#“Cinematic Medieval”
hanvanmusic · 1 year
Medieval Journey: Cinematic Scenery & Relaxing Music | Tavern Ambiance & Lofi Instrumentals
Step back in time and immerse yourself in a 'Medieval Journey.' This video offers you a unique blend of cinematic medieval scenery and soothing tavern ambiance set to the tune of relaxing Lofi instrumentals. Perfect for studying, working, or unwinding, our #MedievalMusic will transport you to another era, while the stunning visuals of #MedievalBeauty provide a calming backdrop. Experience the soothing rhythms of life in a medieval tavern with this atmospheric compilation. Remember to Like, Share, and Subscribe for more immersive, historical experiences. #MedievalAmbiance #TavernMusic #LofiInstrumentals #HistoricalJourney
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Y'all wanna know about a gender-non-conforming knight from 13th century France? No? That's okay- I'm fine with talking to myself.
I'm obsessed with gender performativity in early medieval texts- so obviously I had to know everything about Le Roman De Silence.
To preface-
So, long before there was the Marvel Cinematic Universe- there was the interconnected works of the Arthurian Legends. The original superheroes- King Arthur, Merlin, Morganna le Fey, and the rest of the cast. However, one of the lesser known (only arguably canonical) interconnected texts of the Arthurian legend hails from France. People argue over whether or not to include these texts as part of the cannon of King Arthur because it's technically french- and the french-english divide between characterization of all the main players of Arthur's court is remarkably different. Much research on this suggests the discrepancy of characterization is largely due to distance between where the stories originate, and sociopolitical tensions between the French and the English. Either people were too far apart to share stories- thus too far apart to keep characterization uniform, or they fucking hated each other enough to mess up the characterization on purpose. For example, many of the French portrayals of King Arthur paint him to be a rather terrible person, where English portrayals are generally more kind to him.
All that aside- many people will disagree that Le Roman de Silence should even be part of the Arthurian legend canon anyway- because it only mentions Merlin at the end of the poem and because it's a super french poem.
The main storyline is about this character named Silence. From the Old French Poem- Le Roman de Silence.
Gender? No- Never heard of it.
The latter half of the story in this poem is predicated on a complex mediation of Nature vs Nurture. What happens is that a baby is born into a wealthy family, and for sociopolitical reasons, the family decides to raise the girl baby as a boy. They name this child "silence." Silence grows up with full access to an education, as was typical for the boy children of aristocratic medieval families- this education becomes important later as Silence wrestle with where they fit into the larger social structure after maturing into adulthood. Essentially, they find the idea of marriage too boring and would like to be a Knight or Explorer instead. (I love them.) Anyway, it's fascinating to me that the conceptual ideas of nature and nurture are personified into being something like "deities" which are overseeing the growth of Silence through the ages- and so we get these deities commentary.
Silence wants to be a knight- so Nurture brags about being right that gender is more performative than it is biological. Then, later Silence grows up to be remarkably "pretty" and according to the deity of Nature- they brag about being right that biology and gender are intrinsically tied. It's such a thought-provoking mediation on gender as either performance or pure biology that I forget it was written in the 13th century- long before Freud or Lacan or any of the others who became hyper fixated on human presumption of gender as either a social category or a biological necessity.
I argued in a paper, once, that the narrative itself does actually finally end on the note that Gender is a performance, and it is tied into social roles only so the ruling class can have control of the population. That is why the stories ending shifts into horror-genre-esque of Silence marrying into the upper-ruling class.
I also have a strong urge to write a Fanfiction of Silence as a knight- who does not meet a sad fate but rather lives happily as a knight and eventually marries a princess. Okay- Okay? fine I said it. I said it-
Social pressure to marry?
The story takes a dark turn, however- when the King demands Silence to reveal themselves in front of the court. Obviously, even the author of the story was aware that misogynistic social standards would not allow for people to ever really be free of gender stereotypes and roles. So, Silence is then forced out of the adventurous lifestyle of a knight and into a marriage. Also, this is the place in the story where Merlin makes an appearance (I have a theory that Merlin is representative of the devil, and the author really hated that all AFAB people were forced into marriage back in 1200's. So that's why the devil shows up when all the bad shit is happening to Silence).
Inevitability and dismay-
What I find particularly interesting about this poem is the fact that the end, as Silence is forced into marriage and back into "proper" social roles for their assumed biological characteristics, is the fact that it is written like an early attempt at gothic horror!
So, one of the stipulations for something being a "gothic horror" is 1.) old, archaic, twisted buildings. (this blog is indeed named after my fixation with gothic horror elements, it's interplay relation to social reform, as its emphasis on decay as the tonal necessity for social indemnification). Anyway, the other most important aspect of gothic horror- is an overwhelming sense of desolation, isolation, and loneliness.
Sure, Silence is forced into marriage- but even with the forthright writing style of the author, we, as readers, are struck by Silence's loneliness. Thus, the "happily ever after" part of the storyline wherein the characters get married, as it traditional to chivalric romance, is recriminated against in subtext. Now, we have a moment in which the "happily ever after" is a creation of horror rather than peace.
Ending the narrative with marriage as equivalent to a loss of freedom and a sense of evermore-present loneliness, cumulating in the edifice of horror-struck fear in Silence at their own new future, is a remarkably bold social statement coming from a 13th century author.
I just think it's a really interesting text on the thematic points of negotiating Gender identity, in broader terms of performance and social roles, as much as it is a critique on the total social control that the monarchy held over the people of 13th century France.
Edit: I need to add that Silence themselves consistently rejects the idea that they are AFAB and instead only ever refers to themselves as "Silence" or "the knight"
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yet-whose-bank · 1 month
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darthbloodorange · 25 days
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Their lives were sworn to the benevolent King Arno II. Their hearts were sworn to one another.
Under the cover of moonlight, they meet in the northern forest to be together until the sun rises. Trusting the trees to keep their secret.
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For the: ✦ Stucky Bingo - AU: Medieval [O5] (Card: 5054)
Word count: N/a - Moodboard Title: Sworn Hearts Rating: Gen Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Warnings: None Major Tags: Medieval AU, Knight Steve Rogers, Knight Bucky Barnes, Secret Relationship, Forests ~ Summery: Their lives were sworn to the benevolent King Arno II. Their hearts were sworn to one another.
Under the cover of moonlight, they meet in the northern forest to be together until the sun rises. Trusting the trees to keep their secret.
[IMAGE ID: A 3x3 grid of images. 1- Bucky's face. His hair is long, and his jaw is heavily stubbled. 2- Riveted mail with slight staining. 3- Close-up of an armoured sculpture holding an ornate sword. 4- Five petaled purple flowers in the soft moonlight. 5- The trunk of a large tree with a section of bark removed. A love heart is carved into the bare trunk. 6- A forest floor carpeted in tall stems of tiny purple flowers. 7- Close-up of ornate armour. A simple sword held in front around hip height. 8- Shinny butted mail. 9- Steve's clean-shaven face. His mid-light hair swept back.]
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demobatfluffyart · 2 months
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evriikas · 2 years
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Life drawing theme: Medieval armor ⚔
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nostalgia-tblr · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Gonna use WIP Wednesday to throw a bit of the not-Ottoman-Empire not-thorki fic at tumblr and see if anyone else finds it at all interesting/appealing (pls tell me whether to finish this or to pretend I never even thought of it):
Farbauti tells Loki tales of his siblings, all of the things she remembers about them as children and all of the strengths and weaknesses she has gleaned from weary travellers in the years since. Loki sharpens the blade of his favourite dagger as she rambles on, idling in the heat from the fire in the hearth and only half-listening to her words. His mother notes how his attention wanders and she tells him, sharply, “This is information that will save your life one day. This is how I’m going to win you your throne.” Loki nods, apparently contrite, and drags the whetstone along the length of the knife. “I’m listening, Mother. I always listen.” “To me?” “To everything,” he answers, just as she wants him to. Farbauti continues; “The one you must be most careful of is Thor. You were only small when he left the palace, and he wasn’t much more than a boy himself, but he takes after his mother. Which means that he would slit her throat if he saw any advantage in it. Perhaps he already has.” She laughs at that, loud and scornful. Loki does, in fact, remember Thor. He remembers golden hair and easy laughter. He remembers the two of them playing together, dodging behind pillars in a game of chasing and hiding. He remembers, quite clearly (too clearly, perhaps; this part might be a later invention of his own imagination), that the game ended with both of their mothers scowling.
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kainekillinggod · 2 months
has anyone thought of rarepair Medieval Loki and Captain Carter from the What If series or am I insane.
Like. Guys. Trust me.
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maomornity · 5 months
Ystah's Tower by Mao Mornity
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borderland-ranger · 2 years
"To hunt successfully, you must know your ground, your pack, and your quarry." - K.J. Parker Videography by @dosalmasmedia Soundtrack: Legend of the Seeker OST Editing by: Myself
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dungeonsynthguide · 2 years
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Tir The Vanished Civilization of Xattoth (2019, Heimat der Katastrophe) Martial dungeon synth / Ambient dungeon synth / Cinematic dungeon synth
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rielzero · 2 years
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jkjk, this one was just a very cinematic idea and needed a lot of time and energy to eventually finish. I’m glad I did eventually.
These are my OCs!!
Check out the timelapse here! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yaute4GZn5o
I’m on a rollll
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artes-e-armas · 1 month
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scatteredmindblog · 11 months
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musicforyou · 2 years
Instrumental Fantasy Music. Music that gives a fabulous atmosphere.
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