#‘i am willing to become your foe if it means you’ll be safe’
bluismie · 4 months
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the category is hurt/comfort
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 3 years
hi! if you're comfortable writing this, could i ask for a scenario? this has been in the back of my head for a while.
what would be the reaction of the brothers + dateables of watching mc play resident evil in the dimitrescu castle? who would be down bad the most
thank you! feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this ofc
I love this ask (stan tall vampire lady). The only thing is that I accidentally turned it into a “how they feel about the game.” I managed to add in some parts with MC playing as well to make up for it
Update: I literally finished the request yesterday but my wifi went down and I lost everything  😩 😩
I also wrote this in the middle of the night so sorry if there are any errors! Enjoy!
Warnings: cursing.
How the OM! characters would react to you playing Resident Evil (Dimitrescu Castle edition)
Will not care at first
"I hold no interest in such trivial simulations."
His weakness? Being a simp for you.
He decides to look into the game a bit more in private later on.
Will lowkey practice the game
If you ever catch him playing it, do not say anything because he will stop immediately, deny everything, and might not ever do it again
With time, however, Lucifer will come to master the game.
Here comes the showing off.
When you're rambling about the game with Levi, Lucifer will join the conversation and you two will be like "wow, boomer knows something for once--"
Or when you're struggling on a part of the game he will be like, "hand it over"
Before expertly getting through that part.
Can defeat Lady Dimitrescu if you ask him to but be careful cause he might make you beg
sadistic bastard
or you can be a badass and show him your skills
Will be a tad shocked at how easily you handled it but won't let it show (okay Elsa)
Also proud though
Lucifer's internal monologue: “That’s right- show them how it’s done, Y/n.”
Will watch you play and cover his eyes during every battle
"wHAT IS THAT?!" at everything you come across
I hope you're good at playing one-handed because you'll have to use the other hand to hold his throughout the entire thing
Admires you're bravery but would never admit it
"You were horrible! ...N-nice job beating the game, not that I c-care or anything. You sucked anyways!"
Not even 10 seconds later...
"Can I watch you play again?"
Comes to find that the faces you make are adorable: when you're concentrating on a battle, when you win, find a valuable item, etc
He loves being able to see how you're feeling up close.
If you catch him staring when you take a break or something he'll blush and either ask you if you have a staring problem or that you have something on your face
He may or may not buy cheap merch (a tiny key chain of Lady Dimitrescu or your favorite character) for you, all the while spewing lame excuses
Please bear with him- he's trying.
Congrats, you just found yourself someone to discuss the game with
Is open to cosplay the characters with you
You two will have competitions to see who can beat the game faster.
You both also share theories with each other all the time
Or simply discuss the characters together
He purposefully stays quiet to hear you ramble on and on- dude finds it adorable
You two also sometimes argue debate over a character name or event in the game
Because while you have Resident Evil
He only knows Resident Devil
This is the equivalent of Devilgram and Instagram
I mean
They’re the same,
But a couple things were altered, y’know, to prevent copyright
So yes, there are definitely a few quarrels here and there
But all in all, it’s a fun gamer bud experience
Don’t tell him I told you but he thinks it’s hot when you show off your badass skills in a boss fight
He plays it on the lowkey.
Not because he’s embarrassed
But because he partially takes his anger out on the characters
During gory scenes, he imagines it’s him torturing Lucifer, fueling his determination to win
A calculated person, Satan is a smart player
But there are times when he’s particularly angry and he becomes a reckless one, jumping into fights impetuously
This is where you come in and beat the enemy for him
He may get angrier, thinking you are underestimating him
But, for the sake of the person he loves, he calms down knowing you didn’t mean to offend him
A small part in the back of his head also admires you for being able to handle the fight a ton better than he did
Congratulations, you just earned yourself the great Satan’s respect (resident evil-wise).
“Oh my, I never knew you were into such gory games! Does this mean you’re into blood play, because I know many things about--”
He may look carefree on the outside
But on the inside?
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Holy shit
What the fu--
Jesus christ, can you pull a move like that in real life?
He needs to be careful to not piss you off.
If you can handle this, who knows what you could be capable of?
Hold on.
Wait, you look so concentrated
Eeep! How cute!
Anyways, it ends with him snapping a bunch of pictures 
Keeps them for himself and may brag to his brothers about how he got some “special” shots of you
Obviously never elaborates on what the special part means to keep his dear siblings on edge because, what the hell, they want to know what these special shots are
Would not play the game because there’s “tOo MuCh BlOoDsHeD”
We all know he’s most likely seen his fair share of bloodshed
“What if the adrenaline gives me acne?”
He’s probably just bad at the game--
Verdict: Asmo is a simp and not afraid to flaunt it.
...Are you okay?
Do you think about homicide--?
Oh, that lady looks nice.
Huh, she’s 9′6″??
What’s her name? Lady Dimitrescu?
Not scared, just a tad bit concerned 
Poor Beel, concerned for Lady D :’)
Also, seeing the death’s of Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra hit different
Because he know what it’s like to lose a sibling.
Safe to say he understands Alcina’s pain when she raged about her children being dead.
Also concerned about how the gore could affect you
Because isn’t stuff like this supposed to traumatize humans?
Would support you regardless though
And thinks that you’re really brave for playing the game and still being able to stand strong
On another note, Beel decided to make small flower graves for the three sisters and Alcina because he’s adorable and kind like that
Likes the game but is too lazy to play himself
Regularly watches Satan play (or at least as much as he can before deciding it’s nap time)
I hope you enjoy Belphie using you as a body pillow and watching you play from now on 
Makes small comments here and there to help you out
“To your left... Oh, and open the window- yeah, that one.”
Will smirk, impressed, when you deal with the fights and win yourself without his comments.
“That’s my Y/n”
(Sorry I don’t know what else to put for him :’))
“Is this a human trend?” meme
Will watch excitedly and “oooo” whenever you do something cool
Be careful though, because the questions will not stop as you play
“What’s that? I see. What’s it for? How do you win the game? Who’s that character? Why can’t you do this? What about--?”
Diavolo, you’re awesome and all, but please
On the inside, is also one that might be a tad concerned about your mental health because doesn’t that gore traumatize humans?
Wait, you do this for entertainment?
Another warning: he will shower you in merchandise from the game
I am not above the fact that this man has a game room 
And he will try to master the game
Casually pushes all his paperwork over to Lucifer so he can play Resident Evil
RIP Luci
Unfortunately, Diavolo will have trouble grasping the game and how it works
You will have to explain many things to him
Good luck- he’s a bit of a boomer (but willing to learn) and may or may not get distracted staring at you
But anyways, he enjoys engaging in the competitions you and Levi have
Whether it be playing as well or simply watching
He just loves to see you happy
Oh my, what’s this?
Will watch you play
and constantly criticize how filthy the Dimitrescu castle is
“Do they have any idea how many rats this can attract?”
Barbatos, your weakness is showing.
Seeing you so happy while playing the game helps him relax from his daily troubles tasks
He rewards you with a pat on the head any time you beat a foe
When Diavolo goes over to the HoL or when you come over to play in he silently cheers you on in the background.
Is educated on the game and knows his shit as the only other human 
Maybe knows a bit too much of the game
You will later come to find out that, somewhere in his mass tangle of shady connections, he knows a developer
Might give you tips and tricks to get on higher levels
But never, and I mean never, challenge him like you would with Levi to see who can beat the game faster
Because he will beat you by a seconds on purpose, just to piss you of
all the while doing that dark, shady chuckle
But anyways, if you manage to finesse and beat him, he will be 
So confused
“I thought I did it all right, what went wrong...?” he thinks to himself.
On the outside, however, he’s smiling
Will hand over some praise to his little apprentice, but if you look carefully you will see a spark of annoyance
We get it Solomon, you’re a sore loser.
In the end, he will still leave somewhat impressed at your skillz
w h a t
Is a little scared
“Is this one of them video games you kids play nowadays...? Just kidding. What are you playing-- oh my”
Might try to figure out how to play
But alas, 
Simeon is yet another boomer
So he will have quite some trouble even figuring out how to move
And why does he hold the controller like that what
If you’ve seen that one picture of him holding his phone sideways you know what I mean
On another note, if you look through his poem book, then you may or may not find a few poems describing how amazing and badass you looked hustling the entire game
about to bomb this master hill
No literally is considering bombing the computer or whatever you’re playing on because wHAT IS THAT
He is just
This will give him nightmares for weeks
Apparently Alcina reminds him of Lucifer so he kinda
Hates her
Says he will protect you
--as he runs out of the room in fear
Irrelevant but the one he hates the most is fetus baby
Michael have mercy on this poor boy--
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12. Messy
Dot’s descent into ink hell was messy, but at least she can survive it, especially with the flock on her side. AKA: It’s time for gross ink monster headcanons and less gross headcanons here and there. (Set when Dot is reintroduced to Sammy not as a foe, but as her ticket to survival in the Ink Hell studio.)
The writer was looking for her friend, for answers, for justice, for revenge… honestly, she didn’t know what she was looking for at this point, what she remembered was that instead of finding what she had been looking for, she found Jack Fain.
She remembered his voice when she heard the nearby recording, she recognized the hat when she saw it on that giant inky creature, and when instead of attacking her immediately, he fled, she was careless, she believed he was harmless, that he was sentient and simply wanted to flee from her sight to hide his grotesque inky body from human eyes.
The former writer wasn’t expecting the creature that the lyricist had become to projectile vomit a spray of cold, chunky, acidic-tasting ink into her face, let alone what would come because of it.
The infection was getting worse and worse since then; she was losing weight rapidly, her skin was getting colder and slimier, she was ‘sweating’ profusely almost all the time, she’s pretty sure her jaw fell off at some point after getting cornered by a bunch of searchers, and she doesn’t think she slept in days since the initial attack.
At least… she thought that days were passing, it was hard to tell when she was wandering deep in the dark in god knows where in the studio. It was also getting harder and harder to pick her own thoughts out of the mess of everybody else’s thoughts after she started hearing them in her head.
She knew how the former music director ended up, she wanted to, she needed to get away from the ink, but the stuff was splattered and seeping everywhere, even if it wasn’t, the other denizens of the studio were determined to either kill her, or speed up the ink’s infection even more. God that stuff was everywhere, was the studio always this much of a mess?
‘Mess’ that lone word summed up a lot of her current situation perfectly; She was a mess.
Her skeletal body was a mess of ink and what remained of her human self, her mind was a mess of her own thoughts and memories being mixed and or lost to either the others in the ink or the Ink itself, and her chances of keeping what remained of herself alive were looking messy as well.
She was all alone in a monster-infested, never ending studio that seemed to twist and turn in ways she never remembered it doing before… before what? Nevermind, that wasn’t important. What was important? Surviving, surviving with what little of herself remains at this point.
The lost writer spent almost all of her time in the safety of the miracle stations, only coming out to drink soup sometimes or to run and hide to a different miracle station when the one she was in no longer felt like it wanted her in it. She wasn’t sure why all of those killer ink monsters couldn’t open them, but she wasn’t complaining.
She was curled up and asleep in one when she had been woken up by the sound of music in her head and someone knocking on the door of the miracle station. Through the slit in the door she saw something that looked kind of like Bendy, the cartoon, not the Ink demon. Something that kind of looked like the cartoon Bendy except worn down and broken in parts.
“Little sheep, are you okay?” The Bendy-like but not entirely Bendy creature inquired. “How did you wander so far from the rest of the flock?”
That voice… She remembered it! And that wasn’t his face, it was a mask! Well, she remembered his voice better when it had dripped with fire and venom, or with tiredness and bitterness like it did in the tapes. She had never heard it sound so ...Calm? Concerned? Gentle? No, that wasn’t right, this wasn’t right, he’s not supposed to be like this, unless… Did he forget her?
“...Are you aware that I tried to kill you with a projector once?”
The figure seemed unfazed by that.
“If I wasn’t before, then I am aware of that now... Ah! I remember! You’re Dot, correct?”
He still didn’t seem angry or upset by learning that, at least, didn’t seem to be judging by vocal tone and visible body language. If anything, he seemed more amused than anything.
“Well then I suppose it’s a stroke of good luck for both of us that the projector didn’t replace my head! Could you imagine how hard it would be for the flock to survive with no one to lead them and have to sneak around TWO Projectionists guarding the hearts? I wouldn’t even be among the flock for that and I still shudder thinking about it.”
“And if that would happen then I should’ve dropped a gramophone or something on you instead!” The writer added in the same joking tone. “You know, so that you’d still be recognized as the Music Director!”
“Well, that would be more recognition than Joey ever gave me!”
As the pair laughed, Dot realized something: in spite of the fact she heard the thoughts of every other lost one and searcher she met, especially when she was physically close to them, she didn’t know what the man was thinking at all. She heard music in her head because he was nearby, and now that she was aware of his odd mental block, she intentionally focused on trying to read his mind only to hear a language she didn’t understand. She didn’t hear any well, normal thoughts that she could read. From what she could assume this meant either the former musician’s mind was safe from being read thanks to his ‘Lord’, he did not think in English, or he did not think period. This prompted her to change the subject.
“...Are you really not angry about that projector thing?”
“Why would I be? My Lord has healed me, you seem at least remorseful enough that I doubt you’ll use it on me again, and it’s clear that you’re in need of help, guidance, and companionship. Besides, if I had cast away every sheep that I come across because I wronged them or I felt that they had wronged me in the past, then I would not have a flock at all!”
“Well, it’s just hard to tell when I don’t know what you’re thinking.”
“Interesting… you’re not the first person to comment on that… If it helps you to know; While I do speak English fluently as you can tell, it’s not my native tongue and I dislike thinking in it. It’s for deeply personal reasons I’m not comfortable with sharing at the moment… I try to keep my mind out of others when I can help it to uphold the same courtesy.”
The former writer didn’t like how hard he was to read in spite of him seemingly wearing his heart on his sleeve. If she was going off her own thoughts alone, she’d assume he was trying to lead her into a trap, but according to the thoughts of others, the Prophet was legit. Strange, clearly unhinged, and also not the brightest if he was willing to fully trust the Ink Demon, but none of the other lost ones or searchers saw him as a threat to them. In fact, most of them seemed to see him as some kind of guardian figure.
He could be able to fool one or two people if he was lying, maybe five. But possibly thousands of people? When it was possible for some of them to know the same Language Sammy spoke?
“If you do not wish to join the flock, I will not force you to. The fact you’ve managed to keep yourself this lucid on your own for so long must mean you have been blessed by Him and if it is your will to not join, then it is His will as well.” The prophet turned and walked away from the little miracle station. “Goodbye and hope to see you again soon little sheep, I enjoyed our conversation.”
Dot swung the door open and practically flew out of there after the prophet.
“Is wherever we’re going nicer than rotting in a box for the rest of my life?”
“I suppose it’s mostly a matter of preference… but what I can guarantee is that there’s a lot less ...unsavory creatures wandering about outside the houses. I assume it’s nicer to sleep in places where you don’t hear the Butchered gang’s incessant gargling.”
“And about this ‘flock’ of yours, what are they like?”
“Lost, searching, and messy.” He sighed bittersweetly. “Like ourselves.”
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Buffy versus The Originals
Warnings: I do not own nor claim to own the copyrights to the following tv shows; “Buffy the vampire slayer”, “Angel”, “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries”. Nor do I claim to own any canonical continuation via comics, spin-off televisions and such. I do not claim to own any of the characters within either the Buffyverse or the TVDverse, I am purely doing this for non-profit as a fan of both worlds and fanfiction itself.
15 Plus: May contain medium to graphic displays of violence and torture, displays of witchcraft practice, horror elements, supernatural elements, sexual innuendos, and scenes of a sexual nature.
Preliminary Round: Part One
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Buffy Summers managed to stop yet another apocalypse not that there was ever any doubt that she would win, she always wins. Although, to be fair this time around her hometown of Sunnydale was destroyed during the big battle and what once was a beautiful Californian town looked like nothing more than a tribute to the Grand Canyon leaving Buffy and her friends homeless.
Luckily, the blonde-haired vampire slayer knew of a certain vampire with a soul called Angel who happened to live in a semi-decaying hotel located in Los Angeles, and after a quick and awkward phone call with the vampire she once loved Buffy, her friends, her loved ones, and her fellow slayers made their way to L.A. to seek refuge with Angel and his team at the Hyperion Hotel.
Angel well and truly had his hands full at the Hyperion Hotel after rejecting Wolfram and Hart’s offer, his city always kept him busy with its many supernatural creatures, but he also had the complicated mission of trying to wake the woman he loved from her supernaturally influenced coma.
So, when Buffy, his former love, called him up looking for a place to stay briefly he was more than willing to oblige, hoping Buffy and her team could help in waking Cordy up.
Cordelia Chase had gone from being a spoiled rich girl at Sunnydale High School, to the vision’s girl at Angel Investigations to a half human, half demon, hybrid that found herself getting possessed by a rogue member of the powers that be called Jasmine, the latter using a magical pregnancy to give birth to herself, sending Cordy into a coma shortly after giving birth. 
Cordelia was the heart of Angel Investigations and it was struggling to operate without her, her friends and loved ones, were struggling to cope without her and so, Angel, Wesley, Fred, and Gunn were more than thrilled to have guests at the hotel who could lend a helping hand.
Faith Lehane had also gone through many changes herself, going from being a rogue slayer pitting herself up against Buffy, to finding redemption with the help and patience of Angel. So, after becoming Buffy’s ally once again, and helping her defeat the first in Sunnydale, the brunette Boston born slayer was more than happy to check into the Hyperion Hotel and catch up with her old friend Angel, especially after hearing the tall, dark, and handsome, vampire with a soul, needed help in waking Cordelia from a coma.
Buffy, Angel, and both their teams, sure proved to be the big help that Angel Investigations needed with the night-to-night hunting, and patrolling, however, the mission to awake Cordelia Chase struggled to pick up momentum which Cordelia herself began to grow impatient about as her fragmented spirit began appearing to them all frequently, complaining, and eager to get back into her comatose body.
Willow Rosenberg searched every grimoire, book, and magic shop to find a magical solution to Cordelia’s coma until eventually she came up with the idea to cast a spell which would not only summon Cordelia’s spirit but would force said spirit to return to her body. The spell in question required a non-beating heart, horns from a near extinct demonic species, and the translation of a long-forgotten language.
Willow waited for a reasonably quiet night to perform the spells she believed would bring Cordelia back to her body, waiting until it was just her, Buffy, Angel, and Faith in the hotel and gathered them all within the grand foyer of the hotel, as they each sat down on the floor in a circle, while Willow held a book in her hands, ready to cast her magic, ready to bring Cordelia Chase back.
The first spell to summon Cordelia’s spirit was performed, cast, and executed to perfection by the brilliant red headed wonder witch, however, the second spell to return Cordelia to her comatose body went a little awry as Willow accidentally opened a portal to a whole other dimension, a portal which wound up pulling Cordelia’s spirit into, as well as Buffy, Angel, and Faith before closing itself and leaving Willow completely alone, and without any idea of where they went, or how to get her friends back.
“Way to go Wills, now where the hell did, she send us this time?” Faith wondered as she, Buffy, Angel, and Cordelia found themselves, picking themselves up off the ground within the bayou in New Orleans late at night, each of them completely confused as to where Willow’s spell had sent them to. “I think it is safe to say we’re definitely not at the Hyperion Hotel, and knowing our luck we’re probably not even in Los Angeles.” Buffy replied to her, as she looked around the bayou, attempting to piece together where they were. “Hey! I’m back to being solid again!” Cordelia screeched with excitement as she threw her arms around Angel and pulled him in for a hug, the two of them equally as excited to see and feel each other once again. “Enough of the sickeningly sweet reunion time, we all know what happens when you get happy Angel.” Faith warned Angel, as she pulled him out of Cordelia’s arms, eagerly breaking off their hug. “You’ll lose your soul, then Cordy becomes food to soulless you, and me and B wind up tossing a coin to see which slayer takes you down this time around. “Well at least Willow’s spell to put you back in your body clearly worked.” Buffy stated to Cordelia, before the questioning slayer turned her attention to Angel. “You did not store her body in the woods, did you?” “No, I never!” Angel denied nervously, as he noticed a disapproving glare from Cordelia. “Not like you can blame him if he did, I mean maybe the big man’s still a little pissed about you bumping uglies with his son, I mean did you not used to change his diapers?” Faith teased Cordelia, more than happy to stir the pot between Cordelia and Angel. “Firstly, that was some wacky super powered bitch called Jasmine who not only hijacked my body but got me pregnant just to give birth to herself. Secondly, I would never sleep with his son when not possessed…stupid rogue powers that be hussy!” Cordelia snapped back at Faith, clearly disgusted. “I swear those powers that be can go straight to hell!” “As fun as this is, how about we change the topic and find a way back to the hotel?” Angel suggested to the women, more than eager to change the conversation about his son Connor’s past with the woman he loved. “Yeah, I don’t really want to hear about my ex’s love triangle with my high school classmate and his adult son.” Buffy agreed with the brooding vampire. “Straight to hell, you hear me?” Cordelia screamed upwards towards the clouds, hoping the powers that be were listening and heard her fury. As the foursome decided to explore their whereabouts it did not take them very long to find their way out of the bayou and learn that they were in the city of New Orleans, the only thing they did not know was the fact that they were no longer in their world, they were now in the Mikaelsons’ world…
Preliminary Round: Part Two
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Josh Rosza had been through a lot since turning into a vampire, going from being a club kid turned vampire to best friend to the young harvest witch Davina Claire to the boyfriend of werewolf Aiden, but the hardest change in his life that he had to adjust to was losing his first love at the hands of a wicked witch called Dahlia, a loss that at first he blamed Klaus Mikaelson for.
Josh was never particularly popular with any of the original family of vampires and neither did he want to be, knowing all too well that friends of the Mikaelson siblings tended to quickly turn into foes before winding up permanently dead at their hands but all that had changed over the last few months following the notorious family defeating Dahlia.
Following Camille O Connell’s unexpected departure from New Orleans, Josh had managed to take over her job bartending at Rousseau’s which meant dealing with all kinds of clientele including none other than the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson himself, who had become a regular while drowning his sorrows every night since Cami had left.
Fear was quickly taken over by fascination as Josh’s reluctance to grow close to any original began to dwindle as friendship quickly grew between Josh and Klaus, a friendship which had started out with two lonely hearts before developing into something much deeper, a bond truly cherished by them both.
Klaus Mikaelson tended not to make friends easily mostly due to the fact he did not want to and even when the original hybrid did make the occasional friend it was never too long before he either watched them be murdered or they displeased him in some kind of way leading to him killing them.
However, following Cami’s decision to leave New Orleans behind for good, the fact Hayley Marshall had moved away with his daughter Hope and his brother Elijah was not currently talking to him, Klaus was in need of some kind of company and he found that and more with newbie vamp turned bartender Joshua Rosza.
Klaus found himself spending more and more time with Josh as a regular at Rosseau’s until the two unlikely companions quickly found themselves developing a friendship made from two lonely hearts graduating into something deeper and before long the original hybrid would come to think of the vampire bartender as his best friend, a friendship which Klaus valued greatly and would protect at any cost.
Rebekah Mikaelson had been granted her freedom from always having to be by her brother’s side, forced to endure heartbreak after heartbreak as Klaus put his needs and wants before her own time and time again, but now she was free and yet it did not feel like it to the original female vampire.
Rebekah had been travelling the world in search of a way to bring her brother Kol back, chasing leads from her older sister Freya, hoping to find some magical remedy to restore her family, but as the months went by and the leads grew thinner the original was starting to run out of steam and her warring brothers Klaus and Elijah was doing anything but making her feel free from her family entanglements.
So, Rebekah decided it was time to pay her family a little visit to reconcile Elijah and Klaus’ brotherhood having had to step in many times before, like when they thought over Tatia then squabbled over Katherine Pierce, as the blonde haired immortal beauty just found herself being thankful that this time her brothers weren’t fighting over another bloody doppelgänger.
Elijah Mikaelson had spent a thousand years sticking by his brother Klaus’ side, cleaning up his messes, and attempting to keep the rest of his family in line but after Klaus used their aunt Dahlia to cast a werewolf curse on Hayley, the woman he loved, he was done fighting by his brother’s side and although Hayley forgave Klaus after New Orleans’ regent witch Davina Claire broke the curse, Hayley decided to move away with Hope.
Hayley Marshall still popped into New Orleans as her and Klaus shared custody over their daughter Hope but she lived there no longer and although she did not live far from the city she lived far enough away to start a new life, a life that Elijah Mikaelson was no longer a part of much to his own heartbreak.
Elijah knew he could not blame Klaus entirely for Hayley’s decision to move but he also knew the curse sure did not help things, in fact if anything he believed it determined her decision and with her now gone and Rebekah too, Elijah was running out of reasons to remain forever by Klaus’ side.
Freya Mikaelson had taken to the oldest sibling role a little far too well and she had started to feel the weight that came keeping a family like hers from killing each other. Not only did the Mikaelson witch have to play mediator between a warring Elijah and Klaus but she was also using her expertise to try and help her youngest sibling Rebekah to find a way to resurrect Kol.
Family was not Freya’s only struggle however as she tried to stop Davina Claire and her vampire father figure Marcel Gerard from declaring war on her siblings every other day, while finding unlikely common ground with Vincent Griffiths in restoring their city for the better as well as keeping her promise to her brother Finn, one that meant finding him a suitable body that would require minimal violence if possible.
Freya literally had everything on her shoulders and was trying her hardest to wear it well, so the last thing that she wanted, needed, or even expected, was the arrival of two so-called vampire slayers, a demon, and a vampire with a so-called soul.
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Sixty-Seven: Royalty ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: To Rule Them All ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s to be a double coronation of sorts.
Today is the day the elder princess Hinata turns eighteen, and will meet the first of her potential suitors. And in the same breath, so too will she receive her appointed knight: one assigned to guard her life with his own. Much like marriage, only death can part them.
Standing in a small room outside the main hall, he can be found adjusting his armor: checking buckles, buffing at any perceived smudges upon the steel, and ensuring the smooth draw of his sword. She’s to bid him her knight with the blade upon each shoulder, and the last thing he wants is to have it catch while everyone is watching.
Beside him, his brother gives a warm smile. “I can’t begin to say how proud I am, Sasuke. Today, you receive the highest honor a knight could ask for: to be entrusted with a royal life.”
Glancing up, there’s a hint of several emotions in the warrior’s gaze. “...I have to wonder how necessary I’ll be. If she weds a prince, she’ll have an entire army looking after her.”
“True, but not as...directly,” Itachi reminds him. “Unless strictly necessary, you’re not to leave her side. From today on, her life is in your hands...and yours in hers. Both sword and shield shall you be.”
Sasuke can’t help a small sigh. “...it should have been you.”
“...perhaps in birthright, but Life has other plans for me. My fragility of my health is hardly becoming of a knight. I am content in my new path.” A hint of teasing alights his eyes. “I can put my mind to more use as an advisor now - far better than a body that oft betrays me. We’ll leave the hacking and slashing to you, dear brother.”
The jest earns a small smile, head bowing as a huff of humored breath escapes him. “...I suppose you’re right.”
It’s then a steward pokes his head through a door. “Five minutes, now - do be ready.”
The knight gives a curt nod. “Are you needed elsewhere?”
“I am. But I wanted to wish you luck, and relay my pride in you one last time.”
“You speak of it so often, it’s a wonder it’s not invaded my dreams.”
Rolling his eyes, Itachi takes his leave and moves to join the rest of the council. Left behind, his brother moves on from adjusting his gear to taking care of his nerves. Crowds don’t bother him: he’s been both around and within a huge army since he was a small boy. Numbers don’t frighten him.
What does (not that he’ll admit it) is the issue of first impressions. He’s never directly met the princess before. They’ve been in the same room, and he’s seen her from a distance. But they’ve never met eyes, nor spoken to one another. And now, they’re stuck with each other for the rest of their lives. At the very least, he’s heard she’s easy to get on with - kind, patient, if not a little reserved and perhaps timid.
...but he can hardly blame her with a father like Hiashi.
There’s no time to mull that over, however, as the door opens, and he’s guided to the foyer of the main hall. Beyond the doors, he can vaguely hear the pomp and circumstance as the princess is granted her honors and responsibilities. That’s more Itachi’s side of things. His part will come later, once that’s all said and done.
For the moment, he stares at the solid oak doors, eyes flickering over the woodgrain as he does his best to clear his mind. They rehearsed this once (with a stand-in princess: a scullery maid), so at least he knows what to do. But as for what to expect, well...that’s an entirely different matter.
And then he hears his cue.
There’s a slight jerk to his muscles, and then the doors open...slowly. Which he’s thankful for as he regains his composure. The hall is filled to the brim with aristocrats, bureaucrats, and other members of Hiashi’s courts. And among them, he knows, are a few of the potential suitors here to spend weeks vying their heirs to sweep the princess from her castle to their own.
Ignoring the feeling of eyes, Sasuke walks forward. The soft clatters and rustling of his armor fill the hall, and he’s more than thankful he remembered to oil it to prevent any squeaking.
At the end of the aisle, hands clasped at her front, is Hinata.
For a moment his mind entertains the thought of a bride approaching her groom, and he has to grapple with himself to keep from breaking into a smile.
Reaching her after the agonizing walk, Sasuke bows, and then draws his sword, presenting the blade as he kneels. “My lady,” he begins, head declined. “I come before you this day to offer you all that I am: my blade, to cut down your foes; my shield, to protect you from harm; and my life, to be given in your stead should the need arise.”
The weight of his weapon then lifts, and he lets one arm fall to his side as the other braces atop his knee. It then settles instead upon his shoulders as she recites her reply.
“Brave knight, chosen above all others for your skill, your valor, your bravery and your strength. Today I accept your offer. Be my sword, my shield, and my most steadfast protector. May you uphold the traditions of all knights of this realm...and of your bloodline, strong and true. From this day forth...arise, Sasuke of the Uchiha: chosen knight of the princess Hinata of the Hyūga.”
With the ceremony complete, Sasuke brings himself to stand, accepting the blade with another bow before daring to meet her eyes.
They’re soft and light, so unlike his own dark gaze. In tandem, they seem to study his, each clearly trying to get a sense of the other. But they’re not afforded much time before he shifts to a salute, and the king approaches.
“With this long-standing tradition complete, my daughter is now of the age to be courted, and safe in her dealings with a knight of the kingdom at her side. Only the most suitable of princes will be able to take her hand and make her a queen.”
From there, the ceremony seems largely complete, and the guests are given free reign to mingle. Hinata, however, excuses herself to a balcony...and Sasuke follows.
He lingers near the door as she approaches the edge, laying hands atop the railing and staring out. Affording him a glance, she then gives a soft, almost somber smile. “...and so it begins,” she notes quietly.
“My lady?”
“I’m taken from a governess, and given to a knight. Not even a full day of peace to myself. But...I suppose that is simply how it goes.” Half-turning, she seems to appraise him. “...and how do you feel about…all of this?”
His brow furrows just a hair. “...feel…?”
“Surely you’d rather have grand adventures and glorious battles than spend your time attending a princess with so little freedom. I feel guilty...you’ve been trapped.”
“...I consider it an honor. My family has long produced protectors of the throne. As for seeking glory...I’d rather avoid it now.”
“That would mean an attack on your ladyship. And as willing as I am to defend you, I also hope that no one would dare to harm you.”
“Such is the nature of royalty. There’s always some plot or ploy.” Her gaze casts back out past the castle.
After a pause, Sasuke dares to approach, standing beside her. “...I can think of far worse fates than being left in your company, my lady. I only hope I don’t encroach.”
That earns a humorless laugh. “There’s nothing to encroach. My life is hardly exciting. I keep mostly to myself.”
“You’ll have little peace now that you can be wed.”
Something seems to shift in her eyes. “...you swore to protect me...did you not?”
“I did.”
Looking back to him, Hinata searches his eyes, looking imploring. “...then, if I may be so bold...I would ask you protect me from that, as well.”
“...from suitors…? But, my lady, you -”
“I know what will become of me. I am the lesser daughter. My fate lies outside my lands, to the highest bidder. It is my sister who will keep our lands. And I...I will be fodder. Perhaps I’m a coward, but...I fear that fate. Marrying a man who will not love me. He’ll care only for my dowery. A sum to be paid to rid my father of me. And all that will remain to me, mine and only mine...will be you.”
Ever so slightly, Sasuke’s face slackens with surprise.
“...so. If you truly wish to keep your vow...you will protect me not just from harm of the flesh...but harm of the heart. My father will listen to you. He will trust a man’s judgment. If I tell you to rid a man from my roster of suitors...will you do it?”
“...of course. Anything for you, my lady.”
Relief seems to wash over her face, posture wilting. “...thank you. Your brother has spoken of you often...and he knew that I could trust you. I’m glad to hear his words were true.”
“My brother?”
“Yes. He’s told me much about you. He seemed to think that you would accept my odd request.”
He can’t help a small huff of a laugh. “...my duty is first and foremost to you, my lady.”
“Please...if you call me ‘my lady’ every waking moment of every day, I’ll go mad. If we are alone, you may call me Hinata. May I...in turn call you Sasuke?”
“I...would be honored...Hinata.”
“Soon you’ll learn that being royalty isn’t at all as glamorous as the commoners make it out to be,” she warns him softly. “But...it will be all the easier with you at my side.”
“...as I shall remain.”
     Well, not QUITE before midnight, but...well, a little earlier than usual lol      Just your typical knight in shining armor fic, ahaha - it was my first thought with this prompt. I have that pseudo-series with the other prince and princess 'story', but I thought it'd be fun to take a break from that with Sasuke as a knight, instead! If another prompt allows, I'll definitely be following this one up :3      But, for now, that's all from me! Thanks for reading~
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thisway-imagines · 6 years
Hii!! Can I request HCs of how would characters act when falling in love and how they confess their feelings to s/o? If possible, Sothe (he’s mainly from Radiant Dawn and I know you haven’t played it but he deserves more love ;-; but i don’t want to bother), Conrad and Boey // PS. Good luck!!!
Good morning!! Of course you can request these lovely boys - I have watched halfway of RD so I believe I can still write for him!! Thank you for your luck, I’ll need it
(also i am a complete suck up for Conrad hahaha)
This boy will always be prepared to do anything you ask of - whether it is to get supplies, get some food for little critters in the forests, or just have a pleasant conversation.
However, Sothe may be a little bit awkward when you talk to him - he’s slightly embarrassed if you ever just call him just to have a sweet little chat about his wellbeing.
Sothe will be much more protective of you without realizing it - he simply just doesn’t want to lose you so soon in this cruel war.
If you are battling your enemies at just a slight disadvantage, then immediately you will see your enemy dead in a blink of an eye - after that, Sothe quickly comes in to reprimand your reckless actions.
Arguments about your safety often became heated. Micaiah usually has to mitigate the consequences. But when she isn’t there… then it gets more heated than usual.
“[Name], you almost died to that Begnion soldier! Why couldn’t you be a little bit more careful?”
“Well, I’m sorry, Sothe! But I was doing perfectly fine before you came in and got my kill!
He scoffs. “You were obviously with a disadvantage there! It’s my duty to protect you whenever you can’t do it yourself!”
You feel hurt that Sothe thinks that you can’t handle yourself in the battlefield. “But I was perfectly capable of handling myself before! Why can’t you see that, Sothe? I’m not some kind of object you always have to guard all the time!”
This shocks Sothe, and you almost feel tears building up in your eyes. Before you could turn and walk away from him, Sothe grabs your hand.
“What do you want now, Sothe? Haven’t you already gotten enough satisfaction from mocking me?”
He flinches, but pulls you towards him into a hug. You widen your eyes to look up at him, but eases into the hug that he gives you.
“[Name]… I know that I seem harsh and overprotective sometimes but - you really mean a lot to me. More than you can ever think of… so please. I can’t bear to lose you…! Don’t hate me for this, but… I love you. And I want to protect you forever.”
When you see Conrad in love, you will see this boy falling deeply in love.
Look up the definition of puppy love, and you’ll see Conrad’s name in it.
He’s willing to do anything for you - if you were busy, he’ll offer to help patrol for you, help cook with you, do the army’s laundry for you - Conrad is prepared to give his all to you!
In battle, you will see him gallantly defeating foes in front of you with his mask on. He’d be extremely graceful but merciless on the battlefield, proclaiming: “Prepare to die, foul beings! Whoever dares to face me in battle shall fall to my lance!” You giggle at how adorable but valiant he is being, and he gets a major boost of confidence when you do.
With his mask but now outside the battlefield, he’s the most suave and confident man you know. He’ll be bringing you flowers and the such (while madly blushing behind his mask), saying: “These flowers reminded me of you, [Name]. I hope they bring a smile to your face.” Conrad’s such a flirt with his mask on, but…
Without his mask on, he’s a bashful young boy again. He will follow you around whenever you have any duties around camp, helping you around with such tasks and engaging in a nice conversation with you. Whenever you would tease him about how cute he is, he turns extremely red and stutters a lot. This causes you to laugh, and Conrad is further drawn into you than ever.
Celica, being the ever observant younger sister she is, takes notice of Conrad’s infatuation for you. Like you, she teases him endlessly about whether she’ll get a new sister or not soon, and all this poor boy can do is melt into a puddle.
But Celica is extremely supportive as well. She helps Conrad to gain his confidence to confess to you, and he’s so thankful for her help all the time.
Eventually, you’ll see Conrad walking towards your direction shyly - he sharply breathes in to calm himself when he sees you skipping over to him.
“Conrad! It’s so good to see you! Is there anything that I can do for you?”
His face is burning at this point, but he takes both of your hands into both of his, and loudly exclaims:
“I cannot hold these feelings in any longer…! I-I love you, [Name]! I promise to stay by you forever, and be the knight that you deserve…”
You’re shocked at how bold and sudden his confession is, but if anything, you’ve only fallen for him even harder. Conrad is truly your unpredictable and loving man.
Boey becomes a bigger dork than he already is when he’s around you.
He tries to be smooth and gives you cheesy pick up lines, but he always adorably fails because of either: 1. He becomes to nervous and forgets the lines or 2. Mae laughs at him when he tries to do so.
Gods, he gets so very frustrated. However, when he sees the mirth in your eyes and your joyful laughter, it makes up for every mistake he’s done. 
Whenever Celica’s team has to pass through a wave of terrors or a large group of Necrodragons, the poor boy is trying extremely hard to stay composed and brave in front of you. Nonetheless, if he gets too scared, you let him cling onto you - his clinginess is probably one of the cutest things, honestly.
On the battlefield, he also shows off a lot more. 
“Look at this, [Name]!”
He’ll show off his cool fire magic and any new spells that he’s learnt over the course of this journey. Sometimes he may be caught off guard while showing off though, and you rush to his aid if that happens.
He honestly just loves how strong and admirable you are… When he talks to you, you can see how his eyes soften and his face has a darker shade to it.
Mae and Celica both pester him to confess his lover for you already. Mae impatiently says: “C’mon Boey. We love you. But we’re also sick of how you’re doing nothing! Let’s do it already!” while Celica laughs gently, agreeing with Mae’s words but also reminding Boey that he can take more time if he needs it.
Thanks to these 2 girls, he now finds himself waiting at the bonfire that the team has made to settle down at night. It’s your turn after his shift ends, so he waits patiently for you as time passes.
Once you come out of your tent to keep patrol, you see him looking into the fire, lost in thought. You smile and wave a hand in front of him, almost scaring him.
“Haha, it’s nice to know you’ve snapped out of it. You should go to sleep now, Boey. I’ll keep you all safe next.”
With a blush, Boey says nothing. But instead, he pats the space next to him and tells you to sit down next to him.
Curiously, you plop down next to him and look at him. Boey hopes that the fire isn’t making his blush visible, but slowly, he laces his fingers with yours and looks down to the grass. Then eventually, he looks at you.
“I… You’re an amazing person, [Name]. I cannot think properly when I’m beside you, and every day you only make me fall in love harder for you. I love you, [Name], and if you love me back, I promise that you’ll be the happiest person alive when you’re with me.”
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blackrose-ffxiv · 6 years
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Mirrored Ideals 06/26
Liquor bottles already waited on the low table and it was only a moment before Tradehouse staff brought along fresh tea. Lebeaux Desrosiers began preparing himself a cup, starting with a generous splash of brandy before pouring the tea into it. He prepared a second cup in the same manner and slid it towards Akimoto. “I found one of my associates already observing the aether-gathering individuals. Alas, getting information from him can be a tedious task and the Brass Blades arrived before I could witness anything conclusive for myself.” He picked up his own cup and took a small sip.
Akimoto Kiyomori watched the man pour a drink and then watched as the other was slid over and offered. His gaze dragged back up to meet his own. "I find that I am no longer thirsty when it comes to drinking that of which I did not handle myself. There was a poisoning at the fight the other evening. The elezen in question still at large. For now.. " His tone did not suggest that he thought it was Lebeaux, but more or a dark intention with a large degree of consequences. His finger tapped his knee for a moment as he considered Lebeaux's words. "I had three associates myself, and obtain two more that were also involved. It would appear they are using a sort of siphon magic. They were very interested in the aether of touched or tainted people as well. Yet they didn't seem to be able to actually determine if someone was tainted or not. Not with any level of accuracy. They did however.. " He shifted and brought out a small clay jar, and set it down on the table. "They gave this to one of my men. Apparently it is a manner of calling them or summoning them to you. " Within the jar would be a dark purple crystal.
Lebeaux considered that for a moment then lowered the cup from his own lips, offering that instead. “I’ve drank from it, so you can be assured I’ll not be poisoning myself.” He set that cup down in front of Akimoto and picked up the one that had been snubbed instead, settling back comfortably into his seat to sip. “Besides, it’s not in my best interest to harm a potential employer. Consider yourself ‘safe’.” Far more than could be said for most. He smiled serenely as he leaned forwards to tip the jar over to spill the crystal onto the table. “How strange, it doesn’t look like any linkpearl I’ve ever seen. I suppose it’s less a means of communication and more of a signal beacon. Have you activated it?”
Akimoto took the drink and drank it without hesitation, even though he knew he himself had spent a great of time slowly poisoning himself so that he could bare the effects of it. He then set the cup down and shook his head. "I have not. I do not step blindly into potential battlefields that I have not chosen or at the very least understand. For all I know contact with the skin could very well notify them of a great many things or itself be something to obtain my aether. Of which I will not allow. If it is to be activated I would like to do so with the proper preparations in place. I do have a plan of course. Thus brings me to you regardless of your inability to obtain insight at the Market. I would like to have you act as a buyer alongside another individual. "
Lebeaux perhaps felt a little better that Akimoto was willing to drink the tea he had already ‘tested’. After all, it was a fairly nice brandy. It would be a shame to see it go to waste. The medic turned the clay jar over to set it atop the crystal, blocking it from view. Just in case it was able to transmit conversation, the jar would hopefully baffle it. “A sound plan I’m sure, yet before we go into the details of ‘your mission, should you choose to accept it’.” Lebeaux interrupted with a small smile and a long sip of spiked tea. “What stakes do you have in this. Do you have a personal interest in gathering mass amounts of aether?”
Akimoto watched the man fiddle with the jar, and his hopes were mirrored in Aki's, for he had been told the jar would suffice but who knew really? A smirk had found his face when the quip was made. His brow arched however when the question was asked. "I think it would be rather obvious that whomever this is, is massing a great deal of aether and that should concern anyone, really. " His gaze narrowed slightly as he consider the question in more length. "It has come to pass that someone of worth to me is struggling with an aetherical issue. Also there was a pair of gentlemen that came to me speaking of being possessed or somewhat controlled by what they called a voidsent. As you are aware the ability to summon something into oneself is not as unlikely as Eorzea would like to believe. Aside from knowing what it is they are doing, I wish to understand how they are doing it. What exactly they are doing and the consequences for that. Rather it be to destroy them or to amass such knowledge for my own ends, I've not decided. Either way, I can spin it whichever color and flavor you wish to swallow."
Lebeaux considered that for a moment, tapping a gloved finger against his own chin. Smiling calmly all the while. “For a man who declared himself a monster when we last met I certainly do find it difficult to choke down the ‘benevolent nobility’ bit.” He agreed with a dry chuckle, chasing it with a long sip of tea. “You believe the summoning of voidsent is directly related to the gathering of this aether? Just what would you want with voidsent? I wasn’t aware they were such a problem here in the Far East.” He asked, tilting his head slightly as he let his attention linger on the other’s eyes in particular.
Akimoto titled his head a little as he rose his hand and spread his fingers with his palm to the air. "One man's monster is another man's hero. " He chuckled again and shook his head. "In the East there are a great many different kinds of darkness and shadow. The Void as you call it doesn't quite exist in the same fashion. That which you call demons here, are nothing like what a demon is to The East. A demon or yokai is a merely an enraged spirit and often has removed their 'calm and peace'. Sometimes it is taken. " He smirked again, his eyes flashing once more with a glowing version of the same iridescent blue. He took in a deep breath then let it out slowly, leaning back in the chair. His gaze drifted back to regard his host. "I do not believe the two incidents to be related. Which in itself is interesting. However.. " He paused , leaning all the way forward. "You wish to know my nature and my motivations. I have no issue telling you. I do however believe in free will and I would have you willing tell me your own, first."
Lebeaux smiled pleasantly as Akimoto dissembled by instead discussing the difference between Eorzean and Eastern demons. “It sounds rather like an explanation I had only recently on Eastern medicine, balancing the elements. Which is essentially the humors but with a different name. I suspect the beasts work on a similar concept.” He noted, politely dismissing the explanation. The smile grew somewhat at the exchange. “That’s not free will, that’s free market. Exchange of similarly valued items.” He corrected. “I’ll make you a counter offer. Agreeing to investigate these suspicious individuals puts my aether at risk. As a chirurgeon and something of a mage my aether is invaluable. I’ll not put my livelihood on the line for the whim of a bored heathen with delusions of grandeur. If you’ll tell me your motives, I’ll hear your plan.”
Akimoto's deep baritone rumbled as he nodded and sat back up. "The risk is there, I agree. I would do it myself but the risk is greater. Nevertheless I find you some pitiful fool to use as the 'test' subject for your 'business transaction". He chuckled again. "The motives of a villain or hero. I do not know either of which that would be so bold as to confess them without some level of reassurance. Trust is but a word I am afraid I hold no value in. " He considered once more with a hum. "If they are able to summon out a soul in full and not pieces it would interest me greatly as I can potentially save the life of this person I hold value in. That is a small measure of my personal motivations. However the grandeur of this delusion to this bored heathen is that I believe your world to be weak. People are afraid of a fight they don't know if they win. They are afraid of a challenge and what it means to rise to it. They scoff and hide when blood is running and they blame others for their short comings. I had thought perhaps it was a lack of leadership but its not. To long the people have been used to a mediocre chaos and they slaves to do nothing. Year after year some grand truth become unveiled and the masses crying for freedom and then what?" He shook his head. "They wither back to their hovels and ignore the war before their eyes. It is not a lack of leadership. It is a lack of Order from Chaos. A bar to reach so to speak. An foe that has no country, no people, no creed save their own. A reason to become more than they are. This.. " he waved his had to the crystal. "A very display of their complacency. So there in lies my 'motive.' If these people are a great evil then they will be removed and in doing so , forge a great many people into that end. If they are a power to be wrought then so be it. From the suffering will come paradise. " He smirked. and sat back. "I plan on testing the will of everyone and everything, if you like it spoken bluntly."
Lebeaux sipped silently at his tea while Akimoto explained, opening his mouth to interrupt then shutting it again. And to think Lebeaux had been accused before of loving the sound of his own voice. The amusing thought passed briefly through his mind before he refocused on what was being said. He waited a moment once the other had finished speaking, drinking the rest of the heavily fortified tea and setting the cup down on the table. “You hope to burn away the rot that’s eating away at society to leave them free of the sickness that makes them weak.” He rephrased thoughtfully. “Our goals are rather the same, then. Though yours are admittedly grander in scale.” The medic shifted to rest and elbow on the arm rest and settled his chin in his gloved palm as he looked at the other. “Very well. I’ll hear your proposal. Having such similar ideals I suspect this will be a learning experience for me. Whether you succeed or are burned to ashes by the fires of your own ambitions.”
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italicwatches · 6 years
[legacy content] My Hero Academia - Episode 03
Got a whole pile of things to get done today. But the best place to start, naturally, is with one of my Japanese anime. It’s My Hero Academia, episode 03! Here we GO!
-We begin, with All Might. A paragon of heroism, the number one hero, the Superman figure of this setting. His age and actual Quirk are unknown; What is known, is his very existence has become the symbol of heroism, the thing that finally made the terrible chaos of the world break down, that made the sky-high crime rates begin to drop…And this man, just told Izuku he could be a hero.
-And that he, is worthy of inheriting All Might’s power. …What?
-Opening! Also I know we’re gonna meet them later and so I don’t want to talk too much about them with just the opening to go off of, but the designs of Izuku’s presumed hero peers are really great. They’re visually striking enough to make an impression when they’re literally on screen for only a few frames. Who’s doing the art for the original manga?
-So Izuku would like to know what the hell All Might means. What he means is, kid, you’ve got a choice to make. A choice of whether or not to accept this…Because it’s not going to be easy. He’s never told anyone the exact nature of his power…But you, you deserve to know. His Quirk, his power, was passed on to him by another. And he, too, can pass it on, to someone worth it…And he feels Izuku is worthy.
-Izuku, who has no idea how to parse this, because it goes entirely, completely against every single thing he knows about Quirks, of the very nature of them…But that’s what you need to understand. His actual Quirk, his true power, is not the muscles or the strength. It’s the power, to transfer power. A power that in and of itself, can be transferred…The Quirk One For All. To take on strength from the cries of the people, spiral it out, become powerful…And to give that strength to others. That is how he is who he is.
-And who deserves that power more, than the boy who ran into danger despite having no power? The boy who raced into the fray, to face the very same thing that had nearly killed him not two hours previous, because it had someone else in its grasp? You do not have power, yet, Izuku. But you are more a hero than any of the ones you raced past to help that boy!
-But of course, the decision is up to Izuku. The question of whether you will take this on. You don’t need to…But if you’re willing…
-And so Izuku rises…And makes his decision. He’ll, fucking, do it!
-Episode 03! Roaring Muscles
-Two days later, at sunrise, Izuku is out at a beachside park…Trying to haul a literal fridge with All Might sitting on it. In proper All Might shape, too, not No Might. Unsurprisingly, Izuku can’t move the thing an inch. It doesn’t help that All Might weighs 255 kilograms, or 562 pounds of solid muscle. And Izuku would like to know why he’s even doing this.
-Because you don’t have the muscle bulk to hold One For All. If you tried to muscle up with it right now, you’d…Well your limbs would explode in gore, to be blunt about it. So! You need to Have the kind of body that can handle it! Also, you’re doing some good. Being a hero, is being a public servant. It’s not about the flash in the pan villain-fighting, it’s not about getting your face on magazine covers, it’s about making this better for people. This part of the beach is, as you can see, covered in trash…As All Might talks, he just casually crushes the fridge like a fucking beer can. And what he wants to see Izuku do, is clear this beach of all this heavy trash.
-It’s more like a dump or a junkyard, garbage and bullshit piled high, as he realizes just what he’s going to have to do…And All Might says that it’s not easy at all to get into even the lighter hero schools. And you want to go to UA, his old alma mater in the world of heroics. The hardest one in the country. The entrance exam is, as Izuku knows, in ten months. Ten months to have a body that can be infused with One For All.
-Which is why he’s put together a training plan. It’s going to be hard as hell, as Izuku knows all too well. But Izuku’s used to working his ass off for every scrap…And so work he does, over ten months of utter hell, carting everything from massive filing cabinets to old tires out of the beach item by item…His schoolwork suffering because of lack of sleep, but at this point his schoolwork is pure make-work if he can get into UA…
-And so his mind instead focuses on the math, the calculations of how efficiency. The days he has left to work, the hours in those days, the ways to build up enough efficiency…As people start hearing his internal monologue turning external, as he’s so focused on his hard work that he doesn’t even realize…
-And so it keeps up, and he keeps working, eating extra protein as prepared by his mother(who has gone from slim young mother, to plush maternal figure, in the ten-odd years since that fateful doctor visit), working before and after school, getting barely enough sleep to stay functional…He just needs enough that it doesn’t hurt his recovery. The psychological difficulties don’t matter. The fatigue doesn’t matter. He works minor workouts in where he can, even taking small weights and those squeeze springs to school to use with his one hand while writing with the other…
-until one day, he’s hauling along a big heavy thing with No Might at his side…And then he just drops, with three months left. His body’s hitting its limits…But then he continues to struggle, trying to get up…As he realizes Izuku’s not undergoing it, he’s overdoing it. Because he has to prove himself. It’s not enough to skate over the bottom line…He has to be able to make a fucking statement. He has to be able to not just be an also-ran hero…But a great hero, like the man he so admires!
-And All Might, in full bulk, respects his fire…To look so far into the future, to have such ambition, is great, young man. And if that’s what you want, then he’ll adjust the plan, find your safe limits and keep you right at those limits for the next three months! You won’t get there with the scores he had at entrance, but you’ll be well on your way!
-Until, eventually…The day of the entrance exam, six AM. And as the sun rises, Izuku, with a body built like steel cording, has, fucking, finished. This shitty beach…Is clear!!! He just about collapses off the last pile of garbage, when All Might catches him…And you did good, kid. You did great. You’re ready! Look at this. This is how you looked ten months ago. Now look at you…Look at that body! You can DO this!
-Izuku is overwhelmed, feeling like he couldn’t have done it without All Might, feeling like he’s got an edge he doesn’t deserve…But All Might disagrees. A gift you receive because you are lucky, and a gift you receive because someone recognizes what you can achieve with it, are two very different things. You did not receive his aid because of luck, or happenstance. You received it, because you proved yourself. And so All Might plucks a single hair off of his head, full of his power…And tells Izuku to eat it. Wait what? You need his DNA in you and this is the least strange way to do it, young Izuku! Now eat the hair!
-Commercial break!
-And we’re back! it’s a few hours later, 8:40 AM. Izuku’s gotten a couple hours of sleep, enough to be functional, but he hasn’t even been able to test that power…For all he knows, he won’t achieve anything…And that’s when Katsuki stomps past him, full of angry fire. And people are talking about him already…But for all Katsuki’s a brute, Izuku also has to admit, in the last ten months, the guy hasn’t touched him. Ten months that he used, to become strong…And now, he’s got to take the first step…
-Except he trips.
-But he’s saved! By a young lady whose Quirk lets her keep him stable, and she wishes him good luck before heading on in to get her own test started…And Izuku feels fired up, having just talked to a real girl! You said “um uh wha”, kid.
-And then it’s inside, where an entertainer of a ‘hero’ starts walking them through the process…You’ll be doing mock battles in urban environments! You can take whatever you like with you into the field, but you’ve gotta go fast. And it seems the assignments have been completely random, as Izuku and Katsuki were directly consecutive on their examinee numbers, but got completely different places to go…Makes sense, though. You want to force kids to adapt, not to work with the same strategies and tricks they’ve been learning with their friends for their whole lives.
-Each battlefield will have three types of mechanical ‘villains’, of three difficulties! Earn points by defeating the various mechanical foes! When a student points out that their syllabus includes four villain types, not three. Yep, that’s true. The fourth villain is the hardest…And yer worth zero points! It’s an obstacle to try and avoid, that will actively try to slow you down and ruin your efforts…
-Now, before you go, a motto. Something to live your life by. A true hero is someone who overcomes life’s misfortunes. So do exactly that, young prospective students, and overcome the difficulties!
-And soon, Izuku is at one of the battle centers, amongst a whole crowd…And he’s nervous as hell…But it’s here that he’s going to see everything he’s really made of…!
You fuckin’ got this, Izuku. Take that fire in your chest, and let it burn brighter than the stars above!
We’ll see if he can actually do it next time, though, in episode FOUR of My Hero Academia! Wait for it!
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These quests can also change from direct to the point traditional bank robberies to moving harmful drugs, despite the fact, it doesn t question just what set-up is, most seem to demand you to ultimately enter in a little something, and also to shift quite high market value appliances for all your vacation auto. relish a number of the high powered potential. This starting point develops when Payday 2 Dozer Bobblehead Code shines even though capture outs are an element of the heist fantasy, a brilliant offender will not really have to utilize it, smart?
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