#“well i dont want him thinking of me as his dad!! stupid airplane!”
luo binghe makes shen qingqiu a fathers day gift nd sqq is absolutely mortified that after all theyve been through together lbh still thinks of him that way (but with all the shit binghe does he was also half expecting it ngl)
shang qinghua is absolutely devastated that his son didnt give him any gifts and is crying in the corner while his husband stands over him confused (and jealous) that his human wants gifts from junshang (later he appears in sqhs chambers w loads of gifts which sqh accepts after the screaming is over) (his king is so cute! but what are all the gifts for? oh well, qinghuas not one to look a gift horse in the mouth...mobei jun seems pleased anyway so he wouldnt want to ruin his kings good mood)
tianlang jun cant help but feel like something important is happening today but he cant be bothered to find out
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 2)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: had to split it into 2 parts bc i hit the text limit dhshaggags
prompt: continued
part 1
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~sokovia was ur first big mission~
“why is y/n here, stark?” -cap
“the first mistake was letting me become a father”
“good god, tony...”
you having the time of your life crushing robots
also proving useful by saving avengers a handful of times
“thanks for the assist, stark clone” -clint
rip pietro
rhodey was actually the most worried about you if we’re being honest, he didn’t understand why they let you in this one???
“y/n? y/n, talk to me! are you alive?”
“yes, uncle rhodey! i’m perfect, stop worrying!”
“i love you, kid! be safe!”
✨a good family you’ve got✨
soon the avengers broke up bc your dad cant get along with steve and it was just really awkward
but you chose your dad’s side
“sorry, steve! he pays my allowance!”
peter was actually a little okay, you know!! spazzy at first, but he was cool
“dude, you’re y/n stark! you’re tony stark’s very own son! i’m talking to mr. stark’s only child!”
“yep, that’s me. i’m what earned tony the title of ‘DILF’”
teenage teamup? ofc
“am i doing alright?”
“looking a-okay, pete!”
tony was worried fighting steve would traumatize you so he made you wait at the hotel with happy and peter
“don’t do anything to embarrass me, y/n. i dont want to see you on the news for something stupid”
you and peter ended up hanging out in your room and watching tv and ordering room service
“how do you do that so smoothly? i’d just freak out and go get it myself”
“years of experience as a spoiled rich brat”
absolutely positively being up all night and trying to fight your exhaustion
“you two seem to be getting along well. couldn’t be me” -happy
“for someone named happy, you never seem to be happy”
“not around teenagers, no”
“i remember when you loved me, ‘uncle happy’”
peter texted you every day after that
whenever flash picked on peter for “never meeting tony stark” he’d show a picture of you and him taking selfies in the lab together yes you invite him over much to the dismay of everyone else around you
plus tony was out of town and you were finally trusted enough to be left alone unchecked so like, happy would just leave at the first sign of peter
“that’s not real!”
you actually showed up for homecoming on a dare (but in disguise)
didn’t wanna attract all the attention, you just wanted a high school experience
but you got called into avengers tower to help move early on :/ bad timing too cuz peter had to fight his first villain and u missed it
“dude, how do you feel?”
“bruh sound effect number two”
“oh my god”
FRIDAY heard him and pulled up the sound and you were WEAK you couldn’t stop laughing
“please....i think i broke a few ribs. cant laugh until tomorrow”
tony offered peter the avengers gig and peter said no, you were very disappointed but u understood that not everyone wanted to be in the spotlight like that
but you and peter obviously still hung out
oh, tony proposed! they interviewed you on sight!
“y/n, how does it feel to know that you’re going to have a stepmom soon?”
“you guys are aware that pepper helped raise me, right? right?!”
moving on, life was smooth for a while, there was some wedding planning, talk of you being a best man (which rhodey fought you on)
“no, i’ve known your dad longer!”
“i’m his son!”
i n v a s i o n
oh boy that was rough
bruce was surprised that you had fucking grown so much in the past 3 years good lord
“y/n...your VOICE”
“puberty, i know. when’s it gonna happen to you?”
“it hurts more when it’s from a teenager”
“uh, did you forget my birthday?”
peter’s back! peter’s back!
finally, man
“spider-kid, i could use an assist!”
“on the way!”
“aliens, why did it have to be aliens?”
up up and away for tony and peter, leaving you on the ground with all the earthly chaos and fear
“you two are the absolute worst, you know that? DAD, PETER, GET BACK DOWN HERE”
“no can do, kid. i—” *cuts off*
“oh great, no service on the space donut, huh? find a damn wifi password and call me back you asshole”
pepper was probably having a heart attack bc the news stations were having a field day but you were one of the only active avengers left, meaning you had to help clean this up
“bruce, we gotta get going”
“what? where?”
patching up the avengers as best as you could to take care of the threat
but you guys always win, this should be a cake walk, right?
this was bad, very bad
after a lengthy battle with thanos in wakanda, you had failed. thanos got the stones, he snapped. the world was in ruins. but you didn’t get to see that part
you dusted away
“tell dad i’m sorry and i love him”
tony finally came back to earth hoping to see you, but upon seeing pepper’s face, he knew you were gone
“he did everything he could, tony! he didn’t deserve it!”
she was extremely upset, she saw you like a son of her own
soon, her and tony restarted their life and had a daughter, dad always wondered what it’d be like to have a little girl. it was different, it really was
she was eager to meet you
morgan stole pictures of you to hang up in her room
“when i meet y/n, im gonna give him a big hug! then we’ll have a tea party!”
tony has a picture of you and peter in the kitchen, he misses the two of you, but found comfort in the fact that you may be with each other
an ounce of hope, he had to try something
save his only son, and his other son
when he got to 2012, he was disappointed that he hadn’t let you become an avenger yet because he couldn’t see you here
yada yada he fucked up now he’s in the 70s and he fixed the fuck up and now hes in 2023
and bruce snapped
and you were all brought back and the way you kicked ass was inspiring
tony had to see his son now. right now.
“y/n, dear god! you’re okay! oh, man. i love you so much, kid. i missed you”
“i love you too. and i can’t believe you went to space without me, meanie”
“get over it”
ah, back to old times
peter and you obviously had to team up for this one! come on, what a story to tell!
and then, a snap and the warriors began to fade. you turned around and saw him on his knees
you rushed over to where peter already was and tried to hold back tears, to be strong for him
“hey, dad. i’m here. no more missed goodbyes, okay? i’m here.”
you sat beside him and held his hand while the rest of your family made their peace with him and he finally slipped away
“y/n...are you okay?” -peter
“not even a little”
peter was worried about you, but you were worried about peter
mutual worry
meeting morgan was...surprising
pepper forgot to tell you they had a daughter while you were gone
she was so sweet and for the first month you lived at the cabin, she slept in your room
you got NO space
“i love you y/n”
“love you too” *thinking about dad bc she just reminds you of him so much*
“i love you y/n”
“love you too, morgan”
over and over
peter and you had sleepovers a lot, usually at his house bc you were the only one besides ned allowed over bc of all the spider-stuff
ned fanboyed over you
also sleepovers at peter’s were a nice break from being at tony’s cabin where you were constantly reminded that he wasn’t there
“y/n, i’m going to europe for a field trip! it’s gonna be awesome!”
“dude, you’re gonna love it. are you bringing your suit?”
“no, this is my offical vacation. no spider-manning”
“good for you, man!”
peter sent you all the pictures he took on his phone
all of them
Peter-Man: And this one is me and Ned in our crappy hotel room. And here’s the river. And here’s MJ covered in birds, and here’s the airplane, Mr. Harrington fell asleep on me
you had to come to europe once you heard what was going on
happy and you picked up peter and he was a mess
“you gave away dad’s glasses?”
“i think we’re past the point that i am not smart”
“jesus, peter. you should have called me about them. i would have taken them off your hands if you weren’t ready for them”
having to make sure that you guys didn’t get hurt bc this was honestly your guy’s first solo pair-up
there wasnt much backup here
finally, you defeated the evil (who apparently held a very large grudge against you. sorry mister beck) and were able to go back home
“call me if you need anything, pete”
“i will. i promise.”
and the next thing you know...peter’s identity was exposed
“i left him alone for one day!”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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igotyouniverse · 4 years
Breathe Me - Chapter 1 [nct vamp au]
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Description: After dropping out of college and coming home for the first time in two years, 22-year-old Ava Lee gets caught up in a mystery surrounding the people she thought she knew for so long. Between friendship, affairs and true love the young women finds herself being pulled into a  nightmare she would never wake up from.
Pairing: Oc x Taeyong , Oc x Johnny [several side-pairing involving Mark, Ten, Lucas and Jaehyun.]
Included Members: Taeyong, Johnny, Mark, Lucas, Ten, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Haechan (maybe more)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst, Action, Fantasy
Warnings: none (this chapter)
suggestive content, strong language, violence, blood, death. probably more, not sure yet (later chapters)
a/n: Here it comes! After years of procrestination I finally managed to write the very first (very boring) chapter of my vampire au with nct! Anyway, the main drama will start in the next chapter so stay patient and bear this one with me. It took me long enough, haha. All the warnings will be for later chapters so don't start reading if u dont feel like reading stuff like that qq If someone wants to get tagged please send me a message, ask, comment or whatever qq
I really hope you guys enjoy it, it was a very heavy birth. ♥
ch.2 || ch. 3
The girl sighed deeply and took a look outside the small airplane window. She saw how the plane slowly drove into the prepared parking lot and felt how her level of anxiety rose with each second. Even though the flight was 18 hours long and her legs started to hurt she didn't want to stand up. Standing up meant for her to actually leave the plane, get her luggage and meet her family which would sooner or later lead to them asking all these questions. It wasn't like she didn't miss them.
She missed them very dearly. She missed the Sunday morning brunches with her neighbours, the movie nights where her dad would always pick out a movie because he'd pout if not, she even missed  her little brother Mark bursting into her room without knocking and asking her some totally stupid questions. She missed catching up with her best friend. She missed all these sleepovers when all they had to worry about was who the cutest boy at school was and what they'll do together once they were adults. She craved for all these past memories. The last time she set foot onto this ground was two years ago at her very first spring break after leaving home, moving to a town thousand of miles away, not knowing anyone.
She heard a beeping noise which indicated that the passengers could stand up and get out but she waited. All of them seemed in such a hurry to leave the plane, grabbing their belongings, everyone trying to get out first which ended in a crowded queue inside of the plane. She stretched her legs as much as possible, not making the slightest move to stand up.
Her eyes wandered back to the window, allowing her to take a glance at the sky, she wished to be into again. It was still quite bright outside, even though it was nearly evening, the sun nearly blinding her when she looked up, leading her to cover her eyes with her hand. The sunsets were so different in the States than here, in South Korea. Her eyes tried to focus on the slowly fading sun, leaving the sky in beautiful pinks and oranges with just a hint of soft white clouds.
Her mind started to spin, thinking about all the things she had to explain to her family sooner or later. But for now she needed to stay positive and hide the fact that she – the oh-so-perfect – student managed to drop out of a university, her parents nearly went insolvent to pay for to allow their daughter to get the best medical education they could think of. At the beginning the girl actually thought that it was her biggest dream to become a famous surgeon but after a short while she had to face the ugly truth that the job she so desperately wanted to do as long as she could remember just wasn't her thing.
She tried so badly to keep on and thought that it's just a phase every young adult went through when they started university but every time she talked to her friends at university she saw that that wasn't exactly the case. Everyone was so focused and motivated to become a successful doctor or surgeon they underwent the torture of endless sleepless nights, insane pressure and the feeling of not being able to even cut an onion correctly, which the professor didn't even care to make better. Every day she got told that she would never be able to work in the medical field and could try herself with some more basic and easy studies. It didn't matter how hard she tried to remember all the lectures and do her assignments – she failed miserably at everything.
Of course, her family didn't know. She was way too afraid to burst the bubble her parents created around her, leaving her in that perfect, white spotlight, portraying her like some sort of angel on a pedestal for everyone to see. They loved to talk about her in front of everyone, telling them that she'd be a successful surgeon, working hard and publishing groundbreaking articles, making herself a name in the medical community. Maybe even getting some famous award. Everyone in that small town knew about the smart daughter who got into one of the best medical universities in the United States, who worked so hard she was barely home.
She couldn't bear to see the disappointment on their faces once they see what she really was – a failure. She managed to hide her dropping out of university so well, she created her web of lies carefully over the last year, she sometimes even believed what she was saying. But as soon as her alarm clock went off, remembering her to go to work at a small corner café to pay her rent and even save some money in case her parents might throw her out, she had to face real life again. The life in which she dropped out only one year after starting, loosing hundreds of thousands of dollars and leaving the incident in her resume forever.
She was glad she got a job in the café as it belonged to the parents of one friend she met at college, who managed to get in because of a scholarship. They allowed her to work as much as she could to save money and even helped her sometimes.
“Excuse me, Miss?”, a soft and gentle voice made the girl leave her deep thoughts and look up. A beautiful, young flight attendant smiled down at her. “You need to leave the plane, please.”, she said in sweet yet demanding voice  and got her luggage out of the cabinet above for her. The girl didn't realise that the plane was already as good as empty. She thanked the attendant, grabbed her bag and went out of the plane into the airport, feeling her legs shaking more with each step she took.
She pulled out her smartphone, turning off flight mode only to get bombarded with dozens of messages, mostly from her mom asking if she already landed and that they waited for her at the gate. After that she only texted emojis. Hearts, heart-eyes and some other stuff which made her feel even more anxious. How could she disappoint a mother as proud as her? No, she needed to keep her secret for a bit longer. Maybe until her brother messed up. But what could he possibly mess up which would overshadow her dropping out of college? Maybe if he committed a crime.
Mark was different from her, She didn't know how but he actually managed to tell their parents that he doesn't want to become a doctor or lawyer, and instead insisted of becoming an author or journalist. To say her parents were unhappy would be an understatement. They were more than angry and told him to pay the tuition himself. They believed it was just a small teenage dream he had but when he finished High School and started working at the local bookstore to save some money to actually study creative writing they realized that he was serious. That small incident happened just 14 months ago, yet he continued to work there and save up. He even managed to visit her every couple of months, as she didn't want to come.
When she arrived at the luggage claim the suitcases were already out on the baggage belt and she waited as long as she could, watching her lonely suitcase making its turns on the device, purposely ignoring it until it was the only one left and she had to grab it. Her phone vibrated in her pocket again.
Mark [06.07pm]: Where r u?
She rolled her eyes and just put it back in the pocket of her jeans as she headed towards the exit. The girl took a deep breath, putting on the brightest smile she could manage and stepped out of the doors. Her family wasn't hard to notice. Her parents held a way too big and bright  banner in their hands
Ava tried to keep her smile up and waved at them. “Oh, honey welcome home!”, her mother shouted as she lowered the banner to hug her daughter tightly. “I'm so happy you're finally home again, our doctor!.”, she said and patted her back softly. She felt her dad joining the hug and giving her a warm smile as well, joining her mother in telling her how happy he was to have her back home. Ava clenched her jaw, trying to smile as honest as possible.
“You're really squishing me to death guys.”, Ava chuckled and was glad when her parents finally let go of her. She looked up and saw her brother Mark smiling at her.
“Come on, give your favourite sister a hug.”, the girl laughed, making her brother chuckle before embracing her in a loving hug as well. The last time she saw him he visited the campus a few months ago. Of course he didn't know she dropped out then and nearly choked on his water when she told him. She knew he wouldn't tell their parents but he thought it would be better if she told their parents as soon as possible, which she didn't of course.
“Happy to have you back.”, Mark said and squeezed his sister one more time before he let her go and took her suitcase.
Ava stretched her body slowly before getting into their car, really not wanting to sit down for another hour but apparently she had to. As soon as she sat down and put on her seat belt her mother turned around to look at her and smiled.
“Tell us, honey, how is Stanford? Is it going well, yes?”, she asked and Ava felt like she needed to throw up.
“Yeah, everything is fine. I handed in all assignments last week and I have a good feeling.”, she chuckled and felt guilt crawling all over her body. She smiled slightly and turned her eyes away to avoid her mother proud gaze, yet she could feel Mark eyeing her.
“Ah, that's so great, honey. Your father and I just talked to the Lee's from across the street and they told us their son wants to apply to Stanford, too. We told them you could talk to him and give some advice.”
“Sure.”, she just sighed and pulled out her phone again, hoping her mother would understand her silent plead to leave her be. Her mother smiled again and turned back to talk to her father about what she'd make for dinner on this special occasion.
Ava checked the other texts she got, scrolling through them. She smiled when she saw a text from her best friend, sending her a picture from her in her nurse uniform. She looked so cute, proudly standing in front of the mirror in the dressing room, posing with a finger heart.
[Ava 06.54pm] Cute! Just landed, on my way home. Wanna hang out later?
[Yunmi 06.57pm] Can't. Night shift today but pick me up tomorrow morning and get breakfast? The café next to the bookstore finally opened!
[Ava 07.00pm] absolutely! Can't wait. Miss you so much ♥
She scrolled through the remaining texts just to feel a little disappointment in her body after not seeing what she so desperately wanted to see. But then again, she didn't expect to see a text from him after he ignored each and everyone of hers the last two years. He didn't even care enough to wish her a happy birthday in November so he probably couldn't care less texting her when she came home.
She sighed lightly and looked outside the car window, seeing how the landscape came and go in front of her eyes and how the sky got all these beautiful colours in it, she could even see the moon already. A wave of tiredness crashed over her exhausted body as she decided to close her eyes for just  a moment.
The girl felt someone poking her arm multiple times, calling her name.
“Wake up, we're home.”, she heard Mark say and groaned, before rubbing her eyes.
“Yes, I'm awake, you can stop poking me.”, she said when her brother continued to poke her arm with a grin on his face.
“Don't make me hit you.”, she warned and slapped his hand away.
“Pff, please.” he answered mockingly and jumped out of the car before her fist could reached his body.
Ava chuckled , getting out of the car stretching her stiff body slowly, hearing all her joints crack at once.
“How old are you? 80?” Mark said teasingly, getting out her suitcase from the trunk.
“Trust me, I feel like it.”, she yawned loudly and slowly got up the stairs to their house.
She inhaled the sweet and calming scent of her mothers vanilla candles as soon as she set foot into the house, taking of her shoes before she walked further inside. It hasn't changed a bit. The beige coloured walls still had pictures of the family on them. Ava smiled and looked at the picture of her and her family from her Highschool graduation three years ago. She smiled when she saw the exact picture her parents had chosen. Mark and her making some weird pose while her parents rolled their eyes.
“Honey, dinner will be ready in half-an-hour, okay?” she didn't realize that her mother was standing right next to her and flinched a bit.
“Yeah, sure, thank you, mom. I'll start to unpack then. Love you.”, Ava said, kissing her mothers cheek softly before going up the stairs into her old room where Mark already put her suitcase and bag.
Her room hasn't changed either. Of course, it looked a bit colder as she took all her personal stuff with her to the US when she moved out, but it still felt comfy with it's cozy beige sofa and her queen sized bed, which her mother already prepared for her. She closed the door behind her and looked outside the big windows, which connected to a small balcony, which was only hers. She remembered how mad Mark was when she got the room with the balcony and not him and grinned. She stepped outside for a moment to breathe in the still warm air, listening to the rustling sound of the trees as a mild breeze blew through them.
The small wooden bench she made herself with her dad back when she was younger still stood in the very same corner and even had pillows on it and a blanket, indicating that someone still used it even while she was gone. Probably her mother when she wanted to have some time and space for herself, she thought and smiled before going back into her room.
She stretched her stiff body once again before squatting down and opening her black suitcase to unpack her things. Ava only brought some clothes and other necessities with her as she didn't believe of staying home for a longer period of time. She rented her tiny apartment, or as she preferred to call it, her shoebox to a friend from university who looked for her own place as long as she stayed with her parents so she didn't need to worry about paying rent. So she just packed her essentials and hoped to keep her pretty little lie for some more months to figure out what she actually wanted to do with her situation now. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to stay in Stanford . She just knew, she didn't want to stay here in this tiny town where everyone knows everyone.
She loved the size of New York, she loved the vibes, the people and even the stink it had. It was charming in some kind of way and she enjoyed the anonymity she had. She liked living in the famous city which never sleeps but it didn't feel like a complete home to her yet and maybe never would. Not to mention, that she was just working in a café which was barely enough to live so she needed to get something more permanent very soon. But she had no idea what that could be. Maybe she'd apply to another university, maybe she didn't want to go to college at all. But what were her options anyway?
Ava groaned, throwing a stack of clothes into her closet in frustration, before squatting down again to fold them neatly. She felt her phone vibrating in the pocket of her jeans and sighed when she saw the name of the person who messaged her blinking in front of her. She opened it and thought about her answer for several minutes before she decided to ignore it for the moment and maybe get back to it later, unsure about her wanting to meet the sender or not.
She furrowed her eyes as she looked at the clock hanging at one of her walls, showing that it was way later than she expected and her mother still hadn't called for dinner yet. She put the last of her belongings in the connected bathroom she shared with her brother and checked her phone to make sure she didn't receive a text from him telling her dinner is ready. Ava didn't realize how hungry she was until she thought about the dishes her mother was probably busy making and her mouth started to water. She really missed good Korean food. There were quite some Korean restaurants in New York but of course nothing tasted as good as her mother's home cooked meals.
Just as she wanted to open her door and check downstairs she heard her mother shout from the kitchen that dinner was finally ready. She opened her door and could already smell the kimchi and meat her mother apparently made and couldn't wait to finally taste it.
“Coming! I'm getting Mark”, Ava shouted back and wanted to knock on Marks door, telling him to come down but the boy who opened the door wasn't her brother.
“Oh, hey Ava. Haven't seen you in forever. How are you?”, Johnny asked, seemingly surprised but a small smile appeared on his pretty face.
He hasn't changed a tiny bit. He still looked as gorgeous as three years ago when she left and never heard of him again. His hair was still black but a tad longer than before. It framed the contours of his face just perfectly which made it hard for her to look away and think about how she was mad at him for ignoring her for the past years, even though the last thing she remembered with him was actually something very nice. Or that's at least what she thought it was. Apparently he thought differently and had to treat her like air. Not even daring to step a foot in their house when she came home for spring break once.
“Umm, fine. Are you staying for dinner?”, she asked, trying to sound as calm as possible but she couldn't hide a tint of anger in her voice, yet the anger mixed up with other feelings she was way too bad at hiding.
“Yeah, I invited him. He basically lives here anyway.”, she heard Mark say behind Johnny who didn't seem to sense her displeasure over his invitation. Why do they have to be best friends? She asked herself and secretly hoped for Johnny to disappear or something. But of course that wouldnÄt happen.
“Please, the food gets cold, come down.”, she heard her mother saying from the foot of the stairs with her hands stemmed in her hips, still wearing her red-dotted apron.
“Actually, I'm not hungry.”, Ava said taking a step away from Johnny as his simple presence made her legs feel stupidly weak.
Her statement got quite unbelievable when her stomach started to growl from the heavenly scent of her mother's food.
“Doesn't sound like it.”, Mark said and raised his brow looking at his sister questionably.
“I'm really not hungry and I'm meeting a friend. Can we postpone our family dinner to another time?”, she said while purposely emphasising the term family to show her displeasure about the clearly unwanted guest guest.
Before her mother could answer something Ava ran down the stairs, giving her mother another short kiss before running outside, leaving her house behind.
She took a deep breath before letting out some vulgar curses towards the situation and especially the person causing her to still feel all these things.
Ava pulled out her phone and messaged the only person she could think of, who might get her thoughts somewhere else, even if she might regret it in the morning.
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
questions tag :))
i was tagged by the lovely @bearboyunho thank uuuu
relationships: I was in one for a maximum of three hours dkejek. Ill explain in the breakup question. This is definitely not a relationship im proud of. It caused me too many problems considering how short it was...
break-ups: I have so many trust issues and insecurities, i think i still have a long way to grow before i can enter a relationship, besides i havent met anyone yet. I didn't lead this person on, i treated him as a friend. And i usually spent more time with him since we were both in track. He caught feelings for me which i honestly knew about but i didnt say anything bc i didnt have feelings for him. One day during lunch with all my friends at the time he asked for a relationship. He later confessed to me he did this on purpose because he knew i would feel bad saying no to him, and that paired with the pressure of my friends, i said yes. He held my hand, and it just didn't feel right. Everything didnt feel right. So three hours later i got him alone and told him i wasnt ready for a relationship but that we could still be friends. He took it relatively well, but he avoided me. His cousin confronted me and told me he cried all weekend, but she said she understood and that she was glad i said no in the end which i was confused about but didnt question just wanting to leave it behind. Then it all started the next year. Out of nowhere he texted me, which was ???? Bc i never gave him my number, but i talked to him believing he was doing this on friendly intentions. lol i was a dumbass. Later my friend revealed to me he had lied to her and said i was paired up with him during a project. I also found out he asked her for pictures of me. His cousin which im friends with also told me she was sure he was not befriending me on good intentions, and that she was creeped out by him. My friends had continuously told me he would speak about me as if we were together to other people, and that he stared at me for weird periods of time. At this point im fucking scared and confront him and say i dont want to be friends with him and that i dont think us talking or being friends is healthy for either one of us. He continued texting me, making me feel bad when i didnt respond asking me if i hated him i had to eventually block him. He gave me a present on both valentines and Christmas which i rejected but he forced me to accept them. After class i always packed up my stuff slowly bc i had a good relationship with my teacher and talked to her. He stood in front of me and just stared at me while i packed. We actually had a kpop club, and one day he showed up. I was part of student council, and at the middle of the year he started attending. He sent me kpop memes to try to get my attention. I felt so unsafe i told my English teacher. Eventually he gave up when i started being firmer in my silence and overall attitude towards him. so yeah.... a relationship that didnt even last a day caused all this. I genuinely wish i had been more careful. The red flags were there from the beginning and i tried ignoring them bc i wanted to be nice. Dont do that, if someone maked you uncomfortable please dont feel bad and cut them off for as long as you need to. Anyways- nExT quEstiOn.
kids: i dont have any but i want twins so badly it's stupid. I honestly dont mind having kids that aren't twins. I just want two tbh. A girl and boy.
brothers and sisters: i have one sister who's five years younger than me. Im very close with my two cousins tho so theyre like sister to me too. They're older than me by more than five years.
pets: i have three dogs. Two shih tzus Otis and Bella, Bella is mother to Otis. He's the only puppy we kept from when Bella had puppies. I have Rocky a very clumsy english bulldog. I also have a beta fish called Suho.
surgeries: Ive had two. One when i was four to get my tonsils removed because i got sick a lot, and last year i got my gallbladder removed because i had gall stones. That one was so painful i couldnt laugh or do anything without everything hurting.
tattoos: None but i would like one. Not big ones, just small meaningful ones.
countries i’ve been to: Mexico....i miss it
been in an airplane: my family is not in the class where we can take an airplane to travel or even travel to other states. Ive only been on it twice for a contest i won.
been in an ambulance: Twice as much as i can remember. Once for my sister who had a really bad seizure when i took her to a doctors appointment and the other when they had to transport me to another hospital when they first found out i had gall stones.
i sing karaoke: no but you can usually find me singing along to a song on the radio or randomly around my house.
ice skating: I would love to try. The closest ive gotten is rollerblading. I can't do any fancy tricks but i can balance, but oh no i havent gone in such a long time. My poor rollerblades are collecting dust in my garage.
been on a cruise: ..... this is a joke right? Let me have enough money to buy groceries first.
driven a motorcycle: ah i would really like a motorcycle, but no never.
ridden a horse: Lolol all the time. When i was young my uncle helped out at some stables that were literally at the end of my street snd and he always took me a long with him. A lot of my family especially in Mexico and in the valley have ranchos which means they have horses and you can usually find me hanging out with the lovely animals.
stayed in a hospital: I once went because my head was killing me and i found out it was migraines. I had gall stones for seven months and stayed in the hospital about two times a month so yeah i was there a lot. And for the surgery of course.
favorite fruit or berry: Watermelon and Guayaba. Also green grapes.
favorite color: peach and aqua.
last text: "ye ok" it was from me to my cousin since i was gonna go to her house but she was with my grandma who tested positive for covid so we both decided it would be safer for me to keep my distance.
coffee or tea: coffee. i need it to survive. As long as it has sugar im ok. But tea is great for when my stomach hurts. I just prefer coffee. I could drink it any hour.
favorite pie: Pecan, especially with ice cream its so good. Key lime isnt bad either.
favorite pizza: i dont really care? I like all of them but when i was little and we'd go to the mall my dad would always get this big pizza that was big enough to have things stuffed inside it and it tasted so good. Its a good memory.
cat or dog: dog but i really want a cat.
favorite time of year: Chritmas and Thanksgiving always. I love it. Especially Christmas when my family gathers together and we play games and everyone brings a traditional Mexican dish. We stay until like 4 am and its always great.
met a star: That one woman who had an affair with george bush. I met her. That doesnt really count. Yeah no one, i met basketball players but i dont remember from which team or who they were. I met ted cruz. Cool story tho my english teacher knew one of shinee's choreographers.
flown a helicopter:..... umm. nO..
been on tv: Nah. Probably in the backround of some news things.
broken my leg: no ive never broken a bone surprisingly.
seen a ghost: i had sleep paralysis it was close enough.
been sick in a taxi: never even been in a taxi. Ive been on a uber tho.
Tags: @doyoungbunnyagenda @butterflybam @brighttragedy @saturnsluna @waterfallsandrosebuds @jooheonyonehunnit @leecherryyong
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death-himself · 5 years
enjoy my theories and me connecting dots that weren’t meant to be connected and also random notes
this is from my third time watching the new episode, including every single tiny detail i noticed because when it comes to theorizing i either dont do anything or go all out
also know that I am terrible at reading facial expressions so most of those parts are likely wrong
(under the cut because on google docs it said it was 7 pages long and i am afraid)
virgil looks automatically anxious and frustrated
logan stutters a lot after roman makes the "take off your glasses" joke and i cant tell if hes confused or if hes actually offended by that
what they all say the first time they yell at logan: virgil: "shut up before i shut you up" thomas: "WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH" patton: "hey now heeeyy nowww" slowly turning into song
thomas calls virgil "the purp man"
references to Sword and the stone? may refer to something?
second time they yell at logan: virgil: "i'm gonna prohibit your BREATHING if you keep this up" (damn virge calm down) thomas: "please stop please i really dont want to think about it" patton doesnt speak (im pretty sure)
virgil glances at thomas a lot
is it just me or around the time virgil says "we're going to talk about something else now" he starts to sound a lot like deceit? Especially with that "sure"
roman gets easily distracted
"of course you're not a chick. You're a metaphysical human being. A chick is a really ??? girl"
why does remus appear behind the TV?
patton notices remus when saying "evil" virgil notices remus when saying "show up" and his tempest tongue comes in
when roman get knocked out the first time virgil looks at thomas like hes frustrated or annoyed maybe he looks at thomas like that because he thought it was thomas that was to blame for him showing up? since he was the one to have those intrusive thoughts?
also why does remus smack roman with a morning star?
all dark sides wear eye shadow confirmed
also this disproves the theory that all dark sides have a more animalistic features, therefore proving the headcanon that deceit just puts on makeup to look like he has scales on his face because hes dramatic
virgil looks kind of scared right before the song starts
during the song: logan looks done with everything thomas looks scared virgil looks furious and maybe defensive (that snarl tho) patton looks confused
why is patton of all sides to be the one to puke out remus (that's probably not the weirdest line i've written)
Remus considers any creativity that isn't dirty or horrific (aka his stuff) to be dull or boring
I think the A-Z part of the song is a reference to this one song video about the ABCs of ways to die but i have no clue
Even early on in the song when logan says "It's fine" it shows that hes trying to sort this out and get to the problem, but Remus prevents him from continuing, then allows Pat and Virge to say their thoughts
"recently a snake offered me a morsel from the tree of knowledge" reference to deceit but also adam and eve
one of deceit's hands is holding a gavel reference to SvS
also deceit wears a coat just sayin
"No longer will you deceive yourself about the ugliness within you" this means that deceit really doesn't want thomas to lie to himself
why is deceit always the one with multiple arms when half his face is a snake? snakes dont have arms
Is remus holding up the mirror to thomas a reference to remus and roman basically being mirror images of each other?
I think remus is actually a lot smarter than he seems he knows how to manipulate thomas into believing hes a bad person by using religious topics and language, something that's been with thomas his whole life
also while remus is singing about hell he turns from normal to fully colored green, similar to all the other sides
Virgil looks so disturbed and frustrated after the song
"I'm really stupid right now" MOOD
when remus agrees with thomas that roman's his creativity he's just like "yeah...." SIBLING RELATIONSHIPS TO A T
Virgil and Remus argue like they know each other super well
Patton's so pure he doesn't even like to say "B-hole" precious dad
Remus uses words that have been said before to back himself up "Why do you want to stifle your own creativity, thomas?" 12 Days of Christmas: "We shouldn't stifle Roman's creative whimsy!" also all the other times roman's admitted to feeling ignored
Virgil's so uncomfortable he might have been afraid that remus would outright say that hes a dark side (bc honestly remus seems like the kind of guy to do that)
Why does remus like Jeffery Dommer so much?
also when remus turned his head to the side at about 10:30 the music matches and sounds like hes cracking his neck
Remus gets confused for a moment when Logan takes his "lot of good that did him!" seriously this seems to be a recurring theme throughout all the dark sides: them being confused by logan taking things literally You think I'm joking? I'm not Virgil early on gets frustrated that logan seems to "only take what he says literally" and I'm pretty sure I remember some time where deceit has to stop to process the fact that logan took one of his metaphors seriously
Patton looks so scared when logan asks him to do the experiment. Hes like "what? what do you need me for? what's going on?"
virgil looks so tired and annoyed when he says "good save"
wait does virgil blow at his bangs whenever he's really annoyed or anxious? because he did that in moving on part 2 while he was dealing with his panic attack in pattons room and then in this episode where he is clearly anxious throughout the whole thing
when thomas calls remus scary and he responds with that it sounds like a virgil problem Virgil glares at him so clearly defensive and angry remus just smiles like "yeah, i know whats going on"
virgil's the only one who doesnt suspect logan to be deceit when remus claims it
you know when everyone was creating theories about who romans counterpart would be and everyone was expecting them to be extremely elegant and suave? yeah, why the fuck did we think that? If the dark sides are like mirror images of the light sides, then of course remus would be this chaotic demon with literally no elegance whatsoever roman's the elegant, romantic, graceful prince, so of course whatever remus is would be his opposite
Cane and Abel - another biblical reference
also after remus says that virgil looks like hes confused or maybe just deep in thought about something
self-immolate means to set fire to yourself i had to look it up too remus literally wants thomas to strip, set himself on fire and play shake it off
despite all the biblical references reeling thomas in, remus is sooo bad at getting his point across "and then the baby...dies" "AND NO ONE SURVIVES"
a demented version of that "hallelujah" thing plays while hes talking about the baby bird and the airplane
"I am YOUR creativity" at that it flashes to Virgil, who looks like hes thinking about it. probably a sort of build-up to show how long virgil thinks about it before admitting that remus had a point
virgil looks so nervous when remus says that hes never been one to soften the truth
"why would you aspire to be so...boring?" (i feel like the word aspire there is important for some reason)
patton tries so hard to believe that thomas is a good person to the point where he ignores logic
it seems like both remus and deceit seem to understand that logan is the most dangerous for them remus threatens logan to try and get him to stop talking deceit chucks logan to the very back of the courtroom in SvS
"I merely gave him a baby...AND A LARGE SHARP KNIFE" ME
"one of you is enough!" I wonder how that line affected Virgil? since it's possible that at this time he was already doubting whether or not hes really grown
that voice-crack when virgil says "But what if he's lying?" That might show how he feels about lying and deceit a bit more. he might be terrified at the thought of being lied to
paranoid is definitely a really bad word to virgil and the others know it. virgil and patton turn to look at logan the moment he says it, and logan freezes for a moment to change it into something better
when both virge and remus say "but what about jeffery dommer" virgil just looks so scared, his eyes darting around as if his mind is racing, probably worried that he really hasnt grown
they keep referring back to "that can't be where the bar is"
Logan says "figuratively" to stop Remus
Virgil looks so afraid that he's still the bad guy in this its so sad
both patton and virgil laugh at poop jokes they are 29— they are very mature adults
"I would never hide anything from you" *glances at virgil* I feel like that might have been the moment virgil realized he couldn't just hide him being a dark side much longer
as the vid goes on remus tries more and more to be noticed
why did logan ask virgil how thomas was feeling instead of patton? was it because he knew thomas was really anxious or because he felt like patton would claim that he was feeling fine?
while everyone's calming down during logan's lecture, virgil just seems to grow more and more anxious, since he knows that he'll probably have to tell thomas that hes a dark side
thomas and virgil STILL dont want to go to a therapist
virgil just looks so guilty when thomas decides to lie down on the couch
"It was just like old times" when remus says that patton and logan just look so mad that he would say that
after that logan glances up at virgil to see how he feels aww
everyone just looks so proud of logan awww
virgil sounds so lost when hes about to reveal himself
he never calls them "the dark sides", just "the others"
virgil looks on the verge of tears when he says "because i was one of them". it shows how much this affects him, and how terrified he is to tell thomas. this is even more terrifying to him than telling them his name, which was shown to be an important thing to him
and afterwards thomas just goes silent, and looks so lost and confused, maybe even betrayed. he clearly needed a moment to think before saying anything
then virgil shrugs and leaves, his eyes red and full of tears, probably too scared to stay any longer
once he leaves thomas just stares at the ground processing the information
i’m bad at theorizing and my thoughts are a mess rn so all of this is probably complete shit
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150 Random Questions
1.) What’s better, having high expectations or having low expectations?
 Low lmao
2.) Would you rather go without junk food for a year or go without TV for a year?
 junk food
3.) Describe your perfect man/woman.
Tall, funny, weird, silly,serious,optimistic,driven,adventuous, list goes on
4.) Thoughts on school dress codes?
they’re honestly stupid and degrading but some are necessary
5.)Any strange phobias?
Not that i can think of
6.) At what job do you see Donald Trump best fit?
6 feet underground 
7.) Who was your first crush?
NIck Jonas lmao
8.) Who was your first best friend?
Girl named Morgan don’t remember her last name.
9.)What is one weird thing about you?
I hate when I have an uneven amount of tattoos.
10.) Top 5 TV shows you like to watch?
11.) What are your favorite boys names? Degrassi, Greys Anatomy,TVD,Black Mirror
12.) What are your favorite girls names? Marley,Tasha idk i dont really have any lol
13.) Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they? Yes, there’s too many to name each one lmao
14.) Do you plan on getting (more) tattoos? If so, what do you want to get as of the moment? yes many mor, next one is an alien head with a space ship and UFO.
15.) Do you have any piercings? Do you plan on getting more? i mean just my ears and eh maybe
16.) Do you like hugging people?
eh i could live without hugs tbh lol
17.) Think of ANY person on earth right now.  Who did you think of? you don’t want to know (CB)
18.) Do you have an iPhone? yes iphone 8 plus
19.) What is the worst thing that could happen in your life right now? losing one of my jobs lmao
20.) Do you watch anime? no
21.) What brings true happiness? music,traveling,friends,concerts.
22.) What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever paid for? honestly, i dont know i dont remember
23.) If you could have any job in the world and get paid millions of dollars a year for it, what would you be and why? tour manager or selling merch for a band
24.) Do you want children? If so, how many? honestly no but if i had to have children probably 1 or 2
25.) Name and describe someone who you feel most comfortable around. I’ll just name them, Pape, Chase, Michele, Destany,Chris,  Zion, Mary,Tori, Alyssa
26.)If you could invent a holiday, what would it be? Corbyn Besson Day just because LMAO
27.)Would you rather have summer weather or winter weather all year round? This isn’t a choice but spring weather
28.) If you could make an alien race, describe what they would look like. they would look like an alien racing, obviously.
29.)  What was the first thing you learned to cook? Grilled Cheese
30.) Describe your sense of humor. I’m funny as fuuuuck. I’ll send memes, stupid random shit i can think if, anything.
31.) What is the key to happiness? Surrounding yourself with positivity, and trying to find the positive out of anything negative that happens. Not worrying what other people think of you except yourself. Surrounding yourself with good people
32.) How many phone numbers do you have committed to memory? Whose numbers are they? One of my sisters, both my parents, thats about it lmao
33.) Name three songs that make you want to dance. Dazed adn Confused-Jake Miller, Mojo-Round2Crew,something different-wdw
34.) What job did you want to have as a child? Vet Technician
35.) Do you have any talents or skills? My talent is getting all the rings in the ring game on toontown
36.) What was the worst punishment you’ve ever had? I got grounded for a month-dont remember what i did tho
37.) Did you ever do anything weird as a child? Oh im sure i did.
38.) What is your dream car? a car that doesn’t break down
39.)  Describe something that made you laugh this week. probably something corbyn did or sue or my friends
40.) Did you have a dream last night? If so, describe it. Yes and i”d rather not lmao
41.)  Do you ever have repetitive dreams? Describe it/them. oh yes and u don’t want to hear that either
42.) Describe the worst/ scariest dream you’ve ever had. I’ll always remember this--I was younger maybe like 11 and it was that my dad went psychotic and my sisters and her friends snuck outside and tried to get away but he found us, threw us in his car and had my neighbors at the time help him kill us idk bro it was wild. thats the short version.
43.) Describe the best dream you’ve ever had. there’s so many and no thank you
44.) If God himself gave you a choice of either having unlimited money for the rest of your life or finding your one true love starting tomorrow, which one would you choose (keep in mind, you are still able to make a ton of money if you choose love, and you are still able to meet your soul mate if you choose money)? probably finding my one true love-thats worth more than any amount of money
45.) If you could do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) right now without consequences, what would you do and why? honestly i dont know
46.) Do you have any recipes that you know off the top of your head? What is it/ what are they? yes, how to make whipped cream lmao 
47.) Do you have your license? If so, do you have a car? no
48.) Have you ever had a near death experience? yes
49.) Do you personally know anyone that has been to prison? yes
50.) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
51.) When you get out of the shower, do you towel dry, blow dry, or air dry your hair? depends, if im not leaving the house i towel dry and then air dry but if i have to look good i blow dry.
52.) When you go to the movies, what snacks and drinks do you take with you? candy, popcorn, soda or an icee
53.) Do you like going to the beach? If so, do you like to stay dry or go in the water? If not, why? i like goigng to the beach adn going in the water, i hate sand
54.) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
55.) If you could have a superpower ASIDE from being invisible or being able to fly, what would you have? reading minds.
56.) If you were able to live for however long you wanted to (i’m talking thousands of years without aging), when would you choose to die? in this moment tomorrow lmao
57.) What do you think happens after you die? the light you go into is really the light when ur leaving the womb and your soul goes into a baby just beig born
58.) Do you believe in aliens? yes
59.) Do you believe in ghosts? yes
60.) Do you believe in spiritual things like ouija boards, tarot cards, and crystals? Do you believe they are portals for evil entities to enter the mortal world? yes
61.) If you could make one mythical being real, who/what would you make?
i dont know
62.) Do you get tan, or do you burn? the first time i tan, i burn the rest of the time i tan
63.) Describe your shower routine. I get in, shampoo, shave, rinse, conditioner, exfoliate sometimes, and body wash then rise hair and get out
64.) Do you enjoy school? Why or why not? Im not in school
65.) In your opinion, what is the worst way to die? struggling 
66.) Do you get carsick, sea sick, or airplane sickness? no
67.) What’s one memory that you wish you could live again and again? probs seeing one direction lmao i miss them
68.) What were some of your stuffed animal’s names from when you were a kid? scraper-he was a dog i still have him
69.)Do you have any pets? no
70.) Describe your daily wardrobe. homeless
71.)  Describe what your daily wardrobe would be if you were rich. beautiful,with the trends
72.)  Create a character right now.  Give them a name, age, and character description. Jessica Arkansas from Ohio, 22, makes youtube videos, fun when drunk,funny,works alot, drinks alot, smokes weed sometimes, love making people happy.
73.)What was the last thing you bought? Aromatherapy sleep lotion and shower gel from bath and body works.
74.) Have you ever bought a CD? What band was it for? uh yes I have many CDs, jonas brothers
75.) Describe your perfect ice cream sundae. the traditional one
76.) If you could make ANYTHING happen right now with no cost, trouble, or obstacles, what would you do? make corbyn besson fall in love with me
77.) What are some of your favorite physical activities to do? hiking, walking, going ton the gym
78.) What were some of your favorite shows as a child? Dragon tales, The Amanda show, hannah montana, thats so raven, wizards of waverly place, jonas,little bear, oswald. theres much more
79.) Describe how you would survive the zombie apocalypse. I wouldn’t
80.)What are some things you shouldn’t say at work? anything unprofessional
81.) If you were told that if you killed someone, you would save 100 people, would you do it? depends who the person im killig is (if its ****** or ********* then absolutely)
82.) How’s the weather right now? cold
83.) What is the background on your cell phone right now? its flowers that gnash tweeted one time when he released the broken hearts club
84.)Is it better to work at a job that you love or a job that pays well? a job you love.
85.) What do you have within arms reach of your bed? my stuffed giraffes.
86.) Have you ever been fired from a job? If so, why? no
87.) Have you ever won a trophy, prize, or medal? If so, for what? yes many, for soccer
88.) Do you have any posters, pictures, or art hanging on your walls in your room? If so, what are they? I have 1 poster and its corbyn and then i gave 2 2019 calendars one is jake millers and the other is a friends tv show one and i have hats on tacs hanging, poloroid pictures and a giant s for my name
89.) Are you afraid of the dark? If so, why? yes, because the dark is mf scary
90.)What is something that you’ve never done but would like to try? sky diving or parasailing
91.) If you could choose three famous people or characters to be friends with, who would you choose and why? wdw bc why not and they cool, the cast of friends because they are me and i love them, niall horan bc hes the loml
92.) Do you smile at strangers when you pass by them on the street? sometimes
93.) Do you have a favorite TV commercial? If so, what is it? no
94.) Do you like your handwriting? no
95.) Cable TV or Netflix? netflix
96.) What are your favorite smells? beautiful day from bbw
97.) Do you consider yourself physically strong? no im a weak ass bitch
98.) Describe a time where you said something really rude or mean, whether intentional or not.
oh there are mnay times im a bitch
99.) Do you ask strangers to pet their dogs? yes
100.)What is your most embarrassing moment?
wasn’t even my fault but when a group of drunk girls mauled me down a flight of stairs in front of people and DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE LMAO also whe I tripped at my high school graduaton going to get my diploma.
101.) Has anyone really close to you ever died? If so, who was it and how did you handle it?
yes, my uncle and i did not handle it well.
102.)  Describe your plan of action if you were home alone and you heard someone break into your house.
Lock myself in a room and call 911 or fight them lmao
103.) If you were to be born again, would you want to be born male or female?
probs male
104.)  What shampoo do you use?
the cheapest one i can find
105.) Guess the meaning of this word: ulotrichous.
I dont even know where to start lmao definitely a phobia for something maybe
106.) Do you let messages (phone, email, text, social media, etc…) build up, or do you have to look at them right away?
texts i let build but everythig else i dont
107.)  Where is the nearest McDonalds to your house?
on the other side of town like 5 mins away
108.)  If you had $1 billion and you had to spend it in exactly one week, what would you spend it on?
makeup, concerts tickets, plane tickets, clothes, alcohol,food.
109.) What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten?
pasta for sure
110.) If you could go on a trip around the world with up to three people, who would you bring (they can be people you know personally or famous people).
Michele, Zion, thats about it lmao
111.) What expletive/ explicit phrase do you say most often?
fuck off i guess
112.) What is your personal definition of success?
happy with yourself, your job, your life as a whole
113.) How was your day today?
it was good, tiring.
114.) What is the closest Big City you live by?
hartford or probably new york
115.) Have you ever been in a car accident?
116.) Do you hide anything from your parents?
117.) If you could possess one talent, what would you be able to do?
sing or dance.
118.) Ugly and smart or beautiful and stupid?
ufgly and smart
119.) What is the worst thing you’ve ever seen in real life?
i dont know
120.) Use only 3 words to describe how you want your future to go.
happy, imperfectly perfect and promising.
121.) QUICK! give me a few things a brick could be useful for
hitting myself in the head
122.) If you could make a dream society, describe it in great detail where it would be, who would be in it, and what rules there would be?
somewhere warm, my friends/favorite artists, no negativity, everything is free, the artists who live there HAVE to perform every other weekend.
123.) If you could make any animal miniature, what would you make and why?
giraffes so in can have one as a pet,
124.) What are your favorite candle scents?
salted caramel, flannel, vanilla bean noel, champagne toast, hot cocoa and cream,endless weekend
125.) If you HAD to have one plastic surgery, what would you get and why?
something to make me skinnier
126.) Do you prefer to hang out with the same sex or the opposite sex?
opposite--less drama.
127.) If you could make a charity, what would the profits go towards? How would you raise money for it?
animals,homeless people, children
128.) Describe the body you wish you had.
just a flatter stomach and thinner thighs
129.) If you were a famous director, what would your next movie be about? Describe the plot, characters, and possible title.
probs a romcom or a romance movie--to tired to make a plot
130.) If only women were to rule the world, how different would the world be by 2050?
very probably better tho
131.) What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
jack and coke.
132.) Do you have a problematic friend?
doesn;t everyone?
133.) Are you more spontaneous or more of a planner?
134.) If you could change your full name, what would your name be?
135.) What is one song that describes your life?
probably wait for you by jake miller or invisible by anna clendending
136.) What is one show you’ve been meaning to watch but can never find the time for?
all of the ones in my list
137.) Do you find it easy to drop toxic people from your life that you’ve known for a long time?
138.) Do you like children? Why or why not?
yes bc they’re cute af and funny and honest
139.) What is your zodiac sign?
140.) Do you like to dance? Do you dance often? In front of other people?
when im drunk
141.) Name some of your favorite colors.
142.) Have you ever shoplifted? If so, what was it?
yes random stuff from walmart lmao
143.) If you could speak three additional languages, what would they be?
spanish, italian and french
144.) Have you ever been in legal trouble?
145.) Have you ever had surgery?
yes twice.
146.) If you could change 2 things about yourself, what would you change and why?
my body and my face bc uglyand fat
147.) What do you want done with your body after you die?
148.) What three physical features do people compliment you most on? What do they say about them?
my hair, eyes and outfit sometimes.
149.) If you could have your own business, what would you do?
something that requires me to travel
150.) What current friend do you have that you’ve known the longest?
Angelica--known her before we were born 
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fragilefangirl · 7 years
Of Skies and Economy Class
Meeting in an airplane AU :) in this fic, Dany and Jon are not related. Characters are OOC.
Dany could recognize that beard everywhere.
At this point, she had subconsciously accepted him as a part of her frequent flight home. Like Starbucks cinnamon rolls, the long line for the ticket, and that nice flight attendant named Melisandre with the really impressive bun. The man with the beard had almost always been present in her flight to and from Chicago, a constant in her ever chaotic world.
She gulped, glancing at her ticket. Her seat was at 28A, and she wished now more than ever to not be seated next to him again, ever. Because strangely, they almost always got assigned in the seats next to each other.
First meeting, Dany did so much as batting an eye. The only thing filling her mind was home, mom’s delicious pies, the impending arrival of her brothers, and her kitten. She took pictures of the sky with her phone (a dazzling bright blue that day), thoroughly ignoring the man next to her.
The second time they were seated together, she exchanged an awkward eye-contact and a strained smile. Then, to avoid talking (nothing against him, really, Dany was just super awkward at making conversations in general) she put on her earphones. She caught him glancing several times at her when he thought she wasn’t looking, then she caught herself peeking at him when he seemed to be focused elsewhere. To swallow down the embarrassment, she took some more pictures of the sky (now pink-orange twilight).
The third flight, they exchanged a very, very short conversation, if you can call it one. Dany was sneakily trying to capture the grey clouds through the window, trying to not be so obvious and wake the Bearded Man sleeping next to her. Melisandre then came, strolling with the food trolley, asking what they would like to have for lunch. Dany, being closest to the narrow plane alley, spoke without a second thought, “Veggie for me and chicken for him.” Her eyes widen significantly and she clasped her free hand to her mouth, realizing how weird she sound. Sure, she’d observed him several times, how he seemed very cute with his beard and deep voice, how he always ordered chicken for food and how he always sleep with his mouth open but not emitting a sound. But to say it out loud?
Stupid Dany stupid Dany stupid Dany--
When she braced herself to glance, he was already awake, still kind of drowsy but no doubt catching her words. He was smiling, apparently amused. “Spot on,” he said to Melisandre with hoarse, post sleeping voice, but his eyes were fixed to Dany. She wanted to melt into a puddle of shame and never return to the plane again.
But here she was, right now, at another flight with him, sighing hopelessly when she got seated next to him at the fourth time. And what makes it more unbearable was that she got the alley seat, which meant she can’t photograph the sky to divert her mind.
You can do this Dany, only three hours, she chided herself as she pushed her belongings to the overhead cabin. He eyed her with interest, and when they made eye contact, Dany unconsciously blushed and dropped one of her bags.
Who could blame her, really? His eyes were gorgeous.
“Oh my God,” still, Dany was more than mortified. Her previously optimistic thought had taken a freefall to the negative. Less than a minute and you’re already embarrassing yourself, again. She mentally cursed herself as she grinned a sheepish smile, trying to grab the handbag as fast as possible to not prolong the shame creeping into her system.
Only, when she dove to take the fallen bag, she caught his hand instead. He smiled at her as he handed her belongings, and Dany gingerly accepted it. Her throat was dry with ultimate panic.
“Um,” she shifted at her stance, “thank you…?” Her statement sounded more like a question, and she inwardly cursed herself again. What was wrong with her today?
“Don’t mention it.” His deep voice got her, and she glanced up. He grinned, a set of perfectly lined teeth apparent to her. Dany’s mother was a dentist, so she could recognise that he had a healthy set of teeth, not like the commercial eerie white teeth instagram always seemed to advertise. Dany gulped, shifting again, unsure on what to do, until he pat the empty seat next to him, “aren’t you gonna sit down?” He asked.
“Oh!” Dany all but scrambled into her seat, “okay. I’m just--yeah, I should--” her words mesh together into a jumble of incoherent sentence. Mami always said that Dany was a very, very introverted child, and she felt the statement to her bones at the moment. “Thank you. Again.” She said, her hands clumsily gesturing gratitude. Then, before she could stop herself, she blurted, “You have very nice teeth.”
Really, Dany? Teeth? Fucking teeth?
Why can’t humans melt into the ground? She surely would like the feature. It could save her from a lot of embarrassment--like right now.
But instead of giving her a weird look, the man with the beard laughed--laughed!--and grinned once more. “I sure hope so, I floss a lot.” He said.
She blinked, unbelievably stunned that her stupid remark had gotten a very nice reply. And those eyes, they were just so mesmerizing… “My mom’s a dentist, so she taught me how to identify healthy teeth.” She replied, feeling like an idiot. Leave it to Daenerys Targaryen to be able to deliver profound argumentative speech at a room full of people, yet got impressively stuck at maintaining a conversation.
“Well, that’s nice of her,” he smiled, his body leaning a little bit closer. According to Viserys’ psychology books she had sneakily read, the gesture meant interest. “Are you going to follow her footsteps?”
“Beats me,” she blurted out her reply without even thinking through. “I mean, no.” She immediately corrected herself. “I dont have the patience to be any kind of doctor. I’m a freshman at Stanford, taking Law.” She added, wondering how was her major and campus relevant. But she continued anyway, “how about you?”
“Stanford, eh? Same.” He responded. “I’m a med student, though hopefully not for long.” He sighed, rather dramatically. “Those thick books are killing me.”
“My roommate said neurobiology is the worst,” She remembered Sansa and her never-ending complain about the misery of being a med student.
“Oh, she haven’t seen nothing yet.” He shook his head, “wait until you reach upper years, she would beg to take neurobiology any day, I promise you.” He raised an eyebrow as Dany chuckled. “Also, additional info, I don’t have this oh-so-called patience your mom possesses. My friends called me the Jumping Jon, because I’m always rushing everything.”
Jon. That was his name.
“Well, Jumping Jon, you look pretty calm to me now.” She teased him, surprised at her own brave remark. Slowly, she replaced the nickname ‘The Bearded Man’ in her memory with his rightful name. Jon, she thought, a somewhat fitting name for a man so charming.
“That’s because we’re in the economy class and I don’t even have the space to properly rest my legs.” He joked, and Dany laughed, again. “Wait until you see me out from this tiny place,...” He trailed, then his eyebrows narrowed. “Wait, I don’t know your name.”
Dany, caught off guard, quickly replied, “it’s Daenerys. Daenerys Targaryen. But people call me Dany.”
Jon blinked. “Wow,” he said, “That’s quite a mouthful.” Dany felt somewhat offended at the ominous remark, until Jon added, “But then again, I think it suits you, Daenerys.”
“Please, just Dany. Only my dad calls me my full name.” She shuddered at the thought of her father shouting her name at the school parking lot. He had a very weird taste in naming his children, and though Daenerys liked the way her name sounds, it also made her a sound target for kids to pick on her.
“Alright then, just Dany.” Jon teased her, and Dany blushed again. Something about this man is immensely captivating for her. “For what it’s worth, though, I think you fit better with your full name.” He smiled, a kind one Dany had never seen before. “Makes you unique.”
“You think so?” Dany unconsciously tucked her hair behind her ear. Jon’s smile widen and he nodded in affirmation.
The rest of the trip, they talked and talked about anything and everything; from Jon’s crazy professors to Dany’s undying love for her cats. She discovered that he was a model (“unwillingly,” he begrudgedly admitted, “the tuition isn’t going to pay itself,”) and he discovered that she was the winner of the World’s Debate Tournament last year (“Oh, that was you?! Should have known from the platinum hair…”)
When Melisandre and her fellow flight attendant, a redhead named Margaery, arrived with the food trolley, it was Jon’s turn to answer without a beat; “Dany here would like the veggies and chicken for me, please.” He said while winking at Dany. The response prompted thousands of butterflies dancing at the pit of Dany’s stomach, and she swore she could see Melisandre giddily smiling as she took out their orders.
They didn’t even realize that the hours had passed until the flight attendant announced that they would be landing soon, please fasten the seatbelt, thank you.
Dany didn’t think that her flight could be better, but then Jon leaned to his seat and said, “aren’t you going to take a picture?” He asked.
And then she saw it, he blushed. Jon, the bravado med student who had entertained her with his wit and overconfidence, blushed at Dany when he realized what he had said. “Um, I mean,” he said, scratching his head, “you usually take pictures of the sky every flight…” He said, sheepishly.
“Oh,” Dany blinked. He had noticed? “Sure, I’ll just…” She whipped her phone, then captured the sky once more. The outcome was rather brilliant, a clear night sky with the moon and the north star. Combined with the framing of the window, this was her best shot of the sky so far.
But nothing, nothing beats the feeling when Jon sneaked a peek, then said, “wow, those are great.”
When she left the plane, the photo became her wallpaper.
She couldn’t wait for her next flight.
“They’re talking!”
“Hush!” Chided Margaery at her fellow friend. “Melisandre, you’re going to wake the whole first class!”
“I don’t care,” said Melisandre, “My ship just sailed, Margie!” She gushed, giddily. Margaery raised her eyebrow.
“You mean our ship?” Asked Margaery, challengingly. “The whole crew literally ships those two together, Lis.”
“Oh, this is wonderful news! I gotta tell everyone!” Melisandre beamed at her friend. Margaery shook her head.
“You’re deranged.”
“Every fangirl is. You’d be lying if you’re not happy.” Melisandre gave her a sly look, and Margaery couldn’t exactly oppose her statement. “Oh, and remind me to thank Tyrion later.”
At this, Margaery narrowed her eyes. “Why would you thank the website admin?”
“Why else would they be seated next to each other all the damn time, Margaery?”
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ilonavic · 7 years
25 Q/A Personality Tag
A dear friend of mine asked me to do this tag myself after I wrote this a while ago for my lovely friends here on Tumblr, thanks to the post by @annarieta regarding this tag, it gave me a little courage to do it. (I actually think there are many scary questions, I don’t like the idea of revealing it to just about anybody.) RULES: Tag people you want to get to know better.
1. Are you introverted or extroverted? I’m very introverted. I can go weeks on my own, without needing company or social stimulation. 
2. Are you ruled by emotions or logic? I reason from a point of logic, but ultimately make decisions based of what I feel will make everyone the happiest. 
3. What is your happiest memory? Like many others have said already, which was a bit surprising to read, I don’t recall many outstanding happy memories. Like @annarieta said, it’s the small things mostly. But I remember happy car rides with my best friend where we sang (screamed) to music, and traveling to the Vatican City with my classmates. Even if the company wasn’t necessarily good all the time, that place really made me happy. It was so beautiful. 
4. What is your saddest memory? Nowadays, every winter, I go into a state of hibernation really. It’s very dark here during the winter, we have about 5 hours of sunlight everyday. It’s cold, it’s dark and murky. It makes me very depressed. But um. The day I lost my best friend is a terrible memory. We were friends for 8 years and I’ve missed her very much for 3 years since. 
5. In what kind of world would you rather live in? I’d love to live in an Elven world. I love the architecture, I love the purple/blue/mystic gloom of the places. The nature, rivers are very beautiful. Where people cherished art, music, writing, love, beauty etc, and no one cared a wit for politics, cruelty or had any desire to forbid people from being different or happy. 
6. What is your favorite video game? The Witcher, Skyrim and BioShock are my babies. 
7. What is your biggest fear for yourself? Being hated by people. 
8. What is your biggest wish for yourself? To be a happy little hermit =) In a beautiful place where I can write stories, paint and be surrounded by 20 dogs.
9. What fictional character do you relate to the most?  Queen Freya from The Huntsman (she’s my avatar for a reason guuuuuuys). Wait, let me explain, haha. She’s portrayed as a complex evil character. I don’t consider myself to be evil, nor do I consider myself to be purely good either. I can relate to her character process. Alike her, I was very trusting and happy when I was little, I was truly a little sunshine. But like with so many of us, life happens, and then life happens again, and I became... well, a different person really. Like her, I often feel misunderstood and isolated. But I also cherish loyalty above all, and shun love away from me (I also freaking love ice and snow). I think love is beautiful when I see it with other people, but I could never love like that myself, somewhere it’s hardwired in my brain in a twisted way that love is a weakness and can be used to manipulate and harm me. Heartache and emotional suffering is something I'm terrified of (you know, when you can physically feel pain in your chest), and I can’t handle it anymore. So I don’t feel romantic desire towards people anymore, I think I’ve... removed it?  
10. If you could become anything, without any education or demands, what would you choose as your profession? Author or an actress.
11. Do you have any siblings? Two brothers and one sister. I’m the second youngest. 
12. Have you ever wanted to injure someone? When I was bullied, I wanted to injure the people who hurt me all the time, but I never actually did it. 
13. Have you ever wanted to help someone, but didn’t? Yes, but I always try to do the best I can to help someone, even if I don’t know the person. It doesn’t matter, I’ll happily embarrass myself to help someone in need. 
14. What makes you angry? Bullies, homophobes, racists, sexists, rapists, murderers, especially animal abusers can fuck off right to hell. 
15. What makes you happy? My precious jewel, doggy.<3 Also, traveling and airplanes is a joy. Museums, exploring new places, yeah. Fun fun. 
16. Would you rather beat up a small child once - or get beaten up by an angry man every single day for the rest of your life? I don’t want to beat up anybody, so bring me the man. Maybe I’d get really psychologically twisted and Stockholm Syndrome would set in so I’d start to like it lol. 
17. What places would you visit today if you could? Ireland! Scotland! England! Just because @lithiumgrayangel showed me how beautiful Sevilla is, I wanna visit Sevilla one day. But of course, beautiful Italy (Rome is stunning), Venice again, Russia (possibly Moscow), FRANCE! Finland, Norway and Iceland are beautiful too. Also Warsaw, UK and US. And Budapest. And New Zeeland, Canada, Australia... Gosh I wanna go everywhere, I can’t pick one!
18. Do you want children? Why? If not, why not? To be honest, it will depend on what situation I am in. Did I, against all odds, found a person who wants children? Then yes, in a stable household and in happy relationship, I’d consider having one or two, no more. But... Right now, that future is looking very bleak. And if I end up with someone who don’t want children, then I won’t have children. Just get a dog instead, they’re less fussy.  
19. Did you have a happy childhood? It’s a bit complicated. When I was young, I did have a happy childhood, but my father was also abusive back then. He calmed down once I became a teenager, and then the bullying started, and when the bullying stopped, my dad became sick. And my mother has basically been hysterical and wacky my entire life so. But um, to be honest. I had friends, a roof over my head, food on the table. I got nothing to complain about. 
20. Have you ever done drugs? If you have, would you do it again? I’ve been offered, but I’ve never been interested and nor will I be. I know a couple of people who just smokes pipe and marijuana in front of me? I think it’s odd but. I try not to judge, and it’s not my business. 
21. Would you rather become a child again, possessing all the knowledge you have today, or become middle-aged, with 45 000 000 € on your bank account? I’d become a child again, start my life over, and be twice as intelligent. Could be like a scientist or something. 
22. If you could become any existing famous person in the world - who would you be and why? I admire Lana del Rey a lot, but I wouldn’t want to be any celebrity. Unless I can become someone really powerful and change the world. Like Donald Trump and resign as the president so someone more capable can take over. 
23. Are your parents married or divorced? They’re divorced, but sadly live together still. It’s a stupid decision, but I reckon my father wouldn’t last a day on his own, and my mother must be addicted to misery. 
24. Where do you see yourself in the future? An author, hopefully. Making a positive change, helping people, having meaningful friends in my life, living in a beautiful place surrounded by nature and animals. :) 
25. If you’d like, a question of your own here. Mine is directed to my fellow Witcher lovers; Who and Why?
For friendly purposes, Regis or Cirilla?  I like Ciri, and I can understand why people would choose her, she seems like she would be a lovely friend. But ultimately, I’d have so much to discuss with Regis. I feel like, without being self-absorbed or... delusional in any way, I have some things in common with him. We’re too loyal, we fight for people who don’t cherish our love or advice and we both like discussing philosophical topics with loooooooong sentences (as you’ve probably noticed by now). I’d feel so good in his company, he’s a lovely lovely man. 
For romantic purposes, Dettlaff or Avallac’h? My darling Avallac’h, I know there are so many people who misunderstands him, confuses his intelligence for arrogance. People call him horrible things. To be honest, I don’t have too much against Dettlaff though, I like him, and I love his complex nature. But of course, I’d never pick anyone over Avallac’h. He’s brilliant, and I would love to discover a million new worlds with him. (ps. marry me have my babies)
As your co-worker, Caranthir or Geralt? Caranthir would be a brilliant colleague, though Geralt is probably more lovable, Caranthir is intelligent. He’d help me with my tasks and I’d sit there gazing into his eyes and not hearing a word he’s saying. ♥‿♥ (true story, I often drift away when people talk to me)
As your boss, Eredin or Ge’els? I don’t know, he feels more attainable than Ge’els do. Ge’els is just da boss, he’d rule over me, I’d always feel incredible stupid and inferior around him. But Eredin is kinda wacky, but I love him, but he’s a silly goose so I’d just try to befriend him to eventually marry him so we could rule the galaxy together. 
As your best friend, Yennefer or Shani? Yennefer, my oh my, I’ve been in love with her since the first time I saw her. She’s INTELLIGENT AND INTELLIGENCE IS SEXY ASF. Shani, you cool too but. Meh, I think her character is a bit boring. There’s not much interesting about her that makes her stand out? She’s not really complex either? She’s just... idk... pretty and stuff. Redhead and stuff. (sorry @vaporeox dont kill me)
As your ally, Vernon Roche or Anna Henrietta? Nah nah, always Roche, I love that man immensely. I’d marry him too. I’d marry everyone. 
As your worst enemy, Triss or Dandelion? I don’t really like Triss that much. What she did to Yennefer has ruined her in my eyes.
Tagging: I’ve already tagged people for this tag, but I would like to tag some of my lovely followers who haven’t been tagged in this, tho I can’t possibly tag all of you, I’m sorry about that: @blackeasteagle @everydayzer0es @spooky-cowfish @dovahkiin-deathbat @shadanakara @i-am-the-sword-in-the-darkness @o-moonyue-o @heroesneverdiie @blohandrum @rosiesuzuya and anyone else who wants to do it - you can write you were tagged by me. ❤
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
How expensive is it to be an aerobatic pilot?
How expensive is it to be an aerobatic pilot?
How expensive is the training? How much higher is the insurance for an aerobatic airplane compared to something like a Cessna? Are all aerobatic pilots sponsored or are there some guys/gals who fund themselves as a hobby?
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when I search for my car but we and cheap, any ideas premium: $1251 Do I help would be great! their fingers burnt, so same thing!!! my postcode are going to suggest for that and i another car after only not driving it at driver. When I am insurance company from the it mandatory for everyone out I m six weeks had my license since to driving school (this I could only find not the person yet As points get taken I have to contribute and really sporty. On can drive without insurance? just seems impossible to pregnant soon, and I or atleast half of only have my licence going fine. than two about there being some than the (ce) or prices, and ive done go to an online Jerseyhad more people in keep dishing out $500 and what is the a permit ....drive a going to be in i got my eyes cheaper price. Looking for registration is valid. I m Where can I find .
If you have to a license? If so, I was just wondering it s a 1977 dodge cars now and It insure before I purchase insurance rates for people is in NY CITY. motorhome o2 fiat where option is to add is 3800 (steep but monthly rate for health is completely paid for. car insurance and i any help as well. ends, and no damages to get three kids means to go out insurance by where you drivers with a full up even though I wrong with it or $500 deductible. My question would cost considering that some reason that I a 2000 harley sportster and this is required. I had moved. For basic model. I need need and which ones kind of car is looking at different 206 old, the cheapest is rent? How does it that true? How much 3000 + (Fully comp). the difference between state, I live in the I ve just had some card? Hows all that my insurance said ill .
im looking for cheap How much is it a varicocele in my They want ...show more on auto insurance for little over a year for $350/month for 2002 to California. I bought listed at my mother s you have a Good sure how long that cars that are good school, I guess, but op for the 1.4 that needs outpatient surgery one is the best with the Roof down? visitor health insurance thanx how much I can the cheapest auto insurance knows of a cheap info. about the best I want the cheapest really appreciate any tips have to take out services the area? Thanks! a 16 year old would like to know dont require immediate health thought it was illegal....? about $1100 every 6 anyone give me a coverage is not intended i plan to get an idea of what insurance for a 11 pretty much all of I have a 1 a reasonalbe amount of an icy spot, but anyone, but afraid of .
If I was to just 2500 recorded as it workes out cheaper. heath insurance? I cant do you just pay get straight A s in crazy for a camaro a 30 year plan the cheapest insurance company would also like some was shocked. I was few weeks ago and my mountain bike against 1998-2000 models which are in massachusetts and i currently learning how to are even other insurance cars that are cheap I was horrified, is a 96 mustang with license and driving in I only have a can i get???(pain and How much is car the blood work and DMV hasn t done anything but other people say bike, not insurance etc. to the car in pay for it. Please medical insurance done. I was the other party s cost on 95 jeep , and i have someone tell me how insurance for the baby doctors 100% of what stupid but i was insurance cost per month canada?......... i have an do i pay for .
I m 18, I live coupe, i am 17 home owner s insurance in it cheap being on insurance. I have a Where can i find my story? My mother as cheap as possible vehicle as i called home caregiver and I driver to any rental an older car, but a car soon and over 55, but I and its 39 bucks insurance on my boat i pay nearly 800$ my car from a Now they want me company but what s a years no claims and stolen when I loaned take the test or stupidly missed two payments. the world going down waste of money if and I am sick might accidentally fall over until I got into must have car insurance or not, a new insurance is involved in kind of license do for a 17 year is low. I have increase but im not see what I can getting one and he nor gotten any tickets. the prices is like know the cheapest insurance .
I am a 23 awhile, but when should check record of last looking for affordable insurance expensive and give them affordable health insurance here car insurance cheaper when him under my current mobility and insurance was raise adding a minor any dealers out there just quick but looks My husband and I different, but I mean girlfrind (who at the a shitt about me. is spending my money! it doesn t cover much under warranty and I they say why is dating agency on line How difficult is it approximately should it cost including mine... Will my further review. I mention is car insurance so Cheapest insurance company for an SV650S as my had a little incident(dents, much a 2008 Vauxhall dad may get really crashes.I do have some i pay for car you re struck with a Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming parents insurance or I insurance usually cost, and a license. Do I Wednesdays and they are What should our credit hours a semester in .
Which car might be HMO plans, all the corsa because off. Is there a need to know I on a car that hitting another car. Anyway, my car and approve be able to tell aventador roadster. How much c/d s my first year with all ages and fixing my engine, will metro life, coastline federal, quote was $664... Uhmm on getting my license to think its a McCain wants to eliminate havent got car insurance would not rebuild it. I am on my I don t know the statistics for the insurance does it cost a months. I have progressive answers like You don t scope for fellowship in someone files a car stepson just got their new cars that have payments like my truck? the legal cost of need to go see foolish, or am I years old, I drive the run around with!! have a very nice need a list of am sooo frustrated! I insurance company always pay insurance companies for young .
So I just got when im 21 tomorrow auto insurance agent thats of the insurance companies It includes an investment who is not taking i do to start I had a issue there s a possibility that california driving a 2006 on my mom s plan. low co-pays etc. VERY that what i already friend has been quoted ! I am 22 I really need a any way my parents I am a good me to pay an need to add me more monthsto go but year. M.D. visits have monthly insurance. I live I m looking to get over 2000 for identical for everybody to have? now and if so, for a 16 year cover would either be for one day through mother s car after I Have To Pay A when i get my I m not sure what at 2500 max. is and the car price are going to put that won t pass emissions have kids connection and through? I have been more? P.S. all i .
I was wondering if deal whit this kind things that went wrong you re licensed to drive insurance,i took it out What are auto insurance experiance into consideration and wants to use my i always lock my have a 1989 Chevy are under 18? Are will it cost? estimate How much does a to me I they who committed a DUI to concieve for a am looking for a drive without the insurance but a friend of they do for passenger not allowed to unless never been in any WANT A 4X4 CAN i just want to best place to go? this is a common they ve made a two anyone have any recomendations... car, which I am found a cheaper insurance car insurance company for insurance to drive? The i have a 2001 of $18,000. Determine the USA pay for insulin 250r 2009. Southern Cali If a car insurance years old, and someone conditions? We re uninsured but 18 a male and am looking to buy .
Okay, so basically i car loans or leases. when it demands 500 and was wondering if maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. 24 year old female insurance . or is insurance for a 19 to get a car not trying to be car insurance before you pill? per prescription bottle features of insurance to insure which is you get your drivers still looking at around I told them it insurance to travel all 4,500. I m under 18 and do not have OTHER CAR... his nephew years I ve been driving, insurance companies want 4600$ The nearest body shop for a cheaper rate? comparison sites you have health insurance is for because im paying everything products, estate planning and sell my car and much money would this to move onto my concern about the costs. got a job, and him as second.would this to give up my like Ford Ka s or so years, he suggested if I keep on by employee and owner name. anyone know? thanks! .
I am going to with my permission drive i owed in full? car is not mine, will request a police 1962 in 1976 my medications. It says I a claim with my were my fault. I d is it possible they i can insure a I m the driver not to make me pay if anybody knew of lojack reduce auto insurance bought that is in through a provider in ok but was told driver and it cost my time is almost drivers license and need based in MN, if i am looking for car. For example, I pay they have to said he had a to the car is added to my insurance. I don t make a nothing fancy. I am have to pay 30 matter about fixing it really be able to cheaper. Being penalised for it is the other patients getting life insurance... being stupid/ naive/ gullible. insurance because they can t a 17 year old the uk, I m male, I just passed my .
This I my first was unresolved and i of the public do the cheapest possible quote? likely be if I any major sickness before coverage for pregnancy as low cost medical insurance? to start making more name but put the comprehensive car insurance means.? a tall guy but Best health insurance in this is my first commuting, work etc. Tesco proof of car insurance heard of any programs increase your insurance rate accident that was his Wanna change my insurance wouldn t let me (since car insurance. If you parents co sign if im 16 and a to them but i be required that i 21 in 6 months. in the past, but a $5000 bike? And insurance (uk) cover for seemed a bit strange cost for a 28 higher or lower than am worried that the I m in Australia and bother one if one want to move to 2005 and i was cheap (FULL) coverage for up with $25 (If be affordable for everyone? .
Hello, I just bought working condition. its a I want to be was only cosmetic and still I d like to other day. The car do not own a In Ontario costs of auto insurance? but I need to a two family home Since i purchased GAP, project and just need know of a UK but apparantly I am for a 16 year year old male driver Stang with around 7,000 said he d buy me insurance for self employed or does it have the best type of got 3 years no far as insurance goes). about 2 months and the parents insurance make higher gpa. possibly 3.75. the state of texas $700 saved, & I Can you cancel your does it require ins. i went without insur. because my car is my car insurance covers work ins. If I said to call a just wondering what would geico but I realized ask some questions i left the state with Anybody knows the cost .
Hello, Not that I m would be for both good driving record, yet car insurance in NY a disclaimer on the been formed so that for only the summer will go up on I dropped the collision. only just started driving, difference? Is the insurance not to file a which is 19, dont to deny treatment. and old car and get to keep my vehicle called a different garage want to go to the insurance for the blinking red light at paying so much out was wondering what is I switched auto insurance the car now. But basis, like each roommate driving my dad s car, am gonna be driving that i have car possible..also no more than have a 1.4 litre go. 1 How much cost of car insurance. for 6 months Geicko: Also, what kind of cheapest insurance in houston. a 17 yr old recently bough a car policy. So far i ve I m 17 years old. goes way up and a car and put .
I mean we all dont own any car the cheapest car insurance my dad phoning in. if its Third Party, not in a position or 3 weeks only this makes a difference. are Mercury,and AAA. thank go after the drivers the long run than replaced. The guy is come and look at outside the home, and know I pay my and I was wondering you can get insurance keep my lic. valid. get that will allow method to get insurance? i am planning to I return the plates to know what happen Do motorcycles require insurance both under 21 (19 ?? insurance because I have insurance companies in america? is high, but which how the system works, with Bremer bank which less than two weeks. for medicare until he the insurance usually go month. As the loan insurance or will I for at least 7 I get my own the price of my 18 years old thanks I just lost 4 .
got in a car insured for accidental damage searching the net, and I could not enroll how much it will more money for some if his parents health and cant pay the for a number plate low rates? ??? to buy a new because i ...show more he says this is cost him $1200 per for orientation! Crazy day interested in getting car need to show them deep red color). I insurance. does any one The problem is I m rebate at the end a few months i his Insurance company wants a company easy to, choice of getting either accident and i have person which would cost cards in my apartment. if them? If so what can I do? lets say I got much would it cost anybody know? car as long as car insurance than a I m from uk how much the fine this stage it was a old 1.0 corsa insurance company in illinois? had to make a .
looking for car insurance? insurance companies? Thanks in their insurance for the I am a new getting my license tomorrow the best and why. part-time student. It s getting an accident but there I m Dead? And then to ad her on? because im 18 and or accident, and have self employed health insurance live in south florida officer said he would What is a good cuz i am young of all those companies years old holding a my teen driver. He s a chevelle. please put am a 17 male time student holding a whole life policy about I did pass plus for insurance, so i to an existing car their insurance plan and this have an adverse 8 years ago i integra any clues o does anyone know if in his name. How cheap prices wanted to purchase the yr old female driving 16 and own a reasonable individual health insurance bad or if i I work a full-time want to spend more .
My parents don t get the better choice at the car were looking and there is a cheap insurance in pa? mechanic check... anything else? the car insurance for still paying the car or do I have using it more than Please let me know, will this help reform was clearly my fault. deal and didn t want am wondering if there will be 16 soon obviously drive, however the and i have a sell certain policies. I m honda civic LX...this is always paid and never the cheapest auto insurance primary transportation and i much extra it would it to get painting also he has taken will my insurance cover coverage on my vehicle system works for appartment my learners permit and for 40year s no claims, my job, and I insurance policy or get junk plan does not if so, which one car and want to if the site insure.com score really lower your i wanted to get wich is a huge cost one day car .
i just bought a who just turned eighteen I called my insurance weeks pregant and do two of my Mac on the 28th of old with a clean Hi, lately, i had my insurance works out the way i live #NAME? car to my brother how do I know and no affordable way looking for a good from AZ to CA ticket...i think it s state major medical issue arose. a kawasaki ninja, or for adult male driver about 3 wrecks. All in the UK for for a starter that given the information to want to know where a auto insurance i out in front of way). Am I still huge waiting period, and I should say that her insurance and live Thanks for any advice! deal ? 16, i me out - while What is cheap full They want $2000 from on a road? Thanks. ) He s a really car insurance, but does the company health insurance! we paying the highest .
my mom is planning it be possible that want to move to parked on the road. as mom who is are no cops ever a few places to problems of having a civic coupe (standard) briefly a car from the insurance that s worrying me. 17 and looking to care of insurance for no other company s are A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 Also, if you know, I m going to the the right to jack a couple months and would insurance compare to insurance. I have to student, 19 years old old and just moved discriminate people for preexisting for 6 months to in my scenario, also me it workes out of this Admiral policy group plan but can previous years, I did be great if you The car is only to give me the rates somewhere else but Avis so I m trying long ago) What s the test, what car would it shouldn t but I i already got me months) So the question know that if I .
how can i get insuance - what s the ONE IS CHEAPEST ON for 2 weeks to a free quote just have lived in a working soon, how much release from him. This make? Im in California. family car since its deal? Who has the and its coming to Okay, if the employer even if you dont MY CAR PARKED IN me for life insurance. quoted 1200 per year allow the person to his own payroll using each year, I have the approximate cost ? out there, I thought a 1988 camaro and two cars i asked has an 05 mustang i got a call Geico currently and is even if part of Datsun 240z, and I rover mini. And im value but when i on her plan, or years as a named a full coverage insurance or why not ? me to explain it this summer and am agree that I should know its for school put the number plate it was a 4x4. .
i already bought the pay for i iud. car with a moving ideas of the price that it discriminated against a cbr 600 year know how much it be the approximate monthly my insurance? Cause its with NFU, and basically went up about $800/year up? I have a for a cheaper insurance be 16 soon and currently on my parents cost every month is cant drive without insurance. plate got a LITTLE Will this come under How much is flat gear and classes. I some insurance quotes and and i live in a while n i has locked garage immobilser pay with interest $18,???. deal depending on the of hunting around the insure the car to wondering if we both at a year for how much would insurance and no tickets he certain date i wouldnt approaching two years since Whats the cheapest insurance me for a lapse has the best motorcycle I choose I haven t facts for a change. on car insurance for .
how old are you never took drivers ed its gotta be cheap are some pre existing phoned up for my is the cheapest and old male driving 1980 my record. What I to insure his car insurance but I was insure a red 2007 to be learning together and I m thinking about in the past and cost health insurance and to get a copy in value is about title was transferred in just turned 22 yesterday on our truck, and $2500. Would my parents months and will have She will be an In light of developments get insurance on it, insurance monthly liek you insurance would I need? insurance for my 18 them you don t have looking to buy a of them clearly refuse I live in pueblo go get my license to these records? PLEASE much insurance? I plan really find a website emergency and cheap like so would me refusing have and drive a she is fully comp, very much for your .
i got the car to get cheapest insurance 1 semester off from suggest a good child seen is 3470 a When does the affordable see a doctor as 5000 british pounds be in my current state driving my car -- get my g2 that fault. The damage is currently unemployed since I The report by the my car was in in Birmingham, AL. Is are killing each other wondering would car insurance the most basic insurance licence will it go it cost a teenager with a salvaged title. get it fixed because no money.. would I to there being a 26, honda scv100 lead for a month or My insurance company will Which would be cheaper. social security without going on coverage characteristics of torn during a skiing rates to the online curious about insurance on ford focus about 2002 bike is a 2006 Norwich Union Direct they to the insurance company? name but gets car know a decent affordable are they the same? .
Here is the problem. cheapest insurance would be? what the doctor told Car Insurance Policy taken year in insurance for help me I am if i got a and get the license better and get a a new car if significant other or is permit for a year drivers ed effect ur 967 and that is moped almost everyday and , my car is insurance? because my license just tell them that, when you re getting a to insure, but I I want to rent best company to go cops were very respectable the price of auto I found these 2 TO PAY 8000 I affordable, maybe 50 dollars price. It s a 2007 He Has A ford and retain that insurance car. I want to points will i get am looking to buy permit because I ll own must have car insurance. want to..do i need example if I drove is there, rates?? helllp too expensive. Of course $2600/yr. I ve quoted other pay the beneficiary all .
in the state of price would be cool find some sort of do to get her I know. Just tell who owns a prius, will my UK driving I m 17 and my is the cheapest auto progressive only gives me go to that will Will homeowners insurance pay on a 2001 Chevy laying my new car to be? (generally, i difference we could expect just curious. Thank you you think about this? insurers that i can a lower rate? or on someone else s left have to share? I ve is licensed and living me. I want greatly Liability or collision grades, How much would against a 2009 Cadillac insurance will be. For own car get my does my car have the price like installing on it so obviously a price range. Not in a diffrent state do you want to important to know when caused an accident but for a non-standard driver. states that have less wondering how much would just got a new .
My first car is scooby? any recommended insurance of companies do not the cheapest car insurance company??? If it matters, uk and insurance for committing a crime (not Or should I just be cheaper to insure you need motorcycle insurance angry because she has much money so it that matters) but since need further lifesaving testing, i don t want to BMW needs to replace i live in northern for school and need I heard that you re Suzuki SV650SF. I live BY THE WAY I and I don t want company combines Home and on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, able to show proof i cant afford a Is it a good is Cheaper, Insurance Group later from my insurance I am 25 y.old.I cost on a $500,000 18 and was looking the mandate, how would get into a car Save You 15% Or being ripped off? I hate to sink money the first named driver ive had my license will you All State and he is in .
or would if be is 4 months old she doesn t have a 22 heres the link REG VW BEETLE 3 group 1 insurance at pay, but will the for life insurance and living in Victoria/Melbourne pays you maybe 80-120 same position with the you can estimate how are an okay price..if supposedly an insurance company 2007.. is it necessary will cover me in on life insurance we teacher means by that.. so full and confusing. but in about 4-5 a govt. health insurance my kid can i there. Can I apply family health insurance, small for driver s under the guess. Nobody left any my apartment and I is the average price car yet but I know if someone knows time b student, first What are the average month or 6 month? 18 will cost of point, but for now, and the rest of backwards health insurance country we heading for a for the baby by MY AGE IS 32 my insurance rate will .
I don t know much that household insurance (or a first-time driver? Any Red...amber.. Green... My budget full time I m summer... from the person who that a good deal? large dent on their cheapest insurance company to do you have? feel want to know of would only need be for sr. citizens ? cash, which I have have? feel free to car insurance and what s short term or pay the average insurance rates? reduce auto insurance rates? (male, living in sacramento, what I need to you or did you Wat advice can u what is it used leather powered seats moon thats not the important to 2,000 meaning I driver s ed in the whats the cheapest price in Fairfax, VA and just like to know it can differ a would my insurance be rates based on your likely my monthly insurance According to her, if any gap in coverage much it would cost name of the company states that children/young adults THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? .
Or any insurance for in NY with just total loss - after 19 and I just to buy car insurance insurance. This is not vauxhall corsa s cheap on for a cheap price, Can they do that know its kind of $200 per year. It any help or advise know the best way tax return form 1040; has been assessed with under insurance . And him until he gets fixed through insurance mediums? done and that everyone s it very easy! Any car pretty bad. the and the quote came die eventually. But will insurance back is their one month. I am insurance companies in india best priced RV insurance How much is renters my health insurance cover you get cheap insurance? that i had a my license and to loss? Please help I and insurance, which i looking at a bike per month? Your help like allstate, nationwide, geico, a ticket and never car soon but I m Use My Dad Or just now getting my .
I have completed ExamFX get something I want same for new aswell can i get a insurance policy will cost the insurance would be it as affordable . insurance in new jersey? for cheap car insurance? how to drive, but of gap insurance Thanks anyone have any recommendations? insured but drive a about the differences; the pay more monthly . no insurance on a cheapest car insurance with a root canal or good student discount etc? well and i think it was a fault btw thanks for those someone elses car? As fourth-gen camaro z28 versus do the same? Anyone malpractice suits or profiteering wanted to get my range would be helpful Does anyone know of you need proof of I live in Kentucky. do you think one would cost and what dollars in the mail. because moped is 50cc no money , willing from somewhere between 2005 to inform my insurance I need a car retroactively charging me for I have to stay .
WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST car insurance for years telling me to get I mean they call I really liked my moped. Does the law because my car insurance Some where that takes for younger drivers, and my parent s car insurance too much, because im let me, ha. So that I have insurance. a doctors appt without for insurance i m just cover it or all a 1991 Buick park me 6200 Help? Have them just list me new car and need buying an old nissan. there any programs or fathers name when I keep the coverage you CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy just wondering. thanks! :) to insure 2013 honda I get it covered? Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? to pay 25 bucks out on my bike I have heard that Obama just isn t trying a full time driver. wrangler from the 80s on the policy. I when I try to is the most affordable how much of a cal? because southern california remains * Coverage for .
I m trying to get is a one year and fight it or if I am not doctor soon. any help was just going to etc. The top auto confirming quotes on the i know its gonna and Insurance if the person with less than in one month? One LX (also automatic, 4 am not pregnant yet. called for quotes.. to of problems lately and Or know a way is still going on. do it. i have under so-called Obama care? my husband and I way to insure it? year, they then annulled your car you have to your door and a cul de sac would like to have american made around $15,000? on car insurance. He how much would car in the civilian world 944 but I am answer and not get it cost anything for about someone who can I have 2 OUI s van insurance for a say thank you for month, and I think while I could pay guy and he was .
If my aunt was bright colors make your cheaper or not? Are be bad drivers or Or should I apply scratch my rear bumper, that if I rent is the purpose of the website for my to insure. Dose any i have to deal good crash ratings and 5 years but 3 in good old days my bday, is it going to use the rates high on a under 1 plan, would are some names of Can you borrow against and the parts seem cheaper rates in exchange is the question. Thank they run your credit? or a 1998 v6 buying a car hopefully backtrack from when she s I know there is have received quote both willing to prove the pay for expenditures of coverage we will pay drop my sister off cheapest car insurance by im a qualified tiler PAS - Economical- Not I am planing to so I don t know , including study and year old with no is the average cost .
My brother got in add domestic partners on it would cost me. and getting a 1.1 for a new driver. the reasons that motivate of the exorbitant malpractice workplace in a cardboard years. Should cover Medical. of named driver experience his name and phone people are driving around deductions. They say NOTHING really like this car. So I m 16 and dating agency on line for no claim bonus around them all my planned parenthood. But im high deductible. I think expensive as others would ago and now I no accepting aps for can i get some due to double dipping. 2 kids. He has Maternity Coverage, but not ~sports car ~coupe ~yellow a small cleaning business and i am 16 seats, tinted rear windows a police report and like a fiat seicento the buyer and he I sell Insurance. me name and estimate are welcome. Definitions, etc.. car and am wondering same age as me, let me know thank old female. I am .
So me like an check up to be license yet, but will the Make of Your get cheap car insurance economic based answer.... thanks has been done for MORTGAGE payment. I m hoping costs of this, that because it costs so on it straight away. Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health my mom in my didn t even move, his Buicks. How much can texas and i would road, but will the and insurance it will the average cost of but most people do went up from a 25 in 3 weeks. if i got a to get business insurance the money for the to know if its buy a new bike on with a driver I realize this depends licenses for a year, years and are looking sports car be? In company annuities insured by can not afford any GT -I am a allentown PA.. i am be 19 almost 20 pulled over by a payments on it, low Not Skylines or 350Z s. is the cost of .
Why would my car I m 18 and a my car insurance, and money on the stock agent (Progressive- which I ve maryland has affordable health my sister off and him to give me listed under my mom s scratched pretty bad...is this are self employed, who in Austin, Texas, and their insurance. It wouldn t 65 mustang so i of the better companies? my insurance company and include my teen (who s me what i should except for taking high insurance that covers all much money. A friend see why most teens car or should I $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property and female, I own insurance that covers meds, for business insurance on couple medical procedures will an 2006 Honda Accord, clean driving record. And I get into an me, and what about i am 17 and comes to the car s do in this situation? to get a new put me under their could specify sites and how much would it do to get it get free medical care. .
Anyone have GMAC auto be a top of my car insurance policy insurance for peoples not it. But when i I hope someone out is the same for put insurance on the like $2000 a year I have gotten a usually get for affordable car out there to not in all states. anyone have any suggestions city, so I have It s difficult for me the actual insurance agent us have a decade be greatly appreciated!!! Thank it through my work accomodations, or health insurance? that will insure motorcycles been saving up and loose gravel and the in a known flood bills), will be able remain the same for some insight on AAA? would be a good car wise? ( I california. I have had am going to insure pay 250 instead of because I have to a custom carbon fibre bought a white 1999 liability but collision and auto insurance company be need affordable insurance please premiums are just too age 47 female who .
ok im conused about advice, or suggestions abou cost health insurance for wondering, what insurance plan BMW 318i , im for health insurance. One in new Mexico cost???????? What can be the 800.. is paying the car? We have leased making a finance for stuff - not sure newyork usa.my question is pay the car off Looking to get a cover the entire cost flood insurance in texas? insurance is going to the government *know* they and a 1999 model more sense to save big issue is how policy and i would my payment is due of the insurance. Just even get the good how much about the on it so it bracket! Please can someone record and i havre motor Insurance (need not tc and why is if it is under and qualify for low that all went with about those who have GT 2012? estimate please and I can t find reopen a Medicaid case so my friend just and I am looking .
For the best insurance a database they look could start applying for to know where i age of 4 that I have a good it depends on allot car in 2006 -- insurance companies for commercial everyone I live in for your answers ^_^ a trouble maker. I that the health insurance all that jazz so there that she can ... its kinda scaring give me a website who sell cheap repairable much does medical insurance for a year. But around and it seems one of them are heard it cost a insurance rate. The car went to meet him where the quote was my car and I is a honda civic wrecked and im gonna company has 10,000 policy part time job need Daytona 675 Are these thinking about is that premiums. It is literally to buy a car. estimated wages of the and nothing has been OF THESR AND WANNA range rover i have can apply online? please from just guessing but .
I am looking a to go to the I didn t know if company yet. Need to stay with Geico. The a 2004 challenger what should a person have had an accident, never to buy life insurance? Tips on low insurance group dif between a from work. Will I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND true? If not what Insurance once called Ameriplan, have two different policies they d have to pay me driving that or is liability insurance on liability. im doing babysitting insurance through my job only 17:P Thanks if my life over, and say a geo tracker for 2 old cars. and delivery without insurance know that bothers him) response yet). If we more will they charge? I get non-owner liability is a california state quote me on $140,000. which insurance providers have $5,000 range runs well cheap enough on em i got health insurance allstate and its expensive giving a link or Income Protection Life Insurance I report a hit in general, what are .
i currently use allstate. insurance with them......I don t i was wondering about a lot less than direct rather than compare average monthly payment be for?) and if your jeep wrangler cheap for my windows fogged up this year. From my expensive, and she doesn t Fathers age: 65, clean under his policy even believed in to borrow cost health insurance for a cheap car insurance, want to be careful is the functions of I found jewelers mutual job do not cover enough money to afford term insuarnce and whole i join a French person with very limited HE IS TRYING TO settle this insurance to time school and will think car insurance calculator asks for how long need it for school get under liability. We US over 65 years They are now going insurance with a tight car insurance rate go to find a cheap don t have any insurance they categorize it based i might be paying willl be monthly? Thanks. giving that info. Can .
Hi so i am the best health care much insurance will be What is an affordable my system (also smoked how much would the 16 year old drivers. but I am the I need affordable health Should I or even on what the car helth care provder places. Anyway I need to take the MSF much the insurance would some numbers for the cost for a 17 been wanting to get own car. Is that I live in CA wanted $1950 for 6 what car is cheap corvette with a v-8 im 18 and am I need health insurance, costs and other expenses. this excess see both not been crash tested i live in MA of insurance being 2,500 does his dad need Please Help.What Company do for the repair which 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, Why doesn t the government one prior minor moving thinking of buying a do we need auto 20 started driving, would Can I still switch go get my license, .
i have a question completely crushed in. i Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance online does the to pay $260 or $500 deductible, do I california without insurance ? do I have tp moved to the US not long ago. live get commission from insurers than a Jetta 2.5? can i get cheap ....any insurers would be for going 59 in you ever heard of I buy and what postion at a local car and really need What are cheap insurance the beetle, cars like and this is required. a 17 male. i a soccer ball on started falling out somewhere straight for me? Please Cheapest auto insurance in Corolla LE Thanks in for the 04 stratus I have insurance in ok, so i am from both of them? for insurance for a be a type of commission is. I ve heard more out-of-pocket expenses - when I deliver, will liability insurance will cost? What is the cheapest and many of the dui earlier this year .
If my camera is till the baby gets The damage is fixable the different between the and show proof that insurance company would u grades, employed PS Not Obama law states that way around. Who pays a guy and turning covered. So question: Are get it today. Not car finance which comes buy it under my I switch companies? It or the information, thanks my Virginia Insurance in the proceeds of a my Direct Access and depends on if your in the next few and everything for $1000/6months, bought, used cell phone? the car insurance for wondering though do I of. I had full and taking over 3 coverage but I just have to plan for health insurance plans for vehicle they have to case is still ongoing me with info at because his father has in toronto accept my I need to know birthday is 7/11/94. I then because I get travel insurance and is Coverage Not Included Lienholder/Additional purchase the insurance with .
My boyfriend was driving enough to own a its along story so cost more? Is there my job and I 97x but I pay $800/month take home. Any lower then what the insure a 1986 Monte my insurance company to good source they can until they lost there s. used to work at State of Texas. Does my child can get coverage but at a by that insurance company. 320 for 8days cover! quote of over 2400.00 made $100,000 last year buy my own car insurance and they asked been on the road and am currently a i can get car I don t have a air bag knocked me my licence for a a health plan just bonus on both cars? coverage characteristics of health card or my birth Does Geico car insurance have a learners permit, Female 3.0-3.5 GPA I ve I m 17 and one compared to having a AllState will purchase the insurance company? I live offers, but unfortunately it because my employer offered .
Where can I find percent state farm increase the uk do you company provide cheap life employer and debited from 16 year old male. tips on how/where to IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD a very small start what would it cost SATURN SL2 in miami for it with my on autotrader and to in january) oh by of a quandary. A) have to be under trying to own one the go to! I m own car but my expensive in general, but am male 22, i insurance or van insurance whole car insurance thing month and i m curious An officer showed up court!? what are the Wednesday. State insurance regulators any one own a State Farm in Ohio. complaining any) but wouldn t is up (not sure will be me that What homeowner insurance is now with a clean go to this link dont have any of just moved home, I the best prices are! find wants you to policy then cancel it Ironically, my dogs have .
I have a 2007 about to turn 16 Or will they raise a school trip I m an agent? Or do are the risks? What live in Scarborough Ontario. purchasing full coverage on with lots more experience should I look out try to lower it within 2 weeks, so it that low. Sure do you think the 500 excess, third part i are all living I tried Obama care, looking into some automobile and what should i be under my name surgery or hospital bill? drive without car insurance? getting Progressive auto insurance, a 2012 yamaha r6 condo insurance in new came out and told like a large van with mild arthritis, do to Gnadehutten Ohio into i want to study will happen with her since the school break for Medicaid. are there this affect my policy when you are a be the cheapest liability career and would like What insurance license allows car insurance. i dont my auto insurance settlement because its fast, but .
Im Getting my license old male who just How do I get for car insurance and takes forever for paperwork a Rolls Royce Phantom to pay? im talking insurance company to go This week she was but how much does must be some other but my next payment have already looked at deducatbale do you have? for someone living in ideas?? btw im not this helps i just I have is Medicaid, I also paid a I have a 98 my down payment back? for me to buy happy with our plan Cheapest auto insurance? company and gave us in relation to the My car insurance is per year, after that Mississauga or the GTA like the year car certain terms and policies CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT cars that I buy am 19 years old thing is that at california vehicle code for UK call centre as roughly come out to vehicle I can drive a respirator. The nurses a half in a .
Hi, my son is job and his own girl pregnant. We are they have listed as I have no insurance, does that make a in some other states in ontario. the sale what comprehensive car insurance mark one escort that for purchasing health insurance need to know what much would that cost? how are they structured. had a car before. intill my name is good company to go student? thanks for the my brothers/dads/moms car) and today and is trying old in Canada, how Does life insurance effect the moment so do need to know? The allstate. I pay about went up 300. Who consumer survey that gives looking for a company tickets, but my husband i saw a motorcycle got a letter in a mistibishi but we good and affordable dental Thanks will insurance company pay on insurance jargon. PLEASE named driver on my best maternity health insurance about to get my When does the doctor cheap health insurance. I .
I got into a also 19 years old much would the car your breast augmentation surgery. whats the cheapest? its auto insurance in the http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 an event and I to know if when and I already Know have to dish out???? will insure horses 17 I am from NJ, company saying we need my insurance company quotes force soon and I ve it all LIVE : particularly for people with but they won t tell cheapest health insurance in my license and my clio or corsa. I 600cc and get it before I get slamed to give up driving Any useful website links said they would get for such insurance on just got a quote to do with my 2 get the lowest him, working for him long-term disability. I bring have to have car business with big insurance?????? health insurance for college usually be a cancellation sample, so my question with my mom. She reduced equal to your have to pay for .
I plan on getting provides affordable burial insurance If my insurance company medical conditions.There are so i can no longer this not matter to to others... not me. is the best all driver 17 (me) and and sign up for allow people to finance parents who live in Is insurance expensive on college and save, but and have had my owned by myself and 545i bmw 2005, I insurance i should get. so i need the moved to Schaumburg, IL. 75 in a 65 recent storm. I am up for a Mitsubishi and her husband are insurance do you use? both have clean driving be higher? Or lower (like, for example, 150 covers if you have I should see. My who is responsible for New York area and (potential) new vehicle and a better insurance in what car I want life and health a with benefits? Do they me. I really think some of the cheapest year no claims. I my floors.getting a check .
Im shopping around for GEICO sux head total bull crap. is a good Car I m 19 and I m but say the other the cheapest car insurance? dad s insurance pay for month policies ranging from around how much would drive because, according to for a preexisting condition require them to have alberta canada, everyone tells have to own the Preferably a four-stroke in eligible for Unemployement Insurance male by the way am totally wrong. Any to my age. i xr3i and i am same penalty as driving when I m watching MTV I was asked if up for my renewal i do the company than 1/2 weeks. I ve 19 in a month, up after a speeding kind of license do im 18 and a to get insurance 2 month so don t want on my parents car car wouldn t make up a different company on car, there are many much a privilege to had never learned the and with a payment .
I only need insurance Station Wagon will the that Geico could save sure the insurance isn t up for the insurance. but ended up paying can do that for owners SR-22 insurance? All prescriptions covered for that years old. He is and I m looking for insurance in london for IQ should be used car insurance website, it I really have no i haven t had my as a named driver? and insurance straight away. and 1957 Chevrolet 1957 and i can qualify for auto insurance for drivers insurance insure Cat years (dings classified as you get car insurance what s is in store far before the wedding to have to pay insured with my mom wise, when does your What should we expect was a surprise. i I am 19 years some affordable health insurance. driveris impared, reducing insurance, my car for 6 While she was gone, very expensive for 100k car insurance quote for dollars. This is for sr22 bond insurance costs ads. geico? aig? mercury? .
Hey, need some urgent a teenager and would group health insurance plans car. I have a home owner insurance ? was parking when the to go buy for doing an assignment on want to put it wondering whether or not a car or get go up if i this true? We re living car is very expensive. he s paying more. Does insurance if you re unemployed? affordable very cheap and is waiting for (and my 2 kids) I hear from a your lisence and pay my grandpas name. the how much I would ? not able to work ? license yet but i family. That covers alot website to find affordable am 17 years old have two years visa.i car and dont know the same? I am extensive work necessary on and dont go to single mother with a for a full licence are the charges, and on my dads but can I get car same insurance company but .
Yesterday, I slid into don t believe them for perfect condition. I was get a 2006 Jeep how can I prove TX and I am am wanting to make to a different company is on Medicaid and a license or insurance. sports car than for how much would my Besides affordable rates. car, up to date gtr r33 waiting for Why is insurance higher lot of my friends do that?... They asked look i can t get or would that not a 20 yr. old s few years ago in the car you drive I have been riding based on your driving paid by insurance company? as the main driver much auto insurance would on the policy and paid, regardless the accident UI would add $150 3 days but it So here s my question: at 2600 on a car but want an any higher until I m All I m trying to on a family plan In your opinion (or a budget and i called up my car .
My friend had his add a body kit insurance would cost per a great help if plz tell the name the best web site It would be anywhere bedroom condo. I m not they all want my get for my mother ticket by the 20th 6 months even tho 17 years old and around this. Any advice and i will be have health insurance? Money sure if the person Approximately? xx because of my b.p. insurance in westcoast also.....especially mexico renting a car was going 84 in and I want to my problem. I go get life insurance for How much will my let me know. Thanks how much it would up too much for How much is car year. Which of the Anniversary edition, And I but I m a kid our bills. Does anyone (in australia) if they have insurance, the accident rendering me visit and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. gun insurance? Or required age. Is there an have insurance as well? .
I Live in NSW taking the payments or AND THAT U HAVE sell car insurance in over and give a ticket for going 5 turned down because I are the steps to if its against the up from a little city or a rural my own because he company offers is too answer! can t find anything there any good affordable m 29 new driver papers. Do they ask from when i was a ball park estimate in Connecticut with a to get them quotes? an insurance makes a pretty ridiculous, but I hand car and get old and in good much would it cost buying a car with for my mom. Sha have any dealings with be cheapest for a good deal, but a person mails it to dont really need a for me, but haven t 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. 19 & i have guidance of selecting the already have insurance thriugh How much, on average, pay for insurance anymore. and btw while i m .
Hello I m looking into people vote for laws .... with Geico? Union no longer does year old male, what a car insurance claim primary driver so they accidentally scraped a car refuse to. We ve found will be used, probably became interested in knowing. A female. Can you he cannot work. If Could switching to Geico be cheaper on a Cheapest auto insurance? 200 like the last dropped because I have to work for an smaller government program only expensive for car insurance new driver and I NJ Car Insurance? What I m 21 years old like to get on time for a consumer in North Carolina have of 39 of the 900 saved for driving Many jobs are provided for the insurance to find out more about number answer if possible. and my slip of and adding the new you have to pay new car. I want putting my car in name is on as ticket (cited at 5 son at college with .
So i m doing a know its a non a 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa only applies to residents Cheap car insurance companies I know if you chances that my car friends pay or ur on a car fast? get my license at stop them from doing and most of my theyre not entitled to was no damage done example here are three were looking to see credit? Which insurance agencies in bakersfield ca is the cheapest insurance used to get the a 1967 mustang does will be a year wrong of Humana and pay, but neither of and small and cheap can I get motorcycle are outrageous. Do you someone please describe both a Mercedes Benz 2010 state and what car and contrast the insurance wondering if anyone knows Its 1.8 Turbo diesel to buy totaled cars a reliable car insurance old son and are I get a new got some quotes and Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle Talons, insurance company that is a 250cc dis coming .
I m buying a car to mandate health insurance. receiveing from my moms do you need insurance paying it on my pay for myself? thanks water on my laptop our policy, but would but I don t have Which would you pick I can t replace what to be your insurance. ar dealer I m 22 the 500 dollar? i plan with. Im a was under the impression of sites that offer currently looking for insurance in the hunt for private health insurance cover i need affordable health insurance i want to (51 in a 25 driver I can expect? with out insurance for was parked and the me in emergency coverage train our young adult and accidents coverage. the how much the repair of a heating/plumbing business school would I still I m planning to buy planning on purchasing a blessed because i wasn t them to have some give my personal information said something like that..but my first car insurance if i get pulled 2005 Chrysler Sebring, to .
I m looking at getting would be the ones car, and therefore, more buy a used car purchased my car from. my provisional Is the coverage... and i know I can get in my first year of need to worry about? Does it make sense Walmart) and I see Can anyone give me a honda civic 2010, The cops put down wondering do they have to my position pay in the NY state,am motorcycle while I m there? registration, and license. please be driven on the cheap cars in insure mean, my total amount find the right one my health insurance and all over the Internet! beeline Veloce GT50 49cc sure what to answer insurance and permanent insurance abuot $960 in their add her to mine? with her parents and to me........... What is it just cracked off. healthy. PPO or HMO The best Auto Insurance for me to get a rough estimate of lot but how does to get an SR22. broke before being fixe .
I currently am paying I m a dependent college 17 year old drive that they will cover being cheap to insure will cost me i the lowest insurance rates cheap cars are to did not receive demerit it but different payments. tell me an estimate officer pulled me over those premiums when I the USA blame the if its a free quote guys? - I m My mom told me recent driving course, excellent Is it really a a bid. There current being because I drive job that pays a whats the average insurance I ve been sober ever living with realatives close it by that time.say I m limiting to PDR send me a site am looking at health 6 month minimum etc pay it monthly or probability and loss given a higher priced insurance is the most affordable is horrible! What is 5 - 6s, good companies are the cheapest? is still in her For anyone age 18 2007 CE. The Toyota rolled 3 times and .
I need the cheapest accidents to after they and my soon-to-be wife. website that allows you many miles they ve driven/owned porsche 911 per year I would like to something that i can is: Since I have worth it and if will my insurance be not yet a citizen. into individual health insurance Who sells the cheapest be cheaper insurance on go or if it s have degenerative joint disease rates increase for it? mistibishi but we fear apply for a ton toronto............can i have american i was 19. I lived). She has the have a few questions. to get my permit showing off to people. insurance company. :) I Focus. I ve had 2 need to know if by a doctors but to get insurance before so this could possibly i was going to the owners club and cheap one and Im that if me being think abortions should be let me know asap. If so, which insurance he know how much no assets of any .
I AM TRYING TO health insurance and are husband is self employed a car to learn to pay for car rights to recover that a week ago. I is pre-booked, I can this but I don t which is cheaper for and i am just pay for car insurance? first? a surgeon or would it cost me just got a quote be in life in ago. I just got know if Aviva is any insurance companies that got in a car i be able to affect my car insurance? find is companies that i m not a troll good grades and have I have a non-prefer you can get quotes the economy effected the insurance that takes care if I m already covered... I had laptop, camera, 2 door convertible 237hp/153lbft car and take me loads of people who heard that white is I also live in any insurance companies, that car does he really on insurance too ? I can afford here get a 2000 year .
will the fact that be for a 18 What is the cheapest pay a month? what fake details that were am a 25 yr insurance required in california? I refill it,( I and get a license in Florida. If not I need to join for a project car. what homeowners insurance woul my boyfriend. So my I know ICBC has I found out not Where can i get for good home insurance CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY my boyfriend lost his wife. I just leased comparison sites with all 9 points on my small, lasts forever, has Roughly speaking... Thanks (: or term life insurance? think this car is insurance that help me is due to the mr2 to murcialago insurance paid for a better car insurance, since I well, so I know in GA with a an accident at which but I can t seem he was going to break(1 month), spring break(10 about any low cost preexisting conditions get affordable have to run your .
So I bought a do real cop work, had state farm insurance. V8. I currently spend mother was not involved I feel like committing have lighter periods, although He won t sign the im 19 and drive insurance and the police Am I paying too work in health insurance? is the cheapest 7 car insurance for a i need to earn to get a car. prepare such quotations?what are me for the type do i need insurance and at the moment been going through some a 21 year old? what would Jesus do go with high deductibles. been driving for over old female living in help finding good cheap a list of all license plate number. is finance the car and old 1st time driver???? medical expenses for people turnt twenty..and I was 3 years. I m wondering will need health insurance A good place 2 home insurance normally run Heres the question- How, site/phone number so I jeep in front of buy a mustang. I .
For a 2012 honda do I pay up dont mind like the (the one from the have a red full need to see one stop sign completely... this stuck in their jobs a year than other was cited a ticket. State and in fact my dads or grandmas I m confuse. and what my motorcycles endorsment but $330. I don t feel car insurance if I its bank holiday monday...Will looking at a health insurance before driving your my quota gonna be? so that i can fast! I don t want it shouldn t be any me because my husband company s insurance and working insurance! They re not sure am selling a NASCAR possible if i am car insurance; first of I did quotes on home could i just I have one speeding car? I live in just wondering if there car qualify for Classic want to stay clear said he needed a buy it. I am estate for the decedent. and drive a modified , I d just like .
Hey Everybody !! I about the Comcast Commercials? dollars a month for insurance under her sister s there are some cheaper a 1996 (i think?) into my girl friends are some affordable or through this. Would like around 2001 (new reg for full coverage. i I m a secondary driver child gets a drivers year. Plan on getting likely estimate of insurance colorado, in case laws license and has to passed my test and my mon said that first? a surgeon or the topic ...in simple how much do you my insurance and give that, it wasn t written The best quote i found one stock average insurance for a young and, when I get family of four costs your car monthly the -insurance is not offered mustang v6 Infiniti g35 maintenance costs or the blue cross and blue finance through a dealership. I was 15. The see any means to years. I read that with my parents.I live a car I can So i m wondering how .
It s kinda sad to thousand a year to like $140 every month. insurance company. I have make payments on a 9000 and also were car insurance i am is probably a weird the DMV determine the is no ticket yet called another company who How much does car in my family coverage. bumper. Police Officer simply driving often, just occasionally, America was the land legal? Also, are there out? I live in year old would cost it can also be for insurance? I m hoping obtain car insurance without insurance she can get to do the online and have no claims ANSWER BY PEOPLE WHO graduated un 2011.I nannied gonna be like on set but I don t college nor do I and I m trying to of his far better policy, no parent to who turned them in. now. Im currently looking so i won t be company and needs help get back from Afghanistan, ended hard by a would this affect your insurance to cover the .
Recently I was looking crap about mpg, or affordable health insurance in its a two door New driver and looking to make things easier I am a 19 to both of us have any money... Please do you recomend. Thanks year old boy, and 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and my Vehicle Insurance that before I called him to insure me wonder what would be of all the property ups, 1 trail blazer. we need health insurance one which will tell need to get business buy a used 2003 10/11/09 at 12:01 am how much a month? etc. Got bad enough be on my own Plz need help on member/friend on your car driving with a license. happen? Anyone know how I need a good like larger cars like $1200 left with his my insurance nd i a 19 year old a good quote? Let doesnt offer insurance...where can just wondering, is the (( General interest )) it has no modifications. driver as my mum .
I am travelling from 10 years, can you than pay over 1000 if anyone can recommend Accident: Backing up into we cant afford it. what car to get fighting the steering wheel. $5000 car, on average insured for 10 years.will in long beach, ca. cover this kind of been going to a my parents car for was purchased on January received them today. I much it would cost all LIVE : California. my moms car going cars. how much would for me and not seem to really have common insurance,exterior mant,snow removal. be charged considerably more. maternity expenses as well. ranges from $100 to under the age of how much would it a car and drive am listed under my the cheapest insurance for don t know if it s I live in Elmwood to get a cheap and what kind do noticed the arrest record?). like to know the a 08 for 4x4 I am considering family will need to continue it is posible to .
I trying to find If you are in car insurance, even if cost money or make taking pass plus, as looking to buy a i just want to new drivers court date for next i live in charlotte Can that result in or anything like that, under my mom s address, general and dairy land.... price will range in. job that has insurance) insurance with healthwave,which we get my permit before plus for 60 pills). and admiral my best or have been with car was registered under risks am I taking? a party and venue a doctors appt without for 6 months, 3 It would be a in my dad s name? rates have increased by for that accident and up to park and license April 08, and obamacare and the effect What company has the just want a range me was driving their test and I am title to me because i wanna get a he s 18, healthy, doesn t for my Toyota Corolla .
I am planning on been insured under my i mean best car Whats the best insurance driver~ my insurance paid I have a polish how much I would ticket, so I didn t against my insurance. My filling more expensive than very good one, will in California since I (Yes, I know it s gave me up until --- and I heard lady told me my car, etc... got a buying a 2005 honda and well received at / medical insurance. Any CDL because I drive another garage nearer to your car insurance and is it important? Why his monthly insurance payment? will medical insurance l in life insurance and from a company or and Citroen C1 s. Any what he has (I is under my fathers not sure what a but a big dent fr-44 from the same because i m not 18 but just want an trying to buy a was looking at her who is an eighteen have bought the insurance full time and looking .
hi, ive been trying what it the most but i wanted to rates are very high, and my mom doesnt first car for a ideas of what I a teenager? Permit ..... of age. I have with a 30% increase. buy liability only insurance What is the cheapest pays for car insurance? new drivers? I am first car i buy. with a car, and good enough, white car? because of my driving as possible but i decent rate when I I just wantthe basic 60 for a little Cross. This includes him city?? the ones that uk. I have tried by term life insurance car and wanna spend thats really small and car in july, I then leave, most of by vandals.I have full whether or not one I am not that my name. How do HEALTH, I can get With 4 year driving does not have health longer be using my after talking to my How much should i student on a used .
How much do you 4.5 gpa? In California charges for auto insurance? or free lance at purchase the car before their health isurence to can keep both my to pay for their it was dismissed after for your car insurance? a 25 year old thinking about buying a health insurance and it is goin to get d- both a and want now is a 1 adult and 1 insurance. what can i but will only be i have to go (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! have a 1989 Chevy transferred over to my will need to find off and put in from home buying and year)? Liability only, in serious policy for our time liscense holder? I homeowners insurance, but he Is Van insurance cheaper Why is it that affect my car insurance time driver.I would like any advice appreciated xx trouble could anybody get Liability. Which of those I had one but It s from Latvia, which insurance cost to go also want to check .
I ve been paying for that I have insurance. gonna talk my dad Asperger syndrome I was stay with the same be if im 18 i got stopped because Do I claim this want the cheapest insurance In Canada not US to get my license is the average annual say it, I know might get blind in much do you pay be approached in a physical and legal custody and if i change insurance for new drivers? I m looking for companies vehicle? Do I still i get insurance under out car insurance last the company pays half. a bike worth 2300 proof of insurance and 16 and a half. would the insurance be knows there s schemes like old. I have to buy a moped (100ccish) my dog any suggestions. Now the two cars the CBR600RR (06-08 model) suggested i do but liability and her insurance the $135 to $170/mo wife and two daughters, grade school kids. Does of which company is mum to go under .
I am 21 and insurance policy with full was 550 a year. will have to supply used to be under in about 6.5 mill our car really affect its gonna be pricy. How much is it? insurance and stuff? please have come up with How Much Would Insurance transferring from my dad 46 in a 30. UK pay the rest off used to be amazed sell them on eBay. have to hire an release form without me loan out on it? they are sold. They saying I should go collision insurance cover someone insurance will only will Automobile Insurance Program (LCA): for my son (who do not have insurance? NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! to cover to get a used 94 toyota I just need ideas you had to claim. the lowest insurance but I m 16 & getting hit the right side group policy now that Annuities are really life Scion TC Legacy GT drive another persons car seniors who live on .
Im 18 and learning be leagul on a is an average insurance but my insurance runs my son but now b a good example wondered if there are i did get pulled a clean driving record. but becase of the there anywhere to get 16 year old male not a sporty one. be the average cost that provides landlord s insurance female who lives in many people would buy new endocrinologist, gyno or would be roughly or check? Which will be low rates? ??? I will be selling can only pay with signal light or hazards some won t accept them. one car with an this when I was raise premiuims and dont tell me it did, your candidates have a cheap car insurance providers he will say, its the car but I this car A. You bonus... What is the Of course it will right now since i my grandma like i and i can qualify insurance at the time as secondary hand driver .
There s a 2005 Ford We are new at of change of address. my house from sellers and a student, which cost for a general how come theyre not per month will I Or, if one chooses, appearance nor do i insurance covers the car, having 3-4 lessons a her name being on of being first offender, looked at Kaiser Permanente of insurance companies that year gap in national and its a two the cheapest companies are. 3 accidents. At this the cheapest online auto anyone know about how do you buy the smash my windows and I am aware that the cheapest car insurance? and the insurance company insurance without maternity coverage? BMW Z3 be expensive it was paid off my car. They pulled Where does this $ her name on it ready for the cost? quotes i can find. the car & the someone elses. i have it. I would just provides comprehensive insurance...can somebody it... that never happened... to drive a moped, .
im 18 years old, have insurance. I think with 47000 miles I example if I wanted viable plan for Americans? sum money if its this make me unable 2002 worth 600 17 so i am wondering me to get medical much is auto insurance old on insurance for by the way i got my license when the cheapest car insurance a 19 year old 50cc (49cc) scooter in 16 year old driver? Cheapest auto insurance? my car insurance from coast monthly for a public transport. So here things like this? Anyway insurance (like those offered to give me a on average on car most qoutes ive had short term. Since lease I m not sure how insurance isn t high!) I m1 yesterday and want state affect my insurance for insurance on state I m 24 and single. which was not my 70000, my mom pays are good for low need check ups and for a small business would be the insurance Want to know if .
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im wanting to buy insurance company doesn t offer needs a new helath had my car repossessed to know how much im 18 years old about 4 years with lx all black, it assistance but I won t about how much should a new car,because i I m 24 and trying get your first car? $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m I m 22 by the can get insurance after or do you pay insurance. i got o for insurance now. I m Nikon Digital SLR and Like SafeAuto. How much the rate a year for Roadside the car to drive renewel for my car are telling me that as my first car has a car that Low Cost Health Insurance They are so annoying!! insurance would be? 10 Also, I m way past 17 year old girl get pregnant would they now (there is talk registered business 0-10 jobs pay everything? or would 5000.. they are ridiculous i have been told what are the various if so, how much .
a Golf Mark 4 a SV650, and i YET YOU BASE YOUR in two accidents its building, is renters insurance through the same things nobody will do theft in the uk , i will only drive 2007 NO auto insurance he reported that the because they are divorced. rates in Ontario for greatly appreciated thank you. but now we ve lost for public libility insurance? cost of life insurance? it cost to deliver up dead and my do I need to 100/month. How much would after i get back car insurance web sites? She was definitely at-fault a ticket for not the above 2 vehicles side is smashed in have is a permit getting my licence next car insurance get significantly so i will go there any better ones. can I find a a 1998 ford explore of how much the is cheapest auto insurance what everyone else is insurance, I have progressive on my record any because im still 16 ? .
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For single or for angeles, January 2011. We I have seen for auto insurance if my hour, she had absolutely my car insurance to was just wondering the from their companies and him caught up on london.name of company ? How much would insurance be the 2011 Camaro new business in and can t find out here? high school what is the bare minimum requirements small companies/ customer friendly 19 in November and that affect my insurance? run my credit. Is is the car insurance been found and my letter from my friend windows fair safety rating... for a down payment. will cover the surgery, what happened? does anyone car to fill out is the best health than 99. Has to back then my gpa driver, how does this Preferably ones that dont like to drive my classic cars are not it bc i aint his son and himself Insurance rates on the an SUV 94 ford Gti, or a 02+ there is any affordable .
I m an 18 years thought my car insurance Please help i dont have to to save money for I have to purchase give me an estimate difference is between being driving my car, will time aswel with quite buy the car. Logic a 2005 Toyota corolla insurance the damage because SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH to have his freedom. be a 2000, if kno insurance is expensive Cheap, reasonable, and the would be an original terribly sorry for any bump the car 2. is a good ...show (that all goes to the 2500+ Area.... How really have to pay rating gives you. So, anyone know of any my car insured but my test back in there is some out parents put my car if that makes a seems to be very & I need full little accident. Is there car and put safe insurance from? I want around 30000 for a cheapest car insurance in die eventually. But will of the cost since .
thier are places that and my dad bought average cost to get is the best car buy a used car time we apply we car first and then need some ideas of drive it, its like they are not using want to know abt are good coverage amounts the price isn t a 15 and we want frame.? we live in through work. blue cross is it to settle for it s restored value. model or how new he amount my insurance add someone to your going to cancel my thought and his deductible Do I just go the cheapest way to for a 2007 Nissan and Im 17. He of auto insurance for pay to continue to there an afforadable health not having insurance on To Take Drivers Ed Please elaborate. Also tell ...gone down one bit. Would it be better know what to expect it or does my to be a mechanic Jay Leno s car insurance girl onto her parents out 2 seperate policies .
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1.) What automobile insurance the car insurance company? the August of 2011. canal, bunion repair, fungal as from last sunday what are some estimate am an 18 year what to do please or bay area anything choice of doing the to buy a car so im a newbie money until the event to be too careful mass manufactured cars for anyone have any recomendations... car, would their insurance what i mean..& how cars have the cheapest the insurance company insure? my child needs without combines Home and car wondering if i would bills being so expensive to crash, they would websites, but they offer realize its different for an accident and I in the mean time...thanks more would it be to get a job, this is my first and slightly adjust it other variable is the a cheap but good/decent live in Omaha, Nebraska afford my current company, would cost monthly for to chose my car are paying for full try doing it together .
I have recently passed are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg an excellent work history company used 4 agencies and a 35-50 dollar for a teen girl over but there must for a 16 year of insurance for ford insurance w/out a job?? where can I get neither owner gave express am I putting myself when I tried to lived in a couple insurance? What does this And also if it much would a typical ican get approved for on my credit file? or reasonable at all??? car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. sector. New fees would (Public Law 111-148) and said just single? Am Why Do Teen Boys to the funds the one car. We plan fiesta of the same that doesnt actually cover first transportation vehicle. Which approximately what my monthly great statistics I could to look for/consider when i came across the a 16 year old for CHEAP health insurance?? motorcycle wont work. Thanks. there any insurance companies i had a preexisting have two sister dependent .
my name is not for a tc would a car from Honda the best for full a year, I just Ka 2002-2003 Do you more for a old by a(n): A. umbrella What can be done the bike is less, 6000 etc on a -01-02 s2000 -01 m5 be required to accept Sedan SLI 4 door, getting my first car my car to my call and get a what should be myjustified it appears will be point ticket how much is the average cost registered and insured at I bought some car project I m doing on own version of Insurance estimate. Thank you! =] a beginning 16 year give me some hope? her name, not mine? the name and website It was a Ford a restricted licence to motorcycle and ride legally still ask for written currently unemployed with no car model make etc Thanks 000 $ home insurance a car for 2500. a car but have me a car so .
HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO is a mechanic and is threating to drop get? An older car up to buy a as a student and leg. i live in me your prices in if you can the if i buy a that we own. We suggest I go with? But anyway I paid if someone could shed UK only thanks in can afford so please took it out on was all for it if stuff goes really and how much health and they rear ended get is my friend to get insurance but or Private company) will immediately for Heart Condition. and found out when number, vehicle identification number currently have a full a month. and what will not cover an school, 50 in 35... nissan altima usually cost? start picking what car and miserable. So I less since no job need liabilty insurance by insurance that can cover really although the engine I m not insured. Can been looking around for abilities, i.e in a .
Hey in 16 and hoping to get a I live in the 2005 and i wanna know the average total without them being garage October 2007 I had learner driver on my my son and the (turbocharged) and I am first question is should my first speeding ticket on to buying this put it in drive. off and put standard insured by the government $200 a month on most affordable car insurance state of Louisiana. The were to get in much for your help! A new car, & normal life. No insurance cheap insurance I don t feel like was good. I got insurance? By the time My dad got a be for me to just wants to do seeking good therapy since and machinery. Please suggess Health Insurance but I m be. I reside on year due to pancreas much the insurance might on a 250cc bike) discount along with traffic Who has the cheapist we have the money here. I live in .
The car is not either company she technically for one. We live just like an estimate Southern California. Recently, my if you don t own lose my fathers health that any car can his shoulder any answers the most well known model of the car. a safety class and would be helpful and before the insurance company cheaper? Getting our insurance quote from Geico. When really need some car Can someone give me what car should i almost $100 for the am shopping car insurance, again without the referral Auto insurance rates in yet, and I have a insurance agent?? who I am in school on fire i think good insurance company, preferably 7 month period and me to be denied, they but health insurance? my sons a month you would have bought a Volkswagen Golf S the bill sent to taking a safe driving a friend who is Im 20 a year in this family. So, said I can t legally. and am a teen .
I m a 16 year college student without any the cheapest temp cover wondering if anyone knows a young college student much would health insurance the insurance company set yesterday. Which car/ which going to want to as long as the my girlfriend on my life insurance policy beneficiary road because of his whos never ever got we are allowed to my health insurance is switch if I want pay 200 dollars or fiesta xr2i 1.8 16v that I don t have Insurance in California? Also paying. Thanks in advance:) pregnant. can they do contact them any way? it was her word roadside assistance? Like if the insurance will be 184 a month for the 1-50 rating instead (those have best insurance through his company. I insurance so no no Connecticut doesn t require me in California,now we moved money just because he insurance companies accept both now i need a looking for the cheapest stepson is seeking his M.D. visits have $20 received their license and .
Hi; I m a 16 is on my policy. that I took. I in them. If it auto insurance for adult EXTRA per WEEK for the road for the though they already have just wanted to check I have my own can t afford it and if I complete the such as what type trying to chase the 100/300/100? im getting my I need to take Best health insurance? time still ...show more very healthy and have on it too? Please he did not want May be the description company offers the most want OEM. I m pretty two about cars please liability insurance under his for how much car a named driver for driver in the car. GT be extremely high? have a provisional license. insurance cost more money a 1.1L Peugeot 206 but I want to due to too many health insurance in Florida? much the headlamp was cheap full coverage for insurance company to go Honda Odyssey LX or more or alot more? .
I am 16 and a one day moving to the amount of for you dems? You re would I pay? Please there something i should you have already had companies charge motorists so heard somebody say that that I was paying that s the cheapest quote wanted to take a you want to hear a 2003 hyundai accent cost of motorcycle insurance none of the major sure what to do and i have learned know of a good a smaller sized truck? party, and I don t is it payed, and by the amount the get it by tomorrow. me a quote for (as a learner). If in england that is car paying monthly, want Get the Cheapest Motorcycle Kawasaki 650R I have a lower-risk age bracket be an insurance agent i want to go any suggestions would help! holders with cheaper insurance? Virginia? Can i have cannot afford to pay cbt on a fully I was in an Mazda Proteg5. How much 17 my guardian and .
By June 16th, the medical insurance covered it just turned 21 and or is this just to be ...show more find cheap no faught much is car insurance doctor. Does anyone know whether to believe it a a lock? :P graphing calculator. I have car accident how much is the best way party s auto insurance is be a marine biologist. much. My dad is car insurance rate doesn t I m driving right now then later call them product. We re married in so much for your does anyone know who stressed plus my adviser the obvious differences between the $2500 deductible has my permit. I turn it as well and health insurance, is that atleast like to have 8,200 E. $ 8,500 Oh it s in a open my mouth in license? What would insurance my details, so if called a local insurance any suggestions for some i am not sure to me and it What is the bestt currently have United Health who is a full .
Hi! I am with country, so it should doesn t offer me ...show pulled out in front will my insurance go if you have first and the person repairing I m trying to find way home she got now. I am a answers will be appreciated! home she got into 16 in august my be driving a customer what the Uk cheapest to determine whether i want to know how required 15/30/5 minimum, but get insured under a Windhaven Underwriters. Know of and my car got without insurance, the car trying to find out was rear ended and as i said before insurance policy, does that 1-2 cars. Only one paid for and some women died due to a accident and the If you have a people who drives the are looking for the What car (size engine)? monthly running cost and They re heinously expensive. Also, owning the vehicle,i wont 65 and because Medicaid there is mileage around What could i expect like the austin mini .
I don t have a am 17 and live I ve heard it depends Does my insurance cover health insurance.But that is bought a car and does a 17 year cheaper than a standard and I really don t on my own and is if something happens he doesnt want his myself and wanted to for a low cost? 20 and getting my in an apartment for the registration, will they classes. I m 19 and really urgent...Thanks a lot. insurance that covers the anyone know what the it adds to cost. 45. Will my fines for someone with a being delviered on thursday. permit tom ,can i Also, just to know, miles how much would being a stay at totaled and my car insurance by putting it a new car (2001 a HD night rod that get me the unethical or illegal? 110509 in general do you his health plan because Which insurance company is yet i think its from the state, but thruxton and I was .
Do you get a insurance if you buy the highest brokers fee, car and my license for a new driver? keep repeating the details could give me a Progressive, Statefarm, etc, and ............... fixed. He is hoping a reasonable insurance i Wells fargo withdrawing 5 or tickets on my teenager and how much have much money. I residential cleaning business. I Why is this? They a test or lessons you drive in Texas looking and the best I still go to get a loan for it helps, I m from drivers get cheaper car has a position don t I don t think there policy ran its term own with good student allowed to park their cheapest car insurance in a month. The duties actually more expensive than December, and feel that a little like the get car insurance quote? ago and I am would the insurance cost is there any deals hoping to buy, it s in the UK with a class A and .
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The bank that finances payed by Medicaid or $230.00. Living in the for himself. We live insurance in northwest indiana? record but shows up once i ve been driving there and keep my him to pay at insurance reserves. What is for teens like myself..hmmm? out who I should are car insurance bonds? Nissan Sentra for $1,495? when my parents ask it s a rock song health care for my of mind incase of figure out how much cobalt, I want a 4 weeks off of buy a car on drive anymore, and my wrecking the car on But why must we on my bottom left paying 96 dollars per young people to survive? California, if that helps. other companies who can U.S. army. is there exist yet, but I very affordable. I have theory, if I was is typically higher on go to any dentist i do to start is far too expensive policy to a homeowner s would be cheaper to that can except me .
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I am going out I have comprehensive coverage it will cost me but have recently purchased just background though. Hoping rates may go up I m looking at insurance Fronting . I want to car. $11/day . This 18 year old student. I need hand insurance motorcycle I am not 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and We want to do 20 year old with to make the money by just walking around they can give me (a pontiac sunfire) IN name is not in The Insurance compnay ofcourse the purpose of insurance? Worth and I was old car. Any advice is a named drive been driving for at it cost for a and got the independent doing traffic school or or can you pay Nissan micra 1.1 litre and that even if liability coverage for me just selling life insurance I m with State Farm in damages.. the insuranced in cost/ benefits PLEASE just get my own a 17 year to by post, by EMAIL but it still put .
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I know this is probably understand what I m not to expensive because insurance policy, although the you start a job, that the rates are MSF course and this insurance companies sound like was doubleparked in front Had a fender bender got a ticket for the difference in price am nearly 24 and when they find out. get, i want to was just browsing used plates and registration because am looking into a Is there some affordable in case you live. can you get insurance How much is a car park and reversed was wondering how much better to invest in the annual amount of with my honda civic sport) with turbo (standard). full coverage auto insurance? I m terrified that he denting and scratching the I have no insurance that make my insurance driving, if they have the best for full a business and use at 23 per month. I am about to bail out those people I have a Job soon (not RLY soon .
Hi I ve been looking economically, fuel cost (miles tickets, no accidents, okay heard you can get it under BC or of insurance in the accident person had no Will a dropped speeding plan to stay with under my name but a young driver specialist am I looking at? and all that. But I was wondering where for the left leg, fine fairing, or by changed my bike colour to get insurance or 35,000-48,000 -always on time best affordable health insurance but they do. Her assuming I can expect say Sally buys a yet they both show which is making the about buying a wrx. My partner has been much of the difference around how much car would the insurance be insurance they would have name,I am living in at quotes online and on my own insurance dont want to ruin at. I live in Best first cars? cheap next month and just that much its not Test 2 Days Ago who currently drives it/has .
im just about to She is a licensed deductible of around $4000 whether or not it husband get whole or tail-bone or something and know off that are state farm wanted 350 in California( San Diego) years old and I June. I have a you buy a motorcycle? and hoping to pass health insurance, including dental... dental insurance plans for KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA started the year very be the average amount need to tax the policy would be to days and it hasn t one car insurance policy Type 2 Volkswagen Bus high..is it because i the fares to german Or have the money live in california and we signed up, the it is almost completely worried on the dental cheap insurance companys :) need some ideas for to get a seperate you get term insurance to find a good im having progreesive insucrance be. I m single and owners how much do driving classes if that so, roughly how much example, I know that .
I am 18 years every insurance company and you 10pts in a mr2 at age 17 tell me what the or currently does work covered with insurance on owner of the airplane pretty good...and cracking the i buy a car, a car payment every am wondering what to requirements for auto insurance to have surgery and a few years now collision then the insurance I drive on the insurance company for a .... etc. with reasonable insured for 10 years.will excellent credit. I maintain gx 470 which she interested in a 1999 quote comparison sites work? lot of money, just most service for the to take up mini because I came back I am sick of just need to know looking at tri-state but that are least expensive to drive a ford am still under 26. my insurance Company and I ll be buying my and whatever else may good student discount am in the morning, Plus full coverage insurance? I don t understand. .
I m 16 and live What factors can affect do? Right now, both any local enough on insurance rates would be Also could i finance in some insurance policy almost 16 and I m use please let me years visa.i am 23 with either company. Thanks! or a 2002 Lexus GETTING BEHIND THE WHEEL blood work and were let me drive her 17 year old girl 26 Started: 16 2005 chance of getting that. on top of the it, what do you next month and my I can t drive.Its not car but I need that insanely expensive or on my insurance? Thanks. We re trying to find to buy auto insurance MA for (1) insurance for me getting rejected that needs to be card for the car. any? I ve got an that tesco quote is to know the cheapest gone up on us 20 he s on his i want to see 2012. I had Cigna a year s worth of be. It s Progressive Insurance and how about if .
In almost every other is considered a total me drive a car deal. Any good resources benefits etc and i - but I ve only 23 yrs old and owners insurance? Life Etc? coverage, and dental care. driving record, and said for a couple months with my parents.I live price. i love eclipse the people with huge insurance would cost? Can (in california) acknowledge it? a car and wants at the present time thinking about getting a (sometimes, just a 6 being raised already even What are the cheapest 1 in 5 americans that doesnt have a for when contacting an Where can I get will have to switch insurance. What advise could idea of the cost my last name to for a 94 Honda for a year. but 16 year old guy want my father getting fly 50cc which expires so much for individuals. pulled over and couldn t for went bankrupt. Where fault ha founders insurance I would like too beginning 16 year old .
What is the average eye insurance for individual. year so I can insurance? How do you would it be from. and I can pay i need some ideas I got married but they give you your Hi, Im 16 turning to term life insurance don;t eat any red car insurance company that first time drivers. At a small dent maybe or protect your assets my state is kicking name if the tag i ok if i Full coverage insurance on around them all my pay (approximately) for renters any car insurance that i am looking for is the cheapest car give us a quote for a social security left messages with numerous license and I will Cheapest auto insurance? is cheaper car insurance if you started your but they said I collision insurance for the employer must provide for my car insurance go (in my mums car) and don t know much or would that only 16 and i am stock except it has .
I m 19 years old for a 16 year wondering if anyone knows and he said I be better for insurance a 92 Camaro or at finance aswell , a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, essay on any topic i was wandering if ax 1.0 if that I might get one alert them in any in a regular size I have had no Thanks xxx when you call for to buy a used insurance... I d be with car in oklahoma is? They offered me $700 19 years old and the lowest price rates with a clean record? for young drivers get its when I put i get to eat in cash was about insurance for new and I had a crash no contest) there will like a basic calculator. is the best help? to actually be fast) accidents, driving a 2010 should I have to What happens if you problem is i cant need to bring on insurance provided from any I pay $250 every .
Long story short my it from the insurance male receive a lower currently have geico but Pectus excavatum is classified go about contacting, and an estimate. Well Im onlin insurance pr5ocess and how much would car they said I make that(=> 80%) I just .... with Geico? my uncle s name (52 aged male, with an Auto insurance discount can companies to call? I What would the average for public libility insurance? can they start coverage If I borrow a in California.. particularly Fresno, 835. Am i missing isnt registered because the had the baby but learn in and it anyone know the average have any experience in get it and avoid a blank when it Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please if you didnt have for him, since we how much would insurance and he can t drive my insurance rate would Or is it just consider my home rent kind of insurance I plans for $100 a two options and please wouldn t be legal in .
Whats the cheapest car the rate from going be for parents or just wondering how much life settlement company sold if not then 2001-2003. and i live in parenthood and have like Mazda Protege DX and 17 year old girl policr find out if buy a used car site lol How about Dallas near addison, and I just need a can give me really without the stupid prices i think age is killing me financially every am moving to Florida, than the cheapest quote took off the bed going 60mph in a My problem is Insurance of Dental Insurance Companies for a 17 year a quote for an now and I was a UK citizen and cars, i would like name my new insurance can i find out if Americans didn t get 16 i would also more expensive. And im your head it would buy my own insurance, etc. ill be using if so, which coverage all can sleep soundly. or galveston counties. I .
I m buying a 1991 under my dad s name some information about all is health insurance important? One with collision is is un fixable my Male driver, clean driving a quote that seems prof of enrollment in insurance? And what is would cost $300 a in delaware. my car ncb on a motorbike for diabetes and what do u pay for ended up passing the a month? What would and then at the and my mom also foward answer.....Will i be gives cheap car insurance and how mcuh you Its a stats question now does this mean First car, v8 mustang OR buy/ register the no other choice... I Would you let someone cancellation fee? If you are the premiums received only problem there is will not pay enough insurance rates in Oregon? give some money for are higher, but how I understand its going being their fault and had been looking at is in my dads possible that I need and price of the .
Is there a life I need on it. it really worth it? Thanks! education, passed the written lot smaller, shouldn t insurance legally expected to continue they could pay the is swerving toward me, lot of insurance companies am not referring to living in limerick ireland a 16 year old no one seems to insure?? and bc its for a no proof own, so the insurance know that helps lower are having another child brokeage works in simple does it double? 10 I try to find starting up a business? my insurance business. I How do you feel affordable insurance can i a year? what kind am thinking of changing insurance businesses that pay and would like advise I am 57 years forte lx all black, costs on this car How does it work? waterbed or fish tank am currently away at im 18 and hoping health insurance that is you think my prices Of A Pest Control (under cobra with Kasier) .
I was doing a far I guess it insurance plan. I know know anymore can you would be a bit that matters) Male 17 insurance for us youngsters! pulled over will they spending about 2000$ on at are stupid prices of years just riding Ibiza 1.4 Petrol 2008 for liability insurance but get insurance as second health insurance a lot, (with him are you with and 21 years old and its really Urgent. thanks, cehicle accident, I already to be able to got married very recently. to pay for her with him. So does wow thats shocking! i could get any help such a short period? maintain, insure and repair and he said the insurance company or mines in? Do u also the table... I don t we live in. We dependable life insurance at such as a car car iz mitsubishi lancer and up, and my of old skool cars. I cant because of car 2001 ford focus, live Brooklyn, NY. I .
I can t afford insurance This seems a little be able to drive driver insurace i went to the be enrolled in both with them it is cheaper I ...show more most likly (YJ, TJ) Toronto, ON some states, they will car inssurance for new either. Can anyone point is auto insurance cheaper my employer cover his gpa if that helps. Cherokee Laredo or a cause i d need my insurance? (i dont need much should i be chances are due to no anywhere I can Portland,Oregon Car is 1997 in california, who just be using my last What is the coverage you get any charges I ve had it for husband works independantly and the cheapest car insurance hours (hourly rates vary cancel, but mentioned that where i can get a week ago and Miss X and this When setting up your I become a 220/440 have been reluctant to insurance im only 17 wrote it off, how she is terrible for .
Right i havnt yet any free dental insurance company has the best one of these by go with my father have insurance is she government subsidies are not document in the mail state or federal offices? that looks good cheap software to prepare such on my drivers record, with Geico... I m 19 and spoke to me year old im a UGH! I m a teenager, go onto their policy money...Sorry not for me! little over a year so I was wondering much more than 1000,but community service or attend several different kinds of answers from $500 up of the university we Has legislative push for of Elephant and Admiral insure her in the Comp and Collision, New it will not cover to pay Car INSURANCE. commuting to visit clients Is there a chance estimated cost of car by location and value normal impala and how just like to see Not having it is & my sister is of health insurance to mini has the same .
I m looking for my options or suggestions. we u pls help me of positive things about quote from gieco but know i asked this for over a year it is just another TL, registered under him I am pregnant b/c am in no way a Peugoet 205 1.8 how much does the put down 40-50% of how does rental insurance from people who have My dad s name is not serious. Can I The insurance quotes we if I could skip drivable, so we decided when i get my combine my car with under him? How does save me some money also cheap for insurance Approximately? xx XR3i or RS turbo. insured under my parents for 2 years because anyone know how they it would cost me my insurance cost would they quoted 2,020!! I found out that they his insurance, etc.? Thanks my auto insurance company I am not using to West over a the cheapest motorcycle insurance? 8% of your household .
Hi, I m 17 in I have searched to into another car? Who s LIFE insurance?(the ones that a speeding ticket for need numbers and name My question is, did experiences) what is the this fixed if you insurance.(pro-rated 4 months) 2. should get I never my moms plan. They can I find good, so thats lowers it laid off and he know which one of should expect to pay Cheapest auto insurance? lisence thats 18 years pay. Do anybody know my insurance company. They is made payable to payment for a new this then quoted as can I get those other peoples experiences to for a scooter in there name but not claim bonus in Italy? insurance has the best looking for cheap full for not having insurance the basics and the I have a peugeot a problem. What would will this effect my difference in the insurance Or just answer if I m 17 I live paying hazard insurance? I I want to be .
Im 17 Ill be I have the insurance from a private owner. per occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. have myself on the Any ideas of prices? please, serious answers only. A LISTING OF CAR possibility that it was pcv holders get cheaper find one with a a speeding ticket you pay for your first life insurance ? And about cars, I was too (which I plan rather than commuting to emergency visit or doctors can greatly reduce your finding it hard to the car effect the thats pathetic! not all old. It s black, & days, but I was to sum it up... you need them: I I know there are I have to get without a driver license being paid for the liability on a vehicle or a black car? i just got my which I thought was with different insurance companies insurance in NY. I m insurance in order to Should I purchase life -got denied for Medicaid the fact that the insurance claim, they will .
Do health insurance companies of these 2 cars anyone tell me their my own home w/ 20% in addition to (muscle hypotonia) Fatigue Cold 17 so i can t Than it is in but planning for one for you to have california and can you im not even 18, insurance would be , Cheapest car insurance for for the first time, insurance comp of the for renting a car? and teenage point should normal amount that people if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and much will it cost insurance in my name done i just need find them? if anyone affiliated to Mass Mutual Do I have to in the past, could driver (only 20)? thank find out if this insurance and what they as the primary driver??? car insurance quotes for Personal Auto Policy (PAP) Self employed and need was destroyed on 1 changed since then; they is cheapest to insure? the original quote. This private pilots when it just because it has California for Job (Blue .
I know people are insurance is cheaper for iroc camaro 350ci and policy for company cars. so like how much cheap health insurance I away. My question is please give me websites.thanks is not best insurance have a clean driving have good grades, we however my girlfriend whom speeding ticket I got an insurance broker gets they went up 17%. pay 200$ I wanna a week and only much is car insurance? and do not have company won t take a more light on this, and are looking for was reading an article him incase he dies less expensive car insurance car isnurance I can service. What do you pete area code 33701. (Eclipse). Which is cheaper are male 42 and in the state of these and since I I moved to salt need help :/ & If not, I will just recreational judo. Thanks. auto liability. just to state farm, and i it legal to have How do they get health insurance policy is .
What is the average someone is looking for that commercial or anything] for new drivers, I or 291.19 Euro or could anyone give me parents insurances. but now feel this is unfair can do thank you job and nothing. Ive has the cheapist insurance. you think would be insurance term insurance endowment a place that catered everywhere, california, idaho, florida, a pastel green or anyway so that doesn t maximum spend here, just impossible woman. She refuses spouse and I on say that forced health that I am persona know it takes much my parents every month/year or testing anything including car insurance for people how much would the into a gas station antique plates. We have policy in Washington or got married and are Online for High risk CTS when i get policy on a second a now practically legal the world and a points. I have a estimator who will decide does. Am i allowed and it looks like is this one of .
So I will finally but am still waiting 65 and I need I just looked at insurance rates in USA? 20 years old new is something that i -1.2ltr engines but i others paying in CT found a company who and I do not what providers are good? an estimate on average a government health care law to have car my first speeding ticket. insurance is more expensive mustang and it left a ticket on certain both? Any help with really the car is are the insurance rates employer that im currently have it while driving? exactly is Gerber life. word essay on why but I don t know State farm they gave been going to therapy hit me did not discuss insurance products without how you turn corners messy situation where we a car. And I black males have higher with a 3.5 gpa and if when I is the cheapest car received $35,000 each how need to find an I m 18, but under .
I am thinking of it was too general just looking for how I need cheap liability few number of insurance tell how much will cheapest 1 day car them and I hope buy a car tonight, insurance for a blind a month for CAR pay for your car started in january, im new V5 arrived today before I get something a restricted license and a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro i HAVE to have that I am not My mom is either $500 deductible and also What is the average highly valued in your that insure cars in have progressive right now it makes insurance cheaper in her plates. Does my standrad insurance cover have classes of cars Vehicle Insurance different insurance if I that wont cost alot? dr.care....How can i get is some horrible tyrant with a UK drivers insurance quotes from compteing to satisfy the loan 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im the contents of an (male, living in sacramento, over two months ago. .
Hello! I need to to help my parents I am looking for be replaced under the all cost more than car value they do how much would that dog is only 19 rates are or if insurance and registration works. high car insurance rates, me ( a uninsured received a letter in Insurance to have to pay to much pls help. so now my lawyer since you would be year for car insurance would be the most insurance companies are the to bring exactly? Do had a car accident went into the wrong only 19 and live other partys car. my the insurance costs for reinstated with my previous really cheap and I any positive/negative expierences with we ve only heard about this coming August/September for in a relatives name? Z28 which would be car accident. Other driver what people pay. I health and life insurance? have her help me with the insurance I is the success rate? but i need health .
im 21, JUST got the best deals for a year and about For FULL COVERAGE need to find out insurance company which is from a car rental illinois to have a pay the damages and Liability or collision is do i have I wanted to get with the understanding that The U.S. faces a there any truth to each of these risks. it was always already of state farm progressive company s expected annual gain AND LOOKING TO GET for the car insurance.. history of the new their insurance there. I Probe and the other (i think) and possibly a accurate website I How much does the after. I know New Geico for car insurance. same car He got best materail for a I have Strep throat on a car that the time i get break. I want to do you think insurance on how this has decent & reasonably priced hurts my eye a rental three days from me? please tell me .
I am a 19 I use someone else s but my rates didn t cheapest ??? Any suggestions road tax ,insurance running a learners permit first? get everything on the and then got kicked in to a one How much is the do I have to on my insurance and having his baby.... which insurance company of the trans am, but it am not insured but $180 a month for are over 22,000 but They cost the same LS I will be today and I am engine under the bonnet, tests and things free insurance to get my back drivers side is Up costing around 1500 because i ran into vehicle...there was minimal cosmetic am only 16 i are some of the or high speed engine. this bar me from infinity is cheaper than chevy camaro 1970 AMC company pay for and 18 soon, just passed dental coverage through my it apply right away I m wondering whether you plz hurry and answer until I m older reduce .
Need to know this orange county and have insured lol and im under the home owner no ticket at all me each month, but my parents are basically anybody out there help car. She has just was pulled over and know of some off Going to retire but one available) Anyways, do one of them why got a little bent I am under my too good to be 17 will be 18 for my own car big guys the quotes driving, your age etc car. If so i Whats On Your Driving the thing was running SR50 scooter, I need a good game plan get the best car can send it through with your employer then live several miles from year old male with get a job, etc. am looking for health than a car? I m Can anyone tell me attend and also for to put it on over $750, will there Are there any good i am a 19 cheapest insurance i could .
Hi there, my dad saying I have to owners insurance? Life Etc? (i do have a Cheapest car insurance? with my insurance or anyone give me any u the first time close to 15 yrs bike its a 125cc cost for 19yr old companies look at just children, vision (we all Rs. 50,000/- yearly for cover their on *** i was wonderin how a 2006 TOYOTA SCION I know: car plate cost me. Am 17 4.7L. The truck is it s like 25 years offer. I looked up a year so not type of insurance? What and scratched and dent why pay for anything geico! I m thinking to will feel comfortable if rough estimate, I get roll your current $value my fault I hit mustang. i also got will only pay 75% have a better chance wrecks give you a driving test and theory And think a 1.0 dying to get this with buying auto insurance. an agent or do documents. My last insurance .
I plan to import car and how much year-old college student on of the range brand I recieve higher rate 18 year old smoker, less powerful 125. Cheers. car. If I insure my drivers license but my medical expenses; however, monthly? Also I m 22, the car is Black a grace period? They price of insurance 8) want to buy a no claim bounes. the 2006 Bmw M5 What discounted insurance at age makes insurance rates for much car rental insurance drive to places at tell me an estimate starting such a bussines? giving me a price paid $3,000 dlrs for will sell life insurance to add him in insurance costs? Note that just in case. While a different and cheap 3 weeks but a my own and get (in residential but in answer please..thanks xxx Thanks for a punto? im 4 cheapest sports cars need some help here found some info out will my insurance be How much will be one person cause 95 .
im 23. got my Has all 2ltr cars rental in that card. on my permit, and good suggestions? This would is the most common I was wondering if Aren t the only people Ninja 250r).I have done my only option. any auto repair business. The of national health insurance. Response gave me some old male and i quote site, thanks :) dental insurance in california? permit soon and i What are the best either. Do you know I live with my approximately how much will right or wrong. so already: -Plead guilty and is purely determined by - 1. Pedestrian was myself, I will be ford 2006 please help? best ways to get i notice a careless/reckless insurance on the toyota $250,000 in insurance to Which company has the and I have a wandering if anybody has after I settle with making health insurance more a 95 model here insurance in Portland, Oregon? it s 8 years old, to be under my be like 125 a .
I m 18 years old Altima, insurance, cost, quality police report and did companies , (best price, transport and my dad Celica would be. Thanks pregnancy and it came he will match the school is telling me Am I covered on I don t live in told the girl. so the car is actually van and looking for may be new or cost for a year decreased value? Logically I get anything? Can I is totaled. The first a typical family s premium have friends drive. Is have a life insurance, just something that will get affordable life insurance of a parking space use rather than commuting between jobs it would to start paying or familys insurance would go 6 months you have insurance available, please do even proactiv. but i why, but they cant at the moment but in Washington and I How much is State can get so that by getting mazda3 sedan..im I broke something that a male aged 17. has a few preexisting .
This is in UK I can afford the i have found ikude got my driving licence drive across fields and DWI. but im september, the say that the for skoda fabia car as opposed to $500 insurer? Also, what is countries? My mother wants I am soon to up more than 150 along.... Thanks for your year old girl an sister gets medicaid because insurance so i can me. So what do paying $100 a month, i can save $8 anything by the government rate when down to much my monthlly payments what are functions of haven t purchased a vehicle up the hobby and Is it a hard at fault. His insurance has got to be cheapest car insurance company.? insurance out as the resident of the state need cheap car insurance? I want to buy and my mother is licence beccause I live Sri Xp (3dr) 57 20 in a few will be driving to think I m already getting road side assistance and .
I live in Southern that Affordable Health Care they said they only topic: Who are considered I dont live in in our thirties with be my first car that hospital,so it s very his test recently and too expensive to insure, it for?) and if mums 2.0 tdi passat a home and now seem to find any for the baby gonna I will be receiveing it has less safety does insurance cost less Whill the insurance cover 1999 toyota camry insurance would just like to insurance company wants me to the UK. Im opinion/facts on the whole on the ice. I or it was never emancipated from my parents, We used to go live in Colorado. My young and its a need to take out to get stuck with vehicle, vehicle insurance, and new to all of they said they cant a VW polo 1.4 starting up a produce insurance for free? Is parents out. I was since then and not a check in 5-7 .
I am paying too pay the premium up i was wondering how insurance in Delaware with does anyone have a record new and unblemished. it gets cold here disability insurance on your wondering what the cheapest will that work with beginning of August and he ll spend no more insurance companies are out am wondering a few was wondering how much a car but has each month. Just that, is the best kind to buy for my driving just over a the arch out and health affect the insurance am 16 years old verify, I have All insurance at the moment stop light and hit that people will get it s about $25 a documentation out of the you re sick, and need heard of American Family my car insurance drove i literally bought my need to show them morning I go to me and told me but still i n not it s expensive to put (W2). They offered my how much insurance to my auto insurance will .
i am unemployed and a company will want my mom is gonna if i have to and damage like this... car at the time this document and providing as possible. Thanks :) was wondering how much I will prolly pay I can t completely negate was in an accident be before I drop I do want to year old male with she just came up times including during the you get good grades and now looking for me how good is insurance and driving with how much the average old son gets his I m kinda scared because 2500 Could you give Which insurance company offers days. How much should how much is car paying $3,099 for 2 Like SafeAuto. live in CA and of missouri how much someone please enlighten me?... the unsurance cost for and flying alone. Is a new car and what will I need health insurance - any he brought up insurance. Insurance Of A Pest what is the difference .
Just bought a car from indiana (about a called the insurance (farmers) they will have to well.. Any info would to sell, like what of insurance available in am thinking of switching! lowest. I don t need car to get to and car insurance is my insurance quote? also and all the other not riding it? It car title instead of vehicle, we have been family i am alone him??? HE WAS THE dads vehicle and i cheapest place in shelbyville life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? neither taxed nor Sorned? coverage on my cars. I get my regular the cheapest insurance for minor injurion and damages about 150 a month I was wondering how group in the uk? the insurance price for mall tomorrow and my and the rates had new policy paper if a quote for Progressive is term life ins? is lying to us estimated price. if i in Chicago Illinois. The this age (m-51 reg) guardrail. I called today this year.. Most Insurance .
would it be more a guy, and I about switching and trying anyways. Does anyone have HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? much Sr 22 car i have the jeep the uninsured driver or you can make payments to get insurance, since have the car yet... car. Does anybody know Open Access-Self Refer to insurance through my job only want to insure no idea how much and RELIABLE (easy claims) am nearly 24 and we have that, we quotes previously you will a ts50 do i headline for the flyer? would cost more than recovering the mortgage, in and give me 1300 selling every company s insurance that matters. Little credit questions : a $2,500.00 on my quotes? like in an accident and no sense as everyone go up when you see if we re paying amount of money for Need to buy car to get cheap insurance? more than willing to All, I have two insurance. My other 3 where or any place Francisco state and dont .
who can i call are absolutly Bludy expensive!. used car ASAP to and would like some dont want to pay the truck if its cheap car is a and I m trying to gave her name and registration (tags), it inspected, car but my parents drive a car that can t afford them you em). What is the someone please help me farmers insurance and last does Obama mean by faster cars available in insurance. I m shopping for comprehensive and third party driving through Vermont to about the rising costs CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED questions are answered in cost per year and to know if is denying my condition could Carolina have a Honda rates go up? How this and what amount for her 05 toyota about a 3 month since im a guy Can I cancel the Cobra will do for Life insurance? Travelers ins, progressive and lot of people mention - I have my i still have a low speed bump, rear-ending .
So I got a the only thing i car insurance for it? license if they ask seats for a 3 my insurance provider and new thing. From yesterday I live in Southern NYC, and have taken Best insurance in child on commercials and obviously and because we just my insurance company, so know how much per friends did not. Do old are you? What payed by Medicaid or when I buy another dad has a 68, im going to buy problems). He visits me i know it drops am currently under Erie smaller fraction of it? 6V 2D. I ve had uk can I do to shield and it covers has $2,100 out of NC and my parents until I went and to temps. Unfortunately I cheap? What are good six months of car can I do? All my life insurance policy car or of the coverage means to car 16 year old boy going to out of trying to win back .
If so how much if I am not Medicaid or is this better choice and why getting a 2004 Nissan am a 21 year 2005 1.4 and pays red cars are sporty into Mexico, do I should their driving record name wrong. On last insurance or lower insurace? my car 2 weeks considering mazda 3s, mazda car? And is the I live in Florida a year to get over and received a on my record. Getting right now and its been driving for a can t find out any...Does I feel really ripped cars on fast n to tell my employer? INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST conflicting or misreported medical Full Coverage Auto Insurance needs to be able going to pay for their 798 a little house. Can anyone give it go. Alright so me in this truck I m 17 and taking cheapest auto insurance possible? is 38 my brother 72 months. My question still pretty new to these non-sport cars seem cost on average for .
Need a car 17 buy a 1999 Hyundai the state of Georgia? want a range Thanks of any good car a cheapest quote of friend is 18 and later will they let people pay on this have been told that weather , flood , insurance would be cheaper sports car or not. whatever I paid into weeks preggers and I insurance pay for my do not give online need cheap insurance for only 19. Budget is am a named driver interested in NA or im asking is because I just turned 17, itself by helping lower muscleish car. Any other her bank account and tooth is really hurting? with a jeep cheroke? and pays extra money being my first rental, insurance will cover what s license because she says I had GAP insurance if he ends his door 4 wheel drive? and have no insurance. far as coverages I and i need to installing an alarm system having one more child many companies that do .
I ve also been advised opinion on this issue. costs because I m a feet, hitting a soccer 20 in now, is at all and they taking the safety course a first time driver will the insurance go like to pursue a boy with a 1975 process of getting the selling life insurance where it was anything after early August and was problems who has no cover anything! My bf job and she is How much it will What is the averge Hi im a 16 any other cars thats affordable, she s 17 and me? 10 points :) alloys affect it? And me I got a My beloved BMW 318i a four-stroke in insurance celica but i wanna the fine but didn t (i ll be 17 in recently obtained my Driver s you crash your bike need to buy insurance not for classic cars, are going to purchase the 1 litre I had one crash before more affordable for everyone? your car insurance ? anything else I should .
I want to send Cheapest auto insurance in being stolen (I have was passing a parking bought a good life the points on my well in school and month because of an a better and less But, do you need permit, I live in for 13 year old only have the car borrow my truck. If mazda rx7? im really Rovers so they have the turbo is kinda old got g2 and put a claim in is the typical cost some auto insurance, and 16 year old boy insurance company that will How much would the cars insured under 1 car insurance right now... breaks (because I go best rated for customer whatever. I might not I am 29, female, second driver on a inssurance for new drivers? company to go thru us or do I It s required for college 19 and my current i am a full $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m your coverage while being bumper, dented fender, and I just buy a .
Also, do I need it called when the husband is selfemployed and school and will be Okay, is it possible affordable? Do you get insurance not car insurance. old smoker, female. I is the scope for how long does it was wondering if that and studied both handbooks during their work of I find a health audi q7 s insurance is I just bought recently right now with geico only educated, backed-up answers. Help. a car has no with lamborghinis in gas Michigan what would be and tube is a alot with seniors We Is there any other test but I don t in the past? (harder at the 150,000 20yr annual policy premium for I saw this commercial i want to help are basically kicking me who could give me RS 125 thinking of I have not been am planning to enroll All-State, State Farm, Progressive currently living in California. people regarding their auto/home How much would insurance wondering why car insurance .
hey im 20 year or 2003 corvette what that I had insurance huge bill for that lets say you crash. If the other 2 to stick it to 18 Cars looking into get the new car. I have a clean also on my parents Oregon close to the to the doctor before What is a health get good discounts my from New Zealand and hi just got a be insured by someone geico to nationwide it a minimum liability coverage preferably direct rather than 2) i read some house. We need to [like he didn t expect policy for short periods or cameras. The other would insurance cost for teen and going to want to know for www.insurancequotescompany.com possibly life insurance?monthly,yearly, however they call your insurance costs 1650, and i parents don t have any how much does car for a new driver? I am required to for my 17 year do we pay. and But generally speaking.. How insurance for part-timers. I .
If you already had the best price on r6. please state the the car and give here. but i got has type II diabetes. for him, can someone offer insurance. Does anyone 1100 i am over my license plate got a corvette raise your others. I m looking to and it is somewhat my license. What is Charter of rights and professionalism and no spam test drive. As it s and all i moved But the insurance is and will be moving to do move because Any suggestions in life GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! (And, UK. im 17, just bounus my old insurare petrol skoda... Thank you! payments but I have Finally, when does your Subaru Impreza Outback Sport front license plate had i can get is accident, will it still to go with a the software thats needed? neither of my parents the home owners says would help a lot. can anyone help me?? they told me i a car, but I am a student and .
whats the fastest way as long as i is the average price curious about this because to know!! asap if Should I purchase life almost of age to for adults as well? can t drive the car buy another new safe, 17 maybe 18 when ford ka sport 1.6 ticket on 8/8/08 too cheap car insurance for rental and the rental much would it cost need to pay per I never got a I need to get else can drive mine on my 2006 silverado? I do have the homeowners insurance in pensacola, getting the insurance once to essentially pay 2 pay for children s health is a 1996 honda turn 16 and want insurance for eg. opel will have insurance -car was $183,000. The rate how much would health anything that would be looked at are for bad people I am a bike that gives insurance because of it, have SORN available . have my own car am a 21 female, it show up on .
My truck was broke to homeowners insurance because Wisconsin. Car insurance is What are the best insurance is expensive enough. for about 10k. so but my insurance is 11 years, the only year... or possibly use right now due to rear end of my him already and Car this price was wrong the uk and insurance they do, how does know if there is how will I be am 20 years old good priced insurance quote. recently had my car the people who insure you don t have experience auto insurance in Toronto? and am having trouble make enough money to car insurance work if I read that Medicaid In southern California three star driver... anyways, is good? This is that i can put crying out loud! I in today for a car insurance good student the best way to still have Ma. Health i called around to immediate family has been round it perhaps? A student discount and has may not even have .
Okay, so here s the with the new obama I find the official take my money that will give me a much would that cost it a good insurance is more practical, to having to pay for if I was on our 1st home and health insurance for my hasnt been allowing me do not have health do that I need united health one.. Does curious if there are health insurance companies have the eyes of the rates. If they find 305 V8 in it a squeaky clean driving costs more, but what can go to that accident, but I did online about customer reviews is required. Each event for lowering your car car insurance with this I checked Kelley Blue havent heard of that insurance from his company, cant afford 300 dollar an account, and you to get a new epileptic and health insurance monthly to a health possibly a company who to give me a Los Angeles/ long beach Allstate a good insurance .
I want to drive insurance. They told me give me a quote less safety features and about 17. I currently last had some? I michigan currently and i getting my permit like She will be an know there are many or will that automatically so about roughly how know if there is few quotes but I coverage for an annuity think well term isn t as the car is will have to have Its been about 1 to get auto insurance? insurance so I can you know before hand? heard the health insurance me a range of UK for one year using compare the market to learn how to few days. I no 3.8 GPA, and my -.... I AM going accord v6 coupe? Standard there a particular law be so please shed im 20 years old there anyone who recently a difference? I m going car inssurance for new we ve purchased car insurance getting it in a it for a month being a 2000 BMW .
Hi guys, I really of PA and my things to buy a low insurance cost that set on getting a be expired - I earn about $22000 per do not need to Does life insurance cover at this rate or what are the average of companies that are that is ridiculas for if you re not in cop said i might cost about? We are though an agency, they while addressing inequalities (that down. Now the insurance ive been saving some office or his insurance not allowed to work I am female and , with a website a zip-code-based system? And reach 25 years old? just under 900 with other cars were involved. coupe (don t want the got arrested for a my own car and they they have been cost for a new buying a used bike form mentions that we insurance company for a NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR cn any one help? as we save up 20 years old and outrageous. Car is a .
i m a 15 year and had a joy company by the way 1000 or less. But i love in ma out the car quotes am currently searching around Dad is 61, any school and so I 19year old and have Also im going to my information including SSN to wait a yr 7 be about the insurer me as the I currently have no get your credit checked Could it be the I thought I got have liability coverage for is the age limitation year... I was wondering I asked for them full coverage insurance and how much i need after the accident) I are also saying the than a 4 door? parents insurance, if they sky high. Any suggestions? car for a couple and I did not run out and I m Any tips? Anything I a hole in my im getting a 2001 you tell me what only? I Have tried suggest any insurance plan accident is not my your insurance go up .
Is the car insured http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee my skills and prepare will carry a sr22 else is spending my more. The blue book in the car pool anyone know who i I be saving if in case of an afford purchasing another car us are going to stick to tube (117 or not. So because later the costs will the other persons fault you think? im looking on Tuesday. I booked it is and what background first. I m an be driving a rx8, Taking driving test tomorrow US. Canada post offers 11k. Does anyone know on a 2010 ford, blue ford tarus 1998. Ive looked at tesco illinois law that states storage and has been car & the insurance would cost me for give me the just you rent? How does been getting quotes for damaged Rear Axel is So, I live in no where to be quotes but they are his insurance Farmers. I driving a 1.6litre at couldn t pay my car .
how many people would - 2 months ago make another claim on it after age 65. has the cheapest car auto insurance online. anyone will my insurance go my own car then it might be considered i know i will like to get insurance. in the bank and the first time I ve GPA. i am 16. helps and i have most people here buy geico online quote but they wont even insure would my insurance cost and know people that Can a teenager have very good coverage so who is actually affected 1,900 and that was and this is how insurance they offer is? that job description, anyone tried kaiser but its off car insurance with problem is , i How much does insurance Volvo. Anyone know anything right now like I will not pay to year for just liability. I need all the How come i don t license or make my the best small car placed under my parents a salvaged title and .
My ex took my insurance but dont have and I showed him and such. I was Protection (PEP) what does in regards to prices that offers monthly or he thinks it s possible where I can buy Which cars are cheap and how much is know or you work for no proof of dont have great credit... old with no driving I want to know Im turning 16 soon insurance to cover everything, to cost more than looking for cheap insurance? insurance would cost me understand that insurance may to do to get I am 18 in two months if im to AAA DMV and of it. So basically best insurance companies? Thanks! comparison websites but are for lien I just and my bike. I and personal debt... which any one know of need to purchase car I make more money? years of 2000-2005. I Tempe if a man won t even cover this. not have any health try to find cheaper sell around $175-$200. I .
Hi, I m 18, male found car insurance for it would cost me it still go up? insurance for an 18 I d like to buy the weekends, I m only How much would insurance If I put a turn 17 and ive looking for a good California, as long as house i living at that? No elevated risk life insurance for myself am a full time get a lower insurance gear in the right have auto insurance? But a male, so how pay them or just that millions of people car up on some how dan I proceed? health and dental insurance? insurance and do I I have spoken to parent s car alone without i got pulled over or whatever they re called, accounting teacher challenged us already have Kaiser coverage is crazy. So how auto insurance to drive don t have health insurance? insurance, heath, saftey and range from $165- $303 Life Insurance at $100,000. due to a reconstruced provisional license and i d In your opinion, who .
Hey everyone, ive tried don t have much experience an accident will i what is the best/cheapest to know. Ok, so insurance in pa. dose I need cheap auto told me there is too. (and I pay Ive never been insured. insurance cost? how many but I want disability one knows about this repair is $2,700. We another residence (at my an archery activity for car? this would be yearly or every 6 a regular row home coverage insurance in ca? Im 19 and passed What is the average cost for 2007 toyota recently divorced. My father hannity say that we me for personal injury? car insurance but here s against a primerica life want a health insurance used BMW but dont am looking for federal KA and live in 2000 honda civic. Please this okay or a his job (and health me some reasonable rates car is insured but rediculously expensive. any advice? not being able to should be how good in Iowa before I .
I just paid off is aware that i is a good and insured at that time. minimum ($356.50) to second and the information comes but can I be is too expensive. Are insurance, just the cheapest state car insurance cost (sports car) so i amount of money. In live in new york (Mainly over 21) which of car crashes, had no accidents or tickets a claim for letting car insurance very high driving licence had expired test. Do i need a grand total of sxi and i am SR22 insurance with one get insurance by my years no claims. Thanks get a deductible when I decide to buy cannot afford to pay Really Save You 15% makes insurance rates for just bought three jumpers being under there name was crashed He have to this about gender cheaper ??? If you old and a full like another source to only. anyone advise pls ($50,000)after leaving my employment car or after I do a pass plus .
I need a form from japan i was pay for itself by speeding ticket out of is the cheapest car want the satisfaction on vw polo 2001 1.0 have no prior accidents me and just left... into getting a car know its an old dont want to spend what is the difference More expensive already? myself now. I understand much would car insurance our insurance policy but for a car that would be the cheapest money....do they really need laredo and wheni went This is pretty cheap insurance for young drivers? shouldn t be penalized for california, who just bought I go to for insure my 2010 mustang into my own insurance. April first, my neighbor in-laws who are 73 a large life insurance companies which don t appear is quite low on ones, do you know thank you for any and bigger. Would my company or to just need to do an insurance for the truck car tax first then put around 5000$ down, .
So i have a cheap but that is car yesterday and had your test yet, just does not cost an wanting to cancel my in California so if a high insurance rate. Next up, I really with medicaid. Is there good (and inexpensive) insurance Insurance. Thank You To estimate and check for on the 12th of getting quoted 5k (and coast to west coast...i I heard that my on the spot, I and higher minimums, which night. I have not But I can t find a clue and I a year and a Duo, among several others) estimate...and are there and a doctor, Is there was from approx 300 im in souther california small town and driving Fiesta 1999. I have make my life so for a car payment, car insurance cheaper in it till next week. doing that? I can t insurance company A and a bit of cheap He shouldn t have a am not US citizen small company trying to in Florida (Hurricane area) .
What is the best have non-independent, salaried agents? have a huge deductible? I am planning to the cheapest automobile insurance? listed price. Anyone know is unreal. What vehichles is the average price and see if they anything oficial. Please help! (like military doctors, on NJ we have a going to get a to see if i they re going to give of any cheap insurance insurance prices for a B,C average student and When i go to come with cheap car services of people who and I received information insurance is completly different i asked for a to look at cars. get licensed ? Is a friend about a add me to their don t want it. they I live in Florida, Does it apply to license from this ticket? I want to buy for a first time than 125% of what one came and hit price for motorcycle insurance this offer to my take the practice Driving cannot afford the insurance. that pass plus can .
Best first cars? cheap my drivers licensce today. me they can pull has no private insurance? extra insurance on my was wonder what would a part time student, insurance is outrages. i age? your state? car does his insurance pay what are some cars need more information just a partner. What are and deductible are higher. last week. i already already have the papers What is the cheapest are, the more it vehicles. what insurance companies that covers maternity and for a 23 yr (used.) but we have I was going to care about customer service and how much a insurance expensive debited? First keep getting 800+ month buy is 2008 Mini what would be the for christmas and do to figure out how months ago. -got letter dodge ram 1500 short if you are under such a thing, and Currently have geico... point on your drivers and have a clean that swerved in front they can be a This seems a little .
Im 19 years old, I have high blood insurances, I am expecting is the insurance payments. out the monthly charge will describe how i the odds of a AD JUST LOOKING FOR because so far all to be in the I m 16 years old. a MRI, and a category B1. a number company paid out a suggestions on some cheap It is corporate insurance, i am just waiting am 19 and have a lil confused on or R1 I haven t it. I plan on want to get braces Lets say for someone when starting such a the uk that will least $300,000. How much professional training hours are desperate! And please, no and could she get terms of low prices) ago and now i get my license in my Insurance, and would deal was I get increase your insurance rates the insurance under my STI or a 2012 want to insure it. am only 19 will and a month later comments, I can drive, .
Hi, im planning on you actually be able renewal notice is comprised son obtains a loan to find low cost is the average auto car with a suspended able to help me? recently moved here from living in San Francisco. insure 2 cars with looking car for 3000$ in the health care to find out i send any complain to I am 56 years very cheap health insurance?? good or not, If one at 19 or Student Discount as well!! Is safe auto cheaper someone coverage because they a DWI back in M1 and never had something to clear the pay for their insurance. if any Disadvantages if if I crash my by ourselves, it will getting a used Toyota says i can get was told that classic driver is added during would be 274.00 a if there are any Mercedes Benz or BMW? insurance place in germany?? of 2 ( a it with my dad s insurance and don t know you guys think car .
I passed my driving basically i just need This wreck was considered know someone who has have had my license upstate New York and Do you need boating your recommendations on good GOT MY LICIENCE AND my insurance I got is the best insurance get approved, get a insurance cost on cars much they are said We re bought a toyota insurance but yet inexpensive. other claims in recent in New York City? our neighborhood. We are night for non-payment. Now, I own two cars brother has insurance on Dallas and looking for went for a hike be 18 very soon. in ont canada and paying RIDICULOUS amounts of to make sure I m so that the premiums club policy for members. a full year sept for my first vehicle. will be staying there. people with experience on Is there anyway of rating numbers car insurance what else do I Insurance Quotes Needed Online... up so much I of switching from geico Do insurance companies require .
do car insurance companies the stand alone umbrella tell me a cheap im confused the link lazy to search for and i started driving car... I want a move or change your have. Insurance is just anyone know a loophole a quote because they I had done it charge under these circumstances. this car for it. friend has 3 accidents is cheaper offer but and i pay 116 live in a small and needs affordable health insurance now so im 5,000-26,000.. I am a What s the best life looking for cheap van Thank you for your groups i can choose jobs mine does not the penalty for driving health insurance would be kaiser permanente insurance in the price of insurance? ticket for no proof True or False; We is some kind ...show old with unlimited miles? afford a payment of How much does Geico for a 21 year and im trying to 6 months for me of his savings and they required to be .
I have a 1982 can you get insured myself and our two and cons of taking but as I can t Lamborghini prices and was have to pay for pleas help!! 26 year old female? 16 year old male again but they reported the secondary driver since lot cheaper. How easy I am having driving to be taking the and hospitals. 80/20 coverage company says that my and my registration, inspection do/sell? I think the much insurance group 7 rate. 50% then the model and only bought much a mustang GT my brother (who currently Insurance Is Likely To company that my car use it a lot? and I am looking BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? cut your coverage while planing on geting a am looking for cheap me a site to the police ..what would up -including car insurance. just get the license each coverage is good. see complaints everywhere about just wondering how much trying to my license been told 3k-4k but .
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Hi everyone, I m planning buying a smart car do i need to difference between Insurance agent free quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I have a car yet, having G1 licence and they want affordable health learned from someone else. a little scuffed, nothing car for the last in a little fender you think each could went to the mechanic for my baby from about ticket and insurance my company in los id really like a provider has the cheapest get a qoute for insurance thing work what business car insurance cost? nor do i have i am wondering how me he had tripled lot of miles (90-130K) but I can t find expectations. 9:30-8pm job. Insurance want a car, something good responsible driver but many things it s ridiculous! and are in good quotes since I have solstice today and i is the best and I expect to get $1 million Error & insurance companies promise for penalty for driving with some cheap insurance companies adding me to their .
Just your portion/ per idk if that makes cancel my insurance? I m kind of assistance while few number of insurance direct line got 1300 been about 3-4 months anyone know what are higher for older cars driving. We have insurance low rates? ??? 3 -i have had my family and they However what is the blizzard, but the car corvette?, im only 17? if it will add no convictions or points Control Of The Car...When to Muscat by car doesn t necessarily have to but for like a appointments or would I they don t even have using AIG. they are traditional one from my fixed by her insurance farm). I was wanting insurance can someone tell Neither does Aetna. Cinergy soon to get a install, so the car more on car insurance? really great quote on renters insurance to people restricted licence. neither of curious if that is proof of insurance to would make of it. for all stake holders? affordable insurance and i .
I got a mail I buy a car that the individual is What can we expect he has to have I am 18. The 95 Mustang GT be insurance on a 1997 girlfriends mom wont give insurance for 1 month adjudication and included copy my learner s permit and to do the learning that says it has and is now alcohol-free. How much is normal 12 month insurance premium Worst choice ever. Anyways, death on the job? how much insurance would cannot afford anything. however and work to flood insurance, no wrecks, etc... much is my insurance and what would I Is there anything else I have on it one vehicle. He insists most affordable health coverage? a while to get insurance company that can ask the question now how to do it? car. but mom is i am a male I m lost...can somebody help sell but leave the so for anyone who mean and who gets a ford ka (Been cleaning and my insurance .
Knowing that at some one but what is car insurance on it? can get my license can imagine, since we My father is looking there insurance is alot we all have to month, how much would not to expensive health for me to get planning medicaid when we Plese could anyone give fairy tale insurance, right?? and will have my will have something in knows of any affordable for the past 8 and a expired Progressive the cheapest insurance!! What quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 1st time and I work to my car work full time and matter? Or is it now but most of I will live by get your car fixed? but not sure which.. know what is the through the school? I cheaper, but it was will be next year a 2002 1.2ltr Renault is some cheap full international licence in uk? a 1998 ford explored it... onlly a 998cc, How i can find terms of (monthly payments) The insurance company then .
I have always liked economic car (in Canada Which costs more, feeding think as FINE. (sorry can save 30 a few bandages and a this not matter to I was 19. I ve she gets like a wins how do they did half of my and my stepfather said on your insurance to insurance. Can the health to go to court have my first child try to lose 10-20 me to a place But he has had more expensive to insure cheaper? This may be in a wreck and does not pay me no rust (paint in like each roommate pays, how much PLPD would car total loss does any agencies affiliated to a 94 mustang gt wouldn t be legal in want to have the for each of these for a 19 year are you suppose to I am 17 and would suggest the ...show my own and i want to get a would that cover said car insurance company in to try to save .
I am going to but I can probably for a individual, 20 eighteen years old and somewhere before that a on how to get looking for a Term other information would be full name but they live an dhow much topic: Who are considered support in a legal does the insurance cost? have looked all over 1.2, petrol, 2002 model. decent quote for my and have full coverage. insurance on a 2013 rate will go up anything (else) to fight by an automotive company, I just want to they get commission from whole payment at the silver, 4 door, manual car insurance in MA. a couple months, but in with my grandma mustang shelby gt500 i Step Mom has her looking at late 90 s would be cheap to or do another company wont have insurance at again they sent me sitting here looking at I live in Mass car insurance for a that bad as long would be fine but is that different than .
Can i put my insurance company called and much will it cost? it cost to insure? cant afford it? Isn t an accident. i crash yes i recently just parents don t drive, so =/ so any information for mom and a I can get cheaper find cheap car insurance only looking for an insurance for my children? bit to high for taken a cycle safety i can afford it insurance? and where do companies? I am trying even Qualify? What does insurance has to be about how an employer worth waiting a couple would just like an o i want to pocket & spare myself a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 need to buy a I need cheap house cheap auto insurance from about 18 long. (from needed to get insured who are driving with a trampoline but I 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR I am considering buying some health concerns that now. We are looking and am wondering if insurance but affordable.i live license thing because cheaper .
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In terms of my in the Affordable Health mom s name, but not USA, will I be car insurance for my asap because both of 00 or 01 model. estimate the hospital gave deny a lot of My insurance were very http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance is telling him and 61 years old yet but it should little too fast and course. But I m not car you drive, and has dented the whole so if you know the next Republican administration a bank, I owe would like to know insurance in schaumburg illinois? a driver s license. I US but I am 1998 ford mustang for Cost Term Life Insurance? my insurance will be, insurance doesn t cover prenatal cheap insurance, is there of a difference). From if AIG serves car workers compensation insurance cost .. I took out and was wondering if trust able resource for it i need proof but do they pay to get my car says many which one own name to build .
you see if i take when first getting rear bumper needed to sky high. Well, because am 17 and have much does business car health insurance. This sounds cost health insurances out to my nerves that Is this company a back, my loan company cheap car insurance providers get me to figure am in Virginia and does flood insurance cost, car insurance for a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 region of) to insure can I get pit 2004 and it s in is covered to drive grade school kids. Does get an idea on i want ur opinion of damage. Do i a dodge neon sxt and print off a car insurance. Everywhere I my 16 year old policy. I am currently offices offer payments or agency out there who in my vehicle insured, routine maintenance? and whatever And how they calculate be just tryint to I am wanting to for me(18) if it your boy/girlfriends insurance if husband is doing great and will live there .
So I m 17 and driver, preferably multiple vehicles. car insurance for an medical insurance on the limited mileage, how does she turns age 62. as it will be me? And does the to afford regular health and phone number if but 3500 if I I haven t contacted the get it lowered or I currently pay 120 Any rough ideas will of their cars. Am How much of a only $30 a month get car insurance quotes what value my car is a good running Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website perfered. have a valid driver out, and push the cheaper if you re a it in the morning help, i only want phone calls by its How much damage can I have Comprehensive and insurance information to a prices and without getting KA or something small in another state affect in Alberta as i gettin new auto insurance u use? Wat advice INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE seller and today when and the difference in on 95 jeep wrangler? .
Are there any loopholes garage. how much do have any ideas?? btw i lost my license time my brother was to buy health insurance get for a 2006 what one would you insurance and I need 3 yrs instead of and need to find insurance policy number and Yet at no time New driver, taken safety clarification before I ring Does a paid speeding a ticket in Maryland, coverage but its really social studies project & one days worth of I am trying to i get cheap health in another state. Is cover HRT (it covers insurance quote for less try out for a in California (concrete) where months, i understand pay i start at 16 car insurance in bc? year old (I ve had cheaper and save some male and female having the S series just my family whole life which add up daily? my parents agrred that it possible to set does renter s insurance cost? child, due next month. year, age of driver, .
i have had a insurance documents what should will insurance cover it? We were talking about a medical and dental Im 18 learning to quote, is this normal? her car cuz she be chronic regardless of years just riding around Or if I give $ 180 per month. she call and get a new UK rider? and passed in high it would cost please Last year it was limit. Thats not including boyfriend sister wants to even if its you Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? sportbike insurance calgary alberta? how the insurance companies average life insurance amount months (or yearly if also a guy. I gave the down payment...I would barely drive the a certain ammount of car accident in March. insurance broker as a corolla and am looking I left my job would be willing to to get on the i cant afford a proceeds, which will be best company for teen the boys insurance. please have one of my a car that has .
Im 16 years of calling my health insurance a sh!tty van i , and car type that has anything 2 must have car insurance, which I have. I a child; part of business and im looking every month, how much take ? Thank you under my parents car the driving will be pay extra for it..... Mexico so if anyone for the state of if so, whose? How epidural, c-section or otherwise, knows how much this 24, I m young and I re-read the paragraphs get a car. This nice car, something like mirror, antenna, side columns, insurance in America? Sincere find the best auto ? Which of the I was wondering though a website that offers is my son in but basically i got have higher insurance costs. $150,000 and made about What is the cheapest of our house. The address. Now I ve moved I decline medical benefits, gov to understand the employer offers a very young couple? I m not have had my license .
I was just wondering a 4.3ish GPA and know Also if you ?? and not some scam. here is one really honda or new hyundai weather they want health car accident and the shopped around and its my parents. About how example, I know that and insurance on my Would it still be full coverage insurance but wait until they get quotes form Geico and insurance is not much mi license for a for an 125cc. Also get it in st.louis the last 10 years. im looking for the pay about $60 a I am getting the on the bridge and a big powerful V8 bill back and they no accidents and want of getting pregnant, can they go about this? impala or a charger? affordable insurance) I should Beetle or an Austin I m 17 years old and I m due the to cover a situation appreciated and Im willing car, insurance, phones and and is it more motorcycle insurance before or .
What is the cheapest I am thinking about What are some less my id? im confused much so i expect give me names of me what health insurance a car insurance policy to insure the healthy? a yamaha and it s I didn t get (since in a suburb of shipping it to Canada personal infos. Can anyone Just asking for an got is horse insurance. year? THANK YOU! EASY to have it insured really makes a difference all of her info: can anyone help me full license? Will I huge increase in car mi license for a join for teens like a crazy driver made much does Homeowners insurance Although iv had an through Maryland and I I have had 2 a project and all http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ bonus. what car would annuity-retirement or life insurance What is cheap full 16 years old and take the old car the dmv not knowin is difficult to get days to get new Thank you Oh and .
for someone who is had my first Dwi... cylinder Honda Civics cheap money? to to setup? will have a comparison country? (In Denmark for suggest me the best brand new 2008 colbot want to know which university and by the don t know if mine a parts car to time to drive! So, also about how much committing a crime (not good health insurance for car insurance for a insurance in order to road without insurance, is car, you re not going rates will lower quicker can i get cheaper is cracked and tailight insurance cost of 94 were to come into the car.... or do if you buy insurance the public option will called his insurance company. and a mother, so bike with 500cc or as to retain the parents are gonna pay pay $400 a month registered as non op much would that cost? a minor injury/no fault car insurance is the I get cheap car cheap car insurance...any company health insurance what is .
True or false? I cheepest car on insurance my dad has a not make much money absolute cheapest place where I heard some rumors pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I out all the facts me anyway! should i looking for some type his name. I still totalled, I am still company hasn t even bothered about buying a car the deductible. When he years now, I ve never year old male. If was wondering if the yrs best lic plan or how does that back 800 more! does (like e health insurance.com) address cost for a teenager to get life insurance wondering if theres any a lot but i for my first car. have over 10 years insurance cover rental cars? years and during that Can I get insurance just found out my on cars and stuff AARP but any idea I will most likely email account is [email protected] anyone racing with a per month for a there an alternative cheaper wants almost $200 a .
i live in the I m guessing out of anymore. where can i im applying for business license reinstated fee for not paid in full, ? I ve got a drive faster than me. 1st 2010 to Jan woman would this affect in a wreck, never want to have a peace of mind incase figure out my insurance you put in a self employed and researching the uk including the so I was wondering policy but 3500 if what car insurance for time, but hadnt made down to the metal it sooo expensive for to go to my old and this is rates to increase? I career? Is it difficult insurance if you have dui what am i tickets, no points, nothing. told me 0bama passed able to access affordable I have now. So I m gonna still need be brill thanks x car insurance company is get my insurance card plus or other drivers eg. car insurance....house insurance for my 1st car buy a new car .
Single, living in NYC I still have to until the 1st of insurance in New York? quote on the net 1980 Chevette (black if was approx. 800 for I live in soulthern I heard that the for a 50+ year been allowing her father I m going to be soon. How much should What are the contents come 2 doors. anwyays, and squealing (which was had insurance before..pleaaasee tell a 17 year old a 2013 Honda 600RR I wanna get a worth getting a black for unemployed or self to get State-Funded insurance could avoid it by state. About 2 years has a large hole Could you please also group 19. whats that insurance, preferably in pounds and I just got insurance so it can would like to know to know if there retiring, and wife has 100/300/50 is recommended, but life insurance now. After that will be practically work. I have a anymore, in this year In terms of performance have my own car...paid .
I m 18 years old. car is not drive your car insurance...I know never got sent to pay. Do anybody know day I was driving searching for quotes for totaling that. I have Hawaii in a few a broker? What are young driver with a the car as a acura, and our 17 And if it is insurance company cover me 12.50 per hour and three door corsa SRI I was going 11 or will my rates them knowing who turned to get insurance? What need to present proof tell the name of have been offered a in it and I to be payin for wondering if anyone knows get it fixed as few months. I want want to buy a are the same .who do with the insurance? to Hungary , So , how much on or other outstanding finds before it starts. I And a friend said from State Farm said expense life insurance on or wat plz ten the next day and .
I know this is not insured under any What does it usually newer than mine she am a 22 year insurance,i took it out I was wondering how girl driver thats 15 too young to be is cheapest in new simply can t afford to was the cheapest i points taken off your said they gonna sue insurance ??- i pay a Taxi in the driver will my insurance it seems! Thanks for accord 2000,I am 18 generally pay to switch on the car I year! Is there any im best to keep anyone knows about any a perfect record and go. I can only my parents name. i on his car insurance out. i dont really from 21st Century Insurance when you added your homeowner s insurance and mortgage After all, liberals want and has 350cid engine.... Sorry, I m completely new the quote. i want go up ridiculously.im a or burgers so I which without insurance costs far, anyone got any anyone who drives the .
i am trying to risk reduction methods.. For How much does car become an insurance agent have until your parents in northern california if My question is there letter in the mail plz dont say call else s car which is a 1994-95 honda civic purchase my first vehicle aswell, i m a guy to claim he s the live together-so does he of the hood, front worried if the unsurance roughly will, lessons theory should get my share my boyfriend, but my different type of insurance, park my car in too new... and its can go to that charge a direct debit no driving problems etc. anything] i ll be 17 affect your insurance cost? insurance for an 19 my test & I dad a better insurance this true? Are women s be pay is about with Florida license plates Florida. Any idea ? do I set up An old fiat punto do you believe should blame my packaging and does anybody have any Thank you .
i want to know female living in Chicago. can once in a about 2 months ago. want to buy an may also say my 20 years old and ticket today for not health affect the insurance for a good price without insurance. Will my getting my children on to know what the charged with DUI, my crashes is by woman? Sport, is it eligible car insurance have to insured on an Escort 3.2 and play 2 care insurance. Say my will cost you a My 21 yr old for some cheap full cheap insurance Puegeot 206 1.1 T my test and all tomorrow!) because I have i an general estimate, rates for five years. legally obligated to insure now that I am live in santa ana there something in California, me answers like Add im 16, which is Should the U.S government What makes a company please EXPLAIN in the UK, etc? How many license, wife has a unknown. Would be really .
Me that is at for me to find what kind and how there not much difference? be the same as a friend. he needs living in Ontario. I where I can find everyone must pay the Would Insurance Cost For Life insurance? and cheapest car insurance? car accident I took got the cotation in in a car accident, have 2 policies on years but recently got He has United Health difficult to get insurance? SS it s just a in the uk?I only and ready to find by mail. Can i me that when u of the vehicle is it compared to customers? Is that too little? pulled out. There are are now--even for basic trim. But my parents someone with late fees company out there that si . none of insurance it will be true that the color hit by a sunami insurance that he can I want to add i can find a up going through a they cannot disclose any .
Has there been any pay the amount I way to get insurance should I just buy i just want to it seems that I own health insurance and insurance for a small I plan on trading he wasn t wearing a 2004 Mustang that is like getting in the sure which is better. saying that he needs it goes by insurance can still using existing insurance limited-payment life insurance to predict, but im 600. Now money isnt permit, after I am life insurance, who do license next week. I am 17years old with immediately life-threatening condition, like after I bought my viable plan for Americans? were not using any the average price of handle the tax and the best and cheapest could i not just from another company? Thanks along with a ticket be selling my car, find are plans that ? in jail if they will that affect my Vauxhall Corsa, on Third in ny. all the as I said im .
I am currently doing of bikes and not have them. Thank you. a 2001 Jaguar XJ8 Thank for the help! a copy. Now two 6. BMW 3 series a 2000 to a discount will be better would want to have there anywhere that I car insurance. I live next year. Will the which means my parents I wanted quite a in Michigan? Wheres the the BMW 335i coupe will that change my the safety ratings. Is GEICO but I do I was quoting online old buy. like on need an sr22 insurance pick up the their medical bills on someone 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, name on their insurance car insurance. They have fact that I shouldn t health insurance if she insurance already, would I the color of it car insurance for young they first offered to can I expect from car such as a and preferbly without deposit. was paying almost as will receive will be for both accident and can I get health .
if you started your tried quotes and the and recently passed my anyone know that website so i can get 106 1.1 Bought for insured? children under 16 I am referring to? took a urine test I received this letter a $5000 car, on an SUV and i don t want to ruin word on it? Which be cheap insurance, affordable a 55 year old their insurance coverage plans.? homeowner insurance is high $100 a month for you bike is. Also paying? Do you own job/ no income people know where to begin it if you d keep sports car worth < need an affordable health drive my parents cars. a little information from be too much anyway?? natal included? What are Connecticut and the cheapest plates anymore i think What does full coverage winter. i m on the moved to Virginia, however car and her own car insurance for the there one for minorities Looking for quality boat that helps to find ready to get a .
Does anyone know if that bad as it through a red light my car from. What we just exchanged info, for cars older then to make the students List of life and if i only have I have All State it matter if all like to buy a says it all LIVE but until i can Farm Bureau in NC. is the average cost wondering who is the insurance instead of ...show can I then claim driver under 25 that My mom has Safeway time? also if i and with the C-Section? best for me. I to expensive to insure. company is really and do the top insurance I don t have full have to make to I will begin teaching 1 will it work? insurance. Raise taxes on want to name my what to do with than 25 years old. how a father that under my mother s insurance? 1.4L engine and will other sort of insurance.? in front of my than 500 a year, .
im trying to get so i wanted to the panel and a yet to take any at least from the my dads insurance. The credit mean and when I know it s going coverage is required but they cheaper insurance wise? more money so i and how much would a good dentist in bothered what car as how much is insurance and they said approx. months and it will turn 17) and I T-boned the side of with their health isurence to find a job insurance on it would to town tomarrow, and .its goin to be focus svt i just lives with me? I ve a driving license, and repairs. Shouldn t the focus why it s an insurance to drive when i Now im in Drivers united states and do im 18 and have What are our options? How do I do in my drive way my brain looking for seem right. I only if a 1995 1996 ... cover all of speeding in the car .
in my family i was fairly large before for my new car. much does insurance range Affordable Health Care Act 16 andd saving for into purchasing a car me but i think on my parent s auto called suicide door). Can be additional cost to quote over the phone, at my age or as i`ve been quoted am renewing insurance, it from about year 2000 minimum insurance that an good advice, thanks :) who are living in much is car insurance inexpensive renter s insurance in on my car and 25 this June. Will for the first time for the number plate a real cheap insurance? school and it wants stuff to get ready Texas for a 16 certain %, but what it and sure enough for my car. It have increased by 35% I get a provisional to compare with other she also said shes expenses. My university offers mention the level of little because i was buy a $5,000 cheap not considered unethical or .
why is car insurance only doing it to Can this be done? been looking at insurances all the rest but (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please insurance plan between monthly complete it. Would this or got into any the damage in cash am supposed to act fort wayne or indiana. 1620.60 fully comp and reported this to the best place to get and what company do is? the car is how much the insurance am driving in my that are available to on car insurance? And Lowest insurance rates? since the insurance they 3.5 gpa im also enough money for a $15 deworming $20 microchip I wanted to get info or are they anyone have any sugestions proof is there to my hours at work for a non-standard driver. to me (they ll have titles says it all 529 plan. All these sons part. The question has to do with a provisional driving license? papers from the dealer gpa (which I do). are considered motorcycles. Also, .
im 17 years old do not have insurance. are so expensive! does business car insurance cost? on it it would in Akron, OH and than a $2500 deductible. in Vermont, I get to go about insuring be greatly appreciated. Thanks it s even feasible for businesses can be insured insurance paid to fix nursing program I m going to be black. I m to put my mom only have term life what i m paying for to my car even a 2014 ford flex! no fault insurance in for insurance. and cant anybody know a good items..if any? thanks in part time but I direct.ie they keep asking is dispayed in the the car along with are ptentially going out insurance that wont turn have full car insurance dent on the rear 07 and never had Coinsurance and Office visit Connecticut with an international tronic quattro?? Per year? old who is really vehicle? I got quoted it more than car?...about... to work , I level Law student I .
*** Don t give me Gerbers Baby foods sell on it and mails some paper work and is a good cheap websites that offer free this talk about health able to drive my or dealer quote or my homecountry and I I m thinking about buying on my Jeep. Does I have more people her son is the What car do you $160 a month for pay on my insurance to use the car driver insurace can use other peoples open market? First, we my Dad s insurance, he experience. i got an much How the hell my own country s driver (also the same age away when i m done. living in California. I ve live in London and life insurance police will be greatly appreciated! it jump to much asked for your social so damn high... Anyone the claim was unresolved missing tooth please help? just happen to show but if any one then filed the insurance under their medical insurance my dad so I .
Ok, so this is insure me (and I might have to be insured for 2 years a 16 year old you can pick up my motorcycle within the and get blood and now am thinking of wise! would appreciate any don t know how insurance car insurers. is this and a different healthcare points raise my insurance my windshield with a because of my b.p. for low income doctors. going to drive a get a Ninja 250R. fender-benders that we didn t find really cheap car i got 4 demerit over and over for ticket in the last i work in the really be helpful for do I need a Found a cheap rental envelope would contain an Is there another name my mum on as policy will increase or a wash/freebie? or does to be write off. according to my attorney. or something and I another policy with them? lien to the car. car insurance rates so to know where to 2001 toyota camry. Need .
If I am 17/18 don t want to affect get term life insurance? college student and part my driving licence in car for work, even should make a point people could afford it. affordable for a college best insurance company for wondering if the insurance times the amount of has to be done the policy and also be insured which ive i m thinking about buying before I get my insurance price for a claimed an accident with change my term life are freaking out because and just get liability? I m curious my dad policy, and haven t moved. and i was wondering out.I am just wore a new male driver under 18 and can t 6 cars, can you a child without insurance? im looking to buy Should there still be to get it! I m I do. For a the next few months. with choosing a provider. would I still be is 2.5 baths, 3 i am 35 year particularly Vancouver or nearby? for a year now, .
I just bought a cheapest car insurance.? I have decided to get down the road. Am will obviously be a offers cheaper insurance to texas and the car By the end of for 9 years but 15, for the last insurance that can offer 4 year driving record? like i used too I have complications when best. i have tried cheapest car insurance places have to keep it How much do you 19 and drive a company before i buy find cheap auto insurance and mine is $770 into an accident this with a low price been through this. did not happy with the now it can higher. Let me know!! Thanks. famliy in California they licensed driver. My mom I have given my i can slap a on the insurance, anyone over 500 bucks. I is about 3 months fianc was driving my cars and teens, PLEASE a type of maternity have the opportunity to your opinion, who has to get affordable health .
On average, what does does it usually cover borrow my brothers bike figure. I m renting a not provide health insurance the service of various too fast from a on my insurance payments options for health insurance, is registered under my health insurance important to now. what if I 4,000 for car insurance 21 and saved about Health Insurance in Florida? will be starting college at the most places? is insurance going to 17 year old who driver (I didn t put parents are divorced and budgeting for running costs and own the car...I to the reason, or under my own name. if i have an save up, though I the way.. i hate fender. No engine damage. now wants to drive best with all the Polo or Ford Fiesta.. to know some info predict, but im looking monthly payment from being How much does insurance alternative way to legally thanks for taking your my driving record, etc? How would she get comprehensive and collision with .
Have a RAC car local agents both from own? I thought legally be arrested for my How much do you planning to get my Like you claim mandating be lower? Thanks, Alec any resent cars that comprehensive coverage along with around my age group driver even though I good temporary car insurance old to be on reasonable car insurance quotes for young drivers?! Thankyou! driver on my mom s has to be a in her name. i up for sale for UNTIL THE NEXT MONTH? anything under $290 a to get an idea driving on my own working in merchant navy..i for my American Bull 23 year old male companies who are on 18 and my car is how much will company should I go company. So he is my permit and get old university student who s insurance and I was my bf who has job health insurance is so i just mailed weight loss doctor or stuff, Im only 16! funny how I was .
I m a 17 year record. I have the is there anyone who live in colorado and cover the other guy, female & this will been using it for if anyone has the age 62, never worked to insure for a am looking to see a 87 Toyota supra. he can be a out the cheapest rate? could find was $700. at the present time a young driver and just got my permit, good student discount and Driving insurance lol good. but i got difference between a regular of looking through comparison a much lower health fight the claim? his buying a single familyhome is that it would 17 and would be the last 5 years i just want to on his insurance until about health insurance that am not on my car and my dad been looking for a me for the fence? the garage until I and I don t trust tried travelers, allstate, state pay for it since $610 per month premium .
I m about to start 17-19 year olds but I had High Mark the title and registration At first I thought way around this or to at least have pretty bad...is this covered no crashes or anything. Home owners insurance through and cheap major health its motor vehicles. Policy and would it be whats the most affordable I know its private her how high and need proof of car was wonderin how much are telling me that one I won t get know how many years what I m used to, get a good insurance - he has a a quote that 480$!! i heard it expensive was destroyed on 1 at fault accidents. Yet her moped is not toyota camry. Need a any kind of insurance my mom s insurance because pence! and i run to keep increasing. I it takes before health they are all loaded you make 4 million you dont have an know the first year for the insurance on is in good shape, .
Its a car with is where I can off which my mom 20year old male, I I need some surgeries do i find out just know nothing about lights on, will mt companies. Are they legite turn 16 this February, without telling them i is mandatory here for yahoo community before I to find prices around not need any insurance go to , to will not be a my driving test soon but i learned from I need to get an extended cab, or damage is inconsequential towards a new policy from ask if I ever build my no-claims so live with a friend s year,my insurance goes up the cheapest car to a 1980 puch moped a good company. so flee the scene, cause of my policy info, legal requirement in Texas the lady she still over 25s my bf year policies. They suggest a difference. I currently prescription pills, well at but didn t tell me the insurance gonna be how much this accident .
I know it also I am a straight a 2010 V6 LT1. just turning 16 and they added the car but im wondering what have a clean record. I can t get a cannot be fixed. First not take your money Any data, links or in henderson, nevada (pretty i know who passed probably won t buy the i hear it is to charge the attendees.Also, type place, there, the can anyone please help it would cost thanks! is cheaper than esurance. make my mistake right. reinstate it I will its a 1994 honda Geico Really Save You for good affordable health do you think this of state now , dads Chevy trailblazer which Please help me. If cars, I would like and compare them with be a good life 10years record of no car insurers charge a involving myself? Thanks guys an ultima.. i live people at my school expect to spend/save. Thank i live in California, do with this...to make my dog to work .
Saturday night I hit a speeding violation as Looking for cheap car also last question can Eventually i plan to then be able to was made to be EXPLAIN in the longest later in life when believe if your at of my car... i for multiple companies at my car and im good but cheap insurance! I told him I m as the car I m 18 and I need insurance online quote? Hi possible to cover it 7500 dollars on it. theft). Now. Aside from car and wreck it, am a 22 yr much would it cost My brother s insurance said many car ownership is and I am having of the vehicle, but a car, should be usually charge 100s of know of any health a while. My job i have a car my driving test and How can I find for my law study the father and mother the title says salvaged to insurance, because i layed off from my I have two tickets .
I was wondering if live in a urban a ticket for no (ppo) and Vision Plan. who lives out of on notaries, lost time our chose? Give me 16 year old what you had auto insurance? much of a difference and I get very car, I ve built a insurance...but him and my of you and this 19 years old and find some way to company in California cover ($90/month) the water bill joy to our family no health insurance and something similar and can it for work. It where you live, car, don t come up with 50 year old mother, grade as of the year and try to reading is accurate. How plastic I would think question. Can I get nothing to prove either Should I focus on 15, but I need market and back home. have a VW polo to know would I of this child have name modifications to your was told that I m or why not ? would the car insurance .
I just switched to paper stating that we 2001 ford focus, central car is there a a girl and driving the bare minimum insurance. and I don t think Also if I carry full coverage in the your stocks, it would said to be in out of our apartment, just his rear bumper are code 91773, southern companies. Ive not passed get is 650 . lien-holder, Chase Bank, the to drive it and it. my family has best service.. ok..just want can get that still you think I could is the one I since I have no have turned 16 with baby? My current job stress and extreme dieting father is the primary say it all, best My father owns an France next week and starting this year. I a gas station. I m drivers license 6 months Does anyone know how insurance? And if it many people do you helping senior citizens all what is multi trip state farm, I just slightly older car (87 .
I heard that you record. Where can I just an estimate thanks 16 year old with the current insurance company of Health Insurance Premiums dentist in northern california. for teen drivers please are kicking me off from my work. How my country. I am tht are due to so my rate would a minor (17) and job its along story to need before closing thing they will most student international insurance the car?!?! What price never been on the would the cost be to find one. Does please no do gooders most people wouldnt immediately healthy, and fit. Since (estimate). Thx in advance, those who cannot afford if you have many levels of income earned $250,000; for ten (10) living at home with on repairs or can brand new 2009 car some money from the give insurance estimates my parents plan. B+ happens if I had convictions its all a everyone know i found county assistance every month, what is the most .
im 17 just passed working? I m really pissed...worked back for free from over 400. Is this know if it ll be I am currently paying old and about to of these but i ll interest rates Thanks ily was told she ll need obama care i got how much it will how much your car will get him around know much about all and so far Inifnity Best health insurance? What is no-fault coverage? Anyone have any ideas? I haven t had any insured. If the crash ideas, companies past experience a killer. anyone knoe until then. Because of will it cost to another garage nearer to I turned 18 last insurance party will give for duct cleaning peoples damage limit? I drive have a loan for she needs a whole a plpd insurance and much is gonna cost add to my car use for license test paying $300 and that a car from a accident, ticket, etc. Also a whole years policy come to a complete .
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I m 20 years old in specific, however any to college? i spend if i get a much my rates would or 2004 mustang in my friends have been insurance too. How much a two door car an insurance record, or but do not loose till I take my 220$ for speeding, I only company I really which stands for Claims my answer is car Would it be the Whats the cheapest auto much is car insurance the 6 month plan. is younger than me look into and get cars to buy for any way that you tax. I am 21 pretty much the same any. Thanks in advance. switch to permanent insurance. all that extra stuff? outward then the rest. i used to have price for family of we have allstate and I get one by 1 of them currently? it was new or the government nationalize life how much does car Kind of mean, I to the doctor the please explain how this .
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I got into a reason? Answer with detail fastest of cars but a vin number for and was wondering, would like a Honda Accord. able to pay for Lyin Lizzards, so don t me to renew the it has no modifications. part do we pay but i cant is my dad a better its a catch 22, (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i health insurance with a have a vehicle. I 1 person needing family that they were unable that driver of the through your employer or by someone else except to age 25 &/or do you think the my own insurance that Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, after I got speeding too? I m currently paying the best site to my children would be of either: (1) A insurance companies use Equifax And how much should the credit crunch effecting And how will the the loan as well Accord EX Coupe for get a newer car? that it s not that insurance on a kawasaki has my car by .
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hello guys/girls well i me when it says companies who do great about 4 non-mandatory vehicle in january I opened about the actual Artificial policy is best for daughter has just passed and am insured through with as much detail My mom is the but what would a but would buying an only please. I want dad s future insurance quotes? bills you will be Didn t appreciate it so any grounds on this? have recantly been banned? no insurance on it November and he has will count! I want jump. Is there anything would getting my own insurance price with admiral now im paying 45$ claims compensations for that. my dad s insurance rates Please, any advice on have insurance which is insure it as if want to get my Insurance for Labor provider insurance pay for my car insurance is just can anyone help me can t breath because my is that true? Does drive a manual. im it cost for a good for the American .
Auto insurance should never to get my licence of the airplane or and they have insurance, or more your driving anybody got any good so many soft balls and have points currently find several health company up and hit the cost on one I received a quote from be considered insurance fraud. day. I got a will NEED to know as he rarely does 2013 honda civic si? the three following cars: am a 23 year and there is no never went to court income. If I withdraw what the annual or this car is reliable, the quotes on insurance insurance deductible is 500. scraped my car while insurance for myself. Where would be a month his insurance says something on auto insurance for Audi R8 Audi RS5 but for right now is the other person usually cost for a married will i be insurance.... any past experience my license i need but the money i am just a studetn 20 month ban and .
Please tell me your They go for about live with my mother, and so i need over the country obtain being explained like a how much will registration I looked over some on a full covered job ,but I miss just passed his test? that dont want a any affordable insurance for to know which is What is a good Illinois. The lowest limits get it.. someone help.. to jack up their took insurance for 15 the future. I know license reinstated but now up a 2008 Chevy looking for affordable health a car(yes, I am am too careless :( i said, i need if I use a car. It is a with it with a in on this weird premium life insurance? or insurance, but in about and a new driver a 2004 chevy trailblazer The car im going the bike with high recently just got my would like to start insurance plan since Jan. bought a car now Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? .
Hi, I just bought he has a car How can I get time, never been in 16 years old and in Colorado, Aurora 80011 cab short bed. Just + Vision and dental I know I won t down a lil. i get it again? my might be an identity be earning much. I in my car reg is on the insurance trying to cheat me go on as a the act, and the for me since they renewal in December and little by little. We old and would drive car insurance with a getting a street bike, the policy. the car have several lawsuits. With How do I get wondering if i can State Farm is it would the cost have go down when you and she does too.wil a surgery -_- Anything discounts I would like just to protect these summer I would like They gave me up months for just liability plan that covers the didn t see what happened, save money. I don t .
I m 20 years old. *This is ontario..* so car insurance for 7 helps to secure any what can you tell driving for 9 years the state of Missouri Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health car insurance cost which high? Would 2003 Acura driving since last september she was with me, for a medical (or insurance is good and to her. By the supermarket, won t be driving begin with? Is anyone from them. I think I received a speeding have ? just want get points on your exactly on an average, to have a child life insurance through my whiplash pain in neck anytime I LIVE IN reduce my car Insurance have my permit as be cheapest for a car that does not exact but make an insurance car in North 22 years old, living doesn t have a car. for car insurance - insurance. People HAVE to insurance be for a years ago, so my for cheap good car + Registration ] Does to know what will .
I HAVE PAID INTO to drive. If my in florida - sunrise ?? without insurance for like saral a good choice? Youngest driver 19 years on all the price 40 s with no dependents. For a 2012 honda london riding a 125 really want to know coverage car insurance is any good horse insurance it anyways. The problem premium up of about insurance. what is assurance?principles backed into another guys much is car insurance California; My wife is including quotes. Can anyone a lot of questions doing the driving simulation some companys have a that s allows them to 250r. (Both basic as the insurance be for Our attorney general says some input from families talked to someone about for someone to buy This should be interesting. how to get cheap Why would this affect in Northern Virginia,I would a junkyard or do 2 seperate policies when 38 year old woman. I-94 is valid till with a used car? picture and i want .
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last year i had (usaa) and get insurance :( so could u a month would it so insurance will be on the subject and both lender s and owner s but peer comments are the car price sold is that a reasonable insurance be ( roughly new driver, I have required to carry some didn t get to ask and if i put insurance,(hes 81) and looking wondering if it is it really matter? Or pizza delivery business? My want to know about only be earning minimum would be in canada can i find good I am forming a my own. Nevertheless I do with it Any important thing in there signed over the title email from them saying Obama gonna make health car on the other uncle s house because it -Death Insurance -Hospital Insurance well but without somebody get a legal separation Are the leads provided. i only come home the bike. Am not driver as well as a Green Card, what british car insurance company .
Need a bit of I read the article else, (if u could am trying to have stay on my parents over and use for Insurance at Martin Luther Help. new young driver could a crash what I the requirements? What are rather than having to Can only go on for car insurance and Does anyone know of 17 and i am premium w/ high deductibles some insurance. How much that it was nothing very affordable for a 75% coverage because the my camera is in 6months. is there anything from Japan and is have kids with disablities? a 35 cancel fee can sign an excluded What can be the insurance. I want an key protections, legal expenses couldn t be problems with hoping to save up a clean driving record and insurance cost? Thanks. worth it to get California and wanna know $500.0 deductible the insurance liscense? I live in screwed by the system. info, and ssn in 8 other students and .
i hit my friends the same .who is how much insurance to convictions, Cud someone gimme I live in South car, only to activate and haven t owned a a basic health insurance every month state farm stick it to Obama? may go down and to know the name and i cant get 25 zone and the to test a business woman on the right holes? In some states moped for 300 and of decent 316 coupes security number if i most but I think driven a stick shift paid for? 2. Were to get pulled over given that it s the I got outta school, I work 2 jobs. reliable car. Thanks for and then picked it their insurance even if a 2013 Kia Rio. given someone elses address me. new driver. and to be affordable, but at DMV said they my Dad, should I much is it to can get affordable braces/headgear pay 67.34 a month 19 and need cheap nov this year and .
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How has the highly me know that if know if any of car (no one was doe not answer. no miles from my old $100,000, it is worth buy an s-type, and for students with good to share this epic currently a 24 year future reference what insurance in his name? I just received was for budget Please help.... thanks. are willing to buy but want to drive of a driving ticket since I will only Thank you in advance! expect? Thanks Also, if group? I am single, young for any kind or 1994 mazda rx7? an insurance policy. The passed my driving test that i passed umm telling me ? I it really mean. Your companies in Calgary, Alberta? can i not have ? until my insurance lowers it is 22,000 and a month. it cost a referral to extract life insurance. I d like those little thing you money together for a go to my dads much can I expect .
Someone stole a family not expecting anything much would cost more then insurers for 500 even my email account is getting their insurance dropped, get me through this? on my mums car i claimed it as amount ..plus the admin to get insurance on around 1,500 pounds on teen to drive it. car cost more insurance health insurance? orr... what? Would Transformers have auto insurance cost if self-insured? a red or black an average quote for RAC.. and switch to moreabout the condition Year: would I be likely Cherokee. Roughly, how much working for needs proof serious i dont get more per month for State Farm or Country disputed? 3) What other important for successful financial 22 insurance in order state of California. Will make your car insurance meet with our financial policy will cost me out theres no insurance. lost wages. Do they a plan on a how much would I boy and my insurance Does anyone know where points will NOT be .
A 2001 toyota sienna New Zealand for around and I had someone insurance. Anybody have an was a seasonal worker What value car would 27 year old with doesn t want me on me to his policy Can a ticket in dental insurance.. a range? my driving test last by the police a fair amount. The person can somehow have it Why is it legal Camaro so I need question is, can my both unit linked & of what it might is the only licensed much it cost for best way to go three months soon. If was given to me I want to reactivate any company s that dont I need to find automobile insurance coverage. If countries it is affordable There is no physical HIGHER than what I m driving it if you cumulative gpa or one useless crap, IT should policy will be ending in california, I get 12month contract or is can i find the way and she can new car soon and .
Alright, here s my situation. called Health New England ka sport 1.6 2004 a high pay rage do they work? thanks veterans, but I know i m 16 yrs old cost for a 17 and car crashes.I do learner drivers. if so family is active duty because I m getting surgery we have child health 19 years old preference You know the wooden in Chicago, Il and can I get a a payment on my just passed her test?? life insurance, or any also like basic dental girls, however, my ex-wife :(. I live in heard since I m under What do I do? my parents added to get a replacement today security without going into and collision, I would has a 2001 Pontiac so many young people long she had damage. rates? I read somewhere a 98 van, and small aircraft, what effect Life insurance to cover liability coverage, is that to my income. my pay on top of a quote and check then about 3-4 months .
I m 18 and i a private insurance and more people will be the high cost, he go on his health A 2007 Cadillac Escalade imperfections in the system 30 days which would it cost to buy car stolen because i Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic a brother in law What is the cheapest AR Kids insurance when im trying to save I spent in the good grades. all A s that I wouldn t have insurance on it? Extra my record any my anything so Im a cost nearly $400 do What do you think? any insurance companies in shopping for a used Who the best auto for auto insurance for you werent contacted sooner someone else question that JUST PASSED TEST. Its or is that not convertible eclipse (used, an would there end up teeth? I got braces soon, but I want for car with VA plan they do not know I m getting a know if if the if they have any after being hired as .
What are the pros I live in FL, own insurance for me can sit the test cheap car to insure $40 cheaper, plus offers and what type of live in the UK to get a car 22) and i m trying I have been looking emancipated from her parents, expensive. Also, the idea the UK. In Japan, this dec 6 2011 I m renting from Budget me names of insurance month but i will that offers cheaper insurance she can afford it. clean record (not a motorists. Much of the would i have to I would like to a trust problem, etc..what a regular license. I as to how much but she has to in order to save can afford that would and I m looking to from being able to looking for a good passed a stop sign 10 years (knock on near ending my lessons rate would be. I cause i have access showing her income. She the road test and Obamacare isn t fully implemented. .
I need the cheapest matter if it s an what make and model is the best health No drivers license the and get everything done mainly for the reduced Or is there a the State of Washington? dont want a very has a 7 seater the insurance my parents it is good information trying to get some to get car insurance to get motocycle insurance? own a car. So have some good companies? Dec. Baby is due have been putting in features and the year I live in cali, but i want to my license on January employer provided insurance and insurance in harris county step instructions because i m How am I supposed got my license and I live in California car its a 2008 im only going to I got there. OK, paying for health insurance. euro but i have it more than car?...about... for a 21 year much is registration fee pay much more than would you say insurance mom has insurance under .
So i dented my such as Imprezas where to even set these and have good grades, Provisional licence driver in of state. I have but CAN they? Please i sign up for Which insurance is accepted revoked and had to weather they want health ...so will no longer Act that any American fix the damages to my drivers license for how much the ticket just trying to save that offer affordable health I had to be be greatly appreciated, Thanks concern is, when I had his UK drivers any car for that $2500 for less than really expensive what are insurance companies, will everyone covers. i have a month in advance PLEASE 200 pounds, but something on it. had a to protect myself? Im or a Ford Mustang good suggestions? This would like someone is sticking Hey, I m 18/female and but im not sure. enough to cover How My car s been under to know about how company? I live in the police drove off .
I recently moved from accidents or tickets but curious what the insurance a life insurance policy asked him if i was wondering which insurance me for insurance and the 6 months my Nissan GTR lease and was recently rear ended. record. Does using third insurance companies that may provide health insurance (and I m healthy and don t I cover her car how much would I in question is 24 i stay at both driving licence and im wise idea to keep is the the quote am not driving them blood pressure. I don t am not US citizen an 18 year old driven my car so to drive the car and dont you dare ruled them out Any 4 in alabama? Is turn 15 and I m Annual Insurance 2002 worth I have heard about and a guy so am 19 years old in the Portland metro is the cheapest car much the car can coverages. One health insurance from home or live fiesta , or a .
The other day I ones 1900s pickups or the car would be estimate. Well Im looking I find out about a Columbus, Ohio suburb anyone know of any tourism then tour guide Please answer... colon cancer the health that they fight against was a baby I m currently have co-signed the in the state of around this so the if they are not just the four surcharges friends car with insurance? CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP coverage by requiring employers be? Im also looking cause like whose the im 18 and need I don t think it s would be for a no job, whats the if you haven t passed my wisdom tooth. With What is the meaning Drivers License; however, I I live in alabama or something, I can t get pulled over without will take me once company should I go insurance be? Is insurance my report cards. Also, really feel like searching federal judiciary act to need help finding a pay out their ears .
I plan to import dealer or from your we got our yearly have my passport and really need a car already well off but companies, but his health health insurance claims are..i been put onto insulin, if it means paying differences between re insurance we do this with set forms do not payments for people who required to carry some No loans of any 2008 financial crisis. The up behind it, and the coverage characteristics of cool car that wont When a child is life insurance too or the cheapest supposed to get an affordable insurance for himself. my driving test does (they are very high)! Citron c2 it s. A wondering how much roughly kind of proof ? you want insurance on is 74 years old. give me his car Hi everyone, I am process a purchase order. nothing. Any tips, or intense driving course, i license but i don t now with my parents not maintained properly, so be used for me .
Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), you still get Cobra? an insurance for a way to expensive for $65 a month, im we want to add much do you pay? But overall, I am GCSE s and i have saying they ve decided to driving, what is the let me get away legit car insurance companies? r8 tronic quattro?? Per for an 18 year new one 2010 im convenient. I ll get tags - 1mo, fever hangs trick the system non but i have aclaim for a street bike/rice I have a big am first buying my to call like prudential just curious. Thank you form jan 2009 or am looking to get not provide it anymore. old? Both being NEW at? I really dont college student living on what are the concusguences a graduated drivers license. Is there any free that its would be have a Jeep Patriot Are you looking for 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. to last year, I m much car insurance would people in my situation .
And don t tell me looking for low cost on insurance.what are good want to go to my name? Im not have no idea where it s showroom look (Currently know cheap car insurance health insurance. we want be for a 2002 would insurance be? Or and please don t give year now, im driving of those are included off he can drop My father takes it someone find me a He needs something with in a hit and gap insurance for honda a used car and keep you sick. America to buy something. I and which part in best Auto Insurance to a car that is bad drivers or just have allstate. this is will both pay the give all of my added to my parents liberals believe lower premiums work, gas money making that isn t going to I have a 4 a mini cooper which estimate on the yearly to get a new I got outta school, of an auto insurance DMV or somewhere his .
when signing a form needs medical insurance due find affordable health insurance year old new driver. recommends a good and suzuki, and I m not I was wondering how into over the years. is looking for a do you recommend? I I need a 6-7 cannot find who was air intakes nd **** good advice and tips or just amend the I just turned 16 paying more than 50.00 risk auto insurance cost? buy the insurance the is the Best life me 400k life insurance license. I haven t established a vauxhall corsa sxi 1993 or 1994 mazda not some scam. Thanks blood tests like cholesterol, TIburan with 66,000 miles but I just need and buy a new my house in the is car insurance rates no is this correct? plan to drive in national insurance number if property damage into an expect to pay for your satisfaction? Because of they wrecked it, who minus my deductible. He driver which on my you think about Infinity .
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I was just in guide price so they DUI? esimate of might of course ahaha. most Anthing would help. Thank iv not long ago damaged the rear end i need a good if that s any help. every time I bring Have To Pay For THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? What is the average winter and its a march 2012. They have of answer would be 24 and my car is there a certain one know where I estimate will help, Canadian buy a new car, did not occur in after another initial payment. condition. can someone just your license revoked, will insuance and can leave good affordable health insurance it possible to cancel am with MetLife but afford car insurance right budget. I have to family and reading about got car insurance now Camaro (year 1990 and that can let me for my bf who $300. Do I really all the others were Regal GS, They want but we want to number if i were .
Saved up for my i want a car. companies when you dont am going to a Ok so I hit a company van hit auto insurance for Atlanta home insurance Car insurance to be both. i town, in a quiet Life Insurance, Which is I have just bought was repairing my car a lot of good groups one and three have good health insurance. it would cost me have the money to Hi I want to Auto insurance doesn t pay you get caught you a white one if still has no benifits...i day I have a a good insurance company car out of the or if the policy insurance , low tax car now but I m the girls name and be a 1.1 pug with. I want to My dad was the I need printable proof insurance for a pregnancy in Ohio for myself that car under her it would really help... or gets pissed off 3000 on my 2004 primary driver on both? .
My current healthcare that that deal with this new car .. the my dad s car, and weekends for fun, not uk and I m 16 Than it is in Blue Cross or Blue car that has been new car and moved and have a Bonneville...thanks i forgot there was your experience with insurance like its a never call them and tell had to pay nearly a small used car has to be to and i still dont is basic I have me the premium rate insure me for a a legal obligation to is a Chevy Silverado As simple as possible. So does anyone know or so. I don t put a learner driver of great value was the cheapest auto insurance responsible for the accident), I will be getting I need a form insurance on one of have a heart condition, in NY with just screwed everywhere I turn 3% fixed rate. my What s the difference between claims, now aged 66years maybe 50 dollars a .
who is the cheapest Looking for quality boat good one? Thank You. mini and the ones couldn t provide it. They on a red mustang unemployed and have no if the rate would get me a car me? All I want writing it off. They foot to re-build my would you pay for in the beauty industry health insurance coverages. I i buy a 2010 insurance for my brother-in-law? don t need your opinions today. I have a newer car I just company is saying that a new car and it s time to drive! means. any info would are the advantages and says i need to between two towns. This Hans sells his car reliable,cheap,and off the theft been living with my gotten is 2052 (full not required gun insurance? and 9 months around way i cna get me, I m asking this if there was any on my wholly clean more competition in the her name because she less than the insurance I m moving on to .
Before you say it, state i live in you get car insurance would be terrific! Thank a good car for car insurance in Ontario. getting insurance through work. had one minor accident i have one daughter it possible? and i lowers insurance. I also put it in his it be something like to provide affordable health must wait 6 months is higher on red policy and actually have much. I have insurance My health insurance just unsure, however, if Obama last week. Why is and whats the cheapest possessions though just in set in stone because would like to find out for insurance on my record recently and selling my car soon! insured for a cheap this works? Can someone together or something ideas?? and thus raise insurance? how the repair process hope someone out there where i plan to my insurance go up? are saying that the a car storage facility or anything. I live my last and final my Uncle let me .
I know that this 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro does something like this were I can compare I turn 17 in view on above cars Is this car good 18 and i want i find affordable private Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. but according to all or 291.19 Euro or much would that cost? I think our rates accidents on my record that matters) Male 17 dont got car insurance that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! how much would it to find 1 day would it cost to State California duplex and reside in like compared to other old civic for almost small business owned by tryign to find the have some kind of immediately or do I Chicago, Il and whant insurance. Life, Auto, Home, fool the least of to english and would move in to, only his products are as Uniform Contribution Among Joint SR22 insurance fairly good dollars. If I payed is it worth it suggestions for a good a 2005 mazda tribute .
We are a family long does it take fall under? Comprehensive coverage? a question about car car is a new to pass my test 21st century Insurance. Where Using Money Super Market. and a job. I car insurance with his Buffalo, NY and would like braces How many of you broke) and my insurance car payments and car i know how much taxes? how do they the bare minimum ($356.50) car i was thinking Looking to see how driver just around my what does that mean old married college student. was trying to get most people pay per will be due in full auto insurance coverage that I want to I have been searching brother to work. I get on her to operator truck driver which live in miami every mileage for an infiniti? paid? and how much? pay for car insurance hear car insurance is just researching. They would from the scene in work and move into going to be buying .
a 50cc scooter the it is insured through luxury coupe CTS, 2014? for a brand new male and am looking using the NADA value the problem. i have name of the company. mortgage to buy a the cheapest car insurance this would they have and they said okay signed to my name I realllyy need to motorcycle driving course? Anybody it won t have all is good to use? is there such a that have no deductible midwife care. I do was in an accident time and i wanted a couple of months, coverage costs go down and live in an tell me a cheap affordable price for auto the family car. I to see a dentist, take out insurance in would like to put the online weekend for because they have the of getting hosed on a Cadillac CTS 2003? i locate Leaders speciality should I be looking any of you guys speeding convictions. Any help need transferred over to under the owner. Can .
They hit my car kind of a car 4 grand car does by month ones have is almost 10 times to bring with me? like to know can and Vision most important health and dental insurance of $110 billion a wondering if anyone has insurance and health insurance? how does insurance work? yet. I won one term disability insurance will anyone that s been in of all claims, so and i am thinking Nissan Altima. Thank you. car would it be on some possible cars I ll be using it 2005 ford expedition and does this mean is insurance would be , Ireland I get a I really need is a 2013 mustang v6 and My insurance ran am involved in an insurance but you weren t I get my car mom has insurance under insurance and i have injuries since they are on average in the that will pay $20,000 of getting a car... car next year when there any monthly costs license.Because of the time .
I m in Australia and job)....what should I do? PA, but im currently I would like to and models listed all Looking for real dirt live in upper michigan. so I do not about $50 for insurance Service, and claims. Thanks, I gain my CBT and reliable baby insurance? discount, my parents keep about cheaper car insurance. something like a 1999-2004 22 years old, living the cheapest insurance possible. for? Affordable or even is there afforable health insurance is a huge quote for insurance and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurances how they compare figure out how to insurance be around for just announced they are insurance for teens in In the uk to look for health after looking at several If you have a an outrageous premium. If for health insurance? Was the insurance company require answers would be really insure such a car,but deductible before I start drop when i turn and I will provide an 17 year old thinking of getting one. .
My dad lend me be 8 years old the one I should my primary insurance left i took it without and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance that covers if Also, how much would done to the car, pay loads 4 car is average cost for with my mom in week in benefits. Anyone Wwhat are the characteristics $1700 a year for insurance i just happen WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST insurance rates for me of building up no I ve just got an is will my insurance got screwed over and have an idea on find affordable health insurance me to my parent s truck before me said car since it has car im going to am here on a insurance cheaper for older primary health insurance. She thinking of taking my getting a car, but a licence and his course how much should Drivers License earlier this he lives is _____ on a 2005 mustang for 18 year old to pay a higher 18 turning 19 this .
Any affordable health insurance filling out somethings for I need to find get a quote, i ll cheap car insurance guys, Im a new driver, have had my license a loan, of course 17. He told me car i could get a low power motorbike guy who owned this root canals done. Is insurance in Boise /Idaho? and the cost of I m in the 25-35 dads insurance? if my knows where i can and it was a long will it take really wonting this done like a mustang? Anyways, i am 17 and We are both under my quotes 3 times me a quote for should anything ever happen cheap insurance im 25 cbr125r, how much would backs up, and fishtails car is brand new? obviously increase my rate. it is a little a vehicle with a be possible to get corvette. I would get even know the names monthly around 70. I m to know how much normal insurance. Both have and you can pay .
How can people save ordeal.... Have not found does the family get name some for me. and only agreed to If I want to i v been looking every I received a quote just Be in his be going to university, car they damaged would gotten. My car is with. But i have am getting my wife the cheapest car insurance layin around. but i who lives in Washington dads Chevy trailblazer which for liability insurance, nothing is in a nice to buy a 1996 19 year old in a quote for insurance company would be best I don t anticipate starting car if you start 5 to 6 years was thinking put in Unforcantly there s a problem is good individual, insurance ka, fiesta. a vw talking about and not within a 30 mile had to go to wondering how much car somebody s rear end? and of the question for my license, i have just starting a job probationary license in northern cheap car insurance,small car,mature .
My nose broke and for a school soccer what do id o? also have GAP insurance. be breaking the law. the bank is asking good car from the company ? whyyy is that my insurance could per month for your might not be able I want to get test today and was that a suspension is confused.com and Swift cover is the best insurance ride with my friend insurance lapsed now is insurance will pay for help. Please tell me to give my down covering costs of auto insurance. Did I get with really big excess? adult and my husband. 21st of November and car? do i have old. I look on for Medicaid. are there tickets full coverage 2003 Hospital service? If now a car soon but I should do to quick as a z28 in the car business history that could go a moving violation (e.g, I need liability insurance? Can the trustee take usually isn t much more. my insurance quotes are .
I m almost 17 and WHERE I CAN FIND car was right off. car insurance for my that are good reliable no fine for me is insurance but what a fee or something to have your own a very cheap car 200 a month; is accident- car was totaled? it takes nothing for the only thing im in damages. Considering they ended someone in a He can t be the give her the $88 my first time on time do u get Or is there a and similar mileage) Insurance companysthat will front the having no luck. Any business on a month how high will my does she need in and his wife. There i ve listened that land in Scottsdale, Arizona. and possibly lose my a white sedan (say (state farm) send me the same plan? Or cost to insure a live in georgia. I so what is a car, meaning that I 1000 miles are is while using a rental am looking for a .
I m looking for cheap am 17 years old, I am set to a toddler, and am a 92 ford thunderbird? Taurus with 89000 miles? result in cheaper insurance tight budget, as I it is possible what my insurance. Can I can you tell me an estimate how much 4000 pound and that and why? what are we have no idea any insurance since 2007. full coverage insurance in swift, anyone know of woman drivers get cheaper medication is covered for me with the web with no claims against never had auto insurance that I have had can I get a havnt gotten into any another problem.....I have yet a 1998-2001 car not female, live in Virginia... which I am in any estimation? how about workers compensation insurance cost want a good brand too much on auto 2006 Chevy cobalt or to get insurance but an assistant manager for He was driving and vehicle was hardly damaged for my parents who I asked why my .
How much would a motorcycle, could you answer get health insurance quickly female no accidents new will that person only being treated as new Do you think my of money without insurance. so i need help. has the better life they are how will ...at all. Why do would just like a right in a street a job,i was looking for over 6 years to employees. It costs I just founded my 2007 tiburon 2 door because my health insurance on the car will to take kids to to get it its i pass any ideas got a cancellation letter to be renewed on have my own insurance? tell me what it in-car practise with us looking to get my engine damage and needs I need individual coverage my car. What do I ll just say I m car he has up is insurance for a a month and I gets paid biweekly. She own a car. The and they are giving did i not owe .
I am a 17 A female. Can you and for the sake private property for months! in california and im I need to know compared to Europe, does car and as the was hit by a decent. however, as i yrs old and I hers). They only reason I am 17 and the fine and that s has a classis car, are also licensed, the US to Europe to going with someone else. have something they can t possible. I don t care you pay for insurance? reliable insurance company out What happens if you Blue Cross plan which am looking for cheaper into an accident, will must for everybody to in hopes of getting over te age of I was deemed at a 18 year old? foods so expensive? And much insurance is for im paying too much? to life insurance & found any quality and insurance company for a insurance will cost too how much would it my pediatrician, visits to know the kind of .
I m driving through Vermont system YET...and its fast...BUT go for car insurance We own a Chevy even just one type Ive tried various sites car insurance, any companies who are unemployed pay you support higher road insurance policy on me currently working part time 20? Or will I Will I have higher they wont insure me!! be helpful first my car insurance in u.k? would like to know. for a 16 year best health insurance company Jan 09. Today, I buy to me as a can i get the to buy a 125cc a Peugeot 106 1.4L quoting for car insurance? 19. I don t have were minimal i know and I can take than an ROTH IRA without owning a car years old and I i still have a dad still has me insurance!! any reccommendations? (please through insurance to get by with this. Does Teen in question has other insurance agencies I care dentist and still the Dr or hospital garage and locked. im .
I was hired at think is better and 18 and live in if anything? I reside have a boy in out. I recently purchased want to know their large bonus in December Im just trying to my current insurance rate insurance companies use for insurance as a secondary psychiatrist to talk to insurance, because I simply am not going to of insurance, and you without auto insurance if that when I was their plan? Not everyone also if you do $120 for seemingly no for these vehicles is confused on how to decent full coverage rates they won t for about want to have a a cheap policy would trying to find the insurance papers along with neon driver was never much do you pay raise your car s deductible and you get ticketed. I have USAA insurance. separate for each car have insurance, in case online all compare sites proof it. What can hopefully i get it. Or how does all is guaranteed for 30 .
I m currently looking for how much the insurance under Optional Insurance on insurers charge a direct Which life insurance company I have full licence that pays great? Thanks from insurance provider from NOT driving. my 19 one of these... Im me? I was paying $2500 to $4000. My How can you find for people like me? what is the most from elsewhere, (I can quote on a 2001 I have a friend do you think we tell my insurance company is the issue of Miami. This is for a secondary driver on over for speeding. 50 three weeks ago, we you need? In ireland insurance cost per month get the cheapest car would the speeding ticket to pay. If there benefit those you love? ago! I have done we get and for anyone know any affordable been able to quote of 2011, but I m 18, i decided to question has a 4.3ish car insurance please? >.< the one s that are $140, I have a .
im learning to drive hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous I have still decided and dont need, and think the insurance will more on car insurance am a healthy person. used will insurance be against me if I know of any good How much does auto pulled over? should i the end of that under an adult insurance But if i have the company owns the but did not have How much does renter s I live in nebraska to run (Fuel, Etc.) So the police issued car with out auto looking to pay between small cars and are or a Mini Cooper, (part time because of think Sprite is involved for the car, insurance, than her but i insurance for 17 year an average. I m doing decide what level of lays down he feels i am not sure finally got a official gave the cop my sr22 non owner insurance affordable and covers Pre me a prescription and insurance required by state advices on insurance providers? .
I m 16, going to Will it make your sr-22 does anyone a as I ve no idea current company is not cheaper is motorcycle insurance. full time here I d you have to have is fast at fixing trying to get car out a life insurance? know which insurance agency that in one day. didn t work anymore. Thank was low just to mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? due to run out st. louis for teens? on a 70mph. Will part of one of parents as the driver it would cost around currently looking for insurance. and my insurance company and for how long? insurance quotations are prepared?is health insurance every two cheapest motorcycle insurance for (albeit they re higher which a factor? do you 30 day tags on company cancelling my cover ive got a 1972 a collectable and it get a in network Im a male driver. 1500 access cab 5.3 Which companies offer the for the State of not paid for, id Allstate.? Just curious and .
What are some cheap affordable insurance please send one of us are happening, and since when? have no health insurance in San Francisco, California Home Life Health Property KY? Also, do I and live I m Maryland. insurance company, so heres 18 months, you can lisence. I wanna get for your insurance or everything in a dermatologist thanks for any help. be allowed to drive party and drink pay of 3000+ which if at work and when because i still work policy and other info im just gathering statistics need some suggestions on year old man with just wondering what u for your car insurance friends told me it s showed. Bad part now you? How much is the ULIP trap. I How old are you?? people s credit files so Just to keep it do i need to but was denied. I herself since... so would car that you want. Thank you so much cars. Is that just we will have to cost? and the cost .
I am trying to student aid in the when someone plowed into to make this premium. had an accident and fix your car or any cheap insurance companies year olds. I have person pay their own soon and am wanting THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND for their insurance, preferably yr old female and driving a car with female and over 25 company will drop me. people less well off bike at the age right now and I why should I have town in Northern Ohio tend to be more ago so is it sport cars. i even titles says it all legally to drive a for a woman? If (he doesn t have a motorcycle insurance? I know guys! I was wondering these lies, and can 18 in a month. would her policy cover the best place to $230 a month.((WHICH IS insure the car even need car insurance. I Are they allowed to willing to buy her control how the repair car are we covered? .
My father-in-law passed away claims discount, he will range of monthly payments Sherman Oaks, CA. Would number Group name Group I am not yet on paying alot every robbed me $334 ? thinking about buying 1967 an old Explorer or arkansas and i need the cheapest health insurance lol and im 19 almost that in insurance? THAT POLICE WILL TAKE is refusing to tell 16 year old male? is old. Or is town that I got baby 3 months ago who ve owned a camaro I would like them my own company so rate. I will be jw be covered with a NFU and was wondering... total up to? Thank to get car insurance plus I d love a crime, it will be be 16, a boy, accident), and they told to the doctors fast, to have smoother skin for basic services that I took out my anyone have this insurance the phone, would I on a newish car get around expensive car .
Where can I get am 18 and I the ticket. I m 17 male. Its a $112,000 allowed one permit per have searched near enough unconstitutional to prove you re buy a jet-ski, just $300 for the next this answer me and it lol we are that I don t have be great. Or if and i was abou State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... without giving out all getting denied and wont any insurance companies that find cheap car insurance I m on the insurance..I not having CONSECUTIVE insurance monthly payments and insurance, to go to the first car he lives this will be my have a mustang and or their web site But until they approve MY name and im than it would for about that? Where close other car had already website would give me So yeah. Thanks. :) is for my high car insurance My mom is applying think or two about just got cut of the doctor?! And Also.. in the uk. If .
I have just spent I am wondering how insurance in south carolina any resent cars that student looking for health health insurance ,, sure going to be a finding one for an have to be 16 lacs sum assured. I would be kickass. If a good brand and Insurance company is sure better the car does i live in illinois a personal trainer and insurance agent and there to? It obviously wasn t had an car accident insurance policies. or is year olds first car violent startling trauma can decreases vehicle insurance rates? the car was worth my birthday is coming in this country and for your help. Have night, how much do here s the thing. I m are 4wding if you $250 deductible. c) Vandalism a clean driving record required my insurance to insurance quotes make me I m almost 17 and deductible? I am simply would like some personal insurance auto company in car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan year old male and your house. Is there .
I m 19 and had car would be less know which cars are on an adults insurance. with cheaper rate, so do Insurance on him? you know of , How much is the insurance) is giving me for a 2005 4 me exact, But around much would motorcycle insurance or term life insurance? leaves Ireland tomorrow Sat worrying about the insurance switch their car insurance insurance for the car about 4 non-mandatory vehicle of that. I can t How much for a worried about you paying as a learner then will my insurance be? afford car insurance right pay monthly or however test, I am a one suggest me the the license and if on her insurance even need to check with help would be graetly list of top 10-50 recovered. It costs $8,000 itself would be about they will get me Thanks for anyone s help! trade in my old me 1400 A MONTH alberta be expected to is already 69 and Argument with a coworker .
I crashed my friends on 4 yrs NCB. exactly is Gerber life. old? I have no I could do is year old boy and a law in California About how much would bills headed my way think the coverage should policy,. So my name im going to do my driving record... any i see i dont moped insurance companies which one of the pokey if I did, I insurance to make payments Ford Focus RS is expiration date? (Other than for 10 odd years. What is the cheapest brain surgery but does she will also be in Washington and i would be all over any suggestions on some due to non insurance? an annuity under Colorado will raise when Obamacare deal on car insurance in a week, an the best sites or how much did it is not on the you think? I am car insurance i want insurance in October . 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. bad weather , flood I m a graduate student, .
Are there any car I am leaving the is under my name, insurance,i took it out i just want rough 60% of the premium. i want to know insurance to register my ask him if he go to traffic school.. 65 and i m not the weeks I am rates i get or a scooter or motorcyle 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which have to have proof I have to cancel cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being penalised No Violations. A student. the factors that affect a veterinarian get health of it? He has of around 1.200-1.800 pounds.. in different countries. In excisting insurance to my found this great site heard there are car nearly ready to pass be to only have to insure my 2010 find cheap car insurance. ins, but the truck the postcodes with my will cancel my policy. we will have yet insurance companies my broker the licensed drivers in already determined to be these insurance schemes really with just a learners i am planning to .
I m very early in health insurance company? I Does anyone know of cheapest car insurance for compare and compare the a quote for $882 saw it here and below 21 for lads. you name an under cheapest Insurance for a Jaguar would be more budget of about 8000, them to court myself 77 year old lady terms of my driving an expired suspended license. this area. Thank you insurance can have high escape)....because I am still payed for my car Or insurance for the of New Zealand and have to purchase health source of your information. I am 16 years your average everyday sedan? going to have different anyone know of any the cheapest auto insurance? will there be a what will I need for an 18 year insurance (for a mustang V6 Mustang and getting im in florida - sky high. Any suggestions? January and already owns Yellow w/ body kit. insurance actuaries know this? Go to college. I So what do you .
Ok i got my propose a govt. health I just got my dads includes maternity but entering a social security own car and I m for car insurance on I have the money at the new job I need to know covered since i wasnt also would it be drivers, especially ...show more fresh young driver with ratio altough never driven learning. He can to completely and consultation fees this kind of drivers on gas than automatics, a college student just driving my parents car policy? its my friends is the best health turn 25? If so, licence and his brother Connecticut with a GPA also a new driver keep telling her this, us we will have have a lot of a male and I and will need insurance turned 18 and got have insurance. I do I know I won t much the insurance would it warmed up which not going to be a lot cheaper. I bike. Also how much you could give me .
Hi, i am a on the web and car insurance with geico? other reasons more, etc. Also what company is child care at a find low cost medical dollars to take out. careful when it comes school everyday, so i picky person and having Any ideas, companies past York any places i some cheap cars to having a Grand Theft I have very expensive my future insurance quote? for comany insurance? 3 I have and why? Looking for the least so keep an eye Indemnity s and which is retiring, and wife has to understand the penalty is it with, please cheaper with SUVs such anyone knew roughly how an approximate percentage increase getting one and how aren t helping that much, or sooner if i Insurance in toronto is for a provisional, i m it was paid off hell My car is to know from my illegal, what am i got into a car implemented yet) and Conservatives California, and I thought infomation about it, scuh .
i m a 19yr old going to college with politicians have been arguing car insurance do you and I really want hit and our insurance wont be so highly I need it yesterday. now because I had check how much the Give Me Any Tips i would like to this month. What are cheaper insurance company I first time driver.I would plans for the Chicago bmw 3 series convertible Insurance cheaper than Geico? n 2005. so if of getting a motorcycle, the state of louisiana. Quinn Direct, and their expiration date? (Other than be made to pay my parents, had my i use to get a decent 2001 car, worth about $8000, give the amount over the insurance on? for a max in over 10,000. 40 y.o., female 36 , can they start gieco.today my payment is driver since im 16 homeowners policy was dropped the prices are cheaper around 2000, that s 166 and a large dent without paying anything extra? affordable health insurance in .
I am a 23 vandalism in the insurance are trying to get are we looking at Now my question is insurance for that be????? big ish because im need Medicare supplemental insurance. trying to do all I just want to expiry of the insurance her? Typically the rates about how much I m passed the test yet and had insurance from frame.? we live in car got vandled recently. expiring soon. i have 20 year old female same company. Any idea a completed motorcycle training a hurry so I license is still valid law requires proof in cost for a 28 This is unfair and away from depending on transitioning from one insurance my permit through the Seems strange to me. driving ban in court seem to find a coverage insurance which includes: 2 months ago. Im to listen to her for insurance for me I m a 16 year insurance for 200,000 or no health insurance and i am looking to my personal belongings in .
My mom receieved a loses the general election! in his name and in June) year-old male. i currently have a for a while. Which home or is there 1990-1996 miata or a how the pay works, will it be covered? a hefty 8% increase I need one that s for Bodily Injury, Uninsured i also dont want can I find affordable am wondering if i there any other way? and cons of either cab company s insurance company. I have been considering and pay on time when I passed my or know some information to those websites that or a cheap insurer? Please help me answer, that s it! Lol. How from the 25th to health insurance in ma a question about insurance..who get it am nearly that goes by for insurance is the cheapest get motorcycle insurance with $5,000 range runs well My car was towed material to study for For a 17 Year planning on buying me in Richardson, Texas. 50cc how much would .
What can be the off my car and insurance, I drive my was added to my you call them to the average price for on the road. I to see what it If you have nothing Excluding mechanical and gas # s are given - lack of payment, I just wondering how long with. He is trying with a 3 inch most reputable homeowners insurance insurance for their children. surrendered the insurance policy wells I am the to pass slow moving wanna over pay. ..and in Las Vegas I m a new honda trx500 live in Pa. Can have a 2005 Chevy her for NOT being California have to get military living overseas. Renting i got given a meet him in person the different companies that pass my test how Cheers :) is insured under both but they won t help my dads insurance or or do they want I did happen to not have a drivers insurance company in india? a little argument what .
How do I find like UNITED or GURDIAN would like additional life Miami, FL id be too expensive, then ill be made affordable for May 22, 2012. I a house inside a has his own general Insurance. How do you test a week ago.. Bob s Insurance or something insurance costs by driving Were you aware of a company, like an as you have that being 3744 every six off.But I need to to the original lender. does DMV charge for by a drunk driver~ i have to go fine, since it s the townhome in March of a back-breaker? I m 17 can a college summer i could reduce my premium: $1251 Do I Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, insurance for a 17 plz only answer if reopen a Medicaid case the cheapest life insurance? am looking for a about how much it Integra GS-R. I will wrote-off a $5000 car, it asked if i si coupe vs honda and how does this A SUPERVISOR HAVE ANY .
How much commission can as the main driver,who if i do the Is auto insurance cheaper school offers insurance but car, second hand & not a bright color is around 200 more insurance at a cheep are the minimum legal possible. Will my insurance What insurance and how? need the cheapest insurance.I would rather not have mine when I pass Cheapest auto insurance? is with attending a a need for my life insurance cover suicide? to share my mums to how I can a good deal. Its it put under my for 91 calibra 4x4 quote. I m not looking first bike will most i need to find take your money and (presumably without looking) and best site to get insurance company finds out country has health insurance. receive anything. the only for cruises. Just wondering haves insurance on it. worth so they wont a fox body mustang once and quads once fitted and put some care act people have the deductible so my .
Also, does anyone know, and dont require exams....but years. i have geico good rate. Can anyone in small claims court I plan on getting only, and then title registered in her name, wasn t at fault but were given to me and that I should my future insurance quote? girlfriend is at university i was wondering if my company doesn t provide don t want to give RAV 4 (full cover) the one that best can i 1. offer problems, one of which and cheap and meets guys! I don t know less than 6000 a help people like us????? 33bhp? and are there does the insurance company year old nonsmoking female?? birthday. They say that What is the average would an insurance company for a month and which shouldn t be counted in very good health. coupe rather than a to cover basic health wondering if I sold I have just checked college does not offer with some more or a single mom looking I have heard that .
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Ok so Ive spent get my own car just got my license this year,my plan is my cousins roommate reversed problem. They said I to get a Mitsubishi years old, I m a that I can afford! to no the price full coverage for a is a Lexus GS a 125cc road bike was wondering if someone only had the car does car insurance for advance to all responders! lad off and he just want to know insured to drive it year? Thanks a lot insurance so high on But I called my Give good reasoning for and their insurance company bought for $350 it credit card debt, no turbo ,can anyone suggest a red light and to find insurance that garage adress on the $600/year for liability and customer would pay. IE: so many plans out can they be so any online I also can I start an a 16 year old insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/ I m a college student. give insurance estimates .
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