#‘saiki brother both hated each other’
astralisstar · 6 months
when people say the saiki brothers hate eachother sujshsjsjhe
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thesillyexpresser · 2 months
Finally finished Saiki K and I just wanna say
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(Uhhh spoilers for the whole thing)
(Oh yeah ramble warning)
(Edit: considering how much traction this is getting, I just want to make it clear that these are my opinions. I’m open to hearing you out on yours as long as it’s not too heated. This wasn’t really meant to be too serious. It is also alright if you disagree with my opinions. These aren’t facts. I am also also well aware that most of their characterization are supposed to be gags and that they’re fictional so I respect them from that point. I just wouldn’t like them if they were actual people.)
I hate these motherfuckers, and I’m surprised there’s almost no shade thrown towards them. Let’s crack it down with these sorry excuses of the parents first.
Now, I’m well aware that this is a comedy anime and characters flaws aren’t exactly a bad thing. Their flaws are supposed to be comedic and I respect that from that stand point.
They practically only view Kusuo’s powers as an excuse to do less work, in both inside and outside the house. They constantly use him as a mop to clean up their own shortcomings without doing anything theirselves. Even until the very end, when Kusuo wanted to give up his powers, his own fucking father only thought about his so precious and convenient transport to work. What is this man. I know no one is a perfect parent and that all people have their quirks but this guy is actually so fucking horrible.
The mom isn’t all that bad, but she isn’t unexcused for the way she and the “dad” just allowed the relationship between Kusuo and Kusuke get so fucking toxic. When Kusuke made Kusuo’s limiters and revealed that if he look of the right one that his powers would get revealed to the world, a thing they would all know Kusuo would absolutely hate, they could’ve easily scolded him for it but NO. They could’ve taught the siblings to actually appreciate each others’ abilities to a healthy degree but NO. They could’ve taught Kusuo the importance of respecting and being humble to others without his abilities but NO. They even just allowed Kusuke’s toxic competitiveness to grow by allowing him to go to London and shit. I know no parent is ready to raise an Elon Musk and an esper but at least try to make your own fucking household a home for your own children. Now, onto the rotting maggot that is Kusuke.
Now, I know anyone would be jealous of their younger sibling having more ability than them and I know that his parents are (as I already established) just the worst but can this guy actually fucking relax??
Like has once in his sorry excuse of a life has he thought that “hey isn’t this just a tiny bit petty??” “Isn’t putting a tracker on my younger brother an invasion of his own privacy??” “Is making a fucking robot clone of my brother, making it do the things my own brother is obviously uncomfortable with, making it fucking attack him on sight, and then brainwashing his friend into hating him so much that it sprouts another psychic ability just a bit more fucked up than I thought??”
I know people hate this line but YOU’RE A FUCKING ADULT. YOU’RE NINETEEN YEARS OLD. GROW UP.
Also can we talk about how he’s all “I want to prove I can control my brother” when he already has his thumb pushed down on Kusuo? What’s that? You have a way to make everyone know about his powers? You can track his moves? You know everything about his powers and the ways and money to stop them? And you did this for fun? Con-fucking-grats you have control over him. He has anxiety now. Thanks for your hard work. I’m pretty sure that if he had any less morals than Kusuo would be his fucking slave.
(And yes, I know that the right limiter gimmick was taken off but it’s the thought that counts and there’s nothing but MALICE behind those thoughts.)
His only defense for putting his brother through inhumane experiments is “oh Kusuo has psychic powers he practically isn’t human”. KUSUO ISNT HUMAN MY ASS. Kusuo has more humanity than you. That robot clone you built of him has more humanity than you. That poor rotting maggot that I unfairly compared itself to you has more humanity than you. This mad scientist shithead has practically ZERO HUMANITY.
And I think we all fucking knew that the stopping-all-of-Kusuo’s-powers limiter was so he can do his world domination shit. Without his brother’s powers, who was there to stop him from doing that robot world domination thing from that one episode all over again? NO ONE. THAT’S WHO.
and I know that I’m getting so worked up over a fictional story but I JUST WANT TO GIVE THEM A SWEET REIGAN ARATAKA TALK.
“Aren’t you his parents? Shouldn’t you act with more responsibility instead of treating your own son like a fucking taxi?? For shame. I’m calling child protection services. He’s still a fucking minor after all. Minors aren’t that mentally mature, you know.”
“Oh? You put your own brother through inhumane experiments because of his ESP? That same ESP that he had no control over being born with? Why are you harassing someone just because they were born with something they didn’t have control being born with? Should I call the cops?”
Heck, I just want to shake their brains out, beat some senses into them, and give Kusuo some therapy because my goodness.
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Yare yare
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kanna-kizuchi-enjoyer · 7 months
Analyzing the versions of Terusai
How well it fits within canon and with the characters general personalities
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Kokomi and Kusuo: Theyre already close friends and Kokomi has been shown to have a crush on him, when his powers went away, he stared at her and did say that her face would be considered pretty. Also the combination of gorgeous and psychic would be unstoppable.
It would also help both of them out, both of them get considered more than human, by their family especially. Kusuo already considers Kokomi to be a regular girl which is part of why she likes him so much, platonically or romantically. I think that opinion would do wonders for her, she would be allowed to have a break and wouldn't have to keep up her performance around him. And for Kusuo, Kokomi doesn't know him extremely well as shown by her fantasy version of him. However, she could get to know him better as time progresses. Even if she does learn about his powers, she would be shocked at first obviously, however she would grow to accept it, and given how shes been treated and how she is favoured by God, and her ability to guess people thoughts on her with extreme precision (see: average boy from the 3 legged race) her experiences border on psychic, this would allow her to be able to see Kusuo more as a regular boy than most people who know do, an example being Kuusuke.
It would also most likely help with their familial issues given the similarities. Both their older brothers have their issues, albeit different degrees, this would allow them to understand each other's problems and therefore let each other work through it.
Makoto and Kusuo: Who doesn't like enemies to lovers? They hate each other but they keep interacting, one time Makoto even halfway hugged him, strange behaviour to a guy you hate, not to mention how many times Makoto has randomly showed up at Kusuo's house unannounced. Also, Makoto is shown to be very jealous of Kusuo due to his friendship with Kokomi, a good twist on this would be that he's jealous of Kokomi but can't handle those feelings so he copes in the strangest manner. This would improve Makoto's character and the fanbases opinion on him. He is definitely the most hated Saiki K character, why? Because of his blatant obsession with his own sister, if you remove that, you can focus on his better qualities more. He's a funny and interesting character with a great design but that gets overshadowed by the sister thing.
Aside from that idea, it still works even if you keep the sister issue. Learning to love someone else would be good for him. His obsession hurts him and especially Kokomi, so being separated from her would give both her time to heal and him time to learn to love someone else, and allow the siblings to develop a healthy sibling bond.
Kokomi and Kuusuke: I believe it would be toxic as hell. Kuusuke has been shown to be actively hostile towards her (and most people) and given how much of her pride he shattered, she probably holds a deep grudge against him. I think if they were to date they would act nice to each other around people but it would be very strained and fake, but they would end up trying to best each other constantly, Kuusuke because he dislikes her, and Kokomi because she dislikes him and to regain her damaged pride. They would be like the couples who actively despise each other but Kuusuke and Kokomi would not tell people that.
However, in the scenario of a healthy relationship, It could benefit them in some ways. As I said with Kusuo, Kuusuke doesn't consider Kokomi anything more than a regular girl, (he actually believes that she's less than that, or more accurately, all humans are, except Kusuo and he likely places himself between the two categories.) Since he doesn't consider her godlike, she could be free to be herself, and be somewhat free from that pressure. On top of that, Kuusuke figured out her entire characters based on about 20 minutes with her, so there wouldn't even be a point of being a perfect pretty girl since he already knows who she is. I would say it would help him get over his competitiveness against Kusuo, however, I doubt he thinks highly of anyone else's opinion so Kokomi's input would have no effect on his behaviour. However, seeing the Cambridge scenes, he seems extremely lonely, so companionship, romantic or not, would benefit him.
Makoto and Kuusuke: Honestly, there's no telling how they would react to each other, they have no dynamic to go off of. However, everything I said about Makoto and how Kusuo would improve him, goes for Kuusuke as well so it would impact Makoto at least, and with Kuusuke, as with Kokomi, it would help dwindle his loneliness. Also, they have a lot of comedic potential, they are both very eccentric and strange men, being around each other's influence would probably amplify those traits. Imagining the amount of disapproval Kusuo and Kokomi would have about it is great on it's own. Overall, they are up to interpretation, they can be whatever the viewer wants them to be, and that in of itself is wonderful potential.
My personal opinions on them
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What does "Positive but neutral" mean? It means I like the ship but I do not indulge in actively shipping it. Other than that, I post about Makoto and Kuusuke everyday without fail, I love Kokomi and Kusuo's friendship and see them more as best friends rather than lovers, and I am not very fond of Kuusuke and Kokomi (as a ship, as characters I adore them)
Overall, I respect all ships and the people who ship them.
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transmasccofee · 1 year
I’m so obsessed with the saiki brothers it’s not good for me. Like it’s the fact that they care about each other that torments me. They don’t actually hate each other, it’s just years and years of built up resentment and distance on both sides, as well as the added bonus that is Kuusuke struggling to see his brother as human.
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pastelwhile-art · 25 days
Why you should succumb to Makokuu
If youve seen this post before no you havent (I reuploaded it because I realise no one saw the essay under the cut since the ship chart blocked it BYE)
A silly essay about a Makoto X Kusuke dynamic (with some actual analysis.) Feel free to (plz) talk to me about this in the replies and correct anything I got wrong/missing.
This was suppose to be a google presentation I did for the funsies inspired from the presentations made for #Saiki ppt party but I got uh. carried away with explaining the characters and realised I didn't know how to make it funny so instead I'm putting this as a whole essay yipee
The Ship Basis
Makoto and Kusuke are paired together notably because they parallel each other, being the older brother to a main character with an unhealthy dynamic to their younger sibling. They also happen to despise the other's sibling, yet both competing with Kusuo to some degree. Although with no canon interactions, you're pretty much able to put whatever dynamic you want into this ship.
Makoto and Kusuke are also at similar ages and life stages. By the end of the manga, Makoto is 18 and has a rising acting career, and Kusuke is 19 and graduated from Cambridge (and works on... who knows what.)
The rest under the cut!1!
Personality Summary
But, what will really make or break this relationship is their personality and the dynamic that comes from it. I tried to keep this short lmao but feel free to skip it if you feel like you know their character well enough.
Makoto Makoto is a creepy guy, and that's all because his entire personality is centered around the sis-con incest trope. While I won't get into how the manga handles it, it makes Makoto a really unlikeable character.
From what we can see, to most people Makoto is very polite and friendly, much of what his fans expect from him. It's really just a lack of care though, as his inner voice constantly tells us he'd rather get back to Kokomi. When faced with someone he sees as competition to his dream life with his sister, he shows off his real side - he's arrogant, short-tempered and vulgar. Makoto becomes agreeable to Kusuo though when it means helping Kokomi (he takes credit, of course.)
Kusuke In the way Makoto's life obsesses around Kokomi as romantic figure, Kusuke instead centers his life around Kusuo as the ultimate person to defeat.
Kusuke was born a genius, but despite them, has constantly felt defeated by his psychic brother. He lands himself into the 'average' category, an inferiority complex he blames his brother for.
Yet Kusuke is fully aware of his intellect over other people. He will conceitedly toy with people's feelings, or be extremely bored by them. He sees Kusuo as the only person who can defeat him, so he sometimes underestimates people as seen in Kokomi's chapter.
So, how could a dynamic with Makoto and Kusuke work out?
Given the Kusuke-Kokomi chapter, and every single interaction with Makoto and Kusuo, both of them look down on the other's siblings. Makoto would absolutely immediately hate Kusuke, and Kusuke would find it enjoyable to mess with Makoto back. It would could create a very comedic rivalry dynamic, an enemies to lovers if you will. (Fun fact, they both compare their sibling as heaven compared to the other.)
Although both of them compete with Kusuo, so a way for them to bond would be their shared investement in destroying Kusuo. (Possibly, working together?)
Kusuke is canonically immune to Kokomi, so he wouldn't immediately fall for Makoto's charms. Would he later if he developed a relationship with Makoto?
Makoto is very easily provoked and Kusuke loves messing with people. Makoto would be VERY easy to get a reaction out of, without much of a consequence.
Kusuke wouldn't care for Makoto, given that he acts more imprudent and predictable than most. But it gives possibility create depth within Makoto, if he defies those expectations.
Within official sources, neither of them have genuine interactions outside of their family. Given we don't know how they would act either, you could make them as toxic or wholesome when they finally develop a relationship outside of their obsessive interest.
Both of them are very obsessed in their relationships, so it's possibly just redirects their obsession to each other (which solves the big problem with Makoto and Kusuke, fantastic), or just somehow cancels it out completely. Can also make exceedingly toxic or wholesome.
Kusuke is a famous scientist and Makoto is a famous actor, which creates fun scenarios depending on how public their relationship is. Also makes them very powerful people, which is fun to mess with.
Further development (personal headcanons...)
These are all wholesome lmao
Makoto finally meeting someone else who doesn't treat him like an untouchable idol who is immune to consequences. Kusuke meeting someone else who doesn't treat him like an unfeeling genius devoid of needing care.
Makoto falling fast because he's prone to falling for anyone who'll give him the time of day. Kusuke falling almost just as fast but being in denial.
Also Makoto caring over Kusuke just as much as he is to his sister, but he doesn't want to admit it. Kusuke loving Makoto back just as fervently as his parents love each other, but he'll die before he shows it.
Makoto's arrogance taking a step back the longer he is with Kusuke, and finally forced be more self-aware or Kusuke will catch him out for it.
Being an actor, Makoto canonically can catch people spying on him, but what if it extended to being good at reading people too. Makoto can tell when Kusuke is being fake vs genuine.
Kusuke seeing himself as beyond human emotion, suddenly given the possibly of feeling something more for someone. Also, he would be very afraid of being second place in his lover's eyes to another person, just like he was second place in his family (especially given Makoto's obsession...)
Makoto who has been straight his entire life, suddenly feeling... for a man. One that isn't perfect beautiful amazing stunning greatest person alive? Maybe, Makoto would have to decide between a perfect fantasy or a love in reality.
They're wholesome and they learn to love eachother and themselves but also if Kusuke told Makoto he's going to set a blow up a house Makoto doesn't reallllyy have the heart to stop him anymore.
What about in Kusuo and Kokomi's case
One thing I really like about this ship is how much it would fit into canon if you slipped it in. Saiki K is filled with love tropes, but one dynamic I'm surprised wasn't gone for (probably because it would take up too much time) was a proper developing relationship. All the wacky things that can be seen through the honey moon phase and so on. Now imagine the chaos it would be if it was Makokuu...
No matter how, Kusuo would be horrified if Kusuke and Makoto got together. It's two of some of the worst people in his life, now paired together, it would be disastrous.
Would Kusuo hear Makoto's mind? If so, it's probably worse for him.
Kokomi would be equally horrified, although it solves the problem of his brother being weirdly obsessed with her, so maybe she's not that upset.
Kusuo and Kokomi can bond over how terrifying this relationship is to witness in general.
Makoto and Kusuke forced to speak to the siblings with some respect, and actually realise they're not as unworthy as they imagined. Kusuo and Kokomi are forced to be their safety net whenever they end up fighting with each other or setting the neighborhood on fire.
Official Sources
Sorry gang, there's only two official sources situations where Makoto and Kusuke 'interact.' Neither of these can really be considered 'canon', but they're pretty much nothing burgers of content anyways. But hey, they're there.
(A bonus image at the end of ch268)
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An off-screen interaction in the 3ds game where Makoto vaguely mentions working with a scientist (that Kusuo recognizes as his brother.)
Yay you read it
I am surprised if you read this far but if you have and enjoy Makokuu you might notice that some of my headcanons are mildly familiar. I can't really end off a makokuu post without mentioning everyone's favorite fic - I'll Be Yours and You'll Be Mine. As a warning it is pretty explicit, but it's interesting how the fic explores their dynamic.
Okay thank you for reading i hope as a community we can write more Makokuu fics yipeeei
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
I'm aroace and proud of it, even if my mom doesn't believe me, even if my brother, or other relatives don't believe me. But... Apparently, the reason behind the apocalypse or whatever they called it in Death Stranding, was because of "asexuals". I didn't buy the game as I had a bad feeling for whatever reason (probably because I don't like horror games and the trailers creeped me out) even though I wanted to support Kojima in showing 🖕 to Konami.
But... why... Aren't we standing up and saying that it's not okay for us to be treated that way? Someone said "it means something else", really? According to the game or someone involved? Because in the screenshots I saw it said "asexuals" as the cause. Are some of us suddenly evil as we don't like the process of making children? I know Japan has a low birthrate, I hate the "*pushes baby in your face* aren't babies cute? Don't you want one? Don't you want one?" genre with a passion, but painting us as evil by existing is outright aphobic...
Why are we letting people paint us as villains again and again? Ignoring us over allies in the LGBTQIA+? Calling us celibate because ace is apparently not good enough as we just "chose to be the way we are"? Erased by implied characters being forced together with a character with a crush on them (Teruhashi towards Saiki in Saiki K. recommended, even if some of the fandom is pretty aphobic) or called gay (Sherlock Holmes in the books and Light Yagami from Death Note, I know he's one evil stereotype) because they don't show sexual interest in women and not really men either but people tend to ignore that.
Even where I live, after the Conservative party voted against banning conversion therapy, then banned homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia (this after a series should have been cancelled in every way for how they treated a trans woman didn't meet any concequences) in media to seem nice, but nothing to stop aphobia... And they themselves come with jokes and worse about all 3 all the time, but get away with it as they are politicians...
I may be repulsed towards both, but as long as people don't force me into it, do not harm/take advantage of someone vulnerable or each other, and are happy together, people are free to do whatever they want in my opinion.
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katsamykeke · 2 years
I hope it's a normal day saiki thought a he talked to school with no other than his brother kusuke.
'why did you come?' saiki said using telepathy. "I just wanted to see my little baby bro is that so wrong kusuo?" Kusuke said as they reached the school gate. 'so your actualy coming inside yare yare' saiki said ass they walked pass the school gate. Saiki was wearing his ring so he couldn't hear anyone's thoughts on a new game he was going to buy but nendo got in the way of it.
(time skip to lunch sorry I'm lazy)
"Kusuooooooo~" he headed his brother walking torwards him. 'what do you want?' saiki said telepathicly. "To do an experiment." Kusuke said leaving for a few minutes and returned with Kiado. 'whats this experiment you wanted to try?' "you'll see~" kusuke basically sung as kaido and him walked over to saiki. Kusuke squeazed saiki's side as a high pitched squeal left saiki's mouth. What the hell was that sensation? Saiki thought as he quickly turned around and glared at kusuke as he had a smug look on his face. "Now are you going to make this easy or hard?" Kusuke said as kaido had a smirk on his face to.
What the hell are they planning? Saiki though.z 'what is the "experiment" anyways?' saiki asked as they both looked at each other kaido turned to saiki and said "we were wondering if you were ticklish." kusuke just nodded and stared at kaido as they both stared at saiki 'nonononono!' saiki said standing up as he tried to get the door kusuke and kaido tackled him to the ground. Kusuke grabbed saiki's under arms Kiado quickly placed his hands on saiki's waist and smerked kusuke did the same. 'dont kusuke!' he yelled telepathicly at his brother. "Go!" Kusuke yelled as he dugged into saiki's under arms and wiggled his fingers. Saiki was still able to contain his laughter but when kaidos fingers wiggled up and down saiki's waist saiki finally let the giggles escape a smile plastered on saiki's face as giggles fled out of his mouth.
"kushahuke stahahahap you that your point doahahhahahahawn" saiki giggled as kusuke and kaido went faster. "NOAHAHAH!" Saiki screached as he tried to squirm away. "Who new my little beby bro was so ticklish~" kusuke taunted saiki.
The class room door swung open "looks like lunch is over kusuo~" kusuke said as he slowly stopped as kaido did to. "I hate yaahhau." Saiki said as he cruled up into a ball on the floor. Kaido rubbed saiki's back slowly as saiki slowly sat up. "You ok saiki did we go to far?" Kaido said looking concerned saiki blushed and looked away in embarrassment 'no I'm fine' saiki said telepathicly everybody was just starting at the three boys who were still sitting on the ground. Teruhashi slowly walked in wondering what went down while she was at lunch. "What happened in here?" She asked as she looked at saiki "we just did an experiment with him." Kusuke said looking at her. "What kind of experiment!" She asked loudly almost yelling. "We tickled him!" Kusuke said as her gave saiki a quick jab to the side saiki squeaked as everybody stared at them. 'i hate you kusuke' saiki said telepathicly as everybody still stared at them.
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primaryred · 2 years
(Still selective) Genshin characters and what kind of hs students I think they would be pt. 2
part uno
notey-chan: I’m sorry for the 4 month wait. I’ve put this off for too long. I have no regrets writing this. Fuck genshin impact I wanted Yae die Ayato. Kazuha rerun pls. Unfortunately this may have less spirit since I’m not writing this whilst I’m shifting my brains out.
warnings: cursing / nsfw / drugs / infrequent hcs / spelling errors?/ hs topics / favoritism (esp on Kokomi’s part sorry not sorry) / gay gay gay lesbian homo ppl
Ei/ Yae
-Ei is a language arts teacher and Yae is the hot librarian
-I have a feeling Ei wanted to b a history teacher but Zhongli was ready to fight for that spot (boomer thingz)
-So she settled for language arts
-I also think that she’d teach fencing for some fancy defined art like that as a side gig
-Now, hear me out: Ei runs a book club with Yae
-Ei and Yae are childhood best friends
-Yae supervises the student council and they all confide in her a lot
-Kaeya and Childe have definitely hit on Yae or Ei more than a couple of times
-Ei’s legit 🤏 this close to suspending them
-Yae def knows abt Kazuha’s drug business. But she’s chill about it
-She probably helped him name it (some poetry shit (love that pot 🍃))
-Ei forgets her umbrella a lot and Yae always brings an extra for her
-They give each other chocolates during Valentine’s Day (tell the students “it’s a formality” but we all know that isn’t true)
-Yae prides herself on keeping her library clean and pretty
- all of the staff are scared of her
-Ei unironiclly stops Venti in the hallways while school alr started bc she thinks he’s a student
-Yeah, Ei and Yae both hate Venti
Arataki Numero Uno Itto
-Sets camp in the detention room
-He probs has a designated desk w a name plate for him IN GOLD bc “silver isn’t manly”
-He’s tried to make a “fighting” club but the school wouldn’t allow it so he settled on Judo
-Probably tries to learn a new language if he finds out a foreign exchange student will be transferring
-Puts his feet on his desk
-Notorious virgin. Like even if a student was desperate they’d stay a good 37 feet away from him
-He has a gang, but he doesn’t beat people up
-Worse thing they’ve done was accidentally break a classroom window while trying to decide who can throw the biggest rocks
-Anytime a teacher assigns a project he tries to convince them if he can make it into a video to show the class
-Sara is contemplating a transfer
-IK she has a fan club. Half of the student body is in it. Literally no shame
-She’d slay in karaoke
-Would unintentionally start trends too like??? First week of school everyone dyed their hair pink and blue
-She prefers manga over anime. Reads TBHK and AOT
-Cuts her hair shoulder length frequently but her hair grows back so fast
-Marine science specialist. Also an advocate for all sea animals. Makes PowerPoints and everything
-She has like whales, starfishes, and whatever charms on her school bag
-Has a wide food pallet. Like she is able to properly judge food with an extensive review
-She has taken some self defense classes, but gorou refuses to let her walk alone at night.
-He’ll probably go to war for her (even tho he alr has)
-Kokomi definitely has great comebacks. no one picks fights w her
-really nothing negative to say about her except her hyperfixation on sea animals
-brings the game frfr
-he wants nothing to do w 80% of the students there. but SOMEHOW he attracts them all (kinda like komi’s brother or Saiki)
-he reads nerdy shit like the periodic table for f-fun 🤢
-yeah a chemistry nerd
-the only time he ever involved himself with school activities is when it has to do w science. And he’d always bring up some crazy theory that makes sense
-victim of TikTok challenges
-Kaeya definitely stopped him in the middle of the hallway, put his phone up to his mouth and asked him what song he was listening too
-only kid with actual academic potential. he could graduate early if he wanted to
-always does unauthorized experiments in the school laboratory (with sucrose or someone bc he doesn’t want to get in trouble alone)
-if the school ever held like a fitness/sports event he’d do extremely well in track or fencing. Like he’s innately athletic
-agreed to become class treasurer and head of the chemistry club after constant begging from many of the students
-brings an extra large coffee to school and ACTUALLY finishes it
-his style is a whole vibe tbh
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no-psi-nan · 3 years
Kuniharu is cancelled and the people (well, 76 of them) have spoken...
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It looks like Ms. Kaido is the winner by far! That may be partially my fault, due to a particular meta post...
Mr. Matsuzaki did well, but an equal number of people thought Kurumi should just stay single.
Interestingly enough, 4 different people suggested Kurumi have multiple partners, hell yeah! And 9 of you were ready to marry her yourselves LOL, power to the people!
Full results with the potential reasonings I offered in the survey, plus people's explanations for their choices (optional), are under the cut!
Ms. Kaido (26%)
(40s, also eliminates Shun's absentee dad, has a career she can relaunch)
Milf squad <3
Ayyyy Mrs. Kaidou x Kurumi slow burn friends to lovers supremacy!! And we never see Kaidou's dad, soooooo...
I just want to know how Kusuo and Shun would feel about being stepbrothers
They all so tempting maybe she should just have a harem by this point but Ms. Kaidou is very very tempting one from that one post but still harem by this point cuz damn they all tempting
Tbh I saw your post about Kaidou's mom divorcing her current husband and having a slow burn with Kurumi, and it just really stuck with me? Like you're right, they both deserve better than what they currently have, and they have so much potential to improve each other. Genuinely think they make a good pair. Also, I like imagining Kaido and Kusuo having to deal with the fact that they're going to be brothers. Kusuke too. Lol, poor Kaido's going to have to deal with so much chaos from now on :D
She's a milf
girlboss milf x girlboss milf
Kaido needs a soft mother figure and saiki needs a strict parent figure so it helps both
sweet wife and tsundere wife that care about their kids so much
You know, I was leaning toward a Kuboyasu because of that girl gang Kurumi theory... But Kusuo needs more younger siblings to cancel out the garbage older brother he was cursed with.
They Balance each other. Also it’s funny
Mr. Matsuzaki (13%)
(???, already parents half the school, hard worker)
Idk i just…like him. I feel like Kusuo would hate it at first but be relieved to have a father figure. Plus Kusuo has said before that he does like Mr. Matsuzaki
THE MATSUZAKI OPTION'S DRIVING ME INSANEEEEE. kusuo already likes him but he would not know how to act if he gets a crush on his mom. dear god.
Look I know a dad when I see one. Mrs. Kaido is also a good choice but 4 siblings might be too much for Saiki.
Saiki has said that he is kind to him and I think the interactions could be cool. I don't really have a specific reason tbh, it's more of a vibes thing.
I just think....good dynamic. Not gonna elaborate
i just think mr matsuzaki is cool :]
Nobody (13%)
(Kurumi is a strong independent woman who doesn't need a spouse)
Kurimi starts a feminist movement where she creates a new gang that verbally\physically *deals with* useless husbands, and we love that for her.
I was going to say that Kurumi is not strong and indipendent enough but then the scene where she cooks a boot to Kuniharu crossed my mind and erased it all. Except this, I don't think she'd get married again, seeing the strong relationship she has with Kuniharu, but she'd need a partner, do you remember the episode where she keeps buying water and water cause she wasn't coraugeous enough to say no? Exactly. Thank goodness there was Kusuo but most importantly Kuniharu.
The survey-taker (12%)
(These people want to homewreck the Saiki family personally.)
i am going to homewreck this family watch me
she already has a manchild for a husband but im hotter so
I would take excellent care of Kurumi and be a wonderful spouse to her, she will live a life of luxury and love because she deserves it. I will also gently show kusuo that it is okay to rely on parental figures and also annoy him will dad jokes. And I will put Kusuke in therapy because lord knows he needs it.
Mrs. Kuboyasu (9%)
(??? we don't know her but the thought of an ex-gangster milf reunion is compelling...)
i was gonna pick midori BUT the 'exgangster milf reunion' got to me
Midori Nendo (9%)
(32, hard worker and managed to raise a great son by herself)
midori is objectively probably the best mother (at least in the anime) in this essay i wi–
Michael, midori, or matsuzaki are responsible adults who are not insane or horrible to kids. Midori preferred atm because I want to see the horror on kusukes face when he realizes Nendo is his brother, and Nendo is naturally immune to Kusuo’s gifts. Also midori and Kurumi are already friends so MILF friends to lovers. Also I would parent those kids myself but I don’t fit into this age criteria.
I want the milfs to kiss. Also nendo and saiki as brothers sounds like his worst nightmare, and id love to see it.
The idea of nendo and saiki being adopted brothers is so funny though
Rean Kuboyasu (4%)
(36, retired gangster)
No but like Kusuo would be super worried for a hot sec because the man's an ex-gangster but then it cuts to Kurumi absolutely destroying someone over something and he'd be like actually he's probably good for her. He would hate being Aren's brother though (the guy is cool but he almost rivals Shun in dramatics)
Chono the Magician (3%)
(27yo but has made an impressive career for himself in showbiz!)
I personally think either Chono (even though he’s Midori’s ex), Midori, Micheal or Ms. Kaidou would be good candidates for Kusuo’s step-dad/step-mom. Kurumi could work as a single mom too. Any of those options are good (Chono is my personal favorite tho lolol)
Chouno's admiration of saikis skills run the risk of causing the same complex that kuniharu had but tbh I just think hed be funny. also there would be a lot of complicated dynamics with nendous family now and i just like the chaos. on a more serious note i do really like chouno, and he already knows saiki has some crazy abilities and instead of becoming useless like kuniharu or being obsessive like kuusuke, he just got better at his job and took a little inspiration. also like u said, hes pretty well off now with a successful career, unlike kuniharu who just licked shoes, so. good dad, he seems nice :)
Micheal, the Magician's Assistant (3%)
(30s, excellent father to many pigeons)
Peanuts Ueda (1%)
(early 40s probably, successful comedian)
The magician Kusuo summoned one time (1%)
(??? he do be kinda hot tho)
My sister who has watched only the first couple of episodes wanted to put in her input. Originally, she said Michael, but then I showed a picture of him and she changed her mind
Kuniharu Saiki (1%)
(nooo I actually like him 🥺)
The write-ins
Both Mr. and Mrs. Nendo
Nendous dad has made Kusuo have that eye sparkle, (when the time travel thing happend), and he spends more time with him then his own dad does even as a ghost. Even if it is just to bug him to do random stuff, that is what actual dads do so its fine!
And you cant just have Nendous dad, Ms Nendou is a part of this package. Ms Nendou is a hard working women that deserves to have not only her husband, but a sweet and loving wifey as well! She would not only care for Kusuo, I also think she would set Kuusuke right, this boy needs some help.
Obviously for this to work, that means that Nedad did not die. Honestly once I had thought of this I could not put anything other then it
Both Mr. and Mrs. Kuboyasu
I feel like Mrs. Kuboyasu is still kinda mixed up in stuff, while Mr. Kuboyasu is like “the way of the househusband”. In my mind they are secure in their marriage and would never break apart after all they have been through. However, Adding in Kurumi’s “hold my flower” would be very interesting.
A kuniharu mannequin :J
Because it would be funny as hell if Kuniharu lost against his own mannequin shfjsjfu
pros: Kurumi keeps his spouse's good looks? ig, Kuniharu gets rekt, Mannequin doesn't talk :J
cons: still looks like Kuniharu
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celamoon · 3 years
saiki who's just so whipped for nendo's little sister (who somehow didn't end up looking like the rest of her family) <3 she's as dumb as him tho and honestly gives saiki a headache every day 😭
YO That's rlly nice Anon. I like the way you think ;)
I'm making these head canons tho bc idk how I'd throw this into a fic- You're welcome to give me suggestions on how to turn it into a fic tho
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Warnings: None, oh but swearing by yours truly :)
how did y'all meet?
I was thinking you crashed into him one day after school or smth
Nendou kinda forgot that he invited you, and you forgot to mention that you were his sister so the group was in shambles while trying to figure out how he got a gf
A hot gf. The entire group was in panic bc you were vERy attractive
Saiki was more in shambles over the fact that your head was empty. EMPTY! HOW IS IT EMPTY?? But he thought you were hot too
Then at some point you call Nendou Nii-chan and everyone does a double take because WHERE'S THE BUTT CHIN hOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SO HOT???
It clicks for Saiki
You're his sister, and you're an airhead.
He also finds out that you don't look both ways before you cross a street when you ALMOST DIED FROM A CAR SPEEDING 100KM
Let's be honest, Saiki asking you out caught everyone off guard.
Your brother trusts him since he's his pal, but like everyone else cried
Saiki has a migraine each time you two go on a date
You're like a child
You wander around, your attention is caught by ANYTHING
It's like that one meme where a parent has two children on a leash but the child is you and Kusuo is the parent and Nendou's the other child
Speaking of chaos, truck-kun seems to really wanna crash you into another universe
It's a hate crime, Saiki's sure of it
You'll wander into the street and a truck will come flying at you
Gives Kusuo a headache, you find it almost amusing
You always give Saiki a kiss on the cheek whenever he saves you from a truck though he always gets red
The first time you take Saiki home isn't even met with surprise
Neither is the first time you go to his place
You literally messed up Kuusuke's brain with your rambles
Kusuo LOVES you for that
At the end of the day you're a problem child but you're Kusuo's problem child, and he wouldn't have it any other way
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dearkusuo · 4 years
Ch. 2 ☆ Last Christmas
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Synopsis: You were intent on avoiding your ex-boyfriend all of winter break, however, your mom and her best friend had other plans lined up for you.
Pairing: Saiki Kusuo x reader
Tags: college au, fluff, angst
Word Count: 1.7k
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m.list ▪︎▪︎▪︎ 1 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ 2 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ 3
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"Wake up," a hazy voice made its way through your eardrums. Your body refused to respond despite the nagging tone roaring at you to come back from your dreamscape. You croaked out an incoherent mumble, shifting around unconsciously on your bed. A soft click resounded as your bedroom lights were switched on, causing you to grimace uncomfortably at the sudden brightness.
"Don't you think it's time for you to get out of bed?"
It took you a minute to register your mother's words as grogginess slowly faded from your half-woken state.
"Why don't you ever let me sleep in?" you grumbled.
"It's already noon."
"So what?" you yawned, sitting up with your arms stretching out.
“Get up,” your mother sang cheerily. "We're going to decorate Kurumi's house for the party."
Your eyes heavily blinked a few times and your head tilted to one side, hoping that you heard her wrong. The last you checked, your neighbours’ halls were decked and loaded enough to practically be Santa’s workshop.
"I don't think they need any more decorations," you retorted.
"But we don’t think it’s festive enough," your mother explained.
You crossed your arms, eyebrows knitting together. Of course they would find an excuse to make things more over the top. Still, you knew better than to waste your breath in arguing against their logic.
“Don’t you have to go to work?” you remarked sharply.
“I took the rest of the month off so we could plan for the party.”
A frustrated groan hit your throat as your head fell back to face the ceiling.
“Why are you acting so disappointed?” your mother snarked while she forcefully dragged you out of bed, pushing you to get ready and leaving you alone in your room.
“Wear something nice okay? Kusuo is gonna be there,” she commanded sternly, her voice muffled from the other side of the door.
You dug through your closet as your eyes rolled back. Why did it matter what he thought of how you looked? 
"You know we broke up a long time ago right?" you quipped, putting on a random outfit.
"I know," your mother replied.
"So why does it seem like you're forcing us to spend time together?"
You could almost imagine her batting her eyelashes at you, a widely innocent smile adorning her face as she said, “I don't know what you mean." You scoffed at her words as you stared at the mirror, fixing up your appearance.
She grabbed your wrist as soon as you left the room, dragging you along with her. Before you knew it, your mother was ringing the buzzer of your neighbour’s house while you both stood outside the gate. Mrs. Saiki happily welcomed you both into her home, quickly guiding you to the living room.
“You wanted more decorations?” you confirmed, gawking dubiously at the excessive embellishments around you.
Mrs. Saiki shared an obscure look with your mother, an ambiguous conversation passing between them. “Yes, that’s right,” your neighbour replied, “ I need this place to be even more festive for the party.”
You heard the patter of footsteps marching down the stairs. A familiar blond head popped into the room with a cheeky smile spread on his lips.
“Are we having guests right now?”
“Kuusuke, it’s so good to see you again,” your mother called out. The blond man walked up to you, giving you and your mother a quick greeting.
“Where’s Kuu-chan?” Mrs. Saiki inquired.
“I’m sure he’ll be down in a bit,” Kuusuke responded politely.
As if on cue, you picked up on the sound of another person descending from the second floor. Kusuo joined his brother, standing a foot away from him. His face remained blank as he skimmed the room before his eyes fell on your own. You shyly looked at the ground, eyeing the dark patterns of the wooden tiles. Your mother gushed heartily over him just as she did with his older brother.
“Oh, I just realized that I don’t have any more decorations for the party,” Mrs. Saiki gasped. Probably because she already used up all of it.
You turned to your mother, getting ready to call it a day so you could head back to bed, but the hand she placed on your shoulder halted you from making a move. 
“Why don’t you go to the mall and buy some?” she suggested with a suspicious grin she tried so obviously to hide.
You blinked at her, hoping that the subtle glare you gave her made it obvious that you were not in the mood to be granting any favours.
“Your dad took the car to work, so it’ll be more convenient for you since you can drive,” she pointed out.
“Will that be okay?” Mrs. Saiki asked.
You pursed your lips as you looked at her pleading face. She was too sweet that it was basically impossible for you to say no to her.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you answered after a moment’s hesitation.
“That’s great,” she proclaimed as she smiled at you excitedly. “Kuu-chan, you should tag along,” she advised her youngest son. Kusuo didn’t say anything as he looked at his mom’s overjoyed expression. You hoped that he would have the courage to deny her request, just this one time.
Kusuo nodded once after shifting his gaze on your frame. You bit your lip, breaking eye contact with him again.
“Maybe I should go with them as well,” Kuusuke cut in.
The two women looked at each other, alarm written all over their faces. “You shouldn’t bother yourself with that,” Mrs. Saiki urged.
“No, this is nothing,” Kuusuke assured.
“Don’t you have work to do?” his mother mentioned, looking intently at him.
Kuusuke stared back at her in bewilderment for a quick second before his mouth popped open in realization. “That’s right, I have to do work. While I’m on vacation,” he laughed lightheartedly, “They’ll get the job done without me.”
The two women shared another glance, a wide beam on both their faces.
“Why do you guys keep looking at each other?” you wondered.
“That’s enough talking, both of you need to go,” your mother nervously giggled. She hastily pushed you out of the house with your ex-boyfriend, slamming the door shut behind you. 
Kusuo gazed at you expectantly when you peered at him, a silent pause falling between you two for a few seconds. You hurriedly turned away as you reluctantly led him to your car.
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"What the hell is this?" you exclaimed, ogling the Elf on the Shelf figurine displayed on a table inside the store you occupied.
'Do they really want this?' Kusuo’s question rang in your mind as he held it up.
You shrugged lightly. “It’s clearly written in here," you uttered, pointing at the long list of items your mother texted to you. "Anyways, that's everything we need to buy. Let's get out of this place." You put your phone away, shoving your hands in your pockets.
A glimmer of white caught your attention from the corner of your eye as you searched for your wallet. Settled beside the spot where the elf doll used to be was a charming little snow globe. You picked it up, shaking its contents and observing the intricate design of the snowman and the floating snowflakes trapped in the glass.
"Remember that time when Kaidou and Nendou asked us to make a snowman with them?” you murmured.
'Don't remind me.'
“And you actually went with us even though you didn’t want to, because you thought something was gonna happen to them," you continued.
‘Better to be safe than sorry.’
"But they were actually just gonna put on an act," you snickered, "That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard." You smiled tenderly at the treasured memory as you put the globe down. A wave of nostalgia hit you at the thought of your high school days before your relationship went downhill. You looked away from Kusuo as you noticed the corners of his lips lifting the slightest bit.
Distractedly, you headed to the cash register to pay for the final item on your list.
Kusuo grabbed your shoulder, pulling you to him. You barely had any time to react as a group of kids passed by you, yelling gleefully as they ran into the spot where you would have been had you not been yanked away.
'Watch where you're going,' Kusuo warned.
"Sorry," you mumbled, holding your breath anxiously. All at once, you were painfully aware of the arm that wrapped itself around you.
Kusuo dropped his hand from your shoulder, stepping back from you. A spark of electricity lingered from the loss of his touch.
The two of you stayed silent as you awkwardly turned away from him, paying for the little elf toy and exiting the store. You tried to stop thinking about his chest being pushed against you, mindful of the fact that he can read your mind.
Your mind wandered to anything that could distract you as you made it to the parking lot, unlocking your car with the push of a button. How you hated going Christmas shopping. How you hated that your mother was forcing you to go to her Christmas party. How your neighbours didn't even need more decorations. How Kusuo was so confusing sometimes. You stopped in your tracks.
Kusuo looked up at you curiously, waiting for you to speak your mind as you debated whether or not you should ask him what's been bothering you.
“The other day, what did you mean by, ‘that’s not the case’?” you demanded after a few seconds of deliberation.
He let out a soft snort. An eternity seemed to pass before he gave an answer, ‘You can’t possibly think that I ever stopped caring for you.’  His blank expression disappeared as his eyes burned into yours.
You gave him a disbelieving look as your shoulders tensed up. The words you’ve longed to hear for so long never felt so foreign, so incredulous. He clearly agreed with you when you thought it was best to end your relationship a year ago. So what was he doing sending you mixed signals now?
He let out a sigh. Kusuo left your side, taking his place on the passenger’s seat of your car. It took you a moment to come back to your senses as you robotically got on the driver's side, revving the engine to life.
You turned on the radio, hoping that the intrusion of noise would help to get rid of the tension between you two as a familiar tune by Wham blasted through your speakers. The station was set on playing holiday music, it seemed. The song you used to put on repeat last Christmas drowned out your thoughts.
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raccoonwarlock · 4 years
Well, I really do enjoy the comedy and slice of life genres. So, if you know of any good animes from those genres, I would be happy for their recommendations!
Not a problem!
Some good slice-of-life anime include:
School Babysitters: After his parents are lost in a plane crash, Ryuichi & his young brother are given the offer to stay with a school headmaster & attend for free, but the catch is that he has to work at the school daycare as part of the school's babysitting club. The main plot follows the toddlers' daily antics as new members join the club w/ Ryuichi
Kemono Friends: A young girl with amnesia, called Kaban, wakes up in a giant animal park where all the animals have become humanised girls & women referred to as 'friends'. The main plot follows her as she tries to find her memories with her new friend Serval, helping friends with their problems along the way. It's mostly used to teach kids animal facts but it's cute & mellow so I enjoy it
Aggretsuko: Created by Sanrio, Retsuko is a red panda with an office job she hates, supervisors she can barely stand, & her only outlet being death metal karaoke. It starts off as a slice of life story, but season 2 starts an arc about Retsuko & her new boyfriend & season 3 goes completely off the rails with her joining an idol group
Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater: Hina moves to a small seaside town & joins her school's fishing club, where she learns about different ways of fishing.
Sanrio Boys: High school boys bond over their love of Sanrio characters & help each other with their social & emotional problems.
In terms of comedies, there's:
The ever-infamous Ghost Stories English dub. The plot is an elementary-school girl & her friends exorcising the ghosts around her school being released as a result of local urbanization. It flopped in Japan for being stale, so Funimation was allowed to dub the show however they wanted when they bought the rights, as long as they followed the basic plot. What we got can be summed up in lines such as, "Ghosts only go after evil people like Republicans, & we're not old enough to vote", "Run! She's a ghost & a bitch!", & "Drag queens won't hurt you, worry about priests"
Ouran High School Host Club: Another classic, Haruhi transfers to the ultra-rich Ouran High School &, after accidentally breaking a million-yen vase, joins the school's host club to pay off the debt. There's just one problem: Haruhi is a girl. Cue shenanigans as the club members try to protect her secret while getting dragged into whatever random bullshit the club president, Tamaki, comes up with this week. It's famous for satirizing the harem genre of shojo manga while having several inappropriate jokes by today's standards.
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!: This one is both comedy & slice of life. After a chance meeting with rich girl Tsubame, Midori & her friend Sayaka decide to join forces to found a motion picture club at their school so they can achieve their dreams of creating an anime. One of my favorite things about this series is how much it blurs the lines between the girls' imagination & the real world, using different animation styles to express their ideas & excitment
The Diastrous Life of Saiki K.: A semi-meta series about Saiki K., an extremely-powerful psychic high schooler who has one goal: to be as normal as he possibly can. He decides to use his powers to secretly help his classmates with whatever silly situations they find themselves in. Sidenote, while it is not explicitly stated, Saiki is widely-viewed as aro/ace due to his active avoidance of both romantic & physical relationships
Pop Team Epic: A surrealist gag anime following the misadventures of middle school girls Popuko & Pipimi. Edits & manga panels taken out of context are popular all over the internet, such as this one
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Osomatsu-san/Mr. Osomatsu: Another surreal gag anime, Osomatsu-san is the sequel series to Osomatsu-kun, an anime series from the 60s about the Matsuno sextuplets & their misadventures with each other, elementary school, & their neighbors & friend Totoko. In Osomatsu-san, the 6 brothers are in their 20s & still up to their old habits, while searching for jobs & adapting to the modern age. This series is particularly well-known for parodying other popular anime in their segments, such as Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, & Dragon Ball
I hope you enjoy some of these selections!
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softfae · 4 years
saiteru headcanons because they’re cuties
dedicating this post to @sai-teru, @resident-of-the-mind-palace + @terusaihell just because i adore their blogs and saiteru content <3 
Their dates are usually quiet ones at his house (once he finally gets his parents to leave them alone) because Kokomi knows how much he hates excessive attention and she also is happy to be alone with someone that she doesn’t have to be perfect in front of. Date activities include lots of baking, naps (you can’t convince me that they don’t), video games (in which Kusuo sometimes lets Kokomi win just to see her smile, but admits she’s a good opponent) and coffee jelly. 
Kusuo is too tsundere to admit it to anyone except for his mother, but he keeps a photo of his girlfriend in his wallet. 
People may not think so, but these two secretly tease each other a LOT; Kusuo’s wit paired with Kokomi’s??? Perfection. 
Kokomi likes baking him desserts and coming to school early to leave them in his desk. Kusuo of course, pretends to be surprised each time because it makes her happy + she’s cute when she’s happy. 
Kokomi blushes a lot around him (like a LOT) and he finds it amusing so he’ll say flirtatious things unexpectedly just to watch her get flustered.
He’s the only one who Kokomi is completely open with; some nights they’ll talk about everything from their annoying brothers to their biggest fears. She listens to him wholeheartedly and he does the same for her. 
Kokomi kills the bugs while Saiki hides behind her. 
Saiki Kusuo is the ultimate Protective Boyfriend™, which we’ve seen evidence for multiple times in both the manga + anime, ESPECIALLY whenever Makoto is around. If any man makes some kind of advances towards her that Saiki doesn’t approve of, they always coincidentally end up unconscious or in a garbage can.
Kokomi is a very cuddly person and it makes him blush ever so slightly whenever she hugs him from behind. She likes their height difference. 
Saiki initiated the first kiss because Kokomi was too shy to do so. 
Saiki would commit arson for her and probably already has 
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skania · 5 years
SaiTeru: birds of a feather
Since I can’t seem to shut up about SaiTeru, another thing I ended up loving about them is how similar they are, despite how different they act.
I mean, sure, Saiki hates drawing attention to himself while Teruhashi revels in it. And while Teruhashi sees her gifts as a present, Saiki spends the majority of the series seeing them as a curse.
But that’s what makes it hilarious that, when you get past that, you realize they have more in common than Teruhashi could ever guess and are much more similar than Saiki would care to admit.
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Here are some of my favorite similarities!
1. They’re both pretty conceited, but it’s 100% justified
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Saiki considers himself a whole different species above normal humans, states that his own knowledge is enough to get full points on any exam, etc. And the thing is... he’s absolutely right. Similarly, Teruhashi is certain she’s the most beautiful girl and loved by God, states over and over that her mere presence is capable of brightening up people’s days. And she’s... absolutely right.
2. They’re both pretty competitive, though they’d rather not show it
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They’re both used to be at the top of their respective food-chains, and it shows. Teruhashi doesn’t hesitate to (subtly) reaffirm her superiority whenever challengers arise. And Saiki? He may try to act like he’s above that now, but his first words showed that being competitive is in his very nature: “I... I’m second place...?”
And the hilarious thing is that, when he was little, Saiki did like drawing attention to himself and showing-off! It’s thanks to his mother’s warnings that he embraces the fact that drawing attention to his powers isn’t a good idea, and he ends up developing the opposite fixation: to be perfectly average.
More similarities below the cut!
3. Their superiority makes them look down on others, sometimes
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And while they can be mean sometimes — like Teruhashi thinking of her fanboys as her servants that one time, and Saiki thinking of Kaidou and the others as idiots — from their perspective, they’re simply stating the facts lol
4. It also makes them be petty and childish, on occasion
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Teruhashi doesn’t show any outward signs of it because she can’t allow her perfection to show any cracks, but she doesn’t tolerate any slights to her ego. And Saiki? No slights to him or his sweets will be tolerated, either.
5. But despite all that, they’re both really kind
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Saiki spends the entire series going out of his way to save everyone from the troubles they find themselves in (while claiming to hate every second of it). Meanwhile, Teruhashi goes out of her way to use her perfection to brighten people’s days (while enjoying every second of it, of course).
6. And this is what makes them such endearing tsunderes
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It goes without saying that Saiki is a complete tsundere to pretty much everyone and everything he holds dear, except for Coffee Jelly and sweets. In contrast, Teruhashi was inwardly tsun tsun for Saiki only, back when she was in denial over her feelings for him. 
7. They’re also really good at reading the situation
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Saiki, because he’s a psychic. Teruhashi, because she’s like a psychic.
But the best part is that their similarities even go beyond their personalities!
8. They both have an older brother who’s obsessed with them
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To an unhealthy degree, at that. And both Makoto and Kusuke are convinced Teruhashi and Saiki respectively are the most special beings on earth.
9. And they both have an awkward relationship with said older brother
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Who can blame them?
10. Both are Leo
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If I’m not mistaken, they’re the only ones among their peers, too! Plus, funny coincidence: both Saiki’s parents and grandparents are born only one day apart from their respective espouse, so Saiki and Teruhashi being born 10 days apart fits the pattern in its own way.
11. They have similar tastes
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Each time Saiki chooses something for Teruhashi without her knowing, she ends up loving it. They have run into each other at the cinema, too. Plus, while there are cats in both their households, they both prefer dogs.
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And!! Just like Teruhashi, Saiki is also interested in studying Literature, though his first choice is economics.
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12. They both love sweets
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Since sweets are Saiki’s one true love, this one is a deal breaker! lol
And these are just the ones that came to mind! There are probably a lot more that slipped my mind, and the times they have both been referred to as Gods kind of deserves its own post. But it’s honestly really funny just how much Saiki and Teruhashi have in common, because they seem so different at first glance.
But that’s what makes them complementary: as two people who know the superiority of standing on-top of their respective pyramids, and who have spent their entire lives with two older brothers who harbor such obsessions with them, they’ll be able to understand where the other comes from in their darkest moments.
At the same time though, they will also be able to balance the other when it comes to their most extreme traits. After all, they’re complete opposites in their rapport with others, in the way they express themselves and in the way they see their own powers.
And through all that, they will also be able to bond over the mundane things, too. Like their love for sweets, among other things.
So this is another thing that makes SaiTeru really wholesome in my eyes.
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simkjrs · 4 years
do you have any saiki fic ideas you'd love to read but don't want to write? I'm trying to challenge myself for nanowrimo but i can't think of anything. (i just saw the gen saiki fics ask lol) but i don't want to snag anything you've already posted just to not infringe on ur ideas if that makes sense :3 thanks!
hmm i think all my brain juice went to saiki x worm fic let me think what i might want to read... 
i’d love to see something about the complicated relationship between saiki and his brother i think they love each other but they have so many problems and issues. haven’t thought of a story structure for this though
i think a saiki / familiar of zero cross could be funny because it puts saiki at the center of attention but he would hate it. obstacles .... the way people write louise the zero is very annoying, i havent watched the source material but from fanfictions ive read i cant think of a reason saiki and louise would get along beyond being Forced To due to magic reasons 
saiki / fate crossover could be interesting also because 1) saiki is OP, probably could go toe-to-toe with most servants. although you could do something interesting with his servant class maybe. a friend and i discussed this and thought that saiki probably can only access a few of his powers at a time depending on what class he’s summoned in. 2) saiki avoids conflict but also is intensely nosy, which probably will get him in trouble during the grail war  3) saiki might be interested in the grail to grant a wish (to be normal)? unless saiki is summoned post-canon, in which case it would be interesting to see saikis growth after he’s come to accept his abilities as part of himself 4) People Die In The Grail War. what is saiki going to do about that... interesting potential for character exploration .... 
young justice crossover because he and megan (?) are both psychic i think she would really want to get to know him
AU where saiki is in a magic world and for some reason his powers are sealed so he can live a “normal” life but he realizes he wants his powers back for [insert reason here]
i think generally i just want to read a story about saiki where his problems can’t be solved by his overwhelming firepower, but also stories where he has much more reason to use said overwhelming firepower in the “open.” these are just my personal preferences though... thanks for asking and good luck with nanowrimo :) 
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eyfey · 8 years
Hi, sorry to bother you, but would you be able to translate chapters 105 and/or 106 of saiki kusuo? I'm just very interested in Kusuke's first on-screen interactions with Kusuo
Thank you for waiting! Here’s a post about Kuusuke’s intro~
After one of Saiki’s limiters broke in ch203 he had to go to London to visit his big bro in order to have it fixed.
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And there he is. (more spoilers under the readmore)
So Saiki and his parents were finally reunited with Kuusuke after so many years~
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As it turns out… Kuusuke and Kusuo are on pretty bad terms.
The reason for their hate started way back when both ku-children were very young…
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And so the two of them have a deep hatred for each other.
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Except not! Looks like Kuusuke matured a bit while he was away studying in England, and he’s totally happy and willing to fix up Saiki’s limiter for him.
Unfortunately- Saiki’s dad lost the bag he was carrying the broken limiter in, so it’s up to Kuusuke to try and find it.
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And problem solved! But is Kuusuke really completely over his hate for his brother…?
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Turns out Kuusuke hasn’t quite decided to let bygones be bygones 100% just yet.
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He’s created a device that blocks Saiki’s mind reading.
But why would he go through all the trouble to make this? To fully understand his motivations, you’ll have to take a look at their childhood from Kuusuke’s perspective…
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In other words, he has an inferiority complex after losing to his brother so many times…
But now! with the power of his telepath canceller, maybe he can win?
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The answer is…
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So yeah- Kuusuke kind of goes at his own pace and really likes teasing people. I’m pretty sure he has no ill intentions, but I’m also fairly certain he has never considered another person’s feelings in his entire life.
~sort of continued in this post about Kuusuke meeting Nendou + Kaidou~
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