#🌺 × 🌙
fancytigercupcake · 8 months
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Kejli and Macaque
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ephemxras · 3 months
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yoursminehourss · 2 months
Pss you wanna know new bloag :]
ayaya :3
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
ive rewritten this too many times and its getting late and my fiancé Will scold me if he wakes up and finds me still awake, so ill just toss this into the void of being known as is.
im here to wish all chuuyas a happy birthday!! you made it, congratulations, im so proud of you. i know its never been easy, youve been through so much, but youre the strongest person ive ever met.
i look forward to another year of you still being shorter than me :D no, but genuinely, youre so loved and the world is a better place because youre in it. never forget that, yeah?
thank you for existing,
sincerely, a (very sleepy) dazai osamu fictive
(p.s. can this be posted april 29th? thx!!)((#🎡🌙🌺))
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Sorry that I was a little absent the last day, I was busy sewing. But I read through all of the Dino Squad Au posts (which I loved btw) - I especially loved the reader is the smol dino and the others don’t know that they are the dino.
Now about you dark!dino au post? What exactly would that entail? I’d like some details.
Also I read the this could be paradise post and the lotus eater post and honestly I love it!!! and I’d actually not be opposed to eating that shit, because it sounds so peaceful. The question I have is this? What would happen if the reader was somehow immune to the thing that makes them all “pink”? Like if the food or the meds don’t work on them?
Also about the High school Au parent question: I think Charles is a good contestant, just because he has the headmaster vibe and the reader gives off giant favorite student vibes. Also Erik for the same reasons and because he seems like he’d be a strict and feared teacher, but a total simp for reader and he’d let them off with everything.
Also, while I’m at it, what would happen if in the dark!au, reader accidentally passes away while the four are on the run, because of the previous injuries they got when they were kidnapped and tortured, and the other three can’t handle it and the other mutants find the three around reader’s body, completely distraught. (If this is too angsty/Dark, I’m sorry)
- BeaBee 🐝
No worries, 🐝BeaBee! You take care of yourself first and foremost, okay? I can wait. It's no problem. We all have lives outside of Tumblr, and those have to be taken care of. So it's okay.😊
For the Dino Squad AU: Depending on which AU/post you read, Reader is either a Dakotahraptor or Compsagnathus, since you're referring to a small dino... There is also a post where they were a Spinosaurus, so if you want, you can check that out, too! The main AU has Reader, Scott, Rogue, Remy, and Pietro as the five Dino Squad members and Reader is a Dakotahraptor there, while a request someine asked for was if i could do the Brotherhood with a Compsagnathus Reader...
For the Dark Dino Squad AU: Something bad happens that makes Reader wounded or ill, this causing their teammates to turn to Victor (who takes the place of Veloci in the AU), and they kinda go to the dark side. So Reader is possibly on borrowed time or at the least wounded, trying to escape/talk sense into everyone (Logan is in the background, unhappily, as he did not agree to contact his crazy older brother) (This has a few ways it could go, but I'm deciding which path to ultimately take at the moment... it's a hard choice...)
For the Lotus Eater or This Could Be ParadiseAU (as I'm not sure if you meant just one of them or both of them): Huh... if Reader were immune... that might be a problem. Because now the platonic yan adults are trying to make some serum or drug from the flowers/fruits that WILL work, all while Reader plots their escape and has to play along... (and, well, yes! It is hard to say no to the flowers/fruits, and I know eating one doesn't sound so bad, if only to forget for a few small hours, if not awhile longer... and also tastes good, so, there's that going for it!)
For the Mutant High AU (the one you called Mutant Highschool!): So, Charles isn't the headmaster or the parent. If he were, that WOULD be fun! Buuuut in this one instance, he isn't. He IS however, their biology/human anatomy teacher, as well as a school doctor/nurse, because why not? If he were Reader's parent, that would be so sweet! He is a good father figure/adopted dad, but he isn't Reader's biological dad and they aren't his legally adopted child. Reader isn't related to anyone, but they are adopted (found family style) by everyone of the school who are not the (spoilers spoilers spoilers)... I will reveal what I can, but a hint to help you guess what's going on... Watch out for how Erik, Victor, Remy, and Hank act... They know something, but they aren't the problem... rather... they're the ones dealing with it in the shadows... (you are on fire with this AU! So, good job, 🐝BeaBee!!!)
Foe the Dark AU: If Reader actually died... well, you just reached the ultimate angst. The platonic yans would likely not handle it well. Scratch that, if they weren't crazy before (they were, by the way), well, they sure as fr*ck are now. If they had a way to bring Reader back from the dead, say, either a mutant who can do that or a science-y solution, they are doing it, no ifs, ands, or buts... And the other three teens who are with Reader? Remember, they watched Reader die the first time. If they had to go through it a second time? While still newly traumatized by surviving or being brought back from what happened to all four of them? What sanity they have would be on the thinnest sheet of ice. Press any harder, and it all cracks wide open...
(Thank you for asking your questions,🐝BeaBee! I am glad to answer them! If you want to ask anymore questions, feel free to do so! I hope I helped explain a bit about the AUs, and that I gave a few hints as to what's going to happen! Stay safe and take as many breaks as you need, okay?😊) (And I do like hearing from you, and everyone else, but we all have things to do; so no worries. Take whatever time you need. You all don't have to ask any questions. But if you WANT to, you can. Just don't pressure yourself, okay?)
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jiminsproof · 1 year
tag game ✨️ September receiptify 🍁
I was tagged by my lovelies: @raplinenthusiasts, @blueside-hobi, @aprylynn & @cordiallyfuturedwight. 💗🫂 Thank you my lovelies and sorry for being slightly late with it! Literally fuck flu. Also here's the playlist in case you want to check the songs out ✨️
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jdjdmdodmdkdmmd literally is anyone surprised that I have back for more not once but twice on this list!? 🤣 also it makes sense that gidle is my top artist last month with how often I've been listening to them before and after seeing them live!! Same with mx and sf9, ABSOLUTELY ROCKED THE STAGE, very happy to see them here 🥹 SOCIAL PATH IS MY SONG BTW IT'S MY JAM anyway yes I will shut up now cause I have lots to say after not talking for three days
tagging some of my lovely mutuals and wishing everyone the best weekend 🫂💗: @seoksao, @kimchokejin, @deukaeism, @paradiselostsstuff, @seraphjimin, @hopeinthebox, @ki-limepie, @yoongiofmydreams. 🫂💗
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thepuppetierpodcast · 1 month
So what made you wanna join usss on tumblr? - Lunar (@tsbsconfessions)
"Well I kept watching everything go down and decided why let everyone else have all the fun when i could do so myself aswell"
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coquillagean · 2 years
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Row 1: Genderpâquerette and Boypâquerette Row 2: Girlpâquerette and Enbypâquerette 🌼🌼-🌞🌞-🌼🌼-🌞🌞-🌼🌼
1. Genderpâquerette - a gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
2. Boypâquerette - a masculine gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime.
3. Girlpâquerette - a feminine gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime.
4. Enbypâquerette - a nonbinary gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime.
Etymology: French, "pâquerette" meaning "daisy"
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Row 1: Genderpâquerette and Boypâquerette Row 2: Girlpâquerette and Enbypâquerette
1. Genderpâquerette - a gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
2. Boypâquerette - a masculine gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime.
3. Girlpâquerette - a feminine gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime.
4. Enbypâquerette - a nonbinary gender that is reminiscent of comforting spring days, daisies in bloom, the sound of leaves rusting, and the blossoming of new flowers. It can be based in nostalgia for the user, and can only exist in the springtime.
Etymology: French, "pâquerette" meaning "daisy"
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pirataimperatix · 9 months
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“Nem fogsz visszajönni.” (You will not be coming back.) Liliána accused, tears already glistening in her eyes. Her mother's silence was an admission on its own, causing helpless anger and fear burst from and coat her heart.
“Apa haldoklik, és te is itt hagysz.” (Dad is dying and you will leave me too.) The daughter of the Devil and Sea hissed through a curtain of tears, cutting straight to the point, just as she learned
“Kislányom-” (My little girl-) Rozália tried before an another outburst cut her off
“Meghalni jobban szeretsz, mint engem!” (You love dying more than me!) Liliána's black pearl eyes flashed dangerously; truly the perfect combination of them.
“Ha ez igaz lenne, akkor visszamentem volna az országba, amit egyszer hazának hívtam.” (If that had been true, I would've gone back to the country, that once I called homeland.) Rozália dismissed that belief sharply “Te nem látod a gyásztól, de én igen. Lassulok, kislányom. Érzem.” (You cannot see it from the grief, but I do. I'm getting slower, my little girl. I feel it.) The Duelist -no longer the best since the title was won by Liliána five years ago- Captain, the Empress of the Caribbean admitted
“Ne akard anyád lógni látni. És azt se kívánd, hogy az emberek elveszítsék a tiszteletet, mert öregszem. Mi történne veled, amikor széttépik a holttestem? Hogyan gyászolnál és lépnél a helyembe egyszerre, tiszta tudattal?” (Don't want to see your mother hanged. And don't wish people losing their respect for me because I'm getting old. What would happen to you when they are tearing my dead body apart? How could you grieve and step into my place at the same time, with a clear mind?) By now Rozália was holding her sobbing child, desperately clinging to her mother the very last time.
Her arms equally as tight around her, this wasn't a decision that she made easy. Continuing after losing James was an entirely different kind of agony, now Jack also at the door of death...she couldn't let him go through it alone. No matter how her other instincts and part of her soul screamed at the thought of separating from Liliána, this decision, in this world ensured her survival. Both pirates and empires feared her, her fleet. She can't allow a change in that state. Cannot allow to risk her daughter.
“Mindennél jobban szeretlek, utolsó gondolatom is te leszel. Gyászolj, majd lépj helyembe. Tudom, hogy képes vagy rá. Búcsúzz el apukádtól, biztos hiányzol neki.” (I love you more than anything, my last thought will be you as well. Grieve, then step into my place. I know you're capable. Say goodbye to your dad, I'm sure he misses you.) Kissing her tears away Rozália slowly parted, no matter how her heart twisted at the movements. How she had to bite her lips with sharp gold sewing them shut after Liliána's I love you too mom, to prevent herself from calling after her to reassure, to hug, to cry. She stood until she disappeared from sight and decided to visit the graveyard.
“We're coming James. You don't have to wait long.” One might mistake this lush part of the bay for an oasis instead, vivid green leaves and uncountable kinds, colors of flowers lined the crescent land. It disappeared during high tide, the sea taking all gifts left by relatives, friends. It was the cemetery of the old Vihar crew as well; her whole family and their memory rested here.
She couldn't bear the thought of throwing them into the sea, but eventually they became sailors, pirates, especially James. This was a compromise, a tiny cheat of habits, as most of them eventually found love and children even. And Rozália had to be able to visit them.
“I miss you. Have been ever since; like I'm not complete.” hands now marred by tiny wrinkles traced gently the wooden albatross, Jack's latest gift.
Two years, yet it felt as it happened yesterday. Even at 62, Rozália led every attack and defense with the Vihar, a living legend of that age still the best, the first to arrive, the last the leave the battlefield. She wasn't fast enough. It was too late when she noticed the man charging at her with the bayonet already within too close range to evade. But James managed to be faster, killing the man while metal burrowed deep into his body. The fleet switched to defense, Jack soaring across ships to reach his husband. World seemed to stop as the two of them cradled the ex Admiral, who even in death joked: why wouldn't he not do that? He would've gone mad if he only had Jack as company. James Norrington fell in battle, succumbing to his injuries in the arms of those who loved him the most.
Of course Rozy tracked down the source of the attack and burned Port Royal to ashes, the scale of mayhem, the raw insanity in her vicious eyes rekindling the stories of the Hungarian Devil. Those tales mentioned nothing of her anguish. “I'm sorry.” and she didn't know what she was apologizing for, only shifted in the sand, kneeling hurt, so did walking. No matter the mobility aids, herbs; she permanently ruined her knees with her inhumane fencing style. About that, she had no regrets and would do the same even if she knew where it led.
“I love you. We're coming.” one last loving kiss against the sun warmed wooden albatross, her fingers parting with difficulty.
“Barátaim, családom. Mindent köszönök. Itt ér véget a történet, de a legenda századokig megmarad. Megtiszteltetés volt veletek lenni.” (My friends, my family. Thank you for everything. Here is where the story ends, but the legend will stay for centuries. It was an honor being by your side.) The Captain stood tall, emerald eyes glassy at her goodbye to the legendary Vihar crew, the family who saved her decades ago.
Captain Jack Sparrow's last journey. Picking the crew for this voyage took a day, the most trustworthy and in a way pure hearted sailors allowed on board of the Black Pearl, his ringed fingers resting on the railing of the quarterdeck. Sharp eyes overseeing the bustling of pirates under his command. Both him and Rozália giving a last hug to Liliána, their miracle. One last shout of ‘I love you!’ ringing together before the sails unfurled gracefully. They were out of sight when she collapsed sobbing.
Rozália felt before she saw him join her, salty spray of the sea restoring some of his vitality. He took her in, one last time basking in sunlight. By now few strands of silver woven in her short, unruly hair, haven't lost the slightest from her towering height nor danger laced charisma and there was still plenty dynamic strength within. Her eyes the same pure color but ultimately not the same ones he used to get lost in. Something changed after James and he couldn't blame her for it. Perhaps he was the same way.
His time seemed to arrive, sneak in unnoticed, brushed off as exhaustion after a long day, blamed on age, until everything was harder, harder and then impossible. Something icy settled in his chest along with the knowledge. Still, he faced it with all his remaining dignity, he had done this before, although the beast was...vastly different than what was coming.
“You're beautiful Love.” he smiled at last, well aware every moment was his last
“So are you, Love.” dexterous fingers gently squeezed his, raw sincerity dripping from her words.
The sun dimmed slowly, the piercing pain especially in her right knee flaring told Rozália what was ahead. And she couldn't think of a more fitting final stroke to their grand epos told by many future generations to come. The wind was picking up, the crew about finishing tying every sail in position, longboats ready. A little boy just arrived back with rum, his face gleaming when Jack asked him for it. He didn't know he brought the legendary Captain his last drink, only knew his kindness and playful ruffle of his hair as thank you.
The darkened sky was the indicator, final glances at the Captain as the deck eventually emptied, boats slowly distancing from the Pearl and the storm she was about to go into.
“Maradsz, ugye?” (You're staying, don't you?) Jancsi, the last one of the Vihar crew fought with his tears at the realization. He didn't need a yes as confirmation, he should've known she simply couldn't live without him.
“Vigyázz a lányomra, amíg gyászol.” (Take care of my daughter while she grieves.) Rozália issued her last command, causing the emotional barrier breaking in the now 55 year old man, shattering further when he felt her hug farewell. His head burying in her shoulder and cried softly as if he was a little boy again.
“Megtiszteltetés volt minden perc.” (Every minute was an honor.) He eventually managed to choke out, his life flashing against his eyes from the first moment he sneaked onto the rescue ship
“Úgyszintén.” (Likewise.) Rozália kissed his cheek before letting go of her first mate. “Elboldugolok majd a hajóval egyedül?” (Can I man the ship alone?) she asked softly
“Igen. Minden...jól van. Biztosan- biztosan-” (Yes. Everything...is well. It will surely- it will surely-) Jancsi simply couldn't finish that sentence. Not if he wanted to avoid a complete breakdown.
“Jó. Ne keressetek minket, se a hajót. A Vihar és a Végzet flotta új kapitánya Liliána Thalassa Véghváry és te vagy az első tisztje.” (Good. Don't look for us, nor for the ship. The Vihar and the Végzet fleet's new Captain is Liliána Thalassa Véghváry and you are her first mate.) She named her successor, put her in the arms of the very few she trusted. Jancsi stood straighter at the well known news, she could see he would go any lengths to protect her.
“Viszlát...Rozália.” (Goodbye...Rozália.) One last tight hug as farewell before the man descended into the last boat, cradling his chest where the warmth of her touch lingered.
With a heavy sigh, she turned, not surprised to see Jack glaring at her.
“You're still here.” an acknowledgement with no surprise behind it. She knew he suspected her plan all along and only didn't try to change it because he wouldn't be able to convince her to leave.
“Do I look like a ferryman to you? Who will only lead you to the door and not through it?” Rozália challenged, noting his sickly pale complexion and shivers with the weather change
“Does Lili...” he choked, those eyes still burning with life
“She knows. She will fully understand later. This wasn't a choice I made on the whim or with an easy heart, Jack. I cannot live any longer. Especially not without you.” by now only they remained so she allowed her pained limp to show before she embraced her soulmate.
“Retire to your cabin, Captain. Wait for me. There was a reason why James' speech missed the ‘till death do us part’. Because not even death can or will separate us.” Rozália smiled, supporting him all the way to the door with a shattering heart. “Rest. I will join shortly.”
The Black Pearl tossed around like a toy among the abyss waves, both the sea and the downpour flooding the deck. Her hair wildly whipping in the wind and she refused to give up her fight with the helm, driving the prized ship further into the vicious storm, perhaps the worst she had seen. Tightly corded muscle fought with the very strength of the sea, defiant, no matter how many times she was knocked from her feet. At last the course and outcome set in stone. The Devil turned her head towards the pitch dark sky and roared one last time, fangs bared, lightning flashing in the storm like her swords did.
She turned her back to the elements to wrestle herself through the cabin door, water already ankle deep.
“Jack?” she called, her heart settled when she saw the slight raise of his head. Shaking her soaked coat off, slicking her hair out of her face, she immediately joined him, her soulmate in her arms' gentle yet protective hold. Still, she winced as the Pearl's hull groaned, drawing a fond smile from Jack.
“Just look at me darlin’. Nowhere to else. Look at me.” Rozália could hear the plea underneath the comfort, draping her body closer till they couldn't be told apart. Light...not from outside but...the ghost wings she had seen plenty times on him. Golden sparrow wings were dimming rapidly, his body more and more lax in her hold.
“Jack, Jack stay with me a little longer. Please hold out just a little longer. I know you can.” saltwater from her hair mixed with tears at the sight of her dying soulmate, just one last look. A few more moments. His eyes gently fluttered open, some of the glow returning to the wings but not steadily.
“Anythin’ for you.” his easy smile made her bring their foreheads together, her only relief that she will follow him soon.
The sea seemed to still, the raging storm pausing noticeably enough for her head to jerk up; did she accidentally navigate into the eye of the storm? The water now lapping at the bed trembled and morphed into a familiar shape.
“You know what happens now, do you?” Calypso, the Goddess asked, melancholy heavily tinting her accented voice. Rozália only could nod carefully cradling Jack's head
“His time has come. Yours, no.” the Goddess' glare bore into the woman who outright denied her in response.
“Yes it did. I lived on my own terms. I will die the same way. And I decided I will, today, with him. I am in control of my fate.” she sit straighter, emerald fire burning in her eyes, rebellious, strong, undeterred and unapologetically fierce.
“Be it then.” Calypso sighed, not bothering hiding the pain at the sight of the soulmates about to perish in each other's arms “I will make it quick.”
“Wait!” Rozália cried suddenly, before she could sink back to the ruthless sea she emerged from. The urgency in her voice making her pause with a piercing gaze.
“Thank you. For Liliána. For Jack. For giving me a true second chance to live. For granting us this death. Please sometimes look towards our daughter, she's also yours.” her throat was closing in, overflowed with emotions, fragments of her life
“Bring us under. Don't let anyone find the Pearl...or us.” Jack rasped his last request
“Fine. Farewell Sparrow and Phoenix.” with the lingering cryptic message, the goddess dissolved into droplets, back into the depths she had risen from.
“Rozy...your...wings” Jack whispered and for the first time she also saw them. Enormous phoenix wings arched gracefully from her back, closing around him protectively. They burned bright, with ferocious intensity, his glow nowhere near hers but at least steady. “I'm sure I didn't drink enough rum to see” the signature hand gesture at his own ones “this”
Calypso's gift. It was unsaid, along with the fact they only had moments remaining. Her lips on his soft, careful and passionate “Szeretlek.” (I love you.) Rozália said with a teary, loving smile. Safe in her wings, shielded by the rage of the world, Jack reached for her face, strength dissipating from him with every lazy heartbeat. Unlike her, he couldn't call a language his own, unless...“��n is téged.” (I love you too.) A kiss with his last breath.
The sea seemingly split open, waves reaching mountain heights, accompanied by the largest lightning ever cutting across the sky they crashed down the Black Pearl, bringing it down to its final rest and extinguishing the two burning souls.
Liliána Thalassa Véghváry was just as feared and respected as her mother was. As her fathers were. She fenced like Rozália and James combined did, navigated better than Jack and led people just as effectively. The sea what ultimately claimed her parents seemingly always favoring her, almost akin to an apology. Despite Jancsi's tremendous support, there were still times when the agony became unbearable to keep locked within. After a sleepless night, she stumbled to the deck of the Vihar at the very crack of a misty dawn and screamed silently with tears like translucent pearls sliding from her cheeks, soaked up by the wood.
Eventually, she rose, straightened just like they would've wanted. In the distance she noticed a ship...not a traditional one, more akin to the Flying Dutchman? Flinging herself against the railing, Liliána stared at the three figures standing united on the deck. Bright seafoam, blazing emerald, brilliant black pearl eyes looked at her tenderly, full of pride and love.
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lover-cook · 5 months
Sometimes I forget how evident it is the types of characters I gravitate towards f/o wise like. Romantic, Platonic, Familial, no matter what their are certain characters I tend to feel that connection with that tend to have a visualization or connection to one of four things You've got The Sun/Day - Sun, Gojo, Jackie, Nemona, Astrid, Luffy, Shanks, Wukong, Mari The Moon/Night/Stars - Moondrop, Cassandra, Howl, Stardust Cookie, Moonlight Cookie, Stardust Cookie, Luna, Nebula, Carol, Jim, Arvin, Silver, Giovanni, Mihawk The Fire - Sanji, Red Son, Axel, Capsaicin Cookie, Ember, Mei, Ace, Toriel, Asgore The Neurodiverce - Axel, N, Metal Sonic, Thistle Whistle, Link, Robin, Hifumi, Penny, Tails, Sunny/Omori, Mihawk
Like. I can't complain but it's kind of funny how frequently these kinds of characters are ones I look at and have interest in sknglkndsk
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edensrose · 1 year
( Clears throat )
Aurëlius: So I heard I was on your simp list?
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*quietly starts tying hair up*
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caelum-et-ocean · 1 year
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Explain to me this
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ephemxras · 4 months
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temptation / salvation / resistance
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yoursminehourss · 2 months
Are u ok n meowwwww :]]
i dont wanna go back to therapy they will put me in a box :(
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servasha · 1 year
et voila, my magnum opus, A CARTON OF EGGF/O'S!!
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mattypattypinky · 8 months
Gonna Make A Tag List :D
(these are not all of my tags just the main ones)
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#mattypattypinkyposts - Everything I post except sometimes I leave it out of RBs
#🌻💔 - Fl0wey related posts, NOT selfship just fl0wey reblogs in general!
#🌻💔 core - things that I think Fl0wey would do/say
#ruins ranting - May be a tag I use for Fl0wey related rants
#ruins romance - Fl0wey selfship directed
#ruins romance art - Fl0wey Selfship or Fl0wey art
#💡🌪 - Anxiety selfship related or Anxiety related
#🦈🌙 - V3ctor selfship directed
#vent, #minor vent, #tw vent, #hypochondria, etc - sometimes I will mark vents as vent I need to get into doing this more frequently
#matty's high thoughts - posts i make when I'm high will tag this if i remember
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- These aren't all of my tags as I have minor selfships but I feel like Fl0wey, Anxiety and V3ctor are the mains so they will be the ones head of my blog status
- I'll put the tags, in the tags or smth idk 💔
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