#‘the wolfy teeth are a big part of it too’ they are just like me for real
socialtomcat · 6 months
currently imagining klaus & raus meeting katrina for the first time and losing their whole shit over her fangs
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raycatzdraws · 8 months
Love your Wind as a humming bird comic. Any ideas for what the others would change into?? (I think Time as a kitten or something adorable would be funny)
Thank you! Wind as a hummingbird is such a wonderful idea and I have to thank and give credit to @/winkwonkblog for the prompt! I didn't really do Wind as a hummingbird justice when it came to like, drawing him well, but I had fun playing with the idea of it.
As for dark world forms! The fandom's done a great job exploring this and I really like a lot of (at least what I think are?) the more common takes! My preferences have been influenced by all the pieces of fanart, fic, and discussion I've seen - so many pieces that are tried, true, and tested! - so I don't have much to add! I like what the fandom's come up with and enjoy seeing new interpretations. It's a great big collaboration with a bunch of coexisting ideas and I love that.
These are going to be familiar lol (and I'll include some recs too, as one does!)
Time - I agree that Time being a cat or something cute and fuzzy would be funny because it would clash so much with how he's presented in the comic! Let him be something soft and unassuming so he can use it to his advantage for shenanigans! Like Legend though, I think he'd dislike being so fragile. He needs claws or something. To be honest, the hero of time being a golden wolf has never really felt right to me. I see general oot/mm Link as more of an an owl or fox. However, his characterization in LU makes it fit and I appreciate that. It's gotten me to come around to it some.
Twi - Wolfie, yeah
Wild - coyote or deer
Sky - Remlit, goose, or dove (Failure and Fortitude by sister_dear and this art by luwyv, and Untitled Goose Fic by theScrap_Witch)
Warriors - Wars as a weasel or ferret! Something with very nice and pretty fur and very sharp teeth. The thought of Legend holding him up and slinkying him around is amusing. (it's much-too-late'o'clock for me so I get to make up words)
Legend - Rabbit (read this if you haven't !!!-> Not half Pawd by SongMina, as well as Tiny Adventures by Lightning of Farosh)
Four - Hummingbird, mouse, or cat (All of @/chrispy-chimkin's LU Wing AU! Just look at Four!!! Look at him!!! &lt;3 &lt;;3 <3 See also Feline Fatale by Seeking7 and Usagisama68)
Wind - Seagull! (Again, Chris' wing au, but also @/layraket's creatures gang, and A Pear and a Portal by glowingjellyfishtreelights)
Hyrule - I'm not really sure! My joke answer is an okapi. Maybe a badger! idk! he's a dragonfly-winged fairy idk about an animal form for him. A coyote or gray fox, a brown-colored medium sized bird, something like that. Sorry I don't have the most inspired answers haha. I imagine Hyrule's Hyrule (in Zelda 1) as california chaparral so I think he'd be some kind of creature that lives there. I can tell you what kind of tree he'd be!!! Hyrule would be a ribbonwood tree (aka redshanks)! Ribbonwood bounces back quickly after wildfires, with the leaves sprouting again even after being all burned off. The bark that falls away from the tree comes off in strips or "ribbons" that are soft but scratchy and brittle when dried out. that give the tree a kind of whipsy appearance. It's wild and wiggly (I'm all out of adjectives at the moment) and very much a part of the landscape, a piece that ties it all together. The smooth bark underneath is a deep red and cool to the touch. The earthy red and vivid yellowing-green color is suiting. If you cup the leaves in your hands and breathe on them they release a soft rain-like smell. I'm just really passionate about Hyrule and this tree and ecosystem ahsfdhas do you see the low shrubs and parched dirt and the scrambling rocks and the mountains!!! the dry and hot and high altitude and dense shrubbery impassable to find hidden paths through! so much green no stranger to fire!!!!
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mushroomwoods · 11 months
never say goodbye
The sailor finally learned of a secret that roamed among the group and he wasn't happy about it, after all, who, if not him, would even dare to get so close to you? He would make sure it wasn't that wolf.
character — Wind, platonic.
cw — platonic yandere, wind is a warning in itself, feral little gremlin has too many traumas to take care of.
as always, @wayfayrr big brain ideas makes me spiral into madness and this is the latest result of it. and my opinion stands strong, platonic yanderes are fucking scary, they could ruin your fucking life if it meant you would never look away from them <3
kinda noticing how I'm turning mostly into a dark content blog too, oh dear, that wasn't the intention.
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The sailor wasn't stupid like some liked to paint him as. It was only natural for him to discover what was the nature of Wolfie's existence when the rancher was always so secretive about it.
The man had come clean to him when he noticed the boy was too near the truth, after all, he trusted him like a younger sibling, he knew he wouldn't do anything to use it against him.
But maybe it was a mistake.
He must have underrated the sailor possible bolts of jealousy when he said something like that to him.
At first it was okay, but he started acting gloomier by the day when you didn't pay him any mind in order to play with the group's wolf. When it came to that, Twilight unfortunately knew it was only a matter of time until the bubble of rose tinted lens burst.
And for the first time, anyone in the group had ever seen Wind cry.
Not that he wasn't easy to read, he was more open than most in the group and always relied into some of the others when in need of help, it was endearing how he acted like the younger sibling when he noticed it would alleviate the tension, even when it was apparent how much he hated acting like it.
But he was strong.
There was no doubt about it, some could even argue that the boy would stand among the heroes with the most mental fortitude, as there was hardly anything that could set him off, even in the middle of battle.
But the scene unfolding right now was nothing short of a surprise.
The boy clung to your clothes as he muttered something incoherent, tears streaming down his face as his grip around one of your writs turned bruising. You winced and Twilight turned frantic.
“Wait, Wind, [Name] is in pain.” The ordonian tries to approach, but the glare he receives from the boy is enough to make him stop.
“Don't you fucking dare!” Wind snarled, showing his teeth and any reproach Wars had about his language, died when he noticed just how shaken up he was.
“Hey sailor, what got into you suddenly.” Four didn't move from his spot near the clearing, but the youngest head whipped to him so harshly you feared he would hurt himself.
“Like you're one to talk, smith. I bet someone like you was into like the rest of you all.” His voice was firm, but the tears just continued to cascade relentlessly. “I bet you all would just leave me out of it and try to take away all the things I love, like they always do.”
A sob broke from his throat and finally his facade crumbled, as his eyes ran back to you, filled with so much desperation you couldn't help but hug the boy, who sniffled into your chest.
“[Name], please, don't leave, please... I'll be good, I promise.” You shushed him quietly, running your hand over his hair as the other patted his back.
“Hey now... why would I leave?” His eyes lifted to meet you, wet lashes brushing and peeking through his bangs. “I won't leave you, don't worry.” You smiled reassuringly and he nodded softly, his hand around your wrist finally letting go as he hugged you again, now nuzzling into you.
You looked in confusion to the rest of the group, but there was no answer from their part. Twilight eyes avoided yours and Time sighed, impatient, but not words were uttered to calm your nerves.
It was a strange night, and you could notice how ever since that day the youngest was more and more protective over you, turning especially harsh when Wolfie tried to approach you, but no one said a thing to dimiss his paranoia, as you could only follow along his whims, since anything you said to go against his wishes would make the usually so energetic boy tremble and cry in fear you would abandon him.
At some point you understood that what you said to him as only a mean to calm him down, was now a promise binding the two of you together.
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lyrabythelake · 3 years
If drable ideas are still open (feel free to ignore if they aren't) I know sometimes people see ghosts via pictures so Ghost au! Wild taking a photo and Wind's in the background?
Whoohoo, Ghost AU, it’s been a while! So, funnily enough, you completely nailed it on the head with this one, because this was almost exactly the idea I had for the next part of this AU—thanks for sending in this prompt and giving me the motivation to actually write it!!
(Previous parts X X X)
Wind laughs aloud at the strange scene in front of him. If anyone were to emerge over the top of the hill right now, they would probably retreat right back down again for fear they had run into some kind of weird ritual.
Purah (Wild’s friend who they are visiting for some kind of ‘tech upgrade’), stands precariously on a piece of ancient tech half buried in the ground to make up for her rather lacking height, Wild’s slate held out in front of her. The eight heroes stand in a group in front of her like musicians to a conductor, Four, Legend, Hyrule and Wild standing in the front so the taller ones can be seen behind.
“Are you sure we can’t do this somewhere else?” Warriors asks. “This wind will make our hair look horrible.”
Legend snorts.
“What?” Warriors retorts. “Is it so bad that I don’t want one of Wild’s only memories of us to look like we’re in the middle of a hurricane.”
“A hurricane?” Wind scoffs. “Jabun’s flippers, you’re so dramatic, you should’ve seen some of the storms I used to suffer through at sea. There was this one time—”
“Can’t handle a bit of wind, Pretty Boy?” Legend says. “Don’t join the Navy, some of the sea storms I’ve seen would blow your hair right off your head.”
“Huh,” Wind says. It seems he and Legend share more experiences than he thought. “Interesting.”
“Excuse me!” calls Purah, clearly struggling to keep her balance on the piece of eroding tech beneath her. “I haven’t got all day. Nice big smiles in 3… 2… 1…
Wind doesn’t know why he does it; there’s no reason to, he knows nothing will come of it. If he were being completely honest with himself, he would probably realise it’s simply the deep, agonising longing to be considered a part of something that makes him zoom to the space between Time and Warriors and put on the cheesiest grin he has just in time for the click of the slate camera. And he does feel part of something in a way, for that one split-second, standing with his fellow heroes as equals, like he could possibly be one of them.
But then it’s over, and the others break away from each other to crowd around the slate, leaving Wind standing alone.
He sighs forlornly. Maybe he’ll tell Wolfie he was technically there in the photo later so at least they’ll know, even if they can’t see him.
“How does it look?” asks Four, standing on tiptoes to try and see over Wild’s shoulder. Purah, after handing the slate to Wild, had muttered something about having better things to do and headed inside.
“I wouldn’t expect too much with your ugly mugs,” says Wind, slightly more bitterly than he had intended.
Wild grins. “It’s great. Thank you for doing this, guys. I get paranoid sometimes that I’ll forget everything again, but this helps a lot.”
“It was no problem, Cub,” says Twilight, ruffling his hair.
“Okay, you’ve looked at it long enough. Give it here,” says Warriors, and swiftly snatches the slate from Wild who lets out an affronted “Hey!”
“I need to check how bad my—”
Warriors stops mid-sentence and frowns, looking at the slate with an odd expression.
“What is it?” Hyrule asks as Warriors brings the slate closer, squinting his eyes at the image there. “I seriously doubt your hair is that bad.”
“No, it’s…” He trails off, the slate held centimetres from his face as he focuses on one point in the photo.
“Wars?” Four prompts.
Suddenly, Warriors grins, his white teeth glinting in the midday sun.
“No way!” he laughs. “It seems we’ve received an image from beyond the grave.”
“Eh?” says Wind, scrunching his nose in confusion as Wild snatches the slate back and peers at the photo more closely.
“What’re you…” Wild begins, and then his eyes widen. “Oh!”
“What?! What is it?!”
They all huddle around the slate, knocking into each other to find out what all the fuss is about.
“What’s going on?”
“Look, in the corner, there.”
“Between Warriors and Time.”
“I don’t see it.”
“What’s everyone talking about?”
“It’s Wind!”
It’s… what?
For once, Wind is utterly speechless. He hesitates a moment, motionless, almost paralysed in his shock, then he shakes himself and zooms over to look at the picture over their heads. Sure enough, right where he was standing when the photograph was taken, is a pale, translucent figure, so subtle it would be easy to mistake for a sun glare on the slate screen.
But a closer look reveals his own features staring back; big eyes that were once ocean blue, a crooked grin from ear to ear, salt-sprayed hair windswept from a lifetime at sea. It’s been one hell of a long time since he’s seen his face (he’s heard some ghosts appear in mirrors or still water, but he’s never been able to), and it’s almost strange to see he hasn’t aged in all these years, despite knowing it would be impossible. It’s like looking at a painting of an old, dead relative, someone he was close to once but has long since forgotten to keep mourning.
“He’s so cute!”
Sky’s cry makes Wind tear his gaze from the photo.
“Er, no,” Wind replies. “I’m handsome. And cool. I’m not cute.”
“I thought he would look older,” states Legend.
“He must not have gone through puberty before he died.”
Wind lets out an affronted sort of sound.
“I’ve gone through puberty!” he says, and then immediately coughs, wincing at the high pitch of his voice. “I mean, I, like, half got through it.”
Twilight chuckles.
“If he’s still around, he can probably hear you. He won’t be happy you called him cute.”
“Thank you, Twilight,” Wind says as Sky turns red in embarrassment.
“Oops, sorry, Wind. I know you’re a fierce pirate and all, but your cheeks are so chubby!”
Entirely too offended to do anything more than splutter, Wind is glad when Wild changes the subject.
“Do you think we could use the slate to see him without taking a photo? Like a sort of ghost radar thing?”
Wind perks up. Now, that would be useful. Even if they couldn’t hear him, he knows a bit of Hylian sign.
“Why don’t you try it,” says Time. “Point your slate over there. Wind, if you’re here, try getting into frame.”
As Wind positions himself in front of the slate, he can feel the excitement bubbling up inside him at the thought he might have a way to contact them all the time, that they might be able to have conversations there and then rather than him having to relay messages through Twilight. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up, but, Nayru’s tits, that would be awesome!
“So?” he asks with desperate hesitation. “Can you see me?”
“See anything, Wild?” Four asks.
Wild shakes his head disappointedly.
“No. He’s either not there or he’s not showing up.”
And just like that, Wind’s heart plummets to the same watery depths that claimed his life. There’s a click, and before he’s realising what happened, Wild’s announcing excitedly, “He’s shown up in a photo again, though!”
Once again, they gather round, and as each one takes a look at the slate, their expressions drop.
“He looks so sad!” Sky says, appearing close to tears.
“That was not fair,” Wind tells them grumpily. “I wasn’t ready, you caught me at a vulnerable moment.”
“There’s got to be something we can do,” Warriors says. “Surely Purah can do one of her upgrades…”
Legend narrows his eyes in contemplation.
“It’s said that in certain frequencies of light, Ghosts that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye can suddenly be perceived.”
“No one knows what you mean, Legend,” Wind tells him, trying to quash the hope that once again rises within him. “None of us speak ‘Science’.”
“You think you know how to improve the slate?” Twilight asks.
“With Purah’s help… maybe.”
“I swear, Legend,” Wind mutters as they all move to huddle inside the tech lab once again, “if you manage this, I’ll never ping a tree branch in your face again.”
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Just saw the hurt/comfort prompts:
Time for hysterical strength? Either for one of the LU boys getting hurt or Malon?
Wolfie for toothache? Whether that's for LU or TP is your choice.
Midna, TP!Link, and tooth pain because I mean how could I not when you hand me that promt? Though Time and hysterical strength also has the potential to be fun. Someone gets crushed by a cow or something. I'll consider it.
So here, take some fluff! Its probably fluff? Maybe? Toothachey but not serious!
(Sorry these are a bit slow I get to write one each time I finish a chapter of a different thing as bribes ^-^)
"Come on Link!" Midna could hear her voice pitch in frustration. "Just grab the branch and pull yourself up!" The wolf turned his face to look at her, letting out a pathetic sort of whine. "What? You want treats or something? Silly dog, we can get something once we're out of here. Now go!" Instead of doing as he was told, Link flopped down to the floor, whining again as he rested his head on his paws. Something about him was the image of misery, looking up at Midna with such emotive eyes. "No Link, not nap time! Get up!!!" Frustrated, Midna grabbed at his ear and tugged. Instead of annoyed nips or Link huffing and obeying, he instead... Gave another whine. What? "Link?" She moved down to his face, squinting at him. "What's wrong? Don't you want to go see Zelda?" Link just stared at her again. Now she was by his face, though... Midna squinted. Link was always a bit gross, but he did not usually drool everywhere. Okay, everywhere was technically an overstatement, but... It was still a lot more than normal. And then looking... Was one side of his mouth swollen? She couldn't quite tell. One impish finger reached out and poked the wolf in the face. The wolf gave a startled - and pained - yelp, looking at her with utter betrayal. "You hurt your mouth or something?" Midna furrowed her brow, thinking for a moment. She did not know much about injuries at the best of times, let alone for a wolf pup! Ugh. Well, fine, she'd work it out. "Well, open up!" Link's only reply was to look a little distrustfully at her. Some part of Midna was offended, the rest of her tapped a foot, arms folded and waiting. After a few long moments, he opened his mouth. Midna peered in, but... She could not see anything. His mouth was just too big and her too small, and the angles were all wrong to get at where it seemed the swelling had come from. What to do now. She couldn't just leave him - physically could not leave him - but- Those two blue eyes looked mournfully at her again. "Fine, fine," Midna would have agreed anyway, but if he was going to be like that she'd do it a bit faster. "But, if you bite me, I promise I'll poison you." Link's tail waggled, slower than usual but still a clear indicator of agreement. He placed his head back on his paws, and opened up wide. Midna... Looked at his teeth. They were definitely teeth. Big teeth at that. And she was still only very small... Biting down the instinct of fear - it was only Link, and he would never hurt anyone - she hoisted herself up, and stuck her face into his mouth. Squinting against the dark and the dog breath now consuming her face, she narrowed her eyes in the dim. As the true Princess of the Twili the dark was no real obstacle, but the sharp teeth could be. The swelling was on the left, right? So the injury should... Ah! There! Between two teeth was jammed... Something. "I found it!" She called, all excited for a moment before remember where she was. "Now do /not/ bite me. I need my hands. Okay?" She waited for another whine before letting go of his jaw, and reaching forward. Metal. Not sure what sort yet, but definitely metal. And whatever it was, it was lodged very firmly between the teeth. With a sigh she wriggled it, then twisted to kick it. Every motion earnt her another pained noise, but Link was being ever so good about it. Maybe he could have a treat later after all. Finally, finally the metal came free. Seeing a disaster waiting to happen Midna snatched it out, and vaulted herself back outside. In the sunlight, the metal was far more clear - a small shard of a dynafalos' armour, clearly broken off in a fight. "I told you not to bite those things!" She snapped. Only then to look and see the utter dejection on Link's face. "Oh, fine," she moved back to sit on him, gently rubbing at the good side of his face. "I bet that still hurts a bit, huh? I guess we don't need to see Zelda that fast. Might be funny to make her wait." Link did not seem to think it would be at all funny to make her wait, but still did not get up. "What about... We go over there," Midna pointed to a small cave tucked nearby. "It's nearly dawn anyway; we can rest up and set off again tomorrow, hm?" Almost certainly for her benefit and not his own - Link was many things, but a bit stubborn was definitely one of them - the wolf rose and slumped his way over to the little cave. He checked it thoroughly, before picking out a spot and nestling dejectedly there. Once again Midna shifted down, looking at him. Big eyes started at her own. She stared back. After a long few moments she shuffled forwards, pressing herself against his warm, comfortable belly. Link shifted about, curling all the way around her, and yet keeping his sore mouth far away. She reached up, petting his fur. "Naptime." Her voice was strict and Twilight huffed in reply, but he did curl a little closer and shut his eyes. Hopefully now the metal was gone, he would feel better after some rest. Then they could be on their way, back to hunting down Zant and getting Midna her kingdom back! Stupid dog, though, getting his face hurt like that. How silly did you have to be to not only bite metal armour, but get a chip stuck in your mouth?!Obviously Link could not look after himself; Midna was just going to have to keep a much closer eye on him in future. Link gave another little whine. Midna reached up, petting his fur. "There there," she soothed. "Don't be such a crybaby; your tooth will be fine, and I'm not going anywhere." Even if she could leave, she wasn't going to leave the poor, silly boy to his own devices. Who knew what trouble he could get up to in that time! Link shuffled again, then lay still. Taking her cue Midna slipped from his fur into his shadow, fully intent on resting until the moon rose once one.
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luimagines · 3 years
It’s late. I should be asleep. *promptly types this in your inbox* For the Vai Clothes Anons, our dear beloved mod; Pinky and for every Twilight Simp out there. *blows kiss* Ignore all the copious self indulgence.
He hadn’t meant to. He really really really hadn’t meant to.
It all started with those awful wonderful vai clothes Wild had lent out. He hadn’t known you were changing behind that tree, he swears. All he knew was you were standing behind the tree, there was a brief rustle of fabric and a flash of skin before he whipped his head away from you so fast, his neck cracked.
“Wolfie? Are you ok?” He’d barely heard you ask, mind too occupied by the flash of soft skin he’d seen.
He shook his head and planted himself with his back to you to give you privacy. It was an accident, was all. No need to get worked up.
Later, Twilight would pin point that moment as the exact moment Hylia or Farore or some other deity had decided to take notice of his embarrassment and laugh.
The next time he saw more of you than you intended was when it was just you and him in wolf form. Monster guts had spilt all over your tunic and you plucked at it in disgust. Twilight had been too busy sniffing the air to really take any concern over it when he heard more fabric slid and a wet thump.
He turned his head on instinct and found you with both your over tunic and under tunic off and miles of soft, delicate skin on display for him. He could see the muscle move as you crouched over you bag and pulled out another set of tunics. You looked up and grinned at him.
Twilight felt faint as you approached him and ruffled the fur between his ears.
“Well done. You are such a good boy. Just let me put this on and we’ll go find the others. I bet you don’t want a super stinky friend travelling with you.” You said, a soft coo in your voice.
It took all the strength he had to turn away from the bare belly right in front of his nose and pretend to be interested in a tree as you put your tunics back on.
He had to take some very deep breaths and didn’t make eye contact with you that night when he was back on two legs.
The third time was his own fault admittedly. Twilight had gotten distracted with playing in the shallows of a slow river while taking a moment to himself. It was nice travelling in a group but he needed a minute or two to himself every so often as they all did.
“Having fun, lovely?” An amused voice called out and he nearly tripped over his own paws when he saw you with your boots off nearby.
Once recovered, he barked happily and splashed some more in the shallows. He was just a happy Wolfie right now. Nothing to see here, nope. (He knew none of the others in the know would ever let him live it but it was making you smile and that was enough.)
Just as he got deep enough to cover his legs without going swimming, he was suddenly splashed from an unexpected source.
Snapping his fangs in surprise, he turned to face whatever it was and was once again greeted with soft bare skin. Only this time the only thing he couldn’t see was the really important bits still covered by your underwear.
Oh sweet Farore, grant him strength. You were in your underwear.
You laughed, bright and loud, and he swore the sun grew brighter for it. But still that was a lot of skin.
You splashed him again and Twilight prayed he could focus on the emerging splash fight and less on the fact he could see exactly how much the sparring practice with the others was effecting you.
He barely spoke to you that night.
The last time was the final straw. You had gone missing for half an hour and while Time hadn’t been worried, merely giving his protégé a smug look, Twilight had shifted and gone looking for you.
Big mistake. Big big big mistake.
He found you.
You were fine. Perfectly fine!
You were also very very very naked.
Naked and wet.
Did he mention you were naked?
Of course most people are naked and wet when they bathe. That’s how it done.
But you were very very naked and that was a lot of bare skin and he’s never seen your hair flat like that and oh Hylia, kill him now, was that your-
“Wolfie!” You cried in glee.
Twilight startled so hard, he tripped on his paws and fell into the little pond with you. There was a moment of shock and water before strong arms wrapped themselves around him and helped him back on to the bank.
“Wolfie?! Are you okay, lovely? It’s okay. It’s okay.” Hands ran down his back as he hacked up the small amount of water he’d inhaled. He looked up and choked again. You were out of the water, on full display and looking very worried.
Twilight made the tactical decision there and then. He ran back to camp and refused to speak to anyone for the rest of the day.
You were ignoring him. He’d hadn’t notice for a few days, but the image of you bathing was just starting to fade and he felt like he could actually talk to you again without that being his first thought when he’d finally noticed you not making eye contact.
You avoided him for the whole day, ducking into other conversations and weaving though the group. You even risked egging an argument with Legend to avoid him and that’s when Twilight realised.
You knew.
“Can I talk to you?” It took Twilight all the courage he had (and some not so little encouragement from Wild, Time and Warriors of all people) and spoke to you that night.
You blinked up at him startled, your bright eyes shining from the lamplight. Eyes that adverted quickly.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Privately. Please.” He clenched his fists, opening and closing them nervously.
The movement caught your eye and you reluctantly got to your feet, trailing after him out of the inn they were stay at in the middle of nowhere and behind the building that backed into the forest. It was a full moon and clear so he could still see your face.
You both stood in silence before you opened your mouth. “Twi, wha-“
I am so sorry!!!” He burst out. He couldn’t take it any more. He hadn’t meant to and now you’d figured it out and thought he was a pervert! (A part of him wondered why it was the pervert thing the worried him more than the shadow magic discovery thing).
You jumped. “What?”
He buried his face in his hands. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for it to happen! I swear! I tried to look away and give you privacy each time!”
You frowned in confusion and you reached out to pull his hands away from his face. “What are you-“
“The fact I saw you naked! I saw you bathing and that time with the monsters and the vai clothes and when we had a splash fight and you were naked and I saw.” He let you pull his hands away only to run it through his hair and tug on it.
You froze. “Twilight. The only one who was there for all that was Wolfie. How’d you… Sweet Courage! You’re Wolfie?!??”
Twilight froze as well as you gaped at him. Ah. “You didn’t know?”
Twilight swallowed heavily. So you hadn’t avoided him cause you found out he was Wolfie. Not that that mattered any more cause you did now.
“I’m sorry.” He said weakly. You just stared at him. “I really am! It’s just you were alway so happy to see me and I like your smile and your really attractive and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that no matter how much I liked looking and, oh Farore that makes it sound worse and I just really like…” he started to ramble, the words just spilling all over the place as he foolishly confessed every though he’d had about you from your utterly adorable bed head to the way you smiled to your wonderful personality.
Eventually, you pressed a hand over his mouth. “So you’re Wolfie.”
He nodded. Goddesses he hoped you could still be friends. He’d had his heart broken once, twice would be fine. He’d be fine.
“You liked seeing me naked.”
Again he nodded. He slumped down. There was no way you’d want to stay friends with him now. Who’d want to be friends with a pervert anyway?
The hand moved from his mouth, trailing lightly across his lips, down his neck and rested on his collar. He looked up and saw determination written all over your face with a dark look in your eyes.
“Well then. I hope you don’t mind if the reverse happens at some point.” You plucked daringly at the collar. “After all, I want to see if my dreams were right about you.” It wasn’t darkness in your eyes, it was heat.
Heat Twilight felt fill his own expression as his confidence soared. His hands carefully rested on your waist and he felt the soft skin he’d been dying to sink his teeth into ever since that day with the vai clothes.
“Oh and Twi.”
He was a little focused on the fact you’d slipped his hands over his shoulders and were squeezing them.
Your expression softened although the heat stayed. “I like you too.”
He couldn’t help himself and pulled you flush against him, growling.
Your eyes blew wide with heat and surprise. You pressed firmly against him and started breathing heavily as you clutched his biceps and oh, this was going to be fun.
I have no words.
You've killed me.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
The White Wolf (pt. 1/3)
Ship: Geraskier - Established. Rating: T Word Count: 6k in total (this chapter is 2k)
Summary: Following an unfortunate encounter with a mage, Geralt gets cursed into a wolf. Jaskier and Geralt must travel the Continent in search of someone that can help them. (AO3)
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, nudity (Jaskier’s clothes don’t change with him).
Part 7: Shifter!Jaskier Verse (Tumblr) - Can be read as a stand alone. 
The cloud of sparkling dust settled on the floor and Geralt was nowhere to be seen. The last Jaskier had seen of his boyfriend, he’d been thrown against the wall, barely able to move his fingers to form Quen in time before his head knocked against the stone. There was no witcher in the room now. Just a pile of bloodstained white fur in the corner of the room.
Jaskier snarled and sniffed the air. He could smell Geralt but something was wrong. Geralt reeked of wet dog. Jaskier growled, low and menacing, at the sorcerer in front of them. The man had been luring children away from their homes in the dead of night using all sorts of sweet treats. Then at night he was pulling their dreams from their minds and using them for fuck knows what. The children were returning to their homes as lifeless ghosts of their former selves, and thus a witcher and his trusted companion had been hired.
“I’m no fool, bard.” The sorcerer spat. “I can sense your magic.
Jaskier let his sharp teeth show as he snarled again. He let his magic loose and there was a sickening crunch of bones. Jaskier’s thick russet fur melted away into long red feathers. He spread his wings as a thick black mane grew along he neck. He roared at the sorcerer and struck both talons across his chest, balancing on the large lion paws of his hind legs. The sorcerer was thrown backwards as dark blood seeped through his clothing. The attack had caught him off guard. Jaskier stalked forward, his front talons clacking on the wooden floor. This human had stolen Jaskier’s mate and they had to pay.
The scent of blood was thick in the air and all he knew was the hunt.
The prey was wounded. It was an easy kill.
He screeched as he prepared to land the final blow but a large snowy white wolf with glowing amber eyes suddenly stood between him and the prey.
Amber eyes.
Jaskier knew those eyes.
He let his magic loose and shifted back into a wolf. There was just something about Geralt being in wolf form that ignited all his pack instincts. He didn’t know whether Geralt was stuck as a wolf or could shift between animals, but Jaskier knew he would match Geralt no matter what.
The thought gave him pause. He wondered whether it was an instinct of his people, lost and long forgotten. Were there ever groups of shifters? Were they still alive? Or was he alone… He’d always felt so alone. Jaskier nudged his head under Geralt’s snout and whined. Geralt huffed and butted Jaskier’s head. Jaskier did his best wolfy grin and then mouthed at Geralt’s nose before rolling over onto his back with a wag of his tail.
Geralt gave a quick bark and then looked pointedly between Jaskier and mage. Jaskier tilted his head, wondering how Geralt still managed to look unimpressed even as a wolf. Jaskier snorted and rolled back onto his paws. He glanced around the room, his clothes were still at the inn. Geralt’s clothes appeared to have disappeared when he was changed into a wolf; lucky bastard. He spotted a long cloak hanging up on the wall and wagged his tail. He leapt up on his hind legs and pulled at the cloak with his teeth. When he was covered nicely by the heavy material he shifted back into his human form with a crack of his bones.
The cloak was thick, grey and woollen. It had a large hood, reminiscent of the cloaks the elves used. He wrapped it round his shoulders and then grinned at Geralt.
“Hello, dearest. I know you’re the White Wolf and all, but isn’t this taking it a bit too far?” He reached out with his hand and Geralt bumped it with his snout. He gave Geralt a quick scratch behind the ears. “Can you shift?”
Geralt tilted his head.
Jaskier frowned and stuck his tongue out as he tried to figure out a way to explain it. It was like trying to explain how to blink or breathe or… just exist. “Umm, ah, think of Roach? Try and feel her hooves, her mane?”
Geralt’s snout scrunch up and he let out a snarl.
Geralt shook his head, one ear twitched and Jaskier couldn’t help but coo. Geralt growled at that.
“I’m sorry!” He said, not really sorry at all. “But, my love, you look so cute!”
Another growl.
“Oh stop it. You’re trying to be all scary witcher and it’s not working. You are adorable and I can turn into a dragon so shush.” He bopped Geralt on the nose and gave him another scratch behind the ears. Geralt’s tail began to wag. Geralt looked behind him and snarled, clearly not enjoying the way his body was betraying his feelings. He also looked as if he was about to start chasing his tail. He was baring his teeth, snarling as the tail flicked on the stone floor. Jaskier took pity on him and knelt down so he could cup his wolf’s face in his hands. “Geralt, darling?”
Geralt blinked and looked up at him.
“There you go. The instincts might feel a bit strong at first but we’ll work it out alright?” Jaskier buried in face in Geralt’s fur, his own instincts to shift back into a wolf were almost overwhelming him, but Geralt needed him human. It was easier to explain things to his newly wolf companion when he could use words. It was also nice to be able to snuggle in Geralt’s fur for a change.  “Do you know how to fix this?”
Geralt shook his head.
“I shouldn’t have killed the mage, should I?” Jaskier asked with a sigh.
Another head shake and a whine.
Jaskier kissed Geralt’s head. “In my defence, witcher. I thought he’d killed you!” Geralt licked his face and he grimaced. “Geralt! Oh gods, that went up my nose!”
Geralt wagged his tail and pounced. Jaskier was knocked back onto the ground and Geralt’s tongue was drooling all over his face, which would have been fine if Geralt’s tongue didn’t feel so coarse against his skin. “Oi, no! Get off you big lump!”
Geralt nipped at his ear and sat back down, his tail thumped noisily against the stone floor.
Jaskier sighed and grabbed Geralt’s swords from where they’d clattered on the floor. Jaskier hummed. Geralt’s clothes and medallion had changed with him but his swords had not. At least his magic was consistent. Geralt head-butted his leg and they finally fled the tower together. It felt strange being the one on two feet instead of four but they’d faced worse things in their two years travelling together.
Two years…
Had it really been so long? He’d been with Geralt for two whole years… not mentioning the little blip of his mother’s horrendous return into his life. He shuddered at the memory. Yeah, they’d definitely been through worse together. ___________
As they approached the town Geralt snorted and laid down on the ground, resting his head on his big white paws. Jaskier glanced over his shoulder at the wolf with a scowl before he realised why Geralt had stopped. He grinned and walked back to pet Geralt’s head. Geralt’s tail thumped heavily against the ground as Jaskier gave him a scratch behind the ear. Geralt still looked put out by his tail’s reaction to affection but now seemed resigned to the fact he could no longer mask his happier feelings.
“Well isn’t this a turn of events. I’m normally the one that has to wait outside!” Jaskier announced with a laugh.
Geralt let out a low growl and mouthed at Jaskier’s fingers.
“Ouch! Sharp teeth, Geralt. You’re not exactly a pup, dear heart,” Jaskier chided.
Geralt’s ears flicked and Jaskier was pretty sure the strange snuffling noise was Geralt trying to laugh at him.
“Stay here. I’ll go and get our stuff,” he sighed and looked down at himself. The cloak wasn’t exactly modest and whilst he had very little shame over his body, most humans wouldn’t appreciate him walking around town with his dick out. “Next time we are keeping my clothes in a pack and not back at the inn.”
Geralt barked and his tongue hung out of his mouth as he wagged his tail.
“Yeah yeah, go on, laugh at your poor suffering boyfriend.”
Geralt barked again and jumped up to lick Jaskier’s face, placing both paws on Jaskier’s shoulders. Jaskier just ruffled Geralt’s fur and kissed his snout.
“I’ll be back soon, love.”
He wrapped the cloak around him in a feeble attempt to cover himself up and trudged back to the inn. He did get some bizarre looks from the villagers but he did his best to ignore them. Had they never seen a bard wearing just a cloak and witcher’s swords before? He scoffed. They were amateurs. He tried to sneak up to their room at the inn but the bloody innkeeper spotted him.
“Oi, where do you think you’re going?”
Jaskier spun around, only just remembering to keep his hands gripped on the cloak to stop it from flying open. He still had Geralt’s swords in their holder in his hand and he held them up for the innkeeper to see. “I’m a friend of the witcher’s. Jaskier? The bard? You might have heard of me?”
“Toss a Coin?” The innkeeper asked and Jaskier let out a sigh of relief.
“Ah, yes. That’s the one,” He sang a couple of lines just to prove his point. “And umm, well. Geralt… Geralt was looking after my lute for me whilst I was… away?”
“Yeah,” Jaskier winced. It was a terrible story and he was ashamed. “But you see, I really need to get it back.”
“Did the witcher take your clothes too?” The innkeeper asked with a smirk, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Jaskier felt his cheeks heat up and it took all his control not to shift back into a mouse. He laughed nervously and tugged the cloak tighter around his chest. “Well, funny you should say that.”
“Those his swords?”
“Yes! Yes they are. I ran into him on the path just outside of town. He’s dealt with your mage problem, but ah. Umm. Spells! He was hit by a spell and it’s really not very pretty so he asked me to collect our… his.. belongings. So I’m just…” He pointed to the stairs and the innkeeper waved his hand. “Thank you ever so much, kind sir. May all the gods praise you!”
“Just go, bard.”
Jaskier gave a quick bow and then flew up the stairs, two steps at at time. Once inside the room he got dressed and quickly gathered up their belongings before heading back out to fetch Roach. The conversation with the stable girl went just as well as the one with the innkeeper and Jaskier barely remembered the story he’d woven only a few minutes before, but he was gone and heading back towards the forest before anyone else could question him.
He didn’t ride Roach but it was easier with her carrying the bags and his lute. Once he was out of sight from the townsfolk he considered shifting back into a wolf. Whatever the mage had hit Geralt with was driving him crazy, but they still needed to find a solution to Geralt’s wolf problem so regretfully he remained on two feet. He huffed and dragged his feet as they headed back to where he’d left Geralt. How did people cope with being in one form all the time? It was so boring!
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missrandomdreamer · 2 years
Early OC Writing
So i wanted to post the original writing I had for a totally different OC Irena. I really liked this but idk just wasnt sure about it at the time. also me being self conscious was like ' ah this is kind of cringe' which was another reason i abandoned it >< and also def more magical and what not lol
but yeah here is an old bit of a story i wrote and just never finished, sorry for it just being kind of rough probably not the bed edited and what not
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When Karl took in this wolf to heal he didn’t realize it would stick around nor did he realize it wasn’t just a wolf. It had been the early evening on a cold day in January. He had grown restless and aggravated with his work and needed fresh air, something he rarely would come out of his factory for but it was just one of those times. He had been headed to the reservoir granted not to talk to the fishy lord but to gaze at the water. Sometimes watching the water move in the moonlight calmed him down  and put him at ease, calmed him though he would never tell a living nor dead about that. 
He was just getting to the top of the hill getting closer to the bridge when he heard a rustle nearby. His ears picked up and nostrils flared, hammer coming down to the earth with a thud. His eyes scanned the darkening horizon. A human couldn’t really see in this growing evening light but a lycan could. Karl blinked as he saw a dark mass moving slowly, limping actually in the brush. An animal? He hadn’t seen a wild animal aside from the normal birds out here in awhile, most of the Lycan had scared them off especially any deer or elk yet. Heisenberg stalked it slowly until he heard a low growl. The creature's head lifted showing bright yellow eyes like that of a harvest moon. 
A low chuckle came from the man’s throat as he drew closer to it, causing it to growl lower revealing its sharp canines. Heisenberg kneeled down getting to its level, while it continued to growl, its sharp pointed ears pressed to its head.  “Aw well what do we have here? Haven’t seen a wolf around these parts in quite some time. At least not a real one. You alone?”  Karl looked around now straining his ears to hear any soft padded feet hitting the dying vegetation around him and snow yet there was nothing but the soft wind and sounds of the reservoir nearby.  The black wolf backed up but let out a sharp sound of pain causing Karl to turn his head back to it, steel blue eyes focusing on it more closely now.
“Ah, it seems one of the Lycan boys got to you, surprised you made it out in such a fight, Must be one tough little pup.” The iron smell of blood wafted over to him now from the wind, the creature was bleeding, he frowned. In the light he could see a horrible gash on its back stretching to its hind quarters. Damn, how the hell did it survive. The mechanic scrunched up his nose and sighed. He could put the creature out of its misery but the damn thing seemed to have a fighting spirit…He could use it on an experiment but some part of him didn’t feel that right. It seemed like it was one of the last real animals...it deserved to die as such if it came to not be turned into some fighting machine. 
Karl Heseinberg stood up and approached it slowly again. It snapped its jaws at him growling, “Ah little tough one aren’t you, despite your battle wounds. What a strong little wolfy you are.” he laughed softly and slowly took off his glove and outstretched his big hand to the injured animal causing the black wolf to press itself into the dirt still snarling.  “C’mere, I am not gonna hurt ya.” He cooed. The wolf didn’t move at first, just kept snarling, gnashing its teeth. It tried to back up again but yelped once more. Karl didn’t move and just left his hand there for the creature to sniff once it ever decided to...if it decided too. He wished he had some sort of food to give it, but naturally he had nothing on him that would help in this situation. 
He kneeled like that for a while and when he was just about to call it quits, annoyance rising in his chest the wolf finally stopped snarling. It slowly moved its head and sniffed Karl’s hand. The large mechanic could feel the warm nose of the wolf, not a good sign, it was probably worse off than he thought. It took every ounce of self-control not to grab the wolf by the scruff and pull it to him, or pet the creature. He kept still holding his breath, letting the wolf sniff his hand. Karl saw its eyes wince but then gently licked his fingers before restings its head in the man’s fingers, as if quietly saying okay I trust you. 
Karl felt a strange sense of relief wash over him and he chuckled softly. “Good boy, it's not so scary right?” The wolf turned its head and blinked, making a huff at him. The large man laughed again, “I'm sorry , good girl?” He cocked his head, weird, the wolf closed its eyes and put its head under Karl’s fingers again. He just laughed again scratching its bristling fur, “All right girl sorry. Now you gonna let me pick you up and carry you or we gonna have a fight on this too?”
The ebony wolf said nothing and just laid down, breathing heavily, golden eyes looking at him before closing them, looking as if she was going to sleep. Heisenberg frowned, guessing that was his answer. He stood up now and picked up the wolf who didn’t protest, only letting out a yelp, snapping its jaw as if to say be careful! “All right sorry sorry! I’ll be gentler next time, let’s get you home.” The mechanic was surprised at how big the creature was, were wolves usually this big? Yet it felt light and thin, he could feel its rib cage through its  bristled fur, he frowned. Seems like this wolf needed more than just healing, it needed food. Karl Heisenberg held the wolf carefully in its arms while his large hammer floated beside him, the creature falling asleep in his arms almost immediately, shivering in the cooling air.  And that is how Karl Heisenberg adopted a werewolf.
Heisenberg was taken aback by seeing the wolf in the yellow light of the medical wing of his factory. The wounds were way worse than he thought and the wolf was a lot bigger than he realized. It was twice the size of a normal wolf yet it didn’t resemble a lycan in any regard yet...this wolf didn’t seem right. No, not now, let's heal this thing before it gets worse. The wolf’s golden eyes were closed for the most part the healing only opening them for a short time seeing exactly what Karl was doing before laying its head down on the cold table allowing the mechanic to work. “You seem strangely calm for a wild wolf, were you someone’s house pet baby girl?” he said to himself, threading up the wounds causing the wolf to whine kicking its leg slightly before calming at a shushing sound from the mechanic. “It’s all right, almost done with stitching’ don’t go kickin you’ll mess it up now.” he said sternly in that soft tone he had now started to use with the wild creature. 
 His blue eyes looked over the wolf as he worked, applying ointment which caused the creature to growl before getting calmed again by Heseinberg. The final thing was wrapping up the wounds to keep the stitching safe and from coming undone.  The wraps would be awkward and the thing would probably move a bit slower at least it would heal faster. Karl sighed as he brushed his calloused hands through its fir, taking more detail of the creature. Not only was it bigger but it was completely black except for a little white crescent shape on its chest, strange. He felt scars along its body causing the creature to twitch. He let out a low whistle, the wolf’s ears twitched. “You are a tough little cookie, aren't ya darlin’. Must have been out there alone for awhile now, how the hell did you manage to live this long?” Karl asked, looking at the wolf’s face. It raised its head and blinked , making a little huff before letting its head down to rest, breathing through its nose again.  Heisenberg laughed softly, “All right, get some rest then, here I'm gonna take you to a softer, warmer place than this old table. When ya wake up I'll get you something to eat, how’s that baby girl?” He petted her head again and she just licked his fingers causing him to chuckle softly. “Night baby girl.”
The next few days the wolf slept, drank and ate, never leaving Heisenberg’s bedroom unless to use the bathroom of course which the man would have to carry the wolf outside the factory to do so. Otherwise, the wolf was quiet, never really making a sound. It just watched the mechanic work quietly, sometimes dozing other times limping over to him and sleeping at his feet, something the man found...amusing to say the least, other times it would lay its large head in his lap, where he would scratch it absentmindedly while he smoked a cigar.  It was like owning a dog. He actually did make a collar for the wolf though the thing seemed reluctant to accept it.  It sniffed it and cocked it’s large head at Karl. The man had laughed, 
“Not liking it? I guess you don’t need one if you are going to be around me all the time huh?” The wolf just huffed and laid its head back on his lap causing the man to chuckle again.. “All right, no collar it is then.” 
Eventually the bandages were removed and the wolf was healed yet the creature didn’t seem all too restless or eager to return to the outside world quite yet. Now the thing seemed curious; it would follow Heseinberg around but never get in the way just watching. Karl eventually had to scold the wolf for following him to the dangerous part of the factory when that came the wolf would wait for him back in his room. At night, the wolf slept alongside the large mechanic which genuinely surprised the Lord. Curious but not unwelcome. The man would pet its fur, till he too fell asleep beside it.  He didn’t want to admit it, but he was growing rapidly attached to this animal. Karl hadn’t handed another living thing in his factory aside from the mutants he had created, but they showed no emotion, he had made it so only the emotion to kill and destroy, to obey him. He never had an animal friend, not since he was a little boy and again he didn’t want to admit it, but he had missed it.
There were nights when he would grow frustrated over being a child of Mother Miranda, of dealing with  Lady D, of his work, of being alive sometimes and he would just rage. He would throw things and scream, shouting to the world yet the wolf didn’t run at that. She would wait till he was done raging and then approach him, when he had finally had raged till he couldn’t anymore,it would  lay its head on thigh. She wasn’t afraid of him and she showed it by the affection she gave him after his outbursts. Karl wouldn’t say a word and just pet her, sometimes even hug her,  burying his face in her soft dark fur. 
He never told the others about his strange pet, the only one he ever considered telling was Donna, he felt she would love the large fluffy creature though he was worried what Angie would do. Best not tell anyone about it for now they would only make fun of him or even worse hurt the wolf, something he refused to let happen. So the wolf would be his secret. No one ever came to his factory so, he had little to worry of anyone ever finding out about her. 
Though something strange would happen after a few weeks of having the wolf around. It was on an extremely bad day in fact. Heisenberg had just got back from a horrible meeting with Mother Miranda and his so-called siblings. Alicia had been more annoying which caused Karl to get more angry, ending the meeting with a horrible fight. Karl had stomped home pissed and threw himself into his work. He looked forward to having the wolf be there to greet and ease his stress but the creature seemed to be restless. The dark wolf  had been pacing around his room right around sunset and scratching the door. “All right, I'm coming , give me a minute, just need to finish something up.” Karl grumbled to the wolf as he was tinkering withs something the man not looking up at all,  but the wolf wouldn’t have it, she barked and growled at him.  The man immediately put his tools down and looked at the wolf, his eyebrows furrowed and his blue eyes peeking over the rims of his dark glasses. That wasn’t like her, something must be wrong. “All right, all right, let’s go out. What’s eating at you baby girl?” The wolf just barked again and stomped the floor. Frowning, Heisenberg stood up and walked to his bedroom door, opening it and was just about to step out when the wolf beat him to it. She ran on a head causing the mechanic to gasp and follow. He cursed and threw up his hand, his hammer flying to him as he chased after the wolf.
“Where the hell are you in a hurry for, what’s going on?” Karl called after it but it kept running for the door. Something akin to panic raced in the man’s veins. Was it trying to leave him now? But why? I guess he knew this day would come but why now? The wolf kept running ahead but would look back at Karl to see if he was still following after it, which the man was. When they got to the entrance it ran way ahead which caused Karl to even panic more. He felt his hand twitch, all he had to do was summon metal and the creature would be put down or caged at his whim. Though that didn’t seem right to him, not after all this time no he wasn’t going to cage an animal that wanted to be free...he would be no better than mother Miranda if he did that. However, panic still drove Karl forward following the wolf. The wind was cold and wild that night biting at the mechanic’s chest and face. The wolf was now just a large shadow moving among the dying light only pausing every once in a while if the mechanic was following it which he was. Granted if he had a piece of metal to alleviate on he would be at its side in an instant but no he hadn’t thought of that and was just running now. 
His eyes never left the wolf as he weaved its way in the brush, nor when the wolf went up the mountain, not again when they started into the woods. Where the hell was the thing taking him? How long had he been running with this wolf? The full moon was getting higher in the sky  now peaking through the tall evergreens, providing a soft white light. The wolf gave a little howl to Karl, keep up!, as if to say and so he did. “Where the hell are we going!? My factory needs me. I don't have time for a run around!” he calls but the wolf howls again, motioning with its head to keep on following. She easily jumped from boulder to boulder before stopping at a large gaping mouth in the mountain. She stopped and Karl stopped with her, just yards away. The wolf made a little huff and went into the cave and he followed suit slowly but surely,  now running out of breath. “Son of a bitch.” he sighed. “This better be fucking good.” 
Karl Heisenberg stumbled up the boulders and into the cave, which was strangely warm. He could hear the sound of flowing water nearby. He blinked, adjusting his eyes to the darkness and now seeing golden eyes look back at him. The mechanic’s glasses fell down his nose a bit and huffed,stealing eyes getting aggravated. This fucking venture better be worth it, damn mutt.  That once somewhat sweet disposition started to already deteriorate. He was tired, he needed to work not chase after this wolf. Why was he doing this in the first place? It didn’t make any sense to him yet here was fitting his large frame in a small little cave following a wolf. His boots echoed off the walls of the stone cavern, the air was moist, moss covering the walls around him. He sniffed, musty, natural...gross. The wolf stopped ahead of him and motioned with its head and suddenly jumped down. Karl gasped and picked up his pace again which in turn made him slip on the moist floor sending him plummeting down the cavern.
“Fuck me!” he cursed loudly, getting more and more angry by the second. He pulled himself off the floor till he suddenly looked up and blinked. There was an opening, the sound of water was louder and he could make out moonlight from behind a wall of vines. He saw the dark silhouette of the wolf, its golden eyes glinting in the pale light before it disappeared beyond the walls. Heisenberg let out a growl of aggravation but followed after the wolf stomping like a spoiled child.  He was cursing under his breath as he pushed the thick foliage, muttering how stupid this all way and he just have just let the damn thing run away until his eyes looked up. 
“What the hell…?” he breathed. Heisenberg stepped out into a moonlit garden, sanctuary? He wasn’t quite sure. He walked more carefully out onto the stones and looked up around him, momentarily losing sight of the wolf. He was surrounded by boulders of various shapes and sizes but plants seemed to be peaking out everywhere: from various types of flowers to strange ivy that seemed to snake around everything. A small stream broke from the earth and slithered along the ground: it glowed with an unearthly light-from the light of the moon. It was then his eyes caught the wolf again. It stood with elegance upon a boulder and another opening behind that one. 
“Why did you bring me here? What the hell was all of this for?” Heisenberg straightened himself up to his full height, and hammer at his side. He felt consciously more dirty than usual in such a clean place, something that never bothered him till now. He felt exposed and cornered, a feeling he felt whenever he was in the presence of Mother Miranda. He shivered yet this place seemed to be untouched by snow and the wind didn’t roam down here despite still being exposed to the elements. 
The wolf looked over at him; it’s golden eyes practically glowing, unnatural. It merely blinked at him before  throwing its head up releasing a chilling howl: crystalline, piercing. The man’s eyebrows furrowed again, he took a step back to the shadows of the entrance.  The wolf’s song finished yet it was met with no response. It then let its large black head drop and seemed to bow towards the moon itself. It sat frozen for a little longer than Karl liked so he took another step forward but once again stopped himself. The body started to rise. 
The body of the wolf rose from its bow  just as the full moon warmed the creature, making its black fur sparkle but its movements started to look strange. He saw the fur of the wolf yet it kept rising until suddenly he wasn’t looking at a wolf anymore. His mouth fell open and his glasses fell from his face. There in the bright moonlight was a woman, thin and wane like a crescent moon and skin just as white as one. Skin...lots of skin...she was naked minus for something that hung from her shoulders, a large fur appeared….a wolf skin? Her wolf skin? Pitch black hair cascaded around her in waves, dancing along the ground but moving around her pale form in strange whisps but doing nothing to make her modest. 
Golden eyes looked down at him with such focus it made him shiver. “Fuck me…” he breathed and stumbled forward landing on his knees looking up at the she-wolf before him. She might have laughed; she might not have; he didn't hear her; he was just spellbound by her glowing eyes. The woman looked down at him as if he was her prey, eyes looking for every moment. She then moved silently, gracefully to him and kneeled down to his level, just as he had down to her. The strange woman put out her hand and cupped his face, while the other kept the black wolf skin over her shoulders. The hand on his face started to scratch his chin, then combing her fingers through his beard. Something moved him to relax into her fingers.  He gulped something and his eyes closed, letting out a low pleased rumble in his chest. Now who was the dog? Fuck. 
Karl eventually opened his eyes to look at her, again being stolen up into those harvest moon eyes. “Who the hell are you? What the hell are you?” he breathed.  She merely smiled softly and pressed a finger to her lips. She released his chin and caught himself before he let himself whine, already missing her touch. The mysterious she-wolf moved quickly away and bounded up the boulders with ease. She looked back at him with a smile before dipping into the small cave. She moved like mercury, it was a bit mesmerizing. Nope best not to think that right now. Heisenberg shook his head and when he stopped, there she was again, smiling in front of him.
“How did you-” he shook his head again and she cocked her own. “Are you something Mother Miranda made? One of her forgotten projects?”  His tone grew aggregated and snapping.  The woman made a face of disgust and shook her head before disappearing again, off to get something else. 
“Then what the hell are you!?” Karl was screaming at the empty clearing. He saw her poke her head out from behind a boulder and just smiled and put her finger to her lips, tapping it before disappearing again. Oh great what the hell did that mean? He tried to catch where she went but she was so quick, yet moved with grace. The Lycan swallowed something and shook his head, “Well, if you aren’t going to tell me what you are then I'm heading back to my factory.” He just turned around but bumped right into the mysterious woman who was now holding a bowl of some strange liquid in her hands, she pushed it towards him. Whatever it was, it smelled very earthy and flowery much to the mechanic’s dismay. He growled and took a step back but she matched it with a step forward.
“What? What is this?” he barked while she just pouted, pushing it towards him again,  he tried not to focus on how cute it looked, nope don't think that now. “I'm not gonna drink it, I hate flowery shit, what are you trying to say?”  The wolfy woman was looking annoyed now and sighed, which strangely sounded like her wolfy huff that she did when she was in her wolf form.  Karl looked down at her and she looked up at him, both of them holding an annoyed expression. Again the woman sighed and pressed hand on his chest which caused a shiver to run through him like electricity then with the other she took a sip of the drink. His brows furrowed but all thoughts of logic and words were lost when the hand that had his shirt tightened. She jerked him down suddenly to her level, stepping on tip-toes she pressed her mouth to his own. 
The moment that happened Karl lost all of his senses completely, his hands had a mind of their own and grabbed the woman in front of him suddenly, pressing her to his body. He might have heard the bowl clutter to the ground but suddenly things seemed foggy.  He let her take his lips and whatever liquid she held there passed through him for a brief moment he heard a whisper,
“Drink.”  It beckoned  and so he did. He let the woman’s tongue slide in and dropped the liquid on his tongue, his body already buzzing. The fragrant liquid danced in his mouth then raced down his throat. He had broken the stranger’s kiss just to swallow it down hungrily. It tasted sweet but it made his body tingle all over, or maybe that was just her kiss-regardless  he wanted more of it. As soon as that thought came it went because the next thing he knew, his body had become light and strange.  What the fuck!? His vision blurred and everything seemed to turn to mist around him. He didn’t remember letting go of the woman but he must have because she wasn’t there anymore and all at once he felt like he was falling-falling through clouds. He opened his mouth gasping for air, to yell and curse  but all he tasted were flowers until suddenly everything went dark. 
Karl bolted up immediately gasping for air, his fingers digging into the grass beneath him before he snapped his head around, shaking. His breathing was shallow and his eyes wild, until they rested on the little woman sitting cross legged beside him: again completely naked except for her wolf skin draped over her shoulders. Her soft expression showed worry, strangely enough. It might have been a bit sweet if Karl wasn’t so pissed.
“What the hell did you give me, woman? How long have I been out what- ah fuck..” He brought his hands to his head, the taste of  flowers still on his tongue. 
“I’m sorry, but you wouldn’t have understood me otherwise...how are you feeling?”
“I feel like utter shit, that’s what I feel like I-...wait.” Heisenberg snapped his head up and looked at the woman with wide eyes. “Did you just talk?” 
“Yes.” But her lips didn’t move more like he heard it in his head. “That drink allowed you to hear me. It doesn’t usually affect people like that, you scared me when you passed out.”
“No shit!” he growled and rubbed his temples, his head still felt foggy. Nothing made since, this was all out of his comfort zone. “You know I’m not a damn human so how did you think it would play out?” Karl looked at her now moving to put on his discarded glasses, still frowning.
He noticed her eyebrows were furrowed and the look of sorrow , hurt and frustration was in those glowing golden eyes. She didn’t say anything, maybe she didn't know what to say, much like when she was in her wolf form, she let Heisenberg get all his anger out, there was no helping trying to reason talk to him when he was upset. (Despite he had every right to be) “Are...can you hear my thoughts? I hear your voice in my head.” His eyes widened then narrowed but a bit of relief passed through him when she shook her head.
“ I only hear when you speak with your mouth, nothing more. Give it a try, so I can put your worries at ease.” Her voice was soothing, something he tried to shake off. 
“Fuck it, I wouldn’t know what to think of anyway to much shit going on…” She simply nodded to his answer. Heisenberg took in some air and then let it out slowly before turning to her once more with a heated gaze. “So do mind telling me what the hell all of this is? Who you are, what you are? You said you aren’t one of Miranda’s experiments so how the hell do you do what you do?”
The woman nodded, he had good questions and easy enough to answer whether he believed her would be another story. She brought her black fur about as if she was a bit cold. “My name is Irena. I have lived in the woods here for most of my life, I was once human many many moons ago but I don;t remember much of that life anymore. You see I was bitten by a wolf,” She now withdrew her hand from the dark fur and showed him her palm, a pentacle was there looking as if it was burned harshly into her flesh. Heisenberg’s eyebrows furrowed again this was all sounding bull shitting but he let her continue. “Specifically a cursed wolf.”
“That seems like an old child’s tale. There ain’t even such a thing, only the things that Miranderr has made.” he snarled, crossing his arms over his chest. The woman shrugged, 
“Believe what you wish, I think it’s silly that you accept the strange things the woman does and find that more believable than a story that has been on this planet for hundreds if not thousands of years.  Stories have to come from some sort of truth.”
“Well of course but lycanthropy has been an actual physical ailment that can happen, that's where the stories come from. Some over hairy dude with a weird obsession with meat gets mistaken for a wolf man, and bam! That’s how a story is born. None of this magic bull shit of a wolf turning into ...a woman and what not, running around naked with wolf fur over her head.” He motioned to her body and then looked away huffing, she cocked her eyebrow but again just  shrugged again, he was more knowledgeable in that way of knowledge than she expected,
“Well yes but I can assure you that is not in my case. I would think magic had some part to play. Not everything on this earth can be explained with science, Healer..” He blinked at her nickname for him, did she even know his name? Yet all t hose thoughts were pushed aside and again made angry by her next moves.  She stood up from her spot now and with that strange grace picked up a bowl beside her and passed it over to him. “Here, drink some water, it might help with the fogginess. If I remember correctly you haven’t been very hydrated today anyway.”  
Karl snarled and knocked it out of her hand like a rotten child, “I wouldn’t be feeling like shit if it hadn’t been for you and don’t get onto me like a mother!”
“I'm most certainly not your mother.” Karl shivered, there was a deep growl with those words, almost as if suddenly mutated something else entirely. Her eyebrows now furrowed and it looked as if she would snarl, her lips twitching, “I wanted to tell you the truth about me and to thank you personally for what you did. You saved my life and let me into your home, so I wanted to show you mine.”  Irena  stepped towards him, puffing out her chest and giving him a death glare  into his eyes. It made him nervous for some reason and he didn’t like having that emotion. She was standing toe to toe with him now.  “I’m sorry the drink gave you side effects, I should have taken into account your mutation,  though I never think of you as that. So I apologized that it didn't cross  my mind.”  She huffed and growled, now knowing that came from her lips. It was not a wolf’s growl nor a womans but a deeper beast altogether. 
“I liked you better as a damn wolf, why couldn't you stay that way!” He snapped. 
“So you liked me better as your bitch is that it?” Karl sucked in his breath. Fuck, he wasn’t expecting that. He didn’t like that, he didn’t seem right coming out of her mouth.  That’s no-that’s not what he meant at all. Fuck all of this was to much, he needed to get back to the factory. What hell was even happening more? 
“Fuck this! I’m going back to my factory! You can stay back at your home, hope you're happy and wish you luck not running into lycans. Next time I won’t be there to help you.” He shouted over his shoulder as he stomped back the way he came, dragging his hammer out behind him.  Karl didn’t hear Irena  respond except for what he thought was sniffling. Sudden pain and hurt stung him in the chest but he pushed it aside. Fuck this, fuck all of this! He didn’t have time for this; he had an army to build and a bitch to overthrow no time for wolves or women or whatever she was. No time for senseless emotions.
He told himself that all the way back to the factory not even looking around him. He hadn’t looked back at Irena even though something pulled him to do so, he denied it. Heisenberg just kept facing forward, out of hidden paradise, out of the cave, trekked through the forest  down the mountain and across the field till he was in the loud confines of his factory. Finally, the sounds can drown out the stupid voices and feelings. Karl needed to go back to work, none of this frolicking in the moonlight with naked ladies. He made a face at that thought and shook his head, throwing himself back into work.
Karl didn’t sleep the rest of that night, nor the next one he just kept working through. He never wanted to stop or think about what happened with the she-wolf . Nor did he want to think about how much he missed her being by his side in the night or when he was getting upset not having someone to come back from working to hold, even if she was just a wolf at the time: company was still company. There was some point during the second evening he wondered what it would have been like to have a talking companion, especially as interesting as Irena. What was it like to have someone waiting for you at the end of the day, with that innocent smile and those captivating eyes. To touch his face as she had done briefly and have those long nails comb back his hair. Heisenberg squashed those thoughts though and continued to work, no need to be getting like that now. It was all stupid.
The third night is when it really sets in. He had finally exhausted himself to where he couldn’t even sit up at his desk so he decided to throw himself into bed. Karl discarded his glasses and hat but fore passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow. The man was soon dreaming-dreaming like he always did. His mind couldn’t even get a break when he tried to sleep most of the time it was nightmares but this night was different. 
That night he dreamt he was outside of his factory, it was cold and the wind was howling. He was running, his heart was beating painfully in his chest, strange smells came to his nose and he could hear-something was chasing him. Yet hsi feet made no sound in the snow, he was silent even in his movement. He broke into the woods glancing this way and that before running again he was headed further up the mountain. With ease he jumped from boulder to boulder before glancing down to now see what had been chasing him. A lycan. What? Why was he the one becing chased, the lycans no not to fuck with the Four Lords. 
“Get away you dumb shit!”
But those words didn’t leave his mouth just an inhuman growl. What the hell? In a split second he was howling, a familiar crystalline howl that suddenly turned into something deep and demonic. The lycan below suddenly backed away but snarled back up at him before he felt him move at lightning speed. He reached out with a large paw and talons bringing  it down swiftly on the mutated man. The lycan howled in pain but snapped with its strange teeth before slashing Karl with its claws. He felt a stinging pain but he paid no mind. Instead he opened his mouth and snapped down on the space between the creature's neck and shoulder. He tasted blood in his jaws and mutated flesh, he ripped away at it, sickening ripping and slapping sound echoed in the air.  The lycan let out another airy sound before dropping down at his feet in a pool of blood. He spat out the meat and howled again before licking his lips, feeling all his teeth to be sharpened. The blood fueled him in a strange way.
He shook his head and ran again leaving the corpse for the birds. Now where was he going? Heisenberg was moving quickly more so than a normal man should (Despite that he wasn’t normal but even as a Lord he wasn’t that fast) He started to hear the sound of water, then he smelled it, there was a sense of urgency: he needed to get to it fast.  Again, he moved so effortless through the snow until he started to see the river come into view. He dove his face into the water and slurped up the ice cold water like a wild beast. He saw the blood drip off of him from the other creature making the snow a light pink color. He shook his head like a beast before  peering into the water. What looked back wasn’t him but a large black humanoid wolf, with familiar harvest moon eyes.
Heisenberg woke up in a cold sweat, “The fuck was that?” He licked his lips again, he twitched, the taste of blood and flowers were on his lips. The Iron Horse got up and shakily made a glass of whiskey. He downed it quickly and poured himself another one.. What the hell? That dream felt so real, all the way to the cold of the snow , the sounds of howling,  the taste of blood on his lips...even that damn floral taste was still there. Why hadn’t that shit gone away yet. The mechanic downed the 2nd one and released a shaking breath. He has had vivid dreams like that but this one was different, it was as if he was someone else in the dream. No, he knew who that was, it was Irena, it had to be. He had been experiencing all her senses and feeling all the things she felt. 
Why though, had it something to do with the liquid she gave him? The kiss they exchanged? His  mind filtered back to those glowing eyes, that smile and that sweetness of the kiss, her gentle touch that made him craving more. 
Heisenberg growled and put his head in his hands. He didn’t want to think about that, he didn’t want to think about any of this. He needed to focus, fuck, he had a factory to run and an army to build. Now wasn’t the time to be getting sentimental, to be getting distracted, he needed to work. Getting lost in his work always got him distracted, the hatred for Mother Miranda fueled him and he needed to get back to that mindset. He growled again, taking down another glass of whiskey before throwing on his clothes, signature hat and glasses. “Fuck Mother Miranda , fuck this family and fuck this village! I can’t wait to burn this whole palace to the ground!”  He swung open the door with the flick of his wrist, nearly tearing it off the hinges and headed into the darkness of his factory, washing away any other thoughts of the wolf woman and only on his goals for now.
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shiftylinguini · 4 years
Do you take prompts? If not, have a nice day, but if so, I love your Bound series, and I was wondering if you'd consider a prequel about Remus first realizing that he's both desperate for, and desperately possessive of, Sirius, when they were back in school.
YES, hello, I do, however it goes without saying that it takes me forever to actually post them LOL. Anyway, I wrote this yonks ago and tidied it up this afternoon because I was in a Mood, and here we go. 
Warnings for jealousy, Hogwarts era, casual promiscuity and references to Sirius/OFC, werewolfy imagery, Irish Remus and general angst regarding boys being careless with each others’ feelings. enjoy! lol. 
It’s Halloween, and Remus is miserable.
It’s Halloween, and Remus is miserable.
There's a party in the dungeons; the Slytherins are hosting. "They're twats," James declared before he left their dorms, deliberately dishevelled in his pirate costume, a cutlass dangling from one hand and cider in the other. "But they throw a good piss up."
Peter agreed, predictably affable and struggling into his Peter Pan outfit. Sirius ignored them both, concentrating on doing his eyeliner right. He's a self-declared glam rock icon tonight, black glitter and flares and Marc Bolan curls. His pirate costume (second mate to James's Hook, of course) lay discarded on his bed in favour of something louder, more offensive, more Muggle.
They've all been too polite to ask why. (They all know it's because Regulus might be there).  
The party probably is good. Remus isn't there.
He was there, for an hour or so. Just long  enough for two chipped mugs of butterbeer heavily spiked with cheap whiskey and to see Sirius with his tongue down Margot Holdings' throat, his lipstick smearing crimson onto hers.
Remus begged off then, made his escape after throwing James some crap excuse about how the moon two nights ago was still making him feel woozy. James knew it was bullshit. He said nothing though, and let Remus scarper off like a kicked dog. James is the best of mates that way; he bulldozes through most conversations and into people's lives but he knows when to be quiet, how to keep a secret.
When to let Remus skulk off to their dorm to hide in his bunk and stew about Sirius.
Remus pulls the curtains tight. He kicks his shoes off, but leaves the rest of his costume as it is, pressing his face to the pillow and probably smearing lazy Dracula greasepaint all over it. It was a half-arsed effort, really. Three quarter-arsed, at best; Remus doesn't like dressing up as monsters. (He has enough of a time playing human).
He closes his eyes, then opens them again. He huffs grumpily against the pillow, wriggling to get comfortable and failing. He feels crap. He has no valid excuse for it―not one he's willing to admit to.
James knows about Remus and Sirius, and the bed hopping between them. He has ears, and eyes, and the dorm's not that big. It's not really a secret. The four of them just act like it's one, for everybody's sake.
Whatever it is, it's usually just a mess. And not a particularly monogamous one.
Remus has no reason to be upset about it. He and Sirius aren't an item. They're something, but Sirius isn't breaking any rules by snogging pretty girls under dimmed party lights. It might be nice if he didn't do it in front of Remus, but it also might be nice if he hadn't tried to make Remus a murderer two years ago. There's a lot of ways they could be nicer to each other. In perspective, the kissing doesn't seem that bad.
Remus could do the same, and might, if he trusted himself around anyone other than Sirius. (If there were girls as pretty as Sirius).
Remus doesn't trust himself with people other than Sirius, though. He's bookish and boring and plain and sometimes he daydreams about ripping his classmates apart. He's tall and pleasant and polite, and he's forever five years old, a rag doll in a wolf's jaws in a field in Ireland, changed and scarred. Sirius gets it, even if he can be a prick. He pushes buttons. He lights up the room. He gets under Remus's skin and makes him feel sane at the same time. He's one of the few people Remus trusts himself and the wolf around, even if he doesn't really trust Sirius anymore. Sirius fucked that right up for the both of them. It's confusing, but Remus is smart. He'll figure his way around it.
He devours books instead, pages and scrolls and tomes. He tries to be boring. He tries to be plain. He tries to be someone people like but mostly forget, the nice Irish lad tagging along with loud James and cocky Sirius and sweet Peter. He worries sometimes that he's doing it too well.
He tries not to think of Margot's hands on Sirius's waist, but he falls asleep to fevered images of them just the same.
Remus half-wakes to the <i>swish</i> of curtains flinging open. There's a low giggle and then the thump of platform boots hitting the floor.
"Moony." The bed dips. "Moooonyyy."
Remus is half asleep, surfacing from dreams he's already forgetting. He snuffles into his pillow, as if he can bury himself like a mole and back into sleep.
He's almost back asleep when he feels arms wrapping around his chest, Sirius spooning up behind him. He smells like alcohol, the remnants of cologne and clean sweat. He smells like someone else too; Remus shuts that thought down as quickly as he can, but it's too late. That little wolfy part of him that doesn't vanish with the full moon is always attuned to these things, pricking up its ears and growling low and threatening. Remus feels it in his belly. He's wide awake now.
"Sirius," he whispers, low and annoyed. He swallows. "You know this isn't your bed, yeah?" he grumbles.
Sirius laughs. He's drunk, loose and pliant. Remus doesn't know if that means he fucked her. He could tell, if he tried, if he let the wolf sniff her out. He's not going to do that though. He's got to have some self respect.
Sirius snake arms squeeze around him tighter. His knees are tucked up behind Remus's. "I couldn't find you," he slurs. "And then James said you were sad." Sirius exhales on a half yawn.
Remus waits, but Sirius doesn't say more, as if this is enough of an explanation as to why he's crawled into Remus's bed and wrapped around him like a vine.
Honestly, it is. Sirius can be complex, and sometimes he can be impressively simple.
And if Remus keeps his eyes shut, and doesn't look at the time on his watch, then he can pretend it's only been half an hour since he left the party―that Sirius noticed quickly and didn't stay on for hours, 'til dawn was approaching and the morning birds were chirping, didn't finger Margot behind a statue and kiss her neck until he left marks and then saunter back to his other mates, proud and loose-limbed and swigging whiskey before working up a sweat on the makeshift dance floor. That he didn't ask James as an afterthought once he'd had his fun, <i>hey, where did Mooney bugger off to?</i> That he didn't come and hop into Remus's bed as a way to end his night instead of the purpose of it.
It's a night thought. It's horse shit, and Remus knows it, but if he never sees the time then it will never be confirmed. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, if your best mate is a careless prick but you weren't there to see it, then did it really happen?
Behind him, Sirius's breath gusts over the back of his neck, and then again. The rhythm of sleep. His chest rises and falls easily, pressed all up against Remus's back, hips flush against Remus's pyjama-clad thighs. Remus keeps his own breathing shallow, tries not to breathe him in. It makes his head spin a little, not quite enough oxygen getting into his lungs. He's wide awake, and so is the wolf, the scar on his shoulder prickling like pins and needles and his senses tingling too.
His pillow is going to smell like Sirius for days now after this, longer if he hides the case from the elves and doesn't let them wash it. He'll want to roll in it, smell like Sirius, rub his face over the plain cotton and mouth at it until his breath dampens the pillow and Remus can taste it on his tongue. He might let himself do it. He'll hate himself afterwards, but he might let himself all the same.
He blinks, his vision swimming a little from his half-held breath before he gasps down a lungful, and there it is. Sirius all around him, thick in the air. He smells sweet, and sleepy, relaxed and content, and with a bitter pang Remus can smell her too. The wolf inside him can smell her. Remus braces for the comforting lurch of anger, of rage, for gnashing teeth and snarling lips, but it doesn't come.
There's a whine building in his chest instead, something sad and bereft, hurt. It feels like ears pulled back against his head, like a soft muzzle pressed against the cold ground. It sounds like a kicked dog, crawling on its belly back for more anyway.
Remus sniffs, blinking the sting away from his eyes and feeling his lashes come away wet. He curls a fist into his blanket, fingers tense and his breath shaky as he alternates between short sharp breaths and letting himself breath Sirius in, his chest tight from more than Sirius's boa constrictor arms. His eyes droop eventually, his face sore from frowning, but sleep hovers in his periphery like the moon slipping out of view over a highway.
Remus is too smart to fall for Sirius. The wolf isn't.
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Our Nightly Confidant 5
Four steps in my shoes
Four feels strongly.
In general, as a rule, but also in this specific situation, where sweat sticks his hair to his forehead and the pegasus boots chaff from constant overuse. From the slight burn of his arm muscles that nonetheless keep swinging the Four Sword.
Amazingly, the emotion at the forefront of his mind cannot be easily and neatly assigned to one facet of him. Annoyance isn't exclusive to any one side of him, quite the contrary. And the 'you can go die!' disdain is a taaaaad too specific as well.
White paws sweep at him and barely miss the top of his head. Would have hit Ezlo, if this had been his first adventure. The pang of nostalgia doesn't help his focus much.
Small bursts of magic and swings of his boomerang sting enough to keep his enemy on the backfoot. Behind him, a few roots twist enough for an opening beneath the trunk. If he can just...
The paw slams inches away from where he was standing a second earlier.
Urgh. It had to happen after they marched all day in search of civilization, didn't it?
Well, nothing to it, Four adjusts his sword and glares back at the slitted eyes trailed on him.
Which is when the loudest, most thunderous bark he ever heard rips the air in half and hammers in his eardrums. The white monster (cat) yowls in fright, fur straight up in horror, back arched, and it sprints right up a tree.
Wolfie is a familiar sight, and a welcome one at that.
But some instinctive part of him that is more Minish than Hylian can't help grip the Four Sword tighter.  From this perspective, Wolfie has more in common with Wild's divine beasts than a regular animal. His claws look about as tall as Four himself. And at the moment, the wolf is displaying a mouth full of fangs that promise a painful death.
He doesn't blame the cat for scampering. He's seen what those fangs can do to a throat. Or a wrist. Or an ankle. Not, really, he thinks the cat shows great wisdom in getting the hell out of Wolfie's range.  
But, because he is a Hero of Courage, he flips the sword in his hands, sheathes it and waves his arms.
The shift is instantaneous, and a little amazing to witness. The ears perk up, the posture straightens from its crouch, the teeth all disappear behind the black lips. It's a flip of Pacci's cane, a turn on a rupee, and there's the big beast their group loves.
“You okay there, Smithy?” Twilight asked, sniffing him for signs of injuries.
It's strange, hearing Twilight's voice coming through the sort of mental-bond-language of the Minish. Useful though. He's not certain he currently possesses the patience for some games of charades with a wolf.
“No injuries.” He puts a hand on the damp nose even as a burst of hot air washes over him. “Just a bit out of breath.”
It's not a doubtful tone, but there's some Time-patented exasperation in there.
“I would have been fine, you know?” says the part of Four that is a bit younger. “I dealt with lots of monsters even at this size.”
(Not Wolfie size though, that he thinks might be beyond him when shrunk.)
The flat look he receives makes him want to squirm.
He's too controlled for that.
“Yes, yes, I know.” He waves off the implied question. “I thought the innkeeper's cat was still inside.”
“He was. But after he mewled a bit, his owner let him out. And when I didn't see you... I had a feeling.”
Four wants to hit his head against a tree. Animals always were more aware of the scent of Minish magic. Many eyed him curiously when he walked through town. He should have known the cat would want to stalk after him. Probably thinking he knew where a village was hidden. He's going to have internal arguments about this all night.
“Cats are all bastards.”
To Four's amazement, Twilight's tail curls between his legs, his ears drooping. He rather looks more the guilty dog part than the majestic beast he insists he is.
“... But they're so cuddly.”
“When you're bigger than them, maybe,” Four deadpans. “Sneaky little shits.”
Twilight's whine is absolutely ridiculous and enough to make him snicker.
“Fine, fine. I'm not deaf, I hear what they say. Not as bad as cuccos, though.” Twilight's gaze wanders off to a faraway place. “Nothing is as bad as those psychotic birds.”
They lose a moment reliving their trauma over the feathered fiends.
Twilight shakes it off first. He lies down, his body like a hill of dark fur before Four, and hints at his back. Any protest Four might have had before dies in the face of his aching legs. He can fight off monsters at this size, but it's unreasonably more complicated. And he is not in the mood to stab spiders in the face tonight.
The fur is silky under his fingers, which is comforting but also a bit of a pain. Climbing means parting the coat of dark hairs and finding grip against skin. Sometimes, the body under him flinches or trembles, like Twilight is fighting off the urge to roll over. Four imagines it's quite similar to tickling. So he hurries up and makes his way up to the top of Twilight's head. Between the ears and roughly around the markings on his forehead.
Satisfied, Twilight stands, and the whole world blurs like he's still using his pegasus boots. A few more steps are needed before Four's body adjusts to the speed, and then he can relax. Twilight's safe.
And, he notes, not heading straight for the inn.
“We noticed the looks, you know,” Twilight says, because he's one of those busybodies that can't help mother cucco everyone around him till they are 'right as rain over a spring'.
“So?” he replies, even, practiced.
(Zelda had questions, at first, then orders that were swiftly obeyed, when in her sight. He hasn't told her that yet.)
“... How many of them do that?”
Do what? He wants to ask. The inn's owner had been quite polite, very careful in avoiding certain words around Four. Indeed so careful that Four could feel their syllables get more and more defined by the innkeeper's silence.
“Whisper?” he settles for. “A few. I'm weird, I know. Shorter than some kids, but can lift a hammer to forge. Own my business outside Castle Town, only shows up for groceries, talks to myself sometimes and stares at empty spots on shelves. I don't know, I suppose they expected me to apprentice beforehand, but there was a kingdom to save and what did that matter then?”
He punches the ground next to him before remembering too late it is Twilight's head.
The growl doesn't last. But the first few words he says are a bit more bitten out than the tone implies.
“There's a kid in my village. Younger than you. Couldn't lose the baby fat in his face for the longest time.” Twilight snorts, and his tail wags a bit. “And he's smart, really smart, a lot more mature than his older brother too.”
Four has a feeling that's partially due to the older brother's personality, but holds his tongue.
“People whispered behind his back. 'That boy is so creepy.'”
“Fey-touched,” Four says before he can hold back the red in him.
That one hurt. He's picked up habits from the Minish, he's aware. Little things like leaving keystones lying around for other kids or tiptoeing minish rings in the grass. But for those differences to matter so much, he hadn't expected until the first time the words had been floating around him.
“Ah,” Twilight says, followed by a whole lot of nothing.
Crickets around them sing. He can almost see some Minish putting a collar on the bugs to bring them home for a concert. Moving from behind stalks of grass, praying to the moon and the goddesses.
Then, Twilight says: “That takes me back.”
Four stumbles through the fur, his hands grasping on some new strands, but he can't tell if his unbalance is due a jolt in their steps or to the enormity of the idea. Twilight, the stereotypical rancher, seen as an outsider?
He tries, but all his brain conjures up is a much shorter version of Twilight dragging goats by the horns. That and dancing (badly) to the melody of a grass whistle.
Even from his spot atop Twilight's head, the eye roll is obvious despite being out of sight. “The only Hylian in a village of Humans?” he drawls. “Found as a toddler lost in the woods? Hardly able to speak for a while?”
Oh, Four thinks, that'd do it.
“They don't have the right to say that to you,” Twilight growls. “You're their hero.”
He could bask in the warmth. Lets himself lie down on Twilight and forget all about the events of tonight.
Curiosity wins, or well, violet does. “What did you do?”
“Nothing special? Just stayed the same and let them talk.”
Four's eyes bug out. “That's it? Nothing? How does that change anything?”
“When you're you, Four... When you're a good person regardless of rumors and whispers... Idiots don't stop talking, but the ones that are worth it stop listening.” A wolfish grin breaks out on Twilight's face. “Besides, you should have seen their black eyes after Rusl heard them say it to my face. After that... well, they could have called me the King of Evil and it wouldn't have mattered. Knowing you got someone in your corner's better than hollow praise from idiots.”
Four blushes.
He forgot for a bit, and he'll apologize to Zelda when he sees her, but it's true. Whenever he recalls that moment, the guard's words aren't ever the same. The phrasing lost all its power, outshone by the impassioned defense and the sheer anger wielded by his friend.
His back straightens. And he allows himself some childish pride in having the Princess of Hyrule in his corner. What do they have to beat that?
Twilight rumbles a laugh. “So... yeah, ignore them. Put them in their place if you want, the goddesses know you have the strength to do it, but that won't change their minds about anything. If you want some peace of mind, discard the idiots.”
Companionable silence falls between them. Four doesn't feel the need to speak after that bit of reassurance. They circle the woods, avoiding Hylians late on the road and monsters alike. Twilight's seemingly content just taking him on a ride, and Four's loath to admit he wants the moment to last a little longer.
They're not too far back from their starting point when he decides to ask: “About that kid?”
“Yeah, him, how does he deal with it?”
Twilight does not answer right away. He first jumps over some large, gnarled roots and growls at a fox that seemed a bit too curious about the smell of Minish magic. Four's grateful for the time to calm his pounding heart.
“Well, Malo just stares at them until they get uncomfortable. Then he asks them what they're looking for. It never seems to affect him too much.” – discomfort hits at that, and Four can't tell why – “But, well, it also happened in front of me, you know? And I take after my Pa. So I might have knocked a couple of heads together in Casle Town. Followed by a strong talking to. Not that Malo appreciated that I ran off some of his customers.” A sigh. “That kid, I swear.”
Four grimaces. That type of 'customers'. Will think they bless his forge with their presence, praise him to all ends, then turn around and whisper. “I'm sure he's grateful inside.”
“Eh, I hope so, but it's his call in the end. Can't live his life for him.” Some muscles roll, and Four gets the impression of a shrug. “Speaking of, what do you want to do, Smithy?”
The question takes him by surprise, and it's silly that he didn't expect it.
He knows that Twilight would spend the night outside with him if he asks. They're no strangers to outdoor camping and the woods of his era are less dangerous than most. Wolfie would intimidate most if not all the creatures that live inside it.
But it would be illogical to sleep in the woods when they have more than enough rupees to pay for some rooms in a local inn.
Four is reasonable. It's one of his trademarks as a Hero. Mature for his age. Calm. Collected. It's how he's taken seriously as an adventurer. Why would he shatter an illusion that useful? Over some mild ostracization?
'Serve it cold,' says one quarter of him.
Another sides with Twilight. Their big brother made a good point. They couldn't be bothered by every single ungrateful person out there. They'd always exist, so let them stew in jealousy and paranoia and fear. He has the favor of the Princess, his best friend. What does he need anger for against a countryside shop owner?
But, the blue in him counters with an hammer-like argument: 'No, the best revenge is both.'
The others would be a little mad, he thinks. A little.
He's usually mature enough not to get in trouble. He's due for some insanity and explosions. Wild would back him up here. And it might be his voice in his head that pushes the words out of his mouth.
“So, not that I haven't listened to a word you said, but, hypothetically, if I needed help knocking heads together...”
“How many heads? Wars mentioned an interesting technique he learned from his sparring with some Sheikah general the other night. Though, if you'd rather, I can say, without boasting, that a lot of grown men weep at this form. It's embarrassing for everyone, I tell you.”
Four snorts, struck by mischief. “We're going to need to find a stump. I might have a plan.”
Yes, Four contemplates, the glint of wolf fangs under the moonlight is just as terrifying as he figured it would be. He can't wait.
Legend is silently debating with Sky over the right to punch the innkeeper in the face. It's a fierce debate communicated entirely through raised eyebrows, scrunched up nose, muted snarls and meaningful looks.
The others' patience is steadily fraying at the edges. It's especially noticeable with their youngest. There are fireworks going off on Wind's face. The knife cutting his slab of meat to pieces steadily stabs into it every time the innkeeper's mouth opens.
“And where are you fine young men traveling to?” he says with a customer pleaser smile.
'Fine young men'. Ah! There's a thing he didn't say about Four. The fucking nerves of this man.
“Far,” Time replies, his tone even, but his expression thoroughly unimpressed.
“Ah, yes, of course...” the innkeeper says agreeably. “You, huh, you'll be going with the, ahem, with the boy, I imagine?”
How dare he sound hopeful? And 'boy'?! This man's livelihood is owed to the smithy! And he doesn't even have the excuse of mind control!
A hint of shame tickles the back of his mind, when he had first heard the innkeeper talking. He had sounded nothing like the ones from his era, who sometimes refused him entry outright on the basis of old and false accusations.
This current attitude was, technically speaking, a strict improvement over that.
But does the man have to come alive and become so at ease serving them food whilst the Hero of this land take a walk outside? Alone, at night?
Legend grunts into his mug. The rancher left after the smithy, so that ought to solve the 'feelings' question. A bit of a stick-in-the-mud he might be, but Twilight's one of the few he would trust to help navigate difficult feelings. He's got the patience for it, unlike a lot of them who tackle everything the way they do a dungeon, with reckless abandon.
Yet, in the cozy warmth of the fire in the hearth, over the hesitant plucking of the minstrel's chords, a howl suddenly calls to the moon.
They, alone, do not tense.
The howl echoes a second time, much louder. Closer.
The innkeeper shoots them a desperate look, but Legend suddenly realizes that he is blind, and possibly deaf. He has no reason to stand up, much less draw his sword. And, would Farore look at that, his condition is contagious!
The hinges creak as they inch open.
If Legend were not so experienced, he might have been nervous. But he's better than that. He leans back in his seat, places a hand on Hyrule's shoulder, and sips his ale.
There in the doorway, cut in shadows with the moon as backdrop, riding on a large grey wolf, Four raises both arms high in the air.
“Fear my unnatural power,” he says with as ominous a voice he can produce.
Warriors snorts, cheeks reddened by alcohol, and he gives a thumbs-up to their smith, despite the owner's pale complexion.
The mugs left on the table begin to shake. Oh, this is gonna be good.
It starts with a pair of squirrels and a owl, neither obeying their instincts in favor of swooping inside the inn. Followed by a handful of moles, fireflies and stray dogs.
In a flash of white, the inn's cat bolts inside the inn, meowing, till it reaches its owner's legs and climbs onto him. It perches itself on his bald head, seconds before the first deer bounces inside the building.
Epona breaks the first table.
But the three raccoons lunging after his cat are what make the owner scream.
Legend guffaws in his ale.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 15 (Sirius Black x F! Oc)
Words: 2,440
Chapter 14 // Chapter 16
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"It was a simple task and you couldn't even do it," Ares complains. His face flushed with anger.
"You asked me to use an unforgivable spell, not only was I going to risk my life with a ticket to Azkaban, you asked me to murder an innocent family!" Tears run down my face. "They had a little boy!”
"Muggles, either way!”
“Not because they don't have magic it means they deserve to be killed. They didn't know why they were there!”
"What don't they deserve?" His teeth gnash, he grabs my arm very tightly. "All your life we’ve taught you your position in this family, in this society–and now you come out with this nonsense! Don't tell me that you’re fond of them now…” His grip grows stronger and I complain. "Because if that's the case... you'd better not live anymore in this house"
I remain silent, impressed by my father's words. I don't understand how we went from being the perfect family to this. I always saw my father as a hero, the one who was always going to protect me from everything. But now…
“N-no…” He nods and releases me.
"Go away," He hisses and I don't wait any longer to run away from there.
I go up the stairs and stop at the bottom of them. My breathing is accelerated. I look at my right arm, which has a mark on. I lean against a wall and once my breathing is even, I walk to a door and knock several times. Apollo opens it
"I need Jane,” I say in a whisper and I raise my arm to show him. He looks down.
“Who–?" He stops half a question and looks me straight in the eye. I nod. He steps back and lets me into his old room. "Love, Persephone needs you…”
Jane comes out of the bathroom and when she sees my wound, she sighs.
"We haven't been in this house long, how many times have you hurt yourself, honey?" Although I know she’s not joking, I can't help but laugh at her question.
She shares her head with a smile. I sit on Apollo’s bed and Jane is focused on healing my arm. Apollo moves arranging his things along with his wife's in the room, I suppose this room’s smaller than the one in her home.
“Apollo-“ He stops at my call. "When your baby is born, will I be able to visit you?" I know Jane wants to answer, but I don't take my eyes off my older brother. And for the first time in a long time, he gives me a smile, just for me.
"Of course you can, Persephone."
The rest of the vacation passed quickly, especially since I spent it almost every day in my room to avoid any problem. I only spoke with Jane and sometimes with Apollo, Juno spoke to me just to ask for favors and the other two only to annoy me, but since I didn't play along like before, they got bored and left me be.
But finally I'm back at Hogwarts and the first person I see when I enter the castle is Remus, who greets me with a big hug. Which I really needed.
"Thanks for the notebook, Wolfie," I whisper before we part and he laughs.
"You're welcome. By the way, the book you sent me is the one I was missing, thank you,” He says and I wink. "I don't think your vacation was as happy as what you told me in your letters," I shrug.
"It could be worst. Any progress with the super plan?”
He smiles.
“Maybe. I have an idea, but I still have to think about some things, the important thing is that I think it can be achieved,” I sigh in relief.
"Those words are music to my ears."
"I guess it’ll be part of our meeting next time,” He smiles a little. "How did you manage to survive in your house?" He asks with worry.
"I had a tense moment with my father, but…” I shake my head. "That doesn't matter anymore.”
"Percy, you know you won’t be fine if you don't tell me how you feel, we promised that we would be honest." I rub my neck.
"Second topic for the meeting?”
He nods. I examine my friend in detail, his eyes show tiredness, he also has dark circles. It won't be long before the full moon. "Do you think this time we can talk about your little furry problem every full moon?" Remus quirks up at that.
"N-no, I don't think it is.”
"Oh come on, you know every ridiculous story from my sad life, how about an exchange of misfortunes?" I try to joke around so he doesn't feel so pressured. I already knew about his lycanthropy, but I don't have all the details. When I mentioned it, Remus almost freaked out.
“All right," He finally says.
“You shouldn't be that close to snakes, Lunatic. Especially that one, it's poisonous,” I roll my eyes when I hear that stupid voice. We both turn to meet James and Sirius.
"Behave yourself, Prongs,” James holds up his hands.
"I'm just telling the truth– Right, Padfoot?" I look at Sirius, but he isn't listening to his friend, instead he stares at my neck. "Paddie?"
Sirius shakes his head.
“Dude, we haven't even had classes yet and you're already distracted, why are you staring at her like that? I don't think there’s much to look at.”
My cheeks flush and I fold my arms over my chest.
He laughs.
"James!" Remus scolds him.
"That necklace is new, Singh. Any admirer?” Sirius refuses to play along with his friend.
I touch the necklace distractedly.
"I don't think so…” I reply simply.
"Are you okay, Sirius?" Remus asks. The boy just nods.
"P!" Jenna comes to us and practically tackles me. “Hello, Marauders. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to kidnap this beautiful lady.”
"I see that everything is forgiven,” says Remus with a smile and we both nod.
Jenna doesn't wait and takes my hand, she guides me through the corridors of the school until we reach the gardens, Lily Evans’ group is sitting in a circle.
“Ah, Jenna…” I release her hand and stop.
"What's going on?"
"What are you planning? I can't go to them,” I say nervously.
"Don't be silly! I just want to do something, they won't do anything to you.”
“I don’t belong in that your group, Jenna," She sighs and comes closer.
“Honey," She takes my face in her hands. "They won’t despise you, I promise.”
"But I’ve done it! For a long time, I made fun of each one of them, I can’t do it!”
"You know? I'm surprised by this new attitude, P. What happened to the confident girl who wouldn't be trampled on by anyone?” I bite my lower lip.
“She's no longer here, she should never have existed," She stops touching my face.
"No, Persephone. The girl who discriminated against others and hurt them is no longer here. She’s widely different from the one who always walks with her head held high. Honey, I've seen you stand up in front of everyone's criticism, don't let that disappear.”
I almost want to cry. Almost, but she's right.
"It's hard to see the difference," She smiles.
“But that's what you have me for, sweetie. We'll do it together, like always.” I can't believe how close I came to losing her. "Listen, if you feel uncomfortable, we can go. I just want to do something, okay?” She takes my hand again.
When we finally arrive the conversation between them dies. They all smile at Jenna and they stare at me.
Marlene gets up and hugs Jenna. I smile, pulling back a little.
"I missed you so much, love," says Marlene fondly.
"I did too. My family’s so boring, your letters were my salvation!” When they break apart, Jenna moves away a little and smiles at me. “Mar, I want to officially introduce you to my best friend, Persephone. P, she is my girlfriend, Marlene…” The girl miles shyly at me.
“It’s… good to see you Marlene. I mean, all of you–” I point out, “Yes, it's good to see you all together again as always... it's not that you can't be apart– Well, I’ve only seen Lily alone, but you’re always in a group, not that it’s wrong, you are friends, that’s what friends do…” I stop speaking when I listen to their laughter.
Jenna puts her arm around my shoulders.
"Forgive her, she talks a lot when she's nervous.”
I rub the back of my neck.
"You don't have to be, Persephone," says Lily.
Jenna and I sat on the grass in front of them. Jenna and Marlene hold hands and share a knowing look. The conversation continues, but I don’t understand the topic well enough, from time to time I observe in detail the interaction between the couple. Some whispers in the ear, sweet giggles, kisses on the cheek or lips…
"They're adorable." Lily interrupts my thoughts, turning to them.
"It makes you think… You want something like that, don’t you?" I frown.
"I guess…” I smile at the thought. Actually, she's right, it’d be a... good thing, to have something like that.
"But it's hard to find it," She sighs and I laugh. "What?"
"I know someone who’s willing to have something like that with you,” At first Lily frowns, but then she understands.
“Oh, please, not in a million years," She squeals, making me laugh. "It's not fun!"
"Yes it is! Potter would give anything to have five minutes of your attention, imagine what he’d do to be your boyfriend!”
"That will never happen!”
"Yeah right, can I be your bridesmaid?" She hits my shoulder and I can’t stop laughing.
"Very funny, isn't it? What about your love life?”
"Simple, it doesn't exist," She raises a brow.
"I bet you and Sirius would make a nice couple…”
"Stop there, redhead. There’s a difference between James and Sirius– James would leave anyone to be with you, and Sirius can’t stop being a womanizer. I'm sure he’ll end alone.”
Saying those words, I can't help but feel a knot in my stomach, but I ignore it.
"That only affirms my theory, Singh,” She smirks. I look at her confused. "If Sirius leaves all those girls, you think you’d be something?"
I shake my head repeatedly.
"No- I don’t- He doesn’t- Agh!" I groan, making her laugh. "It won't happen.” I sentence with a growl
"I find many errors in your theory, Persephone."
"I don’t," I shrug.
Later, the group begins another conversation, with names that I didn’t recognize, in situations that I never knew happened.
I know that my presence causes them some discomfort, especially with Alice, and sometimes Lily doesn’t know if she should mention something in front of me, at no time I take part in the gossip, but I don’t care about it much. Surely, I’d act the same, or even worse. I don't blame them, but all of this helps me relax a little and makes forget about my family.
The next day, classes continue smoothly. Some tests have already been answered, but there’s still some tension between the students. Without realizing it, several weeks had passed without any drama.
"You look… less worse."
"Thanks, Reg, you always know what to say," I say as I toss him a piece of apple. He laughs, shaking his head.
“You’re relaxed, that's good. What about the nightmares?”
“They keep coming, but now I can sleep. I guess at Hogwarts I feel safer knowing that my father can't harm me here.”
Regulus grimaces, nodding.
"The picnic was a good idea when everyone is at the Quidditch match," He offers, eating a grape.
The gardens are just for us, I wanted a moment of silence with my best friend.
"I always have good ideas,” We laugh. "Come on, I bet you can catch this grape with your mouth," he groans, but agrees to try.
"You suck at this game. Always.”
"Shut up, I need to focus,” He rolls his eyes and opens his mouth.
The first attempt fails. And the second. And third. After his turn, I only manage to catch one.
"That's cheating," He complains.
"How could it be cheating? You threw it,” I scoff.
"You throw the grapes very high, the last one almost hit me in the eye!"
"That's because you don't have good reflexes, idiot.”
"So?" A piece of apple hits my forehead and we start a food war. "Now that’s enough! Don't waste anymore food, Singh.”
I laugh and pick up the remains.
"Hey, the other day I heard a little rumor about you,” I raised my eyebrows suggestively.
"What thing?"
"Oh nothing, they just mentioned a certain Amelia Potts…” He groans dramatically and I giggle.
"I just helped her with her story assignment and suddenly I'm dating her?"
"You don’t like her?"
"It's not that. She’s beautiful and good– Pureblood, it's just that... I'm sick of everyone wanting to pair me up with everyone.”
"I understand,” We’re silent for a few minutes, then he gets up.
"It's horrible how something’s always expected of you, especially when even you don't know what you're capable of…” His words surprise me, but I don’t know what to reply.
"We should run away, Persephone.”
"What?" I look at him with an amused expression.
“As soon as school ends and you’re no longer tied to that ridiculous wedding and I don't have any family responsibilities. Let’s just run away and don't look back–”
"Did the food hurt yout head?"
"Think about it!” He ignores my question. "Life without worries, without fear of anyone, just travel, no parents, no school, no work, nothing to stop us!" He says, almost shouting the last.
I laugh and get up to face him.
“That'd be great. Where would we go?" He smiles.
“Wherever! Greece, Ireland, India, we can go to America, wherever we want!" He raises his arms.
“Oh! We could do whatever, eat whatever, wear anything, dance on the beach!”
"Yes!" And as if we were connected, we start dancing –or that was the intention, at one point it’s just meaningless jumps, no music, just our laughter with zero cares about the world.
This is unusual for Regulus, but I wouldn’t complain about this attitude in a million years. I love it when he’s not serious and prefers to have fun with me. Time and our parents have not taken these moments away.
@treestarrrrrrrr @siriuslysirius1107     @thagreenmoon  @madmaiden2890 @bloodorangemoonlight     @ren-ela @avipshamitra    @auroraawrites   @findzelda@lizlil​ @siriusmuch  @mey-rapp​  
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auspicious-lilana · 5 years
Two Cats, One Heart (Chat Noir x reader)
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Summary: Summary: Y/n Ross and Adrian Agreste are childhood best friends, they’ve been through thick and thin, including losing their mom, and dad. Since then Y/n’s mom made her live with Adrian at his mansion and forever leaving her life. Watch as their lives Change as they become the new heroes of Paris alongside Ladybug and see how Romance sprouts between the two models.
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 
"Come on Y/n, it's just a little cold, not like it's the end of the world"  Alpha mumbled the last part to himself as I glared at the little wolf as I sneezed and cleaned my red snotty nose into the napkin. That stupid Stormy Weather Akuma gave me a freaking cold!
"Today is Adrian's birthday! I've been planning for this day for weeks! and what do I get for all that hard work? A freaking cold!"
"It's not that-"
"It is!"
"Geez. Who knew chill Y/n could be such a big bully when sick" I glared at Alpha again as I sneezed as I heard the door open. Alpha hid behind my hair as Natalie came in.
"Good morning Y/n. I'm here to bring your shed- Oh my, are you having a cold?"  I mustered up the most believable smile I can.
"Ye-achoo!" I sneezed into my napkin again as i groaned slightly to myself as I heard Natalie talk into her ear piece.
"Would you like the chef to cook something up for you and bring it up here?"
"Yes please"
"Tell her to get brownies too!" Alpha hissed in my hair as I fake coughed to cover up my next words and Alpha's voice.
"Shh"  I smiled back at Natalie.
"Can you maybe bring a few brownies along? For a little treat for later of course"
"You've been having an obsession with brownies these few weeks"
"No kidding" I gritted my teeth with a smile.
"I must go and inform Adrian now, I hope you feel better soon"
"Me too"  I said as she left. I sighed and relaxed back in my bed. My messy hair spreading all over as Alpha came out. "You need to learn when to talk and when to not," I said breathlessly.
"I'm sorry my miraculous owner forgot to give me my mealy brownie an hour ago."
"you've mistaken mealy with hourly Alpha"
"Still. A hungry kawami is a hungry kawami"
"Whatever" I groaned out as I soon heard a pair of footsteps running up here. I quickly gave Alpha a look as he groaned.
"Again?"  He flew off to hide behind my computer as Adrian stormed in panting.
"Y/n. I..heard...that you got sick"
"Sadly is true," I said as I heaved myself to sit up.
"I know how you get when your sick. Do you want me to sta-"
"No. Birthday boy has to go out to school and get those birthday wishes from friends and presents perhaps. I'm good Adrian. You go."
"How am I supposed to leave without you? I'm used to leaving with you. I can't go around and be happy knowing one of the people I care about most is at home being sick and in need of her dear Goldilocks" I stared at Adrian agape as a genuine smile made up to my face.
"Don't worry my dear Goldilocks, Here's a deal. I'll try my best to recover quickly then maybe get up strong enough to wish you a happy birthday as long as you go to school" Adrian looked at me hesitantly as he sighed and kissed my forehead as my eyes widened slightly as he pulled away.
"Just get better without forcing yourself" he smiled as he got up and left, leaving me shook as my hand slowly touched my forehead where he kissed.
"Didn't think the model boy would pursue two girls"  Alpha said with his little signature smirk.
"S-shut up. he's not pursuing anyone, nobody, Natta"
"mhmm, right. well, if it's worth it I saw him blushing as red as those nasty rashes you had last week when he left through that door."
"Your lying, and the rashes weren’t that bad!”
"Sweetie I don't lie, especially to my holders. and face the facts Y/n, it was that bad"  Alpha sat himself in front of me laying on my hand. "Plus, I'm pretty sure model boy likes you a bit more than you think, but then again, how can you notice him when you have a monster crush on Chat Noir" I blushed as I moved my hand away making him fall down onto my lap.
"It's not that big of a monster crush"
"So your not denying your deep love for that black cat?" I looked away with a blush, not wanting to see the smug face of my kawami. "Honestly. Humans are so dense. It's frustrating yet so entertaining." I rolled my eyes as I soon heard my door knocked as I quickly opened my blanket under him so he can hide there.
"Miss Ross, your meal is here" I heard my personal chef say.
"Come in" The chef quickly placed my meal on my lap as he quickly left. "Thank you!" I quickly yelled out. Alpha quickly came out and took the plate of brownies.
"Come to papa" I rolled my eyes as I eat my chicken soup.
I was watching Netflix on my TV, bored out of my mind. I had already recovered enough that I don't sneeze much and my appearance looks fine too. I was going to go back to bed to take another nap hoping the day can go by quick as I heard loud music blasting outside the mansion.
"Y/N! TURN DOWN THE TV!"  Alpha yelled from my bed, already half asleep.
"It's not me" I said suspiciously as I looked out my window to see adults flying up in bubbles?! I gasped as i turned to Alpha to see him tired. "Naps has to wait. Paris needs Lady Wolf" Alpha slowly went up to me as his stomach began to grumble.
"The last time I ate was four hours ago, I need my refill!" Alpha complained. I sighed as I pressed the com button to get the chef or natalie but nobody was answering. I looked out at the window to see all of them floating out.
"I'm guessing this akuma holds a grudge on adults" I said as I quickly placed a jacket and tied my hair into a rushed bun as I placed Alpha in my inside pocket as I snuck out. By the time I went out I saw all my friends from school and more dancing, not seeming to enjoy themselves.
"Hey, you. Why aren't you having fun?" I heard a voice as I quickly hid behind the hallway as I watched the Akuma talk to Ivan.
"None of your business"  Ivan replied leaning on the wall.
"Then I'm going to make it my business." The akuma brought out his large bubble sword as he bubbled Ivan sending him to the air as I held my mouth to hold in my gasp. I quickly hid behind the wall as he looked around before walking back to the DJ station. I let out a sigh as I quickly snook over to the food table and stole a brownie and tucked it into my pocket with Alpha in it as I quickly went back in the mansion as I saw Marinette leave. I looked at her confused before shaking it off. I have no time to think of her right now. I quickly hid inside the study room as Alpha came out eating the whole brownie in one gulp, seeming pretty satisfied for now.
"Okay. Alpha, Tails out!" "but your siiiiickkk!" I quickly transformed.
"sick or not, Paris still needs me," I said to Alpha if he could hear me as I leaped from the study window and made saw Ladybug. "Ladybug! Where's Chat?"
"Who knows," Ladybug said as we jumped on top of the wall.
"Hey, Paris, how you doing?" Adrian excitedly said raising the microphone. Poor him. he doesn't realize it's a forced party. When nobody cheered the bubbler threatened them behind him as they began to cheer. Adrian jumped down from the stage as he soon noticed us. "Ladybug? Lady Wolf?" Ladybug threw her yoyo hitting the power strip unplugging everything.
" Sorry, Bubbler, but the party's over." Ladybug said with a smirk.
"Why you two gotta be like that?" Bubbler replied.
"You made all the adults disappear, that's why! And now you're imprisoning anyone who isn't having fun."  I yelled out as we didn't notice Adrian slip away from the fake party.
"You will not bust up my party!" Bubbler threw two bubbles at us as we used our yoyo/staff to deflect it. We got in a furious battle as the crowd shattered running to safety. Ladybug threw a yoyo at a big bubbled being thrown at us as it reflected back at her as Chat Noir quickly came in and hit the yoyo up the air.
"Looks like I made it just in time."
"We had it under control," I said as the yoyo hit Chat's head. "But thanks" I winked as Chat rubbed his head slightly annoyed. The Bubbler sent a large wave of red bubbles as we all swinged at them to keep it away from us. The bubbler then smirked as he snapped his fingers as the red bubbles turned green and began to circle furiously as it stuck to our bodies as we tried to shake it off. Before we knew it we were stuck in a green bubble. I was squished between Ladybug and Chat Noir. I sneezed as they quickly looked at me as I tried to hold another sneeze in. Great, just great. Why couldn't the cold kick in some other time?
"Are you sick?" Ladybug asked.
"No, I'm fine"  I firmly said as I covered my nose hoping whatever power is in this bracelet would be able to hide my cold from the period of the battle.
"Give me your Miraculouses before you run out of air." The Bubbler threatened.
"Dream on Bubbler!" Ladybug yelled back as I choked on a sneeze, determined not to show my sickness in the heat of a fight.
"Total party poopers, just like adults."
"Kids need Adults!" Ladybug protested.
"False! Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. Adults are controlling and bossy."
"But adults keep children safe and protected. They care for their kids, they love them!"  
"At least must do" I mumbled to myself thinking back to my mother leaving me in a young age. "You can't take them from these innocent kids!"  I yelled to cover my mumbles.
"You must bring back the adults!" Chat yelled.
"Nope, never. Know what, since you care so much about these adults, why don't you go float with them for a while?" The Bubbler ran toward us as he kicked us up high in the air as we gasped from the sudden movement. I found myself clinging to Chat due to my fear of high top heights. Chat chuckled.
"Is little wolfie scared of heights~?" I gripped to him harder unable to mutter a word as we stopped moving but super high up in the sky.
"Save the teasing for later, Chat"  Ladybug said as she looked around them. " Use your Cataclysm!"
"Couldn't you say that five hundred feet ago?" I squeaked out. "We can't stay stuck in this bubble together forever way up here and the deserted sky...way high up" I said slightly going paranoid. Chat held me close as he kept one arm away from me, probably to use his power.
"Cataclysm!" Chat touched the bubble as it popped making us start to fall. We all yelled as I clinged on to Chat's shoulders to scared to let go.
"Should we see if you two land on your feet this time?"  Ladybug yelled over to us.
"No, Thanks!" We both said.
"Chat! Your stick, there!" Ladybug pointed at the eiffel Tower as he nodded.
"Got it!" Chat threw his stick on the eiffel tower as it stuck there as ladybug tied her yoyo around it as I grabbed ladybugs hand while holding Chat's hand in the other as we swing and land on the ground safely. I collapsed on the ground relieved to feel the rocky road beneath me.
"Remind me to go mountain climbing with you~" Chat flirted at me as I finally regained my senses and scoffed as he helped me up.
"Let's see if I ever go out with you anywhere first" I purred.
"Challenge accepted, M'lady"
"I can't have one flirt-free fight with you two can I?" Ladybug said jokingly as she walked to us. "We've got to get to his bubble sword, that's got to be where the akuma is." As Ladybug said that Chat's ring started beeping.
"Better hurry" He said slightly worried.
"Where is everybody? Get out here and party!" The Bubbler yelled angrily looking at the kids who were hiding.
"Sorry to burst your bubble!" Ladybug said as we stood on top of the wall as Chat crouched.
"Ladybug! Lady Fox!" Alya and Maya exclaimed as everyone began cheering for us.
"No one wants to party with you anymore, Bubbler."I said confidently.
"What's wrong with all you guys!? Why you gotta be such haters!?" Bubbler got angry as he trapped the kids in bubbles sending them up with the adults.
"NO!" We all yelled.
"Outer space is the next stop for your precious peeps, and they're never coming back!" The Bubbler jumped from roof to roof as Ladybug, Cat Noir  and I went to pursue him. The Bubbler flies to the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug, Cat Noir and I  start climbing it while he threw explosive bubbles at us as Cat Noir's ring alerts he's about to change.
" I'm gonna switch back soon, hurry." Chat Noir desperately yelled as us. Ladybug nodded as she stood up.
"Lucky charm!" Her powers handed her a giant wrench as we stared at it confused.
" Your... plumbing skill is gonna help us out?" Chat said confused as Ladybug shrugged her shoulders. Bubbler began to throw more explosive bubbles at Chat and I as we jumped and climbed to dodge them.
"Is that all you got? Bubbler?" I teased as Ladybug looked around with her charm vision.
"Got it!" Ladybug yelled as she ran towards the pipe while Cat Noir and I  are still dodging bubbles. She loosens the screw and the pipe comes off. It goes up to where Cat Noir is standing.
"Chat Noir! Cover us! Lady Fox! Wait for my signal to use your powers to snatch the bubble sword. We both nodded as Chat jumped down as he gripped onto the pipe as it blew away any bubbles that was thrown at us.
"Moon Wolf!"I shouted as I went invisible. Once Bubbler raised his bubble sword Ladybug looked to where she last saw me.
"Now!" I nodded as I quickly jumped around and leaped above Bubbler snatching the bubble sword as I threw it towards Ladybug who quickly got it and snapped it in half with her leg.
"Get out of there, you nasty bug. No more evil-doing for you, little akuma." Ladybug opened her yoyo as she captured the akuma, before releasing it. "Bye-bye, little butterfly" Ladybug then threw her giant wrench to the air. "Miraculous ladybug!"as it spread apart fixing whatever damage that the fight caused and returned the adults where they were as it soon changed Bubbler back to Nino who sat on the ground confused.
"Pound it!"We all said.
"You can't run forever Ladybug, Lady Fox. and when I catch you, I will crush you! I will DESTROY YOU ALL!" Hawkmoth yelled as his window closed.
Adrian was dining alone, since Y/n was still a bit under the weather since the fight.
"A birthday present, from your father" Natalie said giving a gift containing a scarf as Adrian happily took it.
"Thank you.  I mean, please say thank you to my father for me." Natalie nodded and left as Adrian stared at the gift happily as Y/n looking slightly better came down the stair case to the dining room with a gift in hand.
"Adrian?" Adrian looked up and quickly ran to her worriedly.
"You were supposed to stay in bed, N/n. If you needed me you could've called me"
"But the gift won't look that special then" Y/n complained as Adrian only just then noticed it.
"You made me a gift..?"
"Yes. I decorated it, placed it and wrapped it all on my own"
"but you're sick..." Adrian said as he took the gift gently as they sat down.
"I, uh. " Y/n began to stammer nervously. "started on it...a month ago"Adrian looked at Y/n shocked as as blush began to coat his cheeks at the thought of Y/n thinking of a birthday gift for him so early.
"You'd really do that for me?" Adrian said as he began to carefully unwrap it before gasping at the well decorated picture frame with a picture of them playing around in the park as their 5 year old selves. On the top frame with a colorful font, it read.'In all the places in the world, I'm happiest when I'm with you'
"I know it isn't as fancy as your other gifts, and it probably looks pretty torn but If you don't like it I can take it ba-" Y/n was cut off by Adrian pulling her into a hug as he buried his head into her neck, taking in her warmth smell.
"This is the best gift anyone could've ever given me, thank you, Y/n. I love yo- it. I love it" Adrian blushed as he realized he almost confessed his feelings. Thankfully y/n hadn't caught on.
"I'm glad, and uh. I found a little something in one of my old drawers" Adrain let go of Y/n as she gave him a small box with a ribbon on it.
"Another gift? Gee N/n, are you trying to spoil me?" Y/n laughed a bit as she slightly pushed his arm.
"Just see what's inside" Adrian nodded as he opened it to see one of the old bracelets Adrian and Y/n made together when they were 10.
"I almost forgot about this..." Adrian looked up to see Y/n holding up her wrist showing the bracelet he had made for her. It was grey and f/c, while the one she made for him was green and black. When they made this...they promised to never leave each other's sides. and how cheesy this may sound but Adrian  also remembered them promising they'd marry each other when they're adults. "Didn't we say we'd get married when we grow up?" I said teasingly as Y/n blushed a bit as she laughed.
"Are you planning to win my heart? Goldilocks?"
"Maybe," Yes. was what Adrian wanted to say. After today, he learned he's in love with his best friend. But did he know, his best friend was in love with his flirty alter ego?
Don’t forget to comment! I love to hear what you guys think! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
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wedreamerz · 4 years
Written for @mcukinkbingo
Square Filled: Hickies
Pairing: Tony/Loki
Alt Universe in which Loki showed up at the final battle with Thanos to save the day.  This is several years after the battle.
Rating: E
Mainly smut with mention of past angst and loss. 
“I fail to understand your fascination, Anthony.  They are only bruises.”
Tony rolled his eyes and straddled Loki’s hips, earning him a lusty groan from the god beneath him.
“What lovely noises you make,” Tony said and nibbled along his jawline.
Loki chuckled.  “Do you wish for me to eat you up like the wolf in that fairy tale Morgan insists you retell every night?”
Tony smiled at the memory, no more than a half-hour prior, retelling the tale of The Big Bad Wolf.
"I don't know, you are rather tasty.  Maybe I should eat you," he growled in the voice he always used for the wolf and bent to suck open-mouthed kisses down Loki’s neck, gently at first, wet and enticing.  But when Loki rolled his hips, pressing their cocks together, giving Tony that little bit of that divine friction, he bit down and sucked a mark onto Loki’s pale skin.
"Anthony," Loki breathed.  He pushed long fingers into Tony's hair, grey now.  He had stopped coloring it at Loki's request, but he wasn’t sure how long that would last.
“I like seeing my marks on you in the morning,” Tony said.  “And don’t think I don’t notice the way you look at them in the mir-”
Loki chuckled and cut Tony off with a kiss.  But Tony didn’t mind the distraction.  He loved to get lost in Loki's kisses, the warm, sweet slide of their tongues, the sharp, needy little nibbles that let Tony know his very own personal god was done playing around.  
Loki stood and lifted Tony as though he weighed nothing.
"I want you by the fire," he purred, laying Tony down on the plush rug before the fireplace.
Tony started to argue but Loki shook his head as he knelt between Tony's parted thighs.
"You needn't worry. I've enchanted her door. She will hear nothing and we will be well warned should she wake up."
Tony smirked.  He should have known.  Loki adored Morgan like she was his own.  He’d been a balm to Morgan's broken heart when Pepper died a year after the final battle with Thanos.
Loki touched his hand, the mangled one, the one he would have lost had Loki not been there during that battle.  Tony looked up to meet his gaze and smiled.  It had been his own mistake that brought Loki to him - the lost Tesseract.  It was the best mistake he’d ever made.
“Are you here with me now, Anthony?" Loki asked in that careful tone he used when Pepper's ghost crossed Tony’s face.  Loki blamed himself.  He’d tried to save her.  But it turned out even Loki’s considerable powers couldn’t cure cancer. 
“I’m here,” he said, reaching for Loki, pulling him into his arms.  He buried his face in Loki’s hair, breathed in the scent of his shampoo - spicy, sweet, and exotic.  He still wore it long but let it fall in soft curls around his face now instead of slicking it back.  “I’m always here with you, Mr. Shakespeare.”
Loki chuckled at the nickname Tony had given him when he’d developed a taste for The Bard’s works as he’d poured through Earth’s literary wonders.  Tony chuckled too, remembering the way he’d rolled his eyes and continued through his fourth reading of Henry V.
“Shall I quote you love poems? Prose?” Loki purred, and with the twitch of his finger, Tony’s clothes were gone.  The flames in the fireplace flared, reflected in the bright green of Loki’s eyes, turning them an intoxicating shade of copper for just a moment. 
“Pistol’s cock is up and flashing fire will follow.”  
Loki smoothed his hands up Tony’s thighs to where he was already hard and wanting.  With one long finger, he traced Tony’s length and smirked when it twitched beneath his touch.  He bent to kiss him - tiny warm presses of his lips from base to tip that left Tony breathless.
“Loki,” Tony whispered.
“Flesh stays no further reason. But stays rising at thy name,” Loki quoted, holding Tony’s gaze as he licked the same trail his kisses had blazed.  
Tony loved to watch Loki suck his cock.  His expression was so open, so full of love and desire.  Tony bent his good arm behind his head so that he would have a better view.  That’s when he saw mischief in Loki’s eyes and knew he was in for a treat. 
“But nay,” Loki said.  “Me thinks the Man of Iron prefers a more primitive tale this night.”  He nibbled around the flared ridges of Tony's cock head and swirled his tongue around the tip. 
“Not a children's tale; but a tale of wanton greed and excess. A wolf in the guise of a handsome prince, laying in wait for the beautiful man cloaked all in scarlet - waiting and eager to eat him whole."
Tony listened, enraptured as always at the way Loki wove his spell.  He pulled Tony in with his words and the gentle teasing of his mouth.  Through slitted eyes he watched Loki lap up the length of his cock and then take the head between his spit-slick lips.  Tony groaned when Loki swallowed him, pressed his nose into the well manicured hair at the base of his cock.
"Loki," Tony panted and pressed his hips forward, needing more - deeper, faster, harder.  Loki moaned around his cock and urged him on.
Fuck my throat, Anthony. Let me feel your cock throb as you cum.
Loki spoke into his mind, feeding him images and thoughts of how it felt when Tony fisted his hair and pumped his hips. He saw his own face through Loki's eyes, head thrown back, mouth open as he cried out and emptied himself down Loki's throat.
Tony floated, electrified and numb and yet somehow feeling everything, the chafe of the rug, the warmth of the fire.
"Roll over, Darling Red. I wish to have you on your knees."
Tony tried to comply, eager for more but blissfully boneless.  With a chuckle, Loki helped him into position, slipping a pillow under him for Tony to hold onto.  Tony closed his eyes and stretched.
Warm, wet and luscious, Loki tongued open his asshole until Tony was hard again.  He rolled his hips and moaned when he felt Loki's cock at his entrance.
"Come on, Wolfie," Tony murmured after turning his head to the side.  "My...what a big cock- oh...fuck."
"That is the general idea, Love," Loki purred, balls deep in Tony's ass, waiting for the signal that he was ready for more.
Tony smiled and enjoyed the fullness, the complete joy of his submission to Loki in that moment.  Tony knew how difficult it was to wait, how much Loki longed to take him. But he held them there on the precipice for just a moment longer before pressing back in invitation.
Like a caged animal finally free of its confines, Loki growled and snapped his hips.  He pushed Tony's face into the pillow with one splayed hand and set a brutal pace.
Tony moaned, relishing each thrust, the press of Loki's fingers into his hip and back.
"My Darling, Red," Loki said with a chuckle Tony could feel as the god leaned forward to drape across his back.  Loki kissed tenderly  his shoulder, such a contradiction to the way he used Tony's ass. "Would you like to come again?"
"Yes," Tony panted, meeting each of Loki's thrusts With the wet slap of skin on skin.
"Then turn around and let me see your face. Let me feel your cock twitch against my stomach.”
Loki pulled out, and Tony moaned the loss.
 "I know, Pet. I know. On your back now and I will fill you again.”
 Tony rolled over and pulled Loki into his greedy arms.  He sighed when Loki did as he promised.
"That's it, Darling, so needy, so tight." 
Loki buried his face in the crook of Tony's neck and moaned before biting, sucking the flesh between his teeth.  Tony moaned and rocked his hip, rutting shamelessly against Loki's hard stomach in time with each quick snap of hips.
"Come for me, Love," Loki whispered and like one of those famous dogs, Tony obeyed.  With a feral growl, Loki came a moment later, pumping into Tony's ass.
Warm and content, Tony drifted.
Loki must have carried him at some point; because the next time he opened his eyes they were in bed, snuggled under layers of blankets and entwined.  He closed his eyes again and sighed into Loki's chest with a smile.
Pale sun shone through the window when Tony woke up.  He rolled over to find Loki's side of the bed empty but still warm.  He moved into the space and filled his lungs with the scent of their lovemaking then heard the shower in the bathroom turn on.
Tony smiled.  He was sore.  He had barely moved and he could tell that.  But the thought of a shower warm Loki, smelling clean and all slippery with soap made Tony throw back the covers and pad into the bathroom.
Tony went to the sink to brush his teeth and smiled when Loki began humming a tune he didn't recognize.  But it was sweet and happy, a clear indicator that he had pleased his God well.  Tony smirked at his reflection and saw the bruises - Loki's marks from the night before.  He pressed on them and groaned as his cock hardened.  Memories from the right before manifested into reality.
He palmed himself, just a few strokes.  He squeezed the tip of his cock and closed his eyes, fingers straying to the bruises on his neck.  He pressed down again and stifled a moan.
Loki's marks. Loki's bites.
Tony startled as the thoughts were pushed into his mind. He looked to the mirror to find Loki staring at him from the open shower door.
"I believe I am beginning to understand," Loki said with a smirk.
Tony's gaze wandered Loki's pale skin and found his own marks along his collarbone.  He smiled.
"Come here, Red," Loki purred.  "I find I am once again...ravenous."
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gravityfissure · 4 years
Wildest Dreams : Otto & Ariana
TIMING: Current. PARTIES: Otto & @letsbenditlikebennett​ SUMMARY: Ariana and Otto catch up at Layla and Luke’s birthday but things don’t seem quite right.
By all indications, the party was wildly a success. Ariana had to shake away the creeping concern that Layla could return to her hypnotized self at any moment, but she was having fun. It looked like everyone else was, too-- especially Luke, who more than anyone, deserved to have a blast on his birthday. How many years had gone by celebrating alone because he was in hiding? She’d make sure he never had to do that again. He was loved and she was determined to continue reminding him of this fact. Somehow, something felt off though. She couldn’t quite shake an uneasy feeling and she wasn’t quite sure why the recipes to all the bars cocktails were flying through her mind. She’d never even heard of half of them. She shrugged it off and approached Otto behind the bar. “Any good non alcoholic drinks for your favorite teen wolf,” she joked.
By Otto’s estimations it seemed like things were going well, admittedly by his standards it was a bit of a tame party but those for whom it had been thrown seemed content and at the end of the day it was their happiness that mattered. So he’d contented himself with tormenting Noah and Nate with inappropriately named cocktails for absolutely no other reason beyond he simply could. It was entertaining to watch the blush and bluster that came when the aptly named blow-job was presented with the criteria it be drunk sans hands. Though a pesky thought and concern for Layla kept gnawing at the back of his mind, frustrating considering… well, he didn’t really care about this Layla girl in any true capacity. Not when there were far more enjoyable people to pay attention to… Luke for example. That said, Otto was drawn out of his appreciation by Ari’s approach and he leaned up a little more on the bar considering her for a moment. “Well… Since you helped organise this and the fact no one’s looking…. Maybe I’ll treat you. Just don’t tell anyone I broke the rules hey?” He tilted his head “what do you fancy little wolf?”
For some reason, Ariana was stuck with thoughts of making inappropriate shots for Noah and Nate… which gross. Nate was like old and Noah was like the jock of a big brother she never knew she needed. Her nose scrunched up in disapproval even though her mind was egging the whole thing on. It was odd having her thoughts feel out of place in her own head, but she ended up smirking as she watched them down their blow job shots. Boys. They at least provided a good distraction from staring at Layla who was moping against the wall and chatting with Ulf. Part of her wanted to wish her a happy birthday while a larger part was still fuming. Still, she leaned against the bar and smiled at Otto. There was a devious spark in her eyes when he mentioned turning an eye. She knew better than to try and pull one over on him with her fake, but this worked out even better. “I knew you were pretty cool,” she joked, really Otto was probably cooler than she was, but she didn’t care about that, “Anything citrus-y sounds delicious to me.” She spared a glance over toward Layla again. Frankie was with her now and things seemed to be getting heated. Frankie had every right to be pissed at Layla. Now was just the worst possible time for it. Who knew just how strong the compulsion on Layla was. Last thing she needed was the headache of her turning all bad girl on them again.
Otto couldn’t understand why his thoughts kept going to Layla, who by appearances from what he could see seemed more concerned with staying out of everyone’s way rather than anything else. What was there to worry about after all and why did he feel annoyed whenever he thought about her? It was strange, she’d be one of many people he didn’t know that had been on his mind lately. Namely her sock-smelling ground beef. The memory earned a small wrinkle of his nose. “Just trying to add to my street cred with the pack,” he joked light-heartedly. “Citrusy, coming right up.” It wasn’t hard to fix a drink up and Otto returned after a moment sliding a blueberry lemonade sangria over the counter with one for himself. His eyes drifted over to the pair near the side of the party, lowering his voice to speak to Ariana without drawing too much attention “don’t think we’re going to have trouble are we?”
Everything in her head seemed to be confusing her right now. Ariana knew her concern for Layla was well placed, but every so often feelings or thoughts she didn’t quite relate to slipped in. Maybe the drink Otto was making her would do the trick. She laughed and explained, “I think with this party and that wolfy GPS thing you did, you’ve got plenty of pack street cred, but I’ll still take it.” When he returned with the drink, she felt herself begin to relax a little bit. It smelled like lemons and berries. It tasted even better. The alcohol even made it a bit novel. “Thanks.” Her smile was pretty wide until he mentioned troubles and guessed maybe her concern had been written all over her face. She looked down at the bar momentarily, debating on what to say, before she opted for the truth. She owed Otto more favors than she cared to count at this point. “I mean, probably not. I’m a little worried the compulsion on Layla won’t hold and she’ll go back to being hypnotized and kinda… how do you say psychotic bitch nicely?”
“Well, a little extra never hurts does it?” Otto joked while taking a sip of his drink as he surveyed the people at the party, mingling and chatting and seemingly having a good time. His brows pulled together a fraction with Ari’s admission, “like that probably. But compulsion? What happened there?” Unfortunately any further explanation was cut off as a crashing din from the other side of the party echoed through the space as a redhead he hadn’t admittedly paid much attention to shoved another individual that had been getting in her face over one of the tables that had been set out. “Oi! The fuck? Stop that!” he yelled, pushing up from his leaning perch on the bar. “Pete?” he looked around for the weasley looking demon (who was freakishly strong despite his wayward appearance) that typically sorted most scuffles out, But he couldn’t find him. “That what you mean by psychotic bitch?”
“Before you know it, you’re gonna be an honorary pack member,” Ariana responded playfully before she took another sip of her drink. Somehow hers and Nell’s joke of my wolves, my witches, and my bitches seemed to apply yet again. While she wasn’t keen on explaining, after that she did owe some sort of explanation and Otto looked confused. She shrugged slightly and answered, “She got hypnotized by a cursed fidget spinner. Ulf knows a vampire who compelled her to be like normal so she stops trying to destroy the town until we figure out how to break the hypnosis.” Hearing the crash in the corner, she let out a groan. Her leg was still throbbing and her stitches were still fresh. Judging by Otto’s reaction, she was pretty sure this venue wouldn’t be an option for future parties. “Ugh, yes, that just about covers it. I’ll get her out of here.” So much for a fun evening. She darted across the dance floor and let out a small yelp as a pain shot through her leg. There went her stitches. Dr. Lin-King was going to kill her. “Layla, stop it!” Her shouts seemed to fall of deaf ears. Why were none of the other wolves reacting? Where were Ulf and Miles? Even Luke or Winn would be a huge help right about now.
“Aawh, do I get a badge? I feel like I should get an honorary pack member badge. Tell me you guys have patches or something cool.” Otto’s smile was lopsided as he sipped his drink. “What the fuck? A cursed fidget spinner? Who would… actually scratch that I can think of plenty of people who’d do that…” His eyes returned to the girl for a moment. “Huuuh, and it’s working?” Crash. Oh. Maybe he’d spoken too soon. A single incident was hardly room for barring from future occasions, maybe just this Layla girl until she got her shit together. “I’ll help,” he said hoping that Thierry might be able to cover the bar for the time being while he followed Ariana. Everyone else seemed lost in conversation, paying no attention to the scene unfolding at one side of the room. Otto hated getting into altercations but it felt like it was happening more and more of late. “Come on… There’s no need for this let’s just--” he raised his hands in the hopes of a quick charm, but when he reached for the familiar tethers found there was… nothing there to grasp. “What the??” so perplexed by this development he missed the fist that was being swung straight towards his face cracking as it impacted and knocked him stumbling into the wall grasping his face. “Ow- what the fuck ?”
Normally, Ariana would have had a quip in response to the badge thing, but Layla’s outburst drew her attention. Making sure Layla didn’t hurt anyone was top priority and where the hell did Ulfric go? The other wolves seemed to be pretty content and too drunk to notice the scene Layla was about to cause. “Pie prize contest. Don’t know why they cursted a fucking fidget spinner,” she grumbled as she tried to ignore the sharp pain in her leg. She had to stop Layla, she could already see the claws coming out as she threw one of the tables. Otto was trying to reason with her, but she could hear the snarl coming from the redhead. Fuck, this wasn’t good. They were in a public place. They couldn’t just wolf out here. What if there was a hunter? They’d both get killed. Panic rose in Ariana and she instinctively lunged toward Layla to tackle her to the ground, but ended up on the ground herself as Layla dodged.
Otto could only stare in abject horror as the scene seemed to go into slow motion. The young woman’s features growing more animalistic, jagged rows of teeth belonging to a snarling muzzle turning in their direction, as fur began to sprout forth and a rather charming appearance became something much more terrifying in her apparent rising anger. “Uuuuh Ari?” Where were the other wolves when you needed them? This was not what he needed tonight. It was meant to be a chilled party with no drama. What was so hard about that? He reached again, trying to find some tether of familiarity of his power but again none came. There was a singular moment of isolating paranoia and fear, was this really how it was going to end. Fuck no. Get a grip of yourself. He backed up right at the same point a claw lashed out, his hand instinctively throwing up to try and counter but instead the claws racked over his arm and he recoiled with a pained hiss, “Ari! Get this under control!” because I sure as hell can’t.
Watching Layla transform into a wolf mid party left her both seething in anger and terrified for those around them. “Layla, stop it! Now” Ariana called out. She shifted her focus to trying to change her own form. For some reason, she couldn’t seem to connect with the wolf that was part of her. What was going on? The ginger wolf was charging directly toward her and she was completely defenceless. Not even her instinctive fight or flight seemed to be able to coax her wolf out. What the hell was going on? Panic made her heartbeat race. She squeezed her eyes shut and focused on the feeling the moon always gave her. She pushed herself to transform, but she stood there, unmoving and unable to connect with the animal inside. There was no way she could fist fight a fucking wolf. The other wolf sent her body thudding to the ground and Ariana winced at the fangs bared in her face. If her wolf didn’t come out, she’d be torn to pieces in no time followed by the rest of the bar. Or someone could end up shooting and killing Layla. Each thought left her petrified and as teeth were only centimetres away from her throat, she found her eyes fluttering open as she gasped for her breath. A coat of cold sweat covered her body and there was the tiniest amount of blood coming from her throat. She hugged the covers close to her and decided sleep was out of the question tonight.
If Otto would classify anything as a shitshow, this would certainly be up there in the ranks as he watched the ginger werewolf leap at Ariana. Why wasn’t she turning? It hadn’t seemed too bad the last time they’d seen one another and yet now she just… Wasn’t? None of this made sense and Otto’s sense of self-preservation made him step back, once and then again staring as she was knocked prone by the massive snarling creature. Oh hell no. Nope. Absolutely not. There was a single, last-ditch attempt to reach for his magic as the creature’s head lifted and peered straight at him and in a blur of snarling muscle and flesh leaped, claws lashing out.. And his last thought was is this how it ends?
His eyes snapped open in a blind-panic a sudden flare of energy shunting the nearby furniture a few screeching centimeters out of place. Sheets tangled around his legs as he tumbled out of bed onto the hard floor, breathing hard and clasping a hand to his heart. “What the fuck?” he panted a trickle of blood trailing down his arm as he stared around a dark empty bedroom trying to piece together what just happened but finding no answers in the silence. Perhaps sleep wasn’t a good idea tonight.
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sterekshaven · 5 years
3 & 16 i just need a nice lil spa day for my bois
Hi Nonnie! I’m so sorry this has taken me so long to post (three weeks, jeez!). Thank you for the prompt though! ♥ I have written several fics with bathing/showering/massaging/pampering, so I tried to do it with a twist this time, so it’s a spa day for wolfy Derek =D I hope you like it! (for the Non-Sexual Intimacy prompt list)
Spoiled puppy ao3 - pillowfort
2211 words | Teen characters: Stiles, Derek, Minor Characters tags: Established Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Pampering, Fluff, Non-Sexual Nudity, Derek is a spoiled husband (but so it Stiles so it’s fine), Wolf Derek, Full Shift Werewolves, Spells & Enchantments, Forced Wolf Shift
Derek walked into the bathroom and climbed into the bathtub, so Stiles raised his eyebrows at him.
”Oh, yeah?” he asked, and Derek opened his mouth in a big wolfy grin. ”It’s like that, huh?” Derek nodded with a soft little whine. ”Yeah, okay, no need to bring out the puppy eyes.”
As if he could ever say no to Derek.
The first time it happened was because of a curse. Derek was trapped in his wolf form, distressed and miserable and hating every second of it, so when Stiles was washing up he asked Derek to join him, then he spent a long time washing Derek as he slowly relaxed and calmed. Derek had never asked for it in words after that, but it happened that he came to Stiles in his wolf form and whined softly, only to lead Stiles to the bathroom and climb into the tub, and Stiles had smiled and pampered him.
Read here or on ao3!
It had gotten rare that bad things happened to them. It did, occasionally, and the latest time was thankfully mild. There was a witch, but he hadn’t known Stiles and Derek at all, so in a futile attempt to gain the upper hand, he had forced the full shift on Derek, thinking it would scare them and keep them from communicating enough that he could get away. It didn’t.
Stiles had briefly worried about the spell, concerned it wasn’t temporary, but not enough that it hindered him, and he and Derek knew each other well enough that they didn’t really need to speak to work well together. It was quick work to disarm and neutralize the witch and once he was out of the way, Stiles looked Derek over.
“Okay, it’s just temporary,” he said, cradling Derek’s head in his hands to properly sense the magic of the spell. “It should be gone by tomorrow, but I can reverse it if you want to.”
It would take a lot out of Stiles to reverse the spell, but he could do it. Derek shook his head though, so Stiles pressed a kiss to his head, then turned to deal with the cuffed witch, an angry frown on his face. No matter how mild the spell was, Stiles was protective of Derek.
It took a while to get rid of the witch, but Stiles enjoyed arguing with his dad and Chris Argent about what to do about him while the witch grew increasingly worried. Chris had three burly looking men with him, John and Jordan were both in uniform, and Stiles spoke as the Hale alpha’s mate and emissary.
They made a show out of it. Chris’ guys weren’t even hunters and they were all planning to let him go, but the witch didn’t know that, so Stiles talked loudly about retaliation, Chris about killing threats, and John about following the law. In the end John ”won” and Chris dramatically stormed off while Stiles crossed his arms and glared at the witch, Derek growling lowly beside him. John talked quietly to the witch, told him to behave, that both hunters and packs had their eyes on him, and that he could only do so much to help him, then he sent him off with his metaphorical tail between his legs.
Then they could finally go home.
Derek was at ease in his wolf form, while he rarely spent time in it at home, he liked to shift and run as a full wolf, so Stiles wasn’t concerned about it. He would notice if he started to get distressed, and he could reverse the spell at any time.
As soon as they got home, Stiles headed to their bedroom.
”I’m taking a shower, get this witch smell of me,” he said.
Witches’ magic smelled different from his, a little sharper, and while he didn’t smell it much he didn’t like it and he knew Derek liked it even less.
As he undressed and put his clothes in the hamper, Derek walked into the bathroom and climbed into the bathtub, so Stiles raised his eyebrows at him.
”Oh, yeah?” he asked, and Derek opened his mouth in a big wolfy grin. ”It’s like that, huh?” Derek nodded with a soft little whine. ”Yeah, okay, no need to bring out the puppy eyes.”
As if he could ever say no to Derek.
The first time it happened was because of a curse. Derek was trapped in his wolf form, distressed and miserable and hating every second of it, so when Stiles was washing up he asked Derek to join him, then he spent a long time washing Derek as he slowly relaxed and calmed. Derek had never asked for it in words after that, but it happened that he came to Stiles in his wolf form and whined softly, only to lead Stiles to the bathroom and climb into the tub, and Stiles had smiled and pampered him.
When Stiles was naked, he joined Derek in the tub and started the water. He quickly washed himself off while Derek stood with his head in the spray, squinting as he looked at Stiles, his mouth slightly open in what Stiles had learned was a smile.
”Bath or shower?” Stiles asked as he was rinsing, and Derek carefully turned to get the plug to the tub. He was a big wolf, turning, or moving at all, in a slippery tub wasn’t the easiest, but he had good control of his body and the tub was big too, so he managed fairly easy. Stiles accepted the plug from him. ”Okay. Want me to wash you up first?”
Derek shook his head, so Stiles bent down to put the plug in, then he sat on the edge of the tub, and Derek laid down with a groan.
”There’s hardly any water yet,” Stiles said, amused, but Derek sighed and groaned again, his mouth open. ”Okay, if you say so.”
Stiles got out of the tub to get everything he needed and to put a couple of towels on the floor, then he sat on the edge again and started to scoop water over Derek’s back using a big plastic cup. Derek let out a sigh-groan, and Stiles grinned and kept going.
When Derek was wet enough, Stiles got their body wash and poured a generous amount in his hands, then he started to knead it into Derek’s fur. He massaged and soaped him as the tub slowly filled up, and when Derek grunted and sighed and looked at Stiles, he put a bath tray with a folded towel on for Derek to rest his head on.
Derek made a little sound, Stiles was fairly sure it meant Thanks, then he closed his eyes with a big and content sigh.
”My spoiled husband,” Stiles said softly, and Derek rumbled lowly. ”Yeah, I like it too.” Derek huffed and Stiles smiled as he kneaded soap into the fur on Derek’s neck. ”Yes, Mister Nitpick, I do love it.”  Derek had to lift his head to open his mouth in a big smile, and it was Stiles’ turn to huff. ”So smug. You’re lucky I love you.”
Derek nodded and put his head back down, and Stiles pressed a kiss to his head, then he ran a soapy hand up between his ears. He gently kneaded his ears, then his cheeks before going back down the front of his neck.
When the tub was filled enough, Stiles turned the water off, then he kept massaging Derek. He did his legs, kneaded his paws, between his toes and on his toe beans. He left one of Derek’s hind legs since he was lying on it and didn’t want to move, and he was sloppy on the hind leg he could reach, but he’d do them better when the water was drained.
Stiles kept kneading Derek, everything he could reach, though it wasn’t for soaping him up anymore, not when nearly all of him was submerged in water. No, it was just pampering and massaging his big ass wolf husband, who looked to be very close to sleeping, his eyes closed as his grunts and groans became both fewer and quieter.
He didn’t know how long they had been there, just that his fingers were getting pruney and the water tepid, so he stroked Derek’s head to get his attention.
”I’m draining the tub now,” he said when Derek squinted an eye open to look at him.
Derek sighed and closed his eye again, didn’t move at all, so Stiles smiled and pulled the plug. He started soaping Derek up again as the water level sank, and when the tub was empty and Derek was properly soaped up, he got the brush. Derek’s groan when he started carding his fur had his smile grow bigger, Derek really loved that.
He brushed him thoroughly, all he could reach of him, then Derek grunted, sighed, and stood up so Stiles could do the rest of him.
”Good puppy,” Stiles said softly, and Derek huffed and lazily snapped his teeth. ”Aw, yes, so big and bad, my scary hubby.”
Derek opened his mouth in a grin, and Stiles grinned too as he pressed a kiss to Derek’s head. He soaped and massaged the parts of Derek he hadn’t reached before, then he brushed them too. When he was done, he stroked Derek’s head, which was hanging low with how relaxed he was.
”Okay?” Stiles asked, and Derek lifted his head and blinked at him, then he nodded. ”Okay.”
Stiles started the water again, hot, warmer than he could handle himself for a shower or bath, but a temperature he knew Derek liked, then he grabbed the showerhead to rinse Derek, starting on his head. He stroked him as he went, gently tangled his fingers in his fur to make sure he got all the soap, and the longer he kept going, the lower Derek’s head got as he relaxed more and more.
He stroked some excess water from Derek when he was done, and Derek lifted his head again, his eyes droopy and a little unfocused.
”I’ll get a towel,” Stiles said, pressing a kiss to Derek’s head before getting up. He took one from the floor, held it out next to Derek to shield as much of the bathroom as he could. ”Okay, shake it off, baby.”
Derek huffed at him, but he shook himself, and Stiles beamed as he put the towel back on the floor and grabbed a clean one to dry him with. With how thick Derek’s fur was, just squeezing him dry, or even rubbing, didn’t really work at all, so Stiles squeezed his fur until it was mostly just very damp, then he grabbed the hairdryer and the brush, and Derek groaned as he flopped down on his side on one of the towels on the floor.
Stiles brushed and dried him while he was lying flat on his side, his mouth open and his eyes closed, and Stiles brushed and brushed and brushed. He worked on his back and neck first, where the fur was thickest, and as he slowly made his way to Derek’s chest and stomach, Derek started to just as slowly roll to his back. Stiles took his front paw, gently spread his toes and let the warm air dry them, then brushed what he could of his leg, and when it was dry he went to the next leg.
Derek flopped over to his other side eventually, and Stiles slowly but thoroughly finished drying and brushing him. He pressed a kiss to Derek’s cheek when he was done.
“There, all dry and fluffy,” he said.
Derek lazily opened his mouth in a smile but didn’t move at all, so Stiles put everything away, hung up towels and wiped fur from the tub, until it was just the towel Derek was still lying halfway on left. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt, then he tugged at the towel, and Derek groaned.
“Yeah, I know, come on, you can lie on the couch while I order pizza for us.” Derek opened his eyes to look at Stiles, judgingly, and Stiles huffed. “Yeah, no, I’m not cooking today. See, my husband was gonna cook today, had this whole thing prepared, but I can’t cook that as well as he can, and I just spent like two hours pampering some big wolf, so I’m gonna order pizza. I can reverse the spell if you want to cook, but if not, then you’re just gonna have to live with it.”
Derek huffed, then he stood up with a groan. He bumped his nose against Stiles’ hand, gave it a little lick, then he slowly padded to the living room to climb up on the couch and lie down with a grunt. Stiles laughed quietly as he followed him, sat down next to him and put his hand in the fur on his neck. He was so soft, having just been washed and brushed, and he hummed when Stiles dug his fingers down and gently scratched him.
“Yeah, I thought so,” Stiles said, and Derek opened his mouth in a smile and closed his eyes.
Stiles leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek, and Derek’s mouth opened more, the corners of his lips pulling back in a bigger smile, then he turned his head to lick a broad and wet stripe over Stiles’ cheek, and Stiles laughed.
“Thanks, that was gross,” he said. “I love you too, puppy.”
Derek huffed at the nickname, but he nosed Stiles’ cheek, gave it a little lick, what Stiles took as the equivalent to a peck on the cheek, then he clumsily scooted closer and put his head in Stiles’ lap. Stiles stroked his cheek as he got his phone out to order food, and Derek closed his eyes with a heavy sigh, looking comfortable and relaxed.
Stiles might miss Derek’s voice (and hands and face) when he was in his full shift like that, but it was nice to have him there as a wolf too, and he enjoyed spending the evening cuddling him and petting his soft fur.
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capri-ramblings · 5 years
Midnight Beasts, CNCO Imagines +Special Insert
This is a mess,but okay ♥️.
He's been your best friend since childhood,and the two of you were inseparable. Wherever little red hood went,her wolf was close to follow.
He was no Big Bad Wolf though. Far from it,really.
He was always afraid of revealing his true self, especially with the person he vowed his loyalty to. In his eyes you were too good for him,too human. Whereas he saw himself as a monster, something to be put down.
"You'll hurt her" This keeps him on edge. Keeps him believing that maybe one day,he will hurt you. And then what? The thought had him baring his teeth and clenching his fists.
You've always wondered why he kept to himself sometimes,how in one minute he's hugging and laughing with you and in another he's built this wall between the two of you. He didn't seem as free as he was when you were both younger. There was a restraint you saw in him but could never manage to figure out. It was like trying to find him in a sea of people but constantly losing him instead. Each passing day,you felt him drift further away from you. You're conflicted; A part of you wants to confront him about it. "What's wrong with you?", "What's happening with us?", "Are you okay?",and then there's the other part, the softer, much less angrier part that's too afraid to force him out of a shell he isn't ready to leave yet.
"I don't want to hurt him" This thought has you staying up late at night,wrapped in a blanket that you wished were his arms instead.
You've been in this old town too long to not have known what really ruled over it,or who rules over it. The local Werewolves here didn't even bother to hide it, but you hid the fact that you knew. Mostly because you weren't really interested in getting tangled up in all that drama, and because to be honest,you weren't really interested in them whatsoever. They were all too... Wolfy? If you had to describe it. They seemed to have no control over their Impulses or instincts, always needing to mark what they own and go around howling at night to warn people of their prowess.
They looked like humans but acted more like beasts than ever.
You weren't into the whole vibe of it, of course until the young pack of wolves showed up and butchered literally any prejudices you had for their species in one single clap. Unlike the ones you grew up with, these males knew what being in control was and they did it without being animals about it. There were five of them,all well-built and dominating in their own way, yet they worked perfectly well together. Almost like actual blood brothers. You remember meeting one of them at the grocers once, and how different it was to talk to him. How human and casual it felt.
The other packs hated them with some exceptions of smaller packs joining alliances with them.
If that wasn't enough, you couldn't keep your eyes off the youngest one.
"He's a lil too young for me" You tell your friend at the bar, and yet had your gaze fixated on him like a magnet. He sat at the table right across the room, surrounded by the other wolves. They were laughing and although he was too, he seemed as if he was in an entirely different zone than theirs. Gaze still and hooded, the dark themed club illuminated his forest green eyes like a temple, and when he glanced your way, lingering, you lost your breath and then your heart.
You could train a monkey and it would be more successful than trying to train your overly enthusiastic, optimistic and jokester nextdoor neighbor.
It wasn't that you disliked him, Chris was someone very easy and pleasant to be around. Almost everyone wanted to be his friend and have him cracking jokes at their parties,but you never had parties (never wanted to), you weren't always in the mood for jokes and sometimes having someone who always seemed ready to jump just at the mention of your name was a bit stressful. Still, you didn't hate him.
Unlike all those TV dramas and teen books that portrayed his kind as unstable and constantly on edge, Chris rarely ever lashed out on you or turned to his Werewolf nature. There were days you even doubted that he was one until you almost got mugged once and he lunged in to help you; The happy-go-lucky demeanor he carried gone as he stood in front of you and bared his teeth,eyes bright and gleaming with the intent to kill. You could never get that Image out of your head, but you trusted him, so the fear vanished quickly.
If only the annoyance did as well. *sigh*
He doesn't leave you to your space at all, you don't even think he understands the meaning of personal space. The books and series got one thing right at least; He was protective.
"Jesus Christ,I can walk home perfectly well alone."
"But mi amor, what if someone jumps out from a bush and hurts you?"
"I think someone else is going to get hurt if they don't leave me alone"
When you first see him, he has his lips on another woman's. Hands gripping a waist that would break so easily in his grasp as she leans in against him.
His eyes peaking through dark lashes as heavy as the focus dwelling in those deep set of brooding brown gaze.
You watch him and notice how he looks at you as if the woman he held didn't exist.
A voice. A name. Your friend is calling out to you, you turns around,head slightly dizzy as if you've already started drinking.
That night, nothing was as loud as the sound of your pulse beating in your ears each time your mind went back to him.
He's aloof, or seems to be at first, when you meet again it's because your friend was a friend of his and decided to drag you along to hangout. A part of you flinched at the sight of him,this odd sense of intimidation holding your head down, while the other part had you feeling giddy, too excited to say you weren't at least attracted to him. You kept your distance however,never letting your friend leave you alone whether or not he was near. The thought of being around him for too long and without any kind of support seemed all too dangerous.
But,you couldn't keep yourself from stealing glances his way, couldn't help but wonder if he remembers you.
His friends were so friendly, attentively listening and making you feel at ease, all the while he sat on the sofa with his legs parted, and arms stretched across the sofa's headrest. He smiled once in a while, let out a little laugh out of courtesy, but you didn't feel like he was really letting you in. It was more like he placed a mirror in front of it all and leaned against it for the illusion of being friendly.
Now you saw him as an overly powering male with no actual interest in anything other than his ego and image, and you were pissed.
"I think I'm gonna head home first" You tell your friend as you stood up and grabbed your things.
"It's still early tho—"
"I've got somewhere else to go"
You didn't let her say anything else as you bristled pass her, head held high and temper fuming. You weren't entirely sure why but you know he could've at least acted like he was interested just a little bit more, and not as if he was doing it because his friends told him to. As if you didn't exist in his radar at all.
Caught up in your frustration, you barely noticed the male tailing behind you and only realized it a bit too late when you went to open the door but it closed right in front of you instead.
"What?" You swirl around ready to lash out, yet unprepared for the intense gaze that immediately froze you in place.
Zabdiel loomed over you like the sky, expression unreadable.
Your breath hitched, words lost.
He looks you over,eyes deliberately drinking in your form before it shifts to your lips and then straight to your eyes.
He leans in,your eyes shut close.
Then a voice; "There's pizza in the fridge, we're gonna heat it up later. You should stay."
"You don't get it" Joel throws his hands in the air, frustration glistening in the brown of his eyes,and you watch as he paces from the sofa to the kitchen counter like an upset child.
"Joelito, you're a werewolf not a three headed donkey,stop stressing"
"How does that make me stop stressing?" He glares at you, eyes narrowed "You're bad at this,I should've went to Ricky instead."
You thought Christopher was a handful but being in charge with a werewolf like Joel was like Hell's kitchen. Anything could be set on fire, and all because he makes it sound like everything was flammable.
Out of all the five, Joel was the one most worried about being what he was. Or at least he acted like the world was constantly ending because of it.
He needed to keep up his image,had to make sure it wasn't obvious he wasn't entirely human. He fussed over every tiny detail. It was overbearing, but you knew he meant well by it. He cared,not only about himself but about the other guys too. He knew how risky it was if people found out,knew what each guy was putting on the line. He couldn't afford to let it slip.
He was grateful you're constantly by his side,he's not going to admit it (even when everyone else already knows) but he's had a crush on you for a long time,and despite it all, he found confiding in you the most comforting thing ever. He could tell you all his secrets and doubts,and not worry about being put down. You understood him, and even when you didn't you always try to understand. You kept him grounded, and he'd risk his life to keep you safe.
He's the one in the gang that doesn't seem to fit like a puzzle piece but brings a whole new charm to it regardless. The loner and at the same time the one who has his Pack's back anytime.
People gather around him, laughing, enjoying themselves, and he always finds a way to loosen up anyone who isn't having fun.
And yet, as you learn to take time and really observe him, you've come to realize how there's this impenetrable wall around him. You notice the little things he does,how he stays quiet and watches any newcomers before really going out there and interact. As if every move he makes has already been calculated.
It took you a whole day to have him actually say something to you, and that was after everything had died down and people were getting ready to head home, he was friendly though. When he told you to take care and stay safe on your way back, you heard the genuineness in his voice and warmth in the way his lips curved into a small smile.
It was funny,but after seeing that you couldn't help but to smile yourself all the way home.
He was charming, and it showed in the way people's eyes lit up when he made jokes and fooled around. He dresses and sometimes acts like he's one of the young pups but you got the feeling it was a cover up. He wasn't as reckless as the younger wolves you knew, and he wasn't dumb either. It showed in the way his gaze would sharpen and dim just a bit whenever a situation happens,as if he's studying it all with a keen eye and an ever keener mind.
The way his body asserts his dominance is loud but the way he keeps to the back of the group during outings and chills around with the older members makes him seem quiet, intense even.
But then again,there's days when he's the loudest of them all, not bothering to hide the fact that he could out alpha anyone present.
He was something hard to decipher, someone not so one layered. Maybe that's why you find yourself falling.
@whymyeyeslikethat @cnco-hq
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