#…my ex roommate. god that’s such a funny way to refer to them but it’s the only like. way i can drop it in casual conversation
aropride · 1 year
figured out tonight that one of my tarot decks is cool with gossiping and in fact would love to share some drama with me. And the other one mostly just wants me to go outside
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I mean this in like,,,,,, such a good way but wtAf is crownest?? Lol agggghhh you're so creative!!!!!!!! You've put SO much thought into like,, everyone lol it's so cool!!! I really really really really don't wanna spamm but I can't get enough of your hcs!!! Um um ummmm yea I'd really like to hear about crownest and emof@gg0t lol uh censoring just in case ykkk um but I loved Avery!!!!!!!! He's so silly/pos
Idk the way you describe everyone makes them feel like actual characters yk and like,,,,,,,, idk I've never heard of these but I would be really interested in like how u think like all these characters and ships n stuff work Aggghh I just love ur interpretations!!
SUPER long anon, sosososo sorry
Oh my god I've been trying to answer this for so long my beloved weed anon but idk what's happened, my inbox has exploded jngjbngjb (I am beyond thankful, love love love all the questions vjfnbjg)
Crownest is Severus and Igor! I talked a bit about those two being stupid exes and Igor running around following Severus in Goblet of Fire (he's both trying to confide in him because Severus is one of the few people Igor trusts but also cause he's trying to get his dick wet). Severus gets assigned as Igor's roommate and general aid when he spends his last year abroad at Hogwarts and Severus hates it because Igor is clingy and yet he's a complete dorm dweller and he's clever but at the same time he's so fucking stupid. Igor struggles because of the language barrier and he's refusing to use the translator he's been made to bring along from Durmstrang. They're sort of friends who wouldn't really be friends under many other circumstances but losers gotta stick together I guess
Idk where in the timeline this happens but they start fucking around at some point. I don't think they're ever boyfriends or anything labelled, they're just conveniently fucking whenever they both need to get off. They're just,, in no way good for each other but the sex is good and they're both messy and kinda lonely and they like that it's no strings attached because it genuinely is
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Tw: mentions of alcoholism
Then there's emofaggot vjgnbjgnbjg I am actually screaming at the fact that you used that name for them cause it really was just my stupid placeholder name for them. I played around with a few ship names for them but I think I've settled on wiseprince (wise comes from barn owls which is the animal that represents the Avery family like how peacocks represent the Malfoy family)
I'm so glad you liked Edmund,, he really is just,, my silly piece of shit (I know /pos means positive but I just keep reading it as piece of shit and honestly he is a silly piece of shit so it fits vjnfbjgnb)
These two are way more complicated than crownest imo. They've always been close, they've found comfort in each other and in softness they didn't have with other people (I think they got closer each time Severus drifted further away from Lily (I also think it's so funny that Lily canonically references that she's got less of a problem with Edmund than the rest of the group he hangs around with cause like,, yeah he's your ex besties stupid little homophobic boyfriend of course you like him just a smidge more). They've both got parents who struggle with alcohol abuse in varying degrees and with varying outcomes, but at the end of the day they share that feeling of cold running down one's back after smelling alcohol on someone's breath.
Edmund tries to step into Lucius's shoes when he graduates, he gives Severus extra clothes or hand-me-downs, he tries to get him to use the nice shampoos and conditioners he picked out with his mother in Diagon Alley. They bathe together for years just so they can chat more and see no problem with it. They cuddle up on the couch together in front of the fire and that's just what they do. They used to share a dorm along with Mulciber until Severus gets put in charge of, in Edmund's eyes, babysitting Igor. They spent way too many nights in each other's beds, cuddling and reading together, studying, yapping about whatever. Edmund puts curlers in at night and does a way too intricate moisturising routine and Severus just stands behind him, watching him through the mirror and keeping him company.
Through all of this, Edmund is fiercely homophobic and also engaged to an even more fiercely homophobic lesbian who's clocked him since day one. He's in denial and then he's not and then he is again and it's all a mess. Edmund really chose the ugliest fucker out there and was like "yes that's the one I wanna lose my mind over". Honestly, I can't blame his poor fiancé for low-key bullying him
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I'm so beyond flattered you love them so much!! I really do try to give them both flaws and more positive sides even if they're a "good"/"bad" person, you know? I'm not a fan of excusing behaviour, most of these characters are shitty people in one way or another but that doesn't mean they've always been like that or that they stay like that or that they're 110% like that all the time!! Most of these are just based off of my own silly little thoughts though I can't take all the credit cause at least some of these were bounced off of a friend vnfjnbjgb
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the sam/josh/donna we DESERVED
so, as we all know, canon neither confirms nor denies the existence of a josh/sam relationship
this, of course, means it happened.
and so when sam and donna find themselves in bed together at the beginning of year four, as attractive people tend to do, this becomes a problem for both of them
because the two of them had always been pretty close
(they were both individually closer to josh but had formed a friendship in their own right. donna had been sleeping in sam’s guest room at least once a month for a year before it happened)
but anyway, this closeness was partially born out of the fact that they both had feelings for josh
sam, as josh’s ex, would have taken him back in a second, and what began as a seed of a crush for donna soon blossomed into love
it’s nice to feel things with a friend, and they didn’t do it a whole lot, but it was definitely a bonding point for them
anyway they both knew that about the other and went “oh shit” when they woke up the morning after
because like,,, their feelings for josh absolutely had not gone away, but sam’s pretty goddamn, well, pretty, and donna more or less rocked his world
so they keep it up because, hey, josh is doing... whatever he’s doing with amy gardner right now, and it’s pretty obvious that he’s not interested in either one of them for the foreseeable future
(they’re both absolutely oblivious, but they are kind of right—neither of them will get involved with josh anytime soon)
they throw a few real, outside-of-sam’s-apartment dates into the mix
it’s clear pretty quickly that this isn’t a fluke. they’d enjoyed each other’s company before, but donna very much likes sitting on sam’s lap instead of next to him at a respectable distance, and sam certainly isn’t complaining about it, either
it’s a few months before anyone significant finds out
(at this point, the only people who know are donna’s roommate and sam’s doorman)
there’s a knock on sam’s door one saturday morning as he and donna lay in bed
sam reluctantly goes to answer the door (“couldn’t i just pretend i’m not home?” he pulls her closer. “sam, what if it’s important?”)
when josh calls sam’s cell phone, sam doesn’t get a word out before josh starts “sam, come open your door. i’m outside.”
donna and sam are Very Stressed about this
it’s fine, though. as long as donna stays in the bedroom, quietly, josh doesn’t need to find out
and so sam goes to open the door, but decidedly does not invite josh in
“sam, what’s goin’ on? you got someone here or something?”
“um, yeah.”
“oh. you could have just said so.” josh’s eyes wander past sam to the coffee table. “is—is that... donna’s purse?”
sam’s eyes widen. shit.
needless to say, josh did not take it very well.
sam calls donna out of the bedroom, and the way the too-big sweatshirt she’s wearing—unmistakably sam’s—drapes over her goes straight to josh’s heart.
sam and donna sit on the couch while josh paces in front of them
“so, let me get this straight. my—my best friend, and my... other best friend are sleeping together and they didn’t tell me for months?”
josh has been rubbing his temples for so long that donna’s afraid he’ll rub his skin off
he’s not not happy for them, but donna and sam aren’t the only ones with feelings for their coworker and their ex
and that’s just kind of how it is for a while.
donna and sam don’t exactly hide, but they try their best to keep it on the down low for both press reasons and josh reasons
mostly they just order takeout and eat it on sam’s couch because neither of them really has the energy to do anything else
josh never, ever asks either one of them about it. he can’t. the less information he knows, the better.
he genuinely can’t stand it because it just doesn’t feel right to him. sam and donna? really? (no of course he doesn’t have feelings for either one of them he doesn’t he doesn’t he doesn’t)
unfortunately for sam and donna, the little routine they’ve settled into comes to a screeching halt in november, when sam pulls donna into his office and tells her he might have to move across the country because he’s running for the california 47th? why the hell didn’t you tell anyone?
and listen, cj and leo have simultaneous aneurysms, but that’s nothing compared to the way donna’s and josh’s hearts just shatter
josh doesn’t really talk to sam about it. he’s afraid he’ll just break down, and he really, really doesn’t have time to cry, especially in front of sam. he just... he can’t do it
donna doesn’t really know what to do. she and sam talk about it, of course, and decide to maybe stop seeing each other, but what does she say? “i broke up with my boyfriend”? they were hitting the stops of dating, she supposes, and they would occasionally refer to each other as their boyfriend/girlfriend in public, but really only for the benefit of others
(donna preferred the way ginger would put it, which was “donna, how’s your man?” she liked that better. “boyfriend” felt too formal, too established. she and sam were a little more casual than that, she thinks)
(and she loved him, she did, but there was something (josh) keeping her from really feeling like sam was her boyfriend)
but anyway, they leave it kind of open-ended (which is how sam ends up in donna’s hotel room when the senior staff goes to california)
smash cut to march 2007: josh and donna are a pretty established couple, and sam is two and a half months off another broken engagement
sam’s thrilled for them because, seriously, they danced around that thing for years. they deserve to be together in broad daylight.
his feelings for the both of them never really went away, but he knows they’ve both moved on
(they had not, in fact)
unsurprisingly, it’s donna who brings it up to josh
“so, we both dated sam.”
“i don’t know about you, but... now that he’s back in dc, i wouldn’t be opposed to seeing him again.”
“i... donna, are you trying to break up with me?”
“no—no, of course not. what i’m trying to ask is if you would be opposed to... seeing him with me. together.”
josh stares into the distance for so long that donna starts to worry
“sorry, yeah?”
“what do you think?”
“i don’t think... sam’s fresh off an engagement. i’m not sure he would be in the headspace for a one-time thing with two of his exes. quite frankly, i’m not sure i am, either.”
“oh, i didn’t mean a one-time thing. i was thinking more... long term. if that’s something both you and he would be into.”
josh looks back at donna, the smile on his face growing
“oh. well, yeah, i... i think i’d be into that.”
and so they set up a dinner. they ask sam to come over to their place, telling him that the three of them need to talk. it’s nothing urgent, they tell him, just a long-overdue catch-up.
(and really, it is—the transition and first two months had been too busy for the three of them to sit down, regardless)
so they have dinner, and afterward, they send sam to sit on the couch in the living room while they bring down the dishes
when they finish, donna perches on the arm of couch above sam, and josh sits next to him
she starts stroking his hair, and sam, too touch-starved to think about it, just leans into her. they’d always been platonically affectionate (and donna’s kind of like that with everyone, anyway), so he’s not particularly worried.
“sammy,” josh starts, and now sam does start to worry.
josh only ever called him “sammy” when they were dating—why bring it back now?
josh keeps going. “donna and i have been talking for a while now about making a change.”
“we both love you, you know that?” donna picks up, continuing to run her fingers through sam’s hair. “and we know you love us.”
sam still can’t figure out what’s happening for the life of him
“yeah, i know,” he says quietly. “and i do.”
josh smiles at him. “we were talking, and donna reminded me that we’ve both dated you at one point or another. and the funny thing is that neither of us really ever stopped having feelings for you.”
oh, sam thinks.
“and we were wondering,” donna says, “if you might still have feelings for us.”
sam stiffens up a little bit—he’s spent so long trying to find anyone that held a candle to either of them, and now...
donna notices. “sam, honey,” she says gently (and, god, donna calling him “honey” just does something to him), “we don’t ever want to make you feel uncomfortable. you’re our friend first. if this isn’t something you’re interested in, short-term or long term, we’ll drop it and we don’t ever have to speak about this again.”
“no,” he says, maybe a little too quickly. “i would definitely be interested. short-term, or long-term, or whatever you guys want.”
josh and donna share a grin that seems to say we got him.
donna stops stroking his hair. “i think we’re both very glad to hear that.”
sam almost can’t breathe when donna tips his head up and kisses him, and when she pulls away, he just stares at her until josh puts a hand on his cheek
when josh then leans in to kiss him, sam is pretty sure he’s died and gone to heaven.
and when they go to bed that night, donna’s head lays on sam’s chest, her arm stretched out over his body so she can hold josh’s hand, who’s curled up on his side, his face buried in sam’s shoulder.
the collective love in the room could power the entire city of washington, d.c.
needless to say, this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
their first call is cj because, even though she’s no longer responsible for presenting their lives to the press, they know that nobody else but her would really know what to do
when they tell her, she’s silent for a second before she says “josh, i didn’t think you were the type.”
(danny passes by and sees the shit-eating grin on her face and she just mouths “later”)
josh, of course, is very offended
“i—cj—what do you mean, not the type?”
“well, sam and donna, maybe. i can see that for them, but you seem too possessive to share.”
sam and donna look at each other and burst out laughing
“cj,” donna says, “just imagine josh but with two partners to worry about.”
they all have a nice, long laugh at that (well, not josh)
“i’m breaking up with both of you. and i’m revoking your friend card, cj.”
“oh, josh,” sam says, kissing his cheek, “you love us too much for that.”
“i was only teasing, mi amor. i’m very happy for the three of you, and i really can’t say i’m surprised,” cj’s slightly staticky voice comes through the phone.
while she does advise them to keep it discreet, she tells them to just own it if it comes out.
when they hang up, the three of them feel lighter. they told someone and it went fine.
they’re going to be okay, they think.
bonus bonus:
they take turns sleeping in the middle of the bed because equality of affection is very important to them
donna absolutely loves to call them “my men” and josh and sam call her “our girl”
they love each other. they really just love each other so much.
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izzabeean · 3 years
Chapter 8 : Restless
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Now that you’ve temporarily moved into Oikawa’s apartment, you feel like you need to do something in return for his and Iwaizumi’s generosity. Yet, just when things start to look up, there’s always something that brings you back down.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 5,474
content : profanity, smoking
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
a/n : a bit of a longer chapter, I'm sorry if the ending seems a bit rushed. I tried to have two perspectives in this chapter and I’m not entirely sure if I like it, but here ya go! Also I hope you like it! (Pardon my errors, I only proofread once)
Post Thursday evenings PST, if not latest by Friday.
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“I’m thinking… Curry!” you exclaim while you begin to collect the required ingredients at the smaller grocer.
Dinner wasn’t going to be anything too elaborate or fancy, just something simple. It’s the least you could do for Oikawa and Iwaizumi, letting you stay at the apartment until the disaster at your place ends. Though you weren’t much of a chef, you were really good at making a delicious pot of chicken curry. Truthfully, you’ve never cooked for anyone but yourself before, even Ushijima didn’t have the chance to taste your cooking, so you were quite nervous about the outcome. 
Nonetheless, this was your opportunity to do something for all that they’ve done.
“I can’t even remember the last time I had homemade curry,” Iwaizumi says while the corners of his mouth slightly curl up. You think he could probably light a room up with that smile, even if it’s so stupid for you to admit it, but you were really happy Iwaizumi offered to accompany you.
“Well you’re in for a treat!” you giggle. But you're finding yourself distracted watching every move Iwaizumi makes in search of some sort of confirmation that perhaps he is attracted to you too. You know it’s your own fault for clinging onto the tiny chance of hope that it’s more than him being a courteous gentleman. 
You’re practically floored when you accidentally brush each other's hands reaching for the same item at the same time. You blush from embarrassment up as you shoot him a sheepish smile and quickly pull your hand away.
Oh god, what is going on with you? Can’t you just be normal for once? You think, attempting to talk yourself down from the severe sweat your body has broken out in.
There were only a couple more things on your list you needed and advised the rest would be found down the aisles. Rounding the corner you begin to walk down the row of groceries on the hunt for the curry roux to complete your dish. At first, you’re too busy ignoring your hyper-awareness to Iwaizumi's presence to notice, but once you do, your heart sinks to your stomach as a familiar figure stands the opposite end of the aisle.
Quickly, you back out of the aisle pushing Iwaizumi with you. He doesn’t necessarily respond, but the unexpected reaction on your part definitely surprises him as he glances down at you with wide eyes.
“My ex is here,” you breathe. 
You can feel yourself shutting down again. You at least hoped that living in a different neighborhood, you’d avoid running into Ushijima, but it seems like no matter where you go you always seem to find him. It’s almost like the universe forbids you to get over him.
Iwaizumi tries to push past you, but you shove him back.
“No, no! He’ll see you,” you warn, hands pressed against his chest. Your mind takes a step back realizing what actions you’ve committed while the tips of your fingers and palms of your hands feel his toned chest beneath them. You feel your face warm up and it doesn’t help that you feel like you're burning under Iwaizumi’s dark, intense gaze. 
“Let me look,” he argues. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t.”
Putting your hands down, you watch him go. Your shoulders lock up as you ball your hands into fists. 
Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Your brain screams.
You turn on your heels preparing yourself to bolt if Iwaizumi has been spotted. Instead, he turns back and looks at you in shock. 
“I didn’t know that was your type,” he teases.
You furrow your brows at his response. “And what did you think my type would be?”
“I don’t know…” he clears his throat. “Oikawa?”
“What?” you shout. A look of annoyance flashed across your face, you try to sound polite, but the words come off as irritated with a hint of attitude. 
He laughs in response. “Let’s go,” he says while walking past the aisle. 
You catch your breath and hesitate, not wanting to be seen by Ushijima, but at the same time, you want to see if that girl is with him. Slowly you poke your head out to get a better look. He appears to be alone on the phone with someone, you can't hear the conversation but you notice by the way he's standing it isn't a good one. You know his mannerisms better than you'd like to admit and one thing he would do when he was having a difficult conversation is pinch the bridge of his nose. It wouldn't happen often, but when it did he would always tell you nothing was wrong when it clearly was. 
It's strange looking in from the outside, unable to comfort or distract Ushijima from his worries. 
“Pst,” you look over to Iwaizumi, snickering to himself. “Done spying yet?”
His comment startles you as you swallow hard convincing yourself to walk past the aisle to join Iwaizumi. This sad feeling hangs in your chest, a bit sharper than when you were blindsided with a break-up and a bit deeper than when you saw him with the girl. It almost like everything you’ve known was just pulled from under you, as if the last couple of years never existed, it was all a dream and now you're strangers. 
You take a deep breath as you follow Iwaizumi to continue gathering the rest of the ingredients. In your mind, you’d imagined that anger would have encapsulated you in this orb of revenge but instead, you have this longing for wanting to know if any of what you had with him was real.
As you leave, you check behind you wondering if you’ll see him again. Hoping perhaps he will see you too. But you don’t. 
“Something wrong?” Iwaizumi asks.
Your face pales as you think up a broad way to express how life just keeps getting worse and worse. 
“No, life is just weird now.”
“Cause you’re new roommates are two immature boys?” Iwaizumi jokes.
“That’s the least of my worries,” you answer, letting out a dry chuckle. 
Because I get to see you.
The grocery bags bounce against your leg as you look up at the clear sky feeling the sun’s rays kiss your face with warmth. Was it possible for you to like someone this fast? It’s easy enough to get over a break-up when someone else is in the picture, but what if that someone was a person you crossed paths with when you were younger? Was it meant to be? Or are you just imagining things?
The tension feels overwhelming as a fire lights in your stomach. 
“You know, I never thought I’d ever see you again.”
“Yeah,” Iwaizumi says peering at you. “It really surprised me too… In a good way. But it seems you can’t keep yourself out of trouble.”
You feel a big surprise overcome as you shift your gaze to him. He’s referring to the sparkly gel pen the bully took from you. You’re certain. 
“What can I say? Trouble always finds me, I don’t go looking for it.”
You both laugh, filling your body with relief as the tension in your shoulders relaxes. This feeling of warmth blossoms throughout your body as the sound of his laugh echoes in your ears giving you the perfect amount of serotonin you need to alleviate your earlier worries.
How the hell did you get lucky enough to hear it? 
Your eyes glimmer and you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach. The giddy sensation gives you the confidence to slip out the next sentence you didn’t fully process--
“It’s kind of funny because I used to have a crush on you.”
You start to sweat realizing the words that just came out of your mouth and you’re silent. This isn’t exactly how eight-year-old you wanted to confess, honestly, you were going to take your crush on Iwaizumi to your grave. And now here you are. Oversharing. Something you don’t pride yourself on doing. In fact, now, you’re just worried about what he will say.
“I know,”  he replies, avoiding eye contact rubbing the back of his neck.
“What?” you start, stumbling over your feet.
You feel like you didn’t hear that right. Yes, you would see him every day because you were in the same class. But you barely spoke to each other, keeping to yourself most of the time. You were discreet, to say the least.
“How?” is the only thing you can think up to say.
“I mean, you weren’t really good at hiding it, with you staring at me all the time,” he says. “But also Hina told me.”
Hina, an old ‘friend’ of yours from elementary school. You recall her pestering you about who was your crush and stupidly told her who. And what does she do in return? That’s a low blow for an eight-year-old.
Brushing it off with a dry laugh, you add, “Well that’s embarrassing.”
“I wouldn’t say so,” he shrugs, looking at you in his peripheral vision. “We were just kids.”
You open your mouth to speak but the words die in your throat.
“It’s not like you still have those feelings,” he continues.
“God no,” you exclaim, sounding a bit insincere. But you’re trying to act unaffected by the strength of his words that made you feel like you just got hit by a car.
“Do you?”
“W-what?” you stutter flustered. “I-I don’t know what you’re asking--”
“I was joking. It was a joke,” Iwaizumi interjects realizing maybe he’s pushed it a little too far then playfully nudges you with his shoulder.
Your whole body tingles from the short contact. In a way, it feels like he just unknowingly friend-zoned you in a matter of seconds. But it was truly your fault for thinking that some sort of fate brought you both together. You feel like you’ve been pulled out of the strange lull of not knowing how the other person is feeling. Now you just feel like an idiot.
“Right! Just a joke!” Changing your entire expression to a more vibrant smile.
Part of you wishes you didn’t get your answer though. 
Dinner doesn’t take as long as you suspected, especially with Iwaizumi’s help, speeding up the process without you stressing over getting it done at a reasonable hour. It isn’t overly delicious as you taste the final concoction, but you still find it good enough to serve your friends.
“Thanks for the help,” you smile.
“No problem,” he says.
“What time is Oikawa coming home?” you question while turning down the heat and covering the curry with a lid to keep warm.
“He texted me back saying--”
“I’m home,” a voice calls from the entrance. Oikawa walks into the kitchen nose carried by the rich smell of spices. The corner of his lips curls up into a coy smile as he eyes you up and down while you stand in front of the stove with an apron on. “Didn’t know I could consider you wife material.”
“Remind me to not do something nice for you again,” you retort, irked by the shit-eating grin.
He blinks when he peeks over your shoulder realizing the delicious smell is coming from a pot on the stove. “You made dinner?”
“Yes, as thanks for letting me stay here, but I can just throw it out if you’re going to be an asshole,” you argue while staring at him intensely. It strikes you that you’ve forgotten how ungrateful he can be and perhaps making dinner was just a bad idea to show gratitude. 
“No, no, I was just kidding,” he begs. “Looks good.”
“Go sit,” you scold. 
He’s taken aback by the sternness in your voice and slowly back off to the dining table in the other room. 
Iwaizumi passes a plate of rice to you, noticing the aura of rage exuding by the way you slop the chicken curry onto the plate.
“You ok?” he asks so matter-of-factly that you could punch him as well.
“I’m fine,” you reply quickly while you finish plating that last portion. 
Walking into the other room, you set a plate down in front of Oikawa who marvels at the mouth-watering meal. 
“Thanks for the meal,” Oikawa says, delving into the curry. His eyes light up at the taste as he happily chews the tender chicken. “It’s good!”
“Thanks,” you mumble. But your anger hasn’t dissipated as he can immediately sense it whilst you refuse to look his way. “Iwaizumi helped too.”
“I can’t take credit for all your hard work,” he adds.
You look up at Iwaizumi giving him a soft smile then turn back to the food that you’ve barely touched as you continue to play with it on your plate. You’ve lost your appetite.
“I think I’m going to go to bed,” you utter getting up from your seat.
“What? Aren’t you hungry?” Oikawa asks. 
“I’m just tired,” you reply, bringing your plate into the kitchen. 
No one else says anything else as they watch you go, they just pause unable to process your sudden exit. The next thing they hear is the door shut to Oikawa’s room. They exchange glances before continuing to indulge in their meal. 
Collapsing on the bed you exhale deeply. It’s too bad you couldn’t sit down and enjoy the meal but everything seemed to hit you at once. You could only take so much, from seeing Ushijima yet again to the disappointing rejection from Iwaizumi to Oikawa’s snarky comments. You don’t know why his comment jabbed you so deeply, normally, stuff like that doesn’t bother you, but you suspect all the stress and surprises you’ve endured in the past three days, you were definitely on edge.
You knew you were lashing out, but you couldn’t ignore the pain you felt inside. Maybe sleeping it off could help. Just maybe.
The night felt endless. Shifting in the sheets you bury your face in the pillow; it’s not the same familiar scent as it is back at your apartment, instead, it’s a mix of fabric softener with a ting of cologne that most certainly smells like Oikawa. 
Didn’t know I could consider you wife material. 
The same words repeat in your head causing you to toss and turn, unable to fall asleep with all the anxiety pent up inside. His words make sense though. If Oikawa couldn’t even see you that way, how could Iwaizumi? 
You know you’re not going to get any more sleep with your thoughts racing, so you climb out of bed and throw on a jacket.
Slowly turning the knob, you pry the door open and creep into the hall. The apartment is dark and quiet except for the subdued sound of Oikawa's snoring trailing from the living room. You study him in his deep slumber while a trickle of the light slips in through a crack of the closed curtains. You still can’t believe he gave up his bed to let you sleep in it. Lately, he’s been awfully nicer than usual to you. 
As you reach the foyer, you crouch over to slip on your shoes to lace them up. Suddenly the air in the room shifts as a hand emerges from the darkness to cover your mouth. Your fight or flight instincts kick in as you try to tear the culprit's arm away from you. But when you do, your eyes are met with Iwaizumi holding his index finger to his lips. You send him a wide-eyed glare in disapproval of his actions, you thought you were going to have a heart attack.
“Go,” he whispers, gesturing to leave.
Putting on your other shoe and quickly tying it, you get up to unlock the door.
The sound wasn’t that loud, but in the silence of the apartment, it feels like the noise shot and reverberated off the walls. You close your eyes and strain your hearing to listen for Oikawa's snoring. And it stops. But for a moment, before continuing.
You sigh as you shoot Iwaizumi with a look of relief and walk out of the apartment.
A shiver goes down your spine as you breathe in the fresh dewy morning air while the birds chirping in the background with the sun just about to rise. You lean on the railing taking in the peaceful surroundings having a newfound appreciation of how beautiful everything is.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Iwaizumi asks, shutting the door behind him.
“Not really,” you groan. “You?”
“I have a weird sleep schedule,” he continues, his voice a little groggy probably from just waking up. He takes out a pack of cigarettes and offers you the pack as a way of asking if you’d like one. “I like getting up early when I can.”
“Yeah I’m a bit more of a morning person myself,” you reply, accepting a smoke. As of lately you’re a morning and night person but didn’t think it was not worth mentioning.
He lights the cigarette and passes you the lighter. You watch him press his lips to the smoke, you wonder if they’re as soft as they appear providing that he seems so gentle when inhaling the toxins. Then he exhales the smoke, you watch it curl into the air and the sweet smell hits your nose urging you to light your own. In your fantasies, you imagine sharing a smoke as a form of intimacy, passing it off to each other, but obviously, this is real life and not some romance novel so you push the thought away.
“So, what do your parents do?”
The question feels like a forced form of conversation that you ask someone when you don’t know what to talk about. You know after yesterday’s adventure to your parent's home, there must have been a lot going through his mind as to how they have such a big house with so many rooms, but the inquiry is always deeply triggering. It’s not that you don’t want to answer, you just don’t like to talk about your parents much. You wouldn’t think that you have the healthiest relationship with them and you definitely didn’t believe now is the best time to give a full autobiography.
“... They work in medicine,” you try to sound enthusiastic but the words leave your mouth sounding bitter and resentful.
“Ah, both doctors?”
“Mm… Kind of,” you mutter, taking a hit from the cigarette realizing you’re going to need another one soon with the way this conversation is going.
“You don’t like talking about it?” he exclaims, noticing that you are extremely reticent to the topic.
“Not really…” 
You didn’t feel like outlining how they forced you to go to university when you weren’t completely sure what to study. And you didn’t want to tell him that they were absolutely livid when you refused to go to school. And the only compromise you could make with them is that you would go to university if you were allowed to move out to live by yourself. 
“They’re great in a sense they take care of me, but not great in a way that I am able to choose what I want to do…” you mumble, already dreading the fact you’re starting to overshare. Sure he asked, but you can’t help but feel guilty for even talking about the subject. 
“Well, what do you want to do?”
You pause. Despite his firm demeanor, it wasn’t something you expected to hear from Iwaizumi. At all. What did you want to do?
Go somewhere far away, where no one can find me, leave everything behind, become the person I want to be without any judgment… Is what you wanted to say, but instead, you murmur, “I don’t know… I’m hoping someday I figure it out.”
“No harm in that,” he responds.
“You’re lucky you know what you want to do,” you utter, peering at him. “I wish I did.”
Iwaizumi exhales and looks up at the sky that’s changing to a golden color with the sun about to rise.
“It's okay to not know what you want right now,” he begins. “It’s hard to commit to something that you’re going to do for the rest of your life.”
“How did you know?”
“One day I just knew,” he shrugs.
“I don’t think I can,” you object, fully knowing you’re being difficult. 
Instinctively, you don’t think something like that can appear before you so easily. Here you are, almost four years later, completing a degree you don’t necessarily care about, but feel like you have to do in order to get your parents off your back. You understand it’s your life and you have the full ability to make your own decisions but all you can feel is fear and anxiety wash over you at the thought of thinking where you could be in five years. 
“What about your ex?” 
You blink unsure if you heard Iwaizumi right.
“What?” you answer almost coldly.
“Do you want to get back together with him?”
“No,” you snap hostilely, raising your voice. 
“There, you made one decision,” he points out.
“Not when he’s found someone else,” you whisper.
You swallow hard as he glances up at you, his gaze finally meeting yours for the first time this morning. The statement takes you both by surprise as your words linger in the air between the two of you. Iwaizumi’s eyes are wide like he’s heard this fact for the first time.
“Didn’t Oikawa tell you?” 
Iwaizumi shakes his head. "What happened?"
You feel yourself emotionally facepalm yourself as you draw the conclusion that Oikawa didn't actually tell Iwaizumi everything. Now you'd wish you had clarification of what he was told.
“I saw him the other day, when I was out with Oikawa, with someone new,” you confess, taking a deep inhale you feel your eyes start to turn glassy and your heart dip. It’s a mix of feeling like the world is about to implode and embarrassment as you come to realize the amount of word vomit that leaves your mouth in Iwaizumi’s presence. 
“She knows what she wants, that’s probably why he left me. Probably smarter too and definitely much prettier,” you add, not knowing why you’re continuing to go on about it.
Yes, you’re tired and upset that all this dumb bullshit keeps happening to you, all you wanted to do was talk about it. Even if Oikawa offered, there’s this unexplainable uneasiness of being vulnerable around him. 
The next few minutes are painful as you stand in irrefutable silence that seems to speak louder than any words of comfort. You wonder if you’ve overstepped your boundaries by telling him more than he probably cares to know.
“I hear that you’re smart,” Iwaizumi finally says. “Oikawa says you’re always studying hard and getting high marks in your classes…” 
Frankly, he didn’t have to try to console you. He has no reason to. And he can’t lie, he feels a bit guilty for bringing it up.
“And I doubt she’s prettier,” he utters.
Your chest tightens as you look at Iwaizumi with bright eyes. He takes a long drag of his cigarette before breathing out looking in the opposite direction. You know you’re a bit insane for getting your hopes up slightly, but you can’t help it with a comment like that.  
Why do you feel so nervous? 
“I’m going to go inside. See if I can get some more rest before class,” you assure, putting out the cigarette. You know you're running away from the conversation but Iwaizumi's comment was more complex than you wanted it to be.
It’s been almost a week at Oikawa’s apartment.
You thought it was going to be endlessly chaotic with lots of annoying bantering on Oikawa’s part, but it’s been quite pleasant. However, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t manage to get a good night’s rest. You blame the unfamiliar atmosphere, with the unfamiliar sounds coming from outside and the unfamiliar smell that most definitely is a ting of Oikawa’s clone. Each night you find yourself shifting around, unable to get comfortable, trying to plead yourself to sleep so you can survive another day. But even when you do fall asleep, you find yourself waking up every hour, checking the time on your phone, checking for missed calls or messages. 
Yes, you did in fact still have that sliver of hope Ushijima would reach out.
Yet, whenever the phone illuminates your face waking you up, even more, your notifications are empty. And honestly, your heart was too, yet also so heavy.
The past couple of mornings you’ve had classes later that day, you manage to sleep on and off until you had to drag yourself to campus in time.
But oh my god. Class is nothing short of boring making time feel like it’s moving alarmingly slow. You think perhaps you can get away with taking a nap, seeing as you are seated at the back of the class. Except as you’re about to, the professor designates a group assignment.
Gathering your stuff, you move to a desk to sit with your group members the professor assigned. As you scan the other student's faces before opening your textbook up, a small commotion at the front of the classroom distracts you. A student files in apologizing to the professor for her tardiness. At first, you don’t recognize her familiar appearance until she approaches your group to sit down across from you. But once you do, you realize you are met with the girl you never thought you’d see like this. 
The transfer student.
Infuriatingly enough, she’s pretty wearing a nicely put-together outfit with a face full of makeup perfectly applied. You notice the soft shine from her sparkly gloss as she smiles flashing her pearly whites. The atmosphere seems to shift as her smile radiates before speaking up. No wonder Ushijima has a thing for her. She's gorgeous.
“I’m Sara,” she announces. “I look forward to working with you all!”
The student beside you nudges your arm, gesturing you to introduce yourself.
“Oh, I’m Y/N,” you say softly, trying to revert your eye contact with the new member whose eyes sparkle while gazing at you. 
Then it strikes you. Does she even know who you are?
Back at the apartment, Oikawa enters his room to grab his homework and textbooks. The room is a mess with clothes thrown on the floor and your belonging placed unorderly in random spots. He shoots the room with a sour look, a bit displeased seeing as he always thought you were much tidier than this. Approaching his desk, he notices your pile of clothing holding his textbooks hostage, drooped all over his desk. He starts to sweat as he slowly pries his books from under hoping the heap of clothes won’t fall. And he’s lucky for a moment until a couple of articles crash to the floor.
Oikawa sighs as he begins to pick them up to place them back on the desk. But as he grabs your jacket, he hears a small thud as cartilage hits the floor. He looks down to see what’s been dropped and spies a pack of smokes. 
He hesitantly picks them up analyzing the half-used pack unsure why it was in his pocket.
“Hey are you-- What are you doing?” Iwaizumi scolds pausing in the doorway staring at Oikawa in surprise. He looks down to where Oikawa’s eye line meets.
Oikawa turns to Iwaizumi, “She smokes?”
“Uh, no,” Iwaizumi spouts out quickly, walking up to Oikawa taking the pack away from him. “She’s holding that for me.”
“Don’t bullshit, I know you don’t smoke this brand,” he sneers, face flickering with disgust. “Why are you covering for her?”
Iwaizumi is quiet as the shame he had hoped to ignore fills him with guilt.
“Fuck,” Oikawa snaps storming out of the room.
“Y/N,” a voice calls out to you from behind. Class finally ended and you had rushed out in order to get back to the apartment at a decent hour. Meeting Sara really put you in a bad mood and the last thing you wanted to do was linger after class for some forced conversation. Yet when you turn around to see whose voice it was, Sara stands before you smiling.
“What do you think of going out for dinner tonight? I thought it would be a good idea for our group to get to know each other more since we will be working together for the rest of the semester…”
She’s polite and soft-spoken, a seemingly large contrast from your loud and fiery personality.
“Um, I’m not sure…”  you say after a long pause. 
“Please! It will be fun. You can even bring some friends.” she pleads, perhaps more appealing than you wanted to hear.
There’s a strange excitement to her voice that makes you feel like you need to say yes as you think about it for a moment. Her invitation must mean she doesn’t know that you are her new boyfriend’s recent ex-girlfriend of 3 days. With that in mind, your curiosity grows about what kind of person Sara is.
“What time?” you reply.
“I’m back,” you call into the apartment. Surprisingly, you are a bit enthusiastic to tell Oikawa and Iwaizumi about the invitation. It was your chance to spy and you knew Oikawa would definitely be down to join.
Oikawa rushes out with a stern look on his face just moments after you announce your arrival. He was ready to confront you about what he found today, but before he has a chance to you speak up.
“I have a favor to ask of you,” you say while unlacing your shoes.“I met the transfer student today, her name is Sara. I didn’t realize she’s in my class.”
Oikawa remains silent, cluing into the way you radiate as you speak; it’s been a while since he’s seen you this way. Your voice seems to chirp at a higher note and the way you’re carrying yourself seemed lighter as well.
“She asked me to go out for dinner, to get to know me better,” you threw up a couple of air quotes to mock her. “You, me and Iwaizumi, we’re going. I have to see what she’s all about.”
You look at Oikawa who still hasn’t spoken and shoot him a concerned look, “What? Did I do something?”
“Dinner? With your ex's new girlfriend?” he mutters, sounding not even remotely pleased with your explanation.
“Apparently she doesn’t know I’m his ex,” you answer coy. “Or I doubt she would have invited me.”
You may not have all the answers you want, but you sure as hell know you can find out something.
“I mean, you don’t have to come, I’m sure Iwaizumi will be fine just going with me,” you smirk.
“Uh, no I’ll come,” Oikawa responds quickly, realizing he’s going to have to keep an eye on you. Right now, you don’t know that he knows you’re smoking and maybe instead of confronting you there was another way he could stop you from continuing the bad habit. He most definitely could have brought it up now, but seeing you in a happier mood, for once, he didn’t want to ruin it.
Suddenly, the door opens behind you and Iwaizumi appears glistening in sweat from his afternoon jog. He looks like he’s glowing as he wipes the sweat from his brow and gazes at you in the entrance. “What’s going on?” 
“Y/N-chan’s exes new girl asked Y/N to go out for dinner, but we assume she doesn’t know about Y/N and Ushijima… You in?” Oikawa explains.
Iwaizumi isn’t sure he understood the entire explanation but doesn’t seem to care as he notices the stars in your eyes waiting for his response. He can tell he wants you to go.
“How much time do I have to get ready?”
The restaurant is lively, full of patrons talking over each other while they argue over who’s going to buy the next pitcher of beer. You feel your nerves start to explode as you check the crowded room in search of Sara and your group members. Fortunately, a hostess greets you and you ask her in regards to where a big group of people would be sitting. As you follow behind her deeper into the restaurant, the more everything starts to feel real. You are on the cusp of turning around and getting out of there. 
Did you really want to see what she was like? Were you that desperate for answers? 
But you’re too late to turn back as Sara’s face lights up when she sees you. 
“You made it!” she smiles.
But you can’t meet her with the same bright smile because right beside her is Ushijima. 
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url-is-url · 3 years
Can you please talk more about valerie red huntress symbiote au ? Just general thoughts on how it would work ? I know barely anything about Venom but imagine valerie would get the symbiote from Axion Labs.
First of all: I will be referring to the symbiote as Venom, a la movie canon, because I have a deep and passionate loathing for the past three years of Venom comic canon, do not get me started on this because I will not be able to stop.
Okay firstly: YES Venom totally comes from Axion Labs. I have not watched Danny Phantom since it was actually airing so I'm definitely checking the ole wiki as I write this but apparently Axion Labs was its own thing and then VladCo bought it? Idk how Venom got to Axion Labs, but it got there and the scientists were like "idk wtf to do with this" and just sorta. Put it in a drawer with a label that says "weird space goo" and forgot about it. (That is VERY MUCH a thing that happens in science labs you would not BELIEVE the shit you can run into if you start poking around old storage objects in labs.) And then VladCo buys Axion, and Intern Valerie is helping organize things and she finds the jar of lost space goo. Idk what happens after that; maybe she determines it's some flavor of alive and passes it to Vlad under the assumption that it's a Weird Space Ghost, maybe she drops it and Venom escapes and bonds with her. I don't know, the details of how they get together aren't important IMO, the important part is the interactions between symbiote and host.
Valerie is still in high school and this is very important to me. Depending on what you do and don't consider canon, Venom is between several thousand and six hundred million years old. Depending on what you do and don't consider canon, Venom has BEEN TO EARTH BEFORE! I am of the opinion that Venom is actually extremely knowledgeable about physics and chemistry and other like, not-Earth-specific things, because they're old as balls. So imagine you're in high school and you're in AP World learning about the Vikings, and you hear this bass-ass voice in your head go actually it wasn't like that at all and suddenly you're RELIVING some other creature's memories of fighting Vikings. Or you're in high school and you're in biology watching a video about octopus camouflage and this voice in your head goes we can do that too and your arm turns "invisible". Imagine you're on your period and you ran out of Advil and you think to yourself "I swear to god if this lunch line doesn't move faster I'm gonna eat the kid in front of me" and the voice in your head goes no, eat the one behind you, he looks juicier LIKE WHAT THE FUCK
Valerie and Venom get together way after Danny becomes Phantom. So Valerie has this huge crush on Danny, but then she also hates Phantom's guts. Venom has senses that humans don't so they can tell that Fenton is Phantom, and Venom regrets their life choices re:bonding with a human, because oh no, these bald apes are so fucking stupid. Every day Venom considers informing Valerie about the secret identity thing. Every day Venom remembers that Phantom's ghostly wail is extremely deadly to them specifically. Every day Venom does not tell Valerie about the secret identity thing.
Most of town is probably at least a little convinced that the huntress is some sort of weirdass ghost, because humans aren't that big. I headcanon Valerie as being short but muscular as hell, around 5'4". Venomized Valerie? Pushing 7' and built like Athena. People assuming she's a weirdass ghost pisses Valerie off SO MUCH, and it pisses Venom off too though for different reasons (I AM TAKING VERY GOOD CARE OF MY HOST SHE IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ALIVE I AM INSULTED BY YOUR INSINUATIONS THAT SHE IS IN ANY WAY DECEASED)
Oh hey wait, if Venom can tell the Dannys are the same person, Venom can also tell that the Vlads are the same person. Vlad has never demonstrated anything along the lines of a ghostly wail, so his secret identity is NOT safe and Venom tells Valerie what's what. Valerie is so disturbed, but then she decides to give Vlad the Homophobic Rich Grandpa treatment and pretends to go along with what he wants so she can get that sweet sweet tech, then she turns right around and does whatever she wants when he's not looking. Maybe Venom (as in the big lady) and Red Huntress are assumed to be two different people because Valerie works for Vlad as Red but then does her own stuff as Venom?
Carnage. Oh god, Carnage. So, the Carnage symbiote (often referred to as Red, I love a coinkydink) is Venom's offspring. In the comics, it is possible for a host to experience sympathetic morning sickness and shit in advance of the symbiote spawning. Please imagine you're in high school in a small town, and you are nauseous as fuck and having weird dreams and cannot eat enough chocolate (chocolate is a good source of phenylthylamine, which is a neurotransmitter that symbiotes need to eat) and one of your shitty high school friends goes "omg are you PREGNANT" and you know that whatever you say, everybody in the universe is gonna hear it. You've never had sex in your life but you still have a moment of panic like OH GOD AM I THE NEXT VIRGIN MARY SHIT and then your body roommate is like actually, this one's on me. DO YOU LOSE YOUR WHOLE GODDAMN MIND OR DO YOU LOSE YOUR WHOLE GODDAMN MIND. "wait Venom I thought you were a guy" "why would you think that i have a concept of gender" "...your voice is deep?" "humans are so fucking stupid"
The big weaknesses of symbiotes are fire and certain frequencies of sound. Venom is scared shitless of Ember McClain, send tweet.
There's a re-appearing ghost who hosted Venom when they were alive. This could be a canon character or an OC. Either way, the interactions maximally play up the "awkward ex" thing.
A better source of the phenylthylamine Venom needs to live is BRAINS. This is now a ghost hunger AU also and Valerie catches Phantom noshing on like, a ghost deer or something. Cue Venom SEE IF HE CAN DO IT WHY CAN'T WE
Hey Venom's an alien who is old as balls, it's called the INFINITE REALMS, there's probably LOTS of alien ghosts with opinions about symbiotes
One day Phantom gets hurt really badly and Valerie feels bad enough to go save his ass (if only because the only person that gets to kill Phantom is HER tyvm). Venom is very Exasperated Parent about all of these fool human children so they just. Pick him up by the scruff like a disgruntled kitten and drag him to safety.
Venom has a very, very low opinion of the Doctors Fenton. Venom knows one (1) thing about humans and that is Protecc The Children and these morons are continuously shooting at their own child. The only reason Venom has not eaten them is because a) Valerie insists that humans are off menu and b) Danny's ghostly wail is scary. Also the only competent ghost hunters in this town seem to be Sam, Tucker, Danny, Jazz, and Valerie. Valerie why are the only competent people in this town children. "i wish i FUCKIN KNEW"
I'm now headcanoning that Valerie has a Very Southern grandma or auntie just to have an excuse for Venom to learn Very Southern expressions. Please imagine doing something stupid and the alien that lives in your brain stem just goes "oh bless your heart". Please imagine that some asshole yoinked the whole town into the Ghost Zone again and the alien that lives in your brain stem is like "dear jesus give me patience" I just think that would be funny.
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!!!!! learned from my mistakes and typed this out in a separate document. first i have to say im feeling a very deep connection with citron as of late bc i was giving myself a pep talk abt like physics and i told myself "face up and man the music!" and was like "...is that wrong. theres that song called man against the music isnt there... yeah it must be right" and. well i realized later. i also think the phrase "dont cry because it happened, smile because its over" is very good. also I’m halfway thru creating a very eclectic list of like. a Pokémon team for each a3 character which is… something. kinda knew it would happen to me. might take a while for me to finish it tho now that I’m halfway bc I’m suddenly having a crisis like “wait shit I’m only confident on my understanding and characterizing of like 4 characters am I good enough” so… it’s slow going lol. anyways. i finished that damn physics thing I was giving myself a pep talk about and so am treating myself to autumn/winter. happens that watching these events is also like. the only thing which reminds me to actually like. log into a3 lol. i am so bad at gacha games. probably a good thing in the long run. ok starting from the top!
hisoka going "zzz" as his reaction made me immediately go... oh dear, please dont fall asleep in the bath and guess what happened. yeah. good thing homare was there lol. speaking of i fucking adore homare and his poetry. id buy his collection. i also wish there was a collection like if there was a master list of every poem he says in like. at the very least main story. if not i will literally do it myself. i love homare so much im like him in that back when i had to play dodgeball id always be like kufufufu they cant hit me if im friendless enough that no one pays attention to me but like in my case it actually worked out. on the subject of the pillow fight tho, hisoka's crazy strong pillow fight throw... one more mark on the list for suspicious, maybe assassin occupation. this event made me realize how much i missed winter like. i saw the stranger pretty recently (which has caused the effect of be being like "taichi!! thats my boy!!" in my head everytime he shows up lol but anyways i havent gotten to a winter play yet so im VERY hype. especially bc this seems like it stars hisoka and homare??? like oh!! oh!!!! also detective fiction... im swooning. i also just enjoy the hisoka homare dynamic a whole fucking lot i think its nice how homare was like "yeah im ride or die for this funky lil amnesiac, why wouldnt you be?" and its just like. nice. feel like hes always reaching out to hisoka which is like. man homare is so nice.
back to chronology. ofc sakyo goes cheap for the hot springs lol. on brand as ever. was very hype for the azuma sakyo dynamic bc all i remember is like azuma trashing everyone including sakyo at some game or the other in one of the winter chapters and it was very good. or was this a clip in like a stage play? either way it was delightful. at first i misinterpreted taichi going "…" after azuma and sakyo said theyd never been on a field trip bc like. taichi being quiet or noncommunicative... after going thru autumn troupe act 1 it makes me fear for my life a little lol. anyways im glad he was just like planning fun times. speaking of taichi tho we got a tasuku taichi pair for etudes!!!! im not spoiling myself for later events but i hope to GOD tasuku and taichi do like a lead co lead in SOMETHING or at least like some mixed troupe event i want them to talk!!!
also dunno if this is an intentional pun but i enjoy that its called high spirits at the hot spring bc like oh theyre having fun but also bc like. "spirits" is used to refer to a certain type of alcohol i think? which is cool. dunno if its intentional but i liked that. anyways the talent show. taichis moving rendition of single ladies... ok i know it said single fellas but like. we know. wonder if that line was a different song in japanese? its not too old at ALL tho imo. anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment... flashback to when banri slaps juza live on stage instead of doing a stage slap lol. my reaction to azuma essentially went:
azuma: I can offer to bare my soul, and a little more ;)
izumi: what do u mean by that???
me: hey tasuku and omi were shirtless what's ur problem with azuma
anyways i reread and from what i understand they were maybe only flexing and doing a gun show? which like. no wonder it didnt last too long then lol. also explains why they didnt have shirtless sprites i suppose lmao. i am SO curious abt what azuma ended up doing tho that fade to black is so mysterious! did he tap dance? did he pole dance? the world will never know...
oh also im not like super familiar with azuma yet but my read on his personality is definitely like "I am so touch starved All The Time but I will be chill. :) :) this is fine :)" like he just seems to rly like being around people! just like basking in presence whether or not hes rly talking that much.
i enjoyed that juza mentioned pillow fighting with his lil brother... thats nice! i think a lot of this event was just focused on ppl having fun over the drama lol bc it got wrapped up sooo quick. i liked the bit where sakyos worried that izumi was out late searching for him tho it was so sweet. table tennis match was very fun although id argue calling hisoka and juza the two quietest tho lol like... banri exists so juza isnt quiet. just like inevitably. finally, the event cg!!! azumas hair tied up... so nice! thats how I tie my hair up sometimes tho it doesnt look nearly as nice lol. taichi rambling abt his first love for so long tho... lol. ill be honest i have to reread autumn bc i was not aware of this whole situation until it came up in the stranger and i like inferred from there. the end of this event was nice! it was cute. i dont rly have much thoughts on it but im so hype for the winter play
Hello:!!! so good to see you again, freshly learning from your mistakes then :3c
the connection with Citron is a BLAST to read about. I am glad that Citron is there, on your mind, supporting you at every turns of language. It's beautiful.
AND OH THE POKEMON LIST!!! thrilled to hear about it being a wip ongoing! take your time ofc and i hope you'll feel more confident as you go for your characters interpretation! i believe in you!
lmao i'm glad the events help you remember to play a3, i'm sure that by the time you'll be done with the events you will have unlocked so much of act 2 you won't have to worry too much about it. Anyway i'm glad you treat yourself to good things :3c
of course Hisoka fell asleep in the bath. tbh this event was a lot of "Hisoka almost dies in a spring house multiple times if it wasn't for his troupesmates". Between sleeping in the bath and almost swallowing the table tenis ball... where would we be without Winter, and especially Homare, taking care fo him.
I'm SO GLAD you like Homare that much! he's so so good! i'm sure there must be a masterlist somewhere, or well. can be done anytime i guess?? but yeah Homare is fantastic and LDJFDLKFJDF the evil plan to avoid dodgeball from both of you.. this is incredible DLKJFDLKF. But yeah alas he's loved by his own so he gets hit smh.
And yeah Hisoka is just acting sus huh.
BUT YEAH... YEAH... WINTER... BELOVED.... I feel regular and normal feelings for Winter as you know, s o .
(i'm so delighted that you feel that way about Taichi though, as he deserves!! what a good boy!!!)
But yeah Winter play next!!!!! i love the winter plays so much i hope you'll like it as well!! aND YEAH HISOKA AND HOMARE AS A DUO... for a DETECTIVE story?? so good.
I'm sO GLAD you like their dynamic! yeah i adore it too. Homare was so quick to leap into taking care of Hisoka? Like i mean he immediatly called him sleeping beauty when they first met, and immediately decided to be his roommates to watch over him, and then he did everything to take care of him and it's just so sweet. Homare has such a big heart he's so gentle with Hisoka. Homey and comfortable, whenever Hisoka admits it or not ahah.
ahah wouldn't be Sakyo if he didn't need to stay cheap. BUT YEAH the Sakyo/Azuma dynamic is pretty good. oh the event you talk about i think is in some of his very first backstage storyes (that you can read if you have them since they're at this point of the chronology). There's one where they play a mafia game and Sakyo is warry of Azuma because "people like him are those you need to worry about the most" and Azuma is just ":) you wound me :) i would never :)" and then Azuma wins the game and starts to mess with everyone. It was so fun. and yeah i see which clip you mean for the stage play!! it's so so fun they have such a neat dynamic and i loved to see it in this event as well.
and omg worrying about Taichi while he was just there preparing a fun time! this child really would have worried us all back then huh
but AHH YEAH TASUKU TAICHI.... It's such a neat dynamic! ofc i won't say anything but man i love the potential of their stories, as the two ex Godza boys. To see them bond and be comfortable with each other always make me so soft.
OH NICE CATCH FOR THE PUN! i think it must be the reason for it tbh, i love it! thanks for pointing it out!
The talent show was really fun yeah ahah! I wonder what it is in Japanese too but at least the localization was hella fun!
"anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment." THEY'RE SO SILLY I love them so much
AND LMAO YOUR REACTION AT AZUMA I LOVE IT. YEah i think Tasuku and Omi are just flexing (which is Still. SO FUNNY. Just there saying "our talents is.. our muscles...") meanwhile Azuma is like "my talent is that i'm crazy hot :)"
your read on Azuma's personality feels pretty spot on to me ahah omg. Staying with what you know about him, the fact that with his job and all, he seems like he's starving for connection while also terrified to make himself emotionally vulnerable. He loves staying with people, listening to them, caring for them, and he's touch starved as hell (i mean it's his job) but he doesn't seem to really know how to be on the receiving hand of affection. there's a flair talk, i can't remember where, with Omi at some point, where Azuma compliments him, and Omi is just "mhm.. but you know i think that it's more about you" and ends up complimenting Azuma in depth and it let Azuma dumbfounded because he didn't expect Omi to trick him at his own game, while Omi just genuinely don't get why Azuma is reacting that way. He gives he gives he gives, and he's genuinely happy with that, but he seems to have difficulties to take, or to demand for something, while also starving for it. I have so many emotions for Azuma.
Any mentions of Juza's little bro are the best things. I love this type of mention TwT
And yeah it was such a laid back event. Honestly deserved after the crying fest that was The Stranger imo. It's good to relax once in a while and it was nice to have them have fun. There was the bitterness of both Azuma and Sakyo's past that was always a bit looming but everyone was working so hard for them to enjoy themselves that the joy just overtake any sadness i loved it.
Sakyo worrying about Izumi is always adorable TwT
And yeah the Table Tennis match was so fun and chaotic LMAO. I love the dynamic between Juza and Hisoka. Just two usually quiet boys who like sweets. Except that yeah like you say, as long as Banri is around, Juza cannot be 100% quiet. Rip.
THE CG WAS SO PRETTY i loved seeing it. And omg you can share your hairtips with Azuma how nice :D Azuma manages to make everything look beautiful smh....
Oh yeah Taichi and his first love! if i recall he mentions it quickly at the begining, that Yuki reminds him of his first love, and he says that again at some point - then the fake Portrait he does he mentions his first love again. And since then it's been a reccuring topic so yeh :3c
but yeah! this event was really sweet and laid back, not much to say about it, but it was nice to have it at all!
Hope you'll like the winter play :3c
Take care and thank you again for your thoughts <33 i love reading them!! bless you!!
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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                 *Yoongi centered fic with a shared OT7 plot*
CH.1.1   CH. 1.2
**Operation: What’s eating blue!?***
“Stop, this stopped being a you, thing and became a us thing  the minute we chose to show up here tonight! You gave us an out and we stayed...we will always stay...”
1.2 K Sneak Peek
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Sugar baby AU/Suspense/Smut/Angst/Roomate AU/FWB AU
WC: 7K
Nonsexual Warnings: Mentions of drug use (Molly/weed/)Strong language/ Alcohol addictions/ brief mentions/ speculations of domestic violence/abuse
Sexual Warnings: Oral (M & F receiving) power bottom Min Yoongi, cum play, breath play, spanking, dirty talk, Slight overestimation, sex toys (Cock rings....) Semi-public sex (A chill little blow job in the car) The sexual warnings are for both parts of CH.1 so the smut is split in half!
NOTE:  Just to clarify the dynamic Yoongi and the OC are roommates who hookup on the side, they are BOTH sugar babies to two separate people! So yes, that would imply that Yoongi and some of the other boys who are also sugar babies are Bi. There is no MxM but there is mentions of it occasionally….as well as some harmless ot7 flirting! Also all of the boys are introed, Tae and Joon just play a lager part here!
I guess, fuck where do we even start? Maybe, will go back to where it all technically started, which was the last time things felt...somewhat normal yeah?
So, that would be...hmm...about 2 weeks shy of you heading into Junior year at USC right? The day your boys picked you up at the airport, and the three of your treated Blue, aka TaeTae to brunch!?
Well, wait let’s back track a little it all started much eariler than that, because you weren’t even aware of your brunch plans until later in the day. So Initially the day in question kicks of with you, in oversized blacked out CHLOE shades, hungover as fuck, sat in at the airport one Sunday afternoon. Smack dab in the middle of Terminal 6, in a bar called Blu2o sipping on a Bloody Mary, scrolling aimlessly through Snapchat. While simotaniously being told for the very first time ...that you’ll be attending a “Haute Couture”  themed charity auction...on Tuesday! Yup,  the day after tomorrow! Thank god he can’t see your damn face right now, biting down on your straw to muzzle yourself!
“No, babe it’s fine, I’ll just hit Rodeo tomorrow morning, and I’m sure my nail and lash girl can fit me-Oh you...haven’t gotten... what ...your wearing either?” Parroting the words back In slow motion as if it would make the words sound better or something!
Oh for fucks sake! Bringing your forehead flush to the marble bartop already feeling a full blown migraine brewing at the nape of your neck. Giving yourself a couple moments to self compose, this man is so damn unorganized it’s unfucking real. His personal assistant better be the 2nd highest paid person within his entire company because…..This is far from new, I don’t even know why your suprised and I’d say you don’t get paid enough for this....but ya do! So you suck it up, lose the attitude and slip right into your “Yes sir” or maybe I should say ‘Yes daddy” voice.
“Don’t worry about it, I know your busy. I totally get it, your a 28 waist right? Of course, I remember...I remember everything you tell me….Ohhh your gonna let me put you in color too???” Eyes flickering up to the notification from your bank, noting a cute little 12k wire pending.
“Yeah, no, I see it, that should be good. I was thinking Versace or Cavili for you anyway...they have good prints to fit the theme, and if all else fails I have my card too…yup..just landed about..hmm... 30 minutes ago actually. Of course, stop apologizing, Sunday's are always your golf days, I get it, hey, tell the guys I said hi and enjoy your day. Text me later if you feel up to it..k....bye..”
Were you actually getting a little flustered there towards the end? It's the slight accent, isn't it? Honestly, it didn't take much for you to slip into “character” with him, even after barely being together a full month. For one he wasn’t an asshole, had a decent sense of humor, and he’s really fuckin hot...however there was one, little, well shit, not so little issue...you noticed while with him recently. Which, then sparked quite a few questions while also answering some that had been rattling through your head since the day you met. But will circle back to the fact that you spent a week on vacation with a man, while dressed in some of the sexiest pieces of 2019 couture! Yet..you barely got touched once outside of a couple chaste kisses and hand-holding while at the two fashion shows you attended together… so, yeah, yeah!
A low groan in frustration rattled from your throat as you continued scrolling through Snapchat, trying to come up with some possible outfit scenarios in your head! It’s kinda funny, how mynute all of that seems now though, how your definition of “Stress” that day was you trying to decide if your sugar daddy was gay, while also  finding time to fit in a self-care day, shopping, and getting your books for school!!  The fact that, that was what you considered migraine worthy, fuck, what you wouldn’t give to consider multitasking your only maltitude of “stress” again …..
Just in your own little world, mind swirling with a couple of stylists you’ve met along the way, considering the idea of them pulling some vintage pieces for you instead!  What you should be doing, is scrolling through your contact list and texting said stylists, instead you find yourself more and more distracted.  Getting lost in the mounds of snap updates from Jimin as he “modestly” sunbathed in a private villa in Italy. Then later sharing a glimpse into his shopping spree from Versace, no doubt a good 20k worth of Italian luxury spread out along the plush white sheets. Sending him a cheeky little “That’s my boy” with a couple of smug winky faces in response!
It’s still kinda crazy to think, things like that are considered normal within your world now, the fact that you aren’t even surprised at the number of gifts. Or, simply the fact that your barley 21-year-old best friend is sunbathing in Italy on someone else’s dime. Then again, you just got sent 12 thousand dollars to spend on an event that would last maybe all of 5 hours, while sitting next to a stack of Louis Vuittion luggage from your first class flight in from Vegas, technically. Opting to land there first after a long 15-hour flight, checking in at The Four Seasons for not even a solid 24 hours before coming home! Honestly?There was no real reason for the pit stop except it gave you an excuse to see a friend while also allowing you to unwind in one of your favorite hotels!
That sentence alone is actually absurd when you really think about it, the idea of you casually booking flights and suites in 5-star hotels as if you’re ordering off the damn dollar menu at Mcdonalds! You, the girl that was working two jobs at the Groove and mourning a piece of shit cheating ex boyfriend her freshman year of college.....is now reminiscing about catching flights to chill with friends and last minute finding dresses for Couture themed galas.Like, what the actual fuck is life.... Oh my bad, life at the moment is constantly being paranoid that you and your friends will get arrested! Life in this moment however...was a fucking perfect!
The friend you where meeting in Vegas was Hoseok by the way, the redhead was currently vacationing in Sin City for the next couple of days, typically residing in LA as well. Just Chillin’ before the semester starts, living his best life, which revolves around “OFF-WHITE'' shopping sprees, private dance lessons, and constantly taking thirst trap pics for his 10’s of thousands of followers online. He randomly texts you saying “I miss your face” you text him saying “I land at 8 tonight bring a bottle and sushi to room 605 at The Four Seasons hotel '' Simple!
Your initial flight, the one that was 15 hours, was originally from Paris, where you spent the last week or so with Jeong-su, being arm candy, sipping wine, sightseeing and of course shopping!. Barley 32 hours ago your Snapchat looked pretty damn similar, if not worse in comparison to Jimin’s but what can I say, you can’t be in the home of Givenchy and Gaulthier and not go to Givenchy and Gaultier!
What your life is, what you and your friends do, I mean, I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty self-explanatory yeah? The average 20 something-year-old in college isn't flying themselves out of the country or going luxury shopping without a little help. In your case, it’s typically thanks to a person you commonly refer to as “Daddy” now, the context behind the word however….is where you and your friends may differ from others…..
But that’s your business, your concern and more importantly your choice, and honestly for a while life seemed too damn good to be true...I guess looking back on it now, I guess that’s because it kinda was!
Sat at the predominantly empty bar alone, more than content by the silence, twirling your straw between your lips, as you scanned back over the shit show that was your schedule for the semester! Getting more of a migraine from that, then shopping or even the fact that you're still hungover and drinking on an empty stomach at half-past 12. Shooting a quick text to your redheaded best friend cursing him out for getting you drunk off your ass on a bottle of Yamazaki 12.
“Can I get anything else for you beautiful? Another drink or maybe an appetizer? We have damn good loaded queso fries if I do say so myself!” Waving the menu in your face playfully, the warm, inviting voice in front of you was the bartender, who’s had his eye on you since you swayed in. Even if you looked like crap for your standards you knew to most you were the farthest thing from it as you swayed into the bar like you owned the place. In your heels, and tiny little black dress, while an airport assistant trolied in your luggage behind you! Ohhh Blair  Waldorf would without a doubt be proud!
“Mmmm…” Lips pursed in a slight pout as you raked over the menu, honestly, you were hungry and they have bomb ass fried pickles…..”Actually, yeah, I’ll get-”
“ 3 tall shots of whatever top-shelf Tequila you have, also add whatever she’s been drinking to my tab, along with an order of fried pickles with extra ranch…please and thank you!” Smoothly sliding his black card, and ID across the marble bartop for review.
The look on the bartender’s face was fucking priceless, torn between shitting himself and maybe….nah, just straight shitting himself! Skin flushed, the sense of panic was clear as day,  wondering if he’d overstepped that fine line between customer service and filtration. Considering whoever the person behind you is, clearly knows you well enough to know your food order. A forced bashful smile playing along his lips as he bowed out in acknowledgment, sliding the gentelmen back is ID and whispering out a faint “Yes sir, coming right up…”
The base vibrating through your ears instantly had you readjusting your posture, a strong tingle running down your spine, back arching ever so slightly. A playful smirk playing along your lips as you slowly laced your tongue back around your staw, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You sure you wanna do that? My tastes are pretty expensive..” Tone blatantly flirtatious, yet you still hadn’t bothered to even turn around, that’s when suddenly you hear a deep arrogant chuckle rumbling low in his chest. Only...this sounds a little brighter? And like it’s coming from your left instead of behind you…
“Mmm, I’m sure we can handle it baby….”
You could feel the air shift behind you, it felt warmer, and there was a strong mix of scents flooding through your nose. Leaning back in your seat, pleasantly finding your shoulders, the back of your neck, and your head, cradled against a lean wall of silk. Sighing contently, naturally letting your body melt into his frame, nose running into your face as you smiled so hard your cheeks hurt. That’s when a gangle of veiny, porcelain limbs wrapped around your shoulders pulling you even tighter against him, only to find brown, sharp, cat-like eyes staring down at you, though a pair of translucent designer shades. Seemingly a little bit amused at how excited you are to see him. Long dark wavy locks falling messily into his face, a tiny silver hoop dawning his button nose. Tongue playing at the corner of his mouth, letting the tiny silver ball slip between his lips. This angle lets you really appreciate how sharp, yet soft his features were, an oxymoron that honestly makes no damn sense unless you see him in person….jawline sharp enough to cut glass yet he has the cutest cheeks ever when he smiles. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever and he’s one of the many reasons you have trust issues. Well, that and your line of work, considering the number of men you find out are married and still try and sneak around with you.
Then, as if to just make his presence known, there’s another pair of hands making their home along your body, gently squeezing your thigh. Except, he’s polar opposite to the person I just described, the man behind you is your roommate Yoongi, the man who just took a seat to your left, is your other roommate Namjoon! First off, he’s tall as all hell, and an offensively perfect shade of brown, he can’t even go into the burbs without being asked what self-tanner he uses. In which he smugly replies “Genetics” letting them sit there and try and google said company that makes that brand of self-tan. Streams of meticulously placed colored neo-traditional tattoos paint his skin, accompanied by deep dimples, and bleach blonde hair styled into an undercut, sides buzzed into the perfect fade.
“So you gonna get up and give me a real hug or what???”  Placing a kiss in your hair as he pulled back, giving you room to hop out of your seat and right into his arms.
The Full thing is coming soon, this is from summer 2019, I just have to edit, and reread the full thing again! I also wrote the first 3 parts all at once..sooo if your exicted show this some love anddddddddd come let me know!
Love you as always,
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glove23 · 4 years
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
i just downloaded all of the kane chronicles books and i’m finally gonna read thru all of them
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?
i guess AUs bc canon doesn’t matter
4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
harry potter. specifically hp time travel/dimension travel
5. What’s a crackship you love?
that i LOVE? ummm i don’t know honestly i’m pretty basic but i guess i’ll say tom riddle/draco malfoy 😂😂
6. What’s the last thing you read that made you laugh?
UNTIL THEN by Val_Creative on ao3 (THATS RIGHT ITS U) and there’s specifically like one funny paragraph that just hits my funny bone
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?
plz refer to question 6
8. Bed sharing or roommates AU?
9. Fake dating or arranged marriage?
fake dating
10. Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?
enemies to friends to lovers
11. Kid fic or childhood friends?
childhood friends
12.friends with benefits or secret dating?
secret dating
13. Exes or established relationship?
establishes relationship
14. (For authors) Post a line of dialogue from one of your WIPs without context.
“We can bring them back! I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to think of it!”
15.Post the last line you wrote without context
Harry screamed.
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count.
Your Makers Meet (Figuratively) is currently at 24k and is the sequel to my fic Meeting Your Maker (Literally) and it’s a classic Harry Ron and Hermione jump back in time to the Marauder era to try and prevent the massive casualty of the second wizarding war. if you have read the most recent chapter of ymmf that sentence will probably hurt a bit and i apologize but only a little
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
got a percabeth in the ideas and oh my god they were roommates and percy, son of poseidon, burns his hand in some [REDACTED] water
18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine?
reading: consume consume consume read it all in one night, comment on every chapter
writing: try to not be distracted, get distracted, get upset bc i haven’t written anything, write one paragraph, be proud of self for paragraph, be angry it’s only one paragraph, finish fic, cry
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
lord that’s broad uhhhhh tried and true my boy HP in honor of dobby after the war he starts wearing just absolutely ridiculous socks, but his favorite pair remain the pair dobby made him 💕💕
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
I do, they are Val_Creative on ao3 and ffn and @nooowestayandgetcaught on tumblr AHA ITS U!!! UR MY FAVORITE!!!! no one is surprised, i will read anything and everything u have written, regardless if i know the fandom or not. i love your style and the way u describe things just!!! ahh!!!! i love it SO MUCH anyways plz everyone go check out their fic it’s amazing thank u
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pietrotheavenger · 5 years
learn to love
chapter 3 - journey to the end of my life
summary: steve and y/n don’t get along. now, they have no choice.
pairings: au!steve rogers x fem!readwr
warnings: swearing, drinking
a/n: oops kinda disappeared for a second but i’m on summer break now so let’s hope for more posting!
series masterlist
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the following wednesday, steve and y/n loaded up steve’s car, bright and early, and were on their merry way to boston. for the first hour of the four-hour trip, she dozed off with a pair of earbuds in to drown out his radio. he constantly switched between stations and it irritated her beyond belief.
when she had arrived to his apartment, she nabbed one of his hoodies and pulled it over her clothes. she was practically swimming in all the fabric, but she didn’t mind. it was so comfortable and smelled amazing. she drew the hood up, and when she fell asleep in the car, it covered her face. he couldn’t tell that she had fallen asleep until he tried talking to her half an hour into the journey. the last thing she had said to him was, “i feel like i’m willingly journeying to the end of my life.”
“y/n,” he tapped her knee, “i’m bored.”
she spared him a glance. he was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses against the morning sun and steering his jeep with only one hand. the sun reflected perfectly off of his blond hair, making him glow. he felt her gaze on him and flicked his own to meet her eyes, briefly. “i am not your entertainment, rogers,” she grumbled before falling back asleep. he couldn’t help but smile. he liked seeing her in his clothes.
despite their stubbornness, they both considered the other one of their closest friends. they didn’t necessarily verbally confide in one another. when her boyfriend of two years broke up with her, he had wordlessly held her as she cried for a whole week. then, he told her to grow a pair and they both got wasted. it ended up somehow being a perfect fix.
once they were an hour away, he pulled into a gas station. he bought two coffees before he barged into the bathroom where she was dusting on some makeup and fixing her hair.
“steve!” she exclaimed. she was holding mascara in her hand and had nearly poked her eye out. “what the hell?”
“got you coffee just the way you like it,” he beamed before hopping up onto the counter. he set her cup down next to him.
she didn’t understand how he was so cheerful after getting such little sleep. they had facetimed until four in the morning, picking out her clothes for the trip. he had fallen asleep several times but would wake up to give her his input.
“beautiful,” he mumbled. his voice was heavy with sleep and his eyes looked as if they were closed.
she was holding her phone up to the mirror as she examined the outfit. “are you sure?”
“of course, babe,” his voice was husky and in his moment of tiredness, his boston accent shone through.
“you’re not even looking,” she pouted.
“am too,” he widened his eyes. “screen’s too bright.”
“you can turn your brightness down, you know.”
“then i can’t see.”
at six, he called her and asked if she had woken up yet. she had slept through all of her alarms. she had to be at his place fifteen minutes ago. “on my way right now, stevie,” she had grumbled before she hung up.
“go back to whatever you were doing. act like i’m not here,” he said, bringing the to-go cup to his lips. after just a flicker of silence he began speaking again, “okay, so, i think we should get our story straight.”
“do you have one in mind?” she raised an eyebrow.
“well, just keep it as close to the real deal as possible, right? we’re coworkers but got closer because your roommate dated my roommate.”
“alright, but let’s spice it up. add more romance,” she turned to him.
“ever the aspiring author,” he crossed his arms over his chest.
she set her mascara down and picked up her
coffee, leaning against the counter as she rolled her eyes, “oh, shut up. let’s say that you were too shy to ask me out, because i’m obviously so amazing. and we went out for drinks for work. i drank too much and threw up on your shoes. i got embarrassed and then asked to go grab a cup of coffee to make it up.”
“that actually happened. except no coffee and there was bad karaoke involved. and i took you home to my apartment where you threw up in my toilet and then stole my bed,” he pointed out. he laughed to himself before adding, “you were so drunk.”
“at least i didn’t throw up on your bedroom floor after drinking sangria. BECAUSE YOU DID. you know i have carpet, steve!”
“on god, my sangria was roofied.”
“just admit that you can’t hold your liquor, rogers.”
“i so can hold my liquor!”
“okay! we’re not going anywhere with this conversation. we can both be two mature adults here,” she held her hands up in defeat. “truce?”
“for now.”
“we don’t have to lie. just take things that we’ve done and make them sound romantic. i made throwing up on your shoes sound romantic,” she said to him.
“that sounds like your monthly good idea, y/l/n!”
“anything else, asshole?”
“i should tell you about my family.”
she nodded her head before resuming her makeup.
“okay my dad’s name is joseph and my mom’s name is sarah. refer to them as mr. and mrs. rogers unless they say not to. i’m the oldest of four. simon is three years younger than me, doing the college grind and a lot of drugs probably. he’s really funny and gets on moms nerves a lot. sophia is two years younger than simon. she’s finishing high school this year. super sweet and i would lay down my life for her. sawyer is two years younger than sofia. he’s the baby of the family and looks scarily like me. very smart and empathetic. family dog is rosie. please do not call her sophia. an ex did that and my mom kicked her out of the house.”
“who’s getting married?”
“alright, this is where it gets a bit complicated. there are two families that my family is very close with. they’re like blood to us. wanda is like a sister to me, and she’s the one getting married. she has a twin brother named pietro. they’re the maximoff’s.”
“and the other family?”
“the barnes’,” steve smiled to himself. “bucky and rebecca. bucky is honestly my best friend. even when i had nothing, i had bucky.”
“that’s sweet,” she grinned. “i think i’m done. let’s hit the road.”
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infinity tags:
@ssweet-empowerment ; @httpmcrvel ; @stardustandbucky ; @abuckyrogersworld ; @freightcarcap ; @c-a-v-a-l-r-y ; @coffeebooksandfandom ; @somethingmoreclever ; @2dreamcatcher8 ; @illegalportkey ; @uservalkyrie ; @fuckthatfeeling ; @xxashy999xx ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @tuliptx ; @wwhitewwolff ; @thisismysecrethappyplace ; @appreciating-chase-brody ; @renanyx ; @maladaptive-ninja-returns ; @marvelrose ;
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escapingreality1992 · 4 years
A Fake Engagement Leads to Love
Wanda Maximoff x OC
When Rachel learns her ex is engaged, she feels a bit lonely. At a party, Wanda takes things into her own hands when she pretends to be Rachel’s fiancee. They are both invited to the wedding and a vacation. On vacation, things get heated between Rachel and Wanda. Feelings are revealed.
Rachel’s POV
           I sat in the dark scrolling through social media, a habit I had taken up while on downtime from training with the team. Today in particular happened to be a day off leading into more before a part at the end of the week. It wasn’t an important one, but one to celebrate the end of summer. Bonus points for it not being thrown by Tony Stark. No, this was all Steve Rogers’ idea. Surprising right? Nothing fancy, but you were allowed to dress up if you wanted. I had already picked up my outfit for the occasion; a light pink, polka dotted dress. It was strapless and the hem stopped right above my knees.
           I hoped to impress my crush on that night. I wanted to capture the attention of Wanda Maximoff. I hadn’t expected how I would end up doing it.
           Under normal circumstances, I’d be on my phone with lights on, but in this case, it happened to be well past midnight; everyone had turned in for the night. Except me. I am a night owl and sometimes don’t go to bed until after 1 a.m. I kept scrolling, falling deeper into a rabbit hole, liking pictures or statuses, when something caught my eye. My finger paused, hovering over the tagged post of one of my friends:
           “Liam Hanover was tagged in a status post. Engaged to Carly Ibsen.’
           I blinked. I scanned over it a few more time before reading all of the congratulatory comments. Liam, my ex, was engaged. He hadn’t even texted or called to give me the good news…or that he had even been dating anyone. It didn’t bother me that he was now engaged, but it stirred a pent-up loneliness I had shoved away far in my mind.
           No, I had been over him for years. I only thought I’d be the one who would marry first. The status change brought out a new sadness in my heart. I no longer thought I’d get married. Instead what crossed my mind was I thought I’d be forever alone.
           “No. I’m all by myself,” I whispered in the dark. I logged out and put my phone on charge after setting an alarm for 7 a.m. Tears wells up, spilling over onto my cheeks as I buried myself beneath the covers.
              The loud noise of my alarm woke me. I sprang up out of bed and changed into workout clothes. I pulled my long, chocolate brown hair into a ponytail and – as quietly as I could – left the compound for a run. One factor I didn’t account for was Natasha waiting for me at the front door; she was also wearing workout clothes, perhaps anticipating for me to come down the stairs this morning.
           “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked. Oh, shit. How can she know already? I thought. I pretended I didn’t know what she was referring to.
           “What do you mean? I don’t…have anything to talk about,” I said. I paused when she held up the status post from last night on her phone.
           “How do you do that?” I asked, motioning for us to head outside.
           “I followed him after you two started dating. For precautionary measures of course. What I don’t get is why you haven’t gotten over him,” she replied.
           “I am over him. That’s not why I’m upset. I feel like I’m going to be alone forever,”
           “I don’t believe that for a second. You’ll find your special someone. There’s still time,”
           “Nat, I’ve been single for eight years. You managed to get a relationship with Bruce within two years. Steve is with Sharon and Bucky had the woman who he met at the movie theater. It’s bad enough, I have to see Liam’s engagement, plus all the pregnant former classmates from school. Not to mention my cousin who has also found out she’s pregnant,” I said.
           “You know… Wanda’s still single. I know you like her. Why not ask her out?” Nat suggested.
           “For starters, I don’t know that she likes women. Even if she does, I doubt she would be interested in me. Plus, I don’t want to ask her out after my ex got engaged. I’m sure that will really turn her on. Like, ‘hey, Wanda, my ex just got engaged and I’m feeling a little lonely. Want to go out?’ Yeah, that will be so great,” I snapped.
           “Don’t be grouchy. I’m only trying to help. If you don’t want to be lonely anymore, then do something about it,”
           “You don’t think I’ve tried. Nothing has worked. Forget it. I’m going to get breakfast. Alone. Don’t you dare say anything to Wanda, Nat. I mean it. I don’t want her pity. It’s the last thing I want from her,” I said.
           I stopped in the compound long enough to grab my keys and wallet. I left and spent the entire morning in a French café. I came back showered and picked up a favorite book to sit in the library with for a couple of hours. I’ll give Natasha credit. She didn’t say anything to anyone leaving me in peace. She left her plan for the party.
           I dreaded going to the party. Before, it had been about trying to impress Wanda, but now it was more I wanted to be with myself. My mind kept running back to the engagement post and I worried someone would see my pain. Wanda didn’t need to be one of them. In the end, I decided to go in favor of Steve, who really wanted all of his friends to be in attendance. I forced back my thoughts and held my head high as I stepped out on the rooftop.
           “Damn, I wish I could pull of polka dots as well as you,” Natasha greeted me.
           “Then I might have competition. I can’t let you beat me at impressing W…everyone,” I teased. Great. I still want Wanda to notice me despite of everything, I thought.
           “Ah. I see. This is for Wanda. Are you sure you don’t want to ask her out? You don’t have to mention Liam. Just tell her how you feel about her. The worst she can do is say no,”
           “No. I’m not feeling like myself. I guess I’m still reeling a little from the news. I think I’ll get a drink, maybe dance it out,” I said. She flashed me a thumbs up and left my side to find Bruce. I made my way to the bar and requested a run and coke to sip on. I watched the crowd, waiting on an upbeat song; I almost choked when I saw a familiar face. Liam.
           “Fuck. What is he doing here?” I muttered when he walked my way. I turned around, shielding my face and hoping he wouldn’t recognize me. Luck was not in my favor tonight.
           “Rachel? Is that you?” Liam asked me. I swallowed, forcing a smile to face him.
           “Liam. How have you been?” I said.
           “Good. Great, actually. I heard you moved in with the Avengers. Who knew you had a hidden ability? What was it again?”
           “Oh, you know. Animal magic. I’ve always been good with animals. I never would have expected to be able to call them into battle,” I replied.
           “Right. I got engaged to my roommate of all people. I guess things could happen like that. Let me bring her over here,” Liam stated. Of course, she’d be here, I thought. I fought the rolling nausea as he brought her to the bar.
           “Rachel, this is Carly. Carly, Rachel,” Liam introduced us. Wonderful. I’m in Hell, I thought, shaking the woman’s hand. At least things can’t get worse.
           “So, are you seeing anyone?” Liam asked. No, that’s a silly thought. It appears things can get worse. Not only that, but they were about to continue.
  Wanda’s POV
           I was mid-conversation with Carol, Bucky, Steve and Sam when Rachel walked in. The polka dot dress hugged her figure perfectly making it hard not to stare.
           “Wanda, you’re drooling. Why don’t you go talk to her?” Sam said. I turned away and went to wipe my mouth, finding it dry.
           “That’s not funny. I don’t want to interrupt their conversation. Besides she hadn’t noticed me yet,” I told him.
           “Natasha is already headed back this way. Go talk to Rachel. Get her to notice you. If you want to be more than friends, you’ve got to ask her,” Sam said.
           “I’m too nervous. Maybe later. Anyways, she seems as if she’s been in a bad mood the last couple of days,”
           “If you talked to her, you might know the reason. Wanda, she’s one of your best friends. There’s no reason to be nervous. Even if you do have crush on Rachel,” Natasha said.
           “Do you know why she’s been moping around the compound?” Bucky asked. Natasha nodded; her gaze locked on Rachel. The smile on her lips faded as she picked up on something else.
           “What? What’s wrong?” I asked. Nat quirked an eyebrow at my worried tone.
           “Is there danger? You would be worried too if there was going to be an attack,” She laughed, shaking her head.
           “No. No danger. Unless you call Rachel talking to her ex dangerous. What makes matters worse is that he’s engaged. Not to mention he’s brought his new fiancée here and he’s introducing them,” She stated. We all turned to see it playing out, Rachel’s body growing tense as it happened.
           “Is that Liam? The one she dated a couple of years ago. Weren’t they close? Oh my god. That’s why she’d been mopey. She’s lonely. Hey, Wanda, where are you going?” Bucky said.
           “Don’t worry. I’ve got an idea,” I told him, floating closer to the three people by the bar. It might be a disastrous one, but it would inevitably bring Rachel and me closer together.
  Rachel’s POV
           The doomed question. ‘Are you seeing anyone?’ Of course not. Instead, I’m watching Liam live out his happy life while I wallow in loneliness. I was about to answer when the feeling of soft skin draped over my shoulders. I turned my head to see Wanda standing beside me; my pulse quickened.
           “Is she your girlfriend?” Liam asked.
           “Fiancée, actually. I’m Wanda Maximoff. It’s nice to meet you…” Wanda interrupted me.
           “Liam. This is Carly Ibsen, my fiancée,” my ex said. I shot Wanda a look that said, ‘what are you doing?’ but she ignored it.
           “Liam. Right. Rachel didn’t mention you’d be in town,”
           “I decided to stop in. I heard there would be a party. I’ve never seen the Avengers compound. It’s funny. Rachel, you didn’t mention you were engaged, much less dating anyone,” Liam commented. Neither did you, I thought. I decided to play along with Wanda’s plan.
           “We wanted to keep things quiet. We can’t have enemies kidnapping one of us in order to draw the other out,” I said. I wrapped an arm around Wanda’s waist, pulling her closer to my body.
           “Oh. Well, you’re both invited to the wedding. Maybe we can double date before then. The wedding is in a few months. It’s an outdoor wedding in the mountains. Carly and I were thinking about heading down to the beach for a mini vacation in two weeks. Care to join us?” Liam said.
           “Sure. We could have a little fun ourselves,” Wanda answered. With that, she lifted my chin up to press her lips against mine. A shock went through me and I gasped, allowing her to slip her tongue inside my mouth. Warmth flooded my body all the way to my toes; I clutched Wanda closer, drinking her in. We broke apart when someone cleared their throat.
           “Okay. We’ll see you at Hatteras in two weeks. I’ll send you where we’re staying, so we can go out for dinner or hand out at the beach one day,” Liam said. He moved Carly through the crowd away from us, letting me adjust to what had happened.
           “Wanda. What was that? We’re not actually engaged,” I said.
           “Sorry. You looked like you were in trouble. I thought I could try to get you out of it. Though, you’re the one who pulled me closer with that kiss. You didn’t have to play along. You could have told him the truth,” she replied.
           “Fair enough. Maybe we should keep this going until after the wedding. I hadn’t expected him to invite us to the wedding or go on vacation. Unless you want to cancel,”
           “I wouldn’t mid some time off,” she told me. She grinned before placing another kiss on my lips and walking away. I stood there stunned but enjoying the way she made me feel.
 Two weeks Later
           Wanda and I arrived at the house we rented for the week. We would be alone for two days before Liam and Carly joined us. Two days of not pretending, though I wished the relationship were real. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to do anything fun today because it was storming.
           Instead, we unpacked and opted for a movie day inside the house. The freezing house. I wish I had brought a blanket, I thought.
           “We can share if you want. I don’t mind,” Wanda offered. After the party, I’d been too nervous to be close to her. The warmth I felt from the kiss had kindled a fire I thought I wouldn’t be able to control.
           “Are you sure? I don’t want to crowd you,” I said.
           “Get under here with me. I don’t want you to freeze your ass off,” I gave in snuggling close to her, relaxing immediately with the warmth. Instinct took over and I laid my head against her shoulder. She moved her arm pulling me into her body, my head now on her chest.
           “Comfortable?” She asked. I nodded. Her hand rested on my leg, her fingertips meeting bare skin. Halfway into the marathon, I felt her hand move closer to my inner thigh, closer to my core. Electricity hummed between us, but I moved away to my original spot.
           “Rachel, are you okay?” Wanda asked.
           “I’m fine. I think I’m going to turn in for the night. I’m a little tired from the trip,” I answered. I got up and went to my room before she could say anything; I closed and locked the door behind me, sliding to the floor. What did I get myself into?
             The second day flashed past by us quickly; we did our own separate thing, not interacting with each other. You could say I avoided her, and you’d be right. The night before confused me. Did she fell something for me? Was that why she had tried to make a move on me? These questions invaded my mind and I found I wasn’t able to be around her. I feared I wanted to do something about my own feelings. In fact, I had wanted to, but if she didn’t return my feelings the rest of the week would be awkward. Today, we had no choice but to interact. I received a text from Liam asking us if we wanted to grab dinner.
           I didn’t want to cancel, so I had said ‘We’d be delighted.’ In addition, we both wanted to lounge at the pool until we had to get ready. My eyes constantly wandered to stare at her. Wanda had broken from her standard red to wear a deep purple bikini with a strapless top. Right now, she was sunbathing, lying on her stomach asleep. Meanwhile, I kept swimming, the water easing my nerves. I dove underwater, wetting my hair again and nearly jumped out of my skin when I came back up.
           “Wanda, I didn’t see you get in,” I said.
           “You were underwater. I just needed to cool off before I head upstairs. It’s about four o’clock. We should prepare to go to dinner. I want to relax a bit before we leave,” she told me.
           “Okay. I’ll be up in a little bit,” Wanda left me alone at the pool and half an hour later, I went up myself. I entered our shared room, stunned to see her lying on the bed in only her underwear; the signature red had returned as a lacy thong and a bra that accentuated her breasts grabbing my attention. I didn’t think anything of it heading to the bathroom for a shower. When I returned, I was surprised to find her still in her underwear.
           “Are you going to change any time soon?” I asked.
           “We still have a few hours. I hadn’t planned on changing now. Why? Does this bother you?” she replied. My face flamed hot.
           “No, I only thought you might be more comfortable with clothes on,”
           “I do this all the time. I don’t see what the big deal is. We’re both women after all,” Wanda said.
           “I already said-,” I gasped when she used her powers to pull me over to her. I landed with my body between her spread legs, my head against her chest. Wanda removed my hands from the towel wrapped around me, slowly unwrapping it. She pulled it from between us, tossing it to the floor. I shivered as the cool air hit my body, more when her fingers traced the outward curve of my breasts.
           “Wanda…I don’t…think…” I began, the moan I let out silencing my thoughts as she circled them around the areolas.
           “Don’t think. Relax. I know you want this. I know because I want it too,” she said. He thumbs grazed over my nipples, the buds perking up at the touch.
           “We don’t have to pretend. Not anymore. I’ve liked you for a while. Let me play,” Wanda confessed. One hand moved to cup my jaw, turning my head so she could cover my mouth with hers. I moaned into it as she pinched a nipple; she rolled it between her fingers, the sensation driving me wild.
           “Let me play,” she whispered, breaking the kiss. I nodded, kissing her again. She kneaded my breasts, pulling and pinching my nipples; wetness pooled at my center. One hand was kept playing with my breasts, while she moved the other between my legs, using her own to spread mine wider. Wanda rubbed my clit with her thumb, one finger slipping inside me.
           “Fuck. Wanda, more please,” I begged. She complied, adding another finger and pumping in and out of me. I didn’t hold me back, moaning her name as the first orgasm hit, coating her fingers in slick, sticky cum. She shifted, laying back, coming between my legs. She licked a thick stripe up my pussy, my hips bucking in response. She continued eating me out until another wave hit and I came screaming her name. She came back up to kiss me, my hands unhooking her bra. I took it off, moving to slide off the thong, it too being discarded on the floor.
           “My turn,” I told her. I flipped Wanda over prepared to pleasure her in all the ways I could. Finished having our intimate afternoon, we lay beside each other, our sweaty bodies tangled together.
           “We should cancel the double date. Order in and do this again,” Wanda said. She stroked my arm, sending goosebumps all over my skin.
           “Or we could go and come back to do it again. Besides it’s only one night. We have the rest of the week to have more fun doing this,” I commented. She smiled, leaning in to kiss me.
           “One night. Then you’re all mine,”
           Let’s just say we became official at the end of the week.
   The Wedding
           By the time Liam’s wedding came around, Wanda and I were officially engaged; no pretending necessary. We realized we had been in love a month after the events of the beach. This came as no surprise to our friends who had tried to push us together in the beginning. Sitting with her at this wedding while waiting for a wedding our own was the best moment ever. I held her hand as we both cried at the love shared between Liam and Carly, who would undoubtedly be happy for the rest of their lives. My heart brimmed with happiness while they shared their vows.
           I sat in Wanda’s lap at the reception watching the first dance. Halfway through, we shared a kiss that was as magical as the first. I had met my soulmate and dreamed of the day she would become my wife. We danced having a good time, before returning home for a celebration with our friends. My loneliness had faded away, leaving with the most perfect woman I was meant to be with for the rest of my life.
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benjaminjofaiho · 5 years
The Captain Next Door Ch. 2
Summary: You’re a doctor who also just so happens to be a fan fiction writer. You love lots of fandoms but Captain America is by far your fave, so what happens when you get a new job, move to Brooklyn and realize that the brownstone you bought is right next door to Captain America? Obviously shenanigans ensue.
Warnings: Swearing. Light Mentions of NSFW material.
AN: Thank you guys for all your reblogs, comments and likes. Your feedback is always welcome and I love hearing from y’all.  Ok, I think its suuuuuper worth noting that I do not care for or abide by the timeline, there are some people mentioned that haven't technically been brought together yet [ As per Winter Soldier ] but I did it anyway. Also I get that you guys are here for the cap and y/n but I’m just trying to get everything in place before we get into full swing, there will be more next chapter, scouts honor!  P.S. I do not currently have a beta and the ‘f’ and ‘u’ keys on my keyboard are messed up so incase you see repeating letters anywhere they aren’t supposed to be feel free to let me know.
           Ouch. Things were coming back to you slowly. You thought you heard the faint sounds of a man. You slowly blinked and saw peeling paint off some crown molding of what greatly resembled your living room. You opened and closed your eyes again repeatedly and could hear soft footsteps. Sitting up gradually, you placed your feet on the floor, leaning your head  over the neck of your tarp covered sofa and closed your eyes once more. Thinking of all the work the living room had to go through: painting, furniture reupholstering, electrical and God knows what else, you let out a dramatic groan. You would have to call your dad sooner than expected. Either that or you would have to get a contractor because you’re supposed to be starting work in 2 months and there’s no way that you would be able to finish all this work in that time by yourself. You heard shuffling footsteps and hushed tones say
           “Yeah it seems like she’s awake now. I’ll update you. Yes Steve. I'll let you know. Alright. Bye”
            You shouted out “Who’s in here?” No response but you could hear the footsteps getting closer. You started to panic, you were about to turn into one of your mother’s lifetime movies. Getting a bit louder this time “Look I don’t know what you want but I don't keep cash in the house! There isn’t much of anything for you to steal either, nothing has arrived yet. ALSO THE BUILDINGS CONDEMMED! THERES ABESTOS EVERYWHERE!”
           “Honestly, you are quite funny” you heard a voice coming from the back of your home. You quickly calculated that if you were going to be attacked it would be better to be standing, not splayed out on your couch; that way at least you could put up some sort of a fight. Forgetting completely about your little tumble earlier you hopped to your feet.
           “Ahhh!” you felt a shooting pain go through your leg and then your head started to develop a dull ache.
           “Please be careful! And don’t be frightened.” You tried to turn slowly and he rushed to your side helping you to sit. You gave him what your mother refers to as a ‘nasty look’ and asked suspiciously
           “Who are you?”
           “I’m sorry, I’m Sam, I’m your neighbor.” He gave you a gap toothed grin and you couldn’t help but relax a little. He extended his hand.
           “Okay Samuel from next door. Welcome to my home,”
           He chuckled “Samuel is reserved for my parents and the government. My friends call me Sam.”
           “Are you saying we are friends?”
           “Well I’d like to think so…..” he trailed off expectantly
           “Oh, I’m sorry, my name is Y/N” You finally took his hand you forgot about. “I don’t mean to be rude Samuel,” he rolled his eyes smiling “But what are you doing in my home?”
           “Yeah.. About that…My roommate and I were walking home and we tried to help you but you insisted you could do it yourself and we should just roll on. I was steady trying to convince you and I guess either my roommate or I said something that really upset you because you spun around so fast and then you started to fall, luckily my roommate caught you and he brought you inside. Do you remember him?” All of a sudden remembering your AC unit you jumped up and stumbled back down grasping at your leg.
           “Sheesh, yeah. I will be.” Quietly examining your ankle. “Great. A sprained ankle. This is just what I need right now”
           “Are you sure that's a sprain? You should probably get that looked at by a professional…”            
           “I’m pretty sure about this. It’s sprained Samuel”
           “I’m pretty sure you should talk to a professional” Sam mumbled under his breath. You let out an exasperated sigh.
           “Ugh, fine! Please hand me my phone.” He did as you said and watched you quietly. You scroll through your phone. You land on The Bone Man and you shoot Sam an embarrassed look. Meekly laughing you tell him “It’s not what you think” and he throws his hands up in a no judgement shrug. The facetime trill rings 3 times and is answered on the 4th.
           “Hey Boner, quick q: A patient comes into the ER after falling off a ladder, presents with minor transient headache, pain in the left foot, presence of swelling, tenderness of the calcaneofibular ligaments, and no bony point pain. Talar Tilt test was preformed and failed. Am I correct to assume a grade 2 sprain?”
           “Y/N I don’t even know why you call me for this type of stuff. You’re always right about everything forever and ever until the end of time. Anyway yeah, if you have to hear it from the horse’s mouth, yes, you’re right. 2 Week recovery time, minimum.”
           “ Okthanksbaiiii” You said zooming into your smiling face before hanging up. “Humph” you folded your arms and smiled triumphantly at Sam.
           “See Samuel, it would be great if you could internalize the wise words from Boner there. ‘I am always right about everything forever and ever until the end of time’ And that's science friend.”
           Sam let out a cackle “ Okay crazy, who are you?”
           “Dr. Y/FN Y/LN, head of Cardiology at Mount Sinai”
           He put his hand up feigning surprise “Oh excuseeeeee me! So you’re the professional that you should see?��
           You laughed “ Not exactly, I’m a heart doctor but I do have basic knowledge of the other systems. That's where ‘the Bone Man’ comes in. He’s an orthopedic doctor, he works with bones.”
           “Ahh, I see” he says pausing for a while. “So what’s going on here?” He gestured around your home. “ I wasn’t a exactly snooping but I did happen to see most of the first floor. I kind of walk around a bit when I’m on a phone call. There’s tarps everywhere. ”
           You covered your face embarrassed. You explained to him how your father convinced you  to buy a fixer upper, your relocation from your home state, your recent AC chronicles and how it led you to this moment.
           “Speaking of that unit that has caused me nothing but trouble, I’m sure has been stolen by now. I need to order some more. I just wish that I could sleep in the cold! God! This place is hotter than the devil’s asshole.”
           “Oh your AC is working and up in your bedroom, although I’m not sure you’ll be able to climb up all these stairs in that condition.”
           “Well at least I'll be good as new in 2 days-”
           “2 days?! No ma’am Dr.Boner said two weeks!”
           “Oh..you heard that did you?” You smiled weakly. “I’m supposed to resume work in about 2 months and this really puts a damper on everything. I was hoping to make some real headway with my house before then. At least get out of this tarp festival and make it a bit into a home.” You sighed looking around.
           “Well today is your lucky day Y/N! I’m on a month vacation at LEAST. I work with my roommate and he’s going to be out of town for at least 1 month for some” he paused briefly “out of office business.  I can help you fix up your house and I’m sure Steve won’t mind you borrowing his AC while he isn’t here.”
           “I could not impose like that Samuel! First off I just met you, secondly You and Steven have done enough by just carrying me and my Air conditioner into this house. I have to decline but I’d love to take you both out for lunch sometime.”
           “It really isn’t imposing. I’m a little bit of a tinkerer, I love being handy. Anyway, if you do decide to change your mind, you know where to find me.” He got up to leave and then quickly spun around “But I am going to bring you Steve’s AC and there’s nothing you can do about it” and with that he sprinted out the front door. About 15 minutes later he returned with the ac unit and then ran out the door without a word. He came back this time in about 10 and sprinted up your stairs and you could hear the faint sounds of rummaging. He came back down with the sheets off your bed.
           “ Samuel! What is happening right now?”
           Trying to catch his breath, explain, and work all at one time he began. “Alright so before you took a tumble we could all see you were really eager to get that AC into your house and so that problem is solved. Now, you can’t get up and down the stairs with ease so here: an air matrass. We have a couple around our house not being used at the moment.” Seeing your eyebrow slightly arch, he rushed to finish “It’s not like we are doing anything weird with them! We just have lots of company meetings take place in our house and sometimes our planning sessions go late into the night and the team just decides to fall asleep where they are, hence the mattresses. I’ll set up the AC and be out of your hair Dr. Y/LN”
           “Oh Samuel, Dr. Y/LN is so formal. Dr. Y/FN is fine” You laughed. He joined in.
           “ I know you were joking about that, but Doc is it. That’s what I’m calling you”
           “So you keep mentioning your roommate Steven, and both of you work together and he’s out of town on business right now. What do you gentlemen do?” All of a sudden very focused on the AC he was installing. He started inspecting the unit closely.
           “We ugh…We are in security. We have lots of clients, sometimes that takes us internationally so. Yeah really average joe stuff.
           “But you guys have sleep overs?” You lightly chuckle
           “Yeah well Steve and I met at the VA hospital, we are both ex military men so usually the next natural progression is security. And since it started with him, he was the *first* so to speak so we naturally gather around him. That's his late parents old building so he kind of grew up in that place. It’s kind of just the default hang out spot.”
           “I totally get that. My parent’s house was somewhat the same” you say trailing off.
           “Alrighty Doc, This is all set to go for you. I’m gonna get out your hair now” Sam said slightly in a rush to get out.
           “Samuel, wait!” You call after him and he breaths out slowly and turns around and smiles openly. “Why are you helping me? You don't know me at all. Are you some type of angel or something?”
           He laughed looking down at the floor and then back up at you. “Angel? No way Doc, as my roommate says all the time ‘I’m just a kid from Brooklyn’. Plus knowing him he would have done all this himself if he were here. He told me to make sure you were alright while he had to get away.”
           “Hey! Captain America says that all the time! I bet all you Brooklynites say that now. It must be nice to have an avenger from around here, hey! Have you ever seen him?!”
           Sam’s smile faltered, “Sorry, seen whom?”
           “Captain America!” You exclaimed your eyes bright and shining like a child on Christmas.
           “Oh no I haven’t. I don't know anyone who has actually” Just then his phone began to ring and he told you in a rush “Sorry it’s a 911 from my job, I’ll see you around Doc!”
           “Thanks for all your help Samuel!” You called after him as he ran out of the house.
           The cold air was blowing on you and you were feeling relaxed and thinking about what Sam had said, ‘I’m just a kid from Brooklyn’. Oh shit! You had to check your fan fiction. You looked at the time on your phone, Damnit! You were supposed to be chatting with your graphic designer Rod right now. You hobbled over to your dining table and took out your laptop. Getting online and expecting Rod to be online you logged into tumblr to find a message from him and him absent.
MSG from Rod: Hey Dr.C, Sorry I can’t draw any illustrations for BP, Aquaman or anyone really right now. Work has been crazy, I’ll make It up to you, promise!
MSG from Y/N: Hiya Rod. I totally understand, take your time!  Hope things lighten up for you soon, looking forward to hearing from you whenever you can. Take care x
           The way you met Rod was a little different. You were looking through the Black panther tags as usual, and there was someone who drew super realistic AU versions of the T’Challa, Thor, Black Widow and even stuff from some comic called Aquaman and other heroes you’ve never heard of. Anyway, you scoured his page looking for anything on Captain America but to your dismay he didn’t draw anything of him. You were very happy with his black panther stuff though, you saw some pics that inspired a couple new fic ideas. You reblogged his pictures for about a month and one day you posted a new story inspired by a beautiful creation of his where T’Challa looked like he was in college. He somehow saw it and contacted you and you both briefly talked about the inspiration behind his art. He talked about how he felt as if he could imagine a different side of our heroes and he wanted to draw that. About 2 weeks later he sent you a picture of one of your previous fics about Thor. The rest was history. He would occasionally draw cover art for your fics and you in turn would give him new and crazy angles to think of the avengers. You even got into some of the comics he recommended for you and gave him new angles to think of Aquaman. Eventually you caved and asked him specifically if he could make something about Captain America and he said he just isn’t inspired by the Cap at all and he also felt the others were underrepresented and he wanted to focus his energy there. As a fellow creative you got it. If he wasn’t inspired he just wasn’t and you wouldn't force him to focus on a subject that he wasn't interested in. You wouldn’t bring it up again and you figured if he ever felt inspired you’d be one of the first to see the pieces.
           That night you were able to bang out 3 chapters and sent them to your beta, Jay. Alright, time to make a plan. You decided due to your recent development with your bum leg, you would divide your house into floors and literally work your way from the ground up. You would begin with electrical and seeing as how you didn’t know anything about that and you turned to the master of everything: YouTube. Well, at least you tried to. Youstartedoff with watching videos about how to wire up a house but then you got sidetracked with reality videos and then before you knew it, you were in some foreign corner of the website, watching a video on how to become a sumo wrestler in japan. You looked up and saw that the position of the sun was a little lower than before. Looking up at the corner of your screen you saw the time was 3:30. You let out a yip and closed your laptop like some preteen getting caught looking at something they weren’t supposed to. You gave it up and opened back up your laptop and decided to look up an electrician. Another 30 minutes passed and none of the electricians you found that were available to come within the next 1 month were up to your standards. You finally decided to call up your father for help. To your greatest dismay the whole family was sick. You pressured and even threated him to try to get him to go to the hospital and just get a simple checkup but he refused. You tried to convince your mother of the same and between what truly sounded like a very productive cough she told you she was in tip top shape. Handing the phone back to your dad he asked what was the matter and you were silent for a complete minute. Your house issue was starting to become something of a headache and not the fun little project he painted it out to be. On the other and more important hand you didn’t want to complain. You knew your dad would try to fly sick just to come and help his baby girl. You tried to lie and say it was nothing but he eventually coaxed the truth out of you. You explained about your ankle and needing an electrician. He was overjoyed.
           “Ha!” he exclaimed, “I knew my serving this…country would start to benefit me at one point or another. Just a second honey.” You heard shuffling on the other end of the line.
“There it is! Here is Sargent Wilson’s number! I’ll ring him up and give you a call in a few minutes sweetheart.” And with that, he was gone.
           While waiting you decided to limp over to your dining room which was covered in boxes. Might as well do something with your time you decide to paint your nails. If you’re going to be open toeing it for a minimum two weeks you might as well try your best try not to look like a cavewoman. You were in the middle of giving yourself a top coat and your phone started ringing. Fanning your feet you answered.
           “Hi dad”
           “Y/N I don’t know how to work this thing. I took a picture of the paper, like you taught me but then to send it to you has become a problem. I’ve accidentally restarted my phone 3 times and deleted my entire contact list. I can’t do it sweetie.”
           “Dad that’s no problem, I appreciate you trying though. Maybe I’ll just start with something else first-” cutting you off he proclaimed
           “Just because I can’t do it doesn’t mean that someone can’t do it! Ben- Benjamin! Benjamin! Come in here for a second”
           “Daddy it’s fine! Dad! Don’t worry about it, it’s fine!” It took you a couple of seconds to realize he had already stepped away from the phone and  soon you received a message from your brother.
TXT from Benjamin: Hey Ugly, dad said I should send you this number 555-3604. You’re the one that wanted to get them iPhones. Now you've moved away and I’m stuck being their geek squad. Thanks for nothing!
           You chuckled and sent him a kissy emoji. You heard your father’s voice coming back towards the phone
           “…yeah well you would think wiping your ass was more important than sending a textual message but your mother and I taught you how to do that without as much mouth as you’re giving me right now!” You covered your mouth to stop you from laughing too loud and disturbing the whole neighborhood. “ Hi honey, did you get the message?”
           “Yes I did Dad, thanks so much, I really appreciate it”
           “Anything for you baby girl. By the way I’ve already called the Sargent and even though he won’t be able to come help you out due to prior engagements he did mention that his son is free and would be happy to help you out and the payment is already taken care of, a little gift from your mother and I.”
           “Aw thanks dad! Tell mom I said thank you as well. I love you, let me let y’all get some rest”
           “Goodnight sweetie!” You heard your mother shout from the background before it was echoed by your dad and then you ended the call. Checking the time you saw it was 4:30. Deciding it was better to text him now and secure the earliest possible date you sent him a message right away.
MSG from Y/N: Good day Mr. Wilson. My name is Y/FN Y/LN, my father and yours are old army buddies. He said I could contact you about any electrical work I needed done in my new house.  I wanted to find out your soonest available opening. I have quite a bit of work that needs to be done so I would like to get started at your earliest possible convenience.
           You  navigated your phone to the music playlist and then started to play Theme from New York New York by Frank Sinatra. You slowly made your way to your window and by now the children had returned from school and the school was filled with people. Children playing in the street, people walking their dogs and teens on their various stoops. You smiled at the current state of your life and felt content, even with a busted foot. Suddenly your music was interrupted. With a dinging of your phone to signify a text message and then your music continued. You walked back to your couch to see who it was.
TXT from Mr. Wilson: Good afternoon Ms. Y/LN, I am available for a meeting tomorrow morning at 10:00 so we can do a walk through and discuss our plans. Does this time work for you?
TXT from Y/N: 10 is perfect!
TXT from Mr. Wilson: Great. What is your address?
TXT from Y/N: 805 Sudbury Lane.
TXT from Mr. Wilson: See you tomorrow at 10:00. 🙂
           Smiley Face? That's not very professional, you thought to yourself. You just shrugged thinking to yourself he’s probably some weird hipster guy. You set yourself up on Netflix  and closed your curtains settling in for the evening.
           The next morning you woke up had a light breakfast and shower and made some iced tea and lemonade for Mr. Wilson’s visit, you were southern after all. At 5 minutes till 10 your doorbell rang. You checked the time and smiled, you liked people who were punctual; as your father always told you: if you’re on time, you’re already late.Looking through the peephole your smile faded and was replaced by confusion, it was Samuel, your neighbor.
           “Good morning, Samuel” You smiled at him, “what are you doing here?”
           “Morning Doc” He threw his hands up “Just here as a friend. I wanted to check and see how you were doing. So…How was your night?” He tactfully slowly walked towards you forcing you to let him in the house. You arched a perfect eyebrow and laughed and shook your head.
           “It was fine, thanks for asking. Nice and chilly.” Glancing at your phone in your hand you saw it was already 9:59. “I would love to hang out with you Samuel but I have someone coming over in literally a minute.” As you were talking Sam put a finger up to stop you from talking while he scrolled through his phone. You watched him, mouth slightly agape. No one ever told you to be quiet. Right before you were able to say anything your phone started ringing and Mr. Wilson appeared on the phone. You then put yourfinger up at him and he laughed a little.
           “Hi, good morning Mr. Wilson” As Sam raised his phone to his own ear while you looked on, mortified.                        
           “Hi, good morning Ms. Y/N, now I’m here as your electrician” He wore the biggest shit eating grin. In an instant you were laughing and lightly hit him on the arm.
           “Why didn’t you tell me who you were last night when I texted you, weirdo!”
           “Well actually, at first I didn’t know it was you because, truthfully, I couldn’t remember your last name,  but when you sent your address and it was on my street,  I put two and two together.” Remembering the smiley face in the text you just shook your head.
           “Alright then Mr. Wilson, let’s get started. Would you like some iced tea and lemonade?”
           Looking at you as if you said you had a demon coming out of the side of your neck he repeated “iced tea AND lemonade? Don’t you mean or?”
           “No, I meant and. Would you like some?”
           “I mean okay sure, I guess” You both silently walked into your kitchen and you poured him a glass. After a couple sips he continued to drink. He kept taking bigger and longer sips and before you knew it, he was completely finished.
           “I mean, it was allllright. Nothing to write home about” He tried to say nonchalantly         “Mmhmm, sure Samuel, let’s begin.”
           “After you” He gestured following you throughout the house.
           Over the next 1 hour you both walked through the 1stand 2ndfloors and you explained what exactly you needed from him. You let him go up to the 3rdand 4thfloors alone as your foot started to feel strained. He came back down to the 1stfloor and brought out a list and you created a game plan. All in all the project would take about 1 month.
           “Well, I’m good to start today if that’s what you want”
           “Of Course! You could have started yesterday to be honest” You laughed.
           “Let me get my tools and I’ll get going”
           You brought out your laptop and were looking over emails messages and then you came across a new fic with pictures of the cap you’ve never seen before. It took everything in you to not bear the pain of getting all the way up to the 4thfloor to get a better and more intimate look. You went back to doing work and looking at samples for the interior of your house. You knew you had to have a bomb kitchen because you loved to cook and bake. You also needed your office to be set up nice because you would spend most of your time in there between work and writing. All the while Samuel was buzzing around the whole house and after a point you stopped following him around and just decided to work from your living room. Half your screen was split between emails and the other was pictures and gifs of the captain as you called him in your mind.
           “Soooo…What’s the deal with him” Sam said from behind you. You looked back at him and he was looking at wires on your wall.
           “What? Are you stalking me now?”
           “I should be asking you that Doc” he laughed “ Every time I come in here I see him on your screen.” Thinking fast you replied
           “I just love the avengers, I think they’re so dedicated and brave. They really did an amazing job of saving the world.”
           “That's nice…but I’ve only been seeing one particular avenger…” the sound of laughter on his voice.      
           “I mean…He’s so brave. And heroic. And valiant. And genuine.” At this point you were more speed rambling and talking to yourself than replying him. “And those eyes. Have you ever seen anything so blue? Was that part of the secret formula? And those arms. He looks like he could rip Florida off the continental united states and to be quite honest he probably should I mean what even is Florida? And that ass? Don’t get me started on that ass. Ugh I want to take a bite-” You suddenly halted like a freight train just crashed and your eyes go wide. Slowly you turned around and give Sam a bashful smile. “He’s just so brave” you finish.
           Barely holding back a big belly laugh Sam just nods. “Yeah Captain Blue eyes is sooooo brave.”
           “Anywayyyy, tell me more about yourself?”
           “Well as I told you I’m ex military. Most of my life is work and if not working with  my roommate then im working with my dad at his business. Believe it or not all this fixing stuff up is a hobby for me.”
           “That's interesting. So why not do your hobby for your job? Why do you do security with your roommate? Steve, I think you said?”
           “Yeah, good memory. When we met we were both in a kind of weird place. We weren’t sleeping much and you know…War kind of just…it does something to you. Anyway we would run together – or should I say I would try to catch up to him, while he ran like lightening and then started going to group therapy together. Eventually we started hanging out outside of exercise and therapy. We were both kind of solitary and I guess the company of someone who knows what you went through and are going through is nice. We have basically been like that since then. He’s seen me through some dark times and tough days. I’m proud to say I’ve done the same for him as well.” He was quiet for a while “As for my dad, like I said I love fixing up stuff. I feel like if I started to officially do it as a job I wouldn’t love it as much anymore.”
           “Understandable, completely. And I’m happy you found someone you can share with and that you feel gets you.” You smiled at him. “ Thank you for sharing with me, Sam.”
           You heard a loud gasp and turned back to see him with his hands on the side of his face like the kid from home alone. “If I had known all I had to do was share my past trauma with you to get you to call me Sam, I would have done that yesterday!” You laughed shooed him away.
           This is how your life continued for the next 2 weeks and by the end of the second week Sam was officially your first friend in the big city. At first, it started by him just being there while you were prepping for dinner one day. You initially asked if he would want to stay for dinner and he said he couldn't impose and would soon be done for the day. About 30 minutes later, the aroma had filled the whole first floor. He stuck his head in and mentioned he was about to take off yet made no move to leave. You looked at him with smiling eyes and made up a plate.
           “I know you don't want to impose but let me give you at least a to-go plate”
           Although his mouth was saying ‘no, I possibly couldn't’ his hands were completely out stretched and he was in your kitchen faster than a speed devil. From that night onward he always ate dinner with you and you both chatted about everything. You told him how you became a doctor. One night in particular after a wonderful southern meal complete with mashed potatoes, greens, ribs, beans and mac and cheese you were both relaxing on your couch. You were mindlessly scrolling though things to watch and he mentioned that he might need to get his roommate’s AC back sooner than expected, Steve was coming home earlier than expected.
           “You’ve been more than generous Sam! You can take it back today if you need to”
           “Nah, it’s no biggie Doc. You know what? I’ll probably have him come pick it up himself if he needs it.”
           “Are you sure? I should have about 1 week on this leg left. I have been able to make it up to my floor now.”
           “Sure thing. If he really wants it he’ll come and get it. By the way I’ve been kind of bragging on your food and taunting him that I’ve been eating home cooked meals and he hasn't… and he has kind of wants to try some of it himself” he rushed out looking sideways at you.
           “Of course Sam! I’ll cook for you guys this Friday. What do you think he’ll like?”
           “What we just ate was perfect , do you think you could do something like that?”
           “Sure” You smiled at him. Within you, you knew you actually missed cooking for lots of people like your family back home. Cooking for 3 was a less than cooking for 7 but you would take whatever you could get. You wished him a good night. And packed him a plate for himself.
           Logging in to Tumblr you saw one of your favorite fanfic authors updated one of their stories. The depiction of a smutty scene had you biting your lips and you decided to go upstairs. When you got to your bedroom you laid down and just decided to re-read the latest chapter, before you knew it, your hands were roaming your body and you were starting to feel a heat build up between your legs. You pinched at your dark nipples, enjoying the brief pain and then wash of pleasure. Imagining the captain’s hands in place of yours you stick a finger, and then two into your heat. Pumping in and out you are undone in minutes just thinking of the picture that was painted for you in that story. You sigh looking up at the ceiling in the dark silence of your room.
           “Ugh I need to get laid, and soon.” With that, you closed your eyes  and drifted off to sleep.
           The next morning you were up and decided to head over to the grocery store and pick up all the ingredients that you would need for tomorrows dinner. Even though you were more than happy to cook for Sam and his roommate, you felt the slightest bit anxious. You were proud that Sam talked you and your food up but now you felt as if you had a bit to prove. To prove that Sam was justified in praising you the way that he did.
           When you got home you decided to start marinating the ribs so at least they would get a nice season before you ended with grilling tomorrow. Sam stopped by later in the evening to drop off your favorite ice cream and you both chatted on your stoop for a few minutes. After a while you went in and decided to get an early night.
           Friday came and you jumped out of bed. You checked your emails as usual and facetimed your family. Explaining you had guests coming over for dinner and you had to get off the phone soon. Then you switched over and checked on your subbies and played around until you realized it was 3 and you had to get cooking. You decided to add fried chicken to the menu because, why not? Was it really a southern meal without that?
           At 6:30 you had a shower and decided to do yourself up a little bit. You wanted to make a good impression seeing as how it was your first time meeting the mysterious Steve. Deciding on a cute summer dress, you had your hair in a cute updo and just did a little tiny wing on your eyes and added mascara. You did add a little blush because you loved the way a bit of rouge complemented your dark complexion. Adding lip gloss to your lips you heard the doorbell ring. You went downstairs and opened it.
           “ Doc, it smells aamazing in here! And...” He looked you up and down and with a your head down and a smile on your face, you gave him a small twirl “and you look amazing as well. Doesn’t she look amazing Steve?” He moved to the side and saw the man behind him. Your smile immediately vanished and you stopped spinning. You were staring into blue eyes that could make the ocean herself jealous.
           “She absolutely does, Sam.” With a smile that could bring anyone to their knees he stretched out his hand for you to shake and  he continued, “Hi I’m Steve, nice to meet you.”
           You looked down at his hand and then up to his face. You then looked at Sam who had the stupidest smirk on his face and then back down to CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA’S hand. You repeated this loop about three times before getting a hold of your neck which you were certain was bucking like a mechanical bull with a faulty circuit. You let out a shaky breath and tried your best to sound calm.
           “Hello Steven,” You managed “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you as well. Welcome to my home.”
22 notes · View notes
Morose Mononokean II 4 - 7 | Mob Psycho 100 II 4 - 7 | My Roommate is a Cat 4 - 6 | Double Decker! EX 1 | Egao no Daika 5 - 7 | Shield Hero 4 - 6 | Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4 - 6 | Royal Tutor movie
Morose Mononokean II 4
Aw, another little fuzzball to steal away my heart? I’m being spoiled, aren’t I?
For some reason, this episode was meant to be really emotional, but I felt pretty restless while watching it. Probably because I was thinking about playing Merc Storia all that time.
Mob Psycho 100 II 4
Didn’t expect Shinra to be back after his previous appearance…
Notably, you’d expect Matsuo’s name to have the kanji for “pine tree” in it, but it doesn’t - it has the kanji for “demon” and then one more.
I loved it when FLCL and SGRS went into manga mode, but for some reason, the transition into manga mode didn’t land as well here…hmm.
“I’ll go inside her…With an out-of-body experience.” - That sounds majorly wronggggggggggg, Mob, y’know? Even with context.
I find it interesting Mob perceives himself to be naked…as in, unguarded. He’s fine as he is and doesn’t need to change…in some ways, anyway. He could probably do with a few more emotions, but you get what I mean.
Wha-wha-wha-whoaaaaaaaaa. You mean, Mogami just got rid of Mob’s powers??? That is a nasty cliffhanger!
My Roommate is a Cat 4
Just seeing Hiroto near Kawase’s armpit…so unfazed…it’s kinda funny, but only mildly.
Tuxedo cat…ergh. The differences between American and British English never ceases to trip me up…I mean, the term makes sense…it’s just the differences between the types of English I’m annoyed at.
If you observe the OP, you’ll see Haru has that collar…I’m not sure if that’s meant to be a spoiler then…
Haru basically has the mindset of Kaguya and Shirogane, which makes this hilarious (and yet it’s still justified due to being a believable mindset for a stray!).
S-Smug dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get out of the way of Haru-chan!
Shield Hero 4
“Draw your swords!” – Wasn’t there a rule saying Naofumi can’t use a sword anyway? Plus, Motoyasu has a spear, not a sword…
Balloon? Now, that’s funny!
Using magic to intervene is the cowardly action, methinks, Myne.
I find it interesting Naofumi sees Raphtalia as a little girl – it’s a perception of vulnerability, potentially weakness – when things are shown through his perspective.
Falling Through Starlight is beautiful, y’know that? Be-a-uuuuuuuuuuu-t-i-ful!
Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4
Interestingly, Francine kinda looks like Mami (Madoka Magica).
Wait, is this woman Miura? (Sorry, I’m just wondering why Abigail – the blonde evil magical girl – would choose to use yakiniku to threaten people…)
Oh dear…it’s that train question (save one or save many).
Neding authority before you can actually do anything legal…now that sounds like Double Decker.
“Chef”? I was mortified when it came to the rusalka scene…but I think we already know why Povar is a chef…
CQC? Close quarters combat? Ooh, I’ve never heard it abbreviated before.
Well, I like how Povar and Rusalka Man (can’t spell Russian to save my life) always keep their salaries in mind. Makes them easier to see as evil.
Egao no Daika 5
Oh, this series has two moons? Kind of like Double Decker’s two suns, yeah?
I just realised Lily’s the only one with a skirt on her suit…
Morose Mononokean II 5
I don’t think I’ve seen a Fuzzy-centric episode ever since the first time we met the furball…
That hand on neck thing is apparently a CIA technique if I interpreted it right…just, it’s applied to a purple/white lion, so it’s hard to tell whether it’s the real thing…
Fluffy tadpole is best tadpole. All fluffy things are cute to me, even the lethal ones…I guess.
Seriously, if someone doesn’t call the animation of the Executive sakuga, I don’t know sakuga! That crow is some fancy animation!
Hanae’s mother is scarier than most youkai, given she can give me a nasty jump scare!
Mob Psycho II 5
This episode’s called Discord…which maks me think of the chat program of the same name…weird, huh?
Notably, it’s Dimple’s voice coming from Mob’s mouth…hmm.
That episode was real cool…it’s too bad by turning off the volume at the wrong time, I missed the Sajou no Hana song…
My Roommate is a Cat 5
Roku, Nana, Hachi…haha.
I noticed Haru has smaller eyes than Hachi…aside from the collar of course.
Aw…reunion too cute. I honestly think that this show has a fairly effective use of “filling in the gaps”, as it were, and thus making good use of cuts.
Double Decker! EX 1
Yep, we’re back with Double Decker!!! I’m glad to see it back, really.
Wait…ohhhhhhhhh. So Double Decker! doesn’t just refer to the bus in this show or the system. It means “2 Detectives” in Japanese (in a codeswitching sort of way). It was wordplay all along! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! I get it now!
This Deana assassin stuff must be a lie…
(after the commercial break) C’mon, Kirill, buddy. You’re drunk, y’know that, right…? Right??? Update: Oh, not drunk, dreaming. My mistake.
Oh, I was just saying that My Roommate is a Cat dos a nice job “filling in gaps”. Didn’t realise Double Decker did it as well. Also, how the heck is Doug unpopular with women???
So…Kirill actually got hired based on his feminine looks? Geesh, that Travis…
The thing I missed about this show was not being able to play the ED after an episode, so I’m glad to have it back!
Spec Ops Asuka 5
Having Kurumi fix up Nozomi’s arm kind of erases the consequences…but that’s what Kurumi’s for, right?
Barber Scissors…? Is this what happens when you take Kill la Kill way too seriously?
Wowee. Din’t think Sacchuu was capable of dealing nasty punches as well.
There’s gotta be some sort of parallel between Abigail and the queen vs Asuka and Kurumi…
Post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Shield Hero 5
Headbutt to the nuts! Oof!
When it comes to races, the one tune that comes to mind is one from the Dog Island (track 22 from this YouTube playlist).
I swear there was CGI during the race…on Filo.
Please don’t make jokes about Naofumi liking lolis, people. This is not that type of show…
Mononokean 6
Is it just me, or has this epiode been relying on the use of blue speech bubbles for humour more than normal?
It’s Mononokean: Sports Anime edition!
For some reason, I find the name “trashboat” hilarious. It was probably just “ponkotsu” (piece of trash) in practice, but the variation in English is really something to behold…
Ashiya sleeps like an old man, LOL. It must be cosy in that bed…
Moja is just adorable in whatever scene it appears in! Even Moja being dragged down a stream is cute~!
Relaxing your shoulders, huh? That reminds me that that’s a destress technique I haven’t used in a while. My head’s been spinning while I was trying to watch this episode, so I should probably get back to trying to do that stuff…after this episode, of course.
Price of Smiles 6
You think Spec Ops Asuka looks bad? Look at Price of Smiles melt in this “Yuni! You should recover!” scene.
For some reason, this one dude (I forget his name) being a father surprises me. He looks like the type to be single…
The female version of the name “Noel” is Noelle…get that right, people!
Layla’s right when she says one of the main causes of war is the struggle for resources and wealth.
Mob Psycho II 6
I noticed instead of a Mac or something, the computer is a “One” computer.
The board says something a lot more complicated than Saitama’s routine…which means One likes exercise. Maybe…probably.
“Codomo” phone, LOL.
The last time I heard of tofu in anime that I remember…was Boueibu. Something about Ryuu killing a man with tofu.
Somehow it didn’t occur to me until the eyecatch was over but the block…was tofu!
How do you even get drunk when there’s no alcohol in the drink??? (LOL)
Oh! Shinra again!
…Also Jodo Kirin!
Shield Hero 6
Naofumi is giving 0 f**ks about the dressmaker’s love of Filo.
Why is Filo CGI…? It looks unnerving, to be honest with you.
My Roommate is a Cat 6
Eleventh grade…16? 17? Heck, Yugo looks 27, not 17!
Notably, “Comic Polaris” is the name of the magazine that publishes the manga of this. Hence “Novels Polaris”.
Heck, Subaru. In the internet age in particular, people write to affect others. I should know, as someone who did just that just a few years ago!
Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine movie
Yay, we’re back! Crunchyroll bringing over movies is definitely increasing my workload for these commentaries, so with all the new things I’ve added to my lists of priorities as of late, I wonder if I can keep up…
Hitting us with CGI in the first minute of the movie…oh man, how far does CGI go these days???
Honestly, in my brain Wagner (Classicaloid) = the twins (this movie) = the Beppus (Boueibu LOVE! LOVE!). They’re very similar in terms of personality…
In the same way, Bruno = Schubert from Classicaloid (but swap one’s Sensei for the other’s Senpai).
Licht = Motz.
It seems like someone liked ponytail!Licht enough to keep him here. So it really wasn’t just me, huh?
Seriously, what’s this “God of War” stuff anyway???
Man, vocal exercises? This takes me back to my piano-playing days…I was a sightreader and only had to do one of the two (out of sightreading and vocal stuff), but there was someone else who had to do both.
This piano is bugging me. Its white keys are black and its black keys are white!
Somehow, Heine’s small top hat suits him. It’s probably because he wears a small beret in that same position usually.
More CGI background characters…*sigh*
Hmm…soft power at its finest(?)
Seriously though, why did that evil Duke guy appear in this movie again??? He has zero use plotwise. Sure, he was important in the first season and if we ever get a second he’ll be important there, but here? Nada!
Have you noticed Heine is in all those dance positions a girl would normally be in??? Hmm! Interesting! But still…if there’s one thing I ever missed from the anime’s experience, it would be-oh, scratch that! This is my cue to watch the cheesy live-action dance ending! I missed it so much!
Egao no Daika 7
Seriously…who is Eins talking to??? Whose emperor???
They still haven’t revealed what this new guy’s name is, even after his introduction…well, technically he was introduced at the River Deese, but we still didn’t learn his name then. (Did we?)
Spec Ops Asuka 6
Is Mia just this show’s version of Kyouko (from Madoka Magica, but American of course)???
Oooooookay, that (with the kissing and stuff) is so not what foreigners are like, people…
Oh, goodness. Have I really been living with this stuff (girl x girl teasing, with Kurumi in particular being one of the more extreme examples I’ve seen) in my magical girl anime for years now? I mean, Suite PreCure is laced with the stuff…
If ordinary rigor mortis business is at work, then I’d say the heater is to speed up the rotting of the corpse…
LOL, there’s Halloween-class…and then there’s Voorhees-class…how appropriate for Disas.
“Only one of the Magical Five would’ve known about that phrase.” – My bets are on Peipei, but we’ll find out for sure…someday.
Mononokean 7
As much as I found the pillow fight scene with Fuzzy in it funny, I swear Abeno is a bit too sadistic for my own good. What is it with some women and their sadistic kinks…?
Abeno calling Ashiya “hunk of junk” makes me think Ashiya isn’t much of a Sousuke (from Classicaloid), but they do have a lot of similar character traits, now that I think of it…hmm.
For some reason, I think Abeno knew the conditions of the deal and what the deal entailed in advance, hence the training camp.
Seiza…means sitting on the floor in the position Ashiya was in (knees to the floor etc).
Mob Psycho II 7
“Cheeseburger Tornado”, LOL.
When Reigen got angry at the TV, I was just like, “It’s Shield Hero (Mob Psycho version)!” I.e. you con the conman and not turn the conned into a conman…or something like that.
Those microphones are so obviously CGI, people…
I know I’m a fan of Yuzuru Tachikawa, but episode 5 actually didn’t do too much for me, to be honest (even though it was visual spectacle, which is Tachikawa’s strong suit). However, while episode 7 looked less punchy overall, it was miles better…
“First-press limited edition? That is the absolute best decision.” – What is that referring to??? Update: It’s referring to the BDs...or DVDs...or both.
Update: Forgot to add Double Decker to the title and tags.
3 notes · View notes
skeletonscribbles · 6 years
Wishes - Chapter 12
there was really no getting around including Star Wars Weekend.
Disney folks  - I KNOW you can't get specialty drinks at Starring Rolls but I'm too lazy to make them go to a kiosk, okay? also I haven't been to SWW in a minute. they probably have different food now, but all the Disney Food Blog entries I looked at were back from like 2015 so I'm operating under the assumption that the novelty shit doesn't change.
Chapter Title: “Cantina Song” (Stan)
Warnings: unintelligible memeing, “Luke Skywalker is gay” discourse, some discussion of discrimination
meme references: I Have The High Ground Now THIS is Podracing That's....why I'm here....  (Comment your fave prequel meme if you have one - mine’s Obi Wan’s “Hello There” but I couldn’t figure out how to fit it in to the chapter RIP)
Tag List:  @roobarrtrashmouth @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @tozier-club @aizeninlefox @stanheartsbill @imrichie @softeds @pretzelstoday @melancholypurple @wheezygreens @ayyyymichele @loser-marsh
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“It’s not that I don’t think Star Wars looks interesting,” Stan explained for what felt like the zillionth time that day. “Aesthetically, I’m all about it. I saw a PBS special one time about how they painted some of the sets - that was really cool.”
“So the reason you haven’t seen any of the films is…”
“Purely meme-related, yes.” Stan sighed and rubbed at his eyes. “I don’t understand what’s so hard to grasp about that.”
“Everything, Stan!” Mike all but shouted (though there was a tell-tale wobbliness to his voice that suggested he was on the verge of laughter). “Everything!”
Star Wars Weekend was one of the more baffling annual events on property for Stan. Aside from his never having seen the movies, Stan also wasn’t sure why the entire shebang took place in Hollywood Studios (his least favorite park), especially because the Star Wars Land expansion wasn’t even finished yet. All Studios had to offer for the event was boring old motion-simulator Star Tours and the giant stomp robot it was housed in (“the AT-AT, Stan,” Mike had sighed at least 15 times in the past hour alone). That said, though, Mike loved Star Wars and had apparently been looking forward to getting his picture taken with the round rolling robot (“he has a name, Stan, call him BB-8!”) for quite some time now. Since February and the veritable relationship shitstorm they’d weathered, Stan had been extra determined to compromise wherever he could to show Mike that he was in this for the long run, and as compromises ran, Star Wars Weekend wasn’t a bad one by any means.
“Do you want me to watch the movies, Mike?” he asked, resigned.
Mike laughed and pulled up the bottom of his Rebel Alliance shirt to mop the sweat off of his face. Stan didn’t even bother to hide the way his eyes slid down to Mike’s newly exposed stomach, and made a mental note to ask a Cast Member how long Star Tours was so he could gauge whether or not it was feasible to fool around on the ride. (So far, they’d managed some light groping on the 11 minute ride through the Haunted Mansion, and would have gotten even farther on Pirates except that Stan had Richie’s voice in his head the whole time reminding him of “all the fuckin’ shit I’ve seen on those cameras, Stan, I swear to whatever Jewish God you pray to”.)
“I should have asked if you liked Star Wars, like...weeks ago,” Mike said sadly. “I guess I just assumed. I’m sorry.”
“No worries,” Stan assured him, putting a comforting and not at all lascivious hand on his bicep. “I love Star Wars Weekend. It’s like living in another country for two days. I don’t understand shit about what’s going on, but the food is good and it’s pretty fucking funny if you play your cards right.”
“Another country?” Mike smiled. “Another planet, more like.”
Stan laughed. “Now you’re getting it. Speaking of miscommunications, do we have word from Richie and Eddie?”
“Operation double date is a go,” Mike confirmed, pulling out his phone to double check his texts. “Eddie said they’d be here in like twenty minutes.”
“Cool,” Stan said, and was surprised to find that he meant it. Richie had been in the apartment less and less as his relationship with Eddie had gotten more and more serious, which had culminated in Stan seeing Richie maybe twice over the entirety of the past two weeks. (Stan hoped that meant that they were finally having sex. It would be such a relief to know that Richie had built himself back up to a place where he was finally ready to make that happen.) Stan would never admit it to Richie’s face, but he was starting to miss having Richie around. He was running out of things to clean in the apartment, because no one was around to leave dishes in the sink or leave toothpaste smeared across the bathroom counter. It should have been a relief, but instead it was weird. He’d had Richie around for so long that the idiot had become a central part of his daily routines, and while he was happy that his friend was finally getting his shit together, it was going to be tough to reimagine his life with less Richie.
But. That was a problem for Later Stan.
“So,” Mike continued, “I was thinking maybe we grab food and then head for character meet-and-greets once they arrive? I’ve been waiting to eat chocolate Darth Vader cake all day, and if we don’t do that before Richie shows up, he’ll try to steal off of our plates.”
“True!” Stan brightened at the idea of food. He’d seen people walking around with some kind of blue drink that he’d been dying to try all day. “I think they’ve got cupcakes and stuff at that bakery over by Sunset?”
Mike shrugged. “Sounds right. It’ll be deserted over there, too - no one wants to ride Tower of Terror during Star Wars Weekend. Wanna walk?”
“I do,” Stan said, taking up a brisk pace towards the Sunset Boulevard themed area of the park. “I might be wrong about the cupcakes, though. I really don’t know this park at all. I only come here with Richie.”
“Let me guess,” Mike said knowingly, following Stan across the park, “he takes you here because he likes to feel like he’s doing better than someone at the Toy Story Midway Mania game.”
Stan almost stopped in his tracks. “How did you know?”
“He took me here the first time we hung out solo, too,” Mike said, catching up with Stan during his momentary lull and taking his hand. Stan couldn’t help but smile a little bit at the gesture, even though he was sure he’d drop Mike’s hand sooner rather than later - May in Florida meant that things were already almost unbearably muggy. “I think he takes everyone here so that he can gauge their Toy Story shooting skills.”
“And you were better than him?” Stan guessed.
“I wasn’t worse,” Mike agreed. “His hand-eye coordination needs some serious work.”
“No, my hand-eye coordination needs some serious work,” Stan sighed, spotting the bakery he was thinking of and making a beeline for it with Mike in tow. “Richie just can’t see. He has to wear the 3D glasses on top of his regular glasses.”
“Well, if we ever ride that ride together, I’ll let you win, sweetheart,” Mike promised, and Stan reached up to pull his curls desperately down over his ears so as to hide how red they’d just gotten. Mike really was the least selfish person on Earth. How had he, Stanley Uris, gotten so lucky?
But...now wasn’t the time to reflect on selfishness, because that would just make both of them a little bit sad. Neither of them had reached out to Bill at all since early March, and while they’d admitted to one another that they felt a little bit like they hadn’t given him enough of a chance (although Mike still felt worse about it than Stan did - it was in Mike’s nature to hope for change, and it was in Stan’s nature to know that things were going to stay the same), their residual guilt hadn’t been enough to warrant a check-in with their ex-partner just yet.
It would have to be soon, though - they both knew that. The seven of them were booked to visit Anaheim in just two short months, and if they weren’t amiable by then, Bev would kill them.
Soon wasn’t now, though. They’d be ready when they were ready.
“Let’s just never ride that ride together, okay?” Stan suggested, stopping in front of the bakery and checking out the menu signs out front. “Is this the cupcake you wanted?”
“Are these the droids I’m looking for?” Mike joked, but it fell on deaf ears. Stan knew a fair amount of Star Wars jokes as a result of his longtime dedication to r/funny (and he was absolutely positive that they’d be made less funny by his actually having seen the films, he just knew it, which was the real, core reason why he hadn’t bitten the bullet and watched the goddamn movies), but he had long since resigned himself to the fact that there were some references he was just never going to get.
“Chocolate Darth Vader,” Stan continued, trying to save them both some embarrassment. “Or was it this Jabba the Hutt….thing?”
Mike squinted at the menu, paying special attention to what was apparently a new item as of this year’s Star Wars Weekend. “That is the ugliest fucking cupcake I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Can’t be uglier than Eddie’s mom!”
Fuck. Eddie’s stupid homing beacon brain had obviously struck again. Sighing heavily, Stan smoothed down his navy polo and turned around to greet his roommate.
“Hello Stan!” Eddie was three steps ahead of Richie, beaming as he bounded across the red concrete towards them. The shirt he was wearing had really obviously belonged to Richie at some point - the first clue was that it was white with Han Solo silhouetted in black on the front (Eddie didn’t know shit about Star Wars), and the second was that Eddie was absolutely swimming in it. In spite of both of those things, Eddie was in better spirits than Stan had maybe ever seen him, to the point where Stan was almost afraid that Eddie was going to hug him when he got close enough.
“Eddie,” Stan greeted, raising a hand slowly to wave cordially at their two friends as Mike slowly shifted his attention away from the cupcake selection. “Richie.”
“Stanakin Skywalker,” Richie grinned, coming up behind Eddie and sliding a hand easily onto Eddie’s shoulder, “here with Pad-Mike Amidala.”
Stan stared at him, wondering vaguely if he’d actually forgotten that Stan had zero knowledge of the Star Wars films. “Who?”
“Never mind.” Richie waved a conceding hand. The motion of his wave drew Stan’s eyes to his shirt, which was the most hideous brown monstrosity Stan had maybe ever seen (modeled after that creature that was always with Han Solo whose name Stan always forgot), and he wondered: had he actually missed Richie Tozier, or had his mind just gone soft and nostalgic from being alone in the apartment?
“How’d you find us, Eddie?” Mike asked, smiling warily down at the top of Eddie’s head. “I didn’t text you that we were getting food, did I?”
Eddie shrugged. “Had a hunch. Richie saw one of those blue drinks and thought that Stan would like that, and I know you can get those here, so.”
Stan looked at Richie, who was smiling at his giant, converse-clad feet, and felt a little bit sad all over again. His empty apartment nostalgia brain had nothing to do with how big of a hole Richie’s semi-departure had actually left in his life.
But again - that was a problem for Later Stan.
“Come on, Rich,” Stan said, moving towards the doors of the Starring Rolls Cafe and beckoning to his friend. “I’ll buy you a cupcake.”
Richie’s resulting smile was enough to make Stan consider skipping the fireworks show - it was that much of a spectacle. “He does care!”
“I always have, dipshit,” Stan muttered, walking pointedly away from Richie and into the air-conditioned cafe. Immediately, he let out a sigh of relief - the Florida heat fucking sucked, and he could practically feel his hair going nuts with it at this point in the day. Behind him, he heard Richie following along and chattering enthusiastically, but he tuned that out in favor of locating the blue drink he wanted on the menu. Once he found it, he couldn’t help but scowl...there was no way he was going to be able to pronounce the name of that cocktail well enough to order it. Reluctantly, he turned back to Mike.
“Hey sweetheart,” he began slowly, “the blue drink....”
Mike glanced at the menu, and then he threw his head back and let out a long laugh. Embarrassed, Stan tightened his shoulders and turned around.
“Never mind, I don’t--”
“Alderaan,” Mike said, still wheezing with laughter. “It’s pronounced All - deh - rahn...although if you want to pay homage to that meme you like about the high ground, you should get the red Mustafar thing--”
Stan considered that. On the one hand, he was mortified enough at this point to be seriously considering just skipping the drink altogether, but on the other...he did love that meme...
“Richie?” He glanced off to the right, scanning the room for Richie, who had become suspiciously quiet since they’d entered the bakery. “Tell me what you want so I can ge--”
The sentence dried up in Stan’s mouth as he locked eyes with one Bill Denbrough, who was standing next to a sheepish looking Richie. Stan vaguely registered the presence of Eddie, Beverly, and Ben behind Bill, but it didn’t matter that they were there, not really.
Well, it did, kind of. He tore his eyes from Bill and quickly scanned each of their faces - Richie looked uncomfortable, Eddie looked kind of sick, Ben looked embarrassed, and Bev...Bev looked…
Stan turned back to the left to glance at Mike, and when Mike met his gaze, a small nod confirmed Stan’s suspicions: this was Beverly Marsh’s doing, most definitely.
Bill himself looked more gaunt than Stan remembered - as if someone had taken the face that Stan remembered and stretched it thinner, made it longer, made it sadder, almost. His blue eyes stood in stark contrast to the circles around them, and they looked scared.
Bizarrely, that detail was almost comforting to Stan. It was good that Bill was a little frightened. That was better than Bill being indignant, or having that Denbrough fiery conviction in his eyes. No...frightened, Stan could work with. It gave him leverage, at the very least.
Mike would feel bad about it, though - and Stan could see him already starting to feel bad about it, guilt was creeping across his face and sinking his shoulders. Damn it.
Bill spoke first. “You didn’t t-tell me they were going to be here, Bev.”
Oh. That was new. Stan knew that Bill had stuttered in his youth, but he hadn’t ever actually heard him do it. Was it a ploy, or was it legitimate? Was it shitty of Stan to even be thinking that question?
“You guys were never going to get here on your own,” Bev said cooly, and Stan felt a little spike of anger at her - who was she to dictate the terms of this revisitation? They weren’t ready. None of them were ready, and Hollywood Studios was the wrong venue for any kind of confrontation.
Before he could collect his thoughts well enough to voice his displeasure, though, Eddie was speaking. “Should we go, then?” he asked, twisting the hem of his shirt in his hands nervously. “We could get in line for Star Tours, maybe? Or the Luke Skywalker meet-and-greet?”
“Do you know the names of any Star Wars characters that aren’t Luke Skywalker?” Richie asked fondly, re-situating his hand on Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie leaned into the touch, smiling quietly to himself.
“I like Luke Skywalker.” Eddie defended himself without any real heat, sliding a hand up to cover Richie’s. “He’s gay.”
Ben half-covered his face with his hand. “Oh, Eddie…”
“We’ll go,” Bev decided loudly, grabbing for Ben’s hand and leading him towards the door. “Text me when you’re ready to join us, boys. We’ll be in line for something or other, probably.”
Bev, Ben, Richie, and Eddie swept out of the restaurant together, and all of Stan’s angry words were left to fester as the four of them disappeared into the crowd, chattering about the merits of meeting Princess Leia (Bev’s choice) versus meeting Luke Skywalker (Eddie’s choice).
For the first time since February, Stan, Mike, and Bill were alone together. It was almost funny that they were reconciling in a restaurant, Stan thought, except that it was really not funny at all. None of them had moved, so they weren’t even set up to have a private conversation - they were stuck just staring at each other across the bakery as patrons entered and exited.
After a long thirty seconds, Mike strode forward, and gestured to Stan to follow him. Stan clenched his fists and entertained the idea of resisting - he didn’t want either of them to be drawn back into the vortex they’d been in before, the last two months had been so good - but in the end, he followed, because this wasn’t about going back, not really. It was about moving forward.
How have you been, Bill?” Mike asked softly, offering out a hand for Bill to shake.
Bill stared at Mike’s hand as if it were going to bite him, but Mike held firm, and after an excruciating moment, Bill relented. Stan was surprised at how visibly Bill relaxed when his brain finally processed that Mike and Stan weren’t going to be hostile. He deflated like a balloon, sagging his shoulders and sliding his hand into Mike’s.
“Okay,” Bill said, and Stan could almost feel the way his face immediately synched up with Mike’s as they raised their eyebrows at Bill skeptically. Bill stared at them for a second, and then choked out a laugh, eyes widening incredulously. “Okay, not great, not really even okay, actually. Holy shit, you guys.”
“Sorry,” Mike said, at the same time that Stan said, “Now THIS is podracing,” and Bill let out another hoarse laugh.
“Is that a meme?” he asked, smiling up at Stan, and Stan felt his stomach clench upon seeing the little crinkly smile lines around Bill’s eyes. How fucking odd, to remember the things that you were attracted to in a person without experiencing the actual attraction.
“Yes,” Stan said, and found that his voice wasn’t nearly as sharp as he’d anticipated it being. “Of course it’s a meme. You know me.”
Bill looked like he had something to say on that point, but to Stan’s great surprise, he kept it to himself.
“Guest Relations still going okay? I never see you in the tunnels,” Mike continued, already grasping for straws as far as small talk topics were concerned. The conversation was going to have to get serious soon - Stan wasn’t sure why Mike was delaying the inevitable.
“It’s fine,” Bill shrugged. “Kind of boring. I see Richie and Eddie sometimes, but mostly it’s just the usual sitting at the window and fielding complaints. How’s Splash? And Yacht?”
“Splash is great, actually,” Mike said, smiling slowly. “I’m glad I transferred there. I’m having a lot of fun.”
If Bill was upset about that, he was doing a good job of not showing it. “I’m glad. And you, Stan?”
Stan nodded, trying to be as agreeable as possible. “We’ve got wings closed for renovation, so it’s pretty quiet. Once we’re full steam ahead again, though, I’m going to put in for Manager.”
Bill swung his eyes over to meet Stan’s, and Stan was surprised by how open his expression was. “Good. Sounds like you’re both doing well.”
Mike and Stan exchanged a nervous glance. “We’re fine, yeah.”
There was an awkward silence, exacerbated by Bill turning away for a few seconds to look at the cupcake case. Once he turned back, Mike spoke again.
“I’m sorry for what happened in February,” he said, and Stan straightened up. Finally, finally, finally they had reached the meat of the conversation - and the sooner they got through it, the sooner this terrible interaction would be finished. “I know I wasn’t fair.”
Mike turned his head after he was finished speaking and fixed Stan with a look that indicated that he expected Stan to apologize too...but Stan wasn’t quite there yet.
“Have you thought about what we said?” he asked instead, and he felt rather than saw Mike’s cringe.
Bill didn’t seem upset, though. In fact, he looked as though he had expected that line of questioning. “If I said yes, Stan, would you believe me?”
Stan didn’t really know what his answer to that question was. Fortunately, Mike was able to make a quicker judgement call.
“I would,” said Mike. “February Bill would have been pretty mad that we were doing well without him, I think, and you seem….you seem calm, Bill. Have you been talking to someone?”
“Just Bev,” he said, cutting eye contact with both of them and looking at the ground sheepishly. “We still live together for the moment, but I think she’s looking at moving in with Ben? Is that true?” He looked specifically at Mike for that question, and Mike nodded carefully.
“I think so? I’m pretty evenly split between my place and Stan’s, so I don’t know for sure,” he said, and Stan’s eyes snapped back to Bill’s face, trying to gauge his reaction about Stan and Mike spending time together. To his credit, he didn’t seem fazed at all.
Fuck. Maybe things had changed over the past few months. Maybe Bill was trying to self-improve after all.
“But I’m thinking about seeing a therapist,” Bill continued, shuffling his feet a little bit, “just to like, talk to someone, you know? And I’ve been thinking about what you guys were saying about the not listening, because...well, Bev said it too, and I’m not...I’m working on it.”
Mike smiled sweetly. “I can tell.”
“Me too,” Stan admitted, and Bill’s eyes snapped up at that. He had obviously not expected Stan to be kind.
“I have a question, though,” Bill asked, in a tone that quietly indicated that he only half-wanted to ask his question.
“Shoot,” Mike and Stan said in unison, and Bill shuddered.
“Fucking weird, you guys. Anyways,” he said, taking his time as if trying to word it perfectly in his head. “I just...what happened? Why me? I know that’s probably like...ignorant or something? Maybe? I don’t know, but...I deserve to know that, I think.”
Stan smiled thinly. The old Bill - the “deserve” Bill - was not quite dead, after all.
Mike, as always, was kinder than Stan, and launched quickly into an explanation.
“Well, the minority versus non-minority thing was bigger than you thought it was, I think,” Mike said thoughtfully, and Stan nodded.
“Yeah, ditto that. There are some things you just can’t understand unless you’ve lived them.”
Bill frowned and shoved his hands into his pockets. “But Stan’s white.”
Stan exhaled lowly. “Yeah, and that’s not the same as Mike and all the shit he deals with, I know...but the Jewishness, Bill. It’s a thing, even if I haven’t really practiced in a minute...it’s a thing.”
Sighing, Bill inelegantly pushed a hand back through his hair. “Okay, I guess. Was that it?”
Stan looked at Mike, and Mike nodded back at him, giving him the non-verbal green light.
“The dynamic was weird,” Stan said, willing Bill to look him in the eyes for this part. It wasn’t happening, but it felt like it was important to try, so Stan persisted. “You like to be in charge, and the two of us aren’t really people that like having people in charge of us.”
“Yeah,” Mike agreed. “We’re not Richie and Eddie, Bill - heck, we’re not even Ben and Bev. We’ve got a whole different thing going on, you know?”
Bill’s eyes were all but glued to the floor. “That makes sense, I guess.”
“You don’t like it,” Mike said flatly, and Bill hesitated for a moment before nodding.
“I don’t,” Bill agreed. “But. It helps to know.”
“We should have explained it better,” Mike said, and Stan nodded shortly - almost indecipherably, because part of him was still resistant to apologizing, but he nodded all the same. “It’s just so fucking frustrating in the moment, you know?”
Bill barked out a laugh. “Yeah, I definitely know.”
Another silence fell upon them, but it was more comfortable now. Stan could practically see the other side of the conversation, and he was desperate to get there. The staff was starting to be weirded out by their continued presence.
“Are we going to be okay, then?” he asked, trying to drive the other two to a more practical place.
They both looked up at him with matching fond smiles, and he felt heat curl in his gut. Fuck, that was...something else.
“I don’t know about hanging today, if I’m honest,” Mike said, more blunt than usual (and Stan knew that was for his sake), “but we could try another day and see? That’ll give us time to prepare.”
Bill nodded thoughtfully. “Time to prepare sounds good. Bev really threw us under the bus today, huh.”
“She really fucking did,” Stan agreed sourly. “Which day?”
“I’m pretty tied up this month,” Bill admitted, “but maybe beginning of June? Do you guys have Universal Studios Season Passes? I haven’t been on Kong yet.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Mike smiled. “Cool. You staying for the rest of this Star Wars crazy, Bill?”
“Nah,” Bill said, waving a hand dismissively across his face. “I’m more of a Star Trek guy. Bev knows that, so I was a little confused about why she asked me to come today...I guess I know now. Anyways. I’ll probably go home and watch reruns of Arrested Development.”
Stan nodded, feeling light. “Well, godspeed, then.”
Bill looked between the two of them, looking half pleased and half exasperated. “God, Stan, you’re so--”
“I know,” Stan said, reaching for Mike’s hand. To his great relief, Mike took it immediately. “I know.”
There was still more to say - the air was thick with conversation they weren’t having, but it was time for Bill to go, and he knew it.
“Goodbye, then,” he finally said, backing towards the doors of the restaurant.
“Goodbye,” Mike and Stan chorused, waving him away until he pushed his way out and back into the Florida sun.
They stood there like that for a moment, hands clasped, and then looked back at each other.
“How do you say the name of that drink again?” Stan finally asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Mike opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, someone tapped Stan on the shoulder.
It was one of the Starring Rolls employees, holding his blue, blue drink.
“Couldn’t help but overhear,” she said quickly as Stan read her nametag (‘Patricia’, and she looked like one, too, all dark curls and dimples). “This is on the house. Sorry about your friend.”
Stan blinked back at her, too surprised to speak, and Mike clapped a hand on his shoulder, laughing softly.
“In another life, he’d be considering asking you to marry him right about now,” Mike informed the girl, who laughed in response.
“Sounds like it would be nice,” she said, beaming at the two of them. “Alternate universe Patty Blum is pretty lucky. But for now, enjoy, okay? May the fourth be with you.”
“Thank you,” Stan said, thirty seconds too late - she was already headed back to her post.
“Pull yourself together, sweetheart,” Mike chided jokingly, holding up his phone, which was lit up with new text notifications. “Bev’s wondering where we are. You up for doing more shit? I know that was a lot to handle.”
Stan looked down at his drink, and then up at Mike, and felt his face split into a huge, crazy grin.
“That’s...why I’m here.”
Mike’s responding groan propelled them out of Starring Rolls and all the way back to where Bev, Ben, Richie, and Eddie were waiting for them.
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andziaregina · 6 years
"You should bloggggg!"
If y'all say so.
I've been told I'm pretty entertaining when I tell stories. Lately, my stories are mostly dating related and few and far between. I'm generally just watching whatever I'm binging, or reruns of Trixie and Katya.
So I'll start this story from the beginning of this year. I turned 30 in March, and literally everything since then is a fucking rollercoaster. Mostly excellent, but the fun, tragically hilarious shit is what we're focusing on here. My ex and I broke up because she wanted to get back together with our old roommate. Yes, back together, old roommate. That's a different mess but after 3 1/2 years, if your choice is someone whose teeth are more congruently jagged with yours then please, date your cousin. 🤷🏻‍♀️
So we break up, and WHAT ELSE DO YOU DO AFTER YOU'VE BEEN DATING WOMEN FOR A FEKKIN DECADE but sleep with a guy. Y'all chill, I've been to this rodeo (a lotttttt). So the fucking hilarity is I'm just like hell ya, sleeping with someone who I've always been friends with and this can be super easy RIGHT?! Obviously Karen if you have to ask the answer is absolutely not- make this as painfully awkward as possible. So this carried on for ya know like, 3 or 4 months or some shit. My *ass* catches some feels, duh, but it doesn't work out. Here's where I can be an ADULT THIRTY YEAR OLD GDI but why? It didn't work out supposedly because the sex fizzled out or whatever wording was chosen to explain to me why the ghosting happened on his part but the truth is whiskey dick is a HELL of a condition and some people can't own up to it. The TEA is that a lot went into this! Meeting family, going to weddings, annual summer parties- but ya know. Whiskey. Fucking. Dick. AND EVEN BETTER after literally being told "here's why I ghosted" I get told it's because he was thinking about me AFTER the girl he had been seeing/liking/literally who gives a fuck got a boyfriend and he was sad. Sad, Barbara. Lmao. I can't make any of this or the following up. THEN this idiot sends me a snap of himself in the shower with a beer and says, "Have a beer with me?" No, lmao. I also posted a song on snap by an artist named James Bay, and his ass with the same first name is like, "Am I your James Bae lololololol" STFU you ain't funny.
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Oooooooookay so ironically this same weekend i find out there are really creative ways to cover up whiskey dick, another guy I'd gone out with a few times told me I was "a lot". This fuckin' guy. Check this out: so I go out with this guy for drinks. I think we hit it off, we text quite a bit, whatever. So he's like why don't you come to my place for whiskey and TV binge. I'm like, "Y'all, I love a good night in. Yes. Absolutely." So I go to his place, we talk and he shows me around and is perfectly nice. I need to also mention now, before the audacity this child had is discussed, that I am pretty picky about height. I like girls my height or a bit taller, and I like guys literally as tall as the Red Wood Forest. These aren't set in stone but I just want to feel ~*~like a lady~*~ and someone being taller than me does that for me. This dude is 5'8". I'm 5'7". So you can already assume I'm trying to tell myself if he's a decent person I will clam up, put out and be okay. Well, I'll be the first to say if I am sitting on a couch and your choice is to approach me from above like a swooping (tiny) falcon and aggressively kiss me with no preface, you gotta miss me with that bullshit. But, again, let's just see where this goes. I mean I fucking shaved, what did I THINK I was doing this night?? Okay, so we make out and things move along and we decide to go to the bedroom and obviously we had *iNtErCoUrSe*. But the fucking thing is, he did this like dirty talk but like- not well. If someone has to incessantly ask me if I like something, chances are I either already don't or I certainly won't anymore. So, I just knew with each drying pump, I would have to say something or ensure the most inflamed vaginal lips on earth and I ain't trying to have that. So I tell him, "Hey, dirty talk just isn't doing it for me." THIS FUCKING GUY had the god damn nerve to tell me I would just need to get ear plugs. Wrong, bucko. Absolutely, unequivocally not correct. And more over, when he hit me with the typical, "I can't get off with a condom, I'm a twat," I was like well that's too bad. "Do you want to suck it?" Y'all, I hollered. No, I sure don't bud. I sure the fuck don't. So I left.
Honourable mentions before I continue: super short guy who lied and told me he was 5'8" and is irrevocably 5'5". Also, another guy who I had EVERY FUCKING GOLD-COVERED, GIFT-WRAPPED CHANCE TO POSSIBLY DATE and would have been great, but don't worry I let ol Whiskey Dong cloud my judgment so whatever.
So then I meet this chick. Super attractive you GUYS. About my height, long dark hair, super fun and we seem to get along great. But fun fact, she's married. Her husband and she have a polyamorous relationship and everything is cool so ya know what THIS IS 30. Well, she cons me in to going out with her on a random Wednesday because her husband wants to meet me. Well, in case I was curious what my jam is right now- he solidified that it's men. I kiss BOTH OF THEM JESUS and have a blast and it's just fun. Then she's like, no chill I have to see you all the time omg you don't feel well I can come lay around with you omg. Girl, no you cannot. Then I'm just like, "I can't do this." Well my fucking God she sure did have her husband call me because of this. Y'all calm down, this lay ain't even that great SEE ABOVE FOR CHARACTER REFERENCES. I haven't heard from her since yesterday which is honestly the longest yet and I'm glad.
I did meet a new guy, so far so good. But I'm not saying anything until I ruin it, at which point I'll be back with more tales from the crypt. 🖤
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therealmaggiemedia · 3 years
The Maggie Simpson Show E2002 Two parties on the same day Rated 15 for References to drugs
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Maggie is sitting on her bed getting ready for school and chatting to the viewers at the same time.
Hello, welcome to the show, as you know by now I’m Maggie Simpson and this is my show today I have been invited to two parties but I don’t know whose party to go to as I don’t like to disappoint people, well you’ll find out what happens in today's show!
Emma is asking Maggie if she is coming to her birthday party.
So are you coming to mine at four for my birthday party?
I might do if I have nothing better to do!
Bloody Hell Maggie, make up your bloody mind!
Then Joanne walks up to Maggie
My party is going to be so cool and I bet you have never been to a ten your old’s party before right?
Tell you what Joanne, I’ll decide during my lessons and I’ll let you know at next recess!
Joanne walks away from them.
Your not going to her party are you?
Well I might do because she lives in a children’s home and I kind of feel sorry for her!
Seriously, boy Maggie, I have been your friend for years but you can do better then her!
Yeah, she seems okay but a bit rough around the edges!
If she invited you she must invite me!
Sorry Skye, she didn’t!
Aw Dog poo!
I mean I have dog poo on my shoe I’ll try and get it off!
Skye takes off her left shoe and everyone sees Skye’s socks and are shocked.
Skye, nobody wears socks like that anymore, so 2005!
Well its all I have got okay!
Skye gets the dog dirt off her shoe.
Thank god for that!
But then she looks up and sees Principal Skinner and he is not looking to happy.
(YELLING) McDonald, look what you have put on my pants!
You see sir I had it on my shoe so I got it off but it landed on your pants, I’m really sorry!
We can talk about it in my office!
He walks Skye inside and to his office.
So what we’re saying Maggie is do the right thing for once in your life!
I need to take a walk to think things over!
Maggie sits on a bench and starts to think.
What am I going to do, I’m invited to two parties, viewers this is where I need your help. Boys vote on the right side and girls vote on the left side and go!
The viewers all vote.
The results are in and the girls win and that means I’m going to Joanne's party, okay back to the story!
Maggie walks up to Joanne
Joanne, I’ve decided and I’d love to come to your party!
Cool, see you at four!
At the other side of the playground Maggie’s other friends are not happy about her going to Joanne’s party.
She choose her over me!
Yeah, doesn’t make sense she wants to go to an order girl’s party?
She’ll find out soon the reason why she invited her!
Is there a reason why?
There’s got to be I’m sure of it!
Maggie is standing at the door of the children’s home now wearing a pink party dress she rings the bell and an old woman comes to the door.
Hi, I’m here for Joanne French’s birthday party!
Come on in!
Maggie enters the home and she sees Joanne and walks up to her.
Hi Maggie, thanks for coming!
Not a problem, so when does the party start?
Soon, but before the party lets go to my room so we can talk!
Maggie goes with Joanne to her room, in the room there is a rule of no shoes in the room.
Maggie, we have to take off our shoes its the rules!
They both take off their shoes at the door since Maggie is wearing a party dress she is wearing white socks.
Nice socks Maggie!
I don’t like wearing them really but they are part of the dress!
Anyway lets chat first of all where my present?
Maggie goes in her backpack and give it to Joanne she opens it and sees its a CD of music.
I did this for you its called a mixtape!
Nice, thanks Maggie!
Then another girl enters the room.
Hey, Joanne, lets-
she sees Maggie
your not friends with a six year old are you?
Yes I am but our friendship just sort of happened I don’t let the age difference bother me!
And I wanted to take this!
She holds up a bag of white powder that looks like drugs.
Roxy, that is illegal and if we get caught with that we’ll get kicked out!
I know something else that’s illegal you being a pedophile!
Roxy, what are you talking about me and Maggie are friends now do one!
Roxy leaves the room.
You told her Joanne!
So how about a game of spin the bottle I’ll go and get some guys!
Joanne Maggie Roxy and some boys are playing spin the bottle.
Okay whoever the bottle points at that’s the person you will go in the closet with and make out!
Make out huh, is that sex?
No its just kissing!
Joanne spins the bottle and the bottle lands on Maggie
You know the rules we have to make out in the closet!
They both go in the closet inside Maggie and Joanne kiss Joanne feels Maggie’s thing,
Oh yeah, that feels good down there!
Then the door opens and  the old woman sees them both and what they are doing.
I want to see both of you in my office right now!
In the office, Maggie and Joanne are getting told off for what they did.
and no more feeling each other up in the closet!
Joanne starts laughing.
Miss French, do you find something funny about what I said?
Well kind of yeah!
How is this for you, no TV but you may continue the party since we went to a lot of trouble to have this for you!
Can I stay!
Yes you can till the end of the party then you will go home!
In the dining room Maggie is sitting around a table with a cake on it and Joanne is sitting at the end of the table they all sing happy birthday to Joanne then she blows out the candles and everyone cheers.
Okay, I’ll just cut the cake then everyone can have a piece!
Maggie is enjoying her cake but she gets cake all over her.
Can I use your bathroom to clean myself up?
Yes I’ll help you clean yourself up!
They both go upstairs.
Told you she was a Pedophile!
You have no proof of that Roxy!
I’ll spike their drinks then we’ll see!
Roxy puts drugs in their drinks they both come back and Maggie is clean again.
Thanks Joanne for helping me!
No problem!
They both drink their orange juice then the drugs kick in Maggie turns to a boy and want to have sex with him Joanne does the same.
Yeah, I really want you to do me!
Huh, you on something or what?
Do me, I want it now!
Now I know you two are on something!
They both grab the boy and take him into a closet, five minutes later he comes out so do Maggie and Joanne the old lady who runs the place walks up to Joanne .
(ANGRY) Joanne French, taking drugs and doing things in closets I have no option but to ex spell you from the home, you may go to your room and collect your things and your friend can help you!
Outside the home Maggie and Joanne are wondering what Joanne is going to do.
Don’t know what I’m going to do Maggie, I have nowhere to sleep!
And we know whose fault this is, Roxy’s she had a bag of white powder but convincing the staff of that is like convincing my Dad to eat salad!
Yeah, they won’t believe us and I’ve been kicked out!
I know where you can stay with me!
But won’t your parents mind me being there?
No and besides if your there you can protect me when my brother tries to beat me up!
Maggie, I don’t deserve a friend like you thanks!
Maggie and Joanne hug.
Maggie has come home with Joanne and Maggie is explaining the problem to Homer and Marge
And that’s basically what happened and why Joanne can’t go back to the children’s home!
Don’t you have any parents Joanne!
Sadly Mrs Simpson, both my parents died in a house fire!
Well I suppose you can stay if Maggie doesn’t mind a roommate!
Mom, me and Joanne will get on like two flies on a toffee!
Yes, and we know each other from school!
They both go upstairs to Maggie’s bedroom.
Does that mean I have to get the campbed out of the garage?
Yes Homer!
in Maggie’s Bedroom Maggie is showing Joanne where she can put her stuff.
Okay Joanne, you can put your bags over there and I believe my Dad is getting the campbed!
Yeah, enjoy the campbed Maggie!
(ANGRY) What do you mean enjoy the campbed?, that’s my bed your sitting on and I’m sleeping in  it your sleeping in the campbed!
No way!
Yes you are!
No I’m not!
Yes you are!
In the garage Homer is looking for the campbed he finds it and tries to pull it from all the rubbish he gets it out but everything falls on top of him then Lisa enters the garage.
You know Dad, it would be much easier if you got rid of all this stuff!
Oh Shut up Lisa!
I’ll help you by getting you out of this stuff!
Lisa pulls Homer out but As he gets up from the floor something hits him on the head and Lisa laughs.
Are you going to help me with this campbed or are you going to stand there laughing?
Yes, Dad!
That night in Maggie’s bedroom Joanne has taken Maggie’s bed and Maggie is sleeping on the campbed and she is not happy about it.
(ANGRY) Stupid Joanne taking my bed after I said no!
Then the campbed collapses and Maggie ends up on the floor, Maggie grabs her dovet and pillow and goes downstairs, in the living room Maggie decides to sleep on the couch sense there is no where else she gets on the couch and goes to sleep then the light comes on and wakes her up and its Homer.
Yes Sweetie!
Does Mom know your down here?
Does Joanne Know your down here?
No, I’m down here because the damn campbed collapsed and Joanne stole my bed!
Tell you what sweetie I’ll go in the kitchen and make us both a sandwich!
Yeah okay!
Maggie lays down again but Homer is making so much noise in the kitchen that it keeps her awake then Homer comes back with two sandwiches and he gives Maggie one.
Here you are sweetie!
Thanks Dad, we’re going to have to try and get Joanne back in the children's home that girl is mean!
Thought you liked Joanne!
I did till she stole my bed that made me so angry!
Maggie and Homer cuddle.
Homer and Marge are talking to the old lady who runs the place about getting Joanne back in.
How can I help you two?
We have a girl at our house who use to live here she is called Joanne French!
Oh yes, she was taking drugs and was doing things I should not mention with a boy in the closet!
Is there anyway you can let Joanne back because she is driving my daughter up the wall and she has problems of her own!
Mrs Simpson, we would like to allow Joanne back but how do we know we can trust her again?
Lady, I have done tons of crap at my place of work and he hasn’t fired me so all I’m saying is give her another chance!
Mr Simpson, you’ve convinced me, Joanne can return as long as she promises never to this sort of thing again!
I’m sure she won’t!
Joanne is thanking Maggie for what she did for her but Maggie is angry with her for taking her bed.
Maggie, I’d like to thank you for inviting me into your home and for letting me stay in your room!
(ANGRY) Joanne, I have no problem with shearing a room with you but did you have to take my bed?
Yeah, what happened was I was sitting on your bed and I was so tried from my party that I must have fell asleep!
Well don’t do it again!
I won’t I’m sorry Maggie!
They both hug
Maggie and Joanne are doing a jigsaw puzzle of Krusty the Klown when Marge enters the room.
Maggie, can I have a word with Joanne in private?
Sure Mom, I’ll go and see what Lisa’s doing in her room!
Maggie puts her shoes on and exits the room.
Joanne, me and Mr Simpson went to the children’s home and they will let you back in as long as you don’t do what you did!
The truth is Mrs Simpson, I don’t remember doing what they said I did its like I was drugged or something!
Drugged?, were there anyone else there?
Maggie saw Roxy with a bag of white powder we both drunk the juice in the bowel not knowing what was in it and we both got drugged!
I’ll ask Maggie what she saw and if she can confirm its the truth then I’m going back to that home and you and Maggie are coming with me!
In Maggie’s Bedroom Marge is asking Maggie about what happened.
Yes, Mom, its the truth!
Marge is in the office with Maggie and the old lady.
Maggie, can you tell this nice lady what you saw at the party?
I’d love to, I was talking to Joanne in her room when Roxy comes barging in and I saw her with a bag of white powder and when I was online it showed it was non other then Cocaine!
Thank you Maggie, now I know the truth Joanne can indeed come back to the home!
Joanne is enjoying Maggie’s bed when Maggie enters the room and forces Joanne off her bed.
Joanne French. Get your ass off my bed!
She does what Maggie tells her and Maggie walks up to Joanne
I have good news for you, your going back to the children’s home, I explained everything and they will give you another chance!
Thank you Maggie!
They both hug.
I better start packing!
I’ll help you!
Maggie and Joanne pack Joanne’s bags
Maggie is standing facing the camera and talking to the viewers
Oh Hello in this weeks episode you saw my friend Joanne get into trouble with illegal drugs and me as well my tip is don’t be taken in by glamour, see you next time!
0 notes
calummmmmmm-blog1 · 7 years
「Calum Hood」
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Title: Attention Pairing: Best Friend!Calum X Reader / Ashton X Reader Genre: Angst ━ Fluff at end  Summary: Calum was your best friend; and someone you wanted for a long time to just love you back. But that was shut down after one mistake at a party; once friends now strangers but why does he continue to ruin your happiness even though you aren’t friends.  Word Count: 2.4K
Cigarettes, alcohol and poison. His lips tasted like the devils. The scent of ash lingered in his mouth as his tongue danced with your own; hands moving, touching, grabbing at what he could. Love; Lust had never felt so good before. One, two, seven drinks were thrown down your throat letting it burn. This was wrong; yet you found yourself pushing against him while your hips circled with his own.
Wanting someone for so long; you needed him. The music that used to be loud now sounded dead quiet in the back of your head as your mind was consumed about what was to come. The room dark enough to hide your secret from anyone who wanted to know. At first it was giggles and teasing; now it was moaning and grinding. His mouth detached from your own; you already missed the taste of him.
“This is wrong. We shouldn’t; you’re my best friend.” It’s funny how some simple words can ruin something that you’ve been craving for; it was then you realised that you maybe have wanted it…but he didn’t. Silence was your answer; if he didn’t want you what was the point? You left him standing in that dark room that almost hid your dark secret.  
You grabbed your drunk friend but they always say you leave one thing at one’s house you forget; usually it’d be your bag, or your friendship ring. This time, it was your broken heart. Tears; sweat and make up was your colour tonight. Your friend still giggled and laughed and spilled secrets to you; his drunken state not something you enjoyed seeing often.
After minutes of driving, hours thinking and seconds of sobering you finally let it hit you like a bus; the realisation that after years of being together he never felt the same way. You didn’t understand; you dressed like them, you walked like them, you acted like them yet he still looks the other way at other else. He could go through them like pringles, one after the other in seconds. But when it came to you he didn’t even try.
Were you repulsive? A disgrace? A whore? That’s what you felt deep down; you just wanted one night. One night to have him want you back just as much as you did; one night that would mean so much to you, even if it meant losing him. A box of tissues sat by your side ready for use as you began to explain to Michael what happened.
“I showed up in the dress, I did my hair and make-up, I threw myself at him like an idiot and I’m still sitting on the sidelines.” Tears were the last of your problems right now, letting them fall because you simply didn’t care. You couldn’t hold it in anymore; you couldn’t stop yourself from letting go. Maybe this was the push you needed, the push that would make you realise something but what was it? 
Your lips trembled and your body was pulled into arms of someone who gave a fuck; someone who cared about your feelings. It’s surprising, you’ve known Michael for a week; comparing it to how long you’ve known Calum which has been years. Michael didn’t know what to say, what could be say? 
“I’m sorry you’re best friend doesn’t love you back?” It’s not exactly something you say to someone who just lost not only their heart; but their best friend. 
Calum didn’t hang around on campus much anymore; but when he did it was always him and some girl flirting. It hurt to be walking down the path and see your ex best friend kissing her, touching her, giving himself to her when you had to watch. Is this what a broken heart really felt like? You had given it to him many times and when you thought that maybe once he wouldn’t crush it; he did. 
“Y/n! You forgot your book.” You turned around to see a boy with honey locks and hazel eyes greener than brown. A smile so wide it looked like it hurt and an attitude that made you want to smile too. And it did; you smiled genuinely for once and thanked him as you took it from his hands.
“Look I know we don’t hang or talk much but like I was wondering if you wanted to study for Greek Mythology? I’m just having trouble writing my essay.” He explained and you nodded; exchanging details while Calum watched from afar. A pair of lips attached to his neck but not the lips he wanted there. They were rough and harsh and the girl’s chapped lips didn’t help plus she was smearing her lipstick everywhere.
After Ashton left Calum watched as you did that thing you do every time a guy you like has spoken to you. You pulled out your chap stick; blueberry flavour and pressed it to your lips and spread it. A smile now swept across your face as you now walked to your dorm with your head held high and confidence.
“Want to take this back to my dorm?” Another woman’s voice brought him out of thought; a woman who threw herself at him like this for attention. He pushed her off and stormed the other way, he didn’t want her. He didn’t want Eleanor, Grace, Hannah or Angelique. He didn’t want any of those girls, he wanted you. But he knew what he was capable of and if he ever hurt you he could never forgive himself.
Lunch time was good, he sat with Luke and watched as you and Michael sat and laughed while you threw your peas onto his plate; something you used to do to him. He watched as another tray was placed on the table and you were joined by another male. The same guy from earlier; Ashton Irwin. He flashed his smile and joined in the with the conversation; a blush creeping on your cheeks at everything he said.
“So Ashton, you and y/n hanging out later on aye?” Michael teased causing Ashton to flip him off playfully. The two were doing the same Music course together and talked often.
“Yeah, I’m struggling with writing my assignment for Greek Mythology. A five thousand worded paper on a Greek God or Goddess.” Ash explained, you had barely started your paper too. You weren’t sure what you wanted to do because there were so many Gods. You knew you wanted to be different. The girls all doing; Aphrodite who is the Goddess of Love. Most of the guys wouldn’t probably do anything knowing they’re only in the class for the girls.
“I don’t understand why you do Greek Mythology it’s boring.” Michael groaned, playing around with his apple that he had yet to eat. You rolled your eyes and turned to Ashton to talk more about the assignment and your thoughts and opinions. Time was flying by faster than you thought, lunch ending and you both heading to the library to take a seat and start.
“Okay so who have you chosen for the assignment?” You asked and he glanced down at his notes from class. All different names and short descriptions but one name with a red circle around it.
Ares; the God of War. Interesting choice he had, you pulled out your laptop and began typing away. Your mind getting lost in thoughts and ideas and different words to use you didn’t realise how time flew by quickly. Ashton had finished his assignment a while ago while you still remained stuck on the beginning. 
You were given much information about your chosen Goddess; Arke. She was a betrayer of the Olympian Gods and joined the side of the Titans and when the Olympian Gods won Zeus banished her along with with rest of the Titans in Tartarus; but not before her wings were taken away from her.  
“Thank you again for your help, I now am ready to hand in this assignment.” Ashton said as you both walked slowly down the path; the moon high and mighty shining in the sky while the stars joined tonight. After many cloudy nights the stars finally decided to show. 
“It’s no problem, I’m glad my sources helped.” You said with a smile, the tension seemed thick between you two but you ignored it for now telling yourself it would go away soon maybe. 
“You never told me who you chose for your assignment? Let me guess Aphrodite? Hades? Dionysus?” You shook your head, giggling slightly at his determination to guess who you chose. 
“Arke; she was daughter if Thaumas and was banished after betraying the Olympian Gods. She was looked down upon for choosing a different path.” You said softly; Ashton seemed to pick up your tone and how the words left your mouth each with meaning or reference to something. You both slowed as you stopped at the door of your dorm. 
“Before I do something; I need to ask something.” Ash said and you nodded, curious as to what he wanted to know. 
“Are you and that Michael guy...dating?” You began laughing; at first it was little giggles but it escalated to a full out laughter that was probably waking students up from their sleep. 
“No, Michael? He’s my friend; but Michael and I would never date.” You said, wiping tears away and trying to calm your voice. Ash laughed slightly; nervous of what he was about to do but he knew he wasn’t going to regret it. When your eyes met his he felt like he was going to faint. 
He had never noticed how e/c your eyes were until looking at them now; it was basically a scene from a movie though. The dim lighting, the silence, the happiness. His lips were moving against yours slowly; a kiss that every girl had dreamed of having with someone. A kiss that meant something to you. 
After pulling away and wishing him a goodnight you watched him walk down the hallway and out of the building, you opened your door and turned on the light expecting to see your roommate asleep in her bed but instead you let out a shriek when you saw Calum sitting on your bed. 
Back hunched over and elbows resting on his knees; a glum look on his face as you entered the room. 
“W-what are you doing here?” You asked, confused as you put your bag down and began taking off your coat. He stood up, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans before taking a step forward. 
“I came to see you. We need to talk.” He said calmly, you shook your head and sighed. Hand reaching around and pulling the hair tie that held your locks together all day, letting them free themselves from the hold and pool out onto your shoulders. 
“I made a mistake--” You laughed, in a mockingly way causing him to stop and see you shaking your head before turning to him and placing your hands on your hips. 
“You made a mistake? Really? Don’t fucking try and bullshit you or make you the victim here. Because you aren’t Calum!” You yelled at him, he had never heard your voice like that before and he didn’t realise how upset this made you. How badly this had hurt you. 
“I’m the victim here. I made the mistake of thinking if I made myself available you would finally want me like you want every other girl. Like you have every other girl. But it doesn’t matter how many layers of clothes I take off and how many layers of make up I put on you still won’t see me more than your best friend!” With that his body moved forwards quickly. 
Cigarettes, alcohol and poison. It was your kyptonite but it was also your cure; fingers found their way to his raven locks and tugged, pulled him closer. Love; Lust had never felt so good before until this moment. This moment when honey was compared to cigarettes, chocolate to alcohol and want to need. Ashton wanted you; but Calum needed you. 
That’s what the difference was, you finally found that push. The push that made you realise that boyfriend or not you too needed Calum. He made you weak in the legs and weak in the heart. But he was the only one who knew how to mend your broken one. He had watched you suffer from heart break and almost die from it once. He made a promise to you he would protect you from it. 
Only to be the one who did ruin it; legs now around his waist pulling him into you while he held you close. Not wanting to pull away because he’d rather suffocate than to stop kissing you. Was this all a dream? Were you going to wake up only to realise that Calum didn’t want you back like you wanted him. 
That Calum didn’t need you like you needed him. But it didn’t snap; your eyes didn’t open they remained closed as you consumed his taste. When he did pull back it scared you; it made you think it was happening all over again. But it was different this time, he only pulled back so he could look into your eyes and cup your cheek with his palm and look at you the way you’ve always wanted him too. 
“I waited seven years for this moment; but I don’t want it to slip away. I want to do this the right way. I want to do what I should have done seven years ago.” Your breath hitched and your body ached; your heart pounded against your ribs you were afraid it might jump out of your chest if it went any harder. 
“I want to be with you; but I don’t want to be your boyfriend.” Your heart just began to sink lower into your chest now; maybe your stomach with swallow it and you won’t have to be alive for his painful words. 
“I want to be a promise.” His hands removed themselves from your hips and went to his own neck, pulling the cold chain away from his skin to touch yours. You weren’t meant to cry; tonight wasn’t about crying about rejection though. It was about a promise that a boy with tan skin, raven hair and a big heart made for you. 
“Y/n, I promise you that from now on...” Your breath hitched once again and your heart went back to its rapid beating pace. 
“You have my full attention.”
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