#''here's why it's actually okay for people to like this horrible character'' i am almost 25 years old and i do what i want
luobingmeis · 5 months
smarter people have already written think-posts abt the death of media literacy and its correlation with the rise in people expecting all media to conform, reflect, and teach morals (and constantly remind you that they do) but my tin-foil hat theory is that the long-lasting internet-fandom method of "your favorite character is the one you relate to and project onto" "your favorite fanfic trope is what you're missing in life" "your favorite ship actually says [X] about you" has had at least minor contributions now to people thinking liking a fictional character = condoning their actions, which in turn causes people to make the most nature-documentary-sounding tweet threads abt why the fans of said character are allowed to like them
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bibibbon · 18 days
Todoroki Rei doesn't feel like an actual character.
Her children do, Shoto does, Dabi does, Natsuo and Fuyumi do.
However, Rei just doesn't. We learn about how Endeavor DROVE her insane with his abuse, caused what she believed was the death of one of her children, made her grievously injure another, and locked her away from all of her children for a decade.
She should HATE the guy.
Yet when Endeavor sends those stupid manipulative flowers - she sings his praises and defends him to Natsuo. Tell me how that makes sense.
People have suggested Stockholm syndrome or manipulative psychiatry as reasoning for her inane Endeavor simping despite everything. Yet if this is the case, it should be portrayed tragically, like Harley Quinn is - not portrayed "admirably" and like she is "so kind" like some members of the fandom have called her.
There's also everything to do with Dabi, and I thought surely this revelation should stir up Rei's hatred. Yet it doesn't.
She gives Endeavor a stern telling off with the rest of her children in tow (which we were all cheering at because this is the bare fucking minimum. ) The Touya backstory hits (in part from Endeavor's POV because he's so reliable as the abuser and the cause of this mess 😒. Why didn't you let Touya tell his own story, Hori!?) It scapegoats her and Touya largely to take a lot of the heat off of Endeavor. And then... she tells Shoto as the hero of the family to save Touya.
Umm...no. Just no.
Endeavor is the hero parent. This should be his responsibility - but it should never be on Shoto to save the brother who wants him dead.
Then, in the epilogue, we find her being Endeavor's carer, staring up at her dying son, Dabi.
Do we see her talk with her son, Dabi? Do we see her cry at his state here? - Nope, it is all focused on Endeavor and his guilt/ self pity.
All she is allowed to do is pose with a solemn expression behind Endeavor's wheelchair and smile cutely at her abuser when the story demands it.
The injustice at the abuse victim - incarcerated mental patient - carer of her abuser pipeline Rei's story has taken is so disgusting.
I am horrified and appalled under Hori, Rei will never be free of her abuser and neither will the rest of the Todofam (Endeavor paid for thier new house after all - he still has the power over it and them as an extension of that. Abusive bastard.)
All I can think of is how horrible it is to handle an abuse narrative in such a way - uncaring of what real people this hurts.
THIS 👆👆👆
Yes, Rei doesn't truly feel like a real character at all because of the way she is depicted.
Even though all of the todoroki backstories come from either shoto, Touya or enji we still can see and notice the horror of rei's abuse. Even with there being almost litte to no focus on rei we can still how she suffered and get a general view to how she was driven to insanity.
So just imagine if horikoshi actually allowed rei to have her own proper perspective and we see HER STORY FROM HER VIEW! @thr0wnawayy (puts some of it into deeper perspective) imagine how gut wrenching it would of been and tell me that she would somehow be okay with being enji's caretaker in the end like he isn't at fault for what happend to Touya (touya's death is literally stated to be her final straw and that she fully broke down after that). Imagine rei a young women who tried to do everything for her children and failed, she ended up hurting them even though she wanted and tried to do what she can to protect them.
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Rei should ultimately despise enji completely heck there is no reason for her to like him or tolerate his existence at all. I wholeheartedly doubt that her relationship with enji can even be good in the slightest and her having Stockholm syndrome or manipulative psychiatry also to me doesn't make sense at all after the guy put her and her children through straight hell. Why is her opinion of enji somehow swayed after flowers? He doesn't do anything except send flowers (and I don't even think he has always done that) it's like she has no one. It's like the narrative is blatantly ignoring fuyumi and natsou who stay with their mother and keep her company. Heck fuyumi and natsou brought their mother clothes but somehow only enji's flowers hold any significance. What about shoto who after everything also started a relationship with his mum?!?!?
Why the actual hell does the narrative frame enji giving rei flowers as somehow more meaningful and symbolic than her children doing the exact same thing and more for her!!!!
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How about we talk about how horrible rei's condition must of been if she and the doctor said that she shouldn't see enji even though she hasn't seen the man for a decade?!?!? How about we talk about how Rei literally said that she was scared of seeing enji even though its been 10 years?!?! Why does the narrative seem to ignore this moment and its exactly when this moment is ignored that her making an appearance face to face with enji holding the flowers he gave her in chapter 300 is such an underwhelming scene. I personally felt such mixed emotions with that scene.
This scene and what comes after it all feels weird to me and it fails on so many notes. Rei comes in holding the flowers enji has given her and we are supposed to interpret this as her finally overcoming her fear of enji and stepping up both as a character and parent but it falls apart because
We aren't that emotionally connected to rei (she should of had her individual arc that tied her to the family and allowed us to see her prespective)
We haven't seen the steps that led her to becoming like this
After she doesn't even properly beat or scold enji at all. It all ends up being a pathetic speech where the narrative seems to shun from putting almost majority of the blame on enji and instead she continually says its her fault (the narrative tries to paint it like it's all of her fault when It isn't she is part of the problem but enji never seems to get that much criticism)
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All of these reasons are there to show that Rei doesn't feel like an actual character. She starts and ends the same and even when her son, Dabi ends up in the same position as she starts from she doesn't even speak to him in chapter 426. Actually she tries and all she says is that she has a lot to talk to him about but then enji hogs all the screentime and she stands back separated from the conversation.
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Rei, unlike her family is also not written in a way to fit the families dynamic. Her character isn't logical in a way where she is supposed to hate enji after all he did. Rei also doesn't have role unlike the other members of the todoroki family.
We clearly see that fuyumi wanted a happy family and tried her best to keep up appearances.
Dabi absolutely despised his family after he learnt about his creation but ultimately even as he tried to run away he still has memories of playing with natsou and even when on the verge of death in the 2nd war arc he instinctively calls out to them.
Natsou is like dabi in hating enji and wanting to run away except he follows and accomplishes this in a different path.
Shoto is completely trapped and is supposed to be the saviour child whether that be for enji wanting him to be his masterpiece or for rei putting the title of family hero onto shoto (which she shouldn't of done at all)
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Enji neglected dabi and he is the reason why dabi was made. Rei acknowledges this multiple times that what touya wanted was his father's love and attention and she even goes to blame herself saying that she should of tried harder into convincing enji to talk and spend time with his son (which she already did before but he flat out refused and ignored her)
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After this rei also claims that shoto is the families hero and this puts pressure on shoto to save dabi, his brother who wanted to kill him for being enjis favourite ever though he never asked for it and actually ended up suffering for being enjis favourite.
Yes, shoto reaching out to rei was important for both shoto and her. It symbolised shoto starting to heal and reconnect with his mother whom he cared about so much and for rei it was a new hope for her and a new goal to be a good mum to reconnect with her child. However, shoto isn't the families hero. He doesn't need all of the families problems on him and he for sure doesn't need to solve them all especially when enji was the one to cause them specifically the ones to do with dabi.
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Ultimately I stand by the choice that enji should of died in the first war arc giving more focus to shoto and the rest of the family members.
Enji would die in the line of duty so you would probably have a lot of people try and excuse his behaviour and this would be a good way to explore how this negatively effects the todoroki family and dabi who grows to have even more resentment and has to learn that shoto's life was full of suffering under being enji's favourite.
Rei should of had an arc that tied her into the jaku hospital arc where she learns about touya and stands up to enji at the same time while coming face to face with a lot of the new information and maybe even learning about genten himura her distant cousin. There is so much that could be done with rei and all we got in Canon was a horrible non existent arc where she is used to prop up her abuser!
In the end enji doesn't face consequences for his actions (being disabled isn't a consequence) and his whole dance in hell with dabi ain't even effective because enji hasn't experienced true hell (not to the extent of dabi). In the end enji still has people and he still has money his hell can be paradise for some people like the villains.
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Any thoughts on Nanami and Wakaba? (not as a pairing, unless you see it, then I'm very interested)
I've been watching Utena with friends and we had constant fights about those two, because "She literally kills kittens, what's wrong with you" for Nanami (I am witch apologist) and "Why is she even here" for Wakaba (I am girl enjoyer)
I don't see it as a pairing though in the world of Utena anything's possible.
But I certainly have thoughts on the characters as well as the world of Utena itself that's perhaps worth bearing in mind.
Utena as a Show
Utena is one of my favorite shows to have ever been created. However, it's something I also sometimes hesitate to recommend. It not only deals with extremely dark themes (albeit in a non-graphic manner) from murder, sexual assault, grooming, to rampant incest but also doesn't do so in a way that the modern internet can in any way handle.
What do I mean?
Every character has something seriously wrong with them and makes awful and sometimes outright malicious decisions.
Utena, our heroine, the prince, we learn later has forgotten the reason she wished to become a prince as an adolescent and at first pursues the goal simply out of a desire to be noble and embody this idea of chivalry and nobility without actually knowing what these things are. Miki is alright enough save that he has that thing going on with his twin sister and covets Anthy without ever truly wishing to know her.
That's not even getting to Anthy who I can only state is very complicated.
It's not a show that people can watch if they're not comfortable with the idea that there is something horribly wrong with everyone. The good characters aren't always good, the bad characters sometimes have reason to be bad (and sometimes are just pure evil), and you might not even know who the fuck the good and bad characters are because it turns out breaking the world's shell was probably a good thing.
Compared to say Good Omens which has the complexity of a thimble and people are still upset that Aziraphale made the wrong choice at the end of series 2 there.
But back to your question.
I love all the characters in Utena, but Nanami might just be one of my favorites in that she's the beautifully executed dark horse of the series.
Because it turns out she's the only one who's fucking sane.
We start out and Nanami is presented as Anime Mean Girl. Oh, she's that type, the pretty rich girl who's going to bully our romantic lead. Okay, Nanami, I will suffer through you. But then almost immediately this goes awry when nothing every goes Nanami's way. She's crushed by elephants, stalked by an eleven year old, and she... really really really likes her big brother.
And as we go on we see her at first as someone who's truly a villain, she murders kittens as you note, and that is fucked up but then by the end we find out that despite all prior indications she is the only person who does not want to sleep with her brother and thinks this is a madhouse.
She's fascinating and I love her.
But more on the kitten--I think Nanami is excellently portrayed as a little girl who is severely fucked up (in part by Ohtori and in part by life itself). She has an unnatural devotion to her brother, which he also enables throughout the series, and... something weird is going on with the parents (in other versions, namely the movie, it's worth noting that Touga turns out to have been abused by his father).
I don't know if I'd condemn or laud her but she's the character who's at first presented as the worst but then it turns out everyone is just as bad/worse than Nanami is and actually she lives in a madhouse.
I mean.
"Why is she even here?" is the point of Wakaba's whole character arc, which I'd argue is very vital to the storyline of the anime. That's why she's great.
Wakaba's that girl who is normal, she's just normal, and she wants to be special without there being anything special about her. She's nice and kind, but only to a certain degree, and she wants to be like Utena and all these shining brilliant people in her life.
She serves as the catalyst of the plot, in Utena first engaging in a duel, and yet is never involved further in the events. She desperately wants Saionji, to be special herself, and we see her rejecting a very kind boy who genuinely cares for her because of this. We learn that she's not as nice as we, e.g. Utena, had previously thought and that Utena has this quality that Utena herself doesn't understand and that others envy without her realizing it.
Wakaba's descent is when Utena first begins to realize she's failed as a friend, despite all her attempts to do right by Wakaba, and that she doesn't understand those around her as she's trapped in her own world/idea of chivalry (a foreshadowing for what happens with Anthy).
Wakaba helps act as a foil for Utena and is vital to help slowly reveal why Utena struggles and has to grow as a person in order to free Anthy (and why Utena is betrayed by Anthy without ever seeing a hint of it coming).
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smartie-chan · 17 days
Me, in the authors notes of my last fic, knowing very well that I would write a Sequel no matter what: Maybe I'll write a part two :3 Who knows. The comments on my fic - and on here, thank you, I saw you!! - made me smile a lot. Back when I wrote my first ace!Robotnik fic, I didn't know if people would like it or not. There wasn't even an AO3 Tag for it.
But now I see a lot of ace Robotnik art flying around and it warms my heart.
Fun fact, I almost considered giving you sex-neutral Robotnik, because I have now experience with smut - kind of - but decided against it after all. Sorry if I got your hopes up.
Smartie, why do you have experience with smut, are you okay :O ????
Thanks for asking. I am. But a while ago, someone I'm not friends with anymore said some acephobic things towards me, claiming that the fact I wasn't capable of writing smut was weird. Like, clearly, other aces could write smut just fine. If writing smut repulsed me, then perhaps, I should consider rethinking my sexuality.
Which, first of all: Fuck you Karen. I don't see you writing smut either. And besides, it's not that it repulses me. It's just not appealing to me. And why should I be forced to write it anyways, if the characters I write are all just as sex-repulsed as I??? Seems like you were missing the point, honey. In fact, there is so much wrong with that notion, that it would take us hours to unpack all the problematic shit saying something like that implies.
Despite that and to prove a point, I went and wrote smut. No, you can not find it anywhere. Because I haven't posted it yet. I'm ... kind of unsure if I wanna orphan it or not. It's not Stobotnik, although I DID consider Stobotnik for my secret smut project. It's probably not realy good smut either. Which, you know, makes sense. I could probably improve if I wrote more and got feedback. But you see... writing that smut hasn't made me magically change my mind on the whole concept. Smut is still unappealing to me. So I doubt you'd see me explore that going forward.
That being said, I guess I kind of want someone to pressure me into releasing my horrible smut, lol. Because a part of me does want to know how BAD I actually did.
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jitterbugjive · 6 months
I hate that people can easily find the stupid and shitty things I said and did over 5 years ago and jump to the conclusion that that's who I am, and there's no easy way for anyone to see all the efforts I've been making since then to NOT be that person. It's hard to find all my apologies and explanations because I didn't tag them all properly. I've tried time and time again to explain that I was mimicking the behavior bad adults gave me when I was growing up and that no one really called me out on that behavior until it was too late. I've tried to explain that since then I've been going through extensive therapy to separate bad learned behavior from who I want to actually be. There's so much more to this whole story than what one small chunk of the internet is making it out to be. People who actually know me know that this has been eating me up constantly and that I am always living in fear of losing everything to this drama.
especially since some of that info takes quotes out of context, jumps to conclusions that aren't true, or flat out lies about what certain artworks are depicting or meaning to convey (Like claiming a grown ass adult is a child even tho I have proof the character looks totally different as an adult than as a child, or claiming that a shock piece meant to make people reel back in horror was a fetish when it was not at all that)
It takes clips of things without the full picture and puts words in my mouth.
Here's a little something about how I used to talk about sore subjects: I would make a controversial sounding statement, but then I would explain myself in a way that would show the statement wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be. A lot of the time they just take that bad statement and paste it for the world to see, without giving any of that context of me explaining why I said that and why it's not what it sounds like.
I wish people were smart enough to spot cherry picking when they see it, but they just aren't. They'll see one sentence, and someone saying "look they're supporting this bad thing" and that's all they need to think that's what it is. People aren't smart enough to really ask questions and try to understand a situation, all they want is face value to tell them how to think and feel.
People aren't going to bother to listen to me because I'm "the bad guy" and I'll "say anything to cover my ass".
Listen, if I was really that horrible of a person, don't you think there would be more evidence out there that is very clear and blunt and not just making assumptions on what a thing means?
I'm never gonna sit here and say what I said and did wasn't wrong, it was, but it was not done because I was trying to be a terrible person or prey on anyone. It was because I was insanely misguided by someone who groomed me for 5 years since childhood and then abused me for another 3 in a really toxic relationship. And then I never got HELP for it, I never got therapy to cope with it, I never even realized until way later that 'holy shit this person was 7 years older than me and was taking advantage of me the whole time'. Like I knew they were abusive but adults being friends with children was so normalized in my head, and throughout my life many adults or older kids exposed me to things I shouldn't have been and it skewed in my head what was appropriate behavior or not. Or what was okay to draw or not. And a lot of my opinions were formed around this adult who convinced me things like loli/shota were fine as long as they were strictly made up, and he fed me a lot of nonsense about what does and doesn't make a predator to cover his own ass. I was seriously fucked up almost beyond repair for a long time.
I have a warning on my blog now that minors shouldn't be following me, I make it a point to not ever work with minors on projects or talk to a minor in any capacity beyond a fan to artist relationship. I understand now that it is my responsibility as a NSFW artist that I simply cannot have minors as friends. And being much older now I don't even want minors as friends anyway. When I was in my early 20s the age gap didn't feel as bad but I'm definitely feeling it now and I just don't want to deal with minors any more.
I'm not a danger to anyone, I'm not spewing apologetics for horrible people, I've been doing my best to be a much better and more informed person
And I have no easy way to prove any of it in a way that will matter
I'm only talking about this now because once again I was kicked out of something because someone found that old info and that was all it took. No one cares about my side of things.
And I don't know if this will ever go away
I don't know if I'll ever find any amount of comfortable success because I can't get rid of this shit and on the internet it doesn't matter how long ago you did something or how much you've changed, you did it and therefor you're bad forever.
I hate this shit so much.
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
anon again (IT WAS ME POP)
I think I;m just going to tell you guys who the person is, they honestly are pretty fucked up.
(I tried to tell them on anon ages ago, but I wasn't as well versed as I am now. they are PROBABLY going to find this and get mad at me, so be it I've been through worse. being mentally ill is not a fucking excuse for anything, but an explanation on why you should do better in the future. I've had the same thoughts and was told similar shit I'm fucked in the head too, and you don't see me being actively horrible or death threaten people. there are lines and you crossed them I waited to see if it got better and it didn't, so yeah I'm snitching.)
but it’s just not a freaking excuse, this shit is never an excuse and they should get flack.
I'm probably going to do this in multiple parts fml
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yeah I sent the anon, it basically went like
"hey zionism isn't bad, here's some Palestinian blogs I suggest-
(yk some of the popular ones before I knew they were dicks to jewish people and "zionists" forgive me I went through like 7 character arcs this year)
-I don't think Aaron self immolating was good and I think it encourages people to do similar things and as a suicidal person I think thats pretty bad, I think he should have had help. also that he was doing it for pretty antisemitic reasons? and he followed alot of conspiracy theories? and he should have gotten help and not self emulated."
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again they went through some horrible abuse at fundie churches, KEEP IT IN MIND.
but yeah I think that anon is Bleh.
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that's why the anon I sent was deleted, they answered actually pretty nicely the first time then came back and reblogged it and was like "HOPE YOU FUCK OFF AND DIE GENOCIDE SUPPORTER" yada yada.
I have thick skin, but yeah it wasn't okay.
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<3 happiest "genocide apologist" around <3
(yeah guys forgive me I still believed most of the popular Palestine bloggers were normal about people, they weren't :P)
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again, I'm suicidal.
I've almost fallen for TOO MANY acceleratist death cult shit, just in general.
I am motherfucking disabled both physically and developmentally, as well as mentally ill.
(I will bitch and moan about it til the day I fucking die)
I have as much of a right as them to talk about it "oh your being ableist" for fucks sake your telling me the guy who has consoled my friends, mentally ill kids, and more that I'M? not a mental health ally and that I'm a saneist fuck?
thanks but no thanks, I don't think anyone should kill themselves needlessly.
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there's like 2 more posts these ones
I don't have enough space to include screenshots and I will get blocked after I post this ask probably.
anyway, I can't stop them from doing this and they have already harassed some Israelis
I want to help them change but they aren't that type of person.
anyway, love you all sorry for the horrors.
Should have ditched them earlier honestly
they used to a literal nazi?
like Pop my friend that's a red flag no.
I don't trust former nazis not to revert to their ways these days
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Brown Sugar Kisses - Chapter One: Need You Bad
Warnings: a little angst, tooth rotting fluff, LOTS of tension. Basically hurt/comfort. Sorry not sorry 😌
Pairing: bangchan x fem!black!OC
POV: main character Mikayla.
Synopsis: Kayla see’s that Chan wasn’t himself, she tries to address it. Things go south. Lots of crying, kisses and apologies happen that night.
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“You haven’t been yourself lately. Have you eaten?..Is..is everything actually okay Chris?”
“I’m fine Kay. Why are you always worried?”
“You know why. I remember hearing 42 for the first time. You know you can’t ever go back to that..I’m worried not for me but for you baby.”
I never want him to be mad at me. But it somehow happened. He never was mad at me before. I guess I worry too much about him and he’s giving me a reality check-in. He leaves the studio rightfully upset. I head back to our house upset too. We sit in silence in the living room.
“Are we gonna talk about it.” He says. Not as a question but a statement almost.
“About what?”
“Why I’m ‘not myself’ right now. I thought you wanted to know?”
“I do want to know baby I, I just. Ugh, to me you work yourself over the limit. I know you’re doing what you think is right—and I know what you’re gonna say how you know you and all that. I just want to take care of you..please? Just this once can you let someone just love you for once!”
Silence leaked from the walls. I started to get choked up. He didn’t say anything. He just let me stand there, crying.
“You give all that you have to people—“ I wipe my nose and eyes again. “—why don’t you let others do that for you? They won’t hurt you! I, I would never do that Mí Corazon.”
“I give my all because that’s all I know. Work, do this, come out on top or be roadkill. I do that so people stay.”
“So you just worked yourself half to death? Dammit Christopher I just cannot get you to listen for once!”
Now we’re both crying, great. My eyes were fixated on him, his eyes glued to the ground.
“Do you hate me?”
“No. Why would I? You’re perfect.”
“Then why do you worry about me ruining myself. I feel fine.” He has something in his hands, he’s twirling it. My mind goes back to a horrible place.
“Now we can fight, ion care. You hit me, Christopher, we are done..”
“No, love why would I do that?” He finally looks at me with some kind of care in his eyes.
“I’d never hit you. Wait —don’t leave! Please..”
“You’ve said enough. I’m going to Felix’s.”
We kept going back and forth with each other as I left, him begging me to come back.
I text Felix as I head out the door.
“I’m heading over. Y’all got ice cream?”
He responded.
“Yes. Come on over. 💙”
He opened the door to me in a Nirvana shirt, sweats with messed-up mascara. I was still crying.
He hugged me tight “What happened? I’ll kill him for you if you want..” I laugh for the first time in a minute.
“Gracias Felix. Really.”
“Of course. You asked for Ice cream so…I got a gallon. Titanic’s on. Wanna cry some more?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Few hours later, 1:30 am
I get a call from Chris, “Hey love.”
“I’m sorry.” I say.
“I know. I am too. Come home, I miss you. No, I need you here. You’re right. I need a little pick-me-up right now. Please don’t hate me M.K.”
I start to grab my stuff and say goodbye to Minho. “Of course, I’ll be there.”
I hang up and tap a sleeping Felix “Ah- yea?”
“I’m going back home.”
“Did he call or..?” The doorbell rings. Felix opens up.
“He’s here Kay.”
We look at each other in what feels like forever.
“I’m really so—“ I cut him off as our lips met.
We walk back to the dorms. I sit on his bed thinking. He stares back at me from the other side of the room. “What is it?”
“I feel really bad about what happened earlier M.K.”
“I know.” I lay my head on his lap. “The reason I thought you would hit me is because I used to have this friend. He liked me and I didn’t like him back, so when I said no, I came home beat up because I said no.”
I sat up, regretted it. He wrapped his arms around my waist, looking at me.
“You’re worthy of all the love in the word love. No one will ever hurt you like that as long as I’m here.” Many kisses later lipstick stained his neck and collarbone.
“So, now do you forgive me?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Well I’m going to bed and so are you. It’s late.”
“LATE?? LATE?!?? It’s only—“ He checks his phone. “1:45. Not late.”
I sigh. “There is clearly something wrong with you. Go. To. Bed. Please.”
“Fine, only because of you.”
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 10 months
1, 9, 16 for the ask game please also thank you for providing a safe space for antis!
It's no problem at all! happy to be here dude xoxo
1 ) Character everyone gets wrong?
*deep breath*
Almost. The. Entire. Main Cast.
But, perhaps most egregiously, Catra.
The reason why sister!c//a literally could not be taken out of the narrative is because if we don't accept that Catra and Adora are sharing Shadow Weaver as a mother figure, a HUGE chunk of Catra's arc very specifically is missing (or, more times than not, horribly misunderstood)!
Catra doesn't hate Adora because Adora is a better soldier. Catra doesn't care about that. She makes it extremely clear that she doesn't care about social status that first episode. She's not bitter and pissed about her commanding officer. She doesn't care about Hordak, so it's not really about approval from authority either.
She very clearly and obviously sees Shadow Weaver as her mother. She wants approval and acceptance and love from her mother. She is upset because her sister is the favorite child of her mother.
It's not a secret that I feel this way, but it felt nice to let that out into the air again...
9 ) Worst part of canon?
Uh, probably when Micah is introduced as this lame dad trying to get Glimmer's love.
And then... not much really coming from it. Why didn't he just stay dead. Why did we have to trade Angella for Micah. Why. I don't get it. To this day. 2/10 would not recommend swapping out parental figures. Especially since the narrative kind of seems like... it has nothing insightful to say about Micah in particular. He kinda starts to feel like DILF bait after a while. That might have been a compliment if I wasn't lesbian and he did a little bit more of that Father Figure thing people talk so much about. But, oh well.
16 ) You can't understand why so many people like this thing... (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)?
Okay, so, we're already in this far, so I'm just going to come out and say: I am actually a furry. IRL. Yeah. No, seriously. I am.
But Catra's? Not??? Fucking? Hot? I just don't see it. She's cute in a purely cat way. But hot???
I feel like people who crush on Catra are closeted furries (sometimes not) and this repression of their furriness kind of... fell on her??? Cause??? What????
But yeah, I'm sorta tired of the characterization that Catra is this ultra hot bad bitch,,, she,,, licks herself clean,,, it's just a little too animal for me. Not even furries really make their fursonas do shit like that. No, seriously. Seriously.
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snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
Welcome to my ted talk— today we are going to go on sleep deprived rant about how tall Tetsuya is because I’m slowly going insane.
The reason why any of this sprouted at all was because i was drawing a picture of Reiji and Testuya, and of course, I made testuya smaller than Reiji (Because I mean the snake man is canonically this gangle boy that’s all height and no muscle so obviously) aND then I started wondering to myself: How tall is Reiji compared to tetsuya? So I hopped onto my compute and googled it. Apparently snake boy is like 6 foot 2 inches, or around 189 cm rounded upwards. Not shocking, I knew he was tall so seeing that he was this 6 foot 2 gangle monster didn’t really phase me. This is where we get onto Tetsuya. Now— Beleive me when I say i could not find ANYTHING— NOT A SCRAP— of info that pertained to this man’s height. I looked in the wiki, I looked fan blogs where they calculate the person’s height which kinda surprised me because I didn’t think we had one for Beyblade, and STILL. NOTHING. So I do what any reasonable person does and I looked up to see if there was a side by side comparison of the characters from the show. Sadly, I wasn’t able to find one that was as technical as I wanted it to be, but I did find something that would help me on my quest— AND IT WAS THIS
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It’s not the best quality but I had characters to work with. So, with that, I started googling. I tried looking up how tall Benkei was since he was the closet one to Testuya and they were almost similiar in height, but there was literally nothing. I don’t know how that, given that he’s probably one of the biggest and tallest people in the series— but YA KNOW— Then I had to search for an option I knew the height would show up on, so I searched for Gingka’s height. Sure enough, I was able to find it and the man is 5 ft 4 inches. (That. That killed me right there. The man is two inches taller than me. Guys, he’s such a short king—) So given that I was able to assume that Benkei at least has over a foot and less than a half of height on him, making him around 6 foot to 6 foot 6 inches. Now the reason why I make this assumption is mostly based off the Warrior Monk Saito Musashibo Benkei who Benkei himself is based after, who was rumored to be around 6 foot 6 inches. So let’s say he’s around that height. Now looking at it, it seems like Testuya is tall, but he’s not 6 foot 6 tall— which I can agree with. So WHY you may ask am I so riled up about this seemingly meaningless matter???? WELL I”LL TELL YOU. Tetsuya is slouching. SLOUCHING. I know that isn’t much but if this man where to stand STRAIGHT UP when he is side by side to Benkei THEY WOULD A FEW INCHES SHY OF BEING THE SAME HIEGHT. THE IDEA THAT THIS PISSY LITTLE CRAB MAN IS AROUND THE SAME HEIGHT AS BENKEI ASTOUNDS ME SIMPLY BECAUSE IT JUST SEEMS CURSED TO THINK ABOUT. And then of course that led me down the rabbit hole of why I’m making this post— THAT TESTUYA IS JUST AS TALL—IF NOT MORE SO TALL— THAN REIJI.
AND OKAY WHAT YOU”RE THINKING— but snuggles they’re both horrible and greasy characters who literally committed multiple crimes against children— TO THAT I SAY: Y E S. They have committed crimes, bUT IN MY AU THEY GO TO THERAPY AND BOTH LEARN REMORSE AND TRY AND LEARN TO BE BETTER AND MORE CARING HUMANS TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS AND ALONG THE WAY THEY BECOME FRIENDS WHO TRY AND BETTER THEMSELVES. BUT JUST THINK SBOUT IT THOUGH— Reiji is so tall. He’s constantly having to have people look up, like ACTUALLY L O O K UP to him and being intimidated by his height. He would probably really insecure about how much he stands out. aND THEN ALONG COMES THIS CRAB MAN WHO IS TALLER THAN AND TALKS SO GOOFILY TO HIM AND REIJI JUST DOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. That coupled with the fact that canonically how Tetsuya talks is literally like someone talking to a child (OKAY YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE ME BUT WATCH SOME OF HIS CLIPS BACK WHEN HE IS TALKING AND YOU”LL HERE IT I PROMISE) and that idea of him talking to Reiji, and Reiji being handled in a caring way he lacked when he was a kid is jUST— *BANGS MY FIST AGAINST THE TABLE* ITS— IT”S SO CUTE TO THINK ABOUT GUYS.
Well. That’s all for this rant. I am in a cold sweat from my pent up excitement and I am just about to head out to my work in Pulmonary. I really hope none of the patients have a medical emergency again. (Seriously, we had three medical emergencies yesterday bruh. They’re all okay but Jesus Christ the stress) UNTIL THE NEXT RANT MY FRIENDS.
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busghost · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on the recent chapters (29-33)
I haven't been having a great time. They were building up Elysia to kinda be a narcissistic jerk at the start of ER. She only ever complimented herself, praise for others was always stated like "you're almost as pretty as me", she forced her way through others to get what she wants and she ignored boundaries (the horns incident).
Then Elysium Everlasting happens and it felt like everyone going in circles saying "Elysia is perfect and beautiful and the best at everything" but the reason why they think that is "Elysia is perfect and beautiful and the best at everything". I’ve heard that Elysia was actually going to be a villain but they changed it when people ended up liking her too much. So instead we got somebody who is perfect and human? Things that are mutually exclusive. Not to mention the Open World was the worst of the three and horribly buggy and broken. Next to none of the story took place within it too. I felt two things about all of ER/EE; Pardofelis was fun and relief that it was over. At least Himeko is in ER now, VK is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.
The more recent chapters on the Moon I am split 50/50 on. The character interactions are still wonderful, when two characters are just themselves and talk it's wonderful. Kiana and Mei especially had a lot of time together that was very nice and we got pretty much the closest we're gonna get to "I love you" from mhy. Bronya is so happy to have all her friends in one place again. Seele, Bianka, and Sushang were an unexpected joy. Misteln felt like she needed more time in the oven but she was fine. The characters were great.
What wasn't great was that every time it felt like the plot was going somewhere you'd come to a halt to spout technobabble because they have to re-explain World Serpent's entire plan because now it's ENTIRELY different from what they've been building up in the manga and the game's story. I've been here for 4 years, read and reread all of the story material that is available in English and all these new explanations sound like nonsense. Also they really shoehorned the Flamechasers in half the time Mei had to say something. It was almost funny when she went “this is nice ledge, Pardo would like this ledge” but most of the time it felt like the writers telling us look ER REALLY REALLY REALLY MATTERED AND WAS IMPORTANT instead of letting it speak for itself. The Open World was related to the story this time though.
If chapter 33 was setup for something really good I'll be okay with it existing but I really hope it's not indicative of the quality of the story going forward. If it is the case, I think they can at least hit the right emotional beats for the end but the plot will be weird and hard to understand. And if the ending is APHO I'll actually hate it more than if it was written poorly. But I'm holding out until the end.
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kharmii · 6 months
all this hatred towards the jews nowadays honestly would make a certain Austrian artist really happy...
If only they knew how they went from the "oh so tolerant left" to the thing they claim they hate the most.
Honestly this is a prime example why I consider myself political homeless. There are several political parties where I live and there is something in each of them I stand for. But in recent years I've realized how much these radical people have made me overthink a lot of my left leaning views.
No political extreme is good and healthy for a country and it's the balance what makes things work. It's being open to discuss topics and hear out a side even if you don't disagree. It's being open to criticism and not get a temper tantrum just because things don't go your way or biological facts are brought up the table.
It is refreshing to see white people who are tired of being told how bad evil and horrible they are starting to fight back
It's refreshing to see women get up and fight against "trans" people and predators invading women only spaces with little to no conequences.
It's refreshing to see leftist media fail on all levels and how the racism and hatred is slowly but surely exposed.
Unlike almost 100 years ago there isn't just one source of media. Even if the official media is biased and controlled. There are enough individual people still able to expose the truth. And love him or hate him but thanks to the new owner of X the left no longer is able to drown out opposing voices on this platform. People are waking up and this to me feels like the first steps of this madness to end are being made.
honestly I really would love to like all posts of your views 100 times but I am too scared of the crazy people. But I do love what you do and I'll support you!
Thanks for these posts, anon!
We only have the two political parties here, and they seem to work together for the same bad ends on the federal level. On the local level, I support the more conservative one because they work to make life easier for normal working-class people, whereas the 'Party of the Little Guy' works for everybody but..
It's nice to have free X (Twitter) just so I can go on a post where a white person is getting their head stomped in by you know who and vent about the genocidal language of Critical Race Theory in our schools riling non-white races up. If a person goes on a news story on Yahoo or MSN, he/she will have their comment rejected automatically, as if they flag for 'CRT'. I'm surprised the many comments talking about racial issues get through.
Whenever there is a story about anything to do with trans on the mainstream internet, the comments will be turned off every time, and down votes are never shown. They have to know the majority of people think trans issues have gone too far, but they are still pushing this facade that the majority of people are okay with dudes in the ladies' rooms or men taking trophies and opportunities away from biological women in women's sports.
Radical leftists always like to make you think they are the majority, and that anybody who disagrees with them is some sort of weirdo. It's always the opposite. I stopped falling for peer pressure when I was harassed by the worst people who exist irl. We're talking about people who have openly wished for my death, and who have made jokes about how 'you can't make comedy like this up' when I was harassed by a committed stalker in front of them (many of them who encouraged him to stalk me in the first place). Peer pressure doesn't work because I don't consider dirty rotten low life scumbags my 'peers'.
Side note: Why do trans people write fan fiction about trans characters? -Like if a woman wants to be a man, then why not write yaoi about men? If being a man is the ideal, then why not write about an actual biological dude? Why write about a woman with mutilated genitals? It's like they know that a woman can never be a man and vice versa.
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raazberry · 2 years
(obm rant ahead it's long)
kinda really pisses me off when people dismiss the demand for good writing in dating sims by simply saying "it's a dating sim what do you expect." (and yes this is about a stupid take i saw about obey me specifically on twitter how did you guess.)
like, maybe this is a me thing but if a game is heavily driven by gacha then i am even more obligated to be critical of it. and if i'm going to be investing that much time (and money) into it, i think i deserve Something out of it???
i've complained about this on here so many times but it's genuinely so hard to actually keep progressing in the story (normal mode at least), especially if you're a new player - unless you whale a whole lot, or get extremely unbelievably lucky. and when you get past like, lesson 20 i think? the struggle just seems... meaningless.
why am i waiting four whole days just to level up one card by ONE level, just so that i can get past this one really annoying dance battle, only for the next story to be just... plain bad? and then i have to do it all over again?
like okay, maybe the story does get better in fucking season 3 which is like twenty more chapters away (btw from what i've heard, it kind of just doesn't get better) but as a new player it is just so hard to keep that level of commitment especially if all you're rewarded with is horrible writing and negative character development.
i've played free dating sims with better played out plots and stories than this and it just pisses me off so much because the general "idea" of obey me is SO good and so fun! and the characters you meet are genuinely interesting. although some jokes were objectively cringe i can live with that (i am playing a dating sim, after all...) like spoilers for lesson 16 and above i guess but in my opinion the execution of the whole belphie hating humans and quite literally killing MC was done in a pretty nice way! as well as the backstory cards regarding the brothers (and everyone else other than the MC) and their relationships with each other! for example anytime i think about satan and lucifer's strained relationship i get a little bit emotional - and yes of course sometimes satan's almost childish annoyance towards him can be pretty funny, it's almost always treated as a running gag (even after they "sort it out") - to the point where it's one of satan's defining characteristics (the other is his love for cats and books). and that's it! that's all there is to his presence in the main story for the most part.
the events are somehow even more annoying - (those i can actually play without being frustrated about my level) and the stories always try so hard to squeeze every single dateable character in one scenario. and this ends with all of them feeling like caricatures of themselves and i hate it! so much! because again - these are genuinely really fun characters and they have so much potential! even if the devs want to make MC your typical harem protagonist, they can still do it well but they just aren't and it makes me so mad 😭😭😭
"well raaz stop playing the game then!" i did do that actually for a good amount of time and i came back because solomon birth (fire emoji), also anniversary. but also i feel like the players kinda deserve better. especially given the gacha aspect.
although i do think that the anime and music are genuinely pretty good - it's just kinda frustrating that they're not improving their main product first.
"what was the point of saying all of this?" there was no point at all. im just annoyed that i actually spent time and money on this game. though i will say that i do love the fan creations and people kinda treating the characters like their OCs and giving them the plot and development they deserve.
"this is a really long post why do you complain so much?" at this point im just criticising myself for no reason but also idk! i play a couple of gacha games other than obey me and i've honestly realised that it's the worst and shittiest way to monetise your game. and gacha games deserve at LEAST twice the amount of critical analysis because it could literally be the reason for someone's fucking gambling addiction. idk
good night it is almost three am and i have a road trip to be on tomorrow
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2, 17, 25
Will be answering these as M*A*S*H since that's mostly the accounts I've been interacting with! I hope that's okay :)
2. "a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom"
Okay okay as much as I agree w people that Hawkeye has bottom energy, my favourite character is Father Mulcahy and my favourite ship is Hawkcahy... and I CANNOT see Mulcahy ever topping. Like He might bottom from the top but he would never fully top, y'know? In every ship I've entertained or heard mentioned with him, he's always the bottom. Hell, even if he had've gone to bed with that one nurse (Gail, I think?), I'm sure she would've topped. She had top energy. And Mulcahy just... doesn't. He's mostly quiet and sweet and gentle (usually), and also even if he had some experience before he was ordained, it's been like a decade at least since he's gotten laid. He's inexperienced and shy and as much as I think he does have a bit of a wild-side to hip, I can't see it manifesting as him topping. Being a brat? Maybe. Idk how much of a compelling argument this is but whatever. Also I'm not even 100% convinced by my own argument bc I'd love to see him as a gentle dom or actually getting riled up enough to top but I never said that
17. "there should be more of this type of fic/art"
Full disclosure I am an angst reader and writer predominantly and cope via projecting onto my faves, so yeah, I wanna see more angsty stories and artwork. I know MASH started as a comedy but my god that show made me laugh and cry in the same episodes half the time and the characters deserve some comfort. And you know who I want to see have some comfort? Klinger!
Unpopular choice? Idk, maybe. But I feel like that man has so many feelings that he just doesn't show. Like the period of adjustment episode broke my heart because he was trying his absolute best and everyone was treating him horribly and I just wanted to hug him. IK we got to see him chatting with Potter when he was plastered but I mean outside of that. Give me some Charles and Klinger hurt/comfort. Or Kellye and Klinger! Or Margaret!
Speaking of Margaret, I'd love to see more fics/art of her interacting with Radar. The scene where she's reading a letter to him when he's injured was so heartwarming and I feel like she saw him as a son or at last a little brother by the end and I'd love to see some more content of them, but esp hurt/comfort.
Also want to see some more hurt/comfort with Mulcahy. Like in the show he has a few moments where he goes to Hawkeye and I think once with Potter but its almost always him being the counsellor by proxy to the whole camp and on top of everything he deals with for himself he has to del with everybody else too and as someone who has a job that makes me be the therapist by proxy, its so draining. He's probably touch starved too so like... someone give that man a hug. Please.
Oh, and more Igor. Just... more Igor in general. He was funny, I always liked him.
25. "common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing"
I don't know if I have one... Maybe that's because the fandom is small or because I haven't been around here for very long, but I don't really have any complaints thus far. Everyone has been so nice!
Thanks for sending this ask!! Sorry it took me a while, I've been busy with commissions and such. And also sorry that this turned into a rant lmao I hope you don't mind 😅 -Em
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thegeminisage · 8 months
tng update time and oooooh am i ever mad about it. tonight we watched "hero worship" and "violations."
hero worship: i wanted to like this episode. but, firstly, it's just yet more evidence why children should not be on starships. this has been bothering me the entire time i've watched this fucking show. i hope there aren't any kids on voyager or whatever because this is literally fucking killing me
secondly, i felt really weird about everyone just...going along with this kid's idea that he was an android. i feel like there's a way to be lenient of his trauma without reinforcing the delusion or whatever sorry ik that's not how you're supposed to say it. it just didn't seem like solid therapeutical practice is all. i will admit there was also some secondhand embarrassment watching this kid's impersonation of data but i think it COULD have been cute (which seems to be what they were going for) with a better execution
i DEFINITELY think data's interactions with him should have been supervised too, not because i don't love and trust data wholly but because he has this way of missing certain emotional cues. and while that isn't a problem in day-to-day life, like, that's just the way he is and i resent anyone who would make him feel like it's a bad way to be/there's something wrong with him because he is PERFECT the way he is!!! for someone who is so vulnerable i think that data could accidentally do harm where it isn't intended (almost did a couple of times!), and data wouldn't be happy about that either because of course it would never be his intention. like i LOVE episodes where we just throw data into the deep end and let him figure it out, i love watching him go, but this is a child whose entire family/ship just DIED HORRIBLY who thinks he is responsible for the event. im not saying dont let data be his buddy data deserves so many buddies im just saying give data some INSTRUCTIONS at least. for both their sakes
anyway it was mid at best. it had a few good moments but ultimately not enough to salvage it for me
okay wait hold on i feel like i need to start a brand new text block for violations. you're only allowed 4000 characters per paragraph and i have stuff to say. i have Things To Get Off My Chest. please picture steam pouring from my fucking ears right now
actually forget the bullet list i don't need a bullet list this is not a normal liveblog Post. do you know every day i see threads on r*ddit and sometimes even tags here on tunglr dot edu about how people don't like tos because it's sexist. thats all well and fine and good. tos IS sexist. ARE WE SAYING TNG IS BETTER?????
tasha yar and the rape gangs. the naked time: 2! where both women got turned into insatiable sex object. deanna's impromptu and nonconsensual pregnancy. tasha's impregnantion by rape and her death at the hands of her rapist. that time they filmed deanna's feet. beverly crusher for all of season 1 having absolutely no personality outside of being a mother. lwaxana troi getting gang raped by ferengi for laughs. genuinely uhura on tos in the fucking 1960s got treated better than deanna troi on tng in the 1990s. yes tos has extremely bad moments sexism wise. JUSTICE for janice fucking rand. but truly how can you be as sexist against women when they aen't there. meanwhile, tng has women in every goddamn episode and all it takes is for one bad writer to
actually you know what is so funny. gene roddenberry and two women are credited with writing this episode. ALL of them are going to hell, gene roddenberry especially. i hate hate hate HATE his rape fetish. justice for janice rand AND tasha yar AND DEANNA TROI!
the thing about this episode is, it could have been good. there were good parts about it. for example: worf's joke about being probed. they knew what they were doing and it was hilarious. deanna getting to talk about her overbearing mother. riker's little speech to deanna when she was in the coma with literal tears in his eyes and this is a WHOLE separate rant but
my problem with tng is that you don't see them care about each other. we're TOLD that they care about each other. they SAY, "oh, x is worried about [character who's in danger this week]." but we almost never SEE them act it out. every once in awhile riker gets weirdly protective of picard, and worf seems kind of protective of everyone which i like, and picard also does a good righteous rage on behalf of others, but i don't usually get to SEE it. like when wesley goes missing or whatever he and his mom don't always immediately rush into each others arms on their reunion. when deanna passes out you don't always see riker abandon what he's doing and rush to her side. nobody asks "are you okay?" with genuine concern. and even when we DO get for example geordi driving himself crazy wondering what went wrong over data's fake death we don't get any follow-through - there's no reunion between geordi and data at the end the way there would be for kirk and spock.
BUT RIKER AT THE HOSPITAL BED. ohhh i was eating. it was so good. he wasn't even saying anything of merit but just the SIGHT of her passed out like that had him almost in tears. riker, who is the epitome of good humor and dealing with space horrors with laughter. IN TEARS. it was so good. a true show instead of tell moment. and in THIS fucking episode
my issue is: they had three on screen rape scenes. the first rape scene was extremely long. like they couldn't show anything explicit because this is 90s tv but it was VERY VERY LONG so it hardly seems to matter. and THAT was bad enough. but then they made us watch it AGAIN when he planted his dad's face in the memory and A THIRD TIME when he was like "ugh she's being so sweet to me even though i raped her i can't NOT rape her again." like at least that time she was able to hit him and get away but it feels like a hollow victory when he's already gotten away with it TWICE, AND!!! when worf had to come in and save her anyway at the end.
it was doubly horrible that he got away with the crime SO WELL that nobody suspected him - like, picard is out here asking deanna to let him into her mind a second time and she GOT RAPED. A SECOND TIME. deanna is like oh yeah you can come in! and it could have been a compelling mystery and plot twist to be like OH IT'S THE DAD but really it's the son except we SAW HIM DO IT the first time. there wasn't even any mystery to solve or anyone to suspect, he wasn't misdirecting US, we just got to watch him successfully misdirect this poor stupid naive trusting WOMAN
also, the thing about deanna's attack being a rape scene while riker's was someone dying under his command and beverly's was IDing her husband's dead body is that for riker and bev these are REAL THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO THEM. deanna never got raped by riker. like, he wouldn't do that and they wouldn't still be as close and comfortable with one another if he had. (i am mad on his behalf TWICE now that they left it open whether or not he committed that particular crime when every other piece of evidence says he wouldn't. the guy is not a closet serial rapist and leaving the endings open to be edgy is extremely poor form.) like, they literally JUST made deanna's attack a rape scene to sexualize her and feed roddenberry's fetish and HE'S DEAD. HE WAS DEAD WHEN THIS AIRED. HE CAN'T JERK OFF TO IT ANYMORE
they didn't even explain why that guy kept leaving people in comas. deanna i get because he was stalking her and wanted to fuck her but why riker? why beverly? that made it MORE suspicious. why all those other people on the other planets? was he raping every single one of them? how did he plan to keep going after he'd framed his dad for his crimes?
and it COULD HAVE BEEN GOOD. beverly's thing with IDing her husband's body was fun and terrifying. deanna could have gotten a memory that spoke to character development instead of being sexualized like this. in fact i think it was lowkey a pussy move not to deal with any of riker's close encounters because of the two of them riker is the one who has actually been raped! "someone died under my command" is generic and lame. but the way the telepathy worked was cool, the plot twist could have been cool, you could have felt real betrayal from liking this dude if he hadn't been all evil smiles from the beginning. and they dropped the ball SO HARD. and i could forgive them for doing that! i have given tng so many benefits of the doubt! BUT THREE RAPE SCENES IN 45 MINUTES?
the worst part is, there was no emotional resolution. they had that guy say the word rape out loud and then the credits rolled. deanna and riker didn't speak one word to each other. she was never like, i know you didn't actually rape me like that's not what happened. no one was like, beverly go have a hot drink and call your son. there's NO EMOTIONAL FOLLOWTHROUGH ON THIS SHOW. tos was guilty of that sometimes too but this level of it is fucking unreal
tng enjoyers im sorry for my meanie posts earlier. love who you love etc etc. i'm just. baffled. HOW IS THIS BETTER THAN TOS. at least what happened to janice rand (and uhura one time) was over quickly and didn't replay three FUCKING times!!! "tos is too/more sexist" I AM TURNING MY BRAIN INSIDE OUT TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND THIS FUCKING STATEMENT
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magical-shoujo-anon · 10 months
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Hello, internet! I have finally made one of these… blog things. This will be focused on the best thing ever, MAGICAL GIRLS!!
No, I won’t turn you magical. I only turn people I think deserve to be magical magical.
My pronouns, or whatever humans call them, are they/them!
I am almost as old as the universe~ (I’ve watched every I love die. I’ve had to deal with horrible pains.)
And don’t ask me anything related to healing powers. I don’t want to talk about it.
I’m better then this stupid anon. I don’t gaslight myself.
Hm. Perhaps I should give an introduction…
I’m glowman~ Much better then Magical Shoujo anon!! Unlike them, I am a master at healing magic, but hate it… hurting magic is much better~ I also HATE cats, because they’re one…
And this "Machi" person sucks too. Anything related to Magical Shoujo anon sucks, and I'm right.
... Must I introduce myself?
Okay, then.
I am Machi. Age: Unknown, Magical abilities: None.
My favorite color is dark blue. I used to like sweet foods. I have been revived two times. One of the "anon"'s told me dinosaurs are cool, so I suppose they are.
I am half robotic, not connected to the "internet" as people call it. All my known information is told to me so it may be inaccurate, please tell me if it is so I can update it.
(Ps: While interacting with MILGRAM blogs, Magishou anon will not be the same! They will be much more energetic, will be able to use healing powers, and will be more aware of internet slang-type stuff… oh and glowman wont appear. They’re unaware of magishou anon in the MILGRAM universe!! They’re also known as knife anon, but that’s not important…)
—————— (OOC PART!)
// means OOC.
This blog is ran by @asherenjoysart !! Yes, I’m the one that turns people magical~
This is in the pjsk blog universe!! (… well, and the MILGRAM blog universe.)
Please, don’t try to give Magishou healing powers. I will simply ignore your ask, I don’t want one of the very important parts of them to be ruined.
Btw, if you want to speak to MILGRAM!magishou anon just clarify that in your ask :3
Magical girl stuff that will be mentioned here include:
Sailor Moon
The pretty cure series
Magical girl incident
Madoka magica (really only to diss on Kyubey tbh)
And others, probably.
Magishou anon is a very unique anon, as they can only give what they have. And (in the pjsk universe) they really wish they could give healing powers, but they can’t due to lacking healing powers themselves.
For the MILGRAM universe, instead of being unable to give healing powers they can’t give any physical boosts. Only magic, no extra stamina or anything.
They don’t like @/magical-anon-pjsk, due to feeling inadequate compared to Magianon.
Also this might just be me fangirling (genderneutral) over magical girls… :3
My tags:
The mod has spoken. (OOC)
Magical rambles (IC/In character)
Magic in a… prison? (For MILGRAM blog interactions)
The Angst. (For the more angsty posts :3)
Glow in the dark posts (Glowman/Red text person post.)
Robotic information (Machi/Blue text person post/)
Some glowman facts:
SHORT!! (About 5'2)
Very hip with the kids (can and will use internet vocabulary when possible, JUST to confuse Magishou anon.)
Hates cats and chocolate. The cat hating is because Magishou anon is a cat, but I just thought them hating chocolate would be funny.
Believes gender is useless and would prefer to simply not be referred to at all. (but when needed, they/them pronouns.)
Only around 300~400 years old, so extremely young compared to Magishou anon.
And some Machi facts:
She’s a girl!!
6’3 (Tall…)
Only has access to information she has been told.
Has been revived two times (once in the actual RP posts, and once in the canon.)
Monotone 24/7, my girl cannot express emotion well!!
^ Autistic. Thats why she can’t express emotion well
And finally: Pls don’t send s3xual stuff in the inbox. It makes mod uncomfortable.
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Say you love me (Neteyam X OC!Na’vi) Chapter4
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pairing(Neteyam X Original Metkayina Female Character)
Synopsis: follow Luaewe as her world literally gets turned upside down with new na’vi joining her village. Never having to face many obstacles besides finding her way back home. How will she be able to handle the constant jealousy she's faced with and an unwanted love triangle.
Disclaimer: All characters in this fic have been aged up for the convenience of storytelling and to match the aging system up with both pandora and earth 
OC Luaewe- 22
Aonung- 23
Tsireya - 21
Warnings for chapter: discussion of sexual assault
I opened my eyes finding myself wrapped up in bed under a random blanket I had in my mauri. “Good morning.” My eyes shoot to locate the deepened voice making my body instantly tense up when I don’t find who it is.
I look over towards the table to find Neteyam sitting while sharpening his knife. I relax knowing it’s just him. “ good morning…. Did you see my mom?” I asked while adjusting the blanket around my feet.
He hummed and nodded his head. “She was here when I woke up.” Woke up? What- “ I didn’t feel safe leaving you here after what happened last night. Your mom said it was fine, even insisted I take her bed but I refused and slept on the floor.”
“Thank you… you didn’t have to do that…gosh I don’t even remember coming back here.” I sat up trying to retrace the steps from last night but nothing popped up.
He chuckled softly and looked at me, “I would be surprised if you did. You were asleep the whole ride back.” My eyes grow wide
“ huh? What? Why didn't you wake me up?”
“Ah ah ah I tried you threatened to bite me.” He said, pointing his finger “ and then when I tried again you literally bit my arm” No, he must be lying there no way I would have done that
“Lies! I did no- oh no” I shook my head and cupped my face. I heard him laughing and I let out a scoff. “I'm so sorry at first I thought- but then I remember doing that to Reya” He walked closer to my bed and handed me a bowl of porridge mixed with fruit.  
“Gosh, I am so sorry .” I took the bowl. She smiled and sat down closer to me so that he could share the fruits that were inside. “No worries if I ever need someone to help me fight and bite people I know who to call.” I shook my head as he smirked at me.
I began to eat the different fruits in the bowl as we sat in silence… “ Reya also came by…to see if you were okay.” I looked up while slowly eating the porridge. But before I got the chance to say anything someone cleared their throat. Neteyam turned around quickly with his knife in one hand but released it once he saw who it was.
“Luaewe may I come in?” asked Tonowari. Neteyam looked back at me and I nodded my head while grabbing the blanket to cover me more. He walked in greeting both of us while giving Netyam a confused look almost as if he was wondering what he was doing here and not with his family, or partaking in the daily chores.
He crossed his fingers together and sat down on an untaken cushion. “There has been talk in the village all morning about something that happened last night, but after inquiring more all the stories were different….even my daughter was confused with what actually happened last night and since you are the common denominator in the stories and my son came home with a black eye once again I figured it was best to talk to you.”
Maybe I should have stayed asleep longer because who wants to deal with this first thing when they wake up? Not me! If he's so curious he should just ask his son. I let out a long sigh and moved the hair out of my face.
“I'm sure you are not kept in the dark about the pirates that go on after the homecoming celebration?” He cleared his throat and nodded. “To keep it simple your son did not like me dancing with Neteyam. He called me horrible names but worst of all he revealed something that was never supposed to be revealed because of his drunken mind… so I punched him.” Tonowari raised a brow and looked over Neteyam for confirmation. He nodded and Tonowari looked back at me.
“And what was this ‘something’ that was not supposed to be revealed?”
“Forgive me Olo’eyktan but this isn't some little secret the two of them were keeping. It is something you tell a friend because you trust them not to tell a soul.” Tonowari nodded his head slowly and looked at me with a conflicted face.
“ no, it's okay ‘Teyam…. I know you have a lot of duties to attend to so you may not remember but a couple of years ago before my sister died there was lots of gossip going around  about me sleeping with a village member.”
He tensed up, “Yes, I remember there were a lot of complaints but I ignored them they were rumors.” I nodded slowly and let out another sigh. “He forced himself upon me when the big storm came that year and both my sister and I got separated in the forest-“
I watched as his face turned cold, “who is this man?” I shook my head. “ I do not know his name barely even his face. He just followed me around and took advantage of me that day….but he’s the one who started those rumors…” I let out a shuddered breath and looked away from him.
“And he’s the one who got me pregnant and made me lose the baby.”  This was the first time saying this out loud to anyone besides Reya she’s the one who found me that day after all.
Tonowari muttered something under his breath and clenched his jaw. “ I will find this man and return him back to great mother. No Na'vi, especially one of this clan should take place in such a horrendous act.”
He began to stand up. “Why was this not shared with me then?” He said softly. I shook my head and wiped the tears that had formed suddenly. “ I didn’t want blood in my hands, I was embarrassed…” he hummed and nodded his head.
“If he is not gone already he will be found….who else knows about this?” He asked, “ only Neteyam, Reya, Ao’nung, and my mom but only Reya knew about the baby well I suppose Neteyam knows now too.”
“ okay thank you for telling me Luaewe.” He dismissed himself. I let out a stressed sigh and vigorously rubbed my hands over my face.
None of this would have happened if he kept his damn mouth shut! Once again I’m made the talk of the village.
“Hey, it’s alright.” I felt his warm hand on my shoulder making me look up to see him, “he's getting what he deserves…and Ao’nung.” I shook my head
“This is not what I wanted. Why-*sighs* Why can't I just live without problems? Why must these things keep happening to me!?”  
“I do not know why we have to be faced with issues like this, but what I do know is that you won't let this stop you from being who you are. You are not alone like you were all those years ago…. You have me, I'm sure once Tsireya finds out what truly happens she will be with you and Kiri. She might seem a little rough on the outside sometimes but even without you telling her what is going on she is immediately there to support you.” he said while brushing the hair that had fallen back I looked up to see his eyes staring right back at me. “Come, I know something that might cheer you up.” He smirked and I raised a brow.
“Uh, are you sure this is safe?” I asked slowly walking up to the Ikran that was called to the beach. “If it wasn't, would I let you do this?”
He chirped calling for the Ikrans’ attention, he calmly pets its head and gestured for me to come closer. I hesitantly walked up to it only for it to blow this big ass huff of air in my face.
“Gosh, dude! We are gonna need to get that breath of yours checked out.”  As I turn to face Neteyam it sneezes on me. I turn around and gasp as the Ikran avoids my gaze.
I could tell Neteyam was holding back his laughter because he too turned away covering his mouth. “You think this is funny huh? How would you like it if I sneezed on you!?”
“ okay okay come on I don’t need a lecture from your mom on how I let her daughter fight an Ikran.” I smirked as he gestured for me to come closer. He connected his kuru and jumped on. He held his hand out for me to grab only to pull me right in front of him with my back pressed against his chest.
“ hold on.” He said close to my ear a trail of chills ran down my spine but that quickly was washed away by the screams coming through my mouth.  He chuckled softly as we took off. If it wasn’t for me being scared I would have slapped him for laughing.  He took my hands that were gripping some random part of the seat and placed it where I guess you would steer.
It wasn’t until he tightened his grip around my waist that I realized he was holding onto me.
“When the war is over I want to show you my home.” He said softly. I looked back to find him smiling with my grip still tight on the material. I leaned into his chest trying to seek comfort in this terrifying moment. “When we flew here I saw a cool place but we couldn’t stop there. It might not be as cool as my hideout spot back home but I figured you would like it maybe even find some crystals.”
“I can't wait to see what it’s like-wait are you sure we could even do this? Don't you have train-”
“This is more important than training.”
We ended up finding a cave to relax in it was hidden by a couple of vines but we eventually made it to a safe spot that wasn’t moss-covered. “Ah I know that word Lo’ak says it a lot!” I chirped causing him to chuckle at me.
We were watching what he said was a movie. I didn't fully understand what the people were saying only some words here and there but Neteyam did his best to try and translate. “Yes, he used to get into lots of trouble once it slipped out my dad's mouth.” I grabbed a handful of berries into my hand and started eating them. My eyes widened as the music became more ominous.
I slowly went to grab a berry from my palm too intrigued about what was going to happen next. “ AAAAAH!” I jolt in fear not being able to hold my scream back. I clutched my chest and looked over to Neteyam who was smirking at the whole thing. All my berries were gone, they all had flown out of my hand and rolled to a different part of the cave.
“You knew that was going to happen and you did not warn me.” He shrugged his shoulders and continued eating the nuts he had.
“Not my fault, you are a scaredy cat.”  
“A what!” I slapped his arm, even though I didn’t recognize the word I knew it was an insult. He chuckled and playfully winked at me.
“ I don’t even know what that means and you dare insult me! Psh says the one who watches this crazy stuff!” I playfully push him letting a chuckle escape my mouth.
He held his hands up in defense. “Talk to my father about that he is the one who I took this from.” I huffed and reached for some of the snacks he had in his hand.
“ I definitely will we need to have a serious talk!”  Before I could even get any nuts out of his hand he took one and threw it at my head. “You little-“ I hiss at him. “First you insulted me now you throw nuts! You are soooo asking for it Neteyam.” He stood up suddenly and continued to toss food at me. It wasn't until I jumped up from my spot that he actually started running.
He was fast but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. He turned around for a split second and without even thinking I jumped at him. Which ended with us both falling
We both were confused but started laughing once we noticed the nuts thrown all over the place.
I rolled off of him and smirked while looking at the different glowing flora on the top of the cave.
“Thank you for this.” He reached over to my hair and pulled one of the nuts out of my hair and ate it. I snorted trying to stifle my laughter making him smile. “It's what friends are for right?”  
“You owe me some berries when we get back.” He scoffed
“ I don’t owe you anything you’re the one that got scared!” I playfully rolled my eyes.
“ okay and! You are the one who picked that scary ass movie and threw nuts at me!” He smirked while looking back at me.
“Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?” Dinner? With his family? I mean it shouldn’t be that bad. I’ve been around his siblings a handful of times but I’ve only met his once.  His playful nudge pushed me out of my thoughts.
He chuckled “ you good over there?”
“Y-yeah, it's just I've never really been around your parents I don’t know if they will like me.”
“That's what you are worried about? Considering you helped save my brother, ma Oare, you are in good standing with them.” I felt my heart beat fast and my cheeks flush with heat.
“Ma Oare?” I questioned. His eyes grew wide mumbling something in the language the people in the movie spoke. “ huh?” I raised a brow even more confused. He shook his head and reached to his wrists to tie his hair up.
“ I’m sorry I didn’t mean for that to slip out j-just ignore it.” He said in a flustered tone quickly shifting his gaze back to the flora. “ why it’s cute I mean I call ‘teyam from time to time it’s only right I get a name as well.” I playfully shoved him trying to lighten up the mood and smiled shyly
We stayed like that for a bit but eventually shifted back to the movie. By the time he flew us back it was around lunchtime and everyone was gathered together or in their mauri.
“Luaewe” I heard someone call out my name as I was walking home. I turned around only to see Ronal starting at me. His eyes shifted to Neteyam by my side but quickly went back to me. “Yes Tsahik?”
“Come, we should talk.” What is there to talk about? We both started walking towards her “ alone.”
“Oh it’s fine he-“
She raised a brow, “is he your mate?”
“No, but-“
“Then he can wait outside or go eat now come.” She disappeared inside her mauri and I let out a sigh.
“You should go I don’t know how long this will take.”
“Are you sure I can wa-“ I shook my head and gave him a smile. “ no it’s okay I’ve already kept you long enough go eat.”
He didn’t move so I gently pushed him still keeping the smile on my face letting him know I was fine. “ okay you know where to find me when you need me.” I nodded my head and he finally left but not without me giving him another push.
I walked into her home and she was sat on the floor grabbing different herbs. “ lie down.” She said softly.
I followed her instructions, watching as he pulled out different needles. It was then that I finally realized what was going on.
When he assaulted me for the second time then decided to beat me to a pulp when he found out I was pregnant that was the day I lost the baby… I didn’t know until Reya brought me to her mother. She found me on the outskirts of the island bleeding out and face battered up.
And every year after that event Ronal would check if I had healed from the miscarriage. And every year was the same thing ‘ very little progress has been made but that’s okay you are young it will happen soon
Of course, I was young I was only 17 when it happened. “Have you been drinking the tea?” She asked while pressing down on my abdomen. “Yes, but not today. It slipped my mind.”
“ That boy…. Do you like him?” She looked up at me waiting for a response. “Yes, I wouldn’t be friends with someone I didn’t like.
“Families.....that's the same thing Tsireya said about that boy Lo’ak but I know what I see.” She said as if she was making a statement.
She grabbed the needle and poked  it in my abdomen quickly transferring the blood to the bowl of herbs. She mixed it well and walked toward the light with it.
She hummed and walked back. “Everything has finally healed.” I sat up and gave her a slight smile.
“How are you doing with the pregnancy?” She gave me a shocked look. “How did you - not even Tonowari knows yet?”
Well, I guess it’s a good thing he’s not here. Then I would have ruined a surprise. “ I don’t know you just have this feeling that is different from other expecting mothers have it when I weave with them.” She scoffed in amazement and smirked at me.
“You have a good sense you should come learn with Tsireya.”  I chuckled and shook my head. No, I don’t think healing is my skill. I’m much better at weaving plus I’m sure others would not want me- never mind.”
She walked closer and sat down. “ ack! those people are simply stupid they judge even when they do not know… come for a day and if you do not like it I won’t push.” She said giving my leg a squeeze as she finished.
“ okay, just one lesson.” She smiled despite what most may see. Ronal smiled quite a lot when it came to talks like this. Maybe it was the mom in her most people only saw her scowling or were too intimidated to even look her way.
But I never saw her as that she just had a hard outer shell but inside she’s such a caring person when she’s not scolding or cursing at you for doing something stupid to get yourself hurt.
“And just like how you knew about this.” She gestured to her belly. “ I know those eyes that boy Neteyam Carries around.” She smirked making me scoff in response.
“Even if that were true I’m not ready to take a mate.” She nodded giving off the impression that she was listening but did not believe me. “Go…go have lunch, it is good to see that you are okay.” she patted my tight and I smiled and got up.
“ Tsireya will be happy she is not the youngest anymore.” She chuckled and gently pushed me out. The walk back to my home was short. I moved the beads that served as a semi-sun blocker and walked in.
I greeted my mother and she instantly got up to hug me. She hummed “ my ‘itetsyìp.”
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