#😘 fic anon
singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Hii love, me again (😘 fic anon) ,
So I finally managed to read the new chapter after i got off from work today. And it was worth the wait! You know what, I really forgot that charles got p2 in that race.. tbh I don’t even remember austrian gp😭 that was a stressful weekend for me personally.
Anyway, I’m so happy that you updated. As usual you didn’t miss! My niece kept interrupting me while I read it tho (she’s 2, even tho she’s cute she can be annoying), so I’m going to read it again with no distractions so that I can appreciate ‘those’ scenes more ;)
Again, you did an amazing job.. really really looking forward to seeing more from you ❤️
One more thing I wanted to say, I saw the other anon’s ask and i was like “Oh my god did i sound like this?!! This is so rude..” and the thing that anon’s ask was not nice, neither was mine. I know i said sorry before but it’s still made me feel bad when i saw you had to reply to another one within 2 days.
Fake dating au is a beautiful fic, in fact one of the first piarles fic that I ever read(which made me fall in love with the pair). And I, just like so many others would love to read more of it whenever you update it. But like you said, it’s your fic.. it’s yours to write. I’d be happily waiting to read it if n when you decide to write more chapters.
I’m sorry i ended up writing a long ask again😅i tend to do that sometimes..but yeah.. take care of yourself. Also, all the best with your doctorate 😊
All the love,
omg, hiiii, T!! ❤️ it's so nice to hear from you again (and SO nice to put a bit of a name to the face/😘 fic anon identity!)
so first things first: haha, awwww, i am so endeared by that story of your niece 🤭🤭 and i feel you COMPLETELY, hahaha, because my own niece is two and a half now, and she was also actually visiting over the weekend!! so that's a cute coincidence 🥰 but also, lmao, i DEFINITELY get you about "even tho she's cute she can be annoying."
and secondly - 😍😍😍 i am SO glad that you've enjoyed the latest update (niece distractions and all xD) thank you so so much for the support and for your very kind words, i really appreciate it ❤️
as to that other anon... well 🙈 i think what happens a lot is that people send messages with good intentions, but without perhaps thinking it all the way through. and i mean, we all do kinda stupid, crazy things when we're excited and/or a little nervous! it's totally normal. that's why i usually try to be patient when i answer asks like that one, but yeah... that particular anon was very badly timed and especially badly phrased, i feel like. but it's all in the past now, and no hard feelings from my end! the most valuable thing, to me at least, is that you saw and understood my first long answer/explanation, and took it to heart, and that you're now making me smile so much with this ask 🥰💜 i appreciate the kindness and support so very much!
oh my god, and PLEASE don't worry about long asks, ever 😅 i'm the last person who'll ever complain about something like that, because, well, you've seen what my tumblr and especially my tags are like 😆😆 but yeah! this was a super sweet ask and i appreciated each word very very much <3333 ❤️
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maxybabyy · 2 months
the wildest loveliest girl
loose sequel to this girl!max fic and this edit 🥵 (also on ao3)
When Max brings it up, Daniel thinks that she’s joking  
No, that’s not true.
The first time she mentions it, her cheek is resting on the inside of his thigh, “I told the guys I will do a stint for the 24-hour Nürburgring stream in Imola.”  
Her mouth is still wet, loose and red from where his cock had just been inside her. Her lips are swollen, and Daniel thinks maybe if he kisses her now, she will taste like him too – and she does.
She comes easy when he coaxes her into his lap, hands spread wide over the skin of her hips, her ass. “That’s nice, babe,” he tells her and takes off her shirt, the fabric tacky between his fingers.
If the world knew about them, if Max cared any less about her privacy, maybe Enchanté would become a Team Redline sponsor. Make an entire line of cropped racing tops and those tennis skirts with built-in shorts that she wears to padel now.
Practical, but so fucking hot.
“GP tells me of course I am crazy, but it will be, I think, so lovely,” Max says, and if it wasn’t for the hitch in her breath, how her thighs squeeze around his wrist, you wouldn’t know he was three fingers deep inside her. “And when we win –“
Daniel feels her come around him, the teeth in his throat, tiny moans silent except for how they make his skin vibrate, his name falling like prayers from her lips as she comes down.
“What then, Max?” He asks, voice soft as he pulls her to his chest, kissing her until she kisses him back, eager. Indulgent.
“It will be so good, Daniel,” she tells him with a grin, kisses him again and then – “Not of course like this, but very good also.”
“Hey, Blake’s asking if you wanna come to the sponsor dinner after quali?”
They’re both lying in bed, still naked with the door closed so the cats won’t sneak in. His sex playlist has shuffled from sexy bangers into something corny that he hasn’t listened to in forever, but Max is humming along and that’s almost better.
“Maxy?” He asks again. His cheek is pillowed on her boobs, so it’s barely a thought to poke out his tongue, licking at the sensitive peak of her nipple. “Dinner?”
Her eyes move from her phone to Daniel’s face, hand frozen on the screen. Her other hand tugs at his hair, fingers tangled in his curls as she hums, “I could of course eat.”
He keeps her eyes on him, closing his lips around her nipple and bites down with the softest of teeth.
“I know, babe. But do you wanna come to dinner with me and the team after quali?”
She’s done it before, prefers it to some of the shit Red Bull usually has her do. At least like this, she gets a nice meal and Daniel is around to do most of the schmoozing.
“In Imola,” he tells her and watches how her eyes flutter shut.
“Can’t, ‘m driving.”
Her legs are wrapped around his waist again, and Daniel is quick to fuck two fingers back inside her, thumb on her clit as she whines.
“It’s after quali,” Daniel says and leans up to kiss her, cheek cradled in the palm of his hand as she thrashes in his arms. “Blake already has a car and everything set up so –“
Her orgasm is barely a shiver compared to her first two, teeth sharp as they bite into his lip.
“Fuck,” Max moans and goes loose-limbed underneath him.
Her eyes are closed, and her breaths turn steady, hair spread out across the pillow. Daniel almost thinks she’s fallen asleep when she digs her icy toes into the back of his thigh.
“I’m doing the iRacing event after qualifying, maybe just an hour or two, but.”
Daniel kisses her face, her nose, “But like – in Imola?”
Max leans into his touch, chasing his mouth with hers. They are slow, lazy kisses that leave their lips wet and swollen, and Daniel loves them so much.
“Yes, it is of course online, so I will go from qualifying to the race. And then in the morning maybe before the race,” she tells him and kisses him once more before she reaches for her phone. “Now, what do you want for dinner?”
In the weeks leading up to Imola, Daniel barely sees her.
Max had told him that she would be busy and not maybe respond to texts during the day but if he installed discord, probably she could send him an update sometime.
Daniel doesn’t know if his Mac can even handle that – wouldn’t know how to do it if it could – and decides instead to move into her apartment for a bit. It’s not – they usually stay at her place when they have the time because of the cats.
But they’re not like, living together yet.
Or at least, Daniel still rents a place in Monaco where he keeps the shit he hasn’t brought to her apartment. But it’s fine, real estate is a great investment and all that.
Being physically closer doesn’t change that much. Max is still busy setting up the sim and testing what car they should use in the race.
But at least like this, he gets to see her at night when she turns everything off and crawls into bed with him. He’s there when she comes out of the office to make sure the cats are taken care of and if she can, steal one of them back in with her. He brings her food and a bottle of water when she gets thirsty, rubs her shoulders when the hours in the sim rig leave her body stiff and sore, and coaxes her into the shower just to have another moment alone with her.
One afternoon, he steals her away to play padel with Lando and Alex. The exhaustion doesn’t improve her already shit aim and they only win one round, but Max is having fun.
They’re meant to go to lunch all four of them – maybe George too if Alex can get him to come – but Daniel’s been half-hard since Max poured the rest of her water bottle onto her head, and when she pulls him into one of the private stalls, Daniel comes easy.
If Team Redline didn’t already know they were together, they definitely do now with how many times Daniel has walked in on their video calls to check up on Max.
Today, he comes in with Jimmy in his arms cradled like a baby, hovering awkwardly until Max notices him with a smile, “What’s up, Daniel?”
She taps her keyboard before she twists around in her seat to look at him. She’s not wearing the team shirt, so at least he knows she isn’t streaming, but he can see the tiny video boxes on the screen – the suffocating feeling from 2020 already itching in his throat making him feel ill.
“Just, like. Wanted to make sure this fella’s been fed because he keeps whining,” Daniel says and holds Jimmy closer to his chest. It’s unfair really, to blame Jimmy when he’s been such a good sport, napping on his chest until the incessant need to be close to Max had overtaken him.
Jimmy, probably sensing the offence, wiggles out of his arms and jumps into her lap, sharp nails on pale skin. But Max barely notices, kisses his head and coos, “Hi baby, are you being a cunt to daddy?”
Daniel kicks out his feet, locking his knees to keep him from stumbling to the ground. He fucking hopes Max put the call on mute when he came in.
It’s not like, a sexual thing – not by itself at least. She’s never called him that in bed, and with Jos and their complicated relationship, Daniel isn’t sure that’s something he wants to explore. But like, still.
One day she had just – said it.
Talking to the cats about how he was going back to Australia for a bit and that, “Daddy will be gone so you of course have to be nice to him,” and now she just always calls him that, two fucking hell-spawn somehow adopted by proxy.
Jimmy meows in her arms.
“I think he is so sleepy, he would not even eat right now,” Max says with a frown and kisses the space between his ears.
“Huh, that’s pretty weird,” Daniel tells her lamely and leans down to get a kiss of her own.
“Crane says hi,” Max says with one hand on Jimmy as the other reaches for him.
“Oh, uh –“ he says and squeezes her hand. His other hand twists the length of her hair, pulls it tight around his palm until a noise falls from her lips, like when she’s on her knees for him, sucking his –
It’s getting longer now, her hair. Almost below her chest. So different to how it was when they met, how she wore it when they first got together. Daniel doesn’t really care about how her hair looks, thinks she looks just as pretty with her balaclava on, sweat seeping into her hairline as her face flushes with heat.
“Tell him I say hi back,” he says and waves to the guy he’s pretty sure is Crane. “Alright, didn’t wanna disturb you. Let me know if you need anything.”
Max hums, stretching her neck and smacking her lips until he leans down to kiss her, “’kay, love you, Daniel.”
“Yeah, love you too, babe,” he says and leaves the room with Jimmy still in her lap.
Daniel is a tiny bit tipsy when the car comes to pick him up.
Dinner had gone well. Qualifying had left him with a rush, excited for Sunday, and his good mood had rubbed off on both the sponsors and executives, calling out toasts to the success of the team, Daniel’s future with them, to Max’s chances for tomorrow.
He hasn’t seen her since this morning, swept away by her team to prepare for the race, but he watches her now, the stream pulled up on his phone. He doesn’t have the app, and Twitch keeps crashing and reloading, but there she is in the tiny box in the corner of the screen.
Even in the fucking awful team shirt that everyone wears, Max looks beautiful.
She’s barely visible in her sim rig, tucked away behind the wheel. It’s not unlike how she looks at home, at the factory with GP always close behind. But it feels different to be on this side of it, watching her with 20.000 of her fans, unable to reach out and touch her.
He left his headphones at the track, so he plays the sound over the speakers. But even as he keeps pressing the volume button, he cannot hear Max. When he asks in chat – twice, and then with a donation – Crane just shakes his head, “It’s a live race, mate. What do you want us to do? Should we pop in on her chat with GP tomorrow too?”
It’s not the same, Daniel doesn’t think.
But maybe it is to Max.
Daniel nods to the group of guys dressed in Team Redline merch hanging around the motorhome and goes to slip past them when one of them stops him
“Sorry, mate. No access,” the tallest of them says, a bright orange MV1 hat shoved onto his head.
The guy stares back at him, no recognition in his eyes as he makes himself bigger to block the doorway. It barely makes a difference, but Daniel hangs back. “I can’t let you in,” he adds bluntly.
“Are you for real?” Daniel asks.
He’s still dressed for dinner, dress pants and a nice shirt with his jacket hanging over his shoulder. He’s not wearing his fucking paddock pass or the VCARB merch, but his entire outfit is sponsored by Hugo, the brand subtle but visible on his chest. And like, they’re at a fucking F1 circuit. Shouldn’t they at least know who he is?
“Sir –“
Someone pokes their head out of the door and looks at Daniel, looks at the other guy with a sigh before he pushes the door wider and gestures for him to come in, “Daniel, right? Come on in.”
“Cheers, mate,” Daniel says as he shuffles past the group.
“I’m Jack, I work with Max and Team Redline. It’s nice to finally meet you,” the man says, and Daniel does vaguely remember the name from one of their conversations about the stream. “Max’s still online but it shouldn’t be long now. The mic has quite the range but if you stay here, the camera cannot see you.”
“Thanks, man.”
Jack slips away to take a phone call, so Daniel watches from the doorway as Max parks the car, relaying information to the guy driving the next stint.
“I will – tomorrow, I will do another stint. Before of course the race. Yeah, good luck!” Daniel must make a noise because she turns to the door and beams when she sees him standing there. “Daniel!” She says and reaches for him.
She melts into his arms when Daniel touches her, head heavy against his chest. Her groan is muffled against him, and Daniel knows she must be tired. He’s just about to nudge her towards the bed shoved in the corner of the room when Jack walks back in.
“Crane is asking if you’re coming on stream, do a little interview maybe?”
Max’s body shakes with an exhale. Her hand curls in the fabric of Daniel’s shirt and he moves with her pull until he’s sat almost in her lap. “Fine,” she finally says. “But only five minutes.”
“Did it go well?” Daniel asks when Jack leaves again. “I watched a bit in the car, you looked good.”
“It was good I think also,” Max says as a wide smile breaks out on her face. “The other car had of course some problems but it is –“ Her hand wobbles in the air, weaving through the other like traffic.
“Yeah? I’m proud of you, Maxy.”
Max’s face softens and she reaches for him, pulling him down for a kiss. Her lips are dry and taste so much like Red Bull that he knows she probably hasn’t had anything else to drink tonight. But’s it good, tastes like Max. His tongue licks into her mouth, hand playing with the tacky fabric of her shirt when there’s a noise from her headphones.
“Hey Max, you’re still on cam.”
Daniel feels how she freezes in his arms before she leans back to glare at the camera. And there, in the tiny window in the corner of her screen, is a man watching them back. But she doesn’t move away, keeps herself pressed against Daniel.
“The stream is down so it’s just me and the guys, but I thought you should know.”
“Next time probably you should start with that,” Max says as her eyes roll to the back of her head.  “Okay, I will leave then, see you tomorrow, Crane.”
“He’s kinda intense,” Daniel says when Jack leaves for the night.
“Hmm? No, he’s fine, I think,” Max says, distracted as he kisses her face, her cheek, her lips.
Daniel goes down on his knees, mouth wet on her skin as he kisses down her body. He shoves the fucking Redline shirt out of the way and touches her boobs with gentle hands, mouth chasing the noises that fall from her lips. She’s wearing a flimsy pair of shorts, soft and silky, and maybe she already knew she would go straight to bed after. Now, Daniel drags them down her legs, teeth teasing the tender skin of her inner thigh.
“Daniel,” she begs and buries her hand in his hair.
“Of course, Maxy.” So he puts his mouth on her and licks into her, wet and swollen, the taste of Max so heavy on his tongue.
She’s always been responsive, loud and direct in what she wants, shifting her hips to press into his mouth. How she moves him by his hair until she’s grinding onto his face. But he loves her like this too, lovely and oh so soft. Her body light with pleasure as she loses herself in the feeling.
He slips two fingers inside her, wet and warm, and he thinks if she wasn’t about to come, he would taste her there too. His jaw aches but Max shivers against him, her cunt clenching around his fingers until she falls apart.
Max is already up when Daniel wakes.
He watches her with tired eyes back on the sim, sipping another can of Red Bull as she talks in clipped words with her race engineer.
She had been almost liquid in his arms when he had moved them to the bed the night before. Had clung to him desperately as he had fucked her through another orgasm, the tiny bed barely big enough for one of them.
On the brink of sleep, he had watched her pull out her phone and put on the fight, balancing the screen against his head where it rested on her chest.
“Go to sleep, Daniel,” she had shushed him softly, one hand touching his cheek as the other turned down the volume until he could almost pretend it wasn’t there.
Daniel doesn’t know when the fight ended or how long she had stayed up after, but she doesn’t look tired, drives with the same steady confidence that has won her three titles and more wins than either of them had ever dreamt of.
His phone buzzes with a call from Blake.
He doesn’t know how much the mic would pick up, so he doesn’t answer it, typing out a quick reply that he’s on his way instead. He redresses in yesterday’s clothes and runs a hand through his hair, trying to make himself look somewhat decent on his way out.
Max must notice him moving around because she takes a second to smile at him off-camera, eyes soft as she slow-blinks at him.
“Love you, see you later,” he whispers and blows her a kiss.
Daniel doesn’t need to look to know that she’s leading the race, the Team Redline boys chatting excitedly when he walks past them, but he does anyway, pulls up the stream and watches her build up another winning gap.
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daisychainsandbowties · 10 months
Keep seeing fanart of your davy jones au but i cant find the fic?? Did you remove it from ao3? If not pls share the link would love to read it
🥰🥰 yeah @thistleation made this & this art for my beautiful and strange au that literally only exists right now as one disorganised ramble (here) and one half-baked attempt at coherence (here).
the fic’s never been on ao3 (i’m a “if the fic’s up, there she stays” kind of creature guy girl thing) but i am writing it (or i was but to be honest i’m still struggling to write fic for personal reasons) it’s sweet to know that the interest is there & i will probably be able to write again in my entire life it just hurts so fucking much when i try right now. but i’m excited about this au i promise that bea is extremely fucking weird in it. and she’s the normal one.
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basmathgirl · 4 months
I've heard about the Americons show before but I was wondering if you know what it was supposed to be about. I'm curious about what characters CT and DT were supposed to play! I'm also so sad it may never see the light of day. There are so few actor pairings who just click together perfectly so you find yourself wanting to see them together in as many things as possible. DT and CT are one such pairing. And I'm with you there, if we can't get the actual show we should at least get the script! Though if we can't get that, may I suggest that you would be an excellent choice to write a fanfic Americons!*
*I know you're busy and I hope I don't come across as being rude by saying that! I genuinely mean it as a compliment to your excellent writing skills, love of the Doctor, Donna, and other DT and CT characters, and brilliant ability to craft some amazing AUs! And should you ever wish to dive into that AU, I strongly believe there are many out here who would be thrilled to read it. I know I would 😘
Hello kind Anon
All I know for definite about Americons is that they were going to play husband and wife, living in America. There was speculation whether it would feature them visiting comic cons.
According to the British Comedy Guide:
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"Doctor Who stars David Tennant and Catherine Tate reunite for this comedy-drama series, which follows a married British couple who move to the USA and struggle to adjust to life in a brand new country.
This project was cancelled before being produced."
Perhaps David just wasn't available pre-pandemic? I don't know. Catherine went off and did both Hard Cell and The Nan Movie instead without him; followed by Queen of Oz.
Which is very sad for us Tatennant fans. I mean, I love Catherine Tate but the dynamic between her and David is electrifying on screen. I really don't know why TV producers don't make the most of that. Could RTD have copyrighted it somehow? 🤔 Nah, that sounds daft. Although they are forever linked to Doctor Who now.
As for a fanfic.... ooh, you flatterer!
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I do love a nice AU as a writing challenge, as you know; so this is a very tempting idea.
Hmm. I'll write myself some notes and wait for my brain to decide what happens next. Hopefully it'll let me actualy finish the Persuasion AU I've started, but you never know with these things.
Sorry for always seeming to be too busy to write fanfiction stories. My workload at work has eased (thankfully) but the psoriatic arthritis in my hands is doing me no favours; and hubby's health has taken a bit of a nosedive, so that has to be seen to. On the plus side, I'm able to do a little bit more baking these days, so it's swings and roundabouts (do Americans call these merrygorounds? I'm not sure), as they say.
But it certainly helps (an awful lot) to know that people like you are willing to encourage me to write ❤️
Thank you!!
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fallingintolife · 2 years
Shopping Surprises
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Request: omg i don't know if requests are still open,  but could you possibly do sam winchester going out shopping with his s/o for fun since they're usually too busy hunting and they somehow drag dean along too and are just carrying all of their stuff around please? i think it would be so funny and chaotic 😭
Summary: Shopping trips are not Dean's cup of tea however this one would probably be the best ever after he figures out why you were all there in the first place…
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader, Dean
Warnings: Seriously none. Just all the friggin' fluff
Word Count: 544
A/N: Anon! I'm sorry this took me a bit to write…it's not my best but I hope you enjoy it 💕 sending all the love and hugs! 💕
"Remind me why I'm here again?" Dean asked with a huff, adding another bag on his arm as they headed to the next store. Sam rolled his eyes but you just smiled trying not to laugh.
"Because we needed to go on a supply run and Y/N needed to pick up a few things."
"Nope, yep got that. Still don't understand why I was dragged along. She's your girlfriend, Sammy, carrying her bags is your job." Sam shot him his classic bitch face. You rolled your eyes.
"I'll make you pie when we get home okay? I just need to grab a couple more things and then we can head home. I'm just gonna stop in this store really quick and I'll meet you both at the car." Dean was gone before you even finished your sentence which honestly just made you laugh, rolling your eyes. "Go follow Dean just to make sure he doesn't drive off without me please?" Sam chuckled but nodded and gave you a peck on the lips.
After five minutes you finally got to the Impala and we're putting your bags in the backseat with you.
"Jeez, Y/N, what were you buying in there?"
"Dean." Sam warned. With a roll of his eyes he turned to say another sassy comment when he noticed something poking out of your bag. His eyes immediately went wide, as did yours when you saw what he was staring at. You subtly, yet sternly shook your head at Dean, praying to Cas he wouldn't say a word.
"Dean, could you stop pestering my girlfriend and drive?" Dean cleared his throat and drove home without a word.
As soon as you all got back to the Bunker and San had brought most of the bags back to y'all's room was when Dean cornered you.
"So…?" You bit your lip hesitantly.
"I'm pregnant." You'd be lying if you said you weren't nervous about what Dean's reaction would be. You and Sam had told Dean a few months back that you were trying to get pregnant and his reaction wasn't exactly…pleasant. He lectured you both about how you both could raise a child while being hunters which was when Sam had told him that you both would be leaving the hunting world whenever you did have a child and that was a whole nother can of worms.
You stood there nervously watching Dean, hoping that he wouldn't ruin this moment for you and Sam. He was looking down, stone faced when he mumbled something and then repeated it but louder.
"I'm gonna be an uncle. I'm gonna be an uncle!" The amount of relief you felt in that moment as Dean grinned at you, pulling you into a tight hug meant everything. You giggled and nodded with tears in your eyes.
"Yeah Dean, you're gonna be an uncle."
"Wait. Does Sammy know?" Dean let go of you and turned around seeing Sam walking in holding a shirt that said "Super Dad".
"It was positive?" He asked softly. You grinned as happy tears fell down his face. Sam picked you up and spun you around as a laugh full of joy filled the Bunker.
"I'm gonna be a dad. We're gonna be parents."
"And I'm gonna be an uncle!" Dean pulled you both into a hug. 
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shyspider · 8 months
I hope its not too weird of me to come out and say this but I hope you're doing okay. I've seen some of the things you've said and that you're not feeling yourself and I want you to know that its okay to take breaks and time to yourself. I hope you're putting yourself first........ and drink water.
I'm drinking black coffee straight from the pot - is that the same?
Okay but no seriously, I teared up some and of course I'm going to deflect with humor and say everything is just a struggle right now but I'll be okay. But I've been saying I'll be okay for months and I'm still trying to get out of this funk. I don't like getting personal and would rather suffer silently, but fuck it - new year. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone for a hot minute.
I'm grieving. No one died. Just the dynamics of a relationship changed, and it's affected me deeply. I AM putting myself first, and that's why it hurts. It's affected my writing (thank the muses I spent my hiatus finishing the fics so I have stuff to post) where I struggle to focus. I struggle answering comments with that ❤️ energy I like putting out in the world. I struggle with thinking about Transformers, because that person cultivated my love for them, and is deeply tied to it all.
I'm actively working towards healing. I'm determined to be okay, someday. I just hate that it might take a while. I'll still post regularly, but I'm sorry I haven't been putting out the positive vibes, lately.
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feistypazzi · 1 month
YES PLEASE MAKE A HAPPY ENDING!!!! (I saw your hashtag)
Copy anon! I'll make a happy ending between Paige and Azzi then I'll gaslight y'all after! 💋
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butmakeitgayblog · 10 months
So I read Vampire au, CI, teach me, and just finished Romeo and juliet au. Amazinggggggg. I’m on chapter one of city of angels au and it’s so cute! This was your first baby yeah?
Oh wow you went on a binge babe 🥰 absolutely love this, thank you!!! Made my night
And yeah City of Angels was the first piece of fiction or creative writing I'd ever done at that time so it's... well, it's a bit all over the place lol but it has very loyal fans (whom I love) I tried my best with it, and I learned a lot from writing that fic. So it'll always my first lil baby love. Tiny, cluelessly gay Angel Lexa and Doctor Clarke will forever hold a special place in my heart 🥹
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j00stkl31n · 3 months
Noo why would you say that there’s a masked selfie on your blog and your tatttoos after I told you that, not good for me🥴🥴
Awww you poor thing all worked up from my words just to get more flustered by my face. How cute 🥰
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Hiii, it’s me again…T,
I saw the ask about everyone smiling n being happy and i was like “this is exactly how i feel whenever i read someone’s reply to my asks”. That anon is sooo right!!
Work is crazy. Plus I’m preparing for my residency stuff.. so I’m doing an audit for that and it’s driving me nuts.. but when i open thmblr n see something like this it puts a smile on my face, makes me feel lighter.. makes the day a little bit better
I was not having a nice day and then I saw that ask and it made me smile. So, thank you anon and thank you love ❣️
oh my gosh, hiiii again! and first of all, i am SO sorry it's taken me this long to reply 🙈 i am a bit terrible when it comes to asks, i'm afraid - i have this bad habit of seeing them, and smiling, and meaning to reply... but then, well, life happens, and i completely forget about them till days/weeks/months (a year??) later. it's not been a year this time at least!!!
all that aside, though - awww, this is such a lovely message <333 it means a lot that i could make you smile 😁❤️ and i'm so sorry you were having a rough day - hope today was loads better for you, love <333 ohhh! and BEST of luck with the residency, gosh. sending you hugs & strength!! and for extra good luck, here's one of my favourite piarles gifs too:
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THE T-SHIRT GRAB AND SCRUNCH. i will never be over it. never ever. !!!!!!!!!!!!
but anyway! thank you so much for this very kind ask, really ❤️ all the best to you!! 💞
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maxybabyy · 3 months
destiny in repetition, in symmetry max/charles | 3k | mature
Charles jumps in the harbour with Fred and lets the water wash him clean. Baptised in Port Hercules surrounded by his team – Charles’ objects of worship for once compatible. He resurfaces, reborn with a purpose. His head feels light from the champagne, from the praise that hasn’t stopped, and if he was any less vain, he would hate it more. “Congratulations again, Charlie,” Max tells him after, voice soft – private. or, Charles wins in Monaco.
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
just got home for holiday break and I'm excited for my favorite tradition: getting stressed by my chaotic family and unwinding every night with your holiday smut master list 🥰
Aww, I'm happy to hear you still enjoy those! I have such fond memories of putting that event together with @cal-puddies! And our Poly!Cashton story is still one of my fav collabs we did 🎄♥️
Hoe For The Hoe-lidays: A Holiday Fic Event Masterlist
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cupidskissx · 1 year
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alexturne · 2 years
Hey just wanted to say, i love how you write smut
Oh thank you so much 😊 that's very kind of you to say. I'm glad you're enjoying it 🥰
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thinlinez · 1 year
Will you delete your omega Louis fics?
Dear anon, I won't 😆 I'll just leave them up there for everyone to enjoy if they are into omega Lou! I'm just not proud of them 's all
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
🥳 & 🚦 for the fanfic ask game! And if you've answered one of these already, your pick 😁
Ooooh, tank you!! <3
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
Oh, well, I’m pretty sure I’ve answered that question many times through different games, and here’s the most recent and detailed explanation I could find, but basically the short answer is that the best Brio fanfiction ever written has ruined changed my life ❤️
(but also haven’t I already told you about this???)
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.? 
Definitely ambiguous!! I’m rather an open ending kind of gal, I find happily ever afters overly cheesy and simplistic, and while sad endings are incredibly appealing to me, I very rarely lean on that side because deep down I want my babies to be happy and I’m weak. So I like to leave things slightly unresolved, but most of the time on a hopeful note (although I’ve definitely written endings where the future’s quite uncertain).
Emoji asks
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