#◜ inbox. ◞  * ・゚✧ *   ━━━━━   russian roulette.
proofwhisky · 3 months
sending u hugs and love 🥺 im glad to see you back-ish 💕
thank you so much this is so sweet <3 im glad to hear you're glad to see me
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vellichorom · 11 months
Kicking in the door to say "trick or treat". - Egg
hmmmyeas I am ripping open 5 boxes of these & dumping them into your bag
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As someone who is kinda just floating my way through life right now, I've kinda been thinking about what my favorite characters say about who I am and like, what I want,
I mean, I've fallen into the Trap of Webnovels, one of the biggest black holes of How Do We Fuck With The Trope and while I clearly am not alone in my love of Cale Hetinuse, Han Yoojin and Kim Dokja (and likely other blind lovable bastards I haven't found yet), what exactly is it that makes their loneliness so true?
This may of course be my stupid migraine talking, but one of the things I find so fascinating about Webnovels is how consistently they deal with themes of Being An Outsider. Fundamentally, even just a passing glance at the summaries or a roll through the current trending set of Most Popular Stories, shows the persisting theme of being Other in some way,
One of the biggest genres, not just in Webnovels but most Very Online media are Isekais in some form, or the protagonist is thrust suddenly into not simply the stress of life, but the stress of having to either hide your true nature or otherwise display what sets you apart, driving further into their separation from the rest of the characters.
A lot of them now even twist this further, showcasing protagonists who "arent supposed to be there" or who are the "wrong" person to step up into the story.
God, it's like we as a group of people living in the world have reckoned with how far our lives and hopes have strayed from the goal, and have poured all of it into characters who still feel as though they can never belong.
I am US American and thus am reading these stories through at least 3 layers of additional abstraction on top of the already dense nature of Webnovel Fan Culture. I am still learning how to glean the hidden themes from stories which have started to generate triple decker layers of nuance and in joke so ubiquitous, my only viable comparison is that old Tumblr post joking about how reading AO3 tags was it's own form of dialect incomprehensible to anyone not submerged in it
And yet still, I can tangibly feel the ache in some of these stories. Across far too much space, linked only by the light of our respective screens, I am admiring the skill of these stories to articulate the depth of my isolation.
The characters I love tend to be people who feel as though they cannot be accepted. That they must atone for whatever it was that brought them to their current place in the story. An empress who leans into her divorce because she believes she cannot be anything other than herself, and that that self is an undesirable burden. A man who cannot believe he is allowed a family, that his presence will inevitably end that family's peace so he should fulfill his "role" as a hapless, useless piece of trash. A man out of time, who sacrificed everything for his brother and yet believes he's worthless, willfully stubbornly blind to any injury he has cause that would mean admitting that he matters. And on, and on, and on,
I am mostly just talking in order to codify exactly what it is that draws me in, and I frankly think... It's cause I feel seen.
I have always loved lonely characters, Anne of Green Gables, Ender Wiggan, The Goose Girl. Characters who are lost until they settle finally with the people meant to care for them,
I think Webnovel protagonists are so compelling to me cause they highlight how even when you are tremendously lucky or powerful or intelligent, the world does not care. It's only through the Power Of Friendship (both ironically and unironically) that the heros find peace. I guess they soothe the part of me that wishes I could be healthier or richer or more satisfied with my life, they vent the stress of Living THrough Interesting Times and honest to god they remind me to think about my friends and my actual goals. To remove myself from the idea that Achieving The Win Condition would actually help with my loneliness. Cause really, the only way to stop being lonely is to build relationships you can trust to show up at the end of the world, or to bail you out of Time Prison or pick you up outside of Imperial Divorce Court
What's the point if it's not to strive towards connecting with the people you love?
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hetalia-club · 11 months
I'm not normally one to rant or anything but here goes.
I hesitate to tag this. but I feel it needs to be said, in fact I feel it HAS to be said or I think this fandom is just going to be done for within the next 5 or so years. People need to read this and understand what is happening within the fandom and not continue this behavior or turn a blind eye to it.
This fandom has a SERIOUS problem. I don't say that lightly either. I feel like 99% of this fandom are sweet and caring people. but we have that 1%.
This 1% is killing the community in this fandom. How is it okay to message someone, demand they make a statement on THEIR blog and when they say they don't want to talk about it you then tell them you wish they would die a horrible death?
TW for suicide and SA! (you have been warned) Long rant below. (preempted note to let everyone know that I am fine, I am not posting this for people to feel bad for me. I am using my own experiences as examples, but this is not a 'me' issue this is a fandom issue)
Why is that so normalized here? The vague blogging and the call to arms people in this fandom do is actually disgusting. Picking one person and just beating them down until they eventually leave the fandom and at the SAME people will be like. "Why is the Hetalia fandom so small?" Who wants to be in a fandom where making one statement that's not even bad could get you death threats?
I don't think the fandom realizes how hurtful what they say can be. Sure you might not have liked a post someone made because you disagreed. Well then scroll down, hit the block button and carry on with your life. Why do some of you feel it is acceptable behavior to make mass posts calling out someone or going into their inbox to tell them you wish they would kill themselves?
I say I don't like Spamano and people say they want me dead. I say I don't want to talk about IRL politics on my parody Hetalia blog and my life and entire country is threatened.
I say we shouldn't insert our ships into everyone's lives and let people ship what they want and not feel forced to appease you. and you guessed it people wish terrible things onto me and my body.
I feel the only way this behavior will change is if we start calling it out more. I know it will feel repetitive but I think ignoring it is only making it worse at this point.
I know a lot of people would read this and think "If you don't like it then leave the fandom" well YOU'RE the issue. This is not normal behavior. These are not actions of someone who is mentality well. Why should I leave a fandom I've been in for 10 years because some idiot cannot handle that I don't like shipping characters together? How is that impacting their life at all?
a few months ago I made a post and it was highjacked and someone totally just took it over and added their own thing onto it talking about SA. Totally out of left field not related to what I posted at all. I simply messaged them and asked them if they could please remove the comment as I am a survivor of SA and it don't think it was funny or appropriate to add onto my post and they just said. "No I can say anything I want to. I was talking about Hetalia so it's fine." like what do you mean no!? Who responds that way? What a normal considerate person would do is say "I'm sorry of course! I can just go make my own post." but no they just left it there. It's still there, won't say which post or who it was because it doesn't matter anymore.
But this is the kind of behavior I'm talking about. This weird entitlement of everyone being so defensive and angry all the time. Just wanting to pick a fight over nothing. You never know if simply saying something like (Example) "I don't really like Austria" Could land you 100 anons all saying they wanted you to off yourself. It's like a game of Russian roulette. It's a very stressful environment for a big creator to be in. All it really takes is the wrong person to see a post you made and disagreed with and all of a sudden they are making posts about you without mentioning your name but are CLEARLY about you saying "This person hates all Austrians, they are a neo-nazi and we should all block them and send them hate and also let's just reword what they said to make it sound 100x worse because people won't read the original post and they will just believe us." Who would want to be a creator in an environment like that?
would you believe me if I told you I still to this day am getting someone in my inbox calling for my r*pe because of the stupid fucking beauty pageant poll I did? Is that not insanity? Who is that person? Wtf is their life? I personally could not imagine sending hate to anyone for any reason, and if I did it would be off of anon and I would say it with my chest. Because in order for someone to push it that far they would have to saying some absolutely terrible stuff to make me take time from my day and life to give them negative energy.
The fandom is shrinking because of the 1% driving them away. They come after artists who draw a character in a way they don't like. They come after writers for depicting a character in a way they disagree with. They go after shippers for portraying their ship 'wrong'. They will comment on people's fun little head canons and just leave the rudest most unnecessary comments thinks like "He wouldn't do that" like okay?? Thanks for your insert betty sue. And it's always when you were never trying to set someone off is when they lose their minds. They do not understand even if a blog is big and has a lot of followers it is still THAT creators blog. they are a person not an identity who just churns out content for just you and they have to say and do whatever you want.
Another thing the 1% like to do on here is they will wait for you to say something and then they will jump to attack a person who does the thing you said you dislike and they will tell that person "blog name XYZ said you are a horrible person and I agree kill yourself" That one is a near direct quote I got not too long ago. I got several like that and actually had to message said creator and say "Why are you mad at me?" and they were completely confused, had no idea how they decided to attack me because of what they said. When I tell you that the 1% are sitting there frothing at the mouth wanting to send hate and death threats I mean that 100%
It's not JUST me either. All creators in the Hetalia fandom I'm sure could tell you about upsetting hate they received and had no idea what they even did or said wrong. I have spoken to former Hetalia blogs ones who I used to call my pals before I went on my hiatus and came back. They all said they left not because they started hating Hetalia but they left for their mental health because the 1% got too bold and unchecked. This was never an issue before quarantine. I know it brought a lot of new fans and that's great! But I also feel along with bringing in some wonderful people it brought in some really dark minded people as well. Saying "Just disable anons and move on" is also not a solution. these people are still here and if they're not bothering me or you they are tormenting someone else because that's what these people do. That 'someone else' may only need the tiniest nudge at the edge and they may just actually hurt themselves. You don't know people. You don't know what everyone is going through. You don't know what someone's life is like outside of here.
PLEASE Please! stop telling people to kill themselves. Stop telling people to go get R**ed in a gutter. Get some help talk to a therapist, a friend, a trusted teacher, a life coach, your parents, your sibling. anyone! And if you don't have anyone in your life you can talk to you can message me and we can talk about what you're going through. I'm sure any other Hetalian on here would say the same thing. Bloggers are real people.
International suicide hotlines
Website to help you find a therapist in your own country and in your price range
I know I will more than likely get hate for posting this. Which is upsetting to just know is going to happen but someone needs to say this because it's getting kind of out of control these last couple months I feel.
if you read this through reblog it, spread it around let the people who NEED to see it see it.
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* comes out of the void *
Darling, dearest ! 🩷
Sorry for delaying a bit in my response to your Part 1 AU! Yakuza and Geisha story.
I tried my best to write a decent comment in your inbox for this Part 1. Try to be as worthy as possible to the height of this story !
OMG I am flabbergasted, in shock and awe at this ! As well as on my tippy toes in my 5'3" measurement. You got be trapped and chained to this AU from the first sentence! The ambience, the words you decidedly chose to sew this tapestry.
The build-up is deliciously smooth as also filled with a silent threatening power. A Tiger story indeed! As soft as its fur, ferocious as its jaws, compelling as their eyes. I want more ! Nanami Kento has me already on my knees, wanting to learn more and explore him. His portrayal is utter perfection, even though we saw a little of the other JJK boys, they are stunning as well. I can't wait too see what else your are brewing for this !
All the choices of kimonos and all it's symbolism I love that ! That little peek of his tattoo got me howling ! Their encounter, is like embers starting to pick up heat and burn. A good slow burn, like the start of a burning incense slowly filling the air with its sensual aroma.
I am in love ! I'm already crawling up the walls in despair of all the feelings this will befall upon me ! Somebody has to be responsible and accountable for my fainting and probably losing the little rest of my sane brain.
I still swear one of you marvelous Muse inspired writers,.will be the end of me. Shall it be you !? The final twist of the blade inside my heart to ensure death ? I am playing a dangerous Russian roulette here .
Cause really, every story is heartbreaking good ! I could see this perfectly turned up into a beautiful anime or dorama. I love ya ! ♡
Thank you ! Thanks you! Thank you! * kisses your hand reverently and bows *
I'm so grateful for you. Do you even know...? I'm very slow at writing but I have this whole story planned out so please stick with me, I'll be putting it out at some time. Some time...
For anyone wondering what we're talking about, here:
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kimsuyeon · 5 months
eras requests are closed ! ↳ any sent now will be deleted.
reopening eras requests !
if you'd like to see past eras, they're mainly under 500 event (also seen on my bg blog!) and my gifts for mutuals. there are a few that aren't under these, but i'm willing to redo some of my older ones, so don't worry about it if you can't find whether or not i did it!
i will accept bg asks too. as usual, groups and idols i don't gif will be deleted from my inbox. if i don't post or reblog them, i probably don't gif them. please be patient with me! i try to gif these quickly and tend to be successful, but i'm in the middle of finals right now and it can take some time (especially if it's from a time period where there are files that are lost or harder to access).
be nice ! i shouldn't have to say this, but i've had to clarify three separate times now. asks that do not have a please, a thank you, some kind of acknowledgment of me as a person or the work put in, will be deleted or i will respond telling you to be nice and how disrespectful you're being, depending how bitchy i'm feeling when i see it. also look at what has already been completed and what is waiting to be done. thank you.
you can also send several! i don't mind people sending a lot, just know the more you send the longer it'll take.
received asks ! (these are listed in the order received. if you don't see yours, i didn't get it, it is someone i don't gif, your account heavily over-sexualizes the idol you requested, or you didn't say please/thank you/similar. this will be updated as things are sent in. not giffed in order.)
jessica + fly jessica + genie seulgi + dumb dumb dawon + butterfly lee hyori + miss korea seulgi + russian roulette lee suhyun + alien tiffany + mr. mr. jihyo + talk that talk krystal + pinocchio hyeri + expectation yeri + chill kill haechan + boom boa + woman sunmi + rewind hyoyeon + the boys iu + the winning
finished asks !
found here! not tagged with #003 like my requests typically are, but instead under *eras for ease of access!
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trollsedits · 5 months
Brozone as K-pop Songs + Poppy and Viva headcanon
I Love listing to kpop I was in my kpop era back in high school and middle school but I have stop listening to it but I started listening to it again to really brings back the memories and I also love listening to new kpop songs aswell :]
My favorite kpop group is Bts and Twice
I grew up with OG kpop groups like 2NE1,BigBang, Exo, Girls generation and so on in my inbox please do leave suggestions on your favorite kpop songs/ group I might check it out my current favorite kpop song is
Omg (New Jeans) and Love Dive (IVE)
John Dory:
-Monster (Exo)
-Let’s not fall in love (Big Bang)
-Sober (Big bang)
-Blood,Sweat & Tears (Bts)
-Life Goes on (Bts)
-I am the best (2NE1)
-what is love? (twice)
-obsession (Exo)
-forever Young (BlackPink)
-red light (Fx)
-Butter (Bts)
-spring day (Bts)
-Tempo (Exo)
-Loser (Big Bang)
-Love Shot (Exo)
-love me right (Exo)
-I love you (2NE1)
-Love Scenario (Ikon)
-Kiss kiss (Ladies Code)
-Fantastic baby (Big Bang)
-Fake Love (Bts)
-seven (jungkook)
-Shine (Pentagon)
-The Feels (Twice)
-Crush (2NE1)
-Call me baby (Exo)
-bae bae (Big bang)
-Russian Roulette (Red Velvet)
-Power up (Red Velvet)
-Rover (kai)
-You think ( Girls generation)
-Look (GOT7)
-Never ever (GOT7)
-Good boy (GD & Taeyang)
-Gentleman (PSY)
-Fire (Bts)
-I’m not cool (Hyuna)
-ma city (Bts)
-Run (Bts)
-Omg (New Jeans)
-Dope (Bts)
-hate you (ladies code)
-sugar free (T-ara)
-Hard Carry (GOT7)
-Chained Up (VIXX)
-Lounder than bomb (Bts)
-Black Dress (CLC)
-Love Option (Bestie)
-Set me Free (Twice)
-miniskirt (AOA)
-I Got a Boy (Girls Generation)
-so wonderful (Ladies Code)
-Love Dive (IVE)
-killing me good (Jihyo)
-save me (bts)
-Stay Tonight (Chung ha)
-Dice (NMIXX)
-Set me Free (Ladies Code)
-Permission to dance (Bts)
-idol (bts)
-I’m gonna be a star (Twice)
-What is love? (twice)
-Shut down (Blackpink)
-playing with Fire (Black pink)
-ready for love (Black pink)
-Hate (4 Minutes)
-Yet to come (Bts)
-I’m fine thank you (ladies code)
-Lotto (Exo)
-I Need U (Bts)
-Lucky ones (Exo)
-Free somebody (Luna)
-Not that Type (gugudan)
-killing me (Ikon)
-Super Shy (New jeans)
-Feel special (Twice)
-Ice cream cake (Red velvet)
-Me likey (Twice)
-A girl like me (Gugudan)
-Queencard (G-idle)
-Gotta go (Chung ha)
-Fancy (Twice)
-Dance the Night Away (Twice)
-Boy with love (Bts)
-shake it (Sistar)
-Pretty Pretty (Ladies code)
-All Night (Girls Generation)
-Thumbs up (momoland)
-Wonderland (Gugudan)
-pop (nayeon)
-Pink Venom (Black Pink)
-Loco (ITZY)
-Seniorita (G-Idle)
-I can’t stop me (Twice)
-You and I (Dreamcatcher)
-Crazy (4 minutes)
-Go hard (Twice)
-Tomboy (G-Idle)
-Girls (Aespa)
-Moonlight Sunlight (Twice)
-Saturday Night (Son Dambi)
-make me go crazy (Ladies code)
-Electric shock (Fx)
Anyways, I’m not taking any requests currently but still do leave some ideas or so I will come back to it eventually but anyway please so leave me some kpop song suggestions in my inbox I will take a look at it…. :]
Like + Follow are very much appreciated! ✨
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astr0disiac · 5 days
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in terms of October, I do want to post daily but I'm not sure what I should do yet. i'm not a huge fan of kinktober i did it for the views and that's why i never finished tbh so i'll let yall vote for me bcs i'm so indecisive.
MISTY q&a is still open as well!
-astro <3
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intertexts · 7 days
ROSSSSS ok. yhesterday u asked for like details and habits and skills nhw virion would have picked up from the greats and theyre still living in my head Rent Fucking Free so im gonna throw some stuff in ur inbox bc i want 2 talk abt them SO BAD
ok so strider definitely contributed to virion’s paranoia. thats just. yeah. he didn’t really Mean To it just kind of Happened. bro did not realize that saying “keep your eye out for anything or anyone when you’re out alone on the streets because if someone Can hurt you, they Will” would scare a kid into being Perpetually Anxious!!!! virion definitely looks over his shoulder like every ten seconds whenever he’s out, even if he’s not in costume, bc strider drilled that into his head. Always Be Cautious Always Be On Your Toes!!!! strider also taught him basic street fighting. showed him how to fight dirty!! virion does tend to carry around a few concealed weapons and he started doing that because of strider
meanwhile chungus (i love u chungus ur name is so fucking stupid) taught virion how to fight fair!!! i’m still working on chungus’s backstory and trigger event but i like to think he was a wrestler and/or boxer in school, so he taught virion the Rules of fighting, how to take down an opponent without really hurting them, how to take down people who are heavier and bigger than him, etc. it’s not knowledge that virion uses a lot but in fights with no weapons he still automatically goes into Proper Boxer Fighting Stance. also he has totally accidentally put someone in a headlock because of instincts when they’ve snuck up on him
greyson!! greyson taught virion how to hold all manners of weapons. daggers swords shields you name it!! not really because greyson thought it would be particularly useful, just mostly for fun bc no way this kid is ever going to need to use these!! he got a lot more little habits from greyson tho, like stuff he doesn’t really notice but it is from greyson. he taps his fingers on his arm when he’s impatient, picks at the skin around his nails, stuff like that. he also knows a lot about medieval weaponry bc greyson liked to infodump and virion Absorbed that knowledge. will sometimes find himself going on tangents about how catapults were used in the 1500’s if the topic somehow comes up but he will shut the fuck up once he realizes what he’s doing and gets reminded of greyson and suddenly feels Bad and Horrible at the reminder. yeagh
min did try to teach him stuff but there wasn’t much she knew that she thought would be super useful. she was learning math and physics in college before leviathan hit her hometown, but virion was never really one for academics!!! but he did try to listen to her on the rare occasions she talked about it. he picked up more little habits from her, like he chews on things like his hoodie strings or even his hair when he’s thinking really hard, she taught him how to braid hair and he’ll find himself copying how she braided his sometimes when he’s messing with ashe’s hair, and whenever he’s holding a pen he clicks it really fast like a million times before he even does anything with it. keep his ass out of school he cannot pick up a math or physics textbook without thinking about min and he will think about her the entire class
RAMMM ILY RAM..... he taught virion how to hold guns. any gun he could think of ram was like okay i gotta teach this kid how to shoot and handle this thing correctly and safely. btw i decided ram’s trigger event was him and some friends being stupid in college and playing drunken russian roulette. u can imagine!!! how well that went!!! i wanted to make his sudden innate Knowledge about guns be horribly ironic and also painful for him <3 so now he’s fucking Insistent that virion learn how to handle guns and how to Know when they’re loaded and to ALWAYS KNOW WHERE THE BULLET IS. VERY IMPORTANT. whenever virion’s handling a gun he Always makes sure he knows how many bullets he has left, where his ammo is, never leave the safety off when he puts it down, etc etc. Very Persistent with gun safety. ram has also drilled it into his head to never drink when holding weapons. actually very insistent that virion Never Drink Ever actually. also his southern mannerisms rubbed off on virion juussssst a little bit. virion calls wibby “darlin” once and william has a heart attack over it. virion doesn’t even realize he’s doing it!!! he says ain’t and y’all sometimes and doesn’t even notice until one of the other wards points it out and asks why and virion has an internal breakdown about it
ALPHONZ..... MY LOVE...... i think. for the first little bit after joining the greats, alphonz was in his breaker state A Lot and was not able to get out of it half the time. so in virion’s early life, he just has memories of this bright glowing angel-lookin guy in the room whenever he was around the greats. out of his breaker state tho!! alphonz tried to teach virion religion for a bit, but virion’s parents managed to convince alphonz to leave it alone because if virion wanted to go down that path someday he’d find it on his own, etc etc yk and alphonz eventually conceded. he did read bible stories to virion as bedtime stories though!! virion thought they were fun little fiction stories, and also alphonz’s voice was just nice to fall asleep to, so his parents didn’t mind. to this day virion can probably still recite like half the bible from memory. he doesn’t believe in god but maybe he’s got like. an old cross necklace that alphonz gave him once and he wears it under his shirt sometimes like in memory of alphonz. he chews on the pendant sometimes—thanks min for the chewing stim!!!—and the metal has small scratches and teeth marks. if the chain ever breaks or he loses the pendant he will lose his mind
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kdramadaily · 2 years
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                          DRAMAWEEN 2022                          October 25th - October 31st
Join @kdramadaily this halloween season for our celebration of all ghouls and goblins! Below is a list of prompts to inspire our fellow kdrama editors to create content for your favorite spooky series! We will be reblogging gifsets/graphics from the tags #kdramadaily and #dramaween2022
Tuesday (October 25th): feel my rhythm, come with me
a new drama that you’re excited for
Wednesday (October 26th): that’s our queendom
a favorite female character
Thursday (October 27th): another bad boy down
a favorite male character
Friday (October 28th): love’s a game of russian roulette
a favorite ship
Saturday (October 29th): got me feeling like a psycho
all time favorite spooky/thriller drama
Sunday (October 30th): FREE DAY
🎃 🎃 🎃
Monday (October 31st): i’m a little monster
create a gifset of a friends favorite supernatural/thriller drama and tag them to spread the halloween cheer!!!
Although there are prompts provided, feel free to edit on your own as long as you use the tag #kdramadaily or #dramaween2022 so we can find your creations!! If you have any questions, our inbox is open!
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heartscfvalor · 3 months
Alright I wanna try and get some writing done tonight.
Hit the heart if you want one of my muses in your inbox. It’ll be randomized, like Russian roulette, except no one dies! Mutuals only please!
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junabyclairo · 3 months
russian roulette -
pick a number based on a character and get a random fic!
carmen berzatto: 1 - 11
lip gallagher: 1 - 4
or, pick a random number 1 - 5 and request whether you want it to be a lip or carm fic!
hope you enjoy, and feel free to request anything in my inbox <3
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bonefall · 2 years
seeing all the neurodivergence/disability stuff in your inbox and it brought up a part of my (and @syrnaxi’s) rewrite:
Bluestar/yellowfang bond over autistic/adhd solidarity
how do you handle the silverstream “death in childbirth” thing? So far, we’ve been waffling back and forth between “this should happen a lot more” or “silverstream should have a reproductive disability- we’ve decided on endometriosis, something we both have personal experience with. Anyway, I’d love your input on how this could be handled, as well as what general medical care for reproductive issues would look like!!
People are starved for good Neurodivergence/Disability representation and I humbly provide
Blue and Yellow
I won't be doing very much with Bluestar/Yellowfang's possible bond because I find that TPB is already super packed, and Bonefall TPB in particular is extremely politically focused as the basis for what Thistle Law, Traditionalism, and Fire Alone look like in practice. There just isn't room in the story that I'm telling for Blue and Yellow to also get focus as a unit.
I do find them super compelling in the fandom, though. I think the way that, combined, they lost a full litter of kits (Blue lost 1 and Yellow lost 2) is an unexplored concept. Not to mention their complicated feelings towards StarClan, with Yellowfang accepting that she 'deserves' punishment where Bluestar scorns the stars completely.
(CW past this point: I'm talking about Silverstream's death in childbirth, cat reproduction, infection, and also I start ranting about how much human reproduction sucks)
Again since TPB is SO packed it's hard to work in the same kind of disability/neurodivergence exploration I'm so dedicated to for the arcs past TNP
It does make sense to me though that Silverstream's lineage has a medical history of birth complications. I know her mom died of Greencough but it always made more sense to me that it was death by childbirth tbh.
I generally try to avoid talking about reproductive issues the same way I try to avoid talking about surgery and alcohol without massive tagging here and back, but with reproductive issues, I'd also have to get into how fundamentally different cats are to humans with the way we reproduce... which includes cat heat
Humans are one of the very few mammals that are fertile year-round and renew the nutrients in our wombs monthly. Humans are a horror house of animal reproduction.
Replacing these nutrients monthly to the point where it's good growing ground for ONE OF THE MOST INTENSIVE INFANTS IN THE ENTIRE ANIMAL KINGDOM is disgustingly wasteful
Because this gross slop is growing every month, it's like there's a thousand more chances for SOMETHING to go wrong. It's like russian roulette with meat
OUR. PELVISES. SUCK. We made a hasty transition from ape to featherless biped and that meant that the Bone Cradle where we supposed to gestate something that is the size of a melon suddenly also had to BEAR ALL OF OUR WEIGHT AT THE SAME TIME.
Cats are NOT this bad in terms of childbirth. Yeah sure there's complications here and there, but those complications mostly affect the kittens, not the mother. Most uterus problems in cats have to do with mollies that have had a lot of heat cycles and never had kittens.
Heat cycles have their own completely unique set of biological problems though- the cat equivalent of endometriosis would be frequent development of pyometra, because the hormones associated with heat cycles cause the suppression of the immune system. So infections happen OFTEN in the WORST possible way
These are both pretty bad, so personally I just... try not to think about it too much for the rewrite. I take the best of both worlds-- their childbirth isn't as bad and dangerous as a human's, and also they don't get pyometra much.
If you want treatment plans for reproductive issues though, I'd recommend looking over at my HRT guide. The antigonadotropins (rosemary, wolf's foot) I mention there can be used for cats who have reproductive issues to prevent as much thickening of the uterus and generally limit the causes of both Endometriosis and Pyometra; bad hormones.
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yanteetle · 1 year
hi hope this isn’t annoying if it is you can delete this no worries
I was wondering are you accepting request for doodles or hearing your thoughts on rise characters as yandere ?
if your still close no worries , hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water 😊
i don't accept actual illustration requests for now until next year (bc i have 16 of them to go through my bad), but my system now is me scrolling through my inbox and doing a russian roulette of "mm which ask will inspire me to draw today" and that's basically it 💀😭 so if i ever respond to anyone's ask with a drawing they'd be a 'lucky winner' of sorts :)
but if you'd like to hear my thoughts, you're free to knock yourself out! just specify that you'd like to hear my thoughts, or else i might accidentally misinterpret the ask as a drawing request and immediately save it for "if i have time, which will probably be never" section 😭
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callusedhand · 1 year
promise i'm not dead... like the post and i'll russian roulette a meme into your inbox!!
Tumblr media
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muninnhuginn · 10 months
Few things.
First, hi, I'm alive (questionably). Thanks to everyone who checked in on me lately or even just left likes on my personal posts. I really appreciate it
Second, I don't have spotify so most of the wrapped ask memes passed me by, but I do now have my top 50 most played songs of the year so if anyone wants to drop any asks in my inbox about any of them I can share ^^. I think my top 50 is mostly pretty solid with a few "hm. not sure what I was thinking in there" (so it's only a *bit* of a russian roulette of embarrassment this time)
Annnd lastly I'm gonna finally pull together a load of my media recs into one place. Just trying to decide the best format to use because rn nothing I can think of is 3d enough. All venn diagrams and lines and I want something more... spiderwebby? Might end up doing a flowchart, not sure yet. But I know most of the recs I want to include as well as the shared elements between different recs so it really is a case of just figuring out a format rn. Will probably post in the next few days anyway
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