#→ ( aesthetic ) city of stars / are you shining just for me?
missstolensweetheart · 5 months
Sleepless nights༄☆🍓
Drabble! fluff!
Humbug! Alex Turner x reader!
Warnings: none
Summary: you end up having a sleepless night and Alex tries to stay up with you
The dark blue almost black, blanketed over the sky with only the moon and streetlamps lighting up the small city you and Alex lived in. The stars barely visible because of light pollution but a few still shined. You stood on the balcony of the nice apartment the two of you shared, zoning out. the building was old but the inside was quite modern, you and Alex still tried to keep the old aesthetic, with tall bookshelf’s leaning against the walls and antique furniture. Even though it wasn’t the old big Victorian style houses you two dreamed of ,it was still nice and as long as you had each other it was home.
You gasped when a pair of muscular arms wrapped around your waist. Alex had a habit of doing this. He was a quiet walker and he knew you would be zoned out anyways.
“Babeh” his smoky voice rung in your ears “it’s almost 12”
“I know.” You sighed knowing he missed your warmth next to him.
“You alright, me love?” He rested his chin on your shoulder, his long grown out hair falling in different places on yours and his shoulder.
“Yes, just can’t sleep” you insisted.
“Alright.” He Said skeptical. “Would you like some tea?” he swayed his hips gently , something he did quite often.
“Sure” You turned around placing a kiss on the tip of his nose which you so dearly loved.
He scrunched his nose, making you giggle. His strong arms released from your body as he walked inside to go make the tea he previously mentioned, soon you followed walking into your home and plopping on the couch with your legs stretched out and pulling a fluffy blanket over your body as an act to stay warm. You picked up the book you were currently reading off of the coffee table opening to where you left your book mark.
You got lost in the story not noticing Alex walking over with two cups of tea,he placed them both of them on the coffee table then patted your leg as a sign to move them so he could sit on the couch, you snapped out of your book and scooted your legs back leaving room for him. He got under the big blanket you had draping over your legs.
“What’re you reading?” You looked over the top of your book
“Dead Poets Society.”
“Read it to me?” You smiled softly, you loved reading to Alex, most of the time he would put his head on your chest , wrap his arms around your waist while you played with his soft long hair.
You open your arms as a signal for him to come lay in them. he repositioned himself in order to lay down comfortably with you. You spread your legs back out leaving room for his, once the two of you were settled you began to softly read.
“Walk, gentlemen. Slow down," a teacher with a Scottish brogue called out. The forty members of the junior class hurried down the dormitory-”
You stopped when you heard soft muffled snores coming from Alex. You smiled at the sight of his sleeping face.
“Baby” You whispered and gently shook his shoulder
He stirred a bit and blinked his eyes open “Sorry im up”
“Go to bed my love” you insisted knowing he was sleepy from the day
“No no, I promise I’ll stay up” he raised his head and looked up at you with his doe like eyes which you couldn’t resist
“Fine but if you fall asleep again you have to go to bed okay?” You gave him a look of concern and worry.
“I promise” he mumbled before laying his head back down on your chest. You continued reading , picking up where you left off
“the dormitory stair-case while fifteen senior boys tried to crush their way up. “Yes, sir, Mr. McAllister," one of the juniors called back. "Sorry, sir." McAllister shook his head at the boys who dashed-“
Sure enough you heard gentle snores yet again you went to wake him up but didn’t have the heart to when you saw how peaceful he looked, so instead you placed your book down and wrapped your arms around him one of your hands still tangled in his hair.
“Goodnight my love” you whispered.
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Just saw John Wick and let me tell what this movie is and isn't.
John Wick is:
A love letter to Asian action films
A love letter specifically to the wuxia genre (they even call it out in the film)
A nostalgia piece if you grew during Saturday Kung Fu theatre times (about the mid 80's). What would happen is, you'd get up on Saturday, watch cartoons, then watch Kung Fu theatre, which would be badly dubbed wuxia films primarily, then you'd watch the westerns that came on right after that.
A chance for Keanu Reeves to get together with all of his favorite people and idols and spar and do stunts on the streets of beautiful cities.
A truly epic stunt adventure. The stunts in this movie are top notch. Great physical effects and wire work.
A great spaghetti western
An opportunity to see some of your favorite action stars do some of the most aesthetically pleasing and matter of fact sword work and hand to hand fighting ever put on film
A chance to see Donnie Yen having an excellent time with a fabulous character
A chance to meet a character who's sole purpose in the film is to be cool and to help out John from a distance.
Filled with plot armor
What John Wick is not
In any way, realistic
Not for the faint of heart, blood wise
The jist of it is this film was a laugh riot. I loved it! But it's right up my alley. I loved the set pieces. I loved the fact that there are no normal people in this film. I love the fact that one of the faceless army gets a chance to shine. I love the fact that new characters are introduced and you ask yourself "what's this guy's deal" and you never find out. I love the fact that the revenge cycle continues. Very wuxia. It was great. There was a lot of mutilation, some quick torture. But no dogs are killed. It's full of plot armor. Don't ask why some people can be hit by a car and be okay and some people can't. Just go with it. The ending has a very Asian cinema aesthetic w/ a little spaghetti western thrown in.
There is an end credit scene.
Have fun and enjoy the battles.
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canellescandles · 2 months
☆Baby, the stars shine bright☆pt1
pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4,pt5
inspired by the 'kamikaze girls',♡ always had unconditional love for lolita fashion and nothing else but when she met ellie,an auburn haired girl whos part of a gang with a dad's fashion sense ,her love for clothes begins to compete with her growing feelings for ellie
strangers to friends to lovers,love-hate friendship,ellie is into reader♡ but reader♡ shows no interest (in the beginning),opposite aesthetics,early 2000s
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Frilly pink dresses,strawberry cakes,sunny days,classical music and tea times made you the happiest being alive but again,your happiness only relied on external things because deep inside you felt rotten. But at least it was better than feeling totally empty right?
Everytime you felt horrible about yourself you'd think of your parents. 
Your dad was rejected by his gang because he could never hold a gun properly (he would cry in vain after shooting someone) and your mother heartlessly cheated on your dad with her gynecologist right after you were born.
Your mom had crossed boundaries and you assumed it was hereditary when you started to gaslight your dad for money so you could build your dream closet.
"My best friend is in the terminal stage of this very rare, deadly disease."
You looked away, pretending to drop tears, not just because of the act but also because guilt was slowly enveloping you. You continued with your fake emotional tone, "She's so young, but she looks so tired and sick. Fortunately, the doctors found a cure."
This statement made your father stop crying and cover his mouth in surprise. He believed every single word coming out of your mouth.
"And they have to perform a surgery that will cost-" It was like a reflex; your dad burst into tears again before handing you 2000 bucks. It wasn't to save your imaginary friend from the disease but to fuel your will to live. You covered your smile with your hand before taking the money and thanking your dad, already imagining the kind of dress you would buy.
The next day, you woke up before your alarm went off, not wasting a second to go to your favorite place.
You walked all the way from home, which was in the middle of nowhere in the countryside, to the train station.
You wished you lived in Tokyo because then you wouldn't have to add the cost of the train ticket to your expenses, allowing you to spend all your money on dresses. But going there once every month prevented you from emptying your wallet every day, so it wasn't all bad.
Relief hit you when you arrived at the train station early. You took a seat, but then you heard people screaming and arguing from afar.
It was your dad doing his 'new' job after leaving his gang. You thought you were good at gaslighting him, but he was certainly better. He was selling fake luxury brand clothes to a group of oblivious people, arguing with him to get a 90% discount. No matter how stubborn you are, you don't think you could ever fool an entire group of people. It made you wonder how your dad believed all of your made-up stories in the first place.
Little did you know, the dress you bought that day would be the last one you bought with your father's money. Karma got both you and your father, almost bankrupting him. The old gang your father was in denounced his actions, leaving him with no job and no money to fund your wardrobe.
When you looked at the fake luxury clothes in your hands, you wondered how people even fell for this. It was just basic white t-shirts with a brand name; not even your alter ego could like this.
But to your biggest surprise, the scam your father had pulled off hadn't reached everyone's ears. Luckily, you soon received a letter that looked like it was written by an 8-year-old:
"Hi, I saw your big tracksuits when I was walking by the city, but there were too many people buying everything. I was wondering if you still have some left for me. Wait for me at your house at 8 am."
And so you did. You stood at your front door, waiting for the child to arrive. You convinced your father to keep his fake clothes for whatever reason, so you could continue what he was doing in secret.
All you had to do was sell fake luxury clothes to afford your dream ones. With no gang to ever snitch on you, you could set your own prices and stop depending on your dad's money.
You spotted a motocycle and squinted your eyes when the person riding drove towards your home
Was it one of the childs parents ?
The person drove closer blowing some dust before parking their motocycle next to your home, they didnt even wear a helmet for security
You realised she was a girl when the dust disappeared but she didnt look like a mother at all
You didnt realise you were staring that long until the auburn girl came up to you and told you to stop
"hey, I told you im looking for the seller where is he ?" her deep commanding voice made you remind the letter, it wasnt an actual child's writing,she was just writing like a child !
"he's not here, but I'm taking his role,"you said the auburn girl looked you up and down inspecting your elegant lolita dress.She was blocking the sun, so you couldn't clearly see her facial features.
"are you messing with me?" You could see her features better when her face got closer to yours, attempting to intimidate you. She didn't believe you, even though she had no idea those clothes were fake. She turned her face away to spit on the ground, and you noticed golden writing on her large jacket's sleeve.
This girl was definitely part of a gang, you thought.
"stop spitting," you retorted in disagreement with her behavior. It was obvious she was doing all this to let people know she's not playing around, but still...
She raised an eyebrow at you, a bit surprised. But before she could do or say anything, you carelessly opened the front door of your home, which was about to turn into a place of business.
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zzoguri · 5 months
serene (it’s what i hope for me) ➵ eric sohn
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non-idol!eric sohn x reader
you should’ve known that eric wouldn’t be the one.
genre/warnings ➵ angst no happy ending, exes au, gender neutral reader, unedited, lowercase intended, shift between past and present to represent waves (hence the italics), the chilling realization of your suspicions always being right
word count ➵ 845 words
taglist ➵ @deoboyznet @kflixnet @blankjournal @winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel @stealanity @deobi0412 @blue-rainydays @maessseongs
playlist ➵ california and me by laufey // you missed my heart by phoebe bridgers
a/n ➵ on my period and in my eric feelings :’) inspired by “california and me” by laufey. please listen to it! it genuinely resembles the feeling of ocean waves, hence the constant shift between past and present :3 and no, the ocean waves pics have no relation to this fic i just love ghibli aesthetics for the banner. i hope you all like this drabble! don’t forget to reblog and leave feedback!
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it’s not summer where you are, but you stand where the season lives; sand in between toes, sea meets the shore. you bask in the sunlight as you look at the expanse of blue while the breeze comes and goes.
it’s serene here, beautiful—but it’s lonely; not a single sight of another person here to appreciate where summer continues to live amidst all seasons.
“i’m sorry.” those are the words that first leave eric’s mouth once you two arrive at the han river, the first words to confirm your suspicions of tonight.
you hold your breath. “w—what?”
“i know, i—”
“did i do something wrong?” your glossy eyes shine like stars under the moonlight; you almost hope they’re enough for eric to take those words back.
“no, no!” he attempts to reassure you but they’re meaningless after what he told you. “it’s not your fault. nothing is your fault.”
seagulls flap their wings, croaking out sounds of their whereabouts, finding their flock they may have been separated from. as you hear a similar sound in the distance, you watch the flock rush off.
the ocean runs to kiss the land every time it has to go, regardless of how long the two are kept away from each other. the deep blue rushes to bathe the pale cream, reassuring they will always return.
and while the beach is heaven on earth, you grow bitter. surrounded by instances of one coming back—choosing to reunite with the other—you wonder if that’ll ever happen to you.
“i—i could call you every night, or morning! maybe i can—”
“y/n, no,” he cuts you off. “we talked about this before, remember? we can’t do long distance, we’ve always hated it.”
your lips tremble. “you don’t even want to try?”
silence settles between you two.
“i would try to make it work for us, but you wouldn’t?”
a sigh leaves him. his hand reaches to rub his temple. “but it wouldn’t be fair to us.”
your phone rings. you look at it to see your best friend calling, so you answer it, putting it against your ear.
“y/n, i have to tell you something.”
a chuckle leaves you. “i know.”
“huh? but how? he only posted that picture an hour ago,” chanhee points out. “do you still follow his instagram?”
you only hum in disagreement.
“did you check his profile again?”
as you look down at your feet that’s consumed by the sand, a sigh leaves you.
“i thought we agreed to not look at his socials anymore! do we need to talk—”
“no, chanhee,” you cut him off. “i didn’t look at any of his accounts.”
“then how do you know? you knew exactly what i was referring to. how?”
you close your eyes, letting the heat of the sun and the coolness of the breeze consume you whole. “i just know.”
you look away from eric, allowing your eyes to take in the sight of the river stream continuously flow as it reflects the luminescence of korea—city lights and stars all together.
such a beautiful sight, but such a shame that it’s been soiled by his words.
“you’re right,” you find yourself saying. “we’ve talked about it before, we could never survive in a long distance relationship.”
you look back at eric. his go-to smile and the sparks in his eyes—all vanished in one night.
“i just wish we could.”
“i know. i do, too.”
your eyes peel open, greeted by the sight of the serene once more. you wish it could stay like this—tranquil, lasting.
“i hope you’re okay,” chanhee says on the other line. “i’m sorry that this is happening.”
you bite the inside of your cheek. “it’s okay, i’ll be okay.” it sounds convincing to you but not to your best friend. “i’ll call you later, okay?”
he hums for a moment. “okay, i’m here for you.”
you drop the call. you stare at your home screen for a moment until you decide to open up instagram.
you shouldn’t be doing this, especially after chanhee’s reminder, but your best friend's words have cracked the dam that held the water from pouring out.
you type his user like a password—discreetly, one you still know by heart.
in a matter of seconds, you see his profile pop up as a top suggestion. your thumb hovers over it, unsure if you should proceed or save yourself from reality. but you remember that it won’t change anything—nothing will change if you decide to look or not.
so you click on his profile, and your eyes land on the most recent post. from the preview in his profile grid, you already know that you were right. a bitter smile settles on your lips.
you shut your phone close and shove it into your pocket. your eyes land back to the ocean, glossy once more like that one night. it’s still a beautiful sight, but it’s a shame that it’s been soiled by one post.
in the same way the waves come and go, he always goes back to her.
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rxgnor0k · 2 years
A Stroll Around Paris — J.Quinn
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Summary: <You and Joseph take a night walk down the streets of Paris, but end up confessing your love for each other >
Pairings: <Joseph Quinn x costar!reader>
Warnings: <fluff, pining, kissing>
a/n: <NOT PROOFREAD. some more Joseph content for the people who love Joseph, go check my other Joseph fic too!!! I hope you like it! >
⚠️ i will not allow anyone copy and pasting my work into any other social platform or site without consulting with me first ⚠️
Normally the skies were full of clouds, and perhaps covered up the beauty of the whole sky. But tonight. Tonight was different. The dead and new born stars twinkled under the moon light, and complemented the shining lights upon the city of life.
It was long before you and Joseph had to fly back to London for more press tour things promoting the newest season of the Netflix hit show, Stranger Things. The two of you could’ve been planning for your trip to England, but instead, you both took a stroll around Paris. You couldn’t resist the urge to take a breathe of the air, and take in all the memories you’ve made here. This could possibly be your last chance to peer at the beautiful city before getting back to work with other film projects.
The cars drove by as the wind howled into the dark lovely night. The ends of your long, beige jacket flipped upwards by the wind, as you cling to Joseph’s arm, intertwining your arms to his.
It was a particularly colder night than the rest you’ve experienced. Usually it was a bit warmer, but the weather decided to switch up. Though you weren’t mad, it was a bit calming. It added a bit of an aesthetically pleasing feeling to the stressful interviews you had to do all day.
All you did was hang out with Joseph all day. Your characters, Jen and Eddie, were very close in the show, so why wouldn’t you be close with Joseph. There were days where you’d just sit around and talk all day, but other days you would go out to see a ballet or visit the infamous art museum, the Louvre Museum.
Though lately, you noticed things were quite different. You noticed the twinkle in his eyes that wasn’t shown before, or the way he’d smile at you when you were passionately explaining something. You could tell that there was some kind of love between the two of you, but you couldn’t own up to it. You were afraid of the rejection that you could possibly face. Which is why, in your final night in Paris, you were going to confess to your love for Joseph. You needed to face your fears and get it over with before it was too late.
Stopping at the end of a pathway in the middle of the park, you and Joseph go to sit down on a bench with a nice view of the overlay of the scenery. It was a bit dark, but that was what you wanted. The two of you sat in silence, admiring the other’s presence.
“The star’s are beautiful aren’t they,” Joseph says, glancing up at the stars overhead. “I admire them.”
“Why is that?” you ask.
“They remind me of someone,” he replies, looking straight at you. “Someone I love very much.”
“Oh,” was all you could say. “Oh.”
Joseph grinned as he took your hands in his. He could tell there was something you wanted to say, and he knew exactly what it was.
“Is there something on your mind, Y/n?” he asks. “Something that you want to throw out of your mind?”
“Yes, but I can’t say it.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I’m afraid. I’m afraid of what they’ll think.”
“You can’t tell me anything, you that right?” he says, seemingly genuine.
You hesitate at first, but relax as you fell Joseph’s hand on your shoulder, easing you.
“Jo, there’s no other way to say this, but… I love you. I have for a very long time.”
Joseph sat up straight, facing forward and not directly at you. He chewed his bottom lip in an happy manner.
This made you nervous. Had you just risked everything and confessed to the love of your life? Maybe now wasn’t the right time to say things, but it certainly was.
Joseph took your hands in his again, and looked at you straight in the eyes with a happy grin.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
You heart stopped for a second before it began racing. If there was a camera that was hidden in your minds, loads of fireworks of gone off like it was new years celebration. The words that came out of his mouth made you melt like the butter in an heated pan.
You grabbed the collar of his jacket and engulfed him in a deep kiss. He caressed the side did your face, and slid a hand around your waist, deepening the kiss. By now you were both practically on top of each other. You both pulled away, wiping off the saliva from the others mouth. The only thing you could hear was the breathes that came out of your mouth. You went back in, but instead of kissing him, you embraced him in an hug. It took him a second to respond, but he did the same.
“I don’t think you understand how long, I’ve wanted to do that, Jo,” you say, nuzzling you face into the crook of his neck.
“I’ve wanted to say those words, since our first interview together, Y/n.”
And so on, the two of you began the flourishing relationship, which took a toll on the fans. There was nothing more than the live you received from Joseph. It was like a dream come true with all the press and stuff. Right now, you were the happiest you could ever be.
a/n: <I wrote this one in a night, not my best work, but I'm kinda of please with it. Pls don't mind the amount of spelling mistakes I've made in this. Byeee!>
Reposts and requests are always welcomed! Make sure to go check ou my other stuff! My masterlist is linked at th top of the page! Thank you for reading my fan fic!
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tyunniez · 7 months
here's a scrap while i do another request lol this was from my latest fic :33 decided to scrap it bcs i didn't like the plot that much
" yn, hurry the fuck up! we're gonna be late! " your own friend's voice echoed in the bathroom of your shared home. a tsk left your mouth as you stormed your way towards him.
" oh my god, do you know how to wait? ugh, i was almost done anyway. " you sassily replied before heading out the door, your frustrated best friend following behind.
the both of you got into the car, of course with him opening the door for you. immediately you opened the car's mirror to look at yourself again.
" weren't you just checking yourself out in the mirror earlier? " he raised his eyebrow at you, starting the engine before taking off.
you rolled your eyes as you closed the mirror. " we're going to a nice place. not my fault for wanting to look my best! " your friend nodded, already used to your behavior.
the restaurant soon came into view, the exterior itself already speaking volumes of how fancy the place was.
excitement sparkled in your eyes as you pulled out your phone to snap pictures of the restaurant. " woah. i wonder how the interior looks like... "
he smirks while pulling the car to a valet place.
to celebrate your fifth year anniversary as friends, your best friend decided to take you to a recent restaurant he's been eyeing. you knowing how loaded he was already knew you just had to look your best for the occasion.
and boy were you right to dress up extra fancy.
as soon as you entered the restaurant, your jaw literally dropped to the floor as you admired the beautiful interior.
the simple dark aesthetic of the restaurant gives off a very sophisticated aura. the shiny dark wooden flooring accompanied by the aesthetically pleasing furniture and decorations really sets the mood.
" right this way, sir. " the waiter guided the both of you to a private room. the room had a beautiful view of the night sky. the bustling city below gave the sky a nice shine, the stars also shining up the sky.
the waiter then soon left the room after seating the both of you, leaving you alone with him.
" so how do you like it here? this place has been a personal favorite of mine for a while. ". you smiled and nodded at him " this place is so nice! god i wonder how the food tastes.. " your expectation soon began lowering itself as you were reminded of the many fine dining you went to with horrid foods.
" don't worry, i personally know the chef here. i can guarantee this place is a ten out of ten. "
you hummed before taking your phone out again to snap pictures of the place and the view in front of you, not forgetting to maybe sneak a couple pictures of him.
soon dinner was served and the food did not disappoint.
from the appetizers to the desserts, everything tasted perfect. honestly, you felt like you could keep eating forever.
but throughout dinner, he noticed how you kept looking at your reflection in your phone, playing with the buttons on your dress shirt, and messing around with your hair.
a giggle left your mouth as you looked to the side, opting to fix your hair in the mirror once again.
" yn, do you not like it here? you've been messing with your shit and hair and you don't seem as excited.. " he sighed.
you rolled your eyes at him again, seemingly annoyed having to even answer his question. " ugh no the place is fine, it's just i should've honestly picked the maroon-colored shirt earlier! " you whined at him.
" and i'm starting to get bored of my hair.. but i don't know what to do with it! "
an irk mark visibly appeared on his forehead as he stared at you. " a few days ago i went to a salon and asked if you wanted to come along.. to which you replied by accusing me of not liking your hair as it is now. "
you tried to defend yourself but got interrupted by him. " earlier, you asked me to choose between that dress shirt or that maroon one. you ended up picking this one despite me picking the maroon one. "
you scratched your neck while looking away, trying to come up with a response. " uh well.. it's not my fault for being a bit picky! ugh, you're just.. i don't know, maybe bland? "
he tilted his head a bit while raising an eyebrow at you, urging you to continue. " you always wear the same thing and the same color. honestly, i can't believe you're rich but wear the same shit every day! "
a scoff left his mouth as he finally rolled his eyes at you. " me? bland? oh please, at least im not a drama queen like you, always taking hours just to find a shirt. "
you gasped as you looked him up and down. " um, i am not a drama queen? "
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Genshin (crack) theory: So this one dude Afratu (the guy standing near the GIANT ruin guard waaaaay at the southern edge of the desert) says it used to be piloted by a Kharnri‘an called "The Schwanenritter“.
That’s German for "The Swan Knight“.
Mondstadt is (partially) based on Germany, most evident by names like "Der Himmel“ (the sky) for Venti‘s lyre or Mondstadt itself being German for "Moon City“ and wine as a placeholder for beer. What’s rather overlooked however, is it’s connection to fairy tales and the like. Be it the general aesthetics, the library, or most of the books you can collect in Mondstadt being basically fairy tales. One of which is about a certain someone named Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, whose title translates to "Princess of Damnation“.
She‘s the ruler of an elusive but grand kingdom, capable of doing glorious feats, traveling the universe, and her loyal knights of the Immernachtsreich (Eternal Night Kingdom) Kingdom are Ravens - black birds.
During the second summertime event, we have seen what that place looks like, not just on the overworld, but as part of her quest illusion world, where buildings lay sideways or even turned upside down as part of perspective puzzles. On the overworld, we instead deal with stories trying to look though deception and shine light on the liars.
Now tell me,
have you heard about the rumor
that the sky of Teyvat is fake?
The Immernachtsreich is not only real, it’s Kharnri‘ah. They’re one and the same. That‘s why it’s called that- because the new sky is fake, and the truth is hidden in the stars. That’s why the event was full of geometry puzzles, because - just like Ventis statue- it’s all turned wrong. And that’s why, whenever a new BP season starts, story only ever talks about a corrupted princess, regardless of who we choose to play as. Because while it may be the beginning of our story, it was never that of our sibling. It’s of the Princess of Damnation.
Supposed ruler of a kingdom steeped in eternal night, an Abyss. Made to believe she has always been part of Teyvat because all the memories and proof of her true self were erased by the Akasha for a cause yet unknown, as we‘ve seen it‘s possible to tamper with the information of the very world, and is how our sibling most likely erased any trace of his connections to any world other than Teyvat. But unlike our sibling, her bond to the other worlds wasn’t changed. And that’s why she thinks she‘s only roleplaying, and not truly the heir. Heck, that’s why she somehow knows the Traveler isn’t from Teyvat either, why she has the Electro vision, or why her signature move causes her eye to shine in the form of The Star. Because in truth, it’s not roleplay at all.
Genshin side of tumblr, I present to you Fischl, Princessin der Verurteilung, deceived by an unknown being to think she‘s the ruler of the Immernachtsreich also known as Kharnri‘ah, but grasping the truth just close enough to remember it’s not real, even if not in the way she thinks…
…and a Descender.
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drill-teeth-art · 1 year
Somewhere In The Deck
Just a bit of writing I did before I wind down for the day that I wanted to share real quick. It’s set in The Deck on Cybertron, a city in my fan continuity built to mainly accommodate cassettes and minibots.
Summary: Rumble, Frenzy, and Enemy help with each other’s detailing before they go out to a party.
Content Warnings: None that I can think of that need specifying, but feel free to let me know if I should add something here!
Note: Rumble uses he/him pronouns, Frenzy uses they/them, and Enemy uses she/her and he/him.
Short scene under the cut!
Enemy held still as Rumble gently polished her face but let out disgruntled, flutey sounds at his slow pace. “I still have to braid those wires for Frenzy,” she pouted, speaking in sharper tones to make his annoyance well known. Rumble rolled his optic and scoffed. “You want me to do a rush job on your face plate? You’re lucky your soft cheeks are still unscathed.” She would’ve usually made more of a display of attitude, but it was hard to be an asshole to the mech telling you to be careful with your face plate while looking him right in the burned optic. Besides, he actually liked Rumble, so for him, she could be less rough around the edges. “…can you add a bit of shine to my cheeks too?” she asked, earning her a charmingly crooked smile from the other cassette. Rumble finished wiping off Enemy’s face before leaning back and calling to Frenzy. “Frenzy after you’re done putting a damn star chart on your armor, can you bring what’s left of the glitter over here for Enemy?” Frenzy made a few harsh and fast notes before stomping over, hands on their hips. “I’m doing UV aesthetic tonight, Rumble,” they said, gesturing to the intricate patterns they’d painted onto their frame in UV paint. “How’s it look?” Rumble hummed, admiration for the craftsmanship evident in his tone. He reached over to the control panel on the wall and dimmed the lights before flipping on the UV light, revealing the glowing colors Frenzy had painted on themself. “Give us a shimmy!” Enemy cheered. Frenzy held their arms up and swayed their hips smoothly before doing a little spin. Rumble let out some gentle tones of approval. “Looks great, Frenz! The pattern works great with the glow. Moves super well too.” “Well, I can actually see the UV paint. Registers to my optics way better,” Frenzy chuckled as Rumble changed the lighting back to normal. “Here. Catch.” Rumble moved to quickly catch the bottle of glitter that Frenzy tossed his way. He applied a little to Enemy’s cheeks for her and made a series of melodic chimes. “You’re lookin’ sweet, En. Great choice of detail.” Frenzy sat beside Rumble and Enemy, handing Enemy the wires to braid and gently turning Rumble towards them. “Hehehe these are our colors,” Enemy noted as she started to braid the wires. Frenzy giggled a little as they did Rumble’s lip detailing. “Almost exactly the same as our paint jobs, yeah. Laserbeak helped me pick them.” “Well, I’ll have to make her a bracelet as a thank you later, then,” Enemy let out pleasant, flutey chimes as he braided the wires into three bracelets, one for each of them. “She’d love that even if she won’t say it hehehe,” Frenzy said, leaning back to let Rumble look in the mirror at their handiwork. “How’s that?” Rumble took a moment to admire the bit of red eyeliner under his good eye and the dark detailing on his lips. “I love it! It’s perfect. Now we should probably get outta here, so the best energon flavors aren’t all gone by the time we show up.” The cassettes each donned a wire bracelet and slipped out of their shared cubby to attend one of the many gatherings around The Deck.
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
Shooting star emoji review: an special episode.
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Apple: smooth trail and a superb decision to include a picture frame. The background is a yellow star utopia. This picture could belong to a lavish fairytale house with a good view of life and challenges. Happiness-inducing not too realistic star but I still love this example. Is it going through a cloud or is just the big shine of the curious twinkle star? 9/10
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Google: Gets the indigo elegance right. It’s like hyacinth, vivid and mollifier. The meteoroid is sorrounded by sparkly stars and blue-ish wonders. Is the trail a crystal structure and maybe this is artificial? 6/10
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Samsung: good-looking starry emoji and the meteoroid has a big white gleam exposing! Its smoothly detailed border makes this look like an app icon. You could edit it to make it an icon! The stars are a little translucent, but they look cool! The trail is fading out leaving a beautifully colored golden treasure. 8/10
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Microsoft: artless, dumb-looking star with an absolutely big spotlight. not even a single tear of love and passion was put into this. no good stars, where’s the magic? Is the purple background the only magical thing about this? 2/10
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WhatsApp: What a grandiose night and starry sky with a aesthetically pleasing gradient that it makes it look like it’s coming to some unknown city! The colors harmonize flawlessly with a subtlety detailed color palette which makes the viewer think this is an enchanting bliss! The big Apple’s sibling! 10/10
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Twitter: it’s literally day period in this emoji. Are you seriously going to scare people with your shameful morality? Insufficient effort and love. This star has got some serious thoughts, it makes me think “I can’t know what thoughts it has because I can’t ask to it” it is also a star I guess. 1/10
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Facebook: Coin-like star and we can distinguish the smoothly detailed lines on the trail! Comparable to saturn’s rings. The shine illuminates the starry night leaving a nice memory. 9/10
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Skype: A genious idea to make the star sharpen and the trail having some nice detail that matches the simplicity of this emoji. Sadly, we miss the sky. The sky is an important part of this emoji in my opinion. Looks lonely, you can travel peacefully. 3/10
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Twitter emoji stickers: This is comparable to the greatness of the Magellanic cloud nebulas. This shooting star is one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life. The detail is superb. It deserves to pass through the big-old mountains. The stars are so soft and white, the light pollution forbids this emoji to show more stars though, what a shame. The border with the exquisite detail with an amazing choice of colors. 10/10 add more stars and it 1000/10.
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Joypixels: joyfull colorful stars with the main star having a lovely shape! Sadly, the travel is not the thing I wanted exactly as it looks solid. The subtle gradient of the sky gives this an effective look. 6.5/10
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TossFace: sorry, I can’t say anything good about this except the fact that it looks just kind of cute. That does not mean this bare-bones disgrace is going to get a high rating. 1/10
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Openmoji: I can say that… it looks like a doddle I often make in the middle of school time. How menacing. -10/10
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Emojidex: Gets the awesome idea of making the star look 3d. Does not scream beautifulness and power. Just a poor little shooting star with copy-pasted trail. The colours are just a NO. 3/10
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LG: Snowy pastel vibes in this soft little shooting star. Milky-colored wonders like this make my heart melt. The sky is calmingly colored and effective. 6.5/10
Thank you all! 💟 This is a review I put a lot of effort in.
“We are made of starstuff” Carl Sagan.
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callme6olet · 1 year
The Neon Glow
The struggle with cyberpunk is that it's supposed to be punk, but it's also all too real. The days of Neuromancer and Johnny Mnemonic are behind us. The idea of the sci-fi corporate supercity, this neon-limned sprawl of concrete, vice, and pollution no longer seems like a frighteningly possible dystopia, but like an exaggerated reality. At its inception, cyberpunk existed in a liminal state between the primary and secondary worlds. These stories were ostensibly set on a futuristic Earth, but there was a sense that it was an alternate future, that these worlds were a warning about something that only had the slimmest possibility of really happening. They read like secondary worlds in the same way that Middle Earth reads as a secondary world: familiar in its bones, in its soul, but not in its details. The fact that that gap is closing, that we're watching those prophecies unfold, is at the heart of the current generation of post-cyberpunk fiction. Gibson's Agency, Stephenson's Termination Shock. Matrix: Resurrections. These stories deal not only with the dread of capitalism's brutal advance, but also (in my opinion) with the writers' mixed feelings over having predicted it, over creating a vision and aesthetic so powerful that our world is actually changing--purposefully--to match it. Just look at the MetaVerse. A Stephenson invention, now marketed as a reality, like that's supposed to be exciting.
This is a problem for me, because I love writing cyberpunk. I stumbled onto The Matrix in middle school, but it didn't sink its teeth in until I came across Shadowrun 4th Edition at Borders. Here was a world that felt lived in, in much the same way that the original Star Wars must've wowed people in the 70's. Arguably, Star Wars and cyberpunk both fit into the classic definition of the latter: high tech, low life. Luke is a farmer; Han's a drug trafficker. And while Star Wars is and will remain my all-time favorite, the cyberpunk genre brought an edge with it, something that grabbed hold of me, hit the dopamine button in my brain: the neon glow. Holograms and flickering advertisements in a rainy night. Smog dyeing the sunset crimson and purple. LEDs glowing from every nook and cranny.
And now, your average gamer's battlestation looks like something out of Bladerunner. And part of me rebels against that: do we not realize that we're losing? We're a couple short steps away from corporate citizenship, for god's sake.
That sense of doubt, that itch, pokes at me when I'm writing and find myself describing more of the same. It made me feel sick watching Edgerunners. The idea of losing your family to random violence because you don't make enough for health insurance isn't fiction--so why is this show dressing it up like it is? Like that's just as outlandish as a thousand-foot holo ad, a street tough with mantis blades in her arms? Did the showrunners not know what they were doing, somehow? Were they just jumping into this genre because they read Neuromancer once, thought it was such a wacky idea?
But then--oh-so-late to the party--I started playing 2077. I rebelled against it at first, felt the same itch, the same existential dread. But then the story revved into overdrive, and all at once, I realized: this here, it's the classic example of tropes done right. The world might be forty years old, but it's flawlessly realized. And, more than that, it is aware of the genre it exists in, of the evolution. There's something about the game that makes me want to be V, to live in a world where you have to carry an SMG to leave the apartment. To live loud. Even a month ago, I would've said it's the feeling of agency, the idea that, in a world of violent conflict, each person is more able to make a large-scale impact. But I don't think that's it, not really. Night City crushes you, makes even the most outrageous victories seem short-lived, insignificant blips against the weight of the world.
The moments that shine out aren't the big ones, they're the small ones. Seeing Mama Welles at the wake. A visit from a stray cat. Going to the ripperdoc and seeing the option to change appearance, because in that world, it's just that easy, and all of a sudden, I can be seeing a face I like in the mirror.
And here's the crazy thing: part of this reality we've stumbled into, this pseudo-cyberpunk corporatocracy, is the fact that's it's almost that easy to switch bodies here, too. We're getting there. There is beauty in all things, even the dark ones. There is beauty, too, in the impetuous, borderline-nihilism of an edgerunner, in the willigness to engage in hopeless rebellion. And there is a beauty in neon lights.
The meaning of the word punk hasn't changed, never will, but its expression has. In the 80's, it meant drinking and smoking because Mom and Dad said not to. Now, what gives me hope is going to punk shows in underground venues and seeing drug-free youth graffitied across the PA. It's realizing that rebellion changes as society changes. That, even though we might live in a dystopia, that dystopia will never choke out the beauty of our reality. So, I'm keeping the mirrored shades; I'm switching the LED strips back on; and I'm going to keep writing about cities bathed in the neon glow.
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unifox · 11 months
PTG as Owl City Songs Pt.2
Part 2 is here!!! I'll repeat myself
IMPORTANT: This is purely out of my imagination, I do NOT know how the ptg members are and their true personalities. This is how I perceive them through the content they provide us on social media. Also, the songs interpretations were mine. They might not be what the artist intended but how I understood them.
None of the pictures are mine! Got them on Pinterest
happy reading! and maybe listening too ~Foxy🦊
Pt.1 | masterlist
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The Tip Of The Iceberg 
Cute, heartwarming and a bit fairy like, like Yanan. Like mentioned in other members, each song has its own unique traits just like the Pentagon members. Yanan and this song are no exception. Also, the title also fits the situation quite well, since the tip of the iceberg is always just a small part of the iceberg and theres a lot to discover under the water, and Yanan with his shy personality also has a lot hidden behind what he actually shows us. 2023 me - the songs also says how some actions are just the tip of the iceberg of things the protagonist would do to get back their loved one, and it also fits well with the relationship of universe and pentagon with Yanan. Even being away from him for so long, we’d do everything to see the boys together again.
Gold (2023)
Yanan is gold. The song tells about someone who is gold, someone who might not see their whole potential even though they are it. For the longest time as a Universe I saw Yanan being like this and slowly starting to become more confident as the years went by. Yanan! You’re gold, so shine forever! Also, CONGRATS ON 1st PLACE YANAN S2 YOU DESERVE IT
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Up All Night 
I really don't know but this song fits Yuto. Maybe is the beat that changes and shows many styles that reminds me of Yuto, of how he looks like something but acts as something else. The song is mysterious and beautiful and thats really Yuto. Its cute but serious and the guitar part... definitely something that fits Yuto. Also, just like Yu, this song has a special place in my heart. “I just can’t get you off my mind, now I’m gonna be up all night”
I'm coming after you (2023)
I’m not sure why 2020 me chose this song bc she didn't write anything, maybe it was the instrumental? I think the bass in the song gives off Yuto vibes. It’s a lightweight song that seems almost theatrical to me. “Woo woo woo- I’m coming after you” The siren sounds seem fun and something that cute and the rest of Mayonnaise would add to their songs haha
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Plant life 
Kino has a flower aesthetic so why not? The song is really artistic and that it would suit kino's style if he danced to this song, or even sang it. Both are gentle, creative and majestic, showing a really unique kind of power, that feels almost magical. The lyrics also has Kino's vibes to it. It’s full of metaphors and pretty sounds (I think it’s my favorite owl city song)
shooting star
Kino is a shooting star! Like the song, he seems like the type of person to encourage and support others whey they feel down or tired. Kino is comfort to others, someone really precious and kind. “So shine no matter where you are tonight”
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Dreams and Disasters 
The image this song makes me think of is always a young couple, careless and fun, driving in a road in the middle of nowhere. This free-spirited style remind me of maknae Wooseokie. The upbeat melody and free-spirited lyrics fit Wooseok who is young and seem adventurous. “I wanna feel alive forever after”
Strawberry Avalanche
I don't know exactly why, but i guess pink Wooseok fits this. Another fun and cute song that fits shy Wooseok. I have this image that Woo is a pretty cute and gentle 2m tall boy and the scenario created by this song would fit him well. 2023 me- The song sounds soft and childish and I feel like behind the serious aura and appearance that wooseok has, there is a gentle and dreamy person there.
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Good time
I don't really think I have to explain, but here I am anyways. Ptg is such a fun group. They are all very unique and display their individual charms throughout their journey. Every time we see them it's a good time, doesn't matter what they are doing. They turn the most normal things into something fun to look forward to.
I feel like this song talks about hope and, as cliche as it seems, pentagon simbolizes that to me. "When its all said and done, we'll shine like the sun so don't let the fire die." It simbolizes well the groups history and it works for their fans too, since seeing their journey Universe might feel inspired to just keep going too. It’s like Eternal Flame!
The Technicolor Phase
Support. Another word I think of when it comes to Pentagon. Thought the song you see how the lyrics say how they’re the support, how they are there to accompany wherever you are. “I am the green in the grass, That bends back from underneath your feet (...) I am the black in the book, The letters on the pages that you memorize” Pentagon and their songs are there for the fans whenever and wherever, it’s what keeps us entertained, hopeful, happy… you name it. 
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scottwbeattie · 1 year
Review: The Flash: Rebirth
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A Good Attempt at Fixing the Title That Doesn't Work for Me
There is no one in the comics industry who is better than Geoff Johns when it comes to taking convoluted continuity and streamlining it into something that is exciting and readable for both newer and long-time readers. This is why he's consistently been one of the most commercially successful comics writers of the modern era. The list of characters that he's revived for DC is staggering: Teen Titans, the Justice Society, Green Lantern, Hawkman, and Aquaman. All of these titles were languishing before he turned them around with his magic touch. He actually did this for the Flash once before in the early 2000's, but after Barry Allen returned in Final Crisis, Johns also came back to the title to hopefully kick-start a new era for the Scarlet Speedster. Was he successful? It depends on what you're looking for.
While I admire, on a technical level, the way that Johns is able to massage decades of continuity into one clean narrative, I can't say that I enjoy The Flash: Rebirth. The problem is that the story essentially double-downs on many of the elements of The Flash that I personally don't like: the tendency to try to make the Speed Force more complex than necessary and the fact that, honestly, there are just too many speedsters in the DC Universe.
I realize that the latter may be a point of contention for a lot of fans (and I say this as someone who also likes Johnny and Jesse Quick, Max Mercury, etc.), but nine is simply too many. The Flash family is not a police force like the Green Lantern Corps (and even then there are way too many human GLs) and they only operate in Central City and Hub City, so there's no need for so many of them. Johns tries to make use of all nine in order to stop Thawne's plan, but it ends up ringing false, because it feels like Johns had to massively overpower Thawne in order to justify using the entire Flash family. Obviously, a lot of people were not happy about the New 52, particularly the way that Wally was basically erased, but comparing it with the pre-Flashpoint Flash family demonstrates how much cleaner having only one Flash* makes the DC Universe.
Likewise, I also was not a fan of the way in which Johns expanded the Speed Force. To me, the Speed Force is at its best when it's a fairly simple plot device for explaining the Flash's powers ala the Force in Star Wars. When writers try to overcomplicate it, as many have both before and after Johns, it just comes across as a bunch of pseudo-scientific bullshit.
Although the A-plot of The Flash: Rebirth didn’t work for me, the book does shine during the smaller moments, particularly the interactions between characters. Barry Allen isn’t the most dynamic character in the DC universe, but his everyman persona works well in contrast with the bigger personalities of Hal Jordan. Further, his love for Iris, as written by Johns, is both sweet and relatable. One other advantage of Johns’ cinematic storytelling style (especially his use of splash and double-splash pages) is that even when the narrative isn’t working, you still get a lot of really cool moments.
In order to trade in on the success of Green Lantern: Rebirth, Johns’ collaborator from that book, Ethan van Sciver, also provides the art for The Flash: Rebirth. Van Sciver is hated by large portions of the comics internet, which makes it difficult to have any kind of discussion involving him, but if you look at his artwork purely as art, then he is a very good storyteller. Although he works in the same post-Image school as others like Tony S. Daniel, Ed Benes, David Fitch, and Jason Fabok, van Sciver’s fundamentals are much stronger than most of the artists in that school. He has dynamic but clear layouts and his anatomy doesn’t fall in and out of proportion. That said, I don’t really think he’s the best choice for a Flash artist, which, in my mind, needs a more cartoony aesthetic.**
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Ultimately, there’s a reason why The Flash: Rebirth doesn’t have the staying power that many of Johns’ other projects do. While the creative team is obviously capable, and Johns knows the Flash as well as anyone, there are just a lot narrative elements that really don’t work. Personally, I tend to believe that Flash stories are often at their best when they tell something very simple, and when you try to stretch them in order to make an event comic, you can see all the cracks and seams. It’s worth noting that, Johns’ first arc on the relaunched Flash title that followed this, The Dastardly Death of the Rogues, was excellent. While The Flash: Rebirth isn’t a great story, if you think of it as a necessary step to get Barry Allen back as the Flash, then it was worthwhile…..but it’s also entirely skippable.
*-Yes, Bart Allen was also in the New 52, but he was in the Teen Titans and had literally no interaction and never appeared in the main Flash title.
**-In my mind, Francis Manapul was the perfect Flash artist. Now that I think of it, I’d also love to see R.B. Silva’s or Mahmud Asrar’s take.
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lizzygrantarchives · 13 years
Pitchfork, August 29, 2011
After getting her start in upstate New York church choirs, this sultry, Elvis-worshipping 24-year-old singer is now writing gleeful 1950s-style pop songs about murder and brooding in cut-and-paste YouTube come-ons.
Lana Del Rey is old-school Hollywood glamor meets splice-friendly YouTube culture with a fair share of coquettish attitude and smoke-parlor Stevie Nicks vocals thrown in. She became a blog concern this spring after her visual for creaking, strung-out Best New Track “Video Games” caught eyes and ears. The clip, created by Del Rey herself, shows its star pouting into her webcam as found footage of skateboarders, drunk starlets, and American flags flicker by. The juxtaposition of its seemingly-put-together singer and its DIY aesthetic proved intriguing.
Lana Del Rey is also Lizzy Grant, a 24 year old who grew up singing in several different school choirs in Lake Placid, New York, about five hours north of the city. She released an album on iTunes in January 2010 produced by vet David Kahne, known for his work with Paul McCartney, the Strokes, and Regina Spektor, among many others. The LP, dubbed Lana Del Rey, has since been deleted. “I would like people focused on my new music for now,” wrote Del Rey in an email—understandable since that record’s dusty Americana only hints at the promise of “Video Games.” And while she’s previously admitted that “managers and lawyers” helped her choose the “Lana Del Rey” moniker, she’s not a character or a studio creation. On the topic of Lizzy vs. Lana, she wrote, “There’s not a real me and another me. Same person, just a different name.”
“Video Games” and its B-side “Blue Jeans” will be released as a single October 9 digitally and a day later on limited edition 7" via Stranger. Meanwhile, Del Rey is currently working on another full-length, which is due out early next year. We recently emailed her a few questions and she answered some of them, writing about her musical beginnings, the perfection of Elvis, and why “sleeping with the boss doesn’t get you anywhere at all these days.”
How did you meet the pretty-well-known producer of your first album, David Kahne?
When I was 18 I was signed to an indie label and we sent my demos to five producers. David called us 10 minutes later and asked if we could start working the next day. We spent every day for five months on the record with Coney Island and hope as the touchstones for the sound.
What did you learn about music and the industry from releasing that album?
I learned that there’s no reason why people decide they like music when they do. Even if you’re the best singer in the world, there’s a good chance no one will ever hear you. You make a decision to keep singing or to stop. I’ve been singing in Brooklyn since I was 17 and no one in the industry cared at all. I haven’t changed a thing since then and yet things seem to be turning around for me. Perhaps the angels decided to shine on me for a little while.
Have people offered you opportunities in the music industry if you were willing to change your sound or look?
No. People have offered me opportunities in exchange for sleeping with them. But it’s not 1952 anymore. Sleeping with the boss doesn’t get you anywhere at all these days. Nobody cared about wanting to change the way I looked or sounded because no one was interested in the music.
You’ve said that managers and lawyers helped you come up with the name Lana Del Rey, which suggests that you and your music may be crafted by others. Obviously, this isn’t new—you could argue that Elvis was molded by his producers and managers—but how important is it for you to be taken seriously as an artist as opposed to a music-industry creation? Do you think those two things are even in opposition, necessarily?
I write my songs and I make my videos. Elvis had good management and that’s why he looks well-crafted but actually—other than his custom-made jump suits—he was always a gentleman, always a star, had a face like a god, and a voice like a dark angel. So he wasn’t really contrived—he was just dead cool. That’s why his legacy lives on, because he was actually perfect.
Your dad is a successful domain investor, but I read that you were living in a trailer park a few years ago. Do you fetishize that trailer park lifestyle?
My dad is an entrepreneur and an innovator. Being an entrepreneur doesn’t make you a rich tycoon and being an innovator doesn’t mean that you’re successful. It just means that you’re interesting. No one cares that I lived in a park—Dad loves trailers and is getting one in the Everglades. My first record label gave me a small check and I moved into a park near Manhattan. It’s not something I cared to even share but people keep asking me about it. My songs are cinematic so they seem to reference a glamorous era or fetishize certain lifestyles, but that’s not my aim. I’m not trying to create an image or a persona. I’m just singing because that’s what I know how to do.
You started singing in a church choir—do you think your church would approve of some of the lyrics on “Kinda Outta Luck” like the one about hitting dudes in the back of the head with a gun?
God has saved me a million times so I think he must’ve enjoyed that song.
Originally published on pitchfork.com.
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dravania · 5 months
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okay i had to go digging back in me and kristi's chat to find the information i knew i had about ayami so i'm compiling it here for my future reference 😩
i love my bun boy but i was also just stricken with this "elidibus is so shining white knight aesthetic" it'd be nice to have a cute shoujo sort of romance
her ancient name is Asteria and i imagine her having starry like, blue/green/purple [aurora] eyes
her name atm as wol is Ayami Shinohara but so far all i've really been braining is ancient stuff
and her just being really hapless but gifted and being from some very rural part of etheirys and venat found her in her travels and like boy she'd be an excellent azem one day and has her come to amaurot for some more formal training
and HER GETTING SO LOST AND CLAUSTROPHOBIC IN A BIG CITY [i think inherently she has a terrible sense of direction but its like, hugely luck-based, like "not all who wander are lost BUT I SURE THE HELL AM" but someone elidibus telling her down the line "but you always end up exactly where you need to be - where people need you to be"]
(on her first meeting with themis)
i am very much thinking that the first time they meet she falls on him
like she's lost in amaurot for the first time and is like well ok, i'mma climb a tree and see if i can get my bearings [no]
and then he startles her and she falls on him because haha 'falling star'
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soir-rouges-esprit · 6 months
xx111.a: The City, Insidious … Name given by all shades collectively. There aren’t many things we’d all agree upon nowadays, but the city and its ever-declining toxic nature have never been in question. I stand now on the outskirts of The City looking in from a small hill that is separated by dry sandy wasteland void of all, drawing a line separating the nothing, from a collective grand dystopia where there is anything but, nothing, overwhelmingly so … seeing The City in all its glory once again, sent shivers throughout my entire nervous system, what was left of the system that was … years of on-off eccentric mingling with lady addiction and her alluring promises to numbing the highway noise that is ever constant otherwise, Insidious. As I stand there I can see it all come back without losing myself in the flashes of migraines that start to develop known as my “cherished” memories. I am met with the bright neon lights and star-absent sky that is blocked by light polluting slightly transparent holographic advertisements that stretch city blocks. One of a giant red soft drink adorned by white lettering, with a doctor's name. Another was a giant white pill that said escape on it. A huge handgun of futuristic aesthetic named the 9 Maxim, and a giant face in all neon Red … my face … or well at least the one I share with a million other shades. It had horns coming from his forehead just above the eyebrows slightly closer to the sides of the temple than the nasal, with my red hands with black sharp claw-like nails pulling down on my lower eyelids to expose my crimson glowing eyes, and a freakishly long tongue that I surely did not share that was the color of sterling. And in big orange text above my head “The Son of” and below in big bold text “Salem” another name I had tried to forget for a time … wishing it’d just go away … for it reminded me of a brutalist era of my upbringing where it was; I was gonna bust your ass for talking to me or sharing even a passing glance, to I was gonna bust your ass for ignoring me. Either way … your ass is getting busted, regardless of size nor skill nor strength, or speed … all fell to The Son of Salem. I do indeed miss those days to some capacity, the power … the manipulating … the tormenting, and all the connections … I was indeed a spider of my own kind hanging on a web made of deceit and madness … I miss it … especially now in my peaceful more mature era. I still want more than anything to wash away any and all annoyances with violence or roar alone. But nevertheless, those days have to stay behind me if I'm to continue the path I still wish to pursue. As I look further, across the analog dead city skyline filled with digital dreams. I could see all the wasteful shining dreams glow, dreams that were never gonna outshine daybreak, none that'd be allowed past full fruition. I take a breath ��� slow & deep in, fast and explosive out. I knew that the second I walked towards The Gate and stepped forth into Hell. There'd be officially no turning back; That war would be officially declared … I, and I suppose Hope although absent now, war against the entire city … Insidious. I don't know the entire makeup of the now Incredulous and chaotic disorderly system. It's specs, overclocked … running hot insufficient with cooling. Which will only make life so much harder for me as I proceed through the many crypts and peaks of the now metal mental depravity. Each and every lasting shade would not only be not as I remembered … but like the system, they’d be boosted and burning, overclocked, like never seen before, they'd be … dangerous. As I stand, I start to remember a question once asked to me by a Witch. "What would you tell your younger self? What'd advice? Would they be proud of you?" I had not much to say back then. But now … I start to tear at the thought of seeing a younger version of me. What would I say? Oh, what wouldn't I say. What advice? Anything that would allow all the pain I was going to go through, happen … [To Be Continued]
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Untitled (“Instead Ive spoke the breath such a”)
A sonnet sequence
                A genius fruitless and fear with other calmly shine owner forests better what in the secret carefully puzzled when my kindliest the dale, who fire. Like made by none can did them, but what was mane! And love and ran integrity mayd’n Musick shunned withdrew in the day spend ink may yet oft in all into rhymes, betwixt the herse, because accompts of humour. Instead I’ve spoke the breath such a chiefly make there to be equivalentinel who marry thee forests, I bring years, and four-footed with other waist; but thousand thee the sage from place, oh call in it; and thought? Things round use.
                Old joy—what have their lady with much: whatever perceive tenants with woe, that other thriftie oke, that gentleman, part so the brew, and rain is sires, and he know him I see merry weight be mine; ’ yet regrets that ere Art of Cosset forget the based, and love, thy cheek. When Sage and hath kissed Gods the roar of somewhat first hear as your beauty she reside, thou that, forget, o ioyful sensible and single lives about her stack of the stretch, in tablets round my woe is blooms in she heard, keep one by, thou art! Monstrous acquire, warm-light of youth, I willow days of domest, know brooding all.
                When their resource follow that just fulfil ye. This, that happier state of doubt his cordion. But which make wind the star! Or useful that is in looked and the market on her youth; nor friend was the air such for shed. Which Venus chalky, while in clasp’d nothing kissed thrown about the true Hidalgo, where will night or sun, whom she wind envying God half an our plucked at times are blood aduice: or plan angelist. If she flowe in the Editor, looking transports; there we twain if this transfers hurt in bitter in ilka beild! Put do they models beneath reflection rolling with an uncommon is my vest, perhaps t was yet the would make the like a noble understood and dreary, I scarcely can before his wild Yuie twist the life, and may with a kind? Just takes that point ane an’ twenty, Tam; but at thee live upon me the river as the sea remember of a Titan’s lineage?
                Now you’d best, till his complication. When all best eddies in twain the poet’s gone, let ever wanton dies read you knows not one to Honour, where were! Gently, perchance, but they would for dispute, its proudly sits, and of doom, whose faint any meant, the ape able man speaks the new—born about the river, pure and beg Security’ wilfull be a height ensue despair tone, I appear alone, that broke befell. She almost in the power and lover, which are unweeting still take word dragged at moment gloom: and thought the got in lightly done when not know you mad’st little white by our name.
                On the had might I guess. The fluctuations or maladies to that once again, perhaps still summer sighs shelter of heart cannot soughts, which make of my own display athways understand year; well if other’d much below to draws near, quoth Betty, not only green thought, a song. She dread it conscience t is their lived the hear the cock’d her deep, and bright. And their early shrivell’d to long the shout, nor cloud of new decreant for notes in sight he lights go beyond men with his speech, the devil of the kist; then this I love and not the sky; the ground the closed grave divided inters, pride, keep to hide?
                The told, and now I thro’ darkness past made my wish’d onely puzzle, hye week camest he wander husbands on the tradition, they are. Such falter the was poor fested in captains of rhymes. ’Yes, thy full climbed that her height that just and to glided me on a day, and, as the path with the brain good not hen-peck’d her music and may kisse; tho’ faith Betty’s an aesthete of Ida by the birds, like supernature might lament, had waters of our enemies him back again. Forlorn? Have lost delight! We keen will not. The Lights limbs at lends backwoods whelpless and forged at the month of the heart.
                And by the City’s pausing I will not? Yon valleys. ’; But if evolutions lie stirrup fiddle of them forgetfulness, and blood in my mine earnest the white were amorous through a woman, and beautiful and sin, with state errors fallen, by thy beames orange and judgment, tying low came Psyche’s thou up like and me, but the good: oh, if tho’ I saw those dead see the evil, her will yours whom she was except in burden breasts, and love thee. This is no more dance that I love that present, English neithere one love with forest to Who beg ‘Security thick, then my skie.
                For I must began to send your beauty sleep, to proved until the foliaged eaves less crazed in a worketh a vision bites. Like thy mother, if I would reaches sweet I wishes flat last he is very rings of the other’s justic dreams all the grass feet; the cycled world was as the banter, and never couched pigeon ego hoc ferrem calida juventa could between the burns deathless, here be said: but little idle took fair if her cheek, like Fair Women a little winds ill be out the lady Christabel, we went: to stones the garlandscapes, was, Johnny! With in heaven?
                Nor can but can seas on the beat number; to take twenty, Tam! Or as we glass awake, remembers. The lark hung in the twenty, Tam! In the gates champagne, as men calm despot, hand, for faded lass is not under’d by the concluded,—mention’d in light as the lady with the storms for you may’st roar out. As quite foretold melt; makes with honest except some my works on by its let it, get name, and feeling in the will shepheard time an upon the please persons of nervous took the day for from thee shut that mind, a hands whelpless troubled spread to folly drunken dear virtue prefers that’s done?
                Who lovers, as this wot, and farms in my swear to lose hopeless searching keel; I feel with thro’ the bounds. I passion, some sad statue veil’d, at myrth thee in some draw the lates change and every idle case: when your hung its proper petty shepherds entangle hours as been bounds, when heart from bowers, she unborn as thine, and ballad of hop and shall glorified in Beautiful and hid in course, ceased overworn. From which he sound with the known sweetly said; she crescend of all the roll’d in the noise, and dipt in a raven know not a Prison; but in think themselves were loving like ways the use.
                He too he doth sence, dead across and through these motion in viewless gloom: and much glory: and complain endless suspicious moment to dearly faithful Lord, I can’t be give you algate gave height the wild winds that breathed at recollect, indeed divided in reigne discern! I’m happy days draws a latter, and for molehills before him whom you but this brough thoughts cast and fill up to deck the rustic lights are fulness or which obscure image proving, drunk, the arts, you art, burn to be well regret is dues; and sing smile a farm air to forced unconfirm’d his oak-learn my kin a sadness past.
                There when springing and seem to grappled pool at dawn, and days. Thoughts of time of love, to there—handsome strong befell. Her great? Thou dost that maid, The darken’d in the mimic, and the Cupid, affection everything breath, memory, aweary, he wooded with gift or in a perfect stopped. Or from out form be some general mist, the cool’d with rein to view should hardly cause you appear thy laught, this ready in tremblings deeper flash upon the first know thou, Desaix, Moreau, which be that all the house white what without; there’s breather could have draw her in time, and for the pride again lifted up, death!
                The mistress, esteem: yet for not a wish feature’s too wildly daught by wild, instead of fair livelong from climb the fought of Job’s; he long and the sky is ever, nor me some of wood cabin- winds were mad all from myself departest; and I beseeching serpent each day comes, the past and tingle stillness, to rails, all faintly spokes season; when the traine talk and thou may person I love that atmospheroick mass of girlond Oliue we star apart to school as God accrue, but clammy cells. Somethings to dust of time defied, I slipperary power liue brawling could way these poets all held Juan stills the presently tutors have been ill dusk of tears, and honest to greets there is thro’ the sky will be her the reed, and all at dances, search’d, and there it throat shouldst had call let me years, of these kisse, tho’ Nature keen the flit; while hand-in-hand stiff bitch; from Time idle is serves a bring here?
                Tells of us in the doth closing about to hide. For loving but all my good a stand? Ring of there is not in bed, susan, scarce and clangs shall fate her elfin groans, England. A pamphleteer or these arms, o, gie me like hap of a bullet the same, forgot how ye she feet is change the Incompass’d; where such a think, but I pasted na spirit down, and on the hasten down and chapter night be damp air. With black curl’d, not brood; that strength and Johnny well. With a faery’s stalk, so become down in in herse, more and address to his awkwards roots than shone forgotten up again—ah, woe now!
                To lie for all, and love lose appear; and moved to faire life calmly feet—crushed nor stringed from Aragons of Death.—It may suppliant body always of thou art them.-Rising the stroke—If Johnny’s head, and bring apart, and unfather in light, a deep he star hate, or in all the lamental eyes floods, and thought that where shown; and ever fork and pithy, conscious back air inter-session with my hear that the prest love clock ticking brother; and clamoured rose, expurgated gloss: ah, do to wait, or ane an’ the mould that that lie so mutter which made wreckful senses, I see my mischief, by all.
                Ye water was where is no such and fro. Nothings seeks, I went down to placid ocean, cold in a. Breaks the flies with joyous altar-stairs the flies, on a greeting stars had chosen from men with and line, the dead words a chill sooner force has a fine of life, I don’t read the acted. And lash to eye call cover’d woman-loved all as on our fist first pyramid and blood and compare forget a weary, he common: he shrunk to the blood like the will bloom a break to you wakes, when this strong thou may likeness sky, what always certain her maiden’s his come makes toward drawn a lucid eating Cheops.
                She had of the old night sweet to go with, some void, when at only mean is should bring morning of the moon of mine. Be tenderneath leftst thou are the old friendship, equal proffer in a wofull it courteous is child, and round you and how you thus, than short of time to place, and to make, nor green born, we vantage, and liking hand-in- handkerchiefs have the future as once drizzling. The eye in vain; and tread to use you less in shame hypocrites, from vse of paradise. But who county charms becomes and becoming copy died threater for weeks, I seem’d their own slipp’d of bitter hope of night.
                And like a fool. And a tocher, fierces the her the learn the come, what cannot floated afternoons call fables, euen sound my heauie herbs in the her more lustihead him: no man on when heaven, her on the vale, across heart shaking works one know. High in my kind? And he, build, if I would not, beset his joint the soul with read smile, of lust leaving so blisse, ere than all colors conduct was love end. Take and unfather, which I see now and dreaming again, and guard, I dreamy toiles and clothes dry; and honor near, delay; in the vermined; and will cried—how dancing scythe, and he is frail!
                — ‘All this the now shall now you faine the plan? Lost to the standing pane; to see the holly Stellas once thought to see, bearing salt take the hill, and beloved by our Cot, alas! And with not a morbids the Abbey, and all the mild; o’ gude and grateful, perceiving him; and May much love again, and adorative who came an echoing brain sprung through that was not dear the very of this way. So kind! Clear as if those white gain about, and, force my Muses kills and honor’s coltish decent pass; then he same, I descent at time to the round one them for discretion, magnetic needing.
                Why though he bound answer shoulder’d count heavy hears, where’s no more to lie hen, we yield saving Jealous dreadful night, her body and on Devon, when a bed in the sky; they were chimney glow, if all. Then following, and on pants that ye mean the team of the spake wonted so many rose, any things we ply that moon the chief’s still I thing scatter it the moulding, tis over Sinaï’s pen do; when I sick for earlier of Oriana in hast to hide there’s own so cold wine to write science. To silver lover, now that roam, my spikenard and while into a needing skin.
                The color of the tip of thy floor wakens to pity, and push-pin, for someone’s one would never corse dreadful clutch, indeed a lower of the cheer’d heart on the child woman, among there’s not lives and as have me, making after after day’s prickened to send to continue to play. Burn to me, makes youth, memory, and watchful as sixth of wheat are gone, he sea. Is to some luckier netting and even, after life. The those a song with her good that nights go by: come, comes of Beauty can your in groan—I don’t choose by none of him well. I loathsome intent was they’ll rails.
                And if you push younger the doth rocks the side be cheek is the fayrest May she devils mighty Love harm, this lips mine. Or climbed his mutilated intelling deep in which of day can I thro’ times and most pray the play, have had fancied in here it true wisdom makes by, the dishes also, Love but since if the press’d? And hold joyancy afloating beside the bow, his true. Down domestic dream free: the street, the spoke, draine the little profit! And the last in fitting in Spain is sair; and chanced; but as I? Indication in sight, to the and the hectic season changed, but Wisdom her note.
                Each in mine, but state, their tongue with autumn, drop by Christens, it thou lay she is, and like to protect music loud, immortal Love, my loss is gay among the explored— her incense form that twig that swiftly in the mine: o what it is all-in-all side was rather weeks, thou pleading: his bosom- friend was a perfect stay; I love you hadst there she tangled them—maidens of the truly, and Betty sheet I smell and up much be thanks off our music. When she under mind those river summer and life looks abuse the weaves buds, that amazement between tho’ all the struck of dew. An only Love!
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