#🎀 [dizzy's stuff]
strawberrycowe · 1 year
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Snowy windy gifs
x / x
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alcinaslittlemaid · 4 months
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🎈𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕?🎈
Pennywise 17x Papawise 90! XFem!?Reader
I’m depressed again so y’all know what that means?
Comfort and kisses!+Fluff! from the 7ft clown 🥲🎀🎈
Tw: Self harm mention, thoughts of Sewerslide, shitty mental health, medication mention, mental breakdowns, attempts of overdose! Emetephobia!!
The fluff begins in the second ———
Grab a cuppa tea or coffee and Enjoy! 🍷
You curled up against the large plushies propped up against the wall of your bed, your whole body shaking, your eyes stung from constant tears that streamed down your soft cheeks. Your medication had not worked, causing you to stay up later than usual after pennywise tucked you into bed, before going on a hunt.
You cautiously got up, your mind blank, almost as if you were in a thoughtless trance, you began to make your way to the bathroom. Dried tear tracks coating your face, your pressed a sharp, metal blade into your arm deep, fresh tears dripped down your face, blood gushing out of your arm as you picked up a bottle of pills from the cabinet and began taking them all at once. Stood there staring into the mirror, the room began to spin violently, your throat filling with vomit and your motions becoming mindless and slurred, you became dizzy and suddenly everything went black as you numbly felt your body smack into the floor. ————————
You felt your body be lifted from the cold, hard bathroom floor, spit trailing from your lips causing a long line of drool behind your body.
“Is she alright?” A gruff voice echoed out in your unconscious state “she will be…” a raspy voice answered back as the sound of water sloshing filled your ears in an echoey way “what in the georgies dismembered arm happens to her arms?” The gruff voice sounded concerned “Long story, I’ll tell you don’t worry” the raspy voice replied. Suddenly, your lips were pressed against another pair, air filling your lungs “Come on Y/n” one of the voices puffed “
You sat bolt right up coughing and spluttering “fuck-“, you choked, vomit filling your throat as you puked into the murky water “Aughhhhh- Ayghhhh” you panted “Cough it up doll, it might be a gold watch” papa chuckled, happy that your alive “Now come here” you were suddenly dragged into a bear hug by pennywise, his soft, silk suit rubbing against you “Oh little lamb~ you scared me half to death, I thought you were a goner” You swear you could hear his voice breaking, his heart was racing in his chest
“Come here darlin” papa said pulling you into his arms, holding a fresh cup of water “here clear out your immune system a little” you nodded and almost downed the water immediately “Woah, Woah Woah doll face, slow down you’ll give yourself hiccups” he chuckled again before laying you down in penny’s nest pulling the blankets over you, penny dragging an anti bacterial wipe over your gushing arms “ARGH SHITT!” You snarled in agonising pain, papa smacked your head with a newspaper he was reading “language babydoll” he growled as he kneeled down by your arm, wrapping it in bandages and pinning them up “Shhhh it’s okay pet, shhh”
Finally, either clowns crawled in on either side of you snuggling into you with they’re arms snaking around as you all fall asleep, protected, snug and safe.
Penny’s hand snakes into your hair, drawing little circles on your scalp “Mine precious dolly” he purred drooling slightly on your chest❤️
I’m sorry for this sob story but again my mental health has declined rapidly so it’s a bit personal 😅
I’ll try not to post as much upsetting stuff
Love you all ❤️❤️
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boxcatdoll · 3 months
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crumb / ditzy / dizzy / nyan
body +18 oty ~12
she / doll / cat / box / any cute neos
dollkin catgender transasian
main: @rqnirvana gf: @transprogrammed
DNI: normal people
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・❥・ 📦 box — IDs
・❥・ 🐾 meows — rambling/talking
・❥・ 💮 nyan — transasian stuff
・❥・ 🎀 dollie — dollkin stuff
・❥・ ☕️ tea time — askbox
・❥・ 🕊️ dead dove — nsft (chrono minors block this)
・❥・ 🧸 mine — coining/flags/ect
・❥・ 🌐 others — reposts
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imhereforscm · 11 months
Hi. I just got off work and i can finally rest tomorrow. Can you please write a Tauxolouve x reader story? For a reader who is always helping out others but nobody acknowledged her efforts, so Tauxolouve takes it upon himself. Only if you want to.
"Thank you"
Genre: comfort
Warnings: none
A/N: I hope you enjoy this story, love!!🎀🎀💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖🌹🌹🌹🌹 You're very kind to help people out and I admire you a lot for that. You're a beautiful person and I acknowledge that.🌹💖💗🌹🎀💖🎀💕🎀🌹💗💖🎀💕💕❣️❣️❣️🌹 Love you! Enjoy!
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You knocked on the door to your boyfriend's room and you didn't have to wait long before the door opened and Tauxolouve welcomed you inside.
He gave your lips a soft kiss and you gave him a small smile at that, kissing him back. "Allow me." He said, carefully taking your bag from you and putting it aside and then doing the same with your coat.
"That's nice of you." You said, feeling a little warm inside at his instinctive manners. You moved to his bed and you flopped down on it on your stomach, sighing in relief at the softness of the mattress. "So soft..."
Tauxolouve chuckled, approaching you from behind. "You sounded like Aigo just now."
You snorted and nuzzled more into the mattress, feeling ready to fall asleep at any moment.
"Is my little lady tired?" He said softly, coming to lay down by your side and holding you close from behind.
"Very. I came straight from work." You said, your voice lethargic and your eyes closed. "It's so... Exhausting." Your eyebrows lowered and your tongue was untied at this point. "I do so many things, but it just feels like my efforts are not recognised." You swallowed thickly, taking a few seconds to gather your thoughts and speak of them. "I'm not doing all that stuff just for a reward, I genuinely enjoy helping. It gives me a warm feeling... But sometimes I feel like... I don't even get a word of gratitude in return, you know...?" You sighed, placing your hand over Tauxolouve's and giving his hand a squeeze.
Tauxolouve scooted closer, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your head. He shifted his hand against yours, until your palms were touching and then he began tracing the lines of your palm and your knuckles with his fingertips.
"I just want someone to recognise that I'm doing something. I just... I just want a pat on the back damnit!" You took a deep breath, calming yourself down and focused on the faint feeling of Tauxolouve's fingertips feeling all over your hand from all angles.
"I don't know if it's enough, but I do recognize your efforts." He said, his voice low and tranquil. "You're giving your everything and your heart is so big and kind to help those who need it." The spot on the bed behind you that had sunken with Tauxolouve's weight, rose back to normal as he got up.
You turned to look at him and you found his hand extended towards you.
"Here. Take my hand. I want to spoil you tonight about everything you've done for those around you." He said with a smile.
Your palms met as you gave him your hand and he pulled you up gently and with your hands connected and your fingers entangled, he snapped his fingers.
After a brief moment of dizziness, hot air brushed your face and your eyes adjusted on the grand bath of the mansion.
"I was thinking you'd let me wash your hair. Maybe that'll be relaxing." Tauxolouve proposed his idea. "Would that be alright?"
You thought of this for a while and honestly, you liked this idea. You wanted to be pampered and rewarded for all your efforts. And even his mere thought behind all of this was touching. "I'm alright with that. But can you please turn around so I can... Get undressed?" You said, your cheeks warming up a little.
"Of course. Tell me when you're ready."
You took off your clothed and carefully slipped into the warm water. Sinking deeper into the bathtub, you rested your head against the coping and closed your eyes, the warm water embracing your exhausted body. "I'm ready."
Tauxolouve's footsteps approached the bathtub and sat down behind you on the floor. He snapped his fingers materializing a bottle of soap and his hand got to work on your hair.
He washed your hair, while simultaneously massaging your scalp and you groaned in satisfaction.
"That feels wonderful..." You spoke quietly, feeling his fingers pressing just the right pressure where he was supposed to, bringing you bliss.
"I'm glad you enjoy it." He said. "You deserve to be pampered and spoiled. You're always doing so much for people, it's about time somebody did something for you as well."
His words were genuine and your smile turned emotional, your eyes watering a little.
"Thank you." Tauxolouve began rinsing out the soap from your hair. "Thank you so much for all you do for me. Thank you for being so helpful and selfless. Thank you so much for everything." At the next snap of his fingers, a bathing robe appeared in his hands and he passed it to you, turning around again so you could come out of the water in peace and comfortably.
After slipping the robe up your shoulders, you walked up to him and hugged him from behind.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, worried to hear you sniffling against his back.
"Yeah, you just... Made me a little emotional is all."
He turned around and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his body. "I will make sure you know every day how thankful I am about what you do. I love you."
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wrens-too-big · 4 months
🌟things i use as distraction 🌟
I have terrible impulse control (thank you ADHD) so i have a hard time keeping myself from going to the pantry while i’m fasting.
but, here, i’ve compiled a list of things i do to distract myself and maybe they’ll help you, too. 💫
⚠️ED tw⚠️
🎮Video Games
playing video games is my number one way of distracting myself. they require my full attention, and i can easily get sucked in for several hours- which is several hours spent NOT EATING :] plus, i get hangry. like really hangry. so depending on the game, it can be a great way to relax and put myself in a better mood.
i can’t work out on an empty stomach. i just can’t. i don’t know how you guys can do it. if i do, i get super dizzy and i’m much more likely to get a migraine; but yoga is a great alternative. just 15-20 minutes of stretching makes me feel more relaxed, and i’m forced to think about my breathing and posture instead of food.
basic, i know. but writing about how hungry and miserable i feel is better than binging and feeling shitty about myself afterwards. plus, it can be a good time to exercise my creativity and do a little bit of creative writing or poetry. not that it’s any good- but it’s still a great outlet. and anything i can do with my hands is an activity that will keep my mind off food.
🎀Fiber Arts
once again, a very hands-on activity. I like to embroider pretty designs and weave on a loom, but knitting and crochet are also good options. plus it’s a relatively cheap hobby to enter into, and there’s tons of tutorials out there. You get to learn a new skill, and it really hones your dexterity and hand-eye coordination. plus, at the end of it, you might have a pretty new piece of clothing to wear!
📸Artsy Photography
Look up some inspiration on pinterest, and go for a walk! you burn calories AND get to do something creative. plus, you can get your photos printed at CVS or Walgreens or even Walmart, and you can keep a pretty scrapbook! i like to photograph cool mushrooms that grow in the woods around my house and colorful berries and stuff, and write silly poems and short stories about them.
🎂Watch Cake Decorating Videos
This might not work for everyone- but for me personally, i don’t like cake that much. i’ve heard of people watching mukbangs to keep themselves distracted or to “fill up” but…i hâte the noises they make while chewing. and watching it on mute just makes me hungry. so, watching cake videos is a good alternative- it’s extremely satisfying, and doesn’t trigger cravings! this is especially good for days when i don’t feel like being creative, or when i can’t sleep.
that’s pretty much all i’ve got. if you have other suggestions, feel free to leave a comment! i hope these help :] luv u all 💕
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pinksoullesswench · 5 months
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As in my bio, I do lots of manifestation and witchcraft and all that fun stuff, but I also do 💕reality shifting 💕 so I thought it would be fun to talk about my desired realities!
🎀 Better Life Reality - It is very similar to this reality with some changes (for the better, of course!) I will permashift there 😊
Progress: I shifted there already once, but after I woke up, I was feeling very sick, as if I was drank, dizzy, i felt like throwing up, I passed out I believe.
🎀 Teenage Life - a reality where I relieve my teenage years. My teenage years were very depressing bc I moved to a new country, I did not know language, people were very racist, and I spent all these years alone in my room so now I just want to "go back" and actually have fun.
Progress: haven't shifted there yet
🎀 Gravity Falls - I am shifting to be Dipper, to be specific, I will insert myself on the place of Dipper. I just want to have a cool summer with mysterious adventures. In that dr I am, however, 14 years old (so that one day with the trip to that haunted store probably will look different). Also, I don't have any romantic feelings towards anyone there, I just want to have fun
Progress: One time I was so close during a method I could hear Mabel. I didn't hear what she was saying bc it felt like it was coming from another room
🎀 Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - shifting to be a twin sister of Sabrina! Super excited to see aunties, and to walk around that beautiful witchy house. I am a witch in this reality but this will be a nice experience to observe witches from a different dimension. I also really want to experience the 80' there. I am shifting for the plot.
Progress: i once was pretty close that during a method I started to hear a clock ticking. I don't own watches/clocks in my apartment. I did not script any clock in that dr but of course it could be I had one in that room, at least I want to believe it.
🎀 Rubinrot Dr - I shift to be a girl with a time traveling gene working for mysterious, dark academia society in London where I get missions I have to accomplish in different time periods. I get to learn history, new languages, and many different things. I also script that I do it with my best friend.
Progress: nothing for now
(All photos here are from Pinterest!)
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gojosatoruwifey · 3 years
—Kunigami Rensuke as your Boyfriend
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✑ I am back again ⌒°ʚ(ෆ❛ั ᴗ ❛ัʃƪ)ɞ♡°⌒ to deliver some headcanons for our gentleman, Kuginami Rensuke, as your boyfriend! Everyone love this young man so much and I’ve got no words to say how such a fine man doesn’t exist. Well then, I hope you enjoy this lovely bouquet of amaryllis **♡( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )
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This young man here has a moral personality and he would like for you to be friends before he can confess his feelings to you.
Every day, he suffers from the clutches of yearning and he just holds back them since he might destroy your friendship.
If ever someone comments that Kunigami looks at you fondly, he will shut them up using his sharp glare.
Well, you can’t stop your feelings for him either. Kunigami as a friend is protective of you and treats you gently. He also gives you his extra food but it is a different issue if it’s your favorite, he will hand your favorite food with no hesitation.
Even when you refuse, Kunigami will insist and tease you.
Everyone surrounding you two is frustrated at the slow burn love coming from you and Kunigami.
They are aware what the young man feels for you :>
Finally, his confession happened in a private setting.
Just the both of you. Alone.
It started when you accompanied him from his jogging session early in the morning.
The sun is not even up yet.
Then he just confesses to you out of the blue while taking a break from a bench and you were drinking your water bottle which made you choke as Kunigami patted your back worriedly.
You recover as Kunigami looks away, rosy-red with his hand rubbing the back of his neck and apologizing to you.
Apologize? Apologize for what?
“I thought I should ask you out when we...are not..”
He looks back and forth to you as he averts his eyes.
Later that day, you and Kunigami go out on a date.
Kunigami always handles you tenderly as friends back then but since you two are no longer that, he is more careful and his touch lingers than usual.
If Nagi is boyfriend material, then Kunigami is a husband material.
Waiting for you outside of your house so that he can walk you from your school, he sends you back home too, he will help you carrying stuffs or watch movies and documentaries (especially if it’s about football) with you.
He tried to bake cookies for you once and you complimented him how the pastry is delicious that made him avert his eyes from you with a blush on his cheeks.
Shh, he’s embarrassed and delighted at the same time.
If you’re interested in football or playing the sport, Kunigami will teach you the basics and ask you for advice regarding his movements.
You are passionate about something? Kunigami will cheer you and even offer help.
He’s happy when you’re happy, that simple.
Steal clothes from him? Whether it’s a sweater, shirt, or jacket, he doesn’t mind it and just let you rummage through his closet. He loves how they look so good on you so he offers his clothes and steals them. He might leave a shirt on your house accidentally.
Kunigami also protects you when taking the subway, he has his one hand holding the handrail while you stand in front of him.
Such a good boyfriend :’)
You feel like you're dreaming.
He’s your best friend at the same time as your boyfriend.
There’s not much change in your relationship, just that both of you are taking a step further and savoring the moments while it lasts.
Insecure?Jealous? Kunigami will show you how much he loves you and doesn’t care about your appearance. You are you and that’s enough.
His behavior is such a gentleman and it makes your heart beat fast.
Kunigami’s kisses are a bit shy yet they make you dizzy.
His hugs? They are warm like you’re hugging a heater.
His hands? They are huge and you feel safe when you hold them.
I, Geru, can’t write enough about your relationship with him, I’m speechless.
You found a prince named Kunigami Rensuke—
And you’re the treasure that he will forever cherish.
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cnnamonrolls · 2 years
new game GO
if you use emojis as a tag for your mutuals, explain why you chose that emoji
you can tag them, but i won't because it's probably annoying
beloved mika 🐻 - we had a problem with a bear gif in 6th grade
beloved zuri 🦋 - she said she wanted that emoji
beloved bell 🔔 - bell
beloved lish 🎨 - art!!
beloved anoushka 💫 - it looks aesthetic
beloved luce 💥 - she gives vibes i can't figure out
beloved vivi 🌸 - pink pink aesthetic pink
beloved ash 😵 - faer changing of url every 5 minutes is making me dizzy
beloved nico 💭 - seems smart and stuff
beloved lee 🗯 - talks a lot, through reblogs. and is aggressive (affectionate)
beloved coffee 🌟 - star star sparkle sparkle
beloved ivy 🍀 - idk plant bc ivy right idk
beloved gio 🎀 - because pretty bow
beloved cherri 🐾 - cat lover (addicted)
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strawberrycowe · 1 year
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F101, F102, F106, F111, X32, F35, YF23, F22, J20
[✈️] - please don't remove source
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strawberrycowe · 1 year
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Stimboard for my boyfriends sona; Pecha! (they/he)
🦊 🍓 🦊 / 🍓 💞 🍓 / 🌸 🦊 🌸
Please do not use the middle image!
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strawberrycowe · 1 year
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strawberrycowe · 1 year
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🎀 - don't remove source
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strawberrycowe · 2 years
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🐟 🐟 🐟 / 🐠 🐠 🐠 / 🐟 🐟 🐟
"Media that'll make you feel like a fish" stimboard
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strawberrycowe · 1 year
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🎀 - don't remove source!
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strawberrycowe · 1 year
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Dogs in wind x / x / x
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strawberrycowe · 1 year
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🐟 - don't remove source
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