#“Tiffany: Getting Back Into Her Habit!”
saythenametotheworld · 6 months
I Can See You | jjh
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Genre: workplace romance ; oneshot Synopsis: After a wild, unforgettable hookup with Jung Jaehyun, you were convinced you'd never see him again. Apparently, you were wrong because why is he strutting into your office as your newest coworker? Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x Reader Warnings: explicit sexual content (18+) Notes: 16k words, song prompt was I Can See You by Taylor Swift. Had a bad writer's block and wrote this on a whim in the middle of the night while I was high on Speak Now TV and fueled with cold coffee.
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"So, are you going to Tiff's birthday party? We'll go to that new bar downtown. The one that recently had a big opening."
You shook your head without glancing at your coworker, Jenna. Your eyes were focused on the task flashing on your computer screen. "I have plans with my sister."
"I see. That's too bad. You haven't gone out with us in a long time. I thought I'd be able to convince you this time."
You gave her a quick glance and an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I've been busy."
Jenna narrowed her eyes at you. "Are you sure you didn't get a boyfriend? You used to be the life of the party. Now you rarely ever show up. I mean, even though your sister has moved in with you, I don't think that's enough reason to suddenly change your habits."
"No, Jen. No boyfriend. I love partying with you girls, but lately, I just don't feel like it. Do you know what I think about every day when I clock in for work?" you grumbled at her curious expression. "Clocking out."
"Oh my god, you're getting old," Jenna faked a gasp that made you laugh.
"I'll make it up to you though."
"It's fine if you don't. But do let me know when you're feeling up to it again." Jenna flashed a wide grin. "We'll tear this city apart when you do."
Your chat was cut short when you spotted your department's head walking into the office. Jean rushed to her desk and there was a quick shuffle of feet before everyone settled in their own spaces. You eyed your department head and saw that he was coming in with someone else. It must be the new analyst who's officially replacing the last one who resigned recently. That's great because Tiffany's been going through double her usual workload as the only data analyst on your team.
"Good morning, Team!" your department head greeted. "Today's a good day."
Indeed it is, you think so too. It's probably even the best day in the office, given the immaculate sight before you.
"My, my. Look at that..." Jenna discreetly tapped on your shoulder. "A tall, handsome gentleman has graced this tiny workspace with his presence."
You just shook your head dismissively despite also thinking the same thing. When your eyes flitted back to the two men standing by the doorway, you found the new guy's eyes fixated on you. It was like you had been hit by a freight train, the nerves making your heart beat wildly and your eyes widen ever so slightly when you recognized him. Jung Jaehyun.
"This is Jaehyun. Starting today, he will be joining our team as our new data analyst. I trust all of you to help him settle down and get to know our company. I also expect all of you to get along well."
"Yes, sir!"
"Welcome Jaehyun!"
"Welcome to the team!"
Your coworkers immediately gathered around him, greeting, introducing themselves, and welcoming him into the team. Jenna slides towards you in her chair.
"Is it just me or have I seen him before?"
"I'm sure it's just you," you lied, chuckling nervously as you cleared your throat.
Jaehyun was courteous, greeting every single one of you and shaking hands with everyone. You notice him lingering a little longer by your desk but pay it no mind and treat him like it's your first time meeting him. He examined your face as if he was trying to see if you really didn't recognize him at all. That look made you a little impatient, especially after flashes of memories displayed in your head; ones where he was giving you the same intense gaze while you were straddling him.
"It's nice to meet you, y/n." He smiled before leaving your desk and even after he was gone, the way he said your name replayed in your head like a broken record.
"You think he's hot, don't you?" Jenna teased. You had been trying to focus on your job but Jaehyun's desk had to be across the room, right within your line of sight. He was going through some papers with Tiffany, seemingly getting his first taste of his new job post.
He was just as dashing as you remembered, in his complete set of suit and neatly styled hair. Although when you first met, he didn't have his coat or his glasses on. He probably doesn't even need those unless he's reading or something. You know his eyesight works well, judging by how clearly he can navigate even in the dim lights of the hotel room you locked yourselves in a few months back. The memory made you squeeze your legs together, feeling a nervous but euphoric rush run down your heart to your stomach. You cleared your throat, tugging on Jenna's arm to excuse yourself.
In the restroom, you checked yourself out in the mirror and washed your hands for no reason. That night with Jaehyun was like a fever dream, almost surreal. What's even more surreal was meeting him again, even in an actual dream. After that night, you regretted escaping in the morning while he was still asleep. You regretted not giving him your phone number when he asked for it and also not asking for his. You never saw him again after that, even when you tried going back to the place you first met him. You've come to make peace with the fact that you will never be able to see him again, or even meet anyone like him. Yet now he comes strutting into your office and introduces himself as your new coworker? You can't tell if you're being rewarded or screwed over.
"So, Jaehyun..." Tiffany was beaming when she approached you and Jenna by the pantry. "I invited him to come with us tonight and he's totally down."
"You invited him?" Jenna exclaimed in disbelief and Tiffany nodded. "He's a guy."
Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly. "And? It's my birthday. Besides, Carl and the department chief are coming too so technically, this isn't a girls' night out."
That seemed to have convinced Jenna. "That makes sense."
Tiffany turned to you and started batting her eyelashes. "So, is my favorite colleague coming tonight?"
You chuckled at the flattery. "I would love to—"
"Ah," Tiffany cut you off, covering her ears. "I don't wanna hear it."
"Tiff..." you lilted but she just pouted and shook her head.
"I know exactly what comes after 'I would love to', y/n," she ranted, looking sulky. "It's my birthday."
"I know that but it's also my sister's birthday, so..."
"Oh." Tiffany softened at you after hearing your reason. "I didn't know we had the same birthday."
You just shrugged. Tiffany went on to suggest celebrating together but you declined because you've already made a reservation in a nice restaurant and you'll be with your parents. She tried charming you to agree to meet them at the bar after you're done with the family dinner and you could only say you'll try but won't make any promises. Honestly, knowing Jaehyun would be there too piqued your interest. Now you're curious to know what would happen at the bar, but you held it all in. You're simply just tired and would rather go home after a nice dinner than spend energy on socializing until late. Not even the hot specimen will be enough to convince you otherwise.
You had a hearty family dinner and Tiffany had her party. Judging by the stories on their social media, you can tell your coworkers had plenty of fun. Strangely, as you swiped through their posts, you didn't feel any ounce of envy at all. In the past, you would've been the organizer of this party. You would be coming home wasted, or not come home at all. But instead, you're wrapped in your blankets, scrolling through your phone on a Friday. You do feel bad about turning Tiffany down, but you won't swap this peaceful weekend for any rowdy, noisy, and dizzying nightclub.
Jenna was right. You're getting old. But you also know sooner or later, they'll succumb to the same lifestyle as yours right now.
Your finger pressed on one picture in Tiffany's long array of stories, the one where Jaehyun was posing with your colleagues. He stood out the most, with his pearly white skin and tall height. In his hand was a bottle of beer, his cheeks and chest were rosy due to alcohol and the rims of his eyes were pinkish. Your eyes focused on his lips, plump and red under the flash of the camera. Your mind spiraled again, falling into an immediate recollection of the one-night stand with Jaehyun. The weather was cold at the time, but Jaehyun's skin was hot against yours. His eyes were fiery with lust, staring you down and scanning your entire being as if he were trying to memorize you. His arms were strong, and so were his chest. You remember how the high came as quickly as it left, and how it was the best part of the whole thing. It was an intense night out, and an even intense hook-up. You will never forget that, nor will you be able to compare it to anything else you've had before. That night with Jaehyun was so good that it almost felt illegal; like a vice that will get you addicted to it if you're not careful.
You tossed your phone across the bed, taking deep breaths to calm your raging hormones. You would never admit to anyone, even to yourself, that part of the reason you stopped going on night outs was because of Jaehyun. Everything about him has been imprinted in your mind that nothing about your nightlife satisfied you anymore, especially not the guys who tried to humor you.
"Fuck my life," you mumbled to yourself, dreading Monday as much as you're looking forward to it. Jaehyun will be there. That idea made you feel giddy and nervous at the same time and you hate feeling overwhelmed, especially about a guy.
Monday rolled in like clockwork and you imagined yourself bumping into Jaehyun at the building entrance. Obviously, you didn't, but you did catch him inside the elevator. He gave you a small smile as you stepped into the elevator with a few other employees. You stood right next to him, your shoulders brushing slightly because the lift was packed.
"Good morning," he greeted casually and you tried not to collapse on your knees.
"Good morning, Mr. Jung."
Jaehyun's smile widened. "You act like we don't know each other."
"Pardon me, Mr. Jung," you chimed, smiling sweetly at him. "But I would rather keep things professional in the workplace. So, wherever it is that you remember knowing me from, I'd appreciate it if you don't bring it up at work."
Jaehyun pursed his lips, his brows forming a knot. "I was talking about the way you addressed me just now. You're the only one who calls me that here. Everyone else calls me by name."
You opened your mouth to retort but then closed it again and avoided his gaze. Jaehyun's grin didn't leave his lips until you were out of the elevator. That annoyed you a little, knowing he was amused about you feeling awkward. You sat in front of your computer all day, looking pissed. Jenna chatted with you several times but you just gave her the bare minimum of your attention. By 3pm, your coworkers were chatting randomly among themselves and while most of them found Jaehyun to be the most interesting one in your bunch, you drowned in your own work instead of participating. You feel awkward enough seeing him around, and even more so because you know you want him. You want all of him. But given that your office has a rule against dating coworkers, you can only dream. You wonder if you can take more of this agonizing situation, and you wonder how much his presence would affect your daily office life.
You must be delusional or have high self-esteem because, for the next few days, you were convinced that Jaehyun was as antsy as you were. Several times you caught him staring at you intently, with his forehead creasing and his lips pursed, not even avoiding your gaze like he meant for you to notice him staring. Even around your coworkers, you can see him watching you with those eyes. You're not oblivious to the meaning behind those gazes and you're not ignoring them either. You acknowledged them, every single one. You gave him the same exact look with the same exact intention. Each time you brushed past each other, regardless of how close or far apart you are, he always made sure to graze your arm, or your elbow, or your shoulder; especially your shoulder when you're wearing something that exposes them. Each time your name is mentioned in your small office, his eyes follow the direction of your desk. And your desks just have to be positioned right across each other's. Far apart, but face to face.
You know he wasn't being discreet and you hoped he would because sooner or later, people will start to notice how he paid attention to you. You can tell by the way your colleagues would randomly tug him because he was in a daze staring at you, and the way someone would always clear their throat to prompt him.
One night, during overtime, when you had to cram some paperwork for the monthly audit, you were alone in the pantry making coffee for yourself when Jaehyun walked in. You held your breath for a moment, giving him a nervous smile before reverting your attention to the coffee machine.
"Evening," he greeted, his voice deep and throaty, damn attractive.
"Evening," you greeted back, watching him reach for a mug from the cupboard. He stood there with you, waiting for the brewing coffee, but your senses were on high alert because of the proximity. Your shoulders were almost touching and his hand on the counter sat close to yours.
"Seeing any light at the end of this tunnel?" he asked, referring to the loads of work everyone had piled up.
"The only light I'm seeing is daylight. We'll be here until the morning," you huffed, sagging your shoulders as you glanced down your wristwatch. It's 11pm but you eventually stopped caring about the time when you saw his pinky finger linking with yours.
"Well, if you need a hand, just let me know."
Your eyes were fixated on your linked fingers but you still replied. "I'm sure you have plenty on your plate as it is."
"How about you try not to decline someone's good intentions," he chimed, letting go of your finger to properly place his hand over yours. "Especially if it's mine?"
"I don't think you mean good intentions, Jaehyun," you purred, challenging his bluff. His lips lifted into a smile, revealing a set of dimples that would have looked cute if only he wasn't staring at you like he was ready to devour you at any moment.
"As long as we're on the same page, I don't care how you label my intentions."
You stared at each other for a while, conversing with your eyes and seemingly coming to an agreement. Your self-restraint had always been thin, but right now it's at its thinnest and your rationality is working hard to remind you that you're in the office and anyone can walk in on you anytime.
The coffee machine beeps, signaling that the coffee is ready. You drew your hand from under his hold and were about to grab the kettle when Jaehyun yanked your hand back and pulled you into his arms, locking you there.
"Jaehyun!" you scolded in a hushed voice. He lets you go after a soft whisper in your ear that had his lips brushing on the sensitive skin. The pantry door opens and you jolted a little in surprise. Jenna lets out a big huff.
"If I die today, know that I loved working with all of you," she said dramatically.
Jaehyun chuckled, grabbing the kettle and pouring himself a coffee. "Hang in there," he comforted Jenna as he poured some on your mug too.
He left after that while you stood rooted on your spot, your mind in shambles because of Jaehyun. Jenna had to shake your shoulder to prompt you.
"Are you okay?"
You flashed a fake smile. "Yeah. Of course."
Jenna gave you a pitiful gaze. "This is killing you too right?"
"Right," you sighed, taking your mug from the countertop. "Let's have some more of this and hope we get through the night."
"Amen," Jenna quaked.
You go back to your desk, but your mind cannot focus on work now. Your heart started beating wildly in your chest the moment you were alone with Jaehyun, and it hasn't stopped since. You tried not to pay him any attention, but he was right across the room so it was impossible. When your eyes met his, he lifted his ID card to show it to you, and that made you look away. You grabbed your headphones and played music to drown your thoughts and hopefully focus on your task. But Jaehyun's melodic voice was still in your head.
'Did you know everyone at the motel knew my name when I stepped out the morning after?'
Fuck him. And fuck motels with crappy soundproofing.
Jaehyun was still smug about you getting flustered by what he said. Now you're thinking he did that to see how much of an effect he has on you. Why bother? He already knows he had you in a chokehold.
"Hey, still swamped?" Tiffany asked sleepily, sinking her chin on your shoulder. You leaned your head on hers and sighed.
"Halfway there, but I'm just finishing up on this one file. I'll work on the rest tomorrow." You were all required to finish work tonight, but after seeing how late it had gotten, your chief eventually told everyone to go home, saying he'd ask the higher-ups for an extension.
"Yeah, it's impossible to finish everything tonight," she grumbled. "Don't stay too long though. No job is worth dying for."
"I know," you sighed, giving her a comforting smile. "See you tomorrow, Tiff."
"See you."
Half of your office is now vacant and the only ones left are you, Carl, and Jaehyun who seemed to be working at a steady pace while still giving you a hard tease. You ignored him altogether, eager to just finish this one paper. But then you caught him yawning from your peripheral view, making you peer over your computer screen to watch. He took off his tie completely and tucked it away before unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt. Then he flexed his arms and rubbed his nape, seemingly trying to shake off the drowsiness. The way he closed his eyes and threw his head back while massaging his neck is getting you riled up. You told yourself to look away, but your eyes were fixated on the masculine display before you. It was also at that moment that Carl stood up from his chair with a hand over his belly. His hurried steps caught you and Jaehyun's attention and you watched as he exited the room and slammed the door close behind him.
Jaehyun's eyes fell on you, his expression smug as ever. With a huff, you rose to your feet, tossing your headphones on the desk before you walked straight toward Jaehyun. He seemed taken aback and confused, frozen on his seat when you pushed his swiveling chair and sent it bumping against the wall. A smirk formed on his lips the moment you grabbed his collar.
"Whoa, whoa," he chuckled, even his voice is driving you insane. "What's with the aggression?"
You silenced his cocky attitude with a hurried kiss, straddling his lap while he grabbed your waist and kissed you back. It didn't take long for the making out to elicit an erection from him. When you gave it a grind, Jaehyun pulled back in surprise. The flustered look on his face gave you confidence.
"Why? What happened to the cockiness you've been giving me all day?" you challenged, running your hands through his neatly styled hair. "Don't tell me you're good with just words?"
He grabbed your hands and locked them behind you, hissing as he snapped at you. "Don't tempt me, y/n."
"Like you have been tempting me all day?"
Jaehyun smirked, leaning in to kiss your collarbone. "How long before Carl comes back from taking care of his business?"
"Long enough," you replied, trying to free your wrists from his hold but Jaehyun was infinitely stronger than you were.
"Good. Be quiet," he whispered to your skin, eyeing the CCTV at the far corner of the office. He gently pushed you off his lap before pulling you into the pantry door and shutting the door close.
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The rendezvous with Jaehyun might have been a bad idea. It didn't only go against what you personally believed in, it also went against your company's code of conduct. You had expected the next day after to be the most awkward, but contrary to what you initially thought, things weren't that bad at all. You kept everything professional and not in a forced way. Jaehyun was cordial, and so were you. It helps that you were all busy chasing the deadline for the audit too.
"Coffee?" Tiffany asked when she passed by your desk on her way to the pantry. You smiled at her, catching Jaehyun's gaze from his desk.
"No, thanks. I'm good."
Yes, you kept everything professional between the two of you, but you haven't forgotten the events of last night just yet. Eventually, you will have to stop avoiding going to the pantry, but you will surely never look at it the same way again.
What could be worse than dating a coworker? Hooking up with them. The no-strings-attached guarantee of hook-ups may sound like a good thing, but it's not when your hookup is your colleague. AND if you hooked up at the office. The chances of your little rendezvous happening again were high. You knew that and you were right.
Coffee? -jjh
You stared at the note for another second then glanced at Jaehyun's direction. He was already eyeing you, his brows lifting as if seeking a response to his query. You mouthed a 'no' before crumpling the sticky note and tossing it in the trash bin under your desk. Jaehyun just grinned, shrugging as he rose to his feet and headed for the pantry. Your eyes followed him, sighing when he disappeared into the door.
"What's wrong?" Jenna whispered in your ear, startling you because you never noticed how closely she was sitting next to you. She chuckled at your surprised reaction. "Girl, you should really slow down on those espressos."
"Indeed, I should," you agreed, laughing awkwardly before resuming your work.
Hooking up with Jaehyun was a bad idea and you had decided it would never happen again. That was a lie, of course, and it was proven to be when you found yourself making out with him in the copy room; your back leaning on the copier for support while he ravaged your lips and your neck. Several times, you couldn't suppress the moans that escaped your lips and several times, Jaehyun had to laughingly remind you to be quiet. On another occasion, he pulls you into the fire exit to make out, where he also had you weak on the knees all day just by going down on you for a good five minutes. The pantry would also be a venue for more than just that one time Carl had a bad stomach. Notes passing became a habit too.
Soon, you and Jaehyun had sullied the secret spaces on your office floor. You've memorized the areas where people never usually went to, the blind spots behind cameras, and the dark corners around. Overtimes became more frequent for you, with most of it being spent with Jaehyun between your legs or yourself bent over the pantry table or the copy machine. Surely, you gotta stop doing this at one point. But at which point exactly? Neither of you ever discussed that. You're not in a kind of relationship where you have to talk about this stuff anyway. As a matter of fact, you never even talk about the hookups. You just find the opportunity at random and then you both grab it each time it appears. That's how it has been for the past few months, and it doesn't look like things might change anytime soon. Or so you thought.
"You look gorgeous!" Tiffany praised, the moment you met her in front of the elevator. "Is that a new dress? Did you go shopping by yourself?"
"Thanks, but this isn't new or anything. I've had this for a while now. Barely wore it though," you replied, looking down at the dress you took your time to pick out this morning.
"Well, you need to wear it more often. You look great in it," Tiffany affirmed so you thanked her again.
At the office, Jenna uttered praises about your outfit too, throwing in a nice comment about how your hair was styled. You haven't really noticed it but these days, you've been paying more attention to your appearance. Not that you never cared before, but lately, you've taken an extra hour from your daily routine and dedicated it to looking great every day at work. Now that you're being praised for it, you had to admit to yourself that the reason for this might have been Jaehyun.
"Are you seeing someone?" Jenna asked while you were having lunch at the pantry. Your eyes briefly met Jaehyun's, who looked at you like he too wanted to know your answer.
"No. That's so random. Why'd you ask?" you chuckled, shaking your head and poking your food with the fork.
"I just had a feeling that you might be seeing someone. You look great these days," Jenna chimed.
"Agreed. You're literally glowing, y/n."
You shrugged, feeling shy because of the attention being focused on you. "I'm just feeling great these days. You know, skincare, working out, good sleep and stuff."
"And stuff?" Tiffany repeated, grinning playfully. "Is it the good stuff?"
Jenna snickered. "Must have been some satisfying stuff."
You chided them sternly, shaking your head at their teasing as you reluctantly glanced at Jaehyun. His head was bowed down as he was looking at his food, eating quietly but the grin on his lips made you kick his feet under the table. Carl jolted next to Jaehyun, whimpering as he reached down his leg.
"Ow, y/n. What was that?"
"Oh, god, I'm sorry," you blurted and gave him an apologetic smile. "Something brushed my feet. I thought it was a rat or something."
The rest of the day went with Jaehyun still giving you a teasing grin. You just rolled your eyes at him each time and refused to deal with it. In the afternoon when you were about to clock out, he pulled you into the fire escape, giving you a quick kiss.
"Stop. I have no time for this," you chided, hitting his chest. Jaehyun just smirked and you saw that as him challenging you. "I'm serious. I have plans and I'm gonna be late."
Jaehyun tutted and then sighed. "That's too bad. I was gonna ask if you'd like to have dinner with me."
"Dinner with you?" you repeated. You heard him clearly, you just weren't expecting that to come out of his mouth. "Just the two of us?"
Jaehyun looked around. "Let's see. There's you, me, and no one else around. Yeah, that means it's gonna be just the two of us."
You scoffed. "Stop playing around. I'm busy."
You were about to leave when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to his chest. He then pressed soft kisses on your neck. "How about tomorrow?"
"I don't know. I'll check my calendar," you quipped, rolling your eyes. "I'm a busy woman."
"Come on, I'll pick you up," Jaehyun chuckled, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips before tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear. Somehow, his actions and the way he's looking at you felt affectionate, making your heart race. "Assuming you don't want to leave the office together. But if you're okay with that, we can just go right after clocking out."
"Why would you want to have dinner together?"
Jaehyun looked at you like you just asked him the stupidest question he's ever heard. "Why not? Is it not allowed?"
"No," you replied but then shook your head. "I mean, it's not that it isn't allowed. It's just... weird."
"Weird? The good stuff is fine, but dinner is weird?"
"Good stuff?" you hollered, hitting his chest as you felt your cheeks flare with embarrassment. "What good stuff are you talking about?"
"That's what you girls called it," Jaehyun laughed, trapping your hands so you'd stop hitting him. "Alright, I'm sorry. That was ungentlemanly of me."
"You're far from being a gentleman, Jung Jaehyun."
"Okay, I know why you think that way. So, maybe you'd be curious to see me be the gentleman that I am and have dinner with me. Tomorrow, after work."
You rolled your eyes and sighed in defeat. "Fine. I'll think about it."
"Great," he lilted, fishing his phone from his pocket and handing it to you. "This is the part where I ask for your number. Though, I know I should have done that a long time ago."
You scoffed as you took his phone and dialed your own number. After that, he kissed you again and you ended up making out for a few more minutes before you hurriedly stepped out of the door back into the building. You didn't expect to see Jenna when you pushed through the door. Her bright smile was a contrast to your surprised expression.
"Oh, hi! Are you leaving now? Should we go together?"
You were just about to respond when Jaehyun stepped out of the door behind you. Jenna stood there confusedly, eyes moving from him to you and him and back to you again. You grabbed her arm and led her away with a burst of awkward laughter.
"Yes. We should leave together," you blurted, dragging her away. "I was actually on my way to see my mom. Would you like to come with me?"
Jenna's face lit up. "I'd love to! I haven't seen her in ages!"
"Good. She'll be glad to see you too."
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Dinner with Jaehyun? This year is really full of surprises for you. Jaehyun went from being a man you thought you'd never see again to picking you up at your apartment on time for a dinner date. This was impossible a few months ago, but now there he is, standing by his car in a nice suit and neatly styled hair as he waits for you to come down.
"There you are," he chimed, greeting you with a sweet smile and a peck on your cheek. You kissed him back, thanking him after he opened the car door for you.
"So, where are you taking me?" you asked as he occupied the driver's seat.
Jaehyun chuckled, probably because of the way you phrased your question. "Where am I taking you? You make this whole thing sound so insincere."
You just shrugged, not denying his observation. "Sorry, just not used to this at all."
"I don't blame you," he replied, shaking his head. "The way we got into this relationship is unconventional."
Relationship? You hummed. Well, whatever this is that you have with him, it is considered a relationship, just not the roses and dinner dates kind. Still, here you are, pulling up in front of a nice restaurant. Jaehyun was attentive to you, opening doors and pulling chairs out. You know better than to assume he was an actual gentleman. His telling you he'll show you how much of a gentleman he was has kinda ruined it for you. Whatever this dinner was for, you decided not to overthink it anymore and just enjoy the night.
"To be fair, I was hoping not to see you again after that," you told him over steak and wine. You were talking about random things when the first time you met him was casually brought up. "I don't really like being nice and friendly with one-night stands the morning after."
"Is that so?" he questioned, brows furrowed but he had an amused smile on his lips. "I thought we had something going on."
You scoffed. "Something going on? Jaehyun, come on. You're not expecting to form some kind of connection with a girl you met at a nightclub. Well, except maybe the physical kind."
Your statement had Jaehyun throwing his head back as he laughed. "God, y/n, you have no idea how adorable you are."
Your cheeks flared at the compliment, but you chose to act aloof and just roll your eyes. "Now, you're just simping."
"Wait, what happened to the witty flirt who swept me entirely off my feet that one night at the club?" he asked so you shrugged.
"That time and right now are different. I was trying to flirt with someone then, now I'm just enjoying dinner with a coworker."
"A coworker?" Jaehyun's smile turned mischievous, dropping his fork gently on his plate so he could use his hand to wipe the corner of your mouth with a napkin. "Just a coworker?"
A coworker you have occasional quickies with. "Don't flatter yourself, Jaehyun."
"How can I not? Having a date as gorgeous as you are is very flattering indeed."
This time, it was your turn to let out an amused laugh. "It's amazing how well you use words to charm people. Is that a skill?"
"It might be but I'm not too confident in that aspect. I'd say I'm more well-versed in other uses for the mouth."
You choked on the wine and did so violently that you had a hard time breathing. Jaehyun was quick to offer you a glass of water, but mischief never left his lips. You glared at him because of that. "Whatever happened to being a gentleman?"
Jaehyun just wiggled his eyebrows, laughing after you rolled your eyes at him. Fortunately, he dropped the teasing and you were able to eat in peace. A huge part of you expected the night to extend until after dinner. You imagined all sorts of scenarios, all of them leading up to you and Jaehyun alone in an actual bedroom this time. It could be his place, or yours, maybe a hotel room. And as you were making out with him in the car right in front of your apartment, you pictured both of you naked on your bed and your mind went as far as waking up in the morning with him beside you.
So when he bade you a reluctant goodbye, and wished you a good night's sleep, you couldn't even hide the disappointment on your face.
"Everything alright?" he asked, noticing your silence as you sat there dumbfounded.
"Yeah," you muttered, still in a daze. Embarrassment soon crept up on you, making you look away and reach for the car door. "Good night, Jaehyun."
"You're not gonna invite me in?"
The way your head immediately turned to him and your face lit up was embarrassing, but your body was aching to be one with his so you ignored the shame. "Would you like me to?"
"I was waiting for it," he chimed, gently pulling you by the neck to kiss you again. When he broke away, he looked apologetic. "But we have work tomorrow and it's getting late."
"You're right," you chuckled nervously. "Duh."
Jaehyun smiled contently, giving you one last peck on the lips before letting you go. "See you tomorrow?"
You flattened your lips together, eyeing him curiously as you asked, "You know we can't date in the office, right?"
"Of course. It's a workplace. Not a dating spot," he chuckled and you sighed exasperatedly.
"No, I meant we can't date coworkers. It's a rule in the company."
Jaehyun looked like he was hearing about this for the first time. "That's a thing?"
"Oh, you didn't know?" you chuckled. "That's fine. It's not like we're dating or anything, right?"
"We're not?"
You groaned in frustration. "Okay, you know what? We're not having this conversation. I'm gonna go."
Jaehyun didn't stop you from exiting the car, but he bade you goodnight before you stepped into your apartment building. The dinner was pleasant but not that you were alone, you realized what a disaster it had been. Thoughts flooded your mind, all of them about Jaehyun; his dinner invitation, his intentions, the subtle implications in his statements, and what's going on in his mind. You thought maybe he was just teasing with his subtle hints. Surely he can't be serious about it, right? He's a grown man who knows how to properly communicate. If he wants more than what you already have right now, he can tell you directly without the mixed signals.
Then again, what if you're both just adults with communication issues? Admittedly, you too have no idea what you want out of this setup. Sure, you enjoy the thrill of it but one way or another, one of you has to be responsible enough to put an end to this.
That being said, you found yourself finding the right opportunity to bring it up with Jaehyun. Unfortunately, work kept both of you busy for the following days after your first date. So much that he can't even find the slightest opportunity for a quick rendezvous around the office. Other than work-related subjects, quick greetings, and fleeting glances, you have yet to speak a proper conversation with Jaehyun.
"Hi," Jaehyun greeted as he rounded the long conference room table. "You're here early."
You panicked on your feet, standing up in surprise at his sudden appearance. Doing so, your hand that was sitting on your lap hit the edge of the table so hard that you thought a bone was broken. Groaning in pain, you clenched your fist in hopes that it might alleviate the pain. Jaehyun rushed over to you, gently taking your hand in his to examine it.
"Why are you so clumsy?" he chided softly, blowing on the reddened skin. "Does it hurt?"
"No," you replied. It did hurt a while ago, but now that you were moving it, the pain has gone and you were relieved to know you didn't actually break a bone. More importantly, you are currently exhilarated because this is the closest you've gotten to Jaehyun in the past few days. The whiff of his perfume was faint, but it was enough to make you feel euphoric.
Jaehyun eyed you curiously, his forehead creasing with concern. "Are you sure? Does it hurt if I do this?" With gentle hands, he pressed on the reddened spot.
"Jaehyun, should we stop this?" you asked directly, and the astonishment on his face was evident.
"Stop this? This?" he asked back, motioning for your hand. You sighed, flattening your lips tightly together. Jaehyun's face darkened. "Oh, you don't mean that, do you?"
You pulled your hand back, shoulders sagging in frustration. "See, this is the problem with us. We talk in codes instead of communicating like grown adults."
He opened his mouth to speak, but the door opened before he could say something. Your co-workers walked in, chattering like busy bees. While that was happening, Jaehyun was moving back to his seat. The meeting began after quick greetings and work dragged you away from a proper conversation once again.
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"GUESS WHAT?!" Tiffany exclaimed when she found you and Tiffany in the pantry. Her eyes gleamed with excitement and she was jittering like she'd explode if you didn't respond to her immediately.
Jenna was the one who asked, "What?"
"There's a secret couple in our company!" Tiffany said briskly, in a single breath. Your ears rang warning bells. "And it's from our floor."
"From which department?" Jenna asked.
"No one knows yet, but apparently, Olive from Marketing saw two people making out in the fire escape."
At this point, you were sweating bullets despite the cool office. You wanted to remove yourself from the conversation but there was no excuse to leave. And to be honest, part of you wanted to know what people were saying about this.
"Oh my god, who?" Jenna was completely invested, it seems.
"They could either be from the same department or separate. But what if they're from ours?" Tiffany squealed.
Jenna appeared to think. "That's a possibility but who could it be? It's not like we know two people who are weirdly close to each other. Ones who act all sneaky and jumpy from time to time. And also keeps sneaking glances at someone from across the room."
You were stirring your coffee slowly, quietly listening without looking at them. But then you noticed they'd stopped talking so you glanced at them only to realize that they had been staring at you.
"Why? What's up?" you asked dumbly, still a little jittery.
"Well, would you look at that? It seems we do know someone," Jenna grinned knowingly and you could feel the color draining from your face. You and Jenna eyed each other, her looking like a predator who just found her prey, and you feeling smaller and smaller. You knew that she now knows. Feeling caught, you gulped the entirety of your coffee and belched.
"Sorry. I'm gonna go," you told them.
Jenna snickered. "Oh, okay. I'm gonna follow you then."
"Wait! Hey! Who is it?" Tiffany called out, following the two of you out of the pantry. "Girls! What do you know?"
Fuck the universe, you told yourself. The moment you left the pantry, your eyes caught Jaehyun who just entered the office. He did a double-take upon seeing you, stopping in his tracks and walking toward you. Jenna nudged your elbow a little too obviously, so you nudged her back.
"Hi," he began, smiling at the girls and then back at you. "Carl passed me on to you. He said you were in charge of this before so I should come to you for help."
You peered at the file he was handing to you and then turned to Tiffany. "Yeah, I did. But Tiffany worked on this after the previous analyst resigned. I just helped a little."
"Oh? Which file is it?" Tiffany questioned, also looking at the papers. "Yes, I can help, but y/n did the work on this entire project. It was already perfect so I didn't change anything on it and just submitted it as it is."
"You didn't?" you asked Tiffany who shook her head in response.
"Great. Will you help me update it then?"
"Oh, she'll help you just fine," Jenna giggled, nudging you forward. "She's really good at her job. Just don't go sneaking around."
"Jenna!" you chided but your friend just laughed, grabbed Tiffany by the arm, and walked away with a wave.
You groaned in frustration, snatching the file from Jaehyun's hand and mumbling to yourself. Jaehyun inched closer.
"Everything alright?"
"Jenna knows we hooked up."
"Jenna?" Jaehyun repeated, taken aback by your confession. He looked at Jenna who was still walking away with Tiffany. "She did seem like the type to catch on quickly."
"She's sharp when she needs to be," you replied, also glancing at your girl friends. "But she's not the most observant in our office. If she noticed something was going on with us, others will soon realize it too."
"Are you free tonight?"
You glared at him. "Did you even listen to a word I said?"
Jaehyun shrugged, tucking his hands in his pockets. "We can talk about it over dinner if you're down. It's on me."
You rolled your eyes in disbelief, then turned on your heel to leave. He calls out your name so you waved your hand in the air. "Fine. Whatever. Just go away for now."
Jaehyun was grinning fondly, but he heeded your request and walked the opposite way.
Dinner was quiet. Jaehyun kept chatting you up, and he had to keep prompting you because you kept drifting away into an absentminded daze. It's not that you didn't want to listen, you just had something in your mind that's making you dissociate with your company.
"Y/n," he prompted again, now looking concerned.
"Sorry. You were saying?"
Jaehyun exhaled calmly. "Nothing important. Would you like me to drive you home and call it a day?"
"What? No, I..." you paused, sighed in defeat, and then massaged your temples impatiently. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright," he replied, smiling sweetly. He reached for your hand on the table and squeezed it. "Just let me know if I can help."
You shrugged. "I'm just really tired right now."
"I know. Work hasn't been the easiest for all of us."
"Right," you chimed, looking down at your food that you barely touched. "Actually... I really think we should stop this."
Once again, Jaehyun's handsome face darkened with concern. "Is there a specific reason why you keep saying that?"
"Nothing!" you blurted. "I mean, yes! Of course, there is! We can't keep doing this as coworkers. People from work are soon gonna notice."
Jaehyun shrugged. "What's wrong with dating a coworker?"
You laughed derisively. "Aside from the fact that it's a spoken rule to not date a coworker, we are also not dating. I thought we both knew that?"
"We're not?"
"You see that?" you told him, stern and annoyed. "That's our problem. Despite being so intelligent and charming, you always played dumb whenever I bring this up."
Jaehyun exhaled sharply, letting go of your hand and straightening his back. "It's a serious question, y/n. I am actually under the impression that we're already dating."
"Having sex occasionally does not mean we're already dating, Mr. Jung Jaehyun."
"Then at what point do we start dating?"
At this point, you were fuming because of frustration. You couldn't tell if he was pretending to be dumb or if he was actually clueless. Although, the look on his face told you he was genuinely curious about the answer to his question.
"Come on, Jae. You've dated before, I'm sure you know this isn't how it goes."
"Indeed I have but..." he paused, looking away with a creased forehead. "I never had to spell it out to them."
Oh, to be Jung Jaehyun, charming and gorgeous enough to pull any girl he wants. He probably never had to chase after someone he liked. They all probably fell head over heels for him immediately. Like you did.
"Do you like me then?" you asked straightforwardly. If you were to be asked the same question, you would say 'yes' in a heartbeat. That's because you do like him, a lot actually. You don't have deep feelings for him yet, but you feel a romantic spark with him that could lead to something.
"I won't sleep with someone I don't like, y/n."
"It's a yes or no question."
"Yes!" he pressed on, laughing at you like you should've already known the answer. "What do you think?"
You sighed, slowly processing the situation before you. "Won't you ask me if I liked you at all?"
"No," he replied curtly, poking his food with the fork.
His answer made you scoff loudly. "What if I tell you I don't like you?"
A grin formed on his lips as he looked up to meet your gaze. "Then I'd call you a liar. You like me, y/n. I know."
"You're awfully confident," you bluffed, crossing your arms over your chest to challenge him. "Where is that coming from?"
Jaehyun smiled cockily, leaning back on his chair with an air of confidence. "It comes from the way you held on to me tightly whenever you're in my arms."
Your jaw dropped open. Embarrassed, you covered your mouth and looked away. Jaehyun didn't stop.
"The way you trusted me enough to keep doing what we've been doing these past few months. Even the way you look at me from across the room. My confidence comes from those."
You took a deep breath and faced him again. "Okay. You can shut up now."
"That's why I thought we were already dating, y/n," he continued. "I thought we liked each other enough to call this dating. I was just beginning to treat you the way a girlfriend should be treated but work is keeping both of us apart."
You were quiet because you didn't have anything to say, so you just let him talk. Like always, he is composed, confident, and well-articulate. Had he explicitly asked to date you, you would've said 'yes'. Then again, your relationship didn't start in a meet-cute kind of way. It didn't blossom beautifully like cherry blossoms in spring. So he had a point. To be honest, you had no idea how it was supposed to go given the situation. But you would still have preferred if you two just talked about it like proper adults.
"Should I just quit?"
"What?" you asked, not because you didn't understand him but because the question was downright ridiculous. "Why would you quit?"
Jaehyun pouted. "Because I want to be a proper boyfriend."
Boyfriend. Did he actually just say that? And is that an ecstatic giddiness you're feeling?
"You're way in over your head, Jae," you ridiculed, successfully hiding your elation behind aloofness. "You're not my boyfriend."
"Alright, then, how do I become one?"
Just ask, you thought. You didn't want to have to spell it out for him. If you did, you would think he was only asking because you told him to. "How do you not know?"
"If I ask you now, would you say 'yes'?"
"You'll never know unless you try."
Jaehyun straightened up in his seat, reaching for your hand again as he gazed into your eyes. You stared back, letting his deep, dark brown eyes lure you into a beautiful abyss--the kind that's impossible to escape once you fall into it.
"Be my girlfriend, y/n."
You blinked. "Oh, that's not exactly asking."
"No, it's not. That was me making it official with you." Jaehyun's self-esteem is impressively baffling. It almost feels like he's got you wrapped up in his finger. In fact, it feels like he knew exactly that things would go his way, no matter what. He knew what he wanted, and he also knew you wanted the same thing, it seems.
Nevertheless, a voice in your head is screaming a protest. He's a coworker. Indeed, he is. The sex may be phenomenal, but he's still a coworker.
You could abandon your beliefs and take a leap. Jaehyun could be worth the risk of breaking office rules. Not to mention you've already broken said rules anyway, even making a sacrilege of your workplace. Though secretly, it was still scandalous. You never knew you'd be the type to engage in something so risky. It didn't even need any convincing, you straight up just did what was done. You gotta admit though, you liked every second of it; the risk, the thrill, not to mention Jaehyun in his entirety.
Your eyes flitted over to him. His sweet smile will make people assume he's a gentleman, which might be true if you didn't know what he was capable of doing in a hidden but still public space. You remembered the first time you had sex in the pantry; it was quick, almost fleeting. But it was unforgettable and you were absolutely satisfied, so you kept doing it. His aggressive thrusts, hand tight over your mouth to keep you from making any noise, the urgency on his face, and the release that comes crashing through. The image that registered in your head made you squeeze your thighs.
Jaehyun tapped twice on the back of your hand. That was when you realized your mind had wandered elsewhere and was dazed. "What's on your mind, babe?"
Babe? "You."
He didn't even flinch, nor was he taken aback. He just tilted his head a little, and asked, "And why is that when I'm right here in front of you?"
You stared at his lips, craving their warmth and the way they felt on your lips, on your neck, and on the skin of your inner thighs. Your breath hitched and a moan almost escaped your lips because of the vivid memory. You looked away from him and started fanning your face, worried your lewd thoughts were showing.
"Do you want to get out of here?" you breathed, meeting his eyes again. Jaehyun shook his head, moving his glass so the red wine would swirl.
"Don't ask, baby. You know I'd do anything for you."
"Should we just go, then?"
Jaehyun licked his lips, savoring the rich wine. "That's still asking. Assert yourself, babe."
You stood up at once, grabbing his hand on the table and dragging him up. Jaehyun almost choked on the wine he was still drinking, but he quickly put it down and tossed the napkin on the table. You weren't paying him any attention, eager to just leave the restaurant as soon as possible. When you reached the sidewalk, you stopped and looked around.
"I must say, that's one way of asserting yourself," Jaehyun quipped but you ignored his comment and pointed to a certain building around the block.
"Let's go that way," you ordered, and wasted no time discussing plans.
Jaehyun was more than happy to oblige. When you reached the hotel, he was the one who checked you in using his name and his card. You'd barely gotten inside your suite before Jaehyun had you up against the wall, his lips crashing into yours urgently while his arms held you strongly.
You kissed hungrily like you'd been starved for days, which was true because you hadn't had any alone time with Jaehyun for a while now. You ran your hand up his muscly arms to his broad shoulders. Jaehyun reached over to your ass and lifted you off your feet while you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Take me to bed," you breathed, almost in a whisper. "Please?"
"Anything you want, baby," he grinned, biting his lip as he strode over to the king-sized bed. He laid you down gently, caressing your cheek and letting his hand wander from your face to your clothed breasts. He cupped it and gently squeezed it, and his eyes never left yours even for a second. You pushed yourself up to kiss him and as you did, your dress slipped off of your skin. Jaehyun reached for your back, then you found your bra leaving your body the same way your dress did. When his fingers found your nipple and gave it a good squeeze, you let out a moan that made his face twitch. "God, you're so beautiful."
His mouth went to where his fingers had been, sucking, pulling, and teasing at the sensitive bud. Each contact electrified you to the core. His hands are everywhere at once until they find the cloth of your lace underwear. "Can I do--"
"Jaehyun! Less talking, more doing," you interjected, your voice urgent and your tone pleading. "Please."
He chuckled a little. "So polite."
You wriggled out of your panties as he undressed, seemingly taking his time to stall you on purpose. You hated the smug look on his face because you knew he was taunting you. He knew exactly that you were desperate for him, and that you'd beg if he pushed you hard enough.
Jaehyun hovered over you, staring at you intently with lustful eyes and a cocky grin. You tried not to fall for it, but you needed him so you folded.
"Jung Jaehyun, I swear to god if you keep this up, I'm walking out that door," you threatened, You would never do that, but you'd like to see if it would have any effect on him.
Jaehyun inched closer to your face, planting a tender kiss on your lips before moving his head all the way down between your thighs. Without warning, he started lapping on your cunt, squeezing your thighs in the process. You didn't even try to muffle your moans, instead, you screamed them out. Your stomach was doing somersaults and your head was flying on cloud nine. Just as you were about to feel the release coming, Jaehyun stood on his knees and looked down at your confused expression. He flashed a grin that made your belly flutter. There he was, hovering over you with a body that looked like he was some Greek god sculpture, except that his size was nowhere near that of any Greek sculpture.
You stretched up your arms and Jaehyun fell into them. He kissed you again, needily. And when he thrust himself into you, you cried out in sweet surrender; rocking against his hips, kissing his shoulder, his neck, his chin, and then his lips like you'd die if you didn't. The release hit you like a waterbomb, making you dig your nails into Jaehyun's skin. And then he too cried out of release before he collapsed on top of you, panting.
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When you awoke, Jaehyun was still beside, you playing with your hair as he watched your eyes fluttering. You blinked several times, trying to make sense of what was happening. The civility of it all, the fog of affection in the air, his sweet smile, and the warm glow of admiration in his eyes.
"That was an excellent dinner," he quipped, making you smile. "How about some dessert?"
You scoffed then hit his chest. But Jaehyun just gave you a good-natured laugh before gently flicking your forehead.
"I meant real dessert," he scolded softly, motioning to the table across the room. There sat a course of desserts and fruits, as well as a champagne bottle in a bucket of ice.
"Oh," you blurted.
"I'll give you the other dessert later," he added so you glared at him again. Jaehyun was quick on his feet, jumping down the bed and running towards the table before you could even try to hit him. You couldn't help laughing at the unexpectedly goofy display. You weren't discouraged though, if anything, you liked him more because he was adorable.
You sat on the bed and noticed you were wearing a nightgown. You recalled falling asleep after the sex and had faint recollections of Jaehyun telling you to raise your hands so he could dress you up. You thought that had been a dream but looking at the silky dress on your body, you now realize it wasn't.
Delectable food waited for you on the table. Despite being apprehensive about it at first, you gobbled the good food. Over conversations, you also emptied the bottle of champagne and that had you pawing at each other for a while before you both ended up back on the bed, moaning under the sheets.
You spent the weekend in that hotel room; chatting, eating, and goofing around. The fact that you're not shoving your tongue down his throat every hour was surprising. But then you realized that you've learned more about each other in two days of being alone together than you did the past six months.
You strutted into the office with a beautiful glow at work on an early Monday morning. Your steps were light and you were humming happily as you sat in your cubicle. Jenna was quick to notice your ecstatic demeanor.
"Did something good happen this weekend?"
A smile crept on your lips. "No. It wasn't good. It was amazing."
Jenna mirrored your grin, pushing her chair closer to yours. "Why? What was it? Did you and Jaehyun go on a date?"
"How did you-" you stopped, sighed, and rolled your eyes. "What do you mean?"
She nudged your shoulder. "Oh, so you did. Is that why he was in a hotel all weekend?"
Your eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know that?"
Jenna covered her lips, looking like she had been caught. "Ah, that slipped out. Excuse me."
Her chair slid back to her desk to escape you. Intrigued about how she knew about the hotel, you followed her to ask but before you could speak, your department head tapped on your desk and asked you to see him in the meeting room.
"We'll talk later," you told Jenna before following your superior.
Jaehyun entered the office just as you were passing by the doorway on your way to the meeting room. He flashed you a sweet smile which made you giddy. You smiled back before disappearing into the meeting room. That was the beginning of your hidden relationship. It was so much different from your sexual rendezvous, this was more exciting. The secret glances, mouthing endearments when no one is looking, brushing hands or shoulders on purpose, and the contentment of being close to each other when you happened to gather together with your other coworkers. Each day, you leave the office separately only to end up in each other's embrace at night. In the morning, you arrive to work separately too, eagerly waiting for the day to be over so you'd be together again. It was fun and exciting, so much so that you felt like a giddy teenager experiencing your first relationship ever.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this," Jaehyun complained, nuzzling his nose on the crook of your neck. He kissed your skin and inhaled your scent. "I miss you."
"You miss me? We see each other every day," you chided softly, turning so you were face to face with him. You snaked your arms around his neck and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. Other than the pantry, this file room has also become your secret meeting place. "We practically live together since you're always at my place."
Jaehyun exhaled sharply, unconvinced. "That's not enough."
You tapped his chest twice, pulling away from him. "We're not kids, Jaehyun. Let's make do with what we get."
Jaehyun sighed, leaning on the shelves and then crossing his arm over his chest. "We can get more than this, you know?"
"How do you suggest we do that?" you questioned curiously. You're not convinced that his idea will be a good one but you wanted to hear what he had to say.
"I could try talking to the HR about the ban."
You scoffed. "That's your big idea?"
Jaehyun just shrugged. "Not really. It's part of the idea. Would you like to meet my parents?"
Your brows are tied in a knot. "Out of nowhere?"
"Yeah. I told them I am dating this intelligent, charming, and lovely woman. They can't wait to meet you."
Well, that was sudden. Despite your previous physical relationship, you haven't been official for long but he's already talking about meeting his parents. Jaehyun had to leave before you could give him an answer because a coworker walked into the file room. You seemed unnerved about the invitation but you were actually ruminating on it all day, weighing the pros and cons of this meeting.
That night, Jaehyun couldn't go to your place because of a prior engagement. But when he called you right before going to sleep, you told him you'd love to meet his parents. There should be no pressure, it's just a brunch. You told yourself to relax and not overthink it.
And so the weekend came. Jaehyun looked majestic in his Prada cardigan, leaning on his car as he waited for you in the parking lot of your apartment. He greeted you with a sweet smile and an even sweeter kiss, followed by a compliment on your hair and your outfit.
"You smell nice too, damn," he added, smelling your neck and tightening his hug. You just giggled, letting him sniff you all he wanted. It was all cute and adorable until he was pulling you by the waist and pressing his crotch on you. "Should we just stay in?"
You laughed heartily. "Let's go, Jaehyun."
"Call me 'baby' and I'll listen to you."
"Baby," you obliged but your tone was stern instead of endearing.
Jaehyun threw his head back, groaning. "God, that backfired. We really should just stay in."
You pushed him aside, opened the car door, and then locked yourself in his shotgun. Jaehyun was grinning when he rounded the car to sit in the driver's seat. He wasn't done flirting with you though because as soon as he was inside, he pulled you into a kiss--long, sweet, passionate. Oh, how he made you feel so beautiful.
He drove halfway across the city, locking your hands together and singing along to the song on his stereo. When you finally reached your destination, you were in awe of the luxurious home before you. You had an inkling that Jaehyun might have been rich but not this rich. His family house is hidden behind a high fence, probably ten feet high, and inside was a literal mansion surrounded by well-kept landscaping. If you're gonna be honest, the display of wealth made you nervous.
"Intimidating, isn't it?" said the familiar voice of a woman. When you spun to see who it was, your jaw dropped upon seeing Jenna walking towards you and Jaehyun. She grinned at your shocked expression. "It's scarier inside."
"Jen," Jaehyun chided. "Don't scare her."
"Jenna?" you exclaimed. Your friend flashed a silly grin.
"I knew something was going on between you two."
You shook your hands to dismiss her. "Wait, before that. What are you doing here?"
Jaehyun interjected. "She lives here."
You did a double-take, checking if you heard it wrong. Jenna let out a hearty laughter. "Sorry, hon. I would've told you but that would ruin the whole point of being undercover."
"Undercover?" you echoed, touching your temples. "Wait, how about explaining it to me like I'm five?"
Jaehyun and Jenna laughed before the latter guided you inside the house. On your way, she explained that she and Jaehyun are siblings. And that the company's CEO was their older brother. It was straight out of a soap opera and Jaehyun assured you that your reaction was understandable. He also apologized for not telling you about it sooner.
"It's fine, I was just... surprised, I guess?" you blurted. You reach the garden area where a group of people are happily chatting at a dining table. Jenna walked ahead of you, tapped an elder woman on the shoulder, and told her you had arrived.
This elder woman was beautiful and had an air of elegance about her. She stood up from her chair to welcome you.
"Hi, Mom," Jaehyun greeted, giving his mom a peck on the cheek. "This is my girlfriend, y/n."
"Hello, y/n. Wow, Jaehyun wasn't lying when he said you were very lovely." His Mom beamed at you, and contrary to what you expected, she was warm and sweet, ushering you to sit next to her at the dining table while asking you about the journey here.
You met his brother, a face you were so intimidated to see because you knew he was the Big Boss of your workplace. He was cordial and well-mannered, and so was his wife. You didn't ask about his father but based on their conversation, you figured out that he had passed away. You knew better than to ask. Brunch hasn't started yet, but you were already gathered in the garden. At first, you thought it would only be you and them, but a group of people arrived and you found out you were meeting Jaehyun's extended family too.
"We're Koreans. Family means so much to us," Jenna told you. "Not all of us are close though."
Brunch began shortly after their cousins arrived. The food was great and the conversations were engaging enough. Most of the attention was on you because apparently, you were the 'first girl he brought home in three years' according to Jaehyun's brother. Jenna confirmed it too. After the satisfying meal of hearty Korean food, you all dispersed to your own little circles. Jenna dragged you to the patio, chatting with you and apologizing for not telling you about her relationship with Jaehyun. You told her it was fine and that you understood why she had to do it. Jaehyun followed closely behind you two.
"So, are you gonna marry my brother?" Jenna asked and the question made your heart race.
"Stop calling me that. It's giving me chills," Jaehyun interjected so Jenna hissed at him.
"Shut up, I'm not talking to you."
You nervously laughed. "We just started dating."
"Yes, so, is he a marriage prospect or not?" Jenna pressed on.
Jaehyun was the one who said, "We haven't talked about that yet."
"Jaehyun, go away," Jenna complained, pushing her brother but he didn't budge. Jaehyun pulled a face at her to which she responded by lunging her tiny frame at his large physique. They bickered for a moment while you watched in fondness.
Then you said, "He's right, we haven't thought that far ahead."
Jaehyun grabbed his sister's wrists to stop her from hitting him, and then he stared at you, looking befuddled. "We haven't?"
You stared back at him, wondering if you had said wrong. "Have we? I know we haven't. Did I forget?"
"No, you didn't," he replied, letting go of Jenna's arms and straightening up. "I mean, we haven't talked about it yet. But I was already thinking that far ahead."
You blinked, surprised by his confession. Jenna snickered and said, "You can't say that so openly, dear brother. You're putting her on the spot."
"I'm putting her on the spot? You're putting her on the spot! You started this discussion!" Jaehyun whined. You couldn't help laughing at the rare sight. He'd always appeared well-mannered, calm, and collected. Seeing him bicker with his sister made him even more endearing.
"Why not? You guys aren't getting any younger. This is an important question to ask!"
While the siblings bickered, your thoughts screamed loud enough that they deafened you from external noises. Marriage was never an issue to you, you can get married anytime you want as long as you want to. But only now were you realizing that you've gotten old and this was in fact an important question to ask.
Still, now is a little too early for it. Truth be told, you don't know if you want to take this relationship to that level yet. Sure, you're in love but with marriage, love is not the only factor that needs to be considered. Jaehyun is from an affluent family with influence and money, you don't know if you want to be a part of it. Even if you did want to be, you're not sure if his family would want you for him. So far, they had been nothing but nice. Then again, it will be no surprise if these families have criteria that you might be too middle-class to comprehend.
"Baby," Jaehyun prompted, nudging your shoulder. "What were you thinking?"
"You," you replied absentmindedly. Jaehyun grinned coyly.
"Really? We're in the middle of a family gathering, but I think can make up a good excuse to leave."
You rolled your eyes at his lascivious thoughts. "No that's not what I meant, dumbass."
Jaehyun chuckled. "That's a shame. I was ready for it. No, actually, I'm always ready for it."
"For what?"
He pressed his nose on the side of your head, sniffing your hair before whispering, "For my naughty little girlfriend who randomly gets these sudden urges to ride me till I'm spent and dripping."
Your face flared at the lewd image that formed in your mind. Holding your cheeks, you walked away from him in embarrassment. Jaehyun laughingly called out to you. "You'll dry me up in no time, baby."
You glanced back at him, scandalized. "Oh my god, be quiet!"
"What?" he mimed, looking around. "No one heard me."
"I did and you're gross," Jenna grimaced before walking away too.
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It's been a week since the family luncheon. Aside from the fact that you now know Jenna and Jaehyun are siblings, nothing much has changed in your relationship. You admit that it was weird with Jenna at first, in a way that whenever you have your usual girl talk, you suddenly remember who she was and just daze. It took some getting used to. Same case with Jaehyun who gets ordered around the office for being a newbie and him doing everything he is told to do like he's not the literal son of the company's founder. You realized just how much humility these two have and how impressive it was that they were raised this way instead of the regular snobbish rich kids.
Your boyfriend's identity had you ruminating about the future of your relationship. What would be the reactions you'd get if people found out you were dating a coworker--especially if it's revealed that he was actually the CEO's brother? You'd surely be called a Cinderella, scoring a jackpot by dating a billionaire's son. People might think it's magical, while most will assume you were in it for the money. Either way, the possibility of your life being put under public scrutiny terrifies you.
"GUESS WHAT?" Tiffany barged into the meeting room, startling you and Jenna. You clutched your heart, beating rapidly in its cage while Jenna gave your coworker a stern look.
"You gotta stop with the dramatic entrances, Tiff," said Jenna.
"Jung Jaehyun just got named CHRO."
Jenna scoffed. "Yeah, and Jung Jenna just became COO. Jaehyun would die and get reborn again before he takes an executive role in this company. Shut the door."
Tiffany shook her head as he approached you, pushing the door close as she went. "I'm serious. Check the company page. They just announced it."
You toggled on your tablet and pulled up the company portal. And there it was, the announcement of the company's latest personnel changes. Jung Jaehyun was indeed the Chief Human Resources Officer.
"Why would he take that job?" you questioned, genuinely curious. Jenna told you before that Jaehyun was supposed to come in as a department head since his education and experience made him qualified for the position, but he still chose to do the undercover thing. Now he's suddenly a CHRO?
"No way, he's not!"
"Apparently, he is. And guess what was the first thing he asked to change in the company policy?"
"What?" you and Jenna asked in a chorus. Tiffany ducked to toggle on the screen and opened another announcement.
"He abolished the dating ban among coworkers. Effective immediately."
Your jaw hung open, while Jenna started laughing like a maniac. Then she said, "Jung Jaehyun, that sly little bastard."
"Does that mean he has a girlfriend here?"
Jenna eyed you. "Yeah, he obviously has a girlfriend here."
"Or he could be sympathizing with the people here who want to date but can't because of the ban," you suggested, trying to challenge Jenna.
"Yeah, like you," Jenna teased. You just rolled your eyes, giving up on challenging her. "He must really like this girl to go through this much trouble. I didn't know he could do something admirable."
"No way!" Tiffany exclaimed, eyes still glued to the screen. You and Jenna turned to her. "Jaehyun is the CEO's younger brother?"
Jenna exhaled sharply, rolling her eyes. "Oh, boy. I guess this is where it starts." She walked away, bidding you quick goodbyes before disappearing to the door. You and Tiffany stayed, waiting for the meeting to begin.
The next few days at work were filled with excited chatters and gossip. During the company's annual staff meeting, Jaehyun and Jenna are introduced as family members of the company. Their positions were also made official, sparking up a debate among the employees on whether they deserved their posts or if it was plain nepotism. You didn't join any of these discussions, but when you're alone with Jaehyun, you'd tease him for being a nepo baby and he'd just laugh at it.
"Should we go to work together today?" Jaehyun asked, nuzzling his nose on your neck.
"No," you replied briskly, scoffing as you pulled away from him. Jaehyun, a lot stronger than you were, grabbed your waist and pulled you back to bed with him.
Your apartment has never been this warm. Love emanated from the walls and you've never felt this content with a relationship. Jaehyun seemed to have made this small studio apartment his favorite place to be and you're not complaining at all. He would spend the night here almost every day. You would sleep in each other's arms, and wake up still cuddling.
"I made coffee," Jaehyun would boast in the morning. "And pancakes too but they're not as fluffy as the ones from the breakfast cafe."
"I love the pancakes you make," you would tell him.
And he'd say, "Thanks, I love you too."
He'd ask to drive you to work but you'd decline. It's been three months since he became head of HR, but the people at work are still clueless about your relationship. You liked it that way, but you also feel bad for Jaehyun who would often invite you to lunch or for coffee. It's not that you don't want to, it's mainly because you'd rather not be talked about. Jaehyun seemed to just take it in stride. He'd ask once in a while, and if you declined, he'd give up and try again next time. He's been most understanding of your reasons.
But then again, he's Jung Jaehyun; he will never let up until things go his way. That said, he walked into your office on a Wednesday afternoon, with a massive bouquet of red roses in his hand, and an even bigger smile on his lips. Your colleagues went into a frenzy, hurrying over to greet him and chat with him. Questions were thrown his way; ones like, 'What are you doing here?' or 'Is there anything we can do for you?' and 'Can we help you?' And then there are also comments like, 'I knew you looked familiar! You were the CEO's brother!' or 'You should have told us who you were!' and 'Man, I didn't overwork you, did I?'
Jaehyun was courteous and greeted everyone back, but after he was done with the pleasantries, he locked his eyes on you--his target. He waded through the crowd, his feet walking straight to where you were sitting quietly in your cubicle. You had hoped he would ignore you, or that no one would notice you. But that was impossible since you knew he was there for no other reason except to see you.
"Are those flowers for someone?" one of your colleagues asked and you mentally cursed him for asking because now, everyone's curious who the flowers were for.
"There you are," Jaehyun beamed, peering over the cubicle. You smiled sheepishly, taking a peek at your coworkers' shocked expressions.
"Can I help you, Mr. Jung?" you smiled back, hoping he'd take your cue and stop whatever he was trying to pull.
"No. I'm here to pick you up. We have dinner plans, remember?" he grinned, seemingly enjoying the way you're all flustered and shy. "You look great. Looks like we can go straight to the restaurant without changing."
"You're having dinner? Is it a company dinner?" Carl questioned, his hand raised in the air like an elementary student.
Tiffany was quick to slap his hand away. "Gosh, Carl, you're so clueless."
Jaehyun offered you the flower. "Shall we go then, my love?"
You've never heard a crowd gasp in unison before, but now you have. Cheeks burning in embarrassment, you took the bouquet and pushed yourself up. Jaehyun had a content smile on his lips when he offered to hold your hand, which you accepted.
"Jung Jaehyun, you really are a sly little bastard."
"You love me for it," he chimed.
And so, hand in hand, you and Jaehyun walked out of your office as a couple.
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rebouks · 4 months
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Previous // Next
Levi: What do you want? [Robin shrugged, peering around Levi’s head] Robin: Nothing in particular-.. who’s that, your sister? Levi: Yeah. Robin: Wanna ditch her n’ hang out? Levi: With you? Robin: Uh-huh-.. Jacob and Jude too, his dad’s looking at a house for sale over there. [Levi glanced over his shoulder, grimacing at the prospect of being stuck with Tiffany and her annoying friends] Levi: Fine, whatever. Levi: You know you forgot your shoes, right? Robin: Shoes are overrated-.. I like to feel stuff on my feet. Levi: [scoffs] Weirdo. … Levi: It’s tiny. Jacob: Houses are expensive though, right? Robin: Uh-huh, everything is. Levi: How much do you think this one’s worth? Jacob: Uh-.. ten thousand? Robin: [laughs] Try that times twenty. Jude: Woah. Jacob: How big is your house if this one’s so small then? Bigger than Robin’s? Levi: How should I know?! Robin: It’s kinda big. Levi: If you say so-.. our last house was massive, but we had to move. Jude: Why? Levi: None of your business! Jude: Alright, geez. [Jacob rolled his eyes, wondering why Robin had even gone to the trouble of bringing Levi over] … Jude: Did you get it?! Ivan: It ain’t that quick, bud! We’ll see. Oscar: How you doing, Levi? Levi: Uh, yeah.. I’m great! Robin: Can he come over? Levi: Wai-… Oscar: Sure. Robin: You wouldn’t rather be stuck with your sister all day, would you? [Levi squinted at Robin and his irksome brazenness, but he merely gazed back at him calmly-.. he knew he wasn’t wrong] Jacob: He better not make a habit of inviting Levi to hang out with us all summer. Jude: Maybe he just feels bad for him. He did almost die. Jacob: Only almost.
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catierambles · 8 months
Blood Moon Ch.1
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Pairing: Syverson x Annalisa Caulfield (OFC)
Warnings: *waves vaguely*
I'm not labeling word counts anymore, not for multi-chap
The bar was decently packed for a Saturday night but Sy was by himself, nursing a beer at the end of the bar, half paying attention to the game on the TV. He was drinking slowly enough to where he didn't risk even getting tipsy, so driving home wouldn't be an issue. Whenever that happened.
The bartender and all the servers knew him by name, but only because he's been going there since he turned 21 and always made sure to tip well.
"Sure I can't get you something to eat, sweety?" A server asked, appearing at his elbow.
"I'm good, doll, but thank you." He said, giving her a small smile.
"Okay, well let me know if you change your mind and I'll get it started for you." She said and he gave her a nod. With that, she walked away to pay attention to her section, leaving him with his beer. With a sigh, he rolled the bottle back and forth between his palms and resisted a sneeze when a scent hit his nose. Cucumber melon. Damn, he hated that smell. Hated it in high school when every girl slathered it on, flooding the hallways with it like a bio weapon.
“Kyle?” Closing his eyes briefly, he let out another sigh. Only family and one other person called him that, and she wasn't family.
“Hey, Tiff.” He said, turning on his stool to see his ex standing there.
“What're you doing here?”
“It's a bar. I'm having a beer.” Any anger he would have felt at seeing her had faded a long time ago, but she just wouldn't leave it, and him, alone.
“By yourself?” She snorted.
“None of your business.”
“I'm surprised you're not here with some skank.”
“I never cheated on you, Tiffany, not once. Not even after you banged every guy you could while I was deployed.”
“I was lonely, Kyle.”
“And I was gettin' shot at, Tiffany.” He said, “Whatever, it don't matter anymore.”
“It's not my fault you—”
“Oh my god, baby, I'm so sorry!” He heard and looked over just in time for a woman to throw her arms around his neck. “Play along.” She whispered in his ear. “I'm so sorry I'm late! Traffic was horrible!”
“I-It's okay.” He stammered as she pulled away, looking into convincingly apologetic eyes the color of the water off Corpus Christi on a summers day. “I'm just glad you got here safe.”
“Uh, excuse me?” Tiffany asked, “Who're you?”
“Annalisa.” She said, looking at her. “And you are?”
“Tiffany. Kyle's ex.”
“Weird, he never mentioned you.” She said simply, “Well, I'm his current and you are interrupting date night. Even though I was late to it. Sorry!”
“It's fine, babe.” Sy said, placing a hand at her low back, her dark flannel warm under his palm. Thick, rich dark hair was braided over her shoulder haphazardly almost like it had been an afterthought, and she had smelled like cedar and sage when she hugged him.
“Well, I've never heard of you.” Tiffany said, crossing her arms over her stomach.
“Well, I don't update my exes on my personal life. Can't imagine why he would.” Annalisa said, “But again, you're interrupting. So if you could please.” She made a shooing gesture and Tiffany scoffed.
“Listen, bitch, you—” Annalisa suddenly stepped towards her, her back to Sy and Tiffany's words died in her throat.
“Walk. Away.” She said and he didn't know what she saw on Annalisa's face, but it made her pale and Sy watched her walk away quickly. Once she was gone, Annalisa turned back to him. "Sorry about that, you looked like you needed the save.” She said and Sy snorted.
“No, I...I appreciate it.” Sy said, “She has a habit of showin' up and givin' me a headache.”
“Well, I can pretend to take a phone call, look horribly guilty, and walk away with you looking horribly annoyed. If you want.” She said, “For appearance sake.”
“Actually, um...” Sy said, “How 'bout I buy you a drink? As a thank you for savin' my ass.”
“I'd like that.” She said, “Annalisa Caulfield.”
“Kyle Syverson, but everyone calls me Sy.” He said, and shrugged, “Well, mostly everyone. Why don't we get a booth? Kick this “date night” off proper?”
“Yeah, let's go find a spot.” She said, giving him a small smile and he grabbed his beer, sliding off the stool. He followed her through the bar towards the booths lining the wall, sliding in after her when they found an empty.
“You make a habit of savin' guys from their exes?” Sy asked and she snorted.
“No.” She said, “I don't know why I did it, to be honest. I noticed you two talking, but it didn't look like a happy conversation, and the next thing I knew I was hugging you and apologizing.”
"Well, I appreciate it, really." He said, "You're probably wonderin' why I needed savin'."
"A bit, yeah, but it's your business so I wasn't going to ask." She said and he gave a soft huff of a laugh, the corner of his lips perking into a small smile.
"While I was busy dodgin' bullets overseas, she was sleepin' with just about every guy in town." He said. "Army." He clarified, seeing the questioning look she was giving him. "Used to be, anyway."
"How'd you find out?"
"One of my buddies took pity on me and told me." Sy said, "I confronted her and to her credit, she didn't try to lie. Not that it means much. She tried to turn it around and blame me for it, sayin' she wouldn't've if I had been around more."
"Bullshit." Annalisa said.
"Yeah that's what I said too." Sy said, "Right before I told her to pack her shit and get out."
"How long ago was it? I'm guessing not recent?"
"Long enough for the hurt and anger to go away.” He said, “Now seein' her just makes me tired. The fact she can't seem to leave it the fuck alone makes me exhausted." Her hand slid over his arm and he gave her an appreciative smile. "Enough of my pity party. What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Well I was in the Army, what do you do?"
"Nothing, actually." She said and he arched a brow at her, "Well, that's not entirely true. I'm co-owner of a couple clubs downtown. Pendulum and Tell-Tale Heart. I handle the background stuff, my partners handle the up front side of it."
"Heard of'em. Never been, though." Sy said, "Rave clubs ain't really my scene."
"Nor mine, to be honest." She admitted, "They do very well though, especially in big metro areas."
“I didn't actually get you that drink as thanks.” Sy said with an awkward huff of a laugh, “Here we are talkin' and I forgot.”
“Don't worry about it.” She said with a smile, leaning forward with her arms crossed on the table, “I much prefer conversation over alcohol.”
Sy woke hearing voices, rolling over to see her sitting on the edge of the bed, haloed in moonlight.
“Yeah.” She said quietly, “Yeah, I'll be there in a bit.” Reaching out, he ran his fingertips down her bare back and she shivered. As the old adage went, one thing led to another and they wound up back at his place. Turning, she gave him an apologetic look. “I gotta go. Something came up.”
“Sure I can't convince you to stay?” He asked, reaching out and holding her hand gently, his thumb moving over her skin. She seemed to think it over, regarding him evenly.
“They can handle it without me.” She said and got back into bed after chucking her phone back on the nightstand, Sy chuckling as he pulled her closer, pressing his lips to hers.
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barclaysangel · 1 year
Junior Wheeler if he was 9 years old during season 1 of Chucky (oneshot)
Hey y’all! I could not for the life of me figure out a proper name for this oneshot, so this is what we got. This AU totally escalated and I needed to write something involving it. In this AU, Junior is 9 and the younger cousin to Jake. Caroline and Lexy are also twins and 9 years old in this AU, but they won’t be mentioned in this oneshot.
Idk if I’ll continue writing this AU because I hate following the show’s timelines. But if y’all just want fun found family stuff where Junior’s 9 and doesn’t follow any timeline, then maybe I’ll do that instead. Also I wrote this within 3 days and without rewatching 1x08 so this is all by memory. Pls lemme know what you thought about this! Comments help fuel and motivate me!
Enjoy :)
Tags: @series-thoughts @zelinksupporter @streets-in-paradise
Word count: 2.3K
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Junior didn’t mean for things to get this far. 
Chucky wanted him to kill his dad but he couldn’t. How could he? Sure, his dad was mean sometimes. Sure, he put Junior on a diet and was constantly having him run laps. Sure, if his dad was angry he would grip onto Junior’s shoulders so tightly that he would leave bruises—bruises that would be obvious right now if he didn’t have a shirt on. But that didn’t mean that he wanted to kill the only adult left in his family. 
And then his dad called him and his mom a “quitter”. 
What happened next was something he couldn’t quite process just yet. 
His dad started to go downstairs and without thinking, Junior’s temper got the best of him. 
He pushed him down the stairs. 
His dad stumbled forward and then fell, smacking his head what looked like a hundred times before finally making it to the bottom…
…and a pool of blood began forming from his skull and slowly surrounding his body. 
After that, it was like a blur.
Everything seemed to go far too fast for Junior to control and the next thing he knew, he was at Chucky’s house with that blonde woman that looked so familiar, Tiffany.
Wasn’t he supposed to feel different now? His dad was dead, Junior was finally free…but why didn’t he feel free? He didn’t feel safe. He couldn’t even eat the chocolate chip cookies that Tiffany gave him, his stomach was just twisting in knots. 
One door, one…two…three…four windows. He noted in his head, going back to a habit he had whenever his dad yelled at him, counting every single exit strategy he could find. 
It felt like he might need it, with all the Chucky dolls that were in the room and the other woman that called herself Chucky. Something about her seemed so bold yet also mean. But it’s not like Junior had anywhere else to go. He had no parents and he doubted that Jake would want to be around him. Junior was always a brat to him. Jake would rather be with Devon. 
Except Devon was tied to a chair right now and kept staring at Junior, wanting him to help him. But there wasn’t anything Junior could do, he was too afraid. He just had to keep looking away. 
At least Tiffany was nice to him, he could accept that. There was something almost motherly about her, but it made him want to cry if he focused too hard on that. 
He missed his mom so much…
“Well, I don’t see a lady.” Junior suddenly heard the woman Chucky say to Tiffany, having been so distracted that he missed almost the entire conversation. The way woman Chucky stood up and faced off to Tiffany reminded Junior far too much of his father’s intimidating stance. 
Before he had time to really try and find more similarities, Tiffany smacked the woman Chucky so hard she fell to the floor and the slap was almost loud enough to echo in the entire room. 
Junior gasped and jumped, his eyes now locked on the fallen woman. Then, it was like something strange happened. She seemed to have woken up, looked around the room in both confusion and horror, and then looked right at him. 
Suddenly, she didn’t look like she did before. She looked almost afraid and panicked. 
Maybe it was because Tiffany hit her? He thought to himself. 
Then Chucky, the one in the doll that Junior had been carrying on him until he got to the house, told Tiffany to kill her. 
Tiffany looked like she was about to cry but the woman Chucky didn’t look at her. She kept looking at Junior instead, staring at him in a way as if she was trying to figure out why he was here. But she should’ve known that since he had been there for almost an hour, right? 
“Junior, kill her!” 
Junior was snapped out of it, blinking a few times as he stared at the doll. “W…what?”
“Come on, you already bumped your dad off already! She shouldn’t be any different, she can’t even move!” Chucky snapped at him, once again reminiscent of his father. 
Junior looked down at the woman again and she was shaking her head just slightly. This time instead of looking fearful, she held a comforting gaze, whispering something to him about how it was going to be okay. He wasn’t sure if that was actually what she was saying, there was a roaring in his ears and his heart was racing far too fast. He couldn’t breathe and soon his vision blurred with tears filling his eyes. 
I don’t want to do this! 
I don’t want to kill anyone!
I just want Jake! 
I want my mom! 
I want to go home!
A small squeak of distress left Junior’s lips and then Tiffany was lunging at the doll Chucky with what looked to be a small knife in her hand. Before he could keep watching, the woman Chucky’s hand grasped onto his shirt and tugged him down, moving to his knees. Then her hands were around his face, a gentle grip on him to keep his face right in front of hers. 
“Look at me, okay?” She said quickly. “Don’t look behind me, just look at me. You don’t need to see that.” 
She was probably right because Junior wasn’t sure if he did want to see since he could hear both Tiffany and doll Chucky screaming, so he kept his eyes on the other woman. 
“What’s your name?” 
“What’s your name, kiddo?” 
“J-Junior…Junior Wheeler.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, Junior. I’m Nica, Nica Pierce.” 
“I thought your name was Chu—” 
“I’m not him,” Nica quickly said, “He…he’s not here right now, I am. I won’t hurt you, I promise.” She spoke in a reassuring tone and even though Junior wasn’t sure if he believed her, something about her genuine eyes made him think that he’ll be okay. 
“How old are you?” She asked this time. 
“You’re so young…are you in fourth grade?” 
Junior shook his head. “Third.” 
“What’s your favorite subject?” 
“English…I like reading.” 
“That’s good, reading is really important.” Nica smiled softly at him and Junior couldn’t help but to return the smile. 
“Do you like music?” 
“Yeah, I do.” 
“What’s your favorite song?” 
“...‘We Got The Beat’ by The Go-Go’s.” 
“The Go-Go’s? You got good taste, kid.” She chuckled a little. 
Chucky’s voice screaming out cut off the questions, “YOU FUCKI–!” 
Nica’s hands moved up from his cheeks to his ears, cupping them in an attempt to block the sound of the angry doll’s cursing. Junior couldn’t hear what exactly she was saying but through the muffled noise, he could understand enough that she was telling him that it’ll be okay and to breathe. 
He didn’t understand the “breathe” part at first until he noticed that his breathing had picked up again. Junior kept looking at Nica and started mimicking her own breathing, in through his nose and out through his mouth. The more he looked at her, the more he realized that her eyes were gentle and comforting, as if all she cared about in that moment was him. 
It reminded him so much of the way his mom would look at him. 
And somehow, in all that chaos, he started to feel safe. 
For just a brief moment, Junior looked over Nica’s shoulder to see Tiffany starting to approach them, a needle in her hand. “What are you doing?” He blurted out without thinking, not entirely sure if the needle was meant for him or for her. 
Nica seemed to know the answer because she whipped and immediately moved herself up enough–somehow not moving her legs despite Junior having seen her walking before–to shield him with her own body, and even had her arms out to make sure he stayed behind her. “Tiffany, please. Let Junior go. He’s just a child.” 
“I’m not gonna hurt him! I’d never hurt him,” Tiffany said as she waved around the needle, certainly not making Junior feel relieved over her comment, “besides, he has no father anymore. No mother. And every little boy needs a mother.” 
“And you think you’ll be a good enough mother for him? Tiffany, you’re a murderer.” Nica spat out, venom in her voice. 
“So is he,” Tiffany retorted in a casual tone, “he pushed his daddy down the stairs. He already has such great potential!” 
“I didn’t mean to…” Junior whispered so quietly he barely heard himself. But Nica must have, because she didn’t move away from him at all. In fact, she moved herself just enough that she almost completely blocked his view of Tiffany with her head. 
“You manipulated him,” Nica started, “you and Chucky both did. What he needs is stability and he sure isn’t going to get it from you.” 
“Of course he will! He’ll be with us!” Tiffany replied enthusiastically and took another step closer to the both of them. “My twins are getting older, they’ll be adults soon and they’re off doing their own things. But with you…we can start over! We can raise Junior and be a happy little family!” 
Twins? Junior thought to himself, unaware that Tiffany and possibly even Chucky had children. What did that mean? Were they humans like Tiffany? Or dolls like Chucky? Junior doubted he’d get an answer nor did he fully believe that he wanted an answer anyway. 
Once again looking over someone’s shoulder, there was a man. He didn’t recognize him but there was a gun in his hand, looking at Devon and then at the three of them. Junior opened his mouth to say something but Nica beat him to it. 
“You really think that you’re capable of having a family and being happy?” Nica laughed sarcastically, almost sounding like Chucky for a moment. “You’re not. Everything you touch, you destroy. You don’t know how to love…and you certainly don’t deserve love either.” 
Tiffany looked at Nica as if she had been the one to get slapped, shaking her head with tears now in her eyes. “No…that’s not you saying that, Nica baby. That’s Chucky.”
Nica leaned a little more forward to face Tiffany, away from Junior and he was now able to see the man getting closer as quietly as he could until he was almost right behind Tiffany. “Oh no, Tiff…this is all me. Not Chucky. Me.” She said strongly, keeping herself in front of Junior. 
Before Tiffany could do anything, the other end of the gun that the man was holding connected to her head. He must have hit her much harder than when she hit Nica just a few minutes ago because she was unconscious before hitting the ground. 
There was silence for maybe a second or two before the man pointed his gun at Nica. “Kid, get away from her!”
Junior’s eyes widened and he tried to throw himself in front of Nica. “No!” 
His attempt failed because Nica immediately used her arm to push him back behind her. “Junior, stay back!” She told him quickly and kept herself in front of him in a protective manner. 
The man still had the gun pointed at them, more at Nica but Junior was right behind her, but she began speaking to the man. “You’re Andy, right?” Nica asked him and Junior supposed that she took his silence for a yes. “I’m Nica. Chucky, he-he possessed me but I’m not him, I’m me. I’m in control right now.” 
The man—Andy—didn’t seem to believe her so Junior managed to speak up. “It’s-it’s true…Tiffany hit her and then she was Nica. She’s nice to me…please don’t kill her…please…” 
Junior started to find it hard to breathe, tears filling his eyes once more just as Nica spoke again. “Andy, please. I’m not going to hurt anyone, just please put the gun down…you’re scaring him.” 
Andy looked right at Junior, not saying anything before he slowly lowered his gun and Junior felt like he could breathe again. “Are you Junior?” Andy asked him and he nodded after a moment. “Your cousin, Jake, told me to find you.” 
Jake’s okay…he wanted to find me…I’m not a brat to him! He must love me then! Junior thought to himself but decided not to voice them out loud. Instead, he looked over at Devon and pointed at him. “Chucky tied Devon up. He needs help.” 
Andy nodded and put his gun in his pocket, going over to untie Devon. Junior managed to hear Nica quietly say something along the lines of, “Did I do that?” before she turned her attention back to Junior and cupped his face softly. “You okay, honey?” 
“Uh huh.” He nodded, no longer feeling like he was about to burst into tears. That was a good thing, his father would complain about him not being a man if he did end up crying. 
Nica smiled gently at him, her eyes so caring. “We’re going to get you out of here, okay? You’re gonna be back with your cousin and be safe and sound before you know it.”
“But…what about you? You’re coming with me, right?” 
“I can’t stay here, I don’t know what Tiffany will do to me. So I’ll be leaving too,” Nica reassured him and smiled at Junior again, “we’ll figure everything out together. You ready to go, Jun?” 
He didn’t know what was going to happen next. Where he or Jake will go, what will happen to Nica. He hated not knowing. But he didn’t have any other choice. He couldn’t stay here. He couldn’t stay with killers even though he was one now. 
So Junior nodded and looked at Nica as bravely as he could. 
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 8 months
Another baby bat ask!
When the babies each said their first words, which ones said "mama" and which said "papa"? Or did some of them say something completely different?
Lav, if you keep feeding my Baby Bat infodumps we're all doomed.. 🙈🩷🩷
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Each of the Babies First Word?
Anastasia's first word was... I suppose in some way was 'Dad'. She called David 'Dav' and he wasn't sure if it was her trying to pronounce his name, or pronounce the word dad. All he knew is that he was not a fan and he did everything to get her to say Daddy or Papa or anything other than Dav. 😭 Chrysta thought it was darling cause randomly during the day she'd just wake up to the sounds of Annie crawling around shouting: "Dav? Dav!" Till he assisted her.
Jennifers first word was 'Mama!' Except it was used with the wrong person. Since Chrysta was recovering a lot after Jenny was born, Dwayne spent that time doing his best taking care of his girls and watching Jen more often... So guess who she started calling Mama? Dwayne did his best to teach her he was quite the opposite of who her mother was- but that didn't start setting in until she was around two-ish.
Paul did EVERYTHING to get Tiffany's first word to be 'Papa'. Reading her stories and enunciating the word 'Dad' or 'Daddy' and pointing out the father figure character or animal, but no matter what he did, all he got in return was 'Mama!' Which was followed by a muttered "Fuck!" From Paul... And then one night at the boardwalk, when Tiff tripped while follow after Marko, she suddenly exclaimed every loudly: "Fuck!"
Katherine's first word was also Mama! She picked up the habit from Marko, calling Chrysta that and even before she was born. He always says "Goodnight Mama." Extending the 'O's in Good, which is always followed by a little: "Guuuud night mama!" By Kat. 🥺 She also learned 'Papa' soon after and Marko was ecstatic.
Chris's first word was... Something that David wasn't very joyous about. He left him alone with Marko and Paul for TWO minutes, and came back to the two of them grinning like Devils, with a little Chris in their arms rewarded with a lollipop he was contentedly gnawing on. And before David could say anything, from his sweet, darling boys mouth came: "Bith!" [Bitch]
David was gonna kill those two.
He spent a whole damn week trynna get this kid unconvinced he was getting more treats with that type of language... It was a long week. 💀 But he did finally say one word!
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tiffany-chan123 · 8 months
Tiffany's Fancuries For Your Consideration
Hey there folks! This is actually the fourth Fancuries that I'll be participating in, and my second "For Your Consideration" post that I've made during my time as not just a pretty cure fanseries creator but as a pretty cure fan.
Over the past couple of years, my cures and by extension fanseries tend to change a LOT, I have been trying to experiment with Kisekae and my drawn art more and I am planning on getting back into writing fanfiction and my fanseries (In fact I'm currently writing episode one of the main fanseries I'll be talking about in this very post)
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Deep within the reaches of cyberspace, there is a secret world known simply as Arcadia, a place where all video game characters around can travel to their own games freely. However, the land of Arcadia was soon under attack by the villainous "Dark Network" and their army of monstrous glitches wanting to take over their world. However, a sneaky and speedy rabbit named Riki and a fairy named Aruna end up making their way to the human world and end up running into a girl named Mariko Asoda, but with Riki and Aruna on the run from the Baguras, Riki hands Mariko a Pixel Curesette and she then transforms into the heroine of exciting Action, Cure Action! Filled with determination to save the gaming world of Arcadia as well as her own, Cure Action's truly wild adventure is about to begin. Now! Pretty Cure Game Start!
The main themes of this series deal with stuff like technology, cyberspace, and reality and fiction, while motifs include stuff like video games, pixels, and 90's aesthetics. I plan on releasing this fanseries on a few fanfic sites (AO3, Quotev, even Wattpad) and I do have a wiki for it, if you are wondering about what I used to make the cures and other characters, it's Kisekae a pretty well-known dollmaker software (It can be pretty NSFW though just keep that in mind, though there is an SFW version if I remember correctly), though two characters have been made with picrew, but enough about that let's get into...
The Cures!
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From Left to Right: Nene Kanemitsu, Mariko Asoda, Kayla Coleman, Aruna Yushi
Mariko Asoda / Cure Action (Pink)
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A fourteen-year-old student council member with a soft spot for video games, a big daydreamer, and a selfless escapist who just wants to help people like the video game heroes she loves, but has a big sense of righteousness about her, loves to over indulge in her hobbies and always expects gratitude from others. Has a bit of a habit of saying "Level Up!". Becoming Cure Action, she is themed after action games and platformers and has fire powers.
Kayla Coleman / Cure Puzzle (Green)
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A fifteen-year-old foreign exchange student originally from Brooklyn, New York, and despite her quiet disposition she is very much a crafty inventor type who has a love for crafting new ideas, despite that confident mask she wears, she is a massive introvert with some slight confidence issues, with a love for sarcasm and darker topics and just wants to be accepted and loved by others for the games she creates and codes. When she becomes Cure Puzzle, she gains the powers of the earth via stones and tetrominoes, and is themed after puzzle games.
Nene Kanemitsu / Cure Song (Yellow)
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The daughter of the creator of the famous game mascot Riki the Rabbit, Nene is well-known as a passionate and competitive professional gamer who is a regular at the Skyblue arcade center, especially when it comes to rhythm games. Nene essentially acts as the mood maker of the group, going through life with a rather positive and takes life and everyday situations through good humor and optimism, but has a big obsession with idols and isn't afraid to talk about her hyper fixations for a long time, can be a bit careless, short-tempered, boisterous, and is not good with money at all. As Cure Song, she is themed after Rhythm Games and has the power of sound.
Aruna / Aru Yuushi / Cure Hero (Blue)
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Originally known as the fairy priestess Aruna, a character that originated from the video game RPG Valianta Quest X, she made her home in the Pixel Pocket (Basically the transformation items of the season) after she was saved by Riki, who always wanted to become a knight out of the want to truly help out her kingdom, she eventually transformed into a human via learning a spell. A very defensive girl with a hard shell and tries to convey a heroic and yet cool image, but is a way more sensitive person underneath it all. As Cure Hero, she is themed after Adventure games and RPG's, and wields the power of light via the Bravery Sword, instead of the Virtual Sticks the cures normally use.
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The protagonist of a popular platformer game series that Mariko is a big fan of. Riki can move at super fast speeds and pick things up with his ears, who is adventurous, lively, and a bit of an adrenaline junkie.
Princess Dahlia
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The fair and sweet ruler of the Bloomfield kingdom, and despite her dainty and cutesy appearance, she is actually the leader of the resistance fighting against the “Dark Network” in Arcadia, in which she comes from the popular puzzle game “Puzzle De Puyo”.
Fumio Kanemitsu
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Nene’s father and the man who created Riki the Rabbit, and currently works as a programmer for the video game company Kurotaki, moody, fickle, changeable, and obviously weirded out by the fact his creation is real, he ends up becoming a big ally to the team, mainly due to his knowledge about programming.
The Dark Network Fuguerror A mysterious glitchy being hidden within dark depths of cyberspace, he is a cruel, cunning, and yet oddly playful being, and is the one the Dark Network are trying to essentially complete, and summon him mainly via collecting Digi Data.
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Leader of the generals and the one who founded the Dark Network group in the first place after discovering Fuguerror, a rather seductive and devious enchantress who is known for her self centered-ness, her love of making her presence known, and getting a kick out of seeing people enraged and essentially teasing her enemies, she's also known for her love of making very odd smelling (And toxic!) "perfume". Belladonna comes from the medieval beat em up game "Radira Fight Knights"
Doctor Serpentine
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Riki the Rabbit's number one adversary and a rather dastardly mad scientist taking the form of a snake, he mostly tries to take down foes with the many robotic suits he builds, and he loves flaunting his intelligence skill in robotics, despite his aggressive way of speaking to others. Nikto
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A rather cunning if rather short wizard. Nikto acts as a mediator between the villainous group and tends to try and take Belladonna down the peg a little, he's also very skilled at magic, especially when it comes to illusions and trickery which he often tries to take advantage of to his own benefits, and really doesn't like it when people make fun of his height. He is the main villain of the famous RPG "Valianta Quest V". Adalram
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A Mysterious Swordsman with a wide set of tools, and a man who is a rather flirty soul who likes to use his wit and charm to recruit other villains to Dark Network's cause, but he is dedicated to protecting the other members, namely Miss Belladonna. He comes from the popular adventure game series "Secret Sword".
~~~ And do you think this is the only fanseries I have...No, I have another, a Ninja, family and Japanese mythology-based fanseries, that being... Doron! Kunoichi Precure!
I haven't made a logo for the fanseries yet and I don't have a lot of designs for it (Only the cures have been designed so far), so please bear with me.
For nineteen generations, the Kaminarimon school of ninjas have been protecting both Earth and the Celestial Plains from the Kagemashu Army of yokai, creatures who emerge from the shadowy depths of the underworld to cause fear and terror to those around them. But when it seemed that the nineteenth generation of ninja had finally sealed Nurarihyon and his army for good, one yokai ended up breaking the seal years later with the Kagemashu beginning their attacks again, with the current head of the Kaminarimon household Shosuke, and his daughter Tomoe beginning a plan to recruit some new legendary ninja to combat the new threat. And when a compassionate middle school girl named Shinobu Fuuno ends up stumbling upon a scroll hidden within the back of a shrine near the Kaminarimon household, and she ends up summoning five friendly spirits but ends up running into Nopperabo and the Kagemashu’s deadly monsters the Maganoke, however with the help of the Doron Commune she transforms into the legendary ninja of the wind, Cure Shippu! Protecting the Earth from evil, hiding deep within the shadows, now change! Precure let’s ninja GO!
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From left to right: Tomoe Kaminarimon, Fujiko Takayama, Shinobu Fuuno, Hiyori Hinomiya, Kozue Kobayashi
Shinobu Fuuno / Cure Shippu (Pink)
An airy girl with a love for Japanese Traditions as well as Samurai and Ninja Dramas (with her father being an actor in these drama’s himself in the past), she prefers not standing out among her classmates though can't help but run her mouth when she feels like it, but wants to find out what happened to her mother. Has the habit of saying “Feel the wind!” and as Cure Shippu, she wields the power of the wind.
Kozue Kobayashi / Cure Shinrin (Green)
A sensible, tall, reliable, and yet traditional girl akin to a Yamato Nadeshiko, Kozue is good at giving advice to others and is a geisha in training aside from her pretty cure duties and has a love for familiarity and making wagashi…However, she is a massive party animal and is terrible with technology, and such her fellow piers at her geisha training look down upon her because of it, and as Cure Shinrin, she wields the power of wood.
Hiyori Hinomiya / Cure Rekka (Red)
A Shrine Maiden working at a local shrine with a bit of a hot-blooded and passionate flair, she is skilled at archery and is very action-oriented, and can be a bit prideful and impulsive despite her being a bit responsible and mature. Is a bit jealous of Shinobu being the leader and has a habit of setting high standards for herself, mainly due to the fact she was chosen because her sister (Who was going to become a cure) had fallen ill at the time, and as Cure Rekka, she wields the power of fire.
Fujiko Takayama / Cure Gunzan (Blue)
A very emotional yet secretive and sensitive girl who is rather knowledgeable though with a bit of a hard shell, but can have her moments where she can get more than a bit dramatic, mainly because of her theater-loving background and has a soft spot for folklore, especially spirits, and yokai, and as Cure Gunzan she wields the power of the earth.
Tomoe Kaminarimon / Cure Raitei (Yellow)
The future head of the Kaminarimon household and a woman who acts as the mentor to the cures, and while she does have a rather cold and strict exterior, she actually has a rather adventurous and even unpredictable and spontaneous side to her, akin to that of lightning, which she wields as Cure Raitei.
Unfortunately, I only have basic ideas for the other characters currently. I'm planning on the mascots essentially being small spirit gods from the Celestial Plains which are ruled by the big good Amaterasu (Yes, the Shinto Sun Goddess herself). The villains I do have more ideas for, with them basically being a sort of criminal organization of Yokai with each general being based on one (The Nine-Tailed Fox, Tengu, Oni, etc.) with the big bad being Nurarihyon. But Aside from the cures I haven't designed em. ~~~ And that's all I have been mainly working on so far in terms of Fanseries, really hope you all have enjoyed reading this post, as much as I had fun making it.
See you later guys, gals, and enby pals alike!
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
Richie Jerimovich — summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: Love that most of y’all are coming around when it comes to Richie but what’s understood doesn’t need to be explained! Anyways after watching this eye-opening season, it was easy to be inspired for this piece so I hope you enjoy this.
SYNOPSIS: Richie’s found his purpose and doesn’t want to reflect on the past (much) but is looking towards a better future…which may include baby steps to outsiders but it means everything to him.
WARNINGS: language ofc it’s the bear & me we’re talking about, mentions of drugs & anxiety, mentions of slight sexual themes, and a little heaviness but mostly two goof balls expressing their love for each together.
Decided to throw a prompt into the mix as well so I’m using: “can we make cookies?” “it is 92 degrees outside, no!” 
*GIF BELONGS TO: @p3iyin9 *
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[July 10th]
[4 months, 14 days later…]
It’s her birthday and she’s here.
She’s not alone and Richie’s half expecting her to be here with some new guy, some guy that’s more around her age and has their shit together. It’s a bitter thought to have but he can’t lie and say that it didn’t occur, the constant insecurity of not being good enough.
He knows it’s his own fault, he’s the one who pushed her away not long after she welcomed him between her thighs during a brutal winter. The details were vivid even with his eyes wide open, burning into space. He wanted to be angry being so intimate with someone else when there was always the thought of his first love on his mind.
His ex-wife.
He was still hurting from being officially divorced for about a year now (separated for three) and she was moving on he learned. It was bound to happen, a woman with a heart like her’s? Richie wasn’t sure why he was still holding on to hope for them to rekindle their relationship. He wanted it to work but he was the constant screw up and Tiffany deserved better…he just didn’t expect it to be with some construction owning guy named Frank.
Richie already didn’t trust him.
It was the common tale of curing a broken heart, trying to get underneath someone else to get over someone, to feel anything else but the continuing ache that sat on the left side of his chest.
Freya Mazari was someone Richie met not long after “the thing with Tiff,” happened, outside of a bar that was famous for bourbon and risqué wall art. He spotted her outside at the start of summer on a surprisingly quiet sidewalk cracking her knuckles—out of a possible bad habit, blue bruise the side of an apple on her cheek, and a unlit spliff tapping against her thigh afterwards as she seemed to be mumbling some lyrics to a Busta Rhymes song.
That was the first thing that had him sold on their soon growing friendship.
Freya’s surrounded by a group of diverse women who are laughing it up over drinks while Freya is standing; embracing Sugar and falling into smile-filled chatter with the blonde. Richie instantly feels a pull to head over there himself but be figures he can just get entail from Sugar later. Carmy’s been over to Freya’s table already, handing out a, “it’s on the house,” birthday special but they still weren’t on the best terms really. It was strictly business now and that was something Richie never wanted to be part of.
A strict relationship with a family member—except for uncle Jimmy of course, he really had no choice with that one. That night back on opening day in May, seemed to be something they couldn’t get pass just yet and that was another hard pill for Richie to swallow.
Carmy messing up something good on the surface level and taking it out on everybody else with his mouth, changed the trajectory of their relationship.
Would it be forever? Richie couldn’t tell you.
Nonetheless he wasn’t here at the bear to talk about need-a-diaper carmy. Right now? He needed to figure out how to handle this…this distance with the woman he considered his close friend.
He’ll deal with that family shit in due time, don’t worry.
“Who are we hiding from?” A familiar voice causes Richie to clench his eyes shut.
He doesn’t have to peer down at the shorter tatted man who’s behind him as he says, “I’m not hiding from nobody.”
“Really? Because it looks like you’re creeping on…Freya! Yeah Freya over there. Do you know it’s her birthday today? We had the best birthday hug, she may even be a better hugger than me.” Fak informs the taller blue eyed tux wearing man.
Richie pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, “of course I know its her—what did I tell you about touching things that don’t belong to you?”
He battled with himself countless of times this entire morning to call her up but ultimately fought against himself to just do it.
Fak hummed, “hey, she’s my friend too! And doesn’t belong to either of us but we’re included in her life and it’s her birthday! I’m sure she’ll be happy to receive a birthday wish from you too.”
“I can’t say I agree with you on that.”
“Why not? Oh…it’s because you guys did the dance with no pants—
Richie’s hands immediately slaps over the animated man’s mouth and starts talking to him calmly, “what did I say? To not ever mention that shit here at the original bear.”
That’s Richie’s new spin on the restaurant name, yes there are shirts on the way!
Patience is key.
Fak hummed as Richie scolded him. It wasn’t that big of a deal in the first place on Fak’s side of things. He was just thrilled that Richie was involved in being intimate with someone he cared about for once…compared to the others that shall not be named. Fak thought Freya and Richie could be something great but he wasn’t aware what Richie was so scared of.
“Yuck! Did you just lick my hand you—
Richie shook his hand about, halting himself from saying something insulting. Sometimes it just slipped out but he was doing much better and it was usually a place out of love when it came to Fak. He was like a puppy in training, always excited and doing whatever came to mind but most of the time you had to lure him to take a fucking nap.
“Yeah I did! Just go talk to her! Make her dreams come true.”
“Fuck are you talking about? Do I look like Hall & Oates to you? Like I’m her dream guy or somethin’?”
“Hey, I thought we weren’t doing this. I don’t like you talking down on yourself buddy! You need to go into the restroom and give yourself a quick pep talk in the mirror.” Fak ordered, pointing in the direction of the restrooms.
Richie blew out a raspberry at Fak’s encouragement. He didn’t take him serious but once the man started shoving him about, Richie was all elbows flying and slap-fight inflicting between the two.
Sydney calls from the kitchen, “Hey! What’re you two doing? Aren’t you supposed to be up front?”
“Sugar’s up front.” Richie informs with a slight turn to face the braided woman.
Fak immediately straightens up, not providing much answers, “Yes ma’am! I mean chef.”
Sydney blinks at the two, wondering why they’re not moving, leaving Fak to take a few deep breaths before slapping Richie on the chest as he mutters, “Taking one for the team again! You’re welcome and get it together!”
“Don’t tell me what to do, Fak.”
Fak shrugs his shoulders and spins to leave the entry way of the kitchen, while the pace of the kitchen has started to slow down the movements are still precise. It’s late, after ten pm and there’s about three to five parties left, which means closing time should be wrapping up within the next thirty to forty-five minutes.
Business was booming still almost two months later but the rush always seemed to slow down once the late nights arrived. The Bear was formerly known as mainly a lunch or late lunch spot but after this new reno, dinner became much more important.
“Richie,” Sydney steps away from her spot behind the stand, “Everything good?”
Richie exhales as he mutters, “Freya’s out there.”
“I heard.”
He fidgets then.
“Have you talked to her? It’s her birthday.”
“I’m aware, I put in the word for Marcus to give her a little piece of home since I also hear she’s a little homesick. Mkhabez.” Sydney tells Richie, as she eyes the jittery man.
Richie chews on his fingernail in thought, “right that’s some type of cookie. Almond cookie? She told me about how her uh, Jidda used to make them for her as a little girl with her siblings back in Algeria.”
Sydney nodded her head, “yeah…are you okay?”
“Not to be an asshole but you look like you’re gonna pass out or hurl and if you are, please give me a fair warning so you don’t ruin my coat.” Sydney cautiously took a step back as Richie used the back of his hand to wipe at the beads of sweat on his forehead and not because of the heat in the kitchen.
Richie scoffs, “No need to worry, Chef. I’m not gonna empty my belly or pop a smooth criminal lean. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way. I probably need to pop another xan.”
“Uh, that’s probably something you shouldn’t mention to me.”
“Why? You’re not gonna snitch on me, are you?”
“No…but I might snoop through your stuff and fry them all in a pan.” Sydney honestly says while she folds her arms as Richie peers at her.
“You wouldn’t.”
“I could,” Sydney challenged, “if you need a minute take it but you can’t run forever.”
“Who says I’m runnin’?”
“It’s pretty obvious,” Sydney states, “and you just need to rip whatever this is off like a band aid, you’ll feel better afterwards.”
“And what if I don’t?”
Sydney pauses with her arms still folded before she peeks around at the remaining chefs in the kitchen, Carmy not in sight before she whispers back up at him, “then fuck it, at least you tried.”
Richie can’t help but to snort out some laughter before he claps two hands down on Sydney’s shoulders, giving them a squeeze, “Well thanks for that, Syd.”
“Sure, whatever. Now get out of my kitchen.”
“Our!” Richie points.
Sydney nods her head from side to side with a playful roll of her eyes as Richie clicks his tongue at her. Down the hall he goes in search of the bathroom to in fact, give himself a pep talk but most importantly to calm down.
Richie’s disappeared for over half an hour. He didn’t realize it until Carmy barged in to see him sitting on the bathroom sink.
“I said I’m in here!”
“Yeah, with your ass in the sink.” Carmy’s tone is monotone but quick to point out, “which is unsanitary by the way.”
Richie can’t help but to roll his eyes as he hops off then, fixing his tux before he slaps his face, bringing himself out his daze. He spins back around, getting another good look at his reflection for what felt like the thousandth time but he exhales and quietly excuses himself from around Carmy who appears as if he wants to say more.
But he doesn’t.
Richie’s steps echo in his ears as he circles around to the dining area. He hasn’t realized how long he locked himself away until he’s in the room, half of the chairs flipped up onto the tables with lofi music playing through the speakers.
He can only guess who picked this shit.
A blonde pregnant lady probably.
“Damn.” Richie rubs at his mouth in frustration, briefly noticing the booth Freya previously sat in was now empty.
That didn’t lift the weight to now know that she was gone for the night. In fact it made him feel worse, that he didn’t have the nerve to just walk up to her and talk.
You know? like friends were supposed to be able to do.
His skin is red as he pinches at it in aggravation, until he picks up on the sound of heels slowly clacking against the floor. His breathing hitches as he lifts his head to meet Freya’s dark sharp eyes.
“Hey,” Richie chest feels tight but he breathes, “I thought you scrammed outta here with your girls.”
She shakes her head as she keeps some distance between the two, “some of them have early mornings tomorrow and the rest I told to just go home. I was hoping to run into you actually.”
Richie swallows as she steps forward, “why? To smash some cake in my face?”
“Now there’s an idea.” She lightly laughs and it sounds like Christmas bells, “but no, I wanted to see you.”
Richie quirked up a brow as he carefully moved out of the way so Freya could grab her things, “…really?”
“Yeah, we have some things to talk about.” Freya slips her bag over her shoulder, “Like you ghosting me for one.”
Richie rolls his head up to the ceiling, “yeah, about that—
“Let’s go for a late night walk.”
“How about a late night drive since I know your feet are hurting or about to be soon,” Richie looks at Freya’s fit, knowing she wasn’t much of a heels wearing woman (although she wears them very well) preferring sneakers more than anything on her feet.
Freya laughs as she sways a bit, probably a little tipsy, “you’re not wrong about that…so get your keys and take me to yours.”
“Mine,” Richie questions while pointing to himself, “I dunno what kinda guy you take me for—
“Oh Shut up, I’m not giving you any of this birthday cake.” She poses in her fitted dress, “I’m only propositioning a conversation between Richard and the birthday girl.”
“Yeah you giving this a whole title isn’t helping the innuendo, baby.”
“And neither are you in that tux,” Freya smoothes down the arm of it before placing her hands back on the strap of her bag, “Didn’t get the chance to tell you last time face to face but you clean up very nice, Richard.”
Richie gives a grin as he says, “Give me two minutes.”
Which leads to the pair pulling up to Richie’s condo/apartment. It’s normally too quiet at night for his liking, especially when he’s not jamming out with Eva here. After unlocking the front door, he holds his arm out for Freya to lead the way, which she has no issue doing, a natural sway in her steps as she walks down the foyer bare footed now.
“I’ll put the AC on.” Richie rushes out as Freya makes herself at home, placing her shoes against the couch and plopping down on the couch with a sigh.
He messes around with the finicky thermostat until it chokes out some cool air from the vents in the ceiling above, battling against the humidity in his two bedroom home.
“What can I get you? I’ve got beer, Gatorade, tap and—
“Orange juice?” Freya asks as she lays down on the couch, one arm is held up and over her head, eyes closed for a moment.
“Yeah I’ve got that too,” Richie responds from around the corner in his kitchen.
It’s about ten minutes until eleven and Freya is all yawns as Richie arrives back into the living room, holding two red cups, one filled with ice and OJ just how Freya likes it and one just filled with the orange liquid. He sits down beside her as she sits up and moves over to give the man some room in his own house.
She’s gulping the cold juice down and licks at the top of her lip before placing it down on the side table, “you need coasters.”
“Ah, just use some toilet paper.”
Freya crinkles her nose, pressing her fist into the side of her head as she rests back against the couch, just eyeing Richie who is looking forward at everything else but her. The cold air is wheezing but there’s relief filling the room, in contrast to what Richie maybe feeling.
“This silence is killing me, Richard!” Freya pokes his thigh with her seashell painted toe, “just talk to me already, will you?”
“Okay…how’s the birthday going?”
Freya honestly says, “I’m a little sad my mum didn’t call.”
That gets Richie to look at Freya then. Although their friendship was still fairly new, he knew that seemed unlikely for Freya’s mother out in North London to forget her eldest’ birthday. Of course it was possible, Richie didn’t have the best relationship with his own neglectful mother, hasn’t spoken to her in years or knows where she even fucked off to but it seemed like Freya at least communicated with her mother across the ocean on a daily basis.
“Has your brother or sister been in contact with her?”
“Oh yeah, she was in the background on FaceTime with my sister. Not even a hello but it’s probably because I told her I couldn’t send her any money a few weeks ago. Whatever.” Freya shrugs her shoulders.
She was a dental hygienist assistant and didn’t care for her job much but the pay and benefits were decent enough in this economy.
Freya was originally born in Algiers to a father that worked in labor and manufacturing while her mother was a stay at home mom, mostly due to a disability she faced as a child. Money wasn’t the best growing up so it wasn’t until Freya was about twelve when her father moved her, her mother, and her baby sister to London where they stayed with Freya’s maternal aunt for a few months until they got into their own flat. Her brother stayed with her father for awhile until they soon started making their visits.
Eventually her father decided to let the brother stay there while he continued making money and hoping for better work in London. However there were a few opportunities but it seemed like Freya’s father kept turning it down, just to find out he was participating in extramarital affairs behind her mother’s back. Not long after that, her mother stepped up to work with aching joints at a sporting goods store to provide for her three kids.
Freya as the eldest was also used to working underneath the table so it was no different in the UK. She learned quickly how to provide for her family too.
After that they learned her father had fallen ill due to his diabetes and needed his leg amputated. When Freya was twenty-one and living in Toronto with a boyfriend, he was living in London with his sister-in-law and died from congestive heart failure. Freya’s upbringing wasn’t always so cloudy, there were sweet moments with her parents that she liked to hold dear to her heart but the reality is, you’ll always bring something from your childhood into your adulthood good or bad.
“I’m sorry. That sucks ass forreal.” Richie comments and Freya just deeply inhales.
“You know what else sucks?” She exhales, “Not having you around to talk to.”
Richie presses his elbows into his knees in thought, “I uh—I’m sorry about that too. I didn’t mean to, what did you say back at the spot? Ghost you? Yeah. I didn’t mean to do that, I was just dealing with some shit inside that didn’t really have anything to do with you.”
“So the sex wasn’t trash and I didn’t scare you off?”
“What? Are you kidding?!” Richie’s wide-eyed as he quickly looks back at Freya, who’s face is full of a smirk, that it makes the dent on the center of her chin more prominent.
He soon laughs, “you’re fucken annoying you know that?”
“I’m supposed to be. You’ve met your match,” Freya winks.
“It—I’m gonna be real with you. I panicked because it was you on top of—it was you—and not just some random one night stand. With those I never really felt anything unfortunately for me but with you—
“It was like the Fourth of July-ly-ly.”
Richie scoffs and rolls his eyes, “I’m all here for your confidence in my skills truly but shut up.”
Who was being annoying now? She was clearly talking about herself but whatever floats this man’s boat—which she already knew—BUT she’ll save you guys the details.
“I’ve been quiet for months and I’m just trying to help fill in the gaps, sheesh!” Freya flicks her black parted hair back over her shoulders.
Richie shakes his head at the thirty something year old woman who didn’t mind rambling even when she wasn’t tipsy.
“It’s just you know, I didn’t think I would ever feel something again after the d—the thing with tiff.”
Richie still couldn’t say it, although Tiffany was officially steering her life in the direction of a another man. He still couldn’t say “divorce” because then that would mean he would have to start his own healing of a end of a special era with a woman he deeply loved and created a precious life with.
It just fizzled out and damn it hurt.
“And you did with me,” Freya voiced and was understanding, “glad to know that wasn’t only one sided.”
Richie finds himself asking, “Did you tell that no good locked up son of a bitch about it?”
Freya’s ex was some abusive guy that landed himself in jail right after New Years and it wasn’t for him stalking, harassing, or hitting Freya. It was from attempted armed robbery and now he was serving time for it and Freya finally felt like she could breathe for once.
Richie knew the feeling of being held back.
Counting your breaths are actually helpful, shout-out to anger management!
“No. Did you?”
“That jagoff can choke!”
“I mean, did you tell Tiffany?”
“Fuck no! I needed to see how we were feeling about it first and it’s not like she tells me her every move—besides her getting engaged to some other guy.” Richie’s almost glaring now at the fact of the matter before fixing his tone some, “Which I guess she gets points for letting me know and if the bastard is gonna be around my kid full-time.”
Freya spoke, “You just never thought there would be someone else. I get it.”
“Never! For either of us, then you came along and then came Frank and it’s a constant loop of emotions but I’m happy to be in Eva’s life and to feel something other than dread when I step into the original bear.” Richie’s plucking his nail against the plastic cup, slightly anxious at being this vulnerable.
However Freya wasn’t one to judge much, sure she had her opinions and can get loud from time to time when she’s pissed off or passionate but she was usually open to hearing all perspectives before she said her peace. Richie’s view was not one she spoke much on, she listened, really listened like he needed someone to and offered words when it was time for him to hear them.
“That’s something to look forward to.”
“Yeah but I still miss you.” Richie rubbed at his face before saying, “I miss our friendship and I don’t know what to do about us after what we did…yet somethin’ inside is telling me that nows not really the time to be jumping into anything. I’m just figuring things out and I know that’s gotta count for something.”
“Which is fine, richie!” Freya says with a light shove to his shoulder, “I wasn’t chasing you down to force you to be with me or anything! I gave you the space you clearly needed. I know we both got our own shit to deal with but being with you helps put that on pause for awhile …even if it’s as friends. I’m here whenever you need me, you wanna vent and scream about shit, have at it. You don’t wanna talk? Let’s have a dance party instead. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I’ve got two, take your pick!”
Richie snorts at this but he honestly appreciates it. He almost forgot what it felt like to have a friend.
“Just don’t cancel me out for months at a time, and expect things to be normal without a conversation, you hear me you prick? I’m your friend, you can talk to me ya know? I want you to feel safe with me, confide in me.” Freya holds Richie’s navy eyes against her ink colored ones and Richie has to slap a hand over his mouth to hold back a sob.
Richie chokes out, “ugh! Why are you making me feel things?!”
“Because it’s cancer season and I love and respect our friendship. You held me down in my lowest and I’m gonna keep uplifting you during yours and your growth.” Freya places a hand over the one that’s resting on Richie’s own knee.
Freya goes on, “It’s not our time to be romantically involved and I’m quite okay with that but that doesn’t mean I suddenly stop caring for you.”
Richie pressed his chin into his shoulder, staring at her underneath his lashes, “Wow…you sure you don’t wanna make-out just to confirm that?”
“I knew you liked how I look in this dress.” Freya playfully runs her nails through his buzzed hair, “say it back though, tell me you care just as much.”
There’s that “words of affirmation” shit people talk about right? Garrett would probably find this amusing.
He gently rests a rough hand against her cheek, “You know I do but I’m gonna say it anyways since you wanna be mushy as fuck right now. Thanks for everything and coming into my life, I care a lot about you and us. Your heart is beautiful and you’re my friend who also happens to be a total smoke show! I know you must feel amazing in that dress, you wear it well.”
“Thanks, good looking!” She winks.
“Act like you know,” Richie smirks.
“Oh, please!”
Richie hyped himself up with a roll of his shoulders, “Look good, feel good.”
They share a laugh staring at each other with Freya balled up beside him and Richie just enjoying her company. He wasn’t sure what to make of this but he didn’t have to have all the answers tonight. This Freya also confirmed.
He was just happy to be around her again and to have her be part of his journey.
She pops up then, “Can we make cookies?”
“Didn’t you just have some back at the restaurant?” Richie asks before saying, “It’s 92 degrees outside, no!”
“That was much earlier, though.” Freya argues, eyes darting to the side as she thinks about it.
It really was a lovely day to spend her birthday, although she wasn’t on a boat somewhere in Monaco or Miami…it was a somewhat chill day.
“Didn’t you already have some cookies at the restaurant?”
He knew she was a hungry drunk but she was nowhere near drunk, shockingly on her day.
“So? If you don’t know how to make some basic chocolate chip cookies just say that.”
Richie scoffed, “What?! Who said that? I make the best got damn cookies ever, just ask Eva.”
“She’s probably sleeping?”
“…fuck, you’re right.”
He definitely would have called her up if it wasn’t passed her bedtime.
“Well? What’re you waiting for?” She kicks his thigh again.
Richie pressed his forehead against Freya’s as he hollered, “Game on, Queen Elizabeth!”
“Don’t you ever!” She tapped his jaw and pointed at him.
Richie moved his jaw along blinking, “I’m sorry! I forgot.”
Thats how the late night evening included making homemade cookies, with Richie hovering over his phone trying to read off ingredients to Freya as they made a mess of his kitchen.
“Where’s the dark chocolate?” Freya searched Richie’s cabinets and drawers while Richie tried to keep his eyes away from the kitchen door, where he had Freya propped up against with him down on his knees.
“What? I said salt?” Richie’s eyes followed the woman as she moved around the kitchen as if she were being timed, “I dunno where the hell you got dark chocolate from.”
“We can do dark chocolate since it’s superior and a pinch of sea salt?”
Lines appeared against the skin of Richie’s forehead as he raised his brows, “How about hell no, Betty Crocker?”
“Who made you the number one cookie critic?” Freya gibed as she gently closed the drawers shut with her hips.
Richie taunts, “your mother!”
Middle fingers and a sarcastic smile later were handed right over to the 6’1 man, “Piss off, Richard!”
“Well…whadda want to do? Eva and I ate up all the last of the candy I had here. She might be coming to see you soon actually but don’t tell tiff that if you happen to see her, alright?” Richie slaps the palms of his hands against his kitchen counter.
Freya let’s out a dramatic sigh as she begins pacing on her side of the counter. She stops to lean her elbows against the counter and looks at the plastic large bowl in front of richie. Still sighing Freya reaches over to use the smaller spoon that was off to the side to dip into the batter.
Hey, Freya was no baker or chef but she liked looking at the consistency and details of things. Turning it to show to Richie, she takes one finger and flicks the spoon back so the batter can fling forward and stick right on Richie’s nose.
She’s cackling at the image of Richie closing his eyes shut in disbelief. His tongue goes out then to lick some of it off before swiping it away with his fingertips. He stares hard at a laughing Freya, who has her head thrown back, hugging herself while Richie is focused on his next move.
He’s carefully taking his jacket off now, smoothing it down before using his long limbs to toss it over at the dining table top on his right. Freya doesn’t notice this as she’s wiping the corners of her wing-lined eyes, still closed as she’s almost snorting now, skin of her nostrils sinking in a bit, like she’s squidward or some shit as she carries on laughing.
“You think you’re so funny don’t you?” Richie asks with a palm full of flour now.
She’s still laughing as she nods her head, too full of giggles to get any words out.
Instead of Richie sprinkling some salt, he throws flour across the counter right to the side of Freya’s face, “Well I’m funnier, asshole!”
That gets Freya to stop laughing then. She stands up straight and it’s Richie’s turn to fail to cover his own laughter with his fist.
It was on then.
A flour fight began between the two friends, coating most of the kitchen with white powder.
“I think you threw salt in my eye you turd?!” Freya’s holding her eye now, after this has gone on for at least ten minutes.
“Shit, I’m sorry! Everything is starting to look the same.” Richie’s coming to her aide now, fanning the air as he steps to her, hands reaching for her forearms, “let me see.”
Freya fools him, “Gotcha!” Before whacking him in the neck with a whisk.
“Ow! Hey you’re fighting dirty, Frey!” Richie scolds before snatching a wooden spoon making Freya eye him wildly, “uh huh let me see you try to win this battle now.”
“I’m definitely gonna win, whether you like it not, Richy Rich.” Freya got low, ready to aim at Richie’s torso since she had that to her advantage being shorter than him.
Richie blows a raspberry, tapping the wooden spoon against the palm of his hand, “you must not know the strength of a wooden spoon and my wrestling skills, sweetheart. I got the team to championships!”
“When? In 1948?”
Richie tightens his eyes at this before they’re in a fencing match now. Which doesn’t last long as one of the two lost their footing due to the flour covered floor.
“I think I broke my ass.” Richie groans holding his back.
Freya’s laughing again as she’s resting right on top of Richie, “I’m glad I don’t have that problem, flat ass.”
“I don’t appreciate you slandering what I lack, some of us weren’t blessed okay?” Richie sasses as he wraps a hand around Freya’s waist to sit them both up.
Freya cooed at him, pinching his cheeks while Richie rolls his eyes. They sit in silence with freya on his lap as they take in the sight of his kitchen now. Flour on the upper cabinets, flour even on Eva’s personal drawing table, flour of course covering the counter, flour all over the floor, hair, face and their clothes.
“Great…now I gotta clean this up!”
“Eh, maybe later yeah?”
“Later? Well what else do you have in mind since we didn’t actually make those cookies you wanted so bad?” Richie waved his hands about.
Freya makes an explosion in front of Richie’s face, his round eyes following her fingertips for a moment before she says close to his face, “I have a better idea, it’s actually a good one.”
Richie was half expecting Freya to get him to break out into a dance routine like last time to Madonna’s, “Material girl,” but he was sure the man above was probably tired of their shenanigans tonight.
So that’s how he ended up here, covered in flour with him watching as Freya made herself comfortable on his couch again, head pressed against her folded up hands.
One eye pops open almost like a jumpscare, “are you gonna stand there the entire night like a creeper and just watch me sleep or are you going to join me, Richie Lawrence?”
Richie scratches at his head in confusion, “stop with the whole middle-name name drop, you’re making me think of my bastard dad. And I’m not sure what you want me to do here?”
“Make yourself comfortable, it’s your house.”
“There’s a bed on the other side and a shower…”
“So you’re gonna make more suggestions on my birthday but then say respectfully a romantic relationship isn’t what you want out of this on my birthday? It sounds like you want to give me a certain gift on my birthday to end this birthday party.” Freya rambles, now sitting up on her elbow.
Richie squints, “how many times did you just say birthday?”
“Get over here!”
“God, you’re getting bossy in your old age.” Richie jokes as he sits down by Freya’s legs, who swings them to the floor so Richie can scoot in behind her.
He keeps his hands and feet where he can see them, staring at the back of Freya’s head and he can smell her sweet but floral scent. Richie takes the time to digest how this feels, with Freya in front of him radiating off a comforting warmth even when she snatches his arm to rest against her waist.
Richie is just waiting then for the anxiety to kick in but it doesn’t arrive for the rest of the night. Which makes him sink further into the couch, tightening his hold of Freya. His nose then presses down into her bare soft shoulder blade, right where her round mole sits and exhales.
“I’m proud of you.” Freya croaks out, ready for sleep, “and you should be too.”
And that makes Richie’s heart swell. He always wanted to be good at something but wasn’t sure how to make a career out of it. He had to find his footing in this world constantly and slowly he felt like he was beginning to locate it. They say it’s in your daily routine if you’re unsure and engaging with all sorts of people was something richie didn’t mind being part of.
It felt natural to him.
Holding Freya felt just the same but she didn’t need to know that just yet. He loved physical touch whether you were his family or not, it was the best form of love Richie wanted to give and receive.
He didn’t realize he squeezed her tighter against him at her words before he presses a kiss to the back of her head, “Happy birthday.”
A smile graces her lips.
In the early hours of July 11th, the sky a faded dim blue begins to peak through Richie’s living room curtains, revealing that a new day was among them.
Richie’s always been a early riser since sleep hardly existed according to the bags underneath his eyes. It had to be around 5 in the morning and he knew he would be ready for some coffee soon but this time he enjoys the silence. He feels Freya roll back against him, arm looping around his neck as she stretches in her sleep.
“Morning to you too,” Richie greets, “Question for ya, how’s bell-pep the iguana doin’?”
You heard that right, Freya was a “Guana-momma,” who she named after a vegetable specifically and Richie was ready to baby sit the guy at any time—as long as it didn’t freak Eva out too much but he doubted that. She had his blood in her veins.
Freya shushed him straight away, removing her arm from around his neck to curl that same arm to press the back of her fingers against his lips, “When I step up in the place, ayo, I step correct.” She starts before moving those fingers to create a wave up in the air.
It only made sense to Richie for her to be rounding off lyrics early in the morning, especially when he was asking questions and she wasn’t sure if she even knew her name just yet.
“Woo-hah, got them all in check.” Richie proceeds, head lifting a little to see if Freya’s eyes were even open as she rounded off lyrics.
Freya concludes, “Go to sleep.”
Enough said.
“I’ll try.”
The sight of flour sticky limbs entangled between two reconnected friends on another summer’s day went like this: cheek pressed against her’s, his facial hair pricking her skin which she didn’t seem to mind as snores actually escaped Richie’s lips, with his hand gripping Freya’s that was clutched to her own chest as their bodies gently rose in deep slumber.
The cares of the outside world were put on hold once more and Richie envisioned that this must be what heaven felt like. Nothing but a bit of light right in front of his eyes or in his arms to lead the way.
Cheers to some fucking clarity!
Sorry for the foul language dude or person or divine power up there…but Richie was thankful for it all.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
-> Part two!
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nicascurls · 6 months
Breaking the Dollhouse - Chapter Four
Word Count: 2.6K
Summary: What would have happened if Junior survived and was taken by Tiffany from the hospital? What would that mean for Junior and Nica over the next year?
Notes: I'm sorry this has taken so long but this is a longer chapter to make up for it. This is an emotional chapter and also has a minor cliffhanger but i'm still writing so I'm gonna aim to get the next chapter out pretty quickly.
Tags: @barclaysangel @fairchilds-glasses @streets-in-paradise
The images were flashing past again, too fast to be able to make any sense of them. Chucky, a window, a woman she believed to be Dr Mixter, what she assumed was her office, a car and finally a quick glimpse of another woman. All of them were playing rapidly as the sound of Chucky’s gleeful cackle consumed everything. 
Nica awoke with a gasp and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She ran a hand through her hair as she attempted to measure her breaths. Chucky’s possession may have been keeping her heart at bay for now, but the habit was still there. 
That same dream has been haunting Nica’s sleep for the past week or so, she had tried to interrogate Chucky on the memories she had been seeing but was only met with him being joyfully cryptic. It continued to bug her more and more each day. Something felt familiar and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t figure out what. Junior had been able to tell something was wrong almost immediately and Nica shared what she could but there was such a struggle whenever she tried to explain the flashes of memories she was shown. She settled for giving Junior any updates she could on the dream each day, even if it wasn’t anything specific. It certainly didn’t help that Chucky was insistent on being even louder in her head whenever she thought about the dream for what he deemed too long, specifically the woman. Not Dr Mixter, he didn’t seem to care about that, it’s not as if Nica could do anything. Then why was he so secretive about the other one? 
She slowly lay back down once her breathing had levelled out and she was certain her heart rate was normal enough. For the most part Junior had been going back to his room after visiting, she was glad that he at least felt safe enough to do that. It meant he got a little more rest and Nica could tell he had been getting tired. 
Gods, it was driving her nuts! The scenes from her dream were playing in her head over and over. It seemed so painfully clear until she tried to focus on any details, especially that woman’s face, suddenly it was all a blur. Nica so desperately wanted to be able to focus on details, to see if there was any chance she had seen that woman somewhere before. She had to be important if Chucky was so insistent on keeping quiet, it was a difficult task for that asshole. 
The sun was starting to stream through the thin, sickly pink curtains around the room, as Nica tried to close her eyes and drift back to sleep. She figured she didn't have long until Tiffany burst through the door screeching, but she was desperate for the chance of any more information. 
That was when she heard the familiar click of the lock and Nica let out a quiet frustrated sigh, keeping her eyes closed in preparation for the inevitable shrieking from her captor.
“Rise and shine, Sweetface!” Tiffany’s voice pierced through Nica’s skull as she walked through the door with her usual cheerfulness.
Tiffany swiftly made her way over to where Nica was lying before pulling back the covers and pulling her up to a sitting position by her shoulders. Nica settled into the act of still believing she had no limbs, she relaxed her arms but maintained her look of disgust. Not that she had to fake that part. It had become rather unsettling for Nica over time how easy and almost normal it felt to keep up the act. Chucky was always happy to keep reminding her how similar the feeling must be for her to all the times she was hypnotised. If that thought didn’t make her uncomfortable enough, she was more than aware of times when, unless she really focused, she was convinced she couldn’t feel her arms. Even having to discreetly look at her sides to reassure herself or if it was just her and Junior, he would notice and gently take her hands as he asked if she was alright. 
Tiffany continued to excitedly ramble about the supposedly exciting day ahead as she fed a reluctant Nica her breakfast. Nica herself had stopped listening almost immediately as she used every ounce of control she had to not slap Tiffany, grab her by the hair, take the fork out of her hand and stab her in the eye… The options easily came to her. She only looked up when she saw a shadow move across the area of the floor her eyes were fixed on. Junior.
Nica looked up a little to see him standing leaning against the door, a small smile on his face. A silent greeting to her, wishing her good morning. She briefly smiled back at him as Tiffany turned to pile the fork in her hand with more food. 
Suddenly another shriek of surprise came from Tiffany as she remembered she had forgotten a glass of water for Nica. Nica watched as Junior flinched at the sudden noise, a look of shock briefly on his face.
And then it hit her. She was taken aback. How had she not figured it out before? The eyes, the hair, the facial features. The woman had to have been Bree Wheeler. It was Junior’s shocked expression, it was identical to the woman- Bree’s expression as she fell. Oh gods! Junior still believed her death was a suicide!
“- Okay? Nica!? Did she drug you already?” Nica snapped out of her trance to see a concerned Junior sitting on the edge of her bed. 
“No. No, she hasn’t drugged me yet. I’m sorry Junbug. I didn't mean to worry you, I was just… half asleep still.”
Junior gave her a hesitant smile which she returned, stroking his hair with one hand. “Good morning, honey.” Junior closed his eyes at her touch, briefly allowing himself a moment of peace. 
“Morning…” he mumbled back. Junior had been feeling increasingly more restless as the weeks went on, he had tried asking Tiffany if he could at least go outside the house if he didn’t leave the grounds. It’s not like he would be able to without Tiffany anyway, she refuses to tell him the code to the gate but it was still a ‘no’. He felt like a rat in a cage, he would settle for just being able to feel a breeze but the windows were always locked. 
“I’m back!” Tiffany announced as she made her way back to the room with the familiar click-clack of her stilettos. Junior quickly turned to look at her with a fake smile plastered across his face as Nica simultaneously dropped her arms and expression. 
“Look how sweet you two look.” Tiffany admired as her eyes fell on them, “I knew you two would get along, we’re a perfect little family! Now run along, Junior. Get dressed. We’ll meet you in the living room once Nica has finished her breakfast.”
It killed Nica to hide things from Junior but she couldn’t tell him, not now, not like this. She just needed some time to figure out how to bring up the subject in a way that will upset Junior the least. Oh, who is she kidding? It’s going to destroy him no matter what she tells him and worse still, he won't be able to do much to take his mind off it or even fully process it. Not when he’s cooped up in this damn house. With the damn wife of the person who killed his mother, convinced him to kill his father (even if it was deserved) and tried to kill him. 
No. She had to tell him. Junior will be heartbroken regardless of when he is told, she can’t allow him to also feel betrayed by her for not telling him sooner. 
Before she knew it, the three of them were once again sitting in the living room, Tiffany badly reciting the lines to Liar Liar with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Nica could tell that Junior was feeling particularly unsettled, she was fully aware that she wasn’t helping the situation. Junior had started off trying to initiate their usual game of mocking Tiffany’s drunken line delivery behind her back, she had smiled back in amusement but couldn’t bring herself to join in with the game. It felt too much like lying to him, acting as if nothing had changed, as if she was as happy as they could be, given the circumstances. She knew she had to tell him but the dread was eating her up. 
 Junior himself was becoming more hesitant by the moment. Did he take the joke too far? Was he beginning to annoy Nica? Was she just getting sick of him? His thoughts were interrupted as Tiffany unceremoniously dropped herself next to him on the couch. She was moments away from passing out and by the look of disgust on Nica’s face, she knew it too. Ugh. He could smell the alcohol on Tiffany’s breath and mixed with the cigarette smoke was enough to make him feel nauseous. He watched as Tiffany placed the half-empty wineglass down before drunkenly mistaking the same vessel for an ashtray and dropping her cigarette in it. 
“That’s ‘nother ten- ten grand in..” The two hostages watched as their captor fully sunk against the couch, out cold. Junior instantly grabbed the TV remote and paused the movie before getting up and quietly making his way closer to Nica. Nica gave more of a genuine smile then, “Hey kid..”
Junior smiled back almost hesitantly, “Hey…” he took a deep breath, trying to gather the courage to ask what was so strongly on his mind. “Nica, can I ask you something..?” He didn't miss the look of panic that briefly flashed across Nica’s face before she composed herself.
“Of course you can, Junbug. You know that, don’t you?” 
He nods quickly, “Yeah. Yeah, I know that. Sorry.” He takes another breath, “It’s just… Have- have I done something to upset you? You've seemed quieter since I first spoke to you this morning…” Nica’s expression immediately softened as she reached out to gently squeeze his hand.
“Oh, honey, no. You've done nothing wrong. I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way.”
Junior immediately lets out a sigh of relief, “Okay. It’s okay, but… what is wrong then? Something seems to be bothering you..” 
It was Nica’s turn to take a deep breath, “Junior. There’s something I need to tell you. It- It's a difficult situation but I know you hate secrets. If you want I can tell you later if you think that would be better or make you more comfortable, or I can tell you now but I'm gonna need you to do your best to stay calm either way.”
Junior took a moment to consider his options, maybe what Nica was going to tell him would be better said when Tiffany wasn’t in earshot. Even if she was out cold for the time being but the feeling of being kept in the dark was already threatening to consume him. 
“Could- Could you tell me now?” He caught a brief glimpse of something in Nica’s eyes. Fear? Regret, maybe? Junior couldn’t be sure. 
“Okay… So, Junior, You know the dream that I have been trying to figure out?”
Junior nodded hesitantly, “The Chucky one?” he clarified.
“Yeah, that one. Well… I think I figured out who the other woman is in it.”
“Okay. So that’s a good thing, right?”
It was Nica’s turn to nod, every word felt painful to say. Another torturous step closer to Junior’s inevitable devastation. 
“Yeah… Yeah, overall I think it’s a good thing. It’s just that I don’t think it’s going to feel that way at first.” She had to force herself to look at Junior, the look on his face was already painful enough. “You- Your mom. You said she had jumped..?” 
His heart sank and he immediately began to feel sick. “Mmm hmm, from her therapist's office…”
“Dr Mixter..?”
Junior somehow managed to become even more pale, “I don’t remember telling you that.”
“You didn’t.” She struggled to keep her voice steady as she moved a hand to his arm, gently stroking her thumb to try and provide some comfort, “Honey, it wasn’t a suicide. Chucky pushed her.”
The words echoed around Junior’s head. He felt numb, as if he was drowning, nothing felt clear. Shouldn’t he be glad, or relieved? She didn’t leave him, his dad was wrong, she wasn’t a quitter. She wanted to stay with him.
And he helped her killer slaughter dozens of others in return!
He couldn’t breathe, maybe he was drowning. Or at least suffocating. Nica’s hands had moved to his face, “Junbug? Junior, sweetie. You need to breathe, okay. Can you look at me?”
He managed to focus enough to redirect his gaze to Nica’s, much to her relief.
“There you go. Good job, honey. I need you to try and follow my breathing, alright. In through your nose, out through your mouth.”
He tried. He really did but he couldn’t seem to get any air into his lungs, his fear multiplying at every failed attempt. “Can’t…” was all he could gasp out before the sharp pain struck his chest. Nica felt his body go stiff before slumping against the couch, still gasping for air. 
Nica knew the pain all too well, “No.” she mumbled to no one in particular, “No. No. No! Junior! Just hold on, baby.” She had to pry her hands away from him, going against every instinct she had as she began to scream.
“Tiffany! Tiffany!” She saw the blonde woman begin to wake up, sleepily stretching without a care in the world. “Tiffany!” Nica screamed again, finally causing the woman to pay attention to her surroundings.
“Sweetface?!” she responded, visibly unsettled as her eyes scanned over the scene in front of her. 
“He needs one of his shots.” Nica informed her as she tried to keep her voice steady, Tiffany however, was clearly still in shock.
“NOW! Tiffany, Please! He could die!” That seemed to get through to Tiffany and she reached for one of the shots of adrenaline and approached Junior, who was getting weaker by the second.
“Under his rib…” Nica instructed softly as she watched Tiffany inject the contents of the syringe into Junior’s system. Junior soon let out a gasp as his eyes once again opened fully and Nica slouched in relief. 
As soon as the tension began to melt away, Tiffany was right back to her usual self, “There you go, sweetface!” She rather roughly helped Junior into a sitting position against the back of the couch. His breaths were slowly becoming regular again but he was clearly still dazed. Most likely still processing the sick mixture of the truth and his heart episode. 
“Well, what happened there, Junior?” Tiffany inquired joyfully, clearly back in her own world.
“I- I-” Junior was clearly still a little out of it, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened, everything he now knew.
Nica couldn’t help but snap, “Give him some space! He’s only just started breathing regularly again, he's exhausted.”
“It’s okay, Nica.” Tiffany explained as if she was explaining the most basic concept in the world, “I was only asking. The doctor said that would only happen if he did any vigorous exercise or was under too much stress, you know.” Nica simply held her tongue as she feigned ignorance, she had decided it was best to keep her own condition a secret, especially since Chucky’s influence seemed to be stopping any major incidents for the time being. She simply spent the rest of the afternoon keeping careful watch over Junior, waiting desperately for the next chance to talk to him alone. 
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httpscomexe · 3 months
I noticed you didn’t have anything yet on Steve Roger’s. Then a miracle happened and my brain 🧠 worked.
Steve Rogers x Reader where she doesn’t normally curse cause it’s for big girls but then she picks up the habit from one of her friends?
Love this^
Bad Language Word
1132 words
WARNINGS: Daddy kink?
“Okay when’s the next turn?” Your friend, Tiffany asked you as she kept her eyes on the road. “Take a right at the next light.” You tell her, and she uses her blinker to get into the left lane.
“Fuck!” She screams as your bodies are jolted forward, the seat belt locking around you and putting bruising pressure against your collar bone. “Oh this fucking bitch is getting it!” She screams as she leaves the car, not bothering to shut the door behind her as she approaches the people who leave the other car that just hit you guys.
“Hey assholes!” She screams, her hands clenched into fists as three girls leave the car that stopped behind you, and you scramble to get out of the car, but once again, the seatbelt is stuck. This stupid old car. “Tiffany!” You shout, hoping to get her attention. “Tiffany!” You shout again, looking in the back mirror and turning over your shoulder you could see them all ganging up on her while she barely holds herself up as they push her and blame her for the accident. Then finally the seatbelt works and you leave the car, removing your hoodie in the process. “Hey asshole!” You yell, catching the attention of one of them. You put your foot out, tripping one of the girls to which she falls to the ground, her face falling into a pile of cold mud. As she fell, you came behind another girl, reaching up quickly and wrapping your hoodie around her head before pulling her towards you, bringing her head down before kneeing her in the stomach, making her double over and fall to her hands and knees, so you bring your foot up and kick her in the face, bringing her to her ass. Then the last girl jumps onto you from behind, wrapping her arm around your neck in an attempt to choke you, but you only bend forward, lifting with your legs as you throw her over your body, and she lands in front of you on her back, and you spit on her the second you collect yourself. “Holy shit Y/N…” Tiffany blurts out, still leaning on the trunk of her car to keep herself up. “Shut the fuck up and get the passenger seat, I’m driving myself home.” You demand, making it obvious that you’re pissing. You both had been working your asses off to control her anger. Literally spending money on her anger management classes out of your own wallet for MONTHS and then a simple fender bender is what causes her to go off. She knew you were mad. You never cursed. No matter the situation you’ve always been able to keep your cool, the only reason you were set off this time is because you’ve had a long day, and some asshole was attacking your bestfriends instead of holding it back. You just wanted your boyfriend. He made every problem go away.
You arrive home. “I’ll see you next week, let me know if anything comes up Tiffany.” You ask her, grabbing your bag from the trunk and watching as she switches over to the driver side. “See you.” She says before driving off, not wanting to anger you more with her usual sarcastic comebacks about her anger management that she doesn’t believe she needs.
“There she is!” You try to smile as you hear his voice upon entering the house, but you have a scowl on your face instead, and it felt as if you had swallowed barbed wire, and it had gotten caught in your throat. “How was the session, princess?” He asked, coming around the corner when you didn’t run in with your usual happiness, always immediately jumping into his arms and pressing kisses everywhere on his face.
“It was fine.” You reply simply. “No it wasn’t. What happened?” His voice hardens and he approaches you with his arms crossed. He looked like an angry dad who was asking his daughter for her report card. “It was fine. Fuck. Get off my back, you’re not my dad Steve!” You shout, and it was already too late to take it back after realising what you had said.
“You get back here. Right. Now.” His voice was stern as you brushed past him, and went into your shared bedroom, changing your clothes into something more comfortable. Fuck I forgot my hoodie on that bitch. You realised as you undressed, getting into your Captain America pyjamas, then Steve came into the room.
“Y/N.” His voice was stern. “You better apologise for your language right this second, or there will be a punishment. Those words are for big girl honey.” He leans in the doorframe with his arms crossed, blocking your way out. “Get out of my way.” You grumble, still holding back tears as you undo your hair and let it fall down your shoulders, walking towards the exit of the room. “No.” He tells you. “Now sit the fuck down on the bed right now before I make you.” He wasn’t asking. He was telling. But you didn’t care. “You can’t tell me what to do, I’m your girlfriend not your fucking-”
“Shit!” You yell as the back of Steve's hand comes across your face, a second time as you scream shit. “Steve, what the fuck!” Again. “Shit!” You whimper, now on the ground as he lifts you by your hair, pulling on it painfully as he throws you onto the bed. You open your mouth to yell and curse at him again, but quickly decide against it as he slowly raises his hand.
“Are you done?” He asks with venom laces in his voice, and you nod. “Use your words princess.” He tells you and you open your eyes to look at him, his hand was back to his side. “I’m sorry… I won’t do it again.” You tell him, and even after being backhanded, you still wanted him to hold you, and all you had to do was ask. “Can you please hold me?” You ask him, and his eyes soften as a small smile grows on his face. He lifts one knee onto the bed then the other, lying next to you and holding you in his big arms as you curl into him. “Anytime princess, but not for long, I have food on the stove.” You nod slightly.
“And Y/N?”
“Yes, Stevie?”
“I don’t want you hanging out with Tiffany anymore. Everytime you come home after hanging out with him, you always have this horrible attitude. This language has taken it too far baby.”
“Okay… I promise I won’t hang out with her anymore…”
“Good girl.”
“What’s for dinner?”
“Your favourite… lasagna with extra ricotta and extra sauce.”
“Yes baby?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too princess.”
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astroyongie · 11 months
Girl Generation October Reading 2023
Note: please take it lightly and enjoy
Love: I don’t think Taeyeon is dating anyone at the moment. She might be seeing people in a non-official way but when it comes to dating she isn’t in the right place to do so and It also seems like he has no luck in her relationships. Everything she starts building something, it crumbles. 
Career: There’s someone in the group who really doesn’t like her and doesn’t appreciate her at all. That tension often turns Taeyeon into someone impulsive. Globally, she has been restless and working nonstop on her career
Self: She is someone rather intuitive and she knows what’s wrong and what isn’t. All of her choices are consciously made and whatever situation she is in, she knows the consequences of it. 
Love:  She is definitely dating someone and if I may, the person she is seeing is like extremely wealthy. They have been together for quite a long time and they are the one bringing her security financially and sugaring her In a way. This is maybe someone who works in the business. 
Career: She has been receiving some opportunities lately and she is working on it through the help of her manager and sponsor. She is actually rather happy with her whole career
Self: she had a long self-isolating period, where she wouldn’t talk with other members and close friends but she is slowly getting back on track. 
Love: She is in a relationship and her relationship went through some bumpy road but Tiffany was able to create more positive boundaries for her and her lover. Things are going good at the moment but they are still working on stuff together 
Career: Tiffany lost a very valuable opportunity in her career that would have given her a lot of money. Her lack of insight was the fault of it but she is trying to move forward now 
Self: I believe that she doesn’t have the best habits in her life and that her lifestyle is rather unhealthy (either in consumption or lifestyle In general) and she should be careful about that so it doesn’t get too serious. 
Love: She is in a relationship but her partner is a huge manipulator so it rather feels like she is stuck in that weird relationship. She isn’t happy about it but she also isn’t doing anything to leave that person. 
Career: Expect her to keep promoting her music, to have comebacks, and to show her artistic ways because this girl is booked and busy when it comes to her career and she is very happy about it. 
Self: Hyoyeon isn’t a person who’s happy. When looking at her spread it feels like she has everything she needs to be happy and yet she feels like there’s something lacking that doesn’t allow her to be totally and utterly happy. The struggles in her relationship might play a huge part in this. 
Love: She is in a relationship but it seems like something inevitable is going to happen in her relationship very soon. (This could either be good like a marriage/baby thing, or a breakup). 
Career:  she too, seems to be very happy in her career, she wouldn’t change a thing. Not only was it a way to find her soulmate but she is rather soft with everyone and enjoys working with so many people
Self: She went through very complicated times in the past month, we are talking here of very poor health, financial issues and personal issues as well. But it seems like her karma is changing finally. 
Love: I don’t get if she is on a relationship or not, but she does seem like she is working on one? Like she is developing feelings for the person at the moment and working with them to become a better couple (or a couple if she wasn’t in a relationship with them before).
Career: I see huge disharmony between her and someone in the group (Taeyeon?) where things don’t work well at all between them. Sooyoung loves the group but she rather work alone than promote with snsd
Self: Lately, I feel like she has been very aggressive toward herself and people, Sooyoung has a hard time controlling her impulsive nature. She might have been very rude, and ruthless with people around her 
Love:  She is dating and she is very happy about her whole thing. Yoona has also been using her relationship to be more providing and productive with her career and keeping on working on her legacy 
Career: I don’t see anything for her at the moment, Yoona also seems like she is focusing on something else other (still career-related but just not what she has been giving the public, seems like this is something new)
Self: The conflicts she has with some people in her personal life are the main reason she gets depressed easily or that gets her on a bad mood. Yoona often has to deal with disagreements in her close relationships and often defeats since she gives in
Love:  Also dating, but her partner aren’t the best one for them and although she knows about their manipulative nature and they anger issues she still loves them too much to leave them. Definitely not healthy. 
Career: She has been procreating a lot when it comes to her career. Seohyun receives so many opportunities for her career, but the lack of energy doesn’t allow her to take them in and enjoy them. She doesn’t seem eager to work altogether 
Self: She has been making a lot of decisions abut what she wants her life to be, to become. I believe that she is ready to take a huge step forward. 
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starchascr · 7 months
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𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧
‘ aslıhan malbora, cis woman, she/her, 27 / 268 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems MELINOE DRAVEN has finally made it to the capital, the LADY from the NIGHT COURT is said to be CHARISMATIC and is said to describe themselves with WISHING ON EVERY STAR IN THE NIGHT SKY, COURT GOSSIP AS A FORM OF CURRENCY, PAINT-SPLATTERS ON WRINKLED SILK DRESSES, CONSTANT APOLOGIES FOR BEING LOST IN YOUR OWN THOUGHTS, PEOPLE CALL YOU FICKLE & YOU LAUGH IN THEIR FACE ( WHO WOULD EVER WANT TO BE KNOWN AS PREDICTABLE? )  and with all of this in mind their CAPRICIOUS nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
compare to : caroline forbes ( the vampire diaries ), carrie bradshaw ( sex and the city ), sarah cameron ( outer banks ), holly golightly ( breakfast at tiffany's ), serena van der woodsen ( gossip girl ), oberyn martell ( game of thrones ), ty lee ( avatar: the last airbender ), lydia bennett ( pride & prejudice ), thor ( marvel cinematic universe ), buffy summers ( buffy the vampire slayer ), angela montenegro ( bones ), daisy buchanan ( the great gatsby ), merry brandybuck ( lord of the rings )
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*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒
full name : melinoe lyra draven nicknames : mel age : 268 ( physically 27) species : high fae gender / pronouns : cis woman & she/her sexual orientation : pansexual romantic orientation : panromantic occupation : lady / aspiring painter
personality traits : charismatic, flighty, capricious, fickle, compassionate, brash likes : painting, revelries, star gazing, dancing, late mornings spent sleeping in, taking care of stray animals dislikes : responsibility/duty, early mornings, long travel, outfit fittings, long meetings fear(s) : death, boredom secret talents : can juggle up to 6 items, is ambidextrous goals & ambitions : to be known for art rather than the immature night court daughter memorable traits : is constantly in motion alignment : chaotic neutral label(s) : the social butterfly, the sabaist, the effervescent, the reveler vices : vanity & foolhardiness virtues : friendliness & pride
eye color : dark brown hair colour : dark brown hair type/style : typically worn long & wavy/curled height : 5'6 build : slender exercise habits : occasionally practices fighting, but it's rare dominant hand : left glasses/contacts : n/a tattoos : n/a scars : n/a piercings : ears pierced
*:・゚ ⸻ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘.
father : tbd. mother : tbd. siblings : tbd draven (eldest sibling), cathal draven (elder adopted sibling), sabine draven (elder adopted sibling) children : n/a extended family : tbd. pets : far too many to name
as a child, melinoe had always been a flighty thing, flitting from one interest to another. she would give each of her toys equal attention in part because she feared their jealousy should she show more affection towards one bauble over another, but partly because nothing held her attention for long. more than that, there was so much in this world to explore, and mel wanted to see and do everything. after all, why would she limit herself when the world was endless? she hated the routine and monotony that some preferred, instead enjoying creating her own worlds to play in. and when people called her fickle for bouncing around from thing to thing, she would laugh in their face. who would ever want to be known as predictable? there was something in stars that called to the girl. there was an element of wonder there, something that lent back to the fantastical child who dreamed of something more waiting for her. she always stared up at the stars at night and made up stories for made up constellations before she learned all of their names and stories. it was a game to her, making up stories. there are moments that she feels like she belongs more to the burning balls of gas that have held her fascination than to her family and friends around her. so instead she took that feeling and put it into her art, trying to capture the feeling of awe and wonder she always has every time she looks up at night. she still feels like she hasn’t fully achieved that goal no matter how many of her pieces have sold. for a girl otherwise known as fickle, art is the only thing she has ever dedicated herself to other than her family. mel seems to be constantly in motion, flitting from one thing to another. she’s compassionate, but forgetful. people shake their heads when she passes, muttering about how she’s just so immature, so young. and that’s more than true. she prides herself on being decisive, but never really stands by any sort of decision. she prefers love over war and fighting, never having really trained beyond what was necessary to her own protection. the word ‘responsibility’ is a ugly one that she hopes to never come into contact with ( though she supposes everyone must grow up some day ). if she had her way, she would spend her afternoons and early evenings painting, her nights partying, and leave her mornings for sleep. there’s nothing better than being surrounded by people, music, alcohol, and treats. and if there is no event, then she’s perfectly happy to throw one ( or rather, have someone do it for her ). ultimately, she’s just trying to live her best life.
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amspams · 4 months
can you write a story about chucky being insecure and tiffany comforting him ?
A/N: I don't really see Charles as the insecure/emotional type, but I suppose I can come up with something that some may consider an insecurity.
TW: Swearing
Though he'd never admit it, Charles has some serious abandonment issues. The thought of Tiffany leaving him was terrifying, but not as in the original sense of the word. The possibility didn't 'scare' him in itself. However, as a logical thinker, he knew her leaving him shouldn't be surprising in the least.
Which is mainly one of the reasons he follows her around like a lost puppy.
Everytime she wants to go somewhere, he needs to come with, or atleast know where she is at all times, no exception. And it sounds cute, until you understand from where their daughter gets her stalking habit from, and how insane he gets when he doesn't hear from his wife.
The little boy, sitting on the white couch in the living room, looked up from his storybook. "Yeah, mum?"
"I'm going grocery shopping," Tiffany told him. "Just incase daddy and Glenda get worried."
Tiffany grabbed her keys and left. Moments later, Glenda rushed downstairs. "Where is mom?" she asked, her voice almost completely monotone as always.
"At the supermarket," said Glen, avoiding her gaze.
"When is she coming back?" she asked, a hint of annoyance present in her tiny features.
"I don't know," Glen told her.
His sister shot him a glare, one that he knew meant no good. Then she ran upstairs. "Weirdo," muttered Glen.
Next thing you know, Charles appears behind the little boy, out of nowhere, and grabs him by his shoulders. Glen jumps and drops the book. "Hey, kid. Your sister told me something just now," he said through gritted teeth. "Where's Tiffany?"
"S-she went to the store," Glen stammered. "She didn't say how long she would take-"
Charles circled him, studying his demeanor with intensity. "Is that so?" he asked, after a few long seconds. "Who's she with?"
"She didn't say... I think she went alone."
"That's not what the hellspawn said."
Glen turned to see his sister staring at them from around the corner, a devious grin plastered on her face. "Glenda's lying, dad. Mum went-"
His father's expression contorted into one of disgust, or anger. "Shut up," he ordered. "If she doesn't come back in an hour, I will kill you both."
"W-what?!" squeaked Glen, trembling from head to toe.
"That's right, you little shit. I will tie you up and gut you like a turkey on thanksgiving," he repeated. "Unless you tell me where she is... honestly."
Glen met his sisters eyes, who looked just as surprised as him.
"Daddy, you can't just-" she protested, but Charles cut her off.
"I can and I will," he stated before throwing his head back and cackling maniacally.
Some time later, Tiffany came back with two bags full of groceries in each hand. The house was completely dark when she entered it. "What the hell?" she wondered, switching the light on.
Only to see her kids tied up, back to back, sitting on the floor. Glen was frozen in place whilst his sister giggled and squirmed. "I-" Tiffany uttered. "What in the world happened to you two-?"
The woman hastily walked up to them, and began untying the rope. Suddenly, she felt someone standing behind her. "you're back," he said, his voice strangely calm.
Tiffany was perplexed, then annoyed. "I was gone for twenty minutes, you jackass!"
Charles's eyes drifted to the kids. "They were gettin' on my nerves," he stated, and handed her a knife to cut the rope.
"Dad threatened to kill us," Glenda told her. "He said he would gut us like a turkey on thanksgiving!"
"No I didn't," said Charles. "Be quiet before I stitch you mouth shut."
"Chucky!" protested Tiffany. "We're going to have a talk."
"I don't think we will," said Chucky, and tried to saunter away, but his wife had a firm hold on his arm.
"Oh, but we will."
She managed to get the kids out of the ropes and shooed them to their rooms.
"Explain," she demanded.
"I already told you," he said. "Them kids are obnoxious as fuck."
"Jesus Christ, Chucky. That doesn't give you the right to-"
"Fine, fine. I'll tell you."
Tiffany waited for him to say something, but he only stared at her silently.
"You do know you have to use words right?" she asked, visibly irritated. "I'm not a mind reader."
Chucky rolled his eyes. "I'm thinkin' how to put it into words."
"Well, I'm waiting."
"I can see that, you idiot."
"Call me that one more time and I swear I'll beat your ass."
"No you won't. you're weak as hell," he said, then appeared to get lost in thought for a moment. "That thing I did was to get them to answer my question. I wasn't actually gonna hurt 'em."
"That is not how you treat children, Chucky," said Tiffany, firmly. "Less your own."
Chucky stared at her blankly. "Listen, lady. If you don't come back some day, I ain't payin' no child support," he said. "That was to prove a point."
"So that's what this is about?"
"You're afraid I'll leave you," she asserted.
"The fuck I am," protested Chucky. "Instead of worrying about what I do, why don't you worry about that demon offspring of a kid you got?"
"Excuse me?"
"That girl is batshit crazy. Tied her up and she started laughing," recalled Chucky. "I mean, that's some real psycho shit."
"I hope you're aware psychopathy is hereditary."
"So?" voiced Chucky. "You're telling me you're one?"
"No, you doofus. Don't turn this around on me," said Tiffany. Then she added: "You do know you can always talk to me, right?"
Chucky frowned. "Don't start with that sappy mushy-gushy shit."
Tiffany sighed. "Chucky, I'm serious. I'd rather you told me how you felt so I could understand you better, than have you suppress your feelings 'cause you think it's unmanly to show emotions - which for the record; it isn't."
"Right, right. Are we done here?"
"Great, bye," he said, and tried to walk past her. However, Tiffany grabbed his arm, spun him around and planted a kiss on his cheek. "That's fuckin' repulsive," Chucky complained, but didn't bother trying to get out of her embrace.
A/N: Not really active anymore. But if any of you want to request anything, feel free to do that. I might write something here and there. <3
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barclaysangel · 9 months
I’m sorry I’m bombarding your asks but the idea I have for Devon’s development is a simple concept; realization.
Like, we all know Devon. He’s sassy, he’s smart, he’s kind, he has a little bit of dry humor and has some bad habits, like any other human being — including, his anger issues that sometimes lead him to say or do some bad things.
So imagine he’s thinking, like an over thinker because Devon’s brain canonically just never turns off for some reason is evaluating the hate he has for Chucky. Like before his mom got murdered, he already disliked but had a huge interest in the serial killer.
Like, let’s take Chucky; he has anger problems, dry humor, offensive humor which we all know Devon has if he said everything that came to mind, but most of all — he has an interest in murder. In “spontaneous”.
You can not tell me Chucky was most likely neglected as a child (that’s said in an explanation AND an insult) and probably turned to true crime as a safe space and that fuel his interest for murder. Like Zack Foster from Angels of Death, he saw a horror slasher movie and took that as a “that’s what I need to do to get rid of people that hurt me” because Zack was an impressionable child.
Chucky was most likely the same way.
So was Tiffany.
So is Junior.
And from what we’ve seen, so is Devon. The only difference is he has a more mature level (THANK OUR MOTHER KIM FOR THAT) growing up in the 21st century and having a mother who works late shifts, so he probably rarely sees her but they have a distant but good relationship.
So imagine that coming down on Devon and just realizing that most of the reason why he hated Chucky and Chucky dislikes Devon is because they probably see each other in the other.
Devon sees Chucky as a monster, a monster he knows resides in him somewhere and could’ve caused him to become that if he didn’t have Kim and his friends.
And Chucky sees Devon as what he could’ve been with the right parents in the right environment, with the right friends and mindset and if he wasn’t given unrestricted movie access.
Like, switch their backstories, and no matter the timeline, Devon would’ve became a killer and Chucky would’ve became a normal highschool kid.
Also, Chucky is only seen murdering adults in his prime and parents in the series. Like, that’s his majority.
Idk, it seems interesting.
Like this realization + him getting over that internal fear of being perceived as “dangerous” or “aggressive” as a black gay teen and looking back on his past and starting to fight again is just UGH.
Like these backstories would make so much sense for his character, what Devon is, his responses, it makes so much sense when you’re analyzing and building a backstory for the character based off what they are.
Like, this is taking place in 2023/2024, and very racist things have happened between 2021/2022 and 2019.
Like I know he doesn’t want to be previewed that way, and his teachers may of made him think that being protective over his friends and himself was “aggressive” and he was contributing to a stereotype.
Like finally, in that moment, he can clearly see the line between protective and aggressive and that sparks ignites and encourages him to start fighting again — like he knows how to.
Wait holy shit that actually makes a lot of sense omg I love that!!
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fanficwriter284 · 5 months
A group of guys try to jump Tiffany. Chucky somehow manages to kill them all whilst Tiffany just stares like 😀.
After that Chucky could act all calm and cool as if nothing even happened lmao.
Could you write this scenario? I really like your work, you're a talented author.
Aw thank you for the compliment Anon!!!! And yeah sure!!! Let me know what you think!!! Hope you enjoy!!! Hope this is enough. 😅
It was a cool summer night, the blissful breeze flowing through the town whistling around stray leaves and loose pieces of asphalt that had eroded off the ground. The hour unknown but the sky was dark, only the moon dared shine, illuminating the walk ways. There a couple blissfully walked, these two being no other than the infamous Charles Lee Loman Reinhardt or more commonly known Charles Lee Ray or as his friends called him Chucky and his wife and lover Tiffany Delilah Ray. Now walking in their flesh human skin, a fresh change from the plastic that once housed their souls. Charles has his arm wrapped tightly around his wife’s waist his grasp rather protective much to Tiffany’s satisfaction trying her best to suppress a gleeful giddy smile. These little late night walks were something used to do as a little “romantic” outting when they were first human and it thrilled Tiffany when her husband of all people suggested to pick up the habit again. However for a brief moment Charles released his grip stepping aside taking longer strides moving further ahead. Tiffany sighed but continued to follow after him, she knew he wanted his space for a bit since Chucky wasn’t one for constant company and needed a solitary moment to decompress and clear his head. Tiffany understood and would rather him have space than letting his suppressed rage bubble up to the surface and explode. His moments alone allowed him to process…to relax. She knew he loved her and their family but she understood the need for space from time to time.
Chucky took a moment to himself strolling aimlessly enjoying the cool damp atmosphere dampen his face. The silence soothing to his ears as he strolled down the path, a sly grin stretching across the side of his face. His body loosening releasing tension in his muscles, his shoulders slumping and his mind beginning to wander elsewhere. However his mind snapped back to reality at the sound of discourse and he her his wife was involved.
Tiffany was never one to approach conflict when she had no element of surprise or any sort of advantage. She knew her physical strength couldn’t match that of 5 grown hefty men. For an instant she regretted not bringing her nail file or any sort of blade on her since she thought she would set a bad example since she was a mother now and had responsibilities and made a promise to her kids….Glen….that she would cut back on the brutality. One of them men had overstepped and made a feeble attempt at grabbing her wrists only to be slapped right across his face. The man winced clutching the side of his stinging cheek, pressing his upper canines down attempting to suppress the irritating ache.
“Bitch” he grumbled under his whisky stained breath, making another attempt at grabbing at Tiffany. Tiffany made another attempt to swat his hand away only to have her wrist retrained. She could feel the man’s grip tighten with each yank, his grip like sandpaper against her silk skin.
The redhead took note of the disturbance in the air and once recognizing it as Tiffany’s he bolted. His body tensing at each smug retort. Chucky took hold of me of the younger slender fellows slamming his skill into the near by flag pole with flawless ease, he assumed he left the man unconscious since he didn’t get up for the rest of the interaction not giving a twitch. Chuck set his sights on another one standing at 6 feet once typically an obstacle for his previous doll body but now standing at 6’4 he paid no mind. He gripped the lads throat squeezing it till his face turned to that of a hybrid blueberry plum hue. He continued to squeeze until he felt the throbbing pulse in the man’s leg weaken by the second till it thumped against his finger no more and only then he dropped the limp body to the earth from were it once came. Finally the last one. The one with the stupid lopsided face. Eyes to far apart, nose to close to the lips, a nasty snaggletooth, and a large mole on the side of his face under his right eye. Nothing appealing in Chucks eyes just garbage begging to be tossed away. However this piece of shit touched his women…His Woman…he’ll be damned he if allowed that vermin to breathe. Without hesitation he snapped, grabbing the man’s arm and twisting it till he felt something pop or snap. Then sending a fist right through into his nose setting it up a few inches to a spot that would make his face easier on the eyes of crimson hadn’t been dripping from his nostrils.
Tiffany could only watch feeing a rush run through her system as a grin stretched from ear to ear watching her husband do what he does best. And all of it for her. Something a girl could only hope for. A man who took initiative.
Chucky continued to swing beating down at the man till his face was no more that pumpkin pulp….red runny pulp that oozed. Much to his display the man still had a pulse. But no matter….he’ll drag it out….He tugged at the collar and gave it a firm squeeze, feeling left over breath seep out his mouth. Before he could finish the job Tiffany practically threw herself at him pulling her close to his body till there was nothing in between. Wide eyed her killed him in for a kiss locking lips with his, tenderly at first then growing into passion once he reciprocated all while choking a man with one hand and his arm help high while the other warmly wrapped his way from Tiffany’s waist ensuring she wouldn’t slip away. With once final squeeze he hear something snap and dropped the corpse wrapping his other free hand around his press pressing harder into their kiss feeling her smile as he gripped at her. And he could feel himself smile too.
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aajjks · 8 months
he’s so baby girl coded. okeeey LET’S GET THESE LOVEBIRDS TOGETHER ALREADY!! 😩
honey bunny 🥰
home sweet home!! now gts 💤
the moment you walked inside your apartment, you’re immediately screaming from excitement. you actually kissed jungkook’s cheek.
you KISSED him and for the first time, you didn’t feel like you betrayed eunwoo.
a month right? it’s been a single month since the two of you have split and one of the main obstacles you had trouble overcoming was having interest in someone that wasn’t eunwoo.
kissing, looking, or even flirting felt like you were cheating on your old partner but ever since you’ve healed and look past what you and eunwoo used to be, the idea of kissing someone or being with someone doesn’t feel as strange as it once did.
and what makes it even better is that you shared that moment with the person you want to pursue a relationship with, jeon jungkook.
you can tell your kiss made him really happy and although he couldn’t see you, you were smiling the entire walk back to your car and now that you’re finally home, you can fangirl about it.
you’re so excited that you begin dialing your best friend, danielle’s, number and when she picks up, she’s curious as to why you’re calling her so late at night until she remembers the date.
“so, how did it go?”
“IT WENT SO WELL!!! guess what? I KISSED JUNGKOOK’S CHEEK!! and i didn’t feel weird about it. i…i liked it, actually”
“that’s good, y/n! was his parents being weird?”
“yeah. his mom was being a total bitch but his dad really likes me”
“well i’m not interested in his dad, danny. i’m interested in him and we’re having brunch at his house”
“brunch? at his house? aww, how cute. did you suggest that or did he?”
“i did. danny, did you know that i’m the first girl he’s even taken out on a date? and-and guess what? HE GAVE ME A TIFFANY AND CO. NECKLACE!!”
“wait, wait slow down, what? tiffany and co.?! for what?”
“i don’t know, he just does that. he bought me a pet cat before and—,”
“he bought you a cat and now a damn tiffany necklace? jesus, y/n. he’s already treating you like a princess and you guys aren’t even dating”
“i know right! he really does spoil me a lot and i don’t even know why”
“no wonder why his mother hates you. you’ve got him wrapped around your little finger”
and it’s true, he’s basically a locket at this point.
you and danielle converse on the phone for two hours before you shut down for the night and dream of getting a belly button piercing.
Hash browns, eggs benedict and waffles. CHECK.
He doesn’t know what you really prefer to eat and he doesn’t eat breakfast at all but… it’s with you so he might try to, you didn’t live with him long enough to let him observe your eating habits.
So he cooked every American breakfast he could. He might’ve just looked up for some guidance on the internet but that is beyond the point, and yes he drove early in the morning with a quick trip to the 24/7 grocery outlet store to make sure he had everything.
Bam and Sage are sleeping, so he’s almost done with the cooking, you may like some sausage but he’s gonna fry it when you get here.
When are you getting here? Jungkook can’t wait and he didn’t put too much effort into his fashion for early in the morning.
Just grey sweatpants and a white shirt, and right now it’s protected by the apron he’s wearing tightly around his waist.
He had a shower so he can’t really afford to sweat, he can’t for you to get here, and maybe God heard him because he hears someone putting the house keys in bad he hears his gate unlock, he smiles knowingly because it’s you.
Only you have the keys to his house. And he really resisted the urge to text you about when you were going to be here, it’s almost 10 & you have finally blessed him with your presence.
“Hey yn!” HES waving at you stupidly with a spatula in his hands, and you’re starting to give the 26 year old breathing problems because you just LOOK SO GOOD-
Who looks this good at 10 am in the morning, yea you do..
“YNNN IM SO- I mean I’m so glad you made it, please sit here, I’m going to bring the food, hope you didn’t have anything because chef jungkook here is at your service with American style Breakfast.”
Today he’s going to ask you a very important question and he hopes that this time, you’ll say yes.
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Meet cute
To give Omega a break from hosting, Epsilon had invited them and YJL to dinner at their tower.
Where Omega’s main living area had high ceilings and a massive kitchen, epsilon’s was more intimate. Still large, with a balcony between the tv area and kitchen, but more personal touches through out the area. Pictures of the girls at various ages. Souvenirs from trips over the years. Soft blankets and squishy pillows. A rainbow dildo enscribed with “Friendship” hanging over the door to the balcony. Cozy, clean, and full of life.
Kathy, Maya, and Nell bustle around the kitchen. Kathy finishing a several kinds of chili, gently moving around her girlfriend. Maya putting cold sandwiches, drinks, and fruit together, chatting happily with Nell. The current Batgirl finishes several sides and dessert. With four speedsters coming, along with the other 18 teenagers, left overs aren’t likely.
In the living area Jennifer and Sin sit on the couch, playing their favorite video game. Curled in her favorite arm chair, Anissa reads over a medical textbook. But hunched over the kitchen table, surrounded by blueprints, sketches, calculations and more paper than anyone should be able to get through, is Tiffany. Mumbling under her breath as her dark eyes dart around.
The door opens as the first team arrives. Matty West is already bickering with Ceridian’ahm about…Atlantis? Jania West and Luca Gordon-Grayson cackle as they push the other boys buttons, with a familiarity that goes back years. Zachary Zatara tucks a glass jar into a messenger bag, unlit cigarette in his teeth. Lucy Quinzel, in her usual roller skates, pushes past the others, “Party has arrived—is that a strap on?”
“Inside joke.” Anissa explains with a laugh, greeting everyone. She notices the last person trailing in doesn’t follow the others. Instead, Connor drifts to the table. The resident genius pauses in the brainstorming, allowing him to see the design she’s working on.
“Can I ask?”
“You can.” Jennifer grins, in that annoying little sister way, “But we don’t have to answer. Tiff, can we clear the table please?”
“And please tell me you have all your pets locked down.” Anissa says to the engineer. Tiffany nods absentmindedly, clearing her work from the table.
“Pets?” Connor asks, helping Tiffany with the materials. What peaks Epsilon’s interest is how Tiffany lets him. She always had a way to do things and they just let her. But since meeting Connor, a lot of her habits adjust when he’s around. Handing her a sketchbook, the handsome boy offers a kind smile, “What kind of pets do you have?”
Looking up shyly, Tiffany says, “I have reptiles and amphibians.”
“Oh?” Connor asks, tilting his head, “Do you have a favorite?”
Reaching into a special pocket on her sweater, she pulls out a small newt, “This is Newton. He likes to spend time with me.”
Epsilon holds their breath. How many times have they seen some guy look disgusted at her interests? Or seen the light dim in her dark eyes because someone didn’t care. Or watched her trail off because the one person she wanted to listen….didn’t? As smart as she is, sometimes machines are easier to understand than people.
“Hello, Newton,” Connor says with a genuine smile, “He’s a crested newt, right?”
Have they ever seen Tiffany light up like that? Dark eyes shining and nose scrunching, she nods,“Yes! He is!”
“I used to collect frogs from a pond in the grounds. Would shove them in my pants to sneak them in.” Connor explains, holding a finger out to Newton. “Never worked, but Mom and Dad got a laugh out of it. Can you tell me more about Newton?”
“I’d love to!” Tiffany begins to babble about Crested Newts, arms full of supplies as Connor helps her carry it to the lab. Nodding and asking questions as they head out the door.
Lucy glance Nell, “Why do I feel like that was a big deal?”
“Because I’m pretty sure we all just witness Tiffany Fox fall in love.” Nell muses, setting more plates on the table.
“Oh, thank god!” Lucy laughs, “Connor’s been bouncing off the walls. He’s crazy for her. Always going on about new ideas to talk to her about.”
“Easy, Lu.” Matty snorts, swiping a sandwich with his sister. “If those two ever create a child—“
“Shhhh…” Jenn covers their mouth. “We don’t need to bring that energy here. Tiff already blows up the lab once a week.”
“Eh.” Jania shrugs, “Connor does too. He hasn’t blown himself up yet.”
Zachary laughs, kissing his girlfriend’s head, “Jani, love, I think that’s better than whatever her team would do to him if he broke her heart.”
The six girls exchange a look.
“Should we tell them?”
“They’ll never believe it.”
“She’s got a sweet face—“
“Nellie, we both know that means nothing—“
“Remember the Seacasters? They’re still fighting her viruses—“
“That was two years ago!”
“That’s my point!”
They banter back and forth before Sin cuts in. “Full honesty? Tiffany is the scariest one of us.”
“…two of you were trained to kill—“
“Ah,” Maya tuts, “That’s most people’s mistake. Sin and me? We know how to break your body. Tiffany? She will destroy your entire life just to see how it burns.”
“And document it.” Jenn adds. “Leak sensitive information to public networks. Drain bank accounts for anonymous donations, usually to the causes they’re hurting the most. Bridges burned with one email or text, and she has an algorithm to copy a person’s…what was it, Maya?”
“‘A person’s written cadence and vernacular.’ Then, the piece de resistance, she unleashes a virus into their servers. Ever seen a Sternko system? The one that learns? She copied the code and used it in her virus. It learns as you try to destroy it.”
The other team is silent, letting that image of the other girl mesh with what they’d already seen. Sure, Tiffany is, without question, one of the smartest people they’d met. They absolutely believe she could logically do all that…but actually doing it….
Having known Connor longest. Lucy breaks the silence.
“I don’t think that’s going to deter him the way you think it would. In fact, he might propose to her sooner because of that.”
“I would for that code,” Luca sighs, ignoring the glance from his boyfriend. “Wonder if I can hack—“
“If you value your hands and life?” Anissa calmly interrupts, “I wouldn’t.”
“That’s homophobic.”
Sin snorts, “She couldn’t give less of a shit about sexuality. But touch her codes and you lose a limb.”
Zachary looks at Lucy, “20 quid Tiff makes the first move.”
“I’ll bet 50 it’s mutual and they sleep together before we leave.”
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