#┊holly plays what in hell is bad ✧.*
the-travelling-witch · 8 months
one of the funniest things in whb is putting multiple characters with the shiny leather gloves on the field and watching things get yeeted into the void every other second
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my-fancy-hat · 4 months
i finished breaking bad last night holy shit i need at least a week to think about this
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sirenologyyy · 5 months
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✹ summary : in which i'm slowly crawling back to my avatar hyperfixation and i decided to make a band au!except I'm right (or not take this with a grain of salt hehe) and I frl can't see them playing any other roles
✹ author's note : let this not flop in eywa we pray 🙏 and yes, Daisy Jones and the Six is my favorite book, how did you guess?
✹ warnings : mentions of bleeding, scabs, swearing obv
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It all started one balmy afternoon when Lo'ak and Spider were blowing off their biochemistry homework lying down on the floor staring at the cieling fan undeviatingly oscillate above them. Then, Lo'ak suddenly sits up from his spot causing Spider to look at him.
"What's up?" Asked Spider.
Lo'ak looks at him, a newfound determination in his wide eyes. "Dude, what if we start a band."
Spider frowns. "A band?"
"No, but hear me out for a second." says Lo'ak bristling in his spot as Spider sits up.
Although wary, Spider hums. "Alright."
"Think about it, school's almost over, we barely know anybody in this town, are we seriously gunna hangout in the beach all summer trying to make friends?"
Spider chuckles. "I think I'm missing the point where that's a bad idea."
"Spider, come on bro- look at us, we're losers alright? We're practically throwaway fish to the kids at school- but if we start a band, who knows how many people'll wanna be a part of it, we'll score a couple of life long friends AND it'll be our one solid excuse not to be at home" Lo'ak's riposte was proving to make sense, with a toothy smile to cap it off, but of course Spider- considering he was two years Lo'ak's senior had to pop his bubble with the pragmatic pin of reality.
"I don't know dude, it sounds kinda lame." Spider replies hesitantly, propping himself up by his elbows. "We've been trying to start a band since 7th grade, we always end up calling it quits on the 3rd week."
"This time it'll be different."
Spider scoffs. "Uh-huh? How "
Lo'ak nudges his right shoulder upwards. "We'll ask Neteyam to help."
Spider shoots him yet another look. "If he doesn't want to help?"
"We make do," Lo'ak shrugs. "What's wrong with a two man band?"
"Almost everything." Spider snorts.
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★ lo'ak ──────── electric guitar
when they used to live back in high camp, he found an old silvertone in their attic that used to belong to jake during his marine days along with scores of 70's rock bands' songs on yellowing paper fraying at the edges and folds.
He spent 3 months learning a song with 4 chords by ear and performed it at the school talent show
When he got into 6th grade he did not only beg, for an electric guitar he GROVELED. He suddenly wanted to do all the chores in the house, he suddenly got C's instead of D's in tests, it was terrifying because who the hell WAS this and what did they do to the real Lo'ak???
Jake and Neytiri didn't give him one until he was 13. Jake just picked him up from school one day and all of a sudden just asked: you wanna get that electric guitar?
got a classic red stratocaster.
The first song he ever learned to play on the guitar was buddy holly by weezer...
Come on you guys what were you expecting
likes picking at his finger scabs and does it until neteyam or tsireya tells him off.
has multiple guitar picks but always uses this specific one he made into a necklace and wears it everywhere.
tuk keeps hiding them around the house waiting for lo'ak to lose his mind.
he can play any song by ear, just watch.
plays around with riffs more often than not.
★ neteyam ──────── back up vocalist / lyricist
never even wanted to join the band but was bullied into joining (kiri joined when he said he wouldn't just to spite him)
has perfect pitch (are we surprised though)
uses it to nitpick Lo'ak when he's straying from the original pitch.
lo'ak will then threaten to cave his face in with his capo.
his favorite artists are frank ocean and kendrick lamar.
no one in his entire school woulda guessed he could sing. Nobody.
was made to sing in family events... (iykyk)
loves musicals. his favorite's Hamilton...
Jake and Neytiri took him to see Hamilton once in New York when he was 11, he's never been the same since.
Once he's out there though he totally changes, he gets more confident, when he's really feeling it then his braids start flying everywhere... it's becoming an issue really, he might take someone's eye out with how solid his hair beads are...
hurled his guts out one time before they had to perform at the end of year school fair.
★ kiri ──────── pianist
there are always four types of gays. English Teacher Gays, Art Teacher Gays, History Teacher Gays, and Music Teacher Gays.
Kiri was definitely the last one.
lo'ak got her a shirt that says "key master" with her face horribly photoshopped onto the keys of a piano.
she burned it the night she got it.
til this day lo'ak never knew what happened to it.
Suki Waterhouse as Karen Sirko in the DJATS live action? Brain chemistry = altered
Stevie Nick's and Lindsey Buckingham's performance of Silver Spring in Fleetwood Mac's Reunion concern in 1997? = Roman Empire.
was in the school choir and would play the piano in their choir director's stead.
has been playing the piano for 9 years but always gets confused when asked to play a flat or a sharp (it takes her 4 tries to figure out where C minor is)
her favorite piece to play is over the waves by juventino rosas.
when she wants to show jake a new piece she's been working on, by the first minute he's out like a fucking light. SHE'S JUST THAT GOOD.
also when she wants to play a piece with too many chords she never wanted to play it in the first place.
once she messes up she's definitely one of those people who spams the keys.
one time when she was playing a piece her fingers cramped mid-song and she freaked out.
★ spider ──────── drums
his dad's military friends taught him how to play the drums.
lo'ak dared him he couldn't do a drumroll for an hour.
spider did it in two and a half but stopped cuz he got hungry LMAO.
impresses kiri with various drumstick spins, it dosen't impress her.
practically worshipped that one vine of those two kids.
was definitely one of those kids that played with overturned pots and pans and pretended it was a drum set (it annoyed the hell outta norm)
once lost his drum sticks and used chopsticks (ps. they weren't the same)
scribbled their band logo on his bass drum and was very proud of it.
INSISTED they would call themselves "the seven skxawngs"
nobody listened to him.
when they held auditions for their drummer he went "You guys know I can play the drums right?"
has never watched whiplash.
uploads drum covers on his tiktok account with 70 followers.
makes dumb jokes if the others can't figure out a certain chord or note he'd go "guys maybe it's at H!"
the most chillest person in the band though frl.
somehow always manages to pull??? The amount of game this man has solely just because he's the drummer is wild.
they once performed at an event with 50 people and Spider was wearing addidas slides the entire time and nobody noticed.
★ tsireya ──────── main vocals/lyricist
When I tell you this kid can SING SHE CAN SING.
frl the real life ariel I swear evrrytime she opens her mouth everyone's wishing on her downfall because she's such a talented singer, her vibratro is so measured, her runs are so clean, she's just so UGHHHH.
is such a theatre kid oh Lord.
was made to sing at family events too (it's practically a canon event atp guys.)
has a special journal where she writes her song lyrics that she takes with her everywhere (give her 5 minutes and she can write a song with just her hand as paper and eyeliner as a pen.)
joined in singing competitions when she was a kid and when she was 10 joined a televised singing competition and managed to make it to the semi-finals.
it's why she's the lead singer of the band anyway.
she always has pearls threaded into her hair every time they perform and it's been her signature look ever since.
her voice is fucking angelic ya'll istg.
is a soprano. enough said.
is amazing at reading sheet music.
she and neteyam wrote 3 original songs that the band performs everytime they get a gig.
aside from singing she can play piano and violin too.
she's a fucking wordsmith too like she's so eloquent and knows all these big words and she's good at expressing her pent up emotions through songwriting.
the literal it girl. Everyone in their band gained more popularity ever since they opened for a popular band from L.A. but everyone in their high-school knows her name. Everyone.
her vocal control is amazing.
she really knows how to liven up a crowd.
★ aonung ──────── rhythm guitar
has been playing guitar since he was 7.
took up guitaring because his dad introduced him and tsireya to playing instruments at a young age.
collects guitar straps.
neteyam's always on his ass about if what he's playing sounds right or not (50% of the time he's not)
it isn't practice without neteyam and aonung almost throwing hands at least thrice.
almost always smokes while practicing.
oddly enough only has one guitar pick and he hasn't lost it yet unlike lo'ak who buys new guitar picks every other month.
obsessed with black nailpolish, you won't see him go on stage without black nails istg.
he didn't even audition for the band. He was just always there at the Sully residence to pick Tsireya up from practice until one day Tsireya told him to come inside the house, when he did he finds out they needed someone for rhythm guitar and that Tsireya let it slip that Aonung knew how to play.
he's been a part of the band ever since.
he's just incredibly good with his fingers, enough said.
after the first time they performed their first gig at some girl's house party, he, rotxo, and lo'ak got high on the rooftop of Aonung's house (yk until Lo'ak slipped and started dangling from the gutters and fell into the pool)
his outfits always eat every time they perform.
james hetfield the goat.
always experimenting with new riffs and runs and adds them to the songs mid-performance and without any warning (just to piss neteyam off)
★ rotxo ──────── bass guitar
the glue and heart of the band frl.
the sweetest basist you'll ever meet.
his family actually owns a popular guitar shop in Awa'atlu, he first started playing the guitar at the ripe age of 5.
Bro is a prodigy but dosen't want to admit it.
aonung bought his first guitar at rotxo's family's shop, they hit it off ever since.
Always brings his baked goods to practices (then kiri devours the entire tray when you aren't looking)
actually fucked up his audition for the band but then Lo'ak found him sobbing in a janitors closet and gave him a second shot at an audition with just Lo'ak and Spider and he was able to redeem himself.
(really only auditioned cuz he played bass, they were finding a bassist, and not because kiri sully was their pianist)
is an introvert but he's so fucking funny that you wouldn't suspect it.
can perform riffs in his sleep (no he actually does though it freaks aonung out when he spends the night in his place.)
kiri made him a resin guitar pick with fragments of coral from the beach when they had their first date.
has a "maturing is realizing bass is the superior instrument" tshirt.
one time wore finger condoms so his scabs wouldn't re-open and bleed all over his guitar 😔
loves playing deftones on the bass.
has chronic "guitar face"
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luckykiwiii101 · 6 months
Hey Upper East Siders. Want to play a game…? One condition, this time you HAVE to play by the rules. Or it’s game over…
- XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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And who am i? That’s one secret i’ll never tell, You know you love me - XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
Hey Upper east siders.
It’s that time of year again. When the sleigh bells are jingling and people add more items to their never ending wish list.What if i told you…it’s more than just a wish list.Ever wanted something so bad that you would do ANYTHING to get it? Well luckily, i’m not talking about signing a contract in blood. You don’t even have to lift a finger, nor shed any blood…or tears. You can have everything you’ve ever wished for.You just have to play a little game. Will you accept this dance…? If the answer is yes…keep on reading.
Now that we’re nice and ready. We can get started on this super quick and fun journey. If i didn’t say this earlier, GOSSIP GIRL HERE!! and i have the BIGGEST news ever! YOU will have entered/woke up in the void state within a week and manifested your dream life! Maybe you’ll do it in less than a week, and have a holly jolly Christmas XoXo. Just depends on how determined you are.
You know what happens if you aren’t…right? There are two outcomes. Let’s go over them shall we..?
“Will you have this dance..?” “No”
(Option A)
SPOTTED: Lonely Boy. Can’t believe they didn’t want their dream life, only in exchange for a little persistence. How tragic……And EVERYONE is talking. Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. If only they knew how easy life was…
“Will have you this dance…?” “Yes”
(Option B)
SPOTTED: SPOTTED, On the steps of the Met: B. Looking perfect, as usual. Feeling perfect, as usual. Having everything they’ve ever wanted. So much for such little “work”. Did they really think they could just waltz over here and not manifest their dream life? So effortless, it’s almost funny.
So……Which do you choose?
(thought so)
Option B?! Good choice. Looks like Little J will have everything they want and a ticket to the inner circle. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is SO much better?
Luckily, your journey will be very short, and VERY sweet.
Serena Van Der Woodsen, your invitations just arrived. With strings attached. Come out, come out, wherever you are.
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Gossip Girl here…enough with the stalling. Now for the main event.
You will spend the next 7 days, accepting that you are a void master.
What is the void state?
Well well well. Look what we have here. An overcomplicator on our hands, caught red handed. (Just kidding, XoXo)
It’s a state of pure consciousness. When you are detached from your physical senses completely. You can’t hear, see, smell or feel anything. Must be heaven if your name is Dan Humphrey.
Did you know, that you enter the void state everytime you fall asleep? Shocked? Well don’t be. It’s nothing special. Things always work out for you after all, should be used to it by now. Doesn’t it feel weird to finally have Gossip Girl on YOUR side? Can’t wait to pry into your success soon……and write ALLLLLL about it. You better not disappoint me, you know what happens next. Don’t wanna end up like lonely boy……do you?
“But i don’t believe in the Void State.”
- Said no sane person ever. Unless your Queen B with a broken heart.
Here you go! 💋💌💋
Does little J want a virtual slap of common sense? Don’t tempt me. A few clicked pics of your journey home could turn into a journey to hell. You know you love me. XoXo.
How do I enter the void state?
(Here you go 💌💌💌)
Looks like entering the void state really IS sugar and spice and EVERYTHING nice after all.
Hear those silver bells? It’s a void master INCOMING!!!
Applying states for the void state:
(Here you go! 💋💌💋💌)
And everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box………not so difficult after all.
Then there are those boxes you are SO glad you opened.
“Challenges” to apply:
EVERYONE knows that there’s no such thing as a “challenge”.
“Take one It Girl on a pedestal. Add a crowd eager to see her fall. And give them the means to knock her down. So sad how they know they’ll only be the ones who end up falling” - XoXo Gossip Girl
Is Queen B Feeling frustrated? : (Lotusmi’s void challenge)
Always finding your hands in your hair and your fist in the wall? Well this one’s for you! (💋 💋 💋)
Love complaining? Of course you do! Talk about a Blair Bitch Project.
And for the building to really blow up, all you need is an unexpected turn. Who knew changing attitudes were so helpful?Especially for the Stubborn Blair Waldorf.
Desperately Seeking Serena: (3 day void challenge)
Is Queen S feeling like she needs a whole mind reprogramming in a gorgeously short amount of time? Well it’s time to turn that mental frown, upside down! (Here you go!!! 💋♥️💋♥️)
Ah, what’s that magic word again? Oh, Consistency! Whoops! Don’t tell me you forgot too?
And anyone who’s used to bending the rules will find themselves breaking them.
Feeling like a Dare Devil?: (Void Princess challenge)
Confidence is built, and NEWS FLASH!!! You don’t need confidence to build it. No expense is spared.
(Post is here 💋💋💋)
There’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a little……push. Not off of a building of course………ofcourse.
Of course Gossip Girl here isn’t going to link every single void challenge here. Wouldn’t you like to come up with your own? Use your favourite one to your hearts content.
As we all know, there’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a surprise.
Is that a smile we see on B’s lips? The spotlight’s on her for once and no one helped her get it. I guess “miracles” can happen.
Distraction Method (made by the one and only, Gossip Girl)
Another stray thought lands in B’s lap. Will she use it as ammunition or will she surrender and put down her arms?
Here you go! 💌♥️💌♥️
What happens if Queen B doesn’t want to persist?
No, that’s not a tear in my eye. It’s just allergies. Without you, I’m nothing. —Gossip Girl
Who doesn’t love a five-finger discount. Especially if it’s the middle one.
Look who doesn’t want to end up on my blog. Who will I gossip about now?
Who cares if i’m pretty if i fail my finals?
Everyone knows that Blair Waldorf is SO much better than Rory Gilmore. Luckily for Blair, the word “failing” is unheard of. Too bad for Rory, it’s all she thinks about.
Read this 💋💋💋
Hey Upper East Siders. We hear that World War III just broke out. And it’s wearing kneesocks. Choose your side or run and hide. We have a feeling this one’s to the death.
Why should I listen to Gossip Girl?
Because “I was a teenage drug addict” is not exactly a winning college essay.
Now have a holly jolly Christmas with your every desire. You can thank me later.
Every happy ending is just a new beginning. Because on the Upper East Side, the good times ALWAYS last forever. You know you love me, XOXO —Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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simplyjake · 5 months
Fortnite with Enha hyung line!!
(my first post on tumblr so idrk what im doing fr)
Wbk hes a gamer like…
I dont think he plays fortnite as much as valorant tho
Still at level 200 something lets be fr
A pc player 
And always plays builds
Hes been playing since it dropped so he got all the cool nd fun emotes from previous seasons
Plays with the “manly skins” but drops the most girly pop emote after killing someone
He kills someone but you steal the loot
Call that s/o fortnite tax
Always makes sure you have shield and full health before he does
He carries sorry LOL
“Babe hes behind you…”
Buys the battle pass every season
Plays a lot but not as much as hee
Ur fortnite sugar daddy
“Baby can I have the true heart emote”
And now you have true heart just like that
A master at fortnite festival I must say
He switches between build and zero build
It just depends on what you wanna play
I feel like he plays more on like
A ps5
If you dont have a ps5 console or still have the 4, you guys go and get the ps5 for yourself
If you dont play on a console then you guys go out and buy a pc
“Baby, lover of mine, light of my life”
Has a set gun rotation 
Does get upset when you steal his guns
He's very serious about it.
I think you carry the duo hard 
Hes just a babygirl
I KNOW he definitely plays 
But i think he still gets bot lobbies
Lord help him
“Jake, babe why are you using a sniper hes RIGHT infront of you”
You walk into a room hes in 
And he shoots you thinking your someone else LOL
based on a true experience
“Baby what the hell”
“Im sorry :(“
Has the girliest skins and emotes LMFAO
You wanna be a girl SO BAD (pls tell me you get the reference)
Since hes kinda bad, you strictly play zero build
Hes a ps5 player as well
A sucker for lego fortnite
Definetly loves fortnite festival
Bought Buddy Holly by Weezer and now he plays it during games
He gets sniped bc of it
Lord help his aim...
He's so bad but he's trying!
It takes a miracle to get him to download the game
“Hoon pls we can be cute gamers tgt”
He js sighs loudly because he became his own enemy
A fortnite gamer.
But he sucks it up because it makes you happy
So he downloads the game on his pc
Youve been playing a bit longer 
But he definitely gets better than you with time
I apologize LMFAO
“Sunghoon what the hell why are  you getting better than me? Have you been playing on your own when im not here?”
“Oh my god.. YOU WERE LMFAO”
“Y/n i swear to god.”
So much yelling
Overall just chaotic with him
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rainbowmess823 · 2 years
You absolutely cannot change my mind about this:
- Steve is the mom, Robin is the dad, Eddie and Nancy are the step parents, and Jonathan and Argyle are the really cool uncles.
- Steve definitely mothers everyone, there's curfew, there's a carpool scheduled, and, even if he doesn't admit it, he has definitely got into a shout match with a ref or another mom about his kid and another kid.
- Robin definitely fits the dad, she helps out with the kid's homework (especially languages classes), she has thrown one punch at a jock for picking on one of the kids tho she made them swear never to let anyone know that she punched someone for them, and her arsenal of dad jokes help.
- Eddie and Nancy both are step-in parents when the kids can't find either Steve or Robin, there's usually a threat of violence involved and the kids feeling extremely safe with the two tho both Steve and Robin scold all of them for it.
"No, Eddie! You can't say you'll summon Satan if they pick on Dustin."
"Nancy don't flash them your revolver please, I know they shoved Lucas but bullets wont solve this."
"I'm not mad but...when we agreed to talk I imagined the talking with less threat of bodily harm and more of 'Hey! that's my brother so back off or else.' But it works."
- Jonathan and Argyle are very much the chill, laid-back uncles for when the kids just want to vent or want to see a different kind of perspective.
- Steve and Eddie parent Dustin and they have Sunday morning put aside for sci-fi movies in their pajamas.
- Robin parents the Sinclairs who loves that they get Robin to themselves on Mondays bcos they get milkshakes and talk about easy stuff like how their week is so far or Robin teaching them new shit.
- Eddie and Robin share custody of Will with Jonathan and all four of them have a bi-weekly gossip session at a diner, they talk shit about ppl and judge jocks.
"He's so stupid but so cute."
"You are down baaaad, mini Byers."
"He was terrible in California, I wanna hit him."
"I'll hold him down and you can handle him."
"I like the way you think, Buckley."
"We have a deal, Byers."
"Remind me never to get on your bad sides."
"Please don't."
- Robin and Nancy parents Max and they have a day-in every Sunday morning where they play music and do their own thing, Nancy's working on her article, Robin is reading her other language book, and Max is playing tea party with Holly (who sneaks her way in every morning to play with her new big sister Max).
- Nancy and Jonathan parents Mike and it a more of a subtle parenting caring thing bcos all three of them are emotionally constipated, there's casual check-ins and subtle reassurances.
- Argyle and El are the communal uncle and child, respectively.
- The kids go to Argyle for advice about anything under the sun and loves his relax attitude on life.
- The teens love El and makes sure she gets a semi-normal childhood which mean cartoon Friday with Steve, learning new things with Robin, shopping with Nancy, listening to new music with Eddie, bedtime stories with Jonathan, and advice about what life can be with Argyle.
- Everyone is absolutely terrified of Jonathan and Robin that when being scolded the two are used as a threat.
"Mike you better be down here on time or I'll have Jonathan and Robin teach you about punctuality!"
"I said no, Henderson! I swear to God, I'll have Jon and Rob take you for the week instead."
"Usually I'd say "hell yeah, red!" But Jonny and Buck scare me as much as they scare you and they'll find out we did this so I'm gonna have to say no."
- Jonathan and Robin get along so well and together they can get so scary.
- When the entire party are hanging out together they get scared when both Jonathan and Robin being scolding them bcos it's scarier than Nancy and definitely scarier than the Updie Down.
"I told you it was a bad idea! We're gonna get I trouble!"
"Relaaax, Eddie wouldn't care, Nancy's always telling us to do it ourselves and Steve won't know."
"I don't think stealing booze from the cabin counts, Michael."
"Don't call me, Michael!"
"They can't say anything all three of them drank waaaay more at our age anyway."
"Dustin, you may have a point but that's not what I'm worried about."
"Will's right you guys. Robbie and Jonathan are here so maybe we shouldn't be doing this."
"We'll be fi--"
"What do you four think you're doing?"
"That better not be alcohol, mini dinguses."
Tadaaaaa? I just find it funny just how scary both Jonathan and Robin can be. Just imagine for a bit how scary those two can be together when any of the kids are theirs for the week. They'd be so chill but as soon as you do a wrong they can be so firm that none of the older teens would dare cross both of them. Anyway! Tadaaaa
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zorasthoughts · 1 month
the reappearance of rachel price: my thoughts so far (spoilers)
my reading has been slow-going because i've also been busy with other life stuff, but i'm now at chapter twenty-one, and there's going to be a family dinner, which will probably involve some big drama, and secrets being revealed, so before i read that, i want to put down my thoughts and observations. buckle up everyone, this post is way longer than i anticipated
first of all, i love that holly used the surnames of the actors playing pip and ravi as surnames for two of the characters who are making the documentary in this book. a nice little easter egg that made me smile.
second of all, i can't believe i forgot to put duct tape on my predictions list!! (this is mainly a joke.) there's duct tape on the cover of as good as dead, and if you know, you know. then, when i read five survive, duct tape was mentioned, and gets used, but when i first read it, i was like, "omg, holly jackson duct tape universe". in chapter one, ramsey says something about taping down the wires, so i'm counting this as duct tape.
bel is a kleptomaniac. i don't know anything about kleptomania, but my guess is that in the case of bel, this is some kind of psychological compulsion: being able to take things from people because someone so significant disappeared from her life without her having any control/memory of it happening. my other guess is that it is a symptom of some undiagnosed medical condition (more on that later)
carter: this seems to be the person that bel is closest to, but there's a couple of years between the two, and being cousins isn't quite the same as friendship becoming family (unlike pip and cara or red and maddy)
when carter first comes on-scene in chapter three i thought she might have adhd (she was always moving somehow, never still. drumming fingers and jangling legs. p. 22) but that's been the only indication
charlie is suspicious as hell. firstly there's the fact that it is established how fundamental he is in bel's world, as a constant, as someone to trust. there have been adult characters in holly's other books that have been portrayed like that, only for it to be revealed that they're some kind of bad guy
also, charlie's comments about sherry's pregnancy during the family interview gave me the ick. is he just sexist, or is there some other reason that he'd be saying stuff like that to his sister-in-law?
jeff is also suspicious. getting up to leave the interview when charlie starts talking about his truck? and then the conversation between jeff and charlie later? something's going on, but i'm not sure what
also charlie's reasoning for the documentary is that he needs the money to pay for his father's medical care, but i wonder if there's some other reason
bel's teacher mr tripp: nothing to say about him, except that i'm suspicious (but i don't know what i suspect him of). it's a holly jackson novel, i'm suspicious of everyone
rachel coming back, and things not adding up delights and confounds me in equal measure. how does she know about bel's bracelet? why does she have that random baby sock?
who's the person that suggested the rachel price case to ramsey on twitter? it can't just be a random person, given that they only made this one comment
i like ash, but no strong feelings so far.
there are a lot of mentions of bel feeling left behind/having the feeling that people are going to leave her. it's understandable, given that she grew up under the shadow of always being known in relation rachel price. to everyone in her town, she's a curiosity, an object of discussion, rather than an actual person.
okay, let's talk about memory. in the family interview, ramsey brings up the point that in the time leading up to rachel's disappearance, she would become forgetful, and bel draws a connection to rachel on that score; bel is also forgetful. is this something genetic?
there's also the fact that bel observes minor differences between rachel's narratives/accounts of events, and even says something about being locked up for 15 years, when the tv news (right in front of rachel!!) said 16 years
most people (the police, charlie, etc.) attribute this to trauma, which would be understandable, but i then began to wonder if it is actually bel who is muddling facts. i'm pretty sure there's some kind of undiagnosed medical condition at work here, that seems to be affecting both rachel and bel but i don't know what that is
there's also the fact that bel's grandfather has vascular dementia. we've yet to see him interact with rachel, so i'm interested to see if her presence will trigger any memories (and reveal information). holly actually did this very sneakily in agggtm when pip and ravi go to the ivy house hotel and the old woman sees andie's photo and says that she had visited recently. we later learn that it was just someone who looked like andie (becca).
last thing, there's still not been any guns, but i think there could be in the future (holly has said that one of the benefits of setting her books in the us is easy access to guns). bonus points if it's during a scene where the documentary crew are also present because they're british (but hopefully none of them get hurt)
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We got part 2 of Mara's story. Ngl I'm gonna make the demon bros a lil different but neither here or there, here's part 2.
OG Obey Me x MC ( Mara ) - First Year of Devildom Part 2
It was another day trapped in the Devildom. Since that incident, Mara was confined to her room and despite having Mammon's pact, she refused to use him still feeling resentful. This was entirely his fault. What the hell was she supposed to do? Run like a coward? Plead for his help? He abandoned her and if he was going to fail her she wanted nothing to do with him. She refused him. The pact was so he wouldn't kill her. Nothing more. Mara paced around her room, the feeling of "Cabin Fever" setting in as she groaned in displeasure. What to do… What to do… Mara sat at her vanity, putting that black lipstick on as she glared at her reflection. This was just like back in high school. Back when she was fifteen. She could see the younger her glaring at her, trapped in a room she hated, at a school she despised, with people she abhorred. She hated it here.
She was quiet as she stared at the mirror thinking of that time.
The drive to Oakington Academy was slow and full of tension. A young girl with curly pigtails stared out the window with a frown, holding her pet tarantula, Juno's, cage in her lap.
"Mara… Please… Can't we talk?" Her father asked, glancing in the rearview mirror at his daughter. Mara didn't say anything, only closing her eyes. "How did she do it? What did she do? Was dad really choosing her over me?" were the thoughts that hung like a fog in her head. When mom left, it was just the two of them, and her father always dropped everything for her. He'd read to her, buy her whatever she wanted, they'd go everywhere together. But it was only ever when he had time for her. Between his job and many girlfriends, being with Mara was more like a requirement than anything else.
"Mara, your father is talking to you." This latest wife said, the twenty-two year old college student said, the communications major looking back at her as Mara glared at her. She hated every new step mother her father brought in; He always married these girls, and then when they got too old, discarded them for someone else. She hated it but this one was no different; Olivia Launceston, Holly Hudson, Evie Rogers, Yvette Manson… All girls who fell for her father, took his attention away, then were discarded by him or chased away by her and this one would be no different. Mara was sure of it. Even if this behavior led her to be labeled as a delinquent.
Delinquent. Troublemaker, bad kid, aggressor, hell-raiser, bully. Those were the words used to describe her by teachers and adults who couldn't give a damn about who she really was. They made her so angry. So, so angry… She wanted to just beat them black and blue, beat them, and the other kids who'd dare try to pick on her too.  All of it made her so angry…
"I'm sorry, are you talking to me? I'm not interested in joining a sorority." She said coldly, scrunching her nose at the young woman as she glared at her.
"Mara, I told you. Please be nice to your new stepmother. Cindy is a part of this family now." Her father said sternly, causing Mara's glare to deepen. She never understood the point of faking this "family feeling." Her father always left these women when they reached thirty, she wasn't even permanent. "Fine, I can play nice; so Cindy, since you're only six years older than me, want me to loan you some of my clothes and makeup for the frat party?" Mara asked, grinning maliciously as Cindy gasped
"Mara!" Her father started but was cut off as Mara continued grinning as she relished every harsh word she spoke. "Or how about we skip the study group at the frat party, and you can use it for when you're lying on your back for a passing grade."
Cindy was furious as she turned back to Mara. "You have no right to speak to me that way! There is a level of respect that you-"
"Ohhh, we're talking about respect now? Well, why don't you go find your self-respect and date someone your own age, huh?"
"That's enough! I've had it with your attitude, young lady! I can't understand why you're like this, but if you can't say anything nice, then stay quiet until we get to your school!" Her father now yelled at her, causing Mara to flinch and look down. Her father never yelled at her like that… Not before. He used to like whenever she'd mock others. He used to like Juno, too. It all used to be a game for them to get fruit smoothies at the mall, people watch, and joke about others or scare people off with her spider. But now, with every new wife, he wanted to pretend Mara was just problematic? Why did he always want to pretend with each new wife? Want her to pretend? Anger, hurt, envy, and confusion brewed under her stoic expression as she stared out the window. She would cry or scream alone. She won't give them the satisfaction of seeing her upset.
The school soon came to view as her father now spoke up in a calmer tone. "Here we are dear, Oakington Academy. A year here will help you in the long run, I promise." He said as Cindy grinned, relishing in the fact she was going to a disciplinary school.
"And…. I love you, Mara." She heard her father say as she grabbed her luggage, getting out of the car. Mara didn't even look at her father, just mumbling a quiet "Whatever" as she slammed the car door, turning towards the school. She could feel him still looking at her, but she didn't look at him. How could he say he loved her when he was leaving her here?
The car drove off, and Mara turned back to watch it, a pang of sadness hitting her as it disappeared into the horizon. Did he really leave her? Did he really not want her around that badly? She knows she's been a bitch but Dad always had her back, she didn't need friends when she had her dad by her side… Is he really not going to come back? Is he really choosing that girl over her again? Well he usually left these girls after they reached thirty so it wouldn't be that long… But why did he always choose them over her during this?
Why was she always the silver medal in his life?
Mara put the cap on her lipstick back as she frowned. She hadn't spoken to her dad in a long while. She hasn't even spoken to her half siblings in a while… But now she was here. She was alone… And even if she was the silver medal or just a passing thought in their lives she missed them. Now it was like history was repeating. She was far from her family, going to a school she hated, and alone again. She felt so bitter.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door as her thoughts were washed away.
"Oi human you sent for me?" A rough voice called through the door, irritation laced in his tone. Mammon…. At least the idiot came this time. Mara had to get her mind off home.
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mcgnagallsarmy · 1 year
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #25: Short Story Reading Challenge
A Mother Knows Best by angelic_amy [PG-13]
Buffy hates Spike and Spike can’t stand Buffy. Right? Ever since Willow’s ‘my will be done’ spell, the vampire and slayer have been plagued with thoughts and dreams of their supposed mortal enemy. And neither of them know what to do about it. When Joyce Summers receives a mystery visit from someone in the know, and learns a little about the possible future, the slayer’s mother is set to work – playing matchmaker. Set in early season four, post Something Blue, and goes AU after that.
A Totally Random Occurrence by Herself [NC-17]
The stake slipped from her fingers, and she had to take a deep breath to stave off the dizziness descending on her like a hood over her head. "You—I thought you were dead." A reunion in New York City.
And Then She Knew by Addie Logan [PG-13]
Spike does something different – faster and more clever – and everything changes. (Goes AU during "The Gift")
At Ease by The Danish Bird [NC-17]
Even with her eyes closed, Buffy would recognise this place in a second, and for a moment she wondered if she truly had ended up in a hell dimension this time. One that had doomed her to an eternity of Doublemeat Palace workdays. Buffy felt her lips moving, heard her own voice speaking, and as she opened her eyes she decided that a hell dimension definitely wasn’t ruled out just yet. “Welcome to the Doublemeat Palace, how may I help – “ She stared into Riley’s scarred face as she completed her sentence. “– you.” Her mom, Sunnydale, her home, Spike – There are many things Buffy misses in her life, but if she had gotten the choice to revisit a day that had already passed, this would so not be it!
Between the Empty Places by St Ephiny [PG]
When Buffy's at her lowest, Spike gives her the strength to go on.  What happens if Spike and Andrew return from their trip a little early, and Buffy realizes she's not alone during the mutiny?
Claw Marks by untouchable [NC-17]
Set after S2. Buffy never returns to Sunnydale. She stays in Los Angeles as Anne, working at the diner and running from her past until, one night, her past runs into her. Can two desperate broken-hearted people find some relief in the arms of one another, or will Buffy and Spike just tear each other apart?
Crash by Holly [NC-17]
True, Whistler sent her back to fix just one thing, but Buffy has always been rather ambitious.
Fantasie Segrete by Holly [NC-17]
The Slayer’s friends treat a very reluctant Buffy to a Valentine’s Day surprise in hopes of uplifting her spirits.
Floodgates by EllieRose101 [NC-17]
Willow’s engagement spell ends, but Buffy and Spike don’t want to let each other go. Now all their feelings have been brought to the surface, it’s like they can’t stop them. If anything, the feelings are getting stronger. But would being swept away be really such a bad thing?
Of Malls and Mistletoe by bookishy [NC-17]
Ethan Rayne's up to his old tricks, having hung mistletoe with the opposite of care all over the Sunnydale Mall. When it becomes clear that the only way to stop chaos from reigning over the year's biggest shopping season is for enemies to snuggle up beneath it . . . well, it's just a good thing Buffy finds Spike there after hours. Set a week after Riley's departure in "Into the Woods."
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OC Questionare
Thanks for the tag @winterandwords and @illarian-rambling! I'm gonna compile the questions in this one 👍🏾.
I tag: @jezifster @weirdgirlcroix @the-void-writes @revenantlore @cryptid-s-wips (Only if you want! Open tag too)
Your questions
1. Be honest, you fucking up that dance floor? (Good or bad way doesn't matter.)
2. Something you think is stupid?
3. How's that sleep schedule looking?
Robots & Gardens crew I guess.
What are you most ashamed of doing?
Green: "Killing a protester for meh money. Was desperate at the time. Hopin' not to fall on desperate times again."
Peace: "Guess I'm ashamed if I dragged anyone into an unsuccessful plan. Stresses everyone out."
Hollis: "Working my old job. Shouldn't have stuck around so long."
Donnie: "Taking on extra enhancements to do this job."
Digits: "I wouldn't really say I've got a lot of actual friends. So I've gotta be doing something."
If you had one wish, what would it be?
Green: "Enough money to support all the peoples that roam in. 'Specially the kids and Peace. Peace might hate it, but she loves me it's fine."
Peace: "No more fucking smog. I want to see the sky. I feel like I haven't seen a clear sky since I was a kid. The hell is this?"
Hollis: "That I had focused more on my music. Love helping people but I shouldn't be used to seeing demolished prosthetics and what people look like screaming and sobbing in pain. You know? But maybe that's me."
Donnie: "More accessible tech. Damn it took me three damn lifetimes to figure all of this out."
Digits: "I just want prosthetics that don't suck ass and sleep. If they pick sleep tell them to make it eternal. I'm sick of this shit."
Where is your favourite place in the world?
Green: "Gonna take ya on a nostalgia trip a bit. I'd say Peace's parents's place. But maybe the diner with the good pops. The fizzies in the glass bottles with the real sugar. Oh hell yeah. Add Peace to the mix and a silent phone and I migh've finally died."
Peace: "There's this spot by the diner right. And there used to be a patch of trees and like an itty bitty pond thing? It was kinda like a really really deep puddle after it rains. Green and I used to sit there sometimes and chug fizzies back to back till we felt like we were gonna puke. Think one of us did one time."
Hollis: "There's a couple hangout spots. But one in particular has a longue sorta thing going. And I get to play my music for a crowd. Get to play my music for the gorgeous dancers when they show. And I usually get a mouthful of a beautiful person too. It's the place to be."
Donnie: "Those rooftop garden things. A lot of them do end up shrivelled and depressing looking after the chemical rain. But the ones that flourish. Really fucking flourish. It's gorgeous. Or just my own home garden. It's nice to stare at nature after fighting all day. Or staring at screens all day."
Digits: "Is it sad if I say my place? Feeling like I'm barely there anymore. It's comfy. There's usually food. The tv works. I like my room, bed's comfy."
What is (or would be) your favorite subject in school?
Green: "History. I actually understood it the longest."
Peace: "Foreign language. Language classes in general really."
Hollis: "Shit it's been awhile. Any of the hobby classes maybe. Really liked the hands on stuff." (Electives basically).
Donnie: "Science. The really broad environmental stuff. I didn't like the smaller stuff much."
Digits: "Math and trade skills. Ended up working construction for a reason."
Have you ever played a prank on someone?
Green: "Yeah. Think I ended up gettin' my ass beat by the menace though."
Peace: "Nope. Well maybe? I helped Green out with hers sometimes. I hate when that woman pranks me. Gets her off my back if she can focus it on someone else."
Hollis: "Pulled out a chair or two. Swapped drinks. Nothing special."
Donnie: "I don't think so. I don't think I'm clever enough to come up with a good one."
Digits: "People usually prank me. But I've gotten my get back a couple times."
If you could swap bodies with anyone you know for a day, who would it be?
Green: "Hollis maybe. She's cool, maybe I could get somethin' out of it."
Peace: "Digits. And I'm making her lay the hell down."
Hollis: "Don't think I could do it. Donnie gets injured all the time. Digits's arms spazz at random. I'd give myself a concussion in Peace's body. Get killed in Green's. And would be annoyed to clean up after drunk assholes at my hangout spot as a bartender."
Donnie: "Digits maybe. Give her a mental break from her prosthetics at least."
Digits: "Green. Green all day. No I didn't answer that too fast. Fuck off."
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wheelercore · 4 months
Vecna targets holly because obviously the fate of every small blonde white girl in stranger things has to be cruel death as a result of the sins of the father (and sometimes the grandfather) re: hoppers whole cancer sperm thing due to his father pressuring him to serve in vietnam and victor killing a family in ww2 so alice is merc-ed and ted [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. Bear with me. Which is like such a Thing because steves father forces him to get the job and billys father forced him to find max and eddies father got him into some scheme for money and lonnie trying to force his sons to be "masculine" and brenner training el to kill etc etc and its like OOOOOOH the show is actually full of children being forced to do things they dont want to do by their father figures!
Rlly what im saying here is that lonnie forcing jonathan to shoot rabbits -> nancy being a natural shot (like as if she inherented the skill 2 kill) -> alice being symbolized by a rabbit (show henry kills the rabbit and leaves it for alice to find) -> alices death still to this day never being confirmed as henry being the killer, even in tfs (i didnt watch the play so idk what the timeline is on that).
(An eye for an eye or a dead blonde little girl (holly) for a dead blonde little girl (alice) so to say).
To add, there being no throwaway lines is so funny because all this makes me think about a s4 tedkaren (ofc) interaction where ted says "anything is possible" in response to hellfire possibly being the killers of chrissy and fred then karen snaps that their kids are not "murderers" - ted then says thats not what he meant and that shes putting words in his mouth.
Ofc instinctively we side with karen looking at it on the surface (we know, as the audience, that hellfire is not the killers and ppl are biased towards karen anyways) but the show's subtext itself tells us repeatedly that otherwise good "normal" people can be turned into murderers if the circumstances present themselves. El is a murderer (girl has a body count). Fred benson is a murderer. Victor creel is a murderer. Henry, a normal kid by all means, was turned into a murderer against his will. Hell, murray even tells hopper to tone his violent behavior down in s3 if my memory serves me correctly. Would Karen say El is not a murderer by her metric?
Ofc not to be hard on karen here, shes speaking as a worried mother, but really what she is saying here is that they cant be murderers because "murderer" is a label reserved for people who are just inherently bad, serial killers in 80s slashers like billy loomis, jason vorhees, and freddy kreugar. Not "normal" middle class kids who grew up in stable homes. And of course, beyond the text, the aformentioned 3 killers are turned upon their head in ST: billy har/grove, jason carver, and fred benson. With good intention, karen displays the typical black and white thinking of your white middle class american of that period, not even considering the idea that someone "normal" could be groomed, brainwashed, or traumatized by a predator into doing horrible things they wouldnt otherwise do, because in order to do those things there needs to be something inherently wrong or "broken" in you.
Funnily enough, ted does give the nuanced subtext-approved take but just very badly worded and not at all delivered with tact which is typical of him (hes a pov-less mfer to make it worse). But also hellfire werent murderers so thats a point against him, but his take was 4th wall approved. Because again, we see it happen to henry.
But really im also very correct because the admitted initial inspiration for st is literally a movie about how a serial killer brainwashes and traumatizes one of her victims into being an accomplice to child murder lmao.
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the-travelling-witch · 8 months
Smut hc/fic on them when <333
Oc when?!? I’d love to see an oc based on that game
i guess i’ll just put it under a cut? (not a written piece though, just my answer)
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with him being the king of gluttony that’s what i’d expect (i can’t wait to get to his h scene ngl), i mean his tongue must be super well practised from all that eating
i’m not opposed to writing for whb at some point in time but as i said, i’m currently not that far in the story and don’t have a good grasp on the characters yet, so i want to wait until i understand them better (i hope it’s apparent in my writing that i pay attention to characterisation? ㅠㅠ)
as for ocs, i have my hands full with my two (or three) obey me ocs, i already don’t write as much for them as i want to, so currently it’s only me, my s/i and i hshsh
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bylrndgm · 2 years
eight-fifteen screencaps (S1 and S2)
Premises: I'm completely unhinged (🤡) and I have time to waste, therefore, I decided to give my contribution to the whole 8:15 gate.
No, for real: in this post I will put the screencaps of what happens at 8:15 and -8:15 of each episode (probably gonna reget it halfway through it lol).
In this first post I will go through S1 and S2.
Long post -> keep reading under the cut.
Pictures on the left: 8:15
Pictures on the right: - 8:15
Season 1
Chapter one: The vanishing of Will Byers.
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Chapter two: The weirdo on Maple Street
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Note: at 46:51, the lights flicker.
Chapter three: Holly, jolly
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Chapter four: The body
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Note: at 8:15 there are the title credits playing.
Chapter five: The flea and the acrobat
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Note: at 8:15 there are the title credits playing.
Chapter six: The monster
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Chapter seven: The bathtub
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Note: seconds prior 8:15, Karen finds out some blonde hair (that probably came off El's wig)
Chapter eight: The upside-down
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THOUGHTS: What is absolutely feral about this, is that S01E01's 8:15 matches with S01E08's -8:15 -> in both cases Will is leaving (the shed/Mike's basement).
And while the 8:15s seem a little disconnected from one another, the -8:15s kinda have a recurring theme:
El is trying to escape from the bad men
Joyce is crying after the line dropped (after she heard Will breathing)
Hop leaves the library to get to the quarry where he will find the fake body
Joyce breaks her house's wall trying to reach Will, who moments prior was "in the walls"
Lucas goes away after El used his powers against him
Dustin is assaulted by Troy, who threatens him to remove his teeth. Moments later, Mike will jump off the cliff
El finds out that Barb is dead
Will goes home
They're all about "going away/dying/leaving/escaping".
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Season two
Chapter one: Madmax
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Chapter two: Trick or treat, freak
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Chapter three: The pollywog
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Chapter four: Will the wise
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Chapter five: Dig dug
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Chapter six: The spy
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Note: The Duffer Brothers are unhinged as hell, like, what does it mean that these two 8:15s are connected? The first lie: Jonathan and Nancy don't feel anything for eachother, they're just friends, which Murray debunks. And the lie was said because there was Steve in the middle of them (aka Nancy had still to sort out her feelings).
Chapter seven: The lost sister
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Chapter eight: The mind flayer
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Chapter nine: The gate
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Note: the poster on the image on the left, shows a woman who's being chocked by some dark, monster-like hands -> the exact same thing that will happen to Joyce later on
THOUGHTS: What I noticed, is that the 8:15s are about learning, discovering and understanding because:
Keith is discussing about acne, teaching them it's not contagious + Will is having his first "now memory" of the UD
Hop tells El why she can't go trick or treating + teches her a new word: compromise
Dustin borrows five books from the library to understand more about Dart
Self-explainatory: "do you know what this word means?"
Jonathan had just learnt from Nancy that she waited him a month before getting back with Steve
Murray understands Jonathan and Nancy are lying to him
El is about to reunite with Kali
Billy's dad talks to him about "respect and responsibility" and he asks him if he understood
Joyce clicks on how to free Will from the Mind flayer.
That is pretty much it. Probably I will post pt. 2 tomorrow and let me know your thoughts.
I will leave the posts that inspired this madness raptus below, so that if you want to understand more, you'll be able to.
this by @aemiron-main
this by @byler-4-life
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howam-i-theparent · 1 year
Sanders sides incorrect quotes based on my friends/family
Janus: I knew one of us was a vampire, and I’m surprised that it wasn’t me
Roman: What are you talking about? Of course you are a vampire, O tried to wake you up that one time, and you just hissed at me
Janus: I guess I am a vampire
Virgil: and the way you dress is a undead giveaway
Janus: Fair
Virgil: not to mention that you have the darkest room, that doesn’t get any sunlight, in the entire mindscape
Janus: Okay! I get it!
Remus: Jeffery Dammer is my inspiration and husband
Virgil: We need a Logic and a Lesbian, a logical lesbian
Roman: at least I’m hotter than you!
Remus: at least I have a mustache!
Remus: Logan, if you don’t stop dipping your carrots in your cheese, I’m kicking you out of the table.
Virgil: Whatcha watching?
Roman: It’s not gay
Virgil: Never-mind then
Remus: What’s up Broskis! *does a anime girl pose while dressed as a flower fairy*
Virgil: I want everyone to be guilty of my death
Remus: Hachoinkers! *hits Roman on the head*
Patton: If you get hurt… , I’ll- I’ll- take care of you.
Remus: You are being Shuned! Cmon Roman! Shun with me!
Janus: See you in hell!
Virgil: I’m going to kill you-
Roman: You can’t, you love me too much
Roman: Holly snickerdoodles!
Janus: I am your mother! And your father! I can be both!
Logan: Hey, fun fact! did you know, *spits out a obscure (and kind of gross) science fact that no one understood*
Janus: You guys are all on drugs
Logan: Okay, fine, I’ll play along
Logan (letter to Patton): What did I agree too?
Roman: Fudge you keyboard, you can eat my potatoes
Roman: Okay, so, I just pushed up the lid- and- the water just spilled on me!
Virgil: *starts laughing* How-
Roman: The stupidity magic!
Virgil: I feel bad for his girlfriend * Watching one of those 3am videos*
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
Okay so hear me out here on this one.
The party comes up with an impromptu family meeting and leave Steve & Eddie out of it. They’re all sick of them flirting and not just realizing they have feelings for each other, but they’re also fully bullying each other so it kind of clouds their chances if taking the other seriously if there was a confession. Steve hasn’t quite gotten past his slip of the tongue snide remarks even though he’s getting better at catching himself (I mean see the Dustin teeth comment) and Eddie slips back into thinking everyone who isn’t outwardly an outsider is unsafe and bad (goes back into his monologue mentality). So they’re being mean and flirting, but mostly kinda just being mean to each other. Dustin and Robin are the main ones who come up with the idea of essentially HR sensitivity training them, Max stealing an anti-bullying VHS from Ms. Kelly’s office.
They tell them they’re all doing a movie night in the Wheelers’ basement (just happens to be a weekend when they’ll be visiting grandma with Holly) and Eddie falls for it first, his last audible words are “why is the basement all padded-“ before El slams and locks the door. Steve gets off Family Video with Robin an hour later (so Eddie’s just kind of stuck down there wondering how he got tricked LMAO) and she insists he goes first and he’s like “okay ya big weirdo”. He gets down there, sees Eddie frazzled as all hell with no one else, realizes they got got. Robin yells something like “WE JUST THOUGHT YOU NEEDED A LESSON ON ZERO TOLERANCE” and the video starts playing with another door slam. BUT under the tapes is another movie (probably something nerdy but fun like Little Shop of Horrors or Labyrinth) with a note and a six pack saying they can drink IF they can finish the anti-bullying tape. They both groan, but watch it, making comments on it the whole time definitely dogging on it and the acting being “unrealistic”.
But they make it through the tape, they even roleplay being nice (albeit, sarcastically). Steve says something like “I don’t want to watch this nerdy shit now” and Eddie goes “BULLYING, YOU’RE BULLYING ME HARRINGTON!” They end up cracking the beers and Steve ends up LOVING the movie. When Eddie gives him shit, he repeats the bullying line back and they laugh their asses off. Then when the party FINALLY check on them, they look all disheveled. They both start rattling off things they learned from the movie and promise to be better friends, no more bullying. Robin and Dustin get those shiteating grins on their faces, of course Steve figures out Robin first, Eddie figures out Dustin next with a “oh you fuckin’ SHITHEADS!” They give each other high fives, Lucas has to give Max $5.
Mike goes “I can’t believe that-“ 💡 idiot moment then “I have to start bullying Will, I HAVE TO START BULLYING WILL!” he runs off and everyone’s like “WHAT WHY” but Eddie figures it out first and runs out of the basement screaming “WHEELER, NO! NO NO NO! FUCK!”
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
A post that’s actually about Mike for a change
Let’s start with his parents shall we? He is the middle child and only son of Ted and Karen. Which already puts him at a disadvantage. Ted is a blatant product of his time hence the “hands off, leave it to mother” parenting he exhibits. Holly obviously gets the most attention because she’s the youngest. And Nancy’s the oldest and Karen’s “equal” for some shitty reason. It’s like if Bart were the middle child and I actually liked Lisa.
Now let’s get to the events within the actual show shall we?
His friend goes missing and in searching for him Mike finds the love of his life
Less than a week later she explodes in front of him in the process of saving his and his others friends lives
He thinks she’d dead for a year. Then finds out she was being kept hidden by the local police chief.
But he has no time to process this properly because they have to save the friend from an inter-dimensional eldritch horror.
In between the two above instances. One of his others friends is horrifically threatened the psycho stepbrother of the new girl.
Then it’s summer. He spends every moment he can with her but her dad, the police chief, goes nuts and threatens him
This causes him to lie, something he hates doing to her, to make sure he’s still able to see her
Then the aforementioned new girl puts very narrow ideas of feminism in his girlfriends head and she dumps him before he has a chance to explain
He sees Jane get infected by a separate inter dimensional eldritch horror
Then Jane moves away
He finally gets to spend spring break with her
Only for her to get victimised in front of him.
He’s the only one who actually does something to help, seeing as Will, her brother, Mike’s friend, would rather bitch at him about supposed communication problems that are seriously not Mike’s fault.
Before he can talk with Jane properly. She gets arrested.
Then he gets shot at
He has to help bury a man who died saving him and Jane’s brothers lives
He has to travel with Jane’s brothers cross country not even knowing if she’s alive or not
He finally finds her.
Only for her to nearly die, again,saving one of their friends. Again.
He saves her by laying his heart bare to her thank god
They get home
Only for his town to play host to the apocalypse
And all of this happens in what? Two years of show time? Mike’s had so many bad things happen to him and those he cares about. But all part of the fandom seem to care about is how he can be Will’s prize. But he isn’t. He never has been. And he never will be. Will is not entitled to Mike. Mike’s own trauma is not worth less than everyone else’s. These people don’t love him. Hell. They don’t even like him. They love Will. That’s all. And to them. Mike’s just a trophy. And, unfortunately for many of us, that’s all they’ll ever see him as.
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