pizzalover8969 · 6 months
Give it to Vergil as a Vibe Check for dodging Nero's child support
Nuh uh. James is asleep and i don't want to wake him
@thebluerose can you buy some baby food for me, i only bought one jar
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ssahotchnerr · 8 days
I’ll be 🍬 anon for future asks sent in 🩷
okay yay :D 💓💓💓
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blowedtvhead · 9 months
hii seeing kite anon gave me a bit of courage hdksjdk ive sent a few asks off anon but i am Shy and Socially Anxious so perhaps i could be 🍬 anon?
Omg, ofc you can be 🍬anon!! I would to have you here more often <33
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munsonbabes · 2 years
*giggles and shakes her head* No daddy! You can’t! They’re my friends! *pouts* when is Dada Stevie gonna be home? I’m hungry! -🍬
*cups her face in his hands* He'll be back soon, okay? Do you want a snack whilst we wait? Something little, okay? We can't have you ruining your appetite.
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rinhaler · 6 months
ur stepdad!gojo and uncle nanami fic got me feeling things so much so i felt the need to go into anon to confess bc im just so feral for this idea LMAO
ik ur not taking requests, and this isnt really a request but i just wanna leave this here as a lil tidbit or lil scenario bc ur fics had my mind running and i have nowhere to put it, and you can do with it as you wish, but here:
reader being a camgirl as a way to earn extra money to buy nice shit (should be paying for school but lmao) ofc, this doesnt go unnoticed by stepdaddy gojo and uncle nanami. They question where youre getting the money to buy all this cute shit, and ofc u make up an excuse, but they dont buy it.
gojo or nanami, could be either one, stumble upon your little…. “operation” one night, totally by accident while trying to get their rocks off.
they confront you about it, and perhaps they both tag team you at the same time while youre “working”, on camera for all to see. and you make SO MUCH MONEYfrom just that one night 👀
do with this as you will, just felt the need to drop this here hehe >:3
-simp anon 🐚🩷🍬
when i tell u when i first got this ask my jaw was on the FLOOR
I honestly don't know which idea I like better? The thought of them both accidentally coming across you doing a show and perving over it is so hot. Maybe Nanami finds it first and doesn't immediately tell your step daddy. He has to jerk off to it first?? He's a little taken aback by how confident you are considering how shy and seemingly innocent you are in person.
And I know Gojo is going to be teasing Nanami about being on a cam girl site.
"How did you find this, huh, Nanami?" completely winding him up with a smirk on his face that Nanami just has to ignore.
You aren't live when he shows your step daddy. He just shows him your profile. They both act clueless when you get home from college, saying your hellos and goodbyes as you go up to your room to study. (meanwhile you're actually just doing your makeup and picking what lingerie to wear to your stream).
They both hang out in the kitchen until your mother goes to bed, telling her they're just having a nightcap before her dear brother hits to road.
And then you're live, the audio playing quietly as you perform. Gojo is so surprised to see you like this but he just can't ignore the tent he feels forming in his pants.
They decide to interrupt your little show, and your viewers take note of how good your acting is! Plus the whole step-cest angle is really hot.
You make the most money you've ever made thanks to them double stuffing you and pumping you with so many loads you can barely see straight 💗
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
I'mma cryyy! It's not even 3 days and I'm here with my success story 🥺💗
Someone please help !! 😩<3
So i started your routine that you followed to tap into the void , my goal was to wake up in the void because I was hella scared of those symptoms we get before tapping in 🤦🏻‍♀️ and lemme tell you on the 2nd day of doing that routine I woke up in the void while I was sleeping at afternoon I didn't realize it because it was such an peaceful experience to be honest , I completely forgot to affirm for my desires because I was just chilling there UwU but my brother woke me up by pulling my legs ( he's so naughty af ) 🥴
Then I changed my affirmations I always wakes up in the void To I'm always aware when I'm in the void , and continued the routine AND on the 3rd day! On the freaking 3rd dayyy at night I went to sleep as usual and again woke up there AaAaAaAaA ??? 😭 but this time I was absolutely aware that I'm in the fuxking VOIDDD! Gurll I hella luv you , I'm not even kidding 💗 THANK YOU 💗(genuinely) 🛐
I manifested :
° Revised myself from head to toe
° Lucky girl syndrome
° Money , money , moneyy 💲
° Df and df ofc
° Having the ability to go back in time whenever I say "Back" 5 times
° Having my desired clothes
° My parents being sweet, caring and loving
° Mu dad to be a big business man
° Hazel eyes
° Beauty with brain
° Whole Aesthetic life
° Unlimited foooood
And some personal things too ☺
Here I'm mentioning those 2 affirmations and subliminal I used so you don't get bombarded with questions :
Affirmations I affirmed throughout the day ( I only choosed 2 )
1. I always wakes up in the void
2. I'm always aware when I'm in the void
The subliminals I used
1. https://youtu.be/J9bJQKr1mZU ( it's @lotusmi 's The mirage void sub, she's my favv sub maker 🪄💗 her subs are awsome )
2. https://youtu.be/oKU8YIicYQg ( elipson waves by slade, this sub is so relaxing It helped me calming down my mind while doing the lullaby method at night )
Can I be your anon 🍬 ? Please
Success story !
This is what I love to read , I'm so happy and proud of uh I couldn't be happier! Gooo bestiee enjoy your life to the fullest ♡
Tysm for sharing the stuff you used ( why this ask is so cute ? 😩 )
iLY TOO <3
Anonss, want me to manifest for you?
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anton-luvr · 8 months
going under the sheets to lie on top of sungchan as he giggles and pulls you up and close. placing a kiss on your forehead mumbling how cute he thinks you are ☹️☹️☹️☹️
- 🍬
candy anon u will be the death of me…
he already feels warm from the blanket, but to have your body on his warms him up so much better :(
he'll keep kissing you and calling you his cutie, and an entire list of pet names that would make you cringe if it were not coming from your boyfriend <3
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riize soft hours : OPEN !!
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gojos-thot-patrol · 9 months
HIIII how have you been?? <33
Candy here, and dear lord have you heard about a star being named after satoru?? Literally, my first thought about it is that should tell this news to you and maybe request (if you’re not doing anything and up to writing rn) because i thought this star will really spread heart-wrenching fanfictions about him, something related to a star with satoru, i kept thinking about him and sugu and stars defining their fate.. sorry this is so vague, tell me if you want details hihi,
hope you’re doing so finee, have some candy babes 🫶🫶
They named a Star after out boy?!?!?!?!? I'm gonna be emotional-
Okay okay, so I am currently working on kinktober BUT I'm gonna take a break here and wrote a lil warm up for you for two reasons.
The opening line to the fic instantly came to me and I couldn't not wrote a drabble at least
once you're one of my named anons or moots, you get special treatment <3
That being said, I call this one
When you first saw Satoru Gojo, you could have sworn whatever higher power there was put the stars in his eyes by hand, carefully and meticulously placing the celestial sparkles to make the most breathtaking eyes you had ever seen.
You saw galaxies when he laughed, constellations connect when he smiled, you were sure your heart exploded into a thousand celestial galaxies when he finally asked you out. You had fallen in love with Astraeus himself.
The only person Gojo seemed to love even half as much as he loved you was Suguru. The two boys beyond inseparable. Suguru would talk about astrology and you could see the celestial bodies in Gojo's eyes dazzle with adoration. You couldn't blame him. Suguru had a charm to him that made it impossible not to fall into his orbit. It only felt natural when Gojo suggested Suguru officially join your relationship.
You remembered the countless nights you had spent cuddled between your loves, watching movies until the early morning light. You remembered how in love Suguru was with the moon and how fascinated was with the stars. Spending entire nights out under the glittering sky on full moon evenings, dancing and laughing and falling in love.
You remembered the first time you saw the luminaries in Gojos eyes explode, marking the inevitable heat death of your universe. When word of Suguru's betrayal came out. You saw entire galaxies collapse in real time as he coped with what felt impossible. It wasn't the last time you saw the black holes form there.
You though they would never glimmer again after Suguru died, By Gojos own hands no less. You didn't spend the nights under the stars anymore. Instead they were spent at home, with him curled into your side. The stars weren't in his eyes anymore, they were glimmering in his tears. Nothing you did seemed to help. He needed time.
He slowly recovered, though his eyes never dazzled quite as bright as they used to. He recovered, and you recovered with him. He found joy in new things. In raising his son Megumi, in teaching and leading his kids to creating a new world for Jujutsu Society. He found a purpose beyond just being the strongest. You swore the stars in his eyes dazzled exactly how they did the first day you met him on the day he asked you to be his bride.
It was the last time you would ever see the stars. You remembered taking comfort in the soft glitter of his eyes when he told you he would win, and then feeling impossibly betrayed when he never came home. You couldn't cope. The sun had died, the universe had proven it's self to be cold and uncaring.
That is until you the full moon. It was weeks after Satoru's funeral, and by all means you had plans to just ignore it, finding it almost too painful without your darlings. And yet, once the time came, you found yourself drawn into it's orbit.
You swore you saw those stars smiling down at you. The ones you had fallen in love with all of those years ago. You just knew, some cosmic comfort assured you, Satoru was okay. You could hear Suguru in your heart. "Thank you, for fixing what I broke. I'll take care of it from here Darling."
You knew they were okay. And one day, you'd see them again. But for now, at least you still had Satoru's stars in your life. And if you ever missed him, you had the entire galaxy to remind you he was never truly that far away.
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pawtrolling · 25 days
HEYYY HRU?? ur moodboards are so cute!! could I request a marshmallow (like the candy) moodboard? maybe with blue tones?? and with paci?? thanks anyways!!
— 🍬 anon
marshmallows and everything soft ☁
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thank you for the compliment and your request!!! i really hope clouds taste like marshmallows ♡
☆ requests are open!
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omo-my-gosh · 2 months
Confession: I have to pee so bad I'm squirming and fighting it and I'm so full I could get up and go to the toilet but I just keep waiting instead
Just pee a little in your pants then, you won't be as squirmy and you'll be able to hold for even longer. I'm sure that you can manage letting out a little leak without having an accident since you've already made it this far..
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pizzalover8969 · 6 months
[they fall onto the gems, flopping off and onto Dante's boot, one stuck in their hair]
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
I'd like to be called 🍬 anon!
Could I request Savanaclaw with a quokka reader?
These little guys are the cutest things ever!
Oh, oh my gosh those little fellas! The happiest little creatures with award winning smiles! I absolutely would love to do this 🍬 anon!
Also image of an adorable little fella just under the cut
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you and your family happily lived on an island near the Sunset Savanna but technically outside of its rulings. you and the other Quokka beast folk lived happy lives, trading and bartering goods and trading goods with the mainland but not really needing a lot of money. Everyone gets along and everyone on the small island works together to make sure everyone else is safe and happy. You and your family were rather small but you never minded and always loved taller company. You have cute small little ears in your messy brown hair, with cute brown eyes and a continuous smile. you are about 4 feet tall, with dark skin and a short little tail. the tips of your hands and feet were slightly darker than the rest of your body and you had small little claws.
Leona: Tch, think those cute looks are going to get you pity from him your right wrong. He tries to ignore you a lot, but can't help but poke some fun at you since your reactions are just so cute. Though if anyone messes with you when he's nearby be prepared to be taken to be his nap buddy, his tail swishing angrily at someone messing with what he's now claimed. you were picked on a lot at the beginning but luckily after his overblot, Leona stepped up his leadership a bit and made sure to tell the other savanaclaw members t knock it off. he also never made you do spell drive practice, "you're too small to be any help" he would tell you. but for 1 he wants to show off to you on the sidelines, and 2 he knows how dangerous spelldrive can be and he would actually feel BAD if you got hurt. If you somehow become friends with him expect to be his nap buddy often, calls you his cute little plush. but only in private, Ruggie likes to chuckle at you two. Leona may never say it out loud but if you are observant you can tell he thinks you're cute, and he wants to protect you. will wake up only for you, also falls for your puppy eyes so bad don't tell anyone.
Ruggie: shihhihi well aren't you the cutest little thing? careful since a lot of beasts around would love to take a bite outa you. takes you under his wing, for a price of course. but honestly, you remind him of the kids from his village he would take care of. gets you to help him with some stealing, you distract them with your cuteness and he gets the goods. Eventually, he starts to share his food with you and protect you with no repayment required. Of course, from him, you learn a lot of good scavenging habits and self-defense. He honestly is so proud of you when you take down a bigger guy or weaponize your cuteness like how he taught you. He also uses you to get Leona out of bed. even Leona isn't immune to your little begging eyes! shihihihi. will feel betrayed if you turn those adorable eyes on him but he also can't say no to you...
Jack: Immediately was reminded of his younger siblings back at home and became unbelievably protective of you. Tsundere wolf style. he tries to stay near you and will fight anyone who tries to take advantage of you and your cuteness. He does smirk when you weaponize your cuteness, he will introduce you to epel also because you two are pretty similar. can't say no to you. Would rather die than admit it though. He tries to train you to be able to defend yourself if and when anyone tries to mess with you. his tail wags a lot when you're being really cute and you love and help him with his little cacti collection. He's proud of any accomplishments you do and likes to have you on his shoulders, it makes you smile so much and he can't help but smile too.
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fatuifucker · 1 year
› HERE ME OUT, needy cat albedo, with soft kitty ears and everything.. I can imagine him giving subtle hints, slowly rubbing off on you, rubbing his scent on you.. just leaving hints.. and claiming his territory, and yet the MC doesn't realize his affections, so.. he starts taking a more obvious approach, lightly dragging his fangs on the plush skin of your neck, biting down to hold you in place..
— 🍬
P.S. I have a thing for fangs
reader is gn, albedo calls reader "master" and "mate"
TAGS = @edenialucas, @huboi, @nejibot, @yumixxn, @teallapril
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It’s been a couple months since you’ve adopted this catboy. He’s an intelligent one, considerate and efficient too and you understand why Rhinedottir favoured this little guy among his litter. Alas, she had to hand over her ownership of Albedo to you. Something about her finding a breakthrough in her work and being unable to care of him any longer. When she brought the persian cat to your house, claiming you were most suited to care for him, you were beyond delighted. Rhine knows of your love for cats, catboys especially. But you never found the time to adopt one yourself. Now, you get a cute little diligent catboy to accompany your lonesome days; a change you are more than happy about!
Despite his faithful obedience to you, it took some time for him to warm up to your presence. He would listen to you if you ordered him to do your chores but he would never seek you out otherwise. Slowly, you witnessed him change. In his cat form, he lets you comb his soft fur, bathe him in warm water — surprisingly, he’s contented by water rather than aversed by it — and even sleeps beside you.
He’s adorable, so cute and precious! Everyday, he greets you home by waiting by your doorstop, meowing and rubbing his fluffy little body against your legs and you can’t help but pick him up and nuzzle his cute little face against yours. Ah, thank you dearest Rhine for choosing you. If it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t be able to experience this persian cat climbing onto you lap while you’re reading, and curling on said lap before peacefully drifting off to sleep. You wouldn’t been able to experience picking up his fluffy body, kissing all over him and witnessing the kitty bashfully look away, mewing as you shower him with affection. However, this is only when he is in his cat form. In his human form, well, he’s fine just that…sometimes you don’t know how to act.
When he’s done with chores, he would often sit beside you, watching you work while his teal eyes observes you. When watching a movie, sometimes he would shift out of his cat form and drape his arms around you, nuzzling against your cheek. Your attention would go to his flitting tail and you would stroke his soft ears as he purrs. You’re a bit taken aback by his disparate demeanour; knowing him from Rhine’s description as an aloof and independent catboy. You never expected him to have a clingy side. Nonetheless, you like it so you never called him out on it. Until today, when Albedo corners you and pins you to the bed.
“Albedo, what are you—” You gasp at the feeling of Albedo’s fangs dragging down your neck. He bites down the plush skin; not enough to puncture, but enough to make you feel increasingly alert of his presence.
“I’ve been waiting for you, but it appears that my attempts at courting you have gone unnoticed,” he says in a troubled tone, his bottom lip jutting out as he pouts. “So I’ll say this clearly: Master, I’m attracted to you. I want to be your mate.”
Teal eyes study your form, watching your eyes dart around before finding the courage to settle on him again.
“I’m…sorry for not noticing, Albedo. I assure you, I do feel the same way, I just…didn’t think you would me as anything more than a master,” you laugh sheepishly.
Albedo heaves a sigh, seemingly both out of relief and disbelief. “I see. I’m…happy that you feel the same way. To be honest, I was expecting to be rejected given your lack of acknowledgment, but now I’m glad I took the risk.” Strangely, the catboy doesn’t get off you. Before you could point it out, you squirm at the sensation of a pair of fangs nipping at another part of your neck. “Since we share the same feelings, I take it that I can take you for myself, right?”
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munsonbabes · 2 years
*let’s a tear fall down her face* My stuffie was being a meany and hurt my feelings! -🍬
*wipes her tear away* That's not nice at all. Do I need to fight your stuffie?
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revenant-coining · 2 months
Can I get a butch lezboy flag?
- 🍬
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(id: a rectangular flag with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: purple, red-pink, pale green, light purple-blue, blue. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: red-pink, green, yellow, blue, deep-blue. /end id)
butch lesboy flags!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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rinhaler · 6 months
i see u loved the camgirl au w uncle nanami and step daddy gojo. but i raise i you: that same au but with dilf neighbor toji also being one of your viewers, and you’re none the wiser. You always greet him in theh morning before going off to classes, completely unaware that he’s thinking about rearranging your guts at that very moment
He probably joins nanami and gojo in the little “confrontation” they got planned once you get home.
Im also thinking abt sukuna and geto also being in on this, like one of them as DBF and and the other as your other neighbor. Make it a real gangbang lol. getting quiet popular with the neighborhood dilfs
no I did love it very much though, such a hot concept. Can you imagine all of these big dilfy dudes coming over though the readers mam is gonna be like "satoru what is going on and why are you all going into our daughters room?" AHAHA
there's no WAY she won't find out 😭 someone is forwarding mama that link and she will be horrified that not only her husband and her brother are fucking her daughter, but the whole damn neighbourhood apparently?? YIKES
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