#“what if we could safely eat EVERYTHING”
kissitbttr · 2 days
small prologue from frat!sukuna
*gojo finally has you!*
gojo satoru is a man with many things.
he’s rich, handsome, smart, popular. a number one heartthrob on campus and he’s enjoying every second of it.
and you’d think that a man who has it all wouldn’t be seen asking for more. because what could’ve he wanted more than what he has now?
he wants you.
“i don’t understand why you keep resisting me. why do you keep thinking about him?! i can treat you better!”
gojo is in fact very much stubborn. soon as he heard what sukuna has done to you, he can’t stay silent any longer. he needs to save you. he needs to see you. he needs to hold and kiss you.
he needs you. period.
so he confesses everything. the bottled up feelings he has over the last few months. the only problem is that you don’t believe him. and even if you were, what are the chances of gojo is only here to play with your feelings?
but he’s determined to make you think differently,
“gojo you are not thinking straight—“
he scoffs, shaking his head at you being so hard headed. “y/n! for once, i have never been so sure and set for what i have in mind than i am right now! i care about you! i love you, why are you so—argh!”
“he’s your best friend! how could you so easily say all that to me knowing me and him were together at some point?!” you cross your arms, looking up at him with a hard look that he somehow loves.
again, gojo groans, flaring his arms up before bringing them down. “jesus, we still on that?! why is that pink haired mother fucker has you wrapped around his finger while i’m here begging to be wrapped around yours?!”
you stand still. trying your best to not to get his words affects you despite your unusual beating heart says otherwise.
you have never seen gojo satoru so worked up. hands on his hips, eye brows scrunched as if he’s thinking hard on which ass he has to beat
“i don’t care if he’s my best friend” he says with a softer tone, pretty blue eyes looking intently into yours. “I don’t care if we’re in the fraternity and how that makes us frat brothers…because I cannot tolerate the fact that he hurt you”
and another thing? you have never seen gojo acts so soft,
so putty… so careful with his words… so..
in love
“the one girl who i have strong feelings for during the time he had you… the only girl who has me feeling excited to wake up each morning and look forward to see every day…the only girl who’s got the guts to call me out on my shit” he takes another step closer to you, and he finds a relief to see you’re not stepping back,
his eyes study your features. each and every single one of it.
you are so damn gorgeous, it is driving gojo insane.
“and i am in love with her” he says it again that night with confidence, his hands move slowly to cup your cheeks and make you look at him. “all i’m asking for is a chance… that’s all”
“tell me what i have to do to make you trust me… that i’m not here to play with your feelings”
speechless. is the only thing you feel right now. you can’t exactly form any sentences because it feels like everything is on halt.
what do you say to your old hookup’s best friend that he’s in love with you? and how do you feel about this?
it’s not that you don’t love him back, in fact? it could be the opposite.
he, among the many friends of sukuna is the only one who always checks up on you. during parties, he’d make sure to keep you hydrated because you don’t drink as much alcohol. he’d make sure to have you eat your meals. he’d make sure that you get home safe after class or your part time job. gojo also makes sure that you receive as much as praises you need for the time you got A on your criminal justice class or won a case,
and he’d be sure to tell you, he’s got a taste of your homemade soft cookies that you made. ispahan is his favorite.
maybe gojo satoru is made for you.
“you are so… dumb and pathetic, satoru” you shakily whisper, though make no attempt to remove his hands from you,
he lets out a small laugh, nodding.
“i can be that, baby” he replies, resting his forehead on yours,
“i can be whatever it is you want me to be as long as i get to call you mine”
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little regressor reader with wukong and macaque oneshot
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You occasionally forgot that sometimes both of your boyfriends stop by without telling you and of course, it had to be the one night you were regressed. Your favorite soft blankets are on the floor with one of them hanging over you like a canopy and one of your favorite plushes in your hand while you watch your favorite movie you watched during your childhood. Your mind is preoccupied with the colorful pictures flashing across the screen on your laptop. When you felt your mind start falling into that fuzzy place you quickly got changed out of your professional work clothes.
The soft and fuzzy fabric clothes eliminate any overstimulation and the yummy snack in the big bowl in front of you with a bag of candy you’d gotten as a reward for all the overtime you had worked this week on the side. When you’re regressed you’re usually non-verbal and have around a 6-year-old mindset but the only ones who even knew were Mei and MK who accidentally found out. The only reason they even found out was that you weren’t answering their texts and burst into your apartment only to see you in your living room watching Bluey happily.
The happy mood quickly changed when you started tearing up and ran into your room hoping that both of you could forget the last couple minutes, it only took a couple of minutes though for them to convince you it was okay and remember you were still regressed. For the next hour, Mei played puppy videos for you while she stopped MK from eating all of your snacks and eventually bingeing a whole season of Monkey King the Animated Series which was mostly MK’s idea. Usually, whenever you felt like you were slipping you would call those two but both of them were busy so you decided to set yourself up with a movie and such for the night.
You ate another piece of candy and were more focused on the movie you were watching when you heard a knock on your window, turned to it with your soft plushie in hand, and locked eyes with both of your boyfriends. Panic shot through you and in an instant, you grabbed your phone, ran into your closet, and shutting it. Wukong and Macaque came over to hang out with you since this week had been busy for all of you but they hadn’t expected this.
Of course, both of their first thoughts were that you were adorable in that outfit and it only made them want to cuddle you even more. “Sunshine, what’s the matter? It’s just us.” the king asked in a concerned tone. However, when they saw you cry in shock at you seeing them Wukong climbed through the window while Macaque portaled in and crouched next to the closet. “What’s wrong, lotus? Is everything okay?” he asked softly and knocked gently on the door. You couldn’t help the whimpers that came out and shakily found Mei’s contact, slowly typing the situation and wiping the tears falling down your cheeks.
Wukong had crouched next to Macaque outside the closet and looked around your room, noticing all the comfy blankets and pillows that created a safe and cozy vibe. It was endearing and frankly adorable to them both but you were in distress and that took priority over anything. You hiccuped but called Mei and put her on speaker as instructed. “It’s alright, Name. I promise that they both won’t judge you and if they do I’ll test if they really are immortal.” Mei said and growled through the phone. Both monkeys stilled when they heard Mei’s threat and Wukong started sputtering out that he’d never judge you only to be hit in the head by the warrior beside him.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed tiredly. “Let the dragon girl explain before we go jumping to conclusions.” he groaned and sat down a foot away from the closet, Wukong following him and watching you crack the door open just a bit. You could make out both of them through your tears and slide the phone to them, holding on tight to your plushie and hoping Mei would take care of everything despite not being there. “First off, Name I’m sorry MK and I couldn’t be there and could you pretty please open the door enough to let them see you? Could you also knock when you’ve done it?” she asked and waited till you knocked after opening the door enough, still curling in on yourself and flicking your eyes back and forth.
”Good job, Name! Such a good job!” she praised and you smiled a bit, rubbing your cheek with one hand and sniffling. “Secondly, this is for you both, this is a healthy coping mechanism called age regression that’s used by people who suffer from different kinds of trauma and people mentally and emotionally return to a younger age. It’s not often seen as “normal” by society because people are jerks but the age ranges from person to person. Name is usually around the age of 6 or 7 and normally non-verbal when they regress.” she explained and you teared up again when Mei mentioned how trauma is often a cause, tightly hugging your plushie and staring at the phone when you felt both pairs of eyes on you.
Both simians’ hearts sank when she explained it as a coping mechanism for trauma and how it must have been weighing on you if either of them found out. Macaque got the general idea of it and now understood why you hadn’t spoken at all, interacting wouldn’t be an issue since he was already good at reading micro-expressions and smiling softly at you from across the phone. “Okay, I think I get it now. It should be easy hopefully to pick up from where they left off before we got here and I’m guessing that they’ll be more emotionally sensitive,” he asked and nodded when Mei confirmed as Wukong looked at you with pity.
It must have been nerve-racking keeping this big of a secret from them both and he couldn’t be mad at you for something this safe to you. His tail lay limp on the floor as you tentatively looked up with tears sometimes falling down your cheeks and he reached out a hand before stopping since you still looked a bit scared. The tough chest armor he was wearing didn’t help him seem cuddly and he took it off before leaving in a random corner of your room, standing up much to his partner’s chagrin and walking over to snatch a couple of candies from the bowl you had. “What you doing? Were you listening to anything of what Mei said?” the shadow monkey asked annoyed.
The king carefully sat back down next to him and gave him one of the pieces of candy he had. By now Mei had hung up and given you the phone back. “I was listening and I’m going to help them calm down!” he retorted and popped one of them in his mouth. As expected it tasted tasty and he looked toward Macaque who also copied him, humming when he ate it and shifting his gaze toward you. You pouted when your boyfriend stole three pieces of your favorite candy and narrowed your eyes when Wukong offered the third piece to you.
“Why don’t you have some? It’s yummy!” he said and further stretched out his hand to you, “Also sorry I technically stole it.” You carefully to the candy from his hand and popped it into his mouth while both monkeys bickered with one another. “Wow, THE Great Sage apologized for stealing?” Macaque sassed him and dramatically put a hand on his chest while you unwrapped the candy, smiling at them both and slowly shuffling over to Wukong. You climbed onto his lap and left your plushie on the floor so you could squish his face with both hands. “Wu Wu” you murmured and cooed which got the attention of both lovers.
They both looked at you as they talked to one another while you stayed confused but happily played with the loose bits of clothing. “Didn’t Mei say they didn’t speak when they regressed?” Wukong asked with a raised brow and briefly glanced at you who didn’t seem to have a care in the world at the moment. “No she said they’re normally non-verbal but seeing as we’re their lovers I’m guessing this is going to be usually as it goes. Your nickname is cute though.” he teased him and you then sat on Macaque’s lap, ignoring the eye roll he got. You got distracted by the very soft fabric of his scarf and nuzzled your face into it. “Mac.” you murmured and decided that it was better than most of your blankets.
Wukong started laughing richly and quickly moved to the nearby laptop and unpaused to the movie when Macaque portaled you both over to the blanket-like nest, moving you to face forward and letting you have his scarf while you were regressed. “Someone’s soft aren’t they?” Wukong teased back and wrapped his tail around your waist, ruffling your hair and passing the snacks to you. He then remembered you had dropped your plushie on the ground when you went to hug him and went to get it however you whined when he got up. Both of them found it adorably cute and you gripped his shirt, looking at him and tugging him back to you. They would look forward to this every time you regressed.
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Tim Through the Years - The Sibling Dinner
Series Masterlist
Summary: Tim meets your overprotective brothers. 0.7k+ words.
“Mashed potatoes... corn... chicken... croissants... gravy,” you mumbled while running around the kitchen of your home. You wiped your forehead and smeared flour on yourself as you checked on the chicken. 
“Hey babe! I’m here!” Tim shouted from your front door, letting himself in with the key he had gotten from you so he could take care of your many houseplants when you were gone for a week. Tim walked into the kitchen with you running around trying to get everything done and wearing a very messy apron.
“Oh! Hi, honey, I didn’t see you come in,” you said while mashing the potatoes.
Tim gave you a soft smile and walked up to you. “Baby, why don’t you go get ready and I’ll finish up.” He took a wet cloth and started to wipe away any stray food that had landed on your face.
“But... tonight has to be perfect!” You said while mashing harder and sloshing milk everywhere. You felt eyes on you and made eye contact with Tim and he gave you the look. 
“Sigh, okay. Thank you.” You kissed him softly on the cheek and quickly left to get ready. You peeked around the corner to watch him. “Pie needs to come out of the oven in 5 minutes and I make homemade gravy so the recipe card is in my cookbook...” You stopped when Tim crossed his arms and stared at you. You looked away, embarrassed, and ran off to your room.
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You looked at yourself in the mirror and smoothed down the outfit you decided to wear. Three sharp knocks hit the door before Tim announced, “They are here!”
You ran to the door and opened it to see your twin and older brother standing in the doorway. 
“Hey munchkin,” your eldest brother said while giving you a big bear hug.
“You're squishing me!” you tried to say loudly but it came out muffled. Your older brother laughed, let you go, and pushed you to hug your twin. He made eye contact with Tim and stood in front of the both of you. “Who’s this?” he asked gruffly.
“Oh, this is Tim... my boyfriend. Tim, meet my older brother Dean and twin brother Sam,” you said nervously.
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The staring didn’t stop. Dean stared and Tim stared right back at each other. Dinner was very awkward. No one wanted to say anything for fear of what could happen. You nervously bit your bottom lip and moved your fork around the plate, a little too nervous to eat. 
“So Tim, what do you do?” Sam asked to try to break the tension.
“I’m a Sergeant for the LAPD,” Tim said, breaking his stare to look at Sam.
You heard Dean snicker next to you and you kicked him under the table. “Don’t do this,” you whisper-shouted at him.
Dean gave you a mean look and rubbed his knee. Dean turned his attention to Tim, who sat across from him at the table. 
“So Tim, you're a police officer. What are you going to do when you die on duty and leave our sister here?” Dean asked with an evil look.
“I don’t plan on ever leaving her. Ever,” Tim stated firmly as he stared right back.
“You don’t know that. And I don’t like the idea of my little sister being here heartbroken because you wanted to be Mr. Hero.” Dean sneered.
“Oh, like you left her and Sam when you ran away from home because of your alcoholic father?” Tim sneered right back. 
Dean’s face contorted into anger quickly. “I did that so I could provide a safe, healthy environment for my siblings."
“Um, let’s change topics shall we?” Sam interrupted. “Munchkin, could you pass the croissants?” 
“Fine, tell me, Tim. Have you ever killed anyone? You might be a danger to my little sis,” Dean stated while stabbing a piece of chicken with his fork.
You don’t know what happened after that, but there was lots of shouting. Doors slamming and you, sitting in your seat with tears in your eyes. As Dean left your house in a rage, Sam stayed to support you.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry.” Tim hugged you and kissed your head softly, repeating it over and over. Dean’s support meant everything to you... you didn’t know what you’d do if Tim and Dean could never get along. 
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I think that Laios Touden should be dropped into the Supernatural universe, just for a week or two, just to shatter the entire basis of 70% of the plot arcs.
Please can you imagine if "The Man Who Can Figure Out How To Safely Cook And Consume Any Monster" were in spn. most of the show's foundational facts/arcs will no longer function.
Laios breaks spn by existing
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thethingything · 3 months
I need to call our dentist today because we're back to pretty much unmanageable levels of pain, but also our gums are swollen and that side of our face is hot to the touch and our mouth keeps tasting really bad so clearly there's something very wrong
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#posts made on pain meds#I'm still upset about the fact that nobody has given us any other options for pain relief after we've said the meds we have aren't enough#and that despite the oral surgeon mentioning that we probably have an abscess under one tooth#we haven't been prescribed anything to help with that?#like yeah we're having the tooth pulled but unless someone cancels their surgery within the next couple of days#we have to wait another month and to me it seems like a really bad idea to just leave it untreated for that long???#there was a lot of stuff that took a while for us to be able to figure out too because things weren't communicated clearly enough#and it kind of feels like we've just been left to figure everything out on our own#stuff got miscommunicated in a way that I'm pretty sure led to us not being able to get an appointment booked in early enough#and I've said I'm in so much pain that taking the maximum safe doses of multiple painkillers often isn't enough#and we still get the typical ''well you can actually try taking paracetamol and ibuprofen at the same time if just one isn't working''#as if we're not already taking co-codamol (codeine and paracetamol) and ibuprofen and an anaesthetic gel#and using cold packs and salt rinses and still being in so much pain we end up laid there unable to do anything for hours at a time#and keep struggling to actually eat anything or sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time#at one point one of the people we spoke to while booking the surgery was like ''are you in pain?''#and I explained that yes I'm in so much pain I can't actually manage it with pain meds#and there was just this awkward silence and it's like... what did you expect? you have the x-ray of my rotten infected tooth right there#you could probably look at that and take a wild guess and figure out that I'm in severe fucking pain from it#at least we can apply for a payment plan (hopefully) for the surgery so we're not just bankrupting ourselves with one big payment
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pussyeater8000 · 10 months
Eren Yeager has a chronic illness called resting bitch face
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Sometimes I get mad at stupid stuff but really it’s usually something deeper that I haven’t always processed as being the actual thing I’m mad at. My brain focuses on the smaller more manageable grievance than the bigger one and ends up making me look like a whiny bitch
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
#cherry chats#we were together and were in the underground...... but at some point we got lost in the woods#in this dream the underground was like. soooooooooooo fucking big it was like a whole planet big down there#like there were oceans and stuff it was wild......#and we got lost and due to sans' head injury it wasnt safe to teleport long distances#so he had to try and get us back little by little. we were also so far from home#and id been playing zelda right beore my nap so i dreamt it was full of monsters but like different than underground monsters#like they really were just little animals who were mean and attacked us#we had to hide and try to avoid everything bc sans' hp was so low and i was so weak and cold#like he had to carry me the entire time#and ummm what else what else. oh right there were scary abandoned temples filled with traps and monsters.......#and some places messed with ur perception of reality like causing hallucinations to get you to reveal yourself and get killed#it was a little scary we were both almost dead and we couldnt stop to rest because we could be attacked anytime#but we got home ^__^ and everyone welcomed us it had been like almost a year#we had a great big feast except not really bc it was in the underground. but everyone ate more than usual#i remember them going 'theres enough for everyone! well‚ everyone can have a little‚ at least'#bc they were like Lol no ones gonna be eating a full meal we dont have that much but everyone can eat SOMETHING#it was a nice dream all in all. a little scary but well its horrortale u know how it is
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scientia-rex · 5 months
A lot of younger people have no idea what aging actually looks and feels like, and the reasons behind it. That ignorance is so dangerous. If you don’t want to “be old,” you aren’t talking about a number of years. I have patients in their late 80s who could still handily beat me in a race—one couple still runs marathons together, in their late 80s—and I lost someone who was in her early 60s to COPD last year. What you want is not youth, it is health.
If you want to still be able to enjoy doing things in your 60s and 70s and 80s and even 90s, what you want to do, right now, is quit smoking, get some activity on a regular basis (a couple of walks a week is WAY better for you than nothing; increasing from 1 hour a day of cardio to 1.5 will buy you very little), and eat some plants. That’s it. No magic to it. No secret weird tricks. Don’t poison yourself, move around so your body doesn’t forget how, and eat plants.
If you have trouble moving around now because of mobility limitations, bad news: you still need to move around, not because it’s immoral not to, but because that’s still the best advice we have. I highly recommend looking up the Sit and Be Fit series; it is freely available and has exercises that can be done in a chair, which are suitable for people with limited mobility or poor balance. POTS sufferers, I’m looking at you.
If you have trouble eating plants because of dietary issues (they cause gas, etc.) or just because they’re bitter (super taster with texture issues here!), bad news. You still want to find a way to get some plants into your body on a regular basis. I know. It sucks. The only way I can do it is restaurants—they can make salads taste like food. I can also tolerate some bagged salads. On bad weeks, the OCD with contamination focus gets so bad I just can’t. However, canned beans always seem “safe,” and they taste a bit like candy, so they’re a good fallback.
If you smoke and you have tried quitting a million times and you’re just not ready to, bad news. You still need to quit. Your body needs you to try and keep trying. Your brain needs it, too. Damaging small blood vessels racks up cumulative damage over time that your body can start trying to reverse as soon as you quit. I know it’s insanely, absurdly addictive. You still need to.
You cannot rules lawyer your way past your body’s basic needs. It needs food, sleep, activity, and the absence of poison. Those are both small things and big asks. You cannot sustain a routine based on punishment, so don’t punish your body. Find ways to include these things that are enjoyable and rewarding instead. Experiment. There is no reason not to experiment—you don’t have to know instantly what’s going to work for you and what won’t, you just need to be willing to try things and make changes when things aren’t working for you.
You will still age. Your body will stop making collagen and elastin. Tissues you can see and tissues you can’t see will both sag. Cushioning tissues under your skin will get thinner. You’ll bruise more easily. Skin will tear more easily. Accumulated sun damage will start to show more and more. Joints will begin to show arthritis. Tendons and ligaments will get weaker and get injured more easily, as will muscles. Bones will lose mass and get easier to break. You’ll get tired more easily.
But you know what makes the difference between being dead, or as good as, in your 60s vs your 90s? Activity, plants, and quitting smoking. And don’t do meth. Saw a 58-year-old guy this week who is going to have a heart attack if he doesn’t quit whatever stimulant he’s on. I pretended to believe it was just the cigarettes, and maybe it is, but meth and cocaine will kill you quicker. Stop poisoning yourself.
Baby steps; take it one step at a time; you don’t need to have everything figured out right now. But you do need to be working on figuring things out.
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nomairuins · 27 days
and also it doesnt even matter if i miraculously get a job tmrw bc we don't have a car . and im too out of shape to walk anywhere bc everything is far away . so i genuinely dont jnow what to do
#im not smart or talented or hot enough to have a source of income working from home.#i dont have a ged or a kicense or a way to get to work or much experience + ive got a steadily fucking growing gap in my employment history.#And i have essentially 0 social skills i barely Function half the time im dissociated or just crying. im weak and out of shape and#not pretty im like. unhireable i think . and again even if a place did hire me I dont have a way to fucking get 2 work#i might be able to walk 2 a place if i had been at work for a while bc if be more used to being on my feet and active again. its take a#while and id be in a Lot of pain but like. itd be doable. and once i worked for s bit i could get lyfts even tho Expensive also idk that#there as many drivers here. and wtvr. but if i did that itd be Less money to help my family and less money to save up toget my own place and#atp maybe its selfish of me to want my own place and i need to judt be more grateful im allowed 2 stay here . yk#idk. im so tired i just need like. idk. ik the only way is to just get through it and get a job and make it work but it feels so pointless#everything always does. i cant keep getting over hurdles man im so fucking tired of getting through hurdles#every single day is Difficult and every single day is the Same and any time j manage to have a good day ill just go right back to feeling#exactly the same. and even if it looks like everythings better for a bit it all goes back down eventually and ik im supposed to be like But#itll get better again after that <3 ups and downs are a part of life <3 we have to have the bad to appreciate the good <3 im just fucking#sick of the goddamn bad im fucking sick of it ive had enough bad i want good. ik other ppl deserve it more i want everybody to have good#days and be safe and happy i don't want things to keep getting worse but everything just gets worse and all the good parts r tempirary and#im so tired. I am not your strongest soldier bro !!!#idk. i just want to be atable i dont need anything crazy i just want my family to live comfortably and to have enough money that i can#donate i rly donot need much i dont need that much food 2 survive i dont need a ton of space i dont need a nide house i like. i just want to#be Stable and know that everything will be ok. yk. at least 4 my family i want them all to be able to eat and the bills 2 be paid and#hopefully for lamp and the kids 2 go to college. bc lamp and tag both want to go to college and itsy is 6 so he soesnt care#but i want them to be able to so bad bc i can't and i ws never gonna be able to and i dont get to be whiny abt that but like. they want to#and theyre smart and passionate and like. i want them to be able to achieve their dreams and get to have normal lives and be fulfilled and#happy. yk. idk. annie showed me her schoolwork the other day and since it wa first week at like. an alt school it ws a lot of personality#type stuff and mental health stuff and im not gonna get into it bc its not mine to tell but. their answers for one of the things made me so#upset bc it sounded so much like me when i was their age and even now and it makes me feel so guilty that like. i didnt make it better for#them. im the one whos supposed to endure it and then theyre supposed to get to be happy but im too fuckinf weak nowadays and i can't keep#any of them safe or happy and i feel so insanely useless. i hate it i just want to be useful idc anymore like. i want to be good i want to#be helpful i want to be cared abt and its so selfish bc a part of me is like. Ohh wahhh we shouldnr have to do all that to be cared abt wahh#and its dumb bc Yes i do its my job. it just fucking sucks rn bc like i have all the like. sorrow over this being what i have to do and this#is my lot in life but i also have all the guilt over how im not doing it bc km lazy and selfish and i cant just work bc im . Ugh
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insanechayne · 2 months
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#every time I call someone my best friend they turn into a fucking problem that just hurts me and makes me sick#is it me? am I doing something wrong? am I not supposed to have close friends?#or am I just such a fuckup that by being myself it’s inevitable that I’ll ruin my friendships?#kissed my bro on the cheek last week when he wasn’t doing too great and in my mind I was doing it just as an extra way to be encouraging#and show my support and that I’m here for him cause tbh I’ve done that with plenty of other friends and it ain’t no thing#but after a week of wondering why he’s been distant and not wanting to be around me when I’m saying I just need some time with a friend he#finally admits that he thought that was weird and out of line. so I gotta backtrack and try to explain myself but now all the stupid little#pieces be fitting and I realize that he’s probably been misconstruing me wanting time with him as thinking I’m gonna try to flirt with him#or something else fucking dumb like that. despite the fact that that has never been the case and he knows me fundamentally as a person and#should know I wouldn’t ever do anything that could make either of us cheaters even incidentally. plus he’s basically like a brother to me#and I have an AFAB partner so it’s not like I’m trolling for cock anyway and he knows that too. but now I gotta go back through every#interaction we’ve had since that happened and analyze whether or not I was weird or awkward or inappropriate in some way that he could be#upset about at all. and also act like everything is fine and keep it pushing like normal and police every future action to be safe too#because of course he can’t just be straight up about anything or tell me if something bothered him no I gotta play a whole ass fucking#guessing game. and now I also can’t trust that my best friend who is supposed to know me so well won’t take things I say/do the wrong way.#can’t trust that my best friend won’t see me in a poor light now because it’s clearly been affecting the friendship#and like totally that’s my bad I overstepped a boundary I didn’t realize was there but you should have just fucking told me at the time#instead of pulling this shit and giving me anxiety and blowing me off and making me feel like shit#can’t rely on him or trust him or anything and what’s the fucking point of even having a best friend if this is what happens? I’m at the end#of my fucking rope right now so stressed and anxious and no matter how much I try to talk to him or anything he just brushes me off and#won’t let me explain or get my feelings out or anything else. but hey at least I was around for him the other day when he needed somebody#good thing I was there to keep him from going back to drinking or something else stupid and could help him out. cause that’s what really#matters right just being able to help somebody else when they need it even if they don’t reciprocate and are actively hurting me instead of#just being there for me as a friend. guess we try again tomorrow huh? what else can be done I suppose. just get to suffer and be riddled#with anxiety and stress and depression eating away at me and ruining my fucking life. can’t even enjoy the Olympics or anything else because#I’m stuck overthinking this dumb shit. just want this to be over and things to be back to normal. wanna stop being upset about this shit and#be able to let it go but I don’t fucking know how and I can’t keep losing friends because it’s killing me#personal
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yoohyeon · 4 months
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I made mini hamburgers for Puppy’s birthday !
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nanaslutt · 11 months
oh my god please make another part of gojo teaching us that was so good holy shit
Gojo teaches you how to touch him<3
Pt. 1 here
contains: fem reader, guided jerking off, experienced gojo, size kink if you squint, so much dirty talk, corruption kink, overstimulation, first time making out, gojo walks you through everything, cum eating
“Wanna learn how to touch a dick?” his question rang in your ears like a flash grenade had gone off. He was referring to himself right? You had to remind yourself how to breathe at how anxious his question made you. Touching yourself had made you embarrassed and self aware enough as it is, so touching someone else? The thought made you feel mortified.
Gojo must’ve picked up on your anxiousness because he used his big hands to rub comfortingly up and down your forearms, “Hey, if you’re not comfortable we can always stop here, you’ve already done so good.” He comforted.
Gojo might be unserious 99% of the time, but when it came to making you feel safe, he really nailed it. You came to the right person in asking for help with this kind of thing.
"N-no, I think I want to its just.. I dont know what im doing." You confess, even though he already knew. Gojo giggled, making the weight on your shoulders lift a bit at the sound, "Baby, I know, thats why Im gonna teach you, if you’ll let me." He smiles, leaning his body forward so you could see his face-- the visual of him smiling eased your nerves slightly.
"Right.. but what if I'm still not any good?" You say, shyly. "I almost came in my pants just watching you cum so.. I'm pretty sure you will do juuust fine." He confessed, making you huff out a laugh. "O-okay, what should I do?" You asked, turning your body so you were facing him, reaching over to grab your previously discarded panties while you waited for him to answer.
"The first thing you can do is forget about these," Gojo took your soaked panties from your hand, making you scoff as he twirled them around his finger before pocketing the fabric as quick as he snatched them, "The view of your little pussy is so cute, don't want these to get in the way of this eye candy." He praised, making you blush and look away from his intimidating gaze.
He brought his hand up to your face after pulling his hand out of his pocket-- caressing the side of your cheek comfortingly, "Come here." He instructed, sliding down on the headboard so he was propped comfortingly against the pillows, "On my lap," He adds when you hesitate to move twords him.
You situated yourself comfortably on his thighs, right under his crotch, you placed your hands on his lower stomach, staring at his intimidating bulge while you waited for his words to come. "You wanna start by touching it over his pants, just like you did for yourself." He instructs, speaking generally.
You picked your hands up from his stomach, hovering them a couple inches over his crotch before taking a deep breath and biting your lip. "How should I.. touch it?" you ask uncertainty laced in your words. "Wrap your hand around it the best you can and rub," He tells you, placing his hands on your thighs and rubbing his thumb on your skin for comfort.
You held your breath before you made contact with him, making him hiss air into his lungs through his teeth at the feeling of properly being touched after so much tension. You softly rubbed him up and down, gulping at how big he felt in your hand. "You can rub a little harder, it's not gonna break," He laughed, making you blush and whisper out a quiet 'sorry' as you briefly made eye contact with him, quickly averting your gaze back down to his crotch.
You gripped him through his pants, stroking him rougher now but still slowly, up and down. You took a peek at his face from under your lashes, watching him lick his lips and blink rapidly, his eyes focused on your hand at work on him.
"Yeah, yeah, just like that." He praised, keeping his eyes glued down between the two of you. You felt your face heat up when his cock jumped against your hand, it felt so hot even through his pants. The thought of seeing a real dick, unobstructed by fabric was making your head spin.
The man underneath you truly thought he would've came the second you touched him, it was a miracle from the heavens that he had managed to hold back and not bust in his pants at the first contact.
Your inexperience turned him on to no extent. He just loved the idea of corrupting you, showing you all of the amazing things you could feel, everything that you've been missing out on. He swore he would ruin you for anyone else—make you addicted to him so you never even thought about doing this with anyone else.
"D-does this feel good?" You ask genuinely, you had noticed his expressions and reactions to your touch—and they seemed like good ones—but you had no idea how someone was supposed to react when you touched them like this, hence why you asked for his confirmation.
"Feels better than you know." He grinned, his body running warmer the longer you stroked him over his pants. "It feels so big." You confessed, unaware of how your words went straight to his head and dick.
"Yeah?" his smirk grew as he felt his own ego inflate at your words, not like he needed that. "Yeah.." You meekly replied, "It keeps twitching too," you told him like he was unaware. "I know baby, means you're doing a good job." He praised once more, making you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Wanna see it?" He asked after he deemed that you had been touching him outside his pants for an adequate amount of time. You swallowed hard, stilling your hand on his cock as it continued to jump under the weight of your palm. "Yes, please." You answered, sliding your hands up his shirt and feeling his hard abs before you slid them back down to hold onto the hem of his pants. "Should I take your boxers off too, or?" You question, hesitating.
He smiled at you, giving you a short nod. You grabbed his pants and boxers alike, beginning to pull them down his body— gojo lifted his hips up to aid your efforts, jaw dropping in an open-mouthed smile when his hard cock sprung up and slapped against his abdomen.
Your mouth opened in a small o shape, running dry at the sheer size of his now unobstructed cock. There was a string of pre that had already dropped down against his abdomen, connecting the two.
It looked as thick as it felt, a nice upwards curve to it, and the tip was flushed a pretty pink color. It was the prettiest and only dick you’d ever seen.
“You like what you see, cutie?” he teased, making his cock jump as you stared between the appendage and his penetrating gaze. “Fuck.. y-yeah.” you confessed, feeling yourself start to throb between your legs at the new visual.
“Go ahead an touch it, the same as you did before.” Gojo instructed. You slowly reached out, wrapping your hand around his length, noticing that your fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around his girth.
The man underneath you couldn’t resist as he thrusted his hips up into your hand, biting his lip at the direct contact. “Your hand is so fucking soft” He praised, “Go ahead and spit on it for me, it doesn’t feel very good when it’s dry.” he told you.
The gears in your head were still turning at what you were actually doing right now. Without saying anything, you leaned down a bit, collecting the saliva in your mouth before you spit right onto his cockhead, making him gasp.
You brought your hand to his tip, rubbing it around in circles before sliding your hand down the length of his cock and coating it in your spit, easing the slide. “Fuuuck, just like that, shit-“ Gojo cursed, tipping his head back against the pillows and squeezing his eyes shut.
“S-squeeze harder at the tip,” he instructed, remembering he was supposed to be teaching you, so staying silent and moaning probably wouldn’t do you much good. “T-the tip is more sensitive than the rest of the cock, so make sure to pay more attention to it.” he tells you.
“Is it kinda like the clit?” You ask, which makes him giggle before he responds, “Sorta..” he answeres, staring at the ceiling in thought before he continues, “Yeah actually, pretty similar, but if you spend too much time on just the tip it can get a little too sensitive.” He explains.
“Sensitive how?” you ask, continuing your slow but heavy strokes on his cock, using the knowledge he just told you in squeezing harder against his tip. “Why don’t I show you?” he says.
“Take one hand and keep stroking me just like you’re doing, with the other, lay your palm flat- yeah just like that- then curl your hand over the entirety of my tip, and rotate your wrist in circles.” Gojo instructed, digging his nails into your thighs prematurely as he braced himself for the intense overstimulating pleasure that was about to come.
“This won’t hurt you right?” you ask, getting your hands into place but keeping them still as you awaited his answer. “You’re so sweet~” he cooed, “I’ll stop you if it’s too much.”
With that, you started, quickly jerking the length of his cock while rotating your wrist over his dick in quick circles. Immediately his body started reacting, back arching and abs clenching uncontrollably as he bit his lip and dug his nails deeper into your skin to keep himself grounded.
“K- haaah- keep g-going-“ he moaned out, his legs jerking and twitching underneath you as you kept up your antics. “Fuck! f-fuck-“ The white haired man squeezed his eyes shut as his body spasmed without his permission.
Your cunt was throbbing at how you were able to bring a man as strong as Gojo to this state. “Ngh~” he was whining and moaning against the sheets, head thrashing back and forth as he tried to keep his voice down.
You never wanted this to end, you finally understood what he meant when he said he was worked up from just watching you play with yourself, as you felt your cunt clench, slick dripping down your leg from your tight hole.
His large hand came down to stop your wrist, panting heavily he spoke, “O-okay, okay- fuck, that’s enough.” He groaned when the pleasure quickly became too much. "S-sorry, are you okay?" you choked, once again making him smile at how sweet you were. "I'm just fine baby, it's just a little overwhelming," He said, releasing your wrist and placing his hand back on your thighs.
"Did so fucking good though, listened just like I told you to." He smirked, gripping your thighs and making you look up at him through your lashes. You pouted out your bottom lip a bit in embarrassment, trying your best to not look away from his intimidating gaze. "Alright, class is back in session, go ahead and pick up where you left off." He continued.
You released your hand that was caressing his tip, going back to jerking him off steadily with the one hand. "Don't forget about the balls either, you just wanna massage them softly," he instructs after a couple seconds of your continued ministrations. You nod, acknowledging his words before you spit on your other hand, and bring it down to his warm balls.
"Oh shit- haha- didn't even have to tell you to spit." He says, amazement laced in his words, "You had n-nothing to worry about, you're doing so fucking good." He reassured when you started to expertly roll and massage his sack in your hand, timing your motions perfectly with the jerking of his cock.
"Cmere baby," He asked, growing needier and needier at the more stimulation you provided him with. You tilted your head at him, confused, making him laugh. "Come give me a kiss, pretty thing." He clarifies. You hesitate slightly, You've kissed one or two people before, but you've never made out with anyone per se, which is what you were assuming Gojo wanted right now.
"Follow my lead, I'll show you how to make kissing feel as good as sex." He boldly said, making you blush. You released your hold on his balls, opting to place your hand against his hard chest for stability as you leaned forward, not stopping your ministrations on his cock. He gave you a toothy grin, his big hands coming up to grab your waist before he opened his mouth, huffing out a small laugh before he pressed your lips together.
He immediately took the lead, moving his lips against your own, massaging his soft lips with his. He groaned into the kiss, which made you reciprocate the sound, whining into his mouth. Where you normally would've pulled away by now, Gojo instead opened his mouth against you and pressed another kiss to your lips, repeating the action, and continuing the kiss.
You unawarely squeezed his cock harder at the stimulation, you had no idea that kissing could feel so erotic. When Gojo felt your fist tighten up around him, he pulled back half an inch from the kiss, panting slightly against your lips before he spoke needily, "Faster baby, give it to me faster." He rushed before conjoining your lips once more, rougher this time.
You felt him poke his tongue out and lick against your lips, "Open your mouth for me, baby," He said to you between kisses, to which you complied. He took this new opportunity to lick his tongue into your mouth. You thought French kissing would feel gross and unpleasant, but this was nothing of the sort, it really felt like he was fucking your mouth. He expertly massaged the inside of your mouth with his warm appendage, making you throb between your legs.
You remembered his words; which had told you to follow his lead; as you reciprocated, darting your tongue out and intertwining it with his, and it felt even better. "Mmmmm" Gojo hummed against your lips when he felt your tongue join the fun. Hips lips suddenly attached to your bottom one, slowing down the kiss briefly as he sucked it into his mouth and bit it between his teeth, smirking before he let it go, chasing your lip as it bounced back to your face.
You had switched up your technique on his cock just seconds ago, rotating your wrist over his entire cock, and pulsing your grip to imitate your pussy walls, giving him harder strokes when you slid your hand down him; you were having fun with it, and it must've been working.
Gojo pulled away from the kiss, allowing you to sit back up as he panted heavily, his cock was steadily dripping more and more pre onto your fingers, easing the slide against his cock while you jerked him off. "Did you like that?" He asked, referring to the kiss. "Y-yeah, I didn't know kissing could feel so good," you replied honestly, making him smile.
"I know~ made your pussy feel all needy again, huh?" he said, having noticed the wetness that was coating your inner thighs, his words sending a wave of sudden awareness through you, making you want to cower away. "Aww, don't get shy on me baby, look at me," He started, "I'm the one getting my cock jerked off, about to fucking burst," The man giggled, "If anyone should be embarrassed it's me~"
"You're about to cum?" You asked, those words being the only ones that made it into your dizzy head. "Yeah, and it's all cos' of you, didn't even have to give you that much i-instruction, you're a pro." he praised, making you look away from his gaze and instead focus on his cock in your smaller hand. "You wanna make me cum?" He asked.
"Wanna watch you cum.." You replied, making him laugh breathlessly as he felt your words go straight to his balls, "Oh don't worry, you will," He informed you, tipping his head back once more against the pillows, and letting himself really feel as you stroked your fingertips along his lower abs, while keeping the steady and mind numbing pace on his cock.
"Fuck, wish I was cuming inside your pussy," He suddenly moaned, catching you off guard with his words as he gripped your hips with his large hands. "Would fill you up so fucking full." He babbled, inching closer and closer to his high with every stroke, slightly thrusting up into your warm hand.
"If I try hard enough, your little hand starts to feel like your perfect fucking cunt," He groaned through his teeth, "but I just know you would be so much warmer and wetter- fuck-." He moaned at his own words, working himself up as he dropped his chin forward to look at your hand on him, his jaw opened in a small o shape.
"You want that? Huh? Want me to split you open on my cock and fill you up with my cum?" His words had gotten so filthy and shameless, and so fast, it was giving you whiplash. You nodded meekly, not trusting your voice right now as his words alone made you feel like you were going to cum. But that wasn't good enough for Gojo. "Gotta hear you say it baby, need you to tell me you need it." He groaned through his teeth, making your body move above him as he thrust his hips upwards, helping you fuck his cock with your hand.
"Y-yes Satoru I want it." You said, meaning every word, "What do you want?" He rushed out, trying to hold back from cumming to hear you say those magic words. His balls and shaft alike were twitching so strongly against your hold, getting ready to release his seed. "W-want you to come inside me, please give it t-to me." You blushed at your own words, the embarrassment worsening when he groaned shamelessly at them. His pretty eyes rolled back in his head as his orgasm crashed down on him. "Fuck- coming-" he warned before you felt his warm seed start to cover your hand.
Long rope after rope of his cum coated your hard, making you moan with him at the erotic sight. His abs were clenching under your hand, body twitching and back arching slightly, similar to how your own did when you had cum, as you fucked him through his high. You kept jerking him off even after the spasms of his body ceased, and his cock started to soften in your hold.
His large hand shot up and gripped your wrist harshly. "C-careful," He laughed, heaving air into his lungs, "It's so fucking sensitive right after we cum." He said.
"Shit s-sorry," You blushed, releasing his dick from your soiled hand as you stared at his seed that covered it, amazed by how much there was. "Don't be sorry baby, I haven't cum that hard in my life, and all just from your hand" He laughed, rubbing his large hands up the length of your torso while he let himself catch his breath, his soft cock resting against his tummy.
An idea popped into your head, remembering how he had sucked off your cum from your own fingers after he made you finish, and it made you wonder what he tasted like too. Absentmindedly you brought your hand up to your mouth, not paying attention to the man below you as he watched your every movement with bated breath, knowing exactly what you were about to do.
You let your tongue poke out from your open mouth, licking up his seed at tasting him on your tongue. It was bitter, but not overwhelmingly so, there was something almost sweet about it, which made you suck your fingers completely into your mouth, swallowing his seed that coated them.
Gojo watched with a slack jaw at the show you were putting on, his cock twitched to life as he watched you eagerly lick up his cum. "Fuuuck." He drew, bringing your attention back to him as you popped your fingers out of your mouth, giving him a small smile that made his brain short-circuit.
"I have so much to teach you." He grinned, caressing the side of your face as you closed your eyes, and leaned your face into his hand.
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cutielando · 2 months
could you please write a smut about lando’s recent interview with oscar where he says he’d rather not say what he does on dates? 💗💗
interview | l.n.
warnings!!: smut, p in v sex, oral sex (female receiving), soft sex, praising, first time (between reader and Lando)
my masterlist
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You found it funny when you heard the interview at first. You and Lando have been together for a good couple of months now, and hearing his answer made you think about your first dates at the beginning of your relationship.
Those magical first dates that sealed the deal.
Especially your 3rd date.
Which went down exactly as he had declared in the interview.
November, 2023
The moon was shinning brightly over Monaco, the illuminated streets lighting up the entire city.
The yacht you were on with Lando was swinging lightly over the calm waters, anchored far enough into the water that nobody was around you.
You were on your 3rd date with Lando, still in the phase where you got to know each other better, but you could tell there was insane chemistry between you two from your very first meeting.
Compared to your first two dates, when you guys stayed just in the city, this one tops the charters.
You had been on the yacht for a couple of hours now, eating dinner and laughing under the moonlight. Everything was perfect, the serene atmosphere of the open water and the feeling of being with Lando, it was surreal.
"I didn't peg you for a romantic person" you told him as you lay together in the bed of his little cabin, your head resting against his shoulder as his hand played with the ends of your hair.
"I can't be that bad" he joked, making you laugh and shake your head.
"You're doing amazing" you whispered, turning your head so you were looking at him, a smile gracing both of your features.
Lando smiled and brought his hand to your face, tucking your hair behind you ear before he caressed your cheek with his thumb.
"I have a few ideas how we can make this night even more memorable" he said, biting his lip as he slowly sat up and moved so he was hovering above you, his hand now resting against your hip and rubbing against your soft flesh.
You bit your lip, your blood boiling inside of you as you watched the way his eyes darkened, his eyes taking in every inch of your body. You felt small under his gaze, but you wouldn't trade the feeling of his eyes on you for anything.
"I want you to make love to me" you whispered with an urgency in your voice you didn't know could muster.
Lando smiled widely, and immediately leaned down to smash his lips on yours, sighing at how soft and perfect they were.
Your hands were now wrapped around his neck and your legs around his waist, bringing him ever closer to your body.
"You're so beautiful" he whispered against the shell of your ear as he started leaving kisses down your neck, biting at the skin and sucking on the spot right under your ear, eliciting louder moans from you.
"Lando" you sighed out, your hands gripping at his hair.
He merely hummed as he made his way down your body, kissing every inch of exposed skin. Once he got to the hem of your dress, he helped you up and took the dress off, throwing it at the foot of the bed.
His eyes slowly took in your lingerie-clad body, his smile adorably stretching out at the sight. Had it been any other man, you would have been intimidated under such an intense gaze, but you felt safe and wanted by Lando.
“You’re so freaking beautiful” he exclaimed, his hands running over your bra-covered boobs, squeezing them and placing kisses on the plump flesh.
You threw your head back and arched your back, allowing Lando to quickly undo your bra and throw it somewhere on the floor.
The ache in your pussy was getting stronger and stronger, your hips grinding against his pants to cause some sort of friction and provide some relief. Seeing that, he smirked and reached his hand down, rubbing your clit through the soaked thin fabric of your panties.
"Please, Lando" you moaned, pressing your hips against his hand.
"Please what?" he asked, his head dipping down against your chest once more, leaving hickeys and sucking at the skin of your boobs with a passion.
"Fuck me" you let out, surprised at how blunt you were.
"Your wish is my command" he whispered, pulling away from you to quickly take his clothes off and pull your soaked panties down your legs, sniffing them before he threw them on the floor next to your scattered clothes.
He wasted no time going down between your legs, his heart beating even faster when he noticed how dripping wet you were.
"Someone is eager" he smirked, making the blood rush to your cheeks and your hands to fly to your face, hiding your blush. "Don't hide from me, it's hot"
You were about to retort with a comment when he suddenly dived into your cunt, his tongue prodding at your entrance and his nose bumping against your clit. You moaned out loudly and your hands flew to his hair, gripping at his strands.
He was eating you out with more passion than any other man ever could. His tongue was expertly moving in and out of your hole, collecting your juices every second and his nose bumping against your clit every now and then.
"It feels so good" you moaned out and slammed your head against the bed once you felt two fingers suddenly slide into you, your walls squeezing them tightly.
The pressure inside of you was building rapidly, your walls fluttering against his fingers and tongue, letting him know you were close.
"I'm gonna cum" you warned him, preparing for the intense wave of pleasure that would soon envelop your senses, but it never came.
When you looked up, you saw Lando standing up, his mouth and fingers nowhere near where you needed them to be.
"Why'd you stop?" you complained, breathing heavily because of how worked up you were, not having had the opportunity to cum.
"I need to feel you around my cock when you cum" he said, hurriedly taking off his clothes before kneeling in-between your legs.
He gave his cock a couple of quick strokes before he lined himself up with your entrance, hissing when his cock slowly entered your warm and wet cunt.
You bit your lip and arched your back, your cunt much more sensitive from your denied orgasm. He gave you a minute to adjust, pressing kisses along your breasts and neck.
“You feel so good inside of me” you whimpered, burying your hands in Lando’s hair.
Lando said nothing as he started slowly building up a rhythm, snapping his hips against yours while his cock nudged at your G-spot every single time.
That night, you were lost in a sea of pleasure, only the feeling of you two joined prevailing in the dark of the night.
You had never felt so many things at the same time before Lando, and being with him suddenly opened your eyes to so much more that life with him had to offer.
Present Day
You both laughed as you recounted the beginning of your relationship with each other, the first night you spent together imprinted in your mind like it was yesterday.
"We had fun, didn't we?" Lando smirked as he got on top of you in your hotel room, his mind determined on remaking that same night.
"You could say that" you said, biting your lip and wrapping your hands around his neck, your fingers tugging at the strands of his hair.
"Think we should recreate it" he whispered, pressing kisses down your neck and sucking on the sweet spot right below your ear.
"Yes" you moaned out, your brain surrendering itself to him and only him.
Because he was the only one who could make you feel as though it was just the two of you in this world.
All because of that interview.
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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clockwayswrites · 3 months
So far this file is called 'birdritch'. Those of you who follow my art tumblr might know where this is going. I needed something light to write, been a low day. There has been zero editing or reading through and it is past 2am, sorry and enjoy! (Don't need any typos pointed out, ty.)
“You are supposed to be home.”
Danny blinked up from his work to find Lucius Fox standing in the doorway of the lab. The man had the sport of expression one wore around a child who had just done something disappointing.
(Danny was used to the look, even if it had been a long time since he'd been a kid. Or seen his parents, for that mater.)
“Okay, but,” Danny started, “we agreed that I could start at ten and take my eight hours and one for lunch—”
“A mandatory one hour for lunch away from your desk,” Lucius interrupted.
“Yes, yes, I’ve been doing that! I’ve been eating out on the rooftop garden or even leaving the building and eating out or taking lunch to the park. I’ve been behaving, Lucius, I promise.”
Lucius raised a judgmental brow. “It’s after eight, Danny.”
“What? No. I have an alarm on my phone and everything… okay, well, that only works if my phone is charged.” Danny jabbed uselessly at his phone screen. He followed the charger, which was plugged in, all the way to the wall. He resisted the urge to let his head fall against the wall. “I guess Leslie fried the outlet again or something. I’m sorry, Lucius.”
“It’s fine, Danny,” Lucius said, “but only because, one, I know you have been trying, and two, I am going to buy you the most embarrassing alarm clock I can find and mount it to something in this lab. Now it is late and I am going home and so are you, Mr. Fenton.”
“Yes sir, Mr. Fox,” Danny said and made an exaggerate show of packing up his backpack, dead phone and all.
Lucius gave a little snort at the antics, but left with a ‘get home safe, Danny’. After his boss was gone, Danny took the time to actually make sure everything was in his bag and secure. He still didn’t get why he couldn’t just work late, but apparently WE had something of an insistence of work life balance. According to Lucius, Danny crossed the line too often and so was being kept in line. (Danny didn’t think mention he didn’t have much of a life, literally and otherwise, would help his case.)
Still, Danny mused as he stepped inside the empty elevator, the rules did keep him from becoming his parents. And that was a very, very good thing! Being a mad scientist in Gotham usually ended up landing someone in Arkham. It was just that after the chaos that Danny grew up with, going back to his empty apartment was depressing. It wasn’t as if Danny never got out and did things, it was just that all those things were mostly on the weekend. Most days he just didn’t have a reason to go back to his place.
There was no getting out of it tonight, the great and powerful Fox had spoken and Danny knew better than to try and sneak back up. He lifted his hands over his head, stretching as the elevator descended the last few floors. Oh well, at least it was before ten. He could still grab something on the way home and have a full, warm meal to take his pain meds on. By the pull along his forearm he would need them.
“Night, Bill,” Danny said as he passed the security guard who was on the evening shift. He got another ‘get home safe’ in response and gave a little wave in reply over his shoulder.
Even after the few years in Gotham, it still amused Danny how much everyone wished everyone else some sort of safe travels here. As much as Gotham was a city of hardened realists, there still was so much hope about it. Hope people got home safely, that the Bats would get where they were need in time, that the city would rebuild again and again and again. The undercurrent of hope was so strong that Danny could practically feel it moving through the city like a river.
It had been one of the reasons Danny had taken the job.
He could use hope.
He also had been very careful not to look too closely into it all. While Danny’s early life may have been dominated by the occult, he tried to stay away from it these days outside of the necessary visits to the Realm for his health. As much as the Far Frozen was full of ghost yetis, Frostbite was still a being of science and being there felt more like a cold vacation to his weird relatives than anything else those days.
Danny was actually worried that he was getting close to needing another visit. He shouldn’t, not yet. He wasn’t actually due back for another three months, but the thought of visiting Frostbite had been pulling at the back of Danny’s mind. The most annoying part of it all, is that there wasn’t any concrete reason that Danny felt he needed to go, just a lot of little things: the ache was deeper in his bones, he’d been missing noticing little things, his near constant vertigo was worse, and, oddest of all, he had been feeling chilled.
Maybe he should just take a long weekend and go for a quick visit.
Lucius would undoubtedly approve of the break.
Tomorrow, Danny would ask tomorrow.
(As long as he remembered.)
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edsbug · 3 months
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: you shower with eddie. things turn steamy. (wc: 1.6k)
contains: 18+ NSFW mdni!, fluff turned smut, oral (female receiving), eddie eats reader out while on his knees, fingering, piv.
authors note: this is my first attempt at writing proper smut. english is not my first language, please forgive any mistakes<3
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The gentle patter of water hitting the tiled floor filled the small bathroom of Eddies trailer. Steam swirled through the air, wrapping everything in a warm, misty embrace. You both stood under the showerhead, the hot water cascading over both of you, easing away the stresses of the day.
Eddie ran his fingers through your wet hair, his touch light and soothing. His rings, now safely discarded on the sink, usually added a cool contrast to his warm skin, but tonight, it was just the warmth of his hands.
"Feels nice, doesn't it?" he murmured, his voice low and comforting. You nodded, a soft smile playing on your lips. Moments like these, where the chaos of the world was shut out, felt like pure bliss.
You reached for the shampoo, squeezing a generous amount into your palm before lathering it into his hair. Eddie closed his eyes, a content sigh escaping his lips as your fingers massaged his scalp.
"You're really good at this," he chuckled, opening one eye to peek at you. "Maybe you missed your calling as a hairdresser."
You laughed, a light sound that made Eddie's heart swell. "Maybe. But I think I like my current job better."
"And what's that?" he asked, a playful glint in his eye.
"Taking care of you," you replied, leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips.
Eddie's arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer. The water continued to cascade over you both, but all you could focus on was the feeling of his body against yours, his heartbeat steady and strong.
"You do a pretty great job of it," he whispered, resting his forehead against yours. "I don't know what l'd do without you."
"You'd survive," you teased, running your hands down his back. "But your hair would be a mess."
Eddie laughed, the sound deep and rich, echoing off the tiled walls. He kissed you again, slow and sweet, the water making your lips slide together effortlessly. When he pulled back, his dark eyes were filled with a tenderness that made your heart flutter.
Gently, you turned Eddie around, guiding him to face the showerhead. You started to rinse the shampoo out of his hair, your fingers working through the soapy strands. Eddie leaned into your touch, his muscles relaxing under your careful ministrations.
He hummed in contentment as you continued to work the shampoo out of his hair. Once it was all rinsed out, you grabbed the conditioner, spreading it through his dark locks. Your fingers moved methodically, ensuring every strand was coated.
"You know," Eddie said, his voice light with humor, "I could get used to this kind of treatment."
"Don't get too used to it," you teased, though your tone was affectionate. "I might start charging you."
Eddie chuckled, turning his head to look at you over his shoulder. "I'm sure we could work out some kind of arrangement."
You laughed, shaking your head as you continued to run your fingers through his conditioned hair. "I'm sure we could."
After a few more minutes, you rinsed out the conditioner, making sure Eddie's hair was soft and clean. He turned around to face you, his pupils blown.
"Your turn," he said, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
Before you could protest, Eddie had taken the shampoo bottle from your hand, squeezing some into his palm. He reached up, gently massaging it into your hair. You closed your eyes, a soft moan escaping your lips as his fingers worked through the strands.
"See?" he said softly. "I can take care of you too."
"I never doubted it," you replied, leaning into his touch.
The rest of the shower was spent in comfortable silence, the two of you taking turns washing each other's bodies. Warm water cascaded around you, mixing with the scent of soap and the steam that filled the air.
As Eddie's hands continued to explore your body, the gentle caresses began to ignite a deeper desire. He picked up a bar of soap, lathering it between his hands until it was covered in frothy suds. Slowly, he began to spread the suds across your skin, his touch both tender and electrifying. The feel of his hands gliding over your body, slick with soap, sent shivers of pleasure down your spine.
Eddie's gaze darkened with desire as he watched the soap suds slide over your curves, his fingers tracing patterns in the bubbles. The sight of your wet, glistening skin and the feel of your curves beneath his hands were intoxicating, his own arousal growing stronger.
"Eddie," you whispered, your voice trembling with anticipation.
His response was immediate. He captured your lips in a deep kiss, his hands roaming over your wet skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. You pressed closer to him, feeling the heat between you grow as the soap and water continued to pour down, forgotten.
Eddie's hands found your hips, pulling you flush against him. You could feel his arousal, hard against your thigh. The sensation sent a shiver of excitement through you, and you moaned into his mouth, your own desire pooling low in your stomach.
"Let me take care of you." he murmured against your lips.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as his lips continued their journey, moving lower. He paused briefly at your breasts, taking a moment to tease your nipples with his tongue, drawing soft moans from your lips.
"Please," you breathed, your fingers threading through his wet hair, urging him on.
Eddie sank to his knees, kneeling in front of you. He glanced up at you, the water trickling gently down his face. "I've got you, sweetheart," he murmured.
When his lips finally reached your inner thighs, he took his time, kissing and nipping gently, making you squirm with need. Eddie felt his knees bruising against the tile floor, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was you.
Your fingers tightened in his hair as you let out a desperate moan, your hips lifting slightly in a silent plea.
Eddie's hands slid under your thighs, holding you in place as he settled between your legs.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his breath warm against your most sensitive skin.
Before you could respond, Eddie's lips were on you, his tongue exploring your clit with slow, deliberate strokes that sent shivers down your spine. The sensation was electrifying, each touch igniting waves of pleasure that coursed through your body.
You couldn't suppress the moans that escaped your lips, your fingers tightening their grip in his hair, pulling him closer.
Eddie's tongue moved with expert precision, finding every sensitive spot that made you gasp and writhe. He skillfully alternated between slow, languid licks and quick, intense flicks that sent jolts of pleasure through you. Your hips began to move in rhythm with his mouth, seeking more of the delicious sensations he was creating.
You whimpered, your voice barely audible over the sound of rushing water.
Eddie's gaze lifted to meet yours, a glint of determination in his eyes as he understood your unspoken plea. Without hesitation, he shifted his focus, his lips closing around your clit in a firm yet gentle embrace.
A sharp gasp escaped your lips as Eddie began to suckle and tease, his movements synchronized with the rhythm of his tongue. Your fingers tightened in his hair, earning a deep moan from him.
His hand left your thigh and deftly found its way to your entrance. His fingers teased the sensitive skin there, circling slowly before gently pushing inside. The feeling of fullness felt intoxicating, making you arch your back and cry out.
His fingers moved in a rhythm that matched the movements of his tongue, each thrust and curl inside you amplifying the sensations and pushing you closer to the edge.
“Eddie, please…” you begged softly.
“I know baby, I know” he said as he rose from his knees.
Eddie’s lips crashed against yours once more, your taste still lingering on his tongue. His hands lifted you slightly so that he could position himself at your entrance. You wrapped your legs around his waist, gasping as you felt him begin to push inside you.
The sensation of him filling you was almost overwhelming, the pleasure intense as he slowly buried himself to the hilt. Eddie groaned, his forehead resting against yours as he paused for a moment, giving you both a chance to adjust.
"God, you feel so good," he murmured, his voice strained with the effort of holding back.
You moaned in response, your nails digging into his shoulders as you tried to pull him even closer.
Slowly, Eddie began to move, his thrusts deep and deliberate, each one sending waves of pleasure through your body. The sound of the water hitting the floor mixed with your gasps and moans, creating a symphony of desire that echoed off the tiled walls.
Eddie's pace quickened, his movements becoming more urgent as the need to bring you both to the edge took over. You clung to him, your body arching in response to each thrust. The steam-filled bathroom seemed to shrink around you, the world outside disappearing as you lost yourselves in each other.
"Eddie," you gasped, your voice breaking with the intensity of your pleasure. "I'm close."
"Me too," he replied, his breath hot against your ear. "Come with me, sweetheart."
With a deliberate move, he shifted his hand, his thumb finding your clit, rubbing in circles. With a final, deep thrust, Eddie sent you over the edge, your climax crashing over you like a tidal wave. You cried out his name, your body convulsing with pleasure as he followed you into ecstasy, his own release filling you completely.
For a moment, the two of you just held each other, the only sound in the room the gentle patter of the shower and your ragged breaths. Slowly, Eddie lowered you back to the floor, his arms still wrapped around you as you both tried to catch your breath.
Just as you began to relax into the warmth of the afterglow, a sudden shock of icy cold water hit you both.
"Eddie!" you shrieked, jumping away from the freezing stream. "The water!"
He laughed, his eyes wide with surprise as he fumbled to turn off the faucet. "Looks like we used up all the hot water."
You both scrambled out of the shower, dripping wet and shivering. Eddie was still chuckling as he rubbed his arms to ward off the cold.
"Not exactly how I pictured this ending," he said, his grin wide and mischievous.
You couldn't help but laugh, despite the chill.
Eddie quickly wrapped you in a warm towel, as you snuggled into him. "Still love you, even if you did turn me into an icicle," you muttered.
"Love you too, popsicle," he replied, pulling you closer.
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