#❰ ⧓ ― headcanon. lector. ❱
slashersdaddy · 24 days
Slashers reacting to an S/O who is locked in their room as a punishment. PART 1-?
TW: implies abusive father, m∆rder, slasher like violence, creepy behavior (ish)
Includes: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Hannibal Lector
Bo Sinclair:
When you didn't come around for a few days Bo got antsy, trying to call you till you called him, before he could tear into you for leaving him hanging he heard you crying for him, and his eyes widened. And when he heard WHY you were crying his blood boiled, you were being locked in your room? And you couldn't leave? Your Father put you there? His voice trembled with rage as he tried to soothe you, telling you it's fine and he would handle everything. As soon as he was off the call he let his brothers know their operations would be pausing and made his way to your house, his shotgun tucked securely in his truck as he beat on the front door. When your dad answered drunk off his ass muttering about 'disobediant mutts' he realized there was no saving him, so of course he invited him over to his place for beers and football. Once they got to the Sinclair house though your father was in for a new hell, Bo took him to his father's old office, and made sure he understood the meaning of 'pain' by the time the day was over your father no longer had the capacity to be creul, or anything for that matter, as bo dragged his body to a nearby lake and dumped it in with cinderblock shoes. The next day Bo was at your door, cleaned up nice and your favorite flowers in his hand as he hugged you, promising to make you the happiest person on the planet, and that no one would ever treat you badly again.
Vincent Sinclair:
When Vincent received that fateful call his reaction was similar to his brother, pure unbridled rage. However unlike his brother he set to work immediately. As soon as night hit he rushed to your house, he couldn't wait to get to work on his new project!! He slid into your house in the darkness of night and dragged your father to his dungeon, eyes gleaming as he strapped him to the chair, the next day you woke to Vincent at your bedroom door claiming he had a gift for you! He leads you to his wax museum and low and behold a wax stature who looks just like your father eternally screaming in horror, how sweet! And he has a painting of you crying how precious 💕
Hannibal lector:
Hannibal was sitting in his office when you called, blubbering out sobs about how you wouldn't be able to make it to date night, his rage boils over and he makes his way to your house demanding to speak to your father "have you no common sense? You will only teach your child to not trust you and hide from you! Any sensible person would know that you must treat a child like a precious object, cherish and nurture them!" He would try to explain to your father exactly what he should have done and when he doesn't answer it he will take him to his office to.... 'educate' him on the matters of the heart, his heart to be precise... He wishes he had killed him... And tosses him into the basement, he doesn't waste food often but he is adamant your dad is spoiled food. He will show up after a long shower and a deep cleaning with your favorite chocolate and flowers, a sweet smile on his face while he tells you how proud he is of you for being so strong ;)
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phantomcat394 · 2 years
They were foreshadowing the clock drawings
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pbart86 · 1 day
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Ethical Abyss clear (Comic by me)
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Headcanons? Yeah lets talk headcanons
Natsu's attention is hard to hold onto in a convo sometimes. He can be easily distracted by any new sound or smell that he might notice and it just splits his attention between the conversation and the new thing. Anyone outside of the guild thinks he's being rude because of this but he just can't help it.
It's an absolute rarity to see Erza fight bare handed. Sure she trains often to keep her hand to hand combat skills sharp but she almost never foregoes a weapon in a fight.
Evergreen is a big lover of the arts and is probably one of Reedus' most frequent commissioners. Everyone thinks she just commissions self portraits (i mean she does, but its not all the time), but most of the stuff Reedus does for her is nature scenery.
If Gajeel zones out while eating, there's a good chance he'll start eating his utensils too.
Juvia scarcely goes anywhere without an umbrella regardless of the weather. She doesn't use it half the time but she spent so long carrying one over the years it feels odd to not have one on her person.
Droy never brings this up but he is like, one of the best plant wizards in fiore and has helped on several projects to revive and maintain ancient plant breeds. He just never says anything because its not that big of a deal to him.
Pantherlily @ Happy & Lector- 'Young men I beg of you, please wear some pants.'
Gildarts and Macao are really close friends and always hang out whenever Gildarts is in town. Gildarts and Wakaba however, not so much (they're ok with each other lmao. Not really close to dislike in any sense, just casual acquaintances who happen to share a best friend.)
Jellal still works with the council but as a sort of off the books consultant. He's still a wealth of knowledge and knows how to work through the confusion of politics so Mest with reach out from time to time to pick his brain on certain things.
Out of the 3 siblings, Lisanna has the most variety when it comes onto transformations. She has more animal takeovers than Elfman does beasts or Mira with demons and she is always swapping out and changing what takeovers she has so she has an air of unpredictability to her with an ever changing roster of animal takeovers.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Shopping / De compras.
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Character: Yujiro Hanma. Yujiro Hanma x Female Reader. Word count: 2k. Warning: Rude/absurd behavior on Yujiro's part and jealousy.
Parte en español, abajo. Requested by @abeeratmb
After the father-son fight, the whole world began to idolize him, everyone recognized him and turned to look at him as soon as his imposing figure made his way through the crowd of people who until a moment ago were only focused on what was happening yours. Suddenly, the world was on the lookout for his every move or anything he did to talk about it with admiration, horror, dismay, or some indecipherable combination of the aforementioned three; Yujiro was no stranger to being recognized, but all that attention was starting to get annoying.
The mutterings of the people reached his ears due to the poor attempt of all the people around him to remain inconspicuous while talking about him, the ogre let out a warning growl as he turned to his side, everyone fell silent because of it. Y/n laughed at the scowl of the big man sitting in front of her, she was fully aware of the terrible mood Yujiro used to get when she kept insisting that she wanted to go out to the mall to do a couple of purchases, Yujiro first. He never liked accompanying her activities as trivial as that, however, with the extra attention Yujiro had reached a different level of rejection of mundane and everyday activities. He had given his arm this time only because she had pointed out how he had been denying her requests so much and how she planned to become stiflingly annoying if he continued to deny her, and with that, here they had it.
She gave Yujiro a couple of mocking thoughts for a few extra seconds before going on her tirade, completely uninterested about her companion's lack of interest.
“I've been excited to come to this new store since it opened last week,” Y/n recounted with a smile, her fingers fiddling with the eco-friendly straw she'd been drinking from earlier, “Everyone says it's full of items for everyone"
Yujiro hummed disinterestedly, his eyes darting around the place for anything that deserved his attention other than his partner's words that entered his ear like white noise, his menacing posture as he leaned back in his seat less noticeable to everyone around him. He nodded vaguely when Y/n turned to him with some question, he would let her listen to herself a bit more if it would make her move faster to get out of there.
Everything around him was obnoxiously quiet and everyday, just people minding their own business, however, he ended up catching a pair of eyes going to his table. They weren't on it.
"I was thinking of getting something for Baki too, do you think he might like something?" She glanced at him, finally asking for his direct opinion instead of settling for his lame expression of interest, "Are you listening?"
"Yeah, yeah, don't get involved with the boy" Y/n finished frowning, complaining again about how rude he was every time he did that. Yujiro continued to pay attention to the looks, a couple of them had joined when he took his eyes off them for a second to answer the woman in front of him. "Didn't you want to buy something? Go get it so we can leave."
"You're damned impatient when you don't like something." Y/n totally ignored the ogre's angry face, she moved before he could complain to get up from her spot and grab her bag, "However, it really is about time you let's go into that store"
Hanma made an annoyed face, letting his partner's words pass just because she agreed to finally go to her destination, and imitated her action by standing up. People focused on them as they walked side by side to get away from the area and towards the area where all the shops were with their flashy windows and bright lights, the whispers returned and the comments came from everywhere without hesitation. Yujiro doesn't like cutesy public displays of affection like holding hands, but his hand tingled in disgust at the attention he was getting Y/n from a bunch of weaklings; As if she was going to turn to look at any of those poor male prospects when she had him.
Y/n turned to the man who was with her, leaving her phone aside, when she felt how her smaller hand was completely wrapped Yujiro's hand. A mocking laugh escaped her lips as she clung to his arm, humming in amusement when she heard his grunt in response to her action.
They walked together like that, Yujiro checking the surroundings, the gazes had diminished, but they were still there.
When the Hanma came to, they were already in front of the store, it was a fairly striking store, probably the gyroscopic lights that moved slowly gave it that exotic and expensive air despite not being exaggeratedly decorated to give that idea. The climate control was subtle and the fresh scent of pine was an unexpected selection, but at the same time it was not disturbing. Yujiro let go of Y/n as she began to marvel at every little item she saw, staying out of the woman's bubbling excitement and only pulling her occasionally to continue exploring the place until she found what she wanted.
"What do you think about this?" She turned to him for his opinion, an overgarment that had been fastened to a hook for its display now hung in front of her.
"Is that clothes?" he grumbled, eyeing the piece with disgust.
"Isn't that cute?" Y/n laughed at the growl that came after her words, "You're right, I should take it."
"I won't pay for that," he warned with a pout.
“Like you really pay for something”
The ogre's scathing and sarcastic comment was interrupted by the store staff who were approaching them both, he had just been recognized and now they were receiving him as some kind of special guest, he turned his eyes and let them guide them to the changing room area while they stocked Y/n with most of the seasonal items for her to choose from as much as she wanted. Yujiro waited in some gray armchairs that were nearby as a waiting room, his impatient face focused on the red curtain that hid Y/n from him, ignoring the employees who approached to offer him something to drink.
A few more seconds, Y/n went outside to look at herself in the full length mirror outside the fitting room.
"I definitely have an eye for clothes, don't you think?" she commented, speaking over her shoulder without actually looking at her companion.
"Whatever" was the only thing he received before her mocking comment, "Take it if you want"
"Didn't you say a second ago that you wouldn't pay for this?" Her question, her fingers combing through her hair to style it just a bit from the change of clothes.
"You said so," he sneered, "It's not like I really paid for anything."
“How annoying.” Y/n turned to look at him this time, an angry scowl on her face.
The employees came back to make sure that they both had everything they wanted without having to bother to move from their place, Yujiro gave a silent order for them to comply with her wishes, everyone moved quickly and efficiently. Y/n let out an impressed whistle.
A couple of changes of clothes were enough for a couple of shopping bags to accumulate on the sofa next to the ogre, the same one who absentmindedly looked at the contents of each one, leaving Baki's gift out when he realized that she was really there over there.
When the woman was satisfied, they approached the cash register, it was a pain for Y/n to convince Yujiro to pay for her things, in the end she had to give up including him in future mall visits. An employee packed into several bags all the items that both were carrying, well, that she was carrying.
“Sir, do you want our employees to help your daughter carry her bags to her car?”
Silence settled among everyone present, an awkward atmosphere filled the place in a matter of nothing when Yujiro held the woman's gaze for a second that seemed like forever, Y/n doing everything possible not to double over and sneer shamelessly from the man right there.
Looks of curiosity were born on the faces of those present, waiting for Yujiro's words to end what they believed was quality care for an important figure and that would only bring recognition to their establishment. The cashier who had addressed Yujiro in the first place was beginning to feel uncomfortable in her own skin, the man's vacant gaze was more intimidating than the annoyed look he had exhibited earlier, she swallowed and silently sought help from the woman who had arrived with the bigger man, she had stood behind him doing nothing but smiling with some amusement at all the interaction.
"I," the ogre's girl finally spoke, "I'm his girlfriend"
Y/n made an inhuman effort not to laugh when the faces of the employees turned pale at the same time, she was being cruel, all of them ending up in a speechless state with a scared countenance. Yujiro still torturing the poor woman with his harassing gaze.
"You shouldn't worry about me" Y/n smiled kindly, her arm anchoring once more in Yujiro's arm, "My partner is kind and strong enough to carry all of this for me"
"Have a nice day" the cashier stammered throughout the farewell to him, almost incomprehensible.
Y/n went first, being closely followed by the imposing man who, in his mental gloom, was carrying her things. For Yujiro everything was starting to fit annoyingly, everyone had seen him as the father of his girlfriend all day, that pissed off his pride a bit.
Is she that good? Did anyone have any doubts about what Yujiro Hanma was capable of doing? Having this woman was just one of the easiest things, he had Y/n because there was undoubtedly no one like him. She frowned, she had started to make fun of him again, it was that mocking look that disgusted him the most, did she also have doubts about him?
He dropped all of her bags drawing the attention of the woman in front of him, stopping her teasing and earning her a disgusted look.
"Hey, you're going to break something," she snorted, "It would be a waste of money if something broke when we just bought it-"
Yujiro's large hand gripped Y/n's arm to drag her closer to him, his hands cushioning her impact as she landed on the ogre's chest, and then their lips were sealed in a demanding kiss that locked her in place with an almost constricting force. He used to be this demanding, but never in front of so many people.
The man's lips crushed against hers in a passionate, demanding kiss to prove one thing, he was her mate; they were together, she was his. Undoubtedly. It must be undoubted to whoever sees them together. Those present had laid their eyes on them when the kiss began, but many had to look away after it went on for so long, eager caresses up and down the smaller woman's back had made many people feel suddenly shy.
He let her go after feeling satisfied, a red face had replaced the sneer she had exhibited for a while, he liked that more. She was silent even when she asked him to bring her things and the way she hung onto his arm again so they could both disappear into the crowd.
Personaje: Yujiro Hanma. Emparejamiento: Yujiro Hanma x Mujer lectora. Recuento de palabras: 2k. Advertencia: Comportamiento grosero/absurdo por parte de Yujiro y celos.
Después de la pelea de padre e hijo el mundo entero empezó a idolatrarlo, todo mundo lo reconocía y se giraban a mirarlo tan pronto como su imponente figura se abría paso a través de la multitud de personas que hasta hace un momento solo estaban concentrados en lo suyo. De repente, el mundo estaba atento a todos sus movimientos o a cualquier cosa que hiciera para hablar sobre ello con admiración, horror, consternación o una indescifrable combinación de las tres antes mencionadas; Yujiro no era ajeno a ser reconocido, pero toda esa atención empezaba a ser molesta.
Los murmullos de las personas llegaban a sus oídos debido al pobre intento de todas las personas a su alrededor de pasar inadvertidos mientras hablaban de él, el ogro dejo ir un gruñido de advertencia mientras se giraba hacia su costado, todo mundo guardo silencio a causa de ello. T/n se rio del ceño fruncido del gran hombre sentado al frente suyo, era plenamente consciente del terrible humor que solía tener Yujiro cuando insistía sin cesar con que quería salir al centro comercial para hacer un par de compras, en primer lugar, a Yujiro jamás le gusto acompañarle en actividades tan triviales como esa, sin embargo, con la atención extra Yujiro había alcanzado un nivel diferente de rechazo ante las actividades mundanas y cotidianas. Él había dado su brazo a torcer en esta ocasión solo porque ella había señalado como había estado renegando tanto a sus peticiones y de cómo pensaba volverse asfixiantemente fastidiosa si continuaba dándole negativas, y con eso, aquí lo tenían.
Le dedico un par de pensamientos burlescos a Yujiro durante unos pocos segundos adicionales antes de empezar su diatriba, completamente desinteresada acerca de la falta de interés de su acompañante.
“Estaba entusiasmada por venir a esta nueva tienda desde que abrió la semana pasada,” T/n relato con una sonrisa, sus dedos jugueteaban con la pajilla ecológica de la que había estado bebiendo hace un rato, “Todo mundo dice que está llena de artículos para todo mundo”
Yujiro tarareo con desinterés, los ojos recorriendo todo el lugar por algo que mereciera su atención aparte de las palabras de su pareja que entraban como ruido blanco en su oído, su postura amenazante al estar reclinado sobre su asiento era menos notoria para todos a su alrededor. Asintió vagamente cuando T/n se dirigió a él con alguna pregunta, la dejaría escucharse un poco más si eso hacía que se moviera más rápido para irse de allí.
Todo a su alrededor era detestablemente tranquilo y cotidiano, solo personas ocupándose de sus propios asuntos, sin embargo, termino por captar un par de ojos que se dirigían a su mesa. No estaban puestas en él.
“Estaba pensando en conseguir algo para Baki también, ¿crees que algo le guste?” ella lo miro, finalmente pidiéndole una opinión directa en lugar de conformarse con la deficiente expresión de interés que hace, “¿Estás escuchándome?”
“Si, si, no te relaciones con el muchacho” T/n termino de fruncir el ceño, quejándose otra vez de lo grosero que era cada vez que hacía eso. Yujiro continúo prestándole atención a las miradas, un par de ellas se habían sumado cuando aparto sus ojos un segundo para responderle a la mujer frente a él. “¿Acaso no querías comprar algo? Ve por eso para que podamos irnos”
“Eres detestablemente impaciente cuando algo no te gusta” T/n ignoro olímpicamente el rostro enojado del ogro, ella se movió antes de que él pudiera quejarse para levantarse de su lugar y sujetar su bolso, “Sin embargo, realmente ya es hora de que entremos a esa tienda”
Hanma hizo un rostro de fastidio, dejando pasar las palabras de su pareja solo porque accedió a ir finalmente a su destino, e imito la acción de ella al ponerse de pie. La gente se centró en ellos cuando caminaron a la par para alejarse de la zona y dirigirse hacia el área en donde estaban todas las tiendas con sus llamativos escaparates y luces brillantes, los murmullos regresaron y los comentarios venían de todas partes sin reparo. A Yujiro no le gustan las cursis demostraciones públicas de afecto como tomarse de las manos, pero su mano hormigueo de disgusto al notar la atención que estaba recibiendo T/n por parte de un puñado de debiluchos; como si ella fuese a voltear a mirar a cualquiera de esos pobres prospectos de hombres cuando lo tenía a él.
T/n se volteó hacia el hombre que la acompañaba, dejando de lado su teléfono, cuando sintió como su mano más pequeña era envuelta en su totalidad por la mano de Yujiro. Una risa burlesca se escapó de sus labios cuando se ancló al brazo de él, tarareando con diversión cuando escucho el gruñido de respuesta ante su acción.
Caminaron juntos de esa forma, Yujiro comprobando los alrededores, las miradas habían disminuido, pero seguían allí.
Cuando el Hanma regreso en sí ya estaban frente a la tienda, era una tienda medianamente llamativa, probablemente las luces giroscópicas que se movían lentamente le daban ese aire exótico y costoso a pesar de no estar exageradamente decorada para dar esa idea. La climatización era sutil y el aroma fresco de pino era una selección que no te esperabas, pero al mismo tiempo no resultaba molesto. Yujiro dejo ir a T/n cuando esta empezó a maravillarse por cada pequeño artículo que veía, quedándose al margen de la burbujeante emoción de la mujer y solo tirando de ella ocasionalmente para que continuara explorando el lugar hasta encontrar lo que quería.
“¿Qué piensas de esto?” ella se giró hacia él en busca de su opinión, una prenda superior que estaba ajustada en un gancho para su exhibición ahora colgaba frente a ella.
“¿Eso acaso es ropa?” él se quejó, observando con disgusto la pieza.
“¿Verdad que es lindo?” T/n se rio del gruñido que vino tras sus palabras, “Tienes razón, debería llevarla”
“No pagaré por eso” advirtió con mala cara.
“Como si realmente pagaras por algo”
El comentario mordaz y sarcástico del ogro fue interrumpido por el personal de la tienda que se acercaban a ambos, acababa de ser reconocido y ahora lo estaban recibiendo como a una especie de invitado especial, giro los ojos y les dejo guiarlos hasta el área de probadores mientras surtían a T/n de la mayoría de las prendas de temporada para que escogiera cuanto quisiera. Yujiro espero en unos sillones grises que estaban cerca de allí a modo de sala de espera, su rostro impaciente se concentró en la cortina roja que escondía a T/n de él, ignorando a los empleados que se acercaban para ofrecerle algo de tomar.
Unos segundos más, T/n salió para mirarse en el espejo de cuerpo completo que estaba fuera del probador.
“Definitivamente tengo un buen ojo para la ropa, ¿no crees?” ella comentó, hablando por encima del hombro sin mirar realmente a su acompañante.
“Como sea” fue lo único que ella recibió ante su burlón comentario, “Llévatelo si quieres”
“¿Hace un segundo no dijiste que no pagarías por esto?” cuestiono, sus dedos peinando su cabello para estilizarlo solo un poco por el cambio de ropa.
“Tú lo dijiste” él se burló con una risa, “No es como si realmente pagara por algo”
“Que fastidioso” T/n lo volteo a ver esta vez, una mueca de enojo en su rostro.
Los empleados volvieron para cerciorarse de que ambos tuvieran todo lo que quisieran sin tener que tomarse las molestias de moverse de su lugar, Yujiro dio una orden silenciosa para que cumplieran con los deseos de ella, todos se movieron rápido y eficientemente. T/n dejo ir un silbido impresionado.
Un par de cambios de ropa bastaron para que un par de bolsas de compras se acumularan en el sofá junto al ogro, el mismo que miraban distraídamente el contenido de cada una, dejando fuera el regalo de Baki cuando se percató de que realmente estaba allí.
Cuando la mujer estuvo satisfecha se acercaron a la caja registradora, fue un fastidio para T/n el convencer a Yujiro de que pagara por sus cosas, al final tuvo que renunciar a incluirlo en visitas al centro comercial en el futuro. Una empleada empacó en varias bolsas todos los artículos que ambos estaban llevando, bueno, que ella estaba llevando.
“Señor, ¿quiere que nuestros empleados ayuden a su hija a llevar sus bolsas a su auto?”
El silencio se asentó entre todos los presentes, una atmosfera incómoda inundo el lugar en cuestión de nada cuando Yujiro le sostuvo la mirada a la mujer por un segundo que pareció eterno, T/n haciendo hasta lo imposible para no doblarse sobre sí misma y burlarse descaradamente del hombre justo allí.
Las miradas de curiosidad nacieron en los rostros de los presentes, esperando por las palabras de Yujiro para dar por finalizada a la que creían fue una atención de calidad para una figura importante y que solo traería reconocimiento a su establecimiento. La cajera que se había dirigido a Yujiro en primer lugar empezaba a sentirse incómoda en su propia piel, la mirada vacía del hombre resultaba más intimidante de la mirada de molestia que había exhibido antes, trago saliva y busco ayuda silenciosa de la mujer que había llegado con el hombre más grande, ella se había quedado parada tras él sin hacer más que sonreír con cierta diversión ante toda la interacción.
“Yo” la mujer del ogro hablo finalmente, “Yo soy su novia, en realidad”
T/n hizo un esfuerzo inhumano para no reírse cuando los rostros de los empleados palidecieron al mismo tiempo, estaba siendo cruel, todos terminando por quedarse en un estado mudo con un semblante asustado. Yujiro aun torturando a la pobre mujer con su hostigante mirada fija.
“No deben preocuparse por mí” T/n sonrió amablemente, su brazo anclándose una vez más al brazo de Yujiro, “Mi pareja es lo suficientemente amable y fuerte para llevar todo esto por mí"
“Que tenga un buen día” la cajera tartamudeo durante toda su despedida, casi incomprensiva.
T/n marcho primero siendo seguida de cerca por el imponente hombre que, en su penumbra mental, cargaba sus cosas. Para Yujiro todo empezaba a encajar fastidiosamente, todos lo habían visto como el padre de su novia durante todo el día, eso molesto un poco su orgullo.
¿Qué había con ella? ¿Acaso alguien tenía duda sobre lo que era capaz de hacer Yujiro Hanma? El tener a esta mujer no era más que una de las cosas más fáciles, él tenía a T/n porque indudablemente no había nadie como él. Frunció el ceño, ella había empezado a burlarse de él otra vez, era esa mirada burlona lo que más le disgustaba, ¿acaso ella también tenía dudas de él?
Dejo caer todas las bolsas llamando la atención de la mujer frente a él, deteniendo sus burlas y ganándose la mirada disgustada de la misma.
“Oye, vas a romper algo” ella resopló, “Sería un desperdicio de dinero si algo llega a romperse cuando lo acabamos de comprar-“
La gran mano de Yujiro sujeto el brazo de T/n para arrastrarla más cerca de él, sus manos amortiguando su impacto al posarse en el pecho del ogro, y luego sus labios fueron sellados en un beso exigente que la aprisionaba en su lugar con una fuerza casi constrictora. Él solía ser así de exigente, pero jamás frente a tanta gente.
Los labios del hombre se aplastaron contra los de ella en un beso apasionado y demandante por demostrar una cosa, él era su pareja; estaban juntos, ella era suya. Indudablemente. Debía ser indudable para quien sea que los vea juntos. Los presentes habían puesto sus ojos en ellos cuando el beso comenzó, pero muchos tuvieron que desviar la mirada después de que se prolongó durante tanto tiempo, caricias ansiosas que subían y bajaban por la espalda más pequeña de la mujer habían hecho que muchas personas se sintieran tímidas de repente.
La dejo ir después de sentirse satisfecho, un rostro rojo había reemplazado la mueca de burla que ella había exhibido desde hace un rato, eso le gusto más. Fue silenciosa incluso cuando le pidió que trajera sus cosas y en la forma en que se colgó de su brazo otra vez para que ambos pudieran desaparecer entre la multitud.
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happilychee · 9 months
sabertooth headcanons pt. 1
I feel like mashima could've made sabertooth just a smidge less flat... they all had so much angst in them and the potential to evolve and grow as people... or they could all turn nice in the span of an episode. that works too.
♡ sting is a sweetheart. he's a genuine, caring, and kind boy who grows up to be a charming and earnest young man. that is, unless he's on the battlefield. old sabertooth sting makes an appearance in those moments. his smirk is cruel, his taunts are like daggers, jabbing away at the opponent. he's cocky and arrogant, and maybe he has the right to be so because his attacks are so powerful they blow the enemy away.
♡ lector is the kind of friend who talks major shit about whatever you're doing as he's helping you. he tells sting how dumb it is to go on a mission alone in mid-flight to their destination. ride or die? nah, lector is fly or die.
♡ rufus loves tea brewing. this is one of the few areas of knowledge that he chooses not to use his magic on. he loves sitting down with a good book and reading about the history of tea, tea cultivation, the proper culinary techniques to brew the perfect cup of tea.
♡ orga is the reason sabertooth has open-mic nights. the (second) strongest guild in fiore turns into a comedy club on tuesday nights, and surprisingly, it's good. orga serenades whoever comes to mind that night: it's been sting, rogue, yukino, all the usual suspects, and on one memorable occasion, mr. yajima. yukino tells the most wholesome, funny stories while frosch and lector act out the scene behind her. in what was probably the most fever dream moment of sting's life, minerva took the mic and delivered such a seething, deadpan stand-up that she got the entire guild cheering for her.
♡ minerva goes all out for halloween. besides just being into arcane magic and the history of magic, she loves spooky things. also, she's a bit fucked up, and this is a good outlet for her. sabertooth will gladly take minerva's scarily detailed sculptures of severed limbs over her lashing out any day of the week. to her guildmates' surprise, she also organizes a family-friendly haunted house in the guild hall for the kids of gazania.
♡ in my heart of hearts, sting does not become sabertooth's guild master. I headcanon him as a healer, so I think he would establish an infirmary in sabertooth and oversee it. unsure if rogue or minerva becomes guild master. I think minerva would be better suited for the role, but there's also recency bias against her because of jiemma. and she needs time to process everything that went into sabertooth's upheaval.
♡ which sabertooth member do you never want to piss off? you might think it's minerva or rufus or even the twin dragons. no. it's yukino. she is the sweetest, kindest member of sabertooth by far, and also the most patient. if you offend yukino, she's unlikely to do much about it, but celestials forbid you hurt her friends, especially minerva. she'll send her spirits after you, and no one will ever find your body.
♡ sabertooth, despite their efforts to become a kinder place, is still a hard guild to get into. they're not like fairy tail where anyone can just join. the core members argue for a long while about what kind of entrance test they should have. ultimately they decide on a test of strength, but not just physical ability. minerva says that it's in the eyes, whether someone has the drive and tenacity to always improve themselves and make sabertooth proud. she tries to be subtle, but she's also staring at yukino the entire time. one eyebrow wiggle from lector turns minerva as red as the cat's fur.
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littlespacereader · 1 year
hai! saw that you write for hannibal, could u do headcannons of him with a baby regressor reader?(i'll lead the details to u ofc i'll read anything u write!♡) i feel like he would be the most gentlest cg ever!!
A Hannibal request!! You have no idea how excited I was to write this! I’ve always felt Hannibal would be the sweetest and gentlest Caregiver ever just like you said! Definitely gonna have to make a Will one or a Hannibal and Will couple one after this. If that’s something you want to see let me know! With that being said, please enjoy!
Caregiver! Hannibal Lector Headcannons (Sfw)
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Tw - (I’m making him not the criminal he is in the show so no cannibalism at all), mentions of diapers, mentions of pacifier.
After looking over his sister when he was younger he knows perfectly how to be the gentlest and softest Caregiver anyone has ever known.
He is all for his little one. He says he doesn’t spoil them…but of course he does.
He NEVER judges his little ones needs. You want a pacifier? Of course! You want to wear diapers? He’s all for it. Whatever you want or need he’s all for it. Never once judging you or seeing you differently. He loves you unconditionally.
He takes them with him everywhere, to the opera, to his office, but he also loves to take you out on little outings like the museum or the aquarium.
While he is strict with his rules, he’s also a softie when it comes to his little one. The puppy dog eyes are his weakness.
But when he does have to correct his little one he NEVER raises his voice. He calmly explains what they did wrong and what they should do instead next time.
He LOVES having his little one in their high chair in the kitchen with him while he cooks.
He ABSOLUTELY DIES when his little one wants to help him out with the cooking. He makes sure their utensils are safe, or he just lets them mix the ingredients in. Always closely watching and making sure they’re safe.
He always sits across from you at the table. While he is very neat and clean when he eat, he doesn’t mind you making a mess eating. He just smiles at you, honored you love his cooking so much.
He’s always super gentle when it comes to bathtime. He gives the BEST head massage when he washes your hair. It never fails to put you in a sleep state.
He can never put his little one down. He LOVES to carry them around, cuddle them or gently rock them in his arms. There’s no better feeling to him than his little one sleeping in his arms with their head resting on his shoulder.
Such a protective papa bear.
He is such a show off too, always showing colleagues photos of his little one and/or bragging about them.
He loves to play hide and seek with his little one. “Now where did Y/n go? Are they under the couch? No not there. How about here! No, not there.” All while their little one giggles and watches him walk past their spot.
At night he always makes his younger Regressor a bottle and read them a story, and then another story, and then another until he knows they’re in a peaceful sleep.
He sometimes reads bedtime stories in his native language because he knows his little one loves to hear it, even if they don’t understand it.
If his little one gets hurt or sick he immediately switches into Doctor Dad mode. He is tending to their ever need and nurses them back to their healthy self.
While he keeps his and his little’s life very regimented, that all goes out the window when he meets Will Graham. Will brings a whole new life to his and his little’s life.
He makes sure to have a good balance of having alone time with his little and having time with him, Will and his little.
The three play a game called “Monster Hero” where one of them is the monster trying to get the little one and the other is the hero trying to protect them. The two swap the roles so one of them isn’t always the hero. The three run around Will’s big backyard chasing his little one around. And Hannibal’s little one absolutely adores this game!
You like little kisses here and there? Well he likes it more. He’s always giving little kisses to his little on their head or on their hand.
He loves to sketch pictures of you. He sees you as a work of art irl.
He also adores when the two of you draw together. Him with his sketch pad and you with your crayons.
If you color a picture or draw a picture for him he considers it art work worth of the museum. He makes such a big deal over his little artist! The fridge is running out of room with all his drawings.
He’s always praising them, letting them know how good of a job their doing or how proud he is of them.
When he drives them anywhere he always buckles them himself and makes them sit in the backseat. He can’t have his little one getting hurt sitting in the front seat now can he? Plus you’re too young for the front seat anyway.
Are you upset about something and start crying? He will always be there to comfort you. While he is a therapist he will never ever play that card on you. He’s your Caregiver first and foremost. But if you want advice or to talk to him he’s always available and there to listen.
Wherever you are with him he’s always holding your hand. He loved the comfort of having his little one close.
He would never admit it to anyone but his biggest fear is losing his little one. While he has a lot of people in his life, his little one is one of the few people who he truly cares about unconditionally. He’s his most vulnerable self around them.
If you guys want to see a Will Graham Headcannon or one with the both of them being Caregivers let me know:)
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senoritachanchuly114 · 9 months
Cómo reaccionan los personajes de Dragon Ball cuando les haces ojitos después de decirte que no a algo.
Goku: imita tu mirada con mucha más ternura y te responde con un puchero.
Vegeta: rueda los ojos y gruñe molesto ante tu insistencia, luego te responde con un NO mas fuerte.
Piccolo: resopla y cierra los ojos con el fin de ignorarte.
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viviuxd · 9 months
SYPNOSIS: After your ballet dance you meet again with your older brother, and his best friend, with whom you have been in love since childhood.
PAIRING:boxer x female reader
NA:English and Spanish/inglés y español
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"My brother brought his friend!" You shook your friend vigorously, nervous about approaching him. You had seen him a couple of times at your house and secretly harbored a crush on him.
"Did you see him? He's so cute." You twirled around in your lovely tutu, excited to see him there. "I think he was looking at me."
"I'm sure that guy will fall for you, you look super cute. I bet he won't be able to resist you." Your friend grabbed your shoulders tightly, more excited than you. "And I think he's coming!" She let out a small squeal and winked at you before running off.
You glanced to the side and saw your older brother and his best friend walking towards you. Your heart raced wildly as you saw the guy you'd secretly liked since childhood holding a bouquet of roses. You smiled as you approached your brother to greet him with a tight hug.
"I thought you might not make it..." You murmured as he hugged you tightly, lifting you in the air with a big smile on his face.
"I'm the boss, I can leave whenever I want, little sis." He gently put you down, looking at you fondly. It had been months since they last saw each other.
You smiled at your brother, missing him, but the laughter of your crush interrupted the reunion and made your stomach churn, like butterflies fluttering inside. You turned to him, trembling with nerves.
"Hello..." You greeted, your voice sounding like that of a little girl. You hated how your voice changed when you spoke to him.
"You look pretty," he mentioned, smiling at you, a genuine smile. You wished to kiss him right then. He looked you up and down with seriousness. "Pink suits you."
You swallowed hard, even more nervous at his compliments. You had never had such a long conversation with him. You glanced at the roses unintentionally, not wanting to show your exhaustion in front of everyone.
He smiled mockingly as he extended his hand to give you the roses. "A gift for you, you did great on stage." He leaned in to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. Your brother quickly frowned and pulled him back, murmuring, "don't pull your stunts in front of me." Your brother dragged him off the stage, leaving you alone again, but happy about your first interaction.
Quickly, you ran to change. You put on comfortable clothes, as your brother had told you they would go out after your dance. You were excited to spend time with his friend more than with him.
SYPNOSIS: Después de tu baile de ballet te reencuentras con tu hermano mayor y su mejor amigo, de quien estás enamorado desde la infancia.
EMPAREJAMIENTO: Boxeador x Lectora
TW: ninguna!
"¡Mi hermano trajo a su amigo!" Sacudiste con fuerza a tu amiga, nerviosa por acercarte a él. Lo habías visto un par de veces en tu casa y estabas secretamente enamorada de él.
"¿Lo viste? Es suuuper lindo." Diste vueltas con tu lindo tutú, emocionada por verlo allí. "Creo que me estaba viendo."
"Estoy segura de que ese chico se enamorará de ti, te ves super linda. Apuesto a que no va a poder resistirse a ti." Dijo tu amiga agarrándote de los hombros con fuerza, más emocionada que tú. "¡Y creo que ya viene!" Ella soltó un pequeño grito y te guiñó el ojo antes de salir corriendo.
Miraste hacia un lado y viste a tu hermano mayor y su mejor amigo caminando hacia ti. Tu corazón latió desenfrenadamente al ver cómo el chico que te gustaba desde pequeña tenía un ramo de rosas en la mano. Sonreíste al verlo y te acercaste a tu hermano para recibirlo con un gran abrazo.
"Pensé que no podrías venir..." Murmuraste mientras él te abrazaba fuertemente, levantándote por el aire con una gran sonrisa en el rostro.
"Soy el jefe, puedo salir cuando yo desee, hermanita." Te bajó delicadamente, mirándote con cariño. Hacía meses que no se veían.
Sonreíste mirando a tu hermano, lo extrañabas, pero la risa de tu amor platónico interrumpió el momento de reencuentro y hizo que tu estómago se revolviera, como mariposas en el estómago. Volteaste a verlo, temblando por los nervios.
"Hola..." Saludaste, tu voz sonaba como la de una niña pequeña, odiabas cómo tu voz cambiaba cuando hablabas con él.
"Te ves linda", mencionó sonriéndote, una sonrisa genuina. Deseabas besarle en ese momento. Él te miró de arriba a abajo con seriedad. "Te queda bien el rosa."
Tragaste fuerte, aún más nerviosa por sus halagos. Jamás habías tenido una conversación tan larga con él. Miraste las rosas sin querer, no querías mostrar tu fatiga frente a todos.
Él sonrió burlesco mientras extendía su mano para darte las rosas. "Un regalo para ti, estuviste muy bien en el escenario." Se acercó para darte un rápido beso en la mejilla. Tu hermano rápidamente frunció el ceño y lo jaló hacia atrás, murmurándole "no hagas tus estupideces delante de mí." Tu hermano lo arrastró fuera del escenario, dejándote nuevamente sola, pero feliz por su primer acercamiento.
Rápidamente, corriste a cambiarte. Te pusiste ropa cómoda, ya que tu hermano te había dicho que saldrían después de tu baile. Estabas emocionada por pasar tiempo con su amigo más que con él.
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Any specific headcanons for the twin dragons of sabertooth?
i have two separate vibes/aus that change the headcanons for them but you dont get the family au that im still workin on bc im nowhere near sabertooth just yet so take this in whatever format happens as i write
birthdays literally 6 months apart to the DAY but ONLY on the years that have that extra day. leap year? they dont remember what its called
because of that and the "twin" in their duo name they just decided that fuck it that one day every like four years is their birthday. regardless that its a day after stings and six months (minus a day) before rogues
they genuinely dont remember whos older. its gotta be someone. they have no damn clue. one of them either looks older than they are or looks younger than they are and the people who bother commenting on it flip flop between em every time
yknow that dumbass "one room for opposite twins with one half all bright and bubbly and the other all dark and emo" trend? yeah thats their apartment
sting is the only one rogue cant really see much of with his shadows no matter how close or far he is. its cause o how fuckin bright he is.
rogue is the only one sting can hear without the hearing lacrima. sure its not crystal clear like his sight but he can sure understand what hes sayin eventually. he genuinely has no clue why
weisslogia and skiadrum lived really close to one another compared to all the other dragons and their slayers. whenever one loses sight of their slayer they just go to the other dragon and boom the kids are playin together in the forest
sting cant handle sleeping in pure darkness unless he sleeps next to rogue. rogue also cant handle sleeping in the light unless its right next to sting. theres a night light in their room on sting's side and rogue just pulls a hand towel over his face to block it out.
in a universe closer to canon, after jiemma nearly killed lector and sting killed jiemma, rogue tried to convince sting that maybe they should just join fairy tail at the soonest opportunity. minerva was just like jiemma and the only person who really showed they cared was yukino, who had been exiled earlier that fuckin week. sting was close to doing that after he got lector back, but then he became master instead of minerva, and suddenly they were too busy to think about joining fairy tail
after sting became master rufus and orga tried to be all buddy-buddy but rogue shot them down real fucking fast. it took many months before rufus and orga could earn the actual trust and respect of the dragon slayers and not just the "yeah i know them they joined same time as me. fuckin pompous pricks is what they are" that they always thought of them as
sting actually found frosch's egg and rogue found lector's. they were raised together but once the exceeds were able to start going on quests and were allowed out of the little hammock they slept in they had to swap primary parents. frosch was only comfortable in the dark and needed that pink frog onesie otherwise and lector was only comfortable in the light or hed get so anxious and have insomnia
sting and rogue have opposite personalities
everyone who never met them and had that as their only warning figured that oh the white dragon slayer was all bubbly and optimistic and the shadow dragon slayer was all emo and pessimistic
no no no no no its the EXACT opposite
sting is the one that talks about the macabre and is all "we're gonna die" 100% seriously about every little thing in a light voice and assumes the worst of everyone all the time
rogue is the one thats into shit like harajuku fashion and hello kitty and always says "of fun" to stings death talks in a serious voice and assumes the best of everyone all the time
lector. people assume hes either 100% sting or 100% rogue personality wise. no. he likes the macabre and dresses all jock n shit like sting but assumes the best of everyone like rogue
frosch is the opposite of lector. dresses all bright and bubbly but will say the most depressing shit youve ever heard
all four of them are siblings. they will beat the shit out of anyone who thinks sting and rogue are boyfriends
sting is like a toned down juvia but to natsu
rogue is like a toned down juvia but to gajeel
sting will say the most hypersexual shit to natsu half as a joke half seriously and natsu either doesnt realize it or is like "oh thats SO something i should say to lucy to make her pissed off". sting has accepted his position as the forever pining side character and he finds it hilarious
rogue will do everything he can to not speak to gajeel unless theyre both in a fight. not even to ask for a fuckin pen or somethin. the few times gajeel spoke to him (even to ask for a fuckin pen) short circuited him and he either stumbled his way to an answer or sting answered for him. hes also accepted his position as the forever pining side character but hes sad about it
after sting became master they kicked out so many assholes in sabertooth the guild was less than half of what it was in the gmg when they were done
honestly all of the new members still think rogue's the master. even when rogue specifically refers to sting as "master" so they can get in the habit of doing the same they still think people saying "master" means rogue and not sting.
sting makes fun of him for having ducklings
rogue makes fun of him for making him have ducklings since sting was the one that assigned him the position of "showing newbies around"
sting just laughs
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venus-giirl · 2 years
Yuji Itadori- Breeding Kink
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuuji Itadori x fem reader (Nsfw). 
Pairing: boy x reader.
CW: reproductive kink, dirty talk, overstimulation play, Itadori being too Soft, mentions of pregnancy and parenting.
Words count: 1771.
N/A: Sorry, Itadori gives me so many soft, lovey-dovey boyfriend vibes with his partner that I couldn't think of anything other than that, but deep down he has a big dominant part (not counting Sukuna, of course). I feel like I was left wanting to write more but here it is. Sorry for the possible mistakes, today the tiredness is killing me.
Itadori had a serious problem to which he had to add the frustration of a frustrated college student at exam time. For almost two whole months, the boy had to stick his nose in his books if he wanted to pass the semester, or at least you forced him to do his homework properly. If it weren't for you that boy would be going from party to party instead of digging his elbows in to get a decent grade.
After those horrible, stress-filled weeks were over, he was ready to spend the rest of the vacations clinging to you like a little puppy dog to its mother.
And he saw you just like that, as a mother figure. In fact you were the mom of the group. Countless times you had saved Nobara when he didn't know what outfit was the best for a fun night out and you lent him some clothes, or when Gojo forgot to bring condoms in case he wanted to...anyway. And Itadori admired you so much for that, falling madly in love with you.
After arriving at the cafeteria Itadori jumped out in search of you, eager to tell you how well his exams had gone.
"T/n, T/n!!!" he shouts as soon as you pass the door frame of the cafeteria, some people turned their heads at such voices.
"Hey, bro!" greets Todo "if you're looking for T/n he's not here yet, apparently he has his last exam right now and just barely finished leaving."
Itadori lowers his smile into a puppy pout "But it's already six in the evening, he's supposed to be done by now."
"Don't be whiny, besides, she already told you she would finish late, since she had exams in the afternoon this semester, instead of the morning." Nobara growls, bringing the steaming coffee to her lips.
"What can I do then? I was planning on snacking with her when we were done, but by the time I'm done it'll be too late and you'll be exhausted."
"Oh well then let me enlighten you." Nobara puts her hand to her chin, ready to blurt out your great idea "Go home and run her a nice bubble bath and set up the room with a nice romantic atmosphere, us girls like those details, I'm telling you, I'm best friends with T/n and I know her tastes."
"Yes, but not more than me" replies Itadori.
"Fine then, I'll do that to please her." Itadori's smile flashes at the idea. It's not like she'd never had that kind of detail with you before, but after two months of not touching you it was her perfect opportunity to let off some proper steam, and she'd had an idea in mind for far too long.
The boys watch Itadori walk away almost running away at the speed of light.
"Will T/n survive what's in store for him?" questions Megumi in a whisper.
"Not if he slips in the bathtub first and breaks a limb." She blurts out Gojo in a huff.
"Gross." They all say in unison.
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The keys jingle as you pull them out of your pocket and a second later the apartment lock clicks, indicating that you have safely opened the door. As soon as you enter you take off your jacket "Baby, are you home?" you say as you walk into the kitchen, rounding the small island to open the door to the living room. The clock read past eleven o'clock at night.
"Here I am, baby." His distant voice indicated he was in your room.
"What are you doing at this hour and why aren't you sleep-" Your voice was interrupted by his tempered hand, silencing anything you had to say.
"Sh, sh, sh, sh, don't growl anymore" he says in an apologetic smile. "We're done with our exams so just relax and listen." You nod your head to indicate to him that you were attentive to what he had to tell you, breathing with some difficulty through your nose.
"I've prepared a surprise for you, come." He gently pulls his hand away to take yours and pull you into the room.
You make your way into the room and look at the bed with wonder and surprise in your eyes. The boy had spent what was left of the evening to set the mood and decorate the bed with candles on the nightstands and some rose petals strewn across the sheets.  
"Itadori, you didn't have to do this for me, honey. I'm sure you'll be very tired too." You turn to him, stroking his pecs as you look up at him with slightly guilty eyes. Your heart leapt with joy at how special your boyfriend had been to want to pamper you and take care of you for tonight, but on the other hand, you held back knowing that he was also tired and needed to get some rest.
"Easy my girl, this is for both of us, so let's enjoy each other together for the whole night, will you do that for me?". He begs bringing your hands to his mouth to kiss them slowly as he looks at you. "You're freezing, what a fool I was not to come pick you up." He moves on to kiss your knuckles, biting them a little.
"Oh no, my love, I'm fine now that I'm with you." You lean in looking deep into his eyes, capturing his attention with the nickname that so melts him.
"Fuck...I can't take it anymore." A hissing sound rings out, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss and without being begged he thrusts his tongue in as far as he can.
Itadori squeezes your hips and begins to guide you backwards towards the bed in stumbling, sloppy steps without breaking the kiss at any single moment. You grab onto his back as you feel yourself falling backwards without any support and pull Itadori along with you, crashing both of you into the softness in a thud.
You lift his hoodie eagerly to see his body and he does the same with his shirt, freeing your bra-less breasts.
"Fuck...don't tell me you went to the exam without a bra...oh, baby, you're so hot." Silva biting her lips as she eats your breasts with her eyes.
"Shut up and don't make me wait." You reply feeling your juices overflowing down your already wet panties. It was so amazing the ability Itadori had to turn you on like a misto and get you wet with almost no need to do anything.
The smell of the cologne you gave him for his birthday and the slight hint of body sweat made your nostrils flutter inhaling his scent. This man drove you so crazy.
"Yes, my lady." Itadori rips your pants from your waistband along with your panties and throws them somewhere unimportant in the room, then does the same releasing his aching erection.
"Love, I don't care what you had planned to do, but please fuck me now, I can't wait for you to be inside me...". You see stars as he settles between your legs, aligning his shaft against your center and with one thrust he inserts himself deep inside you. You cry out in relief. You'd almost forgotten how well this boy stretches you when he's inside you.
"Just what...I...wanted." He moans, starting to give you a few slow lunges so you can get used to him.
"Did you need it so badly, my love?"
"Yes..." He hisses in pleasure "I so needed to be so deep in you." Itadori begins to work magic with his hips and moves in the way he knows you like best. Her hips gyrate looking for your sweet spot without waiting a few more seconds.
You wanted to carry out what you had read a few weeks ago when, instead of studying, you rambled on your cell phone looking for something that had been troubling your mind and needed answers, even asking good old Megumi for her opinion.
Your eyes sparkle as you feel it deep inside you, too deep, pressing a new button that made your back arch and your eyes squeeze shut letting out a deep moan of insatiable pleasure, generating a tingle in your lower belly.
"There it is love, I just touched your cervix" he again delivers a few thrusts in the same spot and your mouth opens in an O-shape from the constant pleasure.
"Where...mmh...have you...have you learned...e...that..." you say interrupted by each lunge and moan escaping your lips.
Itadori doesn't respond concentrating on your own pleasure and his, the head of his cock was pounding the new warm bulge he just unlocked, being so sorry he didn't realize sooner how much he could feel if he concentrated just a little more.
"Deeper, aa...love, I want to fill you so.... thoroughly with my cum." He grunted increasing his thrusts. "I want to fill you until I . overflow.... and get you pregnant." You groan in response and your skin crawls with goose bumps at the words of a newly unlocked Itadori. I've never spoken in such ways before, let alone to confess all that to you.
"See how well you take me, princess, promise me you'll take my entire orgasm in your womb?". You roll your eyes as his thumb caresses in circular motions your clit.
"Yes.. Yuuji...I will do whatever you want..."
"That's my girl, you are so...good to me." Your hips start to waver and move carelessly. You already feel how she was about to climax and you were too close too.
Yuji lowers his back to kiss your lips in a passionate and tender kiss of love. You were in heaven with him so deep inside you, fucking you so good and so deep, showing that new reproductive side of him.
"Love I'm going to..." You say no longer holding the knot in your belly.
"Shh love...I can't hold on either..." he couldn't finish his sentence as the walls of your womb suck his head and you reach the peak of your orgasm as he touches your cervix again, your rubbery, velvety walls contracting in heartbeats over his length pulling him into his orgasm as well.
His grunt echoes throughout the room along with a few babbles of your name. You feel thick strips spread filling to the bottom of your womb with a soft warm sticky mass that disperses until you feel it dripping down your ass and dripping down the bed.  Itadori had stuffed you to the bottom.
"Holy shit, baby, that was amazing." He comes down to give you a quick kiss, biting your bottom lip as he pumps his slickness next to yours so he doesn't waste any of it.
"Itadori." You say after a few seconds realizing what had just happened.
"Yes?" he hums in a sigh of love as he looks at you a little too pleased.
"Tell me you put on a condom."
"Oops...I forgot." He says as he bites his tongue throwing you a wink.
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slashersdaddy · 15 days
Slashers Hcs
Includes: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Hannibal Lector, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Micheal Myers, Jason Vorhees
Bo Sinclair:
Bo is a quiet partner, if he's happy he's even quieter OR more snarky (no inbetween, hes crazy like that) he will forget things like valentines day, because thety arent something he cares about, but sometimes he will surprise you with small things; Your favorite candy, a candle in the scent you like, jewelry, clothes, ect. He wants you to know he loves you but by god will he make it hard. But if you suffer from fear of abandonment he will do small things to prove he wont leave (he thinks they are small) like getting your name tattooed on his bicep, or letting you leave hickeys on him. Vincent Sinclair:
Vincent is a loving and doting partner, He will leave you gifts like a cat, statuettes of you, photographs, drawings, paintings, a cool rock he found he thinks youd like? its on your bedside table in the morning. He loves you and shows it in every way he can think, candlelit dinners? Check. Gifts for EVERY occasion? Check. Physical affection? Check. Love Letters? Check. He wants you to feel like a god/dess, worshipped by a loyal devotee <3
Lester Sinclair: Golden retriever Boyfriend. Kind of? Hes like a wolf that is loyal to you and his brothers. thats it. but of course he claims that hes all yours. If you ask for it its yours. You like the flannel he was wearing? The next day its cleaned and folded up on your dresser (because he knows the smell of roadkill isnt nice for you) Kisses you all the time, anywhere youll let him, holding your hand all the time. He will bring you fucked up lil things he finds on his daily adventures. He will also let you ride shotgun while he takes the scenic route to talk with you and show you all the pretty landscapes! Hannibal lector: He will rest your head in his lap while he works, gently stroking your hair and humming as he holds you. Hes a quiet affectionate Boyfriend. He will make your favorite tea any time you seem stressed and take 5 minutes to drink a cup of tea with you and talk about nothing in particular, and if you need something so soon as you say the word its done. He will cook and clean and be a house husband and working man for you :3 Billy Loomis: Guard dog boyfriend, do not expect to be able to get out of his sight, this man loves you and would kill any guy/girl who tries to make a move on you. during quiet moments with him he will watch horror movies with you, holding you close as you watch. he loves especially if you get scared so he can pull you into his chest and promise to keep you safe.
Stu Macher: Stu is a golden retriever boyfriend. he wants to make you happy, he will get you anything you request, as soon as you ask for it, if you are AFAB he has an app on his phone that tracks your period and will bring you your favorite snacks and mensural products along with pain killers and gifts the day your period is supposed to start. if you stay over at his place its horror and cuddles, holding you to his chest as he strokes your hair while you are watching the show. he adores you and adores your smile, he will watch sappy romance or comedies with you to make you happy :D
Michael Myers: Michael is a guardian, silent and watching you from afar, or close by. he doesn't talk much- or honestly at all, nor does he care to use ASL, he does however use tiny movements to show his care, little flexes of his hands, tilts of his head, and the occasional hand on your shoulder when he wants you to know he loves you, he's like a cat, leaving gifts at your door, or on your bedside table. its always random things, a knife he though you would like, jewelry, weird things that don't make sense Jason Voorhees: Jason is a big ass teddy bear, he will kiss you all over through his mask, cuddle you, bring you gifts, do things for you, carry you on his back when on walks through the woods, he doesn't want you to be in pain!! He will give you rocks, feathers, flowers, anything nature related, he will sometimes give you jewelry from the victims he thinks will look pretty on you (doesn't matter if your masc. or femme, he will still do it) He wants to keep you safe, so don't expect to be somewhere without him unless its at your house/cabin!
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resolvebound · 1 year
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As one of the Exceed eggs that was sent to Earthland in X778, he hatched alone in a large forest. It didn't take long for some manner of creature to come by and startle him into fleeing and hiding, sending him eventually to the edge of the forest where a small town was settled. The sounds, scents, and people were almost overwhelming to him, yet not enough to scare him back to the forest. He sought shelter in the quietest building he came across, the library. Here, he felt safe.
The librarian, an elderly and kind gentleman named Terrence, found him and coaxed him into coming forward. Terrence cared for him and named him Lector, after one of his favourite scholars. After a little while, it became apparent that Lector was no ordinary cat, that he could potentially talk and fly. Terrence was thrilled to teach him to read and write, encouraging a love of reading and learning. When Lector was a few years old, Terrence decided to enrol him at the local school to help him make friends and socialise.
Lector’s intelligence, and already substantial pool of knowledge, made him swiftly rise to the top of the class. He aced all the tests, and to the chagrin of one of the oldest boys in the class, was found to be adorable by the girls around. Lector’s life began to get difficult from that point. The boy disliked the attention Lector got, and was further incensed when Lector would at times correct him or point out something he was doing wrong. Lector was only trying to help, but it was not well received.
The boy and his friends took to making fun of Lector and pushing him around at any opportunity. One day, they made fun of his wings and how he never seemed to use them (Lector didn’t have very good control of them, they would burst out whenever he was startled or excited, sometimes even just when he sneezed!). The bullies taunted him and challenged him to prove himself by flying a dangerous course. Lector, hoping to earn his place and put an end to the bullying, attempted the course.
It did not go well. He crashed and they laughed at him, soon scattering as it became apparent that he was injured. Lector eventually made his way back home to the library. As he recovered, Terrance asked what had happened, but Lector refused to talk about it, feeling foolish. Terrance, though concerned, did not press the issue, and instead gave Lector collections of stories that he thought might inspire him, books about heroes and bravery.
Sometime after Lector recovered, Terrence fell ill and passed away, leaving Lector alone. The bullying continued and Lector took solace in the books and heroic stories left to him. He dreamed of becoming as strong and capable as the characters in his books. So, when he then began to hear of a new kid around that was strong with magic, he was of course interested. He soon found him, a blond boy, clearly skilled already. Intrigued but wary, Lector watched from a distance at first, soon witnessing the boy standing up to and scaring off the kids that had given Lector so much trouble himself. Lector gathered his courage and followed the boy, requesting to become his apprentice, hoping to learn how to be strong and brave. The two have been together ever since.
Lector’s self-confidence grew alongside his friendship with Sting. With such steadfast belief in his best friend, he began to become rather arrogant, as seen in his first appearances throughout the GMG arc. Seeing the battle between the four dragon slayers during the games end in a draw (this follows my canon div for Rogue along with other RP partners divs for the same event), Lector was shaken. He had never seen Sting struggle or be so evenly matched, aside from with Rogue, but what truly stood out to Lector was the way Sting tried for his sake, to honour the promise made long ago. Following the battle and talking with Sting, Lector came to understand that it didn’t matter what the rest of the world thought about either of them, he still believed in Sting and they had each other, that was all that mattered. There was almost a relief to be had, and an acknowledgement that they could both still learn more and achieve more. He was proud of Sting (and Rogue too for that matter), and that was what pushed him to speak to Jiemma on their behalf (which, as we all know, did not go well…).
Later, having seen what Sting went through in the battle, and having faced the possibility of death himself (not to mention then seeing dragons invade the city), Lector reassessed himself and became a little more humble, stripping back some of the arrogance he had walled himself up with and showing more of his true self.
Lector is, at his core, incredibly loyal and well-meaning. He favours logical and practical approaches and can be relied on to have a sensible suggestions, but on the other hand, logic flies out the window when it comes to his friends. He protects and supports them with everything he has, even if it means putting himself in harms way or going against his better instincts. He is slow to warm up to most people, as he and Sting never tended to get too involved with other people over the years and he doesn’t trust easily, however once he deems someone worthy, he is all in. He likes to help others, and in fact sometimes can’t resist helping, which can at times be taken the wrong way. Since the X791 GMG, he has tried to become more open to others.
He addresses most people with a title – Mrs, Ma’am, Miss, Mister etc, as he was raised to do so by Terrence as a matter of manners. He uses such titles with strangers, and with people he respects only. He did address Sting as “Mister Sting” for quite a while when they first met. (this is me side-stepping his use of honorifics in canon). Once he is close with someone (or they request it), he drops the title.
Terrence also taught him a lot about tactfulness in the hopes of curbing some of Lector’s troubles with people viewing him as a know-it-all. Lector tries to think before he speaks and usually does well with it.
Obviously, there are limits to his physical capabilities and his hopes of becoming as strong as Sting were short lived, however, he did his own type of training with Sting in order to become a skilled flier and was successful.
He loves strategy games like chess. He loves an intellectual challenge. He has always known that his biggest asset is his mind.
On the same note, he loves crossword puzzles and puzzles in general as they use the brain and he doesn’t have to be ‘strong’ to have fun with and be good at them.
He has excellent handwriting due to learning from Terrence.
He really enjoys drawing and has become very skilled at it. He initially took up the hobby, alongside writing, with the goal of recording Sting’s adventures and achievements in a book.
He loves cooking and food in general and is highly interested in recipes from different cultures and areas. He tends to (subconsciously) associate a person’s cooking skill with if they are a good person or not, as Terrence was a very good cook.
He most definitely has nightmares about Jiemma and about being alone.
He has a variety of different vests, but tends to wear the light blue one the most as blue is one of his favourite colours.
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cadeloverforever · 8 months
HELLO! I have nothing to say, just something that occurred to me in the middle of the night, Don't expect much from this.The reader is the same height as Tyr, or at least is almost Tyr's height. I hope you like it! (La versión en español está en está misma publicación!)
Tyr One shot
After Tyr was saved from that Odin prison, the first thing he did was try to look for you, he didn't know where you could be, he found you three days after his search, you looked different, your face was mainly invaded tired and a little sad but you were still the most beautiful thing for him, he approached you from behind, scaring you and grabbing a weapon (of your preference) and putting it at his throat, seeing your loved one face to face afterwards. of years you threw the knife, it was like a cruel dream, Tyr was going to say something but you literally didn't give him time, you hugged him sobbing your face was in his chest you said something but he couldn't hear you, you took your head out of his chest and spoke "I missed you "
¡HOLA! No tengo nada que decir, solo algo que se me ocurrió en medio de la noche, no esperen mucho de esto. El lector tiene la misma altura que Tyr, o al menos tiene casi la altura de Tyr. ¡Espero que te guste!
Tyr One Shot
Despues de que Tyr fuera salvado de esa prisión de Odín, lo primero que hizo fue intentar buscarte no sabía dónde podías estar, te encontró a los tres días de su búsqueda, te veías distinta, tenías la cara principalmente invadida de cansancio y un poco de tristeza pero seguías siendo lo más hermoso para el, se acerco a ti por la espalda dándote un susto y agarrando un arma (de tu preferencia) y ponerlo por su garganta, al ver a tu amado cara a cara después de años tiraste el cuchillo, era como un sueño cruel, Tyr iba a decir algo pero literalmente no le diste tiempo, lo abrazaste sollozando tu cara estaba en su pecho dijiste algo pero no s escucho, sacaste tu cabeza de su pecho y hablaste "te extrañe "
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macroglossus · 1 year
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come on dude
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 10 months
Hiii, could you please make some hc for guevara, mumon, musashi and retsu with an s/o that is basically an abnormality, for example she has like 4 arms because she was suposed to have a twin but she like ate her in the process and is like albino bit still has some color in her hair like blond and ginger and is like deaf due to the amount of abnormalities that she has and has like spots on her body due to vitiligo and things like that, like a really really weird s/o that is like extremely unic.
I would like to see musashi's reaction like thinking she is like a ghoul or an goddess or even an angel or something.
Sorry if it's too long or it doesn't appeal to you.
Have an amazing day and hope everything is ok with you 💕💕💕
Situation: S/O with some bodily peculiarity / S/O con alguna particularidad corporal.
Characters: Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Jun Guevara.
He cannot believe what he sees, they must be a deity that came down from the heavens to delight humanity with their presences, so majestic and merciful.
No one should doubt his love for his S/O, there is simply no more way for Jun to show how much he loves his S/O in case anyone has any doubts, no matter how they look.
As if this man could find anything wrong with his partner, really, he is an idiot in love with the sea and his S/O. There's nothing else on that head other than his S/O. I'll even leave it at this point, it's just obvious.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon can be curious, but he is extremely laid back, he won't dig too deep if the S/O's are reluctant to talk about their aspects.
He may be a little silly, but he is not an idiot and he knows how to read people, so he will be in charge of making his S/O feel at ease when they are with him.
Sporadic and sincere praise, smiles and good wishes. He is sweet.
If they ever seek to be heard, Mumon will be there, he will listen to their insecurities and make them feel loved. He can understand if they feel too left out in some places and will comfort them for that.
He can make his S/O happy, no matter what they look like, he loves them.
Musashi Miyamoto.
To be honest, I think he would see the S/O as some kind of supernatural deity or spirit.
His mind is greatly influenced by traditional beliefs where he respected and feared supernatural creatures because they brought fortune or destruction.
I think he would kneel in front of the S/O after watching them uncomfortably for a while, asking for wisdom and strength to continue getting stronger.
A little reluctant to stop believing that they are deities, even if someone else or the S/O themselves explains that this is not the case. He'll stop mentioning it out loud, but I'm sure he still believes it.
Their relationship is a little strange at first for this very reason; Many people ask for kisses/blessings from their partners for good luck as motivation, while Musashi will firmly believe that his S/O does grant him luck.
He is the most faithful and devoted admirer of his S/O, he is also the most dangerous, he does not accept insults towards his S/O. They are warned.
Retsu Kaioh.
MY man is really understanding, he wouldn't be able to single out anyone for any particularity, because that's not honorable.
For this man, the sentimental and spiritual connection is painfully important, it is at a level far above the physical appearance.
The S/O will not need to worry about awkward questions when talking to Retsu, he would never point out the S/O's particularities unless they themselves are willing to talk about it. He understands that some people don't like to talk about these issues, so he won't touch it.
If they dare to talk about their aspects, they can trust that Retsu will listen, perhaps the question of “Does this affect your health?”, will leave Retsu's lips listening to them. That's all he cares about.
I'm not trying to say he's the best option yes that's exactly what I mean, I just want to clarify.
Versión en español
Jun Guevara.
Él no puede creer lo que ve, debes ser una deidad que bajo de los cielos para deleitar a la humanidad con su presencia, tan majestuosa y misericordiosa.
Nadie debería dudar sobre su amor por su S/O, simplemente ya no hay más forma en que Jun pueda demuestre cuanto ama a su S/O por si a alguien le queda dudas, se vea como se vea.
Como si este hombre pudiera encontrar algo malo en su pareja, de verdad, es un idiota enamorado del mar y de su S/O. No hay nada más en esa cabeza aparte de su S/O. Incluso lo dejaré hasta aquí, simplemente es evidente.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon puede ser curioso, pero es extremadamente relajado, no indagará demasiado si el S/O se muestra reacio a hablar sobre su aspecto.
Puede ser un poco tonto, pero no es idiota y sabe como leer a las personas, por lo que se encargara de hacer sentir a gusto a su S/O cuando estén con él.
Elogios esporádicos y sinceros, sonrisas y buenos deseos. Es dulce.
Si alguna vez buscan ser escuchados, Mumon estará ahí, escuchará sus inseguridades y los hará sentir queridos. Puede entender si se sienten demasiado excluidos en algunos lugares y los consolará por eso.
Él puede hacer feliz a su S/O, sin importar como se vean, él les ama.
Musashi Miyamoto.
Para ser honesta, creo que él vería al S/O como una especie de deidad o espíritu sobrenatural.
Su mente está sumamente influenciada por las creencias tradicionales en donde se respetaba y temía a las criaturas sobrenaturales porque daban fortuna o destrucción.
Pienso que se arrodillaría frente al S/O después de obsérvales incómodamente por un rato, pidiéndole sabiduría y fortaleza para seguir haciéndose fuerte.
Un poco reacio a dejar de creer que son deidades, aunque alguien más o el propio S/O le explique que no es el caso. Dejará de mencionarlo en voz alta, pero seguro que lo sigue creyendo.
Su relación es un poco extraña al principio por esto mismo; muchas personas piden besos/bendiciones de sus parejas para la buena suerte como motivación, mientras que Musashi creerá firmemente que su S/O sí le otorga suerte.
Es el más fiel y devoto admirador de su S/O, también es el más peligroso, no acepta insultos hacia su S/O. Advertidos están.
Retsu Kaioh.
MI hombre es realmente comprensivo, él no sería capaz de señalar a nadie por ninguna particularidad, porque eso no es honorable.
Para este hombre es dolorosamente importante la conexión sentimental y espiritual, está a un nivel muy por encima del aspecto físico. Muy por encima.
El S/O no necesitará preocuparse por preguntas incómodas al hablar con Retsu, él jamás señalaría las particularidades del S/O a menos que este mismo este dispuesto a hablar de ello. Entiende que a algunas personas no le gusta hablar de estos temas, así que, no lo tocara.
Si se animan a hablar de su aspecto, pueden confiar en que Retsu escuchara, quizá la pregunta de “¿Esto afecta a tu salud?”, salga de los labios de Retsu después de escucharlos. Es todo lo que le preocupa.
No estoy tratando de decir que es la mejor opción sí, es exactamente lo que quiero decir, solo quiero aclararlo.
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