thevioletcaptain · 1 year
i genuinely don't care how good a piece of ai generated art or writing looks on the surface. i don't care if it emulates brush strokes and metaphor in a way indistinguishable from those created by a person.
it is not the product of thoughtful creation. it offers no insights into the creator's life or viewpoint. it has no connection to a moment in time or a place or an attitude. it has no perspective. it has no value.
it's empty, it's hollow, and it exists only to generate clicks (and by extension, ad revenue.)
it's just another revolting symptom of the disease that is late stage capitalism, and it fucking sucks.
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68chan · 6 months
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Dont forget your daily clicks !
Main account is @axewell
Ok filler introduction (im using this as an excuse to sort my tags)
Resource blog that sometimes (but rarely) posts graphics. Most of my graphics are f2u unless stated otherwise . . If you use them i dont care about credit but consider telling me what yu used them for; I'd love to know! (*´▽`)
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So sidekick is like the protective younger sibling (or younger sibling figure) of hero and they find out their older sibling is having a thing with the villain so they go and confront the villain and is all like “you don’t deserve to date my big sibling you sick, nasty villain”
But then villain pulls out the reverse uno card and is all like “oh please as if i don’t know you’re secretly seeing my henchman at the club every Friday night 🤨” then sidekick is like “😦😦they’re your HENCHMAN?-“
“I swear, if you touch them—”
“Oh please, they beg me for it.” They took a sip of their drink and leaned back, satisfied by the entertainment the sidekick gave them.
They were a lot like the hero, the villain realised. An angrier and smaller version of their nemesis.
“Ugh. Ew. Argh— I mean it, if you hurt them, you’re done.” The sidekick raised their finger but the villain couldn’t help but smile.
“What are you gonna do? Uninvite me to your birthday party?”
In a sense, it put the villain’s mind at ease. To know that someone was there who was just as worried, just as protective over the hero was comforting. The hero needed to be protected with all their hot-headedness and impulsive decisions.
They could get into a lot of trouble, into a lot of fights. The villain had seen the scars.
“Listen, kid. You’re worried. But I promise, I don’t have any ill intentions.” They tapped their fingers against their glass.
The villain couldn’t get their mind off the hero. It was an actual problem at this point. It was more than a crush, more than dating. The villain was so helplessly devoted they found themselves pathetic.
A few months prior, they would’ve loathed this. But it was easy to forget everything when the hero’s hand was on their arm. When their fingers intertwined. When the hero held onto them when they got scared.
“Sorry, but I don’t exactly trust a villain. Do you think I’m dumb?”
“No. You’re clever and that’s why you’re going to believe me,” the villain said. “If I wanted them dead, they would be. Instead, I am stitching them back together.”
“That’s my job.”
“It shouldn’t be. You’re a kid.”
“I’ve been taking care of them my entire life.”
The villain tilted their head, smiling sadly.
“And that’s rather sad, don’t you think? The amounts of blood you’ve seen, the variety of wounds someone can endure — no child should see something like that.”
This time, the sidekick didn’t say anything, they just stared at the villain’s desk rather angrily. It was frustrating, the villain was fully aware of that.
It must’ve been difficult for the sidekick to realise something was changing, that their role as a caretaker was shifting. It must’ve been difficult not to feel replaced.
“I know you don’t agree with my methods. Neither does my lover. But I can promise you to take care of them, whatever it takes. You don’t have to carry this burden anymore.”
“It’s not a burden,” the sidekick snapped and the villain realised that the sidekick could’ve become a villain easily. They were angry and didn’t know how to handle that anger. They were frustrated and didn’t know how to express it. If they had been around the wrong people at the wrong time, they would’ve made a perfect victim of manipulation.
The villain wasn’t going to let that happen.
“They talk about you all the time,” the villain said. “Brag about your grades and awards.”
The sidekick looked up, eyes wide.
“Oh, yeah. You play the violin, don’t you? And you’ve been obsessed with this new video game, aren’t you?”
The sidekick nodded. Suddenly, they seemed a little embarrassed.
“But you also get into a lot of trouble at school. Can’t stand bullies?”
The sidekick shook their head.
“They couldn’t be more proud,” the villain said. For a second, all was quiet. The villain was reminded of a lost childhood, of tears and fear. Of feeling alone, of losing everything. “Listen. They love you more than anything and I cannot change that, even if I wanted to. And I don’t. I guess I am trying to say that there’s two people now who can protect them. Plus, they’re not completely helpless.”
Now, the sidekick smiled softly.
“They’re stupid, though.”
“Oh, totally,” the villain agreed.
“They need me.”
“You need them just as much. They can’t give you that when they’re exhausted and need stitches all the time.”
“…I guess you have a point.” The sidekick let out a big sigh and rubbed their face with their hands. And that was the moment the villain knew they had changed their mind. It wasn’t easy to let go of habits and the villain was fully aware that this wasn’t over, that the sidekick would try to slip back into their role every now and then.
But this was a great start. That kid needed more free time.
“I always do.” The villain grinned. “They’re in good hands, don’t worry. I’ll take over the bloody parts and the tears, you do the video games and laundry fights, alright?”
“Ugh. Fine. That doesn’t mean I like you,” the sidekick said. They stood up, false annoyance all over them.
“Mmm, don’t worry. That’ll kick in later. Now get lost, don’t you have a science project or something to take care of?”
“You’re so annoying.” They were heading for the door but the villain had one last sideswipe. They couldn’t help themselves.
“Oh, tell my henchman to do their work on time when you see them tomorrow, will you?” They tried not to smile when the sidekick turned around.
“Excuse me?” The villain stood up, walked around the table.
“Tomorrow at the club, I mean. I’ve heard you’re quite the wildcards together.”
“Hey, what do you mean, your henchman?”
“Just try not to devour each other in front of other people, I don’t want to hear anything about that.”
The villain gave them a smile and pushed them gently out of the room.
“Woah, wait, hey—”
“Bye bye.” They closed the door of their office with a cheery demeanour. They’d always been a sucker for a little drama.
pt. 2
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rrriiight i was thinking of a hualian x reader thing. the reader is a bit cold and apathetic but caring of two certain people and had been all the way through with hualian like for example, had served xie lian when he was still a prince or helped hong er from time to time. but somehow they just vanished and never came back.
surprise surprise, whilst hualian and some other gods were on a mission, they got attacked let’s say (or were in danger) and guess who came to save them? reader! and thats when it clicks for hualian. that was you. you weren’t gone. so- they never let you get away ever again.
just an idea that came to mind :D
In the Back of Your Mind
Hua Cheng x gn!reader x Xie Lian
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I'm so sorry it took so long! I try to put my life updates in my bio, but I've been very busy moving houses! So I'm rlly sorry and I hope this is good!
I didn't know if you wanted reader to be a ghost or a god but I made them a ghost
Because gods don't usually disappear for like ever? Idk uhm if you don't like that just tell me and I'll edit it!
Made up a scenario that puts Xie Lian and Hua Cheng at a disadvantage
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC!!!
Made up details about reader and their life
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are very happy with their relationship and their life
But something's missing
Someone's missing
They haven't seen you in a very, very long time
It's been centuries actually and you still haven't shown up
But they haven't forgotten you, even though you've been missing or maybe even dead they still think about you in the back of their head.
Xie Lian misses you dearly
You had served Xie Lian during XianLe and had always been by his side.
You took your job seriously and it was your first priority to keep Xie Lian happy
You served him well and fought for him too
Your loyalty to Xie Lian was deep and everyone could see it
Everyone knew you loved him besides Xie Lian of course.
Because it was obvious! You wouldn't utter a word to anyone else
Your presence was a cold force to anyone besides Xie Lian
You were always quick to create space with anyone who came near him too.
It seemed like you couldn't care less for anyone else's problems but Xie Lian's.
Not that it mattered to you, as long as you could stay by his side it didn't matter what you were
Whether you were his servant or guard, whether you were next to him or below him, whether he used you as a step or tool.
You never minded, you'd do anything for him even if he wouldn't do those things.
You stayed by his side when Mu Qing and Feng Xin disappeare
You stayed when his palace fell
When his parents died
When Xie Lian started on a bad path
When he turned meaner, rougher, and angrier so that he wouldn't be hurt by the world again
When he grieved because he had been done wrong
You stayed with Xie Lian for as long as you could, and you loved him deeply every second of it.
But then someone took you from Xie Lian.
You never came back
Hua Cheng misses you just as dearly.
You took care of Xie Lian so well and then you just disappeared
When Hong er as caught by Xie Lian obviously he couldn't take care of Hong er by himself
But when Xie Lian was busy, everyone else was too disgusted to touch him
And Hong er didn't want to be in anyone else's arms either
You were different though, even though you were a servant like Mu Qing and Feng Xin you reacted differently
You held Hong er gently, as if the mongrel child would fall to pieces in your arms
You wouldn't let anyone touch him or try to kick him out of the palace
Always quick, you would settle a cold glare on someone if they tried to pull Hong er from your arms
Taking care of Hong er was just as serious as taking care of Xie Lian to you
You spent a lot of time with His Cheng like that
So after Hua Cheng's first death he searched and searched and searched
He never found the two of you
When Hua Cheng had finally found Xie Lian he was so excited to finally see you both again!
Even though he doesn't want to reveal his secret just yet, he hopes the two of you won't find him disgusting for his actions
But. . . You weren't there.
Don't get him wrong Hua Cheng is very happy to see one of the loves of his life after searching so long but you have never left Xie Lian's side so where are you?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng continued their relationship and their story without you
Which was unfortunate but what could they do?
They had both tried to search for you and found you no where
Things are always changing though
It was just another mission, and it should've been quick and easy. Especially since Xie Lian and Hua Cheng tagged along. Hua Cheng was only here for Xie Lian though, no one else. The mission didn't go smoothly though.
Missions rarely go smoothly when you're in the dark woods, with lots of monsters, and a heavy fog covers the forest. Not smooth at all when lower gods are bickering with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.
They all got lost and wherever they ended up in these dark woods, had a block on the arrays. Xie Lian can't call for help or reach the heavens and neither can the other gods. What's worse! Powers are blocked too! It's like they've all stumbled upon an area of complete silence as if they were muted.
So even Hua Cheng is struggling a little bit right? Can't break the blocking energy source if you can't find it! Of course the gods all split up, leaving Xie Lian and Hua Cheng alone. It doesn't matter to Hua Cheng if his powers have been weakened or not he'll still do everything he can to protect Xie Lian from the monsters in the woods.
The more time Xie Lian and Hua Cheng stand around in the fog the more things they see. The deeper they go, the thicker the fog gets. And the thick the fog gets the more people they start to see the more things they start to see. It's not a good thing though, it's all illusions and they figured that out quickly when Hua Cheng swipes at a humanoid figure that looks just like Xie Lian.
Xie Lian doesn't have the time to solve the problem because him and Hua Cheng have a big possibility of being hurt right now. E-ming and rouye refuse to move. Hua Cheng will happily use his body and hands to defend Xie Lian if he has to though. Xie Lian says that's silly and chooses to run, dragging Hua Cheng along with him. The foggy ghosts only chase, and it's hard to run in such thick fog.
In fact the fog is so thick that eventually after running so long the ghosts give up on running after them. Xie Lian thought they were safe now but when he looks back Hua Cheng is gone.
Xie Lian shouts for him and tries to look around but the more he looks around the fog the more humanoid figures he sees. they're just. . . Fog. If Xie Lian could see Hua Cheng right now and he still wouldn't know if it was the real one.
The fog is dangerous, creating illusions of people Xie Lian already knows or things from his past, trying to trick him. He's only more lost and he doesn't know how to get out of this mess. It's actually very stressful, how does the fog know all these things, how is it forming the people he used to know and love?
Hua Cheng is in the same predicament. He wanders around the fog and at one point he thought he found Xie Lian again but when his hand wrapped around Xie Lian's arm, the figure turned in vapor. They're both lost. They're both being surrounded by crowds of foggy figures.
Just before the foggy figures are able to touch them the fog disperses though. A loud screech Is heard in the air, a sudden cold breeze blowing past Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, then the fog settles down. It turns out they weren't that far from each other at all and Xie Lian has never run into Hua Cheng's arms faster.
When they both see a foggy figure again they get nervous. One, because the fog has dispersed so they thought they were safe now. Two, it looks like you. Xie Lian already hates the fog he's already seen awful things but he doesn't want to see you like this. Not the fake you.
He can't help but tear up when 'you' try to urge him to come forward, but with the fog gone so is the blocked energy. Xie Lian shoots rouye out, trying to make the awful sight go away by rouye wraps around a surprisingly very sturdy wrist. You grip on rouye and pull Xie Lian forward a little, uttering a small "Dianxia, Hong er"
They know it's you, even though it seems so unbelievable. Xie Lian is literally jumping on you and knocking you to the ground. Hua Cheng manages to act a little more suave but he'd be a liar to say he isn't astonished. It's just a big pile of tears, embraces, and "I love you's".
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng waste no time bringing you home, they cling on to you desperately. Even if you just want to explore Paradise Manor it doesn't matter, both of them are at your side. They absolutely refuse to let you go. As if they're scared, if they look away you'll vanish again. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng just won't let that happen! They love you very much and they've missed out many years of loving and caring for you. They plan to repay all the missed affections
Uhhhh here it is! I hope it's good 🤔 honestly I feel a little eh about this but let me know what y'all think 🖤I don't know if this is exactly what you were imagining anon but if it wasn't this make another submission in like deeper, exact details and I'll try again okay!
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lvrcpid · 2 years
love / paranoia.
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tonowari watched what was unraveling in front of him. scared you were going to do something drastic, he quickly put a hand on your shoulder as you followed behind neteyam, your tight grip still attached to his braids, but was shocked when you harshly pushed him away.
you then threw down neteyam down onto the hard floor as he rubbed his head and yelled at you “what the hell is your problem (y/n)!” quickly getting up and rushing to you, shaking your shoulders, trying to snap you out of whatever little fit you were having.
“get the fuck off of me!” you shoved him away, he stumbled back and fell into lo’aks arms. the family was..shocked to say the least. you rarely talked but this is the first time they had ever heard you yell like that. you asked tonowari to take tuk out of the mauri for a few to go to the ocean, she had done nothing wrong. she didn’t deserve what they had coming. when he fulfilled your wishes, you turned back to your family and shut the entrance of the mauri.
“i’m the one who has a problem..? no..no.” you chuckled, shaking your head. “i’m not the one with the problem, it’s you egocentric imbeciles who have no compassion or thought for anyone but yourselves!” you began, your face turning a dark indigo as you began to get angrier with each word you spoke.
“when was the last time any of you had hugged me? when?!” you started back up “it was..” jake trailed off, he really couldn’t remember when was the last time he held his oldest child. “silence. dead silence. do you guys even remember when i completed my right of passage?! oh yeah you don’t cause you guys weren’t there! you were never there for me!” tears started to brim your eyes as you continued.
(everyone cheer for y/n cause this is gonna be a long one)
“for 16 long years i’ve been the black sheep. neteyams shadow, lo’aks big sibling, tuks babysitter! there’s nothing special about me! at not once have you tried to make me feel that way! it’s always them over me! i’m the oldest! i’m the one who’s supposed to be olo’ekytan/tsahìk in training! not neteyam/kiri!” you paced around the mauri, meeting your fathers now crying eyes.
“oh you want to cry?! you want to shed tears now that your shitty parenting is coming to light?! i haven’t referred to you as dad in years!! years! and you want to cry ?? i don’t even know who the hell you are anymore, you could be walking around and i wouldn’t even bat an eyelash in your direction.”
neteyam and lo’ak were now crying, seeing you spit venom at your father. “oh please don’t tell me you two are crying?! i spent my entire life covering for you idiots! and not one thank you! god neteyam it should’ve been you!! you should’ve been the one to die! not me!!” you pointed to your chest. neteyam gasped and looked at you. you took that bullet for him?
“i’m so embarrassed to even call myself a sully..sullys stick together? yeah right” you were now full on sobbing , running a hand through your hair and clapping “come on! give yourselves a around of fucking applause for the best family of the year! come on!” you laughed through tears and shook your head when your family stood there awkwardly crying.
“you guys are pathetic..i actually wish eywa didn’t give me another chance. i hate you guys. every single one of you..” you spoke through tears , looking each and every single family member in their eyes, making sure they felt the hatred in your eyes . “you all are dead to me..never-“ your voice cracked. “never speak to me again.” and with that you left. leaving the remaining sully family members in ruins.
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a few minutes had passed and the family was still in their state of shock. neytiri then broke down onto her knees , begging eywa to wake her up from this nightmare. lo’ak just stormed out of the mauri, angry tears sliding down his face. kiri just quietly slipped over to your hammock and laid down, hugging the cover up you had made yourself, letting tears fall onto it. neteyam just moved to the corner of the mauri and just cried. no matter how much he tried , he just couldn’t get the tears to stop flowing.
when tuk came back from her excursion with tonowari she was shocked to see the crying faces of her family. when she asked where you were, the little girl was shocked at the answer, immediately bursting into tears with the family. jake was quick at neytiris side, hugging her tightly and crying himself, praying that you would return to them.
but it was too late.
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meanwhile with you, you were an emotional wreck. the tears wouldn’t stop and the sobs wouldn’t stop erupting, no matter how hard you tried.
the olo’eyktan and his family tried everything to calm you down but they knew you had to get this cry out. they could tell you were holding this in for a while and it was a long time coming.
tonowari genuinely thought about banishing your family back to where they came from that night. when your sobs began to die down, tonowari was soft at your side , asking “‘tìyawn just say the word and they’re gone..” but you couldn’t do it. granted they put you through hell.
they were still your family.
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after you had calmed down, hours later. it was already past eclipse, the stars in the sky twinkled against the ocean as you sat on the rock near the sea.
tonowari and ronal were hesitant about letting you go, arguing that you weren’t really in your right mind and needed to stay by their side for the night. you quickly shut them down and walked to the ocean, the cool sand cooling down your warm body.
you didn’t move as you felt a strange presence arrive next to you. “if mom and dad are trying to get me home tell them no-“ you turned to meet face to face with rotxo, a sad smile on his face.
you sighed as you ran a hand through your hair, looking back to the ocean. “sorry, i thought you were my brother” you apologized, your tone of voice changing from the bitter one you held before. “no need to apologize..ao’nung told me what happened today..im sorry (y/n)..i know it must be hard for you” he added. “yeah tell me about it” you stretched , cracking your neck in the process.
a few minutes went by before rotxo spoke up again “we’re having a music festival tomorrow..i would love if you joined us..” he smiled towards you, hoping to at least lighten your spirits a little. “eh i’ll pass” you said, not really in the mood for a loud party. “please (y/n)? come on i’ll promise it’ll be fun!” he asked with big puppy eyes. you rolled your eyes before nodding. “fine” you got up, leaving him at the rock alone “you’re coming to get me” you said before walking back into the family mauri.
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the party came quicker than you would’ve liked it to. you groaned as you were dragged into the festival. the sounds of drums and war chants filled your ears as rotxo and tsireya began to dance, ao’nung not far behind.
you were weary to the festival at first, but you gradually got more comfortable with each song. you were having a blast! but of course thanks to the wonderful author sae, not all good things last forever.
you plopped down on the floor and watched your friends/siblings dance around with eachother. suddenly you were tapped on the shoulder by an unknown person.
“(y/n)..can we talk?”
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21 @elegantkidfansoul @itsyogurl @stars4deku @stvpidscvpid @uniltsatirey @urdeadpoet @annamarieisbae @graysonmalik2550 @blueberryfailureclinic @jordan-network @newjeansbonnie @stickyfictioninwriting @fanboyluvr @zatarias-pandora @jjkclub @elvyshiarieko @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @adaiasafira @scarletrosesposts @spicycloudsalad @vane28282 @nuttyrebelflower @aemondmyl0ve @msbimb0 @neteyamforlife @gamorxa @sharni07 @thegooberboy @theesexystallion @nanaitesully @destinylb @fandom-garbage @dakotali @1ntefly @kiricomics @osumarusjade @rosemaryblossoms @malfoylaufeysonweasleybarnes
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mhahaikyuus · 2 years
tags:; situationship bs, bakugo being a jackass, love confession, angry reader, fight, screaming, mentions of cheating, crying, bakugo is actually emotional, angst to fluff, happy ending
word count: 2k
Who knew tapping a piece of plastic on a machine would cause such trouble in your life.
You had paid for your things at Sephora with Bakugo next to you. And the rage on his face when you whipped out your card to pay for your items and not used his was funny at first.
Katsuki giving you the dirtiest look as you paid and silent as you walked to the car. The clouds starting to gather making the sky a dark grey. You sat down with him opening the door for you and putting your bags in the back giving you princess treatment. He came back around to the driver’s side and sat down before asking.
“What the hell was that,” Katsuki asked with a frown
“What was what?” You asked scrolling on your phone half paying attention to him. Katsuki getting an attitude with you was as common as breathing at this point.
“Why didn’t you let me pay?” He asked nudging your arm to make you look at him. You looked out the windshield to water droplets hitting the glass before turning off your phone.
“I’ve been thinking about it and you shouldn’t be paying for anything of mine and when we go out I’m paying for my own stuff from now on.” You said pressing your lips together into a tight line knowing he was going to explode.
“What the fuck is your problem. When did you decide this.” He said getting angrier at your words.
“Um…I just…”
He was going to lose it if you said it.
“What spit it out.”
“I shouldn’t let someone I’m not serious with pay for everything like in a relationship.” You said. “It’s crossing a line and I shouldn’t have let you done it in the first place.”
He stared at you for a solid 30 seconds. You could see the vein on his forehead starting to appear and his grip on the steering wheel get tighter before he fully turned his body to you.
“ We’re not serious?” He said in a deadly calm voice. Surprising you, expecting to get yelled at.
“Uh…well I consider serious when I am asked to be.” You said slowly
“Then what the FUCK are we then? Huh?” He yelled making you wince at the volume.
“Because I haven’t fucked anybody but you in months, you’re all over my social media, we sleep in the same bed every night, I take you on dates, and everybody knows about you. So what are we then if you’re not serious.” He said angry as hell and hurt at your suggestion. His eyes blazing with heat.
“You never asked me to be your girlfriend I thought we were friends with benefits.” You said
“How in the fuck did you-“
He was in love with you and you thought you were friends.
“That’s what we agreed to?” You said confused
“Yeah…but that was months ago. You still think-“
“I didn’t mean to upset you. I just take what the other person says and go with it. It’s easier than making an assumption and being wrong. We never had a talk. You never said you wanted me to be your girlfriend.” You insisted.
“Are you talking to other people?” Katsuki asked not wanting to hear the answer fingers gripping the wheel.
“Don’t lie to me.” He said
You saw his red eyes filled with hurt.
“Im not.”
“Then where the hell is this coming from.” He said
“My friends…they all said if you didn’t want to put a label on it then I needed to have boundaries if we are friends with benefits.”
He became serious with you after 3 weeks of sleeping together as friends. Now hitting the 6-month mark of your time together and he was getting whiplash. Thinking you both were on the same page.
“I don’t want to be your friend. We’re not friends.” He said his arms flexing as he became more disgruntled.
“You can’t say that and be upset with me when you haven’t even asked me to be your girlfriend. That’s not fair.” You said starting to get upset with him.
“No what’s not fair is you’re calling me your fuck buddy, friends with benefits when I’m falling for you.” He yelled
“How am I suppose to know that. You don’t tell me your feelings. You don’t tell me anything” You said starting to raise your voice at him too.
“I think its pretty obvious with the shit we’ve been doing.” He screamed back.
You rolled your eyes at his words.
“You can’t get upset with me because you didn’t feel the need to ask me out. We’ve been together every day for 6 months and you couldn’t find 1 minute to tell me how you feel and to officially ask me out.”
“What so you’ve been single this entire time. I bet you’ve been with other dudes haven’t you.” Katsuki yelled just angry.
You laughed at him, “Oh yeah definitely I had time to go be with other dudes when we spend 24/7 together, as friends. Like you wanted us to be in the beginning.” You sniped at him
“Things changed!” He yelled “Are you too stupid to get that.”
You got out of the car slamming the door and walking away from him. The rain started to fall harder but you didn’t care. Katsuki could be so suffocating.
Katsuki groaned hitting the steering wheel at you leaving, turning on the car and driving beside you as you walked.
“Come on get back in the car.” He said from the window as you walked looking straight forward. “It’s raining you’re going to get sick.”
“I didn’t mean it.” He said driving to keep pace with your walk.
“Leave me alone.” You said continuing to walk. Your house a 25-minute walk, easily done even in the rain.
“God damn it, I swear to god get back in this car before I do something I’ll regret.” Katsuki threatened and you walked faster to get away from him.
Katsuki parked the car on the side of the road and slammed his car door. Fuming at your dramatics.
“I’m trying to talk to you here and you won’t even get in the car!" He yelled catching up with you.
“Talk to someone that isn’t stupid. Get back in your car and leave me alone.” You said continuing to walk your clothes getting soaked in the cold rain.
He sucked his teeth at your attitude.
“You know what, you really are something else.” He yelled
Making you stop in your tracks.
You turned to him with rage filling your soul.
“IM SOMETHING ELSE,” now screaming at him over the rain. “You can’t for one second think about my feelings because you’re a selfish asshole! Get back in your car and bother someone who doesn’t have any more self-respect because I’m done.”
You two were on the side of the road screaming at each other not caring who saw.
“You’re done? No no no baby we’re never done.” He said with a loud laugh at the possibility of you not being with him.
Tears were starting to burn your eyes at his dismissal of you.
“Six fucking months. Six. up in the air. Me waiting for you to ask me to be something more than friends while doing everything a couple does. And when I put my foot down. Because you shouldn’t pay for someone who isn’t your girlfriend. You throw a hissy fit. Blaming me for expecting what you said you wanted. And accuse me of sleeping with other guys. I'm done!”
You were backing away from him. Looking at him made you ache. Katsuki took two strides and grabbed your arm not letting you get away from him.
“No you’re not done. You’ve been feeling it too. You were too scared to ask. This is something more and you know it. And your stupid ass friends planting doubt in your mind about us. You know I love you.” He yelled at you making you pause.
“No I dont.” You shook your head.
Katsuki laughed. He was losing it.
Realizing the situation you were both in. Out on the side of a road screaming at each other in the rain because your emotions were so high. Anyone else he would’ve told to fuck off and gone home by now. But it wasn’t anyone else. It was you.
“You drive me crazy, you know that. No one else can get me as mad as you. I cannot stand you and at the very same time, I cannot stand being away from you.
I love you.
I need you.
I lied earlier I’m not falling for you. I fell for you the moment we started spending time together. And you asking me if we’re just friends is a slap in the face and you know it.”
You both unable to break eye contact at his confession. Not for a moment ever thinking he would do this. Confess his love to you with his most desperate and angry eyes.
“Let me go, Katsuki.” You said with a wobbly voice. You tried to push him away but his body was like pushing a wall. He brought your arm up to his chest to pull you closer.
“I can’t.” He said leaning towards you. His expression trying to mask how scared he was but you could see right through it. You turned your face away a few tears slipping.
“You can’t call me a whore and then say that to me its not fair.” You whimpered trying to keep your resolve
“Im sorry. I love you. I was mad.” Katsuki said using his other hand to turn your face towards him catching your lips with his.
You melted into the kiss crying. His hands pulling you in as close as possible his tongue inside your mouth trying to make you feel his love for you. Your hands gripping his shirt
He pulled away from the kiss, “Stop crying please.” Both hands cupping your face.
“Why did it take you so long to say this?” You said both your eyes going back and forth with each other.
He leaned down his forehead touching yours.
“I didn’t know…when the right time would be or if you loved me back.” He admitted his vermillion eyes worried, vulnerable, scared.
You still hadn’t said it back.
He was exposing his throat. Whether you would tear out his throat was up to you. Holding his breath at what you were going to do.
“I love you too.”
Katsuki let out a sigh of relief at you choosing to not crush his very soul and heart.
“Does this mean I’m your girlfriend?” You asked timidly as he held you
“Baby I’ll give you a ring. Now can you please get back in the car.” He asked gently holding your hips.
You nodded and he held a firm grip on your hand walking you back to his car. Now that you both had stopped fighting and adrenaline had slowed down you realized how cold you were. Your hair dripping and soaking wet clothes stuck to your body.
“I’m cold.” You complained sitting in his precious car ruining his seat with rain water.
Katsuki laughed at you. Your hair drenched, mascara dripping down your face. and soaking wet clothes. He’s thinking that you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. And only his girl would complain about how cold she was after he poured out his heart to her in the rain like in a scene from a movie.
“Let’s get you to bed before you get sick.” He said cranking the heat and holding your hand ready to spend time with the girl he loves.
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Rough Waters ~ P.P.
A/n: Added a little bit more than what the request asked for. Hope you like it!
Request: “Tasm!peter x male reader, where Pete and reader been having a rough time in their relationship to where Peter asks if reader wants to break up” by anon
Word Count: 1700+
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"Where have you been?"
Peter frozen, mask in hand as he heard his partner's voice. He turned slowly - like a teenager caught coming home past curfew. He hesitated, analyzing their expression and body language to try to grasp whether they were anxious or angry. What time was it? He was in costume - they knew exactly where he'd been, which meant the problem was something else. Had he forgotten an anniversary or birthday? A performance? Had he stayed out too late and forgotten to message his boyfriend?
There were too many possibilties.
Y/n was especially hard to read tonight, which meant he was even more upset than usual. Peter braced himself. "Out."
That was not the right thing to say. Y/n's face turned a light shade of red as he tried very hard to keep calm and talk slowly. Calmly. "Okay. I'll give you that one." His eyes dropped to Peter's suit and for a second the most visceral rage crossed his face, before he smoothed it out again and met Peter's eyes. "I'm assuming you forgot then."
Peter shrugged, defensive. Always defensive. "I've got a lot going on Y/n, I forget."
"You forget," Y/n scoffed. The words curled from his lips like they were almost laughable, almost offensive. "I know you forget Peter. You forget, a lot."
He swallowed, wringing his mask. He felt cornered and he never responded well when he felt cornered. "What did I forget? Don't just leave it up in the air."
The calm coming from Peter seemed to make Y/n angrier. "No. I'm not going to remember everything for you. And don't you dare-" He rushed as Peter went to argue again, cutting him off before he could. "-start with me about how busy you are. I know you are busy Peter Benjamin." Ooh, middle name. This was very bad then. "If it was something I at least cared about I'd let it slide. I'm more than used to that. But May?"
His words hurt, but nothing knocked the breath out of his lungs like thinking he'd let May down. "What? Y/n you can't hold this from me, what did I forget?"
Y/n scoffed, turning away and heading further into the apartment. He seemed done with the conversation.
Peter wasn't though. He chased his boyfriend, his own anger growing. This wasn't something they could work through together - May was waiting for something from him. Y/n was holding him back from doing something for his aunt. This wasn't a small thing - this was huge. May didn't know Peter was Spider-Man. Had Y/n given him an excuse again? Was she okay? "Y/n-" He reached out, grabbing his boyfriend's arm in a desperate attempt to get him to stop.
Usually Y/n would pull away from him, spin around and start going off. Reprimand him and tell him everything and then they'd argue and after a while maybe cry and then they'd hold each other because it felt like their relationship was falling through their fingers. They did it every time anything went wrong - it was habit. Easy to play out. Every step was expected. Pre-written.
Except Y/n just stopped walking away. He froze, feet together, still looking away from Peter. It was so unexpected, so cold and far away, that it made Peter panic more than he'd ever panicked in their relationship before. He was stiff solid for a beat before he was falling forward, feet tripping to keep up as he made his way around Y/n. The man's eyes were blank. Empty. There was no anger on his face anymore, just... emptiness. He look exhausted.
"Y/n-" Peter began.
"It was May's birthday."
There was a long silence. It went on maybe even too long as Peter's will to fight suddenly left him. It was immediately gone - like a light switch turned off. He had been forgetful recently, scattered and distant. But.. surely he wouldn't forget that. Not something so important. He'd always rushed to keep himself busy. Work, Spider-Man, relationship. Or... arguing. Fighting. Had that really been every part of his life recently? Sure he did other things -
But, no. He couldn't think of a single other thing he'd done. Sleep, eat, shower, brush teeth, work, Spider-Man, come home and argue. When had arguing become part of the routine? When had the days started to blend together, every single one identical to the last? How had so much time passed without him even realizing it?
How long had they been like this?
He looked at Y/n, a horrible feeling sinking in his skin, settling in his rib cage. An ache. "We're not working anymore, are we?" He knew why Y/n didn't fight this time. Why he'd given up. There was nothing to fight for. Not when all they did was argue.
Y/n didn't even sigh, or shrug. He just sat on the bed. No hands through his hair. He didn't seem angry of frustrated or even sad. Just tired. It was more of an answer than he could have ever given with words. "We haven't worked for a very long time, Peter."
Peter sat on the other side of the bed, mask still in his hands, dangling between his legs. They sat like that for a very long time, backs to each other. It seemed silly, but he had to ask it out loud. "Do you want to break up?" His voice sounded heavy, hollow. It didn't even shock him. He realized it still hurt... but he'd seen this coming for a long time. That was why he was avoiding it, after all. He didn't want to address it. He had always been one to bury his head and pretend nothing was wrong.
This time Y/n did sigh. "Yeah." No argument. No fight. Just one, single word. It was so final, Peter didn't say anything else. He didn't even look up as the weight on the bed lifted and a few sounds here and there began to be made. A zipper, drawers opening and closing, a few doors opening and closing. Until - "You were worth it. In the end. I'm glad we got the time we did." A pause and then, "Peter?" When he didn't say anything, Y/n went silent. Then the bedroom door closed, and the apartment door opened, and then closed again.
The rest of the night was silent.
The daycare was loud. Peter was only here because May had asked him for a favor. Her neighbor had been caught up with something and needed someone to pick up her son. The first time had been a few months ago, and he had volunteered to pick the kid up for her as often as he could since then. It helped her out and... and...
Y/n was helping Michael - the child Peter was supposed to pick up - with his jacket. Y/n had kneeled down, and was laughing at some story Michael was telling. He looked breathtaking. All the weight from his shoulders gone, seeming to have slept very well. Brighter than before. He looked up when Peter approached, and not a lick of recognition was in his eyes. Peter thought back to the other world, with the two other Peters and the villains they'd fought together. The spell that would send everyone home and make everyone forget about Peter Parker.
He swallowed, forcing himself to collect himself. Y/n's eyes light up in the way they always did when he was looking at something he found wonderful. Or someone attractive. They'd seen each other from a distance so often. Y/n was usually busy with one of the other kids who favored him, a little girl with green eyes that always begged him to help her get her shoes on. Today she was with one of the other teachers though. Peter tried to dismiss the thought that Y/n might have arranged this on purpose.
"Hey little dude," he greeted Michael first, grinning as the toddler waddled up to him, hands reaching up. Peter scooped him up. Michael launched into a story about play time where they'd pretended to be Spider-Man. Peter felt his heart warm. He'd only been back from the other world for a year - and undoing his tarnished reputation had been hard work. But some people saw the old Spider-Man, and they were slowly opening up to him again. Glad to see him doing better. Some people didn't - but some people never would have in the first place, so he didn't hold it against himself too harshly.
In the middle of the story, Y/n chuckled. "Right?" Michael asked the teacher, as if remembering he was there for the first time. "You got the bad guy!"
Y/n blushed. The way Michael had been telling the story, Peter had assumed the boy had been playing Spider-Man. But, in that moment, it clicked that Y/n had been playing the hero, leaving the mischievous villain to the youth. "Spider-Man always gets the bad guy. That's what heroes do." Peter's breath caught. he hadn't heard Y/n call him a hero in a very long time. His unknowing ex looked over, suddenly sheepish "Sorry, I know- um- not a lot of people approve of Spider-Man. I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay," Peter was quick to reassure. "His mom is a fan of Spider-Man. But even if she wasn't, I wouldn't rat you out." He winked, as if they were conspirators, and he watched Y/n's face turn red. It was so easy to pick up on all their little hints and expressions - they were still so familiar to him. He hadn't forgotten a single detail of them, even after all this time. He had gone to another world, cleaned up his act, and even started therapy.
Maybe a second chance wouldn't be too out of the question. He could do it better this time.
"A trust worthy guy," Y/n mused. "Does he keep his promises?"
Peter thought on it. Y/n had said something similar the first time he had flirted with Peter too. He'd follow it up with, 'maybe you can promise me dinner then?' or something. But it was a real question - one Peter hadn't taken seriously enough the first time it was asked. "I try to."
Y/n's face light up with a smile. "Maybe you could promise we a coffee and if you succeed keeping that one, we can make a few more after that."
It was better than last time, so quickly on a better foot already. Peter smiled. "Yeah. I'd love that."
Y/n had been right the night he'd left. Peter was glad they'd met, and their love was worth all of the mess they'd gone through to experience it. This time, Peter would try harder though. This time it would work. He was sure of it.
Male Readers: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
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henrioo · 8 months
I hope the following request isn't too much to ask:
Can I please have a Law x trans!male!reader story with hurt and comfort?
Plot: Reader's binder accidentally got put in the dryer and is ruined now. Reader therefore has a crisis and doesn't want to leave his room anymore. Law is extremely worried about his boyfriend.
Thank you very much in advance! 💙
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "When your binder is ruined the only person you know that will always be at your side to help you is Law, your boyfriend"
꒰ WC ꒱ : 4k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : Me just delivering a ask after months? Nha... I would never... Hm... Well, then enjoy! I really loved writing this one, besides I have some blocks in some parts so take several days to really finish the story, but I hope you like! Thanks for making a ask with me and sorry for the delay! :D
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Law knew it was time to stop working when he blinked his eyes and in the next moment all he could feel was his head hitting the wooden desk in his office. He yawned as he stretched, his muscles were all sore and his body was extremely tired from hours of working without a break, he knew that now not only did his body need a rest, but his mind as well.
All he wanted was to drink some tea and lay on top of you wrapped in soft blankets, being able to sleep for hours on end listening only to the sound of the ocean while you stroked his hair. A smile instantly appeared on his face. Law might be a man known for his rigidity and even for being extremely rude, but when it came to you — his boyfriend — things were very different. Law could never yell at you, much less be rude or aggressive, even when you did something that irritated him the most you would get would be a worried lecture instead of pure anger.
He couldn't help it, after years of having everything he loved taken away from him, he became extremely paranoid that every night with you could be his last. Determined to never again regret not saying or expressing enough to the one he loves — especially when he entered into a serious relationship with you — he worked hard so that he could make it obvious with every word, action or even a look that he loved you deeply and would do anything for your happiness.
Even if he didn't like to show it publicly, it wasn't too difficult to figure out that he had an extremely soft spot for you.
Soon he was walking through Polar Tang, determined to get to the room you shared and simply sleep until they reached dry land. However, he was stopped when he found Penguin and Sachi fighting right in front of the room, they had extremely worried and nervous faces and seemed to be arguing about something very intensely. They had done something wrong. Law had lived with and been captain of these two for enough years to be sure of that.
“What did you two do now?” He said and his voice was probably more hoarse and scary due to tiredness.
"Captain!" Penguin squeaked in terror at the sight of the man and they both looked as white as the polar bear that sailed with them.
“What did you do wrong?” He raised an eyebrow, getting angrier by the second. Now was not the time Law wanted to spend dealing with those two, all he needed was a hug from his boyfriend, not two crew members who were always getting into trouble.
"Wrong? Haha, who did something wrong? Nobody did anything wrong! Pfff, everything is fine, very fine… extremely fine” Sachi said, giving the biggest smile he could while laughing so nervously that he looked like he might faint at any minute.
Law decided he wasn't going to deal with that now. Regardless of what they had done, he would find out after resting, so he just walked past the two and approached the door, trying to open it to find his objective. The problem was that the door was locked, which was strange since you never locked your room without Law being in there with you. Getting a little worried, he knocked on the door a few times trying to figure out if something was wrong.
“(Y/N)-ya? You are here? Can I enter?" He asked, maybe you were just changing your clothes. Law knew it was still difficult for you to do this in front of him regardless of how long you had been together.
The silence was making him increasingly nervous, when he called your name again — a little louder this time — he was greeted by you screaming.
"GO AWAY! I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANYONE!” Law could tell when you were crying from miles away, and that shaky voice as you screamed told him clearly that you had been crying for the last few hours at the very least.
"What?" He stuttered confused and worried “What’s wrong?” He asked, getting nervous.
“EVERYTHING IS WRONG! I'M WRONG! MY BODY IS WRONG! I HATE EVERYTHING! I HATE MY BODY! I HATE MYSELF! I HATE BEING BORN!” You screamed again, but this time a tearful scream was heard at the end. Your scream was so agonizing that Law felt his body shiver, now you were crying so loudly that it seemed like you were being attacked by someone.
Law's first thought was to use his devil fruit and force himself into that room, but he clenched his fists until he cut himself and forced himself to calm down. Taking a deep breath he quickly analyzed everything before making a wrong decision, if he forced his way into the room you would probably hate him for not respecting your privacy, besides, you hated being disturbed during your sensitive or crisis moments. As much as you needed support, you liked to calm down on your own first, crying and venting until your body got tired. So when you calm down a little, then you would allow other people to come and give you support so that you could remember that you were safe and loved.
So Law couldn't insist on helping you before making sure you were calm and ready to accept the help. That only left one last option: finding out what had triggered your crisis and finding some way to resolve it so that you could calm down more quickly. Of course, the trigger of a crisis wasn't always something that could be resolved, but most of the time a little logic always helped your brain calm down and decide better how to deal with your feelings. That's what he always tried to do, be your stable rock of logic when your feelings overwhelm you to the point where you're unable to think logically.
As soon as his mind calmed down enough, which wasn't particularly much, Law went in search of what had caused his crisis. And with that said he just turned with a death glare at Penguin and Sachi as his entire face silently said, “what the fuck did you two do this time?”
If the two men weren't panicking before, now they were feeling their life draining from their bodies. The two didn't even have saliva to swallow, and as Law glared at them deathly but silently they stared at each other trying to decide how to explain the situation in a way that wouldn't make their scary captain steal their hearts and throw them into the ocean and then use their bodies as a snack for the kings of the seas. After a silent debate and desperate tears, Penguin appeared to be the loser in the debate between who would be the first to sacrifice himself.
“W-Well… C-Captain, you see? Haha… Today… Well, today is laundry day… Right?” He stutters more than a girl going to confess for the first time and Law would have laughed mentally if he wasn't completely irate.
"And?" Law asked not understanding exactly where this could be going. Had they stained your shirt? Stolen underwear? In fact, these two possibilities were impossible, as everyone knew not to touch their clothes on wash day. There were two members who washed individual clothes, Law for valuing his privacy and Bepo for having too much hair and needing individual washing, when you quickly came out you became the third member. After all, everyone understood that someone touching your clothes could give you a crisis or paranoia, so you wouldn't need to be nervous about someone seeing something you shouldn't have. In the end, when you and Law started dating it got even better, as you started washing your clothes and his together.
"And huh... Today was Ikkaku's day to take care of it... but well, you know, we kind of made her take care of the clothes last time and she got really angry this time..." Sachi laughed nervously as he continued his friend's story.
“So she made you guys come out this time, right, what’s the problem?” Law could think of many possibilities, he just hoped no one had come out wearing pink clothes like the last incident.
“And it's kind of huh… We were like, you know… We took everything and just threw it into the machine… You know?” Penguin laughed again and now he was cowering and trying to use Sachi as a human shield.
"And?" As long as the uniforms weren't covered in Bepo's fur he couldn't imagine such a bad scenario.
“And we kind of took some of (Y/N)'s things by accident... Like his binder” Sachi gave a huge desperate smile as he silently begged his captain not to kill them.
“What the fuck did you guys do?!” Now all of Law's 'friendly' aura was gone. His face was serious and his voice couldn't control his anger, he felt his fist clenching as he became more nervous. Now things started to make sense about why you were so bad that you locked yourself in your room and even prevented your boyfriend from entering.
“It… shrank… a little” Sachi whimpered nervously seeing Law's anger “And it kind of… It doesn't fit anymore”.
Law stopped. His heart stopped beating and his head was dizzy, so that's what happened. It made so much sense now about the phrases you shouted and the way you acted.
It turns out that one of the things you admitted bothered you was your breasts, although Law called them pecs you still hadn't gotten used to it. You hated the size and hated even more that they made your shape very feminine, initially the surgeon offered the removal surgery, the famous top surgery — of course it wasn't something he had done before or had experience with — but Law liked to call himself one of the best surgeons in those seas for a reason, he studied what he did.
Of course, if he were to perform the surgery on you, he would study as much as possible and if you still didn't trust him, it wouldn't be difficult to find an island with a doctor specialized in this. Money wasn't a problem, your boyfriend would steal a king if that would buy something that would bring you happiness and comfort with your own body. The issue was that you didn't feel ready for surgery, it was an extreme change and you weren't taking enough hormones for it. In addition to being a very difficult recovery, you thought it would be difficult to have peace to recover when you were a pirate and sailed through dangerous seas.
You could be attacked at any time and you were incapacitated on the bed without being able to move your upper body. So for now you considered surgery to be out of the question.
Said that, you didn't give up, both Law and you wanted to find a solution to this issue that bothered you so much. It was when on an island you heard about them, it was a type of elastic top with a lot of compression that helped reduce the volume of the breasts, as well as giving them a masculine appearance. They were sold for all kinds of purposes, for women who had too many breasts, for people with chest problems... Or for men like you, who needed physical support to deal with some discomfort in their appearance.
Law did some research and he agreed that you could use it on the condition that he constantly checked you, as the band was really tight, you both agreed that you wouldn't use it for many hours a day, in addition to not using it to sleep, much less using it in battles. So if you were attacked immediately you should run away instead of trying to fight with something that could break your ribs. You were too happy to deny whatever condition your doctor boyfriend had, all you wanted was to experience it and feel comfortable in your body for the first time in a long time.
You would have the memory of that moment forever. When you put on your shirt and looked in the mirror, your chest was flat, no curves or feminine volume. Your chest was extremely straight and smooth like that of Law, Penguin, Sachi or any other man in the crew, it was smooth exactly like a man's chest.
After that day everything was like flowers, you followed Law's orders and could wear your headband for most of the day, walking around smiling without being insecure about your appearance. On the islands everyone could see that you were confident, you were confident in yourself. You even wore more clothes now, nicer clothes with fewer layers that used to feel like armor to protect yourself from possible judgmental looks. Trafalgar could thank the gods for how happy you were, the way you smiled and spoke and acted. You were even having more physical touch, letting Law lay on your chest when you used the binder or cuddling more knowing that your breasts wouldn't get in the way.
So knowing that your binder had been washed incorrectly and now made it unfit for use justified much of your actions. You had only bought one out of fear that you wouldn't adapt, and besides, you had already left the island for days and were even more days away from another island. Which meant you would be without the binder for days on end until they could dock and search again, even if they turned around now they wouldn't get to the last island quickly. Everything seemed perfect for you to continue with an unresolved crisis.
Breathe and inspire. Law calmed down a little and thought about what he could do, you might even be able to calm down, but you would still be fragile and sensitive because you were without his protection, without what made you feel capable of living with dignity. He needed to do something or you would go back to that dark, insecure bubble of not being able to validate yourself.
“You two” Law said looking at him deathly “Cleaning the ship for the next three months.”
"But!" Sachi was going to argue until his mouth was covered by Penguin's hands, who told him to shut up, probably grateful that they would only have to clean the submarine rather than be thrown overboard. Now it was time for Law to find a solution to his problem.
You felt bad for yelling at Law. You really did, if it was in another situation you would have immediately left to apologize and resolve the situation. However, at that moment it wasn't just any situation, you were having a panic attack and you couldn't even think logically, your head felt like a minefield where every second a bomb exploded right in front of you.
You had to fight and control yourself a lot to not do something bad to yourself, thanks to many “therapy” sessions with Law, you gradually learned to control yourself during crises so as to at least not hurt yourself physically. So you did exactly as he taught you, you screamed into the pillow, punched the bed mattress, threw the pillow from side to side, Las had even said that you could break the entire room if that could stop you from getting hurt.
You cried a lot, looked at yourself in the mirror to the point of screaming in anger and shrank in a ball thinking about never leaving the room again. When his body started to feel tired and even more nervous after yelling at Law, you slipped into his clothes and lay down on the bed trying to calm down. Now you had woken up much better and without being panicked, who knew that sleeping could solve almost all problems, you decided it was time to look for your boyfriend and apologize for what happened earlier. Besides, of course, you obviously want a little comfort and want some kisses and hugs.
The problem was finding him, how was it possible for that tall man to get lost in such a small submarine? You looked in the control room, his office, the kitchen, even the dorms together! Damn! You were lucky everyone was asleep so you didn't need to be embarrassed about your swollen face and Law's baggy clothes, but now you kind of wished someone was awake so you could have help looking for him. How was it possible for him to disappear like that?!
Luckily giving up isn't in your blood, so you took another deep breath and thought about where Law could have gone if he wasn't in any of the main locations on the submarine. A little fear and insecurity at the thought that your boyfriend could have really been upset with you even crossed your mind, but you knew Law better than that, he would never do something like that and you would rather die with a false faith than doubt him. So as you thought more deeply about all the existing rooms you remembered the storage rooms, they were about three very small rooms where everyone kept various things that were not being used or that were useless for now.
There were some crew overalls in general sizes for new members, there was plenty of fabric and makeshift sewing supplies, there were some weapons if anyone wanted to learn how to fight, lots of books on geography or history of specific islands. Practically any trinket that no one really needed urgently was there, there was another storage room with really necessary and useful things, so now other small rooms were more of a trash deposit or mess room, call it what you want.
It didn't take long for you to get to them. The path was basically to the bottom of the ship where the repair and machine rooms were, then through a narrower and unused corridor you would reach the three rooms. Thinking about it, just considering the difficulty of getting there, it was pretty obvious why no one used those warehouses to store useful things, you couldn't blame the crew.
The first warehouse had a broken light and even in the darkness you didn't find Law, the last one seemed to have its door closed and there were even some boxes in front of it, so the obvious answer was the second warehouse which had its door open a little. . You opened the door completely and stuck your head inside while looking for your boyfriend, but the scene you found was definitely far from your expectations...
Law was sitting on the floor with a weak lamp near his lap, it seemed that that warehouse also had a broken light and he had improvised his light source, he was under a shelf and there were so many things around him that just looking you imagined how uncomfortable it was for Law's big body to be stuck in the middle of so much junk. He had a serious and focused face as he sewed something in his hands, there were some sewing supplies around him, needle balls, threads and pieces of fabric. The thing is, you've never seen Law sewing before and you were pretty sure that wasn't one of his hobbies.
“Law?” You called out to him worried, maybe that was the real Law? A soft boy who likes sewing and knitting? You laughed at the idea, but now you were curious to know what he was doing.
Law jumped when he heard your voice calling him, which made him hit his head on the shelf just above his head and also pierce his finger with the needle he had in his hand. He quickly cursed as he patted his sore head and placed his bleeding finger in his mouth, he lifted his head to curse whoever it was when he saw it was you. Immediately his eyes widened in surprise and shock, soon mixing with concern, you had left the room! He couldn't help but be more relieved seeing that you looked fine, even with your face swollen and red you had a simple smile which perhaps showed that you weren't so bad now. And well... he couldn't hold back the heat rising in his body and his red cheeks when he saw you wearing his clothes as pajamas, damn you were so cute...
“(y/n)-ya!” He exclaimed happily and considered getting up, but realized that was impossible in his current state. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? I can-” he decided he should get up and check you up, but as soon as he hit his head on the shelf again he fell into a sitting position and decided it was better to stay that way.
When you just laughed at his clumsy manner, Law felt like a teenager discovering his first crush, his heart was beating fast and his face was burning, damn you with all that power over him. When you calmed down you moved closer, kneeling as close to him as possible so that you were together side by side.
“I'm fine... I just overdid it a little, I ended up falling asleep I think...” you admitted a little embarrassed and guilty as you fixed a place for you to feel close to him amidst all the mess.
“You never exaggerate, we have no control over that” he said sincerely and in his eyes there was only empathy, making you remember again why you loved him so much. “I'm glad you managed to get some sleep, I didn't want to disturb you so I couldn't check if you were better afterwards…”
“I'm fine... I... I'm sorry... Sachi and Penguin must be very disappointed in me, I would understand if you three were angry” you sighed hugging your legs as you looked at him, in Law's view you looked perfect wearing his clothes, he would definitely make you repeat it later.
"What?!" He looked at you with an incredulous smile “Do you think they are disappointed or angry? In fact, they were worried that you would never forgive them for ruining your binder, besides, your reaction was completely consistent with the situation, don't cover yourself too much” he said, poking your forehead as a loving way of scolding.
"Really? I… I thought I overreacted, since it wasn't their fault” you sighed, but you already felt a little better.
“Yes it was” Law said with an irritated snort. “They never do things right when they have to, at least now they will be twice as careful if one day I allow them to take care of the clothes again” he said bitterly. “And I could never be mad at you, not even if you stole my heart and stepped on it.”
“I would never do that” you smiled at him.
“I know…” he said, smiling along and going back to sewing, you shifted your attention to his hands and what he was working on. It was a long strip of fabric with a skin tone somewhat similar to yours, although not quite. Law seemed to be sewing zippers into it, that piece was strangely familiar.
“What is that…” you asked, confused and curious.
“Your binder, we only bought one and it was ruined... I'll see tomorrow about going back to this island, but I don't know if we'll make it due to the distance” he sighed as he finished sewing “I'm not that good at it... But I tried to copy yours old, someone here must know how to sew better than me, but… I… I wanted to do this for you” he admitted with red cheeks as he handed you the strip of fabric that now looked extremely similar to your old binder.
Of course it wasn't perfect for numerous reasons, the size probably wasn't ideal, the tone of the fabric was also different and it wasn't the same fabric as your old binder. The elastic on the edges and the zipper were improvised, but hell, even if it was the worst thing ever sewn before it wouldn't be any less perfect in his eyes. There was something that your boyfriend had made with his own hands just to help you, he had done it because he understood your limits and discomforts, he understood that you needed that. And he really stepped out of his comfort zone doing something he wasn't used to just for you.
“(y/n)-ya?” He asked and only then did you snap out of your trance, you saw tears as you looked at your boyfriend. His face showed just everything you felt for Law, the purest and most genuine love possible.
“Thank you” you smiled “It’s perfect…”
Law smiled embarrassedly as he scratched the back of his head, he reached for your hand holding it lovingly, he caressed yours fingers as he felt his own heart calm down. You're okay, you were there with him and everything was okay.
“You are perfect… The perfect man and boyfriend” he admitted looking at you with love and you were sure you would never want to be anywhere else but with Law.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
I just read the jealousy drably you posted and I already really enjoy your writing! I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort and I was wondering if we could get a part 2 of sorts with comforting and loving Vash after realizing the situation made him a bit upset/ jealous. Whether you write it or not, I can’t wait to see your further work 👍
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i decided to throw these two requests together!
Part 1
pairings: vash x reader , wolfwood x reader
warnings: a bit of angst, vash cries, wolfwood is kind of a jerk
notes: yeah- part 2 so soon for you babes. ily all! he one bed trope is kinda weak here so i think i might write another drabble or fic later because I love that trope. also is this a little too long to be a drabble? idk
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Your eyes flicker to the man beside you for a moment. He’s not looking at you- no his eyes are conveniently tracing every other thing in this room but you. His blue eyes refuse to land on you, no matter how much you try to intercept his vision. You briefly wonder how long he can look at the same lamp before getting bored, but your sarcastic thoughts are cut short when he finally speaks up.
“I’ll switch with Meryl-” Vash says suddenly causing your eyes to widen in confusion. 
What is going on with him? 
Sure this room only has one bed. Yeah it’s a little awkward, but it’s never been such a big problem before. In fact, you have been traveling with Vash for so long that it has happened multiple times before and has never been this big of a deal! You thought the two of you were close enough that something this small wouldn’t matter- but apparently you were wrong.
Actually, Vash has been acting like this for a little over a week now. He’s been avoiding your gaze, not talking to you, and even refusing to joke around like he once did. Every time you try to approach him, it feels like he’s putting up this wall to keep you away. Even the others have started to notice. Wolfwood has been giving the two of you curious glances, and he’s kinda bad at picking up on that stuff.
You’re honestly starting to get tired of it- he’s given you no explanation about why he’s suddenly distant, and it’s beginning to really hurt. You aren’t just close with him, you’re pretty much in love with him. You have been for a long time- and while you don’t mind staying friends, it hurts more than anything to have him push you away this far.
“Don’t bother.” You finally answer after a moment of silence. “They won’t switch with either of us- they did this on purpose.” You explain throwing your bag into the corner of the room. Vash flinches at this- and you sighand take a deep breath. 
Another awkward silence fills the room, and you find yourself staring at him as he avoids your gaze again. His eyes shoot over to you for only half a second before they go back to that stupid lamp. A deep anger starts to bubble up in your chest. You don’t like getting mad at him. You barely ever do. But right now? He’s hurting you. Every time he looks away, every time he ignores you, it makes your heart sting.
You can’t even think of a reason why he’s doing this! It all started a week ago after a night at the bar. You went to grab everyone some drinks, and when you came back Vash was gone. When you asked, Wolfwood just shrugged and told you he went to bed. After that? Nothing.
“Which side do you want?” You ask, trying desperately to get anything out of him. Vash just shrugs. “I’ll take the floor.” He says without even turning to you.
Your heart sinks. What have you done? You don’t understand. 
“What is going on with you?” You suddenly ask, a little angrier than you mean to be. You can see a change in his body immediately. He goes rigged- tense. “What do you mean?” He asks. You sigh and slump down onto the bed- resting your head in your hands. “You’ve been quiet- too quiet. Every time I try to talk to you, you find some excuse to walk away. You won’t sit next to me in the car. You refuse to even look at me-” You cut yourself off, feeling tears threaten to spill from your eyes. “What did I do?”
He looks over at you with wide eyes. It’s the first time he’s looked at you in days, and now you can see that something is very wrong. His eyes are dark- his face is pale. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days. 
You’re so stupid. All this time you’ve been so hurt by him ignoring you, you haven’t really paid attention to him. This isn’t about you, or maybe it is, but there’s obviously something deeper happening here. There’s something really wrong.
“You didn’t do anything. I-” He starts to explain- but can’t seem to get it out. He turns away from you again. “It’s me.” He finally concludes. In the moonlight from the window you can see his shoulders shake slightly. 
“Oh Vash…” You immediately get up and reach out for his arm, he doesn’t stop you. You grab him and pull him close, hugging him tightly. “What’s wrong?”
He doesn’t hug you back for a second- his body stiff. Eventually though, his arms wrap around you and he pulls you close. The hug feels normal- like you’ve done it a thousand times before. And to be fair- you have. 
“The other day at the bar…that guy was flirting with you.” Vash murmurs, and your eyes widen. That silly random doctor? He was a bit funny yes- but you only were talking to him because you felt a little cornered. You don’t even remember what that guy looks like. “I saw you laughing- and I just got so jealous.” 
Your heart flutters softly. He was jealous?
“And…I just kept thinking that I have no right to feel that way. I have no right to think of you that way. Everyone around me always gets hurt, and I don’t want you to get hurt.” He’s crying as he explains this, light tears dripping from his cheeks onto your shoulder. “But I can’t help but be selfish. You’re more than my best friend I…” he trails off choking up. “I love you.”
You feel your breathing stop for a moment. The room goes eerily quiet. The onlys pounds you can hear are his soft sobs, and your heartbeat. You tighten your hold on him, so he can’t even try to pull away. “I…I love you  too.” You admit softly.
“No. I love you too. You can’t…you can’t do this to yourself. You can’t force yourself to be isolated from the world. I don’t want you to push me away- I don’t care what your reasoning is.” You cling to him as you speak. “I want to be by your side. Please let me.” You beg softly.
His arms tighten around you too, and he shoves his face into your hair, still crying quietly. You rub his back with your hand, and murmur soft words into his skin until he calms down. Soon, the two of you are just holding each other in the moonlight. 
“Okay.” is all he says, pulling away. He’s smiling down at you through red eyes, and it’s the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen. “I promise, I won’t push you away ever again.”
You reach your hand up to his cheek, and he turns his face to kiss your palm lightly. The two of you stare at each other for a second. “I’ll take the left side.” he breaks the moment with a playful grin and you giggle.
The rest of the night is spent cuddling and talking about your feelings. The only tears shed after that are happy tears.
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Despite having a romantic dance at a random bar (and yes, Wolfwood is a surprisingly good dancer) the next day things go back as they always are. Actually, things feel a little bit worse even. After weeks of trying to break down Wolfwood’s ridiculously high walls, you were finally granted a pleasant evening in his arms- only to immediately be cussed at for sitting a little too close to him in the car the next day.
It’s not like you were sitting on his lap either! All you did was softly press your leg up against his, because Vash was once again thrashing in his sleep- and he pushed you over and grumbled for you to get back in your own fucking seat. Charming right? 
Things kept getting worse after that. You two started bickering more. You both started to refuse to talk to each other at some point, forcing poor Vash to be your messenger(he was not a fan of telling you to fuck yourself for Wolfwood). You even got into a tiny argument over directions, that resulted into a bigger argument about how utterly useless you are. (Which definitely did not make you cry that night)
The others in the group were starting to get really fed up with the two of you. 
Which is how you ended up here- standing in the hallway to your tiny hotel room with Wolfwood staring at you from the doorway. He looks over to the single bed in the room, and glares at you. “This is my room.” he says matter of factly, putting his Punisher down against the wall. 
“No, I’m pretty sure this is my room.” you respond, crossing your arms.
“One second.” He huffs disappearing out into the hallway. You wait a moment, staring at where he once was with a frown. When he comes back he looks like he’s considerably more angry. “Apparently- it’s our room.” He mumbles shoving past you. 
Your eyes widen a bit, but you’re not as surprised as you should be. Meryl is sneaky when she wants to be.
There’s some shuffling behind you, and you turn to see Wolfwood grabbing some pillows and throwing them on the ground. He’s got a look on his face that’s not quite a frown. It actually looks more anxious than anything. It makes your own anger fall. 
“What are you doing?” You ask tilting your head as he messes with his floor pillows. “I’m sleeping on the ground.” he tells you, looking up for only a split second. You notice that there’s a sucker in his mouth that’s almost completely gone- it’s his second one in the past hour. He must be stressing over something.
“No you’re not.” You sigh and lean down to pick up his pillows. He catches your wrist softly, stopping you. “Yes I am.” he argues back. His grip is nothing short of respectful, so soft that you actually don’t even think of pulling away. “No, I won’t let you.” you shoot back, making him roll his eyes.
“What’re you gonna do? Force me to sleep on the bed?”
“Actually yeah- I am.”
“Oh? And how are you gonna do that Angel?”
The nickname makes you perk up a bit. It’s been a couple of days since he called you that. Maybe this means the stick up his ass is finally gone?
“Just sleep in the damn bed Wolfwood-”
“I don’t want to-” He growls, glaring at you once again. His look seems to say ‘Stop pushing me’, but you’ve never been so good at obeying warnings. So you grab his pillow and yank it away from the floor. “Too bad!” You yell, trying to throw the stupid thing back onto the bed. He stops you by yanking the pillow back towards him.
The two of you stop and glare at each other, both holding onto the pillow like children. The stare off goes on until you finally give up, sighing. “Look, if you don’t want to sleep next to me that bad- I’ll sleep on the floor.” You mumble, your chest suddenly feeling very tight.
“That’s not it…”
“ Don’t argue with me. You carry around that stupidly big cross all day- wait what?”
Your eyes meet his, and he looks down at the floor. There’s a hint of a blush on his cheeks, so faint you can barely see it. “I said that’s not it. It’s not that I don’t wanna sleep next to ya…” He lets go of the pillow with a sigh, and fishes into his pocket to pull out a cigarette. In silence, he places it into his mouth and lights it.
“Then what’s the problem?” You ask a little confused. If that’s not what his issue is then what is it? Does he think you don’t want to? You’ve made it pretty clear that you wouldn’t mind! So what’s his deal?
“The problem is....” He starts looking at you as he breathes some smoke out. “I want to.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat as you look at him. “Oh.” is all you can say as your cheeks flush red. He wants to? He wants to sleep with you? He wouldn’t be this upset if he meant platonically right? He’s definitely hinting at something right? His cheeks are a bit red too
“Me too…” you finally admit after. He laughs at your words and runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah I figured. You were pretty aggressive about getting me into bed.” He mumbles playfully leaning down to pick up the pillow, and throws it over onto the bed. You can’t help but feel the corners of your mouth twist upward.
After a few moments of silence, he steps towards you and puts his hand on your cheek. “I’m sorry for being an ass recently. I just…I don’t know how to deal with this stuff.” He mumbles looking down into your eyes. “It’s okay Nick…We can take it slowly. We can figure it out as we go…” you reply softly. He smiles down at you. “You’re too good for me.”
And then, he kisses you. It’s so soft, and so careful. His lips are only against yours for a moment before he pulls away. “Let’s get some rest.”
small a/n: as always let me know if you see any typos- i only have someone to beta read my full fics, and i cannot correct my own writing.
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saber-slutt · 1 year
It Just Makes Sense (Cad Bane x F!reader) 18+
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Hey gang! A fic with smut! Who cheered!
Anyways, 18+. I’ve decided that my whole blog will be 18+, so please block me if you’re a minor, thanks!
≽^•⩊•^≼ Warnings: Smut, m receiving (f receiving in next chapter), female reader, dirty talk, mating cycles, Cad Bane
≽^•⩊•^≼ Please leave criticism! I’ll take anything, I just want to improve at writing
Cad Bane liked to consider himself above the primal instincts that resided in the core of every being. He was a hunter, of course, but a sophisticated one. That’s why this time of year, in the weeks leading up to his mating period, he was rather irritable. Quick to snap at Todo, reserved towards you, and overall angrier. It sucked. For you, specifically. You had only known Bane for a few rotations. You met him as you held a lot of information on one of his bounties, and you helped him catch the guy (rather gleefully, too, that man had stolen many credits from you). Bane took some pity on you, as your life resembled a lot of his youth, and invited you to work aboard his ship for a while. Your smarts and beauty would surely come in handy in trapping and luring potential bounties. And it had. But maker, you were wishing you could go back in time and not take this job. Credits be damned. Looking at his beautiful face be damned. Bane was being a dick. And he was getting worse everyday.
You had sympathy at first. You knew Duros mating periods were rough. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like to not feel like yourself, and giving into something that wasn’t you, but still, somehow was. But right now, Bane was taking it too far. He acted as if you couldn’t do anything right. Ship maintenance, cleaning, cooking, it was all wrong to him. And he brutally vocalized his displeasure. Your patience was wearing thin. Just one more week, you thought as you bit back your tongue from his recent snap, (“I don’t know why ah’ took you aboard, you can’t even clean a damn window right!”) just one more week until he’ll be down for a week in a pheromone crazed episode. Then I’ll be free from him, and he’ll come back normal.
You sighed as you sat back in the copilots seat, hesitantly turning to Bane. “Listen, your mating period is coming soon. Do you have any plans? Where are we gonna stop and wait, while you, y’know?” you began.
“Shuddup. Ah don’t wanna talk bout it with you.”
“Come on, please? It’s getting close now. You’re not the only one this affects. I really know nothing, and I need to make some plans. Do you need help with arrangements?”
“Ah don’t need your damn help! Jus’ stay out of the way and stop bein’ an idiot,” he shouted, before stalking out of the cockpit to his quarters.
You turned to Todo, whispering, “Is he always this much of an asshole before his mating period?”
Loud footsteps charged back into the cockpit. Oops. Not whispering quietly enough. You couldn’t even react before long fingers wrapped around your throat and lifted you from the copilots chair to standing on your tip-toes.
You gasped, while he growled, “You have no idea what this is like. I’ve handled it for almost thirty years before you, and I will handle it after you. Unless you want me to fuck you for a week straight, I suggest you be silent and stay out of the way.”
You only stared back with wide eyes.
He dropped you back into the seat and stalked off again. You didn’t dare to breathe.
Four days had passed since that incident. You hadn’t spoken to him. You knew he would never force you into anything, but he had also never been physical with you. He had scared you, plain and simple. You sighed as you sat on your bed in your quarters, fiddling with a sweater you were knitting, feeling rather bored. One of your favorite pastimes was annoying Cad Bane. But now, you were confined to isolation. Worse yet, you still had no idea what his plans were to take care of his mating period. Which was a problem, considering it was three days away. He was also becoming antsy (sexually). You had never heard him take care of himself before; he once joked that jacking off requires more effort than just walking into the nearest bar and finding someone to suck him off. You had heard him a few times at night in the past week, groaning and growling through the walls. You felt a wetness between your thighs at the memory. Maker, you wished you could hear him groan and growl in your ear, hands wrapping around your thighs as he spread you wider, pounding into you at a merciless pace as you could only whimper-
“Hey, lil’ lady,” Cad Bane interrupted your thoughts, standing in your doorway. You jumped out of your skin. “There’s a brothel on Nar Shaddaa that caters to species mating periods. We’re going there soon. You can just lay low on the ship for the week.”
You didn’t say anything, a look of fear etched on your face. You prayed that he didn’t suspect what was just running through your mind. Hopefully, he would leave soon, before his olfactory organs could pick up on your pooling wetness.
He sat down on the edge of your bed.
He raised his head to the air, eyes closing, and basking in the scent of the room for a moment. “Doll, you can’t do this so close to. . . it’s unfair.”
You stayed quiet and wide-eyed, truly not knowing what to say next.
“Ah’ could really go for a lil’ taste, right now.”
You sucked in a breath, “Bane.”
He moves closer, taking your face in his fingers and forcing you took look at him, “It’s takin’ everything in me not to jump you right now, and pin you down while I fuck you so hard you can’t stop screaming,” he growls, before backing off as quickly as he had started toward you, “Course, then I wouldn’t let you leave, and you’d be stuck with me for a week.”
You were breathing heavy now. Lust clouded eyes meeting Banes’ own. His self control was truly impeccable. Three days, give or take, before he would enter a pheromone-filled, sex-crazed episode, and he was restraining himself.
“I’m setting a course for Nar Shaddaa,” he growled, standing, leaving your room and slamming your door.
Maybe a few months earlier, you would’ve left it at that. But you had grown closer to Bane, and you trusted him. And truth was, you were worried about him. Unlike Cad Bane himself, you were open with your emotions, and you wanted him in good hands during what you knew was a difficult time for him (also, the prospect of him undressed and wrapped up with someone else send jealous pangs through you). You maybe, possibly, had a tiny, itsy-bitsy crush on the Duros. The moment you laid eyes on him, you were down bad. And spending a few months in close proximity with him did not alleviate these feelings. You decided that you would proposition him for his cycle. It just makes sense.
You walked nervously into the cockpit. Cad Bane was sitting straight as a board in the captains chair, staring out at the hyperspace blue illuminating the front windows.
“Cad,” you started, the name foreign on your tongue. You didn’t call him by his given name, out of an unspoken sort of respect, but now you needed to truly, truly, speak with him.
“Go to your room. Now.”
You let out a shaky breath, “Listen-“
“If ya stay here any longer I can’t be held responsible for what happens to ya. It’s here earlier than I thought,” he drawled. “I want ya to go to your room and lock the door. Don’t let me in no matter what I say. We won’t make it to Nar Shaddaa in time, because I’ll be fully under in a few hours.”
“And what? You’ll go through it alone?”
“Yep. Grab some food and water for the week.”
“Wait, just wait, what if I do it?” you questioned, a bit frantically.
He said nothing, scoffing at your hasty proposition.
“I’m serious! Everyone knows how bad Duros breeding cycles can be. If you don’t have someone, you’ll be in hell. I don’t want that,” you pouted.
Internally, Cad Bane didn’t want to argue. The image of you under him, face twisted up in pleasure and completely at his mercy was difficult to pass up. But it’s a lot to ask of someone. You’d be exhausted by the end of it, bruised and busted. He’d get to reap all the benefits from it; a week of pleasure with a pretty person. Not to mention the possibility you could get pregnant, which neither of you could handle. But still, you were offering, and he’d be in hell otherwise.
“You understand what that entails?” he queried.
“Yes, sir,” you spoke softly. He shifted.
“Still, der are some things you gotta be clear with.”
You were feeling brave now. “Okay, but, what if we take the edge off first? Before we go through the details” you questioned, eyes gesturing to the bulge in his pants. He straightened up again, silent as all hell but letting out a curt nod, signaling his approval.
You lowered yourself to your knees. He watched you intensely, but remained unmoving and stiff. Gingerly, you undid his fly and pulled him out, already hard. You looked up at him with doe eyes, before kitten-licking his tip. He shifted and lightly hissed at the contact, bucking slightly. You licked again, and again, gradually licking longer stripes, as Bane’s resolve dissipated.
He growled, “Put me in your mouth. Stop teasin’ me.”
You complied. You were unfamiliar with Duros anatomy. His cock was long and ridged, and almost indigo in color. Maker, was he long. You felt a gush of liquid between your thighs at the fact. Surely, you’d see the bulge in your stomach when he split you open.
You worked Bane’s cock like your life depended on it. You bobbed your head up and down, hollowing out your cheeks and applying slick pressure with your hands where you just couldn’t reach. Filthy, wet sounds filled the room as you occasionally let him hit the back of your throat, tears welling in your eyes. You let out a couple of whimpers, which based on the way he growled and bucked in return, he greatly appreciated.
“It’s gettin’ close doll,” he let out in a strained voice, “swallow all of it.”
You whimpered in response. Cad Bane’s self-control snapped. He grabbed the back of your head, fingers wrapped up in strands of your hair, and forcefully guided you up and down his cock, moving you so fast you didn’t have time to breathe. Tears fell from your eyes. With barely a grunt as warning, he came, spilling past your tongue and down your throat. He held your head on his cock and didn’t allow you to move, forcing you to drink every last drop, moaning before each time you swallowed. And maker, was there a lot of his cum, and you knew it would definitely spill out of you in the future. Finally, your mouth slid off Bane’s cock, a strand of spit connecting your lip to his to his tip. Panting, you look up at him. Expecting to see a sated Bane, instead you were met with an even more lustful stare. You felt heat rise in your cheeks.
“Not bad, lil��� lady,” he began. “But I’m still hoping for that taste I was talkin’ about earlier.”
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
Hi, can you write something with neymar where he and reader had a fight and some fluff later maybe ? thankyou !
I loved this request!!!!
I hope you like it ✨✨
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Everything I need
Neymar was mad at me.
He wouldn’t even speak with me.
Simply because ai had missed his march with PSG yesterday.
Just one match.
I had worked all day long and couldn’t wait to go home and sleep but unfortunately to me PSG was playing that night so I had to go and cheer for my boyfriend and for his team.
The problem was that I had fallen asleep and missed the match.
When I woke up I saw the million messages Neymar left me during the break and when I called him back it was too late.
I tried to wait for him to come back from the match but truth was I was still very tired. I had a week full of meetings and working for one of the most famous tourism agency in Paris was huge. Not everyone could have that spot. But with my studies and my hard work I made it into my dream agency.
But it was also a month before Christmas and I know that people love to spend holidays in Paris so I worked more and were hardly at home.
When Neymar got home he found me asleep on our shared bed.
He was mad but decided not to wake me.
Morning came and he was ignoring me. When I woke up he wasn’t in bed like every single morning but he was already in the kitchen having breakfast.
“Good morning” I said to him hoping he wasn’t mad.
Boy, I were so wrong.
He ignored me.
It made me feel so guilty but at the same time it made me so angry. I wasn’tin the wrong, or so I thought.
“Ney?” I said trying to catch his attention but nothing.
“I’m talking to you” I said louder this time.
He wanted to act like a child?
“Oh so you remember you have a boyfriend?” he said, his voice filled with venom.
“Ney I’m sorry I fell asleep yesterday” I tried to explain.
“Oh I know, I saw you sleeping peacefully when I came home, I didn’t wake you, I didn’t want to wake her majesty the sleeping beauty” he said with high tone, almost screaming.
This hurt.
I tried to fight back tears.
But he was getting so mad for nothing.
We never fought like this.
“Ney, my love, I was so tired from work…” I tried to explain but he wouldn’t listen.
“Sure…well to let you know, we won and I scored, twice, but guess what? My girlfriend wasn’t there to cheer up for me” he said getting angrier.
“Ney would you listen to me for a second?” I screamed back. He knows I hate when people scream, it scares me but this was the only way he probably would have listened.
“Go on” he simply said.
“I was tired from work…” I lowered my ton a bit.
“You already said that”
“Would you let me finish?” I was on the verge of tears. I’ve never seen him like this.
Everyone knew Neymar’s ego was huge but he was acting like he was the king of the world and it was pissing me off.
“I work 12 hours every fucking day. I’m barely at home. I have meetings every single day and I’m about to lose my mind so don’t come at me telling me I missed your fucking stupid game okay?” I screamed.
“My fucking stupid game? You know how much it’s important to me! I needed you there! What kind of girlfriend are you?”
“The kind of girlfriend who wants to have her own career! Why does only yours matter? What about me? Am I not allowed to have my dreams? Am I not allowed to build up my career?”
“You know this isn’t what we’re talking about!” he screamed at me making me flinch a bit.
This was getting serious.
“Yes this is what we’re talking about! You’re ego’s too big you don’t care about other people’s dreams! I’ve worked my ass of to get where I am today! So, excuse me if after 12 hours of nonstop work I just wanted to sleep!”
“You don’t even have to work! I can provide for you and you know that!” he said trying to play the victim.
“Neymar this isn’t about money! I don’t want your money! I just want you to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around you! I’m trying to tell you that I’m sorry if I missed your game but I want you to put yourself in my shoes…I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep and you’re making a drama about it!”
“I’m not making a drama I just wanted you to be there and you weren’t!”
He wouldn’t understand.
I was already tired and it was only 9 am.
I decided it would be best if I left for some hours.
I left the kitchen without saying nothing.
“Where are you going?” he asked me.
“To work” I lied. It was saturday and my agency was closed on the weeknd but apparently he didn’t know or he didn’t care.
“If you leave now I don’t know if you’ll find me here when you come back home” he said not even looking at me.
So was it?
It was over?
“Just get down of your fucking pedestal Neymar” i said closing the front behind me.
I went straight into my car and drove.
Don’t know where I was going but I had to clear my mind.
Neymar’s P.O.V.
I’m an idiot.
I just let the woman I love most in the whole world go.
Because I got mad for something stupid.
I know she wasn’t going to work, she doesn’t work on the weekends which means I really let her down if she had to lie to me.
I’m a fucking idiot.
I decided to stay home that day. I would have missed training but I didn’t care. I needed to find a way she could forgive me.
I had to apologize.
Just a couple of hours later she came back home.
I was sitting on the sofa watching TV.
Truth was I wasn’t watching TV, I was still looking for a way to apologize because I knew I messed up.
When my eyes met hers my heart broke.
She cried.
She was still crying.
And it was all my fault.
“Baby” I said standing up from the couch and going towards her “I’m an idiot, a completely fucking idiot” I wrapped my arms around her but she didn’t say anything.
Instead she cried harder on my shoulders.
“Baby listen to me…I’m so sorry, I acted like a dick. You’re so right and I’m so proud of you for achieving your goals, you have no idea how proud I am” I said kissing her head “You’ve been working so much these days and I can’t imagine how tired you must be, I’m sorry I overreacted, can you please forgive me?” I asked her almost crying.
She looked at me with her gorgeous eyes and she smiled a bit.
“I forgive you” she whispered her and I thank her for letting me having this second opportunity. She could have easily broken up with me, they way I acted like a dick and the way I treated her.
I smiled at her and kissed her.
I guided her on the couch, me sitting on it and her on my lap while we continued kissing. I held her close because that day I almost lost her.
I couldn’t imagine spending a singe day without having by my side.
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syndrossi · 12 days
I really hope that by becoming a father, Daemon will understand Viserys better. Yes, Viserys has made and continues to make many mistakes, but like Rhaenys said, he is not an innocent victim himself. What would he do if someone was celebrating the death of his children? Or took them to a brothel in the slums and then dumped them there? Hopefully, Daemon will rethink some of his actions and maybe even talk to Viserys. Empathy has never been his strong suit, but as a father, he might understand his brother a lot better begin to rebuild their relationship.
I think Daemon will look back to his actions, particularly the brothel incident, and be retroactively aghast with the context of being a father now.
I tend to view the "heir for a day" incident (at least my own version of its events) as Daemon grieving really terribly, and mostly for Aemma, who he knew and liked. A bit like Rhaenyra's "do you think for the few hours my brother lived that my father was happy?" quote from the show, but angrier. He probably said something similar "it took butchering our cousin to do it, but at least he got his heir for a day" and the establishment took the "heir for a day" part up as a toast, and Daemon embraced it, which is what Otto played up to Viserys: "He was CELEBRATING your son's death in the wake of both his and your dear wife's tragic loss because it ENHANCED his position!"
There's really no excuse for the brothel incident, though, and Daemon knows it.
Where the hurt lingers for Daemon is the type/proportionality of the response. If a family member had done either to Daemon's children (Viserys or Laenor), he would have beat the person bloody, and shunned them for perhaps months afterward, depending on how grave the offense and the harm done. I think he expected that manner of response from Viserys--something personal, something that shows emotion/how he cares/how deeply he was hurt by Daemon's actions. But instead he was given the most impersonal and brutal of punishments: banishment. No chance to regain Viserys's good will, just "begone." The implication being not that Daemon had done a harm against Viserys, but that he was a threat to the realm. That Daemon had done it out of ambition or greed, rather than hot-headedness, grief, or stupidity. That it wasn't that Viserys was hurt by his actions, but that he viewed him as a budding traitor/usurper.
It's sort of a fundamental difference in how either of them approaches punishment. The old "when you are a hammer, every problem is a nail." Viserys is king, therefore punishments of the realm are what occur to him (and the impersonal nature somewhat lets Viserys off the hook, emotionally, as a people-pleaser; "I'm not punishing you, your king is punishing you"). Daemon is not, and he's a very passionate person, therefore violence and lashing out verbally are his tools of choice in dealing with that sort of thing.
So Daemon was not innocent, but the punishment didn't fit the offense, from his perspective. The fact that Viserys refuses to either see that or admit it means he might do it again, that it's a matter of Viserys mistrusting him rather than Viserys feeling wronged.
The understanding that Daemon sort of lacks here is that Viserys wasn't thinking particularly clearly for the "heir for a day" punishment. He was grieving heavily for his wife and baby, wracked by his own guilt, so Otto proposing the nuclear option probably felt good in the moment with his anger. Could Daemon say that, in Viserys's position as king, he absolutely wouldn't have let someone talk him into a harsh punishment like banishment?
IMO their conflicts mostly arise from their differing personalities, which is another thing that requires some empathy to understand. Viserys is all about avoiding confrontation. Banishment is as impersonal as you can get, and doesn't require him to see Daemon or dwell on things. He can forget and move on, no further confrontation even possible. And Viserys is very good at forgetting. (Daemon is not.)
Whereas Daemon is 100% in-your-face confrontational, with the main exception being his recent care in dealing with Viserys (which is born out of fear). And that kind of response is almost what Viserys views as the worst case scenario were the situation flipped. Someone feeling intense anger/hatred toward him? The worst feeling.
And there's also the underlying question of "what are the challenges facing each individual" which is another thing where both of them would benefit from thinking from the other's perspective.
At the end of the day, there is no single silver bullet solution to repairing their relationship. Daemon can be as empathetic as he likes, but if Viserys never reciprocates, the resentment will continue to fester, especially as Viserys continues to misstep. (His recent decisions have all been ones where Viserys is aware that his actions may hurt Daemon but he does them anyway. And the influence of the crown is such that he's even angry with Daemon for disobeying him by taking the children out for the day, rather than imagining why Daemon might have done so. He assumes Daemon is doing it just to be contrary or rebellious toward him. That it's about Viserys and not Daemon/the kids.)
I guess my TL;DR here is: in many ways, Daemon probably understands Viserys even less when viewing him through the lens of fatherhood. Why didn't Viserys threaten to gut him back then? Why was his assumption that Daemon did those things out of cold ambition? Why does Viserys care so little for his current children, while focusing all his attention on Daemon's?
It'd take thinking a lot about who Viserys is as a person (and a king), which may be something we see Daemon doing, but somewhat unrelated to fatherhood, aside from being much more motivated to do so out of fear over losing the boys.
(We do have a moment coming up between them that I quite like in chapter 28 that peels back the curtain a little on Viserys while also being a bit ouch in both directions.)
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
A/N: I am dedicating this month to autistic readers and women-identifying readers as well courtesy of women's history month and autism awareness month as well. Most will be drabbles so between 1k and 1.3k words
You had a habit of fixating on things. Whenever something caught your interest you needed to know every single thing about it. A lot of people found this annoying about you but, you didn't care. Who wouldn't want to know everything about a subject if it interests them, right? There is nothing wrong with spending hours sometimes well into the night googling and reading articles, journal entries, excerpts, and other things as well about it. You would go to the first person who would listen to you and, that was normally your mama. Sometimes though she was too busy or too tired to listen to you even though you would keep going until she yelled at you to stop. It didn't hurt your feelings too bad because she promised to listen to you another time and promises were everything, they were someone's word. Right now though? Your fixation was Katsuki Bakugo. You would observe him and everything that he did. The color of his hair when it shined in the light, when it was the 100-watt bulbs in the common room, sunlight, bathroom light. The way his skin glistened the angrier he got and the more he moved and used his quirk. The shade of red his eyes turned depending on his mood or the outside weather, even who he was talking to. He was a whole puzzle, more like a 5,000-piece puzzle and you loved to do puzzles. The only problem is that you cannot find it in you to interact with the 5,000-piece puzzle.
"Hey Y/N?" You turned jumping a little not hearing or even seeing Izuku walk up to you. You liked Izuku a lot. He was the first one you told that you were autistic and he still treated you the same but with more understanding. He had patience explaining things to you that you didn't understand as well. Also, he would let you hold onto his 100% cotton burgundy t-shirt that smelled like citrus. "I didn't mean to scare you but, I got some more stuff you can write down in your notebook if you want?" Oh yeah, you told him about your infatuation with Katsuki and he was more than willing to help. The whole 'Dekusquad' actually agreed to help at your pace though because they didn't want to rush you or overwhelm you.
"Thank you Izuku, let me just get my blue notebook with my pen." You pulled out a blue composition notebook that you kept for strictly Katsuki. You would think you would have a red or orange or even a green since those were his colors but, you wanted something simplistic and in your favorite color. He was your favorite person besides Izuku anyway. 
"I know you have a lot about him but, there is no such thing as too much right?" You nodded your head in agreement looking down at his hero analysis book. He had a lot of them chock full of details, especially of his classmates and you thought he was pretty cool. It was nice to have someone who didn't mind listening to your rambling on and on about a topic and never getting bored. He even showed the same interest and you listened to him as well. 
"Do you think he hates me?" You didn't think he did, it was no harm in asking. You had a habit of not 'reading the room' whatever that meant and jumping to conclusions, assuming really the worst. Izuku gave you a look as if you said something wrong.
"What makes you think he hates you? Trust me on this Y/N, Kacchan does not hate you. It's the opposite actually but, that's something you're going to have to find out for yourself. You will find it soon enough. You can even ask him." You did not want to directly ask him. Every time you had a conversation with him you felt that you were not getting anywhere talking to him. However, you managed to catch his interest in cooking and gave him different spicy recipes and regular recipes he can cook. He even cooked some of them already and would come to you for suggestions as well as tips for your quirk. Since you had a magnesium quirk he suggested the best non-flammable items and where to get them at. That was the basis of your friendship but, you did not want a friendship. You wanted to hold his hand and smell his hoodies and t-shirts. Give him cheek kisses too if he wants but holding hands and spending time with him is good enough for you too. 
"Do you think I am overthinking it? Should I just ask him? How would I ask him?" He was always with Ejirou, Hanta, Mina, and Denki. He never really got time to himself except for when he was going to bed. He hated being disturbed because he got up at 4:45 AM. You knew this because you were up at that time going to bed at 9 PM unless you were researching a specific topic or doing homework that you couldn't finish during the day.
"I think you can ask him at night right before 8:30. He would not mind if it is you knocking on his door." You weren't sure what he meant but, that must be a good thing. That means he would not mind you interrupting his sleep. He has to like you in some shape or form. 
"Thank you Izuku." You grabbed his notebook to write down anything new while listening to the buzz of the deku-squad talking around you. You looked up one time to look around spotting Katsuki looking at you already so you attempted a smile. He seemed to freeze before giving you a small one back. Just as quickly as it appeared it was gone. You filed that away of things you liked about Katsuki for later. The rest of the day went by fast with you mostly in your head and Aizawa as well as your friends coaxing you out of your head. It was very nice and sweet of them to do that for you. It was finally night time and everyone was in the common room watching TV when at 8:05 Katsuki announced he was going to bed. You waited another 5 minutes before waving goodnight to your friends and heading upstairs to the dorm. You weren't going to yours, you were going to Katsuki's. You made it to his dorm and before losing your nerve like you always did you knocked three times lightly. You danced on your feet a bit nervously until the door swung open.
"Didn't I fucking say-" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw it was you and you completely froze up. Everything you were going to say just went out the window and now your mind was blank. You couldn't even get out what you wanted to say. 
"I-uh, umm, I just-I don't-Uh." You were stuttering and beginning to panic too. This was not how it was supposed to be. You looked up at the feel of a hand on your head and playing with your hair. You looked at Katsuki who was smiling softly at you. 
"Take your time I'm in no rush." He was being very nice to you and his voice and hand were helping to calm you down. Finally, you were able to formulate words. 
"You're very pretty, um, you're very nice to me too, uh, I was wondering if, I can hold hands? No, uh, yeah I want to hold hands with you, kiss your cheeks, and cuddle. That's what people who want to be more than friends do right?" It was silent and you thought you said the wrong thing until Katsuki pulled you in for a light hug. You were confused but, tried to hug him back even though it felt weird, right? 
"We can do all of that at your pace, yeah?" He meant it! He wanted to do those things with you! He really did! You looked at him giving him a crooked smile. 
"Yeah! Thank you Katsuki." You closed your eyes leaning against him a bit as he guided you inside to talk. Izuku was right.
What do you guys think?
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
That scene with Eddie and Kim dressed as Shannon is that supposed to be the big emotional scene that was being talked about leading up to this episode? If Tim is expecting me to be invested in a scene like that he's sorely mistaken.
I love Ryan and Eddie but there was too much wrong with that scene for it have any kind emotional impact. I honestly just left it being confused and angry.
In the first place the scene initially came off looking like a dream especially since Kim was styled almost exactly how we saw Shannon talking to Chris in 701. I thought okay Eddie is going to say all these things to dream Shannon that he wanted to say (even get angry with her) things he didn't get to say before she died. Except here's the other problem Tim is trying to prop Shannon up and make her into a better person than she was. He's also trying to make it seem like Eddie had all these huge feelings for her that were never shown previously.
I definitely believe that Eddie loved Shannon and of course he had a lot of history with her and she's Chris' mother but I don't believe he was in romantic love with her. Eddie was always running away from Shannon even in s2. The only reason he even asked her to be with him again is because of Chris and because they thought she was pregnant. And really because Eddie has always done what he thinks he's supposed to do not what he truly wants to do especially when it comes to relationships.
I really can't stand when shows try and rewrite history like this. Shannon was important to Eddie but the show keeps trying to make her relationship with Eddie into something it wasn't and it really makes me hate when they bring her up.
Back to the scene with Eddie and Kim like I said I thought it was a dream so I really wanted to see where they were going with it. But as soon as they kept having Eddie talk about how he can't move on from Shannon because of how much he loved her I'm like nope I'm out. Let this man move on. Let him finally admit to himself that his relationship with Shannon wasn't perfect and let him stop comparing every relationship he ever gets into to something that never even existed.
The bigger problem I had with this scene though is that it wasn't even Shannon. If you wanted the audience to have some kind of emotional response to Eddie grieving his dead ex wife maybe don't have some woman he's cheating with dress up as her. It was all so bizzare. I also fail to see what Kim's motivation is for even doing that. She barely knows Eddie and she knows now that he was only even seeing her as some kind of replacement for his dead ex yet she's still interested in him. Then to top it off we had Marisol and Chris walking in on the whole scene. Having Chris see this woman who looks like his dead mom is just really cruel. I love Eddie but I really hope he's going to have to answer for that. I don't want to see the show just brush this off with some kind of talk between them because the level of so not okay that was is off the charts.
I just wish I knew where Tim is going with any of this because it's all so weird. I thought this Kim storyline was going to be about helping Eddie get closure and move forward but now I don't know what they're doing. I really hope that both Marisol and Kim will be gone by next season. This isn't even about Buddie neither one of them would make a good love interest for Eddie at this point.
Also why give Kim a birthmark like Buck if it's not supposed to make us think of Buck? Far as I can tell it's not a birthmark Devin has or her real hair color so what even was the purpose of that?
What is the purpose of bringing Buck into this storyline? I know Buddie are friends and they had most of the characters busy doing other stuff but I do wonder if Buck will play any more of a role in what's going on with Eddie.
I mean I'm glad they had Buck confront Eddie but tbh I wanted to see him get angrier about it. Buck said something to Eddie like have Marisol and Chris met her because Eddie was saying Kim was only a friend. I just feel like Buck would never want Chris to meet this woman. He just talked to Chris in 701 about how much his mom's death is still seriously affecting him. Why would he want Chris to meet this doppelgänger of his mom?
I know it's a shorter season but some of the writing choices this season feel messy and rushed. I honestly don't anticipate this Vertigo storyline having a satisfying conclusion. As it is they should have started it earlier and now it's being crammed into two already over stuffed episodes. I just hope that Eddie is going to get some better storylines next season because I haven't really been a fan of anything they've done with him on his own this season. Like first the nun and now this. What kind of vendetta do you have against Ryan Guzman Tim because these storylines are awful.
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I saw your post about how it's implied Yang has never been in love before during the confession scene. You mentioned how there's a lot of subtext in that scene. Could you make a post explaining all the subtext in it? Or if there already is a post, could you give me the link, please?
Sure, though I suppose upon reflection I meant subtext more in the conversational sense than literary. There's just a lot you can read into what Blake and Yang say and do, most of which calls back to their respective character arcs.
Blake's "you do what you say" is a big one. It's not hard to connect that to Adam, who talked about liberation but his actions were all about lionizing himself.
Blake is also the first one to advance, which has big implications for a character whose main flaw was running away from her problems.
Then there's Yang. Her being more flustered than Blake implies a couple different things. For one, as I said before, it implies that she's probably less experienced with this sort of thing. Could be the first time she fell in love, could be the first time she felt this way about a girl.
Her abandonment issues are almost definitely a factor, but we've never really seen Yang express those issues this way. First, when she was a little girl, it manifested as an obsession. Then, as she got older, she got angrier. One of the first things we ever see her do was grab a guy by the balls for calling her "Blondie" of all things - which don't get me wrong, was kinda awesome, but clearly showed that she had a short temper and started a fight that she really didn't need to get into.
But in this scene, when she's talking about feeling like she's on a cliff, that's the closest we've seen her come out and say "these emotions make me feel vulnerable and that scares the shit out of me." Yang doesn't talk about her feelings a lot. Hell, when she found out her own mother might be a goddamned Grimm, she only let herself break down for a second because she had to be the strong big sister for Ruby. The one who birthed her left, her mother died, her father shut down, and her uncle was a shitty drunk. Yang isn't allowed to break, because who the fuck will take care of Ruby if she does?
But with Blake, Yang is finally allowed to say "my heart is fragile, pieced back together after every adult in my life broke it, and I'm scared it will slip through your fingers and fall." Even if she can't quite bring herself to be that explicit. And Blake's answer is "I'll fall with you."
Yang and Blake becoming lovers is the culmination of their respective arcs. Their unhealthy coping mechanisms triggered each other; Blake setting off Yang's abandonment issues, while Yang's anger posed a threat of potentially pushing Blake away. Blake and Yang had to confront their respective traumas and unhealthy coping mechanisms (Yang being unable to physically fight Raven and thus having to use her words, Blake being forced to finally stand her ground against Adam) to reach this point. So this scene, and the Bumbleby relationship in general, carries so much weight.
Not 100% sure if "subtext" was quite the right word for all that, but it's subtle storytelling bolstered by "the sky is a lesbian flag and there are lilies sprouting around them, in case it wasn't clear how gay this is."
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cultofdixon · 2 years
I’m right here, sunshine
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Being his girl is everything. He’d do anything for you. But when you stopped going on runs every now and then, he did as well trailing you like a puppy. Doing his best to take care of you even when you didn’t tell him what was wrong at first. Little did he know that his life was gonna change • SFW/ANGST/NSFW • TW: Scars / Injuries / Sleep Deprived / Anxiety / Talks of Pregnancy / Pregnancy & Birth / Terminus
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“Yo! What’re you think you’re doin’” Daryl stops the younger Grimes from getting into the car as Carl pushes his hand off.
“Y/N convinced my dad to let me go on a run. To get an idea of what I’ll be able to do when I’m a little older.” Carl starts readjusting his hat. “Even if I am just another look out for now”
“And where’s Y/N?” Glenn asks before Daryl could even, as the two watch Carl shrug for an answer. Rick told him he could go, not Y/N. All she did was the convincing and Daryl only wanted to know why from somebody who doesn’t know the answer. “Hey, want me to ask Maggie to check on her? Before we head out?”
“Mhm” Daryl nods, going to get his bike set up for the run as Glenn quickly ran to their guard tower to ask Maggie.
The closer Glenn got, he suddenly stopped seeing Maggie talking to Y/N. He wasn’t close enough to hear anything and he wasn’t the type to pry unless he really needed to. But when Y/N locked eyes with Glenn giving him a small smile and a wave before letting him talk to his girl. Maggie couldn’t help but keep her worried expression on her face watching Y/N go before turning to Glenn.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re supposed to be on a run, are you sick? Hurt? Why—-“
“Ok ok. Nothing is wrong with me. But Y/N was switched out with Carl for the run and I asked Daryl if he wanted me to ask you to keep an eye on her…cuz we know Daryl isn’t the type to ask himself yknow”
“‘Course” Maggie laughs a tad as her smile fades. “Keep an eye on him for her then, okay Glenn?”
“Of course” Glenn smiles giving her a kiss then finally left on his way to go on the run.
Y/N not coming meant he can’t keep an eye on her. Can’t check in on her in his silent usual way. Can’t show her what he finds that reminds him of her. So, he’s angrier than usual on that run and the others chose to not get in his way.
Well. Except Carl.
“What exactly do you look for? Glenn has the list of the necessary goods”
“Looking for…more arrows? Makes sense. Could also make’em. Carol and Y/N showed me how to do a specific knot to prevent too much movement”
“Mmm” Daryl turns toward Carl glaring at him to stop but just like his dad. He never does.
Glenn was loading up the car of the stuff he managed to find watching Carl trail behind Daryl like a puppy. This kid was never gonna be a look out. He may be older but he still had that tendency kids have to ask a million things and always have the energy to do so.
“Imagine when him and Y/N finally have a kid, would be trailing him just like Carl” Sasha laughs adding her few things as it clicked to Glenn.
“Uh. Can you go tell them to hurry up while I sweep the pharmacy one last time?”
“Sure man” and as she started walking over, Glenn sprinted to the pharmacy.
“Woulda stop asking me so many damn questions! I’m not a Whatcha call it—Library!” Daryl exclaims getting a laugh from Sasha as she approaches. “What!”
“Nothing nothing. Just funny” Sasha gestures Carl to get for a moment. Leaving the two to whatever Daryl was doing. “Trying to find something for your lady?”
“I’m just curious” She shrugs walking beside him for a moment as Daryl started mumbling to himself that didn’t go unnoticed but he also wasn’t going to start that conversation. “Okay, what’s wrong? I know she was supposed to come instead of the Grimes kid”
“Do y’all normally not go to your partner for the problem? Or what” Daryl frowns thinking something is wrong and Y/N didn’t go to him for it.
“Depends. If you did something, definitely need another opinion before talking it out with you. But anything else. I don’t know. Do you normally react badly or normally? Cuz that can determine if she goes to you—-“ Sasha watches the worry and anxiety get to him just by looking into his eyes. “Daryl, man, I don’t know okay? Y/N talks to you more than anybody else. She probably just didn’t want to go on this run”
“Coulda told me…” Daryl turns away from Sasha after spotting something to quickly get a hold of it.
Once they returned from their run, Daryl felt a bit better spotting Y/N happily waiting for him where he kept his bike. He quickly parked and tried his best not to be too excited around the others when his girl drew closer. Even if she did wrap her arms around his torso and shower him in kisses. Trying to keep the stern look on his face was soon defeated after a few smooches that he just had to return a few to a now laughing Y/N.
Maggie smiles warmly toward them while approaching her man. She gave Glenn a kiss before tugging him aside away from anybody who could be listening.
“I need yea to go back out there for somethin’. Could be later with nobody or on the next run but nobody can know”
“Uh. I think I’m a few steps ahead of you there” Glenn takes his backpack off to show Maggie what he got back there that wasn’t on the list.
“I did not tell you nothing!”
“I know! I’m just assuming here!”
“Shit. Just. Give it to me in our cell, but nobody can gain the suspicion toward them or us. Definitely not us”
“Not yet at least” Glenn teases as Maggie smacks his chest rolling her eyes playfully.
Y/N couldn’t help the smile on her face watching the two for a moment before being pulled back into her own bubble with the love of her life. Daryl started to grumble as he kisses the top of her head a few times.
“Missed yea”
“It was only one run”
“Mhm” He brought one of his arms around her shoulders keeping her close to him. Resting his chin on top of her head. “You were replaced with a chatterbox”
“Carl ain’t that bad…you just have to answer the kid. You know his dad won’t” She rest her head comfortable against his chest not wanting to separate for a second as Daryl didn’t move a muscle knowing what she was doing.
Y/N always loved listening to his heartbeat, even when they weren’t something. She joined the group alone and only felt comfortable with Daryl, something about him made her feel safe. That one time when he found her mentally suffering back in their tent days, he held her and told her to listen to his heart beat.
Take a second and just…listen
And she instantly felt better after doing so.
“Ya feeling alright?” He whispers catching her out of her thoughts, only hearing a ‘mhm’ from her as she kept a hold of him. “You can tell me anythin’ yknow”
“I do, and I’m gonna…when I find the words”
He understands that. Not being fine and not being able to find the right words in expressing that. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to worry even more. Remember…this is his girl talkin’. He already had a level of worry toward her and now this is just adding on.
“You’re starting to worry him”
“Oh am I now? I couldn’t help but notice” Y/N laughs a little pointing out Daryl staring from across the quad of the prison.
Carol couldn’t help but wave and watch him freak internally, quickly turning his gaze away making her laugh herself. “He’s smitten for you and you’re not telling him what’s wrong”
“If I’m being honest…physically, I know…but mentally, I don’t know what to do or say about yeah…”
“Did you…get one?”
“Apparently. Glenn got me one before Maggie could even ask him”
“You are glowing” Carol teases knowing a part of Y/N would want this but with how the world is now how could she? “You shouldn’t have to stress yourself out about it, hun. I’ll keep your man busy for a few minutes and you can go take the test. But I’d go now before he’s willing to knock even me over to get to you”
With a quick eye roll and a squeeze of Carol’s hand, Y/N left the outdoor kitchen they had set up to go do what she needed to do. And just like Carol guessed it, Daryl started to walk over. Given her word, she quickly blocked Daryl’s line of sight until Y/N was completely gone. He whispered out a shit while Carol laughs a bit.
“What? I need your help with somethin’”
“It can’t wait?”
“Nope!” Carol locks arms with the archer and started to walk a bit away from the prison.
Inevitably ending up in the gardens for a good five minutes when Carol turns to the prison seeing Y/N step out.
“Welp. I didn’t need yea”
“What the fuck!”
“Shhhh children live here”
“WE ARE OUTSIDE AND I DIDNT SCREAM IT” now that was heard by everybody who was outside and in ear shot. Y/N couldn’t help the laugh escaping her but more than just her laughter catch other’s attention as she had tears rolling off her cheeks.
Before Rick could even check on her himself, Maggie shot right past him and took care of it. She wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulders heading back inside the prison and letting her have her moment.
How could one have a life from the past, during the hell of the apocalypse?
Y/N didn’t go on the next few runs. Drove Daryl insane but he wasn’t not given some excuse. He believed the first few times with chores being given to her around the prison, or the time she told him she was going to check the traps around the prison with Rick, and obvious times where she didn’t look well enough to go.
Daryl came back from the latest run with a few things in hand specifically for his girl. He parked his bike had expecting Y/N to be waiting for him but when he heard her whistle at him from one of the towers, he knew where to go.
“Rick got you in the watch towers?”
“I asked, and Maggie told him about me collapsing earlier at the fences. Told me to do something that doesn’t require me in the heat or over-working myself”
“You collapsed? Have you seen—“
“Hershel. Yes, just dehydrated…” Y/N closes the door once Daryl got through setting his crossbow down. He didn’t say anything in response to that, but acted on it by giving her his canteen even when she had her own. “I’m fine though…I prom—-“ She stops seeing Daryl take out something from his pack that she didn’t even realize that now would be the moment to talk about it. “…ise….Daryl. Where did you—-“
“Last run we found an untouched pharmacy. Barely nothing but found one of these and just. Yknow…Panicked at the thought of it but had to…get one” Daryl was awkward. Who isn’t awkward when holding a pregnancy test in hand. He didn’t think about the possibility until they did that run and it connected with how Y/N has been feeling.
She couldn’t help it. The tears threatening to spill just from hearing he panicked at the thought of her being pregnant. Well, she is. So now how is she supposed to be okay about it.
“I-I don’t need one…” Y/N frowns feeling a few tears escape making her quickly wipe them away before Daryl could gently take a hold of her face caressing her cheeks. “I found out a few weeks ago…and I’m a-afraid you’re going to leave me”
Daryl wanted to scream. Not because she’s pregnant, but because she thinks he’d leave her for it. He wished he met her before he’ll broke loose. Wished this ever happened. Wish they had this moment without the fear coursing through them of reality as it is now.
When he didn’t say anything, Y/N only continued to cry and tried pulling away but he immediately brought his hands to her waist gripping tight onto her shirt keeping his gaze down as she looks at him. She froze the second she heard sniffles as she carefully brought her hands to his face making him look at her through tears.
“I love you, I won’t leave yea. Ever.” He chokes up on his tears pulling her flush against his chest hiding his face in the crook of her neck. “‘M gonna me a dad…I w-won’t be good at it but—“
“You’ll be perfect…I know you will”
When the flu went through the prison, that’s when everybody found out. Because Daryl would yell at everybody who had symptoms and came anywhere near Y/N. Congratulations of course, but shit was happening and things took priority most moments. Daryl was already over protective of his partner but now it’s at an astronomical level, that when he had to go on a run to get the medicine…he couldn’t stop thinking about the negative possibilities of what could happen to her when he’s gone.
Finding her in her cell, unscathed by the flu…only brought him relief. Daryl quietly approaches her sleeping form lifting the blanket up for him to slide in beside her. Y/N stirred slightly, smiling a bit to him joining her on her cot.
“Everybody okay?”
“Mhm. Got shit in time.” Daryl gently grazes his fingers against her bump feeling her move closer to him the best she could given how big she was. “Clingy huh?”
“Mhm…missed my man”
He couldn’t help the smile that slowly crept onto his face when she said that.
“Missed my sunshine”
“‘M right here” She smiles bringing her lips to his for a short but sweet kiss. “We’re not going anywhere any time soon..”
“Y’all better…” Daryl chuckles a bit kissing her forehead and keeping her close to his person. Not ever wanting to let go…
Then he did…
“We’ll reconnect with everybody again. Promise!”
“You don’t know that” Daryl frowns staring at the fire he made for Beth and him as he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
“DARYL—-“ Y/N cries out to him trying to break from Tyrese’s grasp as he was protecting her from the oncoming gunfire.
Daryl physically froze in his place, feeling Beth tug on him to get out of there while his gaze glued on his girl. He felt his heart break watching her fade from view. He wanted to run through the gunfire and go with her but Beth’s hold on him kept him from killing himself just to give Y/N only a moment left with him.
“Daryl she wouldn’t do good with you dead”
That’s what broke him out of his frozen state to run out of there with Beth ahead of him.
“This place…doesn’t sound safe, Carol. You shouldn’t go in there alone”
“And you’re volunteering? You carrying Dixon Jr? Daryl wouldn’t forgive me or anybody if I left anything happen to you in that place. Besides. You are caring for Judith and Tyrese is taking care of this asshole” Carol frowns watching Y/N try her best to cover up her tears while holding a fussing Judith. “I’ll get them out safe. Do my best…”
“Please…please don’t get hurt, Carol”
“I’ll do my best”
The second Daryl locked eyes with Carol, his anxiety got the best of him but in that moment he felt relieved to have his friend back. Carol grasped onto him the second he brought her into his embrace.
“She’s going to cry even more when she sees you, compared to when I found her” Carol whispers to Daryl feeling him tighten around her as his mind raced with her words. Of course Carol found Y/N, but part of him needed to see it for himself of course…
When the group made its way to the small house, Tyrese stepped out with Judith in hand as Rick and Carl picked up the pace running over to the two. But the small group blocked both his and Y/N’s sight on the other…
Daryl stopped moving like he did back at the prison. Trying to wrap his head around the fact that she’s right there. Y/N couldn’t help the tears that formed and spilled instantly at the sight of Daryl standing there, she didn’t even get far for him to come bolting over taking her into his protective embrace.
“I’m right here, sunshine”
“Please always find me…please”
“Fuckin’ promise”
“When’s the last time you’ve slept?” Maggie couldn’t help but worry for Y/N, given she’s about to be six months and the group had suffered another loss being Beth, Y/N felt the answer was obvious but also that Maggie was the wrong person asking.
“I should—-“
“No, you’re pregnant. Even in this hell you should get rest…and not stress about somebody like me”
“Shut up” Y/N took her hands into hers squeezing them. “If I wasn’t pregnant you’d still say that to me when I have every right to worry and stress about my family. You’re hurting and are allowed to feel everything you’re feeling around me. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere” she rests her forehead against Maggie’s letting her cry in the comfort of her friend.
When the group endured a harsh storm in a barn after a few weeks of traveling, they were hostile and protective of each other when Aaron made himself known to the group.
“It’s a safe place” Aaron says for the millionth time as he turns to lock eyes with Y/N and of course that sparked— “It’ll be safe for your baby, and hers when she gives birth. We’ll keep them sa—-“ he stops when Daryl threatens a knife on him without any protests form the others.
“You think I can’t keep my girl and my unborn baby safe?”
“I-I never said that. Never implied that either. I’m just stating facts that our community is safe within the walls and it’ll be a safe place to give birth in. I-I can’t really stop you from doing what you want to do. But I’ve been watching your group for sometime and know that our community would welcome all of you”
The guy continued to ramble and more for the sake that he wouldn’t get killed. Daryl only removed the knife when Y/N winced a bit to her discomfort signaling him to return to her as Maggie followed his action. It didn’t go unnoticed by Rick and if what Aaron was saying was true, she could be comfortable in this community giving birth compared to a bible story comparison.
When the group arrived to Alexandria and had to surrender their weapons along with taking interviews. Deanna watched Daryl pace around the room not answering a single question as she rises from the couch giving him a stay put look before entering the front foyer of the house gesturing for Y/N to join them. He quickly approached his girl helping her sit where Deanna wanted him to sit.
“Think cuz she’s here I’ll talk?”
“You just did” Deanna laughs a bit turning on the camera as Y/N didn’t like this either, but something kept her from talking.
Daryl did answer a few questions while holding Y/N from behind the chair feeling her latch onto his forearm. He couldn’t tell if it was her anxiety, or if there was more to it.
“Your name is Y/N right? You’ve been with this group since the beginning?”
“Mhm” Y/N took a deep breath looking away from Deanna feeling Daryl’s arms tighten around her. “C-Can I leave please?”
“This room” Y/N shook rising to her feet as Deanna noticed her behavior and it wasn’t entirely toward her. Deanna held her hand out only for Y/N to instantly latch onto it as the other had a death grip on Daryl.
“Hun, is this your first child? and you don’t trust us so you’re trying to keep it together but you are indeed in active labor?” Wow. Two kids under the belt and somehow she’s an expert. But that is indeed what was happening and Y/N didn’t trust anyone except her group, so she was hoping to keep it together until they had a plan.
But the mini Dixon had other plans.
The group scrambled a bit at the situation which only stressed out Y/N and caused Daryl to snap at people. When Deanna got Y/N to the infirmary she called for the resident surgeon at the community, he must’ve helped delivered a kid at least once in the “before”. But the vibes this guy gave off and what he needed to do, made Daryl uneasy.
“You’re gonna what?!” Daryl snaps standing in between Pete and his girl who was growing more uncomfortable in the bed.
“I need to check how far along she is and since we don’t have the machines to do it, I have to insert my fingers—-“
“Oh FUCK no” Daryl grabbed Pete’s collar pushing him back as he held his hands up defensively.
Y/N winces as she sat up glaring at the two in the situation they’re in. “Get Maggie, Daryl please get Maggie”
“I don’t think she’s trained in—-“
“Shut your motherfucking mouth and get MAGGIE” Y/N yells at the two causing them both to panic a bit as Daryl practically tossed Pete out of the infirmary before stepping out himself.
“She can’t do it by herself”
“Y/N isn’t gonna let this fuckin’ stranger anywhere near her and frankly I don’t either—-“
“I have the medical training and from what I’m hearing, she’s the daughter of a vet. May know some things but not enough for this”
“Then walk me through it” Maggie interrupts. “We all know Daryl will cut your fingers off touchin’ his girl. So you’ll walk me through it. Ain’t my first…birth but this isn’t like the first time.”
Pete sighs opening the door for Maggie deciding this is fine. He kept a distance but not too far in case he had to step in. Even if these people were complete strangers to him and he wasn’t entirely that great of a guy, there is an oath in the medical community and he’ll always follow that.
It wasn’t until night when both Maggie and Pete stepped out of the makeshift operating room in the house they were in. Maggie had the biggest smile on her face as Pete walks past carrying the medical waste. Rick grabbed his arm to stop him giving him a concerned look given Pete’s was neutral.
“Is she—-“
“She’s alright.” Pete now noticed all of their attentions on him. “They both are. The dad ain’t, but that’s normal” he pulls away to take care of what he was doing as Maggie couldn’t help herself.
“It’s a girl! She’s perfect and has Daryl’s eyes!” Maggie squeals happily hugging Glenn out of her excitement.
Rick couldn’t help but bring his son into his embrace to the good news as Carl couldn’t help the tears that formed. He was relieved that’s all. None of them were losing anybody that day.
The soft cries filled the room as the little baby in the first clean blanket they’ve seen in ages, nuzzled close to her mother’s embrace and started to calm the second her father gently rests his hand on her little head.
“She’s tiny…” Daryl whispers gently caressing her watching her every movement.
“She’s perfect…” Y/N tried her best to cover up the tears that fell from her face while looking down at the little creation they both were trying their best to physically protect in the small infirmary bed. “Oh what a world she’s living in…” she sobs even harder feeling Daryl shift beside her so that he could take care of her tears gently brushing them away.
“Sunshine…’M right here” Daryl reassures pressing his forehead against Y/N’s as the two kept their attention on the little one. “Not leaving either of you ever…y’all will be safe”
“I know…I just…c-can you just humor me for a second?” She asks hearing him hum as an agreement. “What’s outside the walls…isn’t out there…everything is fine. Normal…I…I knew from the second I locked eyes on you that I fell in love and w-we..met at…”
“At a bar, but I was too chicken shit to talk to yea when you first entered the room” He knew what she wanted in that moment. “To be fair I was with Merle and he’s a pain to deal with. Prob tried hitting on yea but it didn’t go unnoticed even by him the way you looked at me” He brought himself more into the bed so that Y/N could rest her head against his chest listening to his heart beat. “You came out of the bar the second we left, not finding me at first glance but there I was by my bike lookin’ right at yea. Not saying much like usual.”
“You asked me to take a ride with you, and I said yes. Wouldn’t be the first time I would say yes to anything you asked…You loved me when you first met me, when you watched me knock Merle on his ass for one of his comments toward me before you even could, when I fell off your bike trying to drive it myself and you gave me a piggy back ride all the way to the ER to get stitches…you loved me even when my parents didn’t like you at first”
“But they knew when I proposed to yea that they were gonna have to like me. Took them a bit but when they saw how much I loved you and how much you loved me…they knew I would protect yea until the end of time” Daryl readjusted as he brought his arm under the bundle in Y/N’s feeling her move her arms so that he’d be the main support to their baby watching her adjust comfortably, not stirring awake. “Parents wanted a big wedding, we wanted small”
“Kept it small. Had my parents. And Merle” Y/N laughs a bit smiling through the tears as Daryl presses his lips against her temple. “City hall, no rings. Just a promise for forever…you worked on bikes and I worked at a bakery. We made life work just the two of us…then just had so much love to share”
“Didn’t hesitate for a second to have a baby with yea…and hell your cravings were weird and hard to come by but anything to see you smile while you carry this human for nine months was all worth it…seeing her finally, makes up for a lot of the hell the world brings us.” Daryl felt his own tears roll off his face as he did his best not to have them fall on his baby girl. His baby girl. He never thought, even in the before, that he’d be here. Holding the love of his life and his baby girl…he made promises to his family that day. He wasn’t ever going to leave them in any sense without a reason, he was always going to be there even if it meant physically fighting for it.
Daryl snapped out of his thoughts feeling Y/N’s soft touch wipe away the tears that fell. He kisses the inside of her palm before bringing his little one up to his face to kiss her forehead hearing her mumble to said action.
“I’m right here…”
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