#‘go on. try and rationalize this. id love to see what you come up with this time’
crimson-nail · 8 months
we talked abt this earlier but its probably a good thing knives apple’d himself at the end of trimax, because if he’d found out from chronica that they started chipping independents he would’ve had The Conniption Fit To End All Conniption Fits
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im not sure what it ia, but i LOVE the little remora. i love it i love it i lvoe it
it makes me insane id love to groom ghosts scales, and everyone elses scales. i want to clean soap up, even if he see's poor ol remora as a toy to play with, i just wanna scrub them all up!
(i love this already. i love mer's)
the more shark mer Ghost pushes you away the more you wanna take care of him so so bad <3
you find yourself pouting a lot at Ghost’s surly attitude, darting up and down his big scarred body, as he tries to nap. tries to, but can’t.
it has nothing to do with you. he has these bouts of insomnia. but they make his temper real short.
regardless! you insist he needs to let you groom him. it’s been days. you get twitchy when he makes you skip your daily grooming with him. the rituals. the rituals are intricate.
“i’m trying to rest, you little pest,” he growls. "come back later. or not at all."
you tell him (tartly) that he said that yesterday and the day before.
“i meant it then and i mean it now. go away before i decide to chase you off.”
like he would. he hardly exists during the day as anything but a grumpy seafloor log. you swear you’ve seen bottom-feeders start nibbling on him he’s so inert.
(nibbling on him is your job.)
you settle down on the sand next to him on your stomach. you don't touch him yet, but he's just within reach. you stare at his pale, scarred sharkshin with bright eyes, practically vibrating in place.
he can feel your eyes on him. worse—he can feel the impatient flicking of your tail fin agitating the water as you stare at him. how can such a small creature be so terribly full of want, he wonders. your anxious energy is like too much salt in his gills.
“i will bite you," he warns. “i’m not in the mood.”
rationally, you know he doesn't like to be touched sometimes, no matter how you insist he'll feel better once he's clean. and still your anxious mind won't calm down until you're absolutely sure you've made yourself useful.
you lay your palms on the silt, fingers inching silently closer to him.
he growls, low and dangerous. the one that means he’s run out of patience and is about to make good on his threats.
you jolt and flatten yourself against the sand in instinctive submission. you’re not a threat, see? you’re harmless. you’re basically just a little piece of seaweed, c’mon.
your instant compliance does nothing to calm him. if anything, the sight of your immediate surrender drives him to double down.
he grabs you by the by the nape of your neck and lifts you up to eye level. “i warned you not to touch me.”
your stupid little heart leaps because all his attention is on you now. you want to wrap your hands around his eagerly, want to reach out and touch his chest. but you can only get close enough to skim his chest with your clawtips.
the sensation only makes him tense.
you quickly bring your hands in and wring them, trying to stop being a bother. "please can i—"
he glares down at you, teeth bared. “no,” he snaps. cold, firm, immediate.
but the more he tries to repel you, the more desperately you want to please him. to get back into his good graces. you feel every bit the creature full of anxiety and neuroses he thinks you are--always trying to figure out how to feel useful and stay on the other mers' good side.
he can see that in your eyes—the desperate need to be useful. it’s what he hates most about you. he can't stand how compliant you are at this moment. how desperate. how eager you are to please even after he's been nothing but cruel to you.
he squeezes you. your body thrums nervously in his grip.
“you little parasite. what part of ‘don’t touch me’ is so hard for you to understand?”
all of it. you stare up at him with big, blank eyes.
“you can't get the simplest instructions through your thick skull, can you?"
you shake your head (kind of, best you can) in his grip as a shameless display of agreement. he’s right, you’re stupid. so stupid.
Ghost scowls. eager, willing to degrade yourself at the smallest fucking thing.
"don't tell me you're getting off on this.”
okay! you won’t.
at that, you see the look in his eye shift from anger to something more devious. your response is so quick and willing that he can't help but smirk.
of course. of course you’d comply. no matter how hard he pushes, how cruel he is, you simply ask for worse. you're a little masochist. a nuisance. worse, you’re his nuisance. you insist on being around him, on seeking him out every bloody day.
he tolerates your presence. that's more than anyone else gets. and you take the precious little patience he gives you and wear it threadbare??
he can’t abide that. he can’t let your audacity go unchecked.
"look at you," he hisses. "eager to debase yourself at the first sign of anger. don't you think that's just pathetic?"
you nod enthusiastically.
mindless creature. willing to let him treat you any way he wants if it means attention. pitiful.
"say it," he growls.
you do. you happily tell him you’re pathetic.
“that you are. finally, something sensible out of that pretty mouth.”
you’re wired—fucking blitzed at the mere implication of good girl in his tone.
“and you're my little parasite. mine to do with as i please."
your whole body wants to curl in delight, your tail twisting like an eel in the sand below you as he eases you onto your back.
his eyes rake over you. you are the picture of obedience and submission, all pinned down and ready.
“look at you,” he rasps. “so desperate to please me. you’d do anything i tell you right now, yeah?”
yes. yes. anything.
he leans in and puts his mouth to your ear. "then let me sleep."
then he’s gone.
you lay in the sand in blank, sexually charged confusion.
by the time you slap your tail into the sand to twist yourself up into the water, half-flustered and hot-tempered, you see the ends of Ghost’s chewed-up tailfins disappear into his favorite dark cave.
before you can give chase, the familiar shape of Soap passes overhead, and he's chuckling as he dives down to you.
Soap’s grin widens as he watches your face cycle through frustration, confusion, and irritation.
you can’t believe Ghost would do that to you.
“of course he’d do it,” Soap says. he saw the whole thing.
you bluster and he coos a little teasing sympathy at you, ushering you up into his arms instead. poor wee cuttlefish, he calls you. lays it on thick because he knows you're looking for a place to expend all that pent up energy now.
he whisks you away somewhere more private so you can tend to him instead. groom him all you want. tell him your troubles. maybe let him make good use of your compliant nature. he tells you it’s a good way to make Ghost jealous.
meanwhile, Ghost is finally able to snooze contentedly, dreaming of you, maybe. he does owe you a little thanks for that small catharsis you gave him.
more mer au / more Ghost / masterlist tag
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call-of-ishmael · 7 months
Ishmael as having Pure O (OCD)
Inspired by a post i saw of someone saying their own experiences with OCD didn't line up with Ishmael (which i liked a lot, i always love seeing discussions on this) i wanted to give my own take based on my own experiences with OCD. Its my take Ishmael suffers from a bit of a lesser known variety, Pure Obsessional OCD. Now Pure O is a bit of a misnomer, because you DO have compulsions, they are mostly mental though, and there can be accompanying behaviors that are more outward, however it can be hard to miss, and in my experience has even made my family doubt the diagnosis at times cause its tricky. Now for Ishmael, she seemingly has no outward compulsions, but she has one thing, avoidant behaviors, like hiding away in her cabin during the first part of Canto V, which again leads to a bit of another connection, her whetting her harpoon for entirely too long, a small but noticeable behavior accompanying her avoidant behaviors. Avoidant behaviors tend to be the more outward of symptoms at times, cause mental compulsions are hard to spot. Post also mentioned that anxieties didn't seem to be that prevalent before 4.5-5 and id disagree. Dante noticed some anxious behaviors early on (They for example say she will start talking really quickly and in excess when nervous). She has always come off as always being on edge to me at least. Anxiety has always been a part of her behaviors but as we have seen shes been masking it a lot. Finally a bit more on a personal note, they mention in the post too that OCD tends to be many things, but there can be a tendency to single mindedness, you just wanna quiet down whats wrong and you need to take whatever path it is to make it stop hurting, and considering shes facing one of her biggest traumas, this being what shes been stuck on for the better part of the whole Canto makes perfect sense. Other stuff is her catastrophizing, endless ruminating on what could go wrong (she starts thinking of scenarios of what might just completely make it a disaster, what if Dante cant bring anyone back, what happens if they go overboard?) this isn't new, shes been this way since Canto II where she wants a perfect plan and is really only satiated by Effie and Saudes plan being watertight, one thing mentioned in the post is ruminating anxiety, and her behaviors not just in this chapter but in small ways before clearly give me an impression of this ruminating behavior always considering what could go wrong and wanting something rational to follow. In conclusion, her behavior before, this canto and during the Canto give me the impression she has Pure O which she has been trying her hardest to mask until she just couldn't anymore, and its now we are finally seeing some of those hints of mental compulsions turn into more outward behavior. If youd like to read a bit more on Pure OCD heres an article that while a bit general gives a good idea https://ocdla.com/obsessionalocd
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jay7543 · 3 months
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You’re ghosts little pet boyfriend
Hey!!!! This one is gonna be longer, and pretty kinky, some exabitionist/pet play stuff, just cause I think it’s kinda hot(especially if it means you’re ghosts pet, like that’s so hot 🥵)
I might branch out a bit soon, do some baldurs gate stuff, might do some konig stuff too, I’m having a lot of fun(and end up very turned on) writing these, so I hope you do to, enjoy!!!
You’ve been into pet play and outdoors stuff for a while, but you’ve been scared to tell ghost. I mean, how do you tell someone you like to be treated like a pet, with a collar, and a leash, and taking walks….in public….naked, it’s hard to tell someone. Since you two have been boyfriends for a few months now, and done some crazy stuff in bed, you finally decide to tell him. You text him prior that you’re coming over and you prepare all your supplies and put them in a bag which are. A collar, a leash, a fluffy ear headband, a tail butt plug, and a pair of gloves and knee highs that have paws printed on them (you’re very into this) after a long walk, you end up at his house.
Reader-“I wonder what he’s gonna think. He-he wouldn’t care, right? I mean, I’ve eaten his ass, let him put me in a mating press, this is just as weird right?”
You try to rationalize it out to yourself as you walk up to his door and knock, a few seconds later he opens it in his mask, a tank top, and loose fitting shorts, your favorite pair of pants to see him in.
Ghost-“ hello love, come in”
He lets you in and closes the door behind you, you walk over to his couch and sit with your bag in your lap
Ghost-“so, you said you wanted to tell me something? What’s up love?”
He sits next to you and puts his arm around you
Reader-“y-yeah, it’s…it’s about one of my kinks”
You say nervously, face turning a bit red and trying to keep yourself calm. Ghost looks a bit surprised
Ghost-“what is it love, ‘ave i not been doing well with the stuff you like? Tell me, I’d be glad to do better”
He says as his brow furrows, he seems genuinely worried about if he’s been doing good or if he’s pushing you too far.
Reader-“n-no, you-you’re great, amazing in fact, I love all the nasty stuff we do, I’m happy I found someone as freaky as me”
You chuckle and blush a bit more thinking about all the stuff you two have done
Ghost-“then what-what is it?”
You take a few deep breaths and pull the fluffy ear headband out of your bag and show him
Reader-“i-I’m into pet play, like, being your pet, going on walks…on all fours…naked”
You look down and blush from embarrassment. Ghost stares at you and the headband you’re holding, he smirks under his mask and takes the headband out of your hands and puts it on your head making you blush more.
Ghost-“pet play huh? You wanna be my pet love? My little doggy boyfriend?”
He whispers seductively into your ear
Ghost-“I’d bloody love that”
You smile and hug him, so happy that he’s open to it
Reader-“thank you, I was worried about telling you, I know we’ve done some weird stuff but I was still worried you know?”
Ghost nods and takes your bag and starts looking through it, his eyes widening as he sees all your stuff
Ghost-“wow love, you ‘ave a lot of stuff for this don’t you, you do this by yourself?”
You nod shyly
Reader-“sometimes yeah, it-it really gets me off, even more than a lot of the stuff we do, I even usually shoot bigger loads with that stuff on”
You giggle as you say that, both embarrassed and proud of yourself. Ghost chuckles and smiles under his mask
Ghost-“id love to see for myself, how abut you put it all on”
He says softly yet firmly, already living the idea of ordering you around like a dog. You smile and take the bag back and start stripping, revealing your soft, smooth, pale body, your pink nipples and your cute little penis, it’s small, and you love that fact, it lets you be even more of a sub around ghost.ghosts bites his lip under his mask and rubs his cock under his shorts, it’s outline perfectly visible through the thin fabric. First you put on the knee highs, he already put the headband on you, then you put on the gloves, then you put in the tail butt plug. You then hand him the collar and leash
Reader-“can you-can you put that on me, I want my…owner to put it on”
You say, your heart flutters when you call him owner, now you can be his little doggy boy, you can’t wipe the smile off your face as he walks over and puts it around your neck and clips on the leash and pulls it a bit to make sure it’s tight.
Ghost-“good boy”
He whispers in your ear causing your penis to twitch as you start to shake your hips to make your tail wag. He notices and grabs your penis and balls all in one of his huge hands
Ghost-“looks lol my good boy is excited. Wanna go for a walk?”
He says as he smiles. You gasp and nod vigorously
Reader-“yes, yes I do”
You say, excited to finally go in a walk with ghost as your owner
Ghost-“let’s go then”
He says as he tugs on your leash to the door, lucky for the both of you, it’s already dark, so it’s less likely people will see you. You and him start walking outside, the moonlight and streetlights lighting up your way and illuminating your naked body as you walk under them.
Ghost-“my little doggy looks so cute under the light”
He chuckles as you two get to the nearby park
Ghost-“now, all fours, we’re at the park now, so we can have some fun”
You nod with a huge smile on your face and get down on all fours, finally feeling like the pet you’ve always wanted to be, your master smiling down at you. He gives your head a nice pat.
Ghost-“good boy”
You notice the bulge in his pants, his cock rock hard from seeing you like this. You crawl up to it and take some deep sniffs and nuzzle against it, whimpering as you do, signaling you want him.
Ghost-“oh, is my puppy in heat? Hungry for some cum? Then he can have some since he’s been such a good boy”
He pulls down his shorts letting his cock spring free, it lands on you face and you burry your face in his balls to fill your nose with his scent and noting else. You lick his balls and shaft panting as you do.
Ghost-“hungry boy, huh”
He chuckles and grabs your hair and pulls you away from his cock, just out of reach
Ghost-“what do you say?”
Reader-“please, please, I want it, to worship it, to taste it”
He smiles
Ghost-“good boy”
He keeps you hair firmly in his hand and forces your head down into his cock, something you two have done before in the bedroom, but it feels 100x better here. He uses your head like a fleshlight, moving it up and down fast and hard, making you gag and gluck as he fucks your face, spit and drool falls down your chin, covering your chest. After doing this for a few minutes, You get close to passing out when he finally pulls your head off, letting you catch your breath as he shoots his load all over your face and chest, growling and grunting with every shot of hot cum that paints your perfect body. Without even noticing, you’ve reached down to start jerking yourself off, ghost notices
Ghost-“no, no, no. Good boys don’t jerk off, they hold it till I make them cum, right?”
You whimper and reluctantly pull your had away from your erection as you nod
Ghost-“good boy”
He says as he slaps his cock on your face a few times, making it hard again
Ghost-“let’s walk a bit more, let my cum drip off your chest onto the ground”
He chuckles as you get back on all fours and he tugs your leash so you start walking, you two walk around the park a bit, his shorts now off and on his hands, and you still dripping cum from your face and chest, you start to feel a pressure build up in you
Reader-“um, ghost?”
You ask nervously
Ghost-“you mean owner?”
He says smugly, you nod and respond
Reader-“y-yeah, owner, I-i have to pee”
You say as your face flushed, even though your naked with cum dripping off you, it’s still embarrassing
Ghost-“well, you’re a good boy right, let’s go over here and you can pee”
He takes you over to a patch of grass, expecting you to pee there, your heart starts to beat faster as you lift your leg and pee like a dog. You’re filled with embarrassment and arousal as you relief yourself in public. Ghost watches, chuckling
Ghost-“good boy”
He says as he watches you pee. You finally finish and lower your leg, feeling very aroused from the scenario. He notices and tugs on your leash leading you to a bench, he takes a seat and pats next to him, signaling for you too sit, you sit nervously, being fully illuminated by a lamp above you two.
Ghost-“now, I know you wanna fuck, let’s do it right here”
He says confidently, you look nervous.
Reader-“here? With-with the light above us?”
Ghost-“why not? I don’t give a damn if someone sees, I just wanna make my puppy happy”
You smile a bit when he says that, you stand and walk in front of him and pull the plug out, making a pop and showing him your gaping asshole, he immediately pulls you onto him and shoves his cock into you, causing you to moan loudly and cover your mouth, ghost grunts and starts thrusting, then he pulls you hand off your mouth
Ghost-“don’t hide it love, let it out, let me hear it”
You moan loudly with each thrust, your ass plapping against his pelvis and thighs, your cock bounces up and down, leaking precum. You both keep at it for a few minutes before you hear ghost laugh
Ghost-“ha, look over there, someone’s watching us”
He points to another bench nearby, with a man and a woman on it, fellow perverts out for some nighttime outdoor sex. Nonetheless, you get a bit scared and nervous
Reader-“should-should we stop?”
You ask as you slow down a little, when he feels you slow down he thrusts faster, making you whimper and moan even more
Ghost-“hell no, they’re just like us, see, they’re fucking too, we’re just putting on a show for them”
He pulls you fully off your feet and into his lap, pulling your legs up so you’re on full display for those two, and his cock reaches even deeper in you, causing you to yell out of shock and pleasure.
Ghost-“fuck yes love, your ass tightened when I did that, I’m gonna cum soon”
He thrusts faster, causing even more plaps
Reader-“m-me t-to”
You manage to stutter out as you feel yourself getting overwhelmed with pleasure
Ghost-“then let’s put on a show for them”
He thrusts hard into your ass and releases his load deep inside. As he does so, he he hits your prostate hard causing your cum to shoot out at surprising velocity, it keeps shooting out till he stops pumping, by the time he’s done there is a white puddle of your cum on the ground, he slowly pulls his cock out of you, letting his cum flow out as well
Ghost-“bloody hell, you weren’t lying when you said you cum more in public, dressed like a dog. That’s the biggest load I’ve ever seen you shoot”
He chuckles and glances over where the other couple was, he sees the man laying on the woman, both of them clearly having finished while watching you two.
Ghost-“looks like they loved the show, let’s go home, get you cleaned up”
He chuckles and stands to put his shorts back on, you slump back down into the bench
Reader-“my-my legs gave out”
You say while panting
Ghost-“guess I’ll have to carry my puppy home”
He pick you up bridal style, and starts walking home
Ghost-“we should do this more, it was amazing”
You nod, very exhausted you can only get a few words out
Reader-“I love you”
Ghost smiles under his mask
Ghost-“I love you too puppy”
He kisses your forehead
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ashecampos · 2 months
a little Regina x reader
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Warnings - swearing, mentions of cheating, mentions of anxiety. Regina being Regina. Hurt. Angst
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to reblog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies 🫶🏼
I am startled awake by a familiar vibration next to my head, i squint to see who’s phone is ringing, of course it is mine. I groan and sleepily wiggle out of Janis’ arms, grabbing my phone while exiting the room to take the call, I find my way to the bathroom again and sit against the bathtub, answering the call not bothering to read the caller ID, assuming it’s Tessa or Damien.
“Y/n?” The person on the other end asks, as if they knew there would be a chance someone else could’ve answered. I instantly freeze up recognising the voice on the other side of the phone call. “B..Bea? Why the fuck are you calling me?” I say as I start to pace back and forth. “I know im the last person you want to hear this from but I was told you have been seeing Janis Imi’ike, im so sorry y/n” she says, obviously putting what she needs to say off. “Just spit it out bea, whatever you must say, say it” i speak with a sense of urgency “me and Janis have been seeing eachother in secret for a few months now, she had admitted she only helped you that night to make sure you broke up with me” she says. I search for a reason for her to be lying about this but come up with nothing, all rational thoughts gone. I make quick work of ending the call and storming back into the room where me and Janis were peacefully sleeping not even five minutes prior. I grab my hoodie and jeans, throwing them on, I then grab my shoes and leave.
One foot after the other I make a run from it. Like I ran from bea when she cheated. Like I’ve ran from every situation that’s caused me pain. I make my way back to my house, seeing a figure sat on my poarch, it seems they had saw me before i got the chance to see them. The person stands up and walks over. Only now do I realise the hot, sticky tears running down my cheeks causing my ability to make out the person falter. I desperately rub my face using the sleeves of my hoodie, silently praying it’s not my mom who is the one to see me like this. Thankfully I see blonde hair. Bleached blonde hair. Regina George.
She makes her way over, her pace quickening when she sees the state im in. “Oh y/n what happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?” She bombards me with questions while gripping my chin and tilting my head up to look at my face properly. A frown upon her own. “I’m fine I just want to be alone, go see Aaron or something Regina” I choke out trying to hold back the tears threatening to pour again. She shakes her head, unhanding my face and instead grabbing my hand, dragging me into the house. And up the stairs into my room. “Jesus y/n why is your room so dark. No wonder you’re so pale..no offence” she says while running to my curtains, pulling them open and allowing the natural light inside. I wince at the brightness of the morning sun.
She sits me down on my bed, leaning closer to me. “So tell me what’s got you so upset?” She says gently and in a genuine tone. So I tell her everything. I mean it’s Regina George. She may be seen as the ‘queen bee’ but honestly she’s never been bad to me or my brother so I trust her.
“So let me get this straight. She got you to break up with your ex so she could get with her then continued to see the both of you behind each other’s backs? Oh my god. I’m going to kill her” the blonde says while grabbing her phone out of her pocket and aggressively typing away. After a few seconds she looks up and smiles sadly “you’re gonna sit with me and my group at lunch now, trust me she won’t bother you baby.” She says while putting her phone away.
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I wake up and stretch, extending my arms out, feeling the surface of the sofa to find it empty. My eyes shoot open looking for the girl. She’s nowhere to be seen. I groggily stand up and head for the bathroom. She wasn’t there either. I sigh assuming she got asked to run some errands by her mom or something. I turn some music on and start to move the basement back to how it was before the date.
The day goes by so fast. The day turns into the next and then the next. No word from y/n at all. She must just be busy.
Entering school on the Monday was probably one of the worst decisions of my life. First everyone was looking at me. Then I got to my locker and there she was at hers. She sees me and walks away quickly. I frown assuming she was just in a mood with it being so early in the day or something like that.. until I see Damien and Tessa storming over. “Janis ‘Imi’ike I have known you for fifteen years but this. This is a new low even for you” the boy starts. “Tell me this is some sick joke right now Janis I swear to god” Tessa says almost immediately after Damien. I look at them taken aback at their sudden disgust and anger toward me. “Can someone please tell me what I done?” I say slamming my locker shut, staring both of them down. “you used her to fuck her ex. Janis I thought you genuinely liked her” Tessa snapped before Damien could say anything “what are you talking about? I do like her. And I despise bea” I say, frowning. “well the morning after you and her had that date night, I got a call from Regina telling me to haul ass to y/N’s house because the poor girl was hysterical, turns out Bea had called her and told her everything about you and… oh fuck, it’s a setup. We need to get to y/n before they do anything else”
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These past few days Regina has been the nicest I’ve ever known her to be, yes she is the ‘queen bitch’ of north shore but she’s always been nice to me for some reason. After what happened the other day, she’s only been nicer. I haven’t really spoke to anyone about what happened. I kinda went off the radar until Tessa turned up at my house demanding to know why I hadn’t been answering. Naturally I broke down and told her everything and after reassuring her (a lot) that i would be okay, she left to go home and sleep for school. Aaron didn’t really care about what happened. Not that I really told him. Yes he’s my twin, I’ll always love and be there for him but we don’t really associate with each other anymore. So when I woke up this morning I decided to ‘suck it up’ as my dad would say. I threw on a hoodie and some baggy jeans. Then Regina called me. “Hey short stuf- oh Jesus please tell me you aren’t wearing that?!” She nearly screams down the phone, I cringe looking down at my outfit earning a sigh from her. “I’ll be over in five, do your makeup and I’ll pick some clothes for you when i get there okay?” She asks in a sweet tone. I smile and nod before hanging up and grabbing a joint I rolled last night ready for today. I stare down at it for a few minutes contemplating what im going to do if Janis approaches me today. I haven’t spoke to her since the phone call. I didn’t confront her, I just ran. Shaking my head I light up and take a few drags of the blunt with laying on my bed, all tasks out of sight and mind.
By the time I finished the joint, Regina is in my room and looking through my closet, she looks over at me her smile fading while she grabs an outfit that fits ‘plastic’ standards, but is still in my style. Then she comes and sits next to me on the bed. “So what’s the plan?” She speaks before I can, I shrug “go into school and show her who she messed with” I say in a mocking tone earning a smack over the back of my head from the blonde, she laughs and drags me off of my bed, keeping a tight hold on my wrist to keep me steady. She drags us into my closet and sits me down, pulling my hoodie off and replacing it with an old band shirt I made into a cropped vest, she smirks and grabs my backpack, throwing it at me. She grabs my hand and we are out of the door, in her jeep and on the way to school.
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I stand at my locker waiting for Regina to find Gretchen and Karen and come back to get me so she can introduce me to them. Looking up from my phone I see Janis, I roll my eyes and walk the other way, not wanting to start a fight twenty minutes before homeroom. I pull out my phone and call Regina to ask where she is.
Minutes later im stood with the plastics. Gretchen looks me up and down trying to figure me out, while Karen just stands there smiling at me. “I love your shirt, where can I get one?” Gretchen starts off, I smile with a little bit of a blush forming “oh uhm I made it actually” I say looking at the shirt I made a few weeks ago just after meeting Janis. The girls eyes light up as she leans closer “omg so your like an artist and a musician, that’s so fetch” she bounces with excitement. A laugh erupts from beside me “what’s fetch?” Regina asks cringing a little. “Oh it’s like slang from some movie I saw” the girl explains the plot of the movie, I smile at her and her little quirks “well that movie sounds fetch, we will have to watch it one time, right Regina?” I nudge the blonde, knowing how mean she can be towards Gretchen at times. Karen looks over my shoulder and gasps a little. We all turn around to see the commotion. Tessa and Damien are shouting at Janis. I guess Tessa told Damien. Well at least they’ve got to her before I could. Not that I’d even know what to say. “Hey cmon we should get to PE so we can get changed out of sight from the creeps” Regina tugs my arm. I know she’s never early for anything, which lets me know that she is only suggesting that so I wouldn’t have to see Janis. She grabs onto my hand as we all walk to the changing rooms. I drop my bag to the floor and pull off my vest, replacing it with the track hoodie I originally had put on. I change into some shorts and put on my not so white converse. Once we are all changed, we sit on the benches outside of the changing rooms, waiting for the bell to ring and for everyone to come to class, I put my hair in a messy bun before looking up to see two faces laced with shock “you have a tattoo?” Karen says with a smile, earning a confused look from me “you guys don’t?” I answer the question with another question, they all shake their heads making me laugh, I shrug the interaction off and pull on the strings of my hoodie.
The bell eventually chimes and people start flooding into the changing rooms, Janis and Damien included, the both of them are glared at by the three girls while I stare at the floor. The coach shows up, smiling at me, waving his arms around like a goof “y/n congratulations on last weeks race kid” he enthusiastically says before patting my back. “Thanks, hope the next one is just as easy” I laugh a little. To say track is stressful would be an understatement. Some people join to have something to put on their college forms, some join because they love sports, me, I joined because my dad wanted me to be apart of every hobby, he wants me to have as many skills as possible. I know he means good but the pressure to be the best at everything is crushing. I get snapped out of my thoughts when Regina’s hand holds onto mine, I look around and see people leaving to head to the field, I look at Regina and she mouths “you okay?” towards me, I simply nod, I wasn’t about to scare off the person who offered me a safe space this fast.
Approaching the field I see the teacher is holding a bag full of equipment, I look over at Tessa knowing what’s in the bag. Fucking rugby balls. I’ve never liked rugby but Tessa on the other hand. She loves it. It’s her whole life. She has been scouted by professional teams since we were kids. Me on the other hand, not the type of person to tackle people, I would happily just stick to track.
I look up to see Tessa running over to me, a massive grin on her face. “Y/n cmon we are doing rugby” she waves a ball in my face like an excited child. I look over to where she is pointing and see Damien and Janis, I frown and shake my head a little “wait T you aren’t in this class, why are you here?” I laugh a little knowing she is meant to be in English language class right now. Once again she waves the ball in my face “coach pulled me out asking if I would help with some tackling drills.” She nudges me before going to grab me to go see Janis. “Actually im going to stay here and help the plastics” I mumble knowing she won’t like me hanging around with Regina. “What why? Your not like in love with my cousin right?” She crosses her arms and stares at me “you and Janis need to talk. Sooner than later I suggest” she lectures me just as the coach blows the whistle.
Me and Tessa both get forced to grab a tackle practice pad and hold them up ready for the coach to tell people to try tackling us both. A lot of them don’t try to tackle too hard, a few manage to push me back a little but one manages to knock me. Regina. She stands staring at me like a predator scoping out its prey, she then gets a running start, getting lower to the ground with every stride closer she gets and eventually she has her arms around my torso and she manages to buckle my legs and she’s on top of me, smirking down at me with a satisfied grin. “Falling for me already huh?” She leans closer to my face with a cheeky grin, we stay like this for a few seconds before she gets off of me and we both stand up. I take my place back at the line, bag in hand ready to go.
I tilt my head to the side and see Tessa and Janis laughing, Tessa looks over at me with a sympathetic expression, it seems like she knows more about this situation than she’s letting on.
Once the lesson is practically done and everyone is walking off of the field I jog a little to catch up with Tessa and nudge her. “Hey can I grab you for a sec after we are changed I need to tell you something?” She says with a sad smile, she glances at Janis and Damien who are a few feet in front of us, then she looks at Regina and the plastics who are a few feet behind us. “Omg yes, I feel like I haven’t seen you since last week, sorry for going off the rails though” I frown feeling as if im to blame for this situation “that’s actually what I need to te- …oh hey Regina” she starts before Regina comes and joins us causing her to quickly change the topic of conversation. “Hey Tes, you should totally come sit with us, y/n has finally agreed to sit with me and the girls” Regina almost brags, a massive grin plaster across her pretty face.
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stillalittlelostngl · 2 years
Fatgum/Reader Oneshot
Fatgum losses his protective fat and stresses his s/o tf out - another oldie that I will come back to rework
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They glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour, unlocking their phone screen for the upteenth time just to feel their insides twist when they saw that they didn’t have any missed texts or calls. Taishiro was late and they felt the anxiety swell in their chest with each minute that passed. 
Him being late wasn’t that unusual, he often got caught up in a conversation with another pro or a civilian on his way home or he had to finish some last minute paperwork. However, he’d always send a text or call if he thought he’d be even a minute late getting back home. They had thought the whole thing to be a bit ridiculous, messaging or calling to say you’ll be home at 6:35pm instead of 6:30pm was just a tad excessive, however, they hadn’t realized how much those calls and texts had gave them peace of mind until they had to go without them. 
Placing the phone back on the coffee table they ran their hands through their hair and wore their bottom lip between their teeth as they debated what to do. They didn’t want to seem too clingy or overbearing by calling him - perhaps he had just forgotten. It happens to everyone, no big deal. They shouldn’t be getting so bent out of shape over something so small. He’s a pro-hero, he’s a busy man and probably just got caught up at the agency. Even knowing this they couldn’t stop the little voice that whispered in the back of their head and brought up how anything could happen to a pro-hero during their shifts, for all they knew he could’ve been seriously injured or worse. 
Taking a deep breath they closed their eyes and tried to focus on the rational thoughts as opposed to giving in to their anxieties. Taishiro had always poked fun at them for being so quick to worry about things, now that they thought about it it’s probably why he checked in with them so often. 
They had been debating if they should call him or not when their phone screen lit up. The relief was instantaneous when they saw his name pop up on the caller ID and they were quick to rush to answer the phone, fumbling and nearly dropping it in their eagerness. 
“Hey,” they answered breathlessly. They wanted to kick themselves for how out of sorts they probably sounded and with how quickly they had answered Taishiro would without a doubt know they had been sitting around waiting for his call. 
“Hey, Sweetheart,” they couldn’t help but notice how tired he sounded, “Sorry I’m running late, I just left the agency. There was some last minute things to do, I should be home in thirty minutes or so.” 
“Is something wrong?” They had grow tense upon hearing him answer the phone. Normally he was so energetic, a tired Tiashiro was something they didn’t encounter often. They had only heard the drowsy tone in his voice a handful of times, each was when a fight with a villain had gone worse than he had anticipated or an investigation was becoming far too taxing. 
“No, it was just a long day,” the response was accompanied by a light chuckle, one that could almost be described as nervous...
They didn’t buy the excuse for a second but decided to let it go for now, “Alright, I’ll see you when you get home.”  Being able to see him in person would be better for them to try and get a straight answer out of him, besides, they really did want him to hurry home. They felt a little ridiculous for missing him when they hadn’t even been away from each other for a full day but it was probably due to the anxiety that was eating away at them earlier.  
“I won’t keep you waiting any longer,” he promised, “see you then. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
The call ended with a soft click and they finally were able to let out their sigh of relief. He was fine and he was on his way home. Well, maybe he wasn’t perfectly fine, but he was able to be on his way home so that’s all they had been needing to hear. 
Looking at the clock they decided to begin working on dinner for the both of them. With how tired he sounded it was likely he lost some of his fat reserve, looking through their kitchen pantry they began forming ideas of what to make that would help solve that issue. If they got lucky it would be done by the time he got home. 
Taishiro had to practically drag himself up the steps to the front door of their home. The fight with the villain had taken a lot out of him but while he was left battered and bruised he was no worse for wear. At least in his own humble opinion, the doctors and nurses had thought otherwise but it wasn’t something some food and some sleep couldn’t fix. 
He had been tempted to stay overnight in the hospital, if only to avoid the expenditure of energy he had to use to get back home. However, the idea of going without seeing his s/o, even if only for the night, or not being able to have them curled up into his side as they both drifted off to sleep had left a bitter taste in his mouth and was more than enough of an incentive for him to get his aching body up and moving so he could be released as soon as possible. 
Realistically, Taishiro knew there was no way in hell his s/o would’ve just stayed home if they knew he was in the hospital. On several occasions over the years they had rushed over as soon as they learned of his condition and insisted on staying with him until he was released. He always felt bad when they had to use sick days or vacation days to get time off of work so they could be with him, however, no matter how much he tried to reason with them and insist nothing would happen to him for the few hours they were gone it was nearly impossible to change their mind when they had made their decision on something. He appreciated their company more than he could ever describe, their bright smiles always managed to light up those poorly lit patient rooms and their comforting touches were able to make him forget where he was even if just for a moment. But he knew it took a toll on them, they had never liked hospitals in general, they found them to be far too depressing, and having to see him bruised and broken was hard for them. He could practically hear the gears in their head turning during the odd moment silence would overtake them, usually at night when the two were squished together on the far too small bed with them ducking under whatever cord there was that connected him to the monitors. They’d hold onto him just a bit tighter, their words just barely above a whisper, as they’d make him promise to be more careful. Their face would be hidden in his neck so he could never see their expression but on occasion he’d feel the thin material of the hospital issued shirt grow damp and his heart would break in the most torturous way. 
His job demanded a lot of him and often he forgot how much the profession required of them as well. Taishiro got anxious when he heard there was villain activity just in the district they worked in, he couldn’t imagine what they must feel everyday they had to see him off in the morning knowing he’d be looking for danger. 
Shaking his head to rid himself of the troubling thoughts floating around, Taishiro opened the door and immediately his senses were greeted with the sounds of a silky smooth melody that filled their home and was accompanied by the sounds of movement in the kitchen along with a savory aroma that had him practically drooling where he stood. 
After changing out of his shoes and setting down the bag that contained his ruined hero costumer, and whatever else the hospital felt was necessary to send him home with, Taishiro followed the sounds and sure enough he found his s/o in the kitchen. Their back was towards him, they probably hadn’t heard him come in because of the music, and he leaned against the island counter and took a moment to appreciate the domesticality of it all. 
The last rays of the light from the setting sun filtered into the house from the windows and cast their skin in a golden hue that practically took his breath away. Their head bobbed and their body swayed as they hummed along to the music and Taishiro couldn’t imagine a prettier picture than the one they made from just doing the most basic tasks. 
Lost in thought he had completely forgotten to announce his presence to them and when they turned to set a pan aside they had caught sight of his figure they practically leaped out of their skin and gave a shout of alarm. The pan they had been holding was dropped in their surprise and it clattered to the floor, the contents spilling across the kitchen tiles. 
“Oh, shit,” Taishiro rushed to their side and looked them over to make sure that the pan hadn’t fallen on their feet or that the hot contents hadn’t burned them at all. All seemed well aside from the mess on the floor. “I’m sorry, baby. I shoulda said somethin.” 
They had been silent during the time it took for him to make sure they were fine and when his eyes finally rose to meet their’s, he saw the pensive look in their eyes as they took in his apperance. 
“A long day, huh?” they questioned as their hand rose to his jaw to turn his face this way and that, examining the bruising along his jawline. 
He knew he should’ve told them what had happened when they were on the phone, they always got so worried when he ran into trouble. 
“I didn’t want to worry you.”
They hadn’t seen his smaller form that many times, probably the reason his presence had startled them so much, but each time they did that same look would come across their face. His smaller form had become synonymous with hospital visits and doctors spewing jargon they didn’t really know but understanding enough to know he was in a bad way. His smaller form meant something bad had happened and he could’ve been taken away from them. He didn’t want them to have to wrestle with those thoughts alone and over the phone without seeing him in person where they could take in his condition for themselves and not be left guessing to how bad things might have gotten. 
His eyes avoided theirs, choosing instead to stare at the food scattered about the floor. A shame really, they had made a stir fry and now it’s gone to waste. 
“I know,” they sighed, they turned his head back towards them and placed a soft kiss on his lips. 
It was always a novel experience kissing them in this form, their lips felt just as soft and tasted just as sweet as they normally did, something about it was just different. He really had no other word to describe it, it wasn’t strange or bad by any means and in many ways it was the same as before but just....different.
He had been so lost in relearning the contours of their lips for what had felt like for hours, in reality it had only been a few moments, that he hadn’t notice them start to move out of his hold until they had broken the kiss and moved away. As they moved to find the broom to sweep up the mess, Taishiro had shaken himself out of his daze and went to go about picking up the pan and moving it to the sink to be washed later - preferably after he got some time to relax with his s/o. 
“I don’t want you to have to feel like you can’t tell me things,” they said as they made their entrance back into the kitchen, broom and dustpan in hand. 
“It’s not like that -,” he began to insist but was quickly silenced by the look they shot his way. 
“I know you worry that I worry, but not telling me stuff ain't gunna make me stop,” sweeping up the mess they tossed the food in the waste bin and turned to face him. 
“Yeah, I know,” Taishiro sighed, and he had known that keeping it a secret would make them stress more. He had naively thought if he could prolong the time between them not knowing and them knowing it wouldn’t have made them as concerned. A ridiculous rational however well intentioned. 
 “I’ll be better about it,” he said as he slid up next to them and wrapped his arms around their waist. 
They gave a soft hum in acknowledgment of his promise as they moved to be closer to him.
“I think I know a way to make it up to you,” he said coyly between placing kisses on their neck. They tilted his head to give him better access and their hands traveled up his now toned biceps to rest in his hair. 
“Oh?” They sighed, obviously distracted, and he couldn’t fight back the smile that broke across his lips at their reaction to his ministrations. 
“Mhmm, I got some time off to recover,” he began, his lips trailing lower to their decolletage, “so ,if you’re so inclined, you could take the time off and spend a day or two with me.” 
Their snort of laughter caused him to move back so he could see their reaction to his proposal. 
“Funny,” they said with a roll of their eyes as they fought back a fond smile, “that sounds more like you wanting me to keep you entertained so you don’t go stir crazy cooped up here.”
“Maybe just a bit,” he admitted with a grin on his face as well. 
“I have a few sick days I’m not using,” they said with a dramatic sigh, “I suppose I could work something out.”
“Oh, you suppose?” He said as his fingers began to run up their sides in retaliation to their flippant words. They gave half hearted attempts at trying to fight him off as they tried to keep their laughter contained.
It wasn’t long before they were interrupted by the sound of his stomach growling. His face flushed a little in embarrassment, he had had some food at the hospital but not nearly enough to replace the fat he had lost. 
“Hmm, well first thing first,” they said, maneuvering themselves out of his arms, “ Let’s get you fed.”
“Oh I can just order something if that would be easier,” Taishiro started, “you already spent time cookin somethin and-”
“Oh, I made takoyaki too,” they said as they pulled out a plate piled high with the treat, how he had missed that when he walked in he wasn’t sure. “I had just wanted us to have an actual meal but I suppose this’ll do.”
He knew how much they hated making the food. They enjoyed the product but the production of it, making the batter and the process of cooking it, was always so messy. They really were too good to him. 
The rest of the night had been spent with his s/o curled up into his side, it was a bit different to how it felt to have them in his arms in his bigger form but no less delightful. It was as if his senses were focused entirely on them. Their soft touches and sweet kisses had been downright intoxicating and the soft scent of sandalwood and lavender that seemed to constantly surround them pervaded his senses until they were all that was left. And he really wouldn’t have it any other way. Seeing the way their eyes shone and hearing their lilting laughter, Taishiro was reminded why exactly he took on such dangerous work even if it meant that seeing him in a broken state would cause them grief. 
Even though their pain hurt him as if it was his own, he wanted to always be able to come home to this smile and the warm comfort of their embrace. He’d do anything to make sure they’d continue to smile and laugh as freely as they did when it was just the two of them enjoying each other’s company. 
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cleyellow-wood · 2 years
a/n: ready to love by seventeen lyrics inspired <3 also i love lee minho soooo much it’s kinda crazy. set in idol!verse. with gn!reader. first meets and fluff included.
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[10:43 AM]
minho meets you completely by accident.
there’s a traffic jam on his way to the jyp building, and there’s a huge summer downpour as custom in korea during the summer, and he’s sitting in his black car, observing the weather drearily. he’s accustomed to the rain, but watching the normally bright sunny days turn into grey messes because of the humidity has him scowling to himself. the car rolls into movement, tires sloshing against the growing tides, and he’s pretty sure when he leaves the building, there’s a high chance the roads won’t be safe.
pulling to a stop, he thanks the driver and grabs his bag, popping open his umbrella before he steps into the thunderous rain. it splatters against his umbrella, and he blinks, trying to psyche himself up for the day. it’s not an early start, but last night’s rehearsal ran late, and he still feels the effects of it. maybe he went a little overboard. 
heading along the hedge wall, his eyes lift lazily to scan the sidewalk. there’s no one understandably occupying the pavement, and he reaches into his pocket for his ID when something catches his interest and stalls him.
his boots skid against the wet pavement, and his stance widens at the stranger crouched right in front of the entrance. the whole purpose of this side door was so that no fans could crowd them or even spot them moving in and out of their building. annoyance bottling up in him, minho glances back at the car. the driver is waiting for him to safely go into the building before driving off, but with this person here, he wonders whether or not to go back in. 
visibility is at an all time low and his body is blocking most of this person just crouching in front of him, so minho doesn’t think the driver’s noticed that there’s a reason he’s hesitating, and in the back of his mind, he knows that he should run back. he can barely hear his own thoughts, much less his voice, so he doubts if he shouts that the driver would hear him. 
the stranger isn’t aware, so he could get the jump. they’re wearing a grey rain coat that’s doing its best against this storm, hood pulled over. plus, they’re not exactly moving at the sound of his car arriving.
he can probably defend himself if it comes to it, too, he rationalizes. and he knows full well chan will chastise him for that thought if he ever voiced it out loud.
pulse fighting to remain steady, minho tightens his grip on his umbrella, and clears his throat.
“what are you doing?” he asks plainly, voice bordering on a shout, and he curses himself when the person doesn’t immediately turn around. “you know, you’re not allowed to loiter outside of this building,” he continues, stepping closer, and his lungs collide with his pounding heart just as the stranger stands up and turns around. your eyes lift to meet his in a flash of surprise, but he’s surprised you can even pinpoint his gaze through your hood, his umbrella, and the pellets of water causing mist to rise around them.
“am i trespassing?” you ask meekly, your arms curling protectively over your chest, and his eyes fall there to see a speck of black against your grey rain jacket. frowning, minho’s eyes lift to you again and his question is clear enough. “i found her hiding under the bushes. she wouldn’t stop mewing.”
he steps closer, and the black speck in the crook of your arm begins to squirm as you rub its head with a shaking finger. the umbrella cuts through the rain and when it just barely edges on covering you, minho can make out the soaked kitten trying to find shelter in your arms.
“sorry if it seemed like i was loitering,” you say, bowing your head. rain water slips down your hood like a constant stream. “i’ll leave.” you move to step aside to make room for him, but minho’s hand shoots out into the rain, and their air is humid around his sweaty fingers as he grabs your elbow.
you freeze. minho freezes. he wants to chop his hand off at the wrist for getting wet, and your elbow tugs faintly in his grip as you turn.
his fingers spring off of you and he looks at the door, jaw clenching. “come inside. that cat needs to get dry right away.”
your frown is evident in your voice. “are you sure?”
aren’t you drenched too? he wants to ask, but he remains silent except a simple, “i’m sure.” 
you nod without further argument which surprises minho considering he’s nothing but a stranger. you turn to him, and follow him into the company building.
no one says much at his companion as he heads to division one’s floor, the staff greeting him. a visitor’s pass hangs around your neck, and you finger it nervously as minho focuses on getting them to an empty room, stopping to grab some towels at nearby bathroom, and generally making sure no one notices you’re in here. you on the other hand, have unzipped your jacket in favour of holding the kitten to your chest and drying her off as much as you can with your sleeve. 
you don’t speak much, though he hears you speak gently to the kitten who mews when you wipe at its tiny head, and he turns back to watch. you’re entirely enchanted by the tiny thing, using your finger covered by your sleeve to gently rub the kit’s chin.
minho doesn’t know what to say, so he just turns around. he can’t deny his heart is racing, but he’s not sure if it’s because this is a technically unauthorized visitor or because that image was so fucking tender he’d be evil not to melt even a little bit.
sending a text to the members that he’ll be late because of something that popped up, minho finds an empty dance studio which he checks is unbooked for the day, and opens the door, letting you head in first. 
“take off your boots,” he says. you nod, doing so before you head to the centre of the floor, planting a hand down on the spring wood.
closing the door, minho sheds his jacket and props up his umbrella, unlacing his own boots before he joins you, setting the towels down. you grab one from him, immediately using it to gently rub the kitten’s body and the black little baby stretches, claws extending in a loud yawn.
minho smiles. “was she by herself?”
“i think so. i want to look after for a mom or siblings,” you explain. you look at him, and minho’s struck by the first clear view of your face. lips parted, he looks at where the rain is just beginning to dry from your still-glistening skin. you seem to notice, immediately brushing at your face with a hand. “i’m sorry. i was caught out for a while trying to get this girl to come out.”
“it’s fine. take off your jacket. it’s doing more harm than good to you right now,” he says. “i don’t think i caught your name.”
“(name).” bundling up the kitten, you hold her to your chest as you dip your head. “and you?”
“lee minho. or lee know, if you prefer.”
“ah. stray kids?”
“you know of me?”
“who doesn’t? i thought i recognized your voice,” you admit, even though you don’t look at him, “and then you got into the jyp building, so i mostly guessed it would be you.”
“is that why you trusted a strange man?” he asks, smiling faintly, and you glance up at him, eyebrows knitting together.
“i don’t know. the kitten might not have made it until i got home. so, more of a gamble than trust, i think. plus it’s a corporate building with security cameras.”
“in the middle of a storm.”
“i guess that’s true.” the kitten begs for your attention again and your gaze falls away from for a brief moment. your finger stretches out to pat her head, and you let out a soft laugh. “i wanted to get her some cat food, but—“
“i have some.” shooting to his feet, minho goes to the bag he left by the door, and digs through it.
“why do you have…“
“i’m a cat person,” he cuts you off. “i have three cats, and sometimes run into them on my way to work, so i brought them just in case.”
“oh, i remember.” a beat. minho tries to ignore the way his heart is banging against his lungs. “your cats are cute.”
“have you seen them?”
you nod, humming. he finds the tubes he was looking for and returns back to you. he hands one to you, and you set the warm bundle of fur onto the floor. the kitten rolls out of its towel confines and starts to toddle over to minho, who lowers his head, stretching a hand to continue to tempt the cute thing towards him. she’s entirely black except for just a smudge of white covering her back right paw, and a pink nose, and her eyes are so huge, glittering in the studio light that he has to fight the urge not to lower himself to her level and let her climb all over his face.
wiping your hands on your shirt to warm them up your hair, wet, drips onto the floor. you tear open the package as minho wraps the baby up again and sets her in the crook of his leg, tiny paws batting at his index finger. 
it entertains her enough that he can give himself time to look at you. you’re shivering despite the heat, and you don’t look entirely present. although you move fine, your chest is fluttering as if you’re trying to hold back the effects the chill is having on you from being wet in an air-conditioned room. otherwise, he’s sure you’d be a bit more in awe over the fact that you’re in high security building.
though, minho thinks, you could just be very well adjusted. he doesn’t know you, after all.
but what small part of him wants to? and why does it grow bigger as you look up, rubbing the rain water from your brow and searching for the kitten only to find her in his lap? why does it swell when minho is faced with the entirety of your expression—soft, tender, vulnerable?
“give it to me,” he instructs, clearing his throat and shaking the thoughts from his head. “you should get dry yourself.” you glance at him for a moment before handing over the open tube and getting up to hang your jacket, minho makes sure the kitten’s eating before looking up to check on you, and he lets out a soft sigh when he realizes what you’re doing. over the soft noises of a hungry baby eating, you’re picking at your pants that have stuck to your legs, and a distasteful expression has taken over. your eyes dart to him in the mirror and you spin around when you notice him staring.
he surprises himself when he speaks again: “get my bag for me?” 
you frown, nodding, before going to do as he asked, setting it down beside him, and he silently gestures for you to take over feeding the kitten who’s standing upright, chin tilted up to continue licking at the seam ripped open in the tube of cat food. you crouch down beside him just as minho turns to unzip his bag. besides his laptop, notebooks, and other things, he finds the extra pair of sweats he brings just in case of emergency, and flaps them out before handing them to you, rubbing at his nose to avoid looking at you.
“huh?” “change into these. i won’t look.”
“what?“ “just don’t sit around in wet pants. it’s uncomfortable for everyone.”
“you’re bossy,” you tell him flatly, but your lips begin to curl when you snatch them from him.
“i’ve heard that before,” he answers, just as plain, but he, too, can’t help it. your smile is damn infectious, and he thinks he’s getting sicker by the second.
you retreat to a far corner with a towel, and minho turns his back to the mirror, spreading his legs into a V. the kitten grows bored of eating pretty fast, and starts trying to climb his leg.
“why were you out in a storm by yourself?” he asks suddenly, cupping the side of his thigh just in case the black cat loses its balance.
“the last time i was walking this way, i heard the kittens, and with the storm warning, i wanted to make sure they were okay,” you tell him, huffing. “i came by to make sure they found shelter, so i waited until the rain started, but then i heard her yelling for help, so i stayed.”
“how long were you out there?”
“not too long. forty-five minutes, maybe?”
“forty-five minutes?” 
a shadow falls over and he peers over his shoulder to glare at you standing there, a towel draped around your shoulders to catch the remaining wet from your hair.
“she’s just a baby. i couldn’t leave her there,” you retort defensively. you sit down, crossing your legs, and minho fights the urge to give you a lecture on the effects of staying out in the rain for such a long time but he knows you don’t need it. you pick at the black fabric of his sweatpants lamely, mutter out thanks, and feel a bit miserable. that’s reminder enough.
“i don’t follow too much these days because of work, but i watched your debut with stray kids,” you say just for the sake of making conversation. minho blinks. turning to look at you. “and that one interview when you were a kid and you said you wanted to be a singer. i think you’re one of the most talented people out there, and you’re very kind to let me in here. you didn’t have to do that.”
immediately, heat rises in his face at the clip he can see so clearly in his mind. the one the boys relentlessly teased him about. you try to fight your own smile when you look at him, but he doesn’t know whether or not it’s because you’re thinking about it, too, or because you just smile at him because it’s him.
it doesn’t matter. minho wants to wipe that smile off your face just to be safe.
but he doesn’t know how and he wants to so badly.
just as he opens his mouth to try, there’s a knock on the door and the smile vanishes from your face. it cracks open, and minho turns around to see changbin poke his head in, frowning. his eyes sweep the mirror before he pinpoints who he’s looking for, and he steps inside.
“hey. chan hyung sent me to find you to make sure you’re alright,” he explains. “some of the staff said they saw you with someone so i thought it was an emergency.” at this, the new arrival’s eyes drift to you wearing pants obviously not quite fitting right, and changbin’s eyebrows knit together, lips pursing thoughtfully. “who are you?”
“someone i met,” he answers just as you quickly reply, “no one.”
minho turns to stare at you, raising an eyebrow in silent question and you shake your head, eyes dipping meaningfully to the black kitten before looking up at him. 
“if you need to go, i won’t hold you up,” you tell him quietly as he picks the kitten off his leg and sets her down on the floor. the kitten mewls in protest, waddling after him. you whisper a soft comfort, finger stretching to pet her tiny head, and minho bites back what he wants to say in favour of doing what he probably should do.
“wait here,” he instructs, getting up with a sigh and shifting towards changbin. you look up at him, frowning, and the kitten finds his shoe as you get up, too. he looks down. she chews on his shoe string and a part of him melts when he hears you let out a stifled chuckle. “i’ll arrange for someone to pick you up.”
“you don’t have to do that.”
“i do,” he says not unkindly, crouching down to pick her off his shoe, cupping her in his hands. “this girl can’t afford to get cold again and you don’t have any other way to get home, do you?” you sink down with him, and he shuffles forward to deposit her in your arms. the kitten squirms into the crook of your elbow, tiny tail fluffing up as she pushes against your sweater, claws latching onto your bicep. you set a light hand on her back, and when minho looks up at you at the same time as you look up at him, eyes widen minutely when he realizes how close he is to your face. 
“i don’t want to put anyone in danger driving in this storm,” you tell him. “besides, i want to be able to return these to you.” you look down pointedly at your—his—pants. minho chews on the inside of his cheek. his internal clock is ticking irritably in the back of his head and he’s keenly aware of the seconds passing as he clenches his fists, trying hard not to scowl. 
internally, he debates whether or not to just tell you to keep them. you’ve overstayed your welcome, you have an animal in the jyp building, and he doesn’t know you. he doesn’t. at least this way you get out of here and out of his life, and he can count this as a good deed he did today.
but then, you look at him. your eyes soften and a small, wistful smile curves your lips, and minho’s own heart plummets at the thought of not seeing you again. not figuring you out. of not taking you up on that subtle offer to see each other later today and figure out where they go from here.
trepidation, slow dripping trepidation in the pit of his stomach, grows and grows as, quietly, he asks, “will you wait for me, then?” 
your lips press into a wider grin. “i waited forty five minutes in a storm for a cat,” you tell him. “i think i can stand to wait a few hours in a warm room for you.”
minho’s lips part, a soft breath inflating his lungs in relief, and he’s about to say something more, but changbin’s throat being cleared makes him blink and tear his eyes away to the guy standing there awkwardly. he stares at the door, arms crossed over his chest, and minho hangs his head, heat flashing over his face as he tries to fight his lips from twitching into a scowl.
“go,” you say lowly. your tone turns teasing. “stray kids lee know has to go work because he wants to be a singer.”
he holds back a groan. “don’t even start.” rising, his eyes never leave yours as you sit back down. “bye, then.”
it feels unceremonious and not quite unfinished, and he wants to leave it that way for the sake of picking it up later. he turns to walk out the room with changbin, and a part of him asks to look back.
he doesn’t.
minho doesn’t know you, after all, so nothing warrants it. 
much later, though, he does wonder if there hadn’t been a traffic jam if he would’ve caught you at that exact moment in front of that entrance to his company building, carrying a soaked cat in your arms. 
his heart says no, and his brain doesn’t even want to debate the what ifs when every morning, he’s busy enough with a black cat climbing all over him to ask for breakfast and a sleepy partner rolling over to kiss his cheek as a way to convince him to get up first and feed their growing fur baby.
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reblogs/comments appreciated!
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
Heyy girl hows it goingg! Congrats on ur amazinggg milestone. Totally deserved 🪼🪼 I was wondering if i cld get a matchup for genshin and hsr ! I totally loved the others u did.
I go by the she series and id love to be matched up w a hot man 🤤 my mbti is enfp and im a gemini! Im around 5’3 with tan skin and hv super grown out long dyed brown hair. I have 8 piercings total on my ears and i know im gna cop more next summer bless up. I wld say i def have a more summer oriented aesthetic i loveee me a tank top n shorts and bikini.
Im not surr what kind of personality i have .. but i think im a freak. I love to party nd go out w my friends obviii but i absolutely love spending time by myself bc im chill like dat. I think im pretty funny but i also follow my heart a lil too much and do whatever i want when i want, so i cant set boundaries w myself.. im def tryna work on that and have a healthy grindset and balance. Im down to do anything w my friends BUT im also a lil bit of bitch ngl… a lil bit of a hater if i see some weird activity in front if me
I love the beach and summer and drives with loud music playinggg. My ideal day is a warm summer day on the beach with some Js and scrolling thru the x reader tag on tumblr on my ipad.
My interests are surfing and paddleboardinf!! Im super into gymming and looking up wikipedia horror movie summaries. Im pursuing health rn too 😜 and i try to write in my free time but it never works out LOL. I also love thrifting and flea markets and im down to rage if u are 🤙
If i had a short life id probably honestly spend it at home w the fam and w my dog and w all my friends. Id love to do some epic in state road trips or have bonfires by the beach. i think itd be sick to be surrounded by all the simple things i love.
When it comes to my love life…. Erm… i definitely can be attracted SO easily but im quick to find icks tbh. I dont think i fall in love easily but i definitely get high on the possibility of it. Lets just say im hard to get and hard to want 😈 My ideal type is someone whos athletic and good at math and is FINE AF. My lovr language is quality time (i LOVE ft) so someone whos willing to do stuff w me is a plus. I think i also like someone who can match my speed and humor bc i hate miscommunication and awkwardness
Thanku sm if u decide 2 do my req! ⭐️⭐️
Hello there fellow darling >:)
As for your request, I would say I found just the right manz for you, but i didn't, so work with them a bit and they'll be vibing with u in no time(ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
So let's go
Smart collected calm and rational, just to balance you out
introvert x extrovert
He's definitely impressed by your carefree attitude, and often gets dragged into your small adventures, he might complain around a bit but he doesn't mind as much as he says he does
Hes confused as to how you have the energy to go out to parties and surfing and everything, he's just way too tired to even think about such things, so he'll prefer to watch you from the distance, in the comfort of a chair and a good book
Listen listen, I know I know, he's pissy and awkward, but I like to think he wouldn't be like that in a relationship, and is actually very good at communication and explaining his struggles and emotions
It might take him a bit to trust you but when he does, he's a good partner
He might not be able to match your humour, but he can match your speed, he's very efficient.
And if that relationship doesn't work out, do try with kaveh, because that could work out more (and yes i did just recommend to get with with your matchups roommate)
Nerd x his cool partner
This one is more to match your vibe kind off
He's a sassy and confident dude
He'll definitely be a fan of your bitchy attitude , he likes dealing with bests
Can match your energy, occasionally, sometimes not sometimes yes, but most of the time he'll just follow you around and watch you do your hobbies and interests while reading something
Cold colour dressed boyfriend x summer dressed partner, just perfection
He's an ambivert after all, so he can keep up with your trips and enjoyments, but sometimes will distance himself off to a corner to recharge his energy
Generally he's the first that came to mind when I saw your request so consider it fate
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
ive been thinking about this for a while, of if saeyoung mightve reacted differently if he didnt see saeran at the apartment. im sure he would have still been a bit stand offish, but at the same time more.. lighthearted? im not sure! id love to hear your thoughts though!
Hm... you know what, I've never considered this before.
What I mean to say is that if his brother isn't there, he's not going to have any idea as to what's being done behind the scenes. The entire reason why his world is shaken and why he reacts the way he does in the apartment is because the hacker is his brother.
That realization is what sends him on a TOTAL downward spiral to stop trusting those he's always trusted and see the world for what it is. A place where people are willing to lie to him in the name of what they think is the greater good.
His faith is broken, and the only one who’s able to pull him out of that place is you. You and your unwavering kindness are what help him believe it's not the end of the world even if it feels that way. He would not be forced to have a reckoning with himself if his brother wasn't revealed in that instance. It's hard for me to imagine how he would be in that situation.
Because, I JUST can't see Saeran not doing anything at that exact moment because he's the one who decided to go ahead and raid the apartment. That was his decision, not something Rika made for him, as shown in the VNM just before he leaves Magenta.
He wants to do everything in his power to take his brother down, and when he sees an opportunity to do it, he does it without a second thought. So, it's hard for me to rationalize a situation where he doesn't decide to raid the apartment to kidnap the player. But, on the off chance that he didn't initially invade the apartment, it's possible that he would change tactics and try to lock his brother and the player inside instead.
I don't know if he would consider remote detonation but maybe that could be something that comes up along the line.
I know this has nothing to do with what you asked, but I can't help but speculate. He wouldn't be able to ignore his brother being a real sitting duck in that situation. I just don't know what he would do differently if he didn't try to bust in through the window, but I can't see him leaving well enough alone. It's not something where he can ignore the itch.
The desire to get rid of his brother is strong and it's not something he can ignore. He can't ignore it because it's constantly buzzing in the back of his head no matter how much he wants to shake it off. The world would be a better place without the person who caused him to suffer like this and become apathetic, that's what he feels, so he's not going to ignore it regardless of how this plays out.
In regards to Saeyoung, yes, there will be a different response until I discern how the hell Unknown attacks.
The reason why he pushes you away in the first place is because he realizes that being close to him is a death sentence. His brother was put into unspeakable horror because of a choice he made, and he can't stomach the idea of that happening to you, too. But, if he is not pressed with that realization right away, sure, he might push you away for the sake of your safety, but I can't see him being as standoffish.
He hasn't been pushed into a corner with the trauma response we usually see, so what he does will not align with what you're used to seeing canonically.
There's already a little line between the two of you as you get closer, and it's one he tries not to think about because he wants to enjoy the moment. Even as you get closer to him at the beginning of the route, he doesn't hide that he can't get close to other people, but he keeps pushing that away since you make him feel alive. I think the two of you would dance between what's safe and what is it if he isn't having an existential crisis. You push his buttons, he pushes yours, and ultimately, it will culminate in a mess when the apartment goes to hell since I think it will do that no matter what.
This has to end in Unknown revealing himself. I don't know where, I don't know how, but it has to happen.
Or, maybe it doesn't have to happen at the apartment, maybe you may get to the end of the cycle and he reveals himself at the party. That would be an interesting turn of events. For you to be able to get close to Saeyoung without the expected path, only to have the party blow up in its face and him not only need to deal with the agency but with Mint Eye as well... is this me just excited at the idea of Unknown crashing the party in a fun outfit?
Yeah, but hey, you get something out of this, too.
Enjoying a slow dance with Saeyoung, dancing dangerously close to something romantic, only for a bomb to go off at the front of the gallery hall, not to endure anybody, but to draw attention to the one and only hacker. 
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theacedragon0w0 · 3 months
Trying something new
Hazel x Sage smut fic
Summary, Sage is given a chance to test the waters in their relationship with an unexpected tool
NSFW WARNING: butch4butch, use of robotic arm, fingering, oral sex, intense make out session, power playing?
Hazel belongs to the fabulous @puffymucher who inspired me to write this
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"Try something different? What do you mean?"
"I mean let's try changing it up a bit Bluebell,  yer usually the one getting railed by either me, the boss, or even Rosa for that matter, have yer ever even thought about giving us a bit of our own medicine?"
Sage was flushed at the notion, they did prefer being the receiving end of their partner's desire. It wasn't from the lack of experience that worried her but the rather the notion of being given control. She rationalized it as performance anxiety but did agreed on Hazel's point.
"Ok I guess it makes sense that you should experience some of the methods you and the others test out on me~" as Sage's face was nearing toward her lover's heat, but Hazel quickly stopped her,
"Actually, I was thinkin we can take that fancy arm of yours for a spin?" Pointing toward the recently upgraded prosthetic that was sitting on the nightstand
Sage hesitated, the arm was tailored for Sage's cooking and combat needs as,  in her words, "that is all that I need from it," but allowed Vox to add a "fun mode" if the situation arrived, which didn't seem likely at the time.
Hazel's puppy eyes were irresistible to Sage, giving her at least enough encouragement to humor the idea, "Eeargh, fine we will see if this will actually work, and if this backfires we will use good old reliable," being her right hand that still remained attached to her body.
"Ya got yerself a deal love~" already positioning her legs around Sage, giving reassurance at every shift and touch between them.
The arm clicked into place when Sage attached it, she was feeling the wires being activated as the arm began to come more responsive to each nerve signal that it received. It took a few minutes of stretching the arm; flexing each finger, rotating the wrist both ways, and even the elbow for good measure. It wasn't painful but rather an annoyance of having to reattach the arm for it to charge or if it became too heavy. It just felt like pins and needles during every start up but she was grateful she didn't have to do it alone.
"All ready to go?" Hazel teased, pulling Sage closer toward her.
Not wanting to keep Hazel waiting, she began to work her hand at Hazel's entrance, gently tapping around the sides and using her other hand to grip Hazel thighs. Hazel's moans and whimpers motivated Sage to proceed.
And then they both got a jolt from the arm. Sage wasn't sure if it was from the stimulation but her thoughts jumped to her lover, who made a yelp and tucked her tail between her legs
Oh god I fucked up
"Oh shit are you ok?! Are you hurt? Did the arm shocked you?!"
Hazel's face was a deep crimson, she didn't expect to feel that sensation even with her rounds with Velvette and Rosalina. Hazel knew it wasn't an electric shock but seeing Sage's face of horror made her realize that she was about to chuck the arm across the room. Not when things were getting good.
"Wait calm down Sage, I'm fine really"
"You're sure? You made a sound that isn't usually good for sex."
Face still beat red, Hazel grabbed one of Sage's arm that was attempting to disconnect the prosthetic. Legs still having a strong grip on Sage's lower torso, refusing add space between them.
"i-it aint. a bad bad.." Hazel admitted "uhm. uhm. i think. id.. like it. lots."
It was Sage's turn to turn deeper shades of crimson, she was expecting to let Hazel to switch instead but was now told that she was still doing a decent job,
"o-oh, ok, as long as it isn't painful I keep going right?"
"Yes you can keep going love," remembering that Sage needs clear confirmation for these types of activities, which was very sweet of her.
Getting the clear, she readjusted herself so she would be able to work without another jolt from happening. Fingers gliding up and down with the same rhythm as before, with the thumb moving in circles around Hazel's clit.
Hazel was being to moan again, this time with one hand keeping Sage close and the other keeping them both upright.
Hazel then heard Sage grumble "she can make that sound?"
"Hazel this feels hella awkward, here can you lie back?" To which Hazel obeyed, still clinging on to Sage so they weren't an inch apart. To be honest neither of them expected this to be going this far, Sage now starting to insert their digital digits in. Hazel whimpered as Sage was going in and out of her, Hazel's arms and legs now wrapped around Sage, determined to keep them close to her
"Fffuck, Bluebell, just like that," Hazel begged as she felt Sage's legs now pining against her thighs and Sage's right arm gripping the back Hazel's scruff, reciprocating that need to be as close as they can get.
Hazel's moans were getting louder as she felt herself getting closer to the edge, claws digging into Sage's shoulders but it didn't stop Sage's momentum.
Sage felt it as well, and when Hazel loosened her grip Sage quickly slipped her head downward.
"W-wait, what are you doinng aug," Hazel buckled as she felt Sage's tongue sliding in with the robotic arm now gripping her inner thigh. Sage wasn't going to let this opportunity pass them, Sage needed to taste every inch of Hazel. Hazel's back arched as she became at the mercy of her partner's conquest. Now gripping Sage's hair to keep them from pulling away.
Sage could have made Hazel edge just how Velvette and Rosalina would to both of them, but they weren't here, it was just Hazel and Sage alone together. And they both knew how more enjoyable the aftercare would be with some energy to spare.
So Sage let Hazel release everything, including a bellowing howl that would have perceived Sage's eardrums if it weren't for Hazel's thighs squeezing Sage's skull.
Sage was about to pull away when Hazel pulled them up towards her, quickly locking lips when they reached eye to eye.
This was both Hazel's and Sage's favorite part. Being able to just melt into each other with no fear or judgment. Just being here together as their most honest selves, letting the other lovingly feel every curve that encompassed them.
Sage rolled off to the side of Hazel, still holding on to her while nuzzling their face into Hazel's neck. Both still trying to catch their breath
"So," Hazel managed to puff out, "how did you enjoy that?"
Sage, still trying to steady themselves responded "Heh, guess that arm turned out to be quite handy"
Hazel now howling with laughter, turned to pull Sage into a long embrace.
"Yeah I guess it did."
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wtfhasmy-lifecometo · 2 years
Torn Between
Requested: @my-lady-greensleeves
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a knock on your door, it’s 10:30pm, who would be here right now??
Opening the door your tired expression dropped and changed to a soft smile, you saw them both standing there, with worried looks on their faces. “Otto! Norman! Uh, what’s- what’s goin on? It’s 10:30 at night, shouldn’t you guys be home?”
They both gave each other a side glance before looking at you again, “Well, you weren’t at the apartment today to visit like you normally do, so automatically we thought something was up, is everything okay?”
Otto gave you a concerned look while Norman started making his way into your apartment, Otto stayed still in his spot, giving you an apologetic gaze for Normans unapproved barge in. “Oh! Yeah, uhm, just a tedious day I guess, lots of cleaning ya know?” “Y/n dear… there’s nothing for you to clean, there’s never any time for anything to become dirty… now what’s going on?” You were fucked, you couldn’t think of an excuse to tell them why you couldn’t be there today.
You could just tell them… no, too risky. “Well, you got me there, ha. Just having a rough day, needed some time to myself.” Otto at this point had stepped in and made himself comfortable at the bar island you had, “would you guys like anything to eat or drink? Water? Anything?” They both shook their heads and the three of you sat in silence for a while before you spoke up, “so… what were you boys up to today? Anything new?” Norman spoke up this time, “Not necessarily, same old stuff just a new day. We were hoping you’d be there today, we came up with a nice surprise for you but you didn’t show up, so we decided to come to you and see what was going on.” “Not only that, we did notice that you have been quite distant from everyone lately, and as you know, that is not quite normal for you.” Otto’s voice gentle yet still troubled, he couldn’t stand to see you distant and not yourself, it made him run through each thought in his mind and he didn’t like that.
“Well… I-“ you couldn’t find the right words, that annoying lump in your throat creating a whole new trouble, mouth dry, how can this be so difficult? It’s not that hard to tell them about your feelings, they’re two of few people that you trust most! Surely they’d understand right? “Y/N, you know you can tell us, we won’t say a word, pinky swear…” Norman held out his pinky which made you giggle a little bit, causing the lump in your throat to lessen. “Well… I, I don’t necessarily know how to put this, I’ve been rationalizing each thought that came up about the situation I’m in, yes, I’ve put myself in this position, but Id rather accept it rather than hide it away and push it down and lock it up. I-“ trying to think of how to tell them, the silence cut through the air like a knife, both of them sat there, calmly and patiently waiting for you to continue, which you were definitely grateful for.
“I, now I’m just telling you this because I feel it’s right, you don’t have to respond the same way whatsoever. I promise I won’t be upset about it…” lie, it tore you to pieces, you were petrified of the reaction they’d have, hence the nervousness rushing through your body. The overwhelming sensation kicking in, the lighted room started blurring, you saw little rainbow shapes from the tears forming, ‘god damnit Y/N, don’t cry now’ the little voice in your head, screaming and harassing you, why now? Why? Your fingers twitched and you could feel your legs slowly give. Falling to your knees, you didn’t care about the pain it caused to them, you were too worried about what was going to happen next, your body trembled, shook, that’s when you felt a comforting hand on your back, “Oh dear, what’s got you all shaken up like this? Don’t cry my dear, whatever it is, it’ll be okay.” Otto’s voice rang through your ears, only somewhat calming you. “I- I- I’m in love with you…”
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Faded Black Ink [IronStrange] - Chapter 15
Relationship: Doctor!Stephen Strange x Mafia!Tony Stark
Tags: Mafia AU, Angst, Romance, Idiots in love
Ko-fi | Series Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Previous | Next
Chapter's note: The plot thickens
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Chapter 15: Missing
Stephen strolled through the city center, as he had no desire to spend his day off just sitting in his apartment. Instead, he indulged in the hustle and bustle of the crowd and took the opportunity to shop at the men's outfitter of his trust. He bought two shirts and a pair of leather gloves for the coming autumn. Just as he was heading to the checkout, a tie and pocket square combination caught his eye. Black with camellia flowers. Admittedly not the prettiest combo, but it reminded Stephen of Tony, of what he had told him about his parents. Without giving it much thought, he bought it. Ever since their talk, Stephen had realized that giving gifts was a way for Tony to show his affection. Even if the gifts were outrageously expensive.
Leaving the store, Stephen put the leather gloves he bought in his jacket pocket. The days were already getting colder, and he would need them soon.
On the way home, he stopped briefly at a coffee shop to treat himself to a well-deserved coffee. But his good mood vanished when he saw Peter sitting on the steps of his front door, and he was instantly worried.
"What are you doing here? Are you okay?"
Peter stood up when he saw him. "I'm fine," he reassured the doctor.
Stephen eyed him closely, but could not see any obvious injuries and decided to believe him. He told him to follow and held the front door open for him. "Then what can I do for you?"
Peter stared at his shoes as he went inside. It hadn't been hard to find out where the doctor lived. Peter knew how to work his father's network.
He stayed silent until they had entered Strange’s apartment and closed the door behind them. "When was the last time you spoke to Mr. Stark?"
"A few days ago."
"When exactly?"
Stephen put his shopping bags on the table and turned to the boy, his brows raised in wonder. "Why do you want to know?" Peter hesitated, avoiding his gaze, which is why more pressing asked, "Peter, what is going on? Did something happen?" He was back to being worried. Especially when the boy was nodding.
"He disappeared," he said in a hushed voice as if he was afraid that someone was listening in. "We think he's been kidnapped."
A cold shiver came over Stephen and he had to brace himself with one hand on the table. "What?" It couldn't be. There had to be a rational and plausible explanation.
"There hasn't been any messages from him and when we try to call him it goes straight to his mailbox. First we thought he was on a getaway with you." Peter gave him a meaningful look. "But I guess we can rule that out."
Stephen's mind went miles. "We last talked three days ago." He checked his phone to confirm it. They had sent several texts back and forth. It was a mixture of banter and nonsense. Stephen had sent him two more messages the days after, but they hadn't been read yet. So far he had assumed that Tony was just busy with work and would get back to him later.
Peter's phone rang and the two glanced at each other. Hope sprouted in Stephen. Peter noticed, but shook his head when he saw the caller ID.
"Hey…" Peter turned his back to the doctor and lowered his voice a bit. "I'm with Doctor Strange… No, he hasn't seen him either." He took a few steps to the window and looked out. Stephen didn't even try to give the impression, not to eavesdrop. "Yes, I'm sure we can trust him." Peter ran his fingers through his hair. "… I just know, okay?… Yeah, sure. See you soon."
Peter hung up and took a deep breath. Worried, he bit his lower lip, his gaze still fixed on a point outside.
There was no mere teenager standing there. It was a young man who had seen a lot in his short life. More than others did in a lifetime. And who was worried about his father figure.
Peter turned his head and looked at the doctor. "If you really want to help, you can come along.”
Stephen didn't have to think about it for long. "I do."
They took his car and the boy navigated him to an uptown apartment, into which they were led by a rather disgruntled Rhodey.
"Why did you bring him?" he asked without a greeting. "He is not even part of the crew."
"I told you I trust him," Peter said defensively and kinda recalcitrantly. "And we need all the help we can get."
Rhodey snorted and gave Stephen a look that clearly told him he was keeping an eye on him.
Peter led the way down a narrow hallway – he seemed to know his way around – while Rhodey let Stephen go second. Presumably he didn't want to turn his back on him. Fort was the friendly banter they shared at the gala. It didn’t surprise the doctor. If Tony was really in danger, Rhodey would do everything he could to find him. And Stephen couldn’t assume that he himself was not among the suspects, no matter what Peter said.
They entered a living room that looked tidy and kinda bland. Pepper was sitting on a beige couch, greeting them with a professional, neutral expression. At least, that's the impression it gave on the outside. When Stephen looked closer, he noticed that her eyes were slightly red as if she had cried a lot in the past days.
Rhodey stepped to her side and put a hand on her shoulder sympathetically. It made sense. They were longtime friends. These people here were not only family to Tony, but also to each other.
Peter asked the doctor to repeat what he knew about his last contact with Tony, and Stephen told everything that seemed relevant. In return, he got an overview of what had happened: sometime three nights earlier, Tony had disappeared without a trace. He had not informed anyone, not even Happy, who usually knew Tony's whereabouts 24/7. The weird thing was, that there wasn't proof that he left the tower. Security cameras showed him in his workshop, fixing one of his favorite vintage cars. Probably with some loud music playing in the background, because every now and then he nodded along with the beat. But then the tapes must have been manipulated, because from one second to the next he disappeared from the frame.
This was quite disturbing, since the tower had its own high security. A hacker had to be very familiar with it and use direct access.
Rhodey and Pepper told Stephen about the earlier attack attempt at Claire’s, revealing that they had suspected for some time that there was a rat in his ranks.
Stephen was shocked to hear how many times Tony's life had been in danger. "I didn't know about that!"
"He didn't want to worry you or get you involved," Pepper explained with a shrug.
"Well, now I'm worried and involved anyway."
Rhodey crossed his arms. "You can still walk away."
"Yes, I could." Stephen stayed where he was, glaring stubbornly and challengingly at the man. He would have to be removed by security.
"Has there been a message or ransom demand by now?" Peter asked Pepper, ignoring the other two men. Nothing in his behavior spoke of a simple teenage boy anymore. He spoke like an adult and was treated as such by Pepper and Rhodey. His posture and gestures reminded Stephen of Tony and he saw a glimpse of the man he fell for in the boy.
Pepper shook his head. "No. Nothing."
"Could it be another organization?" It would be the most obvious explanation for Stephen. Someone who felt threatened by Tony's power and influence and wanted to get him out of the way, before taking a piece of the pie.
"Maybe," Pepper said slowly. "But not necessarily. Tony has suspected for some time that weapons were being sold under the table in his name. There hasn't been any concrete evidence, but might have something to do with that."
Stephen recalled his lunch date at Tony's office and that guy that came barging in. He was talking about selling weapons to east Europe. But Tony had long ago closed the manufactures. At least that was what he said.
Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the next room and Stephen and Peter froze. They thought they were alone in the apartment.
"What was that?" Peter asked Pepper and Rhodey, who exchanged a look. Neither of them seemed to be wanting to speak up.
"You better explai-," Stephen started, but Peter bolted towards the other room. Rhodey grabbed his arm, but Peter wriggled out of his grip. He leaped over the couch and reached the door first, wrenching it open. He stopped rooted to the spot.
"Who is that?"
The adults had followed him. Rhodey and Pepper for damage control and Stephen because he was curious. Peter was standing in the doorway to the bathroom, where he saw a guy tied to a chair with zip ties. He looked vaguely familiar to Stephen, but he couldn't tell from where. Tape over his mouth prevented him from speaking. With a panicked look in his face and a black eye he stared back. He had a laceration on his jaw with some dried blood and his clothes hung messily on him, as if he had been in a fight with someone.
Peter turned to Rhodey when nobody said a word. "Who is that and what does he have to do with Tony's disappearance?" he demanded.
"Peter…" Pepper put a hand on his arm to reassure him, but the boy snapped his arm away.
"No! I want an answer!" His posture now was angry, almost feral. He looked like he was going to pounce on someone at any moment, but hadn't yet decided whether it would be this very suspicious guy or Rhodey. Tony was more than a simple father figure for him. He would be devastated if he lost him.
Rhodey seemed to understand that, too, and he gave in. "We believe we found the rat," he explained in short words, but stood in the doorway, blocking it when the boy tried to get into the bathroom. "Peter."
Clenching his jaw, Peter looks up at him. "If he knows something..."
"Then we'll find out."
"I can help!"
"No." Rhodey raised his hand before Peter could protest any more. "Absolutely not. Yes, you can help with the investigation because we all know you would do it anyway, even if we forbid it." Stephen didn't know that, but could easily imagine it. "But I draw the line at this."
"I'm not a kid anymore."
"This has nothing to do with your age. Tony will kill me, if he ever finds out I let you do this." His expression was serious and he stared Peter down until the boy finally stepped away from the door, grumbling.
"I'll go with you," Stephen said suddenly, and Peter glanced at him. Rhodey looked like he was about to object again, but before he could even open his mouth, Stephen added, "I'll make sure you don't kill that guy before he tells us what we need to know."
Rhodey shrugged. "Suit yourself. But it won't be pretty."
"I worked in the ER long enough."
Fair enough. Rhodey had no further objections, and Stephen followed him into the bathroom. It was decorated in neutral white and navy blue and looked very modern. There was a corner shower and a bathtub. The single sink under the mirror showed that it was a single apartment. But there were so few personal items – in the whole apartment actually – that Stephen doubted anyone lived here at all.
The chair the guy was tied to – it looked like a simple wood chair from the kitchen – was in the middle of the room, taking up most of the free space.
Rhodey placed himself directly in front of him – wide-legged and arms crossed, he sported his best scolding glance. "Quentin. I've got one question for you, and you're going to answer it. This is your one chance, so make it count." Rhodey ripped the tape from his face in a single motion. Stephen knew that this couldn't be a pleasant feeling. But he didn't care - if this man really sold information to Tony's enemies. "Who's paying you?"
The guy – Quentin – licked over his chapped lips and swallowed audibly. Being gagged for however long was certainly not pleasant. Tape was still the better choice than a gag. "I don't know what you're talking about." His voice sounded dry and croaky.
“Oof, wrong answer.”
Rhodey tsked at him mockingly before driving his fist into his ribs, knocking all the air out of him. He gave Stephen a quick glance, as if to see how he reacted. The doctor didn't flinch, his face a stone mask. Rhodey turned back to the guy. "Let's try again. Who's paying you?"
"I'm not..."
"This is going to be a long and very hurtful day for you." The next two blows hit Quentin in the face; left and right cheek. Blood trickled from his knuckles as Quentin's skin cracked. "Last chance, Quentin. I gotta tell you, I'm torn. If you can't give us any answers, you're no use to us." He wiped the blood from his hand and pulled a knife from a pocket of his cargo pants.
The man turned his eyes to Stephen and gave him a pleading look. "Please, help me."
"He can't help you. Answer the fucking question, Quentin."
"I don't know anything!" It was obvious that the guy panicked. He bit his lip as if physically trying to keep his answers to himself. It wasn't until the knife in Rhodey's hand came dangerously close to Quentin's wrists that he squinted and screamed, "Wait, fuck! I'll talk!"
"Oh, nick of time!" Rhodey didn't move an inch, holding the knife right into Quentin's face now. "Who's paying you?"
"He goes by JS. I've never met him personally but he once called me from a number in San Francisco."
"How long?"
"Nine months."
Stephen, who had been watching the whole thing from the wall next to the shower, suddenly thought of something. "Jasper Sitwell."
Rhodey turned his head to him questioningly, while Quentin's eyes widened at the mention of the name. He immediately tried to look away, but he had given himself away.
Stephen stepped closer. "You spoke to him at the gala," he recalled.
"Beck was one of the men who was attending undercover for Tony's security," Rhodey confirmed.
"I talked to a lot of people there," Quentin quickly defended himself. "I don't know all of their names."
That was obviously a lie.
"You're right. It was certainly just a coincidence." Stephen took the gloves he bought this morning out of his jacket and put them on. He stepped up to Rhodey and motioned for him to make room. "May I?" Rhodey raised an eyebrow, but took a step back, curious to see what the Doctor was up to.
Stephen turned to Quentin, leaning down so their faces were at eye level. "You're one of Tony's men, so I'm sure you know the good Rhodey here is army trained. I bet he knows ways to make you talk. After you screamed in pain. And there will be a lot of pain if you don't tell him what he wants to know." He spoke clearly, perhaps a little slowly, as if he wasn't quite sure if Quentin's was a little dull. He patted his cheek, keeping his hand on it. "But I'm a doctor. I don't need those methods to ruin your life." With those words, he grabbed Quentin's jaw and pressed his fingers painfully into the soft skin. "I will find your family, parents, siblings, kids, pets, anyone you ever loved. Even your granny. Do you want me to find them?"
It was hard for Quentin to speak as his jaw was rudely held in Stephen's grasp. "You're bluffing." His voice was pressed.
Stephen smirked. "Think about what I just found out in a moment's time with that little information you gave us. And then think about what I can find out with the influence of a name the size of Tony Stark. And I got his lawyer, who will gladly back me up."
Quentin squirmed. His eyes flickered briefly to Rhodey, who still looked like he would love to take his frustration out on him with brute force. "Fine, okay… okay. It was him," he finally relented. "The guy offered me money in exchange for information about the boss and those close to him. The gala was only the second time I'd met him in person."
"Did he mention who he works for? Or other names?" Rhodey chimed in, now back in charge of the interrogation.
"No…" Quentin shook his head and before anyone could threaten him, he quickly added, "I swear he didn't. But… the way he phrased it, he wanted to meet someone else that night, who might have been involved."
Suddenly Stephen remembered something and it ran ice cold down his spine. Jerkily, he turned his head to Rhodey, his gaze betraying the discomfort the thought gave him.
"What?" Rhodey asked.
But the doctor silently told him with a tilt of his head to go back to the others. What he had to say was not meant for the ears of a traitor.
Pepper and Peter waited in the living room. The boy is sitting on the couch, restlessly bouncing his leg. He jumped to his feet as soon as the two men left the bathroom and looked toward them, waiting. Neither said a word. Rhodey waited for what the doctor had to tell them, but Stephen first regarded the small group. Tony's Family.
"You are all here, because you're the only people you trust at the moment, right? Pepper and Rhodey, you are both in high ranks of power in Tony’s business." He looked at the two. He didn't voice his theory directly, wanting to know what they would say about it when he hinted at it first. "But there's a third one there with you and it's not Peter. So… why isn't Stane here?"
The two frowned questioningly.
"You think Stane is involved in this?" Rhodey was the first to understand what he was getting at. "He is family. Heck, he basically raised Tony and Tony trusts him. We all do."
"I don't." All heads turned to Pepper in surprise. "I can't explain it, but there's something about him." Her gaze was fixed on Stephen. "But if you accuse him, I need proof from you." It was her lawyer's voice.
"It's a leap, but Jasper Sitwell - the contact who paid this Quentin guy - had contact with Stane."
Rhodey grabbed Stephen by the shoulder and looked at him seriously. "Are you absolutely sure?" If what he said was true, they had probably found the root of the evil – and it was far worse than any of them had suspected.
Stephen thought back to the night of the gala, when he had run into Tony's godfather. When Stane had spoken to him. It had been more of a monologue, a rather distracting one. But he clearly remembered that Sitwell had stepped out the room behind Stane and ducked in the other direction – as if he didn’t want to be seen.
"I am."
Rhodey took a breath. "Okay." He shook his head. "Shit, that’s not good."
Pepper slumped back on the couch, staring at a spot on the floor. She was torn between personal anger and trying to think about the situation rationally. "If this is true, there has to be traces of his involvement. Whether it be the sold weapons, the sold data or Tony's kidnapping. There has to be something. We need access to his computer."
"He's running the business in Tony's absence. It won't be easy to get past him without making him suspicious. We need to be careful and not arouse his suspicion."
Stephen was amazed by their reaction. They didn't argue, didn't fight with him. Although he just had accused one of their own of the highest treason possible. Stephen, who was, as had been pointed out to him many times before, 'not even part of the crew'. He had laid out the facts, but hadn't been sure if they would simply disbelieve him on principle. But they did believe him. More even, they started making plans right away.
Rhodey looked to the only one who hadn't spoken a word since he and Strange returned. "You okay there, Pete?"
The boy had remained silent during the conversation. Stane had been like an uncle to him, and the alleged accusation hit him hard.
"Do you think he would...?" he trailed off, not daring to finish that sentence. He didn't even want to think about what happened to Tony. If he was still alive or…
Rhodey put a hand on his shoulder. "We will find Tony. Whatever it costs." They could only hope that it would be too late.
Tony was leaning against a cold metal wall. His head was heavy from whatever drug they had put into him. He couldn't see his surroundings, the room was pitch black. He had been awake for quite a while, at least it seemed a while to him. He wasn't really sure how much time had really passed. One time he heard noises from outside, but without being able to define them more precisely.
He was not tied up, and shortly after he had regained consciousness, he had taken a walk around the room – it was more long than wide – and tapped the walls. It sounded tinny. They didn't seem thick, but solid. Like a sort of metal bunker. He had called for help, but there had been no response. No one had reacted – not even a kidnapper that told him to be quiet.
Tony's last memory was of changing the ignition plugs on his oldest AUDI in his garage. Tony loved working on cars, it was his favorite hobby. Therefore he had set up his own little workshop in the tower. Over the loud music blasting from the speakers he hadn't heard that the door opened. Someone had stepped up to him. He had felt the presence more than seen it. Something had been pushed in his face, it had smelled funny, then everything had gone black.
There were only a few people who had access to Tony's workshop. So it had to be someone from his family. Someone who had detailed knowledge. The thought of betrayal pained Tony almost worse than his current condition.
With a sigh, Tony heaved himself back on his feet to investigate the room once more. There had to be something.
Stane will always have the role of the backstabber in my stories.
Tag List: @hidden-treasures21
15 notes · View notes
brightlotusmoon · 4 months
This film about about tolerance and self-destruction. There are three archetypes, or symbols, in the story.
There's the singular father trying to protect his daughter and home planet. He is the superego. The film uses Freudian terms to explain human behaviour-- because as ridiculous as they are in concept, and despite how unscientific they are, they kind of make sense. The superego is the mediating factor of the mind--basically the grown up.
The daughter is the second archetype and the represents the last woman on Earth-- a sorry position to say the least. She is the ego-- self-centred but realistic. The men are clumped together (giving reason for their poor characterisation-- not that there are many strong characters in the film). The men represent a crowd of horny frat bros. Horrible, I know. They are the id-- the animalistic and entirely self-centred part of the mind.
Now, these archetypes portray humans as a whole through the Freudian terminology. There's the rational, the realistic and the unrealistic. Basically, the film symbolises our contradictions concerning love, war, hate and peace, whilst citing our ability to mediate and try to control our polarising tenancies. That even harks back to the cluster of good, bad, perfect and horrific that this film is. You starting to see why I think it's so special?
Whilst the film sets up these ideas of opposites and mediation within the human mind, portraying a world where a father, daughter and an invading horde of men can coexist, it ultimately devolves. The film sets up these solid archetypes of id, ego and superegos, but lets them break down, with the father not being to cool and mature, to portray how imperfect people are.
Like the alien civilisation before them, humans are more than capable manufacturing their own end. This is why since the 40s films like Godzilla, The Day The Earth Stood Still and Terminator have resonated so well with audiences. What these films are all about is the idea or concept of the atomic bomb.
This is one of the biggest and most used symbols in all art forms from pre-war time until now. With the massive technological advances of the early 20th century culminating in quantum physics and the atomic bomb, came the realisation that humans are very capable of ending it all, and pretty quick. With that comes paranoia and a lot of questions.
What it has best done is given rise to mentalities presented in Cold War times through films like The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers or even more recently Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers is basically about not letting the commies take over your mind. Star Wars in general calls back to Nazis and totalitarianism--as is very, very, obvious, just look at the uniforms and the huge red Nazi flag that Domhnall Glesson gives a speech straight from The Triumph Of The Will right in front of in the new Star Wars.
Heck, I know I keep coming back to it, but look at Batman V Superman. It embodies the very American paranoia that has been ingrained in society from 9/11. I don't need to go too deep into how war and conflict shapes cinema, I think that's pretty obvious when you look for it. But he point it, this film is so nearly among this type of art.
0 notes
misssagustd · 10 months
Unreleased (4)
"The fuck happened?" You haven't even left the building yet but Yoongi's been calling you nonstop. "You went to his studio? Are you out of your fucking mind? Why did you do that?" "Because he asked me to!!" you screamed into your phone. Yoongi was too stunned to speak. "He what?" You stop at the first bench you see to calm your nerves. "He called me the other day, on my way home from our dinner. He said he can't believe I'm in Korea and asked how long was I staying. He asked if I didn't have plans today can I come over? So..." Your voice trails off, and Yoongi understands that it was at this point that you let your love for Joon take over your rational thinking so off you went to his studio. He sighs. "Do you need me?" You close your eyes. You want to run as far away as possible from HYBE, from anyone that's BTS. "No," you say. "I want to be alone."
Back in HYBE, Yoongi walks over to Joon's studio and presses the buzzer. Once. Twice. Thrice. He was about to leave after the third try when the door opens. Yoongi gives Joon an exasperated look. "Why did you have to do that?" Joon shakes his head. "I didn't mean for it to be this way, hyung. Honestly, I didn't have plans for how to go about it. Up to the last minute I was waiting for her in the lobby I kept thinking how to approach her. The last time we spoke to each other I was too harsh, so I thought I'd try to show her this time I'm no longer mad at her. I didn't know she'd take it the wrong way. I'm really sorry." 
Yoongi knew Joon well enough to know when he was truly sorry, and this was one of those times. It was Yoongi's turn to shake his head. He'll give it to Joon to be the brains of BTS, but he really needs help in handling matters that involve the heart. "I'll be in my studio if you need me."
"Hyung, didn't we both like her before? Why didn't you shoot your shot when we broke up?" Joon was on his fifth bottle of soju and was already slurring his words. "Shut up, Namjoon," Yoongi retorted. It was something Yoongi already buried at the back of his mind. What Joon said was true, but he valued their friendship - no, their brotherhood - so much that he stepped back, under the pretense that he "realized she's not my type." "She's hurting now - I hurt her. Why aren't you with her?" Joon presses on. It takes all of Yoongi's strength not to hit Joon with the soju bottle he was holding. He wasn't even supposed to be drinking; he has a concert tomorrow. "Because she said she wanted to be alone. Of course, I'm bothered that she's not okay. But I'm respecting her space," Yoongi said. 
Joon nods and takes another sip from his glass. "Do you think we'd ever get back together, hyung?" he asks. "If you get your shit together, yes," Yoongi says in a heartbeat. "You're getting her all wrong, Joon. It's like you didn't spend four years of your life with her. Do you think she's gotten over you, and what she did, that easily?  You think she didn't miss you and think of you every single day for the past three years?" Yoongi exhales loudly. "Then how can I start over again? I just gave her another reason to stay away," Joon says sadly. Yoongi looks at him with the pity and annoyance of an older brother to his younger brother. "I'll talk to her."
It's the first day of Yoongi's "The Final". You woke up to your phone vibrating incessantly. The caller ID read "Yoongs", so you pick up after what seemed like his 35th call. "Shibal, you're alive," Yoongi says. "Fuck you, too. What do you want? It's - " You look at the clock on your phone. "It's 7 fucking AM." You roll over to your back. "I'm already actually late for a meeting with my team. But that's not the point. I have an extra QR ticket for tonight because one of my cousins couldn't make it. You have plans tonight? JK's my guest, he's gonna do Seven." His offer didn't sound bad at all. "Hmmm, sure." "You don't sound so excited," Yoongi says. "I have a hangover, Yoongi. But I'm in my right mind enough to understand that I'll be watching your concert tonight. Send me the QR later." "Y/N!" Yoongi says before you end the call. "Yeah?" Yoongi hesitated for a bit, as if unsure if he should be saying something or not. "I was with Joon last night, he wanted to drink. I'm seeing post-breakup Namjoon all over again, Y/N. He was in such a long slump after you broke up that our manager had to drag him out of bed just to get him to the studio or go to our shoots." He pauses for a few seconds. "What I'm trying to say is, I just don't want him to go back to that dark phase. I don't know how he went through it, exactly, but I'm really happy the Namjoon we know is back. He needs to be in his right mind now that we're doing solos. The seven of us aren't always together physically anymore, we can't watch out for him all the time. I'm not asking you to get back together. I just want you to give him a chance," Yoongi finishes breathlessly. Damn that tongue technology. "I have to go, my manager's here. See you tonight."
In the shower, you think about what Yoongi said. He knows you well enough to understand that you were hurt by what happened yesterday, but also shows how much he loves Joon by asking you to do the least you can do - which is to try talking to him again. Yoongi never fails to knock some sense into your head. The question left for you now is - how do you talk to Joon?
To say that "The Final-Day 1" was a success was an understatement. ARMY went wild when JK showed up on stage for Burn It and Seven. Seeing JK up there doing his own thing made your heart swell with pride. When you met him years back, his wide-eyed innocence really got you. It's like you wanted to protect him from everything that will hurt him. Now, he's a grown-ass 26-year-old muscle bunny who can probably take down anyone who dares lay his eyes on you. 
Security escorts you backstage after the concert. You stay in the holding area until one of the assistants fetches you and leads you to the green room, where Yoongi, Yi Jeong (El Capitan to ARMY), and the band were hanging out. "Y/N!!! You made it!" You hug him tightly. "Congratulations, Yoongi! I'm so, so, so proud of you!" You choke on your words as you start to cry. Yoongi pulls back and looks at you. "Yah! Don't cry! There are two more days left!" You laugh as you wipe away your tears. "This is the ARMY in me crying!" Yoongi laughs, too. "Come on, Yi Jeong's hosting a private after-party. I can't stay long 'coz I have to rest. But you'll be in good hands. Also," his voice drops in a whisper. "Joon will be there."
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A Supernatural Love
Chapter 2: A Meeting
Summary:  Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
Slow(ish) burn, some angst, some alluding to sexy times, fluff
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Cheesy jokes, bad writing, some language
Word Count: 2081
No hate to any of the real people in this story, it is purely fiction and for enjoyment! No images are mine
First fic I wrote, please be kind but open to feedback, both positive and negative!
Tag List: @streets-in-paradise @leigh70 @sexyvixen7 @deandreamernp @universallyraylangivens @siospins2
Tag list open!
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A week had passed and it was once again Monday.  You spent the weekend studying in between Gen gushing about her new job.  She loved it so much and it sounded like it was going really well with her making friends on set.  She seemed to be talking about a certain tall actor in particular more than anyone else and though she would deny if you asked, giving an excuse that they worked the most together, you knew her well enough to know she was interested in the guy.  You woke up to the annoying buzzing sound signaling a new week was starting and that only meant more hard work.  You loved your job but sometimes you wondered if it was all worth it.  Your friend could tell that you were feeling off, being discouraged by all your efforts without seeing much fruit from the labor.
“Hey Y/N, I have an idea.”  She said while making some toast for breakfast.
“Oh yeah?” You responded still trying to wake up.  Yep, definitely not a morning person.
“You only work a half shift Friday so why don’t you swing by the set for lunch?  I could show you around and introduce you to some people!”  She seemed really excited about the idea.
“That sounds like a great idea!  I can be there around 12:30 but you’d have to let me in.  That is, if you don’t mind that I will be in my scrubs probably looking scrubby”  You half smiled at your terrible joking earning a nose scrunch from your friend.  Is this why you were still single?  
“You are such a dork Y/N! But I suppose I will still let you come to set.”  You both finished your quick breakfast and headed your separate ways.  This was definitely something that would help you get through your tough week.
     Friday came faster than it usually does, which you weren’t going to complain about.  You told Olivia about your plans for the day and she was very excited for you stating that she fully encouraged you to try to snag a cute actor while you were there.  This earned a chuckle from you and you reminded her that that possibility was very low especially since you would still be in your work clothes and not looking your best.  She simply rolled her eyes stating that any guy worth his salt wouldn’t be turned off by that, stating that even if they were it was good that you would be surrounded by a lot of actors.  You knew you liked this girl for a reason.
     Once you had finished your charting you got into your car and checked yourself in the mirror.  You reapplied a light coat of mascara and tried to run your fingers through your hair but it didn’t look much better.  You sighed and decided it was as good as it was going to get.  Even if you didn’t look as good as you would have liked, you reminded yourself you were going to visit your best friend and you weren’t trying to impress anyone.  You rationalized that you probably wouldn’t meet anyone too big and what really mattered was that you didn’t embarrass your friend since she is the one who would be seeing these people again, most likely you never would again.  You reached the set in less time than you thought it would take and you sent a quick text to Gen saying you were at the gate.  Security checked your ID and said you were on the list of visitors for the day and let you through.  You were surprised that Gen had that kind of pull around the place already, but honestly you didn’t really know how it all worked.  You were shown where to park and as soon as you stepped out of your car you saw Gen walking towards you.
“You made it!  I am so excited to show you everything, It’s amazing on set I’ll be sad to leave it”  She said while pulling you into a hug.
“Luckily that won’t be for a long time” A tall man said walking over to the two of you with a face you’d recognize anywhere.
“Y/N this is Jared, he has been a lifesaver for me on set.  Everyone is so kind and welcoming but he’s been helping me figure out my way around”  She responded smiling at the man.  
“She is quite the actor and I- um, the show is lucky to have her.” he responded nervously running his hand through his hair.  The words didn’t escape your notice and you smiled to yourself.  You thought she had it bad but wow this guy didn’t seem to be able to function properly around her.  He only further proved your theory as he followed her like a puppy as she showed you around the set, every so often looking to him to make sure she was giving the tour correctly.  He only responded with encouragement and acted like everything she said was the most brilliant thing he had ever heard.  Yep he had it bad.
“So what’s in this trailer?” you asked, trying to insert yourself back into the conversation.  You were quickly becoming a little bit like a third wheel but you didn’t mind watching their interactions unfold.  Your best friend met her celebrity crush and you could only be happy for her especially since he seemed to be mesmerized by her as well though that completely escaped her notice.  
“This is the makeup trailer where we get all dolled up”, Jared said, earning a giggle from both of you.  “We spend probably half the amount of time on set here as we do actually filming, especially on days when we have to use fake blood.  That is a bitch to take off” he finished earning another smile from you and Gen, though for different reasons.
“And what is in this trailer?” you asked, having gone farther down the street.
“That is actually Jensen’s trailer” Gen answered.
“So probably a bunch of nasty left-over food”, Jared added. “Jensen is somewhere else on set around this time otherwise I’d introduce you guys.  He’s my best friend” He finished.
“Too bad, Y/N is a huge Dean girl. Has been since his famous line, ‘Dad’s been on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home in a few days.’ She was completely hooked and there’s no going back I’m afraid”  Gen said, causing you to turn a deep red.  You couldn’t believe she sold you out like that.  Thank God Jensen wasn’t around to hear it but since Jared was his best friend you were hoping he wouldn’t talk to him about you.  But why would he? You were just some random friend of some random recent recruit you tried to reason.
“Well I may like Dean but you should have seen Gen’s face drop when Sam Winchester popped onto the screen.  I was pretty sure you could see the drool!”  You retorted back to Gen causing her to match your shade of red earning a deep laugh from Jared. She dared not look at him but you knew he loved it and wasn’t at all judging her for her, albeit right, reaction. Before anything else could be said you had walked near a tent.
“Here is where we eat lunch.  It is near the makeup trailer which is a bonus since most of the day is spent in that trailer.” Gen said changing the subject.  “I think today is taco day so you’re in luck Y/N!”  As if on cue, your stomach began to growl earning a laugh out of Gen. “It’s her absolute favorite and mine too, right behind our favorite diner” she explained to Jared.
“What diner is that?” Jared asked. 
“Only the best diner around with the best food.  It was the first place we went to eat when we moved to the area and it was probably the best decision we ever made” You told him. “You should come with us some time and see for yourself.  It is quite an experience to be had.”  You weren’t sure what caused you to be so bold in inviting him, but he has such a friendly presence that within minutes of meeting him it felt like you’d known him a long time.  
“I’d really like that” he smiled looking at both you and Gen.
“Good then we will have to plan something.  I’m sure you have Gen’s number?” you questioned trying to gauge just how far along they were in their “relationship”.  He blushed slightly and said no he didn’t and you immediately gave it to him as if she wasn’t around.  She pretended to be annoyed that she didn’t have a say in the exchange but you knew her well enough to know she was excited to have his number.  Both Jared and Gen were sweethearts but both so clueless as to what’s going on around them so you knew if this was ever going to happen you would have to help push them in the right direction.
     After filling your plate higher than you’d like to admit, you joined them at a table.  You barely finished your first bite before someone behind you started talking, “Fan of tacos I see?” You turned around to be met with a pair of beautiful green eyes and though you’d hate to admit it, they made you catch your breath a little.  Standing in front of you was Jensen Ackles.  The Jensen Ackles that you’d had a crush on since you first started watching the show.  He was smiling at you and you knew you had to respond.
“What can I say? Tacos are amazing.  I’m a firm believer that calories don’t count when it comes to Mexican food”  This earned a chuckle and he sat in the open seat beside you.  You were surprised and didn’t know what to do.  You never expected to meet Jared much less Jensen.
“I’m Jensen.  You must be Gen’s friend.  She’s been talking about you non-stop all week.  If I didn’t know better I’d think the two of you were a couple”  This earned a chuckle from you.
“Sadly no, we are both heterosexual but any man would be lucky to have her” keeping eye contact with those beautiful green eyes while trying to see Jared’s reaction out your peripheral.
“I hope she hasn’t said too many bad things about me” you said and Jensen responded with shaking his head quicker than you would have expected.
“No, only good things, she’s made you out to be a saint” He said with a smile.
“Well I am definitely no saint but I’d like to think I am not all bad”
“Too bad, being bad can be fun” he responded, winking at you.  You had no idea what to do with that.  Was Jensen Ackles, your celebrity crush and star on your favorite TV show, actually flirting with you??  You couldn’t believe it so you cleared your throat and ate another bite.  You weren’t bad at flirting, in fact there were several responses you could have said that would have made him interested in you but you couldn’t think of one.  Damn you barely knew the man and he already had you weak at the knees.  He just smiled at your reaction seeing you a little flustered and continued talking.
“Gen is a great addition and we are lucky to have her.  Unfortunately Jared and I have a scene to film soon but hopefully we will see you around?” He asked it more as a question as opposed to a statement you make when saying goodbye to someone you don’t have any intention of making plans with.
“I hope she’ll invite me back, I don’t think I embarrassed her too much”, you said with a smile.
“Darlin’ I don’t think anyone could be embarrassed of you” he responded with yet another heart stopping wink.  He walked off before you had a chance to form any type of response and all you could do was watch his bowlegs carry him away.
“Jensen is right I gotta go, but hopefully we will see you soon.  It was great to meet you.”  He said to you as he got up from his chair.
“Nice meeting you too, hopefully we can all grab dinner at the diner sometime too.” You responded with a smile.  You really liked Jared and you hoped you would see him again soon.
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caspercryptid · 2 years
could i request a jayvikmel zombie apocalypse au? ship or gen anything is fine.
This....got away from me. Feel free to hop into my inbox about a follow up sometime, or don't and I'll circle back, because.... this. Really. Really got away from me.
Jayvik and Jaymel, currently, for worldbuilding reasons. I'll close the V later. Enjoy!
TWs: Gore, vomiting, violence, disease...Zombie stuff. yknow.
When it starts, all Jayce can think about is how relieved he is that it isn’t his fault.
It’s a stupid thing to think. Genetics and epidemiology and biology had never been his field, that was more Viktor’s area, and that was the really terrifying thing, that was where the relief ended. Because it hadn’t been his lab. His lab was in Washington DC. He was fairly well insulated, for a while, at his nice house in the suburbs and his politician neighbors that were ready to lock everything down at a moment’s notice. It hadn’t started in Washington DC, nor out at Langley, nor in any of the weird bits of unmarked map where google decided to stop showing you pictures of the street and you just had to make your own assumptions.
One day, Jayce had turned on the TV, and found out that Boston was being quarantined, and the only thing he could think was oh, Fuck, Viktor, what have you done.
That had... unfortunately. Proven prescient.
It’s not that Jayce had been wholly incapable of telling which way the wind was blowing. It’s just that he tended to be pessimistic, and then tended to try to balance out that pessimism with rationality. It wouldn’t be that bad. They must have caught it quickly, the city was on lockdown before people even started reporting symptoms. And the deaths were bad, yes, when those started, but that just validated the concern. The city was on lockdown. Really, the only person he had to be scared for was Viktor, and he was. Terrified. For Viktor. A week in, after the first people started showing symptoms, he’d tried to call. No voicemail. Nine days in. Fevers, chills, dehydration. Two calls, one from a payphone just in case Viktor had call ID. no answer. No voicemail. Eleven days. Vomiting. Disorientation. A strange increase in bone mass, calcifying. Arrhythmia. Abnormal muscular changes. Hey, Viktor, I know it’s been a while since we talked–
Fourteen days. Three deaths. All in immunocompromised patients. Comorbidities. It’s not that surprising. The fever alone would do it. Viktor’s facebook hasn’t been updated since a week before the lockdown. Neither has his linkedin. Sixteen. Eight deaths. One was a child. Jayce sends an email. The news starts getting conflicting reports. The death toll might be higher than reported. The lab is seizing bodies and not returning them to their families. The family of the ten year old files a lawsuit.
Day Nineteen.
FROM: ViktorMH@█████.edu
SUBJECT: re: Please just tell me you’re okay
Jayce, Get on a plane and get out of the country. Any plane. Any country. The more remote the better. Leave. Now.
The next time Jayce sees Viktor, it’s day 21, on television, and he’s grabbing the mic at a press conference to tell everyone the dead are rising, and he’s escorted off the stage.
On day 23, they do.
Jayce isn’t fast enough leaving, because of course he isn’t. Not getting on a plane, getting to boston, because if he was going to die he was going to die next to the only person in the world he’d ever loved, and he had said as much in the emails he’d sent that had all bounced with a RETURN TO SENDER and something about invalid usernames. Viktor had lost his post at the university. Jayce didn’t care. Jayce didn’t care if Viktor didn’t know he was coming for him, he wasn’t going to let anything, not even the literal apocalypse, stop him.
Unfortunately, the literal apocalypse did not get the memo.
He bites back a scream as he gets stuck in a blockade trying to head north around DC. Traffic had been pretty clear– everyone’s heading the other way, but he gets shut down by the officers trying to quarantine the city. He’s arguing with a border patrol officer that seems to have been shipped in to deal with it– the guy barely seems to know what’s going on. Jayce is trying to argue, and the guy's hands are up, and then he bends double and throws up.
Jayce is so thrown off that he’s not paying attention to what’s going on around him– his car’s stopped on the side of the road, he’s just standing in front of an offer who’s vomiting– what looks like blood and–
Jayce’s brain completely fails to process the rest of what’s in front of him, and he freezes, and he processes belatedly that he’s not wearing a mask, why isn’t he wearing a mask, surely the disease has a risk of an airborne vector–
But in the same second second as the disgust and the fear hits him, Jayce’s mouth is already moving. “Are you– okay?”
The man doesn’t respond, just groans, swaying on his feet. Instinctively, Jayce moves forward to steady him, and then there’s a hand grabbing the back of his shirt.
“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.”
The voice is– Jayce turns around.
The voice matches it’s owner.
She’s beautiful, in the kind of way that strikes Jayce dumb for a second, like he hadn’t since high school, and maybe it’s half the shock. She has freckles, Jayce thinks, stupidly, except they’re gold flakes across her dark skin like a handful of stars coming out when the sun first sets. There’s gold clips in her hair, too, twisted neatly up on top of her head. She’s wearing a suit with gold buttons that flash in the light, gold cufflinks that Jayce notices distantly as her hand draws back.
She gives him a patient look, like maybe she’s used to this reaction, and then she says–
“Get in my car.”
“–What?” Jayce manages.
“If you don’t get in my car,” She says, sweetly, “you are going to die.”
She purses her lip, and then there’s movement in Jayce’s peripheral vision, but he can’t make it what it is before he’s shoved, full-body, the woman dragging him at full force and then half-flinging him at a car with blacked out windows, and Jayce isn’t thinking, Jayce is finally jarred enough to open the door, but he makes a mistake, and he turns around, half-shouts a warning as the officer lunges.
She’s a few steps behind him, but she’s not making it to the car, she’s stopping, and it happens so fast that Jayce swears he didn’t see it, that his mind has to fill in the gaps in the seconds, because one second there’s a man lunging with blood down his chin at the woman’s back, and the next her arm is up and there’s blood bursting out the man’s neck, and he’s going down, and it’s only after he hits the ground that Jayce hears the sound of the gun, processes that she’s holding it, and he covers his mouth, because screaming doesn’t seem like what he should do right now.
She turns back around, and Jayce doesn’t know what expression he was expecting to see, but it's not the raw half-panic furrowing between her eyebrows and into the lines of her face.
“I missed.” She says, nonsensically. “Please get in the car, now.”
“What do you mean you–”
Jayce freezes, stopping, as the man behind her starts to pull himself up, but she’s not waiting for any more reactions, she shoves jayce by the shoulders into her backseat and slams the door, and then lunges back into the driver’s side and slams the door shut as the body of the man slams into it– because surely it’s just a body, surely that’s not a person anymore, but it’s still moving, teeth and gore against the window, and Jayce wretches, covering his mouth, and the woman in the front seat is slamming on the gas, barreling over traffic cones, speedometer needle jerking forward.
“–Mel.” She says, looking slightly hysterical. “My name is Mel.”
“Jayce.” Jayce says. “Doctor Talis. Not the useful kind of doctor. Do you have a bag? I think I'm going to throw up.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer.
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