#❝ — well she isn't ! ❞┊self promo
scftlightz · 4 months
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➶  。˚  °  (   @.SCFTLIGHTZ )  indie  .  multi-muse  .  selective  .  fandomless  .  indie  rp  blog.  NSFW  &  TW themes  present  .  i  previously  was  mrrangerrp  and  serxndipities  since  august  22,  but  i  took  a  break  that  eventually  led  me  to  deleting  my  first  multi  blog  and  doing  a  refresh  now  that  i'm  familiar  and  decent.  sooo—  i  missed  my  partners  and  writing  so  i'm  back!  hmu  to  plot  or  smth!  ☁️  BETA  ONLY  .  minors  dni there are NSFW & TW themes present.  written  by  eren  :  she  /  her  .  21+  y/o  .  CDT  timezone.  🫧*  reblog/like  from  source  if  we  aren't  mutuals.  i  will  block  you.
current  mascot : yasmin ( a.shley mo.ore )
navi : rules || muses ( mobile ) || open starters || rp memes
other  blogs : single muse || gif blog || fandom multi
misc : psd ©
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thecursedjazz · 5 months
Postal 1 dude isn't evil (and is genuinely the most morally grounded and decent person we've actually met in the Postal Universe)
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From what we gather he was living a very normal life prior to going crazy, not like the other dudes who go on senseless rampages when tasked with mundane everyday things. As Promo material does state he's a well educated and mannered person so it's only realistic that this man did have a genuine job and was generating a level of income prior to his decline in mental health and moving to Paradise.
And as stated before he is well mannered in the sense of being stated a "quiet nice boy" and "voted the most likely to succeed". From what we gather this guy was the text book example of a model citizen. The only "flaw" is that he kept referring to a girl he only dated once as his girlfriend but even then that could come down his delusions along with his lack of grip on reality causing him to genuinely think she's his girlfriend or  the fact he's canonically quiet (as shown from the Promo material and also the fact that he doesn't actually physically speak AT ALL during the game) and most likely doesn't understand social ques as of it.
But the most important thing is that he doesn't even have malicious intentions.
The very first thing he proposes after being "attacked" by "groups of lunatics trying to invade his home" is.....go the sherrif for help. The Dude didn't have any Intention to go on a murder spree, he'd rather of just went to the authorities like any other average Joe. The whole thing really tells us that he's not usually a violent person.
Even rewinding back to level one: the war journals (and Vince) did state that the Dude was entirely convinced that he was being attacked by group of lunatics, one of which even firing rockets at him, goes without saying that self defence is really the only option here.
Course it remains solely as self defence until the Dude reaches the train station, the significance being his war journal where he writes "if I can get out i can warn everybody...YES, I CAN WARN EVERYBODY!". The dudes goal has shifted into saving the country as a whole rather than himself which ultimately steers him into going to the air force to find out what has happened to cause the supposed hate plague. The dudes actions represent him more as selfless now with him now doing this in the bigger scheme of things rather than his own self preservation. If its not clear already: maniacs wouldn't care about warning/ saving people from a hate plague, Dude 2 most likely wouldn't give a shit and let it spread since he was totally cool with nuking the entirety of paradise and its innocent civilians.
Furthermore he openly states that he doesn't want to kill people. At the trailer park he writes that "There must be others like me, immune to this...germ warfare or whatever it is". Practically he's saying that he'd much rather run into some normal people instead of having to kill them, it's a stark contrast to the other dudes with the Postal 1 dude appearing as genuinely empathetic whereas the others will literally kill people for something as simple as waiting in line and afterwards not think anything of it.
Also very worth noting that when he enters the ghetto he mentions he's genuinely worried he'll get mugged, we're really getting the picture that he's literally just some normal ass guy with the idea of going to the rough side of town shakes him up.
(Even worth pointing out that only for the ghetto does he go back to calling it a diary like he's momentarily lost his soldier/war mentality at the thought of going into the rough side of town).
So simple and short:
Postal 1 dudes literally just some average everyday guy (who's been through some really fucked up shit that's forever gonna remain unexplained beyond the veteran theory) who's trying to do the right thing but he's woefully misguided due to his deteriorating mental state as well as being possessed by an entity beyond his broken minds comprehension.
He's literally the complete opposite to every other postal dude (and if anything he's one of the most morally grounded people in the franchise as crazy as it is)
Oh and if this wasn't enough: rws did say on a twitter post that he's literally Just some average guy who's had some shitty days.
(I wrote this at 4am so soz if it's all over the place)
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thehanalia · 6 months
The Subtle Art of Becoming "That Girl" in 2024 🌸✨
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Hello beautiful souls! It's me, Hana. If you are new reader then
Hi! I’m Hanalia and I want to empower women to prioritize their well-being while pursuing their dreams🌟
Today, I woke up feeling extra inspired by the #thatgirl aesthetic. You know her – she's the girl who embodies self-love, radiates positivity, and just seems to have her life beautifully organized. Personally, I believe, she's not just a trend; she's a movement towards becoming the best version of ourselves. And guess what? Becoming "that girl" isn't about perfection; it's about progress. It's about embracing the journey of self-improvement, self-care, and love. So, let's dive into a few ways you can bring a little bit of "that girl" magic into your everyday life:
1. Morning Rituals ✨
Start your day with purpose. Whether it's a morning skincare routine, meditation, or writing down your thoughts in a daily planner, find what centers you. If you have been following me for a while then you know how important this is. Remember, it's these small rituals that set the tone for a productive, positive day.
2. Self-Care Sundays 🛁
Dedicate time each week to pamper yourself. This could be a long bath, a skincare routine, or even a cozy evening with a book. It's all about showing yourself some love and appreciation.
I remember back in my childhood my older sister used to always have pamper sundays and I would always try and follow her footsteps however, back then your girl was as lazy as one can be...so zero exceptions. Be better than me girls and make the future you be proud.
3. Clean Girl Aesthetic 🌿
Embrace the clean girl aesthetic with a minimalist wardrobe, clean makeup looks, and a tidy space. A clutter-free environment not only looks good but also brings a sense of calm and order to your mind. Clean home = clean mind + remember clean body
4. Find Your Fitness Love 💕
Whether it's pink pilates, yoga, or a brisk walk in the park, find a physical activity that you love. It's not just about the physical benefits but the mental clarity and energy boost it brings.
5. Nourish to Flourish 🍓
Eating well is a form of self-respect. Fill your plate with colors, textures, and nutrients. It's not just about looking good, but feeling good from the inside out.
6. Learn and Grow 🌱
Embrace new hobbies, read more books, and challenge yourself to learn something new often. Growth is a huge part of becoming "that girl".
7. Stay Organized 📒
Invest in a good daily planner to keep track of your goals, appointments, and to-dos. There's something incredibly satisfying about ticking off tasks and staying on top of your game.
And here's a little secret for you: part of my "that girl" journey includes creating pieces that speak to my soul. I stumbled upon this adorable shop aka my Shop [GlowInGrow] that just screams self-care and love. My THAT GIRL planner is something that I did with love and my own hands. For me, it's not just a planner, it's my way of helping others because that's what being her is. Being her means she shares her secrets to help the rest of the girlies. MESSAGE ME FOR THE PROMO CODE *hint*
Also this planner has got you covered from setting your intentions and tracking your habits to planning your meals and self-care routines perfect for anyone looking to add that extra touch of mindfulness and beauty to their daily routine. It's subtle, but oh, so beautiful. 🌟
Becoming "that girl" isn't an overnight transformation. It's about making small, meaningful changes that align with who you are and who you aspire to be. Let's embrace this journey together, one step at a time. 💕
Last but not least, at the end of your journey of becoming that girl awaits the future who is The Girl!
Stay safe and stay hot...
With Love, Hanalia
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daughterofprofit96 · 5 months
It was ASOCAS this weekend! Danielle Galligan spoke of how Nina helped in how she views herself and in her self-confidence and, because she helped me too, I decided to do a post about it
Insta: rescatedelgrishaverse
Twitter: barrelboss96
A few weeks back, I went to my mum's to spend the weekend with my family. My little brother, at one moment, came up to me and told me that he was fat and that he hated it.
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My youngest brother is 9. He's an adorable, beautiful, brilliant kid, the kind of kid that one moment will tease you and in the next will wrap his arms around you in a tight hug. One day, when he's mature enough, I'll sit down with him and we'll talk about this at length. For now, I tell him what I've always told him: that all that matters is whether he's healthy, that nobody has the right to talk about someone else's body, that I love him very much and that he's absolutely beautiful.
Being almost 30, I definitely feel more comfortable in my own skin. Still, this brought me back to when I was a teenager, of how I didn't want to be only in a bikini when I went to the beach, so I left my shirt and shorts on. It brought me to the comments I hear nowadays from the women around me in my office regarding their 'needs' to go on a esthetic diet or their guilt for eating a snack.
We start consuming entertainment from such a young age. With hype, comes popularity, trends, and so does our desire to look like someone else. Positive body representation in media is absolutely essential.
And there's been enough toxic representation (there shouldn't have been any in the first place!) Off the top of my head, Monica Geller from Friends is represented as someone ridiculed because of the way her body used to look like. Penelope Featherington from Bridgerton is someone we are all reminded constantly of how undesirable she's in the Ton (and do not get me started on that heavily, HEAVILY edited promo pic for season 3)
So, positive representation. Not exaggerating, Nina Zenik is one of the first I've seen. Nina is hilarious, downright gorgeous, sexy, a complete flirt, brilliant, knowledgeable and I'm only just getting started on the beauty of her character. Her body is never discussed. She loves food and that isn't wrong. She's gorgeous and desirable and that's it.
Today, @daniellegalligan_ said at ASOCAS that she learned a lot from Nina. I did as well, and so did many others. To Leigh, to Dani, thank you 🤍
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percheduphere · 11 months
Okay. First post trying to use gifs properly. I've switched out improper gifs for these type for my last 3-4 posts. Gonna work on some more corrections tomorrow when I have time. Please let me know if I'm misstepping anywhere. Thanks for your patience! That said...
I'm rooting for Lokius, AND I also love how much Sylvie has forged a life for herself in S2. A lot of her development is implied, so I think it's worth looking at her growth outside the context of Loki himself: She found a job, locals know her by name, she has friends and acquaintances, she has hobbies!
People call her by name in her timeline on 4 occasions:
1. When the McDonald's shift manager (John) checks in on her after work. See the kid with the tie in the image below. I couldn't find any gifs of him visiting Sylvie at her truck. She asked him if his mom was gonna pick him up to make sure he was gonna be okay late at night. 🥹
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2. When a customer picks up their McDonald's order and thanks her (cheerfully). Also note how many employee stars she had on her badge! Queen.
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3. Lyle at the record store. They seem like really good friends, and I got the "beginnings of an attraction" vibe between the two of them. Unfortunately, the gifs below are the only ones I could find of him and I'm still searching for the source. His interaction with Sylvie before spaghetti-trauma was so sincere. He could tell she was down and offered her Velvet Underground. Come on, that's a solid move.
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4. Eric at the bar, who comments 2 shots of bourbon is a good choice. Let me tell you, finding a gif of Eric was like finding a needle in a haystack, but here he is leaning close to Sylvie. Thank you, @zehiiro!
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I tried to find more gifs of all the people Sylvie has in her life but couldn't find any, which is a darn shame because there are so many subtle cues she's built a support system on her own and she's thriving.
She's a regular at many places in her timeline, and when people greet her, they do so with a smile. She loves music, a hard drink, and punk fashion.
When she engages with Loki, she may come across as cold, but I honestly think she's being firm with her boundaries and true to her beliefs. The TVA threatened her life for centuries. I don't doubt setting foot in the building is traumatic for her, which may explain why she was more harsh than usually in S2E4. Her psychological defenses were all on overdrive. Yet when Sylvie's in her own timeline, far away from the TVA, she can be her real self. Turns out, her real self is pretty well-liked! (I'll talk about how this is mirrored in Loki soon).
Sylvie's an unapologetically "selfish" woman who knows what she wants, wants it on her own, is doing it on her own, and isn't afraid to put her foot down when it comes to her personal boundaries. We should be applauding all of that!
This is exactly the kind of female representation we need, but the show did Sylvie a disservice in S1 by coming at her character as a love interest first (look at all the media promos classifying her as such) instead of more thoughtfully showing how badly she has been affected by the TVA and planting what her desires are throughout. If they had done this with more intention and finesse, her position in S2 wouldn't come off as completely irresponsible.
As a result of this apparent marketing and pre-production development decision, her perception as a character (by both lokius and sylki shippers) is muddled by the question of her relationship status with Loki. This truly isn't fair, most especially to Sophia Di Martino.
Of course, Sylvie isn't perfect. No well-written character should be. I just think she's cooler than she gets credit for precisely because her character arc doesn't require the fulfillment of a romance. She will be fine whether or not she ends up with Loki. It's very feminist!
Loki, in turn, found safety, belonging, and love at the TVA. All the things that are the complete opposite of Sylvie's lived experience. I often see fans complaining about how Loki is ooc in his own series.
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The thing is, and Loki admits this himself: it's all part of an illusion.
This illusion started far before the first Thor movie. He comes from a hyper-masculine (dare I say toxic-masculine) warrior society. His true nature doesn't conform with this, so he has to overcompensate with some (genuinely awesome) bad assery.
BUT he doesn't like it.
As a comparison to a far lesser but more relatable degree: imagine putting on a customer service persona 24/7. UGH. It's just not sustainable without becoming increasingly angry and bitter, which is what Sacred Timeline Loki becomes. Mobius gets ahead of this.
In the series, Loki can finally TURN OFF that persona, and TURN IT ON again when it's needed (and fun!).
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He also now has the freedom to be silly, expressive, and magical (unapologetically queer!) without anyone making fun of him for it.
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The end result is a much calmer, happier, likable person (like Sylvie in her timeline, his defenses are no longer on overdrive!). Who shows him this is possible?
Here's the receipt:
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Sociopoliticaly, Loki and Mobius come from a different angle. A lot of men (cis, fluid, trans, or otherwise) struggle with the social expectation of burying feelings and never ever showing vulnerability, especially to another men. Now, some might argue that shipping men together perpetuates this construct. There's some truth to this, but only through the lens that it is shameful to be gay. In order to get to a point in society where there's no shame in being mistaken as gay (or queer, generally) when being affectionate with another man, there must be continuous positive representation of homosexual relationships in which the characters are not stereotypes. Loki and Mobius are exactly this, especially Mobius.
Whereas Loki, on Asgard, represents the openly queer oppressed (i.e. magic and cunning, qualities historically tied to witches or "immoral women" instead of brute strength), Mobius can represent the closeted repressed.
In S1, Mobius was much more uptight, rule-abiding, and just shy of holier-than-thou. The power structure in which he existed perpetuated this, until Loki reveals to him it was all a lie (an illusion).
In S2, he becomes more flexible, more fun-loving, and more expressive in his affection. In S1, most of his support of Loki manifested as words of affirmation. In S2, his support extended to physical touch and bonding. Mobius, if seen through the lens of a closeted man allegory, finds the courage (and partner) to slowly come out.
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starglitterz · 8 months
serendipity. (vii)
─── chapter 7 ! ~ my bff thinks she’s sherlock holmes (…what?)
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summary; when you, a waitress at the local coffee shop, are paired up with the new recruit scaramouche, you’re pretty sure both of you are going to get fired within a week. he’s just quit being a social media influencer and after being forced to work here to make ends meet, he’s ready to let everyone there know how much he hates it. the worst part? you can’t shake the feeling that you know him from somewhere. but as he slowly warms up to you, scaramouche realises that having a fresh start isn’t that bad after all, and perhaps the two of you meeting like this was pure serendipity.
a/n; hiii it's me again ! i'm so back >:) hope you missed serendipity bc i definitely did hehehe,,, also for further context on some details mentioned in this chapter, you should totally read cynosure 👀 (shameless self-promo LOL) anyways i hope u enjoy this chapter !!
warning(s); a lot of swearing, scuffed pics 😔
please reblog w comments ! it helps a lot :)
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private messages #1 !
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phone call !
incoming call from kokomi at 1.30 p.m.
kokomi: hi, y/n! it's your lunch break now, right?
y/n: yep! i'm surprised you remember.
kokomi: hey! i just visited you the other day, my memory isn't that bad!!
y/n: yeah, yeah, whatever you say. anyways, what did you want to tell me? it sounded important.
kokomi: well… you know how we met childe and signora the other day, right?
y/n: yeah, i could barely believe they knew scara. i mean, this is the same guy who complains about the stray cats making a mess outside the cafe but still leaves leftovers for them. i wouldn't have expected him to have such famous friends.
kokomi: me too. and i actually wanted to talk to you about that.
y/n: why, what is it?
kokomi: i was curious about how scaramouche knew them, so i asked gorou to do a little digging.
y/n: what? kokomi, why would you do that?
kokomi: this guy shows up out of nowhere and ayaka hires him, and it turns out he has friends in such high places? it's suspicious!
y/n: what the fuck, kokomi? what's gotten into you? this is my colleague we're talking about. he's literally just some random guy ayaka hired, why do his friends matter? it's not like they're bad people!
kokomi: they might not be, but he is.
y/n: and what's that supposed to mean?
kokomi: check the link i just sent you.
y/n: fuck off, kokomi. i'm not dealing with this today. what's wrong with you?
kokomi: y/n, please just click it. i really think you need to see this.
you click on the link kokomi sent you - it's a youtube video titled 'the rise & fall of scaramouche'. you watch it in silence with kokomi still on the phone.
kokomi: you see? he was a drama youtuber and he got clout off of ruining other people's lives - he even got fired from genshin impact! when genshin threatened a lawsuit, he agreed to settle privately by deleting all his accounts. genshin must have paid to scrub all the traces of him they could from the internet too. i knew there was something fishy about him!
y/n: honestly, fuck you, kokomi.
kokomi: what?! why me?!
y/n: because who cares what his past was like? yeah, maybe he used to be a shitty person, and yeah he's still a pain in my ass, but he's changing. scara hasn't done anything bad since he started working here, i don't know why you're so against him.
kokomi: i just don't want you to get hurt, y/n. we all know you're still looking for that mystery guy from when you were younger, and this is the first time you've liked someone without mentioning that. i'm worried he's taking advantage of you.
y/n: get a grip, kokomi. i'm a grown adult, and you're not my mother. i can make my own choices and deal with the consequences.
kokomi: well forgive me for being worried about my FRIEND.
y/n: just… leave me alone. goodbye, kokomi.
call cut from y/n's end at 2.17 p.m.
private messages #2 !
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twitter !
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i'm curious, what do u guys think abt what kokomi did? are you on her side or y/n's side? i've personally experienced a lot of friends getting defensive whenever you point out anything wrong with their rs/bf so i guess this is partially inspired by that LOL
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way.
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lemotmo · 1 month
This is kind of a question for Ali (hi Ali!) but also a question I’d love to hear your thoughts on.
A lot of people (myself included) have noticed similarities between last seasons promo and bts being really focused on Oliver/Buck and this seasons being really focused on Ryan/Eddie.
We now know the focus on Oliver/Buck was because of the bi Buck arc. Do you think the focus this year is because we’re (hopefully) getting a queer Eddie arc? Another major Eddie arc that isn’t about his sexuality? Not about Eddie at all and everyone just really loves the mustache?
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Hi Nonnies! if it's okay for you guys I'm going to answer your asks in one go.
First of all, if anyone is interested in what that link leads to. It's someone on Twitter who points out that all this Ryan promo is the exact same thing they did with Oliver last season.
All right, let's get down to business and answer this:
I actually went back to check all the pre season 7 interviews and bts. And yes, there was so much focus on Oliver, both in the bts and the interviews. There were so many questions about where Buck's story was going and talk about his professional life and love life. Oliver even used the words 'self-discovery' when he talked about Buck. Something Ryan has been heavily hinting at himself in some interviews he did during 7b and post season 7.
All of the PR follows the exact same pattern. I expect more interviews and articles to come out with the same questions about Eddie's professional life, love life and of course his role as a father to Christopher.
So yeah, looking at all of these comparisons, it's clear we're going to get to know Eddie a whole lot better in season 8. They're gearing up towards something big for his character. Now, whether or not this 'something' has to do with his sexuality and eventually Buck's role in Eddie rediscovering himself?
Well, it sure does seem so, doesn't it. It all adds up. What else could possibly be something so big for Eddie's character that he gets so much focus? He's already rock bottom because Chris is gone. He dealt with some unresolved Shannon feelings (weird Kim took care of that with her dead wife cosplay) and I highly doubt the show will keep repeating the same Shannon story line. So, what else is there to explore?
The way I see it is that the moustache is a visual way to set Eddie apart. It makes him 'different' this season. It's an important new part of him, but it isn't the main storyline. The moustache indicates change for Eddie. Just the moustache isn't enough to build an arc for a character. But it is a way to tell the audience something is going on with Eddie, because he changed his look. So what is behind that change? That is what is really going on. And yeah, I do strongly think it might have something to do with his sexuality.
Disclaimer though! I'm always cautious when I talk about these things, because the truth is that we won't know for sure until we get some kind of confirmation from the show. Until we get that, we need to keep in mind that this might not go the way we all expect it to go.
This doesn't mean that we can't be happy, positive and hopeful about all of this. Ryan is obviously important in season 8. We get tons of content and the cast is having the time of their lives. And we get to speculate and theorise over every single scrap of content that we get. What more could we possibly want as fans? We're living the dream right now. 😁
So, I say we wait this one out for a while and see what other promo we're going to get. I'm also heavily side-eyeing the fact that they keep pushing back the Family Feud episode. Who knows? Maybe they did really spoil queer Eddie in that show after all? 😋
As for Ali's point of view. Well, I just received an ask from one of the nonnies. Thank you by the way! It's somewhat about this topic, so I'll just copy/paste it in this post. She doesn't address a possible queer arc for Eddie here, but she does address the Ryan promo.
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I'll tag Ali's tags as well under this post and if an Ali ask about Eddie's possible queer arc gets dropped into my ask box I'll make sure to share it with you Nonny! I promise.
I hope you both have a great day!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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just-some-guy-joust · 4 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 3
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Jaiden Wells | She/her | @apotheoseity
Jaiden is.. really just some girl. A college student and avid Tumblr user, many of the people she's close to are wrapped up into supernatural or otherwise out-of-this-world situations, but she's just.. not. Everyone around her is terrified that she'll be exposed to some sort of horror, and at some points she's jealous of the people around her for leading such interesting lives, but she remains.. utterly mundane.
Promos: https://toyhou.se/16595108.jaiden-wells
Adan Botello | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Adan is a highschooler who is just looking to pass class, go home and play Minecraft. He doesn't want to be unique or special any more than he is, maybe being a Minecraft YouTuber would be awesome but that's all he wants out of life. No matter what is thrown at him he tends to run away from it, like a fantasy world trying to claim he's a prince, he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to be a normal kid, graduate high school and play Minecraft. He's also got transgender and autistic swag
Promos: https://toyhou.se/17322997.adan-botello check out the comic featuring Adan on this blog @a-tale-in-a-bottle
Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
Promos: https://toyhou.se/8256045.wally-rosette <-wallys toyhouse profile! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-villain-school/list?title_no=97541 <-the comic he's in (discontinued because I'm doing a different one - it is 6/40 chapters with a planned remake Somewhere in the distant future)
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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[no extra description provided]
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Despite the fact all he desires to be is just some guy the universe keeps trying to make him more than some guy. He's supposed to be a hero, a prince, but he keeps running from the idea of it so much he ends up in another world entirely and all he wants is to go home and be normal, all he wants! He's not looking to save his sister, she can save herself she's strong. He just wants to go home :( that's all he really wants in life and he's getting really tired of the universe saying otherwise
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THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE BABY BOY So Wally is a sweet kid, but because his parents were world-famous, he never really got a choice in who they raised him to be. This resulted in him having a BUNCH of self-worth issues that he tries to deal with on the side because he doesn't want to get his friends involved. He has two (2) major points in the plot (OUT OF 40 CHAPTERS)- one plot point where he ignores the main antagonist to get a boyfriend instead, and one where his entire arc finally culminates in "Wally Learns How To Say No To People." Outside of that, he does NOTHING regarding the main plot and is a C plot character at best. He is simply involved and there in the background because I love him so much and he is my precious little baby boy and yeah sure maybe I loved him so much I made 27 alternate universe versions of him that all have plot relevance in all my stuff but *this* wally is simply a boy and he is blue and he is lovely and I would kill and cry for him every day
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weaselbeaselpants · 10 months
I really dislike Chaggie being compared to Jally. I ship both, but....
Jack and Sally aren't a couple in Nightmare til the very end. Jack only comes around once he's literally been shot at and forced to see things out of his fantasies for once and realize that other people really do love and support him; like Sally. The entire rest of the time Jack's stuck in his own mind. Sally's in love with Jack but she's actually not supportive of his Christmas and even tries sabotaging it because she knows what he's doing is wrong even if it took an unexplained visionflower for her to get that hunch first. Her line is literally "although I'd like to stand by him" not "I support him even if I really don't want to". And in the end not only is Sally vindicated by being right like Santa says she is, but Jack suddenly realizes what she's done and falls for her right then. YMMV on how good a couple they'd actually make ((they aren't Diane and Mr. PB; eat shoot Lindsay Ellis *annoying cries*)) but that's what's cute about Jack and Sally: Sally does her pining maturely (stalking not included) while Jack instantly falls all over in love with her because he's Jack.
I understand there are different interpretations w people think Jack was always in love with Sally but obviously I digress and have always kind of disagreed with that reading, as did the writers of TNBC. Because, if you did have a version where Jack was always feeling something romantic towards Sally, or WORSE, was in a relationship- you would get Charlie x Vaggie.
If I'm right (seasoned hazbinnies feel free to correct me on this) Charlie and Vaggie were not written to be lovers initially but later retconned into being later into the writing process....which shows. I think promo stuff from back then called the two just "friends" and Vaggie and Charlie don't act very romantic. As I just laid out and as any shipper of Jally could tell you it's not hard to make that kind of dynamic cute and quirky. The problem is it isn't even THERE.
Vaggie is apparently Charlie's girlfriend and I guess just also believes in the hotel but is skeptical of it, though I wouldn't consider that on par w Sally who was straight up gonna poison Jack in one of Caroyln Thompson's earlier scripts. Especially given that she's an angel this could either work for or against her character but Vaggie seems more like an agent then a loving bestie, even. I think I remember one of the spin off comics for Hazbin which had Vaggie just straight up admitting she's doing the hotel plan because it makes Charlie happy and she'll do anything Charlie wants.
To be honest, it reminds me more of Dr. Mrs. the Monarch from Venture Bros going on about how/why she puts up with Monarch's shit when he doesn't listen to her and it's because he has "passion for a villain"...the difference is that in that case you can kind of get where Mrs. the Monarch's coming from in her emotions. With Vaggie, well, guess that's a sin of not having all the details of her feelings laid out yet. I mean, when you ever get Vaggie's feelings. Such little work about your main couple in comparison to Angel or Alastor.
AND THEN CHARLIE? You can really tell she wasn't written w Vaggie as her gf in mind.
Boy howdy I REALLY HOPE for the series that Viv and co listened to some of the crew complaints and gave Charlie a more empathetic and supportive vibe because ho mah gawd and I mean this as someone who ships them- Charlie is a HORRIBLE girlfriend in the pilot.
Again, thematically, Jack has the excuse of being in a manic depressive episode and also not knowing Sally very much at all in TNBC. He sees her as just another one of his Halloween Town friends who's especially talented but doesn't even realize she and the rest of the town cares. He's not listening to her when she comes to warn him because he's self obsessed. He's nice to her but also passive cause that's how he is at that point of the story, even if he's gentlemanly about it. Compare to Charlie who, while always adorable Didneyprincessesque, is dismissive of Vaggie's concerns, anger, fears and reform while she's not only aware of Vaggie's feelings WHILE BEING IN AN APPARENTLY COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP WITH HER is concerning. And that's before you get to Charlie not noticing Vaggie getting tossed around by Alastor right in front of her.
It'd be different if Al does his weird smarmy shit and Charlie is uncomfy but only stiffens up and shows her actual strong side to him when he touches Vaggie- "HEY! Don't you lay a finger on her!" but no, nothing.
I ultimately get what Viv wants and is going for by comparing Charlie and Vaggie to tnbc, but I think in practice in the pilot it fails because it
was never planned out to be a couple
they're supposed to be a couple but Charlie and Vaggie aren't all that romantic
they're supposed to be a couple but Charlie isn't very supportive or even defensive
People give Jack a lot of shit (rightfully, in the video games) and give the movie and Jally shit for being a "bad fit" but I again vouch for them not only on the grounds of tnbc being complete and at home in it's own skin. The rest of the franchise not so much, but the movie and the writers of the character know what kind of person Jack is and have his redemptive quality be that he falls for Sally; I love him and Sally both as characters but also as a couple for that reason. I'd feel totally different if Jack, say, was Sally's bf throughout the film and acted the way Charlie did. I can be critical of TNBC and I think some of Jack's writing is flawed and could be better, but y'know, I will defend it pedantically like I'm doing right now.
With Charlie and Vaggie, I ship them because they're my favorite characters from the pilot but dayum. I'm the kind of hermitshipper who's able to sustain myself off scraps and headcanons and even I'm saying these two need some work. Cuz they do. They need A LOT of work. And better writers.
If Chaggie is ''endgame'' in the final season then I hope "A Happy Day in Hell" is just an outlier scene or it's going to be retconned that they aren't lovers yet because if not- oh Vaggie! Get urself a Hasani Walker comic and fast my gurl you need it.
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mistystarshine · 5 months
Guitarspear Rec List
A Guitarspear fic rec list for @qdkdraws ! I was just going to send them via ask, but I figured I might as well post them so others can enjoy as well. It is short because I am picky and the only category that I am judging by is if it brought me joy. And characterization, I guess, because I'm a stickler about that.
Profane by Anonymous
After ending up in hell, Adam finds himself tangled up with the wrong crowd. Bad decisions is the word of the day. Note: This fic deals with heavy subject matter takes a while for the Guitarspear to happen, but it is so worth reading to that point. This series is my favorite thing in the Hazbin fandom. The third fic is actively ongoing!
In Which Hell Is Too Damn Long by Udbsken
If sinners can wake up in Heaven after they die, logic follows… Adam opens his eyes in Hell Note: This one is not explicitly Guitarspear and Lute does not actually show up, but Adam does a lot of pining.
Sinner's Rut by MagnusThree
Lute is approached by Lucifer of all people with a proposition that she would have never expected to hear. But all she cares about is the prospect that Adam is alive, and whatever the state he is in, she is determined to be at his side once again. Note: This one is smut! It is going on the list anyway because it's smut with plot and the angst and fluff changed my brain chemisty.
The Missing Link by Vincent_Levinsk
Во время истребления Лют, командующая армией экзорцистов, успела закрыть Адама собой и, истекая золотой кровью, пала в бою. Тело её было потеряно под завалами других трупов экзорцистов и грешников, поэтому после боя каннибалы никак не ожидали наткнуться на кого-то живого среди гор их кровавого пиршества. Потерявшая свой святой облик, но сохранившая воспоминания Лют, похожая отныне на зверя, осталась в Аду совершенно одна, и единственная её цель — во что бы то ни стало вернуться в Рай. Note: Yes, this one is in Russian. I enjoyed it enough that it's going on the list anyway. The basic plot is that Lute dies and becomes a demon instead of Adam. It is feelsy and hilarious, run it through a translator and be bountifully rewarded!
Twinkle, little star by Cracked_Empire
Hell is forever. This immutable truth was imprinted with pain in Adam's heart. If that heart even existed. But it did, for Adam could feel it stop. And then he opened his eyes and found himself more miserable than ever. Lute finds Adam in Hell. She is given a special assignment to find Anomaly in Hell. She goes down to Hell for Anomaly (she goes down for Adam, even though he now has real horns).
Adam -- First Man, Next to Fall by MagnusThree
The attack on the hotel had been a disaster, especially for the army of Heaven. Their leader, killed; their soldiers, butchered; their weakness, revealed. Lute and those remaining exorcists that had survived the massacre have only just made it home, but she isn't ready to let it go. Not when there's still someone's head to cleave from their body, and while Adam's blood was still fresh on bedrock. Maybe a little too fresh for someone that is supposed to be dead.
Aaaaand I'm going to do some self-promo and include my own fics, because writing them brought me joy and there's nothing to stop me from doing so.
Hypocrisy and Other Sinful Things
“Wait!” the thing cried in that familiar voice. “Lute, fucking— Wait! It’s me!” Lute froze, the tip of her spear pressing lightly against the skin of the sinner’s throat. It stared up at her with wide, horrified, hopeful yellow eyes. Now that she actually looked, she couldn’t deny that she would have known them in any lifetime. The shape of his face was the same. The hair was the same. The voice was the same. But— The creature before her had one more eye than it should have. It had horns growing out of its head — the same shape that the ones on his helmet had been, but real in a way that no angel’s were. Knives grew from the tips of its fingers, impossible to be covered even by the gloves it wore. The thing in front of her was undoubtedly a demon. Adam had been an angel. Adam was dead. - Or; Lute goes to hell during the next extermination seeking revenge. Instead, she gets the crisis of a lifetime.
The Great Overlord Pissing Contest
In which Adam ends up in hell and makes his psychological breakdown everyone's problem. Note: No Guitarspear yet beyond a whole lot of Adam pining, but things will heat up in the next fic.
Salvation on the Radio
“What the hell, Alastor! Why would you bring him here?” Vaggie shouts. Alastor tilts his head to the side innocently. One ear twitches, but his smile never wavers. “Why, our little meeting last week! Charlie did say that the hotel needs new guests, didn’t she?” “Guests, not evil bastards who destroyed the hotel!” “But Adam here is seeking redemption! We do not discriminate between souls in need, do we?” - Or; Alastor drags Adam to Charlie's doorstep like a cat that hasn't killed its prey yet. Things happen from there. Note: Again, Lute doesn't actually show up for a while. So far it's a whole lot of Alastor inflicting The Torments upon Adam and Charlie having PTSD. But we will get to the actual Guitarspear content! ~ Eventually! ~
Vile and Blasphemous
When Lute finds out that Adam is alive as a sinner and under the effects of an unknown curse, she goes to hell to find him. There, she is helped by an amnesiac sinner named Eve. The two hardly get along, but Lute will take whatever help she can get. Yet she can't quite shake the feeling that something is off… Note: Because it's not supposed to be a secret and you can't see tags on tumblr, I'll just say it here. Eve is actually Adam. Lute has unknowingly recruited Adam to help her find Adam and gets to have a gay crisis whilst on her remarkably circular journey. I am having. So much fun with this fic.
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scftlightz · 1 year
(🗣️) *:・☽ ˚┊ ooc tag dump ! 🛸
❝ — she came from planet claire ! ❞┊ooc & PSA. 
❝ — i knew she came from there ! ❞┊ resources
❝ — she drove a plymouth satellite ! ❞┊rp meme & starters 
❝ — a-faster than the speed of light ! ❞┊ open
❝ — planet claire has pink air! ❞┊w.ship
❝ — all the trees are red ! ❞┊w.plot
❝ — no one ever dies there! ❞┊text muse
❝ — no one has a head ! ❞┊ask & anon 
❝ — some say she's from mars ! ❞┊dash game
❝ — or one of the seven stars ! ❞┊info & headcanons
❝ — that shine after three-thirty ! ❞┊prompts
❝ — in the morning ! ❞┊edits
❝ — she came from planet claire ! ❞┊w.opp
❝ — well she isn't ! ❞┊self promo
0 notes
only-by-the-stars · 4 months
Fic Promo: Song of a Champion
Now that @spacelemon has put up that amazing promo vid of the Mipha's Grace mod, it feels like a good time to do a little self-promo of my own, for something that I promise is related (otherwise I wouldn't be mentioning the vid; I am doing so in hopes of helping to get more eyeballs on it): a fic I've been writing since 2022, that is both inspired by and based on the mod. I've been lucky enough to have been allowed to play early versions of it, and was inspired to write a fic that retells BOTW with Mipha as the lead, taking cues from many plot points and armor redesigns present in the mod. If that's not enough to entice you, then please read on for my list of things that you might enjoy about this fic!
It's about Mipha Judging by the results of my poll, a lot of you like reading about Mipha! I've written a LOT about her over the past few years, but this is my most in-depth exploration of her yet. It's entirely centered on her, delving deep into her thoughts and feelings and exploring the myriad aspects of her personality as we follow her journey. Instead of Link waking up on the Great Plateau without his memories and being handed the responsibility of saving Hyrule, it's Mipha who must walk this path; unlike in the base game, she's not a fridged love interest for Link to be sad about, she's an active heroine in her own right with a monumental task ahead of her from the moment she wakes up, not to mention a lot of questions. How did she get there? Can she do this? What--and who--has she forgotten in her century-long slumber? How will she find her way in this strange new world she awakens to? What kind of bonds will she forge with the people she meets along her way? All these and more are tackled in great depth as she goes on her adventure, setting out with, initially, little more than her own courage, determination, and compassion. I've been told by many people that I write their favorite Mipha, and though this isn't my first time giving her a starring role, I fully believe this is my best character work for her so far. I've given her so much to do and act on and react to, exploring her rich inner life and personality and character FAR beyond just shipping stuff, and developed a lot of really fun friendships for her and gone heavy on her familial relationships as well. There is miphlink, but it's only one aspect, and Mipha herself is the shining star at the heart of everything.
2. It takes inspiration from Wind Waker Mainly, the concept of a character who is not the chosen one stepping up and proving themselves worthy and going on to save Hyrule. If you, like me, enjoyed that aspect of Wind Waker, then you'll like this story!
3. It plays with the lore in fun ways Do you like the older bits of lore from pre-Skyward Sword games? Like the Golden Goddesses and other deities? Then you'll like the bits of it I've weaved in!
4. It treats the NPCs with care, love, and nuance One of the things I'm proudest of about this story, that I've gotten praise from others for, is how the various NPCs are written. I've treated them all like people in their own right, who all have their own rich inner lives, schedules, interests, priorities, and feelings that don't revolve around the protagonist. Mipha befriends most of them, yes, but that's because she treats them with compassion and kindness too. Nobody is shallow here, I've gone to great pains to illustrate a world filled with people all living their own lives that intersect with Mipha's journey in various ways, and allowed people to just be human and make mistakes and have doubts but ultimately just be people. There's a lot of emphasis on Mipha's relationships with her family, and I've certainly won praise for my depiction of these dynamics, but also a ton of friendships being formed and explored, and people have told me that I made certain characters interesting and likable to them where the game failed to do so.
5. It has awesome fight scenes BOTW is a game with a lot of combat, so anyone novelizing it better be good at writing that kind of scene. Fortunately, I am! This is an action-packed story, not just for its own sake, but to show the dangerous world Mipha is traveling through and the challenges she has to face as she ventures into each Divine Beast and cleanses them of their respective Blights. I write really fast-paced action that also shows the characters' mindsets while fighting, and strikes a balance between showing off their strengths and that they're up to the challenge, while also respecting their opponents and demonstrating why the Champions of a hundred years ago fell to these things, why NPCs fear certain monsters. And speaking of respecting opponents, I've taken stuff from Age of Calamity as well as some of my own inventions, to beef up the boss fights, a certain area, and make every Divine Beast threatening (we all know how scary Medoh wasn't in-game).
6. It has beautiful prose/descriptions But you don't have to just take my word for it! Here's a sample from the rough draft of chapter 42!
Shards of light drifted across her floor, leaves caught in the current of clouds flowing over the moon. Mipha took a moment to watch them before closing the door behind herself. The water in her sleeping pool murmured a melody of rest and relaxation after a long day, calling her to it, but she ignored it for now. She’d done all her preparations for tomorrow, downed a warm elixir crafted from a few hearty lizards, and now only one thing remained to do before going to bed. It wasn’t a need, as the other tasks had been, but a want. Nothing wrong with that. She crossed the room to the old chest that lay tucked beneath her window, opening the lid with a whining creak from the aged hinges. A folded length of fabric the color of spilt starlight lay atop the item she sought; Mipha moved it aside. Her breath catching, she withdrew the armor beneath and held it up to the softly swaying illumination of the moon outside and the luminous stone lamps within.
All in all, I think this fic is some of my best work, and shouldn't be missed if you're a Mipha fan like I am (she is my favorite Zora, so if it's okay I'd like to use this as a belated submission for that Zora May prompt). She truly is the star of the show, with so much to offer as a lead character, moving through a world treated with depth and care. If you're in the market for a BOTW retelling that does something different, something no other retelling has done, and does it really well, then give it a chance! You can read it here on AO3. :3
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nothingbutnowhere · 3 months
Hockey Player AU! Captain John Price Headcanons
Center. Long time captain (obv.), long suffering captain. 1000+ games. Someone get this man a cup already ffs. Defensive offenseman; has like three Selke trophies.
Not a big goal scorer, under reactive cellies, does the stand and point at whoever was the assist. But he does tally a few good assists per year and his cellies for his boys are intense. A little slower these days but will not back down from a crushing hit or dropping the gloves when he makes the occasion call for it. MEAN slapshot.
Leads by example... which... can lead to some crowded penalty boxes- you do NOT cheap shot these guys. They can and will drop the gloves. Price holds his team to the same standards and isn't afraid to enforce it internally. He'll drag Soap out of a pile as many times as he needs to. They play hard and physical, but clean.
Similarly, he wants to hold the league to high standards as well. If he feels there's been too many bad calls by the refs he's ready to cut a check to the league for scalding criticism post game.
Loves his boys so much. Always yelling encouragement on the bench. Would and has run through a wall for them. Physically affectionate. Known to give a little kiss on the cheek during cellies or on the bench 🥹 Gif sets of those are very popular. We love to see it.
He's a hockey veteran though and though, made some deep playoff runs, knows his shit, knows they can win a cup.
His team may be down but they are never out. Do not turn off the game, do not leave the stadium early, because you will regret it. Price will lead the team though the most nail biting comeback you've ever seen. He's fully taken the clipboard from the assistant coach to draw up plays before and it WORKS. Down three with three minutes left? One goal per minute, easy (this is, in fact, not easy).
Gaz is set to be his predecessor for captain. Price could not be more happy about it; he took Gaz under his wing the second he was drafted. Even though their play styles aren't the same, Gaz learns a lot from Price's leadership skills.
The kids think he's trendy with the 'bucket hat'... has to explain it's not.
Not a media favorite. He doesn't use the stock hockey responses and is a little too real. Has accidentally sworn multiple times live on air :( Used to avoid interviews and pressers when he was younger, but once he took on leadership roles he had to make peace with it. He gets asked the 'why are you so pissy' comment that Drai did a couple years ago. Reporter got a death glare for that.
Yet a fan favorite. We can't help it he's so handsome!! Competency is hot!! He's loyal and passionate! What's not to love about him!
Locker room menace- walks around naked and does not give a fuck. Much to the chagrin of the media. (Pls one shot of his ass just one please we're begging you)
Hockey hair status: yes with his facial hair. Keeps the chops shorter during the regular season, but lets it all grow for the playoffs
Roster pic status: he's giving that one face. His promo videos are also 😵��💫
Mic'd up: he'll do it and knows people like his voice (for some reason?) but he doesn't prefer it
WAG status: has been with the same women for years and years. She enjoys games with the other girls, but doesn't party as much as she used to. His family was SO cute at his 1000th game ceremony 🥹 
His number WILL be retired one day and I WILL cry at the ceremony.
After retirement will stick around to coach, probably after taking a few years off to be with his family.
I do NOT consent for my works, part of my works, or my ideas to be used for ANY form of AI.
Note: WAG stands for wife and girlfriend or the plural, used to refer to sports guy's significant others. Yes it is heteronormative. (Read as self insert if you so desire). Hockey Price is somewhat based on my previous fav (now retired) player Mikko Koivu.
More hockey au: Ghost | Soap | Gaz
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theriverdraws · 1 month
Minor rant: one tiny thing that annoyed me on the reboot's theme song.
(I actually still enjoy the reboot because of pure self indulgence. They could just animate the Warners on silent shorts doing nothing for hours and I would eat it uppp).
Now, the reboot isn't perfect by any means, and there are more stuff that slightly bothers me, (again, I'm very easy to please) but one thing that just really tickles my brain in the wrong annoying way, is replacing "Dot is cute" with "Dot has wit".
I understand there needed to be changes from the original that didn't age well, which is why the sexual harassment jokes had to be taken out obviously, and Hello Nurse couldn't appear anymore. (I'm still pissed they couldn't just, do something else with her character instead of taking her out. But this reboot wasn't the first or last to do this kinda thing, so I'm not gonna complain too hard about that).
But Dot's character was never itself a problem?? She was never treated lesser than her brothers in anyway, shape, or form. She wasn't less zany, or less smart, or less annoying than any of her brothers. Wakko is the more naive of the three, even.
Dot being cute is part of her character, and I don't think that's inherently sexist. It's the "little cute innocent character is actually a MENACE" trope. If Dot was a cute little boy instead, it would change literally nothing. But despite all of that they just had to go "gIrLBoSS beam" because that's true feminism according to hollywood. Girls can't be hyperfeminine anymore.
I don't mind the show's jab at sexism because it's just social criticism right, it was always in the show so I don't really care. And her ""feminist songs"" don't bother me, I like them a lot. The suffragette one was cool, and the cartoon spin on it made me very happy jsjen (it even got reposted on Twitter on the #standwithanimation tag), and the First Lady one is just a history song, a common Animaniacs move, nothing to complain about it there. (The one promo of the social media on Dot going on an unwarranted feminist speech of being more than just cute was so forced tho. SHE CAN SHOW IT WITHOUT SAYING IT. Y'KNOW.. LIKE IT ALWAYS WAS??)
But it's just this one thing that makes it sounds like "oh, we're so woke, we fixed her so good" when there was nothing to fix about her character in this way specifically??? GIRLS CAN BE CUTE AND SMART, IT'S CRAZY I KNOW.
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raayllum · 2 months
It's hard to tell because it's only been some posts but you sound somewhat frustrated with pre-season discussions happening elsewhere for The Dragon Prince? In any case, I thought you might appreciate the note that some people certifiably do like Rayla and Callum as characters perfectly well (I know I do at least and have since the start)?
I'm sure you're aware of it already but it felt somewhat like it'd help you not feel like you're typing into a void of dissent for enjoying them and the show concurrently? Even if I'd disliked the time skip in some capacities (I didn't particularly, I thought Rayla had good instincts wanting proof of death etc she just perhaps should have taken more backup for higher success chances if at all possible) Stella's introduction would have won me over entirely anyway.
There's no shame in being easily charmed by adorable animal characters, after all! She really is cute and also useful in limited capacities, like Bait.
If you wanted an actual ask with the above I suppose that I'm intrigued how similarly you thought Bait and Stella functioned as extended powers/company of their respective people and in the group?
Mostly on twitter (which is a reason to stay off twitter) but, in all honesty, it's mostly because it's annoying to see people use ship names or main tags for their complaining (I have "tdp critical" blacklisted or whatever for a reason y'know). Like as someone who truly deeply loves every character and every part of the show, when Claudia or Terry or Aaravos or anyone else gets promo I'm thrilled and intrigued and theorizing. And there's a minimal but loud portion(s) of the fandom who are either currently expressing (or have a track record) of annoyance when Callum and Rayla, as main characters and as the show's consistently most developed dynamic (which, I want to stress, has been the case even in s1 and s2) dare to be main characters and have marketing, there's an uproar of complaining. (Again, not the majority, but still baffles me that it exists at all.)
It'd be like if I complained about ATLA being primarily about Aang, its main character, for the majority of the show's run because I thought Toph needed more of a character arc (she's the least developed of the gaang bc she comes in s2 and has a general self-acceptance arc that doesn't need a ton of steps, for ex).
Sometimes favourite characters are there to have minimal screentime, execute their story purpose, and highlight other characters' arcs. The divide between characters where that's generally understood (Gren, Lain, Tiadrin, Opeli) vs characters where it's not (Aaravos in S4/S5, Runaan) again irks me because of the inconsistency, and therefore bias accordingly affecting judgement. Which maybe isn't fair - most people, myself included, are in fandom as a hobby, and for some people that means not evaluating their biases and not wanting to adjust their expectations; I just can't imagine doing anything else
I think Bait mostly serves as emotional support to Ezran and a lil guy to Talk to for Callum (2x05, 4x02) when a human character wouldn't quite make sense or is gone (Rayla is his usual confidant, for example). Stella is more interesting to me from a structure standpoint as 1) a character connected to the Star arcanum who thus far doesn't really need to be, so I'm curious there and 2) a juxtaposition to post-timeskip Rayla's "we can't save everyone" that her big heart and soft insides is still there, and still something worth listening to.
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antiendovents · 3 months
hi again!!! the others (val mostly) started calling me mauve! may-v. she spells it differently though, thats how the color is spelt
she spells it something like mauebhe i think
i dunno
i like the name, and also im happy this makes it easier to read
also turns out me and flower and different alters!! so thats cool
may i ask what polyfragmented means specifically bc i think we're that bit im not sure and googles the most unhelpful thing for that stuff
self promo:
we officially (kinda) opened commissions!!! atm we dont have money stuff set up so we're doing "requests" too
theyre like mini commissions that are free and not very detailed
but theyre fun
we do various things, val draws nafw stuff sometimes but the rest of us dont
anywho yeah
thats all i think
OH THERE IS MORE (sorry for caps)
"if we had a nickel for every version of someone else's anxiety we split a fictive, we'd have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice. right? "
(the other fictive is virgil from sanders sides)
k baiiii
thats a cool name!!! Also yeah! We struggle with reading large paragraphs without gaps so it's nice when people put gaps! :D
Polyfragmented / complex DID is a more severe form of DID, usually characterized by complex splitting patterns, high fragment counts, complex innerworlds, lots of subsystems and a few other things. There aren't many sources on it, or at least most sources only end up saying it's 100+ alters but that isn't true :(
Also I'm so sorry it took us so long to answer this, we got stuck on the polyfragmented question and saved it to drafts and then forgot we didn't actually respond to it
But we we hope commissions go well
Also that is funny— we have an alter that is literally the embodiment of anxiety (not sourced from any media, just the embodiment of anxiety within itself) lol
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