#‘haha you don’t go out a lot’ Yeah I physically can’t
c0rpseductor · 1 year
kind of sick of other lgbt people acting like Go Out Clubbing Or You’re Basically Straight is at all a mindset that’s not deranged. Sorry would love to meet your arbitrary standards for being gay enough but i can barely walk 👍 don’t think ill be dragging my cane to the club but you guys have fun
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
ill do anything for something about Prismo, relationship Hcs or PDA Hcs, I don't care if it's sfw or nsfw, I love Prismo
Of course! Prismo is such an underrated character, Im so glad he’s getting more screen time and I can’t wait to find out more lore like who’s his boss! I’ll keep it SFW for now, but feel free to send in another ask for some spicier headcanons ;) Enjoy!
Prismo the Wishmaster x Reader General Headcanons
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• I hope your love language is receiving gifts because hoo boy he is constantly showering you with presents
• Saw something you liked in a store but didn’t have enough money to get it? Bam, it’s right there in front of you. Craving a specific food? Here’s five servings of it.
• It gets to the point where you have to tell him to dial it back a bit, because getting everything you want whenever you want it can start to make life a bit anticlimactic.
• On a more serious note, part of the reason why he gives you so many things is because he’s afraid that you might leave. I mean yeah,he’s an extra-dimensional godlike being, but he’s also very lonely because of this and hasn’t had many serious relationships in his life. This has caused to think that the only way to keep you with him is to grant your every wish. He needs you to reassure him that you love him for who he is, and you don’t need all those things to want to be with him.
• Like Scarab, he can take on a human-like physical form sometimes, though this form is harder for him to maintain as he does it a lot less often than Scarab. In this form, he has dark skin, curly pink hair and bright blue eyes like he usually does, and he wears a comfortable pink kurta and pants.
• He uses this form for physical intimacy, which you’ll have help to teach him as he isn’t familiar with all the different ways humans show affection.
• “So this is how a hug feels! Haha, it’s a little weird, but I like it!”
• His TV isn’t just for watching over the multiverse, he can also pull up programs from any universe to watch, so expect regular movie nights/binge watching shows
• He also loves playing board games! He’s really good at them too, though he’s not that competitive. He just has a lot of time to practice
• If you started dating when Jake was alive, then he loves to hang out with both of you! Nothing is better than chilling with his partner and his best friend.
• Makes special batches of pickles just for you, and asks you to sample different flavors and give him notes on what to adjust.
• In the most non-stalking way, he likes to keep an eye on you whenever you go back to your universe. He just wants to make sure you’re safe, and if you ever told him you’re uncomfortable with this he’d definitely stop asap.
• He’ll only step in if he sees you in serious trouble, zapping you to the time room to get you out of whatever situation is causing you distress.
• For my trans, nonbinary and gender non-conforming folks, he is of course accepting of all gender identities, and if you aren’t happy with how your body or features look he’d be happy to change them for you! Only with your absolute complete consent though, he doesn’t want to permanently change anything about you unless you are absolutely sure it’s what you want. And of course, he’ll still love you no matter what you look like <3
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aka-indulgence · 9 months
Got a oneshot! Have a fic where Sans rejects your romantic pursuits with a happy twist ;)
CW: Flashback section containing Sans’ ex, where he wasn’t having a good time
(Sans & Gender Neutral Reader)
Sans doesn’t know what he thinks about the whole romance thing after a disastrous start. What happens when a precious friend confesses?
It wasn’t entirely unexpected.
Sans didn’t think much of it when you came that day. Sans would often usually invite you over anyway, though today you were first to ask him if you could visit. Which was fine- he’s never as comfortable with anyone else as much as he was comfortable with you. (Maybe Papyrus, but even then there were things Sans wouldn’t tell his brother because he didn’t want to burden him with problems that Sans would rather burden himself with.)
You were laughing. He always loved it when you laughed.
“so i told him: paper-thin skin? buddy. pal. i ain’t got skin.”
You were in an uproar, slapping your knee. “Oh my god! I’d give the world to see the look on his face,”
“oh yeah. definitely unforgettable. man got so red faced he looked like he was gonna burst. he then stomped out like an angry toddler.”
You were giggling, before the both of you fell into a silence. That was a normal part of conversations, Sans was used to it. Especially with you, the silence was never unwelcome. But this time… something felt different. The air has shifted. Your carefree expression had changed into something more contemplative. He wasn’t sure what it was, then. Or maybe, he just didn’t want to read too deep into it.
You spoke up.
“... Hey Sans? Can I tell you something?”
Why was he nervous?
“... yeah?”
“It’s… um. Give me a second…” you laughed nervously. “Haha, sorry, I feel a little sick.”
Sans’ brows furrowed. “what’s up? you ok..?”
You huffed. “Ok. Yeah. Sorry for ruining the moment? But uh… it’s been on my mind for a while, and I have to tell you. I hope you’re ok with me saying this but. I like you, Sans. Kind of… a lot?”
… Ringing. Sans hears ringing. It feels like something in his soul crashed.
“... Sans?”
Sans wasn’t there. His mind was somewhere else.
“i just… i just don’t know if i like you in that way…”
Her face broke into despair. She wouldn’t look his way. She didn’t even say a word to him.
“w… wait. why are you… where are you going?”
“I can’t be here.”
It was years ago. Monsters had lived on the surface for about a year. She was one of Papyrus’ friends, and their first meeting had been wonderful. It still leaves an ache in his chest when he thinks about it now, how hopeful he was when he met her. She was fun, always got Sans involved in social events, always found her way towards him when he was sitting on the sidelines while Papyrus took the stage.
“hey i wouldn’t recommend the punch.”
“Why not?”
“y’see, i like funny things. and that thing… it ain’t got a punchline.”
“... Are you seriously punning?”
“i think i’m being funny.”
“Hah, that’s so stupid,”
She was laughing. But when Sans thinks about it now, maybe it was a pitying one. Sans wasn’t one to judge, puns didn’t win everyone over.
She quickly became a regular in his life, the first human friend he’s made since the surface, one that seemed more interested in him than his brother. She would even pout and joke when Sans didn’t give her enough attention which was cute, at the time. It was easy introducing her to his friends, with how often she tagged along with him.
She would put her arm over his shoulders, hug him, get so close to kissing but miss… Sans never initiated, but only because he wasn’t much of a physical person to begin with. It was nice to have someone so affectionate with him.
He really liked having her in his life.
And then… came that fateful day.
“I was going to wait for you. But you never asked me out.”
“what do you mean…?”
“I know you’re smart, Sans. I’ve been obvious. I just don’t know if you even like me.”
He didn’t know where this had come from. He was suddenly put on the spot, struggling to give her an answer, an answer that he knew she wanted. But Sans was lost.
“i just… i just don’t know if i like you in that way…”
She was stoic. She was upset with him, she left him alone in his room after he brought out the games he was hoping to play together. Had he made a mistake…? Was he really that dense? Was he just terrible with commitment?
She… she deserved better.
So he decided to fix it. At least, he thought he was fixing it. Though it turned to be a decision Sans would regret soon after.
He showed up at her door the next night. She hadn’t responded to his texts, his calls. Not even Papyrus’. He felt guilty, like he ruined something perfectly good.
i can’t lose her.
Sans was starting to panic if she maybe had left- then the door opened. Sans soul shook when he saw how her face fell when she saw his face. She was going to retreat back into her room.
“w-wait! please listen to me,” His hand was at the door. “i… i made a mistake. you’re important to me, ok? and i think i want… to be with you.”
His soul sung when she finally looked him in the eyes. There were tears in hers, but she was smiling, and he was happy to have her hugging him again. The tension snapping was a relief. That he saved himself. But even then he wondered… why did it taste bitter to say those last few words?
It… didn’t last long. More and more of Sans’ time was taken up by her, which… should be a good thing. Couples should spend lots of time together, right? But he didn’t have time for his friends anymore. Everytime she went out, he needed to come with.
“Sans, you smell like ketchup.”
“oh… yeah, i put too much on my hotdog.”
“Come on, you need to eat something better. People keep telling me you smell like grease.”
“... really?”
“Yeah. Here, I got you new clothes. Crisp!”
“oh… thanks.”
“Get ready, I’m planning to go at six.”
He was becoming active. He was going out every day, he wasn’t locking himself in his room.
It was for the better, he told himself. She brought out the life in him.
… Sans always thought he was intuitive. He was the best at reading people. He’s the judge. It came to him like breathing.
But apparently, he had been blinded. He had a hard time trusting himself. That maybe his gut feeling was wrong.
Papyrus had found him alone during a party, having escaped to the bathroom. His sockets had bags under them. His face was dripping with water. He just… needed to rest. Without anyone else around.
“yeah… i am. just needed to freshen up is all.”
Papyrus looked so… sad. He hadn’t seen his brother frown so deeply, in a way that made Sans feel guilty.
Sans was getting sloppy. He looked away from him, to the mirror- he couldn’t handle that sorrowful look on Papyrus’ face. All that did though, was force him to confront his own expression. His signature smile wasn’t even there. And Sans couldn’t muster the energy to bring it back.
“I DON’T WANT TO PRY, IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE, BUT… Could This Have Something To Do With Her?”
Sans should’ve said no. Denied it. Told Paps that everything was fine and he was just… just overwhelmed. But he didn’t.
“i… maybe. i…” He exhaled through his phalanges, staring at the bottom of the sink. “i don’t know if i love her, pap. at least… romantically. i’m… i’m trying paps, i’m trying, i should- she deserves to have someone love her. i want to love her.”
Papyrus finishes his thought for him.
“... no.”
Sans felt horrible. He felt like he was leading her on. But Sans really thought that he loved her. He did! He cared for her!
… But not in the way she wanted.
And Sans didn’t want to pretend anymore.
“What did it? Did… did you find another person??”
“no. it’s nothing like that.”
“Then what changed?!”
She was shouting. Sans didn’t like the shouting. She never took kindly to him giving anyone- anything else attention. Sans tried to fix it, at first. He thought he was the problem until he got the messages asking him where he was, why he was so absent.
“nothing has, it was just a lot of little things. i’m sorry. i don’t love you in that way.”
“... How could you say something so horrible!?”
It was a good thing they hadn’t moved in together. She had insisted on moving, and that was one thing Sans could put his foot down about. He has a couple of old shirts and pants at her place from the nights he’s stayed, but nothing he’ll miss much. Lots of them were clothes she approved. It smelled like perfume. Even when he thought he was in love with her he thought moving together then was too fast.
She blocked him. Cut him out. Told her friends how Sans didn’t try hard enough when she put in the effort. Sans was never a crier- but he was in tears, hiding in his room. He would talk about it with Papyrus, but right then, he didn’t want anyone to hear. He wanted to throw his phone, he wanted to scream at her. He loved her! Maybe- maybe he never wanted to date her, maybe, if they hadn’t they’d still be friends but she always just… took too much.
It was nice when Papyrus chose to cut her off, to show support for him. It was ironic, even though Sans was the one she always chased, she always seemed to be on good terms with Papyrus. Even would ask him to put in a word for her after their arguments.
Sans was fine now. No- more than fine. Sans was happy. His time with her being a mere bump during his time on the surface.
Then, not too long after, he met you.
He never realized what was missing until he met you. You gave him space, and you never asked him to change for you. You… you liked who he was, you liked Sans.
After her Sans was afraid to attach so fast but… he really, really wanted to keep you in his life. He might even like you, more than a friend would. But he wasn’t ready to start another storm in his life.
As he looked into your eyes, he felt his soul sink. He wasn’t ready for it to end.
“... i… i’m sorry,” Why was the air so hot? “i… i… hhh,”
It was a little hard to breathe. Which should be impossible. He’s a skeleton… air… air literally moves through his ribcage. He isn’t… uh… what’s happening?
You were frowning. Oh no. Were you upset?
“S-Sans? Are you ok?”
Sans was gripping the couch too tightly, phalanges digging into the couch cushions, close to ripping them. Beads of sweat were rolling down his skull. He suddenly felt pathetic… panicking over you.
His eyelights darted back to you, bringing him back to the present. You looked so confused… he felt so guilty.
no… i can’t do it again.
“i… sorry. i don’t… mean to panic in front of you but… are you upset?”
“About what? I’m… Sans, you’re not making a lot of sense.”
He presses a hand to his face, then takes a deep breath. His mind was in a frizzle and he had to explain to you now before he goes crazy.
“sorry, my mind is a mess right now. i… i don’t want to make you sad. but i don’t know if i’m ready for a relationship right now. and it isn’t you, it’s… it’s me. i don’t want to take away your hope or anything but… i don’t know if i’ll ever be ready for a romantic relationship.”
You blinked at him.
 Sans tensed. Expecting you to explode, or cry, or yell at him, run out the house, hate him, oh god he ruined everything-
“Sans, that’s… ok?”
“w… what do you mean?”
You’re confused. Sans was too. You shift your eyes left and right.
“I mean… that’s ok. I just didn’t want to make you upset is all, and w… why are you looking at me like that?”
Was he dreaming? His eyelight flashed yellow, as if he could find something. He scanned your face, your eyes, your nose- looking for a shudder, a twitch, even a pulse out of place.
Your face was neutral. Was it just hard to read you?
“you know, you can tell me if you’re upset.” Sans was telling the truth. “i can take it. i’d rather you tell me straight to my face if you are. i… i don’t want to lose you.”
You look startled at his sudden pleading, before giving him a pitiful smile. You put your hands on his shoulders.
“Sans? Can you look at me?” You asked in a soft voice.
It was difficult to look up. He knows you, you’re not the type to yell at him or to curse him for little things. He’d trust his judgment but he’s been mistaken before. Nonetheless, slowly, he tilts his skull up to you. When he does, he sees the determination in your eyes, a fierce yet gentle look.
“Sans. Believe me, I’m ok. You’re not going to lose me if you tell me no. Ok?”
“m… mhm,”
Your serious expression melts a little when you start snickering. “Sans, I… I didn’t even get to finish my sentence. I was about to tell you that I’ll understand if you don’t wanna do a whole romance with me, I’ll be fine! I think it’d be great, and I stand by saying I like you a lot. But, I also like where we are right now, and staying like this is pretty nice too. Just being with you is fun, and whether you’re my friend or my boyfriend, that’s not going to change. So… if you’re ok with staying friends after my confession, I think I’d like that.”
The static of panic started to fade away, and a feeling of calm washed over him. The relief was so potent that Sans could feel his sockets start to sting.
h… heh… i was worrying for nothing.
“yes. god, i’d like that too,” Sans wobbles, phalange wiping his socket. “i was scared that if… if i said no you’d hate me.”
“Pfft,” you snort, before you quickly covered your mouth. “Sorry that wasn’t, I’m not laughing at you. I just want to know what made you think that?”
You bump him gently on the shoulder with your fist. “I thought you knew me!”
Sans snickers, a bit more giggly than usual. “i do! i just have doubts when it comes to romance nowadays,” He sighed. “so… you’re really ok with being friends?”
“Yeah! What’s so bad about being friends anyway? As long as you’re not weirded out by me, if I still get to see you, I count that as a win.”
Sans thought the same thing. He smiled.
“yeah… you’re right.”
It was definitely a win having you in his life.
You go oof! When all of a sudden Sans tugs you into a hug, squeezing you tightly.
“i’m… i’m glad i met you.”
You take him in for a moment, before wrapping your arms around him. You squeeze him back.
“Me too.”
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bivht · 8 months
Moon Sign in the Persona Charts Observations
Idk why but I’m obsessed with looking at moon signs. The moon sign traits are always the most noticeable to me
🎒People that have that look-at-me factor may have Leo moon in the moon pc or venus pc. If in Moon pc, they can attract attention just by breathing. With Venus pc it’s more like they have to be interacting, talking with another person for people to notice them. Because Venus is about relations. Both stand out in center positions.
🎒If someone’s moon sign is the same as your mercury sign in the moon/mercury/venus/mars pc, they understand each other quite well. The moon will appreciate the mercury’s way of expressing themselves and the mercury finds the moon familial and is comfortable around them. I have a lot of friends with this compatibility.
🎒If two people have the same moon sign in the mercury pc, they seem like a couple sorry. Their way of thinking is so similar. These are the people that can look at each other and know what the other one is thinking without saying anything. Their bond transcends the limitations of speech.
🎒Virgo moon in the mercury pc have to be the most respectful, grateful, polite people I’ve ever met. They’re good at handling and navigating through situations in a professional environment because they’re unbiased and “right place right time” appropriate sort of people. They have strong boundaries with their personal details and with physical contact and can be slow to trust people. They have a sort of perfect look to them. Not necessarily their appearance but more like their self expression. I notice a lot of them tend to be on the slimmer side. They tend to eat until comfortably full rather than stuffed. They don’t bite more than they can chew and don’t make promises they can’t keep. 10/10 respectable people.
🎒Trust an earth moon in the mercury pc/moon pc to give an honest review. They avoid using emotive words like “best” and “most” and instead take time to analyze the pros and cons whilst being respectful. They’re not gullible, not dramatic but realistic and true skeptics.
🎒Aries moon in the mercury pc/mars pc are so hot!!
🎒Not an astrology observation but people who lack these letters in their name—-> b,k,t,e,n,w,h,q,z are terrible at math for some reason. Or just very slow to learn math concepts. Even if you have one of these letters in your name, it has to be prominent, meaning: first letter, second letter, first vowel, last letter. This is more of an assumption so please let me know if it resonates.
🎒People with an abundance of air moons in the moon/mercury/venus/mars pc stare at people a LOT
🎒Air moons in mercury pc make for stimulating conversation, gossip, but are kind of detached. I wouldn’t go for deep convos with them unless they also have Fire and Water too.
🎒Earth moon in mercury pc = that friend that never lets anyone in their house
(but they’ve been to your house countless times)
🎒Virgo moon in mercury pc is another level of private especially when it comes to relationships. I swear more than scorpio moons. Most other moons will tell you who they have a crush on early. Virgo moon could be secretly pining for so long and then you find out they’ve already confessed to their crush whom you didn’t even know about and been together for a month. They also don’t like to talk about relationship problems with anyone other than their partner and don’t like people—>strangers/acquaintances asking about their relationship so yeah respect their boundaries.
🎒Sagittarius moon in mercury pc like to tease and provoke their partner. Sometimes they may like to make their partner jealous and they also get jealous easily. They know how to have fun, enjoy life and a big, hearty meal!! Big biters. They are definitely foodies haha. They can have adorably chubby cheeks bc they eat a lot unless they have fast metabolism. They pull funny faces. Lowkey the opposite of virgo moon.
🎒Taurus moon in mercury pc is also a foodie but the difference is they take time to appreciate each bite whereas sag just stuffs their face lmao a little too self rewarding but at least they’re having a good time
🎒Taurus, Sag, Cancer = ultimate foodies
🎒Most earth moons in mercury pc are so grateful, humble and down to earth especially virgo. Sag and pisces in mercury pc can come off as ‘out of touch’ as these signs are less comfortable in mercury (I forgot the word for it). I can imagine rich kids with sag/pisces moon in merc pc being insufferable yikes.
🎒Gemini moon in mercury pc is eccentric but in a charming way?
🎒Pisces moon in mercury pc are so “wrong time wrong place” people, it’s weirdly hilarious. They’re either the embodiment of TMI or so mysterious you hardly know anything about them
🎒Fire moons in the moon pc are so entertaining. They’re delivery is always hilarious bc they’re so dramatic and passionate. People are attracted to them like moths to a flame
🎒Scorpio moon in mercury pc and Aries moon in mars pc are scary as. Don’t want to be on their bad side. Scorpio anger is more of a silent, fatal, death stare whereas Aries is explosive, fuming anger. They’re fiercely loyal and protective of their loved ones but the down side is they can be biased; defending the person in the wrong sometimes
🎒Moon signs in the same element get along really well I.e. capricorns get along with virgo and taurus. Aries get along with Leo and sag. For example, same-element-moons in the mercury pc can be completely different people but understand each other so well. In mars pc, they have similar energy and hype each other up, they’re each other’s personal hype man lol
🎒I feel like signs with the same modality attract each other. For example sag moon and virgo moon in mercury pc (modality: mutable) both have such different beliefs and values yet they appreciate traits in the other that they lack and get along well as friends. For example virgo is professional and stoic, and sag is funny but their bond is built on mutual respect rather than similarities between each other. And also, one of my virgo moon in merc pc friend likes a lot of celebrities with sag moon in merc pc (can’t remember who, my bad).
🎒Gemini moons in moon pc think through their emotions rather than feel. They overanalyse social interactions more often than not
🎒Sometimes sag in mercury pc can be ungrateful. They always want more, more, more without showing gratitude, for example with food especially. Sometimes they need to sit back and smell the roses.
🎒Aquarius moon in the moon pc is really detached. Throw in a bit of Pisces and it’s just a whole unstable mess. In extreme cases, narcissism/serial killers/psychotism. I can imagine because at their worst, pisces is delusional, and aquarius has the ability to detach from any emotion including empathy.
🎒Aries moon in moon pc have self respect. They never say anything to belittle themselves. They’re honest and don’t appreciate pity and so they talk about their hardships in a normal tone (not a pitiful one). They’re also arguably the most hardworking people out there and you’ll never be bored around them once you get to know them.
🎒Capricorn moons have impeccable patience and they’re really so caring, parental like
🎒Capricorn/scorpio moon in Jupiter pc is so subtly powerful, I love them
🎒Scorpio moon in venus pc’s intense stare >>>>>>>>>>>>>
🎒Libra moon’s habit of copying their partners habits, speech patterns, fashion and interests is so cute. Matching couple outfits/bracelets etc. are their jam
🎒Cancer/Pisces moon in mars pc can get teary eyed when someone raises their voice at them. They’re also very comfortable to be around
🎒Libra moon in the mars pc is so chill like they just don’t give a shit
🎒Capricorn moon in the mars pc is really good at this ——-> 😐
stone faced hot mfs
🎒Leo moons are sooo funny especially moon/mars/jupiter pc
🎒Fire moons in the mars pc are a whole load of fun and dramatic
🎒Aries moon in mercury pc is really resilient and they rarely give up on their goals. Sag moon in mercury pc on the other hand just sometimes can’t be bothered. The most important thing for them is to have fun and be entertained. Leo is kind of a bit of both.
🎒Pisces moon in the moon pc like to vent to people and play the blame game before taking action and solving whatever problem. They’re also healing to be around and very empathetic.
🎒Taurus moon and gemini moon in moon pc get along quite well
🎒Virgo moons can be so naggy but it’s how they show their love
🎒Virgo moon in mercury/venus pc is the type to immediately wash their dishes after eating. Sag moon in mercury pc is the type to leave uncleaned dishes on the dining table after eating, then eat more in the middle of the night and so adding more dirty dishes to the table overnight and then the stack of dirty dishes continue to go neglected for a few days or even longer. They’d make for an interesting horrible roommate duo.
Also thank you so much for 700 followers!! I love you guys ❤️ Enjoy this post.
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stay-tiny-ville · 8 months
Hwang Hyunjin
Summary ~ lovely boy :( (Or dating head cannons for Hwang Hyunjin)
A.N. 2 - if my describing of your relationship growing up didn’t make sense I’m sorry I don’t know how to word it 😭😭😭
Muse, love, beautiful, dove, love, angel, Cara Mia, mon Cher are a few names he’d give you def a lot of “my love”s in another language
Ive heard some mixed opinions (well not that many but a couple) saying that he would be reserved and only lovey behind closed doors
However i argue the opposite and agree with the positions on him being a true hopeless romantic at heart
Tall boy loves holding you as you sleep
Obviously wakes before you (Probably) with his horrendous schedule and just has a true “this is life, and i am living and loving being alive” moment when he just gets to look at you all peaceful and beautiful in his arms
Covers the corners of things with his hand so you don’t hit your head
Stfu he would paint you
Your hands, your face, you two together, or he would take a stab at paintings that are simply based on the memory/emotion but not paint the memory (like he would do that thing where people can see sounds and he would try to imagine your laugh and paint it-i'll die on this hill)
So dramatic like will burst into tears if he gets a paper cut or stubs a toe (i mean yeah it hurts but he’s dYING)
Unlike some of the members like Chan, he’s always with you, like you’re never alone and if he’s at rehearsals? Oh look, you’re here too. Meeting with JYP? Oh, can you come in too? He’s going shopping? He’s at the red carpet for versace? He’s-
You get it
Spiritually and physically attached
Spins you all the time
Context: every single time you come out of the bedroom after getting ready to go out or simply just coming out of the room he takes your right hand with his right hand and twirls you into his side before a required temple kissy and moves on/out the door
Required ritual or the world ends
I imagine you two as childhood best friends (yes, THAT trope) and i don’t necessarily think of it as one of you had a crush on each other as you grew up, you just grew up together in love as if it’s what you were taught to do
When you went to school and learned about the different types of emotions or had the healthy relationship talk you didn't think anything of it
I didn't know what love felt like until I turned 18 and you thought this adoration was a normal feeling
Until your friends talked about their lives and you realized most people don't have a bond like you do, most people don't feel like you do about your soulmate Jinnie
You didn't feel this way about the crushes you’ve had previously
Normal people don’t always put their one friend before everybody else
Either you went straight to Hyunjin and talked about it because you could talk to him about anything or not, he would realize the same thing, i can’t say if it was slower or faster than you, it depends i suppose
But i imagine the transition was just from the average hugs and hand holding and kisses on the forehead that were just normal things with no thought behind them became ones with love behind them
Puts you before himself
You’re cold means trade cold for his jacket he will suffer instead
You’re sick he’ll sacrifice his health to cuddle and coddle you all day long
You haven’t been eating well/at all he’ll give you his food after rehearsals
Lays his head on your chest
He’s baby :(
Like I haven’t thought about who cuddles how and who is big or little spoon but Hyunjin loves to just lay on your chest or lap
Please he’s dress you up in rich ass clothes even if it looks putrid together
The softest with you when you’re upset :(
Like you’d just not be doing too good be it sad or bad day and he could tell because you weren’t responding as energetically to his jokes and funny haha’s (please that autocorrected to Gaga’s) and his smile turns into a frown and he’d stop you from walking away by grabbing your shoulder that was farthest from him and turned you to look at him
When you kept your head low he ducked to meet your eyes and the sadness/tiredness in the made him sad :(
Takes care of you all day and sits with you on the floor in front of the couch on the fuzzy (I imagine white faux fur bc he’s bougie) rug
You sit in his lap facing him while his back is against the couch and he doesn’t break eye contact to let you know he’s listening so whenever you look back up at him from messing with his clothes he’s looking right at you
Please he’s so baby I could write so much more about hopeless romantic baby Hyunjin
ASO RQ I AM FOREVER OBSESSED WITH BOTH RED HAIR HYUNJIN (which is a trade of passage for Stays at this point) AND MAXIDENT TASTE (which is such a banger I will die on this hill again) SHORT BLUE HYUNJIN HAIR AAAAAAAH
N e ways he’s baby and so so lovely I love
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strangerpringle · 5 months
(‼️UPDATED HUNTRIC FIRST MEETING SCRIPT‼️) (CONTEXT: This is now a flashback minisode script where Hunter and Edric are both in their late thirties and have two kids Lewis(14) and Fionna(12) when Hunter and Edric tell Lewis about their first meeting)
Hunter, and Edric are sitting on the outside couch on the porch, while Fionna is playing with Batric, Lewis comes outside excited to show his dads what he’s been working on.
Lewis: Dad Papa, can you help me for a second I need some help on a few details.
Hunter: of course! Uh, what is the project exactly, you haven’t really told us what it is yet.
Lewis: oh yeah, I’m supposed to write a report on the most inspirational person or people in my life, and I had to go with you two since your story is so beautiful and moving and emotional it’s literally something that came out of one of my romance novels, it’s so interesting and inspiring to me!!
Hunter and Edric are practically in tears they did not expect that kind of response
Edric: *sniff*🥺
Fionna: booooooo I don’t wanna eavesdrop on all this gross sappy romance talk *blegh*
Lewis: Fionnaaaa if you’re gonna be like that then go back inside and watch your creepy clown movie or something-
Fionna: At least that’s entertainment-
Hunter: haha it’s ok Fionna-
Edric: don’t worry Lewi, sometimes kids don’t really care about romance. I didn’t really care about it until I found the romance section in the video store around your age, I think it was something about vampires-
Hunter: anyway, what did you need exactly?
Lewis: Oh yeah, *Lewis places long sheet of paper on the coffee table in front of them* I just wanted to make sure the timeline was correct, was the break up before or after aunt Mittens had the fight with Papa at Eclipse Lake?
Edric: Uh, before, and uh, we actually didn’t first meet when the abomitons were being transported to the old castle.
Lewis: Wait, really??
Hunter: I guess technically that’s when you first asked me out.
Edric: Wow, we really never told you?
Lewis: NO, I can’t believe I never fact checked this…
Hunter: heh, you remember that night?
Edric: How could I forget❤️
Hunter and Edric look over at Lewis, he has a VERY intrigued face.
Edric: You want to hear the story-
Hunter and Edric both giggle-
Hunter:Grom night, if I remember correctly, I haven’t even met Luz at that point.
Edric: ugh, the night me and Em got stood up-but also the night I met the love of my life~💞
Hunter: *blushes* and the night I met mine~💞
Lewis: EEEEEE *bouncing with excitement*
Fionna: *very exaggerated gags and covers her ears*
Edric: …23 years ago
Hunter: Titan we’re old-
Edric: HA-oh man…
It’s Grom night, and Edric and Emira are alone after being stood up, they’re having an argument because Emira’s upset…
Ed runs into a nearby forest, sad cold, and lonley. After a few minutes he sees a flash of red light coming right towards him-
The Golden Guard stops right at his tracks-
Edric is very taken aback, hes only heard of The Golden Guard, hes just never seen him before, he becomes slightly starstruck.
“Sir why are you here this is a dangerous forest, its not safe-“
Edric: Whatever, if the forest is gonna eat me alive let it-
GG: What why??
Edric: …it’d be a lot better then getting your heart broken🥺
GG: How did that even happen, wait what do you mean hearts can break-IS IT CONTAGIOUS??
Edric: what no?? It’s a saying-Ugh why do you even care, no one else would care if I died out here why should you??
GG: Look man I’m not good at this sort of thing, I just think it’s stupid that you’d rather be eaten alive by whatever horrific monsters roams around here then whatever happened to your heart, how did your heart become “broken”, I don’t see any bleeding?
GG: I’m, sorry about that and no, I don’t know how that feels… can I do anything to help?
Edric: heh, can you dance?
GG: I uh, I dont know how to dance, uh, how do you even do that…?
Edric seems very intrigued by this information, "oh I can help with that-" The Golden Guard says it all, I dont have time, theres no point, I'm on a mission. "What? The Golden Guard is not aloud to have a little fun?" Edric swiftly takes his hand, and places it on his shoulder, takes the other and holds it high, while he takes his own, and places it on The Golden Guards shoulder, he slightly flinches, but relaxes after they slowly start to dance, Edric can tell hes nervous but decides not to poke fun at him.
After a few misteps, they start to find a rhythm…
"Well aren't you a fast learner" Edric says with a flirty tone...
The Golden Guard giggles slightly-
They danced for what seemed like forever…
Until a beam of light brightens the entire forest, both shocked and confused they stopped dancing, bits of black goo scurry away under them, "What in Titans name was that??" The Golden Guard yells, "is, that bits of Grom??" Ed questions "Gromethius, is here?" says The Golden Guard "not anymore apparently" replies Ed, they both laugh-
After stomping out the rest of grom, The Golden Guard apologizes to Ed having to miss his dance, smiling, Ed replies, "its ok, I had a better one right here..." The Golden Guard quickly turns away flustered and begins fiddling with his staff.
Edric shivers because of the cold, he left his coat with Emira. He then feels the warmth of a white cloak on his sholders, he looks over to see The Golden Guard without his cloak, and showing his pushed back light blonde hair, with only a strand out of place. "What about you?" Edric asks "It's fine, I can request another when I get back-" *peck*💞
Edric kisses the very flustered Golden Guard on the cheek and replies with a soft -
"Thank you…”❤️
GG: "h-happy to help-uh-"
Ed: "Edric."
GG: "Edric."
Edric suddenly feels butterflies in his stomach-💞
After a moment of silence Ed suddenly realizes- "WAIT WHATS YOUR-" a flash of red wisps into the night sky, "…name.."
"maybe next time, hopefully" Edric thinks to himself...
Edric starts to hear cheering in the distance, he follows it to see what the commotion is about and sees his little sister and her friend Luz being carried away by many students cheering, Mittens and Luz defeated Grom and are now being carried back to end the night with a fun dance celebration, Ed follows his sister and the crowed back to Hexside, still thinking about what happend.
Emira sees him and very worried starts bombarding him with questions, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, WHY THE FOREST OF ALL PLACES, WHAT WAS THAT LIGHT, WHOS CLOAK IS THAT???- but it all just went in one ear and out the other... everything that just happend was magical, more magic then he could ever conjure. He just walks away in his own mind and replays every second of that dance, a dance he never wants to forget, and he hopes someday, maybe, just maybe, he'll see him again.❤️
Edric: What I once thought was the worst night of my life, actually turned out to be better then I could ever imagine…💞
Hunter and Edric look at each other lovingly💞
Lewis: *in tears* that was beautiful…🥺
Fionna: Awww🥺… IM MEAN-EWWWw oh who am I kidding that was really sweet-
Lewis: Not so gross now huh-
Fionna: What?? I’m aloud to think it’s nice SOMETIMES-
Everyone laughs except Fionna-
Lewis: Hey dad, do you still have the cloak?
Edric: Oh, um, I probably do, just not here…
Lewis: *sigh* I can’t wait till I find my love of my life-oh-
A butterfly lands on Lewis’ nose, the wings spread out to show its colorful wings.
Fionna: oooo pretty! :D
Lewis: *takes butterfly on finger* *looks at it and smiles*
Butterfly flutters away into the sky…
Hunter and Edric arrive at a storage unit, unlock it and open it to see many boxes filled with old stuff that belonged to Ed Em Amity and Alador when they moved out of the mansion.
Ed and Hunter walk to the very back and find a few boxes labeled “Edrics closet”
Hunter helps Edric open and look through a few until Edric find a small white cloak that would only fit a 16 year old Golden Guard.
Hunter slowly grabs it and holds it up to himself, seeing how much he’s grown, and they both slightly giggle.
Hunter looks down at it, holding the cloak is bringing back memories, some he wishes he didn’t remember. Edric places his hand on Hunters should and gives him a look saying “you ok?” Hunter puts the cloak down and hugs Edric tightly. Edric hugs back and strokes Hunters hair to calm him. They start to sway side to side, and begin a small slow dance…❤️
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livikattt · 2 months
daily fun but useless ppau fact #20
every time faker's third wish is hinted at (spoilers under cut for chapter 3 of "legendary (the stars will remember you)") (and for lots of other stuff)
someday both of us are leaving here
Gods above, Gumayusi thinks distantly as his support helps him to his feet. He’s so cute. I would literally kill for him.
“I think you just tried,” Faker says with that characteristic hint of amusement in his voice. Gumayusi blinks once. Twice.
“...Did I say that out loud?”
he did not, in fact, say that out loud.
look the fall in the eyes
Spirits. That was far too close for comfort. Keria manages to make eye contact with Faker as he begins to turn away. Please, he mentally pleads, unable to use his magical voice to convey the message. Protect them.
He has no way to hear Keria, but Faker seems to understand anyway, looking back at Keria with a whole storm of emotions in his eyes—determination, sorrow, regret, fear, and a thousand other things that Keria can’t decipher. I will, his eyes seem to say. Believe me, I will.
faker does hear him during this scene!
now you're coming at the king
Oner throws his hands in the air, causing some of the bandages around his wounds to slip. As Bengi hurriedly fixes them, Oner demands, “Why not? Don’t tell me you’re scared of him.” Faker gives him a look. “Then why are you so calm? Keria is—he’s gone!”
“He’s not,” Faker says, and the confidence in his tone has even Deft looking at him in surprise. 
and that's why faker's so confident. because he could literally hear keria plotting the entire last fic.
(don't) fear what you don't know
“You recognize them,” Faker says, his gaze piercing as he studies Showmaker’s reaction. Showmaker stifles a curse. Damn Faker for being so perceptive. 
“I never said that,” Showmaker scoffs, keenly aware of everyone’s eyes on him. He doesn’t even fool himself with the lie, and keeping his brave face on is nearly impossible under the weight of that stare. 
Faker could be Chovy with the way he’s practically reading his soul right now, Showmaker decides. “No, you didn’t,” Faker says easily, “but I’m right anyway.”
he's not even being perceptive he's just reading showmaker's mind (look one of his sons was stabbed he's past worrying about boundaries)
If what Showmaker gives Canyon is a Look, then what Faker’s giving him now is a LOOK. What is he trying to do, read his thoughts like some sort of demon? It would technically be on-brand. Listen, Demon King. It’s not nice to spy on other people without their permission, Showmaker thinks as aggressively as possible.
Faker doesn’t react. Showmaker isn’t sure if he’s disappointed or relieved.
i originally had faker turning away after showmaker... thinks at him, but i was worried it might be too obvious. i was going for a long con. but yeah showmaker does guess faker's wish here (but has no idea he's right)
in the end notes, i mention that i forgot to add a small moment to the chapter. said small moment was supposed to be faker asking showmaker "how did you know?" and showmaker thinking he was referring to something else. once again i thought it was too obvious so i cut it.
the sinful and the saviors
“I mean it, S—Faker.” There it is again, that uncharacteristic slip-up. Faker doesn’t need to read Bengi’s mind to know he’s telling the truth. He can see that much in his eyes.
haha get it? i literally said faker didn't need to read his mind haha
Just to be safe, Faker reaches out to touch a hand to Rookie’s shoulder. If he makes contact, he should be able to figure out what’s up with him. To his surprise, Rookie moves faster than the eye can see, batting his hand aside. He gives Faker a look, one that very clearly means don’t try that again.
Fine. Faker doesn’t need physical contact. He furrows his brow slightly as he channels his magic, determined to get to the bottom of this—
he's trying to read "rookie"'s mind here to make sure he's normal rookie. however keria lowkey knows that faker can do this by now, so he doesn't let him get that close.
change the game
"Gumayusi!" someone shouts, and the door is yanked open abruptly to reveal Faker, his eyes wide and one of the blades on his arm fully extended. "Are you oka— Keria?"
"How did you know?" Keria asks, wincing immediately as the words come out of his mouth in Gumayusi's voice. Some small part of him that still retains its common sense can think of a few different reasons Faker might be able to tell, but seeing as Keria is in a state of sheer what the fuck at the moment, that part of him goes unnoticed.
Faker shrugs, blade retracting until it’s hidden in his sleeve again. “It felt like you.”
(he literally read his brainwaves that's how he knew)
(and keria knows his wish he totally knows it so that's why he goes wait there are def reasons faker knew)
what are you willing to lose
Faker just stares him down, half to be intimidating and half because he has nothing to say. He reaches out with his magic again, this time to Deadeye, but he can’t get a good read on him. That alone has him tensing up, ready to unsheathe his blades at a moment’s notice.
he's just trying to read his mind here
Faker digs his blade into Deadeye’s neck just enough to draw blood. “What are you talking about?” he demands. Finally close enough for his magic to do its work, Faker starts to try to get a good read on Deadeye’s magic.
same thing
As he says it, Faker’s heart drops. His magic retreats, coming back to him with one clear conclusion. This isn’t Deadeye.
faker then realizes this fake deadeye has no thoughts. like me fr.
He’s not one to pray, but Zeus turns his eyes up to the sky anyway. Faker, if you can hear me, we need you. Help us, please.
once again faker hears this! he's 2 for 2 on this typa thing
He doesn’t have to read Showmaker’s mind to know his answer. One look at the strange emotion in the other mid laner’s eyes, something between shame and pity, tells Faker enough. Showmaker looks away. “I’m not sure.”
ok that's all... for now. i swear ill post soon. jk i wont swear. but i have some things that should be ready.
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 24: A Flashy Greeting
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Sakyo: How are the ticket sales going?
Manager: Pretty much smoothly. But there are quite a lot of weekday show tickets left.
Sakyo: With all the buzz the New Fleur Award has been creatin’, there are more shows going on. There’s bound to be lots of overlap between show schedules, so the audience is dispersing between everything they want to watch.
Izumi: We might need to think of some kind of promotional tool.
Sakyo: No, we still have time, so let’s see how it goes.
[Door opening]
Kumon: Tenma-san’s coming back soon!
Izumi: Eh? Really?
Yuki: That’s pretty quick.
Misumi: Let’s welcome him back~
Kazunari: Right-o!
Tenma: I’m ba–
[Party poppers going off]
Misumi: Welcome back~!
Kazunari: Welcome back, TenTen!
Muku: Welcome back!
Tenma: No, what’s with this greeting!? Acting like it’s my birthday!
Yuki: Everyone's suggestions gradually got flashier.
Muku: At first, we thought of just doing a casual greeting.
Kazunari: But for the last one, we just had to pull out all the stops~!
Tenma: Alright, I’ll get my luggage settled, so meet me in the practice room.
Kumon: Already!?
Kazunari: We’re practicing RN!?
Izumi: Aren’t you jet-lagged? Are you feeling okay?
Muku: I think you should take a break…
Yuki: Don’t start going wild the moment you come back only to collapse on us later
Tenma: Who do you think I am? I’m a big-shot actor who can handle even the most packed schedules.
Yuki: No way you’re saying this about yourself.
Kazunari: Haha, that’s our TenTen~
Yuki: He’ll be fine if he’s feeling this cheery.
Misumi: It’s been a while since we all practiced together, I can’t wait~!
Kumon: Let’s hurry~!
Izumi: Okay, then we’re starting in 10 minutes.
Izumi: (They’re all fired up after succeeding in their “challenges”!)
Tenma: “Ah, I forgot. I’ll go fill it up”
Tenma: “Whaddya mean, while at it!?” 
Misumi: Ding dong!
Tenma: ?
[Door opening]
Kazunari: We’re from Summer Eats!
Misumi: Six triangle rice balls from the midnight diner!
Tenma: Uh, these are too many!
Misumi: Let’s eat them with everyone~!
Yuki: Let’s put up this soapbox as a table.
Kumon: Oh yeah, Tenma-san, want me to give you a massage later? I bet your body’s stiff from being on the plane so long.
Tenma: A massage?
Kumon: I used to study sports massages when I was in the baseball club, and a while ago, Yamaguchi told me that I might be able to use them for actors too.
Kumon: I looked into it, and found there’s stage trainers who give massages to actors to keep them in good physical condition.
Kumon: I also found a bunch of massages that might be helpful, so I wanna give them a try!
Tenma: Am I a guinea pig!?
Kazunari: We do exert our bodies during performances tho. This kinda thing would be a big help.
Muku: It could also help us prevent injuries.
Misumi: I wanna get a massage too!
Kumon: Alrighty~!
Kazunari: Oh, also, the flyer’s been printed. Take a looksie!
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Muku: Wahh, it’s so cool!
Tenma: This is nice. It’s got the vibe of the debut performance, but there’s a sense of growth.
Kazunari: My ideas just wouldn’t stop flowing, thanks to all the inspo I got while traveling all around Europe~
Kazunari: I think I’m pretty satisfied with how this design turned out!
Muku: Yuki-kun’s design for the costumes didn’t have any big changes this time.
Yuki: Yeah. The costume design for our debut performance fitted perfectly both for ourselves and our character.
Yuki: So I went with this design.
Tenma: I agree. I think something that gives off the feeling of a simple update is good.
Muku: It could also shift the focus to our growth as actors.
Misumi: I love the Genie’s costume~
Kumon: I’m happy my Genie of the Ring’s costume looks like a matching set with Sumi-san!
Kazunari: These costumes are perf cause their accessories make the flyer’s design stand out.
Yuki: Speaking of accessories, Misumi, how’s the bromide case I made you?
Misumi: Ah, it’s a perfect fit! Thanks, Yuki!
Muku: Bromide?
Misumi: Look~!
Kazunari: This is…
Misumi: A picture of Grandpa! Syu gave it to me~!
Yuki: Ah, good for you.
Kumon: It’s not often we get to see a photo with Hakkaku-san front and center!
Kazunari: And is Hakkaku-san holding a photo of a baby?
Misumi: It’s me~ Syu said the picture was taken around the time I was born.
Misumi: He said that if I had grown up to become an actor, Grandpa would have liked to see me on stage.
Kumon: Is that so…
Misumi: Grandpa didn’t really like having his picture taken, so there aren’t a lot of pictures of him. I was shocked when I saw this one~
Tenma: He took great care of such a precious photo, that’s Syu-san for you…
Kazunari: He takes his Hakkaku-san business serious~!
Yuki: Good for you for getting your hands on such a prized possession.
Misumi: He said it’s best that I have it. Look, at the back–
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Muku: Is that your name written on the back?
Misumi: Yup. Grandpa wrote my name here to show it after he decided on it.
Tenma: Then it’s definitely something you were meant to have.
Misumi: Ah, but Syu also took a picture of it with his phone.
Kazunari: Syu-san sure knows his stuff~
Misumi: And then Yuki made me this holder, so I don’t have to hold it as is~
Yuki: It’ll crumble immediately if you keep it as is in your pocket.
Muku: It has a lot of triangles, it’s so cute!
Misumi: Ehehe, it’s nice, isn’t it~ It’s a treasure, so I’ll carry it with me all the time!
Misumi: If I have it with me during the performance, it’ll be like he’s watching up close!
Yuki: It’d probably be better to leave it on the side of the stage during performances.
Kumon: Cause you might drop it.
Misumi: Okay, got it!
Tenma: Since Hakkaku-san will be watching us too, we gotta do our best.
Misumi: Grandpa, watch over us as we grow stronger than ever.
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possum-quesadilla · 1 month
New chapter of Time’s Arrow, “Good luck, babe! You’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling” is up! Everyone say “thank you, concussion.” (Don’t actually. It sucks.) THIS CHAPTER IS PARTICULARLY ROUGH. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS CAREFULLY AND PROCEED WITH CAUTION!
As always, here are the extras!
- The lyrics for this chapter’s title are from “Good Luck, Babe!” By Chappell Roan! I think it is pretty self explanatory, haha.
- The songs for this chapter are “A Deer Mistaking Candles for Headlights” by Crywank, “Racehorse: Get Married!” By Jordaan Mason, “bad idea!” By girl in red, “Gross” by Penelope Scott, “maggot belly” by awfultune, “Lavender” by Penelope Scott, “Personal” by Stars, “Little Soldiers” by The Crane Wives, “Butch 4 Butch” by Rio Romeo, and, of course, “Good Luck, Babe!” By Chappell Roan!
- “ “Go! Class starts in…” he leaned away, squinting hard at the clock on the wall just outside the kitchen. “… some.. amount of time.” “… I need to take you to the optometrist.” The teen opened the door and went to step outside, ignoring the demon’s ‘huh?’.” - Beetlejuice’s eyesight suuuuucks. They’ve never been to an eye doctor, or even heard of one. They really need glasses. Perhaps they will get some soon!
- “The very thought of the feeling of food in his mouth, of the savory and salty tastes and mushy textures overwhelming his senses made his stomach turn. But the tug at his non-functional heart strings at the image of Barbara’s disheartened expression was stronger, more painful.” - Not the best motivation to eat, but honestly, any motivation can be good motivation when you’re having trouble getting yourself to eat!
- “Did anyone see you? You barely pass as human, and you’re a stranger in this town. Did anyone bother you? Are you alright?” “Geez, Chuck, when-” “Where have you been?! Do you know how late it is, young man?” - Get parent-ed, idiot!
- “‘Young man’? I am neither of those.” - This is a cheeky reference to a similar joke in “Good Omens”!
- “… English isn’t my best language.” “What others do you know?” “.. let’s put a pin in that convo, D-Dog. Your energy is distracting in the best way.” “Aww, thank you!” - a little peak at Beej and Delia’s friendship. I will probably expand more on it if I ever write the extra chapters!
- “Charles furrowed his brows. “Where did you get that laptop?” ” … “… where did you get that one?” - He stole them.
- “ “The what?” Charles sat up straight, brows knit in… concern? Beetlejuice wasn’t sure.” - he is not used to parental concern! Get cared about, fool!
- “… ‘Surely the average White River townie will be petrified by your demonic beauty!’” He chuckled to himself. He thought perhaps he imagined Barbara, Adam, and Delia laughing as well. “First of all, thank you, you’re too kind.” ” - A little peep at the smug, braggy little guy he used to be! And yes, they did laugh at his joke in agreement. He just doesn’t want to hear it because he can’t accept love.
- “Semi-tamed curly hair, now brown with irritating grey streaks he couldn’t get rid of. Manic honey-brown eyes instead of yellow serpentine ones, blemishes on his face instead of moss. Skin now pink, but still pale.” - yeah, basically just Alex Brightman, just with brown, curly hair. Surprise!
- “…wrist-length black driving gloves to cover his blackened fingertips.” - This, along with a line later on, is heavily inspired by the character Theo from “The Haunting of Hill House”. See if you can spot it! She similarly is very sensitive, and wears gloves to avoid direct physical contact with others.
- “They hate it. Fuck. Maybe next-day delivery holy water is still an option?” - ABSOLUTELY NOT
- “They look like a substitute teacher.” - Dewey Finn reference! I see a lot of Beetlejuice fans talking about the “School of Rock” musical. I’ve only seen the movie, and I love it. Should I give it a listen?
- “ “They look… nice.” Adam’s cheeks were flushed a dark pink. Barbara let out a delighted giggle as she rubbed her hands over his facial hair. “What a professional little man!” ” - They think he is so handsome. Barbara cannot control her cuteness aggression.
- “Lydia, pumpkin, I don’t want the people of this town thinking of me as a scoundrel. He obviously is too old to be E-.. Emily’s son.” - He’s trying his best to keep Emily relevant and talked about!! It’s just a bit hard still. Also, yeah, no one would really believe the man with greying hair was spawned from Charles and Emily.
- “He hadn’t been opposed to people thinking he was his son.” - he has never been called someone’s son in a positive way! New experience unlocked!
- “He was… happy. Light. Warm. He felt like he could rip apart a car with his teeth.” - like yours truly, Beetlejuice gets the urge to bite and rip things apart with his teeth when he is excited.
- “ “… I’ll tell folks I’m a distant Maitland relative. Maybe a cousin!” Beetlejuice grabbed Lydia’s arm, going to pull her out the door, missing the way Adam and Barbara wrinkled their noses at the word ‘cousin’.” - I wonder why they were so opposed to him being called a cousin? Hmmm.
- “Beetlejuice slides the Book across the counter and holds out a pen. “Have you heard about our Loyalty Program?” ” - what a weird, suspicious insistence he has. I wonder why that ‘Book’ is capitalized. Surely that must be an error? ;)
- “He bolts off, excusing that he needs to go find Percy and put him in ‘extreme air jail’.” - ‘Extreme air jail’ is when he floats off the ground while holding Percy up. Like regular air jail, but extreme.
- “Aftershave. Tung oil. Black tea. Tea-tree oil and nicotine.” - the smells, respectively, are from Charles, Adam, Barbara, and Delia! Delia smells like her vape pen a bit.
- “Lydia released the demon’s hands, slowly stepping behind them. “I’m behind you, alright? I’m gonna take your blindfold off.” ” - Lydia educated herself on his triggers and is careful not to come up behind him/touch his back or chest without letting him know first!
- “The walls had a familiar striped wallpaper applied to them..” - they recreated the striped walls from when Beej took over the house!
- “… pocketed figurines of various horror characters and stupid-looking colorful monsters. (Adam had called them “pokay-men”?)” - Beetlejuice stole a bunch of Pokémon funko pops without knowing anything about them, except that Adam likes them.
- Two “Lisa Frankenstein” references! The poster, as well as the name of a character later.
- “The ceiling was lined with familiar gentle string lights, the bulbs giving off a soft yellow glow.” - gentle lighting for his sensitive eyes, courtesy of Adam and Barbara! He never really turns on the overhead lights.
- “A large, fuzzy, purple rug covered most of the hard concrete floor.” - Delia picked this out for him! She knows how much he loves Floor Time.
- “… seemingly home-made black and white quilt..” - Barbara made it herself!
- “.. and a rotund black cat plush Lydia had ordered off of Amazon and claimed was for herself.” - it is a squishmallow. Beej still has no idea what they are, but Lyds got one just for him!
- “.. even a rocking chair covered in a bright green fleece blanket in the corner-” - Charles picked out that blanket after seeing how much Beetlejuice enjoyed the fleece blanket on the guest bed!
- “Like Dad said, you deserve your own space, big guy.” - ‘Dad’ is capitalized like that because Lydia considers Charles both her and Beej’s dad now.
- “They still aren’t sure what to do, way later that night, as they lie in their very own bed for the first time. They’d never had a space of their own.” - yeah, he’s never had his own bed. Or room. He mostly slept on the floor growing up, sometimes under a stove!
- “.. as he stared up at the multitude of gently glowing green stars plastered on the ceiling.” - Delia heard that his name is based on a star, so she got these and carefully plotted them out to match the real night sky/constellations!
- “ “I was only thirteen, Beetlejuice.” … “I dunno, Sexy. Arson is a pretty mild form of revenge. I was doin’ a lot worse for a lot less at that age.” ” - Beetlejuice had suggested that Adam should’ve set a bully’s backpack on fire.
- “And you don’t wanna put your weapon up against your victim’s back. Makes it real easy for them to just take it from ya.” - This is true! A little bit of self defense advice!
- “Do you get all your mugging tools at Home Depot? God/Satan, you’re butch.” And “My tit!” - These are both “Jennifer’s Body” references. I couldn’t help myself.
- “… red sleeveless sweater, frowning at the blood-stained button-up underneath. “My.. good friend gave me this stupid, tacky sweater vest…” ” - Yeah he dresses like his human disguise like Dewey Finn because of Adam.
- “It was tacky and itchy and smelled like mothballs, but it was still something one of his favorite ghosts had given him.” - Beetlejuice savors every single thing given to him, because no one really ever gave him presents before.
- “Don’t say Barbara, don’t say Barbara- “Ba-.. Bab… Babette.” What the fuck was that? Babette? “Yeah. Babette… ” ” - Of course, the town remembers Adam and Barbara, so he has to call them by other names. ‘Babette’ is what he thought of on the spot.
- Suprise! Ash is Sky the Girl Scout’s sister! Her full name is “Ashlyn Swallows”, but she only wants to go by “Ash”.
- “Fuuuuck.” … “ “.. damn. That… that, uh… poor girl..” Fuck, the Maitlands and Charles and Delia are going to be so mad when they hear about this.” - Asshole Beej, my beloved. He only cares about his own humans, and not at all how he impacts anyone outside his circle.
- “…and a fair wage from my own pocket.” - So the business doesn’t suffer from the absurd amount of money he is going to pay this kid.
- “Beetlejuice’s ear flicked at the sound of her heartbeat quickening, the jewelry clinking irritably.” - Yeah he hates the jewelry, but he had a hard time saying ‘no’ to Cyrus’ gifts.
- “… yeah. I didn’t realize she’d remember, though.” - Hmm. I wonder if anyone else remembers things that occurred during the loop?
- “… and Barbara enjoyed the occasional sniff of his glass.” - Since she can’t drink the wine, Beetlejuice is letting her smell it instead. Not the same, but it’s still nice!
- “Barbara was sat right up next to him on the couch, leaning on his side and keeping an arm loosely around his midsection.” … “They try their best not to melt at Barbara’s touch as she starts to gently scratch at their chin.” … “His ears went back at the delighted little squeak from Barbara, but he relaxed as she wrapped her arms around him and tightly squeezed. “There he is!” Beetlejuice felt his tail quivering as he wrapped one arm around her in turn. “Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m the most handsome devil you’ve ever seen.” The ghost softly huffed. “It’s true!” ” - Barbara is laying it on THICK. Too bad Beetlejuice’s skull is thicker!
- “.. the demon jumped as Delia leaned in close, scrunching up his nose at the smell of wine on her breath, the sudden increase in all of the sounds of her body functioning. Lungs expanding, blood flowing, joints creaking. It was much harder to ignore when she was that close.” - Beej is constantly overwhelmed by the noises everything makes, especially since he’s not taking care of his sensory needs.
- “The demon slowly let out a breath once Delia leaned back into her place again, his grip on Barbara tightening. Why was it so hard to allow humans to be close?” - BECAUSE HE DOESN’T PAY ATTENTION TO HIS SENSORY NEEDS. And also people suck sometimes.
- “He glanced down at the ghost, hurriedly looking away and taking a swig of his wine when he found her staring up at him with a soft, fond look in her eyes.” - Oh, he’s big stupid. Thankfully, Barbara likes her men just a wee bit stupid.
- “Beetlejuice slurred, finishing off his glass. He went to release Barbara and reach out to refill it, but she gripped onto him tighter.” … “He felt the wine glass be tugged from his grip.” - Barbara decided he had enough, and is gently cutting him off here.
- “(If anything, at least the alcohol was dulling the horrid sounds of the house settling, of the wind blowing and clouds churning, of the distant call of the cicadas. He could no longer feel how tight the stupid dress shirt was, feel his own teeth sitting in his skull. It was nice. Perhaps he should drink more often.)” - unfortunately, a staggering amount of adults with autism use alcoholism to cope with symptoms they have yet to learn how to properly cope with, and to help them better socialize.
- “Just like there’s some stupid part of me that’ll always hope my Ma will turn herself around and start carin’ about me.” - AUGH. The anguish of having abusive parents. Some stupid hard-wired part of your brain is always hopeful they’ll just decide to be good one day.
- “… kids are great like that. They’re made with this…. Hard wired love for their parents.” … “I always thought.. it would be great to take all the love I had saved up for her, all the love she never returned, and… pass it on.” - HE JUST WANTS TO LOVE AND BE LOVED SO BAD OKAY?? I’m not crying you are
- “He titled his head back a bit to look at Adam, in his pajamas, without his glasses, staring the demon down with the most sorrowful expression he’d ever seen on a human being. It hurts worse than the ritual, worse than the glass window, worse than centuries of solitude. This is all you do, Lawrence. You hurt others, and you hurt yourself. His mother’s voice is always in the back of his mind, but it’s so clear now.” - Adam is feeling sympathy and/or empathy, like a normal person, but Beej is taking it as him hurting Adam by being the way that he is.
- “ “B-but they… I could never…” The Maitlands hold him tightly. Barbara gently shushes him, running her fingers through his hair. He didn’t have to finish. She knew. They shared that pain, together. They’d had a long, tearful conversation one night, during their year in the loop. It was the closest he’d ever felt to human, even considering the times he was actually human.” - I will leave this up to interpretation within the confines of Time’s Arrow. I may expand upon it in one of the extra chapters, maybe write out the conversation they had, but for now I will allow readers to come to their own conclusions, since this breaches topics I am currently not fully equipped/educated to write about.
- “ “Maybe you can distribute that love elsewhere.” It wasn’t too bad an idea. But where?” - Delia is suggesting to turn that love inwards, and to maybe also distribute it to Lydia and the Maitlands. But Beej is daft.
- “ “Pink’s a great color on you,” Delia says, patting his cheek before she turns to head back towards the living room. He couldn’t disagree more.” - YOU DESERVE LOVE. CARE IS A GOOD LOOK ON YOU. Oh god he isn’t listening.
- “Sleep finally finds them. They aren’t sure how they made it down into their room, or how they were able to change into a cozy sweatshirt and pair of loose-fitting boxer shorts. But somehow, they did.” - Adam and Barbara carefully and very respectfully helped him change!
- “As they took a wary little sip of the old, undiluted wine,” - Greek wine from waaay back when had to be diluted. Undiluted, it is way too strong and bitter.
- “ “Beetlejuice, when was the last time you drank water?” .. “I had a Dr. Pepper last week.” .. “Who gave you a Dr. Pepper?” “Wh- I’m a grown demon! I can get myself a Dr. Pepper!” Lydia raised an eyebrow at him. He scoffed, looking down at the counter. “Fine. Ash did.” ” - this is both based on a bit from Game Grumps and also a conversation I had with a friend.
- “For that hour before the two of them had to leave, Beetlejuice instead listened. At first it was frantic, confused. Then the conversation was light and breezy. Teasing, joking, excitedly comparing interests. He knew he had to make them meet from the moment Ash mentioned cinematography. Neither of them had many friends other than him, from what he’d heard. And he was sure Ash didn’t consider him a friend regardless. I’m a genius.” - My guy thinks he is the master of meet-cutes. He needs to meet-cut it out and go to therapy. (Next chapter can’t come soon enough…)
- “Their tongue and throat burned with the remains of that horrible sticky, iron taste.” … “Energy, revitalized from this latest sacrifice, buzzed through their whole being..” - Yeah he is accepting sacrifices of human blood from Cyrus’ cult. That is how he is getting the energy and strength to resist the Seal.
- “They desperately grasp Cyrus’ hands. They fumble, head burning and spinning, as they guide his hands to their throat. The demon quirks an eyebrow at them curiously. “Hurt me,” they rasp, their words almost slurring together. “Hurt me like you did before.” ” - DRUNKEN CONSENT IS NOT REAL CONSENT!! Allowing someone to hurt you is not an adequate way to deal with your issues!!
- “As you wish, Pet.” - Sorry I twisted a line from a beloved romance story and made it fucked up. It will not happen again. (It might)
Fun tidbit for making it this far! Here are some TikToks that summarize Ash and Beej’s “friendship”! This, this, and this!
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hypnotisedfireflies · 7 months
hi. I’m obsessed with you 💓 you’re incredible. Just dropping in to remind you.
My birthday is on March 4th and I have a Drabble request/prompt/please ramble on about this idea in the lovely way you do with all them bullet points and angst that’s so romantic.
Tess as a Black Widow. Killer of men. Lures them in… murders them *during*.
Can you imagine?! The one guy she can’t bring herself to kill because they ✨see each other✨ AHHHHHHH
love u bye
You are so unhinged and ilu for this.
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No seriously, ilu.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear friend! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and are spoiled rotten by your beautiful loved ones (and avoid bites, haha). 
I am not organized enough to write anything for this but I can freestyle some ideas so – birthday hats on everybody, streamers and cake:  let’s go with some Killer of Men Widowisms.  Um, proceed with caution I guess, but it’s probably pretty tame.
Okay so who is Tess in this scenario and why is she doing it?  A contract killer or out for her own kicks?  I like the sound of the latter to differentiate from anything else I’ve done.
So let’s go full serial killer with this one.  She’s organised, in control of her desires and travels for work, so she never chooses marks in her own backyard.  She aborts more kills than she follows through with because she’s so meticulous that her marks meet very specific criteria and things can’t be traced back to her.
She likes to drug them before they get started as  physical advantage but changes up the method of actual murder to try and eliminate falling into traceable patterns.
Sometimes she goes years between kills and as a result, when she picks Joel up in a bar she’s feeling particularly itchy.  This guy seems kind of nice.  She might ordinarily let this fish go, nice men don’t deserve messy ends.
But as their time together progresses she starts to get another vibe off him, and thinks maybe he’s not quite so nice as she thought.
So just as she’s about to unhook him she decides to go through with it, even though her instincts are undecided about what is actually going on.
They go back to her motel room, she drugs his drink but she’s still not sure, something’s off.  They get it on and he doesn’t really seem to respond to the effects of the drug she gave him, but she’s so intrigued by being unable to figure him out that she doesn’t pay it the attention she should. 
He’s rougher with her than she’d normally tolerate but she likes it – it’s exciting not really knowing if she’s in control or not, she’s always in control, and this uncertainty really thrills her.
They have ~amazing chemistry ofc
She doesn’t try to kill him when she normally would at point of climax.  She tells herself she’ll give it a few hours and maybe try again.
While Joel’s in the bathroom she examines his drink and the bottle of pills in her bag.  Counts them, she definitely gave it to him but … what’s that?  These pills aren’t hers.  These are not her drugs.
Joel opens the door and he’s like, “You think I didn’t see that comin’ a mile away?”
Tess:  “Did you go through my purse?  Those are my motion sickness pills,” blah blah lie lie.
And Joel tosses the pills on the bed.  “Those are cheatin’, sweetheart.  Where’s the fun if you don’t have to fight for it?”
Serial Killer Tess, meet Serial Killer Joel.
For his part, Joel was preying on her in turn and cottoned on when he caught her spiking his drink, which he then dealt with with some slick sleight of hand and swapped the rest of the pills while she was distracted on a phone call or something (idk)
Joel considered playing along and pretending to be drugged - he thought she was just going to rob him and liked the idea of turning the tables on her at some critical moment (surprise!serial killer, baby!)
But as it went on he realised she had no interest in robbing him, and he started recognising himself in her, and realised what was ACTUALLY her game
And yeah he liked that
Quite a lot
Very much actually thanks
So he let it all evolve but while she was courting the idea of killing him, as was he with her
So when he announced himself she finally got it and she was like, "Who the fuck are you?"
And he's all, "who the fuck are YOU?"
Sick professional meet and greet, each very impressed they've never even heard of each other
But they're successful because nobody knows their secret ... so only one person can leave in the morning, right?
... right?
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polyphonical · 6 months
Red Hot Island - Chapter 8
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: Aquaria Park (Cove)
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〈15 minutes until the event ends〉
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Chiaki: Hmm~… Not here, huh. This is where the last clue leads to, though…
There’s only 15 minutes left too… I wonder how the other teams are doing? It’s hard to tell if we’re doing better or worse since the treasure map is different for each team.
Eichi: There would be an announcement if someone finished already, so I don’t think anyone found the treasure yet.
Chiaki: What!? Then we have to hurry up and find it before anyone else does! Let’s look again!
Eichi: Okayーー
Chiaki: ! Tenshouin, you’re staggering! Are you okay?
Ah, now that I think about it… We’ve been moving a lot… All day, we’ve been swimming, treasure hunting, and just overall using our bodies a lot.
I wonder if it’d be fine if we took a little rest…?
Eichi: I wasn’t staggering. I just tripped over a small step.
Don’t make that kind of face. It’s different from last year. Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been getting a lot better. My physical condition seems to be really stable right now.
Just because you were able to get healthier now doesn’t mean you need to treat me like I’m still the same sickly kid as before.
Chiaki: What are you talking about? You and I are the same, aren’t we?
I wasn’t treating you like that because I think I’m better than you, much less because I pity you either. It’s because I understand what it’s like. I’m just concerned as someone who’s been in that position before. I’m concerned because I’m your friend.
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Eichi: ………
That’s all the more reason not to worry. That is, if you really do understand what it’s like.
Chiaki: Is that so? I guess I’m easy to worry. Other people say the same thing too. That I’m good-natured or something? It’s hard for me to not worry.
Alright then, let’s continue the treasure hunt! Because we could still come out first!
Eichi: Yes, let’s. Since we are participating, aiming for 1st place is the only way to go. Winning is what’s fun about games.
Chiaki: Okay! Then, let’s go check out those bushes over there!
Eichi: I’ll help you look too.
…Hm. It doesn’t seem to be around here.
Chiaki: Yeah, same for me…
Eichi: (Just where in the world is that treasure? I know I said I’d help out with looking in the bushes, but I don’t think they would hide it in a place like this.)
Chiaki: Say, Tenshouin~
Eichi: What is it? Actually, you’ve been talking a lot since the beginning, haven’t you Chiaki? If you want to find the treasure, it’s best to move your hands more than your mouth.
Chiaki: It’s fine! I’m still searching thoroughly. This is like… a chat while searching.
See, it’s not fun to search silently without talking to each other at all, right? It’s a timed event, after all.
Eichi: Well, I guess I don’t see the harm in it. Then? What is it?
Chiaki: Do you remember the promise we made that long summer ago?
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Eichi: ………
What promise are you talking about? I don’t remember anything like that.
Chiaki: I see. If you don’t remember, it’s okay.
Alright! I finished checking the bushes, but I can’t find anything. I wonder where the treasure really is?
Let’s look on the other sideーー Uwah!?
(Oh no! I slipped! I’m gonna fall into the poolー!?)
Eichi: Chi-Chiaki! Wah!?
Chiaki: Cough cough… Fuah!
Eichi: Fuah…!
Chiaki: Haーー HAHAHAH! That shocked me! I accidentally slipped! HAHAHAH!
Eichi: Hah… Seriously. It was not funny, Chiaki. I got dragged into the pool too.
Chiaki: Haha, sorry. You suddenly held out your hand, so I pulled on it and accidentally took you down with me! … Hm?
Hey, Tenshouin. There’s a box that fell down. Was that always there?
Eichi: Eh? Whereーー Ah, you’re right.
When I was trying to help you earlier, I grabbed something like a string that was on the wall without thinking. Maybe it fell out when I pulled the string…?
Chiaki: Then, is that the pirate’s treasure!?
Eichi: Um… Umph, there. Since it’s called a pirate’s treasure, I was expecting something bigger. But it seems to be pretty small.
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Eichi: Yes. This does seem like it’s meant to be the pirate’s treasure.
Chiaki: ! You, you did it, Tenshouin! There wasn’t an announcement yet either, so we must be the first ones who found it!
Eichi: Fufu. You’re right. I can’t believe it’s really…
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Location: In front of the train station
Chiaki: Ah~. Today was super fun~ ♪
Eichi: It was. I truly never thought the day would come.
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Chiaki: ………
Chiaki: I knew it. You really do remember that promise, right? You’re not an honest guy, are you.
Chiaki: That promise we made on that summer, long ago… “I promise that when we get healthier, we can go to the pool together as friends! Because, that’s the kind of future we’ll have!” is what we said.
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Eichi: ………
Chiaki: Jeez. Why’d you have to go and say you didn’t remember it at all? It took a lot of courage to ask, you know! I felt so empty, thinking I was the only one who remembered something like that.
Eichi: Fufu, it was embarrassing to admit… That I kept such a small promise from the past so close to my heart. It felt childish.
Chiaki: I thought it was weird… I mean, you were the one who invited us. Plus, the pool looked pretty busy from what I was seeing.
At least, it felt like it was different than what you were telling us.
So, I thought about it and reached several different conclusions, but in the end, I think you just wanted to enjoy being able to go to the pool with your friends.
――Am I right?  
Eichi: …Chiaki. You really didn’t have to go on with some detailed explanation for my actions.
Especially when it was obvious that I wanted to hide those feelings.  That’s not being honest, it’s being insensitive.
Leo: HE~Y! You guys are too slow! What is taking you so long!?
Kaoru: I was just talking to Tsukinaga-kun, and we were wondering if you guys wanted to stop by a café on the way back home~?
Leo: Right! We’re going to leave you~! If you guys are too late, I’m gonna eat everything you order!
Eichi: Aah, sorry about that. We’re coming.
Chiaki: What were you saying, Tenshouin?
You’re not the only one who wanted to see this scene… this kind of future. I also wished for it.
That pinky promise we made in that hospital room belongs to both you and meーー the ones who shared it. Right?
Eichi: … I see. That’s right… That’s why I shouldn’t have to hide what’s hidden in my heart from you, correct? Ever since then, you’ve been my kindred soul.
Chiaki: Yeah, exactly!
Now, let’s go, Tenshouin! We shouldn’t make our friends wait on us any longer!
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hi! I accidentally submitted a response for the Hazbin matchups when submissions were closed, im sorry. In case you didn’t receive it, here’s mine again :)
My name is Aster. Im bisexual and demisexual. I mostly think romantically about male characters. I’m a huge theater kid, would like to go into directing/playwriting. I’m quite reserved and don’t like loud environments. Would rather stay home and read than go out drinking. I sit in the corner writing an entire script into my notebook from memory.
I have ADHD and many symptoms of autism.
I cannot understand sarcasm most of the time, and I need to take most everything seriously. You can find me picking at my finger pads all the time and having violent mental breakdowns because I can’t figure out a math problem :). I think I’m a very lovely person, people just need to stay and look past my self-destruction. I either sleep til 3pm or not at all
Style: Some say I dress like Kurt Cobain. I cannot go anywhere without my shirt tucked in, a musical sweater, and my tote bag. My earbuds are my security item. I have medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, kinda big nose, braces and glasses.
I have huge daddy issues. I’ve seen Zal Owen as a father figure for as long as I can remember. I don’t have any siblings and am not close at all with any family other than my parents.
Love: I love physical touch!! Kiss me, cuddle me, hold by hand, etc. I also love acts of service. I’m such a sucker for romance and intimacy. Like, let me sit so close in public that I can smell your gum. Rose filled bubble bath just for us, hell yeah. I’m so used to being forgotten or discarded socially so I just kinda need THAT person to actually give a shit. I’ve had my heart constantly broken since I was eight. I need a lot of reassurance and care. I’d like a partner/bestie who is invested in my special interests (can talk to about a show, can harmonize properly with, etc). I’m very very clingy, let’s just say that. I can talk for literal hours about my interests and tell you all the info you need about anything Broadway.
I like to see the good in everyone, and will always try my best to help and be the one to love and support others when they’re not getting any, even if we’re strangers. There are some people I just loathe, though.
Hobbies: I play piano and ukulele. I have huge appreciation for music, and love analyzing it. I love writing and sketching, though I’m not the best at either. I just watch a lot of YouTube and sing a lot of showtunes outside alone on my swings after a long day of socializing.
hey aster!! i didn’t get a request from you so i don’t think i got it haha anyway, i decided to pair you with…
Angel Dust !!
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Angel doesn’t mind staying home with you because honestly, after a long day of shooting, going out to party isn’t his number on priority it’s Fat Nuggets you
As much as I don’t think Angel’s too love language is physical touch, he wouldn’t shy away from giving it to you
I can see him going to shows with you as well, Angel gives me heavy theater kid vibes, tbh
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aerialflight · 1 year
fic rec list (long time coming)
... Please don't kill me. I know it's been a really long time so I'm offering you guys up a list of fics that completely took over my life in the time I haven't been posting or reblogging on tumblr. Please enjoy! (Dashes off after laying this sacrificial offering at your feet.)
[Spiderverse (Spiderman Into + Across the Spiderverse)]
Stars Hide Your Fire by Arowen12
Abruptly Miles tunes back in, “Guidance counsellor?” his voice comes out horribly croaky and at this rate his body’s got enough leftover adrenaline that Miles knows he’s not going to get back to sleep anytime soon. “Yeah, about college, the one with your parents? Man, you must have been out later than I thought.” So, he’s in the past. Or somehow, he got thrown into another universe that’s a few days behind his and the other Miles has somehow gone missing or some molecular physics-type deal has happened and they’ve merged and are permanently stuck together forever. Yeah
(time Loop fic! Miles is straight up NOT having a good time lmao. poor kid. there's definitely quite a few twists and turns in this fic and i'm really excited to see where it goes haha!)
In every Universe, she is Loved by Tired_Writing_Teach
Of all the ways for Miguel's first meeting with Miles to go, no one was really expecting this, least of all Miguel. How is he supposed to react when the anomaly that started it all, is his daughter's best friend?
(this fic is miguel meeting miles and deciding you know what? i'm gonna overthrow everything i thought because there's no fucking way i'm gonna let my daughter from another world suffer. and somehow, it leads to him also looking at miles and thinking, "oh fuck, this is also my kid now," and it's GREAT LOL.)
Mostly Intact by neonbrutalism
“Are you a vampire?” he asked as the guy reached out to the bricks and grabbed on with his claws, heaving himself up with one arm to the wall. The guy didn’t even look at him, "No." “You have fangs. And claws. And - and red eyes!” Miles said, walking up the wall after him. “Spiders also have all of those things,” the guy said, flatly. “Spiders have red eyes?” The guy paused for a moment and then shrugged, “…Okay — eyes, I don’t know.” -- Miguel O'Hara finishes his gizmo before everything really pops off with Kingpin's collider and winds up on stranded on Earth-1610, hours after the death of Peter Parker. Miles Morales is looking for a new Spider-Mentor and, well, this one will have to do. Even if he's super weird. Part 1 of More Like Us
(the dynamic here is: an excited puppy and a grumpy nerdy father-uncle-adult figure with a lot of spider-related insecurities. and it's AMAZING. they will Fight for each other. and Peter B. is a Good Dude.)
fash punchers punch together by l_oves
The only ones who didn’t look like Peter had stepped on a puppy were Ham - nonchalant as ever - and some Spider with spikes on his head, whose eyes had widened. In fact, if Peter were to guess by the Spider’s body language, he seemed almost… alert. Excited. Peter wasn’t really sure what to make of that. -- hobie takes a liking to spiderman noir.
restorative justice by Nanashi07
After the multiverse settles, what do you do with Miguel?
Miles is serious as he says, “Guys, think about it. What else can we do? We can’t imprison him in another dimension or he’ll glitch out. We can’t keep him here alone forever. And we’re not killing him.” He points at Miguel. “Don’t even ask.” He takes in the unconvinced faces around him and approaches Miguel’s cell. “You are a good person. You just made a few mistakes. If you can prove to us that we can trust you again, then maybe we can let you go. We just need to, you know, do some… restorative justice.”
(truly, the ending we deserve for the next movie. this actually made me fall off the couch for making me laugh so hard, not even kidding X'DDD)
mutualism by cruelzy
Ship: Hobie/Miles
A full blown shiver wracks his form, hair stiff on the back of his neck. His body blinks like a stop-light, his teeth oscillating in his jaw. He closes his eyes; re-opens them. The guy’s still there. Miles stares, bewildered. “You’re like me.”
Gwen asks Hobie to keep an eye on Miles for a bit while she works up some courage. Hobie Brown doesn’t do things by halves.
(so freaking cute?? also, miles inner dialogue made me cackle, he's so fucking stupid and in love <3 and hobie, as per usual, is freaking cool and dependable as Fuck. we stan a solid man.)
gonna crack a rib (when i get home) by eneliii
Deception has gotten the best of Miles Morales for a good couple years now. Its tracked him down and resurfaced like weeds between his feet at every moment he’d least expected it. He’ll admit, he has a long way to go when it comes to knowing who to trust and who might be secretly trying to kill you and/or lie to you about your very existence. But hey, everybody’s gotta learn somewhere right? (or, Miles Morales, recently landed in Earth 42, has had enough of everyone’s shit and he’s going to save his dad or so help him he’ll lose his mind. Miles Morales 42, just wants to know what the /hell/ is up with his doppelgänger.)
(the Vibe is fucking immaculate and i repeatedly want to hug and scream at these two teenagers. who are the same person omfg. they are the same person but their trauma comes in different flavors. *screams*)
[Batman (Mostly Batfamily)]
Inversion (I'm Lost Without You) by Nation_Ustria
After dying on the battlefield, Damian wakes up in a universe where he is Bruce Wayne's only child. Having to endure the League's training a second time is a challenge, but upon reaching Gotham, Damian is thrilled. His so-called "siblings" had really been more trouble than they'd been worth, and Damian had always been the true son anyways. Now he doesn't have to fight for the position that is rightfully his. Except… the manor is awfully quiet. And Damian has started talking to himself. And… maybe his siblings weren't completely useless. They gave him Robin, after all, something that Damian hadn't been able to deny himself when he'd rejoined Batman in Gotham's shadows. And then Damian meets this world's Timothy Drake, who's years younger than Damian and stuck with neglectful parents who don't even know their son's age, much less that he's following Batman and Robin around Gotham with a camera. Damian had been a horrible younger brother, but… maybe he can be an adequate older brother. (It isn't easy, but he turns out to be far better than adequate.)
(before this, i never really got into the idea of the reverse robins idea but man, this fic convinced me lol. really wanted to hug damian throughout the whole fic and i got sucked in so fast, def must read.)
THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE. by orpheusaki
"Before," Clark asks, a glass of whiskey that has absolutely no effect on him whatsoever held loosely in his hands, "Why did you hate me?" "Well," Bruce hums, downing the rest of his own glass in one sweep for an ounce of courage, "You killed my children." (The day Zod attacks Metropolis, Bruce loses his kids.)
A Darker Shade of Gotham by JackHawksmoor
Dick and Tim are stuck in a crappy alternate universe where most of the heroes they know are dead, Bruce Wayne's bad health meant he never became Batman, and Tony Zucco runs Gotham City's underworld. When Dick is shot by the mob, they take a risk and go to Bruce for help. Alternate Bruce didn't have children, but as he gets to know Dick and Tim, he starts wishing he did. Written for Whumptober 2022 #28 (Punching the Wall)
(such an interesting analysis on the relationship between dick and bruce and what would've happened if dick never came into bruce's life. the absence hit so hard for bruce and weirdly enough, this fic was somehow both hopeful yet somber, really love this.)
Truth Serum is the Worst by JackHawksmoor
Batman gets dosed with a truth serum and unexpectedly spends most of the time talking about how desperately he loves his children, how awesome they are, and how he wishes he was better at being a father. Shameless whump and H/C Done for day 1 of Whumptober 2022, "a little out of the ordinary" (unconventional restraints)
(bruce loves his kids so much, this genuinely broke my heart, god.)
a call to motion by JumpingInMuddyPuddles
He twitches ever so slightly as Tim crouches beside him – knees slamming into the unrelenting concrete. He gently brushes his hand against Jason’s shoulder – the most he can currently bring himself to do. Jason whimpers, this breathless pained thing, and Tim’s breath gets lost in his throat all over again and holy fuck he has no idea what he’s doing. “Robin,” Tim whispers, his voice hoarse and shaky. “Robin, it’s not safe here. We’ve gotta move.” // Robin has been missing for just over a week when Tim finds him in that warehouse, hollowed out by the Joker and discarded like a broken thing.
(a what if scenario that i can only WISH actually happened fiewopfewa tim is so great i love the little guy <3)
Short-Term Memory Loss (Leads to Long-Term Sibling) by Vamillepudding
Jason's attack on Titans Tower goes a little differently than expected. When Jason wakes up, the last thing he can remember is being fifteen and having breakfast with Bruce. So why is this strange kid telling him he's actually someone named the Red Hood? Why does the kid look eerily like Bruce? And why does he have bruises around his neck? Or: Jason gets amnesia. With Bruce and Dick away on an off-world mission, it falls to Tim to deal with the aftermath.
(this was somehow both hilarious and heartwarming? truly, the difference between pre and post lazarus pit jason is unparalleled, he's such a fun character haha! the sheer confusion and chaos in this fic had me cackling. XD)
Turned On Our Heads by Nation_Ustria
Due to an unfortunate alignment of events, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin and Robin are left to face an unknown magician alone. They don't survive. But Robins never seem to be able to stay dead, and this time they find themselves reborn into a world that's almost the same as their original one, with one glaring exception: their ages have been inverted. Armed with questionably reliable foreknowledge, it takes time to find their way back to each other—but they make it. And then they mess with everyone. (Bruce gave up on trying to make sense of his children after he got the second one.) ~ This Gotham doesn’t know Robin, not yet. Robin has always supposed to be the light to Batman’s darkness, the comfort to be found among violence. Damian hadn’t been particularly adept at the ‘light’ part the first go around, for all that he’d been able to serve and protect, but he’d had his siblings’ reputations already standing for him to rely on. Here, now, he has to build everything from scratch—and he’s going to do it right.
(this fic has me by the hookline nfioepwfew it's so fucking funny and the robins are just fucking with bruce which is always a delight to see XD seriously, if you want to have a good time, this is definitely the fic for you lmao)
Author’s Note by Trekkele
Jason may have been trying to take over the criminal underworld while avoiding Batman until his big dramatic reveal, but he still had time for hobbies. Hobbies like finally finishing the Pride and Prejudice AU he had started before his death, and posting the finished chapters for the 3 people who were still interested. Maybe he should have double checked the subscribers list first. Based on this tumblr post: Jasons doesn’t let death stop him from updating…
(this is literally peak lit, nothing can top this jason-is-alive reveal. nothing)
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
Gloved fingers close over Tim’s throat and slowly begin to squeeze. “Jason!” he gasps, choking. “Have you ever read Macbeth?” The Red Hood stares at him like Tim just slapped him with a fish. -- With his grades slipping, Tim worries Bruce will take Robin away. So when the Red Hood breaks into his room with the intent to kill him, Tim decides it's a good idea to ask him for help on his English homework. It works. And then it doesn't. And then Tim solves a mystery and almost dies anyway.
(there were so many times I wanted to shake Timmy so bad, like boi, get some self preservation, PLEASE)
like a purple robe by astranix
There's just something about Arthur Pendragon. People can't quite put their finger on it. Part 1 of the brave man with the sword
(arthur is so great here! listen, i love merlin as much as the next person, but i love fics where arthur time travelled or is trying to fix things on his own, give me more competent arthur!!)
[Star Wars & Clone Wars & Mandalorian (all star wars media)]
The Way of Conquest by pagination
All Din wanted to do was find the Child a sorcerer teacher, pick up a job or two, and follow his Creed. Three out of three is good, right? Right?
(one of the most hilarious fucking fics i've ever had the pleasure of reading. i think i reread this 5 times by this point? din is just Trying His Best and honestly? it's working. everyone else just has to deal X'D)
Solus Gaanada by Caedus501
Ship: Obi-Wan/Jango
More things are possible through the Force than either the Jedi or the Sith ever suspected. Sometimes a single choice is all it takes to send a life and all those connected with it spiraling along a different path. When that choice is in the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi there is every chance that history will be changed, for better or worse. *Please make sure you have the Creator's Style turned on for this work otherwise the Mando'a won't come through properly Part 1 of Solus Gaanada
(THE MOST MANDALORE FIC TO EVER MANDALORE HAJIFJJVKV I AM SO IN LOVE!!! seriously though, incredible worldbuilding, incredible character writing and development, fantastic plot, intricate politics, immersive fucking vibe, FUCKING PERFECT 10/10 I'M SCREAMING!!)
The King, the Soldier, and the Spy by phoenixyfriend
Ship: Jango Fett/Ahsoka TanoQuinlan Vos/Ahsoka Tano
In which Ahsoka is a time-traveler, Jango narrowly avoids leading his own political faction to death, and Quinlan's got a massive crush on a pair of aggressively hypercompetent weirdos.
(there is so much Competence radiating off of this fic. no wonder they all banged each other, they're all so damn good at their jobs lolol)
R2-D2 Saves the Galaxy (Okay, so Obi-Wan helps a little) by kj_feybarn
R2-D2 was hoping for a little bit of excitement when he was sent with Mistress Padme and Little Ani as part of Mistress Padme's protection. That was not what he got. Now, Jedi Kenobi is clearly in trouble. As far as R2 can see, the best way to keep Mistress Padme safe is to save Jedi Kenobi. Clearly, R2-D2 is the droid for the job.
(truly and sincerely, r2-d2 is the most badass droid in the fucking galaxy and this fic just proves my very biased beliefs as to why. the utter chaos this little droid holds in its metallic body has led canon so off course and it's PERFECT XD)
Whispers by Adishailan
Ship: Poe/Finn/Rey
They were little things at first, small like the small stream of pebbles down a mountain before the landslide hit. He was getting better in his simulations. Not that he wasn't always good, getting consistent top marks and stilted praise from his instructors. But now he was able to dodge out the way of shots much quicker, almost too quickly, and sometimes he ducked down a good five seconds before an explosion came. No one really noticed- he'd always had good marks- and when they did, well, Eighty-seven was the first to know and could easily fake a blunder to make up for it. Or: FN-2187 teaches himself to use the force.
The Soldier, the Queen, and the Hunter: Truth and Fiction by kj_feybarn for Gondolin
Ship: Padmé Amidala/Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi
The galaxy is a step away from war when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala find a clone army. That's where it starts, with convenient wording in a contract, a broken sith spell, and a desperate attempt to turn their tragedies into a story that could catch the hearts of a galaxy. -_- “Now sit still,” he told them all as he leaned forward. “And I’ll tell you the story of the Soldier, the Queen, and the Hunter.”
(if you haven't noticed yet, i have a Thing for very competent characters working together to create a better future. also, man, jango has it Rough here but it's still better than the alternative! :D)
Anakin's Froggy Friend by demi_fae for loosingletters
Anakin finds a frog in the desert when he's five. Only its not a frog, Anakin's now a dad, and this changes everything.
(i'm DEAD. i made noises no human being should be capable of making. so fucking funny, instant mood boost gaurantee!)
Waiting For the Light by Reveriewings
When looking for Leia on the Inquisitor's base, Obi-Wan finds the tomb holding the bodies of his family. In that dark moment, the Force leads him to someone who has been waiting for him. AU where Anakin never fell to the dark side but instead was captured by Palpatine before Order 66 (few months before towards the end of the war, which meant he hadn't found out Padme was pregnant yet). He figured out the dude was a Sith and discovered a secret. Palpatine, who had done some weird cloning with Anakin's DNA, many years prior, managed a Sith consciousness copy, so Clone Anakin was sent back to the temple none the wiser, primed and ready to be the downfall of the Jedi, and the original Anakin was kept as a live tropy and donor for Darth Vader. Vader has no idea he's not the 'real' Anakin and Anakin has no idea how long it's been since his capture. Part 1 of Pathways
(the concept is fascinating! and horrifyingly plausible! definitely my favorite part of this fic is the bond that forms between anakin and leia, it's so sweet and shreds my heart to pieces. and poor poor obi-wan has been so broken down by the world that he can't bring himself to hope for anything good in this situation fioewnfewa also, this follows the obi-wan kenobi tv show timeline, with the addition of anakin and all that that entails. def you should read!)
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust by Livsy
In which Old Ben has time travelled back to the clone wars era, but twenty years on Tatooine have left their mark. Anakin notices. Part 1 of Ashes Verse
(soft soft soft! old ben trying so hard for anakin and actually Talking to Anakin despite all his secrets. ben taking on tatooine culture and anakin Noticing. the most fix it fic to ever fix it!)
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iuteamstarcandy · 11 months
Vogue Girl (November 2010)
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<Apple-like IU>
It’s a photoshoot that showcases IU’s slyness.
IU: I was a little surprised when I first saw the concept. I was worried if I would be able to do a good job because such a photoshoot is suitable for people who are tall, slender and pretty, but I had fun.
Why did you feel intimidated even before you tried it?
IU: I’ve always lacked confidence in my physical appearance. Wearing stylish clothes and doing poses seems to be something that celebrities do. (Interviewer: But it’s true that you’re a celebrity.) Haha. Oh yeah. But I can’t do pretty expressions and I’m not good at dressing up either. I don’t look like a celebrity.
Are you someone who isn’t easily satisfied with yourself?
IU: There are indeed parts I feel I’m lacking in. I’ve long given up on wishing I were taller. I want to have the ‘celebrity pose’ though. I hope when I walk on the streets and meet people, they would go, “Uwah, it’s a celebrity!”, because if they all went, “Omo, IU!”, I would feel glad (to meet them).
There are many celebrities who want to have a friendly image.
IU: That’s right. But when I first went on ‘Heroes’, the unnies are so pretty that I felt rather discouraged. I even debuted a year or so earlier than T-ara’s Jiyeon, but Jiyeon looks more like a celebrity and I’ve contemplated why I lack charisma before too.
You can win with your ability to entertain instead.
IU: I’m not good at being funny by thinking on my feet, so when my turn came, I thought to myself, ‘I’ve got to make good use of this opportunity’. There’s a lot I want to say, but if I hesitate just slightly, I miss the timing. (Interviewer: Isn’t it because you were stoning?) I wasn’t. Actually, I was thinking really intently. I was thinking that the way they filmed or that the unnies are really interesting, but during those moments, I look like I’m stoning when I appear on camera. I’m thinking about a lot of things.
What made you spend the longest time thinking about recently?
IU: I realised this while filming for variety shows, but there are really people who belittle celebrities who look awkward on TV, thinking that’s their real personality. I don’t like that. (Interviewer: Have you experienced that before?) If you’re a celebrity, you would have had that experience. At school, sometimes there are people who mess with me. In that case, I treat them the same way they treat me too. Rumours will start to spread anyway, so I do need to be careful, but I don’t want them to think I’m someone they can mess with lightly. Going on variety shows and being a celebrity is something I chose to do, but whether I’m cut out for it, ultimately, I’m just another high schooler like the rest of them too.
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Is there anyone you consider a ‘friend’ among those doing broadcasts?
IU: From being on ‘Heroes’, I’ve gotten closer to Jiyeon, there’s f(x)’s Luna that I knew well to begin with and I’m also close to actor Yoo Seungho, whom I sang a duet with. I’m thinking whether to make a 93 line gradually (t/n: Those born in 1993, who are IU’s same-aged friends, by Korean definition.) (Interviewer: When you meet, do you talk about music?) No! We absolutely don’t talk about music. Perhaps because we made our debut at a young age, we’re all foxes who are sharp about the ways of the world. We discuss things like our agency and how much share of the profits we get, or male celebrities that we take an interest in. If someone says so-and-so seems not bad, we also discuss how the person actually isn’t that great based on our experience talking to him in real life.
I thought you said you like nice guys?
IU: Not just a nice guy, but a ‘really nice’ guy. It hurts my pride though, if he is doing better than me, so I don’t think I’ll be able to date one. I really hate to be compared, you know. If the person is a celebrity, the comparison becomes even worse. So I don’t like it. I want to show my boyfriend only how cool I am and not be envious of that person.
Do guys who are not doing as well as you look cool to you?
IU: Ironically, those who I think are cool are all doing better than me. If I have a boyfriend who is doing well, I would probably be constantly trying to be better than him. Umm, I think I’ll have to meet someone who’s doing well then.
Anyway, it won’t be easy for you to find a boyfriend within the entertainment industry right?
IU: There’s no one I’m interested in. Everyone seems so cool and that makes it more unrealistic actually. We only see a person’s outer appearance first, so we won’t know what kind of person they are until we get to know them better. It’s not somewhere we can easily make friends in the first place, so I wonder how I would be able to find a boyfriend.
Isn’t it tiring for you to promote alone, while your same-aged peers are all members of groups?
IU: I don’t really care whether my peers are members of a group or not. I didn’t even have time to think about that initially. I made my debut with the song ‘Mia’, but I did not get much attention, among the groups that were singing and dancing prettily. I was in low spirits for a short while, but I think there are still many opportunities ahead, so I did as I was told to and did what I wanted to.
If an opportunity arises, will you fling yourself at it tenaciously?
IU: Those who don’t know me well think that I survived because I’m strong, but that’s not the case. I was 16 back then, so I thought it would be fine as long as my company doesn’t abandon me and helps me continuously to release new albums, even if I’m not a popular singer. By letting go of myself, I felt the pressure on me disappear.
Then after you made your debut, have you ever thought about wanting to become a popular singer?
IU: When I first made my debut, of course I wanted to become a popular singer. But that’s not up to me. Honestly, when I was very young, growing up in an affluent environment, I could get what I wanted without putting in much effort. So I thought I could become a popular star if I wanted to as well. Eventually, I wasn’t able to make it as big as I wanted to and I realised I was being too conceited. Now that I know I can’t have something no matter how desperate I am for it, in order to not become disappointed the next time, I ended up letting go of my greed.
Isn’t there a goal you have in mind as a singer or a level you would like to achieve?
IU: There isn’t one. Since I’m a female solo singer, people ask me if I want to become like Lee Hyori. I wonder if I should be having such thoughts. Anyway, it seems I’m not suitable to become a popular star, so I’ve never thought about becoming like someone. After dreaming of becoming a singer, I think I haven’t tried other things and became a singer. Even my popularity these days seems excessive to me. To the extent that it’s kind of dangerous.
Is it dangerous to be popular?
IU: If I’m really popular, I don’t think it will be a good thing for me. (Interviewer: Are you worried that you might become arrogant?) I don’t like becoming arrogant and I think I’ll be having a really hard time. Many people recognise me, so I’ll find it fascinating and be happy, but there will be misunderstandings about trivial things and I’ll have to be careful even with my small actions. I want to work comfortably in a natural way, but I keep ending up ‘pretending’ to be something. Doing interviews is interesting, but without realising it, I tend to put weight on my words. Even things without meaning are given meaning. For example, if they ask me why I started singing, instead of answering, “the only thing I know how to do is to sing”, I end up saying, “because I like it”. Whether I succeed or not, I don’t like to put on a mask.
Even so, you were glad to come in 1st place for ‘Nagging’ right?
IU: I didn’t go through a hard time for ‘Nagging’, so I’m not sure if I should be glad about it. If ‘Marshmallow’ came in 1st place, even though I wouldn’t be crying my eyes out, I would at least be feeling proud of myself. Since I did promotions for it. Certainly, receiving an award for the first time since I made my debut makes me happy, I think it was all thanks to 2AM’s Seulong oppa and I think it’s an award that should be given to the composer instead. In a way, I think it’s a relief that ‘Marshmallow’ didn’t come in 1st place. I want to come in 1st place for a song that suits me better and a song I care a lot about.
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What kind of song would suit IU?
IU: Depending on the song, my voice sounds thicker or huskier, so it’s hard for me to pinpoint one style of song. In general, I like my natural voice best and a song that allows me to use that voice. When I sing pop songs, I like how my voice sounds, but I think it’s a pity that I can’t sing my songs like pop songs.
You did a cover by rearranging one of your senior singer’s songs too right? (t/n: The interviewer is probably referring to Wheesung’s Rain Drop.)
IU: That’s why I’ve often heard people say I sing well when I was younger. But if I exclude the age factor, I think I sing as well as any singer would be able to. (Interviewer: Would you like to exclude the age factor?) I don’t want to be evaluated while receiving preferential treatment because of my young age. Because I’ll become an adult one day too.
Isn’t it because you sing well, that’s why you’ve received many opportunities to sing duets?
IU: It could be because there aren’t many female solo singers too. Having a variety of vocal styles is also a prerequisite for singing duets. If you listen to ‘Believe in Love’ that I sang with Seungho and ‘It’s You’ that I sang with Sikyung oppa, my voices sound so different to the extent that you might question your hearing. Ah, I’ve sung too many duets, so now I want to stop singing them.
Which voice do you prefer?
IU: I’m fine with whichever voice as long as it sounds natural. It seems that the general public likes my bright and pretty voice better. Since I’m a singer for the general public, showing the side of me that they want takes priority, of course. During Chuseok (Mid-autumn Festival) recently, I sang Son Dambi’s ‘Queen’ while dancing and it was well-received. There are many things that my fans request for and many things I want to do, but anyway, only one (performance) gets to be shown on stage, so I’m having a lot of thoughts as I work on my new album.
Do you mean you could be singing and dancing for your new album?
IU: I’ll definitely be singing on this album, but recently, I have thoughts that it’s not a bad idea to do dance music either. The title song on my previous album was ‘Marshmallow’, so if I suddenly sing with a heavy voice, people might find it awkward. I’m not sure if I’ll dance. I practised so hard to perform ‘Queen’.
What is ‘IU’s style’? Most solo singers are clear about their style.
IU: The IU part is a bit of a pity. I’ve showcased ballads to dance and expanded the type of songs I can perform, but I have yet to establish my own style. I hope to find my own style in my next album and show it to everyone. There is music that I want to do as well.
What music genre would that be?
IU: I want to try acoustic music at least once. I do like singing, but I never focused on a particular genre. That was until I went into acoustic music and became engrossed in it. But that wouldn't be on my upcoming album. I’ll prepare thoroughly and release a perfect album. It’s something that I definitely shouldn’t rush into, so I’m taking my time with it. After all, there’s no need for me to be ambitious about something I can’t do.
By not being able to do it, do you mean you won’t do it?
IU: There are things I’m good at and I’m confident of doing well with that, so is there really a need for me to struggle to do well in things I’m not good at? Also, for people who don’t know me well, if I start singing with an acoustic guitar, they’ll think, ‘What does a young kid know?’ It can’t be helped. The songs I’ve sung so far are not songs that I can handle with outstanding vocal ability. I don’t think I have the skills and enough years of experience to be stubborn about the music I do yet.
You have a philosophical attitude.
IU: I really think a lot (laughs). My point is that I do intend to do the music I want to do, but I want to gain experience by trying to sing songs that suit me as well as adjusting to try singing songs that don’t suit me that well. I think I’ll be able to wait until the music I want to do matches me well, until I’m that much older.
How would you score yourself based on your current singing ability?
IU: 60 marks? I feel bad that rather than not being good at it, I get really annoyed with myself. If I had prepared a bit more and put my mind to it for just a few seconds, I would have been able to do a satisfactory job, but often, I was not able to do that. As I was not well-prepared enough, I can’t give myself a high score.
If it’s a song that you like, you’ll put in more effort to prepare for it right?
IU: I don’t think so. Even if I say I definitely won’t go on stage (t/n: to perform the song), I don’t want to be embarrassed and I want to be acknowledged, so once I get started, I work really hard at it. The moment I stand on stage, I’ve got to pull my senses together and show everything I’ve got before I come back down. If it’s a song that I want to sing, I do get a stronger tingling sensation.
If it’s an IU concert, you will be able to sing the songs you want to right?
IU: That’s not easy either. While going on broadcasts, I get categorised as an idol. When I go to concerts of idol singers as a guest performer, I get the sense that the audience seems to be there to see the singer’s face, rather than to listen to the singer sing. When I go on stage, the crowd cheers for me and when I sing songs they know, the crowd cheers for me, but what if I sing a song I want to sing and they yawn and feign indifference, what should I do? It’s not that the audience is being mean, but I don’t have the confidence for the audience to enjoy my concert because of me, even if they don’t know the song and to sing well enough to stir their hearts, not yet.
What kind of singer do you want to become in future? Or should I ask what kind of entertainer you want to become?
Rather than an entertainer, I think being a singer suits me better. Umm, in a way, the work I do is to make use of myself after all. So if that’s the case, I want to make use of myself wisely. I want to become a singer who confidently and cleverly does music of my liking. Living as a celebrity can’t become shackles for me. I should be happy, right?
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
Source: [1]
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purble-gaymer · 10 months
just because you are the beloved meta knight moot and i'm really sleepy i'm going to rant about metadad for a little while because it's hard to find people who think metadad can kind of be a double edged sword (haha sword pun). or just care about this in general.
imo metadad is really good and i like it. i think it's a fun concept to toy with and there's some evidence to back it up (ie: face reveal, that really cute itsudemo kirby book, sakurai and ohmoto's comments about his relationship with kirby).
here's the thing that really gets to me though. metadad falls into "soft father figure in a nuclear family unit" so so so so so much. which is so weird, because the dream team isn't a soft nuclear family at all! these people all have very similar skill + competence levels, and they're constantly physically fighting each other. this is like, a constant rivalry thing. these are people that deeply care about each other but aren't constantly babying each other.
like, metadad. i said there was evidence, and there is. and it's a cute concept! i like the idea of mk seeing kirby as a son! i like the idea that they can be soft and tender and loving with each other! but meta knight is like, notoriously irresponsible, and kirby can handle himself on his own. he doesn't need to be a responsible dad type, nor does he need to handle all of kirby's problems. this carries over to animeverse, even. it just feels like we're skipping the whole "rivarly" and "violence" and "similar power level" to have the cutesy dad stuff exclusively. maybe. maybe i can see it in animeverse. but it's circumstantial. it's really circumstantial. yeah. i should be writing.
yes yes yes. these four go through a ton together and boiling their dynamic down to something so strictly familiar feels…demeaning.
i’ve mentioned before that i sprinkle a bit of metadad into my work. it’s fun, like you say, and it makes sense with how they support each other and are always trying to help the other improve. the dream team works together in a way that is easy to read as a family. but, mostly i do it in a mentor-student way more so than father-son. i’ve grown fond of the ‘mk raised sailor dee’ headcanon lately, and even then he isn’t really a father type. he’s still more a mentor and a friend than anything else.
mk gets softened a lot. like, more than he would realistically be. i love getting to see him lower his guard and be vulnerable for once, hell one look at any of my knights-related work is enough to know that, but he has a limit. he’s still a powerful warrior with years of experiences weighing on him. we don’t know much about his history in the game-verse, but there’s probably something hidden away in the memory vault. he’s mature in a way many kirby characters aren’t.
and that’s not to say someone like kirby himself isn’t mature. he is, in his own way. he’s younger, is all, but he’s not a baby. he’s been through his own struggles and has learned from them. he’s grown and changed since dreamland 1 and adventure, and that’s a conversation for a different night with how much i have to say about it. even in the anime i feel like the descriptor of “he cannot speak, he can hardly think” is much too harsh (and i should point out, meta knight is the one who says this! he’s war-hardened and difficult to impress, and over the course of the show he grows to understand that just because kirby is young doesn’t mean he can’t conquer challenges the knight may see as impossible).
sometimes their actions can be read as friends, sometimes as rivals, sometimes as father-son. they are multi-layered, complex characters with an incredibly strong bond. there is so much more to these two, and dedede and bandee as well, than “soft happy family living domestically in dreamland.” domestic isn’t even in their vocabulary. they just are, and they’re just doing whatever they want, because that’s what you do when you have people you trust to such a degree. they’re whatever they are in the moment and it’s great. such a developed dynamic should be explored, not ignored. these four have limitless potential in the ways that they interact.
compare adventure and super star to robobot and triple deluxe, to forgotten land, to return to dreamland and star allies. you can tell just how much love has been poured into these characters, and how much love they have for each other. they go to hell and back and they always do it as a team.
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juniminabloom · 2 years
Hello! I hope im not asking too much but may I request a nsfw alphabet for Nightmare King Grimm? This is my first time requesting from you, so I hope It’s not too much!
A/N: I'm so sorry that it's late!! I lost so much motivation for a while and now I'm back! And thank you so much for requestiing!! here are no limits and inbox is ALWAYS open!
Nightmare King Grimm- NSFW Alphabet
A: Aftercare
-This  B I T C H-
-Goes away to Idk, smoke? But they just start doing their own thing
-They're at least nice enough to make sure you're okay and comfortable
B: Body Count
-Has had questions and has wanted to try it out before, but his other half usually gets all the attention so he can't help but wonder
(That was before he met you)
-Never kissed another either
C: Cum
-Wherever he feels like 👍 
-But he loves seeing your cheeks fill up with his essence (He's a freak for that)
-Otherwise on your chest
D: Dirty Secret
-Likes to watch you bathe or shower, especially when you wash your hair. It gives him a nice view of your figure
E: Experience
-None (well before he met you)
-So low that he has had trouble jacking off before (not anymore)
-Poor guy
-Only because his other half gets all the attention 
F: Favorite Position
-Enjoys you giving him oral (a lot) so mostly a position where that can happen
-But otherwise, against the wall- doesn't matter which way you're facing
G: Goofy
-"Haha okay 👍"
-He has no patience or time for fooling around- it's just water under the bridge Ig
H: Hair (And Horns)
-Is okay when you touch his horns, but it doesn't bring him nearly enough pleasure unlike his other half
Same as his other half:
-Will grip and pull your hair (unless you don’t want him to)
-Loves your hair
-Hair down there? He is a bug. He has fucking none. Hair down there on you? Couldn’t give a shit.
I: Intimacy
-Occasionally romantic
-But it's really when he wants it (I mean, damn-)
-He'll take you and (sort of) make the mood however he is feeling: like passionate, rough, loving, etc etc.
-But he of course still loves you <3
J: Jack Off
-ABSOLUTELY jacks off
-Mostly quiet
-But sometimes, just to tease you, he'll be extra loud
K: Kink(s)
-(Man is a total dom [yeah come after me])
-BDSM (Giving)
-Choking (Giving)
-Dirty talk (Giving and receiving)
-Degradation (Giving)
-Master/Slave (Giving [He’s the master, so you’d be the slave Idk how to explain it well])
-Spanking (Giving, and not painfully)
-Overstimulation (Giving)
-Voyeurism & Exhibitionism (Giving and receiving are both kinda different but he’d do both)
L: Location
-In his bedroom istg
-But usually somewhere private where he could enjoy you all to himself
-Yayyy privacyyy
M: Motivation
"Type one or type two"
"It's 2 PM type two"
(Nah man he'll mostly do it in the night)
Just like his other half,
-He won’t ever do knife or electric play
-And is not into any pregnancy (man already has a damn kid)
-And he won’t do anything that will physically hurt you (I mean he’ll choke you and shiz but he’ll give you air when you need it. Same with spanking)
O: Oral
-Will give you oral every now and then
-But this fucker LOVES when you give it to him
-He'll be so vocal about it too
P: Piercing
Q: Quickie
-For oral only
-(I'm telling you he'd love it)
R: Risk
-Has a usual thing, stays with it too
-Doesn't really like change so oh well
-And will refuse to do anything that will physically harm you (Go back to N for choking and spanking)
S: Stamina
-He is the goddamn Nightmare King
-He’ll go on and on and on until you can’t anymore
-When you're dead tired, he isn't the best at jacking off (yet), so he'll just sit there bored, maybe playing with a tiny flame or something
T: Toy
Just like his other half,
-Understands if you’re in the mood for a toy
-But will sit there and watch you (unless you beg for him to leave. Then he’ll listen at the door.)
-He much prefers fucking you instead of you using a toy but is entirely okay with it
-As long as you're happy bbg
U: Unfair
-Is gonna choke you
-Is gonna degrade you
-Is gonna make you that gosh-diddly-damn cock slave of his (sorry)
-So he’s gonna be unfair
-But every now and then he’ll play nice
V: Volume
-Mid? I mean he isn't quiet but he isn't super loud
-Of course, he groans and pants too but that doesn't count
-Much prefers hearing you though
W: Wild Card
-Would fuck you in the shower
-With him behind yo
-But rarely
-Enough said
X: X-Ray
-I'd say good
-Not like a King-Kong hookah dick or something
-But a good hearty size
-I have no clue what kind of manhood he has so I will leave that to you and everyone else
Y: Yearning
Z: Zzz
-Go back to S for some
-Is never the first one asleep
-Big spoon ofc but sometimes likes to be the little spoon (gotta be held every now and then amr)
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