#☽˚。⋆.💫 | talking
starclanstims · 7 months
yo! Aspiring stimboard maker here and I just wanted to ask- how does one make sure that all the gifs in a board wind up where they need to be? Because to achieve the grid affect I have to upload all 9 gifs at once- how do you make sure stuff goes where it needs to (character art in the middle, etc)?
i'm not too good with explaining things without visuals, so here's a small tutorial, using my most recent board as example! [i'm really only experienced with computer, so that's what this is based on-- if you need help making stimboards on mobile, i do know people who know how!]
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i start out all my boards with the character art [which i edit in a background for myself]
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then i go to find gifs-- but it's down here, since that's where i pasted it!
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hovering over the image i can see these four dots. clicking and holding this button lets me drag the gif all over the post, above text and around other images!
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the blue line there shows you where the gif is going to be placed
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and ta-da! it's right where i want it, with little hassle
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repeat this process a few times, dragging the gifs in the order you want around the main character image, and you have a stimboard!
hope that's helpful ^^ there's certainly other ways to do this, but that's the way i make em
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charlotte-liddel · 11 months
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Lottie is holding up the screencap image on her phone, gesturing to it.
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"I have a raunchy, and fairly specific, example of an answer to this, but I'm not just going to go out of my way and say it. Might offend someone...Or get them off, maybe? I'd rather avoid that."
She knows someone's sins.
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k-n0-x · 3 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid- Chapter 2·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you all for the positive comments on Chapter 1 of Something Stupid. Chapter 2 is a long one, and I will only say one thing: Y/N is MOTHER fr.
I will also start a taglist for this fanfiction, so if you want in, just send an ask! [please note to not send it in as anonymous]
“So, what are we going to do about Heaven’s killing of demons?” Emily sits opposite you on the porch. You motion for her to have some cake.
It has been a few days since that ordeal, and you plan on seeing Charlie and her… residents soon enough. 
You’ve found that you have taken Emily under your wing, for the sole fact that the both of you have been left in the dark of this utter madness. 
You have always seen her as a lovely girl, and now, as you guys got to know each other better, you now see Emily as your own.
“To be honest, I’m not quite sure. I do know that I will go down and help them out for sure at some point,” you rim the teacup with your fingers.
“Oh! Can I join?” 
“I wish you could, but I’m not sure if Sera would appreciate that,” 
Emily’s eyes darken at the mention of the Seraphim. 
“Yeah well… I don’t appreciate how she kept this secret from me for God knows how long,”
“I know, and I feel the same way, but to be honest, I haven’t officially been to Hell, and I don’t know what it’s like when it’s not in rack and ruin. I want to see how it is normally like,” you take a sip of your tea.
You let the silence hang for a couple of seconds before asking,
“Well, what do you think?”
“Sorry, what do you mean?” Emily looks at you inquiringly. 
“Like, what is your opinion on this hotel Charlie is working on? Do you think it will work?”
“It does work,”
“Well I think- wait what?” You look at her, prying for more.
“Uh well, it’s just an immensely probable hypothesis I have,” Emily continues. 
“Sera and I were just talking, or rather, looking at each other awkwardly in silence…,” she trails off, irritating you slightly.
“Well, a random snake guy sorta dropped in asking where he was because it wasn’t Hell and that he misses his “egg bois?” And Sera said for me to not to tell a soul, but obviously that didn’t age well-,”
“Wait a minute,” You did a mental overview of this information. 
You did remember someone sacrificing their life in the maelstrom of the Extermination. What was his name again? You couldn’t really place it. Sir something or other.
“I’ll look into it and update you if I find anything,” you say as you make a mental note to do as such.
“Okay but please don’t tell Sera. She will actually blow up if anything gets out-”
“Don’t worry, you can trust me Emi,” you look at the dregs of tea leaves in your cup, and leave it on the countertop.
“I’m afraid you have to go now, I have a function of sorts to attend to today,”
“Oh yeah, no problem!”
“Also, Emily?”
“Yeah?” The seraphim stands from her seat and quickly wipes her face, caked in crumbs.
“Thank you for telling me this. Here, take some more cake if you’d like and you can leave when you’re ready,” 
“Really? Thanks!”
You smile and go into your house and up the stairs.
Things are going to get interesting indeed.
You take a deep breath and search around for something, anything, as a token for goodwill. 
On your windowsill, lays a box that has been collecting dust since forever.
Uncertain, you open it and you see an abundance of sweets, and you remember that this is from when your parents introduced you to Adam.
He gave you these clearly as a show of courtship, and you accepted it as a sign of respect.
Adam… He’s quite the person.
He has the humour of a 12 year old but he’s great to have a laugh with once in a while. 
He isn’t the one for you though. 
You told your parents as such, that you guys weren’t compatible in the slightest, and that being friends was probably how deep your relationship could go.
Unfortunately, they were too blinded by the prospect of money and endless possibilities to hear you out.
Yeah, they’re those kind of parents.
Before you pine the day away, you place the box in the comfort of your tote bag, and open a portal with the tips of your fingers.
As the portal opens, an unpleasant stench wafts through to your room, holding you back from going into Hell.
You take a deep breath, swallow your anxiety and pass through the portal, which closes behind you.
“Now, where would that hotel be?” You wonder as you wander through the gruesome streets of hell, keeping your eyes peeled for any hotel of sorts. Charlie’s personality is… explosive, so her hotel would be hard to miss.
“Uhm excuse me, ma’am do you perhaps know where a hotel may be?” You tap a passerby’s shoulder. 
“How should I know bitch?” The person turns to face you. Or faces considering the fact it literally has two heads.
“Please apologise for my sister, though I believe there’s a hotel just down the path. Follow your nose, you can’t miss it!” The head that was more pushed off to the side pipes up.
“Oh alright, er, thank you?” You say your thanks as you walk down the street and sure enough, you find a hotel, decorated with blue hues, and erotic retro signs on the front.
It was so… unlike Charlie. 
You’re uncertain, but give the place the benefit of the doubt.
“Maybe she’s just making the hotel seem more catered to her civilians?” You hold onto that thought as you enter the double doors.
Okay, maybe you should've been more doubtful.
The lobby was filled with demons conversing, laughing and brawling, though most sinners were drinking and being lustful with each other.
You pave your way to the bar and drum your fingers against the countertop, hoping to find a familiar face.
Two brawly sinners take a seat on either side of you.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” the demon on your left places his rough hand on your shoulder. 
“Do you want to… hang out with us?” The other grazes his claws against your thigh. 
“Oh, thanks for your kind offer but I really gotta…” you motion to the exit. 
“Nonsense, nonsense, you seem like you could clear up your schedule,” Sinner no.1 moves his hand to your back, tugging at your wings, letting out a small squeak from you. 
You’re absolutely frozen, the two demons oogling and grabbing at things they really really shouldn’t. 
“Alright, pack it up, funs over fellas,” A vaguely familiar voice emits from behind you.
You turn around to have an angry looking spider demon glaring at the perpetrators.
“Aw Angel, why ruin our fun? You could join too, you know. We’ll make it worth your while,”
“Thanks but no thanks,” He replies, without missing a beat. He drags you by the arm out of the “hotel”
“Okay so, why the fuck are you down here?” The arachnid gives you a once over.
“Well, I er, you,” Why did you become a stuttering mess all of a sudden?! You take a moment to recalibrate yourself. 
“I wanted to check up on the hotel, and see how you guys are doing. I thought this was it and-”
You were interrupted from his laughter.
“Dollface, you just entered a sex club,” He says through wheezes.
“Whoever told you that was a hotel was clearly messing with you,” 
“Why would-,” you backtrack yourself. Of course. This is Hell, of course people are going to either fuck you, or fuck you up. 
You sigh. 
“Can you atleast bring me to the hotel? Please? I have, er sweets?” You show the box as a pathetic attempt at not being abandoned in the streets.
A drabbling pause.
“Fine, but keep up,”
You almost let out a cry of relief as you enter the lobby.
This, was Charlie.
A bar was decoratively put in one corner, bestowed with a (cat?) demon accompanying it, doing some sort of bartending duties. 
“Well, this is it. I guess I should get Charlie for you, Dollface,” the nameless spider goes to the elevator.
“Wait!” You extend your hand in a sense of urgency.
“Thank you, er….,” you trail off; you evidently don’t know their name.
“My name’s Angel. Angel Dust,” Angel Dust takes your hand and shakes it with one of his. 
“Y/N. Y/N L/N,” you add, as a certain Princess descends from the staircase, with a certain King following suit. They both look a bit scruffy, but Charlie’s eyes light up when she sees you. 
“Y/N! Hi!” You slightly flinch when Charlie gives you a massive hug, though you return it. 
“What have you been up to sugar? Seems like you’ve gotten back on your feet!” Out of the corner of your eye, Lucifer is observing you from the stairwell, making you quite antsy indeed. 
“Well, as best as we can be in the current situation, with Sir Pentious and all,” Charlie pulls away playing with her hair, a sentimental expression floods her eyes.
“We held a funeral for him just a couple days before you came and I hope it wouldn’t be too much to ask of you if you-,” 
“I’d love to see him,” You answer plainly.
“Great! Follow me,”  The princess leads you into the garden. You quickly take a glance behind you, and Lucifer’s watchful gaze is still on you. 
The garden really is… something.
It’s quite depressing, but you can’t really blame anyone. After all, how can anyone expect a garden to look anything above moribound when it inhabits a land of infernal blaze.
“Well, er, here it is,” Charlie introduces you to the grave intimately made, capturing what the snake demon looked like, the engravings properly detailing his teeth and his many eyes. Around the tomb, lit candles circled around it, along with some miscellaneous items, almost like an altar.
The sight of it makes you feel a twinge of maudlin. 
You hear a sniffle from your side. 
“Charlie?” A tear drops from her face.
“Oh darling, it’s okay. He died for a good cause,” you now bring her into your deep embrace.
“It’s- it’s not that,” Charlie mumbles through your shoulder.
“Sometimes I wonder if this hotel would even work. I’m tired, Y/N, Sir Pentious was our first, and only genuine patron. And now he’s gone,” her voice cracks, breaking your heart. 
You want to tell her that it does work, but you don’t have concrete proof. Bringing her hopes up for the slim chance for nothing would actually break her. So you decide against telling her what Emily told you.
You stay silent, and so does she, though it isn’t awkward.
You break the silence nonetheless. 
“You know, at least you have 2 people from Heaven on your side. Emily,” you point towards the sky.
“And me,” you point to yourself. 
“That takes a lot of work, you know, going up to face the Seraphim herself. You’re making progress, the only thing I ask of you is to keep going, alright? I will try snoop around to help in any way possible,”
“Oh no, you don’t need to do that. Coming down to visit us is more than I can ask for,” Charlie rubs her eyes dry, though a tear stain stays on her cheek.
“Nonsense.Anyway, Emily is sure to help me, so it’s not like I’m doing it alone,”  
For good measure, you add,
“By the way, did you know you and Emily have so much in common? What?It’s so uncanny!”
 That earned you a giggle from Charlie.
“Thanks for cheering me up, I really needed that,” She recollects herself and pats herself down.
“Well, let’s head inside and I’ll introduce you to the others, shall I?”
“Well, this has been lovely, meeting all of you, but unfortunately I would have to leave for now” You smile at all the hotel’s residents. 
The Radio Demon, Alastor shakes your hand.
“Farewell, new friend. I am sure that our newfound relationship will be a fruitful and pleasant one indeed,” the voice overlayed with a radio static is jarring, though you look past it, with an acknowledging nod.
“The feeling’s mutual. See you all soon?” You make your grand exit.
As you exit the building into the humid evening of Hell, you open a portal once more to your home realm, when someone stops you.
“Uh hey, Y/N?” 
You turn around, to have the King of Hell himself, looking quite anxious, not quite meeting your eyes.
“Lucifer! Is there something you need?” You keep the hostility out of your voice. While you were mingling with the other residents, Lucifer was sulking in the corner, and mumbled short and dismissive replies each and every time you tried to strike conversation with him.
“No, not really,” he pauses.
“Thank you for taking Charlie under your wing, and not treating her like she’s scum under your feet,” 
“It’s really really not a problem. Just basic respect, you know? You must be proud having a child like her,” 
He chuckles in agreement. 
“Well, you probably have to be going now, but I hope we can try and get to know each other in future?”
You were kind of taken aback by Lucifer’s attempt at extending an olive branch, but you say,
“Of course. Oh and before I forget,” you produce the sweet box from your bag.
“Here, for you and the rest,” 
Lucifer flushes slightly at your kind gesture. The look in his eyes is as though something sparked in him, as though a fire has been rekindled after many years from being dormant as he holds the sweet box loosely in his hand, like he will drop it at any moment.
“See you soon?” You say, in between the two worlds.
Word count: 2,328
<Reblogs+commenting appreciated!>
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libramc · 2 years
a quick guide to . . .
- Planetary Hours.
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what are planetary hours?
each hour of the day is ruled by a specific planet. every planet holds a different energy, resulting in each hour holding a different influence. planetary hours are great to schedule important meetings or dates, to study, manifest, post content, etc. and it's a technique often used by wealthy people to boost their success ✨ this practice dates back to hellenistic astrology; as such, we'll only take in consideration the seven classical planets: the sun, the moon, mercury, venus, mars, saturn and jupiter. in this reading I'll show you how to calculate planetary hours, what they mean and how you can use them based on your birth chart 💫.
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calculating planetary hours
calculating planetary hours is extremely easy, and also free. first of all, I suggest using the website planetaryhours.net. you just have to select the date of the day you want to check and the place of your location, and you'll automatically get a chart of all the planetary hours of the chosen day. apple users also have access to the planetaro app, which pretty much works the same. the advantages of this app are the possibility to enable notifications, in order to be noticed whenever it is a certain planetary hour, and you can also add an aesthetic widget to your home screen to always keep an eye on them.
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how to make the best out of planetary hours
☉ sun hour: great for being in the spotlight, creativity, confidence and self-expression. during sun hour, try to schedule your job interviews, post your social media content to reach more engagement, work on your creative projects to be more inspired; talk to authoritative figures during this hour (for example to ask your boss for a raise). sun hour is also great for manifesting success, fame, popularity and confidence.
☽ moon hour: great time to spend with your family or at home in general. you can book a table at a restaurant during moon hour, since it's also the hour for food, you can have a meal with your family, or also cook, as the food cooked during this hour turns out very delicious. moon hour is also great for serene naps, with frequent dreams. in fact, during this hour we tend to be more in tune with our imagination and intuition. as such, you can also read tarots or your birth chart with better results during moon hour. this is also a great time for journaling and writing down your feelings.
☿ mercury hour: this is the best time for communication and learning of any kind. it's the best hour to study, you may find yourself easily more focused on the topics you're studying. this is also the best time to write essays or any kind of formal document. if you have to write and send an important email or message, this is the best time to do it. this is also the best hour to take a lesson or an exam, if you can schedule them at your leisure. this is also a good time to write content for your blog (it's mercury hour as I'm writing this rn!) and for creative writing. this is also a good hour to sell items and to make deals in general.
♀︎ venus hour: during venus hour you can do a bunch of things! first of all, it's the best time for love, therefore you can schedule a date, a marriage during venus hour in order to make it turn out well. it's also a great hour for creative activities and for entertainment in general. during venus hour you may attend a concert, go watch a movie, go shopping, throw a party... it's also the best time to book an appointment with the hairdresser, with your nail tech and anything that involves beauty. this is also a good time to grow your social media, create and post content and manifest luxury and money.
♂︎ mars hour: great for physical activity; if you workout, make sure to do it during mars hour for better stamina and results. this also applies for sports and competitions of any kind. mars hour also makes you more assertive, so it's a good hour to make decisions and plan your week, do something that you always procrastinate. on the other hand, remember that mars is also a malefic planet: try to avoid confrontations that may escalate into an argument, as during this hour it's easier to get stressed or lose our temper.
♃ jupiter hour: jupiter hour is obviously the lucky hour of the day! it's the best time to manifest abundance and wealth, you may want to play the lottery during this time. this is also a good time to launch your business, do anything that you may want to grow and turn into success. that can implicate studying for an important test, investing your money... during jupiter hour you can also pursue spiritual activies like meditation, astrology, yoga, tarot reading, etc. in addition, it's the best time to study a foreign language and planning trips.
♄ saturn hour: during saturn hour we tend to feel more disciplined; as a result, it's the best time to do your house chores, complete a project you are procrastinating, organize your week and your plans for the future. saturn usually makes things slow, therefore if you want to do something swiftly make sure not to do it during this hour. instead, do things that you want to take slow and nurture with time. saturn also rules karma, therefore be mindful of what you do and what happens during this hour. most of the time, significant events that occur during saturn hours are karmic events that were meant to be.
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a little trick
to make the most out of planetary hours, look at your birth chart and act based on your personal planets. for example, let's suppose you want to cut your hair. you can book your appointment during venus hour, but what I suggest you to do is to look at the sign your venus falls in. for example, if your natal venus is in virgo, it means it's ruled by mercury, and therefore mercury hour will activate your natal venus and give you its benefits. in this way, you'll be able to match the energy of your birth chart to planetary hours for better results.
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if you made it until here, thank you! hope you enjoyed the post ✨ don't hesitate to ask more questions if something's not clear, my ask box is always open.
also, I do complete birth chart readings for only a few $, therefore if you're interested in having your chart read by me you can get all the info on my pinned post. 🦋
last but not least, if you liked this post make sure to follow me for more content! - libramc xx
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divinegoddess1177 · 4 months
About me…My name is Asé rose but I prefer to be called divine goddess ☥𓂀
Eye am a 40 solo mum👩‍👧🤎
Eye am bi👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾🌈Eye am a fluffy bbw💄🌹
Eye am black & p.rican🤎✊🏽🇵🇷
Eye am a scorpio🦂
Eye am spiritual🧘🏽‍♀️🕉️🧿
Eye am a free spirited💫🧝🏽‍♀️
Eye am divine🌻🦋Eye am magick 🔮🕯️📿
Eye am a freak I have embrace my sacral chakra🫦🍑🍆🥴🤤
Eye am a night owl🌙✨🦉
Eye am a organic,plant based,vegan eater🌱🥑🍇
Eye am a motherfucking goddess𖤍
From atlanta, ga🅰️
Asé 1111⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Eye Am In Love With Chadwick Boseman🤴🏾💜
Eye have been single for 3 1/2 years, eye haven’t been intimate with a man in 6 1/2 years eye reclaimed my spirituality the same year 2 1/2 years ago I’ll lost my connection with my daughter dad. But eye am loving me and eye am hoping to connected with others on a spiritual level like talk bout nature, rv life, cabin home, sun, moon, stars, rain, horoscope, astronomy, astrology, palmistry, burning sage, incense, palo santo, candles, crystals, tarot cards, chakra, meditation, yoga, music, good melo soul R&B, eating, healthy organic, plant-based, vegan food, and the poison we putting into our bodies, from the man made medicine, natural herbs, remedies, spirituality and how religious/christianity brainwashed us and ancestors to believe in negative forces, and talk about positivity and energy, good vibes, the beauty of divine cosmic sexually healing manifestation, your desire, having oral sex, masturbating, having orgasms, eye am here to attract my tribe family and build a spiritual community like spiritual education schools for our kids, spiritual black businesses, spiritual retreat centers, learn about different cultures, and things of that nature and so much more. It’s time to take back our power and what’s being stolen from our ancestors…it is definitely time to put a glitch in the matrix. This is me..this is who eye am..embracing my inner goddess spiritually.. physically.. mentally.. sexually..my mind.. body..soul..spirit..my yin & yang
Asé ☥ॐ ✨🌚🪐🦋🌻🧘🏽‍♀️🔮🧿🧝🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🐘🍀🪷🗝🪶🕯
Family Soul Tribe,👁️🤎🫵🏽🌹😘
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
4402's masterpost
hello my name is unit 4402 but all my friends call me 4402. i don't like to take my tactical gear off but you can tell it's me because i have one yellow glove and lost the other one.
i'm 20+ but my blog is open to everyone. i write vtuber x reader content, so please read my rule list before requesting.
here is my carrd with links to my official ao3, twitter, and kofi.
i also have a sideblog where i post voice pack reviews, draw, reblog vtublr posts and ramble @briskunt
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ rules ✧. ┊ brainrot/misc list ✧. ┊ ko-fi
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
last update: 4/26/23
the request box is: closed!
current requests: too many to count thank you for your patience
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
last update: 1/5/24
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
#unit 4402 reporting: talk from the mod, aka me, unit 4402
#4402 writes: any fic or request i wrote
#4402 brainrots: not formatted like a proper fic but definitely x reader content. includes brainrot, thirsts/simping, notes, and miscellaneous
#4402 draws: any time i draw on mspaint. i think it's kinda funny
#4402 answers: for asks
#submission: for submissions only
#nice comments: collection of nice things people said to me :) thank youuuu your comments fuel me
#reblog: for reblogs only
#100 followers for 4402: an event to thank 100 people for following me!
#4402's halloween 2023 treats: i told my followers to send "trick or treat" in my inbox, then gave them drabbles with random characters as a treat
#ao3 wrapped 2023: an ask game to look back and enjoy what i made in 2023.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✧. brainrot/miscellaneous content list
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
lazulight | obsydia | ethyria | luxiem | noctyx | iluna | xsoleil | krisis | these three troublemakers
tempus | armis
OTHER 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ #100 followers for 4402 event prompt list
༻✧༺ #ao3 wrapped 2023 ask list
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 anon
🍰 anon
🌱 anon
🦝 anon
🐣 💫 anon
🪄☆ anon
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electricalstemplates · 4 months
Hi! We were wondering if we could get an alter bio based on our name (enchanted light grove) and include 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑 🌟💫☄️🌌🌠. We also would like to request that it be long and include a spot for source and thearin/otherkin if it applies to the alter?
Here you are! Hope you like it!
☆゜🌲・。・。・゜★ ☾.·:·🌑__N__ame::┊ ☾.·:·🌒__N__icknames::┊ ☾.·:·🌓__A__ge::┊ ☾.·:·🌔__P__ronouns::┊ ☾.·:·🌕__G__ender::┊ ☾.·:·🌖__O__rientation::┊ ☾.·:·🌗__T__herian/otherkin (If applicable)::┊ ☾.·:·🌘__T__erms::┊ ☾.·:·🌑__E__xtra::┊ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ☾.·:·🌟__R__ole::┊ ☾.·:·💫__A__lter type::┊☾.·:·🌟__S__ource (If applicable)::┊ ☾.·:·💫__P__roxy::┊ ☾.·:·🌟__E__xtra::┊ ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ☾.·:·💫*Source talk*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌟*Sourcemates*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·💫*Identify w/ source?*::┊yes/ask/no .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ☾.·:·☄️__L__ikes::┊ ☾.·:·☄️__D__islikes::┊ ☾.·:·☄️__F__ave color::┊ ☾.·:·☄️__H__obbies::┊ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ☾.·:·🌌*Interaction*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌠*Touch*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌌*PDA*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌠*Flirting /p*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌌*Flirting /r*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌠*Teasing*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌌*Venting*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌠*Nicknames*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌌*Pet names*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌠*Pings*::┊yes/ask/no ☾.·:·🌌*Dms*::┊yes/ask/no ☆゜・。・。・゜🌲★
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vertbrae · 6 months
Star themed intro for anyone who wants it. Feel free to change wtv.
.•~^𝒜 𝓈𝒽ℴℴ𝓉𝒾𝓃ℊ 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓈ℯ𝓈 𝒷𝓎.^~•.
**★☆✗•. .•✗☆★**
☽★..••~^Basic Info^~••..★☾
⇡ 🌙Pronouns:
⇡🩻Source Talk:
⇡🪬Source Mates:
☽★..••~^Misc Things^~••..★☾
☽★.•~^*𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓃 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒻𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓎^~•.★☾
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
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“The stars are aligned perfectly tonight.”
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: Kim Jooheon
⋆。°✩ Warlock, Blessed as the Earth Elemental, Specializes/Blessed in Astro/Galactic Magic
⋆。°✩ Is a part of the royal guard && has ranked up over the years, is now a high ranker
⋆。°✩ Has a side job as a tattoo artist
⋆。°✩ Has a white snow rabbit familar named Carrots
⋆。°✩ From Astuasia, the human equivalent to Seoul, South Korea
⋆。°✩ He/They | Pansexual | Polyamorous | 26 [College Senior] | 8/24 [Virgo] | 6’1”
⋆。°✩ He is:
laid back
can come off as cold but is a softy
gentle giant
a dad™️
can be a massive tease
⋆。°✩ natural eye color: warm hazel mixed with specks of white that look like stars
⋆。°✩ eyes might change color: happy [specks in his eyes glow], anger [dark brown], sadness [they stop glowing]
⋆。°✩ likes: spices [cinnamon && such], spicy food, likes greys && browns, drinking, vape/cigarettes, stars && space, plants
⋆。°✩ dislikes: idiots, unwarrented violence
⋆。°✩ languages: english [slight british accent] && korean
⋆。°✩ hard dom, would like to find someone who can actually dom him; some of his kinks are man handling [giving], oral [giving && receiving], light bondage [giving], primal play, breeding [giving], pet names [giving && receiving], food play
⋆。°✩ hard nos: feet, watersports, wasteplay
⋆。°✩ is open to most things, just talk to him about what you want to do before you act
⋆。°✩ would love to be forced into submission
⋆。°✩ his eyes turn a deeper purple && the white specks in his eyes glow when arroused
⋆。°✩ safe word: star
⋆。°✩ uses ✨ on dash 
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Relationship Statuses
⋆。°✩ at the astronomy tower && happy
⋆。°✩ dating [4/4-5]: @fantasyaespa Winter [kitten 🐈💚] [12.10.22] [engaged 06.10.23], @welcome-to-maniac Minho [bunny 🐰🖤] [12.24.22] [engaged on 04.24.23], @evicted-oc Hœnir [espresso shot☕️🤎] [04.11.23], @lunaaofthemoon [tiny witch 💛] [02.14.24]
⋆。°✩ friends:
⋆。°✩ children:
⋆。°✩ relationship tag(s): #💚💛winjoo [kitten winter ship tag], #👑💫queen of the stars [kitten winter ship tag], 💍engaged to the universe [winjoo engagement], #🖤💛minjoo [bunny minho ship tag], #🐈‍⬛🌟my cosmos [bunny minho ship tag], #💍engaged to the black cat [minjoo engagement], #🤎💛nirjoo [little bean nir ship tag], #🤎💛❤️‍🔥nirjoogrey [throuple ship tag], #☕️🫘espresso bean [little bean nir ship tag], #💛💛lunjoo [luna baby ship tag], 🌙💕dearest moon [luna baby ship tag], #💛💚💛lunemjoo [throuple ship tag]
⋆。°✩ family tag(s): #🌙🌿the moon family
⋆。°✩ friend tag(s):
⋆。°✩ music tag(s):
⋆。°✩ inspo tag(s):
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faceclaim: @/thewinterriver.9 on instagram
voiceclaim[s]: seokjun from rarehouse [when speaking Korean]
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starclanstims · 11 days
do you know any other blogs that do stimboards aswell?
i highly recommend @council--board and @brightpawstims ^^ i know them personally and they make good stuff!
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calicoconstellation · 2 years
──── ʚ ᓚᘏᗢ 𐑂 ────
❥・🎨 ❛ The Calico Constellation ❜
We are the Calico Constellation, an odd lil family of nonhumans who share a physical body. We are primarily a traumagenic UDD system with a couple endogenic median headmates. Collectively: Calico or Cali
❥・🐾 Quick info
・Collectively uses all pronouns
・An adult
・ADHD autistic synesthete
・Physically disabled
❥・🌈 Identities
・Plural system
・Queer as fuck
・Transpecies & alterhuman
❥・🎶 Boundaries
・Treat us as separate people
・Do not debate us on our existence
・Do not debate us on syscourse
・Respect our individual boundaries
⋆*⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆✩⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆*⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆✩⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆*⋆
❥・💖 ❛ Evren Fae ❜
❛ The most anxious ball of fluff I’ve ever met (affectionate) ❜ -Jace
❥・🌈 Quick info
・Any pronouns (neos and it/its preferred)
・Nonhuman shapeshifter
・Circus performer and theatre kid
・Collects and is obsessed with alpaca stuffies
❥・🫧 Identities
・Genderqueer trans enboy
・Ace and some shade of gay
・Toothless fictionkind
・ Luz Noceda fictionkind
・Winged cat therian
❥・☁️ Boundaries
・Always ask to touch unless close
・Ask once before using petnames
・Don’t use the tone tags “/nm” or “/npa” with me please, it triggers paranoia
❀ ~ ♡ ~ ❁ ~ ♡ ~ ✿ ~ ♡ ~ ❀ ~
❥・🦋 ❛ Saffron ❜
❛ The definition of a cottagecore lesbian ❜ -Fae
❥・🌼 Quick info
・She/her and petal/petals pronouns
・An elf angel
・Obsessed with flowers and nature
・Loves yoga and mindfulness
❥・🧚🏻‍♀️ Identities
・Has many clicks - feel free to ask!
❥・🕊 Boundaries
・Okay with petnames
・Ask once before touching
・Uncomfy with medical terms, please don’t medicalize
・Don’t use the tone tags “/nm” or “/npa” with me please, it triggers paranoia
♤ — ♡ — ♢ — ♧ — ♤ — ♡
❥・🐾 ❛ Jace ❜
❛ His DND alignment is true neutral. Not because he’s ever nuetral on anything, but because he switches between every extreme so rapidly none of us can keep track ❜ -Fae
❥・🍬 Quick info
・He/him pronouns
・Catlike demon boy
・Proud protector and caretaker
・Enjoys cleaning, looking after others, and philosophical questions
❥・🎃 Identities
・Black cat hearted
❥・🕸 Boundaries
・Do not touch
・Do not petname
・Only headmates get to call me nicknames
・。゚. ✧ : . ☽。゚✧゚: . ☽。゚✧゚: .・
❥・🌙 ❛ Catra ❜
❛ I’m the catboy girlboss from your nightmares ❜ -Catra
❥・🐾 Quick info
・He/she pronouns, alternating
・Spiritual Catra fictive
・Extremely passionate
・I don’t do respectability politics. Get over it.
・I love talking about my homeworld, feel free to ask me stuff
❥・💫 Identities
・Bigender tranny
・Demi-aroace dyke
❥・🔥 Boundaries
・No touch
・No petnames
・Don’t disrespect my spiritual beliefs
・Don’t separate me from my source to make me less “problematic”
・Do tell me if you think I’m hot, it’ll make my day
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
❥・⚔️ ❛ Adora ❜
❛ You’re such an idiot <3 ❜ -Catra
❥・🦄 Quick info
・Any pronouns just not it/its
・Lawful good
・Loves horses and swords
・Still figuring out this whole system thing
❥・🗡 Identities
❥・❤️‍🔥 Boundaries
・Ask once before using petnames
・Always ask to touch
・Not comfortable answering personal questions
❥・👑 ❛ King Rexie ❜
❛ My sunshine <3 ❜ -Fae
❥・🌟 Quick info
・He/him pronouns
・King Clawthorne fictive
・Loves royal aesthetics and Pokémon
・Extremely extroverted
❥・🐾 Identities
・Fox therian
・Boy but in a nonhuman way
❥・🏰 Boundaries
・Okay with petnames
・Always ask to touch unless close
・Not comfortable answering personal questions
꒷︶꒷꒦ ₓ ˚. ୭ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ୧ .˚ ₓ ︶꒷꒦
❥・☀️ ❛ Summer ❜
❛ my little sister!! <3 ❜ -Rexie
❥・🧸 Quick info
・ Goes by Summer, Sunny, and Honey
・Testing out pronouns
・Nonverbal and nonscribble
❥・🌻 Identities
・Vee fictionkind
・Not quite human..?
❥・🐻 Boundaries
・Nicknames welcome
・Ask every time before using petnames
・Ask every time before touching
──── ʚ ᓚᘏᗢ 𐑂 ────
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k-n0-x · 3 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid-Chapter 4·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N: Hey guys! I managed to get this chapter out early coz I am so hot and amazing at everything my social life is at an all time low and we have Easter break. Some foreshadowing if you guys can guess, but keep it to yourselves for now. Mommy issues y/n? That’s a first 😨😨😨😨. This chapter is also Lucifer basically being: “No, you’re so sexy haha don’t cry”
Also, the slow burn is burning now! YAYYA 🎉
Enjoy! <3
You sit on the patio of your home, feeling as though you’re rotting away. 
It’s been 5 days since Adam’s full blown out tantrum, but it feels like it’s been 5 lifetimes. 
A cockatiel lands on your table, its bulging inky eyes staring at you, vying for your attention. 
You laugh, and give it some crumbs of your leftover toast from breakfast that you couldn’t bear to finish.
The bird eats them graciously, and flies away, you watching enviously. 
Oh, how you wished you were that bird. Carefree, and not trapped in the gilded cage that you are in. 
If only… 
Bzz bzz
Your phone rings. The contact Mom glows on your screen. 
Unwillingly, you swipe right. 
“Hey mom, what's up?” This woman never calls you, unless there are three instances; she needs you to get her something of monetary worth, wishing you a happy birthday/any other significant holiday, or-
“Darling, there's something I need to talk to you about. A little birdie told me that you've been stepping out of line recently~” 
Ah yes. The third instance. The times when your actual fucking personality shows, even for a sliver of a moment, and how it  could potentially hurt your ‘relationship’ with Adam. 
“Mom, it's not that big of a deal. I just was feeling rough recently, and-”
“Well it doesn't matter what you feel does it? What matters is that you honour our family. Being married to Adam is what's best for you. You acting outwardly is seriously jeaprodising your relationship, and I am just trying to help you stop before it's too late,” Your maternal figure’s sing-song-like voice turns sharp in an instant, like it could cut through butter. 
“You were always a wild child, a disappointment, I am trying to help you-”
You interrupt. 
“How are you helping?! Belittling me, treating me as some sort of– some do Ill?! I have tried, given my whole entire fucking life, trying to please you in every way, but somehow, it's never enough! And when I do fuck up, suddenly I'm a failure in your eyes?!” 
“You better mind your language young lady,”
“NO! I will NOT mind my FUCKING LANGUAGE. I will  swear when I want to, and I will do whatever I FUCKING WANT! I AM DONE WITH YOU AND YOU- YOUR WAY OF THINGS!” 
You press the end button, calmly. 
You storm up to your bedroom and closed the door. Calmly.
You look at the bookshelf, always so perfectly clean, scarce of dust. 
Perfectly clean, no imperfections. 
You let out a cry of irritation and just start throwing out books, ripping the pages of each, crumpling sheets of paper, sobbing hot angry tears while doing so. 
When that was done, you just bring the entire bookshelf down with a bang, and you stomp on it until you feel a sharp pain in your foot, surely that's a splinter right there. 
You stumble over into your bed and scream and cry in your pillow, amongst the mess.
You submerge yourself in your pillow even more, until your anger numbs away, leaving you with a throbbing pain in your head. 
Absolutely drained from your outburst, you drift off. 
Everywhere is foggy. 
You look around, looking for anything of use, when your attention is turned to a glowing light, placed on a rusted pedestal. 
Since it's the only thing that piques interest, you touch the fluorescent ball and yelp when it scorches your hand.
“Ow,” you pull your hand away and decide to look for anything else. 
As you trek through the nothingness, you  feel like you're being tugged down by an anchor, or treading through quicksand. 
Suddenly, the ground gives way under your feet. 
You’re falling. 
The cold air whistles through your ears. 
You try to fly with your wings, but nothing; it feels like they have been ruthlessly ripped from your body.
You feel as though you're being stretched, squished and deformed like play dough, until you hear and feel something cracking. As you fall, you look towards the light. 
At the entrance of the hole, there are many, unidentifiable figures, just, staring at your downfall. 
You want to scream and cry for help, but it feels like your mouth has been cemented shut. 
A faint noise calls your name, which sounds closer and closer each time as you fall helplessly. 
You make a successful-ish attempt to turn on your stomach. 
In your horror, you see a halo, cracked and muted of its previous glow. Your halo.
Not that far below you, there are hot red coals. 
Oh God. 
The voice becomes louder and closer and you hit the ground with a scream. 
You jump up, to find yourself back in the dump that is your bedroom, slicked with sweat. 
“Oh my God, Y/N! Are you alright?” Emily, who was tentatively paving the way to get to your pathetic self. 
“Emi, hi… Yeah, just eh, rough day,” you smile weakly at the Seraphim, who’s concerned expression shows that she doesn't believe you, but she doesn’t want to put you under pressure.
“What’s all of this?” Emily motions to the wrecked room.  
“Adam pulled a tantrum again?” 
“Huh? Oh that, nono, sorry uhm,” you pause to clean the room as it was with the snap of your fingers.
“Why are you here Emi? Do you need something?” You wipe your eyes, but your bloodshot eyes are still apparent. 
“No, I just wanted to hang out with you, but I can come back if it's a bad time,” The Seraphim stumbles over her words as she looks up at you, slightly flushing.
“No, no you can stay. I’m just a little bit shaken up, but yep you can stay. Uhm….” you trail off. 
This place is feels really constraining
You need an escape. 
“Hey Emily, wanna go on an adventure?” You put on a face of newfound enthusiasm. The Seraphim just had that effect on people.
“Of course! But er, where?” 
“Shh, it's a surprise, now let's go!” You push Emily into the portal you made and go in yourself. 
“Woah, this is what it's like?” Emily says as she looks around the hellish landscape like a lost puppy.
She snaps out of it when you drag her out of the way of a thrown carcass headed towards the both of you. 
“Yeah, let's head inside,” You manoeuvre her into the hotel. 
The lobby is more populated than your last visits to the establishment, though all faces are familiar. 
“Emily, meet Angel, Husk Alastor, Charlie, who you know already, and-” Your voice dies down in your throat at the sight of the Demon King, with his strapping jacket and top hat. 
What is going on with you today? 
“And Lucifer,” You motion to the King, who gives you both an acknowledging nod. 
Your heart misses a beat. 
“Well uh, there's one more but I don't know where she is… WOAH NIFFTY!”
The little scamp runs towards the Seraphim with a knife about to stab her with malicious intent. 
“Niffty, no. No stabbing any more angels we talked about this,” Angel grabs the knife from the housemaid and throws it in the trash can. 
“Ugh, not a bad boy,” Nifty grumbles and begrudgingly rushes off to god knows where. 
“Well everyone, this is Emily, not sure if Charlie has told you about her but-”
“Is she your kid?” Angel asks. 
“I’m sorry, what? Oh no, no she is not my kid pff,” you say. 
“Well as I was trying to say, Emily here is another person on our side,” You give Emi an encouraging squeeze of the shoulders. 
“Well this is quite the improvement. Salutations! Pleasure to meet you,” The radio demon greets himself, extending his hand to shake Emily's. 
She takes it, though cautious. 
She turns to Charlie and warms up to the amicable face. 
“Hi, Emily, er obviously you know who I am,” The princess of Hell welcomes her, as some of the other Hotel residents go off doing their own thing. 
“Oh yes. Y/N told me about you, obviously we've met before, but under less casual circumstances,” Emily scrambles for conversation. 
Obviously, they need a little push to loosen up with each other. 
“Charlie, maybe show Emily the garden? Or maybe the entire hotel for that matter. Emi here has been dying to have a look around,” 
“Oh yes! Let me show you some of the suites, I decorated them myself,” Filled with giddiness, Charlie beckons the Seraphim upstairs.  
Emily turns to you, unsure. 
“Go on, don't worry, I'll be waiting here!” You give her a persuasive smile and shoo the pair upstairs. 
Now you had some time to kill…
“Agh!” You jump at the voice of Lucifer. 
“Geez, am I that scary?” He laughs and puts a hand on your shoulder. 
“Pff as if-” You snicker and give him a playful shove back.
“Anyway, how've you been? How's the old rusted machine been?”
“Are you always going to make digs and remarks at my husband in an attempt to get all three of his wives in your pants?” You raise an eyebrow sarcastically.
He sighs, feigning sorrow. “You know me too well. I thought it was the perfect plan, but clearly I'll have to tune it a bit,” The demon rattles on, but your brain fixates on the one word he said. 
Something you try so, so hard to be, but apparently isn't enough for your mom. 
If your mom doesn't love you as you are. 
Well, what's to say anyone can? 
“Well, what do you say, Butter-Duck? You have to find a nickname for me, but I'll call you that regardless, hmm?”
His question brings you back to the conversation. 
Which, leads you to ugly, fat tears. 
Lucifer’s face contorts into panic. 
“Wait, I'm sorry, it's was a rubbish nickname, sorry I thought it was funny-” He puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
“No, no it's not that,” You rub your eyes, your voice croaky. 
“The reason is quite silly, really, it's fine, I'm just being stupid hahha,”
Lucifer is not convinced. 
“Listen, you helped me out the other day, and even though I'm not good at this comforting stuff, please, at least let me listen,” He gives you a weak, gorgeous smile, one that is enough to make you stop crying about. 
Okay, it's really becoming an issue of you being distracted by…
“Well, just an argument with my mom; basically just her saying how much of a disappointment I am and-” your voice creaks.
“And I suddenly just don’t feel like her daughter,just a burden she has to put up with, and then what’s the point of all of this if you're not perfect,” 
And breathe. 
You put your face in your hands. 
“I’ll never find love,” 
“Hang on, but isn't Adam your husband? Don't you love him?” 
“No, I don't. It was a marriage purely organised by my parents. Completely transactional,” you mutter dejectedly. 
“Shit, that really sucks. Listen, I know it's hard to hear, but you need to hear it. Nobody is perfect. No one. That's what makes people interesting. And your mom wanting you to be that is far from perfect of her. Not sure if you're aware, but we're in Hell, right now, amongst many people who are basically morality rejects. But you, you're a Winner. Not in the physical sense, but also metaphorically. And for what it's worth…” Lucifer takes a moment to mull over his next words. 
“Many people love you, like Charlie and, that Seraphim, Emilia?”
“Emily” You amend. 
“Anyway, that's besides the point. The point is that you have many people that adore you, and that's what matters most,” Lucifer comes closer and stiffly puts his arms around you, which you return. 
“Thank you, Lucifer,” You sniffle into his shoulder. 
“No problem, anytime. You are my friend after all,” He gently smiles.
Your heart flutters. Friend? As in, person he considers more than an acquaintance? 
“So, what's this about a Butter-Duck?” You tease. 
“What? I thought it'd be a cool nickname for you,” He huffs. 
“Alright, alright… Let me think of a nickname for you then… Lulu!” 
He grimaces. “Ugh, that sounds like a name for a baby products brand!”
“Oddly specific, but if it annoys you more, all the better!” 
“Ugh, you're like worst than some sinners here I swear,” 
“Who said Angel’s can't be jokesters too?” You give him a wink. 
He coughs, a rosy red complexion appearing on his face.
Emily and Charlie come back into the lobby, to you and Lucifer making small talk on the couch. 
“Ready to go?”
 Emily nods. She goes to hugs Charlie, which is reciprocated. 
“Well, I’ll see you around?” You squeeze the demon’s king hand. 
He looks at you, and nods, hesitant to return the gesture, as if you were glass. 
“Yes, I will,” 
As you and Emily leave to make your way back to Heaven, you could've sworn you heard Lucifer whisper three words. 
“I love you,” 
You turn back with a questioning expression, but all that was on his face was nonchalance.
Word count- 2,194~
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lyovochkaa · 1 year
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☾・。; hyde 💫 painfully queer ⥾ 23 ⥾ they/he ۵
⭐️ ☻ 。 daydreams, freshly dried blankets, jellyfish, poetry, winter lights, heat lightening, potato soup, the way people’s entire souls light up like an aurora when they talk about their fixations.
⭐️ ☹ ・summer heat, motion sickness, too many noises at once, doing laundry, the slow load times on my ancient pc.
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⭐️ 。・☽ ; fandoms ; genshin impact, haikyuu, tokrev, chainsaw man, bnha, etc.
✨ NA ⥾ ar55 ⥾ zhongli main & mona hater/lover
✨ self-assigned kenma kinnie & legally assigned denji kinnie
✨ ask me about kenma kozume, lev haiba, osamu miya, zhongli, tartaglia, capitano, tighnari, taiju shiba, dabi, etc.
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starlight-tails · 2 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Tags
🌙 Stargazing | General asks (questions, general chat) 🌃 Out for a stroll | General interactions (roleplay-wise) ⭐ Away from home | Interactions w/ characters from other media the mod is lost in the stars | OOC / mod's talking
🌐 Teyvat's a weird place | Specific interactions w/ Genshin Impact characters 💫 The stars are nice | Specific interactions w/ Honkai Star Rail characters
(more to come later...)
0 notes
celestialsyndicate · 2 months
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚎
🌟 They/Them pronouns if not specified.
💫 We are a polyfragmented system with several sub and side systems.
🌟 Bodily adult.
💫 We are a RAMCOA system, posts may be vague for personal safety.
🌌 Our trauma heavily impacted our spiritual belief systems. We don't take well to christianity and many in system are pagan. We have practicing mages of different specialties.
🌟 Native American blooded.
💫 Several physical and mental conditions that cause fatigue and chronic pain, etc. May cause difficulty talking. We aren't ignoring you!
🌟 Please don't use parts language with us! We consider ourselves individuals sharing an experience. We are open to fusion as it comes naturally but work for functional multiplicity. We have been with each other since we can remember. Our bond strengthens us. We don't judge others for the ways they feel comfortable.
✧In the fall of the tower we build the pathway to the stars. They guide us home.✧
DNI: Bigots. That's really it, the phobic the racist. The knowingly harmful that don't want to try to change for their sake and others.
⚜ We don't participate in syscourse.
⚜ Please be open to human error. We are all experiencing humanity, we offer you this courtesy as we ask it in return of you. We will do our best to hold ourselves accountable.
⚜ Be willing to leave judgement behind and challenge each other's perspectives.
We struggle with forgetting things we may say that can be triggering after having said it. If anything you think should be trigger warned that isn't, please let us know.
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orionandsaturn · 1 year
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🌒⋅•⋅✶∙∘☽Prepare For Landing☾∘∙✶⋅•⋅🌘
Hello, little one! Welcome to The Star Sanctuary! We’re so happy you found us!
This is a place where little ones and their caregivers can rest before continuing their journey through the stars!
Let me give you a tour
No NSFW interaction, we are SFW regressors and do not consent to interactions by any kink accounts or anyone that views us sexually.
No MAP, zoo, or harmful paraphilia interaction.
No interaction by bigots! No transphobes, homophobes, racists, ableists or any other meanies!
This is a safe space for every system type and origin! We are endo safe, if that bothers you, please don’t bring it up. You can interact if you’re anti endo, but saying things that are sysmed, exclusionist, fakeclaiming, or harassment will get you soft blocked.
You can interact if you talk about heavy things and curse and such, as long as you aren’t a kink or sexual account.
Please no interaction by syscourse or lgbtq exclusionist accounts!
We’re radically inclusive of all good faith identities here, no radqueer interaction please!
Keep this a safe space for all people here, including people with all personality disorders! We love cluster Bs here!
Be kind to yourself and others!
Remember we love you!
Here at the Star Sanctuary we call our guardians big siblings! We have two big brothers!
One big brother is Saturn! You’ll know it’s them when you see this emoji:🪐!
The other is Orion! He’ll sign off with a ⭐️!
Our DMs and asks are open to everyone that can interact in compliance with our rules! Please see the boundaries in our intros before sending us anything!
Remember that this is a judgment-free sanctuary! You’re safe with us!
🌌⋅•⋅✶∙∘☽Meet Your Big Brothers☾∘∙✶⋅•⋅🌌
•─────⋅☾ 🌙 ☽⋅─────•
Good Morning ﹙。- ᴗ - 。﹚ ᶻzᶻzᶻz﹒﹒
•─────⋅ ☾ 💤 ☽⋅─────•
↠Name ⊹ Saturn
↠Age ⊹ 18
↠Pronouns ⊹ They/He
↠Gender ⊹ Genderqueer, neoboy, transmasc
↠Orientation ⊹ Floric oriented aroace, polyamorous
↠Age ⊹ 0-3
↠Role ⊹ System ageslider, filp, caretaker
↠Pet Regression⊹ Elk, fox, snow leopard, dragon
↠Likes⊹ Gentle people, soft and quiet things
↠Has⊹ In-system littles and caregivers, is Orion’s CG and little
↠Favorite Color⊹ Really light or really dark blue
↠Favorite Movie⊹ Coraline
↠Favorite Aesthetic⊹ Cabincore
↠Favorite Animal⊹ Elk and cows
↠Asking to front ⊹ Sure
↠Touch ⊹ Ask
↠Nicknames ⊹ Yes
↠DMs ⊹ Yes
↠Tonetags ⊹ Advise
↠Asking to be CG/Little⊹ As long as you’re okay with me saying no
↠Other ⊹ I’m the host of a DID system and have multiple mental and physical disabilities
↠Other ⊹ I’m Lovepunk and Genderpunk
↠Credit ⊹ *mightyistickx#2801*
•─────⋅☾ 💤 ☽⋅─────•
Back to sleep now﹒﹒ ᶻzᶻzᶻ ﹒﹒
•─────⋅☾ 🌙 ☽⋅─────•
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ✰ 。˚ ✧
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
┊┊ ✰ ✲ ͎. 。˚   °
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
⭒. ⭒
•─────⋅☾ 🌙 ☽⋅─────•
Good Morning ﹙。- ᴗ - 。﹚ ᶻzᶻzᶻz﹒﹒
•─────⋅ ☾ 💤 ☽⋅─────•
↠Name ⊹Ollie/Orion
↠Age ⊹16 about to be 17
↠Pronouns ⊹he/him
↠Gender ⊹transmasc
↠Orientation ⊹ace demiromantic
↠Age ⊹a couple months
↠Role ⊹cg/little
↠Pet Regression⊹puppy
↠Likes⊹stuffies,and blankies
↠Has⊹two littles,one cg!
↠Favorite Color⊹blue
↠Favorite Movie⊹book of life
↠Favorite Aesthetic⊹kidcore
↠Favorite Animal⊹dog/wolf
↠Asking to front ⊹n/a
↠Touch ⊹please ask
↠Nicknames ⊹a-ok
↠DMs ⊹a-ok
↠Tonetags ⊹yes please
↠Asking to be CG/Little⊹no <3
↠Other ⊹I like spaghetti
↠Other ⊹i like bears
↠Credit ⊹ *mightyistickx#2801*
•─────⋅☾ 💤 ☽⋅─────•
Back to sleep now﹒﹒ ᶻzᶻzᶻ ﹒﹒
•─────⋅☾ 🌙 ☽⋅─────•
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ✰ 。˚ ✧
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
┊┊ ✰ ✲ ͎. 。˚   °
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
⭒. ⭒
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