#🌙 •.+ finished requests
hullabaloo-circus ¡ 2 years
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do not tag as kin/irl please
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athenas-altcare ¡ 3 months
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An aesthetic for a transabled Shiun'in Sora from Yugioh Arc V, with soft colors and candy!
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knightkins ¡ 1 year
i can’t resist, i’m back again!✨
would i possibly be able to request a self care kit? i currently cannot burn candles due to my apartment’s rules so perhaps skip those, but stim toys, scented items, plushies, soaps, things for my living space, snacks… essentially, anything besides candles be wonderful! i have an aversion to flocking, so do avoid that texture, however i trust your discretion fully, as everything i’ve requested from you both so far has been perfect!✨ - @citizenoftmrrwlnd
Salutations Astro!! I do apologise for getting to this fairly late but I had a bunch of fun doing this!! Maybe a little too much fun, due of the fact I ended up making a care package and house/apartment decor kit as well for you!! Let me know if you want any swaps!
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All Items Under $30 USD ✧ Not Whole List !!
Pin ☞ Mr. Morrow Shirt ☞ Gear Fidget Keychain
Galaxy Fidget ☽ Macarons ☽ Inscense Sticks
Space Cookies ☞ Tomorrowland Keychain
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All Items Under $42 USD ✧ Not Whole List!!
Star Pillow ☽ PeopleMover Sign ☽ Star Blanket
Shiny Star Curtain ☞ Galaxy Crystal Ball
Inscense Holder ☽ Tomorrowland Sign
Tomorrowland Picture
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judysxnd ¡ 3 months
In the comfort of your arms
summary: Lando plays video games a lot in between races. Y/n doesn’t mind, she even enjoys watching him play.
I’ve read a few fanfictions with the same theme a while back. I hope it’s not too similar 👀
It’s 1:40am here, I wrote this in 30min (it shows). Good night!!!🌙
Still taking Lando requests. Once I have enough I’ll be able to write them and publish them regularly (that’s how I used to do with the requests on Pedro). Thank youuuu 🫶🏼
Lando loves playing video games a lot. When he’s bored, when he’s alone, when he can’t sleep, when he misses you, he plays. Time flies by without noticing as he enjoys himself with his friends. Even when he is away for F1, he plays. His favorite game to play with Max, Bankai and Matt at the moment is Escape from Tarkov. He could (actually is) spend hours on it.
As he has two weeks before the next race, Lando just came back home, to Monaco, to rest a bit before going back to the MTC and later on race again. The first thing he did when he was back was to call you and ask you to stay at his place for the few days he was here. An offer you could never refuse. Texts and FaceTime aren’t enough, so you try to maximize every moment you can have with him.
So you drove to his place immediately after, making yourself at home at his place, like you usually do when he is here. When he is at Monaco you mostly stay at his place, leaving your own for days, even weeks sometimes. If you look at Lando’s place, you can see that you are here a lot. An extra toothbrush in his bathroom. A side of his dressing dedicated to you, some groceries and drinks of your liking in his fridge, it’s your second home.
But, as much as he wants to spend all of his time with you, Lando needs his daily dose of game. You wanted to finish a tv show that you had started a week ago, he wanted to play, it was the perfect opportunity. You were in the same place, but doing your own thing, just like if you were living together.
A few hours passed by and you finally finished your tv show. It was around midnight, you were getting tired but didn’t want to go to bed without him. You always do that, and now that you can have his company in bed, you didn’t want to miss it, even just for one night. From the living room, you silently made your way to where he was playing. Before entering, you carefully analyzed if he was streaming. Once you saw that he wasn’t, you fully entered the room.
Lando was fully focused on his game, trying to kill a raider that he didn’t hear you walk next to him. It’s only when he got killed and slid back a bit that he saw you and jumped a bit. He cut his mic to talk to you for a sec.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” you said as you tried not to laugh
“It’s okay” he said, turning his chair to look at you. You were wearing one of his shirt, that was a bit oversized for you. You had a few pajamas of yours here, but nothing was as more comfy as his clothes. And he loved it. He loved since you in his clothes. His hands dropped from his chair to your thighs, making you shiver.
“Are you almost done?” You asked, looking at the screen, your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer to him.
“I don’t know, I think I’ll do one or two more runs then I think I’ll be done” his arms made it around your waist now.
“You can go to bed, I’ll join you” you stepped back, looking at him, pouting
“That’s not going to happen” Lando laughed a bit
“I spend most of my nights without you, it’s not to do it again when you’re here”
“Aw” was all Lando was able to answer. He loved this clinginess of yours. He was the same with you, which was quite normal since you were away from each other a lot.
“Can I sit with you for a bit?”
“Sure” he said. You started to walk away, but Lando grabbed your hand. “Where you going?” He asked
“Grab a chair”
“You don’t need one” he said, patting his thigh with his free hand. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s not going to be comfortable for you, how are you going to play?” You joked as he pulled you back to him.
“Don’t worry about that. Come here” Next thing you know, you’re sitting on his lap, your head leaning against his, your left arm resting on his waist.
You planted a kiss on his neck before he was back into the game. You saw him smile.
“Lando are you still there mate?” You heard Max asked him through his headphones.
“Yep, sorry, I’m here” he said calmly. Sometimes he could be very loud while playing, but he could also be very calm. It happens a lot when he plays Tarkov. He talks normally, very slow and calmly. Laughing from time to time. And the noise of the game, so satisfying. It’s such a quality, and same, it’s calmly in a way.
Like a lullaby almost. At least at midnight it is. In Lando’s arms it is. You could hear most of everything through his headphones as you were close to them, and it was at the perfect volume for you. Your eyes following closely what Lando was doing, you felt sleepy. His smell was helping you drift away in the most perfect way. That’s how you fell asleep was he was still playing.
Lando didn’t notice right away that you fell asleep. He was focused in his game. But that’s when he finally stopped that he noticed you weren’t moving at all. He said goodnight to everyone and turned off the computer, before easily getting up and carrying you to his bed. You didn’t even make a sound nor wake up when he moved you. But once he was settled in bed, you made your way to his arms again, instinctively, naturally. You missed him too much.
When you woke the next morning, you were still in the same position from the night. Lando on his side, and you cuddled up in his arms. You don’t know how, but you do remember last night, how comfortable you fell asleep in his arms, and how comfortable you are right now. Home.
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empress-simps ¡ 3 months
For poly!marauders request (I saw you asked for some) could you do one where the reader faints out of nowhere and the boys get all panicked and worried and fret over her? 🌙
Hii! Thank you for the great request🫶🏻 It’ll be the first time I do a Poly!Marauder fic so pls do bear with me, I tweaked it a bit, hope you enjoy!
Worried Sick
Pairings: Poly!Marauders x Reader
CW: Mentions of toxic habits, Sirius being an arse, reader fainting, and language.
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To say that you were tired would be an understatement. You were exhausted- mentally, and physically as you were buried in a mountain of books, flipping through almost a hundred pages an hour as you tried to juggle three essays and review for NEWTS all at once.
You were so immersed in your studying, the sound of pages flipping and scratching of the quill against parchment made you slip into a hyper-focused mode that you don’t notice the passage of time making you effectively miss lunch and dinner.
“There’s my smart darling!”
Sirius grins, sneaking up to you and kissing your cheek. You jolted, looking up as you saw him, and your other boyfriends sit next to you in the library.
“Hey guys.” You try your best to muster up a cheery smile for them. Remus, who was seated beside you frowns as he notices your pale and tired face. “We haven’t seen you today, love.” You smiled sheepishly, “I was finishing up the essays we’re assigned this week.” Sirius shakes his head in a disapproving manner. “Darling, you know we could just copy off of Remus’s essay when he does it, right?” A protest from Remus was heard, making you chuckle.
“I don’t think our moony would appreciate that.” You cracked a small smile, “But he lets us copy off of his essays ever since we can remember!” James defended Sirius who nodded agreeingly.
“What we would appreciate though, is you not missing out on dinner.” Remus told you, pulling out an apple and two dishes that the house elves prepared, (bribed by James) placing it in front of you.
“Erm... I don’t really have an appetite right now, love.” You grimaced, seeing the stern expression of the werewolf. “You need to eat, darling.” James pleads, puppy eyes activating. You looked at the other two, they seemed to mirror James. “Please love, you’re making us worried sick.” Remus gently pushed the food in your direction.
“Alright then…” How could you possibly deny your adorable boyfriends?
This continued for a few days or so, each day got the boys increasingly worried than yesterday. Sleeping for four hours (five if you’re lucky) and studying all day became your new routine, you hardly even spend time with the boys anymore, only during breakfast at the great hall since you mostly skip lunch and dinner to study. If it weren’t for your friends and your boyfriends, you would’ve already starved.
You groaned, plopping down in between Remus and James, taking a bite of the toast in front of you, and ignoring the light headedness you were feeling since you woke up. Marlene looked up from her plate and winced as she took in the sight of you.
“Merlin, y/n. You look worse than a dementor.”
“Thanks Marls, appreciate it.” You grumbled, taking a swig of the pumpkin juice, grimacing as you felt that a huge gulp of the beverage and a small bite of toast was too much for your stomach to handle.
“I’m serious, when was the last time you had a good night’s rest?” She frowns, shaking her head as she gave a pointed look at your boyfriends. “There’s already three of you and you can’t even manage to take care of your girl?”
“Not my fault she chooses to stick her nose into books rather than spending time with us.” Sirius huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, his dramatic and petty side surfacing. “Pads.” Remus warns, the light headedness that you’ve felt suddenly worsens as you feel the urge to throw up. Lily seemed to notice, shooting a worried glance on your way as you waved it off.
“What Moony? It’s true! It’s like she forgot she even is in a committed relationship with us.” Sirius spat, getting riled up as James tried to diffuse the situation.  “Sirius, I already said I’m sorry…” She rasped out, trying to reach for his hand but he jerked it away. “Don’t be a knobhead, Pads.” Remus glares at him, irritated by how he’s acting.
Sirius rolled his eyes, it was obvious that he was hurt; You rarely spend time with them anymore, accidentally pushing them away and shutting them out just because of those stupid academics. “Whatever.” He grunts, and stands up, walking away from the table.
You felt yourself get weak; as the great hall spins around you, cold sweat started to form on your temple as spots slowly made it’s wany into your vision. Despite your body practically screaming for you to just sit and stay still, you push yourself from the benches and follow him. “Sirius, love- “He turns to you, frowning. “What now?”
 You opened your mouth, about to say a word when suddenly your legs gave out, the spots grew larger as you tried to look at Sirius before your world suddenly faded to black. You heard screams from the students, the loudest ones you recognized were from your friends, especially Marlene and Lily.
“Shit!” Sirius was thankful for his awfully fast reflexes that he managed to catch you before you hit your head on the cold floor. James and Remus rushed to the both of you. “Bloody hell, Pads!” James kneels in front of you, gently tapping your cheek as a sense of urgency surrounds them. “Darling, please open your eyes, can you hear me?” James asked you, every second that ticks makes the feeling of dread in his stomach grow larger.
“P-prongs, Moony… I promise I didn’t know she was going to faint…” Sirius whimpered as he cradles you, eyes looking frazzled and darting back and forth between his lovers. James felt his breath become faster, as you didn’t respond to any of his attempts. Other students started to gather around to take a peek on what’s happening in the middle of the great hall while Marlene and the other Gryffindor students kept them from nearing. Remus knelt next to James, trying not to freak out like what the other two are already doing. He slowly placed his trembling hand on your forehead. “No fever, but we need to take her to Madame Pomfrey.” He announces, biting his lip as Sirius lifts you up bridal style, the three of them rushing you to the hospital wing.
The bright and harsh light of the hospital wing made you wince, you slowly blink, trying to adjust to the brightness of your surroundings. “Darling! You’re awake!” James tackles you into a hug, almost squeezing out the air from your lungs.
“Prongs! Be careful!” Remus’s tone was harsh, as if scolding James. The boy slowly pulled away, pouting, which Remus had ignored. “How are you, love?” Remus’s gaze softened as he looked in your direction, taking your hand in his as he rubbed circles in the back of your hand.
 “For the most part, I’m fine.” You croaked out, James immediately gave you water. After taking a few sips, you let your eyes wander around, someone was missing- Where’s Sirius?
James seemed to catch on this, “He’s outside, beating himself up for being an arsehole.” You frowned, “Can you please tell him to come in? I want to see him…” You mumbled, James nodded and fetched Sirius outside of the hospital wing.
After a short while, Sirius emerged, darting his eyes anywhere but onto you. “Love…” You gently called out to him; Sirius bit his lip as he finally took in the sight of you. “Darling, I’m sorry. I was such an arse to you.” He sincerely apologized while you shake your head, “I’m sorry too, I was stressing out too much. I barely even managed to take care of myself and spend time with you guys.”
“Just don’t do it again, darling. We almost lost our minds when you fainted.” James told you as he tucks stray hair behind your ear.
“I won’t do that again; I’ll just copy off of Moony’s work.” She chuckled, glancing at the said boy, she saw the twinkle in his eyes as he smiled and rolled his eyes playfully.
The sun’s rays filtered out in the curtains of the hospital wing, encasing the four in a warm glow as they conversed amongst themselves, putting the events behind them; silently promising to love and care for each other, through thick and thin.
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moyokeansimblr ¡ 11 months
Caio Love Myself Pajamas
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So Priscilla requested the Satin Robe from this set by Caio as part of their last requests on Patreon and I decided I wanted to do all of them, and I'm finally finished! (With Caio's part, anyways... Should I do Serenity's next?)
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There are four pairs of pajamas, only for AF right now but I could do TF/EF in the future maybe. I made the tops and bottoms into fullbody pajamas because that's just a personal preference but they'd be easy to separate so I could do that too sometime.
Everything has morphs, is compressorized, and includes a swatch. Everything is in one rar but in individual folders so you can delete anything you don't want. I of course am obligated to say that these aren't perfect. I definitely started running out of steam (as why I decided to not do the choker in the end) so as always, please feel free to point out any issues that I missed I won't be upset 🤗 I love creating, but a patient person I am not!
❗❗ 8/11/23 zip has been updated, I made some changes to the normals on the satin robe because of an issue @kalux-sims pointed out to me. It's still not 100% but it's better! Download and let replace!
🌙 Caio Love Myself Pajamas Collection download on Patreon (FREE)
But please consider becoming a patron if you want to show me support or make requests! ❤️🙏 Any support is extremely appreciated and really helps me out!
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cynical-ghost ¡ 5 months
Paring: Max Verstappen x singer!reader - fc: Kali Uchis
Genre: fluff, social media - smau
Warning(s): Language, translated Dutch, use of Y/n
Synopsis: you are a famous singer who has recently started writing love songs, your fans are wondering who is making you feel like this.
A/N: My requests are open for you guys, also this was written for an anonymous request but I accidentally posted it before it was finished and now I can’t find the request…I hope this make up for it<3
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liked by maxverstappen1, honeymoon, dualipa and 1,054,978 others
Y/nforeal ‘Moonlight’ is out tonight at midnight🌙
User1 Mother is dropping song after song and we lover her for that!!
User5 Who is making her feel like this!!
User12 ikr I want to thank him frfr
User3 why is Max lurking in the likes???
User2 are you thinking what I’m thinking???
User3 That Max Verstappen is the one Y/n is singing about….😏
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instagram ->
Y/nforeal posted a story
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourbff and 998,670 others
User10 is this my new father??
yourbff you two are so sweet…
yourbff it make me sick ❤️🤢
Y/nforeal you know you love it❤️
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liked by Y/nforeal, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 679,934 others
maxverstappen1 💙
User16 who’s Y/n?
User3 Y/n L/n is a singer who has been soft launching
User1 So this is my mother’s boyfriend?
User2 Does that make him our father now??
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourbff, landonorris and 2,034,675 others
Y/nforeal Congrats on P1 Darling! Love you so so so much💙@maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 Ik hou van je mooie meid❤️(love you pretty girl)
dualipa ❤️❤️❤️
User6 Iconic couple frfr
honeymoon you two are made for each other💕
Y/nforeal Thank you mother, Max says Hi!
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liked by Y/nforeal, carlossainz55, landonorris and 798,982 others
maxverstappen1 thank you to the prettiest girl in the world for always sticking by me❤️ @Y/nforeal
Y/nforeal I love you handsome❤️
maxverstappen1 I love you more schat💕
Y/nforeal and maxverstappen1 posted a story
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luvhughes43 ¡ 9 months
birthday | quinn hughes
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌙
request: can you write an angsty one for quinn where he forgets your birthday because he’s busy with hockey and you fight about it and then you give him the silent treatment the next day and he tries to make it up it up you 
note: i changed it a little bit! 
word count: 1.2k words
you waited all day with baited breath, wondering when your boyfriend of three years would acknowledge your birthday. usually, depending on both of your work schedules, quinn would take you to your favourite cafe for breakfast and then later in the day he would cook one of your favourite dishes for dinner. In between meals, you’d spend the day doing whatever you wanted, which usually just meant going for a walk and maybe to the mall.
you woke up early and got yourself dressed and ready for the day. quinn was already gone to the gym which wasn’t unusual, so you scrolled through your emails while you waited for him to come home. 
quinn didn't come home till noon. 
“hey babe,” quinn greeted you quickly, pecking your cheek before he rushed into your shared bedroom. you swivel around on the bar stool you were sitting on, eyes following quinn as he jogged from your bedroom and into the bathroom. 
when he reemerged from the room, bag in hand, you frown. “what are you doing?”
“the guys are going to this new place.. some new gym downtown”
“oh,” you deflate, “weren’t you just at the gym tho?” 
“yeah but babe, this one has an ice bath!” quinn explains enthusiastically, as if the addition of an ice bath should outweigh the excitement that was your 24th birthday. 
“we're not working out or anything. just checking the place out. It's good for team building” he adds.
you stare blankly at him, wishing that this is just some elaborate joke and that he has a plan for your birthday. 
“right well, i’ll see you later!” quinn flashes a quick smile as he leans down to kiss your cheek again. 
quinny: going out for dinner! so sorry we didn't get to spend any time together today. wanna do dinner tomorrow night?
quinny: the teams really getting on good! I think we’ve got a close group here
it was 6pm, you were alone, and in approximately 10 minutes you would officially be 24. how great is this? you thought sarcastically. you were about to be 24, in a too nice apartment, with a boyfriend who completely forgot about you. 
you pulled your cookies out of the oven, dropping the tray on top of the stove with a clatter. tears sprung to your eyes as you pulled out a small pack of glittering candles. you didn't even get an invite to quinns dinner tonight. 
you watched your candles go out slowly while you imagine how you should've spent the day. Happy birthday to me… 
“hey baby, what did you do all day?” quinn asked as he slipped into bed next to you. his alarm clock had blinded you with the time, 11:24, lit up in a cutting shade of red. he tried to hold your gaze, but you turned over. he had actually forgotten.  
quinn grabbed at your shoulder, but you shrugged him off. “I’m tired,” you whispered through the ball in your throat. if quinn talked about his day, you might actually cry.
“what's wrong?” quinn asked, genuinely concerned. he sat up in bed, reaching over and flicking his lamp on. 
“I’m not talking about this tonight”
“well, no. if you're going to say something then say it. what did i do wrong this time?” you rolled around to face him just as he finished his sentence with an eyeroll. 
“excuse me?” you were seeing red. 
“just tell me what i did wrong so i can fix it. did i leave a sock on the floor?” he jokes, quickly surveying the room and noticing that you cleaned earlier. 
you sat up in bed. “you're such an asshole! you know that right?” 
“woah! no need to get angry! i just wanted to go to bed. Its late.” 
“yeah well, i wanted to celebrate my birthday with my boyfriend today so i guess we don't always get what we want, huh?” your voice is venomous as you climb out of bed. you rip your pillow off the bed with every intention to sleep in the guest room. 
quinns shocked expression was almost comical. his eyes wide, eyebrows raised, and mouth slightly agape as he finally realized what was bothering you. with how busy his new schedule was due to being captain, he had completely forgotten about you.
“y/n don't go! I’m so sorry!” quinn kicks the comforter away from him as follows you down the hallway. 
“I don't want to talk to you right now,”
“baby, please! I swear I didn’t mean to forget-” quinn started but you abruptly cut him off. 
“i don't want to hear it! I waited for you all day! I shouldn't have to remind you when my birthday is! We talked about it literally last week!”
“I’m sorry! I’ll make it up to you!” quinns words fell on deaf ears as you slammed the guest bedroom door in his face. 
as soon as the door was locked, you let all your emotions of the day out. your sad uber eats delivery, raw cookies, the moping around… quinn. 
quinn stood on the other side of the door, face in between his hands as he listened to you cry. 
the next morning, quinn was on good boyfriend behaviour. he had bought you a bouquet of your favourite flowers, made you breakfast, and had a birthday card waiting at the table for you. 
you rubbed at your eyes tiredly as you made your way into the kitchen. you had gotten absolutely no sleep last night, and you were still upset at quinn. 
quinn watched you in silence as he set the last piece of french toast in his pan. you glanced up at him before averting your gaze towards your gifts. 
To Y/n, 
Happy 24th Birthday. I love you beyond words. 
“Quinn,” you sighed as you set the card back on the table. 
“It’s a shitty card I know,” you can’t help the small smile that graces your lips . “I’m so sorry. I called in sick today.. we can do something or you can do whatever, its up to you! I just really want you to know that i’m sorry” he sets the fresh piece of french toast onto a plate before sliding it over to you. 
“I know you're sorry,” you say, stepping over and into quinns open arms. you stand there for a minute, quinn softly rubbing your back while you lay your head on his shoulder. “I just felt really awful”
quinn hums to acknowledge what you were saying. “I know. I don't know what was wrong with me”
“you have new responsibilities q. you're going to be busy with the team” you put his thoughts into words and it was his time to sigh. 
“Still. There’s no excuse” quinn hugs you tighter. “I love you”
“I love you too” you whisper into the side of his neck, arms tightening around him. 
It wasn't okay that he had forgotten, but at least he was making an effort to fix it.
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aerasx ¡ 1 year
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🌙 ❜ ─ Cum
A/n: ahhhh tysm for 100🫶🏼 this took me longer than it was supposed too. Someone please send a request idk what to right I’m running out of ideas. Also 1,000 notes on my last post???? You all are angels!
ot8! X Reader
Wc: 1.1k
Âť Where do stray kids like to cum?
Warnings: please tell me if I miss anything, praise, big dicks,cum on stomach, mentions of marking, coming inside, cum eating,coming on your ass, coming on tits, cum on face, oral, face sitting, Dacryphilia, coming untouched, cowgirl, begging (Mentioned).
Not proof read
Genre: smut, smut with no plot
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Bangchan ༉‧₊˚✧ + stomach
This man is going to play it safe all the way! You can’t convince me he’s going to cum inside you even if he does have a condom on. Does mind that he doesn’t get to cum inside though he loves how your body looks with his cum on it.
Chan slips into you letting out a guttural moan from your tight walls. You buried your head farther into the pillows at his length stretching you out so deliciously. His actions make you feel like your on cloud nine. That’s not counting his lips muttering pretty praises about how you were made for him and how well your taking his thick cock. He loves the way you deliciously squeeze around him every time he does a particularly deep thrust, hitting your sweet spot just right. You let out a particularly loud moan. Probably loud enough for the neighbors to hear. That’s when Chan knows your close your walls pulsating around his hard cock. He angels his hips deeper the final thrust sending you over the edge. He produces more shallow thrusts to help you ride out your orgasm, before he feels himself getting closer. With that he pulls out using his big hand to finish jerking himself off and letting out a few low groans before coming on your stomach. He eventually leans back after coming down from his high to look at his artwork. You following quickly behind him as he comes down from his high.
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Lee know ༉‧₊˚✧ + inside you
This man 100% comes inside because he feels like he’s marking you making sure everyone else knows your taken. However he still will make sure your taking birth control. Also just enjoys the feeling of your raw walls.
His grip around your waist is almost to tight, almost. On the contrary It distracts you from the feeling of lee know bullying his fat cock all the way inside your tight gummy walls. He goes in inch by inch making sure you have time to adjust to his size. It was also quite hard for Lee know not to just bottom out inside you and start moving incredibly fast. Soon, it becomes increasingly hard to hold back. He doesn’t have to worry though because you finally have his whole length inside you. He starts moving at a extremely slow pace, almost teasing himself at the temptation. He finally gives in when you whimper a small “ more please”. He immediately starts thrusting at an almost ungodly pace if he wasn’t so needy he feels the way your walls clench around him. He’s so needy for you. He knew he couldn’t last more than a couple more second at the way your walls suck him in. He feels the snap in his gut before all his fluids come out come out and paint your walls.
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Changbin༉‧₊˚✧ + ass
Mainly loves to cum on your ass because he loves doggy style and it’s the easiest after he pulls out but he also loves it because he feels like he just marked you. He also most definitely an ass man. Definitely takes a finger and tastes it after because he says it taste better on you.
The squelch’s of your pussy taking changbin in over and over again could be heard from throughout the whole house with how loud your wet n’ needy pussy was. You couldn’t care less, too lost in pleasure to notice any of your surrounding only focusing on changbin drilling his big dick into you. Changbin couldn’t get ahold of his surroundings either only wanting you to reach that orgasm you have been craving ever since he started prepping you to take him. Changbin leans down into your shoulder whispering a small praise into your ear. He knows the effect he has on you by the way you clench around him at the praise. You let out a high pitched moan when he hits your sweet spot followed by a string of curses. Changbin can also feel himself getting closer every time his flushed tip hits your sweet spot. He position changes again so he can bring both of you to an high. You slowly your high creeping up on you. Changbin thrusts a few more times before pulling out and coming on your ass. You following closely behind the cum leaking out of your abused cunt.
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Hyunjin ༉‧₊˚✧ + face
Please give this man a blow job. Please. It’s going to give him the release he’s been wanting for so long. Will definitely tug your head down when he’s close. Will make you rub your pussy for him while your giving him a blowjob too.
Mean is what is was. Mean. You couldn’t believe your usually sweet and loving Hyunjin was treating you do rough, like a fucktoy. Though you can’t deny it did get you much wetter than intended: Hyunjin new this too, he knew by the way your hand snaked down to touch yourself when giving him a blow job. Hyunjin was enjoying this much more than he was willing to admit. The way your plush lips wrapped around his length. Giving kitten licks to lap up the pre cum seeping from his flushed tip. He couldn’t take anymore of your teasing, but when he knew you would look so much prettier chocking around his cock, tip hitting the back of your throat every thrust. He was right of course. The way tears streamed down your cheeks at hyunjins bulging cock. Hyunjin couldn’t lie he got off on seeing your puffy under eyes and flushed cheeks. Mouth occupied with Hyunjins length you had to find another way to release the ache in between your legs. Speeding up your fingers around your clit wanting to cum before Hyunjin. You moan around his cock vibrations bringing him closer to the edge than before. Soon you couldn’t handle it anymore as soon as you tip yourself over the edge the pornographic moan leaving your mouth fuels Hyunjin more than before Releasing his thick cum into your mouth before pulling out. You of course swallow it at Hyunjins command.
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Han ༉‧₊˚✧ + tits
Pretty sure I’ve said this before but, this man is obsessed with your tits. If you give him a boob job he’ll be a changed man. Ride this man like your life depends on it. Cowgirl is probably his favorite position because he does no work and gets to touch your tits.
Bliss is the only word that could describe the feeling Han was having in the moment. The way your hips would quickly move up before slamming back down quickly on the base of his cock. Not only that but the way your tits bounced in front of hand face has him in a trance. His hands holding onto your hips,nails digging into your hips leaving crescent moon shapes. It was to much for him, he knew if you kept going he would reach his high quicker than he wanted to. Soon however, your thighs started burning from the work you had put in whine leaving your lips indicating you wanted Han to take over. He barely registered the whine coming out of your mouth, but he was to lazy to take on a few words come out of his lips egging you on until you both reached your highs. Now more than ever you wanted to reach your high, mainly so you could finally relax but also because you could feel your orgasm right on the tips of your fingers. Han uses his hands moving them from your hips to your breasts squeezing them tightly. One particular hard thrust sends you over the edge. You quickly pull off Han’s cock before using your hand to quickly finish him off, cum squirting up in between your plump tits Han has a thigh grip on. A Loud growl escapes Hans lips as he reaches his high.
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Felix ༉‧₊˚✧ + anywhere
He ends up coming in whatever position hes in, weather that be your mouth,stomach, or even the sheets as he grinds into them. Mostly ends up with him coming untouched though because he’s busy eating you out. Definitely embarrassed after.
Felix couldn’t tell if it was plain or pleasure. Maybe both. The way his cock was twitching for release almost made him move his hands from his right grip on your thighs to touch his leaking cock but he resists as you grind your soaking cunt onto his nose. Nudging against your sensitive clit. Felix could swear he could cum untouched with the way you moan every time his tongue darts into your clit, or the way your hands grip tighter into his hair when he forces you down more for another taste of your sweet juices. He could spend his entire life between your thighs before getting board if he could ever get board. Another moan leaves your lips contributing to the noise in the room along with the squelch’s coming from your wet pussy and Felix’s pink tounge. Your juices tasted like heaven to him sweet like candy it made him obsessed. Grinding on his face made you feel the orgasm slowly inching closer to you by the second. Felix’s nose touching your sensitive clit on last time before your high is reached. The moans of you coming undone made Felix’s cock twitch more than he hoped it would. Using one hand too aggressively jerk himself off he reaches his high right behind you.
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Seungmin ༉‧₊˚✧ + inside you
For some reason I can see him having a breeding kink. Even if he doesn’t realize that he likes coming inside you at first he’s going to cum inside you every time after he find out what it feels like.
Thankful is what Seungmin was after he found out how pleasurable it was to cum inside your pussy. It all started a few weeks ago when he was too lost in pleasure to realize how close he ways to finishing inside you. “ s-so close” the words whimpers out of his lips many times. He didn’t realize until after that he had came inside you. At first worried, but then relaxed when he felt your convulsing walls sucking him in for pleasure. He knew he couldn’t get enough. Overstimulated you for hours just to feel the way your walls would get more desperate for him each time. Now he was at it again thrusting his hips into your as you sit ontology of him, hands on his should but still lost with your eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out. Fast and deep thrust make both of you insanely close. Seungmin hips hitting yours and his cock plunging in and out of you, the sounds filling up the room could be in a porno the way you both sounded. Moans however bought both of you closer before Seungmin was able to hurry himself deep inside you before spilling his seed inside you painting your walls white.
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I.N ༉‧₊˚✧ + ass
I fully believe he loves Doggy style. Mostly because it doesn’t take a lot of work but also because when he pulls out he gets to see his cum drip from his flushed tip onto your plush cheeks.
He couldn’t believe he didn’t start taking you like this sooner. The way your ass would stick up into the air had him in shambles. The way your ass would bounce every time he did a particularly hard thrust. It was killing him because of how good it was. The way your head was hurried into pillows, the way you were begging for him to speed up. He brings his hand down to your hair pulling it into a makeshift ponytail before lifting your head up so he could hear your moans better than before. Hearing them lit up something in his core willing him to grant your beg for more. Also trying to please himself at the same time. He lets go of your hair and moves your legs so he could get deeper than before, if even possible. Hard, aggressive thrusts, make the bed shake against the wall slamming into it many times. He could feel himself about to burst, holding back until you reached your high. Luckily seconds after you cum around his flushed cock. Pulling him self off not needing to use his hand before he comes on your red flushed ass.
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mermaidgirl30 ¡ 4 months
✨Enchant Me Chapter 1: I Was Enchanted to Meet You✨
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Series Masterlist
A/N: I want to thank that purple house for giving me this whole idea in the first place, but reader and Joel are so soft in this series I’m crying 🥹 Thank you to @mountainsandmayhem for listen to me babble my ideas and rant about how cute these two are in this series! We don’t have enough witchy, nature reader Joel fics, so thought I should make one ☺️✨🌙 Comments and reblogs are always appreciated, I always love hearing your feedback! 💜
Summary: Joel delivers a custom built table to a little house out in the middle of the woods, but he doesn’t realize he’s going to fall for the girl behind the doors of that small purple house. He falls head over heels for her special herbal tea, tarot card readings, and talks of nature and plants as he keeps going back to see her.
Pairing: Joel x fem! reader (Fic is in both reader and Joel’s POV)
Word Count: 7.7k
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only MDNI)
Tags: Soft Joel, lots of fluff, Joel falling in love, witchy reader, eventual smut in later chapters, plant and animal lover reader, lots of cute nicknames for reader
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
“My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon. I was enchanted to meet you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you.”
- Taylor Swift “Enchanted”
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The spring breeze of April rustles through Austin as green leaves blow gently down the street, light streaks of sunlight glistening in the open shop as Joel finishes the final touches on a lilac handmade wooden side table. Tiny, intricate white flowers he’d hand painted cover the lilac material. Joel had no idea who he was making it for, he only saw the order request in the computer on his list of custom orders. Tommy must’ve talked to that particular customer when Joel was in the back crafting something.
As Joel finishes the final touches on polishing the little table, he yells for Tommy to come over. “Hey, Tommy. Who’s this order for? I just got finished, guess I can go ahead and deliver it today since we aren’t too busy,” he says as he stands up with a huff, placing a hand on his lower back as he gets up from the rough ground.
“Ahh, that one is for this sweet girl that came in a couple weeks ago. Kinda shy, quiet, but sweet as pie. Pretty thing, too. She sure talked a lot about nature,” Tommy laughs as he grabs the thick white notebook and gets your contact information out, handing Joel the address and name of the customer who had bought it.
Joel looks at it carefully as his eyes scan the address. “She lives out in the middle of nowhere,” Joel says as his eyebrows knit together.
“Yeah, all the way in Cedar Lake. Not too far, but that’s definitely not in the city. It’s only twenty minutes from here though. So, you want me to take it? I don’t mind,” Tommy replies as he leans to grab the notebook. Joel brings it out of his reach and clutches it to his chest.
“Nah, I’m the one that made it so I’ll be the one delivering it.”
“Suit yourself,” Tommy scoffs as he holds his hands up. “Tell her I said hello, will ya?”
“Sure,” Joel says as he grabs the paper with your name and address on it and shoves it down in the denim pocket of his dark jeans. He rolls his blue flannel sleeves up to his elbows and exposes tanned skin as he grabs up the table and loads it in the back of his white Chevy truck.
Once he’s inside and has the engine revved up, he pulls away from Miller’s Woodshop Creations and heads down the street, toward the direction of a long, gravel road that will take him to your place.
Cedar and oak trees fill the last half of the drive while deer scurry off from grazing in the grass as soon as they see Joel’s truck. The houses get thinner in this area, only one or two spread out with acres of land behind them. Joel keeps driving through the thick of the green, eyes trained on the narrow road ahead of him.
“Now who lives all the way out here?” Joel asks himself as his GPS stops him right as he pulls up to a single house that’s surrounded entirely by the woods.
He puts his truck into park and turns off the engine, grabbing his keys and shoving them in his pocket. Just as he steps outside into the grass, a wild rabbit runs off into the opposite direction of him and a black raven caws and flies off into a tall cedar tree.
Whoever lives here must like animals a lot.
Joel carefully retrieves the furniture from the bed of his truck and grunts his way to the front door, making his way up the few wooden steps that lead him to the front door. When he sets the side table on the wooden porch, he takes in the outside of the house.
The house is painted a deep purple color with yellow wooden rails outlining the edge of the porch. All types of different floral plants of names he doesn’t know lines each side of the cobbled stone path that leads to the front of the house. Colorful stained glass windows are sprawled on the top windows as the bottom windows sit wide open for the warm breeze to seep into. It’s unique, a house like he’s never quite seen before. Now he needs to know who lives way out here in the middle of nowhere in a little purple house that’s stacked with plants.
He knocks on the sturdy purple door three times and stands back while he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans, fidgeting with his fingers as he patiently waits. Before long, he hears the creak of the door opening and looks up to say his greeting.
“Hi, I’m from Miller’s Woodshop Creations and I came to…”
He stops when he takes in the sights of you as you open the door wide, stepping out onto the porch in a lilac colored sundress that goes down to the middle of your thighs, exposing long legs as the bodice hugs your hips perfectly. He gasps at the beautiful shades of your eyes. He’s never seen such beautiful eyes before, a color that reminds him of warm summer days and clover covered fields. Your hair is in soft curls, held back by a pink ribbon as you flash him a smile that can knock him down to his knees. He thinks you’re absolutely breathtaking. The most gorgeous thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
“Oh! My little table I ordered. I had no idea it was finished! Let me see it,” you say excitedly as he steps out of the way and lets you bend over to analyze the table.
You rake your fingers over the smooth, polished wood and carefully trace the edges of the hand painted white flowers that cover the surface of the table. It’s so beautiful, exactly what you were looking for when you placed the order. You were afraid they wouldn’t see the vision you were going for, but this was exactly what you wanted. It was perfect.
“This is incredible! Exactly what I pictured it to be. Who made this?” you ask incredibly as you hover over the top of the smooth wood.
“I did,” he says nervously behind you.
You drop your hands and push yourself off the porch, turning to take in the man who made this himself. “You made this?” you ask quietly.
“Mhm. Just finished it up today,” he answers, his eyes locking on yours as he nods his head up and down slowly.
“Oh, well it’s exactly what I wanted! It’s gorgeous, thank you.”
“No problem, sweetheart,” he says with a Southern accent that stops you in your tracks.
Sweetheart. You like the sound of that a lot.
“And you are?” you ask with a raised eyebrow, curiosity swirling in your eyes at the handsome gentleman who stands in front of you.
“Oh, sorry. My name’s Joel. Joel Miller.” He holds his arm out, waiting for you to take his hand patiently, his eyes flicking over yours carefully. You slowly place your hand in his and shake.
You almost gasp when you feel his calloused fingers close over yours. He feels like magic, like shooting sparks are flying in his soft brown eyes as he holds your hand in his. You’ve never had this reaction shaking a man’s hand before. This feels… different. The magic dies as soon as he drops his hand, and you almost reach for his hand again just to feel that buzzing sensation through your body that was there when his hand was in yours.
“Miller. Is Tommy Miller your brother?” you ask with a curious smile.
“Yes, ma’am. He helps me run the shop.”
“Oh, I see. Well, Joel, I’m glad it was you that brought this by for me today,” you smile gently, fluttering your long eyelashes up at him as he blushes and pushes a hand through his tousled curls nervously. You think he’s absolutely beautiful.
“It was no trouble. And your name? I didn’t catch your name, darlin’.”
Darlin’. There he goes again with the little nicknames. You wish he’d never stop. He could just keep going. He could call you anything he wanted to, and you’d let him. As long as he came back here again.
You tell him your name, and he repeats it like honey dripping off the tip of his tongue. It sounds beautiful the way he says it. Like sweet tea that simmers in your soul. It sounds all lilty and dreamy, and you decide then that you do want to see him again.
“That’s a pretty name,” he says softly as his lips curl up into a dreamy smile that almost takes your breath away.
“Oh, uh - thank you,” you smile in return.
You take in his full features now. See the way his eyes shine like caramel in the warm sun that glazes over them, see the dark brown flecks mix with warmer colors to make the prettiest soft brown eyes you’ve ever seen in your life. His skin is tan like gold, his broad shoulders filling out the blue button-up flannel shirt that presses firmly to his strong chest. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows as they expose thick veins that cascade down his arms to end in big, thick hands. Hands you’d like to hold on more than one occasion.
And his smile. God, his smile sends your insides spiraling. He’s so fucking beautiful, and you hope he’ll stay for tea. Maybe, just maybe he’ll want to try your famous hibiscus herbal tea.
Please, stay.
“Here, let me put this inside for you. It’s a little heavy, so don’t want you to try to lift it,” he says adamantly as he bends over and scoops up the little side table in his arms.
You open the door wide for him and watch him walk through the entrance as you point to your cream colored couch that sits up against the soft pastel purple colored walls. “Just right next to the couch will be fine, thank you,” you say as you watch his biceps cling to his flannel shirt, watching the way his back muscles pull against his shirt to expose thick muscles that you’d kill to run your fingers down.
He’s so gorgeous.
When he sets down the table on the dark wooden floor, he takes in your little living space. He examines your white shelf that holds purple orchids, different colored carnations, and potted hanging plants whose vines spill over the edges fluidly.
Next, he notices the windowsill that has amethyst and pink quartz crystals lined against the edge as a stack of flower tarot cards lay against the crystals. He takes in the bright colors of your kitchen as the sunlight beams through the open windows as robins chirp their melodious songs outside the window. Lavender and white tulips encase the edges of the light colored wooden countertop as it overflows with various herbs that stack neatly together.
The air smells dewy-fresh as the aroma of flowers and tea fill the air. You watch Joel take in his surroundings carefully and see his lips part open just slightly as he spins in a slow circle. You lean against the wooden countertop and rest your chin in the palm of your hand as you watch him dreamily. He’s just so handsome, so intriguing, so curious.
As he turns back your direction, you straighten up and try to act normal, but it’s so hard around him. So very hard. “You uh, you sure like flowers don’t ya?” he asks as you blush from the question.
“Is that a bad thing?” you ask nervously as he comes over and leans against the opposite side of the counter, staring up into your eyes as he gently smiles.
“No, s’not a bad thing. Just I haven’t seen a house quite like yours before. It’s very… unique what you’ve done to the place,” he says as his eyes skate across your lit up kitchen.
“Well, I’m a unique person,” you giggle out, letting the single pearl necklace bounce along your tan chest.
“I can see that,” he smiles as his eyes skate down your lilac sundress, gulping when you see him rake his eyes over your full breasts and down your curvy hips and smooth thighs. You suck in a breath when his warm eyes land back on yours as you watch the sunlight trickle warm golden colors against his gentle brown eyes.
He’s so fucking beautiful.
“Purple your favorite color?” he asks as he examines the soft colored walls in your kitchen.
“How could you tell?” you ask as a soft giggle echoes around the small living space.
“I’m good at observations,” he says with a smirk that pulls at the corners of his mouth.
Oh, this one is gonna be a tease. You just know it.
“You live out here alone?” he asks as he walks around the counter, dragging his finger along the wooden edges as he stares at the purple orchids that lay across your wide open kitchen window.
“Yeah, it’s just me and my flowers. Also, my cat, Oliver. He’s probably outside hunting mice or something,” you laugh.
“Ahh. I see.”
You watch the way he furrows his eyebrows at the flowers, looking at them as if he’s trying to figure out what they are. Somehow you think he doesn’t know a lot about plants. Maybe you could teach him.
“Orchids,” you say as you walk up next to him, laying your hand on the wooden counter as you place your eyes on the vibrant deep purple colors of the flowers.
“Huh?” he asks as turns around and faces you.
“These are orchids.” You nod your head to the lush flowers, and an understanding grunt comes from deep within his chest.
“Oh, I see. They’re pretty,” he says as he drops his hand back to the counter. His pinky finger drags along the side of yours, and you feel hot fire run through your fingertips.
You drop your hand and watch him take a step back, eyes melding into yours as the sunlight bursts through his brown irises. You can’t help but to fall for him right then. This man was going to make you pull out the tarot cards, see if love was in your near future. With him.
He shifts his weight and leans into the edge of the counter, contemplating his next actions. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t take up anymore of your time. It was nice to meet you,” he says as he starts to walk toward the front door.
You freeze, almost choke up as the words run dry in your throat. “Wait!” It comes off desperate, loud, and you think you just ruined your chances with him. He turns back around with his eyebrows raised, maybe even alarmed that you almost screamed at him.
“Tea? Do you like tea?” you ask, desperate for him to stay a little longer. You want him, need him to stay just a few more minutes. You want to get to know this man, maybe want to give him a tarot reading, if he wanted one.
“Tea? ‘Course I do. Why do you ask?” He knits his eyebrows together as if he’s concentrating a little too hard on you, and you gulp at the sight of those gorgeous flecks of brown staring back at you.
“Will you stay for tea? I just picked some fresh herbs from the garden, and it’s the least I can do for having you deliver my furniture for me. Please,” you say as you nod to your cream colored couch, asking him to sit while you prepare the tea.
He flicks his eyes over the smooth material of the couch and back at you as his eyes blaze into yours. “Sure, darlin’. I’d love to,” he says as he moves to the couch and sits down gently as his body presses against the soft material. You have to avert your eyes from his large thighs that pull against the dark material of his jeans.
He’s so fucking broad and muscular. He was going to get you into trouble if you were already practically drooling at his Southern charm and good looks.
You smile and get to work chopping up lavender and rosemary herbs as you mix them together with elderberries and hibiscus flowers while you pour almond milk and a dash of water together. Everyone loves your herbal teas, you just hoped Joel would, too.
“So, is this one of your specialities or somethin’? You sure do have a lot of herbs and teacups around,” he says as he assesses your china cabinet full of floral tea cups and fine china that you’ve been collecting for years. Call it a hobby or an addiction, but you’ve been making tea for as long as you can remember. That’s why you have your own tea shop just a few miles down the road. A business you’ve loved every since you got to open your little shop a few years ago.
“Something like that,” you giggle as you continue mixing the various ingredients together in a large glass pitcher. “I actually own my own little tea shop a few miles down the road. It’s called Starlight’s Corner.”
“Starlight’s Corner, huh? Strange, I’ve never heard of it. Where is it located?” he asks as he leans his elbows against his knees and places his hands under his chin, eyes focused on you. You try not to blush as he watches you mix together the tea, but you fail to no avail.
“It’s just off Fourth Street, right next to a little boutique. You can’t miss it.”
“Wait, that’s not too far from my shop. I guess I’ll have to come check it out sometime,” he says with a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. You can’t help but smile back at him.
“Yeah, guess you should.”
After mixing the ingredients together and throwing a dash of sugar in there, you pour two glasses of the floral sweet smelling tea and walk over to him slowly. You hand him a glass and when he takes it your fingers brush up against his, causing you to jolt your hand back as purple liquid splashes over the side of the cup and lands on top of Joel’s denim covered thigh.
You gasp and set your own drink down on the glass coffee table as you run to grab a towel from the kitchen. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that, really I’m so sorry,” you apologize hurriedly as you go back over and hand him the dark hand towel, your face beat red with embarrassment as you say sorry another five times.
“Darlin’, relax. It’s alright. It’s just a little spill. Nothing I can’t handle,” he says as he hushes you, circling his hand over your wrist as all worries seem to vanish at his soft touch.
Your breathing calms as you relax your shoulders, his fingers still pressed firmly around your wrist as you feel every single callous that covers his thick fingers. It’s soothing, relaxing, mind numbing as he stares up at you with those warm brown eyes of his, his chest rising and falling calmly as his other hand presses the towel to his damp thigh. And suddenly it’s like you’re in the middle of your lush garden outside, smelling the sweet scents of wildflowers and fresh air as you breathe in his mahogany scent. He smells like fresh wood and pine trees, a scent you could get completely lost in, drown in.
He suddenly drops his fingers from your skin, and it’s like you wake up from a trance. You want him to touch you again, you want to feel the flames that ignite your skin every time he traces his calloused fingers along your soft, silky skin. You want to know what he tastes like, what he sounds like if your lips ever pressed up against his soft, plush lips.
You shake your head out of your lovesick daze and grab your glass of tea as you go around to the other side of the couch and sit down next to him, just inches from your thigh meeting his. You watch him towel off the damp spot on his thigh, rubbing the material harshly as he calls it good and sits the now damp towel on the coffee table.
“Joel, again, I’m so sorry. Let me…”
He holds his large hand out and silences you as your voice stops cold. “Sweetheart, ya gotta stop aplogizin’. Really, it’s fine,” he presses as he goes to grab the half filled glass of tea. He grips it in his large hand and brings it close to his plush lips.
“I hope you like sweet tea,” you say before he takes a sip, hopeful that he won’t hate it.
“If it’s as sweet as you, I’m sure I’ll love it,” he smiles.
Your cheeks flush crimson as you take in the compliment and watch him bring the rim of his glass up to his lips, throwing back his head as you watch the hibiscus tea run slowly down his throat. You watch the way the liquid pulls at his lips, watch the way the veins in his neck bulge and flex as he drinks it down. You can’t help but lick your parched lips as you watch him gulp the liquid down. You wonder what it’d feel like to hang on his lips like that, wonder how it’d taste to run your tongue along his soft, inviting lips.
He tilts his head back up and sets the now almost empty glass back on the table as he licks his lips and smiles sweetly over at you. “Darlin’, how did I not know you had a tea shop so close to my store? This is the best tea I’ve ever had in my entire life,” he muses as you smile over at him in wonder.
“Really? You really liked it that much?” you ask with wide eyes glazing over his big brown eyes that you want to get lost in.
“Mhm. I mean it when I say that was the best glass of tea I’ve ever had,” he says as he nods his head. “Especially when it’s from a gorgeous girl like yourself,” he blushes.
Gorgeous? Oh. He called you gorgeous.
“Oh, stop,” you laugh as you stand and grab his glass up. “You want some more? I have plenty.”
“Absolutely,” he nods.
You pad your bare feet into the kitchen and find Oliver sitting at the edge of the window. His large green eyes hover over at Joel and his calico markings dance in the sunlight as he creeps into the kitchen and slowly makes his way over to Joel, inspecting the newcomer in his house.
“This must be Oliver?” Joel asks as he bends over and pets Oliver as he rubs against Joel’s leg. You giggle to yourself as that’s a sign Oliver likes someone. Looks like Joel is now welcome in his humble abode after all.
“Yep, that’s sweet Oliver. I think he likes you,” you giggle as you watch him scratch the clean fur on his back, hearing Oliver’s loud purrs echo into the open kitchen.
“Looks like it,” he chuckles out. The sound is so warm, inviting as it reverberates through his chest. It’s a sound you’d like to hear around here more often, a sound you could get used to fast.
“You have any pets, Joel?” you ask as you pour more delicious liquid into his glass and saunter back over to him, setting it on the table as to not spill anymore tea on him.
“Can’t say that I do. Never really was a cat person, but for some reason this one seems to like me,” he says as Oliver rubs up against his leg and jumps up into your lap the moment you sit down.
“Hmm, guess he has a good sense of judgement,” you wink at him, watching him nervously run a hand through his tousled dark curls. You want to run your hands through his curls, down his patchy beard that’s sprinkled with salt and pepper grey. He looks to be in his mid forties, an older man who you’d love to get to know better.
“How ummm, how old are you, sweetheart?” he asks as he drags his thick fingers through his patchy scruff, ending at his chin as he drops his hand gently back to his lap.
“Twenty-nine. And yourself?” you ask as you cock an eyebrow up at him.
“Forty-three,” he answers nervously as if to await a harsh judgement his way. You have no issue with an older man though. You wouldn’t even mind if he was your same age, you just wanted to know him. You were intrigued by his charm and creative hands.
“Forty-three, huh?” you ask as your eyes flick up and down him, memorizing his lean jaw and the way his fingers lightly flex in his lap when he has his eyes fixed on you. You were starting to read him well. He was nervous, maybe a little shy around the edges, but you definitely saw that he was nervous about his age. He shouldn’t be.
“Yeah, I’m an old man,” he jokes as his cheeks turn slightly pink from nerves.
“Nah, you’re definitely not old,” you confirm. “If you were old, you wouldn’t have been able to carry that table in for me,” you smile.
“Forty-three ain’t too old for ya?” he teases, but his eyes focus intently on you, needing to know he had a chance. And he definitely had a chance.
“No, it’s the perfect age,” you smile shyly.
He laughs and shakes his head, making a stray curl fall against his forehead. Without even thinking, you take your hand and push it back out of his eyes and feel just how silky smooth his hair really is.
His lips part open as you realize just how close to his face you are now, just a couple inches from his plush lips that probably taste of velvet. Your heart speeds up as you stare into his beautiful eyes, seeing every single golden brown fleck that glistens like galaxies in his eyes. You feel your hand drop to his chest, feel him lean forward as you inhale that woodsy scent that draws you to him. You’re so close, so close to a taste of heaven you so desperately want to reach.
When you realize just what you’re doing, you push back from him and put some distance in between the two of you as you catch your breath and come back down to reality. You almost kissed him. Why the fuck did you stop? You take a large drink of your tea and let the floral flavors float down your throat, hoping it’ll cool off your flushed cheeks as you feel fire burn through your core.
Get a hold of yourself. You just met this man.
Joel clears his throat and shifts his weight on the couch, grabbing his glass as he takes another generous gulp of the purple tea. Oliver sits across the room now and stares in between the two of you, meowing as even he feels the connection in the quiet room.
Joel clears the air as the heated moment disappears for the time being. “So, you’re a flower girl, huh?” he asks as his eyes gaze around the room at all your colorful hanging pots of flowers and plants that line the walls.
“How could you tell?” you ask with a flirtatious gleam in your smile.
“Oh, you know. Lucky guess,” he smirks as you feel your insides coat with warmth.
“Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret,” you giggle. “I have an entire garden out in the backyard, too. Actually, more like an enchanted forest, but you know. You’d have to see it to believe it.”
“Oh, yeah? You gonna show it to me?” he asks as a smile curls against his lips, making a dimple appear that nearly brings you to your knees. He’s so pretty that it hurts.
“If you want me to,” you say through long lashes that fan out for him.
He chuckles lightly and nods. “C’mon then. Show me,” he says as he stands and reaches for your hand. You’re hesitant at first, but he keeps it extended and nods down at his hand. “C’mon, sweetheart. I know you want to show me.” That’s all the encouragement you need.
You take his hand as he helps you up, feeling his calloused fingers close around yours as he pulls you off the velvety surface. He keeps his hand latched around yours until you make it to the back door, feeling a sigh escape your lips as his warmth leaves your hand the moment he drops his fingers from yours. His hand in yours felt so good, it felt right.
You slide on a pair or sandals and lead him down your back porch, past the flowing stone fountain where birds are sitting getting drinks and ruffling their feathers as they bathe in the cool water. You lead him down a winding stone path and watch as he follows close behind.
You trail your fingers on some tall standing cedar trees and push past a small field of sunflowers, watching as the golden finches hang on the flower stems and feed on the seeds. You look behind you and see Joel looking all around him as he takes in the sights of crowded red rose bushes and white tulips that sit side by side as their colors paint each other crimson and white.
“Where are you taking me?” he laughs as he follows close behind.
“You’ll see,” you smile back at him as you grab ahold of his wrist and whisk him to the left, nearing your favorite spot in the place you call your enchanted forest.
As you round a small corner and go through a vine wrapped awning, you pull him into the middle of a large circular field that has rows and rows of different colored wildflowers that scatter across the entire field. Beds of strawberries, grape vines, and all types of various herbs have their own raised beds. Lavender, white lilies, purple irises, and different types of carnations display every which was as the sound of the rushing stream that sits behind a forest of trees carries through the wind. This is home to you.
You spin around and find Joel looking dazed as he takes in his surroundings. He runs his large hands across the growing lavender as he lets his fingers dwindle on the green stems, looking carefully over everything that sits in front of him. He looks to be in awe.
“Welcome to my little place I call my enchanted forest,” you say as you continue staring at him as he slowly turns your direction, releasing his fingers from the lavender that sways slowly in the spring air.
“Did you grow all this?” he asks with wide eyes as you see a Monarch butterfly land softly on the side of his sleeve.
“I did. Took me a little over a year to get everything going, but I think it turned out nicely.”
You walk over in front of him and hold your finger out to the butterfly, watching it come to you as it crawls over your index finger, letting you hold it carefully in your hand as you smile and say hello to the beautiful butterfly.
“Beautiful creatures, aren’t they?” you smile, watching it flap its bright orange wings as it flies off in the direction of some pink wildflowers.
You turn slowly to Joel, and he’s just standing there staring at you as if he’s stuck in a trance. His golden brown eyes gaze into yours as his lips part just the slightest. “Yeah, they are,” he says quietly. But he’s not looking at the butterfly anymore, he’s looking at you. You feel your cheeks burn hot at the way he’s looking at you. He makes you feel so nervous yet so beautiful at the same time. It’s strange, really. Nothing you’ve experienced before.
“Did you know they’re the state insect of Texas?” you say proudly as you pick up a fallen lavender rose off the ground.
“No, I didn’t know that. Fascinating,” he says awestruck, his voice quiet again as his eyes never waver from yours.
You twirl the purple rose in your hand and smile down at it as your fingers brush over the soft, velvety petals. Lavender roses mean enchantment, wonder, and love at first sight. You can’t help but giggle to yourself as you walk over to Joel and slip the rose inside the pocket on his blue flannel shirt, accentuating his look as he looks down and runs his finger over the flower.
“You know, all roses have different meanings, depending on their color,” you say as you rock on your heels, your hands behind your back as you play with your fingers nervously.
“Oh, what’s this color mean?” he asks as he runs another finger over the soft petals.
“It means enchantment, wonder, and admiration,” you smile, leaving the love at first sight out as you feel the sun warm your rosy cheeks.
His eyes look up into yours as a small smile curls against his lips, his eyes lighting up like warm honey that you want to drown in. “Enchantment, is that right?” he asks as he takes a step closer to you, his leather boots meeting the edge of your open sandals as you suck in a breath.
“That’s right,” you say quietly, eyes never leaving his warm colored irises.
“Well, you sure enchanted me, sweetheart,” he smiles, his eyes staring straight into yours as you feel warmth overwhelm all your senses.
You enchanted him.
You break his gaze and look down shyly, unable to say anything to that sentence except just to blush and turn around so he doesn’t see the ridiculous smile that’s covering your face. Turns out he enchanted you, too.
“Come here, I want to show you something else,” you say as you lead him over to the large white trellis walls where blackberry vines trail along the ladder. You fill your hands with the deep colored blackberries and tell Joel to follow your lead.
He looks at you with knitted eyebrows as you tell him to be quiet and watch his step. You take him to the edge of the woods where the trees are thick and tall, a sea of green sprawled out in front of you as you click your tongue against the roof of your mouth, calling to the family of deer that usually greet you every evening.
“What are you doin’, darlin’?” he asks quietly as he leans up against the smooth bark of a tall cedar tree.
“Why don’t you take a look?” you smile as you nod your head in the direction of the woods. He straightens up as he watches the pack of deer walk cautiously out into the open as they gather around and greet you.
“Hey there, guys. You hungry?” you ask as you hold your hand out for them to come up to. They come all at once, their reddish-brown coats glistening in the sun as their long legs patter lightly against the green grass. Their wet noses kiss your skin as they eat the berries slowly out of the palm of your hand. You giggle as their wet noses tickle your skin.
Joel stares in wonder, his eyes focused on you as you laugh and smile as each of the deer take berries from your hand. He watches how happy you are as you reach out your open palm and stroke gently over their backs, amazed that wild deer allow you to touch them.
He watches how your eyes light up each time one of the females rub their head gently against the middle of your arm, watches the way you interact and speak to them as if they’re human themselves.
He’s smitten with your smile. That damn beautiful smile that takes the breath from his lungs. And God, he thinks he’s falling in love. He’s never seen someone quite like you before. You’re so soft, so gentle. Almost as if you’re a delicate rose yourself.
You catch him watching you with the daze of his warm eyes, a soft smile etching the corner of his mouth as he stares at you. It’s like he’s in a trance, and it makes you tingle with pure delight inside.
“Joel, come here,” you instruct as you nod your head and call him over.
“Oh, no I couldn’t,” he says timidly as he leans harder against the tree. You’re not letting him get off that easily.
“Joel, please. Just give me your hand.” You reach for him and take his hand in yours, leading him over carefully to the family of deer. He doesn’t pull his hand away, he just keeps his fingers tightly closed over yours.
“Here, wanna feed them?” you ask as you scatter some blackberries in his calloused hands. He slightly hesitates at first, but then he eases up as he holds his hand out and lets one of the females eat out of the palm of his hand. You watch him carefully as his face relaxes, his shoulders lowering as his hand lays flat with the berries inside them. Another deer comes over and starts grazing out of his hand, and you swear you see a little twinkle in his brown eyes.
“I think they like you,” you giggle, watching the way they crowd around him just like they do with you.
“I’ve never fed wild deer before. It’s… well, it’s…”
“Amazing.” You finish his sentence for him as he nods his head up and down.
“Exactly that,” he replies.
When the blackberries are gone, you gently take his hand in yours and reach his arm out, showing him how to pet them the right way so they’ll remember him and want to come back later. You keep your hand on top of his and guide it along the soft fur as one of the females lets you stroke the top of her head. You drop your hand from Joel’s and watch him still trail his hand up and down the deer’s side, seeing the way a soft smile spreads across his face.
“There you go. You’re a natural,” you beam as his honey eyes meet yours, sending a wave of bliss down your entire body.
He just shakes his head and chuckles out a deep laugh. “I swear, it’s like you’re Snow White. You’re really somethin’ special, aren’t ya?” he asks as his eyes sink into the pits of your soul.
Special. He thinks you’re special.
“Thank you for thinking that,” you giggle shyly. “I just know how to get in touch with nature. It’s one of my favorite places to be,” you say with a sing-song voice as you tilt your head and take in the splashes of warm sun against your skin.
Joel just watches dreamily as you close your eyes and take in the sun. He thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, knows just how special you are. He thinks he knew the moment he laid his eyes on you.
When all the deer have left, you give him a tour of your grand garden, telling him all about your favorite flowers and take him down to the edge of the stream as little minnows swim around the middle of the clear water. When you start to lead him back to the house, he starts up light conversation again.
“You really are an expert on nature, aren’t ya? Anything from flowers to planting herbs to animals. You’re really quite somethin’,” he says mesmerized as he stops on the edge of the porch and lingers his hand next to yours, grazing his thumb lightly against the back of your hand as you feel the sparks light up like a million fireworks going off at once. It’s warm, feels safe, makes you feel alive as you trail your pinky finger against his. You want to dance in the flames, let the orange sparks ignite your soul as they take you down to devour you whole.
“You think so?” you smile, watching his honey glazed eyes trail over yours.
“Mhm. Just like a little garden fairy,” he teases as he traces his calloused fingers down your jawline slowly. “Gonna have to teach me more, enchantress,” he whispers as his fingers drop from your jawline, your face burning with desire as you beg to be touched by him again.
Enchantress. The word echoes through your mind as his Southern drawl crashes through your ears. Enchantress, you repeat back to yourself. He’s so sweet, just like the honey that swims in his captivating eyes.
“I’d like that,” you swallow as nerves build in your chest.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket and opens up a blank contact page on the lit up screen, handing it to you so you can type in your phone number. You take the phone from his hands and dance your fingers over the keyboard, putting a fairy emoji next to your name as you push save. You hand it back over to him as he slides it back into the pocket of his jeans.
The sun starts to set as colors of deep purple, bright orange, and dark pink paint the sky red as the sun slowly slips beneath the fluffy clouds. He rakes a hand through his tousled curls and nods your direction as he steps down the porch steps. You wish he’d stay for dinner, but you should probably let him get back home.
“It was nice meeting you, darlin’.” He says your name slowly as it drips off his tongue like sweet molasses, sending butterflies flitting through your stomach. “You gonna save some of that sweet tea for me next time?”
Next time. That means there will be a next time. Another day with Joel Miller sipping on your herbal tea as you teach him all about your favorite things. It sounds absolutely magical.
You smile gently at him and shake your head. “I’ll have a pitcher waiting for you,” you promise.
He chuckles as a smile splays against his gorgeous face, painting his eyes the color of hazelnut coffee. So fucking beautiful. “Alright, sweetheart. I’ll hold you to it.”
He turns and walks back to his Chevy truck, but before he makes it he turns around and gives you one more long, waning glance. His eyes full of admiration. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
“Goodnight,” you whisper back to him, letting the soft wind carry your voice over to him. He gives you one more lingering smile and then walks away. You watch him start the engine and watch as the his headlights disappear through the trees, down the gravel road that’ll lead him back home.
You turn and slide down your porch, leaning your elbows against the edge of your lilac dress as you let out the longest sigh you’ve ever breathed out of your mouth. Oliver comes up and brushes up against your hip, meowing as he stares up at the lingering dirt in the air from Joel’s truck.
“Yeah, Oliver, I think I like this one, too,” you sigh, daydreaming about the next time you’ll see those dreamy brown eyes of his again.
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Joel lays in his bed that night, twirling the lavender colored rose between his fingers, inhaling the scent of fresh gardens, sweet smelling flowers, and you. He’s already memorized your exact smell. You smell like rose petals, lilacs, and sweet tea. It’s intoxicating, a fragrance he can’t seem to get out of his head.
And your smile. God, that sweet smile you give him makes him a weak man. He could never say no to you as long as you fluttered those long, dark eyelashes up at him as you flash him that beautiful smile. The one that makes his heart swell in his chest. He can’t wait to see you again. Just the thought of him pulling you in his arms with that form fitting lilac sundress sends chills down his spine. Joel Miller is not one to fall easily, but for you it might be as easy as putting one foot in front of the other.
He places the soft purple rose on his mahogany bedside table and takes a picture as his camera flashes over the rose. He pulls up your name and attaches the picture with a cute little message.
Please, don’t mess this up, Joel. She’s too perfect.
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Your phone chimes on your cream painted nightstand, and you roll over in your queen sized bed, taking the lilac sheets with you as you reach for your iPhone. You see a number you don’t recognize on the lit up screen and slide the lock open. Your heart jolts as soon as you see the picture of the lavender rose on his nightstand, the words take your breath away. It’s him, Joel.
Joel: Thanks again for the rose, little enchantress.
You melt as you read the text over and over and over again. Little enchantress. The nickname nearly makes you fall out of bed with how sweet it is. You text him back a couple minutes later.
You: You’re so very welcome. You’re always welcome to come get some more. My garden is always open.
You end the text with a smiley face and a rose emoji, setting your phone back on the nightstand after pushing send and then hug the silky purple pillow to your chest.
He kept the rose you gave him. He kept the rose. He was thinking about you just like you were thinking about him.
You turn again in your silky lilac sheets and inhale the soft vanilla candles that burn in the corner of your room. The gentle breeze of night slips through your cracked window and blows the sheer white curtains to the side. Shadows dance across your lilac covered walls, and it almost looks like two people slow dancing in the moonlight. You pretend it’s you and Joel, dancing under the moonlight as he pulls you close and grazes his lips against yours, pretend his hands envelop yours as his calloused fingers graze the edges of your face.
You turn back around and close your eyes, wishing for dreams of dark eyes and tousled curls. Joel, Joel Joel. You were all his, all for the taking. He just needed to come sweep you off your feet, and you’d be his. You already knew, he was the one you wanted, the one you’d been wishing for for your entire life. He was the one.
Joel was the one.
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Tags: (Please let me know if you do not want to be tagged. I figured you guys would want to read!) @joelalorian @joelmillersblog @vividispunk @tuquoquebrute @mountainsandmayhem @princesatracionera @blueseastorm @janaispunk @amyispxnk @bambisweethearts @vivian-pascal @strawberri-blonde @dugiioh @akah565 @ka-x-in @orcasoul @lotusbxtch @reddedmiller @r3dheadedwitch @pedrostories @jasminedragoon @msjarvis @littlevenicebitch69 @ezrasbirdie-main @cherrybombsxxx @thischarmingmandalorian @prettytulips @burntheedges @sweetercalypso @keylimebeag @casa-boiardi @vvitchesh3x @laurrrra
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absurd-ash ¡ 5 months
hii, até your requests still open? if yes, can i ask for some fluff hcs of macaque and wukong (sep pls) with a reader who is tired because of college? like they don’t even have time for themselves or even for the monkeys since they study EVERY DAY.
i just need to sleep please 💀
☀️Wukong & Macaque x OverworkedReader🌙
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TW: Swearing
A.N: Coming right up! Sorry both of these are so short, I’ve been trying super hard to finish’s the next chapters of my Jax x reader book as well as A Silent Truce
>☀️I’m going to be completely honest with you, this man is dense as fuck. So he’s not going to tell that your tired because of college, he just gonna think your exhausted and burnt out for no reason.
>Your going to have to tell him explicitly that college is what’s tiring you out so much
>But if you don’t tell him, he’ll still try his best to make you relax, anything, you name it.
>Massaging, Hair grooming, cuddling, hell, he’ll even cook for you, just wanting to see you take a break and get some rest
>☀️The studying part is where it gets more complicated and what he does to help you fully depends on what your studying
>if it’s something like history, Wukong will be more than happy to tell you about almost everything he remembers about his past, although he might over exaggerate some bits
>But if your studying something that he’s bad with, for example, English, he’ll struggle with you and it’ll end in you giving him a lesson on the subject (much to his displeasure)
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>🌙Unlike Wukong, Macaque will sense that your overworking yourself because of college immediately
>Hope you didn’t have any assignments due soon since this man is not letting your anywhere near your desk until you get some rest
>He doesn’t say it explicitly, but he worries about you a lot and on some occasions even watch your through the shadows to make sure you eat and sleep enough
>🌙Macaque also always picks up some food for you while he’s out since he knows that the chances of you ordering from some trashy fast food place are high
>Let’s just say Pigsy’s Noodles suddenly got a lot more orders ever since Macaque found out you’ve been overworking yourself
>🌙Whenever Macaques busy, be it training or doing a shadow play, he always had one of his shadow clones caring for you
>Unknown to him that his shadow clones had grown a bit clingy to you, not letting you get any work done and just pulling you in for a extremely long cuddle sesh
Heya! Sorry again that this is so short, like I said I’ve been a bit busy. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! :D
Also, I kinda want to get to know you guys a bit better and vice versa, so please feel free to ask some questions and I’ll answer them!
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hullabaloo-circus ¡ 2 years
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Margaretha Zelle
do not tag as irl/kin or romantic fictional other
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wheeboo ¡ 1 year
seventeen with an older s/o
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PAIRING. seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship, headcanons WARNINGS. none WORD COUNT. 1.09k
requested from 🌙 anon: hello! i love LOVE your writing! i wonder if you can write about how svt would be in a relationship with an s/o who's like 3-4 years old older than them? thank you very much.- 🌙
notes: hope u enjoy this anon, i rlly hope it makes sense?? for some reason it was a bit hard to write for some of them. ty for ur patience as well djflksdjfl
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choi seungcheol 
used to being the Dad™ of 12 chaotic men so he prob want to take advantage of the fact that you are older than him. loves it when you would be the one to initiate things like wanting to cuddle with him, being the one to cook dinner for the night, etc. sometimes he just comes home absolutely exhausted from the day and prefers to be in your safe and comforting presence where you would whisper sweet things in his ears and take care of him
yoon jeonghan
teases you in a playful way ofc. like maybe you both are having a restaurant date or something and by the time it finished, you ask him “can you call the waiter over for the check if you see them?” and then he’s like “well since you are the grown-up, how about YOU call the waiter?” and you just roll your eyes to his remarks. then he’s like “jk” and calls the waiter over. doesn’t admit but he loves it when you baby him cuz it makes him feel so secure
joshua hong
can be another tease but only when the time is right yk. is prob like a mixture of cheol and jeonghan in a way, but he absolutely melts when you treat him like a baby at times w/ your little pet names and it shows in his face when he has that big wide smile and tries to hide it away. cherishes the little moments when you take care of him and he will def treat you back in the same way no matter the age difference
wen junhui
constantly asking for your approval on things, even the smallest kinds. like if he’s out getting groceries he’d text you asking if he should buy this or that, or if it’s fine for him to stop by the nearby bakery to buy something even tho he doesn’t need permission. already gives little spoon energy tbh so he loves the feeling of falling into your open arms and when you run your fingers through his hair, it soothes him a lot
kwon soonyoung
another one who asks for help and approval on stuff. absolutely adores waking up from a nap or in the morning and sees that you already planned an outfit for him laying at the end of the bed. gets so giddy when you call him sweet pet names or when you pat his head or grab his face in your hands. goes to you for a lot of advice for stuff and he becomes sooo attentive when you are talking to him and takes in all your words very carefully. he just admires you a lot heh
jeon wonwoo
doesn’t mind the age gap at all. I think that he is more into an equal relationship where it’s like a “you give me this, I give you back” kind of deal and you both make sure that one of you doesn’t get any less care or attention. but he doesn’t mind at all if you are to swoon over him and ruffle his hair cuz pretty sure he secretly loves it and won’t admit it
lee jihoon
pretends to hate being babied but don’t worry, he secretly loves it. prefers for you to do it when you are both alone together because if you were to do it in front of the other members, he would go all red in the ears and look down at the floor wishing he could sink in it. at rare times when he does want the affection it doesn’t take long for his cold exterior to melt as he allows you to take care of him
xu minghao
another one who doesn’t rlly mind the age difference, but I think since he naturally loves caring for others he might prefer to care after you more as a way to show his respect n love, age difference or not. like if you offer to cook that night he’d be like “don’t worry, just rest up so I can do it”. if you baby him he’d def pretend to despise it in some way, but he likes the balance between maturity and being babied, and loves how he can be open w you
kim mingyu
gosh he loves the feeling of being babied by you, or when you call him pet names or ruffle his hair and all that. even of this man is tall and huge he can’t help but feel so small when he’s around you and he’s whipped and fonding over your care and attentiveness and responsibility. he also makes sure to repay your care and will literally go all out to make sure you are 101% taken care of
lee seokmin
might be used to being treated like a baby his whole life since he has an older sister. is very playful and attentive and takes all your words of advice as something to treasure and cherish for himself, and he def loves to show you off as well. like “guess what y/n treated for me today???” like he is prob livid on the fact that you spoil him sometimes. loves the comfort n reassurance you give him
boo seungkwan
is also used to being babied. absolutely treasures all the advice you give him and the mature perspective you have on things. the type to prob cower behind you and let you take the lead in things as well. also continuously asks for approval and gives you the utmost respect possible. would act cute around you just for you to spoil him in some sorts. he also loves it when you allow him to take care of you back n also won’t shut up abt you to the members
vernon chwe
also doesn’t mind the age difference like it’s not even there for the two of you. you both seem to balance each other out quite equally and your relationship is already laid back as it is. honestly he might treat you like both are the same age. your relationship flows pretty naturally, but he does quietly appreciate the times you give him comfort and reassurance and he makes sure to show his love in subtle ways
lee chan
man already has to suffer with his 12 older brothers so he def doesn’t mind the age gap at all and is used to being babied, teased, and playfully bullied by them and you (save him). cherishes more from you ofc, and he thrives on the opportunity of being babied and taken care of. feels the immediate relief when coming home to you and you already have dinner cooked and a home date prepared
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae​
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knightkins ¡ 1 year
Um, hi. Could I get a self-care kit for an Enderman (Minecraft), please? Please don’t include snacks or anything that burns or smells. I’m okay with anything else. I do prefer darker colors (especially purple) and space-y things. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
- ☔️
Salutations! I do apologise for the wait.. Let me know if you wish for changes!
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All Items Under 25 USD ☆ NOT WHOLE LIST
Planet Pins ☞ Star Keychain ☞ Fingerless Gloves
Crocheted Star Plushies ☽ Enderman Keychain
Fidget Necklace ☞ Lanturns ☞ Ender Bracelet
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7 notes ¡ View notes
Hello! Greetings, it's me again! 🌙! Idk if I sent this request because I think I didn't finished it and accidentally deleted all my questions so I'm redoing them rn.
1. What about Rosaria, ga-ming, Dehya, Candace, Cyno, Tighnari, collei, Chevreuse, Diona, cloud retainer, Charlotte, beidou, Noelle, mika, and Xiao? What do they think ABT reader? Btw idk if I saw Tighnari or Cyno in your posts so-
2. Was there ever a time where the genshin impact wasn't self aware at first? Or did they already knew about creator before fake creator was there?
3. Who is more powerful? Fake creator or Reader creator?
4. What powers do the creators have?
5. Are there any more other reincarnations besides, fake creator, and reader creator?
Questions about your works:
6. how many requests do you have rn- if you don't mind me asking that is
7. Do you allow gore, self-harm, dark topics? (Not talking ABT nsfw, incest or any other than that
8.Which do you prefer for readers gender? Male reader, female reader, other reader genders?
Well that is all! Do take some breaks, btw you got lots of motivations I see. Also good job!
Hi, 🌙 anon!
Thanks, I am taking breaks from time to time.
She is on Fake Creator's side.
Rosaria didn't like, that Fake Creator returned. For Rosaria, it means more work. Yet, she remains loyal to Fake Creator.
Fake Creator gave Rosaria a permission to punish anyone, who is a Danger to Mondstadt.
Reader arrived.
Fake Creator ordered to capture them.
Rosaria was the one, who chased Reader to an abandoned cottage.
Venti and Knights of Favonius almost burned Reader alive in this cottage.
And Rosaria, knights and Venti looked delighted, when they saw flames.
The same day, it was discovered, that Reader escaped.
After that, Rosaria was searching for Reader. She couldn't find them. Barbara treat Reader's burns, Bennett, Razor and Fischl get Reader to Dragonspine and Albedo got Reader to Liyue.
Diona (+ Klee)
Diona is on Reader's side.
At first, she wasn't planning on joining anyone, but Klee told her a 'super-duper secret' about Reader, that Klee heard from Alice. That Reader are a good person who was being treated unfairly.
Diona is a kid, and she can't do much to help. Fake Creator insisted on keeping kids close. Diona can't be really active.
But, she and Klee can keep Fake Creator's attention occupied by pulling little pranks and behaving like kids.
Noelle is very hesitant.
The scene of a burning house and Knights' grins horrified her.
She believes in Fake Creator. But, when she saw Reader, scared, with some burns, she can't bring herself to attack.
She let Reader go.
Noelle doesn't know what to do next. The whole situation became too awful, too unreal for her.
Mika is another one, who was scared of the burning cottage situation.
The cruelty in Knights' gazes... It's not how it should be.
Mika secretly helped Reader escape the burning cottage. After that, he gifted Reader his best maps, so they could find a way in a wilderness.
Gaming is on Reader's side.
Yunjin was the one, who made him see, how horrible the whole situation was.
Gaming helped Yunjin with the destruction performance, that helped Reader to get to a ship to Inazuma.
She was on Fake Creator's side, at first
But change side after Kazuha ran into Reader and realized, that Reader are Real Creator.
Beidou and her crew were the ones, who secretly get Reader from Inazuma back to Liyue and hide them with Baizhu again.
He is on Reader's side.
He immediately knew what kind of monster Fake Creator were. Xiao can't stand near them, his karma goes awry.
But, when he saw Reader, he knew, they were the Real Creator.
He and Adepti were with Morax, when Reader were trying to escape Liyue.
When Zhongli was ready to strike Reader's boat, Xiao plunge his spear right into Zhongli's side.
Xiao gave Reader the chance to escape.
Zhongli survived.
Xiao is captured.
But, he feels content. He saved Reader.
Cloud Retainer (and adepti)
She and all adepti (minus Madame Ping) were on Fake Creator's side.
But, after Xiao's betrayal, and talk with Madame Ping, Yaoyao and Xiangling, adepti realized, what kind of monster they were listening to.
Unfortunately, Zhongli is still blind to that fact. After Xiao's betrayal, Zhongli became paranoid. He started loosing trust in others.
When Reader returned to Liyue, Cloud Retainer, Moon Carver, Madame Ping, Mountain Shaper and Ganyu protected Reader during their journey to Sumeru.
She is on Reader's side.
When Nahida was captured for helping Reader, Dunyarzad was devastated. She asked Dehya to help Reader. Dehya agreed.
She helped Alhaitham and Kaveh in getting Reader to Fontaine through the desert.
She is neutral, but not friendly.
She asked Dehya and Reader to leave Aaru Village when they reached it.
Don't get me wrong, she feels sorry about Reader's situation. But, after Nahida was arrested, everyone from Sumeru, who dared to help Reader, will be in even more trouble, than before. She doesn't want to risk villagers lives.
Still, she let Dehya and Reader get water and food.
He is on Fake Creator's side.
During it, he attacked Reader, and if it weren't for Aranaras, Reader would be dead or captured.
And Nahida's imprisonment made him even more loyal to Fake Creator. Cyno will think, that Reader bewitched an archon.
He will follow Dehya and Reader, making sure, that their trip will be safe. And observing Reader's behavior.
During his observations, he noticed, that Reader didn't do anything wrong. They were a normal, tired person. Cyno heard, how Reader cry themselves to sleep, missing their home and friends.
Cyno is conflicted.
He helped Dehya fight with a group of eremites, who tried to capture Reader.
He left Dehya and Reader without the word. He has many things to think about.
He is on Fake Creator's side.
Fake Creator gave Forest Rangers a good sum of mora, arranged lectures about forest. They also gave Tighnari permission to arrange any sort of research and publish results.
So, Tighnari is loyal to Fake Creator. He arranged patrols. He tried his best to capture Reader.
But, somehow, Reader managed to avoid every patrol.
She is on Reader's side.
She was so devastated, when Fake Creator gave Dottore a title of Personal Physician. She can't understand, why someone like him wasn't punished.
So, she wasn't sure, that Reader did something wrong. Maybe, it's an opposite, and Reader are a good person.
Nahida gave Collei instructions on where to take Reader, when she met them.
Collei managed to get Reader away from Forest Rangers patrols. Thanks to Collei, Reader's 'trip' to Vanarana went almost peacefully, except a run in Cyno.
She is on Reader's side.
She, out of curiosity, talked to some Fontaine citizens, after Fake Creator got to Teyvat. And she learned, that not everyone are happy for having Creator back.
Charlotte even managed to talk to Furina about Fake Creator. And, let's just say, even commas in Furina's speech were swear words.
When Charlotte met Reader, she almost interrogates them for an interview. Charlotte learned everything about Reader's journey so far. She decided to keep the information for now. If time comes, she will use it.
She is also on Reader's side.
She does observe Reader's behavior. So far, Reader didn't break any of Fontaine's laws.
When Neuvillette became more restless is searching for Reader, some people from Fleuve Cendre wanted to hang Reader. This way they would escape Neuvillette's wrath and Reader won't suffer through torture. Chevreuse stopped them, saved Reader and started a meeting with everyone, who lived in Fleuve Cendre. The same meeting, that end in Navia and Spina di Rosula (and Furina) took Reader to Melusines' village.
Genshin Impact was always Self-Aware and knew about Creator. Their self-awareness are different from BSD Cast's self-awareness.
BSD Cast are characters, that one day became self-aware and connected to a random reader.
Genshin Impact Game was a virtual window to another world.
Right now, Fake Creator. But Reader reached half of Fake Creator's powers when they were captured. If Reader spent more time in Teyvat, they will become stronger.
From basic to advanced
- Longlivety
- Stopping Monsters from attacking. Not working on smarter monsters. (Abyss Order)
- Dragon Whisper (described here) In a nutshell, making any dragon 'imprint'on anyone, who have Creator's powers. Because of that, Dvalin, Azdaha, Apep, Neuvillette and, at some extent, Zhongli, are on Fake Creator's side. Vishaps are on Reader's side.
- Plant manipulation (can make plants grew and cover their tracks).
- Water manipulation (can get water from anywhere they wish).
- Stronger bodies (it will take many efforts to kill Creator) [Reader gained this right before they were captured by Tsaritsa. The last power they got before returning home].
- Regeneration.
- Destruction (can turn anything to dust) and Creation (can make anything, even the most bizarre plant and animal combination).
- Mind manipulation
- Bringing dead to life (lost ability, current Creator's powers aren't enough to do it)
No, for now, only two.
There is a possibility of third reincarnation being born, but, they won't have even echoes of Creator's powers and, will probably only have a similar voice or physics to Creator.
Good question, I wish I could answer it.
I am currently looking through my inbox, searching for purely question asks I missed.
Soon, I will post another list of requests I have. Maybe, will open requests for a few days.
Yes, I allow dark topics.
Note! I won't describe it in too many details, will try to keep at "T", or PG rated.
I don't have any preference.
But, most of my requests are about Gender Neutral Reader. There are some Male and Female Reader requests.
All requests are equally interesting for me.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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svngiem-remade ¡ 1 year
Hii i really love your writing and I’ve been wanting to request for a while but I’ve been a little shy 😅. Finally worked up the courage though! Can I request a fic where Hyunjin had a bad week during comeback and you’re frustrated from school work or something and he comes home needing you but you accidentally say something insensitive or raise your voice and he walks away saying “it’s fine” but you find him crying and realize that you messed up and try to make it up to him.
Sorry if this is too long?? But yeah I’ve been thinking about it! Also can I be “💞” anon? Thanks I really hope you consider writing it !
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🧸 pairing. hwang hyunjin + gn!reader
synopsis. after lashing out at your boyfriend, saying things you did not actually mean when he begged you for some of your attention after a long week, will he accept your apology?
🌙 wc. 1.4k | au. established relationship, hyune cries :(, angsty, fluffy ending, hurt/comfort
!! note. sorry for taking this long but I just couldn't manage to make it flow as good as I wanted it to, or make the reader not seem that mean, but I did it!! really hope you'll like this! also, if you don't mind, I've added you on the anon list of my new account, thank you for loving my work, ily ❤️
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Hyunjin had barely made it into the company car when thunder struck into the sky and a heavy downpour started; the bad weather plus the headache that had been tormenting him for the past three days coronating the horrible week that had just ended. 
He loved comebacks; he truly did—performing in front of an audience with his best friends, doing interviews, and meeting idols and fans during stages—but they took such a toll on his body and mind that it always took him incredibly long before he was able to go back to his previous mental and physical state. All that dancing, singing, and even talking made him so exhausted and worn-out that the only thing that was able to soothe him and his aching muscles, give him comfort and love for at least a few hours was you. 
So he couldn't contain his smile when your apartment condo came into his sight, your kitchen window being tinted by that comfortable yellow color given by the warm light of your ceiling lamp being turned on, letting him know you were still awake even if it was about 3 in the morning, probably still working on that one important work project you wouldn't stop talking about—not that he minded in any way; he loved the sound of your voice.
“Thank you for dropping me off; see you on Monday! Sleep well!” Hyunjin bid goodnight to his manager and dorm mates before hopping off of the vehicle and running inside your building, barely containing a squeal of excitement when it finally tinged—knowing that he was only a few meters away from you, from your welcoming presence and support, caused his stomach to fill with butterflies and a rosey blush to tint his cheeks. 
Hyunjin quietly unlocked the front door, not wanting to startle you as he took off his shoes and damp coat in the hallway, the fruity, sweet perfume constantly lingering in your apartment already doing wonders for his headache. “Hi, love.” he whispered as he walked towards the kitchen, leaning down to peck your cheek softly. 
“Hi, Jinnie.” you replied, turning your head to kiss his puckered lips, making him let out a soft, satisfied sigh and place a hand on the back of your head to deepen the kiss, to which you complied. A guilty expression washed over your face, though, when he caressed your thighs and tried pulling you up to your feet, clearly wanting to take things further, or at the very least cuddle with you—which was something you could not afford to do at that moment. Reluctantly, you pulled away from the kiss, your hand resting on his cheek as you caressed it with your thumb, staring into his bright, though tired, eyes. “I've got to finish this real quick; how about you go take a shower first? I should wrap this up in about 15 minutes.” you said, mouthing a ‘sorry’ when he pouted, but eventually agreed.
Hyunjin knew how important this project was to you, how hard you’d worked on it for weeks, and how the due date approaching put you on edge, so he’d been as supportive of a boyfriend as possible—reminding you to eat and drink everyday, bringing you some leftovers when he happened to dine with the boys of the other dorm, or showering you with affection whenever he had the chance, and knew you needed it. And he was doing everything right—even though he was very much on the clingy side, he’d definitely given you enough space to focus on yourself and your career these past weeks, even if he’d missed like crazy the feeling of you falling asleep between his arms, or vice versa, as you chit-chatted about your day.
Or at least, he thought he was doing a good job. 
Your typing got rougher and your jaw clenched in frustration when, after his shower, all your boyfriend did was constantly walk around the apartment, spending most of his time in the kitchen even if he’d turned on a movie for him to watch in the living room. 
Be it chips, popcorn, a glass of water, or juice, or just brushing your cheek or shoulder as he passed by you, or staring at you with his puppy eyes for minutes on end—he just couldn’t seem to stay still, and annoyance quickly bubbled up inside you. “F*cking hell, Hyunjin! Will you please just let me finish this in peace?! I have to turn this in soon, and I’m so f*cking stressed I can’t even think properly, and you walking around and being so whiny is really—” you angrily rambled when he walked once more inside the kitchen, his relaxed expression falling into pieces with every word you spat out. 
Tears pricked at his eyes, and he gulped, chewing at his bottom lip nervously as he fidgeted with the hem of his oversized shirt. What made you finally stop your frustrated ramble, though, was the sight of a single tear escaping his eyes and staining his cheek. You immediately rose to your feet and rushed towards him, your heart breaking in pieces when he took a step back. Tears filled your eyes in seconds, “I—I didn't mean to lash out— I'm so sorry, I really did not—” you begged him for forgiveness. He clearly needed to be held and comforted after spending the whole week doing promotions non-stop, practicing without rest, and running around all day and night for schedules, and you’d failed to give him that; prioritizing something you still had a week to finalize and had basically already completed, instead of spending time with your boyfriend.
He wet his lips and sniffled, wiping a tear away from his cheek with his hand. “It's fine. I'll go—I'll wait for you in your bedroom. Take yo—your time. Goodnight.” Hyunjin hiccuped, lowering his head and backing out of the kitchen as quickly as possible before rushing into your room and throwing himself on your bed, hugging the pillow you always slept on and burying his face in it as he sobbed and cried, completely dampening it in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, you were completely speechless at your behavior, at your carelessness, at your insensitivity, at the way you turned what was supposed to be a night full of love and comfort into a night of heartache and sorrow. 
Needless to say, you immediately turned off your laptop (not without saving your progress first), and stood outside your bedroom door for what felt like hours, contemplating if he was even willing to accept your apology, if he was just going to break up with you and ignore you forever, if he’d stopped loving you after your lashing out—but you had to at the very least try to fix your mistake.
You quietly cracked the door open, sobbing harder when you heard him do the same as he hugged your pillow, his big body trembling with every hiccup and his sniffles filling your dark, unlit bedroom. You took hesitant steps towards the bed, feeling small and guilty under his tired, tearful eyes looking up at you from your messy sheets. 
With a gulp and shut eyes, you fell to your knees in front of him, not noticing his eyes widen at your action. You clasped your hands together, now looking up at him with a trembling bottom lip and big, puppy eyes. “I didn’t mean to lash out at you, I’m so sorry; I wish I could take everything I said to you back, I’m terr—” you whimpered with a broken voice, and from the genuinely regretful glint Hyunjin saw into your eyes, the fear that you actually thought everything you’d said to him washed away. He smiled.
“I forgive you, my love. Just… promise me it won’t happen again, please?” he whispered, placing a hand on your head and petting it softly, his trembling hand then reaching for your wet cheeks and drying them, you doing the same in an attempt to comfort him back.
“Can I… Can I hug you?” you hesitantly asked, mentally preparing yourself to be rejected. “Please.” he said, widening his arms so you could throw yourself on top of him, which you did with a relieved smile and repeated sorry’s as you covered his face in kisses and hugged him tight, cradling, giggling, and chatting until sleeplessness washed over the both of you, a lazy peck on each other’s lips as the both of you fell asleep under your warm duvet sealing the start of a new, brighter, happier day ahead of you.
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taglist : @strayingawayy | @shinsosmatcha | @zoe8stay | @sensitiveandhungry | @baby-photos0325 | @tinkerbell460 | @mingitheskzstan
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Š SVNGIEM, 2023.
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