#🍊 ollie
clemmiespiastri · 7 days
and points for ollie too!!
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lover-cook · 5 months
You know. I’m so excited OPLA s2 for a lot of reasons ( this time i’d be able to get a lot of references made, I kind of have an idea of what’s gonna happen, I get to see new interpretations of the new characters, get to see more of the live action!strawhats, etc)
But I’m most excited to see my f/os in this adaptation you know? Like I am waiting with faded breath to see what they do with Crocodile, Robin, and Chopper and how different they might be. I’m excited for the possibilities.
And on the other hand I am on the edge of my seat to find out if the Mystery Person people pointed out at Rodger’s execution is actually Crocodile just because I will not hesitate to make a second ‘crocomom’ tag lol
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loktauri · 1 year
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I love you. I want us to eat well. 🍎🍊
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Explanation of the symbolism hidden in the piece under the cut!
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OLLY -> Olruggio uses a knife. WHA Talks alot about the dangers of fire. How Olly must be mindful of how he utilises it within his creations. Olruggio uses fire to comfort, protect and show his love for the people he cares about.
He specifically shapes the apple slices into bunnies since his love language is acts of service. He enjoys putting in that extra bit of work for people.
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QIFREY -> Qifrey gets an orange. Peeling the fruit and sharing a slice is an action associated with love - oranges are one of the more popular fruits to represent this in media. Peeled fruit is also seen an as "apology"--to say sorry without the burden of words. A remorseful, yet closed off heart...
Also great for when you're ill! Good source of vitamin C.
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Both also have been used to full the role of the "Forbidden Fruit". Which isn't something I intended--a fun fact either way.
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ollies-ramblings · 8 months
✨ intro ✨
heyo! my name is Ollie ~ I'm part of an osdd system. This is the first time I've ever made an account to post about myself and the system so I'm a little nervous ngl.
I'm 24, the same age physically. I use he/him pronouns. I'm diagnosed with autism and struggle with a few other things. I don't think I'm ready to share the exact names and ages of my parts as I feel very protective of them and I'm scared of getting hate here from trolls, but I will say that there are 4 of us in total (as far as I know).
Instead I'll use the emojis 🐻, 🐯 and 🪨 to reference them. For myself I'll use 🍊
I made this account so that I can hopefully make some friends with other systems :3
If you wanna get to know me but don't know what to talk about here are some of my special interests! :
♡ minecraft
♡ crochet
♡ crows
♡ languages
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ink-flavored · 5 months
everything under preferences & emotions for the jumbo ask game? :3
woagh a beeg one
so my heart always wants to talk about Pride and Justice, literally all the time, for any reason. but i also want to shove Harlan and Yvonne in everyone's faces, as the new kids on the block. so to satisfy my extremely indulgent urges, i'm going to split this list in half and answer 5 for each couple.
Pride & Justice
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colors, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Okay for Justice this is easy. He likes books and analyzing books (especially romance, especially in his book club), basically any animal (including humans), bright colors (yellow, light green, soft blues, lotta pastels in his wardrobe), soft textures, fruity scents (like in lotion and shampoo and stuff), his favorite season is spring, he likes overcast skies, and he'll listen to just about any music but has an affinity for classical and Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats To Study/Relax To.
On the other hand, Pride is so repressed that he does not allow himself to enjoy things for a hot minute because he's afraid of looking Weak and Vulnerable for Experiencing Joy. He'll admit to enjoying weed, alcohol, shoplifting, and inciting violence, but that's about it. Eventually, he comes to enjoy the punk scenes Ollie frequents and trips and falls into emo stuff (he also listens to pop-y club music when he's not at the club, but won't admit it), he can tortuously admit his favorite color is maroon, he obsesses over telenovelas with Sofia, he loves watching bad movies on purpose to make fun of them, he likes rain and snow, and his favorite texture is "Justice's clothes."
🍊 What is your OC’s favorite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes? What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
Justice is partial to breakfast food in general, but simply cannot resist the opportunity to eat French toast when it's available. It's the first thing he perfected while learning to cook for the first time, so it's special in that way too.
Pride doesn't cook much (or rather, doesn't cook anything recognizable as human food), so his favorite things are made by other people or store bought. In general, he likes tart, sweet-and-sour flavors because it reminds him what his sin tastes like, and Ollie's weed brownies for exactly the reason you're thinking.
I haven't thought too much about what either of them dislike, so I'm pulling these out of my ass. Pride thinks yogurt is the weirdest, grossest food in the world, and Justice really doesn't understand the appeal of avocados.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favorite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them? Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
For a while, Purgatory was Pride's escape. Nobody cares about Purgatory, nobody would ever look for him there, so it's where he went to cool off after another fight with Lust or to escape someone he pissed off. Relatedly, Hell is his least favorite place (shock, gasp).
On Earth, he kinda just goes to his room and curls up in his blanket nest when upset. Sometimes he will accompany this with extremely loud sadboy music. If he's just chilling though, he'll sit in the most space-taking position on the couch possible and watch Epic Fail compilations or something. Bonus points if Justice is there and he can invite himself into his lap.
Justice likes to sit on the balcony and be quiet, either with a book or nothing. It's his Thinking Spot, where he goes to brain it all out. It's important to him because he never really... had a place for that in Heaven. Everything he did was strictly regulated and controlled, so all his "relaxing" had to be done during his designated "relax" time, which he """shockingly"""" didn't get a ton of.
He hasn't been on Earth long enough to have negative associations with any particular place, but his memories of Heaven have been quite tainted by his recent rejection. He both wants to go back desperately, and hates that he wants to at all.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favorite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or role model or celeb can be someone’s favorite after all!). Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?
Pride's favorite person is HIM!
In seriousness, Pride has himself on a pedestal because literally nobody gave a shit about him up until the events of the story happened. It was/is a coping mechanism, a survival technique, a way to rationalize all his actions away as Correct, because if he was ever wrong then that meant that everyone who had ever hurt him was right. As he grows, he begins to unlearn this way of thinking, but he never really lets go of that core idea. Pride is the most important person in the world to Pride, because he has to be. When nobody else is around, he has to truly, genuinely, earnestly love himself, not just to cope, but to like... be happy. But since he's not alone, and does have people who love him, Justice is his favorite non-him person for both character development reasons and extremely gay reasons.
As for his least favorite people, that could honestly fill a book. He is so bitter. God for obvious reasons, Lust for being abusive, Lucifer for lying about being better than God, but his hatred for Envy is I think the most interesting. In real life, the emotions of envy and (unhealthy) pride are very closely linked - people who have an unhealthy relationship with their pride are often envious of other people. Pride hates Envy because she's the concept of everything he can't admit to himself (he's envious of angels and humans who are happy, loved, and have God's affection), and Envy hates him right back for flaunting his confidence/dismissal of her sin as a concept at her and showing what she thinks she needs to be happy (and no longer envious). They're catty as fuck.
Justice loves Pride (for gay reasons and character reasons), but it's an extremely close race, maybe even a tie, for his sister Kindness. She's the reason for a lot of who he is, they intentionally modeled their human bodies so they would look related. Kindness really helped shape his understanding of how God's justice and God's kindness work together to create the Perfect Wholesome World of Heaven and is a big reason he believes what he does. Obviously when Heaven turned out to not be so wonderful and wholesome, he still took those ideals with him to Earth. One of his core philosophies is that justice should be guided by kindness, not the other way around, and she helped teach him that.
His personal antagonist in the book is Honesty, and he loathes her for extremely good reasons. She was his direct superior in Heaven, and made his life very difficult once he started suggesting that maybe Purgatory isn't the best way to do things. He has been under her thumb for ages, and him leaving Heaven was basically the excuse she was looking for to brand him a traitor. Justice does not wish death on anyone, but he's very close saying some very mean words about Honesty.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun? What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Justice LOOOOVES Blorbo From His Books. Pick up any book in his collection, he'll have hours of conversation at the ready. Even the trashy pulpy ones - ESPECIALLY the pulpy ones tbh. He's also a rules lawyer by definition of embodying God's justice, so he also enjoys having a friendly argument of semantics and creating the most busted TTRPG characters you've ever seen based on nothing but technicalities.
What Justice does not like talking about is... arguments for the sake of arguing? I guess? He doesn't like getting into fights, he just likes talking about rules, so anyone coming at him with like... real Stakes in the topic at hand with Furious Rebuttals immediately turns him off. He's just playing toys. Why are you so mad.
As previously mentioned, Pride doesn't really allow himself to enjoy things for a while, and even when he does, he doesn't like the idea of talking for hours about stuff. When he gets into art and starts painting, he doesn't really talk about it as much as he just... does it all the time, here's a picture. He'd rather show, not tell, and let the art speak for itself. Even with his bad movies and telenovelas, he doesn't have much to say other than "they're so fuckin hilarious, this one's my favorite, we should watch it Right Now, No Take Backs."
Pride finds SO many things boring actually. Don't talk about sports, don't talk about anything with numbers, don't bring up PROBLEMS in the NEWS??? It better be FUNNY or SEXY or VIOLENT or he is not listening to you.
Harlan & Yvonne
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Harlan is definitely a happy guy by default, especially after starting magic HRT. He lives a very party-heavy college lifestyle around a lot of other party people, so he's very rarely in a situation where thinking about his problems is in the forefront of his mind.
Music pretty reliably makes him happy, and just being in a situation where there are lots of people having a good time also makes him want to have a good time, which is where the parties come in. The infectious energy and the drinking games and whatever party potions everyone is passing around, all that is where he wants to be, with the people he wants to be with.
Harlan is also very good at being your personal hype man? He will simply not let his friends get away with self-depreciation, and give you compliments until you agree that they're true.
Yvonne is a more subdued kind of happy. She's consistently homesick for her herd, but does her best to keep in touch and explore her big city lifestyle in Athendrolyn and make a new "herd" for herself.
When she's particularly homesick, she'll either go on a long walk/trot along the beach or the forest trails, or if the weather's bad, curl up with a warm drink and a blanket and watch nostalgic movies from her foalhood.
Her social battery for people she hasn't integrated into her "new herd" is drained quite quickly, but if she's mentally made you part of that group, you're basically family to her. She'll drop anything for her herd, no matter the situation, and is all around a very compassionate and loyal friend.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Yvonne is a centaur, so she has crippling horse anxiety. Which is to say, she's afraid of most things! When she was living with her herd, it was mitigated by being in a herd and having a community and a leader to follow, but when she moved away for access to magic HRT, it got worse. She's particularly afraid of unexpected loud noises, sudden movements, and can get pretty overwhelmed in flashy environments like parties or concerts. She definitely leans on the "flight" half of fight or flight, and will look for any escape route possible. Depending on what's causing the episode, just being in a quiet room with someone she trusts for a few minutes can be enormously helpful, but the most reliable way for her to not be anxious is for people to announce when they're coming into a room, explain whatever that noise just was, and not go to parties.
As for being scary, Yvonne is a Clydesdale, so I wouldn't put it past people to find her intimidating, but usually once she opens her mouth all that is put to rest. She's very friendly!
Harlan isn't a particularly anxious person, but does avoid the ocean whenever possible. He's terrified of the sea and most deep water in general. He can swim, he just doesn't like doing it, and it's pretty easy for him to be calm by not going near deep water👍ever 👍
He's not scary either, nor would he ever want to seem scary.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
Harlan is definitely very petty. One thing that happens in the short story is that his friends tease him about making up Yvonne (because they'd never met her/seen a picture of her), and once she shows up he takes EVERY OPPORTUNITY to rub their noses in the fact that HHHIISSS girlfriend is here, and his REALLY AWESOME GIRLFRIEND is right there, and wow did he mention they're DATINGGGGG??????
He really hates being underestimated, or being made a fool of, which is why he reacts so strongly to things like that. He doesn't like feeling like he's second best, so if he feels like that's happening (even if it isn't), he asserts his "authority" basically with any straw he can grasp. Sometimes this is easy, like when Yvonne turns out to be real and not fake, but other times it's just... unrelated or insulting or made up. He's not good at impulse control, so usually he has to be told to knock it off.
Yvonne is not very petty or jealous because in general very calm and not very confrontational. She can be a little insecure, too, so in instances where she is feeling jealous, it's more internal, and she doesn't act on it.
When she does feel it bad enough, she can shut down and be kind of closed off. Usually someone can help talk her back out of it, and Harlan is especially good at this because he likes to hype her up at every opportunity.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
Yvonne grew up pretty sheltered in a rural area with only other centaurs, so she's pretty out of her depth when she moves to Athendrolyn with its dozens of different creatures and customs and traditions. The culture shock made her pretty susceptible to being tricked, both in non-serious ways and worse ways, but she's definitely more vigilant now. She's very trusting, even after those unfortunate incidents, and will generally give people the benefit of the doubt.
Harlan is much quicker to call bullshit, but also quicker to go "yooooo no wayyyyy," about something that personally piques his interest, whether or not it's true. He tends to trust people unless they have a known history of being untrustworthy, and his fraternity (or whatever I'm calling it in this fictional world) can definitely spread news, true or false, faster than anyone can possibly outrun it, so if he's trusting someone he knows he can trust, but they got their info from someone else who got it from someone else etc... yeah.
On his end, Harlan is a pretty straightforward guy, but he does fib a liiiittle bit on occasion to seem cooler. It's why his friends jumped to "your girlfriend isn't even real" in the first place. It's more dramatic than the things he's done in the past, but it's also not not something he would do.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
As previously mentioned, Harlan doesn't have the greatest impulse control, and will act on how he feels before he thinks through what he's actually doing. He really feels the need to prove himself among his peers and seem cool and interesting, and the party lifestyle that encourages impulsive actions ddddoesn't help? much?
He knows he has this problem, and does try to catch himself, but it's a process after acting impulsively for so long. Yvonne being a stable, calm presence in his life has tremendously helped him.
Yvonne isn't impulsive at all, kind of the opposite. She has a lot of anxiety, and that prevents basically any impulsive action, which can cause her feelings to rule her life in a different way. She can be closed off and wary of things that aren't already in her comfort zone, especially growing up so sheltered.
She actually didn't realize how closed off she'd gotten until she met and started hanging out with Harlan, and has been slowly trying to increase her tolerance of out-of-comfort-zone experience since.
[send me something from the jumbo ask game]
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Welcome to the Kaleidoscape Phoenixes' shared office! Feel free to come in and grab a snack - make yourselves at home :)
<we take requests for doodling you/ur ocs as one of the kaleidoscape phoenixes! just send an ask, more info below>
>> more info here
>> kaleidoscape spotify playlist
red - Crimson • [they/them]
orange - Zinc • [he/any]
blue - Midnight • [he/him]
purple - Mayflower • [she/her]
pink - Persimmon • [she/her]
blue typewriter - Handler • [he/him]
this blog is run by @bewithdagays and @agent-toast!
This is an askblog for an IEYTD au (kaleidoscape au) set post-IEYTD3, where Agent Phoenix's regeneration is somewhat similar to Doctor Who, except each Phoenix is basically a different person. The Phoenixes represent each of our irl friends!
| TAGS |
• [[ieytd kaleidoscape au]] - lore stuff and blog stuff
• kaleidoscape phoenixes 🪶 - the gang altogether!
• mod ari 🪶
• mod gionsimp 🪶
• agent playlist 📀
\/ character tags \/ (for when they appear pretty prominently or it's a lore post about them specifically)
• crimson phoenix 🔥
• mayflower phoenix 🌸
• persimmon phoenix 🍊
• midnight phoenix ⭐️
• zinc phoenix ⚠️
[[do message/ask @agent-toast if these links don't work!]]
-no nsfw. mild flirting that's clearly meant to be a joke is ok, but you probably won't get a positive response. just don't be weird
-be chaotic and random that's very cool, don't spam like ten million asks or something
-swearing is ok!
-no shipping any of these characters!
-fanart is very cool we love to see it :D if you send an ask with fanart and want to see it used in other places in our au thingy, please make a note in the ask!
-you can ask about the lore we have im fuckin dying here only having @bewithdagays to talk abt it dont get me wrong shes awesome tho
-there will be occasional IEYTD spoilers.
-please ask below if you have any questions!
(time: ~1 week. we have lives outside of this :>)
send us an ask! we can doodle you or your ocs (they don't have to be ieytd-related) as a kaleidoscape phoenix! they won't be in the canon lore but you can write your own lore for them (which can include the kaleidoscape characters) and send it. here are the rules:
the doodles will be DOODLES only. no full on illustrations as we're doing this for free. they will be in colour though!
please send in references and specify as much as possible what kind of doodle you want to see!
you can request for the character to be drawn alongside canon characters in ieytd/kaleidoscape
if we get inspiration maybe you'll get a lil character reference sheet too :)
no nsfw, no ships etc
please do not request the same exact thing multiple times or spam us if we haven't done your character. also, do not request redraws of an ask we answered unless we've stated otherwise in the post.
but you can request to draw more of a character we did for you! if you want the character to be drawn again (not the exact same image) but with some changes, specify and we will try our best to accommodate!
you can use any drawings/character designs we have done for your own stuff, just credit us (@ whoever drew it + @ this blog)
if you send crimson propoganda you might get a better drawing + earlier answer to ur ask
After Operation: KBOOM in IEYTD3, every Phoenix came back to life and assumed separate bodies which is very cool :D As a reward, they got their own special office! It has to be shared though, the Agency doesn't have that much money.
some of this lore stuff is outdated. because i keep changing it and not writing it down :(
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[note - Midnight's lore has been changed to him not dying, instead being saved by Zinc in Operation: KBOOM, kind of like with Doctor Who and his bi-generation with the 14th and 15th doctor. Unfortunately we get less Zinc screentime, but at least we can change it so that Ollie gets to live in Hot Water, and we move the dramatic Midnight scene to KBOOM which is cooler cause Prism exists! Also now that I think about it we should add some more Ollie into the lore heehee]
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[note - Zinc's lore has been changed to him only appearing in Operation: KBOOM. angst go brrrrr (i keep teasing story stuff that even @/bewithdagays doesn't know abt heheheh)
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luchicm04 · 6 months
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A place to put all my fanarts and videos I've ever made💖
Most of them are some years old, so I figured I'd also post them here. Sorry for the low quality ^w^
If you like them, feel free to support me on Tiktok as @luciacm83, or on Instagram as @plk_8398. That's where I'm posting them.
(Gallery Part 2)
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Edit 1 - You're a loser, baby☔
Edit 2 - Try🤝💝
Edit 3 - Obsession💚💙💜
Edit 4 - Lady let's go💃🕺
Edit 5 - Arabian nights✨🌵
Edit 6 - 紅蓮の弓矢, "Guren no Yumiya"⚔️🩸
Edit 7 - MLB: Transformation Theme🐞🐈‍⬛
Edit 8 - She's homeless🍊💸
Edit 9 - Dumb Dumb💜🐾
Edit 10 - Magnetic🩷🤍
Edit 11 - E.T. 🎵🌟
Edit 12 - Run boy run⌛🍃
Edit 13 - Heart attack💝🎍
Edit 14 - The bidding🔄️💭
Edit 15 - Paradise🔪💛
Edit 16 - Gangnam Style🪩🕺
Edit 17 - World's Smallest Violin🍜
Edit 18 - Danza Kuduro🕷️
Edit 19 - It's Been So Long👩‍🍼🩷
Edit 20 - Waiting for love🌍💞
Edit 21 - Nothing breaks like a heart🔥⌛
Edit 22 - Kings & Queens👑
Edit 23 - Locked out of heaven🌺
Edit 24 - Clocks🗓️🤝
Edit 25 - Symphony🤝💕 - PT. 1 || PT. 2
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Fanart 1 - "She's just there. Like a word about to be spoken..."
Fanart 2 - 🌸💜🍡
Fanart 3 - …Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
Fanart 4 - "Don't waste your breath. Costumes? Check. On the scene? Check. That makes us heroes!"
Fanart 5 - "Even if I lose my memories, my body will remember that anger that will not leave me until I die."
Fanart 6 - 💚🩷❤️
Fanart 7 - senju tobirama - nidaime hokage
Fanart 8 - tonowari - olo'eyktan of the metkayina
Fanart 9 - Studio Ghibli - All Animated Movies
Fanart 10 - hokage - naruto / naruto shippuden
Fanart 11 - Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Theory: Ollie
Fanart 12 - gems - steven universe
Fanart 13 - Cartoon fanarts - PT. 1 || PT. 2
Fanart 14 - 2001 vs 2023
Fanart 15 - ⋆⁺₊⋆💔⋆⁺₊⋆
Fanart 16 - Butterfly family - queens of Mewni.
Fanart 17 - "Any minute now."
Fanart 18 - LGBT couples icons - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4
Fanart 19 - My Pokémon Challenges - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6
Fanart 20 - aroace icons - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6
Fanart 21 - "It's what you would call The Boredom..."
Fanart 22 - Avatar LGTB flag
Fanart 23 - If I were a Pokémon gym leader...
Fanart 24 - emotions - inside out / inside out 2
Fanart 25 - No thoughts. Just... Pandora
Fanart 26 - "Are there any dead bodies up there?"
Fanart 27 - AFoP is... - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6 || PT. 7
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Meme 1 - To be continued...🔚
Meme 2 - It has to be a circle⭕
Meme 3 - Pista de contraseña: hijo favorito // Password clue: favorite child 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Meme 4 - Cat Hoodie😻
Meme 5 - LitF memes
Meme 6 - Cartoon memes
Meme 7 - What color are my eyes?
Meme 8 - Edgy smile❤️🖤
Meme 9 - Poison💟💥
Meme 10 - Ayanami Rei🩵
Meme 11 - "Even you can become a Crawly Wizard with the right garments!"
Meme 12 - Sully kids🩵💙
Meme 13 - "Look at HER hair!"
Meme 14 - A year and a half left...
Meme 15 - Rude hackers
Meme 16 - Hazbin Hotel Cursed
Meme 17 - Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan✨
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Gif 1 - Inside Out 2 ❃ ENNUI
Gif 2 - Inside Out 2 ❃ SADNESS & EMBARRASSMENT
Gif 3 - Inside Out 2 ❃ JOY & ANXIETY
Gif 4 - We love our kids just the way the are
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Cover 1: 森の中 での損失
Cover 2: 目は独自の言語を持っています
Cover 3: 目は独自の言語を持っています · V2
Cover 4: Oe yerik ulte pivängkxo lu sasyä
Cover 5: Oe yerik ulte pivängkxo lu sasyä · V2
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hiiiiiii I finally got to watch the race 🥹 so sad about how freaking massive the gap between charles and Checo was! But the way he sent it on that last lap !!!!!!!! He said something at the end “for some reason I really struggled to pick up…” something? Do you know what he said and what it means? —🍊
I think he means pick up pace. And this wasn't a surprising result. We saw after quali that the SF-24 is taking a little longer to warm up the tyres, and this track is slippery so that is a factor. On top of the fact they pitted early because of the safety car so at the end they were pretty worn (insane of him setting the fastest lap like that)
So he was put in a position where he couldn't really pick up more pace given the conditions.
This track was very suited to Red Bull because they do have the best top speed, and since it's such a high speed track it makes sense. On a track with more low and mid speed turns things might have gone differently(he might have been able to close the gap to Checo at least)
So it's a mix of things, but being on old hard tyres and the track itself were not working in his favor to pick up much race pace to catch Checo.
I think there is something going on with the settings they have with the tyres on the car that they are probably looking into as well, it's really hard to say on that front. Charles did mention it during and after quali. I would hope that upgrades or a change in settings would help, but it's really hard to say.
Overall the big thing was that this track is as I said very suited to the RB. There are other tracks where we will be closer. Even in Bahrain Sainz showed it can be closer, that track is very different on the turns and Checo was losing more on the low and mid speed corners.
That race overall was great though. Ferrari did so well as a team, Charles on the podium (where he should always be) and Ollie bringing home points on debut. Like this really was a race to witness.
Hopefully that answers your question.
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yj-98 · 1 year
🐰 not intimidating at all just cool mutual & artist :]]]
YEAAAAAAH!! olly my timtual olly i am handing u an orange🍊 a little gift for u...
[ ask game / how intimidating am i? 📮 ]
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Ok, I tried to restrain myself because these were all really good questions, but feel free to ignore some if I asked too many:
Shana 💋🍊🍇🌸
Oleander ❌💿🔮💗
Ven 🌹💙 🍆 🌺
WAAA SO MANY!! AND THANK YOU FOR SENDING SHANA ONES!! it’s never too many btw :) you could ask for the entire list and i’d try to answer all of them, might just take me literal hours lol.
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
the basic thing you have to understand with shana is this: he puts on facade after facade after facade. he knows exactly how much affection different people tolerate or want or what type they prefer. if there’s someone he wants to be liked by, he’s going to treat them exactly how they want it. shana is my most people-understanding character, ollie comes right after.
but. ok. another character of mine who doesn’t have any friends. but while ven has like. 1 or 2 people she genuinely cares about, shana doesn’t consider anyone a genuine friend. the closest thing he has to that are like. business partners. colleagues.
he has no family (anymore) besides an older sister, and their relationship is absolutely terrible. this post is going to be long as hell and it doesn’t really relate to the actual question, so i’m not going to elaborate on that here. i can make a seperate post and tag you if you want to tho. anyways. if he ever hugs her, it’s only because she despises it. any compliments are thinly veiled insults or even threats.
he has no romantic partners either. well, no partners HE loves. they love him. if he has a partner, it’s because it’s beneficial for one of his many schemes. and how does he treat them? i’m just gonna refer to the first thing i wrote here. if they’re not useful to him anymore, he usually drops them immediately. normally he’s even pretty amicable during the breakup, if they don’t cry after/annoy him too much. to 95% of sexual partners the same things can be applied; shana is demisexual and only actually attracted to a tiny number of people.
🍊What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
shana is one of those super healthy people. like if he’s at a company dinner or a similar situation he’ll eat whatever to fit in, but he genuinely only picks out stuff that is healthy in private. while he’s a doctor, i don’t think it’s because of that. he’s just someone who would be absolutely strict on himself like that. he doesn’t drink any alcohol though, even in the company dinner situation. obviously because 1) it’s bad for you and 2) he’s terribly afraid of losing control of himself should he get too drunk. (if anyone comments on why he is fat when he eats so healthy i’m going to shoot block you :])
🍇 Day or night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter?
he doesn’t care too much about the time of day honestly, what’s most convenient to him differs from situation to situation.
shana is someone who obsessively checks the weather forecast every day and especially before important events. i think he’d prefer sun purely because rain has the chance to surprise him and ruin his plans for the day.
he definitely prefers summer, because there’s just a lot more shit to do and people around. being around people is one of the things most important to shana; he’s straight up terrified of being all alone.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
his voice is probably very deep because. most tall people have a deep voice and shana is like 10 ft tall lol. but again. so many facades. the different tones his voice can have is honestly insane. his laugh when he pretends to be someone he’s not might sound light and charming and friendly, but when his masks are down it turns into a cruel, sadistic and mocking sneer. and he’s uhm. not good at singing. but it’s not like anyone no one would ever know because if someone knows that he’s terrible at something, doesn’t matter how minor it is, he gets PISSED.
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there any history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
ollie is very forgiving and understanding to the people he loves, there’s not much someone can do that makes them stop being loved by him. even if they leave him for multiple years like a certain someone :) even when his daughter sennah became a paladin of sarenrae, killed several of her siblings and is now trying to kill him.
💿 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
like i said, oleander understands people real good, therefore he sees through almost any lies (he always suspected cami was lying about the amulet, he just waited for her to want to talk to him about it) and he is usually the one doing the manipulating, or the corrupting, if you want to describe it more accurately for ollie. if you know that he likes you, you can very much trust him with anything, but it’s very dangerous to do so in any other case lmao.
🔮 Star gazing or cloud watching? Hand-holding or snuggles? Early mornings or late nights?
cloud watching, i don’t know why honestly he just strikes me as a cloud watcher lol
i think he doesn’t have a preference when it comes to hand-holding or snuggling, he’d just do whatever camellia wants at the moment. he’s just happy to be there
early mornings, he is a massive morning person and always gets up when it’s still dark
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends/lover(s)/people they know think is their best feature and why?
i think he’d say it’s his tenacity and devotion to everything he does, but i think the majority of people think it’s his kindness. i’d say camellia specifically loves how he is able understand her completely.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
when ven was a teen, she wanted to be something like a circus performer or theater actress. she kind of fulfilled that dream, she just did it on the streets all alone for pennies lol. she never was too good at it and didn’t really care that it didn’t actually happen.
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
she mixes all of these ingredients together >:) (and then vomits everything out. still worth it to her lol)
🌺 Answered!
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cfrog · 2 years
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The Colony | Ollie
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
🍊 🍌 🍐 🫐
So far? Maybe Yusaku and Ryoken in my Bring The Heat, since Yusaku hasn't been propelly introduced yet and Ryoken is a character that I want to write more of. Currently the same goes for Aster, but that Is for spoiler reasons.
Okay, this will be inappropiate, but in The Final Rider I, there is a scene where Jaden goes on Banner's computre and the rest of the crew recognize the music from CornPub, and they look at his history as... I think I should just shut up.
The Shadow Riders Arc. I love it, but *deep breath* Jaden won almost all of them, Alexis and Chazz defeated one and the rest lose, including ZANE TRUESDALE! Bruh!
I made it so that anyone, even Crowler could shine, even if they Don't always win their duel, Jaden doesn't duel for Like 14 chapters and one character defeated 2 Shadow Riders.
Where do I even begin?
Mollie and Ollie Chen in general, more Asta and Yuno fics where they aren't fucking each other and are actually Brothers, more Yuno x Charmy, Angelmaker and more.
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lnights · 2 years
Hey hey
I hope you’re feeling better today?
I have a request BUT if you’re too ill, rest sweet bat, keep your fluids up and have some fruit 🍊🥝🍓
However, if you’re not too ill- I’ve nearly finished my thesis and need something fun and maybe a little spicy to get me through maybe involving Olli?
Love and many fluffy bat hugs
Anxious 🖤🦇
You are the sweetest 💕
Can't really rest, I work from home so I gotta be almost dead to call off lol.
But I'll take the fruit 😭 I need it.
@mondscheinprinzessin gave me the prompt of
“don’t cover your face, i want to see you” for Joonas/Olli and that made me think slight spice.
Very slight.
Olli looked at his boyfriend, bemused.
He hadn't been sure what to expect when he had gotten to Joonas's apartment and found his coffee table against a wall and his couch pushed back, but it certainly hadn't been this.
"I want to dance with you." Joonas told him after dinner, offering his hand with a bright smile, "so I made sure we had room."
Which led to him currently giggling as he got twirled around the room, Joonas grinning wide as he moved them around.
"You're a good dancer." He murmured as the song playing changed to a slower paced one, pulling Olli closer and swaying them back and forth.
"Yeah right," Olli laughed, laying his head against Joonas's shoulder.
"No, really." He insisted, "there's no one else I would rather dance with. Would rather be here with."
A hand found it's way under his chin and he found his face being raised, their eyes meeting for a moment before Joonas inclined his head and kissed him deeply.
At some point Olli vaguely realized they had stopped moving to the mucic, and the small space between them had completely disappeared.
But that was fine, he couldn't concentrate on anything else anyway.
When they finally pulled apart Joonas leaned his forehead against his, taking deep breaths; their hands both roaming under shirts.
Words didn't need to be exchanged, not with how long they had known each other, even if they had only been dating a few weeks.
Even so, when Olli found himself shirtless and on Joonas's bed, he felt a bit of shyness returning, hiding his face in a pillow.
He felt Joonas stretch out next to him.
"don’t cover your face, i want to see you" Joonas told him softly, cupping a cheek and pulling him back.
Olli sighed, of course he would; and who was he to deny Joonas what he wanted?
So he faced him again, getting lost in his eyes.
"I'm right here." He whispered, pulling him in for another kiss.
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freedomuniverses · 2 years
Ollie orange destroys Jeremy's juice bar :(
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🌸 🔪 🍊
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king-there0f · 2 years
have 🍊😊🌳💧 for marjah if you’d like! (and hope you get plenty of sleep!!) :) @kerra-and-company
Ahh thank you! 😭 I got some good rest! 💕
I love this collection of emojis for marjah i kinda wanna do an illustration of him amongst orange trees in the rain now…
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
Marjah loves baked goods, lightly sweet pastries, the bright flavors of fruit. He is very fond of the food available during the Festival of thr Four winds, and always wants to try as many new things as he can while visiting. I think his favorite meal would be something like a flatbread with goat cheese and honey and basil or thyme. He’d love a snack of a freshly baked sweet bun with some sort of filling like red bean or cream. For dessert, a fruit tart! Taste non withstanding, his favorite meals are the ones he shares with friends. He loves eating with his guild when Matthias cooks for them, and with Olly when they visit new places together.
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Olly knows Marjah better than anyone and would likely know best how to cheer him up when he’s down. Whether thats with a shoulder to cry on, a jaunty tune to distract him from his woes, or the invitation to go somewhere quiet and find comfort together. Marjah is, on the whole, a very calm, optimistic person and most people find his relaxed, peaceful demeanor infectious. I think when he is upset he most wants to spend quiet time with someone close to him. While he is no longer afraid of being alone, as he once was, he still prefers company when he is at his lowest.
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
Marjah has grown a lot in the past several years of his existence. Where he was once meek, self conscious, and nervous, ha has learned that his soft, tender nature is not one he should be ashamed of. He has learned to not be afraid of his own power, and how to wield it with grace when necessary. If he were to meet his younger self, he would likely hold him and gently insist that, despite everything, he will be okay.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
As a sylvary his first memories are hazy and difficult to parse amongst the dreams. He remembers things that have never happened to him, and people he has never met. He has a particularly strong connection to the dream, and many of his experiences while within it remain startlingly vivid. He remembers waking, and not being certain it was real. He remembers the earth and wet soil beneath his feet and the sharp smell of it. He remembers blurry faces and muted voices and mentors of previous sylvari generations helping him take first, shakey steps, and then steady ones. Interfacing with the world is odd and difficult when you are born fully formed. You have knowledge you shouldn’t and the afterthoughts that are not your own. He remembers much confusion from this time, and having many questions. He still does not think he has answered them all.
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
🍊 📙💛💧💜 for Ollie
Good questions, thank you!
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
In the past, Ollie's packed light and efficiently for expeditions, which has also meant packing fairly flavorless and plain-textured foods. Sweets are a special treat, and they're hard pressed to resist gorging themself if left alone with a tray of sugary hors d'vors. It makes it very easy to get on their good side with a box of bonbons, though! As for an actual meal, they're partial to a spiced moa-and-vegetable dish that's curry-adjacent and served with wild rice. Their mentor from their sapling days made it often, and sadly they never got the recipe when they parted ways. As for drinks, tropical fruit juices and smoothies are definitely a winner!
Ollie's eaten some Major Mistakes as a result of desperate-slash-careless foraging in Orr when running low on rations, so while they've had good omnomberry dishes, letting them know beforehand that a dish or drink was made with some will cause a visceral recoil response. On the flip side, they don't have a capsaisin response, so crunching on ghost peppers became a habit that they often forget is quite unusual. (Rest assured, they're more careful when screening the lunches they pack for tour guests - at most you might find a bit of cayenne in something, which imho barely counts as heat.)
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Ollie knows a fair bit about Orr, though most of it isn't deep lore - just stuff learned while exploring and conversing with actual researchers. The knowledge might not be fit for a lecture, but it's more than passable for giving tours! They can also tell you quite a bit about sailing, and what currents and seasonal storms to watch out for when planning your own routes. There isn't too too much they know outside of those realms, but they're ok with that.
They're happy to listen to whatever someone else would like to explain, but there's no guarantee they won't be secretly tuning out from time to time. They're much more likely to mentally check out if it's something to do with animal husbandry or krytan politics specifically (other governments aren't quite as bored-to-tears, but in their opinion they've done their time dealing with noble intrigue and don't want anything more to do with it).
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
Oh, pretty well in control to be honest. Definitely more than most of my characters. Part of that is just that they didn't inherit my mood disorder, hah. Most of their big emotional struggles were as a sapling, when they were still learning to understand what they felt and what was appropriate. Dealing with various noble houses in DR for a while required learning a good deal of restraint, and it takes a good poker face to strike a good deal when selling valuable goods (and especially when selling non-valuable ones). They're pretty happy with the level of control they have, and they don't have many consistent stressors to cope with.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
Earliest-earliest...probably breaking something somewhat valuable when helping their mentor with a task. It was embarrassing, but she took it in good humor.
They don't remember their first words, but their first steps were, naturally, out of their pod when it cracked open at the base of the pale tree. They haven't kept anything from their early days.
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
For the first it depends on dead silence versus songless silence, really. They much prefer the natural ambience of the world around them, but dead silence is unnatural and makes their skin crawl. A good song has its charm, though!
Ollie's no good at magic and has no regrets about this. A well-placed blade (or oar) is perfectly suitable for any danger they face, and they don't need magic tricks to get by in the day-to-day.
They don't mind cities, but they miss the salt air when inland for too long.
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