#“you can just put them in a small box” ok. why is she running then
tigerdragon1001 · 5 months
Thinking about how my snail Bee Nui does laps at night.
(Ignore the time, I didn't set the camera up properly rip)
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lynnbanks · 14 days
Part 2 of Hidden Pregnancy
“You keeping this from him is going to break his heart” and it did.
Luke showed up an hour after he got the call, not his choice but what can you do? When Jack called him to tell him what happened his heart dropped. Luke has always been protective of y/n especially when it comes to her health because it hasn't always been that great. But the new medication should be helping with all of that.
But if you ask him it is making it worse. She had been more tired than he had ever seen her, more moody than normal and not to mention it wasn't doing the job it was supposed to be if she was passing out. This has happened before but never when he was away and it scared him.
And getting to the hospital an hour after the fact did not make him feel any better. Only after parking and finding her room did he feel a little relief; and that was gone the second he opened the door and saw her face it was obvious she had been crying and Jack looked pale and nervous and none of this was helping his nerves.
“Hi baby, how are you feeling?” he says while running a hand through her hair and scanning her for anything wrong. “ I'm going to go find something to drink,” Jack said getting up to leave but before he could open the door the ultrasound tech came in asking to take y/n back to get her ultrasounds done.
Luke looked confused. “An ultrasound?” y/n really didn't know how much more of this she could take. The ultrasound tech says “Yeah it shouldn't take too long, we just want to make sure everything is ok with the baby.” Luke's heart is starting to beat at an alarming rate he turns to look at y/n but she is avoiding his gaze like the plague.
Before he can form the words to ask what the fuck she is talking about the tech is helping her into a wheelchair and pushing her down the hall. Luke is quick to follow not wanting to panic or cause a scene but he needs answers.
When they got to the room the tech left to grab something and y/n climbed on the bed still avoiding his gaze “y/n what is she talking about? What baby?” y/n finally looked in his direction “Our baby…” “W-what do- what does that mean OUR baby y/n?” y/n can't look at him anymore turning her head “ I'm pregnant Luke.”
“ Okay, are we ready to get started?” the ultrasound tech asked her hands full of the supplies and papers she left to grab “From the charts I have you haven't actually seen your OB yet?” y/n answered her voice horse “no I'm not scheduled till Friday.”
The tech smiled and said, “Well I know the circumstances aren't ideal but this is usually a big deal for first-time parents. Are you dad?” she asked Luke “Um I'm yes” he said trying not to get choked up “Congratulations. How long have we known?” y/n speaks up refusing to look at Luke.
“About 3 weeks now. I'm around 11 weeks I think.”
Luke can't believe what he is hearing 3 weeks his girlfriend has been keeping the news of a baby from him. Why would she do that? The tech continued to ask questions while she prepped the sonogram machine. The air was tense as she put gel on y/n stomach and rubbed the wand around her stomach.
Until she turned the screen toward the two of them showing a tiny blob “ok that is baby and if we move a little this way is the heartbeat.” The fast thump thump thump filled the small room causing both Luke and y/n's eyes to fill with tears. Luke reaches out for her hand and squeezes it. They don't look at each other, just holding her hand is enough.
They stayed like that until the tech finished the exam. Everything she said after was a blur, everything but “ looks like the baby is doing good and checked all the boxes.” which lifted a weight off of both of their chests. “ I will come back with discharge papers and you will be good to leave.” be for walking out leaving them alone once again.
They sit in silence for a minute before Luke speaks up “You have known for 3 weeks and didn't think to tell me?” She can tell by his voice that he is holding back just how mad and hurt he really is. “ I was scared.”
“That isn't an excuse y/n that is our baby I have a right to know.” y/n can't do any more of this “ I don't want to talk about it.” Luke looks at her tired appearance; he hates that even when he is mad at her she still gets what she wants from him. Shaking his head he sits down and waits for the discharge papers.
They make it all the way home without saying a word to each other and y/n gets in bed without saying a word while Luke cries in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes before getting in bed next to her. How could she keep something like this away from him? Did she think he wasn't a good enough partner to raise a baby with? What if they were seriously hurt today? Did she not want him to be by her side with all of these new unknowns?
He only sleeps for 2 hours before getting up for practice he decided he would let her sleep in and when he gets back they will talk about all of this he even left a note saying just that. On his way out he runs into Jack he doesn't say anything just pulls him into a hug. “How are you doing?” Luke shrugged “Why wouldn't she tell me something like that?” Jack shook his head “She told me a little bit about it after the doctor outed her but I think you guys should talk to each other about it. I will say I know that she is acting with fear, not logic.”
Luke kept that in mind when he got home and found her in the bathroom throwing up everything in her system. Getting down on the floor with her and rubbing her back “Let it out, baby. Good girl.” when she has literally nothing left to give she sits up flushed and wipes her mouth. Luke grabbed some mouthwash and handed it to her. She swished it around and spit in the toilet.
Still sitting on the floor Luke pulled her into his lap
“ I'm ready to talk about this y/n,” he says her name so she knows he means business “Okay.” it comes out as a sigh. “ I just- why didn't you tell me? That isn't like you to keep secrets.” she shook her head and pulled herself closer to him “ I'm scared I don't want you to leave me.” it sounds silly the thought of these two ever not being together.
“Why would I do that? Because you are pregnant with our baby You really think I would do that?” she wipes the tears that fall from her face “ I know it sounds dumb but I have this fear that I will have to do it alone just like my mom and my sister; I can't do it, Luke.” he tries to soothe her by rubbing her back “ y/n by not telling me you put yourself in a place where you were doing it alone anyway. And if I'm honest it kind of upsets me that you ever thought of me in the same light as those boys.” he takes a deep breath “ I love you that will never change ever and from now on we are doing this together. I don't want any fears we might have to prevent us from telling each other everything I want to be there for it all.” y/n nodes her head yes in agreement
“ We both are equally responsible for this baby. I know I can't physically carry the baby right now but I will take the weight of everything else and we will do it together.” Luke pulled her up to look at him “I couldn't be happier that you are the mother of my child you are my best friend this doesn't change that okay?” y/n shakes her head yes pulling him in for a kiss “I'm sorry Luke no more secrets I promise” She leans her forehead onto his “I love you. And just so we're clear I don't think of you like that, I was just clouded with fear. And if I'm honest I am really excited to be having a baby with you.” Luke smiled big “We are having a baby! Can you believe it?” with all of the fear out of the way there was only room for excitement and they were going to enjoy the whole journey together.
Y'all know the deal. Hope this is good I really can't tell enjoy and let me know what you think. 💋💋
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xxlady-lunaxx · 9 days
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Sanemi is ALWAYS the one cooking
I’m sorry but I can only see Giyuu fucking up scrambled eggs or something. Sanemi cooks (or bakes) like a professional
Giyuu having a bedhead (he’s adorable) and Sanemi waking him up by either:
throwing a pillow on his face
running his hands through his hair and a “good morning, shithead”
One or the other, no in betweens
Sanemi usually does the chores like laundry, cooking, etc (malewife<33)
Giyuu can do things if given clear instructions tho
Hmm showering together just as a habit
If either of them were mad at the other (or they js fought) before bed, they’ll probably distance themself on the futon
When they wake up they’re always cuddling though
ouugh yes they share a bed
(it was so awkward at first like “ok… i’ll have this side” but then they got comfy and steal each other’s pillows (so romantic smh))
Sanemi definitely holds a longer grudge
Giyuu gets upset if he gets ignore too long, though, and Sanemi eventually caves
Why do I feel like Sanemi would just take pictures or videos of Giyuu randomly
When he’s asleep, when he’s just woken up, when he’s eating, doesn’t matter
Because Sanemi’s in charge of meals usually, Giyuu only gets salmon daikon once a week (which is already a lot as is, but he begs Sanemi for it so…)
Sanemi used to braid/put up his siblings hair a lot and when the two are cuddling, sometimes he makes little braids in Giyuu’s hair, or pulls it up in a high ponytail (often Giyuu wakes up with braids and his hair gets a lil wavy when he takes it out later)
Giyuu’s the baby in the relationship you cant change my mind. He’s the little spoon; he’s being carried because he’s tired; he’s given breakfast in bed.
Sanemi honestly doesn’t mind (he’s used to this) but likes teasing Giyuu about it
Giyuu has a bow of Tsutako’s (he stole a spare) and wears it to formal places always. (job interview? bow. prom? bow. work? bow.)
Sometimes Giyuu helps Sanemi hang up the laundry but they somehow end up hugging always (Giyuu goes on the other side of the clothing line and ThEIr lEgS juST mOVed By THemSElf)
On weekends, when there’s nothing to do, Sanemi will just scroll through his phone and Giyuu watching TV
Giyuu can NEVER not fall asleep during a movie though. depends on the day but he’ll either fall asleep 20 mins in or half way through
Sanemi doesn’t really watch movies and just slowly turns down the volume then off to not startle him awake
I can see Sanemi just volunteering to babysit for their friends (for free<3) and just having a box full of children’s toys for when they come over
Giyuu once overfed a baby to near sickness (“I thought her grabby hands were for more :(“ - “YOU IDIOT, SHE WAS TRYING TO PUSH AWAY THE BOTTLE!!”) and was thereafter forbidden to care for the children (unless they were older than, like, 12)
After a stressful day at work, Giyuu likes flopping down on the couch and having Sanemi run his hands through his hair and hum a bit, maybe small talk
I think Giyuu is actually an open book and horrible at hiding his emotions (like canonically as a child he was like that, only the deaths changed him sooo) whilst Sanemi is better at hiding things
But like after years of living with Sanemi/js being with him, Giyuu has been able to see small telltales
When he’s lying, Sanemi’s eyes flick every so slightly away (so subtly that only a few have caught it before), when he’s upset, he’s a little clingier or his voice is calmer (though many people interpret it as tiredness), when he’s angry but trying to stay calm he’ll probably have a lot of clenched fists (his hand opening and closing x100) but behind his back haha
Why can I see them both as dry texters tho.
Giyuu tries to sound more upbeat by adding emojis/emoticons but overall it’s basically just “Ok 😁👍❤️😋😚✨🎆🎉🎊🎏🍩🔥” // 😭 yeah he doesn’t have a lot of people to text…
I can also see Sanemi being a little old fashioned in a way, idk… He knows perfectly fine how to use a phone and shit but for some time mostly sent letters (except for casual/small talk ofc)
ok that’s it i can’t think of anything else anymore!!
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Blood of Zeus characters at the store
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(a special thanks to the amazing @randomfangirl2718 for helping me come up with this <3)
lets do this :)
Zeus: *holding heron up to a walmart screen*
Hermes: *taking a picture of the oh so touching moment*
Apollo: *laughing his butt off behind her hermes*
Artemis: *shaking her head in shame* I do not know any of them. I do not know any of them.
Heron: why are we here again?
Artemis: because hera needs more bird seeds to feed her pets and we are running low on snacks *she eyes apollo and ares*
Ares: i apologize, but apollo had challenged me and i will not back down from such an easy challenge of eating.
Apollo: if it was so easy then why did you lose *he teases*
Ares: lies! of course i beat you
Apollo: well since its unclea how about another challenge? i challenge you to lift the heaviest weight in the store
Artemis: apollo no-
Apollo and Ares: *runs off*
Artemis: why cant they listen for once. *she groans*
Random store clerk on the p.a: Zeus, please come to the front of fthe store to retrive your delinquents.
Zeus: *goes to the front*
Apollo: *turns his head in shame*
Hermes: we can explain this time we had good reasons
Zeus: those are?
Everyone: *silence*
Zeus: alright we'll deal with this when we get home. where is artemis and heron?
Random store worker: are these the two your looking for? *gestures to an annoyed artemis and a wet heron*
Zeus: ....yes
Heron: we wanted to free the lobsters.
Artemis: he wanted to free the lobsters *she grumbles*
Dionysus: cool! we stole wine.
Apollo: ..we broke half the shelves in the store
Random worker: youre all never welcome to shop here again you realize that right?
Artemis: ok everyone, since we got banned from the last store for wine stealing, lobster freeing, shelf breaking reasons *she side-eyes her brothers* let's not do that this time.
Everyone: *nods and runs off*
Artemis: this is going to end badly isnt it?
Ares: has going out with them ever ended good?
*in the stores garden section*
Artemis: sometimes i just dont get why they cant understand that they have to follow rules even if they are gods, you know i appreciate this alot. its hard to find someone who just listens *she pats the squirrel on the head.
Daphne: look at all of these beautiful flowers hyacinthus.
Hyacinthus: they are very pretty
Random person: ya, to bad they throw the ones they dont sell out. *walks away*
Daphne: we have to save these flowers! *she starts grabbing the flower boxes*
Hermes: can you beilive they just give out free food here?
Dionysus: i know right! its awesome!
Hermes: that stand over there is selling wine sample's
Dionysus: ya, to bad its only one cup per person. *gets a look* unless...
Hermes and dionysus: *runs through the store with the wine tray and open bottle*
Apollo: so you see if you just apply the darker shade of tanner then youll be beach ready in no time *he says to random people looking at tanner*
Apollo: dont you agree heron? *blank space where heron was* this is why we need a leash for him *he grumbles*
Heron: *lost somewhere in the store*
Evios: *sneaks a small item in his pocket*
Kofi: *takes the item and puts it back on the shelf*
Evios: seriously? That is the 20th time man
Alexia: *sees a punching dummy*
Alexia: *starts practicing*
Radndom people: *stares at her*
Alexia: what? It's what it's for.
Zeus: *flirting with some girls*
Hera: *death glaring the girls*
aphrodite: Hera, you mustn't glare at those girls. they do not know that he's married. it's not that big of a deal
hera: oh really? so it's alright with you that Ares is doing the same thing?
Aphrodite: *angrily storms off to yell at the girls near Ares*
Artemis: we're gonna have to find a new store aren't we? *she drinks her pop*
Ares: we knew that the second we walked in
Aphrodite: *screaming in the background*
- - - - - - - - - - . o 0 O 0 o .- - - - - - - - - - -
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artyandink · 2 months
Light My Fire (Again) | beau arlen
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Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
(divider credits go to @cafekitsune)
A/N - Inspired by Take Me Home by @zepskies
A/N 2 - Him in this outfit is MMM
five - make him hurt, make me bleed
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A man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes strolled into the newly opened diner where Olivia met Tom, whistling under his breath. His phone was on, a photo of him and a redheaded woman displaying a ring on the lock screen, a heart drawn around her made up face. A worker called Dan put down his mop, strolling over with a sunny smile. “Evening, sir, can I help you?”
“Yeah, thanks, man.” The man nodded with a friendly grin, eyes darting around the room as his fingers fiddled in his pocket. “I’m, uh, I’m lookin’ for my son. His name’s Tom Holden. Have you seen him?”
“He went off with a girl, Olivia Barlowe, earlier.” Dan informed, hand running through his hair as he gauged the man’s character. “Why, you have something to tell him? I can pass the message on, y’know.”
“Oh, that’d be great.” He took out a notebook from the inside of his jacket, writing an address in neat handwriting before ripping it out and handing it to Dan with a chuckle, his cerulean eyes twinkling. “Just tell him his old man’s in town, yeah?” 
“Does his old man have a name?” Dan raised an eyebrow with a small smirk as he folded the paper, careful not to read the address since it was a breach of privacy.
“Oh! Oh, yeah.” The man nodded, looking down for a moment with a deep laugh before he glanced back up. “Harry. Harry Holden.”
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“Alright, you know what to do.” I gestured in front, leaning back in my seat as I glanced at Olivia. “We’re moving onto slower roads, so clutch, change gears.” She did as I asked, and I grinned, clapping as quietly as I could to not spook her. “Good work, sweetheart. You’re a natural, just like your mom.” We pulled up at a grocery store, so I grabbed my wallet, prepping to get out. “Hang tight, gun’s in the glovebox, keep the car door locked until you see me at the passenger’s door, ok?”
“Got it, auntie.” She nodded, so I relaxed, getting out of the car. I shut the door, making my way inside the store while whistling a little tune. I made a beeline for the fruits, picking up a basket on the way before picking out the best ones, dropping them into my basket. My whistling turned into a hum, brushing my curtain bangs out of my face before inspecting a box of strawberries.
“Sunflower, I’m plannin’ on making some strawberry cheesecake, do you think these are good?” Lucy held up a box of rasberries, grinning innocently because if she didn’t know. I smirked knowingly, and replaced the box of raspberries with a box of strawberries. “Oh! Thanks. Silly me.”
“Issy?” I was yanked reluctantly out of the memory, looking up and my blood running cold as I saw… Harry. A wide grin spread across his face as he stepped forward, tilting his head slightly. “It is you, oh, I knew it!” There he goes again with that British accent that makes my skin crawl. It used to make my knees weak.
“Harry.” I sighed, smiling politely, but it faltered when I saw Rhea walk up with… Tom. I locked eyes with the boy and it clicked instantly, a sharp pang of pain shooting through my chest. “And Tom’s… your son?”
“You know my boy?” Harry grinned, clapping Tom on the shoulder. “Well, my darling-” He held Rhea’s hand, which I noticed had a shiny ring on it, “and I adopted Tom a while ago. Rhea, you know Isabelle, right?”
“You’re Tom’s old friend, right?” The redhead smiled, putting out her hand. “Rhea Summers- no, sorry, Holden. Rhea Holden, neé Summers, it’s hard to compute.”
I shook her hand, forcing a chuckle, my mouth feeling dry. “Elle Joyner.”
“Three’s a crowd, but four’s a party.” I heard a familiar Texas accent behind me, and I instantly knew it was Beau, and he laid a protective hand on my shoulder. Harry’s eyebrow twitched, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as he glanced between Beau and I. “Who’s this, sweetheart?” He knew exactly who this was, so it confused me a little.
“Harry Holden.” Harry introduced, putting out his hand for Beau to shake, seemingly bothered and slightly intimidated since the man was taller than him. “I’m, uh, Elle’s old friend.” Beau’s eyebrow quirked, instantly clocking that Harry was lying. But he shook the latter’s hand anyway, adopting a smile.
“Sheriff Beau Arlen.” He introduced, putting unnecessary emphasis on the first word of the sentence. He then put his hand on my hip, drawing me closer in a manner that was almost possessive. “I’m Belle’s boyfriend.” Oh. Oh, we’re doing that. “Ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Yeah.” I nodded, then decided to play along, kissing Beau’s cheek (albeit I had to stand en pointe, and I am NO ballet dancer). I saw a tinge of red flood his cheeks, but he affectionately rubbed my side with a chuckle.
“Your boyfriend.” Harry repeated quietly before clearing his throat and raising his voice slightly. “Well, Olivia will be seeing Tom tonight, won’t she? I’ll drop her off, if that’s ok.”
“Mhmm, yeah, it’s ok. I’ll, uh, see you tonight.” I nodded, swallowing as Beau’s grip felt more prominent on my hip, as if he tightened it slightly. When Harry, Rhea and Tom trotted off like the happy family I seldom had but wanted, I turned to Beau with an apologetic look. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did.” He smirked, kissing my cheek in what I assumed was revenge, because my ears went red, my eyes widening slightly as I swallowed on a dry throat.
So… more of an attempt.
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In the dimly lit basement of an abandoned warehouse, Cal Joyner found himself bound to a rusty chair, the metallic restraints digging into his flesh, adding to the weight of fear and desperation already bearing down on him. The flickering bulb overhead cast erratic shadows that danced across the grimy walls, framing his captors—members of a notorious crime syndicate—as they loomed over him with a menacing presence.
Remy, a burly man with a scarred face and eyes as cold as steel, stepped forward and snarled, "You think we're playing games here, Cal? We want Lucy's phone, and we want it now."
Cal's eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape that didn't exist. His pulse raced, and his throat felt dry. "I already told you, I don't have it!" he protested, his voice strained with a mixture of fear and defiance. "I don't know where it is."
Beside Remy, another thug with a menacing smirk etched into his features cracked his knuckles. "Maybe you need a little more convincing," he sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.
Cal's thoughts flashed back to that haunting night six years ago when Lucy, his beloved daughter, was taken from him. The pain was still raw, a wound that refused to heal. The memory of her murder lingered like a relentless specter, its grip tightening with each passing moment. And now, these men were threatening his only remaining daughter.
"You touch Elle," Cal spat, his eyes burning with defiance, "and I swear—"
The thug cut him off with a menacing laugh. "Oh, we will touch her, Cal. Unless you start being honest with us."
Cal's jaw clenched, his mind racing through a fog of fear and desperation. He was backed into a corner, and lying was second nature to him, even in this dire circumstance. "I already told you, Lucy's phone is gone. Destroyed."
Remy's patience wore thin. He seized Cal by the collar, his grip like iron. "Listen, you scum. We know you're lying. Lucy kept everything on that phone—information that could bury our client, and he paid a large sum o’ money for our services. We like to deliver. So, we want it back, and we'll tear this whole town apart if we have to."
Cal's eyes flickered towards the door, his thoughts scrambling for a way out. But the goon's grip tightened, yanking him back into the harsh reality of his predicament.
"Last chance, Cal," Remy growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Where. Is. The. Phone?"
In that tense moment, Cal's mind raced. He thought of his daughter, of the desperate need to protect her as she tried to protect him. He had to buy time, he had to think. "I don’t know!" he blurted out, his voice trembling. "I… don’t know."
The thug exchanged a skeptical glance with Remy before nodding. "You've got twenty-four hours. If you don't come up with answers, we'll bring Elle here."
As the syndicate members filed out of the room, leaving Cal alone with his thoughts, he sagged against the chair, his heart heavy with dread. The cold sweat that had formed on his brow trickled down his temple, and his hands shook uncontrollably.
He closed his eyes, trying to calm the tumultuous storm raging within him. The memories of Lucy flooded back—her bright smile, her laughter, her dreams shattered by a cruel twist of fate. He couldn't let the same fate befall his only remaining daughter. He had to find a way out of this, but the odds seemed insurmountable.
Hours passed in agonizing silence broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside—a world oblivious to the terror festering in this forsaken basement. Cal's mind raced through a labyrinth of regrets and fears, each turn leading him deeper into despair.
When the basement door creaked open once more, Cal's heart skipped a beat. The heavy thud of footsteps echoed through the dimly lit space as Remy and his men returned, their silhouettes casting elongated shadows against the grimy walls. The flickering bulb overhead bathed them in an eerie light, rendering their expressions unreadable beneath the dance of light and shadow.
Remy's gaze bore into Cal like steel. "Well, Cal, any revelations?" His voice was low and commanding, cutting through the tense silence that enveloped the basement.
Cal's throat felt dry as he searched desperately for words, any words that could appease these dangerous men. His mind raced, grappling with fear and uncertainty. "I've been trying to remember," he stammered, his voice hoarse with anxiety. "But it's all a blur. Please, just give me more time."
The thug standing beside Remy snorted dismissively. "Time's up, old man. We're not in the business of waiting."
Remy's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin like fraying rope. "You're testing our goodwill, Cal. That's dangerous territory."
Cal's pulse quickened as he felt the weight of their scrutiny bearing down on him. He knew he was running out of options, but the thought of Elle's safety propelled him forward, a flicker of determination igniting within the depths of his despair.
And then, as if a spark of inspiration had ignited in the darkness, Cal's gaze fell upon the shadows creeping along the walls—the same shadows that had become his silent allies in this harrowing ordeal.
"I remember something," Cal began, his voice steadier now, laced with a glimmer of hope amidst the prevailing fear. "It's a long shot, but... Lucy used to talk about a storage unit she kept for sentimental stuff. Maybe the phone is there."
Remy's eyes narrowed further, skepticism etched into every line of his scarred face. "Don't play games with us, Cal."
"I'm not," Cal insisted, the lie slipping effortlessly from his lips. "I'll take you there. Just... spare Elle."
The thug exchanged a meaningful glance with Remy, their silent communication speaking volumes of the danger that lingered in the air. After a tense moment of deliberation, Remy finally nodded, a glimmer of reluctant acceptance in his eyes.
"Fine, Cal," Remy relented, his voice tinged with caution. "You've got one chance. Lead the way."
Relief flooded through Cal like a rushing tide, though he masked it behind a façade of determination. He knew he was treading on thin ice, balancing on a knife's edge between deception and survival. But for his youngest’s sake, he would navigate this treacherous path with unwavering resolve.
As they unbound him from the rusty chair, Cal's limbs felt heavy with both exhaustion and renewed purpose. He rose to his feet, the cold basement air biting against his skin as he prepared to embark on this perilous journey.
Together, they ascended from the depths of the basement, stepping out into the frigid embrace of the night. The distant sounds of the city seemed muffled, drowned out by the weight of their shared secrets and impending dangers.
Cal led the way through narrow alleyways, empty highways and deserted streets for hours that felt like days, his mind racing with the urgency of their mission. Each step forward carried the weight of uncertainty, a delicate dance between deceit and salvation.
The storage unit Lucy had mentioned existed on the outskirts of town—a forgotten corner obscured by neglect and urban decay. As they approached the weathered metal door, Cal's heart hammered against his chest with a mixture of apprehension and hope.
He fumbled with the lock, the metallic clink resonating in the silence of the night. With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit interior cluttered with dusty boxes and forgotten relics.
Remy and his men followed closely behind, their wary eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of deception. Cal's gaze swept over the disarray, his memories of Lucy flooding back with a poignant ache.
"She kept it somewhere here," Cal murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He moved cautiously through the labyrinth of forgotten treasures, his hands trembling with a mixture of anticipation and dread. He searched desperately, found object after object, but no phone. He knew that the game was up, that his lies had only gotten so far. “I swear, it’s here-” He collapsed in a crumpled, lifeless heap as a gunshot rang out through the hollow space, smoke pluming from Remy’s gun as he blew it off.
“My patience wore thin.” Remy’s sighed, storing the gun back in its holster. He turned to the rest of his team, nodding resignedly. “You lot know what to do.”
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Markham poured himself a glass of wine, trying to settle his nerves as he set the table for dinner. Olivia was visiting for the weekend, as she did when no one was at home, per the arrangement with her aunt. Markham’s relationship with Olivia was polite but distant, a delicate balance between the roles of stepfather and guardian. He often struggled to connect with her, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had formed between them over the years.
When Olivia entered the dining room, her eyes brightened at the sight of the beautifully set table. “Wow, this looks amazing, Mark,” she said with a warm smile, taking her seat.
Mark nodded, attempting a smile in return. “Thank you, Olivia. I’m glad you’re here.” He cleared his throat, trying to find the right words to broach the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind. “How have you been, sweetheart?”
Olivia glanced up from her plate, her expression softening. “I’ve been good, thank you,” she replied politely. “School’s going well. Aunt Isa says hi, by the way.”
“That’s good to hear,” Mark said, trying to hide his disappointment at the mention of Olivia’s aunt. “Listen, Liv, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
Olivia looked up curiously, her fork pausing midway to her mouth. “Sure, what is it?”
Mark took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. “I’ve been thinking… maybe it’s time for a change. I know you’ve been living with your aunt for a while now, but I’d like you to consider staying with me permanently.”
Olivia’s eyes widened in surprise, and then her brow furrowed slightly. “Oh,” she said softly, setting her fork down. “I… I appreciate that, Mark, but I really like living with Aunt Isa. She’s been taking care of me for so long, and I feel comfortable there.”
“I understand,” Mark replied, trying to keep his tone even. “But I think it would be good for us to spend more time together, to get to know each other better.”
Olivia fidgeted with her napkin, a troubled look crossing her face. “It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with you, Mark. You’re nice to me and everything. It’s just… Aunt Isa has always been there for me. She��s like a second mom.”
Mark’s heart sank a little at Olivia’s words. He had hoped that she would see him as more than just a distant figure in her life. “I see,” he said quietly, hiding his disappointment behind a forced smile. “Well, I want you to be happy, Olivia. That’s the most important thing.”
Olivia nodded, her expression apologetic. “I’m sorry, Mark. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Mark said, his voice tinged with sadness. “I just want what’s best for you.”
The rest of the dinner passed in strained conversation, both Mark and Olivia making an effort to keep things light. As they finished their meal, Mark cleared his throat again, summoning the courage to address the inevitable.
“Well, Olivia,” he began, “it’s getting late. I should take you back to your aunt’s place.”
Olivia nodded, pushing her plate aside. “Okay,” she said quietly, her eyes downcast.
Mark stood up and walked around the table to where Olivia was sitting. He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to convey a sense of reassurance. “Thank you for coming over, Olivia. I always enjoy having you here.”
Olivia looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “Thank you, Mark. I’m sorry I can’t… you know…”
Mark smiled sadly, squeezing her shoulder gently. “It’s alright, Olivia. Maybe one day things will be different.”
Olivia nodded, offering him a small, grateful smile. “Yeah. Maybe.”
Mark fetched his keys and jacket, and together they made their way to the door. Olivia grabbed her coat and bag, her movements slow and deliberate.
Outside, Mark held open the car door for Olivia, waiting patiently as she settled into the passenger seat. As he drove towards her aunt’s house, the silence between them was heavy with unspoken words.
When they arrived, Mark pulled up in front of the house and turned off the engine. He turned to Olivia, his expression earnest. “Take care of yourself, Olivia,” he said softly.
Olivia nodded, her eyes shining. “You too, Mark.”
I opened the door, adopting a wide smile as I ignored the mixture of red, blue and green cars, along with a random black sedan, as my eyes focused on Olivia, her golden curls bouncing as she bounded up to me. She threw her arms around me, and I returned it with a laugh. “I missed you too, gumdrop.” I grinned, kissing her hair. “C’mon, I got ice cream.” I led her inside, closing the door with a curt nod to Mark. “What flavour are you feelin’ tonight? Vanilla or mint chocolate chip?”
“How about both?”
“I like the way you think.” I smirked, going to the freezer and pulling out the two tubs. “We’re gonna have this snack before heading to the sheriff’s trailer, because he hosts movie night. That ok with you?” I gave her a soft smile, only willing to go if she was.
However, her eyes lit up and so did the rest of her face, a broad grin spreading on her lips. “Yeah, of course! I still can’t get over the fact that my aunt has movie nights with the sheriff.” Olivia smirked. “Is there something you’re not telling me-?”
“Olivia Autumn Barlowe, where do you get these ideas from?” I passed her a bowl of ice cream with a laugh. “Jenny, Cassie and Carla will be there too.” I gave her a stern look, but couldn’t help but break into giggles again alongside her. “You’re insufferable.”
“You love me.”
“I do.” I was about to open my mouth, but there was a loud bang on the door. My hand rubbed my exposed forearm from where my plaid shirt’s sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, a small frown on my face as another, more forceful bang shook the doorframe. It didn’t sound like it’d hold, and the many men’s voices from outside told me that this was a situation that I needed to get Olivia out of. I grabbed the keys to the back door just as a look of terror crossed her pretty features, breaking my heart.
“A-Auntie? What’s going on?” She whispered, looking to me with pleading eyes. I walked over quickly, acting on my feet and putting the keys in her hand.
“I don’t know. But you need to go.” I gripped her shoulders tight, my eyes flickering to the door, which was echoing- bang, bang, bang - and making it hard to think as the door rattled on what I knew were now flimsy hinges. “Out of the back door, ok? Our phones are upstairs, so there’s no time to get ‘em. Don’t get in the car, they might see you. Just run, keep on running, you know where Sheriff Arlen’s trailer is. Go tell him what’s happening, and he has backup with him already, ok? I need you to be strong for me and stay calm, alright?” Tears were starting to well up in her eyes, so I hugged her quickly, then kissed her forehead. “Please, sweetie. Run.” And she did what she was told right as the door busted down. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer, ready to attack. Five men rushed in, all younger, taller, and with stronger builds.
There’s no way I was winning this fight.
“There’s Cal Joyner’s little girl.” One of them smirked, stepping towards me. “And she’s got a knife.”
“She’s a pretty little thing.” Another added with a matching wolffish grin. “D’you reckon we should have our fun with her?” The statement made my blood run cold and heart thank my mind over and over that I got Olivia out.
“Not if she’s wielding that pigstick.”
“That won’t be a problem, Yates, we’ll have that out of her hands in seconds.”
“Don’t you dare.” I spoke up, holding the knife out cautiously, trying to remain strong. “Deputy Elle Joyner, Sheriff’s Department. Tell me what you’ve done to Cal.”
“Cal’s got a bullet in his brain, sugar lips.” The one at the front chuckled, stepping forward, and with one clean swipe, his beefy hand knocked the knife out of my hand, another fist connecting with my cheek and knocking me to the floor. My fingers touched my bloody lip gingerly, but I found my back crashing through the glass coffee table, the shards slicing my clothes and skin. My brain tried to compute the pain as I let out a small groan, even more so when the wood of my dining table chair came into view. I rolled over, letting it hit my back with a strangled cry.
Olivia was running like her life depended on it- or her aunt’s, more accurately, sprinting over to Beau’s trailer with her legs pumping and tears flying from her pretty blue eyes.
“Say, is Belle gonna take any longer?” Beau chuckled deeply, his fingers drumming on the chair leg.
“Give her some time, Beau.” Carla chastised. “She has a life.”
“Yeah, Beau.” Jenny smirked, nudging him with a cheeky grin.
“You tell her, Carla.” Cassie added with a giggle, and when Beau looked to Emily for support, she shrugged in a way that said ‘don’t look at me’.
“You inducted my daughter into your little support group.” Beau faux-gasped. “I’ll never forgive you. Never-”
“SHERIFF!” Olivia came bounding up the driveway, and all of them sensed right away that something was seriously wrong. Beau met her halfway, catching Olivia as she practically collapsed into his arms with rasping, shaky breaths, on the verge of having a panic attack.
“Easy, Liv, sweetheart, what’s going on?” He asked with a frown, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down. “Shh, easy, talk to me.”
“It’s A-Aunt Isa!” She cried, holding onto him like a lifeline. The sentence made Jenny, Cassie and Carla stand up, the latter gesturing for Emily to stay put. “Some men s-started breaking d-down the door, s-she told me to run; why did I run-”
“I’ve got you.” Beau nodded, sharing a look with Jenny and Cassie. “Your aunt’s gonna be ok. I’m gonna go with Jenny. You stay here, with Carla and Cassie, alright? I won’t let anythin’ happen to her, sweetheart. I promise.” Then he turned to Jenny, grabbing his keys from a side table. “Hoyt, let’s go.”
“I’ll call for an ambulance.” Jenny announced, pulling out her phone as they rushed to Beau’s car, Jenny’s panicked voice and the emergency line operator filling the atmosphere. After a drive that felt like an eternity, they pulled up at their destination and almost leapt out to find the door ajar and shards of glass and splinters of wood on the floor, along with a stain of red that only sent chills down their bones.
“BELLE!” Beau yelled as he ran inside, and the moment he saw my body, lying weak, barely conscious and covered in blemishes and remnants of blows, he fell to his knees beside me. I recognised his face only barely, a short, raspy breath leaving my mouth as I tried to say his name. Was Olivia ok? Is she safe? Of course she is, otherwise Beau wouldn’t have found me- God, my everything hurts. “Hoyt- Hoyt! I need an ETA on the ambulance.” Panic riddled his voice as he checked me over. “I-It’s bad, J-Jenny, it’s bad, she’s bruised all over- what did those bastards do to her?” He looked down at me, my eyes meeting his pretty green ones as he smoothed back my hair from my face. “Stay with me, Deputy. Don’t go passin’ on me now, don’t you dare.”
I tried to whisper out anything at all, but my lungs and/or ribs hurt too much.
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I woke up groggily in Beau’s cabin for the third time this week, rubbing my forehead as I grunted softly, propping myself up on the pillows. Beau now no longer trusted the safety of my own house, which had now become a crime scene, therefore prompting him to insist that I stay at his trailer while Dean took care of Olivia. I had taken a beating that day, and my limbs felt like Jello.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.” Beau stepped in with an affectionate smile, sitting down beside my legs, his hand on my knee while his thumb stroked it. “You doin’ better?”
“Physically, yes.” I nodded, sighing dejectedly as I took in the angry red marks on my forearms. He tried to meet my eyes with what looked like concern add even pity flashing behind his.
“And… emotionally?”
“I…” I bit my lip, frowning as I looked down at my hands. The hands of the law, or so I claim. “I just feel useless, Sheriff.”
“Useless?” He looked incredulous, his hand tightening on my knee. “T-The hell you calling useless, Belle?”
“Me.” I sighed, licking my lips nervously. “I have been so… weak lately. I’ve taken but after hit and… I was a niece to protect. If I can’t protect myself, how can I protect her from others? I feel like I’ve failed her, Sheriff. I’ve failed my baby.” My voice cracked at the end, the pain tearing at my heart.
“Your first instinct was to protect Liv.” He assured. “You didn’t think of anyone else before her. You got her to safety first, and I’d label that a damn good aunt, Belle. She’s safe and sound. No longer in danger, and she’s with her dad. She’s ok.”
I nodded. “I guess I can rest now.”
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@nancymcl @deans-spinster-witch @hobby27 @thej2report @winharry @abramswife
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Sometimes Your Soul Family Is The Only Family You Need - Part 1
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: 18 months ago you were a mess but with the help of your close friends you start to rebuild your life. Your soul friendships maybe chaotic but they're your family, just as you're theirs. With one of them about to have a baby, you and your misfit friends are here to visit. But will you stay? And what will the small town think of you having two soulmates and why do you keep finding yourself in the same place as a bunch of hot bikers.
"Sometimes families are assholes, sometimes your soul connections mean far more than family ever can. Sometimes your soul family is the only family you need." - Nurse Maggie
Chapter Warning: Premature labour mentioned, brief mention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Chapter Summary: We meet our reader and one of her soul friends. Does she need a bat?
Message Received Daniel Are you on your way yet? I think she might be calmer if she knew you were at least on route.
Daniel, soulmate to one of your best friends, had woken you this morning with a frantic phone call. Annemarie, one of your soul friends was in labour, but it was too early for baby to make an appearance and you and your other best and soul friend, Ryan, were her other birthing partners and were now in a race to get there.
You were all in. You’d taken classes, baby first aid, read books and had your bag packed for weeks already just in case. You were going to be a godmother and this was serious shit. Ryan had watched most of the online labour classes from behind a pillow like he was watching a Blumhouse horror.
You sent a quick reply to Daniel.
I’m just waiting for Ry, I’m going to start beeping the horn in a minute.
Ryan often kept you waiting. Always a change of outfit or something he’d forgotten. He hated the impatient beeping.
You leaned your head back against the head rest and let out a yawn. Not the best start when you had a 6 hour drive ahead of you.
You were startled by the ringing of your phone coming through the hands free, Ryan calling displayed on the dashboard.
“Why are you calling me? Hurry up, Annemarie is freaking out that we aren’t on the way yet.”
“Start the car and get ready to floor it?”
“What? Why?”
Your attention was caught by a familiar figure entering the stairwell that you could see from where you were parked.
"Why are you running?"
“They wouldn’t let me leave!”
“What do you mean they wouldn’t let you leave? This was all agreed! You’re owed the time!”
“I know! But she’s not here!”
By she, Ryan meant his boss, Jo, who also happened to be your old boss. You’d both sweet talked her into letting him have the leave when the baby was on the way. Short notice leave was never agreed to but Ryan had gone in early and stayed late, covering for others and helping out as much as possible. Being the life and soul of the office and covering for others so they could leave for their kids or appointments meant his colleagues had also been ok with it too. You and Jo were good friends and had stayed in touch after you’d left. She’d been a huge support to you since your almost (it probably was) breakdown post breakup, so you’d thrown in some babysitting for her adorable twin boys and a deal was made. But Jo and her adorable kids, and her soulmate husband were currently sunning themselves somewhere exotic. That’s management earnings for you.
“Brian is pissed off, I may have told him to go fuck himself when he said he wouldn’t let me leave and he’d sack me if I did.”
It was then you spotted Brian at the top of the stairwell in pursuit or Ryan.
“He’s following you. I’m getting the bat.”
“Alright Harley Quinn calm the fuck down.”
“You’re the one who said he wouldn’t let you leave.”
“Yeah well he can go fuck himself.”
“Wait why do you have a box? Are you stealing? Am I an accessory? I’m getting the bat.”
“Just start the car!”
You started the car and put your seatbelt on. The fire exit flew open as Ryan dashed through it, jacket a mess, backpack half on and the box still in his arms, Brian and now a security guard on his heals.
Ryan practically threw himself into your car, partly falling onto you in the process.
“Go, go, go”
“Why do I feel like there’s more to this?”
You spotted Brian nearing the car and put your foot on the accelerator.
A mile down the road with Ryan still squished in the passenger seat you’d pulled over to sort out your chaotic friend. You placed the box in the backseat, along with his backpack, spotting he’d stole the office plant, as Ryan took off his jacket and stretched like a cat. You smirked at him.
“What the fuck was that? And you stole the plant!”
“He’s an asshole!”
“Oh I know, my ass still lives in fear of his grabby hands!”
“Exactly!! I may have brought that up, along with a few other things.”
“So are you fired?”
You pulled him into a hug.
“Proud of you.”
He laughed into your shoulder. You were always proud of each other in weird ways.
“The ten years ago Ryan would never.”
“Well I learnt my dramatics from the best?”
You gasped in mock horror.
“Meeeeee, no you meant Darcy right? Or Wanda? It was Wanda, wasn’t it?”
“Really? Wanda is the least dramatic of us all!“
“She set fire to her ex boyfriend’s clothes and got us to dance round it in our underwear.”
“Oh I miss that little witch.”
“Speaking of the little witch. You’re on phone duty, get those two on a group call but call Annemarie first. She’s in a state and we need to move our arses. Then call the lady re the Airbnb.” You replied, moving back to the drivers seat.
Ryan slipped on his sunglasses and leaned against the car. You pressed the horn hard.
“Hey unemployed, get in the car!!”
He startled and got in.
“I learnt from the best” you said pulling on your own sunglasses and turning on the radio.
“I love it when you’re assertive!” He replied as you snorted with laughter.
You were half a mile down the road when Ryan spoke up again, as he looked for his phone.
“I wonder if we’ll see any hot bikers this time.”
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Truth or Dare
Late at night in Team RWBY's room.
The girls are in their pajamas sitting in a circle playing Truth or Dare.
Yang: Ok Blake, Truth or Dare?
Blake: Dare.
Yang: Oh right! Ok, you have to steal something from Jaune.
Ruby: Nice
Blake: Like what? His underwear?
Weiss: Blake! How can you think of stealing Jaune's sweaty underwear?! How dirty!
Blake: I was thinking of stealing his clean underwear. But if you want his used underwear that bad, I'll see what I can do.
Weiss: What? I didn't say that!
Blake: I'm just kidding. I don't think I can steal his underwear while he's wearing it.
Yang: *Chuckles* Nice one. But seriously, it can be anything. But for fun it has to be something amazing or embarrassing.
Blake: Ok, I'll see what I can find. See you girls soon. *Leaves*
In Team JNPR's room.
The door to the room slowly opens, there is no one in the room. But you can hear the sound of the shower running.
Blake: (It looks like someone is taking a shower.)
Without missing a beat, Blake heads over to Jaune's drawers and starts poking around.
Blake: (Maybe I should take Jaune's underwear for Weiss. She would freak out.)
As she continues to search for something interesting to steal, she stumbles upon something unexpected.
Blake: *surprised* (What the fuck?)
In the drawers she found an already open box of condoms, and there seem to be few left.
Blake: (My God, I never thought that Jaune would have something like this. Is she already dating Pyrrha? Or maybe someone else?)
While Blake thinks about Jaune's sex life, she is unaware that the bathroom door is opening.
Jaune: *Naked and drying his hair with his towel* That was a nice shower. BLAKE!!!
Blake: *Turns around* Huh? JAUNE!!!
Jaune: What are you doing here?!!
Blake: I-I can explain!! I was...!! *Looks down* I was... *blushing* Um...
Jaune: What are you looking at? *He looks down* Oh~ *Smug* Do you like what you see?~
Blake: *Red* What?!
Jaune: *Get's closer* You know, today I have the room to myself~
Blake: R-Really?
Jaune: Yep~
He steps in front of her, moves his arms to either side of her and puts them on top of the drawers, pinning her in place. He leans into her ear and tells her…
Jaune: Do you want to keep me company?~
Blake: *Feeling conflicted* Well Um...!
3 Hours Later
Weiss: Shouldn't we go find her? It's already been 3 hours.
Yang: Nope, if she got caught, I don't want to be a part of it.
Weiss: But what if she's in trouble?
Yang: She is a big girl, she can handle it.
Suddenly the door opens.
Ruby: Blake is back!
Yang: Sweet, what did you.... What happened to you?
In front of her was Blake with messy hair, she had marks on her neck, and she was walking with a small limp.
Blake: *Tired* I'm fine.
Yang: Okey? What did you get?
Blake: Just this.
She shows them a Jaune shirt and walks over to her bed.
Ruby: Blake, where are you going?
Blake: I'm going to sleep.
Ruby: What?! But you can't sleep now. We are still playing.
Weiss: Yeah, and we've been waiting for you for three hours. Why did you take so long?
Blake: Sorry but I can't talk about this right now. I'm very tired.
She gets into her bed, pulls Jaune's shirt close to her face, and falls asleep in the blink of an eye.
Yang: Jeez, what do you think happened to her?
Weiss: I don't know, but tomorrow we'll find out.
Ruby: So, are we still playing or….
Yang: Sorry sis, but I think it's time to go to bed.
Ruby: *Sad* Aw.
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
and i came back to basically another chapter worth of anon spin offs
let me give my two cents on our little babagirl birdy 🤭
No one in 141 is at base apart from Birdy and Price.
They’re all set to be back by around 8pm (idk military times srry homie), but it’s only six.
Plenty of time to let off some pent up frustrations on whatever poor piece of gym equipment they find first.
The equipment in question being the same punching bag they’ve been abusing continuously for the past week.
poor thing is tearing at the seams.
Birdys hands are wrapped in gauze. The white cloth steadily bleeding through as her sloppy, quick punches to the bag continue.
“You can’t do this to me Price. I can’t fucking do this.”
Her breathing was ragged, wet as her chest trickled full of sorrow. Pity; she pitied herself.
Prices eyes flashed. An inkling of regret breaking through his stupid, stupid façade as he peered up at her from his desk.
His hands clasp together tight. Fingers interlacing in an intricate pattern of scars and callouses. Maybe if he tries enough, squeezes tight enough, it might squash the paternal instinct in him to just hide them.
Steal his Birdy, his chic, and run. Keep them safe in the little nest he would make for them both. Father them until they could live by themself. Until they were okay without him.
He squeezed his hands tighter, knuckles whitening.
“I can. And I have to. This is what you need to help yourself,” his voice cut short.
“You don’t have to do shit!,” Birdys voiced dripped a cold, inky venom.
It seeped through his skin and into his bones, infecting anything it could touch to make him understand them.
To make him feel their fear.
Oh. Eyes trailing from the small split in the canvas of our beloved, and now passed, punching bag. To the sand creating a small mess on the floor.
In any other situation, Birdy would be impressed with themself.
You would think surviving something as critical as a shattered skull would give someone motivation.
A reason to keep going.
A light, or hope. A miracle if you believed.
If you survived that impossibility, then you could survive anything to come at you.
Birdy heard the whispers, the comparisons. They knew they beat the odds.
But god, why.
Why, if they could survive a weight of a 6’10 monster.
Why does it feel like they won’t survive the crushing weight of their own mind.
okay thx ☺️ my writing needs are now fufilled
although i MIGHT come back with more for u bc i’m like shaking with ideas ;(
\o/ <3
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How am I meant to follow up from that.
YOU KNOW WHAT. IM NOT. I'm gonna put some fucking hashtags on this shit and let it speak for itself. This is Canon thank you very much for your addition to the Anything lore.
The part of Price needing to fucking save them. To protect them and forcing himself to remember who the fuck he is and what their job is. BIRDY FUCKING THAT BAG UPPPPP
I cannot.
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Stupid, silly Namor or Attuma fic ideas. Don’t think too hard about these they’re just funny little ideas. Pls tag me if you write or get inspired by any of these. Like always, there are no rules:
1. The reader is labeled as the village idiot because she likes to sing with her head underwater to "sing to the mermaids". The village ridicules her for it. One day, she is swept out in a riptide, and no one is willing to come to her aid—no one from the village, that is.
2. Reader is full of bad puns and dad jokes, much to the chagrin of Namor/Attuma. "Why are seagulls called seagulls?"
“Stop now.”
“Because if they flew over bays, they'd be bagels! Oh hey, What did one wave say to the other?"
“I swear, if you make one more ocean related pun, I will murder you on this island and tell everyone you died in a shipwreck."
"...well, someone's salty."
3. You put a message in a bottle and set it out to sea in the hopes it’ll reach Namor/Attuma so you can be pen pals. “Oh my god I love you but you’re so stupid.” They say because you have no idea that’s not how mail works.
4. You’re in love with Namor/Attuma, but you’re also obsessed with monsters and cryptids so you keep asking them questions like “Is the Kraken real?? What about 6 headed hydras? Have you seen Nessie?? Are they friendly? Darling tell meeeeeee”
5. Reader does that stupid prank thing where she pretends to do a magic trick with an egg and a bottle of water. She’s like “Ok now look inside” and squeezes the bottle, spraying water in Attuma/Namor’s face and runs away cackling.
6. You introduce Namor/Attuma to a wonderful human invention - Water beds. They are less than amused. Reader, consider your sexy time privileges revoked😑
7. Attuma/Namor trying to teach reader combat and how to fight like a Talokanil but reader keeps making it sexy and Namor/Attuma is like “Ok maybe we should stop. You’re not even listening to me or learning anything properly!” And reader is like “Oh I’m learning all the right techniques perfectly. 😏😘”
8. Those videos from EVNautilus of the people in a submarine coming across a dumbo octopus and a googly eyed stubby squid but instead it’s scientist reader being shown Talokan by Attuma or Namor and fawning over the sea creatures because they’re just little guys. Sweet underwater babies. And reader being like “it’s just a baby can I adopt it pls” 🥺 and Namor or Attuma being like “pay attention. Remember why we’re here.”
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9. “Your child brings home a raccoon, mistaking it for a cat and begs to keep it” trope but instead it’s Namor/Attuma and their child has brought home an anglerfish or some other hideous abomination of the sea. It’s surprisingly docile and follows the child around like a pet anyway so can we keep it??? Please father 🥺
10. Namor and Jeff the Land Shark crossover. That’s it. That’s the post. Reader wants to adopt Jeff as their child. He’s just a baby 🥺
11. Peter Pan “They were just having a bit of fun, weren’t you, girls?”
“We were only trying to drown her” Mermaid Lagoon AU
12. “General, I’ve brought the cartographer into the war meeting today. I believe you owe her an apology for ruining all her maps when you stab them to dramatically mark a location.” (What if the “cartographer” is actually Attuma’s small daughter or sister drawing doodles of maps and playing pretend/mirroring what her dad or brother does because she wants to help and it’s all in jest hehe)
13. 2 days ago you went to an animal shelter and adopted the most adorable cat. What you don’t know is, he’s the reincarnation of an Aztec god. Your food offerings are unacceptable and that ugly small box that feels like it’s made from scratchy carpet will not do. No. He’ll be sleeping in your bed with you. Don’t try to lock him out; he’ll just scream and sing the songs of his people until you let him back in. (Or maybe through a magic mishap Namor has been accidentally transformed into a cat. Yeah Namor as a cat AU. I told you these ideas were silly.)
14. “Would you still love me if I was a worm” meme With Namor or Attuma but instead it’s “Would you still love me if I was a sea cucumber” or something ocean related
15. Namor or Attuma are taking their daughter trick or treating this year and ask what she wants to be for Halloween. A superhero, a mermaid, a princess? No. She wants to be a horseshoe crab. Possible Modern AU.
16. Reader goes to the beach often and befriends the seagulls/pelicans. So they start to bring her gifts like shells, rocks, etc. Except one day they bring you a golden bracelet, beaded necklace, or jade earrings (your choice of which). It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. A few days later, Namor shows up at the beach, looking very annoyed as he asks for his necklace/bracelet/or earrings back.
17. You and Namor or Attuma meet on the beach in your special spot. You don’t get to be with him often considering he’s kept away by his responsibilities and loyalty to Talokan, and you’re human. It’s usually your only chance to have time where you can just quietly love each other. Except a stupid fucking seagull or pelican has been following you to both the beach and your home; squawking incessantly, wreaking havoc and basically cockblocking you. Untitled Goose Game AU but it’s a seagull/pelican.
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tagsecretsanta · 6 months
From @ajpendragon
From @ajpendragon to @emtb319
Happy Holidays! 
Secret Santa
“John, what is this ‘Secret Santa’ that you have in your calendar? I know about Santa, but he is not a secret?”
John paused where he was buried headfirst in an electrical panel. “Secret Santa is a Christmas tradition we do. Each person is in charge of buying a present for someone else in the family, but no one else knows who is buying for whom. It’s a supposed to be a surprise, but we always try to guess who has your name.”
“Can I play too?”
“You’ll have to play fair. No peeking through emails or computers to see who has your name, no finding out and telling people who has them, no using the security cameras to watch everyone.”
“But I need to have access to the security cameras in case of emergency.”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t use them. Just don’t use them to cheat.”
“Ok.” The AI sounded oddly offended that John would question her. 
“And no looking at search history or orders to figure out the gifts, no trying to analyze everyone to see who they have, no trying to figure anything out!”
“Ok, ok.” She huffed loudly. The familiarity of the sound was concerning, and John made a mental note to stop her hanging out with Gordon. He was clearly a bad influence. 
“I promise not to cheat.”
They drew names for Secret Santa the next day. EOS managed to randomize the names, draw one for herself, and then print out the rest onto slips of paper, which Scott folded carefully and passed around. 
She observed them with interest, watching the way they barely glanced at the name before hiding it again. Gordon even went so far as to eat the piece of paper so no one could see who he had. They all sat lost in thought for a few minutes, clearly trying to think of gift ideas already. 
One by one, they excused themselves, each heading off back to their normal day. “John.” 
He turned back. “Yes?”
“I may require some assistance. Would it ruin the surprise if I required your hands at some point?”
“I think we can allow it. Let me know when you need me to help. I’ll be in my room for now, trying to come up with some good ideas.”
EOS waited in the lounge for a few minutes before tracking Scott’s signature. He was moving around in his room, but appeared to be on his way out for a run. She waited for a few more minutes to ensure he wasn’t coming back before switching to the camera inside his room. 
She had a vague idea of what to get him. She knew he liked old books, but which book in particular to get was the harder question. She stared at his shelf for a while, memorizing titles and comparing genres to figure out what he liked. And then she found the perfect one. The middle of a shelf was filled with a series, all beautifully bound and matching except for one paperback shoved in the middle. 
A quick glance at the title and brief internet search later, and she had found the perfect gift. It was fairly expensive, which was probably why Scott hadn’t bought it for himself, but it was nowhere near the price limit John had given her. 
The old bookstore that was selling it promised that it would arrive in plenty of time for Christmas, and so she ordered the book, and settled in to wait for its arrival. 
When the package arrived, John was roped into wrapping it according to her specifications, which were extensive. John had to remind himself once again to talk to Gordon about their interactions, because he had clearly given her tips on wrapping. The original small package, about the size of a large book, was wrapped, put into a bigger box, wrapped, etc…
It ended up being the biggest package under the tree. EOS was incredibly proud of herself, and waited eagerly for Christmas morning. 
“Good morning, Scott Tracy.” EOS’ voice startled Scott, and his jump (that he would deny if anyone asked) splashed batter over the edge of the bowl. 
“Good morning, EOS.” Scott wiped the drips from the counter, and turned back to his mixing. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas!” The AI sounded excited, and Scott smiled. She had grown so much since they had first met her, and John had done well teaching her. It was almost like having a niece, although one he couldn’t see or touch. 
“What are you doing in the kitchen so early? You normally go for a run at this time.”
“It’s Christmas.” He replied, turning the griddle on to start pre-heating as he finished the batter. “We all do things a little differently on Christmas.”
“John told me about this. You call them traditions, right?”
“Yes. Try looking it up.”
EOS went silent for a few minutes, and he started pouring circles of batter onto the griddle. He had covered half of the cooktop before she spoke back up. 
“These all seem very interesting. But quite a few of them seem to conflict. How do you do all of them?”
Scott dropped blueberries onto half of the pancakes, and scooped up chocolate chips for the rest. “No one can do all of the Christmas traditions in the world. Each person or family choose which ones they want to follow, usually the same ones their parents or grandparents do, although sometimes people add new ones.”
He paused to flip the pancakes, then resumed his explanation. “We always do Secret Santa, which you already know about, and then we have pancakes for breakfast before we open presents. Dad used to make them, but since he’s gone, I make them now. Each person has their favorite flavor.”
EOS was silent for several minutes, and Scott focused on flipping the finished pancakes onto a plate and pouring new ones. 
“What do pancakes taste like?” She finally asked. 
“Uhhhhhhh…” He trailed off. “I’m not really sure how to answer that. They’re usually pretty fluffy. Some of them are sweet, if you put chocolate chips on them. They blueberry ones are a mix of sweet and sour. I don’t really know…”
He cut off as Virgil entered the kitchen. “Virgil, perfect! You’re good with words and uh…describing things. EOS wants to know what pancakes taste like.”
Virgil shot a glare at his older brother, who smiled smugly and went back to his pancake making, ignoring any attempts to draw him back into the conversation. 
By the time Virgil had satisfactorily explained the taste of pancakes, breakfast was ready. Everyone gathered around the table, grabbing plates and helping themselves to the stacks of food, scooping fruit and whipped cream, pouring syrup, spreading butter and peanut butter. The table was quiet except for the sounds of eating. 
The pancakes that had taken nearly an hour to cook disappeared in less than twenty minutes. Plates were piled in the sink, but the rest of the cleanup was left for later as they all eagerly hurried to the lounge. 
Scott gave his gift first, a set of old star maps in perfect condition for John. Alan got tickets for a racing event he had been talking about for months from Virgil, and John built an incredible underwater camera for Gordon, allowing him to get amazing footage on his next dives. 
Gordon had drawn EOS. He had spent hours working on and coding a video of his best pranks, as well as compiling all the best videos off the internet. It would have been so much faster if he had asked John for his help, but he had insisted on doing it himself. 
She was delighted, downloading it as quickly as possible. John tried to protest, worried about the inevitable consequences of giving an incredibly powerful child access to so much potential for trouble. But before he could voice it, the download was complete, and EOS and Gordon were busily chattering away about what pranks they were going to try. 
John made another mental note, joining his long list that he really needed to start getting completed. No leaving his door unlocked for the foreseeable future, and no eating anything that Gordon gave him. 
The last of the gifts were passed out, but they all stayed in the lounge, enjoying the rare downtime and each other’s company. Gordon and EOS spent for too long plotting for anyone else’ comfort, Alan joining in eventually with a few ideas of his own, but the amount of joy they were finding was rare enough that no one had the heart to stop them. 
John, Virgil, and Scott retreated to the kitchen, watching their brothers and daughter/niece plan. “We’re going into hiding for the next few months, right?” 
Virgil and John nodded. “I’ll prep Two.” 
“Grab some supplies. Meet down there in twenty minutes.”
They split up quickly, the plotters in the lounge too busy to notice. John knew it wouldn’t last for long. EOS would notice as soon as Two took off, but at least they had a head start. 
They were going to need it!
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h33seungs-babe · 2 years
Kinktober, Day 3
Warnings: cursing, wax play, use of daddy for reader, gender neutral reader,
Pairings: sub!nayeon x dom!reader x sub!jihyo
*side note* yall I'm so, so, so, so very sorry that this is shit. I've been having a hard time finding time to write and post things. Also finding ideas to write abt is also vv hard, so pls be patient with me! I'll try to make better writes! Thank u all so much for supporting me! Love u all, stay safe <3
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"Sorry for the wait. I went to grab something." You say while walking towards the girls.
Both of your best friends were laying on your bed waiting for you. You couldn't think straight. They were waiting for you out of all people. You move closer to the bed and sit beside nayeon. You put the small box in your hand down on the bed side night stand. Nayeon moves closer to you and whines. "Shhh" you whisper to her and run your hands over her breasts. You do the same to jihyo. Both of the girls let out quiet breathy moans.
They were only wearing their bras and panties which made it easier for you to play with them. You then move your hands away from them causing them to whine. You put both hands on nayeon and pull her panties down. Groaning at her wetness you. You throw her panties somewhere in the room and turn over to pull jihyos panties down and off her. You also take their bras off.
After you've done that they're now laying all bare in front of you. You move one hand to jihyos cunt and the other to nayeons. Slowly moving one finger up and down their folds. This causes them to arch their back at the suddenness.
"Holy s-shit!" Nayeon squeals, making you smirk. "I'm not even doing much." You teasingly say. Jihyo then whines in response.
You remember that you had put a box on the bedside table, so you move your fingers away from the girls to open it. The box held a small candle inside. You smirked and pulled it out of the box, showing it off to the girls. "What do you guys think of this?" You ask holding up the glass jar/bottle of candle wax. Nayeon and jihyo don't say anything, like just stare with lust filled eyes.
After getting the candle wax and everything set up, you pull the lighter out that was beside the box. You light the candle, the flames immediately starts melting the candle. You smile looking at the little fire. Looking back at the girls, you ask a rhetorical question. "Who wants to go first?" You say titling your head. "Ok jihyo goes first!" You giggle while moving towards. Jihyo just stares at you. "Why me first!" Jihyo whines and tries to move away. "Because I said so, now stop moving!" She whines but stops moving. "Good girl." You praise her and give her and peck her lips. Her cheeks immediately grows a dark shade of red. You smirk and move closer to her.
You put your index finger on her clit and start rubbing up and down, making her moan. Slowly pulling a finger inside of her, you start fingering her. Her soft moans filled the room. "C-can I touch myself?" Nayeon asks in a quiet tone. You look over at her and smile. "Since you asked so nicely, you can." You say, grinning. She immediately moves her hands down to her cunt and let's out a moan of relief.
You turn your attention back to jihyo. You're still fingering her but decide one finger isn't enough, so you add another. Jihyo let's out a particularly loud moan when you pick up the pace.
While jihyo is having the time of her life along side nayeon, you decide its time. You grab the candle and move it close to jihyo's stomach and tilt it slightly so that only a bit of the wax falls on her skin. As soon as the extremely hot, melted wax meets her skin her eyes go wide open. She let's out a small cry of pain and tries moving away.
You lean down to her. "Shhhh," putting the wax down you focusing on fingering her. "Its okay. I'm right here bubs." You say while kissing along her jaw.
You can feel her clenching around your fingers so you pick up the pace. "Dolly.. are you close?" You question in a teasing way, already knowing the answer. She still immediately nods her head. "Please, please, please let me cum!" Jihyo begs while moving her hands to grip your hair. You smirk and look back at nayeon to see her fingering herself, eyes closed, lips slightly open letting out shallow moans. You grin knowing she's doing a good job. "Nayeonie," you call her by her nickname just to tease her. "Our little bunny is doing such a good job." You say while. She whimpers in response and opens her eyes to look at you.
"I'm doing a good job, daddy?" She asks in small voice while having the hottest face ever. You almost cum in your pants just like that at the new name she called you.
"Oh? Now I'm daddy?" You say while moving your free hand to play with nayeons pink, perky nipples. She immediately closes her eyes, let's out a moan and nods her head. "I need a verbal response princess." This makes her whine but she opens her eyes nonetheless and answers. "Y-yes, daddy."
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Tag list(not permanent): @princesjy @00hyucc
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dontfeeltoohot · 1 year
Finally got around to more YTAU! This is set in current time (January 16th-19th). I hope you guys enjoy 2.5k of sick Chrissy, eager Eddie, and contagion. There will be a follow up to this soon as well!
Also shoutout to @softsnzstuff for all the help, input, and ideas as well!!!
Steve and Robin leave Monday morning for a business seminar as well as a new coffee tasting expo thing- Eddie’s not entirely sure what it all is, but they had sounded excited so he’s excited for them. The sunshine twins leave, which means the chaos twins are left to their own devices. Chrissy comes down that morning from her apartment with her pillow and a little bag of clothing, which makes the artist snort. 
“You do realize you could just, oh, I don’t know, walk and grab your shit before we sleep, right?” 
“It’s easier this way,” Chrissy says like it’s the most obvious thing. 
She puts her stuff in the guest room even though they both know she’ll end up cuddled up with Eddie in his bed by the end of the night. It’s been like that every sleepover since they were in ninth grade, curled up in Eddie’s full sized bed with blankets everywhere, giggling about different guys and music and the future. 
Eddie busies himself with cleaning up some flash sheets on his table, looking up when she walks back in, rubbing his nose with her wrist. She looks tired, he notices, a little drawn and pale. Chrissy gets sick a pretty normal amount, and he realizes it’s been a while- maybe she’s due for a cold. As if on queue, she pauses in the hallway, scrunching her nose up. 
“ihNGKt! ahh’IKSHuhew!” 
“ihGKshhEeW! hah’TsSHhew!” 
“-ou. Jesus Cunningham.” 
“Sorry, those snuck up on me,” she sniffles and rubs at her nose again, already sounding congested. 
Definitely catching a cold then. The thing is, she knows. She knows he’s into it, but it’s never felt weird or awkward. Sure, she’ll tease him and make fun of him for it, but there’s never been any underlying uncomfortable feelings for either of them. It is what it is, she thinks it’s quirky and funny, and he’s just happy she doesn’t actually find him gross. 
Which is why, when they’re cuddling; platonically with a capital P, on the couch that night, his best friend looks over at him and shakes her head jokingly. She’s been coming down all day with the tell tale symptoms of a cold- sore throat, stuffy and sensitive nose, being tired and worn out. Chrissy’s head is resting on his shoulder, his arm around her while Princess Bride plays on the television.
A small box of tissues is resting next to her leg between the two best friends, and Eddie snags one for her when he feels her breath hitch, holding it out. He doesn’t mean to stare, not really, but he can appreciate that Chrissy is cute with a cold, and the idea he might catch stirs something in his stomach. If he manages to come down with it, that would mean he’s sick when Steve gets back. He’s brought back from his thoughts of his boyfriend taking care of him when the petite woman next to him sneezes. 
“hihNkTsch’ew! ihKhTChew! snfsnf! oh…ahiTSHHuhew!” 
Her nose twitches and quivers, mess running down just enough he can tell she needs another tissue, which Eddie pushes into her hand just in time. 
“ahh’ihGTCHew! SNF!” 
“Bless you CC,” Eddie says gently, running a hand through her rarely down hair, making him suspect her head is feeling worse. 
“Thanks bug,” she mumbles, balling up the tissues and setting them in her lap. 
If he’s clingier than usual, she doesn’t say anything, at least not for a while. He hangs off of her, constantly touching her leg or arm or shoulder, breathing the same air as her, not minding when she coughs into his shoulder. He has an intense need to worry over his best friend, to take care of her and make sure she’s ok. Chrissy sick is a sad sight when she’s pink cheeked and red nosed, looking at least 5 years younger. 
“Do you want me to get Dracula?” 
Dracula is the little duck stuffed animal Eddie had gotten for Chrissy back in tenth grade for Valentine’s Day. It had been silly at the time, he’d almost chickened out, but she had loved the little thing and slept with it ever since. Chrissy shrugs, so he takes it as a yes. Grabbing the keys off of the small table by his door, he runs up a flight of stairs and into the apartment, going and snagging the worn out duck from the woman’s bed. 
By the time he’s back in his own apartment, the strawberry blonde is asleep on the couch, mouth hanging open slightly. Chuckling to himself, Eddie picks her up and deposits her on his bed with Dracula, then goes to take a shower before going to sleep himself. With how much time he spends with Chrissy, the artist knows he’s probably going to catch this cold, not that he minds. 
X X X 
Tuesday has Eddie and Chrissy both working all day. The curly haired man feels bad that his best friend is jumping around with the high school cheer team and working on choreographing things, while he’s sitting tattooing people. He gets home with soup and a smoothie for Chrissy nearing 7 o’clock, knowing the woman won’t want much. As he steps inside, he laughs at the sight of a mound of blankets on his couch, tissues everywhere, and Grease playing on the tv. 
“Hey buttercup, brought soup!” 
“Sounds like you had a great day,” he jokes softly, walking over. 
Crouching down, Eddie shifts the blankets so he can look at his best friend. Her face is puffy from congestion and her nose is more pink than that morning. He feels his heart ache, wanting to make her better. Gently, he presses the back of his hand to her forehead, noting just the slightest bit of warmth. 
“How ya feeling?” 
Another groan and then she finally sits up more, brushing hair out of her face. 
“Ligke this cold is go’hnda kill mbe.” 
“Always so dramatic, Cunningham.” 
The pair end up sitting on the couch again, though this time Eddie’s pressed right against her. They’re both eating the soup, and Chrissy’s smoothie is on the table next to her. The long haired man’s thoughts travel to Steve and how he’d react to getting home with Eddie laying around, nose pink and stuffy, sneezing and coughing and being a little more needy than usual. He’s unaware of the blue eyes on him until he blinks and turns. 
“Yes Princess?” 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” 
The congestion in Chrissy’s head has loosened somewhat from the steam, helping her not sound so terribly incomprehensible. Eddie laughs and shakes his head, thankful he has a best friend like her. 
“You want this don’t you? The cold?” 
Eddie’s entire face goes instantly hot. He’s aware she knows, he’s aware she likes to tease him. But it still sometimes catches him off guard at just how blase she can be about it, when he’s grown up knowing to keep it secret. 
“Uh. I mean. Kind of, yeah. Fuck this is embarrasing,” he grumbles the last part, refusing to meet her eyes. 
“I don’t mind sharing my drink, if you uh-sndf! Catch my drift?” She laughs quietly, grabbing the to-go cup and holding it out. 
It’s halfway gone and slightly melted, but he understands what she’s getting at. Sharing a straw. Hesitantly, not wanting her to think he’s weird, he looks at her, then to the drink, and after another moment of silence, he takes it and puts his mouth around the plastic, sipping at the strawberry banana smoothie. 
“See? Tastes good,” she brushes off as if it’s nothing. 
“Yeah…thanks Chris,” he gives her a shy look which makes her laugh. 
“Never thought Eddie Munson would get shy.” 
“Come on, I mean…this is kind of weird right? I promise I’m not like-“ 
“It’s only weird if you make it weird, just relax and enjoy cuddling me,” she jokes, wiping her nose with her sweatshirt cuff- upon investigation he realizes it’s his sweatshirt and not hers. 
The rest of the night is spent watching Our Flag Means Death and sharing the rest of the smoothie as well as water and tea. Chrissy starts pressing her face into his shoulder when her nose gets runny again, sniffling over and over. Eddie pauses the show just as Chrissy’s nostrils dilate and she tips her head back slightly. Instead of pressing her face into her elbow however, she brings her hand to her face, palm hovering against her mouth. 
“aihhKTsCHew! hihtshhew! huhhH! uhKshhEw! sndff! ahITsSHew! Uhh..SNDF! S-Sorry…” 
Her palm is slightly damp, her nose is running, and her nose is still quivering in itchy, coldish anticipation. Eddie goes to grab a tissue and finds that the box is empty. The only other thing around is a napkin on the table so he hands the rough paper to her. 
“Thahhngks-snnndf! Sorry Eddie, I juhst…ahhItSCHuhew! hihDTchew! Just reahlly ndeed…t-snf! To..aigKSHew! ihkSHEW! Oh…sndf! Sneeze. Was that hot enough?“ 
The last words make her giggle as she wipes at her nose, and they make Eddie’s jaw drop before narrowing his eyes playfully. 
“You’re too cheeky for your own damn good.” 
“But you love me. I’m your bestest fri’hnd and you love me,” she smirks, giving him a sassy look. 
When she finishes with the napkin, Eddie watches her ball it up and set it between them. She rests a hand on the artist's arm, snuggling back up. Oh he’s so getting this cold.
X X X 
Wednesday Chrissy calls out, much to Eddie’s surprise. While there’s not much warmth coming from her skin, it’s still enough that it’s making the woman feel worn out. Eddie offers to stay with her, he’s got no actual appointments today, only random walk ins, but she assures him she’ll be alright- he ends up taking a half day. When he comes home at 3, Chrissy is back in his bed, head half on her pillow and half on his, Dracula nestled in her arms as she sleeps. By the time dinner comes around, she feels slightly more human and the low fever is gone. 
Thursday, Eddie wakes up with a stuffy nose- not completely uncommon because of his allergies. Sitting up, he checks his phone and then carefully maneuvers out of bed, not wanting to wake the woman next to him yet. He feels weirdly tired for having gone to bed early, but the tattoo artist brushes it off and goes to his en-suite to pee and brush his teeth. 
Standing at the sink, toothbrush in his mouth, a ticklish feeling winds its way through his sinuses. Trying to ignore it, Eddie scrunches his nose and continues, but a moment later the feeling crests. Barely managing to spit his toothpaste out beforehand, he presses his toothpaste covered mouth into his sweatshirt clad arm. 
“ihhGkTSHuhew! hihNgKTshh’ew! iiGhtSHew! Fugck…”
Nose running onto his now dirty sleeve, he sniffles soupily and cups water in his hands to wipe his mouth and nose off. His toothbrush is laying haphazardly on the counter, and droplets of water are sprayed around it from his quick movement. Sighing, Eddie grabs a washcloth to wipe everything up, pausing as he turns to the closet, a thought occurs to him. 
These sneezes aren’t his usual random morning sneezes, they felt far too stuffy and desperate. Swallowing and concentrating, he notices his throat’s sore along with a dull ache in his body. Holy shit. 
“Chris! Hey! It happened! We did it!” 
Popping his head out of the door, he looks at his best friend who’s now sitting up slowly, looking groggy. 
“Pretty sure I’m getting a cold,” he beams, which makes the cheerleading coach laugh. 
“Only you would be happy for this.” 
“Steve’s gonna think it’s so hot.” 
“Whatever makes you happy, you little weirdo.” 
“Steve’s told me what Robin’s into,” he gives her a look, feeling triumphant when she blushes. 
Thursday evening, Steve gets back to Eddie’s apartment. The week has been full of seminars for leading a workplace, different investors and vendors, going to a few vendors' work areas. It’s been long and fun, but Steve’s ready to not share a room with Robin, and to snuggle up with Eddie. When he walks in, the barista expects his boyfriend to be cooking or maybe playing guitar, even drawing. Instead, he’s greeted to a dark apartment. 
Frowning, the brunette flips on lights and listens carefully. When no music or sound rings out, he drops his bag and moves further in and down the hallway, finally reaching the bedroom. The door is open and inside the side table light is on, illuminating everything enough that the ex jocks eyes land on the bed. 
Eddie’s laying there, messy hair sprawled out, mouth hanging open. Almost immediately, Steve notices the tissue box that’s normally on his side of the bed, laying close to his boyfriend. A few tissues are balled up next to it, and there’s a bag of sugar free cough drops on the table. Feeling something start to spread through him, the younger of the two moves closer, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
“Eddie? Baby I’m home.” 
The musician stirs and his eyes open. Up close, Steve notices the pink around the edges of the other man’s nostrils, how they look a little chapped and irritated. His skin is paler than usual, too. The feeling in his body turns warm and it makes him want to squirm. Surely Eddie’s not sick, not when he’d been so sick a few months ago. His body is probably good for a decade. 
“Stevie? sndf!” 
The sniffle rings through his ears and he nods, grabbing Eddie’s hand. 
“Yeah baby, I’m home. You okay? You sound a lit-“ 
“ihEigKSH’ew! eiKTCHuhEW! snfsndf! hihGKtsh’uhew! ‘Scuse mbe…uh sndf!…might have caught a cold…for you.” 
Eddie aims his sneezes into his free arm, looking overly tired even though Steve’s just woken him up. He feels his heart melt and his jeans tighten. Shifting slightly, it clicks in his brain what his boyfriend’s just said. 
“Wait…you caught a cold for me?” 
“Yeah, Chrissy’s had one all week ahh’d I was taki’g care of her,” the long haired man explains as if it was obvious. “Ahnd mbaybe I wasn’t so careful about germbs.” 
All Steve’s dumb brain can do is do the ‘prrrb’ sound, short circuiting. He leans forward and presses his lips to Eddie’s, pulling away slowly. 
“You caught a cold, for me. You never get colds.” 
“Exactly,” he grins, eyes sleepy and face soft. 
Watching the older man’s nose run, Steve snags one of the already balled up tissues and wipes away the accumulation around the other's nose. Letting the tissue drop, the barista kicks off his shoes, takes his pants off and then slips into bed, wrapping an arm around Eddie tightly. 
“Guess I’ll have to take care of you, hm?” 
Steve nuzzles Eddie’s neck, tugging on a piece of hair playfully. His boyfriend sniffles and leans closer, rubbing his nose against Steve’s shoulder. 
“Yep. But I’m a good patie’t for the mbost part.” 
“Mm, I’ve seen a grumpy, cranky Eddie before.” 
“I had the flu! This is a silly cold.” 
“Alright, alright. I’ll take care of you, but only because I feel bad for you. Not because you’re sexy as hell.” 
“Sexy? I’hd mby good christia’d household? Absolutely ndot. …m’glad you’re home Stevie.” 
“I am too. Now go back to sleep E, we’ll get you feeling better.” 
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Mae's Horny Thought of The Week
Being the King's only daughter is lovely for all the ease and pleasure it brings. But it can be dangerous when your father is overthrown by angry peasants out for his (and your) head.
Pairing: Rebel x Royal fem!reader
tw: female reader, murder, historical sexism, reader's family is murdered, sexual bargaining,subtle implying of SA, MINORS DNI
notes: Ok so I planned for a royal advisor/ guard sorta thing but then I saw a picture of Joseph Quinn as a dirty french revolutionary and something just clicked inside me soooo yeah.
Also, what would you guys like to see over the next week? I have some ideas but I would love to see what you guys think. Miss talking to everyone cause of all the stuff I had on! But now I have a week off placement and I've got nothing planned so yay!
Anyway, enjoy!
Lots of love mae xx
Your father really should have seen it coming. There are only so many useless wars he can wage, so many taxes increased and peasants starving, before someone gets the bright idea to storm the palace walls demanding blood. But the walls of the castle do wonders in hiding the stench of peasants and their woes from the nobility. This is why it came as quite a shock for your father and you when an angry mob of dirty villagers and serfs came crashing through the palace gates. The palace guards, bless their hearts, did try to hold them back, but it's hard to run a sword through your childhood best friend or your Aunt Joanne's boy. The guards weren't paid enough to forget so quickly the hovels from which they came. It turns out that with the palace guards quickly changing sides, there weren't that many people loyal to your father's crown. Nobles and courtiers quickly bolted from the castle, carriages and saddlebags laden with all that they could carry. Servants scurried like rats from a sinking ship, desperate to make no mistake of their disdain for your family. Even generals and admirals left quickly with their men in tow, some even turning on any palace guards who hesitated to become a turn cloak. Other generals, such as your father's lifelong friend, your father's most trusted advisor, took a different approach. A quick dagger to your father's heart and a sword to your brothers' necks. It turns out, not many people will stay loyal to an ignorant tyrant, especially if the chance to place his crown on their head is on the line.
That just left you, the only daughter of that very ignorant tyrant, now laying dead in his own blood. Your guards had abandoned you, your ladies-in-waiting scurried to the four winds and even your nursemaid from your childhood turned the other way when she saw you running towards her in fear. You were left all alone, as rebels began to pull down your father's statue and drag your eldest brother's body through the street. In your fear, you rushed towards the stables, intent on leaving by horseback. But the greedy nobles and desperate servants had picked the place dry, even taking the lame mare your father had ordered to be put down that very afternoon.
You could hear rushed footsteps and shouts of anger nearby, coming closer with each hurried and laboured breath of yours. Your day gown had been tightened too tight and the thick fabric made it hard for you to move, let alone breathe. You saw a large wooden box and in haste, you rip the contents out from within and made your home inside the thick wooden walls. Closing the lid you desperately tried to contain all your dress' fabric in the box. Unknown to you, a small portion of your hem was left to the sights of the outside world and the golden trim sparkles in the firelight of a young rebel who came rushing into the stables looking for something to burn.
He had left his fellow rebels in the homes of destroying the entirety of the castle with a fire set alight in the dry hay of the stables. Some of his fellows had cheered when he heard that the kind had been killed by his once trusted general, but others knew that only meant that the general was hoping to lay claim to the throne and with it them. But if he had no castle, no throne to claim, how could he control the working men and women of the kingdom?
Fire in hand, the young man rushed into the darkened stables, as he had hoped it was empty of all life, no hair or hide of the powerful beasts the King was so fond of. Before he had the chance of throwing his fire down, he was distracted by the gleam of something golden. He had hoped for a spare coin left behind in haste or something that could be traded. Instead, he was meant by the sight of a small piece of fabric dangling out from a large wooden box, that was strangely surrounded by old leather bridles and dusty horse coats. He slowly made his way over, before lifting up the lid. Inside he found something much more valuable than any forgotten gold coin.
Your eyes found his quickly and then rushed down to find a sword on his hip. You made no sudden moves, made no sound. You could only hope he didn't know who you were. It wasn't like you mingled with peasent regularly. No one outside the palace walls really knew who you looked like.
"Princess. People have been looking for you"
Well, it was wishful thinking anyway. You had always thought that if you were faced with some sort of challenge, or some kind of situation that demanded you be strong, you would rise to the occasion, and make it known that you were a royal princess, deserving of rescpect.
But that was before a dirty, smelly peasant literally held your life in his hands.
"Please don't kill me, please, please, please. I'll do anything! I'm nothing like father, promise! I suggested giving you all a little festival as some sort of gift, maybe for a day or two but father thought that idea was silly. I didn't want to raise taxes really! That was my brother's idea so he could travel to Rome!" You could have kept going on and on, tarnishing your family's name further and further in a desperate attempt to save your life, but you were rudely interrupted by the rebel.
"Enough tears Princess and hop on out of there." his tone was mocking and he gave a smirk as he spoke. There was a time when if someone spoke to you like that your brothers would make them walk over hot coals in punishment. But times change. You struggled to get out of the box, your dress and its fabric making it hard work, but you didn't have long to struggle as you were ripped from it by the man. You cringed as you felt the dirt from his hands make its way onto your skin. After nearly toppling over trying to get out and being pulled from the box, you were finally out of it, with tears streaming down your face and your pretty braided hair ruined.
"Your lucky I was the one to find you, princess, others wouldn't have been so polite"
" you call this being polite? dragging a Lady by her arm and allowing her to fear for her life?" you demanded, ripping your arm from his hand and taking a step back.
"Aye, princess, others would have locked the box and burned the stable down" he smiled despite the topic of your hypothetical, yet still probable, demise and took a step closer to you.
"I could have called for others, who knows what they would have suggested we do with you. I bet a pretty thing like you could keep us entertained for hours."
you cringed at his words and his smiling face.
"Please don't" you whispered
"What was that?" he mocked, leaning his ear closer to your mouth "speak up princess, got a bad ear"
" Please don't call for others," you said, gripping your dress in your hands.
" What would you give me not to?"
"Pardon?" you rushed, a cold dread filling your stomach
"What do I get out of not dragging you in front of my men? They were really looking forward to having time with you. Wouldn't want to disappoint them now, would we? So how are you going to make it worth my while?"
You wanted nothing more than to punch his stupid teeth in.
"I'll um, I'll let you put it inside of me" you whispered looking down at his feet. A moment passed before the man in front of you burst into laughter.
"Shit! No ones ever fucked you before have they? you'll let me put it inside you? Is that the posh way of saying you'll let me fuck you? Sweetheart, no offence but if I wanted to just fuck you I would've had you bent over that table over there and you would be crying on my cock by now. So Nah I don't just want to fuck you, I want something more."
"what else is there?" you questioned, willing to ignore the fact he made it very clear he wasn't a gentleman.
"I want you to marry me"
"Are you mad? Like I could ever marry some peasant like you!" you scoffed, a slight laugh coming through.
"Not like your father is gonna try and stop me is he? Or those brothers of yours. You've got no one princess. No one at all, well besides the dozens of men outside trying real hard to find you so they can, 'put it inside you', so it's them or me and Princess I think we can both agree I've been nothing but kind with you"
"why? why do you want me to marry you?" you questioned
"I think it would be funny that some high and mighty princess has to obey and respect a man like me, and I also get to fuck you for the rest of my life. Sounds like a great deal to me" A wide smile made its way over his face
"Never" you sneered
"While can't say I didn' warn you, let me just call my men. Oi! Boys-"
"Stop! Stop! I'll do it! I'll marry you!" you cried, grabbing onto your shoulders and trying to pull his attention to you.
"Knew you would come around. Well, then Princess wanna help your future husband burn your palace to the ground?"
This may be shit but I actually really like it!
101 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Pairing- Mingi x Named Reader
Word count- 5.6k
Includes- Angst, Rocky Mingi, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @soulseobi05 @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝 ATEEZ Masterlist
📝Mingi Masterlist
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Mingi POV
"Sorry I'm late. Sorry"
I lift my head at her voice, watching her run inside the dressing room
She darts toward her friend, our makeup artist Hae, handing Hae her bag, who takes it and puts it with hers
I watch her go to her manager
"Seriously Joanne?", he says when he looks at her, his eyebrows raised, "Again?"
I can't see what he sees because she has her hoodie up
"I told you yesterday though", she reminds him
"Yeah fine, you did", he sighs, "Go help Yunho, Mingi and Yeosang get ready"
Yes, she has me today
Thank god
I could stare at her gorgeous face without looking like a stalker
When she turns around and heads towards my direction, I hold in a gasp, seeing what her manager was looking at
Her bruised face
Dark purple and slightly swollen around her left eye, a bloody cut in her eyebrow, scrapes on her cheek and a scabbed busted lip
She's shown up like this a few times already, with bruises and cuts on her face
I don't know how she gets them
None of the guys know
And she only talks to Hae so I doubt any staff know
Obviously her manager does
I just hope she's not being hit by someone because that would piss me off
She doesn't deserve that
I'm concerned but no one else, including her, seems to be and it'd be weird if I said anything
As if I can talk in front of her anyway
She pulls her hoodie down then goes to the hangers that have our clothes for the video
She takes one set of clothes, looking at the paper with one of our names on it
"Mingi", she calls
I get up and keep myself from running to her
"Hi", she smiles at me, taking my breath away
"Hey Jo", I say, smiling back
That's about as much as I can say to her without going catatonic
I like her a lot
Like a stupid amount
Like love her
Ok not like love her, I do love her
And I want to ask her out but my mouth doesn't work too well when she's near me
She hands me the clothes, "Change and I'll fix the outfit"
I nod, going behind the changing curtain
"Yeosang", I hear her call, wondering what she has to do for him
He's already dressed
Changing quickly, I move away from the curtain, my eyes on her
She's sitting, with Yeosang sitting in front of her, wrapping some of his fingers with boxing tape
And I notice the same tape around a few of her fingers, but hers is stained with some dirt and maybe some blood under the tape
I'm not sure and I don't know why she has that kind of tape on
"Done", she says, smiling at him, making me jealous
"Thanks Jo", he thanks her, then leaves walking towards the set
"Hey Mingi, can you give me a few minutes? Apparently I have to wrap the guys hands in boxing wraps and tape"
I nod, sitting in a chair near her
I watch her as she does Seonghwa's, Wooyoung's, Jongho's and San's hands and fingers, her hands moving so fast as she does them
I tried to wrap my hand once with the long ass boxing wraps and it took me so long
She's moving so quickly, like she knows how to do this
Hongjoong is next and first she puts some kind of wrap glove on one of his hands
She takes his other hand, giggling, "You're hand is small Joong"
He smiles, "Yeah I know"
"Cute baby fingers", she compliments as she wraps tape around his ring finger
"Baby fingers? Look who's talking", he teases, holding her ring finger against his, "Mine's bigger than yours"
She rolls her eyes, "Ok I'll give you that"
I get insanely jealous watching their interaction
I wish I could talk to her like that but I can't
We have our own way of flirting, with looks and smiles but it's not the same as talking to her
It's all I can manage now until my brain remembers words and connects to my mouth again when I'm around her
One day
"Just Yunho left, then I'll get to you Mingi"
"Ok", I answer, watching Yunho sit down in front of her
She starts wrapping his hand when Hae comes over to her, "So did you win?"
She scoffs, "Are you even asking me that? Of course I won"
Won what?
"How bad was the other girl?"
She smiles, "Blood bath on her face"
Jesus Christ
Did she get into a fight?
Is that why she has bruises?
Did she beat someone up?
I didn't take her for that kinda girl
"Jesus", Hae
"To be fair she's a bleeder. All of us know that. She does too"
"But still", Hae says
She sighs, "Well what do you want me to do Hae? Go easy? Let them win? I have a title to keep. I don't want to lose it and risk not being able to compete"
She finishes tucking the wrap on Yunho's hand then moves to his other one
I'm so curious as to what she competes in
I'm sure she's amazing
Not like I'm biased or anything
"You still don't have to go so hard"
"Yes I do. If my opponents want to make it, they have to learn to take on someone who goes hard. God knows no one went easy on me when I started"
I'm so confused but honestly interested in this conversation
I want to know what they're talking about
"I guess", Hae frowns, "Any way isn't it hilarious that they have you doing this? And that they're doing this video?"
She raises her eyebrow, "Doing what?"
"Wrapping their hands like they're actually gonna fight"
"Well I can do it the fastest and tight enough so it doesn't unravel when they're dancing"
"It does feel firm", Yunho puts in, making her smile
"Thanks Yunnie"
"How did your wraps look last night?"
"Bloody. Had to throw them out. Gotta buy new ones ASAP"
She...she wears wraps?
And hers were bloody?
What the hell is going on?
"Hey you should show these guys how to punch", Hae suggests
She glares at Hae, "Why the hell would I do that?"
Have shrugs, "It's in their choreo. Maybe show them how it's done right so it looks like they know what they're doing?"
Hey, I know how to throw a punch
I've never punched anything or anyone but I know how to swing
"Yeah that'd be a no"
"Ok what are you guys talking about?", Yunho asks
I silently thank him because my curiosity is killing me
"We're talking about Joanne being a kick ass boxer"
"Hae!", she growls
"No one here knows about that! And I kinda want to keep it that way", she growls through clenched teeth
"You're a boxer?", Yunho asks, surprised, "You're so little"
Hae laughs, "Yeah but don't be fooled. She can knock you out. She takes on opponents bigger than her all the time. And she always wins"
I watch Joanne's cheeks turn pink and it's so adorable
"Always?", Yunho repeats
"Always", Hae answers for her
"That's why you come in with bruises sometimes. Like today?", Yunho asks
She nod, "I had a match last night as Hae's big mouth told you. I won"
Jesus, she's even more amazing than I thought
And so bad ass
"That's amazing", Yunho exclaims, "Can you teach me to punch? Please? I have the knock out punch at the end of the video and I don't want to look dumb"
"I don't know if-"
"I'll ask the managers. It'll be quick. Just like a ten or fifteen minute lesson?"
She hesitates, then says, "Uh yeah. Ok. If your managers say it's ok, then I'll show you how to do a knock out punch"
"Great", he beams
Why can't I talk to her like that?
So easily?
Why do I have to be so...dumb and afraid?
She finishes wrapping his hand and he thanks her then leaves, Hae following him
"God I swear she's so obvious with her crush on him", she murmurs, coming over to me and kneeling down to tie the ties on my pants by my ankles
"Hae?", I ask, shocked
I didn't notice anything
"Yeah Hae. She totally likes Yunho. A lot"
Well I wouldn't notice anything because when she's around I don't notice anything but her
So forget about figuring out Hae likes Yunho
"Does he know?", I ask
She shrugs, tucking my shirt in my pants "No idea. You'd have to ask him"
I think I will
One of us deserves to have a girl
And at least Yunho can talk to girls
"No wait. Don't actually", she says, tying the tie on my pants waist, "If Hae finds out or Yunho acts different around her she'll kill me"
Ok I won't say anything
I won't do anything to make her life harder
"I won't", I promise
She smiles at me, my heart pounding in my throat
"I think I'm gonna wrap your hand first before we put the robe on, so come sit"
I sit in front of her, watching her while she gets a red wrap then sits in front of me
Slowly she takes my hand, fire running up my arm
Just from one touch
She holds my hand in hers, softly running the fingers of her other hand in my palm to straighten my hand, sending tingles up my spine
"You hand is huge", she smiles, starting the wrap, moving it around my hand slowly
"Yours is tiny", I answer, surprising myself
I didn't stumble over words or stutter
"Compared to yours, really tiny", she agrees
I watch her move the wrap slowly down my wrist and a little below on my arm
It occurs to me that she does this to herself
Or does she have someone who does it for her?
"You uh...wrap your own hands?"
She nods, "Yeah. When I train and when I fight in a match. I wear them under the gloves"
I look closer at her hands as she finishes wrapping my hand
At the tape around her fingers and knuckles
I take her hand in mine, holding it and softly touching her fingers
"You bleed?"
She shrugs, smiling softly, "Sometimes. If I'm hitting the bag without gloves and just the wraps. Or if I'm sparring with no gloves. Sometimes during a match if I'm hitting hard"
I had no idea how tough she is
I'm such a wimp, paper cuts hurt me
But she hits hard punching bags, she fights and she wins
Still, I don't like the idea of her getting hurt
Gently, I ghost my thumb over her split lip
"You get hurt fighting"
She shrugs again, "Part of the job. It doesn't hurt while I'm being hit. Only after"
I'd think getting a punch to the eye would hurt like a mother
"Because when I'm fighting, I'm thinking of winning, I'm planning my next hit, I don't have the time to feel the pain"
I guess I can understand that
She's so into the fight, nothing else matters
Some hair falls from her ponytail in her face and without thinking, I reach out, tucking the hair behind her ear
Her cheeks turn pink and she smiles shyly, her eyes down
And I realize what I did
What if she didn't like it?
What if she doesn't want to be touched?
Fuck what if I fucked up
I immediately take my hand away but she grabs it as I'm pulling away
Jeez she's quick too
She holds my hand, intertwining our fingers, slowly lifting her eyes to mine
And I can't look away
We stare at each other like idiots in complete comfortable silence
God she's so beautiful, even with all the injuries
They don't take away from her beauty
I'm contemplating on whether to just tell her how I feel when I hear my name
We immediately let go of our hands and she stands up, just as Hongjoong comes back into the dressing room
"Let's go Mingi! We need you for photos"
Fucking hell
I forgot I'm at work
"Coming", I tell him
He nods, then says, "Jo, Yunho wants you to come too. Something about punching?"
She nods, "Yeah I'm coming"
Fucking Hongjoong had to ruin the moment
I don't know if I'll ever get another one like it
"Here Mingi", she says, holding out the robe to me
Taking it, I put it on, the material so soft and silky she stands in front of me, tying the strings of my pants into a bow, then fixing the robe around me
"Can you bend down?"
I do and she fixes the hoodie, her arms around my neck
I just wish I could make a move
Kiss her, hold her back, anything
But I stand frozen until she lets go
"C'mon Mingi", she smiles, then starts walking out of the dressing room with me following her like a puppy
I watch her talk Yunho and Yeosang through punches again
"Keep your feet planted on the ground. Keep your right hand by your cheekbone and your left below your chin"
She demonstrates for them and they copy her
"A little lower Sangie", she says, moving his left hand down, "Good guys"
She gets back into the standing position
"We're gonna do a right cross punch. You have to pivot your back foot and do not straighten your right leg or you'll lose balance. Watch"
She keeps her hands in position, pivoting her foot which makes her hips and torso rotate
Then she goes back into the fighting position
She makes it look so easy
She does it two more times then turns to the guys and has them do it
Yunho straightens his leg, which she tells him not to do and to do the whole thing again
He does and gets it right
Yeosang got it right the first time
Going back into the position she instructs them, "As you punch, lift and extend your elbow and tighten your fist. Everything starts out relaxed but as soon as you punch everything should be tightened. I know it sounds dumb but you can make a noise while you punch. It helps your body get tight"
Suddenly she punches the air, yelling, "Aghhh", her whole body going with the punch
My god that's sexy
"You try", she says to them
Yunho throws the punch but he didn't extend his elbow right, so she goes to him showing him what to do, then putting her hand over his, moving his hand into the punch, talking to him as she does
And my entire body is in jealousy, wanting her to be touching me, paying attention to me
She lets Yeosang and Yunho practice, walking around them, praising or fixing their mistakes
"Are we ready?", the director asks
"Yeah", Yunho answers
"Get into positions"
"You'll do great Yunnie", she assures him, "You too Sangie"
"Thanks Jo", Yunho smiles
"Yeah thanks", Yeosang adds
"No problem. Have fun", she smiles
As she moves out of the way of the cameras she smiles at me, "You'll be great too Mingi"
"Thanks", I say, blushing
She stands with the other makeup artists, stylists and hair stylists, watching us and waiting to fix us for the next scene
I calm myself down because no matter how many videos, photo shoots or performances I do with her watching I'm always nervous
We just finished the group scene and now it's time for my individual one
She comes up to me, fixing my pants and my shirt while a makeup artist fixes the foundation on my face and the hair stylist runs a comb through my hair
"Can you bend down Mingi?", she asks after the rest of the stylists back off
I do and again, her arms go around neck, pulling the hood of the robe over my head
Her fingers run in my hair, putting it on my forehead and fixing the hood
I can't keep my eyes off her, her pretty eyes concentrating on hood
Her eyes then move to mine and she smiles, "There. You look so good Mingi"
"Ttt...uh..ttt...thanks", I stammer like a moron
She nods then moves back, leaving me on the set alone
I snap out of my trance when the director tells me what to do during my rap
I nod, taking in what he's saying but also I'm aware of her
When the camera rolls, I take a breath as the music comes on
I start off facing away from the camera and turn when the rap starts holding my wrapped hand up
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The back up dancers move in front of me and I pull my hood down, getting ready to go hard
When the dancers part, I come bursting through, doing the dance and rapping, my eyes flitting to her for a second
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And seeing her biting her lip while she watches me
'Focus', I tell myself and keep going
Walking into the dressing room after the shoot, I sit down on the couch, exhausted
Between dancing my ass off and watching her watch me, I'm ready for a nap
"Time for food!", San sings out, all the guys hurrying out the dressing room to eat
We got a break for now, doing the photo shoot after
She's around the clothes rack, fixing the white outfits we have to wear later
I notice the empty dressing room, everyone probably running for food
I want food but I want to talk to her more
Now is my chance
Getting up, I close the door and lock it, once I'm sure everyone is gone
I don't want anyone interrupting again like Hongjoong did before
I don't know what I'm going to say or how
Maybe tell her how I feel because after today.....seeing her show Yunho and Yeosang how to punch, seeing her watching me while I was filming
I have to say something
Or try to
"Uh Jo?", I call
She looks up, looking around the room, "Where is everyone?"
"Probably getting food"
"Oh. Aren't you hungry too?"
"I uh yeah but uh can I talk to you first?"
She raises her eyebrow, "Yeah sure"
I nod, my palms sweating as I sit on the couch
She walks over to me, sitting next to me
Silence falls and I'm trying to figure out how to word this
"I uh....", I start, "Well I wanted to ask. Umm I mean do you...uh"
God I'm such a fucking dork, stammering like an idiot
"Mingi", she says softly and I look at her, "I think I know what you want to tell me"
I doubt that
"Tell me if I'm wrong ok?"
I nod
She reaches out to me, softly touching my cheek, turning my face to her
I look into her beautiful brown eyes, drowning in them
She leans forward her lips against mine in a soft kiss
Alright, maybe she did know what I wanted to tell her
She pulls away, looking at me, "Was I right?"
"Yes", I answer, then pull her back to me, my lips crashing into hers but still being mindful of her injured lip
She kisses me back hard, climbing into my lap, her arms firmly around my neck
I slip my tongue inside her mouth, hers immediately against mine, playing and I can't help but moan in her mouth
After a few minutes, she breaks the kiss, leaning her forehead on mine
"Please tell me this means what I think it does", she says softly, "I waited so fucking long for you, please tell me you feel like I do"
Oh my god, she has feelings for me too
I'm so astounded and so fucking happy
"I do Jo. I love you"
"Thank god", she whispers, relief in her face, "I love you Mingi"
Holy shit
I never thought that this with her would go this way
I thought she'd tell me she just sees me as a friend
This is everything I could ever want
"I'm sorry I kept you waiting but you don't have to anymore. I want to be with you"
She pulls back, a huge smile on her face, "Yes, a million times yes. I want to be with you so much Mingi"
I can't help but smile, "Good"
Then I pull her back to me in a kiss
As the kiss gets heated, I whisper, "I need you"
God do I need her
Right now
"Here?", she asks
I nod, "I can't wait. I need you right now"
She nods, "Me too"
Thank god
I don't know if I could of waited any longer
I stand up and put her in a sitting position on the couch
Then kneeling down, I press kisses to her neck as I gently push her back into the cushions
Moving my hands under her shirt, I slowly slide it up her body and off, her bra following
Pulling back I get my first glimpse of her and holy shit she's fucking hot
Perky round boobs, nipples hard already
Tattoos on either side of her torso
And holy fuck she has abs
Not defined or chiseled but the faint outline is there and I had no clue that'd turn me on
But she also has some bruises from the fight I'm guessing
On her stomach, a big one by her ribs, and one by her chest
"Fucking beautiful", I whisper, running my hands all over her body, being careful not to press on the purple bruises
Her head pushes into the cushion, biting her lip, a look of pleasure on her face
"So pretty aegi"
Leaning forward, I press a gentle kiss to the bruise on her stomach
Then I move to the one on her ribs, spreading kisses all over it
Finally, I end with the one on her chest
"Mingi", she whimpers
"My baby", I whisper, then kiss her beautiful lips
As we kiss, I slowly move my hands down her body, feeling her soft skin
When my hands get to her pants, I move my fingers under the waist band, pulling them down along with her panties
She lifts herself up so I can get everything off
And my mouth drops when I see her completely naked
More than stunning, perfect
Fucking perfect
I gently squeeze along her thighs, until I get to her hips, then I move my hands down, softly pushing her legs open
"Oh fuck", I groan when I see how utterly soaked she is, her pussy glistening in juice, a huge wet spot on the couch from her dripping hole
I move closer, placing my tongue on her and slowly licking up, tasting her
God so good
She whimpers, moaning my name and fucking hell I love hearing it
"Don't stop Mingi", she breathes
I definitely won't
I swirl my tongue around her pretty pussy, in between her lips, going at it like I've been waiting to eat her pussy for forever
Which is exactly what I was waiting for
She's so soft, so wet and getting wetter, it's dripping down my neck
I love it
I move my tongue along her throbbing clit, moaning as I feel it throb on my tongue
Her body arches, her legs shaking as she moans louder and it's safe to say that she loves it
I keep rolling my tongue over her clit again and again, getting lost in her shouts, in her
Her clit is begging me to suck on it, so I wrap my mouth around it, the throbs on my lips going straight to my hard cock
I'm so fucking hard it hurts
"Please Mingi", she begs, "Please"
God hearing her beg is such a turn on
I suck on her clit once, her entire body shaking, her hand plunging in my hair and pulling as she yells in pleasure
Every suck I give her, I make sure I increase my speed and force until I'm sucking hard on her little bump, loving the way it feels in my mouth
"Mingi...I....I...", she moans and I know
She's gonna cum
And I'm so excited for it
Sucking harshly, her hips fly up, she screams my name, body shaking as she cums
"Mingi, fuck Mingi"
Excitedly I let go of her clit and lick by her slit
A sweet taste fills my mouth and I can't help but moan as I swallowed her cream
"So good aegi", I praise her, "You taste so fucking good"
"Jesus Christ Mingi"
I look up at her from between her legs just in time to catch the lip bite she does as she's looking at me
So fucking hot
I lick up all her cum, then she pushes my head back
She moves down to the floor with me, kissing me hard, her tongue in my mouth
Pushing me back, I lay on the floor, kissing her as her hands move to my pants, pulling them and my boxers down
Breaking the kiss, she gets my shoes and my bottom clothes off
"Fuck", she whimpers as she eyes my dick
She leans down to put my cock in her mouth but I stop her
"No aegi"
Her eyes raise to mine, "You don't want it?"
I sit her up, running my fingers in her hair
"Of course I want it aegi but your mouth and lip are injured"
"I don't care", she whines so adorably
"I do aegi. You're not hurting yourself more just to give me a blow job. I can wait", I assure
She pouts, "If you're sure"
I nod, "I am. And I kinda can't wait to be inside you. I kinda been fantasizing about that for a long time"
She smirks, "Then I won't keep my baby waiting"
She sits on me and I feel her wet pussy soak my dick and my lap
Fuck, I like that I make her this wet
That she finds me this attractive and wants to be with me
She kisses me softly, grabbing on to the boxing robe
"You'd make a sexy boxer", she giggles, pushing the robe off me
"Oh yeah?", I smirk, helping her get my shirt off
"Yeah. You're so big Mingi. So many muscles. Here", she says, touching my upper arms
"And here", her arms move to my chest and continue to my abs, making my skin tremble, "And here. Fuck you're so hot"
She rocks her hips, grinding into my hard length, feeling so good, "And you're so fucking big here"
"I am?", I ask in disbelief
"Are you fucking kidding? You're dick is massive"
My mouth drops open in shock
"It's so long and fuck so thick", she continues, making my entire skin turn red, "I don't know how it's going to fit inside me"
Wait what?
Is that really a problem?
Because if it is I'll scream
"I won't fit?", I ask worried
"I'll make you fit baby, don't worry", she assures me, "There's no way in this universe I'm not riding your cock right now"
Well fuck
Thank god for that
She holds my length up and hovers right over me
She lowers herself, my head going inside her and getting soaked
"Fff..fuck", I moan
"Oh god yes", she groans, as she slips more and more down my length
I sit up on my elbows, watching her tiny hole split wide open to take my cock
She's leaking so much, creamy juice sliding down my cock, pooling in my lap
So fucking pretty
She actually bottoms me out, sitting right against my legs and I have no idea where she's putting me but I'm not complaining
Her hips start wiggling, moving in circles, her pussy wrapped around me so snugly
"Oh fuck", I moan, pleasure creeping up my spine
"Give me a few minutes to get used to you baby and then I'll ride your cock so fucking good"
I nod as she grinds against my dick, the fluttering of her cunt amazing
Taking her hand, I press a kiss to her back of her hand, then along her hurt fingers
She smiles softly, holding my hand in hers
I move my down on my elbow, the soft material under my arm making me slip
I catch myself, looking down at the robe under me
Quickly I grab it, ready to throw it away when I stop
"So do you really wear a robe?", I ask, looking from the robe to her
She smirks, leaning over, taking my robe and putting it on
Oh god she's so fucking hot
"Sometimes", she says
I can only stare at the robe just covering her breasts, her nipples poking through the silky material
She smirks at me, moving her hands on my stomach as she starts to bounce
Pleasure fills my body from her movements and I can't tear my eyes away from her
My mind is blown that she's sitting on my lap, riding my cock while she wears my robe
It's fucking everything
"Although I've never worn one when I was naked before"
I can't speak, I can only watch her as she moves on me, completely mesmerizing me
Up and down, my cock disappearing as her cunt swallows me again and again
"My god Mingi. Your cock feels so fucking good", she moans, her hips rolling over and over again, taking me so deeply
Her movements get faster, fucking me harder
My head hits a spot inside her and she screams so loudly, calling my name, her back arching so beautifully
Her hands move behind her, on my legs, moving harder as she's basically jumping up and down on my cock, bottoming me out every time
"Mingi!", she calls, her cunt getting so tight around me I gasp, "I-"
"Cum for me", I ask, wanting to feel it
Her cunt is already so fucking tight, I can't imagine how it's going to feel when she cums
"Please", I plead
After a few more bounces, she takes me all in, orgasming on my whole cock, her body shaking on top of me as she calls my name
So much pleasure rolls over me as her cunt pulses so fast, so hard
I can't fucking believe I'm getting this much pleasure from her orgasming
It's fucking mind-blowing and I don't want it to stop
So when she finishes, I hold onto her hips tightly and thrust up into her pussy
She moans loudly, holding on to my legs
I fuck up into her over and over, watching her cream completely soak and cover my cock, her boobs bouncing in my face
Her little clit is throbbing like crazy and she's taking every stroke I give her deep inside, crying for more
I've never had a girl this into sex with me
I'm not that experienced like the other guys so I'm always worried that I suck
But she seems to like everything I'm doing
I hit her spot hard and she cries, "There Mingi! Please baby, there!"
I nod, making sure I hit that spot each time I fuck into her
She gets tighter with every pound, body bouncing around like a rag doll
Crashing into her spot again, she yells loudly, coming again, her cunt spasming
"Mingi!", she yells while I groan, feeling the pleasure from her, feeling the way she's drenching my dick
"Mingi cum", she asks
"Sss..soon", I tell her, getting there
"What do you need baby? I want you to feel so good"
"I do baby. I feel so good. You feel good. This is the best I ever had", I say, my face heating up as I realize what I said
"Me too Mingi", she says, touching my chest, "Don't get shy now baby. Tell me what you need"
"Bbb...bounce aegi"
She nods, immediately moving for me, taking me in and out of her, slamming down, taking me deep
"Oh fuck", she cries, her legs working overtime as she rides me hard, her spot rubbing against my head
The pulsing is so fucking blissful and I need her to cum
Reaching out, I touch her clit, playing with it, rubbing it in circles
Her breathing gets harder as she bounces, her cunt flooding my lap
"Oh god Mingi! Mingi!", she yells, coming and I watch in amazement as her cunt fucking gushes liquid all over me
Oh my god, she's squirting
I made her squirt
"Oh Mingi!", she shouts, continuing her bouncing as she squirts, the liquid flying everywhere
And I fucking love it
She squeezes my cock so hard, the bounces and watching her shoving over the edge
I'm hurtled into intense ecstasy as I hold her on my cock, coming into her warm sucking pussy
"Oh fuck, Mingi. Feels fucking good", she moans, rocking on my dick, prolonging the pleasure
When it's over, I look at her, amazed
That was the most pleasure I ever had
She smiles as she breathes in, then leans down, her mouth against mine in a sweet kiss
I smile before I kiss her back, my arms around her, holding her tightly
She touches my cheek as she kisses me, sending tingles down my spine
She leans her forehead against mine after the kiss, "I love you"
"I love you", I smile, pulling her down for another amazing kiss
Fuck I'm so happy, so glad I finally tried to say something to her because now she's mine
All mine
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pfft-me · 2 years
RiseLeo x Reader
(Reader is female in this one)
Hello, Im new to actually writing anything on tumblr and basically poting at all. This was just something that came to mind at like 3 am so I typed it down. The turtles may be ooc, so sorry about that.
So in this Leo is just frustrted and insecure that he cant do couply things with reader, but reader doesnt care cuz she doesnt even like going out.
"Im stupid? Youre the incompetent one" Donnie pointed a finger at Leo. Who was just casually eating his third slice of pizza.
"No you're stupider?" He crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow.
"Leo" i warn the turtle, bitting into my pizza. I was sat in between the twins, ignoring there bickering until now.
"Are you choosing my gosh awful twin over, moi? Your very loving boyfriend?" He pulled me into his plastron, fake tears prominent in his eyes
"Tello was my friend before i even knew of the Hudden City and mutants, Leon" i sighed not wanting to deal with their dramatics, well mainly Leo but my heart was beating for this turtle regardless of how narcissistic he could be.
"Well, well that doesnt excuse anything" he pouted, resting his chin on my head.
"Actually it does. She was very mad at me and refused to talk to me for a while. April had to help me out" Don scrolled through his phone with a slice of pizza in the other.
"If you think about it, she got to know all of us before Leo" Mikey scratched his chin before shrugging.
"Heh, yeah she did. Looks like youre the last turtle Leo" Raph chuckled patting Leo on the shoulder to which he slapped his hand away.
"Yeah, well shes my girlfriend! Who cares if she got to know me last. Its like they say "the best for last" his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into his lap. I could hear him mumbling into my shoulder, along with his plastron rumbling.
"Dont worry so much about it hun, like you said im yours" i pat his head calming the small growling he was doing for now at least
"Hey, not to cause any drama, but what about that guy who keeps dming you?" Donnie looked up from his phone turning to look at me. My eye twitched a bit
"What!?" The blue masked turtle tightened his grip on me, looking as if he wanted to stab his twin.
"Donnie!" All of us yelled, me more so whining that he even mentioned it. Sure I told Donnie but it seemed that he also told Mikey and Raph.
"What? Im just curious" he shrugged his shoulder with out a care in the world. Sometimes I wished he wasnt so curious. I understood why he asked but at the same time he and I had certain days where we got things off our chest. We also had signs and signals when he usually wanted to talk.
"Who is it? Do you know him? Do we know him? Do you like him?" The more questions he asked the more his grip tightened. It was as if he thought I was going to be taken away.
"Listen its just a classmate. No need to worry" I wiggle myself out of his grip, causing him to whine, but I just spun myself around so my chest was agaisnt his.
"Tello as much as I love how curious you are can you not right now? Didnt you want to show me your newest gadget?"
"Oh, oh yeah. Wait hold on its not ready!" He gasped, quickly running out the main room giggling to himself about the invention.
"Mikey lets go find some stickers to put in my shell" raph took a box of pizza and Mikeys hand pulling the youngest to his room.
"Leon?" I cup his cheek
"No im ok. Im fine. Everythings great" he wouldnt look at me and stared off into space.
"Leon, you know i love you right?" I force him to look at me.
"Oh course I do. You are very honest. Sometimes more than I want you to be" he gave a half hearted chuckle
"Then you shouldnt worry so much, Blue" I kissed his beak.
"I just, i, ugh, i cant help it. Hes a human and im, well im me. A mutant. We cant do things like normal couples and it frustrates me. I want you to be happy and, and, and-" he gripped his head, sliding them down his face. He was pouting and his eyes downcasted.
"Leonardo, I could care less about doing couply stuff. Sure its nice but you know me. Im a homebody. I love staying home with you, to cuddle you, to kiss you, to watch jupiter Jim and lou jitsu re-runs. Oh hun I couldnt ask for someone better, and you know I didnt talk to you because you intimidated me" I lay my head against his plastron.
"I did?" His voice perked up as he sat up straight.
"Yep, you did. I found you so cute and so much fun. You have such an amazing personality that I felt as if i was too boring for someone like you" i sighed
"Babe, you could never be boring. Though you are kind of a nerd. Oww, ok Im sorry" i pinched his arm but kiss him afterward. He hummed bringing his 3 fingers to cup my neck.
"I wouldnt trade you for the world"
"Not even for soup and pasta?" his cheeky smile widened.
"Woah buddy" i slap his shoulder "know your place" he tackled me, laughing as we rolled into the floor. We laid there for a bit before he lifted us up. I was still in hisr arms so I wrapped my legs around his waist. "What wrong?"
"I need some cuddles and some kisses, definitely a lot of kisses, maybe something even more" he wiggles his eyebrow, causing me to slap his shoulder, then look away so he didnt see my blooming face "gotcha" he pecked my cheek and we carried on to the room.
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good morning, you box says request are open but if they are not you can ignore . . .
Noé x afab reader who comes from a noble family like the De Sade's but isnt noble-like at all. They just kinda do their own thing. They dress more androgynously and are loud mouthed and sarcastic and aren't ladylike and because of that, they dont get courted very often and get really flustered when Noé courts them.
Hello! Good day, afternoon or morning!
Thank you for requesting!
Please let me know what you think. 
Tsuki's note: I wrote in HC format, hope that's ok?
I also took liberty to do some additions, hopefully that's ok.
• You were born in one of the most noble vampire families.
• The only female child to be born, all of your family members around your age were all boys. 
• That doesn't mean you weren't close! On the contrary.
• You were always together, playing around the mud, playing wrestling and climbing trees and other high places.
• Those activities were frowned upon when you tried them - you were the little princess, you shouldn't get dirty or hurt or crawl around.
• But you always managed to run away and play around.
• To be more comfortable you took out your cute dresses and wore pants or shorts with a dirty and ripped shirt.
• You met Noé when you were kids.
• You were running around a castle during a party and bumped into him.
• Domi came forward to complain about you running around, but you just shrugged it off and asked if she wanted to climb the tree too.
• Thus you, Noé and Domi were climbing a tree with your cousins.
• You grew up to be a beautiful young lady that despised wearing dresses and skirts.
• You were always seen with shorts or pants, suspenders and a blouse.
• You had your hair short, never passing ear length.
• Many tried to woo you - both because you were gorgeous and because of your status.
• But you always rolled your eyes to them, be it men or women, doesn't matter.
• You always had a stock of sarcastic comments for them.
• Some family members asked if you would be the cat aunt - never marry anyone - it annoyed you a lot.
• Whenever you were upset by those comments, your white haired childhood friend always seemed to have the right words to cheer you up.
• He would say how lovely and gentle you were.
• How he loved your adventurous side and how you stand up for yourself.
• How you would find someone that loved you very much.
• And everytime he said such sweet words you blushed.
• You blushed and sent a snarky comment his way, something like " I could almost believe it if you didn't always had something good to say".
• To your surprise he would always comment how your snarky self had charm too - " see? Even that dry attitude is quite lovely!"
• You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but you had a smile on your face.
• You felt so stupid and small whenever Noé said something sweet and kind to you.
• At moments like those you wished he would scoop you up and take you away.
• That wish made you want to dig up a hole and hide there indefinitely.
• You wondered why he kept babling like that whenever you were put down.
• Little did you know that Noé noticed how happy you got whenever he talked to you.  
• He knew that under that husk of sarcasm you had feelings too.
• What he didn't know was that those feelings were pointed towards himself.
• You were told by you cousins to just be honest to your feelings, but you could never bring yourself to say it.
• To say how much you adored being pampered by him and to have his hand holding yours.
• To say how much you hoped he would twirl you around during a party.
• How you wanted to keep him safe from people, people he did not noticed that wanted to hurt him.
• He was that much of a good soul.
• Always looking for the good in people, including you.
Thanks for reading! I feel like this is short and very ooc.
I am sorry. I hope this could at least help a bit?
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