? What kind?? And I'm pretty sure noone would call her bloody pancake if she's oh so scary and whatnot. Favorite Food: Cherry Hated Food: Everything about meat, fish and chicken food Favorite Color: Red Hated Color: Pink Favorite Drink: Cherry Juice | Coffee (only when that prepared by Kyoshi) Hated Drink: Milk Favorite Animal: Nope (she prefer insects) Hated Animal: Bunnies INSECTS ARE ANIMALS. And of course she loves everything red like cherries and shit and hates everything girly because thats not badass. Favorite Season: Winter Hated Season: Summer Favorite Flower: Red Rose Favorite Number: 666 This is a cliche as it can get. 666? REALLY?? Intelligence: -wip- Stamina: Good, but can be bad sometimes because of her Dextrocardia So here's a tiny bit of info about her Dextrocardia but it still gives NO insight to how much it actually affects her in battle or everyday life. Observation: Very Good Mental Strength: Good, but she have a psycho mental, so her mental can be good and turn bad as a psycho Then it's not good. It's terrible even. She's a psycho so she's pretty much insane and has NO mental strength left or at least she shouldn't if she's really the way you claim her to be. Determination: Full Determination Trust: Don't trust anyone Humor: She have more creepy stuff humor Patience: Depend of the situation, she can be totally calm, and start to get very angry in any second if someone broke her patience Laziness: She is not lazy, if she is bored, she always need to do something Pervert: Oroka is totally not pervert, she is a 100% asexual Habits: Always love to collect weapons, and also sometimes collect insects. Dream: /// Fear: Philophobia (Fear of Love) Sleeping Rhythm: She go to bed at midnight and wake up at 3 pm, she don't sleep a lot I thought her dream was to kill her parents? And why the fear of love? Where does that come from? Btw if she goes to sleep at midnight and wakes up at 3 PM she gets a ton of sleep. I think you wanted to say AM, right? I hope so. Smells like: Blood Urgh. Sexuality: Asexual Love: Nobody RELATIONSHIP STARDUST D. FAMILY Stardust D.Koshiro: Oroka didn't like Koshiro at the beginning, and never trust him, before, she think that Koshiro was like her father Osoro, but with time, she see that no. If Oroka is the commander of the army of Heiwana Island, that because of Koshiro who trust her a lot. Koshiro will be a little strict and direct with Oroka, and will be not gentle when they are training. That was hard, but with time, Oroka consider Koshiro like a father. He love her as a daughter. When did she become a commander?? And why on an island she hates too? Miyuki: (wip) Stardust D.Léo: (wip) Stardust D.Kosuke: (wip) Raid: (wip) MY OCs Teki Kyoshi: Kyoshi is a big fan of Oroka, she like her a lot, and love how she fight and all. She admire her a lot because of her courage, that because of Oroka if Kyoshi wanted to join her and her army. Oroka think that Kyoshi was very annoying with her at the beginning, but at the end, they start to be good friend, that will be also the first friend that Oroka will have. -wip- Why would anyone want to be around Oroka? She is known to be a psycho and scared by many so why do these people want to be friends with her or even let her in the army?? I'm sorry but handicapped psychos aren't exactly allowed in the army at least in the real world because they're deemed as not capable since they’re unreliable, Koichi: -wip- Hiromi Yoku: She know a little Yoku, an important person of Memory Island, Oroka think nothing about her, but Yoku think that Oroka is a very good solider for Heiwana Island. Hiromi Hanako: Oroka is wary with Hanako, even she know that Hanako is a very good person, she have her own reason to be wary. -wip- Hiromi Erika: With Erika and Oroka, that very special with them. Nobody know what or how is they relationship. Only some people of the past know what is the special thing about them. What? Why is their relationship such a secret? Why does nobody know about it if it's so special? Byoki : Oroka don't like her, because she is evil, and someone who is bad. She know that Byoki will do bad things to Memory Island. Byoki also hate Oroka, for her, that will be better if Oroka die. PEOPLES OCs Tell me if you want an relationship with Oroka, but she is not part of what happen on OP story, but before Erika is born~ No thank you. I'll keep my OCs to myself. And this is how not to make an One Piece OC. Our advice for you: Rewrite her story. It's nonsense that a 6 year old girl does all these things out of the blue and just because you call her a psycho doesn't justify any of it. It still makes no sense at all. Tone down the attacks and her powers and give her more weaknesses. I think you can do a lot of cool stuff with a Blood fruit but it only ever gets used by cringy 14 year olds who want to pump out edgy OCs to make them look super badass. Tone it down with the bloody shit as well. Especially her favourites and her nicknames. Your character can be a psycho or whatever but give them a bit more depth than just blood and violence and teehee I love torturing uwu. Give her more reasons to become as twisted as she is. People and especially kids don't just go crazy over night, no matter what crazy shit happens to them in one day.
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vanessagalang · 6 years
Last week, I finally had the courage, and time to have my maternity shoot. 😀
It was such a surreal experience; it was a first time for everyone! My hair and makeup artist, the photo and video team, my husband, and of course, me!
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I know it can be unnecessary, since we have so much to prepare for birth and the days after that, but I definitely wanted to push this idea to document this wonderful miracle while I can. And of course, it won’t be possible for me not to write about it here. Teehee!
So I’d like to share some tips and a guide on what you need to do just in case you’ll be holding your own momma-shoot!
Find a Comfortable Venue
I was 35 weeks when I had this shoot, and according to some of my readings, the best weeks to hold this photoshoot is when you are between your 28th to 35th. In this time, at least your tummy is showy enough to be captured, and at the same time, safer. We don’t want to be bothered by the fact that you can give birth any minute while posing for the camera, do we?
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Photo Credit: http://sanrafaelriveradventure.com/
I tried looking for studios, and a good AirBNB place, but all the places I’ve looked for are either too cramped, doesn’t allow photoshoots, or are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive!
Good thing, I stumbled upon a post in my feed about this cute getaway place in Bulacan. It’s called San Rafael River Adventure, and the place actually looks divine! 😀
They have a lot of fun activities that you can use for other types of shoots, like the prenup. But since I will just be using the entire accommodation, this should be enough.
It is highly important that you feel comfortable with the location or your venue, because of our condition. This is not the shoot where we can be adventurous. Leave it to the prenups and getaway trips! 😀
I booked the Glass Stilt Cottage, which is newly constructed by the way. I can’t believe I have a view of the lake in front of me! They have a comfy bed, and a jacuzzi. The space outside was enough to cater at least 6 people. There was a hammock, a sliding sofa, good lighting and a breezy weather to top it off. The air condition was good inside as well, plus the windows were perfect for those silhouette shots I was eyeing. Plus I thought that their rainy season promo was just perfect! So, what does a pregnant girl got to do? Book it right away of course! 😀
I am happy that the resort was very quick to reply, and I was given the available dates. I made a group chat, and voila, scheduled it right away together with the available dates of my team! 😀
2. Create Your Mood Board
I am a very bad pregnant-person-slash-client. Grr. I bash myself.
Oh well, I know I have to prepare for this weeks ago, but I was only able to send this to my team two days prior to our shooting day. I was too busy with some other things that I rarely had time to browse Pinterest or create a mood board.
But being the good crammer that I am, I was able to whip one just in time. Hehe 😀
Since I got a really good deal with Grid Studio too, (they are our civil wedding photo and video team by the way); they offered me unlimited shots, so yeah I want to maximize that. 😀
I thought about 5 sets and took inspiration from the things I found online, and of course with the available props and wardrobe that I have.
a. Whimsical Woman
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I bought this pink ensemble way back in May, thinking it could be a good alternative for a bridal robe for my church wedding. But turns out, it could serve its purpose at an earlier date!
I also bought these flower crowns in SM. I couldn’t decide which one I like more, so I got them both. Haha Ayoko na pahirapan sarili ko! (I don’t want to have the burden of thinking which one is better!)
b. Simple and Laidback Mom + Hubby
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I saw a lot of simples, and laidback shots that are perfect to include baby things, and the husband too. It looks soft on the eyes, very loving, and “very family”.
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c. Boss Mama
This one is credited to my working-productive-self! Even though I’m pregnant, I am still very hands-on in my business especially that it’s new and the brand is just starting to pick up.
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I always tell myself, I will not lose my identity and individuality just because of the new role that motherhood could bring; more so, it will be a big improvement. I will be a much better version because I’m adding a new role in my resume.
d. Boudoir
I actually wanted one before prior to getting married, but due to time constraints and indecisiveness, I wasn’t able to come up with one. Hopefully, when I get my body back post-pregnancy!
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So in the meantime, I thought why not have one while expecting? It’s a totally new form because for once in my life I am not skinny, and I’ve got a few extra curves to flaunt. 😀
I can’t wait to share the silhouette photos! 😀
e. Summertime
Since I love wearing a bikini, and there was a Jacuzzi in our venue, there was no way I would pass on the opportunity of wearing one.
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It was very funny too, because for once in my life, I have to buy an extra-large bikini! Haha 😀 I was pretty sad when I didn’t get the color I wanted because I was too big for the available Large size. Goodie, they have this red one that can fit my baby bump.
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Which reminds me, I actually had a mini shoot wearing a bikini when I was in Bataan. I was 18 weeks here, and you could see how I just look ‘busog’.
3. Find a Good Maternity Shoot Team
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This was easy. I was able to establish a really good relationship with my civil wedding photo-video-HMU team that I thought about them instantly. They actually haven’t done any maternity shoots, so this made the whole experience more exciting.
I actually thought of getting other suppliers, but I realized I will still get a better deal if I get my original team. I also saw some studios offering maternity shoots. Sure they are cheaper, but what I didn’t like is that they don’t give raw files of the photos, and they will only release like 5 to 10 shots, printed and edited. Plus there was no video too.
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Grid Studio offered me unlimited shots, a video, printed photos and raw files, plus we can shoot anywhere I like, so yes, there was nothing left to discuss.
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Elaine Cordova Makeup Artistry is such a good find too. She has done my makeup for a blog photoshoot and at my actual wedding, and I am really satisfied. She has great skills, plus I don’t have to burn holes in my pockets just to avail her airbush makeup. Elaine is also very instinctive, she knows what you want, asks for your makeup pegs, and deliberately retouches you every now and then, without you even asking.
4. Know Your Poses
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Expect a lot of dreamy looks and belly-touching poses on a maternity shoot. So be sure your nails are polished! If you gain some weight and some extra chubbs in your face like I do, be sure you know your angles so you can still achieve the looks you want.
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It’s also good to research poses with your husband/partner so things could go on smoothly. I am so happy that Rose and Michael of Grid Studio are very directive when it comes to poses. It was amazing how they handled and directed us even though it was also their first to cover a maternity shoot.
5. Prepare Your Props
We weren’t able to buy a lot of props, but good thing I was able to nick some of the random shopping baby finds we had. Plus it is so helpful that friends and family also gave their baby gifts earlier! Haha More props for us!
Here is the list of the props I think would help add more character to a maternity shoot:
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Baby clothes
Baby shoes (Be gender specific)
Baby socks
Baby toys
Ultrasound Photos
Baby book / Storybook
Pregnancy book
Stuffed toy (I had a kangaroo with a little joey in its pouch)
A figure of the first letter of baby’s name (We didn’t have time to find one. Sad. )
6. Get a Good Night Sleep The Day Before
Please do! It’s good for your skin, and to rid those circles under your eyes. Plus it helps you to have good energy for the entire day!
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I only had an hour’s sleep though. I was finishing bulk orders ready for delivery the next day, that’s why. I think my strong desire and excitement for the shoot to happen are what sustained me to last the whole day! 😀
7. Enjoy Being Gorgeously Pregnant and Pose the Belly Away
Honestly, I was extra weary that I won’t look great in this shoot, because I’m fat, my skin is dry, my belly button is protruding, my linea nigra is so apparent, my face feels like it’s going to burst, etc.
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But hey, I am a walking miracle! That should be enough to keep me happy and make me feel beautiful. So I just accepted all these flaws that I have in my head, after all, these are all normal for a pregnant woman, duh?
So I just prepared myself that I won’t get the usual results in this photoshoot, unlike the past ones. I have to accept that early on. I will look different. Very different. But there’s a growing life inside me, and this little one is going to change my life forever. And being able to document that in a maternity shoot is already a blessing. Truly, something I would treasure for the years to come.
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If you are thinking of having one too, I highly recommend it! It doesn’t have to put a big dent on your wallet though. You can always have the kind of shoot you want, whether in your home, studio, in a DIY setup, on the beach, or anywhere you find it comfortable doing. You just have to do your research, and be resourceful!
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Go my mermom merfriends! 😀 Be confident and strut that baby bump soon! 😀 You only get pregnant once, or twice, or thrice! Haha 😀 Whatever the frequency is, it would be a great keepsake for your family to remember by, and a great photo to show the little one once he is outside too!
I will share my final shots when I get them!
Enjoy your pregnancy! I’m popping soon!
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7 Things to Do When Preparing for Your Maternity Shoot Last week, I finally had the courage, and time to have my maternity shoot. 😀 It was such a surreal experience; it was a first time for everyone!
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rudipr · 5 years
Just Me.
I grew up with a mindset to seize opportunities at every fighting chance I get. I’m not afraid to take risks, I’m not afraid to venture new possibilities, I’m not afraid of failures, I’m not afraid of getting hurt. This is who I have become. I’ve created strengths within myself and learn to counter my weaknesses. As my weaknesses remains, I will not allow it to control me at my decision-making.
I often feel the need to do better and as far as it goes, I believe I’ve shown enough for everyone to see that I am indeed doing well on my own. I may not have my career prospect figured out, which I am still working on, yet in other aspects in life, I am pretty contented with what I have now. I have it all.
At age 17, I started to look at life in a different perspective. I had hoped for an easy life where I have to least worry about money, or getting the things I want and/or need. Today, I can proudly say that that is the least of my worries. It wasn’t easy. It came down to starving in school and saving bus fares by walking home, cancelling plans with friends and refusing to eat out. I spent most of my teenage years working part time after school and on weekends to save and that leaves me no time for fun. I stole my own glory teenage years to distract myself from the things that was happening at home. Sometimes we don’t get to decide when to mature. The things happening around you force you to.
Never knew what emotional hurt was, until I started to love all the wrong people. Until I had to cry my eyes out, until I felt the heaviness of my head and heart. Probably never knew how weak I am in love if it wasn’t for the people I’ve invested my time and effort into. Yes, this is one of my many weaknesses. Despite what I went through, something about me could and would never change. My affection. I believe in no time wasted. You show what you feel. I put myself out there 100% for this person I love, in hope for reciprocation and even so not, I get to express my most profound self. It gives me satisfaction to know that I’ve given my best and if my best is still not enough, then you’re not meant for it. There will be no room for me to feel remorseful. Just hurt. And that’s ok.
What I’m not proud of though, is that I’ve gotten used to doing things for myself. I’ve gotten used to handling my own mess. I’ve gotten used to being alone, or doing things alone. I don’t need saving and it sucks. In this process, I have learned to protect myself from unnecessaries. I become more well aware of the consequences of my decisions. I know the right and wrong. But here’s why it sucks, everyone thinks you’re emotionally and mentally capable and strong. Everyone thinks you have it all figured out. Everyone starts having expectations of you. Everyone starts to depend on you because you are their reliable source. Sometimes, just sometimes, I want to be coddled. I want to be protected. I want to be owned in a sense where I belong to someone or somewhere and nothing can get in between that. Sometimes, no, most times, I want everyone to stop getting flabbergasted when I start being distant and when my mental capacity to hold things together start to crack. I am still human after all. I want to be able to lean onto someone and have them tell me it’s ok. It’s ok to crack. It’s ok to not have it all together.
BUT my biggest downfalls are usually my most success stories. I will not state how and what here because these are the things I hold onto dearly. It’s my secret weapon. Teehee. But yes, life starts to show light when I fail and that is why I’m not afraid to fail. I tend to accomplish more after I was held down and beaten than when I’ve got nothing to rise from. So, it’s ok. Hurt me. I glow better afterwards anyway.
I believe in years to come, I’ll settle down in a career I’m passionate about. And that’s when life, for me, is complete. Not forgetting where I will casually find time to travel and try out new adventures. As of this month, I’ve been single for 18 months. Whoever my jodoh is, stay put. Work on yourself first, be someone you’re proud of, achieve as many things as you need, be mentally and emotionally prepared for rough tides and then you may come find me and I will go through it all with you. Time check, 5:57am. Goodnight.
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