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thebookwormsdiary · 5 months
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The Lost Bookshop
By: Evie Woods
On a quiet street in Dublin, a lost bookshop is waiting to be found…
For too long, Opaline, Martha and Henry have been the side characters in their own lives.
But when a vanishing bookshop casts its spell, these three unsuspecting strangers will discover that their own stories are every bit as extraordinary as the ones found in the pages of their beloved books. And by unlocking the secrets of the shelves, they find themselves transported to a world of wonder… where nothing is as it seems.
The Keeper of Stories meets The Lost Apothecary in this evocative and charming novel full of mystery and secrets.
‘The thing about books,’ she said, ‘is that they help you to imagine a life bigger and better than you could ever dream of.’
To find out more about this book click here.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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thesoftgirlguide · 26 days
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A Guide to Hygge Living 🎀🪞🩰
Incorporating the Danish concept of hygge to create a cozy and content life.
Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links, which means that if you shop through my link, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you!💗
╰┈➤ What is Hygge?
Hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) is a Danish concept that celebrates the small joys of life. It is the art of finding comfort, joy, and well-being in life’s simple pleasures. It’s about creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, both externally and internally. Imagine the warmth of a crackling fireplace on a chilly evening, the snug feeling of a soft blanket wrapped around you, or the soothing comfort of a good book after a long day. That’s Hygge.
╰┈➤ The Heart of Hygge
At its core, hygge revolves around enjoying life’s good things with good people. It’s not just a mood or an attitude; it’s a philosophy that encourages us to slow down, savor the present, and cultivate meaningful connections. Here are some key aspects of hygge:
➼ Quality Time with Loved Ones: Hygge is about spending time with family and friends. Whether it’s a cozy dinner at home, a picnic in the park, or a heartfelt conversation over hot chocolate, prioritize these moments of togetherness.
➼ Creating a Cozy Environment: Hygge thrives in a warm, inviting space. Light candles, wrap yourself in soft blankets, and surround yourself with comfort. Consider adding plush cushions, warm-toned decor, and soft lighting to your home.
➼ Mindful Enjoyment: Hygge encourages mindfulness. Put away distractions, savor your meals, and appreciate the little things. You can have a cup of herbal tea, a piece of chocolate, or enjoy the sound of rain outside. Just be fully present.
➼ Embracing Simplicity: Hygge celebrates simplicity. It’s not about excess or extravagance; it’s about finding joy in minimalism. Declutter your space, choose quality over quantity, and relish the beauty of simplicity.
╰┈➤ How to Incorporate Hygge into Your Life
ꕤ Create Your Hyggekrog
↳ Designate a cozy corner in your home – your very own “hyggekrog.” It could be a nook by the window, a comfy chair, or a cushioned spot where you can unwind.
↳ Swap out harsh overhead lights for candles or fairy lights. Consider battery-operated candles with timers for that magical glow.
↳ Infuse your space with soothing scents using electric diffusers or oil burners.
↳ Invest in a Himalayan salt lamp for a warm, comforting glow.
ꕤ Comfortable Clothing
↳ When you get home from school or work, change into an outfit that feels like “you.” Whether it’s cozy pajamas or a soft sweater, prioritize comfort.
ꕤ Special Mugs and Hot Drinks
↳ Have a favorite mug for your hot beverages. Sip your coffee, tea, or cocoa mindfully.
↳ Consider mugs with positive messages – they’ll add an extra touch of hygge to your mornings.
ꕤ Soft Textures Everywhere
↳ Blankets, cushions, and throws – scatter them around your home. Create inviting spots where you can retreat and unwind.
↳ Treat yourself to proper wool socks for warm toes during chilly days.
ꕤ Slow Down and Savor
↳ Lingering after meals, savoring conversations, and slowing the pace of life – these are all part of the hygge experience.
↳ Turn off technology, be present, and enjoy the moment.
ꕤ Hygge Outdoors
↳ Take walks in nature, especially during crisp autumn days or snowy winters.
↳ Bundle up, breathe in the fresh air, and appreciate the beauty around you.
ꕤ Have Fun With Others
↳ Spend quality time with friends and family. Share meals, laughter, and heartfelt conversations.
↳ Create memories together – have a cozy picnic or a game night at home.
ꕤ Practice Hygge At Work
↳ Personalize your workspace with cozy touches: a warm desk lamp, a soft cushion, or a plant.
↳ Take short breaks to stretch, breathe, and reset.
ꕤ Read and Listen
↳ Curl up with a good book or listen to soothing music. Create a peaceful environment for relaxation.
ꕤ Weekend Hygge
↳ Take weekends as a time to recharge. Sleep in, cook comfort food, and enjoy your mornings.
Remember, hygge isn’t just a trend; it’s a mindset. It isn’t about perfection but about embracing imperfections and finding joy in the everyday. Enjoy those cozy moments, celebrate life’s small joys, and create your own hygge-filled world
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desireccfinds · 6 months
Sims 4 CC Finds + Resources (Newbie Friendly!)
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(Disclosure: This blog contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
To be able to open links in a new tab, you can view this post on my website: https://desireluxe.com/sims-4-cc-finds-and-resources/ | Tumblr didn't give me the option to do that.
CC Newbie? Check out "Sims 4 CC + Mods Installation Tutorial Zoom Replay | How to Download CC": https://youtu.be/L_9f_Uwe1_Q
Places to find CC:
Websites with CC finds, news, and mod updates:
Reshade + Gshade Presets:
Other Places:
Search "Sims 4 CC Finds" on Twitter and TikTok
Important Chrome Extensions:
AdBlock (use the one with the hand inside the stop sign): https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/adblock-%E2%80%94-best-ad-blocker/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom?utm_source=ext_app_menu
You only need the next two if the link is behind ad*fly:
Ad*fly Skipper: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/adfly-skipper/obnfifcganohemahpomajbhocfkdgmjb?utm_source=ext_app_menu
FastForward (previously Universal Bypass: https://fastforward.team/
Important Software:
Avast Antivirus: https://www.avast.com/index#pc
WinRar (necessary for unzipping RAR files; it's actually forever free, you only have to buy it if you want to make a donation): https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0
7zip (makes it easier to unzip zip files): https://www.7-zip.org/
If you'd like your website/blog added, you can message me! You can also tag me in your CC posts to be re-blogged. I only reblog free CC; so if it's still in early access, I will wait until it's public to reblog it.
My Gaming PC Specs: I have 100 GB of CC and all packs minus some of the kits.
Prebuilt PC brand: CyberPowerPC Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Processor: Intel Core i7-11700KF RAM: 32 GB
Recommended Gaming PCs on Amazon
Pink Gaming Setup Essentials on Amazon
View more stuff on my Amazon storefront (pink finds, home finds, etc)
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carrigank · 8 months
Don’t mind my no make up face, but check out this body suit you guys!😳
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It comes in an array of colors and is SOOOO SOFT and comfortable. It’s great for date night, concerts, or an adult event🙌🏼
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Check it out at the ✨link✨ down below 👇
Link to the black ✨sparkle✨ sandals in the first picture below 👇
Sweater from second picture is linked below👇
Cow Apple Watch band linked below 👇
*As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases*
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vitalfitfusion · 2 months
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Vanilla Bean Dream: Indulge and Invigorate!
Savor a Vanilla Bean Dream Smoothie! A heavenly treat for body and mind! 🍦✨ #vanillacream
Craving a smoothie that packs a flavorful punch? Click the link to our blog post for mouth-watering recipes featuring Orgain’s Vanilla Bean, Creamy Chocolate Fudge, and Peanut Butter protein powders. Blend up something delicious today! 🌟
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allaboutparanormal · 2 months
Unveiling Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon: Secrets Revealed!
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  Have you ever been intrigued by the ancient texts and mystical entities that have captivated humanity for centuries? 
 The Lesser Key of Solomon offers a unique glimpse into the arcane world of demonology, with Ars Goetia standing out as a prominent chapter.   
  Ars Goetia, a section of the Lesser Key of Solomon, introduces us to powerful demons each with unique attributes and lore. 
 From King Bael, the first spirit mentioned, to Marquis Ronove, these entities have fascinated scholars and occultists alike with their mysterious nature.  
  But these demons are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the rich tapestry of the Lesser Key of Solomon. 
  Join me as I delve deeper into the realm of Ars Goetia, exploring its history, the significance of each demon, and the enduring impact it has had on the world of occult studies.  
    “As an Amazon & Ebay Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”
  Your Donations Are Graciously Accepted To Help Me Keep All About Paranormal Online! All About Paranormal is not intended to be for profit, but does carry expenses with domain cost, books, decks, etc. The links I use are affiliate links, I earn a commission for referring you, and the price you pay doesn't change. If you liked my work, please buy me Coffee.
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darksuitthing · 3 months
🌿 Natural Glow: Clinique’s Brightening Essentials✨
🚫 No More Spots: Your Path to Clearer Skin🌟🌟
Dark spots, also known as hyperpigmentation, can be a source of frustration for many individuals, affecting confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, Clinique, a pioneer in skincare innovation, offers a range of products specifically designed to target and diminish the appearance of dark spots. In this comprehensive guide, we explore Clinique’s dark spot solutions, providing expert insights, effective treatments, and home remedies for achieving a luminous, even-toned complexion.
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Clinique Expert Tip: Dark Spot Removal Use a dark spot corrector, such as Clinique’s Even Better Clinical Radical Dark Spot Corrector + Interrupter, twice daily to target stubborn discoloration and promote skin renewal. Apply sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection daily to prevent further darkening of existing spots and protect against future sun damage. Incorporate gentle exfoliation into your skincare routine to remove dead skin cells and encourage cell turnover, allowing dark spots to fade more quickly. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and managing stress levels, as these factors can impact skin health and contribute to dark spot formation. Consider incorporating brightening ingredients, such as vitamin C and niacinamide, into your skincare routine to help lighten dark spots and improve overall skin tone.
Home Remedies for Dark Spots: While Clinique’s products work wonders, consider complementing them with natural remedies: 🍋Lemon Juice: Apply fresh lemon juice to dark spots using a cotton pad and leave on for 10–15 minutes before rinsing off. Lemon juice contains natural acids that help lighten hyperpigmentation and brighten the skin. 🍎🍺Apple Cider Vinegar: Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply to dark spots using a cotton pad. Apple cider vinegar helps exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover, reducing the appearance of dark spots over time. 🍯Honey: Massage raw honey onto dark spots and leave on for 20–30 minutes before rinsing off. Honey is known for its moisturizing and antibacterial properties, making it an effective natural remedy for dark spots. 🌿Aloe Vera: Extract fresh gel from an aloe leaf and apply it to dark spots.
Say hello to a luminous, spot-free complexion with Clinique. 🌟😊 #CliniqueSkincare #HealthySkin #DermatologistApproved. #CliniqueDarkSpots #ClearSkin #SkincareRoutine #DarkSpotRemoval
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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fictional-horan · 5 months
Book Review: I Hope This Doesn't Find You by Ann Liang
I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang Published by Scholastic Press on February 6, 2024 Genres: Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary Pages: 320 – hardcover, 336 – Kindle Edition Format Read: physical ARC Rating: 5 stars Source: Publisher Previous Books in Series: – PURCHASE LINKS Note: As an Amazon associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases! Blurb: Snarky and…
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polyglotabc · 5 months
Packing Tips for a Perfect Weekend Getaway
What To Pack For A Quick Weekend Getaway As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Introduction Essential Clothing and Accessories Tech and Entertainment Toiletries and Personal Items Miscellaneous Essentials Packing Tips Recommended Travel Guides Online Resources Conclusion Visual Guide Introduction A weekend getaway is a perfect opportunity to break from routine,…
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thebookwormsdiary · 5 months
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The Restaurant
By: Pamela Kelley
This is a novel about three sisters, an inherited Nantucket restaurant with one year before they can sell.
Mandy, Emma and Jill are as close as three sisters who live hundreds of miles apart can be.
Meet the sisters:
Jill lives a glamorous life in Manhattan as a co-owner of a successful executive search firm. Never married, she is in her mid-thirties and lives in a stunning, corner condo with breathtaking views of the city and Hudson River.
Emma lives in Arizona and is an elementary school teacher and an aspiring photographer.
Mandy followed her high school boyfriend, Cory to Boston College, and right after graduation, they married and settled in Dover.
The twist:
When their grandmother, Ethel Ferguson passes in her sleep a week before her ninety-ninth birthday she leaves them quite a surprise her home and Mimi’s Place, one of Nantucket’s most popular year-round restaurants in her will. There was of course, a catch--she left the restaurant equally to Mandy, Emma, and Jill--and also to Paul, the chef for the past fifteen years.
And before they could sell, all three girls needed to work at the restaurant for a period of one year--or else the entire restaurant would go to Paul.
The same Paul that broke Emma's heart many years ago.
To get a preview of this book click here.
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theereina · 6 months
If you're in need of silk pillow cases😏....
Silk Pillow Cases -> LINK
*Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you make a purchase through the links on this site, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Clicking the link will redirect you to the product page. Thank you!
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thesoftgirlguide · 3 days
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A Guide to Summer Wardrobe Essentials 💗🏄🏼‍♀️🐬🐠
Must have clothing pieces for a soft girl summer look
Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links, which means that if you shop through my link, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you!💗
Summer is almost here, and it's time to upgrade your wardrobe. Whether you’re lounging at the beach, exploring the city, or enjoying a picnic in the park, these wardrobe essentials will help you capture the soft girl vibe all summer long. Here’s your detailed guide to creating a summer wardrobe that embodies this look:
╰┈➤ Basic Tees
Start with a collection of basic tees in neutral colors like white, gray, black, and brown. These pieces can be mixed and matched with various bottoms, making them a staple in any summer wardrobe. Opt for tees made from lightweight, breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen to keep cool in the heat.
⤹⤷ Styling Tips:
✿ Pair a white tee with high-waisted denim shorts and sneakers for a casual day out.
✿ Tuck a gray tee into a floral skirt and add sandals for a soft, feminine look.
✿ Layer a black tee under a sundress for a trendy, layered outfit.
╰┈➤ Linen Shorts
Linen shorts are a summer must-have for their breathability and comfort. They come in a variety of colors and styles, but for the aesthetic, choose soft pastel colors or earth tones. These shorts can be dressed up or down and are perfect for staying cool during hot summer days.
⤹⤷ Styling Tips:
✿ Match pastel linen shorts with a white cotton tank top for a fresh, airy look.
✿ Pair earth-toned linen shorts with a light, patterned blouse and espadrilles.
✿ Add a straw hat and a wicker bag to complete the outfit for a beach day.
╰┈➤ Flowy Maxi Dress
A flowy maxi dress in a light fabric is perfect for those hot summer days. Look for dresses with floral prints or in single pastel shades. Maxi dresses are not only comfortable but also versatile enough for various occasions, from casual outings to more formal events.
⤹⤷ Styling Tips:
✿ Wear a floral maxi dress with flat sandals and a crossbody bag for a day out.
✿ Add a denim jacket and ankle boots for a chic evening look.
✿ Accessorize with delicate jewelry and a sunhat for a garden party or brunch.
╰┈➤ Cotton Tank Tops
Tank tops are essential for layering or wearing on their own. Choose cotton for its cooling properties, and select a variety of colors to mix and match with different outfits. Tank tops are perfect for creating a laid-back, casual look while staying cool in the summer heat.
⤹⤷ Styling Tips:
✿ Pair a cotton tank top with a high-waisted skirt and slip-on shoes for a casual, yet stylish ensemble.
✿ Layer under a sheer blouse or kimono for a boho-inspired look.
✿ Match with denim overalls and sneakers for a playful, youthful outfit.
╰┈➤ Functional Footwear
Invest in comfortable sandals or espadrilles that you can walk in all day without sacrificing style. Opt for footwear that complements your summer wardrobe, such as neutral tones or soft pastels. Comfort is key, so look for cushioned soles and supportive straps.
⤹⤷ Styling Tips:
✿ Wear espadrilles with a sundress and a straw hat for a quintessential summer look.
✿ Pair strappy sandals with linen shorts and a tank top for a casual day out.
✿ Choose slip-on sandals for easy, everyday wear with any outfit.
╰┈➤ Lightweight Cardigan
For cooler evenings, a lightweight cardigan in a neutral color will keep you warm without detracting from your soft girl look. Cardigans are perfect for layering and can easily be carried in your bag during the day and thrown on when the temperature drops.
⤹⤷ Styling Tips:
✿ Drape a lightweight cardigan over a maxi dress and add ankle boots for an evening look.
✿ Layer a cardigan over a tank top and shorts for a cozy, yet stylish outfit.
✿ Choose a cropped cardigan to wear over high-waisted jeans and a tee for a trendy, casual look.
╰┈➤ Accessories
Complete your outfit with subtle accessories. Think straw hats, delicate jewelry, and crossbody bags. These accessories not only add style to your look but also provide practical benefits, such as sun protection and carrying your essentials.
⤹⤷ Styling Tips:
✿ Pair a straw hat with a floral dress and sandals for a classic summer look.
✿ Add a dainty necklace and bracelets to a basic tee and shorts for a touch of elegance.
✿ Use a crossbody bag to keep your hands free while exploring the city.
╰┈➤ Affordable Amazon Finds
To help you get started on your soft girl summer wardrobe, here are some affordable options available on Amazon:
⤹⤷ Basic Tees
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $35.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $14.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $32.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $22.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $24.99
⤹⤷ Linen Shorts
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $27.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $19.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $24.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $29.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $19.99
⤹⤷ Flowy Maxi Dresses
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $33.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $42.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $29.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $32.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $42.99
⤹⤷ Cotton Tank Tops
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $19.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $18.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $24.86
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $8.49
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $9.99
⤹⤷ Functional Footwear Options
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $26.59
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $39.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $46.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for 43.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for 26.99
⤹⤷ Lightweight Cardigans
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $21.24
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $31.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $28.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $29.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $25.99
⤹⤷ Accessories
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $29.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $9.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $9.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $9.99
🌸 Click this link to shop now for $12.14
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Building a soft girl summer wardrobe is all about comfort, style, and versatility. Remember to mix and match these pieces to create a look that's uniquely yours!
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stylesphere07 · 6 months
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Click here to view this Beautiful DRESS 👗
【Material】 This womens dresses is made of soft, stretchy and lightweight material, comfortable to touch and wear. The Floral Print is vibrant but random. The floral print on each dress may be different, but they are definitely made of same pattern fabric
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touringcook · 1 year
Bouillon, best known for the majestic Chateau de Bouillon which stands over the town, is an absolutely charming place to visit. Disclosure: some of the links on this site are affiliate links. This means that at no additional cost to you I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. In addition, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. To quote…
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This Video Covers: 🎥 Going over the features and use of the Wellmaking Optical Snoot Bowens Mount modifier. I recently used this on a documentary shoot and quickly fell in love with how easy it is to create shapes on surfaces with it. In the video I discuss pros and cons and show examples of what it looks like in various use cases.
📹 Gear Discussed and Used Affiliate Links: +Wellmaking Optical Snoot: https://amzn.to/3ZTIsZW
Note: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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vitalfitfusion · 2 months
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Tropical Turmeric Fusion: Exotic Protein Pleasure!
Transport yourself with a Tropical Turmeric Protein Fusion! Exotic and nutritious! 🌴🍍 #TropicalBlend
Craving a smoothie that packs a flavorful punch? Click the link to our blog post for mouth-watering recipes featuring Orgain’s Vanilla Bean, Creamy Chocolate Fudge, and Peanut Butter protein powders. Blend up something delicious today! 🌟
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