#and all she wants is to protect mel from all the pain
bluismie · 4 months
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the category is hurt/comfort
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Trial and Error (6)
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Based on the request: "Azriel with single mom reader? I feel like being a single mom in ACOTAR would be tricky as hell… reader comes from autumn court and flees to night court because she got pregnant out of marriage? 😯 the shame"
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Angst, brief mention of an abortion
a/n: guess what everyone here’s another chapter ahhh!!! Love you 🫶
Read part one | part two | part three | part four | part five (part five bonus) |
Main Masterlist ♡
Your breath left you, lungs emptying of every comfort until they felt tight and constrained. You might have made a sound—might have gaped as Azriel’s eyes darted across every square inch of your face to gauge a reaction. 
Had he said—
“What?” you finally choked out. 
Azriel shook his head with a pained furrow of his brow. “I didn’t want to tell you like this.” His hands steadied as they cradled your cheeks—stability in a time of utter confusion. “But I had to, y/n. You… I needed you to understand why I care so much. Why I want you to let me care. Why you…” 
His words trailed off. 
Something compelled you to reach up and wrap your fingers around his wrists. You stared into his eyes with nothing to offer him but the uncertainty and poorly disguised hope edging considerably closer to the surface. 
“Why I what, Azriel?” 
Azriel licked his lips before he spoke, mouth dry at the prospect of the conversation. “Why you can tell me. Everything. You can trust me with everything there is to know about you and Melanie. I wouldn’t—I would protect the both of you. Over anything.” 
You felt a piece of you deflate. Azriel’s fingers slightly spasmed against your skin as your shoulders slumped. 
“You can’t promise me that, Azriel,” you sullenly replied. “You work for the High Lord. You can’t promise me you would keep things from him for my benefit. I can’t trust that—” 
“Y/n, you are my mate,” Azriel emphasized, eyes wide and pleading. “I know you can’t feel it yet within you but it has been carved into my chest from the moment we locked eyes. The way the bond pulls each time I see you—the way it screams at me to keep you safe. I can’t…” 
His words broke off as he spoke them—cracked and fractured and desperate. 
Azriel cleared his throat and started over. 
“There are two things you should know. First, the High Lord and Lady—Rhysand and Feyre—they would never do anything to put you in danger.” You opened your mouth to argue, but Azriel gently spoke over the rebuttal. “They would never. They do not even know you but you are my mate. As an extension, you are their family. Whatever it is you are running from, they would go to lengths to run with you.” 
“You can’t promise—” 
“I can. And I am. Because the second thing you should know is that I have waited for my mate for centuries. I have dreamed of you and wanted you and I don’t know if that scares you but I hope it can be some consolation.” 
The kitchen lulled into a silence punctuated by your heaving breaths, the unsteady sound countering Azriel’s flickering wings as he stood before you. You had no words for him, nothing to rectify the worried way he captured your gaze with his own. 
Your instinct fought against everything he said. 
To put all of your trust into Azriel—all of it. To make him an integral part of Melanie’s life, of yours. 
Could you? Was being his mate enough? You didn’t feel the pull yet, the indescribable ache that caused the desperation on Azriel’s face. 
“—and,” Azriel’s voice was low but startling as his eyes shifted to land on the wall behind your head. “It’s not just the bond. It’s you. I care about you, y/n. I care about Mel. I can’t go back to acting so casual about that. I want to be all in with two of you. My life has… it’s changed. It’s different now, because of you.” 
He found your eyes again.
Something shifted in your chest, but it didn’t snap. 
You wanted him to be all in, but something still needed to be aligned. 
You had heard stories about mates in the past—about mates that had children before the bond had made itself known. The stories did not end well and they certainly did not match the pleading way Azriel held you or the hopeful pool of hazel that his eyes had dipped into. 
“What about Melanie?” you whispered, squeezing his wrist with your fingers because although he had included her in all of his pinings, you needed to hear him say it. 
Azriel adjusted his stance and blinked at you as if you were speaking another language. “What about Melanie, angel?” 
His soft-spoken endearment was like a punch to the gut. “W-Would you love her the same? Even though she isn’t yours? I’ve heard what can happen with—” 
“I don’t care about that—I’ve never cared. I can’t imagine looking at her and not loving her, y/n. She is so much of you.” 
A loaded breath left you as you leaned forward and rested your forehead on Azriel’s collar. You were still sick, still exhausted, and this overwhelming display of affection and devotion was filling you more than you thought you could handle. You released your hold on his wrists to bunch your fists into the front of his shirt. Azriel acted instantly, one hand coming to the back of your head while the other rested along your back. 
“I want to trust you,” you promised. “I do. It just might take time. I can’t—I don’t think I can tell you yet. I don’t know why, I just—” 
“I know, y/n. You don’t have to tell me. Just… just let me in. Let me be here.” 
The rest of the day moved slowly. 
Azriel stayed. 
When Melanie woke up from her nap, a walk was introduced, Azriel proclaiming that the group had spent entirely too much time inside and fresh air was needed to fight the remaining sickness. That suggestion was met with a raised brow from Melanie who argued that sleep was supposed to be what made us better, Mr. Azriel. Why do you keep changing it?
You had watched the interaction with new eyes; the way she squinted up at him with a skeptical gaze and the way he stared down at her with a smile so wide it looked as if it hurt. Did he smile that broadly all the time? You hardly saw him in any public context, so it was difficult to know. 
You doubted he did. 
He smiled at you the same way when you teased him for Melanie’s benefit. 
The walk was soothing and beautiful and Azriel had wrapped two scarves around Melanie’s neck before he let her get out the door. She had huffed and pointed at his own neck, frustrated that he wasn’t wearing a scarf, but his shadows answered for him as they whisked around Melanie’s eyes and turned her around. 
As she giggled, Azriel shrugged a jacket over your shoulders. 
“It’s not that cold, you know,” you commented later as footsteps echoed along cobblestone. “I don’t know if she needed both scarves.” 
“Can’t be too careful. Wouldn’t want her to get more sick.” 
“We aren’t that kind of sick, Az.” 
“I know.” He tore his gaze from Melanie and directed it towards you. “But I can’t do anything about Autumn fever. I can, however, make sure the two of you don’t catch a cold.” 
You pressed your lips inwards and breathed through the fluttering in your chest as he looked upon you. His gaze was unabashedly admiring and you couldn’t remember if he’d looked at you like that before he’d told you you were mates, or if he had been holding himself back before. 
“I am from the Autumn Court,” you thought to say, if only to quell some of the strange feeling in your chest. “Although, you already knew that. Your healer kind of gave it away.” 
“You don’t have to—” 
“I want to,” you interrupted. You looked out towards Melanie as you skirted along the Sidra, your daughter kneeling by the shore to look in at the fish. “Maybe not all of it at once. But for now, I’m from the Autumn Court. I came to Velaris when I found out I was pregnant.” 
You shoved your hands into the pocket of the jacket Azriel had placed on your shoulders. You realized it wasn’t yours when your knuckles swam in the space. And the scent of night-kissed air delicately wafted up.
Azriel said nothing as you collected your thoughts. He simply watched Melanie giggle and dip her fingers in the water. 
“Um, I came under duress, obviously. The circumstances of my pregnancy weren’t exactly optimal and there were several people that would have been… more than upset that I was pregnant.” 
“What does that mean—upset?” 
“Several things. They could have taken Melanie from me, made me end the pregnancy when I didn’t want to, sent me into hiding for shame. I didn’t stick around to find out which horror-fueled thought would come to fruition.” 
“Is that who you’re running from?” 
You tilted your head to the side as a light breeze swept past your skin. Azriel was already looking at you with an intensity that felt out of place compared to the joyful laughs that flowed from the child by the water. But that was good, you reminded yourself, you were keeping her away from all of these harsh realities for as long as possible. 
“Can I ask—”
“No.” You were quick to cut him off. Your tone wasn’t mean or harsh; it was exhausted. “You can't ask who or why—not yet. I haven’t actually said any of those names aloud since I left. That part might… take me a while.” 
“That’s okay,” Azriel softly reassured. He took a half step towards you, hesitated, but then fought against that and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, tugging you into his chest. “I just need to know what I’m up against. If you think they know where you are or if they’re still looking for you.” 
Melanie had begun throwing rocks into the Sidra, the sound of the stones plopping into the water mingling with silence and birds chirping. 
“I don’t think they know where I am,” you mumbled into his chest. It was so easy to stay there. “But I think they’re still looking. I don’t think they’ll stop.” 
You felt Azriel’s lips press against the crown of your head. His chin found a home there as you both shifted to watch Melanie. 
“Okay. Okay, that’s fine.” 
“Is it? You didn’t exactly sign up for this.” 
“I signed up for you. Whatever that entails.” 
A calm silence washed over the scene by the Sidra. Azriel brought his other arm around to hold you closer to his chest and you let him, seamlessly sinking into his hold. Melanie was none the wiser to the conversations behind her as she began dropping sticks and leaves into the water. 
Azriel kissed your hair once more. 
“It could be safer—“ Azriel began, words laced with reproach. “—if some of the Inner Circle were involved.” 
You wrenched yourself back as quickly as the words left his mouth. “No,” you shook your head vigorously. It made an ache bloom at the base of your neck. “No, no court involvement. You can’t tell them anything. You can’t, Azriel. I know you said it was safe but you don’t understand. This can’t have anything to do with High Lords or court politics or, or—” 
“Okay, okay—hey, I’m sorry. Come here.” 
The panic had taken hold of your bearings and inched close to your heart. You reached up to place a hand against the pressure there as Azriel tugged you back against his body and glanced toward Melanie to ensure she hadn’t picked up on your stress. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he comforted, running his hand down your hair. “Nothing with the court, okay? I won’t tell any of them.” 
“Do you promise?” you all but whimpered. A tinge of embarrassment seeped under your skin at your actualized panic, but the fear took precedence and Azriel showed no repugnance at your reaction. 
For a brief, fleeting moment, you considered that a promise didn’t really mean anything at all—not before. 
But, from Azriel, it felt like something. 
“I promise.” 
A small voice then sounded, facilitating the natural end to the sharing you had offered. “All of the fishies are gone.” 
Azriel didn’t even attempt to move you away from his chest as he spoke, his words creating vibrations along your body. “That’s because you keep throwing things at them, Mel.” 
“I wasn’t throwing things at them. I was trying to offer those things to them.” 
You turned to speak to your daughter, Azriel’s arms unmoving around you. “Why were you offering things to the fish?” 
“Just in case they’re water gods. Ms. Fern tolds us about them in school. If you make them offerings then they protect you.” 
Your laugh was echoed by Azriel. The two of you shared a smile before you slowly unraveled yourself from him and beckoned your daughter forward. “Well, I’m sure they were very grateful for your offering. It was probably just their bedtime. Just like it’s almost yours.” 
Melanie made a face but didn’t argue, instead taking steps past you to stand at Azriel’s feet. “Mr. Azriel, is it my turn to cuddle? I don’t want to walk all the way home.” 
You watched Azriel’s mouth twist into a small smile that was obviously in place of a much larger one. He looked over Melanie’s head to send you a wordless question that you were quick to nod in response to. 
As if you would tell him no. 
Azriel reached down to haul your daughter up, settling her against his hip as if he’d done so a hundred times. Melanie rested her head on his chest almost as quickly as he’d grabbed for her, fiddling with a stick she still held in her grasp. You made to walk alongside them and calm your pattering heart, but certain people had other plans. 
“You too, mommy,” Melanie called, peaking the side of her face out from Azriel’s chest. 
“Me too?” 
“Uh huh. You come too. Mr. Azriel has two arms. And I can hold your hand.”
You sent a knowing glance up to Azriel, but he forwent the snickering and already had his arm open by the time you looked. “In,” he prompted with raised brows. “And you have a hand to hold.”  
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megalony · 4 months
A Family Gathering- Part 2
Thank you all for the amazing feedback on my Eddie Diaz imagine, I hope you will all like this next part.
Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: (Y/n) and Eddie are close to their due date with their twins. But when they go to a family meal with her siblings and parents, it doesn't go as planned and family secrets are revealed.
(Reader is Buck and Maddie's sister)
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(Y/n) clenched her hand around her brother's bicep and gave a sharp tug to try and get him to listen to her words. "Take me home." She gave his arm a little shake like she was trying to make her words sink in.
"Okay, okay just take a minute-"
"Home." Her nails scratched into his skin while she pulled on his arm when she tried to move.
She wasn't staying here any longer. She wasn't staying in that apartment or standing out here in the hallway. She was going home to be with the family she chose. She was going home to get away from the family that hurt her and her brother.
Tears continued to drench her face and her lips kept curling and pulling down into a broken frown, desperate to continue crying. Her chest was quaking with sobs she was holding in, desperate to release but she couldn't. Not here. Not now and risk Maddie or their parents coming out and try to stop them all from leaving.
Her body twisted to the right and she let her shoulder slump against the wall, closing her eyes to draw in a deep breath in an attempt to settle her system again. She let her weight shuffle against the wall and did her best to move forward until Eddie was suddenly stood in front of her, blocking her path while his hands found her hips.
"Baby, stop. Just for a minute, please." Eddie's fingers pressed into her hips like he was trying to mould her out of clay and make an imprint of his hands on her body forever.
He helped her lean up off the wall and he didn't say anything when she gripped his forearms and pushed some of her weight onto him. He kept her upright while she felt Buck hovering behind her with his hand on her shoulder and his eyes rapidly looking between the couple, waiting for answers.
"Take a breath," His voice softened and one hand moved up to swipe his thumb across her chin while his head tilted down so they were level and looking at one another.
(Y/n) nodded, gripping his arms tighter as she leaned into his touch and tried to copy his breathing. Panicking and getting worked up wasn't going to do them any favours right now. But she just wanted to leave. She wanted to be as far away from her parents as possible. She wanted to be somewhere that she felt safe and protected and not like her whole life had been a lie and that her purpose hadn't been served.
"Alright, where are the pains and how bad are they?" Eddie's voice was oddly calm, despite the raging emotions plastered across his face. He was always easy to read. His eyes were dragging up and down her frame, noticing every slight movement she made, how she shifted from foot to foot, how she leaned forward. The way she tried to hold her breath and keep it for a few seconds to calm herself down.
"It's easing now," (Y/n) panted through her words as she took one of Eddie's hands and moved it down her stomach where the tension was starting to loosen like an elastic band that had been pulled and then let go.
She stayed still as Eddie moved his hand around her stomach, focusing on the way his jaw clicked from side to side and he arched a brow.
"I'll bet it's contractions." His hand left her stomach to run across his jaw and the hints of stubble kissing his skin.
He couldn't see it being anything else when (Y/n) was so close to her due date, closer than they expected to be with twins. They had been waiting for this to happen for weeks now, they had all been on red alert. All the team were ready for (Y/n) to call in and say she was in labour so they could send Eddie home and pick up his shifts for him.
At least it was happening now, while Eddie was off work and everyone was together. It just happened to be after a family argument.
"I w-wanna go home." (Y/n) repeated, looking between her husband and her brother until they both nodded. They had to go now while the contractions were just starting, before (Y/n)'s water broke and before the contractions became frequent.
They needed to go and tell Chris and get everything ready and get someone to babysit him so they could go to the hospital.
"Alright baby, let's go."
Arching her back out, (Y/n) clamped her hands down on the back of the sofa and leaned down until her forehead was pressed down against her arms. She could feel the sweat rolling down the back of her neck and her hair sticking to her temple and around the sides of her neck making her itch and squirm.
The shirt she had been wearing all evening was tossed on the floor somewhere, leaving her in her bra and maternity leggings which kept rolling further and further down her stomach.
Her nails scrunched up in the back of the sofa while a groan muffled through her clamped lips.
Once the pain rolled through her abdomen and shook down to her toes, (Y/n) flopped one arm down until her hand curled around her brother's shoulder. She wiggled her hips from side to side, trying to reduce the pain and get the stiffness to dissipate.
"H-how long was that?" She didn't bother to open her eyes, but she felt Buck lean his head back into the sofa so he could look up at her. His left hand came up to rub up and down her shoulder and arm soothingly while he propped his feet up on the coffee table.
"About thirteen minutes apart now. Almost there." Buck tried to smile up at his twin.
He had been timing the contractions since they came home and started to get everything sorted out. All three of them had been oddly calm up until this last hour when the pains got worse and they knew they would be heading to the hospital soon.
He had kept count of each contraction, noting how long they lasted and the time between each one. While Eddie grabbed their hospital bag and tried to sort everything out for Chris. Carla had since gone home after wishing them all the luck she could and making them promise to ring her once the girls were born.
The plan was for Buck to stay here and watch Chris for the night and then once the girls were born, he would bring Chris down to the hospital to see them.
"No wonder mum had a C-section with us." (Y/n) grumbled under her breath as she sank lower into the sofa and wriggled her hips around to see if it would do anything for the pain. Her back felt like it had been broken. She wanted to lie on the floor and click each column of her spine back into place, but she would never get up if she did that.
She felt Buck laugh and give her shoulder a squeeze as he nodded in agreement, they had always been reminded from a young age that their mum had to have a C-section with them.
That was starting to feel like an easier option than this, if (Y/n) didn't have the energy now to keep going through these contractions, how on Earth was she going to get through pushing two girls out?
Now though, after finding out about Daniel, (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder if their mum would of planned a C-section all along when she had her and Buck. She wondered if their birthday had been planned out and decided beforehand in order to give Daniel the best chance. A chance that clearly hadn't worked for him since he wasn't here anymore.
"That was only 'cos you got the cord around your neck."
She felt Buck let go of her shoulder so he could rub his hand up and down her arm and he tipped his head back on the sofa to look across at her.
"Do y-you think that will happen with them?"
Her hand dropped to cradle her stomach that felt like it was weighing her down to the floor as a spark of worry shot through her heart. Could something like that happen with her girls? Could that be happening right now and (Y/n) didn't know about it?
Their mum had had to have a C-section right away when they found out the cord was around (Y/n)'s neck causing both twins to be in distress. It was one of the reasons why (Y/n) had been kept in the hospital longer than Buck when they were born.
And now (Y/n) understood why their mum always made her seem like an inconvenience when she told them about their birth. Their mum had things on her mind. She had Maddie to look after and another sick child she was trying to nurse back to health, without the added stress of having twins who had to be born earlier than planned.
But that probably helped a little, being born early meant the doctors would of been able to harvest the stem cells and any blood they needed from the twins, for Daniel.
Did they take blood from the twins? Did they only take the stem cells from the umbilical cord? Or was that not enough? Had the twins donated to their brother when they were little and never known about it?
"Hey, that's not gonna happen." Buck's voice was stern but his expression was sincere with his eyes boring into hers like he was trying to see through to her soul. He could practically hear her overthinking. "You're all gonna be fine, and they'll have Eddie wrapped round their fingers."
His words calmed down one of the many worries running around in (Y/n)'s mind and she tried to nod and agree. Nothing had been wrong so far so there was no reason to start worrying now.
Her hands pressed down on the sofa again and she pushed herself up, locking her elbows to try and steady herself.
She continued to sway from left to right, hoping to ease the pain in her back and hips. A soft smile washed over her tense features when she saw a familiar mop of brown curls bouncing along, aiming her way.
Chris stood beside her and waited for (Y/n)'s sign of approval that he could reach out and wrap his arms around her.
When she turned to face him and slouched her left hip against the sofa, she opened her arms so Chris could give her a hug. He always had that cheesy smile on his face when he wanted a hug and he wouldn't meet her eyes, but his face said it all.
His arms locked around her and he pressed his face into her stomach, his curls tickling her bump since she wasn't wearing Eddie's shirt anymore. She looped her arm around the back of his neck and kissed his curls while Buck reached over and gave Chris's shoulder a light squeeze.
"Okay mum?"
"I'm good," She murmured into his hair, dragging her hand up and down his back and she smiled when she felt Chris kiss her stomach.
"Just you and me soon buddy, come find a film, we can stay up late." Buck was quite glad it was the weekend. He and Chris would be up well past midnight- not that Eddie or (Y/n) needed to know that- and they would be watching movies or documentaries with bowls of sweets surrounding them.
Buck loved when he and Chris got to spend time together and he couldn't wait to be able to take Chris and the girls out soon and proudly announce he had a nephew and two little nieces. Then when Maddie and Chimney had their girl, Buck would be overwhelmed with nieces to make his knees go weak and he would be desperate to babysit them all.
He could already see him, Maddie and (Y/n) going on days out with all the kids to the zoo or the park. And family dinners - without their parents- was going to get a lot more interesting and full of love.
Chris finally untangled himself from (Y/n) and moved to slump down on the sofa next to Buck, taking the remote so he could scour through for a film. While (Y/n) went back to leaning forward against the sofa since it was the only way she felt comfy.
Sitting down wasn't an option, she was in too much discomfort to sit and she didn't have the energy to pace anymore. Standing and swaying like this was her only option.
Her eyes watched the tv as Chris flicked through the channels, trying to find something worth watching. And her lips tried to curve into a smile when she felt a hand on the small of her back and a sudden pair of lips glued against the back of her neck.
She felt Eddie curve his chest over her back, muttering a quiet "Hi baby," into her skin before he reached his free hand over the sofa and tapped Buck's shoulder.
"Maddie's ringing me now, she must be worried. Here."
Maddie had tried calling both the twins but neither of them answered. They knew their parents would still be at Maddie and Chimney's apartment and they didn't want to speak to them. Chimney had tried calling Buck twice but he didn't answer. The pair of them were fine. They were with Eddie, nothing bad was going to happen and they were hardly going to go off the rails.
If (Y/n) wasn't pregnant or married to Eddie, if the twins got this news a few years ago, there would have been trouble. They would have been reckless, they would have gone out drinking or wandering the streets, wallowing in the news they had just been given. There would of been cause to panic.
But that wasn't the case. They were with Eddie, he kept them both level-headed and (Y/n) had too much pressing on her mind- and her pelvis- to be wallowing anymore.
It seemed best to try and pretend tonight hadn't happened and lock away the thoughts, questions and anger about Daniel. Feigning ignorance like Maddie and their parents had done for years, felt like the easiest option, just to get (Y/n) through this labour.
Once the girls were here, they could all talk and try to move past this.
"Pass her over." Buck sighed, reaching up for the phone. He had turned his own phone on silent and (Y/n) had left her phone in her bag near the front door.
They knew Maddie must be desperate and panicked if she was calling Eddie to try and find out if the twins were okay. And the last thing they needed was the other Buckley sister getting so pent up and nervous that she too went into labour from the stress of this evening.
"Buck? Oh thank God. Are you okay? How's (Y/n)? I wish you all would of stayed, we want to talk, to explain-"
Buck groaned, running his hand up and down his face while his sister rambled in his ear and turned his brain to mush. She always was a panicker, much like Buck and (Y/n) were overthinkers.
"Mads stop panicking, we're good I swear. We haven't gone off the rails or gone out on a bender." That might not be strictly true, both of them weren't exactly okay, they were dumb struck and boggled and uneasy about all of this. But there wasn't cause for concern either.
"How's (Y/n)? I need to talk to her-"
"Nows not the best time… just give us 'til tomorrow-"
"No, Buck I need to talk to you both. I need to explain, we're all so sorry and we're worried."
He could hear the pain in her voice and he knew she had been crying. And the phone was loud enough that (Y/n) and Eddie could hear her too.
A pang shot through (Y/n)'s heart and she tipped her head down onto her forearms, arching her back out into Eddie. Her heart calmed down its erratic rhythm when Eddie bent over her, his hands on her hips and his mouth attached to the side of her neck to try and keep her calm.
"She's gone into labour. They're heading off soon and I'm staying here with Chris, I swear I'll call you when I hear anything."
Buck nodded to himself, hummed and muttered a soft 'love you too' before he hung up and handed the phone back to Eddie. His mind was exhausted from tonight but he was also running on overdrive. He wouldn't be sleeping tonight, he could feel it.
"Oow, a-another one." (Y/n) hissed, arching back into Eddie while her hand flapped down to alert Buck that she was getting another contraction.
She felt Eddie's hands move round to cup her stomach while he hummed against her neck, running his lips up and down her soft skin that was starting to become flushed. He could feel her shaking into him and she bent her knees until he was holding some of her weight up for her, not that he minded at all.
"Eddie…" Her nails scratched into the sofa, close to breaking through the material as her knees bent down and she felt like she was going to kneel down on the floor. She didn't know what to do with herself, she wanted to move but she didn't have the energy, but staying still didn't feel right either.
"You're okay, mi amor. Come on, sit on the chair, not the floor please." Eddie knew if (Y/n) crouched down here they would have a hard time getting her back up again.
His words caused both Buck and Chris to turn and look behind them over the shoulder. Watching as Eddie pulled (Y/n) back up so she didn't go down on her knees.
"You're down to ten minutes apart, it's time to go." Buck looked at his watch while he twisted and pushed up to look at his sister.
He could be accurate and tell her she was ten minutes and twenty-one seconds between contractions, but he didn't think the accuracy would help her right now. Ten minutes was their marker, once she hit that then it was time to go down to the hospital and have the girls.
(Y/n) could feel Eddie smiling against her shoulder. That was what he had been waiting to hear. He was no good at milling about the house, waiting and trying to keep busy until it was time to go. Especially when they didn't have an exact time for departing. Things would go swiftly when they got to the hospital.
"Alright, let's get you in the car." Buck's voice was soft but he couldn't keep the hint of excitement from his voice.
He pushed up from the sofa and moved round to the back to stand on (Y/n)'s other side while Chris leant up against the back of the sofa. He smiled at both parents, folding his arms near (Y/n)'s and resting his chin on his arms.
They had already told him what to expect. It would be another normal sleepover with Buck round at their place. The twins wouldn't be born until the morning at the least so Buck and Chris could try and get some sleep. And then Buck would take Chris down to the hospital as soon as Eddie called them to say the girls were here and okay.
Then when Chris went back to school on Monday, he could go and tell his friends and his teachers that his mum had finally had the twins. All the teachers had been asking after (Y/n) and his English teacher had asked Eddie four weeks ago if the twins had been born when Eddie had dropped Chris off quite a few times and no one had seen (Y/n). Finally, they would be born now.
"Wait, I- oow," (Y/n) leaned back into Eddie and let Buck take hold of her hands, but she shook her head.
Her knees bent down again and she tucked her chin down into her neck, snapping her eyes closed as shivers wracked down her body. She felt Eddie's arms tighten around her while he leaned his chest back a little so he could look her over and see why she was suddenly tensing up. Surely it couldn't be another contraction that quickly.
"Oh," Eddie's lips curved into a soft smile and he kissed the back of her head when he realised the reason. "Alright, maybe let's get changed before we go, hm?"
Her waters had finally broken.
A bright smile lit up Eddie's face and he pushed himself off the wall when he glanced down the corridor. His eyes locked onto the two faces he had been waiting around to see.
Pushing off the wall, he opened his arms and leaned down when Chris sped forward and barelled into his torso. His arms looped around his son and he kissed the top of his head, ruffling his curls while Chris clung to him and started to laugh. They had only seen each other last night, but it felt like a lifetime had passed since then.
It felt like days instead of hours since Chris had kissed his parents goodbye and watched from the window as Eddie and Buck helped (Y/n) into the car and his dad drove off. The night had dragged out while Chris and Buck watched two movies and ate their weight in popcorn, and then Chris couldn't sleep. He just wanted the night to go by quickly like it was Christmas Eve and he was desperate for morning to break so he could delve into his presents.
And Eddie felt like he had been here at the hospital for over a hundred hours. His body was burning from lack of sleep but he felt like his batteries had been fully charged and he could go for days running off this adrenaline high.
His hands were aching, his arms suddenly felt empty and his body was about to be overcome with shaking, but he felt better now Chris and Buck were here.
"Hey! You okay?" His voice was muffled in Chris's hair before Chris pulled back and pressed his chin into Eddie's chest so he could look up at him.
"Yeah, is mum okay? The girls are here now?"
He could see the light sparkling in Chris's eyes and he was practically bouncing up and down like he was charged on rocket fuel, waiting for lift off. He had woken Buck up extra early this morning, desperate to be told that his mum had had the girls and they could go down and visit. He had bounced off the walls waiting for Eddie to ring and finally, just after nine o'clock, Eddie gave them both the news they had been waiting for.
"Your mum's doing great, they're all okay and waiting for you. Go say hi."
Uncurling one arm from Chris, Eddie gave the door a nudge and motioned for Chris to head on inside. He could have a minute or two alone with (Y/n) and the girls while Eddie and Buck talked.
"All went well then, no problems?" The smile on Buck's face was as giddy as ever and his hands were jittering up and down against his thighs. He knew if something had been wrong, Eddie would have said over the phone, but he couldn't help the spark of worry he felt.
Buck had been praying for this to go well ever since (Y/n) told them she was pregnant again. He couldn't see his sister go through the turmoil again like when she had her miscarriage. He knew she and Eddie wanted this, to have a family together, desperately.
"Yep, no problems, except I think she might have popped a knuckle in the process." Eddie shook his left hand to signal his point.
Eddie had been apprehensive. His experience with Shannon during Chris's birth had been smooth sailing right up until he got stuck and Eddie didn't want to see that happening to (Y/n), especially since they were having twins. But everything had gone smoothly, so smoothly in fact that Eddie felt like he was still waiting for something to go wrong. It felt like they were having too much good luck.
But all three of his girls were doing great, the only issue was his index finger and his knuckle that was throbbing from how tightly (Y/n) had deadlocked his hand in her grip. At one point, Eddie felt his knuckle crack and he couldn't be sure if she had popped it out of place or just clicked the joint.
"So you're a girl dad now, huh? When Chim and Maddie have their girl that's three to one. You're next one needs to be a boy, even the score a bit." He reached out to pat Eddie's shoulder and he grinned when his brother in law let out a loud laugh.
"What makes you think the next kid in this family will be ours again and not yours or Chim again?"
As much as Eddie could see Buck being a family man and wanting kids of his own, that might not be happening for a while. He wasn't in a stable relationship right now to think about having kids. But it did entertain Eddie that his brother clearly thought he and (Y/n) would be the next ones to have another kid.
Eddie would want another kid, he could see them having a big family and it was something they had talked about a few times. But they'd just had two kids at once, they wouldn't be thinking about another baby for a while. It might well be Chimney and Maddie having another kid before Eddie and (Y/n), or Buck could find himself in a stable relationship and having a kid before them.
"Because you're the one who gets baby fever."
A playful sigh parted through Eddie's lips and he nodded while he rolled his eyes. Valid point. He wouldn't argue it any further, this wasn't a topic he needed to think about when his daughters had just been born two hours ago.
He stretched his hand out towards the door, about to push it open so they could head inside, but he stopped when his gaze darted down the corridor.
His lips twitched like he wanted to smile, but he couldn't find the will. Not when his eyes glanced past Maddie and saw two people he didn't want to be around anymore. Phillip and Margaret.
They shouldn't be here.
It had taken Buck and Eddie over an hour to calm (Y/n) down when they got home last night. She had been distraught about the bombshell that dropped over dinner last night and she didn't want to think or talk to or be around her parents. She wanted them to stay as far away from her and Buck as possible because the twins were better off away from their parents.
This was a happy occasion, this was a day to be celebrating. Eddie didn't want them here chiding at (Y/n) or putting her down or making her feel uncomfortable. After everything she had been through, she deserved to be happy and stress free, especially today.
"Hi, how is everyone? Chim's had to go on shift but he's definitely coming by after work. Can I…?" Maddie rubbed her hands together and pointed towards the room.
She would never barge in if she wasn't welcome and she hadn't spoken to her sister since dinner last night. She wouldn't want to go in and ruin a sweet family moment or upset (Y/n), she would rather go home than risk distressing her younger sister.
But tears welled up in her eyes and she sighed when Eddie's lips curved into a smile and his hand gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Of course you can."
He knew the twins had already forgiven Maddie. They had most likely forgiven her before they got home last night. They weren't happy she had kept this secret. She could of told them when they were older, when they moved out or the countless times they asked why their parents were so cruel and distant and uncaring towards them. But they were starting to see things from Maddie's point of view and understand why she didn't.
And she had raised them, they couldn't do anything but forgive Maddie who had become their mother over the years. They found it easy to forgive her, but their parents wouldn't be so easily forgiven.
"Are we okay?" Her hand reached out for Buck but she was taken by surprise when he reached out and deadlocked his arms around her. He reeled her into his chest and kissed the top of her head. His hand rubbed up and down her back as he smiled and murmured a soft "We're fine," into her hair.
He pushed open the door and let Maddie walk in ahead of them. It was clear that Maddie had turned up separate from her parents. She wasn't waiting for them, she wasn't talking or acknowledging them. After all they had said and done last night, Maddie was saying bare minimum to them and it wouldn't be her place to argue with them today, right here.
She wanted to see her sister and her nieces, whether their parents were allowed in was up to Eddie and (Y/n).
Once she was inside, Buck shut the door and turned to face his parents. He didn't want (Y/n) knowing they were here, he didn't want anyone or anything to upset his sister today.
"I think the room's at maximum capacity now." He couldn't find it in himself to smile. They weren't forgiven yet and Buck wasn't happy to be stood so close to them. He didn't want to be around them after all the problems they had caused and how badly they had traumatised both Buck and (Y/n) over the years. And now the twins knew why, it just made them want to retreat away even further.
Buck knew he was speaking on his sister's behalf, he knew (Y/n) wouldn't want them here. And he couldn't go inside and leave Eddie stood out here talking to them, not unless he wanted to risk a fight breaking out.
Eddie had no patience with his in-laws anymore. He would be blunt, crude and down-right dismissive to them if he wanted, and he wasn't past the point of swearing or possibly becoming physical if the occasion called for it. Buck felt like he had to stay in case he had to guide Eddie back into the room so he didn't get himself kicked out of the hospital.
"Evan… Eddie, it's our granddaughters," Margaret clasped her hands together in front of her and leaned into Phillip as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
The way they smiled was desperate, they wanted to be given another chance, but it was becoming apparent that they weren't going to get one.
Buck and (Y/n) had given them so many chances over the years and they were tired. Buck was tired of hurting himself to get their attention. (Y/n) was tired of screaming and shouting and never being heard. They were both done with being dismissed and ignored and treated like they weren't part of the family or that they were disposable.
They hadn't made it a priority to come down to LA when Buck had his leg crushed by the fire truck and went through five operations. They didn't come down when (Y/n) was in turmoil after Eddie got shot.
And they only came down after (Y/n)'s miscarriage because Maddie told them to show some respect for their daughter and see how she was doing. That had been a mistake everyone regretted.
The Buckley parents weren't needed here anymore and they weren't wanted, the twins were loved and cared for by the family they chose at the 118.
"If you wait three months, the granddaughter you're most bothered about will be here." The snide tone couldn't be hidden from Eddie's voice while he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back against the wall.
He had always seen how Maddie was prioritised over the twins, over (Y/n). She was the preferred and loved daughter and it bugged Eddie, especially because Maddie never acted on it or seemed spoiled or like she wanted their attention. It was irritating.
Eddie had to watch the Buckley parents barely pay (Y/n) any attention when she told them she was engaged. He saw how they weren't so interested when Maddie told them (Y/n) was pregnant, they couldn't of cared any less. And when she lost the baby, it was as if they could hit a reset button and forget.
When (Y/n) told them that she was pregnant again, they were responsive, but only mildly. Congratulations, that's sweet, when are you due? That was the most (Y/n) got over the phone.
But when Maddie announced she was pregnant, oh the world lit up and Eddie despised them for it. he despised that (Y/n) had to seek that love and joy from Eddie's parents instead of her own.
When they told Eddie's parents, they were so thrilled. When they lost the baby, Eddie's parents came down for a week to stay with them and his mum was so good comforting and trying to comfort (Y/n) and make her feel understood and loved. After telling them about the twins, his parents were always on the phone, asking how they were and wanting to visit.
And now his parents were coming down in two days to stay for a week to see the twins and be with their family.
"Eddie, please we don't want to fight-"
"Good, neither do we. You've barely bothered with (Y/n) since she got pregnant, this is the first time we've seen you since telling you and look how that ended, you stressed her into labour. Not to mention you were fucking rude to her about near enough everything, and you brought up her miscarriage."
Eddie could feel his blood starting to boil over and he curled his hands into fists at his sides to try and calm himself down.
He didn't need to start a fight. He didn't need to cause an argument or make this into a big thing. He just needed them to understand that they weren't wanted nor welcome here right now and they had to go now.
"You're not going in there and upsetting her today." His voice calmed down and his lips almost curved into a smile as he took a deep breath and lowered his tone.
He felt Buck's hand on his shoulder, turning him towards the door so they could both head inside and leave this dreaded conversation dead and buried out here.
"She doesn't want to see you yet, and neither do I." Buck couldn't bring himself to look at his parents. His hand tightened on Eddie's shoulder and he gave him a nudge until the pair of them were walking through the door. And he used his heel to kick the door shut behind them, making it clear that his parents were not invited for this family moment.
"There you are, what were you two doing?"
The grin that spread across (Y/n)'s face was enough to have Buck smiling in return and had Eddie's heart jumping up into his throat.
"Just talking."
Eddie danced his eyes around the room, taking in the sight of his family as he moved to sit down on the bed. He sank down next to (Y/n) and looped his arm around the back of her shoulders so he could tuck her into his chest. Her arms immediately looped around his chest and her face smothered into his shoulder while she felt wet kisses being pressed against her temple.
She had Eddie sat next to her, Maddie perched on the side of the bed next to her knees, and Chris was sat in the chair beside the bed. It left one more chair vacant which Buck grabbed and dragged over so he was next to Eddie.
"Come on then, introduce me." Buck smiled and leaned his elbows on his thighs so he could lean over and try to take a look at the youngest set of twins in the room.
He could see one girl in Maddie's arms who the eldest sibling was cooing and smiling at, cradling her against her own bump. And Chris had his other sister in his arms, swaying from side to side as he grinned so brightly he could barely open his eyes.
"This is Isabella," (Y/n) unhooked one arm from Eddie so she could lean across and rest her hand on Maddie's wrist, indicating to the newborn she was cradling.
"And Chris has Sophia." Eddie cast his eyes across to the eldest who slowly tilted his arms so Buck could lean over to look at both twins.
"My turn, come to uncle Buck." He held his arms out expectingly while his big sister sighed and carefully eased the newborn over to him. It was only fair since she had already held both twins and Buck hadn't seen either of them yet. And Chris clearly wasn't giving up his other sister just yet.
His smile broadened when the little girl was in his embrace and he danced his fingertip across her cheek. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her until a sudden thought crossed his mind and he looked up, trying to look across at the other twin before he glanced across at Eddie.
"I almost forgot… are they identical?"
"Yep." (Y/n) relaxed back into Eddie, feeling a sudden wave of tiredness wash over her like she was being swept away in the ocean. This had been something she often worried about. Identical meant the possibility of getting them mixed up. It meant (Y/n) wanting to keep their hospital bracelets on them for a while longer when they got home to make sure she didn't switch them up.
She was glad they had bought some hats and onesies with S and I printed on them to make it easier to tell them apart. And neither twin had any birth marks to be able to help tell them apart.
"You owe me twenty." Buck muttered quietly, tapping Eddie's arm to remind him of the bet they made a few months back.
(Y/n) let herself sink down against Eddie's chest and when his other arm looped around her chest, (Y/n) latched both her hands around his bicep. She nuzzled her cheek into his shoulder, smiling when she felt his lips against the top of her head and he squeezed her into his chest.
This was their family, right here.
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prythianpages · 8 months
Slipping Through My Fingers | Azriel
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Azriel x Green Witch | Summary: it's your baby girl's first day of school and Azriel isn't ready to let her go.
warnings: fluff/angst; some suggestiveness at the end (bonus scene)
a/n: This is part of my ABBA x ACOTAR series (masterlist) where I dedicate a song to a character (: but also my Dandelion series. I really adore this song and this was the only series I could apply it to. This can pretty much be read as a stand alone imagine. All you have to know is that reader is a witch and is an established relationship with Az.
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In the quiet hush of morning, Azriel and Melaina find themselves at the breakfast table with sleep in their eyes. The floor is cloaked in their shadows, joining one another at their feet in a vast sea of darkness.
Yet, the dance of their shadows harbor distinct meanings.
Though he tries to hide it, your keen eyes pick up on the subtle poignant unease in Azriel's demeanor. An undercurrent of melancholy taints the air, prompting you to send a reassuring tug through your bond. Azriel returns the gesture, his hand finding yours across the table. Meanwhile, Melaina quietly finishes her breakfast. Her shadows, a whirlwind of nerves and excitement, betray her impassive appearance. Today is her first day of school, the precipice of a new chapter in her life, and Azriel can't help but grapple with the realization that his little girl is growing up far too quickly.
“All done, my pretty?” You ask softly, gaze alight with admiration as her small wings flutter behind her.
She’s the mirror image of her father with her captivating hazel eyes–a perfect blend of greens and browns that remind you of the nature you’re so fond of. Two braids cascade down her shoulders and delicate bangs accentuate her sun-kissed complexion. When she was born, you had joked that you had given birth to Azriel’s carbon copy and little did you know that even her personality would match his. 
Melaina nods and you rise, taking her plate to the kitchen sink. The corner of your lips lift up into a smile when you hear Azriel ask, “Are you sure you want to go to school? You can always start next year.”
“Mel is more than ready for school,” you lightly chide Azriel, who chooses to ignore your words of consolation. 
His gaze is fixed on Melaina, a plethora of scenarios plaguing his mind. He wishes he could see what’s really on her mind–to be able to foresee any worries she may have and ease her through them. The same way he’s eased her through every milestone of her life thus far. He was there when she took her first steps, when she first got hurt from tripping over a rug that he immediately disposed of after, when she said her first word–which much to your dismay was your cat’s name, Binx. 
But now, she was ready for school. Her first time being away from home without you or him or his brothers by her side. Her first time being on her own. What if the kids in her class don’t take well to her? To her shadows? He remembers the apprehensive looks he’d receive in Windhaven when growing up and the thought of anyone doing the same to her pains him. What if they are mean to her? What if they hurt her?
The obsidian tendrils at Azriel's side stir with an eerie melody, commanding Melaina's shadows to rise. They snap to attention like disciplined soldiers heeding orders. An unspoken promise unfolds—her shadows would help guide her and protect her from any lingering stare or slightest suspicion of malintent. They return to her side as she rises to her feet, tickling her sides and causing her to giggle.
 Azriel smiles and shares her laughter, capturing every minute of it, the feeling in it.
There’s that odd melancholy feeling again as he stands in front of the school with Melaina on one side and you on the other. He can’t help the frown that settles over his face when she wiggles her tiny hand out of his grasp to run to her cousins. You’re following after her, tugging Azriel along with you to join his brothers and their mates at the front of the school.
“Good morning, Azriel jr,” Cassian greets her with a smile, playfully tugging at one of her braids. “Are you ready for your first day?”
Melaina lets out a huff. “Of course I am, Uncle Cas.”
Cassian then looks toward Azriel, who continues to brood, and chuckles. “It doesn’t look like your daddy is.”
Azriel glares at Cassian. You leave his side to hug Feyre and the frown leaves his face at the delighted squeal that comes from you, his shadows singing in response. He turns his head to see you and Feyre exchange smiles while you gush in excitement over her growing belly. Though Feyre looks at Azriel with a knowing smile, her words are directed to you.
“Rhys was the same way with Nyx,” she muses and out of the corner of his eye, Azriel catches his brother rolling his eyes. But he doesn’t deny it.
“So was Nesta,” Cassian adds, propping an elbow on Nesta’s shoulders. She shoves him off with a shrug before chiding after their twin boys, Cardan and Calian. The aftermath of the aphrodisiac you made–or rather, remade–for her after Azriel accidentally drank the first batch.
“I’m surprised you’re faring well with this,” Feyre says with a raised brow at you.
“Well, someone has to be the strong one,” you tease, side glancing at Azriel and squeezing his hand. 
Azriel lets out a small huff, similar to the one Melaina let out earlier. He knew you were also stressed and a little sad but you were surprisingly able to hide it better than him. But unbeknownst to him, just in case the obsidian necklace she wore was not enough, you had casted a protection spell over Melaina before she went to bed…and packed her bags with a variety of charged crystals.
The gathering of students at the school's entrance slowly disperses, and Azriel tenses beside you, acknowledging the imminent moment of having to say goodbye. Nyx, ever courteous, takes it upon himself to accompany Melaina to class. Azriel suspects Feyre's influence in Nyx's gesture, as if she intuited the added difficulty for him and you. He watches as Melaina walks back to you and you lean down, gently smoothing her bangs before placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Today will be a wonderful day for you,” you affirm for her with a radiant smile, making Azriel's heart melt at the sight of the two girls he loves the most.  He wishes that he could freeze the picture and save it from the funny tricks of time. 
Your hand delicately reaches for the obsidian crystal suspended from her neck, lifting it tenderly to your lips. There’s a flash of green light that engulfs the crystal and as you release the necklace, Azriel notices the new sparkle to it. “Love you, my pretty.”
Though Melaina doesn’t verbalize it back, her eyes radiate a golden glow and the soft caress of her shadows against your face feels like a tender whisper that articulates, "I love you too.” You pull her in close, hugging her smaller frame and lean down to whisper. But Azriel’s attentive senses still catch it.
“Now hug and give your daddy a kiss so he doesn’t cry.”
Azriel resists the urge to roll his eyes. Feeling a tug on his sweater, he leans down to meet his daughter at eye level. Opening his arms expectantly, a surge of warmth envelops him as she eagerly rushes into his embrace. A tender kiss graces his cheek, accompanied by the familiar caress of her shadows against his other cheek similar to the way they had done with you. He pulls away to look at her, holding her gently by the shoulders. He knows her shadows will do well to protect her and if those aren’t enough, her older cousins are just a couple of classrooms down the hall. But he needs to hear her say it.
“What will you do if someone is mean to you?”
Melaina’s eyes light up and she steps out from his hold. True to the goddess you named her after, she's a tiny vision of nightmares and madness, as she assumes a defensive position, her shadows dancing around her.
“Kick them in the face!” She exclaims as she raises her leg up with a glare directed toward her nonexistent enemy.  “I'll make my enemies bleed.”
Cardan and Calian follow after her while Nyx wisely keeps a safe distance, amused by the spectacle of his younger cousins engaging in an imaginary brawl. Cassian watches them fondly, striking punches of his own into the air but you’re shaking your head with furrowed brows. Azriel catches the pointed look you send his way and a subtle blush overtakes his cheeks as you’ve discovered his secret. He continues to read Melaina, those books you told him not to. 
“No, Mel, that’s not–”
“That’s my girl,” Azriel grins as he rises to his feet, feeling slightly better. He rustles her bangs fondly.
The sound of the school bell echoes through the park as a final warning that class should be beginning shortly. Azriel reluctantly shrugs Melaina’s backpack off his shoulder, the small bag looking ridiculous on someone of his stature. He adjusts it on her with careful consideration for her delicate wings and feels an ache in his chest as the backpack nearly engulfs her smaller frame. 
As the faint rustling, reminiscent of rocks shifting, comes from the bag, it is Azriel’s turn to send you a subtle yet pointed look in your direction. A suppressed smile tugs at his lips when you quickly avert your gaze and he realizes he wasn’t the only one keeping a secret.
“Off you go, my little shadow. See you later.”
Once the backpack is secured to her, she takes Nyx’s waiting hand and runs off to the entrance with him. Azriel almost frowns but then, at the top of the stairs, she turns around, waving goodbye with a small absent-minded smile.
He watches her go into the school with a surge of that well-known sadness. Tears prick his eyes and though he knows he’s being dramatic, he can’t help the feeling that he’s losing her forever. His sweet little girl who keeps on growing. She’s slipping through his fingers all the time.
Bonus scene
Before his family could indulge in making fun of him, Azriel grasps your hand, drawing you close as he summons his shadows. The inky tendrils swirl around you both, transporting you back to the familiar sanctuary of your home.
"If this is your reaction on her first day of school, I can only imagine what you’ll be like when she has her first crush," you say, a teasing sparkle in your eyes.
Azriel's grip on you tightens. He doesn’t want to grapple further into the inevitability of his daughter's growing independence because to him, Melaina will always be his baby girl. A subtle strain echoes in his voice as he pleads, "Don't."
Easing out of his embrace, you giggle at his dramatics, strolling toward the kitchen with a lightness in your step, intent on brewing some tea. "It's just a couple of hours, Az," you reassure him.
"A couple of hours?" Azriel echoes, a pensive note in his voice as he joins you in the kitchen.
Having taken the entire week off, he had intended to be present for every moment—dropping Melaina off and picking her up during her first week at school. He didn’t plan for much other than that and he was used to spending his days off with his little family but now Melaina was off at school, leaving the two of you alone.
The kettle placed on the stove begins to whistle, harmonizing with the new thought that brews in his mind. You’re raising your steaming cup of tea to your lips, peering over at Azriel as he walks up to you. “What? You want some?” You ask, raising your cup to him.
Azriel shakes his head with a smile. Carefully taking the cup from you, he places it onto the counter behind you. He gently but firmly holds your chin, coaxing you to meet his gaze. The faint blush on his cheeks returns, a soft hue that complements the golden brilliance in his eyes as he looks down at you with adoration because you’ve given him everything he’s ever dreamed of and more.
Still, there's an insatiable desire within him for even more moments, more shared dreams, and more of you.
“Let’s have another?”
“A baby?”
Azriel nods, attentively studying your features for any nuanced emotion. He feels relief when you smile and you voice your answer without having to say anything, flooding him with love through the bond you share. The two of you had discussed having children years ago, almost two years before having Melaina. After she was born, you mirrored each other’s desires for having more but had agreed on waiting but not too long as you wanted your children to grow up together.
“We do have a couple of hours to ourselves,” you remind him again, embracing him with arms entwined around his neck, fingers brushing through the back of his hair.
He hooks his arms under your knees, lifting you up with ease and you’re wrapping your legs around his waist. He grins when your legs tighten around him and kisses you.
“Let’s not waste another second.”
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a/n: hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it <3 Sorry, I skipped ahead. I do want to eventually write an imagine for when Az & reader first find out they're having a baby. That might be the next imagine for this series.
tagging: @fxckmiup
[series masterlist]
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pinkthrone445 · 4 months
-Let it burn to the ground- Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 part 5
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:love, hurt, confort, funny
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires and dead
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station.
After the fight, you have to think if everything is worth saving.
You were driving automatically, from the beginning of the day you felt horrible because it had already been 3 years since your husband's death, but now a new weight of pain had been added now that the redhead had treated you like this. You weren't so angry about what she said because you knew she might have a point, you were mad because she choose to say it in the worst day possible in the worst way possible. Instead of choosing a time when the two of you were alone and could talk calmly, she told you at a party full of people, to get your attention she decided to take one of her slobbering exes and on top of it all she wanted to throw the blame for everything on you. If she had said it in a good way at a good time, you would have listened to her, taken into account what she said and tried to change it as soon as possible, and the two of you probably would have gone home together.
Instead, you yelled at her, broke up with her leaving her in the arms of other men and came home as a single woman again.
Your son, smart as he was, didn't say a single word the entire trip, it wasn't until you were curling him up in his bed that he decided to speak
-"Mama... Are you okay?" - Your little one whispered seeing your eyes and you sighed
-"Today is not my best day..."-You answered honestly, you had always tried to instill in him that he did not scrutinize his emotions and that what he felt was valid and nothing better than the example to teach
-"I can see your sad eyes" - He whispered resting his little hand on your cheek, you leaned over him smiling softly-"Why Mel didn't came with us? She always makes you smile" - The little boy spoke and you sighed again
-"She... We... She said something hurtful to me and I needed some time alone, so she went home by herself" - You answered and he pouted a little
-"Can I sleep with you mama? When I'm sad sleeping with you helps" - Your child was trying to help you in the way that worked for him when he was sad
-"Okey my beautiful boy, let's go sleep together" - You whispered lifting him out of bed and carrying him in your arms to your room to sleep together and snuggle like when he was a new born. Even though he was very small compared to you, you felt like his love was protecting you from the sadness.
The next morning you were still hurting just as much, but you had a child and a job and you couldn't stay in bed and cry, so you drew strength from where you didn't have and went to make breakfast. After you ate and everything was ready, you went to take your child to school. At the entrance you managed to spot the redhead receiving the children, so you got out of the car and said goodbye to your son but you didn't approach the entrance, or even look at her. When you made sure your child got in, you got in your car, and drove off, the only time you decided to look at her was in your rearview mirror as you drove away.
The days started to go by, Mel tried to talk to you but you had blocked her, she came to see you at home but you were never there and at work they wouldn't let her go to the office because you had asked that no one bother you.
For your part, every day that passed hurt less and you missed her more, but that didn't take away the damage she had done to you with what she said and how she said it.
A week later, Mother's Day came and you were invited to the school to see the gifts and things the kids had prepared. Before leaving the house you looked at the photos on the wall, especially the ones with your husband and you sighed, sad and at the same time a little relieved to feel how his absence hurt less, it still hurts and forever will, but it was less... Now, though for different reasons, the redhead's absence hurt a little more than his.
When you got home, you entered the school with the visitor's pass you had been given and went to your son's classroom, greeting his teacher Barbara
-"Mama! Look at my drawing!" - Your son took your hand and led you into the hallway to show you the tender drawing he had made of you and him.
-"Thats gorgeous baby! You even draw me with my uniform" - You laughed and he nodded, you knew how much he liked that you were a firefighter
-"And I got you this!" - The little one took out a gift package and gave it to you, you pretended to be surprised to see a decorated mug inside, although a few days ago in the list of supplies you had been asked for a mug and things to decorate it...
-"I love it baby! The heart and the fire you made is perfect! I'll use it for work every morning"-You answered and he hugged you tigly while you pick him up. After thanking Barbara for her efforts and giving her some chocolates for Mother's Day, you headed to the gym to enjoy the food they had ordered for the mothers. While the children were eating and playing, the redhead approached you with a small bouquet of flowers and stood by your side
-"Happy mother's day..."-she whispered, handing you the small bouquet, but you didn't take it
-"Thank you" - was all you answered without taking your eyes from your son
-"Look... I'm so sorry for all I said and how I behaved... I let my insecurities get the worst of me..." - She started talking and you sighed
-"I don't want to talk about that here or now Melissa, I just want to enjoy my mother's day with Chris, that's the only reason I'm here" - You answered seriously and it was her turn to sigh
-"Okey...I really wish you a happy day..."-Mel offered you the flowers once more and finally, for the first time in the night, you decided to look at her. Dark circles under her eyes were marked as if she was not sleeping well and her eyes did not have their characteristic brightness, they were dull and hid a lot of sadness. Carefully you took the flowers and she smiled just sideways looking at you, wishing to tell you a million things now that you were finally close, but choosing to stay quiet because you asked. -"I will go back with Barb..." - She whispered before leaving and you smelled the flowers, not only did they have their normal scent, but her perfume had also stuck to the paper that wrapped them, which made you smile softly without you noticing.
At the end of the little party they had organized, you drove home with your little one and the bouquet of flowers.
While your child was bathing, you opened the paper covering the flowers to place them in water, a small envelope with a letter fell to the floor. Curious and confused, you picked it up and opened it to find the unmistakable handwriting of the redhead
"Hello... I didn't know if you would accept the flowers, but if you're reading this it means that you did and they didn't end up in the dumpster like I thought... I'm so sorry for everything I said and what happened. From the moment I met you I fell in love with you, but the more I knew about your husband and how perfect you were, the more I doubted if I was worthy of having you by my side. He was an excellent dad, a very brave man, an amazing husband and a very good person in general, perfect for you... And I'm nothing like that and, besides, I'm old... I was jealous of him and what an amazing couple you made and I felt stupid for being jealous of someone who had passed away, so I didn't told you anything. Every day that passed, I felt less deserving of you and because I did not to mention my doubts with you, my insecurities came to the surface in the worst way at the worst time.
You don't have an idea of how sorry I am for what I said and for hurting you and for doing so many stupid things. I miss you and Chris so much.
I understand now that I lost you, how much it hurts to lose the love of your live. I'm sorry for invalidate your pain.
I hope you can forgive me one day.
With love M"
You stared at the letter for a few minutes, the truth is that Mel's anger wasn't unjustified, maybe it wasn't well expressed but she was right. You carefully grabbed your phone and unlocked the redhead's number, admiring her profile picture for a few seconds. After a little more consideration, you decided to send her a message
-You: "Thank you for the gorgeous flowers Mel... Do you think we can talk someday about what happened... About us?..."-Once you sent the message, you were left nervously waiting for a response that came almost immediately
-Melissa: "Yes please... Tomorrow after school?"-The redhead replied
-You: "I'll be working... Is there any chance that you can come to the office?" - You answered a little nervous
-Melissa: "I will be there after school"-She replied and you smiled softly
-"You:thank you... I will see you tomorrow, have a good night Mel"-It was the last thing you sent before you went check on your child in the bathroom.
The next day Mel was very exited about seeing you again, even though she might have to face the hurt that she did to you and hear you scream to her, she really missed you and needed to see you again.
For your part, you also wanted to see her to clarify some things, even though you were hurt, you really wanted to try to fix everything. You were aware that there were times when we all say things that hurt and that no relationship is perfect and everything takes work.
Although you and Mel had a desire to talk, fate didn't care. Even if it seemed like it would be a quiet day at your job, a call to the fire station changed everything. Gas pipes in a large building had exploded, not only causing the building to catch fire but also cause it to collapse. Immediately your station had to go to the call for help. While they were riding in the truck, you sent a message to the redhead, because you couldn't call her since she wouldn't be able to hear you for the sirens
-You:"Hi Mel, I know we had plans to talk today, but a complicated call just came in and I don't know at what time we will finish, I'm so sorry. Maybe we can talk tomorrow... Also, can you tell Miss Howard that maybe I will be a little late to pick Chris up, please. Thank you and I'm sorry"-You sent the message a little nervous about the situation
-Mel:"Hi honey, yes, no worries, I'll tell her and we can talk tomorrow. Please be safe" - Mel's answer was short but calmed you down a bit.
By the time you got to the building, everything was more complicated than you expected, so they immediately got to work saving as many people as possible.
Meanwhile at school, Melissa was teaching her classes but she felt watched, and it wasn't because of her students as they were all busy doing their homework. She carefully scanned the entire room, looking for the reason why she felt that way. When her eyes fell on the door, she found the source. Your little boy was watching her hidden behind the frame, and although the redhead could see almost half of the little boy's body, Chris thought it was very well hidden.
-"Chris... Are you okay?" - The redhead asked and got up from the desk and walked over to your son and knelt in front of him
-"No... My head hurts and I wanna go home" - Your son made his best sad little eyes looking at the redhead
-"Did you tell Barbara? Why are you alone in the hallway?" - Mel asked worriedly, frowning
-"I told her I was going to the bathroom... I miss my mom, can you call her please?" - Chris pleaded and Mel picked him up in her arms
-"Your mommy is working saving people... But if you want you can stay with me until your mommy arrives, would you like that?" - She asked and the little one nodded hiding in her neck.
Melissa knew that when Chris missed you or had a rough day he would say he had a headache so they call you to pick him up, but since you were busy, she would take care of him until you arrived. Mel alerted Barbara of the situation and stayed with your little one in her classroom while she teached.
When the fire stopped and people were safe, everyone went back to the station. You immediately tasked one of your lieutenants with reporting the mission, took off your protective clothes, and ran to the car to pick up your son. The mission had gone on much longer than planned and the kids had already left school and you hadn't gone to pick up your little one. While you were driving, you called Barbara and she told you that Mel had stayed at school with him waiting for you.
The school was empty when you arrived, but as you entered the redhead's classroom you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the two of them there. Mel was sitting at her desk and your son was asleep curled up in her arms, with his head on her chest and her coat on his back protecting him from the cold. The woman's desk was filled with toys, books, and an empty food Tupperware, showing you how well the redhead had taken care of him.
-"Hi Mel..."-You whispered without really knowing how to greet her, a hug might be too much for how delicate the situation still was, let alone a kiss, and if you make to much fuss, your son might wake up. So you just got closer to them without touching anything-"Thank you for taking care of him, the call was a mess and was longer than expected, I'm sorry that you had to stay" - You whispered a little embarrassed
-"Hi (Y/N)... Are you kidding? I'm happy that I had to stay with him, we had an amazing time and I missed him so much... And he missed my food too"-She joked and you laughed softly. The redhead carefully got up from her chair to hand Chris over to you softly, not taking off her jacket so that his body wouldn't get cold. Your son frowned when Mel pulled him away from her body, but smiled when he felt you and continued sleeping.
Mel frowned, looking at your face more carefully
-"Yeah, I got a little hurt and I didn't stopped to wash my face, but I'm okay..."-You whispered trying to calm her worry-"Thank you for taking care of him..."-You thanked again as she took her purse and the two of you walked down the hallway-"Did you come in your car?" - You asked as she opened the school door letting you out first
-"It's a pleasure, I love being with him... No, I came with Barbara and she's already gone, I'll ask for a uber to go home" - She responded by taking her cell phone out of her purse
-"I'll drive you home, it's the least I can do..."-You replied and she smiled nodding in gratitude. Once your son was secured in his chair, the two of you climbed up and drove home quietly, it wasn't awkward but there was a bit of tension in the silence. The trip went by too quickly for your liking, and even though you hadn't talked about anything, you realized how much you had missed having her by your side, it hurt you what she said, but it hurt you more no having her close. Mel was about to open the car door to get out but your voice stopped her
-"The new season of Bridgeton is out... Do you want to come home to watch it?" - You asked nervously and she looked at you in surprise
-"I would love to... But are you sure you want this? Having me in your home?" - She replied in a trembling voice
-"I'm sure" - You answered confidently and she took her hand out of the door and put her seat belt back on.
Once you got to your house and put your son to bed, you turned on the TV opening Netflix but Mel called your name from the bathroom, confused you followed her and saw her with a wet towel in her hands and the emergency kit
-"Come... Let me clean your face first, we don't want it to be infected" - The redhead spoke and you sat on the small bench that your son climbed on to brush his teeth, Mel sat on the toilet with the lid closed and began to wipe your face with the damp towel. Her hands were soft and delicate, carefully running the towel over your features, wiping a small cut on your forehead with special care, even though you had your eyes closed, you could feel her watchful gaze on you
-"I'm sorry" - You whispered with your eyes closed, and the redhead's actions stopped
-"For your cuts? I don't like that you are hurt, but I'm glad it was something small and not something more dangerous" - Mel resumed her actions and you took her wrist gently making her stop her movements, slowly you opened your eyes and raised your gaze to look into her eyes
-"I'm sorry for not loving you the way you deserve it... I'm not saying that what you did was okay, but I know that somehow I pushed you to said what you said and in part you were right... I couldn't let him go because he literally saved my life and I felt like I owned something to him, loyalty even if he wasn't here, I was scared of forgetting him or that Chris forget him... I know I will never completely forget him because I see him in the face of my son every day and I know that Chris won't forget him because he loves him and knows the kind of person his father was, but I also know that holding into him won't bring him back and will only take you away from us. You are part of our family now, you are everything that I need, you are here now, you love us, you protect us and you are everything that we were missing... I get now that you are not here to replace him, but you are here to complete us... And I'm sorry for pushing you away"-You whispered, still holding her hand, and Mel smiled, resting her forehead on yours
-"I'm sorry for being an asshole and for being mean, you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry for letting my insecurities get the worst of me... I don't want to lose you both and I don't want you to forget your husband or that Chris forget his father, I just want to have a place here" - Mel pointed to your heart and you barely smiled-"Because you and Chris occupied my whole heart..."-Mel kissed your forehead gently and you hugged her waist resting your head on her chest-"I also love the pictures that you put on the wall where we are all together... We look like a cute family" - Mel whisper against your hair
-"We are a family, you are our family... I really missed you Mel... I love you" - You murmured against her chest
-"I love you honey" - Mel gave you a little kiss and kept holding you tight
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stillness138 · 5 months
where are characters from the first Hades game now, and some other character-centric theories:
inspired by this post by @thebuttsmcgee
so from the technical test gameplay stream we learned that Chronos straight up took over the underworld and kidnapped not only Hades, but Zagreus and Persephone too. out of the underworlders from the first game, Charon is still doing his thing in secret, Skelly returns in a new coat, the Wretched Broker is back too, and Hypnos is the only other guy from the House who's hiding at Hecate's hub, but he's also fast asleep...
personally, i think Hypnos might be cursed or something like that. Chronos using Hypnos's schtick against him? lose time by sleeping through it all? or maybe he just wakes up a bit later. hell, maybe he's always asleep during the test but not the final game because he would've dropped a spoiler or something.
so what about the rest?
assuming they're not all imprisoned somehow,
-Nyx and Thanatos: they could've fled to Chaos. a narrator's note at the Crossroads says that it houses 'those still loyal to lord Hades', but doesn't necessarily say 'all of them'. Nyx visits Chaos in the first game once their relationship is mended, and like the post i linked said, Than would've probably tried to protect the family and the House for as long as he could. but in the face of no other option, i think Chaos would be a viable place to flee to for the two of them, out of Chronos's reach similarly to the Crossroads. Than also visits the surface though, so maybe he'll show up at the Crossroads at some point? maybe in a plot point, trying to help Mel free Zag and the fam? both of them are important enough to warrant an appearance.
-the Furies: my idea is that all three of them were forced to serve Chronos. they're a very important part of security and upkeep down there, i think he would've wanted the realm's employees on his side. i don't however think they're going to be the bossfight between Asphodel and Tartarus. they, or Meg alone, should have some presence however.
-Sisiphus: it would be kinda cute if the furies went behind Chronos's back and helped to tuck Sisiphus away somewhere safe, given that he is loyal to Zag/the family and maybe that'd mean they were ordered to torture him again. depends on what Chronos's rule over the underworld looks like for the different shades there, but Melinoë speaks to the few that hang around at Crossroads in an almost comforting manner, so i imagine Chronos is trying to rule by fear and get shades on his side that way. Bouldy's gonna be sad, but fine. i hope. but at least a mention would be nice.
-Achilles and Patroclus (and Theseus&Asterius): ...they're probably separated again, aren't they... brainstorming now, i like (pain and) the idea that they're both in Elysium, just not together. because i think Elysium would've risen up as an army of sorts trying to oppose Chronos, given it's all warriors and heroes. separated by war. Nemesis having Stygius with her makes me believe Achilles could be wielding Varatha. additionally, Theseus being forced to step up and put his vanity aside, delicious idea i think. also, Mel arriving to this supposed paradise only to find it in a desolate state. all of them, i think, should be at the very least mentioned too.
-Orpheus and Euridice: they could be both hiding or imprisoned or forced to serve, but. what if this time it's Euridice who's looking for Orpheus. he's at the house and at Chronos's whim, while she makes it to the Crossroads and asks Mel for help. it'd be a shame if they were never heard from again.
-Cerberus: probably locked up with the fam :( orrr he's running wild all around the realm and Chronos is literally incapable of taming him. that would've been fun. Cerberus bossfight tho... nah. no way he wouldn't see something familiar in Mel. but it could be fun too if done right. he definitely has to reappear.
-Dusa: wild theory time but she's hiding in the rafters, spying on Chronos. :D. if the situation is much more dire, she's either also forced to serve, or even banished into Asphodel to be with the other gorgon heads. either way i think she'll pop up again in some capacity.
-House Contractor, Head Chef, Resource Director: probably unwillingly continuing their jobs under Chronos's rule. although the chef might've lost his job, depends if Chronos like, eats normal food. well mostly onions and fish but still. alternatively, the chef will also show up at Crossroads like the Wretched Broker does.
-THE GOOD SHADE from Elysium: okay war hero good shade arc when? i'm sorry, but i love them.
some other ideas, theories and wishes:
-the obvious one is Hera, like many others i also hope she will appear as a major boon giver.
-i have a feeling, however, that Hermes might not. it seems a bit that Artemis and Selene are filling up his role as the little bit specific boon giver, but maybe i'm wrong. Artemis provides crit boons just like in the first game and Selene has a bit more of a Chaos vibe to her. let's see.
-i do think, or would like it if, Chaos shows up, but not as a boon giver. but i believe they would definitely have something to say about Chronos's actions.
-back to Hermes though... there's that sealed staircase that leads upwards from the Crossroads. people have already been theorizing this, but there might seriously be a section of the game taking place on Olympus, or at the very least somewhere under it. still, i don't think Hermes would be a boon giver either if he does appear. i would however like to see him interact with Charon.
-the Fates will, i think, remain obscure, even if Moros has more of a connection to them. maybe they'll be mentioned and explored a bit more, but i wouldn't count on them appearing by themselves.
-i would however like to see at least one more of Nyx's kids. originally, i also hoped Erebus himself ever shows up personified, but i like what they've done with it as a place.
Eris is i'd say the biggest contender, given that she's namedropped in the first game through a weapon aspect and a purchasable item. maybe she's even boss material (again, if Nemesis has the sword, Eris may wield the rail).
-same thinking can be applied to Ariadne (she lives with Dionysus on Olympus, does she not?), Talos (giant robot made by Hephaestus, how cool is that), and Lamia (snake lady with personal history with Zeus and Hera, would even make for a cool boss too i think, although i always viewed her as a more melancholic figure. but i'm just spitballing here). there are also Atlas, Prometheus and other names on Charon's many items, those are less likely to make an appearance imo.
-Talos also obviously has a weapon aspect in the first one, and then there's Chiron. in myth, he is the son of Chronos. the juiciness of that situation, given he has a relationship with Achilles and Patty as well... perhaps he'll be Elysium's miniboss in the spirit of Asterius? or straight up a main boss? or actually a friendly? i really hope they did something with him, the potential is so very there.
-i think Daedalus will remain present just in name and spirit.
-now that i'm on the weapons though, for all we know there might not be such a thing as weapon aspects (at least not tied to specific figures) in Hades 2, but if there are, including hidden aspects, i'd like to see nods to more of other world mythologies/histories/cultures, like Egyptian, Japanese, pre-columbian American or Slavic.
-this brings me to keepsakes and companion plushies, if they're in the game at all and if so, who gives them out.
keepsake-wise, beside the olympians, Hecate is obvious, as well as Odysseus, and Nemesis and Moros are too. Arachne and Skelly also. Charon seems likely, so does Dora. maybe Hypnos if/when he wakes up. Selene, probably.
i'd say, if companions are a thing, it's also up to Nemesis and Moros, Odysseus, maybe Hecate, likely Arachne, and if there's 6 of them like last time, the final one will be from either Dora or someone we haven't seen yet. or Hecate doesn't give one (she's pretty op for a summon) but Skelly does.
-this also ties into romance! it's been deduced a long time ago, right when the trailer came out, that Nemesis and Moros are very likely romanceable. i also see the appeal and potential of romancing Dora, and from the technical test, i like Melinoë's friendship with Artemis. Hypnos's presence at the Crossroads is interesting from this point too, but i wouldn't guess he'll be romanceable if/when he wakes up.
there are more details to speculate about, especially in gameplay and resources (boss room rewards! the equivalent of nectar/ambrosia to give characters!) but i wanted to keep this mainly about the npcs.
honestly curious what other people are saying!
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dnvrsmedia · 1 year
what if Abby went too far during an argument? but really a lot :( how do you think she would make it up? (fluff ofc!)
oh god she would feel terrible!! i’m thinking that reader & abby get into an argument about whether or not they’re capable of patrolling. abby definitely is protective & due to her trauma, it makes it difficult for her to not be in control of things. she hasn’t communicated this to you (baby has her walls built up sky high). so when she starts questioning your capabilities, you take that to heart.
“I am perfectly more than capable, Abigail and you know that! I grew up outside of WLF too. I’m not some stupid rookie. You would think that my own girlfriend would have my back, but you fucked me over!” you shout at Abby as your chest heaves in and out angrily.
“Cut the shit, Y/N. We had different lives, so don’t bring up my past. One of us is more skilled and it isn’t you!” Abby towered over you with a deep frown.
You felt as if all the air in the world was sucked out of your lungs. You didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing you crying, no matter how painful the comment was.
You nod your head and turn around to back an over night bag. Abby’s heart sunk to her stomach after seeing the look of pain in your eyes. She immediately scurries up behind you trying to get you to stay.
“Baby, baby please I didn’t mean it-” You let out a huff of amusement as you wiggle out of your girlfriend’s grasp.
Abby felt helpless. She knew she needed to stop being so protective. She didn’t mean a word she said, yet here she found herself hurting you. Abby’s eyes started watering as she saw you finish packing you bag.
“Sweetheart, please don’t go. I- I don’t know why I said that. I didn’t mean it, babygirl. Come back to bed we can sort this out.” Abby spewed out feeling immensely guilty.
You turn around with stray tears setting your cheeks.
“Get your shit together, Abigail. I can’t stay with you tonight. I-I need to go.” You wipe your tears fast and leave the room.
Abby is left standing there with a sinking feeling in her chest. Left to her own thoughts, she tries thinking of the best way to make it up to you.
The next day, Abby is up at the ass crack of dawn. She couldn’t sleep last night due to her brain replaying the look of betrayal and hurt in your face from her words. Abby asked around to figure out where you were and found you at Mel’s apartment. Banging on the door, Abby finds herself face to face with your shared friend.
“You fucked up, Anderson. Say that shit to her again and be prepared to be left on your sorry ass. Now go make it up to her or i’ll beat your ass.” Mel says with a stern face. Abby just nods and thankfully slides through the door to find you.
You’re sat on the couch of Mel’s apartment; your eyes red from crying. You heard Mel at the door and assumed it was Abby coming back for you.
Abby shyly walks around the corner to you with her tail tucked between her legs.
“Baby i’m so sorry.” Abby sits down next to you. She’s not used to not being able to touch you, so she hesitantly rests her palm on your thigh. When you don’t push her off she counts that as a success.
You allow her to explain herself knowing that you’ve already forgiven her last night.
“I know I don’t deserve it, but would you maybe let me make it up to you? I’ve been wanting to take you on a date. I found this place just outside of the stadium.” Abby looks into your eyes, hopeful.
You look at her with a stern face and nodded.
“But don’t you ever talk to me like that again, Abigail. I swear I will leave your ass.” You firmly point your finger into her strong chest.
Abby takes a sigh of relief and pulls you into a hug.
“I’ll spend everyday making it up to you, I swear. I love you, baby.” Abby kisses your head.
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☀️ + Tolkien + enemies to lovers!!
could be one of the Elves, Thorin, Elendil, Kili, or Aragorn - you can choose (really just no hobbits)
Oooh this could fit for any and it shall be 🧡
The two of you always had to be kept at arms length due to the fact that simple teasing would lead to your weapons at each other's throats causing Boromir and Aragorn to step in
You hoped that the journey wouldn't last for a long while so that not only all of you could go back to your homes but so that you wouldn't have to deal with the blonde elf that was driving you mad
What you didn't expect was to be gravely ill after being injured by an orc crying and moaning in pain on the ground crawling slowly until you felt gentle hands on you stopping you and carrying you to safety not expecting to see legolas above you with the most terrified look you had seen on his face
You went in and out of consciousness not knowing what happened or that legolas was right by your side cleaning and bandaging your wound and stopping anyone who wanted to step in and help when they found you laying in your sleeping bag with him next to you holding your hand
Slowly you started gaining consciousness and lucidity seeing him sleeping next to you noticing that you not only felt quite better but that you were wrapped in bandages as you looked around you saw aragorn next to you "You were stabbed by an orc and you already had a fever you almost died from how ill you were had it not been for legolas being by your side" you slowly looked to the sleeping elf in surprise
After getting well and all of you continued onwards you trailed behind pulling a confused legolas to a private spot of the forest while the others went ahead not knowing your absences
"You saved me...I thought you hated me" he looked at you in surprise grabbing and holding your face making your heart stop and beat faster "I don't hate you I never did mel" you turned rosy pink of him using elvish to you "Mellon nin Im mel cin" you both end up in a kiss that took your breath away
The two of you announced your relationship with everyone of different reactions from shock to surprise with aragorn smiling and hugging the both of you while frodo cheered making you giggle
He tried to be kind to you despite your rare trust with others there were only few people who met and got to know you that you truly trusted with your life and for a long while he wasn't one of them
That changed however when you were captured by the elves and when you were taken away to be questioned by King Thranduil and kept right by him for hours of questioning coming back with fingerprints embedded in your arms and a huge hand print on the side of your face
He immediately saw red saying every swear in the book and after escaping he wouldn't let anyone but you go near or touch his leg carefully bandaging it and checking on it every so often while gently talking to him
The two of you started feeling different towards each other not really knowing what to think of it but with advice from Bilbo and weirdly enough the beautiful elf Tauriel when she found you after getting lost you decided to confess to him
The two of you both told each other how you felt not really knowing what the other would think or do but when you started at each other but what you didn't expect was for him to surge forward pulling you into a passionate kiss
Soon the two of you were together always by the other's side holding hands or pinkies if you were around other people you didn't know always smiling at the other as you followed behind the others
He didn't know why he acted the way he did towards you but he knew that he had an off feeling about you but that he also wanted to protect you which confused you quite a bit
You didn't hate him because he was who he was or that he sometimes did things without thinking but you only didn't like him because the way he treated you ever since the two of you met after you volunteered to go with your friend Boromir on the journey to Mordor
Slowly overtime with help from Legolas and boromir the two of you became friends and were never seen without smiling or helping each other with something along the way
When boromir passed he held you as you cried watching his body go over the waterfall and you both would talk when the others were asleep one of those nights leading to something more
The two of you were enjoying the quiet of the fire and while talking he caressed a small cut on the side of your face leading to the two of you in a slow and loving kiss sleeping next to each other
Soon the two of you were stealing comforting hugs when either of you were upset,quietly crying and grieving for boromir who you had been friends with since the two of you were children,and breath taking kisses that made you feel love like you never felt it before
Before the battle of Helm's Deep you both broke the news to everyone which caused many reactions from everyone with Merry saying Pippin owed him money having a bet on the topic,Gimli full of surprise not believing it,Sam congratulating the two of you glad they you weren't arguing with each other,Eowyn smiling hugging both of you tightly at her two friends in love,Frodo smiling big while holding sam's hand,and Legolas giving his well known smirk realizing that he had already known for an amount of time
The two of you could never smile or talk respectfully to the other if you were in each other's presence always having to be pulled in another room by Bilbo or Balin
You were always in the back staying as far away as you can from him rarely talking or looking at him unless it was an argument or a brief moment of respect in order for everyone to get out of a situation alive
That changed when you jumped in to save him from Azog bilbo right next to you ready to fight while you checked him for wounds dragging him to the tree where everyone else was until the eagles came and took you to a much safer place
After hugging bilbo and as everyone walked away far enough he stopped you before you could follow "I thought that the way I felt for you was never going to change and I thought I would never love anyone but now over this past while it has changed" you stare at him feeling your heart race as he stares at you
He smiled which rarely happened especially towards you making you not only realize that the weird way you'd been feeling towards him also changed but that you knew that you couldn't see your life after this journey without him surging forward into a emotion fueled and truly wonderful kiss while the sun shines over the two of you
You took things slow and after reaching Laketown you both told everyone causing a bit of surprise amongst them except Gandalf who was smirking and bilbo who smiled hugging his two best friends as the two of you smiled at the future ahead together
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melmedarda · 2 months
@meljaymicrofics  ⸻ falter ⸻ wc: 982 ⸻ rated M
She presses him up against the wall. Eyes glinting like gold, freckles like stars in the dimness of the bathroom. It's too small, too dark, and there's a scent beneath all the smoke that's too sweet that makes Jayce's belly dip. Or maybe it's her.
She's on him almost immediately. Lips pressed against his neck, hands snaking down to unclasp the buckle of his belt and slipping onto his pants. And he lets her crowd him. Lets her move him just where she wants him. He's weak to her, his own addiction. Always too weak.
Jayce experiences her touch in moments too bright. Too stunning and too quick to fit into the monotonous gray of his daily life. Throws his head back against the wall with such force when she takes him in hand, pain a bright supernova behind his eyelids.
She seeps into his every sense, the feel of her on his skin, the taste of her on his lips, her subtle perfume clinging to the air around them. Jayce can hardly hear the deep bass outside the club, his heart beating so loud in his own ears that he's sure Mel can hear it too.
And then it's over. Too fast, he pants and goans and then sags against the wall, hair falling into his eyes as he dips his head. Forehead pressed against hers and hands on her hips. And she let's him for a moment. Her eyes are brighter now, and the world dims around her. She's still the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
The world grows dim as she pulls away. Disentangling herself from him and turning to the sink.
"Well," she says, voice raspy, "that was fun." Her lips are swollen, her the plum of her lipstick smudged on the edges of her lips. Jayce draws his bottom lip into his mouth and bites down. Hard. Want lurches in his stomach. It's never enough.
"I came in my pants," he deadpans, gesturing to the mess of himself. It's humiliating, really. She glances at him through the dirty mirror as she washes her hands, eyes roving down the exposed expanse of his torso, down to the mess she's made of him. His chest is still heaving a bit too much, and he hates that she's unbothered. Unaffected.
"You weren't complaining earlier." And there it is, that small, self-satisfied smirk. Jayce feels his skin flush, and if he was any other man, maybe he would push her up against the bathroom wall and punish her for it. But she's reapplying her lipstick. He knows all too well that meaning.
He sighs heavily through his nose. "We can't keep doing this, Mel." He reaches to the paper towel dispenser, pulling several sheets and begins to wipe off the evidence of his pleasure.
"I don't see why not." She's closer now, watching him draw the paper towel across his skin. She hands him a towelette. He accepts it wordlessly. "It's the easiest thing we've ever had."
And he doesn't like that sentence, the placating tone she wraps it in. It makes his blood boil. They weren't simple. There are things in life that are not simple, things that are harder to understand, but that doesn't make them any less worth the fight.
He'd wanted to believe they were worth fighting for. But the fight's gone out of him now. He doesn't seem to have any boundaries when it comes to her. And the measly protections he's tries to erect around his heart falter and are rendered ueless before Mel.
He should resent her for it all. The way she broke his heart. The way she left him four months before. The way she always leaves him in the after. But the heart wants what if wants, and Jayce finds himself defenseless against Mel. She's knows it. That she is his Achilles heel, and it is a truth she exploits much too often. A truth she is exploiting now.
"We're broken up, Mel. We've been broken up for months now." And he's tired, tired of this. Tired of reminding her, of reminding himself that they are no longer together. He tosses the soiled toilet at the trash bin. "We can't keep doing this."
"Why not?"
"I was on a date with a girl tonight, Mel."
"Well, she didn't compliment you."
"She was good for me." He zips up his pants and straights his shirt. Hates that they are taking about his date in pass tense. Sky was a nice girl. He'd liked her. But Mel tends to leech everything of color, of beauty until all you could look at was her. Until you were blinded to everything else.
"You don't know what's good for you, Jayce Talis. You wouldn't know good if it was dangling right in front of you." There's a strangeness to her tone that cuts Jayce, her words burrowing into him like venom.
"Goodbye, Mel." He says, heart threatening to shatter and his throat burning with words that want to come. But he will not argue with her. He refuses to do that, at least.
Unaware of the war within him, she runs gentle fingers down the line of his neck. "Until next time, Jayce." She says, giving him a smile that looks sad upon her face. But her eyes are sharp. And then she's gone.
He looks into the mirror, forlorn. Sees the hickeys, dark red and purple signatures of her work. Of her hands on him. Jayce sags, pressing the balls of his palms into his eyes. She has ruined him and left him to pick up the pieces.
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onthewaytosomewhere · 11 days
STREETFIGHTER BUCK for Buddie fic!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I didn't even look at your prompts mel, ngl, you know this is coming though so I don't feel bad)
it's rather appropriate that this ends up being done and posted on the friday after you gave me this
this thing kicked my arse - hopefully it's angsty enough for ya luv
this one is a long one so go read it on ao3 plz
Buck is at a bar once again. He can’t stand to be home—can’t stand to be anywhere alone with his thoughts. He just needs to get away from everything, so he has found a bar within walking distance of his apartment, which he’s never been in—a place no one else will find him. He needs some time to process everything, all the anger he feels. He just needs to get drunk so he stops having nightmares. He overhears some people sitting near him at the bar talking about a gym nearby with an area for boxing. It starts as a momentary thought, but by the end of the night, he has the name of the gym and the name of someone to talk to when he goes. Someone who will help him get started on his boxing journey—Art.
It's not long before the gym replaces the bar; he’s there most nights after a shift that he’s not with Eddie or Christopher, and on days when he’s off, he spends hours there. He beats on bags until he’s deemed ready to jump in the ring with other people. He’s learned the best ways to protect his hands. Art teaches him the proper way to wrap his hands to avoid injury, and he’s invested in a quality pair of gloves. On his first night in the ring, he goes up against a dude that hands him his ass in under a minute. The sting from the punches to his torso makes him forget for a moment the pain inside his head.
It becomes a thing he can’t get enough of, something he’s always chasing, jumping in the ring with people that will wail on his body, never his face, but his body is fair game. It goes on like this for a few weeks, and then she walks in. At first, Buck doesn’t place her, but when she comes over to talk to him when he’s pounding into the heavy bag, he remembers. Lena. The person who got Eddie involved with the fight club after the tsunami and everything else.
“Buck? Right?” She says, and Buck wants to tell her to go the hell away, but he also hopes she’s still part of that underground fighting ring.
“Yes, Buck—Evan Buckley, actually. It’s Lena, right?”
“Yeah, how’ve you been? I heard what happened to Eddie; that must have been horrible.”
“Still is horrible, actually.” It’s more than he means to say.
“Let me guess that’s why you’re here pounding on things—either to clear your head or think them through.”
“Something like that.”
... the rest of this can be found on ao3
(those words may look familiar but they are the beginning of this fic so ...)
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joanna-lannister · 9 months
FIC ASKS LET'S GOOOOO. How about...15 and 18. And 22. 😊
15. What are some of your favorite tropes to write?
Oh, I always use the same tropes such as Pregnancy, Childbirth, Fluff and Domestic Bliss (+Sibling Incest, obviously, because I write for JC 😂). I'm big sucker for all these tropes tbh, and that's lowkey what I want to find when I read a fic, especially Fluff and Domestic Bliss because why not giving them happiness after everything they are going through in canon? And so, if someone is looking for the same things, they can always give a shot to my fics.
18. Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
Hmmm, Cersei being very protective of Jaime? And the fact she tried to protect him when she went behind his back for the Golden Company. I used it mostly in "give you my wild, give you a child" tho, not that much in other fics, but yeah she is very protective of him overall.
Also, Joanna accepting more easily their relationship? I have that headcanon she would see how they could turn a wedding between Jaime and Cersei into their own advantages. She def comes to term with it in the Teen Pregnancy AU, and I briefly mentioned how she had schemed to get them married in the fic I posted yesterday.
22. Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
Okay, I had a line from "grieving for the living" that I was really proud of, but I can't find it anymore 😭 so this one, from the same fic:
Sometimes, she presses her forehead against the window and sees the contours of his perfect face through the icy glass. Her head plays tricks and she allows herself to believe he is back for a brief moment, but it's only the ghost of her own reflection, a painful reminder she is still breathing and they didn't leave this world together as they were supposed to.
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
(gender of the matchup doesn’t matter)
fandom: arcane, arrow, mcu
gender: diversnixic (they/she/he/static/dino)
orientation: biromantic (male lean but doesn’t matter much), asexual
zodiac :: sagittarius
looks :: shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, gray blue eyes, cozycore or black clothes, painted black nails
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personality :: depends on my mood tbh, i can be bubbly and outgoing af, i can be calmer, quiet and slightly depressed sleepy, and i can be the most chaotic murderous person you’ll ever meet, but i’m usually the second option (calm, quiet, sleepy), i’m also kinda sensitive at times
likes :: fidgets, drawing, animals, true crime, snacks, comfy clothes, jewelry/shiny things, sleeping, bread, stuffed animals, reading, rainy days, blankets, glitter
dislikes :: homophobes, jerks, bullies, unfair exclusionists, being super cold/hot, being abandoned, spotify ads, my apple pencil dying at the most inconvenient times
hobbies/interests :: true crime, reading, writing, playing video games, scrolling through social media, collecting knives, collecting stuffed animals, watching tv, drawing/art
mental health :: i have depression, social anxiety/reg. anxiety, adhd, autism, alexithymia, and more.
physical health :: i have hypermobility and fibromyalgia/chronic pain.
Your Arcane match is…
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Always fixing your clothes even when not needed
It’s just her bad habit
Thinks you have an interesting personality
Can be scary yet she loves it
Seeing how sleepy you are she’s concerned about your sleeping schedule
Mel can and will get you some fidgets and true crime tapes or books
She isn’t really into horror and crimes, but she doesn’t mind it
If anyone would make fun of you for having stuffed animals they’d greatly
Cuddles under blanket on rainy days while watching your or her favourite movie
No-one definetly dares to say crap about you
Buys you Spotify premium
She’s rich
She can afford it
Mel doesn’t look like it, but she knows about a lot of mental and physical health
Doesn’t give two quacks about your ADHD or autism, it really doesn’t bother her
Your Arrow match is…
Roy Harper
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Flirts with you 24/7
Plays with your hair while cuddling together
Lets you take some of his clothes
(mainly hoodies)
Roy also has this two sided personality
No problem for him
Doesn’t really get why you like stuffed animals so much
But he doesn’t make a big deal out of it
Finds it badass that you like collecting knifes
He also likes true crime
It can be tapes, books, movies, serie, etc.
Bad day? Let’s watch a true crime document
Or let’s cuddle peacefully
Can and will throw hands if someone is disrespectful towards you
Roy doesn’t want to let these things slide
You guys gotta suffer Spotify adds together
He can’t afford premium
He knows exactly how to help you if anything gets wrong mentally or physically
Your MCU match is…
Bucky Barnes
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Just like Roy he’d flirt with you most of the day or all day
Compliments your eyes a lot
He is always here to give you a shoulder to cry on
Or just to comfort you
Bucky would never think that you’re into true crimes things
Doesn’t mind it though
Like Roy again, gets you books or movies about it
You’re the only person who he lets call him “Buck” or by any pet name
Likes to call you “doll” or “baby”
Just like in Mel’s case, no-one dares to be disrespectul towards you
They know that they’d have a problem with Bucky
He has things for knifes
So when he found out you collect them he was smiling af
Bucky would never in his life abandon you
Man suffers from a lot of mental “issues” himself
Sam would probably get you both a therapist
Constant teasing about your relationship with Bucky from Sam
Bucky can and will kill and die for you
Protective boyfriend vibes
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officermaddie23 · 4 months
Characters in me and @mellowwolflady's fics that are heroic and kindhearted part 2
Echo the Eraser- Before the events of free bird Echo sacrificed his life so that the flock could escape the clutches of Afton Biotech. Though despite being dead he still does his best to protect the flock he even went on to possess Montgomery Gator to insure the flock's safety even happily reuniting with the flock when he showed them that he was the one possessing Monty
Mel Jones- Despite not having any supernatural fae powers of her own Mel decides to aid her daughter in defeating Samuel Joesph once and for all. She even goes as far as to buy bullets for her shotgun that can kill Samuel's minions who are trying to capture her nephew. Mel like Coraline refuses to fight unless her family is in danger
Redscar- Like Echo Redscar defied his creators at Afton Biotech and is willing to go up against his brother Bluescar in order to protect the flock. In fact, Redscar does not even care if he dies because all he wants is the flock to be safe.
Noah Edwards aka Ennard- Being a host to a symbiote is not easy Noah can tell you that. However, Noah keeps his frustration under control especially when Ennard starts making demands for food. Noah has made a promise to Vanessa that he and his symbiote will protect the flock no matter what the price is which has lead to both Ennard and Noah being seriously injured in battle but he does not care all that matters to him is that the flock is safe
Georgie Sly`Tor- despite the first half of his life being an experiment for the Shissar Georgie with the help of his adoptive parents Demonitius and Baron was able to recover from his traumatic past in fact he has made it his goal to make sure that no one ever has to go through the pain and suffering he did before Demonitius rescued him. Georgie even has a couple of tattoos that are a symbol of the traumatic things he got over. Like Matashi Georgie has been known to help those who have PTSD
Terrance Trevor- Before Terrance was the cyborg we know him as today he was a solider in America's most deadliest conflict the Vietnam war. After a nasty mine accident Terrance's life was saved by Dr George Edgar Hazard. Years later Terrance met Sebastain someone who was suffering from PTSD because of the experimentation at the hands of Blue Sun. Terrance despite not being an experiment himself felt that he was able to relate to Sebastian's situation since he has nightmares and flashbacks of his many battles in the Vietnam war. In fact because Terrance believes that what Sebastain went through was worse than his time in Vietnam he has been able to help Sebastain heal. Also Terrance is a very good uncle that supports his niece Sarah. When Sarah came out to Terrance saying that she is dating Millie Terrance said that "No matter what you choose you will always be my niece"
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pinkthrone445 · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a Melissa x reader where reader has a panic attack? Or really any kind of mental health related with her calming reader down
Also I love love loooove your fics!!
- 🪻
-"I'll protect you while you grief"-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Hurt, fluff, sad, protective Mel
Warnings:Mention of suicide, mention and description of panic attacks, mention of grief.
Summary:When you lose a loved one, Mel is there to help you with the grief.
I appreciate this request, it was very close to my heart to write it because I dealt with a lot of what I wrote, the loos and the attacks, I hope you like it. Thank you for putting an emoji that identifies you 💕
You weren't the best person facing your feelings, it wasn't something you did on purpose, it just happened. Every time something traumatic or sad hit your life, your body went into defense mode and you felt numb, feeling nothing good or bad for a while. You weren't very aware of when that process started, but your girlfriend Melissa noticed it very easily. She always noticed when you started to disassociate, you numb your feelings, you became distant, and your interactions were limited and cold. The worst part? There wasn't much that could be done but to be by your side until all the feelings decided to come out. Sadly, when your feelings locked up decided to come out, they caused you to have panic attacks or anxiety attacks, something you hated, but it happened without being able to avoid it or control it...
Melissa woke up as the morning light began to make its way through the curtains of the room, her hands searched for you on the bed to hug you, but they were only met with empty cold sheets. A little worried she got out of bed and headed to the dining room, a sigh of relief that she didn't know she was holding left her lips when she saw that you were in the kitchen making coffee
-"Morning hon... You're up early"-she whispered, hugging you from behind and you barely smiled
-"Yeah... I woke up a little while ago and I figured it was good if make you breakfast" - You whispered and kissed her cheek and then continued beating the eggs. Even though you couldn't see her, Mel had worry in her eyes, worry about you. It was rare that you slept little and got up before her. But it wasn't just that that worried her, it was a sum of situations.
A week ago, one of your closest friends came to see you and the redhead, it was just another afternoon like any other time she had visited, but the next day you received a call from her family, saying that your friend had committed suicide, apparently she had taken pills in large quantities and did not wake up again. Mel accompanied you to the funeral, saw you say your parting words and hugged her entire family, saw you be present at all times without shedding a single tear or a sob. Melissa knew you had gone into your protective mode from the moment you got the call and got the news, it was a response to trauma and pain, but it wasn't the best way to deal with the problem.
Your girlfriend tried to convince you to take a few days off school, but you didn't want to, you said that going to work would keep you distracted and fine. That had been a week ago and your girlfriend was worried and attentive to the moment when your body decided to free itself from the true pain and loss you were feeling.
Mel sat at the table eating the breakfast you had prepared for her, you just drank a cup of coffee saying that your stomach hurt to eat anything else. She knew that when you were unwell you didn't have much of an appetite, and you stared into nothing for long periods of time without blinking, moving, or saying a single word.
After breakfast the two of you went to school to work, while you were in the teachers' room, a thoughtless comment came from your lips
-"You know what? Lately every time I leave the house, there are butterflies chasing me, I love butterflies, but I find it weird..."-You whispered as you filled out your worksheet for today's class
-"I read in an article that there are times when we miss someone so much that they visit us in ways that seem familiar to them or that remind us of them, so that we know they are still with us" - Jacob thoughtlessly said one of his thousands of curious facts that were always in his head. Melissa looked worriedly at the tattoo you had on your wrist, it was a tattoo of a butterfly that you and your friend had decided to get together a few years ago. She thought that would be the straw that broke the camel's back, that your sadness would finally show, but you just nodded and let out a hum with a smile and then keep your focus on the paper in front of you.
A few minutes later, the alarm sounded announcing that it was time to go to the classrooms to greet the children, you took your things and kissed your girlfriend and then went to your class.
The rest of the morning passed normally, your class quiet as always and before you knew it, you were back in the teacher's room for lunch. Since Mel was going to take a little while, you decided to go outside to get some air while you waited for her. As you walked through the halls, you saw one of the new murals that had been painted to decorate the school, it was a beautiful park full of flowers and insects and butterflies... So many butterflies... Beautiful and delicate butterflies... So gor... Why was your heart beating so fast? Confused you looked down at your body, why were your hands shaking like that? Why was it hard for you to breathe? You felt like crying, why was it? You weren't feeling well at all and you didn't have much strength to move, you felt like you were about to break. Carefully you walked to your classroom, which was the closest thing to you, when you went through the door, you closed it and leaned on it, letting yourself fall until you reached the ground.
A few minutes later, Melissa entered the teachers' room excited and hungry, not seeing you there she asked the others if they knew where you were, if you already ate, when they told her that you had went outside, she went to look for you worried, she looked outside, in the garden, in the parking lot, even in the bathrooms and the terrace but nothing. Finally not knowing where else to go, she entered your classroom through the other door that was open, not seeing you at your desk Mel was about to leave again, until she heard a sob that caught her attention. She carefully looked at the floor and there she saw your fragile body that trembled with every sob that came from your lips, worried she ran to your side and knelt on the floor next to you without touching you, she knew that when you were having an attack like this it was better that she didn't touch you until you came back to reality a little or you would get worse.
-"Hon, hey baby... Look at me, it's me Mel, you're safe, okay? Look at me" - She whispered in a soft voice urging you to get your head out from between your legs and for your hands to stop covering your ears, as soon as you looked up, she smiled when she saw your eyes looking at her, silently congratulating you for listening and following her instructions. Your eyes were red, puffy and full of tears, your face red from the parts where your legs and hands had generated pressure on your head, your hands amd body still trembling intensely. The redhead wanted to hug you, hold your hands, and stroke your hair until it calmed you down, but you needed to come back to the present first. Your eyes lost their concentration again, but she spoke again-"No, no, look at me, that's it... Only me... Breath with me... Inhale as if you were smelling a flower, that is, hold it a little... Now exhale as if you're blowing a leaf with your lips, that's it my love, you're doing great, do it one more time with me... Perfect... Do you think you can do the five senses check with me?"-She asked and you nodded crying still unable to articulate words but a little calmer, at least you were breathing and not drowning in your own crying. The redhead carefully caressed one of your legs to distract your senses there-"Okey... Tell me 5 things you can see"-Melissa whispered and you sighed trying to calm yourself down more
-"Y-you... Your red hair, your leather jacket... The roof... And... And your necklace..."-You whispered in a weak voice and she nodded
-"Good... Now 4 things you can touch..."-she whispered again, they were exercises that helped you get back to the present and get out of the bubble you were trapped in inside your head
-"The floor... My jeans...My shirt... Your hand" - You whispered sobbing and took her hand, the redhead smiled and stroked your knuckles
-"That's my girl... Now, three things you can hear..."-She continued and you paid more attention to your surroundings and less to your mind
-"The ceiling fan... Ava's heels down the hall... And the birds outside" - Your voice was already more stable
-"Almost there... 2 things you can smell..."-The redhead whispered
-"The food from the lunch room... And your perfume" - You barely smiled just looking at her
-"Good, now the last thing, one thing you can taste..."-Mel caressed your hands and you sighed
-"My salty tears" - You finally answered by stopping crying and the redhead moved to hug you, carefully you hid in her chest, the calm of her heart made yours return to normal. You had a long time like that, she hugged you and caressed your back and you hide in her feeling safe.
-"You did great hon... Let's go home now ... I'll tell Ava what happened, you need to rest" - Mel whispered, and you nodded without much opposition, you felt like shit.
At school they gave you a couple of days off to rest and generate some closure with what was going on, Mel also asked for days to be with you, making sure you were okay, hydrated and ate. She also helped you grief.
You sighed as you looked at the paper in front of you in your hands and then looked at the park where you always used to go with your friend before she leave. A soft hand rested on your shoulder and you smiled at your girlfriend in gratitude for giving you strength and taking care of you
-"It's just you, her and me, no one else... Whatever you say to her, it will be completely for her, not for people at a funeral to judge how much you loved or knew her... Talk to her like you always did, she's listening to you..."-Mel whispered giving you your space and you sighed as you gathered strength
-" I'm mad at you"-You started by talking to your friend as if she was listening-"I'm mad that you left me, I'm mad at me for not figuring this out when you went to see me at home and for not being able to help you enough. Mel made me understand that I was there at all times that you needed, that if you went to see me to say goodbye to me, it was because you had already made up your mind and you didn't want anything to stop you... But it still wish I could have helped you more...I know you're at peace now... Finally and truly at peace. I know that some people decide how to live and you decided how and when to die and I have to respect that... But I'm angry because I miss you and I need you too much and you left me behind, I didn't expect to lose you so soon, but I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life and for being a part of mine, you were always there in every important moment for me. I know when I come to this park I'll still be watching the cars go by waiting for you to get off one, I know that when I listen to our favorite songs I'll give you space even if you're not around anymore to sing your parts, I know that when I fight with Mel you will be the first one I wish to call to get you to agree with me even if I don't have the reason in the fight, I know every time I see a butterfly I'll think of you and how free your soul is now, I know that I will continue to watch our favorite movies still listening to the ghost of your laughter, I know that I will continue to use the sweeter that I stole from you years ago and promised to return you but I never did. I know that I will continue to miss you with every passing second and every heartbeat that I have, but I take comfort in knowing that you are now truly calm and happy now... I love you with my whole heart and I hope you will be waiting for me down there for when my turn comes, because I know that with the things we've done in our lives, you can't possibly be in heaven"-You joked with tears in your eyes-"I'll always miss you and I'll always love you" - You whispered and went back to Mel, the redhead hugged you and kissed your head, smiling with tears in her eyes matching your teary ones as she watched a small butterfly flutter around you
-"She is looking out for you... She loves you too" - The redhead whispered and you smiled hugging her tighter and watching the little butterfly dance around you two.
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thebiggestmenace · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Abby?
Absolutely no judgement wether you like/dislike her, I feel like this is a controversial question within the fandom lol
hi, anon, I have many a thought and this is definitely a controversial question in the fandom lmao
I think she grows on you. when I first watched a gameplay, I absolutely hated her, I hated the fact that you had to play as her and that her part might be longer (it felt like it at the time, but I'm not sure if it is actually longer) than Ellie's. but after watching it for the third time, I do not despise her anymore. I get why she did what she did, but I do not love her.
again, I get why she did the golfing, but really? it was 4 years, Abby. surely, you noticed that you'd just be passing your own grief onto someone else? and shooting him in the leg? really? I imagine that was because Abby knew it wouldn't have been an easy fight if he wasn't injured, but still. he helped you, man. once Ellie got there and Abby had to hear the cries and the screams from her, did she not realize that Joel was a father figure to her? that she would just be pushing her own giref onto her? and 4 years, really? I know I already mentioned that, but seriously. she had to have realized at some point that killing Joel wouldn't help her.
however, they did make Abby similar to Joel, so it isn't a strong hatred at all. her willing to risk everything for Yara and Lev, then doing everything in her power to protect Lev. Joel did the same for Ellie, and look where that got him. I don't know how to properly articulate this, anon, but I do get why she did it, I just don't like it.
and that isn't solely for the fact of the golfing. it's also - it didn't need to be that brutal. at all. it didn't need to happen in front of Ellie. Abby wasn't there for Jerry's death, and Jerry's death was pretty clean cut. there was no pain. just a shot to the head. Joel's?? first you shoot him in the leg, then drag him down to a basement and beat the shit out of him with a golf club? and not stopping when his daughter comes in? it didn't need to go like that.
and the theater?? yes, Ellie didn't need to kill every single one of Abby's friends, but tbh Ellie lost everyone that meant something to her, so Abby taking Joel was most likely just the final straw for her. Ellie wasn't in the right state of mind for that whole trip, and yes, she was in the wrong, but that isn't to say that Abby's in the right. I know Abby didn't know this, but Ellie did not know Mel was pregnant, Abby was told point blank that Dina was, and she still tried to kill her. I am forever grateful that Lev got her to stop, cause man, I would not have survived that. but it's just a constant cycle of grief. Joel kills Jerry, Abby kills Joel, Ellie kills Abby's friends, Abby kills one of Ellie's and tries for more.
and then the epilogue???? this has many variables to it, in my opionon. yes, Abby did leave Ellie after the theater, so Ellie going after her was her own choice and so she could've deserved what happened. but I don't think it was really Ellie's choice in going. this is why we don't like game Tommy, by the way. Ellie wanted to go after Abby before she showed up at the theater, Tommy wanted to take Dina and everyone back to Jackson, so they did. and then once Ellie is living as best a life as she can, all things considered, Tommy shows up and yells at her to go back after Abby because "'I'll make her pay.' That's what you said once we got back to Jackson." and Ellie does go after her, because this grief is just. so heavy in her, she feels she has to.
but her going to Santa Barbara means that she was able to save Abby and Lev. so she did, and then she fought her. I'm torn for the fight because Abby kept telling Ellie to just let them leave, and they'll forget everything and they won't have to see each other again. but also Abby bit off her fucking fingers, so. her biting off the fingers has always gotten me. I know Abby doesn't know about Ellie's life outside all this fighting, but that was her one connection to Joel. and now. it's gone. but Ellie was able to realize that killing Abby wouldn't do anything. it wouldn't bring Joel back. it wouldn't make any of this better. if anything, it'll make it worse and also pass it onto Lev.
so yes, this is how I feel about Abby. I do not hate her, but she is not a favourite. she's very neutral to me currently, but everytime I rewatch the game, I hate her less, so with this fourth rewatch, my opinions may change again. but this is how I currently feel
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behindthesemasks · 11 months
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Nic stood at the door from the office into the living room, quietly watching.  He couldn’t hear it all; the voices of Mel and Klaus were too quiet.  However, he did see the tear on Mel’s face when she had turned around.  The only reason that Klaus was still standing and Nic was in the doorway was because she hadn’t slapped Klaus.   Nothing of what he’d been able to discern was anything new to him.  He really doubted that any of it was new to Mel.  Maybe Klaus hadn’t said it out loud since he’d left two years ago, but one would have to be very dense to miss how the other man felt.  Then again, Mel had been so hurt when Klaus left the first time that she may not have been paying attention.  Nic couldn’t judge her for that; he knew what she went through at the time…and all that came after. 
A hand landed on Nic’s shoulder, almost making him jump.  Turning, he saw Ambrose looking at him with an eyebrow raised.  Their grandfather was as on guard for any upset to Mel as Nic was.  The days in the hospital after Mel’s fall had been rough on the whole team, but none more so than the two men now facing each other.  More than once, Ambrose had to step between Nic and either Erik or Klaus.  While the elder Meyers male understood Nic’s protective nature, he also knew that infighting would help nothing.  It had to be her decision to hear Klaus out or not; they couldn’t deprive her of that.  
Both Meyers men turned to look across the room.  From where they stood and the position of the couple over by the bar, all they could really see was Klaus’s back.  Giving them some privacy, Ambrose pulled Nic back into the office and shut the door behind them.   The suite wasn’t so large that they wouldn’t hear if something happened.
Mel gazed up into the clear blue eyes that she had long adored and missed.   Words were failing her.  She wanted to tell him so much, but nothing came forth from her.  Her heart ached, old wounds ripped open by his words.  There was so much regret, so much heartache that had transpired because she had given up on his return and tried to move on with her life.  But had she really?  It’s not like it worked out for her; she had still ended up as she had been for most of her life…alone save Alexander, her cousin, and her grandfather.   They were the only ones she knew that she could depend on, a fact that made her heart ache often.
How many times had she wondered what was wrong with her that she was so often relegated to the shadows and the corners, to second place behind others when all she wanted was to be everything to someone.  Never had she dreamed that there in someone’s heart she had been paramount even if she never knew it, never suspected it.  In truth, she guessed that she had never gotten over him either; there had always been a part of her that loved him from their first kiss and through all that came after.
For Klaus the seconds ticking by on the clock on the wall over the wet bar seemed to take eternity to tick by.  His heart was thundering in his chest as he stood there, those gorgeous blue eyes of hers looking up at him, but the room remained silent.  The scene in the hospital room played through his mind as he waited, the words that had sliced through him like razor blades.  They had cut him to the core because he knew so much of her pain had been started when he walked away.  How much could he have stopped if he had never ended things?
“Klaus…I…”Her hands slid up his chest from where they had come to softly lay when she turned around.  One on each side of the row of buttons, they slid smoothly over the fine fabric.  Her voice and her hands stopped when she came to a lump, one Klaus had felt every day since the chain that held it had been put around his neck.  The day that he had walked away full of rage and bloodthirst, making the greatest mistake of his life.
Klaus was sure his heart was going to pound out of his chest as her eyes first held confusion then dropped to look at the small bulge in his shirt.  He didn’t move to stop her as lithe fingers undid the small button that was the only thing keeping it concealed from her, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t almost shaking with nerves waiting to see her reaction.  His hands on her lower back were almost vibrating, ready to hold her still to him should she pull back.  The last time he’d felt so nervous was when he’d bought it.
Nimble fingers made short work of the button and then slowly reached in to retrieve what she seemingly already knew was there.  However, instead of what she expected to be his mother’s wedding ring, another greeted her eyes, one that she knew.  Tears sprang to her eyes, and she choked back an almost sob looking at it.  Searching for answers, her eyes again met his, “ is this…”
His head nodded softly, “yes.”
“From that store…” her voice was choked with emotion, and it was playing out over her face.
Again, his head nodded, “yes.”  He was barely keeping his own voice from breaking.  How he had planned the way she would eventually see the ring over and over in his head.  This scenario, it wasn’t even close to what he had wanted.  But he knew he had to stop hiding things from her; maybe this is one he shouldn’t have hidden so long.
Once again, her eyes dropped to the ring as she slowly moved it between her thumb and finger.  She couldn’t look at him, it hurt too much.  She was an idiot.  A complete and total idiot not to have known, not to have had an inkling, not to have waited.  “When?”  Her voice was quieter, still filled with so much emotion that it caused Klaus’s heart to almost ache.  
He’d been a fool to walk away those years ago.  Did he regret hunting down those who had killed his parents? No.  Should he have let her know he’d be back?  Yes.  His eyes closed as he now fought back tears. He could hear the heartbreak in her voice, and it was killing him. “The day after you saw it, fell in love with it.”  There was a strain in his voice. The fact he was fighting to control his emotions was crystal clear.  His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer to him.  How had things gone so sideways?  He knew the answer, his own temper and stubbornness.
Mel’s head tipped forward to lay against his chest, tears freely flowing.  The Alexandrite ring slid over the tip of her index finger, and she curled it slightly as she clung to his shirt.  “How long have you….”  Her ability to finish sentences was missing at the moment, but it wasn’t even necessary.  He knew her so well that he had anticipated every word she was saying and every question that she would have.  
“Since the day I was a fool and left you heartbroken.  I’ve never taken it off.”  His hands softly caressed her back as his head dipped to press a kiss to the top of her head.    He stilled there, closing his eyes and still fighting back tears.    At any moment, he expected her hurt and anger; to be pushed away like he deserved for being a fool and a pig headed man.  He had hurt the one person he’d sworn never to, and he deserved whatever she had to throw at him.
As they stood there, she could feel it.  His heart was pounding, his breaths ragged, and it was only his iron will that had kept his voice from cracking.  Visions of the day that she had first seen the ring in that little antique and estate jewelry shop on Royal Street in the Quarter danced in her mind.  They had been in and out of shops all along the street as they searched for presents for Nic’s birthday.  She never liked the mundane things, and they had looked everywhere.  It had started by looking at an elegantly engraved fountain pen, which she did end up buying, but then her eyes had landed on the ring.  Instantly, she fell in love with it.  They had spent a long time looking at it before Mel said she’d wait and just got the pen.  When she’d gone back a couple of days later, the distinguished man behind the counter had told her a man had bought it as an engagement ring because his wife-to-be had so loved it.  Never had she suspected that he was referring to Klaus.  
Slowly, Mel began to pull her head, then her shoulders, back.  Klaus fought the urge to hold her tighter, not let her move.  Part of him was preparing for her rejection, that once again, he was too late.  Large hands slid down her back to her waist as he tilted his face down to look at her.  Even with tears streaking her cheeks and her eyes red, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.  As he waited for her to speak, he was memorizing her face, sure that it was to be the last time he got to see it.  At that thought, his jaw clenched, and finally, one tear began to make its slow journey down his cheek.  
She could see it written plainly on his face, he thought she was going to reject him.  Maybe another woman might have after all that had gone on, all the deception, knowing what he truly was now…Nic having explained everything while she was in the hospital…but not Mel.  Nic had told her a lot…a lot…and what she could now see in those blue orbs of his spoke even louder and more deeply than any of the words that Nic had used.  They spoke of regret, remorse, fear, but most of all they spoke of a deep and unbridled love.
Letting the ring slide off of her finger, she raised her hand to slowly wipe the one tear away with her thumb as she cupped his cheek.  Her heart ached for him…for them…for all that had gone on between them.  “Klaus, I…” her voice cracked and failed her, and he visibly winced.  God, why did this hurt?  Shouldn’t this be a happy moment, and her heart lurched beneath her ribs instead of souring with the eagles.  Her hand pressed more against his cheek as she swallowed before trying again.  This time, her voice came out broken, hoarse, but clear, “it’s not too late this time.”  
The words hit him straight in the chest, and for a second, he forgot to breathe.  His eyes searched her face, looking for any clue that he’d misheard.  Then his hands almost seemed to move instantly from her lower back to be cupping her face as his lips crashed into hers.  It was the farthest thing from a gentle kiss. It was one borne of passion, desire, and most of all, love for the woman before him.  His larger body pressed her back into the bar behind her as he relished the feeling of her once again against him.  Her fingers were in his hair, her lips pressing back to his as he drank her in.  Tasting first her lips and then her mouth, he was insatiable.  Too long had he been required to bottle up all he felt, and in this moment, he was going to show her exactly how walled off he’d been.  All facades, all the masks that he’d been wearing for the last two years, shattered around them, and he never wanted them back on again.
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